VIVEKACUDAMANI three states, it is different from the five sheaths (That is . the ātmā).
svayam: in (by) itself: not dependent on anything else for manifestation of its existence.
ahampratyayalambanah: the substratum of the awareness of the ego, which has attained identity with the mind which manifests itself as 'I' or aham, i.e., which is the medium of the reflection of the original which is the 'T' or aham. It also means; which is the object of ahamurtti, the modification of aham as the object.
avasthātrayasākşi san: being the seer or witness in the three states of waking, dream and dreamless sleep.
pañcakośavilakṣaṇaḥ: which is different from the annamaya (bodily). prānamaya (of vital air). manomaya (mental). V maya (intellectual), and anandamaya (blissful) kośas or sheaths. : nityam: always. . san kaścid asti: that something exists. That is the ātmā.
Here the character of existence in all the three periods of time without the possibility of sublation is expressed.
128 The ātmā being the witness of the three mental states is explained in the succeeding slokas.
यो विजानाति सकलं जाग्रत्स्वप्नसुषुप्तिषु । बुद्धि-तद्वत्ति-सद्भावमभावमहमित्ययम् ।। १२८॥ yo vijānāti sakalam jāgratsvapnasuşuptişul buddhi-tadvrtti-sabdhāvam abhāvamahamityayam 11
. That which as I knows everything in the waking, dream and dreamless sleep states, the presence of the buddhi and its actions, and their absence that is the ātman.
Buddhi and its activities are evidenced in their operation in waking and dream states in the forms: 'I see this; and this: I infer this; I understand it from scriptural testimony; I remember', etc. In dreamless sleep, the buddhi and its activities are absent since after waking from sleep, a person says: 'I did not know anything (during the sleep state)'. That which is conscious in the form: 'I know; I knew and I shall know', which is aware of waking state experiences and of dream objects and of ajñāna in dreamless sleep, that is the ātmā.