The ear is the space enclosed in the round shaped organ of its internal part. Touch is the organ located in the skin. The eye is inside the eye-balls; it is the sense of sight. Smell is located in the nose. Taste is imbedded in the tongue. These five intimate sound, touch, visual appearance, smell and taste. As they produce the respective kinds of awareness, they are known as buddhindriyas or jñānendriyas. vāk refers to the vocal chords which are the organs enabling speech; päni is the organ of the hand which helps to take or lift; pāda is the organ of locomotion, the feet. guda and upastha help to eject the solid and liquid refuse from the body. These five beginning with vāk are the causes of bodily action. They are called karmendriyas. They are all concerned with actions. The reason for this is that they are adapted to the respective karmas.
95, 96 Having thus spoken of the external ten organs, the internal organ (antahkarana) which is important as that by contact with which these organs function and originate knowledge, and not otherwise, is explained in four ways with appropriate reasons.
निगद्यतेऽन्तःकरणं मनो धी
रहं कृतिश्चित्तमिति स्ववत्तिभिः । मनस्तु संकल्पविकल्पनादिभिः - बुद्धिः पदार्थांध्यवसायधर्मतः ॥ ९५ ॥ अत्राभिमानादहमित्यहंकृतिः
स्वार्थानुसंधानगुणेन चित्तम् ॥ ९६ ॥ nigadyate'ntahkaranam mano dhir
aham kytiscittamiti svaurttibhiḥ 1 manastu samkalpavikalpanādibhiḥ
buddhiḥ padārthādhyavasāyadharmutah 11 atrābhimānādahamityahamkrtiḥ
svārthānusandhānagunena cittam 11
According to its differing activities, the antaḥkaraṇa is called the manas, dhiḥ, ahamkṛtiḥ, and cittam. The manas is responsible for cogitating. Buddhi determines the real nature of its objects. Ahamkřtiḥ brings about the attachment to (by reason of identification with) the body. Citta is the memory aspect of antaḥkaraņa.
The antaḥkaraṇa is one only; but by its activities it is distinguished into four as manas, dhiḥ (intellect); ahamkrtih (ahamkāra: ego-sense); and citta. The activities of these four are enumerated.