iştāniştasarnyogaviyogadarśanajanyam yadduḥkhabhayam tadrāhityam). Or, being firmly established in the practice of what is prescribed in the śāstras without doubt about its efficacy.
sattvasamsuddhih: purity of heart; absolute purity of the antahkarana which is compacted of sattvaguņa; being undefiled. The sattva nature here means the capacity to intuit the nature of the Divinity: bhagavattattvasphūrtiyogyatvam.
jñānam: The understanding of the truth of the atman from śāstra and the upadeśa of the guru.
yogah: the process of converting the understood meaning into a fact of one's own experience by concentrated contemplation. jñānayogavyavasthitiḥ: means being always established in them.
dānam: the giving of one's own wealth to a deserving person according to his qualification.
damaḥ: controlling of the external senses.' śrautaḥ: the sacrifices of agnihotra, darśapūrņamāsa, etc.
smārtaḥ: The four yajñas (sacrifices), namely devayajña, pitryajña, bhūtayajña and manuşyayajña, i.e., propitiation of the gods, one's ancestors, creatures and men. Svädhyāya or Brahmayajña is recitation of one's branch of the Vedas, like Rgveda, etc., which provides unseen results and is separately stated.
is of three kinds based on the distinction of body etc.
deva-dvija-guru-prajñā-pūjanam saucamārjavami
brahmacaryamahimsă ca săriram tapa ucyate 11 anudvegakaram vākyam satyam priyahitam ca yatı
svādhyāyābhyāsanam caiva vānmayam tapa ucyate 11 manah prasādaḥ saumyatvam maunamātmavinigrahah
bhāvasamsuddhirityetat tapo mānasamucyate 11
"The worship of the gods, the guru, the wise men, purity, truthfulness, celibacy and non-injuring are called forms of bodily tapas. Speaking so as not to hurt another, using true and kindly and beneficent words, practice of Vedic recitation are known as tapas of speech. Serenity of mind, goodness, silence, control of the mind, purity of nature-these are forms of tapas of mind”.
avakratvam ārjavam: sincerity, identity of the functioning of the mind, speech and body.