VIVEKACŪDAMANI parebhyaḥ syāt kleśaḥ: then there will be grief from enemies, tigers, etc., outside him.
janana-marana-vyādhi-nirayāh: In this world the griefs relate to birth, death and disease. As sin attaches to him who thinks of the body as the ātman, and by the smrti 'yo'nyathā santam ātmānam', hell ensues on the fall of the body. Hence such a one is for ever consigned to grief. This is also borne out by the śruti: na ha vai saśarīrasya sataḥ priyapriyayor apahatirasti: “There is no annulment of priya and apriya (pleasant and painful) for one who is with the body (consciousness)", and also by Yama's words in the Kathopanişad: "na sāmparāyaḥ pratibhāti bālam pramádyantam
vittamohena mūdhami ayam loko nāsti para iti mānī punah punarvasamāpadyate me il "For the childish one deluded by attachment to wealth, a hereafter (paraloka) does not appear as a reality. He thinks: “This is the only world; there is no world beyond'. Such a one gets into my grasp again and again.” When a person endowed with the fourfold qualificational means (sādhanacatuştaya), humbly approaches the guru in the prescribed manner, and by virtue of the declarations of Vedānta-texts flowing from the lotus of his mouth supported by accordant reasons understands the ātman as pure, beyond the three (gross, subtle and causal) bodies, of auspicious form, of the nature of bliss, unmoving and free from troubles caused by others, then he becomes free from the aforesaid griefs and from birth, death, disease and hell.
kalayati: jānāti; knows, realises. tebhyaḥ: from these griefs. hi: signifies niscaya: certainty.
tat śrutirapyäha: it may mean either tat śrutirapyāha or tadapi śrutirāha: Either that is declared by śruti also, or that also is declared by śruti. In the latter meaning by the word 'api' are included along with śruti, anubhava and the words of the guru.
The śruti says: āśariram vāva santam na priyāpriye sprśataḥ: “The pleasant and the unpleasant do not affect one who is unattached to the body”; ānandam brahmano vidvān na bibheti kutaścana: “The wise one who knows (who has realised) the ananda of Brahman does not fear with reference to anything anywhere"; tarati śokam ātmavit: "The knower of-one who has realised the ātman crosses all sorrow"; jñātvā devam mucyate sarvapāśaiḥ: “Knowing -realising the resplendant One, one is freed from all bonds”; tame