349 By clear and proper understanding of an object, arise removal of concealment and destruction of mithyājñāna, false knowledge. Similarly, the removal of the grief produced by the projection which takes the form of incorrect understanding also arises. This truth is explained with the aid of an illustration.
एतत्त्रितयं दृष्टं सम्यग्रज्जुस्वरूपविज्ञानात् ।
तस्माद्वस्तु सतत्त्वं ज्ञातव्यं बन्धमुक्तये विदुषा ॥३४९ ॥ etat tritayam drstam samyagrajjusvarūpavijñānīt tasmad vastu satattvam jñātavyam bandhamuktaye viduşā 11
These three are seen by the proper knowledge of the the rope-snake. Therefore, the truth about a thing must be known by the wise man for release from bondage.
etat tritayam: these three; removal of the concealment of the rope; the destruction of the delusion of the snake, the removal of the grief ensuing on fear and trembling caused by the projection of the snake on the rope.
drstam: these three are seen. tasmād viduşā: therefore, by him who knows this.
bandhamuktaye: for the destruction of the concealment and projection which are the cause of bondage.
vastu satattvam: an object in its true nature. jñātavyam: should be understood.
350 The mithyā character of everything other than the ātman is stated with supporting reason.
अयोऽग्नियोगादिव सत्समन्वयात् मात्रादिरूपेण विज़म्भते धीः ।
तत्कार्यमेव त्रितयं यतो मृषा दृष्टं भ्रमस्वप्नमनोरथेषु ॥३५० ॥ ayo'gniyogādiva satsamanvayāt
mātrādirūpeṇa vijrmbhate dhiḥ 1 tatkāryameva tritayam yato mršā
drstam bhramasvapnamanoratheşul
Like the coming together of iron and fire, the intellect manifests itself, by the inherence of Brahman as the knower etc. As a result of it, these three are falsely seen in delusion, dream and imagination.
Even as heated iron appears as fire by the reason of its contact with fire, so too by combination with Brahman in the form of a