अन्तस्स्वयं चापि बहिस्स्वयं च स्वयं पुरस्तात् स्वयमेव पश्चात् । स्वयं ह्यवाच्यां स्वयमप्युदीच्यां
तथोपरिष्टात् स्वयमप्यधस्तात् ॥ ३९० ॥ तरङ्गफेन भ्रमबुद्बुदादि सवं स्वरूपेण जलं यथा तथा । चिदेव देहाद्यहमन्तमेतत् सर्वं चिदेवैकरसं विशुद्धम् ।। ३९१ ॥
antassvayam capi bahissvayam ca
svayam purastāt svayameva paścāt svayam hyavācyām svayamapyudicyām tathopariṣṭāt svayampyadhastāt ||
taranga-phena-bhrama-budbudādi sarvam svarūpeṇa jalam
yathā tathā ।
cideva dehadyahamantametat sarvam cidevaikarasam
It is itself inside; itself outside; itself in front; itself behind; itself in the south; itself in the north; similarly itself is above and below.
As all things in the form of a wave, a whirlpool and a bubble are essentially water only, so, too, the cit itself is everything from the body to the antaḥkarana. All this is the unitary and pure cit.
bhramah: āvartah, a whirlpool.
That which cannot be cognised without the cognition of another' thing is not different from that thing like the rope-serpent etc., vide the śruti: tameva bhantamanubhāti sarvam: "Everything shines by virtue of Its (Brahman's) splendour." There can be no effulgence apart from the effulgence of the atman; hence, everything is ätman only.
सदेवेदं सर्वं जगदवगतं वाङ्मनसयोः सतोऽन्यन्नास्त्येव प्रकृतिपरसोम्नि स्थितवतः । पृथक् किं मृत्स्नायाः कलशघटकुम्भाद्यवगतं
वदत्येष भान्तस्त्वमहमिति मायामदिरया ।। ३९२ ॥ sadevedam sarvam jagadavagatam vānmanasayoḥ
sato'nyannastyeva prakṛtiparasimni sthitavataḥ | pṛthak kim mṛtsnāyāḥ kalaśaghaṭakumbhādyavagatam vadatyeṣa bhrāntas tvam aham iti māyāmadirayā ||