Knowing yourself as such, attain peace of liberation which is characterised by complete negation of sorrow.
298 त्यजाभिमानं कुलगोत्रनाम___ रूपाश्रमेष्वाशवाश्रितेषु । लिङ्गस्य धर्मानपि कर्तृतादी
स्त्यक्त्वा भवाखण्डसुखस्वरूपः ॥२९८ ॥ tyajābhimānam kulagotranāma
mūpāśrameşvārdraśavāśriteşul lingasya dharman api kartytādin
tyaktvā bhavākhandasukhasvarūpah 11
Give up identification with your family, your clan, your name, and station in life which are associated with your living body (which is really a corpse through which blood is coursing). Similarly, give up the qualities of the subtle body like agency etc., and remain in the form of unlimited bliss.
The guru makes clear the meaning of the expression: remove your super-imposition.
ārdrasavāśriteșu: give up the sense of 'my' in the family, clan, name, form and station associated with the gross body.
Similarly, give up the sense of agency and other qualities in the sükşma - sarīra and remain in the form of unlimited bliss. For the gross and the subtle bodies are not permanent and are subject to change. Remain in the form of unlimited (expansive) bliss. That is the instruction and the benediction.
299 सन्त्यन्ये प्रतिबन्धाः पुंसः संसारहेतवो दृष्टाः। तेषामेषां मूलं प्रथमविकारो भवत्यहंकारः॥२९९ ॥ santyanye pratibandhāḥ pumsaḥ samsārahetavo dršķāḥ 1 teşāmeşām mülam prathamavikāro bhavatyahamkāraḥ 11
There are other hindrances to man which are causes of samsāra. Of these, ahamkāra is the root and the first modification.