of the mind being merged in the supreme Brahman which is niskala (impartible), nişkriya (actionless), śānta (peaceful), niravadya (free from blemish), nirañjana (unmixed). They are compared to the cool rays of the moon. Or, it may be taken to mean they themselves are the compacted light of moon-beams.
pātena: by unobstructed flow. dhūtah: banished; warded off.
samsāratāpajaśramaḥ: the affliction springing from the heat of samsāra.
akhandavaibhavānandam: incomparable bliss of self-effulgence.
akşayam: not decaying, eternal.
ātmapadam: vişnuparamapadam: the superlative state of the Supreme.
I bow to such a guru (construed with previous stanza).
489 The śişya describes his experience acquired by the grace of the guru.
धन्योऽहं कृतकृत्योऽहं विमुक्तोऽहं भवग्रहात् ।
नित्यानन्दस्वरूपोऽहं पूर्णोऽहं त्वदनुग्रहात् ॥ ४८९ ॥ dhanyo’ham kytakrtyo'ham
vimukto'ham bhavagrahāti nityānandasvarūpo'ham
pūrno’ham tvadanugrahāt 11
I am blessed; I have attained my purpose; I have been liberated from the clutches of samsāra; I am of the nature of the eternal bliss; I am plenary by your grace.
असङ्गोऽहमनङ्गोऽहम अलिङ्गोऽहमभङगुरः ।
प्रशान्तोऽहमनन्तोऽहम् अतान्तोऽहं चिरंतनः ॥ ४९० ॥ asango'ham anango'ham alingo'ham abhanguraḥ 1 praśānto'ham ananto'ham atānto'ham cirantanah 11
I am unattached; I am disembodied (I am not the body); I am not the subtle or the gross body; I do not perish; I am all peace; I am the infinite; I am free from weariness; I am eternal.