That is explained further. agufta fara geacaciand सदात्मनि ब्रह्मणि निर्विकल्पे । cer arrufetferat qui
Hangfarg: quafough 114 11804 11 nahyasti viśvam paratattvabodhāt
sadatmani brahmani nirvikalpe 1 kalatraye näpyahirikṣito gune
nahyambubindur mṛgatṛṣṇikāyām ||
By the realisation of the Truth about Reality, the world does not exist in the unchanging Brahman which is of the nature of Real. In any of the three periods of time the (wrongly) seen serpent does not exist in the rope, nor do water particles exist in the mirage.
It is perfect and correct knowledge that is the cause of realisation of an object. Earlier, the mind was afflicted by delusion. Upon proper inquiry, the true ātman shines like a lamp, ajñāna disappears like darkness, and the world is found not to exist at all in Brahman.
nahyasti: naiva asti: never exists.
The ground for it is stated: paratattvabodhat: by the realisation of the truth about the Supreme Brahman, i.e., its nișprapañcatva: its being devoid of any connection with the world which is taught by śruti. For, there can be no doubt or wrong idea about a thing understood by the canons of knowledge. Therefore (as a matter of fact), the world does not at all exist.
Example for it: For, the serpent is not seen in the rope in all the three periods of time. Likewise the drops of water are never seen in the mirage. So too, the object appearing previously due to ajñāna is not real. This is supported by the Gita text: nābhāvo vidyate sataḥ: 'Negation cannot pertain to what is real". That is also the experience of the wise. It is the shell that appears like silver; the single moon appears like two. These are matters of ordinary experience in the world. So there can be no difference of opinion about the mithya-character of what is super-imposed. Hence the śruti also: yatra hi dvaitamiva bhavati taditara itaram pasyati (Brh.); mrtyossa mṛtyum apnoti ya iha naneva pasyati (Katha): "Where one sees duality as it were, then one sees another; he who sees here as if many, he goes from death to death."