and as they are not related even in the tādātmya relation of inherence, how can there be difference?
401 द्रष्टदर्शनदृश्यादिभावशून्यैकवस्तुनि ।
निविकारे निराकारे निविशेषे भिदा कुतः ॥४०१॥ drastr-darśana-drśyādibhāvaśünyaikavastuni, nirvikāre nirākāre nirviseșe bhidā kutaḥ 11
How can there be difference in the unitary Reality which is devoid of the distinctions of seer, seeing and seen, which is unchanging, unembodied and qualityless?
drastā: pramātā: knower; darśanam: pramitiḥ; knowledge; drśyam: prameyam: object known. The word ādi: 'etc. is to include the pramāņas, the grounds of knowledge.
Or draştı-darśana-drśya may mean karty-karana-kāryāņi: doer, instruments and action.
All these pertain to the state of avidyā. As a matter of fact, by the śruti: yatra tvasya sarvamātmaivābhūt tat kena kam paśyet (Brh.): "Where of this everything was the ātman, then by. whom can anything be perceived?”, in the unchanging, pure, infinite caitanya, in the state of jñāna, ajñāna is destroyed. Hence, the distinctions of a seer, seeing and seen traced to it simply do not exist. These distinctions being absent in that supreme single entity, where can difference subsist? It means it does not exist. It is also indicated that there is no occasion for difference as there is no distinction of means (karaña) and action (kārya). There is no possibility of difference as there is no change of nature.
nirvikāre: in what is devoid of change. nirākāre: in what has no limbs or parts or no form.
. 402 कल्पार्णव इवात्यन्तपरिपूर्णेकवस्तुनि ।
निर्विकारे निराकारे निविशेषे भिदा कुतः॥४०२॥ kalpārņava ivātyantaparipūrņaikavastuni 1 nirvikāre nirākāre nirviseşe bhidā kutahil
How can there be any difference in the one Reality which is of superlative plenitude like the ocean at the time of cosmic deluge, and which is unchanging, unembodied and qualityless?