tasmāt: as it brings about samsāra even to one who is not a samsārin, hence.
vijñāna-mahāsinā: by the sharp sword of knowlegde born of analysis of the five sheaths.
vicchidya: uprooting so that it does not spring to life again,
ātmasāmrājyasukham: unlimited felicity caused of independent ātman realisation without break or obstacles.
yathestam: to heart's 'content. sphutam: like the myrobalan (āmalaka) fruit in the palm. bhunkşva: enjoy.
309 The guru instructs about what has to be done next. ततोऽहमाविनिवर्त्य वृत्ति
संत्यक्तरागः परमार्थलाभात् । तूष्णीं समास्स्वात्मसुखानु भूत्या
पूर्णात्मना ब्रह्मणि निर्विकल्पः ॥३०९ ॥ tato'hamäder vinivartya vrttim
santyaktarāgah paramārthalābhāti tūşnām samassvātmasukhānubhūtyä
pārņātmanā brahmaņi nirvikalpaḥ 11
Therefore, turning your mind from the ahamkāra etc., giving up attachment, attaining the Supreme, remain quiet in Brahman in the enjoyment of the bliss of ātman without changes.
tatah: after the false identification of the ātman with ahamkāra etc., has been destroyed.
ahamädeh: Ablative case: from ahamkara etc.
ahamāde” vrttim vinivartya: directing the mind away from proximity to ahamkāra etc.
paramārthalābhāt: by attaining the supreme benefit of the form of eternal self-luminous bliss.
(bahiḥ) santyaktarāgah: turning the mind away from the (external) sense-objects.
ātmasukhānubhūtyā pūrnātmanā nirvikalpaḥ: remaining unchanging in the full enjoyment of the bliss of ātman.
brahmani tūşnām samāssva: remain in brahman silent.