calatyupādhau pratibimbalaulyam
aupādhikam mūļhadhiyo nayanti svabimbabhūtam ravivad viniskriyam
kartāsmi bhoktāsmi hato'smi heti il
When the upādhi (water) is moving, the movement of the reflection due to it is ascribed by the ignorant to the original, like the sun which is unmoving. So too, the ātmā is neither actor nor enjoyer, but due to upādhis in which it is reflected, it appears as such, and the ignorant exclaim: I am doer; I am enjoyer; I am lost, alas! etc.
The śruti says: dhyāyatīva lelāyatīva (Brh.): "appears, as if thinking and shaking”. By their delusion fools attribute to the reflection of the sun the agitation which pertains to the water in which the sun is reflected and they say the sun moves hither and thither. The ātman is the original (bimba). Its reflection is seen in the upādhis like buddhi, śarīra, etc. When these upādhis shake, seeing the reflection (pratibimba) shake, by "wrong super-imposition with buddhi with which the ātman is wrongly thought to be identical, the ignorant exclaim: I am kartā, bhoktā, i.e. doer, enjoyer, etc., attributing to the ātman what happens to the jīva bound by upādhi. Even in the reflection, the qualities of the upādhi do not exist. For the pratibimba is not really agitated. It is the water that is agitated giving a false impression of the agitation of the reflection. When that is so, it follows that these dharmas do not at all pertain to the atman. But still the fools believe so. Thus there is no contradiction to the established nirguņa-character of the ātman considering śruti, yukti and anubhava.
By the illustration of the space enclosed in the pot, it is shown that the qualities of the gross body do not pertain to the ātman.
जले वापि स्थले वापि लुठत्वेष जडात्मकः ।
नाहं विलिप्ये तद्धमः घटधमनभो यथा ॥ ५१० ॥ jale vāpi sthale vāpi luțhatveșa jadātmakaḥ 1 näham vilipye taddharmaiḥ ghatadharmair nabho yathā 11
Let this insentient body wallow on water or land; I am not affected by their qualities as the space in a pot is not affected by the qualities of the pot.
nabhah: ākāśa; space.