yāt anaparam: In accordance with the śruti: tadetad brahmapūrvam anaparam (Brh.): "This Brahman has nothing before or after”, i.e., without cause or effect: that which has nothing to effectuate beyond Itself, i.e., devoid of any activity pertaining to any object. anaparam: na vidyate param kāryam yasya: vastubhūtakāryaśūnyam.
parāt param: beyond the supreme i.e., Hiranyagarbha or beyond ajñāna which is the cause of all effectuation. Vide the śruti: aksarāt parataḥ paraḥ (Muņd.): "Supreme beyond all māyā." By the word 'para', Hiranyagarbha too may be understood in accordance with the śruti: sa etasmāt jīvaghanāt parāt param puriśayam purușamikșate (Praśna): "He sees the Supreme Puruşa residing in the heart, the most Supreme beyond all jīvas.”
pratyak: non-different from jiva, the inmost substance of all. ekarasam: of unitary character.
ātmalakṣaṇam: By the śruti: yaccāpnoti yadadatte yaccatti vişayān ihal yaccāsya santato bhāvaḥ tasmādātmā prakīrtitah 11 "That which attains, takes, which eats the sense-objects, that of which this is constant nature is therefore called the ātman"; possessed of such character of the ātman.
satyacitsukham: which is of the nature of Existence, Knowledge and Bliss.
anantam: unlimited.
avyayam: undecaying, eternal. That Brahman thou art. "Meditate on That in thy mind.
265 उक्तमर्थमिममात्मनि स्वयं भावय प्रथितयुक्तिभिधिया। संशयादिरहितं कराम्बुवत् तेन तत्त्वनिगमो भविष्यति ॥ २६५ ॥ uktamartham imamātmani svayam bhāvaya
prathitayuktibhir dhiyā i samsayādirahitam karāmbuvat tena tattvanigamo bhavisyati 11
Meditate in thy mind with approved reasonings on this teaching which has been conveyed to you, free from doubt etc., like water in the palm of the hand. By that thou wilt get ascertainment of the established truth.
uktamartham: This teaching (of identity between the jīvātman and the Paramātman).