Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 02
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Prin. VAMAN SHIVARAM APTE'S SANSKRIT-- ENGLISH DICTIONARY VOL II [ khate ma] EDITORS: P. K. GODE and C. G. KARVE PRASAD PRAKASHAN, POONA. For Private and Personal Use Only Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Revised and Enlarged Edition of PRIN. V. S. APTE'S THE PRACTICAL SANSKRIT - ENGLISH DICTIONARY Vol. II - [ - ] Editors-in-chief | P. K. Gode, M. A., D. Litt. Curator, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona. C. G. Karve, B. A. Editor, Marathi Encyclopaedia and other lexicons. Assisting Board of Editors (for this volume) Dr. V. G. Rahurkar, M. A., Ph. D. Sub-editor, Dictionary Dept. Deccan College, Poona.' Prof. R. N. Gadre, M. A., LL. B. Professor of Sanskrit, Sir Parshuram Bhau College and Poona University. Shri. D. G. Padhye, B. A. Kavyatirtha and Sahityalarkira, Sanskrit Teacher, Bombay. 1958 PRASAD PRAKASHAN, POONA For Private and Personal Use Only Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Rs 40 [Revised Edition 1957 ] Printed by P. B. Kale, Pratibha Press, Sadashiv Peth, Tilak Road, Poona 2. Published by Y. G. Joshi, Prasad Prakashan, 689/23 Sadashiv Peth, Poona 2. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra PREFACE We have great pleasure in bringing out this second volume of the Revised and Enlarged edition of Prin. Apte's Sanskrit-English Dictionary, in about ten months after the publication of the first volume. We are very much thankful to all the reviewers of the first volume and also to the renowned scholars in India and outside for their kind suggestions and appreciation of the volume. As intimated in the preface of the first volume, we have reserved for being included in the last volume, the expression of our heartfelt thanks to all those who have helped us in this task. We hope to complete this edition by the end of this year. 20th June 1958 } For Private and Personal Use Only P. K. Gode C. G. Karye Chief Editors. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Some Reference Works of The Prasad Prakashan, Poona (In Marathi) 1. Sulabha Visvakosa (Concise Marathi Encyclopaedia) 6 Vols., 3, 000 pages. 2. Vak-Sampradaya Kosa (Exhaustive dictionary of the phrases and proverbs in Marathi) 2 Vols., 700 pages. Price Rs. 150 3. Maharastra Parichaya Price Rs. 35 (Gazetteer of the whole Maharastra country) Pages 1,100. Price Rs. 30 For Private and Personal Use Only Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra -pa. 838 kha : The sun. kham 1 The sky; khaM kezavo'para : 5. 2; Make: a ai f Ku. 3. 72; Me. 9.-2 Heaven. -3 Organ of sense; khAni vyatRNatsvayaMbhUstamAtparAD pazyati nAntarAtman Kath. 2.1.1. - A city. 5 A field. 6 A cypher. 7 A dot, an anusvara. -8 A cavity, an aperture, hollow, hole; fangfa Ms. 9.43.-9 An aperture of the human body; (of which there are 9, i. e. the mouth, the two ears, the two eyes, the two nostrils, and the organs of excretion and generation ); khAni caiva spRzedadbhiH Ms. 2. 60, 53; 4. 144; Y. 1. 20; cf. Ku. 3. 50. -10 A wound. -11 Happiness, pleasure. -12 Tale. -13 Action. -14 Knowledge. -15 Brahman. -16 The glottis (in anatomy). -17 The tenth mansion from any given constellation or the sun's entrance into it. 1 A well, fountain. -2 A river. -3 Parvati. -4 The earth. - Laksmi. 6 The speech; cf. Eni. Comp.: (s) 1 a planet. -2 Rahu, the ascending node. - an epithet of the Ganges. -3h, len 1 a meteor. -2 a planet. -3 N. of the sun. 'AdityaH a form of the sun. - ulmukaH the planet Mars. ft N. of Durga. N. of Siva. se AkAze gacchati gam-Da ] moving in the airs AruhyatAmayaM zIghraM khago ratnavibhUSitaH Ram. 3. 42.7. ( -gaH ) 1 a bird; erga N. 2. 2; Ms. 12. 63. -2 air, wind ; tamAMsIva yathA sUryo vRkSAnagnirghanAnkhagaH Mb. -3 the sun. -4 a planet ; eg Apokkime yadi khagAH sa kilenduvAraH Tv. 5 a grass-hopper. -6 a deity. 7 an arrow; AzIviSAbhAn khagamAn pramuJcan Mb. 8.67 2. 'adhipa: an epithet of Garuda harSayanvibudhAnIkamAruroha samAdhipam Bhag. 8. 4. 26. antakaH a hawk, falcon abhirAmaH an epithet of Siva. : 1 the eastern mountain on which the sun rises. 2 an epithet of Visnu., :, af: opi thets of Garuda . jJAnena vaiyAsakizadvitena bheje khagendradhvajapAdamUlam Bhag. 'vatI f. the earth. sthAnam 1 the hollow of a tree. 2 a bird's nest. - celestial Ganga. -fa: f. 1 flight in the air. -2 the motion of a planet. -3 a metre of 4 x 16 syllables. a. moving in the air, flying (as the Gandharvas or missile weapons). ( -maH ) a bird. ( khe) gamanaH a kind of gallinulo. -guNa. having a cypher as a multiplier. : the celestial sphere. degvidyA astronomy. -camasaH the moon. --cara a. flying, moving in the air. (-) or a 1 a bird. -2 a cloud. -3 the sun. -4 the wind. 8 a demon. -6 an aerial spirit. -7 a Gandharva or Vidyadhara khacaranagarakalpaM kalpitaM zAstradRSTayA Mb. 7.7.54; divyasragvastrasannAhAH Bhg. 10. 82.9. -8 a planet. (hence the number nine'). -9 mercury or quicksilver. -10 a sign of the zodiac. (i. e. a) 1 a semi-divine female able to fly. 2 an opithet of Durga. 3 The ....... Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir khajikA magionl power of Bying (siddhi ) evaM sakhIbhirA khecara siddhilolubhA Ks. 20. 105. -4 a particular mudrA or positic of fingers. - a. moving in the air. (-m.) a epithet of Skanda. -sky-water', dew, rai frost &c. fae m. a firefly. : 1 a clou -2 smoke. -fc: the sun, -a: 1 a firefly khadyotAlIvilasitanibhAM vidyudunmeSadRSTim Me. 83. - 2 the su - dyotanaH the sun. -dhUpaH a rocket; mumucuH khadhUpAn Bk. 3. - darkness. -g 'sky-flower', used figurativel to denote anything impossible, an impossibility; cf. th four impossibilities stated in this verse:- mRgatRSNAmbha snAtaH zazazadhanurdharaH / eSa banyAsuto yAti puSpakRtazekha Subhas. ---bASpa: dew, frost. -bhramaH a planet. -bhrAnti a falcon. : the jewel of the sky', the su -mIlanam sleepiness, lassitude mUrtiH an epithet Siva; a celestial body or person; Ms. 2.82. -arft rain-water, dew &c. : snow, hoar-frost. -T (also khezaya) a resting or dwelling in the air. zarIra a celestial body. -zvAsaH wind, air. -samuttha, -saMbhava produced in the sky, ethereal. -ferg: the moon. -f See under that word. stanI the earth. -sphaTika the sun or moon gem. - a. having a cypher for i denominator. C AF 1 P. (arafa) To laugh at, deride, ridicul khakkhaTa a. Hard, solid. Tam Chalk. A beggar's staff. EE: A kind of reed. (also wert: ) A curl, a lock of hair. khac 1.1.9P. (khapati samAti, khacita) 1 To uom forth, appear. -2 To be born again. 3 To purif; -II. 10 U. (afa, afaa) 1 To fasten, bind. -21 set, inlay. af p. p. [-] 1 Fastened, joined, full o intermixed with ; zakuntanIDakhacitaM bibhrajaTAmaNDalam S. 7. (v. 1.). -2 Mixed, blended. -3 Inlaid, set, studded in comp. f, Mal. 8. 10. - Made of worste varieties of thread by sewing; Kau. A. 2. 11. khaj 1P. (khajati khajita ) To churn, agitatekhajaH [ac] 1 A churning sticle payasyantarhitaM sa f Mb. 12.214.21.-2 Agitating, churnin, -3 A ladle or spoon. - 1 A churning stick, ladl Mb. 4. 8. 1. -2 The hand wit the fingers extended. -3 Churning, agitating, stirrin -4 Killing, destroying. 5 A battle. For Private and Personal Use Only khajakaH A churning-stick - jikA A ladle or spoo afa An appetising preparation; L. D. B. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir khajit 685 khaDgIkam .. aft N. of Buddha. CFTH Clarified butter, ghee. khajAka: A bird. -kA A ladle. khajAjikA A ladle or spoon. SSL 1 P. (af) To limp, halt, walk lame; a 94967: 494: forg: N. 11. 107. @3a. [25-37) Lame, crippled, halt; 496 955: Sk.; Ms.8. 274; 27: 197 EUR3: () Bh. 1. 64. -Comp. tee, the wag-tail. @8a. Limping, lame. CT: [ 25-y] A species of the wag-tail; kamalodarakhelitakhajanayugamiva zaradi taDAgam Git. 11; netre khajanagaJjane S. D; geht R a ttaferi : S. Til. 4,5. -- A kind of wag-tail. -2 Mustard. - Going lamely. -Comp. - the cohabitation of saints. 37: A wag-tail; (also agrafe in this sense ). Riti, 39, a: The wag-tail ; By. 2. 78; Ms. 5. 14; Y. 1. 174; Amaru. 99. a 1 P. ( fa) To desire; wish. ert: (-317 ] 1 Phlegm. -2 A blind well. -3 A hatchet. - A plough. -5 Grass. -6 The closed fist. - A kind of blow or wound. -Comp. -TIEF: a spitting-box. -e : 1 a jackal. -2 a crow. -3 an animal. -4 a glass-vessel. -8 an eater. EE: 1 A man whose business is to negotiate marriages; cf. 926.-2 The half-closed hand. - The doubled fist of wrestlers or boxers. khaTakAmukham A particular position of the hand in shooting. - A man in the attitude of shooting. afts: The band half-closed. - 1 Chalk. -2 The external opening of the ear. ac (3) fest 1 A side-door, window. afzal, aet Chalk. E 10 P. (azufa ) To cover, screen. e n: A bed-stead, a seat; (Mount Abu Inscrip. No 1.5.4. Ep. Ind. Vol. III). E a. Dwarfish. 7 A dwarf. CET 1 A bed-stead. -2 A kind of grass. khaTTAza:-zI The civet-eat. ale: m., f. A bier. affi 1 A butcher. -2 A hunter, fowler. -8 The cream on buffalo-milk. - 1 A small bed-stead, a cot. -2 A bier. BETE a. Dwarfish. eta ( - ; cf. Us.1. 150 ]1 A bed-stead, couch, cot; ecazarea a aa 94 Ms. 8. 357. -2 A swing, hammock. -3 A kind of bandage. Comp. -375: 1 a club or staff with a skull at the top considered as the weapon of Siva and carried by ascetics and Yogins; Mal. 5. 4, 23. -2 N. of Dilipa; degF, 41 an epithet of Siva. -3119 m. an epithet of Siva; Bhag. 4. 19. 20. -37a, -3166 a. 1 lying on a bed. -2 low, vile. -3 abandoned, wicked. -4 silly, stupid. -5 erring, going wrong or astray; a tEd SICH: fa Aan Mbh. on P. II. 1. 26. zalec: 1414art Bk. 5. 10. khaTvayati Den. P. To use as a couch; sopadhAnAM dhiyaM Arci tatae agaaria a si. 2. 77. ETCAFT, art A small bed-stead. khaDa See khaND. eg: 1 Breaking, dividing. -2 Butter milk boiled with acid vegetables and spices. afshi, agt Chalk. Ers, m. or f. A bier or bed on which the corpse is carried DET: [ - T Un. 1. 121 ] 1 A sword; a to acait fanaa #11 FamTUH Udb.; ai 142 &c. -2 The horn of a rhinoceros. -8 A rhinoceros; se farmTH1S&Whirapie g alita: :R.9.62; Ms.3. 272, 5. 18; ... 11 a... Siva. B. 30. 12. -ETH Iron. -Comp. -319ta: a sword-cut. -3TTET: a sheath, scabbard. - a buffalo's flesh. -3976: a rhinoceros. - T: a scabbard. -ETT: 2 swordsman. -dhArA a sword-blade; khaDgadhArA hatA me'ya dIpyamAnA 59149: Ram. 2. 23. 34. 204 an extremely difficult task. 2, FT 1 a small sword. -2 a female rhinoceros. -9714 the blade of a sword. (- ) a tree in hell having swords for leaves; cf. 3 97. - for a. sword in hand. - a vessel made of buffalo's horns. - , - a scabbard. -grala knife, small sword. - T&TT: a sword-cut. nou a sword-blade. -art: a kind of artificial composition, the words being arranged in the form of a sword; see K. P. 9 ad loc. -fael swordsmanship. E tte: 1 A shield. -2 One who observes a particular religious penance peculiar to Buddhists by walking on swords; cf. ft. E at a. Armed with a sword. ce : 1 A swordsman. - 2 A butcher. -8 The cream of buffalo's milk. eeft a. (-aft f.) Armed with a sword.-m. 1 A rhinoceros ; zArdUlAnAM vRkANAM ca khaDginAM vanadaMSTriNAm Siva. B. 22. 29. -2 An epithet of Siva. khaDgIkam A sickle. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir khaNakhaNAyate 638 khad wrea Den. A. To tick, tinkle, crack, clank; Bhag. 5. 2.5. qug 10 P. (aufa, arosa) 1 To break, cut, tear, break to pieces, crush ; Bk. 15.51; ET 2a E CH Mu. 5. 18; Si. 7. 31, 20. 24, 6. 16, 12.3. 2 To defeat completely, destroy, dispel; Tatatata asa fara Art H. 2. 111. -3 To disappoint; frustrate, cross in love; Eft: W arga yra 47: Pt. 1. 146. -4 To disturb. -5 To cheat. az a. [ g.99] 1 Broken, divided, torn asunder; a Pt. 2 a temple in ruins. -2 Having chasms, gaps or breaks.- 3 Defective, deficient. -13,-094 1 A break, chasm, gap, fissure, fracture. -2 A piece, part, fragment, portion; Fa: f ea34 Me. 30; 79deg, Ato &c. -3 A section of a work, chapter. -4 A multitude, an assemblage, group; feral aostajate ad Flamut talt Bh. 2. 100; 22 K. 23; Mal. 5.23, 8. 10. -5 A term in an equation. -6 A continent. - : 1 Candied sugar. -2 A flaw in a jewel. 034 1 A kind of salt. -2 A sort of sugar-cane. (In comp. 3 means 'partial', 'incomplete'). --Comp. -37274 1 scattered clouds. - 2 the impression of the teeth in amorous sporte; khaNDAtramannaveze syAt tathA dantakSatAntare Medini. -391: 1 a measure of oil. -2 a pond or lake. -3 a woman whose husband has been guilty of infidelity. te: the crescent moon.deg4039: the god Siva; 903. CHUSTATUT Hogacquafoch Raj. T. 1. 280. - a short tale. F: 1 a kind of bulbous plant. -2 sweet potato. - a small poem, such as the 1990; it is thus defined : khaNDakAvyaM bhavet kAvyasyaikadezAnusAri ca S. D. 561. F: a kind of sugar. -o: (in music) a kind of measure. -ETT scissors. -ry: 1 an epithet of Siva ; 9 dagta: 9039TET: G. L. 1; 2011 234tica Et: Elza My. 2. 33. -2 an epithet of Parasurama, son of Jamadagni. -3 an epithet of Visnu. -o: 1 N. of Siva. - 2 of Parasurama. -3 of Rahu. -4 an elephant with a broken tusk. - 8: a confectioner. Tag 1 a partial destruction of the universe in which all the spheres beneath Svarga are dissolved in one coinmon ruin. -2 a quarrel. F H canned fruit; Ganesa. P. 1. 147-57.-H3 a. gibbous, not full or round. (7 ) the segment of a circle. -modaka: a kind of sugar. -lavaNam a kind of salt. -Fit: sugar. TETT candied sugar; 1940STERI fecar: q a r3 : Mb. 12. 284. 44. after a loose woman, an unchaste wife. augh a. [ E-cm] 1 Breaking, cutting, dividing. -2 Destroying, annihilating; para que ha forza 40814 Git. 10; Harga 12. 9 1 Breaking or cutting. - Biting; injuring, hurting; Butigarea Pt. 1; y al CCTH Git. 10; Ch. P. 12; efaa 9039724T: R. 19. 21. -8 Disappointing, frustrating (as in love ). -4 Interrupting; thesarial R. 9. 36. -5 Cheating, deceiving. -6 Refuting (in argument); N. 6. 113. -7 Rebellion, opposition. -8 Dismissal. -Comp. EVETETA N. of a work on logic by Harsa. T4 Skilful in cutting or destroying. augata, qu od pot. p. 1 To be broken, fragile, brittle. -2 Destructible. -3 Refuta ble &c. 955, 7 A piece. Egt ind. 1 To pieces, into fragments; 5 to cnt into pieces. -2 Bit by bit, piece by piece, piece-meal. afg#: (708-39 ]1 A sugar-boiler. -2 Pease. -3 The armpit. - FT 1 The food of pease. -2 A kind of air or tune in music). -Comp. -39TEIT: an angry teacher; fon a: f1z7 999 Fifa Mbh. on P. I. 1.1. ufuga p. p. [ care-i ] 1 Cut, broken in pieces. -2 Destroyed, annihilated, lost, decayed; alasa a agfa Bh. 3. 33. -3 Refuted (in argument), controverted. -4 Rebelled. -5 Disappointed, betrayed, abandoned ; afosagalaraz194 Git. 8. -6 Disregarded (in order ); Hosos arosata faciet: 4 -7 Raj. T. 6. 229. - A woman whose husband or lover has been guilty of infidelity, and who is therefore angry with him; one of the 8 principal Nayikas in Sanskrit; f ara waar 241 fra et aroda R. 5. 67; Me. 41. She is thus described: 2 JEU 37-46 e a: Tarozafa ferat afar II S. D. 114. -Comp. -fau a. maimed, mutilated; afosalane agita fafaur grad af fav: PTETHI#: Ki. 5. 43. - a. immoral, dissolute, abandoned ; Mk. 2. - a. One who has violated his vow afegt a. [ qoz-fa ] 1 Consisting of parts, in pieces or parts. -2 Divided. -3 A kind of pulse; L. D. B. of the earth. ugg 8 U. To divide, tear to pieces, cut up; 2031 mara 1494 R. 16. 51. khaNDIraH A kind of yellow pulse (Mar. pivaLA mUga). CT a. 1 To be broken or divided, fragile. -2 Destructible. ETATS: 1 Smoke. -2 A cloud; I gran dhUme'pi jalavAhakaH. 27 1P. (ala, afa) 1 To be steady, firm. -2 To strike, hurt, kill. aug* a.[ 20.09%] Destroying, tearing, breaking to pieces, removing, &c. - , -H A fragment, part or piece; 27: AC3 sa: Ks. 24.121.-2A ! term in an equation. -* 1 Candied sugar. -2 One who has no nails. -Comp. -3T1G n. sweet potato. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir aft: 836 kharu ... ............ ........ .... ...... afer: (24- ] 1 N. of a tree, Acacia Catechu ; Y. 1. 302. -2 An epithet of Indra. -3 The moon. -Comp. FUT: the fruit-time of the Khadira tree. -patrikA, -patrI a sensitive plant. -sAraH eatechu. afat: (pl.) Fried or parched grain (Mar. a). @ 1 U. (afa-a, ara; pass. Era oraya) To dig up, delve, excavate; qaigraHe: Pt. 3. 17; Ms. 2. 218; Rs. 1. 17. -2 To dig into the earth, bury. a. [19-97] 1 Digging, dividing.-2 A digger, excavator; Ram. 2. 80.1. 1 A miner; Mb.3.15.5. -2 A house-breaker. -8 A rat. -4 A mine. 29 (-3EUR ] 1 Digging, excavating. -2 Burying. afat:, --ft f. [ 27-57 a 9] 1 A mine (of jewels); erara: age 44 R. 17.66; 18.22; Mu.7.31.-2 A cave. E FT A pond; L. D. B. khanita . A digger, ditcher; mA vo riSat khanitA yasmai ate Taha: Rv. 10. 97. 20. efa 29-59 P. III. 2. 184 ) A spade, hoo, a pick-axe; 37 : 19: ara: Ry. 1. 179. 6. eft , -fil A small shovel; Ks. 61. 109. efar a. Ved. Produced by digging HT 30 a at: Faust: Rv. 7. 19. 2. Ela p. . 1 Dug up, excavated, bored; gri alat saat afzu Rv. 4. 50.3; *zo ...1 2 tetty afe774438: TYYTEET aj TH || Pt. 2. 89. -2 Torn, rent. - 1 An excavation. -2 A hole. -3 A ditch, moat; wafa para 48: a Pt. 5. 29. -4 An oblong pond. - A cavern. -6 Digging a hole. - An artificial pond. Comp. - f. a moat, ditch. -ETT: i potter, : 1 A digger. - A debtor. - A moat, ditch; fanitzats are for a: alact: Bhag. 6.12.22. enfa: f. Digging, excavating. ETSH 1 A spade.-2 An oblong pond.-3 A thread. -4 A wood, forest. -5 Horror. C 1 Digging: -2 Injury. Comp. -377: the cocoanut tree. aa...(-91 f.) [ 27-07] Omo who diys; 45017717 Ms. 8. 200.-: 1 A miner. -2 A house- breaker, thief: kukhyamutkirani vezmano yadA tatra khAnakabhayaM bhavattadA Rri. S. 89.9. Enfa: f. A mine. alati, - A hole in a wall, breach. anfare: A house-breaker. E a. To be dug or excavated. A ditch, moat agt: The betel-nut tree. -2 Flatulence. Er a. (opp. 43, 21, 22 ) 1 Hard, rough, solid. -2 Severe, sharp, strict, R. 8. 9; 92: T: 3:48: Kav. 1. 59. -3 Pungent, acid. - 4 Dense, thick. -5 Hurtful, injurious, cutting, smart words ). -8 Sharpedged ; ac 4749717ETH Git. 10. -7 Hot; DIET &c. -8 Cruel; Ram. 6. 59. 17. -T: 1 An ass, Ms. 2. 201; 4. 115, 120, 8. 370; Y. 2. 160.-2 A mule. -3 A heron. -4 A crow. - A kind of prickly nightshade. -6 A quadrangular mound of earth for receiving the sacrificial vessels. - A Daitya or demon in general -8 An attendant of (a) Surya, (b) Siva. -9 N. of a demon, half-brother of Ravana and slain by Rama; R. 12.42. -10 N. of the 25th year of the sixty years cycle; at arca991: Nm. - ind. In a sharp way; Ram. 3. -Comp. - , - , -th the sun. -371 : lapis lazuli. -uSTram ass and camel; samameSAM vivIte'pi uttg redan Y. 2. 160.- uger making worse any evil ; Mb. 3. et 1 a stable for asses. -2 a barber's shop; a barber's bag ad tet: 99 Mbh. IV. 1. 3. Flui, -TUT: the francoline partridge. Hi the month of Jyestha. TEH TEH 1 a sta ble for asses. -2 a tent. Tht a crocodile; Girvana.-ute, -Orea. sharp-nosed. Igh a lotus; TEUERTUA Bhag. 4. 6. 29. Ut the opposite-leaved fig tree. ti the thorn a pple.-afert m. an epithet of Rama, who killed the demon khara; madhya pAtu kharadhvaMsI Rama-raksa. -nAda: the braying of an ass. -ars: a lotus; raf s alaisnAbhiM vicinvastadavindatAjaH Bhag. 3.8.19. -pAtram an iron vessel.- In: the wood-apple.Ti a wooden vessel. - a pigeon. -1974 a donkey-cart; Ms. 11. 20). DHT a kind of serpent; L. D. B. -ATH: a jack-ass. - 1 the braying of an ass.-2 an osprey. - a stable for asses. -ETC iron. -FY3T a. sharp, hot (wind); argara aten: Bhag. 1. 14. 16. -tart wild jasmine. eufrah Behaviour of an ass; ar 42: #feta a Ks. 63. 151. aftal Powdered musk. eft , - a. Drinking ass's milk. aft A she-ass; ai range 47 a : E q Ks. 63. 134. -Comp. -Fet: an epithet of Siva. -aree motherliness not wanted; Mb. 5. -fator anything not existing. - t: a jackass. ETF a. (a pearl) Having a rough surface; Kau. A. 2.11. E in: 1 A barber. - A razor case. -8 An iron arrow. -4 A pillow. a. [47- T IT: 1 White. -2 Foolish, stupid. -8 Cruel. 4 Desirous of prohibited things. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra kharoSTI -ruH 1 A horse. -2 A tooth. -3 Pride. -4 Cupid, the god of love. -5 Siva. -6 Likeness for prohibited things. -7''The white colour. -ruH f. A girl who chooses her own husband ( kharuH pativarA kanyA Sk. ). kharoSTI A kind of alphabet; Lv. 10.29. kharja 1P. [sarjati varjita ] 1 To pain maloo uneasy. -2 To creak. -3 To cleanse. -4 To worship, honour. kharjanam Scratching. kharjikA 1 A venereal disease. -2 A relish. kharjuH f. 1 Scratching. -2 The date-tree. -8 The Dhattura plant. 4 A worm, a kind of insect. kharjuram Silver. ) kharjUH f. 1 Itching, itch, scab. -2 A kind of insect ; L.D. B. kharjUraH [ Up. 4.00] 1 Dutertree 2 A scorpion -ram 1 Silver viyaM sudhAMzorapi cUrNapUrNa jAnAmi kharamayaM karaNDam Ram. Ch. 6. 60. -2 Yellow orpiment. -8 The fruit of the date-tree. -rI The date-tree; R. 4.57. -Comp. -rasa: the juice of the wild date (Mar. tADI ); also kharjUrIrasaH jaH kind of sugar. kharjUrakaH A scorpion kharjUrikA a kind of sweetmeat. kharda 1 P. [ khardati ] To bite, sting. 1 A thief. - A rogue, chest. -3 A beggar's bowl. -4 The skull. -3 A piece of a broken jar, potsherd. -5 An umbrella. ram = kharparI 9. v. kharIkA, kharparI A kinil of collyrium. kharjUram Coconut kernel kharaM mariye pUrNa devadAna nAgaram Siva. B. 30.16. kharmam 1 Silk. -2 Valour. -3 Harshness. (sarvati kharvita) 1 To go, move, go towards. -2 To be proud. kharva ( - ) a. [a] 1 Mutilated, crippled, imperfect; Yv. Ts. 2. 5. 1. 7. -2 Dwarfish, low, short in stature. -rvaH, -rvam A large number ( 10,000,000,000). -3 N. of one of the treasures of Kubera. -Comp. - itara a. not small, great; pramuditahRdaH sarve kharvetara smayasaMgatAH Siva. B. 22. 71. -zAkha a dwarfish, small, short. kharcita (anything) That has become dwarfish ; nizumbhabharanamro vakhirvitAH parvatA api Ks. 51.1. a. sarvaTa, Dam [ kharva aTan] 1 A market-town. -2 A village at the foot of a mountain; this word generally occurs joined with kheTa; Bhag. 1.6.11; 4.18. 31; 7.2.14; dhanuHzalaM parINAho grAme kSetrAntaraM bhavet / dve zate kharvaTasya syAnnagarasya 637 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir khalatikaH catuHzatam // Y. 2. 167. Mitaksara says kharvaTasya pracurakaNTakasantAnasya grAmasya varyadAni kunagarANi (prakhavyAkaraNasUtrAyAne ). -3 A mixed locality on the bank of a river, partly a village and partly a town (according to the text of Bhrigu, quoted in Shridharasvamin's commentary on the Bhag.); cf. Rajadharmakaustubha, G.O.S.72, p. 103. -4 A principal village among two hundred ones (Danasagara, Bibliotheca Indica 274, Fasc. I, p. 145 ); cf. also daNDaviveka, G. O. S. 52, p. 277. kharbu (rbu) jam The water-melon. khala 1 P. ( khalati, khalita ) 1 To move, shake. -2 To gather, collect. khalAsam [[ac] 1 A threshing floor khale na paryA prati hanmi bhUri Rv. 10. 48.7; Ms. 11. 17, 115; Y. 2. 282. -2 Earth, soil. -3 Place, site; Bhag. 5.26.14. -4 A heap of dust. --5 Sediment, dregs, deposit of oil &o; datte khale nu nikhilaM khalu yena dugdham Pt. 2 53. -6A mill. -7 A contest, battle. -laH 1 A wicked or mischievous person, a villain; (also a.) low, mischievous, base, villainous, inferior, mean; sarpaH krUraH khalaH krUraH sarpAt krUrataraH khalaH / mantrauSadhivaza: sarpaH khalaH kena nivAryate // Chan. 26; viSadharato'pyativiSamaH khala iti na mRSA vadanti vidvAMsaH / yadayaM nakuladveSI sakuladveSI punaH pizunaH // Vas.; cf. Bv. 1. 76, 78, 91, 98; pIDanaM bahudhAnyasya ...... karoti yaH / khalAnAM tu varaM grAmAdvahireva nivezanam || Subhas. Mark the pun on the words khala and bahudhAnyasya. -2 The sun. -3 The thorn-apple. [ khalIkR means (1) 'to crush'; (2) 'to hurt or injure' ; ( 3 ) ' to ill-treat, scorn '; parokSe khato'yaM dyUtakAra: Mk. 2] -Comp. -ukti: / abuse, wicked language. kula: a vetch, glycine tomentosa (Mar. kuLItha, hulage ); daza grAmyANi dhAnyAni bhavanti vrIhiyavAstilabhASA aNupriyaGgavo godhUmAzca masUrAzca khalvAzca khalakulAzca ... Bri. Up. 6. 3. 13. -dhAnyam a threshing-floor. -pU: m. f. a sweeper, clanner. -mUrti quiele-silver. saMsargaH keeping company with a wicked man. khalin a. Having sediment. m. N. of Siva. khali (khI) naH nam The bit of a bridles vipyadbhiranyobhyamukhAkhAkhatInaM hariH Sl. 800. khalinI A multitude of threshing floors. P. IV. 2. 51. khalIkArA, kRtiH / 1 Harting injuring Ill-treatings Santi. 1. 25. - 3 Evil, mischief; iti te ca khalIkRtam Ks.13.157. a. khalIkRta Treated like a bad man, insulted; eSa punamAtuH priyavayasko khalIkRta Nag.. khaledhAnI vAlI The post of a threshing floor. khalakaH A pitcher. khalati 4. Bald-headed, bald mulataH khalatikA Amountain. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir khaliH 638 khAdya khaliH ,-lI/.Sediment of oil or oil-cake; sthAlyA vaidUryamacyA pacati tilakhalImindhanaizcandanAdyaiH Bh. 2. 100. khalizaH, khallizaH,-lezaH,-lezayaH N. of a fish. khalu ind. A particle implying:-(a) 1 Certainly, surely, verily, indeed; mArga padAni khalu te viSamIbhavanti 5.4.153 anutsekaH khalu vikramAlaGkAraH V.1; na khalvanirjitya raghu kRtI bhavAn R.3.51. (D) Now, now then, now further 3 Rv. 10.4.14.-2 Entreaty, conciliation (pray');na khalu na khalu bANaH sannipAtyoyamasmin 5.1.103 na khalu na khalu mugdhe sAhasa kAryametat Nag.3. -3 Inquiry; na khalu tAmabhikruddho guruH v.3.(=kiM abhiRddho guruH); na khalu viditAste tatra nivasantazcANakyahatakena Mu.2; na khalUgraruSA pinAkinA gamitaH sA'pi suhRdtAM gatim Ku. 4.21. - Prohibition (with gerunds); nirdhArite'tha lekhena khalUktvA khalu vAcikam Si.2.70. - Reason (for); na vidIrya kaThinAH khalu striyaH Ku.4.5. (G. M. cites this as an illustration of viSAda or dejection); vidhinA jana eSa vazcitastvadadhInaM khalu dehinAM sukham 4.10. -6 khalu is sometimes used as an expletive. -7 Sometimes only to add grace to the sentence (vAkyAlapakAra); Bri. Up. 1.3.6. khaluj m. Darkness. khalUrikA (-rakam) A place for military exercise, a parlour, a reception hall, a drawing room round a house; Mana. XXXIV. 434-39. khalekapotanyAyaH The maxin of the pigeons flocking together on the open ground to pick up grains of corn, simultaneously ; arthena pradhAnopakAreNa khalekapotavat yugapat saMnipatantyamAni | SB. on MS. 11.1.16. khalyA [khalAnAM samUhaH yat ] A multitude of threshing floors. UF: 1 A stone or vessel for grinding drugs, a mill. -2 A pit. -3 Leather. -4 The Chataka bird. - A leather water-bag. -8A canal, trench. -llI Shooting pain in the extrernities; Charaka 6. 26. khallikA A frying-pan. khalli (llI)Ta a. Bald-headed. khalvaH Beans (Mar. vAla); khalvAzca khalakulAzca Bri. Up. 6. 3. 13. khalvATa a. Bald, bald-headed; khalvATo divasezvarasya kiraNaiH saMtApito mastake Bh. 2.90%3 Vikr. 18.99; Ks.61.53. khav 9 P. 1 To cause prosperity, produce wealth. -2 To purify. khazaH (pl.) A mountainous country in the north of India and its inhabitants; Ms. 10.44; (also written khasa). khazIraH (pl.) N. of a country and its people. khaS 1 P. (khaSati) To injure, hurt, kill. 9: 1 Anger. -2 Violence, cruelty. khasaH 1 Itch, soab. -2 N. of a mountainous country to the North of India ; see khaza. khasatila: Poppy. khasamaH, khasarpaNaH N. of a Buddha. aefer: m., f. 1 An expression of reproach (at the end of a compound); vaiyAkaraNakhasUciH 'a bad grammarian', 'one who has forgotten it'. khaskhasaH, khAkhasaH Poppy. -Comp. -rasaH opium. khAjikaH Fried grain. khAda (t) ind. The sound made in clearing the throat; khAkR to clear the throat (Mar. khAkaraNe). khATaH, -TA, -TikA, -TI f. A bier, a bed-stead on which dead bodies are carried to the cemetery. khATiH [khaT vA in ] 1 A bier. -2 A scar.-3 Caprice, whim. CIGT a. Relating to a rhinoceros. khANDam The state of having tractures or gaps. khADava: Sugar-candy; tathA rAgaH khADavaH surA iti SB. on MS. 10. 4.58. khANDavaH Sugar-candy. -vam N. of a forest in Kuruksetra, sacred to Indra, and burnt by Agni with the assistance of Arjunu and Krisna; yatsannidhAvahamu khANDavamapraye'dAm Bhag. 1. 15.8. -Comp. -prastha: N. of a town. -rAga: a kind of sweetmeat; bhakSyakhANDavarAgANAM kriyatAM bhujyatAM tathA Mb. 14.89.41. khANDavikaH, khANDikaH [khANDava-Than , khaNDa-Tham ] A confectioner. khAta, khAtra See under khan. khAda 1P. (khAdati, khAdita)1 To eat, devour, feed; to prey upon, bite: prAkUpAdayoH patati khAdati pRSTamAsam H.1.78 khAdanmAMsa na duSyati Ms.5.32,533; Bk. 6.6% 39.78, 14.87, 1013; 15.35. -2 To hurt, khAda a. Eating, devouring. -da: 1 Eating, chewing. -2 Food; yat purA pariveSAt khAdamAharanti Av. 9.6. 12. khAdaka (-dikA /.)[khAd-Nvul] Eating, consuming. -: 1 A debtor. -2 An eater, consumer; Ms. 5. 51. khAdatamodatA [khAdata modadhvamiti satataM yatrAbhidhIyate] Eating and being glad; cf. "Eat, drink and be merry"; BO khAdatavamatA, khAdatAcamatA; ct. P. II. 1.72. khAdanaH [khAd-karaNe-lyuT ] A tooth. -nam 1 Eating, chewing. -2 Food; azvAnAM khAdane nAhamarthI nAnyena kenacit Ram. 2.50. 45. khAduka.(-kI/.) Mischievous, injurious, malicious. khAdya a. Eatable. -dyam Food, victuals. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir khAdiH 639 atle: Ved. A brooch, bracelet, ring. Cet a. ( - )( afectad, az ] Made of or coming from, the Khadira tree; figi pata; Ms. 2. 45. -T: Catechu. Qutqi (? Tef* possibly ) The head of superintendents of the royal kitchen ; GI. 20. ETATAL Eating and drinking (from Persian) L. D. B. alate*: A coconut tree. elt:, -ft: - . A measure of grain equal to 16 dronas. 4 gfes=1 fafet; 2 fafalg = 1 34189; 2318= 1 539; 4 Foas = 1 972; 4 9643 = 1 424; 4 3717 is = 1 ; 16 or 20 g = 1 a.) arcu EU pargftat aa: Parnal. 4.73; Pt. 4. 26. A scar. EFT (A) a. Equal to or sown with a khari of grain. Entra a. Cooking a Khari by measure; P. III. 2. 23 Kasi. ETAT: The braying of an ass; EARTH ATT: 98ETF-EU3: Bhag. 3. 17.11. miat The Treta age or second Yuga of the world. ENTERTH Morbid baldness; I am gresi TITHIstat Av. 11. 8. 19. gift a. Like a threshing floor. khikhiH A fox. faft: 1 A fox ( - f.). -2 The foot of a bed-stead (one of Siva's weapons ). faget A kind of dish (made of rice and pease &c.). fez 1 P. (azla, area) 1 To be terrified or frightened, to fear, dread. - To terrify, frighten, surprise, scare away. afea a. 1 Terrified, scared. -2 Ploughed. fa I. 6 P. (fafa, fan) To strike, press down, afflict. -II. 4,7. A. (faida, farat, fen) 1 To suffer pain or misery, to be afflicted or wearied, feel tired, depressed or exhausted ; S. 5. 7; 9012: faga are: H. 2. 130; overpowered; fa# af Raad ya Ve. 1; Santi. 3.7; Bk. 14. 108, 17. 10. -Caus. 1 To frighten, terrify. -2 To exhaust, fatigue, make tired; H afa wa R ufa Mk. 9. 10. fast p. [far- ] 1 Depressed, afflicted, dejected, distressed, suffering pain; Ye: a fan of Hafa araft $59 Ve. 1. 11; 10 9 : Git.3.-2 Fatigued, exhausted; fan fan ferry 98 469 trafe 99 Me. 13, 40; 4araffentaar R. 3. 11; Ch. P. 3, 20; Si. 9.11. a: [AT-ara 79 ]1 Depression, lassitude, dejection (of spirits ). -2 Fatigue, exhaustion ; uglear=27sadar. U. 1. 24; 3a Te: Me. St; R. 18. 45. -3 Pain, torment; Amaru. 34. - 4 Distress, sorrow; 95: eg fan af Ha atat 59 Ve. 1. 11; Amaru. 57. -8 Poverty. -6 A disease. - Ved. A hammer, mallet; satrA khedAmaruzahA vRSasva Rv. 10. 116.4. CET 1 Lassitude, langour. -2 Exhaustion. -3 Pain. -4 Sorrow, distress. - Poverty. eiga a. 1 Pained, distressed, afflicted. -2 Annoyed, troubled. efeat a. 1 Tiring, exhausting. -2 Disturbing, afflicting, troubling. fefer: 1 An ascetic. -2 A pauper. -3 The moon. -4 An epithet of Indra. fe: [fa ] 1 A poor man, a pauper. -2 Disease, sickness. fare:, [fag-* ] 1 A piece of waste or uncultivated land, desert or bare soil; a desert, waste; fao T farvar 9 Ay. 7. 115. 4. -2 A gap, vacant place. -3 An additional hymn appended to the regular collection; Ms. 3. 232. - A supplement in general. 5 A compendium, compilation. -8 Vacuity. -7 Remainder; 316 augala: fazat ferqHET 9: Bhag. 6. 4. 15. 3: N. of Brahma and of Visnu. [far is often used in combination with and 8; (1) Pasta (a) to become impassa ble, to be blocked up, be left unfrequented; fra farai 76197197 Ku. 2. 45. (b) to be impossible, be rendered impracticable or stopped ; prajAgarAtkhilIbhUtastasyAH FAHITA: S. 6. 22. (2) fas means (a) to obstruct, impede, make impassa ble, block up; a grogaar feet a R. 11. 14, 87. (b) to lay waste, devastate, put down or vanquish completely; vipakSamakhilAkRtya pratiSThA khalu u Si. 2. 34.] feet: Ved. 1 A desert; 30 facut gatu hafa Rv. 10. 142. 3. 2 A piece of rock in the earth ; 37 fece a la eagh Ry. 6. 28. 2. T 1 A. To sound. EST 1P. ( a) To rob, steal. DE 10 P. ( fa) To break in pieces, divide, cut up. 954: The ankle-joint. F a. Small, minor. QUE 1 A. (god) 1 To break in pieces. -2 To limp, be lame. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 840 khyA CK6 P. ( arfa) To scratch, cut, break in pieces. CETTE: A tawny (or black) horse. T: (77-*]1 A hoof; 75:*: girmy: R. 1. 85, 2. 2; Ms. 4. 67. -2 A kind of perfume. -3 A razor. -4 The foot of a bed-stead. -Comp. -38 , 79: a kick. ure,-UTE a. flat-nosed. STUTH a horse-shoc. - eit a horse's foot-marks. T: an arrow with a semi-circular head; see . POTE: prints of hoof; ht: 95-999f74197 R. 2. 2. ke Military exercise or practice (as of arms, archery &c.); 31aning 14 My. 2. 34; - 1999 feath 5. 5. E : A horse belonging to the Khurasala country or locality; alert: TTTT GA A T ET: Salihotra Appendix II. 7. *, -#1 ( 97-31177 ) An animal in general. tok: An iron arrow. auf : 1 A razor-case. -2 An iron arrow. -3 A pillow. (EUR) 1 A. (9- ) To play. C a. Small, little, mean, low; see 94. -Comp. -ara: a father's younger brother. khullama: A road. Faretti A kind of stick, hollow bamboo. khecara See khacara. -Comp. -uttamaH the sun; Mb. 3.300.26. 10 P. (azufa &c.) To eat, consume. TERE a. [ e szfa, 37-377; fras-a) Having a weapon, armed. -: 1 A village, small town or hamlet; Bhag. 1.6.11. -2 Phlegm. -3 The club of Balarama. - A horse. -S, -IH 1 Hunting, chase. -2 A shield. CH 1 Grass. -2 Hide, skin. (N. B.:-At the end of comp. de expresses 'defectiveness' or deterioration', & may be rendered by miserable', 'low', 'vile', 'wretched' &c.; F H a misera ble town.) -3 A village; ATTIETET IT STUSUTH (FOR . Part I, II 37781914. Ch. 7. V. 111.); dara fortala I ( 987041 TULEOHTEIT). -4 A village of cultivators; Rajadharmakaustu bha, G.O.S. 72, P. 102. - A village two miles long; Bibliotheca Indica 274, Fase. I. p. 145. khe'Ta See under kha. REF: A small village, hamlet. *, - 1 A shield. ... aga91107: Siva. B. 17. 72. - 2 The club of Balarama. CT m. 1 A lecher, libertine. -2 A citizen. aftara:, -3: A minstrel, whose business it is to a waken the master of the house with music and singing (a .) efe a a. A tHicted, troubled; whereat th: ... faz: Rs. 5. 7. Eric The body of a 321454 q. v.; der Gua Mb. 5. 81.9. ET 1P. (defa, area) 1 To shake, move to and fro. -2 To tremble. - To play, sport; 3 6Teftafe917 Bhar. Ch. -Caus. To swing, shake ; kRpaNo'haM hi jIvAmi bhujaga khelayansadA K8.9.76. Sa. 1 Sportive, amorous, playful; fadh919HTETTU H4 R. 4. 22. V. 4. 32. -2 Moving, shaking. - Sport, play, pastime; fara t uri Mb. 12. 1. 19. -Comp. a, #FT, - a. haying & sportive or stately gait; ha ha fantai 24 at an afa 19 V. 4.74; e a TE 416: Ku. 7. 49. A 1 Shaking, quivering motion of the eyes ); fa falafaaraaaaaaaa H Git. 1.40.-2 Play, pastime. -3 A performance. A piece or man at chess &c. efe: f. 1 Sport, play. -2 A song or hymn. m. 1 An arrow. -2 An animal. -3 A bird. -4 The sun. et A. (ad) To serve, wait upon. khesaraH A mule. eft a. Supplementary, additional. EMTIE: A white and brown horse. Sen, -, -, -21 P. 1 To limp. -2 To be lame. ent: f. A cunning or shrewd woman. als a. Crippled, lame, limping. et (3) a. Limping, lame. ini A particular disease of the animal's feet; Mb. 12. 283. 53. i a. Lame. - Helmet. -Comp. - TC furnished with a helmet. ato : 1 A helmet. -2 An ant-hill. -3 The shell of a betel-nut. -4 Sauce-pan, pot. -Comp. to a house with a roof decorated with arches. alfs: A quiver. ETT 2 P. (m. also in non-conjugational tenses) (enfa, egia) To tell, declare, communicate with dat. of person - Pass. (Tulud 1 To be named or called; 311941: feat fan ari ya Bk. 6. 97. -2 To be known or famous. -Caus. (cata-) 1 To make For Private and Personal Use Only Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir khyAta 691 known, proclaim; 212 7 Ms. 7. 201. -2 To tell, declare, relate; qua: FFT24-a: Bh. 2. 69; Ms. 11. 99. -3 To extol, make renowned, praise. ta p. p. [ET] 1 Known; Cari 7: TECHIA FFT R. 18. 6. -2 Named, called. -3 Told. -4 Cele brated, famous, well-known. -5 Notorious; era: a a t fargtfa af art 71a: Udb. -8 Made known, betrayed, discovered ; ( targa p. p. Caus.) 441914Gefa s tarfa Pt. 1. 39. - 1 Communication, mention. -2 Proclamntion. -Comp. -TUT a. notoriously vile, infamous. T EU a. 1 To be styled or called. -2 To be told. - To be celebrated. terra: f. [cap ] 1 Ronown, fame, reputation, glory, celebrity; Egilegan fasza: Ram. 7. 66.9; Ms. 12. 36; # Eifagaran ar Pt. 1. 371. -2 A name, title, appellation. -3 Narration. -4 Praise. -5 (In phil. ) Knowledge, the faculty of discriminating objects by appropriate designation; turfa 7 Heage97-4CAT 4 Si. 4. 55. -6 Praise. -7 Opinion, view, assertion; straffet #ara fazer: Eurfaaf Bhag. 11. 16. 21. -Comp. , -7777 a. glorious.--2127: sense of honour. -feat the state of being contradictory to general opinion. EU19 a. 1 Making known, declaring. -2 One who confesses. -3 Indicative. EUTA 1 Declaring, divulging; fra R EUT CAT 74 Mb. 5. 190. 22.-2 Confessing, avowing, publicly declaring; Ms. 11. 227. - 3 Making renowned, celebrating. a. (Used only at the end of comp.) Who or what goes, going, moving, being, staying, remaining, having sexual intercourse with &c.; cf. Ms. 4. 120; Y. 3. 290; R. 3. 13. "T: 1 A Gandharva. -2 An epithet of Ganesa. -3 A long syllable used as an abbreviation of ye, in prosody ). -4 Siva. -5 Visnu; cf. 7: sat wa: facu: Enm. -, -T A song; gaM vAditraM zaraNaM varam / ivid. gaganam (-Nam)(Some suppose gagaNa to be an incorrect form, as is observed by a writer :- 19 ucalquefa :) 1 The sky, atmosphere; eta 17FLETT TE: 10 R. 3. 43: 771914a agath Pt.5.6; ASu #14: wala art. S. 4. (v.1.): Si. 9. 27.-2 (In math.) A cypher. -3 Firmament. -4 Heaven. -Comp. -3794 the highest lon vens. -375T a heavenly nymph, an Apsaras. -37a: 1 the sun. -2 a planet. -3 a celestial being. -74 1. rain-water. -3 : the planet Mars. -EH, -969 'sky-flower'; i. e. any unreal thing, an impossibility; soe 2904. -fa: 1 a deity. -2 a celestial being; Me. 48.-3 a planet. - also T a ) a. moving in the air. (-:) 1 a bird. -2 a planet. -3 a heavenly spirit. -4 a lunar mansion. -8 the zodiae (fr ). -tag: 1 the sun. -2 a cloud. TAFT: nonsense, absurdity. - <<. reaching upto heaven; datadt Talen : Si. 17. 39. -fagift a. moving or ranging in the sky; II. 1. 19; a R afael att Udb. (-m.) 1 a luminary. -2 the sun. -8 a celestial boing. - a. dwelling in the air. (m.) a celestial being; factTTT: lugiat Si. 4. 53. fer f. an epithet of the Ganges; manytautaTF2 K. Fr, fua a. situated in the sky. - ata: 1 air, wind. -2 N. of one of the eight Maruts. TET 1 P. To laugh, deride. (74-; Un. 1. 120 ] 1 The river Ganges, the most sacred river in India; adhodho gaGgeyaM padamupagatA stokamathavA Bh. 2. 10; R. 2.26 ; 13.57; (mentioned in Rv. 10. 75.5, along with other rivers considered sacred in India ). -2 The Ganges personitied as a goddess. [Ganga is the eldest daughter of Hina vat. It is said that a curse of Brabma made her come down upon earth, where she became the first wife of King Santanu. She bore him eight sons, of whom Bhisma, the youngest, became a well-known personage, renowned for his valour and life-long celibacy. According to another account she came down on earth being propitiated by Bhagiratha ; nee 179 and 775 also ; and cf. Bh. 2. 10 1. 38 #T a tra Mabanar. Up. 5. 4. -Comp. -3779, -3RTE *. 1 water of the Ganges. - 2 pure rain-water (such as falls in the month of 3 ). -CGTC: 1 the descent of the Ganges on the earth; bhagIratha iva dRSTagazAvatAra: 5.32 (where gahA" also means 'descent into the Ganges' for: blution). - N. of a sncred place. -34 a collection of oight verses addressed to the Ganges; ne fa 4: gua: a arcuar fatfa t a: 1 -334: the source of the Ganges.'- the river Ganges and the district two Koss on either of its banks. -art Gangetio kite. - :, - : 1 N. of Bhisma. -2 of Kartikeya ; igata 8. $. ....69 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gaGgAkA 842 gajatA svamatena deva svAhAmahIkRttikAno tathaiva Mb.3.232.15.-jalam the holy water by which it is customary to administer oaths). -dattaH an epithet of Bhisma. -dvAram the place where the Ganges enters the plains (also called haridvAra); gaGgAdvAraM prati mahAnbabhUva bhagavAnRSiH Mb. 1. 130.33.-dharaH 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 the ocean.degpuram N. of a town. -putraH 1N. of Bhisma. -2 of Kartikeya. -3 a man of a mixed and vile caste whose business is to remove dead bodies.-4a Brahmana who conducts pilgrims to the Ganges. -mRtm .1N. of Siva. -2 the ocean. -madhyam the bed of the Ganges. -yAtrA 1a pilgrimage to the Ganges. -2 carrying a sick person to the river-side to die there. -laharI N. of poem by Jagannatha Pandita. -saptamI the 7th day in the light half of vaizAkha. -sAgaraH the place where the Ganges enters the ocean. -suptaH 1 an epithet of Bhisma. -2 of Kartikya. -hada: N. of tIrtha. gaGgAkA, gaGgakA, gaGgikA The Ganges. gaGgATeyaH A kind of prawn; L. D. B. gaGgIbhUta a. Become as sacred as the Ganges. gaGgolaH A precious stone; also called gomeda. 7533: 1 A tree. -2 The period (i.e. number of terms) of a progression (in math.). gaja1P.(gajati, gAjita) 1 To Bound, roar; jagajurgajAH Bk. 14.5.-2 To be drunk; to be confused or inebriated. gajaH [gaja-made ac] 1 An elephant; kacAcitau vizvAgivAgajau gajau Ki. 1. 36. -2 The number 'eight'. -3 A mensure of length, aGaja or yard, (thus defined :sAdhAraNanarAdagulyA triMzadagulako gajaH).-4 A demon killed by Siva. -5 One of the eight elephants of the quarters. -jI A female elephant; vitRSo'pi pibantyambhaH pAyayanto gajA gajIH Bhag.4.6.26. -Comp.-agraNI m.1 the most excellent among elephants.-2 An epithet of airAvata, the elephant of Indra. -adhipatiH lord of elephants, to nuble elephant. -3TETET: superintendent of elephants; Bri. S. 86.4.-apasada: a vile or wretched elephantya common or low-born elephant. -azana: the religious fig tree (azvattha).(-nam) the root of a lotus. -ari:1a lion. -2N. of Siva who killed the demon gaja.-AjIvaH 'one who gets his livelihood by elephants', an elephant-driver. -AnanaH, -AsyaH epithets of Ganesa. -Ayuveda: science of the treatment of elephants. -ArohaH an elephantdriver. -Ahvam,-Ahvayam N. of Hastina purai Bhag.1. 15.38. - 1 an excellent elephant, a lordly elephant; kiM ruSTAsi gajendramandagamane S. Til.73; airAvataM gajendrANAM Bg.10.27. -2 Airavata, Indra's elephant. -3 N. of a tree; gajendrakusumAkIrNam Mb. 13.132. 12. karNaH an epithet of Sivas.-kandaH a large esculent root.-kRmozin m. N. of Garula.-gatiH f. 1 a stately, inajestic gait like that of an elephant. -2 a woman with such agait.-gAminI a woman hav ing a stately elephant-like gait; yAtA sudUramadhunA gajagAminI sA Ratn.4.3.-gorIvratam a row to be observed by ladies in the month of Bhadrapada. -chAyA a portion of time proper for a Sraddha, time at the eclipse of the sun [saihikeyo yadA bhAnuM grasate parvasaMdhiSu / gajacchAyA tu sA proktA zrAddhaM tatra prklpyet||; gajacchAyAyAM pUrvasyAM kutape dkssinnaamukhH| yadA bhAdrapade mAsi bhavate bahule maghA || Mb. 13.126. 363 Y. 1. 218. -DhakkA a kettle-drum carried on an elephant. -turaGgavilasitam N. of a metre. -dana,-dvayasaa. as high or tall as an elephant. -dantaH 1an elephant's tusk, ivory; kAryAlaGkAravidhirgajadantena prazastana Bri. S. 79. 19. -2 an epithet of Ganesa. -3 ivory. -4 a peg, pin, or bracket projecting from a wall. "maya a. made of ivory. -dAnam 1the fluid (ichor ) exuding from the temples of an elephant. -2 the gift of an elephant. -nAsA the trunk of an elephant ; dharmastu gajanAsoru sadbhirAcaritaH purA Ram. 2. 30. 30. -nimIlikA, -nimIlitam feigning not to look at anything, inattention%3; devIH kAmayamAnasya cake gajanimIlikA Raj. T.6.73. -patiH 1 the lord or keeper of elephants. -2 a very tall and stately elephant; Si. 6.55. -3 an excellent elephant. -pippalI N. of a plant (Seindapsus Officinalis; Mar. gajapiMpaLI, miravela). -puGgavaH a large and excellent elephant; gajapuGgavastu dhIraM vilokayati cATuzataizca bhukkte Bh. 2. 31. -puTa: a small hole in the ground for fire. -puram N. of Hastinapura. -puSpI N. of a flower; gajapuSpImimA phullAmutpAvya zubhalakSaNAm Ram. 4. 12. 39. -bandhaH 1 a particular posture in sexual intercourse. -2 a post to which the elephant is tied. -3 the process of catching an elephant; gajabandhastu surate AlAne grahaNe'pi ca Nm. -bandhanI, -bandhinI a stable for elephants. -bhakSaka: the sacred fig-tree. -bhakSA the gum Olibanum tree.-maNDanam the ornaments with which an elephant is decorated, particularly the coloured lines on his head. - Huglofil, -maNDalI ring or circle of elephants. -mAcala: a lion. -muktA, -moktikam a pearl supposed to be found in the kumbhas or projections on the forehead of an elephant; dharmajanitapulakena lasadbhajamauktikAvaliguNena vakSasA Ki. 12. 40. -mukhaH,-vaktraH ,-vadanaH epithets of Ganesa; Bri. S.58.58; Ks. 100.41. -moTanaHa lion.-yUtham a herd of elephants3 uSasi sa gajayUthakarNatAlaiH paTupaTahadhvanibhivinItanidraH R.9.71. -yodhin a. fighting on an elephant. -rAja: a lordly or noble elephant.-after:,eft f. the three lunar mansions rohiNI, ArdrA and mRgaziras; rohiNyA mRgaziro gajavIthyabhidhIyate. -vraja: a troop of elephants. -zAstram, -zikSA the science of elephants. -sAhvayam N. of Hastinapura; niryayurgajasAhvayAt Mb.3.1.9; Ks.15.6.-sthAnam elephant's stall; Y.1.279. -snAnam (lit.) bathing of an elephant; (fig.) useless or unproductive efforts resembling the ablution of elephants which, after pouring water over their bodies, end by throwing dirt, rubbish and other foul matter ; ef. avazendriyacittAnAM hastisnAnamiva kriyA H.1.17. gajatA 1 A multitude of elephante ; adhizrayantIrgajatAH paraHzatAH Si. 12.50. -2 (also gajatvam ). The state of an For Private and Personal Use Only Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra gajavat elephant; kaiSA te gajatA vAkca samadasyApi nirmadA Ks. 74.22; ?asagman zxnzasagegir: Bhag. 8. 4. 12. gajayat . Having elephanta gajavatI janatImayA camUH R. 9. 10. fa. Riding on an elephant; g: freife - zvinAM gajinAM bhuvi Bhag 10.51. 7. 1 P. () To sound, sound in a particular way. na 1 A mine. -2 A treasury; fqqa Ks. 43. 30. 3 A cow-house. -4 A mart, a place where grain is stored for sale. -8 Disrespect, contempt. - 1 A hut, hovel. -2 A tavern. -3 A drinking vessel. A mine, jewel mine. - 1 A mine. -2 A treasury. Comp. - a treasurer (from Persian) EI IX. 247, RT VII. 42. a. 1 Contemning, putting to shame, surpassing, excelling; sthalakamalagaJjanaM mama hRdayaraJjanam ( caraNadvayam ) Git. 10; alikulagaJjanamaJjanakam 12; netre khajanagaJjane S. D.; yuSmatkRte khajanagaJjanAkSi ziro madIyaM yadi yAti yAtu Uab. -2 Defeating, conquering; wafazane Gr. 1. fr A tavern, liquor shop. 1 P. (nef, fea) 1 To distil, draw out. -2 To run (as a liquid). -10. P. (af) To cover, hide. : - 1 A screen. -2 A fence. -3 A ditch, moat. 4 An impediment. - A kind of gold-fish. -Comp. -uttham, dezajam, lavaNam rock or fossil salt, especially that found in the district called T. gaDayantaH, gaDayitnuH A cloud. : [-] 1 A young steer. -2 A lazy ox; guNAnAmeva daurAtmyAriyoM niyujyate / asaMjAtaviskandhaH sukhaM svapiti ft: K. P.10. gaDDu a. Ta[-] Crooked, hump-backed. - 1 A hump on the back. -2 A javelin. -3 A water-pot. - An earth-worm. 5 Any superfluous excrescence or addition, a useless object; see . -6 A goitre, excrescence on the neck. -7 A hump-backed person. 1 A water-pot. -2 A finger-ring. a. Hump-backed crooked, bent. gaDeraH A cloud. 3: 1 A mouthful. -2 Raw sugar. garA, lA A shoop. garikA [garaM meSamanudhAvati un] 1 A line of sheep. -2 A continuous line, stream, current; a: a stream of sheep, used to signify 'blindly following other people like a flock of sheep's of. sf nf K.P.8. # A golden vase. 648 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gaNaH gaDDu (i) kA 1A pillow upadhAnaM vizeSe syAda ga Nm. -2 A kind of water-vessel. gaNU 10 U. ( gaNayati te, gaNayAJcakAra, ajIgaNat-ta, ajagaNat,, ) 1 To count, number; enumerate; - kamalapatrANi gaNayAmAsa pArvatI Ku. 6. 84; nAmAkSaraM gaNaya gacchasi S. 6. 12. -2 To calculate, compute; : : Si. 6. 15; 15. 61. -8 To sum or add up, reckon. To estimate, value at (with instr.); na taM tRNenApi gaNayAmi -5 To class with or among reckon among; Dk. 154. -8 To take into account, give consideration to; vANIM kANabhujImajIgaNat Malli. 7 To regard, consider, think or take to be; tvayA vinA sukhametAvadajasya gaNyatAm R. 8. 69, 5. 20; pAvakasya mahimA sa gaNyate 11. 75; jAtastu gaNyate so'tra yaH sphuratyanvayAdhikam Pt. 1. 27 kisalaya gaNayati viditAvikalpam Gft. 4. -8 To ascribe or impute to, attribute to (with loc.); Greif Bh. 2. 54. -9 To attend to, take notice of, mind; praNayamagaNayitvA yanmamApadgatasya V. 4. 27. -10 (With a negative particle) not to care for, not to mind; na mahAntamapi zamajIgaNat K. 64; manasvI kAryAthIM na nafa 3: a aga Bh. 2. 81, 9; Santi. 1. 10; Bk. 2. 53; 15. 5, 45; H. 2. 131; S. 7. 1, 4. 19. -With erf 1 to praise; angesfang Bhig. 1. 5. 21. -2 to enumerate, count. For Private and Personal Use Only gaNaH [ gaN karmaNi kartari vA ac] 1 A flock, multitude, group, troop, collection; for, : -2 A series, a class. -3 A body of followers or attendants. -4 Particularly, a troop of demigods considered as Siva's attendants and under the special superintendence of Ganesh, a demigod of this troop; gaNAnAM tvA gaNapatiM havAmahe kaviM kavInAm &c.; gaNA nameruprasavAvataMsAH Ku. 1.55, 740, 71; Me. 35, 57; Ki. 5. 13. 8 Any assemblage or society of men formed for the attainment of the same objects. -6 A company, association. 7 A tribe, class. -8 A series of lunar mansions classed under three heads (of god, men and demons). - A sect (in philosophy,religion). -10 A small body of troops (a sub-division of luft), consising of 27 chariots, as many elephants, 81 horses and 135 foot; Mb. 1. 2. 21. -11 A number (in math. ). -12 A foot (in prosody). -13 (In gram.) A series of roots or words belonging to the same rule and called after the first word of that series; e. g. a. e. the class of roots which begin with. -14 An epithet of Ganesa. Comp. - m. N. of Ganesa. -: N. of the mountain Kailasa, as the residence of the Gayns of Siva. fuq:, -fafa 1 N. of Siva: Si. 9. 27. 2 N. of Ganesa. -3 the chief of a troop of soldiers or of a class of disciples, of a body of men or animals. Ha mess, food prepared for number of persons in common; Ms. 4. 209, 219. - a. one of a troop or number. (:) the leader or member of any religious association; N. of Ganapati, Siva's son (see Ms. 3. 154. -T: below). deg an Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra gaNaH red-lend. -fan, tr the : epithet of Parvati. 1 an epithet of Ganesa. -2 of Siva. - rhinoceros. : 1 a classifier. -2 an epithet of Bhimasena. ind. for a whole series of times, for a number of times. -f: a particular high number. a dinner eaten in common by a party of virtuous men. n. metre regulated and measured by feet. -far a. forming a troop or collection. Tr 1 initiation of a number or a class. -2 performance of rites for a number of persons. -fer a. 1 one who officiates for a number of persons or for various castes (as a priest). -2 one who has been initiated into the worship of Gapon. (pl.) groups of deities who generally appear in classes or troops; Ak. thus classifies them:rafastuSitA bhAsvarAnilAH / mahArAjikasAdhyAzca rudrAca gaNadevatAH // - 1 public property, common stock; Y. 2. 187. -2 a variety of articles. - 1 the head of a class or number. -2 the teachor of a school. -, - 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 of Ganesa. -3 the leader of the attendants of any god; Bhag. 5. 17. 13.-4 the head of an assemblage or corporation; Bri. S. 15. 40. -aft an epithet of Durga. -, fa: 1 N. of Siva. -2 N. of Ganesa. [ He is the son of Siva and Parvati, or of Parvati only; for according to one legend, he sprang from the scurf of her body. He is the god of wisdom and remover of obstacles; hence he is invoked and worshipped at the commencement of every important undertaking. He is usually represented in a sitting posture, short and fat, with a protuberant belly, and four bands; riding a mouse; and with the head of an elephant. This head has only one tusk, the other having been lost in a scuffle between him and Parasurama when he opposed the latter's entrance to Siva's inner apartments; (whence he is called Ekadanta, Ekadamstra &c.). There are seve_ral_legends_accounting for his elephant head. It is said that he wrote the Mahabharata at the dictation of Vyasa who secured his services as a scribe from the god Brahman ]. -3 also an epithet of Brihaspati and Indra. -4 the leader of a class or troop. - parvata 800 gaNAcala -pATha: a collection of ganas or series of words falling under the same grammatical rule. - pIThakam the breast, bosom.-puGgavaH the head of a tribe or class. (pl.) N. of a country and its people; Bri. S. 4. 24.q: the leader of a tribe or class; (140); Mb. 13. 23. 20. N. of a Upanisad. - m. 1 an epithet of Sivam Ki. 5. 42. -2 N. of Ganesa. -3 the leader of a class.- mess, eating in common. yajJaH a rite common to all. -ratnamahodadhiH a collection of grammatical ganas by Vardhamana. - N. of an empire in the Deccan; Bri. S. 14. 14. -rAtram a series of nights. -vallabhaH a general of the 644 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gaNita army ( senAnAyaka ); Ram. 2. 81. 12. -vRttam 800 gaNacchandas. -hAsaH, -hAsakaH a species of perfume. gaNaka . [ gaNNvul ] ( - NikA / ) Bought for a large sum. 1 An arithmetician. -2 An astrologer; Vaj. 30. 20; re pAntha pustakadhara kSaNamatra tiSTha vaidyosi kiM gaNakazAstravizAradosi / kenauSadhena mama pazyati bharturambA kiM vA gamiSyati patiH gfari Subhas. -3 An assemblago of eight stars; tArApuanikAzA gaNakA nAma prajApateraSTau Bri S. 11. 25. kI The wife of an astrologer. - 1 Forming a class or multitude, belonging to a party or faction. -2 A cabal. -3 Collusion. -4 Classification. -5 Arithmetic. gaNanam [ bhAve ] 1 Counting, cakulation. -2 Adding, enumerating. -3 Considering, supposing, re garding. 4 Believing, thinking. -5 Account. - Calculation, consideration, regard, account; saMcetaneSu apagatacetanAnyapi saMghaTTayitumalam (madana: ) K. 157 ( what need we say of &c. ; cf. kathA ); tantriNAM vA tRNAnAM vA rAjankA Raj. T. 5. 309; Me. 10, 89; R. 11. 66; Si. 16. 59; Amaru. 67. Comp. -fa: f. 9. v. - patiH 1 an arithmetician, -2 an epithet of Ganesa. - reckoning book; Raj. T. 6. 36. HEII: a minister of finance. = pot. p. 1 Calculable, to be counted or reckoned. 2 To be classed. -3 Numerable. gaNazas ind. In troops or flocks, by classes; yAnyetAni devajAtAni gaNaza AkhyAyante Bri. Up. 1. 4. 12. for: [-] Counting. m. One who is wellversed in the sacred writings and the auxiliary sciences; Jain. gaNikA [gaNaH samUhasvasyAH bhartutvena gaNU-um] 1 A harlots courtezan ; guNAnuraktA gaNikA ca yasya vasantazobheva vasantasenA Mk. 1. 6; gaNikA nAma pAdukAntarapraviSTeva leTukA duHkhena punarnirAfa Mk. 5: faceuaufananusi fquamarguritami Si. 9. 10. -2 A female elephant; i aaf Ram. 2. 100. 50. 3 A kind of flower. -4 A kind of jasmine. Comp. - food coming from Ms. 4. 209, 219; a courtezan; Y. 1. 160-61. gaNikArikA, gaNerukA N. of a plant (Mar. naravela ). forap.p.[-] 1 Counted, numbered, enlculated. -2 Regarded, cared for &c.; see . -Comp. -fa a. Consisting of a definite number of days; fa fe saMvatsarazabdaH sAvano'pi gaNitadivasakaH SB. on MS. 6. 7.39. - 1 Reckoning, calculating. -2 The science of computation, mathematics; (it comprises pATIgaNita or vyaktagaNita 'arithmetic', bIjagaNita, 'algobes, and rekhAgaNita "geometry"); wat het fenfate Mk. 1. 4. -3 The sum of a progression. - A sum (in general). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gaNitina 648 -5 Study, practice; agarre a fare 120 HET Ful9703190304 U. 2. 9; Mal. 9. 31. - 07a Mb. 12. 62. 9. broad cheek; yaya4703niquineigte : 441: forfata m. 1 One who has made a calculation. Si. 9. 47. -TIT: f. 1 the opening in the temples of an elephant from which ichor exudes during rut. -2 'a -2 A mathematician. wall-like cheek', an excellent i. e. broad and expanTOTEL, a. (aft s.) Having a flock or troop (of any sive cheek; Auragra f a: (TF: R. 5.43 (where thing); TOT 'having a pack of hounds'; R. 9. 53. Malli. says it to PT , see et seq.); 12. 102. -m. A teacher (having a class of pupils ). -w: a thief; 73HEET: T a g THPT hafta Tofta 4. 1 Included in any group or class. -2 sarsfe Avimaraka 2. -AR, -Ara inflammation of the glands of the neck. - a. exceedingly foolish, Calculated, counted. very stupid. -zilA any large rock; dRSTo'bguSThaziromAtraH TUOT a. Numera ble, what may be counted ; 1014- 2011FOTOTEH: Bhag. 3. 13. 22. To: 1 a huge rock A:steguts a 1211 N. 3. 40. thrown down by an earthquake or storm; Ki. 7. 37; cf. also gere: Araga Eroshared: 1 (373: ftquiisaa...) Tdeg27 pot. p. 1 Calculable, to be counted. -2 (At Parnal 4. 75. - 2 the forehead; 70523: 18 UTOthe end of comp.) Belonging to a multitude or class #2: Nm.; fg & tag Faget Arya or troop. Saptasati. & N. of a river, also called 7034. TUA The comparative height of the component FUCH, 1 the cheek; TopSg hay Pt. 1.123: members of an architectural structure. In the sculptural S. Til. 7; Toz 20: Sfayzeer: R. 6.72; Amaru. 82. measurement the similar height is called the 1949. 1 -2 temples of an elephant. TU6: The Karnikara tree. -f. 1 A harlot. -2 A TE [7703 var + ] 1 A rhinoceros. -2 An imfemale elephant. pediment, obstacle. -3 A joint, knot. - A mark, TU FT 1 A bawd, procuress. -2 A female servant. spot. -8 A boil, tumour, pimple. -8 Disjunction, sepa ration. - A coin of the value of four cowries. -8 A TOZ 1 P. To be rough. mode of reckoning by fours. -9 Astrological science. TE: 1 The cheek, the whole side of the face in- -Comp. ad see et q. v. cluding the temples; 7037 T 9764254 Mal. 2.5; ata gaNDakA A lump, a ball. releusah Ku. 7. 82; Me. 26, 93; Amaru. 83; Rs. 4. 6; 6. 10; S. 6. 18; Si. 12. 54. -2 An ele og 1 N. of a river flowing into the Ganges. -2 phant's temple; 703131HGT Mal. 1. 1. -3 A bubble. A female rhinoceros. -Comp. -FT, TOT the Sali-4 A boil, tumour, swelling, pimple : 31449 To f t grama stone. fat 512: Mu. 5; 061 Totulyft fear INT $. 2. - Goitre TRT m. N. of Siva. and other excrescences of the neck. - A joint, knot. -7 A mark, spot; T03 Tatysvama Si. 12. 8. TU A white sort of Durva. -8 A rhinoceros. -9 The bladder. -10 A hero, hoz: 1 The trunk of a tree from the root to the warrior. -11 Part of a horse's trappings, a stud beginning of the branches. -2 Goitre. or button fixed as an ornament upon the harness. -12 An unexpected combination of words consisting in TOEFT 1 A sort of pebble. -2 A kind of beverage. putting one speech iminediately after another, so -3 Anything advanced beyond the first stage. as to be syntactically connected; see ait; e. g. a: fogaft An epithet of Durga. af ATH GTCAT 3779293: 1 ataift:941 -T -3fa80 49: 421-10-3114: Mu. 4; so P T Tost: A hero, champion. a garage face:.-.-a area: U.1 -18 The Tug: (-ug: m. f. 1 A pillow. -2 A joint, knot. terth yoga or one of the twenty-seven portions of a circle on the plane of the ecliptic. -14 An astronomi- Tog: f. 1 A joint, knot. -2 A bone. -3 A pillow. cal period. -Comp. 35: a rhinoceros. -3TETT -4 Oil. -Comp. -9: a kind of worm. deg94 lead. a pillow; Tota Taifa ya a Suar. -HEHH - a small To897. the juice that exudes from the elephant's temples during rut, ichor. 79: 1 a well on the peak or summit Tuga. Bent, crooked. of a mountain. -2 Upper region or table-land of a Tugt: -1 1 A mouthful, handful of water); mountain. -ATH: any large or considera ble village. [5714 24 : (81) Ku. 3. 37; U. 3. 16; Mal. T:,-927, FTOHT , -foug: 1 the cheek, the 9.30; T H10 T94 14 Udb. -2 The tip of temples of an elephant. -2 temple-region (in general); 1 an elephant's trunk; Matanga L. -3 A mouthful, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gaNDolaH 846 72: handful in general. - A kind of liquor (Ha); Cetus- trog part alt 3 67 Mb. 8. 44. 28. ugers To swallow in one draught; &: gar TETT 7034 utsfat Bhag. 9. 15.3. TOSTS: 1 Raw sugar. -2 A mouthful. Ta, fa, &c. see under 14. TE I. 1 P. (afa, ea) 1 To speak articulately, speak, say, relate; Tea TC1974 Si. 2. 69; az FT 9TETTEU ATTI PRIEH 11.39; T T TT 411 R. 6. 45.-2 To enumerate.-II. 10 U.Tufc- &c.) To thunder. T: [77-349] 1 Speaking, speech. -2 A sentence. -3 Disease, sickness; 312: 60 a si. 2. 84; 79: Y U R. 9.4; 17. 81. -4 Thunder. The younger brother of Krisna. -6 N. of Kubera. -7 A weapon. ... TEISET | 3 u g e cottnuje'pi ca Nm. -dam A kind of poison. -Comp. -agadI (du.) the two Asvins, physicians of gods. -37FT: an epithet of Krisna ; ET 79195741 Si. 2. 69 ; - gadAgrajakathAsu ratiM na kuryAt / Bhag.-agraNI: the chief of all diseases. i. e. consumption. -3777T: a cloud. -37fa: a drug, medicament. TH indistinct utterance. Tefera a. 1 Loquacious, garrulous, talkative. -2 Libidinous, lustful. - : N. of Kama, the god of love. TET (117-347 219 ) A mace, club; eta a GATE Ve. 1. 15. Comp. -39 arfer a. having a mace in the right hand. -7: an epithet of Visnu; Bhag. 1. 8. 39. a. a club-bearer, one who fights with a mace. (-m.) an epithet of Visnu. -Te a fight with clubs. - a. armed with a club. TIe: f. Speaking, speech; gaia: farlar: Bhag. 11. 12. 19. Tha: p. p. [ 12- ] Spoken, said, related; neca fast a t ayance Ks. 60. 63. fez a. (aft f.) [ fa] 1 Armed with a club; Falla afera foi a Bg. 11. 17. - Affected with sickness, diseased. -m. [Tel 3 44 STA] An epithet of Visnu. -Comp. : N. of a grammarian. Thea. Stammering, stuttering, faltering; Tifere a THT Amaru. 57; TT syarat agila at Bh. 3.8; Hataya a gata Git. 10. -dam ind. In a faltering or stammering tone; vilalApa # 10901394 R. 8. 43; CC U. 2. 30 producing a gurgling sound. -i, -9 1 Stammering. -2 Indistinct or convulsive speech; sagadgadaM bhItabhItaH praNamya Bg. 11. 35. -Comp. -ara: a low, inarticulate sound expressive of joy or grief. -54 inarticulate speech. -ai f. inarticulate or convulsive speech, interrupted by robbing &o. - Fat a. uttering stammering sounds. (-:) 1 indistinct or stammering utterance. -2 a buffalo. Tilea a. Stammered. Trufa Den. P. To stammer. gadya pot. p. [gad-yat ] To be spoken or uttered; gadya1892 44 Bk. 6. 47. - Prose, elaborate prose composition, composition not metrical yet framed with due regard to harmony; one of the three classes into which all compositions may be divided; see Kav. 1.11. TOTO (a ) A weight equal to 48 fun jas; cf. Y. 3. 258 com. Top 4 P. ( fa) To be mixed. TETT a. Ved. To be seized (as booty); #99137 TEL 099 Rv. 4. 16. 11. TFEL 10 A. (T99) 1 To injure, hurt. -2 To ask, beg.-3 To nove, go. -4 To adorn. TEST: [ T79-92117 ] 1 Smell, odour ; T A1914 To: Me. 21; 34970 gfi coge: $. 4. 8; R. 12. 27. (79 is changed to a when as the last member of . Bah. comp. it is preceded by 3, qfa, g, g , or when the compound implies comparison; go , go, a gan; fara fata R. 1.38; anglao 1.53; also when Tot is used in the sense of a little'). -2 Smell considered as one of the 24 properties or gunas of the Vaisesikas; it is a property characteristic of pRthivI or earth which is defined as gandhavatI pRthvI T. S. -3 The mere smell of anything, a little, a very small quantity; gati 1774 Sk. - A perfume, any fragrant substance; a 441 far tayfa: Mk. 8; Y. 1. 231; Mu. 1. 4. -5 Sulphur. -8 Pounded sandal wood. -7 Connection, relationship. -8 A neighbour. -9 Pride, arrogance; as in 1977 humbled or mortified. -10 An epithet of Siva. -11 A sectarial mark on the forehead. -12 Similarity (AE); 33HRIETE 70 frequefa Mb. 1. 10.3. 1 Smell. -2 Black aloewood. -Comp. -374 a kind of perfume. -374OTH removing smells. -377 n. fragrant water. -37FT the wild lemon tree. -3EHT m. sulphur. ...... TET* Ha:c 1 Siva. B. 30 19. -34044 a mixture of 8 fragrant substances offered to deities, varying in kind according to the nature of the deity to whom they are offered. Generally sandal, camphor, saffron, eft, cyperus pertenuis (Mar. ATTIT), T a art and a flower are used in the mixture.-31EUR the musk-rat. - fra: a vendor of perfumes. -37164 a. rich in odour, very fragrant; T2122: Mb. (- ) the orange tree. (- 4) sandal-wood. 1994 the organ of smell. -H, - : ,-fet, -effent m. 'the scentelephant', an elephant of the best kind; ET TE For Private and Personal Use Only Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Trat: 847 gandharvaH samAnAya na tiSThanti prtidvipaaH| sa vai gandhagajo nAma nRptervijyaavhH|| / Palakapyam ; hafa T arruf&T: S T V.5. 18; R. 6.7; 17.70; T a nyarak ulaga mataGgajaughaH | Ki. 17. 17. -uttamA spirituous liquor.-udam soented water; Bhag. 9. 11. 20. gyfer m. one who lives by perfumes, a perfumer. 3tig: (forming a vArtika or gandhautu) the civet cat.-kArikA 1a female servant whose business is to prepare perfumes. 2 a female artisan living in the house of another, but not altogether subject to another's control. - , - . N. of Satyavati, mother of Vyasa ; Mb. 1. F H aloe-wood. et 1 a kind of perfume. (-fe:, ET-2 The Buddhist temple, any chamber used by Buddha ; puNyoddezavazAccakAra rucirAM zauddhodaneH zraddhayA / zrImadgandhakuTImimAmiva el az elegit al (An inscription at Gaya V. 9. Ind. Ant. Vol. X). # fil, afofir musk. - T a. 1 taking a scent, smelling. -2 redolent. "T: see 2. -Tur a. having the property of odour. -ETTOTAL the smelling of any odour. i f. The fourth stage of must of an elephant; Matanga L. 9.15. -OH fragrant water; fai 1795: Bhag. 1. 11. 14. -at the nose.- a musical instrument of a loud sound used in battle (as a drum or trumpet). -54 1 a fragrant oil, a kind of oil prepared with fragrant substances. -2 sulphur-butter. - 15 n. aloe-wood. -5694 a fragrant substance.-TT a. perceptible through the odour.-ETICT a. bearing fragrance. (-m.) an epithet of Siva. -ys: f. musk.:-nakulaH the musk-rat. -nAlikA,-nAlI the nose. - Tout a kind of jasmine. -Q: N. of a class of manes. -patrA,-palAzI a species of zedoary.-palAzikA turmeric. - m. an epithet of Siva. -TITUT: sulphur. -form the smoke of burnt fragrant resin (80 called from its dark colour or cloudy nature, or perhaps from its attracting demons by fragrance). -ge: 1 the Vetasa plant. -2 the Ketaka plant. (- ) 1 a fragrant flower. -2 flowers and sandal offered to deities at the time of worship. -goy an indigo plant. -pUtanA a kind of imp or goblin. -phalI 1 the Priyaigu creeper. -2 a bud of the Champaka tree. : the mango tree. HiT f. the earth. - ATE a. intoxicating with fragrance. (-:) 1 a large black bee. -2 sulphur. -3 an epithet of Ravana. (H, FL) N. of a particular mountain to the east of Meru, renowned for its fragrant forests - the forest on this mountain. -mAdanI spirituous liquor. -mAdinI lae. -mAjAra: the civet cat.-yel, - , - f. the musk rat. : 1 the civet cat. -2 the musk-deer. Hy: a bull. -modana: sulphur. -mohinI a bud of the Champaka tree. - f. preparation of perfumes. To myrrh (Mar. Tuta); HTTE 9..... Siva. B. 30. 20. deg3474: turpentine. -T75: a kind of jasmine. (-1) 1 a sort of perfume. -2 sandal-wood. war the Priyangu creeper. GT 1 a bee. -2 a fly or guat. -26 the wind; tftica Tra&: quia $. 5. 4; fere fun gandhavahaM mukhena Ku. 3. 25. -vahA the nose. -vAha: f the wind; eta bat 9 T er: Bv. 1. 104. -2 the musk-deer. at the nose. -fasi wheat. -eri, -vRkSaH the Sala tree.-vyAkulam a kind of fragrant berry ( .)- fuseft the musk-rat. Tet: musk. -ART: 1 sandal. -2 a kind of jasmine. Et, the musk shrew. -somam the white water-lily. -hastin m. a scent-elephant ; 94 T ara a fagfa fafayt: 1 Truerad gagar tange4 Palakapyam. - Fita female servant whose business is to prepare perfumes; cf. T9FIFT. TPTH: Sulphur. -Comp. -ofil a. female servant who grinds or prepares perfumes. TFT [T ] 1 Continued effort, perseverance. -2 Hurting, injury, killing.-3 Manifestation. -4 Intimation, information, hint. Tetat a. Scented, fragrant. af 1 The earth. -2 Wine. -3 N. of Satyavati, mother of Vyasa. - A variety of jasmine. Trul a. Fragrant, perfumed, scented. TFT a. (At the end of comp.) 1 Having the smell of, smelling of; see 1777. -2 Having only the smell of; containing only a small quantity, bearing only name of; so'pi tvayA hatastAta ripuNA bhrAtRgandhinA Ram. 7.24.29. -fFs7 n. A kind of perfume. fet a. (Used only at the end of comp.) 1 Having the smell of; as in 34suf -2 Having a very small quantity of, having only the smell of ; a n : a brother only in name; Mb. 3. - 1 A seller of perfumes. -2 Sulphur. at a. Having a smell, smelling. -m. A bug. pa: 1 A celestial musician, a class of demi-gods regarded as the singers or musicians of gods, and said togive good and agreeable voice togirls%3 patanI bAcaM manasA fara at tatsacsa 37: Ry. 10. 177. 2; Av. 11. 5. 2; H ierarzt a gaita Y. 1. 71. -2 A singer in general ; Mb. 7. 57. 4. -8 A horse; Mb. 3. -4 The muskedeer. 5 The soul after death and previous to its being born again; tasyAsIduhitA gandharvagRhItA Bri. Up. 3. 3. 1. -6 The black cuckoo. -7 The sun. -8 A sage, pious mani; Vaj. 32. 7. -Comp. den Castor-oil. -AT4, 4 the city of the Gandharyas, an imaginary city in the sky, probably the result of some natural phenomenon, such as mirage; Tea atafta ga: Mb. 1. 126. 35. - TTT: Chitraratha, 'the chief of the Gandharvas. -fun the science of music. -fare: one of the eight forms of marriage described in Ms. 3. 27 &c.; in this form marriage proceeds entirely from love or the mutual inclination of a youth and maiden without ceremonies For Private and Personal Use Only Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra gandhAraH and without consulting relatives; it is, as Kalidasa observes, kathamapyabAndhavakRtA sneha pravRttiH S. 4. 17. - vedaH one of the four subordinate Vedas or Upavedas, which treats of music; 800 upaveda -hastaH, -hastakaH the castoroil plant. T: (pl.) 1 N. of a country and its rulers; gastar Ch. Up. 6. 14. 1. 2 The third note (in music). -3 A particular Raga. 1 A wasp. -2 Continued fragrance. -Comp. - small cardamoms. 1 A wasps mafarmisferagrant Ram. Ch. 6. 89.2 Dried ginger. T: Ved. 1 A slit, cleft. -2 The vuiva. ma: m., f. 1 A ray of light, a sunbeam or moonbeam; yathA rAjanprajAH sarvAH sUryaH pAti gabhastibhiH Mb. 3. 33. 71. -2 Ved. The shaft (of a car). -3 The forepart of the arm, the hand. -fa: The sun. -f. An epithet of Svaha, the wife of Agni. Comp. - pANiH, -mAlin m., -hastaH, -mat m. the sun. -nemiH i, N. of Visu; Mb. 12. gabhastimat m. The sun ; ghanavyapAyena gabhastimAniva R. 3. 37. -n. One of the seven divisions of Patala. gabhIra m. [ gacchati jalamatra, gam Iran bhAntAdezazca U. 4.35] 1 Deep (in all senses ) ; uttAlAsta ime gabhIrapayasaH puNyAH aft: U. 2.30; Bv. 2. 105. -2 Deepsounding (as a drum). 8 Thick, dense, impervious (as a forest); Ki. 14. 39. 4 Profound, sagacious. -5 Grave, serious, solemn, earnest. -6 Secret, mysterious. -7 Inscrutable, difficult to be perceived or understood; gabhIramartha katicitprakAzatAm ( nayanti ) Ki. 144. -Comp. -Atman the Supreme Soal. a. very penetrating. mift 1 A large drum with a deep sound. -2 A gong. 648 gamolikA A small round pillow. " gam 1 P. ( gacchati, jagAma, agamat, gamiSyati, gantum, gata desi jigamiSati jigAMsate atm.: freg. jagamyate jagamIta or jaganti ) 1 To go, move in general; gacchatvAryA punardarzanAya V. 5; gacchati puraH zarIraM dhAvati pazcAdasaMstutaM cetaH S. 1.33; where art thou going' -2 To depart, go forth, a, go away, set forth or out; fa $.5.3.-3 To go to, reach, resort to, arrive at, approach; yadagamyo'pi gamyate Pt. 1.7; eno gacchati kartAram Ms. 8.19 the sin goes to (recoils on) the doer; 4. 199; so f af &c. - To pass, pass away, elapse ( as time); fay R. 3. 8 as days rolled on, in course of time ; Me. 85; kAvyazAstravinodena kAlo gacchati dhImatAm H. 1. 1; gacchatA kAlena in the long run. -5 To go to the state or condition of, become, undergo, suffer, partake of &c. (usually joined with nouns ending Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gata in, &c. or any noun in the acc.); - myupahAsyatAm R 1.3 mI jagAma Ku. 1. 23 went by or received the name of Uma; so f gacchati becomes satisfied ; viSAdaM gataH became dejected ; kopaM na gacchati does not become angry; AnRNyaM gataH became released from debt; to think of, remember; Ku. 2. 63; 3: riding a bull; Ku. 5. 80. -8 To cohabit, have sexual intercourse with ; guroH sutAM ... yo 941 Pt. 2. 107; Y. 1. 80. -Caus. (af) 1 To cause to go, lead or reduce to (as a state); fa Ku. 4. 24; Bh. 3. 38; Ki. 2. 7. 2 To spend, pass (as time). -8 To make clear, explain, expound. : To signify, denote, convey an idea or sense of; dvau nau prakRtArthaM gamayataH ' two negatives make one affirmative'. 5 To send to. -6 To bring to a place (acc.). -7 To impart, grant, bestow. -8 To intend, mean. p. p. [-] 1 Gone, departed, gone for ever; Mu. 1. 25; kiM gate salile setubandhena, kiM gate vivAhe nakSatraparIkSayA Vb. 4. 'what is the use of locking the stable-door when the steed is stolen ?'-2 Passed away, elapsed, past; . -8 Dead, deceased, departed to the next world; aga aa faada Ku. 4. 30. - Gone to, arrived at, reaching to. -5 Being in, situated in, resting on, contained in; usually in comp.; : Pt. 1 seated on &c.; : R. 3. 66 seated in the assembly; bhartAraM gatA S. 4. 13 united to a husband; so A; sarvagata existing everywhere. -8 Fallen into, reduced to; e. g. -7 Referring or relating to, with regard to, about, concerning, connected with (usually in comp.); rAjA zakuntalAgatameva cintayati S. 5; bhartRgatayA cintayA S. 41 vayamapi bhavatyau sakhIgataM kimapi pRcchAmaH S. 1; 80 putragataH snehaH &c. -8 Frequented, resorted to; Ku. 4. 24. -8 Known, celebrated. -10 Directed towards, belong ing to. 11 Known, understood. - 1 Motion going; agafar af S. 7.7; Si. 1. 2. 7. 4.-2 Gait, manner of going; Ku. 1.34; For Private and Personal Use Only V. 4. 16. -3 An event. -4 The place where one has gone. -5 Celebration being known, diffusion; Ch. Up. 7. 1. 5. -6 Manner. (As first member of comp. translated by 'free from', bereft of', deprived of', without'.. -Comp. a. sightless, blind. -3 a. 1 one who has accomplished or finished a journey; fa tAstasya vijigISArgatAdhvanaH R. 4. 46, 11.33. - 2 conversant familiar ( with anything); trividhe mokSadharme'smingatAdhva fa: Mb. 12. 320. 25. (f.) the time immediately preceding new moon when a small streak of the moor is till visible (caturdazIyukA'mAvAsyA) - anugatam follow ing custom or precedent. -anugatika a. doing a others do, a blind follower ; gatAnugatiko loko na lokaH pAra : Pt. 1.342 people are blind followers or servil imitators'; Mu. 6. 5.- a. one whose end has arriv ed. a. 1 poor. -2 meaningless (the meaning Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gatakam 849 garma ..... being already expressed). -3 , -filera, -TIT a. Fat Hafa Th Bh. 2. 104; Pt. 1. 41, 420. -9 A means, expired, dead; TaTEST TETT Agrafa qroscit: Bg. 2. 11. expedient, course, alternative; 340201 fa: Mu. 3; -TITAH 1 going and coming, frequent visits; 3 Tfa: what help is there, can't help often used in TATTECE: Hara glacia Bh. 3.7; B.9.21; Mu. 2.3; dramas ) Pt. 1. 319; 3770 watta K. 158; cf. albo 4.1. -2 interchange of place; FA FATIA na rata- agatikA hi eSA gatiH yat kRtsnasaMyoge sati vikalpasamuccayo syAtAm Taifa Mal. 9. 47. -3 the flight of a bird backward and SB. on MS. 10. 5. 47. -10 Recourse, shelter, refuge, forward. -4 irregular course of the stars (in astro- asylum, resort; faqat Pt. 1.320, 322; 1997 nomy ). -5 Narration of past and future; A are gratu i teftifa: Sk. -11 Source, origin, rAjJo vaMzasyAha gatAgatam Ram.7.51. 23. -Adhi a free from | acquisition; kriyAvizeSabahulA bhogaizvaryagati prati B. 2.43%B anxiety, happy. -37199 a. decrepit, infirm, very old. Ms. 1. 50. -12 A way, path. -18 A march, proces-3maar 1 a woman past her child-bearing. - 2 a bar- sion. -14 An event, issue, result. -16 The course of ren woman. -TATE a. disspirited, dejected. -3T16 cvents, fate, fortune. -16 Course of asterisms. -17 The a. bereft of strength or energy. FEAT a. freed diurnal motion of a planet in its orbit. -18 A running from crime or sin, purified. - a. refreshed; aty wound or sore, fistula. -19 Knowing; 37 hafa ga Tag: Ms. 7. 225. aaa a. deprived # fa: Ki. 14. 155 knowledge, wisdom. -20 Transof sense or consciousness, insensible, senseless. -T a . migration, metem psychosis ; Ms. 6. 73; 12.3, 23, 40-45; bold, without fear or shame; Bhag. 8.8.29. -FTA, g grafat ang Bu. Ch. 5. 36; Bhag. 1. 17. 10. -ae: the past day, yesterday. -fara ind. yester- -21 A stage or period of life (as dreta, 192, 97*). day. T NT a. returned after having gone away; -22 (In gram.) A term for prepositions and some Ms. 7. 186.-T a. bereft of splendour, dim, obscured, other adverbial prefixes (such as 354, face &c.) when faded. - TIUT a. lifeless, dead. - 14 a. almost gone, immediately connected with the tenses of a verb or nearly passed away; agrar af. Weil 1 a widow. verbal derivatives. -23 Position of a child at birth. -2 (rarely ) a woman whose husband has gone abroad -Comp. -3TTET: following the course of another. ( = afganti); ft JeTECHT: Si. -HT a. - a. impassa ble, desert. -##: stoppage. - ta a. thinking of (loc.); auf Te : (199129T: T R . without refuge, helpless, forlorn. 9. 67. Eft a. 1 bereft of lustre or splendour, a 1 Going, motion. -2 Course. -3 Condition, faded. -2 deprived of wealth, impoverished, suffering -4 Refuge, asylum. losses. -ag -a3 a. advanced in years, aged, old; qaratu gat Hy Hafa ET: Pt. 1. 10. -a:, Taat a. 1 In motion, moving; Afita fah1998- the past year.-aca. at peace (with), reconciled. TT. V. 3. 3. -2 Having running sores, fistulous. aper a. free from pain; great FIT hata tat- -3 Possessing means (such as wealth, books &c.); 94: Bhag. 3. 22. 24. ita a. past child-hood. -TH 3 fayllar ATT Mb. 12. 286.7. com. a. unmindful of troubles ; fc49441U TT TTH: -4 Learned. Ram. 6. 74.50.- a. 1 free from attachment; THX Bg. 4. 23. - 2 adverse or indifferent to. at 1 A series, succession. - A river. a a. 1 dead, annihilated, lifeless. -2 base. - 1: teat u. ( f.) 1 Going, movable, locomotive; an elephant out of rut. -FIE a. indifferent to worldly fauentia: quatt77 N. 17. 71. -2 Transients attachments; gataspRho dhairyadharaH kRpAlu: Vaidyajivanam. perishable; #: Ki. 2. 19; azif 1924: 11. 12. -3 A kind of horse ; Tati argara fayett: ya: TO Going, motion. Shalihotra, Appendix II, 10. na: f. 175-Tafel ] 1 Motion, going, moving, gait; fara Pt. 4.78; fata: $. 1.14; (a) fred Hei Tatout pot. p. 1 To be gone, to be gone to or ey: Ku. 1. 11 do not mend their slow gait (do attained. -2 To be accomplished ( as a way ), to be not mend their pace); so Titula: Pt. 1; rufa: Me. 16; approached, accessible. U. 6. 23. -2 Access, entrance; qui anagrafirof 172971- toa: [ 14-15 ] 1 A way, course; ATA T trafta na: . 1.4. -3 Scope, room; sanfa: Ku. 3. 19; agafat: Rv. 1.89.9; Bhag. 11. 18. 43.-2 A traveller. HATYTlar faqa Ku. 5. 64; ufanat A4 V. 2. -4 Turn, course; trafe faz, Mu. 7. 16. -5 Going TEL : (- /.) 1 One that goes or moves. -2 to, reaching, obtaining; auta afa: Pt. 1 obtainingHaving sexual intercourse with a woman. Heaven. -6 Fate, issue; guilatcaoul Dk. 103. -7 State, gantrI A car drawn by oxem; (gantrIratha in the same condition; dAnaM bhogo nAzastisro gatayo bhavanti vittasya Bh. 2.43; Hense); gantryazca cAmIkararUpyacitrA: Bu. Ch.2.22. Pt. 1. 106. -8 Position, station, situation, mode of existence; q ua: fra: R. 8. 27; Fanta ta TH 4. [Target 349] ( At the end of comp.) Going, moving, going to reaching, attaining, getting &c.; TH, 5. &. .... UB For Private and Personal Use Only Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gamaka 860 garIyas purogama, hRdayaMgama, &c. -maH1Going, moving. -2 March; AdareNa garma cakrurviSameSvapyasaGghasAH Bk. 7.56; azvasyaikAhagamaH, -8 The march of an assailant. -4 A road. -5 Inconsiderateness, thoughtlessness.-8 Superficiality, careless perusal. -7 (Sexual) intercourse with a woman, cohabitation; yaaATA: Ms. 11.55; Y. 2. 293. -8 A game played with dice and men. -9 Removal (as of fraction in math.)-Comp. -Agama: going and coming. kAritvam inconsiderateness, rashness. gamaka . (-mikA /.) [gam-Nvul] 1 Indicative or suggestive, a proof or index of tadeva gamakaM pANDityavedasabhyayoH Mal. 1.7. -2 Convincing. -ka: A kind of musical note (of which there are seven cf. svarotthAnaprakArastu gamakaH prikiirtitH| sa kampitAdibhedena smRtaH saptavidho budhaiH|| sthAnaprApyA dadhAnaM prakaTitagamakAM mandratAravyavasthAm Nag.1.12). THT: 1 A traveller. -2 A road. gamanam [ gam-lyuT] 1 Going, motion, gait; zroNIbhArAdalasagamanA Me. 84; 60 gajendragamane S. Til. 7. -2 GGoing, motion; considered as one of the five karmans by the Vaisesikas. -3 Approaching, going to. -4 March of an assailant. -5 Undergoing, suffering. -6 Obtaining, attaining. -7 Cohabitation. -8 Knowledge, understanding; nAjaH svarUpagamane prabhavanti bhUmnaH Bhag.8.7.34. THEAT pot. p. 1 Accessible, approachable; facta gamanIyAsmi saMvRttA S. 1. -2 Intelligible, easy to be comprehended. -3 Fit to be practised_or observed. - Relating to sexual intercourse%3; gurusnI Ms. 11.103 (pApam); for other senses see gamya. vedI vijJeyaH sa gajo gajabedibhiH || also tvambhedAcchoNitasrAvAnmAMsasya krathanAdapi / AtmAnaM yo na jAnAti tasya gambhIraveditA // gambhIraka a. Lying deep. gambhIrA, gambhIrikA N. of a river ; gambhIrAyAH payasi Me. 42. gayaH 1N. of the people living round Gaya and the district inhabited by them. -2 N. of an Asura. -3 Wealth. -4 House, household, family. -8 Offspring, progeny. -8 The sky. -7 One's own place or abode. -yA N. of a city in Behar which is a place of pilgrimage. gayasphAna a. Ved. Promoting domestic wealth; gayasphAno amIvahA Rv. 1. 91.12. gara a. (-rI/.)[gIryate gR-karmAdau ac ] Swallowing.-: 1 Any drink or fluid, beverage. -2 Sickness, disease. - Swallowing (garA also in this sense). -4 A factitious poison. -raH,-ram 1 Poison. -2 An antidote. -ram 1 Sprinkling, wetting: -2 The fifth of the eleven Karanas. -Comp. -adhikA 1 the insect called Laksa. -2 the red dye obtained from it. - a. 1 destroying poison. -2 healthy. -zrI: a kind of fish. -daa. poisoning, giving poison. (-daH, -dam) poison; agAradAhI garadaH Ms. 3. 158; kiM kurmaH kaM prati brUmo garadAyAM svamAtari Udb. -vrata: a peacock. garaNam [ga bhAve-lyuT] 1 The act of swallowing. -2 Sprinkling. -3 Poison. garabhaH [gR bA0 abhac ] Fetus, embryo; see garbha, garalaH,-lam [girati jIvanam , gR-alac Tv.] 1 Poison or venom in general; kuvalayadalazreNI kaNThe na sA garalayutiH Git. 33 garalamiva kalayati malayasamIram 43 smaragaralakhaNDanaM mama zirasi maNDanam 10. -2 The venom of a snake. -lam A bundle of grass. -Comp. -ariH an emerald. garalin a. Poisonous. garita a. Poisoned. garalli : A hoarse, gurgling sound (of the throat); Mal. 3. gariman m. 1 Weight, heaviness; Si. 9. 49. -2 Importance, greatness, dignity; niratizayaM garimANaM tena jananyAH smaranti vidvAMsaH Pt. 1. 30. -3 Worth, excellence. -4 One of the eight siddhis or faculties of Siva, by which he can make himself heavy or great at will; see siddhi. gariSTha a. 1 Heaviest. -2 Most important; (superl. of guru a.q.v.). garIyas a. Heavier, weightier, more important (compar. of gurua.q.v.); matirava balAdrIyasI H.2.84%; vRddhasya taruNI bhAryA prANebhyo'pi garIyasI H. 1. 112; Si. 2.24, 363 zrutizca lakSaNAyA garIyasItyucyate SB. on MS. 4. 1. 48. gamin a. Intending to go; as in grAmaMgamI. -m. A passenger. Te pot. p. 1 Accessible, approachable, obtainable yA gamyAH satsahAyAnAm Ki. 11. 22.-2 Intelligible, or easy to be comprehended. -3 Intended, implied, meant. - Suitable, desirable, fit; gamyaM tvabhAve dAtRRNAM kanyA kuryAsvayaMvaram Y. 1.64.-5 Fit for cohabitation; durjanagamyA nAryaH Pt. 1. 2783; abhikAmAM triyaM yazca gamyAM rahasi yAcitaH / nopaiti Mb. -6Curable (by adrug &c.); na gamyo mantrANAm Bh. 1. 89. FT: A man with whom a woman may have intercourse, a libidinous or voluptuons man, lover, paramour; Dk. 41. gambhArikA, gambhArI N. of a tree. gambhIra a. [gacchati jalamatra; gam-Iran ni bhugAgamaH ] = gabhIra q.v.; snigdhagambhIranirghoSamekaM syandanamAsthitau R. 1. 36; Me. 66, 68. -ra: 1 A lotus. -2 A citron. -Comp. -vedin a. restive (as an elephant); not minding the goad; sensitive only to harsh stimuli. cf. Matanga. L. 8. 21. akkuzaM dviradasyeva yantA gambhIravedinaH R.4.39; Si.5.19 (see loc.); gambhIravedibhirbhadrakaribhirgirisaMnibhaiH Siva. B. 25.583ct. also cirakAlena yo vetti zikSA paricitAmapi / gambhIra For Private and Personal Use Only Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 681 T53: [ 275591 sya, st-3 galo 9:, 7-35 Un 4. 166.] 1 N. of the king of birds. (He is a son of Kasyapa by his wife Vinata. He is the chief of the feathered race, an implacable enemy of serpents, and elder brother of Aruna. In a dispute between bis mother and Kadru, her rival, about the colour of 3:14 Kadru defeated Vinata, and, in accordance with the conditions of the wager, made her her slave. Garuda brought down the heavenly beverage (Amrita) to purchase her freedom, not, however, without a hard struggle with Indra for the same. Vinata was then released; but the Amrita was taken away by Indra from the serpents. Garuda is represented as the vehicle of Visnu, and as having a white face, an a quiline nose, red wings and a golden body. ] -2 A building or architecture (such as Afa) shaped like Garuda; garuDo rukmapakSo vai triguNo'STAdazAtmakaH Ram. 1. 14. 29.-3 N. of a particular military array. -Comp. -37967: an epithet of Aruna, the charioteer of the sun; farauft 76614IT Si. 4. 14. -3459: an epithet of Visnu. -3757144, -37947 m. effort an emerald. -dhvaja: an epithet of Visnu; samAhitamatizcaiva tuSTAva 163514 V. P. - k: a particular military array. 7501 m. [- ar fa Un. 1.91] 1 The wing of a bird. -2 Eating, swallowing. -Comp. - TT m. a quail. garutmata a. Winged; garutmadAzIviSabhImadarzanaiH R. 3. 57. -m. 1 Garuda; That Tarhakty: Ki. 16. 43. -2 A bird in general. -3 The fire. TE: Garuda, the chief of birds. T: 1 N. of an old sage, one of the song of Brahma. -2 A bull. -3 An earth-worm. (-pl.) The descendants of Garga. - A kind of musical pause or time. -Comp. eat a book on astronomy written by m ai. gargaraH 1 A whirlpool, an eddy; zvasantu gargarA apAM varuNa Av. 4. 15. 12. -2 A kind of musical instrument; 347 Fatifa at Rv. 8. 69.9.-3 A kind of fish. -4 A churn; 7 : 497ta Hez TTT: Mb. 12. 68.23. - A churn, a vessel for holding water. Tafe: A kind of fish. SE 1 P., 10 U. (Taifa, 7 fa-a, a) 1 To roar, growl; 1517 aft: fe og Bk. 2. 9; 15.21; TUa TAPA 7 TTT: Ram.; Eet Ti faida y a fret Mk. 5.6.-2 To emit a deep or thundering sound, thunder; fra aftutta Tah Pagar: 9591: Mk.5. 32 and in several other verses of the game Act); la e a aifa adla qurg A: : Udb. ITT: [ 715- 99] 1 The roaring of elephants. -2 The rumbling or thundering of clouds. -8 A (roaring) elephant. -4 Roaring, thundering. garbhaH ............... SAT, 21 [ T- ]1 Roaring, a roar, growl, thunder; antara fa 1594 Udb. -2 (Hence ) sound, noise in general. -3 Passion, wrath. -4 War, battle. -8 Reproach. Taft, T: The thundering of clouds. sa a. [15-] 1 Sounded, roared. -2 Roasted, swaggered, vaunted; Ratn. 4. - The thunder of clouds ; Y. 1. 145. -: A roaring elephant in rut. 1151*: A kind of fish. TACH A kind of grass ; carrot. TS:,-1,- [ 9-49 Ui. 3.86 ) 1 A hollow, hole, cave; wey y Ms. 4. 47, 203. -2 A grave.-: 1 The hollow of the loins. -2 A kind of disease. -8 N. of a country, a part the Trigartas q. v. -4 Ved. A throne. - A chariot; the seat of a chariot; feat gaa To Rv. 6. 20.9. -8 A table for playing at dice. -7 A house. - The post of an assembly room. Comp. -TTTT: an animal living in holes or under ground, as a mouse or rat; Ms. 7. 72. Taat (: 37TTT: 57] A weaver's work-shop (so called because the weaver sits at his loom with feet in a hole below the level of the floor). TE 1 P., 10 U. (ela, negra-) To sound, roar. T : (ft f.) [ & #Un. 3. 122 ] 1 An ass; 7 Charliyi aera Mk. 4. 17; THI TEH QHT at Subhas. The ass is noted for three remarkable qualities:- 3 Ti sfiato a farela aiaqram Parifio fra ll Chan. 70.-2 Smell, odour. - 4 The white water-lily. - 1 A she-ass. -2 An insect generated in cow-dung. -Comp. 379, -09: N. of two trees & faqa.-316TH & white lotus. - : a particular disease of the skin. gardabhaka: A kind of insect. -bhikA A cutaneous disease, a blotch, eruption. T = 74 q. v. TS: 94-99 319 af ] 1 Desire, eagerness. -2 Greediness; caJcaccaJcUdhRtArdhacyutapizitalavagrAsasaMbaddhagadhaiH Nag. 4. 18. Ta, tisa a. Covetous, greedy; 792 AUTTST19 ansat wala da: Bk. 7. 16. - Desire ; 373T: #7698 : N. 7. 71. a a. (oft f.) 1 Desirous, greedy, covetous; Ta r a: Ms. 4. 28. -2 Following or pursuing (anything) with eagerness. 4: [7-H1 Un. 3. 152 ] 1 The womb, the belly; ag ansa: Pt. 1; gari 9H Ms. 6. 63.-2 A fatus, embryo; act of conception, pregnancy; conception; af 4 T R. 2. 75; $ 9 9 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 892 garbhikAvarja ............................ .... .... . .. ............ ..... .... ..... .... ....... ............... : 941: Ku. 1. 19; a agra Pt. 1. 30 bears a child in the womb. -8 The time of conception; margasa gata ATAUFTTT 1997 Ms. 2. 36.-4 The child in the womb ); S. 6; : i g 4 Bu. Ch. 2. 19; cf. natt US*** i Medini. -8 A child, brood or offspring of birds. - The inside, middle, or interior of anything (in comp. in this sense and translated by 'full of', 'filled with', 'containing' &c); fe e : $. 3.4; To 2T 1. 14; 7. 7; deg974 U. 3. 5. inwardly situated; safar Tata S. 4. 4; R. 3. 9; 5. 17; 9. 55; Si. 9. 62; Mal. 3. 12; Mu. 1. 12. -7 The offspring of the sky, ie. the va pours and foge drawn upwards by the rays of the sun during 8 months and sent down again in the rainy season; cf. Ms. 9. 305; 99419 T *** fara Ram. 4. 28. 3. -8 An inner apartment, a lying-in-chamber. -9 Any interior chamber. -10 A hole. -11 Fire. -12 Food. -13 The rough coat of the jack-fruit (97784024). -14 The bed of a river, especially of the Ganges on the fourteenth day of the dark half of Bhadrapada or in the very height of the rains when the river is fullest. -15 The fruit of plants). -16 Joining, union. -17 The calyx of a lotus. -18 (In dramas One of the Sandhis q. v. -Comp. : (also #se) an interlude during an act, as the scene of the birth of Kusa and Lava in U. 7, or the faratat in Balaramayana. The s. D. thus defines it:-3121TpraviSTo yo rajadvArAmukhAdimAn / aGko'paraH sa garbhAGkaH sabIjaH phlvaanpi| 279. -37aafia: f. descent of the soul into the womb. - : 800 14. TOH: 1 the eighth month from conception. -2 the eighth year from conception. -3TEFECT non-quickening of the faetus. -31TCH 1 uterus. -2 an inner and private room, the female apartments. -3 a lying-in-chamber. -4 the body or sanctuary of a temple, the chamber where the image of a deity is placed ; ta ai 7 THT R TI Ks. 7. 71. -39TEITE 1 impregnation ; T HIGHT: (1897:) Me. 9. -2 one of the Samskaras or purificatory ceremonies performed after menstruation to ensure or facilitate conception; (this ceremony legalizes in a religious sense the consummation of marriage); Y. 1. 11. -37157: the uterus, the womb. -Tera: mis-carriage, abortion. at: one born rich (cf. 'born in the purple'); a sovereign or rich man by birth. 'ar sovereignty attained by inheritance; ragat at9=221 Raj. T. 5. 199. -gefer: f. the formation of the embryo. 3991: miscarriage of the embryo (applied to the sky ); Bri. S. 21. 25. -39afatat a cow or female miscarrying from unseasona ble gestation. -39fer: f. formation of the embryo. -Fr a. impregnating, procreative. - : 1 time of impregnation.- 2 the time when the va pour collected in the air shows the first signs of life. -12T, -: uterus. T: pains caused by the embryo, the throes of parturition or childbirth. : miscarriage. -TEH,- , a n. 1 an inner apartment, the body of a house; Mb. 5. 118. 19; R. 19. 42. -2 a lying-in-chamber. -3 the sanctuary or body of a temple; faiz ar Mal. 1. - 01H impregnation, conception. - il a midwife; Ks. 34. - a. causing a bortion. - quickening, motion of the faetus in the uterus. -a: a servant by birth; at artera P AA: Raj. T. 3. 153. - a. 1 fallen from the womb (as a child). - miscarrying. sgia: f. 1 birth, delivery. -2 miscarriage. -e, -eit a slave by birth; (often used as a term of abuse or reproach.); 44 7791a: 10 Ta isagara di SB. on MS. 3. 1. 2. - aar: certain days on which the va pours collected in the air show signs of life; Bri. 21. 5. - a. nom. sing. ' -) causing a bortion. - Ved. semen virile. -El pregnant. EROTH, ET OTT gestation, impregnation.-ft: Ved. 1 a breeding place, a nest; 0917 5a 4 Rv. 1. 30. 4. -2 cohabitation. -ae: abortion. a t the umbilical cord. - a. causing abortion.-19: 1 laying the foundation. - the foundations. -Opera: secundines or fetal membranes collectively. I m. rice ripening in sixty days. - Ti miscarriage after the fourth month of pregnancy. - O TA, Tn. nourishment of the faetus, gestation; 31e A IT O R. 3. 12. -WISATA the foundation pit, the excavation. -HET: an inner apartment, a bed-chamber. Hier: month of pregnancy. H H delivery, birth. -TIT a pregnant woman; (fig.) the Ganges over flowing its banks. TH0TH protecting the factus. -randhi : complete cooking; sthAlyafaaruruasfatata 114gogoa: Bhag. 5. 10. 22. - a. childish, youthful, juvenile. Tu, - a child, an infant, a youth. TUT a. observing the signs of the rainy season. (-UTF) a symptom of preg nancy. UATF a ceremony performed for the sake of facilitating and developing pregnancy. -aeta: f., -are: 1 the womb; 37857 arag and TH 7 TEUTA Ms. 12. 78. -2 being in the womb. -fargfa: f. abortion in the beginning of pregnancy. -fagfer: death of the fotus. ar throes of child-birth. -32714TUT the formation of the embryo. Tai a kind of instrument for extracting the dead faetus. -et the abode of the foetus or uterus. T ai, la f. becoming pregnant; a aury acasa:g7sai aur ula: 57: saMprati kathyatAm Ks. 5.61. -saMbhavA a kind of cardamoms (Mar. Toat). Fu a. 1 situated in the womb. -2 inte rior, internal. - EITT: a bortion, miscarriage; a para: Pt. 1; Y. 3. 20; Ms. 5. 66. fa: A chaplet of flowers worn in the hair. -4 A period of two nights with the intermediate day. garbhavatI A pregnant woman. ritrast a. (A coral) free from contamination of other substances inside; Kay. A. 2. 11. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra garbhita garbhita . Pregnant, filled with. -tam A defect in poetical composition. (in Rhet.) Insertion of one phrase within another. ma. Prognant, impregnated with. : Enlargement of the navel. foft A pregnant female (whether of men or animals): gogarbhiNIpriyanavolapa mAlabhAri sevyopakaNThavipinAvalayo af Mal. 9. 2; Y. 1. 105; Ms. 3. 114. -Comp. -- TUH mid-wifery, care and attendance of pregnant women and new-born infants. - the longings -vyAkRtiH /. of a pregnant woman. -TUA, science of the progress of pregnancy (a particular head in medical works.) garbhe tRpta a. 1 'Contented in the womb', as a child. -2 Contented as to food or issue. -3 Indolent. a. Spiritless, coward, dull. garbhedRpta, garbhazUra . 1 A kind of grass. -2 A kind of reed. -8 Gold. - A kind of bee. garv 1 P. 10 A. (garvati, garvayate, garvita ) To be proud or haughty (used only in p. p. which is also supposed to be an adjective derived from garva) ko'rthAnprApyana garvitaH Pt. 1. 146. garvaH 1 Pride, arrogance; mA kuru dhanajana yauvanagarvaM harati nimeSAkAlA sarvam Mobn. M. 4 mudhedAnI yoga M. 4. -2 Pride considered as one of the 33 subordinate feelings in rhetorics rUpadhanavidyAdiprayuktAtmotkarSajJAnAcInaparA bahelanam R. G. or socording to 8. D. garyo madaH prabhAvI vidyAkulatAdivaH | avazAsavilAsa pradarzanAvAt // 181. garvita [ga] kartari garyo jAto'sya tAra itavA ] 1 Proud, haughty. -2 Conceited. - Pride (same as garva ); na me garvitamAyastaM sahiSyati durAtmavAn Ram. 4. 16.9. naiz: A watch-man, door-keeper. a. gaI 110. (sometimes P. also ) ( gaIte, garhayate garhita ) 1 To blame, censure, reproach; fizi H. 4. 3; Ms. 4. 199. -2 To accuse, charge with. -8 To be sorry for; duSkRtaM karma garhati Ms. 11. 229. #*, - [-] Censure, blame, reproach, abuse. gahAM [gaI-a] Abuse, centure p. p. [-] 1 Blamed, censured. -2 Contemned, despised. -3 Contemptible. Forbidden, bad, vile. -tam A blamable or sinful act; ekasya karma saMvIkSya karotyanyo'pi garhitam Pt. 1.342. a. [-] Deserving censure, censurable, binable mahIM kuryAdubhe kule Ms. 0.149. -Comp. -vAdina a. speaking ill. speaking vilely. 653 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir galantikA 1P. (galati, jagAla, agAdhIna, galituma galita) 1 To drop, drip, ooze, trickle; K. 103; () Amaru. 29, 96; Bv. 2. 21: R. 19. 22. 2 To drop or fall down; INSLAnopamA Si. 6. 42; 9. 75; pratodA jagala: Bk. 14.99; 17.87. Git. 2; R. 7. 10; Me. 46. -3 To vanish, disappear, pass away, be removed; f Dk.; zaizavena saha galati gurujanasnehaH K. 289; vidyAM pramAdagalitAfua fanfa Ch. P. 1; Bh. 2. 41; Bk. 5. 43; R. 3. 70. - To eat, swallow (connected with ). -Caus. or 10 U. (p. p.) 1 To pour out. -2 To filter, strain. 8 To flow (A.). To fuse, liquefy, dissolve, melt. With far to ooze or flow out, trickle down; nirgalitAmbugarbha zaraddhanaM nArdati cAtako'pi R. 5. 17. - to drop down; Bk. 2.4. galaH [ gala-bhakSaNe bAdeg karaNe ac] 1 The throat, neck; zitimA galena vilasanmarIcinA Ki. 12. 23; na mara gale stUyam cf. ; Bh. 1. 64; Amaru. 88. -2 The resin of the Sala tree. -3 A kind of musical instrument. - A rope. - A kind of fish. -6 A large kind of grass (bRhatkAza ). -Comp. -akura particular disease of the throat (inflammation). 3: the tuft of hair on the neck of a horse. -a: tumor in the throat. a bull's dewlap. TU: 1 enlargement of the glands of the neck. -2 goitre. E, ETH 1 seizing by the throat, throttling, smothering. -2 s kind of disease; Mb. 12. 303. 5. -3 N. of certain days in the dark fortnight of a month: i. e. the 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 13th and the three following days. 4 a day on which a course of study is commenced, but immediately preceding a day on which it is prohibited. -5 study, began but immediately interrupted. - n. the gullet, throat. - the mouth. - necklace. -vArta a. 1 safe in the work of the throat, able to eat much and digest it, healthy, sound; 4 ay naaraffe Pt. 3. v. 1. -2 a parasite. - vidradhiH tumor and abscess in the_throat. -vrataH a penoock. zuNDikA the urala. -jhuNDI swelling of the glands of the neck. stanI (also galestanI) a she-goat. - 1 seizing by the throat, throttling, collaring; assgangen difaffen: Ks. 4. 68. - an arrow with a crescent-shaped head; cf. ardhacandra - hasti seized by the throat, throttled, strangled: wifeteriahastiteva N. 6. 25. a a. galakaH [ gal bA0 vun ] 1 The throat, the neck. -2 A kind of fish. galanam [[ bhAve yud] 1 Oaning, trickling. dripping. -2 Leaking.-3 Melting, fusing. -4 Falling down or off. For Private and Personal Use Only nafta, et 1 A small pitcher. -2 A small water-jar with a hole in the bottom from which the water drops upon the object of worship (an image, Linga, Tulasi &c.) placed below. Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir galita 684 gavya ....... . ........... hesa p. p. (118-ci ] 1 Dropped or fallen down. -2 Melted. -3 Oozed, flowing. -4 Lost, vanished, deprived. -8 Untied, got loose. -6 Emptied, leaked away. - Filtered. -8 Decayed, impaired. -9 Decreased, exhausted; fefaulty 74: Bh. 2. 44. -Comp. 994 advanced or incurable leprosy when the fingers and toes fall off; also Jent e ra a. one who has lost his claws and teeth; GT 7 fara : H. 1. - a. toothless. -aga a. one who has lost his eyes, blind. et a. one who has lost the bloom or charm of youth, grown old; usazaa maat Bh. 2. 56. a. being in the decline of age, in declining years; azafraimura R. 3. 70. T : A kind of dance, gesticulation; V.4.56.57. T 1 1 A multitude of throats. - A quantity of a particular kind of grass or of ropes made of it. TETTE: A kind of bird, so called from the pendulous fleshy purse hanging from its throat ); Adjutant bird. Test : A prawn or shrimp. mes: [f, sta :) A strong but lazy bull; vowels or as the second member of Dvigu comp.; paJcagavam five cows; al fat cow-shaped). -Comp.-37&T: 1 an air hole, a round window ; faca tarat: #6879219COTT AT R. 7. 11; Fasfua ateriat TH 11. 93; Ku. 7. 58; Me. 100. 3 a lattice. -2 the mesh of a shirt of mail. -3787*: an air-hole. -3fera a. furnished with windows. -304 a multitude of cows; written as T4H, 113994 and 714). - pasture or meadow grass. - 1 a pasture. -2 a manger, a trough for holding grass &c. for feeding cattle. -377971 lac. -BTTTT a lie on cow's oath (123 9 73 4792; ata Ta Mb. 13. 23. 33; Ms. 8. 98. -TAH 1 the beverage or nectar consisting of rays of light. -2 cow's milk. - a. of the value of a cow. -3 deg cattle and sheep. -373797: 1 a shoe-maker. -2 an out-cast. -3944 bulls and horses. -la a. cow-shaped. -Alambha: the cow-killing in madhuparka rite. -Ahnikam the daily measure of food given to a cow; a kind of ad; Fala TOFAITH Tarian Mb. 13. 133. 3. - 1 an owner of kine. -2 an excellent bull. T:, at: an owner of cows. Jei an excellent cow or bull; Ram. 4. 28. 43; Mb. 13. 78. 14. TIST: a bull. gavaya: Aspecies of ox; gosadRzo gavayaH T. S.; dRSTaH Fagurdiaa: Ku. 1. 56; Rs. 1. 23. - The female Gayal. Tec: The wild buffalo. 3 Buffalo's horn; Tamil Bri. S. 32.17; Si. 20. 12. Tah: A kind of sacrifice (77) lasting for a year; a1424 434 F 41792: Mb. 13. 106. 46. see ft. Tg: m. A kind of gem (450 ); HAIT2fQwelfaurar ehf2967*4 Mb. 12. 46. 33. Tec, El Ved. 1 Speech. -2 Straining. galma 1 A. (galbhate, galbhita) To be bold or confident... TCH a. 1 Bold, confident, audacious. -2 Proud, haughty. T: The cheek; especially, the part of the cheek near the corners of the mouth ; Pt. 1. 123. Rhetoricians consider this word to be 91F3 or vulgar; cf. the instance given in K. P. 7-dagas na H179; but of. Bhavabhuti's use : -- aafahamaat Arah Mal. 5. 22). -Comp. alight a small round pillow to put underneath the cheek. Tg: 1 A wine-glass. 2 Sapphire; see 11696 below. gallaka: A vessel for drinking spirituous liquor; evaM ET TEHTU Fa: Mk. 8; 18mayfa: &c. T : 1 Crystal. -2 Lapis lazuli; see 5:; Mb. 7. 16. 54. -8 A goblet, a vessel for drinking spirituous 1 liquor; Hal Teatrya: Ram. 3. 43. 29. Ter 1 A. (teed, lea) To blame, censure. Ta (A substitute for at the beginning of certain com pounds, especially before words beginning with Taigfa: 1 The chief cattle, a bull. - A cowherd. -3 An epithet of the sun ; also of fire. Targi = tal q. v. gavinI A herd of cows. Tat, fara. Ved. 1 Wishing for cows. -2 Eager (in general). farg a. Ved. 1 Wishing for cows. -2 Desirous, ea ger, ardent. -fo: f. 1 Desire, eagerness. -2 Desire for fighting, battle. ay a. of the earth; of the sky; Bhag. 1.10.36. -y: The sun. T54 a. [ua pedi 7 ] 1 Consisting of cattle or cows. -2 Coming or got from a cow (as milk, curds &c.); To alla falta Mb. 13. 88.8.-3 Proper or fit for cattle. -4 Sacred to the cow, worshipping the cow. - 4 1 Cattle, a herd of cows; Tu Jozi TT Rv. 1. 140. 13. -2 Pasture land. -3 The milk, curds &o. of a cow; Mb. 13. 66. 13.-4 A bow-string; 9u119 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gavyaya 888 gAGgeya Fortref H17TH Si. 20. 19. - Colouring substance, yel- low pigment. -6 The sacrificial act called 91444; Touty agy MS. 8. 1. 18; 77fafa 791447 44 SB. on MS. 8. 1. 18. ST 1 A herd of cows. - A measure of distance equal to two Krosas. -3 A bow-string. -4 A colouring substance, yellow pigment. TEUU a. Ved. Belonging to or coming from a cow; youdathafa farooq Ry. 9. 70.7. souly a. Ved. Desirous of cows; hafa 784: Rv. 9. 98. 3. TOUT a. Ved. 1 Desire for cows; 376271 T 1 STT Rv. 8. 46. 10. - Desire, fervency. -3 Desire for what comes from a cow (as milk &o.); 331 77 Toyu Rv. 8. 93. 17. -4 Desire of battle. Toy a. 1 Delighting in cows. -2 Desiring cows or milk; at 3 oft ATH AFT: Rv. 9. 97. 15. -3 Fervent, eager; e nog fant Rv. 9. 27. 4. - 4 Desirous of battle. U. 7.6. (v. l.). -7 Deepened, intensified; HEIHTEET: (fat:) Mal. 1. 30. - 1 An abyss, depth; 352: HET TE THITH Rv. 10. 129. 1. -2 A wood, thicket, deep or impenetrable forest; yadanugamanAya nizi gahanamapi affone Git. 7; Bv. 1. 25. -3 A hiding-place. -4A cave. - Pain, distress. - An ornament. -7 Water. -8 An inaccessible place; TATAFITE Artearat PEH : Bhag. 11. 16. 21. -: The Supreme Being. TEIT a. 1 Relating to a cave or thicket. Te n. Ved. Depth. T&# 1 Depth. -2 An inaccessible place. TET a. (-TT or - f.). 1 Deep, impervious; Bhag. 1. 6. 13. -2 Confused (in mind); H 76 Hartsfa FT3: 977 Ks. 61. 39, 41. - 4 1 An abyss, a depth. -2 A thicket, forest; Tehuratafiaaa 2914942 TETSH: Bhag. 5. 14. 4. -3 A cave, cavern; FUTTATET R. 2. 26. 46; Rs. 1. 21. 4 An inaccessible place. -5 A hiding-place. -6 A riddle. -7 Hypocrisy. -8 Weeping, crying. -8 Water. -10 A deep sigh. T: An arbour, bower. - 1 A cave, cavern, recess in a rock or mountain. -2 The earth. Tefta a. 1 Being in a hiding-place, concealed. -2 Absorbed (in one's thought); 2 war COTT &ftatuat Mb. 2. 68. 45 (here commentator Nilakantha says "arta: ForfaraTiTAUE:). TT 1 or 2 A, 3 P. (a, era ) 1 To go, see 5.etc. -2 To come to any state or condition. -3 To praise, sing. Tayah ,-fa: f. 1 A measure of length nearly equal to two miles or one Krosa. -2 A measure of distance equal to two Krosas; Bhag. 5. 21. 19. -8 A pastureground, pasturage. TES:, - , - A kind of grass eaten by cattle; Ki. 12. 51. - A cloud. gaverukam Red ehalk. Tag 1 A., 10 P. (vard, quafa, varaa) 1 To seek, hunt for, search or inquire for; ataca qa: att are aceath Ks. 25. 176. -2 To strive after, desire ardently or fervently, make efforts for ; 94H10 HEUTShes To Rs. 1. 21. Tau a. Searching for. -4: Search, inquiry. TaT a. Ved. 1 Desiring ardently. -2 Desirous of combat; f i c 997 Av. 5. 20. 11. -OTH -NA Search or inquiry after anything; sakhi kimarthagave941 forza (ala) n. 4.107. Taida a. Searched, sought, inquired or looked for. TE 10 U. ( af ) 1 To be thick or impervious 1 (as a forest). -2 To enter deeply into. Tea a. 1 Deep, dense, thick; 2916054 TEGIE: facit: Mb. 4. 67.2. -2 Impervious, impenetrable, impassa ble, inaccessible. -3 Hard to be understood, inexplicable, mysterious ; # 97a afa27133: Pt. 1. 11, 285; Bh. 2.58; Ear utafa: Bg. 4. 17; Santi. 1. 8. -4 Grave, dignified; HFT Terat "HT: T: Mal. 1.4. -8 Impassioned, replete with love, strong; I TEFT: antar: U. 6. 33. -6 Hard, difficult, causing pain or trouble; dett: Santi. 3.15; gA A song, verse. -- gA momA ca ramA / ' Enm. TE .(-aft f.) [ nanet 374STU] 1 Being in or on the Ganges. -2 Coming from or relating to the Ganges; @THET fatty aiga H +47 #1: K. P. 10; Ku. 5.37. T: 1 An epithet of Bhisma. -2 Of Kartikeya. -ETH 1 Rain-water of a peculiar kind (supposed to fall down from the heavenly Ganges). -2 Gold. An epithet of Durga. TITAT: A kind of horse; # 294a: qfarti a 1911: 902 : sfer: Salihotra, Appendix II, 161. TIFTE, : A kind of prawn or shrimp. Temat: [naman 391 199) N. of Bhisma or Kartikeya. Tigar a. (-off.) Being in or on or of the Ganges; tarat za 14: archT4 Mb.13.26.31. -U: 1 N. of Bhisma or Kartikeya. -2 The Hilsa fish. - 1 Gold. -2 The Musta grass. -8 The Dhattura plant; 84: goye ATEC Guit: 1 gtatai gagle Fit Nm. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gAGgerI 886 gAndharva gAGgerI (-rikA) f. The N. of a plant (Mar. nAgabalA). gAGgaruH (-kaH) The N. of a plant (Mar. toraNa, kAMkaDAce jhADa). gAbherukI /. The N. of a plant (Mar. nAgabalA, gADedhAmaNa ). gAnoruvA /. The N. of a plant (Mar. kAkaDAce jhADa). gAjaram A carrot. gAJjikAyaH A quail. gADavaH A cloud. gADha See under gAh. gADhAvaTI / A kind of Indian chess; L. D. B. gANanikyam Keeping accounts; akSapaTale gANanikyAdhikAraH Kau. A. 2.7. gANapata a. (-tI/.) [gaNapati aN] 1 Relating to the leader of a troop. -2 Relating Ganesa. gANapatyaH [gaNapati-yak] A worshipper of Ganesa. -tyam 1 Worship of Ganesa. -2 The leadership of a troop, chieftainship; rudrasya gANapatyaM mayobhUrehi Vaj. 11.15. gANikyam [ gaNikAnAM samUhaH yaJ] A group of harlots. gANitika: An arithmetician; Lila. gANezaH A worshipper of Ganesa. goNDi( NDI)vaH, -vam [ gANDirastyasya saMjJAyAm va P. V. 2. 110] 1 The bow of Arjuna, presented by Soma to Varuna, by Varuna to Agni, and by Agni to Arjuna, when the latter assisted him in consuming the khANDavavana; gANDIva nasate hastAt Bg.1.29. -2 A bow in general. -Comp. -dhanvan m. an epithet of Arjuna; Me. 50. gANDIvinm . An epithet of Arjuna, the third Pandava prince; tAnasyataH zaravAtAnbandhupriyakRdarjunaH / gANDIvI kAlayAmAsa siMhaH kSudramRgAniva || Bhag. 10.58.54; Ve.. gANDI A rhinoceros. -gANDImaya a. made of gANDI, as the bow of Arjuna; eSa gANDImayazcApo lokasaMhArasaMbhRtaH Mb.5.98.19. gAtAgatika (-kI /.) Caused by going or coming. gAtAnugatika 4. (-kI /.) Caused by blindly following or imitating custom or example. gAtuH 1 A song.-2 A singer. -3 A celestial chorister. -4 The male (Indian) cuckoo. -5 The large black bee.-Ved.-6 Going, motion ; gAtu ko asmin Av.10.2.12. -7 Free place for moving. -8 The earth. -9 A refuge. -10 Way, course; devA gAtuvido gAtuM vittvA gAtumita Vaj.2.21.-11 Access, egress.-12 Progress, increasey welfare. gAtram [gai an gAturidam vA, aN; ot. Up. 4. 168 ] 1 The body; apacitamapi gAtraM vyAyatatvAdalakSyam S.2.4; tapati tanugAtri madanaH 3. 16. -2 A limb or member of the body; guruparitApAni na te gAtrANyupacAramarhanti S. 3. 17; Ms. 2.209%8 5. 109. -3 The fore-quarter of an elephant. -trA The earth. -Comp. -anulepanI a fragrant unguent applied to the body.-AvaraNam a shield; Mb.7.2.28.-utsAdanam cleaning the body with perfumes; Ms 2.211. -karSaNa. emaciating or weakening the body. -bhagaH , -bhaJjanam stretching one's limbs. Atsicft a towel. 19: f. a thin or slender body; romAJcalakSyeNa sa gAtrayaSTi bhittvA nirAkAmadarAlakezyAH R. 6. 81. -ruham the hair on the body; netre jalaM gAtraheSu harSaH Bhag.2.3.24. -latA a thin or tender body, slim figure. -veSTanam spasmodic sensation; Charak 6.27. -saMkocin m. the pole-cat; (so called because it contracts its body in order to spring ); a hedgehog; cf. Vaj. 24. 36. com. a: a small bird, the diver. gAtrakam The body. gAtrikA 1 A bodice. -2 A girdle (?). gAtha, gAthaka See under gai.. gAdha 1 A. (gAdhate, gAdhita)1 To stand, stay, romain. -2 To set out for ; dive or plunge into ; gAdhitAse nabho bhUyaH Bk. 22. 2; 8. 1. -3 To seek, search or inquire for. -4 To compile, string or weave together." gAdha .[gAdhU-bhavAdau ghaJ] Fordable, not very deep, shallow; saritaH kurvatI gAdhAH pathazvAzyAnakardamAn R.4.24; et. agAdha. -dham 1 A shallow place, ford. -2 A place, site. -3 Desire of gain, cupidity. -4 Bottom; anAsAditagAdhaM ca pAtAlatalamavyayam Mb. 1.21. 13.-5Consequence, result; sa vai vyasanamAsAdya gAdhamA" na vindati Mb. 12.93.32. gAdhiH , gAdhin m. [gAdh-in ] N. of the father of Visvamitra. He is supposed to have been an incarnation of Indra and born as the son of king Kausamba.) -Comp. -jaH, -nandanaH,-putraH an epithet of Visvamitra. -nagaram,-puram an epithet of Kanyakubjas the modern Kanoja. gAdheyaH An epithet of Visvamitra. Teg: 1 A traveller. -2 A singer. Test A carriage drawn by oxen. gAndinI 1 An epithet of the Ganges. -2 N. of a princess of Kasi, wife of Svaphalka and mother of Akrura; Bhag. 9. 24. 15. -Comp. -a: an epithet (1) of Bhisma. ; (2) of Kartikeya ; (3) of Akrara. Traat The mother of Aklura. gAndharva (-vIM /.) [gandharvasyedam-aN ] Relating to the Gandharvas. et 1 A singer, celestial chorister; Ram. 7.94.6.-2 One of the eight forms of marriage For Private and Personal Use Only Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gAndharva 887 gAruDa gAndharvaH samayAnmithaH V. 1.61; (for explanation, see gandharvavivAha); ct. amirgAndhI pathyAmRtasyA Rv. 10.80.6. -3 A subordinate Veda treating of music attached to the Samaveda, see upaveda. - A horse. -vem The art of the Gandharvas; i. c. music, singing; f orest cArudattasya gAndharva zrotuM gatasya Mk.3; aye gAndharvadhvaniriva zrUyate Avimarakam 3; Ks.12.28.-vIM 1Speech. -2 An epithet of Durga. -Comp. -kalA, -vidyA, -zikSA, -zAstram song, music; yadgAndharvakalAsu kauzalam Git. 12.28%; Ks. 12. 27. -FTTT a. one whose mind is possessed by a Gandharva. -veda: the Veda of music (considered as an appendix to Samaveda and ascribed to Bharata.). -zAlA a music saloon, concert-hall; tatra gAndharvazAlAyAM vatsarAja uvAsa saH Ks. 12.31. gAndharva (vi) kaH A singer; Ks. 63. TOTT: 1 The third of the seven primary notes of the Indian Gamut; (commonly denoted by ga in musical notation).-2 Red lead. -3N. of a country between India and Persia, the modern Kandahara. - A native or a ruler of that country. -ram Gum myrrh. gAndhAri: 1 An epithet of Sakuni, Duryodhana's maternal uncle. -2 An epithet of Duryodhana; Mb. 1. 202. 13. gAndhArI [gAndhArasyApatyaM im] 1 N. of the daughter of Subala, king of the Gandharas and wife of Dhritarastra.[She bore to her husband 100 Bons-- Duryodhana. and his 99 brothers. As her husband was blind she always wore a scarf over her face (probably to reduce herself to his state). After the destruction of all the Kauravas, she and her husband lived with their nephew Yudhisthira]. -2 A kind of intoxicant; L. D. B. -3 A particular vein in the left eye; Goraksa Sataka 26. -Comp. -ATH: a kind of musical scale. gAndhAreyaH [gAndhAryA apatyaM Dhak ] An epithet of Duryodhana. gAndhikaH [gandho gandhadravyaM paNyamasya Thak] 1 A vendor of perfumes, a perfumer, -2 A scribe, clerk. -3 A kind of insect; L. D. B. -kam Fragrant wares, perfumes%3; paNyAnAM gAndhikaM paNyaM kimanyaiH kAJcanAdikaiH Pt. 1.13. gAmika (At the end of comp.) Going, leading to (as a way); paratragAmikasya te kRtAkRtasya karmaNaH / na sAkSi AtmanA samo nRNAmihAsti kazcana // Mb. 12. 321. 53. gAmin a. [gam-Nini ] (Only at the end of comp.) 1Going, moving, walking%3 vaidizagAmI M.5%3; mRgendragAmI R.2.30 having the gait of a lion; kunja Pt. 2.5%3B alasa Amaru. 51. -2 Riding; dvirada R.4.4. -3 Going or reaching to, extending or applying to, relating to; nanu sakhIgAmI doSaH 5.4; dvitIyagAmI na hi zabda eSa naH R. 3. 49. -4 Leading or going to, aceruing to; citrakUTagAmI mArgaH; kartRgAmi kriyAphalam. - United with ; sadRzabhartRgAminI M. 5. -8 Passing over to, devolving on; 5.6; zeSeSu pitRgAmi tat Y. 2. 145. gAmuka a. Going, locomotive; gAmuko dhruvamadhvAnaM sugrIvo vAlinA gatam Bk. 7. 18. gAmbhIryam [gambhIrasya bhAvaH dhyaJ] 1 Deepness, depth (of water, sound &c.). -2 Depth, profundity (of meaning, character &c.); ef. bhIzokakrodhaharSAyaiH gAmbhIrya nirvikAratA / samudra iva gAmbhIrye Ram.; Si. 1.55; R. 3. 32. -3 Dignity; gAmbhIryAtso'pyuvAca tam Ks. 86.32. -4 Generosity; gAmbhIryagarimA citramapUrvastasya ca prbhoH| dadAti yadgrAmamiti bruvanrAjyamapIdRzam // Ks. 124.83. -BCalmness, composure. gAyaH [gai bhAve ghaJ] Singing, a song; yathAvidhAnena paThan sAmagAyamavicyutam Y. 3. 1123 Bhag. 10.90.26. gAyaka: [gai-vul] A singer, musician; na naTA na viTA na gAyakAH Bh. 3.27. -2 An actor. gAyatra a. Consisting in or connected with gAyatrI; goMdyadukulAcAryAdgAyatraM vratamAsthitau Bhag. 10.45.29.-tram A song: or hymn; etadgAyatraM prANeSu protam Ch. Up. 2. 11.1. gAyatrI 1A Vedic metre of 24 syllables; gAyatrI chandasAmaham Bg. 10. 35.-2N. of a very sacred verse repeated by every Brahmana at his Sandhya (morning and evening devotions ) and on other occasions also. Great sins even are said to be expiated by a pious repetition of this verse, which is as follows :-tatsaviturvareNyaM bhargo devasya dhImahi dhiyo yo naH pracodayAt Rv.3.62.10.-3 A number of mystical verses in Tantra literature. -4 N. of Durga, K..53. 172. -tram A hymn composed and recited in the Gayatri metre. -Comp. -mantra: prayers connected with the gAyatrI. -vallabha: an epithet of Siva. gAyatrin a.(-NI ) One who sings hymns, especially of the Samaveda; gAyAnta tvA gAyatriNo Rv. 1. 10. 1. gAyanaH (nI /.) [gai-lyuT ] A singer; gAyanaizca viroviNyo vAdanaizca tthaapraiH| virejurvipulAstatra sarvaratnasamanvitAH|| Ram.1.18. 19; tathaiva tatpauruSagAyanIkRtAH N. 1. 103; Bh. 3.27 v.1.-nam 1 Singing a song. - 2 Practising singing as a means of subsistence. gAritram Rice, corn. gAruDa (-DI/.)[garuDasyedaM aN] 1 Shaped like Garuda. -2 Coming from or relating to Garuda.-3,-34 1 An emerald; rAzimaNInAmiva gAruDAnAM sapadmarAgaH phalito vibhAti R. 18.53.-2 A charm against (snake) poison) saMgRhItagAruDena K.51 (where it has sense 1 also). -3 A missile presided over by Garuda. -4 A military array (vyUha) of the shape of Garuda. -6Gold. saM. I. ko....83 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gAruDikA 638 gADha gAruDikaH A charmer, dealer in antidotes. gArutmata a. (-tI/.)[garutmAn astyasya aN] 1 Shaped like Garuda. -2 Sacred or presided over by Garuda (as a missile); gArutmataM tIragatastarasvI bhujaGganAzAya samAdade'stram B. 16. 77. -tam An emerald. gArga a.1 Coming from or connected with Gargya. -2 Composed by Garga. -ge: A kind of measure (in music). -gI N. of the learned woman vAcaknavI. gArgya a. Descended from Garga. TISTS: A carrot. gArdabha a. (-bhI.) [gardabhasyedaM aN ] Belonging to or coming from an ass, asinine; Av. 6. 72. 3. gAddhartham Greediness; pItvA jalAnAM nidhinAtigArthyAt Si. 3.73. gArdha a. (-//.) [gRdhrasyAyam aN] Derived from a vulture; Mb. 6. 73. 17. - 1 Greediness probably for gAya'm ). -2 An arrow. -Comp.-pakSaH, -vAsas m. an arrow furnished with a vulture's feathers%3 na hi gANDIvamuktAnAM zarANAM gArdhavAsasAm Mb. 3. 33.87. gArbha a. (-8 /.) [garbhe sAdhu aN ], gArmika (-kI.) a. 1 Uterine, fetal; Bhag. 3.7.27. -2 Relating to gestation; Ms. 2. 27. gArbhiNam,-Nyam [ garbhiNInAM samUhaH bhikSA aN ] A number of pregnant women. TE a. Domestic, pertaining to household. See gArhamedha. gArhakamedhika: (in pl.) The duties of a householder%B reme ramAbhirnijakAmasampluto yathetaro gArhakamedhikAMzcaran Bhag. 10.59.41. gArhapatam [gRhapateridaM aN ] The position and dignity of a householder. gArhapatyaH [gRhapatinA nityaM saMyuktaH, saMjJAyAM jya] 1 One of the three sacred fires perpetually maintained by a householder, which he receives from his father and transmits to his descendants, and from which fires for sacrificial purposes are lighted ; atha haina gArhapatyo'nuzazAsa Ch. Up.4.11.1; cf. Ms. 2.231. -2 The place where this sacred fire is kept. Ph The government of a family; position and dignity of a householder; gArhapatyena santya RtunA yajJanIrasi Bv.1.15.12.-Comp.-nyAyaH A rule of interpretation according to which a direct statement (fa) is stronger than an indirect_one (liGga). This rule is discussed and established by jaimini and zabara at MS. 3. 2.3 and 4. gAhamedha a. (-dhI/.) [gRhamedhasyedaM aN ] Fit or proper for a householder; Bhag. 5. 11. 2. -ET: The five Yajnas to be performed by a householder. gArhasthya m [gRhasthasya bhAvaH karma vA vyaJ] 1 The order or stage of life of a householder (gRhastha); gArhasthyaM caiva yAjyAzca sarvA gRhyAzca devatAH Mb. 14.7.10. -2 Domestic affairs, household. -3 The five Yajinas to be daily performed by a householder. gAha a. Domestic. gAla: 1 Flowing, liquofying. -2 Dropping. -3 A flux. gAlanam [gal Nic-bhAve lyuT] 1 Straining (fluids). -2 Fusing, liquefying, melting. -8 Reviling; cf. com. on Mb. 12.68. 31. gAlavaH 1 The Lodhra tree. -2 A kind of ebony. -3 N. of a sage, a pupil of Visvamitra (said in Hariv. to be his son). gAli:/.[gala-in ] 1 Abuse, abusive or foul language; dadatu dadatu gAlIlimanto bhavanto vayamapi tadabhAvAdgAlidAne'samarthAH Bh. 3. 133; Raj. T.6. 157. -Comp. -dAnam, -pradAnam Reviling; Raj. T. 7.304. gAlita a. 1 Strained. -2 Distilled. -3 Molted, fused. gAlinI A particular position of the fingers. etiga a. 1 Drunk, intoxicated. -2 Sick, diseased. -8 Foolish. -tam Examination ; investigation. gAloDyam The seed of a lotus. Tactfor: An epithet of Sanjaya, son of Gavalgana; gAvalgaNe va nastAto vRddho hInazca netrayoH Bhag. 1. 13.31. gAhU 1A. [gAhate, jagAhe, agAhiSTa, agADha, gAhitum, gADhum, gADha or gAhita ] 1 To dive or plunge into, bathe, immerse oneself into (as water); gAhantAM mahiSA nipAnasalila zRGgairmuhustADitam .2.6%3 gAhitAse'tha puNyasya gaGgAmUrtimiva drutAm Bk. 22. 11; 14.67; (ig. also); manastu me saMzayameva gAhate Ku. 5. 46 is plunged into or entertains doubt. -2 To enter deeply into, penetrate, roam or range over ; gAhitamakhilaM gahanam Bv.1.21; kadAcitkAnanaM jagAhe K.58; Una na sattveSvadhiko babAdhe tasminvanaM goptari gAhamAne R.2.14%3 Mo.50%; H. 1. 150%; Ki. 13.24. -3 To stir up, agitate, shake, churn. -4 To be absorbed in with loc.). -8 To hide oneself in. -6 To destroy. With sam to enter, go to or into, penetrate into; samagAhiSTa cAmbaram Bk. 15.59. gADha p.p. [gAhU-kta] 1 Dived or plunged into, bathed in, deeply entered. -2 Frequently plunged into, resorted to, thickly crowded or inhabited; tapasvigADhAM tamasAM prApa nadI turAmeNa R.9.72. -3 Closely pressed together, tightly drawn, fast, close, tight; gADhAGgadaibarbAhubhiH R. 16.60% gADhAligana Amaru. 40, a close embrace; Ch. P. 6. -4 Thick, dense. - Deep, impervious. -6 Strong, vehement, excessive, intense ; gADhanidrAmavApa fell fast asleep, 20. "udvega excessively. tormented; U. 3. 31; Mal. 9. 12; gADhotkaNThAlalitalalitairAga For Private and Personal Use Only Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra gAha a difa Mal. 1. 15; Me. 85; S. Til. 12; Amaru. 74; so also Me. 101. ind. Closely, fast, much, excessively, heavily, vehemently, powerfully. Comp. - a. having closely fitting armlets; R. 16. 60. - a close embrace. -karNaH an attentive ear; tA ye pibantyavitRSo nRpa gADhakarNaiH Bhag. 4. 29. 41. ind. 1 more tightly, closely. -2 more intensely. - a. close-fisted, avaricious, miserly. (f) sword. - sashi m. a frog. - costive, constipated. a. [-] Diving into, ing into, plunging, bathing; Si. 8. 45. -2 Depth, interior; Rv. 9. 110. 8. a. bathing. - 1 Div. RAERGIE FILLIMIEL fryn MEAT [ME-198] The act of diving into, plung ing, bathing &c. a. 1 Bathed in, plunged into. -2 Penetrated, entered into; see ma. 1 One who plunges into water, a bather, diver. -2 One who penetrates. -3 Shaking or agitating. Destroyer. fg: 1 A ball for playing with. -2 N. of a tree; 500 dukA a. fort. [-] Ved. Addressing, invoking. gir -f. (nom. sing. :; instr. dual af &c.) 1 Speech, worda, languages] vacasyasi tasmin sasarja giramAtmabhUH Ku. 2.533 3. 72 bhavatInAM smRtayaiva girA kRtamAtithyam S. 17 pravRttisArAH khalu mAdRzAM giraH Ki. 1. 25; Si. 2. 15; Y. 1. 71. -2 Invocation, praise, song. -3 N. of Sarasvati, the goddess of speech and learning. -4 Intellect; cf. fireff: Enm. Knowledge from hearing (); pUrvI pUrvajo citrabhAnU girA vA''zaMsAmi tapasA banantau Mb. 1. 3.57 com. Comp. ft (ft) Sarasvati, the goddess of speech. patiH ( written a8 gIHpatiH, gISyatiH and f) 1 N. of Brihaspati, the preceptor of the gods. -2 a learned man; 80 girIzaH, -rathaH (gIrathaH ) N. of Brihaspati. (a) (ftator) a god, deity; parimalo gAMvaNacetoharaH Bv. 1. 63, 84. kusumam cloves. as f 1 Speech, speaking, language, voice. -2 Praise. -Comp. -vRkSa delighting in praise pavamAna girAvRdham Rv. 9. 26. 6. fifta. [qw Up. 4. 142] Venerable, respect. giri ga-i able, worshipful. - 1 A hill, mountain, an elevation; pazyAdhaH khanane mUDha girayo na patanti kim Subhas.; nanu pravAte'pi : S. 6. -2 A huge rock. -3 A disease of the eyes. - An honorific title given to Samnyasins; e. g. aff: -5 (In math.) The number 'eight'. -6 A ball with which children play (g). -7 A cloud. -8 A peculiar defect in quicksilver. - f. 1 Swallowing. -2 A rat; mouse (written also fin this sense). -Comp. - 1 a high mountain. -2 an 659 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir giri (rI) yakaH epithet of Siva. -3 the Himalaya mountain. - a term for the number 'eight'. -T: 1 an epithet of the Himalaya mountain. -2 an epithet of Siva; sutAM girIza pratisaktamAnasAm Ku. 53. kacchapaH a species of tortoise living in mountains. : Indra's thunderbolt. kadambaH, -mbakaH a species of the Kadamba tree. -kandaraH a cave, cavern. -karNikA the earth. --kANaH a blind or one-eyed man. a mountain-grove. -the summit of a mountain. - N. of a river. - a ball for playing with.-El a mountain-cave. - a. roaming or wandering on a mountain; ftat iva nAgaH prANasAraM bibharti S. 2.4. ( raH ) a thief. -ja a. mountain-born. (-) 1 talc. -2 red chalk. -3 benzoin. - bitumen. -5 iron. (-) 1 N. of Parvati (the daughter of Himalaya). -2 the hill plantain (d)-3 the Mallika creeper. -4 an epithet of the Ganges. -tanayaH, nandanaH sutaH 1 an epithet of Kartikeya. 2 of Gaye., f: an epithet of Siva ; Ks. 56.403. degmalam talc. - jAlam a range of mountains. Indra's thunderbolt. -: N. of Siva; faft Bhag. 8. 6. 15. - a hill-fort, any stronghold among mountains; nRdurga giridurgaM vA samAzritya vasetpuram Ms. 7. 70, 71. a mountain-pass. - red chalk; bAlArkasamavarNena tejasA giridhAtunA Ram. 2. 95. 19. (v. 1.) -dhvajam Indra's thunderbolt. -nagaram N. of a district in Daksinapatha. - or at a mountain-torrent, rill.().a. enclosed by a mountain. -afaft 1 N. of Parvati. -2 of the Ganges. -3 a river in general (flowing from a mountain:) feffafor DumAlambI Bv. 4. 3. nitamba ( nitamyaH) the decli vity of a mountain. -: N. of a fruit-tree. -g bitumen. -: the top of a hill; Ms. 7. 147. - the declivity or slope of a mountain. -: the tableland of a mountain; Ram. 2. -f a female of the Bos Grunniens. - bAndhavaH an epithet of Siva - bhid m. an epithet of Indra. (-f.) a river (breaking through a mountain). a. mountain-born. (.) 1 an epithet of the Ganges. -2 of Parvati. - the Kutaja tree. I an elephant, especially a large and powerful one. -2 mountain soil. m. 1 a high mountain. -2 an epithet of the Himalaya. the Himalaya mountain. -vrajam N. of a city in Magadha. -zAla: a kind of bird. - an epithet of Gapa. () the peak of a mountain. () m. an epithet of Siva. n. table-land. T: 1 iron. -2 tin. -3 an epithet of the Malaya mountain. : the Mainaka mountain. - sutA an epithet of Parvati. -sravA a mountaintorrent ; girisravAbhiH sarvAbhiH pRSThato'nugatA zubhA Mb. 13.140.25. f. 1 red chalk. girikaH [ girau kAyati kai ka ] 1 N. of Siva. -2 A ball for playing. 1 A small mouse. -2 N. of Vasu's queen ; mahiSyAmRtumatyAM sa girikAyAM narAdhipaH Bm 1. 203. giri (rI) pakA, giriyAkaH A bull for playing with For Private and Personal Use Only Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir girizaH 880 guJjitam girizaH [girau kailAsaparvate zete, zI bAhu.Da; P.III.2.15 Vart; gItin a. (-nI/.) One who recites in a singing girirasyAstIti lomAditvAt zaH P. V.2.100.] An epithet of manner; gItI zIghrI zira:kampI tathA likhitapAThaka: Sik. 32. Siva; pratyAhatAstrI girizaprabhAvAt R.2.41; girizamupacacAra pratyahaM gIthA 1 Song. -2 Speech. sA sukezI Ku. 1. 60, 37. (Also girizayaH and girizantaH). gila 6 P. (gilati, gilita) To swallow; (properly gu 1.6 P. (guvati, gUna) To void by stool, void ex crement, discharge faces. -II. 1 A. Ved. (gavate) To speaking, this is not a separate root, but is connected speak indistinctly. with gR). gila a.[gila-ka] Who or what swallows or devours; guggulaH, -lu: A particular fragrant gum resin. | (Mar. gugguLa); Bri. S.57. 3,5% guggulaM pAva kazikhaM ... Siva. ...timiligilo'pyasti tadgilopyasti rAghavaH; see timiGgila. -la: 1 The citron tree. -2 A crocodile in the Ganges. |. B. 30. 19. -Comp.-gilaH, -grAha: a crocodile, shark. gugguluka: A dealer in bdellium. gilat a. Swallowing; gilantya iva cAGgAni Bhag. guccha: 1 A bundle, bunch (in general); gucchagulma 10. 18.31. tu vividham Ms. 1.48. -2 A bunch of flowers, a cluster of blossoms, a clump (of trees &c.); azNonikSipadaJjana gilanam , giliHf. Swallowing, eating up. zravaNayostApicchagucchAvalim Git. 11; Ms. 1. 48; Si.6.50%; gilAyu: A hard tumour in the throat. Y.2.229. -3 The plumage of a peacock. -4 A neckgili (ri) taa. Eaten, swallowed. lace of pearls (in general). -5 A pearl necklace of 32 (or, according to some, of 70) strings; Kau. A. gi(ge)SNuH [gai iSNuc AdguNaH ] 1A singer. -2 Espe- 2.11.-Comp. -adhe: a pearl necklace of 24 strings. cially, a Brahmapa versed in the hymns of the (-dheH, -dhem) half of a cluster. -kaNiza: a kind of Samaveda and who chants them. corn. -patra: the palm tree. -phala: 1 the vine. -2 plangIta p. p. [gai-kta ] 1 Sung, chanted (lit.); Arye sAdhu tain tree. gItam 5.1; cAraNadvandvagItaH zabdaH 5.2. 15. -2 Declared, gucchaka: 8e guccha. told, said: gItazcAyamartho'GgirasA Mal. 23 (see under gaialso). gucchAla: The plant Andropogon Schoenanthus ( Mar. -tam Singing, a song; tavAsmi gItarAgeNa hAriNA prasabha hRtaH gavatI cahA). 5. 1.53 gItamutsAdakAri mRgANAm K. 32. -Comp. -ayanam a guja 1 P. (gojati), often guJja 1 P.(guJjati, gujita or means or instrument of singing, i.e. a lute, flute &c. gujita) To sound inarticulately or indistinctly, hum, Bhag.4.4.5. -kramaH the arrangement of a song. -govindam N. of a lyrical drama by Jayadeva. -ra. buzz; SaTpado'sau na juguJja yaH kalam Bk. 2. 1996.143; 14. versed in the art of singing; gatijJo yadi yogena nApnoti parama 23 U.2.29; 5.6%; ayi daladaravindasyandamAnaM marandaM tava kimapi padam Y. 3. 116. -priya a. fond of song or music. (-yaH) lihanto maJju guJjantu bhRGgAH Bv. 1.5. an epithet of Siva. (-yA) N. of one of the Matris TSGT: 1 Humming. - A cluster of blossoms, bunch attending on Skanda. -bandhanam an epic poem to be of flowers, a nosegay3 ef. guccha. -Comp. -kRt sung; zRNumaH kimidaM svapne gItabandhanamuttamam Ram. 7.1.21. large black bee. -modin m. a Kinnara. -zAstram the science of music. guJjanam Sounding low, humming, buzzing: gItakam A song; Y. 3. 113. guJjA [guja-ac] 1 A small shrub of that name, gItA[gai karmaNi ta] A name given to certain sacred bearing a red black berry; antarviSamayA (for 'gyaH) hyetA writings in verse (often in the form of a dialogue) bahizcaiva mnormaaH| gulAphalasamAkArA yoSitaH kena nirmitaaH|| Pt. 1. which are devoted to the exposition of particular reli- 196%; kiM jAtu gunA phalabhUSaNAnAM suvarNakAreNa vanecarANAm Vikr.1.25. gious and theosophical doctrines; e... zivagItA, rAmagItA, -2 A berry of this shrub used as a weight, measuring bhagavadgItA. But the name appears to be especially con- on an average 116 grains Troy, or an artificial weight fined to the last, the Bhagavadgita; fargftar fragt called Gunja measuring about 216 grains. -3 HumkimanyaiH zAstravistaraiH / yA svayaM padmanAbhasya mukhapadmA dviniHsRtA / / ming, a low murmuring sound. -4 A kettle-drum; quoted by Sridharasvamin. ...guJjA jugujuH karaghaTTitAH Bk.14.2.-BAtavern. -8 Re flection, meditation.-7A kind of plant with a poisongItiHf. [gai-bhAve ktin ] 1 A song; ahorAgaparivAhiNI gItiH 5.5%3 zrutApsarogItirapi kSaNe'smin haraH prasaMkhyAnaparo babhUva ous root. Ku. 3.40. -2N. of a metre; see App. -3 A Sama. Tr$1T A berry of the Gunja plant. mantra ; gItibhirmadhuraiH snigdhaimantrAvAnairyathArhataH Ram. 1. 14.9. guJjitam Humming, murmuring; svacchandaM daladaravinda te -Comp. -AryA a. metre of 4x16 short syllables. maranda vindanto vidadhatu guJjitaM milindAH Bv. 1. 15% na guJjitaM tanna gItikA 1A short song. -2 Singing. jahAra yanmanaH Bk. 2.19. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra guTikA f 1 A pill. -2 A round pebble, any smali globe or ball; : fafa Mk. 5. -3 The cocoon of the silk-worm-4 A pearl; fastfagregssaufaek f B. 5.70 vibhAgo dhUmaketuM madhukaraguTikA dantamudaNDam Raja prasasti (ne). - A small pustule. -Comp. -aJjanam a kind of collyrium. -astram A missile for throwing stones; guTikAstrairlohagolaiH zilImukhazarAsanaiH Parnal 4. 76. yantram a rifle, a musket; jAgarukairahorAtraM guTikAyantraaft: Siva. B. 17. 72. get=gitw q. v. guTI : guTikA 6 P. (f) 1 To defend, preserve. -2 To strike, injure. guDa a. Thick; mukhaM mukundasya guDAlakAvRtam Bhag 10.38.9. of guDAkezaH guDaH 1 Treacle, molasses; guDadhAnAH Sk.; guDaudanaH V. 1. 304; geftat Sur. -2 A globe, ball; afa: age Mb. 3. 15. 8. -3 A ball for playing with. A mouthful, bit. -5 An elephant's armour. -6 The cotton tree. -7 A pill; Sarangdhara 13. 1. -Comp. - udakam water mixed with molasses. -udbhavA sugar. rice boiled with coarse sugar; Y. 1. 308. pharI / N. of a Ragini (gurjarI), tRNam, dAkha, ru n. sugar-cane. f. the aromatic bark of the Laurus Cassia (Mar. ). f. a milch-cow symbolically represented by molasses and offered as a present to Brahma pas. -f a sort of sweatmeat, flour and molasses ground and boiled together; Y. 1. 289. -phalaH the Pilu tree. -zarkarA refined sugar. -zRGgam a cupola. - an apparatus or missile for throwing balls; Mb. 8. 15. 8. -fat myrobalan preserved in molasses (Mar. murAMvaLA ). guDakaH [ guDena pakvaH vA0 kan] 1 A ball; sabhuzuNDyazmaguDakA Mb. 3. 15. 8. 2 A mouthful. -3 A kind of drug prepared with molasses. -f 1 A small ball. -2 A pill. -3 Kernel. Molasses. JEH Spirituous liquor distilled from molasses. J 1 The cotton plant. -2 A pill. get 1 Sloth. -2 Sleep. g: (Thick-haired) 1 An epithet of Arjuna; an it gain qapay zyadfa Bg. 11. 7. (and in several other places of the Gita.) -2 An epithet of Siva. gegs A rattling in the throat (as breath) caused by cough. () N. of a very useful medicinal plant, Cocculus Cordifolius (Mar. J). get: 1 A ball, globe. -2 A mouthful, bit. guNa 10 U. ( guNayati te, guNita ) 1 To multiply. -2 To advise. -8 To invite, 661 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir JJus? guNa a. Of good quality ( guNavAn ); bhrAtA kathaM nAma mayA guNasya bhrAturvadhaM rAma virocayeta Ram. 4. 24.9. guNa: [ guN-ac] 1 A quality (good or bad ); suguNa, durguNa dyAnApasarUpatAyAH padiguNaM bhedakamicchatIbhiH Si. 3. 42. -2(a) A good quality, merit, virtue, excellence; te guNAH Mal. 1; vasanti hi premNi guNA na vastuni Ki 837; R. 1.9, 22; : Pt. 4. 108. (1) Eminence. -3 Use, advantage, good (with instr. usually), Pt. 5.; :: 2. 21; H. 1. 49; Mu. 1. 15. -4 Effect, result, effiency, good result: regn tamIzvarANAm S. 7.4; guNamahatAM mahate guNAya yoga: Ki. 10.25; 6. 7.5(a) A single thread or string. (b) Thread, string, rope, cord, howg: Ku. 4.8; 5. 10: mApannairbaMdhyante mattadantinaH H. 1. 32; yataH pareSAM guNagrahItAsi Bv. 1. 9 (where also means a merit'). -6 The bowstring; guNakRtye dhanuSo niyojitA Ku. 4. 15, 29; kanakapiGgataDidgiga R. 9.54.-7 The string of a musical instrument; GARANZIACIFA Si. 4. 57. -8 A sinew. - A quality, attribute, property in general; to eg af Me. 9. 22. -10 A quality, character ristic or property of all substances, one of the seven categories of padarthas of the Vailesikna, (the number of these properties is 24). -11 An ingredient or constituent of nature, any one of the three properties belonging to all created things; (these are, rajas and tamas ); guNatrayavibhAgAya Ku. 2. 4; sattvaM rajastama fa : : Bg. 14. 5; R. 3. 27. -12 A wick, cotton thread ; nRpadIpo dhanasnehaM prajAbhyaH saMharannapi / antarasthairguNaiH tenaiva kenacit // PI. 1. 221 13 An object of sense, (these are five rUpa, rasa, gandha, sparza, and zabda ); guNaiguNAnsa bhuvAna AtmaprayotikaiH prabhuH Bhag 11.35 - 14 Repetition, multiplication, denoting folds' or 'times', usually at the end of comp. after numerals; dviguNaH strINAM buddhistAsAM caturguNA / SaDguNo vyavasAyaca kAmazvASTaguNaH smRtaH // Chan. 78; 80 triguNa; zataguNIbhavati becomes a hundred-fold, gang ad Mb. 11.20.1. -18 A secondary element, a subordinate part (opp. mukhya) na ca guNAnugrahArtha pradhAnasyAvRttiryuktA SB. on MS.12.1.4. -18 Excess, abundance, superfluity; ad : Ram. 4. 17. 16. 17 An adjective, a word subordinate to another in a sentence. -18 The substitution of,, and for 3, 3, (short or long) and lR, or the vowels a, e, o and ar and 3-19 (In Rhet.) Quality considered as an inherent property of a Rasa or sentiment. Mammata thus defines guNa. - ye rahasyAGgino dharmAH zauryAdaya ivAtmanaH / utkarSatavaste syuracalasthitayo guNAH // K. P. 8. ( Some writers on rhetoric, such as Vamana, Jagannatha Pandits, Dandin and others, consider Gunas to be properties both of and, and mention ten varieties under each head. Mammata, however, recognises only three, and, after discussing and criticizing the views of others, saya: mAdhuyajaH prasAdAkhyAyastena punardeza K. P. 8 ) ; Ki. 17.6. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gut: 662 gur: T -20 (In gram. and Mim.) Property considered as the meaning of a class of words; e. g. grammarians recognise four kinds of the meaning of words; FA, TT, kriyA and dravya, and give gauH, zuklaH, cala: and DitthaH as instances to illustrate these meanings. -21 (In politics ) A proper course of action, an expedient. The expedients to be used by a king in foreign politics are six:1 sandhi peace or alliance; 2 vigraha war; 3 yAna march or expedition% B4 sthAna or Asana halt35saMzraya seeking shelter; 6 dvaidha or dvaidhIbhAva duplicity; sandhirnA vigraho yAnamAsanaM 4: Ak.) See Y. 1. 316; Ms. 7. 160 ; Si. 2. 26; R. 8. 21.-22 The number three' (derived from the three qualities ). -23 The chord of an arc in geom.). -24 An organ of sense. -25 A subordinate dish ; Ms. 3. 226, 233.-26 A cook.-27 An epithet of Bhima as in etis yag: Vas. -28 Leaving, abandonment. -29 A multiplier, coefficient (in math.) -80 Division, subdivision, species, kind. -31 The peculiar property of letters which are pronounced with external utterance are 947); they are eleven. -Comp. - 3 4 a principal quality ; Parda; Fanfa27 TT=2a 4a: 9511949 Acha: R. 3. 27. -3TTUT: merit and demerit Ms. 3. 22; 9. 331; 37792 Yuriy Ta: 9 fa s turafa Si. 16. 44. 3cta a. freed from all properties, being beyond them; a uftranft grata: # geta By. 14. 25. (-a:) the Supreme Being. -37 gra the region of the breast where the girdle is fastened. - Carrera connection or association with virtues ; yol yorga care ar 59 R. 1. 22.-37 T: love or appreciation of the good qualities of others; Jur a neutra atvastu : 9474 Ki. 1. 11. -3 TIST: conformity or suitableness to good qualities. - 3 4 a different higher quality; yttat BISTHITT: M.1.6.-37ffaa, -3993, -y , a. endowed with good qualities, meritorious, worthy, good, excellent. -379a , -farar disparagement, detraction. -TUTETTAH A subsidiary injunction; STYTT YTfor IT M. 8.4.5. -371T: 1 'a mine of merits', one endowed with all virtues; a aceTT 947Hettu ya: Bh. 2. 92. -2 N. of Siva. -3717 a. rich in virtues. -3TICHT a. having qualities. -3TETTT: 'a receptacle of virtues', a virtuous or meritorious person. -3TTTT a. virtuous, excellent. at: 1 the Supreme Being. - 2 the Chitrakuta mountain.- 3 0: excellence of merit, possession of superior qualities. -grafah panegyric, eulogium. -375T a. superior in merit; Ms. 8. 73. -30a a. endowed with good qualities; g augotad waaral S. 1. 12.-31197, - superior or abundant merits. - TFF extolling, praising. -2 a condition or state of mind of the hero of a drama to which he is reduced by Cupid. at the state of an agent of properties; T casto aur da Haryarata: San. K. 20. - n. 1 an unessential or secondary action. -2 (in gram.) the secondary or less imme diate (i. e. indirect object of an action; c. g. in the example Ratsat go gara a, 394 is a THT 'fawm a. distinguishing an action and an attribute. - Tal f. imputing a figurative meaning, one of the modes of interpreting a sentence. According to it an expression may be understood as conveying not what is actually expressed by it but the quality or qualities thereof. e. g. siMho devadattaH means prasAkarI devadattaH; SB. on MS. 1. 2. 1. - rog: a series of subsidiary (details); ga" J HT: Tulozychiat SB. on MS. 5. 1. 24. - a. productive of good qualities, profitable, salutary. (T) 1 a cook who prepares sidedishes or any secondary articles of food. -2 an epithet of Bhima. -3 (in math.) the multiplier. - , -STAT, Efa: f. praise, extolling. - the function of a bow-string; yo u fattar Ku. 4. 15. - TOT: a number or series of good qualities; Bhag. 5.3. 11. - TIFF singing of merits, panegyric, praise. E a. 1 desiring good qualities; Tu799: Bhag. 3. 14. 20.-2 possessing en via ble or good qualities. -I a. appreciating or admiring merits wherever they may be ), attached to merits; appreciative; 9 aval@rafa:Egel Jurat a fagfa: Ki. 2.5. - a woman chaste by virtuous conduct; 377aai gonit HIFTTT ATA Si. -TRUTH appreciating merits. &ta, -2167, - T a. appreciating the merits of others ); sigui fagot: fa: 9ftar gotafut Ratn. 1.4; $i. 20.82; Bv. 1. 9. -OH: a collection of virtues or merits; yety T r afa Bh. 3. 116; Tuula Tua Git. 2; Bv. 1. 103. Saat 9. detractor, envious, censorious. - a. knowing how to admire or appreciate merits, appreciative; paid THYST Mu. 2; y Jun Jul wafa H. Pr. 47. - , -frauen the three constituent properties of nature; i. e. 489, 74 and 249.314718: life. art (du.) virtue and vice; F1; Pt. 2. 67. - : the virtue or duty incidental to the possession of certain qualities. -farfet: a store of virtues. - a woman having feet as thin as cords. - Ta great merits; Hyunitat ( 0) Si. 9. 64. 44: excellence of merits, great merit; y igs99 F#EZHE T THETH Mk. 4. 23. - 19: being subsidiary to something else; na YT2: SB. on MS.4.3.1. - a. perceiving the properties of things; fequi TOT 2 Bg. 13. 14. -HET a superior quality. He: f. a particular method of stringing the bow; cf. are vajramuSTizca siMhakarNastathaiva ca / matsarI kAkatuNDI ca yojanIyA yathA#44 11 Dhanur. 84. TTT: delighting in the merits of others; yurtit 1972 Erguttaa rah Ks. 2. 51. -TTT: an epithet of Siva - TUT mark or indication of an internal property. -layanikA,-layanI a tent. -lubdhaa. 1 desirous of merits. -2 attached to merits. - E H . a ni a word which connotes an attribute or quality, an adjective, or substantive used attributively; | For Private and Personal Use Only Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir guNaka: 868 guND as a in satsa. Eta: 1 pointing out good merits. -2 a statement in a secondary sense; Talat. MS. 1.2.10 (Sa bara explains this as: 10 arct hafa um Falafo Farao Hangat fred i SB. on ibid.). -3 a statement contradictory to other arguments; Madhusudana. -fart discrimination in appreciating the merits of others, a just sense of merit. -FOTO: external organs, mind and spiritual ignorance; 4769Tfaat Jum: (ara 4HAISESTT) San. K. 36. -: a different property. -geri, Ti a mast or a post to which a ship or boat is fastened. -arer: f. 1 a secondary or unessential condition or relation (opp. geh).-2 the character or style of merits. I pre-eminence of merit; anyonyaguNavaizedhyAna kiMcidatiricyate Ms. 9. 296.-275: an adjective. Ticar enumeration of the three essential qualities', a term applied to the Sankhya (including the Yoga ) system of philosophy; fra atafa fa goria: gazd u Bg. 18. 19. - : 1 association with qualities or merits. - 2 attachment to objects of sense or worldly pleasures. : a collection of merits or properties; 1 7 fara siya Tegal Bhag. 4. 20. 26. -97 f. excellence or richness of merits, great merit, perfection; TUOTET AATETET Ki. 5. 24. -ENTT: 1 an ocean of merit, a very meritorious man.-2 an epithet of Brahma. - a. 1 void of merit', meritless; *1814TOTISTraghafal agar 99751 Tay tract Ms.9. 89. -2 poor as food). T04: [ T-cell ] 1 A calculator. -2 A multiplier (in math.). gua: ind. 1 According to the three chief qualities (of all existing things ); Ms. 11. 185. -2 According to property. -3 According to merit. furat, -94 1 Subordination, dependence. -2 Virtue, excellence, good qualities. -3 Being endowed with or possession of, qualities in general. -4 Multiplication. -5 The state of a rope or cord. TUTATA [-eyg] 1 Multiplication.-2 Enumeration. -8 Describing merits or qualities, pointing out or enumerating merits; & 7497 arguar myftgehad Git. 7. -4 Reiterated study, repetition. - Examining books, studying; collating and correcting copies to determine the value of variants. Jurfarer ( 201 wa Fa ] 1 Study, repeated reading, repetition; farqlaga: Tai Jaagd go: 1 E: oft auf T H Si. 2.75 (tafsan Malli.); aguar (94f97a71F II Vie. Guna.159. -2 Dancing, the science or profession of dancing.-3 The prologue or introduction to a drama. - A garland, necklace; ftatur paruforgo1 A.L.3.-5 Determining the value of the various readings of a manuscript. -6 A cipher, the character in arithmetic which expresses nothing. Jurata a. [IT #TU 3faz ] 1 To be multiplied. -2 To be enumerated. -3 To be advised. -J: Study, practice. - The multiplicand. TTAT a. 1 Consisting of single threads. -2 Consisting of the three constituent properties of nature. -3 Possessed of merits, meritorious. Toret a. 1 Endowed with good qualities, virtuous, meritorious, good, excellent; qual (fea rage Hafa) Pt. 1. 101.-2 Endowed with qualities. -3 Delicious%3 bhojayettAnguNavatA sadannena zucismite Bhag.8. 16.54. Taar, - 1 The possession of good qualities; TOTA 497STAT R. 8.31.-2 Excellence, superiority. yfurt A tumour, a swelling. yfora p. p. [T HOT ] 1 Multiplied. -2 Heaped together, collected ; 11 FENDTETU tauroit Bhag. 11.7.54. -3 Enumerated. ufort a. [yo-57) 1 Possessed of or endowed with merits, meritorious; Toit yo af aafa vu; Ms. 8. 73; Y. 2.78. -2 Good, auspicious; Totaugha Dk. 61. -3 Familiar with the merits of anything. -4 Possessing qualities (as an object); guNAnAM guNinAM caiva pariNAmamabhIpsatAm Bhag. 2. 8. 14. -8 Possessed of the three qualities; Ve. 6. 43. -6 Having subordinate) parts, principal (Opp. Tor ); gotufurata :. -aft A bow. gofga a. 1 Deprived of the original meaning or importance. -2 Made secondary or subordinate; guft ar: FH G9 Mb. 14. 71. 24. -3 Invested with attributes.-4 Made or having become a merit or ornament. 5 Varied according to qualities. -6 Having a certain force or application as a word &c.). -Comp. - E TH (in Rhet.) the second of the three divisions of Kavya (poetry ), in which the charm of the suggested sense is not more striking than that of the expressed one. S. D. thus defines it :-391 a goftroza 9=14TH 4 265. This division of Kavya is further subdivided into 8 classes; see S. D. 266 and K. P.5. TOUT a. [ 17] 1 Endowed with merits or virtues ; qozyou sfa 84517911. Si. 14. 47.-2 To be enumerated. - To be described or praised. -4 To be multiplied, the multiplicand. qug 10 U. (quafad, yesa) 1 To encircle, surround, envelop, enclose. -2 To hide, conceal. TOCAH 1 Concealing, covering, hiding.-2 Smearing, as in HEHTOOFTH. yfuza a. 1 Surrounded, covered; puft gulosa: Mb. 1.74.53.-2 Pounded, ground, reduced to dust. yuz 10 P. (juzula, giosa ) 1 To cover, hide. -2 To pound, reduce to powder. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Jus: 664 gopanam TE: [ 703-349] 1 A kind of fragrant grass. - ! stanza from facet illustrates the root in its difPounding, grinding. ferent conjugations: 191fa farathi aati HI 491 jjugupsata udAramatiH sadaiva / vittaM na gopayati yastu vaNIyakebhyo dhIro yuni 1 Dust, power. -2 An oil-vessel. -3 A soft la fa hafa all) or low pleasing tone. -4 Dirty flour or meal. yfda a. 1 Protected, guarded; 34244jfat INSA Concealing, covering, hiding. i area: Ale tera: Rv. 10. 85. 4. gros: Flour, meal, powder. yfee: 1 A king. -2 A protector. yoga f. 1 One of the twelve festivals of God Ja p. p. [94 fron] 1 Protected, preserved, Purusottama. -2 N. of this place of festival; Utkala- guarded; ga ITIAT at: ay ara: R. 10. 60. khanda. -2 Hidden, concealed, kept secret; Ms. 2. 160; 7.76; yliza a. 1 Pounded, ground. - 2 Covered with dust. 8. 374. -3 Secret, private. -4 Invisible, withdrawn from sight. -8 Joined. -2: 1 An appellation usually TE: = yes q. v. (though not necessarily ) added to the name of a Vaisya; as candraguptaH, samudraguptaH &e. (Usually zarman or deva CIF: ( TegFalei + ] 1 A bundle, bunch. -2 is added to the name of a Brahmana.; gupta, bhUti or A nosegay. -3 A cow-tail, chowrie. -4 The section or 7 to that of a Vaisya; and ar to that of a Sudra; chapter of a book ct. zarmA devazca viprasya varmA trAtA ca bhUbhujaH / bhatirdattazca vaizyasya TE 1 A. (ed, usea.) To play. TA: 1974 FITOTT). -2 An epithet of Visnu. - ind. Secretly, privately, a part. - One of the principal gudam The anus; intestine; rectum; Antrebhyaste gudAbhyo female characters in a poetical composition, a lady GRAZIET Rv. 10. 163. 3; Y. 3. 93; Ms. 5. 136; 8. 262. - The anus; vein (); f at guet Bri. married to another (972who conceals her lover's caresses and endearments past, present or future; Up 1. 1. 1. -Comp. -37%9T: piles. -3919d: obstruc precariat, afzatragat and adgan ; see tion of the bowels. -3 : piles.-ig: the opening Rasamanjari 24. -Comp. - a secret or confidential of the anus. - ,- i piles. - : constipation, communication, a secret. - Tia: a spy, an emissary. flatulence, spasm of the rectum. -ATA: see year. TEH bed-room. a. going secretly. (- :) 1 an - : inflammation of the anus. - T: prollapsus ani. epithet of Balarama. -2 a spy, an emissary. Era -A#7 n. the anus. -FAP: constipation. a secret gift or present. T4 money kept secret. JY I. 4 P. (geafa, gea) To wrap up, cover, T: a disguise. - N. of the plant Alangium envelop, clothe. -II. 9 P. (yea To be angry. Hexa petalum Mar. farar?). -III. 1 A. (T ) To play, sport. Jani A preserver. greta a. Surrounded, enclosed. gia: f. (19- ) 1 Preserving, protection ; 24 I 2 y4th Ms. 1. 87, 94, 99; Y. 1. 198. TETT a. Protecting; a defender. -2 Concealing, hiding. -3 Covering, sheathing; Tec: The sound of a small oblong drum. Ny ga: K. 11. - A hole in the ground, a cavern, sink, cellar. -5 Digging a hole in the ground. TEET ( ET): The Chataka bird. -8 A means of protection, fortification, rampart; gundra 10 P. (gundrayati) To lie. Hafa ETA Ku. 6.38. - 7 Confinement, prison ; THE yg: A kind of grass. 59 gathe: Fifa Si. 11. 60. -8 The lower deck of a boat. -9 A leak in a ship. -10 Check, stoppa ge; TG I.1 P. (Tafa, fed or yta) 1 To guard, 731SRI FIATTI argfa: Mb. 12. 269. 26. protect, defend, watch over; rufa STHITH T: (-9 Mb.; 78: R. 1. 21; it i f f.) [ 99-849] 1 One who guards or tar protects; feia et R. 4. 20. -2 Hiding. con2. 3; Bk. 17. 80. -2 To hide, conceal; fo44aaolacousa ya Amaru. 26; see ya. -II. 1 A. cealment. -8 Reviling, abuse. -4 Flurry, agitation. ( od strictly desid. of 14) 1 To despise, shun, -5 Light, lustre, splendour. abhor, detest, censure; ( with abl. sometimes acc. also); nga [ 39 ] 1 Guarding, protecting; 91919yce Sk.; Foi a ragfag: Bk. 15. 19; Y. 3. JEIE: Facy Av. 12. 4. 10. -2 Hiding, conceal296.-2 To hide, conceal (T in this sense ).. -III. ing; faci 4a: 4t: ** : Udb. 4 P. (yfa ) To be confused or disturbed. -IV. 10 -3 Reviling, a buse. -4 Flurry, hurry, alarm. U. ( aa) 1 To shine. -2 To speak. - To conceal; - Light, lustre. - Envy, jealousy. -7 Perplexity, a la fata si. 9. 59; 11. 34; (the following confusion. # 1 Protection. -2 Light, lustre. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gopanIya 665 guru au a. 1 To be preserved or protected. -2 To be prevented. - To be concealed or hidden. - 4 Secrets mysterious. 1917. a. A preserver, defender, one who guards. TOT Protecting, guarding, defending. tofera a. Protected, defended. ofera n. A protector. gopita a. Concealed, kept secret; vipattiM ciragopitam Raj. T. 5. 124. iga, -fore a. Protecting, preserving. taa.(-cft f.) (199)1 A protector, preserver, guardian; arthra haft TERI R. 2. 14; 1. 55 ; M. 5. 20; Bg. 11. 18.-2 One who hides or conceals ; fatTa Y. 1. 311. -m. An epithet of Visnu. TCT a. ( 39 77 ] 1 To be protected. -2 To be kept_secret or hidden; dAreSu kiMcitsvajaneSu kiMcidgopyaM 999 gay farm Pt. 1. 100. -3 To be kept, to be taken care of. -4 To be cherished. -GT: 1 A servant, slave. -2 A son of a female slave. -Comp. 31TET: a pledge to be carefully preserved. : A slave, servant. 95 or 6 P. [9-grifa, yaa) 1 To put string or weave together, tie, wind round; y at: The OrishaSi. 14.30; faaratagorittagfal Bv. 1.71; Bk. 7. 105. -2 (fig.) To write, compose. -Caus. To string together ; gumphayantIva suzlakSNapadaratnamayIM srajam Ks.72.79. Tina, Tina p. p. Strung together, tied, woven. [74: [ 78-92 ] 1 Tying, stringing together; JF qufa B. R. 1. 1. -2 Putting together, composing, arrangement.-3 A bracelet.-4 A whisker, a mustachio. T# 1 ( 697) 1 Stringing together. - Arranging, composing. -8 Good adjustment (of words and their senses), good composition; vAkye zabdArthayAH samyagracanA gumphanA matA. The A woman with her face covered with a veil. L. D. B. IT I. 6 A.[yra, T-TO ] 1 To make an effort or exertion.-II.4 A. (pp. Tu ) 1 To hurt, kill, injure. -2 To go. -Caus. 1 To raise, lift up. -2 To eat. TTUA (UT lay ] Effort, perseverance. TE a. ( -, -aff s.) [ Un.1. 24. ] ( compar. EUR12EUR; superl. ) 1 Heavy, weighty (opp. ); (fig. also ); aa na yaf aray Afa R. 1. 34; 3. 35; 12. 102; ragau arate ge for at H Rs. 1.7. -2 Great, large, long, extended. -8 Long (in duration or length); 8. $. #....6% 317F#Bh. 2. 60; yag feadsy 78g Me. 85. -4 Important, momentous, great; fanayaft: : S. 4. 19; Faretaal Taat 49 V. 4. 31; Ku. 3. 13; Bh. 3.7; R. 14. 35. -5 Arduous, difficult (to bear); Arraifacegau 7199 Me. 1. -6 Great, excessive, violent, intense; TH: 988: 994 H R. 3. 17; gera fereg: CH S. 4. 16; Bg. 6. 22. -7 Venera blo, respectable. -8 Heavy, hard of digestion (as food). -9 Best, excellent. -10 Dear, beloved. -11 Haughty, proud as a speech). -12 In prosody) Long, as a syllable, either in itself, or being short, followed by a conjunct consonant &c.; c. y. in for a in * It is usually represented by T in works on prosody; HIE # eft : &c.). -13 Irresistible, unassailable; tayfa 119...yase it Mal. 6. 1. -19 Mighty; powerful. -18 Valua ble, highly prized; ga 97 98 3144 Y. 2. 30. -16 Grievous; Me. 85. -&: 1(a) A father ; 7 900 aquat9f8a: Para t ist : R. 3. 31, 48; 4. 1; 8. 29. (1) Forefather, ancestor ; at 4919EUTSCO 95458 YETAO U. 5. 27. (c) Father-in-law; a : (asia: Faen ase) Ram. 7. 26. 28-29. - 2 Any venerable or respectable person, an elderly personage or relative, the elders (pl.) Tuta ya S. 4. 18; Bg. 2. 5; Bv. 2. 7, 18, 19, 49; 1 yeu frattutar R. 14. 46.-3 A teacher, preceptor; ferul. -4 Particularly, a religious teacher, spiritual preceptor; at yale cat staat wfaqa-ed: R. 1. 57; (technically a Guru is one who performs the purificatory ceremonies over a boy and instructs him in the Vedas; sa guruyaH kriyAH caract wyrala Y. 1. 34). -5 A lord, head, superintendent, ruler; yala ftyar: Ram. 4. 40.6; quatur qui R. 5. 19 the head of the castes or orders; yer yta au 2. 68. -6 N. of Brihaspati, the preceptor of the gods; y get agad area: Ku. 2. 29; Pt. 1. 230. -7 The planet Jupiter ; YOY1TT 1999 : 144 Si. 2. 2. -8 The propounder of a new doctrine. -9 The lunar asterism called gee. -10 N. of Drona, teacher of the Kauravas and Pandavas. -11 N. of Prabhakara, the leader of a school of the Mimarnsakas (called after him Prabhakara ). -12 The supreme spirit. -Comp. -TTTH a long syllable. -15A 1 the wife of a Guru. -2 a woman entitled to great respect. -3deg a. important; af 41414 209-geaffy Bhag. 3. 16.14. (- ) a preceptor's fee for instructing a pupil; T&ACHE JO R.5.17. -JUH a. highly revered. (-A:) the Supreme soul. -32T: 1 Consultation of the experts; Tg yay TEYTT, 4772 ardi 9747 STAR Salihotra of Bhoja, 82. -2 advice by the elders or by the preceptor. -": a peacock. -IT: worship, adoration. For 1 a serious or weighty affair. -2 the office of a spiritual teacher. To the residence of a Guru (gurugRha), academy; vasan gurukule nityaM nityamaezya ta: Mb. 9. 40.3; 814at D igarut cerah 1961 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir guruka 888 gulmaH Ms. 7. 82. a. 1 worshipped. - made much of ; Et farei f a 677 Bh.3.20. - : instruction handed down through a series of teachers, traditional instruction. -UCH signs TriTs ) Sagittarius (47) and Pisces (Ha). -EAT: white mustard. -rut attendance upon a preceptor; Mal. 9.51.-Fa: any venerable person, an elderly relative, the elders collectively; FUTAI TO: K. 158; Bv. 2.7. -: 1 the bed ( wife of a teacher. -2 violation or violator of a teacher's bed; Mb. 12. 56. 32. - :, -aleut m. 1 one who violates his teacher's bed (wife ), (ranked in Hindu law as a sinner of the worst kind, committer of an afata; cf. Ms. 11. 103); Mb. 3. 43. 6. - one who defiles his step-mother. LateTUIT fee given to a spiritual preceptor; upAttavidyo gurudakSiNArthI R.5.1. -dAnam a Guru's gift. -daivatam the constellation puSya.-patrA the tamarind tree. -TTH tin. -91 a. difficult of digestion. 1 the ceremonies in propitiation of Brihaspati when a work is to be performed or undertaken. - 2 the worship of one's spiritual preceptor. Tel: the product of a Guru's blessing, i.e. learning. HH 1 the constellation you. -2 a bow. -3 the sign Pisces of the zodiac. - a: importance, weight. E: a kind of drum or ta bor. - T 1 topaz; (Mar. 96471T, TA). -2 a gem brought from the Himalaya and the Indus. H relative importance or value%3 virodhiSu mahIpAla nizcitya guru31994 Mb. 3. 131. 12; 5. 5. Tag: the lime, citron. -afda, afm. a student act) who resides at his preceptor's house. -affel, -at f. respectful bebaviour towards Guru (elder or venerable person); raad Ta loi af va TrafforH nam. 2. 115. 19. -HS: -HS: Thursday, afa: f. the conduct of a pupil towards his preceptor; Ram. 2.90.20. -suu a. greatly distressed, heavy with grief; TETTI T faa 788444 V. 3.9. -firetta m. an epithet of the Himalaya. la: a mantra (especially 19); H9 TENTOH Mb. 13. 136. 6. a4 = tah) the preceptor's wealth or property; at eri Tes d... Bm. 1. 35. To a. (- f.) 1 A little heavy. -2 Long (in prosody ). year a. Most important. -# 1 A best teacher. -2 N. of Visuu. Teat, an 1 Weight, heaviness. -2 Burden, trouble. -3 Dignity, greatness; U. 6. 19; 1 in fattaat al argara at af H. 2. 46; Si. 16. 27. - Respecta bility, venerableness. -5 The office of a teacher; Ks. 19. -8 Importance. -7 Universal gravitation. TEHC A pregnant woman; fayl: Fagar ausur Bhag. 10.2.21. -ttA Heaviness ; tamazmAnaM manyamAna Atmano ATT Bhag. 10. 7. 27. (T) : 1 The district of Gujarath. -2 An inhabitant of Gujarath; teSAM mArge paricayavazAdarjitaM gurjarANAM 4: Gare Presa m ei 2014 Vikr. 18. 97. -*t N. of a Ragini. graft, yai A pregnant woman; 39131 94294a urtofi hla: # Mb. 14. 36; fuff argue a agafar (76927314. - The wife of a preceptor. I Soo Te. TO 1 P. (yaa) 1 To endeavour, try. -2 To raise or elevate. IS: 1 Molasses; cf. y. -2 the glans penis. -3 Clitoris. 1 A pill. -2 Small-pox. ye: Sweetness, a sweet taste. Tom 1 N. of a minor planet (The son of Saturn). -2 Having a poisoned weapon (= hunter), -N. of a country. -4 A quarter-elephant; yeah Head TAagert: I felt......Nm. yft 1 A ball; aytgrafshifrifa yfeared The fant: N. 3. 127; a bead; actueaffic Ram. 3. 64. 44. -2 A pearl. -8 A bullet; sarfa gran festa fa far Siva. B. -Comp. -ist playing with a ball. guliGka: A sparrow. Ig09:, TG53: A bunch or cluster ; see 178; Si. 12. 37. Ten: The ankle; agenuqturfgoh Ku. 7. 55; Feata K. 10. - Comp. - a. reaching down the ankle; laulanen96: Mal. 3. 17. - a. anklet; face544 ... Siva. B. 6. 88. TEH, -e [ 3 : Tv.] 1 A clump or cluster of trees, a thicket, wood, bush ; fi EFraak Bhag. 8. 2. 20; Ms. 1. 48; 7. 192; 12. 58; Y. 2. 229.-2 A troop of soldiers ; 1. e. three yes; cf. Mb. 1. 2. 20; a division of an army, consisting of 45 foot, 27 horse, 9 chariots and 9 elephants according to ne of the 18 of g ut; cf. also que , G. 0. S. 52, p. 31 ). -3 A fort, entrenchment; Ayat 7 To trh: gerai, Mb. 3. 15.11. -4 The spleen. -6 A chronic enlargement of the spleen. - A village police-station. -7 A wharf of stairs (Mar. 18). -8 Disciplining an army, keeping it in a posture of defence. -9 War-camp ; a yo #982 Tar a ft 17 Mb. 10. 8. 41. -10 A tent; Mb. 6. 86. 54. Eft 1 A cluster or clump of trees. -2 Jujube. -8 Small cardamoms. -4 A tent. Comp. y4 a. kind of leprosy. The a small sort of cane, sorrel. t a. having bushy hair. -mUlam fresh ginger. -vAtaH, -uda: a disease of the spleen. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gulmin 667 CHT, a. (aft .) 1 Growing in a clump or cluster; facrat aglay125121793 THA: Ram. 7. 54. 11. -2 Having a diseased spleen, or a spleen affected by Yh. -8 Composed of different divisions (as a force &c. ). I (T) 7: The betel-nut tree. yftga a. Ved. Interlaced, intwined, accumulation; af9 971 Adafta yra Rv. 8. 40. 6. TE 1 U. (aefaa, FIE, WE, TL, ie, apa, 219477-a, Trecufaa, wafa-a, Tea, 194, T ) To cover, hide, conceal, keep secret; guhyaM ca gRhati guNAn prakaTIkaroti Bh. 2. 72; T a uwa Ms. 7. 105; R. 14. 49; Bk. 16. 41. -2 To cover with clothes. TE: [16 ] 1 An epithet of Kartikeya; Te arafaENTEN : K. 8; Ku. 5. 14. -2 A horse. -3 N. of a Chandala or Nisada, king of Sringavera and a friend of Rama. - 4 An epithet of Visqu; also of Siva. -Comp. - (pl.) the number six. - 7: the peculiar form of construction of a temple. - Tyf the sixth day in the first fortnight of mArgazIrSa. TET 1 A cave, cavern, hiding-place; getacafera. 28 R. 2.28.51; Eu Te Pared ETIH Mb. -2 Hiding, concealing. -3 A pit, hole in the ground. - The heart; Svet. Up.3.20; 47791- 4-Tazsaften TETA Bhag. 2. 9. 21. -8 Intellect; are alred EUTA Kath. 1. 14; i asta farer TH Mb. 1. 191. 25. -Comp. - a. placed in the heart. TCH Brahman. a. 'cave-mouthed', wide-mouthed, openmouthed. 79: 1 a mouse. -2 a tiger or lion. -3 the Supreme soul. great A wood, thicket. grec Wealth, property. JET: 1 A guardian, protector. -2 A blacksmith. JU pot. p. 1 To be concealed, covered or kept secret, private; Ja a fa Bh. 2. 72. -2 Secret, solitary, retired. -3 Mysterious; Bg. 18. 63; 95910TH Ja San K. 69. I 1 Hypocrisy. -2 An epithet of Visu. -3 A tortoise. 1 A secret, mystery; Ala fH JE Bg. 10. 38; 9. 2; Ms. 12. 117; Pt. 2. 49; TEU TEN 97 fag: fea fare ? a Kau. A. 1. 15. -2 A privity, the male or female organ of generation; as fagpaa ya urech Ks. 2. 56. -3 The anus. -4 a private, secret place ; maithunaM satataM dhayaM guhye caiva samAcaret Mb. 12. 193. 17. -Comp. -T5: an epithet of Siva; (considered as the special teacher of the Tantras). 19 : the fire-fly. -fatur: urine. -ge: the Asvattha tree ('with concealed blossoms'). - 1 secret speech or conversation. -2 a secret. -HT: an epithet of Kartikeya. - f. a disease of the pudenda; Bri. $. 5. 86. faut knowledge of Mantras or mystical incantations; V. P. 1. 9. 117. T44 1 N. of a class of demigods, who, like the Yaksas, are attendants of Kubera and guardians of his treasures; Tahi 1 Me. 5; Ms. 12. 47. -2 The number eleven'.-Comp. -37ffa: -at: an epithet of Kuber. TC p. p. [ 12- ] 1 Hidden, concealed, kept secret. -2 Covered. -3 Invisible, latent. -4 Secret, private. - Disguised. 41 A solitary or private place. -2 A private part. -3 A mystery. -4 One of the T-GISTs. ind. Secretly; Barat 02 faery T4 Mb. 3. 176. 10. -Comp.-31 : a tortoise. - e: a snake. -3T a. having a hidden meaning (cf. Paffil-cert -9 &c. N. of different commentaries ). -: the hidden or mystic sense; A. L. - (the compound word being gUDhotman thus accounted for in Sk.; bhaved varNAgamAd &: faut quifaydarz I TEHT aufsaufstegater: the Supreme soul. - Cipher writing; Kau. A. 1. 12. -3899, : one of the 12 kinds of sons in Hindu law; he is a son born secretly of a woman, when her husband is absent, the real father being unknown; TOEN 341 TETT ya: a: Y. 2. 129; Ms. 9. 159, 170. a a a. going about secretly; Y. 2. 268. (-m.) a spy, secret emissary. ts: the wag-tail. -TTT: 1 a hidden path. - 2 a by-path. -3 the mind, intellect. -1,-1: a snake. got a spy, secret emissary, disguised agent; Tag : Kau. A. 1. 11. -959: the Bakula tree. -TECH secret intelligence, private communication. -AM: 1 a passage under-ground. -2 a defile. #ga: a crow. -aer, m. 1 'a concealed witness', one placed to overhear secretly what has been said by the defendant. -2 a frog. -a. of concealed glory; talakSaNajJA api gUDhavarcasam Bhay. 1. 19. 28. Tartan 1 Secrecy. -2 Obscurity of sense ); 45 7744aste Tacaratya Mb. 1. 1. 82. TET, TTTH Concealing, hiding; 4149 99EUR a: a $4 44I84 Bhag. 3. 26. 5. T 6 P. (Iaia) To void by stool. T: f. 1 Dirt. -2 Ordure, excrement. TT:, -TH Faeces, ordure. Ta a. Voided by stool ( as ordure). K = 19. v. TUTL See . Tat (of) a. Ved. Agreeable, thankful. Tra: f. Ved. Praise, approval. JE (TE) 1 A. (Tea) -1, 1 To play, sport. -2 To leap, jump.-II. 10 P. ( af) 1 To play, sport. -2 To dwell, inhabit. TET: A jump. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra gurv gUrdha 10 P. ( gUrdhayati ) Ved. To praise, extol. gUvAka See guvAka. gUSaNA The eye in a peacock's tail. 1P. (gati) 1 To sprinkle, moisten, wet. -2 To grant. gRj, -gR 1 P. (garjati or guJjati ) To sound, roar, grumble &c. gRJjanaH 1 A small red variety of garlic or onion ( prohibited as food for dvija ); lazunaM gRJjanaM caiva palANDuM kavakAni ca / abhakSyANi dvijAtInAmamedhyaprabhavANi ca || Ms. 5.5; Y.1.176. -2 A turnip -3 The tops of hemp chewed to produce intoxication, the Ganja. - The meat of an animal destroyed by poisoned arrow; 'atha gRJjanaM viSadigdhapazormAse' Medini. | Mb. 13. 9. 39. guNDi (DI) va A species of jnekal. gRtsa . 1 Clever; dexterous; judicious; wise. -2 A sharp fellow, sharper. sa: The god of love. gRtsamadaH N. of a Vedic Risi and author of several hymns in Rigveda. gRdhU 4 P. ( gRdhyati, gRddha ) 1 To covet; desire, strive after greedily. -2 To long for, be desirous of. - Caus. ( gardhayati ) 1 To make desirous or greedy. -2 To deceive cheat ( Atm. ); sItAM didRkSuH pracchannaH so'gardhayata rAkSasAn Bk. 8. 43. gRdhu . [ gRdhU-ku ] Lustful, libidinous. -dhuH The God of love. gRddha a. Desirous, Longing for; lustful ( Asakta ); gRddhAM vAsasi saMbhrAntAM menakAM munisattama: Mb. 1. 72.6. graddhin a Desirous, eagerly longing for. gRdhnu a. [gRdhU-knu ] 1 Greedy, covetous; agRdhnurAdade so'rtham R. 1. 21 kSaNena Nag. 4. 25. -2 Eager, desirous; ye cAnye guNagRbhava: Bhag. 3. 14. 20. gRdhyam, dhyA. [ karmaNi kyap] Desire, greedines. gRdhya a. Longed for greedily desired yamarthamasi Bk. 7.55. gRdhra . [ gRdhU-kran] Greedy, covetous. -dhaH, -dham A vulture; mArjArasya hi doSeNa hato gRdhro jaradgavaH H. 1. 53; R.. 12.50, 54. - zrI The female vulture; Y. 3. 256. -Comp. -kUTa: N. of a mountain near Rajagriha - patiH, -rAjaH the lord of the vultures, an epithet of Jatayu; asyaivAsInmahati zikhare gRdhrarAjasya vAsaH e. 2. 25. -vAja, -vAjita furnished with vulture feathers ( as an arrow ). a. gRdhANa a Similar to a vulture (in greediness); engerly diring: Bhag. 5. 7. 14. 668 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gRham gradhikA The mother of vultures a daughter of Kasaypa and Tamra. a. Bad, wicked. f. 1 The wind escaping at the anus (apAna). -2 Understanding, reason, intellect. gRdhrasI 1 Lumbago. -2 Rheumatism affecting the loins; Charaka 1. 5, 20. grabham Ved. A house; cf. graham; nyu triyante yazaso gRbhAdA Rv. 7. 21. 2. grabhi: Ved. Grasping, holding; vanaspatInAM grabhiroSadhInAm Av. 12. 1. 57. grabhi (bhI) ta a. 1 Seized ; Bhag. 3. 21.24; 10.87.14. -2 Impregnated, bearing fruit. sRSTi. [khAni sakRt garbham grah kartari cic pRSo0 TY. ] 1 A cow which has had only one calf, a young cow ( sakRtprasUtA gauH ) ApInamA roihanaprayatnAd STiH R. 2. 183 strI tAvatsaMskRtaM paThantI dattanavanasyA iva gRSTiH sUsUzabdaM karoti Mk. 3. -2 ( In comp. with the names of other animals) Any young female animal; vAsitAgRSTi: ' a young sheelephant.' -3 A woman who has one child only. -4 A bulbous plant ( Mar. DukarakaMda ); Kau. A. 2.1. -m. A boar. 10 A. To accept, to take, to seize; L. D. B. gRham [ gRhyate dharmAcaraNAya, gehArthe ka Tv. ] 1 A house dwelling, habitation, mansion na gRhaM gRhamityAhuhiNI gRha mucyate Pt. 4. 81, 5.15; pazya vAnaramUrkheNa sugRhI nirgrahIkRta: Pt. 1.390. -2 A wife ; ( the first quotation in 1 is sometimes erroneously cited as an illustration). -3 The life of a householder ; na hi sati kuladhurye sUryavaMzyA gRhAya R. 7. 71, 5. 10; Mv. 4. 28.4 A sign of the zodiac. 5 A name or appellation. -6 A square (in chess or any other game). -hAH ( m. pl.) 1 A house, dwelling; ime no gRhAH Mu. 1; sphaTikopalaviprahA gRhAH zazabhRdbhittaniraGkabhittayaH N. 2.74; tayAgAraM dhanapatigRhAnuttareNAsmadIyam Me. 77. -2 A wife: athAvalokako chAnekaH parAvasuH M. 3.138.4. -3 The inhabitants of a house, family; the life of a householder ; gRhAnutsRjya yo rAjan mokSamevAbhipadyate Mb. 12. 160. 29. -haH Ved. An assistant, or servant; gRho yAmyaraMkRto devebhyo havyavAhanaH Rv. 10. 119.13. In comp. oft. rendered by 'domestic', 'household' or tame pigeon'; 'kAryANi karmANi 'household duties'; 'zakuntikA 'tame bird' udhanA parivadAmi nRtyave sauniko rAhatakA mitra . 1. 45 &c. -Comp. -akSa: a loophole, oyelet-hole, a round or oblong window. adhipaH IzaH IzvaraH 1 a house-holder. -2 a regent of a sign of the zodiac. saMzayasthaH see anupAta -ayanikaH a house-holder. -arthaH domestic affairs, any household matter; gRhArtho'bhiparikriyA Ms. 2. 67. -abhipAlin m. a watchman. -amlam a kind of sour-gruel. - avagrahaNI the threshold. - azman m. a flat oblong stone upon which condiments are 'tame'; e. 1. 'kapotaH a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gRham 669 ground (Mar. 91). - MT a. one who has come to a house. (-a:) a guest. - ETT: household or domestic business; U. 2.-3TICFIT: building a house; TETTE fagara Bhag. 11. 9. 15. -3TTCTH:, -aal, - a garden attached to a house. -37137, -37T9T the betel-tree. -3TTYTA: the order of a householder, the second stage in the religious life of a Bahmana ; see 3712744; Ms. 6. 1. 37TAT m. a householder; Bhay. 10.80.7. saret a housewife ; Reggi TE 7711 9 : Bhag. 10. 60.51. -utpAta: any domestic nuisance. -upakaraNam a domestic utensil, anything required for household use; The faria Hj 290 Ks. 20.150. 0899: = EU47 q. v. FPT, the plant Aloe Perfoliata (Mar. 1793). - 1, -a : a tame or domestic pigeon ; Si. 4. 52. TUTH 1 household affairs. -2 house-building. m. 1 'a house-builder,' a kind of sparrow. -2 a carpenter; gRhakartA bhavAneva devAnAM hRdayepsitam Ram.7.5.19. - n. 1 household affairs. -2 a domestic rite. : #17:, a: a menial, domestic servant; siya MURTHI gitterat ura had ear: Bh. 1. 1. - domestic feuds, intestine broils. - a housebuilder, mason ; la quo ta *: Y. 3. 146. fam. 1 a housebuilder. -2 a kind of wasp. : a domestic cock. F H, er household affairs; sadA prahRSTayA bhAvyaM gRhakAryeSu dakSayA Ms.5. 150. TIETT, TTT the small house-lizard. et a house with two rooms contiguous to each other, but one facing west, the other east; Bri. S. 53. 40. a. thinking only of one's house ; Bhag. 9. 11. 17. -54 1 a family-secret or scandal. - 2 family dissensions; Traft efi -4H HANHH II. 1. 123. -, ta a. born in the house (a slave &c.); Bri. 5. 61.7; Ms. 8. 415. 77: family, members of a family, especially the wife; Mu. 1. it deceit, disguise. Ta (also esta) 'wise only in the inside of the house', inexperienced, stupid, foolish. et a terrace in front of the house. -16 n. a house-post ; fed and feerd 1591 Mk. 4.3. -I: setting a house on fire, incendiarism. In: a domestic slave. - at a female domestic slave; TT veruly at pagliat Parmig atau ai apo il Bhag. 10.9. 1. tl: f. the splendour or ornament of a house, a virtuous woman; THETHI: THIET : Ms. 9. 26. qar the goddess of a house ; (pl.) a class of household deities; Ks. 4. 74. - the threshold of a house ; h afts: HEUTEH Mk. 1.9. - wind. -Art: a wild pigeon. -ats: a sparrow, ora: 1 a householder; ar vafa au Rv. 6.53. 2; a man who has entered on the second stage of life, one who, after having completed his studies, is married and settled. -2 a sacrificer. -3 the virtue of a householder; i. e. hospitality. -4 Ved. an epithet of Agni. - the maintenance of the sacred and perpetual fire. -6 the ................. . ............. head or judge of a village; Mk. 2; Dk. 8.- aft Ved. 'the mistress of a house', the wife of the householder; TE17 1708 TER : Rv. 10. 85. 26. 10: 1 the guardian of a house. -2 a housedog; rasane trud garga Bhag. 3. 30. 15. -fout f. the basement of a building; Kamikagama 55. 200-201. -Tani the site of a house, the ground on which it stands and which surrounds it. - TTTH maintenance of a household; da ta faqarTHAT 7990 Ks. 2. 55. qat: a solemn entrance into a house according to prescribed rites. 2: a domestic ich neumon. -ares: a domestic oblation, offering of the remnants of a meal to all creatures, such as animals, supernatural beings, and particularly household deities; Ms. 3. 265.999: a crane. 47 m. 1 a crow. -2 a sparrow; af Hoteles YFTH : Me. 23. agar a deity to whom a domestie oblation is offered. - 1 one who is driven from his house, an exile. -2 destroying a house. -3 breaking into a house. -4 failure, ruin or destruction of a house, firm &c. - 1 breaking down or destroying a house. -2 causing the decay or ruin of a family. -5 4 an audience hall. - m. the master of a house ; Bri. S. 53. 58. : f. the site of a house. * a. 1 prying into domestic affairs. -2 causing domestic quarrels. I T m. an inmate of the same house, tenant; at - HET FIZE : Raj. T. 5. 403. - Afor: a lamp. -mAcikA a bat. -mArjanI a female servant of the house; # a for SE Earta Bhag. 10. 83. 11. - : a dog. A: a multitude of houses; Ram. 5.- a. 1 one who performs the domostic rites or sacrificos; - UTH 3 a 45 HT9 C Rv. 7. 59. 10. -2 connected with the duties of a householder. (-57:) 1 a householder. -2 a domestic sacrifice; Bhag. 2. 6. 19. -ATT m. a householder, a married Brahmana who has a household; (gRhairamadhante saMgacchante Mali.); prajAyai gRhamedhinAm R.1. 7; see era a bove. (at) 1 the wife of a householder, a house-wife; 77499 ATTIEI feofi za 14 Bhag. 4. 26. 13.-2 the intellect based on the Sattva quality. -yajJaH 80 gRhamedhaH; Mb. 10. 18.5. -yantram a stick or other instrument to which, on solemn occasions, flags are tastened; gRhayantrapatAkAzrIrapaurAdaranirmitA Ku.6.41. -randhram family-dissensions. -vATikA, -vATIagarden attached to a house. -rar: the owner of a house. - a. devoted to home; fao ya: vaatar forutsiga ARTH Bhag. 7.5. 30. m. a pigeon. -1: 1 a domestic parrot, one kept for pleasure; Amaru.16. -2 a domestic poet; utca 16: Y WET : g: 912 ragut 7 slat 116 | Raj. T. 5. 31. Ta i a house-builder by profession; Ms. 3. 163. - TT property; TSARTHA #974474 Mu. 1.-: a householder, one who has entered on the stage of a house holder; 12 electorat qaror var U. 1. 9; see fa above and Ms. 3. 68; 6. 90. 32: the life of a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gRhakam 670 gAta mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm householder; 800 gRhAzrama. degdharmaH the duty of a householder. -sthU NA the pillar of a house. gRhakam A garden (vATikA); kadalIgRhakaM gatvA Ram. 3. 42. 23. gRhayAyyaH A householder; (according to Tv. the form gRhayApya given in zabdakalpadruma is not correct). gRhavat m. The possessor of a house, house-holder; tathAnyAsAmapi vibhurgRheSu gRhavAniva Bhag. 10.60.59. gRhayAlu a. Disposed to catch hold of or seize. gRhA (ho) likA A small house-lizard. gRhiNI 'The mistress of a house', a wife, house-wife; (the lady in charge of the house); na gRhaM gRhamityAhueNhiNI gRhamucyate / gRhaM tu gRhiNIhInaM kAntArAdatiricyate Pt. 4.81. -Comp. -padam the position or dignity of the mistress of the house; yAntyevaM gRhiNIpadaM yuvatayo vAmAH kulasyAdhayaH S.4.183; sthitA gRhiNIpade 19. gRhin a. [gRha-ini] Possessing a house. -m. The master of a house, a householder; pIDyanta gRhiNaH kathaM nu tanayAvizleSaduHkhainavaiH 5.4.6%3 U.2.22; Santi. 2.21, Pt. 2.61. gRhIbhU To serve as a house; tarumUlAni gRhIbhavanti teSAm 5.7.20. gRhya . [gRhU kyap] 1 To be attracted or pleased, as in guNagRhya q.v. -2 Domestic; gRhANAM caiva devAnAM nityapuSpabalikriyA Mb. 13. 141.43. -3 Not master of oneself, dependent. - Tame, domesticated. -5 Situated out-side of; grAmagRhyA senA 'an army out-side a village.' -6 Adhering to the party of, being in close relation to; tamAryagRhyam R. 2. 33. -7 Perceptible; Svet. Up. 1. 13. -hya: 1 The inmate of a house. -2 A tame animal or bird. -3 The domestic fire. -hyam 1 The anus.-2 A suburb; L.D. B. -3Adomestic affair; gRhmANi kartumapi Bhag. 10.8.25. -Comp. -3fa: a sacred fire which every Brahmana is enjoined to maintain. TOF a. 1 Tame, domestic. -2 Dependent. -Fi A tame animal. gRhaNI Sour gruel made from the termentations of rice water. gRhIta See under graha. TEM A village adjoining to a city; a suburb. ga I. 9 P. (gRNAti, gUrNa) 1 To utter a sound, call out, invoke nAmApi nAma gRNatAmamRtatvAya kalpatAm Mv.7.15. -2 To announce, speak, utter, proclaim%; brahmarSibhiH paraM brahma gRNadbhirupatasthire R. 10.63. -3 To relate, promulgate. - To praiser extol; kecidbhItAH prAjalayo gRNanti Bg. 11.213 Bk. 8.77. With anu to encourage 3 gRNadbhyo'nugRNantyanye Bk. 8.77. -II.6 P. (girati or gilati) 1 To swallow, devour, eat up. -2 To send forth, pour out, spit out, or eject, from the mouth. With 34a (Atm.) to eat, devour; tathAvagiramANaizca pizAcaiAsazoNitam Bk. 8.30. -III 10 A. (gArayate) 1 To make known, relate. -2 To teach. gIrNa . [gR karmaNi-kta] 1 Swallowed, eaten up. -2 Described, praised. gIrNiH / [gR bhAve ktin ] 1 Praise. -2 Fame. -3 Eating up, swallowing. geNDu (du)kaH 1 A ball for playing with (also gaNDUka). -2 A cushion; Si.2.77. com. 'upadhAna vizeSa syAdganduke praNaye'pi ca' iti vizvaH / / gee 1 A. (gepate) To shake, tremble. gev 1 A. (gevate) To serve. geS 1 A. (geSate, geSNa) To seek, search, investigate; of. gaveS. gehama go gaNezo gandharvo vA IhaH Ipsito yatra Tv.] A house, habitation; sA nArI vidhavA jAtA gehe roditi tatpatiH Subhas. N. B. The loc. of this word is used with several words to form aluk Tat. compounds; e. g. Teata a. 'bellowing at home only', i.e. a coward, poltroon. gehedAhin a. sharp at home only' ie. a coward. gehenardin a. shouting defiance at home only'; i. e. a coward, dunghill-cock; yad gehenardinamasau zarIramabhAyayat Bk.5.41. TEHT a. 'making water at home; i.e. indolent. 160418: a. braggadocio, braggart, boaster. gehezUraH a househero', a carpet-knight, boasting coward. gehin .(-nI/.)= gRhin q.v. gehinI A wife, the mistress of the house; yazodA nandagahinI Bhag. 10.9.1; dhairya yasya pitA kSamA ca jananI zAntizviraM gahinI Santi. 4.9; madnehinyAH priya iti sakhe cetasA kAtareNa Me. 79. gehya . Domestic, being in a house. -hyam 1Domestic affair. -2 Wealth.. gai 1 P. (gAyati, jagau, agAsIt , gAsyati, gAtum, gIta) 1 To sing, sing a song; aho sAdhu rebhilana gItam Mk. 33; grISmasamayamadhikRtya gIyatAm S. 1; Ms. 4.64; 9. 42. -2 To speak or recite in a singing tone. - To relate, declare, tell (es. pecially in metrical language); gItazcAyamarthozirasA Mal. 2. -4 To describe, relate or celebrate in song; cAraNadvandvagItaH 5.2. 15; prabhavastasya gIyate Ku.2.5. -Caus. (gApayati-te) To cause to sing or praise in song, jayodAharaNaM bAhvorgApayAmAsa kinnarAn R. 4. 78, 15.33. gAtavya a. To be sung; what may be sung. gAtuH 1 A song. -2 A singer. -3 A bee. gAtR (-trI /.) [gai-gAne tRc] 1 Singer. -2 Angry. -m. 1 A singer; etAnsarvAnsamAnIya gAtArau samavezayat Ram.7. 94.9 Ch. Up. 1.6.8. -2 A Gandharva. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra gAthaH A song, singing. gAthakaH, -thikaH [gai thakan] 1 A musician, singer; samastA gAthakagaNAH pArthivaspardhitAM yayuH Raj. T. 7. 933. -2 A chanter of sacred poems or Puranas; vaNadbhiraligAthakaiH Bk. 6.84. 1 Verse. -2 A religious verse, but not belonging to any one of the Vedas. -3 A stanza. -4 A song; kadA bAheyikA gAthAH punargAsyAmi zAkale Mb. 8. 44.26. BA Prakrita dialect. -6 N. of the Arya metre. -7 Legend, history (AkhyAna ); dvijopasRSTaH kuhakastakSako vA dazatvalaM gAyata fa: Bhag. 1. 19. 15. Comp. - a writer of Prakrita verses.iet epic songs and particularly those in praise of men or heroes. A song, verse; Y. 1. 45. [ ] 1 Singing, a song. -2 A sound. -3 Going. - Praise. Comp. -far the science of vocal music. Y. ma. 1 Going, moving. -2 Singing, praising. - A plant used in clearing the voice (Mar.). a. Musical. - A song; Ram. 1. gAyaH A song yathAvidhAnena paThana sAmagAyamavicyutam V. 3. 112. geya pot. p. [gai kartari ni0 yat ] 1 A singer, one who sings; P. III. 4. 68 Sk. -2 To be sung. 1 A song, singing, also the art of singing; geye kena vinItau vAm R. 15.69; Me. 88; anantA vAGmayasyAho geyasyaiva vicitratA S. 2.72. 1 A singer, a professional singer: Ch. Up. 1. 6. 2 An actor. geSNu: [ iSNuc ] A singer, an netor. gaira Area. (-A) [mm] Coming from a moun tain, mountain born. gairika Afem a. (-) [f we 3] Mountain-born. -kaH, -kam Red chalki defbhiH payasi merikarege Si.. 39. -kam Gold. gaireya a. [ girau bhavaH Dhak ] Mountain-born. -yam Bitu men, red chalk. go m. f. (Nom. gauH ) [ gacchatyanena, gam karaNe Do Iv. ] 1 Cattle, kine (pl.) -2 Anything coming from a cow; such as milk, flesh, leather &c. -8 The stars; fa fuf: at : Rv. 7.36. 1. -4 The sky. -5 The thunderbolt of Indra; Ki. 8. 1. -8 A ray of light; A vidyate goSu deva Mb. 1. 232. 11; bAlo'yaM girizikhareSu cArayan gAH trailokyaM timirabhareNa dRSTametat (raviH nairnatyaM nayati ) / Ram. Ch. 7. 60. 7 A diamond. -8 Heaven. -9 An arrow. -f. 1 A cow; jugopa gorUpadharAmivorvIm R. 2.3; kSIriNyaH santu gAvaH Mk. 10. 60. -2 The earth; R. 1. 26; gAmAttasAraM raghurapyavekSya 5.26; 11. 36; Bg. 15. 13; sekosMu. 3. 2; Me. 30; cf. also the quotation 671 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir go for (-8).-3 Speech, words; gfe agtenfa <Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 672 ................ tiffania Ki. 4. 10. -2(a) a district, department, province, sphere. (1) an abode, dwelling-place, a place of resort; Si. 1. 21; Ms. 10.39. -3 range of the organs of sense, an object of sense; 990it fag be within ear-shot; 7271af af to become visible. -4 scope, range, in general; cara a lath Bh. 2. 16. -5 (fig.) grip, hold, power, influence, control; : *** TTFatita: Pt. 1. 146; TTHEUT: U. 6. 26; Mal. 5. 21; Bf4 at aditifsa tachartaTH Mal.1. -6 horizon. -7 field for action, scope; a cangreitag Ta Kath. 3. 4. -8 the range of the planets from the Lagna or from each other. ter inauspicious position of stars within the ecliptic; hat07621AfA TIT : THECU: (tet a ifa) Bri.S.41.13. (ads to place within the range of sight), make current). - n. 1 a cow's hide. -2 a particular measure of surface thus defined by Vasistha :vaMzena dazavaMzAn samantataH / paJca cAbhyadhikAn dadyAdetadgocarma cocyate / / q : an epithet of Siva. -auf seeking food like a cow; auf a t Bhag. 11. 18. 29. a cowherd. - TUTT the tending or feeding of cows; Bhag. 10.38.8. - a. 1 born in the earth rice &c. ).-2 produced by milk; 345TTT ...... Kath. 5. 2. -FT: an old ox or bull; afgaand terrge Fiat 5a # Bhag. 3. 30. 13. -jalam the urine of a bull or cow. -jAgarikam auspiciousness, happiness. (-:) a preparer of food, baker. -Aita a. born in the heaven (gods); haar car &ar: Rv. 6.50.11. - & N. of a plant (Mar. 972EUR). fafail the uvula. sila a. living on cattle (milkman); Hch. 1.7. -Ogli an excellent bull or cow. -atot a cowhouse. - (af HfH 42-]1 a cowpen. -2 a stable in general. -8 a family, race, lineage; 17 HOTIS Sk. ; 80 147121, afagitat: &c.; Ms. 3. 109, 9. 141. -4 a name, appellation; IC TFala 1994 N. 1. 30; S. 6. 5; see 'Ferod below; Hizi fazlage HFITAIAT Me. 88. -5 a multitude. -6 increase. -7 a forest, -8 a field. -9 a road. 10 possessions, wealth. -11 an umbrella, a parasol. -12 knowledge of futurity. -13 a genus, class, species. -14 a caste, tribe, caste according to families. (-5:) a mountain ; TT TTF Frostyal' la 1a:; Si. 9. 80. Hence T1121 : means Indra; cf. Each CITU Nm. (-1) 1 a multitude of cows. - 2 the earth. 9TT: recitation of family pedigree. e, Fift m. the founder of a family. To the earth. 'ET a. born in the same family, gentile, a relation; Bhag. 3. 7. 24; Y. 2. 135. 'TC: a genealogical ta ble, pedigree. tert: the oldest member or founder of a family. -Arm. an epithet of Indra ; E at T C H: R. 3. 53; 6.73; Ku. 2. 52. FECH, Feloch blundering or mistaking in calling (one) by his name, calling by a wrong name; THTHYOET zasy 494 Ku.4.8. a. giving cows; Ms. 4. 231. (*) brain. ( 1) N. of the river Godavari. - a. Ved. giving cows. | (-:) an epithet of Indra. (-74) a crown (pro tecting the head). - a. armed with a coat of mail. (-9 ) 1 yellow orpiment. -2 a white fossil substance. -art 1 the gift of a cow. -2 the ceremony of tonsure or cutting the hair; rAmalakSmaNayo rAjan godAnaM ITU Ram. 1. 71. 23; 39147 chawath R. 3. 33; (see Mallinatha's explanation of the word); $cTICHE: U. 1; 3a eta a Kau. A. 1. 5; (Ram. explains the word differently ). -3 the part of the head close to the right ear. - a. intending to give cows. For 1 a plough. -2 a spade, hoe. -1, -arati N. of a river in the south. 96 m.) 6: 'cow milker', a cowherd; U T TIE R. 1. 4. 1; fat raquant gea: a nice: Si. are: 1 the milking of cows. -2 the milk of cows. -3 the time of milking cows. - Eu 1 the time of milking cows. - 2 the milking of cows; na lakSyate hyavasthAnamapi godohana kvacit Bhag. 1. 19. 40. IE a milk-pail. : the urine of a bull or cow. - 4 1 a herd or multitude of cows, cattle. -2 possession of cows. (-:) a broad-pointed arrow. ETC: a mountain. -ETA: the law of cattle, rules relating to cattle; open and unconcealed intercourse of the sexes); u 24 alsurey falai gla: / wraca ai travaitante21 || Mb. 1. 104. 26. -H, - : 1 wheat; Bti. Up. 6. 3. 13. -2 the wheat flour; -rah a sour paste.-fo: dust of the cows', the time of sunset or evening twilight (so called be cause cows, which generally return home at about sunset, raise up, clouds of dust by their treading on the earth ). Ci a milch-cow with a calf. - a mountain.-nandA an epithet of the wife of Siva.-nandI the female of the Sarasa bird. -a: 1 the Indian ) crane. -2 an epithet of Siva bellowing like a bull). -3 N. of a country. H ier: an epithet of Patanjali, author of the Mahabhasya. , -He: 1 a kind of snake. -2 a kind of gem. To the mouth of a cow. - T: 1 a bull. -2 an owner of land. -3 a herdsman. -4 an owner of kine. -Art: a cowherd; tadyathA gonAyo'zvanAyaH puruSanAya ityevaM tadapa AcakSate'zanAyeti Ch. Up. 6. 8. 3. ara: a wolf. ET the projecting snout of a cow or ox. -nAsam a kind of gem. -niSyandaH cow's urine. -T: 1 a cowherd considered as belonging to a mixed tribe); Tarta facit: Me. 15. -2 the chief of a cowpen. -3 the superintendent of a village. -4 a king. - a protector, guardian; Ry. 10. 61.10. STATE the wood of a thatch ; Pately aut STAGIH Si. 3. 49. deg39 T the eighth day of the bright fortnight of Karttika when Krisna is said to have worn the dress of a cowherd. Teil a cowherd. "FUT 1 the daughter of a cowherd. -2 a nymph of Vrindavana. Oszter:, :, 7: the chief of herdsmen, an epithet of Krisna. Parq: the rain bow. c: the betel-nut tree. H the fibrous root of a i water-lily. T: gum myrrh. gr: (pl.) N. of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 678 a people. at: f. a cowherd's wife; Bhag. 1. 9. 40. at a young cowherdess, a young wife of a cowherd; faydate Bhasa P. 1. (- ) 1 the superintendent of a district. - 2 myrrh. (-f il) 1 a cowherdess; Bhag. 10. 9. 14-15. -2 protectress. (- ) a cowherd's wife (especially applied to the cowherdesses of Vrindavana, the companions of Krisna in his juvenile sports ). -2 a milk-maid. -3 a protectress. -4 Nature, elementary nature. -qa: 1 an owner of Cows. 2 a bull. -3 a leader, chief. -4 the sun; Hertfa fa: Bhag. 1. 12. 10; Mb. 1. 173. 32. -3 Indra; FCI T a tilgt gt4E:) Ki. 8.1. -B N. of Krisna. -7 N. of Siva. -8 N. of Varuya ; e 971 HET99T1 agurtit 199: Mb. 5.98. 11. -9 a king; Atat faed 1997 arong #fa: Mb. 12. 135. 26. -99 N. of a Brahmana of Av. - Teah the name of the place where Panini is said to have performed penance and propitiated Siva ; affa Fira #T: yena mayA / yatra pANininA lebhe vaiyAkaraNikAmyatA // aruNAcalamAhAtmyam3 4: 34. &C . -Ty a sacrificial cow. -T:m. Ved. 1 a herdsman. -2 protector, or guardian; 219cati ya 97 Av. 12. 1. 57. - e a curved beam which supports a thatch; gopAnasI tu balabhicchAdane vakradAruNi Ak. 2. 2. 15. - 1 a cowherd; Ms. 4. 253. -2 a king. -3 an epithet of Siva. -4 an epithet of Krisna. Paraft a cow-pen, cow-shed. -716* 1 a cowherd. -2 a king. -3 an epithet of Siva ; also of Krisna. -fe: an epithet of Siva. -pAlikA, -pAlI the wife of a cowherd; 978: 2921418 Bar 119112999: Mb. 1. 221. 19. -osa: N. of a lexicographer. -94 bile of cows, ox-bile (from which the yellow pigment 2 is prepared ; T T T141 Pt. 1. 91.). -ota: a species of wagtail. - o: protection ; 3911 1 9 12 366477 Ry. 5. 65. 6. (- ) a holy place, a place of pilgrimage. - 5694 a cow's tail. -2 a particular point of an arrow. (-: 1 a sort of monkey; Bhag. 8. 2. 22.-2 a sort of necklace consisting of two or four or thirty-four strings. -3 a kind of drum. -gf the head of Siva's bull. -ET: 1 a young bull. -2 an epithet of Karna. -gra 1 a town-gate; Sygnaturafatigu Mal. 9. 1. -2 a principal gate; yayaratilger: Ki. 5.5. -3 the ornamental gateway of a temple. -purISam cowdung.-prakANDam an ex. cellent cow or bull. - Tert: pasture-ground, pasturage for cattle; grAmyecchayA gopracAro bhUmI rAjavazena vA Y. 2. 166. -na (ar): 1 a ford for cattle. -2 a place of pilgrimage on the Saraya; yadgopratarakalpo'bhUtsaMmardastatra WITH 377FETET a araa ura 4941 R. 15. 101. TT same as ta. Tagt: the time when cows return home, sunset or evening-twilight; 42 Bri. S. 24. 35. - 1 a bandage hollowed out so as to fit the chin or nose &c. -2 a sling. - : the hair of cows. Lm. a king; ATEH : Raj. T.5.6. 7 m. 1 a mountain. -2 a king. Affit a gadfly. -HT a. granting cattle or cows at the Cana 81: Rv. 6.35.3. -HECH 1 the globe. -2 a multitude of cows. A tt: a kind of an aquatic bird ; L. D. B. -494 = Tyla q. v. Ha l a tractable cow, an excellent cow; arimadhorekSata gomatallikAm Si. 12. 41. He: a cowherd. HEHE <<. slender in the waist. - A N. of one of the Matris attending on kArtikeya. -mAMsam beef. -mAyu 1a kind of frog. -2 a jackal; 30 od gasaft af HIYOT at Si. 16. 25. - 3 bile of a cow. -4 N. of a Gandharva. : a kind of fish. HET, HET [ gara ganta] a kind of musical instrument; Bg. 1. 13; garai 7 Tropaf uafdar Siva. B. 24. 55. (- ) 1 a crocodile, shark. -2 a hole of a particular shape in a wall made by thieves. - 1 a house built unevenly. -2 spreading unguents, smearing; nga f i arap vilepane' iti vizvaH; yasyAmalindeSu na cakrureva mugdhAjanA gomayagoyar Si. 3. 48.(-2 ,-eft) a cloth-bag of the shape of a gnomon containing a rosary, the beads of which are counted by the hand thrust inside. -2 a house built unevenly. -3 a particular method of sitting a na) (- ) the chasm in the Himala ya mountains through which the Ganges flows. - a. stupid as a bull. FETH cow's urine. - HF a variety of lapis lazuli (99); Kau. A. 2. 11. - a particular attitude | (maNDala) in gadAyuddha; dakSiNaM maNDalaM savyaM gomUtrakamathApi ca / vyacaraI osat Taft Higga |Mb. 9. 58. 23.-. zigzagging, going unevenly.F il 1 an artificial verse, the second of which repeats nearly all the syllables of the first. (Malli. thus defines it:_UTMEYE 977 : I wanna hafa allar fag: Il see Si. 19. 46.) -2 a form of calculation. T: a kind of ox (194). - : a gem brought from the Himalaya and Indus, desI cribed as of four different colours: --white, pale-yellow, ! red, and dark-blue. - * 1 see H.-a kind of poison ( ). -3 smearing the body with unguents. - 7,-: a cow-sacrifice; Ram. 7. 25. 8. -1974, -TT: a carriage drawn by oxen ; Ram. 2. 82. 26; Ms. 11. 174.-yi a. drawn by oxen. - 1 a cattle station. - 2 a measure of two Krosas (roya); area antya da 549809963: Mb. 14. 65. 22. -TT: 1 a cow herd. -2 keeping or tending cattle. -3 the orange. -4 an epithet of Siva. Ora, f. wheat. -TETOTA tending cattle (with religious faith). - * 1 a water-fowl -2 a prisoner. -3 a naked man, a mendicant wandering about without clothes. 4 a chanter. Ten saffron. -TH: cow's milk. 2 curds. -3 buttermilk. -4 the flavour of a sentence; TT TT far Udb. jam buttermilk. -rAjaH an excellent bull. -rATikA, -TTthe Sarika bird. -507 a measure of distance equal to two Krosas. -94 the form of a cow. (-93) N. of Siva. Te yellow or piment. Teat | a bright yellow pigment prepared from the urine A4 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra go or bile of a cow, or found in the head of a cow. lavaNam a measure of salt given to a cow. lAGgu(): a kind of monkey with a dark body, red cheeks and a tail like that of a cow; golAbagUlaH kapolaM churayati rajasA kausumena priyAyAH Ma1. 9. 30. lokaH a part of heaven,, 1 a prostitute. -2 white Durva grass. -3 Zedoary. -4 N. of a shrub. - vatsaH a calf. Adina m. a wolf - vadhaH the killing of a cow; Ms. 11. 59. - a celebrated hill in the country about Mathura. (This hill was lifted up and supported by Krisna upon one finger for seven days to shelter the cowherds from a storm of rain sent by Indra to test Krisna's divinity.')", dharin m. an epithet of Krisna. - pounded cowdung. -vazA a barren cow. -vATam, vAsaH a cowpen. - vAsana a. covered with an ox hide. -vikartaH, -found m. 1 the killer of a cow; Mb. 4. 2. 9.-2 a husbandman. -fa: a horse-sacrifice having many cows. -fara: 1 a cowkeeper, a chief herdsman. -2 N. of Krisna. 3 Brihaspati. " the twelfth day in the light half of the month of phAlguna - viS /, viSThA cowdung. - viSANikaH a kind of musical instrument; Mb. 6. 44. 4. -fa: day-break (when cows are let loose to graze in forests ); Ram. 7. 111. 9. -ffer: f. N. of that portion of the moon's path which contains the asterisms bhAdrapadA, revatI and azvinI, or according to some, hasta, citrA and svAtI Bri. S. 9. 2. - vIryam the price received for milk. -vRndam a drove of cattle. -vRndArakaH an excellent bull or cow. -vRSaH, -vRSabha: an excellent bull; na tAM zekurnRpA voDhumajitvA sapta govRSAn Bhag 10.58.33. "dhvajaH an epithet of Siva. - vaidyaH a quack docter. - vrajaH 1 a cow-pen. -2 a herd of cows. -3 a place where cattle graze. -a, -afa a. one who imitates a cow in frugality ;... atra gotratino viprAH // yatratatrazayo nityaM yena kena - cidAzitaH / yena kenacidAcchannaH sa gotrata ihocyate // Mb. 5.99. 13-14. n. cowdung; Ms. 2. 182. - present of a hundred cows to a Brahmana. H, - lA a cow-stall. - zIrSaH, -rSam a kind of sandal; Kau. A. 2. 11. 2 a kind of weapon (arrow?); Mb. 7. 178. 23. - SaDgavam three pairs of kine. San, pA a. Ved. acquiring or bestowing cows. () fa: 1 acquiring cattle; or fighting for cattle; goSAtA yasya te giraH Rv. 8. 84. 7.-2 giving cattle. -: a kind of sacrifice fasting for one day. - saMkhyaH a cowherd. -sadRkSa a species of ox ( gavaya ). sargaH the time at which cows are usually let loose, day-break; see fai. : a kind of cow-sacrifice (not performed in the Kali age); Mb. 3. 30. 17. - a kind of present ( mahAdAna ). ( - strI) N. of two holidays on the fifteenth day of the dark half of kArtika aud jyeSTa sAvitrI N. of a hymn (of. ms). -f a rope fastened at both ends having separate halters for each ox or cow. 1 the udder of a cow. -2 a cluster of blossoms, nosegay &c. -8 a pearl-necklace of four strings. -4 a a 674 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir goSpadam kind of fort. stanA, nI a bunch of grapes. -sthAnam, -a cow-pen. - m. 1 an owner of cows. -2 a religious mendicant. -3 an honorary title affixed to proper names ; (eg vopadevagosvAmin ). - hatyA cowslaughter. (sometimes written ) cow-dung-hara, haraNam atonling of cows; goSThamutriti goharaM deva Bri. S. 89. 9. (v. 1.)-fa a. cherishing or protecting kine (-) N. of Visu. 10 P. To smear, clean with cowdung. L. D. B. a. 1 Rich in cows. -2 Possessing or containing cattle. -8 Mixed with milk. -n. Possession of cattle, property consisting in herds. - 1 N. of a river falling into the Indus; a fagfa Rv. 8.24.30. -2 A place abounding in herds; yo vAyunA jayati gomatISu Rv. 4. 21. 4. 3 N. of a Vedic to be repeated during expiation for killing cows; Hch. 1.7. gomaya a. 1 Consisting of cattle; ya udAjan pitaro gomayaM Rv. 10. 62. 2. -2 Defiled with cow-dung. i, -yam Cow-dung -yam Cowdung calce upalaza kalame varka Mu. 3. 15. -Comp. -37 1 a kind of beetle found in cow-dung -2 gnd-fly. chatram, -priyam mushroom, a fungus. -14-14-ind. (in the manner of cowdung and milky food) i. e. Very different in nature though having the same origin, Sarva. S. 2.169. a a. Rich in herds. m. 1 An owner of cattle; Ms. 9. 50.-2 A jackal. -3 A worshipper. - An attendant on a Buddha. -5 A vaishya (); ca saMprekSya gominaH kArayetkaram Mb. 12. 87.35-40. goSThaH, zum [ gAyastiSThantyatra pathaka patvam ] ( Usually E only) 1 A cowpen, cowhouse, cow-station. -2 A station of cowherds. -3 An abode, place of living; er at fiftag: Mb. 3. 177. 3. -: An assembly or meeting. -8 An epithet of Siva. - A purificatory ceremony; vAcyaM goSThe tu suzrutam Ms. 3. 254 patiH chief herdsman. a mound or altar in a cowpen. : a dog in a cowpen which barks at every one; applied figuratively to a slanderous person, one who stays idly at home and slanders his neighbours. m: wise in a cowpen,' a braggart, vain boaster. govinboosting coward also goDapaDa, gomaH - zUraH &c. For Private and Personal Use Only a 1 A cow's foot. -2 The mark or impression of a cow's foot in the soil. -3 The quantity of water sufficient to fill such an impression; i. e. a very small puddle; goSpade saMplutodake Mb. 1. 31. 9. pram ( Namul ) in such a manner that a cow's foortprint be filled; sa Bk. 14. 20. -4 As much as a cows foot-step will hold. -5 A spot frequented by COWS. Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gojikANaH 878 gauDaH gojikANa: A horse belonging to a particular locality; | gojikANAzca kekANAH prauDhAhArAzca madhyamAH Salihotra. Appendix II.8. Tift 1 The septum of the nose; Mana. 64. 105. -2 N. of a plant with sharp leaves. igra: The water-melon. goNa: An or. -NI a cow. goNI 1 A sack. goNI janena sma nidhAtumuddhRtAmanukSaNaM nokSataraH pratIcchati Si. 12. 10. -2 A measure of capacity equal to a Drona. -8 Ragged garment, torn clothes. TE: 1 A fleshy navel. -2 A person with a fleshy navel. - A man of a low tribe, a mountaineer, especially one inhabiting the eastern portion of the Vino dhya range between the Narmada and Krispa. -Comp. -kirI N. of a Ragini-vanam N. of a country in Berar. Tah: 1 N. of a sage belonging to the family of Angiras, father of Satananda and husband of Ahalya. -2 N. of a sage, the founder of Nyaya philosophy; muktaye yaH zilAtvAya zAstramUce sacetasAm / gotama tamavekSyaiva N. 17. 75. gotamI Ahalya, wife of gotama. -Comp. -putraH an epithet of Satananda. godhA [gudhyate, veSTapate bAhuranayA karaNe ghA] 1 A leathern fence fastened round the left arm to prevent injury from the bow-string; godhAzliSTabhujAzAkhairabhUdImA raNATavI Si. 19.39. -2 The alligator (Mar. susara); godhAdharAn kIladharAn calImukhazilImukhAn Parna13. 25 tribhAgAgodhAmukhaM gopuraM kArayet Kau. A.2.3. -3 A sinew; godhA tasmA ayathaM karSadetat Rv. 10. 28. 10-11.-4 A chord; godhA pari sanidhvaNat Rv. 8.69.9. - An iguana (Mar. ghorapaDa). godhiH gaunetraM dhIyate yasmin AdhAre in ] 1 The forehead. -2 The Gangetic alligator. godhikA A kind of lizard. TITT: A protector, guardian. gopaH, -gopanam See under gup. goraNam Energy, continued effort, perseverance. gordaH Brain; (also goda). golaH, -lA,-lam [guD ac Dasya laH] 1 A ball, globe%3B kadambagolAkRtimAzritaH katham Mal. 7.1. -2 The celestial or terrestrial globe. -3 A circle. -4 A sphere, anything round or globular. -la: 1 A widow's bastard; ef. 903; Y. 1. 222. -2 The conjunction of several planets or the presence of several in ane sign. -3 Myrrh.-lA 1 A wooden ball with which children play. -2 A large globular water-jar. -8 Red arsenic. --4 Ink. -BA woman's female friend. -8N. of Durga. -7N. of the river Godavari. -Comp. -adhyAyaH N. of an astronomical work by Bhaskaracharya.-Asanam 'ball thrower', a kind of gun. -krIDA playing with balls. -yantram a kind of astronomical instrument. golakaH [guD Nvula Dasya la:] 1A ball, globe ; bhUgolakavizeSaM nAmarUpamAnalakSaNato vyAkhyAsyAmaH Bhag. 5.16.4.-2A wooden ball for playing with. -3 A globular waterjar. -4 Awidow's bastard; paradAreSu jAyate dvau sutau kuNDagolako / patyau jIvati kuNDaH syAnmRte bhartari golakaH // Ms. 3. 174. - A conjunction of six or more planets in one sign. -6 Glans penis. -7 Molasses. -8 Gum myrrh. golAsa: A mushroom. golhATa A kind of mystical diagram. gom 1 A. (goSThate) To assemble, collect, heap together. goSThiH -SThI/.1 An assembly, meeting; madhye virejaturalaM pazupAlagoSThayAM rake yathA naTavarau kva ca gAyamAnau Bhag. 10.21.83 Ve. 1. 27.-2 Society, association. -3 Conversation, chitchat, discourse%3 kvacidvidvadgoSThI kvacidapi surAmattakalahaH Bh. 3. 125; goSThI satkavibhiH samam Bh. 1. 28; Mal. 10.25%tenaiva saha sarvadA goSThImanubhavati Pt. 2. -4 A multitude or collection; modantAM satataM ca bAndhavasuhRdgoSThIpramodAH prajAH Nag.5.39. -5 Family connections, relatives, especially such as require to be maintained. -6A kind of dramatic composition in one act. Cyfa: 1 the chief of an assembly, president. -2 the master of a family gosaH [gAM jalaM syati so-ka] 1Gum myrrh. -2 Early morning, day-break. -3 Hot season. -Comp. -gRham an inner apartment. Tig: Ved. 1 A house. -2 A hiding-place, a lair; Rv.4.21.6-83 tasyo'vadhyagohaM khananti Ait. Br.2.11. gohanam Covering, hiding. gohiram The heel. gocyaH N. of the Mainaka mountain. gauJjikA,-ga: A goldsmith, jeweller. gauDaH 1 N. of a country; the skandapurANa thus describes its position:-vanadezaM samArabhya bhuvanezAntagaH zive / gauDadezaH samAkhyAtaH srvvidyaavishaardH|| -2 A particular subdivision of Brahmanas. -3 see goNDaH above. L. D. B. -DA: (pl.) The inhabitants of Gauda. -DI1 Spirit distilled from molasses 3 gauDI paiSTI ca mAdhvI ca vijJeyA trividhA surA Ms. 11.95. -2 One of the Raginis. -3 (In rhet.) One of the Ritis or Vrittis or styles of poetic composition: S. D. mentions four Ritis, while K. P. only three, nes being another name for paruSA vRtti ; ojaHprakAzakaistaiH (varNaiH) tu paruSA (i.e. gauDI) M. P.7; ojaHprakAzakairvarNairbandha ADambaraH punaH samAsabahulA gauDI S. D. 627. Here is an illustration: unmIlanmadhugandhalubdhamadhupavyAdhUtacUtAnukuraH krIDatkokilakAkalIkalakalairugIrNakarNajvarAH / nIyante pathikaiH kathaM kathamapi dhyAnAvadhAnakSaNaprApta. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gauDikA 676 gaurI STOTRATARITATHIRIATET ATT: || Hatha 6.-37Sweetmeats; bhojanAni supUrNAni gauDAni ca sahasrazaH Ram. 1. 53. 4. a. Relating to or prepared from molasses; faraula tutafa atosafa alla Ram. 7.92. 12. - Comp. -919: N. of a commentator. - ATC: N. of a Raga. a. Relating to molasses. - Sugar-cane. - Rum. for a. (oft s.) (J au apa itoft, aa ra: 310] 1 Subordinate, secondary, unessential; fua pala *TT: : SB. on MS 1. 2. 15. -2 (In gram.) Indirect or less immediate (opp. ge4 or 4979); 110 gad: EKOHET Sk. -3 Figurative, metaphorical, used in a secondary sense (as a word or sense ); nortata amharafa faxan Mb. 12. 182. 33.-4 Founded on soine resemblance between the primary and secondary sense of a word; as in faut. -6 Relating to enumeration or multiplication. -6 Attributive. -Comp. -e: the minor or wea ker side of an argument Co. -379 -37AaT, AITIOT a kind of ellipse; Sarva. S. 15. 289. fore. 4. 1 Relating to the three qualities (Hia, 58 and 24); Ms. 12. 41. -2 Having qualities. -3 Subordinate. -4 Resembling a sack. fiz Subordination, inferior position or rank. Tag: N. of (1) the sage Bharadvaja; (2) of Satananda, Gotama's son; (3) of Kripa, Drona's brother-in-law; (+) of Buddha; (5) of the propounder of the Nyaya system of philosophy. -Comp. ET the river Godavari. ai 1 N. of Kripi, wife of Drona.-2 An epithet of the Godavari. -3 The teaching of Buddha. - 4 The Nyaya system of philosophy propounded by Gautama. -5 Turmeric. - A kind of yellow pigment. -7 An epithet of Durga. -8 N. of the river Gomati. ter:,-57, T: (= 12 : Pan. 4. 1. 12930 ) A lizard living in the hollows of trees (Bengali a ) L.D. B. y a A field where wheat is grown. TE: An epithet of Patanjali, the author of the Mahabhasya. t h: The son of a Gopi or herdsman's wife. sitg88 a. Like a cow's tail. Tigi 68 a. Belonging to a cow's tail, bought for it. Tag: The son of a Vaisya woman. a. ( TT or f.) 1 White ; ali : R. 2. 35; fate 773 Me. 59, 52; Rs 1.6. .-2 Yellowish, pale-red: T fada it Ku. 7. 17; 1 R. 6. 65; f a afa gaf: R. G. -8 Reddish; af: * 9imit: Ki. 7. 6. -4 Shining, brilliant. $ Pure, clean, beautiful. -* 1 The white colour. -2 The yellowish colour; -3 The reddish colour. - White mustard. -5 The moon. - A kind of buffalo. - A kind of deer: Bhig. 8. 10. 9. -8 The planet Jupiter. -9 N. of Chaitanya. - 1 The filament of a lotus. - 2 Saffron. -3 Gold. -Comp. -37%: N. of (1) Visnu. (2) Krisna. (3) N. of chaitanya. -371T: a kind of black monkey, with a white face. Ti & wild donkey. q: white mustard ( considered as a kind of weight). gaurakSyam The office of a herdsman; kRSigaurakSyavANijya 4: 193 Bg. 18. 44. an a. Tafa: a 210] Belonging to a Guru or teacher ; Ta FH Bhag. 1. 7. 46. - 1 Weight, heaviness ( lit. ); 79 $. 3.7; -21717 art R. 3. 11. -2 Importance, high value or estimation ; rafa 17941741974 R. 14. 18; 18.39; F iat Mu. 5; importance or urgent nature; U. 6.7.-3 Respect, regard, consideration; farart Ram. 7. 9. 14; 10 za a gaftrafta titan Si. 2.71; Tarragui91995 fang Ku. 3.1; Amaru. 23. -4 Respecta bility, dignity, venera bleness ; suf Tat han Pt. 1. 146; Ms. 2. 145. -5 Cumbroueness. -6 (In prosody ) Length (as of a syllable ). -7 Depth (as of meaning); at ita Mal. 1.7. -Comp. E a seat of honour. - fata. praised, famed, celebrated. m aa a. Highly esteemed or honourod. wife A virgin, a young girl. nfc: 1 White mustard. -2 Dust of iron or steel. fit 1 N. of Parvati; as in tara. -2 A young girl eight years old; 31290f wartet. -3 A young girl prior to menstruation, virgin, maid; the T14. Mb. 1. 221. 49. - A woman with a white or yellow ish complexion. - The earth; taf efa que facer fa: 21 Mb. 13. 146. 10. 6 Turmeric. -7 A yellow pigment or dye; (called 11991).-8 The wife of Varuna; 480744 9 Mb. 13. 146.5. -9 The Mallika creeper. -10 The Tulasi plant -11 The Manjishtha plant. -12 Speech. -18 N. of a Nagakanya. cf. a i utiar Nm. -19 N. of a river; L. D. B. -16 Night; L. 1. B. -16 N. of a Ragini. -Comp. -kAntaH , nAtha: an epithet of Siva. -guruH the Himalaya mountain; tiethfa R. 2. 26; Ki. 5. 21. aqdi, - HT the 4th day of the bright half of ATY; a festival on this day. -T: N. of Kartikeya.(-4) talo. -nAthaH N. of Siva; gaurInAthaM pavanatanayaM campakaM cAsya 197 Udb. Bh. 3. 123.-96: the horizontal plate of the Linga of Siva. - : N. of Kartikeya. Z a & For Private and Personal Use Only Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra vitaffers: yellow orpiment. : 1 N. of Kartikeya. -2 the son of a girl married when 8 years old. safe: The violator of the preceptor's bed. gauekSaNika: One who knows the good or bad marks of a cow. fe: 1 A single soldier of a troop. -2 A superintendent of woods and forests; G. L. 50. 1 Syrup. -2 Spirituous liquor. tf() Possessing a hundred cows. The site of an old cowpen; Heh. 2. 478. #farfars .. Possessing thousand cows. a. Relating to the Guhyakas; Bhag. 10.55.23. fra: f. Ved. Eating, consuming. Ved. 1 A divine woman; a kind of goddess: mAvo neSTaH piba RtunA Rv. 1. 15. 8. THI The earth. or 1 A. (also 9, 10 P. L. D. B.) (, ) 1 To be crooked. -2 To be wicked. -8 To bend. 1 Coagulation, thickening, becoming ob structed or clogged with knotty lumps. -2 Stringing together. -3 Composing, writing: (also in these senses). a. False; pracina r: Rv. 7. 6. 3. grathnaH [ prantha bAdeg na ] A cluster, bunch, tuft. frap. p. [mm] 1 Strung, or tied together. -2 Composed; ang S. 1; a: Fata Si. 2. 72. -3 Arranged, classed. Thickened, coagulated. -5 Knotty. -6 Hardened. 7 Hurt, injured. -8 Seized, taken possession of. 9 Overcome. A tumor with hard knots. granth 1, 9 P., 10 U., 1 A. ( granthati, pradhnAti granthayatia, also fa, a) 1 To fasten, tie or string together; granthitvava sthitaM rucaH Bk. 7. 105; srajo prathayate &c. -2 To arrange, class together, connect in a regular series. -3 To wind round. -4 To write, compose; praznAmi kAvyaafari faarf K. P. 10. -5 To form, make, produce; praznanti bASpabindunikaraM pakSmapaktaya: K. 60: Bk. 17.69. -6 To set or strew with. prasthaH [nyU saMdarbha bhAve pa ] 1 Binding stringing tor gether (fig. also). -2 A work, treatise, composition, literary production, book; pranthArambhe, dhanyakRta granthasamApti &c. -3 Wealth, property. - A verse consisting of 32 syllables, written in the Anustubh metre.-Comp.-, m. -kAraH kRt m. a writer, an author ; granthArambhe samuciteSTadetAM anyatrAmRzati K. P. 1. kuTI, phUTI 1 library. 677 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gras -2 a studio. -fazati, fartart: voluminousness, diffuse style; Bri S. 1. 2. -: a section or chapter of a work; (for the several names by which sections, or chapters of works in Sanskrit, are called, see under adhyAya ). " granthanam nA [bhane yud] 1 Stringing or tying together. -2 Composing, writing. - r: 1 A knot, bunch, protuberance in general; stanau mAMsapranthI kanakasAvityupamitau Bh. 3. 20180 medogranthi -2 A tie or knot of a cord, garment &c; a S. 1. 19; Mk. 1. 1; Ms. 2. 4; Bh. 1. 57. -3 A knot tied in the end of a garment for keeping money; hence, purse, money, property; A TERIGHIEURU Pt. 1. 11. - The joint or knot of a reed, cane &c. Mv. 3. 32. -5 A joint of the body. -6 Crookedness, distortion, falsehood, perversion of truth. 7 Swelling and hardening of the vessels of the body. - 8 A difficult portion; granthagranthiM tadA cakre munigUDhaM Mh. 1. 1. 80. -9 A bell, gung; fay mUTho bhikSuravAdayat Ks. 65. 15. -Comp. -chedakaH bhedaH, - a cut-purse, a pick pocket; waghfirendran prathame grahe Ms. 9. 277; V. 2. 274; S. 6. - parNaH, -rNam 1 N. of a fragrant [tree] nadhiranti kastUrikAgandhamRgAVikr. 1. 17. -2 a kind of perfume. 1 tying together the garments of the bride and the bridegroom at the marriage ceremony. -2 tying a knot. -8 a ligament. -mUlam garlic. -vajrakaH & kind of steel. a minister. 1 An astrologer, a fortuneteller: karIresyAdaivajJe gugguludu' iti vizvalocanaH; Mb. 14. 70. 7. -2 The name assumed by Nakula when at the palace of Virata. 3 A kind of disease of the outer ear. -4 A Bamboo-shoot; L. D. B. 1 The plant Piper longum (Mar. nit ). - The gum-resin (). prasthita Soo cita af m. 1 One who reads books, bookish; granthinaH zreSThA granthibhyo dhAriNo varAH Ms. 12. 103. - 2 Learned well-read. 3 Relating to books. a granthimat. Knotty, tied by knot; kRSNama Ku. 3. 46. pranthila . [pranthirviyate'sya simA] Knotted, knotty. - 1 The root of long pepper. -2 Undried ginger. granthIkam The root of long pepper. For Private and Personal Use Only I. 1 A. [, ] 1 To swallow, devour, eat up, consume ; sa imAM pRthivIM kRtsnAM saMkSipya grasate punaH Mb.; Bg. 11. 30. -2 To seize. -3 To eclipse; a prasate dinezvara nizANezvarI bhAmurI Bh. 2. 34 himAMzumAzu ghasate : Si. 2. 49. - To slur over words. -8 To destroy. With to destroy; S Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir asanam 678 fya Bk. 12. 4. -II. 1 P., 10 U. (afa, qafa-a ) To eat, devour. [ 44 ] 1 Swallowing, eating.-2 Seizing. -3 A partial eclipse of the sun or moon; Boi. S. 5. 43, 46. -4 A mouth, jaw; se nera a Bhag. 3. 13. 36. afavua . Accustomed to swallow; TH2 greso sufacuBg. 13. 16. -m. The Supreme Soul. TFT p.p. [ 9 10 ] 1 Eaten, devoured.-2 Seized, stricken, affected, possessed ; 4, 9%, U.6. 39. -3 Slurred; ' U. 5. 13; STIH9H Pt. 1. 193. - 4 Eclipsed. -5 Taken, seized. -6 Tormented, afflicted; Y. 3. 245. - A word or sentence half-utter ed or slurred over. -Comp. 36TH the setting of the sun or moon while eclipsed.' -34: rising of the sun or moon while eclipsed. afta: f. The act of swallowing or devouring. WE: [9 for 99 ] 1 A mouthful, a quantity of anything equal to a mouthful; Ms. 3. 133; 6. 28; Y. 3. 55. 2 Food, nourishment; ASIC Tfara faceti Mb. 12. 165. 63. -3 The part of the sun or the moon eclipsed. -4 The morsel bitten. - The act of swallowing.-6 Slurring, indistinct pronunciation; fault in a pronunciation of the gutturals. - (In geom.) A piece cut out by the intersection of two circles -8 An eclipse. -Comp. 37701 food and clothing; i. e. bare subsistence; see 9TH 2); Ms. 9. 202. TAUCH the size of a morsel. -T 4 any extraneous substance lodged in the throat. -grAsIkR To swallow; grAsIkartu FISHEYETT HETT Ks. 9. 57. E 9 U. (In Vedic literature 9; sifa, 1918, 319tar, acan, iata caus. Taga; desid. frafa) 1 To seize, tako, take or catch hold of, lay hold of, catch, grasp; TET: EIT TIET TITTAT R. 1.57; 31019 Tad arcaroft Tag Tea Mk. 1.50; 80K. 363. grfor erat, ato zerat &c. -2 To receive, take, accept, exact; WATH 494 arxar afH R .1.18; Ms.7.124; 9. 162. -3 To apprehend, capture, take prisoner. af al V.1; + 1 tant Ms. 8.34. -4 To arrest, stop, catch ; 34+919 - 7 yard Bg. 6.35.- To captivate, attract; HETTE441 44 V. 4; F Mk. 1. 50; Hytte fui agan R. 18. 13. - To win over, persuade, induce to one's side; guia et Chan. 33; Pt. 1. 69, 184. -7 (Hence) To please, gratify, satisfy, propitiate; TEITRITT R UT HE HEITHER fearanfea: Si. 1. 17, 33. -8 To affect; seize or possess as a demon, spirit &c.); as in foreta, aarta. -9 To assume, take; gal "ETU: Si. 9. 23; Bk. 19. 29. -10 To learn, know, recognize, understand; gaditara fa T: Ki. 10.8; Pt. 1. 43. -11 To regard, consider, believe, take for; Haifa yfequegra 799 valah .6; aftaraferi a 9 a a quat aa: $. 2. 19; ga a M. 1; Mu. 3. -12 To catch or perceive (as by an organ of sense ); Hy wat : R. 11. 15. -13 To master, grasp, comprehend; FUE141427469 af lifa veifa faft 7 19 R. 18. 46. -14 To guess, conjecture, infer; 99992199 aasa 9: Ms. 8. 26. -18 To utter, mention as a name); J 274U nAmApi na gRhitam K. 3053; na tu nAmApi gRhNIyAt patyau prete parasya tu Ms. 5. 157. -16 To buy, purchase; fat atacgea zata Pt. 2; Y. 2. 169; Ms. 8. 201. -17 To deprive (one) of, take away from, rob or seize away; 741 TU GOTT UT ET Bk. 9. 9; 15. 63. -18 To wear, put on as clothes &c.); arate forfa 99 faeta Haifa of ISTRIOT Bg. 2. 22. -19 To conceive. -20 To observe as a fast). -21 To eclipse. -22 To undertake, undergo, begin. -23 To take up, draw (water); 37947 1414 R ATU 9 Ry. 8. 69. 10. -24 To stop, intercept. -25 To withdraw, draw back; qaliFTTH: HT 6 Munda. 1.7. -26 To include. -27 To receive hospitably (as a guest ). ( The senses of this root may be variously modified according to the noun with which it is joined ). -Caus. 1 To cause to take, catch, seize or accept. -2 To give away in marriage; farfari 7 f 99 fa: gat AS 7114 Ku. 1.52. -3 To teach, make one acquainted with. -4 To make one take, deliver over to. - To become familiar with; -With T H to salute humbly. -379 to take away, tear off. - to seize forcibly. -II. 1 P., 10 U. (urfa, nela-d) To take, receive, &c. eta p. p. [ 96 fo- ] 1 Taken, seized, caught, held, grasped, laid hold of; y es. -2 Obtained, acquired, gained. -3 Received, accepted. - Robbed. - Collected. -8 Agreed, promised. - Perceived, known, understood, learnt. -8 Worn see 9).-Comp. -athe a.knowing the meaning or sense; agrahItArthe AvAm S. 6. Ti a pregnant woman. at 1 run away, fugitive, dispersed. -2 disappeared. E a. incarnate. -acht a. called by name; 491 TETTA1417: RYT 59 T T U. 1. 48; E' 'whose name is auspiciously invokod' a respectful way of speaking of venerable or dead persons, -raan a. versed in science, learned. aaa a. paid, remunerated. Sarga. the beasts in which are confined or tracked. Tefat a. Who has grasped or comprehended (with loc.); zeidi aetaeng Dk. 120. Tu a. 1 To be taken or received. -2 To be sized. - To be observed, perceptible, perceivable. -4 To be acknowledged or admitted. - To be trusted or relied on; to be honored. -6 Taking the side of, adopting or choosing as best. -7 Dependent, subservient. -2: The ans. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 678 gRhANaH TE: (4-347 ) 1 Seizing, grasping, laying hold of, 1 the sun. -% an epithet of Saturn. -faugt (du.) seizure, 54: 5796: R. 19.31. - 2 A grip, grasp, hold; reward and punishment. af#: 1 the moon. -2 the fa**u aferu u hrane ftat: Mb.3.157.11; * section of the moon's course between the asterisms WETT Pt. 1. 260. -8 Taking, receiving, accepting; re H and refl. -ofa: 1 the sun. - 2 the moon; ceipt. -4 Stealing, robbing; sap at fatata Tat gevaa Mb. 12. 118.15. , ? Ms. 9. 277; sok:. -8 Booty, spoil. -8 Eclipse; -13T 1 oppression caused by a plauet. -2 an eclipse; see 464. -7 A planet, (sometimes more particularly erfarn USE4574 Bh.'2.91; H. 1.51 ; Pt. 2. 19. "Rabu'; aha TT er afat Mb. 1. 24.7.) -gt: the sun. - f f. division of countries &c. with (the planets are nine - Sa gue geofa: respect to the presiding planets. - EG: 1 oblation J$: it is: agafa a 1); 27TOELEN offered to the planets. -2 a horse. H304, the ( 2) R. 6. 22; 3. 13; 12. 28; TETT T o gero circle of the planets. -3, -TIT: worship or sacrifice Tac T22 919721 Teata efl Bh. 1. 17. offered to the planets. -yfai, : conjunction of -8 Mentioning; utterance, repeating (as of a name) planets. -y opposition of planets. T: 1 the sun. Flugfang H a a: M8.8.271; Amaru. 85.-9A -2 the moon. -3 Jupiter. U ta N. of an astroshark, crocodile. -10 An imp in general. -11 A parti- nomical work of the 16th the planetary cular class of evil demons supposed to seize upon children year. -tag: an astrologer. -ifat: f. propitiation of and produce convulsions &c. cf. Mb. Crit. ed. 3.219. 28: planets by sacrifices &c. - TETEP triangular position HETE Acha i r4 Bhay.7.4.38.-12 Appre- of the planets with reference to one another. FTA: hension, perception; tapoja........ 12 : conjunction of planete. Tat: the 1st note of a musical Bhag. 2. 10. 21-22.-13 An organ or instrument of piece. apprehension; Bri. Up. 3. 2. 1. -14 Tenacity, perseverance, persistence; pot facet 2: Bhag. 7. 14.11. 964: A prisoner. -15 Purpose, design. -16 Favour, patronage. -17 The RUTH (6 egz] 1 Seizing, catching, seizure; place of a planet in the fixed zodiac. -18 The number 1 47798UST: Ms. 5. 130. -2 Receiving, accepting, "nine'. -19 Any state of mind which proceeds from taking; HEUTT R. 7. 27.-3 Mentioning, uttermagical influences. -20 A house. -21 A spoonful, ing: nAmagrahaNam. - Wearing putting on; seottaracchadamabhyAsta ladleful; ETTU H are Rv. 10. 114.5.-22 A aqcaETU : R. 17. 21. -5 An eclipse; neu a u : ladle or vessel ; HATT ETT OP: 216 Ms.5.116. Y. 1. 218. -6 Understanding, comprehension, know -23 The middle of a bow. -24 A mova ble point in ledge; yasya nu grahaNaM kiMcitkarmaNo'nyanna dRzyate Ram. 2.22.21%; the heavens. -25 Keeping back, obstructing. -26 Tak- 79791 HEUTEU 19714 N. 2. 95. -7 Learning, acquiring away, depriving; Tuo Pt. 1. 295.-27 Preparation ing, grasping mentally, mastering; scuta901 atofor war; aesaggfaragog TUTH agitat CT 7 H igua anifa R. 3. 28. -8 Taking up of H afa at fag! Nm. -28 A guest ( 34 fare ); 941 sound, echo; faergeradda: Me. 46. -9 The f a194 HETTU Mb. 13. 100.6.-29 Imprison- hand. -10 An organ of sense. -11 A prisoner, captive. ing, imprisonment; Mb. 13. 136. 11. -Comp. -31TET: -12 Taking by the hand, marrying; EITHEU 46 the moon; Dk. 8. 100.- ett a. subject to planetary Focat a F: Mb. 1. 13. 26. -13 Taking captive, influence. - hea: an epithet of Rahu. ( H) imprisonment; 959 ET Ks. 91. 37. -14 Gainfriction of the planets. - Efat: the sun. 31TIT, ing, obtaining, purchasing. -18 Choosing. -18 Taking -371974: polar star (as the fixed centre of the or drawing up: -17 Attraction. -18 Containing, enclosplanets). -144: 1 epilepsy. -2 demoniacal possession. iny. -19 Undertaking, undergoing. -20 Service; 1954 pouncing on one's prey, tearing it to 37773 THTETA1912 12 HETT garg Bhag.3.1.44. pieces; 97 981347 Mk. 3. 20.-3119: horoscope. -21 Mentioning with praise, respecting; WAIT Hay -ET: the sun.-Ticaretur: the rule according to which 791 790T HET Mb. 12. 105. 10. -22 Acceptation, the gender and number of T92 is not necessarily meaning. -23 Assent, agreement. -24 Inviting, callcombined along with the action laid down in the ing, addressing; name; 3 EU SA gitarat uya fautre. This is discussed by rafa and 77 at MS. Mb. 12. 266.6. -Comp. -34FC: close of study. III. 1. 13-15 (opp. of 34501214 or 4 rata ). -kallola: an epithet of Rahu. -kuNDalikA the mutual FEU a. Containing, involving. relation of planets and prophecy derived from it. agfor:, -uft f. 1 An imaginary organ supposed to TOT the astronomical part of a sulfa:a. at: lie between the stomach and the intestines. - The the motion of the planets. -grAmaNI the sun. -cintakaH / an astrologer. - T the aspect of a planet, the time small intestines or that part of the alimentary canal during which it continues to exercise its influence. where the bile assists digestion and from which at the deity that presides over a planet. ali 1 vital warmth is diffused. -8 Diarrhoea, dysentery, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir grahaNIya 880 grAma: ........... ................. . -Comp. - 2: a kind of mixture for curing diar. rhwa &c.). -GT4 cloves. Agata a. Acceptable. afea. 1 Taking, accepting. -2 Unyielding, relentless, obstinate; na nizAkhilayApi vApikA prasasAda grahileva mAninI N. 2. 77. gta a: 1 To be taken, seized or received, acceptable. -2 To be taken up or drawn (as a fluid). - To be apprehended or perceived, to be learnt or acquired. Z a. (sit f.) (96-27 51 18:] 1 A taker, an accepter; as in T ela q. v. - 2 Perceiver, observant; Ms. 1. 15. -3 Debtor; aetar u aag: Ferari na 849: Ms. 8. 166. - 4 Purchaser. -5 One who seizes ; Svet. Up. 3. 19. are a. ( f.) [PE Ha 99 ) Seizing, clutching; taking, bolding, receiving &c. -&: 1 Seizing, grasping; gragg a Ram. 7. 34. 20.-2 A crocodile, shark; ragadt Bh. 3. 45. - A prisoner. - Accepting. -8 Understanding, knowledge.-8 Persistence, importunity; na hata fauna 4 Ram. 2. 35. 18. - Determination, resolve; CHIETICHET fear fud a9: Bg. 17. 19. -8 A disease. -9 Any large fish or marine animal: TTCIT ET ETUI 52718217 Mb. 3. 178. 28; Ki. 13. 24. -10 Morbid affection, disease. -11 Beginning, undertaking. -12 The handle of a sword &c.). -13 Paralysis. - A female crocodile. ATCH ind. (At the end of comp.) Taking, seizing; af 91 TEIST V.1. alka . (ref.) [477] 1 One who receives, takes &c. -2 Captivating, persuading; tgh. 64 (1994) Mb. 12. 113. 7. - 1 A hawk, falcon. -2 A curer of poison. -3 A purchaser. -4 A policeofficer. 916 TH Sensibility, power of feeling; Mal. 1. 41. grAhiH 1 A female evil spirit; grAhirjagrAha yadi vaitadenam Rv. 10. 161. 1. -2 A swoon. afea a. Made to take or seize; made to accept or take a seat &c.); darot #1274 279 aleat Farah Ks. 51. 71. aft a. & for ] 1 Seizing, taking, holding. -2 Picking, gathering. -3 Containing. -4 Drawing, attracting, alluring. -5 Obtaining, gaining. - Searching through, scrutinizing. - Choosing, selecting. -8 Perceiving, observing. - 9 Accepting. -10 Astringent. -11 Obstructing. -12 Purchasing; He 96 Ks. 57. 20. -m. The wood-apple tree. -off Adverse fate ( past). prAhuka . Seizing, laying hold of'; udAvartaH prajA pAhukaH FHFT Ts. 6. 4. 1. 1. 10 a. [96041 ] 1 To be taken or seized &c., see 98. -2 To be understood; sfama: Ms. 1. 7. -3 Acceptable; sA sevA yA prabhuhitA grAhyA vAkyavizeSata: Pt. 1.46. -3 To be received in a hospitable manner. - To be admitted in evidence; a RE laki Ms. 8. 78. 94 1 A present. -2 The object of sensual perception. -: An eclipsed globe sun or moon). ATA: (99- 31%ae: ] 1 A village, hamlet; Ta vidyamAne'pi grAme ratnaparIkSA M. 13; tyajedekaM kulasyArthe grAmasyAthai kulaM 27 91 yetur vara gratis II H. 1. 129; R. 1. 44; Me. 30. 2 A race, community ; # a qese Rv. 10. 146.1.-3 A multitude, collection of anything); e. y. TUTA, PATA; Bg. 8. 19; 9. 8. Tala fag: Bm. 1. 611, 613.-4 A gamut, scale in music; alhacama ta Si. 1. 10. -Comp. -378792fo: a villa ge archioist; Hch. 7. 23. -34ferai, -31879:, -profa:, -3877, T, Tat: superintendent, head, chief of a villa ge; TH1944 aufth BUT HT Ks. 64. 115; Ms. 7. 115. : the border of a village, space near a villa ge; Ms. 4. 116; 11. 78. -Facy another village. - - the neighbourhood of a village. - a. situated in the neighbourhood of a village, Ms. 8. 240. -7 space near a village. -3TT: a village custom. -AdhAnam hunting. -upAdhyAyaH the village priest. I 1' the villa ge-pest', one who is a source of trouble to the village. -2 a tale bearer. - a. 1 one wishing to take possession of a village. -2 fond of living in villages. -1477 a village scribe. ***: a domestic cock; Ms. 5. 12, 19. AIT: 1 one beautiful in a village. -2 a village-boy. : 1 the noblest man in a village. -2 a Sudra. a. being outside a village. -TUF: a village-carpenter. Tiga: the herdsman of a village. -ara: plundering a village; Ms. 9. 274. - a. sounding among men or armies as a drum); 456 ay ara Ay. 5. 20. 9. -m. an epithet of Indra. Tu sexual intercourse: ( a ). -art: a sacred fig-tree of a village; ETTE FARAHAT: Me. 23. -3, -Ha a. 1 village-born, rustio. -2 grown in cultivated ground; Ms. 6. 16. - FITCH a number of villages, a district. -oft: 1 the leader or chief of a village or community; a H a ugen: Mb. 7. 109. 3. -2 a leader or chief in general. -3 a barber. -4 an epithet of Visnu. -5 a libidinous man. -8 a yaksa; 39afa te FTTT STATUUT T 14: Mb. 12. 11. 48. (-f.) 1 a whore, harlot. -2 the indigo plant. '97: a bastard, the son of a harlot. -2: a village-carpenter; P. V. 4. 95. -devatA the tutelary deity of a village. -drumaH a sacred tree in a village. - 1 the observances or customs of a village. -2 sexual intercourse. -EP a cutlivated grain (like rice); 1992791 TL 791 Faks: Mb. 12.36.48. See 5+241778.-10: 1 the guardian of a village. -2 army for the protection of a village. -964 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir grAmaka: 681 graiveyakam the chief of a village. -preSyaH the messenger or servant -8 Relating to a musical scale. -myaH 1 A villager; of a community or village. -madagurikA 1a riot, fray, Y.2.166.-2A tame hog. -3 The first two signs of village tumult.-2 N. of a fish (or a plant)-mukham / the zodiac, Aries and Taurus. - The Indigo plant. market. -mRgaH a dog. -yAjakaH, -yAjin // . 1 "the -myam 1A rustic speech. -2 Food prepared in a village priest', a priest who conducts the religious village. -3 Sexual intercourse. - Acceptance. -5 Tho ceremonies for all classes and is consequently Prakrit and other dialects. -Comp. -azvaH an ass. considered as a degraded Brahmana; Ms. 4. 205. -kamen 1.1 the occupation of a villager -2 sexual -2 the attendant of an idol. -yuddham a riot, fray. pleasure; grAmyakarmaNaiva vismRtakAlAvadhiH Bhag.5.14.31. -luNThanam plundering a village. -vAsaH (grAmevAsaH also) -ku kumam saflower. -dharmaH 1 the duty of a villager. 1a villager. -2 residence in a village. -vizeSaH a -2 sexual intercourse, copulation. -3 the right of a variety of seales in music; sphuTIbhavadgrAmavizeSamUrchanA Si. villager (as opp. to that of a 'recluse' ). -dhAnyam crops -vRddhaH an old villager; prApyAvantInudayanakathAkovidagrAmavRddhAn growing in i village; daza grAmyANi dhAnyAni bhavanti vrIhiyavAMe. 30. -SaNDaH an impotent man (klIba). -saMkaraH the stilamASA aNupriyaGvo godhUmAzca masUrAzca khalvAzca khlkulaashc...| common sewer or drain of a village. -saMgha: a village- Bri. Up. 6. 3. 13. -pazu: a domestic animal; Bhag. corporation. -siMhaH adog%; vyamuJcanvividhA vAco grAmasiMhAsta- 6. 15. 16. -buddhi a. boorish, clownish, ignorant. -mRgaH tastataH Bhag. 3. 17. 10. -stha a1a villager. -2 a co- a dog%3 grAmyamRga iva havistadayaM (na bhajate) Si. 15. 15. -vallabhA a villager. -hAsaka: a sister's husband. harlots . prostitute. -vAdin m. a village bailiff; Ts. sexual intercourse, copulation; grAmakaH 1 A villager. -2 The collective department cf. aviditvA sukhaM grAmyaM vaitRSNyaM naiti pUruSaH Bhag. 9. 18.40. of celestial pleasures. grAmerukam A variety of sandal, Kau. A. 2.11. grAmaTikA A wretched or miserable village ; katipayagrAmaTikAparyaTanadurvidagdha P. R. 1. grAvan a. Hard, solid. -m. 1 A stone or rock; kiM hi nAmaitadambuni majjantyalAni prAvANaH saMplavanta iti Mv.1; api grAmayati Den. P. To invite or call. grAvA rodityapi dalati vajrasya hRdayam U. 1.283; Si. 4.23. -2 A mountain. -3 A cloud. grAmika a. (-kI /.) 1 Rural, rustic. -2 ( In music) Chromatic. -3 Rude. - 1 The headman of a village; grIvA [ giratyanayA, ga-vanip ni* Up. 1. 152 ] The neck, Ms. 7. 116, 118. -2 A villager. the back part of the neck; grIvAbhalgAbhirAmaM muhuranupatati syandane dattadRSTiH 5. 1.7. -Comp. -akuza: a camel. grAmin a. 1 Rustic, rural. -2 Libidinous. -m. 1 A -TUT a bell hanging down from the neck of a horse. villager, peasant. -2 The head of a village. -off The indigo plant. grIvAlikA See grIvA. grAmINa . [grAme bhavaH khaJ] 1 Vulgar, rude.-2 Chromatic. grIvin a. Long-necked, handsome-necked. -m. A -3 Belonging to a village. -Na: 1A villager; grAmINa camel. vadhvastamalakSitA janaizciraM vRtInAmupari vyalokayan Si. 12. 373 grISma . [grasate rasAn ; gras-manin Up. 1. 147 ] Hot, Amaru. 13. -2 A dog. -3 A erow. -4 A hog. warm. -CH: 1 The summer, the hot season, correspondgrAmIya 4. Belonging to a village. -yaH A villager, ing to the months of Jyestha and Asidha; grISma samayamadhikRtya gIyatAm 5.1; R. 16.54; Bv.1.5.-2 Hent, boor, churl. warmth.-SmI The navamallikA plant. -Comp. -kAlIna a. grAmIyakaH A villager; grAmIyakakulAnAM ca samakSaM sImni pertaining to summer. -udbhavA, -jA, -bhavA the sAkSiNaH Ms. 8.254. Navamallika creeper, (double jasmine). -banam a grAmeya 4. (-yI 1.) Village-born, rustic. -yI A grove frequented in summer; atrAntare prISmavanaM malikAmodi mArutam Ks. 122.65. -hAsam The flocculent seeds, down harlot, prostitute. &c. blown about in the air in summer. grAmya a. [grAma-yat ] 1 Relating to or used in a village 3 gruca 1 P. (procati) 1 To steal, rob. -2 To go. saMtyajya grAmyamAhAram Ms. 6.3% 37. 120. -2 Living in a - traiva (-vI.), graiveya (-yI/.) a. [grIvAyAM bhavaH; aN village, rural, rastic; alpavyayena sundari grAmyajano miSTamaznAti Chand. M. 1. -3 Domesticated, tame (as an animal). DhaJ vA ] Being on or belonging to the neck; praiveyANA-4 Cultivated (opp. vanya 'growing wild').-8 Low, mAravo bRMhitAni Si. 18. 10. -vam, -yam 1 A collar or necklace%3 Mb.6.96.70. -2 A chain worn round the vulgar, used only by low people (as a word); cumbana / dehi me bhAye kAmacANDAlatRptaye R. G., or kaTiste harate manaH / ___neck of an elephant; nArasat kariNAM graivaM tripadIcchedinAmapi S.D.b7) are instances of grAmya expression; tasmAtsaMprati- R. 4.48,753 tUrNavANyatho kakSAn aveyANyatha kambalAna M. pattireva hi varaM na grAmyamatrottaram Mu.b183; Bhag.5.2. 17. graiveyakam [grIvAyAM baddho'laMkAraH, Dhakam ] 1. A neck-orna -8 Indecent, obscene. -7 Relating to sexual pleasures. | menteg. asmAkaM sakhi vAsasI na rucire praiveyakaM nojjva lam saM.. ko. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir zreSma 682 ghaT S.D.33 sA hi candanavarNAbhA grIvA praiveyakocitA Ram. 3.60. 32. -2 A chain worn round the neck of an elephant. -m. (pl.) a class of deities (9 in number ) sitting on the neck of Loka-purusa. (Jaina.) praiSma, praiSmika a. Relating to summer; traiSmau mAsau goptArAvakurvan Av. 15.4.2. preSmaka a. (-SmikA/.) 1 Sown in summer. -2 To be paid in summer (as a debt). glapanam 1 Relaxation. -2 Fading; sAndrodyAnadrumAgraglapanapizunitAtyantatIvrAbhitApaH Ratn. 4.14. glapitaa.1 Exhausted, dissipated, heated ; ravikaraglapitairiva vAribhiH Ki. 14.64; R. 16. 38. -2 Taken off, cut; lAgalaglapitagrIvA musalairbhinnamastakAH Ram. 7.7.47. glas 1 A. (glasate, glasta) To eat, devour. glaha 10., 10 U. (glahati-te, glAhayati-te)1 To gamble, to win by gambling.-2 To take, receive. glahaH [ct. P. III. 3. 70] 1 A dice-player; tAvakAnAM jaye bhISmo glaha AsIdvizAMpate Mb. 6. 114.44. -2 Astake, wager, bet; prANaglaho'yaM samaraH Bhag.6. 12. 173 vyAtyukSImabhisaraNaglahAmadIvyan Si. 8. 32. -3 A die. -4 Gambling, playing. -BAdice-box. -6Cast of the dice, game at dice; glahe zatikavRddhestu Y. 2. 199. -7 A chess-man. glaca 1P. (glocati, glukta) 1 To go, move. -2 To steal, rob.-3 To take away, deprive of%; bahunAmaglucat prANAnaglocIca raNe yazaH Bk. 15. 30. gluJc 1 P.(gluJcati) 1 To rob. -2 Togo. glepa 1 A.(glepate) 1 To be poor or miserable. -2 To shake, tremble. -3 To move or go. glekha 1 A. (glevate) To serve, worship. gle 1 A. (gleSate) To seek, search, investigate. glai 1 P. (glAyati, glAna) 1 To teel aversion or dislike, be unwilling or disinclined to do anything (with int.). -2 To be fatigued or wearied, feel tired or exhausted. -3 To dospond, sink in spirit, be dejected ; nA'vakalpyamidaM glAyed yat kRcchreSu bhavAnapi Bk. 19. 17, 6. 12. -4 To wane, fade, faint away. -Caus. (gla-glapayati, but praglApayati) 1To cause to tade away, wither up; glapayati yathA zazAkkaM na tathA hi kumudatI divasaH 5.3. 16%3 Ku.3.49. -2 To tire out, exhaust. -8 To injure, trouble, hurt. -4 To emaciate, waste; vrataiH svamaGga glapayantyaharnizam Ku. 5.29%; U. 3.5. glapanam 1 Withering, drying up.-2 Exhaustion. glAnap.p.[glai kartari ta] 1 Weary, languid, tired, fatigued, exhausted. -2 Sick, ill. -nam 1 Exhaustion; buddhvA pumprakRtiM ca yAnucarati glAnetaraizceSTitaiH Bri. S.78. 12.-2 Disease. __ glAniH [glai bhAve ni] 1 Exhaustion, languor, fatigue; manazca glAnimRcchati Ms. 1.58; agaglAniM suratajanitAm Me. 72,313 Santi.4.4. -2 Decay, decline; AtmodayaH paraglAnirdvayaM nItiritIyatI Si.2.30%; yadA yadA hi dharmasya glAnibhavati bhArata Bg.4.7.-3 Debility, weakness. -4 Displeasure, unwillingness, sickness. glAsnu . [glai-snu ] Languid, wearied; vasan mAlyavati glAsnU rAmo jiSNuradhRSNuvat Bk. 7. 4. glo m. 1 The moon. -2 Camphor. -3 The earth. glautR a. Exhausted, fatigued. on. (Used only as the last member of comp. ) 4 Striking, killing, destroying; as in 90, 1979 &o. -: 1 A bell. --2 Rattling, gurgling or tinkling noise; 'ghaH sUnurvahniH pUSA nRpo gjH|' Enm. -gham Sin; ghaM pApamucyate vid. The ekArthanAmamAlA of rAghava says: meghe nidAghe kiMkiNyA ghaNTAyAM ghaTTane ca ghH| ghaM vAdyAmRtayorghA bhUvArtAghoreSu ca trissu| -ghA/. 1 A blow. -2 A tinkling ornament worn by women round the waist. ghaMS 1 A. (ghaMSate) 1 To shed or diffuse lustre. -2 To flow, stream. ghaggh 1 P. (ghagghate)1 To laugh. -2 To laught at, deride. ghada I. 1 A. (ghaTate, jaghaTe, aghaTiSTa, ghaTitum, ghaTita) 1 To be busy with, strive after, exert oneself for, be intently occupied with anything (with inf. loc., or dat.); ghaTakha jJAtibhiH saha Bhag.8.71.6%3; dayitAM trAtumalaM ghaTasva Bk. 10.403 agadena samaM yoddhamaghaTiSTa 15.77, 12. 26, 16. 23:20.24; 22.31. -2 To happen, take place, be possible; prANaistapobhirathavA'bhimataM madIyaH kRtyaM ghaTeta suhRdo yadi tatkRtaM syAt Mal. 1.9 if it can be effected; kasyAparasyoDumayaiH prasUnairvAditrasRSTighaMTate bhaTasya N. 22. 22; ubhayathApi ghaTate Ve.3; prasIdeti brUyAmidamasati kope na ghaTate Ratn. 2. 19 is not proper &c. -3 To be united with; durdarzanena ghaTatAmiyamapyanena Mal. 2. 8. -4 To come to, reach. -Caus. (ghaTayati) 1 To unite, join, bring together; itthaM nArIrghaTayitumalaM kAmibhiH.9.875 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir T: 888 ghaTotkacaH state ofucaasael N. 1. 46; Fu ist wh fagyla yiga Ve. 1. 10; Bk. 11. 11. -2 To bring or place near to, bring in contact with, put on; ular FOTO TAITTUV Ratn. 3.9; 94 49 Git.12. -8 To accomplish, bring about, effect; azk9: 97817 aufa a a Mal. 1. 14; (f ) ay isa gala Ratn. 1.7; Bh. 2. 120. -4 To form, fashion, shape, work out, make; ganfaat da...319377 Pt.1; Apa saat da: %. Til.3; 924 459-494 Git.10. -8 To prompt, impel; Fela gufa ni fay Bk. 10. 73. - To rub, touch. -7 To exert oneself for. -8 To move, agitate. -II. 10 U. (azala, aza) 1 To hurt, injure, kill. - To unite, join, bring or collect together. -8 To shine. TT: [ 93-319] 1 A large earthen water-jar, pitcher, jar, watering-pot; 37146 PE 4 qatfag qua Y. 3. 144; 59 94 qua raia ukifa gai Th Bh. 2. 49. -2 The sign Aquarius of the zodiac (also called 4+*). -3 An elephant's frontal sinus. -4 Suspending the breath as a religious exercise. -5 A measure equal to 20 dronas. -6 A part of a column; far fare 9941 98 TT WISE HTTS=2: Bri. S. 53. 29. -1 A border. - A peculiar form of a tem ple; Bri. S. 56. 18, 26. -9 The head; 72: HATIT fert: Tag 'Medini; Mb. 1. 155. 38. -Comp. 318IT: covering for a carriage or any article of furniture. -ET: N. of Ganesa; TIET: T if Tona Halep: Ks. 55. 165. 3-5:, -3, - , -na: epithets of the sage Agastya. f. (forming TTT) a cow with a full udder; TTT: : tiyat : R. 2. 49. sayfa n. a rite practised by Tantrikas and Saktas (in which the bodices of different women are placed in a receptacle (92) and the men present at the ceremony are allowed to take them out one by one and then cohabit with the woman to whom each bodice belongs ); Agamapr. - 1 N. of a poet. -2 a piece of a broken jar, pot-sherd; of a fat * to a C 2*720 Ghat. 22. - :,- m. a potter; Bri. S. 15. 1; 16. 29. - 8: a water-bearer. -are a procuress; cf. art. - ETH the ceremony of performing the funeral rites of a patita or a postate (who is unwilling to go back to his caste &c.) during his very lifo-time. -bhavaH, -yoniH Agastya.-bhedanakam an instrument used in making pots. -TT: a water-jar of baked clay. FOTTAA placing a water-pot as a type of Durga for nine days (2017). 174 4. [ qafa 7-10 ] 1 Exerting oneself, striving for; & #3891: 912793T: Far aftuua Bh. 2. 74. -2 Bringing about, accomplishing. -8 Forming a constituent part, constituent, component. - 1 A tree that produces fruit without apparent flowers. -2 A match-maker, an agent who ascertains genealogies and negotiates matrimonial alliances. - A genealogist. 989 , -[ ] 1 Effort, exertion. -2 Happening, occurring; acaq Ks. 122. 33. -8 Accomplishment, bringing about, effecting; as in safaga; THTET=49819 alfa qzai ruffor fa Raj. T. 4. 365. -- Joining, union, mixing or bringing together, combination; Tha T T 92714 NOV . 2. 16; decat f H K. 239; U. 3. 13. - Making, forming, shaping. - Motion. -7 Strife, hostility; 4 factu acat Ta fram Pt. 1. 159. -8 (-) A troop of elephants. -9 A literary composition. SET ( TE H 31 ] 1 An endea vour, effort, exertion. -2 A number, troop, assemblage; 449792T K. 111; TETET U. 2. 29; 5. 6; Mal. 5. 19; Bhag. 3. 17. 6. -3 A troop of elephants assembled for martial purposes; HIRTET Si. 1. 64. -4 An assembly. -5 A plate of iron or mixed metal struck as a clock. - Fareft, one of the Matris attending on Skanda;' farat g 7021fra: Nm. [vaatfa 57 ) A water-man. The hip, the posteriors. TT 1 A small water-jar, bucket, a small earthen vessel; al: 41142 59 asen: Pt. 1. 192; 19 psfa 9999 9 faru: Mk. 10. 59.-2 A measure of time equal to 24 minutes. -8 A water-pot used in calculating the Ghatikas of the day; -4 The ankle. -Comp. -maNDalam the equatorial circle. -yantram See 81477. afta p.p. [ a furg ] 1 United, joined, connected; h refaat Mal. 10. 23.-2 Planned, devised. -3 Happened. -4 Effected, produced. - Made or composed of. area m. The sign Aquarius of the zodiac (also called **). afya a. One who blows into a water-jar or pot. A: A potter. algu a.One who drinks a pitcherful of water &c.). set 1 A small jar. - A measure of time equal to 24 minutes. -8 A small water-pot used in calculating the Ghatikas or time of the day; 4 5 fas: f svijjAnAtyamarakAminIm Udb. -Comp. -kAra: a potter.-graha, -18 a. See 9. - 1 a machine for raising water (largely used in India ), the rope and bucket of a well; see 34792; 1979u94: (TIT:) Vikr. 8. 33.-2 a contrivance (like a clepsydra) to ascerts in the ghatikas or time of the day.-3 Diarrhca; Bhavapr. 7. 16.24. S ta: An epithet of Siva. gt : N. of a son of Bhima by a female demon named ferrar; Bhag. 9. 22. 30-31. He was a very powerful person and fought valjantly in the great war For Private and Personal Use Only Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ghana ..................... ... .... . ............ .. . . ............. 15 ghaTTa 684 ... ................ ...... ....................... .................. between the Pandavas and Kauravas on the side of Arafata Malli. VET a particular way of intertwining the former, but was slain by Karna with the Sakti or fingers before ringing a bell). Te: 1 a species of missile he had received from Indra; cf. Mu. 2. 15. hemp (Mar. aft, surful, yan't 5.) -2 sound of a The derivation of the name is given in the 3rd of bell; gzita: Tgh qua re a Nm. are the ETHITT as follows: wa are a hiar i al sound of a clock. - : 1 bell-metal. -2 the sound 31 ara na sa FH 1 Mb. 1. 155.38. of a bell. JEI A. (ad), usually 10 U. ( guia-d, afza) EFT A small bell. - The uvula. 1 To shake, stir a bout; as in aggrar at: -2 To fost a. 1 Furnished with bells. -2 Sounding like touch, rub, rub the hands over; faztagida a bell. -1. An epithet of Siva. Mk. 1. 24; Bk. 14. 2. 3 To smooth, stroke. -4 To JUE: 1 A string of bells tied on an elephant's chest speak spitefully or malignantly. - To disturb; grad Hat Hath afaraa ai Mb. 7. 172. 8. by way of ornament. -2 Heat, light. TUER: An elephant; taj gregos: gata: ...... ag: ( 972-99)1 A landing place, steps on the side Sukti. 5. 66. of a river leading to the waters Mar. 914 ); factghaTTo'yaM nanaM tenAtra kAritaH / brahmANDamujjvalAM kiirtimaarohyitumaatmnH|| / foan: The alligator; Bhavapra 5. 10.39. Deogadh Rock Inscription of Kirtivarman, V. 7; Ind. qug: A bee. Ant. Vol. XVIII pp. 238-9. -2 Stirring, agitating. T a.[ Hat 314 41e74 Tv. ) 1 Compact, firm, -3 A toll station. -Comp. cit a toll station. 973 hard, solid; 45127998: Mal. 9. 39.; Alar a l 213 see under 212; Sarva. S. 13. 123. siffert m. 1 a Y. 3. 89; R. 11. 18.-2 Thick, close, dense; wafatana: ferryman. -2 a man of a mixed tribe; ( T U. 2. 27; R. 8. 91; Amaru. 59. -3 Thiol-set, full, fully wra:). -8 attendant at a landing place. developed (as breasts); wala gar a unha STEFT 1 Shaking, moving; yani 59 yozgattaatsth Era Git.7; 94-age wafa ye a naysa fracarset R. 11. 71.-2 Effecting, forming; g auzate for a Srut. 8; Bh. 1. 8; Amaru. 31. - Deep (as sound); a Parnal 2. 54. qura: hogy rey qah Mal. 2. 12; Mu. 1. 21. TEAT[ 991 Shaking, moving, stirring round, -5 Uninterrupted, permanent. -6 Impenetrable. -7 Great, excessive, violent. -8 Complete; 37727 HOT a gitating. -2 Rubbing. -3 A means of livelihood, 9464 79494: Ks. 4. 53. -9 Auspicious, fortupractice, business, profession. nate. -10 Coarse, gross. -11 Engrossed by, full or regreat a. [957-f * ] 1 Shaken. -2 Produced. plete with ; HT a hafa haft Mal. 1.32; para -3 Starched (thus thickened); Panchdasi 6.3. - 4 Pressed U.6. 11. - A cloud; 14: 15 coat 92: $. 7.30; down, smoothed; Mb. 14. -al A particular way of 9987 a fa: SEU gla: V. 4. 22. -2 An iron beating a drum. club, a mace; fara gafa ger: Ki. 18. 1. -3 The body. -4 The cube of a number in math. ). -5 ExTL 8 U. (artia, qua) To shine. tension, diffusion. -6 A collection, multitude, quantity, FUT 1, 10. P. ( quzfa, gozafa) 1 To speak. -2 To mass, assemblage. -7 Talc. -8 Phlegm. -9 Any comsbine. pact mass or substance. -10 Hardness, firmness. -11 A particular manner of reciting Vedic texts: thus the E a. Shining, splendid -02: 1 N. of Siva. -2 A padas namaH rudrebhyaH ye repeated in this manner would stand kind of sauce, a kind of dish. -Comp. 90: a thus:-namo rudrebhyo rudrebhyo namo namo rudrebhyo ye ye rudrebhyo namo shield with a ringing sound. Haut. 41 A cymbal, a boll, a gong. -2 Iron. TUEI ( 907-377] 1 A bell. -2 A plate of iron or -3 Tin. -4 Skin, rind, bark. -5 A mode of dancing; mixed metal struck as a clock. Comp. - 3 a (neither quick nor slow ). ind. closely ; qyfa 9 7081belfry. Of: 1 N. of a demigod under Siva, (of Skanda 799 19 TUTT Ratn. 3.9. -Comp. - :, - Fa: or of Kuber) worshipped in the month of Chaitra ( also disa ppearance of the cloud', the season succeeding 07:). -2 a fabulous demon, Raksasa; H. 2.; Katha. the rains, autumn ( T); 9784419 Tahlaa 3.-off N. of a goddess. - i, - a shield fur. R. 3. 37. 3TETET N. of Durga. -3 9. rain; nished with small bells. -a : a bellman: 493 ghanAmbubhirbhUri vilambino ghanAH Subhas. -AkaraH the rainy 2 year. Ms. 10.33. -T: the sound of a bell. season. -3TTA, -se: the approach of clouds', - : 1 the chief road through a village, a highway, the rainy season; 14:1 2 : f Rs. 2. 1. main road;(dazadhanvantarI rAjamAgoM ghaNTApathaH smRtaH Kautilya). -THU: the date tree.-31T2TT: the atmosphere, -2 N. of Mallinatha's commentary on the Kiratar- firmament. -3 : the face. 3a : a partijuniyam; kartuM pravezamiha bhAravikAvyamadhye ghaNTApathaM kamapi nUtana- cular sea (hell?). -upalaH hail. -UrU a woman having For Private and Personal Use Only Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ghanatA 685 ............................ thick thighs ; $6 a Yella ta: ra: Ve. 2. 20.-TE 1 A. (942) To go, move. gathering of clouds. #9: hail. : the rainy ETT 10 P. (ra) To cover. season. BTHa. what may be hammered: Bhivapr. 5.26.53. - 1 thunder, peal or thundering noise TT: A house. of clouds, roar of thunder. -2 a deep loud roar. -golaka: alloy of gold and silver. -ghana: the cube of TE: A grinding stone; 3412 Tuyafaat: a cube. -jambAla thick mire. -jvAlA lightning. -tAla: Siva B. 13. 88. a kind of bird (1 ). ats: the Chata ka bird. gharghaTaH A kind of fish (gargara ). -EC: lymph. eft a. roaring. (-:) 1 a deep get a. 1 Indistinct, purring, gurgling as a or low tone. - 2 the muttering of thunder clouds; 317 sound ); rat Cirera att Mal. 5. 19; U. 4. 29; gaaft af 12 Si. 16. 25.-art: Mk. 6. 20; Kg. 25. 66; Raj. T. 2. 99. -2 Murmuring, smoke ( being supposed to be a principal ingredient muttering (as clouds ). -T: 1 An indistinct or low in clouds; Me. 5). fratr: thick hoar-frost or mist. murmur, a low, murmuring or gurgling sound. - the cube root. - 'the path of clouds', -2 Noise in general. -3 A door, gate. -4 Creaking, firmament, sky; FH16 ataca: Ki. 5. 34. crackling, rattling &u. -5 The pass of a mountain. - ITT: a peacock. 90 (in geom.) the solid or - A sliding door, curtain. -7 Mirth, laughter. -8 An cubical contents of a body or of an excavation. - owl or a duck. -9 A fire of chaff. -10 A particular the measurement by the exterior of a structure; Mana. form of a temple; Hch. 2. -11 The river Gogra. 39. 64.-54 cube root (in math.) -Te: 1 thick juice. -2 extract, decoction. -3 camphor. -4 water (m. or gafti, - 1 A bell used as an ornament. 2 A n.). - candied sugar. at the face. -at: the girdle of small bells. -3 The Ganges. - A kind of square of a cube, the sixth power (in math ). - HT lute. - A bell hanging on the neck of a horse. 7. the sky; pech gada 5 ki. 5. 17. -afsal, -8 One of the notes in music (n. also ). -agt lightning. -e a raven. -ara: 1 a thick_op gaft 1 A bell used as an ornament. -2 A pressive breeze or air. -2 N. of a hell; Jaina. -ato: kind of musical instrument. -3 Fried grain. the sky; 90 fateradiaa: Si. 9. 32. - : thunder, peal of thunder. area: a kind of pumpkin gourd. aftan The grunting of a hog; fait d aufta -atga: 1 Siva. -2 Indra.- a. 'dark like a cloud', cargo A1A2*TF3 Bhag. 3. 13. 25. deep-black, dark. (#:) an epithet ( 1 ) of Rain (2) of gha 1 P. (gharbati) To go. Krispa. -saMvRttiH profound secrecy. -samaya: the rainy a season. -AT: 1 camphor; # a. [arfa zjarra; z-te with qui: artefar &c. Dk. 1 mentioned among white substances ). - 2 mercury. Un. 1. 146 ] Hot. -# 1 Heat, warmth; a a a -3 water. -4 a big cloud; aarta HEHOTE goto: F197 H. 1.93; U. 3.5. - 2 The hot season, Nm. tati, -12:,-re: the roaring of clouds. - - summer; Ararat JRTHA 8: f algu FET the contents of an excavation or of a solid in R. 16. 49; U. 2.9.-3 Sweat, perspiration ; 3796714#math. ). fargatn amity **: Si. 1. 58.-4 A cauldron, anat, gara 1 Compactness, density. -2 Firmness, boiler. -5 Sunshine; -6 A cavity in the earth shaped like a boiler. -7 A hot day. -8 Ved. A sacrifice. solidity : Bri. S. 55. 25. -9 Juice. -10 Milk (of cows ).-11 The 4a ceremony. gta 8 U. 1 To make compact, harden, thicken, -12 A kind of deity; A a gara dadi-ati solidity. -2 To congeal, condense. -Comp. -aMzuH the sun; namastapati ghAzI kathamAvirbhaviSyati at e a 15 $. 5. 14.-3772: the rainy season; gufg 1 P. To be thickened, condensed or con Pre Ki. 7. 25. --TFT, -3TFH n., -3 9 , anga OH gealed, be increased or deepened; ua: T sweat, perspiration; ac FH1 CH S. 1. 29; H1 979 9 U. 2. 26. Mal. 9.17, 1.37.-afreit eruptions caused by heat taftafa Den. P. To long for solid food. and suppressed perspiration. Fia: sweat-produced ETT a. 1 Fond of slaughter, striking down; being; 318 al 99495S Ho g a y: T: U VATH Rv. 10. 103. 1. - 2 Cruel, hurting, Bhag. 8.5.21. - cessation of heat. Etreta: the mischievous. -3 Even, uniform, compact; la sun; 4: HH 59 strafa: R. 11. 64. - , - f. a TATUA Fat: sofen 3 ait Mal. 9.39. -2: 1 Indra. cow giving warm_milk for offerings ; dharmadughe iva dhenU -2 A vicious elephant, or one in rut or intoxication. Av. 4. 22. 4. yra: the sun; Ki. 5.41. -749, n. -3 A thick or raininy cloud; Bhag. 3. 24. 7; TT- 1 sweat, perspiration ; ufafana seferat: R H 1 -asis-ferater: Siva. B. 26. 51. - Mutual 1 9999 Si. 9. 35.-2 warm water. Th: 1 the collision or contact. sun. - heat, radiance. Faza. Ved. coming with For Private and Personal Use Only Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ghas splendour, or showering down water, or coming to the oblation (Say.); perspiring with heat; dharmasvedebhirdraviNaM vyAnad Rv. 10.67.7. gha 1, 2 P. ( ghasati, ghasti, ghasta ) To eat, devour (a defective root used only to form certain tenses of ad ). ghasaH 1 The eater, devourer. -2 Flesh, meat. afe: Ved. Food. ghasmara . [ ghas -kamarac] 1 Voracious, gluttonous; ghasmarA naSTa zaucAca prAya ityanuzuzruma Mb. 8. 40. 41; dAvAnalo ghasmara: B. 1. 34. -2 Devourer, destroyer; drupadasutacamUghasmaro drauNirasmi Ve. 5. 36. gha. [gha rak] Hurtful, injurious. -sraH 1 A day; ghasro gamiSyati bhaviSyati supradoSam Subhas. -2 The sun ; heat; Mv. 6. 8. - sram Saffron. ghAsaH [ ghas karmaNi ghaJ ] 1 Food. -2 Meadow or pasture grass; ghAsAbhAvAt Pt. 5; ghAsamuSTiM paragave dadyAt saMvatsaraM tu yaH Mb. -Comp. -kundam, -sthAnam a pasture. kUTam bny-riok] [gatvApAsaRAT. 4. a. 'ghAsiH [ ghasU bA0 iN ] 1 Fire. -2 Grass. ghATa, TA, TikA [ pad-ac]] Tho back of the nock. -TaH 1 A pitcher. -2 A landing place. ghATaNam A bolt antarvApi mahiSi pATaNaM kaoNlasaMyutam Mana. 19. 152-53. ghANTikaH 1 A bell-ringer; Mb. 13. 126. 24; Bri. S. 10. 6, 12.-2 A bard who sings in chorus, especially in honour of gods or kings. -3 The Dhattura plant. ghAtaH [ han- Nic ghaJ ] 1 A blow, stroke, bruise, hit ; jyAghAta S. 3.13; nayanazaraghAta Git. 10; 80 pANighAtaH ziroghAta &c. - 2 Killing, hurting, destruction, slaughter, deathsentence; viyogo mugdhAkSyAH sa khalu ripughAtAvadhirabhUt U. 3. 44; pazughAtaH Git. 1; Y. 2. 159; 3.252; tatra ratnopabhoge ghAtaH Kau. A. 2. 8. -3 An arrow. -4 Power. 5 The product of a sum in multiplication. -6 Whipping; kozAdhiSThitasya kozAvacchede ghAtaH Kau. A. 2.5 - 7 (in Astr.) Entrance. ( In comp. translated by inauspicious'; 'divasaH ) -Comp. -kRcchram a kind of urinary disease; Sarig. S. 7. 57. - candraH the moon when in an inauspicious mansion determined by one's natal zodiacal sign. -fafer: an inauspicious lunar day. -nakSatram an inauspicious constellation. -vAraH an inauspicious day of the week. -sthAnam a slaughter-house, place for execution; kadAcidiyamAlokyaiva saMnikRSTaM ghAtasthAnam Nag. 4. ghAtaka a. [ han- Nic Nvul ] Killing, destroying, a killer, destroyer, murderer &c. Ms. 5. 51. 686 ghAtana [ han Nic bhAve lyuT ] A killer, murderer. -nam 1 Striking, killing, slaughter. - 2 Killing (as an animal at a sacrifice), immolatting; tanmAMsabhakSaNam Ks. 20.214, Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ghumaghumita ghAtiH [ hun mic ig] 1 Striking killing. -2 Catching or killing birds, f. A bird-net. ghAtin a. ( -nI / ) [ han Nic Nini ] 1 Striking, killing ye ca strIbAlaghAtinaH Ms. 8.89 -2 Catching or killing (birds &e.) -3 Destructive. Comp. -pakSina, vihagaH a. hawk falcon. dhAtuka. (kI. ) [ in Nic u ]1 Killing, destru ctive, mischievous, hurting; vatsAMzca dhAtuko vRka: Av. 12. 4. 7. -2 Cruel, savage, ferocious. ghAtya . [ han- Nic Nyat ] Proper or fit to be killed ; tatastadeva me ghAtyam Ks. 72. 273. dhAnyam Compactness. ghAraH See under gha. ghArtikaH [ ghRtena nirvRtaH Tham ] A kind of dish or cake prepared with clarified butter which is full of small holes. (Mar. anarasA ); and hence one of the learned fools in the Panchatantra says on seeing the cake aerved to him "china bahulIbhavati" ghAsaH See under ghas. dhiNN, ghuNN, ghRNNU 1 A. To seize, take, grasp. ghu 1 A. (ghavate, ghuta) To sound, make an indistinct noise. ghu: The indistinct sound of a pigeon. ghuT I. 6 P. ( ghuTati, ghuTita) 1 To strike again, retaliate, resist. -2 To protect, preserve. - II. 1 A. ( ghoTate ) 1 To come back, return. -2 To barter, exchange. ghuTA, ghuTi, DI, ghuTikA kA The ankde. ghudda 6 P. (puti) To prevent, defend. ghuN I. 1. 6P (ghoSate, puNati, sumita) To roll, whirl, stagger, reel. II. 1 A. To take, receive. guNa: [ puN-ka] A particular kind of innect found in timber. -Comp. -akSaram, -lipiH f. an incision in wood or in the leaf of a book made by an insect or worm and resembling somewhat the form of a letter; sakRjjayamarevarA manyante hi ghuNAkSaram Raj. T. 4. 167. nyAyaH see under nyAya; ghuNAkSaranyAyena nirmitaM tasyA vapuH Dk. -kSata, -jagdha a. worm-eaten ; ghuNajagdhaM kASTamiva rAjakulaM bhajyeta Kau. A. 1. 17 zrInirmitiprasavarNopamA mamAja Si. 3. 58. ghuSTaH, puNTakaH, ghuSTikA The ankle. ghuNTikam Cow-dung found in woods. ghuNDa: A large black bee. ghumaghumAravaH A kind of humming insect (like amara ). ghumaghumita a. Scented, sweet amelling; dhumadhumitadehAH Vis. Gupa. 115. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ghura ghur 6 P. ( ghurati, ghurita) 1 To sound, make a noise, snore, snort ; grunt (as a pig, dog &c.); kaH kaH kutra na rAvatapurI poro purecchuka . P. 7. 8 To be frightful or terrible. -3 To cry in distress. ghuraNaH A sound. ghuraghurAyate Den. I. To utter gurgling sounds. ghurI The nostrils, especially of a hog ghurSurAgitapurIdhoro purecchUkara K. P. 7. ghughura: 1 Guinea-worm. -2 Snorting, growling, grumbling. --rA Growling &c. (as of a dog). ghughurakaH, -rikA A gurgling sound. ghughurAyate Den. A. To murmur, hum whisper. g1 The grunting of a hog.-2 The mole-cricket. ghulaghulAravaH A sort of pigeon. p I. 1P. 10 e. (ghoSati, ghoSayati-te ghoSita, puSTa ghoSita ) 1 To sound, make any sound or noise. -2 To cry or proclaim aloud, announce or declare publicly; sa pApAdRte tAsAM duSyanta iti ghuSyatAm S. 6. 22; ghoSayatu manmathanirdezam Git. 10; iti ghoSayatIva DiNDimaH kariNo hastipakAhataH H. 2. 84; R. 9. 10; Mk. 10. 12. -3 To praise. -4 To fill with cries, make resonant. -II. 1 A. ( ghuSate ) To be beautiful or brilliant. ghuSa . Sounding. ghuSita a. [ ghuS kta ] Proclaimed, sounded, declared; also ghuSTa. ghuSTAnnam Food given away by proclamation; Ms.4.209. ghuTum A cart, onrriage. , ghoSaH [ ghuSa- bhAve ghaJ ] 1 Noise, tumult, ory or sound in general; sa ghoSo dhArtarASTrANAM hRdayAni vyadArayat Bg. 1. 19; so " tu za &c. -8 The thundering of clouds, snigbha gambhIraghoSam Me. 64 ( vl ). -3 Proclamation. -4 Rumour, report; duHzAsurAgAditi ghoSa AsIt Rv. 10. 33. 1. - BA herdsman; see ghoSavRddha below. -6 A hamlet, station of cowherds; Bhag. 5.5.30; vihArabhUmerabhighoSamutsukAH Ki. 4. 31; gaGgAyAM ghoSaH K. P. 2; ghoSAdAnIya Mk. 7. -7 (In gram) The soft sound heard in the articulation of the soft consonants; Rv. Pr. 13.5. -8 A Kayastha (one of the writer class). -9 A vowel. - 10 A gnat, mosquito. -11 An epithet of Siva. -12 Rocitation, the sound of prayers; sadasi nibiDa caityabrahmaghoSaiH purastAt Mk. 10. 12 - 18 An ornament that makes a tinkling sound ; ghoSapraghoSaruciram Bhag. 10. 8. 22 - Sam Bell-metal. -Comp. -yAtrA walk or procession to the stations of the herdsmen: parvan N. of chapters 236-257 of the vanaparva in Mb. -varNaH a sonant letter. - vRddhaH an elder at a station of herdsmen ; haiyaGgavInamAdAya ghoSa vRddhAnupasthitAn R. 1. 45. 687 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ghoSakaH [ ghoSa svArthe ka ] A crier, proclaimer. ghoSayat . Making sound sounding. 2 sonant - tI A lute; Ks. 11.3. a. ghRta ghoSaNam, -NA [ ghuS bhAve lyuT ] Proclamation, declaring or speaking aloud, public announcement; vyAghAto jayaghoSaNAdiSu balAdasmaddabalAnAM kRtaH Mu. 3.26; R. 12. 72. -2 Speaking aloud, making a great noise. -a. Sounding sa prAyadvoSaNabhUSaNAH Bhag 15.6. ghoSayitnu 1 A crier, bard, herald. -2 A Brahmapa. -3 A cuckoo. -4 A captive. ghusRNam [Saffron yatra strINAM mahaNAlepanoSNA kuzrIH Vikr. 18. 31 ; prasakhurArAd ghusRNasya reNavaH Ram. Ch. 2.38; Vis. Guna. 115. ghUka: An owl. -Comp. -ari: a crow. -nAdinI the Ganges. ghUtkAra: Hooting; Mal. 5.19; U. 2. 29. ghUra 4 A. ( ghUryate) To kill, hurt. ghUrNa 1 A., 6. P. [ ghUrNate, ghUrNati, ghUrNita ] To roll about, move to and fro, whirl, turn round, shake, reel, yoSitAmatimadena patramAtizvaSi kyUMSi Si. 10. 821 stagger; bhayAtkecidaghUNipu: Bk. 15. 32, 118; Si. 11. 18; adyApi tAM surajAgarapUrNamAnAm Ch. P. 5: bhUpAlaya: kamalA sidinnIsanmadAghUrNitAH Bv. 4. 42. - Caus. ( ghUrNayati - te ) To cause to shake, reel or roll about; nayanAnyaruNAni ghUrNayan Ku. 4.12; Si. 2. 16; Bh. 1. 89 ( with prepositions like A, vithe root retains the same meaning). ghUrNa (also ghUrNAyamAna) a. Shaking, moving to and fro tasya hRde viharato bhujadaNDapUrNavArthopamadhUna varavAraNavikramasya Bhag. 10. 16. 8. --rNaH Whirling, rolling. -Comp. -vAyuH a whirlwind. ghUrNanam, -nA [ ghuNa bhAve lyuT ] Shaking, reeling,_whirling or turning round, revolving; maulipUrNanala GHL. 9 pUrNanAmApatanabhramaNAdarzanAdihat S. D. varNi: [ bhAve-in ] Rolling, revolving. 3 I. 1P. ( gharati ghRta) To sprinkle. - II. 10 U. ( ghArayati - te, ghArita) To sprinkle over, wet, moisten; jigharmyamaM haviSA ghRtena Rv. 2.10. 4. - III. 3P. ( jigharti ) 1 To sprinkle. -2 To shine. - IV. 5 e. (ghRNoti, ghRNute ) 1 To sprinkle. -2 To shine. For Private and Personal Use Only ghA [ pR-pam ] Sprinkling. wetting. ghRta . [ ghRta ] 1 Sprinkled. -2 Illumined. -tam 1 Ghee, clarified butter; (sarpirvilInamAjyaM syAd ghanIbhUtaM ghRtaM bhavet Say ). -2 Butter. -3 Water. 4 Spirit, energy (tejas); madhucyuto ghRtapRktA vizokAste nAntavantaH pratipAlayanti Mb. 1. 92. 15. -Comp. -akta uu. annointed with ghee. vidhavAyAM niyuktastu ghRtAkto vAgyato nizi / ekamutpAdayetputraM ... / / Ms. 9.60. - annaH, arthim . blazing fire zucivamA Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ghRtavat hRSIkezo ghRtArcisa ucyate Mb. 12. 43. 7. -avaniH the spot on the sacrificial post which is smeared with ghee. - AhavanaH fire. - AhutiH / an oblation of ghee. - AhnaH 1 the Sarala tree. -2 turpentine uda: 'ocean of ghee' one of the seven oceans. -odanaH boiled rice mixed with ghee. kumArikA, kumArI Aloo Indica (Mar. koraphaDa ); Bhavapr. 5. 3. 282 kulyA a stream of ghee. -kezaH 1 fire. -2 one whose locks are unctuous ; UrjA pAtaM ghRta kezamImahe Rv. 8.60.2. gandhaH a horse having the smell of ghee ghRtagandha bhayo... Salihotra Appendix II, 17. - dIdhitiH fire. -dhArA & continuous stream of ghee. - dhenuH ghee in the shape of milch-cow. -nirNij a. shining. (m.) tire. -padI an epithet of the goddess Ila ; ( whose foot drops with ghee ); iLA devI ghRtapadI juSanta Rv. 10 70 8. - pazuH a sacrificial victim repre sented by ghee; kuryAd ghRtapazuM saMge Ms. 5. 37. -pUraH, -varaH a kind of sweetmeat; also pUrvakaH pRca 0. accompanied with ghee tena bAkapRthivI abhiyA ghRtapRcA ghRtAvRdhA Rv. 6. 70.4. - pRSTha a having a shining body. -pratIkaH, -prayasH m., - prasatta fire; ghRtapratIko ghRtapRSTho ame Av. 2. 13. 1; ghRtaprayA sadhamAde madhUnAm Rv. 3. 43.3; ghRtaprasatto asuraH suzevaH 5 15 1. prAzaH, -prAzanam swallowing ghee; Ms. 11. 143; 5. 144. pluta a sprinkled with ghee ; agnaukariSyannAdAya pRcchatyannaM ghRtaplutam V. 1. 236; Bhag. 3. 16. 8. -maNDaH the scum of melted butter. -yoniH fire ; tanUnapAda ghRtayoniM vidhantam Rv. 3. 4. 2. lekhanI a ladle for ghee. hetu: butter. ghRtavat a. Greasy. ghRtin . Containing ghee. ghRtalI A cock-roach. ghRNu I 8 P. (ghRNoti, ghRNNa ) To shine, burn. - II. 1 A. (ghRNate) To seize. ghRNaH 1 Heat, ardour - 2 Sunshine; A yo ghRNe na tatRSANo ajaraH Rv. 6. 15.5 -3 A Day. ghRNA [ dhR nakU ] 1 Compassion, pity, tenderness; tAM vilokya vanitAvadhe ghRNAM patriNA saha mumoca rAghavaH R. 11. 17; 9.81; Ki. 15. 13. -2 Disgust, aversion, contempt; tatyAja toSaM parapuSTaghuSTe ghRNAM ca vINAkkaNite vitene N. 3. 60; 1.20; R. 11. 65. -3 Reproach, censure. -Comp. -arci: m. fire. ghRNAlu a. Compassionate, merciful, tender-hearted; niSpAditazca kAtsnyena bhagavadbhirghRNAlubhiH Bhag. 4. 22.43. ghRNi . [ ghR-nini guNAbhAvaH ] 1 Displeasing. -2 Shining; tasya tyaktasvabhAvasya ghRNermAyAvanaukasa: Bhag 7.2. 7. - NiH 1 Hent, sunshine. -2 A ray of light. -3 The sun. -4 A wave. -n. Water. -Comp. -nidhiH the sun. (f.) the Ganges. ghRNin a. Merciful, tender-hearted, kind; rAjA ghRNI brAhmaNaH sarvabhakSI strI cAvazA dRSTamatiH sahAyaH (tyAjyA ) Pt. 1. 424. -2 Censorious, abusive 8 Bashinl, shameful; kIrtaya 688 ghora nguNamannAnAmaghRNI ca punaH punaH Mb. 1. 167. 19. ( Com. aghRNI = jIna ). Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ghRtAcI a. 1 Greasy, a bounding in ghee. -2 Containing water. -3 Shining. f. 1 Night. -2 N. of Sarasvati. -3 N. of an apsaras; N. 2. 109 ( the following are the principal nymphs of Indra's heaven ; ghRtAcI menakA rambhA urvazI ca tilottamA / sukezI majjughoSAdyAH kathyante'psaraso budhaiH ). -Comp. -garbhasaMbhavA large cardamoms. pRS1P. (pati) 1 To rub, strike against adyApi tatkanakakuNDalaghRSTamAsyam Ch. P. 11; Pt. 1. 144. -2 To brush, furbish, polish. -8 To crush, grind, pound ; draupadyA nanu matsyarAjabhavane ghRSTaM na kiM candanam Pt. 3. 175. -4 To compete rival (as in] saMgharSa g... ghaH 1 Rubbing friction; tathApi asate zabdo vAriNori gharSajaH Ram. 2.54.6. -2 Grinding. [gharSaka Rabbing A polisbor. gharSaNa a. Rubbing grinding. Nam 1 Rubbing friction. -2 Grinding, pounding. -oft Turmeric. gharSaNAlaH A miller, a stone used for grinding powder on a stone-slab. gharSita a. Rubbed, pounded, brushed. ghRSTa a. [] karmaNi[ka]] Rabbed, Bed jAtakaThinA'gam Bk. 5. 57; Mk. 1. 24; 3.9; ghRSTaM ghRSTaM punarapi punaH candanaM cArugandham Subhas. pRSThi [ra] A hop Alokya tamAsyaminAdi pRteH digambarIbhUtapi Ram. Ch. 6. 52. -/- 1 Grinding. pounding, rubbing. -2 Emulation, rivalry, competition. -3 Clitoria Ternatia ( Mar. viSNukrAntA, gokarNI ). afa: A hog. ghoGghaH Intermediate space. ghoTa, ghoTakaH A horses zATIhATaka ghoTaka phuDaghaTATopAva tubhyaM namaH aba ko'pi balAkApoTI bhaTaH vid Guna. 163. -Comp. -ari: a buffalo. ghoTI, ghoTikA A mare, borne in general] [ATIse karipoTI padAtivAdI kSitibhujAm Aivad. 5. ghoNa (na) saH A sort of reptile. ghoNA 1 The nose ; ghoNonnataM mukham Mk. 9. 16. -2 The nose of a horse, snout ( of a hog ); ghughurAyamANaghoraghoNana K. 78. -3 The beak ( of an owl ); Mb. 10. 4 The nave of a wheel (rathacakrapiNDikA); tadeva sthagu yaddIrgha rathaghoNamivAyatam Ram. 2.10.46. ghoNina m. A hog. ghoNTA The jujube tree. -2 The betel-nut tree, a timber tree. a. ghora [ ghar ac Up. 5.64] 1 Terrific, frightful, horrible, awful; zivAghorasvanAM pazcAdabubudhe vikRteti tAm R. 12.39; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gholaH 689 or tatkiM karmaNi ghore mAM niyojayasi kezava Mb.; ghoraM loke vitatamayazaH U.7.6%3 Ms. 1.50%; 12.54. -2 Violent, vehement. -3 Ved. Venerable, awful, sublime.-4 Unsteady, displeasing; zAntA ghorAzca mUDhAzca Sah. K. 38. -ra: N. of Siva. -rA Night.-ram 1 Horror, awfulness ; athApi me'vinItasya kSAtraM ghoramupeyuSaH Bhag. 4.8.36. -2 Poison. -3 Venerableness%3; Vaj.2.32. -4 Magic formule and charms; mA no ghoreNa caratAbhi dhRSNu Rv. 10.31.14.-5Saffron. -Comp.-AkRti,-darzana a. frightful in appearance, terrifics hideous. (-naH)1 an owl. -2 a hyena.-ghuSyam bell-metal. -ghorataraH Siva. -puSpam brass. -rAsanaH, -rAsin,-vAzana:-vAzin m. a jackal. -rUpa: an epithet of Siva. -a. of a frightful appearance; Ms. 7. 121. gholaH, -lam Butter-milk having no water in it; (tattu / sasnehamajalaM mathitaM gholamucyate Susr.). na a. (-nI /.) (Used only at the end of comp.) Killing, destroying, removing, curing; brAhmaNaghnaH, bAlaghnaH, vAtaghnaH, pittanaH; depriving one of taking away; puNyaghna, dharmaghna &c. Ms. 9.282; 8. 12737.2183; Y. 1. 138 &c. ghaMs,ghrasa: Ved. 1A day. -2 Sun's heat; himenAni ghaMsamavArayethAm Rv. 1. 116.8. -3 Sunshine, brightness, yo asmai ghaMsa uta vA ya Udhani Rv.5.34.3. ghrA 1 P.(jighrati, janau, anAt-abrAsIt , ghAta-vANa) 1 To smell, smell at, perceive by smell; spRzannapi gajo hanti jighrannapi bhujaGgamaH H. 3. 14; Bv. 1.99%; Ms. 2.98.-2 To kiss. -Caus. (ghApayati) To cause to kill, to smell; ajighapastathaivA'nyA- noSadhIrAlipastathA Bk. 15. 109. ( Prepositions like ava, A, upa, vi, sam &c. are added to this root without any material change of meaning; TA1919 atout: Me. 21; Amodamupajighrantau R. 1.43; Bee Bk. 2. 103 14. 123 R.3.33 13. 70%; Ms. 4. 209 also.) ghrANa p. p. [ghrA karmaNi-kta ] Smelt. -NaH, -Nam 1 Smell. -2 Smelling. -3 The nose (alson.). -Nam 1 The act of smelling; ghrANena sUkarA hanti Ms. 3. 241. -20dour, scent. - The nose; gandhAya ghrANamatha yo veda Ch.Up.8.12.43 buddhIndriyANi cakSuH zrotraghrANarasanAtvagAkhyAni San. K.26; Ku.3.47, Rs. 6.27; Ms.5. 135. -Comp.-indriyam the organ or sense of smell; nAsAgravarti ghANam T.S.-cakSus a. 'having nose for the eyes', blind ( who smells out bis way). -tapeNa a. grateful or pleasant to the nose, fragrant, odorous. (-Nam) fragrance, odour3 pradoSapavanaizvake ziziraioNatarpaNam Raj. T.5.3.56. -pAka: a disease of the nose. -puTakA nostril Mark. P.65. 22. -skanda: blowing one's nose%3; prAskandAdivAdyajJAH Raj. T.5.418. Era p. p. 1 Smelled, smelled at; Vaj. 22. 7. -2 Perceiving, witnessing, feeling; azanAhaM kriyAnAto loko lakSmIkaTAkSitaH Raj. T. 2. 22. ghrAtavya. To be smelled at. -vyam Odour; ghrANaM ca nAtavyam Prasna Up.4.8. ghrAtiHf. The act of smelling; na hi ghAturghAtarviparilopo vidyate Bri. 4.3.24; ghrAtira yamadyayoH Ms. 11.68.-2 Smell -3 The nose. gheya a. To be smelled at. -yam What may be smelled; smell, odour; preyairghANaM kSitau nyasyet Bhag. 7. 12. 283; neya ghrANaM zarIraM ca ete bhUmiguNAstrayaH MD. 12. 194.11. S No word in general use begins with this letter. Ga: 1 An object of sense. -2 Desire, wish. -3 An epithet of Siva; prANasturago ga dharA ramA and vitAnaM sukhaM brahma sarpistoyaM viSaM payaH Enm.; I klIbamaJjane, nA tu, bhaireva, viSaye jane Nm. Du 1 A. (kvate) To sound. - a. 1 Seedless. -2 Bad, vile. -ca: An epithet of 9 Siva. -2 Chewing, eating. -3 The moon. -4 A tortoise. -BA thief. cazcaJcuzcaraNo'cirmukho raviH / cA kadUraditiH kanyA ...... and caM caritraM sukhaM duHkhaM kazmalaM bhramaNaM pyH| Enm. -ind. A particle expressing 1 Copulation (and, also as well as, moreover ) used to join words or assertions together ; (in this sense it is used with each of the words or assertions which it joins together; or it is used after the last of the words or assertions so joined but it never stands first in a sentence); mano niSThAzUnya bhramati ca kimapyAlikhati ca Mal. 1.313 tau gururgurupatnI ca prItyA pratinanandatuH R.1.57; Ms. 1.64; 3.5%; kulena kAntyA vayasA navena guNaizca testairvinayapradhAnaH R.6. 79%; Ms. 1. 105; 3. 116. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 690 cakram -2 Disjunction ( but, still, yet); zAntamidamAzramapadaM sphurati / bhyAze) cakArasye akSiNI virajyete Kau. A. 1. 20. 17. ca bAhuH 5. 1. 14. -3 Certainly, determination, (indeed -Comp.-akSa a.(=-dRz); itazcakorAkSi vilokayeti R.6.59. certainly, exactly, quite, having the force of eva); -dRz a. having (eyes like those of a Chakora_bird) atItaH panthAnaM tava ca mahimA vAGmanasayoH G.M.; te tu yAvanta beautiful eyes%3; anucakAra cakoradRzAM yataH Si.6.48. netra evAjI tAvAMzca dadRze sa taiH R.12.45.-4 Condition (if= cet); (=-dRz); dviradendragatizcakoranetra: Mk. 1. 3. -vratam The jIvituM cecchase (= icchase ced)mUDha hetuM me gadataH zRNu Mb; lobha- vow i. e. the ha bit of a Chakora bird of drinking zvAsti (asti ced ) guNena kim Bh.2.45v.1. -It is often nectar from the moon; cakoravratamAlambya tatraivAsana divAnizam used expletively (pAdapUraNArthe); bhImaH pArthastathaiva ca G. M. Ks. 76. 11. -cakorAya To act like a Chakora bird; (Lexicographers give, besides the above, the following cakorAyitumete ca pravRtte yAvadunmukhe Ks. 89.41. senses of which are included in the general idea of cakk 10 P. (cakkayati) 1 To suffer. -2 To give or copulation; 1 anvAcaya joining a subordinate fact with a principal one; bho bhikSAmaTa gAM cAnaya%3; 800 anvAcaya. -2 samA inflict pain, trouble. hAra collective combination; as pANI ca pAdau ca pANipAdam -3 cakkala a. [Un. 1. 108.] Round, circular. itaretarayoga or mutual connection%3; as plakSazca nyagrodhazca plakSa caknasa: Dishonesty, erookedness, fraud; Vop. 26. 30. nyagrodhau. -4 samuccaya aggregation; as pacati ca paThati ca). ca is frequently repeated with two assertions (1) in the sense cakram [kriyate anena, kR ghaarthe ka ni dvitvam Tv.] 1 The of 'on the one hand-on the other hand', 'though-yet', wheel of a carriage; cakravatparivartante duHkhAni ca sukhAni ca to denote antithesis; na sulabhA saphalendumukhI ca sA kimapi ceda- ma. 1. 173. -2 A potter's wheel. -3 A sharp circular manaGgaviceSTitam V.2.994.33; R. 16.73; or (2) to express missile, weapon, a disc (especially applied to the simultaneous or undela yed occurrence of two events weapon of Visnu). -4 An oil-mill; dazasUnAsamaM cakra (no sooner than, as soon as); te ca prApurudanvantaM bubudhe cAdi- dazacakrasamo dhvajaH Mb. 13. 125.9.-5A circlering%3 kalApapUruSaH R. 10.6%3 3.40; 11.50,813 Ku.3.58,66%3 S.6.7% cakreSu nivezitAnanam Rs. 2. 14. -8 A troop, multitude, Mal.9.39. -Comp.-AdiaGana of Panini (includ- collection, Si. 20. 17. -7 A realm, sovereignty: Faty ing the indeclinable particles, P. I.4.57). -kAra: the svacakra paracakramuktam Bu. Ch.2.15%; ct. cakra sainyrthaanggyoH| particle ca; P. II. 3. 72, Kasi. -samAsa: a Dvandva rASTre dambhAntare...| Medini. -8 A province, district, a group com pound; Vop. of villages. -9A form of military array in a circle. -10 A circle or depression of the body. -11 A cycle, cak 1U.(cakati-te, cakita)1 To be satiated, be con eycle of years. -12 The horizon; yAvadAvartate cakra tAvatI me tented or satisfied. -2 To repel, resist. -3 To shine. vasundharA Ram. 2.10.36.-13 An army, a host.-14 Section cakita .[cak-kartarikta] 1Shaking, trembling (through of a book. -15 A whirlpool. -16 The winding of a foar); bhaya, sAdhvasa Me.27. -2 Frightened, made to river. -17 An astronomical circle; Ter the zodiac. tremble, startled; vyAdhAnusAracakitA hariNIva yAsi Mk.1.173 -18 Circular flight of birds &c.). -19 A particular Amaru. 46; Me. 14; R. 10.73; Sivamahimnastotra 2. constellation in the form of a hexagon. -20 Range, -3 Afraid, timid, apprehensive; cakitavilokitasakaladizA department in general. -21 The convolutions or spiral Git.2; paulastyacakitezvarAH (dizaH) B. 10. 73. -tam 1 Trem marks of the zAligrAma.-22 A crooked or fraudulent conbling. -2 Alarm, fear. -tam ind. With fear, in a trivance. -kra: 1 The ruddy goose (also called cakravAka); startled manner, alarmingly, with awe; cakitamupaimi tathApi padmollAsavidhAyini satpathadIptikRti cakrabhavyakare Vis. Guna. 274. pArzvamasya M.1.11; sabhayacakitam Git.53 Santi. 4.4.-Comp. -2 A multitude, troop, group. -Comp. -aGga: 1a -cakita a greatly alarmed. -hRdaya a. faint-hearted. gander having a curved neck. -2 a carriage. -3 the ruddy goose (cakravAka); cakrAjJAn sa ca nityaM vai sarvatA vanagocacakAs 2 P. (Rarely A.)(cakAsti-ste, cakAsAJcakAra, aca- rAn Mb. 12. 268. 36. (-GgI) a goose. (-Ggam ) a parasol. kAsIt , cakAsita)1 To shine. be bright; gaNDazcaNDi cakAsti -370: 1 a juggler, snake-catcher. -2 a rogue, knave, nIlanalinazrImocanaM locanam Git. 10; cakAsataM cArucamUrucarmaNA cheat. -3 a particular coin, a dinara. -37f8afarm. Si. 1.83 Bk. 3.37.-2 (Fig.) To be happy or prosper the orange tree. -araH, (-ram) the spoke of a wheel: ous; vitanvati kSemamadevamAtRkAzcirAya tasmin kuravazcakAsate Ki.1.17. cakrArapaktiriva gacchati bhaagyptitH| Svapna.1.4. -azman / -Caus. To cause to shine, illuminate; Si. 3. 6. With a machine to hurl stones at a distance; ayaHkaNapacakrAzmavi to shines be bright. bhuzuNDapudyatabAhavaH Mb. 1. 227. 25. -AkAra, -AkRti . cakAsita a. Shining, splendid, bright. circular, round. -thAyudhaH an epithet of Visnu. -AvateH whirling or rotatory motion. -AhvaH, -AhvayaH cakoraH [ cak-tRptau oran Un. 1.64 ] A kind of bird, the ruddy goose; -IzvaraH 1 ' lord of the discus', the Greek partridge said to feed on moon beams); N. of Visnu. -2 the officer in charge of a jyotsnApAnamadAlasena vapuSA mattAzcakorAGganAH Vb. 1. 11; itazca- district. -IzvarI N. of the Jaina goddess of learning. korAkSi vilokayeti R.6.59; 7.25%3 sphuradadharasIdhave tava vadana- -upajIvin m. an oil-man. -kArakam 1a nail. -2a 'candramA rocayati locanacakoram Git. 10. (cakorakaH also.)(viSA- kind of perfume. - TGT: the plant Cassia Tora. Tus: INHEALTHREE For Private and Personal Use Only Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 891 cakSas a round pillow. - : f. rotation, revolution. -T23:1 Hafa t arafar Me. 83. Pary: the sun. -2 a the Asoka tree. , -uft f. a rampart, an en- kind of horse, having white feet and white eyes; #: trenchment. -cakram A flock of cakravAka birds; astAdripadmA- zvetapAdazca tathA syAt zvetalocanaH / cakravAkaH sa vijJeyo rAjAhoM vAji** fataa l Ho fada fare : ...... 14:Salihotra of Bhoj.-alt: 1 a limit, boundary.-8 Ram. Ch. 6. 19. - a. moving in a circle; (- :) a lamp-stand. -3 engaging in an action.-ara: a whirljuggler, af m . a chariot. HOT: a round wind, hurricane; TEGUTSETT 4*94 Bhag. 10. jewel in a coronet or dia dem. -trai, ar m. a 7. 20. - f. 1. interest upon interest, compound potter. -aitetu N. of a holy place. -a : a kind of interest; Ms. 8. 153, 156. -2 wages for transporting fish: rohitAMzcakratuNDAMzca nalamInAMzca rAghava Ram. 3.73.14.-daMzaH goods in a carriage. Ti a circular array of troops. a hog. -a: a thunder cloud. ETT a. 1 bearing or TH tin. (-:) the ruddy goose.-16 : the ruddy having a wheel. -2 carrying a discus. -3 driving in a goose. EET: an epithet of Visnu. carriage. (T) 1 an epithet of Visnu; 7 7712: R. T* a.[7#f4a frula - ] Wheel-shaped, circular, 16.55. -2 a sovereign, governor or ruler of a province; vaat waarat ani 7-1**7 Mb. 13. 162. 38. -8 a -*: Arguing in circle ( in logic). village tumbler or juggler. -4 a snake; au facut 197 a.[ HAR ATT 484 4: ] 1 Wheeled. -2 bhujaGge prAmajAlini Visvalochana. -dhArA the periphery of a Circular. -3 Armed with a discus. -m. 1 An oilman. wheel. the Gandaki river. If the nave of -2 A sovereign emperor. -3 N. of Visnu. a wheel. HT m. 1 the ruddy goose 91). --2 a pyritic ore of iron. -1974: 1 the leader of a troop. ali, -im. A doer; L. D. B. -2 a kind of perfume. : f. the periphery or cir it, Tir A goose. cumference of a wheel; erfaruft 7 7 a : A discus-bearer. -11 A heap, troop. -2 Me. 109. - for: an epithet of Visnu; Bg. 11. 49. A fraudulent device. - 1,-91*: 1 a carriage. -2 an elephant. -10: 1 the governor of a province. -2 an officer in charge of a aft a. (* Te f] 1 Having a wheel, wheeldivision of an army. -3 horizon. -4 a circle. -5 one who ed. -2 Bearing a discus. -3 Driving in a carriage. -4 carries a discus.-73 a kind of discus.-F , - a ta: circular, round. - Indicative (75). -m. 1 An epithet the sun. -10, -3, -at, H, -5H 1 a ring, of Visnu or Krisna, Si. 13.22; org: qosar fi : circle. -2 a collection, group, multitude, mass; - E af Bhag. 1. 9. 4. -2 A potter. -3 An oilman. 79 Bh. 2. 71; 9929a tehtaat aaro Rati. 4. 16; -4 An emperor, a universal monarch, absolute ruler. Mv. 6. 4; Mu. 3. 21.; K. 126, 178. -3 horizon. (7) -5 The governor of a province. -- An ass. -7 The 1 a mythical range of mountains supposed to encircle ruddy goose. -8 An informer. -9 A snake. -10 A the orb of the earth like a wall and to be the limit of crow. -11 A kind of tumbler or juggler. light and darkness. -2 the ruddy goose. : a affu a. Going in a carriage, being on a journey. dog. m. 1 one who holds a discus.-2 N. of Visnu. legit night. - :, : f. a lathe or grind T 8 U. To form into a circle, to curve or bend stone; 313 714 Castaga qaleredt famila R. 6. as a bow; Ku. 3. 70. 32; 4941961it: San. K. 67. - feat: f. revolution at m. An ass; Si. 5.8. of wheels; V. 1.5. -Ausfcam. a species of cobra. 78% 2 A. (9) (Defective in non-conjugational -He: a hog. - a battle carried on with the dis tenses ). 1 To see, observe, perceive. -2 To speak, cus and club. IT a wheel-carriage. - : a hog. say, tell with dat. of the person). -3 To abandon, -alat m. 1 an emperor, universal monarch, Sovereign leave. of the world, a ruler whose dominions extend as far as the ocean ( Pragatadz Ak.); 974aqua affarge TETUTH [ 7 77 Egza: ] 1 Ved. 1 Appearance, $. 1. 12; 79 afara padi Tartati ragarenissa new aspect; 471464 79TH Rv. 1. 13. 5. -2 Speaking, Mart 29 FT42: || Udb. (where there is a pun on the saying.-3 Eating a relish to promote appetite. word aafia, the other meaning being 'resembling in ( a. Ved. Illuminating, irradiatiny, brightenshape the ruddy goose', 'round'); -2 (hence ) head, ing; sa no vibhAvA cakSaNirna vastoH Rv. 6.4.2. foremost; 3193a: HETTY ad fata tat19 Bv. 1.70; 41$ anaf&a: Parnal.5.38. 777 n. Ved. The eye; TO TEN 31214: Rv. 1. 128.2. -3 a kind of horse having one or three curls on the m. [ 343 a EgICET: ] 1 A teacher, an shoulder; F r yerad Tata u 41 79: 1 87 instructor in sacred science, a spiritual teacher. -2 An vijJeyo vAjI bhUpAlamandire || Salihotra of Bhoj. -varman m. N. epithet of Brihaspati. -n. 1 Radiance, clearness. of a king of Kashmir; hift 14 daguzi 5744 -2 The act of seeing, being seen. -3 Look, sight, the Raj. T.5.287.-aren 1 ( .) the ruddy goose; - eye. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir cakSu 892 caTakA blinding the rangen imago at the cakSu m. orn Ved. The eye. caJca 1 P. (caJcati, cazcita) 1 To move, wave, shake; samazirasi caJcatpazcacUDazcamUnAm U.5.39 Mal.5.23%3 caJcaccaJca cakSus a. [cakS karaNe usi Up. 2. 118] Seeing. -n.1 / Nag.43 caJcatparAga Git. 1. -2 Todangle about; vilapati The eye%3 dRzya tamasi na pazyati dIpena vinA sacakSurapi M. 1.9%3 hasati viSIdati roditi caJcati muzcati tApam GIt. 4. -3 To leap, kRSNasAre dadacakSuHS. 1.6; ct. words like ghrANacakSus, jJAnacakSus, nayacakSasa, cAracakSas &c. -2 Sight, look, vision, the faculty jump. -4 To go, move. of sight; cakSurAyuzcaiva prahIyate Ms. 4.41, 42. -3 Light, __ caJcaH [caJca-ac] 1 A basket. -2 A measure of clearness. - Lustre, splendour. -Comp. -gocara a. length equal to 5 fingers paJcAgulaM mAnam ). -zcA 1 Anyvisible, being within the range of the eye. -grahaNam thing made of cane (as mat &c.). -2 A, morbid affection of the eye. -dAnam the ceremony of doll. -3 puppet of grass or reed. -4 A contemptuous anointing the eyes of an image at the time of consecrat- epithet of man; caccApuruSaH Sarig. P. 23. ing it. -pathaH the range of sight, the horizon. -bandhaH caJcatka a.1 Leaping, jumping.-2 Moving, tremblblinding the sight; Vas. 67. -malam the exeretion of ing, shaking. the eyes. -rAgaH (cakSUrAgaH) 1 redness in the eyes. -2 'eye-love', love or liking as expressed by an / caJcarin m. The large black bee; karI barIbharIti ced exchange of glances; purazcakSUrAgastadanu manaso'nanyaparatA Mal / dizaM sarIsarIti kAm / sthirI carIkarIti cenna caJcarIti cazcarI Udb. 6. 15%; cakSurAgaH kokileSu na parakalatreSu K.41 (where the caJcarI,-caJcarIkaH A large black bee; culukayati madIyAM word has sense l also ). -rogaH (cakSuroga) a disease of cetanAM cacarIkaH R. G.; kundalatAyA vimuktamakarandarasAyA api caJcathe eye. -fare: 1 the range of sight, ken, presence, rIkaH / prnnyprruuddhprembhrbhnyjnkaatrbhaavbhiitH|| Vb. 1.43 Vikr. visibility; cakSurviSayAtikrAnteSu kapoteSu H. 1; Ms. 2. 198. 1.2; Bv. 1. 48. -2 an object of sight, any visible object. -3 the horizon. -zravas m. a serpent; tamAzu cakSuHzravA samUhaM mantreNa tAyo- caJcala a.[caJca-alaca, caJcaM gati lAti la-ka vA Tv.] dayakAraNena -zruti m.(=-zravas) gobhiH kaNThataTasya hRSyati puro 1 Moving, shaking, trembling, tremulous; wa wadRkpazya cakSuHzruteH Raj. T.5.1; Ki. 16.42; iti sma cakSuHzravasAM hariNIzizucaJcalAkSIm Ch. P. 27; caJcalakuNDala Git.73 Amaru. priyAnale stuvanti nindanti hRdA tadAtmanaH N. 1. 28. -han a. who 79. -2 (Fig.) Inconstant, fickle, unsteady; TT kills the enerny by the mere glance; seve cakSurhaNaH pArthAnugra- meghavitAnamabhyavilasatsaudAminIcaJcalAH Bh. 3.54; Ki. 2. 19%B vIryapratApinaH Mb.3233. 22. manazcaJcalamasthiram Bg.6.26.-la: 1 The wind. -2 A lover -3 A libertine. -lA 1 Lightning. -2 Laksmi, the cakSaSmata.1 Seeing, turnished with eyes, endowed goddess of wealth. with the faculty of sight; tadA cakSuSmatAM prItirAsItsamarasA dvayoH R.4. 183; degtA 4.13. -2 Having a clear sight or caJcu a.[caJca-un ] 1 Celebrated, renowned, known. good eyes. -8 Possessed of foresight; Kau. A. 1.9. -2 Clever (28 akSaracaJcu); oSThena rAmo rAmoSTabimbacumbanacaJcutA Si.2.143 see cucu.-5cuH 1A deer. -2N. of a castercakSuSya . [cakSute hitaH yat ] 1 Good looking, agreeable oil plant (Mar. rakta eraMDa). -cuH,-ucU:/. A beak, bill. to the sight, pleasing, beautiful; Si. 8.57. -2 Good -Comp. -puTaH, -Tam the bill of a bird when shut; for the eyes. -3 Produced from the eye; devatAnAM pitRNAM caJcUpuTa capalayanti cakorapItAH R. G.; Bv.2.99% amoci. ca cakSuSyaM cAtmanAM vibho Mb. 13.68.28. -SyaH, -ghyA A col caJcapuTamaunamudrA vihAyasA tena vihasya bhUyaH N.3.99%; nunude nanu lyrium or application to the eyes. - A pleasing or kaNDupaNDitaH paTucaJcUpuTakoTikuTTanaiH N. 2. 4; vyalikhacAcupuTena pakSatI agreeable woman. -dhyam An ointment for the eyes 2.2; Amaru. 13. -prahAraH a peck with the bea.k. -bhRt (Mar. suramA?); tArthyazailaM zikhigrIvaM cakSuSyaM yAmunaM punaH Siva. -mat, m. a bird. -sUciH the tailor bird. B. 30.18. caJcu kA A beak, bill. cakuNaH , -1: 1 A tree. -2 A carriage. -3 A vehicle in general ( n. also ). caJcu ra a. Clever, expert. cakramaNam a. [kram yat lyuT yatro luk Tv.] 1 Moving caJca ryamANa a. Gesticulating indecently; prApya caJcaabout, taking exercise. -2 Going slowly or crookedly. ryamANAsau patIyantI raghUttamam Bk. 4. 19. -3 Moving or going about, walking; viSa cakramaNaM rAtrI Than. 973 cakke sa cakrenibhacakkramaNacchalena N. 1.144; svajanmanA caT I. 1. P. (caTati, caTita) 1 To break, tall off, raekamaNena cAzcati Bhag. 1. 10.26. - separate. -2 To rain. -3 To cover. -II 10 U. (cATayati Going slowly or -te)1 To kill, iujure. -2 To pierce, break. dortuously. -8 Leap, jump, spring; Pt. 4. caTaka: A sparrow. caGkamA Going or moving about, walking. caTakA, caTikA 1A hen-sparrow. -2 The root of 7a. 1 Handsome, beautiful. -2 Clever. -3 Healthy, long pepper. -Comp. -mukhaH A particular type of sound. arrow%3 kSurapraizcaTakAmukhaiH Mb.8.49.36.-ziras n. The root cakiman m. Beauty. of long pepper. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir caTanam 698 catura caTanam Cracking, splitting. -2 Falling off in small pieces. caTuH, -du. [ca un] 1 Kind or flattering words; chAyAM nijastrIcaTulAlasAnAm Si. 4.63 see cATu. -2 A Beream. -3 A devotional posture among ascetics. -du: The belly. caTula . [caT-ulac] 1 Trembling, tremulous, unsteady, moving about, shaking: AyastamakSata janazcaTulAgrapAdam Si.5.6%3; trAsAtimAtracaTulaiH smarataH sunetraH R.9.583 caTulazapharodvartanaprekSitAni Me.42; Mu.3243 madena kiMciccaTulAlasAnAm si., 13. -2 Fickle, inconstant (as a lover &c.); kiM labdhaM caTala tvayeha nayatA saubhAgyametAM dazAm Amaru. 143 caTulapremNA dayitena 71. -3 Fine, beautiful, agreeable; iti caTulacATupaTucAru muravairiNo rAdhikAmadhi vacanajAtam Git. 10. -lA Lightning. caTulaya Den. P. to move to and fro; caJcUpuTaM caTulayanti ciraM cakorAH Bv. 89,99. cadalola, caTullola a.1 Tremulous.-2 Lovely, beautiful. -3 Talking sweet words. TETET The sound of the clashing of weapons, cracking of fire &c. caTacaTAyate Den. A. To crackle, rattle. caTacaTAyanam Crackling. caN 1 P. (caNati)1 To sound. -2 To go. -3 To injure, hurt, kill. caNa . (At the end of comp.) Renowned, celebrated, skilled in famous for 3 tena vittazcaJcupUcaNapo Sk.; akSaracaNaH rAmo'pi mAyAcaNamastracuJcu: Bk.2.32%; anyenAkhilapApakarSaNacaNAM rudrAkSamAlAmapi Ram. Ch. 2.87. -Na: The cbick-pea. caNaka: 1 Chick-pea; utpatito'pi hi caNakaH zaktaH kiM bhrASTakaM bhaktum Pt. 1. 132.-2 N. of a gotra.-Comp.-amlam sour pease. vAri Water mixed with sour pease. -AtmajaH the sage cANakya... caND 1 A. To be angry; L. D. B. ug a. 1 (a) Fierce, violent, impetuous. () Passionato, angry, wrathful; athaikadhenAraparAdhacaNDAt guroH kRzAnupratimAd vibheSi R. 2. 49; M. 3. 20%; see vaNDI below. -2 Hot, warm%3 as in caNDAMzu. -3 Active, quick. -4 Pungent, acrid. -5 Mischievous evil. -6 Circumcised. -NDa: 1 An evil being or demon. -2 Siva. -3 Skanda. -4 The tamarind tree. -03H 1 Heat, warmth. -2 Passion, wrath. -ado. Violently, fiercely, angrily. -Comp. -aMzuH, -karaH,-dIdhitiH, -bhAnuH the sun; hemantazizirAvApya caNDAMzoriva maNDalam Raj. T.4.401. -nAyikA an epithet of Durga. -muNDA a form of Durga ; (= cAmuNDA q.v.). -mRgaH a wild animal. -vikrama a. of impetuous valour, fierce in prowess. . caNDavat a. Violent, warm. -tI N. of Dugra. caNDA , -NDI 1.1 An epithet of Durga. -2 A passionate or angry woman; caNDI caNDaM hantumabhyudyatA mAm M.3.203 caNDI mAmavadhUya pAdapatitaM jAtAnutApeva sA V. 4. 383 R. 12.5%3 Me. 104. -8 N. of plant. -4 A kind of perfume (Mar. vALA ). -NDI 1 A term of endearment applied to one's mistress. -2 Hurt, injury. -Comp. -IzA , -IzvaraH, -patiH an epithet of Siva; puNyaM yAyAtribhuvanagurordhAma caNDIzvarasya Me.33. maNDanam poison (kAlakUTam); mathyamAno'driNA pUrve dadau caNDIzamaNDanam Bm. 1. 103. -kusumaH red oleander. caNDiH , -caNDikA N. of Durga. caNDiman m. 1 Passion, violence, impetuosity, wrath. -2 Heat, warmth; rAjJaH sa sacivaH satyaM duSprApo luptacaNDimA Raj. T.6.298. caNDila: A barber. caNDIkR8U. To enrage, make angry or violent, provoke. 731a: The fragrant oleander. caNDAtakaH, -kam A short petticoat. caNDAla a.[caND-Alac ] Wicked or eruel in deeds of black deeds (krUrakarman);ct..karmacANDAla. -la: A general name for the lowest and most despised of the mixed castes originating from a Sudra father and a Brahmana mother. -2 A man of this caste, an outeast; caNDAla: / kimayaM dvijAtirathavA Bh. 3.56%3 Ms.5.1313; 10. 12, 163 11. 176. -Comp.-vallakI the lute of Chandala, a common or vulgar lute. caNDAlikA 1 The lute of a Chandala. -2 N. of Durga. caNDuH [caND un ] 1 A rat, mouse.-2 A small monkey. cata10.(catati-te)1 To ask, beg, request. -2 To go. -Caus. (cAtayati-te)1 To cause to hide. -2 To scare, terrify. catita a. ( Ved. catta) Hidden; made to disappear. cAtana a. Driving away, removing.-nam 1 Tormenting, afflicting. -2 Removing, scaring away. catur num. a. [cat-uran Un.5.58] (always in pl.; m. catvAraH3; f. catasraH M. catvAri) Four; catvAro vayamRtvijaH Ve. 1.25; catasro'vasthA bAlyaM kaumAraM yauvanaM vArdhakaM ceti; catvAri zazA trayo asya pAdAH &c.; zeSAn mAsAn gamaya caturo locane mIlafetar Me. 110. -ind. Four times. [cf. Zend chathru; Gr. tessares; L. quatuor. ][ In comp. the of 207 is changed to a Visarga (which in some cases becomes za, or #, or remains unchanged) before words beginning with hard consonants.] -Comp. -aMza: a fourth part. -aGgaa. having4 members, quadripartite. (-gam)1a complete army consisting of elephants, chariots, cavalry and infantry; caturasamAyuktaM mayA saha ca ta naya Ram. 1.20. 103; eko hi khajanavaro nalinIdalastho dRSTaH karoti caturAbalAdhipatyam For Private and Personal Use Only Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 694 catura S. Til.+ : caturajabalo rAjA jagatIM vazamAnayet / ahaM paJcAGgabalavAnA- a stanza of four lines 3; padyaM catuSpadI tacca vRttaM jAtiriti dvidhA kAzaM vazamAnaye || Subhas. -2 a sort of chess. -anika: A Chand. M. 1. -pATI A river. L.D. B. -pAThI (catuSpAThI) kind of horse, having four curls on the forehead; 774 a school for Brahmanas in which the four Vedas are lalATe bhramaracatuSTayaM sa caturadhiko nAma | Salihotra of Bhoj. 25. taught and repeated. -pANiH (catuSpANiH) an epithet of -aGgin a. having four parts. (-nI) a complete army, Visnu. -pAda-da (catuSpad-da) a. 1. quadruped. -2 Bee caturA.-a gulam 1 the four fingers of the hand.-2 | consisting of four members or parts. (-m.) 1 a quafour fingers broad. -3470 a. bordered on all sides; druped. -2 (in law) a judicial procedure (trial of bhUtvA cirAya caturantamahIsapatnI 5.4.19. -antA the earth. suits ) consisting of four processes ; i. e. plea, defence, -37fta a. eighty-fourth. -33fifa a. or f. eighty four. rejoinder, and judgment. -3 The science of archery -azra,-asra a. (for zri-khi)1 four cornered, quadran- consisting of prahaNa, dhAraNa, prayoga and pratikAra; yo'straM catuSpAt gular; R.6. 10. A quality of gems; Kau. A. 2. 11.-2 punareva cake / droNaH prasanno'bhivAdyastvayA'sau Mb. 5.30. 12-133 symmetrical, regular or handsome in all parts; babhUva pratipede catuSpAdaM dhanurvedaM nRpAtmajaH ibid 192. 61. -pArzvam the tasyAzcaturasrazobhi vapu: Ku. 1. 32. (-zrA,sraH) 1 a square. four sides of a square. -bAhu: an epithet of Visnu. -2 a quadrangular figure. -3 (in astr.) N. of the (-hu.)a square. -bhadram the aggregate of the four fourth and eighth lunar mansions. -ahan a period of ends of human lito (puruSArtha);ie.dharma, artha, kAma and four days. -Atman m. N. of Visnu. -AnanaH, -mukhaH mokSa. -bhAga: the fourth part, aquarter. -bhAva: N. of an epithet of Brahma; itaratApazatAni yathecchayA vitara tAni / Visnu. -bhuja a. 1 quadrangular. -2 having four sahe caturAnana Udb. -Azramam the four orders or stages arms; Ry, 11. 46. (- ) 1 an epithet of Visnu ; of the religious life of a Brahmana.-uttara a.increased R. 16.3. -2 a quadrangular figure. -3 square. (-jam) by four. -uSaNam the four hot spices, ie black square. -mAsam a period ot tour months; (reckoned pupper, long pepper, dry ginger, and the root of long from the 11th day in the bright half of 31917 to the pepper. -kaNe (catuSkarNa) a. heard by two persons only; 11th day in the bright hall of kArtika). -mukha having Pt. 1.99. -kASTham ind. In four directions. catuSkASTha four faces. (-khaH) an epithet of Brahma; tvattaH sarve catukSipan vRkSAn ... Bk. 9.62. -koNa (catuSkoNa) a. square, mukhAt R. 10. 22. (-kham) 1. tour faces ; Ku. 2. 17. quadrangular. (-NaH) a square, tetragon, any -2 a house with four entrances. -maNDa lam a four-told quadrilateral figure. -gatiH 1 the Supreme Soul. -23 arrangement (of troops &c.)-medhaH One who has tortoise. -gava: a carriage drawn by four oxen. -guNaa. offered four sacrifices, namely azvamedha, puruSamedha, sarvamedha, four times, four-told, quadruple. -catvAriMzat (catuzca- and pitRmedha. -yugam the aggregate of the tour Yugas tvAriMzat) a. forty-four; riMza, riMzattama forty-fourth. or ages of the world. -yuja . Consisting of tour; -cityaH A pedestal, a raised square; catuzcityazca tasyAsI- caturyujo rathAH sarve Mb. b. 155. 13. -rAtram (catUrAtram) an daSTAdazakarAtmakaH Mb. 11. 88. 32. -Navata (caturnavata) a. aggregate of four nights. - a : an epithet of Braninety-fourth, or with ninety-four added: caturNavataM zatam hma. -varga: the four ends of human life taken collee. 'one hundred and ninety four'. -dantaH an epithet of tively (puruSArtha); ite. dharma, artha, kAma and mokSa; caturvargaphalaM Airavata, the elephant of Indra. -dazaa. fourteenth. jJAnaM kAlAvasthAzcaturyugAH R.10.22.-varNa: 1. the tour classes -dazan a. fourteen. degratnAni (pl.) the fourteen jewels' or castes of the Hindus; i... brAhmaNa, kSatriya, vaizya and churned out of the ocean; (their names are contained zUda; caturvarNamayo lokaH R. 10. 22. -2 tour.principal colours. in the following popular Mangalastaka:- lakSmIH / -vArSikA a cow four years old. -viza a. 1 twenty kaustubhapArijAtakasurA dhanvantarizcandramA gAvaH kAmadughAH surezvaragajo fourth. -2 having twenty-four added as caturvizaM zatam rambhAdidevAzanAH / azvaH saptamukho viSaM haridhanuH zakho'mRtaM cAmbudhe + (124).-viMzati 1. or f. twenty-four. -viMzatika a. ratnAnIha caturdaza pratidinaM kuryuH sadA majalam // ). vidyA (pl.) the consisting of twenty-four. -vidya a. one who has studied fourteen lores; (they are:- SaDAmizritA vedA dharmazAstraM the four Vedas. -vidyA the four Vodas. -vidha . purANakam / mImAMsA tarkamapi ca etA vidyAzcaturdaza // ). -dazI the of four sorts or kinds, four-fold. -veda a. familiar with fourteenth day of a lunar fortnight. -dizam the four the four Vedas. (-daH) the Supreme Soul. -vyUhaH N. quarters taken collectively. -dizam ind. towards the of Visnu. (-ham) medical science. -a. having four four quarters, on all sides. -dolaH, -lam a royal litter. kinds of appearance; hence atest'asserting the four -dvAram 1 a house with four entrances on four sides. forms of puruSottama rit. vAsudeva, saMkarSaNa, pradyumna and aniruddha.' -2 four doors taken collectively. -navati a. or f. -zAlam (catuHzAlam , catuzzAlam, catuHzAlI, catuzzAlI) ninety-four. -paJca . (catupaJca or catuSpazca) four or five. a square of four buildings, a quadrangle enclosed -paJcAzat /. (catuHpaJcAzat or catuSpaJcAzat ) fifty-four. -patha: by four buildings; alaM catu.zAlamimaM pravezya Mk. 3.7; (catuHpathaH or catuSpathaH) (-tham also) a place where four devInAM catuHzAlamidam Pratima 6. -paSTi a. or/. 1 sixtyroads meet, a crossway; Ms. 4. 39, 9. 264. (-:) a four, -2 N. for the Rigveda containing 61 Adhyayas. Brahmana. -pada or -pad (catuSpada) 1 having four - kalAH (pl.) the sixty-four arts. -sana: N. of Visnu feet; yathA catuSpatsu ca kesarI varaH Rim. 4. 11.93. I having four embodiments of sanaka, sanandana, sanatkumAra and -2 consisting of tour limbs. (-daH) a quadruped. (-dI) ' sanAtana; Adau sanAt svatapasaH sa catuHsano'bhUt Bhag. 2.7.5, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir caturtha 695 candanaH .. ... afa a. or f. seventy-four. Han unguent of four things, sandal, a gallochum, saffron and musk; L. D. B. - Ar the boundaries on all four sides. -i , -OT a. four years old; (the f. of this word ends in at if it refers to an inanimate object, and in if it refers to an animal). E the four priests taken collectively. aged a. (off f.) [agufgru: 16 7 ] The fourth. -: The fourth letter of any class. - A quarter, a fourth part. TaT a. receiving a fourth part. (-:) a quarter or fourth part. -37127: the fourth stage of a Brahmana's religious life, Samnyasa. - the second inequality or equation of a planet. - a. eating the fourth meal. HTL a. receiving a fourth part of every source of income from the subjects, as a king; (this is allowed only in times of financial embarrassments, the usual share being a sixth.) ag a . The fourth. : A fever that returns or is repeated every four days, a quartan. - A weight equal to four Karsas. get 1 The fourth day of a lunar fortnight. -2 The dative case (in gram.). -Comp. - *. the ceremonies to be performed on the fourth night of the marriage. agai ibid. In four ways, fourfold. E a. [ gaya Haitisayar 924 91 * ] 1 Consisting of four. -2 Increased by four; # 174 ago 46 Tdi 494 Ms. 8. 142 (i. e. 102, 103, 104, or 105, or interest at the rate of 2 to 5 percent). - 1 The number 'four'. -2 A collection of four. -3 cross-way - A quadrangular courtyard. -5 A hall resting on (four) pillars, a hall or saloon in general; Ku. 5. 68, 7. 9. - A necklace of four strings. -7 A stand or a seat with four feet (Mar. aiv); aga 41f9... Siva. B. 22. 62. - 1 A large four sided pond. -2 A mosquito curtain. agitat The number 'four '. aget a. (- f.) ( Tartisaual faut 3474 499) Four-fold, consisting of four; STIEU fara aya fari ara aftauf Tey II Ku. 2. 17. -yam A group or collection of four; ekaikamapyanarthAya kimu 9 9 94 H. Pr. 11; Ku.7.62; 414424 TH H.1. -2 A square. -3 The first, fourth, seventh, and tenth signs of the zodiac. -4 The centre of a circle. acanta f. Forty. a. [7a-377) 1 Clever, skilful, ingenious, sharp-witted; sarvAtmanA ratikathAcatureva dUtI Mu. 3.93 Amaru. 15. 44; 12 TEK ata - R.9.69; 18.15. - Quick, swift. -8 Charming, beautiful, lovely, agreea ble; great time 22: R. 9.47; Ku. 1. 47; 3.5; 5. 49. -T: 1 A round pillow. -2 Crooked gait. -3 An elephant's stable. T 1 Cleverness, ingenuity. -2 An elephant's sta ble. az a. Depositing, placing. sace (-cara Un. 2. 121 ] 1 A quadrangular place or courtyard. -2 A place where many roads meet; sa khalu zreSTicatvare nivasati Mk.2. -3 A levelled spot of ground prepared for a sacrifice. 4 A collection of four chariots. Tats: 1 A hole in the ground prepared for an oblation or for the sacrificial fire. -2 Kuca grass. -3 Womb. 1 U. [ zafa-a ] To ask, beg. afect: [ 76- ] 1 The moon.-2 Camphor.-8 An elephant. -4 A snake. 1 1,6. P. [ald ] 1 To sound. -2 To hurt, injure, kill. 79 *. Ved. 1 Food. -2 Delight, satisfaction, pleasure; Ha Giusa 144: Ry. 1. 3. 6. galera a. Ved. Delighted, satisfied, pleased. . la Den. P. 1 To like. -2 To eat. -3 To delight in ; 9545 77EUR494 Rv. 1.3.1. afy n. Containing or granting much food; afag focat a fa a Rv. 5.77.4. ind. Not, not also, even not ; 311999 faifa ari a1 Rv. 2. 24. 12; (not used by itself, but found used in combination with the pronoun f or its derivatives, such as , , , , : to which it imparts an indefinite sense; see under fi). Note:- Some regard 4 to be not a separate word, but a combination of and - TE 1 P. [ fa, afect ] 1 To shine. -2 To be glad or rejoiced. T 1 The moon; L. D. B. -2 Camphor. F*: The moon. -2 A kind of fish. - [H7 Falt ] Sandal, the tree, the wood, or any unctuous preparation of the wood, held in high estimation as a perfume and refrigerant application); 3 96 R. 8. 71; H ATT: Ta fata ATT UTH Rs. 1. 2; ga bhASate lokazcandanaM kila zItalam / putragAtrasya saMsparzazcandanAdatiricyate Pt. 5. 20; faal #447-47 48 antiela 1. 41. -2 Anything most excellent of its kind. -3 A kind of monkey; L. D. B. -Comp. - , - , -filt: the Malaya mountain; i TAIRT Raj. T. 4. 156. - sandal-water; are: N. of a Character For Private and Personal Use Only Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir candanin 696 candra ! in the Mu. 15: Sandal-unguent. 92141999 : Rs. 1. 6. - Th cloves. EITT: 1 the most excellent Bandal-wood; 13: JESTETTA: Mb. 12. 167. 41. -2 a land of alkali ( IT). errefara a. Rubbed with, or smelling of, sandalwood. at f. N. of a river; L. D. B. agai A kind of yellow pigment ( aa). afar: (Un. 1. 51 ) 1 An elephant. -2 The moon; 3719 2 rafrasi faq a By. 1. 113; mukundamukhacandire ciramidaM cakorAyatAm 4.1; smitAmRtaM syandaya vaktracandirAt Ram. Ch. 2. 69. a. [2 for ) Ved. 1 Glittering, bright, shining (as gold). -2 Lovely, beautiful. - 9:1 The moon; 79T PETE 2: R. 4. 12; garai ha get 8. 37; 7 fe hata alla costa H. 1.61; yao, ndeg &c.; qua aura Ku. 7. 26 (for mythological account see HH). -2 The moon, as a planet. -3 Camphor; vilepanasyAdhikacandrabhAgatAvibhAvanAcApalalApa pANDutAm N. 1.51.-4 The eye in a pencock's tail. -6 Water. - 6 Gold (n. also). -7 A lovely or agreea ble phenomenon -8 A spot similar to the moon. -9 The symbol or mark of a Visarga. -10 A reddish kind of pearl. -11 The fifth lunar mansion. -12 The number 'one' (used at the end of comp. 44 means 'excellent', eminent' or illustrious '; a8 9697-4: 'a moon of men's an excellent or illustrious man). - 1 1 Small cardamoms. -2 An open hall only furnished with a roof. -3 An awning, a canopy. -Comp. -312: 1 Visnu. -2 a woon-beam. -3757: the half moon; Pt. 4. ETH , PA , are: epithets of Siva. -371ag: 1 moon-light. -2 awning. -8 an open hall only furnished with a roof. -3116HF:, -ilta, -Fi, -ala:, - , - a, -FT: the planet Mercury. -AtapaH the moon-light; candrAtapamiva rasatAmupetam K. -TEST 1 The moon and the sun. -2 N. of curls on the forehead of a horse; Fanierat [ C T 4TOTT 794 Salihotra of Bhoja 25.-3197 a. moon-faced. (-a:) an epithet of Kartikeya. -3 : an epithet of Siva. -STATE: 'false moon', an appearance in the sky resembling the real moon. -T16: camphor. Ter a lotus plant, or a collection of lotuses, blossoming during the night. - 4: 1 moon-rise. -2 awning. -3 a mercurial preparation used in medicine. ( - ) a kind of medicine for the eyes. -upala: the moon stone. -kalA 1 a digit of the moon; 1972 f ai daraard Mal. 5. 28. - 2 the crescent before or after the new moon. -3 A cattle-drum. -4 A kind of fish; L. D. B. Fra:, -for: the moon-stone (supposed to ooze away under the influence of the moon); dravati ca himarazmAbudgate T : U. 6. 12; Si. 4. 58; Amaru. 57; Bh. 1. 21; Mal. 1. 24. (-ai, at the white eatable water-lily blossoming during the night. (-a ) sandal-wood. -FiFa 1 a night. -2 the wife of the moon. - 3 moonlight. - : f. moon-light. - silver. - N. of a river in Kashmir; avatArayatastasya candrakulyAbhidhA nadIm Rai. T. 1. 318. -2: the new-moonday or the last day of a lunar month (341) when the moon is not visible. -TEH the fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer.-: the world of the moon, lunar sphere. 79: a deceased progenitor, the manes. I l moon-light. -Ugor an eclipse of the moon.-radt a small fish.- 5:,-Alf:, -hati, ESTHIT: epithets of Siva; ('having the moon for his crest', 'moon-crested' ); TE C H Tsat: Ku. 5. 58, 86; R. 6. 34; ada Fe 47484 48 fazla Udb. ITT: (m. pl.). 'the wives of the moon', the 27 lunar mansions mythologically regarded as so many daughters of Daksa and married to the moon. yra: sandal-wood. f. moon-light. AHI m. camphor. -fara a. bright, handsome. -farosa. having a brilliant garment; patareva cacarA candranirNika Ry. 10. 106. 8. - TT the luni-solar calendar. -Q: a moon-beam; A faa anterna: Me. 7 0; Mal. 3. 12. Tafa: f. N. of the sixth Uyanga of the Jainas. - THT moon-light. -ret: An apartment at the house-top; Ks. -ate 1 large cardamoms. -2 moon-light. -fare the sign for the nasal () -budhna a. having a bright standing ground; candrabudhno HELGI Hafta: Rv. 1. 52. 3. HEAT *. camphor. - N. of a river in the south. HIE: a sword; see 7+ H. -1 n. silver. - for: the moon-stone HECH 1 the orb or disc of the moon. -2 the lunar sphere. -8 a halo round the moon. get a moon-faced (ie. lovely woman. TeT, ter the digitor streak of the moon; 34a IT ratar: wa: Nag. 2. Tg: a plagiarist. : the world of the moon. E , 64, - silver. T: the lunar race of kings, the second great line of royal dynasties in India. -an a. a moon-faced. -a , -agt The soma plant; L. D. B. - 1 a kind of vow or penance = arg q. v. -2 a regal property or virtue. - TH: A kind of bird; L.D. B. -TOT 1 a room on the top of a house &c.); e zirogRham Amar.; viyadgataH puSpakacandrazAlAH kSaNa prativanmukharAH fa R. 13. 40.-2 moonlight. If a room on the top of a house. TGT the moon-stone; ugiffar Tata quia Bk. 11. 15; 7 fagara afufetafa Nag. 2. a: camphor. He: N. of Budha or Mercury. (-a) small cardamoms. To attainment of the lunar heaven. -67 m. an epithet of Rahu. -TA: 1 a glittering sword. -2 the sword of Ravana ; 91012: fofa 21534 PIEAH B. R. 1.56, 61. -3 N. of a king of Kerala, son of Sudharmika. (He was born. under the Mula asterism and his left foot had a redundant toe; for this his father was killed by his enemies, and the boy was left an orphan in a state of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir candrakaH 897 camasaH destitution. After much exertion he was restored to his kingdom. He became a friend of Krisna and Arjuna when they came to the South in the course of their wanderings with the sacrificial horse. ] ( 4) silver. : 1 The moon. - 2 The eye in a peacock's tail. -3 A finger-nail. -4A circle of the moon's shape (formed by a drop of oil thrown into water). - Black pepper. ** m. A peacock. i m. A peacock, Si. 3. 49; fazua - Hu a 0117 70117 H-17 Ram. Ch. 4. 53. tge: N. of an ancient physician ; Susr. Introd. T HE m. 1 The moon; 19741196 alfasud 99 : R. 6.22. -2 A month. -8 Camphor. Tat f. A cow, SB. on MS. 10. 3. 49. afil 1 Moonlight, $a: rafa: 1 a uf a fa N. 3. 3. 116; R. 19. 39; 119 : ***fta fegou a M. 4. -2 (At the end of comp.) Elucidation, throwing light on the subject treated; 3 1af , azafat; cf. gr. -3 Illumination. -4 A large cardamom. -3 The river Chandra bhaga. -8 The Mallika creeper. -Comp. -3474 FT the white lotus opening at moonrise. la: the moonstone. - O m . the Chakora bird. af a. Ved. 1 Golden, possessing gold. -2 Having the moon. -. The planet Mercury (son of the moon). candrimA Moonlight. apa: 1 A barber. -2 An epithet of Siva. candramahaH A dog. I.1 P. ( 291 ) To console, soothe. -II. 10 U. (29fa-a) 1 To grind, pound, knead. -2 To cheat. ale: = 20 q. v. a. [99-4-tires U TREUTAT: Tv.; cf. Un. 1. 108] 1 Shaking, trembling, tremulous; : 9997944: fedt aant: S. 1 15; 24614aret Ch. P. 8. -2 Unsteady, fickle, inconstant, wavering; Santi. 2. 12; a ufa &c. -3 Frail, transient, momentary; HICSICH aufgefazah Moha M. 5.-4 Quick, nimble, agile; (2184) sar19844137 R. 11. 8. - Inconsiderate, rash; cf. 214. - off the mark; fafaqatgort Mb. 13. 5.5. - 1 A fish. -2 Quicksilver. -8 The Chataka bird. - 4 Consumption. 5 A sort of perfume. -6 Black mustard. .. .... TYC 1 Lightning; ang 9931998 fagfaga a Git.7.-2 An unchaste or disloyal wife. -3 Spirituous liquor. -4 Laksmi, the goddess of wealth. - The tongue. - Long pepper. -Comp. : 1 a fickle or unsteady woman; Si. 9. 16.-2 the goddess of wealth. 1934 a. Wanton, fickle, unsteady &c. cat, a 1 Trembling. -2 Fickleness. atarya Den. A. To move to and fro, tremble. : 1 The palm of the hand with the fingers extended. -2 A blow with the open hand; 7772T: # foar it 293 farct Ks. 66. 139. capeTA, capeTikA A blow with the open hand; al segreary: fond 92ai cifa Mbh.; 92190aaier K. P. et f. The sixth day in the bright half of the month Bhadra pada; Skanda P. 41 P. (ata, 1a) 1 To drink, sip, drink off ; 71 HY Ara Bk. 14. 94. -2 To eat. ... : 99: 1 Bk. 14. 53. #: A Chamaka sukta ; (P. V. 2. 4, Vartt. 2). # 1 The hymn containing 24.-2 N. of the Vajasaneyi samhita (part 18. 1-27). THUTH-TEC:,-Thera: /. 1 Admiration, surprise ; # 174694741aftaftaat Ke. 22. 257. - Show, spectacle. -3 Poetical charm, that which constitutes the essence of poetry; halaga afda z Bv. 3.16; 642241 979452a 4 ftara K. P. 1.-4 Riot, festive or angry riot. H a a. Astonishing, surprising. -Unusual, uncommon. THT: [ 24-379 Un. 3. 31 ) A kind of deer. Ti, -TH A chowrie most usually made of the tail of Chamara. - 1 A shoot, sprout (431). -The female Chamara; gurry faf7757373 af asofa***: Ku. 1. 13, 48; Si. 4.60; Me. 53; y 24 af ifa gairahil a: Udb.; cf. 4* 747 of 14 7: Medini. -Comp. -9934 the tail of a Chamara used as a fan. (-09: ) a squirrel. Tate: The Kovidara tree. THE, [ , 74-3799 Tv.] 1 A vessel (can, la dle &c. ) used at sacrifices for drinking the Soma juice; Y. 1. 183 ( also 746); 58127 ha u To Bhag. 3. 13. 36.-2 A cake made of barley, rice &c. Comp. -3pagt: the priest who manages the drinking vessels. -35 , CFH N. of place of pilgrimage where the river Sarasvati is said to have burst forth. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir camAsaH 898 PUT: fe: f. A kind of cake. a f. [74-5 Un. 1.81 ] 1 An army (in general); what rogg e d u Bg. 1. 3; aratata Me. 43; at sa tagal 17: R. 9. 10. -2 A division of an army consisting of 729 elephants, as many cars, 2187 horse, and 3645 foot. -3 Ved. A dish or vessel. -4 A grave. -Comp. a soldier, warrior. -1:, -9:,-ofa: the leader of an army, a general, commander; R. 13. 74. &T: an epithet of Siva. camUru: A kind of deer; cakAsataM cArucamUrucarmaNA Si. 1.8. TFC 10 U. (2799fa-d) To go, move. 9: [ +9-349] The Kovidara tree.-194 The flower of this tree. T :[ 21 ]1 A tree bearing yellow, fragrant flowers. -2 A kind of perfume. -4 1A flower of this tree; 309 at 19959421 Ch. P. 1. -2 The fruit of a variety of plantain. -Comp. eft f. The fourteenth day of the bright half of Jyestha. -AG 1 N. of a neck-garment worn bywonnen. -2 a garland of Champaka flowers. -3 a kind of metre (see App.). TA a species of plantain. T*T*17: The jack or bread-fruit tree. T raat, TFT, agrert N. of an ancient city on the Ganges, capital of the Angas and identified with the modern Bhagalapur. 1 f. 1 The capital of the country of Anya i.e. Bhagalapur. 915: = 959713 q. v. ag: f. A kind of elaborate and highly artificial composition in which the same subject is continued through alterations in prose and verse; 94049 pozi qraf tifata . D. 569; for instance garg, arq, Hairy &c. -Comp. - N. of a reproduction in prose and verse of the contents of the Mb. by Anantabhatta. -TTTTTH N. of a reproduction in prose and verse of the contents of the Ram. by Laksmana kavi. 741 P. (arafa) To go, move. a a. Ved. Contained in the sacrificial vessel (as libations) (484) Te a ta aty #9; Rv.1.56.1. T 1 A. ( 242 To go to or towards, move. Tore: A bastion (Mar. 96) 14 6 41729th Siva. B. 9.51. 1 P. (af, 991, 34777, arga, ta or sometimes ) 1 To walk, move, go a bout, roam, wander; AUTETT &fturforerat He fa S. 1. 15 (77 may mean here 'to graze also ); saruti Raah Bg. 2. 67; 792od 1 9 Hait: R. 12. 59; Ms. 2. 23, 6. 68; ; 8. 236; 9. 306; 10.55. -2 (a) To perform, do, act; Taufa tar as agafa Bv. 1. 98. (6) To practise, perform, observe; 7: fi qui 99: R. 8.79; Y. 1. 60; Ms. 3. 30.-3 To act, beha ve towards, conduct oneself (oft. with loc. of the person); a t a 18: Ms. 5. 90; 9. 287; 310 Hay 7 Mb; ut sa aty A T: R. 1. 76 (where the root may be also 312T). -4 To graze; 77 774 H. 3.9. -8 To eat, consume. - To be engaged in, be busy with. -7 To live, continue to be, continue in any state. -8 To spread, be diffused.-9 To live, be, exist. -10 To move, travel through, pervade, go along, follow. -Caus. (ETafa) 1 To cause to move or go. -2 To send, direct, move. -3 To drive away. -4 To cause to perform or practise. - To cause to copulate. -6 To cause to graze, pasture. - To obtain knowledge of, acquaint oneself with. - To doubt. (cf. L. curro. ) Ra.(- :) (27.37] 1 Moving, going, walking, grazing &c.; iogaty og . 5. 9. -2 Following, practising (at the end of comp.). -3 Trembling, shaking. -4 Movable; see 79 below; Ms. 3. 201; Bg. 13. 15. -8 Animate; Ms. 5. 29; 7. 15. -8 (Used as an affix ) formerly, late; 371097 'one who was former ly rich so aqui, 373T997 late teacher &o. -T: 1A spy. -2 A wagtail. -3 A game played with dice and men. - A cowrie. - The planet Mars. -8 (Hence) Tuesday. -7 The seventh Karana in astrology. -8 The Karanas taken collectively. -9 The difference of time between two meridians. -10 The first, fourth, seventh, and tenth signs of the zodiac. -11 The wind; e AHEER aruncareatzaaaaafta 14: Bhag. 10. 14.11. -Comp. -3TER a. 1 movable and immovable; 2 Tot varat gfarurat ha: Ku. 6.67; 2.5; Bg. 11. 43. - 2 wished, desired. -3 shaking, trembling. - 1 the aggregate of all created things, the world; Ms. 1. 57, 63; 3.75; Bg. 11. 7; 9. 10. - 2 the sky, the atmosphere. -3 heaven. (-) a young woman. -TEH the zodiacs of meSa, karka, tulA and makara. -dravyam movables, goods and chattels. -ge: a mediator. 4, JEGY a varying sign of the zodiac; i.e. the first, fourth, Seventh and tenth. He: f. an idol which is carried about in procession. T : 1 A spy. -2 A wandering mendicant, a vagrant. -3 N. of a sage and physician supposed to be serpent-king Sesa come to the earth.[ He composed a new book on medicine, based on other works of Agnivesa and other pupils of Atreya ). -4 N. of a lexicographer m. (pl.); cf. P. IV. 3. 107. -8 N. of a branch of the black Yajurveda. TE: The wag-tail. TTUT: -O [ +0 NE] 1 A foot; ferche atorga ad ana Ve. 3.38; FIT 144 se ato face For Private and Personal Use Only Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir caraNiH 899 carca 39. -2 A support, pillar, prop. -3 The root of a tree. -4 The single line of a stanza. - A quarter. -6 A school or branch of any of the Vedas; e. g. ora: My. 1; Mal. 1; Pt. 4.3. -7 A race. -8 (In prosody) A dactyl. -UT: A foot-soldier. -2 A ray of light. -OTH 1 Moving, roaming, wandering. -2 Performance, practising; Ms. 6. 75. -3 Conduct of life, behaviour (moral). -4 Accomplishment. - Eating, consuming. -6 Course. -7 Acting, dealing, managing, conduct. -8 Fixed observance of any class, age (as priesthood &c.); -9 studying under strict rules of 0 ; faysagot 991: Mb.5. 30.7. -Comp. -31: The setting mountain; 449 473cumbI Murari. -amRtam, -udakam water in which the feet of a revered) Brahmana or spiritual guide have been washed. -3471 ,- ,-90 a lotuslike foot. -3TTET: a cock; 391403 T TT S. D. - EFFETH trampling, treading under foot. -upadhAnam A foot-rest; kRSNA ca teSAM caraNopadhAne Mb. 1. 193. 10. - a. fallen at the feet, prostrate. - pet: m., a n. the ankle. F : a footstep.-9: a tree. -90 falling down or prostration (at the feet of another); Amaru. 17. -qfaa a. prostrate at the feet; Me. 105.- 1a: 1 tread, trampling. -2 footfall. -3 prostration. - m. (= - YET: ) falar ) frem Ram. 4. 58. 31. -78: A book dealing with the sakhas of the vedas. Tai, 1 prostration. -2 service, devotion. for: A man (49cu); glacid ac austan Rv. 8. 24. 23. Truy a. Ved. moving, movable ( 7 ); a quaft 7703: Ry. 10. 95. 6. area. Ved. 1 Moving, living. - 2 Movable; ft a safaty e Rv. 1. 36. 14. - , - 1 Going, moving. - 2 Mova bleness. -3 Life. -4 A way; F2118 40 4 : Ry. 1. 58. 5. TCH a. [ 27-347 Un. 5. 69 ] 1 Last, ultimate, final; THT 19 'the final or funeral ceremony.' -2 Posterior, back; i I achat: Ak. -3 old (as age). - Outermost. -5 Western, west. -6 Lowest, least. -7 Western; et a f Ram. 13. 10.30. - ind. At last; at the end. -Comp.-3176, 37 , - m. the western mountain behind which the sun and moon are supposed to set. -er the last state (old age). -Filcs: the hour of death. -29 a. old, aged; Mal 6.2. aft: [77-5] An animal. afta p. p. [ a[ T ] 1 Wandered or roamed over, gone. -2 Performed, practised. -3 Attained. - Known. -5 Offered ; $. 4. 21. -6 Acted, behaved; $. 5. 16. - 1 Going, moving, course. -2 Acting, doing, practice, behaviour, acts, deeds; seinaftaare H. 1.70; & Esta afta #17: Fille 1.81. -3 Life, biography, adventures, history 3 hafta Teguia ad u. 1. 2; Real atauia feara $. 7. 5; 80 T afta &c. -4 Nature. -8 Fixed law, due or proper observance. -Comp. -Tet a. 1 that has accomplished its end or desired object, successful; 14 19a aftar HarH91 R. 12. 87; fata 10. 36; Ki. 13. 62. i I aftarfar sem ga $. 5; aftartar a: San. K. 68. - 2 satisfied, contented. -3 effected, accomplished. -4 significant, true to its sense; Ku. 2. 17. -5 appropriate, fit; Ku. 4. 45. at the attainment of the desired object; S. 5. atau pot. p. 1 To be gone. -2 To be followed, practised or performed &c. aft [7 7 ] 1 Behaviour, habit, conduct, practice, acts, deeds. -2 Performance, observance. -3 His. tory, life, biography, account, adventures. - Nature, disposition. -5 Duty, established or instituted observance; Ms. 2. 20, 9.7. -8 A foot, leg. -7 Going. - The tamarind tree. -Comp. - Fi a friendly pledge. after a [77-] Movable, active, wandering a bout; Ms. 1. 56. Rih Behaviour, conduct, practice &c. Et a. ( a- for 47) To be gone; to be practised &c. - 1 Going about, moving, walking about; driving or going in a carriage; To U. 5. -2 Course, motion; as in aqui. -3 Behaviour, conduct, deportment. -4 Practice, performance, observance; Ms. 1. 111; agat, 4921. -5 Regular performance of all rites or customs. -6 Eating. -7 A custom, usage; Ms. 6. 32. -8 Pervading; visiting. -14 1 Going a bout. -2 Behaviour, conduct. 95: [ 31] 1 An oblation of rice or barley boiled for presentation to the gods and the manes; 379arat niruSmapaka odanazcaruriti yAjJikAH odane'pi caruzabdaH prayujyate / SB. on MS. 10. 1. 36. (It is often boiled in milk and is called 94475; cf. R. 10. 51, 54, 56; or sprinkled over with butter or ghee); Titt: Bhag, 11. 18. 7. -2 A kind of vessel in which an oblation is prepared. prasiddhazca sthAlyAM cazabdaH A ca himavataH A ca kumArIbhyaH prayujyaA TO: SB. on MS. 10. 1. 35. -3 A cloud. -Comp. al m. N. of Siva. 40: A kind of eake; L.D.B. O a vessel for boiling rice &c. for presentation to the gods and the manes. fa: f. Ved. Mention, praise, glory; 3741*A*T fa: Rv. 5. 74. 9; 6. 48. 21. 1 P. ( fa) To go or move. 7 I. 10. U. (aqat afa). To read, read carefully, peruse, study. -II, 6. P. ( ia, afa) 1 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir : 700 To abuse, condemn, censure, menace. -2 To discuss, consider, investigate. - To injure, hurt. -4 To anoint, smear. (279-37] Considering, deliberation. 2014 a. ( -09) Repeating. ( 2-297]1 Studying, repetition, reading repeatedly. -2 Smearing the body with unguents; sacara-cara: ... Sukti. 5. 91. fel, [26-20 3779 ireq] 1 A kind of song. - Striking the hands to beat time in music). -3 The recitation of scholars. -4 Festive sport, festive cries or merriment. - A festival. -8 Flattery. -7 Curled hair. -8 Triple symphony. -9 Alternate recitation of a poem by two persons. Tel: 1 Siva. -2 Decoration or curling of the hair. Taf, arter 1 Repetition, recitation, study, repeated reading, perusal. - Discussion, inquiry, investigation; 319fd: # afast a i Raj. T. 5. 301; 3914390772alya f off y: ibid. 7. 1463. -3 Reflection. -4 Smearing the body with unguents; 31741474 K. 157; tazzat feu ...Git. 9. -5 An epithet of the goddess Durga, Comp. - (pl.) the words repeated in reciting the veda while sfat is added. -97: Repetition of a word. : f. (a ma 5 ] 1 Repetition. -2 Investigation (Tartu). afapth 1 Anointing the body. -2 An unguent. pra p. p. 1 Anointed, smeared, perfumed, scented &c.; recer caF H Git. 1; Rs. 2. 21. -2 Discussed, considered, investigated. -8 Sought, desired: Repeated in reciting the veda while sfat is added. -H Anointing, smearing. 2017 m. N. of one of the nine treasures of Kubera. Et Grinding noise of teeth ; FAN TUT T He: Si. 5.58 ada a. Ved. Stringing together. - A hook, or pin. Tot a. 1 To be strung or tied. - To be hurt or injured. ada: [ 99-3124 ] The open palm of the hand with the fingers extended; cf. T92. - A quantity of bubbles or specks. -8 A thin cake (aet); L. D. B. -4 A rag: 2929ureata 16. (-ai) the sixth day in the bright half of Bhadrapada. avet A thin cake or biscuit of flour (fexr). 1 P. ( a ) 1 To go, move. -2 To eat. T: A kind of cucumber. are 1 Noise of merriment. -2 Cucumber. -3 A proud or arrogant saying. H 1 A shield. -8 Ved. A skin. That N. of a river flowing into the Ganga, the modern Chambal. n. [ac-afa Un. 4. 144 ] Skin (of the body). -2 Leather, hide; Ms. 2. 41, 174. -3 The sense of touch. -4 A shield; Si. 18.21. -Comp. -3772: a piece or strap of leather. -37TCn. lymph. -rahat work ing in leather. -37 , 37 m. a shoe-maker; ufandu Mb. 12. 36. 29; 3119: gadiet iafar Ms. 4. 218 - N. of a plant, Mimosa a batergens (Mar. 15). - , - , - 7 m. 1 a shoe-maker, currier; Tata Ram. -2 a mixed caste (from a Chandala woman and fisherman). - 1 : a worker in leather, - i, 4 a wart. Fi, Fil l , et a bat.-fe white leprosy. - 1 hair. -2 blood. - a wrinkle. -fac a. covered with pimples. que, a rt, el a whip. 04, il a kind of leprosy, cutaneous disease. , et the Bhurja tree. - a flat piece of leather for playing upon with dice. -T a bat, the small house-bat. -913 a leather shoe. Ei, -TER: A leather bag for carrying water. L. D. B. THE ET a shoe maker's awl. -een, Telel a bellows. : a leather band or strap. 3T an epithet of Durga. -7: A warrior using leather-armour; 7470 34 : Rv. 8. 5. 38. fe: f. a whip. -TGT: m. (pl.) N. of a people in the north-west of Madhyadesa; H ATATTET: Bri. S. 14. 23.-24: 'clad in skin', N. of Siva. -al a drum tabor &c. a large cardamoms. art: lymph, serum. av a. Leathern. -44 Leather-ink. THU a. Leathern. 5, TATT: A shoe-maker, a worker in leather, currier. a a.[ 74-77] Armed with a shield. afhaa.(oft f.) [26-la ] 1 Armed with a shield. -2 Leathern.-m. 1 A soldier armed with a shield. -2 Plantain. -3 The Bhurja tree. caryA See under car. a 1 P., 10 U. (aafa, agfa-d, afta) 1 To chew, chop, eat, browse, bit; alene mai afaqat ayat Pt.4; g a 7 FEITETER 7a Mk. 2. 11. -% To suck up. -8 To relish, taste. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir carvaNam 701 caSaka: ................ .. . .. carvaNam, -NA [ca bhAve lyuT ] 1 Chewing, eating. -2 Sipping, tasting. -3 Food which must be chewed, solid food. -4 (Fig.) Tasting, relishing, enjoying; pramANaM carvaNaivAtra svAbhinne viduSAM matam S. D.57; (com.%carvaNA AsvAdanaM tacca svAdaH kAvyArthasaMbhedAdAtmAnandasamudbhava ityuktaprakAram ); so also; niSpattyA carvaNasyAsya niSpattirupacArataH 58. . caLa [ca-at] 1 A blow with the flat of the hand (said to be also carvan m.). -2 Chewing. carvita p. p. [ca karmaNi kta ] 1 Chewed, bitten, eaten. -2 Tasted. -Comp. -caNam (lit.) chewing the chewed; (fig.) tautology, useless repetition, profitless reiteration. -pAtram aspitting pot. caw p. [ca karmaNi Nyat yat vA ] To be chewed, chewable. -vya m Solid food, such as requires mastication. carSaNi a.[kRS ani Adezca caH Tv.] Ved. 1 Seeing, observing. -2 Moving, movable. -3Swift active, pitA kuTasya carSaNiH Rv. 1.46.4.-NiH A man%3; suvIryAya carSaNayo madanti Rv. 1. 184.4; mAyA'zvinau samanakti carSaNI Mb. 1.3.61. -f. A disloyal woman (bandhakI); sa carSaNInAmudagAcchuco mRjan Bhag. 10. 29. 2. cal I. 1 P. (calati, rarely calate, cacAla, acAlIt , calitum , calita) 1 To shake, tremble, move, throb, palpitate, stir; chinnAzceluH kSaNaM bhujAH Bk. 14.403 sapakSodririvAcAlIt 15.24%96.84. -2 (a) To go, move on, walk, stir or move (from one's placo); padAtpadamapi calituM n| zaknoti Pt. 4; calatyekena pAdena tiSThatyekena buddhimAn Chan. 323; cacAla bAlA stanabhinnavalkalA Ku.5.843 Mk. 1.56. () To proceed (on one's way), depart, set out, start off; celuzcIraparigrahAH Ku.6.92 v.1.-8 To be affected, to be disturbed, confused or disordered (as mind), be agitated or perturbed; munerapi yatastasya darzanAccalate manaH Pt. 1.400%; lobhena buddhizcalati H. 1. 140. -4 To deviate or swerve (with abl.); calati nayAnna jigISatA hicataH Ki. 10.29; to fall off, leave; Ms. 7.15; Y. 1. 361. -Caus. (cacA-layati, calita, cAlita)1To cause to mover shake, stiri R. 8. 53.-2 To drive away, dismiss, remove or expel from; cANakye calitAdhikAravimukhe Mu.4.15. -3 To lead away from.-4 To cherish, foster (cAlayati only).-5 To disturb, agitate; sujanaM janAzcalayituM ka Izate Si. 15.40. -II. 6 P. (calati, calita) To sport, play, frolic about. cala a.[cal-ac] 1 (a) Moving trembling, shaking, tremulous, rolling (as eyes &c.); calApAjJAM dRSTiM spRzasi S.1.24; calakAkapakSakairamAtyaputraiH R.3.28 waving; Bh. 1. 16. (B) Movable (opp. sthira), moving; cale lakSye 5.2.5%3B paricayaM calalakSyanipAtane R. 9. 49. -2 Unsteady, fickle, inconstant, loose, unfixed; dayitAkhanavasthitaM nRNAM na khalu prema calaM suhRjjane Ku.4.283 prAyazcalaM gauravamAzriteSu 3.1.-3 Frail, transitory, perishable; calA lakSmIzcalAH prANAzcalaM jIvitayauvanam Bh. 3.128.-4 Confused.-la: 1 Trembling, shaking, agitation.-2 Wind.-3Quicksilver.-4 The supreme being. -lA.1 Laksmi, the goddess of wealth, -2 Lightning. -3 A kind of perfume. -Comp. -acala . 1 movable and immova ble. -2 fickle, unsteady, very transitory (= aticala); calAcale ca saMsAre dharma eko hi nizcala: Bh. 3. 1283 lakSmImiva calAcalAm Ki. 11.30 (calAcalA - caJcalA Malli.); kasya na bhavati calAcalaM dhanam Mk.2.14; N. 1.60; calAcaleranupadamAhatAH khuraiH Si.(-la:) a crow. -AtaDUna rheumatism. -Atman a. inconstant, fickle-minded. -indriya 4.1 sensitive. -2 sensual. 9: one whose arrow flies unsteadily or misses the mark, a bad archer. -FOT: the true distance of a planet from the earth.-caJcuH the Chakora bird.-citta a. fickle-minded. -dalaH,-patra: the Asvattha tree; bilvaizcaladalerapi Parnal. 4.62; lIlAcalAcalaM bhAle haima caladalacchadam (Mar.piMpaLapAna) Siva. B.6.83. "cchada: An ornament worn on the forehead, having the shape of the leaf of the Asvattha tree. -sandhi : movable articulation of the bones. calatpUrNimA . A kind of fish (L.) caladaGgaH (calat + a) A kind of fish. caladviSaH The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. calana a. [cal bhAve lyuTa ] Moving, tremulous, trembling, shaking. -na: 1 A foot. -2 A deer. -nam Trembling, shaking or shaking motion%calanAtmakaM karma T.S.; hasta", jAnu" &c.; taraladRgaJcalacalanamanoharavadanajanitaratirAgam Git. 11. -2 Turning or leaving off. -3 Roaming, wandering.-nI1Ashort petticoat worn by common women. -2 The rope for tying an elephant. calanakama [calanaM saMjJAyAM kan ] A short potticoat worn by low women. -ferfil Silken fringes. calita p. p. [ cal-kta ] 1 Shaken, moved, stirred agitated. -2Gonedeparted; evamuktvA sa calitaH -3atlained. -4 known, understood. -5 Removed, displaced (see calU).-tam 1 Shaking, moving.-2 Going, walking. -3 A kind of dance ; calitaM nAma nATyamantareNa M. 1. caluH [cal-un ] A mouthful (of water). calukaH [calunA mIyate kan Tv.] 1 Water taken up in the hollowed palm for rinsing the mouth. -2 A handful or mouthful (of water); cf. culuka. caliH A cover, wrapper. caviH, -kam, -kA, -vI, -vyakam , -vyA A kind of pepper. L. D. B. cavyam A kind of vegetable, pepper (Mar. cavaka); granthikaM ca palA cavyam... Siva. B. 30. caS I. 10. (caSati-te) To eat. -II. 1 P. (caSati) To kill, injure, hurt. . caSakaH -kam [caS-karaNe kvun ] A vessel used for drinking spirits, agoblet, a wine-glass ; cyutaiH zirazcaSakottareva R.7.49; mukhaM lAlAklinaM pibati caSakaM sAsavamiva Santi.1.293 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra caSatiH Ki. 9. 56, 57; Mal. 5. 18. - 1 A kind of spirituous liquor. -2 Honey. afa: [fa] 1 Eating. -2 Killing. - Decay infirmity, decline. 1 A wooden ring on the top of a sacrificial post ; caSAlaM ye azvayUpAya takSati Rv. 1. 162.6; cabAlayUpataat frozen fay: Bhag. 4. 19. 19. -2 An iron ring at the base of the post. -3 A hive. 1 P. 10 U. (cahati, cahayati-te ) 1 To be wicked. -2 To cheat, deceive. -3 To be proud or haughty. -4 To grind, pound. Brilliancy, lustre; Vedanta P. cAkra . ( -krI . ) [ cakreNa nirvRttaM aN ] 1 Carried on with the discus (as a battle). -2 Circular. -3 Relating to a wheel. 1800 cA cAkrika . (kI/ ) [ cakreNa carati ThakU] above. -2 Relating to a company or circle. 1 A potter. -2 An oil-maker; Y. 1. 165 (= af according to Mita.; or cartman according to others); cAkrikairatirukSatvaM tilapiNyAkayoriva Raj. T. 6. 272; tAmbUlikA... Siva. B. 31. 19. -3 A proclaimer. -4 A bard, chorister. -6 A coachman, driver. f: The son of a potter or oil-maker. [] Relating to a wheel. a. Patronym of Usasta; Sat. Br. 14. 6; Ch. Up. 1. 10. 1. cAkSuSa a. ( - zrI . ) [ cakSuSA gRhyate, cakSus- aN ] 1 Depend ing on, or produced from, sight. -2 Belonging to the eye, visual, optical; M. 1. 4. -3 Visible, to be seen; -dhaH N. of the sixth Manu; cAkSuSazca mahAtejA vivasvatsuta eva ca Ms. 1. 62; rUpaM sa jagRhe mAtsyaM cAkSuSodadhisaMplave Bhag. 1.3.15. - Sam Knowledge dependent on vision. -Comp. -jJAnam ocular evidence or proof. cAkSuSyam A kind of collyrium. a. Ved. 1 Seeing, a seer. -2 Forbearing, gracious, kind. : 1 Wood-sorrel. -2 Whiteness or beauty of the teeth. cAGgerikA f. A medicinal herb used as an antidote against bile and winds cAherI vAtapittaharA kapiH (Mar. cukA ? ). cAcariH N. of a wrestler; akSoTamahaH samare tatra maha raft: Raj. T. 7. 1501. cAJcalyam [ caJcala-Syam ] 1 Unsteadiness, quick motion, rolling, tremour (as of the eyes &c. ); Bv. 2. 60. -2 Fickleness. -3 Transitoriness. 702 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir cAtura cATaH [ caT-bhede ac ] A rogue or cheat, swindler, one who wins the confidence of the person he wishes to deceive; V. 1. 336; (cATA = pratArakAH vizvAsya ye paradhanamapaharanti Mita.); Pt. 1. 313. cATakairaH A young sparrow. afe J. N. of a locality: Raj. T. 8. 786. cATuH, -Tu n. 1 [ caT - uN ] Pleasing or agreeable words, sweet or coaxing speech, flattery (especially of a lover to his sweet-heart ); priyaH priyAyA: prakaroti cATum Rs. 6.14; farfalgar af Git. 11; Amaru. 83; Pt. 1. 175; Santi. 3. 11; Ch. P. 20; (the greater part of the 10th canto of a consists of such coaxing) -2 Distinct or clear speech. -3 Endearing words or acts; Mal. 10. 1. -Comp. -: f. 1 flattering or coaxing language. -2 service. -, - a. speaking agreeably or sweetly, flatterer ; ziprAvAtaH priyatama iva prArthanAcAkAra: Mo. 31 so'bhavanyAdivAkAra vidheyadhIH Raj. T. 5. 352. a. skilful in using flattering or coaxing language, an accomplished flatterer. - a jester, buffoon. a. elegantly tremulous. Ta hundred entreaties, repeated coaxing edgya Git. 2; gajapuGgavastu dhIraM vilokayati cATuzataizca bhuGkte Bh. 2. 31. cATukaH, -kam Pleasing or grateful discourse. cANakIna [ caNakasya bhavanaM kSetram, khaJ ] Fit for, or sown with, the chickpea. a. : N. of a celebrated writer on civil polity; also known as viSNugupta, kauTilya; see kauTilya. A celebrated wrestler in the service of Kamsa. When Krisna was taken by Akrura to Mathura, Kamsa sent this redoubtable wrestler to fight with him; but in the duel which ensued, Krisna whirled him round and round several times and smashed his head. -Comp. -:- N. of Krisna. cANDam Violence, force. cANDAlaH (-lI ./ ) [ caNDAla eva svArthe aN ] An out-caste ; see caNDAla; caNDAlaH kimayaM dvijAtirathavA Bh. 3. 56; Ms. 3. 233; 4. 79; Y. 1. 93. cANDAlikA 1= caNDAlikA q. v. 2 N. of Durga. cAtakaH ( kI ) [ t yAcane kartari ] N. of bind which is supposed to live only on rain-drops; patanti cAtakamukhe dvitrAH payobindavaH Bh. 2. 121; see also 2.51 and R. 5. 17. Comp. -: 1 the rainy season. -2 a cloud. a. khAtara . ( - ) [ catura evaM svAyeM aN] 1 Relating to four. -2 Clever, able, shrewd. -3 Speaking well, flattering. Drawn by four (as a carriage). -B Governing, ruling. 6 Visible, perceptible. A small round pillow. A four-wheeled carriage. Skill, dexterity, ability; agad N. 1. 12. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra cAturaka cAturaka a. 1 Flattering. -2 Perceptible, visible. -3 Governing. -kaH A small round pillow. cAturakSam [ caturbhirarniyAyate aNu ] Four enata in playing at dice. -kSaH A small round pillow. cAturanta a. Possessing the whole earth bounded by four oceans; cAturanto'pi rAjA sadyo vinazyati Kau. A. 1. 5. cAturarthikaH [ caturSu artheSu vihitaH Thak ] ( In gram) A suffix added to words in four different senses. cAturAzramika. (kI), [AmeSu vihitaH Thac], cAturAzramana. (NI ) Being in one of the four perioda of the religious life of a Brahmaya; see Azrama. cAturAzramyam The four periods of the religious life of a Brahmapa ; see Azrama. cAturaH [cArI racacaryA veti ud] A conchman, driver, charioteer. cAturIkaH 1 A swan. -2 A sort of duck; kalahaMse ca kAraNDa cAturIkaH pumAnayam Nm. cAturthaka, cAturthika a. ( -kI / . ) [ caturthe ahni bhavaH Thak vuJ vA ] 1 Quartan, occurring every fourth day. -kaH A quartan_ague. cAturyAhnika a. ( -kI / ) Belonging to the fourth day. cAturdaza. A demon a. Appearing on the fourteenth day. -zam dRzyate iti ) (Sk.) cAturdezikA One who studies on the fourteenth day of a lunar fortnight (that being a day of anadhyAya q.v.). cAturbhItika Consisting of four elements. a. cAturmAsa . [ caturSu mAseSu bhavaH aN ] Produced in four months. -sI 1 N. of a sacrifice (iSTi ). -2 The day of full moon at this sacrifice. cAturmAsaka (sikA) One who performs the Chaturmasya sacrifice. cAturmAsyam [ caturSu mAseSu bhavo yazaH, va] N. of a seri fice performed every four months; i. e. at the beginning of kArtika, phAlguna and ASADha, cAturyam | caturasya bhAva dhyam] 1 Skill, cleverness, dexterity, shrewdness. -2 Loveliness, amiableness, beauty; cAturya Bh. 1. 8. cAturvarNya . [ caturvarga-dhya] Suited to the four tribes, or belonging to them. -rNyam 1 The aggregate of the four original castes of the Hindus; evaM sAmAsikaM dharmaM cAtuMo. 10. 68 cAturvarNya mayA sa guNakarmavibhAgazaH Bg. 4. 13. -2 The duties of these four castes. 703 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir cAndrAyaNam cAturvidya a. (yI) Knowing the four Vedas. dham The four Vedas ; also cAturvaidya. cAturvidhyam Four kinds (collectively ), four-fold division. cAturhotra a. Conducted by the four priests. -tram 1 A sacrifice performed by four priests. -2 The office or duties of these priests. -3 The four priests taken collectively ; cAturhotraM ca dhuryA me zarA darbhA haviryaza: Mb. 5. 58. 13. cAtutriyaH A scrifice performed by four priots. cAtuSkANDika Divided into four parte. a. cAtuSTaya. [veti, agU] Knowing or familiar with the catuSTaya. cAtram [cA karaNe STran ] A cylinder of catechu-wood used in producing the sacred fire. cAtvAlaH [ ef. Up. 1. 113] 1 A hole in the ground to receive an oblation or the sacred fire. -2 Kusa grass ( darbha ). cAndanika. (kI ) [ candanena saMpadyate Thak] 1 Made of or derived from sandal. -2 Perfumed with sandal juice &c. vapuzcAndanikaM yasya Siva. B. 4. 25; vapuzcAndanikaM yasya karNaveSTanikaM mukham Bk. cAndra 0. (-ndrI f. ) [ candrasyedam aN ] Relating to the moon, lunar ; gurukAvyAnugAM bibhraccAndrImabhinabhaH zriyam Si. 2. 2. -draH 1 A lunar month. -2 The bright fortnight (zukrapakSa ). -8 The moon-stone. -im 1 The vow called cAndrAyaNa q. v. 2 Fresh ginger. -8 The lunar mansion called mRgazIrSa -drI Moonlight; cf. Si. 2. 2. -Comp. - Akhyam fresh ginger. -bhAgA the river Chandrabhaga. --mAsaH a lunar month. - vratikaH one who observes the cAndrAyaNa vow. q.v. cAndrakam Dried ginger. . cAndramasa (sI.) [ candramasa idam aN] Relating to the moon, lunar ; labdhodayA cAndramasIva lekhA Ku. 1. 25; candra gatA padmaguNAnna bhuGkte padmAzritA cAndramasImabhikhyAm 1. 43; R. 2.39; Bg. 8. 25. -saH The lunar year; vicAlI hi saMvatsarazabdaH sAvano'pi gaNitadivasakaH... cAndramaso'pi SB. on MS. 6. 7.39. - sI N. of the wife of Brihaspati. -sam 1 The constel lation mRgaziras. -2 The stars in Orion. cAndramasAyanaH niH [ candramaso'patyaM kin] The planet Mercury. cAndrAyaNam [candrasyAyanaminAthanamatra pUrvapadAt saMzAyAM gatvam saMjJAyAM dIrghaH svArthe aN vA Tv ] A religious observance or expiatory penance regulated by the moon's age (the period of its waxing and waning); (in it the daily quantity of food, which consists of fifteen mouthfuls at the full moon, is diminished by one mouthful every day during the dark fortnight till it is reduced to zero at the new moon, and is increased in like manner For Private and Personal Use Only Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir cAndrAyaNika 704 cAritArthyam during the bright fortnight); et. Y.3. 324 et seq. and ! cAmpeyakam A stamen or ilament. Ms. 11.217. cAmyam Food. cAndrAyaNika (-kI/.) 1 One who performs the cAya 1 U. (cAyati-te)1 To observe, discern, see; cAndrAyaNa vow. taM pArvatIyapramadAzcacAyire vikAzavisphAritavibhramekSaNAH Si. 12.51. cApaH [capasya vaMzabhedasya vikAraH aN Tv.] 1 A bow; tAte -2 To worship, honour. cApadvitIye vahati raNadhurAM ko bhayasyAvakAzaH Ve.3.6%3 80 cApapANiH cAyanIya a. To be worshipped. with a bow in hand'. -2 The rain-bow. -3 (In geom.) An aro of a circle. -4 The sign of the zodiac called arra a. Ved. Observing, seeing. Sagittarius. cAyu a. [cAy-uN ] Worshipping, adoring, honouring. cApin a.[cApo'styasya ini] Armed with a bow. -m. cAraH[cara eva aN] 1 Going, walking, gait, wandering 1 N. of Siva. -2 The sign of the zodiac Sagittarius. about; maNDalacAra zIghraH V.5.23 krIDAzaile yadi ca vicaret pAdacApalam, -lyam [capalasya bhAvaH karma vA aNa pakSe Syam ] cAreNa gaurI Me.60%; nivRttacAraH sahasA gato raviH pravRttacArA rajanI 1 Quick motion, swiftness. -2 Fickleness, unsteadiness, 8464 Ram. 2. 66. 26 walk on foot. -2 Motion, transitoriness; Ki. 2. 41. -3 Inconsiderate or rash courses progression; maGgalacAra, zanicAra, rAhu . -3 A conduct, rashness, rash act; yattu kevalacApalyA(ladarpotthitaH spy, scout, secret emissary; M6. 7. 184; 9. 261; see svayam Mb. 3.36.83 dhik cApalam U.4; tadguNaiH karNamAgatya cAracakSus below.-4 Performing, practising.-5A prison. cApalAya pracoditaH R.1.9; svacittavRttiriva cApalebhyo nivAraNIyA - A bond, fetter. -7 The Pippali tree or the Priyala K. 101%3 Ku.3.41. -4 Restiveness (as of a horse); tree. -8A platform, Mana.62.1.3. -ram An artifipunaH punaH sUtaniSiddhacApalam R.3.42.-5 Boldness; Ku.5.40. cial poison. -Comp. -antaritaH a spy. -ikSaNaH, -cakSus -6 Agitation, tremour. m. 'using spies as eyes', a king (or a statesman) who cAmaraH, -ram [camaryAH vikAraH tatpucchanirmitatvAt ] also -rA employs spies and sees through their medium; cAracakSu mahIpatiH Ms.9.256; ct. Kamandaka:-gAvaH pazyanti gandhena - sometimes. 1 A chourie or bushy tail of the vedaiH pazyanti ca dvijaaH| cAraiH pazyanti rAjAnazcakSAmitare janAH // Chamara (Bos Grunniens) used as a fly-flap or fan, also Ram.:--yasmAtpazyanti dUrasthAH srvaannnraadhipaaH| cAreNa and reckoned as one of the insignia of royalty (and tasmAducyante raajaanvaarckssussH|| -caNa, caJcu a graceful in sometimes used as a sort of streamer on the heads of gait, of graceful carriage. For the sine of the ascenhorses); vyAdhUyante niculatarubhirmajarIcAmarANi V. 4.4; adeya sional difference. -patha: a place where two roads meet. mAsIt trayameva bhUpateH zaziprabhaM chatramubhe ca cAmare R. 3. 16%3; -bhaTa: a valorous man, warrior. -bhaTI courage. -vAyuH Ku.7.42; H. 2.29% Me. 353 citranyastamivAcalaM hayazira summer-air, zephyr. syAyAmavaccAmaram V. 1.43S.1.8.-Comp.-grAhaH,-grAhin m. a person who carries achourie. -grAhiNI a waiting cAraka. [cArayati car-Nica-bul] 1 Acting, doing, progirl who carries in her hand a chowrie and waves it ceeding; apUrvacArakaH saumyo aniketaH samAhitaH Mb. 3. 278.19. over the head of a king &c.; pRSThe lIlAvalayaraNitaM cAmara- -ka: 1A spy. -2 A herdsman. -3 A leader, driver. grAhiNInAm Bh. 3.61. -puSpaH , -puSpaka: 1 the betel-nut -4 An associate. - A groom, cavalier. - A prison; tree. -2 the Keta.ka plant. -3 the mango tree. nigaDitacaraNA cArake niroddhavyA Dk. 32. -7A bond, fetter. cAmarika: A person who carries a chourie. -8 Going, motion. -9 A wandering Brahmanical student. cAmarin m. [cAmara-ini] A horse. cAraNaH [cArayati kIrti car-Nic lyu]1 A wanderer, a cAmIkaram [camIkare svarNAkarabhede bhavam aN Tv.] 1 Gold; pilgrim. -2 A wandering actor or singer, a dancer, taptacAmIkarAjadaH V. 1.14; R.7.5%3 Si. 4.24; Ku. 7.49. mimic, bard; Ms. 12. 44. -3 A celestial singer, -2 The Dhattara plant. -Comp.-prakhya a. like gold. heavenly chorister; siddhacAraNavidyAdhrAnRSIn pitRpatIn manUn cAmuNDA A terrific form of Durga ; Nal.5.25%3 (tho Bhag.7.4.63S.2.14.-4Areader of seriptures.-5A word is thus derived; yasmAccaNDaM ca muNDaM ca gRhItvA tvamupA spy. antarbahizca bhUtAnAM pazyan karmANi cAraNaiH Bhag. 4. 16. 12. gatA / cAmuNDeti tato loke khyAtA devI bhaviSyasi // ). -Comp. -dArA: female dancers, actresses. cAmpilA The river Champa ; (perhaps the modern cAraNatvam The art of dancing. Chambal). cAratha a. Ved. Wandering, going. cAmpeyaH 1 The Champaka tree. -2 The Nagakesara cArikA A female attendant. tree. -yam 1 Filament, especially of a lotus flower. cArita a. 1 Caused to go. -2 Distilled &c. -2 Gold. -3 The Dhattura plant; m. (also in the last two senses ). cAritAryam Attainment of an object, successfulness. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir cAritram 708 ....... . ................. afera [ 27-fra Un. 4. 171 ; f 799 arif mat] auf f. 1 A path, A road which is eight cubits (also written art54) 1 Conduct, behaviour, manner broad ostati facuta ar 21: Kau. A. 1.3. of acting; 3 +1 o d 9H Ram. 3.53. rafer: 76: *1 91 744, gato Tv.] 9. 2 Good manner or character, reputation, probity, uprightness, good conduct; 38 afraf - N. of a sophistical philosopher ( said to have been a TWA Mk. 3. 26, 25; fufaela spesa a tal wafa pupil of Brihaspati), who propounded the grossent form of atheism or materialism for a summary of the 1. 43. -8 Chastity, purity of life of women ). -4 Dis doctrines of Charvaka, see Sarva. S. 1.). -2 A position, temperament. - Peculiar observance or prac follower of the philosophy of Charvaka; cArvAkANAmibaiSAM tice. -6 Hereditary observance. The tamarind fe i7 4771: Raj. T. 4. 345. -3 N. of a Raksasa tree. Comp. - a. clad in the armour of chastity described in the Mahabharata, as a friend of Duryoat the presiding deity of virtue or chastity; U.7. dhana and an enemy of the Pandavas. [ When aft a. (At the end of comp.) 1 Walking, going, Yudhisthira entered Hastinapura in triumph, he moving, being, living; 472deg, 4deg; 67914 fast TCTT assumed the form of a Brahmana and reviled him R.; 9778427 97381 Tatu: Y. 2. 208. -2 Acting and the assembled Brabma das, but he was soon proceeding, doing; patimanyaM vRtavatI kimartha duSTacAriNI Ram.. detected, and the real Brahmanas, filled with fury, 7. 56. 23. -8 Living or feeding on. -m. A foot-soldier. are said to have killed him on the spot. He also tried to deceive Yudhisthira at the end of the great war by arfi /. Wandering; 1921 talentiranda: telling him that Bhima was slain by Turyodhana ; gee Mb. 12. 262. 50. Ve. 6]. - Comp. -AH & 4.(-For-off :) (a fa fa a 31 d. Uu.1.3.] 1 staff 1 A beautiful woman. -Moonlight. 1 Agreeable, welcome, beloved, esteemed, dear with -3 Intelligence. -4 Splendour, lustre, brilliancy. dat. or loc.); aunty or a 16. -2 Pleasing, lovely, -5 N. of the wife of Kubera. beautiful, elegant, pretty; ay area a Alfa1974 Git. 10; 19 let d Rs. 6. 2; Terci at5 T: ( 78-] 1 The thatch or roof of a house. 746 Si. 1.8; 4. 49. -5: An epithet of Brihaspati. -2 The blue jay. -8 Being movable. -5 n. Saffron. Comp. -37% a beautifully formed al : A restive elephant. woman. - a. handsome-nosed. a. goodlooking, lovely. -EHT, TTT, -Tra Sachi, Indra's arah [ az-fore Ha ] 1 Causing to move, wife. , a a. having beautiful eyes. ( :, :) shaking, wagging (as a tail ); -2 Loosening. a deer; L. D. B. -E: a particular time in music. -3 Muscular action. -4 Causing to pass through - a vino, grape. I a woman with lovely sieve, sifting. -8 A sieve. -aft 1 A sieve, strainer; fra H eyes. -277 a. having a beautiful fave. afara a gg ara, af atyrd Subhas. -2 A woman. -vatA a female who fasts for a whole month. harlot; cAlanI tu zatakchidre puMzcalyAmapi ca striyAm Nm. -PATCT 1 a jewel, gem. -2 a beautiful slab of stone. Erfra. 1 To be moved. -2 To be loosened or - a. of a lovely clis position or character. -KIET shaken; also 71774 in the same sense. a. sweetsmiliny. al m.( = Chalukya ) N. of a dynasty; Inscr. are a. Conversant with the repetition of the ( 489 A. D.). Veda ). 19:, :( Her far faq-312] 1 The blue jay; T FTH 1 Perfuming the person, smeariny with Mal. 6.5; Y. 1. 175. -2 Sugar-cane. 10. 10; uvesandal &c. -2 An unguent. at w ala 1970 : K. a. (-off s.) [author ofaza: 37[] 1 Leathern. -2 Far I. 5 U. (fara, faga, f#=-4, 2-4, ataCovered with leather as a car). - Shielded, provided , ah, fea; caux. 90, 990fa, algo qfa, 94with a shield. afa desid. frafa,- fa) 1 To collect, gather, accumulate said to govern two accusatives being a arou a. (oft / Covered with skin or leather. f root, but this use is very rare in classical -OTH ( TT1 : 3701] A multitude of hides or shields. literature ), w g o ra. -2 To gather for onea i u. ( ..) [8 fain: 5] Made of self, acquire, gain; f eat Tr e aff la Ki.3.11; leather; Ms. 8. 289. 2. 19; My. 3. 4. -3 To search, look out for; Bh. 3. 46. - To pile or heap up, place in a line; gaatfaa a a M ore [ afar T: 3] A number of men armed #galatima Bk. 15. 76. - To set, inlay, cover or with shields. fill with, see per. --pass. To bear fruit, grow, incrense, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 706 cikura .. ..................... thrive, prosper ; fatua fa&a i g9YET Pt. 1.222 bears truit; cIyate bAlizasyApi satkSetrapatitA kRSiH Mu. 1.33 TECH 29 ha safada araya K. P. 10. -II. 3 P. (f ) Ved. 1 To observe, see, perceive. -2 To look steadfastly upon. - To be intent upon. -4 To seek for, Search, investigate, make inquiries, search through. -III.1 A. (7971 To detest, hate. -2 To revenge, take vengeance on.-IV.1 U. (af) 1 To fear, dread, be afraid of with acc.) -2 To respect, honour. -8 To observe; cf. a14. au: [ -379] 1 An assemblage; collection, multitude, heap, mass; auftauflaufta yer Si. 1. 3; 779: U.2.7 a lump of clay; 197 : Bh. 1.5 a braid of hair; so hiy: Si. 4. 60; 49 , TOT &c. -2 A mound of earth raised to form the foundation of a building. -3 A mound of earth raised from the ditch of a fort. - A rampart. Tho gate of a fort. -6A seat, stool. -7 A pile of buildings, any edifice. -8 Stacked wood. -9 A cover or covering. 10 Arranging or keeping the sacred fire; cf. 3 . -11 The amount by which each term increases, the common increase or difference of the terms ( in a progression ). # [ Haey ] 1 The act of collecting (especially flowers &c.). -2 Piling, hea ping. -8 Keeping the sacred fire. 4 Stacking wood. fara p. p. [- ] 1 Collected, piled up, heaped, gathered. -2 Hoarded, accumulated; fadet hela at: Mb. 3. 126. 38. -3 Got, acquired. - Covered with, full of ; 24 Bh. 2.9.- Set or inlaid with. -AHL A building. citA 1A funeral pile, pyrekuru saMprati tAvadAzu me praNiwarsgarrarh Ku. 4. 35; ParticH R. 8. 57; FATHA? Ku. 5. 69. -2 A heap, assemblage, multitude -Comp. - fa: the funeral fire. 4 a pyre. Falla: f. [ -T ] 1 Collecting, gathering. -2 A heap, multitude, quantity. -3 A layer, pile, stack; *19cfaaasrat fad Bhag. 3. 13. 37. -4A funeral pile. -8 An oblong with quadrangula rsides. - The understanding. -m. The thinking mind. Parafit 1 A pile, stack. -2 A funeral pile. -8 A small chain or girdle worn as an ornament round the loins. FETT a. 1 To be arranged in order or built up. -2 Constructed upon a foundation (as fire). -24 1 The place at which a corpse is burnt. -2 A monument. - 1 A funeral pile. -2 Piling up, building as an altar ). u pot. p. 1 To be piled up. - To be gathered or ; collected. Paran. I a aiot ] Known, understood. farhat a.[fer ara ) Knowing, perceiving, understanding. Fal a . [ffct 37 ferah ) Ved. Knowing, experienced ; afereza12 # 4: Rv. 8.56.5. - f. Understanding, intellect. fafaa m. Ved. Intellect, wisdom; 3. gxi fara (9411 Rv. 8. 60.18. Filtar a. Ved. Knowing, conversant or familiar with, experienced ; fara fra 14 Rv. 7. 104.12. Read a. Knowing, conversant with; making known; falarcat acaraft Rv. 4.52. 4. Fallah [ffi, farzt #79] A physician, doctor ; Refre t #14EUR974 Mb. 3.124.12; fafa* P T FETIT M. 2; Bh. 1. 87, Y. 1. 162. cikitsanam Healing, practising medicine; sUtAnAmaYAITUYAFagrat F Ms. 10. 47. ferre card #Ha 31 ] 1 Administering remedies or medicine, medical treatment, curing, healing. -2 (In the system of medicine) Therapeutics, one of the six sections (or F1A) of medicine. -3 Control, punishmant; 14744 a faire 3forta at: Bhag. 5. 10. 7. ferraga. [ian fait 47 Air F ] Healed, cured. -24 Healing, curing. face <<. 1 Wise, cunning; 2Fyfa... para: Av. 10. 1. 1. - 2 treating medically; fa&TT face N. 3. 111. Paleha a. Flat-nosed. Part: Mud, a slough, mire. fe a . (-87 oz) Wishing or meaning to do, desirous of doing. feitat 1 Desire of doing (anything), will, wish, desire, intention. te vayaM prAptakAlasya cikIrSA mantrayAmahe MD. 1. 200. 31. -2 A desire to know ( fara ); SE 1 Mb. 1. 131. 40. fatta a. Wished, desired, purposed. -AH Design, intention, purpose. f t a. Desirous of doing anything, desirous for ; Bg. 1. 23: 3. 25. from a. 1 Moving, tremulous, fickle, unsteady. -2 Inconsiderate, rash. -T: 1 The hair of the head; HH f S ..Tha Git. 12; 80 7945 aufa fit atrada 7. -2 A mountain. -3 A musk-rat. -4 A reptile, snake. -5 N. of a bird. -8 N. of a tree. -7 Contraction of the eye-brows; L. D. B. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 707 citta -Comp.-399,-Ferg, frit:,-999,-4797:,- HIT:, Emi a mass or tuft of hair; 4341retrat: noget HY: P. R. 1. 22. feres: The hair. fer 10 U. (fufaa) 1 To give or inflict pain, distress. - To feel pain. fara. Flat-nosed. -*: The musk-rat. # 1 A mouse. -2 A betel-nut. -3 A part near the middle of the elephant's body; Matanga L. 5.8; 6.11. fra 2. (-OTT or oft f.) [f , fefe, fa, FO-TEZ 37 Tv.] 1 Smooth, glossy, * 121: : faf TEGIE: Mb. 12. 181. 31. -2 Slippery. -3 Bland. -4 Unctuous, greasy; fatearat art a terfa aftan sediacf93f89 tayfaszia S. 2. -OT: The betel-nut tree. -OT An excellent cow. -OTH A betel-nut. P OTT, - oft 1 The betel-nut treu. - A betel-nut. fast: Barley-meal. falu = fart q. v. Pret: [f* ] mouse. Fars Moisture; freshness. The moon. feres: Mud, mire. fakti, -2, -3 A shrimp or prawn. ciJciDa: A sort of gourd (Mar. paDavaLa:). faressat: m. (pl.) N. of a country and its people. Fan 1 The tamarind tree, or its fruit. -2 The Gunja plant; -Comp. -3773: Rumex vesicatorius. -TH A soup prepared from tamarind. FEE 1 P., 10 U. (afa, fa-a) To send forth or out (as a servant. ) farzt f. A Yogini disguised as a Chandali. REIP., 10 A. (ala, azia, araa) 1 To perceive see, notice, observe; agaaaatu18 Bk. 17. 16; fra 5 4 14. 62; 15. 38; 2. 29. -2 To know, understand, be aware or conscious of; 9 2AITHTHaya Dk. 154; praetor a ant a fara saya ti44 K. 240.-To regain consciousness. - 4 To aim at, intend, design (with dat.). --5 To desire or long for. -8 To be anxious about, care for, be intent upon, be engaged in. -7 To resolve upon. -8 To appear, shine. -9 To be regarded as. -10 To make attentive, remind of. -11 To teach, instruct. -12 To form an idea, be conscious of, understand, comprehend think, reflect upon. -18 To be awake; TT a afa LD. B. Pref. [f40-99 Haq] 1 Thought, preception. -2 Intelligence, intellect, understanding; Bh. 2.1; 3.1. -8 The heart, mind; 901.gara: Bhag. 9. 11. 33. -4 The soul, spirit, the animating principle of life. -8 Brahman. -Comp. -TEHT m. 1 the thinking principle or faculty. -2 pure intelligence, the Supreme Spirit. -TICH 4 consciousness. -ITTER: the individual soul ( a) (which still sticks to worldly defilements). -36Th gladdening the heart or spirit. - : the Supreme Spirit or Brahman.- er: f. reflection, thinking. -59 a. 1 consisting of intelligence. -2 wise, intelligent, of a liberal mind. -3 amiable, good-hearted. (-99) pure intelligence, the Supreme Being. - f. mental power, intellectual capacity. - the Supreme Spirit. -ind. 1 A particle added to f. and its derivatives such as 7, 4, , 91, 92, : &c.) to impart to them an indefinite sense; after somewhere; TT some &c. -2 The sound . PPT a. Consisting of pure intelligence, spiritual (as the Supreme spirit ). - TH 1 Pure intelligence. -2 The Supreme Spirit. cinmAtram Pure intelligence. farer p. p. [fa ] 1 Observed, perceived. -2 Considered, reflected or meditated upon. -3 Resolved - Intended, wished, desired. -5 Visible, perceptible.-14 1 Observing, attending. -2 (a) Thought, thinking, attention; (6) desire, intention, aim; A T: Ha Ha Bg. 18. 57; annarra 16. 16. -3 The mind; et gait: sarfa fenfu: Santi. 1. 22; so far and comps. below. -4 The heart considered as the seat of intellect). -5 Reason, intellect, reasoning faculty. -6 Knowledge; FAT FATTIG477753 gaiata a: ravi h azi ya 1074 | Mb. 14.51. 27. -Comp. rgar a. acting according to one's will, humouring. -37TETT,-379ETT, -3777,-Erft a. 1 'heart-stealing,' attractive, captivating.-2 pleasing, agreeable, beautiful.-319a a preserved in the heart 3 cittArpitanaiSadhezvarA N.9.31. -Abhoga: attention of the mind to its own feelings, exclusive attachment to one thing. -3714: attachment, love. -35%: pride, arrogance. -O agreement, unanimity. a i, Hyufa: f. 1 noble-mindedness. -2 pride, arrogance. #fesa a. anticipated, expected, calculated. : grief - a. acting according to the will of another. -5:, HTM., - , -T : 1 love, passion. -2 Cupid, the god of love; fazathyada: R. 19.46; si saaana: RTT Mal. 1. 20.- a. knowing the mind of another; agu , atzhala: R. 10.56.-nAtha: lord of the heart 3 cittanAthamabhizaGkitavatyA Si. 10. 28.-13T: loss of conscience. Faraia: f. contentment, happiness. TAO a. moving or touching the heurt, exciting passion or love. -ATH a. composed, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir cittavat 703 citra tion. trunquil. (#) tranquility of heart. 4 2 joy, Tel. [fL FT 3197] 1 Consciousness, sense. pleasure. W : 1 difference of view. -2 incon- -2 Thinking soul: 7 y 19 a facuare sistency, inconstancy. HIE: infatuation of the mind. Ram. 7. 57. 13; reasoning faculty; T 9791 tera. (-ai ); Tygaar wafai fare A6 Mb.1.125.11; Tarafta Bhag.5.11.4. Mb. 3. 233. 20.-TTT: affection, passion, desire. -fast: -3 The mind, heart, soul; da: Jazz Bh. 2. 23; change of thought or feeling - : distraction of the 1985fa7 97: i rad eriti a: S. 1. 34. -4 Will. mind. -faga, -farbigti, -fu: aberration, distur- -Comp. -PHI, -42, T:m. 1 love, passion. ba noe or derangement of mind, madness, insanity: -2 the god of love. cetojanmazaraprasanamadhubhirvyAmizratAmAzrayat Faitsi fanasiet gaat 47 Mb. 13.54.15. -fazit: N.-fair: disturbance of the mind, cniotionagitabroach of friendship. -afe: f. 1 disposition or state of the mind, inclination, feeling; Tahiti Taldera a a. Living, sentient. a: sifat fastsud S. 2. -2 thinking, imagining. - inward purpose, emotion. -4 (in Yoga phil. ) in fata.[147-Ha a; -a Un. 4. 163 ] 1 Bright, ward working of the mind, mental vision ; - clear. -2 Variegated, spotted, diversified. -8 amusing, FATTA: Yoga S. at affliction, anxiety. W e interesting, agreeable; Mal. 1. 4. -4 Various, bewilderment of the mind, distraction. Here a. different, manifold ; Pt. 1. 136; Ms. 9. 248; Y. 1. 288. pervading the heart, penetrating the soul. Efter a -5 Surprising, wonderful, strange: 12 24 R. 5.33; Fascinating, attractive, agreea ble. S. 2. 15. -8 Perceptible, visible. -7 Conspicuous, excellent, distinguished; na yadcazcitrapada hareyazo jagatpavitraM farad a. 1 Reasonable, endowed with reason. szofta Fiat Bhag. 1. 5. 10. -8 Rough, agitated -2 Kind-hearted, amiable. (as the sea, opp. ). -9 Clear, loud, perceptible (as a sound).-: 1 The variegated colour. -2 A form of Yama. fare: f. [f9 Haftal 1 Thinking, thought, -3 The A soka tree. -4 = 728 q. v. below. -14 1 A reflection. -2 Understanding, wisdom. -3 Devotion, picture, painting, delineation farfare off er - Intention, aim, purpose. 5 A wise person. S. 2. 9; gazta f attar $. 6. 20, 13, 21 &c. -2 A - Fame, celebrity ( fa). -7 A mental mood; brilliant ornament or ornament. -3 An extraordinary 3 atat fantai sacri af Mb. 3. 263. 10. - A appearance, wonder. -4 A sectarial mark on the foresense-organ; Farms fantu 3 Bhag. 6. 16. 48. head. -5 Heaven, sky. -6 A spot. -7 The white or - Meditation; A : FATTHIEUH T. Ar. 3. 1; spotted leprosy. -8 In Rhet.) The last of the three Mb. 12. 79. 20. main divisions of Kavya ( poetry). (It is of two kinds Falera, a. Ved. Intelligent, wise. Tofa7 and 31-12-17, and the poetical charm lies mainly in the use of figures of speech dependent on Pero a. Belonging to the funeral pyre; PARAGUS- the sound and sense of words. Mammata thus defines TTTT 32 7 5497 Ram. 1. 58. 11; m. funeral fire. ! it:--7919 area 44 1993 1994 K. P.1. As an f. 1 A pyre. -2 A piece of ground prepared for sacri- instance of To may be cited the following verse fice; a atery : det: Ram. 1. 14. 29. from R. G. Half97a714 7111791 afarzad 717 a 24 : 11 - 9 Anything bright which strikes a a. 1 Causing to think. -2 What thinks or the eye. -10 Playing upon words, punning, using feels, sentient. N. of a plant (ada). . conundrums, riddles &c. -11 A lotus. ... ... F fact a a.(-at f.) [R ] 1 Animate, alive, liv to of a Nm. -4 ind. Oh !, how ing, sentient, feeling; dag Me. 5 animate and strange!, what a wonder! fi arut FTA (ATTHETTO inanimate. -2 Visible, conspicuous, distinguished. -- Sk. -Comp. eft, -#1, AT a kind of bird com1 A sentient being, a man. - 2 Soul, mind. -3 The monly called Sarika. -35 a. striped, having a spotAupreme soul. -4 An animal in general. - 1 Sense, ted body. (- ) 1 a kind of snake. -2 N. of Arjuna. consciousness; auf HUT Sai Tata: R. G.: (-4) 1 vermilion. -2 yellow orpiment. -37% a. U. 3. 31; Mal. 9. 12; R. 12. 74; Etcai faqed regains decked with brilliant bracelets. (E) N. of a wife of one's consciousness. -2 Understanding, intelligence ; Arjuna and mother of Babhruvahana. -SEE: f. an farerra f aa aa R. 17. 1;...aas epithet of Satyavati, mother of Vyasa. -3757 rice : Siva. B. 29. 9. -3 Life, vitality, animation: dressed with coloured condiments; Y. 1. 304. -3999: Bg. 13. 6. -4 Wisdom, reflection. Appearance. a kind of cake. -ida a. committed to a picture, -2 The thinking principle, the mind; ya : painted."Arambha a. painted; citrArpitArambha ivAvatasthe R.2.313 Bhag. 9. 15.41. Ku. 3. 42. -3yfa: f. a painted resemblance, portrait. -3121 CT steel. -31%AT: a painted scene, outline of a aaaa a. Animate, having consciousness, picture; V. 1. 4. v. l. f f. 1 agreeable or frequent For Private and Personal Use Only Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir citra 709 citriNI discourse ; jayanti te pajJamamitracitroktisaMdarbhavibhUSaNeSu Vikr. 1. -2 : voice from lieu ven. -8 a surprising tale.-3119: boiled rice coloured with turmeric &c. - 1: pigeon. TGT: telling a green ble or charming stories. --Fec: 1 painted cloth used as an elephant's housing -2 a variegated carpet. - 1 a painter. -2 an actor. - 1. 1:n extraordinary act; * f ra 15fit fr k s. 6. 50. -2 ornamenting, decorating. -3 a picture: Mu. 2. 4. - 4 magic. (-m.) 1 a magician, one who works wonders. -2 a painter. a m. 1 a painter. -2 a magician. 1: 1 a tiger in general. -2 a leopard or panther. Filt: 1 a painter. -2 N. of a mixed tribo ; ( 2 7 ATT Parasnr:). - : N. of a hill and district near Proyaga; 28: 7 199 : R. 12; 15; 13. 47, U. 1. a. astonishing, surprising. (-m.) a painter. I a kind of lizard. - , painting; 3914 - gia f u am HT4 Ks. 71. 82. a. Ved. having manifold power, or one whose wealth is visible; 792 farzad A Rv. 6. 6. 7. , T a. 1 painted, drawn in a picture; qu e m fara 7 Ks. 5. 31.1 -2 coloured, variegated. - TP TH yellow or piment. -T: one of the beings in Yama's world recording the vices and virtues of mankind; nAmAnyeSAM likhAmi dhruvamahamaya Raya: sig Mu. 1. 20. - a painted room. -&T: a random or incoherent talk, talk on various subjects. -augh a medicinal plant said to possess anthelmintic virtues. Elm. the Bhurja tree. - 3 : the cotton-plant. ind. in many ways; e 7 Bhag. 3. 13. 20. F a a. painted, drawn in a picture; Ku. 2. 24. - Tey: the francoline partridge. -E, 1 a painting, a picture. -2 a coloured or chequered cloth.- a. 1 divided into various parts. -2 full of graceful expressions. -T T the bird called | Sarika. -f90g: a peacock. 57: a kind of arrow. -y: a sparrow.planta: f. representation in colours, a painting, a picture. - , - A kind of large flat fish; L. D. B.- 1 A smaller kind of fat fish. -2 N. of several plants. - a tablet for painting, a picture-board. -T: a peacock; -WIT a. of a variegated colour, shining with light; 19417541 Ha Rv. 7. 9. 3; 9 51 FH1 Mb. 1. 3. 57. (-2) 1 fire; q8: T a H afer Mb. 1. 53. 5. -2 the sun; (77furata para trata K.P. 2 given as an instance of one of the modes of 3 ). -3 ! N. of Bhairava. - the Arka plant. -5 Siva. -an epithet of the Asvins. -7 the first year of the first cycle of Jupiter. - HEUTH A diplomatic speech; Mb. 5. 35. 71. - a. painted. - go: a kind of snake. -mRgaH the spotted antelope. -mekhala: a peacock.-yodhin a. fighting in a wonderful manner; sareare 4 1 891 5. 170. 3. (-1.) an epithet of Arjuna. T: 1 the sun. -2 N. of a king of the Gandharvas, one of the sixteen sons of Kasyapa by his wife Muni: i atra munestanayazcitrasenAdInAM paJcadazAnAM bhrAtRNAmadhiko guNaiH SoDaza amet 714 4969: K. 136; V. 1. - painting. fortera a. 1 painter. -2 duml, motionless (as in a picture ). De . of beautiful outlines, highly arched; ataa raat affea at Git. 10. ( EN) 1 a portrait, picture. -2 N. of a friend and companion of Usa, daughter of Bana. [ When Usa related to her her dream, she suggested the idea of taking the portraits of all young princes in the neighbourhood; and on Usa's recognising Aniruddha, Chitralekha, by means of her magical power, conveyed him to her palace. ]-des: a painter. eft : painter's brush. -aig: the sheat-fish, N. of a forest near the Ganilaki. -alt: a cock. -farers. 1 variously coloured, variegated. -2 multiform. -fan the art of painting. - To a painter's studio. -free m. an epithet of the seven sages : - , , , pulastya, pulaha, Rtu and vasiSTha; marIciracyAvirasau pulastyaH pulahaH og: lagu dara frafrarosa: || Mb. 12. 335. 29. PT: an epithet of Brihaspati. -ETTE m. - a kind of venomous insect. oft: great or wonderful beauty. - a. painted. - : a particular position of the hands in fighting. fat a. 1 Bright, lovely, agreeable. -2 Brave, powerful. #: 1 A painter. -2 A tiger in general. -3 A small hunting leopard; ETICHE: fact zat: A : Mb. 7.30. 19. -4 N. of a tree. - 1 A sectarial mark on the forehead. ( a) pal aHET Ram. Ch. 6. 69. -2 A particular manner of fighting. -3 N. of a wood near the mountain Raivataka. feafa Den. P. According to L. D. B. it is 10 P.). 1 To make variegated, paint. -2 To regard as wonderful. fum a. Variegated, spotted. 3: The variegated colour. fra [f2-310] 1 N. of the fourteenth lunar mansion consisting of one star; himanirmuktayooMge citrAcandramaAlfa R. 1. 46. -2 A kind of snake. -3 Worldly illusion, unreality.-Comp. -TEIT: 1 the moon. -2 the forehead spotted with the blood of a goat offered as : victim to a deity. ET: the moon. He the dawn. citrika: The month Chaitra. fafruft n. for a woman endowed with various talents and excellences, one of the four divisions into which writers on erotic science class women :-99, citriNI, zazinI and hastinI or kariNI. The Ratimafijari thus defines Fifft:-hafa faca ardeal a af faakusumasunAsA nimdhanIlotpalAkSI / dhanakaThinakucAyA sundarI baddhazIlA haszorra1710 19794711 5. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra citrita fafa a. 1 Variegated, spotted. -2 Painted. citrin (NI /- ) [citra-nimi citra-astyarthe ini vA ] 1 Wonderful. -2 Variegated. -3 Having variegated (black and gray ) hair. a. fa 8 U. 1 To feel wonder. -2 To adorn, embellish. citrIkaraNam, -kAra: Wonder, surprise citrIkRta a Painted, embellished. citrIyate Den. A. 1 To cause wonder, to be n object of wonder; evamuttarottara bhAvazcitrIyate jIvalokaH Mv. 5; Bk. 17. 64; 18. 23. -2 To wonder. citrya a. To be honoured or worshipped. cint 10 U. ( cintayati - te, cintita ) 1 To think, consider, refoot [ponder over Pt.1 citava tAvatkenApadezena punarAzramapadaM gacchAmaH S. 2. -2 To think of, have an idea of, bring before the mind; tasmAdetat ( vitaM ) na cintayet H. 1; tasmAdasya vadhaM rAjA manasApi na cintayet Ms. 8. 381; 4.258; Pt. 1. 135; Ch. P. 1. - 3 To mind, take care of, look to; tAtastvAM cintayiSyati S. 4.; cf. also R. 1.64; U 1.19. -4 To call to mind, remember. -8 To find out, devise, discover, think out; ko'pyupAyazvintyatAm H. 1. 8 To regard a esteem. -7 To weigh, discriminate. -8 To discuss, treat of, consider. cintaka a. [] Thinking upon reffecting on (at the end of comp); as daiva an astrologer; upAya cintanam nA [[cit-bhAve yuT] 1 Thinking, thinking of, having an idea of; manasA'niSTa cintanam Ms. 12.5. -2 Thought, reflection. -3 Anxious thought. cintA [cit-bhAve a] 1 Thinking thought. 2 Sad or sorrowful thought, care, anxiety; cintAjaDaM darzanam S. 4.5; 80 vItacintaH 12 -3 Reflection, consideration ; kiM punazcintAyAH prayojanam SB on MS. 4.1.25 - 4 ( In Rhot. ) Anxiety, considered as one of the 33 subordinate feelings; dhyAnaM cintA hitAnApteH zUnyatAzvAsanApakRt S. D. 201. -Comp. -Akula a full of care, disturbed in mind, anxious. karman n. nxiety. para a. thoughtful, anxious. -maNiH 1 a fabulous gem supposed to yield to its possessor all desires, the philosopher's stone; kAcamUlyena vikrIto hanta cintAmaNirmayA santi 1. 12; api cintAmaNicintAparizramamapekSate Mal. 10. 22; tadekalubdhe hRdi me'sti labdhuM cintA na cintAmaNimapyanarthyam N. 3. 81; 1. 145. -2 N. of Brahma. -3 A kind of horse, having a big curl on the neck; kaNThe yasya mahAvatoM yasyAzvasya prajAyate / cintAmaNiH sa vijJeyazcintitArthaviddhidaH // Salihotra 18. - vezman council-hall. M. a cintita a. 1 Thought, reflected. -2 Devised, found out. -tam Reflection, thought. -2 Care, attention. -3 710 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir cira Meditation; cintitenAgatAn pazya sametAn sapta sAgarAn Ram. 3. 74. 25. -Comp.- upanata, upasthita thought of and immediately present; kare kRpANamAgneyaM cintitopanataM dadhat ; Ks. 18. 329; cintitopasthitAme yakhaDgahastaH ibid. 116 and 146. cintitiH / cintiyA Consideration, reflection, thought. cintya pot. p. [cint karmaNi yat ] 1 To be considered or thought over. -2 To be discovered, to be devised or found out. -3 Conceivable, comprehensible. -4 Requiring consideration, doubtful, questionable, yacca kacidasphuTAlaGkAratve udAhRtaM ( yaH kaumAraharaH &c. ) etaccintyam S. D. 1. fafast The tamarind tree. cinna: N. of a very small grain. cipaTa a. Flat-nosed. -Ta: Rice or grain flattened cipiTa: See cipaTa. -Comp. - prIva a. short-necked - prANa, -nAsa, nAsika a. flat-nosed; sa bhAryAM cipiTaghrANAm Ks. 61. 15; strI mRtyuH syAccipiTanAsaH Bri. S. 68.61; miladdhruvaM kAcarAkSI nyaJcaccipiTanAsikAm Ks. 20. 108. -nAsika m. (pl.) N. of a country in the north of ancient India ; kezadhara cipiTanAsikadA sera kabATa dhAnazaradhAnAH Bri. S. 14.26. cipiTakaH, cipuTa: Flattened rice. facq: A disease of the finger nail; also far. cippaTajayApIDaH N. of a king of Kashmir ; zrIcippaTajayApIDo bRhaspatyaparAbhidhaH Raj. T. 4. 676. cibu (bu) kam The chin; cibukaM sudRzaH spRzAmi yAvat Bv. 241 V. 3. 9 rAtrI niyukarArpitajAnuH SankarahArya's Stotras. cimi: A parrot ; also cimikaH. 1 cira [[cira] Long, lasting a long time, existing from a long time, old; ciravirahaH cirakAla: ciramitram &c. - ram A long time. Note. The singular of any of the oblique cases of f may be used adverbially in the sense of 'long', 'for a long time', 'after a long time', 'long since', ' at last', 'finally '; na ciraM parvate vaset Ms. 4.60; tataH prajAnAM ciramAtmanA dhRtAm R. 3. 35, 62; Amaru. 79: kiyaccireNAryaputraH prattipattiM dAsyati S. 6; R. 5. 64; prItAsmi te saumya cirAya jIva R. 14.59; Ku. 5.47; Amaru. 3; cirAtsutasparzarasajJatAM yayau R. 3.26; 11.63; 12.87; cirasya vAcyaM na gataH prajApatiH S. 5 15; cire kuryAt Sat. Br. -Comp. - Ayus a long-lived. (m.) god. -ArodhaH a protracted siege, blockade. -37 a. existing for a long time. -kAra, -kArika, -kArin, -kriya a acting slowly, delaying tarrying, dilatory. kAlaH long time. -kAlika, kAlIna 1 of long standing old. long-continued. -2 chronic (as a disease). -jAta a. born long ago, old. - a. long-lived (-m.) 1 an epithet of seven persons who are considered to be ' deathless ' ; azvatthAmA balirvyAso hanumAMzca vibhISaNaH / kRpaH For Private and Personal Use Only Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ciraMjIva 711 cim parazurAmazca saptaite cirajIvinaH // -2 N. of Visnu. -3 N. of cilla a. [cilla-ac ] Blear-eyed. -lla: 1 A bleared Markandeya; varjayitvA mahAtmAnaM cirajIvinamuttamam Mb. or sored eye. -2 The (Bengal) kite; cillA also in this 13. 125.35.-4a crow. -BN. of two plants jIvaka and sense; bandhanabhraSTo gRhakapotazcillAyA mukhe patitaH M. 4; of. EngzAlmali. -pAkin a. ripening late. -puSpa: the Bakula lish " From the frying-pan into the fire". -Comp. tree. -mitram an old friend. -mahin m. an ass. -rAtram , -Abha: a petty thief, a pick-pocket. - TT a period of many nights, a long time; 9911 I cillakA, cillikA, cillI A cricket ; cf. jhillikA. mahAraNya cirarAtrAya rAghave Ram.2.40. 183 cirarAtrAya pitreva yenAyaM paripAlitaH Siva. B. 15.8. deguSita a. having lodged Parra: The chin. for a long time. -fartfra a. long banished, a long civiTa = cipiTa q.v. Bojourner. -sUtA, -sUtikA a cow that has borne many calves. -sevaka: an old servant. -stha, sthAyina,-sthita cihaNa a. = cikkaNa q. v. a. lasting, long, enduring, continuing, durable; taTini cihura = cikura q.v. tadrumapAtanapAtakamekaM cirasthAyi Udb. ciha 10 U. (cihnayani-te) To mark, stamp (properly farisia a. Long lived. -2: An epithet of Kama. a Denom. from the noun cihna). ciraNTI, ciriNTI [cireNa aTati pitRgRhAt bhartRgeham aT cihnam 1 Mark, spot, stamp, symbol; emblem, ac pRSo. Tv.] 1 A woman married or single who badge, symptom; grAmeSu yUpaciSu R.1.44; 3.55% saMnipAtasya continues to reside after maturity in her father's house. cihnAni Pt. 1. 177. -2 A sign, indication; prasAdacihnAni -2 A young woman (in general); deva na pratyayaH strISu puraHphalAni R.2.22; prahaSaMcihna 2.68. -3 A sign of the capalAsvakhilAsvapi / ciraNTISvapi na grAhyo vezastrISviva sarvadA / / zodiac. -4 Stamp, print, impression; . - Aim, Ks. 58.56. direction. -Comp. Fift a. 1 marking, spotting. -2 ciratna (-slI/.)[cire bhavaH cira-tna ] Ot long stand- striking, wounding, killing. -8 frightful, hideous. ing, old, ancient; P. IV. 3.23. farga a. 1 Marked, signed, stamped, bearing the ciraMtana a. (-nI/.)[ciraM bhavArthe Tapul tuT ca ] Of long badges of an office%3 Y.2.85%3 1.31939 divA careyuH kAryArtha standing, old, ancient; svahastadatte munimAsanaM munizciraMtana- cihnitA rAjazAsanaiH Ms. 10.55; 2. 170. -2 Branded. -3 stAvadabhinyavIvizat Si. 1. 15%; ciraMtanaH suhRd &c. Known, designated. cIka1, 10. P.(cIkati, cIkayati) 1To endure, bear, cirAyati Den. P.; also cirAyate To delay, tarry; kathaM cirayati pAJcAlI Ve. 1; kiM cirAyitaM bhavatA; saGketake cirayati | suffer. -2 To be impatient. -3 To touch. pravaro vinoda: Mk.3.3. cIcIkucI Ono mat. For the warbling of birds. cirambhaNaH The Bengal kite. fist f. A kind of perfume ; (Jaina). ciri: A parrot -Comp.-kAka: A kind of crow%3 cItkAra: An onomatopoetic word, the ery of certain lavaNaM corayitvA tu cirikAkaH prajAyate Mb.13.111.123.-bilvaH animals, particularly of the ass or elephant; a farliga Pongamia Gla bra; ciribilvAn madhUkAMzca bilvAnatha ca tindukAn cItkArAgardabhastADito yathA H.2.31; vainAyakyazciraM vo badanavidhutayaH Ram. 3.11.74. pAntu cItkAravatyaH Mal. 1. 1. Part 5 P. (Partona) To kill, hurt, injure (used cInaH [ci-nak pRSo dIrghaH] 1 N. of a country, the only in the Veda). modern China. -2 A kind of deer. -3 A sort of cloth. -4 A thread. at: m. (pl.) The rulers or people of fare: The shoulder-joint. China. -nam 1 A banner. -2 A kind of bandage for Pentie: A sort of cucumber. the corners of the eyes. -3 Lead. -Comp. -aMzukam, -vAsas - China-cloth, silk, silken cloth; cInAMzukacil 6 P. (cilati) To put on clothes. miva ketoH prativAtaM nIyamAnasya 5. 1.4; Ku.7.39 Mal. 6.5% cilamI (-mi)-likA 1 A kind of necklace. -2 A Amaru. 75. -karpUra: a kind of camphor. -jem steel. -dAru Cinamon (Mar. dAlacinI); elAM ca devakusumaM tvapatraM fire-fly. -8 Lightning. cInadAru ca Siva. B. 30. 14.-paTTam 1 lead. -2 China silk; cili(lI)ci(cI)maH, -miH, cilImaH, celacImaH A Kau.A.2.11.-piSTam 1 red lead; cInapiSTamayo lokazcAraNakind of fish. Charak advises that this fish should not | kamayI ca bhU: Rs. 23.85.-2 lead. -vasum lead. be eaten with milk. (Mar. 'vegasA' mAsA.) cInakA, cInAka: 1A kind of camphor. -2 N. of cilU 1 P. (cillati, cihita) 1 To become loose, be a very small grain, fennel. slack or flaccid. -2 To act wantonly, sport. cI 1A.(cIbhate) 1 To coax, wheedles flatter. Feg ur f. A prostitute ; L. D. B. - To boast, swagger. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir cIram 712 cud te [-7 4 ; Un. 2. 26 ] 1 Arag, a tattered cloth, a long stripe or garment; Ms. 6. 6; with great with a Bhag. 7. 13. 39. -2 A bark. -3 A cloth or garment in general; ti faa 19 zostfrauga: Mb. 3. 39. 23.-4 A necklace of pearls consisting of four strings. -5 A stripe, stroke, line. - A manner of writing with strokes. -7 Lead. -8 A crest. -9 The dress of a Buddhist priest. -Comp. -que, are a. 1 clothed in bark; Ku. 6.92; Ms. 11. 102. -2 dressed in rags or tatters. (-m.) an epithet of Siva. Ha at the elder sister of a wife. A N. of a Tirtha ; haeffefafferera 1948 Raj. T. 1. 149. aft 1 A manner of writing, see above. -2 eye-fly (Mar. * ); a stara a gad a 7: Mb. 13. 111.88. iclesA kind of large fish ; Susr. 6. 35. 4. sifa a. Having strips, ragged. affet a. [=17-5f] Clothed in bark, garments or rags; 364 14ta fastiffi GT4 Bhag. 3. 33. 14. afft: f. [ f o f 184] 1 A veil for covering the eyes. -2 A cricket ; cgeat aterfattaa Ks. 73. 240. -8 The hem of an undergarment. cIrika)kA A cricket. frit f., fria : A cricket; carne sau aer* ghaert Ms. 12. 63; 7 quiet#: Y. 3. 215. affof a. (25-a gato 31a fah] 1 Done, performed, observed; cIrNavrato bAla eva vuddhisattvaguNAnvita: Mb. 1.48.19. -2 Studied, repeated. -3 Split, divided. -Comp. -ot: the Kharjura and Nimba tress; -40 a. Who has practised a vow. cIlikA A cricket. aiq I. 1. U. ( ) 1 To wear, cover. -2 To take or receive. -3 To seize. II. 10 U. (=fayfa-a ) 1 To shine. -2 To speak. Hacy [fe-sarafao #8:; *2-377 41; cf. Un. 3.1] 1 A yurment (in general); a tatter, ray; watasaat +971921 R. 11. 16. -2 The dress of any mendicant, particularly of a Buddhist inendicant; factor a tt Sk.; f=8214 Mal. 1; varferia 41 araz Mk. 8. atarta m. 1 A Buddhist or Jaina mendicant. -2 A mendicant (in general). 9710 U. ( ad) To inflict or suffer pain. Tart: The roaring of a lion. 14 [678631130 Us. 2. 15 ] 1 A kind of cane; or sorrel. - Souruese. - Sourness, acidity. -Comp. -3770 vinegar made by the acetous fermentation of grain. (- ) 1 a tamarind tree. -2 a kind of sour rice-gruel. For the tamarind fruit. -ETTET woodsorrel. cukrakam , cukrikA A kind of wood-sorrel. Il The tamarind tree. AT m. Sourness. TATT 1 Injuring, killing. -2 Washing. gra: The female breast ; udder, 39, H, The nipple of the breast. 7, 67 A kind of vegetablo. 4 1 P. 1 To bathe. -2 To churn. -3 To squeeze -4 To distil; L. D. B. 5 a. (At the end of certain comp.) Celebrated, famous, renowned, skilled in; a fantas99209 P. V. 2. 26. , 27deg &c. TTATS 01985 : Bk. 2. 32. -59: The musk-rat or shrew. -2 A mixed caste born of a Brahmana father and Vaideha female ; 179959. HEATHT7074THTH Ms. 10. 48. sett A game played with tamarind seeds instead of dice. TE I. 6, 10. P. ( gafa, atufa) To cut off, divide. II. 1, 10. P. (alfa, azafa) To become small, to be diminished, wane. 10. P. ( afat) To become wall or shallow (as a river.) TT 1, 6 P. ( zefa) To conceal or hide. yg 1 P. ( a ) 1 To dally, sport. -2 To hint one's meaning. -3 To act or do. IT 6 P. ( pose) To cut off, pierce. E I. 1, 10. P. ( gofa, gozafa ) To cut off. -II. 1. P. To become small. TEI. 1 P. To become small.-II. 10 P. To cut off. QUET, -oet, -ogt A small well or reservoir. TT 1P. (atala) To ooze, trickle, sec 297. ya:, fa: The anus. TE I. 10 U. (ayfa-a, afea) 1 To send, direct, throw forward, urge or drive on, push on : 21441919 $. 1. -2 To prompt, inspire, impel, animate, excite; R. 4. 24. -3 To hasten, accelerate. - To question, ask. - To press with a request. To put forward, adduce, as an argument or objection. -7 To enjoin, lay down; Ms. 2. 165. -8 To request, solicit. -9 To help on. -10 To bring or offer quickly. -11 To fix, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra coda settle, direct. -12 To bo quick. - II. 1 U. Vod. (codatite ) 1 To impel, incite. -2 To offer quickly ( Soma ). -3 To hasten, be quick. coda [ codayatIti buda-ac] Animating inspiring promoting &c. -daH A whip or goad. codaka . [-] Driving urging kaH 1 Directing, invitation. -2 (in gram) parigraha q. v. -3 The injunctive text or the general rule which lays down that a. vikRti shall be performed like its prakRti. codako hi prayogavacanAd balavattaraH / sa hi utpAdayati prApayati ca / prApitAnabhisamIkSya prayogavacana upasaMharati / SB. on MS. 5. 1. 18; vikRtiH prAkRtAn dharmAvodakena gRhNAti / SB.on MS. 5.4.22. codana [bha] Driving impelling nam 1 The act of driving. -2 Invitation. -3 Order, rule, Precept. codanA 1 Sending, directing, throwing. -2 Urging or driving onward; jJAnaM jJeyaM parijJAtA trividhA karmacodanA Bg. -3 Prompting, inciting, encouraging, inspiration. - A precept, sacred commandment, scriptural injunction. -6 The category called apUrva (in pUrvamImAMsA codapUrvamaH SB. on MS.7.17. -Comp. -guDaH a ball for playing with. codita P. 2. 1 Sent, directed. -2 Urged on, driven. -8 Incited, prompted, inspired. -4 Put forward as an argument. -5 Thrown, cast. -6 Appointed. -7 Ordered, directed. codya . [ cudzyat ] 1 To be driven or impelled. -2 To be sent, thrown, or directed. -3 To be mentioned; nI bAramUlegudazAkavRttiH susaMyatA cAgnikAryeSu codyaH Mb. -dyam 1 Objecting, asking a question. -2 An objection. -3 Wonder, surprise. cundI A procuress, bwd. cupa 1 1. (copati ) To move slowly, creep or steal along. copana a. Moving, stirring. -nam Moving slowly. cubuka: Tho chin pracumuke'dhyAtmamudanInamadacyutaH Bhag. 10. 42. 7. cutram The mouth, face. cumucumAyanam Itching of a wound; Suar. 1. 12. 11. cumuri: N. of a demon whom Indra killed to favour Dabhiti: svAbhyAmunijanya dasyuM dabhItimAvA Rv. 2. 15.9. cumbU I. 1. 10. U. ( cumbati-te, cumbayati-te, cumbita) 1 To kiss (fig. also ); zliSyati cumbati jaladharakalpaM harirupagata iti timiramanalpam Git. 6; priyAmukhaM kiMpuruSazcucumbe Ku. 3.38; Amaru. 16; H. 4. 132. -2 To touch softly, or graze; with saM. I. kI....90 713 pari to kiss; Rs. 6.18.; hurt, kill. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir culumpU Amaru. 77. -II. 10. P. To cumbaH mvA [ cumbu-bhAve dham ac] vA ] A kise. cumbakaH [cumbU - bul] 1 A kisser. -2 A lecher, t lustful man, libertine. -3 A rogue, cheat. -4 One who has kissed or dipped in a variety of subjects, superficial scholar. -5 A loadstone. -8 The upper part or middle of a balance. cumvanam [cumbU bhAve yud] Kinringa kiss cumbanaM dehi me bhAkAmA R. O. cumbita P. P. 1 Kissed. -2 Touched softly. cumbina a. 1 Kissing, sipping; Mal. 9. 7. -2 Touching, grazing; Bh. 8. 95. -3 Affected with ; ityardhacandrAbhanakhAcumbikucA sakhI yatra sakhIbhirUce N. 6. 66. -4 Relating to ; tvacumbanaiva svamanorathena N. 887 5 Busy with ; kAryAntaracumbicitte N. 3.95. cura . Sterling, robbing Ae. curaNam Robbing, theft. 10 U. (af, ifta) 1 To rob, steal: Ms. 8.33 V. 3. 17. 2 (Fig.) To bear, have, possess, take, 088ume; acUcuraccandramaso'bhirAmatAm Si. 1. 16. curA Theft. co (cau) ra 1 A thief, robber; sakalaM cora gataM tvayA gRhItam V. 4. 16; indIvara dalaprabhAcoraM cakSuH Bh. 3. 67. -2 Any dishonest dealer. -2 One that steals or captivates the heart. -Comp. -karman n. theft. -gata a robbed. -rUpaH a clever thief. co (cau) rikA Theft, robbery; 'vivAha Mal. 1, secret marriage. corita . Stolen, robbed. -tam Theft. coritakam 1 Puty theft, larvany. -2 Anything stolen. curi, rI 1A mall well. 8 Theft tato daivayogena rAjabhavane caurAthurI kRtvA ... Vet. cula 10 P. (colayati ) 1 To raise or elevate. -2 To rise, increase. -3 To dip, dive or plunge into. For Private and Personal Use Only culukaH [ cul-ukaJ ] 1 Deep mud. -2 A mouthful of water or the hand hollowed to hold water or anything; mamau sa bhadraM culake samudraH N. 8. 45; jJAtvA vidhAtuzlukAt prasRtim Vikr. 1.37. -3 A small vessel ka Water in which pulse has been steeped. culukina m. A porpoise. culum 1P. ( culumpati ) 1 To swing, rock, move to and fro agitate. With ud 1 to swing. -2 to agitate; ambhasampantyayo Mv... Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 719 cUrtiH 19 : Fondling children. culumpA A she-goat. Toft A kind of fish; L. D. B. 1 P. (gafa) 1 To play, sport, to make amorous gestures. -2 To conjecture. TE a. Blear-eyed. -: A blear eye. 4: The palm of the hand hollowed as in the act ! of holding water. - 1 A kind of water-pot. -2 A porpoise. ges: A fire-place. 1 A fire-place; 92 FTI EF99 g agogget: Ms. 3. 68. -2 A funeral pile. -3 A large apartment or hall composed of three divisions, one looking north, another east, and the third west ; 2=2&ta , farat THAT Bri. S. 53. 38. GET 10 P. 1 To honour. -2 To condemn; L. D. B. Tha:,-Fi [3 ta gx ] 1 The burnt exterior of roast meat. -2 Fried meat. -8 Chaff. -4 Rind. 4, 4 The nipple of a breast; Si. 7. 19. -a. staggering in speech; : Mb. 14. 36. 30. E: Ved. 1 A protuberance. -2 The ceremony of tonsure. 739 A well. TET 1 The huir on the top of the head, a single lock on the crown of the head (left after the ceremony of tonsure); R. 18. 51; U. 5. 36 ; 5. 3; 4. 20. -2 The ceremony of tonsure. -3 The crest of a cock or peacock; Pt. 2. 73. -4 Any crest, plume or diadem. -8 The head. - Top, summit. -7 A room on the top of a house. -8 A well. -9 An ornament (like a bracelet worn on the wrist). -Comp. -TOTY, - n. the ceremony of tonsure; Ms. 2. 35. --913T: a mass of hair; 31979 7997a14 Me. 65.- for:, - 1 a jewel worn on the top of the head, a crest-jewel (fig. also ). -2 best, excellent (usually at the end of comp.). ZATUTA tonsure. TET, a. 1 Having a single lock of hair on the crown of the head. -2 Crested. The head. I , ST a. 1 Having a lock of hair on the head. -2 Crested. SIKH Vineyar prepared from fruits. 70 10 P. (quzfa) 1 To contrut. -2 To close, shrink. wa: [ 7-fi, nitafa a 71-39 alya Ty. ] 1 The mango tree; & : #1919 1911 V. 2.7; EGUNETTETTH41940%: Ku. 3.32; one of the 5 arrows of Cupid ; see aa -4 The anus. -Comp. -: The mango branch. cUtayaSTayA samAzliSTo dRzyatAM tilakadrumaH | Bu. Ch. 4. 46. ah: 1 The mango tree. -2 A small well. afa: f. The anus. 74 A. (haa) To burn. 0, A small well. 10 U. ( afa-, trofa) 1 To reduce to powder, pulverize, pound. - To bruise, crush. :, -of ( tia 349] 1 Powder. -2 Flour. -3 Dust; 09154 Cut-247 9291 59 Ram. 1. 171.3. -4 Aromatic powder, pounded sandal, camphor &c; hafa fanato quare: Me. 68. -OT: 1 Chalk. -2 Lime. -3 Pounding. -Comp. Fr: a limeburner. reti a curl, curly hair; HH # marat gufahawaf: Vikr.4.2. vsi, -134 1 gravel, pebble. -2 lime-stone nodule. - a peculiar exercise, walking backwards and forwards. -re: vermilion. -yre: f. a handful of perfume or powder. - : perfumed powder. TTET: It is the king of powders containing eight parts of asafoetida' and twentyseven parts bdellium '; Matanga. L. 11. 49. uf: [ af * ] 1 Grain fried and pounded. -2 A species of silk-cotton tree (Tetragte); gaat Feja 4: ht: Ram. 4. 1. 80. - 1 A fragrant powder. -2 A style of prose-composition which is easy, does not contain hard letters, and has very few compounds; 3 HTE Tua fas: Chand. M. 6. -8 Explaining in prose the purport of a foregoing verse. Ta Crushing, pounding. afo:, -off f. 1 Pounding, powder. -2 A sum of hundred cowries. -3 N. of Patanjali's Mahabhasya on the Sutras of Panini. - A selection of an unanswerable argument.-Comp. m. 1 an epithet of Patanjali. -2 an annotator, commentator. 1011 1 Grain fried and powdered. -2 A style of prose composition. irta 4. 1 Pounded, pulverized. -2 Crushed, bruised, smashed, shattered to pieces; Ku. 5. 24. afora a. Made or mixed up with anything powdered. offs 8 U. 1 To reduce to powder, pound, grind. -2 To bruise, smash. ory 1 P. To becomu dust, fly off into minute particles. qat: f. Going. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 716 caitasika : Hair. - 1 An upper room. -2 A crest. -31 at T 1 A village, town. -2 A suburb town inThe crest of a comet; cf. 731. ha bited by weavers; a aftur at I am: Kamikagama 20. 15. 16; also Mana. 10. 85--88. OTH A cake of flour fried with ghee. 1 P. (aa) 1 To go, move. -2 To shake, be Tot a. Having a crest. disturbed, tremble. fet ( og 18: ] 1 The crest or FCH 1 A garment; FFHTUT 415 qara comb of a cock. -2 The root of an elephant's ear. Jagannatha. -2 (At the end of comp.) Bad, wicked, Matanga. L. 6. 9. -3 In dramas) The hinting or in vile; 121 H 'a bad wife.' -Comp.-31127: a moth. dication of the occurrence of any event by characters - ind. So as to wet the clothes (rain) P.III.4.33. behind the stage; ratafiae: YTT S. D. -TST N. of a river near Gokarna. Ta piece torn 810; e. g. in the beginning of the 4th Act of My.-4 The off from a garment; vipannaM galamudhya dRDhayA celacIrayA Raja crest (?) of a bow; 998 791 277907 horar anunft Fitz || Dhanur. 118. T. 4. 574. -AUFT*, - a T a washerman; at silos at fat Ms. 4. 216. TT 1P. (gla, a ) To drink, suck up or out. 1 1 A bodice. -2 Silk-cloth. 1 1 A leathern girth (for an elephant). -2 Suck F: A Buddhist novice. ing. -3 A girdle. 1. P. ( ) To go or move. -2 To shake, Tore ( for 047 ] Any article of food to be tremble. sucked. 1 A. (Ha, a) 1 To move about, stir, be TT 1 Sucking, -2 Inflammation in medicine). -8 active, show signs of life; 211 rafa ad aga TT Drying up. Ms. 1. 52; Mal. 8. 8; S. 6. 27. --2 To make effort, TUH Sucking, suction. endeavour, exert oneself, struggle. -8 To perform, do 21544= 70q. v. (anything ). -4 To frequent. -8 To behave, act. With f 1 to stir, move, be in motion, move a bout. -2 to I. 6 P. (gara ) 1 To hurt, kill. -2 To tie, bind act, behave. or connect together. -II. 1. P., 10 P. (dra, ya) To light, kindle. TCH 1 Moving the limbs, gesture ; -2 Acting. area: 1 An epithet of Siva. -2 N. of a Yadava av a. 99.00] Making efforts. A particuprince, who fought on the side of the Pandavas in the lar mode of sexual enjoyment or coitus. great war. -a. One who sees; ach H 1 Motion.-2 Effort, exertion. -3 Perform37 Bhag. 6. 16. 48. ing, doing #: (:) [ 317, at 2 3:] A servant; 953 [ag-3 ] 1 Motion, movement; EGET R. garzazat eta gaat: Ks. 6. 127. 2. 43; PHEATER ARTIQETUA H. 3; Mal. 5.7. -2 C: 1 A servant, slave; any one who does a set Gesture, action; ceSTayA bhASaNena ca netravaktravikAraizca lakSyate' id : Ms. 8. 26.-3 Effort, exertion.-4 Behaviour task. -2 A paramour. Pt. 1. 150. -5 Action, deed, performing. 1 T: desare (13) #T, as: (et) (ft) 8. A fernale slave or truction of the world.- T TH observing a person's servant. movements. ind. If, provided that, although never used at arga p. p. [ag-udf ] Moved, stirred &c. - the beginning of a sentence); 37 Taifa ataamua 1 Motion, gesture, act. -2 Doing, action, behaviour; cat a ante PH: Bv. 1. 44; Ku. 4. 9; sfat - Teretana gabah R. 4.68; 143 argan 'if it be urged that ......we reply) not so frequently Ms. 2. 4 doing or work. used in controversial works ); a dai Sam dRSTaM kartRtvamiti cennaS. B; atha ced but if. 2 912: ] 1 Spirit, life, intelligence, vitality, sensation. -2 Soul, spirit, mind; U. 1. 36. al: m. (pl.) N. of a country; eta agiai pai- -3 Consciousness, feeling, sensation, sense; U. 1. 48. FTHTHA AT Si. 2. 95, 63. -Comp. -urai, m., -4 (In Vedanta phil.) The Supreme Spirit considered -TTT m., -TTT: N. of Sisupala, son of Damaghosa as the essence of all being and source of all sensation. and king of the Chedis; Si. 2. 96; see i t . -Comp. eft f. N. of a Ragini. --: N. of a modern 1 m. (21.) The Chedis; situaziarah- reformer of the Vaisnava faith. 317 Bri. S. 14. 8. aff a. Relating to the mind, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra caina caita . [ cittasyedam aN ] Belonging to the mind, mental. Memory. caittika a. Mental, intellectual. caitya a. Relating to a pile. The individual soul. syam 1 The ant-hill nAgadetoH suparNena caityamunmathitaM vacA Ram. 4. 19. 24. 2 A pile of stones forming a landmark. 8 A monument, tomb-stone. -4 A sacrificial shed; devasthAneSu caityeSu nAgAnAmAlayeSu ca Mb. 3. 190.67; caityazatai: Ram. 2.100.485 prAsAdagopura sabhA caityadeva fty Bhag. 9.11. 27. -6 A place of religious worship, altar, sanctuary. -6 A temple. -7 A reflection. -8 A religious fig-tree or any tree growing by the side of streets; caityayUpAGkitA bhUmiryasyeyaM savanAkarA Mb. 1. 1. 229; Me. 23 (Malli.) Comp. -: sacred fire, Panch. 1. 6. -,,T: a fig-tree standing on a sacred spot. - the guardian of a sanctuary. a hermit's water-pot. - caitraH [vi] citrameva svArthe aNU viprAyAM bhayaH agU yA ] 1 N. of a lunar month in which the full moon stands in the constellation Chitra (corresponding to MarchApril). -2 A Buddhist mendicant. -3 One of the seven ranges of mountains dividing the continent into Varsas. A temple, monument for the dead. -Comp. f. the full-moon-day of Chaitra. -sakhaH an epithet of the god of love. w: The month 4. caitraH, caitrikaH, caitrin . The month called Chaitra. The day of full-moon in the month of Chaitra. caitraratham ( - dhyam) N. of the garden of Kubera ; eko yayau caitraratha pradezAna, saurAjyaramyAnaparo vidarbhAn R. 5. 60. caidya N. of Sivupala abhicaivaM pratiSThAsuH Si. 2. 1. ; caila a. Made of cloth. -lam A piece of cloth, garment. A month. Comp. 37: A goblin feeding on moths Ms. 12. 72. - a washerman; jIpativetmanAm V. 1. 164. : A Buddhist mendicant. #fer: A piece of cloth. a. arter 1 Pure, clean; eg Ms. 3. 207. -2 Hooot anarguptAraH svAthyokSaH syAdapUNI nRpaH Mb. 12. 70. 8. -3 Clever, dexterous, skilful. -4 Pleasing, agreeable, delightful. -6 Sharp, pungent, keen. 1 A bark, rind. -2 Skin, hide. -3 The cocoa-nut. - The uneatable part of a fruit. - The fruit of the fan-palm. -6 A plantain. bocaka A bark in gomarnl. tet A petticoat. 716 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir cyavanam coDa: A bodice; coDI also. colaH m. pl.) [] karmaNi dham ] N. of oountry in southern India, the modern Tanjore.,1 A short jacket, a bodice. -2 A garment reaching to the feet. A garment. Comp. -3 a diadem, turban. 1 A breast-plate. -2 A bark-dress. -3 A bodice. Bark, rind. afm. 1 A soldier armed with a breast-plate. -2 The orange tree. -3 The wrist. The shoot of a bamboo. (): A fillet for the head, a turban, tiara or diadem. coska: An excellent horse. after lovely. cauDa (DI), caula ( sI . ) . [ buDA prayojanamasya To: Crested. -2 Relating to tonsure. - Dam, lam The ceremony of tonsure. cUDA0 a. 1 Pure, clean. 2 Pleasant, agreeable, of a. (A pearl) obtained in the river near the Kerala country; Kan. A. 2. 11. 1 Theft, robbery. - Trickery. -3 Secrecy, concealment. Comp. - secret sexual enjoyment; Pt. 1. 174. ff. the habit of robbery. Theft, stealing. g I. 1 A. (a, ya) 1 To fall or drop down, slip, sink (fig. also); S. 2. 8. -2 To come out of, flow or issue from, drop, trickle or stream forth from; ened famfaerge R. 3. 58; Bk. 9. 71.3 To deviate or swerve from, fall off or away from, leave (duty &c.); (with abl.) and M. 7.981 12. 71-72.-4 To lose, be deprived of; : Bk. 3. 20; 7.92. 5 To vanish, disappear, perish, be at an end; R. 8. 66; Ms. 12. 96. -8 To decrease. -7 To bring about, make, form, create. -8 To cause to go away, cause to forget. -Caus. (-a) 1 To cause to move, excite, agitate. -2 (A.) To move oneself, be shaken or moved. -8 To remove, drive away, expel. To deprive, take away; Pt. 1. 240. 5 To cause to fall. II. 10 P. (af) 1 To suffer, bear. -2 To laugh. For Private and Personal Use Only : N. of a Risi (son of Bhrigu, author of Rv. 10. 19.). 1 Moving, motion. -2 Being deprived of, loss; deprivation. -8 Dying, perishing. 4 Sinking, falling. -8 Departure, deviation. -8 Flowing, trickling. Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir cyavAna 717 sara a. Moving, active; qara gufa toy Rv. 6. 62. 7. -m. N. of a kisi restored to youth by the Asvins; 2 4914 70 grari 4: Tat# Rv. 1. 117. 13. su1977 a. Causing to fall; 37 atata scint a faraf: Mb. 12. 43. 9. a Expulsion, driving away. sya p. (7-71 77- 9] 1 Fallen down, slipped, fall... -2 Removed, expelled. -3 Strayed, erred, deviated from. -4 Deprived. - Broken, disordered. -8 Dropped, oozed out. -7 Lost, gone, perished ; R.3 15.-8 Moved, shaken. -9 (also -5t) Free quarters in connection with temples. -Comp. - ATT a. dismissed from office. - HT a. of a depraved soul, evil-minded ; Ku. 5. 81. syfa: 1. [ - ]1 Falling down, a fall. -2 Deviation from. -8 Dropping, oozing.-4 Losing, deprivation ; leyfa ein Ku. 3. 10. -8 Vanishing, perish- ing. -8 The vulva. -7 The anus. -8 Quick motion. 54T 1 P. (zutafa) 1 To drop, flow, ooze, trickle, stream forth; idaM zoNitamabhyagraM saMprahAre'cyutattayoH Bk. 6.28. -2 To drop or fall down, slip; +994 ata Bk. 6. 29. -3 To cause to drop or steam forth. -4 To wet thoroughly, moisten. s a 1 Sprinkling, pouring. -2 Dropping, falling, -3 Trickling, oozing. 49: The face, mouth. syy 10 P. ( zala) 1 To laugh. -2 To suffer. -3 To leave. -4 To hurt, kill. - To loose. ya: The mango tree. CT a. [ 7 7] 1 Animating, enlivening. yat z a fazalth Ry. 10. 50. 4. -2 A goer. -3 Oviparous.-4 Abandoned; wicked, void of virtue. - 1 Shaking, concussion; giza 17912 Pa Ry. 6. 18. 8. -2 Enterprise; a qurat Rv.1.173. 4.-3 Management. -4 Strength. 2.1 Pure, clean. -2 Trembling, unsteady. -39: 1 A part, fragment. -2 Cutting, dividing. Enm. says: 3: 4: -31 1 Covering, concealing. -2 An infant, a child. -3 Quick-silver. -4 The number seven; ibid. -H A house; 34ra a FATIS gani ibid. Nm. says: '3 gratias a saMvRtau pumAn / triSvayaM nirmale nitye maline bhedake'pi ca / / ESHT: (-oft.) A gont. EGUT:, -OTH Dry cow-dung. C: 1 A goat. -2 N. of the sage Atri. -8 N. of a country. T, A she-goat. A blue cloth. Comp. -3471fit, -322: a wolf. eg : A goat. 32T 1 Mass, lump, number, assemblage; H1321f aa Si. 1. 74; Mal. 10. 10. -2 A collection of rays of light, lustre, splendour, light; 14: 47 agafter i : Raj. T. 5. 333; Si. 8. 38; Mal. 5. 23. -3 A continuous line, streak; glatiegegT K. P. 1. -Comp. -TRT lightning. - : the betel-nut tree. 9: A mushroom. - 1 A parasol, an umbrella; STEARATH : TT 399# AR. 3. 16; Ms. 7,96-2 Concealing the fault of one's teacher. Comp. -ETT, ER: the bearer of an umbrella.-ETCUT 1 carry. ing or bearing an umbrella; Ms. 2.178. - 2 carrying an umbrella as a type of royal authority. -ota: 1 a king over whom an umbrella is carried as a mark of dignity, a sovereign, emperor. -2 N. of an ancient king in 79019.- 1 'destruction of the royal parasol', loss of dominion, deposition. -2 dependence. -3 wilfulness. -4 a forlorn condition, widowhood. 97: 1 A temple in honour of Siva. -2 A beshive of a conical form. -3 A king-fisher. - Mushroom. - A mushroom. 971, T1: A mushroom; Ms. 5. 19; Y. 1. 176; also 821 . sf The bearer of an umbrella I a. (-oft s.) Having or bearing an umbrella. -m. A barber. -Comp. Prer: 'the manner of applying the term to a king', permitted synonym; Mbh. 3. 19. chatrIka To use as a parasol; chatrIkRtyaikamambujam Ks.69.150. grat: 1 A house. -2 A bower, arbour. 5 10 U. (ezfaa, syfa-, 32, 3fea) 1 To cover, cover over, veil; 64239 Me. 76; 79: defensar: - faizad Me. 90; gara:... 1919: Me. 18. -2 To spread anything (as a cover, cover oneself. - To hide, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra chadaH conceal; Pt. 1. 287; (fig.); keep secret; chAdayante sAdhava: Mb.: unnaM doSamudAharanti Mk. 9.1. chadaH, chadanam 1 A covering, cover; alpacchada, uttara: Si. 16. 50; - N. 2. 69.-3 A leaf. -4 A sheath, case; Bhag. 3. 21. 18. Comp. : &c. 2 A wing; gozel af the Bhurja tree. chadiH /., -chadis . [ chad -ki is vA ] 1 The roof of a carriage. -2 The roof or thatch of a house. chadman . [ chAyate kharUpamanena; chad-manin Up. 4. 144] 1 A deceptive dress, a disguise. -2 A plea, pretext, guise; brahmachadmA sAmasAraH Mv. 2. 25; palitachadmanA jarA R. 12. 2; Si. 2. 21; kuto'nyathA sravatyeSa vedacchadmAmRtadravaH Ratn. 2. 17. -8 Fraud, dishonesty, trick; taifa ga U. 1. 46; Ms. 4. 199; 9. 72. -4 The thatch or roof of a house. -Comp. -tApasaH a religious hypocrite. - rUpeNa ind. incognito, in disguise. -a m. a player, a cheat, one dressed in disguise. a. efect (-) [] 1 Fraudulent, deceit ful. 2 Disguised (at the end of comp.); e. g. - af disguised as a Brahmana. a. [-] 1 Covered. -2 Hidden, conceal. ed, secret &c.; see . -3 Desolate, solitary. 4 Private. -nam A secret; vAgurAcchannamAzritya mRgANAmiSyate vadhaH / : Abhiseka. 1. 19. A kind of necklace; Mana. 50. 35-36. ind. An imitative sound, expressive of the noise of falling drops &c.; chanacchaniti bASpakaNAH patanti Amaru. 86. (chamacchamiti v. 1. ) 10 U. (zafa-a, fa) 1 To please, gratify. -2 To persuade, coax. 3 To cover. -4 To be delighted in. [-] 1 Plessing, fascinating, inviting. alluring. 2 Private, solitary, secret. -3 Praising. m. 1 Wish, desire, fancy, liking, will; fart devI yaste chanda iti V. 3 just as you like; Pt. 1. 69. ete te mRtyunA ye ciramanavasitA zchandaM mRgayatA Pratimi. 3. 7. -2 Free will, one's own choice, whim, free or wilful conduct; SaSThe kAle tvamapi divasasyAtmanazchandavartI V. 2. 1; Git. 1; Y. 2. 195; according to one's free will, independently. -3 (Hence) subjection, control. -4 Meaning, intention, purport. 5 Poison. -8 Appearance, look, shape. -7 Pleasure, delight. -Comp. -, -fer indulgence of whims, humouring, compliance. A religious hypocrite. L. D. B. - 1 An epithet of Vasudeva. -2 A protector. a. Pleasing, charming. chandas n. [ chandayati asun] 1 Wish, desire, faney, will pleasure] ( [paDIyAna) mUrkha chando'nujena bAdhAyena paNDinam ... 718 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir chalaH Chap. 33. -2 Free will, free or wilful conduct. -3 Meaning, intention. -4 Fraud, trick, deceit. -8 The Vedas, the sacred text of the Vedic hymns; a FepatirAdyaHchandasAM yaH prayoktA . 3. 48; bahulaM chandasi frequently used by Panini; R. 1. 11; Y. 1. 143; Ms. 4.95. -8 A metre; S. 4; Bg. 10.35; 13. 4. -7 Metrical science, prosody (regarded as one of the six Vedangas or auxiliaries to the Vedas, the other five being re, kalpa, vyAkaraNa, nirukta and jyotiSa ) - 8 A metrical composi tion.... mayA kAvyAni tanvatA chando vinirmitaM tasmin kRtaH sarvasya saMgraha: Parpal. 1. 23 - 8 A festival; vede vAkye vRttabhede utsave'pi napuMsakam | Nm. -Comp. -kRtam any metrical part of the Vedas or other sacred compositions; - ditena vidhinA nityaM chandaskRtaM paThet M. 4. 100. ga (chandogaH) 1 a reciter in metre. -2 a student or chanter of the Samaveda ; Ms. 3. 145; (chandogaH sAmavedAdhyAyI) - 8 The Samaveda ; sAmnAM jaiminaye prAha tathA chandogasaMhitAm Bhag. 12. 6. 53. a violation of the laws of metre. -faferia: f. 'examination of metres', N. of a work on metres, sometimes ascribed to Dandin: fafrai sakalastatprapaJco nidarzita: Kav. 1. 12 vRttam : metre in general.m. N. of Aruna. a. Vod. 1 Fit for hymns, metrical. -2 Made at will. sandita a. Gratified, pleased. 3. Ved. Plessing, lovely. 34 1 P. (f) To eat, consume. f An imitative word for the sound of 'crackling', or ' rattling'. 3: 1 An orphan. -2 A single man; one who has no relative. cham 1, 10 P. (mpati, champayana) To go, move. Hind. So as to fail; Ks. 12. 4; 23. 1. chambaTkara a. Ruining; eSA ghoratamA sandhyA lokalamba (v. 1. mpha) TUkarI prabho Bhag. 3. 18. 26. chambaTkAraH Ruin, destruction. -ram ind. (only neg . ) 18 acchambadUkAram 50 as not to make Q failure; Ts. 5. 4. 7. 4. charda 10 U. (chardayati, chardita) To vomit. at, atan, off:ff Vomiting, sickness. chardis / [ charda bhAve iti ] 1 Vomiting. -2 A secure place or residence; pra no yacchatAdavakaM pRthu cchardiH Rv. 1. 48.15. -3 A house; : * Rv. 8. 9. 11. For Private and Personal Use Only BO, CH-311 Fraud, trick, deceit, deception; vidmahe zaTha palAyanacchalAni R. 19.31; chalamatra na gRhyate Mk. 9. 18; Y. 1. 61; Ms. 8. 49, 187; Amaru. 16; Si, 13. 11. Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir chalaka 719 chAyA -2 Roguery, knavery. -3 A plea, pretext, guise, semblance (often used in this sense to denote an utprakSA); asurakSAhi bahucchalAH dhiyaH Ki.2.30; parikhAvalayacchalena yA na / pareSAM grahaNasya gocarA N.2.95%3 pratyaya pUjAmupadAcchalena R.7.30%; 6.54; 16.283 Bk. 1.1; Amaru. 15; Mal. 9.1. -4 Intention. -Wickedness. -6 A family. -7 Design, device. -8 Fiction, cireumvention. -9 Deceitful disputation, perverting the sense of words%3 vidharmaH paradharmazca AbhAsa upamA chalaH / adharmazAkhAH paJcemA dharmajJo'dharmavat tyajet Bhag.7.15.12.-10 Difficult subject; brahma hi pracuracchalam Mb. 12.328.6. chalaka u. Delusive, cheating. chalayati Den. P. To outwit, deceive, cheat; baliM chalayate Git. 1; zaivAlalolAMzchalayanti mInAn R. 16.61; Bg. 10. 36; Amaru. 41. chalikam A kind of drama, or dancing, a song consisting of four parts and recited with gesticulation; chalikaM duSprayojyamudAharanti M.2. - chalanam, -nA[chal Nic bhAve lyuT]1 Deceiving, chesting, outwitting; athopapatti chalanAparo'parAm Si. 1.69. -2 Fraud, trick. chalita u. Cheated, deceived &c. -tam Deceiving, cheating. chalin m. A cheat, swindler, rogue. chaliH,-llI/.[chadU-kkiptA lAti lA-ka gaurA vIS] 1 Bark, rind. -2 Aspreading creeper. -3 Offspring, progeny, / posterity; challI vIrudhi santAne valkale kusumAntare Medini. chaviH . [chapati asAraM chinatti tamo vA cho-vi kicca vA p cf. Un. 4. 56) 1 Hue, colour of the skin, complexion; himakarodayapANDumukhacchaviH R.9.38; chaviH pANDurA S. 3. 10%; Mo. 33: U.6.27. -2 Colour in general. -3 Beauty, splendour, brilliance; chavikaraM mukhacUrNamRtudhiyaH R.9.45. -4 Light, lustre. -B Skin, hide; lohitArdIkRtacchaviH Mb. 12.149.7. chavillAkara: N. of a historian of Kashmir; ye'pyazokAdayaH paJca zrIchavillAkaro'bravIt Raj. T. 1. 19. chaS 1 U. (chaSati-te ) Tro hurt, injure, kill. chAga 3. (gI/.) Relating to a goat or she goat; Y.1.258. -:(gI ) 1A goat; brAhmaNazchAgato yathA (vabhitaH) H.4.58; Ms. 3. 269; chAgo vA mantravarNAta Ms.6. 8.31. -2 The sigm Aries of the zodiac. -3 A horse whose movements have been cut off : yazchinnagamano'zvaH sa chAgaH / chidegamezca chAgazabdaH prsiddhH| SB. on MS. 6.8.36. gam 1 The milk of a 'she-goat.-2 An oblation. -Comp. -bhojin m. a wolf. -mukha: an epithet of Kartikeya.. -rayaH, -vAhana: an epithet of Agmi, the god of fire. .'chAgaNaH A fire of dried cowdung. chAgala .(-lI/.) Coming from or relating to a goat. -la: A goat. chAgikA A she goat. 317 a. 1 Cut, divided. -2 Feuble, thin, emaciated (.p. of choq.v.). svacchandocchaladacchakacchakuharacchAtetarAmbucchaTA K. P.1.1. chAtraH [chatraM gurorvaiguNyAvaraNaM zIlamasya Sk.; chatrANa ] A pupil, disciple. -tram A kind of honey. -Comp. -gaNDaH in indifferent poetical scholar, knowing only the beginnings of stanyas. -darzanam fresh butter prepared from milk one day old. -vyaM saka roguish or dullwitted pupil. chAtrakam Honey in the comb or hive. chAdam [chad-ac ] A thatch, rook. chAdanam [chad-lyuT] 1 A cover, sereon (fig. also); vinirmitaM chAdanamajJatAyAH Bh.2.7.-2 Concealing. -3 A leaf. -4 Clothing. --5 Darkening. -- Hide, skin. chAdita u.See chana. chAnika . [chadmanA carati vyavaharati Thak ] Fraudulent. -ka: A rogue; Ms. 4. 105. chAndasa . (-sI.) [chandaH adhIte vetti vA pakSe aN] 1 Vedic, peculiar to the Vedas%3 as chAndasaH prayogaH, -2 Studying or familiar with the Vedas. -3 Metrical. - 1 A Brabmana versed in the Vedas. -2 The Vedas; manye tvAM viSaye vAcA snAtamanyatra chAndasAt Bhag. chAndasIya / Metrical, familiar with metres. chAndomika .. Belonging to the chandomas (28 day or sUkta). chAyA [cho- Unt. 109] 1 Shinde, shadow (changed at the end of Tat. comp. into chAyam when bAhulya or thickness of shade is meant; e.g. ikSucchAyaniSAdinyaH R.4.20%307.4; 12.50%; Mu. 4.21); chAyAmadhaH sAnugatAM niSevya Ku. 1.5%B6.46%3 anubhavati hi mUrnA pAdapastIvramuSNaM zamayati paritApaM chAyayA saMzritAnAm 5.5.7; R. 1.7532.6; 3.70; Ne.67.-2 A reflected image, a reflection; chAyA na mUrchati malopahataprasAde zuddha tu darpaNatale sulabhAvakAzAS.7.32.-3Resenblance, likeness ; kSityAdInAmihArthAnAM chAyA na katamApi hi Bhag. 7. 15. 59. -4 A shadowy fancy, hallucination; asatA chAyayoktAya sadAbhAsAya te namaH Bhag.8.3.14.-8 Blending of colours. -6Lustre, light; bhraSTazca svarayogo me chAyA cApagatA mama Ram. 2.69.20. chAyAmaNDalalakSyaNa R.4.53; ratnacchAyAvyatikaraH Me. 15,35. -7 Colour; Mal. 6.5. -8 Colour of the face, complexion; kevalaM lAvaNyamayI chAyA tvAM na muJcati 5.33 medhairantaritaH priye tava mukhacchAyAnukArI zazI S.D.; Pt. 5.88. -9 Beauty kSAmacchAyaM bhavanam Me.80, 101. 10 Protection. -11 A row, line. -12 Darkness%3 (meta phorically) Avidya; chAyAtapau yatra na gRdhrapakSI Bhag.8.5.27.-13 A bribe. -14N. of Durga. -18 The For Private and Personal Use Only Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir chAyaka 720 chinna shadow of a gnomon as indicating the sun's position. -16 The Sun. -17 Nightmare. -18 N. of a wife of the sun she was but a shadow or likeness of the wife of the sun; consequently when I went to her father's house without the knowledge of her husband, she put 6141 in her own place. I bore to the sun three children: - two sons Savarni and Sani, and one daughter Tapani). -19 A Sanskrit version of a Prakrit text. -20 The Ganges; L. D. B.-21 Method; L. D. B.-22 A servant's chit; L. D. B. : One who grants shade. -Comp. 35: the moon. -STICA m. a reflected image or form. T: the bearer of an umbrellar. -96: a mirror, or a sun-dial; aratat 298 Cart: Raj. T. 3. 154. -72, - , -TICHIT: Saturn, son of $14. - :-#: 1 a large umbrageous tree; 21 cuft af Me. 1; $. 4. 11. -2 The Nameru tree; 31417217HTI FATI Nm. -facit a. 'accompanied only by one's shadow', alone. -To: the galaxy, the atmosphere; R. 13. 2. 90 m. the moon. - AT: the moon. (-) a measure of shadow. He a parasol. -TTT: the moon. -yantram a sun-dial; chAyAmbuyantrasaMvidite Bri. 8. 2. 3. 147 a. Causing nightmare, dark like shadow; et areal 81475167 99917 Av. 8. 6. 21. 5171T a. Reflected, shadowy. 313,- Bark; a bark-garment. feg: 1. [31-7deg ] Abuse, reproach. fel Sneezing. fegat a. See 317 FEST 7 U. (Fift, fa, fata, 31+, 35 31789, 29, fea) 1 To cut, cut or lop off, how, mow, tear, pierce, break asunder, rend, split, divide; # fografia Tati Bg. 2. 23; R. 12. 80; Ms. 4. 69, 70; 9. 276; Y. 2. 302. -2 To disturb, interrupt (as sleep). -3 To remove, drive off, destroy, quell, annihilate; curt fee Bh. 2. 77; TT ru fola mai muafa Mb; rAghavo rathamaprAptAM tAmAzAM ca suradviSAm / ardhacandramukhairvANaizciTEST haga 11 R. 12. 96; Ku. 7. 16. - To take away, remove, deprive of; a faz fogja S. B. we do not lose anything (cf. L. scindo ). fare: f. [fy-rena) Cutting, dividing. fescarc a. ( f.) [for.caq geloa: ] 1 Fit for cutting. -2 Hostile, fraudulent, roguish. 4. (At the end of comp.) Cuttiny, dividing, dostroying, removing, splitting &c.; HT2144791H R. 5.6; T T u M. 2.8. -m. The divisor, denominator. Rega. [f89-) 1 Indra's thunder bolt. -2 A diamond. fogar Cutting, dividing. for f. 1 An axe. -2 Indra's thunderbolt. -3 ! Cutting off. fet: [fr- Un. 1. 1] 1 An axe. -2 A sword. -8 Fire. -4 A rope, cord. Regt a. [187 ] 1 Cutting, dividing, removing; Si. 6. 8. -2 Easily breaking.-3 Broken, disorderod, deranged; ma a fost sa ET: R. 16.62. -4 Hostile. -5 Roguish, knavish. fez a [f-TE, fez-317 21) Pierced, containing holes. - 4 1 A hole, slit, cleft, fissure, rent, pit, opening, crack; fearfor arra utafa I Y.3.99; Ms. 8. 239; 377 T a rzana: Mk.2. 9; BO 18deg, Ho &c. -2 A defect, flaw, blemish; safe for paracchidrANi pazyasi / Atmano bilbamAtrANi pazyannapi na pazyasi / / Mb; galitan u 93 314 fezahar Ram. 7. 36. 39. -3 A vulnerable or weak point, weak side, imperfection, foible; we fez a fanfaits qui TT alta THTH: 11 Ms. 7. 105, 102; fex faeca HEFT 47: H. 1. 81. (where for means a hole also ); Pt. 3. 39: Pt. 2. 38; Proverb: facaayf aghHafa misfortunes never come single '. -4 Astr.) N. of the eighth house. -5 Division; watofa19 Kau. A. 2. 2; -6 Space; waai fezarea aferacaa 7 Bhag. 3. 26.34. -7 Sky; arata furiavuutagaiaatta Bhag. 12. 4. 30. -Comp. -3ystaa, -gurata, -gefta, safataa. 1 looking out for faults or flaws. -2 seeking the weak points of another, picking holes, censorious; ut geta fengiah Pt.1. -TFCT m. a cane, reed. TTCHT a. one who exposes his weak points to the attack of others. Fof a. having the ear pierced. -atat a. 1 exhibiting faults. 2 weeking the weak points. - 17 a. observiny faults, a captious critic. fecula Den. P. To perforate, bore, pierce through. fsiga a. [fet FAROT ] 1 having holes. - Bored, perforated. Port = feat q. v. fga p. p. [F-R ] 1 Cut, divided, rent, chopped, riven, torn, broken. - Destroyed, removed; neef -3 Decaying, declining. -4 Exhausted, tired, fatigued. - A whore, harlot. -Comp. - a. shorn, shaven. A: a riven tree. a. whose doubt is dispelled. AI a. noseless. - a. cut up through and through, mutilated, mangled, cut up. HET, HET a. deca pitated. (RIT, - a headless form of Durga. - a. cut up by the roots ; R. 7. 43. -Jatet: a kind of asthma. TT a. one whose doubt is dispelled ', free from doubt, confirmed. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 721 4.1 Cutter. -2 A wood-cuter. -8 destroying, removing doubts &c.) 37: [ foc Ha 99 3791] 1 Cutting, felling down, breaking down, dividing; 31 Ekraat 9941: Ku. 2. 41; 801 TA ET A M. . 4; R. 14. 1; Ms. 8. 270, 370; Y. 2. 223, 240.-2 Solviny, removing, dissipating, clearing; as in 19=96.-3 Destruction, interruption; Agnes Mu. 3.21. -4 Cessation, end, terinination, disappearance as in EC S. 2. 5. - A distinguishing mark. -6 A cut, an incision, cleft. -7 Deprivation, want, deficiency. -8 Failure; Hata E S. 6. -9 A piece, bit, cut, fragments section; fantu r a: Me. 11, 59; & qrs: *9*: Mal. 1. 22; Ku. 1. t; $. 3. 6; R. 12. 100. -10 (In math.) A divisor, the denominator of a fraction. -Comp. : a wood-cutter. 3 . [foz-oz] Cutting off, dividing &c. - The denominator of a fraction. AT a. [fac ma ] 1 Cutting asunder, dividing splitting. - Dostroying, solving, removing. - Cutting, tearing, cutting off, splitting, dividing; Ms. 8. 280, 292, 322.-2 A section, portion, bit, part. -3 Destruction, removal. - 4 Division. - A medicine for removing the humours of the body. le a: [ Pop-57 ] 1 Cutting. -2 Breaking. -: 1 A carpenter. -2 Indra's thunderbolt. ora a. Cut, divided, split &e. i a. 1 Cutting or tearing off, dividing; STEHET qua Ms. 4. 71. -2 Destroying, renoving. 20 p.y. [fe-047 ] To be cut or divided, divisible. -14 Amputation goey: A kind of animal; israr 59141 T 3: TEHT Bri. S. 86. 37. chucchukabhaTTaH N. of the author of laghuvRtti on Katyayana. got: (- f.) The musk-rat: Y. 3. 213; Ms. 12. 65 (Mar.f t ). 6. 10. P. (pafa, grafat) To cut, clip off. 56 P. (gla) To cover, hide, screen. [ - go ] 1 Retaliation, counteraction. -2 A ray of light). 6 P. (gula) To touch. Egy: a. [Lift #, #91) Activo, zealous, swift. -9: 1 Touch. -2 A shrub, bush. -3 Combat, war. -4 Air, wind. chubukam Ved. The chin; karNAbhyAM chucukAdadhi Rv. 10. 163. 1. See fag. ... .... XI. I P. (Erfa, gfta) 1 To cut, divide. -2 To engrave.-II. 6 P. (grla, gita) 1 To cover, smear, daub, inlay, coat, envelop. -2 To internix. -Caux. (arrafa, grafat) 1 To inlay, set with mosaic ornaments. -2 To overspread. -3 To besmear'; Mal. 9. 30. churitam A cut, a scratch ; urojasImni charitaM vitanvatI kSitIzvare sA'kRta mandasItkRtam Ram. Ch.2.72. TOTA 1 Smearing, anointing; a HA=3707921 fraries24 K. P. 10. -2 Overspreading; U. 6. t. 37 [94-] Lime. churikA A knitbe; tAn dRSTvA nRpatiH kopAdakRSTachuriko'tha saH Ks. 12. 21. fta p. p. -] 1 Set, inlaid. -2 Overspread, coated, covered over with; 319 leftaret: Si. 3.4.7; Efeugiaga K. 10. -3 Blended, intermixed; Urugftaty=84 Si. 1.22. - 4 Besmeared, anointed; Ve. 1. 1. -5 Cut. syet, gftat, ght A knife. eftfil f. A barren cow; nigarandere afara Ms. 8. 325. I. 1 P., 10 U. (gefa, gafa-a) To kindle. -II. 7 P. (golt, 39) 1 To play. -2 To shine. -8 To vomit. -Caus. ( fa ) 1 To pour out, eject, vomit. -3 To kindle, light. 874 1 P., 10 U. (adra, adala-a) To bey, request. 3th u. 1-aro Tv.] 1 Tame, domesticated as a beast). -2 Citizen, town-bred. -3 Shrewd, trained in the acuteness and vice of towns. - 1 A bee. -2 A kind of 317918. See below. -Comp. -ITATE: one of the five kinds of 317918 s, 'the single alliteration', which is a similarity occurring once or singly ) and in moro than one way among a collection of consonants; c. AdAya bakulagandhAnandhIkurvan pade pade bhramarAna / ayameti mandamandaM kAverIaftaran: 49: II S. D. 631. -B ara: . a figure of speech; one of the varieties of 34921d. The Chandraloka thus defines and illustrates it:--chekApaDatiranyasya zaGkAtastasya faga | 9464774EUR WH: 7: fa a la T: 5. 27.-31: f. insinuation, double entenlre. 3, a. = * q. v. HE: An orphan. 5054: A goat. (6) The vault of the foundation-pit ; Kanoikagama 31. 74-75. chaidikaH A cane. 1 + P. ( fa, 347817-34581417, 31a, or fet, -caus. 31441) To cut, out asunder, mow, reap; Bk. 14. 101; 15. 40. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir chAta 722 jagala 17 a. emaciated (p. p. from 51 a bove); slaatiegTEET K. P. 1. 4. GIFEFT Snapping the thumb and fore-finger together (Mar. 32-t); ar rada avut Etavat efekts: Ks. 65. 211; sfa Ofertaifa Ratn. 3 (between verses 9 and 10). team. [rofa] A fisherman. STTUTH Abandoning, leaving. 16 A citron, lime. 391 A. (aqd) To go, move, approach. a. [-F-51-913 ] (At the end of comp.) 1 Born U from or in, produced or caused by, descended from, growing in, living or being at or in &c.; 3772975, MET, , , PSG, T &c. --2 Prepared from, made of. -3 Belonging to, connected with, peculiar to. - Swift. -8 Victorious, conquering. -T: 1 A father. -2 Production, birth. -3 Poison. -4 An imp or goblin. -5 A conqueror. -6 Lustre. -7 N. of Visnu. -8 N. of Siva. -9 Enjoyment. -10 Speed, swiftness. -11 (In prosody) One of the eight syllabic feet (TOT); T TT: jA yoniH and jaM ca jAtaM rajatameva ca / Enm. The Nm. of 199 says : ace 7aft HTI and elbhUSaNe palyAM tejasyambuni janmani / FTH wife; L. D. B. 19 10 P. (Hausa) 1 To protect. - To liberate, release, set free. HERE: 1 The Malaya mountain. -2 A dog. UH A pair. jam 2 P. (jakSiti, jakSita or jagdha) 1 To eat, eat up, destroy, consume; Bk. 4. 39; 13. 28; 15. 46; 18. 19; Me. 21.-2 To laugh. FTTT4, afet: Eating, consuming. TEA, AT = 7677 calling; L. D. B. 1 a. (af) 1 Moving, movable; CAT 37717tatyte Rv. 1. 115. 1; far 144 9 450 Mb.-m. Wind, air. -1. The world, the universe; Fra: fpati ad urada R. 1. 1. -2 The world of the soul', body; Mal. 5. 2.-3 A multitude of animals.......2 94151 91 at a unes czi F Nm. -aft (dual ) Heaven and the lower world. -Comp. -37791, -37a et N. of Durga.-31 m. the Supreme Spirit. -391fe:, TEST: the Supreme deity. -11&st: an epithet of Siva. -TER: 1 time. -2 air, wind. -3719, -379 m. wind. 27:, -qfa: 'the lord of the universe', the Supreme deity; an epithet of Visnu and Siva. -361: salvation of the world. *, -14 m. 1 the creator of the world. -2 Brahmi. TOTH the cause of the universe. - 1 the Supreme deity. -2 Siva. -3 Narada.-4 Brahmas - Vispu. em. the sun. - a ir Bhattotpala'. commentary on Brihatsamhita (also called frafot ). - TH a wonder of the universe; quiaf F T Ram.7.31.9. ftat: a living being; Jahan araq svAtmapoSaNam Raj. T. 2.25. -trayam the three worlds i.e. heaven, earth and the lower world. Etq: the sun. - 1 Durga. -2 Sarasvati. - : 1 the lord of the universe. -2 Visnu. -3 Dattatreya. - N. of a country. - N. of an idol at Jagannatha. - N. of a poet. (- ) Visnu and Siva. (-41) N. of Durga. - TE: 1 the Supreme Being.-2 an epithet of Visuu; For ageqef Si. 1. 1. -3 wordly existence. -ofa: God, Lord of the universe; T ata 1998: Ku. T 1 an epithet of Brahma, Visnu and Siva. -2 an Arhat of the Jainas. -TUT:, -: wind. IFTH N. of Siva. - Ate f. 1 Durga. -2 Laksmi. -o t: 1 the Supreme Being. -2 an epithet of Visnu. -3 of Siva. - 4 of Brahma. (-fa: f.) the earth. ru: N. of Krisna. fart: the expiration of Yugas. -a&T the earth. - Entert m. 1 the Supreme spirit. -2. the sun. Eg: the Supreme Being. Eng m. 1 the creator of the world. -2 Brahma. - Siva. FarfaTH the sovereignty of the world; jagatsvAmitvalAbhaH prabhoH Ratn. 4. 19. Friet 1 The earth; (HO) FTA a Fordt gh : Ki. 1.7; dit wat er godt 5. 20. -2 People, mankind. -3 A cow. -4 The site of a house. -5 A field planted with jambu. -6 A kind of metro (see App.). -Comp. -ruftrati, -99t: a king; N. 2. 1. OTT: a mountain. -ofa: A king f at tare Ki. 3. 18.-55 m. a tree. TTC: An attendant, guardian. Frig: (:) 1 Fire. -2 An insect. -3 An animal. FTTT: Casa yesta FIT-377 Tho Ty. ] An armour. I a. 1 Rough, tricky, knavish. -2 Dark, black. - 1 Cowdung.-2 An armour. - A kind of liquor (m. also in the last two senses ). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jagdha 728 jaTa jagdha [ad karmaNi-kta] Eaten. -gdham A place where a person has eaten. -2 Eating, dinner, food. jagdhiH /.[ad-ktin ] 1 Eating: Mal. 6. 19. -2 Food, victuals. jagmi a.[gam kin dvitvam ]1Going, being in constant motion. -2 Going to, hastening or drawing towards. -gmi : Wind, air. jaghanam [ vakra hanti han yaha ac pRSo0; Un. 5. 32] 1 The hip and the lions, the buttocks ; ghaTaya jaghane kAzcImaJca sajA kabarIbharam Git.12. -2 The pudenda. -3 Rear-guard, the reserve of an army. - A fault. jaghanaM syAt kaTeH pUrve zroNibhAgAparAdhayoH Nm. -Comp. -ardha: 1 the hinder part. -2 rear-guard. -kUpako (dual) the hollows of the lions of a handsome woman. -gauravam weight of the hips%3B 5.8.8.-capalA 1an unchaste or libidinous woman patyau videzayAte paramasukhaM jaghanacapalAyAH Pt. 1. 173%3 priyA yathA syAjjadhanacapalA Bri. S. 101.3. -2 a woman active in dancing. -vipulA 1 a woman having stout hips. -2N. of a metre. jadhanin a. Having large buttocks. jaghanya.. [jaghane bhavaH yat ] 1 Hindmost, last; Bg.14. 183; Ms. 8.270. manye jaghanyasya mahIdharasya zRGgANi kAlA yasanirmitAni | Ram. Ch.4. 16. -2 Worst, vilest, base, lowest, censurable; jaghanyaguNaH Bhag. 14. 18. -3 Of low origin or rank.-nyaH A Sudra.-nyam The penis. -Comp. -avasAyin a. What occurs later or afterwords. pUrvAvasAyinazca balIyAMso jaghanyAvasAyibhyaH SB. on MS. 12.2.34. -jaH 1 a younger brother; jaghanyajastakSakazca zrutasainati yaH sutaH Mb.1.3.141; zrutvA vaco vAlijaghanyajasya Ram.4.24.21. -2 a Sudra. viprAzca bAhujAstadvadUravyAzca jaghanyajAH Siva. B. 31. 17. janiH [han-kin dvitvaM ca ] A weapon (offensive ). jaghnu . [han-ku dvitvaM ca ] Striking, Killing. jaGgaH Fight; L. D. B. jaGgama a. [gam-yala ac ] Moving, living, movable (opp. immovable sthAvara ); citAgniriva janamaH R. 15.16%3; zokAgniriva jaGgamaH Mv.5.20%3 Ms. 1. 41. -2 Derived from living beings. -mam A movable thing R.2.44. -Comp. itara. immovable. -kuTA an umbrella. jaGgala a. [gal-yat-ac pRSo0] Desert, waste. -laH, -lam Flesh, meat. -lam 1 A desert, dreary ground, waste land. -2 A thicket, forest. -3 A secluded or unfrequented place. jaGgAla: A ridge of earth running along the edge of a field to collect water and to form a passage over it. land-mark. jatiDa: N. of a plant or a gem worn as an amulet; maNi viSkandhadUSaNaM jagiDaM bibhRmo vayam Ay.2.4.2. jagulam Poison, venom. jaGghA [jaghanyate kuTilaM gacchati han yak-luki ac pRSo of. Un. 5. 31 ] 1 Leg from the ankle to the knee, the shank. -2 The upper part of the leg, the part about the loins. -3 A part of a bed-stead. -Comp. -karaH, karikA,-kAraH,-kArika: arunner, courier, an express. Kau. A. 2. 1. -trANam an armour for the legs. -pathaH A foot-path. jaghApathazcatuSpAdastripAdaM ca gRhAntaram Brahmanda P., part 1, second anuSaGgapAda. Ch. 7.5. 115. -balam 'Strength of the shanks', running away kimanyat / jaghAbalameva M. 3 ( between 19th and 20th verses.) jadhAlaa.[jaghA vegavatI astyasya lac] Running swiftly, jaghAlajanasaGkulam Siva. B.22.23. -la: 1 A courier -2 A deer, an antelope. jadhila a. [jadhA-ilac ] Running swiftly, rapid, quick. jaj, jaGg 1 P. (jajati or jaJjati) To fight. ja (jan ) jaH A warrior, soldier; jajojojAjijijjAjI Si. 19.3. jajyU (jajjhati ) To make a dashing sound. jaJjana a. [jan-yat-luk-ac pRSo0] 1 Being born again. -2 Burning. jaJjapUka. Muttering prayers repeatedly. -ka: An ascetic, or devotee who mutters prayers ); cf. P. III. 2. 166%3 jaJjapUko'kSamAlAvAn ......Bk.5.61. jaJjhAnila: The wind with rain. jaTa 1 P. (jaTati) To clot, become twisted or matted together (as hair). jaTa . [jaT-ac; jan uNA Tan antyalopazca] Wearing twisted locks of hair. -TA [Un. 5.30] 1 The hair matted and twisted together, matted or clotted hair; jaTAdharaNasaMskAraM dvijAtitvamavApya ca Mb. 12.01.3. aMsavyApi zakuntanIDanicitaM bibhrajjaTAmaNDalam 5.7. 113 jaTAzca bibhayAnnityam Ms.6.63 Mal. 1.2.-2 A ibrous root; yatra mujAvaTe rAmo jaTAharaNamAdizat Mb. 12. 122.3. -3 A particular manner of reciting Vedic texts; thus the words nabhaH rudrebhyaH repeated in this manner would stand thus :-namo rudrebhyo rudrebhyo namo namo rudrebhyaH -4A root in general; jJAnavijJAnayogena karmaNAmuddharan jaTAH Bhag. 3. 24. 17. -5 A branch. -6 The zatAvarI plant. -Comp. -cIraH, TaGkA, TIraH, dharaH, epithets of Siva. -jaTaH 1 a mass of twisted hair (in general ). -2 the twisted hair of Siva; jaTAjUTagranthoM yadasi vinibaddhA purabhidA G. L. 143 piGgottuGgajaTAjUTagato yasyAznute navaH Ks. 1. 18. -jvAla: a lamp. -dhara a. wearing matted hair. ( -T:) 1 a mendicant or ascetic -2 N. of a lexicographer. -3 N. of a people in the south of India, Bri. S. 14. 13. -OIT: the Jata arrangement of a Vedic text. -bhAra: mass of braided hair. -maNDalam braided hair forming a coil on the top of the head. Hilfe: erest of (formed by) clotted hair; Ku. 2. 26, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jaTAyuH 724 jatu TETT:, Feiya W. A son of Syeni and Aruna, a ! 911 TOTTA Are fata awa: K8.73.58. THT: semi divine bird [ He was a great friend of Dasaratha. dropsy. JOH' stomach heat', hunger ; 977 vaste Ile once saved his life while he was thrown down sawar... TOFUIT By. 1.50.-Fatal, - E TT bolly-ache, along with his car by Saturn against whom he had colie. -yantraNA, -yAtanA pain endured by the child in proceeded when a drought, said to be caused by the the womb. planet, well-nigh devastated the earth. While Ravana roti a. 1 Contained in the belly. -2 Concealed was carrying away Sita, Jatayn heard her cries in the in the bosom. chariot and fought most desperately with the formida ble giant to rescue her from his grasp. But he was 04 Ved. The cavity or receptacle of waters; mortally wounded, and remained in that state till TETET 333 : Rv. 1. 182. 6. Rama passed by that place in the course of his search 53 a. [ fa gaafa ty 319 3: Tv.] 1 Cold, after Sita. The kind-hearted bird told Rama that his frigid, chilly; Mal. 9. 13; U. 6. 13.-2 Dull, paralysed, wife had been carried away by Ravana and then motionless, benumbed; ISS TAH S. 4.5; U. 3. 41; breathed his last. His funeral rites were duly per 6. 28; 6. 39; 91919 15a qiroar R. 3. 68; 2. 42. -3 formed by Rama and Laksmana.] Dull, senseless, stupid, irrational, dull-witted ; 561TERS. [TET 31777 fanto ] 1 Wearing a coil F417 45...114 G. L. 15, so V, shfa &c. Y. 2. of twisted hair; 7903 3: TYAT: Ks. 53. 2. 25; Ms. 2. 110; gia, 698fa:, Ratn. 2 (between -2 Colleted together (like matted hair); CET12- verses 12 and 13); also 73174: Ks. 6. 58, 132. 39|2|EATH Bv. 1. 36. The Indian ) fig tree. 4 Dulled made senseless or a pathetic, devoid of -2 Bdellium. appreciation or taste; *993: I 27 Hae: V. 1. 9. -5 Stunning, benumbing, stupefying. TER , TCF a. Wearing twisted or braided hair. - Dumb.-7 Unable to learn the Vedas (Daya bhaga). T: (et) f. [ 58-59 ] 1 The (Indian) fig-tree. -3: 1 Cold, frost, winter. -2 Idiocy, stupidity. -8 -2 Clotted hair. -3 An assemblage, multitude. Dulness, a pathy, sluggishness. -34 1 Water. -2 Lead. fea (-aft f.) a. (FZI 3477774 ga] Having twisted Comp. -1 7 a. slow, dilatory. A: 1 an idiot. 1 -2 N. of a man simulating stupidity; Jabala Up. hair. -m. 1 An epithet of Siva. -2 The waved-leaf see hoge 1186 also. tig-true (1) -3 An elephant sixty years old. 101, 104 1 Dulness, a version to work, slothfulZG .. [TET 394 567] 1 Wearing matted or ness. -2 Ignorance, stupidity; Pt. 1. -3 (In 'Rhet.) twisted hair (as an ascetic); faast f4festa194 Ku. Dulness, regarded as one of the 33 su bordinate feelings; 5.30; ( o may be here a noun meaning an ascetic'); S. D. 175. -4 Stupefaction, numbness, stupor; U. vagi a fartISEA ET: R. 13. 78. -2 Compli- 3. 12. - Dulness, timidity; Mal. 6. 15. cated, confused, intermixed, intermingled; f loats ufa Den. P. To stupefy, benumb; Mal. 1. 30; aufa faq 7 : HIER TE HEATERT Ratn. 4. 13; Mu. 3. 4. Bh. 3. 21; faitSao Pt. 2. 81; Ve. 2. 18. -3 Dense, impervious; Bv. 1. 52. 7: 1 Alion. - 2 A goat. SHT m. 1 Frigidity. -2 Stupidity. -3 Dulness, -3 An ascetic. -4 A Brahmana in the first period of a pathy; 44 59 41asTSHT 7977*: Ks. 61. 23.-4 his life. - Long pepper. Stupor, stupefaction; Mal. 1.35; fara afara of ff Raj. T. 4. 110. SETT (Denoin.) To crest or fill with ; 37175 Cat14471247 Bv. 4. 1. sgt 8 U. 1 Stupefy, benumb. -2 To paralyse, STEGTE 8 U. 1 To twist together, form into a braid render motionless or insensible; R. 2. 2. -2 To complicate, interweave. P. To become insensible or stupid. Hierara: Complication, confusion. Sta: 1 Frigidity, coldness. -2 Stupidity. -8 TE (3): (4-5 galo gra 1] A freckle, mark. Apathy, sluggishness. HET a. ( Fra Trafata -347 gra est: Ty.] TSC: A freckle mark. 1 Hard, stiff, firm. -2 Old. -3 Bound, tied. -i, - 4 a n. [54-3 asalet: Un.1.18 ] 1 Lac; Pt. 1.107. 1 The stomach, belly, abdomen ; 357afua -2 A kind of red dye. -a, -a: f. A bat. -Comp. Pt. 1. 22.-2 The womb. -3 A hole, cavity. -4 The - 3 4 red arsenic. Te a house made of lac interior af anything.-5 The bosom. -6 Morbid affection such as was built by Duryodhana in order to burn of the bowels. -Comp. -ra: the digestive fire of the up the Pandavas). -9976: a man at chess. Att: a stomach, the gastric fuid; vacacy are rar a : mole, a natural mark on the body. -te: lac. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jatukam 728 janatA jatukam Lac. STEFT 1 Lac. -2 A bat. sigai, kl A bat. IGO: N. of a physician, pupil of Bharadvaja Kapisthala (v. l. 577408). SeoTT: N. of a family; Pravara 2. 3. 5. . [ 39-5 dls areet: Un 4.102] The collar-bone, the clavicle; also. 31770 791 gar a : Av. 11. 3. 10; 1*647 Fa: Bhag. 10. 67. 25; at f a kar tana: Parnal. 5. 103. TI 4 A. (717, 7, 377-351ag, fa , Fra; pass. ya or ) 1 To be born or produced with a bl. of source of birth ); 34518 a 97: Ait. Br.; Ms. 1. 9; 3. 39, 41; Griya Rv. 10. 90. 12; Me. 10.8; 3. 76; 1. 75. - 2 To rise, spring up, grow as a plant &c.)-3 To be, become, happen, take place, occur ; fagfagarasa faida TH H. 1.6; TTT Bk. 6. 32; 7. 3. 226; Ms. 1. 99. -4 To be possible, applicable &c. -5 To be born or destined for anything. -Caus. (Fraga) 1 To give birth, beget, cause, produce. -2 To cause, occasion. a: [ 37-397) 1 A creature, living being, man. -2 An individual or person whether male or female); Kaj F THE gre: afyat 79: S. 2. 18; TEZ a zo 3 19 79: U. 2. 19; so r: a female friend; 1999: a slave, 31451171a: &c. In this sense 3a: or 31 H is often used by the speakerwhether male or female, in the sing. or pl.-instead of the first personal pronoun to speak of himself in the third person); 37 a: YgHera Ku. 5. 40 (male); 19 qara: aaafta 472 R.8.81 (female); 9919 TI fa aralia o Te Nag. 1.1 (female and pl. ). -3 Men collectively, the people, the world (in sing. or pl.); a atha M. 1; At sag Anal Fase wauat fata . 5. 17. -4 Race, nation, tribe. -6 The world beyond Maharloka, the heaven of deifiod mortals. - A low man, the mob; L.D.B. - Birth, production. Comp. 3 T a. extraordinary, uncommon, superhuman. T T , TEIT: 1 a king -2 N. of Visnu. -37FA1: 1 a place removed from men, an uninhabited place. -2 a region. -3 an epithet of Yama. - personal proximity. Fa secret communication, whispering or speaking aside to another). (-ind.) aside to another (in dramas); the S. D. thus defines this stage direction:- 799170-9199bAryAntarA kathAm / anyonyAmantraNaM yat syAjjanAnte tajjanAntikam // / 425.-30fa: a large concourse of people, caravan. -arthazabda: a family appellation. -ardanaH an epithet of Visnu or Krisna. - TA: 1. wolf. - f a. thronged or crowded with people; S. 5. 10. -TIT: 1 a popu- l lar usage or custom. -2 propriety, decorum. -371978: an asylum for people, an inn, caravansary. -311274: a pavilion. - :, :, -sar: a king, a. desired or liked by the people. (-U:) a land of jasmine. (-e) turmeric. -361&TUTH glory, fame. -3919: a concourse of people, crowd, mob. m. lac. H . 'the people's ege', the sun. - hif: the the Supreme Being. -F : A rumour. - an umbrella, a parasol. a: a king. :1 a community, race, nation; Y. 1. 361 v. l. -2 a kingdom, an empire, an inhabited country; 4 a 19: 4AU R. 9. 4; OTRET 794EUR Pt. 1; Me. 48.-3 the country (opp. the town 97, ); 5894ayaa: 47417: Me. 16. -4 the people, subjects (opp. the sovereign); antara 24a a Pt. 1. 131. -5 mankind. -8 a. considering his subjects as authority; Apaura prakRtijanapado rAjA Bhag. 5. 4. 5. - o m . the ruler of a country or community. Tate: 1 rumour, report. -2 scandal, calumny. -fore a. 1 philanthropic. -2 liked by the people, popular. ( T) 1 an epithet of Siva. -2.00riander-seed. Th: an epidemic disease. H ET established custom or usage, popular custom. -HIT: an epidemic; Av. Paris. 72.84. - a. perplexing or vexing men; kamagaJjanayopanaH Rv. 10. 86.22. -raJjanam gratifying the people, courting popular favour. Tel: 1 rumour. - calumny, scandal. #: one (i. e. the fifth of the seven divisions of the universe situated above Maharloka; apar: gaat falfaia Bhag. 10. 87. 8. -al: also arg: ) 1 news, rumour. -2 a scandal; a warga Ms. 2. 179. -Egaart: popular usage. a. well-known among people, famous yra: f. a rumour, report; 37 - fait pafa: Raj. T. 7. 133. (*) E a. subduing men; HTET THAT THE: Rv. 2. 21. 3. - a. densely crowded with people. -FUTTATH N. of a part of the Dandaka forest; R. 12. 42; 13. 22; U. 1. 28; 2. 17. S TA: A Chandala ; ...... 47 TAT: Siva. B. 31. 22. 7 . a. (fra f.) [1797-102 ] Generating, producing, causing; 75, : 14 &c. : 1 A father, progenitor. -2 N. of a famous king of Videha or Mithila, foster-father of Sita. He was remarkable for his great knowledge, good works, and holiness, After the abandonment of Sita by Rama, he became an anchorite-indifferent to pleasure or pain-and spent his time in philosophical discussions. The sage 214744 was his priest and adviser. -Comp. -3TAFIT, -aut, -affar, -Ear epithets of Sita, daughter of king Janaka. Fra [ari 6: 49] 1 Birth. -2 A number or assemblage of people, mankind, community ; qui ar aat a f syaa Av. 5. 18. 12; 312 3619 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra janana pAla: Bhag. 4. 17.9; pazyati sma janatA dinAtyaye pArvaNau zaziRarifaa R. 11. 82; 15. 67; Pt. 1. 301; Si. 5. 14; 12. 29; 16. 6. janana a. [ jana-bhAve lyuT ] Producing, causing &c. ; bhujagAnAM jananIM jajApa vidyAm Si. 20. 41. -naH The Supreme Being. -nam 1 Birth, being born ; yAvajjananaM tAvanmaraNam Moha M. 13. -2 Causing, production, creation; - Ku. 1. 42. -3 Appearance, manifestation, rise. -4 Life, existence; yadaiva pUrva janane zarIraM sA dakSaroSAn mudatI sasarja Ku. 1. 53; and S. 5. 2. - Race, family, lineage. -8 Preparation for a religious ceremony(). jananiH safe: [-] 1 A mother. -2 Birth. jananI jan- ani pU] 1 A mother. -2 Meruy. tenderness, compassion; jananI tu dayAmAtroH Medini; na saMraraje faq Bu. Ch. 2. 34. -3 A bat. - Lac. N. of a celebrated king of Hastinapura, son of Pariksit, the grandson of Arjuna. [His father died, being bitten by a serpent; and Janamejaya, determined to avenge the injury, resolved to exterminate the whole serpent-race. He accordingly instituted a serpent sacrifice, and burnt down all serpents except Taksaka, who was saved only by the intercession of the sage Astika, at whose request the sacrifice was closed. It was to this king that Vaisampayana related the Mahabharata, and the king is said to have listened to it to expiate the sin of killing a Brahmana. ]. auf. Ved. Production, generation. a. Generating, producing. janayitR afya. (f.) Producing, begetting, creator. -m. 1 A father; Pt. 1. 9. 2 Brahmadeva: aa bhavati yathA janayitA tathA Mb. 13. 61. 10. janayitrI A mother. aaf: A progenitor, producer. janara, janas n. See jana 3. afa:, -aftra, -aft . 1 Birth, creation, production; : Bhag. 10. 13. 15. -2 A woman. 3 A mother. A wife; r: fafa: Rv. 10. 10. 3. 5 A daughtert-in-law. 94 source. 726 afaa.. [w.nym] 1 Given birth to. - Produc ed, created. 3 Occasioned, occurred, happened &c. janitR m. A father; yasya hetorjanitAraM samedhye Mb. 3. 134. 25. afy Ved. 1 A birth-place, home. -2 Origin, janitrI A mother. janman afar: A father. A mother, ft (dual) Parents. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir for u. 1 Birth, production. -2 Offspring. descendants. 3 A creature, being. -4 Gender, sex, -5 Genus, kind. fa Den. P. To long for a wife. (-) Rirth, production. janus n. 1 Birth; dhigvAridhInAM januH Bv. 1. 16. -2 Creation, production. -3 Life, existence; aufa afalta : Bv. 2. 55. -4 Nativity. -5 Birthplace. -6 A creature, being. -7 Genus, kind. -Comp. -bhavanam 1 lying in chamber. -2 (sUtikAgRha): zAhendravilAsa 2. 2. Blind from birth, born blind. ag: 1 A creature, a living being, man; S. 5. 2: Ms. 3. 77. 2 The (individual) soul. -8 An animal of the lowest organization. 4 People, mankind. -Comp.: 1 a snail's shell. -2 a snail. -: 1 the citron. -2 a snail. -: the Udumbara tree. jantukA Lac. jantumatI The earth janmam Birth. janman n. [jan bhAve manin ] 1 Birth; tAM janmane zailavadhUM Ku. 1. 21. 2 Origin, rise, production, creation; Akare padmarAgANAM janma kAcamaNeH kutaH H. Pr. 44; Ku. 5. 60; (at the end of comp.) arising or born from; : Me. 53. -3 Life, existence; gasaft fe y Ms. 9. 100; 5. 38; Bg. 4. 5. 4 Birthplace. 5 Nativity. -6 A father, giver of birth, progenitor; S. 7. 18. 7 Natal star. -8( In astr.) N. of the first mansion or Naksatra. -9 A creature, being. -10 People. -11 The people of a household. -12 Kind, race. -13 Nature; property, quality. -14 Custom, manner. -a: 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 the regent of a constellation under which a person is born (in astrology ); horAjanmAdhipayorjanma vAzubho rAjJaH Bri. S. 34.11. - 1 another life. -2 the preceding life, former birth; fafa R. 7. 15. -3 regeneration. -4 the other world. - a. belonging to or done in another life ; janmAntarIyaiH sAmrAjyaM mayA prApIti cintayan Raj. T. 6. 85.-: a. born blind. - the eighth day of the dark fortnight of Sravana, the birth-day of Krisna. -Aspadam birthplace. -IzaH = 2 janmAdhipa ; - kIla: an epithet of Vishu. kuNDalI a diagram in a horoscope in which the positions of different planets at the time of one's birth are marked. m. a father. dinam divasaH 1. 23. -daH a father. nAman n. the name -kSetram birth place. tithiH birth-day ; sukhAya tajjanmadinaM babhUva Ku. -nakSatram, -bham the natal star For Private and Personal Use Only Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir janmina 727 jampatI under-tone. -2 Repeating passages of the Veda or names of deities &c.; Ms. 3.74 ; Y. 1. 22. -8 A muttered prayer. -4 Counting silently the beads of a rosary &c. -Comp. - a. engaged in muttering prayers. -ho a rosary of beads. 8:, : muttering prayers as a sacrifice; faf41779951 OTTEI : Ms. 2.85; Y. 1. 101 ; Ms. 10. 111. TTT m. An ascetic; qua faire aaj rat a Ram. 1. 52. 1. rah [379-Ha ] The muttering of prayers; saMnyAsa eva vedAnte vartate japanaM prati / vedavAdAzca nirvRttAH zAntA brahmaNyaafat: Mb. 12. 196. 7. (374-343 21 ] The China rose (the plant or its Aower); sAndhyaM tejaH pratinavajapApuSparaktaM dadhAnaH Me.36%3 nijazA sa nipIya japAvalim Ram. Ch. 4. 73; japApuSpamiva raktalocanaH Proting received on the 12th day after birth. -4: the regent of a planet under which a person is born. - 14, - Ta horoscope. -TET: a family tree; 3 1: Farsazitak479 Raj. T. 4. 175. - fryr 1 a birth-place. -2 a mother; S. 6 between verses 9th and loth ). HIT, VT m. a creature, living being; Arat 417: Fa Mk. 10. 60. -a. one whose life is fruitful; aho bhojapate yUyaM janmabhAjo nRNAmiha Bhag. 10.82. 29. HTUT a mother tongue; 97 H *19a rare fasafa : * 8 a Vikr. 18.6. - A: /. birth-place, native country.- : a horoscope. afira a. sickly from birth. 2 4, -tfat: the sign of the zodiac under which a person is born. - T. the vulva. -vasudhA native country; pazyadbhirjanmavasudhAm Raj. T.4.147. -zodhanam discharging the obligations derived from birth. -sAphalyam attainment of the ends of existence; af ar 1 4 farva: M8.12. 93. Pt. 1. 28. F17 1 birth-place, native country, home. -2 the womb. : cause of birth, author of one's being; fattarai har ga: R. 1. 24. AfHT . A creature, it living being: Pt. 1. 106. HPT 4. 571 47] 1 To be born or produced. -2 Born, produced. -8 (At the end of comp.) Born from, occasioned by. -4 Belonging to a race or family - Vulgar, common. - National. - Relating to, or fit for men. F: 1 A father. -2 A friend, attendant or relative of a bridegroom; Mal. 6. 2. -3 A common man. -4 A report, rumour. FT 1 Mother's friend, - 2 The relation of a bride, a bride's maid; ac GHET THE R. 6.30. -3 Pleasure, happiness. -4 Affection. -8 a market.-6 The world ; 4 7 Aqc asia al par...Nm. H 1 Birth, production, creation. -2 That which is born or created, a created thing, an effect opp. a) at 15:48: Bhasa P. 15; 792 Hat R afaga farah Sabdak. -3 The body; Jela pri fan Bhag. 1. 9. 31. -4 A portent occurring at birth. -5 A market, a fair. -8 War, battle; 7 of 9 qaratur R. 4.77; TEOT TO Hat rasfat Ki. 15. 23.-7 Censure, abuse. -8 A community, nation.-9 People. -10 Report, rumour. Fry: (379-17 2o Balen: ] 1 Birth. -2 A creature, living being. -3 Fire. -4 The creator or Brahma; stay: qfar739 ht fragt: Rv. 10. 10. 3. FTY 1 P. ( fa, afa or ) 1 To utter in a low voice, repeat internally, mutter; afgaa949H Git. 5; erffa erkaufa 44 4: N. 11. 26. -2 TO mutter prayers or spells; My. 11. 191, 251, 260. -8 To pray to one or invoke in a low voice. 19 a. (774-40ft 847) Muttering, whispering. -4: 1 Muttering prayers, repeating prayers &c. in an japya 3. [jap karmaNi yat ] To be repeated in a low voice, muttered, or whispered. -C27, -C4 A muttered prayer; $952479: Mb. 12. 58. 30; 1974 Th ya: yat # 4TH Bhag. 4. 8. 53. TE, FITTI.1 P. ( fd, rafa) To copulate; cf. 74 -II. 1 A. (Ha, hd) 1 To yawn, gape. -2 To snap at; seize with the mouth. -Caus. (Tafa) To crush, destroy, dispel jam / P. (jamati) To eat. THATH = ha q. v. eating. THA: A Brahmana and descendant of Bhrigu and father of Parasurama. (Jamadagni was the son of Richika and Satyavati. He was a pious sage, deeply engaged in study, and is said to have obtained entire possession of the Vedas. His wife was Renuka who bore him five sons. One day when she had gone out to bathe, she beheld a loving pair of Gandharvas (according to some Chitraratha and his queen) sporting and playing in the water. The lovely sight made her feel envious of their pleasure, and she returned defiled by unworthy thoughts, wetted but not purified by the stream'. Her husband, who was unger incarnate, seeing her shorn of the lustre of her sanctity, furiously scolded her, and ordered his sons, as they came in, to - cut off her head. But the first four sons shrank from that cruel doed. It was only Parasurama, the youngest, that with characteristic obedience to his father's command, struck off her head with his axe. The deed pacified the father's anger, and he desired Parasurama to ask a boon. The kind-hearted son begged that his mother might be restored to life which the father readily granted.] faat. (du.) [312174 ] Husband and wife; cf. cft and 51791961. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jambAla: 728 jaraNa . ............. .... ......... .. ... . . g ! jambAla: 1Mud. -2 Moss; jambUvajU jalabinduvajU jalajavajja Gra 31 1 Udb. -3 The Ketaka plant. jambAlinI A river. Fratt: The citron tree. -14 A citron; 19: fr. a Harafera: Bhay. 8. 2. 17. FT,-a f. 1 The rose apple tree and its fruit; 14THFF : Bhag. 8. 2. 13. -Comp. - 3, -IT, ga: N. of one of the seven continents surrounding the mountain Meru. - one of the seven heavenly rivers. -prastha: N. of a village; toraNaM dakSiNArdhana jambUprasthaM 4411 Ram. 2. 71. 11. - Ata N. of a Raksasa killed by #947. Sta (ta) ( f.) 1 A jackal. -2 A low man. -3 The rose apple tree. -4 An epithet of Varuna. F m . 1 A mountain. - 2 A monkey. -al A heavenly nymph Tag: [ F 14 fe 71-77] 1 A kind of tree (= Faq. v.). -2 The Ketaka plant. JH Jest or jesting compliments addressed to the bride and the bridegroom by the friends and female relatives of the bridegroom (or of the bride ). -Comp. -Atfit the same as above. TET: [ 74-347-54 ) 1 The jaws (usally in pl. ). -2 A tooth.-Eating. -4 Biting asunder. - A part, portion. - A quiver. -7 The chin. -8 Yawning, caping, -9 N. of a demon killed by Indra. -10 One who devours a demon. -11 Explanation, interpretation. -12 The citron tree. -13 The bellows; L. D. B. -Comp. -37 tifa:, -fag, H T, -fig: epithets of Indra. -3ft: 1 fire. -2 Indra's thunderbolt. -3 Indra. -sAdhaka possessing knowledge of medicine; iti te TF ATTUTT FH12761: Mb. 5. 64. 20. ** a. 1 Eating, devouring. -2 Killing, crushing; destroying. -8 Biting, asunder. -4 Explaining, interpreting. - Opening, expanding. -6 Yawning. : 1 A lime or citron. -2 A treacherous man; ATY 1941 REI Duta vakyam 1.-3 Medicinal treatment; faq| 4wafaa: Mb. 5. 64.16 **T, FAHT, Gifhuil A yawn, gaping.. jambhanam Sexual intercourse. FAH (**) T: The lime or citron tree. STATE: = FTATT, UT A female Raksasi (by meditating on whom women are said to become pregnant). -Comp. : N. of the author of Vetala pasichavimsati. A . The citron tree. a: Mud, mire. yantaH1N. of the son of Indra: paulomIsaMbhaveneva jayantena 9 : V. 5. 14; $. 7. 2; R. 3. 23; 6. 78. -2 N. of Siva -3 The moon. -4 N. of Visnu. - A name assumed by Bhima at the court of Virata. - 1 A fay or banner. -2 N. of the daughter of Indra. -3 N. of Durga. -4 Blades of barley planted at the commencement of the Dasara and gathered at its close. -5 The rising of the asterism Rohini at midnight on the eighth day of the dark half of Sravana i. e. on the birth day of Krisna. --Comp. -994 (in law ) 1 the written award of the judge in favour of either party. -2 the label on the fore-head of a horse turned-loose for the Asyamedha sacrifice. A t the Seventh day in the bright half of Magha. oftar: (at) A synonym of the balance-post ; yrett: 24901: Mana. 16. 48. TOET: A king of the Sindhu district and brotherin-law of Duryodhans, having married Duhsala, daughter of Dhritarastra. [Once while out on hunting, he chanced to see Draupadi in the forest, and asked of her food for himself and his retinue. Draupadi, by virtue of her magical sthali, was able to supply him with materials sufficient for their break-fast. Jayadratha was so much struck with this act, as well as her personal charms, that he asked her to elope with him. She, of course, indignantly refused, but he succeeded in carrying her off, as her husbands were out on hunting. When they returned they pursued and captured the ravisher and released Draupadi; and he himself was allowed to go after having been subjected to many humiliations. He took a leading part in com passing the death of Abhimanyu, and met his doom at the hands of Arjuna in the great war. ] for f. The name of a magical lore often mentioned with vijayA) taught by Visvamitra to Rama, vidyAmathenaM fauti Bk. 2. 21. T a. [7-819]1 Becoming old or worn out, old, aged. -2 Wearing out, -8 Causing old age, producing decay, consuming. T: 1 Wearing out, wasting. -2 Destruction. SRO a. (Jato 318 ] 1 Hard, solid. -2 old, a ged; 3924fTZI: get fuckfreadifa af Si. 4. 29 (where it means 'hard' also). -3 Decayed, decrepit, infirm. -4 Bent, bowed down, drooping. -5 Pale, yellowish-white. -8 Full-grown, ripe, matured ; 3 Si. 11. 14.-7 Hard-hearted, cruel. 3: 1 N. of Pandu, father of the five Pandavas. -2 Old age. SITUT a. [- ] 1 Old, decayed, infirm. -2 Promoting digestion. -OT:, -UTH Cummin seed. -O 1 Old age. - Praise. -UTH 1 Old age. -2 One of the ten ways in which an eclipse is supposed to end. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra jaraNDa a. Decayed, old. Ved. Old age. a. 1 Old, aged, decayed. -2 Infirm, decrepit. -m. An old man. Comp.: N. of a great sage who married a sister of the serpent Vasuki. [One day as he was fallen asleep on the lap of his wife, the suu was about to set. His wife, perceiving that the time of offering his evening prayers was passing away, gently roused him. But he became angry with her for having disturbed his sleep, and left her never to return. He, however, told her, as he went, that she was pregnant and would give birth to a son who would be her support, and at the same time the saviour of the serpent-race. This son was Astika ]. T: an old ox; dAridryasya parA muurtimaanaastaa| jaradbhavadhanaH zarvastathApi paramezvaraH // Pt. 2 163. jaratikA, jaratI An old woman. Gra: 1 An old man. -2 A buffalo. A Man; L. D. B. jarA [ -av guNaH ] ( The word jaras is optionally substituted for before vowel terminations after acc. dual.) 1 Old age; R. 12. 2; tasya dharmaraterAsId vRddhatvaM jarayA ( jarasA ) vinA 1. 23. - 2 Decrepitude, infirmity, general debility consequent on old age. 3 Praise. - Digestion. 5 N. of a female demon; see below. -6 Invoking, greeting. -Comp. - decrepitude. a. 1 infirm. -2 old. for. old through age, debilitated, infirm; Bh. 3. 17. - puSTa = jarAsandha -bhIruH the god of love, Cupid. N. of a celebrated king and warrior, son of Brihadratha. [ According to a legend, he was born divided in two halves which were put together by a Raksasi called Jara, whence the boy was called Jarasandha. He became king of Magadha and Chedi after his father's death. When he heard that Krisna had slain his son-in-law Kamsa, he gathered a large army and besieged Mathura eighteen times, but was as often repulsed. When Yudhisthira performed the great Rajasuya sacrifice, Krisna, Arjuna and Bhima went to the capital of Jarasandha disguised as Brahmanas, chiefly with the object of slaying their enemy and liberating the kings imprisoned by him. He, however, refused to release the kings, whereupon Bhima challenged him to a single combat. The challenge was accepted; hard fight ensued, but Jarasandha was at last overpowered and slain by Bhima.] - Jarasandha ; jarAsutastAvabhisRtya mAdhavau Bhag 10.50 21. : N. of Jarasandha. jarAyu . [ jarAmeti i-khuN ] 1 The slough or cast off skin of a serpent. -2 The outer skin of the embryo. 4...... 729 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir -3 After-birth. - Secundines. -5 The uterus, womb. -Comp.. born from the womb, viviparous Ms. 1. 43. and Malli. on Ku. 3. 42. jala jarita a. [-] 1 Old, aged. -2 Decayed, intirio; pANDurasyAtapatrasya cchAyAyAM jaritaM mayA Ram. 2.2.7. jarin a. ( - NI / ) [ jarA astyasya ini ] Old aged. An old man. jariman m. Ved. Decrepitude, old age; nabho na rUpaM aftar farfa Rv. 1. 71. 10. -m. [ -1 Speaking harshly. - N. of a demon conquered by Agni; Rv. 7. 1. 7. Flesh. H jarjarIka perforated. (-, jarjara . [ 1, 6. P. 1 To say, speak. -2 To blame, reprove, censure. -3 To threaten or menace. ara] Old, infirm drayed. - Worn out, torn, shattered, broken to pieces, divided in parts, split up into thin particles; jarAjarjaritaviSANakoTayo mRgAH K.; gAtraM jarAjarjaritaM vihAya Mv 7 18: visarpan dhArAbhirluThati dharaNIM jarjarakaNaH e. 1. 29 Sit. 4. 23; Mal. 9. 16. -8 Wounded, hurt. -4 Pained, tormented; Mal. 9. 53.8 Dull, hollow (as the sound of a broken vessel). The banner of Indra. -2 Moss. arafter a. [ord-fing wafer ] 1 Old, decayed, infirm. -2 Worn out, torn to pieces, shattered, splintered &c. -8 Completely over powered, disabled; sA prabhAte Git. 8. a a. 1 Old, decayed. -2 Ragged, full of holes, 8 U. To wound, disable. 9, 6. P. (f) 1 To say, speak. -2 To blame. -8 To threaten, menace. a. [-] Old, aged, docayed. of: 1 The (waning) moon. -2 A tree. jartila: Wild sesamum For Private and Personal Use Only 1 The vulva. -2 An elephant. 1 P. (a) 1 To say, speak. -2 To blame, censure, abuse, -8 To protect. arifta. Supporting asia ako gida. Rv. 10.106.6. jarhila: = jartila q. v. I. 1 P. (fa) 1 To be rich or wealthy. -2 To cover, hide, screen. -3 To cover (as with a net), encircle, entangle. To be sharp. -5 To be cold, stiff, dull, or dumb. II. 10 P. (af) To cover, screen &c. jala a. [ jalU ac Dasya lo vA ] 1 Dull, cold, frigid = jaDa q. v. 2 Stupid, idiotic. 1 Water; s Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra jala a yamiti bruvANAH kSAraM jalaM kApuruSAH pibanti / Pt. 1. 322. -2 A kind of fragrant medicinal plant or perfume (a). -8 The embryo or uterus of a cow. 5 The constellation called pUrvASADhA. -Comp. -aJcalam 1 a spring. -2 a natural water-course. -3 moss. -f: 1 a handful of water. -2 a libation of water presented to the manes of a deceased person ; kuputramAsAdya kuto jalAJjaliH Chau 69; mAnasyApi jalAJjaliH sarabhasaM loke na datto yathA Amaru. 97 (where, jalAJjaliM dA means to leave or give up'). -aTanaH a heron. -aTanI a leech. -aNukam, -aNDakam the fry of fish. -aNTakaH a shark - atyayaH autumn (zarad ); pRSThato'nuprayAtAni meghAniva jalAtyaye Ram. 2.45.22. - adhidevataH, -tam an opithet of Varapa. (-tam ) the constellation_called pUrvASADhA. -adhipaH an epithet of Varuna. -ambikA a well. - arkaH the image of the sun reflected in water. -arra: 1 the rainy season. -2 the ocean of sweet water. -arthin a thirsty. -avatAraH & landing-place at a river-side. - a large square pond. - a leech. - a spring, fountain, well. - AkAkSaH, -kAkSaH, -kAGkSin m. an elephant. -AkhuH an otter. -AgamaH rain; tapati prAvRSi sutarAmabhyarNaGf: Ratn. 3. 10. - a. watery, marshy. - AtmikA a leech. -AdhAraH a pond, lake, reservoir of water. - AyukA a leech. - AI . wet. ( - Im ) wet garment or clothes. (-a) a fan wetted with water. - AlokA & leech. -AvartaH eddy, whirl-pool. - Azaya a. 1 resting or lying in water. -2 stupid, dull, apathetic. (-) 1 a pond, lake, reservoir. -2 a fish. -3 the ocean. the fragrant root of a plant (f). - 1 a pond. -2 water-house. - a lotus. - 1 an epithet of Varuna. -2 N. of Mahadeva. - 3 the ocean ; jalendraH puMsi varuNe jambhale ca mahodadhau Medini. - the submarine fire. -: a water-elephant. IzaH, IzvaraH 1 an epithet of Varupa bhImo prati nale ca jalezvare ca N. -2 the ocean. ucchvAsaH 1 channel made for carrying off excess of water, drain, (cf. paravAha ). -2 overflow of a river. udam dropsy.- udbhava a. aquatic. (vA) beeasain. uragA, okas ... okasaH a leech. -kaNTakaH a crocodile. -kapiH the Gangetic por poise. : a water-pigeon. a. making or pouring forth water. (:) tax for water. - 1 a shell. 2 a cocoa-nut. -3 a cloud. -4 a wave. -5 a lotus. -kalkaH mud. -kalmaSaH the poison produced at the churning of the ocean; tasyApi darzayAmAsa svavIrya jalakalmaSaH Bhag.. 7.41.- the diver-bird. - the wind. - an epithet of Varuga, - a shark. -: a water-fowl; zmagoga Bhag.8.2.16. (-TI) the black-headed gull. -kuntalaH, -koza: mO88. -kRpI 1 a spring, well. -2 a pond. -3 a whirlpool; kRpateM puSkariNyAM ca voSati Modint. kurmaH the porpoise. -kRt a. Causing rain; divasakRtaH pratisUryo jalakRt (meghaH ) Bri. 8., . or ST playing in water, splashin one another with water. keza: moss. -kriyA presenting libations of water to a the manes of the 730 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only deceased. : 1 a turtle. -2 a quadrangular tank. -3 a whirlpool. a. (also ) aquatic. (-:)1 an aquatic animal. -2 a fish. -3 any kind of water-fowl. * AjIvaH, jIvaH a fisherman - catvaram a square tank. - m. 1 an aquatic animal. -2 a fish. - a. born or produced in water. (-:)1 an aquatic animal. -2 a fish; a: ften acara Ram. 2. 61.22. -3 sea-salt. -4 a collective name for several signs of the zodiac. 5 moss. -6 the moon. . (-jaH, jam) 1a shell. -2 the conch-shell; AT FAR: R. 7. 63, 10.60; ityAdizya hRSIkezaH prathamAya jalajottamam Bhag. 8.4. 26. -3 (--jaH ) The Kaustubha gem; jalaja: kaustubhe mIne tat kIbe zaGkhapadmayoH / Nm. (jaH ) - 4A kind of horse_born in water; vAjino jalajAH kecid vahnijAtAstathApare / zAlihotra of bhoja, Appendix II, 12. ( - jam) a lotus. AjIvaH a fisherman. *AsanaH an epithet of Brahm ; vAcaspatiruvAcedaM prAJjalirjalajAsanam Ku. 2.30 kusumam the lotus. dravyam a pearl, shell or any other thing produced from the sea. -g: 1 a fish, -2 any aquatic animal. -el a leech. - janman a lotus. -jihnaH a crocodile. -jIvin m. a fisherman. -feta: a bivalve shell. - 1 a wave. -2 a metal cup filled with water producing harmonic notes like a musical glass. - (lit.) beating water's (fig.)any useless occupation. -af:, -nfa, - The Hilsa fish; L. D. B. - an umbrella. a - trAsa : hydrophobia. -da: 1 a cloud; jAyante viralA loke jaladA iva sajjanA: Pt. 1. 29. -2 camphor. azana: the Sala tree. -Agama: the rainy season; sarastadA mAnasaM tu vavRdhe Ram. 7. 12. 26. a. black, dark. : the rainy season. 'kSayaH autumn. -darduraH a kind of musical instrument. -devaH the cocatelintion pUrvApADA devatA naiad, water-nymph. -off a bucket. -dvAram A gutter, a drain, Mana. 31. 99. - 1 a cloud. -2 the ocean. -dhArA a stream of water. -dhi: 1 the ocean. -2 a hundred billions. -3 the number four. deg a river. : the moon. Laksmi, the goddess of wealth. " razanA the earth. -nakulaH an otter. naraH a merman - nADI, lI a water-course. -nidhi: 1 the ocean. -2 the number four'. -f: 1 a drain, water-course. -2 a water-fall, descent of a spring &c. into a river below. -nIli: moss. -pakSin m. a water-fowl. -paTalam a cloud. -fa: 1 the ocean. -2 an epithet of Varuna. - a sea voyage; R. 17. 81. -afa: f. a gutter, drain. - a water-pot', drinking-vessel.: a water-pigeon. - pittam fire. - puSpam an aquatic flower. - 1 a flood of water. -2 a full stream of water. - pRSThajA moss. -pradAnam presenting libations of water to the manes of the deceased. - 1 a water-fall. -2 rainy season ; zaratpratIkSaH kSamatAmimaM bhavA jalaprapAtaM ripunigrahe dhRtaH Ram. 4. 27. 47. - pralaya: destruction by water. -prAntaH the bank of a river. - a country abounding with water; jalaprAyamanUpaM syAt Ak - priyaH 1 the Chataka bird. -2 a fish. (-) an epithet of Daksayani. -: an otter. - a deluge, an inundation. jala C Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jalakam 731 javanikA - Puh: a dam, dike, rocks or stones impeding a current. -bandhu: a fish. -bAlakaH, -vAlaka: the Vindhya | mountain. a lightning. : an otter. -fara, - 4 a bubble. -farea: 1 a quadrangular) pond, lake. -2 a tortoise. -3 a crab. - fa: f. hydrophobia. - a. produced in water m. 1 a cloud. -2 a place for holding water. -3 a kind of camphor. - TOT: wind. Term. 1 a cloud. -2 a jar. -3 camphor. -makSikA a water-instet. -maNDUkam a kind of musical instrument; ( = ). HET: a king-fisher. -AA: 1 a cloud. -2 camphor. -ART: a drain, canal. - ASTRC: an otter. m. 1 a cloud; Me. 69. -2 a kind of camphor.- a: an epithet of Siva. fair hail. Ha a fragrant root (afte). -F514 1 a machine for raising water (Mar. TEI). -2 a waterclock, clepsydra. -8 a fountain. Ten, H, ABETH a house erected in the midst of water (a summerhouse) or one supplied with artificial fountains; fc fara 477afar Rs. 1. 2. ET a sea-voyage. - a ship. Th: a kind of gallinule. Tuz, -TE: 1 a whirlpool. -2 a drop of water, drizzle, thin sprinkling. -3 a snake. -Te sea-salt. - ft: the ocean. -6, -64 a lotus. - : a crocodile. - a wave, billow. -a ; a watery pustule. -al a kind of musical instrument. -a e : a diver-bird. -are: residence in water. (-4)= gafit q. v.- : 1 a cloud; a r al&997 Ki. 12. 21.-2 a waterbearer. -3 a kind of camphor. -21 :, -: a watercarrier. -algat an aqueduct. -faga the autumnal equinox. -vRzcika: a prawn. -vaikRtam any change in the waters of rivers indicating a bad omen. 5497: A kind of fish; L. D. B. -516: 1 a water-snake. -2 a marine monster. -79, -14:, - , m. an epithet of Visnu; -Tar lying in water (a kind of religious rite); a f& ta ui 19: Ram. 7. 76. 17. -TTI A hailstone; a g ar a : Bhag. 10. 25. 9. -yht: f. a bivalve shell. - a. bathed, washed. - moss. it: a crocodile. -Te drought. -HE: the ocean of fresh water. -saMparka: mixture or dilution with water. -sarpiNI * leech. Efe: f. 1 the Gangetic porpoise. -2 a kind of fish. -3 a crow. -4 a water-nut. -5 a leech. PAITA - : a pond, lake, reservoir ; ITI FATT HU- T: 44-da: Ram. 12. 137. 5. Ete: A kind of eyedisease. - ! a small water-house (rather summerhouse ) furnished with artificial fountains. - ftaa m. a water-elephant. iftuft a drain. -ET: 1 foam. -2 cuttle-fish-bone considered as the foam of the sea. 5167 A conch, shell. 05 a. Aquatic. - T: The colocynth. O A Chandala. FITFT, HEEFT, 1, 3+1, 21, TFT, jalokikA A leech. TOFTH, THA A lotus. jalevAhaH A diver. OTT: 1 A fish. -2 N. of Visnu; AHTqafa af at R. 10. 21. HOTT a. Ved. 1 Mitigating, pacifying. -2 Healing, comforting, soothing (as a medicine ); Rv. 2. 33. 7. -T41 Water. -2 Happiness, comfort. - Comp. - a. possessed of healing medicines; 53 454 Rv. 1. 43. 4. SET 1 P. (eqfa, ficaa) 1 To speak, talk, speak or converse with another); fafesa wa U. 1. 27; VAR 77644919TH Pt. 1. 136; Bh. 1. 82. -2 To murmur, speak inarticulately. -8 To chatter, prattle, babble. -4 To praise. TET: [ 99 ) 1 Talk, speech. -2 Discourse, conversation. -3 Babble, prattling, gossip; - 4 Debate, wrangling discussion. HET a. (-epil S.), egia. Talkative, garrulous; 31: Era: Bk. 7. 19; cf. 1999 azt az agya Ak. 3. 1. 36. Feqa a. 764-695] Speaking, saying, talking &c. - 1 Saying, talking. -2 Chattering, garrulity. sfeq: f. Ved. Inarticulate speech. Greta a. Faq, for ] Said, spoken, prattled &c. - Talk, gossip TEE Ved. a. Cool, dull; a : Rv. 8. 61. 11. -eg: Fire (according to Shri Prin. Apte). Tala. [- 319] Swift, expeditious. -2: 1(a) Speed, swiftness, quickness, rapidity; fa fena: 974 Bh. 3. 121; $. 1. 8; Ki. 13. 5. (1) Haste, hurry; garage ya: Si. 1.12.-2 Velocity. -Comp. --37127: a fleet horse, a courser. - : a strong wind, hurricane. an a. (-aft f.) [ 1 3 ] Quick, swift, fleet; R. 9. 56.-a: 1 A courser, a swift horse. -2 An elephant in the third decade; Matangn L. 5. 13.-24 Speed, quickness, velocity. Jalan m. Speed, velocity. Free n. Ved. Quickness, speed; 3191 Taifa Rv. 4. 21.8. Stet a. Quick, fleet. -m. 1 A horse. -2 A camel. saat a. Rapid, quick. rafart, Fraat [FTUPE i #] 1 A screen of cloth surrounding a tent. -2 A curtain in general; FT: ara fala 946 #14 Bh.3.112; 41919 +39 Bhag. 1. 8. 19; Hai Jalan Pahagiaat Si. 4.54. -3 The sail of a boat, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SETA: 732 jAdhika TEA: Pasture-grass. Fa The China rose; gee 59. TargestuftaffTEETH Harnsadutam; 6019ra arafa Si. 6. 46. 317 1 U. (aaa) To injure, hurt, kill. & L. 4 P. (tula) 1 To set free, release. -2 To be exhausted or tired. - To go.-II. 1, 10 P. (rafa arafa) 1 To hurt, injure, strike. -2 To disregard, slight. TE: 1 A weapon (3194). -2 Weakness, exhaustion. graft a. Ved. Exhausted, tired. -ft: Indra's thunderbolt. TEH Exhaustion, fatigue. TE a. Abandoning, leaving. -*: 1 Time. -2 A child. -3 The slough of a snake. A kind of pole-cat. 57&t . (a.) Leaving, abandoning. -Comp. GET UTT, -taret kind of ATT (also called MUSLIM) in which a word loses its primary sense, but is used in one which is in some way connected with the primary sense; e. g. in the familiar instance T141019'a hamlet on the Ganges', TFT loses its primary sense and means NAZ; cf. 31516C also. -2 irony. FIER : Total destruction of the world. FIE: A young animal; # 2175151 ETTEC srett Bahy. 5. 8. 11. Ferts. Jahnu's family; 341 37614 4989 arst: Rv. 1. 116. 19. T: N. of an ancient king, son of Suhotra, who adopted the river Ganga as his daughter. The river Gange, when brought down from heaven by the austerities of Bhagiratha, was forced to flow over earth to follow him to the lower regions. In its course it inundated the sacrificial ground of king Jahnu, who being ingry drank up its waters. But the gods and Sures, and particularly Bhagiratha, appeased his unyer, and he consented to dischargo those waters from his earn. The river is therefore regarded as his daughter, and is styled 5121, 167 , -, Jar, -araza &e; cf. R. S. 95. 3: tab 77777 Taarpaktima Me.2. -saptamI The seronth day of the bright half of Vaisakha.) a . Ved. Water. FT 1 A mother. -2 A husband's brother's wife. -3 A race, tribe. Trea's Nm. says that daarfezi yonisAgaravelayoH' ANTTTH The Jagati metre. US4 Saffron. -E: N. of a country famous for its saffron: 343 349fa Flyse af ATS14 Si. 20. 3. FIT 2 P. (F t, amita) 1 To be awake, be watchful or attentive (fig. also ); #1599f717 479014577 9999 R. 17. 51; y algoal=11214 7 a Mu. 7. 13; to sit up during the night; a fazer narati cat ruft u Bg. 2. 69. - To be roured from sleep, awake. -8 To foresee, he provident. MTT See TOT. FAT a. (FIT N 99 yet: ] Awake, watchful. -T: 1 Wakefulness, waking, keeping a wake; I TTITI fla: R. 19. 34. - 2 A vision in a waking state. -3 An armour, mail. STITCF a. [-098-99 ) Waking, awake. FITTOR [FIT ] 1 Waking, wakefulness. -2 Watchfulness, vigilance. -8 Sitting up at night as part of a religious ceremony. Trifta a. One who has been long awake. -ah Waking. a., (-st .), AT a. (512-75% 91] 1 Wakeful, waking, sleepless; taat *** TC a mtaa R. 10. 24. -2 Watchful, vigilant: 2141927168: R. 14. 85; Si. 30. 36. Fim a. Wakeful, awake, vigilant. Stufa a. Ved. 1 Watchful, attentive, vigilant. -2 Awake. -3 Clear, bright (as fire); 4a sulfatenFaut argfa Rv. 8. 89.1.-4 Active, animating. -fa: 1 A king. 2 Agni or tiro; eat 7799 ufa: Ry. 1.31.9. ma, amet, s al Wakefulness, keeping awake. 1977 a. 1 Watcbiny, being awake. -2 Attentive, careful, watchful. -3 Clear, bright. -m. Ved. Dreaming in a wa king state, day-dream. HTTP 1 A tail. -2 The thigh. a.,( ) [ ta: &adt at eror] 1 Rural, picturesque. -2 Wild. -3 Savage, barbarous. -4 Arid, desert. 3: The francoline partridge. - Flesh, flesh of deer &c.; Mal. 5.5. Fri, Jis : A snake-charmer. ETCH Poison, venom. 1 Knowledge of poisons, possession of charms or drugs 38 antidotes; -Comp. - *.1 A snake-doctor; HTC+4 Flagstract 1994 311291: : Kau. A. 1. 21. -2 An epithet of Durga. TET, ET A snake-doctor, a dealer in antidotes (faqaa); isteyen heeft TCT: Siva. B. 13. 44. SITETSF a. (@xai ala o 7 ) Running. - 1 A courier, an express; a fasz: *ft Teft: Raj. T. 7. 1335. - A camel. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra jAjina jAjin m. A warrior, combatant; jajaujojAji - fast Si. 19.3. jATAsuri N. of the demon Alambusa; jATAmuribhaimaseniM nAnAzastrairavAkirat Mb. 7. 174.12. jAThara . ( ) [ jaThare bhavaH aN ] Belonging to or being in the stomach, stomachie, abdominal; affa : Pt. 2. 178. 1 The digestive faculty, gastric fluid. 2 Offspring of the womb', a child; bhaviSyatastavAbhadrAvabhadre jATharAdhamau Bhag. 3. 14.38 jADyam [ jaDasya bhAvaH SyaJ ] 1 Coldness, frigidity. -2 Apathy, sluggishness, inactivity. -3 Dulness of intellect, folly, stupidity; dagen Bh. 2. 15; jADyaM dhiyo harati 2.23; jADyaM hrImati gaNyate 54. -4 Tastelessness of the tongue. -Comp. -f: the citron tree. jAta 2. 2. [ jan kartari kta ] 1 Brought into existence, engendered, produced. -2 Grown, arisen. -3 Caused, occasioned. 4 Felt, affected by, oft. in comp.; &c. Apparent, clear. -6 Become, present. -7 Happened. -8 Ready at hand, collected; see - 1 A son, male offspring (in dramas often used as a term of endearment; f f U. 4 'dear boy', oh my darling &c.'). -2 A living being. ar A daughter, mostly used in addressing; 'dear child' - 1 A creature, living being. -2 Production, origin ; tranyaH kuntIsuto rAjA sujAtaM cAsya dhImataH Mb. 7. 12. 12.3 Kind, sort, class, species. -4 A collection of things forming a class; niHzeSavizrANitakozajAtam R. 5.1 all that goes to form wealth, i. . every kind of property; so the whole aggregate of actions; sukha' everything included under the name of sukha or pleasure; the brood of young ones'; $. 5. 22. -B A child, a young one. 6 Individuality, specific condition. Comp. - a mother. -. vexed, enraged. a. shedding tears. ff. a sacrifice performed at the birth of a child. A rule of interpretation according to which the fruit of an act shall accrue to some one else than the performer if it is so directly declared by (even against the general rule ris. aft). From this it follows that such an act must be performed so as not to causo destruction of one to whom the fruit is to accrue. This is discussed by jaimini and zabara in connection with the fe, whose fruit accrues to the son and which has to be performed only after the performance of the birth-rite to avoid the son's starvation to death. Read MS. 4. 3. 38-39 and 's thercon. -T: a young bullock. - 23. a ceremony performed at the birth of a child; Ms. 2. 27, 29; R. 3. 18. hela a. haying a tail (as a peacock). I a. enamoured. -kautUhala. being eagerly desirous -danta having teeth growing; jAtadantasya vA kuryurnAmni vApi kRte sati Ms. 5. 70. -pakSa . having wings ; ajAtapakSa unfledged. -pAza 733 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Ena: a. fettered. -g a woman who has borne a son or sons.a. inspired with confidence. - u. born and dead, Pt. 1. - a. fallen in love. Ha. just born. T a. beautiful, brilliant. (-) 1 gold; : Bhag. 1. 17. 39; apyAkara samutpannA maNijAtirasaMskRtA / jAtarUpeNa kalyANi na hi saMfa M. 5. 18; N. 1. 129. -2 the form in which a person is born, i. e. nakedness. -3 the thorn apple. deg ghara a. naked. -vidyA Ved. knowledge of the origin and nature of all things. -f a. 1 confounded. -2 precipitate.. an epithet of fire (or of the sun); faafartalar: Rv. 1. 77. 5; Ku. 2. 46; Si. 2. 51; R. 12. 104; 15. 72; Ki. 13. 11; the word is variously explained ; of. Nir. :- jAtavedAH kasmAt jAtAni veda, jAtAni vai naM viduH, jAte jAte vidyate iti vA, jAtavibho vA jAtadhano, jAtavidyo vA jAtaprajJAno yattajjAtaH pazUnavindateti tajjAtavedaso jAtavedastvamiti Nam vedasI an epithet of Durga. - vAsagRham, - vezman m. the lying-in-chamber. jAtaka 0. [ jAta svArthe ka] Born, produced. kaH 1 A new-born infant. -2 A mendicant. - 1 A ceremony performed after the birth of a child (jAtakarman ); jAtakAyAH kriyAzvAsyA vidhipUrvaM yathAkramam Mb. 1. 8. 12; jAtakaM Bhag. 1. 12. 13. -2 Astrological calculation of a nativity. -3 An aggregate of similar things. Comp. A circle foreboding good or evil in a man's life. af: a leech. For Private and Personal Use Only anfe: [w:] 1 Birth, production, ma: Ram. 3. 11. 6; Pt. 1. 38; Ms. 2. 148; also 'the time of birth'; cf. jAtau bAlye ca kaumAre yauvane cApi mAnavAH Mb. 12. 158. 11. 2 The form of existence tixed by birth. 3 Race, family, lineage, rank. 4 A caste, tribe or class ( of men ); are mUDha jAtyA ceMdavabhyo'haM eSA sA fa: Ve. 3; (the primary castes of the Hindus are only four, af, and ). -8 A class, genus, kind, species;:, : &c. -6 The properties which are peculiar to a class and distinguish it from all others, the essential characteristics of a species; as gotva, azvatva of cows, horses &c; see guNa, kriyA and ; fargo: Si. 2. 47; and ef. K. P. 2. -7 A fire-place. 8 Nutmeg. 9 The Jasmine plant or its flower ; nAgapunnAgajAtibhiH Bhag. 8.2.18; puSpANAM prakaraH smitena fgefe: Amaru. 40 (written also as Wi in the last two senses). -10 (In Nyaya) Futile answer. -11 (In music) The seven primary notes of the Indian gu jAtibhiH saptabhiryutaM tantrIyasamanvitam Ram. 1.4.8. -12 Reduction of fractions to a common denominator. -13 False generalization. -14 A figure of speech (in rhetoric) which consists in so arranging words that they may read the same in Sanskrit as well as in Prakrita (saMskRtaprAkRtayoH samA jAtiH ); cf. vh. 1. 30. -15 A class of metres; see App. Comp. - a. born blind Bh. 1.100. -kozaH, yaH, yam nutmeg. -kozI, -pI the outer skin of the nutmeg. -kSayaH (= janmocchedaH ) Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra jAtimat the end of birth, spiritual release. jAtikSayasyAsulabhasya boddhA Bu. Ch. 1. 74. gRddhiH f. to take birth; jAnigRddhayAbhipannAH Mb. 5. 60.9. -jAnapada a belonging to the castes and to the country; jAtijAnapadAn dharmAn Ms. 8. 11. -dharmaH 1 the duties of a caste. -2 a generic property. -dhvaMsaH loss of caste or its privileges. -patrI the outer skin of the nutmeg. - phalam (sometimes jAnI phalam also ) & nutmeg, jAtIphalaM mAtulAnImahiphenaM ca patrakam Siva. B. 30.15. -brAhmaNaH a Brahmana only by birth, but not by knowledge or religious austerities, an ignorant Brahmana; (tapaH zrutaM ca yonizca tryaM brAhmaNyakAraNam / tapaH zrutAbhyAM yo hIno jAtibrAhmaNa eva saH // zabdArthacintAmaNi ) -bhraMzaH loss of caste; Ms. 11. 67. a. outcaste. -HE: birth-day festival. - mAtram 1 mere birth', position in life obtained by mere birth. -2 caste only ( but not the performance of duties pertaining to it ); Ms. 8. 20; 12. 114. -3 species, genus. lakSaNam generic distinc tion, a characteristic of a class. -vAcaka a. expressing a genus, generic (as a word ); gaurazvaH puruSo hastI - vairam instinctive or natural hostility. -cairin enemy. -bailakSaNyam inoonristenny, incompatibility in kind zabdaH a name conveying the idea of a genus, a generic word, common noun ; gauH, azvaH puruSaH, hastI &c. - saMkaraH admixture of castes; mixed blood. saMpanna . belonging to a noble family. sAram nutmeg -smara 4. remembering one's condition in a former life ; jAtismaro munirasmi jAtyA K 355. svabhAvaH generic character or nature. -hIna a. of low birth, outcaste; rUpadravyavihInAMzca jAtihInAMzca nAkSipet Ms. 1. 141 10. 35. 972. a born jAtimat a. Nobly born, of high rank. jAtI The jasmine plant ( mAnatI ). jAtIya, kaa. Belonging to a tribe, race, kind &c. n. a collection of utensils of a particular kind; tathA jAtIyamAdAya rAjaputrAbhiSecanam Ram. 2. 15. 13. jAtya a. [ jAtau bhavaH yat] 1 Of the same family, related. -2 Noble, well-born, sprung from a noble family; jAtyastenAbhijAtena zUraH zauryavatA kuzaH R. 17. 4; kiM vA jAtyAH svAmino hepayanti Si. 18. 23. -3 Lovely, beautiful, pleasing. -4 Best, excellent. -5 (Math.) Rectangular. jAtu ind. A particle meaning : 1 At all, ever, at any time, possibly ; nAntarajJAH zriyo jAtuH priyairAsAM na bhUyate Ki. 11. 24; kiM tena jAtu jAtena mAturyovanahAriNA Pt. 1. 26; na jAtu kAmaH kAmAnAmupabhogena zAmyati Ms. 2.94; Ku. 5.55. -2 Perhaps, sometimes; gauravAdyadapi jAtu mantriNAM darzanaM... dadau R. 19. 7. -3 Once, once upon a time, sometime, at some day. - Used with the potential mood has the sense of -- not allowing or putting up with '; jAtu tatrabhavAn vRSalaM yAjayennAvakalpayAmi ( na marSayAmi ) Sk. -5 Used with a present indicative it denotes censure ( ga ) ; jAtu tatrabhavAn vRSalaM yAjayati ibid. jAtudhAnaH A demom, imp. 734 jApanam jAtuSa . ( - pI / ) [ jatuno vikAraH aN- dhuk ca P. IV. 3. 138. 1 Made of, or covered with, lac; yadAzrauSaM jAtupAdvezmanastAna Mb. 1. 1. 153. -2 Sticky, adhesive. jAtUH . A thunderbolt. jAtUkarNa: An epithet of Sive. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (1. jAtubharmana [Ved. Exer-nourishing or protectings sa jAtUmama zraddadhAna ojaH Rv. 1. 103. 3. AtUSThira Ved. a. ever solid, never yielding; jAtasya pra vayaH sahasvataH Rv. 2. 13. 11. jAnam Ved. Birth, production, origin; sthiraM hi jAnameSAM vayo mAturniretave Rv. 1. 37.9. jAnakI [janakasyApArya zrI. aN] N. of Sith, wite of Rama. jAnaM pi: Patronymic of Atyarati: Ait. Br. 8. 29.9. jAnapadaH [ jAnena utpattyA padyate pad ap; janapade bhavaH, aN vA ] 1 An inhabitant of the country, a rustic, boor, peasant (opp. paura); tataH katipayAhaHsu vRddho jAnapado yuvA Ram. 7.73.2. -2 A country. -3 A tax &c. from peasants. -4 subject. - dA A popular expression. -dI Profession, business. jAnapadika Relating to a country. 1. jAnarAjyam Sovereignty; imaM devA asapatnaM......mahate jAnarAjyAyendrasyendriyAya Vaj 9.40. jAnadhutiH N. of kings jAnadhutiI pautrAyaNI bahudAyI bahupAkya Asa Ch. Up. 4.1.1. jAnAna. Knowing, understanding. jAni A substitute for jAyA at the end of Bah. comp. ananyajAneH saivAsIyasmAjjAyA hiraNmayI R. 15.61; hRtajAnira rAtibhiH salajja: Mv. 4.5. jAnu " [ [jan-aN] The knee; jAnubhyAmavaniM gatvA kneeling ( or falling on one's knees ) on the ground. -Comp.-dana a. reaching to, as high as the knees, knee-deep. -prakRtikam A variety of wretling. phalakam maNDalam the knee-pan vijAnu peculiar position in fighting (contracting and extending the knees) sandhiH the knee-joint. 92 jApaH [ japUn] 1 Muttering prayers, whispering. murmuring. -2 A muttered prayer. jApaka a. 1 Muttering prayers. -2 belonging to the muttering of prayers; athavA sarvameveha mAmakaM jApakaM phalam Mb. 12. 199. 50. -kaH A mutterer of prayers; jApakAnAM phalAvAptiM zrotumicchAmi bhArata / kiM phalaM japatAmuktaM kva vA tiSThanti jApakAH Mb. 12. 196. 3. -kam A kind of fragrant wood. jApya a. To be muttered; jajApa paramaM jApyaM prAgjanmamanuzikSitam Bhag. 8. 3.1. -yam A prayer to be muttered in a low voice. For Private and Personal Use Only jApanam 1 Declining. rejection. 2 Diamining, sed ing away. -3 Completing, finishing. Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jAbAla: 735 jAlam FITT: A goat-herd. Sat: 1 N. of the author of a law-book. -2 N. of an infidel Brahmana, a priest of king Dasaratha who tried to dissuade Rama from his resolution of going to the forest and to induce him to accept the throne offered by Bharata. jAmadagnyaH N. of Parasuramaq.v.; jAmadagnyamapahAya haar afateh Ki. 13. 62. FTTHC: A variety in Agamie Sastras. GITAT -a aro bican ] 1 A daughter; 3497 A ar gaat 92 E Mb. 13. 45. 14. -2 A daughter-in-law. FITATE m. [ Ata falfa feta a fao; cf. Un. 2. 94] 1 A son-in-law; Fr#laua i frat: U. 1. 11; Glha CAT 96: Subhas. -2 A lord, master. -3 The sunflower. -Comp. -bandhakam Dowry; zulka ghaTTAdideye syAt GATTO Cesta 71 Nm. FIATTF: A son-in-law. FH a. [74-fa : ] 1 Castoniary, usual. -2 Peculiar, or belonging to.-FH: f. 1A sister; 7 EL THE S HAH Ganesa P. -2 A daughter. -3 A daughter-in-law. -4 A near female relative (fafeaefquseft Kull.); Ms. 3. 57-58. - A virtuous and respectable woman. -Ved. A finger. -7 Water. -. 1 Blood-relationship, relation of sister and brother. -2 Relation ( in general), descent. -3 Tautology. STA The seventh vodiacal sign from the natal sign (39); faut 7 Shulaargh Ku.7.1 (TA 5911 ANH F4194 Malli.). Note--Some derive the word from 5121, because in astrology, the IT sign indi. cates the future good-luck of one's wife (141974 ?); but the word is obviously connected with the Greek diametron. -Comp. -2: A variety of T (Astronomical) when the moon is in the 7th house. : [Fe2 wf-er 34 ca] A sister's son. TH (Frat: fi 30 ang ara 39 Tv. ] 1 Gold. -2 The fruit of the Jambu tree. -Comp. -3119H a. cauterizing needle or probe. 12 m. N. of a king of bears who was of signal service to Rama at the siege of Lanka. He was also noted for his medical skill. [This same Jambavat appears to have lived up to the time of Krisna, or perhaps he was another being of that time; for there was a fight between Krisna and Jambavat for the Sya mantaka jewel which the latter bad got from Prasena, brother of Satrajit. Krisna vanquished Jambavat, who placed the jewel, along with his daughter Jambavati, at his entire disposal. ] Apaita () A citron. - Ved. The knee-pan. Frah The knee-joint; algui salasatcount, Vaj. 25. 3. fraach [Faagi 498 3103] 1 Gold, R. 18. 44. -2 A golden ornament; $0877 Faac: Si. 4. 66. -3 The Dhattura plant. -a. golden; dat taat: a favT: THT: Mb. 12. 171. 16. -Comp. -Teat: the Meru mountain. jAmbUlamAlikA Procession of the bridegroom. Frant: A gem having the colour of a Jambu fruit; Kau. A.2. 11. FTH A kind of yellow fragrant wood. Teraz: The son of Jayanti ; 541 l. sta: # 9 99547 Bhag. 11. 5. 43. jAyA A wife. (The word is thus derived--patirbhAryA saMpravizya garbho bhUtveha jAyate / jAyAyAstaddhijAyAtvaM yadasyAM jAyate punH|| Ms. 9. 8; see also Malli. on R. 2. 1.) As last member of Bah. comp. jAyA is changed to jAni; sItAjAniH 'one who has Sita for his wife'; so ya Fifa:, rarfelt: -Comp. -TESTIC ., Tita: 1 an actor, a dancer. -2 the husband of a harlot. -3 a needy man, pauper. -4a kind of crane (24). -: 1 a murderer of his wife. -2 a mole or mark on the body indicative of the death of one's wife. - a (dual) husband and wife. The other forms of the comp. are dampatI and jampatI q.v.) Jifra a. (aft s.) [ft-forfa ] Conquering, subduiny. -. The burden of a song in music). y a. Victorious. -y: 1 Medicine. -2 A physician. FITT: ( itaa # ; atuala : Nir. ] 1 A paramour, gallant, lover ; 147: 971 21 21 f anTET Pt. 4.54.-2 A confidential friend. - N. of Durga. -Comp. -3, -27, a: a bastard; ETETE ZEITH Udb. - TI an adulteress. FITOTH 1 Causing decay. -2 Oxydizing of metals. Tiftoft An adulteress. HTET a. 1 Praiseworthy; faria EUA haft falau Mb. 9. 49. 3.-2 In which three kinds of Daksina are given; jArUthyAn triguNadakSiNAnityarjunamizraH Mb. 3. 291.70 (com.) -3 Rich in meat or donations of meat; mAMsAdidAnapradhAnAn puSTAnityarthaH ibid. FCH 1 A net, snare. -2 (a) A web, cob-web. (1) Any woven texture. -3 A coat of mail, a helmet made of wire. -4 An eye-hole, lattice, window; - athra R. 7. 9; 94cfafada sifau9tiqat: V. 3. 2; Ku.7.60.-5 A collection, an assemblage, number, mass; T ETS: afegit a Mb. 3. 164. 10; fara alargarastyda Mal. 5. 10; Ku. 7. 89; Si. 4. 56; Amaru. 58. -8 Magic. -7 Illusion, deception. -8 An un blown flower. -9 The membrane which unites the toes of many water-birds. -10 A disease of the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jAlakam 736 jayaH ........ . . . ... .. . ...... .. .. ...... y eyes. -11 Pride, arrogance. -3: The Kadamba tree. -Comp. -377: a loop-hole, window; teavage Bhag. 8. 15. 1!). In. the occupation of catching fish, fishing. e: 1 a net-maker. -2 2 spider. -gadebhaH a kind of pimple or boil. -goNikA a kind of churning vessel. ofera a. connected by a web; S. 7.16.-9 , -OT: a goose; yaa n Mb. 12.343. 36. - mail, armour. H a fa fa 4-] 1 A net. - 2 A multitude, collection; baddhaM karNazirISarodhi vadane dharmAmbhasA jAlakam S. 1.30; R. 9. 8. -3 A lattice, window; 174EUR1411 Si. 9. 39; 319afaca R. 9. 68. -4 A bud, an unblown flower; 37 19 Me. 98; so f a 26.- A kind of ornament (worn in the hair ); 13 : R. 9. 44 (3714 a :). -6 A nest. -7 Illusion, deception. -8 A plantain or the fruit. -9 Pride. -10 A kind of tree; auf: Bhag. 8.2. 19.-:1 A window, lattice. - 2 A fowler. Comp. - a. veiled. G T m. A cloud. jAlakinI Aewe. S a . 1 Furnished with a net, reticulated. -2 Covered with iron network. -3 Cunning, deceptive (rafa ). F F : ( Fam faqafo 9] 1 A fisherman.-2 A fowler, bird-catcher. -3 A spider. -4 The governor or chief ruler of a province. -5 A rogue, cheat. -8 A conjurer, juggler. - 1 A net. -2 A chain-armour. -3 A spider. -4 A leech. 5 A widow. -8 Iron. -7 Plantain. -8 A veil, woollen cloth. sfcaft 1 A room ornamented with pictures. 2 A kind of melon (Fraat). -3 Certain boils or pustules which appear in the disease called prameha. OFERT: N. of a country in the north-west of India, the territory between the rivers Beas and Sutlej. SIGITA Ved. A kind of drug with healing properties ; jAlASeNAbhiSiJcata jAlASeNopa siJcata Av. 6.57.2. From: N. of an Agra-hara in Kashmir; PERHIEI ora Para Raj. T. 1. 98. TEH a. (eft A.) 1 Cruel, severe, harsh. -2 Rash, inconsiderate. -4: (-et . 1 A rogue, rascal, villain, wretch, miscreant ; 31 at TICH7 Fiugar Av. 4. 16.7; 3919 red in fata a: ch sa v.1.-2 A poor man, a low or degraded man. -3 One who reads or recites badly; cf. P. VI. 2. 158. FICHa. (-fehl f.) Despised, low, mean, contemptible; mitrabrahmagurudrohI jAlmakaH suvigarhitaH Bhag. 7. 195. 45. H F 1 Speed, swiftness. -2 Haste, hurry. 15A: A kind of animal. Greyfa: Ved. A son-in-law. FIEH A termination added to nouns expressive of the parts of the body in the sunse of the root of '; karNajAham the root of the ear: 0 akSi', oje. SITE: 1 A pole-cat; enfermeirah Bri. S. 86. 42. -2A leech.-3 A bed, a cot. jAhuSaH N. of a man protected by the Asvins ; parifag sige fauna: Rv. 1. 116. 20. Het [5: 3971 ] An epithet of the river Ganges. GT I P. (Atm. when preveded, by PTI and fa) (59, 6014, R2, 2131-339, 394, fea) 1 To conquer, defeat, overcome, vanquish, subjugate; Aula COHET Harafa y a Pt. 1. 330; Bk. 15. 76, 19. 2. -2 To surpass, excel; affalati e 4912 Ku. 2. 53; R. 3. 34; Ghat. 22; Si. 1. 19. -8 To win by conquest, in gambling or in law-suit), acqnire by conquest; m a gaat al R. 11. 65; (where means to conquer' also ); Ms. 7. 96. -4 To curb, restrain, control, conquer (as passions). -5 To be victorious, be supreme or pre-eminent (generally used in benedictory stanzas or salutations ); TUTTU HEITIS: (in dramas); pufa aftura: T : T : Mal. 5. 1; Fragga : 972: Ratn. 1. 5; Bh. 2. 24; Git. 1. 1. -6 To convict. -7 To overcome or get the better of as a disease &c.). -8 To expect from with abl.). -Caus. ( fa) To cause to win or conquer. -Desid. (frafa To wish to win, acquire or excel, to vie with, emulate, to seek for ; fa 7919 feituat f aa: Ki. 10. 29. With fy to conquer, defeat, vanquish ; Bk. 19. 2. T: [ 37 ] 1 Conquest, triumph, victory, success, winning (in battle, game or a law-suit); 97 fama yzf 03#: 54: Mb. 10. 115. -2 Restraint, curbing, conquest as in fauci7.-3 N. of the sun.-4 N. of Jayanta, son of Indra; T u gurar 98 I 744 Mb. 1. 227. 34. -5 N. of Yudhisthira, the first Pandava prince. - N. of an attendant of Visau. -7 An epithet of Arjuna; TT I PE Mb. 3. 158. 2.- N. of the Mahabharata ; af aradi a ad uut Mb. 1. 1. 1; Bhag. 1. 2. 4; -9 The heroic sentiment; sahajetarI jayazamau dadhatI Ki.6.22. -10 Words of victory; 149 auferat 7 Alanyaltaa: Ram. 7. 23. 3. - 1 N. of Durga. -2 N. of an attendant of the goddess Durga. -8 A kind of banner. -4 The third, eighth or thirteenth lunar days of any of the two lunar fortnights. -Comp. 391 Victory and defeat; sukhaduHkhe same kRtvA lAbhAlAbhau jayAjayo Bg. 2. 38. -316 a. conferring victory. -Trg f. 1 a prayer for victory. -2 congratulations after victory; a cheer For Private and Personal Use Only Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jayaka 737 of victory. -udhura a. exulting in victory. -kuJjaraH jita p. p. [ji-karmaNi kta] 1 Conquered, subdued, a victorious elephant ; AkSipto jayaku jareNa Ratn. 4. 12. cur bed, restrained, (as enemies, passions &c.). -2 Won, -kolAhalaH 1 a shout of victory. -2 a kind of game got, obtained (by conquest ). -3 Surpassed, excelled. with dice. -gataH. Conquering, victorious; uktaviparIta- -4 Subject to, enslaved or influenced by: Fla; lakSaNasaMpanno jayagato vinirdiSTaH Bri.s.17.10.-ghoSaH,-ghoSaNam , strIjita -tam Victory. -Comp. -akSara .. reading -NA a proclamation of victory. -DhakA a kind of drum well or readily. -amitra a. one who has conquered his beaten as a sign of victory. -dam A height which is fous, triumphant, victorious. -2 one who has subdued 1 of the breadth; Mana. 35.22-26. -dattaH N. of his passions. (-:) N. of Visuu. ft a. one who has Jayanta, Indra's son.-devaH N. of the author of Gita-. conquered his enemies or passions. (-:) an epithet govinda; yAvacchahArasArasvatamiha jayadevasya viSvagvacAMsi Git. last of Buddha. -36T a. self-subdued, void of passion; stanza. -patram // record of victory. -pAla: 1a king. jitAtmanaH prazAntasya Bg.6.7. -Ahava . victorious. -2 an epithet of Brahma. -3 an epithet of Visnu. -indriya a. one who has conquered his passions or -putraka: a kind of dice. -maGgala: 1a royal olephant. -2 subdued the senses (rUpa, rasa, gandha, sparza zabda); a remedy for fover. (-lam)a cheer of victory; tato' zrutvA spRSTvA'tha dRSTvA ca bhuktvA nAtvA ca yo nrH| na hRSyati glAyati bdhivIciniSeruGgItajayamaGgala: Raj. T. 1. 158. -yajJaH the azvamedha vA sa vijJeyo jitandriyaH Ms. 2. 98. -kAziH the list doubled. sacrifice -lakSmIH , -zrI: the goddess of victory; jayalakSmyA FITT a. appearing victorious, proud of victory, babandhAsthA zvazra: Raj. T.5.2163; babhAra yabhujastambho jayazrI- assuming the airs of a victor; jitakAzinazca khacarAH Mb. sAlabhaNikAm bid 2.64%B Ku.2.52. -lekhama record of3.214.63 bhISmaH puruSamAnI ca jitakAzI tathaiva ca Vid.5.177.12%3B vicotry; ......ratijayalekham Git.8.3. -vAhinI.n epithet cANakyo'pi jitakAzitayA Mu.23; jitakAzI rAjasevaka: bid. of Sachi. -zabda:1a shout of victory. -2 the excla-, -kopa,-krodha,-manyu . imperturba ble, not excitable. mation jam (hail! glory!) uttered by bards &c. (-7:) an epithet of Visnu. afh a staff made of -zRGgam a horn blown to announce a victory.-stambhaH the Asvattha tree. -loka. 'one who has won heaven' trophy, a column erected to commemorate a victory, (epithet of a class of manes). -zatru a victorious. a triumphal column; nicakhAna jayastambhAn gahAsroto'ntareSu saH -ziznodara 3. One who has overcome lust and appetite. R.4.363; yasyAdyApi jayastambhAH santi te pUrvavAridhau Raj. T. 3. -zrama a. inured to fatigue, hardy; kRtahasto jitazramaH Mb. 470. -sthalama N. of a village,bids. 121.-svAmin m. 7.16.24.-svage. one who has won heaven. -hasta. an epithet of Siva. one who has exercised his hand. jayaka. Vietorious. jit a. [ji-kvip | (At the end of comp.) Conqering, defeating, winning &c.; tArakajit, kaMsajit , sahasrajit &c. jayatsena: A name assumed by Nakula while living at Virata King. jitiHf. 1 Victory, conquest ; kSemAya tApaviramAya ca mRtyu jityai Bhag 12. 8.41. -2 Gaining, obtaining; siSAsanirbanate jayadvala: A name assumed by Sahadeva. kAra ijjitim Rv. 10.53. 11. jayanam [ji karaNe lyut ] Conquering, subduing: jitya.. Conquerable. -tyA 1 Victory.-2 Acquisia -2 Armour for cavalry, elephants &c. -Comp. -YET 2i tion, gain. -3 A ploughshare. -tyaH A harrow. # 1 caparisoned. -2 victorious. jitvan . Victorious. jayin / [ji zIlAthai ini] 1 Conquering, vanquishing: virUpAkSasya jayinIstAH stuve vAmalocanA: Vb.1.2.-2 Successful, jitvara . [ji-karap] (-rI/.) Victorious, conquering, winning a law-suit, Y. 2. 79. -3 Fascinating, capti. triumphant; zastrANyupAyaMsata jitvarANi Bk. 1. 16%3 karadIkRtavating, subduing the heart; jagati jayinaste te bhAvA navendu- bhUpAlo bhrAtRbhirjitvarairdizAm Si.2.9; api viSTapajitvareSuNA tanunAhAri kalAdayaH Mal.1.36.-m. A victor, a conqueror; paurastyAneva zivasya no manaH Siva. B. 32.6. -rI N. of the Benares city. mAkrAmastAMstAJjanapadAayI .4.34. jiSNu . [ ji-gRtsnu] 1 Victorious, triumphant, B.4. jayya . [ ji-yat ] Conquerablevulnerable, that can | 85; 10.18.-2 Winning, gaining.-3 (At the end of comp.) be conquered (opp. jeya). Conquering, excelling; alinIjiSNuH kacAnAM cayaH Bh. 1.5%3B Si. 18.21. -haNuH 1 The sun. -2 N. of Indra.; asau jiSNujigISA [ji-san bhAve a] 1 Desire of conquering, rabhavat tatra sa mleccho'bhUnmahIdharaH Siva. B. 21.52. - N. of subduing or overcoming; yArna sasmAra kauberaM vaivasvata jigISayA Vispu.-4N. of Arjuna; jAtaspRhaH puNyajanaH sa jiSNo Ki.3. R. 15.45. -2 Emulation, rivalry. -3 Eminence. -4 1 31;......yutijiSNu jiSNurabhRtoSNavAraNam Si. 18. 21. Exertiou, profession, ha bit of life. -5 Eminence. -6 jeta . [ji-tRc] 1 Victorious, triumphant. -2 SurMilitary ardour, warlike spirit. passing, excelling. - 1 A conqueror, victor. -2 An fering a. Desirous of conqueriny. -2 Vying or epithet of Visnu. contending with. ji: A demon (pizAca). saM.i.ko....93 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jigalu 788 jImUtaH frica. Going quickly, fleet; fara atferat Pore Rv. 7. 65. 1. -m. Breath, life. freic: Ved. An enemy; 91: 564 37 at for: Rv. 2. 30.9. fraza ( 317 97 T: H 3 ] 1 Desire of eating, hunger. -2 Striving for. -8 Contending with. fanga. [347 7 JACE 3 ] Hungry, desirous of consuming; dhiSaNamekavAdyAM jighatsvam Av. 2. 14. 1. f ie a. Revengeful, murderous. FGTSTAT Desire of killing; R. 15. 19. - 2 Malice, revenge. faig a.[ 473] Desirous of killing, murderous. - An enemy. framt ( 96 97 H 27 ) Desire of taking or seizing. freta. a f ferica ] 1 Suspecting.-2 Conjecturing, guessing; observing; e.g. To : 44 : S.D. farer ( SIT 7 3 ] 1 Desire of knowing, curiosity, inquisitiveness. -2 Search, investigation, test, examination. framerat a. Investigated, asked, inquired. fue a. [=1773 ] 1 Desirous of knowing, inquisitive, curious; Bg. 6. 44. -2 Desirous of getting a hsolution (999). STAA:, fra:, fich: Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac (a word of Greek origin); Brihajjataka 1.8; 21. 14. Pret: An instrument for levelling or smoothing ploughed ground Mar. Foa). frata. [ 7 ] 1 Victorious, triumphant. -2 Very old. --: 1 A generic term applied to a chief Bauddha or Jaina saint. - N. applied to the Arbats of the Jainas. -8 A very old man. -4 An epithet of Visnu. -Comp. -75, sat: 1 a chief Bauddha saint. -2 an Arhat of the Jainas. -O : A deer (cf. 31131a a); L.D. B.- T 1. a Jaina temple or monastery. for CTS: N. of a person; 1 frageriet..aftoi atfedis 47 Raj. T. 7. 265. farfer a. Ved. Old, decayed; 1914d fata car: Rv. 4. 19. 2. - 1 Time. -2 A bird. jim 1 P. (jemati ) To eat. farft 5 P. (Prona) To kill, hurt. isritys: (pl.) N. of people; see fafe) #1: grama Mb. 6. 9. 59. free 1 P. (Perrafa) 1 To be active or lively, busy oneself. -2 To urge on, impel, excite. -8 To refresh, animate. -4 To promote. - To grant, confer. -8 To please, satisfy. Fry 1 P. (af) To sprinkle. Fransia: The Chakora bird. RETT a. 1 Going, going to. -2 Getting, obtaining see a 'to go'. fraran: Destruction of the world. PET a. [ fa ATSATA; E1-42 -97 3113194 Un. 1. 138] 1 Sloping, athwart, oblique. -2 Crooked, awry, squint; Re. 1. 12. -3 Tortuous, curved, going irregularly. -4 Curved, bent. -8 Morally crooked, deceitful, dishonest, wicked, unfair; y asayaforia: Ki. 6. 24; gainean Si. 9. 62. -8 Dim, dark, pale-coloured; faut fage Herah Ki. 1. 46. -B Slow, lazy. - 1 Dishonesty; falsehoud; Freyri 39E24 Bhag. 1. 14. 4; FA Tu a fa7617UTH Ram. 4. 27. 36.-2 The Tagara tree. -Comp. 3797 a. crooked-eyed, squinting. - a. other than lazy', not dull; fredag aft49124 N. 3. 63.-T a. moving slowly. (--:), a snake. Ta a. meundering, going tortuously; Rs. 1. 13; farfa famata quantia Siva. B. 19. 36. &: a frog. - a. fighting unfairly. -m. an epithet of Bhima. -Teu: the Khadira tree. farofa Den. P. To go crookedly. farra a. 1 Bewildered ; T A TA Ki. 10.60. -2 made crooked, bent; frenar laa: Mb. 9. 12. ffre: The tongue. 1 a. Voracious, greedy. frer 1 The tongue. -2 The tongue of fire 4. e. a flame. -3 A sentence. -Comp. -3 : licking, lapping. Userat, gefil, de a tonguescraper. -T: 1 a dog. -2 a cat. -3 a tiger. -4 a leopard. -5 a bear. -HOH the fur of the tongue. -OH the root of the tongue. - a. a term particularly applied to the Visarga before and and also to 7 and and the guttural class of consonants (in gram. ) -G: a bird. -PER m. a dog. Der greediness. - TET: the Khadira tree. Eftfa: f. [fa 29: ] 1 Victory. -2 Decrease, loss. -3 Fading away, growing old. fra a. [341- 15:] Old, aged, decayed. # A leather bag; 1991 atardiz qur cafea Ms. 11. 139. jImUtaH [ jayati nabhaH, jIyate anilena jIvanasyodakasya mUrta bandho 47, a 3a, 5x yada ar garo Tv. cf. UN. 3. 91 ] 1 cloud; a chof grf462 | Me. 4. -2 A mountain. -3 A nourisher, sustainer. -4 An epithet of Indra. -Comp. : a mountain. - For Private and Personal Use Only Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jIra 789 jIva an epithet of Siva. T: A variety of gems; Kau. l upon as one's source of existence with loc.); att: A. 2. 11. -TEA: 1 N. of Indra. -2 N. of a king of pramatte jIvanti vyAdhiteSu cikitskaaH| pramadAH kAmayAneSu yajamAneSu the Vidyadbaras, hero of the play called Nagananda; 1991: 11 TT fachlag faci qay ufosai: Mb. -Caus. (mentioned also in tanta ). [He was the son of 1 To restore to life. -2 To nourish, nurture, bring up. Jimataketu and renowned for his benevolent and cha fret a. [ q- ft + ] Living, existing; 1993 faccia ritable disposition. When his father's kingdom was in Ram. 4. 19. 11; 37727 953194194-47 Bhag. 5. 10. 12. vaded by his kinsmen, he scorned the idea of fighting -a: 1 The principle of life, the vital breath, life, soul; with them and induced his father to leave it to those Tafta, fram, farei &c. -2 The individual or who fought for it and to repair with him to the personal soul enshrined in the human body and imMalaya mountain to lead a holy life. It is related parting to it life, motion and sensation called starch that there he one day took the place of a young as opposed to YAICH7 the Supreme Soul); Y. 3. 131 ; Berpent who was, by virtue of an agreement to be Ms. 12. 22-23; Aqed ju at fa fagie F iat offered to Garuda as his daily meal, and induced, by Falah yolunda: 11 Bhag. 11. 25. 36. (here his generous and touching behaviour, the enemy of fa = T ). -8 Life, existence. - A creature, Berpents to give up his practice of devouring them. living being. 5 Livelihood, profession. - N. of The story is very pathetically told in the play ). Karna. -7 N. of one of the Maruts. The constella-vAhin Smoke. tion 964.-9 N. of Brihaspati. -10 The third lustrum fic a. [ 521 ao 18:] Ved. Swift, quick; in the cycle of Jupiter. -11 Association of cause and fact teratat cu * Ry. 5. 83. 1. effect. -12 N. of Visnu. -Comp. -3 : 1 a bird-T: 1 A sword. -2 Cumin-seed. -3 An atom. catcher, fowler. -2 a murderer, slayer. -istrare : ftri, stur: Cumin-seed; 345THI aigt the world of organic and inorganic creation. -3 m. the individual soul enshrined in the human body 291 Siva. B. 30. 18 (as opposed to paramAtman 'the Supreme soul').-AdAnam th: [stafa -40 ) Ved. A man. -f. Quick or abstracting healthy blood, bleeding (in medic. ). flowing water ; : fed aes98 997 Rv. 2.17.3. -AdhAnam preservation of life. -AdhAra: the heart. for p. p. [7 ] 1 Old, ancient. -2 Worn out, -F3197 glowing fire-wood, burning wood. -3 : ruined, wasted, deca yed, tattered (as clothes); arata 'casting off life,' voluntary death, suicide. -371 : off a fagz Bg. 2. 22; U. 6. 38; Mal. 5. 30.-3 the three states, i. e. waking, dreaming and sleeping, Digested; Estufas gie : ga: H. 1. 22. -Uf: 1 An -UNo the wool of a living animal. -koza: The subtle old man.-2 A tree. -3 Cumin-Beed.-OT Large cumin body (foarte ); apa frana4174 Bhag. seed. -UTH 1 Benzoin. -2 Old age, decrepitude. -Comp. 10. 82. 48. -TEH, -ARTH 'the abode of the soul', -Jart: renewing the old ', repairs, especially of a the body. - 6: a prisoner taken alive; - ind. temple or any charitable or religious institution. in an alive condition; ante PATATA T T: -udyAnam ruined or neglected garden. -jvara: lingering Mb. 6. 77. 10.-17: Brahma. -1 a. born alive. fr, fever. - : the Kadam ba tree. - -jIvakaH (also jIvaMjIvaH) the Chakora bird; raktAni hutvA a particular gem (afia ). - a. wearing old clothes. -ate it a arata za fata: Ms. 12. 66. According to Artharuined house. sastra, however, it means a pheasant; fq2T 2012 asia: 1 7 lat fard Kau. A. 1. 20. 17. sfrutar a. Almost dried up or withered. ats a woman whose children are living. - 1 a troi: 1 Old age, decrepitude, decay, infirmity. physician. -2 an enemy. - mortal existence. - 4 -2 Digestion. living wealth', property in the shape of living crea tures, live-stock. Of the earth. -fatt: a being stifa: [ - ] 1 An axe. -2 The body. -3 A cart. endowed with life. -ofa: f., -qat a woman whose -4 An animal. husband is alive. -774 a fresh leaf. -f97, -fuch a. fra 1 P. ( aft, aa) 1 To live, be alive; ft (a son or daughter) whose father is still alive. rafa stafa aca: Sa siara Pt. 1. 23; T flag: -Fr, are a woman whose son is living; stage 95:autfu frati Si. 2. 45; Ms. 2. 235. -2 To Practa 9 T4a 77H Ram 4. 19. 11. - PETH revive, come to life. -3 To live by, subsist on, make a The body; L. D. B.-ATUH Death in life; 319-HTOTlivelihood by (with instr, ); marga i arford a ac sa peau: Kau. A. 1. 17. - A h the seven wait foyd Ms. 4. 6; faqua a far: 3. 152, 162; i mothers or female divinities; ( FAIT CT a fan 11. 26; sometimes used with a cognate accusative maGgalA blaa| padmA ceti ca vikhyAtAH saptaitA jIvamAtRkAH / / ). in this sense ; 3 91H ac aerian | a: a sentient being. Ti menstrual blood. Ms. 4. 11. -4 (Fig.) To live or prey apon, depend i 1 the world of living beings, the world of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jIvaka 740 mortals, the world or worldly existence; 3413*#ffca 1977: R. 5. 35; 9940 : at sim: Mal 9. 37; 1 : a 21: so F S HEET: stat: Santi. 2. 2; Bg. 11.7; U. 4. 17. -2 Living beings; faga 57/52AFTER 3 S. 3. 12; or 39174ilea : R. 5. 35.-afer f. breeding or keeping cattle. 1 a. one to whom only life is left, esca ping only with life and nothing more. -TOSH living, i. e. healthy blood. T transmigration of the soul. -ETETT grain, corn. En realization or attainment of the chief end of human existence. - T: 'the mother of living beings', a woman whose children are living. FUTH 1 a joint, an articulation. -2 the vital parts, heart. fra a. [fra-form ] 1 Living, making a livelihood by, gonerating &c. -2 One who lives a long time. - 1 A living being. -2A servant. -3 A Buddhist mendicant, any mendicant who lives by begging. -4 A 18urer. - A snake-catcher. -6 A tree. - A medicinal plant of that name. start a. ( at ) Living, alive. -Comp. -111 a woman whose children are living, ofa: t., Taft. a woman whose husband is living: -fani one whose father is tive. - a. 'liberated while living', a man who, being purified by a true knowledge of the Supreme Spirit, is freed from the future birth and all ceremonial rites while yet living. -grani f. final liberation in the present state of life. - a. 'dead while alive', one who, though alive, is as good as dead and useless to the world said of a mad man or one whose character is lost ). sau (+12-314] 1 Long-lived. -2 Virtuous, pious. -0: 1 Life, existence. -2 A tortoise. -8 A peacock. -4 A cloud. -5 Virtue, piety. sian . (-ot.f.) [q Ha ] Enlivening, giving life. -# 1 A living being. -2 Wind. -3 A son. -4 The Supreme Being: bIjAnAM prabhava namo'stu jIvanAya Ki. 18. 39. -- 1 Life, existence; (fig. also ) 44 990 9 4 99H Git. 10.-2 The principle of life, vital energy; Bg. 7.9. -3 Water; 4T 999 HISET #19a12 Ki. 18.39; or tai (life) TedentTU: Udb.-4 Livelihood, profession, means of existence (fig. also ); Ms. 11.77; faili : H. 3. 33.- Butter made from milk one day old. -8 Marrow. -7 Enlivening, making alive. -Comp. -ra: death.-31T1974 poison. -ratet: 1 residing in water', epithet of Varuna, the regent of water. -2 the body. -3914: livelihood. -377TH 1 elixir of life. -2 a life-giving medicine. -92 (Ayurveda ) The five medicinal herbe called aft, qat, mat, 5and **** fra a. [=194- ) Enlivening. - Food. fatt a. [-40 TW 147 ] 1 To be lived. -2 Supporting life. -74 1 Water. -2 Fresh milk. frasa a. 1 Liviug, existing. -2 Long-lived. -a: 1 Life, existence. -2 A drug, medicament. sfrafa: A fowler. faftafir f. 1 A goddess looking after the welfare of a child Mar. feraar); FACI gidi afaifa Siva. B. 6. 48.-2 N. of a plant. frazat f. 1 A species of plant. -2 A kind of sweet dish; O2 are faczu Haet: Mb. 2. 4.2. far a. 1 Full of life. -2 Animating, inspiring. frar a. [519-97] 1 Water. - The earth. -3 A bow-string; UE sfrattatad My. 6. 30. -4 The chord of an arc. - Means of living. - The tivkling of metallic ornaments. -7 N. of a plant (971). -8 Life, existence. fara m., n. 1 Food. -2 Life, existence (fig. also); a rag: talia: J. N. v. - Restoration to life, revival; re hasta dakSiNa mRtasya zizodijasya jIvAtave visRja TEU 914 U. 2. 10. -4 Medicine for restoring life. straft [-3147 348 594 ] 1 Means of living, livelihood : Tatra ifah Mb. 12. 139.91. 2 The life-giving element, i. e. water. -3 lite: 9 a facuta * ftat Ram. 2. 20. 47. : stiga pe p. [ sa paft 1 living, existent, alive; R. 12. 75 -2 Returned to life, revived. -3 Animated, enlivened. -4 Lived through (38 period). - 1 Life, existence; sffari aur a i fadinh U. 3. 26; fed potilaan Ku. 6. 63; Me. 83; arfia u aferah Ms. 6. 45; 7. 111. - Duration of life. -3 Livelihood. -4 A living being. -Comp. 377014: an epithet of Siva. -TaTT hope of life, love of life. nahi nahi tatra dhanAzA jIvita AzA'pi dussaho Hala Subhas. T: 1 a lover, husband. -2 an epithet of Yama; fifaderanft FTH A R. 11. 20 ( where the word is used in sense I also ). -3 the sun. - 4 the moon. -5 a drug which is said to revive the dead. - arr: Siva. : duration of life. an artery. -nAtha: a husband. -vyayaH sacrifice of life. -saMzayaH risk of life, jeopardy, danger to life; 311 gada he is dangerously ill ': Bv. 2. 20. sitrea a. To be lived, kept alive &c. -474 The possibility of living. -2 Lifc. - Possible return to life. artea a. (aft.) [ig-foria, wa-laa] (Generally at the end of comp.) 1 Living, alive, existing ; R. 1. 63. -2 Living upon or by; Taifa, angyalfam &c. -m. A living being. jIvyam Life. -vyA A means of livelihood. T1A. (d) To go; L. D. B. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jukuTa: 741 : 1 A doy. -2 The Malaya mountain. The egg-plant. gu , E 1 Censure, reproach. - 2 Dislike, a version, disgust, abhorrence. -3 In Rhet. Disgust considered as the feeling which gives rise to the Bibhatea sentiment, thus defined: - a f fic faquea S. D. 207. jugupsitama A disgusting or horrible deed; jugupsitaM asger : Bhag. 1. 5. 15. grua ilil 1. 7. 42. F1 P. ( fa) 1 To abandon, quit. -2 To exclude, set aside. glsa a. Deserted, abandoned. -a: A man of a degraded cante, a Chandala. juTakam A braid of hair. 1 A tuft of hair on the top of the head; cf. EET. TE 1. 6. P. (gefa) 1 To bind. - To go. -II. 10 P. 1 To send, throw or cast, direct. -2 To grind or pound. 1 A. (ad) To shine. . 17 6 P. ( Tara) To go, move. a*: Ved. An epithet of Varuna. T6, 4. P.( a, afa) Ved. 1 To decay, become or grow old, waste away, perish, -577 m. An old man; 5 hinziga : Rv. 2. 14. 3. Tu a. Decayed, old. at a. Old; 109: gaia : 478 7471aa: Rv. 6. 2.7. 10 P. (14) To reduce to powder, grind, pound. yara. Vod. Speed, quickness; 31 #: A Helga Va R v. 6. 65. 18. TI. 6 A. (94- ) 1 To be pleased or satisfied. -2 To be favourable or propitious. -3 To like, be fond of, take pleasure or delight in, enjoy; a M4 914 af Bhag. -4 To devote or attach oneself to, practise, undergo, suffer; TS747 faqay: Bk. 17. 112. -5 To frequent, visit, inhabit; qaany 94: 4 7 Mb. -6 To enter, seat oneself, resort to; tu a #4 Bk. 14. 95. -7 To choose. -8 To enjoy, possess, have; Mal. 5. 18. 9 To happen to. -10 To delight in granting or performing. -11 To show oneself favourable towards. -Caus. 1 To like, be fond of.-2 To fondle, cherish. - To delight in, approve of, rejoice at.-II. 1 P., 10 U. (afa, qaa) 1 To reason, think. -2 To investigate, examine. -3 To hurt.- To be satisfied. 9 a. (At the end of comp.) 1 Liking, enjoying, taking delight in; Bh. 3. 103. -2 Visiting, approaching, going to, taking, amusing, resorting to &c.; 97819TATA R. 8. 85; TISTO GAR K. 1. gua. To be served, worshipped &c. - Service. Te p. p. [ 79- ] 1 Pleased, gratified. -2 Practised, resorted to, visited, suffered &c.; 377979HFanfarnu Bg. 2. 2. -3 Furnished or endowed with, possessed of; 199HTETET 7 ETHIOP24: Ram. 2. 2. 9. -4 Liked, loved, agreeable. - Served, worshipped ; AFTEGEf2afeast afagier: U. 6. 40. - Propitious, favourable. -7 Shared, partaken in; U. 6. 40. - 2 The remnants of meal (re). sta: (79- 99] 1 Satisfaction, enjoyment, happiness, pleasure. -2 Silence. -T ind. 1 Accordi ing to one's wish, with ease. -2 Silently; falfa Ghed s. 5; Bv. 2. 17; 19719 7 PARTEZ HA N. 5. 78. -Comp. -1 chattering nonsense; 1997 ! 47: Rv. 6. 59. 4. To, -of 1 Liking. -2 Satisfaction, approval. -3 Choosing. * N. of one of the three Kashmirian Turuska kings 3 hukajuSkakaniSkAkhyAstrayastatraiva pArthivAH Rai. T. 1. 168. * Soup of boiled rice; L.D. B. UT a. Making crooked or acting crookedly; TEUTATFETIVA: Isop. 18. -OT: The moon. SEAT: [ 3 Hot 1979] 1 Fire. -2 A tree. -3 A hard-hearted man. UE: f. [ faq fo faci 144 Tv.]1 A crescent-shaped wooden ladle used for pouring the facrificial gbee into the fire. - 2 A tongue, especially of Agni i. A. a Aame. -Comp. -3718T: fire; 257717 7174: Rv. 1.12.6. get (ar) OT: 1 A sacrificial priest. -2 Fire. -3 The moon. That m. Fire. geita: A technical name for those sacrificial ceremonies to which the verb af is applied as distinguished from those to which ala is applied; afaa afrit afaysafet: Ms. 2. 84. (See Medhatithi and other commentators; sarvajJanArAyaNa shortly renders juhoti by upaviSTahoma and yajati by tiSThaddhoma. See A svalayana 1. 2. 5 also ); cf. also e fataan : FT MS. 4. 2. 28. Taratata e: 1 SB. on MS. 1. 2. 28. T1 U., 9 P. (afa-, gafa) 1 To press or hurry on, move on quickly. -2 To impel quickly, urge or drive on. - To excite, animate, inspire. a. Ved. Quick, speedy, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 792 jentAkA ............. G . 1 Speed. -2 Atmosphore. -3 A female demon. 1941 FH Hafa K. 257; Iaf e : -4 An epithet of Sarasvati. - Going speedily, quick Ve. 2.7; Mal. 9.16.-8 Expansion. -4 Bursting open. motion.-A mark on the forehead of horses and oxen. 5 A kind of bird; ***4 a Ram. 2. 35. 20. gia a. (-] (At the end of comp.) 1 Impelled, I T T: [72 ] 1 'A yawner', a sort of demon; urged, pressed. -2 Ved. Gone. -3 Drawn. -4 Given. a ta ada masa: Mb. 3. 231. 31. - Fia: f. 1 Going on, proceeding, moving; a=39 Swelling. Comp. -324 A kind of missile causing gia...... Bk. 7. 69. - 2 Quickness, speed. -3 Uninter yawning and sleepiness; niyatamamitavIrya jumbhate jRmbhakAstram rupted flow or motion. -4 Impulse, incitement, insti U. 5. 13. -fuil Gaping, yawning. gation. -8 Inclination, propensity, tendency. - N. of TITUT a. [14-a ] Causing to ga pe or yawn. the author of Rv. 10. 136. 1. -7 Concentration of mind ! -U19 1 Gaping, yawning, -2 Stretching the limbs ); .......afa: afa: 49: Fiqte: 1 at a Ait. Up. 5. 2. (3 ) Eico H0 Ifor Rs. 6. 9. -8 Blossoming, #: The sign Libra of the zodiac (a word of Greek blooming; Hier forfa gai Bh. 1. 25.4 Causorigin). ing unconsciousness;  HOT & Bhag. 12. 12. 38. jUTa: The mass of twisted or matted hair; bhUtezasya Tap.p. [754- ] 1 Yawned, ga ped. -2 Opened, Er F ET FEI: Mal. 1. 2. expanded, displayed; Mal. 1. 32. -3 Opened, blown (as a flower ).-4 Done, exerted. -5 Enlarged, increasjUTakam Matted hair. ed. -6 Unstruny (a bow); fui aggeza sta face 4 A. ( a ) 1 To hurt, injure, kill. -2 To 914: Ram. 1. 75. 19.-241 Gaping. - 2 Expansion, be angry with (with dat.); ade fai Bk. opening, blooming. - Developing, coming into view. 11. 8. -8 To grow old. 1 T I. 1, 4, 9 P., 10 U. (ra, fara, fa, anafafur a. Ved. 1 Swift, speedy, quick. -2 Running, a, 75T, GTAA, 357, 351, 35 , aft-11-14, proceeding quickly. -8 Praising, invoking. -for: f. 1 of or ifta) 1 To grow old, wear out, wither away, Speed. - An epithet of Aditya or sun. -3 The body. decay; jIryante jIryataH kezA dantA jIryanti jiirytH| jIryatazcakSuSI zrotre - The Brahman (n.). -8 Anger. -8 A fiery weapon. ar 5014 Pt. 5. 16; Bk. 9. 41. -2 To perish, be consumed (fig. also ); 34fa91 STIFTETSla f. [vat mia ft7 318 ] 1 Fever. -2 Feverish or GIL Bk. 6.30; TETETT STEGET 14. 112. -8 To be morbid heat. dissolved or digested; jIrNamannaM prazaMsIyAt Chan. 79%; udare El P. (af) Ved. 1 To burn; 399EUR : ga 2979 Bk. 15. 150. -4 To break up or fall to pieces. fama Rv. 1. 191. 9. -2 To hurt, injure, kill. -Caus. (1-5- ) 1 To make old, wear out, consume. 1 U. (7fa-) To hurt, kill. -2 To cause to be digested; to digest.-II. 1 A. (a) Ved. 1 To move, approach, come near. -8 To crackle T:, -T4 The water of boiled pulse. (as fire). -3 To roar. - To call out to, invoke, T1 P. ( fa) 1 To make low or humiliate. -2 To praise. excel. ATF a.[70 ] 1 Causing to decay. -2 ProOF . (pl.) N. of a people; 977E-THZ-Ta-arala i moting digestion, digestive. 79-427-7 -71: Bri. S. 14. 21. FITOTH ( 7-fotar age] 1 Causing to decay. -2 StimuTRT 1 A. (H, TH1, 704) 1 To ga pe, yawn; lating digestion. -3 Calcining or oxidizing metals. -4 A condiment. Ms. 1. 13.-2 To open, expand, burst open (as a flower &c.); yaragara as Rs. 3. 22.-3 To TITET. ( :) The portion of the moon's path increase, spread or extend everywhere; hala occupied by the constellation zravaNa, dhaniSThA and zatatArakA tAmapratihataprasaraM krodhajyotiH Ve.13 tRSNe jumbhasi (Paras. is (according to arret); according to others, by irregular) Bh. 3. 5; sf + a falfeat vizAkhA, anurAdhA and jyeSThA. Gra 3. 80. - To appear, rise, show oneself, become visible or manifest; qua H FESTE: N. of an author on medicine. HYJFKu.3. 24; U.5.13. -5 To be at ease. -6 To recoil sem. 1 N. of a son of Madbuechandas author of or fly back as a bow). -Caus. To cause to yawn or Rv. 1. 11.) -2 N. of prince who had a grove near expand. Sravasti. : -HT, - [774-99) 1 Yawning, ga ping; rara: A heated chamber for inducing perspiraU. 4. 29.-2 Opening, blossoming, expanding; ** tion, a dry hot bath. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra jenya a. Ved. 1 Of noble origin, well-born. -2 Genuine, true; sag Rv. 2. 5. 1. -8 Victorious. arq: A kind of medicinal plant jemanam [jimmA yud] 1 Rating. 2 Food. jeyU 1 K. (jeSate) To move, go. 1 A. (a) Ved. 1 To reach, go towards. -2 To strive after, exert. -3 To open the mouth, pant, gasp; areNubhirjehamAnaM patatri Rv. 1. 163. 6. 1 P. (af) To wane, decline, perish. f: N. of an ancient risi named along with Asita Devala ; sanAtanazca dakSaca jaigISavyo bhagandaraH Bri. S. 48. 62. jaijjaraH ( Soo jejjaTaH ). a. (f) [] 1 Victorious, successful, leading to victory; v. 1. 102. 3; imiDa manasva jaitrama viguNAtizayaM bhaviSyatIti Mal. 2.65 dhanuraghurvI R.16; 16.72 AkArayajjI naivApaTaha Siva. B. 29. 64. -2 Superior. - 1 A victor, conqueror. -2 Quick-silver. - A Victory, triumph; jaitra yAtrA paraiH : sadyaH paraiH sa paribhUyate Siva B. 16. 41. -3 Supe riority. Comp. -: a victor. a. 1 A Jaina, a follower of Jaina doctrines. -2 A Buddha. ff: N. of a celebrated sage and philosopher, founder of the Mimmsa school of philosophy (properly pUrvamImAMsA); mImAMsAkRtamunmamAtha sahasA hastI muni jaiminim Pt. 2. 23. Comp. N. of a modern revision of Bhag. - bhAratam N. of a modern revision Mb. -sUtram N. of a work. a. fft. Relating to or composed by Jaimini.-w. an adherent of Jaimini. -m. (pl.) N. of a school of the Sv. n. Jaimini's work. Comp. gmsftar: N. of a compendium of the Mimansa philosophy of Madhava. : N. of Kaiyata's father. A: (q. v.). (jaijaTa: jaiva . [ jIvasyedaM aNU ]1 Belonging to jIna or the soul. -2 Belonging to Jupiter. jaivAtRka (-) 1 Long-lived, one for whom long life is desired; jaivAtRka nanu zrUyate patirasyAH Dk. -2 Thin, lean. --kaH 1 The moon; rAjAnaM janayAMbabhUva sahasA jaivAtRka tvAM : Bv. 2. 78. -2 Camphor. -3 A son. -4 A drug, medicament. 6 A peasant. 743 : An epithet of Kacha, son of Brihaspati. jaimyam Crookedness, doceit, falsehood; jaihrmyaM ca maithunaM puMsi jAtibhraMzakaraM smRtam Ms. 11. 67. ! Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Fa jaiDama The pleasure of taste; aupasthyajaiDapaM bahu manyamAnaH Bhag. 7. 13. -Aloe-wood, having variegated spotas Kau. A. 2. 11. jokUTa: The longings of pregnant woman ( doDda ). f: 1 An epithet of Siva. -2 A devotee who practises the most rigid austerities. at: Binding, tie : N. of the author of Raj. Tilak. jontAlA, jonAlA / Barley (Mar. joMdhaLA; according to others devabhAta ? ). Hind. [see under 31). a. Lovable. joSya joSA, joSit f. A woman ; cf. yoSA, yoSit. f 1 A cluster of young buds. -2 A woman. Jumara's grammar. -. (pl.) the followers of Jumara. zA 9 U. (jAnAti, jAnIte, jajJau, jajJe, ajJAsIt-ajJAsta, g) 1 To know (in all senses), to learn, become acquainted with ; mA jJAsIstvaM sukhI rAmo yadakArSIt sa 1 Bk. 15.9. -2 To know, be aware of, be familiar or conversant with ; jAne tapaso vIryam S. 3. 1; jAnannapi hi medhAvI jaDavaloka Acaret Ms. 2. 110, 123; 7. 148. -3 To find out, ascertain, investigate; jJAyatAM kaH kaH kAryArthIti Mk. 9. To comprehend, apprehend, understand, feel, experience; as in 3, &c. -5 To test, try, know the true character of; Apatsu mitraM jAnIyAt H. 1. 72; Chau. 21. 6 To recognise; gar na punaralakAM jJAsyase kAmacArin Me. 63. -7 To regard consider, know to be; jAnAmi tvAM prakRtipuruSaM kAmarUpaM maghonaH Me. 6. 8 To act, engage in (with gen. of the instrument ); sarpiSo jAnIte Sk. he engages in sacrifice with clarified butter (aff:= far). -9 Ved. To acknowledge, approve, allow. -10 To recognise as one's own, take possession of. -Caus. (fa, q) 1 To announce, inform, make acquainted with, make known, notify. -2 To request, ask (Atm.). -8 To sharpen. To satisfy. -5 To praise. -6 To immolate, kill (as an animal). -Desid. (a) 1 To desire to know, investigate, ascertain; R. 2. 26; Bk. 8.33; 14.91. -2 To conjecture, suppose, guess. For Private and Personal Use Only a. [-(At the end of comp.) 1 Knowing, familiar with; kAryajJa, nimittajJa, zAstrajJa, sarvajJa &c. -2 Wise ; as in thinking oneself to be wise. - 1 A wise and learned man. -2 The sentient soul. -8 The planet Mercury. The planet Mars. -8 An epithet of Brahma; cf. jJaH prAjJe candratanaye viSaye cAtmagarvayo: Nm. -Comp. -zakti: the intellectual faculty. Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jJapita jJAnitvam afera, 98 a. Made known, informed, expounded, taught. afa: f. 1 Understanding. -2 Intellect. -3 Promulgating. -4 Satisfaction. -8 Sharpening. -8 Praise. -7 Immolatiny, killing. zaMmanya a. Thinking oneslf to be wise; nizcinvate hi 14-21 HaruUHTEIT Raj. T. 3. 491. 917 <<. [ 511- for- ] Known, ascertained, understood, learnt, comprehended &c.; 31131194 rarere at Ku. 3. 3; see above. - Knowledge. -Comp. -37Fayl: son of a known family. -fara: a man completely versed in any Sastra. 1875 pot. p. 1 To be known or understood. -2 Conceivable, comprehensible. fa: [ - ] 1 A paternal relation, a father, brother &c.; agnate relatives collectively. -2 A kinsman or kindred in general. -3 A distant kinsman who is not entitled to the oblations offered to decoused ancestors. - A fatbor. -Comp. -** ., - the duty of a kinsman. A low-born person; farma Hierda a Al saad le 31 1 Bk. 12.78. -94: A meal for kinsmen (Mar. AHISTA); 212 Etat91973 afasi y Ms. 3. 264. - 19: kin, relationship. #: dissension among relatives. - a. one who has or makes near relatives. waar Relationship, an act befitting a relative; di 1 71171949 1994 1 Bk. 5. 51. la [ 1-79] Knowing, intelligent, wise. -*. 1 A wise man. -2 An acquaintance. -8 A bail, surety. Nah ( 31- ig ) 1 Knowing, understanding, becoming acquainted with, proficiency; egy IT #197 Mal. 1.7.-2 Knowledge, learning; affalgaria 01afa Mb. 12. 201. 2; & Ms. 5. 109; a Ala R. 1. 22.-3 Consciousness, cognizance ! knowledge; Traser af Ms. 8. 288 knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously. -4 Sacred knowledge; especially, knowledge derived form meditation on the higher truths of religion and philosophy which teaches man how to understand his own nature ! and how he may be reunited to the Supreme Spirit (opp. karman ); ef. jJAnayoga and karmayoga in Bg. 3. 3. -5 The organ of intelligence, sense, intellect; z a ITUT waaifa navya Mb. 12. 45. 18. -8 Conscience. -7 The Supreme spirit. -8 An epithet of Visnu. -9 The Vedas taken collectively. -10 Means of knowing; ifta ZET +FTF To MS. 1.1.5. -11 An opinion, a view; watu 917 4 a 7 grudt Mb. 7. 4.3. Comp. -fa: knowledge-fire; lah: for H a sta Bg. 4.37.-1 : ignorance, folly.-3016: forgetfulness. - TE: 1 study.-2 think- i ing, reflection. 37TCHI a. all-wise. Han organ of perception; (these are five 195, TH-T, 78, 70 and -the skin, tongue, eye, ear and nose see af under indriya).-kANDam that inner or esoteric portion of Voda which refers to true spiritual knowledge, or lmowledge of the Supreme spirit, as (listinguished from the knowledge of ceremonial rites (opp. F103 ). aa. done knowingly or intentionally. -17 a. attaina ble by the understanding. - m. pure or more knowledge%3; nirvizeSAya sAmyAya namo jJAnaghanAya ca Bhag. 8. 3. 12%3; taM CIH 1998... ...971172178 ibid 9.8.21. - 1. the eye of intelligence, the mind's eye, intellectual vision opp. 76995); au farad 124 Ms. 2.8; 4. 24. (-m.) a wise and learned man. -a true knwledge, knowledge of God. -997. penance consisting in the acquisition of true knowledge. - a preceptor. T an epithet of Sarasvati. - a. wanting in knowledge. -fa : certainty, ascertainment. -farea. intent on acquiring true spiritual ) knowledge; Flag1 i 7 Ms. 3. 134. - fat: 1 the Supreme spirit. -2 a teacher, preceptor. - a. preceded by knowledge, well-considered; facer a fagnguid Ms. 12. 89.- a ft f. N. of a Vedantic treatise. - a.'having the impress of wisdom', wise. B a. founded on spiritual knowledge. - a man possessed of true or spiritual knowledge, philosopher. - : contemplation as the principal means of, attaining the Supreme spirit or acquiring true or spiritual knowledge; jJAnayogena sAMkhyAnAM karmayogeNa yoginAm Bg.3.3. JETOTH, LOT 1 indication, sign, a means of knowing or inferring.-2 (in logic) sign or proof of knowledge; subsequent derived from antecedent knowledge. - 1 sacred and miscellaneous knowledge; Geita fata safari Ms. 18. 41. -2 the Vedas with the supplementary branches of knowledge, such as medicine, arms &c. - advanced in knowledge; a g gal graa: Ram. 2. 45. 8. - the science of fortune-telling. - 19TH 1 a means of acquiring true or spiritual knowledge. -2 an organ 1977: ind. Consciously, knowingly, intentionally. ATT a. 1 Consisting of knowledge, spiritual; GOTT E q uori al 1977 af at R. 8. 20.-2 Containing knowledge. - 1 The Supreme spirit. -2 An epithet of Siva. fatta.(-aftf.) [TAFTE ] Intelligent, wise. -*. 1 An astrologer, fortune-teller; 61 a wa Ks. 19.77.-2 A sago, one possessed of spiritual knowledge; AtoM jijJAsurarthArthI jJAnI ca bharatarSabha By: 7. 16. - Planet mercury; ta agarut: Nm. face Fortune-telling; Tacagu4 Ks. 19. 75. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jJAnIyati 740 jyogjIvanam ... ...... ............. 19 17 araftafa Den. P. To wish for knowledge. 9779 a. ( Ft-form og ] Making known, teaching, informing, indicating &c. -: 1 A teacher. -2 A commander, a master. -3 A master of requests, an officer of the court of an Indian prince ; Pt. 3. - (In phil. ) A significant expression, a suggestive rule or precept, said of such rules as imply something more than what is actually expressed by the words of those rules themselves. 1977 [ forg-ogg ] Making known, informing, teaching, announcing, indicating; Player a fa445914 #: Raj. T. 4. 180. anda a. Made known, informed, announced, declared. [1-49-Ha 3] The desire of knowing. pol. p. [ from t]' 1 To be investigated, or learnt or understood. -2 To be regarded as. -3 Perceptible, cognizable. jman (only loc.) On the earth ; Abhi kratvendra bhUradha jman Ry. 7. 21. 6. FN 9 P. (ferta) 1 To overpower, oppress. -2 To grow old. -3 A. (2a) To be oppressed. fra a. 1 Oppressed, overpowered. - Become old; also sta. FATH Ved. Oppression. 4 a. 1 To be oppressed. -2 First, best. 1 A bow-string; fauh HAT 41974 #*#49: S. 2.6; R. 3. 59; 11. 15; 12. 104. -2 The chord of an arc. -3 The earth. -4 A mother. - Overpowering force or strength. - Excessive demand, importunity. -7 A kind of wooden stick (T2T). -8 The rear of the army; PT hozt: Tarai afgaar: 991 Nm. Hence ROTH A handguard used by the archers and 19: The twanging of the bow. na: f. [ sara] 1 Old age, decay; ATC au ! aufa ofta rattare fatalg: Bri. Up. 1.5.15; . taran...etc. Mal. 9. 33. -2 Quitting, abandoning. -8 A river, stream. -4 Oppression. -8 Deprivation, loss; Mal. 9. 33. Ferra. (Eftf.; Compar. of 4+4, ) 1 Elder, senior ; 14 h 41417 U. 6. -2 Superior, more excellent or worthy; Ms. 4.8; 3. 137; By. 3.1, 8. -8 Larger, greater. -4 (In law ) One not a minor, 1. e. come of age and responsible for his own action. - Aged, old. -6 Decayed, worn out. -7 Better, stronger, preferable; yadyapyapUrvatvAdanyatra vidhijyoMyAn anuvAdAt 291491501 a agire faghelai SB. on MS. 10. 2. 43. . $. e.... SY Farfety a. (irreg.) 1 The most excellent. -2 First, noblest, best; yattveva rAjJo jyAyiSThaM kAryANAM tad bravImi te Mb. 12. 152. 17. uya. (Superl. of 987+or 7 ) 1 Eldest, most senior. -2 Most excellent, best. -3 Pre-eminent, first, chief, highest. -: 1 An elder brother; R. 12. 19, 35. -2 An epithet of the Supreme Being. -3 Life. -4 N. a lunar month ( = 316 q.v.). -Y 1 An eldest sister. -2 N. of the eighteenth lunar mansion consisting of the three stars ). -3 The middle finger. -4 A small house-lizard. -5 An opithet of the Ganges. -6 The goddess of misfortune, elder sister of Laksmi; FET 7 41919 F# Bhag. 1. 17.32. - A small houselizard. -Y 1 The most excellent, the first or head. -2 Tin. -Comp. 312: 1 eldest brother's share. -2 the right of the eldest brother to a larger share of the patrimonial property. -3 the best share. -377 n. 1 water in which grain has been washed.-2 the scum of boiled rice. --TTTH: 1 the highest or most excellent order in tho religious life of a Brahmana; i.e. that of a householder; AUTH M s.3.78.-2 a householder. Et: N. of Bilhana's father. -ata: a fathor's eldest brother. -a ct: f. Ved. superiority. -73 m. a Sovereign; ZET out 21610 Rv. 2. 23. 1. a A particular vow to be observed in the month of Jyestha.-adt: 1 the highest caste (that of Brahmanas). -2 a Brahmana. -ater: f. the duties of seniority.-ay: f. 1 a wife's eldest sister. - 2 the eldest mother-in-law. -sAman .. N. of a particular Saman; brahmadeyAtmasaMtAno Fat Taa Ms. 3. 185. UFC, Fica: The month 2 q. v.; at Hale. I am fearhit Mb. 13. 95. 9. ay: N. of a lunar month in which the full moon stands in the constellation For (corresponding to May-June).-T 1 The full-moon day in the month of zg.-2 A small house-lizard. arga a. Born from the eldest or principal wife; a faragta faafeah Bk.5. 84. Segru Precedence, priority of birth, primogeniture, seniority. -2 Pre-eminence, sovereignty. y 1 A. (1972) To go near, approach. FYT1 U. ( afa-) To shine. syfa: f. Light 1A. (942) 1 To advise, instruct. -2 To observe any religious obligation such as a vow) 15 ind. Long, for a long time; una Ry. 1. 23. 21; stata Ch. Up. 2. 11. 2. Fosfaa A longer life; tarafgereneasca fattagara SB. on MS. 6.7.33. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jyotis 746 jvalana Fanta n. [97-597 vie&F9 :.597-597 41 ] 1 Light, lustre, brightness, flash; sutra TH S. 5.30; R. 2. 75; Me. 5. -2 Light of Brahman, light regarded as the Supreme spirit ; Bg. 5.24; 13.17; 374 ya: 9 feat sulfaattaa Ch. Up. 3. 13.7; U. 4. 18. -3 Lightning. -4 A heavenly body. -8 A heavenly body, a luminary planet, star &c.); atlan t a Fala Ku. 7. 21; Bg. 10. 21; H. 1. 21; Ku. 2. 19; $. 7.6. -8 Brightness of the sky, day-light (opp. 749). -7 The sun and moon (dual). -8 Light as the divine principle of life, intelligence. -9 The science of the course of heavenly bodies; astronomy. See sellae. -10 The faculty of seeing. -11 The celestial world. -12 A Cow; SB. on MS. 10. 3. 49. -m. 1 The sun. -2 Fire; Full heart: (Hrafa:) Bk. 9. 60. -8 An epithet of Visnu. -Comp. *, - : the fire-fly. - a spark of fire. --T07: the heavenly bodies collectively; -1 4 the zodiac. -* an astronomer or astrologer. HUSCH the stellar sphere. -faream. -at (ft) a fire-fly. -Ter: (adru:) the polar star. 4: the supreme spirit. fac m. an astronomer or astrologer. -fast, - a ( F a: astronomy or astrology. -Fit: ( fath:) a Soma sacrifice considered as the type of a whole class of sacrificial ceremonies. wurfagth: A kind of soma sacrifice requiring sixteen priests for its performance. - EEI N. of Durga. Fulfahrera. Consisting of stars, starry ; R. 15. 59; #sutradara a HIT FURTH: Ku. 6.3. sulfat a. (eft f.) [ surfa: quiferiau sfaqueads FUU 2191 1 Astronomical or astrological. - An astronomer or astrologer. -TH1 Astronomy, astrology, the science of the course of the heavenly bodies and divisions of time resting thereon; 1717fasen ala art. Ram. 7. 94. 7. -2 One of the six Vedangas ( being a short tract on astronomy). -Comp. -au astronomical or astrological science. farra: One who studies or knows astronomy. ufact, anfas: A planet, star, luminary. -54 N. of the shining peak of Meru. - The citraka tree. wanacht a. (afata 499] 1 Luminous, bright, shining, possessed of luminous bodies; 722atti96H19 valaha F az : R. 6.22. -2 Celestial. -m. 1 The sun. -2 N. of the third foot of Brahma. -3 N. of one of the seven suns appearing at the destruction of the world. - 1 The night (as illuminated by the stars ). -2 (In phil.) A state of mind pervaded by Hagut is e. a tranquil state of mind. jyotsnA [jyotirastyasyA jyotiSa upadhAlopo nazca pratyayaH P. V. 2. 114 Sk. ] 1 Moonlight; ***TURKIwafaad 919 gr Bh. 3. 42; v a r Arafat 99917 R. 6. 34. - Light (in general). -8 An epithet of Durga. -4 A moonlight-night. -Comp. -T: the the Chakora bird. - er: a lamp-stand, a candle-stick. jyotsnI A moonlight-night. jyotsna a. Bright or lit with moonlight. -snaH The bright half of a month. - , - A full-moon night. uit: The planet Jupiter (a word connected with Greek Zeus ). welfarqi an astronomer or astrologer. I.1 P. ( fa) 1 To over power, conquer. -2 To go. -II. 9, 10 P. (fufa, fifa) To grow old. Fak 1 P. (wafat, ) 1 To be hot with fever or passion, be feverish. - To be diseased. Far a. [Far ] 1 Heated, feverish. -2 Excited, inflamed. -T: 1 Fever, feverish heat (in medicine); Fahai a: Star of foafat Si. 2. 54; also used fig.; at:, H ar:, at: &c. -2 Fever of the soul, mental pain, affliction, distress, griet, sorrow; Ha vat: Ram.; Haagufu wa R. 8. 84; Bg. 3. 30. -TT Fever. -Comp.-3119: the paroxysm of fever. -355T: a febrifuge. -37 af: Cathartocarpus fistula. -TF: ' febrifuge', cocculus cordifolius. : antifebrile. -gaNDa: N. of a disease; jalodare tRSAroge jvaragaNDe faq Mb. 12.303. 6. - a rt: cure of fover, febrifuge. - febrifuge', Rubia Munjstil. -T a. febrifuge. safra, afta, a. (oft s.) Attacked with fever. Fax 1 P. (aela, area1 To burn brightly, blaze, glow, shine; vafa afastaisia: S. 6.30; Ku. 5. 30. -2 To be burnt up, be consumed or afflicted (as by fire) 2190794aada yara a a 2/779721 Git.7.-3 To be ardent; valame Ta Bk.1.4. - To burn (as a wound). -Caus. (sacafa-a, alfa-a, but 9594fa) 1 To set on fire, light, kindle. -2 To irradiate, illuminate, brighten. Fasa. [597-37]1 Flaming, blazing. -2 Bright, brilliant. - Flame, blaze, light; ferafta garaiden: 419506177#: Bk. 6. 79. jvalakA A large flame of fire. Facta. [ - ] 1 Flaming, shining. -2 Com. bustible. -- Fire; aeg valami hafta caracteraeratura: Ku. 4. 36, 32; Bg. 11. 29. -2 Corrosive alkali. -3 The number 'three'. -4 Plumbago Zeylanicu or its root; Matanga L. 11. 26. - Burning, blazing, shining. -Comp. -73 m. the sun-stone. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir jvalita 747 sAjharIkA jvalita a. [jval-kta] 1 Burnt, kindled, illuminated. | -2 Flaming, blazing. jvAla.[jvala-Na ] Burning, blazing.-la: 1A flame, light; sa jvAlaiH pavanodbhUtairvisphuliGgaiH samantataH Ram 15.149.10% davadahanajaTAlajvAlajAlAhatAnAm Bv.1.36.-2 A torch. Faro 1 A blaze, flame, illumination; R. 15. 16; Bh. 1. 95.-2 Burnt rice. -Comp. -jihvaH, -dhvaja: fire. -mAlin God Siva. -mukhI a volcano. -rAsabhakAmayaH Ring-worm. -liGgam N. of a sanctuary of Siva; tato dadRzatustatra jvAlAli mahat puraH Ks. 1.28. -vaktraH an epithet of Siva. jvAlin a. [jval-Nini ] 1 Flaming, blazing.-2 Shining. -m. An epithet of Siva. J a. 1 Asleep, sleeping. -2 Lost, destroyed. # 31 1 Beating time. -2 Jingling, clanking or any similar sound. -8 Wind accompanied by rain. -4 N. of Brihaspati. -BA thing lost or mislaid. -8 A hurricane. -7 Number nine. -jhA The descent of a cascade, waterfall; of.jho hasto, jhA yoniH and jhaM maithunamiti smRtam Enm.; ct. also jhaH pumAn zramaNe naSTe pratApe haMsacorayoH Nm. jhagajhagAyate Den. A. To flash, sparkle. jhaga (gi)ti ind. Quickly, at once; sApyapsarA jhagityAsIttadrUpAkRSTalocanA Mb.; parivAre hasatyantarlajjAkrAnto jhagityabhUt Ks.6.118. jhaGkAraH, jhakRtam A low murmuring sound, as the buzzing of bees%3 (ayaM) digantAnAtene madhupakulajhaGkArabharitAn Bv.1. 33; 4.29; Bh. 1.9; Amaru. 48; Pt.5.53. ecoft The river Ganges. wenia: f. A clanking or jingling sound as of metal ornaments. jhaJjha nam 1 Jingling and clanking of metal ornaments. -2 A rattling or ringing sound. jhaJjhA 1 The noise of the wind or of falling rain. -2 Wind and rain, hurricane, gale. -3 A clanking sound, jingling. -4 Raining in large drops. - Anything lost. -Comp. -anilaH, -marut,-vAta: wind with rain, a storm, squall, stormy gale; jhaJjhAvAtaH savRSTika: Ak.; himAmbujhajhAnilavihvalasya (padmasya) By.2. 169%3 Amaru.483 Mal.9. 17. jhaTa 1 P. (jhaTti) 1 To become matted or clotted together (as hair). -2 To become confused or entangled. jhaTiH (aT ,-in ) A small tree, shrub, bush. jhaTiti ind. Quickly, at once ; muktAjAlamiva prayAti jhaTiti bhrazyadRzo'dRzyatAm Bh. 1.96, 70%; AnIya jhaTiti ghaTayati vidhirabhimatamabhimukhIbhUtaH Ratn. 1. 5. jhaNajhaNam, -NA Jingling sound; kurvANamiva tadvIryastuti jhaNajhaNAravaiH Ks. 25. 222. jhaNajhaNAyamAna, jhaNajhaNAyita a. Tinkling, jingling, making a tinkling sound; ......haMsavikramAbhirAmacaraNasaMcaraNajhaNajhaNAyamAna ...... (v. I. raNaraNAyamAna) Mal. 1 ( between 25-26); U.5.5. jhaNa (na)tkAra: Jingling, tinkling or clinking, as of metallic ornaments%3 jhaNatkArakrUrakkaNitaguNagujadgurudhanurdhatapremA bAhuH U.5.263 udvejayati daridraM paramudrAgaNanajhaNatkAraH Udb. jham 1 P. (amati) To eat, consume. jhampaH , jhampA A spring, jump, leap; Mv.5.68. -Comp. Azin m. a king-fisher. jhampAkaH, jhampAruH, jhampin m. A monkey, an ape. jhampAtAla: (in music) A kind of measure. jhampAnRtyam A kind of dance. jhampAzin m. A king-fisher. jharaH, jharA, jharI [mR-ac ] A cascade, spring, fountain, stream; pratyagrakSatajajharInivRttapAdyaH Mr.6. 14; Bv. 4. 37. jharca 6 P. (jharcati) 1 To speak. -2 To blame, censure. -3 To injure. -4 To threaten, menace. jharjhara: 1 A sort of drum. -2 The Kali age. -3 A cane-staff. -4 An iron instrument used in cooking. -BA cymbal. -rA A whoreharlot. -rI A sort of drum. -ram A sound as of splashing or dropping. jharjharaka: The Kali age. jharjharAvatI The Ganges. jharjharin a. Furnished with a drum. -m. An epithet of Siva. jharjharIka: 1 The body. -2 A region, country. -3 A picture. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra jhalajhalA jhalajhalA The noise of falling drops or of the flapping of an elephant's ears. jhalajhala: Dazzling lustre ( of ornaments ); maNinUpuracAkhApramukha Sthendra. 2. 71. 1 A girl, daughter. -2 Sunshine, glittering light, splendour.-8 A cricket. f: f. The areca-nut. 1 A prize-fighter. -2 N. of one of the degraded classes; Ms. 10. 22; 12. 45. - A kind of drum. jhalakam kI Cymbal. - jhalakaNThaH A pigeon. - 1 A cymbal. -2 A kind of drum. -3 A curl, lock of hair. - Moisture. 5 Purity. jhallikA 1 Dirt rubbed off the body by the application of perfumes. -2 Light, lustre, splendour. -8 A rag or cloth used for applying colour or perfumes. A ball at the lower end of a spindle. A1 U. (f) 1 To take. -2 To put on, wear. -8 To hurt or kill (only P. in this sense). jhaSaH 1 A fish in general; jhaSANAM makara zvAsmi Bg. 10.31; ef. words like a below. -2 A large fish. -3 The sign Pisces of the zodiac. 4 Heat, warmth. -8 The sign Capricornus of the zodiac. - 1 A forest, wood. -2 A desert, dreary forest. Comp. -3, -a, - ketu:, - dhvajaH N. of the god of love; strImudrAM jhaSaketanasya Pt. 4. 34; svaM karma kArayannAste nizcinto yA jhaSadhvajaH Bk. 8.48. - azanaH a porpoise. -udarI an epithet of Satyavati, mother of Vyasa. a. crocodile,...lasacchrI badanAmbujaH Bhag. 8. 18. 2. ... argita a. Producing a hissing hoarse sound; jhAGkArI zarkarAlaH pathiSu vipinAM skandhakASaiH sadhUmaH Ve. 2. 19. 1 A tinkling ornament worn round the feet. -2 A splashing sound (as of falling cascades); en egotepih ngghkoma U. 2. 14. jhATaH [ zaT- Nica-ac] 1 An arbour, bower. -2 A wood, thicket. -3 Cleaning sores. -, - The Jasmine plant. jhATala: Bignonia suaveolens jhATAstrakaH The water-melon. (f) Jasmines Flacourtia cataphracta. jhAmakam A burnt brick. needles &c. A small whetstone used in sharpening A tabor-player, drummer. f: A sort of sour or raw mango fried with salt, mustard, and Asa Foetida ( hiMgu ); AmramAmaphalaM piSTarAjikAaqufang) yi foggi qui infari anfareqia | Bhira P. 748 fauzt A kind of shrub. jhirikA, jhirI or girIkA A cricket. f: 1 A digit of the moon. -2 A monkey. f 1 A sort of cucumber. -2 A torch, fire-brand. jhiJjhima: A forest on fire. feraft A cricket. faff. 1 A cricket.-2 A kind of musical instrument. -3 Parchment. Comp.: a domestic pigeon. jhilikA N. of a tribe (300 milika ), see Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir f 1 A cricket. -2 The sound or cry of a cricket. -8 The light of sunshine. - Light, splendour. -5 The dirt which comes from the body in rubbing it with perfumes. -6 A cloth used for applying colour &c. fem. N. of a Vrisni. zya jhillI A cricket vitAnamukhI jhilI ciraM roditi Sukti. 5. 19.-2 A kind of musical instrument, cymbal. -3 A parchment. -4 The wick of a lamp. 8 A cloth for applying unguents, colours &c. -8 Sunshine. -7 Light, lustre. -8 Rice burnt by cooking in a saucepan &c. jhilli ( llI kA A cricket jhillIkagaNanAditam Mb. 4. 70. 5; yatra nirjharanirhrAdanivRttasvanajhillikam Bhag. 10. 18. 1. - 1 A cricket. -2 Sunshine. -3 Dirt which comes from the body in rubbing it with perfumes. ft:. An elephant. jhIrukA A cricket; also jhIrikA. jhuH Name of Bhrigu: : 1 A tree. -2 A shrub, bush. aft: N. of a Ragint; L. D. B. 1 The pole star. -2 A group. -3 God; Name of aruNa. for: (f:) 1 A kind of betel-nut. -2 A voice from heaven boding ill-luck, an evil omen. -3 A thicket. foff. A kind of betel-nut tree. : Heaven. 1 P. To kill, to injure; L.. D. B. 4, 9. P. (jhIryati or ghRNAti ) To grow old; cf. nRR. : N. of Siva. -2 Soma. -3 Rama. - A shoemaker. : Name of Karna. : The betel-nut tree. chew etc. 1P. ( yavati) To go or move. For Private and Personal Use Only A pan or bag for keeping betel-nut, cate Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 749 ST TippaNI ........................................................... aft: 1 Singer. -2 Gurgling sound. -3 Bull. 'ten '; fat fa 7 and -4 N. of Sukra. -5 Perversity. -6 Number forda i Enm. ! T.1 A sound like the twang of a bow-string. -2 A dwarf. -8 A quarter, a fourth part. - 1 1 The earth. -An oath. -CH A hollowed COCOanut. TRET: A Bahika country; car zenei faqaraoyala Raj T. 5. 150. TET: An epithet of Siva. -TT A blow on the head. ETC a. Squint-eyed. -T: 1 Borax. -2 Wanton play or sport. -3 Confusion. -4 An object of sense. JE 10 U. ( 2 f -a, aga) 1 To bind, tie, fasten. -2 To cover. -With 35 1 to scrape, scratch. -2 to bore out, pierce through. area a. Bound; F18 7 zi a fa F418: Hanumannataka. EFF, (205-99 319 9] 1 A hatchet, an axe; & stone-cutter's chisel; zet:Prayed fact ETT Mk. 1. 20; R. 12. 80; Ki. 9. 22.-2 A sword. -3 The sheath of a sword. -4 A peak shaped like the edge of a hatchet; the slope or declivity of a hill; fo: Tatt: Bhay. 8. 10. 46; 10. 67. 26; Ram. 7. 5. 24. fazara w anitarguraufan *4: Bk. 1. 8. -8 Anger. -8 Pride. -7 The leg. -8 A chasm, cleft. -9 The wood-apple tree. -10 Borax, -11 A weight of silver equal to four Masas; Sukra. 4. 179. -12 The fruit of the wood-apple (n.) -13 A stamped coin. -14 A spade, hoe. -18 Beauty, grace; L. D. B. -16 The ankle; 2 Seit zgo ya 60aafaqat: Stats HETTOSO F E AT ATA eta il Nm. -17 (in music) A kind of measure. - The leg. -Comp. afat: the master of the mint. Tot a mint. 29 : 1 A stamped coin, especially of silver. -2 A spade, chisel. ret: N. of Siva. TERTH(- ) 1 Borax. -2 Binding, tying. -OT: (T) 1 A species of horse. -2 N. of a people. -Comp. -TC: borax. ESTT: 1 The twang of a bow-string. 2 A howl, ory, shout; eit: sugata ferat: Bhag 3. 17.9. - Fame; (Notoriety; M. W.) -4 Surprise, wonder. Fift a. (oft f.) Twanging, making a hissing or twanging sound; RTH ETT T rafa Asvad. 1. af A hatchet; 7 A faca 7214T a for afet: Vikr. 1. 16. TakRtam A clang; K. EH, TH 1 A spade, hoe. -IT: 1 Borax. 2 A weight of four Masas. - 3 A leg. -4 A kind of sword. EFT, -Or4 Borax. CF The leg. Et A small house-lizard. TEU 1 A kind of musical instrument. - A joke, jest. -8 A lie. -4 A kettle-drum, 2857: The sound of a drum. ET1 P. (zefa) To be confused or disturbed. (1), TOH Confusion, perturbation. ICH A kind of spirituous liquor prepared from the fruit of the wood-apple tree). EST: A libertine, lecher. SETT: A clang, twang; ATHLETHeraf: Raj. T. 5. 418. IRC: 1 A horse. -2 A catamite. 1 A. (2 ) To go, move. fefer The white mark on the forehead of a horse &c.). efe():( .A kind of bird; sfera fef#: 999 #271a: Pt. 1. 314; Ms. 5. 11; Y. 1. 172; also feru. feq 10 P. (aqua) To direct, throw, cast. La Sending, throwing. fecqoft (-a) A gloss, a comment; sometimes used in the sense of a gloss on a gloss'; as Kaiyata's commentary on the Mahabhasya, or Nagoji bhatta's gloss on Kaiyata's gloss, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir TIka 780 DAmara .. .. .... ............ resort toj 9734 at 1 A. (th) To move, go, resort to; 14411: BHISHED Fafegitid Mal. 9. 7. -With to go, move, go about; TS a glaga azufa euraYETH Asvad. 5. Erat tud a 27ifsaat ] A commentary, gloss; kAvyaprakAzasya kRtA gRhe gRhe TIkA tathApyeSa tathaiva durgamaH. i 1 Gold. -2 One who can change his shape at will.! -8 N. of the god of love. E a. 1 Small, little. Harley -2 Vile, cruel. -3 T, IT a. Squint-eyed. TIE a. Small, little. Topara: A small bag. Tag 1 P. To become disturbed or confused. T. 1 An imitative sound, as of a metallic jar O rolling down steps; ta hamar: teyat H FTFULI: 1917971 a yod of si i di 35 3: Subhas. 2 A loud noise. -3 The disc of the sun or moon. :-4 A cirole, globe. -8 A cypher. -8 A place resorted to or held sacred by all. -7 An object of sense. -8 An idol, deity. -9 An epithet of Siva. 3 6 : 1 An idol, a deity. -2 An honorific title added to the name of a distinguished person ; (e. g. farchit the author of the Kavya pradipa the modern ThAkUra, TAgora etc.) GFT: Hoar-frost. great A girdle. FUT A gaming house; # #xfbogat iala +9199190 Ks. 92. 121. #: A merchant; Inscription, 1st cen. A. D. T.1 A sound. -2 A kind of drum or ta bor. C -3 Submarine fire. -4 Fear. -8 An epithet of Siva. -31 1 A kind of female imp (57f4ft). -2 A basket carried by means of a sling. Torfi The lute of the Chandalas. 34 10 A. (199) To collect, amass, heap together. 341 P. (shfa) To sound. GA: A despised and mixed caste ( Mar. Doma). GHT: 1 Riot, tumult, affray. -2 Petty warfare between villages. -8 Terrifying an enemy by shouts and gestures. - Running away through fear, rout. gaf. A sort of drum; Bhag. 8. 10. 7. SHE: A sort of small drum shaped like an hourglass and generally used by Kapalikas; (sometime regarded as n. also ); $691974 yaa17 af Raj. T. 2. 99. -Comp. -34 a kind of pan; Bhava. P. Str = 3 q. v. SF 10 U. (srufaa) 1 To throw, send. -2 To order. - To behold. grr: a. Famous, renowned. -T: 1 An assemblage, collection, mass; Mal. 9. 16. -2 Show, pomp. -3 Resemblance, likeness, appearance; U. 6. 17; Mal. 3. 7. -4 Pride, arrogance. 6 A great noise, loud assertion, ver bosity; 19Hiqera fal Ks. 107. 5. -8 Beauty. -Comp. -AHT Having a high-sounding name; Mal. 1. 4-5. (v. l.) GAT 10. U. (Ethaf-) To collect. 30*4,59*4 A sling, basket (Mar. Crast, 1973). sfart: A wooden antelope. ST*: An imp (attending Kali). giftiaft A kind of female imp, a female goblin ; Bhag. 10. 63. 10. gisa, grafa: f. The clang of a bell, ding-dong &c.; howling; Mal. 5. 19. 31 a. 1 Terrific, dreadful, awful98 fa Tufty3IH U Treto a : Mal. 5. 3. -2 Riotous, tumultuous. -8 Resembling, having the appearance (i. e. lovely, beautiful); fara a gafa faraos For Private and Personal Use Only Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir DAlimA DAmare (cikure) GIt. 12.8.-81 An uproar, rout, affray, riot. -2 The bustle and confusion of testivity or strife. - Any surprising sight. -4 N. of a mixed caste; Raj. T. DAlimaH = dADimaH q.. DAhalaH (pl.) N. of a people and their country; kIrtiH samAzliSyati DAhalorvIm Vikr. 1. 103. DAhuka: A gallinule. 'DikA A very small winged insect (such as gnat); Mb. 14.9.29, com. feat A young woman. fer: 1 A servant. -2 Aknave, cheat, rogue. -3 A depraved or low man. - A fat man. - Throwing, casting forth. -8 An insult. DiNDika: A jesting beggar; tataH pravizati DiNDikaveSo vidUSakaH Pratijna. 3. DiNDibha: A water-snake. DiNDimaH A kind of small drum (hig. also); iti ghoSayatIva DiNDimaH H.2.84; mukharayasva yazonavaDiNDimam N. 4. 533; Amaru.31; caNDi raNitarasanAravaDiNDimamabhisara sarasamalajjam Git. 11; AryabAlacaritaprastAvanADiNDimaH Mv.1.64. DiNDI (NDi ):1Cuttle-fish-bone considered as the foam of the sea. -2 Foam (in general); uddaNDAnena DiNDIre piNDapaktiradRzyata Vikr.4.64. -Comp.-modakam garlic. DitthaH 1 A wooden elephant. -2 A good-looking, dark-coloured young man proficient in every science. Die,-Dimpa I. 10 A. To collect, heap together.-II. 4,6,10. P. (Dipyati, Dipati, Depayati) 1 To throw, cast, send. -2 To direct. Dim (Demati) To hurt, injure. DimaH One of the ten kinds of dramas%3 maayendrjaalsNgraamkrodhoddhaantaadicessttitaiH| uparAgaizca bhUyiSTho DimaH khyaato'tivRttkH|| S. D. 517. DimbaH 1 Affray, riot; kSaNadAcArijanaprayuktaDimbaH Ram. Ch.2.14. -2 sound or noise occasioned by terror. -3 A young child or animal. - An egg. -BA globe or ball."-6 Globular or round blossom; Mal. 9. 26. - A chrysalis. -8 The embryo in the first stage of its existence. -9 The spleem. -10 The uterus. -11 A humming top; N. 22.53. -12 The body; koSTA DimbaM vyadhvaNavyasvanaca Si. 18.77.-13 An idiot; Raj.T.7.1072. See Dimbha. -Comp. -AhavaH, -yuddham petty warfare, an affray without weapons, skirmish, sham-fight; Ms.5.95. DimbikA 1 A libidinous woman. -2 A bubble. Dimbha 10 A. see Dip. DimbhaH 1 A young child; re re brAhmaNaDimbha Mal.5.8. -2 Any young animal such as a cub; jambhasva re Dimbha dantAMste gaNayiSyAmi 5.7. -3 A fool, a block-head. -4A young shoot3B palAlajAlaiH pihitaH svayaM hi prakAzamAsAdayatIkSaf+#: N. 8. 2. -H An infant. DimbhakaH (-mbhikA/.)1A young child. -2 Any young animal. DI 1, 4. A. (Dayate, DIyate, Dijye, aDayiSTa, Dayitum , DIna) 1 To fly, pass through the air. -2 To go. With to fly up; haMsaH praDInairiva Mk.5.5. -prod to fly up; proDDIyeva balAkayA sarabhasaM sotkaNThamAliGgitaH 28. Dayanam 1 Flight. -2 A litter earriod upon men's shoulders, palanquin. DIna p. p. [ DI-kta ] Flown up. -nam The flight of a bird. The varieties of the flight of birds are said to be 101, the word prefixed to start showing the particular mode of lighte.g. avaDInam , uDInam , praDInam , abhiDInam, viDInam , pariDInam , parADInam &c. See Mb.8.41. 26-28. DuNDubhaH, -maH A kind of snake not poisonous (nirviSA DuNDubhAH smRtAH); zayAnaM tatra cApazyat iNDubhaM vayasAnvitam Mb. 1.9.21. Suges: A small owl. Dunduka: A gallinule. Duli: A small turtle. DerikA A musk rat. DomaH A man of a very low caste; also Domba; Ks. 13. 96. ff. SIT: A fillet of thread (tied round the arm). -2 The string with which a packet or parcel is tied. Dvala 10 U.(DvAlayati-te) To mix. T. 1 An imitative sound. -2 A large drum. -3 A 7. dog's tail. -4 A dog. -BA serpent. #: A large sacred building; Raj. T. Dhakkanam Shutting of a door. DhakkA 1A large or double drum; na te huDukkena na so'pi DhakkayA na mardalaiH sApi na te'pi DhakkayA N. 15. 173 DhakAraveNa madhureNa For Private and Personal Use Only Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir DhakArI 782 70 farmiar Siva. B. 24.78; marga TRAFFIC! cert 79909114 Sabdendusekhara. -2 Coveting. -3 Disappearance. ut f. An idol of Durga (Tara, Tarini ) in the Tantric worship CTATT A goose. DhAlam A shield. os m. A warrior armed with a shield. 5degC Seeking, investigating. gros: An epithet of Ganesa. DhollarI A kind ot composition. co: A large drum or tabor. 1 1 A. (et, afa) To go, approach; l a ai gelo Bk. 2. 23; 14.71 ; 15. 49. -Caus. (29fa# 1 To bring ngar, cause to approach; que ha H : 4 T Olah Mb.; Bk. 17.103.-2 To present, offer. -With 39 to present, offer; # 979404414: Pt. 1. CIFE 1 Offering. -2 A present, bribe; aty afectscarcat arta Raj. T. 6. 166. fra a. Brought near; Mb. 12. [There are hardly any words in real use in " Sanskrit beginning with ". Many roots which, in the Dhatupatha, are written with an initial u really begin with 7. They are so written to show that the is liable to be changed to 17 when preceded by prepositions, like , oft, at &c.] UT: 1 Knowledge. -2 Certainty, ascertainment. -3 An ornament. - A water or summer-house. -5 A bad man. -6 Siva. -7 The sound of negation. -8 Gift, giving T: N. of an ocean in the "; are a 020al a Ch. Up. 8. 5. 3. V 1 A tail. -2 The tail of a jackal. -8 The I breast. -4 The womb. -5 The hip or flank. - A warrior. -7 A thief. -8 A wicked man. -9 An outcaste, a barbarian. -10 A Buddha. -11 A jewel. -12 Nectar. -18 (In prosody) One of the eight syllabic feet. -a, -241 Passing, crossing.-2 Virtue, religious merit. -at N. of Laksmi. Arfager N. of a metre. JEI.A. Ved. (a ) 1 To shake. -2 To pour out; T A g i e Rv. 4. 23. 5. -8 To beg, request.-II. 1 P., 10 U. (defa, duufa-a) To decorate. a 1, 2. P. Ved. (ayfa, afh) 1 To fly (as an arrow or bird), rush at or upon; if 77 FRET: Rv. 9. 16. 1. - To laugh at, deride, scoff. -3 To bear, enduro. a. Ved. 1 Censured. -2 Enduring. 25 a. Ved. Approaching (9), rushing along; 96 i 17 Rv. 9. 97. 52. u. Ved. Rusbing, darting along; ya 743 49197214 Rv. 1. 120. 6. -m. A bird (especially a bird of prey ); 4791 7 fahr fagfti Ry. 1. 66. 1. -2 A fleet horse. -8 A thief, rogue. apeti a. Fraudulent, crafty, rogue. - A medicament, drug. I n. child, offspring. (7777!). a777 m. N. of a disease ; Av. (various Kandas). 744 Butter-milk; Ms. 8. 326; Y. 3. 37, 321 ; # 1743 7. Subhas. -Comp. -32: a churning stick. it Curds from milk boiled with whey. -roug: The substance of butter-milk mixed with th of water remaining after making it pass through a piece of cloth; curds; Bhava. P. 5. 13. 30. TCH fresh butter. 98T 1, 5. P. (aufa, gufet, ) 1 To chop, cut off, pare, chisel, slice, split; Chrifa a 99 Mb; fate a 611 379: Ak. -2 To For Private and Personal Use Only Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 763 fashion, shape, form (out of wood &c.). -8 To make, create in general. - To wound, hurt; 87 : a aula 4974 Mb. 6. 45. 18. -8 To invent, form in the mind. - To make one's own, appropriate. -7 To cover. -8 To peel. -9 To make thin. -With ay 1 to slice out of. -2 to form, create. 787 4. (At the end of comp.) Pariny, cutting &c.; also 42; Bri. S. 87. 20, 24; also 794 4. V.; R. 15. 89. : [243 ] 1 A carpenter, wood-cutter ( whether by caste or profession ). -2 The chief actor in the prelude of a drama (i. c. the 47917). -3 N. of the architect of the gods. -4 N. of one of the principal Nagas or serpents of the Patala, son of Kasyapa and Kadru sa ved at the intercession of the sage A stika from being burnt down in the serpent-sacrifice performed by king Janamejaya, in which many others of his race were burnt down to ashes). TERUTH ( au maga] Paring, cutting; tamat 1408 Ms. 5. 115; Y. 1 185.-Off A carpenter's adze. ETT m. [24-fam) 1 A carpenter, wood-cutter ( whether by caste or profession); et Red 1997 Rv. 9. 112. 1; 79: 4770312 ... Siva. B. 31. 18; STATT takSA K. P. 'one not a takSan by caste is called takSan when he acts like or follows the profession of a 787 (carpenter); Si. 12. 25.-2 N. of the architect of the gods. OTT: A kind of plant; Mb. 13. 104. 87. 4, A kind of perfume (Ta bernaemontana coronaria ) and a fragrant powder prepared from it; Nm. ifti, - A seller of Tagara powder. 1 P. ( fd, aasta) 1 To endure, bear. -2 To laugh. -3 To live in distress. **: [ at wa 377] 1 Living in distress, a miserable life. -2 Grief produced by separation from a beloved object. -3 Fear, terror. - A stone-cutter's chisel. -8 A garment. 1977 Living in distress, miserable living. AET 1 P. (nezia, nata) 1 To go, move. -2 To shake, tremble. -3 To stumble. asa I 7 P. (aare, araa) To contract, shrink; Ca szita fataan Bk. 6. 38. II. 1 P. ( a) To go. 75577 P. See 157 I.1 P. (afat) 1 To groan. - To rise, be raised or elevated. -II. 10 U. (azafa-) To beat, strike. 6. &......54 T: (4-349] 1 A slope, declivity, precipice. -2 The sky or horizon. -3 An epithet of Siva. Ti, IT, ET, SH 1 The shore or bank, declivity, slope; sf S ZIT V Bh. 2. 39; Farat Bh. 3. 45.; - KIT 5 SI: Ku. 3. 6; U. 3. 8; U T geo&rTAH $1.4.18.-A term applied to certain parts of the body which have, as it were, sloping sides; 95199147DetgfTEH Git. 1; g e to S. 11. 7; 80 jaghanataTa, kaTitaTa, zroNItaTa, kucataTa, kaNThataTa, lalATataTa &c. -Tam A field. -Comp. - rata: butting, striking, against a bank or declivity; 3zfufia derar afTa 7501: Ku. 2. 50.- : a tree standing on the shore. - the shore; attitat azyfa afeta Hai Si. 8. 19. - a. 1 (lit.) situated on a bank or declivity. -2 (fig.) standing aloof, neutral, indifferent, alien, passive; azky: Fatauit ufa a 18 a Ha Mal. 1. 14; Zru A U. 3. 13; #21 HZ Tragegata N. 3.55. (where at has sense 1 also ). (-03) an indifferent person, one neither a friend nor a foe. (FH) that property or 40 of a thing which is distinct from its nature, and yet is the property by which it is known; e. q. 774979 in the case of grat. EF A shore or bank. TETT: = 781 q.v. TET: -* A pond ( deep enough for the lotus and other aquatic plants); See 781. perlawat A large pond; Mb. 3. afet [224FHEIT ] A river; 441 TT141atafau h 1 Bh. 3. 123; af fagy faarty faareyataa 214: By. 1. 23; afza a 9109179 fatta Udb. -Comp.-ofa: the ocean. aa: An epithet of Siva ; Mb. 12. ng 10 U. (arsyfa-a, aifa) 1 To beat, strike (in general), dash against; &at e famafee's Esartan S. 2.6; (al:) afsat Are Ram.; R. 3. 61; Ku. 5. 24; Bh. 1. 50.-2 To beat, strike, punish by beating, hit; a aeffort auffer and Chan. 11, 12; 7 arauata Ms. 4. 169; 99 atareid Amaru. 52. -8 To strike, beat (as a drum); a a g ty Mb; 3781347 ER Bk. 17.7; Ve. 1. 22. - To play on, strike the wires of (a musical instrument); prgfa Tistita arra Ku. 1. 45. - To shine. -6 To speak. -7 (In astr.) To strike against, touch, obscure or eclipse partially; Bri. S. 24. 34. -8 (In Math.) To multiply. arf a. Beating. -ff: Striking, a stroke. a13 a. [ag ] Beating, striking.-3: 1 A blow) knock, thumb, whipping, chastisement; fa6494. GT H ara gec Bu. Ch. 1. 80. -2 Noise, sound. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tADana 784 tatprakhyanyAyaH -8 A sheat. -4 A mountain. -Comp. -ghaa. beating | gruel. -oghaH 1 a prickly sort of bamboor -2 a heap with a whip or strokes of any kind. -ghaH, -ghAta: an of grain. -kaNa: a rice-grain. -kaNDanam bran. -phalA artificer who beats or hammers, a smith. long pepper. tADana .[taD bhAve lyuT ] Bea.ting, whipping, striling. tata See under tan. -nam 1 Beating, whipping, flogging, lAlane bahavo doSAstADane bahavo guNAH Chan. 123; avataMsotpalatADanAni vA Ku.4.83 tatama a. That one (of many). S. Til. 9. -2 (In astr.) Touching, partial eclipse; Bri. tatara a. That one (of two). S.24. 4. -nA Striking.-nI A whip. tatas (tataH) ind. 1 From that (person or place &c.), tADitapp. Struck, beaten, chastised; sthitAH kSaNaM / thence; na ca nimnAdiva hRdayaM nivartate me tato hRdayama 5.3.2 pakSmasu tADitAdharAH Ku.5.24. (v.1.); Mal. 2.10%; Ms. 6.73 12.85.-2 There, thither. -3 Then, thereupon, afterwards%3 tataH katipayadivasAMIGO a. Beating, striking. pagame K. 110; Amaru.69; Ki. 1. 273 Ms. 2. 933; 7.59. tADyamAna a. Being beaten or struck; zroturvitantrIriva -4 Therefore, consequently, for that reason. -5 Then, tAjyamAnA Ku. 1.45%3 tAbyamAnaH kiM na brUyAt Mu.5.-na: A in that case (as a corr. of yadi); yadi gRhItamidaM tataH kim musical instrument struck with a stick &c. (as adrum). K.120; amocyamazvaM yadi manyase prabho tataH samApta &c. R.3.65.-6 Beyond that (in place ), further, further more, moretaDaga: See taDAga, over; tataH parato nirmAnuSamaraNyam K. 121. -7 Than that, taDAka: A pond, pool. -kA 1 A blow. -2 A bank, other than that; yaM labdhvA cAparaM lAbhaM manyate nAdhikaM tataH shore. -3 Splendour, lustre. Bg. 6. 22; 2. 36. -8 Sometimes used for the ablative taDAgaH, -gam 1 A pond, deep pool, tank; sphuTakamalodara forms of tad such as tasmAdtasyAH ; tato'nyatrApi dRzyate Sk.; yataH -tataH means (a) where-there%3; yataH kRSNastataH sarve yataH khelitakhajanayugamiva zaradi taDAgam Git. 11; Ms. 4. 2033 Y.3. kRSNastato jayaH Mb.; Ms. 7.188. (6) since-therefore; yato 237. -2 A tank. -3 A trap for catching deer. yataH -tatastataH wherever-there; yatoyataH SaTcaraNo'bhivartate tatataDAghAtaH See taTAghAta; (uccaiHkarikarAkSepe taDAghAtaM vidurbudhAH stataHpreritavAmalocanA 5.1.28 (V.1.). tataH kim 'what then', Sabdak). 'of what use is it', 'what avails it'; prAptAH zriyaH sakala kAmadudhAstataH kim Bh. 3.73, 74; Santi. 4. 2. tatastataH (a) taDit/1 Lightning; ghanaM ghanAnte taDitAM guNairiva Si.1.73 here and there', 'to and tro'; tato divyAni mAlyAni Me. 773 R. 6.65; taDito mAnuSatAM gatA iva Sahendra. 2.71. prAdurAsaMstatastataH Mb. (B)'what next', 'what further', -2 Killing, injury. -ind. Closely, near. -Comp.-garbha: well proceed (occurring in dramas); tataH prabhRti thence acloud. -latA forked lightning. -lekhA astreak of forward, (corr. of yataH prabhRti); tRSNA tataH prabhRti me dviguNatvameti lightning. Amaru. (after 56, prakSepaka zlokaH); Ms.9.68. Some other aftrat a. Containing or having lightning; 819 compounds.-tataH katham but how is it then that. -tataH rohati zailAgraM taDitvAniva toyadaH V.1.143 samuditaM nicayena taDitva- -kSaNam,-kSaNAt immediately afterwards. -tataH para tIm Ki.b. 4. -m. A cloud; Si. 1. 12. beyond that. -tataH param ind. besides that, further. -aaraa: (in drama ) what then? taDinmaya . Consisting of lightning: Ku.b. 25. tatastya a. Coming or proceeding from thence; nizamya taND 1 A. (taNDate, taNDita) To strike. siddhiM dviSatAmapAkRtIstatastatastyA viniyantumakSamA Ki. 1. 27. taNDakaH [taND-Nvul] 1 A juggler, a cheat. -2 Froth, ANTAK: A grandfather (foarte:); Bhag. 6. 9.41. foam. -3 A wag-tail. -kA-kam 1 Complete performance or preparation. -2 Decoration. -3 The upright tati pron. a. (Declined only in plural, nom. and post of a house. -4 A composition abounding in acc. tati) So many; e.g. tati puruSAH santi &c. (for other compounds. senses see the word under tan). taNDA Killing, striking. after a. (Correlative of afaa) That one of a queio: 1 A barbarian. -2 A fool, blockhead. number. -3 Water in which rice has been soaked.-4 A worm, agit a. 1 Preserving, cherishing. -2 Conquering; insect. dadathumitrAvaruNA taturim Rv.4.39.2. -3 Killing, hurting. taNDulaH[taNDa ulac ] Grain after threshing, unhusking -ft: An epithet of Agni and Indra. and winnowing; (especially rice); zasya, dhAnya, taNDula tatprakhyanyAyaH A mImAMsA rule of interpretation accorand ama are thus distinguished from one another-zasya ding to which an expression is to be considered as kSetragataM proktaM satuSaM dhAnyamucyate / nistuSastaNDulaH proktaH svitramannamudA- nAmadheya (name of the yAga) if the guNa implied or stated hRtam // ). -Comp. -ambu.gruel. -uttham -kam rice by that expression is found to be stated by another For Private and Personal Use Only Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tattvam 788 tad statement. This rule is discussed by a and Tat at MS. I. 4. 4. tattvam (Sometimes written as tatvam)1 True state or condition, fact; qi ara h carta soft $. 1. 23. - 2 Truth, reality ; 7 H a fta atareyafaa Bg. 9. 24. -3 True or essential nature; ART HETETET afataifa afcau Bg. 18. 1; 3. 28; Ms. 1. 3; 3. 96; 5. 42.-4 The real nature of the human soul or the material world as being identical with the Supreme Spirit pervading the universe. - A true or first principle. -8 An element, a primary substance; 7771-4961: 99999, T atararati Bk. 1.18. -7 The mind. -8 Sum and substance. - 9 Slow time in music. -10 An element or elementary property. -11 The Supreme Being. -12 A kind of dance. -18 The three qualities or constituents of every thing in nature (era, 74 and 8). -14 The body; cara yao a ny Mb. 12. 267. 9. -Comp. -TTTT: a posi tive charge or declaration. -3*TH: The study of the reality; ga drareziart San. K. 64. 3 : truth, reality, the exact truth, real nature. -,-faca. 1 a philosopher. -2 knowing the true nature of Brahman. -3 knowing the true nature of anything; Ms. 12. 102. -4 acquainted with the true principles of science. (- ) a Bramana. - 7 1 knowledge of the truth. -2 a thorough knowledge of the principles of a science. -3 philosophy. Tz, - perceiving truth. -FrT91 m. the touch-stone of truth. - U19: N. of a ceremony performed in honour of Visnu consisting in the application of mystical letters or other marks to different parts of the body while certain prayers are repeated. #12: true being or nature; Kath. 6. ge: ascertainment of truth; Ks. 75. 194. FEET Sankhya philosophy; Kerala 17: ATIE Bhag. 3. 21. 10. Teaa, aaa ind. Truly, really, accurately; dead VITET $. 1; Ms. 7. 10. 77 ind. 1 In that place, there, yonder, thither. -2 On that occasion, under those circumstances, then in that; dAtuM duhitara tasmai rocayAmAsa tatra vai Ram. 7. 12. 17. -8 For that, in that; fatia: =HEIT: 94167 atacante R. 1. 63. -4 Often used for the loc. case of a; Ms. 2. 112; 3. 60; 4. 186; Y. 1. 263. a 'even then', 'nevertheless' (corr. of g a). 97 2 'in various places or cases, 'here and there,' 'to every place'; adhyakSA vividhAnkuryAt tatra tatra vipazcita: Ms. 7. 81. -Comp. - 99 a. directing one's eyes and mind on him. - a. (-at f. his hunour, his reverence, revered, respectable, worthy, a respectful title given in dramas to persons not near the speaker; tatrabhavAnatrabhavAMzca bhagavAnapi); AdiSTo'smi tatrabhavatA kAzyapena $. 4; 71 #49: $. 1. &c.-FT a. standing or being there, belonging to that place. TETTY a. (27 99: 323T129) Born or produced there, belonging to that place; srcatat 45let ari arut Raj. T. 1. 117. Ter ( 447 97 faitheata ) ind. 1 So, thus, in that manner; de Haasar S. 5; atat la v. 1. -2 And also, so also, as well as ; 347|rafat qalacat Pt. 1. 318; R. 3. 21.-3 True, just so, exactly so; ICY URAIT R. 3. 48; Ms. 1. 42.- In forms of adjuration ) As surely as preceded by 911); see 241. (For some of the meanings of 797 as a correlative of 791, see under 991). 74119 (oft. corr. of qua) 'even then,' 'still', 'yet', 'neverthe-less', 798 67 744 afta 791418 a t . 5; at HECA feud fare am F429 Fte Chat. 2. 6; ay:9941FTU: Tyteta alca R. 3. 34, 62. aefat shows 'assent' or 'promise'; gefa raha siHISTU HEF: Sate Ku. 3. 22; R. 1.92; 3. 67; Ku. 6.3; ara fora: (in dramas). ; 'even so', 'just go': 'exactly so'; 1997 'in like manner; 177 and also', 'and likewise', 'in like manner', 'so it has been said; 791 a asta arftar fanlasafa Mo. 9.19; 41 'for so', 'as for instance', 'for this (it has been said )'; taM vedhA vidadhe nUnaM mahAbhUtasamAdhinA / tathAhi sarve tasyAsan parArthaMka911 TUT: 11 R. 1. 29; S. 1. 32. -Comp. 10 a. thus done, or made; made true; Bsi 8. 32. 4: Ta a. 1 being in such a state or condition ; ftatut oftahgahR. 6. 82. -2 of such a quality. (2:) 1 Buddha; a fad 91744zku aath : gaat: Si. 20.81. -2 a Jina ; feat gerage of strategi ye Siva. B.5.44. JUT a. endowed with such qualities. -#19: 1 that state or condition. -2 reality; Mal. 1. 31. a. 1 of such qualities or nature. -2 so circumstanced, in that condition; tathAbhUtAM dRSTvA nRpasadasi pAJcAlatanayAm Ve. 1. 11.-: an epithet of Buddha. -9,- a. thus shaped, looking thus. -auf 1 telling the exact truth; pa faciat aa aru ezaugar Bhag. 8. 11. 11. - 2 professing to be so.-au a. of such a sort, of such qualities or nature; q aytala1HET #: Ku.5.82; R. 3.4. -faith ind. 1 thus, in this manner. -2 likewise, equally. - f Tet,-a. following this practice; H. 3; Ms. 4. 246. Ett a. of such a sort. TETE, - a a 1 Such a state, being so. -2 True state or nature, truth.-3 The case being admitted to be as stated. a. [ae ] True, real, genuine; f44f Terra 1996 $. 1. -S4 Truth, reality; a gyhatHIECT Maa Ku. 3.63; Ms. 8. 274. - , - a: ind. According to truth; Ms. 8. 274; 4 cifa: 99 4248: ga: Raj. T. 1. 323. a pron., a. (Nom. sing. # m., at f., n. ) 1 That referring to something not present ; (fea ya fara 912). - He, she, it; (oft, as corr. of 4); OFF For Private and Personal Use Only Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir sada 786 tad grat Pt. 1. -3 That, i.e. well-known; ar 21 it were fa: 27*200 Bh. 3. 37; Ku. 5. 71. I - That (referring to something seen or experienced before, 31749: ); 36#fffit ftrare i -a119a sfare i fayt fandt K. P.7; Bv. 2.5. 5 The same, identical, that, very; usually with ta; ar t i 79 1997 Bh. 2. 40. Sometimes the forms of a are used with the first and second personal pronouns, as well as with demonstratives and relatives, for the sake of emphasis ; (often translatable by 'therefore', then '); Asefaretragath R. 1.69; 'I that very person', 'I therefore';(I who am so and so ); capacita fata F1 2.40 'thou, therefore, shouldst return', &c. When repeated 7 has the sense of 'several', 'various'; ay ay sa K.369; Bg.7.20; Mal.1.36; a 19: 1. 17. dat the instr. of is often used with adverbial force in the sense of therefore ', 'on that account', in that case ', for that reason.' if so, well then. -ind. 1 Tbere, thither. -2 Then, in that case, at that time. -3 For that reason, therefore, consequently; faceta waatta: U. 5; Me. 7, 109; R. 3. 46. -4 Then (corr. of IE); defauf RE 4 9 K. 136; Bg. 1.46.-^. 1 The Supreme Spirit or Brahman; aMb. 12. 823. 29; Bg. 17. 23.-2 This world. -Comp. -3faata a. going beyond the bounds. -3 PART a. next to that. (-ind.) immediately after that, thereupon. -377 ind. after that, afterwards; T CT TSE e 112799 Me. 13; R. 16. 87; Mal. 9. 26.-3CATURH going after that. 3772 a. perishing in that, ending thus. -3772 a. other than that. -40 a. having regard to that. -74,- a. 1 intended for that. -2 having that meaning. -3701 on that account, with that object, therefore; teny 44 - EFT HET fa: 1 794g9isesat gate Il Ram. 1. 73. 4. - a. meriting that. -3af ind. 1 so far; upto that period, till then; at T 97107af tfrit fat: By. 2. 14. -2 from that time, since then ; # Tracer gefosht Bv. 2. 79. -T U a. so circumstanced. era a. having the mind solely fixed on that; H. - a. serving, obeying as servant. 1 1 the current moment, present time. -2 that time. a. having presence of mind. -OH ind. 1 instantly, immediately. -2 at that time, at a certain time. ta a. simultaneous; at a at Bhag. 10. 12. 41. STUT: 1 present, time being, present or current moment; R. 1. 51. -2 the same moment. -3 a measure of time. -TUT, TOIT ind. ! immediately, directly, instantly; ga a t. nath R. 3. 14; Si. 9.5; Y. 2. 14; Amaru. 83. - a. working without wages. - a. gone or directed to that, intent on that, devoted to that, belonging to that; agdaa wa Ks. 3. 68. (-a:) the continued multiplication of four or more like quantities. Jor a. possessing those qualities. (-U) 1 the quality or virtue of anything; R. 1.9.-2 a figure of speech in Rhet.); 4 yo y Traute 411 94 Egala agayet: 11 K.P. 10.187; see Chandr. 5.141. Parasia: a term applied to those Bahuvrihi compounds in which the qualities denoted by the name are perceived along with the thing itselt; as laMbakarNa; ef. atadguNasaMvijJAna also. -37 a. immediate, instantaneous. -: a knowing or intelligent man, wise man, philosopher. -atu a. doing that for the third time. a. coming from the same country. Ou: a fellow countryman. ETT a. miserly, niggardly. Eft a. obeying his laws; agfini faqaai fa : Fata: Bhag. 3. 15. 32. -ETF a. of that kind; Bhag. 5. 14. 2. - TETET: the Supreme Being. - a. 1 following that, coming after that, inferior. 2 having that as the highest object, closely intent on, exclusively devoted to, eagerly engaged in (usually in comp.); 15 CETT547 R. 2. 5; 1. 66; Me. 10; Y. 1.83; Ms. 3. 262. -8 diligent. (- ) the thirtieth part of a twinkling of the eye. (- ) one sixtieth of a second of a circle. Par, Ora 1 intentness, entire devotion or addiction to a thing. -2 inferiority. -T UOT a. solely devoted or attached to anything. -got: 1 the original or Supreme Spirit. -2 N. of a class of compounds in which the first member determines the sense of the other member, or in which the last member is defined or qualified by the first, without losing its original independence; as Tege:; 792 ency wale tai agafe: Udb. 511746991747299:- a. 1 happening or occurring for the first time ; akAri tatpUrvanibaddhayA tayA Ku. 5. 10; 7. 30; R. 2. 42; 14. 38. -2 prior, former. -au ind. that for the first time; Ki. 7. 11, -99 a. doing that for the first time; Ku. 5. 66. - a. having that as a fruit or result. (-) 1 the white water-lily. -2 a kind of perfume. -o: a kind of arrow. - a. sprung from Sanskrit &c. (as Prakrit or other words ). -7: becoming that. - IETE 1 merely that, only a trifle, a very small quantity; TH1719 a 11 Ks. 6. 15. -2 (in phil.) & subtle and primary element such as TC, 1988, 89, T and TT-) deHI[0[14: San. K. 38; TIVIEURN-HIGH4+San. K. 24; Bhag. 11. 24. 7. - a. consisting of rudimentary atoms; 3400ATEST Bhag. 11. 24. 8. TTT: an affix added to some proper names to form from them the names of the king' or 'chief'; as from 318 is formed 31 king of the Angas' by the affix 390.-T a. thus shaped, so formed; of the same quality. -ara a. denoting or signifying that. facta. 1 knowing that. -2 knowing the truth. fae a. a Connoisseur, expert. - a. of that kind or sort; Haay fe afara wafaga 97: A R. 2. 22; Ku.5.73; Ms. 2. 112. a. of that number; Y. 2. 6. com. FC ind. immediately upon that; Ks. 4. 24.-FT a. being on or in that connected with For Private and Personal Use Only Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tadA 787 tarnikA .. . . . ...... it. (Fe) a particular mode of multiplication. -ga a. good for that. (-a: 1 an affix added to primary bases to form derivative or secondary bases from them. -2 a noun formed by a Taddhita affix, a derivative noun. at ind. 1 Then, at that time. -2 Then, in that case; (corr, of z1); Bg. 2. 52-53; Ms. 1. 52, 54-56; -3 Therefore, hence; 419 TH da: T F TTH Ram. 7.5). 3; 1991-TT TT whenever'; a fa since then', 'thenceforward;' a anar: qfa: FIATGEISHI Ku. 1. 53. -Comp. - a. begun, commenced. (ETH) beginning. tadAtvam The time being, present time; AyatyAM ca CEICA Mb. 12. 16.6. tadAditadantanyAyaH The rule according to which when an of a detail is laid down what is meant is that one should have not of that particular detail alone but of all the details beginning with that detail. In the case of 31998, however, there will be 3444 not of that particular detail alone, but of all the details ending with it; tadAdi utkarSe tadantamapakarSe gmyet| SB. on MS. 5.1. 24. tadAnIm ind. Then, at that time; nAsadAsIno sadAsIt CENA Rv. 10. 129. 1. agrafa a. Belonging to that time, contemporary of that time; cash fazarat agraicae #9: U.1. at a. Belonging to that, his, hers, its, theirs; gat eat yra: bar warfs : R. 1. 81; 2. 28; 3. 8, 25. ET a. Containing or possessed of that; as in 1819te: K. P. 2. -ind. 1 Like that, in that manner. -2 Equally, in like manner, so also. tadvadhapadezanyAyaH A mImAMsA rule of interpretation according to which an expression is to be considered as nAmadheya (name of ayAga) if in the sequel is found a statement comparing the 417 with the idea or thing expressed by that term. This rule is discussed by jaimini and zabara at MS. 1.4.5. THT a. (oft f.) 1 Made up of that. -2 Wholly absorbed in that; jvalati hRdayamantastanmayatvaM ca dhatte Mal. 1. 41; S. 6. 21; M. 2.9.-3 Identical with, or become one with that; at y Raj. T. 3. 498. TI.8 U. (azifa, aga, aara, a, 317-21-f2afaan, da: pass.te or arta; desid. Padafa, faarafa faaaaa) 1 To stretch, extend, lengthen, lengthen out; 1989: TUTELait: Ak-2 To spread, shed, diffuse; a hissada ag: T 3946: Bk. 2. 3; 10.32; 15.91; Ku. 2. 33.-3 To cover, fill; a HITTATIL NATH Si. 9. 23; Kj. 5. 11. - To cause, produce, form, give, grant, ! bestow; af fage e garane fa aga TOEIEH Git. 4; foay na gara AS: R. 3. 25; 7.7; U. 3. 39; Mal. 9.43; 7 ani agafar Bv. 1.95, 10. -5 To perform, do, accomplish (as a sacrifice); iti kSitIzo navatiM navAdhikA mahAkratUnAM mahanIyazAsanaH / samArurukSardivaHigh: Jana hatafia | R. 3.69; Ms. 4. 205. -6 To compose, write as a work &c.); as in wat AS tanomyaham or tanute TIkAm. -7 To stretch or bend (as a bow). -8 To spin out, weave. -9 To propagate, or be propagated; dhamArtha uttamazloka tantuM tanvanpitRRnyajet Bhag. 2. 3. 8. -10 To continue, last. -11 To protract, prolong, augment; ad ferueniant Ks.51. 226; f984 del dala s*: R. 3. 25. -12 To emboss. -13 To prepare (a way for ); 29 444: 994 Rv. 1. 83. 5. -14 To direct one's way towards. -15 To compose (a literary work). [cf. L. tendo ). -II. 1 P., 10 U. (aria, ara fa# 1 To confide, trust, place confidence in.-2 To help, assist, aid. -3 To pain or afflict with disease. -4 To be harmless. -5 To sound. a p. p. [29-] 1 Extended, spread; ah ah TY 14 Si. 9. 23; 6. 50; Ki. 5. 11. -2 Spreading or reaching over, extending to. -8 Covered over, concealed. -4 Protracted, continued. - Bent (as a bow ); Tayy214917 Mb. 1.49.25. -8 Spreading wide &c; see T. : Ved. 1 A father; fuat a EH HI auf Kath. 1. 1. 4.; Bhag. 1. 18. 37. -2 Wind, air. -3 Extent. -4 Offspring, a child . also ). - A son. - Any stringed musical instrument. TEETH Slow time in music); protractedness. ala: f. [ - ]1 A series, row, line. - 2 A troop, group, multitude; faasd feat ariefaragtarefa: 9 $. 2. 6; 96 : Si. 4. 54; 1.5.-3 A sacrificial act, a ceremony. 97 f. Ved. 1 Continuation, diffusion. -2 Offspring, posterity. TF: Ved. A descendant. - T, - 7 Offspring, posterity; 341 a 7914 # Rv. 1. 39. 7. T: (Taifa pa, 42-727] 1 A son; Ms. 3. 16; great gag R. 2. 64. -2 A male descendant. -3 (In astrol.) N. of the fifth lunar mansion. -01 A daughter; Ms. 11. 171.deg4994 The 5th lunar mansion; Bri S. 101. 27. faft, #fore &c. -ut (dual) A son and a daughter. -T Posterity, family, offspring. -aaa a. made a son ; HATAEFU HIIT geaaefta: Raj. T. 4. 8. waferca a. Ved. Roaring, thundering. 9 m. Ved. Offspring, posterity; Tera Hi Jaan Rv. 5. 70.4. tanikA A rope for fastening anything: truTyadvitAnaafamoufer : Si. 5. 61. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir taniman 788 tantu: - ................. taniman m. [tanu-imani ca] Thinness, slenderness, tanula u. Spread, expanded. minuteness &e ; nitAntadIrgha tanimAnamAgatAH Vikr. 18. 6. -n. tanus n. The body. The liver. tanU. 1 The body, person, self. -2 A limb, affy a. 1 Thinnest; least. -2 Very minute, or member of the body; taM dRSTvA vRSNayo hRSTAstanvaH prANamivotthitAH delicate (superl. of tanu q.v.). Bhag. 10.82.83. -Comp. -udbhavaH, -ja:1a son. -2a tanIyas a. Thinner, more minute, very thin (com feather; atha bhraSTatanUjAGgamAtmAnaM dadRze khagaH Mb. 5. 113. 4. par. of tanu q.v.). -udbhavA, -jA a daughter -jAniH ,-janman a son. -talam a measure of longth equal to the arms extended, a tanu (-nu, vI/)[tan-un ] 1 Thin, lean, emaciated; fathom. -tApa: fatigues or troubles of the body; agaNitavItaprabhAvatanurapyatanuprabhAvaH Ki. 16.64.-2 Delicate, slender, tanUtApaM tatvA tapAMsi bhagIrathaH 7. 1.23. -napam clarified slim (as a limb, as a mark of beauty); tanuvRttamadhyaH butter, ghee. -napAt m. fire%3 tanUnapAddhamavitAnamAdhijaiH R.6.32; f. tanvanI-3 Fine, delicate (as cloth); staneSu / Si. 1.62%3 adhaHkRtasyApi tanUnapAto nAdhaH zikhA yAti kadAcideva tanvaMzukamunnatastanA Rs. 1.7. -4 Small, little, tiny, scanty, ma. 2.66. (-n.) ghee. -natRm. wind. -ruham 1 the few, limited; tanuvAgvibhavo'pi san R. 1.9; 3.2; tanutyAgo hair of the body (-m. also); raviturajAtanUruhatulyatAM dadhati a69: H. 2. 89. giving little' &c. -5 Trifling, unim- yatra zirISarajorucaH Si. G. 22; candrAMzugauraidachuritaM tanUruhai: Bhag. portant, little; Amaru. 28. -6 Shallow (as a river) - f. 1 -2 the wing of a bird, a feather; citratanUruhaH (vihaGgaH) The body, the person. -2 Outward form, manifestation; Mb. 12. 144.1. -(-6) a son. -6: the anus, the pratyakSAbhiH prapatrastanubhiravatu vastAbhiraSTAbhirIzaHS.1.1; M. 1. 1. rectum; f. tanuhRda. -3 Nature, the form or character of anythig; tIkSNAM tanu yaH prathamaM jahAti so'nantyamAnotyabhayaM prajAbhyaH M. 12 . tanUka 8U. To make thin or fine, diminish, lossenB 26. - Skin. [ef. L. tenuis, Eng. thin.] -Comp. -aGga as in lajjAM tanUkRtya; madhyaM tanUkRtya yadIdamIyaM vedhAH N. 7.82. a. having slender limbs, delicate. (-GgI) a delicate tanUkaraNam making thin, attenuation; Yoga S. 2.2. woman. -UnaH the wind. -kRpa: a pore of the skin. -gRham, sthAnam The first lunar mansion.-chaha (-da) tanvI Adelicate or slender woman; iyamadhikamanojJA valkaas protecting, clothing. -chada: an armour; tatastu drupadAnIka lenApi tanvI 5. 1.20; tava tanvi kucAvetau niyataM cakravartinau Udb. zaraizchinnatanucchadam Mb. 7. 168. 26; tarupalAzasavarNatanucchadaH tantiH / [tan-karmaNi ktic] 1 A cord, line, string%3B R. 9. 51; 12. 86. -51 a. born from the body; 91592 sAsajjata zicastantyAM mahiSI kAlayAntritA Bhag.7.2.52.-2 sUcayati pUrvataraM bhaviSya puMsAM yadanyatanuja tvazubhaM zubhaM vA Pt. 2. 80. A row, series, (Mar. dAvaNa); vatsAnAM na tantayasta indra (-jaH)1ason; Bhag.5.9.6.-2the hair on the body; Rv. 6.24.4; yathA gAvo nasi protAstavyAM baddhAH svadAmabhiH snigdhaharyakSatanujazmazrupravaramUkhaMjam Ram.1.16.12.-jAadaughter. -tyaja 4.1 risking one's life. -2giving up one's per Bhag. 1. 13. 42.-3 Extension, expansion. -4 A cow. -5A weaver. -Comp. -pAla: 1a guardian of (the son, dying%3 yoganAnte tanutyajAm R. 1. 8. -3 rash, des rows of ) cows. -2 N. assumed by Sahadeva when perate, fool-hardy. PTT a. spending little, sparing, living at the house of Virata. niggardly.-tram,-trANam, an armour; rakSan viprastinutravAn Bk; Bhag. 8. 10.37. -dAnam 1 offering the body (for tantuH [tan-tun ] 1 A thread, cord, wire, string, sexual intercourse). -2 a. scanty gift. Eft a. little- line ; cintAsaMtatitantu Mal. 5. 10; Me. 70. -2 A cob web minded. -prakAzaa. of dim lustre; tanuprakAzena viceyatArakA R. 16.20. -3 filament; bisatantuguNasya kAritam Ku.4. R.3.2. -bIjaH the jujube. -bhavaH a son. (-vA) a 29.-4 An offspring, issue, race; svamAyayA'vRNodgarbha vairAvyAH daughter. --bhastrA the nose. -bhRt m. any being furnished kurutantave Bhag. 1.8.14; Mb.6.43.98. - 8A shark. with a body, a living being; particularly a human being; - The Supreme Being; Bhag. 8. 16. 31. -7 A snare, kalpaM sthitaM tanubhRtAM tanubhistataH kim Bh.3.73. -madhyaa. having fetter (pAza); te tAnAvArayiSyanti aiNeyAniva tantunA Mb.5. a. slender waist. (-dhya m ) the waist. (-dhyA) a metre. 57.41. -Comp. -karaNam spinning. -kAryam a web. -rasa: perspiration. -ru ., -ruham 1the hair of the -kASTham a piece of wood or brush used by weavers body.-2 a feather; tanuruhANi puro vijitadhvaneH Si.6.45%3 for cleaning threads. -kITa: a silk-worm. -kRntanam Mv.6.33. -latA a. slender body; eNIdRzastanulatA tanute mudaM cutting off the propagation of a family; tantukRntana a: P. R. 2. 19. - a: a kind of hell; Jain. -arch an yannastvamabhadramacaraH punaH Bhag.6.5.43. -nAgaH (large) armour; tanuvArabhaso bhAsvAnadhIro'vinatorasA Ki.15.23.-vraNaH shark. -niyosa: the palmyra tree. -nAbhaH a spider. a pimple. Tattott a young woman, a girl ten years Te n. the anniversary of the day of full-moon in old. -saraH perspiration. -hRda: the anus. the month of Sravana when Krisna was invested with the sacred thread. -bha: 1 the mustard seed. tanukaa. Thin, small. -2 a calf. -a : 'increasing the race', N. of Visnu, tanutA Thinness, littleness, waning; bahule'pi gate nizA- also of Siva. -vAdyam any stringed musical instrument. karastanutAM duHkhamanA mokSyati Ku. 4. 13. -vAnam weaving.-dhApa:1a weaver, -2 aloom. -3 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tantukA 780 tandAlu (Opp. AvApaH)-33 The order of the world; yataH pravartate tantraM yatra ca pratitiSThati Mb. 14.20. 14. -34 A detail ( matter or thing) which is subservient to (ie. serves the purpose of ) several things simultaneously; sAdhAraNaM bhavet tantram SB. on. MS. 12.1.1. -Comp. -kASTham =tantu 18 q. v. -a: an expert, scientist; Bhag. 10.36. 28. -bhAva: Simultaneity; yathA ekekasya sattvasya hastino'zvasya vA darzanamekaikena kRtsnamabhinivartyate evameva satre tantrabhAvo bhavet / SB. on. MS.6.2.2. -yuktiH The plan of a treatise; Kau. A. 15. -vApaH, -pam 1 weaving. -2 a loom. -vAyaH 1a spider. -2 a weaver; (tantravApaH also). tantraka: A new garment (unbleached cloth); vasAnastantrakanime sarvAGgINe tasatvacau Bk.4.10. tantraNam Maintenance of order, discipline,government; na jIvatyadhanaH pApaH kutaH pApasya tantraNam Mb.5.107.11.: weaving. -vAyaH1a spider. -2 a weaver; tantubAyo dazapalaM dadyAdekapalAdhikam Ms. 8.3973 tantuvAyAstunnavAyAH ... Siva. B.31. 19. -3 weaving. degdaNDa: a loom. -vigrahA plantain. -zAlA a weaver's workshop. -saMtata . woven, sewn. (tam) woven cloth. -saMtatiHf., -saMtAnaH weaving. -sAra: the betel-nut tree. tantukaH 1 The mustard seed. -2 (At the end of comp.) A thread, rope. -kI A vein or any tubular vessel of the body. tantunaH, -NaH A Bhark. tanturam,-lam The fibrous root of a lotus. tantra 10 U. (tantrayati-te, tantrita) 1 To rule, control, govern; prajAH prajAH svA iva tantrayitvA 5.5.5. -2 To perform or go through in order; tena tantrayatastantraM vRttiH syAttattadAcaret Mb. 12.215.21. -3 To maintain by discipline, keep in order. -4 (A.) To support, maintain (as a family). tantram 1A loom; tadA'pazyat striyau tantra adhiropya suveme paTaM vayantyau Mb. 1. 3. 144. -2 A thread. -3 The warp or threads extended lengthwise in a loom; sirIstantraM tanvate aprajajJayaH Rv. 10.71.9. -4 Posterity. - An uninterrupted series. -8 The regular order of ceremonies and rites, system, framework, ritual; karmaNAM yugapadbhAvastantram Katy.; azakyaM hi uttaraM tantraM kartum | SB. on MS. 10. 2.57. -7 Main point; prakarSatantrA hi raNe jayazrI: Ki. 3. 17. -8 Principal doctrine, rule, theory, science%3 vidhinopacareddevaM tantroktena ca kezavam Bhag. 11.3.47; jitamanasijatantravicAram Git.2. -9 Subservience, dependence; as in svatantra, paratantra; daivatantraM duHkham Dk.5. -10 A scientific work. -11 A chapter, Section, as of a work tantraiH paJcAbharetaccakAra sumanohare zAstram Pt.1.-12 A religious treatise teaching magical and mystical formularies for the worship of the deities or the attainment of superhuman power; Ks. 23.63%; Bri.S. 16. 19.-13 The cause of more than one effect. -14 A spell. -16 A chief remedy or charm; jAnanti tantrayuktim Ms. 2.1.-16 A drug, medicament. -17 An oath, ordeal. -18 Raiment. -19 The right way of doing anything. -20 Royal retinue, train, court. -21 A realm, country, authority. -22 (a) Government, ruling, administration; lokatantravidhAnam Mb. 3. 162.1; 13.63.53 lokatantrAdhikAraH5.5. (0) Arrangement or machinery of government; sarvameva tantramAkulIbhUtam Mu.1; 2.1. -23 An army; parAjitAH phalgutantraiH Bhag. 10.54.15. -24 A heap, multitude. -26 A house. -26 Decoration.-27 Wealth.-28Happiness.-29Model. -80 Supporting a family; My. 2.17. -31 Providing for the security and prosperity of a kingdom; Mb. 1. 103. 26. -32 A group of acts or subsidiaries common to Beveral pradhAnakarmas or things ; yat sakRtkRtaM bahUnAmupakaroti tat tntrmityucyte| tathA bahUnAM brAhmaNAnAM madhye kRtaH pradIpa: SB. on MS. 11.1.1; tantraM sAdhAraNo dharmagrAmaH I SB. on MS. 12. 1. 1. tantratA 1 Arranging into a system. -2 Dependence, subjection. tantrA Sleepiness; ef. tandrA. tantrAyin . The sun; tantrAyiNe namo dyAvApRthivIbhyAm Vaj. 38. 12. arra. 1 Having threads, made of threads. -2 Having chords or wires (as a lute). -3 Having a Tantra, or following one. -m. 1 A musician. -2 A soldier. -n. An act having a group of subsidiaries common with some other act, a main act (pradhAnakarma); tantrINi pradhAnAni / SB. on MS. 12.1.1. -Comp.-samavAyaH Simultaneity of (several) main acts 3; tantrisamavAye codanAtaH samAnAnAmaikatantryam MS. 12. 1. 1. tantriH ,-trI/.1 A string, cord; na labdhayedvatsatantrIm Ms.4.38. -2 A bow-string. -3 The wire of a lute%3 imAstantrIH sumadhurA: Ram.7.93.133; tantrImAdro nayanasalilaiH sArayitvA kathaMcit Me. 88.-4 Asinew. -5A tail. -8A young woman having peculiar qualities. -7 A lute. -8N. of the plant Amrita. -Comp.-bhANDam the Indian lute. -mukha: peculiar position of the hand. aft a. Occupied with the affairs of government; tvaM tantrilaH senApatI rAjJaH pratyayitaH Mk. 6. 16/17. tantraNa (Instr. used adv.) Simultaneously. (Opp. paryAyeNa); dvitIyA ca vibhaktistantreNobhAbhyAM saMbadhyate / SB. on MS.6. 1.513; paryAyeNa kriyAyAmevaM doSaH / tantreNa tu kriyAyAM bhavati kvacit saMbhavaH ISB. on MS. 6.2.2. tandra . 1 Tired, fatigued. -2 Laxy. -ndram Ved. A tandrA 1 Laasitude, weariness, fatigue, exhaustion. -2 Sleepiness, sluggishness 3 tandrAlasyavivarjanam 1.3.1683 Mv.7.42; II. 1. 33; Bhag. 12.3. 30. tandrAlu . 1 Tired, exhausted. -2 Sleepy, slothful. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tandriH 780 tapas .............. .................... afesi, - f. 1 Sleepiness, drowsiness; faut 95- Hght Rv. 2. 23. 4. -3 The sun ; 1997 e R. fequafuit Ki. 1. 9; faka wa 110 Ram. 4. 49.5. 4. 12; S ancayfa 799: U. 6; Mal. 1. -4 The hot -2 Exhaustion, fainting. season. -8 The sun-stone. -6 N. of a hell ; Ms. 4. 89. -7 An epithet of Siva. -8 The Arka plant. -9 N. of afil Sloth, sleepiness. Agastya. - 1 Heat, burning.-2 Paining, grieving. afisa a. Lazy; as in 34af- unremitting '; -8 Mental agony,anguish.-Comp.-319,- ,-aiect: Ku. 5. 14; af 7 HIT togalea: Bg. 3. 23. 1 the sun. -2 a sun-beam. EHF, -2 : an aft a. Weary, lazy. epithet (1) of Yama. (2) of Karna. (3) of Sugriva. -AtmajA, -tanayA an epithet of the Yamuna and of Afya: ( 97-202] 1 Wind. -2 Night. -3 Roaring, the Godavari. - copper.-30, -for: the sunthundering. -4 A thunderbolt. -5 Cloud; Fruga pfe stone ; ParI fata de 1: Raj. T. 3. 296. nye BIi. Up. 2. 5. 16. -oy: the sun-flower. -erfa: f. 1 the heat of the sun; TRT See under 25. Si. 1. 42. - 2 the sun-shine. aq I. 1 P. rarely A., 4. P. (aufa, quara; JH) 6 1 The river Godavari or the river Tapti. -2 1 Intransitively used) (a) To shine, blaze (as fire Heat3 tejiSThayA tapanI rakSasastapa Rv.2.23.14. or sun); 246a9fa que fazifasala s. 5. 14; R. 5. 13; U. 6. 14; Bg. 9. 19. (1) To be hot or agatur a. 1 To be heated. -2 To be suffered or warm, give out heat. (c) To suffer pain; ara a practised ( as a penance). -7 Gold; especially gold HIT 1947 Git. 7. (a) To mortify the body, purified with fire; a f *: M. 3; aqaragah: undergo penance with 999); riformaard acarafe startaria My. 4; B arcaffaligh R. 18. 41 ; H e: U. 1. 23. -3 (Transitively used ) (a) To anottitura TXT 21H Bu. Ch.5.50. Also a in this sense.) make hot, heat, warm; Bk. 9. 2; 9 fa cai taga adre fagfag arah Bg. 11. 19. (6) To inflame, burn, aan. [ 29-3197 ] 1 Warmth, heat, fire, light; consume by heat ; fat ag 7 H atari af garcea a: agat alata Mb. 12.351.10.-2 Pain, suffering S. 3. 16.; taxaa: 3. 6. (c) To hurt, injure, a 9: $2 Ry. 7.82.7.-3 Penance, religious austerity, damage, spoil; una garafa i IH Bk. 1. 23; mortification; tapaH kiledaM tadavAptisAdhanam Ku. 5.64. -4 Ms. 7.6.(a) To pain, distress. (e) mortify the body, Meditation connected with the practice of personal undergo penance ( with 798). -Pass.(aza)(regard self-denial or bodily mortification; I alsstief ed by some as a root of the 4th conjugation ) 1 To Gri Mb. 1. 3. 57.; Bhag. 12. 11. 24. -8 Moral be heated, suffer pain. -2 To undergo severe penance virtue, merit. -8 Special duty or observance of any (oft. with 49EUR); Tra 714 2983: gruout a za 99: particular caste); yatsaptAnnAni medhayA tapasAjanayatpitA Bri.Up. U. 2. 8. -II. 10 U. or Caus. (ata-d, aga) 1 To 1.5.1. -7 One of the seven worlds; i.e. the region heat, make warm; 7 araga HH Si. 20. 75; a bove the world called 59. -8 The month of religiFR41919 T AMTIFHEQUE H. 1. 83. -2 To ous austerities. -9 A long period of time, Kalpa. -10 torment, pain, distress; y alfa: Yu Git. 11; In astrol.) The ninth lunar mansion. -11 ChastiseBk. 8. 13. -With ag 1 to heat. -% to purify. -3 to ment ( 3 ); 3119: It Fire a fi 74 ya Mb. burnish. -fa 1 to shine (Atm. like 3774 q.v.); fafa 12. 267. 35. -m. 1 The month of Magha; 4 Ha. as oH Bk. 8. 14.-2 to warm, heat. Tafatigar Si. 6.63.-2 An epithet of Agni. -., -". ac a. [ aq-347) 1 Burning, warming, consuming 1 The cold season; (FETIT). -2 The winter ( a). by heat. -2 Causing pain or trouble, distressing: -T: -3 The hot season ( H). -Comp. 34 : the 1 Heat, fire, warmth. -2 The sun; 792979cagina influence of religious penance. -30 a. destined for afaztegh (as) Ram. Ch. 2. 85. -3 The hot season ; austerities; anteffi alat 90 74 Mb. 11. 26. 5. Si. 1. 66. -4 Penance, religious austerities. -Comp. -: the Brahmavarta country. - a. undergoing -STEET:, Fa: the end of the hot season and the penance; also 79**. : the mango-fish (Polybeginning of the rainy season; fadastar and 149 !nemus Risua ). HT a. emaciated by austerities. Reguda Ku. 4. 44; 5. 23; S. 3. 11. -3717H a. T: the pain of religious austerity. - Teg: also practising austerities. -: the hot seson; andgatafa 91173) the 6th 1773 of the Svetambara Jainas. HEATH N. 1. 41. -TOTT, Tut the practice of penance. ai, aian epithet of Indra. - a. 1 rich in religious penance. agat 1 The river Tapti. -2 N. of a daughter of -2 pious, ascetic. - 3 consisting in penance, (--:) the sun, married to Samvarna and mother of Kuru. rich in penance', an ascetic, devotee; +314791971 aga a. (aq ) 1 Warining, heating, burning, 41: . 1. 13; 749A atay 2. 7; 4.1; Si. 1. 23 ; shining &o. -2 Causing distress, paining; utayat 1 R. 14. 19; Ms. 11. 242. -fare an eminently pious For Private and Personal Use Only Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tapasaH 761 tApin .......... . man, an ascetio; R. 1. 56. -fay a. performing penance; Me. 3. 134 ; Y. 1. 221. -ufa: N. of Visnu ; Bhag. 4. 24. 14. -TIT:, - the power acquired by religious austerities; efficacy or potency of devotion. a. ascetic, pious. Fra: 1 an ascetic. -2 the Supreme spirit. - a. founded on religious austerity; atuh a r i ya Ms. 11. 231. -*: sacrificing by austerites; Bg. 4. 28. - 7FT: the moon. - Tft: 1 an ascetic. -2 N. of Visnu (9&ITA). --: the region above the world called janasa; Bhag. 2.5.40.-vanam penance-grove, a sacred grove in which ascetics practise penance; kRtaM tvayopavanaM tapovanamiti prekSe 5.1; R. 1. 90; 2. 18. -at a place of penance or religious austerities. fatt: excellence of devotion, pre-eminent religious austerities. - a. very ascetio or devout. -zIla a. inclined to practise penance. -samAdhi: the practice of penance or religious austerities; 79:49: Sisadf Ku. 3. 21; 5.6, 18. EC: N. of Yudhi. sthira; Mb. 3. 313. 19. - 1 a seat of religious austerity. -2 N. of Benares. Ah: 1 The sun. -2 The moon. -8 A bird. TRT a. Produced by heat. T: 1 The month of Phalguna; Bhag. 12. 11. 40.-2 An epithet of Arjuna. PIT Religious austerity, penance; (also m. and n.); 379144 af THT HA Mb. 13. 10. 13. tapasyati Den. P. To practise penance; surAsuraguruH 1ST 9 799 fa s. 7. 9, 12; R. 13. 41; 15. 49; Bk. 18. 21; Ferro a964-TA1 2 14 Ku. 3. 17. a9eat a. Ved. 1 Burning, hot; a 98 99 998917 Rv. 6. 5. 4. -2 Ascetic, devout, pious. aftaar 1 Religious penance. -2 Piety, devotion. agra a. 1 Practising penance, devout. -2 Poor, miserable, helpless, pitia ble; anfaat fat a S. 4; MAl 3; N. 1. 135.-M. 1 An ascetic; after offer R. 14. 67. -2 A mendicant, pauper. -8 An epithet of Narada.-4 A sparrow. -5 A mango-fish; (see 79**). -aft 1 female ascetio. -2 A poor or wretched woman. -Comp. -997: the sun-flower. afya a. Heated, burnt &c. afqsus a. Warming, heating, burning. ag a. Ved. Burning hot; 560778af 79 roarenlanan Rv. 2. 4.6. ageft The heat of anger. age a. (aq-ala; cf. Un. 2. 116 ] Burning hot ; are ft A7 Rv. 6. 52. 2. -m. 1 Fire. -2 The sun. -8 An enemy; --. Heat; eta aga : Av. 1. 13. 3. 8. .....SG ad a. 1 Consisting in religious penance; 3 agta: grom: Fara astfe 912 My. 1. 42. - 2 Practising penace, devout. -7: The Supreme Being. A p.p. [ a9- ] 1 Heated, burnt. -2 Red-hot. -3 Melted, tused. - Distressed, pained, afflicted, -8 Practised (as penance). -6 (in Astr.) Opposed by. - Hot water. -Comp. 1 74 gold purified with fire. -*:, : N. of a hell. Eh a kind of penance consisting in drinking hot water, milk and ghee for three days each, and inhaling hot air for three days; Ms. 11. 214; Y. 3. 318. - made hot repeatedly. -as red hot or melted copper; Bhag. 6. 9. 14. -919 9 N. of a hell ; L. D. B. HET Mark of divine weapons stamped on the budy by devotees with heated metals. 94, 9 4 purified silver. UTHT: green vitriol. 16 , -alghi, H, erg4, : N. of different hells. a ft: hot gravel; year ea artar 19 : Ks. 72. 105. ang: [ aq-89] 1 Heat, glow; 34 yan19: S. 4.11; M. 2. 13; Ms. 12.76; Ku. 7. 84. -2 Torment, pain, affliction, misery, agony; atawarfar as far arfa agai Udb.; 440919: FH Hafa z a: S. 3. 8; Bh. 1. 16. -8 Sorrow, distress. -4 A circle or heap of rays; alaearg 9: Mb. 12. 253. 3. - The Tapti river (also Yamuna ); Bhag. 5. 19. 18; 10.79. 20. -Comp. - the three kinds of miseries which human beings have to suffer in this world i. e. af, uffa and aan. -T a. 1 removing heat, cooling -2 consoling. - A sort of soup of pulse and grain. ATT a. [19.09) Heating, burning, inflaining. - 1 Fever, mor bid heat. -2 A cooking stove or frying pan. 3 A boiler. aga a. [ aq-fore ways ] 1 Heating, inflaming. -2 Distressing. -3 Illuminating; acea Fat 19 Bhag. 2. 9. 8. -T: 1 The sun. -2 The hot season, -3 The sun-stone. -4 N. of one of the arrows of Cupid. - 1 Burning. -2 Distressing. -3 Chastising. -4 A division of hell. - Gold. -8 (in drama ) [elplessness, perplexity. -al Austerity. -aft N. of soveral Upanisads. tApanIya a. Golden. -yam Gold of the weight of a A . argeta a. Warming, burning. aftra p. p. 1 Warmed Heated; Bri. S. 54.115. -2 Distressed, pained; Erfaquala a forriglari artarea Bhag. 8. 5. 13. atfe a. 1 Suffering from a disease moral or physical.). -2 Heating. -8 Hot. -4 Causing pain, exciting; Ki. 2. 42. C. i For Private and Personal Use Only Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tApyam 782 ...... tApyam Sulphuret of iron. sapphire. -8 a star. - the moon; #tafora aula H 4 P. (arrafa, a1) 1 To choke, be suffocated.-2 CHITECT 11 Nm. Ti a kind of sugar; L. D. B. -fart: sickness, disease. -feira. abounding in To be exhausted or fatigued; lalitazirISapuSpahananairapi tAmyati gloom; alfa4 al Mal. 5.31. -8 To be distressed in body or mind ), : : San. K. 54. - a. 1 obscured, clouded. -2 affected with anger, fear &c. be uneasy or pained, pine, waste away; sasa 45: gi yangg arrafa Git. 5; Og for at -57,-&T a. dispersing darkness. (m.) 1 the sun. Farzala Mal. 1. 15; 9.33; EU 41 aze Mu.3.1; -2 the moon. nAryoM mugdhazaThA haranti ramaNaM tiSTanti no vAritAstatkiM tAmyasi... THE a. Dark-coloured. -A: 1 Darkness. -2 A Amaru. 8. -4 To stop, become immovable; Raj. T. well. -ET N. of a river. - 1 Darkness. -2 A city. 5. 345. -8 To wish, desire. -Caus. (ayfa) To suffo THE At the end of a compound ) 1 Darkness; cate, choke. raat 9, TEISTEaaraffefat Ch. Up. 7. THE Darkness. -2 The tip of the foot. H: 1 An 11.2. -2 Mental darkness; disgarrigia faepithet of Rahu.-2 The Tamala tree. -3 Darkness. #*#fieyanar: || Bhag. 7. 1. 11. *: A kind of asthma. - The plant Phyllan THESTO a. Dark, gloomy. - 1 Night. -2 Turthus Emblica (Mar. y$3119 ). meric. THI a. 74-3477 Un. 3. 110 ) 1 Desirous, longing anfaat, qal A night. for. -2 Wished, desired. ar: 1 N. of a tree with a very dark bark; awam Becoming suffocated or breathless. aa a h EUTI: Mal. 9. 18; R. 13. 15, 49; a p. p. [24- ]1 Wearied, languid, fatigued ; Git. 11. 2 A sectarial mark of sandal upon the afasiataldarahatlat tartalma for Bu. Ch. 5.56. forehead made with the juice of the Tamala fruit. -3 -2 Troubled, afflicted. - Faded, withered; ug ala A sword, scimitar. -4 The bark of the bamboo. -4 war 401441 Si.; see 84. Tobacco. -Comp. - FH 1 a sectarial mark upon the HET *. [94-3197 ) 1 Darkness; fe arsH4E- forehead. -2 a Tamala leaf; R. 6.64. Fanat aan de afTunt yft afc2a S. 7.4; V.1.7; APF: 1 The Tamala tree. -2 The bark of a Me. 39. -2 The gloom or darkness of hell; of bamboo. HEA atatla gach Ms. . 242. -8 Mental darkness, ignorance, illusion, error; munisutApraNayasmRtirodhinA mama ca mukta- TAIP A place over-grown with Tamala trees. fH 4 47: $. 6. 8. -4 In San. phil.) Darkness or ara, - f. 1 Night, especially dark night; ignorance, as one of the three qualities or constitutents 17 af TATA2 H Si. 9. 23; Bbag. 10. 13. 45. of every thing in nature the other two being Hid and --2 A swoon, faint. -3 Turmeric. Try); saria 9140T S : Ku. 6. 60; Ms. 12. 21. -5 Grief, sorrow; Bhag. 5. 14. 33. -8 Sin; tamistra u. Dark. -sram 1 Darkness; etattamAladalanIlatamaM Bhag. 10. 15. 5. -7 Stupefaction, swoon; au fag- afhan Git 11; #Tacotia 171749 a al en 2; : garaga : Ram. 7. 8. 14. -8 Anger; Bhag. Ki. 5. 2. -2 Mental darkness, illusion. -3 Anger, 10. 59. 42. -m., -n. An epithet of Rahu; 747 wrath. - The dark half of the month. -Comp. 99274ad Bhag. 4. 29. 70. Comp. -3T76 a. re- -987: the dark fortnight (of a lunar month ); R. 6. moving darkness or ignorance, illumining, enlightening; 34 ; aerazi zuean N. 31fea arifa: fa alla: Ki. 5. 22. alha 1 A dark night; garaiatua ce: a (- ) 1 the sun. -2 the moon. -3 fire. -4 a Buddha. 377 # arter R. 5. 13; Si. 6. 70; Ki. 9. 18; Ku. -39ft: 1 the sun. --2 the moon. -3 fire.- :,-TEH 6. 43.-2 Extensive darkness. great or spreading darkness. T: an epithet of Rahu. TUT: see 149 above (4). -: 1 the sun.-2 the moon GATHU a. 1 Covered with darkness. -2 Ignorant. -3 fire. -4 Visnu. -5 Siva. - Knowledge. -7 a T: N. of Rahu. Buddha. Tofagm. a fire-fly. -ala: spreading AR A Taddhita affix of the superlative degree darkness. -aga. taking to hell (792); Ms. 12. applied to nouns, adjectives and also to verbs and 95.- m. 'angelsfart sfa fau: ; 1 a shining body. -2 the sun. -3 the moon; antaa indeclinables in which latter case it is changed to 1414; acura 379 Pt.5. 'the best horse'; JETTA Mu. 1 ; 90 91dHH. Az ugar paray: R. 3. 33. - 4 fire. -8 a lamp, light. It is also added to pronouns in the sense of 'one of JE: 1 the sun. - 2 the moon. -3 the Supreme Being. - TT a sort of hell. -at: 1 groping in the dark. many' e. g. , 401, 494 &c. -2 mental gloom. - , -Aro: 1 a fire-fly. -2 a AFT: A platform, a stage. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra tamaGgakaH tamaGgakaH The projecting roof of a house. , 1 Tin. -2 Lead. tampA, tambA, afta A cow. tay 1 A. ( tayate ) 1 To go, move; adhyuvAsa rathaM teye purAt Bk. 14. 75; dharitrIM musalI teye prahastazcikhide na ca 14. 108.-2 To guard, protect. 1 Protection. -2 A protector; Ki. 15. 20. A Taddihita affix of the comparative degree, added to adjectives, nouns, and also to verbs and indeclinables in which latter case it is changed to It is added, like, to pronouns in the sense of one of two e. g. katara, tatara, yatara &c. tara, taraNa, taraNi, taraNDa, tari-rI, tarISa &c. See under tarakSaH, -kSuH 1 A hyena ; tarakSastu mRgAdanaH .. ..tarakSukulaafaar Siva. B. 20. 44. -2 A tiger; Mb. 13. 131. 10. (See com. of Nilakantha.) [-] 1 A wave; U. 3. 47; Bh. 1. 81; R. 13. 63; S. 3. 6. 2 A section or part of a work (as of the water). -3 A leap, jump, gallop, jumping motion (as of a horse). - Cloth or clothes. -5 Waving, moving to and fro. Comp. - m. the sea; P. R. 7.9-10. - a river; fa fafa saMcarantaH kSatajataraGgavatISu cihnamatsyAH Vikr. 6. 72. taraGgita a. [ taraGgaH saMjAto'sya, tAra* itac ] 1 Wavy, tossing with waves; 3deg Mal. 9. 11, -2 Overflowing. -3 Tremulous. -tam Waving; apAGgataraGgitAni bANAH Git. 3. ada. Wavy, undulating, unsteady. -off A river ; as in rAjataraGgiNI; taraGgiNI veNirivAyatA bhuvaH Si. 'nAthaH, Hi the sea; Vikr. 13. 53. -8 A frog. -tI A boat. 1 The ocean. -2 A hard shower. A demon or Raksasa. -8 A devotee. [q] 1 Trembling, waving, shaking, tremulous ; tArApatistaralavidyudivAbhravRndam R. 13. 76; ghana iva Git. 5; Si. 10. 40; U. 5. 11; S. 1. 25. -2 Fickle, unsteady, transient; face: 763 : Si. 2. 115; Amaru. 30. -3 Splendid, sparkling, glittering; rikazac za 14: Ki. 8. 56. - Liquid. 8 Libidinous, wanton. -6 Hollow. -7 Extensive, wide. - 1 The central gem of a necklace; muktAmayo'pyataramadhyaH Vas 35 or hArAMstArAMstaralaguTikAn (Malli. considers this as an interpolation in Meghaduta). 2 A necklace. -3 A level surface. - Bottom, depth. 8 A diamond. -6 Iron. -7 Thorn-apple. 1 Rice-gruel. -2 Spirituous liquor. -8 A bee. -Comp. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir taru -nayanA, -locanA a woman with rolling or tremulous eyes. - pratibandham a. variety of necklace with a brilliant pearl in the centre; Kau. A. 2. 11. real, - 1 unsteady activity; tremulousness. -2 Sparkle, glitter; wrik enningshen P. 1. 190. afa Den. P. To cause to shake, to wave, move to and fro; Amaru. 87; fi acc ary: U. 5. 35. Den. A. To tremble, shake, move to and fro. taralAyitaH A large wave, surf -taH, tam Fickleness. taralita a. Shaking, tremulous, undulating; tuGgataraGga Git 11; hArA 7. taravAri: A sword; paritaH zithilodaprataravAritaDillatAH Siva. B. 22. 39. a. Vod. [-end ga] Quick, energetip.. kailAsa1 Speed, velocity. -2 Vigour, strength, energy; ari ara fag: R. 5. 28; 11. 77; Si. 9. 72. -3 A bank, a place of crossing. 4 A float, raft; faraz : Rv. 1. 190. 7. -6 A monkey. -8 A disease. tarasam Meat, flesh. tarasAnaH A boat. a. 1 Quick, swift. -2 Sick. -8 Energetic, strong, powerful. arcfera. (f.) 1 Swift, quick. -2 Strong powerful, courageous; mighty; gaga za mwent tarasvinAm (babhUva) Mb. 3. 244 22; nirjiteSu tarasA tarasvinAM agy a R. 11. 89; 16. 77. -m. 1 A courier, an express. -2 A hero. -3 Air, wind. -4 An epithet of Garuda. :,: A large flat-bottomed boat. aft, a &c. See under aftar 1 The fore-finger. -2 Garlic, or hemp. -3 A form of Durga. -Comp. -dharaNa ( - pUjA ) yantram N. of a mystical diagram. For Private and Personal Use Only aa. - Up. 1. 7] Protecting. - 1 A tree; [ navasaMrohaNazithilastaruriva sukaraH samuddhartum M. 1. 8. -2 Ved. Velocity. -3 A wooden ladle for taking up Soma.-Comp. -kUNiH a kind of bird. -koTaram the hollow of a tree. - khaNDaH, -NDam, SaNDaH, -NDam an assemblage or clump of trees. - jIvanam the root of a tree. -talam the ground about the foot of a tree, foot of a tree. () A bat, flying fox (because it suspends itself from branches). -nakhaH a thorn. -maNDapaH a bower; astIha pramadodyAne tarumaNDapamadhyagaH / dRSTaprabhAvo varado devadevo vinAyakaH // Ks. 20.55. - a monkey. - 1 a bud or blossom. -2 a young shoot, sprout.: the Tala tree. - m. 'the king Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir taruza 784 tarjanam of trees', N. of the tree Parijataka ; also -Parc, -EET a parasitical plant.-art a creeper; Ks. 53. 59. -fact- feat the Navamallika creeper. -fram. a bird. Ti camphor. 57 a. Full of, or abounding in trees. 052: The root of the lotus. agur a. (1-391 Un. 3. 54 ] 1 Young, youthful, juvenile (as a man). -2 (a) Young, newly-born or produced, tender, soft; faciu FU FUTURES: Bh. 3. 49. (6) Newly risen, not high in the sky (as the sun); arat aerat a&T TTH Ku. 3. 54. -8 New, tresh; taruNaM dadhi Chan.64; taruNaM sarSapazAkaM navaudana picchilAni a qual 3469074a greft 925 Anila il Chand. M. 1. -4 Lively, vivid. -UT: A young man, youth ; Ta hafa gat 294f laat a : Pt. 1.11; Bv. 2. 62. -2 The castor oil plant. -3 Large cumin-seed (Mar. ft). - Newly produced liquor; taruNastu nave yUni madye prathama utkaTe Nm. -NI 1 A young or youthful woman; vRddhasya taruNI fan Chan. 78. -2 N. of some plants such as Aloe Perfoliata (Mar. 773), Rosa Glandulifera (Mar. arati gara ) etc. -UTH 1 Cartilage. -2 A sprout. -Comp. -T T 1. cartilage. Vet: fever lasting for a week. -dadhin. coagulated milk five days old. -pItikA red arsenie. taruNakam A sprout. taruNayati Den. P. To heighten, spread; prArambhe'pi fra egyfa fasi affia aay Mal. 5. 6. taruNAyate Dem. A. To remain young or fresh ; tRSNakA auteid Pt. 5. 16. taruNiman m. Youth, juvenility; apakrAnte bAlye taruNimani 017-4TH P. R. 2. 11. acar Freshness, vigour. 95 Ved. 1 Overcoming, conquering.-2 Impelling, driving onward. -3 Protecting (at ). 759 a. Ved. 1 Carrying across. --2 Conquering. TET: a. A conqueror. - Victory. asufa Den. P. To attack. 5 . Ved. 1 Battle. -2 Superiority. -8 Over: coming a 10 U. ( afa-a, afa) 1 To suppose, guess, suspect, believe, conjecture, infer; atacat kafe $. 6; Me. 96. -2 To reason, speculate about, reflect. gegat i E R U Bhag. 3. 13. 20. -8 To consider or regard as ( with two acc.) -4 To think of, intend, mean, have in view; (91) Estuffaer a fta *: Me. 53. -5 To asserta in; Ram. 3. - To shine. -7 To speak #: (7 319) 1 Supposition, conjecture, guess; 25: V. 2. -2 Reasoning, speculation, discussion, abstract reasoning; : gatauta 31THY tarkanimittasyAkSepasyAvakAzaH; idAnIM tarkanimitta AkSepaH parihiyate S. B.; ifsafas: a fra: Mb.; Ms. 12. 106. -8 Doubt. - Logic, the science of logic; ad pyari afaqaag 4: N. 22. 155; ETICH, rail -8 (In logic ) Reduction to a bsurdity, a conclusion opposed to the premises, a reductio ad absurdum. -6 A system of doctrine founded on pure reasoning or free thinking, a philosophical system (particularly one of the six principal Darsanas q.v.). - A name for the number 'six'. -8 Supplying an ellipsis. -9 Cause, motive. -10 Wish, desire. - Speculation, reasoning. -Comp. BTT: a beggar. -3TTE: fallacious reasoning, fallacy in drawing conclusions. et N. of a Vaisesika-work. ET a particular position of the hand; kRtvorau dAkSaNe savyaM raci a l a SAHSHA ayar il Bhag. 4. 6.38. -fae logic; philosophical treatise. - 1 logic. -2 a philosophical work. a. [] Inquiring, inquisitive. - 1 A suitor, an inquirer, a petitioner. -2 A logician. UTH Reasoning, speculation. aria p. p. Doubted, guessed, discussed, investigated, examined &c.; see . - A supposition, conjecture. ale a. [a-foil ] 1 Guessing. -2 Reasoning, versed in speculation; Ms. 12. 111. -m. A logician, reasoner. 1994: A suppliant, petitioner. TTES -., f. A spindle, an iron pin upon which cotton is first drawn out; T . -Comp. foruz:, -181, 15, -70t a ball at the lower end of a spindle. 1 : a concave shell or saucer serving to hold the lower end of a spindle. -TUT: a Whetstone for sharpening spindles. Tech (at) Cutting ; L. D. B. T: A hyena. Tef: Nitre, salt-petre. 1 P., 10 A. (often P. also ) (affa, arafa-a, ara) 1 To threaten, menace, terrify; Hauser rufa 6.1; 3erafaciayatastaraa gia: R. 4. 28; 11. 78, 12. 41; Bk. 14. 80. -2 To scold, revile, censure, blame%; na jihrayAMcakArA'tha sItAmabhyarthya tarjitaH Bk. 6.338. 101; 17. 103. -3 To mock, deride. rah,a1 ( asam ] 1 Threatening, frighteni ng. - Censuring; heara R. 19. 17; Ku. 6.45. -8 Pointing at (in ridicule or contempt.) -4 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tarjita 766 759: ...... .... . . . ................................................ .... ................... Putting to shame, excelling, surpassing. -8 Anger. -nI The fore-finger; vilokya bhrAmayAmAsa yamAjJAmiva tarjanIm Ks. 17. 88. afia p. p. 1 Threatened ; ara: TITAT HA R. 11. 78. -2 Blamed; scolded; als: 15a Terra auf 197. Raj. T. 3. 34. -3 Disgraced. -24 Threatening, a menace. Toti, 01: A call; 3=2f9distanceoaufnet si. 12. 41; Raj. T. 5. 432. anot: 1 A raft. -2 The sun. 1 P. (af) 1 To injure, hurt. -2 To kill, cut through ; see 7 also. as-f. A wooden ladle. T, U n. Ved. 1 A hole, an opening; STYTTU na Av. 14. 1. 40.-2 Sewing with stitches. TUTH See under 19. archa a. A killer, an injurer. a 1 P. (7 ) To go, move. tarbaTaH A year. ain. The top of the sacrificial post. ad, aux &c. See under 14. a see ae; T 14 fattade fani Bk. 14. 108. tahaNam Ved. Injuring, crushing; saM pRthivyA aghazaMsAya GET R. 7. 104. 4. art ind. [ag-fes] 1 At that time, then. -2 In that case; 41-aft when then'; yie-afe if-then '; af how then'. CT 1 P., 10 U. (aafa, atafa-) 1 To be full or complete. -2 To fix, found, establish. -3 To be fixed. -4 To accomplish a vow. T: (99-37EUR) 1 A surface; 49777149 ITA pazuha H R. 4. 29; sometimes used at the end of comp. without much alteration of meaning; HESH surface of the earth ' i. e. earth itself; Tea ura THAT $. 7. 32; GH &c. -2 The palm of the hand; R. 6. 18. -8 The sole of the foot; Bhag. 10. 36. 8. -4 The fore-arm. 8 A slap with the hand. -8 Lowness, inferiority of position. -7 A lower part, part underneath, base, foot, bottom; tartufa aceae aa: 99 ga K. P. 1. -8 (Hence ) The ground under a tree or any other object, shelter afforded by any. thing; oft H EY fara Rs. 1. 13. -9 A hole, pit. -10 A span. U 1 The hilt of a sword. -2 The palmyra tree. -8 N. of Siva. -4 Pressing the strings of a lute with the left hand; 79 A HERE : Mb. 1. 221. 60.-B A division of hell. H 1 A pond. -2 A forest, wood; state 7 H ur day Mb. 12. 303. 11. -3 Cause, origin, motive. -4 A leathern fence worn round the left arm ( also in this sense ); od 7173991: : Mb. 6. 16. 14. -Comp. -aGgu liHf. a.toe. -atalam the fourth of the seven divisions of hell; Bhag. 2. 5. 41. TOT: a hog. -CT a. having a protuberant belly, pot-bellied. uf. A wife; L. D. B. ET a river. Eri a slap with the palm of the hand. -ai: 1 a kind of musical instrument. -2 clapping of the hands. -TH, Tore, eroth a leathern glove of an archer; - Fasa urafa: Ki. 14. 29; UTJ: 15914... Siva B. 12. 80. -YETT: a slap with the hand. - a. having fastened round one's arm the tas (); Mb. 6.16. 14. - a fight with the palms of the hands. - ni nether world (Tata); Bhag. 2. 6. 42. - ar 1 a martingale. -2 a horse's food-receptacle; M. W. TUTA, EITT ibid. -e r the centre of the sole of foot. TO A large pond. * A small cart with burning coals Mar. Set); Hch. 7. Toa: ind. From the bottom. talAcI A mat. afest A martingale. afea a. 1 Fixed, having a bottom. -2 Fried. The Fried meat. wa: A musician playing with palms on the instrument ); Vaj. 30. 20.-FIT: (pl.) N. of a school of the Ta. Path, sof other names for s a 11 and 399. talavAraNam A sword. afsa f. Lightning; cf. arch. aft a. [ag-5an Un. 2. 53 ] 1 Thin, meagre, spare. -2 Small, little. -3 Clear, clean. -4 Situated under or beneath. - Weak. -8 Separate. -7 Fine, very thin; autarea dogafatatizfa altra: Vikr. 11. 80. -8 Covered with ; Vikr. 14. 61.-74 A bed, couch. - a. & slender-waisted woman; Farela aiztof 4034ferret Vikr. 10. 88. atch 1 Paved ground, a pavement. -2 A bed, cot, couch, 3 An awning. -4 A large sword or knife. got a. [ As-Sort ] Young. -1 A youth. -2Wind, air. - A girl, young woman talka m A torest. TET, -294 [78-45 Un. 3. 28 ] 1 A couch, bed, sofa ; anfe fanafafae945914 R. 5.75 'left the bed', rose.' -2 (Fig.) A wife (as in 180297 q.v.); For Private and Personal Use Only Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir talpaka: 786 tADakeyaH Chan. Up. 5. 10.9. -3 The seat of a carriage. - An upper storey, a turret, tower; faftraga Raat: TE: Ju faar R. 16. 11. -8 A guard, one who protects ; talpaizcAbhyAsikairyuktaM zuzubhe yodharakSitam Mb. 1. 207.34 ( : re: g: com.) -8 (with ATH) Sexual intercourse; I&UT Teace Treatsferiela Ms. 3. 250. ET A couch bed; Hent a: geral Av. 13.1.17. -Comp. -fre: a bug. T96: One whose business is to make or prepare beds as a servant). TOTAL 1 The exterior muscles of an elephant's back. - 2 The flesh on the back-bone. talpalam The back-bone of an elephant (pRSThavaMza); #AcaFita : Si. 18. 6. ap: A reservoir, tank. - 1 A youthful woman. -2 N. of the wife of Varuna. -8 A boat. A pit, hole. : 1 Excellence, superiority, happiness. -2 At the end of comp.) Excellent in this sense the word is always masculine, whatever be the gender of the first member of the compound ); 10 : 'an excellent cow'; 80 Farfag: an excellent maiden'. tallikA A key. Tea Soent produced from the rubbing of fragrant substances. tavaka: Fraud, deceit ; tavakaH kapaTe'pi ca Nm. agfrce 1 Manna of bom boo (Mar. 1997). -2 A kind of extract of wheat, rice &c. TG: A sort of sugar. ay a. Ved. 1 Old. - strong, great. -n. Strength, power (27); ATAT AT 23 24 Rv. 3. 1. 1. TETET a. 1 Increasing strength as an oblation). -syam strength; tasmai tavasyamanu dAyi satrA Rv. 2. 20.8. afar a. Ved. 1 Old. -2 strong, powerful, bold, courageous. -T: 1 The ocean. -2 Heaven. -3 Strength; qua Taftaraatfot a Rv. 1. 166. 1. -4 Business (54984). - 1 Power. -2 The earth. -3 A river. -4 N. of a daughter of Indra. taviSyA Violence, force ; ruvati bhImo vRSabhastavidhyAya Rv. 9. 70. 7. ata: 1 The ocean. -2 Heaven. -3 Gold. TU A Krit affix by means of which potential passive participles are formed from roots, e. g. Hou from $. ae a. 1 Hewn, cut, chiselled, split. -2 Fashioned ; 800 777; formed in mind, produced ; 75019 TET Trafar Av. 11. 1. 23. ag m. 1 A carpenter in general; a ga afuata Rv. 1. 61. 4. -2 The architect of gods (994) -8 One of the 12 Adityas. 74 P. ( A) 1 To fade away, become exhausted. -2 To throw down. -8 To wane, decay, perish. - To reject, cast. [cf. Eng. to88. ] TEKH A shuttle ; rifat agraatroziaa Rv. 10.130.2. tasarikA Weaving. dem: 1 A thiet, robber; HT #4 HH: - THIEa F#Tat: Bh. 1. 86; Ms. 4. 135, 8. 67. -2 (At the end of comp.) Anything bad or contemptible; 317CHIT Jagu a : Ks. 101. 140. -3 The ear; cf. EU12 T a : pat ar fear R. 1. 27. - A passionate woman. TEA 1 Theft; R. 1. 27. -2 Hearing. TeI a. Stationary, immovable, stable ; eta a Tereyfta u Bhag. 7.7; 23; cachcie pi+7+49 Bhag. 7. 3. 30. Tee (in Astr.) Hexagon. arut, Teut: The son of a carpenter. arostfor: N. of an affix used to denote a particular inclination, tendency, or habit. NO T (a forfa: ] The act of being accustomed to that. ATT a. Quick, speedy. -ind. Suddenly, abruptly; (opp. fach); 146 59 HYFIA Av. 8. 8. 3. arisi (a:) 1 A Persian (Freela:); Ks. 37. 36. -2 N. of a breed of an excellent horse ; at : khurazAlAzca tuSArAzcottamA hayAH Asvachikitsa. EF: An ornament for the ear, a large ear-ring; aa gharamarai arcan a ata ti: P. R. ATEETH 1 Proximity. -2 Indifference, disregard neutrality; see ZFS. 413, ATEH &c. See under 7. ASS: N. of an excellent breed of horses; alca THISTE Asya chikitsa. al 31 1 N. of a female fiend, daughter of Suketu, wife of Sunda and mother of Maricha. [She was changed into a fiend by the sage Agastya whose devotions she had disturbed. She was killed by Rama when she began to disturb, the sacrificial rites of Visyamitra. Rama was first unwilling to bend his bow against a roman, but the sage overcame his scruples. See R. 11. 20 ). -2 The large dark-green pumpkin. ag : [ats 21 89780 ] An epithet of the demon Maricha, son of Tadaka, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tADaGka: 181 tAntrika tADaGkaH, tADapatram See tATakam ; vizvAsAya svatADalkapANiM kRtvA prayAgakam Raj. T.7.749. tADAga 3.(-gI/.) Being in or coming from tanks. tADiH , -DI/. 1 A kind of palm. -2 A kind of ornament (also tADi (DI)dala); tADIdalena zravaNAnipatya Vikr. 12. 12. tANDavaH -vam 1 Dancing in general; madatANDavotsavAnte U. 3. 18; dance or playful movement of the eyebrows3; 3. 19. -2 Particularly, the frantic or violent dance of Siva; tryambakAnandi vastANDava devi bhUyAdabhISTapai ca hRSTapai ca naH Mal. 5.23; 1. 1. -3 The art of dancing. -4 A sort of grass. -8 (In prosody) A toot of three short syllables. -Comp. -tAlika: an epithet of Nandin, the door-keeper of Siva. -priyaH N. of Siva. tANDavita a. 1 Dancing, made to dance; Mal. 2. -2 Moving round in a wild dance; U. 5. 36. -3 Fluttering; P. R. 1. 3-4.-4 Frowning. ants: The science of dancing. tANDyabrAhmaNam N. of a brAhmaNa of Samaveda. tAtaH [tan-kta dIrghazca Un 3.90] 1A father ; mRSyantu lavasya bAlizatAM tAtapAdAH U.6%3 hA tAteti RnditamAkarNya viSaNNaH R. 9.75.-2 A term of affection, endearment or pity, applied to any person, but usually to inferiors or juniors, pupils, children &c.; tAta candrApIDa K. 106%3 Mal. 6. 16; rakSasA bhakSitastAta taba tAto vanAntare Mb. -3 A term of respect applied to elders or other venerable personages%3; hepitA hi bahavo narezvarAstena tAta dhanuSA dhanurbhataH R. II. 40.; tasmAnmucye yathA tAta saMvidhAtuM tathArhasi 1.72. -4 Any person for whom one feels pity. -Comp. -gu a. 1 agreeable to a father. -2 paternal. (-guH)a paternal uncle. Teg: a paternal uncle, or the most respectable of a man's male relations. tAtana: The Khalijana or wagtail. tAtala . 1 Paternal. -2 Hot. -la: 1A disease. -2 An iron club or spike. -3 Cooking, maturing. - Heat. - A relative who may be regarded as a father. afa: Offspring. -fa: f. Continuity, succession, as in ariSTatAti or zivatAti q.v.. are the Sameness of occupation. tAtkAlika..(-kI/)1Simultaneous; equally long: Y.1.151. -2 Immediate. -3 Relating to any particular time'; hayAn saMdRzya mAM sUtaH prAha tAtkAlikaM vaca: Mb.3.22.20. tAtkAlyam Simultaneity. tAtparyam [tatparasya bhAvaH dhyaJ] 1 Purport, meaning, scope, atredaM tAtparyam &c. -2 Purport of propositions 3; K.R.2.-8Aim, object, intended reference to any object, purpose, intention (with loc.); iha yathArthakathane tAtparyam P. II. 3.43 com. -4 The object or intention of the speaker (in using particular words in a sentence); vakturicchA tu tAtparya parikIrtitam Bhasa P. 84; tAtparyAnupapattitaH 82. - Explanation. -8 Entire devotion to, absorption in any object. -Comp. -athe: the meaning of a sentence. -nirNaya ascertainment of meaning or purport. tAtparyaka a. Aiming at, meaning. tAtparyataH ind. With this intention; tyaktazrInagarAntarAt sa nRpatistAtparyato niryayau Raj. T. 1. 367. tAttvika a. True, real, essential; kiM cAsIdamRtasya bhedavigamaH sAcismite tAttvikaH Bv. 2.81; tAttvikaH saMbandhaH &c. argrof a. Intended for that. tAdarthyam 1 Identity of aim, object. -2 Relation to. -3 Sameness of meaning. -4 Purpose, aim. tAdAtmya m Sameness of nature, identity, unity%3; nayanayostAdAtmyamambhoruhAm Bv. 2.81; bhagavatyAtmanastAdAtmyam &c. tAdAtvika: Aspendthrift; yo yad yad utpadyate tattad bhakSayati sa tAdAtvika: Kau. A. 2.9. tAdRkSa (-kSI/.), tAdRz a., tAdRza (-zI/.) Suchlike, like him, her or it, like that; aiguyu Ms. 9. 22, 36%3 Amaru.51; yAdRzastAdRzaH any body whoever, common or ordinary man; upadezo na dAtavyo yAdRze tAdRze jane Pt. 1. 390. tAdharmyam Sameness of law, analogy. tApya m Sameness of form, identity. tAnaH [tan-ghaJ] 1 A thread, fibre. -2 ( In music) A protracted tone, a key-note; yathA tAna vinA rAgaH Bv. 1. 119; tAnapradAyitvamivopagantum Ku. 1.8 (the number of tanas is said to be49). -3 A monotonous tone. -nam 1 Expanse, extension. 2 An object of sense. -Comp. -kamen .1 tuning the voice as a preparatory step to singing. -2 running over the notes to catch the key. tAnavam Thinness, smallness ; hAsyaprabhA tAnavamAsasAda Vikr. 1. 106; Raj. T. 4. 25. tAnUra: A whirlpool. tAnta See under tam. tAntava.(-vI/.)[tantorvikAraH am] Made of threads; carmajaistAntavaiH pAzairbaddhvA patitamarbhakAH Bhag. 10.64.4.-vam 1 Spinning, weaving. -2 A web. -3 A woven cloth; Ms. 10.87. tAntuvAyiH, tAntuvAyya: The son of a weaver; P. IV.1.152 Kasi. tAntrika (-kI/.)1Well-versed in any science or doctrine -2 Relating to the Tantras. -3 Taught or For Private and Personal Use Only Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tApa 768 tAmra contained in them.-ka: A tollower of Tantra doctrines%, tAntrikAH paricaryAyAM kevalasya zriyaH pteH| ajopAjAyudhAkalpa kalpayanti yathA ca yaiH|| Bhag. 12. 11. 2. tApa, tApana &c. See under tap. tApatya: An epithet of Kuru; also of Arjuna; so'haM svayeha vijita: saMkhye tApatyavardhana Mb. 1. 170.70. tApasa.(-sI/.) 1 Relating to religious penance or to an ascetic; tApaseSveva vipreSu yAtrikaM bhaikSamAharet Ms.6.27. -2 Devout.-saH (-sI.) A hermit, devotee, an ascetic. -Comp.-iSTA, -priyAagrape. -taruH, drumaH the tree ot ascetics, also called idagudI. tApasakaH (= kutApasaH) The wretch of an ascetic; ayaM tApasakAn bhvaMsaH Bk. 4. 36. tApasyam Asceticism; tApasye me manastAta vartate kurunandana Mb. 15.3.56. tApiccha: The Tamala tree or its flower (-n.); praphalatApicchanibhairabhISubhiH Si.1.22; vyomnastApicchagucchAvalibhiriva tamovallarI bhitriyante Mal.5.6 (tApiJja used in the same sense). tApIjam Sulphuret of iron. tApI 1 N. of the river Tapti, which joins the sea. near Surat. -2 The river Yamuna. tAmaH[tam-karaNe ghaJ] 1An object of terror. -2 A fault, defect. -3 Anxiety, distress.-4Desire. -B Exhaustion, fatigue. tAmaram 1 Water. -2 Clarified butter. tAmarasam [tAmare jale sasti sas Da Tv.] 1 The red lotus; paGkAttAmarasam Pt.1.91 R.6.37%9.12,373 lIlAtAmarasAhato'nyavanitAniHzaGkadaSTAdharaH Amaru. 72,88. -2 Gold. -3 Copper. -sI A lotus-pond. tAmasa . (-sI/.) [tamo'styasya aN] 1 Dark, consisting of darkness ; vyatikara iva bhImastAmaso vaidyutazca Mal.9.52; U.5. 12. -2 Affected by or relating to tamas or the quality of darkness (the third of the three qualities of nature); ye caiva sAttvikA bhAvA rAjasAstAmasAzca ye Bg. 7. 12; 17.2; M. 1.1; Ms. 12. 33-34.-3 Ignorant. - Vicious. -: 1 A malignant person, an incendiary, a villain.-2 A snake.-8 An owl.-4 N. of a son of Rahu. -BA kind of horse possessing the quality of tamas; sAttvikA rAjasAzceti tAmasAti te hayAH Yuktikalpataru. -8 The 4th Manu; caturtha uttamabhrAtA manurnAmnA ca tAmasaH Bhag.8.1.27. -sam Darkness. -sI 1 Night, a dark night. -2 Sleep. -3 An epithet of Durga. -Comp.-lInA (in San. phil.) One of the forms of dissatisfaction. tAmasika . (-kI /.) [ tamasA nirvRttaM ThaJ] 1 Dark. -2 Belonging to, derived fromi, or connected with tamas. He: 1 A division of hell; Ms. 4. 88; Bhag. 3. 12.2.-2 The dark fortnight of a month. -3 Hatred. - Anger; tAmisra krodha ucyate Mb. 12. 318. 25. -BA demon, Raksasa (going about in the dark).-6 (Phil.) Dislike ; tAmisroSTAdazadhA Sain. K. 48. tAmiH , -mI Restraining the breath until exhaustion is produced ; Kaus. 88. tAmbUlam 1 The areca-nut. -2 The leaf of piperbetel, which together with the areca-nut, catechu, chunam, and spices is usually chewed after meals; tAmbUlabhUtagallo'yaM bhAlaM jalpati mAnuSaH K. P.73; rAgo na skhalitastavAdharapuTe tAmvUlasaMvardhitaH S. Til. 7. -Comp. -adhikAra the office of carrying the betel-box; Pt. 1. -karaDura, -peTikA a betel-box (Mar. pAnadAna, pAnapuDA); AkRSya tAmbUlakaraGkamadhyAtkarpUradAnaM vidadhe bahubhyaH Vikr. 9.82. degvAha, 'hinI see next word. -da:,-dharaH,-vAhaka: a servant attached to men of rank to carry the betel-box and to provide them with tAmbUla whenever necessary. -vallI the betelplant; tAmbUlavallIpariNaddhapUgAH R.6.64. arrafe: A seller of betel. tAmbUlin a. Relating to betel. -m. A servant who prepares the Tambula and gives it to his master when wanted. tAmbUlI The betel-plant; tAmbUlInAM dalaistatra racitApAnabhUmayaH R.4.42; Mal. 6. 19. tAmra a. [tam-rak dIrghaH UP. 2. 16 ] 1 Made of copper. -20f a coppery red colour, red; tato'nukuryAdvizadasya tasyAstAmrauSThaparyastarucaH smitasya Ku.1.44; udeti savitA tAmrastAmra evAstameti ca Subhas. -mraH A kind of leprosy with red spots. -mram 1 Copper. -2 A dark or coppery red. -3 A coppery receptacle; tAmralohaiH parivRtA nidhayo ye catu:Tat: Mb. 2. 61. 29. - A copper pot having a small hole at the botton used in measuring time by placing it in a water-vessel. -Comp. -akSaH 1 a crow. -2 the (Indian) cuckoo. -adhe: bell-metal. -azma n m. a kind of iewel (padmarAga); tAmrAzmarazmicchuritairnakhApraiH Si.3.7.-Abham red sandal (raktacandana).-upajIvin m. a. coppersmith. -oSThaH (forming tAmroSTha or tAmrauSTha) a red or cherry lip; Ku.1.4t. -kAraH, -kuTTaH a brazier, coppersmith. -kRmi: 1 a kind of red insect ( indragopa).-2 the lady bird. -3 cochineal. -garbham sulphate of copper. -cUDa: a cock; saMbhyAcUDairanibiDatamastAmracUDairuDUni / prAsUyanta sphuTamadhiviyadbhANDamaNDAni yAni // Ram. Ch.6. 96; 7.56. -caDaka: a particular position of the hand. -trapujam brass. -du: the red sandalwood. -dvIpa: the island of Ceylon; Divyavadana. 36.-dhAtu: 1 red chalk. -2 Copper; Ram. 3. -paTTaH, -patram a copper-plate on which grants of land were frequently inseribed ; paTe vA tAmrapaTTe vA svmudropricihnitm| abhilekhyAtmano baMzyAnAtmAnaM ca mhiiptiH|| 1.1.319. -parNI N. of a river rising in Malaya, celebrated for its pearls; R. 4.50. Hence tAmraparNika (= obtained in the same river); Kau. A. 2. 11. -pala: Alangium Hexapetalum; dadyAttAmrapalaM bApi abhAve sarvakarmaNa: Yuktikalpataru. -pallava: the Asoka For Private and Personal Use Only Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tAmrakam 769 tArA tree.-pAkin Thespesia. Populneoides (Mar. lAkhI-pArAsA ! foca). -E: Kcompferia Rotunda (Mar. alka). -ot Bignonia Suaveolens (Mar. 44, 49157- H a copper-plate. a. copper-faced. (-:)1 a Frank or European - the Moghals. - see aga ); fra argantak: Afana Siva. B. 26. 23. -auff the blossom of sesamum. - N. of a country. T: (pl.) its people or rulers. TOT: a species of sandal. -zikhin m. a cock. -sAraka: a sort of Khadira. (-kam) red sandal-wood. tAmrakam Copper. asa A coppery red. af 4. ( f) Made of copper, coppery; Ms. 8. 136; Y. 1. 365. A brazier coppersmith. a ht m. Redness, the colour of copper. tAmrayam Redness. ar 1 A. (ara, afa) 1 To spread, extend, proceed in a continuous line. -2 To protect, preserve. -With fa to spread, create; 34 T URAL Bk. 17. 105. a 1 Proceeding well, succeeding.-2 Increase, growth. atfera: See af:. atfera m. N. of Buddha. arg: Ved. A thief. art a. [q-fore a 377] 1 High (as a note.) -2 Loud, shrill (as a sound ); alfaralegre frafrafety Art: Mal. 5. 20. -8 Shining, radiant, clear; athariFatma (regarded as an interpolation in Me. by Malli.); a fareatati EIT: Amaru. 31; R. 5. 52. - 4 Good, excellent, well-flavoured. -8 Clear, clean; 'a gidalsa fazas; Si. 18. 44. T: 1 The bank of a river. -2 The clearness of a pearl. -3 A beautiful or big pearl; E7446 244 Git. 11. -4 An epithet of (1) Visnu, (2) Siva. -5 The mystical syllable BiH (99a). -6 Protection. -7 A high tone or note; a tee 7 ano ba talle a Mb. 7. 156. 9. -8 Crossing, passing over. -9 A thread, wire ( a); 2461 IETEHETER gavian Taarit Mb. 5.48.28. -T., -14 1 A star or planet; ( said to be f. also ). -2 The pupil of the eye; said to be -m. also ). -3 A pearl said to be f. also). TH 1 Silver; a CHHET419 TanaFish Bhag. 4.6.27. - 2 A seed-vessel (esp. of the lotus ); : t d: yel: F eria Si. 12. 4. -Comp. -3727: camphor. 3ft: a pyritic ore of iron. -Taath the falling of a star or meteor. -go: the Kunda or jasmine creeper - Atre a kind of 8. $. #....96 inferior metal. -aty: loud-sounding wind, a whistling breeze. -faqor a kind of mineral substance. The FT lead. -Far a. having a loud or shrill sound; artea au ar tufa FH 37813T2: Ks. 6. 58. -ETT: 1 a necklace of big or beautiful pearls. -2 a shining necklace. THE N. of a metal. aro: N. of a demon killed by Kartikeya. [He was the son of Vajranga and Varangi. Ho propitiated the god Brahmadeva by means of his penance on the Pariyatra mountain, and asked as a boon that he should not be killed by any one except a child seven days old. On the strength of this boon he began to oppress the gods who were obliged to go to Brahmi and ask his assistance in the destruction of the demon (see Ku. 2). But they were told that the offspring of Siva could alone vanquish him. Afterwards Kartikeya was born, and he slew the demon on the seventh day of his birth ). -Comp. -37ft:,-fart,-ftg, -afta, -FCR m. an epithet of Kartikeya ; matenge # KOFI P. R. 4. 16. (For other senses, see under ). A#1 A star; a talagah Bhag. 10.3. 1. -2 A meteor, falling star. -3 The pupil of the eye; k aryaT4 R. 11. 69; Ch. P. 5; Bh. 1. 11. - N. of the wife of Brihaspati ; gtigfareits HattaTaz: Bhag. 9. 14.7. -Comp. -ATT sidereal measure-time; Bri. S. 98. 2. arcfofoft A starry night, night during which stars are visible. arra a. [attal: 2774 FTAT: 597] Starry, starspangled, studded with stars; OTTOarfarat: N. 4. 49. arcu, arfta, arft &c. See under . arcut: 1 One born of a virgin ( a), -2 A devotee of the sun; Mb. 1. 167. 8 (com.). alatt [accufa: 529] 1 Gradation, proportion, relative importance, comparative value. -2 Difference, distinction; fafa autarcazare Tai Taifafa fafarar * Taula | Udb. ana. Unsteady. -3: 1 libidinous man, lecher, libertine. -2 The companion of a dissolute man (az). ar 1 Tremulousness. -2 Libidinousness, dissoluteness. tArA 1 A star or planet in general; haMsazreNISu tArAsu R. 4. 19; Bh. 1 15. -2 A fixed star; Y. 3. 172; R. 6.22. -3 The pupil of the eye, the eye-ball; para: Hata hesaartet: Mal. 9.30; fatehtait: 1. 28; Ku. 3. 47. -4 A pearl. - ( in Sankhya Phil. ) One of the 8 Siddhis. -6 (in music) N. of a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tArAyaNa: 770 tAla: ......................... Raga of six notes. -7 A kind of perfume. -8 (a) | Garuda; Bhag. 3. 2. 24. 20: A kind of antidote N. of the wife of Vali, king of the monkeys, and (Mar. tata); arge's forfasta resztaty ga: Siva mother of Angada. She in vain tried to dissuade B. 30. 18. her husband Vali from fighting with Rama and Sugriva, and married Sugriva after Vali had been arca. (-off :) [ 2013 frato 3409 ] 1 made of grass ; killed by Rama. (6) N. of the wife of Bsihaspati, ahaM sahasrapAnAmA vipro mohAtpurA mayA / khagamo nAma tArNena (sarpaNa) the preceptor of the gods. She was on one occasion arvataa ga: || Bm. 1. 87; argu arifa... Siva. a carried off by Soma (the moon B. 30. 21; # 44 rear area AF44 Mb. 1. 11. 2. who refused to deliver her up to her husband when demanded. A -2 Levied from grass ( as a tax) -ut: Fire. fierce contest then ensued, and Brahma had at last to / tArNasam A kind of sandal having the colour of the com pel Soma to restore her to her husband. Tara feather of a parrot and of sour smell; Kau. A. 2. 11. gave birth to a son named Budha who became the ancestor of the Lunar race of kings (see Bhag. 9. 1+). aatta. (adre ta, Farg 340] 1 The third; FH (c) N. of the wife of Harischandra and mother of gAM padaikena dvitIyena divaM vibhoH / khaM ca kAyena mahatA tAtIyasya kuto Rohidasa (also called Taramati). (a) N. of a Buddha fa: 11 Bhag. 8. 19. 34. -2 Belonging to the third ; goddess. (e) n. of a Sakti; Jaina. -Comp.-31T: 1 arda raha 4799f ; Bhag. 3. 6. 29. - the moon; Ku. 7. 48; Bh. 1. 71.-2 Siva. -3 Brihas- A third part. pati. -4 Vali. -5 Sugriva. -34s: the moon.-3147: araft a. The third; afar futsa quicksilver. -6: one of the 5 lesser planets exclusive 997 N. 3. 136; ataizi ytitka Haq a: of the sun and moon; Bri. S. 69. 1. - fa: 1 the moon Mal. 1. v. l. R. 13. 76. -2 Vali. -3 Btihaspati. -4 Siva. -T: the atmosphere, firmament, sky. -TATUTH sidereal ac [ 17 sa 3101) 1 The palmyra tree, Bhag. measure, sidereal time. the night. -136H 1 8. 2. 12; fafar Ta Bh. 2.90; R. 15. 23. the starry region, the zodiac. -2 the pupil of the eye. -2 A banner formed of the palm. -8 Slapping or -3 (*) A kind of Siva temple. -T: the constellation clapping the hands together, the noise made by it; q # 'the friendship of the stars ', sponta- Talaier au Mb. 3. 178. 17; Mal. 5. 23. -4 Flapping neous or unaccountable love; Mal. 7. 4; U. 5. -ada in general; ftatita: 981 vald: R. 7.39. -5 Flapping falling stars. of the ears of an elephant. -6 Beating time (in music); h ala FA194 U. 3. 10; Me. 81. ATTITUT: The holy fig tree. -7 A musical instrument made of bell-metal, Bbag. afteri f. Toddy. 8. 15. 21; 5 7 742 : 9gafar affara: R. 9. 71. -8 The palm of the hand. -9 A lock, bolt. TEUT a. Youthful, young. -10 The hilt of a sword. -11 An epithet of Siva. tAruNyam 1 Youth, youthfulness ; tAruNyaM gatameva niSphala- -12 (In prosody) A trochee. 13 A particular HET T -2 Freshness (fig. ). measure of height; Ram. 6. -14 A short span; a span measured by the thumb and the middle finger. anty: 1 The planet Mercury, -2 An epithet of -15 A dance; S. D. 6. - 1 The nut of the palmyra Angada, son of Vali; Ram. 5. 6. tree. -2 Yellow or piment. - Comp. -37%9: 1 N. of ala a. (-at f.) Spun, woven. Balarama; 1 TEA Ak. da: eraugus 197 gica Parnal. 5. 47. -2 the plam-leaf used for ano: [ ad af gezlana ar g) 1 A dialectician, writing. -3 a book. -4 a saw. - N. of Siva. - a logician. -2 A philosopher. man endowed with every fortunate mark or sign. -37a (T) : a dancer, an actor ; Ram. 2. 3. 17. tArkikatvam Scepticism, philosophy; kavitAtArkikatvayorekA Tag: an epithet of Bhisma. f i , - : the 194 faftras P. R. 1. 17/18. exudation of the palm; toddy. -ITET, -93a: the tAkSaH N. of the sage kazyapa. fibres of the palm tree Mar. 2). - a. Inowing the measure (in music); Y. 3. 115. -ETIT: a dancer. tAkSya: 1 An epithet of Garuda; trastena tArthyAt kila -dhvajaH, -bhRt m. an epithet of Balarama. -navamI The Area R. 6. 49. -2 N. of Garuda's elder brother 9th day of the bright half of bhAdrapada.-patram 1 the palmAruna. -3 A car; 3153 13 eta 407 ) Si.12.2. leaf used for writing. -2 a kind of ear-ornament -4 A horse. -5 A snake; -6 A bird in general. -7N. (hollow cylinder of gold thrust through the lobe of the of Siva. -8 Gold. -9 A kind of antidote. -Comp. ear). - f. A widow; L.D.B. - the fruit of the -tag: an epithet of Visnu. are an epithet of plam tree; a rafa y a Ifflant anGaruda. - 17: Peregrine falcon. -95, - a: 14 Il Git. 9. 2. -6, -95 a. measured, rhythmical, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tAlI 771 tikta regulated by musical time. -bhaGgaH The loss of the / measure (in music). -madela: a kind of musical instrument, a cymbal. -JFT 1 a kind of surgical instrument. -2 a lock, a lock and key.-Taani a dancer, an actor. -lakSaNa: an epithet of Balarama. -vanam a grove of trees. -vRntam a fan; S.3.21; Ku.2.35%3 tAlavRntena kiM kArya labdhe malayamArute Udb. also tAlavRntakaH, tAlI 1A species of the mountain-palm, palm-tree%3 prApa tAlIvanazyAmam R. + 34. -2 The common toddy (Taili). -3 Fragrant earth. -4 A sort of key. -8 Noise produced by clapping the hands together ; sa dhAtrI karatAlIbhiH saMvarSitakutUhala: Siva. B. 7. 17. -Comp. -paTTam a kind of ear-ornament; K.S. -canam agrove of palm trees%3 R. 4. 343 anena sArdha vihArAmburAzestAreSu tAlIvanamamareSu 6.57. of this extent; yAvatI saMbhaved vRttistAvatI dAtumarhasi Mn. 8. 1559.249; Bg.2.46. -3 All (expressing totality); yAvaddattaM tAvad bhuktam G.M. -4 Just a little: hatavega vinayena tAvatA Ki. 2. 48. -5 ( in Alg.) An unlnown quantity. -ind. 1 First ( before doing anything else); Arye itastAvadAgamyatAm S. 15 AhAdayasva tAvacandrakarazcandrakAntamiva V.5.113 Me. 13. -2 On one's part, in the meanwhile; sakhe sthirapratibandho bhava / ahaM tAvat svAminazcittavRttimanuvartidhye 5.2; R. 7.32. -3 Just, now; gaccha tAvata. -4 Indeed. (to emphasize an expression); tvameva tAvat prathamo rAjadrohI Mu.1 'thou thyself'; tvameva tAvatparicintaya svayam Ku.5.67; gatA tAvanivedyaiva sA mamodayaparvatam Ks. 18241. -8 Truly, really (to express assent); alpo'pyevaM mahAnvApi vikrayastAvadevaH saH Ms. 3.63%3 dRDhastAvadvandhaH H. 1.-8As for, with respect to; vigrahastAvadupasthitaH H.33 evaM kRte tava tApakaza binA prANayAtrA bhaviSyati Pt. 1. -7 Completely; tAvatprakIrNAbhinavopacArAm R.7.4 (tAvatprakIrNa = sAkalyena prasArita Malli.). -8 Surprise (oh !, what a wonder). (For the senses of tAvat as a correlative of yAvat, see yAvat ). -Comp. -kRtvas ind. so many times; yAvanti pazuromANi tAvatkRtvA ha mAraNam Ms.5. 38. tAvatkR to square (in Math.)-phala. having such results 3 ziSTaM nu tAvatphalameva puNyam S. 6.10. -mAtram just so much. (-3) ind. in that distance%3 sadanAni tovanmAtra eva Bhag.5.24.4. -varSe a. so many years old. tAlakam 1 Yellow orpiment. -2 A fragrant earth. -3 A bolt, latch. -kI The vinous exudation of the palm, todily. -Comp. -37147 a. green. (- ) the green colour. ACE: A kind of ear-ornament, ( = 2133 q.v.). tAlavya a. Relating to the palate, palatal. -Comp. -varNaH a palatal letterie. i, I, c, ch, ja, jh, and th.-svara: a palatal vowel; i.e. and I. tAlikaH [tAlena nirvRttaH Thak] 1 The open palm of the hand. -2 Clapping the hands (tAlikA also); yathaikena na hastena tAlikA saMprapadyate Pt.2.1323 uccATanIyaH karatAlikAnAM dAnAdidAnI bhavatIbhereSaH N. 3.7.-3 A ties seal.-4 A cover for binding a parcel of papers or a manuscript. tAlitam 1 Coloured colth. -2 Any musical instrument. -3 A string. areal m. N. of Siva. tAlizaH A mountain. tAlu.[tarantyanena varNAH tR-aNa rasya laH; ct. U. 1.5.] The palate ; tRSA mahatyA parizuSkatAlavaH Rs. 1. 11. -Comp. -jihna, 1 a crocodile. -2 the uvula.-nAsa: camel. -pAkaH an abscess in the palate. -puppuTaH, -vidradhI an indolent swelling of the palate. -mUlam the root or back-part of the palate. -sthAna a. palatal. (-nam ) the palate. tAlukam 1 The palate. -2 A disease of the palate. tAlUraH A whirlpool, an eddy. tAlUSakam The palate. tAvaka.(-kI/), tAvakIna a. Thy, thine; tapaH ka vatse kva ca tAvakaM vapuH Ku.5.4; Ki. 3. 123 Bv. 1. 36, 96. tAvat (Correlative of yAvat q.v.) 1 So much, that much, so many; te tu yAvanta evAjI tAvAMzca dadRze sa taiH B.12.453 H.4.72; Ku.2.33.-2 Sogreat, so large, tAvatika, tAvatkaa. Bought for so much, worth so much, of so much value. tAvaddhA ind. 1 In such a number. -2 So often. tAvaram A bow-string. tAviSaH, -SI 1 The ocean. -2 Heaven. -3 Gold. tAvISa: 1 The ocean. -2 Gold. -3 Heaven. -pI 1 A river. -2 The earth. -3 N. of a daughter of Indra. argft: The sign Taurus of the Zodiac, (a word borrowed from the Greek Tauros. ) tAskaryam Theft; Ms. 9. tika I.1 A.(tekate) To go or move. -II.5 P. (tinoti) 1 To go. -2 To attack, assail. -3 To wound. - 4 To seek to injure or kill. -5 To challenge; also written far or fag in this sense. tikta . [tij-bA0 kartari kta] 1 Bitter, pungent (as one of the six flavours or Rasas); tasyAstiktervanagajamadairvAsitaM vAntavRSTiH Me.20. -2 Fragrant; kaTutiktakaSAyAstu saurabhye'pi prakIrtitAH' iti kezavaH Si5.333; toyakrIDAniratayuvatisnAnatiktairmarudbhiH Me.33.-ktaH 1 Bitter tastes (see under kadu). -2 The Kutaja tree. -3 Pungency. -4 Fragrance. -Comp. -gandhA mustard. -taNDulA long peper (Mar. piMpaLI). -dhAtuH bile. -phalaH, -marica: the clearing-nut plant. -zAkam a bitter (or fragrant) pot-herb (Mar. vAyavarNA); Raj. T. 5.49. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tiktaka 772 timiH tiktaka a. Bitter. -ka: 1 The Khadira tree. -2 N. | of several plants. tiktAya (tiktAyate) To have a bitter flavour; pittana dUne rasane sitApi tiktAyate haMsakulAvataMsa N.3.94. tigma a. [tij-mak jasya gaH Un. 1. 45] 1 Sharp, pointed (as a weapon); Av. 4. 27.7. -2 Violent. -3 Hot, soorching. - Pungent, acrid. -B_Fiery, passionate. -B Austere; tataste tigmatapa saMkRzaM dharmanisaMtatam Mb. 3. 158. 103. -mam 1 Heat. -2 Pangeney. -Comp.-aMzuH 1 the sun; tigmAMzurastaM gataH Git.5.-2 fire. -8 N. of Siva.-karaH,-dIdhitiH,-dyutiH, -bhAs, -razmiH , -ruc m. the sun; Si. 20. 28, 45. -2 The number 12' (esp. tigmakara-dIdhiti). -tejas a. Ved. 1 sharp-pointed. -2 penetrating. -3 of a violent nature; Vaj. 1.24. - of resplendent lustre. -m. the sun; adi Ferentat 1919mudite tigmatejasi Ks. 29. 121. -nemi a. having a sharpedged felly; padAterbhagavastisya padAstigmaneminA / cakreNa zira utkRtya ...Bhag. 10.57. 21. -yAtanA acute or violent pain; of. Bhag.6.1.7. tij I. 1A. (Strictly desid. of tij) (titikSate, titikSita)1 To endure, bear. -2 To put up with, suffer patiently or with courage titikSamANasya pareNa nindAm M.1.173 tAMstitikSasva bhArata Bg. 2.14; Mv. 2. 123 Ki. 13.68; Ms. 6. 47. -II. 10 U. or Caus. (tejayati-te, tejita) 1 To sharpen, whet; kusumacApamatejayadaMzubhiH R. 9. 39.-2 To stir up, excite, instigate. fatave Endurance, patience, resignation, for bearance%3; anapAyi nibahaNaM dviSAM na titikSAsamamasti sAdhanam Ki.2.43. faratet a. 1 Patient, for bearing, enduring; Bri. Up. 4.4.23. -2 Desiring to give up3; atitikSuH putrapautrAn Mb. 12. 141.7. G: 1 Pungency. -2 Sharpness (of a weapon ). -8 Brilliancy. -4 Spirit. tejanam [tija-Nica-lyu] 1A bamboo.-2 Sharpening, whetting.-3 Kindling.-4 Rendering bright.-5 Polishing. -6A reed. -7 The point of an arrow, the edge of a weapon. -nI 1 A mat. -2 A tuft. -3 A tuft of hair on the head of a horse. tijilaH (naH) 1 The moon. -2 A Raksass. faas: A sieve. -n. A parasol. titikSA &c. See under tij. titibha: 1 A fire-fiy. -2 A kind of insect (indragopa), cochineal. titiraH, tittira: The francoline partridge; Bhag. 3. 15. 18. -Comp. -aGgam a kind of steel. tittiriH [titti iti zabdaM rauti ru-bA0 Di Tv.] 1 The francoline partridge. -2 N. of a sage said to be the first teacher of the black Yajurveda. tittirika: The francoline partridge. tittirIka a. Spotted like a partridge. titilam 1 A pressing stone (?); L. D. B. -2 N. of a karana. (afash).--8 Flattened sesamum cake. -4 A bowl or bucket. tithaH 1 Fire. -2 Love. -3 Time.-4 The rainy season or autumn. tithi: m. or f. [at-ithin pRSo0 vA bI cf. Un. 4. 2] 1 A Junar day; tithireva tAvanna zuddhapati Mu.55 Ku.6.93, 7.1. -2 The number 15'. -Comp. -ardhaH, -rdham (hall the tithi), a Karana. -IzaH the regent of a lunar day. -kSayaH 1 the day of new moon. -2 the day on which a tithi begins and ends without one sunrise or between two sunrises. -9911 an almanac. -pAlanam observance of the rites prescribed for the several lunar days. -praNIH (-NiH) the moon%3 sAyaMtanI. tithipraNyaH paGkajAnAM divAtanIm Bk. 5.65. -pralayaH (pl.) difference between solar and lunar days in any particular period; Aryabhatta 3.6. -vRddhiHf the day in which a tithi is completed under two suns (one which comprises two sunrises). tithI /. (= tithiH q.v.) Mb. 13. tinizaH A particular tree; dAtthU stinizasya koTaravati skandhe nilIya sthitam Mal. 9.7. tintiDaH, -DI, -tintiDikA, -tintiDIkA: 1 The tamarind tree. -2 A sour sauce made of its fruits ); Bri. S.55.21. -kam 1 The fruit of the tamarind. -2 A sour sauce. tintilI, tintili (lI) kA The tamarind tree. tinduH, tindukaH, tindulaH N. of a tree. tindukam, -kI The fruit of the ebony tree. -kam A kind of measure (karSa). fag 1 A. (aa) 1 To sprinkle. -2 To drop, distil, ooze, leak. -3 To protect. tim I.1P.(temati, timita) To make wet or damp, moisten.-II. 4P. (farufa) 1 To become wet. -2 To become quiet or tranquil, be calm. timita a. [tim-kartari-ta] 1 Moist, wet, damp. -2 Motionless, steady. -2 Calm, tranquil. fara: 1 The ocean. - A kind of whale or fish of an enormous size; (asti matsyastiminami shtyojnmaaytH|): amI zirobhistimayaH sarandherUce vitanvanti jalapravAhAn R. 13. 10. -3 A fish in general; garIyase'pakArAya timInAM baDizaM yathA Siva. B. 26. 45. -4 The figure of a fish produced by drawing two lines, one intersecting the other at right angles. - The sign of Pisces (matsya, mIna). -Comp. -koSaH the ocean. -ghAtin m. a fisherman; Ks. 60.185. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir timiGgilaH 773 tiryaca -jam a kind of pearl. -dhvajaH N. of a demon (Sam- | bara) killed by Indra with the assistance of Dasuratha. (It was in the fight with this demon that Kaikeyi i saved the life of Dasaratha while in a swooning fit and got from him two boons which she afterwards used to send Rama into exile); dAnavendraM hataM dRSTvA timidhvajasutaM raNe Ram. 2. 44. 11. -mAlin the ocean. timiGgila: A lind of fish which swallows a timilB so'yaM tuGgatimizilAnakavalIkArakriyAkovidaH Bv. 1.55. azanaH, Fit: very large fish which swallows even a timingila; timizilagilo'pyasti tadrilo'pyasti rAghavaH f. Bv. 1.55. timita See under tim. timira . [tim-kirac ] Dark; vinyasyantI dRzau timire pathi Git.5% babhUvustimirA dizaH Mb. -raH, -ram 1 Darkness%3D tannaizaM timiramapAkaroti candraH 5.6.30%B Ku.4.11; Si.4.57. -3 Blindness%3 tejomayaM timiradoSahataM hi cakSuH Raj. T. 4.314. -3 Iron-rust. -Comp. -ariH, -nuda, m., -ripuH the sun%; timirAristamo hanti prAtaH svavadhabhIravaH Udb. timiramayaH 1 An epithet of Rahu. -2 An eclipse in general. fafarafa Den. P. To obscure, eclipse, darken. timirAyate Den. A. To be or appear dark. Paraftar m. The cochineal insect. timilA N. of a musical instrument. timI /. (= timiH q. v.); L. D. B. facefa Den. P. 1 To conceal, keep concealed or secret. -2 To hinder, stop, obstruct, obscure; farafa karaNAnAM grAhakatvaM pramohaH Mal. 1.40; vAraMvAraM tirayati dRzorudgama bASpapUraH 35; tirayati vacanam 9.30 drowns'.-3 To conquer. tiras ind. [tR-asun svarAdi] 1 Crookedly, obliquely, awry; sa tiryat yastiro'nAte Ak. -2 Without, apart from. -3 Secretly, covertly, invisibly; Bri. Up. 1.4. 4. - Aeross, beyond, over; yadi vAsi tirojanam Av.7. 38.5. -5 Indirectly, badly. [In classical literature tiras is rarely used by itself, but chiefly occurs in composition with (a) kR, (8) dhA, and (0) bhU; see below.] -Comp. -kuDya,-prAkAra a.looking through a wall.-gata a. vanished, disappeared.-varSe a. protected from rain. tiraskR (tira:-kR)8U. 1To despise, contemn Atmanazca peraSAM ca yaH samIkSya balAbalam / antaraM naiva jAnAti sa tirskriyte'ribhiH|| H.3.83 Bk.9.62. -2 To blame, scold, abuse; gIrbhirgurUNAM paruSAkSarAbhistiraskRtA yAnti narA mahattvam Bv.1.73. -3 To surpass, excel (stanadvayaM) tirazcakAra bhramarAbhilInayoH sujAtayoH paGkajakozayoH zriyam R.3.8. -4 To cover, conceal tiraskriyante kRmitantujAlevicchinnadhUmaprasarA gavAkSAH R. 16. 20; Ms. 4. 49; Amaru. 81. - To set aside, remove. tiraskara a. Surpassing, excelling. tiraska (skA)riNI 1A curtain, veil; so'tyAsAdya tu tadvezma tiraskaraNimantarA Ram. 2. 15.20%; niraskariNyo jaladA bhavanti Ku. 1. 14; M.2.1. -2 An outer tent, screen of cloth. -3 A kind of magical veil (or spell) rendering the wearer invisible, S. 6. and V.2, inter alia. It is properly the science or art possessed by celestial beings of rendering themselves invisible by repeating some Mantras. tiraskAraH, tiraskRtiH / ., tiraskriyA 1 Contempt, disrespect. -2 Censure, abuse, reproach; dvipadviSaH pratyuta sA tiraskriyA Si. -3 Concealment, disappearance. -4 A cuirass; lauhastiraskAra ivAtmamanyuH Ki. 17. 49. tiraskArin a. Excelling; devi tvanmukhapaGkajena zazinaH zobhAtiraskAriNA Ratn. 1.24. tiraskRta p. p. 1 Disregarded, despised. -2 Abused, condemned. -3 Concealed, covered. -4 Disappeared, vanished. -5 Surpassed, excelled. tirodhA 3U. 1To disappear, vanish; abhivRSya marutsasya kRSNameghastirodadhe R. 10. 48; 11.91. -2 To cover, conceal, hide. -3 To excel, eclipse. -4 To overpower, conquer, defeat. -5 To set aside, remove. -6 To hide one's self from (with abl.). tirodhAnam 1 Disappearance, removal; siddhAnvidyAgharazcaiiva tirodhAnena so'sRjat Bhag. 3. 20. 44; atha khalu tirodhAnamadhiyAm G. L. 18. -2 A covering, veil, sheath, a cloth or cloak. farctica p. p. 1 Concealed, hidden. removed from sight. -2 Vanished, disappeared. -3 Hard to understand, mystic; nAtra tirohitamivAsti Bri. Up. 1. 3. 28. tirobhU1 P. To disappear, vanish; Bk. 6. 713 14. 44. -Caus. To dispel. tirobhAvaH Disappearance; Atmata AvirbhAvatirobhAvau Ch. Up. 7. 26. 1. farcela Den. P. To disappear. tirohayati Den. P. To hide, conceal. tiryac, tiyazca a. (tirazcI J., rarely tiryamcI) 10blique, transverse, horizontal, awry; tiryagUrdhvamadhastAcca vyApako HEHT ET: Ku. 6. 71. -2 Crooked, curved. -8 Crossing over, traversing. -4 Winding. - Lying in the middle or between. -m., -21 An animal (going horizontally as distinguished from man who walks erect), a lower or irrational animal; bandhAya divye na tirazci kazcit pAzAdirAsAditapauruSaH syAt N. 3. 20; Ku. 1. 48. -2 A bird. -3 (With Jainas) The organic world, or plants. -Comp.-antaram intermediate space measured across, breadth. -ayanam the annual revolution of the sun. -IkSa a. looking obliquely. -Iza: an epithet of Krisna. -ga: an animal. -gatiH transmigration of animals. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tiryak 774 tilya -guNanam oblique multiplication.-jaa. born or begotten | particular month (kept as a festival); tAM raNakhAminaM draSTuM by an animal; yasmAdIjaprabhAveNa tiryagjA RSayo'bhavana Ms. 10. niladvAdazyahe gatAm Raj. T.5.395. -dhenu:/. sesamum made 72. -jana: an animal; Bhag. 2.7.46. -jAti:/. the up in the form of a cow and offered as a present to a brute kind (opp. man). -jyA an oblique chord.-diz Brahman. 'yAvatA vastreNa kRtsnA dhenurAcchAditA bhavati tadvastraf. any horizontal region opposed to nadir and zenith.) gitardo: ' is the another meaning given in the com.; -pramANam breadth. -prekSaNam a side-look. -prekSaNa, bharaNISu dvijAtibhyastiladhenuM pradAya vai Mb. 13.64.35. -paNe: prekSin a. looking obliquely; Bhag.5.26. 36. -yAnaH turpentine. (-rNam) sandal-wood. -parNI 1 the sandal a erab. -yona: an animal; Ms.7.149. -yoniHf. animal tree. -2 frankincense. -3 turpentine. -parNikA, -pArNa creation or race; tiryagyonau ca jAyate Ms.4.200. -sUtram (Na)kam sandal-wood. -piccaTam Sweetmeat of sesaacross-line. -srotas m. 1 the animal world. -2 an imum powder and sugar; L. D. B. -piJjaH, -pejaH animal, a beast or bird. barren sesamum. -pIDa: an oilman; snehena tilavatsarve sargacake nipIDyate / tilapIDairiva Mb. 12. 174. 24. -bhAvinI tiryak ind. Obliquely, crookedly, in a slanting or jasmine. -mayUraH a species of peacock. -rasaH, -snehaH oblique direction; tiryagAsthAya saMkruddhaH pakSIze bhagavAnhariH Ram. sesamum oil. -homaH a burnt offering of sesamum. 7.7.41; vilokayati tiryak K. P. 10; Me. 51; Ku.5.743 tiryaktA, -ktva m 1 Animal nature. -2 Breadth. tilakaH [til-kvuna , tila ivArthe svalpe vA kan vA ] 1 A species of tree with beautiful flowers; Ram. 2. 91. 9; tirazcI, tiryaJcI The female of an animal. AkAntA tilakakriyApi tilakailInAdvarephAjanaiH M. 3.5% na khalu tirazcIna a. [ tiryageva svArthe kha] 1 Oblique, sideways, zobhayati sma vanasthalI na tilakastilaka: pramadAmiva R.9.41. awry; garta tirazcInamanUrusArathe: Si. 1.2; yathA tirazcInamalAta Kalidasa describes the beauty of this tree as being zalyam U. 3.35. -2 Irregular. -Comp. -vaMza: a bee akin to that of the saffron-mark on the forehead of a hive; Adityo devamadhu tasya dyaureva tirazcInavaMzo'ntarikSam Ch. woman. The name suggests a relation to tila, the sesame Up. 3. 1. 1. plant, Sesamum indicum Linn. Now this plant has got flowers that have got a very pretty appearance. It is a tirITam A crown; L. D. B. -Ta: The Lodhra plant; shrub and not a tree. It grows four to five feet in height. L. D. B. Its flower has five petals. The lower petal is the longest. In wild variety there is a promiment spot on the longest tila I. 1 P.(telati) To gomove. -II. 6 P., 10 U. (tilati, telayati-te) 1 To be unctuous or greasy. -2 To petal which is highly suggestive of the saffron-mark on the forehead of a woman.-2 A freckle or natural mark anoint, smear with oil. under the skin. -3 The sesamum tree. -kA,-kam 1A tila: [tila-k] 1 The seasamum plant; nAsAbhyeti tila- mark made with sandalwood or unguents &c.; mukha madhuzrIprasUnapadavIm Git. 10. -2 The seed of this plant; nAkasmA- stilakaM prakAzya Ku. 3. 30; kastUrikAtilakamAli vidhAya sAyam cchANDilImAtA vikrINAti tilaistilAn / luJcitAnitarairyana kAryamatra Bv.2.4; 1. 121. -2 The ornament of anything (used bhaviSyati / / Pt. 2. 70. -3 A mole, spot. -5 A small at the ond of comp. in the sense of 'best','chiet' or particle, as much as a sesamum-seed; tile tAlaM pazyati 'distinguished'); kula'; jIvalokadeg Mal.9.21; yasya na ' makes mountains of molehills.' -Comp. --annam rice vipadi viSAdaH saMpadi harSoM raNe na bhIrutvam / taM bhuvanatrayatilakaM janayati with sesamum seed. -apa,-ambu, -udakam water with jananI sutaM viralam || Pt. 1. 105. -3 The burden of a song sesamum seed offered to the dead as a libation ; (dhruvaka). -kA A kind of necklace. -kam 1 The bladder. yadA matsuhRdostilApaH Bhag. 10. 12. 15%3 zrAddhAni no'dhibhuje -2 The right lung. 3 A kind of salt. -4 A kind of prasabhaM tana dattAni tIrthasamaye'pyapibattilAmbu Bhag.7.8.45%; disease, the appearance of dark spots on the skin S.35 teSAM dattvA tu hasteSu sapavitraM tilokadam Ms. 3.228.-uttamA without any inflammation. - Alliteration. -Comp. N. of an Apsaras. -odanaH, -nam a dish of milk, rice -AzrayaH the forehead. and sesamum. -kaThaH sesamum powder (Mar. tiLakUTa ). tilakAyate Den. A. To serve as a Tilaka-mark. -kalka: dough made of ground sesamum. "ja: oil-cake made of the sediment of ground sesamum. -kAlakA faciena a. 1 Marked with a Tilaka. -2 Adorned ; 1 a mole, a dark spot under the skin. 2 a disease of tAvattilakita prAcyA mukhamudbhAsitendunA Ks. 93. 173 Raj. T.2.40. the penis, in which the fleshy parts become black and -3 Freckled, spotted; also tilakin. die off. -kiTTam,-khali: f., -khalI, -cUrNam the caky sediment of sesamum after the oil is extracted ; sthAlyA tilaMtuda: An oilman. vaidUryamagyAM pacati tilakhalImindhanaizcandanAdyaiH Bh. 2. 100. -caturthI fast: ind. In piecus as small as gesamum-seed, in The 4th day of the dark-half of Magha. -taNDulakam very small quantities. an embrace so called because in it the two bodies are united together like rice mixed up with sesamum-seed). tilya. Fit for the cultivation of sesamum. -lyam -tailam sesamum-oil; -dvAdazI The 12th day of a A field of sesamum. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Para: 775 tIrtham A farea: The lodhra tree, Symplocos racemosa ; Mata- nga. L. 9. 22. farsca: A large snake. fag ind. At the time when cows stand to be milked i.e. after an hour or an hour and a half after evening ); stagny 397 Bk. 4. 14 (faggu = 2:44A1ST). faggi: A sacrifice at which the oblation is offered by a priest standing. facut a. (264-4 7 19-749 FO ] 1 Auspicious, fortunate. -2 Born under the asterism 964,-607: 1 The eighth of the 27 constellations, (also called qoz); 451 candrazca sUryazca tathA tissybRhsptiiN| ekarAzau sameSyanti tadA bhavati 45 || Bhag. 12. 2. 24. -2 The lunar month Pausa. -3 The Kali Yuga;acz: goz ott Ak.- EUT 1 Lustre. -2 Emblic myrobalan; dIpyAmalakayoH striyAm Nm. -dhyam The Kali Yuga; hafta agua 2014 a faci a l Mb. 6. 10.3; a facet 2017 31 a t 4: Siva. B. 5.30. -Comp. : an epithet of Siva. -Terar N. of the Asoka's second wife. faszt: The month . fakt m. 1 Disease. -2 Grain (rice). -3 Bow. -4 Goodness; L. D. B. al 1 A.( ) To go, move; cf. 314. Seot a. [fag- ** Un. 3.18. ] 1 Sharp (in all senses ), pungent ; aut TET &: Si. 2. 109. - 2 Hot, warm (as rays); fattar atita Ro. 1. 18. -3 Fiery, passionate. -4 Hard, forcible, strong as 392); 30 arcot ara alqur4H: Mb. 12. 1. 20. - Rude, cross. - Severe, harsh, rough, strict; oeurda erfa: Ms. 7. 140. -7 Injurious, inauspicious. -8 Koon. -9 Intelligent, clever. -10 Zealous, vehement, energetic. -11 Devoted, self-abandoning. -12 Unfriendly, unfavourable. -13 Devout, ascetic, pious. -UT: 1 Nitre. -2 Long pepper. -3 Black pepper. -3 Black mustard. BOTH 1 Iron. -2 Steel. -3 Heat, pungency. -4 War, battle. - Poison. -8 Death. -7 A wea pon. -8 Sea-salt. -9 Haste. -10 Anything sharp. (as words &c.). -11 Plague, pestilence. -Comp.-313: 1 the sun; at sa utisi : 56910241: Mb. 6. 16. 23. -2 fire.-319: dyspepsia, heartburn.-3112744 steel. -3919: a forcible means, strong measure. - *: N. of several plants; (such as Cuparis Aphylla, Acacia Arabica (Mar. ara, adt, 1915.) - : the onion. - a. active, zealous, energetic. (-1.) a clever work. (-m.) a sword. Hier coriander. dugor long pepper. - 1 spirituous liquor. -2 the resin of the Sala trec. a tiger. -daMSTraka: a leopard.-dhAraH a sword.-puSpam cloves. -puSpA 1 the clove tree. -2 the Ketaka plant. -964 1 corian der. -2 black mustard. -re a. sharp-witted, acute. clever, shrewd. -As the betel-plant. -AT: a sword; r ea&orcita : Si. 18.20. -Trgh the sun.-TA: 1 salt-petre. -2 any poisonous liquid, a poison; 72 yenilai aurrean Mu. 1, 2. EH steel. : barley. -AT: iron. tIm 4 P.(tImyati) To be wet or moist. ait 10 U. (attesaa) 1 To get through, cross over. -2 To finish, accomplish, settle, adjust. 1 A shore, bank ; ET, Art &c. -2 Margin, brim, edge. -3 The bank of the Ganges. -T: 1 A sort of an arrow. -2 Lead. -3 Tin. -Comp. - the opposite bank. -Fi a tree near a shore. I: N. of a country in middle India (Tirhut). ifra a. Settled, adjusted, decided according to evidence; Ms. 9. 233. - 1 Completion of any affair. -2 Non-infliction of a sentence owing to bribery or other unfair means. ate: N. of Siva. tIrNa See under t. after [7-94 Un. 2.7]'te sareazaituritgear ay' sa faca. 1 A passage, road, way, ford; 94arti ca arif fra Fragnet Ram. 2. 52. 6; Bhay. 9.19.4. -2 A descent into a river, the stairs of a landing place (Mar. 92); faqatsia fara : &: qaftarra: Ki. 2.3 (where a means 'a remedy' or 'means'also); ater aafai K. 44. -3 A place of water. -4 A holy place, place of pilgrimage, a shrine &c. dedicated to some holy object ( especially on or near the bank of a sacred river &c.); ce a afera arga: Ticha: U. 1. 13; T a guita atea Bh. 2. 55; R. 1.85. -5 A channel, medium, means; a fa a &c. Mal. 1. -6 A remedy, expedient; meeste aaHa a feln Mb. 3. 26. 12. -7 A sacred or holy personage, worthy person, an object of veneration, a fit recipient; T ate : 42: U.1; Ms. 3. 136; H. 2.8; R. 5. 15; 76+afery sfanfaat Kau.A.1. -8 A sacred preceptor, a teacher; hy afterwayfaq feferat M. 1. -9 Source, origin. -10 A sacrifice. -11 A minister; Ram. 2. 100.36; Pt. 3. 68. -12 Advice, instruction; fachtsfe fata : Bacte: quafhale: Ki. 2.3.-13 Right place or moment; reitai a far: gera afar Bhag, 1.12.14. -14 The right or usual manner; gautama tIrthanecchAsA ityupaimyahaM bhavantam Bri. Up.6. 2. 7. -15 Certain parts of the hand sacred to deities, manes &c. -16 A school of philosophy. -17 Pudendum muliebre. -18 Menstrual courses of a woman. -19 A Brahmalla. -20 (In liturgical language ) The path to the altar between the cAtvAlaq. v. and utkara q. v.-21 Fire.-22 Ascertainment of a disease. -28 A science For Private and Personal Use Only Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra aizier ai (f). -24 An auxiliary, a help; a person or official connected with the king and being in close attendance on him; (the number being 15 on one's side and 18 on the enemy's side); cf. Pt. 3. 69. -: One of the ten orders of ascetics founded by , An honorary affix added to the names of ascetics, saints &c.; e. g. 3. a. 1 Sacred. -2 Liberator, saviour; sakhe kIrtaya tIrthakIrteH Bhag. 3.1.45. -Comp. udakam holy water; tIrthodakaM ca vahnizca nAnyataH zuddhimarhataH U. 1. 13. - kamaNDalu -m., n. a pot filled with water from a holy place. -1 a Jaina Arhat, sanctified teacher or saint of the Jainas; (also in this sense). -2 an ascetic. -3 the founder of a new religious or philosophical school. -4 N. of Visnu. an unsteady pupil; P. II. 1. 42 Vart.; - kAkaH, dhvAGkSaH, -vAyasaH crow at a sacred bathing-place', i. e. a very greedy person (solu), caryA pilgrimage. devaH an epithet of Siva. m. an epithet of Krisna; Bhag. 1. 7.34. -bhUta a sacred, holy. -yAtrA a visit to a holy place, a pilgrimage. N. of, -ft. an epithet of Benaras. the hair of the head. -fa: rites observed at a place of pilgrimage (such 38 saura). zilA the stone-stepe lending to bathingplace. -fa a. a pilgrim. (-m.) a crane. [ tIrthaka a. Holy, sacred, venerable; kRpayAtithirUpeNa bhavadbhistIrthakAH kRtAH Bhag 1. 19. 32. -kaH An ascetic, a Brahmana. f 1 A pilgrim, an ascetic Brahmana (visiting holy places). -2 An adherent or head of any other than one's own creed; Buddha, Jaina. fteffe 8 U. To make sacred, sanctify. tIrthIbhUta a. Become sacred, venerable. ated a. Relating to a sacred place; Vaj. 16. 42. -z: An ascetic. ata 1 P. (af) 1 To be large or strong. -2 To be fat or corpulent. : 1 The ocean. -2 A hunter. -3 The adulterine offspring of a Rajaputri by a Ksatriya (one of the mixed tribes). tIvra a. 1 Severe, intense, sharp, acute, violent, poignant, pungent, impetuous; fasirodzen: R. 5. 48 'strong or violent efforts' &c.; U. 3. 35; S. 1. 32, 5. 7. -2 Hot, warm. -3 Flashing. -4 Pervading. -6 Endless, unlimited. -6 Horrible, dreadful. -:1 Sharpness. -2 Siva. - 1 Heat, pungency. -2 A shore. -3 Iron, steel. - Tin. - ind. Violently, sharply, excessively. - 1 Black mustard. -2 Basil. -8 Helleborus miger (Mar. ). -4 (in music) N. of a zruti. -Comp. -AnandaH an epithet of Siva. -gati a. quick, swift. - cumin seed. -fa: the sun; 776 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tuGga P. R. 7, 83. 1 daring heroism. -2 heroism (in general). -vedanA acute or sharp pain. saMvega a. 1 of strong impulse, resolute. -2 very poignant or sharp. atau Den. P. To make sharp, strengthen. tIvrIbhU To become stronger, increase; athAbhiSicya saMgrAmadevaM tIvrIbhavadvyathaH Raj. T. 6. 99. tu 2 P. (tauti and vIti ) 1 To have authority or power, to be strong; ara fa: Rv. 1. 94. 2. -2 To get, attain. -3 To thrive, increase, become full. - To go, move. -5 To injure, hurt, strike. ind. (Never used at the beginning of a sentenece, but usually after the first word) 1 An adversative particle meaning 'but', 'on the contrary', 'on the other hand', 'nevertheless'; sa sarveSAM sukhAnAmanta yayau / ekaM tu sutamukhadarzanasukhaM na lebhe K 59; viparyaye tu piturasyAH samIpanayanamavasthitameva S. 5 (in this sense tu is often added to kiM and param, and kiMtu and paraMtu are, unlike tu, always used at the beginning of a sentence). -2 And now, on one's part, and; ekadA tu pratIhArI samupasRtyAbravIt Ks. 8; rAjA tu arraf yasada 12. -3 As to as regards, as for; pravartyatAM brAhmaNAnuddizya pAkaH / , candroparAgaM prati tu kenApi vipra Mu. 1; Mal. 8. 4. 4 It sometimes marks a difference ( bheda ) or superior quality; mRSTaM payo mRSTataraM tu G. M. - Sometimes it is used as an emphatic particle; bAlAnAM tu zubhaM vAkyaM grAhmam Ram. 7. 83. 20. bhImastu G. M. -6 And sometimes it is used as a mere expletive nirarthakaM tu hItyAdi pUraNekaprayojanam Chandr. 2. 6.-7 when used as an indeclinable it means, * undoubtedly ' tuzabdaH sNshyH| nakhantu saMzayo'sti / SB. on MS. 10. 3. 74. tusvAraH, 1 tukhAra, tuSAra N. of people inhabiting the in Vindhya mountain; cf. Vikr. 18. 93. -2 Tukhar horse] nizamya tuksAra surakSAyAH kSitestatvAdiva yasya kIrtim Vikr. 9. 116. tugnyA Ved. Water; AvaH zamaM vRSabhaM tumnyAsu Rv. 1. 33.15. a. 1 High, elevated, tall, lofty, prominent; - nidhimiya vidhumaNDaladarzanataratira Git. 11 tu nagotsa fart R. 6. 3, 4. 70; Si. 2. 48; Me. 12, 66. -2 Long. -8 Vaulted. - Chief, principal. -5 Strong, passionate. - 1 A height, elevation. -2 A mountain. -3 Top, summit. The planet Mercury. 5 A rhinoceros. -8 The coco-nut tree; Mb. 12. 262. 7. -7 The aphelion of a planet. 8 (fig.) A throne; farmsA Bhag. A wise man. -10 An epithet of Siva. -11 The Punnigs tree tustu lapubhAgado Nm. -gam The stamina of the lotusblossoms. -Comp.-: quicksilver. the apsis of a planet. - a restive elephant, an elephant in rut. -ET N. of a river (formed by the junction of Tunga and Bhadra) For Private and Personal Use Only Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tugin 777 todaH flowing into the Krisna. He: a rhinoceros. - N. I of a river. -tet: a mountain. g a. High, lofty. -. A planet at the apex of its orbit. ar hi m. Height; malaura Fofu yad Pt. 2. 146. a 1 Night. -2 Turmeric. -Comp. T: 1 the moon. -2 the sun. -3 an epithet of Krisna or Siva. - art: 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 a temple of Siva; Raj. T. 2. 14. -fa: the moon. T m., f. Ved. Offspring, children; faer y ha 7: Ry. 6. 48. 9. 799 a. 1 Empty, void, vain, light. -2 Small, little, trifling. -8 Abandoned, deserted. - 4 Low, mean, insignificant, contemptible, worthless. -8 Poor, miserable, wretched. The 14th lunar day. -6534 Chaff. -Comp. - a. unmerciful; yra 24H se parece geci Ha N. 8. 24. * the castor oil tree. EFT, E25: straw, chaff.9147 a. unimportant. 9989% a. Void, empty. tucchayAta Den. P. To make empty or poor; kAMzcit gagufa aqrala a Mk. 10.60. gosta 8 U. To despise, slight, contemn. JOE3T a. Ved. Void, empty; J5417 414171 fertaera: Ry. 5. 42. 10. GET, 75T 1 P. (qua; also A. and 10 P.) Ved. 1 To reach, extend, convey. -2 To kill, hurt, injure. -3 To guard, protect. -4 To clothe. -5 To live. -8 To strike, hit. -7 To push. -8 To emit, send forth. -9 To incite, instigate, urge onwards. -10 To give. -11 To press out. -12 To flow forth; Stewar har Ry. 3. 1. 16. TT, 3 a. Ved. Noxious, mischievous, hurtful. -3: 1 A shock, assault; gugs 38 Rv. 1. 7. 7. -2 A demon; ara fa farsit aj ga fara f 241 Ki. 15. 18. -3 A thunderbolt. -4 Giving. - Pressure. 6. P. (ga) 1 To dispute, quarrel. -2 To hurt or injure. glege: N. of Siva. TEH: A mouse, rat. T 1, 6. P. (arefa, gefa) 1 To split, rend, break. -2 To push. - To injure, hurt. -4 To bring near, convey ac 1 P. (apa) To disregard, contemn. . . .... 56 au 6. P. ( fa) 1 To curve, make crooked, bend. -2 To act fraudulently, deceive. - To be crooked. que 1 A. (good) To press out. qug [78-99) 1 Mouth, face, beak, snout (of a hog); 4103 Ela Tasit 4 Mb. 3. 279. 5; qus. transpared: ( :) Kav. 2.9.-2 The trunk of an elephant. -8 The point of an instrument. -TE: N. of Siva. tuNDakerikA The cotton plant. gfos: [78-87 ] 1 Face, mouth. -2 A beak. -fog: f. The navel. afem a. Furnished with a trunk; 2: gut: et stambaja uta tuNDikaH Av. 8.6.5. -kA The navel. afoz 1 The cotton plant. -2 A large swelling on the palate. aftsa mi N. of the bull of Siva. ghosh See greu argo a. [ 703-, FH 37 41 ) 1 Talkative, loquacious. -2 Having a prominent navel. - Talking severe ly; cf. gress. TT 10 U. (Tufaa) 1 To praise. -2 To cover, screen; guest gangiqugfietsa: Si. 5. 11. -8 To spread. T : (09-0) 1 Fire. -2 A stone. Sulphate of copper, usually applied to the eyes as a sort of collyrium or medical ointment. O 1 Small cardamoms. -2 The indigo plant. -Comp. - blue vitriol applied to the eyes as a medical ointment. tutthakam Blue vitriol. 6U. ( fa-a, 19) 1 To strike, wound, hit; Jaie Turaifta Bk. 14. 81; 15. 37; Si. 20. 77.-2 To prick, goad. - To bruise, hurt. - To pain, vex, torment, afMict; sutIkSNadhArApatanograsAyakaistudanti cetaH prasabhaM pravAsinAm Rs. 2.4 ; 6. 28. I a. Striking, tormenting &c. a p. p. [15-] 1 Struck, hurt, wounded; 901 Janga: Rv. 9. 67. 19-20.-2 Tormented. -3 Cut, broken. - 4 Pricked. -Comp. -at: a tailor; . arata ruua Ms. 4. 214; 2 014:...... Siva. B. 31. 19; Ram. 2. 83. 15. at the Huture of a wound or of a skull. (07- TOR) A goad for driving cattle or elephants; Talage trata : Mb. 6.45. 5; 17 merga atarea sa f&: Bhag. 8. 11. 11. -Comp. 294a rod borne by Visnu. ata: [ 07 ma 99 ] 1 Pain, anguish, torture; dataadratsia aates Siva. B. 14.89. -2 The sun. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir todanam 778 turI -3 Guiding, urging, driving (horses &c.). - Sharp pain. -B Ved. A sacrificer. -8 Pressure; pAdatodAt Matanga. L. 1. 31. todanam [tud-karaNe ghaJ] 1 Pain, anguish.-2 Agoad. -3 Face, mouth (tuNDa). tund 1 P. To striveto be active. tundam The belly, a corpulent or protuberant belly. -ndaH, -dI The navel. -Comp. -kUpikA, -kUpI the cavity of the navel. -parimArja,-parimRj,-mRja a. lazy, sluggish; ApyAyitatundaparimRjaH zete A. R.7.110. tundavat a. Corpulent, tat. gh for n. The belly. -f. The navel. tundika, tundita, tundina, tundibha, tundila a. 1 Having a protuberant belly. -2 Corpulent. -3 Filled or laden with; makarandatundilAnAmaravindAnAmayaM mahAmAnyaH Bv. 1.6. -4 Great, N. 2.89. -tundilaH The god Ganesa. tundikaraH, -tundikA The navel. tundilita a. Become corpulent; kimapi tundilitaH sthagayatyamum N.4.56. tundilIkaraNam Increasing, swelling; nayanAnandasaMdohakaraNakSamA Bv.4.9. tupa, -tume,-tumpha 1, 6. P. (topati, tupati, tumpa-pha-ti) To injure, hurt. TERT a. Astringent. tubha 4,9.P.(tubhyati, tubhnAti) To hurt, injure, strike% saMkruddho muSTinA'tubhnAdAdo'laM mahodaram Bk. 17.79, 90. tumula a. Tumultuous, noisy; Mal.9.33; sa zabdastumuloDa bhavat Bg.1. 13,19. -2 Fierce, raging: babhUva yuddhaM tumulam R.3.57. -3 Excited.-4 Perplexed, confused; senAniveza tumulaM cakAra R.5.49. -laH, -lam 1 An uproar, a tumult, clang. -2 A confused combat, melee (also tumura). tumba I. 1 P. (tumbati)1 To distress, trouble. -2 To kill, hurt. -II. 10 U. (tumbayati-te) To hurt, trouble. tumbaH [tumba-ac ] A kind of gourd. -tumbA 1 A kind of long gourd. -2 A milch cow. -3 milk-vessel. tumbara: N. of a Gandharva, see tumbaru. -ram A kind of musical instrument. tumbAram Felly (Mar. tuMbA). tumbiH , -mbI / A sort of gourd; na hi tumbI phalavikalo vINAdaNDaH prayAti mahimAnam Bv. 1.80. tumba (mbu) ru. N. of a Gandharva. tumra a. Ved. 1 Destroying, defeating, killing. -2 Impelling. -8 Energetic, strong. tur I. 6 U. (turati-te) 1 To hurry, hasten; sahaH sahiSTha turatasturasya Rv. 6. 18.4.-2 To overcome. -3 To injure. -II. 3 P. (tutorti) To run. -tur 4.1 Hastening. -2 Fighting. -f. Speed. tura a. Ved. 1 Advancing, promoting. -2 Speedy, quick, prompt; Av. 6. 102.3. -3 Strong, energetic. -4 Hurt, wounded. -8 Rich.-8 Abundant; Ay. 7.50.2. -T: Speed, velocity. turaNa a. Ved. Quick, swift; rAdhaH suretasturaNe bharaNyU Rv. 1. 121. 5. -OTH Hasto, speed. turaNyati Den. P. 1 To be swift; uta smAsya dravatasturaNyataH Rv. 4. 40. 3. - 2 To make haste, accelerate, expedite; rAdhI na reta Rtamit turaNyan Rv. 10.61. 11 turI Ved. Great strength. turakin a. Turkish. turakvaH N. of a people, the Turks. turagaH [tureNa gacchati gam-Da] 1A horse; turagakhurahatastathA hi reNu: S. 1. 31; R. 1.42; 3.51. -2 The mind, thought. -gI Amare. -Comp. -ArAha: a horsemani Bri. S. 15.28. -upacAraka: a groom. -priyaH, -yam barley. -brahmacaryam forced or compulsory celibacy, leading a life of celibacy simply in consequence of the absence of female society. -medhaH a horse-secrifice. -yAta m. a horse-driver; sa khalu turagayAtA pUjyate pArthivendreH Asvachikitsa. TET: a groom, an equery. . turagin m. A horseman; turakSina also ; turaGgibhiryatnaniruddhabegAH Si. turaGgaH [tureNa gacchati, gam-kha mum vA Dicca] 1 A horse 3 bhAnuH sakRdyuktaturA eva 5.5.53 R.3.38; 13.3. -2 A name for the number 'seven'. -3 The heart, mind. -gI A mare. -Comp.-ari:1a buffalo -2 fragrant oleander. -ArUDhaH a horseman. -kAntA a mare. "mukhaH submarine fire; turaGgakAntAmukhahavyavAhajvAleva Si.3. 33. -dviSaNI a she buffalo. -priyaH, -yam barley. -medha: a horse-sacrifice 3 turajamedhAvabhRthAvatIrNerikSvAkubhiH puNyatarIkRtAni (jalAni) R.13.61. nyAyina, -sAdin m. a horseman; R.7.37. -vaktraH , -vadanaH a Kinnara. -zAlA, sthAnam a horse-stable. -skandha a troop of horses. turaGgaka: A horse. turaGgamaH A horse; avehi mAM prItamRte turajamAt kimicchasi R.3.63% 9.72. turAyaNam 1 Non-attachment to any object or pursuit (asaMga).-2 A kind of sacrifice%3 Ms. 6. 10. -3 A kind of vow (vrata); Mb. 13. 103.34. turAsAhm . (Nom. sing. turASAT-D) N. of Indra; turAsAhaM purodhAya dhAma svAyaMbhuvaM yayuH Ku.2.13 R.15.40; tato rAjaturAsAhaM zAhaM yudhi jigISatoH Siva. B.9.9; also N. of Vispu. turI (-riH) [tur-in gap] 1 The ibrous stick used by weavers to clear and separate the threads of the woof. -2 A shuttle; tadbhaTacAturIturI N. 1. 12. -3 A painter's brush. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir turIya 779 tulya turIya a. 1The fourth. -2 Consisting of four parts. -3 Mighty. -yam 1 A quarter, a fourth part, fourth. -2 (In Vedanta phil.) The fourth state of the soul in which it becomes one with Brahman or the Supreme Spirit. -Comp. -vaNeH, -jAti: a man of the fourth caste, a Sudra; turIyajAtiM tilakayan kulottuGga iti yathArthanAmA babhUva zUdraH / colacampU p. 6. turIyaka a. A fourth (part); bhaginyazca nijAdazAhattvAMzaM tu turIyakam 1. 2. 124. tarya. Fourth; N. 4. 123. -ryam 1A quarter, a tourth part. -2 (In Vedanta phil.) The fourth state of the soul in which it becomes one with Brahman. -Comp. -yantram a quadrant. 755#1: m. (pl.) N. of a people, the Turks. turpharI, turpharItu a. Ved. Killing (hantR); sRNyeva jarI turpharItU naitozeva turpharI parpharIkA Rv. 10. 106.6. turva 1 P. (tu-tU-rvati) Ved. 1 To injure, hurt, kill; vRtraM yadindra tUrvasi Rv. 8. 99.6. -2 To excel. -3 To overpower. -4 To save. gafot a. Ved. 1 Acting or moving quickly. -2 Injuring or destroying enemies, victorious. tula 1 P., 10 U. [tolati-tolayati-te; also tulayati-te which some suppose to be a denominative from get] 1 To weigh, measure; tulayAmAsa kaunteya kapotena samaM vibho / Mb. 3. 131. 26. -2 To weigh in the mind, ponder, consider. -3 To raise, lift up; kailAse tulite Mv.b.373 paulastyatulitasyAdrerAdadhAna iva hiyam R.4.80% 12.89; Si. 15. 30.-4 To bear up, hold up, support; pRthivItale tulitabhUbhUducyase Si.15.30,61.-8 To compare, equal, liken (with instr.); tRNamiva tulayanti Pt. 5. 31; mukhaM zleSmAgAraM tadapi ca zazAGkena tulitam Bh. 3.20%3 Si.8. 12. -6 To match, be equal to (with ace.), prAsAdAstvAM tulayitumalaM yatra testairvizeSaiH Me. 66. -7 To make light of, contemn, despise ; 38:sAraM ghana tulayituM nAnilaH zakSyati tvAm Me. 20 (where tul also means 'to bear up' or 'carry away'); Si. 15. 30. -8 To suspect, examine with distrust; kaH zraddhAsyati bhUtArtha sarvo mAM tulayiSyati Mk. 3.24; 5.43 (where some editions read tUlayiSyati for tulayiSyati). -9 To try, put to test, reduce to a wretched state; hA avasthe tulayasi Mk. 1 (tUlayasi v.1.)-10 To counter balance, outweigh; tulayAma lavenApi na svarga nApunarbhavam / bhagavatsaGgisaGgasya mAnAM kimutaashissH|| Bhag. 1.8.13. -11 To have in the same degree, attain or reach to. tulanam [tul-lyuT] 1 Weight. -2 Lifting, weighing%3B tulanaM cAdirAjasya Mk.9.20. -3 Cornparing, likening &c. -nA 1 Comparison, equalness with; kucI kiMcinmIlakamalatulanA kandalayataH P. R. 2. 16. -2 Weighing. -3 Lifting, raising. -4 Rating, assessing, estimating. -8 Examining. tulA [tul-bhidA0 at]1 A bartance; tasmAtte'dA pradAsyAmi svamAMsaM tulayA dhRtam Mb.3.131.25 the beam of a balances tulayA ghR to hold in a balance, to weigh, consider equal; azvamedhasahasrANi satyaM ca tulayA dhRtam 6.4.131.v.1. -2A measure, weight. -8 Weighing. -4 Resemblance, likeness, equality, similarity with gen., instr. or in comp.); kiM dhUrjaTeriva tulAmupayAti saMkhye Ve.3.8; tulAM yadArohati dantavAsasA Ku.5.34; R.8.15; sadyaH parasparatulAmadhirohatAM dve R.5.68%; 19. 8,50.-8 Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac; fat tulAmAdharUDho bhAsvAnapi jaladapaTalAni Pt. 1. 330. -8 A sloping beam or timber in the roof of a house. - A measure of gold or silver equal to 100 palas. -8 A kind of beam in the root of a house (Mar.tuLaI); Bri. S.58. 30. -Comp. -adhirohaNam resembling; navadivAkarAtapaspRSTapaGkajatulAdhirohaNam R. 19.8. -anumAnam like inference, analogy. -kUTa: a false weight. -koTiH , -TI:f. 1an ornament (an anklet or nUpura) worn on the feet by women; ot. tulAkoTistu majIre Nm.; lIlAcalatnIcaraNAruNotpalaskhalattulAkoTininAdakomala: Si. 12. 44. -2 a hundred millions (arbuda). -3 the end of the beam. -kozaH, -koSaH 1 ordeal by weighing, weighing on a balance 3 hInasya nAzo'bhyadhikasya vRddhistulyena tulyaM tulitaM tulAyAm / etattulAkozarahasyamuktam...Bri. S. 26. 10. -2 a place where a balance is kept. -guDaH a kind of ball (used as missile); Mb. 3. -dAnam the gift to a Brahmana of as much gold or silver as equals the weight of one's body. -ETE: 1 the scale of a balance. -2 an oar. -dharaH 1 a trader, merchant. -2 the sign Libra of the zodiac. -3 The sun; tulAdharastu vaNiji zlakSNarAzau divAkare Nm. -dhAraH a dealer, trader, or merchant. -2 the string of a balance. -3 the beam. -4 the sign Libra of the zodiac. -dhAraNam weighing: tulAdhAraNavidvadbhirabhiyuktastulAzritaH Y. 2. 100. -parIkSA ordeal by the balance. -puruSaH, bhAraH gold, jewels or other valuable things equal to a man's weight (given to a Brahma na as a gift); cf. tulAdAna. -pragrahaH, -pravAha: the string or beam of a balance. -mAnam,-yaSTiHf.1the beam of a balance%3; stokenonnatimAyAti stokenAyAtyadhogatim / aho sasadazI ceSTA tulAyaSTeH khalasya ca // Pt. 1. 150. -2 (-mAnam ) weights and measures; Kau. A.2. -bIjam the berry of the Guilja plant (used as a weight). -sUtram the string of a balance. . tulita p. p. 1 Weighed, counterpoised. -2 Compared, likened, equalled; Bh. 3. 36; yogIndrapANitulitAyudhalUnapakSaH Si.; see tul. tulya . [tulayA saMmitaM yat ] 1 Of the same kind or class, well-matched, similar, like, equal, resembling (with gen., instr. or in comp.); Ms. 4. 86; Y. 2. 77; R. 2. OM (v.1.); 12.80%; lokena bhAvI pitureva tulyaH saMbhAvito mAliparigrahAt saH 18.38. -2 Fit for. -3 Identical, same. -4 Indifferent. -lyam ind. 1 Simultaneously; yayomRtyuvivAsazca tvakRte tulyamAgatau Ram. 2.74.3. -2 Equally, in a. like manner. -Comp. -kakSa a. equal to; yadi tattulyakakSo'tra bhavAn dhuri na yujyate Ve. 3. 26. -darzana a. regarding with the same or indifferent eyes; cakruH kRpAM yadyapi tulyadarzanAH Bhag. 1. 5. 24,-naktaMdina a. 1 having equal days For Private and Personal Use Only Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tulyaza: 780 tuSAra ......... .......... and nights. -2 not distinguishing between day and night; 147: #294 1699 Ks. 101. 280. -farereara a. indifferent to blame or praise; Bg. 12. 19. - 17 a. that to which the same principle or rule is applicable, a similar (case); 2199 for 99 ata qymai adat yant fa 1 SB. on MS. 7. 4. 12. -97 a. Having equal heat, being equally heated; 491 162 16447444794-TA fugai alat | SB. on MS. 7. 4. 12. -1974 drinking together, compotation. -HT99T (in arith.) combination of like sets of magnitude. Fua. of equal value. -ofrat (in Rhet.) Equal Pairing, a figure of speech, a combination of several objects having the same attribute, the objects being either all relevant or all irrelevant; niyatAnAM sakRddharmaH sA punastulyayogitA K. P. 10; cl. Chandr. 5. 41. -59 a. like, similar, analogous. - f. equal su bstraction. - H reducing an equation by removing the like terms on both sides. T T: ind. In equal parts. atei, 4 [73-*HT 319] 1 Weight or quantity measured by the balance. -2 A weight of gold or silver equal to 12 masas or a tola. NATH Raising, lifting, weighing &c. atet a. To be weighed. Weighing. tulasAriNI A quiver. Tore (Metrically for Teet), oreil See Joelt; 1927 augshaul asetTTT: Bhag. 3. 15. 49; 17paiefe...ftasafe 5. 3. 6. Taat (gai aresti Fafa, -tito miqraat. Ty. ] The holy basil held in veneration by the Hindus, especially by the worshippers of Visnu. -Comp.-794 (lit.) a Tulasi leaf ; (fig.) a very small gift. -fare: the marriage of an image of Balakrisna with the holy basil, performed on the 12th day of the bright half of Kartika. -rera , - a square pedestal in which the sacred basil is planted. grei, f. = ott (1 ) and (2) q.v. tulikA A wagtail. qat a. 1 Astringent. -2 Beardless; also gat. -T: -TH An astringent taste. - 1 A fragrant earth -2 Alum. Taita 1 kind of earth. -2 Alum. are a. Ved. 1 Much, many; helaagfaf891917 Rv. 3. 30. 3. -2 Strong, powerful. -fe: f. A long gourd (arat). graan. Ved. 1 Growth. -2 Strength. -3 Intellect. at Ved. 1 A. (aita) 1 To strike, hurt, kill. -2 To be pressed out or extracted. -8 To trickle. 4 P. (gsfat, TE) 1 To be pleased or satisfied, be contented or delighted with anything (usually with instr.); Taietang car: Bh. 2. 80; Ms. 3. 207; Bg. 2. 55; Bk. 2. 13; 15. 8; R. 3. 62. - To become calm or quiet. 3 To satisfy, please with acc.). -Caus. (arqafa-) To please, gratify, satisfy. a p. p. [19 ft ] 1 Pleased, satisfied, delighted, gratified, contented. - 2 Contented with what one possesses and indifferent to everything else. -U: N. of Visnu. are: f. [14-Hafia ] 1 Satisfaction, gratification, pleasure, contentment. -2 (In San. phil.) Acquiescence, indifference to everything except what is possessed. ait: (24-999) Satisfaction, contentment, pleasure, delight. -a. Pleasing, gratifying; * ftatu a faar tufaa Bhag. 4. 29. 50. U a. (29- ] Satisfying, gratifying, pleasing. -O [ ] 1 Satisfaction, gratification, contentment. -2 Anything that gives satisfaction, a gratification. -ot An epithet of Durga. area a. Pleased, satisfied &c. afora a. (At the end of comp.) 1 Pleased with. -2 Gladdening, satisfying; 3710f astafar Ku. 5. 7. a: [ 17-] 1 The husk or chaff of grain ; 79 ach (376447 791 050 491; Ms. 4. 78. -2 The Bibhita ka tree. -8 Fault; L. D. B. Comp. rfa, -39976: 1 fire of the chaff or husk of corn. -2 a mode of capital punishment consisting in twisting straw round the limbs of a criminal and then setting it on fire. -3TF ., -3 , - er sour rice-gruel or barley gruel. -A , T: fire. qora. [14-313T Un. 3. 139.] Cold, frigid, frosty or dewy; 3791 e qara a aftuRT Fag: gait: Faca A N. 3. 93; Si. 9.7.-T 1 Frost, cold; ga. 794454614 Ku. 5. 27.-2 Ice, snow; garrafastarih Ku. 1. 6; 4979 T # 1: Rs. 4.1. -8 Dew; R. 14. 84; $. 5. 19. -4 Mist, thin rain, spray, especially of cold water; ETTER HOTH R. 2.13; 9.68; U. 5. 3. - A kind of camphor. - A kind of horse; austat: OTTY T HT : Asyachikitsa. -Comp. -3716:, -rift:, - a: the Himalaya mountain ; Turfarar: Me. 109. - 1 the moon. -2 camphor. - : a dew-drop, an icicle, hoar-frost; SARI FOTO 41 Ks. 19. 50. -1: winter. - :, : the moon; Amaru. 49; Fisar TT+7 97: Si. 9. 27. Tinc a. 1 white as snow. -2 white with snow. (T) camphor. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra tRSitAH aar: m. (pl.) A class of subordinate deities, said to be 12 or 36 in number; tuSitA nAma te devA Asan svAyambhuvAntare Bhag 1.1.8. tuSTa, tuSTiH See under tupa, tuSTuH A jewel worn in the ears. tuSyaH N. of Siva. tu 1 P. (tosati ) To sound. tusa = tuSa q.v. tustam 1 Dust - 2 Husk. tui 1 P. ( tohati ) To hurt, to oppress ; L. D. B. tuhina a. [ tuha-inan hasvazca Up. 2.52] Cold, frigid. -nam 1 Snow, ice; Pt. 2.59. -2 Dew or frost ; tRNApraniHpatadbhiH Rs. 4. 73. 15. -3 Moonlight. -4 Camphor. -Comp. -aMzuH karaH, -kiraNaH, -guH, -dyutiH, - razmiH, -ruciH, the moon; Si. 9. 30; nAbhyante tuhina - rucinA candrikAyAM cakorAH Sukti. 5. 25. -2 camphor. - acalaH, -adriH, -zailaH the Himalaya mountain ; svadehapariveSeNa rakSyate tuhinAdriNA Ks. 73. 82; jvalitena guhAgataM tamastuhinAdreriva naktamoSadhiH R. 854 kRNaH 1 a dew-drop; Amaru. 54. -2 a snow-flake. -zarkarA ice. tuhinay Den. P. To cover with ice; tuhinayansaritaH pRSatAM patiH Si. 6. 55. tU 1P. ( tuDati ) 1 To disrespect, contemn. -2 To split. tUNU I. 10 U. ( tUNayati - te ) To contract. - II. 10 A ( tUNayate) To fill fill up tUNaH [ tUNU-karmaNi ghaJ ] A quiver ; militazilImukhapATalipaTalakRtasmaratUNavilAse Git. 1; R. 7.57. NI 1 An internal disease by which the anus and the bladder become painfully affected. -2 The indigo plant. -3 A quiver; dhanurgRhItvA tUNI ca khaDgaM ca ruciraprabham Ram. 7.75.9; R.9.59; U.4.20; Mv. 1.18. -Comp. -dharaH, -dhAraH an archer. -mukham the cavity of a quiver se dakSiNe tRNamukhena vAme vyApArayan hastamalakSyatAjI R. 7. 57. tUNA f. A bellows; L. D. B. tUNiH, tUNIra, ram A quiver. raft The indigo plant. tUta: The mulberry tree. sUtakam Blue vitrial. tUtujAna . Vod. Quick, enger (citra). tUtum a Quick, active; etA vizvA savanA tUtumA kRSa Rv. 10.50.6. tUdaH The cotton tree. -dI N. of a country. tUparaH Ved. A hornless beast, particularly a goat ; tamasA ye ca tUparA atho bastAbhivAsinaH Av. 11. 9. 22. 781 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tup tUbaraH 1 A beardless man. -2 A bull without horns -8 Astringent flavour. 4 A eunuch. -rI A fragrant earth. tUya a. Ved. Quick. -yam Water. tUra 4 A. ( tU, turNa) 1 To go quickly, malo hnate. -2 To hurt, kill. tUra . 1 Hastening. -2 A courier. -rA Speed; adRzyaBhag. 2. 7. 37. tUram A kind of musical instrument. -rI A thornapple. tUrNa, sUrNi &c. See under] svara sUryam [] tApate tUra-at] A kind of musienl instrument; : sef: Ma. 7. 225; Ku. 7.10.-Comp. - oghaH a band of instruments. -khaNDaH, -gaNDaH a sort of tabor. tUryamaya a. Musical ; ayastUryamayo dhvaniH Ks. 23. 84. tUrvayANa, turvi a. 1 Quick, rapid. -2 Overpowering; rakSobha vANam Rv. 1. 174. 3. 8 (tU) Superior: vAvRdhAnAya tUrvaye Rv. 9.42.3. tUla I. 10 A. ( tUlayate) To fill. - II. 1P. ( tUlati ) 1 To ascertain the quantity or weight of. -2 To weigh, measure. -3 To drive out. tUlaH,lam [[ac] Cotton. -lam 1 The atmosphere, sky, air. -2 A tuft of grass. -3 The mulberry. -4 The panicle of a flower or plant. -8 The thorn-apple. -lA 1 The cotton tree. -2 The wick of a lamp. -lI 1 Cotton. -2 The wick of a lamp. -3 A weaver's fibrous stick or brush. - A painter's brush. 5 The Indigo plant. -Comp. -kArmukam cApaH, dhanus cotton-bow, i. e. a bow used for cleaning cotton. - dAham ind. Like cotton (consuming by fire ); tUladAhaM puraM sAM dahateva hanumatA Mr. 6. 6. nAlI (liH) / nAlikA a thick roll of cotton drawn out in spinning. -paTikA, -paTI cotton quilt. picuH ootton. pIThI, lAsikA spindle. -zarkarA seed of the cotton plant. secanam the act of spinning. a a tUlakam Cotton. tUliH / A painter's brush -Comp. -phalA the silk cotton tree. tUlikA 1 A painter's brush pencil unmIlitaM tulika yeva citram Ku. 1. 32. -2 A wick of cotton either for & lamp or for applying unguents. -8 A mattress filled with cotton, a down or cotton bed. - A boaring instrument, probing-rod, -5 An ingot mould. tUlinI = tUliphalA above. tUvara = tUbara q.v. tvaraka Unmanly eunuch. tUSa 1 P. 1 To be satisfied. -2 To satisfy. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 782 tRtIyin m mmmmmmmmmmmmm............ tUSaH Ved. The border of a garment. / yatra bAhAdikaM vyAvartyate tadyuddham ' Mb. 23. 3. 20 com. -pUlika tUSNIka a. Silent, taciturn; bhavata tUSNIkAH Mk. 10. 30. N. of a human abortion; Charaka 4.4.1. -pUlI a mat, seat made of reeds. -prAya a. worth a straw, tUSNIm ind [tuS bA0 nIm svarAdi ] In silence, silently, worthless, insignificant. -farc: N. of a sage; R. 8. 79. quickly, without speaking or noise ; kiM bhavAMstUSNImAste -bhuja a.graminivorous ; Ks. 60. -bhUta a. deprived or v.23; na yotsya iti govindamuktvA tUSNIM babhUva ha Bg. 2.9. all power; Mb.7. - Aror: a sort of gem (amber). -Comp. -us: punishment in secret; Kau. A. 1. 11. -matkuNa: a bail or surety (perhaps a wrong reading we: silence, taciturnity. -ati a. silent, taciturn. I tor RNamatkuNa). -rAja m. the vine palm. -rAja: 1 the cocoa-nut tree. -2 the bamboo. -3 the sugarcane. tUstam [tus bA tAn dIrghazca] 1 Matted hair. -2 Dust. -4the palmyra tree. -vRkSaH 1 the tanpalm tree. -2 -8 Sin.-4 An atom, any minute particle. the date-tree. -3 the cocoa-nut tree. -4 the areca-nut tuMha 6 P. (tRhati) To kill, hurt; see tRh. tree. -zAla: the areca-nut tree, bamboo; tRNazAlo rAja tAlyAM veNau Nm.-zItam a kind of tragrant grass.-zUnyam tuMhaNam Hurting, killing. N. of two plants ketakI and mallikA; tRNazUnyaM tu mallikA Ak; tRNDha a. Hurt, injured, killed ; see tRh. parilasattaNazUnyamatallikAparimalAvahamArutasevitaH Ram. Ch. 4. 32. tR 1 P. (tRkSati) To go, move. -SaTpada: a kind of wasp (Mar. kuMbhArINa). -sArA the plantain tree. -siMha: an axe. -hamya: a house of straw. tRkSaH N. of the sage Kasyapa. tRNakam Grass, a worthless blade of grass. tukham Nutmeg. tRNakIyA A grassy place. tRcaH , -cam A strophe consisting of 3 verses. JOTE 8 U. 1 To make light of, look down upon, tRNa 8 U. (tRNoti, tRNute or toti, tarNate) To eat grass, treat with contempt; dRSTistRNIkRtajagatrayasattvasArA U.6. 19. graze. -2 (Hence) To eclipse, obscure; jagAda vaktreNa tRNIkRtenduH N.8.54. tRNam [tRha-nak halopazca Un.5.8] 1 Grass in general; kiM jIrNa tRNamatti mAnamahatAmagresaraH kesarI Bh.2.29. -2 A tRNatA f. 1 The quality of a straw, worthlessness. blade of grass, reed, straw. -3 Anything made of -2 A bow; tRNatA tRNatve kArmuke'pi ca / haimakoSaH, kAmukAnIva straw (as a mat for sitting); often used as a symbol nAlI kAMstRNatAH (v. 1. triNatAH) sahasAmucan / Si. 19.61. of worthlessness or uselessness%3 tRNamiva laghulakSmI va tAna qur Den. (quafa) To esteem as lightly as straw; saMruNaddhi Bh.2.17: see tRNIkR also. -Comp.-agniH 1 a fire satIvrate'nau tRNayAmi jIvitam N.9.70. of chaff or straw; brAhmaNastvanadhIyAnastRNAgniriva zAmyati Ms.3. 168. -2 fire quickly extinguished. -3 burning a crimi- tRNyA A heap of grass or straw. nal by twisting straw round his body and then setting gatu a. The third. -4: 1 The 3rd consonant of a it on fire.-aJjana: achameleon.-aTavI a forest abound Varga. -2 (in music) N. of measure. -yam A third ing in grass. -annam rice growing wild. -asRja., part; vaneSu ca vihRtyaivaM tRtIya bhAgamAyuSaH Ms.6. 33. -ind. For -kur3akumam, goram a variety of perfume. -Avate: the 3rd time, thirdly; tRtIyamapsu nRmaNA ajasram Bv.10.45.1. whirlwind. -indra: the palmyra tree. -ulkA atorch of -Comp. -karaNI the side of a square 3 times smaller hay, a fire-brand made of straw. -3T16 n. a hut of than another. -prakRtiH M. or f.1a eunuch. -2 the straw. -kANDaH , -NDam a heap of grass. -kuTI, kuTIra neuter gender. kam a hut of straw. -kUTam a heap of straw.-kUcikA.. whisk. -ketuH 1the palmyra tree. -2 a bamboo.-gaNanA att a. 1 Rocurring every third day, tertian thinking anything to be of no importance; yazasi rasikatA- (as a fever). -20ccurring for the third time. -3 The mupAgatAnAM tRNagaNanA guNarAgiNAM dhaneSu Vikr.6.2. -godhA a third. -Comp. -jvara: tertian ague. kind of chameleon. -grAhin m. a sapphire. -cara: a tRtIyA 1 The third day of a lunar fortnight. -2 kind of gem (gomeda). -jalAyukA,-jalUkA a caterpillar; ( In gram.) The instrumental case or its terminayathA tRNajala keyaM nApayAtyapayAti c| na tyajemriyamANo'pi prAgdehA tions. -Comp. -kRta a. thrice ploughed (as a field). bhimatiM janaH || Bhag.4.29.77.-jambhan a. feeding on grass. -tatpuruSaH the instrumental Tatpurusa. -prakRtiH mi,f. -jAtiHf. grass-kind, the vegetable kingdom; Ms. 1. 1a eunuch. -2 a hermaphrodite. -3 the neuter 48. -jyotis n. the plant called jyotiSmatI; Ki. 15. 47 com. -duma: 1 the palm tree. -2 the cocoa-nut tree. -8 the betel-nut tree.-4 the Ketaka tree. -5 the date- tRtIyin a. 1 Entitled to a third portion (of inheritree -dhAnyam grain growing wild or without cultivation tance &c.); viSamA hyeSAmAkhyA / kecidardhinaH kecit tRtIyinaH (Mar. devabhAta). -dhvaja: 1 the palmyra tree. -2 a bam kecit pAdinaH iti | SB. on MS. 10.3.55. -20ccupying boo. -pIDam hand-to-hand fighting; 'rajjUkaraNe tRNamiva the third rank; Ms. 8. 210. gender. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra vRd 1 P., 7 U. (affa, gorfer, goir, your) 1 To cleave, split, pierce. -2 To kill, destroy, annihilate; fa q Bk. 6. 38, 14. 13, 108; 15. 36, 44. -3 To set free. To disregard. guNa. Cut split tasmAdAtuNati raso vRkSAdivAhanAt Bri. Up. 3. 9. 28. I. 4,5,6 P. (tRpyati, tRpnoti tRpati, tRpta) 1 To become satisfied, be pleased or contented; adya taprtsyanti mAMsAdAH Bk. 16. 29; prAzIna cAtRpat krUraH 15. 29; ( usually with instr., but sometimes with gen. or loc. also); a vittena H. 2. 133 (v. 1. dRpyati ); tRptastatpizitena Bh. 2. 84 ; nAbhistRpyati kASThAnAM nApagAnAM mahodadhiH / nAntakaH sarvabhUtAnAM na puMsAM vAmalocanA | Pt. 1. 137; tasminhi tatRpurdevAstate yajJe Mb. -2 To please, gratify. -Caus. To gratify, please. -Dusid. faquafa; fauftafa. II. 1 P., 10 U. (aifa, adafa-a) 1 To light up, kindle. -2 (Atm.) To be satisfied. -3 To please, satisfy. -4 To gladden, refresh, reanimate; svairaM svairaM preritaistarpayeti U. 3. 2. adora. [q-fy g] Satisfying, pleasing, refre shing. Pleasing, satisfying. -2 Satisfaction, pleasure. -3 Satiety, fulness. -4 One of the five daily Yajnas (performed by men), presenting libations of water to the manes of the deceased ancestors (f). - Fuel for the sacred fire. -6 Food. -7 Filling the eyes with oil &c. -Comp. - an epithet of Bhisma. affara. Pleased, gratified. affa. 1 Gratifying. -2 Offering libationsto the manes of deceased ancestors. Ved. 1 The moon. -2 A parasol. a. [-] Satiated, satisfied, contented. - Satisfaction. at 1 Satisfaction. -2 Satiety. afa: [af] 1 Satisfaction, contentment; R. 2.39,73; 3.3; Ms. 3. 271; bhUyaH kathaya tRptirhi zRNvato nAsti asa Vg. 10. 18. -2 Satiety, disgust. -3 Pleasure, gratification. (Ved.) Water. -Comp. -, a. _ giving satisfaction. -yoga: satisfaction; tRptiyogaH pareNApi mahimnA na mahAtmanAm Si. 2. 31. tRptimat a. satisfied, finding extialsotion [ins tRptimAnbhavati Ch. Up. 7. 10. 2. a. 1 Restless, anxious. -2 Pleased, satisfied. -3 Pleasing, satisfying. -: A sacrificial cake (g). - 1 Ghee or an oblation thereof. -2 Suffering, sorrow (:). 1 The moon. -2 A parasol. a. 1 Pleased. -2 Restless. 1 A creeper. -2 (= f) also Ved. A thief. A stone. ; L. D. B. 783 f. The serpent race. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tRmp or tRmphU = tRp q.v. tRp P. (supyati tRSita) 1 To ho thirsty tRSitvA'nizaM svAdu fara aftat qa: Bk. 7. 106; 14. 30; 15. 51. -2 To wish, wish excessively, be eager or greedy. tarSaH [ tRS-bhAve ghaJ ] 1 Thirst; kimu nRpaphalatarSaH Pratima 3. 21.-2 Desire, wish. -8 The ocean. 4 A boat. -5 The sun. tarSaNam [ tRS-bhAve lyuT ] 1 Thirst. -2 Desire. affer, as a. 1 Thirsty. - Wishing, desiring. tarpita, f. [gy-dr* fing] (nom. sing. ) 1 Thirst; tRSA zuSyatyAsye pibati salilaM svAdu surabhi Bh. 3.92; Rs. 1. 11.-2 Strong desire, eagerness. -8 Desire personified as the daughter of Kama. See-Comp. -arr a. suffering from thirst, thirsty. f. the bladder. - water. afta P. p. 1 Thirsty; Ghat. 9; erg afqazz bhoginaH phaNAtapatrasya tale niSIdati Rs. 1. 18 -2Greedy, thirsting for, desirous of gain. - Thirst, desire. a. Ved. 1 Greed, thirsting for; Rv. 4. 7. 11. -2 Quick, speedy. a. Covetous, greedy, thirsting. [ 1 Thirst (lit. and fig.); qui a parityajya ko daridraH ka IzvaraH H. 1. 164; Rs. 1. 15. -2 Desire, strong desire, greedy, avidity, desire of gain; fofa Bh. 2. 77; 3. 5; R. 8. 2. Comp. -: cessation of desire, tranquility of mind, contentment. a. Very thirsty. tRSya a. To be wished or desired. - dhyam Greediness, thirst. a. Ved. 1 Harsh; efe a Av. 7. 113. 2. -2 Pungent. -8 Rugged. -4 Hoarse; faqe fe sumanA asi Rv. 3. 9.3. vaha 7. P. 10 U, 6 P. ( tRNeDhi, tarhayati-te, gRhati, tRDha; desid. firgaf, fanftuf, fifcufa) To injure, hurt, kill, strike; na tRNehmIti loko'yaM mAM vinte niSparAkramam Bk. 6.39; (tAni) tRge rAmaH saha lakSmaNena 1. 19. 1P. (tarati, tatAra, atArIt, tari-yati tIrNa) 1 To cross over, cross; kenoDupena paraleokanadIM tariSye Mk. 8. 23; sa af af R. 4. 38; Ms. 4. 77. -2 (a) To cross over, traverse (as a way ); (adhvAnaM) tatAra tArAdhipakhaNDadhArI Ku. 7. 48; Me. 19. (b) To sail across, navigate (as a river). -3 To float, swim; fe after a Bk. 12. 77; Bri. S. 80. 14. -4(a) To get over, surmount, overcome, overpower; if K. 175; : R. 14. 6; Pt. 4. 1; Bg. 18. 58; Ms. 11. 34. (b) To subdue, destroy, become master of. -8 To go For Private and Personal Use Only Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tara 784 tejas to the end of, master completely; war faor: R. 3. 30. - To fulfil, accomplish, perform (as a promise ); Taratosfat: Mu. 4.12. -7 To be saved or rescued, escape from ; gAvo varSabhayAttIrNA bayaM tIrNA mahAbhayAt Hariv. -8 To acquire, gain; RT 974417 T 974 Rv. 8. 100. 8.-9 To move forward rapidly. -10 To fill completely, pervade. -11 To live through (a definite period). -12 To deliver, liberate from. -13 To strive together, compete. - Pass. (ata) To be crossed &c. -Caus. (artafa-) 1 To carry or lead over ; 1497 11 Ram. 7. 46.29. -2 To cause to arrive at; a: foar ust a ng: * q* artyatla Prasna Up. 6.8.-3 To save, rescue, deliver, liberate. -Desid. (faatda, faafafa, faarafa) To wish to cross &c.; i fastafa tradiyah K. P. 10. at a. [7--14-319 ] 1 Crossing. -2 Surpassing, excelling. -8 Conquering, overpowering; cf. gear. -T: 1 Passing over, crossing, passage; T TTET Bk. 7.55. -2 Freight; gaia 131 7919 Hat Ms. 8.406. -8 A road. - A ferry-boat. -8 Fire.-Comp. -que freight. - foi one who receives the freight. afat: superintendent of ferries, EI. 7.91 ; 17. 321. - P H a landing-place, wharf. Tror:( -e ] 1 A boat, raft. -2 Svarga or heaven. - TH 1 Crossing over. -2 Conquering, overcoming. -3 An oar. acfor a. [9-31fa ] Ved. 1 Passing through, pervading (as the sun). -2 Quick, energetic, unremitting; fagfar O BIATH Av. 13. 2.4.-3 Saving, carrying over, benevolent. -fo: 1 The sun; atrodau ga F i t : FEITA Medini. - A ray of light. -3 The Arka plant. -4 Copper. -for:, -on f. A raft, boat. -Comp. -tanayA the river Yamuna; parizrAntasyAyaM taraNi : Bv. 4. 7. 2: an epithet of Siva. -47: an oval bowl of wood for baling a boat. -ratnam a ruby. TTVE:, -131, -ost, -094 [7-34037 ) A boat. -13:, -134 1 A raft or float made of bamboos tied together and floated on jars or inverted hollow gourds. -2 The float of a fishing-line. -3 An oar. -Comp. -91T a kind of boat. arvula Den. P. To cross over. Te f. 19-pite arte] 1 A boat. - A kind of duck (Tosa). tarantI A boat. aft: -: [ 9-70] 1 A boat. ante aigh afta Mb. 1. 100. 48; out aft: eteria of Udb.; Si. 3. 76.- A box for clothes. -3 The end or hem of a garment. - 1 A small wooden baling-vessel. -2 A olub. -8 Smoke. -Comp. -TUT: an oar, a paddle. aft: [ ale acelea: a. 57) 1 A ferry-man. -2 A float, raft. T 1 A boat. -2 Cream. aft m. A ferry-man. afat, -artit, aftoft A boat, ship. aft: (7-697 ] 1 boat, raft. -2 The ocean. -3 A fit or competent person. 4 Heaven. -8 Work, business, practice, profession. - A fine shape or form. -7 Decorating, ornamenting. -8 Dry cow-dung. AN. of a daughter of Indra. an a. ( -fil f.) [a-foque] 1 Carrying over. -2 Protecting, preserving, rescuing. - Helping another through a difficulty. -: 1 A pilot, helmsman. 2 A deliverer, saviour. -3 N. of Siva. - ,-4 A boat, raft.- t also f.) 1 The pupil of the eye; ATT 14 R. 11. 69. - 2 The eye. -3 A star; TIT prahatArakam Bhag. 10. 3. 13 see tArakA. atto a. (artumaa 7-9%) 1 Enabling to cross. -2 Saving, delivering, liberating. -8 Helping one through a difficulty &c. -OT: 1 N. of Siva; also of Visnu. -2 A boat, raft. -UTH 1 Crossing.-2 Conquer. ing. -8 Carrying or conveying across; a fest: Toatia AFATTOTY Mb. 3. 200. 75. anfari, oft A float, raft. af Fare, freight. afta p. p. Made to cross, conveyed across, saved, rescued. att a. [7-for-forfa ] Enabling to cross, saving, delivering. art .. [ * 077) 1 To be crossed, passable. -2 To be conquered or defeated. - Fare, freight, toll. factor 1 Desire to cross over ; & HR4 a: 94917faatda Bhag.11.13. 19.-2 Desire of final emancipation. rady a. 1 Desirous of crossing; radiusrat AEICEATA AM4 R. 1. 2.-2 Wishing to attain. -8 Desirous of final emancipation. for p. p. [ 7-r] 1 Crossed, passed over. -2 Spread, expanded. -8 Surpassed, excelled. -4 Gone down to bathe, bathed. 8 Defeated, conquered, overeome; see . TEL 1 P. (aaa) To guard, defend, protect. anti, AH See under fast. ac: The francoline partridge. are n. [fa-a rid 387 ] 1 Sharpness. -2 The sharp edge of a knife &c.). -3 The point or top of a flame. -4 Heat, glow, glare. - Lustre, light, brilliance, splendour; feared fired art: R. 4.1; WEH For Private and Personal Use Only Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tejasvat 188 amat Bg. 7.9, 10. -8 Heat or light considered as the third of the five elements of creation (the other four being great, 319, 919 and 31-12T). -7 The bright appearance of the human body, beauty; reagi oftat fanitor T atz H E R. 3. 15. -8 Fire of energy ; 74991ay anyag FE TEIHAT : S. 2.7; U. 6. 14. -9 Might, prowess, strength, courage, valour, martial or heroic lustre; atau FUT U. 5. 7; S. 7. 15. -10 One possessed of heroic lustre; asrat ft 994: 9414 R. 11. 1; Pt. 1. 328 ; 3. 33. -11 Spirit, energy.-12 Strength of character, not bearing insult or ill-treatment with impunity. -13 Majestic lustre, majesty, dignity, authority, consequence ; a aaargfaat (1 ) A: R. 2. 7. -14 Semen, seed, semen virile; Future # au: R. 14. 65; 2. 75; gordailed asi qurai 44 ya: S. 4. 3. -18 The essential nature of anything. -16 Essence, quintessence. -17 Spiritual, moral, or magical power. -18 Fire; 431494 gear dat ga 404 Mb. 3. 239. 9. -19 Marrow. -20 Bile. -21 The speed of a horse. -22 Fresh butter. -28 Gold. -24 Clearness of the eyes. -25 A shining or luminous body, light; trata # THEAT Fit4Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tairthika 788 ater: ar a. 1 Sacred, holy. -3 Coming from a sacred place; Mb. 13. 127. 12. -8 Frequenting sacred places or shrines. -*: 1 An ascetic. -2 One who propounds a new religious or philosophical doctrine.-54 Holy water (such as that brought from a sacred bathingplace ). Afputat a. Relating to an irrational animal; agigyonazca paJcadhA bhavati San. K.53. en [Party eagerea af faal: 310] 1 Oil; fahang anfaa: Bh. 2.5; Y. 1.284; R. 8.38. -2 Benzoin. -Comp. -et a wasp.-372375 anointing the body with oil. -3777FIT, Ti, -Til, -91, -T FT a cockroach ; Ms. 12. 63. EFT: oil-cake. -kAra an oil-man. -kiTTam oil-eake. -kSImam a kind of oily cloth ( whose ash is applied to the wound); Mb. 5. 155. 9. -atitir a cockroach. -atuit an oil-tub. - fornit, -quit, - 1 sandal. -2 incense; Kau. A. 2. 11. -8 turpentine. Confort m. 1 a kind of cockroach; yastu corayate tailaM naro mohasamanvitaH / so'pi rAjanmRto radar a Il Mb. 13. 111. 111. -2 a sword; araffa Tefaldeti Mb. 7. 155. 31. - the white Sesamum. futot the small red ant. eta a. one who has drunk oil. - a. lamp that wants no oil-filling; cf. Hafa 2519 THIETT: graxa: Ku. 1. 10.- ty: an oil-lamp; Ks. 99. 4. - : 1 the Ingudi tree. -2 the sesamum plant. fat Jasmine. -A the wick of a lamp; also HIFT m.). - an oil-mill; Bhag. 5. 21. 13. - nei a kind of gem. HTH A small quantity of oil. accarat Oblation to fire faut), especially by pouring sesamum-seeds into fire; cf. grat and P. V. 2.58 and VI. 3. 71. af , afet m. An oilman, an oil-grinder or manufacturer; Ms. 3. 158. -Comp. -TICT an oil-man's workshop afcat The wick of a lamp. tailinam A field of sesamum. : N. of a country, the modern Telangana or Karnatak. --TT: (pl.) The people of this country. a: N. of the lunar month Pausa. tokam An offspring, a child; vyAkaraNe zakaTasya ca tokam Nir. tokavat a. Possessing offspring; tokavat puSTimad vasu Rv. 3. 13.7. - (a woman) Having children; gha SAT alud E. Bhag. 1. 9. 13. at*: The Chataka bird. a : 1 A young green blade of corn, green barley; Bhag. 4. 21. 2. -2 Green colour. -3 A cloud. -44 The way of the ear. CTCF a. Quarrelsome. * N. of a commentator. ag 1 P. (asfa) To disrespect. as 1 Splitting, dividing. -2 Tearing. - Hurting, injuring. TAH, , -See under 79. TAT:-TH 1 An iron club; Mb. 7. 142. 45. -2 A javelin. - A kind of crescent-shaped edge of an arrow with the ends of the crescent pointing downwards; Dhanur. V. -Comp. -ETT: 1 fire considered as a deity). -2 a warrior armed with a club. alART A fragrant earth (1917 ). alt 1 Water; $. 7. 12. 2 The constellation qataral or its regent. Comp. -3718: submarine fire; Mb. 12. -32: see a ferareat trumpetflower. - HT m. the Supreme Being. 37TT, -3TTTT: a lake, well, any reservoir of water; JST92121 a ratrasara: S. 1.14.-3T14: the ocean, sea. -RET: 'lord of waters', an epithet of Varuna. ( TH) the constellation called garaia. -re: discharge of water, raining; athrattalaagatt ha teat: Me. 39. n. 1 ablutions of various parts of the body performed with water. -2 libations of water to the deceased; toyakarmaNi taM kuntI kathayAmAsa ETH Mb. 12. 1. 22. 1 a. 1 fond of water. -2 thirsty. (-:) a sort of crane. 1858, - a kind of penance, drinking nothing but water for a fixed period. It sporting in water; Me. 35. -T: the cocoanut. : an aquatic animal. - :,- Ft: hail. : a cloud; R. 6. 65; V. 1. 14. Orgu: the autumn. - ghee; CI 9 9 941 754 ' Medini. -TC: a cloud. -r: 1 a cloud. -2 raining, - :, -farfer: 1 the ocean. -2 the number 'four'. 944 cloves. -nIvI the earth. -pASANajamalam oxide of zinc. -puSpI ,-praSThA trumpet-flower.-prasAdanam the clearingnut tree or its nut, see ambuprasAdana or kataka. -malam seafoam. m. a cloud. T 1 a water-clock. -2 an artificial jet or fountain of water. Ta moisture. -TTCT m. 1 the ocean. -2 Varuna, the regent of waters. 11: 1 the ocean. -2 a pond, lake, Ram. 2. - the edge of water, shore. -of confluence as of rivers ); ato youfaa haraTal: R. 8. 95. yftfil an oyster. Athl, Fani a frog. acut: -O [ 17-731917 og Tv. ] 1 An arched doorway, a portal. -2 An outer door or gateway; TUTT JATAY IT aft: Si. 12.1; IoT grafu FUTT artua Me. 77 (v.1.). -8 Any temporary and ornamental arch; Ta ta Torat F at Fai cara Ku. 7. 3; R. 1. 41 ; 7.4; 11.5. -4 An elevated place near a bathing-place. -8 A triangle supporting a large balance. -UT The neck, throat. -OT: N. of Siva. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tola 787 ate, ca &c. See under 17. a1a, 10 &c. See under 14. MITCH A club (ga). af : The sign Sagittarius of the zodiac (a word borrowed from Greek). SET 1 Emptiness. -2 meanness, worthlessness. tautAtikam, -tam Belonging to Kumarila Bhatta, who had an epithet tutAta or tutAtita. alfa The pearl-oyster. - A pearl. tauraGgika: A horseman. att a. Turkish ; Kuttanimata 64. a A variety of sandal-wood being a product of the country of kAmarUpa. als [ 94 3101] The sound of musical instruments. -Comp. - the union of song, dance, and instrumental music, triple symphony; 1971 291201 FIFTTH TU: Ms. 7. 47; U. 4. taulam A balance. ato, aff: A painter. cift m. 1 A weigher. -2 The sign Libra of the zodiac alc74 1 Weight. - Equality, similarity. ar a. (-ft f.) Snowy. -TH Snow, cold. sman m. Ved. 1 The vital air; tmanamUrja na vizvadha kSaradhyai Rv. 1. 63. 8. -2 One's own person, self; cf. 347. PG1 P. (afa, 43, BATETE, la, f ) 1 To leave (in all senses ), abandon, quit, go away from; A 171*Me. 41; Ms. 6. 77; 9. 177; $. 5. 26.-2 To let go, dismiss, discharge; na HITTA TO STOTISCHEYTT Bk. 6. 122. - To give up, renounce, resign, surrender; svayaM tyaktA hote zamasukhamananta vidadhati Bh. 3. 16; Ms. 2.95; 6. 33; Bg. 6. 24; frau 8 art ATT1: TH: TETET HEEHICA T II 16. 21. - To shun, avoid. -8 To get rid of, free oneself from; kSudraM hRdayadaurbalyaM tyaktvottiSTha paraMtapa Bg. 2.3. -8 To set aside, disregard; ta ime'vasthitA yuddhe prANAMstyaktvA dhanAni ca Bg. 1. 33. -7 To except. -8 To distribute, give away; (2) SET Y. 3. 47; Ms. 6. 15. -9 To shoot off. -Caus. 1 To cause to give up &c., to deprive a person of anything; A u la Tu: 7 a 91T Ks. 83. 31; Bk. 15. 120. - 2 To expel, turn out; (af:) A TOT farauag Arer Ks. 20. 126. -8 To quit. -Desid. ( ) To wish to leave &c. a p. p. [497 ffon- ] 1 Abandoned, forsaken, left, quitted. -2 Resigned, surrendered. -8 Shunned, avoided; see 4. -Comp. -fa: a Brahmana who has given up household fire; Ms. 3. 153. TEHT a. despairing. Silica, u a. ready to a bandon life, willing to run any risk madarthaM tyaktajIvitAH Bg.1.9.-lajja a. shameless; fra 1919 ACESTARTAT319GFT: at area Bhag. 5. 26. 23. -farea. transgressing rules dezAniHsArayAmAsa sutaM tyaktavidhi ruSA Bhag.9.6.9. FT a. Abandoning, leaving &c. ATT 1 Leaving, quitting. -2 Giving. -8 Excepting, exclusion. TFT m. Ved. 1 Abandonment. -2 Difficulty. -8 Anger. -4 Estrangement, dislike, envy. -8 A weapon causing a bandonment. -m., -f., -. Ved. Offspring, descendants; gate for a HSEU Rv. 10. 10. 3. UNT:[149- 99] 1 Lea ving, forsaking, a bandoning, deserting, separation ; a atar a fon 7 7 G7417 a Ms. 8. 389; 9. 79. - 2 Giving up, resigning, renouncing; Ms. 10. 112; li a: $5 gachata Bg. 12. 11. -3 Gift, donation, giving away as charity; 7912aT: Bh. 2. 65; fari ragai () H. 1. 139; MY RITH R. 1. 7; Pt. 1. 169. -4 Liberality, generosity; Ms. 2. 97; R. 1. 22. - Secretion, excretion. -8 Dismissing, discharging. -7 Sacrificing onesell; mitho yat tyAgamubhayAso agman Rv. 4. 24. 3. -8 A sage. -Comp. -9 a bill of divorcement. -11, - a. liberal, generous, munificent. for a. 1 Leaving, abandoning, giving up &c. -2 Giving away, a donor. -3 Heroic, brave. -4 Liberal. -8 Sacrificing. -6 One who does not look to any reward or result from the performance of ceremonial rites 3; yastu karmaphalatyAgI sa tyAgItyabhidhIyate Bg.18. 11. FUT61 a. One who abandons or expels; Y. 2. 198. tyAjanam Abandoning worldly attachment; guNadoSaQuran A 12941 Bhag. 11. 20. 27. Fanta p. p. 1 Made to leave or abandon; asta: f* a Tha 1991 1994. Ks. 86. 13. -2 Caused to be disregarded; raf4a478: R. 6. 56. -8 Deprived of (acc.); alfa  Ku. 7. 14. -4 Expelled; Panchadasi. 3. 60. IFT a. 1 to be left, shunned or expelled; Ms. 9. 83. -2 To be given up or relinquished. -3 To be sacrificed. - To be excluded. - A part of an asterism or its duration considered to be unlucky. CUT Pron. a. (Nom. sing. : n.) That; 378 1977 TIFT Bri. Up. 1. 3. 24. -n. (4T) 1 Wind, air. -2 sky; L. D. B. -3 Invisible (348); 7 4 Bri. Up. 2. 3. 1; 792497 Tait. Up. sie 1 P., 10 U. (safa, aealad ) To speak or shine. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir taGka 788 trANa - praka1 A.(trakate) To go; so also tras 1 P., tram 1 P. andU 1 P.(trandati)1 To act, perform some functions, -2 To try, strive. -3 To be busy or active. ap 1 A. (trapate, trapita) To be ashamed or a bashed, be embarrassed; trapante tIrthAni tvaritamiha yasyodRtividhau G.L. 28; varNayantastrapAmahe Raj.T.3.94.-With apa to turn away or retire through shame; tasmAdbalairapatrepe Bk. 14.843; yenApatrapati sAdhurasAdhustena tuSyati Mb. trapA[pa-bhAve a] 1 Bashfulness, modesty; mandatrapAbhara Git. 12. -2 Shame (in a good or bad sense). -3 A libidinous or unchaste woman. - Family, race. -5 Fame, celebrity. -Comp. -nirasta, hIna a. shameless, impudent. -raNDA a harlot. 5f07 a Modest, bashful. apu. [agniM dRSTvA trapate lajjate iva, trap-un Tv.] 1 Tin%3 Av. 11. 3.83 Ch. Up. 4. 17.7; yadi maNisnapuNi pratibadhyate Pt. 1.75%3-2 Lead. pulam,-Sam , trapura, pusam Tin. -Sam Cucumber. apasyam Diluted curds. apiSTha a. (superl. of tRpra) Highly satisfied. apIyas a. (-sI /.) (compar. of tRpra) More satisfied. praya. (-yI.) Triple, threekold, treble, divided into three parts, ot three kinds; trayI vai vidyA co yajUMSi sAmAni Sat. Br.; Ms. 1. 28. -yamU A triad, a group or collection of three ; adeyamAsIttrayameva bhUpateH zaziprabhaM chatramubheca cAmare R. 3. 163 lokatrayam Bg. 11. 20, 48; Ms. 2.76. prayas (Nom. pl. m. of tri, entering into comp. with some numerals) Three. -Comp. -catvAriMza a. fortythird. -catvAriMzat a.orf. torty-three. -triMza a. thirty. third. -triMzat a. or f. thirty three. degpatiH an epithet of (a) Indra, (b) prajApati. -daza a.1 thirteenth. -2 having thirteen added; trayodarza zatam ' one hundred and thirteen', -dazan (pl.) thirteen. -dazaka a. consisting of thirteen. (-kam) the number thirteen. -dazama . thirteenth. ait the thirteenth day of a lunar fortnight. -navatiHf. ninety-three. paJcAzat f. fifty-three. -fanta. 1 twenty-third. -2 consisting of twenty-three. -vizatiHf. twenty-three.-SaSTiHf.sixty three. -saptatiH f. seventy-three. trayI 1 The three Vedas taken collectively (Rgyaju:sAmAni); trayImayAya triguNAtmane namaH K.1; tau trayIvarjamitarA vidyAH paripAThitau U.23 Ms.4.125. -2 A triad, triplet; vyadyotiSTa sabhAvedyAmasI narazikhitrayI Si.2.3. -3 A matron or married woman whose husband and children are living. -4 Intellect, understanding. - The part of the zruti, pertaining to ceremonial acts and sacritices (karmakANDa); Bhag.7.6.26. -Comp.-tanuH 1 an epithet of the sun%B sQ trayImayaH. -2 an enithet of Siva. -dharmaH the duty enjoined by the three Vedas; Bg. 9. 21. -mukhaH a Brahmana. -fact a. one who is well-versed in the three Vedas%3 trayI yasya vidyA sa trayIvidyaH SB. on MS. 3.3.5. "AkhyA f. The title or epithet trayIvidya. trayIvidyAkhyA ca tadvidi Ms.3.3.5. -saMvaraNam three acts of concealing (svarandhragopana, pararandhrAnveSaNagopana and mantragopana); Mb. 12.56. 20 and com. tras I. 1, 4 P. (trasati, trasyati, trasta) 1 To quake, tremble, shake, start with fear. -2 To fear, dread, be afraid of (with abl., sometimes with gen. or instr.); yasya trasanti zavasaH Rv. 6.14.4; pramadavanAttrasyati K. 255%; kaperatrAsiSunAdAt Bk.9.11; 5.75% 14.48; 15.58; Si.8.243 Ki. 8.7.-3 To run away, run from. -Caus. (trAsayati-te) To frighten, terrify. -II. 10 . (trAsayati-te) 1 Togo. move. -2 To hold. -3 To take, seize. -4 To oppose, prevent. trasa a. [tras-ghamarthe ka ] Movable, locomotive. -saH The heart. -sam 1A wood, forest. -2 Animals. -3 The aggregate of moving or living beings (liGgazarIra); RjuH praNihito gacchaMtrasasthAvara varjakaH Mb. 12.9.19. -4 Animals and men. -Comp. -dasyu: N. of a Vedic prince and author of some Vedic Suktas; (also 9999 ); cf. Bhag.9.6. 33. -reNuH 1 an atom, the mote or atom ot dust which is seen moving in a sunbeami et. jAlAntaragate bhAnau sUkSmaM yad dRzyate rjH| prathamaM tatpramANAnAM trasareNuM prcksste|| Ms. 8. 132; also Y. 1. 361.-2 N. of one of the wives of the sun. trasanam [tras bhAve lyuT] 1 Alarm, fear. -2 Anxiety, uneasiness. -3 A quivering ornament (!); Kaus. 14. T : A shuttle. trasura, trasnu [tras-urac ] Fearful, trembling, timid3B atrasnubhiryuktadhuraM turaH R.14.47; sItA saumitriNA tyaktAM sadhrIcI trasnumekikAm Bk. 6.73; tadanu munivareNa trasnunA tatra rAme Ram. Ch. 2.91. Telp. p. [74-*] 1 Frightened, terrified, alarmed; trastaikahAyanakuraGgaviloladRSTiH Mal.4.8. -2 Timid, tearful. -3 Quick, rolling. trAsa a.[tras bhAve ghaJ] 1 Movable, moving.-2,Frightening. -sa: 1 Fear, terror, alarm%3 umApatezca tatkarma jJAtvA trAsamupAgamat Ram.7.87. 173 antaH kaJcukikacukasya vizati trAsAdayaM vAmanaH Ratn.2.33 R. 2. 3839.58. -2 Alarming, frightening. -8 A flaw or defect in a jewel. trAsana a. [tras-Nic bhAve lyuT ] Territying, trightening, alarming. -nam 1 The act of trightening or causing alarm. -2 A means of frightening, any cause of alarm. sfera a. Frightened, alarmed, terrified. trA 2 A.(trAte) To protest; see also trai. trANa, trAta &c. See under trai, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 789 num. a. [Un. 5. 66] (declined in pl. only, nom. EH N. of Amarsimha's dictionary. PT: N. of 74: m., fa: f., for n.) Three; da med ga Buddha. - 1 the three times; the past, the pre74 3 : &c. Ms. 2. 229; frana faza sent, and the future; or morning, noon and evening: R. 9. 18; sifat anfoyataa tieghat Ms. 9. 90 - the three tenses (the past, present, and future ) [cf. L. tres; Gr. treis; A. S., Zend thri; Eng. three l. of a verb. ( H ind. three times, thrice; "T, -Comp. -it: 1 a three-fold share; dei dati: affr a. omniscient. (m.) 1 a divine sage, seer. -2 Ms. 9. 151. -2 a third part. -3 three-fourths. -37%T a. a deity. -3 N. of Buddha. 17 m. 1 a Buddha. -2 triocular. -3797:, -37875: an epithet of Siva; farg. an Arhat (with the Jainas). : N. of a mountain Fiera 1917 19: Pt. 5. 57.-372TT: 1 the in Ceylon on the top of which was situated Lanka, mystic syllable 3114 consisting of three letters; see the capital of Ravana; Si. 2. 5. e4 sea-salt. under 37, 4747 Ms. 11. 265. -2 a match- e a knife with three edges. For a. triangular, maker or 92% (that word consisting of three syllables). forming a triangle. (-U) 1 a triangle. -2 the vulva. -3 a genealogist. (- ) knowledge, learning; see lau. E 1 tin.-2 a cucumber.C TL, at three bed-T53H, -35H 1 three strings suspended to either steads taken collectively. TICTIOT n. (pl.) salt-petre, ond of a pole for carrying burdens. -2 a sort of colly- natron and borax. - TUT: an aggregate of the three rium. (2:) N. of Siva. -3 4 (pl.) a tripartite objects of worldly existence; i.e. , 37 and 1 ; army (chariots, cavalry and infantry ). TCH a atrasta raut: 955954 Ki. 1. 11; see a below. three fingers' breadth. - the three kinds of - Ta a. 1 tripled. -2 done in three days. -Tat: (pl.) collyrium ; i. e. # TA, T41317 and 96997. -373 , 1 N. of a country, also called FETT, in the north- : three handfuls taken collectively. -3terra: (the west of India. -2 the people or rulers of that lord of the 3 gunas or worlds), an epithet of Visnu; country. -3 a particular mode of calculation. at Bhag. 3. 16. 24. -37 : the soul. (77) spirit, life 1 a lascivious woman, wanton. -2 a woman in (# a). -a. having three stations; Ms. 12. 4. -3TETT, general. -3 a pearl. 4 a kind of cricket. Tu -Arior, act epithets of the river Ganges (flow- a. 1 consisting of three threads; ay hift for a ing through the three worlds ). -TET a. having the Ku. 5. 10.-2 three-times repeated, thrice, treble, three properties of heat, rain and cold; 54 : C threefold, triple ; sapta vyatIyukhriguNAni tasya (dinAni) R. 2. ATEG1917 Rv. 3. 56. 3. (- ) an army consisting of 25.-3 containing the three Gunas sattva, rajas and tamas. horses, elephants and chariots. -37% a. three years (OTH) the Pradhana (in San. phil.); (-ind.) three old. -24 three years taken collectively. -37725: times; in three ways. -ut: m. (pl.) the three quali(also 94444 in the same sense though rarely used ties or constituents of nature; trayImayAya triguNAtmane namaH in classical literature) 'having three eyes', N. of Siva; K. 1. (-U) 1 Maya or illusion (in Vedanta phil. ). Fanafta of Ku. 3. 44; T1574535a salata R. 2. -2 an epithet of Durga. Tusah ploughed thrice. 42; 3.49. He: an epithet of Kubera; 5477345742: -1 m. an epithet of Siva. - a. (pl.) three or Ak.-3777T an epithet of Parvati. -3 fra a. eighty- tour; ar a qatla aia B. R. 6. 31. -tarthird. -Braila: f. eighty-three. -347 a. twenty- fat a. forty-third. - Ta f , forty-three. TT four. -3TPT, -37 a. triangular. (-E ) a triangle. . -strat the three worlds, (1) the heaven, the atmos-37EUR: 1 a period of three days. -2 a festival lasting phere and the earth; or (2) the heaven, the earth, three days. 31 : deaf, dumb and blind persons. and the lower world; cartilat:......farfa fagdagaft - a. 1 performed or produced in three days. yar Sukti. 5. 59. -re: an epithet of Siva. -ITET N. of -2 recurring after the third day, tertian (as fever ). a female demon, one of the Raksasa attendants kept by -3 having provision for three days for a Ravana to watch over Sita, when she was retained as STIEFS AFGarso at Y. 1.128.- (TTH also three a captive in the Asoka-vanika. She acted very kindly Riks taken collectively; Ms. 8. 106. - Ore a. having towards Sita and induced her companions to do the provision for three days. m. 1 N. of the moun- same; Hat hafa starfar 945247 R. 12.74.-Alah, tain Trikuta. -2 N. of Visnu or Krisna. -3 the FIT The three spices (mace, cardamoms, cinnamon). highest, chief. -4 a sacrifice lasting for ten nights. --frar, -FOT the sine of three signs or 90deg, a radius. 4 m. Ved. 1 Indra, -2 Indra's thunderbolt. -urar a bow; hafa lifavar: 69197 Si. 19. 61. - dry ginger, black pepper and long pepper taken -u , -UTCT a. (pl.) three times nine; i. e. 27. -UTI: together as a drug, zirAmokSaM vidhAyAsya dadyAt trikaTuka guDam the heaven; ara tot 784: TT18 Bhag. 6. 13. 16. Salihotra 62. - :, - : a kind of fish. Toft -otha: 1 a part of the Adhvaryu-sacrifice or Yajurthe side of a square 3 times as great as another. F T veda, or one who performs a vow connected therewith n. the chief three duties of a Brahmana i. e. sacrifice, (according to Kull. on Ms. 3. 185 ); Mb. 13. 90. 26. study of the Vedas, and making gifts or charity. (-m.) -2 one who has thrice kindled the Nachiketa fire or one who engages in these three duties as a Brahmana). I studied the Nachiketa section of Kathaka ; font For Private and Personal Use Only Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tri 790 far af Kath. 1. 17. oftar a wite ('thrice married'; it being supposed that a girl belongs to Soma, Gandharva and Agni before she obtains a human husband ). -Nemi a. with three fellies ; vicinvato'bhUt guciferofa: Bhag. 3. 8. 20.-27, at three carpenters taken collectively. T h 1 the three staves of a Sasinya sin who has resigned the world tied togethar 80 as to form one. -2 the triple subjection of thought, word, and deed. (- :) the state of a religious ascetic; jJAnavairAgyarahitastridaNDamupajIvati Bhag. 11. 18.40. og m. 1 a religious mendicant or Saninya sin who has renounced all worldly attachments, and who carries three long staves tied together so as to form one in his right hand; aface: # ficar frost - 4 Bhag. 10.86.3.-2 one who has obtained command over his mind, speech, and body or thought, word, and deed); cf. aCO3154 HFTITUS: 149ustani ya fear a fosfat # 3aya || Ms. 12.10. - T: (pl.) 1 thirty. -2 the thirty-three gods :-12 Adityas, 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras and 2 Asvins. (-7:) a god, an immortal; tasminmaghonatridazAnvihAya sahasramaNAM yugapatpapAta Ku.3.1. 310FT:-TH) the heaven. aguh Indra's thunderbolt; R. 9. 54. Oright rainbow; 374 773 a STIGTH R. 9. 51.3789:, :, "ofa: epithets of Indra. Ofeyfa: N. of Siva. Peze, 34a: an epithet of Visnu.auft: a demon. 3 : an epithet of Brihaspati. Tu Nectar. *3114, 319re: 1 heaven. -2 the mountain Meru. -3 a god. 31TEIT: the food of the gods', nectar. 'a: 1 Indra. - Siva. -3 Brahman. 'J6: an epithet of Brihaspati, 79: a kind of insect; (el. indragopa) zraddadhe tridazagopamAtrake dAhazaktimiva kRSNavartmani R. 11. 42. an epithet of the Ganges. 'yfa: Indra; Tasarafertyfa: Ratn. 4. 11. oma: Visnu; Ram. 1. degmaJjarI the holy basil. degvadhU, degbanitA, an Apsaras or heavenly damsel; alatt fetaraggota : FAT: Me. 60. act the sky. 49: 1 Agni. -2 Brahman. aftung Become divine; praesu Fatrat+6927 R. 15. 102. - three days collectively. degF 7 m. concurrence of three lunations with one solar day. -divam 1 the heaven; trimArgayeva tridivasya mArgaH Ku. 1. 283; S. 7. 3. - 2 sky, atmosphere. -3 paradise. -4 happiness. (- ) cardamoms. O rt:, $T: 1 an epithet of Indra. -2 a god. 1554: the heaven; 37 U CIETE ha afegi Mb. 13. 141. 53. 3691 1 the Ganges. -2 small cardamoms.deg311 m. a god; afa farfaltet que garantatger: Vikr. 15. 72. 7a dead; Frequa: qeyd foar # Vikr. 6. 62. - m. an epithet of Siva. 19 vitiation or derangement of the three humours of the body, i. e. 17, 1971 and 49. - ind. in 3 parts, ways or places; triply, an tripartition; Ch. Up. -Elc: an epithet of Ganesa; JH 1 the triple world. -2 the aggregate of the 3 minerals or humours. -ETH m. 1 N. of Visnu. -2 of Vyasa; -8 of Siva. -4 of Agni. -6 death. -n. the heaven; da ga A E 70 Rhag. 3. 24. 20. ETT the Ganges.-7297, 9, a : epithets of Siva; R. 3. 66; Ku. 3. 66; 5. 72. aaa a. ninety-third. -ata: f. ninety three. - Parvati. R: Visnu; Bhag. 8. 17.26. - STAT: the moon. Th5: the cocoa-nut tree. - a. three-fold five, i. e. fifteen. - 17 a. fiftythird. - 4 f. fifty-three. -TE: glass (717). -Tain: 1 the hand with three fingers stretched out or erect. -2 the forehead marked naturally with three horizontal lines. -971*: the Palasa tree. -T H 1 the three paths taken collectively, i. e. the sky, atmosphere, and the earth, or the sky, earth and the lower world. -2 a place where three roads meet. (- ) an epithet of Mathura. OTT, fit an epithet of the Ganges ; gaGgA tripathagAminI; dhRtasatpathastripathagAmabhitaH sa tamAruroha 9gaga: Ki. 6.1; Amaru. 99.-T4,91%,- TT m. Ved. 1 Visnu. -2 fever personified). -T a. three-footed. ( a tripod ; 146: 7 : F : ...... Siva. B. 22. 62. - 1 a tripod. -2 a stand with three feet. - 1 the girth of an elephant; for a f9 faraft R. 4.48. -2 the Gayatri metre. -3 a tripod. -4 the plant 471941. - ftir a a. one who walks thrice round a sacred fire. - qot: Kimsuka tree. -979: 1 intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular (in a quadrangular figure). -2 the figure formed by such intersection. -pATikA a beak. pAThin a.1 tamiliar with Samhita, Pada, and Krama. -2 one who learns a thing after three repetitions. -919: 1 the Supreme Being. -2 fever. -17 a. 1 having three feet. -2 consisting of three parts, having three fourths; 194: for at gia sifaqa R. 15. 96. -3 trinomial. (-m.) 1 an epithet of Visnu in his dwarf incarnation. -2 the Supreme Being. -1945 the 3 collections of Buddhistic sacred writings (mutta, vinaya and abhidhamma). -ye a. triangular. (-2) 1 an arrow. -2 the palm of the hand. -3 a cubit. -4 a bank or shore. - Etia triangle. -puTA an epithet of Durga. -puTin m. the castor oil plant.-yugu,-guh a mark on the forehead consisting of three lines made with cowdung ashes. - 1 a collection of three cities. -2 the three cities of gold, silver, and iron in the sky, air and earth built for demons by Maya; (these cities were burnt down, along the demons inhabiting them, by Siva at the request of the gods ); Ku. 7. 48; Amaru. 2; Thiagaan ind foaf: Me. 56; Bh. 3. 123 ; (-:) N. of a demon or demons presiding over these cities. O ula: N. of Maya, 037-17., 31:,degca:, FET, aq m., &: &c. epithets of Siva; 377 tar fret # fagh Bh. 3. 123; R. 17. 14. OTE: burning of the three cities; ET049-441414 Agreeqarfaafaa: Ki. 5. 14. 9 Durga. (- ) 1 N. of a place near Jabalpura, formerly capital of the kings of Chedi. -2 N. of a country. -957 a 1 having the length of three men. -2 having three assistants. (-44) the three For Private and Personal Use Only Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 791 ancestors-father, grand-father and great-grand-father. -yh the highest heaven; Bhag. 1. 19. 23. (g:) Visnu. -15T a. 1 belonging to, or extending over, three generations of men. - 2 offered to three (as oblations ). -8 inherited from three (as an estate ). Tega: an elephant in rut. - (1) the three myrobalans taken collectively, namely, Terminalia Chebula, T. Bellerica, and Phyllanthus (Mar.hiraDA, behaDA and AMvaLakAThI). Also (2) the three sweet fruits grape, pomegranate, and date ); (3) the three fragrant fruite nutmeg, arecanut, and cloves ). Psh: the individual soul. -atti, adt, afe:, - f. 1 the three folds or wrinkles of skin a bove the navel of a woman ( regarded as a mark of beauty ); 41414 Refeat Bh. 1. 93, 81; cf. Ku. 1. 39.-2 the anus. - the anus. -arga kind of fighting with swords. E a. with , faeus and maheza. -bham three signs of the zodiac, or ninety degrees. **4 a pose in which the image is bent at three parts of the body.-WE4 copulation, sexual union, cohabitation. IT: 1 the third part; THAT THERAT: Fat arafa gaur Mb. 12. 165. 42. -2 the third part of a sign of the zodiac. - a. one possessed of learning, good conduct and good family-descent (Danasagara, Bibliotheca Indica, 274, Fasc. 1, p. 29). Ha triangle. -bhuvanam the three worlds; puNyaM yAyAtribhuvanaUTILITA OTTEU Me. 35; Bh. 1. 99. Py& Siva. #fata: a patent medicine in Ayurveda. Cafa: Visnu. : a palace with three floors. - the three narcotic plants; the three-fold haughtiness ; Bhay. 3.1. 43. -AY. -Yr 1 sugar, honey, and ghee. -2 three verses of the Rigveda (1. 90. 6-8; Ag atat Faydo). -3 a ceremony based on the same; L. D. B. -4 threefold utterance of a vedic stanza y anar -m. a reciter and performer of the above ceremony; L. D. B. Ar the Ganges; trimArgayeva tridivasya mArgaH Ku.1.28. -mukuTaH the Trikuta mountain. yei an epithet of Buddha. - ind. having the three sages forfa, 412024 and yaf; fagfa 4 0TH. &: 1 the united form of Brahma, Visnu, and Mahesa, the Hindu triad; aferade i 9169: Josef 14 421 yaya il Ku. 2. 4. -2 Buddha, or Jina.-ET m. 1 a demon; 799 94atfernua Tu gal: U. 2. 15. -2 a world called HEG ; Girvana; cf. T r aseu Bhag. 2.6.19. - a. weighing 3 barley corns; Ms. 8. 134. -e: a necklace of three strings. -yAmakam sin. -yAmA 1 night (consisting of 3 watches or praharas, the first and last hall prahara being excluded); de aur 5 THT PATAT Me. 110, Ku.7.21, 26; R. 9.70; V.3. 22. -2 turmeric. - the Indigo plant. -4 the river Yamuna. -yuga: an epithet of Visnu; dharme mahApuruSa pAsi yrai : wafarynisu H4 Blag. 7. 9.38; the god in the form of 23984; Bhag. 5. 18. 35. Tat: a law-suit (in which a person engages from anger, cove tousness, or infatuation). 1979 spirituous liquor; see Brac 4.-17 a. lasting for three nights. ( -#:) a festival lasting for three nights. (-4) a period of three nights. te: a conch-shell. a. having three genders, i. e. an adiective. -2 possessing the three Gunas. (T) the country called Telanga. (ft) the three genders taken collectively. - the three worlds. (- ) an inhabitant of the three worlds ; giarda Tere partea prafuga fy: Bhag. 3. 2. 13. 34174 m. the Supreme Being. Of T: the sun. #17: lord of the three worlds', an epithet of 1 Indra; trilokanAthena sadA makhadviSastvayA niyamyA az Roca R. 3. 45. -2 of Siva; Ku. 5. 77. Oferta 4. protecting the 3 worlds; net af af aft: V. 1. 6. let the three worlds taken collectively, the universe; 192 193 hafa Tagfaffa en Bh. 3. 95; Santi. 4. 22. ETA: Siva. (-1) 1 an unchaste woman. - an epithet of Durga. 16 the three metals :- gold, silver, and copper. -ant: 1 the three objects of wordly existence, i.e. , 379, and kAma; anena dharmaH savizeSamadya me trivargasAraH pratibhAti bhAvini Ku. 5. 38; 37-=210974 (fatih) Kau. A. 1.7; 919 fani gasih (1 ) Bu. Ch.2. 41. -2 the three states of loss, stability, and increase; 79: F a iler arif f ata Ak. -3 the three qualities of nature, i. e. 169, 77, and 18.-4 the three higher castes. -5 the three myrobalans. -8 propriety, decorum. -vaNekam the first three of the four castes of Hindus taken collectively. -ad a. three years old; Ms. 5. 70. -afci, f. (in comp.) three folds over a woman's navel (regarded as a mark of beauty) at the anus. -arch ind. three times, thrice.-fi : Visnu in his fifth or dwarf incarnation. 'ra: a patent medicine in Ayurveda. -fast: a Brahmana versed in the three Vedas. -farea. of three kinds, three-fold. -fach, -fog 1 the world of Indra, heaven; fafae479 fat 7974: R. 6. 78. - 2 the three worlds. deg m. a god. - a. 1 threefold; A FICAAT TT 9f fate # Ms. 2. 42. -2 consisting of three parts (as three Jos, fails); Bhag. 3. 24. 33; 10. 23. 39; (consisting of three letters &T); feroza acrat qui goaferat Bhag. 11. 16. 12. (m.) 1 a sacrifice. -2 a girdle of three strings; Mb. 12. 47. 44. -8 an amulet of three strings. (-f.) a plant possessing valuable purgative properties. Tot combining three things, i.e. earth) water, and fire. fer: livelihood through 3 things (sacrifice, study and alms). afor:, -oft f. the place near Prayaga where the Ganges joins the Yamund and receives under ground the Sarasvati ; the place called a where the three sacred rivers separate. ag 1 The staff arque) of a Sarnyasin; fa fa TUET T EGH Bhag. 11. 23. 34. -2 The pole of a chariot ; 34 frages.......728 HETTY Ram. 3. 51. 16; Mb. 7. 156. 83; a three bannered (chariot ); Bhag. 4. 26. 1. a: a Brahmana versed in the three For Private and Personal Use Only Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 792 tris Vedas.- Tff a deity (f ), Maya; Bhag. 2.6. 31.! drinking wine thrice (apa ya fait siya - *: 1 N. of a celebrated king of the Solar race, gyfa fa faza:); atau facut ara Si. 10.12. : king of Ayodhya and father of Harischandra. (He the creation of the 3 Gunas; Bhag. 1. 1. 1. Eta a. was a wise, pious, and just king, but his chief fault having a threefold causality; R. 3. 13. -UTHT a. was that he loved his person to an inordinate degree. singing 3 Samans (an ara); gara a7 899 HTAT Desiring to celebrate a sacrifice by virtue of which he dundubhirnRpa Mb. 12. 98.27. -sAmyam an equilibrium of the could go up to heaven in his mortal body, he requested three qualities); Bhag. 2. 7. 40. Eqor:, -U14 1 N. his family-priest Vasistha to officiate for him; but being of the three Rigvedic verses (Ry. 10. 114. 3-5). -2 N. refused he next requested his hundred sons who also of T. Ar. 10. 48-50; -a. familiar with or reciting these reiected his absurd proposal. He, therefore, called them verses; Ms. 3. 185.- Fordt the three sacred places: Fraft, cowardly and impotent, and was, in return for these 941, and 72. FOTAL the head, neck and chest toinsults, cursed and degraded by them to be a Chandala. gether; tantrIlayasamAyuktaM tristhAnakaraNAnvitam Ram.7.71.15.-a. While he was in this wretched condition, Visvamitra, 1 having 3 dwelling places. -2 extending through the whose family Trisanku had in times of famine laid 3 worlds. - ef. an epithet of the Ganges; falas under deep obligations, undertook to celebrate the alam agra $.7.6; R. 10.63; Ku. 7. 15. , sacrifice, and invited all the gods to be present. They, e a. ploughed thrice as a field ). -TUT a. three however, declined; whereupon the enraged Visvamitra years old. by his own power lifted up Trisanku to the skies with FRET a. (-aft f.) 1 Thirtieth. -2 Joined with thirty; his cherished mortal body. He began to soar higher e. g. and higher till his head struck against the vault of the i 14 one hundred and thirty. -3 Consisting heaven, when he was hurled down head-foremost by of thirty. -4 zo of a sign of the zodiac, a degree. Indra and the other gods. The mighty Visvamitra, f t a. 1 Consisting of thirty. -2 Bought for however, arrested him in his downward course, or worth thirty. saying 'Stay Trisanku', and the unfortunate monarch remained suspended with his head towards the earth as SETS. Thirty. -Comp. -74 1 A lotus opening a constellation in the southern hemisphere. Hence the at moonrise. -2 a kind of lotus (the blossom of wellknown proverb: -1979cfaraz fag S. 2. ] -2 the Nymphaea Esenlalenta). Chataka bird. -3 a cat. -4 a grass-hopper. -5 a fire 4 An aggregate of thirty. fly. Pst: an epithet of Harischandra. Itt m. an epithet of Visvamitra. -T a. three hundred. (- ) fraifa: f. Thirty. 1 one hundred and three. -2 three hundred. Trot: a. [721 89: 4] 1 Triple, three-fold. -2 a Buddha. -zakerA three kinds of sugar (guDAtpannA, Forming a triad; ava dUke ava trikA divazcaranti bheSajA Rv. FEATYT, and Fy ). The a. three-wrinkled; 792 10. 59. 9. -3 Three per cent; cf. Ms. 8. 152 Kull. Huge: wata fragt Ks. 102. 72.-104 a house -4 Happening the third time. - 1 A triad ; : with three halls or chambers. -fre 1 a trident; STICHT face=497 gemeBhag. 11. 2. 42. 1997 fera Bhag. 10. 59. 9. -2 a crown or -2 A place where three roads meet. -3 The lower crest (with three points ). -Force n. 1 N. of a demon part of the spine, the part about the hips; geet killed by Rama. -2 an epithet of Kubera. -3 fever. f Ak. Mar. Almagra ); 1976 Y Pt. 1. 190; Afera saatst bag Fatih Bhag. 10. 63. 29. faza EIT: R. 6. 16; feaf14a1 ...... - a: Siva.-3104,104 a trident. 377, hifts Siva. B. 13. 126. - The part between the shoulderm. an epithet of Siva. UFO the holy combination of blades. - The three spices. - 1 A contrivance for 'three days' vis. Uttarayana day of the gods ), the raising water (like a wheel) over which passes the bright half of the moon day of the manes) and day. rope of the bucket. -2 The cover of a well. -Comp. time; trizukle maraNaM yasya, L. D. B. -zUlin m. an epithet - the 3 triads (191, fa and H). - cf Siva. - T T: 1 the Trikuta mountain. -2 a triangle. the loins. T : the soul. - : f. sixty-three. - f. a metre of 4x11 syllables. - ,- it the three periods of fat a. (oft s.) Consisting of three parts, three-fold. the day, i.e. dawn, noon, and sunset; also - - A triad, a group of three; a fari farala gay (-auth); Ms. 11. 216. - ind. at the time THANTH S. 7. 29; R. 8.78; Y. 3. 266. of the three Sandhyas; and goahtut faux geeft fret ind. In three ways, or in three parts; 5a Mb. a. seventy-third. - afat: f. seventy-three. afara Ku7. 44; r a f #fua 9,- a. (pl.) three times 7, i. e. 21. a. gorites: Bg. 18. 19. (in geom.) having three equal sides, equilateral. -C: milk, sesamum and rice boiled together. Er El ind. Thrice, three times. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 793 vidyam 4,6 P. (ala, gara, gea) To tear, break, fall asunder, snap, be split (fig. also ); Tau 32 faciateTH Bh. 3. 8; 1. 96; 37 a aromatica sa ghilHotec: U. 1. 29 (v. l.). fe:, f. (-4 ] 1 Cutting, tearing. -2 A small part, an atom. -8 A very minute space of time equal to of a Ksana; or of a Lara; Mb. 1. 25. 14; Bhag. 10. 13. 40. -4 Doubt, uncertainty, -8 Loss, destruction. -6 Small cardamoms (the plant). fea p. p. Cut, broken, divided, split &c. 19% actgea 5a geftat: U. 1. 29. Alfe: f., - A bill, beak. -Comp. Era: a bird. 91(,) TT (15) 1 P. (arfa &c.) To hurt, kill. Sa 1 A triad, triplet. -2 The three sacred fires taken collectively (gArhapatya, dakSiNa and AhavanIya); ct. Ms. 2. 231; Bhag. 9. 14. 44; Fa fantaFATEHFilafa R. 13. 37.-8 A particular throw at dice, a cast of three or trey; IECHTE: Mk. 2. 8. -4 The second of the four Yugas of the Hindus ; see ym. SET ind. Trebly, in three ways or parts; 116 Tea Sat. Br.; Bri. Up. 1. 2. 3; (H) ur PETRICHO R. 10. 16. #1 A (ra, ar or 917) To protect, preserve, rescue or save from, defend from usually with abl.); wallets 14 4: 7 tot yang Et: R. 2. 53; Bg. 2.40; Ms. 9. 138; Bk. 5. 54; 15. 120. -with off to save &c.; fta199, 991747 (in dramas ). SITUT . p. [ for the ways an] Protected, guarded, preserved, saved. -OH 1 Protection, defence, preservation ; 3787174 : T E CH-IT $. 1.11; R. 15.3; Mal. 9. 26. -2 Shelter, help, refuge. -3 Protecting, preserving. -- An armour. ata p. p. Preserved, saved, protected. - Protection. STT a. 1 A guardian, defender, protector. -2 Protecting, defending, fi a. ( S.) Relating to the three times, i. e. past, present, and future. P reth 1 The three times, past, present, and future, or sunrise, noon and sunset; cf faya gf: Mb. 12.240.25.-2 Tripartition. -3 A triad. -4 The three states growth, maintenance and decay); Hariy. Ayfori a. (mf.) Triple, three-fold. Syurg 1 The state of consisting of three threads, qualities &o. -4 Triplicity. -3 The three Gunas or . . ...... properties (#ta, 57 and 7h) taken collectively; ! Tout 3979 nafta AITORU M. 1. 4. 4 Ved. A triad. A T a. Divine; relating to the gods; Ms. 2. 58. - The part of the hand sacred to the gods. a. Threefold, triple. art a. Worth three niskas. sgt: 1 The Tripura country. -2 A ruler or inha hitant inhabitant of that country. Sg5 : a. (eft f.) Extending to the three male generations. Saat: An epithet of Laksmana ; ACT: Taftale166:=za ta: ne SHE Bk. 1. 25. Laksmana is so called because he was born to his mother Sumitra on her eating the sacrificial oblation given to her by her two co-wives, Kausalya and Kaikeyi. Sarfat a. ( f.) 1 Three months old; 1 919TO HEC H T a 971 725997: Bhag. 2.7.27. -2 Lasting for or occurring every three months. -8 Quarterly. HET A period of three months. auf The rule of three (in Math.). starft a. Relating to 3 zodiacal signs. *1i An epithet of Indra. FTH The three worlds taken collectively. Comp. rrathio: a patent medicine in Ayurveda. - a: N. of Rama; fa 4 a a sta 47 R. 10. 53. Fy: the sun; a are fagfaza:197bandhostapanasya sUnuH P.R.6.42.-vijayA intoxicating potion prepared from hemp. Saft a.( tf.) Relating to the three objects of life ( 27, 3 and 14 ); Bhag. 3. 32. 18; cf. fari. Aadi:, - afuraha. (- :) Relating to the first three castes. -*: A member of the first three castes. far : a. (-it f.) 1 Three years old. -2 Lasting for three years &c.; also f*; 4 bar quta Y=27 Ms. 11.7. Sra a. ( f.) Belonging to Trivikrama or Visnu; R. 7. 35. alaha faati faguargut l e: Dk. 1. 1; Relating to the three steps of Visnu; path vAruNA~llokAnviSNotravikramAnapi Ram. 4.58.13.-mam The three steps of Visnu. Sayru 1 The three Vedas. -2 The study of the three Vedas. -3 An assemly of Brahmanas familiar with the three Vedas. - The three sciences. U: A For Private and Personal Use Only Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra traiviSyam versed in the three Vedas; traividyA mAM somapAH pUtapApA yajJairiSTvA svargatiM prArthayante Bg. 9. 20. a. Familiar or propounded by the three Vedas; dharmaM bhAgavataM zuddhaM traividyaM ca guNAzrayam Bhag. 6. 2. 24. traividhyam Three-foldness, three kinds or sorts, triplicity. traiviSTapa, traiviSTapeyaH A god gandharvayakSAsurasiddhacAraNatreSThi peyAdiSu nAnvavindata Bhag. 8.8.19. a. zaivedika 4. Relaing to the three Vedas paTzidA bdikaM caryaM gurau traivedikaM vratam Ms. 3. 1. vaizaGkaka An epithet of Harischandra, son of Trianku Bhag. 9.7.7. troTakam [ truT- bul] 1 A species of drama:- saptASTanavapazcAGkaM divyamAnuSasaMzrayam / troTakaM nAma tatprAhuH pratyaGkaM savidUSakam // S. D. 540. 4. 9. Kalidas's Vikramorvnityam (?). -2 An angry speech. -ka: A kind of poisonous insect. troTi: See under truT. trotram 1 A gond. -2 A kind of disenses. trau 1 A. ( traukate) To go; L. D. B. va 1 P. ( tvakSati, tvaSTa ) 1 To pare, how, peel - 2 To make thin. -3 To cover. tvakSas n. Strength, might, power; udAvatA tvakSasA panyasA ca Rv. 6. 18.9. tvaSTa p. p. Made thin, pared, peeled &c. svaSTiH f. Carpentry. -m. N. of a mixed tribe (?). tyA . [ tvaSTA devatA asya aN] Belonging to Tvaatris U. 6. 3. (v. 1.). - 1 The asterism citrA. -2 A small car. -thrUm The creative power. 794 tvaMkAraH Addressing disrespectfully with a -- thou ', theeing and thouing tvaMkAra nAmadheye ca jyeSThAnAM parivarjayet Mb. 12. 193. 25; Ms. 11. 204. va 1 P. ( tvaGgati) 1 To go, move. -2 To jumps gallop; Ks. 1. 87. -8 To tremble. ratnAkarotsaGgataraGgaraje tvatkSaNaM bimbamazItarazme: Ram. Ch. 6. 8. tvaGgatturaGgamakhurakSuNNa bhImarathItaTaH Siva. B. 1. 46. tvac 6 P. (tvacati ) To cover. tvac f. 1 Skin (of men, serpents &c.); dhatte tvacaM rauravIm V. 4. 20; Mv. 1. 18. - 2 Hide (as of a cow, deer &c.); tvacaM samebhyAM paridhAya rauravIm R. 3. 31. -3 Bark, rind; nyastAkSarA dhAturasena yatra mUrtIvaca kuzarabinduzaNAH Ku. 1.7; R. 2. 37; 17. 12. Any cover or coating. -8 The sense of touch. -8 Cinnamon valke lavaGgabalke tvak Nm. -7 Surface ( of the earth); bhUmyA udveva vi tvacaM bibheda Rv. 10. 68. 1. -Comp. -akkuraH horripilation. -indriyam the organ of touch. - kaNDuraH a sore. - gandhaH the -chedaH 1 & orange. skin-wound, scratch, bruise. -2 circumcision. -jam tvaram 1 blood. -2 hair (on the body ). -taraGgakaH a wrinkle ; ( also tvacormiH ) - tram an armour; tvaktraM cAcakace varam Bk. 14. 94. - doSaH disease of the skin, leprosy. -patram the leaf of Laurus Cassia ( Mar. dAlacinI ) ; candanAgurumukhyAni tvakpatrANAM vanAni ca Mb. 12. 170. 18; elAM ca devakusumaM tvakpatraM cInadAru ca Siva. B. 30.14. -paripuTanam peeling of the skin. palitam leprosy. pAruSyam roughness of the skin. - puSpa: horripilation. ( -SpI, -Spam) a blotch, seab. -bhedH a scratch. -bhedaka: One who soratches the skin ; tvagbhedakaH zataM daNDapa: Ms. 8. 284 -malam hair of the body. - roga: leprosy &c, any cutaneous disease. - zUnyatA want of sensation in the skin. sAraH ( tvacisAraH ) 1 a bamboo; tvaksArarandhraparipUraNalabdhagItiH Si. 4. 61. -2 Laurus Cassia (Mar. dAlacinI ); yatrAsItkSapitA kSarajjaladhare tvaksAra lakSIkRte Mv. 7. 12. -sugandhaH an orange Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tvacam 1 Skin -2 Bark. -8 Cinnamon svacanam 1 Covering with ekin. - Skinning. tvacayati Den. P. 1 To cover with a hide. -2 To peel off the skin. tvacas n. Skin. tvacA See tvac. vimuktaH sarvapApebhyo muktatvaca ivoragaH Mb. 12. 250. 11. tvacya a. Conducive to the healthiness of the skin. svAca a. (cI) Relating to the skin, contagious. * pratyakSa a. that which is felt directly by the skin. tvaJc 1 P. 1 To go. -2 To contract. A form of the second personal pronoun occurring as the first member of some compounds: e. g. dadhInatvAdRzyam &c. tvadIya a. Thy, thine, your, yours; pitustvadIyasya mayApahAritaH R. 3.50; tvadIyapAdapaGkajaM namAmi devi narmade. tvadvidha a. Like thee or you. svar 1 A. ( tvarate, tvarita - tUrNa) To hurry, make haste, move with speed, do anything quickly bhavAnsuhRdaveM tvaratAm M. 2; nAnunetumabalAH sa tatvare R. 19.38. - Caus. (tvarayati) 1 To cause to hasten, expedite, urge forward, accelerate svarayozIm V.21 Ku. 4. 38. -2 To call quickly away; adya tvAM tvarayati dAruNaH kRtAntaH Mal. 5.25. tUrNa P. P. [tvar bhAve ta ] 1 Quick, speedy rapid. -2 Fleet. -rNam Rapidity, quicknes. -rNam inf. Quickly, speedily : cUrNamAnIyatAM varNa pUrNacandranibhAnane Subhas -m. 1 The mind. -2 tUrNi a. Quick. -for: f. Speed.. A Sloka. -3 Dirt, excrement. tvaraNam Making haste, velocity. tvaratA Haste; tvaratA me manasaH Pratima 3. tvaram ind. Hnatily (tvareNa ); Mb. 12. 321. 49. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tarA 798 .. rati, raft: f. [97-31] 1 Haste, hurry, speed; autsukyena kRtatvarA sahabhuvA vyAvartamAnA hiyA Ratn. 1.2. -2 Urgency or pressing nature; manasA kAryasaMsiddhau svarAdiguNataa Ku. 2. 63. -Comp. -BTITIE: a pigeon. fefta p. p. Quick, swift, speedy. -Despatch, haste. -ind. Quickly, fast, speedily, hastily. tvaraNa ind. Hastily; dRSTvA tvareNa nijadhoraNato'vatIrya Bhag. 10. 13. 62. rare: f. Carpentry; Ms. 10. 48. ray m. [294-29)1 A carpenter, builder, workmans ! caga faleci 474 Mb. 12. 33. 22.-2 Visva karman, the architect of the gods. [Tvastri is the Vulcan of the Hindu mythology. He had a son named Tribiras and a daughter called HT, who was given in marriage to the sun. But she was unable to bear the severe light of her husband, and therefore Tvastri mounted the Bun upon his lathe, and carefully trimmed off a part of his bright disc; cf. a a fy CUTI STE a geit fafant falfa R. 6. 32. The part trimmed off is said to have been used by him in forming the discus of Visnu, the Trisula of Siva, and some other weapons of the gods.] parvataM cApi jagrAha kruddhastvaSTA mahAbala: Mb.1.227. 34. -8 Prajapati (the creator); at 9 va ag ta? Afeef fagh Mb. 3. 274. 9. -4 Aditya, a form of the sun; a afaruft call +910sfazla Bhag. 3. 6. 15. farg a. Belonging or coming from any cang 9 carafear; Rv. 1. 117. 22. : Vritra; la lokAstamasA tvASTamUrtinA / savai vRtra iti proktaH pApaH prmdaarunnH|| Bhag. 6. 9. 18; 11. 12. 5. - 1 The asterism Chitra. -2 A small car. -94 1 Creative power ; 79:ATTA carga a faza: Bhag 8. 11. 35.-2 Copper. Calez, catert (-aft f.) a. Similar to thee or you, of thy kind; Me. 71. far i U. (caufaa) To shine, glitter, sparkle, blaze; BaTatara fafanu: Rv. 8. 96. 15; Bhag. 10. 46. 45. frag f. 1 Light, lustre, splendour, brilliance ; afcarfactanta gt si. 1. 3; 9. 13; R. 4.75; Ratn. 1. 18. 2 Beauty; Bhag. 10. 33. 14. - Authority, weight; -funt aa fat: Ry. 8.43.3.-4 Wish, desire. - Custom, practice. - Violence, vehemence. -7 Speech. Comp. Ti, the sun; also fastafa: or faqat. faar Splendour, lustre, light. fare: 1 A ray of light. -2 Beauty, lustre. -8 Vehemence, impetuosity; fafe: ata fara eu aya Rv. 5. 8.5. at a. Bright, brilliant. -2 Vehement, impetuous, causing fear, awful. 1 P. (ca fa ) 1 To go or approach gently or stealthily, creep, crawl. -2 To proceed crookedly or fraudulently. tsaru:1 Any creeping animal, mA mAM padyena rapasA vidata 26: Ry. 7. 50. 1. -2 The hilt or handle of a sword or any other weapon; supragrahavimalakaladhautatsaruNA khar3agena Ve.33 CARACTIC9affiaren: Ki. 17. 58; R. 18. 48. Comp. -ATT: sword-exercise; A f egida: aig ay Mb. 1. 134. 30. FATET a. Skilful in handling a sword; Mb. 1. 132. 62. 1 A mountain. - A protector. -3 A sign 9 of danger. -4 A kind of disease. -3 Eating. -TH 1 Protection, preservation. -2 Terror, fear. -3 Auspiciousness. 1 P. (fa) To go or move. 9 6 P. (gsfa) 1 To cover, screen. -2 To hide or conceal. 91574 Covering, wrapping up. Silt: The sound 97 made in spitting. ge 1 P. (5-9fa) To hurt, injure. thUtkAraH, thUtkRtam The sound thUt made in spitting: svAdUcitaM svAdutayaiva bhukte thUtkRtya muJcatyapi thUtkRtAni Raj. T. 7. 1114. 4 ind. Imitative sound of spitting. e ind, The imitative sound of a musica! instrument. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 796 dakSa hor I a. (At the end of comp.) Giving, granting, producing, causing, cutting off, destroying, removing; as T, 31912, 73, 147, 3194 &c. - 1A gift, donation. -2 A mountain. - A wife. - 1 Heat. -2 Repentance. daMz I. 1 P. (dazati, daSTa; desid. didakSati) To bite, sting; nakhairakartiSustIkSNairadAkSurdazanaistathA Bk. 15.4; 16. 193B qurfest 3TT, K. 32. ate, browsed &c. -II. 1 P. 10 U. (gla, atafa-) To speak or shine. T: [ 47-349 91 Biting, stinging; gra auf afy face t Git. 10. - 2 The sting of a snake. -3 A bite, the spot bitten; 1 STC4 TE AT M. 4. 4; U. 3. 35. -4 Cutting, tearing. -5 A gad-fly; R. 2.5; Ms. 1. 40; Y. 3. 215. -6 A flaw, fault, detect (in a jewel). -7 A tooth; yara: afge : -8 Pungency. -9 An armour; fetaraf Tea fasitvic: Bhag. 1. 9. 38. -10 A joint, limb. -Comp. -1, -15hi a buffalo. -a : a heron. ar a: (17-03] Biting, stinging. # 1 A dog. -2 A gad-fly. -8 A fly. CATETET - ] 1 The act of biting or stinging; e.g. 2014 atra: trai qu a afa: S. D. -2 An armour, mail; BayatleaTGES1109: Si. 17. 21. la a. 1 Bitten. -2 Mailed, furnished with an armour; 3arzaglia 39ar Bhag. 1. 7. 17; fagra aferat: 7:gy ET EART: Siva. B. 21.7.-3 Protected. - Fitting closely (as an armour). -5 Ready for ; Far Arata a ferat 9 Fafo Mb. 12. 22.9.-8 Alert, attentive; T : fet: ng asrar: Ram. 2.2. 39. - A bite. fata m. See 270. eft A small gad-fly. a. 1 Biting. -2 Noxious, hurtful, injurious. [ -g 219] A large tooth, tusk, fang; Ram. 2. 70. 20; & HOUS- 949 Ft Bh. 2. 4; R. 2. 46; ETH ETRE 59 1759T Her 97 974+AICETT: 141:11 Mu. 3. 22. -Comp. -3T&T:, -19h a wild boar. -FICT a. having terrible tusks. -89: a kind of snake. a. Having large tusks. iga. Tusked. -FI = id q. v. of a. 1 Tusked, having large teeth; Ms. 10. 89. - Biting or wounding with the teeth. -8 Carnivorous. -M. 1 A wild boar; Rahela Tu gure Ki. 13. 50. - A snake. -8 A hyena. -4 Any animal with tusks. OTT:, [TH #RUTIEI at y 190 19:] 1 A tooth; Eugenaarstigar Si. 17. 2; faitetan Me. 84; Bg. 11. 27.-2 Biting. - The peak of a mountain. - An armour (also m.). -Comp. -ig: brightness of the teeth ; 379 Alfenatu ellaar T : (34 ) Ku. 6. 25. -3 : a tooth-mark, bite. eeu: 1 a lip. -% a kiss. -8 a sigh. -9 , -The n. 1 a lip. -2 & kiss. - a bite, toothmark; Frage UTC HH tarafa safe H Git. 8. IT: the pomegranate tree. T a. 1 Biting. -2 Noxious, hurtful. -T: A mischievous or venomous animal. C : 1 A young camel. -2 An ass; tag 4: hefa gefi : Mb. 8. 40. 37. U p. p. Bitten, stung; see . 49 10 A. 1 To bite. -2 To see, to observe; L. D. B. , --1, eg, fe: Ved. An act, deed; Marvellous power or skill; TI da haifa Bri. Up. 2.5. 16. 4 Water; as in aet. EET 1 A. ( W) 1 To grow, increase. -2 To do, go or act quickly. -3 To hurt, kill. - To act conforma bly to another (P.). - To be competent or able; gaiara Rv.7.16.6. - To go, move. -Caus. 1 To gladden; fra fagara regr aqua Si. 14. 35.-2 To make able or strong. a. [ - ] 1 Able, competent, expert, clever, skilful; nATye ca dakSA vayam Ratn. 1.6; merau sthite dogdhari 216 Ku. 1. 2; R. 12. 11. -2 Fit, suita ble; TETT ya Bhag. 4.6. 44. -3 Ready, careful, attentive, prompt; Y. 1.76; Tratarea factaavat a R. 12.11. -4 Honest, upright. T: 1 N. of a celebrated Prajapti.[ He was one of the ten song of Brahman, being born from his right thumb, and was the chief of the patriarchs of mankind. He is said to have had many daughters, 27 of whom became the wives of the moon, thus forming the 27 lunar mansions, and 13 the wives of Kasyapa, becoming by him the mothers of gods, demons, men, and animals; see #49. At one time Daksa celebrated a great sacrifice, but did not invite his daughter Sati, nor her husband Siva, the chief of the gods. Sati, however, went to the sacrifice, but being greatly insulted threw herself into fire and perished; cf. Ka. 1. 21. When Siva heard this he was very much provoked, and according to one account, himself went to the sacrifice, completely destroyed it, and pursued Daksa For Private and Personal Use Only Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dakSatA 797 dakSiNA n who assumed the form of a deer, and at last deca pita- 1 pointing to the south. -3T6: the southern mountain. ted him. But Siva is said to have afterwards restored i. e. Malaya. - t: a dweller in the south. 3797 him to life, and he thenceforward acknowledged the 4. south-western. -TUTTE a. facing the south, god's supremacy. According to another account, Siva, directed towards the south; Ms. 1. 50. STUTT the when provoked, tore off a hair from his matted hair, sun's progress south of the equator, the half year in and dashed it with great force against the ground which the sun moves from the north to the south, when lo ! a powerful demon started up and awaited the winter solstice%3 save'zvamedhairIjAnAste'nvayudakSiNAyanam Mb. his orders. He was told to go and destroy Daksa's 12. 29. 103. f: falU977 Ms. 1. 67; Bhag. 5. 21.3. Bacrifice; whereupon the mighty demon, attended by -3179 Dandakaranya. -3: 1 the right hand. several demigode, went to the sacrifice, routed the 1-2 the right or southern side. 312 a. 1 honest, gods and priests, and, according to one account, well-behaved. -2 a worshipper of Sakti according to beheaded Daksa himself; Ms. 9. 128-29.] -2 A cock. the right hand (or purer ) ritual. -37172ty: the sou-8 Fire. -4 The bull of Siva. -8 A lover attached to thern sacred text of the Tantrikas). Tad a. turning many mistresses. -8 An epithet of Siva. -7 Mental 1 to the right (from the left), (a conch-shell). -371the power, ability, capacity. -8 An epithet of Visnu. -9 Bouth. Pfa: 1 an epithet of Yama. - the planet Mars. The right side or part; Hat feit a 40: at a. 1 lett (as hand or foot); afwi a luat acu -10 Ability, power, fitness. -11 Strength of will, Alfa ART # Ku. 4. 19. - 2 northern. (TT) the north. energy, resoluteness. -12 Strength, power. -18 Bad * a. (a deer) wounded on the right side angfaa disposition, wickedness; HT Feat fahr Ry. 4.3. 13. se ferui. -37 a. turned or lying to the south - 1 The earth. -2 An epithet of the Ganges. and the north. "vRttam the meridian line:-kAlikA/.1A T Strength, vigour. -Comp. 372 Teen, Tei Tantrika Deity. -2 Durga. - A ind, to the southafer, - , -ferta: Siva; Hch. 3. -m. epithets west. - a. south-western. (AT) the south-west; of Siva. I, -JIT, UT, Taarifarcit 1 an Tiga ie feit HTH Mb. 17. 1. 44. - epithet of Durga. -2 a lunar mansion. - ata: 1 the - a. south-east. qat, greit the south-eastern moon -2 Siva. Trad: (fu:) N. of the 9th Manu; quarter. HIT: the southern hemisphere. AE, arafragma: Bhag. 8. 13. 18. Ea a god. Art: the southern ocean. - a charioteer. (-a) a lunar mansion. F urther af THERE ferra: ind. 1 From the right or south. -2 To the cunyat 59144: R. 3. 33. right hand. - To the south or southward (with gen.). ATT Dexterity, a bility. faut ind. 1 On the right or south of. - In the TTTTTT: 1 A vulture. -2 An epithet of Garuda. southern direction with a bl.) -OTT 1 A present or gift to Brahmanas (at the completion of a religious TETUT a. ( 244-5 Un 2. 50.] 1 Able, skilful, rite, such as a sacrifice ). -2 Dal na regarded as dexterous, competent, clever ; practs ATHA-Ha a daughter of Prajapati and as the wife of Sacrifice : Mb. 12. 29.102.-2 Right (opp. 91H). -3 Situated personified; a gelecarea area afaul R. 1. 31. on the right side. dakSiNa parI, dakSiNa kR to place any one on -3 A gift, offering or donation in general, fee, remu. the right side as a mark of respect; qatart: aftalari neration; store form, yoT &c.; cf. also afa7 4 TETT Bhag. 4. 12. 25. -4 South, southern; as in fara wafa SB. on MS. 10. 2. 38; 97 fautquay, 78116; 1 atlasflatsTT afea sau: R. Toch wafa SB. on MS. 10. 2. 48. Etymologically af 4. 8. - Situated to the south. -6 Sincere, straightfor ! is so called because it imparts power or strength to ward, honest, impartial. -7 Pleasing, amiable. - 8 t he receiver; oft femri wa SB. on MS. Courteous, civil. -9 Compliant, submissive. -10 Depen- 10. 3. 45; aferm ATH TEREFT: I aferm Ja fa dent. -11 Favourable ; : HT9Tegretgard' SB. on MS. 10. 3. 57. - A good milch-cow, prolific sa faa; Ki. 18. 27. -UT: 1 The right hand or arm. cow. -8 The south. - The southern country, the -2 A civil or courteous person, applied in poetic Deccan. - Fame. -8 A kind of heroine thus defined:compositions to a lover who professes attachment to a O T 4 77 guy at one mistress, while his heart has been entirely taken from : ll. -9 Completion of any rite. -Comp. 378 up by another. -8 An epithet of Siva or Visau. -4 a. deserving or worthy of a gift. ad a. 1 curved The right-hand horse of a carriage; & aut: to the right (a conch-shell &o.); Bhag. 5. 23. 5. fra Vaj. 9. 8. 8 The southern sacred fire. -OT, -2 turned towards the south. (-a:) 1 the Deccan. OTH 1 The right side. -2 The south; Nala. 9. 23. -8 -2 a conch-shell opening to the right; Divyavadana The Deccan. - T4 The highest doctrine of the Saktas 56. 71. r: the time of receiving Daksina. -979: -Comp. - a: the southern fire, the sacred fire placed 1 the southern part of India, the south or Decoan; Southwards; also called sprayerda q..y. -77 a. Bitarne facuy 9997 ATH 4 Mal. 1. -2'the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 7 98 path of the fou', i.e. the cow, constituting the sacrificial cow. - a. south-western. - eft south-1 west. - a. belonging to the Deccan. Tauta. inclining to the south. P: (in San. phil. ) the bondage of ritual or oermonial observances. -ata: m. a Tantric form of Siva. -grer: the right yoke-horse. for ind. On the right, from the south, southward. Teratift ind. 1 Far on the right. -2 Far in the south, to the south of (with abl.); afani TATL Sk. aerofts 8 U. 1 To place on the right side. -2 To keep the right side towards any one (as a mark of respect); cf. lat. - To give anything as a sacrificial fee; f a tah TTTH & Bhag. 3. 24. 41. ferofter, ud a. Worthy of or deserving a sacrificial gift, such as a Brahmana or a sage; et a feo: sfasigafa M. 5; fequafi autetta: Bk. 2. 29. TATUT ind. On the right side of with acc. or gen.); e ai 1219 599 $. 1; eta 41474&c. dagA(kArgalam Examining the ground in searching for water, or rules for ascertaining the places of waters; & trudse roosa Tatu: Bri. S. 54. 977,-efit See under R.deg74(=f779) N. of a Gandharva. I. 5 P. ( a) 1 To kill, hurt. - To go, leap. - To protect.-II. 4 P. (aufa) Ved. 1 To go, flow. -2 To reach, attain. - To go away, a.-Eft s.) A termination added to nouns in the sense of 'reaching to',' as high or deep as'; 567 QUIS K.; reposafaat yenec93: (*:) Mal. 3. 17; 5.14; Y. 2. 108. T IP. (rad) 1 To abandon, leave. -2 To protect, cherish. TUE 10 U. (qosula-a, sroza ) To punish, fine, chastise; (this is one of the 16 roots that govern two accusatives); ATT Ms. 9. 234 ; 8. 123; Y. 2. 269; fru ocent quzq17 R. 1. 25. Tog:, -[03-27 ] 1 A stick, staff, rod, mace, olub, cudgel; fag FFY1034403 59 : Mal. 5. 31; 19923:. -2 The sceptre of a king, the rod as a symbol of authority and punishment; 31770: S. 5. 8. -3 The staff given to a twice-born man at the time of investiture with the sacred thread; of Ms. 2. 45-48. -4 1 The staff of a Taifa or ascetic. - The trunk of an elephant. -8 The stem or stalk as of a lotus, tree &o.; U. 1. 31; Mal. 9. 14; the handle as of an umbrella; 2deg37873: &c. Dk. 1 opening verse ); TFUL T66acosfa ITH S. 5. 6; Ku. 7. 89 ; 80 - Foz &c. -7 The oar of a boat. -8 An arm or leg (at the end of comp. ) -9 The staff or pole of a banner, a tent &o. -10 The beam of a plough. -11 The cross-bar of a lute or a stringed instrument. -12 The stick with which an instrument is played.-13 A churning-stick. -14 Fine; MB, 8. 841; 9. 229; Y. 2. 237. -18 Chastisement, corporal punishment, punishment in general; 79714CFT R. 1. 6; a TF11922fy a Force To Mu. 1 ; que queug 9 Ms. 8. 126 ; 790 F98 Tim e : wat aan R. 15. 23. FECUET (TE) 999: Kau. A. 1. 4; grasi guita fe 03:47 wf14 fayfa Kau. A. 1. 4 -16 Imprisonment. -17 Attack, assault, violence, punishment, the last of the four expedients; Bee 3919; AHTATG9971 aquafa afocar: AIAcatafa fari trg || Ms. 7. 109; cf. Si. 2. 54. -18 An army; ay saat ros: FICCT auferya R. 17. 62; Ms. 7. 65; 9. 291; Ki. 2. 15.-19 A form of military array; Mb. 12. 59. 40.-20 Subjection, control, restraint; vAgdaNDo'tha manodaNDaH kAyadaNDastathaiva ca / yasyete nihitA gat fasif il . 12. 10. -21 A measure of length equal to 4 Hastas; Bri. S. 24. 9. -22 The penis.-28 Pride; yA cApi nyastadaNDAnAM tAM gati baja putraka Mb. 7. 78. 25. -24 The body. -28 An epithet of Yama. -26 N. of Visnu.-27 N. of Siva. -28 An attendant on the sun. -29 A horse said to be m. only in this and the preceding four senses ). -30 A particular appearance in the sky similar to a stick). -81 An uninterrupted row or series, a line. -32 Standing upright or erect. -83 A corner, an angle. -34 The Science of Govt. fate oz., qusHafidat fan: Kau. A. 1.5.-86 Harm, injury; FIAT GUEET a 9145743 : Bhag.7. 15.8. -Comp. -frar 1 staff and hide as outer badges of devotion).-2 (fig.) hypocrisy, deceit.- 37ery: a chief magistrate. - 3 a detachment or division of an army; 79 1971 ora 19: H M.5.2. -379 (a) tAnaka: tetanus, lock-jaw. -apUpanyAya: see under nyAya, 76 a. fit to be chastised, deserving punishment. -alasikA cholera. -Akhyam a house with two wings, one facing the north and the other the east; Bri. S. 53. 39.-31TEITA: a blow with a stick; ETT Tuetsatasu. Ks.54.203. -371a1 judicial sentence.-3111: the condition of a pilgrim. TT T m. a devotee, an ascetic. -Asanam, daNDakAsanam lying prostrate on the ground, a kind of A sana ; Yoga S. 2. 46. -ITCH buttermilk. - TH: 1 threatening.-2 (pl.) application of power; far77694 aaral anseta Eusta: Pt. 1. 376. - 7. infliction of punishment, chastisement; car 1522 of aardi UEFA Y. 2. 275. -fect repetition like a measuring rod, i. e. doing a matter after it is done in full first and then repeating it like that a second time and so on ; T urnat aus. endi 914741 SB. on MS. 10.5.83; 273 ind. in the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir daNDin ........ manner of a measuring rod. Het: Infliction of 1 punishment; af 93*64: Kau. A. 4. -1: a raven. -kASTham a wooden club or staff%; daNDakASThamavalambya fa: $. 2. -TEUTET assumption of the staff of an ascetic or pilgrim, becoming a mendicant. a. striking ! with a stick, committing an assault ; Ms. 8. 386. - a division of an army. S a room in which utensils of various kinds are kept. k a kind of drum. Pre one who has become a slave from non-payment of a debt; Ms. 8. 415. ahh a court of justice. -7,- TT a. 1 carrying a staff, staff bearer. -2 punishing, chastising; cafe 77194 Per U. 2. 11. -3 exercising judicial authority. (-:) 1 a king; 953 3 44 R.9.3; 21797gad FOUTH Kau. A. 1.4. -2 N. of Yama; Ell... ...OUT Tes: -8 a judge, supreme magistrate. 48 mendicant carrying a staff. -B a potter. -8 a general (of an army;) Dk. 2. ETCUT 1 carrying a staff (as by a Brahmacharin). -2 following the order of a mendicant. -8 infliction of punishment. -10: 1 a judge, a head police officer, a magistrate. - 2 the leader of an army, a general. -8 a king. : a policeman, consta ble. - Ta pardoning, indulgence; Mb. 12. -faqat punishing, chastising. fia: f. 1 administration of justice, judicature. - the system of civil and military administration, the science of politics, polity; Ms. 7.43; Y. 1. 311 ; eraguya 7 cue#a: R. 18.46; FITT: fa cosata a P9217 Tifa 2774 Nag. 4.1. -3 an epithet of Durga. m. 1 a king. -2 Yama; THT 591 HH4 traverg: Bhag. 3.16. 10. -8 a judge: Ms. 12. 100; Bhag. 4. 22.45. q: a king. - : & porter, door-keeper. - for: 1 an epithet of Yama; #Tifa pocet curata de: Bhag. 5.10.7. -8 N. of the god Siva at Benares. -3 a policeman; fa qaragra 9641 +241074: Ks.54. 203. - : 1 falling of a stick. -2 infliction of punishment. -3 dropping one line in a manuscript. -TTTH infliction of punishment, chastisement. -rath 1 assault, violence. -2 hard or cruel infliction of punishment; a za 999# 341a2fafat Ms. 8. 278. -7, -916 : 1 a head magistrate. -2 a door-keeper, porter. Kau. A. 1. 12. -3 Ns. of two kinds of fishes; L. D. B. -TT , TET: 1 a head police officer; Pt. 2; SaudiHHE f ron usaf Mu.1.20-21.-2 a hangman, an executioner. qura a strainer furnished with a handle. -TUTTH: 1 bowing by prostrating the body at full length ( keeping it erect like a stick). cf. FIETHTH*17. -2 falling flat or prostrate on the ground. atufet: an elephant. ** non-execution of a sentence. m. 1 a potter, -2 an epithet of Yama. ATT (F a: 1 & staff-bearer -2 an ascetic bearing a staff; Ram. 2. 32. 18. -8 a chief or leader. -ATT: a principal road, highway. He: a leader, general of an army. -U19 1 & solemn procession (particularly bridal). -2 warlike expedition, conquest (of a region). - #: 1 an epithet of Yama. -2 of Agastya. -8 a day. TH a small fine; Ms. 8. 51. - 9: capital punishment. - a. actual or verbal (2,88ault); Ms. 8. 6; cf. 41-914674. arca. reprimanding, censuring, threatening with punishment; (also -m.). -vArita a. forbidden by threat of punishment. -vAsikA a door-keeper, warder. -atlet m. 1 a door-keeper. -2 a magistrate. -area m. a police officer. -farnen: discretion given to an officer in awarding punishment or fine; Ms. 9. 228. -talet: 1 rule of punishment; see 44: -2 criminal law. At the post to which the string of a churning-stick is fastened. -SY: & particular form of arranging troops, arranging them in long lines or columns; Ms. 7. 187. - ETA the science of inflicting punishment, criminal law. -&ta: 1 a door-keeper, warder, porter. -2 an epithet of Yama. F1 : 1 A stick, staff &c. such as a handle of a parasol, the beam of a plough, the staff of a banner). -2 A line, row. -3 N. of a metre; see App. I. #i, -fil, N. of a celebrated district in the Deccan situated between the rivers Narmada and Godavari (it was a vast region said to be tenantless in the time of Rama); rafa garrafa qucag R. 14.25; kiM nAma daNDakeyam U.2; vAyodhyAyAH punarupagamo daNDakAyAM bane baH U. 2. 13, 14, 15. -Comp. -3T UUTH the Dandaka forest in the Deccan; Mb. 3; also qu܂ USAH Punishing, chastising, fining. augat a. Punishable, deserving or liable to be fined. gia Den. A. To stand erect (like a stick). Fogad a. 1 Carrying a staff. - Furnished with a handle. -3 Having a large army. -ind. 1 Erect or upright like a stick. -2 Falling prostrate; 37 praNAma kRtvA. Testfog ind. 'Stick against stick", fighting with sticks and staves; cudgelling; Ms. 6. 121 Kull. qugft: [ queuela -30 390 9] 1 A carriage. -2 A potter's wheel. -8 A raft, boat. -4 An elepbant in rut. 5 A bow or any other instrument. fig: 1 A staff-bearer, a mace-bearer. -2 A kind of fish ; also 031 -8 A policeman. TOE 1 A stick. -2 A row, line, series. -8 A string of pearls, a necklace. -4 A rope. fosa p. p. Punished, chastised, fined &c. afoga a. ( 03- 04 sfa] Bearing or having a staff; Th at Flute for all Mb. 9. 61. 68. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir daNDya 800 -m. 1 A Brahmana of the fourth order, a Samnya sin, i -2 A door-keeper, porter. -8 An oarsman. -4A i Jaina asoetic. 5 An epithet of Yama. -8 A king. -7 A religious mendicant (Bhiksu ). -8 An epithet of Siva. -8 N. of a poet, author of the Kavyadarsa and Dasakumaracharita; jAte jagati vAlmIke kavirityabhidhA'bhavat / afa qatara urafa afosfatil Udb.-Comp. yug: an epithet of Siva. qugda. Punishable, deserving punishment or fine. m. A tooth; (a word optionally substituted for rat in all the case-forms after the acc. dual. It has no forms for the first five inflections. Comp. -99: (ndacchadaH) a lip; rabhasA daSThadacchadam Bhag.7.2. 30. 8, 79, See under 1. geret: Indra; L. D. B. 1A. () To give, offer, present. a. Giving, offering &c. 94. A gift, donation. [ -] 1 A cutaneous eruption, herpes. -2 A kind of leprosy. -3 A tortoise. -Comp. -5: N. of a plant, Cassia Tora Mar. arhit). dagukA Leprosy. 5 T a. Herpetic, afflicted with a cutaneous disease. 1A. ( ) 1 To hold. - To have, possess. -3 To give, present. TE a. Holding, possessing, giving &c. -n. share, portion%3 dadhazabdo bhaagdheyvcnH| tadyathA kaNTakAya dadhaM nApitAya quafi au data C: SB. on MS. 10. 8. 32. n. (4-5) 1 Coagulated milk, thick sour milk; THE OTHO S. B; quia: &c. -2 Turpentine. -8 A garment. -Comp. 351H, -TITE boiled rice mixed with f; Y. 1. 289. TCH, the skim of curdled milk, whey. 3 , -udaka: the ocean of coagulated milk. -kulyA astream of dadhi; Ram. 1.53.3. -kUcikA mixture of boiled and coagulated milk. -il, et N. of a divine horse (personification of the morning sun); 9791HAUTE 27 1 Rv. 10. 101.1; WATOTT 37 to form afsta: Rv. 4. 39. 6. -a: curds; P. III. 3.77. Kasi. TTT: a churning-stick. Sr4 fresh butter. : f. a cow represented by af offered to priests ); Bhava. P. 2. 168. - : the wood-apple #face ). - Augi, -auft: n. whey. -manthanam churning coagulated milk. -zoNaH 3 monkey, m. (pl.) barley-meal mixed with coavulated milk. -sAraH, -snehaH fresh butter. -svedaH buttermilk. dadhitthaH The wood-apple (kapittha). PTTT: Clarified butter. dadhisyati Den. P. To wish for eurds; also dabhyasyati. peftati, -fa, wa N. of a celebrated sage, who became ready to die, and offered his bones to the gods; with these bones the architect of the gods made a thunderbolt with which Indra defeated Vritra and other demons. -Comp. 37 . 1 the thunderbolt of Indra. -2 a diamond. I a. Impudent, bold; gaat Amat Bk. 6. 117. TH: An epithet of Yama. T: 4. N. of one of the daughters of Daksa given in marriage to Kasya pa and mother of the Danavas. -m. N. of a monster, son of Sri, cursed by Indra and killed by Rama and Laksmana. He had a headless trunk, and hence called r. -Comp. -ST:, -Fi, - i, - i a demon; Bhag. 6. 9. 40.-37ft:, -fag m. a god. qra: [TH-Un. 3. 86 ] 1 A tooth, tusk, fang (as of serpents, beasts &c.); arauf fafafa ca t erfa fafanach Git. 10; 9 , apie &c. -2 An elephant's tusk, ivory; 972 Mal. 10.5. -8 The point of an arrow. -4 The peak of a mountain. -8 The side or ridge of a mountain. -6 The number thirtytwo. 7 A bower, an arbour (81); lagu ara sa :: Si. 4. 40. -Comp. -379 the point of a tooth. -TFCTCH the space between the teeth. -TEUT: an elephant in the ninth year; Matanga. L.5.10.-319,-44 gumboil. -TETT: 1 a bite.-2 the citron tree. -TTT: a hog. - 5: the mouth. - fet, -30 a horse's bridle; Galla g H Si. 5. 56. -fogy the remains of food lodged between the teeth. -37: dentition. -ulUkhalikA, -khalin m. one who uses his teeth for a mortar, (grinding grain to be eaten between his teeth ), an anchorite; cf. Ms. 6. 17; Ram. 3. 6; Mb. 13. 141. 104. - UT: a lime or citron tree. TT: an artist who works in ivory; Ram. 2. 83. 13. a piece of stick or twig used as a tooth-brush. : a kind of tooth-like joinery; Mana. 17. 177. 5: fight (Tirar: #TaRtia afastafa : Com. of nIlakaNTha); mAdrIputraH sahadevaH kaliGgAn samAgatAnajayad dantakUre Mb. 5. 23. 24. - a. injuring the teeth, causing them to decay. - : chattering or grinding the teeth. -ara: a bite. To: looseness of the teeth. : a lip; ariatyer atasat ESETH 41847 Bh. 1. 43; Rs. 4. 12. - HT . growth of the teeth ; 31TH: Y. 3.23 -FITT a. ( a child ) that is teething; Ms. 5. 58. HEH the root of a tooth. , CF 1 cleaning or washing the teeth; abhyazonmardanAdarzadantadhAvAbhiSecanam Bhag. 11. 27. 35.- a tooth-brush. (-) 1 the Bakula tree. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dantaka 801 -2 the Khadira tree. - Y a sort of ear-ornament; famiffaha974 R. 6. 17; Ku. 7. 23; (often used in Kadambari ). Den. &0142716 = represents the earring (199); 97953afa sagala fa seriefie: P. R. 7. 62. -97 an ear-ornament. -2 a Kunda flower. - 1 an ear-ornament; facuatrader964 Si. 1. 60.-2 Kunda. -3 a comb; Mb. 1. 3. 157 com. Ta 1 a tooth-brush. -2 cleaning or washing the teeth.-9159fcft an ivory doll; Fr a ga Cantarea s i ace faci feat artar Mal. 10.5. - 17: the falling out of the teeth; Bri. S. 66.5.- : f. an ivory hilt (of a sword). - 1 the point of a tooth. -2 the gums; Bri. S. 68. 97. -gcgt:, -Ui gum-boil. -ETH 1 the Kunda flower. -2 fruit of the clearingnut plant (1995). - T T washing the teeth. 1 un sheath of an elephant's tusk; Matanga L.5.4; natuffer gwaragan Si. 18. 47. Fes: the woodapple tree. (3) long pepper. -isti, aft : Pomegranate. - TT: 1 the fore-part of an elephant's head (where the tusks appear). -2 part of a tooth. -H04, Tre n. the tartar of the teeth. -ATAH -6 , gums. But: (pl.) the dental letters, viz. -2, 7, 9, 7, , and q. - : tooth-ache. i one who earns his bread by painting or mar. king the teeth. -ot a. brilliant. El the enamel of the teeth. EET, -are n. the lip; g gerea Saara Ku. 5. 34; Si. 10. 86. -atti, 17: the pomegranate tree. -Tur 1 a kind of musical instrument or harp: -2 chattering of the teeth; gradui arcut Pt. 1. -au: 1 the gums; Y. 3. 96. -2 a ring round the tusk of an elephant; Mb. 7. 90. 19. -8 a tumor of the gums. #: loosening of the teeth through external injury. - fracture of the teeth. - 19TT: ivory work; K. - Ti a pair of pincers for drawing out teeth. -a. sour, acid. ( :) 1 sourness, acidity. -2 N. of several trees with acid fruit like the citron, tamarind, wood-apple. -T T tartar of the teeth. -TUT: a kind of tooth-powder, dentifrice. - TTT 1 a back or double tooth. -2 the gum -6, - tooth-ache. Tuta: f. a tooth-pick. -zopha: swelling of the gums. -saMgharSaH gmashing or rubbing together the teeth. : morbid sensitiveness of the teeth as when they are set on edge). -09: the citron tree. F a. paying attention to one's teeth. - 1 A tooth (at the end of comp.); see . -2 A peak, summit. -3 A pin or shelf projecting from a wall, bracket. raretra ind. Tooth against tooth, biting one another; Mb. 8. Frategi, afatm. An elephant ; Bv. 1. 60; qolgarcane ATCera: H 1.35; R. 1.71; Ku. ... .....9 16. 2; quaterruar fansat aft a a: Suktisundara 5. 3. The Nm. adds: a garo, le, ata, #, #TT Teater 1994......ll -Comp. -Fa: ivory. h: the juice exuding from the temples of an elephant in rut. -7: Ganesa. For a. [ -39] 1 Having long or projecting teeth ; fed ta iti and 7: Tv.; si. 6. 54.-2 Jagged, dentated, notched, serrated, uneven (fig. also ); 3aaftur Vikr. 1. 50. -3 Undulatory. -4 Rising, bristling (as hair). -8 Overspread, covered with; U. 6. 27. -Comp. -g: the lime tree. arca a. 1 Having long or projecting teeth. -2 Notched, serrated, bristling; wafuerakarg Git 1; 94 1 1; K. 216. -8 Besmeared, covered with Foa. Having or furnished with teeth. I a. (od rod at #a: 77 ] 1 Dental. - Suitable to the teeth. F1: (i. e. qu:) A letter of the dental class; see ruta a bove. -Comp. -ya a. denti-la bial. FT: A tooth. Fermi a C est-ze-5+ ] 1 Biting, venomons. 3914pAyaM nitarAM dandazUkAH pramAdinaH / sarpasatre prayAsyanti tIkSNA viSadharAH 244 11 Bm. 1. 163-4. -2 Mischievous, malignant; Mb. 5. 35. 64. - 1 A serpent, snake; Bhag. 5. 26. 33. -2 A reptile in general. -3 A demon, Raksasa ; - Ald yfi FEETFISHTAT Bk. 1. 26. TEFTATUT a. (freo. from 7 ) going by different ways; 45+241TT: fafea FCI: Kath. 1. 2. 5. Fra: A kind of whistling cane; Mb. 12. 86. 14, y, I. 1, 5 P. (afat or matla, aut; desid. focala, wala, fafafa) 1 To injure, hurt. -2 To deceive, cheat. -3 To go. -II. 10 U. ( 2fd-) To impel, propel, drive onward. 2641, 4G qar CH Rv. 1. 84. 20. fet: f. Ved. Injury, hurt, damage. H: Ved. Deception, fraud. dabhra a. Little, small; adabhradarbhAmadhizagya sa sthalIm Ki. 1. 38; see 37.-2 Dull, not sharp; BET HUISHY $ EGET Bhag. 6. 7. 11.-: The ocean. - Distress; fig: da: 2257 SAT Rv.7.104.10 - ind. A little, slightly, to some extent ; 9459 a 1997 Ry. 1. 113. 5. 4 P. (ezfa, fa, gra) 1 To be tamed. -2 To be calm or tranquil; Ms.4.35;6.8; 7.141.-8 To tame, subdue, conquer, restrain ; ad TAT Bk. 18.29; faarufthaar 9. 42, 19; 15. 37. -4 To pacify. -Caus. (hufa-a ) 1 To tame. -2 To subdue, conquer, overpower; 3694 CHA: 444 Mb. 1. 74. 8, -8 To afflict, crush down; af Ho la Pt. 4. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra damaH [H] 1 Taming, subduing. -2 Sellcommand, subduing or curbing the passions, selfrestraint; Mb. 1. 100. 2; Bg. 10. 4; ( a a). -8 Drawing the mind away from evil donda or curbing its evil propensition karmagovi yacca cittanivAraNaM sa kIrtito damaH ) -4 Firmness of mind, -6 Punishment, fine; cikitsakAnAM sarveSAM mithyA pracaratAM damaH Ms. 9. 284, 290; 8. 293; Y. 2. 4; Bhag. 1. 18. 41. -6 Mire, mud. -7 Visnu. -8 N. of a brother of Damayanti. a. Taming, subduing, conquering; aftaming 4: Ms. 3. 162. damathaH, -H [ dambhAne athac] 1 Subduing or carbing the passions, self-restraint. -2 Punishment. damana . ( -nI ) [ dam bhAge lyuT ] Taming subduing overpowering, conquering, defeating; yaM niyaMkumarhasi e. 6.82 Hih. 3. 80 80 sarvadamana, aridamana &c. -2 Tranquil, passionless, - 1 A charioteer; Bhag. 4. 26. 2. 2 A warrior. -3 The Kunda plant. - An epithet of Vispu. - 1 Taming, subjugation, curbing, restraint. -2 Punishing, chastis ing, durdAntAnAM damanavidhayaH kSatriyeSvAyatante Mv. 3. 34. -3 Self-restraint. -4 Slaying, killing; we gua a fe nirbandhamarhasi e. 5. 31. N. of a tree. 1 N. of the daughter of Bhima, king of the Vidarbhas. [She was so called because by her matchless beauty she subdued the pride of all lovely women; cf. N. 2. 18 : bhuvanatraya subhruvAmasau damayantI kamanIyatAmadam / udiyAya yatastanuzriyA damayantIti tato'bhidhAM dadhau // A golden swan first described to her the beauty and virtues of king Nala, and through him she communicated her love to Nala. Afterwards at the Svayamvara she chose Nala for her husband from out of a host of competitors among whom were the four gods Indra, Agni, Yama, and Varuna themselves, and the lovely pair spent some years very happily. But their happiness was not destined to last long. Kali, envious of the good fortune of Nala, entered his body, and induced him to play at dice with his brother Puskara. In the heat of the play the infatuated monarch staked and lost everything except himself and his wife. Nala and Damayanti were, therefore, driven out of the kingdom, 'clad in a single garment'. While wandering through the wilderness, Damayanti had to pass through several trying adventures, but her devotion to her husband remained entirely unshaken. One day while she was asleep, Nala in the frenzy of despair abandoned her, and she was obliged to go to her father's house. After some time she was united with her husband, and they passed the rest of their lives in the undisturbed enjoy 802 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dambhanam ment of happiness. Soo Nals and Rituparna also.] - N. of a flowering plant (Mar. ). guftaa. [t-for-] 1 Taming, subduing. -2 A punisher, chastiser. -3 An epithet of Visnu, or Siva. a. 1 Tamed, calmed, tranquilized. -2 Conquered, curbed, subdued, defeated. a. 1 Tamed, subdued. -2 Taming, subduing, overpoweing. a. 1 To be trained or tamed; of the age of training; : Bhag. 11. 20. 21. -2 To be punished, punishable - 1 A young bullock (requiring training and experience); r: g dhAritAyAM ridambaM niyojayitum V. 6 puraM vo bhuvanasya pitrA gan : agi fauf R. 6. 78; Mu. 3. 3. -2 A steer that has to be tamed. za p. p. [ay-maft-] 1 Tamed, subdued, overpowered, curbed, restrained, bridled; see . -2 Docile, tame, mild. -3 Self-possessed, self-controlled; U. 5. - Subdued, conquered, vanquished; aftur w egfata : U. 5. 32. - Resigned. -8 Liberal. -7 Dental. -8 Patient of bodily mortifications or austerities &c. 1 A tamed ox. -2 A donor. -3 N. of a tree (damanaka ). eft: [-] 1 Self-restraint, subjection. control. 2 The patient endurance of bodily mortifications, religious austerities &c. -8 Humiliation. damaH, -mam Ved. 1 A house, home; damedame samidham Vaj. 8. 24. 2 The inmates of a house. -Comp. - m. a lord, ruler. -: N. of a king, father of furquia, q. v. zizupAla. damu (m) na.1 Fire: dadau punasto damunasyataste (yavAkAH ) / tapanti naktaM na ca tasya bhedAH || Ram. Ch. 6. 20. -2 N. of Sukra; L. D. B. qam. (du.) 1 The lord of the house (Agni, Indra, the Asvins); adta agar y Rv. 2. 39. 2. - 2 (comp. of jAyA and pati ) Husband and wife; tau dampatI vasiSThasya gurorjagmaturAzramam R. 1. 35; 2. 70; Ms. 3. 116. I. 5 P. See . II. Caus. or 10 U. (faa) 1 To kill, destroy, strike down. -2 (A.) To collect, arrange, string. [1 Deceit, fraud, trickery; Ms.4. 163. -2 Religious hypocrisy; Bg. 16. 4. -8 Arrogance. pride, ostentation. - Sin, wickedness. -5 The thunderbolt of Indra. - An epithet of Siva. Comp. - deceit, hypocrisy. a. Cheating, doceiving; M. 4. 195. dambhanam [ dambhU bhAve lyuT ] Cheating, doceiving, deceit. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dambhin 808 ........ ........ ..... .. . dammin a. [ dambha-Nini ] 1 Wicked, proud. -2 Hypocritical. -m. A hypocriter an impostor; dambhihaitukapAkhaNDibakavRttIca varjayet Y.1. 1303 Bg. 13.7. dambholi: 1 Indra's thunderbolt; dantAvalAnAM danteSu dambholidaDhamUrtiSu Siva. B.4.44%; dambholiprakRtibhRtAM batAyudhAnAm 24.66; B. R. 4.51.-2 A diamond. day 1 A. (dayate, dayita) 1 To teel pity or compassion for, pity, sympathise with (with gen.); rAmasya dayamAno' sAvadhyeti tava lakSmaNa: Bk.8.:19; teSAM dayase nakasmAt 2.33%3 15.63. -2 To love, like, be fond of; dayamAnAH pramadAH S.1. 4; Bk. 10.9. -3 To protect; nagajA na gajA dayitA dayitAH Bk. 10.9. -4 To go, move. - To grant, give, divide or allot. -6 To hurt. dayA [day bhidA-bhAve a] Pity, tenderness, compassion, meroy, sympathy; nirguNeSvapi satveSu dayAM kurvanti sAdhavaH 6.1. 60%; R.2.113; yatnAdapi parakazaM hartuM yA hRdi jaayte| icchA bhUmisurazreSTha sA dayA parikIrtitA // . -Comp. -kara a. kind, sympa- thetic. (-raH) an epithet of Siva. -kUTA,-kUceM: epithets of Buddha. -vIraH1(in Rhet.) the sentiment of heroic compassion; the sentiment of heroism arising out of compassion; e. q. Jimutavahana's remark to Garuda in Nag.:-zirAmukhaiH syandata eva raktamadyApi dehe mama mausamasti / tRptiM na pazyAmi tathApi tAvat kiM bhakSaNAttvaM virato garutman || ot. also R. G. under dayAvIra -2 a. Very mereikul man. dayAlu [ day-Aluc ] Kind, tender, merciful, compassionate ; yazaHzarIre bhava me dayAluH R. 2.57; 3.52. dayita p. p. [day-kta ] Beloved, desired, liked; Bk. 10.9.-ta: A husband, lover, a beloved person V. 3.5% dayitA dayitAnanAmbujaM daramIlannayanA nirIkSate Bv.2. 182. -tA A wifer one's beloved woman%3; dayitAjIvitAlambanArthI Me.43 R. 2.33; Bv. 2. 1823; Ki.6. 183 dayitAjitaH . hen-pecked husband'. dayitnu a. Kind, compassionate. dara . [du-ap ] Tearing, rending, &e. (at the end of comp.)-2 Little, small; daradaladaravindasundaraM hA hariNadRzo nayanaM na vismarAmi Bv.2.7.-raH, -ram 1A cave, cavity, hole. -2 A conch-shell; dadhmau daravaram Bhag. 1. 11. 1. -3 Poison. -:1 Fear, terror, dread; sA. daraM pRtanA ninye hIyamAnA rasAdaram Si. 19.283; na jAtahArdena na vidviSA daraH Ki. 1. 33. -2 A stream. -3 The navel. -rA A hole in the ground, cave. -ram ind. A little, slightly (in comp.); daramIlanayanA nirIkSate Bv. 2. 182,73 daravigalitamallIvalicazvatparAga &c. Git. 1; 80 daradalita-vikasita U.43 Mal.3. -Comp. -karaH a staff. -timiram the darkness of fear3; harati daratimiramatighoram Git. 10. -daa. causing fear. -da:, -dam vermilion. -manthara a. a little slow; daramantharacaraNavihAram GIt. 11. 2.-varaH,-indraH Visnu's conch (pAJcajanya); Bhag. l. 11.1. darakaa. Timid, cowardly. daraNam Breaking, splitting. _daraNi m., f. daraNI [ du-aN] 1 An eddy.-2 current. -3 Surt. -4 Breaking. To: 1 A cavity, hollow cave. -2 Fleeing away, taking flight. -3 Over-running the country for forage. darad/ 1 The heart. -2 Terror, fear. -3 A moun tain. -4 A precipice. -8 A bank or mound. daradA:m. (pl.) A country bordering on Kashmir. -da: Fear, terror. -dam Red lead. dariH ,-rI/ A cave, cavern, valley; darIgRha Ku. 1. 103; ekA bhAryA sundarI vA darI vA Bh. 3. 120. -Comp. -bhRt m. a mountain; pratinanAda darISu darIbhRtaH Ki. 18.2. -mukham 1 a mouth like a cave. -2 the opening of a cave. -3 cave representing a mouth; durImukhotthena samIraNena Ku. 1.8; R. 13. 47. darita p p. 1 Frightened, terrified. -2 Timid. -3 Torn, rent. daridrA 2 P. (daridrati, daridrita; Caus. daridrayati desiddidaridrAsati, didaridviSati) 1 To be poor or needy; adho'dha pazyataH kasya mahimA nopajAyate / uparyupari pazyantaH sarva eva dridrti|| H.2.23 Bk. 18.31. -2 To be in distress 3 yuktaM mamaiva kiM vaktuM daridrati yathA hari: Bk.5.86. -3 To become thin or Bparse; daridrati viyadrume kusumakAntayastArakAH Vikr. 11.74. daridra [daridrA-ka] Poor, needy, indigent, in distresBed circumstances%3 sa tu bhavatu daridro yasya tRSNA vizAlA manasi ca parituSTe ko'rthavAn ko daridraH Bh. 3.50. degtAm Poverty; zakanIyA hi loke'sminniSpratApA daridratA Mk. 3.24. daridrANam Poverty. daridrAyaka a. Poor, needy. daridrita a. Poor, pauper, distressed. darodara 1 A gamester. -2 A stake at play. -ram 1 Gambling. -2 A die, dice; seega. dardara .Cracked, broken. -R:1A mountain. -2 A jar slightly broken. -3 A band of music. (-rI) Robbing of grains. -Comp. -37197: A sort of sauce. dardarIka: 1 A frog. -2 A eloud. -3 A kind of musical instrument. -kam A musical instrument in general. darduH (= druH q.v.). daraH [ dRNAti karNau zabdena uraca ni0 Tv.] 1 A frog; pakaklinnamukhAH pibanti salilaM dhArAhatA dardurAH Mk.5. 14. -2 A cloud. -3 A kind of musical instrument such as a flute. - Amountain; (darduromalayasanikRSTazcandanagiriH Ram. 2. 15. -8 N. of a mountain in the south associated with Malaya); stanAviva dizastasyAH zailau malayada1rau R. 4.51.-8 The sound of a drum.-7 A sort of rice. -8A demon; L. D. B. -rA-rI N. of Durga. -ram A group or assembly of villages, district, province. -Comp.-puTa: the mouth of a pipe ; zailasya dadurapuTAniva vAdayantaH Si.5.9. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 804 davIyas T: (*) f. A kind of leprosy. T T a. Her petic. &:, GO, Eroa &c. See under 1. : (94-99 379] A kind of sacred grass (Kusa grass) used at sacrificial ceremonies &c.; 14: Te quia: f 30 Rv. 1. 191. 3. Huista: $. 1.7; R. 11. 31 ; Ms. 2. 43; 3. 208; 4. 36. -Comp. -37 % a pointed blade of darbha grass; questo Pt: a 777 $.2. 13. -3779: a watery place full of darbha grass -3T16: the Munija grass. -TT a kind of grass (#167). Jau an instrument for cutting grasse. titat: a bed of Kuca grass. TH A private apartment, a retiring room. # a. Ved. 1 Destroying; gai 1 39146: Rv. 3. 45. 2. -2 Tearing, rending asunder. ca: [-] 1 A mischievous or harmful person (fea). -2 A demon, goblin. -8 A ladle. -4 Injury, hurt. - The hood of a snake. OT: 1 A village constable, a police officer. -2 A door-keeper. i 1 An epithet of Indra.- A kind of musical instrument. -8 Air, wind. grat, -#1 A ladle, spoon. ar f. A kind of collyrium. af (-fo:) f. [7-1999 019) 1 A ladle, spoon. -2 The expanded hood of a snake; gyarayatta: 11 Si. 20. 42. -Comp. -T: a snake, serpent. -ETH: an oblation made with a ladle. est, , Sa &c. See under 1 P. (Fofa, afo) 1 To burst open, split, cleave, crack; cofa EU a fau 27 a U. 3.31 ; 3914 919 tara cara 794 E44 1. 28; Mal. 9. 12, 20; cala7 T Ele fara Git.7; Amaru. 43. -2 To expand, bloom, open as a flower); atqU. 1; svacchandaM daladaravinda te marandaM vindanto vidadhatu guJjitaM milindAH Bv. 1. 15; Si. 6. 23; Ki. 10.39. -Caus. (-i-ufa) 1 To cause to burst, tear asunder. -2 To cut, divide, split. -3 To dispel, drive or chase away; mula R ey calafaqog: Mal. 8. 1. -4 To wither. With 37 (caus.) to tear up. - 1 To break, split, crack; cafagfata suzual N. 4. 88. -2 to dig up , SH ( 19] 1 (a) A piece, portion, part, fragment; 21416anteaHercog Si. 4.44.( 6 ) A piece torn or split off. (c) Tearing, cutting. -2 A degree. -8 A half, the half. -4 A sheath, scabbard. - A small shoot or blade, & petal, leaf; adat 2 faa944: R4. 42; S. 3. 20, 21, -8 The blade of any weapon. - A clump, heap, quantity. -8 A detachment, a body of troops. -9 Alloy or adulteration. Comp. -3716*: 1 foam. -2 a cuttle-fish bone, -3 a ditch, moat. -4 a hurricane, high wind. -6 red chalk. -6 wild sesamum. -7 the Kunda creeper. -8 a Sudra. -9 the headman of a village. -10 an elephant's ear, -3716 mud on the banks of a river. Ta. having a tapering (leaf-like) belly; ancheTOYEITH Bhag. 4. 24. 51. FTTE: a folded leaf. - HOH a lotus. - T: the Kunda creeper. -AT: the Bhurja tree. -get the Ketaka plant. Eller, -cI f. a thorn. -sna sA the fibre or voin of a leaf. [ -TO ] Bursting, breaking, cutting, dividing, crushing, grinding, splitting; 3 949A agar 962: Bhag. 7. 10. 60; HTC ya af TTT: Bh. 1. 59. aft,fe: m., f. A clod of earth. cat: ind. By pieces, in fragments. af Tim bor, a piece of wood. apa p. p. [-] 1 Broken, torn, rent, burst, split, ground; achterinariagrosa: Si. 6.35.-2 Opened, expanded. -8 Biseoted. -4 Driven asunder, dispelled, scattered. - Trodden down, crushed, destroyed. -6 Manifested, displayed ; Prab. 2. 35. oq: 1 A weapon. - 2 Gold. -3 Sastra. H: 1 A wheel. -2 Fraud, dishonesty. -3 Sin. #: 1 An epithet of Siva. -2 Indra's thunderbolt. 99: 1 A wood, forest; a alegre fuga alag17 : Siva -Mahimna-stotra 29. -2 Wild fire, forest-conflagration; fant atte af cargt Subhas; Bhag. 8. 6. 13. -3 Fire, heat. -4 Fever, pain. -Comp. 37:, -77%:, 6: a forest-conflagration; TTIH LETT fat gana: R. 2. 14; Syzyfratshear ofte: Bhag. 3. 30. 22; 737 savidhe dayitA davadahanastuhinadIdhitistasya / yasya ca savidhe dayitA cateatgicaefacata || K. P. 9;P. R. 7. 23; Bv. 1. 36 ; Me. 55. ay: 1 Fire, heat. -2 Pain, anxiety, distress. -8 Inflammation of the eye. -4 Anger. (*arg); fames qayay: Si. 15. 62. aufa Den. P. To make distant, remove to a distance ). ay a. (Superl. of ) Most distant &c.; fara 944: Siva-Mahimna. 29. - ind. Very far away; lagu #ed en gir Rv. 6.51. 13. 7 a. (Compar. of ) 1 More distant or remote; keSAMcittu mate bhUbhRddavIyasyuttarApathe Raj. T.4. 369. -2 Far beyond or removed from; faqat a free 914: By. 1. 69, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dazan 805 dazamI dazan Num. a. (pl.) Ten; sa bhUmiM vizvato bRtvA atya- | recommended by Vasistha to perform a sacrifice which tiSThaddazAGgulam Rv. 10.90. 1. -Comp. -aGgula a. ten | he successfully did with the assistance of Risyasringa. fingers long; Ms. 8. 21. (-lam) 1a length_of_10 On the completion of this sacrifice Kausalya bore to fingers; Rv. 10. 90.1. -2 a water-melon. -adhipatiH him Rama, Sumitra Laksmana and Satrughna, and a. commander of ten men. Mb.12.-arghaa. five, (-dham) Kaikeyi Bharata. Dasaratha was extremely fond of five; aNvyo mAtrA vinAzinyo dazArdhAnAM tu yAH smRtAH Ms. 1.27. his sons, but Rama was his greatest favourite-'his (-dhaH) an epithet of Buddha. -arhaH 1 an epithet of life, his very soul.' Thus when Kaikeyi at the instiga Krisna or Vispu. -2 Buddha. -avatArA:m. (pl.) the tion of Manthara demanded the fulfilment of the two ten incarnations of Visnu see under avatAra,-avara. boons he had previously promised to her, the king consisting of at least ten; dazAvarA vA pariSadya dharma parikalpayet tried to dissuade her mind from her wicked resolve by Ms. 12.110.-azva: the moon. -AnanaH,-Asya: epithets threats, and, failing these, by the most servile supplicaof Ravana; dazAnanakirITebhyastatkSaNaM rAkSasapriyaH R. 10. 75. tions. But Kaikeyi remained inexorable, and the poor -Amaya: an epithet of Rudra. -indriyANi The five monarch was obliged to send his beloved son into exile. karmendriyas and five jJAnendriya -Iza: a superintendent of 10 He soon afterwards died of a broken heart]. Bhag. 9. 10.1 villages ; Ms.7.116. -ekAdazika a who lends 10 and re- lalitA The fourth day of the dark fortnight of Aivina. ceives 11 in return; i. e. who lends money at ten per cent. -razmizataH the sun; dazarazmizatopamadyutim R.8.29.-rAtram -kaNThaH -kandharaHepithets of Ravana; saptalokakabIrasya dazakaNTha- period of ten nights. (-:) a particular sacrifice lasting kuladviSaH 7.4.27. degariH, "jit m., "ripuH epithets of Rama%B for ten days. -rUpakam the lokinds of drama. -rUpamRt dazakaNThAriguruM vidurbudhAH R.8.29. -karman . the ten ceremo- m. an epithet of Visnu.-lakSaNa a. relating to 10 objects 3 nies prescribed to the three twice-born classes. -kumAra- idaM bhAgavataM purANaM dakSalakSaNam Bhag.2.9.48.-Nam ten marks caritam a prose work by Dandin. -kSIra a mixed with or attributes. -lakSaNaka: religion ot. dhRtiH kSamA damo'steya 10 parts of milk. -guNa a ten-fold, ten times larger. shaucmindriynigrhH| dhArvidyA stymkrodhe| dazakaM dharmalakSaNam || Ms.7. -guNita a. multiplied by 10%; dazaguNitamiva prAptavAn vIradharmam 92.-vaktraH ,-vadanaH 80 dazamukha ; Bk. 9. 187. -varga: the B.R.9.58. -granthAH (pl.) saMhitA, brAhmaNa, AraNyaka, zikSA, double five classes of amAtya, rASTra, durga, koza and daNDa; kalpa, vyAkaraNa, nighaNTu, chanda and nirukta ; hence dazagranthin = vettA ca dazavargasya sthAnavRddhikSayAtmanaH Mb. 12.57. 18 (com. A person who has learnt by heart all these ten books. 'amAtyarASTradurgANi kozo daNDazca paJcamaH' iti prakRtipaJcakaM svapakSe -grAmapatiH, -grAmikaH, -grAmin m.,-pa: a superintendent parapakSe ceti dazako vargaH).-vAjin m. the moon. -vArSika. of ten villages. -grAmI a collection or corporation of happening after, or lasting for, ten years; Y. 2. 24. ten villages. -grIvaH = dazakaNThaq.v. -catuSkam N. of a. -vidha a. of ten kinds. -zatam 1 a thousand; ye sahasramasport; Sinhas. 27. -dharmaH unfavourable condition, rAjannAsan dazazatA uta Av.5.18. 10. -2 one hundred and distress%3B abhyasto bahubhiboNairdazadharmagatena vai Mb.7.147.20. tem. "razmiH the sun. "akSaH, "nayana: Indra; dazazatAkSakakubdari(see com.).-pAramitAdhvaraH ' possessing the ten perfee- niHsRtaH Mb. 7. 184.47. -zatI a thousand. -sa (sA)tions', an epithet of Buddha. -puram N. of an ancient hasram ten thousand. -harA 1 an epithet of the Ganges city, Gapital of king Rantideva; pAtrIkurvandazapuravadhUnetrakotU- (taking away the 10 sins). -2 a festival in honour of KTGH Me. 49. -Pet: a tenth part; Ms. 8. 107; also the Ganges held on the 10th day of Jyestha. -3 a "bandhaka; Y. 2.76. -balaH, -bhUmigaH epithets of Buddha. festival in honour of Durga held on the tenth -bAhuH an epithet of Siva. -bhujA, -mahAvidyA N. of of Asvina. Durga.-mAlikAH (pl.)1N. of a country. -2 the people or rulers of this country. -HTET a. 1 ten months old; dazakaa.Consisting of ten, tenfold; kAmajo dazako gaNaH evA te garbha ejatu niraitu dazamAsyaH Rv.5.78.7-8. -2 ten | Ms. 7.47. -kam A group of ten decad; padAtilakSadazakam months in the womb (as a child before birth). -mukhaH Ks.102.108.-Comp.-mAsikaa. hired for ten months. an epithet of Ravana. "ripu: an epithet of Rama%; sItAM dazat., dazatiH / A group of ten, decad. hitvA dazamukharipurnopayeme yadanyAm R.14.87. -mUtrakam The urine of 10 ( elephant, buffalo, camel, cow, goat, sheep dazataya (-yI/.) Consisting of ten parts, ten-fold. horse, donkey, man and woman). -mUlam a tonic dazadhA ind. 1 In ten ways. -2 In ten parts. medicine prepared from the roots of ten plants; Mar. sAlavaNa, piTavaNa (pRSTiparNI), riMgaNI, DoralI, gokharUM, bela, airaNa, dazama ..(-mI/.) Tenth. -mam A tenth part -Comp. TeMTa, pahADamULa, zivaNa).-yojanam a distance of 10 Yojanas; -bhAva: the culminating point, the point in which the pAdAlguSThena cikSepa saMpUrNa dazayojanam Ram. 1.1.65%; also meridian crosses a given circle. dazayojanI ; mohitendriyavRttiM taM vyatItya dazayojanIm Ks. 94. 14. -rathaH N. of a celebrated king of Ayodhya, son of Aja, dazamin (-nI/.) Very old. and father of Rama and his three brothers. [ He had ! dazamI 1 The tenth day of a lunar fortnight. -2 three wives Kausalya, Sumitra, and Kaikeyi, but was The tenth decade of the human life; yatra syuH so'tra mAnA he| tor several years without . issue. He was therefore zUdro'pi dazamIM gataH Ms. 2. 187. -3 The last ten years ot For Private and Personal Use Only Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dazin 806 a century. -Comp. - , - afra a. above ninety years old ; 14: FCHT Nm.; Ms. 2.138. Par a. 1 Divided into ten parts. -2 Having ten. -m. A superintendent of ten villages, GTA, See under 1. 1 The threads at the end of a piece of woven cloth, the fringe of a garment, the skirt, edge or hem ot agarment; rakAMzukaM pavanaloladarza vahantI Mk. 1.20%chinnA gar-a74267 : a 5.4. -2 The wick of a lamp; WateTTA FT Bh. 3. 129; Ku. 4. 30. -8 Age or time of lite; Hee T10 below. -4 A period or stage of life; as Tau, 19, &c.; T 211217974 R. 5. 40. -8 A period in general. -8 State, condition, circumstances; regryfta ; Me. 111: fequitat 5 TETT : H. 4.3. -7 State or condition of mind. -8 The result of actions, fate. -9 The aspect or position of planets ( at birth ).-10 The mind, understanding. Comp. -197., YIT: bad days, straitened condition%3 parimRSTo dazAntena dazabhAgena sevyate Ram. 3.72.8. affai, T: the sun; (for other meanings see under * ). -3772: 1 the end of a wick. -2 the end of life; faldgf1946: a afara R. 12. 1. (where the word is used in both senses.) -37FRCH different states, vicissitudes of life; $. 4.2. -3TFTC:. FETT: a lamp, - , - a m. 1 the end of garment. -2 a lamp. - i, -faqti 1 the fulfilment of fate; THR7197 H Bri. 8. 95. 61. -2 a changed condition of life. -phalam future fate of a man; azubheSvazubhaM dazAphalam Bri. S. 70. 26. faceta: ill-luck, misfortune. Farorf: m. (pl.) 1 N. of country; **god faculeat FedE CIT: Me. 23.-2 The people of this country dazera See under daMz. Tatati 1 A young camel ; see under 79. -2 N. of a country; Bri. S. 5. 67. 1. 4 P. (Fra) 1 To throw up, toss. -2 To decay, waste away, perish. -II. 1 P., 10 U. (tela, 2-) 1 To bite, destory, overpower. -2 To see. - To shine. -Caus. To exhaust, weary; para 49457 W Rv. 5. 45. 3. TAH 1 Wasting, perishing. -2 Throwing. -3 Dismissing, sending away. a a. 1 Wasted, perished. -2 Thrown, tossed. -8 -3 Dismissed. TEH a. [49-48] Ved. 1 Destroying, destructive. -2 Beautiful. -8 Wonderful, extraordinary. : 1 A sacrificer. -2 A thief, rogue. -8 Fire. TEHT a. Ved. 1 Desira ble, acceptable. -2 Wonderful. U a. 1 Beautiful. -2 Wonderful; 9417 FFC : Ry. 8. 24. 20. TET: [ - ] 1 N. of a class of evil beings or demons, enemies of gods and men, and slain by Indra, (mostly Vedic in this sense ). -2 An outcast, a Hindu who has become an outcast by neglect of the essential rites; cf. Ms. 5. 131; 10.45 : ayat 10 a 9594: Mb. 12. 173. 20. -8 A thief, robber, bandit ; caizqi faqury farmura Bhag. 7.15.46; 9 tyfata 2 S. 5. 20; R. 9. 53; Ms. 7 143.-4 A villain, misereant; dasyorasya kRpANapAtaviSayAdAcchindataH preyasIm Mal. 5. 28. 5 A desperado, violator, oppressor. a. [hafa gec -T3] Savage, fierce, destructive. - Et m. (du.) 1 The two Asvins, the physicians of the gods; Mb. 1. 3. 58; Bri. Up. 2.5. 17. -2 The number two.'-ET: 1 An ass. -2 A robber. -5141 The cold season. -2 The lunar mansion Asvini. --Comp. aar the constellation Asvini. - f. wife of the sun and mother of the Asvins, = #sil q. v. K1P. ( fd, CIE, 34 , fa, qiya, , desid. fuufa) 1 To burn, soorch (fig. also ); i fani garatutaifear area: Ve. 3. 6; 5. 20; af HECHT gefa 44 ara ya HYTTE Git. 10; S. 3. 16. -2 To consume, destroy completely; ita fa- 59af Ms. 7. 9. -3 To pain, torment, afflict, distress, grieve; th e fa S. 5; at afgaa zalyaM dahati mAm 6.93 etattu mAM dahati yadU gRhamasmadIyaM kSINArthamityaaz: aftastefa Mk. 1. 12; R. 8. 86; U. 4.14. -4 To cauterize (in medicine ). -With farg 1 to burn, consume. -2 to torment, distress, pain. of to burn, scorch; lerer fer REITUT 194: Rs. 1. 24; Bg. 1. 30.1 to burn. 2 to burn completely. -8 to pain, torment. -4 to trouble, tease. - to burn; 315a: at afat Bh. 2. 39. 6 a.(-oft .)[] 1 Burning, consuming by fire; Bh. 1. 71. - 2 Destructive, injurious; R 14 fa Ki. 2. 55.-: 1 Fire; Mb. 13. 2. 28. -2 A pigeon. -3 The number 'three.' - A bad man. - The Bhallataka plant. -6 Lead-wort. (17%). -7 The constellation i . - 1 Burning, consuming by fire (fig. also); 97471 ara a r aga pria afgar R. 8. 20.-2 Cauteriving. -8 Sour gruel. -Comp -Tufa: water. 35: the sun-stone. Erit a firebrand. -RkSam (dahanakSam ) the constellaton kRttikA: Bri. 8. 10. 19. Haa: smoke. -auf Svahl, wife of Agni. Erro: wind. at a. 1 To be burnt. -Combustible. Teatat, aq Combustibility. na p. p. (E-46] 1 Burnt, consumed by fire. -2 (Fig.) Consumed by grief, tormented, distressed; (HET) 4a agafa galera : Rs. 1. 10. -8 Famished. -4 Inauspicious, as in cruin. -8 Dry, tasteless, insipid - Wretched, accursed, vile, used ! 7 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra dagdhikA as a term of abuse before a word ); nAdyApi me dagdhadehaH patati e. 4; asya dagdhodarasyArthe kaH kuryAt pAtakaM mahat H. 1. 68; Ro dagdhajaTharasyAyeM Bh. 3. 8. -7 Cunning ( vidagdha), dhA 1 The quarter where the sun remains overhead. -2 A lunar day or faf on which it is considered inauspicious or unlucky to do any act. - 1 Burning; Mb. 12. 303. 6. 2 Cauterizing. Comp. - a raven. the hungry stomach; Bh. 3. - a burn, - singe. dagdhikA Soorchod rice [-] 1 Burning, conflagration; zaktimiva kRSNavartmani R. 11. 42; chedo daMzasya dAho vA M. 4.4; Ki. 5. 14. -2 Glowing redness (as of the sky). -3 The sensation of burning, internal heat. -4 Feverish or morbid heat. -8 A place of cremation; Vas. 19. 26. -6 Cauterizing; M. 4. 4. Comp. n., a kind of agallochum. - a. destructive, having power to burn, combustible; zamapradhAneSu tapodhaneSu gUDhaM hi dAhAtmakamasti tejaH S. 2. 7. - jvaraH inflammatory fever. - saraH, -saras n., sthalam a place where dead bodies are burnt, cemetery. -, - a. allaying heat. (-TH, TH) the Uitra plant. vAhaka - (-hikA /- ) [ ] 1 Burning, kindling yathAbhirdAruNo dAyAddAhako'nyaH prakAzaka: Bhag 11.10.8. -2 Incendiary, inflammatory. -8 Cauterizing. : 1 Fire -2 The Chitraka plant. 1 Burning, reducing to ashes; Bhag. 12. 12. 40. -2 Cauterizing. a. [for] 1 Burning, setting on fire. -2 Tormenting, paining, distressing. a. Burning &c. dAhya a. [ha karmaNi yat ] 1 To be burnt. -2 Combustible. dahara a. [ dah ar ] Small, subtle, fine, thin; asmin agt et godt Ch. Up. 8. 1. 1. -2 Young in age. -3 Unintelligible. : 1 A child, an infant. -2 Any young animal. -3 A younger brother. -4 The cavity of the heart, or the heart itself; farrafa hRdayamAruNayo daharam Bhag. 10. 87. 18; daharakuharavatIM devatA af Vis. Gupa. 459. -8 A mouse or rat. a. Small, fine, thin. - 1 cavity of the heart, or the heart itself; evaM vyAhRtayazcAsan praNavo hyasya dahataH Bhag. 3. 12. 44. -2 Fire. -8 A forest-conflagration. I. 1 P. (fa, ] To give, grant. -With prati to exchange; tilebhyaH pratiyacchati mASAn Sk. - II. 2 P. (dAti) To cut; dadAti draviNaM bhUri dAti dAridyamarthinAm K. R. III. 4 P. (af) To bind (?). IV. 3 U. ( dadAti datte dadau dareM, adAt-adita, dAsyati te dAtum dattaH but with A the p. p. is Atta; with upa, upAtta; with ni, nidatta or nItta, and with pra, pradatta or prata ) 1 To gives 807 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir datta grant, bestow, offer, yield, impart, present (usually with acc. of the thing and dat., sometimes gen. or loc. also of the person) avakAzaM kilodanyAn rAmAyAbhyarthito da R. 4.58; secanapaTe: pAdapebhyaH payo dAtumita evAbhivartate S. 1 Ms. 3. 31; 9. 271; Hariv. -2 To pay (as debt, fine &c.). -3 To hand or deliver over. -4 To restore, return. -8 To give up, sacrifice, surrender; prANAn dA to sacrifice one's life; 80 AtmAnaM dA to sacrifice oneself. 6 To put, place, apply, plant; far &c. -7 To give in marriage; a far Ms.5. 151; Y. 2. 146; 3. 24. -8 To allow, permit (usually with inf. ); bASpastu na dadAtyenAM dRSTuM citragatAmapi S. 6. 22. (The meanings of this root may be variously modified or extended according to the noun with which it is connected; to think, direct the mind to anything; nItau mano dIyate Mu. 2. 5; avakAzaM dA to give place to make room ; see avakAza); karNa dA to give ear to or listen; to show oneself to, grant audience to; zabdaM dA to make a noise; tAlaM dA to clap the hands; AtmAnaM khedAya dA to expose oneself to trouble; Atape dA to expose to the sun's heat; AjJAm, nidezaM dA to issue orders, command; AziSaM dA to pronounce a blessing; cakSu, dRSTi dA to cast a glance, see; vAcaM dA to address a speech to; pratiyacaH vacane or pratyuttaraM dA to give reply zIrSa dA to cause grief; to perform a Sraddha; mArga dA to make way for, allow to pass, stand out of the way; varaM dA to grant a boon ; saMgrAmaM dA to fight ; argalaM dA to bolt, fasten or secure with a latch; to put in Chains, fetter; saMketaM dA to make an appointment; zApaM dA to curse; vRttidA to enclose, fence in ; abhi, pAvakaM dA to set on fire, &c. &c. -Caus (fa-a) To cause to give, grant, &c. -Desid. (cafa-a) To wish to give, &c. ( For Private and Personal Use Only p.p.-] 1 Given, given away, presented. -2 Made over, delivered, assigned. -8 Placed, stretched forth. - Preserved, guarded; see 1 One of the twelve kinds of sons in Hindu law; (also called datrima ); mAtA pitA vA dadyAtAM yamadbhiH putramApadi / sadRzaM prItisaMyuktaM sa jJeyo dattrimaH sutaH // Ms. 9. 168. -2 A title added to the names of Vaisyas; cf. the quotation under H. -3 N. of a son of Atri and Anasuya; see dattAtreya below. -tam Gift, donation; ya ime grAma iSTApUrte dattamityupAsate Ch. Up. 5. 10. 3; svadattakRtasAkSI yo dvitIya i pAvaka: Ram. 7. 20. 29. -Comp. -anapa (pA) karman, --for non-delivery or resumption of gifts, one of the 18 titles of Hindu law; Ms. 8. 4. -T. attentive; dattAvadhAnaH kusRtiSviva dhyAnaM tatAna saH Ks. 24.98. - m. an orphan or a son who being deserted by his parents, offers himself to persons disposed to adopt him ; dattAtmA tu svayaM dattaH Y. 2. 131. AtreyaH N. of a sage, son of Atri and Anasuya, considered as an incarnation of Brahma, Visnu and Mahesa; Bhag. 9. 23. 21. a. given and received. E a. Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra dattakA a. 1 showing respect, respectful. -2 treated with respect. - a. to whom occasion or a festival has been given; reme kSaNadayA dattakSaNastrIkSaNasauhRdaH Bhag. 3. 3. 21. dRSTi 0. looking at; S. 1.7 (v. 1.). get a presented with the offering of a dance, i. e. complimented with a dance; bandhuprItyA bhavanazikhibhirdattanRtyopahAraH Me. 34. -zulkA a bride for whom a dowry has been paid; Ms. 9. 97. - a. having a hand given for support, supported by the hand of; iya Me. 60 leaning on Sambhu's arm'; R. 7. 17; (g) being given a helping hand, supported, aided, assisted; daivenetthaM dattahastAvalambe Ratn. 1. 8; vAtyA khedaM kRzAGgyAH suciramavayastA karoti Ve. 2. 21. dantakaH An adopted son; akSatAyAM kSatAyAM vA jAtaH paunarbhavaH sutaH / dadyAnmAtA pitA vAyaM sa putro dattako bhavet // Y. 2. 130; see above. Comp. N. of a work. f: A gift, donation. Ved. A gift, donation. fa. 1 Received by gift. - Belonging to a gift; niSThAM gate dattrimasabhyatoSe Bk. 1. 13. -maH One of the twelve kinds of sons; see ; Ms. 8. 415; 9. 141. f: The sot of removing one's ownership of something and bringing it under the ownership of some one else ; atha dadAtiH kiMlakSaNakaH iti / AtmanaH svatvavyAvRttiH za zadan dara: SB. on MS. 4. 2. 28. 1 Protection, defence. -2 Cleaning, purifying. 1 A giver, donor. -2 An institutor of a sacrifice (who employs and pays the priests). a u. 1 Divided, cut. -2 Washed, purified; - aar Ki. 15. 20. -8 Rea ped. a. 1 To be given. -2 Payable. -3 To be restored or returned - To be given in marriage &c., see . The act of giving, gift, giving away; dAtavyasya eva tadrUpaM yat svatvaparityAgena parasvatvApAdanam / SB. on MS. 10. 3. 50. 1 Giving. -2 Cutting, destroying. -3 en Distribution. dAtR a. ( -trI / ) [dA tRc ] 1 Giving, offering, granting, prsenting, bestowing, imparting, &e. -2 Liberal. -m. (-) 1 A giver (in general); Ku.6.1. -2 A donor evaM dAtRgurorguNAH surataroH sarve'pi : Bv. 1. 66. -3 A lender, creditor. -4 A teacher. -B A cutter. 6 A guardian; cia ageu zafa Mb. 12. 132. 5. -7 One who gives daughter or sister in marriage: Ms. 3. 172. 1 An instrument of cutting, a sort of sickle or knife ; dAtraicchindan kvacit kvacit Ram. 2. 80.7; Mb.12. 228.60.-2 Ved. A share, possession. -3 A gift, donation. 808 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dAnu dAravaH A donor. -tvam 1 The performance of a sacrifice. -2 A sacrificial rite. - 1 Giving, granting, teaching, &c. (in general); giving in marriage (el. a).-2 Delivering, handing over. -3 A gift, donation, present; Ms. 2. 108 dAtavyamiti yaddAnaM dIyate'nupakAriNe Rg. 17. 20; Y. 3. 274.4 Liberality, charity, giving away as charity, munificence; R. 1. 69; bhavanti vittasya Bh. 2. 43; dAnaM hi utsargapUrvakaH parasya svatvasambandhaH SB. on_MS. 4. 1. 80; nanu dAnamityucyate svatvanivRttiH parasvatvASB. on MS. 6. 7. 1. -8 Ichor or the uicej that exudes from the temples of an elephant in rut; a a fafo: Si. 4. 63; Ki. 5. 9; V. 4. 25; Pt. 2. 75 (where the word has sense 4 also); R. 2. 7; 4.45; 5. 43. -6 Bribery, as one of the four Upayas or expedients of overcoming one's enemy; see 3914.-7 Cutting, dividing. -8 Purification, cleaning. -9 Protection. -10 Pasture. -11 Adding; addition. : Ved. 1 Distribution (of food), meal, especially a sacrificial meal. -2 Part, possession, share. -8 A distributor. Comp. a. liberal. the flow of rut from an elephant's temples. - eft q. v. - alms-giving, charity. - 1 an exceedingly liberal man. -2 Akrura, a friend of Krisna; Bhag. 10. 36. 29. - a deed of gifts. - a worthy recipient', a Brahmana fit to roosive gifta. - pAramitA perfection of liberality. -prAtibhAvyam security for payment of a debt. -bhinna a. made hostile by bribes; lubdhAnuja jIvikaireSa dAnabhitrairnihanyate H. 4.39. - an epithet of the Vaisyas or men of the third tribe; vaizyA vai dAnavajrAzca Mb. 1. 170. 52. - varSin an elephant in rut, infatuated elephant; " ivAbabhau Ki. 15.45. -vAra . libation of water. - vAri 1813 ichor flowing from the temples of elephants. -fc: 1 a very liberal man. -2 (In Rhet.) the sentiment of heroism arising out of liberality, the sentiment of chivalrous liberality, e. g. Parasurama who gave away the earth with its seven continents; cf. the instance given in R. G. under dAnavIra:- kiyadidamadhikaM me yad dvijAyArthayitre kavacamaramaNIyaM kuNDalaM cArpayAmi / akaruNamavakRtya drApAgena nirdaridhAraM maulimAvedayAmi // vyatyAsaH giving to a wrong person. -zAlA hall for almsgiving. zIla, -zUra, - zauNDa a. exceedingly liberal or munificent; nirguNo'pi vimukho na bhUpaterdAnazauNDamanasaH puro'bhavat Si. 14.46. A mean or unworthy gift. a. 1 Liberal, munificent; frag Bhag. 10. 64. 10. -2 Having gifts. a. 1 Due, bestowable, fit to be given. -2 Receiving gifts. A gift, donation. [-] 1 Valiant. -2 Conquering, destroy1 A donor. -2 Prosperity. -3 Satisfaction. - Air, wind. - A demon. n. 1 A gift. -2 A fluid, drop. ing. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dIpanam 809 dAtyUhaH 1997. Causing or obliging (one) to pay or give. qirga . . [ar-fora affon- ] 1 Caused to be given. -2 Condemned to pay fine, fined. -3 Adjudged. -4 Assigned, awarded. -5 Got, procured ; obtained; HE cifearaia ia cife Raj. T. 6.50. AT a. Liberal, donor ; Mb. 12. 92. 17. ditsA n. Desire of giving 3 ditsAM na sUcayasi Raj. T. 3. 252; paru ca 990174 face (afegerai Bv. 1. 125. ditsu. Wishing to give &c., yat te ditsu prarAdhyam Rv. 5. 39. 3. a. [ FH 47 ] 1 To be given, offered or presented ; R. 3. 16; (see 3764). -2 Fit to be given, proper for a gift. -3 To be returned; or restored; anfaasta a rua v. 4. 33; Ms. 8. 139, 185. -4 To be shown. - To be given in marriage. - To be paid ( as a debt &c.). -7 To be placed, put, applied, laid, &c.; see T above. -8 To be ceded (road); Tre 24 a u Ms. 2. 138.-4 A gift, donation, -Comp. -ETA: Charity; Buddha. Te a. ( f) Relating to Daksa. - The south; Ms. 6. 10. TTTTTTT a. (oft f.) Coming from the Daksa family. -UT: 1 A son of Daksa.-2 A particular sacrifice. - Gold or a golden ornament. TATTETOTT. A Brahmana student wearing gold ear-rings. reaff at MAT #HES: Y. 1. 133. Tentot (Hinat ist 44-819] 1 Any one of the 27 lunar mansions (they being mythologically regarded as so many daughters of Daksa ). -2 N. of Diti, wife of Kasyapa and mother of the demons. Bhag. 8. 4. 22. -3 N. of Parvati. -4 The lunar constellation called Revati. - N. of Kadru or Vinata. -6 N. of Aditi, mother of the gods. -7 The Danti plant. -Comp. -ofa: 1 an epithet of Siva. - 2 the moon.-Ft: a god. grantove: The sun; Mb. 13. ETETT: A vulture. gilet: A son of Daksa. Tretot a. (oft :) [ferort 464-81] 1 Relating to a sacrificial gift or to a gift in general. -2 Relating to the south. -OTT The southern country i.e. the Deccan. -UCH A collection of sacrificial gifts. Erfo a. Belonging to or living in the south, southern; asti dAkSiNAtye janapade mahilAropyaM nAma nagaram Pt. 1. - A southerner, a native of the Decoan; 317FHETTI: ETZT:. -2 The Cocoa-nut. #......907 arrerform a. ( 1.) Connected with a sacrificial gift. Errero 4. [ feruu Hia: 620] Relating to a sacrificial gift. -1 4 1(a) Politeness, civility, courtesy : atu zifagaca arrar H S R. 1. 31. (b) Kindness; V. 1. 2; Efeos 95 Bh. 2. 22; Mal. 1. 8. -2 Insincere or overcourteous conduct of a lover (towards his beloved ); grezia eta aragarh S. 6. 4; it is thus defined:-ati a fangadah. -3 The state of relating to or coming from the south; snehadAkSiNyayoT efta afufa # V.2.4 where the word has sense 1 or 2 also ). -4 Concord, harmony, agreement. -5 Honesty, condour. -6 Talent, cleverness. graft 1 A daughter of 4. -2 N. of the mother of Panini. -Comp. -ga: N. of Panini. ETETT: A metronymic of Panini. Ereh [a wra: 644] 1 Cleverness, skill, fitness, dexterity, ability ; Bg. 18. 43. - Probity, integrity, honesty. -3 Industry, activity; T27 tahtama: Mb. 12. 292. 23. enero N. of a place in the Balhika country. gret: Burning. 15: A tooth, tusk. ne (F) , Al 1 The pomegranate tree;. dicat ifa athugodta at Amaru. 16. -2 Small cardamoms. - The fruit of the pomegranate tree; 91 Tufagfeffa +94 Mal. 9. 31. -Comp. ru, - TUT: a parrot. anita: The pomegranate tree. IGI 1 A large tooth or tusk. -2 A multitude. 1 -3 Wish, desire. tel The beard; Ms. 8. 283 ( Kull. HY). gru3 a. (-ugt f.) Relating to a stick or punishment. -UST A kind of game with sticks. -Comp. -TAIT a particular festival da OTAT). #T: N. of a king who had no control over his senses; C1031 :, 5104 E: Kau. A. 1.5. arsis a. ( f.) Carrying a staff and hide (as mere outward signs of religious devotion). - A cheat, hypocrite, impostor. dANDika: Achastiser, punisher; na ca daNDo na dANDikaH Mb. 12. 59. 14. 1, qfa, ara, ah, IT, &c. See under 27. Tyg: 1 The gallinule; gyertafTe metala ** fra Tah Mal. 9. 7. --2 The Chataka bird; Bhag. 3. 15. 18. -3 A cloud. - A water-crow. Written i also creia). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 810 dAriH dAdaH [dad-ghaJ] Agitt, donation; Si. 19.114. -Comp. Ms.9.79.-arha a.claiming inheritance.-AdaH[dAyamAdatte, -da: adonor. AdA-ka] 1 ome entitled to ashare of patrimony, an heir%B pumAn dAyAdo'dAyAdA strI Nir.; Y.2.118; Ms.8.160.-2a dAdhika. (-kI.) 1 Made of or from, or mixed son 3 diteveva dAyAdau daityadAnavavanditau Bhag. 6. 18. 11. -3a or sprinkled with, coagulated milk. -2 Carrying about relative, kinsman, near or remote3 sthitaH prAstasya or selling coagulated milk. -8 Eating anything with dAyAdaiAturyeSTasya zAsane Ki. 11.45% a distant descendant; coagulated milk. A kind of broth. ayamikSvAkudAyAda: Ram. 1.60.2.-4aclaimant or pretendAn 1U.(dAnati-te) To cut, divide.-Desid.(dIdAMsati- der in gemeral; gavAM goSu vA dAyAda: Sk. -AdA, -dI 1an te) To make straight; (desid. in form, but not in heiress. -2 a daughter. -Adyam 1 inheritance; Ms. 11. sense). 184. -2 the state of being an inheritor. -kAla: the dAnavaH [danorapatyaM aN] A demon, Raksasa ; tridiva time of the partition of an inheritance. -bandhu:1a muddhRtadAnavakaNTakam 5.7. 3. -Comp. -ari: 1a god. -2 an partner in the inheritance. -2 a brother. -bhAga: diviepithet of Visnu. -guru: an epithet of Sukra. sion of property among heirs, partition (of inheritance); dAyabhAga nibodhata Ms. 9. 103.-vibhAga: division of property. dAnaveyaH = dAnava q.v. -hara: a receiver of inheritance, an heir. dAnta, dAntiH See under dam. dAyaka .. (-yikA /.) [dA-vul] Giving, granting, dAntika (-kI.) Made of ivory. bestowing, &c. (at the end of comp.); uttaraH, piNDa', dApana, dApita See under dA. &c. -ka: 1 An heir, inheritor. -2 A donor. fort a. (At the end of comp.) 1 Giving, grantdAmam (At the end of a compound) Wreath, garland. ing. -2 Causing, producing; as in klezadAyin &c. dAmana . [ do-manin ] 1A string, thread, illet, rope. TT: 1 A rent, gap, cleft, hole. -2 A ploughed field. -2 A chaplet, agarland in general; Adhe baddhA virahadivase yA zikhA dAma hitvA Me. 983; kanakacampakadAmagaurIm Ch. P.13 -rAH[dArayanti (bhrAtRn) iti dArA: c P. III.3.20. Vart.] Si. 4.50. -3 A line, streak (as of lightning); vidyud -m. (pl.) A wife; ete vayamamI dArAH kanyeyaM kulajIvitam dAnA hemarAjIva bibhyam M. 3. 20; Me. 27. - A large Ku.6.63; dazarathadArAnadhiSThAya vasiSThaH prAptaH U.4; Pt. 1. 100%; Ms. 1. 1123 2.21738.4.1735.29. -Comp. -adhigamabandage. -8 Ved. A gift. -8 A portion, share. - A girdle. -Comp. -aJcalam, -aJjanam a foot-rope for nam marriage; Ms. 1. 112. -adhIna a. dependent on a horses, &c.; sasuH saroSaparicArakavAryamANA dAmAJcalaskhalitalolapadaM wife; dArAdhInastathA svargaH pitRRNAmAtmanazca ha Ms. 9.24. -upaturaGgAH Si.5.61. -udara: an epithet of Krisna. saMgrahaH, -saMgrahaH, -grahaH, -parigrahaH, -grahaNam marriage3B nave dAraparigrahe U. 1. 19; tatastadvacasA cake sa matiM dArasaMgrahe dAmanI A foot-rope. Bm. 1.95%; 1.462; yaducyate dvijAtInAM zudrAhAropasaMgrahaH / naitanmama TAT A string, cord. matam Y.1.56. -karman // ., -kriyA marriage%3 asapiNDA ca yA mAturasagotrA ca yA pituH / sA prazastA dvijAtInAM dArakarmaNi dAminI Lightning. maithune // Ms. 3.5; savarNAgre dvijAtInAM prazastA dArakarmaNi 12; atha dAmnI A garland; 'yasyA dAmyA tridhAmno jaghanakalitayA0 . rAjA dazarathasteSAM dArakriyAM prati (cintayAmAsa) Ram. 1. 18.373 -viSNupAdAdikezAntavarNanastotram 22. (vicintya) dArakriyAyogyadazaM ca putram R.5.40.-balibhuj m. a dAmpatyam Matrimony, the matrimonial relation; | crane, crow. ye mAM bhajanti dAmpatye tapasA vratacaryayA Bhag. 10. 60.52. dAraka . (-rikA /.).[da-bul ] Breaking, tearing, dAmbhika .(-kI/.)[dambhena carati dharmam-Thak] 1 Deceitkul, splitting; dArikA hRdayadArikA pituH. -ka: 1A boy, ason. hypocritical. -2 Proud, imperious. -3 Ostentatious, (-kI) A girl, a daughter; kathaM nu dArakA dInA dArakIrvA parAyaNAH / vartiSyante mayi gate bhinnanAva ivodadhau // Bhag.4.28. sanctimonious. -*: 1 A cheat. -2 A hypocrite. 21. -2 A child, infant. -3 Any young animal. -4A dAyaH [dA bhAve-gham] 1 A gift, present, donation%3B village hog. -Comp. -AcAryaH a schoolmaster. rahasi ramate prItyA dAyaM dadAtyanuvartate Mal. 3.2; prItidAyaH Mal.4; dAraNam [dR-Nic yuc] 1Splitting, tearing, rending, Ms.8.199. -2 A nuptial present (given to the bride or the bridegroom ). -8 Share, portion, inheritance, opening, clea ving. -2 The fruit of the clearing-nut plant. -NI N. of Durga. patrimony; anapatyasya putrasya mAtA dAyamavApnuyAt Ms. 9.217, 77, 164, 203. -4 A part or share in general. - Deli- dArikA 1 A daughter. -2 A harlot. -3 A rent, cleft. vering, handing over. -8 Dividing, distributing. -7 -Comp. -dAnam the gift of a daughter in marriage. Lose, destruction. -8 Irony. -9 Site, place. -10 Alms dArava (-vI/.) Wooden, made of wood; kadApi yuvatI given to a student at his initiation, &c. -11 A relative bhikSurna spRzeddAravImapi Bhag. ll. 8. 13. or a kinsman; daretzalear fasuaried a Parnal. 5. 79. -Comp. -apavartanam forfeiture of inheritance; gift: f. Tearing, cutting. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dArita 811 dAz gifta p. p. Torn, divided, split, rent. dArin m. 1 A husband. -2 A polygamist. dArI 1 A clekt. -2 A kind of disease. -3 A chap. dAradaH 1 Quicksilver. -2 The ocean. -daH, -dam Vermilion. -1: people of the Darada country. dAriyam , dAridram [daridrasya bhAvaH dhya] Poverty, indigence; dAridyadoSo guNarAzinAzI Subhas. dAru. [dIyate -uN] 1 Tearing, rending.-2 Liberal. -3 Kind. -ru:1A liberal or munificent man. -2 A donor. -3 An artist. n. (said to be m. also) 1 Wood, a piece of wood, timber. -2 A block. -3 A lever. -4 A bolt. - The pine or Devadaru tree. -6 Ore. -7 Brass. -Comp. -aNDaH the peacock.-AghATa: the woodpecker. -kamen, -kRtyam wood-work; Pt. 1. 96. -garbhA a wooden-puppet. -ja: a kind of drum. -nizA, -pitA, -haridrA N. of a plant, a species of curcuma (Mar. dAruhaLada, bihaLada), -pAtram a wooden vessel, such as a trough. -putrikA,-putrI. wooden doll. -phalaH, -lam Pistachio (Mar. pistA). -matsyAhvayaH a lizard; also mukhyAlaya. -mukhyAhvayA, -mukhyAlA a lizard. -yantram 1 a wooden puppet moved by strings. -2 any machinery of wood. -vadhU: a wooden doll. -sAra: sandal. -sitA Cinnamon in sticks (Mar. dAlacinI).-hastaka: a wooden spoon. -hAra: a wood-cutter, procurer of wood; naiSkartRko dAruhAraH || SB. on MS. 10.2.28. dAruka: 1 The Devadaru tree. -2 N. of Krisna's charioteer 3; utkandharaM dAruka ityuvAca Si. 4. 18. -kA 1A puppet. -2 A wooden figure. dAruNa [dR-Nic-unan Un. 3.53] 1 Hard, rough; zokadAruNAH (vAcaH) .3.34. -2 Harsh, eruel, ruthless, pitiless; maNyeva vismaraNadAruNacittavRttI 5.5.23; pazumAraNakarmadAruNaH 6. / 1; dAruNarasaH 'of eruel resolve or nature; 'U.5. 19; Ms. 8. 270. -3 Fierce, terrible, frightful; prasAdasaumyAni satA suhRjjane patanti caDhUMSi na dAruNAH zarAH 8.6.28. - Heavy, violent, intense, poignant, agonizing (grief, pain &c.); hRdayakusumazoSI dAruNo dIrghazoka: U. 3.5. -Sharp, severe (as words ). -6 Atrocious, shocking. -OT: 1 The sentiment of horror (bhayAnaka). -2 N. of Visuu. -Nam 1 Severity, cruelty, horror, &c. -2 The harsh, unfavourable constellations mRga, puSya, jyeSTA and mUla; Mb. 13. 104. 28. -Comp. -adhyApaka: an indefatiga ble teacher; P. VIII. 1.67. Kasi. -karman violent treatment (of diseases). dAruNyam 1 Harshness. -2 Cruelty. -3 Dreadfulness. ETTET a. Connected with gambling; Nalod. 3.7. dAyam [ dRDhasya bhAvaH pyam ] 1 Hardness, tightness, firmness. -2 Confirmation, corroboration. -3 Strength, energy. dArdura,-ram 1 A conch-shell the valve of which opens to the right. -2 Water. -3 Lac. -a. 1 Relating to the dardura mountain; gandhAn manojJAn visRjaddAIraM zikharaM yathA Ram. 2. 15. 34. -2 Relating to a cloud. dArbha .(-bhI/.) Made of darbha grass ; dArbha muzcatyuTajapaTalaM bItanidro mayuraH 8. 4 (v.1.) dArva.(-rvI /.) Wooden ; aMse'dhidArvI zibikA ca yasyAm Bhag. b. 12.6. dAvaTam A council-house, court; (a word derived from the Persian). ravg: A peacock. dArvikA f. A kind of collyrium; kaparyA dArvikApi Nm. Erat f. 1 A ladle. -2 A kind of turmeric. - A kind of tree (Mar. dAruhaLada); dAvIM tu devadAruharidrayoH suci dAruharidrAyAm......Nm. dArza a. Relating to the new moon. dArzanikaH One familiar with the Darsanas or systems of philosophy. dArSada (-dI/.) 1 Stony, mineral. -2 Ground on a flat stone (as saktu &c.). dArTAnta a. (-tI /.), dArzantika a. (-kI /.) Explained or illustrated by a dRSTAntaq. v., that which is the subject of an illustration (upameya); khApasya dASTAntikatvena vivakSitam Sankara. -a. One who explains by using a simile as a proof. dAlam A kind of wild honey. (-laH) A sort of grain (Mar. DALa.); also dAli:/. dAlanam 1 Tooth-ache -2 Decay (of the teeth). dAlavaH A kind of poison. dAlimaH = dADima q.v. dAlbhyaH N. of a grammarian. afe#: N. of Indra. dAvaH [ dunAti-du kartari Na ] = dava q.v.; kauravyavaMzadAve'smina ka eSa zalabhAyate Ve. 1. 19. -Comp. -AgniH,-analaH, -dahanaH a forest.conflagration: AnandamRgadAvAgniH zIlazAkhimadadvipaH / jJAnadIpamahAvAyurayaM khlsmaagmH|| Bv.1.109.34. -latA . creeper in a burning fire; sotsRjya dhairya vilalApa zokadAvAminA dAbalateva bAlA Bhag. 4.8. 16. dAvita a. Pained, troubled; Mal.6. dAz I. 1, 10 U. (dAzati-te, dAzayati-te) 1 To give, grant; amISomA ya Ahurti yo vA dAzAddhaviSkRtim Rv.1.93.3. -2 To offer an oblation; yo vA ghRtena dAzati Rv. 1. 93. 10. -II. 5 P.(dAznoti) To hurt, kill; dAnoti namauktibhiH Bv. 8.4.6. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir HT 812 didhiSuH fati rec, 99 fta: # TETETT Slavery, servitude; gefa Teatafa Ks. 72. 34. IT: 1 A fisherman ; at alfa 7: 953maisy Ram. 7. 46. 32; Ms. 8. 408, 409; 10. 34. -2 A servant, (req. v.). -Comp. - #: a village mostly inhabited by fishermen. -afat an epithet of Satyavati, mother of Vyasa : ETIT () a: The son of a fisherman's wife. -zit An epithet of Satyavati, mother of Vyasa; EUR14742 TT T +421918 Tag: Mb. 1. 100.50. Taaret f. Collection of 10 quos of the Rv. Samhita; SB. on MS. 10. 6. 72. ETETT a. 1 Relating to sacrifice ['#: 9:, a TityajamAnau, trayo vedAH, catvAra RtvijaH iti dazarathAzca pracarAnti yasmin ' com. on Mb. 12. 8. 37. -HEIT : 9727:). -2 A road affording space for ten waggons (according to M. W.). TOTCU:, - fer: 1 A son of Dasaratha in general R. 10.44; 345 TOTETTU 7 91744 Bk. -2 N. of Rama and his three brothers, but especially of Rama; R. 12.45 ; at TTT A Mahanataka ; 21 JAT dAzarathirdharmamevAzrito'bhavat / tathA tathA prakRtayo rAmaM patimakAmayan / / Ram. TTCT a. Belonging to ten kings. The battle of ten kings against king Sudasa is often referred to in the Rigveda and is known as dAzarAjJayuddha. dAzAparAdhika: Probably an officer who collected fines for ten specified kinds of criminal offences. Esiet: m. (pl.) The descendants of Dasarha, the Yadavas; Si. 2. 64. - An epithet of Krisna. ETETT: 1 The son of a fisherman. -2 A fisherman. -3 A camel. FIA: 1 A fisherman; Ks. 124.204.-2 The Malava country. -1: m. (pl.) The rulers or inhabitants of that country; see TI also. ika a. Liberal, giving, a donor ; 873 at fate Hafa ET47: 41 Bhag. 8. 22. 23. ge 1 U., 5 P. = 2127 q.v. A: 1 Slave, servant in general; EFHEIT: Bh. 1.1; 7deg, FH &c. -2 A fisherman; at an are also Ms. 10. 34. -3 A Sudra, a man of the fourth caste. -4 A knowing man, one who knows the universal spirit. -5 N. of Vritrasura. -8 A demon. -7 A savage, barbarian (opp. 3714). -8 A worthy recipient (77917).-9 A word added to the name of Sudra ; cf. 98. -Comp. -3TTET: ' a slave of a slave', the humblest of the servants; (sometimes used by the speaker as a mark of humility ). -STT: a servant or slave; 449 H a are haare ga: V. 4. 29; (97949K5H is used as a compound in the sense of the mob or the common people'). - a; servitude, HOT: N. of people; cf. Mb. 8. 44. 33 com. [dAsamIya = dasamadezodbhava or dAsaM gRhazada mimate mAnayanti maithunArthiZat: grafa: 755 ) a son born of a woman of higher caste from Sudra father. afe T A female servant or slave. are 1 A female servant or slave. -2 The wife of a fisherman. -8 The wife of a Sudra. -4 An altar. -8 A harlot. -Comp. - i, - a: the son of a female slave. tfstot: a Brahmana (knowing the Vedas attached to a female slave. E h a collection of female slaves. The gen. sing. 2: enters into some compounds, but loses its literal sense; e. g. 2:97:, ya: 'a whore-son', used as a term of a buse; Bhag. 3.1. 15; Raj. T. 5. 398; 1891:92: fagott: S. 2; but dAsyAH sadRzI 'like a female slave'). Tieu: The son of a female slave. GET, - 1 The son of a female slave. -2 A Sudra. -8 A fisherman. - A camel; ai regar qa: Si. 12. 32 ; 5. 66. are Servitude, slavery, service, bondage; wagas na tyHf9 999 $. 5. 27; Ms. 8. 410. TET The first of the 27 lunar mansions. TIE, TIEF, TIET, TIJ, &c. See under f i A young elephant (**) twenty years old. fatet See under les fas: A bug in embryo; L. D. B. feros:, fefost: A kind of musical instrument. fea a. (1-2 aH] Cut, torn, rent, divided; ga: A4 8 A14: H ou fear: Bhag. 6. 6. 24. ffa: f. 1 Cutting, splitting, dividing. -2 Liberality. -3 N. of a daughter of Daksa, wife of Kasyapa and mother of the demons or daityas. -m. A king. -Comp. -5:, -a : a demon, a Raksasa. feru: A demon. fey: Ved. 1 A bright weapon. -2 The sky, heaven. fren: Firmness, stability. fefeat a. Supporting. -TTH 1 Spirituous liquor. -2 A false friend. frag: 1 The second husband of a woman married again or twice. -2 A suitor. -3 A husband; 7701 area farag 98912a feah Bhag. 9. 9. 35. -f. A virgin widow remarried. ! For Private and Personal Use Only Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir didhi(dhI): 818 divam ........... . ......... didhi(dhI) / A woman twice marriod. -2 An! dimpU 10 A. (dimpayate)1 To accumulate.-2 To order, unmarried elder sister whose younger sister is married; direct. So dimbha. jyeSThAyAM yadyanUDhAyAM kanyAyAmuhyate'nujA / sA cAdidhiSU yA pUrvA ca diripaka: A ball for playing with. didhiSaH smRtA / / -Comp. -pati: a man who has a sexual intercourse with the widow of his brother not as a dilIpa: A king of the Solar race, son of aMzumat and sacred duty but for carnal gratification); bhrAtuma'tasya father of bhagIratha, but according to Kalidasa, of raghu. bhAryAyAM yo'nurajyeta kAmataH / dharmeNApi niyuktAyAM sa jJeyo didhiSUpatiH [ He is described by Kalidasa as a grand ideal of Ms. 3. 178. what a king should be. His wife was Sudaksina, a. woman in every respect worthy of her husband; but didhISoM Desire to sustain or support; dikkuarAH kuruta they had no issue. For this he went to his family priest tatritaye didhIrSAm B. R. 1.48. Vasistha who told him and his wife to serve the celes tial cow Nandini. They accordingly served her for 21 dinaH,-nam [dyuti tamaH, do dI vA nak hrasva; Up.2.49] days and were on the 22nd day favoured by the cow. 1 Day (opp. rAtri); dinAnte nihitaM tejaH savitreva hutAzanaH A glorious boy was then born who conquered the R.4.1; yAminayanti dinAni ca sukhaduHkhabazIkRte manasi K. P. 10%B whole world and became the founder of the line of dinAnte nilayAya gantum R. 2. 15.-2 A day (including the the Raghus.] night), a period of 24 hours; dine dine sA parivardhamAnA Ku. 1.25%3 sapta vyatIyutriguNAni tasya dinAni R. 2.25. -Comp. . dilIram A mushroom. -ist: any portion of a day, i. e. an hour, a watch, &c. div I. 4 P. (dIvyati, dyUta or yUna; desid. duSati, dide-aNDam darkness. -atyayaH, -antaH, -avasAnam even- viSati) 1 To shine, be bright; dIvyatyuccairladhuraghupatiH kiM nu vA ing, sunset; R. 2. 15,45%3 dinAntaramyo'bhyupazAntamanmathaH syAt kimanyat Mv.6.58.-2 To throw, cast (as a missile); Rs. 1,1; Ki.9.8. -adhIza: the sun. -ardha: mid-day, adIvyadraudramatyugram Bk. 17.8735.81.-2 To gamble, play with noon. -antaka: darkness. -AgamaH, -AdiH, -ArambhaH dice (with acc. or instr. of the' dice'); akSarakSAn vA dIvyati day break, morning; Ki. 11.52. -IzaH, IzvaraH the sun. Sk.; Si. 8.323 Ve. 1. 13. -4 To play, sport. - To "AtmajaH 1 an epithet of Saturn. -2 of Karna. -3 of joke, trifle with, make sport of, rally (with acc.). Sugriva. -karaH, -kartR, -kRt m. the sun; tulyodyogastava -6 To stake, make a bet. -7 To sell, deal in with dinakRtazcAdhikAro mato naH V.2.1; dinakarakulacandra candraketo U.6. gen.); adevIdvandhubhogAnAm Bk 8. 122; ( but with acc. or gen. 83 R.9.23.degtanayaH N. of (1) Saturn; (2) Sugriva%B when the root is preceded by a preposition; zata zatasya vA (3) Karna; (4) Yama. degtanayA N. of (1) the river paridIvyati Sk.)-8 To squander, make light ot. -9 To Yamuna, (2) the river Tapti. -kartavyam, -kAryam, praise. -10 To be glad, rejoice. -11 To be mad or -kRtyam ceremonies to be performed daily; Ks.-kezaraH, drunik. -12 To be sleepy. -18 To wish for.-II. 1 P., 10 -kesaraH, -kezava: darkness. -kSayaH, -pAta: evening. U. (devati, devayati-te)1 To cause to lament, pain, vex, -cayoM daily occupation, daily routine of business. torment. -2 To ask, beg. -III. 10 A. (devayate) To -cchidram 1 a constellation or lunar mansion. -28 suffer pain, lament, moan. -With pari to lament, moan, change of the moon at the beginning or end of a half- ___suffer pain; kharadUSaNayordhAtroH paryadeviSTa sA puraH Bk. 4.4. day; Hch. - fare n. sunshine. ifera: the Chakra- diva/. [ dIvyantyatra diva- bA. AdhAre Divi Tv.] (Nom. vaka. bird. -naktam ind. by day and night. -nAthaH, sing.dyauH)1 The heaven; divaM marutvAniva bhokSyate bhuvam R.3. -paH, -patiH, -bandhaH, -praNIH, -maNiH, -mayUkhaH, -ratnam 4, 12; Me. 30. -2 The sky; divyantarikSe bhUmau ca ghoramutpAtathe sun; dinamaNimaNDalamaNDana Git.; paspRzurna pRthivIM turaGgamAH jaM bhayam Ram. 2. 1. 43. -3 A day; atra bhoktavyamasmAbhirdivAspardhayeva dinanAthavAjinAm Vikr.14.64; 11.1. -pATikA rUDhaM kSudhArditAH Bhag. 10. 13.6. - Light, brilliance. -8 ges; Vet. 4. TCH N. of the fifth, sixth, Fire, glow of fire. N. B. The compounds with Feq 28 seventh, eighth, eleventh, and twelfth signs of the first member are mostly irregular; e. g. Faqcfa: an zodiac taken collectively. -malam a month.-mukha morn- epithet of Indra (of the 13th manvantara); Bhag.8. 13.32%3; ing; tulyatAM dinamukhena dinAntaH Ki.9.83; dinamukhAni ravihimanigrahai- anatikramaNIyA divaspaterAjJA 5.63 divaspRthivyau heaven and bimalayan malaya nagamatyajat R.9.25. -mUddhan m. the eastern earth. divijJaH, diviSThaH, divisthaH, divisa (Sa) d m., divokas m., mountain behind which the sun is supposed to rise. divaukas,-saH - inhabitant of the heaven', a god; S.73 -yIvanam mid-day, noon (the youth of day). -cAra: R.3.19,473 diviSavRndaiH Git. 7. divaspRza m.the Supreme week-day. -vyAsa-dalam the radius of a circle made by Being. divispRz a. reaching or pervading the sky. an asterism in its daily revolution; Siryas.2.60. divodbhavA cardamoms. divolkA a meteor. divaukas m. - n. a lunar day coinciding with 3 week-days; Hch. 1 a god. -2 the Chataka bird. -3 a deer. -4 a bee.-8 an dinikA A day's wages. elephant. divama dIvyatyatra earthe AdhAre ka] 1 Heaven.-2 The sky; fera 1 P.(Rafa) 1 To be glad, or to gladden. see div; divaM te zirasA vyAptam Mb. 12.47.88. -3 A day. - To please, or to be pleased. -4 A forest, wood, thicket. HEPHERHIT For Private and Personal Use Only Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir divan 814 diz . ................. ........................ .. fan. The heaven. -m. A day. tic work from Nepal (written in Sanskrit ). -304 fare:,- (duas faq fa cf. Un.3. 121 ] rainwater. -3991ghi a god. Tret: f. a herb of great supernatural efficacy, i. e. curing snake-poison ; See a. A day; fece 57414aqraw a $. 3.11. hafa faza: Mu. 1. 23. a. 1 taking an -Comp. -3TTEE evening. at:, , 19: the sun; f y zhra oath. -2 undergoing an ordeal. -FUT the application Rs. 3. 22. JEH of an ordeal; A:H : fa72f4d ea facu4444 Raj. morning, day break; R. 5. 76. DET a day's wages. - evening, sunset; 414 T. 4. 94. "T: sulphur. ( 1) large cardamoms. Raama 03: GEE: (PTH) cloves. -977: a Gandharva. E a. 1 Me.81. -divasIkR to convert the night into day; nizA divasIkRtA Mk.4.3. having divine vision, heavenly-eyed; a furat 27 fogz R. 3. 45. -2 blind. (-m.) 1 a monkey. -2 REET ind. By day, in the daytime; falto an Astrologer. -8 Arjuna. - one who has prophetic become day'. Comp. -TET: a crow. -39F47 a. blind vision%3 divyacakSujyotiSike pArthAtmajJAninorapi Nm. (-1) a by day. (+373) an owl. -37737enit, - feil a musk. divine or prophetic eye, supernatural vision, the power rat. -3TEHTAA close of day', evening. : 1 the of seeing what is invisible by the human eye. TT sun; Ku. 1. 12; 5.48. -2 a crow. -8 the sun-flower. supernatural knowledge. - m. an astrologer. pra: 1 a Chandala. -2 a man of low caste; Ms. 5. 85. -TECH a present offered to a deity for the accom- a barber. Rafha fear facto: eft: : : N., plishment of one's desired object. N. of Bhagirathi; 19. 55. -8 an owl; ara sa 7 Hart feara ida: fecayla Stotra. -ct: the Karavira tree. -*: Mb. 12. 138. 12. 2:1 a Chandala. -2 a kind of inquiry into celestial phenomena or future course of bird (914). - Day and night; Bhag. 5. 22. 5. events, augury. -Art: Om (3114); Amrit. Up. 20. -ind. by day and night. - ind. day and night; - HAH measuring the time according to the days and Taalga aaaa aa K8.76.11.-9:,- for years of the gods. -AITT: a demi-god; 804159 the sun. -ret:' a lamp by day', an obscure man. 09 giftoft Ks. 1. 47. Tra a fabulous gem - a:, wita: 1 an owl; 1991 la yeg 197 1991- said to grant all desires of its possessor, the philo Cha Ku. 1. 12. -2 a white lotus (opening at sopher's stone; cf. CAT. -TT: a celestial car moving night). -3 a thief, house-breaker. Hou midday. through the air. -16: 1 quicksilver. 2 heavenly water -TTTH ind. day and night; Ms. 5. 80.-25: the sun. or love; V. 2. Laat a. divinely dressed. (- :) -T a. sleeping by day; 3115TIE HET 1941 - 1 sunshine. -2 a kind of sun-flower. -alert a 41 for : R. 19. 34. -TaT sleep by day; TT celestial word or voice. 71-74 an ear which hears fear 4621 S a a : Raj. T. 5. 253. F ,-Falg: everything. aff. the celestial Ganges. -Elg: N. sleep during day-time. (-4:) an owl. of one of the Visvedevas. HIT: the Sala tree. farga a. ( f.) [fear a: zg 197] Of or belonging to the day; ita a fachada Ku. 4.46; 6 U. (fesa-, fee; desid. farafa-a) 1 To Bk. 5. 65. point out, show, exhibit, produce (as a witness); aret: Argear Realeyhi feat : Ms. 8. 57, 52, 53. fafa: The Chasa bird (also fea:). -2 To assign, allot; set na ata yer Reefa Mb. -3 featgra: N. of a reputed Vedic king, father of 1 To give, grant, bestow upon, deliver or make over to; gra; Rv.7. 18. 25. T a fase Ki. 13. 88; R. 5.30; 11. 2; 16.72. -4 To pay (as tribute). -8 To consent to; hifa fece a.[feia 29:27] 1 Divine, heavenly, celestial; Ragna a H179: Mb. 3. 252. 8. -2 Supernatural, lea: Acerat frag Paula R. 11. 49. -8 To direct, wonderful; 4 .4944: Si. 16. 29; foi a order, command. - To allow, permit; FAC Feria 7 fea: grgrettu: Ki. 5.28. -Caus. (r .) 1 To show, 79Bg. 11. 8. -8 Brilliant, splendid. -4 Charming, point out, allot, assign. -2 To teach, communicate, beautiful. 527: 1 A superhuman or celestial being; fecuratafa safat at geraiz si. 8.64.-2 Barley. -8 An tell, inform. -8 To direct, order. -4 To confer, bestow. epithet of Yama. -4 A fragrant resin, bdellium. - atat f. [faala terasi Pag-f4] ( Nom. sing. Pep A philosopher. -574 1 Celestial nature, divinity. 1) 1 A direction, cardinal point, point of the compass, -2 The sky. -3 An ordeal of which 10 kinds are quarter of the sky; fat: yaghoat ag: gar: R.3.14; Peret enumerated ); cf. Y. 2. 22, 95. -4 An oath, a solemn fast fefa FITCH Git. 4. -2 (a) The more direcdeclaration. -8 Oloves. -8 A kind of sandal.-7A tion of a thing, hint, indication of the general lines ); kind of water. -Comp. 313: the sun.-3191, 101, sfa fa often used by commentators &c.); suf- a heavenly nymph, celestial damsel, an apsaras. Toqat faut fac affah Sk. (b) (Hence) Mode, man- a. partly human and partly divine (as a ner, method ; a: infer S. D.; famig at serat; hero, such as Arjuna ). 3ara N. of Buddhis- areas 99* T AHT PEST: Ak. -Region, space, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir diza 818 place in general. -4 A foreign or distant region.-BA patiH , -pAla: the regent or guardian of a quarter; point of view, manner of considering a subject. -8 A Raj. T. 4. 225 (for the names of the several regents, see precept, order.-7 The number ten'.-8A side or party. aSTadikpAla; ef. Ms. 5.963 7. 303 also); sUryaH zukraH kSamAputraH - The mark of a bite. 'digdaSTe vartulAkAre karikA nakharekhikA' seMhikeyaH zaniH shshii| saumyastridazamantrI ca praacyaadidigdhiishvraaH|| iti vaijayantI; pariNatadikarikAstaTIrbibharti Si.4.29. [N. B. -Jyotistattvam.-patha: the surrounding rexion; sanyairnAnAIn comp. rad becomes fest before words beginning pathAyAtairnadadbhiAptadikpathaH Raj. T.5.342. -bhAga: a point with vowels and soft consonants, and fees before words of the compass, direction. -bhramaH perplexity about beginning with hard consonants, e.g. digambara, diggaja, points of the compass, mistaking the way or direction; dikpatha, dikarin , &c.] -Comp.-anta: end of the direction Vikr.5.66. -maNDalam = dikcakram q.v. -mAtram the mere or horizon, remote distance, remote place%3 digante zrUyante direction or indication. -mukham any quarter or part ot madamalinagaNDAH karaTinaH Bv. 1.2; Mal. 2.9; R. 3.49 5.67; the sky; harati me harivAhanAdinamukham V. 3.6%3 Amaru.5. 16.87. nAnAdigantAgatA rAjAnaHe. -antaram 1 another -mohaH mistaking the way or direction. -yAtrA a procesdirection. - 2 the intermediate space, atmosphere, space. sion in different directions. -vasana, -vastra a. stark -3 a distant quarter, another or foreign country; naked, unclothed. (-straH)1a Jaina or Buddhist mendisaMcArapUtAni digantarANi kRtvA dinAnte nilayAya gantum R. 2. 15. eant of the digambara class. -2 an epithet of Siva.-vibhA-ambara,-vAsas a. having only the directions for his vita a. renowned or celebrated in all quarters. -zUlam clothing, stark naked, unclothed; digambaratvena niveditaM vasu a bad yoga in Astronomy; ct. zukrAdityadine na bAruNadizaM na Ku.b. 72; ekAkI gRhasaMtyaktaH pANipAtro digambaraH Pt. 5. 15%8 jJe kuje cottarAM mandendozca dine na zakrakakubhaM yAmyAM gurau na vrajet / Ms. 11. 201. (-:) 1 a naked mendicant (of the zUlAnIti vilaya yAnti manujA ye vittalAbhAzayA bhraSTAzAH punarApatanti Jaina or Buddha. Bect.) -2 a mendicant, an ascetic. yadi te zukreNa tulyA api || Jyotissarasangraha. -sAdhanam -3 an epithet of (1) Siva; (2) Skanda. -4 darkness. a means to make the journey in various quarters (-rI) an epithet of Durga. -ambaraka: a naked mendi- successful. cant (of the Jaina sect). -avasthAnam the air. -Agata dizas f. (= diza). a. Come from a distance; Y. 2.251. - : See fufta &c. digibhAH pUrNakalazaiH Bhag. 8.8.14; 5. 14. 40.-Iza:-IzvaraH / FECT Direction, quarter of the compass, region, &o. regent of a quarter; caturdigIzAnavamatya mAninI Ku.5.53%3 - -Comp. -gajaH, -pAla: see diggaja, dikpAla. see aSTadikpAla. -kanyA,-kAntA,-kAminI,-vadhU a region of the sky (considered as a virgin). -karaH 1 a youth, STATIST m. One who runs in all directions, a youthful man. -2 an epithet of Siva. -karikA, -karI fugitive. a young girl or woman. -karin, -gaja, -dantin, dizya . [dizi bhavaH digA0 yat ] 1 Belonging to or -vAraNa: m. one of the eight elephants said to guard and situated towards any quarter of the compass. -2 preside over the eight cardinal points; (8ee aSTadiggaja); / Foreign, outlandish; Si. 3. 76. digdantizeSAH kakubhazcakAra Vikr. 7. 1. -grahaNam, -bandhaH observation of the quarters of the compass; Bri. ! diSTa p. p. [diz-karmaNi-kta]1 Showm, indicated, assigned, 8.24.9. saMpUjya zArikAdevIM digbandhAdipuraHsaram Ks. 73. 116. pointed out. -2 Described, referred to. -3 Fixed, -cakrama 1 the horizon Ratn.3.5. -2 the whole world. settled. -4 Directed, ordered &c.-6Destined (daivavihita); -jayaH, -vijayaH 'conquest of the directions', the na diSTamarthamatyetumIzo martyaH kathaMcana Mb. 3. 135.55. -Z: Time. conquest of various countries in all directions, conquest -24 1 Assignment, allotment -2 Fate, destiny, good of the world; sunizcitapuraM cakre digjaye kRtanizcayaH Raj. T. or ini-luck; bho diSTam S.2. yazca diSTaparo loke yazcApi htthvaadikH| 4. 183; sa digvijayamavyAjabIraH smaraH ivAkarot Vikr.1.1. ubhAvapi zaThAvetau karmabuddhiH prazasyate // Mb. 3. 32. 13. -3 Order, -taTam the horizon. -darzanam 1 showing merely the direction, command; sainikA bhayanAno ye barhiSman diSTakAriNaH direction, pointing out only the general mode or Bhag.4.28.1.-4 Aim, object. -BAn appointed place%3B manner. -2 a general outline or survey. -3 a compass. taM preta diSTamito'praya eva haranti Ch. Up.5.9.2. -Comp. -darzin a. looking on all sides, having a general view. -3772: the end of one's appointed time', death; -dAhaH preternatural redness of the horizon; daigdAhaH diSTAntamApsyati bhavAnapi putrazokAt R.9.79% Ram. 2.65.28. 'a con flagration of the regions of the sky' (regarded nagatiHf. death yAjamAnAsambhavAdazakyaM hi diSTagatau uttaraM as an evil omen) N. 12. 92; ef. Ms. 4. 115. -dezaH tantraM kartum SB. on MS. 10.2.57. Honoe diSTAM gatiM gam = 1 a distant region or country; dRzyante kulanimnagA api To die. tasmizca diSTAM gatiM gate phalaM darzayati yo dIkSitAnAM pramIyeta paraM digdezakAlAvimau Raj. T.4.308,417. -2 region, coun- api tasya phalamiti / SB. on MS. 6.3.24. -dRz m. the try; H.1. -nAgaH 1 an elephant of the quarter of the god; yasya tuSyati diSTadRk Bhag.4.21. 28. -bhAj God. compass; see ft. -2 N. of a poet said to be a N. 11. 129. Chandu Pandita com. -bhAva: death; diSTabhAvaM contemporary of Kalidasa. (This interpretation is based gatasyApi viSaye modate prajA Mb.5. 133.37. -bhuk. reaping on Mallinatha's gloss on dignAgAnAM pathi pariharan sthUla- the fruit as destined or ordained by god; base'nyadapi hastAbalepAn Mo: 143 which is, however, very doubttul.) | saMprAptaM diSTabhuk tuSTadhIraham Bhag.7.13. 39. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra diSTiH diSTiH [diza bhAve phil saMjJAyAM kartari civA] Amrign .ment, allotment. -2 Direction, command, instruction, rule, precept. -3 Fate, fortune, destiny. -4 Good fortune, happiness, any auspicious event ( such as the birth of a son ); diSTivRddhimiva zuzrAva K 55; diSTivRddhisaMbhramo mahAnabhUt K. 70. -5 A sort of measure of length. -Comp. - vRddhiH f. congratulation ; see dRSTiH ( 4 ). diSTA ind. (Strictly the instr. sing. of diSTi ) Fortunately, luckily, thank God, how glad I am, how fortunate, bravo (an exclamation of joy or gratulation); diSTapA pratihataM durjAtam Mal. 4; diSTapA soyaM mahAbAhura anAnandavardhanaH U. 1. 32; Ve 2. 12. ( diSTapA vRdhU means 'to be congratulated upon'; as in diSTapA dharmapatnIsamAgamena putramukhadarzanena cAyumAn vardhate S. 7). dezanA / Direction, injunction, laying down; sarvAsyeya naikatAM dezanA prAkRtaM dharmamaya vAkyapatyena SB. on MS. 10. 1. 1. diSNuH A giver donor. diha e. (degdhi, digve, digdha desid. didhiti) 1 To anoint, smear, plaster, spread over; sa candanozIramRNAladigdhaH Bk. 3. 21, ahiMzcandanaiH zubhaiH 17.54. -2 To soil, defile, pollute; asradigdhaM padam R. 16. 15. -3 To increase, augment. diha / 1 Anointing memesring. - Pollution, soiling. digdha P. P. [ dih-ta ] 1 Smeared, anointed, daubed; hastAdigdha Ms. 3. 132; R. 16. 15. digdho'mRtena ca viSeNa ca pakSmalAkSyA gADhaM nikhAta iva me hRdaye kaTAkSaH Mal. 1.29. -2 Soiled, defiled, polluted. -3 Poisoned, envenomed; atha taiH paridevitAkSara hRdaye digdhazarairivAhataH Ku. 4. 25. -gdhaH 1 Oil, ointment. -2 Any oily substance or unguent. -3 Fire. - 4 A poisoned arrow; 'digdho viSAktabANe syAt ' Medini. kareNumiva digdhena viddhAM mRgayunA vane Ram. 2. 10.26; Mb. 12. 69. 57. 5 A story (true or fictitious. ) 2 dI 14 A. (da dIna) 1 To perish, die. -2 To waste, decay, diminish II. 4. P. ( dIyati ) Ved. soar, fiy. -III. 3 P. Ved. 1 To shine. -2 To please, be admired, appear good. -3 To bestow upon by shining; saMdadasvAn rayimasmAsu dIdihi Rv. 2. 2.6. dI f. Deoay, ruin. dItiH dIditiH/ Splendour, lustre. U dIna [dI- tasya na] 1 Poor, indigent. -2 Distressed, ruined, afflicted, miserable, wretched. -8 Sorry, dejected, melancholy, sad; sA virahe tava dInA Git. 4. 4 Timid, frightened. -6 Mean, piteous ; yaM yaM pazyasi tasya tasya purato mA brUhi dInaM vacaH Bh. 2. 51. -naH A poor person, one in distress or misery; dInAnAM kalpavRkSaH Mk. 1. 48; dinAni dInoddharaNocitasya R. 2. 25. -nam Distress, wretchedness. -nA The female of a mouse or shrew. Comp. -dayAlu, -vatsala a. kind to the poor. -bandhuH a friend of the -locanaH poor. a cat. 816. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dIdhitiH dInaka. Distressed, wretched. dInatA Scarcity, weakness; RtvaH samaha dInatA pratIpaM jagamA zuce Rv. 7. 89.3. dIkSU 1 A. ( dIkSate, dIkSita) 1 To consecrate or prepare oneself for the performance of a sacred rite; dIkSayasva tvamAtmAnam Mb. 14. 71. 21; see dIkSita below. -2 To dedicate oneself to. -3 To initiate or introduce a pupil. -4 To invest with the sacred thread. -6 To sacrifice. -6 To practise self-restraint. -7 To shave one's head, to be shaved. -8 caus. impel; induce tatklamastamadidakSita kSaNaM tAlavRntacalanAya nAyakam N. 18. 120. dIkSaka: A spiritual guide, priest. dIkSaNam [ dIkSabhAve lyuT ] Initiation, consecration. dIkSaNIyA, dIkSaNIyeSTi / A sacrificial yags before initiation; the sacrifice of consecration. dIkSA [ dIkSa-bhAve a ] 1 (a) Consecration for a religious ceremony, initiation in general; ajasradIkSAprayatasya madguroH kiyAvighAtAya kathaM pravartase B. 3. 44.60. (1) Reosiving the initiatory mantra. -2 A ceremony preliminary to a sacrifice; Bhag. 3. 13. 37. -8 A ceremony or religious rite in general; vivAhadIkSAm, R. 3. 33, Ku. 7.1, 8, 24. -4 Investiture with the sacred thread. -8 Dedica - ting oneself to a particular object, self-devotion; faprAcakadIkSAH viSNupAdAdikezAntavarganastotram 33. -Comp. -antaH a supplementary sacrifice made to atone for the defects in a preceding one. -AzramaH (avabhRtha ) ( vaikhAnasaH ) the third stage of life ( vAnaprasthAzrama ); Mb. 12. 66. 8. - patiH the Soma. -yUpa: A sacrificial post dIkSita P. P. [ dIkSU kartari kta, dIkSA jAtA'sya tAra0 itac vA ] 1 Consecrated, initiated (as for a religious cere mony ); ete vivAhadIkSitA yUyam . 1; Pt. 1. 167; ApannAbhayasatreSu dIkSitAH khalu pauravAH S. 2. 17; R. 8.75; 11. 24, Ve 1. 25. -2 Prepared for a sacrifice. -3 Prepared for having_taken a vow of ; taM piturvadhabhavena manyunA rAjavaMzanidhanAya dIkSitam R. 11. 67. -4 Crowned; padmA padmAtapatreNa bheje sAmrAjyadIkSita R. 4. 5. 8 Performed (as the dIkSA ceremony). -taH 1 A priest engaged in a Diksa ; nAlaM te vipriyaM kartuM dIkSitasyeva sAdhavaH Ram. 3. 65.12. -2 A pupil. -8 A person who or whose ancestors may have per formed a grand sacrificial ceremony, such as jyotiSToma dIkSitR m. A consecrator, spiritual father; P. III. 2. 153. dIdivi . 1 shining; rAjantamadhvarANAM gopAmRtasya dIdivim Rv. 1. 1. 8. -2 Risen (as a star ). -vi: 1 Boiled rice. -2 Heaven. -3 An epithet of ( 1 ) Agni ; ( 2 ) Brihas - pati. -4 Final emancipation. For Private and Personal Use Only dIdhitiH f. 1 A ray of light; taireva pratiyukterakAri dUrAt kAluSyaM zazadharadIdhiticchaTAcchaiH Si. 8. 38; R. 3. 22; 17.48; N. 2.69; U. 6.18. -2 Splendour, brightness. --8 Bodily Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dIdhitimat 817 dIsa lustre, energy; vipanadIdhitirapi Bh. 2.29. -4 A finger. -B Ved. A religious prayer or devotion; iyaM sA vo asme dIdhitiryajatrA Rv. 1. 186. 11.-8 A son-in-law. -7 Divine inspiration. dIdhitimat a. Brilliant. -m. The sun; prAtadIdhitimAniva AvirabhUt ) Ku.2.2; 7.70. dIdhI 2A.(dIdhIte) 1 To shine,-2 To seem, appear; akSetravid yathA mugdho bhuvanAnyadIdhayuH Rv.b. 40.5. dInAraH 1 A particular gold ; jitazcAsau mayA SoDazasahatrANi dInArANAm Dk. -2 A coin in general. -3 A gold ornament. -4 A seal. - A weight of gold (cf. Gr. denarius ). dIe 4 A.(dIpyate, dIpta; freq. dedIpyate). 1 To shine, blaze, (fig. also); sarverujaiH samagraistvAmiva nRpaguNairdIpyate saptasaptiH M.2.12: taruNIstana eva dIpyate maNihArAvalirAmaNIyakam N. 2. 44; Bk. 2.23; R.14.64; H. Pr. 46. -2 To burn, be lighted; so'yamagniH pareNa mRtyumatikAnto dIpyate Bri. Up. 1. 3. 12. yathA yathA ceyaM capalA dIpyate K. 105. -3 To glow, be infiamed or excited, increase (fig. also); vanyetarAnekapadarzanena punardidIpe madadurdinazrIH R.5.47%3 Bk. 15.883 Si. 20.71. -4 To be fired with anger; AsAdya vAcaM sa bhRzaM didIpe Ki. 3.55. -BTo be illustrious. -Caus. (dIpayati-te)1 To kindle set on fire, inflame%; ayaM hi mAM dIpayate'dya vahiH Ram. 2. 43. 21. -2 To illuminate, light, irradiate; vRndAvanAntaramadIpayadaMzujAlaiH (induH) Git 73 U. 1. 42. -3 To excite, raise. -4 To adorn, grace%3; avayavadIpitamaNDanazriyastAH Ki. 10. 1. dIpaH [dIpa-Nic ac ] 1 A lamp, light; nRpadIpo dhanasnehaM prajAbhyaH saMharannapi / antarasthairguNaiH zubhairlakSyate naiva kenacit // Pt. 1. 221; na hi dIpau parasparasyopakurutaHS.B.; so jJAnadIpa: &c.-Comp. aGkura, the fiame or light of a lamp; dIpAkuracchAyAcaJcalamAkalagya Bh. 3.68. kuraNTakavipANDuraM dadhati dhAma dIpAkurAH Vb. -anvitA 1 the day of new moon (amA). -2 = dIpAlI q.v.-ArAdhanam worshipping an idol by waving a light before it. -AliH , -lI, -AvalI, -utsavaH 1 & row of lights, nocturnal illumination. -2 particularly, the festival called Diwali held on the night of new moon in Azvina. -ucchiSTam Boot, lamp-black. -kalikA 1 the flame of a lamp. -2 N. of a_com. on Yajnavalkya. -kiTTam lamp-black, soot. -kUpI, -khorI the wick of a lamp.-da. one whogives a lamp; dApadazcakSuruttamam Ms. 4. 229. -daNDaH A lamp-post. -dhvajaH 1 lamp-black. -2 lamp-stand. -puSpaH the Champaka tree. -bhAjanam a lamp; vAmanAArcariva dIpabhAjanam (abhUt ) R. 19.51.-mAlA lighting, illumination; adyApi tAM dhavalavezmani ratnadIpamAlAmayUkhapaTaladalitAndhakAre Ch. P. 18. -vartiH the wick of a lamp. -vRkSaH 1 a lampstand. kanakojjvaladIptadIpavRkSam (Asanam ) Bu. Ch.5.44. tatheha paJcendriyadIpavRkSA jJAnapradIptAH paravanta eva Mb. 12.202.9. A treelike column of building (Mar. dIpamALa); Ram.2.6. 183 also dIpapAdapa (a candle-stick). -2 a light. -8 a lantern. -4 the saM.i. ko....103 tree called devadaruq.v.-zatru: a moth. -zikhA 1 the flame of a lamp. anagamagalAvAsaratnadIpazikhAmiva Ks.18.77. -2 lamp-black. -zRGkha lA a row of lights, illumination. ___ dIpaka.(-pikA /.)[dIp-Nvul] 1 Kindling, inflaming. -2 Illuminating, making bright. -3 Illustrating, beautifying, making illustrious. -4 Exciting, making intense; sAmavAdAH sakopasya tasya pratyuta dIpakAH Si. 2.55; Pt. 3. 28. -8 Tonic, stimulating digestion, digestive. - Skilful in managing a lamp.-ka: 1A light, lamp; tAvadeva kRtinAmapi sphuratyeSa nirmalavivekadIpakaH Bh.1.70.-2 A falcon.-3 An epithet of Kamadeva (also dIpyaka). - N. of several plants (Mar. ovA, jireM, citraka, kAMdA, morazeMDA)-BN. of a Raga.. -8 A kind of measure. -kam 1 Saffron. -2 ( In Rhet.) A figure of speech in which two or more objects (some 497 'relevant' and some 31957 'irrelevant') having the same attribute are associated together, or in which several attributes (some relevant and some irrelevant) are predicated ot the same object; sakRdvRttistu dharmasya prakRtAprakRtAtmanAm / seva kriyAsu bahvIMSu kArakasyeti dIpakam / / K. P. 103; ct. vadanti vardhyAvAnAm dharmaikyaM dIpakaM budhaaH| madena bhAti kalabhaH pratApena mahIpatiH / / Chandr. 5. 45. dIpana . [ dIp Nic lyu lyuT vA ] 1 Kindling, inflaming, &c. -2 Digestive, tonic.-3 Exciting, animating, stimulating; AnandamizramadanajvaradIpanAni Mal.9.47. -nam 1 Kindling, inflaming. -2 A tonic stimulating digestion. -8 Exciting, stimulating, -4 Lighting, illuminating. -8 Promoting digestion. -8 Saffron. -na: see dIpakaH (4). -nI 1 N. of several plants (Mar. kAkaDI, methI, pahADamULa, oMvA ). -2 A mystical Tantrika formula.-3 (In Music) A kind of composition. dIpanIya a. 1 To be lighted or set on fire. -2 Combustible, inflamma ble. -3 To be excited or stimulated. -4 Relating to tonic medicines. -ya:1An aromatic seed (yavAnI).-2 N. of some medicinal or aromatic substances (Mar. suMTha, mirI, piMpaLI). -yam A tonic medicine. dIpikA 1 A light, torch ; AsannoSadhayo netunaktamasnehadIpikA, R. 4.75 9. 70. -2 (At the end of comp.) Illustrator. elucidatoras in takadIpikA.-3 Moonlight.-4N. of a Ragini: - N. of some plants (Mar. vekhaMDa, methI, oMvA). -Comp. -tailam the oil of ptychotis Ajowan (Mar. oMvyAce tela). -dhAriNI a female lamp-carrier; K. tra p. p. 1 Set on fire. -2 Inflamed. -3 Illuminated. - Manifested. -5 Excited, stimulated. dIpitR m. An illuminator, enlightener, P. III. 2. 153. dIpin a.1 Inflaming, kindling%3 rAkAnizeSa pUrNendumukhI kandarpadIpinI Ks. 82.29. -2 Illuminating. -3 Shining, bright. dIpta pp. [ dIp kta ] 1 Lighted, inflamed, kindled; yathA . sudIptAtpAbakAdvisphuliGgAH sahasrazaH prabhavante sarUpAH Mund. 2. 1. 1. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra dIptakaH -2 Glowing, hot, flashing, radiant. -3 Illuminated. - Excited, stimulated. -5 Luminous, bright;: zakunayo dIptAmRgAva krUrabhASiNaH / dIptAyAM dizi bhASanto bhayamAvedaafa Hariv. -8 Heated by the sun, exposed to sunshine. 7 Inauspicious (in general); Bri. S. 91. 1. - 1 A lion. 2 The citron tree, -3 Inflammation of the nose. - Red arsenic. -5 (In Music) A particular tone. -sam Gold. -Comp. -aMzuH the sun. - akSaH 1 a cat. -2 a peacock - a. kindled (as fire). (-f:) 1 blazing fire. -2 N. of ; (-a.) digesting well. a peacock. - a. having a fiery nature. a serpent. -39: 1 the sunstone. -2 a crystalline lens - kiraNa: the sun dIptakiraNazca divAkaro'yam Mk. 9. 24. kIrtiH varNaH zaktiH epithets of Kartikuya. -fata vixen (used figuratively for an ill-tempered. quarrelsome woman an). - a. of glowing piety, fervent in devotion. -: definite, actual result; bAhuvIryAzrite mArge vartase dIptanirNaye Mb. 3. 292. 2. - piGgalaH a lion. - mUrti: Visnu. rasaH an earth-worm -locanaH cat. - brass, bell-metal. - - a dIptakaH A kind of disease of the nose. -kam Gold. ifa: [-] 1 Brightness, splendour, brilliance, lustre. -2 Brilliancy of beauty, extreme loveliness; (for the difference between af and fa see under). -3 Lac. -4 Brass. -5 The flash-like flight of an arrow. afana a. Splendid, brilliant, shining. - (in music) N. of a Sruti. arca a. 1 To be kindled, inflammable. -2 Tonic, digestive. White cumin seed. 1 A peacock's crost. -2 A figure of speech (1) -8 N. of several plants. a. Shining, brilliant, radiant, resplendent; dIprAkhasphuradIdhitizikhAnIrAjita manuH e. 6.18 (v. 1.); kacitkaciccitAjyotirdIpradIpaprakAzitam Ks. 25.135. -praH Fire. dIrgha . ( Compar. prAcIyas Superi. prAcita) 1 Long (in time or space), reaching far; vadanam M. 2. 3; dIrghAn kaTAkSAn Mo. 37; dIrghApAGga &c. -2 Of long duration, lasting long, tedious; Me. 110; V. 3. 4; S. 4. 15. -8 Deep (as a sigh); Amaru. 13; ft. -4 Long (as a vowel), as the 31 in 4.-6 Lofty, high, tall. -6 Dilated, expanded; gen : U. 3. 46.- 1 A camel. -2 A long vowel. -3 The fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth signs of the zodiac. -4 A kind of grass or reed. A long lake or oblong tank. - ind. 1 Long, for a long time. -2 Deeply. -8 Far. -Comp. - 1 a messenger, an express. -2 a camel. - a. very regardful, considerate. - summer (). - " m. a. oblong, -1 a. long 818 steff a lived. -, - a. longlived. (m.) 1 a crow. -2 N. of Markandeya. -1: 1 a spear. -2 any long weapon. -3 a hog. -AsyaH an elephant. kaNA white cumin. - kaNThaH, kaNThakaH, kandharaH the ( Indian ) crane. -kAya a. tall (in stature ). -kASTham a beam. -kezaH a bear kozA, zI, kozikA cockle. gatiH, -grIvaH, - ghATikaH a camel. caturasraH an oblong. -chadaH sugarcane. a. kind of fish. : 1 a camel. -2 a crane. -: a snake, serpent. -a m. an epithet of Gautama, husband of Ahalya; yeSu dIrghatapasaH parigraho vAsavakSaNakalatratAM yayau R. 11. 33. -tamas m. N. of a Vedic and_pauranic_sage ; RSidarghitamA nAma jAtyandho guruzApitaH / tvatprasAdAca cakSuSmAMstena satyena mokSaya | Hariv. -taruH, -duH the palm tree. -tuNDI muskrat (also dIrghatuNDA ). - daNDaH 1 the palm tree. -2 the castor oil tree. a. far-seeing, sagacious, wise; priyaH priyAyA iva dIrghadarzanaH Bhag. 10. 29. 2. - a 1 provident, prudent, far-seeing, longsighted; na dIrghadarzino yasya mantriNaH syurmahIpateH / kramAyAtA dhruvaM tasya affe: Pt. 3. 195. -2 sagacious, wise. -3 knowing the past and future bhUtabhaviSyajJAnI); amRtyacastadA aaf: Ram. 7. 74. 11. (-m.) 1 a vulture. -2 a bear. -3 an owl. - a. far-sighted, shrewd, prudent. -f cherishing long hatred, implacable. s a. making a long continued noise. (-)1 a dog. -2 a cock. -3 a conch shell. - 1 long sleep. -2 the long sleep, sleep of death; R. 12. 81. matkArmukAkSepavipinAdigantaraiH zarairvibhinnaso dInAM pravesyati // Mark. P.: the fork-tailed shrike. -: the palm tree. 1 sugar-cane. -2 a kind of garlic. - m. a sugar-cane.q: an elephant. -, - (7) m. a heron. - 1 the cocoa-nut tree. -2 the areca-nut tree. -3 the palm tree. - a serpent. - pucchikA an iguana ( Mar. ghorapaDa ). - pRSThaH a snake. - a far-seeing, prudent, sagacious. I a kind of deer ( camarI ) of whose tails chowries are made. -bAhuH a. having long arms; dIrghabAhurdilIpasva raghunAbhavatsutaH Hariv. - mArutaH an elephant. -mukhI the musk-rat -mUla: a kind of Bilva plant. - a. performing sacrifices for a. longer time; ayodhyAyAM tu dharmajJaM dIrghayajJaM mahAbalam Mb. - turmeric. - 1 a dog. -2 a hog; L. D. B. - radaH a hog rasanaH a snake. -roman m. a bear. -lohitayaSTikA the red variety of sugar-cane vaktraH an elephant. - vacchikA a shark; crocodile ; also varcikA. - saktha a. having long thighs. a long-continued Soma sacrifice. (-:) one who performs such a sacrifice; R. 1. 80. - surataH a dog. sUtra, sUtrin a. working slowly, slow, dilatory, procrastinating; idqat fanfa Pt. 4. viSAdI dIrghasUtrI ca kartA tAmasa ucyate Bg. 18. 28. -skandhaH the palm tree. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1 For Private and Personal Use Only dIrghIka 8 D. To lengthen, prolongs pratipacagatirAsadviga fa: Ku. 3. 76; Me. 31. tuff 1 P. to become long or prolonged. Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dIpikA B9 dundumiH m mmmmmmmm ....... dIrghikA 1A long or oblong lake; dIrghikApadminI M.2.133 | or manage, bad tempered, irritable 3 upetya sA dohadaduHkhavanyairidAnI mahiSaistadambhaH zAhataM krozati dIrghikANAm R. 16. 13. ! zIlatAm R.3.6%3 S.4. -2 accustomed to the misery of%; -2 A well or lake in general. kAmekapatnIvrataduHkhazIlAm Ku. 3.73 'who is accustomed to dIrNa See under du. (suffer) the misery (hard lot) of a perfectly chaste life. -saMcAra a. 1 passing (time) unhappily.-2 impassta: The blue jay, Chas bird ; see fefa. able A TC: 'the sea of troubles '; worldly life. du I.5 P.(dunoti, duta or dUna) 1 To burn, consume gical uneasiness, pain, discomfort; Ch. Up.7.26. 2. with fire; sa bhasmasAccakArArIndudAva ca kRtAntavat Bk. 14.85. duHkhAkRta [duHkhAt prAtilomye iti DAca P.V.4.64] Hurt, -2 To torrment, afflict, distress ; udAsIni jalejAni dunvantyadayitaM janam Bk. 6.74; 5. 98; 17.99; (mukham ) tava vizrAntakathaM oppressed; N. 22. 138; Si 2.11. dunoti mAm R.8.55. -3 To pain, produce sorrow; varNa- duHkhAyate Den. A. To teel pain, be distressed. (Also prakarSe sati karNikAraM dunoti nirgandhatayA sma cetaH Ku. 3. 28. -4 __ duHkhyati Den. P.) (Intrans.) To be afficted or pained; dehi sundari darzanaM duHkhita . [ duHkha tAra* itac] 1 Distressed, afficted, mama manmathena dunomi Git. 3.7.-Pass. (or 4 A. according to : pained ; duHkhitA yatra dRzyeran vikRtAH pApakAriNaH Ms. 9. 288. some) To be aflicted or pained &c.; nAyAtaH sakhi nirdayo -2 Poor, unhappy, miserable. -tam Trouble, distress. yadi zaThastvaM dUti kiM dUyase Git.73 Ku.5. 12, 48; R. 1. 703 16. 21. -II. 1P.(davati) To go, move. du:khin a. 1 Distressed, afflicted, pained.-2 Difficult, painful. -3 poor, miserable. dUna p. p. 1 Pained, afficted. tatigued. dUnAste'ribalAdUnA Ki. 15.31. -2 Burnt, infiamed. -3 Agitated; see gieffat Den. P. To suffer pain, be distressed ; du and dU, pittena dUne rasane sitApi tiktAyate haMsakulAvataMsa N. duHkhIyati sukhahetoH ko mUDhaH sevakAdanyaH H.2.27. duHkha 10 U. (duHkhayati-te ) To pain, afhiet, distress.. dukUlam Woven silk, silk-garment, a very fine duHkha a. [duSTAni khAni yasmin , duSTaM khanati khan-Da, duHkhU-ac garment in general; zyAmalamRdulakalevaramaNDanamadhigatagauradukUlam Git. 11B Ku.5.67,783 Bk. 3.34; 10.1; R.17.25%; also vA Tv.] 1 Painful, disagreeable, unpleasant; siMhAnAM ninadA duHkhAH zrotuM duHkhamato vanam Ram. -2 Difficult, uneasy. dugUla. -Comp. -paTTaH a head-band of fine cloth; Hariv. -kham 1 Sorrow, grief, unhappiness, distress, pain) dugdha,-dudha &c. See under duh. agony; sukhaM hi duHkhAnyanubhUya zobhate Mk. 1. 10%; yadevopanata duH gfe: f. A small tortoise. khAtsukhaM tadasavattaram V. 3.21; 80 duHkhasukha, samaduHkhasukha &c. -2 Trouble, difficulty; S. Til. 123; arthAnAmarjane duHkhamarjitAnAM guti a. Dishonest, bad-hearted, fraudulent. ca rakSaNe / Aye duHkhaM vyaye duHkhaM dhigarthAH kaSTasaMzrayAH // Pt. 1. 163. duNDubhaH = DuNDubha q.v. (duHkham and duHkhena are used as adverbs in the sense of ' hardly with difficulty' 'or trouble's.7.18; avyaktA dudrumaH A green onion. hi gatirduHkhaM dehavadbhiravApyate Bg. 12. 57 Ku. 4. 13; Pt. 1.; dundamaH A kind of drum; see dundubhi. R. 19.49; H. 1. 158). -Comp. -atIta a. freed from pain. -antaH final emancipation. -Ate, -anvita a. dudha 1 P. (dodhati) Ved. 1 To kill, hurt, injure. -2 To pained, afflicted, distressed. -kara a. paintul, trouble- drive forward, propol. some, -gatam adversity, calamity; Mb. 12. -grAma: dudhi a. Ved. Injurious, hurtful; syUmagRbhe dudhaye'rvate ca 'the scene of suffering', worldly existence. -chinna a.1 Rv. 6.36.2. tough, hard. -2 pained, distressed. -cche dya also duHkho9 a. 1 hard. -2 to be conquered with difficulty. dudhita a. Troubled, perplexed. prajAnurAgAddharmAcca duHkhocchedyo hi dhArmikaH 1.4.2t. -jAta . dudhra a. Ved. 1 Restraining wicked enemies. -2 feeling pain. - fara a. living in pain or distress; Ms. Powerful, violent, terrible, injurious. ( = gte q.v.) 11.9.-trayAbhighAta: unbearable association of the three sufferings; duHkhatrayAbhighAtAjijJAsA San. K. 1. -duHkham dunduH 1 A kind of drum. -2 N. of Vasudeva, (instr.) with great difficulty; (dhArayantI) zathyotsaGge nihita- Krispa's father. masakRdduHkhaduHkhena gAtram Me. 95.-duHkhin a. having sorrow dundubha: 1 A kind of large kettle-drum. -2 A kind upon sorrow; mayA rakSati duHkhadukhI Bhag. 11. 11. 19. of water-snake. -3 An epithet of Siva. -4a long -dohyA (a cow) difficult to be milked. -prAya, bahula. wreath ; N. 21. 43. full of trouble or griet. -bhAgin, -bhAjU a. unhappy. Ms.4.157. bhoga: occurrence of trouble or misery. -yogaH dundubhiHm.f. 1A sort of large kettle-drun, drum; infliction of pain ; Ms. -lavya a. hard to be pierced or vijayadundubhitAM yayurarNavAH R. 9. 11. -m. 1 An epithet of cut; B. R. 4. 11. -lokaH worldly life, the world as a Visnu. -2 Of Krisna. -3 A kind of poison. -4N. of soene of constant suffering. -zIlaa. 1 hard to please a demon slain by Vali. When Sugriva showed to For Private and Personal Use Only Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dundubhikaH 820 Rama the skeleton of this demon to show him how 1994: Bhag. 10. 84. 14. (-4) 1 a wrong powerful Vali was, Rama kicked it with but a gentle conclusion, one wrongly inferred from given premisses. force, and threw it many miles away ). -8 N. of -2 (in gram.) a false agreement. -Teie: ill report, Varuna. -8 N. of the 56 th year in the cycle of As. slander. - a. difficult to be caught. -377 -7 . A pair of three spots on a die. Grgraun AI a. vain-glorious, disagreeably proud. -39 ata a 19 Nm. a. incomprehensible; Bhag. 5. 13. 26. - a. 1 difficult to be restrained or subjugated; HET TE dundubhikaH A kind of poisonous insect. 99EUR AT UTEHIT Bhag. 10. 29. 31. -2 disagreeable. FGH A sound of a drum). -Targ a. difficult to be attained; Bhag. 7. 1. 19. Grgara Den. A. To sound. -370 a. difficult to be hidden; garan t at grana: Bhag. 10. 62. 28. -3autet a. unintelligible. ghth Drum-sound; Fanfifahafs Bhag. 10. 49. 29. - a. unfathomed, difficult to Alfgan U.6.2. be ascertained; yafafat a legrareata haya aasta OrgaTT: 1 A sort of red worm. - 2 The smoke of a Bhag. 12. 12. 67. -370 FT a. ill off, badly or poorly house. -3 A cat. circumstanced. - FOTT, PATH a wretched or miser able state; Bhag. 5. 3. 12. -37ant a. difficult to be gr ind. (A prefix substituted for 58 before words gained or fulfilled ; $. 1. af at an improper look. beginning with vowels or soft consonants in the sense -37#: a bad day.-tata a. ugly, mis-shaped. -3717 of 'bad','hard' or difficult to do a certain thing'; a. crying bitterly or miserably; the rate a ratafor compounds with 59 as first member see 4 s. y.). 1987 Pt. 4. 29.-3717. a. 1 invincible, unconquer-Comp. -37&T a. 1 weak-eyed. -2 evileyed. (- :) 1 a able. -2 difficult to be passed. -- T U TH 1 unfair loaded or false die. -2 dishonest gambling. -TTTH attack. -2 difficult approach. -TITA: improper or an evil word; ft face Harga : 125cual illegal acquisition. -3710&: foolish obstinacy, head5: N. 9. 63. - a. difficult to be overcome or strongness, pertinacity; HHIEFHYTT19ET" gay Bhag. 3. conquered, unconquerable; Hi Tea ATO Gu fagfa- 5. 43.-310R a. 1 hard to be performed. -2 incurable HH Ms. 11. 2. 38; 892091 gta : nature cannot (as a disease). -39 a. 1 ill-conducted, badly bebe changed'; qulaglam Pt. 1. -2 insurmountable, haved. -2 following bad practices, wicked, depraved; impassa ble; B. R. 6. 18-19. -3 inevita ble. (#:) efa IIT Hd #1474HI Bg. 9. 30. (-:) bad an epithet of Visnu. -37792 a. 1 difficult to be ! practice, ill-conduct, wikedness. -3717. a. not rich, overcome; fatihtigita rah: R. 11. 88. -2 hard to poor. -3TCH A vileness, baseness, wickedness. TCH be attained or fathomed; # 99 SIIHT 4trugiafugat- a. evil-natured, low, wicked, vile, base, mean; H a ya Bhag. 7. 5. 13. TEVF ill-luck, ESHTAT TITT HIT: Pt. 1. 39. (-m.) a rascal, misfortune. -3TETIT, -3TTUTH a. 1 hard to reach or villain, scoundrel. -3TTER a. difficult to be withstood attain, unattaina ble; Bhag. 3. 23. 8; giu: cat or overpowered, irresistible. - 3 7 a. hard to be J1929E Gea 14 Pt. 1. 330. -2 insurmountable. approached or assailed, unassaila ble 14 giye -3 hard to be studied or understood; a g a : - w write a Mb. -2 not to be attacked with impu 1: Ki. 5. 18. fefta a. badly performed, nity. -3 haughty. (-:) white mustard. -3TTETIT: an managed, or executed. (-4) improper stay at a epithet of Siva. -Tife: (m.) 1 distress or anxiety of place. -37871a a. badly learnt or read. -3769 a. mind; a 4 44 JT42: Ki. 1. 28.-2 indignation. 1 difficult of attainment; aut ogrzy: Si. 12.11. - 3 r a. Ved. malignant, thinking ill of. T1TH a. -2 hard to be studied. -378 1: a foolish undertak- difficult to bend or draw; a falra uge R. 11.38. ing. -378a: a bad road; tau gariqaifa: FOTO -3T17 a. 1 difficult to be obtained; a tra: ufuat fata agile aigefth N. 9. 33. -37F7 a. 1 whose end is Hack $. 3. 13; R. 1. 72; 6. 62. -2 difficult to be apdifficult to be reached, endless, infinite; 14 14 proached; Pt. 1. 67. -3 hard to be overcome. -37191 gta14772121 Bhag 2 ending ill or in misery, a. difficult to be brought about; ST1917 91H unhappy; 3 gta salata Ki. 1. 23; fa gafa- Bhag.3.23.42.-3119 a. difficult to be filled or satisfied; Tata i afa TEATRI () Git. 1; Fayett- Bhag. 7.6.8.-32 a. hard to be molested. :) gaat afea waaraaaa: Udb. -3 hard to be N. of Siva. -TAG: bad scent, stench; T HETIHTE: understood or known. -4 insurmountable. -3778 a. TECHS faga Ks. 82. 22.-Trey a. difficult to be = tad q. v. (-+) an epithet of Siva. -Feu a. propitiated, hard to be won over or conciliated; Tira: 1 difficult to be passed along; Mb. 14. 51.17.-2 hard For at gir gouf 96T: Pt. 1. 38. -37166 a. difficult to to be carried out or followed. -3 difficult to be attained. be mounted. (-:) 1 the Bilva tree. -2 the cocoa nut tree. or understood; buddhizca te mahAprAjJa devairapi duranvayA Ram. 3. -8 the date tree. -TTTT a. difficult to be strung (bow); 66. 18. - not suitable, improper; 21 grad fastersufi- | STK194-catat uogfart TTTHETCOST: B. R. 1. 46-47. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 821 - & a. difficult of ascent. (-:) 1 The cocoanut tree. I mountain &o., a defile, narrow pass. -% a citadel, -2 the palm tree. -8 the date tree.-31TT: 1 a curse, fortress, castle; st g a gf wala na: 4 imprecation. -2 foul or abusive language. -TIT a. Hatha Ratu gela: Il Siva. B. 16. 61. -8 rough 1 difficult to be seen or perceived. 2 painfully bright, ground. -4 difficulty, adversity, calamity, distress, dazzling; 75: #47 ografatha K.P. 10. (- ) danger; patarcia na Ms. 3. 98; 11.43; fan: - dazzling splendour. 31a Ta. 1 difficult to be gruffor Haerufsre; Bg. 18. 58. (-:) 1 bdellium. covered or filled up; gerai saa 749efe HET -2 the Supreme Being. -8 N. of an Asura slain by Ram. 2. 105.5. -2 difficult to be restrained, shut in, Durga (thus receiving her name from him ). 37972:, kept back or stopped.-3779d a. difficult to be convinced yfa: : the commandant or governor of a castle. or set up; Haid ad ghaitsfagfosat: Mb.12.19.23. 3-a: The suburb of a fort; fia fagara: Kau. A. -3 a. 1 evil-minded, wicked, malicious, ya Hal 1. 12.deg n. fortification. #17 a. making difficult. durAzayo'dhamaH Si. upeyivAn mUlamazeSamUlaM durAzayaH kAmadughAdhipasya (*) the birch tree. N. of Durga. Patuft an Bhag. 3. 21. 15. -2 having a bad place of rest. (-m.) epithet of Savitri. sAvitrI durgataraNI vINA saptavidhA tathA Mb. the subtle body which is not destroyed by death Papi: a defile, gorge. 974 surmounting difficu(fonae ); T r asf4990 gr Bhag. 3. 24. lties. (- ) a camel. #7: 1 a difficult passage as to 36.-31371 1 a bad or wicked desire. -2 hoping against a fort &c., a bridge &c. over a defile. #4 : Repairs hope. -3718 a. difficult to be abided or associated to the old forts; att gratt 317 P T ETTA with; agua yoyote Si. 5. 19. - a. Mu. "f: N. of the author of traffiere.deg4474 1 difficult to be approached or overtaken; a g ye: a defect or weak point in a fortress. (TT) an epithet 4: R. 3. 66; 8. 4; My. 2. 5; 4. 15. -2 difficult to of Parvati, wife of Siva. - 2 The female cuckoo -8 N. be found or met with. -8 unequalled, unparalleled. of several plants. Paait the 9th day of the bright -4 hard to be borne, insupportable. 8 difficult to halt of kArtika. pUjA the chief festival in honour of durgA in be conquered, unassailable, unconquerable; ut Bengal in the month of A svina. Ta a. 1 unfortunate, HEIATE & gtrach Bg. 3. 43. (-) an epithet of in bad circumstances; arafe so gafa: Siva. - a. 1 difficult. - sinful. (-a ) 1 a bad Bk. 18. 10. - 2 indigent, poor. -3 distressed, in trouble. course, evil, sin; daridrANAM dainyaM duritamatha durvAsanahRdA drutaM - Taarill-luck, poverty, misery; whilagay aar gigant G. L. 2; R. 8.2; Amaru. 2; Mv. 3. 43. -2 a gica AT Pt. 1. 265. Tila: f. 1 misfortune, poverty, difficulty, danger. -3 a calamity, evil; 724 TIET- want, trouble, indigence; a che gif ata gitarat U. 4.3. -afa: . Ved. 1 a bad course. -2 seala Bg. 6. 40. -2 a difficult situation or path. difficulty. -44 1 a curse, imprecation. -2 a spell or -3 hell. - TFT a. ill-smelling. ( :) 1 bad odour, sacrificial rite performed to injure another person. stink -2 any ill-smelling substance. -3 an onion. - T: a bad lord or master. TUT, TOUT 1 a curse, the mango tree. (FT) sochal salt. -- , - et an imprecation. -2 an evil eye.- a. harshly utter- a. ill-smelling. A a. 1 impassable, inaccessible, ed; Pt. 1. 89. , : f. offensive speech, impervious ; ffit4Filet deri Bh. 1. 86; si. reproach, abuse, censure; 4 249 994 364 12. 49. -2 unattainable, difficult of attainment. -8 Udb.-3030 a. difficult to be destroyed. I a. 1 hard to be understood. (74) a difficult place like unanswerable. -2 difficult to be crossed; GOTT 45 hill eto; 17172rd gacafe Pt. 5.81. - , - , - a. $97441 Bk. 11. 20; 18: 991 67: Ki. 15. 17. -34 difficult to be fathomed or investigated, unfathomable, a. appearing with difficulty, not easily manifested; us -yorat not properly studied; P eyraguaifa ya ima hau Ha adla: Bhag. 3. 16. 50.- a. hav- afford 74 A vimarakam 2. 4. - Tigt evil association ; ing bad or no consequences; N. 5. 41.-3T&T a. diffi- conspiracy. : *asit garigheitshart Rai. T. 6. cult to be pronounced or composed; anujjhitArthasaMbandhaH 170.-EUR a. 1 difficult to be gained or accomplished. arut gueret: Si. 2. 73. -36 a. burdensome, unbear. -2 difficult to be conquered or subjugated; gritor able.-398 a. difficult of approach; Ki.7.9.-3TATTI grozat a Tiga E4 R. 17. 52. -3 hard to be a. approaching incautiously; ekameva dahatyagnirnaraM durupasarpiNam understood. (-5) 1 a cramp, spasm. -2 obstinacy. M6.7.9. - a. abstruse; Erta reca ga TTT: EZ -3 whim, moromania; a gheata To t 972geaga Git. Ta a. Ved. 1 having evil ways. -2 irresis- TUJET rud N. 9. 41. - a. 1 difficult. #taffor tible, unassailable. (-a:) a wicked person. There are quarufu Raj. T. 4. 361. - 2 impossible. a. Ved. slow, lazy. - T 1 difficult of access, inacoessible, -TUT a. 1 closely packed together, very compact. impervious, impassa ble; greca HET9-91: Mb. 12. 300. - T: An unbeliever ; L. D. B.-aa: 1 a harsh cry. 50; at an afet Kath. 1. 3. 14. -2 unattain- -2 a bear. - a. 1 wicked, bad, vile. -2 slanderous, able. -3 incomprehensible. - following wicked path, malicious, mischievous; 491 aftu a rat ryca 79: vicious; Ram. 2. 39. 22. (-:, ) 1 a difficult or U. 1. 6. (-:) a bad or wicked person, a malicious narrow passage through a wood or over a stream, i or mischievous man, villain ; a: 1999 aleat For Private and Personal Use Only Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 822 kAraNam Chan. 24, 25; zAmyetpratyapakAreNa nopakAreNa durjanaH -3 evil strategy; unmUlayitumIzo'haM trivargamiva durnayaH Mu.b.22. Ku.2.40. (durjanAyate Den. A. to become wicked; svajano'pi -nAmaka: piles. degariH a kind of bulbous root (Mar. suraNa). daridrANAM tatkSaNAd durjanAyate Pt. 1.5.). (durjanIka [cci ] to -nAman m.fa cockle. (-n.) piles. -nigraha a. irremake blameworthy; durjanIkRtAsmi anena mAM citragatAM darzayatA pressible, unruly; mano durnigrahaM calam Bg. 6.3. -nimita Nag.2).-jaya a. invincible. (-yaH) N. of Visnu. -jara a. carelessly put or placed on the ground; pade pade dunimita a. 1 ever youthful; tasminstanaM durjaravIryamulbaNaM ghorAkamAdAya galantI R. 7. 10. -nimittam 1a bad omen; R. 14.50.-2 zizordadhAvatha Bhag. 10. 6. 10. -2 hard (as food), a. bad pretext. -nivAra,-nivArya a. difficult to be checkindigestible. -3 difficult to be enjoyed; rAjazrIdujarA tasya ed or warded off, irresistible, invincible. -nItam 1 misnavatve bhUbhujo'bhavat Raj. T.5.19. -jAta a. 1 unhappy, conduct, bad policy, demerit, misbehaviour; duNItaM kimiwretched. -2 bad-tempered, bad, wicked; Raj. T. 3. hAsti Pt. 2.21; H. 1.49. -2 ill-luck. -nItiHf. mal. 142. -3 talse, not genuine. degjAyin a. one who is born administration; durnIti tava vIkSya kopadahanajvAlAjaTAlo'pi san ; in vain; yo na yAtayate vairamalpasattvodyamaH pumAn / aphalaM janma tasyAhaM Bv.4.36.-nRpa: a bad king; AsIt pitRkulaM tasya bhakSyaM dapamanye durjAtajAyinaH || Mb.(-tam)1a misfortune, calamity, rakSasaH Raj. T.5. 417. -nyasta a. badly arranged; durvyastadifficulty; tvaM tAvad durjAte me'tyantasAhAgyakAriNI bhava M.33 puSparacito'pi Mal 9.44. -bala a. 1 weak, feeble. -2 durjAtabandhuH R. 18.72 a friend in need or adversity.' enteebled, spiritless; dubelAnyAkAni U. 1.24. -3 thin, -2 impropriety. -jAti a.1 bad natured, vile, wicked; lean, emaciated; U. 3.-4 small, scanty, little; ariruditazaraNA durjAtInAM sahasva ruSAM phalam Amaru.96. -2 out- pAttaM prati durbalAzaH R.5.12.-bAdhaa.Unrestrained (anivAra); cast.(-tiHt.) misfortune, ill condition. -jJAna,-jJeya . dudhio janidivasanmama pravRddhaH (AdhiH); Mv. 6.28. -bAla difficult to be known, incomprehensible. seanday yay a.1 bald-headed. -2 void of prepuce. -3 having crookdurjeyAmakRtAtmabhiH Ms. 6.73. (-yaH) N. of Siva. -NayaH, ed hair. - a. 1 silly, foolish, stupid. -2 perverse, -nayaH, -nItiH 1 bad conduct. -2 impropriety -3 in- evil-minded, wicked; dhArtarASTrasya durbuddheyuddhe priyacikIrSavaH (samAjustice. -NAmane, nAman a. having a bad name:-NIta . gatAH) Bg. 1. 28. -budha a. wicked-minded, silly; Mb. 1 ill-behaved. -2 impolitic.-3 forward. (-tam) miscon- 11.4.18.-bodha a unintelligible, unfathomable, inseruduct; duNItaM kimihAsti kiM sucaritaM kaH sthAnalAbhe guNaH ma. -dama, table; nisargadurbodhamabodhaviktavAH kva bhUpatInAM caritaM ka jantavaH Ri. -damana, damya a difficult to be subdued, untamables 1.6. -bhaga a.unfortunate, unlucky; zrIvallabhaM durbhagAH indomitable. at a. 1 difficult to be seen. -2 dazzling; (nindanti) Pt. 1.415.-2 not possessed of good features, sudurdazamidaM rUpaM dRSTavAnasi yanmana Bg. 11.52. -dazena a. ugly, ill-looking. -bhagA 1 wife disliked by her husband, ill-looking; durdarzanena ghaTatAmiyamapyanena Mal.2.8 -dazA a darbhagAbharaNaprAyo jJAnaM bhAraH kriyAM vinA H.1.17.-2 an ill-tempered misfortune, calamity. -dAnta a. 1 hard to be woman, a shrew. -3 a widow; -HT a. insupporta ble, or subdued, untamable; Si.12.22. -2 intractable, burdensome, hoavily laden with (comp.); tato rAjAbravIdeta proud, insolent; durdAntAnAM damanavidhayaH kSatriyeSvAyatante Mv.3.34. bahuvyasanadurbharaH Ks. 112. 156. -bhAgya a. unfortunate, (-taH)1a calt. -2 a strite, quarrel. -3 N. of Siva. unlucky.(gyam) ill-luck. -bhAvanA 1 an evil thought.-2 -dina a.cloudy, rainy.(-nam)1a bad day in general; a bad tendency.-bhikSam 1 scarcity of provisions, dearth, taddinaM durdinaM manye yatra mitrAgamo hi na Subhas. -2 a rainy or famine% BY.2.147; Ms.8.22; utsave vyasane caiva durbhikSa... cloudy day, stormy or rainy weather; unnamatyakAladurdinam yastiSThati sa bAndhavaH / .1.71%3 Pt. 2.-2want in general. Mk.53 Ku.6.433; Mv. 4.57. -3a shower (of any- -bhida,-bheda,-bhedya a. firm; sujanastu kanakaghaTavad durbhadhazcAzu thing); dviSAM viSahya kAkutsthastatra nArAcadurdinam // sanmaGgalasnAta iva saMdhyeyaH Subhas. -mRtyaH a bad servant. -bhiSajyam R. 4.41,82; 5.47; U.5.5.-4 thick darkness 3; jImUtaizca incurability; Bri. Up.4.3. 14. -bhrAtR m. a bad dizaH sarvAzcake timiradurdinAH Mb. (durdinAyate Den. A. to become brother. -ma kua. obstinate, disobedient. -mati a. 1 cloudy.)-divasa: a dark or rainy day, Pt. 1. 173. silly, stupid, foolish, ignorant. -2 wicked, evilminded; -durUTaH,Dha:1an unbeliever -2 an abusive word.-dRza na sAMparAyikaM tasya durmatarvidyate phalam Ms. 11.30.-madaa.druna.1 disagreeable to the sight, disgusting%3 dudeza tatra ken, ferocious, maddened, infatuated; Bhag.1.15.7.-da: rAkSasaM ghorarUpamapazyatsaH Mb.1.2.298.-2 difficult to be seen ___foolish pride, arrogance.-dam the generative organ; grAmaka pAdacAramivAdityaM niSpatantaM sududRzam Ram. 7.33.5.-dRSTaa. ill- nAma viSayaM durmadena samanvitaH Bhag. 4. 25.52-manas a. troubled judged or seen, wrongly decided; Y. 2. 305. -daivam in mind, discouraged, disspirited, sad, malancholy; ill-luck, misfortune:-chUtam an unfair game. -drumaH onion adya bArhaspataH zrImAn yuktaH puSyeNa rAghavaH / procyatai brAhmaNaiH prAjJaiH (green). -ETT a. 1 irresistible, difficult to be stopped. kena tvamasi durmanAH // Ram. [ durmanAyate Dem. A. to be troubled -2 difficult to be borne or suffered; durdhareNa madanena sAdyate in mind, be sad, meditate sorrowfully, to be disconsoGhat. 11; Ms. 7. 28. -3 difficult to be accomplished. late, become vexed or fretted; Mal.3]. -ATE: a bad -4 difficult to be kept in memory. (- ) quicksilver. or wicked man. -mantraH , -mantritam, -mantraNA evil -dharSe a. 1 inviolable, unassailable. -2 inaccessible% 3 A dvice, bad counsel; durmantrAnnRpatirvinazyati Pt. 1. 169. saMyojayati vidyaiva nIcagApi naraM sarit / samudramiva durdharSe nRpaM bhAgya- -maram a hard or difficult death, Mb. 14.61.9.-mrii| mataH param // H. Pr. 5.-3 tearful, dreadful. -4 haughty. . kind of dUrvA grass. -maraNam violent or unnatural death. -ghI a. stupid, silly.-naya: 1 arrogance.-2 immorality. . -marSe a.1 unbearable; Bhag. 6.5.42. -2 obstinate, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 828 hostile. - U: N. of Visnu. - fca a. provocated, | Bhima fought a duel with Duryodhana and smashed encouraged; evaM durmarSito rAjA sa mAtrA babhruvAhanaH Mb. 14. his thigh with his club.] moghaM tavedaM bhuvi nAmadheyaM duryodhanetIha 79. 13, -HOE a.immodest, wicked.- fyrr, he kRtaM purastAt na hIha duryodhanatA tabAsti palAyamAnasya raNaM a minor drama, comedy, farve; S. D. 553. -f : 1 a FETY Mb. 4. 65. 17. That a. of a low birth, a bad friend. -2 an enemy. Je a. 1 having a bad ! a gara: ofat at fargefa Ms. 10. 59. T a. Pace, hideous, ugly; Bh. 1.90.-2 foul-mouthed, a busive, difficult to be seen or perceived, hardly visible. scurrilous; Bh. 2. 69. ( :) 1 a horse. -2 N. of bad aim%3; manaH prakRtyaiva calaM durlakSyaM ca tathApi me Ratn. 3.2. Siva. -3 N. of a serpent king (Nm.) -4 N. of a 7 a. 1 difficult to be attained, or accomplished; monkey (Nm.) -5 N. of a year (29th year out of R. 1.67; 17. 70; Ku. 4. 40; 5. 46, 61; * a * 60 years cycle). - a. highly priced, dear. - High ag 4 Subhas. -2 difficult to be found or a. silly, foolish, dull-headed, dull; Pt. 1. (-m.) a met with, scarce, rare; Jarage. S. 1. 17. -8 best, dunce, dull-headed man, blockhead; rate 20- excellent, eminent. -1: a village situated olose to a fafa giveSH Si. 2. 28. a. unfriendly, large village and inhabited by the free-holders (819hostile; Bhag. 7. 5. 27. -UTEL n. ill-repute, dishonour. EITT fast:); Mana. 10. 79-80. -4 dear, beloved. 8 - 1 bad or clumsy contrivance. -2 a bad combi- costly. we a. 1 spoilt by fondling, fondled nation. -TT, T T a. invincible, unconquerable. too much, hard to please ; & Haugafect Ve. 4; (-a: the eldest of the 101 sons of Dhritarastra and V. 2.8; Mal. 9. -2 (hence) wayward, naughty, Gandhari. (From his early years he conceived a illbred, unruly; FIESTA E geen $. 7. (-27) deep hatred for his cousins the Pandavas, but waywardness, rudeness. Der a forged document. particularly Bhima, and made every effort he could Y. 2. 91. - a. 1 difficult to be described, to compass their destruction. When his father pro- indescriba ble. 3114 an924 gee a a facuta father posed to make Yudhisthira heir-apparent, Duryodhana Ki. 2. 2. -2 not to be talked about. -3 speaking did not like the idea, as his father was the improperly, abusing. (TH) abuse, censure, foul reigning sovereign, and prevailed upon his blind father language. -vacas. abusea censure%3 asahA durvaco jJAtarmeghAto send the Pandavas away into exile. Varanavata carattaat Udb. -atot a. bad-coloured. -of: 1 bad was fixed upon as their abode, and under protext colour. -2 impurity; 791 eft fedt afgav aa - of constructing a palatial building for their residence, 14 Bhag. 12. 3. 47. (-o ) 1 silver. gaviffe Duryodhana caused a palace to be built mostly H auigaul Si. 4. 28.-2 a kind of leprosy. -247 a. of lao, resin and other combustible materials, thereby difficult to be resided in. - fa: f. painful residence; hoping to see them all destroyed when they should R. 8. 94. -a. heavy, difficult to be borne; enter it. But the Pandavas were forewarned and they andar U. 2. 10; Ku. 1. 11. -21 a. speaksafely escaped. They then lived at Indraprastha, and ing ill. (-f.) 1 evil words, abuse. -2 inelegant Yudhisthira performed the Rajasuya sacrifice with language or speech. 215 a. 1 difficult to be spoken great pomp and splendour. This event further or uttered. -2 a busive, scurrilous. -3 harsh, cruel excited the anger and jealousy of Duryodhana, (as words ).(- 4) 1 censure, abuse. -2 scandal, who was already vexed to find that his plot for burn- ill-repute. -ara: a fart. Carca Den. P. to break wind ing them up had signally failed, and he induced his or fart; ityeke vihasantyenameke dutiyanti ca Bhag. 11. 28. 40. father to invite the Pandavas to Hastinapura to play -ala: slander, defamation, calumny. -er, -artur a. with dice (of which Yudhisthira was particularly irresistible, unbearable; R. 14. 87; R a uftgart: fond). In that gambling-match, Duryodhana, who 9701 977: : Ku. 2. 21. - 1 evil propensity, was ably assisted by his maternal uncle Sakuni, won ! wicked desire; kaH zatrurvada khedadAnakuzalo durvAsanAsaMcayaH Bv. from Yudhisthira everything that he staked, till the 1.86.-2 a chimera. -1 a. 1 ill-dressed. -2 naked. infatuated gambler staked himself, his brothers, and (- ) N. of a very irascible saint or Risi, son of Draupadi herself, all of whom shared the same fate. Atri and Anasuya. (He was very hard to please, Yudhisthira, as a condition of the wager, was forced and he cursed many a male and female to suffer to go to the forest with his wife and brothers, and to misery and degradation. His anger, like that of Jamaremain there for twelve years and to pass one addi- i dagni, has become almost proverbial.) arga tional year incognito. But even this period, long as it a. heavy burden; urojapUrNakumbhArakA sadurvAhitavibhramA Raj. was, expired, and after their return from exile both T. 4. 18. -ferrie, -fara a. difficult to be penethe Pandavas and Kauravas made great preparations trated or fathumed, unfathomable. - Tru inconceifor the inevitable struggle and the great Bharati va ble, inscrutable-face a. difficult to be known or war commenced. It lasted for eighteen days during discovered; infa: matrace a faggrei Mb. 7. 78. which all the Kauravas, with most of their allies, 20.-face 1 unskilled, raw, foolish, stupid, silly. were slain. It was on the last day of the war that -2 wholly ignorant. -8 foolishly puffed up, slated, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 824 ..................................................... ...... duroNam ............ vainly proud; vRthAzastragrahaNadurvidagdha Ve.8%3 jJAnalabadurvidagdhaM duli: A small or female tortoise. brahmApi naraM na rajayati Bh.2.3. -viddha. Badly perforated 94 a. Active. -*. 1 Wealth. -2 An offering. (a pearl); Kau. A.2.11. - a. uneducated; Raj. T. 1. 354. -fast a. 1 mean, base, low. -2 wicked, vile. 3 Worship, honour; aibhirane dubo giro vizvebhiH somapItaye -3 poor, indigent; fecula fragraue N. 2. 23. -4 Rv. 1. 14.1. stupid, foolish, silly; fafareti a gragraut: Si. 16. 39. gafa Den. P. 1 To honour, worship. -2 To -a : risconduct, imprudence. -farfa a. 1(a) badly educated, ill-mannered; ill-behaved, wicked ; ___reward; duvasyata damyaM jAtavedasam Rv.3.2.8. raaft grada S. 1. 24. (b) rude, naughty, mis- TEHF a. Adorable, to be worshipped. chievous. -2 stubborn, obstinate. (-2) 1 a restive or untrained horse. -2 a wayward person, reprobate. farat a. 1 Worshipping.-2 Enjoying worship. -fagra a. producing bad fruit; fefe 454779154 duvoyu a. Honouring, worshipping; sa tu zrudhi zrutyA yo grare faga U. 1. 46. ( :) 1 bad result or consequence; U. 1. 40; fx at farafta Tash gfa : My. gaig: Rv. 6. 36.5. 6.7. -2 evil consequences of acts done either in this 94 P. (goala, ge ) 1 To be bad or corrupted, be or in a former birth. - 14 a. inconceivable; also spoiled or suffer damage. -2 To be defiled or violated gfma; B UTTI i gara faufta Ki. 11. 56.-GHET (as a woman &c.), be stained, be or become impure a. difficult to be tried or examined; a gran9241 or contaminated; svalpenApyapakAreNa brAhmaNyamiva duSyati Pt. 1. Paraty Aga yoqa aga@e: Bhag. 10. 49. 29. 66; Ms. 7. 24; 9. 318; 10. 102. -8 To sin, commit a facfiae a wayward act, rudeness, naughtiness ; mistake, be wrong. -4 To be unchaste or faithless. ferma gfagarage yeuh B. R. 4. 60.-Fte: -Caus. (dUSayati-te, but dUSayati-te or doSayati-te in the sense bad or evil turn of fate; U. 1. -fare: a censurable of making depraved ' or 'corrupting') 1 To corrupt, marriage; y ffrey sergaarrea: 4114sfarey spoil, cause to perish, hurt, destroy, defile, taint, 1944: gar: 1| Ms. 3. 41. - a. ill-natured, contaminate, vitiate, pollute (lit. and fig.); 7 at malignant. (- ) N. of Siva. -farg a. unbearable, #TOTE fa4: Mk. 10. 27; gti gafat u intolerable, irresistible. (-:) N. of Siva. - a. R. 12. 30; 8. 68; 10.47; 12.4; Ms. 5. 1, 104; 7. 195; 1 vile, wicked, ill-behaved. -2 roguish. (- ) Y. 1. 189; Amaru. 72; at a f THAT misconduct, ill-behaviour. THT 29 efa ich Mv. 3. 8.'shall not sully, violate or break &c.'-2 To Devimahatmya. -gler: f. 1 misconduct. -2 misery, corrupt the morals, demoralize. -8 To violate or diswant, distress. -8 fraud. -are: f. insufficient honour (as a girl or another's wife); atsaat ecout rain, drought. - a. difficult to be known or aufa Ms. 8. 364, 368. -4 To abrogate, ascertained. -59&t: a wrong judgment in law. rescind, annul. - To blame, censure, find fault with, -Ezagfa: f. ill-report or rumour. - 1 a fond speak ill of, acouse; qua: y faci faufa pursuit or resolve; Mu. 3.-2 bad propensity, vice; dan Ram.; Y. 1. 66. -6 To adulterate. -7 To falsify. -8 zozuaritarasa a K8. 73. 73. 27 d. not To refute, disprove. conforming to rules, disobedient. ah a badly offered sacrifice. - a. wicked-hearted, ill-disposed, e p. p. (99-) 1 Spoiled, damaged, injured, inimical; akurvatovA zuzrUSAM kliSTayorduhRdA bhRzam Bhag. 10.45.9. ruined. -2 Defiled, tainted, violated, sullied. - Depra. (-m.) an enemy. - 4 a. evil-minded, evil-intention- ved, corrupted. 4 Vicious, wicked; as gew:; at ed, wicked. - a. having defective organs TT 7579 geza: H. 1. 117. -8 Guilty, of sense. culpable. -6 Low, vile. -7 Faulty or defective, as a ta in logic. -8 Painful. -9 Worthless.-T 1 A bad GOT A residence, dwelling, home. -Comp. - or unchaste woman. -A harlot. -UH 1 Sin, crime, a. residing in a house; faragtime Rv. 4. 40.5. guilt. - A kind of leprosy. -Comp. - CHI, ETTET: 1 A gamester. -2 A dicebox. -3 A stake. -T1-14 a. evil-minded, wicked. TE: a vicious elep - 1 Gambling, playing at dioe; griestierat ft- hant. -ata, a. wicked, sinful. - , -sft, -fea. Pas reff guya: Ki. 1.7; R. 9. 7. STIET! evil-minded, malevolent, wicked. - N. of a Ye # E Siva. B. 16. 28.-2 A die. particular form of the moon. It a strong but stubborn ox which refuses to draw, a vicious ox. 1 P. (5-7 ) To hurt, kill. -TUT: 1 a dull boil or sore. -2 a sinus. % 10 U. (atafa-a, afe) To swing, shake to and git: f. Corruption, depravity. fro, cause to Oscillate or move a bout; f& ESSUIET Ratimanari; 4-aifa Bh. 3. 39. -2 To move or a. At the end of comp. ) Defiling, polluting; shake upwards, throw up; wat foary: Sabdak. e. g. 414 . For Private and Personal Use Only Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 826 duSyantaH 7. a. (fra f.) [99-foq-up] 1 Corrupting, polluting, vitiating, defiling, spoiling; gar graag Ram. 3. 2. 12. -2 Violating, dishonouring, seducing; TI: Tata: Mk. 9. 41. -3 Offending, trespassing, guilty. -4 Disfiguring. - Sinful, wicked (as an action). -6 Irreligious; 4: 95910 49: Ram. 4. 38. 26. -* 1 A seducer, a corrupter. -2 Any infamous or wicked person. Eu a. (19-a-y) 1 Corrupting, spoiling, destroying, &c.; 3119 of Ki. 13. 64; see 4. -2 Dishonouring, violating. -3 Offending against. - Opposing, counteracting. -TH 1 Spoiling, corrupting, vitiating, ruining, polluting &c. -2 Violating, breaking (as an agreement). -3 Seducing, violating, dishonouring (as a woman). -4 Abuse, censure, blame; 7 24 THT: 0917: R. 12. 46. -5 Detraction, disparagement. -8 Adverse argument or criticism, objection. -7 Refutation. -8 A fault, offence, defect, sin, crime: a u ha e fear fer un Bh. 2.93; EIET PE 6 9TH U. 1. 40; Ms. 2. 213; H. 1. 94, 115; 2. 139. -UT: N. of a demon, one of the generals of Ravana, slain by Rama; R. 12. 46. -Comp. -3ft: an epithet of Rama. -31278 a. involving (one ) in blame. oft a. Liable to be blamed, corrupted, vitiated &c; see . zafere m. A corrupter, violator. grati, off. The rheum of the eyes. fra 1 A pencil, paint-brush. -2 A kind of rice. -8 Rheum of the eyes one of the 12 impurities (H) of man ]; Ms. 5. 135. fora a. [ 39-for-] 1 Corrupted. defiled, spoiled. -2(a) Hurt, injured. (1) Marred, spoiled, frustrated; fa 1197 aagadatai pasal 176 $. 5. 9. (c) Blinded, obscured, injured; yatafana Ku. 4.8. -8 Damaged, demoralized. -4 Blamed, censured. -3 Falsely accused, traduced, vilified. - Affected; touched; etAvaduktvA vacanaM bASpadRSitalocanaH / bASpadUSitayA vAcA a: la fogh Il Ram. 4. 8. 29. - A girl who has been violated. -24 A fault, offence; 454: 1 TERE A T A U.4.14. groteit = ata q. v. gou a. ( 34-* our] 1 Corruptible. -2 Condemna ble, Culpable, blama ble. -OH 1 Matter, pus. -2 Poison. - Cotton. -4 A garment, clothes. - A tent; q aegefor at praca warte garozada Si. 12. 65. sur Leathern girth of an elephant. 19: ( 57 Ha af 94] 1(a) A fault, blame, censure, defect, blemish, weak point; 97 99 4T ITfaza qaratu - Bh. 2. 93; Pt. 1. 242; 17 grufet 8. &..... 18 als fa S. 3'will not find fault or take exception'; so 9agar R. 14.9. au 749019911 fua: 91991 gotaraft o a ft Fa: Il Udb. (6) An error, a mistake. -2 A crime, sin, guilt, offence; THIS A R. 14. 34; Ms. 8. 205; Y. 3.79; also 314421a; cf. Ram. 3. 66. 16. - Noxious quality, badness, injurious nature or quality; as in 311EURTTC ; cf. Ms. 10. 14. -4 Harm, evil, danger, injury; aggia TRI Mk. 1.58; afa f TE TE-as art Pratima 1. 25. 1979: 'what harm is there.'-5 Bad or injurious consequence, detrimental effect; afety179619:17 S. 3; falar laut *Integal Chan. 49; Ms. 10. 14.-6 Morbid affection, disease. -7 Disorder of the three humours of the body, or the three humours when in a disordered state. -8 (In Nyaya &c.) A fault of a definition: (i. e. 3toatia, fofa and 381 ).-9 In Rhet.) A fault or defect of composition (such as 49EUR19, ITC9, 9149219, 74279, and 3781979 which are defined and illustrated in the 7th Ullasa of K. P.). -10 A calf. --11 Refutation. -12 Evening, dusk; cf. 191; 10 ETT Safe fait gantsal 471*: Bhag. 6. 8. 21. -Comp. -ETCH accusation. -371FT a. faulty. --TITTO: charge, accusation. - a. fault-finding, censorious, picking holes. , - fer, et a. causing evil, hurtful. - bad and good qualities; fayfafaza Fira 1993 ) Ms.9.330.- a. 1 convicted, guilty. -2 full of faults or defects. - a. 1 malicious, malignant. -2 censorious. a. knowing faults &c. (-3) 1 a wise or learned man; R. 1. 93. -2 a physician. -8 a teacher. - disorder or vitiation of the three humours of the body; (i. e. ara, 1971 and *). - ft a. looking at faults, censorious, TET: attaching blame, condemnation, censure. W : f. tendency to a disease. - HIT a. faulty, guilty, wrong, a villain. - : a peculiar modification of the vitiation of three humours.-FT17 the seat of disorder of the humours. doSaka: A calf. TUH A charge, an accusation. at a. Faulty, defective, corrupt, sinful. for a. (* s.) Faulty, defective, bad. - Sickness, disease. afera a. (oft f.) [39-forfa ] 1 Impure, corrupt, defiled, contaminated. -2 Faulty, defective. -8 Criminal, wicked, sinful, guilty, bad. og ind. 1 Ill, bad. -2 Improperly, incorrectly, wrongly. facrat go, gos neida Ak. t Hi 35 EUR Bu. Ch. 4. 84. cura: N. of a king of the lunar race, descendant of Puru, husband of Sakuntala and father of Bharata. [Once upon a time Dusyanta, while hunting in the forest, went to the hermitage of the bage Kanya, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 826 while pursuing a deer. There he was hospitably received by Sakuntala, the adopted daughter of the Bage, and her transcendent beauty made so great an impression on his mind that he prevailed on her to become his queen, and married her according to the Gandharva form of marriage. Having passed some time in her company the king returned to his capital. After some months Sakuntala was delivered of a son, and her father thought it advisable to send her with the boy to her husband. But when they went and stood before Dusyanta, he (for fear of public scandal) denied all knowledge of having ever before seen or married her. But a heavenly voice told him that she was his lawful wife, and he thereu pon admitted her, along with the boy, into his harem, and made her first queen. The happy pair lived to a good old age and committing the realm to the care of Bharata, retired to the woods. Such is the account of Dusyanta and Sakuntala given in the Mahabharata ; the story told by Kalidasa differs in several important respects; see " Sakuntala".] A prefix to nouns and sometimes to verbs meaning 'bad, evil, wicked, inferior, hard or difficalt, &c.' (N. B. The of 3 is changed to before vowels and soft consonants, see : to a Visarga before sibilants, to before and, and to before and .) -Comp. 3970 a. difficult to be approached ; TO 369917 gratis cu 4: Bk 5. 32. a. 1 wicked, acting badly; kA~hokAMstu gamiSyAmi kRtvA karma suduSkaram Mb.12. 27. 18. -2 hard to be done or accomplished, arduous difficult; a gai troTH' sooner said than done '; Amaru. 46; Mk. 3.1.; Ms. 7.55. (TH) 1 a difficult or painful task or act, difficulty: -2 atmosphere, ether. - n. 1 any bad act, sin, crime. -2 any difficult or painful act. -8 A wicked man; at aafa gotaf aan Tradit: : Mb. : 1 bad times; esa a 956716 : qi tear Mu. 7.5.-2 the time of universal destruction. -8 an epithet of Siva. 04 a bad or low family; ( ia) i grafu Ms. 2. 238. a. low-born. - a. hypocritical ; d u ca Fai HALATA 7742: Bu. Ch. 1. 18. FI, Hit m. a wicked person; frente a sala Bg. 4.8;ga: gaas falar R. 14. 57. -01H, -ra: f. a sin, misdeed; # ghagupid Bg. 2.50; (a) antart fahren od: Fa: Ram.7.21.21. - a. ill-arranged, unmethodical, unsystematic.- T a misdemeanour, bad act. #taa. not properly purchased; krItvA mUlyena yo dravyaM duSkItaM manyate # Narada Smriti. a. 1 hard to be performed or accomplished, arduous, difficult; ata: fehas gaat autqufaret: aftaria: gar R. 8.79; Ku. 7. 65. -2 inaccessible, unapproachable. -3 acting ill, behaving wickedly. (- :) 1 a bear. -2 a bi-valve shell. after a. practising very austere penanoe. ata a. wicked, ill-behaved, a bandoned. (- ) misbehaviour, ill-conduct; a gufta sarva vede trivRti majati Ms. 11. 263. -carman a.affected with a disease of the skin, leprous. (-m.) 1 a circumcised man, or one whose prepuce is naturally wanting. -I a. difficult to be cured, incurable. Ostale au f ara a ar: Bhag 4.30.38. - the third aurret; grau Fulya Jyotistattvam. - a. melancholy, sad. ETOH misconduct, error. - at: an epithet of Indra; 310 HEREU bhAgameti duzcyavano'dhunA Bk.5.11. -cyAva: an epithet of Siva. -735EUR a difficult to be clothed, tattered. - a. (duSTara or dustara) 1 difficult to be crossed; titIpurdustaraM HEIESTACH A R. 1. 2; Ms; 4. 242; sfera grat ar heri4 Pt. 1. 111. -2 difficult to be subdued, insuperable, invincible. -3 not to be surpassed or excelled. -4 difficult to be borne or endured. : false reasoning.-TE (9697) a. difficult to be digested. - 1 falling badly. -2 a word of abuse, abusive epithet (3797).-q ue a. difficult to be seized, taken, or kept; Pt. 1. 67. IFTTTT: 1999 si gia geftakt: Kam.(-&:) a bad wife. - a. difficult to be drunk. - a. 1 difficult to be crossed.-2 difficult to be accomplished. -97 a. difficult to be filled or satisfied; gegirGETZ foafa ala:& arca: Bh.; Bg. 3. 39.- a. obscure, dark, dim.-FT little authority; Raj. T. 8.4. fat a. ill-tempered. evilnatured. - TETET a. having bad progeny. -73 (6 ) a. weakminded, stupid. - bad intellect. quira a. ill-arranged or managed. (- ) im politic conduct; Mb.8.5.2.-T a. difficult to be overcome or understood; dharme sUkSmataraM vAcyaM tatra ! zbuat a Mb. 12. 19. 7.-9dfi a. difficult to know or recognise; duSpratIkamaraNya'smiAnka tAta vanamAgataH Ram.2.100.5. - a. causing pain or sorrow; 372 wtat: 961457 coated RETT ET Ram. 2.106.29. -TE,- TTBU 1 un assaila ble; see gua; a gani 119 rte: R. 2. 27. -2 secure from assault, intangible. -99 a. immeasurable. -tar: slander, calumnious report, scandal. - Tare: f. bad news, evil report ; doi T a gugaftretina R. 12. 51. -THE (GOT ) a. 1 irresistible, terrible. -2 hard to bear or endure; M. 5. 10; R. 3. 58.-19, - TuT a. unattainable, hard to get; R. 1. 48; 314r. FATTO gotu sfat fa: Bg. 6. 36. wita: f. displeasure. -maram a sad demise ; akAle durmaramaho yajjIvAmastayA faat Bk. 6. 14. - a. Ved. evil-minded, malevolent, wicked. -TF, TF a. powerless, weak. ET a bad omen. - N. of the only daughter of gatig given in marriage to Jayadratha. -TIECT a. difficult to be managed or governed, intractable. (--:) N. of one of the 100 sons of ty. [He was brave and warlike, but wicked and intractable. When Yudhi sthira staked and lost even Draupadi, Duhsasana i dragged her into the assembly by her hair and began to strip her of every clothing, but Krisna, ever ready to help the distressed, covered her from shame and For Private and Personal Use Only Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir V 897 ignominy. Bhima was so much exasperated at this dag- -Comp. -978: a kind of precious stone. -off a kind tardly act of Duhsasana that he vowed in the assembly of cake. -394, -3794, ACT the skim of milk, that he would not rest till he had drunk the villain's cream. -38: a kind of white stone. El a milch cow. blood. On the 16th day of the great war Bhima en- -TTTH 1 a vessel for boiling milk; -2 a kind of salt. countered Duhsasana in a single combat, killed him -pASANam calcareous spar. -poSya a. living on the with ease, and drank, according to his resolution, his mother's milk as a child ), a suckling. -o : cream. blood to his heart's content. ] - (graf ) a. - Fet:, - : the post to which a cow is tied before ill-mannered or ill behaved, reprobate. - a dis- being milked. ISTT 1 rice mixed with milk. - a kind loyal wife. - see u a. unsettled, in calamity; of gourd. - :,-37 : the ocean of milk, one of ge: a T arta cf Bk. 6. 132. Vai a. the seven oceans. deg7741 f. goddess Laksmi. difficult to be passed: Orang rafty; Pt. 1. 173. gfizet A kind of plant, Asclepias ( Mar. g). -TH (SITA or GETH), H (Sieh or GETH) a. 1 uneven, unlike, unequal. -2 adverse, unfortunate. gaa. (At the end of comp). Milking, yielding, -3 evil, improper, bad. -TH -AA ind. ill, wicked- | granting, as in kAmadugha q. v. abehi mAM kAmadudhAM prasannAm ly. Ta an evil being. AT: 1 a dog.-2 a cock; R. 2. 63. - A milch-cow. L. D. B. - Ta, a. difficult to be united or re gire m. [- ] 1 A cowherd, a milkman ; # coneiled. -mRddhaTavat sukhabhedyo duHsandhAnazca durjano bhavati Subhas. fed auf die Ku. 1. 2. -2 A calf. -3 A panegyTift a. very sinful or ugly to look at; Ram. 2.9.40. rist, one who writes verses for hire or reward. -4 One 6 ( 6) a. unbearable, irresistible, insupportable. who performs anything out of interested motives with bhavatyaniSTAdapi nAma duHsahAt Ku.-sAkSin m. a talse witness. a view to profit himself). -ETET, AT a. 1 difficult to be accomplished or managed. -2 difficult to be cured. -3 difficult to be eft 1 A cow which yields milk. -2 A wet-nurse conquered. -1 m. door-keeper; L. D. B. - a. | (having much milk; Mar. 475.) -8 A female who having bad dreams (in one's sleep). -, -fra a. I gives anything with acc.). ( written also go and gfera) 1 ill-conditioned, poor, doghaa. Ved. Milking. -ghaH Milking; uruM doghaM dharuNaM deva miserable. -2 suffering pain, unhappy, distressed; TY: Rv. 5. 15. 5. +91-CE FUT GUT 2016 Bk. -3 unwell, ill. -4 unsteady, disquieted. -5 foolish, unwise, ignorant. FH ind. ge: [ 36 ] 1 Milking; 319 vat atas badly, ill, unwell; giru fagre e qezyatafa 79- Sk.; Ku. 1. 2; R. 2. 28; 17. 19. -2 Milk. -3 A milktafe; Amaru. -forfa: f. 1 bad condition or situation, pail; PER THE CC Bhag. 4. 18. 27. -4 unhappiness, misery. -2 insta bility. Ten ( g-GET- Making profit out of anything, satisfaction, success, CH) 1 slight touch or contact. -2 slight touch or gain; az arat tesaa1791EUR Hala Ch. Up. 1. 3. 7. action of the tongue which produces the sounds , -Comp. apanayaH, -jam milk. and ; greasa fatul #17: Ego a 7.FF19: a kind aga a. [3 g 91] 1 Milking. -2 Yielding of weapon; L.D.B. THT a. hard or painful to remember; U. 6. 34. or granting ( desired objects ). - 1 Milking: -2 A Fa: a bad dream. milkpail; yAM dudoha pRthustatra ko vatso dohanaM ca kim Bhag. 4. 5 I. 2 U. (ainag, gate-GE. 1971- or But, 16. 3. - A milk-pail. aa, ay, gu ) 1 To milk or squeeze out, extract (with two acc.); Hafa Taifa wetu galegi qirga p. p. Milked. GERAH Ku. 1. 2; 4: Taina 10 halaga at a. (3 for 1 to be milked, milka ble ; Bk. 8. 82; T GERT 12.73; R. 5. 33. Y. 2. 177. -24 Milk. - A cow. -2 To draw anything out of another with two acc.); ET f. [ 1 ] A daughter -Comp. -ofa: STOGETTATA ST 9 1547 Bk. 6.9. -3 To drain a also gita: via:). a son-in-law thing of its contents, to make profit out of ; GTE TI 7914 TETIT haar fan R. 1. 26. - To yield or grant geplatil A hairy variety of skins of animals; (any desired object); Farrera f H H U. 5. 31. Kau. A. 2. 11. -5 To enjoy. -Caus. (Cicuad) To cause to milk. y 4A ( qua, -Desid. (grad) To wish to milk; IFTUS ) 1 To be a flicted, suffer pain, be sorry; aadrui899afa Si. 2. 11; 4 a faragha Bh. 2. 46. -II. 1 P. (aela) To hurt. FAHETAT FETTA Git. 8 'afflicted or distressed &c.' pain, distress. see pass. -2 To give or cause pain. gret p. p. [ -] 1 Milked, milked out. -2 Ex A a. Afflicted; L. D. B. tracted, drawn oat &c. -3 Collected, filled, full. -TTH 1 Milk. -2 The milky juice of plants. -8 Milking. ETT 4. Sick; L. D. B. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 828 dUryam . .. De 61 a. Base, low ; L. D. B. CUET a. Difficult to destroy. , : [ cf. Un 3. 90 ] 1 A messenger; 31narthAntare buddhinizcitApi na zobhate / ghAtayanti hi kAryANi dUtAH qrozahfaa: Il Ram. 5. 30.38. -2 An envoy, an ambassador; Chan. 106. gayfa Denom. To send as a messenger; erfa a gruah N. 9. 22. -Comp. ye a. Speaking by an ambassador; Si. 2. 82. crai, PATUT Sending a messenger ; # 4 FITOTG Gani ila Svapna. 1; Ms. 7. 153. fakt, et 1 A female messenger, a confidante. -2 A go-between, procuress. -3 A gossiping or mischief-making woman. (N. B. The at of this sometimes shortened; see R. 18. 53; 19. 18; Ku. 4. 16. and Malli. thereon.) gr 1 Employment of a messenger. -2 An embassy. -3 A message. - The state or function ot a messenger; preSayAmAsa dautyena rAvaNasya tato'adam Mb. 3. 283. 54. dUna See under du. 9 a. Strong; L. D. B. a. (Compar. 4498, superl. afa) 1 Distant, remote, far off, a long way off, long; fh yaaa Chan. 73; 7 99 a& tu ZUTAT H. 1. 146, 49. -2 Very high, up; fca: : 71% 5a mua Ram. 3. 16. 18. -3 Excessive, very much ; Partie Toyat t a rtarra: Ki. 17. 53. -Distance, remoteness. [ N. B. Some of the oblique cases of are used adverbially as follows:- (a) u to a distance, far away, far or distant from with abl. or gen.); arutl or 914 Sk. -2 high above. -3 deeply, far below. -4 highly, in a high degree, very much ; a STT S. D. -5 entirely, completely; fara caufa Ks. 10. 29; qug 99: Me. 57; (5 to surpass, exceed sA tasya karmanivRtterdUraM pazcAtkRtA phalaiH R. 17. 18. #TUT a. making far or distant, removing. deg77 a. going far away; H a i Tu Vaj. 34. 1. (0) 1 far, from a distant place, from afar; : #792170 groa faqsud Bv. 1. 78. -2 by far, in a high degree; qua* A gi G73 Bg. 2. 49; R. 10.30.v.l. (c) KIT 1 from a distance, from afar; 47 ara qatz gerozta ata, greita: 'come from afar (regarded as comp.); 14HH......... Kartuar Bh. 1. 81; R. 1.6.-2 in a remote degree. -3 from a remote period. (a) far, away, in a distant place; PERTAT T IT S. 1. 9; 4: 187 Pe fat alatt: Mu. 1; Bh. 3. 88. s to discard; RjutA dUre kuru preyasi Amaru. 70. "bhU, gam to be far away or gone off ; K8. aeg let it be, never mind; et fast EU: Ks. 6.37. i means 1 to remove to a distance, remove, take away; 3117 1 Dk. 5; Bv. 1. 122.-2 to deprive one ) of, separate; afaat 9a qusar: Mk. 9. 4. -8 to prevent, ward off. -4 to surpass, excel, distance; sar: 3 y CIT # $. 1. 17; so 4 to be away or removed, be separated from, be at a distance; auf 97 24 14 Me. 85. -Comp. -3rafta a. separated by a long distance. -30 a. quite out of question. -3TTCT a. coming from afar. -3ITA: shooting from afar. -31 T a. jumping or lea ping far. -3116 1 mounted high. - far-advanced, intense, vehement; TET: CZ shef: V. 4. - ftatut a. squint-eyed. -grafta a. driven far away, removed, banished; teftaequrta: V.4.23. T- T a. 1 far removed, distant. -2 gone far, far advanced, grown intense; CIE 4669- EFEIA TA Ki. 12. 16. - #2159 TWETTE4 S. 3. T T m. an arrow -901 the supernatural faculty of seeing objects though situated at a distance. I a. visible only from afar; el TT TTTER AU Pagafa geta Bhag. 1. 11. 8. 2017, T a. far-seeing. (--:), -m. 1 a vulture. -2 a learned man, a Pandit. (2 ) prudence, foresight. TIATT a. farseeing, foresighted, prudent. (-m.) 1 a vulture. -2 a learned man. -3 a seer, prophet, sage. Eft: 1 longsightedness. -2 prudence, foresight. -: 1 a long fall. -2 a long flight. -8 falling from a great height.- 1a, at a. shooting from afar; zastravidbhiranAdhRSyo dUrapAtI dRDhAyudhaH Mb. 5. 165. 25. - Tact the act of shooting to a distance; Mb. 4. -977 a. having a wide channel, or bed (as a river ). OR a. 1 very broad (as a river ); Eiferit Ram. 2. 71. 2. -2 difficult to be crossed. (- :) a broad river. (-) an epithet of the Ganges. -area. banished from wife and kinsmen; darrera cafu fafuasi q ytaseu Me. 6. - 17 a. distant, remote. - a. wounded deeply. -aia a. being in the distance, far removed, remote, distant. -ateich 2. naked. -atta a. outlandish. factar a. hanging far down; Harry Grampiant : $. 5. 12. afet a. piercing from afar. Our hearing from afar. Tre a. far renowned. FT a. being at a distance, remote, far away ; 70%lpara a pagarere Me. 3.-F1,- TT a. remote, far off ; TET: qzar 72: Subhas; rec 7 2014: i afsza Ks. 13. 80. TG: ind. 1 From afar, from a distance; are T T Pt. 5. 69; qafa z atas ad fagala ga: Git. 2. (v. l.) -2 Far away, to a distance; at alatt fa :Fanara a: Pt. 1. 9. ET, - Remoteness, distance. ca a. Being far, come from afar. Feces, ordure. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 829 dRdhram gat Bent grass, panic grans considered as a sacred - get a. having a strong quiver. 10 ,-feri, article of worship and offered to deities &c. ). -Comp. - : a bamboo. Fiftet a. resolute. & (in -376 : a soft blade of Darva grass; qfazteaiast- Math.) a multiplier admitting of no further simplificalAJchitAlakA V. 3. 12. -aSTamI eighth day of the bright tion or reduction. T il granulated sugar. - IT half of Bhadra pada. -74 a. particular observance. a. seizing firmly, pursuing an object with untiring energy, resolute; ECAT ata f a 94: Mb. 12. gf , The Indigo plant. 197. 11. T: a shark. Ott a. having the gates dRzyam A tent. well-secured. -7: an epithet of Buddha. - &?, 7, TTO, T54 &c. See under 59. - fram. a good archer; Ta ar fachgeafe Mb. fa a. resolute. - T: a spell for restraindR I.6 A. (driyate, dRta; desid. didariSate) (rarely used ing Bas; Ram. 1. 29.5. - a. 1 of firm resolve, by itself, usually found in combination with 371) 1 To resolute, firm. -2 confirmed. fic, -n: the cocoarespect, honour, worship, reverence; faciunea el H. nut tree. - a. resolute. (-:) an epithet of Pr. 7; Mv. 7. 3; Bk. 6. 55. -2 To care for, mind; Brahms.-Tyeni a tortoise. - a. firm to a promise, usually with 7. -3 To apply or devote oneself closely true to one's word, faithful to an agreement. Tat: to, have regard for; ya Taifa Mal. 1. 5. -4 firm confidence, settled conviction; ATATE GTI a To desire. -II. 5 P. (gula) To hurt, kill. -III. 10 na ca prAptau dRDhapratyayAn Bh. 3. -prarohaH the holy fig tree. P. (rufa, sala ) to fear; L. D.B. a f a. 1 striking hard. -2 hitting firmly, shooting a a. Respected, honoured. -a Cumin. surely. - a. faithful, devoted. - *: (In Math.) the greatest common measure. - : a person with a dRtyam Respect. firm concentration of his mind in yogic studies; I 256 P. (anta) to afflict; L. D. B. radiacaferit coafa: Yogadarsana. A good archer; 4 taza fost a r I. 1 P. (cla, fea) 1 To make firm, streng # # geya il Dhanur. 150. Ha a. then. - To make fast, fasten. -8 To fortify. -II. 1 resolute, strong-willed, firm. -Hry a. having intense A. (E) 1 To be firm. - To grow or increase. anger or grief; wray cua ga: twafaa zagut EU Ved. Fortifying, fastening, making firm &c. R. 11. 46. gfe a. close-fisted, miserly, niggardly. at car fara at cura e Av. 6. 136. 1. (-fe:) 1 a sword. -2 strong fist; Ks. 109. 148.- :, -TT: the cocoa-nut tree. - Tft alum. UTHT m. a wild fea p. p. 1 Made firm, strengthened. -2 Grown, hog. -art m. a relentless foe; an inveterate enemy. increased. -20 a. 1 firm in religious austerity. Ta gaan faci 4 A hole, an opening. att anta: Ms. 11. 81. -2 firm, faithful. -8 perse3*: A fire-place or hole made in the ground for vering, persistent. fet a. 1 firmly united, closely cooking. joined. -2 close, compact. -3 thick-set. - a. firm in friendship. a. [ 9: ] 1 Fixed, firm, strong, un o swerving, untiring; 3 Tearca feral Bg. 15.3; Tauf: fa Den. P. To make firm, confirm, strengthen ; H. 3. 58 ; ECAH R. 13. 78. - Solid, massive. -8 Con cf. ufa. firmed, esta blished. - Steady, persevering; Sa Hi TE 8 U. 1 To fix, make strong. -2 To corroborate, ECAT: Bg. 7. 28. -8 Firmly fastened, shut fast. -6 confirm. Compact. -7 Tight, close, dense. -8 Strong, intense, dRDhIkaraNam,-kAraH Confirmation, corroboration jApagreat, excessive, mighty, severe, powerful; e: - 54 yafa: agrafa Mb. 12. 199. 6. Sonia cagare Ku. 3.8; R. 11. 46. -9 Tough. -10 Difficult to be drawn or bent (as a bow); TT 754 fa: m., f. [ latu fafar ge94) 1 A leathern 374474 Ch. Up. 1.3.5. -11 Durable. -12 Reliable. bag for holding water &c.; s-au get you eat FUH -13 Certain, sure. -14 Hard-hearted, cruel; U. 4. TEU efa el ta: rifatch | Ms. 2. 99; - 18 Secure. -16 (In Math.) Reduced to the smallest Y. 3. 268. -2 A fish. -8 A skin, hide. - A pair of number by a common divisor. 41 Iron. -2 A bellows; 60 59 y a Bhag. 10. 87. 17. -8 Ved. A stronghold, fortress. -8 Excess, abundance, high degree. cloud. - A dewlap (of cow or bull); mat qafi -4 Anything fixed or firm or solid. - ind. 1 Firmly, Garga Tiga Mb. 13. 79. 18. -7 A syringe; a fast. -2 Very much, excessively, vehemently. -3 arga darageaffatrati faqat a yt: Bhag. Thoroughly. Comp. -37 a. strong-limbed, stout. 10.75.17. -Comp. eft: a dog. -Urt: a water carrier. (-gam ) a diamond. -anutApa: deep repentance; tasyAH TU Ved. An obstruction to the egress or door of #fana 194 Ku. 3. 8. - : an epithet of Siva. I a Bow-pen; out a quyu Rv. 4. 1. 16. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra dRnbhUH m 1 The thunderbolt ( of Indra ). -2 The sun. -3 A king. - Yama, god of death ( antaka ). darzaka f. 1 A snake. -2 Thunder-bolt. -3 A wheel. discover. - To search, investigate, examine, decide; -m. The sun. kRtarakSaH samutthAya pazyedAyavyayau svayam V. 1. 327; 2.305. -7 To see by divine intuition; RSidarzanAtstomAn dadarza Nir. -8 To look helplessly on (without power to prevent what is taking place ) - Pass. ( dRzyate ) 1 To be seen or perceived, become visible or manifested; tava taccAru vapurna dRzyate Ku. 4. 18, 3; R. 340; Bk. 3. 19; dRSTaH svAne kita ramayankAmapi tvaM mayeti Me. 113. -2 To appear or look like, seem, look; tathApi nIcairvinayAdadRzyata R. 3.34. -8 To be found or seen, occur ( as in a book &c.); dvitIyAmreDitAnteSu tato'nyatrApi dRzyate Sk.; iti prayogo bhASye dRzyate -4 To be considered or regarded; sAmAnyapratipattipUrvakamiyaM dAreSu dRzyA tvayA S. 4. 17. 0ase. ( darzayati-te ) 1 To cause any one (acc., dat. or gen.) to see anything (acc.), to show, point out; darzaya taM caurasiMham Pt. 1; darzayati bhaktAn harim Sk.; pratyabhijJAnaratnaM ca rAmAyAdarzayatkRtI R. 12.64; 1.47; 13. 24; Ms. 4.59.-2 To prove, demonstrate ; vIryaM mA na dadarzastvam Bk. 15.12. -3 To exhibit, display, make visible; tadeva me darzaya deva rUpam Bg. 11. 45. -4 To produce (as in a court of justice ); _ Ms. 8. 158. -6 To adduce (as evidence ); atra zrutiM darzayati. -6 (A) To show oneself, appear, show oneself or anything belonging to oneself; bhavo bhaktAn darzayate Sk. (ie svayameva ); svAM gRhe'pi vanitAM kathamAsyaM hInimIli khalu darzayitAhe N. 5. 71; sa saMtataM darzayate gatasmayaH kRtAdhipatyAmiva sAdhu bandhutAm Ki. 1. 10; Ku. 4. 25. - Desid. ( didRkSute ) To wish or desire to see. dR I. 1P 10 U. (darpati, darpayati-te) To light, inflame kindle. - II. 4 P. ( dRpyati, dRpta ) 1 To be proud, be arrogant or insolent; sa kila nAtmanA dRpyati U. 5; dRpyaddAnavadUdhamAnadividurakhApadAm GRL. 9. -2 To be grently delighted. -8 To be wild or extravagant. 4 To be mad or foolish. - III. 6 P. ( dRpati) To pain, torture. darpa [ dRp bhAve ghaJ kartari ac vA ] 1 Pride, arrogance, insolence, haughtiness; bhRto nArto na kuryAdyo darpAtkarma yathoditam ( sa daNDyaH ) Ms. 8. 215; Bg.16.4. -2 Rashness. -8 Vanity conceit. -4 Sullenness, sulkiness. -5 Heat. -6 Musk. -Comp. - AdhmAta & inflated or puffed up with pride. -upazAntiH allaying pride. -phala . uttering proud and agreeable sound tuSArArAH samundirpakalaH kudhAn Ku. 106. chida hara . humbling, humiliating. - daH, han m. N. of Visuu. 3 darpaka a. Making proud, in faming. -kaH 1 N. of Kamadeva, the god of love. -2 pride. darpaNa: [ dRS-lyu ] 1 A looking glass, mirror; locanA vihInasya darpaNaH kiM kariSyati Chap 109; Ku.7.26; R. 10. 10; 14.37. 2 N. of a mountain inhabited by Kubera. -Nam 1 The eye. - 2 Kindling, inflaming, making proud. darpita, darpina . (NI / ) Proud, arrogant haughty. dRpta a. [ pU- ] 1 Proud, arrogant; yodhAbhyAmadhikaM dRptaH zUrAbhyAmadhiko jamI Bm. 2. 45 hAlAkicAno gArgya Asa Bri. Up. 2.1.1. -2 Mad, wild, frantic. - 8: N. of Vispu. pra. 1 Proud, arrogant. -2 Strong, powerful. " I. 16 P. 10 IT. ( darzati, damati darbhapati se) To tie fasten string together, arrange. 11. 10 e. (darbhavati te) To fear, be afraid of. dRbdha p. p. 1 Tied, strung. -2 Afraid. -bdham 1 A string. -2 Fear. vRdhiH / Stringing together, nrranging dRmp (-mph) 6 P. (hampa mpha-ti) To afflict, torture, hurt. dRmphU f. A snake in general; cf. inphU. duz 1 P. ( pazyati dadarza Adarzat adrAkSIt iyati dRSTum dRSTa) 1 To see, look at, observe, view, behold, perceive; drakSyasi bhrAtRjAyAm Me 10, 19; R. 3. 42. -2 To look upon, regard, consider; AtmavatsarvabhUteSu yaH pazyati sa paNDitaH Chan 5; Pt. 1. 58. -3 To visit, wait or call pratyudyayau muniM draSTuM brahmANamiva vAsavaH Ram. -4 To perceive upon; with the mind, learn, know, understand; evamAcarato dRSTvA dharmasya munayo gatim Ms. 1. 110; 12.23. -6 To inspect, 3 830 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dRzvara . one who has seen ; yamAsyadRzvarI tasya tADakA vetti vikramam Bk. 5.34. d. darza . [ dR-bhAne pa] Seeing looking : 1 Sight view, appearance (usually in comp.); durdarzaH, priyadarza &c. durdarzA kecidAbhAnti narAH kASThamayA iva / priyadarzAstathA cAnye darzanAdeva mAnavAH | Mb. 13.144.45. -2 Ocular evidence or proof. -3 The day of the new moon ( amAvAsyA); ekatra sthitacandrArkadarzanAda ucyate zakya va candrasyAdarzanena amAvAsyA darza iti lakSayitum / yathA porabhAve sati cakSuSmAn iti kSa lakSyate / SB. on MS. 4. 4. 36. -4 The new moon. -5 The half-monthly sacrifice, a sacrificial rite performed on the day of the new moon. It comprises of the Agneya, aindrAna and sanAgya yAgas. -darza darzam ind. At every sight; Ks. -Comp. -paH a god. - pUrNamAsanyAya: The rule according to which the same act can be said to yield all desired objects but only one at a time (and not simultaneously). This is established by jaimini and zabara in MS. 4. 3. 25-28 ( 800 yogasiddhinyAya ) - yAminI the night of the new moon. - vipad m. the moon. darzaka a. ( - kA or -ziMkA / . ) [ dRz- Nic kula ] 1 Seeing, ohagrving o. 8 Showing pointing out vidhiprayuktasatkAraiH svaye mArgadarzaka: Ku. 6. 52. -8 Examining, looking out for. 4 Explaining, making clear, elucidating -kaH 1 One who shows or exhibits. -2 A door-keeper, warder. -8 A skilful man, one proficient in any art or science. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir darzata 881 ta . #fot sag] Ved. 1 Visible. ge agari zaidi qarafa Bti. Up. 5. 14.3.-2 Beautiful. -a: 1 The sun. -2 The moon. ETT a. [ -eye ] 1 Seeing, looking at (at the end of comp.); 49, 7H, &c. -2 Showing. exhibiting. -3 Demonstrating, teaching, bhAgavatadharmadarzanA nava mahAbhAgavatAH Bhag. 5. 4. 12. - 4 1 Looking at, seeing, observing; 3dfaecau999 ataya wag Pema : R. 3. 41. -2 Knowing, understanding, perceiving, foreseeing; 14HD vita: Ta 291d: afara ara lain, R. 8. 72. -3 Sight, vision; frais TH S. 4. 6. -4 The eye. -5 Inspection, examination; balAnAM darzanaM kRtvA senAnyA saha farat Y. 1. 329. -8 Showing, displaying, exhibition. -7 Becoming visible; trafo: feat Rais Ram. 7. 29. 32. -8 Visiting, paying a visit, a visit ; aaga Y. 1.8t. -9 Hence) Going into the presence of, audience; A f a fearfa s. 7; resta # 174 &c. -10 Colour, aspect, appearance, semblance, 31 ya By. 11. 10; R. 3. 57. -11 Appearance, producing ( in court ); #9 wayfagfare #19: Ms. 8. 158, 160. -12 A vision, dream, dream. -13 Discernment, understanding, intellect; AFRICOT 699: a faqad Ms. 6. 74. -14 Judgment, apprehension. -15 Religious knowledge. -16 A doctrine or theory prescribed in a system. -17 A system of philosophy; as in H THA. -18 A mirror. -19 Virtue, moral merit. -20 Opinion ; 39175 RHTETIT H Ram. 2. 21. 64. -21 Intention. -22 Demonstration. -23 A sacrifice. -24 Mention, assertion; CRITIERTA 12 gefa ITH SB. on MS. 10. 7. 36.-28 Experiencing; waat esia 7*41979721a4 Bhay. 1. 8. 25. -Comp. -Isu. anxious to see. -ujjva lA the great white jasmine. -Te an audience chamber. -94: the range of sight or vision, horizon; 44 tahadu: S. 3. 'erossed my sight'; krameNa tasminnavatIrNadRkpathe N. -pratibhUH, - TATTTH a bail or surety for appearance; Y. 2.54; Ms. 8. 160. iaitu pot. p. [-3f47) 1 To be seen, visible, observable, perceptible. -2 Fit to be seen, good-looking, handsome, beautiful; te laarzen Mu. 1; Pt. 4.38. -3 To be produced in a court of justice; cf. Ms. 8. 158; Kull. Comp. - a. conceited, proud, vain." Tafad a. [ -07-27]1 Showing, exhibiting. -2 Directing, guiding; 92: gatifear $ati: R. 3.46.-M. 1 A warder, door-keeper. -2 A guide (in general). para p. p. [ -for-th) 1 Shown, displayed, manifested, exhibited. -2 Explained, demonstrated, proved. -3 Apparent, visible. E tt a. [ET-forfat] (At the end of comp.) 1 See- ing, perceiving, viewing, observing, knowing, under standing, showing, exhibiting; arayreri aha ge* fag: Ku. 2. 13. -2 Receiving, securing; fa fantTESif Mk. 2.7.-3 Experiencing; Ram. 3. didRkSA/. A desire to see; ekasthasaundaryadidRkSayeva Ku.1.49. H.. Desirous to see ; 749eria facuta Arad: a fera: Ms. 8. 1. I a. (At the end of comp.) 1 Seeing, superintending, surveying, viewing.-2 Discerning, knowing: -8 Looking like, appearing. (-f.) 1 Seeing, viewing, perceiving.-2 The eye, sight; guar R.11.69.-8 Knowledge. -4 The number 'two'. -5 The aspect of a planet. --Comp. - : a side-long glance. -3742727: the sun. -o: a snake. Tn. an operation by which any planet of a certain latitude is referred to the ecliptic. -T: decay or loss of sight, becoming dimsighted. q: the sine of the zenith distance of the highest or central point of the ecliptic at a given time; cf. 21. fet: the cosine of the zenith distance. TITT a. visible. (- :) the range of sight. -9714 an eye-lid; Raj. T. 8. - tears. For the sine of the zenith-distance. Tey a. coincident with observation, or an observed place (in Astr.). -farate a kind of game in which children play hide and seek (Mar. sivat IT -To: the range of sight.-ora: a look, glance. -TART a blue stone used for a collyrium. - beauty, splendour. f. a look of love, an amorous glance. -587 a. obstructing the sight; Si. 19. 76. 79 vertical parallax. at: a snake. -vRttam a vertical eirele. -zaktiHf. the taculty of perception. -fat: a snake, serpent. #: the sight of and meeting with ; get a Farfa 4: FAITH asfa fari wa H aya cald Fill Pt. 4. 33. dRzatiHf. Ved. Looking, seeing; sUro na yasya dRzatirarepA Rv. 6. 3. 3. The eye. -Comp. 391 a lotus. -39HH a white lotus. T: (1-311931 ] 1 A spiritual teacher. -2 A Brahmana. -3 A guardian of the world (24417). - Light, brightness. Fy: The sun. TT:, -aft f. 1 The eye; HH ferma 99 afatih Bhag. 1. 9. 41. -2 A Sastra. -3 Light. I TAIT: 94411934: Yogadarsana. - T: f. Seeing, view. ing. 11419aaiet: sfaat tgh Bhag. 10. 14. 47. 1 a. (9-HT at $] 1 Worthy of regard, fit to be seen, conspicuous. -2 Beautiful. T. - Appearance, becoming manifest. e pot. p. [ T SHOT 794] 1 To be seen, visible. -2 To be looked at. -8 Beautiful, pleasing to the sight, lovely: Pagtatare fat44 R. 6. 31; E For Private and Personal Use Only Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir khan 882 ya: faca: (ar) Ku. 7. 64.-24: ( Arith. ) A given quantity or number. - A visible object; the visible world; dRzyaM tamasi na pazyati dIpena vinA sacakSurapi M. 1.9. -Comp. - a. invisible. - la Arith.) reduction of a given quantity with fractions. Finfa a. placed conspicuously; dRzyasthApitamRddarbhabhikSAbhANDamRgAjinAm Ks.24.92. at a. (- :)[ faq] (At the end of comp.) 1 Seeing, perceiving.-2 (Fig.) Familiar or conversant with ; as in acea R. 5. 24; faqat area: 1. 23. p. p. [- 10-] 1 Seen, looked, perceived, observed, beheld; 34uT TEST: Bg. 2. 16. -2 Visible, observable. -3 Regarded, considered; Telfare agaisgaar aqura S. 3. 10.-4 Occurring, found. -8 Appearing, manifested. -8 Known, learned, understood. -7 Determined, decided, fixed; ac fuasih atla * Ram. 1. 8. 9. -8 Valid. -9 Allotted. -10 Experienced, suffered, endured, felt. -11 Treated of; see EU. - 1 Perception, observation. -2 Danger from dacoits. -Comp. - a. 1 seen for the first time. -2 scarcely or hardly seen. -3 relating to the present and future life; TITE G A HOTTIETOJOT Raj. T.1. 130.-39747,- 1 an example, illustration, parable; gofereceleft terrasHervia: Si. 2. 31; Aragrafa Har eta EIETTE Gautamasutra. -2 (in Rhet.) a figure of speech in which an assertion or statement is illustrated by an example (distinguished from 3941 and waar 991; see K. P. 10 and R. G. ad. loc.). -3 a Sastra or science; THT fara a ET: Bar: Mb. 2. 3. 13. -4 death (cf. ferra). -70 a. 1 having the object or meaning obvious or quite apparent. -2 practical. -3 having a clear idea a bout anything. argfel: (see :). -e, -gier &c. a. one who has experienced or suffered misery, inured to hardships. H a riddle, an enigma. ara. 1 found fault with, considered to be faulty: S. 2. -2 vicious. -3 exposed, detected. -8 a. running from a battlefield. Teet a. 1 having confidence manifested. -2 convinced. Tr. a girl arrived at di 1 one who has experienced a misfortune. -2 one who foresees evil. te: f. [ --- ] 1 Seeing, viewing. -2 Seeing with the mental eye. -3 Knowing, knowledge; FTefekata qi azafa arah Ki. 18. 28. -4 The eye, the faculty of seeing, sight; Arcrafcre faciA V. 2; 1971 ar se S. 1. 23.; fergu 4 HT U. 6. 19; R. 2. 28; 5. 4. 2; a feser 95 H. 1. -B A look, glance. - View, notion; Shefeta K. 173; gai afegBg. 16.9. - Consideration, regard. -8 Intellect, wisdom; H a stawnege Bhag. 10.40.12.-9 (In Astrol.) Aspect of the stars. -10 Light (1911). -11 A theory, dootrine, notion; 475127 E24: (aftar fas :) Ms. 12.95.-Comp. 50., 09 a kind of lily (F424). -T2 worth-seeing; V. 4. 21. : a glance, look. -TT a theory, doctrine. qu: a mark for archers, butt, target. Ta a. within the range of sight, in sight, visible. ( :) the range of appearance. -1: the evil influence of the human eye.-q1a: 1 a look, glance; i qaror ferdi 564 R. 13. 18; Bh. 1. 11, 91; 3. 66. -2 act of seeing, function of the eye; T: faaeggiat: Ku. 3. 31 (Malli. interprete unnecessarily in our opinion-917 by 991). -99: the range of sight. - a. 'kept pure by the sight', watched that no impurity is contracted ; dRSTipUtaM nyasetpAdam Ms. 6. 46. -TET: the favour of a look. -ry: a firefly. AUSOH 1 the pupil of the eye. -2 the circle of sight. -: the expression of the eyes; THE TOT Fiesisear per: S. 2. 11-12. -are: 1 a Buddhist canon dealing with discussion on other religious views; dRSTivAdo dvAdazAGgI syaadgnnipittkaayaa| pratikarmasUtrapUrvAnuyogo pUrva : qa yergacht: gaffo agenfa gana Hem. -2 N. of the 12th Anga of the Jainas. -farar: a side-glance, leer, oblique look. -fell optios. -far : an amorous glance, a coquettish look; S. 1. 23. - : a serpent. -saMbheda: mutual glance; tvayApi na nirUpitA STICHT: Mal. 7. C T a. 1 Having an insight into, or familiar with anything. -2 Having the looks or thoughts directed upon anything, absorbed in the contemplation of. TE f. A stone; see 97. f. [ 94 9; cf. Un. 1. 128 ] 1 A rock, large stone, or stone in general ; 29 czek cafe aula CHI: Me. 55; R. 4.74; Bh. 1. 38. -2 A mill-stone, a flat stone for grinding condiments upon; cal que 943H T: Bhag. 10. 9. 6. -Comp. -3947 m., -9: the upper and smaller mill-stone. -34i a grind-stone for grinding condiments upon. (Tufe419*: a tax raised from mill stones).-sAram iron; dRSatsArastatvAmRtamapi bhavAmbhoaftria: My. 6.52. a. Stony, rocky. - 1 N. of a river flowing into the Sarasvati and forming the eastern boundary of the Aryavarta ; cf. Ms. 2. 17. -2 An epithet of Durga. , 1. P. (alfa, tafa) 1 To be fixed or firm. -2 To grow, increase. - To prosper. - To fasten. I. 4, 9 P. (teffa, qua, ftof) 1 To burst or break asunder, split open. - To cause to burst, tear, divide, rend, sunder, pull to pieces. -Pa88. (192) 1 To burst, break open, be sundered; a goyai a: gay 7 - HUT & Ve. 3. -2 To separate. - To be afraid, to fear. -Caus. (-at-tafa-a 1 To split, tear asunder, divide by digging. - To disperse, scatter. -II. 1 P. (aria) To fear, be afraid of. (With prepositions like , , , &c. the root does not change its meaning.) I For Private and Personal Use Only Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dIrNa 888 TOT p.p. [-] 1 Torn, rent, split &c. -2 Frigh- divine nature. (-m.1 the divine soul; a Z w ars tened, afraid. UH 1 Cutting, a rent. -2 Fear. 4599 Het rayua Svet. Up. 1. 3. -2 the 1 A.(aud, eta, desid. Pead) To protect, cherish. holy fig tree. -311429h a temple; Ms.4.46; tar yatanaM gacchet kadAcid vA'pradakSiNam / na pIDayed vA vastrANi na devAcara a. Shining intensely, bright, blazing, yatafali Kurma P. -14 1 a divine weapon. -2 resplendent. rainbow. -319TH the life-time of a god. -3104: deya See under dA. 1 heaven. -2 a temple. - ala: 1 heaven. -2 the holy fig-tree (343727). -3 a temple. -4 the Sumeru 1 A. (ed) 1 To sport, play, gamble. -2 To mountain. -&rt: nectar, ambrosia. - a. (nom. lament. -3 To shine. -4 To throw, cast. -With ft to sing. Ca) worshipping the gods. : an epithet lament, mourn. of Btihaspati, preceptor of the gods. -2: 1 an epithet a a.( -ets. ) [feq-847] 1 Divine, celestial; Bg. 11. of Indra. -2 of Siva. V a. dear to gode. (-:) 11; Ms. 12. 117. - Shining; cau Rv. 1.1.1. bdellium. (or the wild lime tree. T: an epithet of (1) Indra. (2) Siva. (3) Visnu. (4) Brahman. (-ait) -3 Fit to be worshipped or honoured. -a: 1 A god, deity; at a: at a feral ar Bh. 3. 120.-2 (a) The N. of Durga; also of Devaki, mother of Krisna. at: i N. of (1) Siva. (2) Indra. -39 god of rain, an epithet of Indra; as in 19t aufforcat 1 divine garden. a94; 3964a: Ram. 1.9.18; 1 99949: Bu.i -2 the Nandana garden. -3 a garden near a temple. fo: (29fd: 1 deified saint, divine sage such as Ch.2.7.(1) A cloud. -3 A divine man, Brahmana, as in 311, 49, yata, TE &c.; ua.-4 A king, ruler, as in qua; ai caufaft (37831 alera eaaf Ku. 6. 84 G. e. 11 ); 3797 GT 391494 Bhag.; TOT) Mb. 3. 130.22. - A title affixed to the names of Barhmanas; as in area, 98017477 &c. - 6 (In dramas) AbrahmabhuvanAllokA devarSipitRmAnavAH / tRpyantu pitaraH sarve mAtRmAtAmahAA title of honour used in addressing a king, ('My lord', ht: Tarpapamantra. -2 an epithet of Narada; eaufort 'Your majesty'); 199 a Ve. 4; 441919 fa da: &c. -7 Tara: Bg. 10.13. 26.-19 n. the mountain Meru or Sumeru. -PRIT a celestial damsel, a nymph; also Quicksilver. -8 The Supreme Spirit ; recera a sala a falar araa TAIET: Mb. 12. 301. 112. -9 A fool 4946. ht: sandal, aloe wood, camphor, saffron pounded together and made into a paste. n., -10 A child. -11 A man following any particular - 1 a religious act or rite, divine command; business. -12 A lover. -13 Emulation. -14 Sport, play. Bryce R. 12. 103. - 2 the worship of gods. -16 A husband's brother (cf. c, dar). -16 A lancer. - Uh the Devadaru tree. - -24 An organ of sense; arai hat ca a f ost N. of a Ragini; lalitA mAlatI gaurI nATI devakirI tathA / megharAgasya rAgiNyo Mb. 14. 41. 3. [cf. L. deus; Gr. deo 8 ). -Comp. -Biat: warda: gauza: 11h , -TH a temple. a temple. a partial incarnation of god. -3 H a natural spring. H ai, -3991 a celestial damsel, an apsaras. T 1 a temple. -2 a race of gods. -8 a - a: 1 the highest god. - 2 an epithet of (1) Siva. group of gods. -kulyA the celestial Ganges. -kusumam (2) Buddha. (3) Visnu. caracat Hart wat GTI cloves%3; elAM ca devakusumaM tvakpatraM devadAru ca Siva. B. 30. 14. erah, elati 1 a natural hollow among mounTreguar Hariv. -37TT: 1 an epithet of Indra. -2 the tains. -2 a natural pond or reservoir; Ms. 4. 203. supreme god.-anIkam an army of celestials. -anucaraH, -3 a pond near a temple. a cavern, chasm. -TUT: -arg a m. an attendant or follower of a god; ARTFz9 74 ani agrua: gaya17 R. 2.52.-37F87 a class of gods. - TOTFiT an apsaras ; q. v. Tia: the path of 2001; 311a T a nja gla: A. Ram. n., 7614 1 the food of gods, divine food, ambrosia. -2 2.1. 40. stat: an epithet of Narada. (a food that has been first offered to an idol; see Ms. 5.7 ) a particular mode of singing. - thunder. -T: and Kull. thereon. -TUTE a. 1 liked by or dear to see from; Ram. 2. 40.23. -: a celestial chorisgods. -2 sacred or dedicated to a deity. (- ) piper betel. -39 Toy the garden of gods, the Nandana gar ter, a Gandharva. - TTFETT N. of a Ragini; yurt devagAndhArI mAlavI zrIzca saarvii| rAmakIryapi rAgiNyaH zrIrAgasya priyA den%3; alamudyotayAmAsurdevAraNyamivartavaH R. 10. 80. -ariH a de SAL: 11 fift: 1 N. of a mountain; cf. Me. 44. -2 N. of mon. -3 , -21 1 the worship of gods. 2 idolatry. a town (Daulata bad). -fra f. N. of a Ragini.-15: 3 1 an offering to the god. -2 the Veda ; 997 1 an epithet of Kasyapa (the father of gods ). -2 of ma 41721fa fa canoa e Mb. 13. 86. 17 (see com.). -Avasatha: a temple. -azva: an epithet of uccaiHzravas , the Brihaspati ( the preceptor of gods). Yet an epithet of Sarasvati or of a place situated on it. - 1 a horse of Indra. -31s: the garden of the gods', m. an attendant secret only known by gods. Nandana garden. -375ita:, -3TTET 2 death. -TEH 1 a temple. - the place of a king.-3 a planetary sphere. apon an idol. -2 a low Brahmana subsisting by -&: a class of demons who causes harmless madness. attendance upon an idol and upon the offerings made after the course of action or practices of the gods; to it. ICHT a. 1 consecrated, holy, sacred. -2 of a aaaaa a . To the worship or service of gods. ...... 904 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 884 H ! fellett (du.) Asvins, the twin physicians of gods. - a pearl-necklace having 81, 100 or 108 strings; THEY TU 09255-t attrataryal Bsi. S. 81. 32. -FT: the gods collectively. far the science of music, dance, other arts &c.; Ch. Up. 7.1.2. -FT1a a class of gods. -jAmiHf a sister of the gods; devajAmInAM putro'si Av. 6. 46. 1. -75: 1 the holy fig-tree. -2 one of the trees of paradise. (.e. HETT, a, a , and alcandana); paJcaite devataravo mandAraH paarijaatkH| santAnaH kalpavRkSazca gre ar fa-4714 11 Ak.-3 the tree in a village (201) where the villagers usually meet Mar, 4T). -adura offerings of water, part of the EU ceremony. -13: 1 fire. -2 an epithet of Rahu. -ata: 1 a sacrifice. -2 N. of Kasyapa. -afa: 1 a god. -2 divine service ; a arat artRy. 3. 19. 1. - 1 the right moment for the worship of gods. 2 the tips of the fingers sacred to gods. 1 a. 1 god-given, grantud by the gods. 2 given to the gods (as a village, &c.). () 1 N. of the conch-shell of Arjuna; cact 952: ( ) Bg. 1. 15.-2 a certain person (used in speaking of men indefinitely); muktastato yadi bandhAddevadatta 391 Bhag.5.14.24; 1967: qafa, ratach fear a yori &c. - one of the vital airs exhaled in yawning; faro. 3745: N. of Buddha. -ETT a. visiting the gods. (--:) N. of Narada ; SIE FTTET 29 ta: Bhag. 2.8.1.-15 m., n. a species of pine; 19re at Ku. 1.54; R. 2.36. I a servant or attendant upon a temple. (- ) 1 a female in the service of gods or a temple. -2 a courtezan employed as a dancer in a temple ). -3 the wild citron tree. atq: the eye. Fem 1 divine drum; carruaga gier CT 977 Ram. -2 the holy basil with red flowers. -8 an epithet of Indra. : a divine envoy or messenger, an angel. -a: 1 an epithet of Brahman; Ram. 1. 43.1. - 2 of Siva; 3 aala: gat atafa TTT Ku. 1. 52. -8 of Visnu; Bg. 10. 15. -4 of Ganesa ; T hat are eacat faa12: Ks.20.55. art a. destined for the god; Ms. 2. 189. of a procession with idols. -ETA: a religious duty or office. Eat the city of Indra; atqui a grafe: Haigu garuer Bhag. 8. 15. 23. ETFUH a kind of grass-grain (Mar. aqua). -feuerh a chariot of the gods (1917); Bhag. 10. 82.7. TTH N. of the first 14 7978 in the southern quarter opp. to 44 ). - 1 the Ganges. -2 any holy river; Ms. 2. 17. a m. N. of the door keeper of Indra. -2 N. of a grammarian. - N. of the character in which Sanskrit is usually written. arer: Siva. - tu: 1 'residence of gods', paradise, heaven; i agafrua: Bhay. 10. 27. 25. -2 a host or assembly of gods; Ms. 1. 36. -fach a blasphemer, unbeliever, heretic, atheist. raet heresy, atheism.-fart 1 a garland remaining from a sacrifice. - Ha a. god-created', natural. -a: an epithet of Indra. - T: 'the royal feet or presence', an honori- fic term for a king; 4: 44118.-90: 1 'heavenly passage', heaven, firmament fecut T a Tesla HITAT: Mb. -2 the milky way. -93 any animal consecrated to a deity. -17 an epithet of Agni. - -get f. an epithet of Amaravati, the city of Indra. -garga: 1 a domestic priest of the gods. 2 the planet Jupiter (bRhaspati). -puSpam cloves. -pUjyaH an epithet of Brihaspati. - fagfa: f., -afat an idol, the image of a deity. -T: 'consulting deities', astrology, fortune-telling. Tea a. good-produced water ); Av.6. 100.2. -94: 'dear to the gods', an epithet of Siva ; (caraiz: an irreg. comp. meaning-1 a goat. -2 a fool, idiot like a brute breast, as in asgated artist: K.P.-3 an ascetic, who renounces the world ).-16: an oblation to the gods. a1g: 1 N. of a Icing in the Yadu race. -2 N. of a sage; marg: Tus: quia tatsutAH Bhag. -brahman m. an epithet of Narada.-brAhmaNaH 1 a Brahmana who lives on the proceeds of a temple. -2 a venera blo Brahmana. th: worship or service of the gods. - 1 the heaven. - 2 a temple. -8 the holy fig-tree. - TT: the northern hemisphere. m. a god; (-f.) heaven. : f. heaven; fug: YESUtaa 14: Ku. 5. 45. ra: f. an epithet of the Ganges. - divinity, godhead; fafeaua wat...... parAM nirvRtimupetya devabhUyaM gatAH sarve na pUrvapuruSA iti Ram. Champu. m. an epithet of 1 Visnu.-2 of Indra. T: pleasure of the gods, heavenly joy; 31 feur para a Bg. 9. 20. urh nectar. - for: the jewel of Visnu called team. -2 the sun. -3 a curl of hair on a horse's neck; 37191da: 1445weiz: 941 a 171: (3797:) Si. 5. 4; N. 1. 58. - 9 n. divine honey; se af ferait any Ch. Up. 3. 1. 1. - f. N. of Aditi, mother of gods. -ATTF a. 'having the god of rain or clouds as foster-mother', watered only by the clouds, depending on rain-water and not on irrigation, deprived of every other kind of water as a country ); CT 997712459692ierext: 1 HTT Chanel 21 II Ak.; cf. also agrafa anlat: (i.e. athta:) FETTE aft p aped Ki. 1. 17.-91: the jewel of Visnu called ga. ATUT the Maya of gods ; & Striutitaranti ca devamAyAm Bhag. -mAge: the air or sky. -mAsa: the eighth month of pregnancy. -ge: a divine sage. - TTTH 1 a sacrificial place, a place where a sacrifice is performed; &UT TETTT: Fa : ( a) Bhag. 10. 74. 12. &q48a eta U. 4.-a place of worship; Host 294578 and 17 TTCH: Bhag. 12.11.17. - a. making oblations to gods. 7: a sacrifice to the superior gods made by oblations to fire, or through fire to the gods; one of the five daily sacrifices of a Brahmana; see Ms. 3. 81, 85 and 9747 also ). -Fery, - a sacrifice. -TEIT an idolprocession,' any sacred festival when the idols are carried in procession; het ICT featesta erat 1 I For Private and Personal Use Only Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir deva 888 devayAnI HHHfgr M. 5. 12-13.-2167 bestowing 14; 1984 R. 7.1 (Malli.:- = 4cft; perhaps it merely 2474 para fa 9 Bhag. 8. 8. 2. # the path means 'the army of the gods' personified as Skanda's leading to mokSa ; satyena panthA vitato devayAnaH Mund. 3. 1.6. wife). degpatiH, priyaH an epithet of Kartikeya. -svam nyAnam a celestial car. -yugam 1 the first of the property of gods', property applicable to religious four ages of the world; also called kRtayuga, sanatkumAro purposes or endowments; yaddhanaM yajJazIlAnAM devasvaM tadviduH791 971 ayat gy: Ram. 1. 11. 11. -2 an age of the TU: Ms. 11. 20, 26. 379EUR OTF sacrilege. Atarot: gods comprising four ages of men.- fer: 1 a super- the 13th Manu; HIGHET 2762&arafinat Bhag. human being, a demigod; fagrastarat t: 8. 13. 30. gr . an animal offered to gods at a f at ges: fra arsit 119: Ak. - a being of sacrifice. Fi an enemy of gods. -the left ear; divine origin. -8 fuel used in kindling fire (f. also ). Bhag. 4. 25. 51. &fa: f. 1 invocation of the gods. -yoSA an apsaras.-ratha: a car for carrying the image of -2 N. of a daughter of Manu Svayambhuva and wife god in procession. - a day's journey for the sun's of Kardama. S an offence against the gods. chariot. Tee a divine mystery. -TIL, TGT: 1 an gra: a divine weapon. epithet of Indra ; Ram. 7. 6. 6.-2 a king. -3 N. of a. [f&q-098] 1 sporting, playing. -2 Divine, Buddha. - Tia: 1 an epithet of Pari ksit. -2 a kind godlike, celestial. ** (at the end of comp.) A god, of swan or crane. Tu N. of an empire in the deity. Deccan. At the Brahmanical cord. WAT the Navamallika or double jasmine plant. - the a N. of a daughter of Devaka and wife of image or statue of a deity; Bhag. 3. 17. 13. : Vasudeva and mother of Krisna. -Comp. heaven, paradise; d it afas: (99) Ms. 4. 182. ggi, -ATC m., i epithets of Krisna. -vaktram an epithet of fire. -vatman .. the sky or ait, 71 a. Divine, godlike. atmosphere. - a hi, fam . Visvakarman, the architect of gods. -aroft divine voice', a voice from aagt The Gangetic kite; L. D. B. heaven. -alg: an epithet of Agni. -fau 1 divine AT 1 Divine dignity or power, divinity; y science; Ch. Up. 7. 1. 2. -2 the science of Nirukta or Tadugarafa 912 Bri. Up. 3. 9. 10; cf. SB. on MS. etymology ; ibid. RTTT: the northern hemisphere. 10.4. 23; 6.3. 19.-2 A deity, god; Ku. 1.1. -3 The -EET f., for a deity. Eftfat: food of the gods. image of a deity; Ms. 4. 130. -4 An idol. -8 An organ -er: the Mandara tree. -545TL a. Ved. occupied of sense. -Comp. -37 TTT:, -4,-371TT:, -TH -TEL, by the gods. 1 a religious observance, any - a temple. -371 : an epithet of Indra. religious vow. -2 the favourite food of the gods. -321 oft index of the Vedic deities. - (-:) an epithet of 1 Bhisma; da fa T Z worshipping a deity; M8.2.176.- HT a. of a divine taasia. Bhag, 1. 9. 1. -2 Kartikeya. T en nature; 37 at erst aacht Ku. 1. 1. -3114 , celibacy (aaaa); aaaa aa Mb. 5. 172. 19. -3710 , 7 n. a temple or chapel. -TTAA -zatru: a demon; sa devazaniva devarAjaH Mb. -zunI an manifestation of a deity; Nri. Up. --ATAT the image of epithet of Sarama, the bitch of the gods. TOT the a god, an idol; daarfarea 9 4 7 Mb. 6. damanaka tree Mar. 4 ). TT the remnants of a 2. 26. FIFTH the ablution of an idol. sacrifice offered to gods. --ft: m. a sacrifice. (8.) Laksmi. ya: an epithet of 1 Visnu. -2 Narada. -8 a sacred eru a. 1 Having as one's deity; as in fac. treatise. -4 a god in general. e f. q. v. -2 Sacred to a deity. 4 divine truth, esta blished order of the gods. g. a. (-aieft f.) Adoring a deity. - a. divine. PUT 1 an assembly of the gods (get). -2 a council of a king, council-chamber. 297 m. The younger brother of a husband. -3 a gambling-house. -2 : 1 a gambler. -2 a fre aa: [ lograda Faq Film ] A die. ## 1 Beauty, quenter of gaming houses. -3 an attendant on a deity. splendour, lustre. -2 Gaming, gambling, a game at -4 the keeper of a gambling-house. - HET 1 rules of dice; **Trade 9747169 Ms. 9. 222. -8 Play, begging alms ( 197); L. D. B.-2 N. of a plant. sport, pastime. -4 A pleasure-ground, a garden. - Atyre identification or unification with a deity, A lotus. -6 Emulation, desire to exoel. -7 Affair, conjunction with the gods, deification. - an epithet business. -8 Praise. -9 Going, motion. -10 Grief, of Siva. Era: a tube or cavity (in the heart ) lead lamentation, sorrow. -1 Gambling, a game at dice. ing to the gods; cf. 1a; d a gata E27 42 -2 Sport, pastime. - Lamentation. agaz: Ch. Up. 3. 13. 1. N. of 8 deities ( fa, #TH, a, 54, exfa, a, f7 and ago). er a t N. of the daughter of Sukra, preceptor of an intoxicating drink. - 1 the army of gods. I the Asuras. [ She fell in love with Kacha, her father's -2 N. of the wife of Skanda; a artea eget i pupil, but he rejected her advances. On this she cursed For Private and Personal Use Only Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir devayu 888 dezanA the youth, who in return cursed her that she should | M. 5. 12; 2 Aar oftare K. P. 10. become the wife of a Ksatriya (See $2.) Once ! -8 A respectful title applied to a lady of the first upon a time Devayani and her companion Sarmistha, rank. - A kind of bird (FIAT). -8 A particular the daughter of Vrisa parvan, the king of the Daityan, supernatural power (quefort). -Comp. -c: 1 the went to bathe keeping their clothes on the shore. But city of Bana ( forarga). -2 Devikotta (on the Corothe god Wind changed their clothes, and when they mandal coast). -TE 1 the temple of a goddess. were dressed they began to quarrel about the change -2 the apartment of a queen. -GETOT N. of an until Sarmistha, so far lost her temper that she, slapped Upa purana. ah N. of an Upa purana. - 19: Devayani's face, and threw her into a well. There the dignity of a queen. - a Sukta addressed she remained until she was seen and rescued by to Devi. Yayati, who, with the consent of her father, married her, and Sarmistha became her servant as a recom ! m. [faq- ] 1 A husband's brother (especially pense for her insulting conduct towards her. Devayani 1 younger ). - 2 The husband of a woman previously lived happily with Yayati for some years and bore married (?). him two sons, Yadu and Turvasu. Subsequently her devezayaH An epithet of Vishu husband became enamoured of Sarmistha, and Devayani, feeling herself aggrieved, abruptly left her TH Divine dignity, god-head. husband and went home to her father, who at her az: An artisan, a mechanic. request condemned Yayati with the infirmity of old age; see Yayati also. ] T: [ Ray-7) 1 A place or spot in general; at: ay a. 1 Pious, holy, virtuous. -2 Attending auf : Mk. 3. 12 often used after words sacred festivals. -T: A god. like 9, , sia, fara &c., without any meaning; F aat: 1 A husband's brother UERT S. 1. 19 on the shoulder'). -2 A region, elder or younger); country, province, land, territory; a eina a Ms. 3. 55; 9. 59; 3gat gaat dat: 9717491 (547) anggarafah H. 1. 1950.-3 A department, part, side, Y. 1. 68. -2 husband; a t and hamaarapauMsnamuzatI na bhajeta kRtye Bhag. 4. 26. 26 portion (as of a whole); as in aren, gazeta q. v. -4 An institute, an ordinance. -5 Range, compass; a: 1 An attendant upon an idol, a low Brah- gieet: Pt. 2. Comp. 37994 roaming through a mana who subsists upon the offerings made to an idol; country, travelling. fator: a foreigner. - 24 ......4971 1971: Siva. B. 31. 20.-2 A virtuous man. i 1 another country, foreign parts; Ms.5.78.-2 longitude. -3 N. of Narada. -4 A husband's brother. -5 N. of -37aft m. a foreigner. -ITEIT, TA: a local law a law-giver. or custom, the usage or custom of any country; 227 uft unit se R TT Ms. 1. 118. - dac: An attendant upon an idol; see the a public calamity. Part N. of a Ragini. - Art preceding word; 74 taza 47 : Vis. Guna.466. m. (du.) time and place; 7 de fe 29184aaaa ac: N. of a sacred place called Harihara. faufgcu: Ram. 4.33. 55. (J ) ind. according to art f. N. of a Ragini. time and place; satpAtraM mahatI zraddhA dezakAlaM yathocitam Pt. 2.72. Film a. knowing the proper place and time. - Eyfa: aut ind. To the nature of a god or gods. (H banishment or flight from one's country. -37, -a. to be changed into a god; car at haar har 1 native, indigenous.-2 produced in the right country. 964 Mb.). -8 genuine, of genuine descent. a. 1 seen in a afara. ( f.), ala a. 1 Divine, godly. -2 country. -2 customary in a place; Ms. 8.3. - ITT the dialect of a country; 3171445494 7 9 T: Derived from a god. -3 Virtuous, pious. Kavyal. 4.35. -697 propriety, fitness; Mb. 12. -fara devitavya a. To be gambled. -vyam Gambling. a. properly perforated (pearl); Kau. A. 2.11. - afae, ajaa m. A gamester; Mb. 3. 252. 50. a circle depending upon its relative position to the place of the observer. -226TT: a local usage, custom arass a. Righteous, virtuous, divine. of the country. qat 1 A female deity, a goddess. -2 N. of Durga. T: [ Reg-nift og ] 1 A ruler, governor. - An -8 N. of Sarasvati. -4 N. of Savitri. - A queen, instructor, a preceptor. -8 A guide in general. -4 A especially a crowned queen (349Het who has under shower. -8 An indicator. Comp. -34 a mushroom. gone the consecration along with her husband ); 464bhAbena nAmeyaM devIzabdakSamA satI / snAyIyavastrakriyayA pattrorNa bopayujyate atat [faq-foren ) Direction, instruction. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra dezika a. [ ] Local, pertaining to a particular place native, adezikA mahAraye zrI zatru gatAH Mb. 4. 47. 23. 1 A spiritual teacher (:) :afa a Mb. -2 A traveller. -3 A guide One familiar with places. dezita a. 1 Told, directed, ordered. -2 Advised, instructed. -8 Pointed out, shown, indicated. dezinI 1 The forefingers vatsa mA rodIritIndro dezinImadAt Bhag. 9. 6. 31.-2 an index, contents. f 1 The dialect of a country, one of the varieties of the Prakrita dialect; see Kav. 1. 33. -2 N. of a Ragipi. -Comp. -kaTTariH a kind of dance. -nAmamAlA N. of a dictionary of provincialism by Hemachandra. after a. [-] 1 Belonging to a province, provincial. -2 Native, local. -8 Inhabiting any country (at the end of comp.) ; as in magadhadezIya, taddezIya, af &c. -4 Not far or distant from, almost, bordering on (used as affix at the end of words); gitaf K. 131; 'a girl about 18 years old (whose age bordered on 18); ad prekSanta paurAH pitRgauraveNa R. 18. 39; 80 paTudezIya &c. dezya a. [ diza-karmaNi Nyat deza yat vA ] 1 To be pointed out or proved. -2 Local, provincial. -8 Born in a country, native. - Genuine, of genuine descent. -5 Being on the spot or place (where anything is due). -8 Not far from, almost; see above. - 1 An eyewitness of anything abhiyoktA dizeddezyam Ms. 8.52-53. -2 The inhabitant of a country. - The statement of a question or argument, the thing to be proved or substantiated (er). deSTavya a. To be pointed, shown or declared. deza A pointer an indientor teSAM kRpacAdeSNAM patatAM af : Bhag. 6. 7. 14. Ved. A gift. deSNu a. 1 Very liberal. -2 Intractable, unruly.. A washerman. .-M. 837 dehaH, -ham [ di-pam] 1 The body dehaM dahanti dahanA iva Bv. 1. 104. -2 A form, shape, bulk, mass, -3 A person, an individual. - An appearance, a manifestation. Anointing, smearing. A rampart, wall, mound. Comp. -3 another body; kiM nu tad duSkRtaM karma purA dehAntare kRtam Ram. 7.24.15. prAptiH f. transmigration- materialism, the doctrines of Charvaka.-fem. a materialist, a Charvaka. - AvaraNam armour, dress. -AsavaH urine. IzvaraH the soul.a. born in the body, inborn, innate. a father. m. 1 the sun. -2 the Supreme Soul. -3 father. 1 the five elements. -2 the God; deha dehabhRt dehI Mb. -3 fathers prasadasyuH paurukutso yo'naramyasya Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ter Bhag. 9. 7.4. - 1 the covering of the body. -2 a feather, wing &c. -3 skin. - 1 decay of the body. -2 sickness, disease. a. incarnate, embodied. 1 son. -2 a. Belonging to the body; manovAgdehajairnityaM karmadoSairna lipyate Ms. 1. 104. - jA a daughter. -tantra a. whose chief kind of existence is corporeal; tvaM detantraH prazamAya pApmanA nidezabhAjAM ca vibho vibhUta Bhag. 3. 38. 5.- 1 death (in general). -2 voluntary death; resigning the body sIdhe to vakyatikarabhave janukanyAsarayoda R. 8. 95; Ms. 10. 62. quick-silver. -19: the eye. -dharmaH the function of the body (AhAranidrAmaithunAdi ); Ram. 4.35. 9. -dhArakam a bone. -dhAraNam living, life. -f a wing. - m. air, wind. -: death. - baddha a. embodied, incarnate; dehabaddhamiva dharmamabhyagAt R.. 11. 35 ; Ku. 2. 47. -bandhaH bodily frame; dhvaMsate dehabandhaH U. 3. 38; Mal. 9. 20. a. embodied, corporeal. (-) any being possessed of a body or life, especially a man ; nAyaM devo dehabhAjAM nRloke Bhag. 5.51. bhuj m. 1 the soul. 2 the sun. - m. 1 living being, especially a man; dhigimAM dehabhRtAmasAratAm R. 8.51; dehabhRtAM vara Bg. 8.4; 14. 14. - an epithet of Siva. -3 life, vitality. death. waist. - 1 dying, death. -2 nourishment, food. -yApanam fostering the body (zarIrapoSaNa devatAtithizeSeNa kurute dehayApanam Mb. 3. 260. 6. -lakSaNam & mole, a black or dark spot upon the skin. - n. the skin. one of the five vital airs or lifewinds; see prANa. visarjanam donth. -vRntam the navel. saMcAriNI & daughter. -sAraH marrow. -svabhAvaH bodily temperament. dehaM bhara a. Gluttonous; janeSu dehaM bharavArtikeSu ( na prItiyuktAH ) Bhag. 5. 5. 3. dehavat a. Embodied anyakA hi gatiH dehavadbhiravApyate Bg. 12. 5. -m 1 A man. -2 the soul. dehikA A sort of insect. dehin a. ( -nI / ) [ deha-ini ] Incarnate, embodied. -m. 1 A living being, especially a man; fai ya Ku. 4. 10; Si. 2. 46; Bg. 2. 13; 17. 2; Ms. 1.30; 5.49.-2 The soul, spirit (enshrined in the body); tathA zarIrANi vihAya jIrNAnyanyAni saMyAti navAni dehI Bg. 2. 22 5. 13; 14. 5. The earth, dehalA Spirituous liquor. ,f. The threshold of a door, the sill or lower part of the wooden frame of a door; fat edge: Me. 89; Mk. 1. 9. -Comp. - dIpaH a lamp suspended over the threshold; nyAya see _under nyAya. 1 P. (, ) 1 To purify, cleanse. -2 To be purified.-3 To protect.-With 1 to whiten, brighten. -2 to purify. deza . Pertaining to the amISoma; devasya cetareSu M. 8. 1. 18. ( where zabara writer] deza ityamISomIya ucyate.) For Private and Personal Use Only Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir deteyaH 888 daivatas ag: [ cazi-e] 1 A son of Diti', a Raksasa, demon. -2 N. of Rahu. -Comp. re, -75,- TETE m., - : epithets of Sukra, the preceptor of the Asuras. - EA: an epithet of Visnu. Aref. Diti, mother of the demons. GT the earth (supposed to be produced from the marrow of hy and 24). T: (fear-o2 ] See tau. Comp. 37: 1 a god. -2 an epithet of Visnu. 9: 1 an epithet of Varuna. -2 wind.-ofa: an epithet of Hiranyakasipu, Prahlada or Bali; 21 R equat war: Bhag. 10. 63. 45. q. v. - YTH an age of the demons consisting of 12000 divine years. 1 A drug.-2 Spirituous liquor. ( a) To represent a Daitya; d aca TERTUTT FUTTATH Bhag. 10. 30. 16. (tf.), taifa (ftf.), ( f.) a. Diurnal, daily; tairevAsya kale: kalevara puSo dainaMdinaM vartanam Bv. 1. 103. u cafea: if a g afa: Bhag. fare Daily wages, day's hire. - Length, longness. 79, Fr [atu ara: 644] 1 Poverty, poor and pitiable condition, miserable state; aftur er G. L. 2; wheat fra: Ku. 2. 21; gali 90atuNeumarduff Me. 86. -2 Affliction, sorrow, dejection, grief, low-spiritedness. -3 Feebleness. - Meanness. daipa a. Relating or belonging to a lamp; nayanamiva afa auta : Si. 11. 18. taa.(-aft f.) [tara: ] 1 Relating to gods, caused by or coming from gode, divine, celestial; A ATH atareyrar Heffa: Kay. 1. 33; catat Higuta afaraf HITTA R. 1.60; Y. 2. 235; Bg. 4. 25; 9. 13; 16. 3; Ms. 3. 75. -2 Royal; apuce a Raj. T. 5. 206.-8. Depending on fate, fatal. -4 Possessing the quality of Hea. -a: 1 (i. e. fare:) One of the eight forms of marriage, that in which the daughter is given away at a sacrifice to the officiating priest; 493 pat da: Y. 1. 59 (for the eight forns of marriage see garg or Ms. 3. 21). -2 A worshipper of god ( **); 912 e quad Hapa Mb. 12. 158. 35.-241 Fate, destiny, luck, fortune; TH di aggrafa Fed H. quia: fa Mu. 3; binA puruSakAreNa devamatra na sidhyati 'God helps those who help themselves': a faccia 4759HITTAT Pt. 1.361. (dara by chance, luckily, accidentally.)-2 A god, deity. -8 A religious rite or offering, an oblation to gods; Bing TOTIS doi ani Ram. 1. 23.2. - 4 A kind of Sraddha ceremony. - Parts of the hands sacred to the gods, i.e. the tips of the fingers; cf. Ms. 2. 59. -8 Royal duties; na tu kevaladevena prajAbhAvena remire Mb. 1. 222.10. -7 A science of phenomena, unusuals ( as); Ch.Up. 7.1.2. - 1 A woman married according to the form of marriage called daiva q. v. above. --2 a. Divine, super-haman; at fine faqe t har Bg. 16.5. -8 A division of medicine (the medical use of charms, prayers &c.). -Comp. -TTTTT: evil resulting from unusual natural phenomena. -3yfta, -377971 a. dependent on fate; devAyattaM kule janma madAyattaM tu pauruSam Ve. 3. 33. -TEIT: a day of the gods i.e. the human year, - a. sacred to Jupiter (96), -topaz. -398 a. illfated, unfortunate; devenopahatasya buddhirathavA sarvA viparyasyati Mu. 6. 8. -FGT a woman married according to the Daiva ritual. 7 the son of such a woman; tarcia: 2a 9a qata Ms. 3. 38.- 9 . offering, oblations to gods. 5 a. 1 fated. -2 natural. - far, -Parai,-: an astrologer, a fortune-teller; gties gaia a uteach Y. 1. 313; Kam. 9, 25. Tia: f. turn or course of fate; y cyfiad zifrat 2 Me. 96.; Pt. 3. 174. -ferat fatalism; astrology. - a. knowing fate or men's destinies. - a. dependent on fate. - a. innate, natural. -ty: the eye. -grain: hardness of fortune, adverseness or unpropitiousness of fate, an evil turn of fate; U. 1. 40. - : badness of fate. - a. 1 trusting to fate, a fatalist. -2 fated, predestined. -2: 1 fortune-telling, astrology. -2 a voice from heaven. 70 fa un 15174 99: 1 alaguterea fall -TH'Yuga of the gods' said to consist of 12000 divine years, but see Kull. on ac arcu barat yngeid Ms. 1. 71. -1: a lucky coincidence, fortuitous combination, fortune, chance. (equitna, run fortunately, accidentally.) -rakSita a. guarded by the gods; arakSitaM tiSThati daivarakSitam Subhas. berfi a fortune-teller, an astrologer. -at, - the power of destiny, subjection to fate. atoft 1 a voice from heaven. - 2 the Sanskrit language; cf. Kav. 1. 33. quoted above. fam. an astrologer. - a variety of sandal-wood red and smelling like a lotus-flower; Kau. A. 2. 11. -87 a. ill-fated; grad dad faazafa Subhas. - a. ill-fated, unfortunate, unlucky. a: A god, deity. a a.(-at s.) [e01-30] 1 Divine. -2 ( At the end of an adj. comp.) Honouring or worshipping as one's deity, as in daar a: -H A god, deity, divinity; an ad fasga 1993 nafara ara Ms. 4. 39, 153; U. 4.4.; Amaru. 3; ޕ a 1ayed Bhag. 4.4. 28.-2 A number of gods, the whole class of gods; Ve. 2. -3 An idol. The word is said to be m. also, but is rarely used in that gender. Mammata notices it as a fault called s trica; see 39 ). - N. of the third Kanda of Yaskas Nirukta. -Comp. -a: N. of Indra. f f. the Ganges. 999 ind. By chance, fortunately, luckily. ! For Private and Personal Use Only Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dos %3 devatya a. Addressed or sacred to a deity; hutvAgnIn sUryadaivatyAn japen mantrAn samAhitaH Y. 1.99; Ms.2.18934.124. -tyam A deity; Ms. 4. 39. daivika a. (-kI/.)[ deva-Thak ] Relating to the gods, divine; ahorAtre vibhajate sUryo mAnuSadaivike Ms. 1.65; 8. 409. -kam An inevitable accident. daivin m. An astrologer. daivya . (-vyA,-vyI /.) Divine. -vyam 1 Fortune, fate. -2 Divine power; yadi devA daivyenedRgAra Av. 4.27.6. daivalaH, -lakaH The servant of an evil spirit. devasika a. Happening in one day; ityuktvA brAhmaNAya daivasikAmutpattiM prAdAt Mb. 3. 196. 18. taraft: 1 The planet Saturn. -2 An epithet of Yama. -3 The river Yamuna. daivAripaH A conch-shell (zakha). daivAsuram The natural enmity subsisting between the gods and the demons. daizika (-kI /.)[ dezena nirvRttaM tasyedaM vA-Tham ] 1 Local, provincial.-2 National, belonging to the whole country. -8 Belonging or having reference to space; Bhisi. P. 120. -4 Acquainted with any place. -5 Teaching, pointing, directing, showing.-ka:1A teacher, preceptor; zuko gataH parityajya pitaraM mokSadezikam Mb. 12.321.94. -2 A guide. -3 One instructed by the preceptor; Bhag. 11.27.22. - Local people; hastino'zvA rathAH patti vo viSTistathaiva ca / daizikAzcAvikAzcaiva tadaSTAgaM balaM smRtam Mb. 12. 121.1. -kam a kind of dances et. Me. 37. Malli. Com. daiSTika . (-kI/.) [diSTamiti matiryasya, Thak] Fated, predestined. -ka: A fatalist; nAlambate daiSTikatAM na niSIdati pauruSe / zabdArthoM satkaviriva dvayaM vidvAnapekSate / / Si. 2. 86. daihika . (-kI/.) [dehe bhavaH, tasyedaM vA Thak] Bodily, corporeal; kartA'sya sargAdiSu yo na badhyate na hanyate dehagato'pi daihikaiH Bhag.5. 19. 12. prajAH sasarja katidhA daihikImanisIrvibhuH Bhag. daihya . [ dehe bhavaH vyam ] Bodily; tathApi bata me daihyo hyAtmA caivAtmanA vibhu: Bhag. 1.1.30. -hya: The soul (enshrined in the body). do 4 P. (dyati, dita; -cau8. dApayati; -desid. ditsati) 1 To cut, divide. -2 To mow, reap. -With ava to cut or lop off; yadanyasmin yajJe mucyavadyati Sat. Br. dogdhR See under duh. la: A call. dojanAkam A variety of the resin of aloe (aguru), black in colour Kau. A.2.11. dodhakam N. of a metre consisting of three bhagaNas and ome guru. doman n. Pain, inconvenience. doraH A rope (rajju). dorakam A string for tastening the wires of a lute. dola: [ dul-ghaJ] 1 Swinging, rocking, oscillating; velAdolAnilacalam Mb. 1.21. 10. -2 Aswing, litter. -3 A festival held on the fourteenth or full-moon day of the month of Phalguna when figures of 'young Krisna' (bAlakRSNa) are swung in a swing. -Comp. -maNDapaH, -pam, yAnam a swing. dolA, dolikA 1 A litter, palanquin. -2 A swing, hammock (fig. also); AsIt sa dolAcalacittavRttiH R.14.43 9. 46; 19.44; saMdehadolAmAropyate K. 207. -3 Swinging, fluctuation.-4 Doubt, uncertainty. -8 The Indigo plant. -Comp.-adhirUDha,-ArUDha -(lit.) mounted on a swings (fig.) uncertain, irresolute, disquieted. -calacittaarer a. One whose mind is agitated like a swing. -yantram drugs tied up in a cloth and boiled out over a fire; Bhava. P. -yuddham uncertainty of success, a fight with varying. success ; dolAyuddhaM kRtagurutaradhvAnamauddhatyabhAjAm Si. 18.80. -lola a. uncertain. leta Den. A. 1 To swing, rock to and fro, oscillate, fluctuate, vacillate ( fig. also). -2 To be restless or uneasy. dolAyamAna 4.1Swinging, oscillating. -2 Wavering, vacillating. -8 Perplexed, doubtful. dolAyita, -dolita a. Swung, shaken, oscillating &c. dolikA,-dolI 1A eradle. -2 A swing. doSa, -doSika,-doSin See under duS. doSan m., .. (This word has no forms for the first five inflections, in e. before ace. pl.) An arm. doSas/. Night. -n. Darkness. doSA ind. At night; doSA'pi nUnamahimAMzurasau kileti Si. 4. 46, 62. - f. 1 The arm. -2 The darkness of night, night; dharmakAladivasa iva kSapitadoSaH 5.37 (where the word means 'a fault or sin' also).-Comp.-AsyaH ,-tilaka: a lamp. -kara: 1 The moon; yAmitravedhavihitAnapahRtya doSAn / doSAkaraH sukhamanekavidhaM vidhatte || Jyotistattvam. -2amine of faults3 doSAkaro'pi kuTilo'pi kalaGkito'pi Udb. doSAtana (-nI/.) Nightly, nocturnal; doSAtanaM budhabRhaspatiyogadRzyaH (tArApatiH) R. 13. 76. dos m., . [damyate anena dam do'si ardharcA'; Up. 2.69 ] (doSan is optionally substituted for this word after acc, dual.) 1 The forearm, the arm; tamupAdrabadudyamya dakSiNaM dornizAcaraH R.15.23; hemapAtragataM doAmAdadhAnaM payazvaram 10.51; Ku. 3. 76. -2 The part of an are defining its sine. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir doha 840 daurhadam - The side of a triangle or square. -4 A measure of eighteen inches; Matanga. L. 10. 14. -Comp. - TS (dogeDa) a. crooked-armed. -graha (doha) a strong, powerful. (-haH) pain in the arm. -jyA (doA ) the sine of the base. -daNDaH (dordaNDaH) a stick-like arm, strong. arm; dordaNDAJcitamahimA Mv. 7.8.; Bv. 1. 128. -nikartanam ( dornikartanam ) amputation of the arm. -mUlam (dormUlam) the armpit. -yuddham (doryuddham) aduel; (abhyudyataM) doryuddhAya dazAsyamindratanayaH prakSipya kakSAntare Mv.5.37. -zAlin (doHzAlin ) possessed of strong arms, warlike, brave; iyaM parisamApyate raNakathAdya doHzAlinAm Ve.3.34. -zikharam (do zikharam ) the shoulder. -sahasrabhRt (doHsahasrabhRt ) m. 1 an epithet of the demon Bana. -2 an epithet of Sahasrarjuna. -sthaH (doHsthaH) 18 servant. -2 service. -3 a player. -4 play, sport. doha, dohana, dohya &c. See under duh. dohadaH, -dam / dohamAkarSa dadAti dA-ka] 1(a) The longing of a pregnant woman; prajAvatI dohadazaMsinI te R.14. 45%; upetya sA dohadaduHkhazIlatAM yadeva vane tadapazyadAhRtam 3.6,7. (6) The desired obiect itself. -2 Pregnancy. -3 The desire of plants at budding time (as, forinstance, of the Asoka to be kicked by young ladies, of the Bakula to be sprinkled by mouthfuls of liquor &c.); mahIruhA dohadasekazakterAkAlikaM korakamudrinti N. 3. 213 R. 8. 633 Me. 787 see azoka. - Vehement desire; pravartitamahAsamaradohadA narapatayaH Ve. 4. -8 Wish or desire in general. -Comp. -duHkhazIlatA pregnancy; upetya sA dohadaduHkhazIlatAm R. 3.6. -dhUpa: a kind of fragrant substance used as manure ; dADime dohadadhUpini drume N. 1.82. -lakSaNam 1 the totus, the embryo (= dauhRdalakSaNa q. v.). -2 the period of passing from one stage of life to another. dohadavatI A pregnant woman longing for anything. dohadina a. Eagerly longing for, ardently desirous of. dohala: See dohada; vRthA bahasi dohalam (v.1.) lalitakAmisAdhAraNam M. 3. 16. dohalI The Aboka tree. dauAzIlyam Bad temper, wickedness, wicked disposi Eter 1 Wickedness, evil or wicked temper, depravity; daurAtmyAdrakSasastAM tu nAtratyAH zraddadhuH prajAH R. 15.72. -2 Mischievousness ; guNAnAmeva daurAtmyAd dhuri dhuryoM niyujyate K. P. 10. dauritam Mischief, evil, harm. daurudharI/ A conjunction of planets Jupiter and Venus with the moon regarded as highly auspicious for births; zrayatyayaM daurudharI dhuraM dhruvam N. 15.42. (of. 'gurubhArgavayoryogazcandreNaiva yadA bhavet / tadA durudharAyogaH' iti jyotiHzAstre.) daurgatyam 1 Poverty, want, destitution; vyakte'pi vAsare nityaM daurgatyatamasAvRtaH Pt. 2.92. -2 Wretchedness, distress. daurgandhya m Bad or disagreeable smell. daurgrahaH The Asvamedha. sacrifice. dauryam Dificulty. daurjana (-daurjanI/.) of malicious or wicked persons; brAhmIva daurjanI saMsadvandanIyA samekhalA Suktisundars.5.32. daurjanyam Wickedness, depravity. daujIvityam A wretched or miserable life. daurbalyam, -lam Impotency, debility, weakness, feebleness; daurbalyaM khyApate rAjJaH Ms. 8. 171; kSudraM hRdayadaurbalyaM tyaktvottiSTha paraMtapa Bg. 2. 8. daurbhAgineyaH The son of a woman disliked by her husband. daurbhAgyam III-luck, misfortune; yatte kezeSu daurbhAgya... Apastad ghantu sarvadA Y. 1. 283. daurmikSam Famine. daurdhAtram A quarrel or disagreement between brothers. daurmanasyam 1 Evil disposition. -2 Mental pain, affliction, dejection, sorrow. -8 Despair; teSAM kRte me vizvAso daurmanasyaM ca jAyate Devi Bhag. daurmanvya m Evil advice, bad counsel; daurmannyAnnRpativinazyati Bh. 2. 42. daurlabhya m Scarcity, rarity, difficulty of attainment. daurvacasyam Evil speech, bad language. daurvINam 1 The sap of Durva or bent grass. -2 A clean leaf (iSTaparNa ). daurbatyam Disobedience; ill-conduct. daurhadam, dauhRdam 1 Evil disposition of the mind, enmity (also act in this sense ). -2 Pregnancy; sudakSiNA dauIdalakSaNaM dadhau R.3.1. -3 The longing of a pregnant woman; rAjJaH zAsanamAdAya tathaiva kila dauidam Ram. 7.47. 15. - Desire in general. tion. dauHsAdhikaH 1A door-keeper, porter. -2 The superintendent of a village. dauHsram Wrangling between women. dIkU (gU)la: A oar covered with silk cloth. -lam Fine silk cloth. dautyam Message, mission; also dautyakam ; sAntvayAmAsa sapremairAyAsya iti dautyakaiH Bhag. 10. 39.35.-2 The function of a messenger; bahUnyacaSTobhayathA mRtyodautyakarANi ca Bhie. 10.4227. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra daurhRdayam Evil disposition of mind, enmity. dauleyaH A tortoise. fe: An epithet of Indra. tarfs: (fr.) A door-keeper, warders f devasarUpametya R. 6. 59. daukham A disease of the prepuce doSam gurutalpagaH Ms. 11. 49. 1 Evil conduct, wickedness; Ram. 6. -2 A bad deed. dauor a. ( -SkI f. ) One who swims by the help of his arms. dauSkula. (sI.), dauSkuleya. ( -pI.), dauSkulya a. Sprung from a low family, born in a contemptible family; Ram. 4. 7. 2; kenApi dauSkuleyena kulyAM mAhAkulI priyAm Bk. 7. 88. lam, syam low extraction: do vidhunoti fa Bhag. 1. 18. 18. dauSTayam, dauSThavam Badner, wickadnere. dauSya (ma ) tiH A son of Dusysnts] baudhyantimapratirayaM S. 4. 20; Bhag. 1. 12. 20. dausthyam Distressed condition; Mahimna 16; kRtAgasApi saMdhAya dausthyaM tatyAja yedila: Siva. B. 31.48. A landscape gardener: N. 6. 61; edohade niyuktaH ['tatra niyuktaH' iti P. IV. 4. 60.]-2 Ardent or morbid desire. dauhitraH [duhiturapa] [a] A daughter's son Ms. 3. 148; 9. 131. Sesamum seed. dauhitrAyaNaH The son of a daughter's son A daughter's daughter. dauhadinI A pregnant woman afaut f. A day. 2 P. (a) To advance towards, encounter, attack, assail; guhAyA niragAd vAlI siMho mRgamiva yuvan Bk. 6. 118; 14. 101. 841 n. 1 A day. -2 The sky. -8 Brightness. -4 Heaven. - Sharpness; cf. 3-m. Fire. ( is a substitute for ff. before terminations beginning with consonants and in compounds.) -Comp. -: a bird. - 1 a planet. -2 a bird. -: attainment or gaining of heaven. I the diameter of a circle made by an asterism in its daily revolution. : noon. -f: f., nadI the bes venly Ganges siddhairnuto yUnipAtazivasvanAnu reme ciraM dhanadavalalanAvarUthI Bhag. 3. 23.39 - nivAsaH a deity, god; zokAminA'gAdyunivAsabhUyam Bk. 3. 21. -nivAsin m. 1 a deity. -2 a virtuous man. -qa: 1 the sun. -2 an epithet of Indra. -: the upper part of the sky. mAM...... Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir yumat -for: 1 the sun; ungaffarara Bhag. 3. 2. 7. -2 Calcined copper. - yoSit f. an apsaras. -ratnam the sun. heaven. -, m. 1 a god, deity; manaHsu yeSAM sadAM nyadhIyata Si. 1. 43. -2 a planet. -sarit f. the Ganges. ka: An owl. -Comp. -ari: a crow. r: a. Ved. 1 Celestial, heavenly. -2 Shining, brilliant. : An epithet of (1) Varuna, (2) Aryaman, (3) Indra, (4) Agni, (5) Soma. dyut 1 A. [ dyotate, dyutita or dyotita -desid. didyutiSate, didyotiSate ] To shine, be bright or brilliant; didyute ca yathA fa: Bk. 14. 104; 6. 26; 7. 107; 8. 89. -Caus. (afa-a) 1 To illuminate, irradiate; Bk. 8. 46; : Ku. 6. 4. 2 To make clear, explain, elucidate. -8 To express, mean. With a (Caus.) to illuminate; tasminnabhiyotitabandhupadme ( bhAvaM na babandha ) R.. 6. 36. -vi to shines be bright dyotiSTa sabhAyAmasI narakSipriya Si. 2. 3; 1. 20. m. A ray of light. gf: [9] 1 Splendour, brightness, lustre, beauty; kAcaH kAJcanasaMsargAd dhatte mArakatIM yutim H. Pr. 35; Mal. 2. 10; R. 3. 64. -2 Light, a ray of light; Bh. 1. 61. 3 Majesty, dignity; Ms. 1. 87. -4 (in drama) A threatening attitude. : the polar star or the sage Dhruva. - Comp. Visnu. gfaa a. Illuminated, shining bright. dyotaH [dyut bhAve ghaJ] 1 Light, lustre, brilliance; as in .-2 Sunshine. -3 Heat. a. dhotaka [-] 1 Shining. 2 Illuminating. -3 Explaining, making manifest, showing. cotana . [-] 1 Bright, shining vilokya yotanaM s Bl. 7. 15. - Illuminating. -3 Explaining, elucidating. A lamp. - 1 Shining. -2 Illuminating. -3 Explaining. - Sight, seeing-5 Light. -6 Dawn. afret Explanation, elucidation. afa. Shining. -f: Ved. Splendour, lustre. aifaa 1 Illuminated. -2 Illustrated; see L. fa. Splendid, bright. P. P. affa n. 1 Light, brightness, lustre. -2 A star. -Comp. - iGgaNaH (dyotiriGgaNaH) a fire-fly. ghumat a. 1 Bright, brilliant; vitAnAni yumanti ca Bhag. 10. 81. 30.2 Clear, loud. -3 Strong, vigorous. -4 Calm, serene. Comp. p a mode of chanting the Samaveda. N. of a king of Salva, and father of Satyavat, husband of Savitri. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dyumnam 842 dravasyati dyumnam 1 Splendour, glory, lustre. -2 Energy, draGgaH, -gA A city, town; Raj. T. strength, power. -3 Wealth, property; dhRSTatvAdatyamArSatvAd / draDhayati Den. P. 1 To make firm, fasten, tighten, (lit.) gumnaayutsNbhvaadpi| dhRSTadyumnaH kumAro'yaM drupadasya bhvtviti|| Mb.1.167. as in jaTAjUTagranthi draDhyati. -2 To strengthen, confirm, 53. - 4 Inspiration. -5 Sacrificial offering or oblation. corroborate; nivezaH zailAnAM tadidamiti buddhiM draDhayati U. 2.27%3 dhummin a. Having wealth or oblations. -2 Majestic. vizuddherutkarSastvayi tu mama bhakti draDhayati 4. 11. -3 Inspired. -4 Powerful. draDhiman m. 1 Tightness, firmness; badhAna drAgeva draDhimaramaNIya dhuvan m. 1 Sun. -2 Heaven; L. D. B. parikaram G. L.47. -2 Confirmation, corroboration%3B uktasyArthasya draDhimne Sankara. -3 Assertion, afirmation. dhusaindhavaH uccaiHzravas , the horse of Indra; grusaindhavo -4 Heaviness. vAlajitaH kiyAn mayA Sahendravilasa 3.5. drapsa a. Dripping, trickling down. -psa: 1 A taH,-tam [diva-bhAve-ka-UTa ardharcA0] 1 Play, gambling, drop; drapso na zveto mRgastuviSmAn Rv.7.87.6. -2 A spark playing with dice; yUtaM hi nAma puruSasyAsiMhAsanaM rAjyam Mk.25 (of fire); drapsA yat te yavasAdo vyasthiran Rv. 1.94. 11. -3 dravyaM labdhaM yUtenaiva dArA mitraM yUtenaiva / dattaM bhuktaM ghUtenaiva sarva naSTaM yUtenaiva a flag, banner; drapsaM davizvad gaviSo na sa tvA Rv. 4. 13.2 2.73 aprANibhiryat kriyate talloke yUtamucyate Ms. 9.228.-2 (ig.) (pArthivaM rajaH as Sayana.).-psa m Diluted sour milk, diluted A battle, fight; Mb. 3. -3 The prize won; Mb. 9. curds ; (also drapsya m ). -Comp. -adhikArin m. the keeper of a gambling- ! house. -karaH, -kRt m. a gamester, a gambler; ayaM / drabuddhaH, -ddham A particular high number ; Buddh. dyUtakaraH sabhikena khalIkriyate Mk.2. -kAraH, -kAraka: 1 the dram 1 P. (dramati) To go about, run, run about; vAnarA keeper of a gambling house. -2agambler. -krADA / drumuzcA'tha Bk. 14. 70. playing at dice, gambling. -dharmaH the laws concerning dramiDaH, -la: See draviDaH. gamblingi Ma 9.220. -pUrNimA, -paurNimA the day of tull moon in the month of Asvina (also called kojAgara) drammam A drachma; (a word derived from the when people spend their time in games of chance in Greek drachme), sixteenth part of a Niska (= 1280 honour of Laksmi, the goddess of wealth. -pratipad varATaka); varATakAnAM dazakadvayaM yat sA kAkiNI tAzca pANAzcatasraH / f. the first day of the bright half of Kartika (usu te SoDaza dramma ihApi kIrtito drammaistathA SoDazakaizca niSkaH / / Lila. ally spent in gambling). -bIjamU a courier a shell drava a. [dru gatau-bhAve ap] 1 Running (as a horse); satyo used in playing. -maNDalam 1agambling house; gamanaM dravo dravaraH patagaraH Rv.4.40.2.-2 Dropping, oozing, wet, parikarSe ca kRSNAyA dyUtamaNDale Mb. 2. 79.82. -2 a circle dripping; AkSipya kAcid dravarAgameva (pAdam) R.7.7. -3 drawn round agambler (to make him pay); f. takara- Flowing, fluid. - Liquid (opp. kaThina); dravaH saMghAtakaThinaH maNDalI; Mk.2.6-7.-lekhakA,-kam agambling bill or one (asi) Ku. 2. 11. -B Melted, liquefied. -va: 1 Going, who marks the score at gambling; cf. Mk. 2. 19-20. walking about, motion. -2 Dropping, trickling, oozing, -vRttiH 1 professional gambler; mitrag yUtavRttizca putrAcArya- exudation. -3 Flight, retreat. -4 Play, amusement, stathaiva ca Ms. 3. 160. -2 the keeper of a gambling-house. sport. -5 Fluidity, liquefaction -6A liquid substance, Ms. 3. 160.-sabhA,-samAjaH 1 a gambling-house. -2 an fluid; drava iva hRdayasya prastarodbhedayogyaH U.3.25%3 2.16. -1 assembly of gamblers. Juice, essence ; pibata bhAgavataM rasamAlayam Bhag. 1. 1. 8. -8 grat a. 1 Playing, sporting. -2 Lamenting, sorry; Decoction. -9 Speed, velocity. -10 (in drama) The Aying out against one's superior.(dravIkR means to melt, ct. parighuna Mb. 3.7.20. -nam The seventh sign of the liquely'.dravIbhU to be melted, as with pity &c.; dravIbhavati me zodiac. manaH Mv.7.34; dravIbhUtaM premNA tava hRdayamasmin kSaNa iva U. 3. 133 dhai 1P.(dyAyati) 1 To despise, treat with contempt. | drabIbhUtaM manye patati jalarUpeNa gaganam Mk. 6.25. -Comp. -2 To disfigure. -TUTT: 1 a small vessel or receiver. -2 the hands dyof.(Nom. sing. dyauH) Heaven, paradise, the sky; joined together and hollowed (= culukaq.v.). -itara. solid, hard; sasajeM vRSTiM parirugNapAdapAM vetareSAM payasAmivAzmanAm dyobhUmirApo hRdayaM yamazca Pt. 1. 182; S. 2. 15. ( In Dvandya Ki. 17.60. -uttara a. very fluid. -ja: treacle. -dravyam / compounds dyo is changed to dyAvA, e.g. dyAvApRthivyau, fluid substance. -rasA 1 lac. -2gum. -3 extract. dyAvAbhUmI, dyAvAkSame 'hea.ven and earth'). -Comp.-kAraH an architect ( building very high mansions); thokArahemakArA- dravaka, dravaNa a. 1 Running. -2 0oxing, trickling. dijAtiM nityaM samAzritAH Mb. 12. 49.84. -bhUmiH a bird. dravat 4. 1 Running, swift. -2 Trickling, ooring. -sad m. (dyoSad) a god. dravantI 1A river. -2 The plant Anthericum JuberodrakaTaH, -dragaDa: A kettle-drum (used in awakening sum (Mar. uMdirakAnI). sleepers). dravasyati Den. P. 1 To trouble or afflict oneselt. -2 drabakSaNam A measure of weight, a tola. Sarang. s. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra *fa: dravi: A smelter, one who melts metal; dravirna drAvayati Rv. 6. 3. 4. a: 1 N. of a country on the east coast of the Deccan (pl.); asti draviDeSu kAJcI nAma nagarI Dk. 130. -2 An inhabitant or native of that country; jaradraviDadhArmikasye f: K. 229. -3 N. of a degraded tribe; cf. Ms. 10. 22. -8 A collective name for five peoples (Andhra, karnATaka, gurjara, tailaga and mahArASTra); 000 jhADi Up. 2. 50 ] 1 Wealth, money, property, substance; Ve. 3. 22; Pt. 3. 174; fara Bv. 4.29.-2 Gold; R.4.70; jJAtibhyo aina: Ms. 3.31. -3 Strength, power. - Valour, prowess; shaft f Mb. 3. 1. 8. 5 A thing, matter, material. -6 That of which anything is made. -7 A wish, desire. -Comp. -adhipatiH IzvaraH an epithet of Kubera udayaH soquirement of wealth parAmukhe vidhI vetsyAt kacida draviNodaya: Pt. 2 11. udas m. fire. -nAzanaH the plant Hyperanthera Moringa (Mar. zevagA ) -pradaH an opithet of Vispu. sudhanvA khaNDaparazurdAruNo draviNapradaH v. Sah. 843 frega. Desiring wealth or sacrificial offerings. 1 A thing, substance, object, matter; the whole creation (adhibhUta); dravyakriyAkAra kA khyaM dhUtvA yAntyapunarbhavam Bhag. 12. 6. 38.-2 The ingredient or material of anything. 3 A material to work upon. - A fit or suitable object (to receive instruction &c. ); z figfgamya jAtmano'pi Mu. 7. 14; see adravya also. -5 An elementary substance, the substratum of properties; one of the seven categories of the Vaisesikas; (the dravyas are nine :- pRthivyaptejovAgvAkAza kAladigAtmamanAMsi ); one of the six of the Jainas (jIva, dharma, adharma, pudgala, kAla and AkAza ). -6 Any possession, wealth, goods, property, money; SaD dravyANi - ' maNayaH pazavaH pRthivI vAso dAsyAdi kAJcanam ; upArjanaM ca dravyANAM parimardazca tAni SaT Mb. 12. 59.64; tat tasya kimapi f: U. 2. 19. 7 A medicinal substance or drug. -8 Modesty. 9 Bell-metal, brass or gold; Ram. 7. -10 Spirituous liquor. -11 A wager, stake. -12 Anointing, plastering. -13 An ointment. -14 The animal-dye, lac. -15 Extract, gum. -16 A cow; L. D. B. 17 A verse from the Rigveda. rating raft: SB. on MS. 7. 2. 14. Comp. -arjanam, vRddhiH siddhiH / soquisition of wealth. -: . affluence, abundance of wealth. Viscous sediment given out by oily substances when ground; dravyakalkaH paJcadhA syAt kalkaM cUrNa rasastathA / tailaM maSTiH kramAjjJeyaM yathottaraguNaM priye // Ayurveda. -gaNaH a class of similar substances (in medicine). -qft: the possession of property or wealth. -fa: f. the nature of matter. -vAcakam a substantive. -zuddhiH Cleansing of soiled articles. the consecration of articles for sacrifice &c. a. holding anything in the hand; Ms. 5, 143, stance. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A carrier of anything. (f) 1 Material. -2 Having any substance. -3 Consisting of wealth. a. 1 Rich, wealthy. -2 Inherent in the sub drAdhiSTha pot. p. [-] 1 To be seen, visible. -2 Perceptible. -3 Fit to be seen, investigated, or examined; AtmA vA are draSTavyaH zrotavyo mantavyo nididhyAsitavyaH Bri. Up. 2. 4. 5. - Lovely, pleasing to the sight, beautiful; S. 2; Bh. 1. 8. -5 To be understood. 6 To be regarded or considered as. iSTukAma a. Desirous of seeing tato bhartRdArikAM draSTukAmayA MAL. 2.0/1. draSTumanas a. Wishing to see; marutAM draSTumanAH salokapAlaH V. 2. 18. m. 1 A seer, one who sees mentally; as in RSayo mantradraSTAraH, draSTRtvamakartRbhAvazca San. K. 19. -2 A judge ; saMkSepAdapavAda eva sulabho draSTurguNo dUrataH Mk 9.3. drahaH A deep ET 2 P. (, ) 1 To sleep. -2 To run, make haste. -3 To fly, run away. - To be ashamed. a. 1 Flown, run away. -2 Sleeping, sleepy. - 1 Running away, flight, retreat. -2 Sleep. ind. Quickly, instantly, forthwith, immediately, Mv. 1. 34; aige... Virachandrodaya. -Comp. the distance of a planet from the point of its greatest velocity, eccentricity. - water just drawn from a well. TT Vine, grape (the creeper or the fruit); afa Git. 12; R. 4. 65; Bv. 1. 14; 4. 39. madhuradrAkSAmadhumadhurimA kairapi padairviziSyAcAsayevo bhavati rasanAmAtraviSayaH Anandsishari. -Comp. -bhAsavaH, uttham spiritious liquor drawn from vine. - N. of a particular medicinal ghee. : grape-juice, wine. -f: a particular beverage (in medicine). 1 P. (af) 1 To become dry. -2 To be able, or sufficient. -3 To prohibit, prevent. -4 To adorn, grace. 1 A. () 1 To be able. -2 To stretch. -3 To exert oneself. To be weary or fatigued. -5 To torment, vex. -8 To wander about. rafa Den. P. 1 To lengthen, stretch, extend. -2 To increase, intensify; f yota Bk. 18. 33. -3 To tarry, delay. For Private and Personal Use Only f. Length. -2 A degree of longitude. afaga. Longest, very long (superl. of q.v.) -g: A bear, Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir drAdhIyas 844 drupadaH grata a. (- f.) Longer, very long (compar. T R 2F2#ra: Mal. 1. 24; 8. 12; U. 6. 12; Pt. 4.33; of als q.v.); Ki. 11. 2; cat 7147 9991719 449 art- safa EUATL Ve. 5. 21; Si. 9. 9; Bk. 2. 12. -4 To go, qat faara Bv. 1. 35. move. -Caus. araufa-d) 1 To cause to run away, put STEET1 P. (eura) 1 To desire, long for. - To to flight. -2 To melt, fuse. -II. 5 P. (gula) 1 To hurt, injure; garatfot #9: Bk. 14. 81, 85. -2 To go. croak, sound as a bird). -3 To utter a discordant sound. - To repent. 13 1 A. (1) 1 To cut, divide, split. -2 To be ga p. p. [ - ] 1 Quick, swift, speedy. -2 Flown, run away, escaped. -3 Melted, liquid, dissolved ; - pulled to pieces. IT et 32: Bhag. 11. 2. 40. -4 Scattered, diTT: 1 Mud, mire. -2 Heaven, sky. -3 A fool, an ffused. - Indistinct. -6 Moved, softened; EUTAT idiot. -4 An epithet of Siva (his hair being matted). Mal. 5. 28; see 5.-7: 1 A scorpion. -2 A tree. -B A small shell. -3 A cat. -Ah 1 the act of running; gan a: TT gue: N. of Chanakya. fa aluskata Mb. 7. 16.18. -2 A particular faulty pronunciation of vowels. -74 ind. Quickly, swiftly, Fra: (2-412-99] 1 Flight, retreat. -2 Speed. -3 speedily, immediately. -Comp. at a. going quickly, Running, flowing. -4 Heat. -5 Liquefaction, melting. hastening. - a. 1 going quickly. -2 a form of metre. -Comp. - a flux. , -Freur ibid. -footaan N. of a metre; see App. I. Erale [- ] a. 1 Attracting, captivating. - 2 Sol- gfa: f. 1 Melting, dissolving. -2 Going, running vent. -3 Liquefying. - 1 flux used to assist the away. fusion of metals. - 2 The loadstone. - Moon-stone. - A thief. - A sharp or clever man, wit, wag. m., n. [arca 2-21-3] 1 Wood. -Any instru-8 A libertine, lecher. - Wax. ment made of wood. -m. 1 A tree; Ms. 7. 131. - 2 A branch. -f. Motion. -Comp. -Rich the Devadaru gaur ( 5-f09-17] 1 Putting to flight, Mb. 8. 34. tree. -TUT: 1 a mallet, wooden mace. -2 an iron wea69; 544/qui igrati Arash (TTT) Hariy. -2 pon made like a carpenter's hammer. -8 an axe, a Melting, fusing, -3 Distilling. -4 The clearing-nut. hatchet. -4 an epithet of Brahma. -t a hatchet. gal Spittle, saliva. -e: a thorn. E(TE) a. large-nosed. -H(U) a scabbard ; see guia: also. --TEH Ved. a pillar (in Euraa a. 1 Put to flight, driven away. -2 Fused, general). Tet 1 a splay-fouted female. -2 a paramelted. -8 Softened, mollified. sitical plant. -975 a. large-footed. -98 a kind of 3754 a. To be made to run or put to flight. -2 Fu- tree (2 ). sible. a, gfa: See under 1. gtas: [ afacesits RTSET-370) 1 A Dravidian, JE 1, 6 P. (alfa, gefa) To sink, perish. Dravida. -2 A general name for a Brahmana of any of the five southern tribes the las); a s , fic, FOL 6 P. (zoa) 1 To make curved or crooked gurjara, mahArASTra and tailaga. karNATAzcaiva tailaGgA gurjarA rASTravAsinaH / bend. -2 To go, move. -3 To hurt, injure. 21714 afast ya faraguaia: Il Skanda P. - N. of For: [ - ] 1 A scorpion. -2 A bee. 3 rogue. the five chief Dravidian languages (Tamil, Telugu, -UTH 1 A bow. -2 A sword. -Comp. &: a sheath, Kanarese, Malayalam and Tulu ). -31: (pl.) The scabbard. Dravida country and its people. - t Cardamoms. GUT A bow-string. drAviDakaH Zedoary.-kam Black salt. aefur:, -oft f. 1 A small or female tortoise. -2 A ge 1 A. (ed) To wake. bucket. -8 A centipede. lo: N. of a sage, the author of the Kalpa T: N. of a king of the Panchalas. [He was a sutras dealing with the singing of the Samaveda. son of Prisata. He and Drona were school-fellows, as 1.1 P. (zala, ga; desid. Fara) 1 To run, flow, they learnt the science of archery from Drona's father, run away, retreat, fly (often with acc.); auf Bharadvaja. After Drupada had succeeded to the fagara Bk. 2. 12; 791 Tai akarsgart: H a- throne, Drona, when in pecuniary difficulties, went to ya qapa Bg. 11. 28; Taifa vara fest za 36; ga him on the strength of his former friendship; but the 494 #tar: Mb. -2 To rush, attack, assault quickly; i proud monarch disrespected and slighted him. For this THIETTI TFTFUFTICHTTEET Bk. 9. 95. -3 To be- Drona afterwards got him captured by his pupils the come fluid, dissolve, melt, ooze (fig. also ), afa - Pandavas, but was kind enough to spare his life, and For Private and Personal Use Only Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dumaH 848 ator: l allowed him to retain half his kingdom. But the defeat sustained by him at Drona's hands rankled in his soul, and with the desire of getting a son who would avenge the wrong done to him, he performed a sacrifice, when a son named Dhristadyumna (and a daughter called Draupudi) sprang up from the fire. This son afterwards treacherously cut off the head of Drona. See Drona also.] H: [3: E4724-:, cf. P. V. 2. 108 ] 1 A tree; 79 CAT 314 3719 arrat # U. 3. 8. -2 A tree of Paradise. -3 An epithet of Kubera. . -Comp. 373 the Karnikara tree; 944 grua nga 34ft: an elephant. -AmayaH lae, gum. -AzrayaH a lizard. -IzvaraH 1 the palm tree. -2 the moon. -3 the aftala tree. -396: the Karnikara tree. GAY: 017: Ak. uz, -134 a group of trees. , -HT: a thorn. -fautet: a kind of frank-incense. arfer m. an ape. fet: lac, gum. -ty: the palm tree. - 34 a grove of trees. groft An assemblage of trees. 92: A measure (H194). EK 4 P. (gafa, g ) 1 To bear malice or hatred. -2 To seek to hurt or injure, plot maliciously or revengefully, meditate mischief; generally with the dat. of the object of hatred); grafa at gafa hana #regranateat: N. 3.7; Bk. 4. 39. a. (At the end of comp.) (Nom. sing. 5-7, E-) Injuring, hurting, plotting or acting as an enemy against; 95: ma HAR STEEh Si. 2. 35; Ms. 5. 90. -f. Injury, damage. gret p.p. Injured, plotted against; rafsteisia aga tout fatale Raj. T.5. 299. -TTH An offence, injury, malevolent act; 319 gura faser # 7: Rv. 7. 86.5. gry a. Malevolent, hater. gia: Injury, damage. -Comp. - a. Using injurious or malicious words ; cf. Rv. 6. 62. 9. TE: (5 p s ) 1 Plotting against, seeking to hurt or assail, injury, mischief, malice; B ERTTU grar Pt. 2.35; FAZAT a 494 Bg. 1.38; Ms. 2. 161 ; 7. 48; 9. 17. -2 Treachery, perfidy. -3 Wrong, offence. -- Rebellion. Comp. -340: 1 a religious imposter, hypocrite, impostor. -2 a hunter. -3 a false man. fara a malicious thought, malice prepense; a thought or attempt to injure. - a. bent on mischief or evil design. (-:f.) a wicked or evil purpose. -u : hostile disposition; Ms. 9. 17. atica a. Maliciously inclined, malevolent, hostile. gift a. 1 Hurting, injuring. -2 Malevolent, malicious. -3 Plotting against, rebellious, E 1 A son. - A lake. - A daughter. GET:, GEO: N. of Brahma or Siva or Visnu. : 1 N. of a Vedic tribe. -2 N. of the son of Yayati and Sarmistha; gagage ret 14 ID 6 T araft II Visnu. P. 5,9 P. ( -u-fa) 1 To hurt, injure. -2 To go, move. a. Taking any form at will. -m. Gold. EU: A hammer, an iron club; see 390. FT: A scorpion. -OT A bow. 1 A. ( d) 1 To sound. -2 To grow, increase. -3 To show joy, be exhilarated. ( also ut: One-third part of the night; svapaJcanavamAnAM ye rAzinAmadhipAH grhaaH| ete dekANapArAzau dekkANAstraya ca pell Jyotistattyam. 1 P. (arafa) To sleep; cf. 21. Tut: [cf. Ua. 3. 10] 1 A lake 400 poles long. -2 A cloud (or a particular kind of cloud ) abounding in water (from which rain streams forth as from a bucket); suau irfuafi pare av area: || Mk. 10. 26. -8 A raven or a carrion crow. -4 A scorpion. B A tree (in general). - A tree bearing (white ) flowers. -7 N. of the preceptor of the Kauravas and Pandavas. Drona was the son of the sage Bharadvaja, and was so called because the seed, which fell at the sight of a nymph called Ghritachi, was preserved by the sage in a drona. Though a Brahmana by birth, he was well-versed in the science of arms which he learnt from Parasurama. He afterwards taught the Kauravas and the Pandavas the science of arms and archery. When, however, the great war commenced, he attached himself to the side of the Kauravas, and after Bhisma had been mortally wounded-lodged in the cage of darts '-he assumed the command of the Kaurava forces and maintained the struggle for four successive days, achieving wonderful exploits and killing thousands of warriors on the Pandava side. On the fifteenth day of the battle the fight continued even during the night, and it was on the morning of the 16th that Bhima, at the suggestion of Krisna, said within Drona's hearing that Asyatthaman was slain (the fact being that an elephant named Asvatthaman had fallen on the field). Being at a loss to understand how that could be, he appealed to Yudhisthira, 'the truthful', who also, at the advice of Krisna, gave an evasive reply---uttered loudly the word Asvatthaman and added 'Gaja or elephant' in a very low tone; Bee Ve.3.9. Sorely grieved at the death of his only son, the kind-hearted old father For Private and Personal Use Only Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir droNakam 848 dvandvam fell in a swoon, and Dhristadyumna, his avowed Duhaasana (q. v.) and by Duryodhana's wife. But enemy, took advantage of this circumstance, and these and the like insults she bore with uncommon cut off his head. ] -UT:, -OTH A measure of capacity, patience and endurance, and on several occasions, either the same as an Adhaka or equal to 4 Adhakas when she and her husbands were put to the test, she or 1/16 of a Khari, or 32 or 64 shers; AIUTET arii: 3 saved their credit (as on the occasion of Durvasas OERT: Lila. (Mar. 31779). -OH 1 A wooden vessel or begging food at night for his 60,000 pupils ). At last, cup, bucket; aistu taire acfeafo # Mb. 1. 130. however, her patience was exhausted, and she taunted 37. - A tub. Comp. - 31 : see at a bove.-F T : her husbands for the very tame way in which they A kind of sacrificial vessel. :, : a raven. put up with the insults and injuries inflicted upon -eret, -ET, -que, TET a cow yielding a drona of them by their enemies (see Ki. 1. 29-46). It was milk; al TEET TIET TI TIU Tafa Mb. 12. 29. 58. then that the Pandavas resolved to enter upon the - a kind of plant (THT). Her the capital great Bharati war. She is one of the five very chaste of 400 villages; a:T9F21 augen Kau. A. 22. - : | women whose names one is recommended to repeat; See 7 (2) above. re: rain streaming forth from see Heca.) the droNa (oloud); anAvRSTihate sasye droNavRSTirivAgatA Mk.10.39. tag: 1 A son of Draupadi; Bg. 1. 6, 18.-2 A tu A fortified city situated on the shore of son of Drupada ; # Bar 1942 a frafusel the sea. Mb. 6. 120. 7. toica a. Liberal in entertaining. gli a. Always fit to be hated. stror, -off f. [-2819; Uu. 4. 51 ) 1 An oval dvandaH A plate on which hours are struck. -dam A vessel of wood used for holding or pouring out water, pair, couple. a bucket, basin, baling-vessel ; : qua afgaar da alout atuft (Te) fare ... Ram. Champu. arr3 a H a at half cent; cf. P. VIII. 1. 15. Sk. ] at a tout fangu Ram. 7.75.2; Bhag. 10. 57. 8. -2 A 1 pair, couple. -2 A couple of animals (including water-reservoir (997). -8 A trough for feeding even men) of different sexes, i.e. male and female; cattle. -4 A measure of capacity, equal to two Surpas Gaifa na farfag: Ku. 3. 35; Me. 45; 7 afetah HISO647 Ku. 7. 66; R. 1. 40; $. 2.15; 7.27; 3160 T4. or 128 shers. -8 The valley or chasm between two mountains; 96 f ar faga yarate attata a 254a Pratima 1. -8 A couple of opposite gara Mal. 9; Hagaluft &c. -8 N. of the wife of Drona. conditions or qualities, such as go and ga; sita and - The plantain tree. -8 The Indigo plant. - Comp. FOOT); ad fe arti : K. 135; Tula : ge- : the Ketaka tree. -auth a kind of salt. galera: 51: Ms. 1. 26; 6. 81; padala 4a #wasafa fafarmaatsia si. 4. 61. -4 A strife, afori 1 A tub, bucket. -2 The Indigo plant. contention, quarrel, dispute, fight. -5 A duel; Ram. 6. torra:,-fati,atfor: An epithet of Asvatthaman; 43.15.-6 Doubt, uncertainty. -7 A fortress, stronghold. 4 de a fa: #77: Ve. 3. 31. - A secret. -9 A secret, or lonely place; a dat gaF6 ft 4 giaia Ram. 7. 103. 11. -- 1(In gram.) atform a. ( f.) 1 Containing a drona. -2 Sown One of the four principal kinds of compounds, in which with a drona of grain (as a field). A vessel hold two or more words are joined together which, if not ing the measure drona. compounded, would stand in the same case and be toft 1 A tub, trough; a a t e hady font connected by the copulative conjunction and '; and FAT: Bhag. 7. 4. 18. -2 A valley. F: P. II. 2. 29; &: HH 4 Bg. 10. 33; 344drauNeyam A kind of salt. qu a : Kasika 38. -2 A kind of disease. 8 in music) A kind of measure. -4 The sign Gemini of the teret [ Far f-340 219] N. of the daugher zodiac.-Comp.--3ptt: a dialogue between two persons. of Drupada, king of the Panchalas. [ She was - a. (A agar compound) having a & compound won by Arjuna at her Svayamvara ceremony, and within it. e. g. z a ht sfa veureT4TH, when he and his brothers returned home they told where 24-7 is a compound; SB. on MS. 10.6.4. their mother that they had that day made a great (opp. 349449game). T, -a tat a. living in couaoquisition. Whereupon the mother said, "Well, then, ples. (-m.) the ruddy goose ; a gaat garazor my dear children, divide it amongst yourselves." As R. 8.56; 16. 63. -3, - 17 a. 1 produced from morher words once uttered could not be changed, she bid affection of two humours. -2 arising from a quarbecame the common wife of the five brothers. When rel. -8 arising from a couple. He pain arising Yudhisthira lost his kingdom and even himself and from opposite alternations (as heat and cold &c.); - Draupadi in gambling, she was grossly insulted by fafant Pantufa a agafhe f a se si. 4. 64. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Cadi -bhAvaH antagonism, discord - bhinnam separation of the sexes. - u. 1 forming a couple. -2 doubtful, uncertain. -mohaH trouble caused by doubt. - yuddham a duel, a single combat. Find. Two by two, in pairs or couples. afa. 1 Forming a couple. -2 Opposed to one another (as and 3), contradictory. -3 Quarrel some, contentious. indrIbhUta a. Engaged in a single combat. a. (f.) 1 Two-fold, double, of two kinds or Borts; anupekSaNe dvayI gatiH Mu. 3; kusumastabakasyeva dvayI vRttirmanasvinaH / mUrdhni vA sarvalokasya vizIryeta vane'thavA // Bh. 2.104 (v. 1.); sometimes used in pl. also; see Si. 3. 57. -2 Relating to dvaita (g.v.); vidyamAno'pyavabhAti hi kaH Bhag 11.2.28. -yam 1 Pair, couple, brace (usually at the end of comp.); fada zada na R. 8.6; 1. 19; 3.8; 4.4.-2 Two-fold nature, duplicity. -3 Untruthfulness. - (In gram.) The masculine and feminine gender. -zft A pair, couple. -atiga --Comp. a. one whose mind is freed from the influence of the two bad qualities and 4, a saint or a virtuous man. - a. of a two-fold nature. a. 1 double-tongued, insincere. -2 = = dvaitavAdI q. v. - a. of the neuter gender. dvayasa . ( -sI / . ) A termination added to nouns in the sense of reaching to', 'as high or deep as', 'as far 28 gurudayase madavasi x. 114 nAmitambadravarsa babhUva (ambhaH) R. 16. 46; Si. 6. 55. dvAja, dvAtriMzat, dvAdaza &c. Soo under hi. - dvAparaH, -ram [ dvAbhyAM satyatretAyugAbhyAM paraH pRSo0 Tv. ] 1 N. of the third Yuga of the world; Ms. 9. 301; sahasvANi varSANAM mAnuSANi tu catuHpatiH sahasrANi varSANAM dvAparaM yugam // Matsya P. 2 The side of a die marked with two points. 3 Doubt, suspense, uncertainty. - A kind of deity; dvAparaM zakuniH prApa dhRSTadyumnastu pAvakam Mb. 18. 5.21; N. 13. 37. dvAmuSyAyaNaH = dvaSAmuSyAyaNa q. v. dvAr f. 1 A door, gate; vidazya nimbapatrANi niyatA dvAri : Y. 3. 12; Ms. 3. 88. -2 Access, way. -8 A means, an expedient. (I by means of', 'through'). -Comp. ga . coming to the door; vilokyAjaM dvArga kapaTalaghukArya suraripuH Vispumahimna 8.9. a door-post. -, -fer: ( dvAHsthaH, dvAsthaH, dvAH sthitaH, dvAsthitaH ) a door-keeper, porter. -for- Tv. ] 1 A door, gateway, gate. -2 A passage, entrance, ingress, opening; artista R. 1. 4; 11. 18. -3 An aperture of the human body (they are nine); see and Ku. 3. 50; Bg. 8. 12; and Ms. 6. 48 also; aft for or San. K. 35. 4 Way, medium, means (at through', by means of '; Pt. 1.). A door. -Comp. -: ( 847 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir a porter, door-keeper. -: the leaf of a door; Raj. T. - kaNTakaH the bolt of a door. kapATaH, -Tam the leaf or panel of a door. koSTakaH the gate-chamber gopaH, -nAyakaH, -paH, -pAlaH, -pAlakaH a door-keeper, porter, warder. (-:) N. of Visnu.m., a doorkeeper. -dAru: teak wood. -pakSa:, - paTTa: 1 the panel of a door. -2 the curtain of a door. -faust the threshold of a door. -f: the bolt of a door, closure, end; dvArapidhAnamiva dhRtermanye tasyAstiraskaraNam M. 2. 11. -phalakam see dvArakapATa - balibhuj m. 1 a crow. -2 a sparrow. -bAhuH a door-post, jamb. - yantram a lock, bolt. -vaMzaH the cross-beam of a door. - black-pepper. arren, : the leaf of a door. : a door-keeper. () N. of the capital of Krispa on the western point of Gujarath (for a description of Dvaraka, see Si. 3. 33-63). -Comp. - IzaH, -nAthaH, -patiH epithets of Krisna. dvAravatI, dvArAvatI = dvArakA q. v. afen, afm. A porter, door-keeper. dvArIqa To employ as a medium; kumArasya senApati zikharasenaM dvArIkRtya Mu. 4. 78. 3 fa num. a. (Nom. du. a m.,a f., n.) Two, both; : eganfadat R. 5. 68. (N. B. In comp. is substituted for dvi necessarily before dazan, viMzati and triMzat and optionally before catvAriMzat, pacAzat SaSThi, sahati and navati dvi romnining unchanged before azIti.) [cf. I.. duo, bis or bi in comp.; Gr. duo, dis; Zend dva; A. S. twi. -Comp. TT a. two-eyed, binocular. ff a. dissyllabic. (-) a word of a. two fingers long. (-) an aggregate or molecule vyaNukAdistu brahmANDAnta udAhRtaH Mb. two syllables. - two fingers' length. - of two atoms, a diad viSayo Bhasaparichchheda. - a. separated by two intermediate links. a. 1 having two senses. -2 ambiguous, equivocal. -3 having two objects in view. a. accomplishing two objects; f ekA kriyA rthakarIha loke Vayu P tvam the state of having to convey two senses; fax MS. 7. 1. 6. - ardha a. 12. - avara a. at least two; vyabarAn bhojayed viprAn Bhag. 8.16.43.- a. eighty-second. -azItiH / sighty-two aSTam copper. sahasram 16000. - a period of two days. -Ha. 1 having a double nature. -2 being two. : m. (pl.) the signs of the zodiac Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. a son of two persons or fathers', an adopted son who remains heir to his natural father though adopted by another. - a. twice mentioned. a. recurring every other day (fever). - Rcam (dvRcam or vyarcam ) a colletion of two verses or riks. a. separated by two or by one (degree); vyekAntarAsu jAtAnAM dharmyaM vidyAdimaM vidhim Ms. 10.7. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 848 ... A *i, *17: 1 crow (there being two 'Ka's in the word #1). - the ruddy goose there being two 'Ka's in the word koka). -kakud m. a camel. -kara a. Yielding two senses, serving two purposes; a7 f& : Toe: alti 77 gufta: 11 aya fah I SB. on MS. 12. 1.4. #rafafora a. worth two F uts if a. containing or worth two sosas. Ta a. ambiguous. -I a. exchanged or bartered for two cows. (-T:) a subdivision of the Tatpurusa compound in which the first member is a numeral; al fatto 216 Udb. -guNa a. double twotold; piturvadhavyasanamidaM hi yena me cirAdapi fagurfara at Mu. 5. 6 (fagulls to plough twice; fagos to double, increase; faut a. double, augmented ). forat a. 1 doubled, multiplied by two; arafyrorat: EHT He: Ki. 5. 46. -2 folded double. -8 enveloped. - doubly increased, doubled. TOT a. having two legs, two-legged; faquar falafiH Santi. 4. 15. -TaifaT a. (fa-ar-acafts fortysecond. TefTe f. (fa-al efT) forty-two. Toit, Afa: The illusion of seeing two moons due to an eye disease called Timira; N. 13. 42. - 'twice-born' 1 a man of any of the first three castes of the Hindus (a Brahmana, Ksatriya or Vaisya ); HITTA ya fada T T I afara afatethica far: gar: Y. 1. 39. - Brahmana (over whom the Samskaras or purificatory rites are performed ); T T ATAT 4: - fast gaya. -8 any oviparous animal, such as a bird, snake, fish &c.; Mb. 12. 361. 5. ( g = GIFTHosat afai 99); Carreglarea fas: N. 2. 1; S. 5. 22; R. 12. 22; Mu. 1. 11; Ms. 5. 17. -4 a tooth; fari To: Bh. 1. 13 (where fast means 'a Brahmana' also ). -5 A star; L. D. B. -6 A kind of horse; ka festur: Asvachikitsa. -7 A Brahmachari; Bhag. 11. 18. 42. Op=3 a Brahmana. aqqat the sacred thread worn by the first three castes of the Hindus. 31104: 1 the house of a drija. -2 a nest. deg==:, *T: 1 the moon; facerea fara YT Si. 12. 3. -2 an epithet of Garuda. -3 camphor. 'ETA: a Sudra. deg: 1 a Brahmana; Bhag. 8. 15. 37. -2 a sage; Bhag. 3. 1. 23. -3 N. of Brahmadeva; Bhag. 5.2. 16. :, 'TIGT: an epithet of 1 the moon; SU fata f iata: R. 5. 23.-2 Garuda. -8 camphor. deg991 1 a trench or basin round the root of a tree for holding water. -2 a trough near a well for watering birds, cattle. &o. 194: kind of khadira. far the Soma plant. , 89: 1 a man who pretends to be a Brahmana. - one who is 'twice-born' or a Brahmana by name and birth only and not by acts; cf. 1997y. Pyea: a Brahmana. * m. 1 a Ksatriya. -2 a pseudoBrahmana, one disguised as a Brahmana. Paten: an epithet of Visnu (having Garuda for his vehicle). #9: a Sudra. - HT a. 1 having two natures. -2 regenerated. -8 oviparous (-m.). Jita: m. 1 a man of any of the first three castes of the Hindus; at fra 17 27977 guma: Ms. 2. 24.-2 a Brahmana Ki. 1.39; Ku.5.40. Jafara dini qurat atau pe: H.-3 a bird. -4 a tooth. -5 A kind of horse; 164FFET fafa: Fun IFA: Yuktikalpataru. - a. 1 belonging to the first three castes of the Hindus. -2 of a twofold nature. -8 of mixed origin, mongrel. (-:) a mule. Ha a having two wives. -fra a. 1 doubletongued (fig. also ). -2 insincere. (- ) 1 a snake; 477 Haifauna farsi fateargah : Si. 1. 63; R. 11. 64 ; 14. 41; Bv. 1. 20.-2 an informer, a slanderer, tale-bearer. -3 an insincere person -4 a thief. - particutar disease of the tongue. For the sine of an arc. -3: 1 the sign visarga consisting of two dots. -2 N. of Svaha, wife of Agni. - a. (pl.) two or three; Pazouer NIGHT R. 5. 25; FEHT ga apa ya faar: qaraga: Bh. 2. 121. at gustat) a. 1 thirty second. -2 consisting of thirty two.-Ft (BRT) f. thirty-two. Tu a. having thirty-two auspicious marks upon the body. Tog ind. stick against stick. a. having two teeth (as a mark of age). : an elephant. a. having two parts, two-leafed. RT a. (pl.) twenty. a. (ET) 1 twelfth ; THE I aicet fest: Ms. 2. 36. -2 consisting of twelve. Ta ( ) a. (pl.) twelve. sig, afhq m. an epithet of 1 the planet Jupiter. -2 Brihaspati, the preceptor of the gods. 376,, 19a: epithets of Kartikeya 374*77:vidyA the mantra OM namo bhagavate vAsudevAya; gandhadhUpAdibhizcAdvAdazAkSaravidyayA Bhag. 8. 16. 39. degaDgula a measure of twelve fingers. Papezd N. of Jaimini's Mimamsa in twelve Adhyayas. 34 a. committing twelve mistakes in reading. 34EUR a dodecagon. Park: 1 a period of twelve days; a fait ma artea #9: Ms. 5. 83; 11. 168. -2 a sacrifice lasting for or completed in twelve days. deg372, ostea: a Buddha. 03114 m. the sun; N. 10.52. Patat: (pl.) the twelve suns; see feat. Org m. a dog. deglakSaNI f. the mImAMsAsUtra of jaimini (so called because it comprises twelve chapters); ehf arca ca: SB. on MS. Cafa. 1 twelve years old, lasting for twelve years; Pt. 1. a. twelve-fold. daca a. consisting of 12000. ft graft the twelfth day of a lunar fortnight. -inf (Grezia13T TU AIM: ar 4 :). TH (TERTH) a collection of twelve, Catifecat: Twelve Aditya8:- f97a1, 34A1, 997, 941, araat, *, star, fuar, 469, 2, 5, fasu. deggat Twelve types of sons according to Dharmasastra:-17, 27, 5, 4, TT99, 379 , 12, 16, 1, 1977, t&T, Ta. -traft a cow tied with two ropes. -fa: a ceremony lasting for two days. Each the constellation vizAkhA. -dehaH an epithet of Ganesa. -dhAtu: an epithet of Ganesa. - Fi a circumcised man. - (fe-T-a ) a. ninety-second.-ala:(fa-t-ala:) f. ninety-two. -T: an elephant; at P IISE faq sa HGFT: ##**# Bh. 3.31 ; faqatnauirci fan: Si. 3f24: Indra's elephant. 31164 an epithet of Ganesa. -TH: For Private and Personal Use Only Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 849 dvidhA 1 a bird.-2 a month.-pazcAza (dvi-dvA-pazcAza) a. fiftysecond. -paJcAzat /-(dvi-dvA-paJcAzat) fifty-two.-patham 1 two ways. -2 a cross-way, a place where two roads meet. -pada 800 dvipAdU below. -padaa. having two feet (as a verse).-pada: a biped, man. -padikA,-padI a kind of Prakrita. metre.-pAda, a. two footed; dvipAda bahupAdAni tiryam gatimatIni ca Mb. 14.37.-pAdaH 1 a biped, man.-2 a bird. -3a god. -pAdyaH,-dyam a double penalty. -pAyin m. an elephant. -phAlabaddhaH hair parted in two; N.1.16. -bAhu: man; Ks. 53.94. -binduHa. Visarga (:). -bhAtam twilight. -bhujaH an angle. -bhUma a. having two floors (as a palace). -bhautika: a horse possessing two elements out of the live; dvayorlakSaNasaMbandhAt turagaH syAd dvibhautikaH Yuktikalpataru.-mAta, mAtRja: an epithet of 1 Ganesa. -2 king Jarasandha. -mAtra: a long vowel (having two syllabic instants); ekamAtro bhaved hrasvo dvimAtro dIrgha ucyate Siksa. -mArgI a eross-away. -mukhA 1 a leech. -2 a kind of water-vessel; degahiH, uraga: a doublemouthed snake. -:1a bee; ct. dvirepha. -2 = barbara q.v. -muni ind. the two Munis, Panini and Katyayana; dvimuni vyAkaraNasya, vidyAvidyAvatArabhedAd dvimunivyAkaraNamityapi sAdhu Sk. -mUrvA N. of a plant, presumably some hemp. Matanga. L.9.20.-yAmI Two night-watches = 6 hours. -rada: an elephant; samameva samAkAntaM dvayaM dviradagAminA R.4.43 Me.61.degantaka: arAti, azanaH 1 a lion.-2 the Sarabha. -rasanaH a snake. -rAtram two nights.-rUpa.1 biform. -2 written in two ways. -8 having a different shape. -4 bi-colour, bipartite. (-paH) 1 a variety of interpretation or reading. - 2 a word correctly written in two ways. -ratas m. a mule. -repha: a large black bee (there being two 'Ra's in the word bhramara), anantapuSpasya madhohi cUte dvirephamAlA savizeSasaGgA Ku. 1. 273 3. 27, 36. -layaH (in music)double time (?); sAmya of two things (like gIta and vAdya); dvilayAnte cacerI V.4.35/36.-vaktraH 1a double-mouthed serpent. -2 a kind of demon; ekavaktro mahAvaktro dvivaktro kAlasaMnibhaH Hariv.-vacanam the dual number in grammar. -vajraka: a kind of house or structure with 16 angles (sides).-varga: The pair of prakRti and puruSa, or of kAma and krodha; jajJe dvivarga prajahI dvivargam Bu. Ch. 2. 41. -vAhikA a wing. -viza (dvAviMza) a. twenty-second. -vizatiH (dvAviMzati) twenty-two. -vidha a. of two kinds or sorts ; dvividhaH saMzrayaH smRtaH Ms. 7. 162. -veza (sa)rA a kind of light carriage drawn by mules. -vyAma, -vyAyAma a. two fathoms long. -zatam 1 two hundred. -2 one hundred and two. -zatya a. worth or bought for two hundred. -zapha a. clovenfooted. (-phA) any cloven-footed animal. -zIrSaH an epithet of Agni%3; also dvizIrSakaH, saptahastaH catuHzRGgaH saptajihvo dvizIrSaka: Vaisvadeva. -zruti a. comprehending two intervals.-SaS a. (pl.) twice six, twelve. -SaSTa (dviSaSTa, dvASaSTa) a. sixty-second. -SaSTiH f.(dviSaSTiH , dvASASTiH) sixty-two. -sandhya a. having a morning and evening twi-light. -saptata (dvi-dvA-saptata) a. seventy-second. -saptatiH /. (dvi-dvA saptatiH "ta. / seventy ) seventy saM.I. ko....... two. -saptAha: a fortnight. -sama a. having two equal sides. -samatribhuja: an isosceles triangle. -sahasrAkSa: the great serpent Sesa. -sahana, -sAhasra .. consisting of 2000. (-sam) 2000. -sItya, -halya a. ploughed in two ways,ie. first length-wise and then breadth-wise. -suvaNe a. worth or bought for two golden coins. -stha (STha) a. conveying two senses 3 bhavanti ca dviSTAni vAkyAni yathA zveto dhAvati alambusAnAM yAteti SB. on MS. 4.3.4.-hana m. an elephant. -hAyana, -varSe a. two years old; zuke dvihAyanaM vasaM krauJcaM hatvA trihAyanam Ms. 11. 134. -hIna ..ot the neuter gender. -hRdayA a pregnant woman. -hota m. an epithet of Agri. fat a. 1 Two-fold, forming a pair, consisting of two; Bri. S.13.3.-2 Second. -3 Happening the second time. -4 Increased by two, two percent; dvika zataM vRddhiH Ms. 8. 141-42. See dvika under dvi also. -ka: 1 A crow. -2A chakravaka bird; 'vayaM kAkA vayaM kAkA jalpantIti khage dvikAH' Udb. -Comp. -pRSTha: the two-humped oamel. dvitaya.(-yI/.) Consisting of or divided into two, double, twofold; drumasAnumatAM kimantaraM yadi vAyau dvitaye'pi te calAH R.8.90%3 sometimes used in pl. -yam A pair, couple ; AdhikaM zuzubhe zubhaMyunA dvitayena dvayameva saMgatam R. 8.6. dvitIya a. Second; tvaM jIvitaM tvamasi me hRdayaM dvitIyam U. 3. 26; Me. 85%; R. 3. 49. -ya: 1 the second in a family, a son. - A companion, partner, friend (usually at the end of comp.); prayataparigrahadvitIyaH R. 1. 957 Ku.3.35% 80 chAyA , duHkhadeg &c. -3 The second letter of a class. -4 The second person (in gram.).-yA 1 The second day of a lunar fortnight. "candra the young moon; dvitIyAcandra ivAdhikataraM zobhate priyavayasyaH Ratn. 4. 2/3. -2 A wife, companion, partner; dvitIyAM madabhISTAya bhAryArtha svIkariSyasi Ks. 98.33. -3 ( In gram.) The accusative case. -yam The half. -14 ind. A second time, again. -Comp. -AzramaH the second stage or period of the religious life of a Brahmanasie.gArhasthya .-vayas a. having arrived at the second stage of life. dvitIyAka 8 U. To plough twice. dvitIyakaa.1 Second; also dvitIyika. -2 Happening the second time. -3 Returning every second day (as a fever). dvitIyAkRta a. Ploughed twice (as a field). dvitIyin a. (-nI/.) 0ecupying the second place. dvitIyavat . having as a companion; dhRtyA dvitIyavAn bhavati Mb. 3.318.48. fara 1 A pair, couple. -2 The number 'two'. -8 Duality. -4 The dual. -5 Reduplication. feet a. Divided into two parts, split asunder. dvidhA ind. 1 In two parts ; dvidhA bhinnAH zikhaNDibhiH R. 1.39; Ms. 1. 12, 323 dvidheva hRdayaM tasya duHkhitasyAbhavat tadA For Private and Personal Use Only Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dvizas 880 dvaitin .... Mb. -2 In two ways. -Comp. CUTH dividing into , to:, -97 [fafar cafesnaf narrat 2n; fe-314, 379 two parts, splitting. fa: 1 an amphibious animal. $9] 1 An island. - A place of refuge, shelter, pro-2 a crab. - a crocodile. tection. -8 A division of the terrestrial world; (the faste ind. By twos, two by two, in couples. number of these divisions varies according to different authorities, being four, seven, nine or thirteen, all dvis ind. Twice%3; dviriva pratizabdena vyAjahAra himAlayaH Ku. situated round the mountain Meru like the petals of a 6.61; Ms. 2. 60. -Comp. - THE (FECITHATHL) the lotus flower, and each being separated from the ceremony of the second entrance of the bride into her other by a distinct ocean. [ In N. 1.5 the Dvipas are husband's house. -3919: (foto: an elephant. -3 said to be eighteen ; but seven appears to be the usual a. (F69) 1 spoken twice, repeated. -2 said in two number :- , , THP, FT, 2, 21% and 967; ways. -8 redundant, tautologous, superfluous. (- ) cf. Bhag. 5. 1. 32; R. 1. 65; and 971 491 rafa repetition. - f. (fare:) 1 repetition, tautology. vasudhAmapratirathaH 5.7.33. The central one is jambudvIpa in - superfluity, uselessness. -3 twofold way of nar- which is included Higies of India. ] -94 The skin of ration. -36T (FEET) a woman married twice. Hei, a tiger. -Comp. : camphor from China. -alfer -vacanam reduplication. The bird atz. for 2 U. (are, fae; fae) To hate, dislike, be you a. Full of islands. -m. 1 A river. -2 The hostile towards; na dvekSi yajjanamatastvamajAtazatruH Ve. 3. 153 ocean. at 1 The earth. -2 A river; N. 22. 99. ATefa a afety 3 sfargar Bg. 2.57; 18.10; Bk. 17. 61; 18.9; 74afe . 6. 5. (Prepositions like 9, dvIpin m.1A tiger in general; carmaNi dvIpinaM hanti; Sk. and are prefixed to this root without any change 199ntar faqatath Siva. B. 10. 8. 2 A of meaning.) leopard, panther. -Comp. -e, - 1 a tiger's nail. -2 a kind of perfume. feel a Hostile, hating, inimical. -m. An enemy; Turquia furahua 24 R. 12. 11; 3. 45; Pt. 1. act: 1 An islander. - N. of Vyasa. -3 A sort 70. -f. Ved. Hostility. -Comp. al treachery. of crow, slight. -4 N. of Rudra. fen: An enemy. (fara a. Harassing an enemy, 3:1 P. (af) 1 To hinder. -2 To cover: -8 To retaliating; sakhyA tena dazagrIvaM nihantAsi dviSaMtapam Bk.6.101. disregard. - To appropriate wrongly. farm. An enemy (with acc. or gen.); da: a er ind. In two parts, in two ways, twice. -Comp. goat fa91: R. 6. 31; Si. 2. 1; Bk. 5. 97. -kriyA breaking or splitting in two; prAgaprAptanisumbhazAMbhava g auta My. 2. 33. fee p. p. [faq-froti ] 1 Hostile. -2 Hated, disliked. a , qu, tu &o. See under faq. - Copper. -Comp. Fift One who plots against ; TAITEIT Kau. A. 1. 11. agori A usurer who charges cent per cent interest. a: [89-19 ] 1 Hate, dislike, abhorrence, repuguanoe, distaste; S. 5. 18.; spara a Try 1 Double amount, value or measure. -2 beafci Bg. 3.34 ; 7. 27; 60 3 4:, Harga: &c. -2 Duality. -8 The possession of two out of the three quaEnmity, hostility, malignity; 3 a 7: Eu r lities Hea, 48 and . H17: Ms. 8. 225. -Comp. - RATE: a particular 2014 [funga fata 9 919: 2 sto] 1 Duality. Samadhi. *T a. betraying dislike. -2 Dualism in philosophy, the assertion of two distinct U a. Hating, disliking. OT: An enemy. Urh principles, such as the maintenance of the doctrine that, Hate, hatred, enmity, dislike. spirit and matter, Brahman and the Universe, or the Individual and the Supreme Soul, are different from n. Ved. 1 Hatred. -2 Sin.-3 An enemy. each other; cf. 31 ; fe trei aura gry of SFETsfera, pa. Hating &c. Har Teratai TE- CAT: By. 1.86.-8 N. of a forest. -Comp.- aart: 24:a garaa zifa 11 -m. An enemy; the path of dualism and non-dualism. N. of a Ti fac98 Pt. 1. 57. forest; bhImaM prazasyAtha guNairanekerdRSTAstato dvaitavanAya jagmuH Mb. 3. 11. 68. Ki. 1.1. alg: the doctrine of dualism ; see y pot. p. 1 To be hated. -2 Odious, hateful, a bove. -are m. a philosopher who maintains the disagreeble; acasa : fre: R. 1. 28; Pt. 1. 239. -T: An enemy; Bae. 6. 9; Se aguay dvaita doctrine. Gusta 99: 9. 29; Ms. 9. 307. -Comp. 017 a. detesting art m. A philosopher who maintains the dvaita sin; Mb. 12. doctrine. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dvaitIyIka 861 ghaTA actiti a. ( 1.) Second; asta ATISHTHT du 997 ET104 af t ofta i frantuvas: N. 2. 110; cf. art . et a. (eft f.) Two-fold, double. -74 1 Duality, two-fold nature or state. -2 Separation into two parts. -8 Double resource, secondary reserve; e gleystra au 999 Ms. 7. 161. Diversity, difference, conflict, contest, variance; 47 F T THICH #91 Ms. 2. 14; 9.32; Y. 2. 78. 5 Doubt, uncertainty; fondat: (792) Bg. 5. 25; Ve. 6. 44. -6 Double-dealing, duplicity, one of the six modes of foreign policy: See 112 below and Y. -7 Contradiction. - ind. 1 In two parts. - In two ways, doubly. For 8 U. To separate, divide ( into two). E TUTH Making into two, separating. atsa a. 1 Separated, made two-fold. -2 Brought into a dilemma, embarrassed, perplexed. T 1P. 1 To become divided into two parts, be disunited. -2 To vacillate, be divided or uncertain, be in suspense ( as mind ); F r ary arafa ya: S. 2. 18. rura: 1 Duality, double state or nature. -2 Separation into two, difference, diversity. -3 Doubt, uncertainty, vacillation, suspense; ya that a: S. 1. -4 A dilemma. - One of the six Gunas or modes of foreign policy. According to some authorities it means 'double dealing' or 'duplicity' keeping apparently friendly relations with the enemy '; &Hifi: flanet: Kau. A. 7; afsallegar a 449971 d an fasy Flacolata: 11 According to others it means' dividing one's army and encountering a superior enemy in detachments', harassing the enemy by attacking them in small bands'; dura: 1990 TH Mita. on Y. 1.317; cf. also Ms. 7. 173. and 160.) -6 A contest, dispute. -7 Falsehood, duplicity ETH 1 Duplicity. -2 Diversity, difference. -8 Falsehood. a. (-ftf.) [afon fa71t: 899 21a : 390 91 ] 1 Relating to or living on an island. -2 Belonging to a tiger, made of or covered with a tiger's skin. -T: A car covered with a tiger's skin. The skin of & tiger. TETA Two parties ; also 49444; 1944 SITAgrua Ha Mb. 8. 87. 60 dvaipAyanaH [ dvIpaH ayanaM janmabhUmiryasya sa dvIpAyanaH, svArtha-aN] 1 The island-born, N. of Vyasa; seria facturati ayat : Ki. 3. 10. -2 N. of the sage Durva. sas; L. D. B. T a. (-COT, -ceft f.) Living, on or relating to an island; fata una marca 1975: Si. 3. 76. Margt a. Having two mothers, i.e. a natural mother and a stepmother. -T: 1 N. of Ganesa. - N. of Jarasandha; hate hiDimbaripuNA rAzi dvaimAture yudhi Si. 2.60 HTTF a. (-aft f.) Nourished by rain and rivers (as a country ); cf. cantak. ATT 1 A single combat in chariots; *: GHAITicy at FH1647 Mb. 4. 49. 6. -2A single combat in general. - An adversary; faria 9400 970vaktraM na babhAja kazcana Bhag.7.8.34. TFT 1 A dominion divided between two kings. athartiat:... 174495914 Sith M. 5. 12/13. -2 A frontier. after starta-HETIFTHS apa agafa N. 8. 59. Sarre a. (- f.) Biennial. facut 1 Duality, two-fold nature. -2 Variance, diversity, difference. afara.(tf.) Two years old. ATA (opp. Utal or tailca ) The characteristic of being performed in (or spread over a period of two days; SEAT 124 98246971 Hacer reza i SB. on MS. 5. 1. 20; dered 793144 Ms. 5. 4. 23. dvaihAyanam The period of two years. yahakAla a. To be performed in two days; kitamo 1 599: 56 FF la 1 SB. on MS. 5. 1. 19. CT a. (At the end of comp.) Placing, holding, 1 containing, causing &c. -: 1 An epithet of Brahma. -2 N. of Kubera. -3 Virtue, moral merit. -4 (in music) The 6th note of the gamut. -ETH Wealth, property. An exclamation of anger; U. 4. 24. ** 10 U. (*4f-a) To destroy or annihilate. Erotia ind. In a moment, at once; K. T: 1 A balance, a pair of scales. -2 Ordeal by the balance. -3 The sign Libra of the zodiac. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ghaTakA 882 dhanI m DEHATRUTHTHHTHH dhaTaka: A kind of weight equal to 42 Gunjas or Raktikas%3; tulyA yavAbhyAM kathitAtra gujA vAlastriguo dharaNaM ca / te'STau / gadyAnakastadvayamindratulyairvalaistathaivaM dhaTakaH prdissttH|| Lila. dhaTikA, dhaTI 10ld cloth or raiment. -2 A strip of cloth fastened round the loins or over the privities. -3 A kind of garment worn by a woman after Garbhadhana. -4 A kind of measure equal to five shers%3B dhakSendusaMkhyairdhaTakaistu sarastaiH paJcabhiH syAd dhaTikA ca tAbhiH Lila. -Comp. -dAnam (ghaTIdAnam ) giving an old cloth to a woman after impregnation. dhArTin m. [dhaTo'styasya-ini] 1 An epithet of Siva... -2 The sign Libra of the zodiac. -3 A dealer, trader. -nI= dhaTI. dhaN 1 P. (dhaNati) To sound. dhattUraH, -dhattUrakaH, -kA The white thorn-apple (Mar. dhotarA). dhan I. 1 P. (dhanati) To sound. -II. 3 P. (dadhanti ) Ved. To bear fruit. dhanam [dhan-ac] 1 Property, wealth, riches, treasure, money (gold, chattels &c.); dhana tAvadasulabham H.13 (fig. also) as in tapodhana, vidyAdhana, &c. -2 (a) Any valued possession, an object of affection or endearment, dearest treasure; kaSTaM janaH kuladhanairanurajjanIyaH U. 1. 14; gurorapIdaM dhanamAhitAgneH R.2.44; mAnadhana, abhimAna &c.(b) A valua.ble article; Ms.8.201, 202. -3 Capital (opp. vRddhi or interest).-4 A booty, prey, spoil. -5 The reward given to a victor in a combat, the prize won in a game. -8 A contest for prizes, a match. -7 The lunar mansion called dhaniSThA. -8 Surplus, residue. -9 (In math.) The affirmative quantity or plus (opp. RNa). -10 A sound. -Comp. -adhikAra: right to property, right of inheriting property. -adhikArinu m., -adhikRtaH 1 a treasurer. -2 an heir. -adhigom., -adhipaH, -adhipatiH , -adhyakSaH 1 an epithet of Kubera; anucareNa dhanAdhipate ratho nagavilokanavismitamAnasaH (sa jagade) Ki.5.16. dhanAdhipena viddhasya anuhAdasya saMyuge Hariv.; yadasmAkaM dhanAdhyakSaH prabhUtaM dhanamAharat Mb. 179. 18. -2 a treasurer. -apahAra: 1 fine. -2plunder.-ciMta.1 honoured with gifts of wealth. kept contented by valuable presents ; mAnadhanA dhanArcitAH Ki. 1. 19. -2 wealthy, opulent. -arthin a. desiring or seeking for wealth, covetous, miserly. -3117T a. opulent, rich. -AdAnam acceptance of money; Ms. 11.69. -AdhAra: a treasury.-AzA f. Desire for wealth : dhanAzA jIvitAzA ca jIryato'pi na jIryati Subhas. -IzaH, -IzvaraH / a treasurer. -2 an epithet of Kubera. -uSma n m. 1 warmth of wealth; ef. arthoSman; -2 burning desire for wealth; Ms. 9. 281. -eSin m. a creditor who claims his money. -kAma, -kAmyaa. covetous, greedy. -keli: an epithet of Kubera. -kSayaH loss of wealth; dhanakSaye bardhati jATharAmiH Pt. 2. 178. -gA, -garvita a. purse-proud. -chU: the numidian crane. -jAtam all kinds of valuable possessions, aggregate property; sarveSAM dhanajAtAnAmAdadItAgyamagrajaH Ms.9.114. -daa. liberal. (-daH)1a liberal or munificent man. -2 an epithet of Kubera; FerragunadAdhyuSitAM dizam R.9.25%3 17.80. -3N.of fire.-4 = dhanaJjaya (4)q.v. "anujaH an epithet of Ravana; R. 12.52. 88. -daNDa: punishment in the shape of a fine. -dAyinm . fire. -dhAnI treasury. -dhAnyam 1 money and grain.-2 a spell for restraining certain magical weapons.-ora: 1an epithet of Kubera; tatrAgAraM dhanapatigRhAnuttareNAsmadIyam Me. 77,7.-2 a treasurer. -3 = dhanaJjaya (4)q.v.-pAla: 1 a treasurer. -2 an epithet of Kubera. -pizAcikA, -pizAcI 'the demon of wealth', an avaricious desire of wealth, greed, avarice. -prayoga: usury. -mada a. purseproud.(-daH) pride of wealth.-mUlam principal, capital. -lobhaH ava.rice, cupidity. -vyaya: 1 expenditure. -2 extravagance. -sU:/. 1 mother of daughters; L D. B. -2 m. the forktailed shrike. -sthAnam 1 a treasury. -2 the second mansion from lagna in a horoscope. -hara: 1an heir. -2a thief. -3a kind of perfume. -hAye . to be won over by wealth; vahasi hi dhanahArya paNyabhUtaM zarIram Mk. 1. 31; 5. 9. -hIna a. deprived of wealth, poor. dhanakaH, -dhanAyA Avarice, greed, covetousness. dhanaMjayaH 1 N. of Arjuna (the name is thus derived in Mb.4.44. 13:-sarvAn janapadAn jitvA vittamAdAya kevalaM / madhye dhanasya tiSThAmi tenAhute dhanaMjayam // ). -2 An epithet of fire. -3 N. of Visnu. -4 A kind of vital air nourishing the body. dhanavat a. Rich, wealthy. -tI N. of the constellation dhaniSThA. dhanAyati Den. P. To wish for wealth; arthitastu na mahAn samIhate jIvitaM kimu dhanaM dhanAyitum Ki. 13.56; Mv. 4.49. dhanAzrI N. of a Ragini. dhanika [dhanamAdeyatvenAstyasya-Than] 1 Rich, wealthy.-2 Virtuous.-ka:1A rich or wealthy man.-2 A moneylender, creditor; dApaye nikasyArtham Ms. 8.51; Y.2.55. -3 A husband. -4 The Vaisya. class ; mukhajA brAhmaNAstAta bAhujAH kSatriyAH smRtaaH| UrujA dhanino rAjan pAdajAH pricaarkaaH|| Mb. 12.296.6. -BAn honest trader. -8 The priyaGgu tree. -kA,-kam coriander (Mar. dhaNe, kothiMbIra). -kA 1A virtuous woman.-2 A wife, young woman.-3N. of a tree (priyagu). dhanin a. (-nI/.) Rich, opulent, wealthy. -m. 1 A wealthy man; dhaninaH zrotriyo rAjA nadI vaidyazca paJcamaH Chanakyasatakam. -2 A creditor; Y. 2. 183; gRhItAnukramAddApyo dhaninAmadhamarNikaH 41; Ms. 8.61. -3 The possessor of anything. dhaniSTha a. Very rich; (Superl. of dhanin or dhanavat). -ThA N. of the twenty-third lunar mansion (consisting of four stars). dhanI, dhanIkA A young girl or woman, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dhanIyatI 888 dhanvin stafraaft Den. P. To wish for wealth. dhanAzrI/. N. of a Ragini. dhanI (ne)yakam Coriander seed; 80 dhanyAka. dhanu: 1A bow (perhaps for dhanus q.v.). -2 N. of the fuel tree. -3 A measure of four hastas. -4 The sign Sagittarius of the zodiac. -8 An archer. -f. A sandy shore. dhanasa..dhan zabde-usi Armed with a bow. -1.1A bow; dhanurvezavizuddho'pi nirguNaH kiM kariSyati Subhas. dhanuSyamoghaM samadhatta bANam Ku.3.66%3; 80 indradhanuH &c. (At the end of Bahu.comp. dhanus is changed to dhanvan; AdhijyadhanvA vicacAra dAvam R. 2.8). -2 A measure of length equal to four hastas; dhanuHzata parINAhI grAme kSetrAntaraM bhavet Y.2.167; Ms. 8.237. -3 An are of a circle. -4 The sigm Sagittarius of the zodiac. -B A desert; ct. dhanvan. -m. N. of Siva. -Comp. -AkAra . (dhanurAkAra) bow-shaped, curved, bent. -Asanam (dhanurAsanam) a particular mode of sitting: -kara (dhanuSkara) a. having or armed with a bow. (-raH) a bow-maker. -kANDam (dhanukANDam) a bow and arrow. -khaNDam (dhanuSakhaNDam) part of a bow; Me. 15. -guNaH (dhanurguNaH) a bowstring. -grahaH (dhanurgrahaH), -grAhaH an archer. dhanurgrahavaro yasya bANakhazAstrabhRtsvayam Ram. 2.44. 20. -graham a measure, a cubit of 27 angulas; Mana. 2.52. -jyA (dhanu ) a bow-string; anavaratadhanuAsphAlanakrUrapUrvam 5.2.4. -durgam (dhanurdurgam), a place protected by adesert; Ms. 7.70. -drumaH (dhanudrumaH) a bamboo. -dharaH, -bhRt m. (dhanurdharaH &c.) 1 an archer; dhanurbhato'pyasya dayAbhAvam R. 2.113; dhanurdharaH kesariNaM dadarza 293 3.31, 38,393 9. 11; 12.97%3 16. 77. -2 an epithet of Vispu. -3 the sign Sagittarius of the zodiac. -dhArin (dhanudhorin ) m. an archer. -pANi (dhanuSpANi) armed with a bow, with a bow in hand; ahameva dhanuSpANiryoddhA samaramUrdhani Ram. -mArgaH (dhanurmArgaH) a line curved like a bow, a curve. -mAsaH (dhanurmAsaH) The period during which the sun is in Sagittarius. -muSTiH (dhanumuSTiH ) a measurea cubit of 26 angulas; Mana 2.51. U 1 bow. -2 Soma creeper. -vAtaH (dhanuvotaH) a kind of disease. -vidyA (dhanurvidyA) the science of archery. -vRkSaH (dhanurvRkSaH) 1a bamboo. -2 the azvattha tree. -vedaH (dhanurvedaH) the science of archery, one of the four Upavedas q. v. catuSpAdaM dhanurveda veda paJcavidha dvija / rathanAgAzvapattInAM yodhAMzcAzritya kIrtitam // yantramuktaM pANimuktaM muktasandhAritaM tathA / amuktaM bAhuyuddhaM ca paJcadhA tat prakIrtitam | Agmi P. -vedin m. an epithet of Siva. -stambhaH Tetanus. dhanuSmat m. An archer. dhanU / A bow. - m. A store of grain. dhanya . [dhanaM labdhA -yat ] 1 Bestowing or conferring wealth ; dhanyaM yazasya putrIyamAyuSyaM vijayAvaham Mb. 1.67. Ms. 3. 106%; dhanyAni zAstrANyavekSeta 4.19.-2 Wealthy, rich, opulent. -8 Blessed, fortunate, lucky, happy; jIvanamasya mArgasarasaH Bv. 1. 1634.373 dhanyA keya sthitA te zirasi M. 1. 1. -4 Excellent, good, virtuous%3 dhanyo'si kRtakRtyo'si pAvitaM te kulaM tvayA / yadavidyAbandhamuktyA brahmIbhavitumicchasi || Vivekachudamani. -8 Wholesome, healthy; (idaM pAyasa) prajAkaraM gRhANa tvaM dhanyamArogyavardhanam Ram. 1. 16.19. nya: 1 A lucky or blessed man, a fortunate being%3B dhanyAstadArajasA malinIbhavanti 5.7.17%3 Bh. 1.41; dhanyaH ko'pi na vikriyAM kalayate prApte nave yauvane 1.72. -2 An infidel, an atheist. -3N. of a spell. -4 A source of wealth; dhanyAnAmuttama dAkSyaM dhanAnAmuttamaM zrutam Mb. 3.313.74. nyA 1 A nurse. -2 Coriander. -3 Myrobalan; L. D. B. nya m 1 Wealth, treasure. -2 Coriander. -Comp. -vAda: 1 an expression of thanks, thanksgiving. -2 praise, applause. dhanyaMmanya 4. Considering oneself to be blessed or fortunate. dhanyAkam 1 A plant bearing a small pungent seed used as a condiment. -2 The seed of this plant (coriander). dhanvam A bow (rarely used in classical literature); dhanvAnyAdudhuvustamAm Siva. B. 13. 83. -kva: A desert; marudhanvamatikramya Bhag. 1. 10.35. -Comp. -cara a.going in adesert-land; dhanvacaro na vaMsagastRSANaH Rv.5.36. 1. -dhiH a bow-case. dhanvan m. n. 1A dry soil, desert, waste: evaM dhanvani campakasya sakale saMhArahetAvapi Bv.1.313 Mb. 1. 175.5. -2 Shore, firm land. -8 The sky. -4 A bow; f*HTC99dhanvanA yadi susaMyutAH kuntalAH Mv.6.9. -Comp. -durgam / fort inaccessible on account of a surrounding desert ; of. Ms.7.70. dhanvana: Alhagi Maurorum (Mar. dhamAsA); Mb. 12. 155.16.-nam 1 A bow. -2 A rain-bow. -3 the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius. dhanvantaram A measure of distance or length equal to tour hastas; et. daNDa vitastiH syAdato dvAbhyAM hastaH syAt taccatuSTayam / daNDo dhanvantaram... Etrafaft: 1 N. of the physician of the gods, said to have been produced at the churning of the ocean with a cup of nectar in his hand; cf. caturdazaratna.-2N. of the nine Ratnas at the court of Vikramaditya. -3 N. of a deity to whom oblations were offered to the North-east quarter; Ms. 8.85. -4N. of the sun; Mb. 3. 3. 25. dhanvin a. (-nI/.)[dhanvaM cApo'styasya ini] 1 Armed with a bow. -2 Cunning, shrewd. -m.1An archer%3B ke mama dhanvino'nye Ku. 3. 10; utkarSaH sa ca dhanvinAM yadiSavaH sidhyanti lakSye cale 5.2.5; yasya tRNasamA bANA yasyendhanasamaM dhnuH| yasya prANasamA mauvIM sa dhanvI dhanvinAM varaH|| Dhanur. 147. -2 An epithet of Arjuna. -301 Siva. -401 Visnu. - The sign Sagittarius of the zodiac. -Comp. -sthAnam A For Private and Personal Use Only Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dhanvinaH 805 dharuNa .....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... posture of an archer3vaiklavaM samapAdaM ca vaizAkha maNDalaM tathA / / Himalaya (as king of mountains). -7A dike, bank. pratyAlI tathA lIDhaM sthAnAnyetAni dhanvinAm // -Nama 1 Supporting, sustaining, upholding; sAraM dharitrIdhanvinaH A hog (zUkara ). dharaNakSamaM ca Ku. 1. 173 dharaNidharaNakiNacakragariSThe Git. 1. -2 Possessing, bringing, procuring, &c. -3 Prop, stay, dham 1 P. See dhmA. support. -4 Security. -5 A measure of weight equal dhama a. (-mA,-mI /.) [dham dhmAne-ac ] (Usually at to ten palas%3 palaM suvarNAzcatvAraH palAni dharaNaM daza Ms. 8. 136. the end of comp.) 1 Blowing; agniMdhama, nADiMdhama. -2 -Comp.-priyA N. of a Jaina deity executing the comMelting, fusing. -maH 1 The moon. -2 An epithet of mands of the 19th Arhat. Krisna. -30f Yama, the god of death. -4 Of Brahma. dharaNiH , -NI/. [dhR-ani vA DIp] 1 The earth; luThati dhamaka: A blacksmith. dharaNizayane bahu vilapati taba nAma Git.5. -2 Ground, soil. -3 A beam for a roof. -4 A vein. -Comp. -Izvara:1a. dhamadhamA An onomatopoetic word expressive of the king. -2 an epithet of Visnu. -3 Or Siva. -kIlakA Bound made by blowing with a bellows or a trumpet. a mountain. -koza N. of the Dictionary of dharaNIdAsa. dhamadhamAya Denom. To blaze ; me udarAgnirdhamadhamAyate Nag.. -jaH,-putraH, -sutaH an epithet of Mars%3 Mb.9.11.17. 1. 19, 20. Mal. 7.1/2. -2 an epithet of the demon Naraka. -jA,-putrI,-sutA an epithet of Sita, daughter of Janaka (as born from dhamana a.1 A Blowing. -2 Cruel. -na: A kind of the earth). -talam the surface of the earth. -dhara: 1 reed. -nam Melting. an epithet of Sesa. -2 of Vispu. -3a mountain, sarvato dhamani:,-nI/. 1A reed, blow-pipe; veNudhamanyA prabodhya mAmavidhyanta sarathaM dharaNIdharaiH Mb. 3. 172.9; hence sutA= ParVaisvadeva. -2 A tube or canal of the human body, vati; anyaM tenaiva tulyaM dharaNidharasutA prArthayAmAsa patyau Sakti.5.96. tubular vessel, as a vein, a nerve, &o. -3 Throat, neck. -4 a tortoise. -5a king. -8 an elephant fabled to -4 A speech. -8 Turmeric. -Comp.-saMtata a. emacia support the earth. -dhRtam.1a mountain. -2 an epited, lank. thet of Visnu. -3 of Sesa; mAhAtmyaM zrotumicchAmi zeSasya dharaNIdhRtaH Hariv. -patiH a king. -pUraH,-plava: the ocean. dhamanIla a. Full veined. -biDIjas m.aking; udabhUdatha tatra nandanaH zarabhojidharaNIbiDaudhamiHf. The act of blowing. -Comp. -tram an imple- jasaH Sahendra.2.87.-bhRt m.1 a king.-2 a mountain. ment for lindling fire; see dhamanI. -3 Visnu. -4 Sesa.. -maNDalam the globe. -ruhaH a tree. dhamb 1P. To go; L. D. B. dharaNIya a.1 To be held, kept or carried. -2 SupdhammalaH, dhammilaH, dhammila: The braided and orna portable. mented hair of a woman tied over the head and dharA [dharati vizvaM| 1 The earth; dharA dhArApatirmaNiinter mixed with flowers, pearls &o.; AkulAkulagaladdhammilam mayazarairbhidyata iva Mk. 5.22. -2 A vein. -3 Marrow. -4 Git.23 urasi nipatitAnAM sastadhammillakAnAm (vadhUnAm ) Bh. 1, The womb or uterus. - A mass of gold or other valu49; S. Til. 1. ables given as a present to Brahmanas.-8:The ground, earth, land; brahmacArI dharAzayaH Ms. 6.26.-Comp.-adhipaH dhaya 3. (Usually at the end of comp.) Drinking, a king.-amaraH,-devaH, -sura: Brahmana. -AtmajaH, sucking, as in stanandhaya; phalAni dhUmasya dhayAnadhomukhAn putraH, sUnuH 1 epithets of the planet Mars. -2 epithets N. 1.82. of the demon Naraka. -AtmajA an epithet of Sita. dhara a. (-rA,-rI/.) [dhR-ac] (Usually at the end -uddhAra: deliverance of the earth.-upastha: the surface of of comp.) Holding, carrying, bearing, wearing, con- the earth. -ETC: 1 a mountain. - 2 an epithet of Visnu taining, possessing, endowed with, preserving, observing, or Krisna. -8 of Sesa. : N. of Himalaya; Si. 1.5. &c.; as in akSadhara, aMzudhara, gadAdhara, gaGgAdhara, mahIdhara, amRgdhara, -dhavaH, -patiH 1 a king; niSedhAdanugantRNAM tataH kruddho dharAdhavaH divyAmbaradhara &c. -ra: 1A mountain; a hill-fort. zivasya Raj. T.7. 386.-2 an epithet of Visnu.-bhuj m. a king. yasya haste'dya dharau siMhapuraMdarau Siva. B. 15. 17. utkaM dharaM draSTumavekSya -bhRt m. a mountain. zaurimutkandharaM dAruka ityuvAca Si.4. 183; dharasaMsthaH Ki. 15. 12. dharitrI [dhR-itra gaurA lIp] 1 The earth; naitaccitraM yadayamudadhi-2 A flock of cotton. -3 A frivolous or dissolute man zyAmasImAM dharitrImekaH kRtsnA nagaraparighaprAMzubAhurbhunakti 5.2.16%3 (viTa). -4 The king of the tortoises, ite. Visnu in his R.14.54; Ku.1.2.17.-2Ground, soil. -Comp. -putraH Kurma incarnation. -8 N. of one of the Vasus. -8 A the planet Mars. -bhRt m. a king. sword. -ram poison. dhariman m. 1A balance, pair of scales. tathA dharimadharaNa a.(-NI/.)[dha-yuc ] Bearing, preserving, hold / meyAnAM zatAdabhyadhike vadhaH Ms. 8. 321. -2 A form, figure. ing &c. OT: 1 A ridge of land serving the purpose of a bridge; the side of a mountain. -2 The world. -3 dharuNa . [dhu-unan ] Ved. Holding, bearing, carrying, The sun. - The female breast. -8 Rice, corn. -6 The supporting. -UT: 1 An epithet of Brahman. - Heaven, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dharNasa 866 paradise. -3 Water, ( n. also ) -4 Opinion. - A place where anything is preserved. -6 Fire. -7 A sucking calf. -OTH 1 Basis, prop, support. -2 Firm soil. -3 A reservoir. TUE, -F9,- for a. Ved. 1 Supporting. -2 Strong, able. -8 Durable, firm. m. A supporter, holder. per: The Dhattura plant. (9-) 1 A house. -2 A prop, stay. -3 A sacrifice. -4 Virtue, moral merit. ta: [feed #sa, ta ata a 2-; cf. Un 1. 137 ] 1 Religion ; the customary observances of a caste, sect, &c. -2 Law, usage, practice, custom, ordinance, statute. -3 Religious or moral merit, virtue, righteousness, good works (regarded as one of the four ends of human existence ); 37 : alar949 # feat. alt: ufara wara Ku. 5. 38, and see fa also; 5 a geguf Paras agafa 2: H. 1. 63.-4 Duty, prescribed course of conduct; 4911fa ga: S. 5.4; Ms. 1. 114. -B Right, justice, equity, impartiality. -8 Piety, propriety, decorum. -7 Morality, ethics -8 Nature. disposition, character; utpatsyate'sti mama ko'pi samAnadharmA Mal. 1. 6; -10deg, 2deg. -9 An essential quality, peculiarity, characteristic property, peculiar ) attribute; vadanti varSyAvAnAM dharmekyaM dIpakaM budhAH Chandr. 5. 453 Pt. 1. 304. -10 Manner, resemblance, likeness. -11 A sacrifice. -12 Good company, associating with the virtuous -18 Devotion, religious abstraction. -14 Manner, mode. -16 An Upanisad q. v. -16 N. of Yudhisthira, the eldest Pandava. -17 N. of Yama, the god of death. -18 A bow. -19 A drinker of Somu juice. -20 (In astrol. ) N. of the ninth lunar mansion. -21 An Arhat of the Jainas. -22 The soul. -23 Mastery, great skill; divyAstraguNasaMpannaH paraM dharma gato yudhi Ram. 3. 31. 15. A virtuous deed. -Comp.-774 (pl.) holy mantras; a formula of faith ; 19 Truyatatif Mk. 8. 45-46.-375F (- f.) the Indian crane. 37TH m. (du.) right and wrong, religion and irreligion ; wount of apexit gouara ratio. Fam. a Mimarsaka who knows the right and wrong course of action. - TUTH 1 administration of the laws. -2 a court of justice. (-OT: ) a judge. -3711foreni, -371afic m. a judge, magistrate, any judicial functionary. - TOTT m. a judge, magistrate. -TTT: 1 superintendence of religious affairs; S. 1. -2 administration of justice. -3 the office of a judge. -37781YTATH a court of justice. -TUT: 1 a judge. -2 an epithet of Visnu.-1994 acting according to religion, virtuous or moral conduct. - Tert: conformity to virtue or justice.-3100 a. deviating from virtue, wicked, immoral, irreligious. (- ) vice, immorality, injustice. - course of law, law-suit. -3 TUH a sacred or penance grove, a wood inhabited by ascetics; Afro afasta : Si. 1. 32. 3ot: religious merit and wealth ; H4 99 H Ms. 2. 112. -37014 ind. 1 for religious purposes. -2 justly, according to justice or right. F a. having a false character. -f rer: (with Jainas ) the category or predicament of virtue; cf. 371914. -3T66T Yesterday. -377TH: a religious statute, law book. -3art: 1 a religious teacher. -2 a teacher of law or customs. -3THFT: an epithet of Yudhisthira q. v. 3THAT religiousmindedness; justice, virtue. -34749 a. just, righteous, pious, virtuous. (m.) a saint, a pious man. -3772TU, -31 a. righteous, virtuous; qfqat: (prafat) Pt. 1. 415. -TIETH the throne of justice, judgmentseat, tribunal; 7 14 fagh S. 6; w a la aane 7 : U. 1. 7. , - T: an epithet of Yama; pitRNAmiva dharmendraH Mb. 7.6.6. psu a. wishing to gain religious merit; Ms. 10. 127. -3R a. rich in virtue,' chiefly characterized by justice, eminently just and impartial; dharmottaraM madhyamamAzrayante R. 13. 7. 39ena a. religious ; 4: 141Tata 1994 Mb. 5. 137. 16. -399ET: 1 instruction in law or duty, religious or moral instruction. 3770 dharmopadezaM ca vedazAstrAvirodhinA / yastaNAnusaMdhatte sa dharma veda START: 11 Ms. 12. 106. -2 the collective body of laws. -392: 1 a teacher of the law. -2 a spiritual teacher, a Guru. Ti an expounder of law. - 7., 104,- 1 any act of duty or religion, any moral or religious observance, a religious act or rite. -2 virtuous conduct. : the Kali age. -TH a. 1 devoted to virtue. -2 observing duty or right. r: 1 an epithet of Buddha. - 2 a Jaina saint. - RUTH Cause of virtue. 1 a grant, royal edict or decree. -2 husband. 50 a. observing duty, acting justly. (-m.) 1 N. of Vinu. -2 a pious man; UHafetatsfa Higieergar a dia 987 Bhag. -ketu: an epithet of Buddha.-kozaH, -SaH the collective body of laws or duties ; 1984 TAT Ms. 1. 99. - PT, yr any act of religion, any moral or religious rite. - 14 1 Bharatavarsa (the land of religion ). -2 N. of a plain near Delhi, the scene of the great battle between the Kauravas and Pandavas; 49 aa ra: Bg. 1.1.( -5 )a virtuous or pious man. -TH a. observing and protecting religion. (H) N. of Visnu. F: a sacred work or scripture. -: a jar of fragrant water offered daily (to a Brahmana) in the month of Vaisakha; 921 Tilaafwerarch: 3744 warat 97 H 4 Tet: 11 a. immoral, unlawful. # 1 The wheel or range of the law; Buddh. Jain. -2 a Buddha. 27 m. a Buddha or Jaina. Urh, observance of the law, performance of religious duties; fera eta arazi hufanya tafa Ku. 7. 83; pre 49, wat wat agerat af faa For Private and Personal Use Only Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra dharmaH 1 a Bu. Ch. 5. 30.-ft a. practising virtue, observing the law, virtuous, righteous; ag dataR. 3. 45. (-m.) an ascetic. - wife. 2 a chaste or virtuous wife. cf. ; yAvadAyustava sahadharmacAriNI bhavatviti V. 5. 19/20. -cintaka studying or familiar with duty. -2 reflecting on the law. - cintanam cintA study of virtues comsideration of moral duties, moral reflection. - fraudulent transgression of law or duty. : 1 duly or lawfully born', a legitimate son; cf. Ms. 9. 107.-2 N. of grafe; Mb. 15.10.44. -janman m. N. of yudhiSThira - jijJAsA inquiry into religion or the proper course of conduct; athAto dharmajijJAsA Jaimini's Sutra. jIvana . one who acts according to the rules of his caste or fulfils prescribed duties. (-) a Brahmana who maintains himself by assisting other men in the performance of their religious rites; yacApi dharmasamAracyuto dharmajIvanaH Mo. 9. 273. a. 1 af a. 1 knowing what is right, conversant with civil or religious law; Ms. 7. 141; 8. 179; 10. 127. -2 just, righteous, pious abandoning one's religion, apostacy. I a fee for instruction in the law. - a charitable gift (made without any self-interest.) pAtrebhyo dIyate nityamapekSya pryojnm| kevalaM dharmayudadhA yad dharmadAnaM pracakSate || Ms. 3. 262. - dughA a cow milked for religious purposes only. - N. of the Gangos. m. (pl.) a lawful wife; fat Mal. 6. 18. - duha a. voilating the law or right; nisargeNa sa dharmasya goptA dharmo vayam Mv. 2. 7. -drohin a demon -dhAtuH an epithet of Buddha -dhvajaH, -dhvajin m. a religious hypocrite, an impostor; Bhag. 3. 32. 39. - nandanaH an epithet of yudhiSThira - nAthaH a legal protector, rightful master. nAmaH an epithet of Visou. nibandhina a. pious, holy. -fair religious devotion. -f a. devoted to religion or virtue; zrImantaH pAntu pRthvIM prazamitaripayo dharmaniSThA bhUSAH Mk. 10.61. niSpattiH - 1 discharge or fulfilment of duty. -2 moral or religious observance. -qraft a lawful wife; R. 2. 2, 20, 72; 8. 7; Y. 2. 128. -: the way of virtue, a virtuous course of conduct. - a. religious-minded, pious, righteous. -qft: rise of righteous conduct in the heart (Jainism); cf. also etena bhUtondrayeSu dharmalakSaNAvasthApariNAmA vyAkhyAtAH Yogadarsana. - a teacher of civil or religious law; Ms. 12. 111.-:' protector of the law', said metaphorically of () punishment or chastisement', or 'sword'. -1 transgressing the law, an offence against law. : 1 a lawful son, a son begotten from a sense of duty and not from mere lust or sensual pleasure. -2 an epithet of gr. -8 any one regarded as a son for religious purposes, a spiritual son. -T: (fig.) sword. - a counterfeit of virtue; Ms. 11. 9. -pradhAna a. eminent in piety; dharmapradhAnaM puruSaM tapasA hatakalbiSam Ms. 4. 243 - pravaktR m. 1 an expounder of the law, a legal adviser. -2 a religious teacher, preacher. - 1 the science of duty; U. 5. 23. -2 886 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dharmaH expounding the law. (-:) an epithet of Buddha. - a religious or virtuous (f); Ram. 2. 85. 16. - vANijikaH, vANijika: 1 one who tries to make profit out of his virtue like a merchant. -2 one who performs religious rites with a view to reward, like a merchant dealing in transactions for profit. : a. contrary to religion or what is right. ft 1 a lawful sister. -2 a daughter of the spiritual preceptor. -3 a spiritual sister, any one regarded as a sister or discharging the mms religious dution etasmimhAre mama dharmabhaginI tiSThati Mk 8.46/47. -bhAginI a virtuous wife. -bhANakaH a lecturer or public reader who reads and explains to audiences sacred books like the Bharata, Bhagavata, &c. -f a mendicant from virtuous motives; Ms. 11. 2. m. 1 'a preserver or defender of justice,' a king. 2 a virtuous person. - m. 1 a fellow religious student, a spiritual brother. -2 any one regarded as a brother from discharging the same religious duties. vAnaprasthayatibrahmacAriNAM rikthabhAginaH / krameNAcArya sacchiSyadharmA katIrthinaH // Y. 2. 187. - mahAmAtraH a minister of religion, a minister in charge of religious affairs. -CH the foundation of civil or religious law, the Vedas. - meghaH a particular Samadhi. -yugam the Krita age; atha dharmayuge tasminyogadharmamanuSThitA / mahImanucacAraikA sulabhA nAma bhikSukI Mb. 12.3207. yUpaH, yoniH an epithet of Visnu. a. 'delighting in virtue or justice', righteous pious, just tasya dharmaraterAsIdyA jarasA vinA. R. 1. 23. -ratnam N. of a Jaina smRtigrantha prepared by Jimutavahana.m. an epithet of Yama. -rAja a. dharmazIla q. v. ; dharmarAjena janakena mahAtmanA (videhAn ) Mb. 12. 325 19. - an epithet of 1 Yama. - 2 Jina. -8 yudhiSThira. - a king rAjan m.. N. of yudhiSTira. - a monument, a stupa (Sarnath Inscrip. of Mahipala; Ind. Ant. Vol. 14, p. 140.)- a. i opposed to law, illegal, unlawful. -2 immoral. 1 the essential mark of law. -2 the Vedas. (-II) the Mimams philosophy. : 1 irreligion, immorality. -2 violation of duty; dharmalopabhayAdrAjJImRtusnAtAmimAM smaran R. 1.76.a. loving piety or duty. -afa. just, virtuous. - an epithet of Siva. -: discussion about law or duty, religiou; controversy; dharmo dharmavAdestu kevalam Mb. 12. 165. 15. -vAsaraH 1 the day of full moon. -2 yesterday. : 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 a buffalo (being the vehicle of Yama). -fa a. familiar with the law (civil or religous). 3: N. of Visgu. vidyA knowledge of the law or right. -vidhiH s legal procept or injunction eSa dharmavidhiH sya " H f: Ms. 10. 131. fag: violation of duty, immorality. vivecanam 1 judicial investigation; yasya vastu kurute rAjJo dharmavivecanam / tasya sIdati tadrASTraM paGke gauriva pazyataH // Ms. 8. 21.-2 dissertation on duty. -: (in Rhet.) the sentiment of heroism arising out of virtue or piety, the sentiment of chivalrous piety; the following instance is given in R. G.:- sapadi bilayametu rAjyalakSmI rupari tantvathanA For Private and Personal Use Only Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 857 ghavala kRpaanndhaaraaH| apaharatutarAM ziraH kRtAnto mama tu matirna manAgapaitu / striga: An actor, player. dharmAt // sa ca dAnadharmayuddhairdayayA ca samanvitazcaturdhA syAt S. D. -vRddha Tra. [wicala-2.] 1 Consistent with law, a. advanced in virtue or piety; 7 ugdy 72: 247 duty or religon, lawful, legal; q u zf quity Ku. 5.16. aai one who gives away money un Ms. 3. 22; 25-26. -2 Religious (as an act); fun lawfully acquired in the hope of appearing generous. 3 ufort SATTA Ku. 6. 13. -3 Just, righteaurare m. judicial decision, decisive sentence.-210 ous, fair; dhAddhi yuddhAcchyo'nyatkSatriyasya na vidyate Bg. 2.813 1 a court of justice, tribunal. -2 any charita bla institu 9.2; Y. 3. 44; riig 1944TRIC Bk. 1. 9. - 4 Legitition. -TEEL, - a code of laws, jurisprudence; mate. -5 Usual. -6 Endowed with particular qualities, 7 ARTIEN 4 TTTH H. 1. 17; Y. 1. 5. [ 4H as ; g wyra 12 Kath. 1. 2. 13. - 7 Relating to vasiSTho'triH dakSo viSNustathAzirAH / uzanA vAkpatiAsa Apastambo' Dharma ; pud qui aiCHRI: Bg. 18. 70. tha gautamaH // kAtyAyano nArazca yAjJavalkyaH praashrH| saMvartazcaiva zakhazca -Comp. -farare: a legal marriage; cf. Ms. 3. 26. hArIto likhitastathA // etairyAni praNItAni dharmazAstrANi vai purA / arafat 7 gaya ara 11 ] - to a. just, ef:[99-7a 99] 1 Boldness, insolence, haughtiness, pious, virtuous. -yfa: a correct knowledge of the impudence. -2 Pride, arrogance. -3 Impatience. -4 law; 964 agar 7 7 fara T I 9 grafa Restraint. -5 Violation, seduction of a woman ). -8 Hi gula arcuar | Ms. 12. 105. sfgar a code Injury, wrong, insult. -7 A eunuch. -Comp. fuit of laws (especially compiled by sages like Manu, a violated woman. Yajsavalkya, &c.). T: 1 attachmet to justice or 4 4. [ 79-09] 1 Assailing, attacking, assaultvirtue. -2 hypocrisy. Fifa: 1 discussion about law. a court of justice. ing. -2 Violating, seducing. -3 Impatient. -2 (with Buddhists) a council. - : 1 A #: a legal obligation; 419 429aya sa: seducer, an adulterer, a violator. -2 An actor, dancer. -3 Mime. Ms. 9. 273. -AETT: a partner or companion in the discharge of religious duties. m. the fork-tailed furn, -O [ ] 1 Boldness, insolence. shrike. -sUtram a book on pUrvamImAMsA written by Jaimini. 1-2 Insult, affront; y darat quata Mb. 3. eg: an epithet of Siva. a fulfilment of duties. 161. 60. -3 An assault, outrage, seduction, violation; FT: a judge; v4: rotaeta arafa Parat Ms. 8. 57. as in 11deg; HIST fa ri ar riala roca: Mb. 3. efter a. Concerning law; fefti a *014 146. 68. -4 Copulation. -B Contempt, disrespect. -6 Kau. A. 3. -arra m. an epithet of Buddha. Abuse. -7 arrogance. -8 An offence. -9 Overpowering, defeat; dharSaNaM yatra na prApto rAvaNo rAkSasezvaraH Ram. 7.31. 3. a: ind. 1 According to law or rule, rightly, -Comp. -ITCH ( UTCH ) having a voilent nature religiously, justly. -2 Virtuously, righteously. -8 From a virtuous or religious motive. (N. of Siva). stefor:, -oft f. A disloyal or wanton woman, & STATTH 1 Morality, virtue, righteousness. -2 Inhe harlot. rent property or nature. a a. [99-05-57 90128] 1 Seduced, outraged, 1. [-@-] 1 A preserver, maintainer, sup violated. -2 Overpowered, overcome, defeated; ulog porter. -. 1 A religious rite. -2 Support, stay. -3 Har ufagitang 274: N. 22. 155. -3 Ill-treated, Religion, duty. -4 Law, custom. -8 A mode, manner. abused, insulted.-29 1 Contumely, pride. -2 Cohabita-6 Characteristic quality or mark. tion, copulation. -3 Impatience, intolerance. -A YART a. Virtuous, righteous, pious. harlot, a disloyal or unchaste woman. hy a. Virtuous, just, pious, righteous. of a. 1 Proud, arrogant, over bearing.-2 Assauat a. 1 Holy, virtuous. -2 Upright, just. -3 lting, seducing, outraging. -3 Insulting, ill-treating. -4 Lawful, legal. Audacious, impudent. -6 Cohabiting. -Uf A harlot, a a. ( vaistama-sfa ] 1 Virtuous, just, pious. an unchaste woman. -2 Knowing one's duties. -3 Obeying the law. -4 a: 1 Shaking, trembling. - A man. -8 A husHaving the properties of, having the nature, peculiar band, as in fuar. -4 A master, lord. -5 A rogue, properties or characteristics of anything at the end cheat. -8 A kind of tree; Anogeissus latifolia; (Mar. of comp.); y gar la for: Ms. 10. 41; +9947 # 91951); Ram. 1. 24. 15. Prefer R. 11. 50. -8 Following the habits of any person. -m. An epithet of Visnu. 93 a. [ fra 71-; Tv.] 1 White; dhavalAtapatra, dhavalagRham, dhavalavastram &c. nItA yena nizA zazAdhavalA Y a. (Superl. of uf47) Very pious. -g: An Ujjvalamani. -2 Handsome. -8 Clear, pure. -3: 1 The epithet of Visnu. white colour. -2 An excellent bull. - China camphor * . ...,106 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dhavalita 868 dhAtuH (cInakarpUra).-4 N. of a tree (dhaba). -lam White-pepper. -lA A woman with a white complexion. -lI A white cow; (dhavalA also). -Comp. -utpalam the white water-lily (said to opem at moonrise). -giri: N. of the highest peak of the Himalaya mountain. -gRham a house whitened with chunam, a palace. -pakSaH 1 a 800se%3 dhabalapakSavihaMgamakUjitaiH Si.6.45. -2 the bright halt of a lunar month. -mRttikA chalk. dhavalita a. Whitened, made white. dhavaliman m. 1 Whiteness, white colour; adhigatadhavalimnaH zUlapANerabhikhyAm Si.4.65. -2 Paleness 3 iya bhUtirnA priyavirahajanmA dhavalimA Subhas; dhavalimA jAto maNInAM gaNe Sukti. 5.81. dhavANakaH Wind. dhavitram A fan made of the deer's skin. dhas a. [dhA-kasun ] Holding; retodhas , puroghas &c. -m. 1 N. of Brahman. -2 Brihaspati. dhA 30. (dadhAti, dhatte, dadhau-dadhe, adhAt-adhita, dhAsyati-te, dhAtum, hita;-pass. dhIyate; -caus. dhApayati-te;-desid.dhitsati-te) 1 To put, place, set, lay, put in, lay on or upon; vijJAtadoSeSu dadhAti daNDam Mb.; niHzaGka dhIyate (v.1. for dIyate) lokaiH pazya bhasmacaye padam R. 2. 132. -2 To fix upon, direct (the mind or thoughts &c.) towards (with dat. or loc.); dhatte cakSamakulini raNatkokile bAlacUte Mal. 3. 12; dadhuH kumArAnugame manAMsi Bk. 3.11;2.73 Ms. 12.28. -3 To bestow anything upon one, grant, give, confer, present with dat., gen., or loc.); dhuryo lakSmImatha mayi bhRzaM dhehi deva prasIda Mal. 1.3; yadyasya so'dadhAtsarge tattasya svayamAvizat Ms. 1.29. 4 To hold, contain; tAnapi dadhAsi mAtaH Bv.1.68%3B S. 4. 4. -8 To seize, take hold of (as in the hand); dhanuraribhirasahyaM mRSTipIDaM dadhAne Bk. 1. 26; 4. 26. -6 To wear, put on, bear; gurUNi vAsAMsi vihAya tUrNe tanUni......dhatte janaH kAmamadAlasAgaH Rs. 6. 13, 163 dhatte bharaM kusumapatraphalAvalInAm Bv.1.94; dadhato maGgalakSaume R. 12.8; 9.40%; Bk. 17.54. -7 To assume, take, have, show, exhibit, posse88%; (usually Atm.); kAcaH kAJcanasaMsargAddhatte mArakatI dyutim H. Pr.35% zirasi masIpaTalaM dadhAti dIpaH Bv.1.74; R.2.73 Amaru. 27.70%3 Me. 383; Bh. 3.463 R.3.1; Bk. 2.1; 4.16, 183 Si.9.33 10.86%3 Ki.5.5.-8 To hold up, sustain, bear up3; gAmadhAsyatkathaM nAgo mRNAlamRdubhiH phaNaiH Ku. 6.68. -9 To support, maintain saMpadvinimayenobho dadhaturbhuvanadvayam R.1.26. -10 To cause, create, produce, generate, make; yrat kuDmAlatAnanena dadhatI vAyuM sthitA tatra sA Amaru. 72. -11 To suffer, undergo, incur; dadhatI ratena bhRzamutsukatAm Si.9.2, 32,66. -12 To perform, do. -13 Ved. To bring, convey. -19 To appoint, fix. [ The meanings of this root, like those of dA, are variously modified according to the word with which it is connected ; e.g. manaH, / matim , dhiyam , &c. dhA to fix the mind or thoughts upon) resolve upon; padaM dhA to set foot on, to enter; karNe karaM dhA to place the hand on the ear &c.] -With api (the a being sometimes dropped). 1(a) to.close, shut; dhvanati madhupasamUhe zravaNamapidadhAti Git.53 80 karNau-nayane-pidadhAti (b) to cover, hide conceal; prAyo mUrkhaH paribhavavidhau nAbhimAnaM pidhatte S. THI.17 (v.1.); prabhAvapihitA V.4.25 Si.9.76; Bk.7. 69.-2 to hinder, obstruct, bar; bhujaMgapihitadvAraM pAtAlamadhifagta R. 1. 80. (The following verse illustrates the use of dhA with some prepositions:-adhita kApi mukhe salilaM sakhI pyadhita kApi sarojadalaiH stanau / vyadhita kApi hRdi vyajanAnilaM nyadhita kApi himaM sutanostanau N. 4. 111; or, better still, the following verse of Jagannatha:-nidhAnaM dharmANAM kimapi ca vidhAna navamudA pradhAnaM tIthInAmamalaparidhAnaM trijgtH| samAdhAnaM buddheratha khalu tirodhAnamadhiyAM zriyAmAdhAnaM naH pariharatu tApaM tava vpuH|| G. L. 18). dhAkA [dhA.uNA0ka tasya netvam ]1An or. -2 A receptacle, reservoir. -3 Food, boiled rice. -4 A post, pillar, column. - Brahman. -8 A supporter. dhAtuH [dhA-AdhAre tun ] 1 A constituent or essential part, an ingredient. -2 An element, primary or elementary substance, ie. pRthivI, apa, tejas, vAyu and 877721; Bhag. 7. 15. 60.-3 A secretion, primary fluid or juice, essential ingredients of the body (which are considered to be7:- rasAmRGmAMsamedo'sthimajjAzukrANi dhAtavaH, or sometimes ten if keza, tvaca and snAyu be added); Mb.3.213.10.-4A humour or affection of the body, (i.e. vAta, pitta and kapha); yasyAtmabuddhiH kuNape tridhAtuke Bhag, 10. 84. 13. - A mineral, metal, metallic ore; nyastAkSarA dhAturasena yatra Ku.1.73; tvAmAlikhya praNayakupitA dhAturAgaiH zilAyAm Me. 107: R.4.71; Ku.6.51. -6A verbal root; bhUvAdayo dhAtavaH P.I.3.18 pazcAdadhyayanArthasya dhAtoradhirivAbhavat R.15.9.-7 The soul. -8 The Supreme Spirit; dhAtuprasAdAnmahimAnamAtmanaH Katha. -9 An organ of sense. -10 Any one of the properties of the five elements, i. e. rUpa, rasa, gandha, sparza and zabda; tatra tatra hi dRzyante dhAtavaH paanycbhautikaaH| teSAM manuSyAstarkeNa pramANAni pracakSate // Mb.6.5.11.-11 A bone. -12 A part, portion. -13 A fluid mineral of a red colour. -14 Ved. A supporter. -18 Anything to be drunk, as milk &c. -f. A milch cow. -Comp. -upala: chalk. -kAzIzama, -kAsIsam red sulphate of iron. -kuzala a. skilful in working in metals, metallurgist. -kriyA metallurgy, mineralogy -kSaya: waste of the bodily humours, awasting disease, a kind of consumption. -garbhaH, -stapa: a receptacle for ashes, Dagobaj Buddh. "kumbha: a relic urn. -grAhin m. Galamine. -nam, -nAzanam sour gruel (prepared from the fermentation of rice-water).-cUrNam mineral powder. -jam bitumen -drAvaka: borax. -pa: the alimentary juice, the chief of the seven essential ingredients of the body. -pATha: a list of roots arranged according to Panini's grammatical system (the most important of these lists called 917918 being supposed to be the work of Panini himself, as supplementary to his Sutras). -puSTiHf. nutrition of the bodily humours. -prasakta a. devoted to alchemy; -bhRtm . a mountain. -malam 1 impure exeretion of the essential fluids of the body% For Private and Personal Use Only Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dhAtukA 889 dhAmakA an kaphapittamalAH kezaH prasvedo nakharoma ca / netraviTa cakSuSaH sneho dhAtUnAM / iva vai vRkSo'jasA pretya saMbhavaH Bri. Up. 3.9.28; anne pralIyate kramazo mlaaH|| Susruta. -2 lead.-mAkSikam 1 sulphuret martyamannaM dhAnAsu lIyate Bhag. 11.24.22. -B_Coriander. of iron. -2 a mineral substance. Hiftoft borax. -Comp. -cUrNam the meal of tried rice. -pUpa: a cake of -mArin m. sulphur. -rasa: a mineral or metallic Auid; fried barley. -bharjanam the frying of grain. nyastAkSarA dhAturasena yatra (bhUrjatvacaH) Ku. 1.7. -rAjakA,-kam dhAnakam Coriander. semen. -vallabham borax. -vAda: 1 mineralogy, metal dhAnAkA:.(pl.)1grain, corn.-2 Fried barley or lurgy.-2 alchemy.-vAdin m. a mineralogist. -viS. lead. -vairin m. sulphur. -zekharam green sulphate of parched rice. iron, green vitriol. -zodhanam, -saMbhavam lead. -sAmyam dhAnI See dhAnam. good health, (equilibrium of the three humours). dhATI Assault, attacking. -hana m. sulphur. dhANaka: A gold coin (part of a Dinara); SaDbhistu dhAtuka:-kam Bitumen. rattikAbhiH syAn mASako hemadhAnakaH, dhAtumat a. Rich or a bounding in metals. degtA richness dhAnayaH, -ka: Coriander. in metals; akAlasaMdhyAmiva dhAtumattAm (zikharairbibharti) Ku.1.4. dhAnurdaNDikaH, dhAnuSka: An archer ( living by the dhAtumaya a. Fullof metals, abounding in red minerals; bow), a bowman; nimittAdaparAddheSordhAnuSkasyeva valgitam adhityakAyAmiva dhAtumayyAM (lodhradrumaM dadarza) R. 2.29. Si. 2.27 Kau. A. 1. 3. dhAta . [dhA-tRc] 1 A maker, creator, originator, dhAnuSyaH Bamboo. author. -2 A bearer, preserver, supporter. -3 An STIFT Cardamoms. epithet of Brahma, the creator of the world; manye darjanacittavRttiharaNe dhAtApi bhagnodyamaH H.2.1243 R. 18.6%3 dhAnyama [dhAne poSaNe sAdhu yat ] 1 Grain, corn, rice Si. 1. 133 Ku.7.44; Ki. 12.33; sUryAcandramasau dhAtA yathApUrva- (for the distinction between sasya, dhAnya, taNDula and anna makalpaya | Mahanarayna Up.-4 An epithet of Visnu; see under taNDula ). sasya kSetragataM proktaM satuSaM dhAnyamucyate. Mb. 12. 15.18.-8 The soul.-8N. for the seven sages -2 Coriander. -3 A measure equal to four sesamum (saptarSi) being the first creation of Brahma ; et. purAtanAH seeds. -Comp. -acala: a pile of grain presented to purAvidbhirdhAtAra iti kIrtitAH Ku.6.9.-7 Amarried woman's Brhamanas as a gift. -ariH a mouse, rat. -arthaH paramour, adulterer. -8 One of the forty-nine winds. wealth in rice or grain. -amlam sour gruel made of -9 An arranger. -10 One who nourishes. -11 A star the termentation of rice-water. -asthi . husk, chaff. among dhruvamatsya; Bhag.5.23.5.-12 Fate, destiny; dhAtA -uttamaH the best of grain, ine. rice. -kalkam 1 bran. yathA mAM vidadhIta loke dhruvaM tathA'haM bhaviteti matvA Mb. 1.89.10. -2 chaff, straw. -kozaH, -koSThakam, -ka: agranary. -Comp. -putra: an epithet of Sanatkumara. -kSetram a corn-field. -khala: threshing floor (Mar. khaLe). -camasaH rice flattened by threshing after it has been dhAtram [dhA-AdhAre STrala ] A vessel tor holding anything, steeped and fried in the husk. it: a stealer of corn; a receptacle. dhAnyacauro'jahInatvam Ms. 11.50. -tvaca / the husk of dhAtrI 1A nurse, wet-nurse, fostermother; uvAca dhAcyA corn. -dhenu / a heap of corn (like a cow, to be prathamoditaM vacaH R.3.25 Ku.7.25.-2 A mother; Y.3.825 presented to a Brahmana); tamidAnI pravakSyAmi dhAnyadhenuvidhi suvicArya guNAn doSAn kuryAd dhAtrIM tadedRzIm Bhava. P.-3 The param / yAM dattvA sarvapApebhyaH zazAGka iva rAhuNA || ......mucyate...... earth; sadyastana parimalaM paripIya dhAtryA: Ram.Ch.5.5.-4 The Varaha P. -paJcakam the following grains; zAli, vrIhi, tree called Amalaka. -Comp. -putraH 1 a foster brother. zUka, zikhi and kSudra dhAnyas. -mAya: a corn-dealer. -mAnam -2 an actor. -puSpikA N. of a tree (dhava). -phalam An a measure of corn as much corn as a man can eat Amalaka fruit. at once). -muSTiH a handful of grain. -rAja: barley. -vardhanam londing grain at interest, usury with grain. dhAyikA, dhAtreyI 1 A foster-sister; dhAtreyikAyAzcaturaM -vIjam (bIjam) coriander. -vIra: a sort of pulse bacazca Mal. 1.333; kathitameva no mAlatIdhAtrecyA lavajhikayA Mal.13 (mASa).-zIrSakam the ear of corn. -zUkam the beard or Mb. 3. 269.9, 10, 16. -2 A nurse, wet-nurse. awn of corn. -sAraH threshed corn. dhAnam,-nI [dhA bhAve-lyuT] 1A receptacle, seat; dhAnyA, dhAnyAkam Coriander. as in masIdhAnI, rAjadhAnI, yamadhAnI; raviM dadhAne'pyaravindadhAne Si. 4. 12. 2 Nourishing, nourishment. eft 1 The site dhAnvana (-nI/.) Situated in a desert (dhanvan ). of a habitation. -2 Coriander. dhAnvantaryam A Homa in which Dhanvantari is the dhAnAH . (pl.) 1 Fried barley or rice; yathA dhAnAsu vai Devata%3 agnISomaM vaizvadevaM dhAnvantaryamanantaram / prajAnAM pataye caiva dhAnA bhavanti na bhavanti ca Bhag.6.15.4.-2 Grain fried or pRthaga homo vidhIyate Mb. 13.97. 10. powdered. - Corn, grain. -4 A bud, shoot; falta dhAmaka: A sort of weight (mASa q. v.), For Private and Personal Use Only Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra dhAman dhAman n. [ dhA-manin] 1 A dwelling-place, abode, residence, house; turAsAhaM purodhAya dhAma svAyaMbhuvaM yayuH Ku. 2. 1, 44; puNyaM yAyAstribhuvanagurordhAma caNDIzvarasya Me. 33; Bg. 8. 21; Bh. 1. 35; patatyadho dhAma visAri sarvataH kimetadityAkulamIkSitaM janaiH Si. 1.2.-2 A place, site, resort; f - iaaz faga Bhag. 7. 12. 15. 3 The inmates of a house, members of a family. 4 A ray of light; : Mu. 3. 17; Si. 9. 53. 5 Light, lustre, splendour; Mu. 3. 17; Ki. 2. 20, 55, 59; 10.6; Amaru. 86; R. 6. 6; 18. 22. -6 Majestic lustre, majesty, glory, dignity; gAM gatasya tava dhAma vaiSNavaM kopito hyasi mayA fer R. 11. 85. -7 Power, strength, energy (19); sahate na jano'pyadhaH kriyAM kimu lokAdhikadhAma rAjakam Ki. 2. 47. -8 Birth. 9 The body. -10 A troop, host. -11 State, condition; Prab. 1. 30. 12 A class. -13 Ved. Law, rule. 14 Ved. Property, wealth. -15 A fetter. -16 Fashion, mode, manner, form, appearance; a fanta dhAma bhrAjamAno yathA ravi: Bhag 10. 2.17. -Comp. -kezin -ffer: the sun; Mb. 3. 3. 63. m. Ved. N. of Agni. a. believing in a material existence; naivezituM prabhurbhUmna Izvaro dhAmamAninAm Bhag. 3. 11. 38. M., dhAmanikA, dhAmanI Sce dhamanI, dhAmavat a powerful, strong puraHsarA dhAmastAM vazodhanAH Ki. 1. 43. , . Having, possessing, holding, sustaining, &c. a. Ved. 1 Sustaining, supporting. -2 Nourishing. -3 Drinking. n. The act of drinking or sucking. arga. 1 Sustaining, supporting; from gen ge Rv. 7. 36. 4. -2 Liberal. -3 Feeding, eating. A Purohita or family priest. dhAyyA /- ( sAmidhenI Rg yA samidAdhAne paThyate ) 1 A kind of prayer recited while the sacrificial fire is being kindled; yAsu dhAgyAzabdaH zrUyate tAstAvad dhAgyAH SB. on MS. 5. 35. 2 Fuel; koNAmI nijAtanigrahakathAthAbhyAsamuddIpite Ram. Ch. 2. 86; N. 1. 56. SITT a. [8-f04-0441 Holding, bearing, supporting : Mb. 13. 14. 13. -2 Streaming, dripping, flowing. 1 An epithet of Visnu. -2 A sudden and violent shower of rain, sharp-driving shower. -3 Snow, hail. A deep place. -6 Debt. -6 A boundary, 7 A sort of stone. limit. a. Holding, possessing, bearing &c.;,. - 1 A vessel of any kind (box, trunk, &c.), a water-pot. -2 A debtor. The vulva of a female. - 1 A prop, pillar. -2 A division of time (= Muhurta). ETCUT a. (-oft.) [f] Holding, bearing, carrying, preserving, sustaining, protecting, having, 860 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dhArA assuming, &c. (du.) The two female breasts. - The net of holding, bearing, supporting, preserving or keeping back. - Possessing, possession. -3 Observing; holding fast. 4 Retaining in the memory; f. - Being indebted (to any one). -6 Steady abstraction of the mind. -7 Keeping, maintaining. 8 Restraining. -9 (In gram.) Pronouncing imperfectly. -uft 1 A row or line. -2 A vein or tubular vessel. -3 Steadiness. 4 A mystical verse or charm to assuage pain. Comp. - The conservative method of reading (opp. to grahaNAdhyayana ). - mAtRkA One of the 64 arts. - a kind of amulet. dhAraNakaH A debtor; vinA dhAraNakAdvApi vikrINIta sasAkSikam Y. 2.63. 1 The act of holding, bearing, supporting, preserving, &c. -2 The faculty of retaining in the mind, a good or retentive memory; Ak. -8 Memory in general. -4 Keeping the mind collected, holding the breath suspended, steady abstraction of mind; faggi R. 8. 18; Ms. 6. 72; Y. 3. 201 (dhAraNetyucyate ceyaM dhAryate yanmano tathA ) - Fortitudes firmness, steadiness. -8 A fixed precept or injunction, a settled rule, conclusion; fa a Ms. 8. 184; 4.38; 9. 124. -7 Understanding, intellect; Y. 3.73. -8 Continuance in rectitude, propriety, decorum. -9 Conviction or abstraction. -10 A kind of dezabandhazcittasya dhAraNA Yogadarsana. -Comp. -Atmaka a. one who easily composes himself. -: deep devotion. -f: f. a retentive memory. a. Capable of holding, sustaining, &dhArayiSNutA Patience. dhArayitrI The earth. - 1 A stream or current of water, a line of descending fluid, stream, current; mukhe meghasya kiM dUSaNam Bh. 2.93; Me. OM; R.16.66 ; AbaddhaDk. 74. -2 A shower, a hard or sharpdriving shower. -3 A continuous line or series; a faguri: Bv. 2. 20. - A leak or hole in a pitcher. -5 The pace of a horse; : fat: Si. 5. 60; N. 1. 72. -6 The margin, edge or border [of anythings] sa mIlotpalapatradhArayA zamIloM tumapivaafa S. 1. 18. 7 The sharp edge of a sword, axe, or of any cutting instrument ; tarjitaH parazudhArayA mama R. 11.78; 6. 42; 10. 86, 41; Bh. 2. 28. -8 The edge of a mountain or precipice. -9 A wheel or the periphery of a wheel; her R. 13. 15.-10 A garden-wall, fence, hedge. -11 The van or front line of an army. -12 The highest point, excellence. -13 A multitude. -14 Fame. -18 Night. -16 Turmeric. -17 Likeness. -18 The tip of the ear. -19 Speech. -20 Rumour, report. 21 N. of an ancient town in Malva, capital For Private and Personal Use Only Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ghArAla 881 dhiH of king Bhoja. -Comp. -agram the broad-edged head of an arrow. -aGku raH 1 a drop of rain. -2 hail; dhArAkuravarSiNo jaladAH Bri.S. 32.21.-3 advancing before the line of an army (to dely the enemy). -aGgaH a sword. -aTa: 1 the Chataka bird. -2 a horse. -3a cloud. -4 a furious elephant, one in rut. -AdhirUDha a. raised to the highest pitch; kiM vA dhArAdhirUDhaM hi jADyaM vedajaDe jane Ks.6.62. -avaniHf. wind. -azru na flood of tears; Amaru. 10. -AvartaH whirlpool. -AsAraH 3 heavy down-fall of rain, a hard or sharp driving shower; dhArAsAraimahatI vRSTirbabhUva H. 3; V. 4. 1. -IzvaraH king Bhoja. -uSNa a. warm from a cow (as milk); dhAroSNaM tvamRtaM payo bhramaharaM nidrAkaraM kAntidam / vRSyaM bRMhaNamanivardhanamatisvAdu tridoSApaham // Rajanighantu.-giri: The fort of Devagiri or Daulatabad; sa hi zailo nijAmasya priyakArI mhaayshaaH| pratApI prathito loke dhArAgiririvAparaH // Siva. B. 2. -gRham a bath-room with water-jets, ashower-bath or a. house furnished with artiticial jets or fountains of water; zilAvizeSAnadhizagya ninyurdhArAgRheSvAtapamRddhimantaH R.16.49.-dharaH 1 holder of streams, a cloud; dhAtaH kiM nu vidhau vidhAtumucito dhArAdharADambara: Bv. 1.4.-2 a sword.-nipAtaH,-pAta:1a fall of rain, a hard or pelting shower; Me. 48.-2 a stream of water. -yantram a fountain, jet (of water); dhArAyantrajalAbhiSekakaluSe dhautAjane locane Amaru. 124, dhArAyantravimuktasaMtatapayaH pUraplute sarvataH Ratn. 1. 10. -varSeH, -gham, -saMpAta: a hard, sharp-driving or incessant shower; na prasehe sa ruddhArkamadhArAvarSadurdinam R.4.82.-vAhin a. incessant, continuous; paTurdhArAvAhI nava iva cireNApi (manyuH ) U.4.3. -viSa: a crooked sword. -zIta .(milk) cooled after having been milked. dhArAla, dhArAvat a. 1 Having an edge, edged (as a sword &c.).-2 Flowing in streams 3; Matanga L. 9. 13. dhAriNI The earth. dhArita a. Held, supported, maintained, &c. -tam A horse's trot; also dhAritakam. dhArin |.(-nnii/.)[dhR-nnini ] 1 Carrying, bearing, sustaining, preserving, having, holding, supporting; pAdAmbhoruhadhAri Git. 12; kara &c. -2 Keeping in one's memory, possessed of retentive memory; ajJebhyo granthinaH zreSThA granthibhyo dhAriNo varA: Ms. 12. 103. -3 Edged, observing, doing; yajJadhArI ca satatam Mb. 12. 340. 1. dhAru a. Drinker (1); L. D. B. dhArya 4. 1 To be held or maintained; dhAryaH kathaMkAramahaM bhavatyA viyadvihArI vasudhaikagatyA N. -2 Bearable. -3 To be worn. -4 To be suffered, supportable. -5 To be borne in mind. -yem Clothes, garments. dhArtarASTraH [dhRtarASTrasyApatyaM pumAn-aN] 1 A son of Dhritarastra. -2 A Bort of goose with black legs and bill; nipatAnta dhArtarASTrAH kAlavazAnmedinIpRSThe Ve. 1.6 (where the word is used in both the senses ); et. dhArtarASTro haMsabhede duryodhanakule'pi ca Nm. dhArma a. [dharmasyedaM aN] Belonging to justice or Dharma 4. v. dhArmika .(-kI.)[dharma adhIte carati vA Thak] 1 Righteous, pious, just, virtuous 3 kAkutsthaM karuNArNavaM guNanidhi viprapriya dhArmikam (vande) Rama-raksa 26. -2 Resting on right, conformable to justice, equitable. -3 Religious. -kA 1 A judge. -2 A bigot. -3 A juggler. dhArmiNam An of virtuous men. dhASTartham [dhRSTasya bhAvaH karma vA vyaJ ] 1 Arrogance, insolence, audacity, impudence, rudeness%3B aho dhASTamaho dhASTa tayoH kSatriyavIrayoH Hariv. -2 Boldness%3D sakhISu nivAcyamadhASTapadUSitaM priyAjasaMzleSamavApa mAninI Ki.8.48. dhAv I. 1 P.(dhAvati, dhAvita) 1(a) To runadvance; adyApi dhAvati manaH Ch. P.363 dhAvantyamI mRgajavAkSamayeva rathyAH S. 1.83; gacchati puraH zarIraM dhAvati pazcAdasaMstutaM cetaH 1. 33. (b) To move, glide. -2 To run towards, advance against, assault, encounter 3 adhAvIcArisamukham Bk. 15.67. -3 To flow, stream or flow forth; dhAvatyambhasi tailavat Susr. -4 To run or flee away. -5 To give milk (as a cow). -II. 10. (dhAvati-te, dhauta or dhAvita) 1 To wash, clean, cleanse, purify, rub off; dadhAvAstitazcakSuH sugrIvasya bibhISaNaH / vidAMcakAra dhautAkSaH sa ripuM khe nanada ca // Bk. 14.50%BS.6.25%3 i. 17.8. -2 To brighten, polish. -3 To rub into one's person (Atm.). 919 a. (At the end of comp.) Washing, cleaning &c. dhAvaka a.[dhAb-bul ] 1 Running, flowing. -2 Quick, swift.-3 Washing. -ka:1A washerman. -2 N. of a poet said to have composed the Ratnavali for King Sriharsa); zrIharSAderdhAvakAdInAmiva yaza: K. P.1. (v.1.); prathitayazasA dhAvakasaumillakaviputrAdInAM prabandhAnatikramya M.1 (v.1.). dhAvanam [ dhAva-bhAve lyuT] 1 Running, galloping. -2 Flowing. -3 Attacking. -4 Cleansing, purifying, rubbing, washing off. 5 Rubbing with anything. dhAvita . p. 1 Purifiod, cleansed. -2 Running towards, or against. -3 Running, going quickly. dhAvitRm.arunner, courser; tapoyiM brAhmaNI dhatta garbha gauvoMDhAraM dhAvitAraM turaGgI Mb. 11. 26.5. dhAvalyam 1 Whiteness. -2 Paleness. dhAsas m. Ved. A mountain. ETI: Ved. Food. dhi I. 6 P. (dhiyati) To hold, have, possess. -With sam to make peace, treat with; ef. saMdhA. -II. (or dhinv) 5 P. (frara) To please, delight; satisfy ; 94-cache tadapi vilulitasragdhareyaM dhinoti Git. 12; dhinoti nAsmAjalajena pUjA tvayAnvahaM tanvi vitanyamAnA N.8.97%; U.5.273 Ki. 1.22. dhiH (At the end of comp. only) A receptacle, store, reservoir &c.; as in udadhi, iSudhi, vAridhi, jaladhi &c, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dhita 862 dhIra - fera a. 1 Placed, bestowed. -2 Satisfied, pleased. for ind. An interjection of censure, menace or displeasure (fie', 'shame', 'out upon', 'what a pity' &e. usually with acc.); dhik tAM ca taM ca madanaM ca imAM ca mAM ca Bh. 2.2; dhigimAM dehabhRtAmasAratAm R.8.50%; dhik tAn dhik / tAn dhigetAn kathayati satataM kIrtanastho mRdaGgaH; dhik sAnujaM kurupati dhigajAtazatrum Ve.3.11; sometimes with nom., voc. and gen. also3 ghirU mUrkha, dhigarthAH kaSTasaMzrayAH Pt.1; dhigastu hRdayasyAsya &c. -Comp. -daNDaH reprimand, censure; vAgdaNDa prathamaM kuryAd dhigdaNDaM tadanantaram Ms.8.129.-pAruSyam abuse, reproach, reviling.-vAda: a reproachtul speech, censure. fo8 U. To despise, disregard, contemn, reproach. dhikkAraH,-dhikkriyA Reproach, contempt, disregard. dhikkR ta a. Censured, reproached. -tam Reproach, censure, contempt. dhi 1 A. (dhikSate)1 To kindle. -2 To live. -3 To be harassed. -4 To be weary. ferraut: A man of a mixed tribe (sprung from a Brahmana. and a female of the Ayogava tribe); (brAhmaNAt) AyogavyAM tu dhigvaNaH Ms. 10. 15. dhipsu . Wishing to deceive, deceptive; bhUyastaM dhipsumAhUya Bk. 9. 33. dhinv See dhi II. dhiS 3 P. (didheSTi) To sound. dhiS / dhiSaNA q.v. below. dhiSaNa: N. of Brihaspati, preceptor of the gods; buddhapA yo dhiSaNAdhikaH Parnal. 3. 15. -Nam A dwellingplace, an abode, residence; yatrAtmayonidhiSaNAkhilalokapadmam Bhag. 3. 28.25. -NA 1 Speech. -2 Praise, hymn. -3 Intellect, understanding, vizuddhavotpattyA patati na ca tatpApadhiSaNA Mv.6.83; AryaputrAryadhiSaNa, prANanAtha, zubhavata Kalikhandam. - Earth. - A cup, bowl. -Comp.-adhipaHN. of Brihaspati. dhiSThita a. 1 Well-placed ; zAlvo behAyasaM cApi tatpuraM vyUhya dhiSThitaH Mb. 3. 15.3.-2 Lodged, fixed; atha taM bAlakaM vIkSya netrAbhyAM dhiSThitaM hRdi Bhag. 12. 10.32. -3 Taking a bold stand, stood boldly; atha dAnavasaMghAste vikRtaannmuurdhjaaH| udakozanmahArAja dhiSThite mayi bhArata | Mb.3.22.4. -8 Fire (m. also). -4 A star, an asterism; frogata yathA Mb. 5. 184.6. -3 A quarter of the sky (maNDala); ya eSa divi dhiSNyena nAkaM vyApnoti tejasA Mb.1.171.6. -Comp. -adhipatiH , -paH The guardian of a quarter of the sky; Bhag. dhI4 A. (dhIyate) 1 To disregard, disrespect. -2 To propitiate. -3 To hold, contain. -9 To accomplish, fulfil. dhIH [dhyai bhAve vip saMprasAraNaM ca ] 1 (a) Intellect, understanding; dhiyaH samagraiH sa guNairudAradhIH R. 3. 30; ef. kudhI, sudhI &c. dhiyo yo naH pracodayAt Gayatrimantra3 tatrAjJAnaM dhiyA nazyedAbhAsAttu ghaTaH sphuret Vedantasara. (6) Mind; duSTadhI wicked-minded; sthitadhIH kiM prabhASeta Bg. 2.54; R. 3. 30. -2 Idea, imagination, fancy, conception; na dhiyAM pathi vartase Ku.6.22; dhyAyanti cAnyaM dhiyA Pt. 136. -3 A thought, intention, purpose, propensity; imAmahaM veda na tAvakI dhiyam Ki. 1. 37. -4 Devotion, prayer. -5 A sacrifice. -6 Knowledge, science. -7(in Horoscope) The fifth house from the lama. -Comp.-indriyam an organ of perception (=jJAnendriya va.v.manaH karNastathA netraM rasanA ca tvacA sh| nAsikA ceti SaT tAni dhIndriyANi pracakSate // -guNAH (pl.) intellectual qualities : they are:-zuzrUSA zravaNaM caiva grahaNaM dhAraNa tathA / UhApoho'rthavijJAnaM tattvajJAnaM ca dhiigunnaaH|| Kamandaka. (sing.)(namA) akhiladhIguNAya Bhag.8.3.28.-patiH (dhiyAMpatiH) Brihaspati, the preceptor of the gods. -mantrinm ., -saciva: 1a minister for counsel (opp. karmasaciva 'a minister for action or execution'). -2 a wise or prudent adviser. -vibhramaH hallucination. -zaktiH f. intelletual quality or faculty.-sakhaH a counsellor, adviser, minister. dhImata a. Wise, intelligent, learned. -m. An epithet of Brishaspati. dhIz = dIkSa. q.v. sta a. 1 Sucked, drunk; see. -2 Reflected upon, thought about. -3 Propitiated. -n. (pl.) thoughts, meditations. dhItiHf. 1 Drinking, sucking. -2 Thirst. -3 Ved. The fingers. -4 Thought, notion. - Devotion. -8 Disrespect, disregard. dhIdA 1 Intellect. -2 A daughter, virgin. dhIra a. [dhiyaM rAti rA-ka, dhiyamIrayati Ira-aN vA upa0 sa0 Tv.] Brave, bold, courageous%3 dhIroddhatA gatiH 0.6. 19. -2 Steady, steadfast, firm, durable, lasting, constant; niSeduSImAsanabandhadhIraH R. 2.6. -3 Strong-minded, persevering, self-possessed, resolute, of firm resolve or purpose; dhIrA hi tarantyApadam K. 175%; vikArahetau sati vikriyante yeSAM na cetAMsi ta eva dhIrAH Ku.1.59.-4 Composed, calm, collected. - Sedate, sober, grave, solemn; sAgaradhIracetAH R.18.4. -6 Strong, emergetic. -7 Wise, prudent, intelligent, sensible, learned, clever; tameva dhIro vijJAya prajJA kuvati brAhmaNaH Bri. Up. 4.4.21. dhRtezca dhIraH dhiSNya a. Ved. 1 To be praised or meditated upon. - 2 Worthy of a high place. -3 Mindful, attentive. -4 Benevolent, liberal; dhiSNyA vanataM giraH Rv.1.3.2. -ThaNyaH 1A place for the sacrificial fire; amI vediM paritaH klaptadhiSNyAH 8.4.8.-2N. of Sukra, preceptor of the demons. -8 The planet Venus. -4 Power, strength. -haNyam 1A seat, an a bode, site, place, house; na bhaumAnyeva dhiSNyAni hitvA jyotirmayAnyapi R.15.59%3; udagradhiSNyaM gagane'vagADham Bu. Oh.1.23 viveza dhiSNyaM kSitipAlakAtmajaH 4.102.-2 A meteor. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir vIratA 888 sadRzIrvyatti saH R. 3. 10; 5.38; 16. 74; 0.5. 31. -8 dhuta a. 1 Shaken; tIvravegadhutamArgavRkSayA (tADakayA) R.11.16. Deep. grave, loud. hollow (as sound); svareNa dhIreNa -2 Left, abandoned. -3Chastened; AtmAnaM cedvijAnIyAtparaM nivateyanniva R.3.43,593 U.6. 17. -9 Well-conducted, jJAnadhutAzayaH Bhag.7.15.40. -ti/. Shaking, fiapping: well-behaved. -10 Gentle, soft, agreeable, pleasing zyeneyasya bRhatpatatradhutayaH prakhyApayantyAgamam Mv.5.1. (as a breeze); dhIrasamIre yamunAtIre vasati vane vanamAlI Git. 5. dhuna a. Ved. 1 Sounding. -2 Shaking, agitating. -11 Lazy, dull. -12 Daring. -13 Headstrong. T: gaufa Den. P. 1 To sound, roar. -2 To flow. 1 The ocean. -2 An epithet of Buddha.-3 The thinking principle, the soul (cidAtman ). - An epithet of dhuz 1 A. (dhukSate, dhukSita) 1 To be kindled ; svairevotpAtaking Bali. -ram Saffron. -ram -ind. Boldly, firmly, bAtaprasarapaTutaraidhukSite pakSavAtaiH Nag.5.21. -2 To live. -3 To steadfastly. steadily; dhIraM vilokayati Bh. 2. 31; Amaru. be weary. -Caus. (gerald-a) To kindle, inflame. -With 13. -Comp. -udAttaH the hero of a poetic composition sam to be kindled or excited (fig. also); saMdudhukSe tayoH (i. e. a play or poom) who is brave and noble-minded; 19: Bk. 14. 109. (-Caus.) to kindle, inflame, excite; avikatthanaH kSamAvAnatigambhIro mahAsattvaH / sthayAnigUDhamAno dhIrodAtto nivArNabhUyiSThamathAsya vIrya saMdhukSayantIva vapurguNena Ku. 3.52. dRDhavrataH kathitaH // S.D.66.-uddhata: the horo of a poetic dhuniH , -nI /. A river ; purANAM saMhartuH suradhuni kapardo'dhiruruhe composition who is brave but haughty; mAyAparaH pracaNDa G. L. 22. -Comp. -nAtha: tho ocean. zvapalo'haMkAradarpabhUyiSThaH / AtmazlAghAnirato dhIredhIroddhataH kathitaH S. dhundhukam A particular defect in wood (a hole); D.67. -cetas a. firm, resolute, strongminded, cou kAlakadhundhukasaMjJaM kITaviddhaM ca na zubhadaM chidram Bri. S. 19.37. rageous. -prazAntaH the hero of a poetic composition who is brave and calm; sAmAnyaguNairbhUyAn dvijAtiko dhIraprazAntaH dhundhumAraH 1 A kind of insect (indragopa). -2 The syAt S. D.69. -lAlata: hero of a poetic composition who smoke of a house. is firm and brave, but sportive and reckless; Ferrar dhundhuriH,-rIf. A particular musical instrument; mRduranizaM kalAparo dhIralalitaH syAt 8. D. 68, -lalitA /.N. Bhag. 1. 10. 15. of a metre with the gaNas as bharanaranaga.-skandhaH a buffalo. dhura/. (Nom. sing. dhUH) 1 Ayoke (lit.); na gardabhA dhIratA, -dhIratvam 1 Fortitude, courage, strength of vAjidhuraM vahanti Mk.4.17; atrasnubhiryuktadhuraM turaH R.14.47. mind; vipattau ca mahA~lloke dhIratAmanugacchati H. 8. 379 V.2. -2 (a) That part of a yoke which rests on the -2 Suppression of jealousy &c. -3 Gravity, solemnity shoulder. (The foremost part of the pole where the (as shown by silence &c.); pratyAdezAnna khalu bhavato dhIratAM yoke is fixed. -3 The pin at both ends of an axle for kalpayAmi Me. 116. -4 Steadiness, firmness. -B Wisdom, fastening the nave of the wheel. -4 The shaft or pole cleverness. -8 Rofusal. (For other meanings see dhairya.) ' ot a carriage. -3 A load, burden (fig. also); responsidhIrA The heroine of a poetic composition who, bility, duty, task; tena dhUrjagato gurvI sAcaveSu nicikSipe though jealous of her husband or lover, suppresses all R.1.34; 2.74; 3.3555.66%3 Ku.6.30%; kAryadhuraM vahanti Mu.1.14; AptarapyanavAptapauruSaphalaiH kAryasya dhUrujjhitA Mu-6.5%3 outward manifestation or expression of her resent 4.63 ment in his presence or as the Rasamanjari puts it, Ki. 3.50% 14.6. -6 The foremost or highest vyAyakopaprakAzikA dhIrAsee S. D. 102-105 also. -Comp. __place, van, front, top, head; apAMsulAnAM dhuri kIrtanIyA -adhIrA the heroine of a poetic composition who, being R. 2.23; dhuri sthitA tvaM patidevatAnAm 14.74; avinamastu te stheyAH piteva dhuri putriNAm 1.91; dhuri pratiSThApayitatya eva M.1.16% jealous of her husband or lover, alternately expresses and conceals her jealousy; dhIrAdhIrA tu solluNThabhASitaiH / 5. 16. -7A finger. -8 Agitation, trembh khedayedamum S. D.; (vyagyAvyagyakopaprakAzikA dhIrAdhIrA Rasa flection. -10 A spark of fire. -11 Distress, affliction. manjari.) -12 A part, portion, share. -18 Wealth. -19 N. of the Ganges. (dhuri kR'to place at the head or in front dhIlaTiH , -TI f. A daughter. of'; kiMvAbhaviSyadaruNastamasAM vibhettA taM cetsahasrakiraNo dhuri nAkaridhIvana (-rI.) Clever, skilful. -m. 1 An artist. dhyat 5.7.4) -Comp.-gata (dhUrgata)a.1standing on the -2 A fisherman. pole of a chariot.-2 standing at the head, chiet, head, foremost. -jATa: (dhUrjaTiH) an epithet of Siva; dhUrjaTiH dhIvara: A fisherman; mRgamInasajjanAnAM tRNajalasaMtoSavihita pAtu yuSmAn Ve. 1. 3. -dhara (dhUrdhara also dhuraMdhara)a.1 bearvRttInAm / lubdhakadhIvarapizunA niSkAraNavairiNo jagati / / Bh. 2.61%3 ing the yoke. -2 fit to be harnessed. -8 laden with 1.85.-ram Iron. -rI 1 A fisherman's wife. -2 A kind vood qualities or important duties. -4 chief, head, of harpoon for catching fish. -3 A fish-basket. foremost, pre-eminent; kuladhuraMdharo bhava 7.5%3 gajAnAM pakkamamAnAM dhIvarakaH A fisherman. gajA eva dhuraMdharAH ma. (:)1a beast of burden. -23 man of business. -3 a chief, head, leader. -4 an epidhu 5 U. (dhunoti dhunute, dhuta) See dhU. dhUnoti campakavanAni / thet of Siva. -vaha (dhUha) a1 carrying or bearing a dhunotyazokam Kavirahasya. burden. -2 managing affairs. (-haH) a beast of buryf. Shaking, trembling. den; 80 dhUbAr3ha For Private and Personal Use Only Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir TT 884 dhUmA ..... ............................ : (At the end of comp.) 1 A yoke, pole. -2 Burden. -8 A pin at the end of an axle &c. see . dhuraMdhara See dhUrdhara above. YT A burden, load; TYTT Ve. 3. 7. telur, go a. [gi arfa, refa ar, 973 71] 1 Able to bear or carry a burden. -2 Fit to be harnessed. -3 Charged with important duties.-UT, T 1 A beast of burden. - 2 A man of business, or one charged with important duties. -8 A chief, head, leader. a. [gi akfa, 41] 1 Fit for a burden, able to bear a burden &c. -2 Fit to be entrusted with important duties. -3 Standing at the head, chief, foremost; see below. -: 1 A beast of burden. -2 A horse or bullock yoked to the pole of a carriage; affascic ya: Ms. 4.67; gag gafas yazafaqafa Ku. 6. 76; faxafa R. 1. 54; 6. 78; 17. 19. -8 One who carries a burden of responsibility ); TT 9799Tyretaget R. 5. 66. -4 A chief, leader, head; R afa sagt az EU R. 7.71. -8 A minister, one charged with important duties; a riem ga yaitu Agur: Ks. 9. 14. -8 An epithet of Visnu. - The forepart of a pole. -Comp. -alg: a beast for draught. gefal Leadership; whatrag a gafere si. 1. 41. 1 P. (gafa) To hurt, injure; kill. dhuvakA The introductory stanza of a songct. dhruvakA. gfase A sort of fan (made of deer-skin) used in kindling the sacred fire; cf. ufqz. etti Fire. ya (F) : N. of a plant ( = y q.v.). 6 P., 1, 5, 9, 10. U. (yafa, wafa-a, gata, gd, gara, yalta, aza-d, also fa-a, a ) 1 To shake, 'agitate, cause to move or tremble; graf 92997 463/h: Rs. 3. 12; 9544 Me. 64; Ku.7.49; R. 4. 67; Bk. 5. 101; 9. 7; 10. 22.-2 To shake off, remove, throw off ; auf fertyru: feat garrafer $. 7. 24. -3 To blow away, destroy, -4 To kindle, excite, fan (as fire); aral T a rla 997: Mb.; qua: ... : Rs. 1. 26. -8 To treat roughly, hurt, injure; 417 f To Bk. 9.50; 15. 61. -B To shake off from oneself, free oneself from ; (99 ) BITTER : qar yarafa ya Pt. 1. 36. -7 To strive against resist, oppose. The following stanza from Kavirahasya illustrates the root in its different conjugations : 774991 yatting a gara dhubati sphuTitAtimukkaM / vAyurvidhUnayati campakapuSpareNUn yatkAnane dhavati 741497611) f. Shaking, trembling, agitating. 94. 1 Wind. - A rogue, cheat. -8 Time. STU () : Resin, incense. ya p. p. [ - ] 1 Shaken. -2 Shaken off, removed. -3 Fanned. -4 Abandoned, deserted. -6 Reviled. -6 Judged. -7 Disregarded, treated with contempt. - A wife. -Comp. - CH, -919 a. who has shaken off his sins, free from sin, pure. -To: an ascetic practice, precept. gia: f. 1 Shaking, moving. -2 Fanning. ga p. p. 1 Shaken, agitated &o. -2 Afflicted by heat or thirst. dhUnanaH Wind. -nam Shaking, agitation; nizAntanArIT H Si. 1. 61. fa: f. Shaking, agitating. g 1.1 P. (y ufa, a) To heat or to be heated. -II. 10 U. (94faa) 1 To fumigate, perfume, incense, to make fragrant. - To shine. -8 To speak. -4 (In Astr.) To obscure with mist, eclipse. go: [ 49-319] 1 Incense, frankincenso, perfume, any fragrant substance. -2 The vapour issuing from any fragrant substance (like gum, resin &o. ), aromatic vapour or smoke; dhUpoSmaNA tyAjitamAbhAvam Ku.7.143 Me. 34; V. 3. 2; R. 16. 50. -8 A fragrant powder. -Comp. 377 n. a kind of agallochum used for incense. -TET: 1 turpentine. -2 the Sarala tree. - a black kind of agallochum. -&: a censer ; N. 15. 29. 4 a pipe for smoking; Charaka. -91974 a vessel for incense, censer. -art: a kind of cigarette; K.-are: fumigating, perfuming. Tet: a kind of pine, the Sarala tree. 79 (f): A perfumer; Ram. 2. 83. 14. dhUpanam 1 Fumigation, perfuming; balayazcAnnalAjAbhiSUpana 9 Mb. 13. 99.7. -2 Incense; 1944 4 91 farafa 979f9d a Mb. 5. 192. 35. Ms. 7. 219. -8 astrol.) The obscuration of a comet. qa, yaaa a. 1 Fumigated, heated, perfumed, incensed. -2 Suffering pain or fatigue, distressed. #: [ 7-799] 1 Smoke, va pour; PITIE297422 9991 #: 7:1 ariforatart Tau f a: Il Ram. 3. 27. 18. quaeformeat afara: &9: Me. 5. -2 Mist, haze.-3 (a) A meteor. (6) The fall of a meteor. -4 A cloud. - Smoke inhaled (as a sternutatory ). -8 Belch, eructation. -7 A place prepared for the building of a house. Comp. 37TT a. of a smoky appearance, smoke-coloured. (- ) purple. - afs: f. a wreath or eloud of smoke.-uttham ammoniac.-udgAra: 1 issuing of smoke or vapour; yaligsafagurr ETTET Fagara Me. 71. - 2 eructation, belch. T&T a sulfocated by smoke. Forf N. of the wife of Yama. Pata: an epithet of Yama, ti, g: 1 fire; 694 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dhUmanam -865 mammohammam I nandakulakAnanadhUmaketoH Mu. 1. 10; R. 11.81. -2 a meteor, comet, talling star; dhUmaketumiva kimapi karAlam Git. 13 dhUmaketurivotthitaH Ku. 2. 32. -3 Ketu. -4 a kind of horse; pRSThavaMze yadAvarta ekaH saMparilakSyate / dhUmaketuriti khyAtaH sa tyAjyo dUrato nRpaiH / / Aivachikitsa. -BN. of the sun; Mb. -grahaH Rahu; durdarzanena ghaTatAmiyamapyanena dhUmagraheNa vimalA zazinaH kaleva Mal. 2.8.-ja: a cloud. degagajam ammoniac.-dhvajaH ire. -nirgamanam a chimney. -paa. inhaling only smoke as a sort of penance ; indreNa sahitAH sarve AgatA yajJabhAginaH / USmapAH somapAzcaiva dhUmapA AjyapAstathA Mb. 12.284.8. -pathaH 1 a sacrifice. -2 seeking salvation by religious works ; (karmamArga); jagaha sAmarSavipannayA girA zivadviSaM dhUmapathazramasmayam Bhag. 4. 4. 10. -3 an air-hole, a window. -pAnam inhaling smoke or vapour. -prAza a. feeding only on smoke (as a hermit).-mahiSI fog, mist. yoni: a cloud; cf. Me.5. -latA a mass of curling smoke; kopAnalabahulaloladhUmalatAm (zikhAm ) Mu. 1. 9. dhUmanam (in astrol.) The obscuration (of a comet). dhamayati Den. P. To cover with smoke, obscure with mist, darken. qaft mist, fog. dhUmala a. Smoke-coloured, brownish-red, purple. -la: 1 Purple. -2 A kind of musical instrument. dhUmavat a. Smoky. -2 Smoking, streaming. parvato vahimAn dhUmavattvAt Tarkasamgraha. yhafa-a Den. P. 1 To cover or fill with smoke, vapour &c., darken; dhUmAyitA daza dizo dalitAravindAH Bv. 1. 104; Mk. 5. 27. -2 To smoke, or be covered with smoke. dhUmAvatI/. One of the ten great goddesses of learning; vidyA dhUmAvatI tathA Tantrasara. dhUmAyanam 1 Smoking, steaming. -2 Heat. dhUmikA Vapour, fog, mist. dhUmita a. Obscured with smoke, darkened; ahamasya dazeva pazya mAmaviSahmavyasanena dhUmitAm Ku.4.30. -tA (i.e. dik) The quarter towards which the sun turns first 3 dhUmitAbhimukhI hanti svaradIptA digIzvarAn Bri. S. 90. 3. dhUmin a. Smoking. -nI N. of one of the tongues of fire. dhUmyA [dhUmAnAM samUhaH ya] A volume or cloud of smoke, thick smoke ; "dhUmyA dhUmasamUhe'pi nIhAre'pi nigadyate' iti dharaNiH; sphItadhUmyAprakAzam Mal. 5.63; dehacchAyodgamAbhAripuvapuraguruploSaroSAgnidhUmyAH; viSNupAdAdikezAntavarNanastotram 46. dhUmra . [ dhUmaM tadvarNa rAti rA-ka] 1 Smoke-coloured, smoky, grey; hutabhugdhUmadhUmropakaNTham Bh. 3. 553 R. 15. 16. -2 Darkred. -3 Dark, obscured. - Purple. -mra: 1 A mixture of red and black.-2 Incense.-3 Purple (the colour). saM. I. ko....109 -4 An epithet of Siva. -B A Camel. -6 (in astrol.) The 28th Yoga. -mrA An epithet of Durga. -ghram Sin, vice, wickedness; vAyunA preryamANastu dhUmrAya mudamanvagAt Mb. 1.63.49. -Comp. -akSiH a pearl of a bad colour.-aTa: the fork-tailed shrike. -Abha: air, atmosphere. -ruca. of a purple hue. -locana: a pigeon. -lohitaa. dark-red, deep-purple. (-taH) an epithet of Siva. -ad: 1 the dark-red colour. -2 incense. -varNaka: a kind of animal living in caves, a fox. -vaNoM f. N. of one of the seven tongues of Agni; kAlI karAlI ca manojavA ca sulohitA yA ca sudhUmravarNA | sphuliGginI vizvarUpI ca devI lolAyamAnA iti sapta jihvaaH|| Mund. 1.2.4. -zUkaH (la:)a camel. dhUmraka: A camel. dhUra 4 A. (dhUryate) 1 To hurt, kill. -2 To go, move. dhUrta a. [dhU-dhUr vA kta, uNA degtan vA Tv.] 1 Cunning, knavish, roguish, crafty, fraudulent. -2 Mischievous, injurious. -3 Hurt, injured. -4 Gay, licentious%3 dhUrtaranvIyamAnAH sphuTa caturakathAkovidaivezanAryaH Mu. 3. 10. -te: 1A cheat, rogue, swindler. -2 A gamester. -3 A lover, gallant, gay deceiver; nArIjane dhUrtatA Bh.; tatte dhUrta hRdi sthitA priyatamA kAcinmamaivAparA Pt. 4.6%; dhUrtI'parAM cumbati Amaru. 193 80 dhUrtAnAmabhisArasatvarahadAm GIt. 11.-4 The thorm apple (dhattUra).-B Hurting, injuring.-tem 1 Rust, iron-filings. -2 Black-salt. -Comp. -kitava: a gamester. -kRt a. crafty, dishonest. (-m.) the Dhattara plant. -jantu a man. -mAnuSA N. of a plant (Mar. rAsnA). -racanA a roguery. dhUrtakaH 1 A jackal. -2 A rogue. dhUrva 1 P. (dhUrvati) To hurt, injure, lill. dhUrvI The fore-part or pole of a carriage. dhUlakam Poison. dhUli: m.,f. dhUlI 1 Dust ; anItvA paGkatAM dhUlimudakaM nAvatiSThate Si. 2. 34. -2 Powder. -Comp. -kuTTimam,-kedAraH1a mound, rampart of earth. -2 a ploughed field. -dhvajaH wind. -paTalaH,-lam a cloud of dust. -pupiSkA , -puSpI the Ketaka plant. -hastayAta (intran.) to smear the hands with dust; N. 1.81. dhUlikA Fog, mist. dhUz (-s) 10 U. (dhUzayati-te) To adorn, decorate. dhUsara . [dhU-sara kicca na Satvam Tv.] of a dusty, greyish or dusky-white colour, grey; zazI divasadhUsaraH Bh. 2.56%3 Ku.4.4,46%3 R.5.42; 16. 173 Si. 17.41. -ra: The grey colour. -2 A donkey. -3 A camel. -4 A pigeon. - An oilman. -8 Anything of a grey colour. dhUsarita a. Made grey, greyish. dhUstUraH The thorn-apple. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Li I. 6 A. (Supposed by some to be a passive form of); (, ) 1 To be or exist, live, continue to live, survive ; Aryaputra priye eSA dhiye e. 3; dhriyate yAvadeko'pi ripustAvatkutaH sukham Si. 2. 35; 15.89; naSTA zarIraiH kratubhirdharante Pt. 1.2 To be maintained or preserved, remain,. continue; suratazramasaMbhRto mukhe dhriyate svedalavodgamo'pi te R. 8.51; Ku. 4. 18. -3 To resolve upon. -II. 1 P., 10 U. ( gharata, usually dhArayati taM bhArita) 1 To hold, bear, carry; bhujaGgamapi kopitaM zirasi puSpavaddhArayet Bh. 2. 4; vaiNavIM dhArayedyaSTiM sodakaM ca kamaNDalum Ms. 4. 36; Bk. 17.54; V. 4. 36. -2 To hold or bear up, maintain, support, sustaia; abhinavajaladharasundara dhRtamandara Git. 1.2.7; yathA sarvANi bhUtAni dharA dhArayate samam Ms. 9. 311; Pt. 1. 126; prAtaH kundaprasavazithilaM jIvitaM dhArayethAH Mo. 115; ciramAtmanA dhRtAm R. 3. 35; U. 3. 29. -3 To hold in one's possession, possess, have, keep; Bh. 2. 19. - To assume, take (as a form, disguise &c.); Git. 1. 1. 4; af 10. 4. -5 To wear, put on, use (clothes, ornaments &c. ); folge ga Git. 1. 2. 1. -6 To hold in check, curb, restrain, stop, dotain; tvayA hi dharmo vighRtaH kRtsnaM dhArayate jagat Mb. 1. 63.5; dadhAra droNamAyAntaM veleva saritAM patim Mb. 7. 16. 21-7 To fix upon, direct towards; (with dat. or loc.) dhRtamAnasaH, mano dadhe rAjasUyAya &c. -8 To suffer, undergo. -9 To assign anything to any person, allot, assign. -10 To owe anything to a person (with dat.; rarely gen. of person, 10 only in this sense); S.; arafa &c. -11 To hold, contain. -12 To observe, practise. -13 To cite, quote. -14 To keep, retain (in one's service). -15 To preserve, maintain. 16 To seize, lay hold of. -17 To hold out or on, endure. -18 To fix, place, deposit. -19 To intend in mind; sa yadyadevAsRjata tattadattamadhriyata Bri. Up. 1.2.5. (The senses of this root may be variously modified according to the noun with which it is connected; e. g. Alto bear in mind, remember ; zirasA, mUrdhni ghR to bear on the head, respect highly set to pledge, deposit any thing as surety; to bring to terms or agreement; daNDaM dhR to punish, chastise, use force; jIvitam prANAn gAtram, zarIrama, deham &c. dhR to continue to live, maintain the soul &c.; preserve the vital spirits; to observe a vow ; itthaM vrataM dhArayataH prajArtham R. 2. 25; tulayA dhR to hold in a balance, weigh &c. ; manaH, matim cittam, to bend the mind to a thing, fix the mind upon, think of, resolve upon; to become pregnant, conceive; to practise concentration or selfcontrol &c.) " dhArayaH [ anupasargAt limpa vindadhAri iti zaH P. III. 1. 138] One that owes something, a debtor; N. 9. 3. a. (At the end of comp.) Bearing, carrying, supporting &o; 3 a. (At the end of comp.) Possessing, bearing, holder, bearer &c. 866 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dhRtiH yap. p. [-] 1 Held, carried, borne, supported. 2 Possessed. -3 Kept, prosorvd, retained. -4 Seized, grasped, laid, hold of. -8 Worn, used, put on; kimityapAsyAbharaNAni yauvane dhRtaM tvayA vArdhakazobhi valkalam Ku. 5. 44. 6 Placed, deposited. -7 Practised, observed. -8 Weighed. 9 (Actively used) Holding, bearing. -10 Intent upon. -11 Prepared, ready. -12 Resolved, firm; Ryga: Ram. 4. 27. 47; see also. - 1 Falling. 2 State, existence. -3 Taking, seizing. -4 Wearing, putting on. -5 A particular manner of fighting. Comp. a. firm minded, steady, calm, collected. (-) an epithet of Vispu. - a. haughty, arrogant; Raj. T. for a. bearing a single braid of hair (as a sign of mourning); fung dhRtaikaveNiH S. 7. 21. - garbha a pregnant; Ks. 7. 83. - daNDa a. 1 inflicting punishment. -2 one on whom punishment is inflicted; rAjabhirdhRtadaNDAstu kRtvA pApAni mAnavAH / nirmalAH svargamAyAnti santaH sukRtino yathA // Ms. 8. 318. - dIdhiti: fire. a. covered with a cloth. - a. firm-minded, bent upon; tapase dhRtamAnasa: Ram. 79.46. -rAjan a. ruled by a good king (as a country). - 1 a good king. 2 a country ruled by a good king. -3 N. of the eldest son of Vyasa by a widow of fad. [As the eldest son he was entitled to the throne, but being blind from birth, he renounced the sovereignty in favour of Pandu; but on his retirement to the woods, he undertook it himself, making Duryodhana, his eldest son, the virtual ruler. When Duryodhana was killed by Bhima, the old king thirsted for revenge, and expressed his desire to embrace Yudhisthira and Bhima. Krisna readily discovered his object, and convinced that Bhima was marked out by the king as his prey, he caused an iron image of Bhima to be made. And when the blind king rushed forward to embrace Bhima, Krisna substituted the iron image which the revengeful old man pressed with so much force that it was crushed to pieces, and Bhima escaped. Thus discomfited, he, with his wife, repaired to the Himalaya and there died after soms years.] - N. of a bird; L. D. B. a. clad in armour, mailed; -m. N. of a reputed king. - a. 1 observing vows, performing religious rites. 2 devoted, attached. -8 of a fixed law or order. (-) an epithet of (1) Indra. (2) Varuna. (3) Agni. (4) A king in the Para dynasty. w: /[y-fax] 1 Taking, holding, seizing. -2 Having possessing. -3 Maintaining, supporting. -4 Firmness; steadiness, constancy. -8 Fortitude, energy, resolution, courage, self-command; N. 4. 105; Bg. 16. 3; Ki. 6. 11; R. 8. 66. -8 Satisfaction, contentment, pleasure, happiness, delight, joy; dhRtezva dhIraH sadRzIrvyadhatta saH R. 3. 10; 16.82; aaf ya V. 2. 8; Si. 7. 10, 14. -7 Satisfaction considered as one of the 33 subordinate feelings (in Rhe For Private and Personal Use Only Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dhRti 887 dhenukA a toric); raftetardea qoxgear yfa: 1 afeczaaaa- 1 of the Pandavas, and for some days he acted as comhreyfast S. D. 198, 168; cf. Ki. 1. 36 ; R. 3. 10; mander-in-chief of their forces. When Drona had Ms. 10. 116. -8 A sacrifice. -9 N. of a metre; Nm. killed Drupada after a hard struggle, Dhristadyumna -10 consideration, care for; 2121212afa fuar vowed that he would be revenged for the death of his fursa gfa: Ki. 14. 10. -11 N. of the numeral father. And he was able to fulfil this vow on the 18.-12 N. of one of the 16 kalas of the moon. - Comp. morning of the 16th day of the battle, when he un gta a. armed with constancy and resolution. - fairly cut off the head of Drona (see Drona.). He a. destroying all com posure, discomposing. 14: a was afterwards surprised by Asvatthaman while lying sacrifice included in the marriage-rites. asleep in the camp of the Pandayas, and was stamped gia 1 To keep ground, to stand still; a. 724 to death. ). - a. bold, presumptuous. -Atlat 1917 pia u Mb. 7. 114. 101. -2 To find plea having too high an opinion of oneself, presumptuous. att a. speaking boldly. sure or satisfaction. gre a. Ved. Bold; fra Vaj. 1. 17. -m. 1 A pair glat FET 1 To show firmness; A stea fa ay I of tongs. - f. Boldness, bravery. Ayat 58 24 Amar. 70. -2 To fix the mind on; fa afa axafa 7 a Ms. 5. 47. CUISL a. 1 Bold, confident. -2 Impudent, shameless. ita: A ray of light. fara a a. 1 Firm, steady, steadfast, resolute. -2 Satisfied, happy, glad, content; h a ngat You a. [99-49] 1 Bold, confident, courageous, Tootgestat vanaf at and R. 13. 77. valiant, powerful (in a good sense ); fas: fotos aufa Mb. 14. 72. 15; Tau travau quo: grat m. 1 An epithet of Visnu. -2 Of Brahma. Bk. 1. 25.-2 Shameless, impudent. -8 Ved. Strong, -3 Virtue, morality. - The sky. -8 The sea. -BA powerful. clever man. tuta. To be attacked, assailable, conquerable; as grad The earth. in adhRSya q.v. 1,455 1 P. (ufa, yafat) To go, move. 1 P. ( la, fra; caus. fa; desid. Parera) 1 To suck, drink, drink in, absorb (fig. also ); 3716HI. 1 P. (ofa, wa) 1 To come together, be a gri Bk. 15. 29; 6. 18; Ms. 4. 59; compact. -2 To hurt or injure. -11.1 P., 10 U. ( a, Y. 1. 140. - 2 To kiss; 49212724 Git. 12. -3 To fa-) 1 To offend, hurt, injure. -2 To insult, suck out, draw or take away. -4 To appropriate. treat with indignity. -3 To assail, overcome, over -Caus. To suckle, nourish. power, conquer, destroy. -4 To dare to attack, challenge, defy. - To violate or outrage (as a woman). T: (ufaga -77 53a] 1 The ocean. -2 A male -III. 5 P. (youtifa, E) 1 To be bold or courageous; river ). -- 1 A river. -2 Speech. -3 A milch a 18TT 7 Iy: Bri. Up. 3. 1. 2. -2 To be confident. cow Ved.). -8 To be proud or over bearing. -4 To be impudent or a: f. [afa garz, fraachai, 2-1 3 Tv.] 1 A impatient. -5 To dare, venture (with inf.) -8 To cow, milch-cow; j : at ang: U. 5. 31. brave, challenge; ratu ga i nya (TERET: -2 The famale of a species (affixed to the names Bk. 14. 102. -7 To insult, treat with contumely. -IV. of other animals in this sense ); as axua:, aqua: 10 A. (942) To assail, attack, outrage. &c. -3 The earth. (Sometimes at the end of comp. E forms a diminutive; as 31999:, :). -4 Any afta <<. Bravo, bold. offering or present to Brahmana instead of or in the yg a. [24-]1 Bold, brave. -2 Clever. - A heap, shape of a cow such as you, gan, Ru , group, multitude. Ta, Hug, tag, tag, taug, tae ; Matsya P.-5 A mare; 21 : SOT MS. 7. 4. 7. (aga U p. p. [77-* ] 1 Bold, courageous, confident. kRSNakizorA dhenuriti / yadyapi dhenuzabdo godhenvAM dRSTapravRttistathApyabhi-2 Impudent, rude, shameless, saucy, insolent ; stuvanihemi tvAM na khalu nanu dhRSTA mukharatA Mahimna.9; vRSTaH dhAnasAmAnyAdazvadhenvAmapi bhAgIti kizoreNa lina azvadhenvAM vijJAyate / aufa H. 2. 26. -8 Forward, presumptuous. -4 SB.). -Comp. retur a. (a sacrifice) whereat a Profligate, abandoned. - Cruel, unkind. -T: A cow is given as a fee. -ETTA 1 cow's milk. -2 a kind faithless husband or lover; Farm 39 fa:& affarsla of gourd (Mar. Fags ). --ferfil a gadily. ta: 1 cociats a fazerare rat warga: S. D. 72. *: 1 N. of a demon killed by Balarama. XTEUTT -OT A disloyal woman. -Comp. -a: N. of the son harha 99117 Hariv. 2 A mode of sexual of 1999. - a: N. of a son of Drupada and brother enjoyment; see 84. -Comp. Ea an epithet of of Draupadi. [He with his father fought on the side Balarama. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra dhenukA dhenukA 1 A female alopthant. 2 A milch-cow. -3 A gift, an offering. -4 A female animal in general. -6 A dagger ; L. D. B. -6 Parvati; striyAM syAddhenukA bAjiyoSityapi pazau gavi / bhavAnyAM ca kRpANyAM ca prasUtAkariyoSitoH || Nm. dhenuSTarI A milch-oow ceasing to give milk. dhenuSyA A cow who or whose milk has been pledged. dheya a. 1 To be held or taken. -2 To be produced. -3 To be fed or nourished. -4 To be drunk. 6 An affix as in nAmadeg, bhAga, q. v. 8 To be applied or put in practice ; avyAkulaM prakRtamuttaradheyakarma Si. 5. 60. -yam 1 Nourishing. -2 Drinking. -3 Holding, taking &c. dhainukam 1 A herd of cows. -2 A particular mode of sexual enjoyment ( ratibandha ). dhairyam [ dhIrasya bhAvaH karma vA SyaJ ] 1 Firmness, durability, strength, constancy, steadiness, stability, fortitude, dhairyamavaSTabhya Pt. 1; vipadi dhairyam Bh. 2.63; -2 courage; Calmness, composure. -3 Gravity, patience. 4 Infle - xibility. udasya dhairyaM dayitena sAdaram Ki. 8. 50. -5 Boldness, forwardness; tasmAdasyAH kumudavizadArnyahasi tvaM na dhairyAnmoghI kartuM pharodvartanaprekSitAni Mo. 40 ( Malli ) -Comp. -kalita a steady, calm; avadhIrya dhairyakalitA dayitam Si. 9.59. -vRttiH Steady conduct, composure; saMjAtavepathubhirujjhitadhairyavRttiriNAmi cainamadaparimaV. 5.9. dhaivataH The sixth of the seven primary notes of the Indian gamut gatvA nAbheradho bhAgaM basti prApyordhvagaH punaH / bhAbhi yo yAti kaNThadezaM sa ktaH // Sangitadamodara. dhaiyatyam [Clevernoon. ghoDaH = DuNDubhaH q. v ghora 1P. ( dhIrati ) To go quiekly have good paoon, run, trot. -2 To be skilful (in general). dhoraNam [ dhor karaNe lyuT ] 1 A vehicle in general (as a horse, elephant &c.); dRSTvA tvareNa nijadhoraNato'vatIrya Bhag. 10.13. 62. -2 Going well or quickly. -3 A horse's trot. dhoraNiH, -NI [ dhaura ani yA kIpU] 1 An uninterrupted series or continutity ; yairmAkandavane manojJapavane sadyaH skhalanmAdhurIdhArAdharaNidhAtadhAmani dharAdhIzatvamAlambyate / teSAM nityavinodinAM sukRtinAM mAdhvIkapAnAM punaH kAlaH kiM na karoti ketaki yatastvaM cApi kelisthalI Uab. ; N. 15.49. -2 Tradition. dhoritam [-bhAve ] Injuring hurting striking. -2 Going, motion. -8 A horse's trot. dhauta P.P. [ dhAvU ta UTh ] 1 Washed, washed off, cleaned, purified, laved; kulyAmbhobhiH pavanacapalaiH zAkhino ager: S. 1. 15; Sik. 58; Ku. 1. 6; 6, 57; R. 16. 49; 19. 10. -2 Polished, brightened; SaSTapA zaraiH saMyati tailadhautarjaghAna tAnapyatha pRSThagopAn Mb. 6. 85. 7. -3 Bright, white, shining brightened, glistening harazirandrikA cadamya 868 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Me. 7, 46, vikasaddantAzudhautAdharam Git. 12. - tam 1 Silver. -2 Cleaning, washing. -Comp. -apAga having the corners of the eyes illumined ; Me. 46. -Atman . pure-hearted. --kaTa a bag of coarse cloth. -koSajam, kauH Seyam bleached or purified silk. -khaNDI sugarcandy. -mUla a. ( a tree) having its roots washed ; zAkhino dhautamUlyaH S. 1. 10. zilam rock-crystal. dhauteyaH A kind of salt ( saindhava ). dhauteyam Rock-aal (saindhava). dhautari . Vod. Shaking trembling samavA dhautarIbhiH Rv. 6. 44.7. dhyAta ghauti-tI / Vod. 1 A spring. -2 A river yo dhotInAmahihannAriNakpathaH Rv. 2. 13. 5. -3 One of the ways of practising Yoga ; dhautI bastI tathA nautI naulikI troTakastathA / kapAlabhAtI cetAni pad karmANi samAcaret // Hathayoga pradipika. dhaumyaH N. of an ancient Risit the fnmily priest of the Pandavas. sts: 1 Greyness. -2 A place for building (prepared in a particular way ). dhauritakam A horse's trot of dhIrita. roguery. dhauryam A horse's trot of dhIraNam, dhaureya . ( -vI ) [ dhuraM vahati Tak ] Fis for a burden. - yaH 1 A beast of burden. -2 A horse. -3 A chief, lunder vayaM vasiSThadhaureyAH sarve pratibhuvo'tra vaH M. 3. 48. dhaurtakam - dhaurtikam, dhotrtyam Fraud dishoneety, dhmA 1 P. ( dhamati, dhmAta; Caus. dhmApayati ) 1 To blow breathe out, exhale. -2 To blow (as a wind-instru ment ), produce sound by blowing; zakhaM dadhmau pratApavAn Bg. 1. 12, 18; R. 7. 63; Bk. 3. 34; 17. 7. -3 To blow a fire, excite fire by blowing, excite sparks; ko dhamecchAntaM ca pAvakam Mb. -4 To manufacture by blowing. -s To cast, blow, or throw away. dhamAkAraH A blacksmith, smith. dhmAta P. P. [ mA ta ] 1 Blown (as a wind-instrument). dhmAtA girerdhAtavaH Bh. -2 Blown up or into, inflamed, blown, fanned, excited. -3 Inflated, puffed, puffed up. dhyAnam Blowing. dhyApanam Inflating, swelling by blowing into. dhmApita . Reduced to ashes, burnt to cinder. dhmAG (dhvAG ) kS 1 P. ( dhmAkSati) 1 To erow, or caw. -2 To desire. For Private and Personal Use Only dhyAkSaH see dhvAkSa. dhyAta, dhyAna, dhyAnika &c. See under dhyai; dhyAtaM vittamaharnizaM niyamitaprANairna zambhoH padam Bh. 3. 18.. : Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dhyAma 869 ETH a. Unclean, dirty, black, soiled; Bk. 8.71. -HH A kind of grass. SHT m. 1 Measure. -2 Light. -. Meditation (less correctly dhmAman ). 1 P. (entala, zra; desid. feeqrara; pass. sred) To think of, meditate upon, ponder over, contemplate, reflect upon, imagine, call to mind; a f9217 ga: ancaq14 Bg. 2.62; EU TETAPTEZ Bh. 3. 11; 44 E71477 Ms. 3. 224; fa rifer Pt. 1. 136; Me. 3; Ms. 5. 47; 9. 21. - BUT Thought, meditation, reflection. cara p. p. [et-F ] Thought of, meditated or reflected upon. E 6U, ETT a. 1 To be meditated upon, to be contemplated. -2 Fit for meditation; 4: al afaqnosquad Visnudhyanam. - To be imagined or conceived. Sarah Thought, reflection. STT [ 2-a- ] 1 Meditation, reflection, thought; contemplation; TTC era fafereed Bg. 12. 12; Ms. 1. 12; 6.72.-2 Especially, abstract contemplation, religious meditation; a sz171cquisitH $.7; serial T 17: R. 1.73. -3 Divine intuition or discernment. -4 Mental representation of the personal attributes of a deity; sfar 297. -Comp. -TRT a. attainable by meditation only; Tif fah Visnustotra.- , -fag, - a. lost in thought, absorbed in meditation, contemplative. Tuz a. suitable for $21-7; 2 415 ZT60214 Bhag. 10. 3. 28. -As mere thought or reflection. -HGT a prescribed attitude in which to meditate on a deity. -DIT: profound meditation. a. absorbed in meditation; lost in thought. WTF a. Sought or obtained by pious contemplation or abstract meditation ; dhyAnikaM sarvamevaitadyadetadabhizabditam Ms. 7. 82. Eztart a. contemplative, engaged in religious meditation. , a eta: a spiritual Buddha. W a. (At the end of comp.) Holding, supporting; as in HI, U: &c. WE, S I P. (uala &o.) To go, move. us f. Gliding motion of wind) &c. T: f. Ved. 1 = af:. -2 Impulse. -8 Strong wind, storm. T1 P. (uma) To sound. E 9 P., 10 U. ( a, bufaa) To throw or toss up 1 P. (Hifa) To go. NIE 1 P. 1 To be dry or arid. -2 To clear. WIE 1 A. 1 To be able or competent. WEST 1 P. 1 To crow, caw. -2 To desire. ETIE 1 A. To divide, split. uifs: Gathering flowers (96979). f 1 P. To go, move. 1,6 P. (afa, gara ) 1 To be firm or fixed. -2 To go, move (yaaa:) gaya ya... Bk. 6. 130. -3 To ascertain, know definitely. -4 To kill. wa: f. Ved. 1 Fixed destiny. -2 Misleading, corrupting, seduction ; Fala agyfa: a Rv.7.86.6. a a. 1 (a) Fixed, firm, immovable, stable, permanent, constant, unchangeable; sfat yugtagered garn Ku. 5. 5. () Perpetual, everlasting, eternal; yaur af Ku. 7.85; Ms. 7. 208. -2 Fixed ( in astrology ). -8 Certain, sure, inevita ble; actu yat yua TH 444 Bg. 2. 27; a yarra frau aga raad Chay. 63; Pt. 1. 419. -4 Retentive, tenacious; as in a fa Ch. Up. 7. 26. 2. -8 Strong, fixed, settled (as a day ). -a: 1 The polar star; 7779cufar rada yapay: R. 17.35; 18. 34 ; aut Naine FunT 1928 (CET) Ku. 7. 85.-2 The pole of any great circle. -8 The distance of a planet from the beginning of the sidereal zodiac, polar longitude. -4 The Indian figtree. - A post, stake. -8 The stem or trunk (of a tree lopped off ). -7 The introductory stanza of a song (repeated as a kind of chorus; see Git.), -8 Time, epoch, era. -9 An epithet of Brahma.-10 Of Visnu. -11 Of Siva. -12 A constant arc. -18 The tip of the nose. -14 A sacrificial vessel. -16 N. of the son of Uttana pada and grandson of Manu. [ Dhruva is the polar star, but personified in mythology as the son of Uttana pada. The account of the elevation of an ordinary mortal to the position of the polar star runs thus: Uttana pada had two wives, Suruchi and Suniti, but the latter was disliked by him. Suruchi had a son named Uttama, and Suniti gave birth to Dhruva. One day the boy tried, like his elder brother, to take a seat in his father's lap, but he was contemptuously treated both by the King and his favourite wife. The poor child went sobbing to its mother who told him in consolatory terms that fortune and favour were not attainable without hard exertions. At these words the youth left the paternal roof, retired to the woods, and, though quite a lad, performed such rigorous austerities that he was at last raised by Visnu to the position of the Polar Star. ] -16 Peg Nm. -17 N. of an astrological yoga (Nm.). - 1 The sky, atmosphere. - Heaven. -8 The fixed point from which a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 870 dhvajavat departure takes place); P. I. 4. 24. -4 A certain Yoga (argarefa ); ATAT31921 as a Mb. 14. 63. 18. (Com. rohiNyAmuttararAtraye ca ahani vAre dhruve ravivAre uttarArke'mRtasiddhiara). -at 1 A sacrificial ladle (made of wood); aratroata yarat Fur Jaiminisutras. - A virtuous woman. -3 A cow who stands still when being milked; a TTI fare 2 get gara 77 Av. 12. 1. 45. - A bow-string. -8 clapping the hands together to show a particular measure of time in music; hloulah fer Nm. -8 The upper quarter (58); faastat yarat farer Bri. Up. 3.9. 24. (MW's meaning is 3117FERTI?) - ind. Certainly, surely, verily; R. 8. 49; yi a C9697179 Di Tuijaryfa . 1. 18. -Comp. -37&TT: an epithet of Visnu (H). -1deg: the point on the crown of the head from which the hair radiate. Hi a kind of meteor. a: a firm position. -TIT, - the Polar star. -HT: the unchangeable longitude of fixed stars. Hugh the polar region. -fe: the axis of the poles. - a. having a firm resting place. Tra N. of one of the Hiahis attend. ing on Skanda). - : a. having a fixed residence. .yax: 1 The introductory stanza of a song repeated as a sort of chorus); see ya. - 2 A trunk, stem. -3 A post. -4 Polar longitude. ufaa. VadHirm. etable: si a: dar am a Rv. 7. 35. 8. E1 A. (1 ) 1 To sound. -2 To grow, increase. - To be filled with joy. #1 P. ( fa) To be pleased or satisfied. arh 1 Fixedness, firmness, sta bility; Tatour o f a ya Mahimna 9. -2 Duration. -3 Certainty. a 1A. (taed, taka ) 1 To fall down, fall to pieces, be reduced to dust or powdor; TTTT ata u Bk. 14. 55; 15. 93; -2 To drop, sink, despond; rata spor: 997 agua 59 Mal. 9. 45. - To perish, be ruined or deca yed. -4 To be eclipsed acara a aa Rai Hot asiara: Mu. 3. 28. -5 To be covered with dust. - To scatter or sprinkle over. -7 To go. -Caus. (aya ) To destroy, ruin, remove. saa: [ 04-wa 49 ] 1 Falling down, sinking, falling to pieces -2 Vanishing, disappearance; ya at Hiat fafa&a auftar. -3 Loss, destruction, ruin. - A mote in the sun-beam. Comp. - a. 1 destroying; a part qan H. 1. 19. - 2 violating; Heilsa:gt Ks. 106. 166. aer: A kind of disease caused by over-drinking). se a. [ **g-fora ] 1 Destroying, ruining; 'qrar fany T r iTraaa:'-facuare feetaaaaah 7. -2 Seattering, dispersing. -8 Sprinkling, covering. -4 74 1 Perishing, dying. -2 Loss, destruction. -8 Falling. -4 Going. afe: The hundredth part of a Muhurta. safera a. 1 Destroyed, demolished, ruined. -2 Removed, driven away. afeca. Destroying, demolishing, removing. -2 Falling, perishing, as in eaiea. -m. The Pilu tree. sata p. p. 1 Fallen. -2 Destroyed, removed. -3 Lost, perished; at 949 a gues-Hyo: 9417 Ki. 15. 15. Amuru. 15. -4 Covered with dust or anything ); Ta afah Ram. 7. 104. 25. -8 Eclipsed. -Comp-3747 a. Whose eyes are sunk as in death); w 17 safatah Bhag. 7. 2. 30. Earth: f. Destruction, ruin, loss. sag 1 P. (qafa) To go, move. xas: (8-39] 1 A flag, banner, standard, ensign; R. 7. 40; 17. 32; 3 &fa a ay t a var 991 Pt. 1. 26; asi Hargyft Faradifa 14 Mb.-2 A distinguished or eminent person, the flag or ornament (at the end of comp.); as in Fa: the head, ornament, or distinguished person of a family'. -8 A flag. staff.-4 A mark, emblem, sign, a symbol; 94*, 4* &c. -8 the attribute of a deity.-- The sign of a tavern. - The sign of a trade, any trademark. -8 The organ of generation of any animal, male or female ). -9 One who prepares and sells liquors; Ms.4.85; UTI9a gea5: Ms. -10 A house situated to the east of any object. -11 Pride. -12 Hypocrisy. -18 A skull carried on a staff as a mark of ascetics) or as a penance for the murder of a Brahmana; see ugalet. -14 In prosody ) An iambic foot. (Easily to hoist a flag; (fig.) to use as a plea or pretext.) -15 part of a sword; Aga uf Nm.-Comp. -1 ,-92,-34 a flag; dal c entfalga: R. 12. 85. BITTITUTH, -BTTTTEOTH raising a flag. -3TTTTE: a kind of ornament on a flag; ar f i sa a 9ahl: odit aut GTIGT REET: | Mb. 6. 16. 12. (v.1.). -31 a. seized on the battle-field; Ms. 8. 415. -360: hypocrisy; Mb. 3.3/3.100.- a festival in honour of Indra. - TEH a room in which banners are kept. - : the palm tree. -TETT: air, wind. Hei , qa: inability to beget children. T4 any contrivance to which a flag-staff is fastened. - e: a flag-staff'; *4 rudat afarat 4: Ms. 9. 285. area a. 1 Adorned with flags. -2 Having a mark. -3 Having the mark of a criminal, branded; TT: 974 agafar ft 947 Y. 3. 243. - 1 A standard-bearer. -2 A vendor of spirituous liquors, distiller; Ms. 4. 84. - A Brahmana who carries with bim the skull of the man murdered by him to places of pilgrimage by way of penance; cf. com. on Y. 3. 243. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dhvajika 871 saft: A hyprocrite who only makes a pretence 1 49eafrafelafax: R. 9. 71. -4 The roar or thunder of religion). of a cloud. -8 A mere empty sound. - A word. -7 Eift a. (oft f.) [ Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir naMzuka 872 nakSatram witmanmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwIIIIII. negative has to be repeated in successive clauses of horses).-lI 1 A female mungoose. -2 Saffron. -Comp. the same sentence or in different sentences, na may be -iSTA, iSTakA a kind of medicinal plant (Mar. muMgusasimply repeated or may be used with particles like vela). -IzaH (nakulIza)1 N. of a Bhairava living in the uta, ca, api. cApi, vA &o.; nAdhIyItAzvamArUDho na vRkSaM na ca temple of Kali.-2 A mode of worship in Tantrasastra. hastinam / na nAvaM na kharaM noSTra neriNattho na yAnagaH / / Ms. 4. 120%B pravizantaM na mAM kazcidapazyannApyavArayat Mb.; Ms. 2. 195%3 nakk 10 U. (nakkayati-te) To destroy completely. 3.8,934.15; na vA zaraccandramarIcikomalaM mRNAlasUtraM racitaM stanAntare nakta a. [naj-kta ] Ashamed. -ktam 1 Night. -2 Eating S.6.17. Sometimes na may not be expressed in the second only at night, as a sort of religious vow or penance and other clauses, but represented only by ca, vA, api vA; -Comp. -andha a. blind at night. -cayo wandering at saMpadi yasya na harSo vipadi viSAdo raNe ca dhIratvam Pt. 2. 175. | night. -cArin m. 1 an owl. -2 a cat. -3 a thief.-4a (0) is frequently joined with a second na or any demon, goblin, evil spirit. -HISTAT supper. -ATE: N. other negative particle to intensify or emphasize an | of a tree%3 sa narmadArodhasi sIkarA marudbhirAnartitanaktamAle R.5.42. assertion; pratyuvAca tamRSine tattvatastvA na dene puruSa purAtanam R. -mukhA evening.-vratam 1 tasting by day and eating at 11.86%3 na ca na paricito na cApyagamyaH M. 1. 113 na punaralaMkAra- night. -2 any penance or religious rite observed at zriyaM na puSyati 5.1.19/20; nAdaNDyo nAma rAjJo'sti Ms.8.335%3 night. Mo. 65, 108; nAsau na kAmyo na ca veda samyag draSTuM na sA R. 6. 30%; Si. 1.55; Ve. 2. 10. (1) In a few cases na is naktam ind. At night, by night; gacchantInAM ramaNavasatiM retained at the beginning of a negative Tatpurusa yoSitAM tatra naktam Me. 39; Ms. 6. 19. -Comp.-cara: 1any compound; as nAka, nAsatya, nakula; see P. VI. 3.75. animal that goes about at night. -2 a fiend, demon, (1) na is often joined with other particles ; naca, goblin. sAsitUNadhanurbANapANiM nakaMcarAntakam Ramaraksa 3. -3a thief. -cayoM wandering by night. naktaMcoM divAsvapnam navA, naiva, natu, na ced, na khalu &c. (1) It is also used, espe AlasyaM paizunaM madam / atiyogamayogaM ca zreyaso'rthI parityajet // Mb. cially in early Vedic literature, in the sense of "like', 'as', 'as it were'; yadvAM narA sanaye daMsa upramAviSkRNomi -cArin m. = naktacArin q. v. -tana a. nocturnal; idaM naktaMtanaM dAma pauSpametad divAtanam Bk.6.13. -dinam night tanyaturna vRSTim Bri. Up.2.5.16; gAvo na gavyUtIranu; Si. 20.4. (v. 1.)-Comp. -adhIta a. unread. -anuraktaa. unkind, and day. -dinam, -divam ind. night and day. naktaMdina not loving; Pt. 2. 46 (v. l.). T: disrespect. bibhujyobhI zItoSNakiraNAviva. -TF: a. 1 'not one', more than one, several, various; naktan , naktiHf. Ved. Night; vayo ye bhUtvA patayanti naikaH supteSu jAgRyAt Viduraniti. -3 Not anyone, nobody; naktabhiH Rv.7.104. 18. naiko muniryasya vacaH pramANam Pt.(-kA) an epithet of Visnu. naktaka: Dirty or ragged cloth (karpaTaH). "Atman a. of a manifold or diverse nature. (-m.) N. of the Supreme Being. degcara a. ' not living alone', nakraH[na kAmatIti] 1A crocodile, an alligator; nakraH gregarious, living in society. "ja: the Supreme Being. svasthAnamAsAdya gajendramapi karSati Pt.3.46%3 R.7.30%3 16.5. degdhA ind. in many ways, diversely. bheda, rUpa a. various, -2 The sign Scorpio of the zodiac. -kram 1 The upper multiform. -mAya a. using many artifices or stratagems. timber of a door. -2 The nose. -krA 1 The nose. -2 A zas ind. repeatedly, often. -kiMcana a very poor, beg- swarm of bees or wasps. -Comp. -ketana: N. of the garly. sarvakAmarasaihInAH sthAnabhraSTA nakiMcanAH MD. god of love. -nakharam a fragrant medicinal root (Mar. nAgaramothA; cyperus pertenuis); katakaM nakranakharaM naladaM nAganaMzuka (-kI/.)1 Injurious, destructive. -2 Go kesaram Siva. B. 30. 14. -makSikA a fly that enters the ing astray, being lost. -3 Small, minutes thin. nostrils and hums or an aquatic fly. -rAjam.,-rAjA, iga. Injurious, destructive. -hAraka: a shark or any other large sea-animal. naMhasa: Agod very kind to his worshippers (hasanti nam 1 P.(nakSati) 1 To go. -2 To come near, approach. vikasanti te hsaaH| namanto hasAH yeSAM te nehsaaH| bhaktAnugrAhakA devaaH| nakSatram [na kSarati ; of. UP. 3. 105 also ] 1 A star in Mb. 1. 170. 15. com.). general. -2 A constellation, an asterism in the moon's path, lunar mansion; nakSatrANAmahaM zazI Bg.10.21. nakSatranakuTam The nose. tArAgrahasaMkulApi R. 6.22; (they are twenty-seven). nakula: 1 The mangoose, an ichneumon; yadaya nakuladveSI / -3 A pearl. -4 A necklace of 27 pes.rls. -Comp. sakuladveSI punaH pizunaH Vas. -2 N. of the fourth Pandava. -dezaH, -IzvaraH, -nAthaH, -paH, -patiH, -rAja: the moon; prince; the twin-brother of Sahadeva and a son of R.6.66. -upajIvina an astrologer. -kAntivistAraH the Madri. ahaM tasya atizayitadivyarUpiNo nakulasya darzanenotsukA white Yavanala flower. -cakram 1 the sphere of the jAtA Ve.2(where nakula has really sense 1, but is takem fixod stars. -2 the lunar asterisms taken collectively. in sense 2 by Duryodhana). -3 A son. -4 An epithet -jAtam birth when the moon is in a particular Naksaot Siva. - Born of a base family; nakulaH pANDutanaye sarpabhuk tra. -daze: an astronomer or astrologer. -nemi: 1 the phulahInayoH Nm.-8N. of a physician (author of a work on moon. -2 the pole-star. -3 an epithet ot Viapu. warm For Private and Personal Use Only Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nakSatrin 873 nagaram I (-f#: f.) Revati, the last asterism. -TU: the starry sky. -pAThaka: an astrologer. -puruSaH 1 (in astr.) the figure of a man's body on the limbs of which are Bhown the various asterisms. -bhogaH the diurnal period of a Naksatra; bhabhogo'STazatI liptA Surya-siddhanta. -mAlA 1agroup of stars. -2 a necklace of twenty- Beven pearls; 'saiva nakSatramAlA syAt saptaviMzatimauktikaiHAR Si. 18.35%3 nakSatramAlAbharaNamiva madanadvipasya; K.; Kau. A. 2. 11. -3 the table of the asterisms in the moon's path. - a kind of neck-ornament of elephants; 371artuzironakSatramAlAyamAnena mekhalAdAmnA K. 11. -mAlinI N. of a flowering creeper (Mar. jAI). -yogaH the conjunction of the moon with the lunar mansions. *: the starry region, the firmament. -varman n. the sky. -vidyA astronomy or astrology; Ch. Up.7.1.2. -vRSTi:/. shooting of falling stars. -sAdhanam calculation for the fixation of auspicious periods of Naksatras: -sUcaka: a bad astrologer; tithyutpattiM na jAnanti grahANAM naiva sAdhanam / paravAkyena vartante te vai nakSatrasUcakAH | or aviditvaiva yaH zAstraM daivajJatvaM prapadyate / sa paGktidUSakaH pApo jJeyo nakSatrasUcakaH / / Bri.S. 2.17, 18. nakSatrin m. 1 The moon. -2 An epithet of Visnu. aefer a. 1 Belonging to the stars in general. -2 Twenty-seven. -3 Not a Ksatriya. nakh 1 P.(nakhati) To go, move. nakhaH , -kham 1 A nail of a finger or of a toe, claw, talon; nakhAnAM pANDityaM prakaTayatu kasmin mRgapatiH Bv. 1.2: R.2.31; 12. 22. -kham A kind of perfume; Nm.-2 The number twenty'.-3A eunuch; L. D. B. -kha: A part, portion. -Comp. -375 a scratch, nail-mark; My.5. 19; kucakalazayugAntAmakInaM nakhAGkam (AlokamAnA) Bv.2.32.-AghAtaH a. scratch, nail-wound; Mal. 5. 23. nakhAghAtaH pradAtavyo yathAsthAnAni narmasu Kamasastra. -AyudhaH 1 a tiger ; prAcaNyaM vahati nakhAyudhasya mArgaH Mal. 3. 17. -2 a lion. -3 a cock. -Azin m. an owl. -kuTTaH a barber. -jAham the root of a nail. -dAraNa: a falcon, hawk. (-Nam) a pair of nail-scissors. -nikRntanam,-raJjanI a pair of nail-scissors, nail-parer; yathA somyaikena nakhanikRntanena sarva kArNAyasaM vijJAtam Ch. Up. 6. 1.6. -nyAsa: inserting the claws. -padam , -vraNaH a nail-mark, or scratch; nakhapadasukhAn prApya varSAnabindUn Me. 37. -mucaH u bow. -lekhaka: a nail-painter. -lekhA 1 a nail-mark. -2 nail-painting. -viSaH a man; nakhaviSA narAdayaH. -viSkira: a bird of prey (tearing with claws); Ms.5. 13. -za GkhaH a small shell. .makhapaca a. Nail-scorching; kathamapyabhavat smarAnalASNaH stanabhAro na nakhapacaH triyasya Si.9.85; P. III. 2. 34 Sk. nakharaH, -ram [nakhaM rAti, rA-ka nakha bA0 uNA0 ara vA] A finger-nail, claw, talon; asau kumbhimrAntyA kharanakharavidrAvitamahAgurugrAvagrAmaH svapiti girigarbhe haripatiH Bv. 1. 52. -Comp. -AyudhaH 1 a tiger. -2 a lion. -3 a cock. -AhvaH fragrant oleander (karavIra). saM. I. ko...... - nakhAnakhi ind. [ nakhai khaiH prahRtyedaM yuddhaM pravRttam ] Nail against i nail. kacAkaci yuddhamAsId dantAdanti nakhAnakhi Mb. weife: A small shell. nakhin |.[nkhH astyasya-ini] 1 Having or armed with nails, claws, &c. -2 Thorny. -m. Any animal armed with claws, such as a tiger or lion. nagaH [na gacchati, gam-Da] 1 A mountain%3 himAlayo nAma nagAdhirAjaH Ku. 1. 13 7.72; na gajA nagajA dayitA dayitAH Bk. 10.9.-2A tree 3 abhyadhAvat kSititalaM sanaga parikampayan Bhag. 10. 15.29; Si. 6.79. -3 A plant in general. - The sun. -BA serpent. -8 The number 'seven' (from saptakulAcala-giri). -Comp. -aTana: a monkey. -adhipaH, -adhirAjaH,-indraH1 Himalaya (the lord of mountains); razmiSvivAdAya nagendrasaktAM nivartayAmAsa nRpasya dRSTim R. 2.28. -2 the Sumeru mountain. -ari: an epithet of Indra) nagAhrayo nAma nagArisUnuH Mb. -ApagA,-nimnagA a mountainriver, torrent; saMbhUyAmbhodhimabhyeti mahAnadyA nagApagA Si.2.100%; sapatnIH prApayantyabdhi sindhavo naganimnagAH Si.2 104.-AvAsa peacock. -ucchrAya: the height of a mountain: -utthA , -mustA N. of a plant (Mar. nAgaramothA). -okas m. 1 a bird (in general). -2 crow. -3 a lion. -4 the fabulous animal called zarabha. -ja a. produced in a mountain, mountain-born; Bk. 10. 9. (-:) an elephant. -jA, -nandinI epithets of Parvati. -nadI/. A mountain-river, see nagApagA; vidhAntaH san vraja naganadItIrajAtAni siJcan Me. -patiH 1 the Himalaya mountain. bhajAmastvAM gaurI nagapatikizorImaviratam A. L.3.-2 the moon (as the lord of plants and her bs).-bhidm .1 an axe. -2 an epithet of Indra; uddhRtanaga nagabhidanuja danujakulAmitra mitrazazidRSTe Acharya-Satpadi 4.-3 a crow. -mUrdhan m. the erest or brow of a mountain. -randhrakaraH an epithet of Kartikeya; abhavadasya tato guNavattaraM sanagaraM nagarandhrakaraujasaH R. 9. 2. -vAhana: an epithet of Siva. nagaram [nagA iva prAsAdAH santyatra bA0 ra; cf. P. V.2. 107 Vart.JA town, city (opp. grAma); nagaragamanAya matiM na karoti. 2. paNyakriyAdinipuNaizcAturvarNyajanaiyutam / anekajAtisaMbaddha naikazilpisamAkulam / sarvadaivatasaMbaddhaM nagaraM tvabhidhIyate // -Comp. -adhikRtaH, -adhipaH, -adhyakSaH 1 the chief magistrate of a town, head police-officer; nikSiptau nagarAdhyakSau zeSAH sarve fara iar: Hariy. -2 governor or superintendent of a town. -abhyAzaH, -saH the vicinity of a town. -upAntaH a. suburb, the skirt of a town.-okas m. a townsman. -kAka: town-crow', an expression of contempt. -kItenam repeating the name of agod while wandering through a city. -ghAta: an elephant. -jana: 1 townsfolk. -2a citizen.-pradakSiNA carrying an idol round a city in procession. -prAntaH a suburb. -maNDanA a courtezan. -madin m. an intoxicated elephant. -mAge: a principal road, high-way. - Ter superintendence or government of a town. -rakSin m. 1 the superintendent of a town. -2 a town-watchman. -stha: a townsmany citizen. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nagarin um. Lord of a town; Ms. 4. 213. q. v. -Comp.: the (Indian) crane. - a crow. nagarIya a. [ nagara cha ] Belonging to a town, urban, civil. nagna See under najU below. . (-:f.) Ferment for the production of spirits. naGgaH A lover, paramour (jAra). fam. 1 An epithet of Agni. -2 N. of the son of Vajasravas. He secured Brahmavidya from Yamadharma (see Kathopanisat); 3: sarvavedasaM dadau / tasya ha naciketA nAma putra Asa / Kath. Up. nacira a. See acira; yogayukto munirbrahma nacireNAdhigacchati Bg. 5. 6; 12. 7. 1. (a) To be ashamed, modest or bashful, nagna a. [ naj-na-kartari kta tasya naH ] 1 Naked, nude, bare; na namaH snAnamAcaret Ms. 4. 45; namakSapaNake deze rajakaH kiM kariSyati Chap 110; avazyaMbhAvino bhAvA bhavanti mahatAmapi / namatvaM nIlakaNThasya mahAhizayanaM hareH // H. -2 Uncultivated, uninhabited, desolate. : 1 A naked mendicant. -2 A Buddhist mendicant (kSapaNaka dharma ityupadharmeSu narakapaTAdiSu / prAyeNa sajjate bhrAntyA pezaleSu ca vAgmiSu // Bhag. 4. 19.25. -8 A hypocrite. - A bard accompanying an army, or a wandering bard. -5 N. of Siva. 1 A naked, shameless (or wanton) woman. -2 A girl before menstruation, or less than 12 or 10 (and therefore may go about naked). -Comp. -, -th 1 one who goes about naked. -2 especially a Jaina or Buddhist mendicant (of the digambara class ). - AcAryaH a. bard, a minstrel, a panegyrist; N. 19. 41; Bri. S. -caryA a vow to go naked. -jit N. of an author on architecture; Bri. S. 58. 4. a. (-fan f.) Naked, nude. : 1 A naked mendicant. -2 A Jaina or Buddhist mendicant (of the a class). -8 A bard. nagnakA, 1 A naked, shameless (or wanton) woman. -2 A girl before menstruation; af da Ak. nagnakaraNam Making naked. nagnaMbhaviSNu, bhAvuka a. Becoming naked. angitarre a. One who is robbed to nakedness; ( kazcinmuSito namo bhavati tadvad bhUtam ); ko namamuSitaprakhyaM bahu manyeta rAghavam Bk. 5. 84. 8 U. To make naked, to convert into a naked (Jaina) mendicant. 873 nagnIkRta a. 1 Made naked, undressed. -2 Converted into a naked mendicant; te tenaiva nihatya nirdayataraM namIkRtA goal: Pt. 4. 34. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir FS: ind. The technical term for the negative particle; hence (= A negative particle); prakRtArthaM gamayataH. naT I. 1 P. (naTati, the na not changed to after in the sense of 'hurting'.) 1 To dance; ... Git. 4.-2 To act. -8 To injure (by a deceptive trick). -Cass. (af) 1 To not, gesticulate, represent dramatically (in dramas); red meat S, 1. &-2 To imitate, copy; sphaTikakaTakabhUmirnATayatyeSa zailaH adhigatadhavalimnaH zUlapANerabhikhyAm Si. 4. 65. ( N. B. naTU forms naTayati in the sense of ' causing to dance '; nAna kena naTayiSyati dIrghamAyuH Bh. 3. 126. ) - II. 10 U. ( nATayati - te ) 1 To drop or fall. -2 To shine. -8 To injure. naTaH [ naT-ac] 1 A dancer; naTA na biTA na gAyakAH Bh. 3. 27.-2 An actor; : si Bh. 3. 126, 112; saafaga for San. K. 42. -8 The son of a degraded Ksatriya; Ms 10. 22.4 The Asoka tree. - A kind of reed. -Comp. - shame, modesty. at an epithet of Siva. the performance of an actor. -bhUSaNaH, -maNDanaH ( yellow) orpiment. T: 1 a theatrical stage. -2 anything illusory. - 'the chief actor', the Sutradhara of a drama. - yellow orpiment. (-:) an actor, dancer. -sUtram directions or rules for actors. pArAzaryazilAlibhyAM bhikSunaTasUtrayoH P. IV. 3. 110. naTaka: An actor. -Comp. -melakam N. of a comedy ; a variety of with laughter as the main senti ment. #za$? [R-A <<] 1 Dancing, dance. -2 Acting, geeticulation, dramatic representation. naTanArAyaNaH A kind of musical rAga being a combination of dIpaka and megha. naTavat a. Acting as a naTa, pretender; naTavanmUDha mAyAbhirmAyezAno jigISasi Bhag. 8.11.4. Representation, gesticulation, acting, a (2) Disgusted with, tired; Hem. (uftftgvar). 1 An actress. -2 The chief actress (regarded as the wife of the Sutradhara). -8 A courtezan, harlot. - Red arsenic. Comp. - the son of a dancing girl. For Private and Personal Use Only A company of actors. = 3,3A species of reed. 1 N. of a prince with patronymic Naigadha (vw); o, -2 N. of a tribe preparing a sort of bracelets. -Comp. - agAram, -AgAram a hut of reeds. neriH a kind of dance. -prAya a. abounding in reeds. -bhaktam a place abounding in reeds. - a kind of fish (sprat). - vanam a thicket of reeds. -saMhatiH f. a collection or quantity of reeds. Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 070 naDakam nadha naDakam 1 A bone between the shoulders ; 'hRdayaM jilA nadatyAkAzagaGgAyAH srotasyuddAmadiggaje R.1.78; Si. 5.68; Bk. korDa savyasakthi pUrbanaDakam', 'dakSiNasakthi pUrvanaDakam ' Katy. 2. 4. -2 To speak, shout, cry, roar (often with words -2 The hollow of a bone. like zabda, vana, nAda &c. as object); nanAda balavannAdam, zabda ghorataraM nadanti Mb. -3 To vibrate. -Caus. (nAdayati-te) naDaza a. (-zI/.) Covered with reeds; (also naDakIya). 1 To fill with noise, make noisy or resonant. -2 To aftoft 1 A quantity of reeds. -2 A reed-bed, a cause to make a sound. -With ud to roar, cry river abounding in reeds. (loudly), bellow (as a bull); asoDhasiMhadhvanirunnanAda Ku. 1.56. naDila a., navata a. (-tI f.) A bounding in or | covered with reeds, reedy. nadaH [nadati zabdAyate-ac] 1 A river, great river (such as the Indus); dadhadbhirabhitastaTau vikacavArijAmbU nadaiHSi.4.66 naDyA A quantity of reeds. (where Malli. remarks :- prAksrotaso nadyaH pratyaksrotaso nadA naDvala a. Abounding in reeds. -lam, -lA 1 A narmadAM vinetyAhuH). -2 A stream, flowing stream, rivulet; quantity or a bed of reeds; balAni saMmamardAzu naDvalAnIva suninadairnadairvRtam Ki. 5. 27.-3 The ocean. - Ved. A horse. 97: Mb. 6. 63. 14. -2 A place abounding in reeds or -BA cloud. -8 A praiser (RSi). -Comp. -patiH , grass%3; nAgaH prabhinna iva naDvaleSu Mb.5.23.23%; yo naDbalAnIva -rAjaH the ocean; prathamaprabuddhanadarAjasutAvadanenduneva tuhinathutinA gajaH pareSAM balAnyamRnA nalinAbhabaktraH R. 18.5. Si.9.30. naDvAsU:/. pavement. nadayuH [nad-athuc ] 1 Noise, roaring; ninadamiva nadathu mivAnecalana upazRNoti Ch. Up. 3. 13. 7. -2 The roaring naDaha a. Beautiful, lovely; see laDaha. of a bull. -3 Crying. nata pp. [nam-kta] 1 Bent, bowed, stooping, inclined. nadanuH 1 A lion. -2 Sounding, roaring; yadAkRNoSi -2 Sunk, depressed. -3 Crooked, curved. - Bowing nadanuM samUhasi Rv. 8.21.14. -3 The sound of praise. -" to, saluting; suvismitaM kRtyama nato'smi tam Bhag.5.18.4. War, battle. - A cloud. -tam 1 The distance of any planet from the meridian. -2 The zenith distance at a meridian transit. -3 Incli- nadiH Ved. Praise. nation.-4 The buttocks (ot. natataTe); L. D. B. -Comp. nadikA A small river, rivulet, rill, brook. -31T: zenith distance. -37% a. 1 bending the body. -2 stooping, bowed. (-lI)1a woman with stooping nadIA river, any flowing stream; ravipItajalA tapAtyaye limbs3; natAzI mAtaGgI ruciragatibhaGgI bhgvtii| satI zambhorambhI punaroghena hi yujyate nadI Ku. 4.44; yathA nadyaH syandamAnAH samudreDa ruhcttulckssurvijyte|| A. L.4. -2 a woman in general; staM gacchanti nAmarUpe vihAya Munda. -Comp. -InaH,IzaH, tAmISatpracalavilocanAM natAzImAliGganpavana mama spRzAjamAm Mal. -kAntaH 1 the ocean%3 nadInaH paryanta paramapadavInaH prabhavati 1.38. -unnata a high and low; asminnalakSitanatonnatabhUmibhAge Karpurastava. -2 An epithet of Varuna; L. D. B. mArge padAni khalu te viSamIbhavanti 5.4. 15. -kAlaH, -ghaTikA -kAntA 1 the rose-apple. -2 a shrub. -kUlam,-tIram the bank of a river. -kalapriya: a kind of reed. -ja . an hour-angle; distance in time from meridian. -JUT the sine of the hour-angle. -nADI, -nADikA 1 the aquatic. (-jaH)1 an epithet of Bhisma.-2 antimony. distance in time of any planet from the meridian. -2 (-jam) a lotus. -tara a. erossing a river. -tarasthAnam a landing-place, terry. -doha: freight, river-toll, fare. any hour of birth after noon or before midnight. -nAbhi a. thin, slender; tasyAH praviSTA natanAbhirandhaM rarAja -dhara: an epithet of Siva. -paGka: the marshy bank tanvI navalomarAjiH Ku. 1. 38.-nAsika aflat-nosed. -parvan of a river. -pati: 1 the ocean. -2 an epithet of a. flat-jointed. - a woman with curved eye-brows; Varuna. -pUra: a river which has over flown its banks. yadi haMsa gatA na te natanUH saraso rodhasi dRkpathaM priyA me V.4.32. -bhavam river-salt. -mAtRka a. watered by rivers, irrigated, supplied with the water of rivers, canals &c. natiH [nam-bhAve-ktin ] 1 Bending, stooping, bowing. (as a country &c.); saMgrAmabhUmISu bhavatyarINAmaurnadImAtRkatAM -2 Curvature, crookedness. -3 Bending the body in gatAsu N.3.383; f. devamAtRka; dezo ndymbuvRssttpmbusNpnnvriihipaalitH| salutation, a bow, courtesy; trikoNamatha SaTkoNamardhacandra syAnnadImAtRko devamAtRkazca yathAkramam // Ak. -mArgaH the course pradakSiNam / daNDamaSTAmugraM ca saptadhA natilakSaNam | Kalika P. -4 of a river. -mukham 1 the mouth of a river; nadImukhenaiva Parallax in latitude (in astronomy). -8 The change samudramAvizat ; vRddhI nadImukhenaiva prasthAnaM lavaNAmbhasaH R.-2 a kind of a dental to a lingual letter. of grain. -rayaH the current of a river. -vaGka: the bend natyUhaH A kind of bird; see dAtyUhaH; eSa krozati natyUhastaM or arm of a river. -vNaH (snaH ) 1 bathing in rivers%3B tato nadISNAn pathikAna girijJAn Bk. 2.43. -2 knowing the zikhI pratikUjati Ram. 2. 56. 9. dangerous spots in rivers, their depth, course &c.; ga: natram A kind of dance. samAjJApayadAzu sarvAnAnAyinastadvicaye nadISNAn R.16.75%3 (hence) na 1 P. (nadati, nadita) 1 To sound, resound, thunder / -3 experienced, clever. -saje: the Arjuna tree, (as a cloud &c.); vAmazcAyaM nadati madhuraM cAtakaste sagandhaH Me. 9 nadya a. Connected with a river. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nadAla nadAla . Fortunate. -lam A potsherd. p. p. 1 Tied, bound, fastened, bound round, put on; R. 4. 57; Mal. 5. 14. -2 Covered, inlaid, interwoven. -3 Joined, connected; see A tie, band, bond, knot. Binding, fastening. A leather-strap. nanandu, nanAndu 1 A husband's sister; nanAnduH patyA ca devyAH saMdiSTamRSyatreNa D.1. -2 A wife's sister pitRbhrAtutInahiyA soratasauhRdAH / nanAndRzyAnasaMvAdA dInAH zreNAH kalau narAH // Bhag. 12. 3. 37. -Comp. nanAndRpatiH (also nanAnduH fa:) the husband of a husband's sister. Ved. 1 Speech. -2 Mother. -3 A daughter; kArurahaM tato bhiSagupalaprakSiNI nanA Rv. 9. 112. 3. ind. (Originally a combination of and I, now used as a separate word) A particle implying:1 Inquiry or interrogation; M. 4. -2 Surely, certainly, indeed, is it not indeed (with an interrogative force); yadA'medhAvinI ziSyopadezaM malinayati M. 1. -8 Of course, indeed, certainly ( avadhAraNam ); upapannaM nanu zivaM saptasvaGgeSu R. 1. 60; trilokanAthena sadA makhadviSastvayA niyamyA nanu divyacakSuSA 3. 45. -4 It is used as a vocative particle meaning '0', ''; Dk.: nanu mUrkhAH paThitameva yuSmAbhistatkANDe . 4. 8 It is used in propitiatory expressions in the sense of 'pray', 'be pleased'; iia gefa Ku. 4.32.8 It is sometimes used as a corrective word like the English ' why ' or ' I say'; nanu pade parivRtya bhaNa Mk. 5; nanu bhaNAmi cintita upAya iti V. 2. ; nanu bhavAnagrato me vartate S. 2; nanu fafariga V. 2. -7 In argumentative discussions is frequently used to head an objection or advance a contrary proposition (generally followed by a nanvacetanAnyeva vRzcikAdizarIrANi acetanAnAM ca gomayAdInAM kAryANIti ucyate S. B. 1 P. (f, af) To be glad, be pleased, delighted or satisfied, rejoice at (anything); enR. 3. 23. 11; 2. 22; 4. 3. Bk. 15. 28.-2 To be propitious be graciour devatAni na nandanti dharmayusena Ram. 7. 15. 20. Caus. (fa-a) To please, delight, gladden, make happy; safe uff du gadi dRSTi na nandayati saMsmaraNIyazobhA S. 4.3; Bk. 2.16; R.9.52. 876 nandaH [[ bhAve ] 1 Happiness, pleasure, joy. -2 A kind of lute (11 inches long). (MW. 7 inches). -3 A frog. 4 N. of Visnu. 8 N. of a cowherd, husband of Yasoda and foster-father of Krisna (to whose care the child was committed when Kamsa wanted to destroy it). -8 N. of the founder of the Nanda dynasty; or of nine brother-kings of Pataliputra killed by the machinations of Chanakya, the minister of Chandragupta ; samutkhAtA nandA nava hRdayarogA iva bhuvaH Mu. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nandiH 1. 13; agRhIte rAkSase kimutkhAtaM nandavaMzasya Mu. 1. 27; 3. 28. -7 One of the nine treasures of Kubera. -8 Number nine' (from the nine Nandas. ). An epithet of Durga. -Comp. - AtmajaH, -nandanaH an epithet of Krispa - pAla: an epithet of Varuna. -prayAgaH N. of a sacred place. nandaka [nanda-put] 1 Rejoicing making happy gladdening. -2 Delighting or rejoicing in. -3 Gladdening a family. - 1 A frog. -2 N. of the sword of Vishu; nityAnandAya bhUyAnmadhumathanamanonandako nandako naH / viSNupAdAdikezAntavarNanastotram 4. 8 A sword in general, s Happiness. 5 Nanda, the foster-father of Krisna. -8 N. of a gem; Kau. A. 2. 11. nandaki: Long pepper. a. An epithet of Vispa nandapuH Happinoor, plensure, delight sasyAsI tasva Tag: Bk. 5. 20. a. [g] Delighting, pleasing, gladdenings S. 7; so'yamadya makarandanandano jIvalokatilakaH pralIyate Mal. 9. 21. -1 A son; Y. 1. 174; R. 3. 41. -2 A frog. -3 An epithet of Visnu. 4 N. of Siva. 5 N. of twentysixth year (saMvatsara). -nA A daughter. -nam 1 N. of the garden of Indra, the Elysium; hanta gacchata bhadraM vo nandane pazyata sthitam Mb. 3. 142.59; R. 895; purImavaskanda lunIhi nandanaM muSANa Tag: Si. 1.51.-2 Rejoicing, being glad. -3 Joy. Comp. - yellow sandal-wood (f).-: a tree of the divine garden; abhijJAzchedapAtAnAM kriyante nandana34: Ku. 2. 41; - the divine grove (of Indra). nandanakaH A son. a. Delighting, making happy. 1 A son. -2 A friend. -3 A king or prince. A daughter. nandA [ nandayati nandu-ac] 1 Delight, joy, happiness. -2 Affluence, wealth, prosperity. -3 A small earthen water-jar. A husband's sister. -5 The first, sixth and eleventh days of a lunar fortnight (considered as auspicious tithis); nandA bhadrA jayA riktA pUrNA ca pratipat kramAt Jyotistattvam. 6 An epithet of Gauri. 7 N. of a cave; nandAguhAyAmiva nAgarAjaH Bu. Ch. 1. 19. afa: m., f. [-] Joy, pleasure, delight; prAtiSThannandimApannAH svaM svamAzramamaNDalam Bhag. 3. 24. 25. kausalyA- m. 1 An epithet of Visnu. - Of Siva. -3 N. of an attendant of Siva. -4 Gambling, gaming; (n. also in this sense). -8 The speaker of a prelude or benediction (in a drama.) -8 Prosperity; bhava zatrUnandivardhana Mb. 3. 162. 20. -Comp. -AvartaH 1 a sort of building in the form of a quadrangle without a western gate; (n. also). -2 Anything so formed (as dish, veased dgfd); Mb. 7.82. 20. IzA IzvarAH 1 an epithet of Siva; caturtha zivadharmA sAkSAnnandIzabhASitam Kurma P -grAmaH N. of a village For Private and Personal Use Only Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nandika: 877 nabhasya ...... near Daulata bad where Bharata lived during Rama's banishment; nandigrAmagatastasya rAjya nyAsamivAbhunak R.12.18. - 1 N. of the chariot of Arjuna. -2 a sound of joy; wafatet e tuft JET 1996T | Ram. 2. 89. 12. -3 the proclamation of a herald. -atu a musical instrument played on festive occasions.-devI also nandAdevI N. of one of the loftiest Himalayan peaks. And N. of a written character, script. -TEK: see a above ); 33 yra CE #Tah Pratima 1.3. - TUTH N. of an 399tr of dier. -ET: 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 a friend. -3 the end of a lunar fortnight, i.e. the day of new or full moon. -4 a son. -8 a friend. -8 a partiular form of temple. afa: 1 Joy, pleasure. -2 A small water-jar. -3 An attendant of Siva. - 1 A small water-jar. - 2 = TGT (8) above. -3 N. of Indra's pleasure-ground -Comp. , -at: 1 N. of one of Siva's chief attendants. -2 N. of Siva. afe a. [--forfa ] 1 Happy, pleased, glad, delighted. -2 Making happy, gladdening, giving delight; 37910479efa ai caga: fa af U. 3. 14. -3 Delighting in, liking. -m 1 A son. -2 The speaker of a prelude or benediction in a drama. -3 N. of the door-keeper of Siva, his chief attendant, or of the bull which he rides; latAgRhadvAragato'tha nandI Ku. 3.413 Mal. 1.1. -4 An epithet of Visnu. -3 The Indian fig tree. - 1 A daughter; det godt af Elea araw U. 1.9.-2 A husband's sister. -3 A fabulous cow, daughter of Surabhi, yielding all desires ( T) and in the possession of the sage Vasistha; afara afferit ATH astraga aara R. 1. 82; 2. 69. -4 An epithet of the Ganges; ara arauf dai T& ra continuar a 99 II - The holy basil. -Comp. -TU:, q: the sage Vyadi. pret f. N. of Durga. -Comp. eft sleepiness, sleep. - Indra's lake. IT m. An epithet of Siva. ATT m. 1 A grandson (usually restricted to the Vedas ), as in 9997917. -2 A descendant, son. aga: The Devayana Marga. a m., Age: Not a man, a eunuch; galerie Mga agar talata Bhag. 9. 14. 28. *:,- (+ AT 77 ] 1 A hermaphrodite (neither man, nor woman). -2 An impotent man, a eunuch. -3 A coward. -74 1 A word in the neuter gender. -2 The neuter gender. aam. A grandson (a son's or daughter's son); F Fars Firs sia g raft ar ga: Mb. 3. 159. 12. - f. aft, I A. ( ) 1 To hurt, injure; gua: * Bk. 14. 33. -2 To be torn or rent, to burst; FTH491 4 9 8 Rv 10. 133. 1. T f. Ved. Hurt, injury; Het famotz gat: Rv. 1. 174. 8. a. Killing, hurting. #: The month Sravana. - The sky, atmosphere. -HI A spitting-pot. TH9 a. Ved. Hurting. I f. A river. THEY a. Ved. 1 Injuring, destroying. -2 Ethereal. THE n. [wad : -3495 Herraiet: ; cf. Un. 4. 210 ] 1 The sky, atmosphere; R. 5. 29; 929 ferit #9 T ygargui Bg. 1. 19; H agfafa fear Parig farsiau a*: Rs. 1.11. -2 A cloud. -3 Fog, vapour. -4 Water. -8 Period of life, age. -m. 1 The rains or rainy season. -2 The nose, smell. -8 N. of the month of Sravana (corresponding to JulyAugust ), said to be n. also in this sense ); fe farfalestarileff Me. 4; R. 12. 29; 17.41; 18.6; N. 9. 84; 0 g 21 : 191014 #: Ak.; 42ASa a: 7271: IHAT: TH: Siva. B. 26. 57. -4 The fibres in the root of the lotus. -8 A spitting-pot.(du.) Both the worlds, heaven and earth. -Comp. -392T: the Chata ka bird, Hati, -01FT: the sun. at m. a lion. a. going in the sky (as a star, god, bird &c.). - TGT: a cloud. Ta f. soaring, flying. - TE, m. the sun. -HE: 1 the moon. -2 magic. a. moving in the sky; f aca fara argar r ada i Ku. 5. 23. (- ) 1 a god or demi-god; 42 azi: # # R. 18. 6. 2 a bird. -au 1 the atmosphere. -2 the lower region of the sky; () 7 RUHEITI S R. 18. 6. gr. a cloud. - a. 1 blind. -2 looking towards the sky. - 9:, A: a cloud. Het the celestial Ganges. - TUT: wind. -HIU: the sun. H o the firmament, the atmosphere; nedaM nabhomaNDalamamburAziH S. D. 10. degdIpaH the moon. at: an epithet of Siva. TTEL n. darkness. - a gloomy, dark. - : f. fog-mist. W: smoke. - a. licking the sky, lofty, very high ; cf. fec. E: atmosphere. afteft the sun's path. - are: wind. - m. 1 a bird. -2 a star. -3 a god; cautaRaff:: Si. 1. 11. f f. 1 the milky way.-2 the celestial Ganges. FC: an epithet of Siva. the sky. FYI a. reaching the sky, lofty. FUTE a. Vapoury, misty. # 1 The sky. -2 The rainy season. -8 The ocean. namasaMgamaH A bird. EU a. Vapoury, foggy. : 1 N. of the month Bhadrapada (corresponding to August-September ); 314 Hy ga YA R. 9. 54; 12. 29; 17. 41; Bhag. 12. 11. 38. -2 N. of one of the sons of Fatifah . For Private and Personal Use Only Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir namasvat 878 naya F E a. Favourable, kindly disposed. afea, FaTa a. Revered, respected, saluted. hrefa Den. P. 1 To bow down to, pay homage to, worship; namasyAmo devAn nanu hatavidheste'pi vazagAH Bh. 2.94. -2 To act humbly towards. FART a. 1 Entitled to obeisance, revered, respectable, a dora ble; waaraa: Kath. Up.; TOUTTHET 7984T: 984 Mb. 12. 59. 109. -2 Respectful, humble. For Worship, adoration, reverence, obeisance; 1921417H dhAmne pravihitanamasyo'smi bhavate Mahimna. 28. THEY a. Ved. Worshipping, saluting. afa a. Bowed, bent down. 73, also atharta. Venerable, respoctable; caquiat TEST a. 1 Vaporous, misty, cloudy. -2 Young. -M. The wind, air; aged gay : N. 1. 97; R. 4. 8; 10.73; Si. 1. 10. 7*7 a. Cloudy, misty. -74 The central part of a wheel; cf. a . cagah Bri. Up. 1. 5. 15. THI: 1 Darkness. -2 An epithet of Rahu. -3 A cloud. -4 The sky. aft: A wheel. FEITET m. A dark cloud. FF 1 P., sometimes A. (anfa-, TIH, sriet, izla, nata, caus. namayati-te or nAmayati-te, but with a preposition hafa only; desid. faciefa) also 9 P. (Fifa), 4.P. (aruta) 1 To bow to make obeisance to, salute ( as a mark of respect ( with acc. or dat.); fa a: att ya Ku. 6. 89; Bg. 11. 37; Bk. 9. 51; 10. 31; 12. 99; Si. 4. 57. -2 To submit or subject oneself, bow down; 3197: PH HAT Kam. 8. 55. -3 To bend, sink; go down; erguOTTEZ Bk. 15. 25; ar geleer: K. 55; 39afa fa qua.......99: Mk. 5. 26. -4 To stoop, be inclined. -5 To be bent or curved. - To sound. -7 To change a dental to a lingual letter. -Caus. 1 To bend, make curved. - To bend (as a bow); 7 H 2H : $. 2. 3. -3 To cause to sink. - To prevent, ward off. -8 To subdue, make subordinate; Tem a 914 9109& R. 8. 9. Ha a [74-31079) Bent, bowed, crooked, curved. -a: 1 An actor. -2 Smoke. -3 A master, lord. -A cloud. - Woollen stuff. HOTEL - ] 1 Bowing down, bending, stooping. -2 Sinking. -8 A bow, salutation, obeisance. -o: One who causes to bend or bow; of FH TIPA Ha h a 74219188: Si. 6. 30. THE ind. 1 A bow, salutation, obeisance, adoration; ( this word is, by itself, invariably used with dat.; # aftaga ata FSI Bv. 1.94; C 241 Ku. 2.4; but with $, generally with acc.; 4k Sk.; but sometimes with dat. also ; 743 fuera ibid. The word has the sense of a noun, but is treated as an indeclinable.) -2 Ved. Food. -3 A thunderbolt. A gift, present. - A sacrifice. -Comp. -Fit:, fa: f. -TITUT bowing, respectful or reverential salutation, respectful obeisance (made by uttering the word 79). Piret a kind of plant Mar. 1). Ha a. 1 bowed down to, saluted. -2 revered, adored, worshipped. T: 1 a spiritual teacher. -2 a Brahmana. - A: 1 a kind of cake. -2 the moon. -8 magio. at ind. uttering the word 149 is making a low obeisance; idaM kavibhyaH pUrvebhyo namovArka I U. 1.1; -m. THEYTTY 19t af Vis, Guna. 123. m. a sacrifice. 79 a. (74-] 1 Bowing, bowing down, bent, inclined, hanging down; H a rtara: e : S. 5. 12. F 51 314 Me. 84; Pt. 1. 106; Ratn. 1. 19. -2 Bowing down, making a low obeisa noe; 3747 5 : ograferar R.3. 25; ud af HEALTH 751 Ku. 7. 28. -8 Lowly, submissive, humble, reverential; as in 1975: Me. 57. -4 Crooked, curved. -8 Worshipping. -8 Devoted or attached to. -Comp. -34FT, FF a. bent, stooping. I a. flat-nosed. 79* a. Bent, stooping. * kind of reed. a, a 1 Obeisance, respect. -2 Submissiven ess, humility. -8 Condescension. afsa a. Bent or bowed down, stooping. aufa: agafa ] 1 N. of a demon slain by Indra; qaya ara fert: R. 9. 22. (When Indra conquered the Asuras, there was only one called Namuchi who strongly resisted and at last captured him. He offered to let Indra go provided he promised 'not to kill by day or by night, with wet or dry'. Indra promised to do so and was released, but he cut off Namuchi's head at twilight and with foam of water (which is neither wet nor dry ). According to another version Namuchi was a friend of Indra, and once drank up his strength and made him quite imbecile. The Asvins (and Sarasvati also, as the story goes then supplied Indra with a Vajra with which he cut off the demon's head ). -2 N. of the god of love. -Comp. i, - - m. epithets of Indra; faze 3 aralar a unarfeyhefrei faa: Si. 1. 51. FAE: N. of a tree ( 14 or ETAT); 701 atadat: Ku. 1.55; 3. 43 ; R. 4.74. 1 A. (aa) 1 To go. -2 To protect. a a. (of H 37] 1 Leading, conducting. 2 A guide. -8 Suitable, right, proper. - 1 Guiding, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nayakA f leading, managing. -2(a) Behaviour, course of conduct, conduct, way of life as in durnaya. sitonnatenaiva nayena Cartosz az Bu. Ch. 1. 3. (b) Prudent or righteous conduct, virtue. ara ve Kau. A. 1. 2. -3 Prudence, foresight, circumspection; a mergerak gaara: af fast: Pt. 1. 371; 3. 176. 4 Policy, political wisdom, statesmanship, civil administration, state policy; nayapracAraM vyavahAraduSTatAm Mk. 1.7; nayaguNopacitAmiva bhUpateH sadupakAraphalominaH R.9.27 nayazAlibhiH Mu. 1. 22. -5 Morality, justice, rectitude, equity; nayAna jigISatAM hi cetaH Ki. 10. 29; 23; 6.38; 16.42-6A [plan] design, scheme hitaiH sAdhusamAcAraiH zAstramatizAlibhiH / kathaMcinna vikalpante vidvadbhizcintitA nayAH // Pt. 1. 339 377; Mu. 6. 11; 7. 9. -7 A maxim, principle. -8 Course, method, manner. -9 A system, doctrine, opinion. -10 A philosophical system; Bhag P. 105. -11 N. of Visnu. -12 A kind of game. -Comp. -, - a. skilled in policy, prudent. T a behaving properly or prudently. having political foresight, wise, prudent; mukagja R. 1. 56. netR m. a master in politics. -pIThI the board or cloth on which men are moved in play. -: political wisdom, statesmanship. - . a politician; Pt. 3. -vid m., vizAradaH politician, statesman sandhivipadiko kAryoM rAjJA nayavizAradaH Matsya P. -zAstram 1 the science of politics. 2 any work on politics or political economy. -8 a work on morality. auf. just, righteous nayazAlini zriya ivAdhipatI viramanti na upavitumauSathamaH D Ki. 5. 24. 879 1 A skilful manager. -2 One versed in policy, a statesman. nayanam [mI karaNe ) 1 Lending, guiding oonducting managing. 2 Taking, bringing to or near, drawing; menti gert Ram. 1. 14. 58.-3 Ruling, governing, polity vAkyaiH pavitrArthapadenavaH prAkRtairapi Bing. Obtaining. -8 The eye. -6 Passing, spending (as time). I, The pupil of the eye. Comp. - 1 the eye-corner. -2 a side-glance. -fra gladdening the sight, lovely to behold. (-:) the moon. - a. blinding the sight, obscuring. : 1 a lamp. -2 delight of the eyes. -3 any lovely object. - the corner of the eye; nayanopAntavilokitaM ca yat ( smarAmi ) Ku. 4. 23. gocara a. visible, within the range of sight. aftag the play of the eyes, ogling. chadaH an eyelid. -jamU, jalam, -aft tears; deva varinArInayananayanajernirmame nIracirna Sakti 5. 117. - pathaH the range of sight. -puTam the cavity of the eye eye-lid. -prabandhaH the outer corner of the eye. -prItiH lovely sight. -plavaH the swimming of the eyes. -budbudam an eye-ball. - viSayaH 1 any visible object; nayanaviSayaM : : Mal. 1. 36. -2 the horizon. -3 the range of sight. -salilam tears; tasmin kAle nayanasalilaM yoSitAM khaNDitAnAm (zAnti neyam ) Mo. 41. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir naraH nayanatvam The condition of the eyes; bASpajalAntaritanayanatvAnna pazyAmi te mukhacandram Ve. 6. 39/40. naraH [ nR-naye ac] 1 A man, male person ; saMyojayati vidhaiva nIcApi naraM sarit / samudrAmeva durdharSaM nRpaM bhAgyamataH param // H. Pr. 5; Ms. 1.96; 2. 213. -2 A man or piece at chess. 3 The pin of a sun-dial. - The Supreme Spirit, the original or eternal man. - Man's length (=969. q.v.).-6 N. of a primitive sage. -7 N. of Arjuna; see below. -8 A horse. -9 (In gram.) A personal termination. -10 The individual soul (a); Mb. 12. 280. 50. -Comp. - 1 the penis. -2 eruption on the face. -: a wretch, miscreant. -adhipaH, -adhipatiH dezaH, IzvaraH devaH patiH, -pAlaH kingp narapatihitakartA narANAM ca narAdhipam Bg. 10. 27; Ms. 7. 13; R. 2. 75; 3. 42; 7. 62; Me. 39; Y. 1.311.-a: death. -: an epithet of Visnu. narANAmayanaM yasmAt tena nArAyaNaH smRtaH Brav. P. -aza: a demon, goblin. N. of Siva. (-) the earth. - For Private and Personal Use Only 1 a being higher than a man, a god; Bhag. 4. 6. 9. -2 an animal. 1 a king; R. 2.18. satpatiM tamonudaM dakSasutA ivAbabhuH 333; 6.80; Ms. 9253. -2 a physician, dealer in antidotes, curer of poisons; gfnarendrAbhimAnI tAM nirvarNya Dk. 51; sunigrahA narendreNa phaNIndrA iva zatravaH Si. 2.88 (where the word is used in both senses).: a high street, main road. -3 a mineralogist; L. D. B. - 1 an epithet of Visnu. -2 of Buddha. -TT: 'the chief of men', a prince, king. - a man's skull. the murderer of a spiritual preceptor. (a) m. 1 Visnu in his fourth incarnation; cf. af below. -2 the chief of men. -f the mous taches. -devaH 1 the warrior class (kSatriya); ziSTvA vA bhUmiZari artan Ms. 11. 82. -2 a king. -f: the world. -faq m. a demon, goblin; q: Bk. 15. 94. N. of Krisus. (-off dual) originally regarded as identical, but in mythology and epic poetry, considered as distinct beings, Arjuna being identified with Nara and Krisna with Narayana. [In some places they are called devoM, pUrvadeva, RSI or * RSisattamau . They are said to have been practising very austere penance on the Himalaya, which excited the fear of Indra, and he sent down several damsels to disturb their austerities. But Narayana put all of them to shame by creating a nymph called Urvasi from a flower placed on his thigh who excelled them in beauty; cf. F khalu nArAyaNamRSiM vilobhayantyastadUrusaMbhavAmimAM dRSTvA trIDitAH sarvA V. 1.1-: 'a beast-like man', a beast in human form. -a: 'best of men', an excellent man; zaibyazca narapuGgavaH Bg. 15. -bali: a human sacrifice. -bhuj a. man-eating, cannibal. f. the Bharatavarsa, ie. Indin. -mAnikA, mAninI, mAlinI 'manlike woman', a woman with a beard, masculine woman or an amazon. -mAlA & girdle of skulls. - meghaH a human sacrifice yantram sun-dial. -yAnam, racaH, -vAdanam Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nadhiH 880 narmaTara vehicle drawn by men, a palanquin; FR2771Carat Par nal. 4.17; Bhag. 10.59. 37. : 1' the world of men', the earth, terrestrial world.-2 mankind. ETE : an epithet of Kubera; fargefaat gear watar - a76969: R. 9. 11. -facau: a demon, goblin-ft:& brave man, hero. - 19:, : an eminent man. ET 'man's horn', an impossibility, a chimera, non-entity, et: human society. He: an epithet of Narayana; 56691Hard : gra V.1.3. - , aft: 'man-lion'. Visnu in his fourth incarnation; cf.! tava karakamalavare nakhamadbhutazaGgaM dalitahiraNyakaziputanubhRGgam / kezava dhRta- / Efte 3 cha Git. 1. -FESTft the 12th day in the light halt of maja. FFT: a multitude or body of men. -94 a fight or enmity between man and horse. wife: Worldly life or existence. Hift: N. of Visnu. TISTA: 1 A sacrifice. -2 Agni. narI A woman; namyA narIbhiramarIva hi sA vireje Br.3.16. ada. Ved. [ get faci 47 ] 1 Suitable to men ( as food &c.). -2 Manly, strong. -8 Human. - 1 A man. -2 Indra. ut (du.) The two objects of human desire, i. e. Heaven and earth. -14 1 A manly deed. - A gift for men. T :, - 1 Hell, internal regions corresponding to the realm of Pluto; there are said to be 21 different parts of these regions where different kinds of tortures are inflicted upon sinners age, Fahe, HEITE, raurava, naraka, kAlasUtra, mahAnaraka, saMjIvana, mahAvIci, tapana, saMpratApana. saMhAta, kAkola, kuDmala, pratimUrtika, lohazakku, RjISa, panthA, zAlmalI, afea979, EGIT are the 21 Narakas; cf. Ms. 4. 88-90 ). - A liquor-vessel ; HTH Nm. -* N. of a demon, king of Pragjyotisa. According to one account he carried off Aditi's ear-rings and Krisna at the request of the gods killed him in a single combat and recovered the jewels. According to another account, Naraka assumed the form of an elephant and carried off the daughter of Visvakarman and outraged her. He also seized the daughters of Gandharvas, gods, men and the nymphs themselves, and collected more than 16000 damsels in his harem. These, it is related, were transferred by Krisna to his own harem after he had slain Naraka. The demon was born of earth, and hence called 'Bhauma'). -Comp. - Felni, -34ft:, - , -fy: m. epithets of Krisna; 7aft gott Tag Art Ve. 3. 24. 31AT: 1 the soul after death. -2 a ghost, spirit. -32te: an inhabitant of hell. 34 a pit in hell where the wicked are tormented ( 86 such places are enumerated ). at the deity of hell', Nirriti (f lat). - 19 a. hellish. -Ute: the abode in hell. I the Vaitarini river. I P iya Den. A. To resemble a hell. T: N. of a metre of sixteen sylla bles; YERbhASitaM prakIrNazAstrasAgare laghau gurau nirantare satIha ssoddshaakssre| pratApatApanirjitaprabhAkaraprakAzahe pravRttavRttarAjakaM narAcameva manmahe // ART: N. of Vaivasvata Manu. aryt Ved. 1 Sport, pastime. -2 A human sacrifice. Nose. ada [ 7T-017 ] Dancing. -&: Dancing, a dance. : [ 27-nift 6 ] 1 A dancer ; sometimes a dancing preceptor. -An actor, mime, mummer; ATTET U TECH : Ram. 2. 67. 15. -3 A bard, herald. -4 An elephant. - A king. -8 A peacock. -7 An epithet of Siva. -8 N. of a mixed tribe (429147 olldrad T2 ). 1 A female dancer, a singing girl, an actress ; eta itcai fadd 491 Ai San. K. 59; Ki. 10.41; R. 19. 14, 19.-2 A female elephant. -8 A pea-hen (Mar. 1 ). A: (91-98) A dancer; Mb. 12. 63. 4. - Gesticulation, dancing, dance. -Comp. -64, -TT a dancing hall. -99: 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 a peacock. nayitam. A dancing-master; adya nartayitAsmi M. 2. afaa a. 1 Danced, made to dance. -2 Dancing, moving to and fro. T a. Dancing on the edge of a sword. -f. A female dancer or actress. 1 P. (ela, area) 1 To bellow, roar, sound in general; afeg: #f964aT: Bk. 15. 35; 15. 40; 15. 28; 17.40. - To go, move. a. Bellowing, roaring. *: N. of a metre of seventy syllables. TEFAL ( 1 ) 1 Bellowing, roaring. - Celebrating, praising aloud. area a. 1 Sounded, bellowed. - Celebrated. a: A kind of die or a throw at dice; narditadarzitamArgaH kaTena fafanfaat afH Mk. 2.8. -14 Sound, roar, bellowing. aft a. Sounding, roaring, bellowing. T: (a + #fa: ) Adversity; Rigaszar a: 427odha Mb. 12. 224. 36. #: Ved. Sport, pastime. AT: 1 A pot-sherd. -2 The sun. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir afe: 881 nava THS3 Sport, pastin. 2-6 The nipp HO F a s: [ 212-3477] 1 jester. -2 A lecher, rake, libertine. -3 Sport, pastime, amusement. - Copulation, coition. -3 The chin. -6 The nipple. a n . [ 7-afara] 1 Sport, amusement, diversion, merriment, pleasure, amorous pastime or sport; - 4 fara 4 ### ya Git. 12 (157); R. 19. 28. -2 Jest, joke, humour, wit; gachy a #art: Ki. 17. 33. #: 41: K. 70; 'jocular, humorous'. -Comp. -37161: & jocular conversation. -uktiH a facetious expression. -kIla: a husband. -gameM a. humorous, full of humour, witty. (*:) 1 a secret lover. -2 an action of the hero in an unrecognizable form. - a. delighting, making happy; HIT 49 a : quia f att Bhag. 10. 35. 20. (-:) a jester (= q.v.). - N. of a river which rises in the Vindhya mountain, and falls into the gulf of Cambay. yra a. bright with joy, cheerful, merry. (-fa: f.) enjoyment of a joke. E TC, ET m. 'a pleasure-companion', an associate of the amusements of a prince or a man of rank; fia: a faf4priyaM vadet Kam. idaM tvaidaMparya yaduta nRpaternamasacivaH sutAdAnAfhai Hal Mal. 2.7; at 17 a Hana 3999a 1.11; Si. 1. 59. E roth 1 amusement; flattery. -2 superintendence of a prince's amusements. T: (in drama ) the first meeting of lovers beginning with joy but ending in alarm. Sic: the first symptoms of love. FAY Deno. To entertain; Kau. A. 1. 21. at a. Humorous, witty. n. A kind of drama. Tatuag Sport, pastime. FACT 1 A valley, cavity. -2 A bellows. -3 An old woman past menstruation. - 4 The plant Sarala. narya See under nara. 1 P. (eft) 1 To smell. -2 To bind. a: 1 A kind of reed; Bhag. 1. 6. 13; groefoed: prabhUtairapi saMcitaiH / dArukRtyaM yathA nAsti tathaivAjhaiH prayojanam / / Pt. 1. 96. -2 N. of a celebrated king of the Nisadhas and hero of the poem called 'Naisadhacharita'. [Nala was a very noble-minded and virtuous king. He was chosen by Damayanti in spite of the opposition of gods, and they lived happily for some years. But Kali--who was disappointed in securing her handresolved to persecute Nala, and entered into his person. Thus affected he played at dice with his brother, and having lost everything, he, with his wife, was banished from the kingdom. One day, while wandering through the wilderness, he abandoned his wife, almost naked, and went away. Subsequently he was deformed by the serpent Karkotaka, and so deformed he entered the service of king Rituparna of Ayodhya as a horse 6. .....111 groom under the name of Bahuka. Subsequently with the assistance of the king he regained his beloved and they led a happy life; see squf and 490l also.] -3 N. of a monkey-chief, son of Visva karman, who, it is said, built the bridge of stones called Nalasetu or Adam's bridge over which Rama passed to Lanka with his army. -4 N. of a year (Nm.) -8 A measure of length (equal to 4 Eas); H H Mb.7.70.16. -8 N. of divine being (ca). H 1 A blue lotus; : Srikanthacharita 1.33, -2 Smell, odour. -Comp. : the knee. (a) T: N. of a son of Kubera. To a variety of the hides of aquatic animals; Kau. A. 2. 11. - 1 a fragrant root (eft); Ki. 12. 50; N. 4. 116. 9 se arata Siva. B. 30. 14. -2 the honey of a flower. -8 the flower of Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis (Mar. ). - fel a sort of mat made of reeds. : a shrimp or prawn; Ram. 3. 73. 14. * 1 Any long bone of the body; Mv. 1. 35; r a : fafd Mal. 5. 17.-2 The radius of the arm. -3 A particular ornament for the nose. a tat 1 The knee-pan. -2 The leg. aft 1 A tube. -2 A tubular organ of the body (FET). -3 A quiver. -4 A kind of fragrant substance. afea: The Indian ) crane. - 1 A lotus-flower, water-lily. -2 Water. -8 The Indigo plant. ( 214: an epithet of Visnu.) afeeft 1 A lotus-plant; 77 gaara affatica Mk. 4.17; aconte c araaz Moha M. 5; Ku. 4. 6. -2 An assemblage of lotuses. -3 A pond or place a bounding in lotuses; Trat TTFTTF2 alfag raa: Ram. 2.95.4; af 29 pa het: grafaar: Bhag. 8. 15. 13. 4 A lotus or the stalk of it. -5 The celestial Ganges. -6 The intoxicating juic of the cocoa-nut. -7 A myst. -8 N. of one of the nostrils. -9 the city of Indra ( fi); qalmart CE4 T**4 arai gat sia eft:; Ram. 2. 94. 26. -Comp. - 4, 5h a group or assemblage of lotuses. 4,-9994 a leaf of the lotus plant. -56: an epithet of Brahma. (- ) a lotus-stalk, the fibres of a lotus. T . A kind of perfume or red arsenic. Fea: A measure of distance equal to 400 hastas or cubits. -Comp. - the orange tree. ala1 New, fresh, young, recent; fafathacara: R. 19. 46; a ai garathar: : $.5; T: garicat fan Ku. 5. 86; U.1. 19; R. 1. 83; 2. 47; 3. 53; 4.3, 11; Si. 1.4; 1993fe Mu.3.3.; Si. 3. 31; Ki. 9. 43. -2 Modern. -2: 1 A crow. -2 Praise. 3 A young monk, novice; Buddha. -24 -ind. Recently, newly, lately, not long ago. Comp.- t a woman. 91T kuraGgI dRgazIkarotu Jagannatha.-annam 1 new rice or grain. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir navatA navadhA -2 a ceremony performed on first eating the new rice. -ambu . fresh water. -aha: the first day of a fortnight. -itara a. old; na ca yogavidhenavetaraH sthiradhArA paramAtmadarzanAt (virarAma); R.8.22.-uddhRtam fresh butter. -UDhA, -pANigrahaNA 1a newly married woman, a bride; AstA mAnasataSTaye sukRtinAM nItinavoDheva vaH 6.1.185. Bh.1.43 navapANigrahaNAM vadhUmiva (sadayaM vubhuje) R.8,7. -2 a kind of heroine (in dramas); "lajjAbharaparAdhInaratinavoDhA"; balAnItA pArzva mukhamanumukhaM naiva kurute, dhunAnA mUrdhAnaM kSipati vadanaM cumbanavidhau / hRdi nyastaM hastaM kSipati gamanAropitamanA, navoDhA voDhAraM ramayati ca santApayati ca | Ras. M. -kArikA,-kAlikA,-phalikA 1 a woman newly married. -2 a woman in whom menstruation has recently commenced. -chAtra: a fresh student, novice, tyro. -dvIpa: N. of a place (modern Nuddes, at the confluence of bhAgIrathI and jalagI).-nI/.,-nItama tresh butter; aho navanItakalpahRdaya AryaputraH M. 3. dugdhotthaM navanItaM tu cakSuSyaM raktapittanut Ayurveda."dhenu: A cow made of butter, fit to be offered to a Brahmana. -nItakam, -nItajam 1 clarified butter. -2 fresh butter. -pAThaka: a new teacher. -prasUtA a woman who has lately brought forth (achild ). -prAzanam eating of new rice. -mallikA, -mAlikA a kind of jasmine. -yajJaH an offering of the first fruits of the harvest. -yauvanam tresh youth, bloom or prime of youth. (-nA)a young woman. -rajas/. agirl who has recently menstruated. -vadhUH,-varikA 1 a newly-married girl. -2 a daughter-in-law.-vallabham a kind of sandal. -vastram new cloth. -zasyam the first fruits of the year's harvest. -zazimRt m. an epithet of Siva; rakSAhetornavazazibhRtA vAsavInAM camUnAmatyAdityaM hutavahamukhe saMbhRtaM taddhi tejaH Me. 45. -zrAddham / zrAddha performed on odd days after death i.e. on the third, fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh. -sAra:akind of Ayurvedic decoction; navasAro bhvecchddhshshuurnntoyairvipaacitH| dolAyantreNa yatnena bhiSabhiyogasiddhaye // Vaidyachandrika. -sUtiH , -sUtikA 18 milch-cow. -2 a woman recently delivered. navatA, tvam Freshness, novelty; kSaNe kSaNe yannavatAmupaiti tadeva rUpaM ramaNIyatAyAH Si.4.17. navanam The act of praising or extolling. navIkR8U. 1 To make new, renew, revive. -2 To refresh. navIna, navya 1.1 New, fresh, recent navInanIradazyAmaM raktapaGkajalocanam Brav. P. 2. 163 8.36.-2 Modern. navIbhAvaH Becoming new, renovation. navan um. a. (always pl.). Nine; navatiM navAdhikAm R. 3. 69; see comp. below. (At the begining of comp. navan drops its final n). -Comp. -aGga: a kind of Ayurvedic mixture; vizvAmRtAbdabhUnimbaiH paJcamUlIsamanvitaiH / kRtaH kaSAyo hantyAzu vAtapittodbhavaM jvaram Vaidyakam. -azItiHf. eighty-nine. -Arcis m., -dIdhitiH the planet Mars. -kapAlaH (navakapAleSu saMskRtaH) a cake-offering prepared and presented on nine poteherds; Ait. Br. 1. 15 -kRtva s ind. nine times. -grahA: m.(pl.) the nine planets. (the sun, the moon, planets,rAhu and ketu); see under graha. - nine-fold, consisting of nine. -caNDikA f. the nine caNDikAs (zailaputrI, brahmacAriNI, candraghaNTA, kUSmANDA, skandamAtA, kAtyAyanI, mahAgaurI, kAlarAtri, siddhidA); Chandi Patha. -catvAriza a. forty-ninth. -catvArizat / forty-nine. -chidram,-dvAram the body (having nine apertures 3 Bee kha). navadvAre pure dehI naiva kurvan na kArayan Bg. 5. 13. -triMza a. thirty-ninth. -triMzat /. thirty-nine.-daza a. nineteenth. -dazan (pl.) nineteen. -dugoM Durga in her nine forms. i. 8. (kumArikA, trimUrti, kalyANI, rohiNI, kAlI, caNDikA, zAMbhavI, durgA, bhadrA).-dhAtu m. Nine metals ; hematArAranAgAzca tAmrarakSeca tIkSNakam / kAMsyakaM kAntalohaM ca dhAtavo nava kiirtitaaH|| -navatiHf. ninety-nine. -fareT m. (pl.) the nine treasures of mahApadmazca padmazca zakkho mkrkcchpau| mukundakundanIlAzca kharvazca nidhayo nava // -pazcamam an inauspicious combination of grahas a particular type of rAzikUTa; pANigraho yadi bhavennavapaJcamaH santAnahAnimatulo munayo vadanti Jyotistattvam. -pazcAza a. fifty-ninth. -paJcAzat f. fifty-nine. -ratnam 1 the nine precious jewels; i.e. muktAmANikyavaidUryagomedA vajravidrumau / padmarAgo marakataM nIlazceti yathAkramam / / -2 the nine gems' or poets at the court of king Vikramaditya:- dhanvantarikSapaNakAmarasiMhazakkuvetAlabhaTTaghaTakaparakAlidAsAH / khyAto varAhamihiro nRpateH sabhAyAM ratnAni vai vararucirnava vikramasya / / -rasA: m. (pl.) the nine sentiments in poetry; see under aSTarasa and rasa also. -rAtram 1 a period of nine lays. -2 the first nine days of the month of Asvind held sacred to Durga. -vizaa. twenty-ninth. -vizati:/. twenty-nine. -vidha a. nine-fold, of nine kinds or sorts. annAni .. (pl.)= sUpa, zAka, miSTAnna, jemana (odanAdi), upadaMza (mUlakAdi), vitardaza (pickles etc.), sandhAna (madyAdi), rocana ( pickled raw fruit, Mar. koziMbIra), vyaJjana (flower boiled in buttermilk etc.). -vyUhaH an epithet of Visnu. -zatam 1 one hundred and nine. -2 nine hundred. - : m. N. of Visnu or Siva. -74: f. (pl.) nine zaktisie. prabhA, mAyA, jayA, sUkSmA, trizuddhA, nandinI, suprabhA, vijayA, siddhidA. -zAyaka: N. given to nine inferior tribes; they are:-gopo mAlI tathA tailI tantrI modkvaarujii| kulAlaH karmakArazca nApito nvshaaykaaH| Parasara.-paSTiHf.sixty-nine. -saptatiH seventy-nine. -saraH, -ram a kind of ornament consisting of nine pearls. navaka a. consisting of nine. -kam 'The aggregate of nine. navata .. (-tI/.) Ninetieth. -taH 1 An elephant's painted housings. -2 A woollen cloth, blanket. -3 A cover, wrapper in general. navatiH f. Ninety; navanavatizatadravyakoTIzvarAste Mu. 3. 273 R. 3.69. navatikA 1 Ninety. -2 A paint- brush (said to contain 90 hairs). navadhA ind. In nine ways, ninetold. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir navama 888 .. TEH a. (oft f.) Ninth. --ft The ninth day of a lunar fortnight. Hart: ind. By ninos. AT I. 4 P. (agafa, art, 347217, enfa, afercula FE; caus. arrafa; desid. faceala, aafrafa) 1 To be lost, to disappear, vanish, become invisible; Yario acy aura H. 1; 24 ATAT 7 fat Ms. 8. 247; Y. 2. 58 ; tagcerface Mk. 5. 24. - 2 To be destroyed, to perish, die, be ruined ; sfarsi 74127 Bk. 14. 31 ; Ms. 8. 166; 7.40; Mu. 6.8.-3 To run away, fly away, escape; ha r a EGET 41-4: Bk. 10. 12; 119 Pat: 14. 112; Ratn. 2. 3. 4 To be frustrated, become unsuccessful. -Caus. 1 To cause to disappear. -2 To destroy, remove, efface, drive away, cause to fly away. -8 To violate (as a virgin). -4 To cause to be lost, lose. - To forget. -6 To extinguish, put out (as fire). -II. 1 U. (asfa-a) Ved: 1 To reach, attain. -2 To meet with, find. F f., 727, 779 Destruction, perishing, loss, disappearing; pratIkSan girizAdezaM svavIryanazanaM kudhIH Bhag. 10. 62. 12. Teste fapt A woman who brings forth a dead child. ar a. (- )[72-**] 1 Perisha ble, transitory, evanescent, transient, frail ; fafar a a R. G. -2 Destructive, mischievous. F . p. [ - ] 1 Lost, disa ppeared, vanished, invisible; Taha galth Pt. 5.6; 2. 167. -2 Dead, perished, destroyed. -3 Spoiled, wasted. -4 Fled or run away; naSTaM varSadharairmanuSyagaNanAbhAvAdakRtvA trapAm Ratn.2.3. -8 Deprived of, free from (in comp.) -6 Depraved, corrupted, debauched. - 1 Destruction, loss. -2 Disappearance. -Comp. -T19: a householder who has lost his consecrated fire (it being extinguished ). - a. reduced to poverty (having lost one's wealth ). -AtaGkam ind. without anxiety or fear; naSTAta hariNazizavo He a $. 1. 15 (v. l.). -3CHT a. deprived of sense or mind. -THEFTE booty, plunder ; -371979 a. fearless, secure, free from fear; S. 1. 15. - the day of new moon. Et a. deprived of senses. - a. ungrateful. I a. devoid of angles (Mar. 492, ACT ); Kau. A.2.11. T : The fourth fare, bright and dark, of the month of Bhadra pada when it is considered ina uspicious to look at the moon. playing of hide and seek. -14, - , - a. one who has lost his senses, unconscious, insensible, fainted. yar universal destruction. FH n., - subsequent calculation of a lost nativity. re a. sightless, blind. Eft a. unmindful, forgetful; 31 TITELaquara tagu: Raj. T. 5. 300.- a. impotent. rUpa a. invisible -smRti a. forgettul, afe: f. Lons, destruction; afa: q afenau : Bhag. 9. 10. 21. 7311*: A kind of crow. 7741 A. (2) Ved. 1 To approach, go towards. -2 To copulate. - To be crooked or curved, to bend. f. The nose (a word optionally substituted for nAsikA after acc. dual); yathA gAvI nasi protAH Bhag. 1. 13. 41. Comp. a. small-nosed. nasA The nose. AR: The nose. A sternutatory, snuff. Falt A hole bored in the septum of the nose. - Comp. 37: an ox led by a string through the nose. F TC ind. From the nose ; Y. 3. 127. HET A hole bored in the septum of the nose of cattle ) affaa a. Nozzled ( with a string through the nose). FPI a. [ arfa fa 7 a 21 14: ] Nasal. -RC 1 The bairs in the nose. -2 Asternutatory; kurute mUDha evaM hi yaH yo naadhigcchti| dhUpairajanayogaizca nasyakarmabhita || Mb. 12. 14. 34. * 1 The nose. -8 The string through the nose of an animal; nasyAgRhIto'pi dhuvanaviSANaATT Si. 12. 10. FE 4 U. (aaaa, 76; desid. Parera ) 1 To tie, bind, bind on or round or together, gird, round; hafa fraca Ku. 1. 56; R. 4. 57; 16.41. -2 To put on ( oneself), to dress, arm oneselt (Atm). -Caus. To cause to put on. With 899 to untie. -3779 (afg being often changed to f9) 1 to fasten, gird round, bind; daca etica $. 1; H22ATTRO 19TEI $. 7.2. -2 to put on, wear; fa Bk. 3. 47. -8 to cover, envelop; 14a 9 rogea S. 1. 19. af ind. Surely or certainly not, by no means, not at all; tarafta: 9 h 18 Bk. 19.5 15 m. 1 A neighbour. -2 A man. HET: N. of a king of the lunar race, son of Ayus and grandson of Purura vas and father of Yayati. [He was a very wise and powerful king, and when Indra lay concealed under waters to expiate the sin of having killed the demon Vritra, a Brahmana, he was asked to occupy his seat. While there he thought of winning the love of Indrani and caused the seven sages to convey him in a palanquin to her house. On his way he asked each of them to be quick using the words 'sarpa', 'sarpa', move on, move on), when one of the sages (Agastya ? ) cursed him to be a 'sarpa' (serpent ). He fell down from the sky, and remained in that wretched state till he was relieved from it by Yudhisthira.] For Private and Personal Use Only Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nahuSya 884 nAga nahaSya .. Vod. Human, AdI vizvA nahuSyANi jAtA Rv. 9.88.2. -vya: A man. nA No, not (= na q.v.). nAkaa.[na kam akaM duHkham tannAsti yatra nabhrADityAdi ni0 prakRti- / bhAvaH ] Happy, painless ; tannAkaM tadvizokam Ch. Up. 2.10.5. -ka: 1 Heaven; AnAkarathavartmanAm R.1.53 15.96.-2 Vault of heaven, upper sky, firmament. -8 The gun. -Comp. -ApagA the heavenly Ganges. -IzaH, -Izvara: N. of Indra.-okas m. a god. -caraH1agod. -2 a demigod; nadI the heavenly Ganges. -nAthaH, -nAyaka: an epithet of Indras nAkanAyakaniketanamApa N. -nArIan Apsaras.-pRSTham 1the uppermost heaven.-2 the vault of heaven. -lokaH the heavenly world. -vanitA an Apsaras. -sad m.1a RodsantarpaNo nAkasadAM vareNyaH Bk. 1.4.-2 aGandharva%; zilAghanai kasadAmuraHsthalaiH Ki. 8. 32. nAkin m. A god; Si. 1. 45%; ityevamuktaH sa narendranAkI Ram. 7.77.21. -a. Dwelling in heaven. nAku:1An ant-hill. -2 A mountain. -3 A sage. munivalmIkayoH zaile nAku: syAt Nm. -Comp. -san m. a snake. nAkulI The ichneumon plant (Mar. muMgusavela). nAkSatra a.(-trI/.) [nakSatrANAmidam-aN] Starry, sidereal. -R: an astronomer or astrologer; AhvAyakA devalakA nAkSatrA graamyaajkaaH| ete brAhmaNacANDAlA mhaapthikpnycmaaH|| Mb. 12.76.6. -tram A month computed by the moon's passage through the 27 lunar mansions, a month of 30 days of six Ghatis each ; nADISaSThapA tu nAkSatramahorAtraM prakIrtitam Suryas. nAkSatrika (-kI/.)[nakSatrAdAgataH-ThaJ ] Sidereal. -kaH A month of 27 days (each day being the period of the moon's passage through a lunar asterism ). -kI The state (dazA) which a man suffers agreeably to the asterism presiding over his nativity. FTTT a. (off.) Serpentine, formed of snakes, snaky. -2 Elephantine. -gaH [na gacchati ityagaH na ago nAgaH] 1A snake in general, particularly the cobra%B nAsuro'yaM na vA nAgaH Ki. 15. 12. -2 A fabulous serpentdemon or semi-divine being, having the face of a man and the tail of a serpent, and said to inhabit the Patala; anantazcAsmi nAgAnAm Bg. 10.29; R. 15.83. - An elephant%3 diGnAgAnAM pathi pariharan sthalahastAvalepAn / Me.11,36; Si.4.63%; V.4.25.-4 Ashark. - A cruel or tyrannical person. -6 (At the end of comp.) Any pre-eminent or distinguished person, e.g. puruSanAgaH, -7 A cloud. -8 A peg projecting from a wall to hang anything upon. -9 N. of several plants as Mesua Roxburghii, Rottlera Tictoria, Piper betel; (Mar.nAgacAphA, nAgakezara, pAnavela, nAgaramothA etc.); Bhag.8.2. 18; Ram. 7. 42.4. -10 One of the five vital airs of the body, that which is expelled by eructation. -11 The number seven'.-12 A trumpet (see nAgavelA). -gam 1 Tin. -2 Lead.-3One of the astronomical periods (Karanas) called yq. -4 The effects of that period on anything done during it. - The asterism called AzleSA. -8A captivating act of females (strIbandhaH ), gesticulation; L. D. B. -7A kind of coitus%3 Nm. -gI 1A female Naga. -2 A female elephant; -Comp. -aGga m Hastinapura. -37STAT 1 a female elephant. -2 the proboscis of an elephant. -aJcalA,-aJjanA=nAgayaSTi q.v. -aJjanA a female elephant. -adhipa: an epithet ot Sesa. -antakaH, -arAtiH , -ariH 1 an epithet of Garuda. -2 a peacock. -8 a lion. -33TAT: 1 a peacock; Pt.1.159. -2 an epithet of Garuda.-3a lion. -AkhyA = nAgakesara q. v. -Anana: an epithet of Ganesa. -Anandam a drama by Sriharsa. -ArUDha a. Riding upon an elephant. -AhvaH Hastinapura. -indraH 1 a lordly or superior elephant; nAgendrahastAsvaci karkazatvAta... kadalIvizeSAH Ku. 136. -2 Airavata, Indra's elephant; kuthena nAgendramivendravAhanam Si. -3 an epithet of Sesa. -IzaH 1 an epithet of Sesa. -2 N. of the author of Paribhasendusekhara and several other works. -8 N. of Patanjali. -udam, -udaram 1 a breast-plate. -23 peeuliar disease of pregnancy (garbhopadravabheda). -kanyakA, -kanyA a serpent-virgin. -karNaH the castor-oil plant. -kiMjalkaH = nAgakesara q. v. -kumArI Rubia Munjista (Mar. maMjiSTha).-ketu: An epithet of Karna (?); samaramadhigatArthaH prasthito nAgaketu: Karma bhara. 1.3. -kesara: N. of a tree with fragrant flowers, Mesua Roxburghii; katakaM nakanakharaM naladaM nAgakesaram Siva B. 30. 14. -ram a kind of steel. -garbham red lead. -cUDa: an epithet of Siva. -jam 1 red lead. -2 tin. -jibikA red arsenic. -jIvanam tin-(-na:) orpiment. -dantaH , dantaka: 1 ivory. -2 a peg or bracket projecting from a wall and used to hang things upon; N. 18. 15. -dantI 1 a kind of sun-flower.-2 a harlot. -dvIpam N. of a dvIpa in Bharatavarsa. -nakSatram, -nAyakam the constellation called Aslesa. (-kaH) the lord of serpents3; ananto vAsukiH padmo mahApadmo'pi takSakaH / karkoTaH kulikaH zaGkha ityaSTau nAganAyakAH / / Trikandasesa. -nAmakam Tin. -nAman m. holy basil (tulasI).-nAsA the proboscis of an elephant. -niyUhaH large pin or bracket projecting from a wall. -paJcamI 1 N. of a festival on the fifth day in the bright half of Sravana. -2 the fifth day in the dark half of Asadha. -patiH an epithet of (1) Airavata. (2). Sesa. -pada: a mode of sexual enjoyment (ratibandha). pAdau skandhe tathA haste kSipolijhaM bhage laghu / kAmayet kAmuko nArI bandhau nAgapado mtH|| Ratimanjari. -paNI the betel plant. -pAza:1a sort of magical noose used in battle to entangle an ememy. -2 N. of the noose or weapon of Varuna. -pAzaka: a kind of coitus (ratibandha). svajadhAdvayamadhyasthAM hastAbhyAM dhArayan kucau / rameniHzaGkito nArI bandho'yaM naagpaashkH|| Ratimalijari. -puram 1 Hastinapura. -2N. of a city in Patala. -puSpa: 1 the Champaka tree. -2 the Punnaga tree. -bandha:1asnake as a chain. -2N. of a metre, resembling the coilings of a snake. -bandhaka: For Private and Personal Use Only Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nAgin 888 nATikA an elephant-catcher. -bandhu: the holy fig-tree. -balaH | shrewd, cunning (vidagdha).-ka: 1 A citizen.-2 A polite an epithet of Bhima. -bhUSaNa: an epithet of Siva. or courteous man, agallant, one who shows exaggera-maNDalikaH1asnake-keeper. -2asnake-catcher.-malla: ted attention to his first mistress while he is courting an epithet of Airavata. -mAra: aspecies of pot-herb s ome one else. -3 One who has contracted the vices of (Mar. mAkA). -yASTiH, -yaSTikA 1agraduated pole or: a town.-4A thief. -5An artist. -6 The chief of the post for showing the depth of water in a newly-dug ! police; V.53 5.6.-7Acity-superintendent; ef. nAgarikapond.-2a boring-rod driven into the earth. -raktam, praNidhiH Kau. A. -8 A kind of coitus%3, UrumUlopari sthitvA -reNu: red lead. -raGga: the orange. -rAjaH 1 an epithet of | yoSidUrudvayaM ramet / grIvAM dhRtvA karAbhyAM ca bandho nAgarako mtH|| Sesa. -2 a large elephant; adhastAnnAgarAjAya somAyoz2a dizaM Ratimanjari. -9(pl.) planets opposite to each other. dadau Hariv. -ripuH (see nAgAntakaH) Garuda; zAGgacakrAyudhaH -kam 1 Dry ginger. (-rikam) The toll levied from a khaDgI sarvanAgariputhvajaH Mb. 13. 147. 15. -ruka: the orange town. -Comp.-vRttiH a courtly manner or style%3D tree. -latA 1 the penis. -2 the piper betel. -vallarI, nAgarikavRttyA saMjJApayainAm S.5.1/2. -vallI piper betel. -velA the hour when a serpent-like nAgaratA Cleverness, dexterity. instrument is blown; nAgavelAyAmAgantavya...... yasmin grAme / na nAgAH......tasminnapi sa eva kAlaH / tatra hi AgamanaM kriyate / nAgareyaka (-kI /.)[nagaryA bhavaH Thakam ] Belonging to SB. on MS. 10.8.69.-loka: the world of serpents, the a town, civic. race of serpents collectively, one of the regions below the earth called Patala. -vArika: 1a royal elephant. nAgarITaH, -nAgavITa: 1 A libertine, rake. -2 A -2 an elephant-driver. -8 a peacock. -4 an epithet of paramour. -3 A match-maker Garuda. -B the chief of a herd of elephants. -6 the nAgaruka: Orange. chief person in an assembly. after that part of the nAgaryam Shrewdness, cleverness. moom's path which contains the asterisms azvinI, bharaNI and kRttikA; azvinI kRttikA yAmyA nAgavIthIti zabditA V. P. nAgArjuna: N. of an ancient Buddhist teacher of the -saMbhavam, saMbhUtam red lead.......majiSThAM nAgasaMbhavam Siva. rank of bodhisattva. B. 30. 19. -sAhvayam Hastinapura. nAgojIbhaTTaH N. of a grammarian. alfitat m. An epithet of Siva. nAciketaH 1 Fire; tato mayA nAciketazrito'gniranityaivyaiH nAgara a. (-rI .) [nagare bhavaH aN] 1 Town-born, Katha 1.2.10.-tama N. of an upAkhyAna; nAciketamapAkhyAnaM town-bred. -2 Relating to a town, civic. -3 Spoken in mRtyuproktaM sanAtanam / uktvA zrutvA ca medhAvI brahmaloke mahIyate / / a town.. - Polite, civil. -5 Clever, sharp. - Bad, Kath. 1. 3. 16. vile, one who has contracted the vices of a town. nAga- nATaH [naTa-ghaJ] 1 Dancing, acting. -2 N. of the nAgarayormadhye varaM nAgo na naagrH| nAgo dazati kAlena nAgarastu punaH Karnataka country. punaH || Subhasita. -7 Nameless. -:1A citizen (paura); yaH paNyastrIratiparimalodgAribhirnAgarANAmuddAmAni prathayati zilAvezmabhi- nATakam [ naT-Nvul] 1 A play, drama (in general). yauvanAni Me.25; Santi. 4. 19%; Bhag. 10.56. 17. -2 A -2 The first of the 10 principal kinds of dramatic husband's brother. -3 A lecturer. -4 An orange. -8 composition; for definition and other information see Fatigue; hardship, toil. -8 Desire of final beatitude. S. D.27, where 36 lakSaNas of a nATaka are given. -kA -7 A term applied to a prince engaged in war under An actor, a dancer 3; vadhUnATakasaMdhaizca saMyuktAM sarvataH purIm Ram. certain circumstances and also to a planet when in 1. b. 12.-kI The court of Indra. -Comp. -prapazcaH the opposition to other planets (in astrol.) -8 Denial of arrangement of a drama. -fare: dramatic action. knowledge. -ram 1 Dry ginger; khabUMraM maricaM pUrNa devadAru ca nAgaram Siva B.80. 16. pippalI saindhavaM caiva nAgaraM ca guddaanvitm| nATakIya . [nATaka-cha] Pertaining to a drama, prAtardattaM turakSANAM nasya zleSmavinAzanam || Salihotra. -2 A kind, dramatic; pUrvaraGgaH prasaMgAya nATakIyasya vastunA Si. 2.8. -yA of coitus. -3 One of the three styles of architecture; it An actress or dancing girl. is quadrangular in shape; caturasrAkRtiM yattu nAgaraM tat nATAraH [ naTapA apatyaM Arak] The son of an actress. prakIrtitam Mana. 18.94. -rI 1 The character in which Sanskrit is generally written; of. devanAgarI.-2 A clever, nATikA A short or light comedy, one of the intrigaing or shrewd woman: hantAbhIrIH smaratu sa kathaM Uparu pakas, q. v. ; e. g. the Ratnavali, Priyadarsika saMvRto nAgarIbhiH Ud. D. 16. -3 The plant snuhI. -Comp. or Viddhasala banjika. The S. D. thus defines it nATikA klaptavRttA syAt strIprAyA cturkikaa| prakhyAto dhIralalitastatra -Avam dry ginger. syAnAyako nRpH|| syAdantaHpurasaMbandhA saMgItavyApRtA'thavA | navAnurAgA nAgaraka, nAgarika a. [nagare bhavaH vuJ] 1 Town-bred, kanyA'tra nAyikA nRpavaMzajA || saMpravarteta netAsyAM devyAstrAsena shkitH| town-born. -2 Polite, courteous, courtly; nAgarikavRttyA devI punarbhabajjyeSThA pragalbhA nRpavaMzajA / / pade pade mAnavatI tadvazaH saMgamo saMjJApayainAm 5.5; sAdhu Arya. nAgariko'si V.2. -3 Clever, dvayoH / vRttiH syAt kauzikI svalpavimarzAH saMdhayaH punaH / / 589. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nATitakam A mimic representaion, a gesture, gosti culation; bhItinAditakena S. 5. nATeyaH, -raH [ naTapA apatyaM Dhak drak vA ] The son of an actress or dancing girl. nATyam [ naTasyedaM kRtyaM SyaJ ] 1 Dancing. - 2 Dramatic representation, gesticulation, acting; ar Ratn. 1.6; nUnaM nATaye bhavati ca ciraM norvazI garvazIlA Vikr. 18. 29. 3 The science or art of dancing or acting. scenic art; nATyaM bhinnarucerjanasya bahudhApyekaM samArAdhanam M. 1. 4. -4 The costume of an actor; na lakSyase mUDhadRzA naTo nAvyadharo Bhag. 1. 8. 19. - An actor. -Comp. - n. (pl.) ten aGgas of nATya .. geyapada, sthitapAya, AsIna, puSpacaNDikA, pracchedaka, trigUDhaka, sainyaya, dvigUDhaka, uttamottamaka, uktapratyukta. - AgAram & dancing room. -AcAryaH ing preceptor. -f: f. dramatic phraseology (8: svagata, prakAza, apavAhita janAntika) - dharmikA dharmI the rules of dramatic representation. -fr: an epithet of Siva. - a kind of play consisting of one act; S. D. -vedaH the science of drama and dancing. - vedI a stage, scene. - 1 a dancing-hall. -2 a theatre. - 1 the dramatic science, dramaturgy. -2 a work on dramatic representation. a danc " 886 nADa = nAla q.. afe:, - f. 1 The tubular stalk of any plant. -2 The hollow stalk of a lotus &c; diferademaa Bhag. 3. 8. 19. -3 Any tubular organ of the body (such as an artery, vein); SaDadhikadazanADIcakramadhyasthitAtmA Mal. 5.1, 2-4 A pipe, flute. 5 A fistulous sore, fistula, sinus. -6 The pulse at the hand or foot. -7 A measure of time equal to twenty-four minutes. -8 A period of time = Muhurta. -9 A sort of bent grass. -10 A juggling trick. -11 A leather-string; L. D. B. -12 A weaver's implement; L. D. B. Comp. - a group of tubular organs of the body such as: mUlAdhAra, svAdhiSThAna, maNipura, anAhata, vizuddhi, AjJAcakra, sahasrAdhAra; Patanjala; SaDadhikadazanADI cakramadhyasthitAtmA Mal. 5. 1.: a bird. - 1 a small reed. -2 a tube round which the woof is wound. : 1 a crow. -2 a kind of cranes fakt vangunladaga Nag. 4. 15. - 1 an astrologer. -2 a debaucher, ravisher. -nakSatram - janmanakSatra q. v. - parIkSA feeling the pulse. -pAtram a kind of water-clock. -maNDalam the celestial equator. -any tubular instrument. -valayam equinoctical circle. -vraNaH sinus, an ulcer, a fistula. steam-bath through tubes. 1 A tubular organ &c.; see . -2 A Ghatika or 24 minutes; 26: Mal. 7; Bhag. 3. 11.8; K. 18. 70; dazanADikAH pUrNAH / atikrAmati snAnavelA / Abhiseka 1. -8 A hollow stalk in general. - A fistulous sore. 6 A ray of the sun. -6 A gong (on which the hours are struck). 7 A measure of length= Danda. nAdi nArDi (Da) dhama . Causing a movement of the tubular organs (as fright &c.); K. 353; nAdhamAn mArgAnAgatau viSamopalAn Bk. 6. 94. -maH A goldsmith. nArikela:- nArikela.. a. Drinking or sucking through a tube. The wind-pipe or throat. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir = A coin, anything stamped with an impression; Mk. 1. 23; Y. 2. 240. -Comp. -parIkSA the torting of coin, saying. parIkSin an assayer. fara. Of no long duration, not very long. aaga. Not very far or distant. afar: Avoiding abusive language. : 1 Siva. -2 A sage. - 1 Praise. -2 Surprise, wonder. 1 P. (fa, but sometimes A. also) 1 To ask, beg, solicit for anything (with dat. or two aco.); nAthate muni: Vop. ; nAthase kimu patiM na bhUbhRtaH Ki. 13.59; saMtuSTamiSTAni tamiSTadevaM nAthanti ke nAma na lokanAtham N. 3. 25; banaM na : Bu. Ch. 2. 54. -2 To have power, be master, prevail. -3 To harass, trouble. -4 To bless, wish well to, give blessings to; (said to be Atm. only in this sense); dhRtyA nAthasva vaidehi ... Bk. 8. 120; nAthitazame Mv. 1. 11; (Mammata quotes the line kucayugaM patrAvRtaM mA kRthAH to show that nAthU here only means 'to ask or beg', and says that a should, therefore, bo nAthati); sarpiSo nAthate Skc. g nAthaH [ nAthU-ac] 1 A lord, master, leader; nAthe kutastvabhyazubhaM prajAnAm R. 5. 13; 2.73; 3.45; triloka, kailAsa &c. bhartRnAthA hi nAryaH Pratima 1.25; vijane'pi ca nAthavAnivAsmi Bu. Ch. 5. 69. -2 A husband. -3 A rope passed through the nose of a draft-ox. 4 A possessor. -5 A protector; anAthAyA hi nAthastvaM kausalyAyA bhaviSyasi Ram. 2.53. 17. -Comp. -hari: beset (pazu). a a. 1 Possessed of a lord or protector; vantastvayA lokAstvamanAthA vipatsyase U. 1. 48. -2 Dependent, subject; brAhmaNA bhuJjate nityaM nAthavantazca bhuJjate Ram. 1. 14.12. afera Supplication, demand, request. For Private and Personal Use Only 1 A loud roar, cry, shout, sounding, roaring;, &c. -2 A sound in general; Mal. 5.20; na nAdena vinA gItaM na nAdena vinA svaraH / na nAdena vinA rAgastasmAnnAdAtmakaM jagat // Sangitadamodara. -3 (In Yoga phil.) The nasal sound represented by a semicircle. -4 One who praises. -Comp. ET f. A kind of Tantrika Mudra. a. Sonant, resounding. fa. Sounding, roaring. Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nAdina 881 nAmi nAdina 4.1 Sounding, resonant; ambudavRndanAdI rathaH Mb.; R. 3. 59; 19. 5. -2 Bellowing, roaring; at, f &c. nAdeya [nadyA nadasya vA Thak ] River-born, aquatis, marine; Ram.4.39. 12. -yam Rock-salt; nAdeyaM nAdeyaM zaradi basante ca nAdeyam Vaidyakam. -yI N. of several plants (Mar. bhuijAMbhaLI, TAhAkaLa, borU etc.). nAdya . Belonging to a river, river-born. -dyam A lotus; (namo)nAdhopahAralubdhAya Mb. 12.284.98. nAdh = nAth q.v. TATT ATT a. Sounding loudly, roaring lustily. af ind. 1 In different places, in different ways, manifoldly, variously; mRtyoH sa mRtyumApnoti ya iha nAneva pazyati / -2 Distinctly, separately. -3 Without (=faat; with ace. instr. or abl.); nAnA nArI niSphalA lokayAtrA Vop.3 (vizvaM)na nAnA zaMbhunA rAmAt varSeNAdhokSajovara; bid. -4 (Used as an adjective at the beginning of comp.) Manifold, various, sundry, different, diverse; nAnAphalaiH phalati kalpalateva bhUmiH Bh. 2.46%3 nAnAzastrapraharaNAH sarva yuddhavizAradAH Bg.1.9; Ms.9.148. -Comp. -atyayaH . of different kinds, manifold, diverse. -artha 4.1 having different aims or objects. -2 having different meanings, homonymous (asaword).-AtmavAdin a. maintaining the Sankhya doctrine that each individual has a soul distinct from the universal spirit. -371279 a. of many a bodes ; nAnAzrayA prakRtiH San. K.62.-kAram ind. having done variously; P. III. 4.62. Kasi. -grahaH taking separately. -jAtIya .. of diverse kinds or sorts.-dharman a. having different customs. Eata: a musical instrument producing more than one sound. - ICT a. various, manifold. -rasaa. of different or varying tastes; guNyAdbhavamatra lokacaritaM nAnArasaM dRzyate M. 1.4.-rUpa a. of different forms, diverse, multiform, various. -au u. of different colours. -vidha d. of various sorts, diverse, manifold. -fareth ind. in various ways. -aft u. having manifold energy. nAnAtvam The state of diversity or plurality; nAnAtvaM bAhmabhedAca San. K.27. nAnAnam ind. Ved. Differently, separately &c. nAnAndraH A husband's sister's son. nAnta u. Endless, infinite. aractus 4. Inseparable, invariably connected; avinAbhAvaH saMbandhamAtraM na tu nAntarIyakatvam K. P.2. (nAntarIyakatvam = tadabhAve tadabhAvarUpA vyAptiH); f. also yatra ca saMbandho vidhIyate tatrAnyatarasyAnyatra vidhAnam, saMbandho nAntarIyakaH yad vA / saMbandhasya vidhAnaM nAntarIyako saMbandhinau SB. on MS. 3.3.21. nAntram Praise, eulogy. nAndana 3. Gladdoning, pleasing, saiSA bitirnAma dvAstadetannAndanam Ait. Up. 3. 12. -nam A pleasure-garden, paradise. nAndikaraH, nAndin m. The speaker of the nAndI or benediction. nAndI | nandanti devA atra nand-ghaJ pRSo vRddhiH p] 1 Joy, satisfaction, delight. -2 Prosperity; tato rAjakule nAndI saMjajJe bhUyasA punaH Mb. 12. 82.66. -3 Praise of a deity at the commencement of a religious rite or observance. - Particularly, the benedictory verse or verses recited as a sort of prologue at the beginning of a drama, benediction; AzIrvacanasaMyuktA nityaM yasmAt pryujyte| devadvijanRpAdInAM tasmAnnAndIti saMjJitA // or devadvijanRpAdInAmAzIrvacanapUrvikA / nandanti devatA yasyAM tasmAnAndIti kIrtitA // - Loud noise of a dozen drums; L. D. B. -Comp. -kara: nAndina, -ninAdaH, -nAdaH, -ravaH a shout of joy or rejoicing; nAndInAdaprabhRti hi kRtaM mAla taistadAnIm Mv.2.4. (v.1.) -paTa: the lid or cover of a well. -mukha a. (the class of manes or deceased ancestors) to whom the nAndImukhazrAddha is offered. (-kham ), zrAddham a Sraddha ceremony performed in memory of the manes, preliminary to any festive occasion such as marriage &c. (-khaH) the cover or lid of a well. ( eft) a female ancestor entitled to ashare in the above Sraddha. -vAdin m. 1 the speaker of a prologue to a drama. -2 a drummer. -zrAddham se nAndImukham above. nAndIka: 1A post in a door-way set up for good luck. -2 nAndIzrAddha see above. nApitaH A barber, shaver. -Comp. -ucchiSTatA the act of not bathing after the shave ; pAradArthamanAyuSyaM nApitocchiSTatA tathA Mb. 13. 101.40. -gRham,-zAlA a bar ber's shop, shaving-house. afarafa: The son of a barber; P. IV. 1. 158. nApityam The trade of a bar ber. -sya: The son of a barber. nAbhakaH A myrobalan. nAbhAga: N. of the son of Vaivasvata Manu. "ariSTaH N. of the son of Vaivasvata Manu. nAbhasa . (-sI /.) Heavenly, celestial. nAbhasvata a. Relating to the wind; aho yatra bane ghore naiva nAbhasvatI kathA Siva. B. 19. 17. nAbhi,-bhI m... [na-im bhazcAntAdezaH f. Un.4.125] 1 The navel; gaGgAvartasanAbhirnAbhiH Dk.2&c.; nimnanAbhiH Me. 84, 28; R. 6.52; arA iva rathanAbhau prANe sarva pratiSThitam Prasn. Up. -2 Any, navel-like cavity. -m. 1 The nave of a wheel; araiH saMdhAryate nAbhirnA bhI cArAH pratiSThitAH / svAmisebakayorevaM vRtticakra pravartate // Pt. 1. 81. -2 The centre, tocus, chief point ; samudranAbhyAM zAlvo'bhUt saubhamAsthAya zatruhan Mb. 3. 20. 17.-3 Chief, leader, head; kRtsna sya nAbhirnupamaNDalasya R. 18. 20. -4 Near relationship, community (of race &c.); as in sanAbhi q. v. -BA paramount Bovereign or lord; upagato'pi ca maNDalanAbhitAm For Private and Personal Use Only Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nAmikA R. 9. 15. 6 A near relation. -7 A Ksatriya -8 Home. -9 A field; Nm. -bhiH f. Musk (i. e. mRganAbhi ). [ N. B. nAbhi at the end of Bah. comp. becomes nAbha when the comp. is used as epithet; as padmanAbhaH . ] -Comp. -AyateH the envity of the navel kaNTakaH, kRSikA, -gu (go) lakaH ruptured navel. -gandhaH the odour of the musk; nAbhigandhairmRgANAm Me 54 -jaH, -janman m. -bhU: epithets of Brahma. nADI, nAlam 1 the umbilical cord; tadabkarAbhyAcyutanAbhinAlA R. 5. 7. -2 rupture of the navel. -mUlam the part of the body immediately under the navel. -vardhanam 1 cutting or division of the umbilical cord. prAm nAbhivardhanAt puMso jAtakarma vidhIyate Ms. 2. 29. -2 rupture of the navel. -3 oorpuleney. varSam N. of one of the nine is belonging to Jambudvipa and named after Nabhi, the son of Agnidhra. -vIthi: 2 road proceeding from the central part of a village or town; Kamikagama 25.1. nAbhikA A cavity shaped like a navel. nAbhila . [ nAbhirastyasya sidhmA0 lac ] Relating to or coming from a navel. nAbhIlam 1 The cavity of the navel. -2 Pain. -3 A ruptured navel. - 4 The groin of a woman. nAbhya a. [ nAbhi yat ] Relating to, proceeding from being in, the navel, umbilical. -bhyaH An epithet of Siva. nAbhogaH 1 A god. -2 A snake; nAbhogabhojyo hariNAdhirUDhaH so'yaM garutmAniva rAjatInduH Ram. Ch. 6.84. ( Mark the paranomasia in the words nAbhogabhojya and hariNAdhirUDha ). " 2 nAma ind. A particle used in the following senses :1 Named, called, by name ; himAlayo nAma nagAdhirAjaH Ku. 1. 1; tannandinIM suvRttAM nAma Dk. 7. -2 Indeed, certainly, truly, forsooth, verily, to be sure; mayA nAma jitam V. 2. 17.; vinItaveSeNa praveSTavyAni tapovanAni nAma S. 1; AzvAsitasya mama nAma V. 5.16 when I was iust consoled'; tannAma niSThurAH puruSAH Mk. 5.32 ' that means men are cruel ' -3 Probably, perhaps ; oft with mA ; aye padazabda iva mA nAma rakSiNaH Mk. 3 ' herhaps ( but I hope not) that of guards' mA nAma acArya kuryAt M. 4.4 ponibility: tavaiva nAmAnagati: Ku. 3. 19; tvayA nAma munirvimAnyaH S.5.20 is it possible &c. (implying censure); frequently used with af in the sense of I wish', would that', -- is it likely that &c. ' ; see under api - 8 A feigned or pretended sution protence (alIka); kAnnatiko nAma bhUtvA Dk. 130; 80 bhIto nAmAvaplutya 104 as if afraid ', parizramaM nAma vinIya ca kSaNam Ku. 5. 32. -6 ( With imperati ves) Granted, though, it may be, well, it may be; tad bhavatu nAma zokAvegAya K. 328; atanuSu vibhaveSu jJAtayaH santu nAma S. 5. 8; Bh. 1. 16; evaM nAmAstu 'be it so, it you like '; karotu nAma nItijJo vyavasAyamitastataH H 2 14 " though he may exert himself'; Mal. 10. 7. -7 Anger or censure ; mamApi nAma dazAnanasya paraiH paribhavaH G. M.; C 888 nAman (the_sentence_may imply censure' also); kiM nAma visphuranti zastrANi 43 mamApi nAma satyairabhibhUyante gRhAH S. 6. -8 Wonder; Azcaryamandho nAma putraM drakSyati Sk. -9 Recollection. is often used with the interrogative pronoun and its derivatives katham, kadA &c. in the sense of 'possibly', 'indeed', 'I should like to know '; ayi kathaM nAmaitat U. 6; R. 16. 82; Bh. 2.44; H. 1. 104; ko nAma rAjJAM priyaH Pt. 1. 146; ko nAma pAkAbhimukhasya janturdvArANi daivasya dhAtu . 7.4. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nAman N. [ mnAyate abhyasyate namyate abhidhIyate artho'nena vA ] 1 A name, appellation, personal name (opp. gotra ); kiM nu nAmaitadasyAH M. 1. 1; nAma grahU 'to address or call upon by name,' nAmaprAimarodIt sA Bk. 5, 5; nAma kR or dA, nAmnA or nAmataH kR ' to give a name, call, name '; cakAra nAmnA raghumAtmasaMbhavam R. 3.31; 5.36; tau kuzalavau cakAra kila nAmataH 15.32; candrApIDa iti nAma cakre K. 74; mAtaraM nAmataH pRccheyam S. 7. -2 The mere name; saMtaptAyasi saMsthitasya payaso nAmApi na jJAyate Bh. 2. 67 'not even the name, i. e. no trace or mark is seen' &c.; Pt. 1.250. - 8 ( In gram.) A noun, substantive (opp. AkhyAta); tannAma yenAbhidadhAti sattvam; sattvapradhAnAni nAmAni Nir. 4 A word, name, synonymous word; iti vRkSanAmAni 6 Substance (opp. guNa ). -6 Water. 7 Ved. Mark, sign, token. -8 Form, mode, manner. -Comp. -aGka a marked with a name ; nAmAkarANazarAGkitam (ratham) R. 12.108. anuzAsa nam, -abhidhAnam 1 declaring one's name. -2 a dic tionary, lexicon. -aparAdha: abusing (a respectable man) by name, calling names. -AkhyAtika a relating to nouns and verbs. -AvalI a list of names (of a god ). - karaNam, -karman n. 1 the ceremony of naming a child after birth. -2 a nominal affix -grahaH, -grahaNam addressing or mentioning by name, utterance of the name, calling to mind the name; puNyAni nAmagrahaNAnyapi mahAmunInAm K. 43; Ms. 8 271; R. 7.41; 6. 67. -grAham ind. by naming, by mentioning the name; nAmagrAhamarodIt sA bhrAtarau rAvaNAntike Bk. 5. 5. -tyAgaH abandonment of name; svanAmatyAgaM karomi Pt. 1 ' I shall forego my name '. -dvAdazI kind of religious ceremony, the worship of Durga daily under one of her 12 names, i.. gaurI, kAlI, umA, bhaMza, durgA, anti, sarasvatI, maGgalA, vaiSNavI, lakSmI, zivA and nArAyaNI -dhAtuH a nominal verb, denominative base (a8 pAryAyate pazyati &0.) -dhAraka, dhArin .. bearing only the name, in name only, nominal; (tathA) arthena vihIno'tra puruSo nAmadhAraka: Pt. 2. 84. - dheyam 1a name, appellation vanajyotsneti kRtanAmadheyA 5.11 kiM nAmaceyA sA M. 4; R. 1. 45; 10. 67; 11. 8; nAmadheyasya ye kecidabhivAdaM na jAnate Ms. 2. 123 -2 the ceremony of naming a child. * zabdaH a word or an expression which forms the name of a thing or an act ; codakAcca nAmadheyazabdo balavattaraH / SB. on MS. 12. 1. 14. nAbhikaH an epithet of Vispu. -nirdezaH indication by name. -mAtra * having only the name, nominal, in name ; kAce maNirmaNau kAco yeSAM buddhiH pravartate / na teSAM sanidhau bhRtyo nAmamAtro'pi tiSThati // Pt. 1. 77; 2. 86. a a. For Private and Personal Use Only 2 Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nAmaka 889 nArAyaNaH mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmm.inmanianim a rawaision (-tram) the mere name or mention (of a thing); | nAmamAtraprastAvo me viSAdAya kalpate 5.73 Pt. 3.81; H. 1. 1287 nAmamAtrAvazeSitAH zatravaH Ram. -mAlA, -saMgrahaH a list of names, glossary (of nouns). -mudrA a seal-ring, signetring; ubhe nAmamudrAkSarANyanuvAcya parasparamavalokayataH 5.1. -liGgam gender of nouns. "anuzAsanam rules on the gender of nouns. -affra a. 1 nameless. -2 stupid, foolish. -vAcaka. expressing a name. (-kam) a proper name. -zeSa a. having only the name left, remaining in name only, dead, deceased; tvAM nAmazeSAmapi dRzyamAnaH U. 2.6. -T: death. nAmaka (At the end of adj. comp.) = nAman ; as kRtanAmaka. nAmataH ind. By name, namely; tannAmato'nyadvapavahAramUlam Bhag.b. 12.8. nAmadhaH, -dhA m. Ved. A name-giver. FTTHET ind. By name. nAmikaa. Relating to a name or a noun. ATA: An epithet of Visnu. nAmita a. Bont, bowed down &c.; nAmitaM nu gaganaM sthagita nu Ki.9. 15. nAmya 4. Pliable, flexible, pliant; kSatriyeNa dhnurnaamym| Mb.8.55. 34. nAyaH[nI-kartari Na] 1A leader, guide. -2 Guiding, directing. -3 Policy, prudence%3 yAta yUyaM yamAya dirza nAyena dakSiNAm Bk.7.36. -4Means, expedient; nAyaH ko'tra sa yena syAM batAI vigatajvaraH Bk.6.82. nAyaka . [nI-bul ] Guiding, leading, conducting. - 1 A guide, leader, conductor. -2 A chief, master, head, lord. -8 A pre-eminent or principal person, distinguished personage 3 sainyanAyaka: &c. -4A general, commander. -8 (In Rhet.) The hero of a poetic composition (a play or drama); (according to s. D. there are four main kinds of nAyaka:dhIrodAtta, dhIroddhata, dhIralalita, and dhIraprazAnta, q.v.3 these are again subdivided, the total number of kinds being 48 ; see S. D. 61-75. The Rasamanjari mentions 3 dlasses pati, upapati and vaizika; 95. 110). -6 The central gem of a necklace; nAyako netari zreSThe hAramadhyamaNAvapi' iti vizvaH, -7A paradigm or leading example; dazaite strISu nAyakAH, -8 An epithet of Sakyamuni. -Comp. -adhipaH a king, sovereign. nAyakAyate Denom. A. 1To play the part of a leader. -2 To act the part of the central gem of a necklace; ekArthatantuprotAyo nAyako nAyakAyate Si. 2.92. nAyikA 1 A mistress. -2 A wife. -3 The heroine of a poetic composition. According to S. D. a 17 is of three kinds svA or svIyA, anyA or parakIyA, and saM.I. ko....112 sAdhAraNastrI. For further classification, see S. D. 97-112, and Rasamanjari 3-943; f. anyatrI also).-4A kind ot musk. nAra a. (-rI/.) [narasyedam-aN] 1 Human, mortal. -2 Spiritual; Apo nArA iti proktAH Ms. 1. 10. -: 1A calf. -2 Water.-rA Water; of. Ms. 1. 10. -ram 1A multitude or assemblage of men. -2 Dry ginger. -Comp. -kITa: a deceiver ( disappointing expectations raised by himself). -jIvanam gold. nAraka (-kI/.) [naraka eva prajJA0 aN narakasyedam aN vA ] Hellish, relating to hell, infernal. -* 1 The infernal regions, hell; kubhmIpAkaM gurumapi hare nArakaM nApanetum Mukundamala 6. -2 An inhabitant of hell. nArakika, nArakina, nArakIya a. Hellish. -m. An inhabitant of hell. TEAT: 1 The orange tree. - A lecher, libertine. -3 A living being.-4 A twin. -Ggam,-kam 1 The fruit of the orange tree; sadyomuNDitamattahUNacibukapraspadhi nArAkama. -2 A carrot. -8 The juice of the pepper plant. nAradaH [narasya dharmo nAraM, tat dadAti dA-ka] N. of a celebrated Devarsi (deified saint or divine sage ). [He is one of the ten mind-born sons of Brahma, being supposed to have sprung from his thigh (Ms. 1. 35). He is represented as a messenger from the gods to men and vice versa and as being very fond of promoting discords among gods and men; hence his epithet of Kali priya. He is said to have been the inventor of the lute or Vina. He is also the author of a code of laws which goes by his name.] -Comp. -upaniSad N. of a Upanisad. nArasiMha (-hI/.) Pertaining to Narasimha. -haH 1 An epithet of Visnu.-2 The 16th period of the world (kalpa ). -Comp. -cUrNam N. of a particular aphrodisiac. nArAcaH [narAn AcAmati A-cama-Da svArthe aN , nAram AcAmati vA Tv.] 1 An iron arrow; tatra nArAcadurdinam R.4.41. -2 An arrow in general; sarvalohAstu ye bANAH nArAcAste prkiirtitaaH| paJcabhiH pRthulaiH pakSairyuktAH sidhyanti kasyacit || Dhanur. 733; Ram.3.25.25%3 kanakanArAcaparaMparAbhiriva K.57. -3 Water-elephant. -4 A road running towards the east; Kamikagama 25. 3. nArAcikA, nArAcI A goldsmith's scales (assay balance). arreu: 1 An epithet of Visnu; (the word is thus derived in Ms. 1. 10%; Apo nArA iti proktA Apo vai nrsuunvH| tA yadasyAyanaM pUrva tena nArAyaNaH smRtH||) nArAyaNaM namaskRtya. tato jayamudIrayet Mb. 1. 1.1; nIre nIracaraiH samaM sa bhagavAn nidrAti nArAyaNaH Jagannatha Pandita. -2N. of an ancient sage said to be a companion of Nara and to have produced Urvait from his thigh; ct. UrUdbhavA narasakhasya muneH surakhI For Private and Personal Use Only Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nArika 890 nAzaH v. 1.33; see naranArAyaNa under nara also. -8 N. of the Becond month (reckoning from mArgazIrSa). -NI 1 An epithet of Laksmi the goddess of wealth.-2 An epithet of Durga. -3 An epithet of Ganga and Gandaki.-4N. of a plant (Mar. zatAvarI). -Comp. -astram N. of a missile. -upaniSad N. of an Upanisad. -priyaH 1 N. of Siva. -2 yellow sandal-wood. -bali: an oblation given to five deities including TT190 in performing the funeral rites of a person dying a sinful death. nArika .(-kI/.) 1 Watery, aqueous. -2 Spiritual. nArikeraH,-la: The cocoa-nut; nArikelasamAkArA dRzyante hi suhRjjanAH H.1.90. [ The word is also written nArikali-lI, nArikera-la, nArIkeli-lI, nADi (DI) kera, nAlikera (Bhag.8.2.11), nAlikeli-lI.] -lI Fermented liquor made from the water of the cocoa-nut. nArI [na-nara-bA jAtau vIS ni0] 1 A woman; arthataH puruSo nArI yA nArI sArthataH pumAn Mk.3.27. -2 Any female or feminine object. -3 Sacrifice. -Comp. -iSTA Arabian Jasmin (Mar. mogarA). -taraNaka: 1a paramour. -23 libertine. -duSaNam a woman's vice: (they are:-pAnaM durjanasaMsargaH patyA ca viraho'Tanam / svapno'nyagRhavAsazca nArINAM dUSaNAni SaT Ms.9.13). -nAtha a. having a woman for possessor or owner; kvacidapi gRhaM nArInAthaM nirIkSya vivarjitam Mk. 4. 3. -parAyaNa a devoted to women. -puram women's apartment in house, gynaeceum.-at: lechery, libertinism. -ratnam a jewel of a woman, an excellent woman. nArIkam (in Sankhya) One of the 9 kinds of tuSTi. nArpatya a. Kingly, relating to royalty. nArpayati [na+arpayati ] To surrender to the king (ine. property ); N. 5. 89. ATT a. 1 Belonging to the river Narmada. -2A class of Brahmanas. A FT: The orange tree. nAla a. [nalasyedaM aN ] Consisting or made of reeds; nAlaM vanaM yathapatiryathonmadaH. -lam 1 A hollow_stalk, especially the stalk of the lotus%3 vikacakamalaiH dIrghavaiDUryanAlaiH Mo. 783 R.6.133 Ku.7.89; (-m. also in this sense). -2 Any tubular vessel of the body. -3 Yellow orpiment.-4A handle. -: The neck; L. D. B. -la: A canal, drain. (-lam,-lA) The navel-string. -Comp. -astram any tubular weapon as gun, cannon &c. nAlambI The lute of Siva. nAlA A hollow stalk, especially that of the lotus; nAlAM mRNAlAgrabhujo bhajAmaH N. -Comp.-yantram a cannon, a gun; cayATTamastakanyastanAlAyantrasudurgame Siva B. 9.51.. nAliH, -lI/. [nala-Nic in vA nIp] 1 Any tubular vessel of the body. -2 A hollow stalk, especially that of the lotus. -3 A period of 24 minutes (ghaTikA).-4 An instrument for boring an elephant's ear. - A canal, drain. -8 A lotus flower. -7 A piece of metal on which thre hours are struck (ghaTI). -Comp. -jayaH a crow, raven. -TT: Fistula, sinus. nAlikaH [nalameva nAlamastyasya Than ] A buffalo. -kA 1 The stalk of a lotus. -2 A tube. -3 An instrument for boring an elephant's ear. -4 A period of 24 minutes 3B viSaNNAlikamubhayato rAtraM yAmatUryam Kau. A.(nAgarikapraNidhiH) or of 11 hours ; nAlikAbhiraharaSTadhA rAtriM ca vibhajet Kau. A. 1. 19. -kam A lotus-flower. -2 A kind of wind-instrument, a flute. -3 Myrrh. nAlikera, nAlikeli,-lI See nArikera &c. atfeat A mystic name of one nostril; Bhag. nAlIkaH nAlyAM kAyati kai-ka Tv.] 1 An arrow; N.2.283 nAlIkA laghavo bANA nalayantreNa noditAH Dhanur.74; tato nAlIkanArAcaistIkSNApraizca vikIrNibhiH Ram.3.25.25%3 Si. 19.61. -2 Adart, javelin; karNinAlIkasAyakairnihatya Mb.6.95.31. -3 A lotus. -4 The fibrous stalk of a lotus; nAlIkAkSasya nAbhIsarasi vasatu nazcittahaMsazcirAya Vishupada Stotra 28. -B A water-pot (kamaNDala) made of the cocoanut. -kam An assemblage of lotus-flowers. nAlIkinI 1A multitude or assemblage of lotusflowers. -2 A lotus-pond. nAlandaH A village of great historical importance, near rAjagRha, a place of Buddh. monastery. nAlIpaH = kadambaka q.v. nAva See nau. nAvikaH [nAvA tarati-Than ] 1 The helmsman of a vessel, a. pilot ; akhyAtiriti te kRSNa manA nau vike tvayi nAvikapuruSe na farare: Mb. -2 A navigator, sailor. -9 A passenger on board a ship. -Comp. -nAyakaH, -patiH The captain of a vessel. Afera m. A boatman. nAvya a. [nAvA tAyeM nau-yat ] 1 Accessible by a boat or ship, navigable (as a river &c.); nAvyAH supratarA nadIH R.4.31; nAvyaM payaH kecidatAriSurbhujaiH Si. 12.76. -2 Praiseworthy. -vyam Newness, novelty. -vyA Ved. A navigable river. nAvanam A sternutatory. nAvanIta (-tI/.) 1 Coming from butter. -2 Mild, soft, gentle; nAvanItaM hi hRdayaM viprANAM zAmya bhArgava Mb. b. 185. 29. -n. Ghee recently prepared out of butter; rarita bhukte ityaciranirdagdheneti gamyate / SB. on MS. 1.4.12. nAvamika. (kI/.) Ninth; tatazca dvAdaze mAse caitre nAvAmike tithau Ram. 1. 18.8. nAzaH [naza-bhAve ghaJ] 1 Disappearance; gatA nAzaM tArA upakRtamasAdhAviva jane Mk.5.25. -2 Frustration, destruc For Private and Personal Use Only Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nAzaka 891 ........ tion, ruin, loss; arafareitsta Bg. 2. 40; R. 8.88; 12. 67; so far, grao &c. -8 Death. -4 Misfortune, calamity. -5 Abandonment, desertion. -6 Flight, retreat. -7 (In arith.) Elimination. -8 Want of apprehension, non-perception ( 31944). FIT a. (7-10r2.cer ] Destructive, destroying. ATTE a. ( 22-f07a-4 ] (ftf.) Destroying, causing to perish, removing (in comp.). - 1 Destruction, ruin. -2 Removing, removal, expulsion. -4 Perishing, death. -8 Forgetting; 37taty T4 Y. 3. 228. a ta p. p. Destroyed, ruined, made to perish, lost. -Comp. 48: intercourse with an outcast; Buddh. A STI a.(-aft s.)[77.forfa ] 1 Destructive, destroying, removing. -2 Perishing, perishable; para sa aal...... 17: Bg. 2. 18; Ms. 8. 185. art a. Destructible. ate: The owner of anything lost; arfe# 477 Ms. 8. 202 Alt Ved. 1 Danger, destruction. -2 An evil spirit, a goblin. ara 1 A. (Free) To Sound. ATEICOT The constellation fait. Het m. (du.) Asvins, the twin physicians of gods; al grafa at HSCH Mb. 1.3.66; Bhag. 9.3.11. -Comp. - 1 the Satya yuga -2 the two Asvins ; N. 10. 45; 17. 146. TET [274-19 34] 1 The nose; T alagaan U. 1. 29; 91919191 at gocat fara aftot Bg. 5. 27. -2 The trunk of an elephant. -3 The upper timber of a door. -4 A sound. -Comp. 394 the tip of the nose; maaari fazla forgat Mal. 1. 1. fan a. reaching to the nose (a stick); Fly Fa t fast: (que:) Me. 2. 46.-, TETH, -fach, -fect a nostril; ararrattaitarai a: Si. 5. 54. fegat f. N. of a bird with a divided beak. erotiaa: Wearing the nose ornament in the right nostril (showing abundant wealth and progeny ). -1: n. the upper timber of a door-frame. TC/: the thickening of the membrane of the nose. Oferta: running at the nose, a. running cold. -puTaH, -puTam a nostril. degmaryAdA the septum of the nose. -ajot: the bridge of the nose. -aara: Wearing the nose-ornament in the left nostril as a mark of sorrow or childlessness). -997: perforation of the nose. Erre: a running cold. af : (- ) N. of a sacred place in the Bombay state. afa a, Blowing or breathing through the nose. afer a. Drinking through the nose. afera (T-09 ] 1 The noge; see al. -2 Any nose-shaped object. -3 The trunk of an elephant. -4 The upper timber of a door. -8 A projection. - An epithet of the nymph Asvini. -Comp. -Hi the mucus of the nose. aft a. [ Arff-07 ] 1 Nasal. -2 Being in the nose. - 9: A nasal sound. Tot (du.) An epithet of the Asvins. nAsikyakam The nose. are A nose-cord, the rein of a draught-ox (passed through the septum of the nostrils); Ms. 8. 291. ATTRACH, TECH[aruna at T - # Tv. ] Advancing or fighting in front of an army. T: 1 The van or front of an army &c.); arta : My. 6; N. 1. 68. Terrafa 72 yarateasant Parnal. -2 A champion who advances before the line. alfar ind. 'It is not', non-existence, as in Tenester &c. -Comp. -ar: assertion of the non-existence of God or a Supreme Ruler, atheism, infidelity; alcaa wa AlthaiaTTo K. affarah a. (-:) [ Arta qa r age acaref ar sa afatey 37] An atheist, unbeliever, one who denies the authority of the Vedas and a future life or the existence of a Supreme Ruler or Creator of the Universe; sfatur ala: Si. 16.7; Ms. 2. 11; 8. 22. arang ia 279: arengo fa t 14: Subhas. -Comp.-HaH an atheistical opinion.aera. leading the life of an atheist. area T4 Atheism, infidelity, heresy; ftatu 99 Mb. 3. 31. 1. Firea: The mango-tree. ATE: (7 94] 1 Binding, confinement. -2 A trap or snare. -3 Costiveness, constipation. ati a man of an outcast-tribe. Alga, -fa: An epithet of Yayati; galatu - algu Tokat Ram. 7. 58. 8; Bhag. 10. 60. 41. for ind. (Mostly used as a prefix to verbs and nouns, rarely as an adverb or preposition. It is used in the following senses ( according to G. M.):- 1 Lowness, downward motion ('down', 'under', 'below'); a farag.-2 A group or collection; A-7, P . -3 Intensity; fatura, farka. - Command, order; Paat: -8 Continuance, permanence; Alaga. -6 Skill; Fagot. -7 Restraint, confinement; 4.-8 Inclusion ('into', 'in'); radiaga FA. - Proximity, nearness; fare, 1 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nis 892 nisravaH . -10 Insult, wrong, harm; nikRti, nikAra.-11 Showing, | niHsaMga a. 1 Unobstructed, free; niHsaMga pradhibhirupAdade nidarzana.-12 Cessation; nivRt.-18 Resort, refuge; nilaya.-14 faft: Ki. 7. 12. -2 Unconnected, detached. -8 SelfDonbt. -16 Certainty.-16 Affirmation. -17 Throwing, less, disinterested; bharturye pralaye'pi pUrvasukRtAsaGgena niHsaMgayA giving &c. (according to Durgadasa.). -18 nimicchati- bhaktyA kAryadhuraM vahanti Mu. 1. 14. -T: Absense of attachnimicchati To perform Nirajana or the ceremonial ment, entire concentration. waving of lights round an object of worship or an niHsattva a. Unsubstantial. -2 Weak, impotent. idol ; also round a person or horses or elephants as an auspicious act; kurute tameva nimicchapa devaH saphalaM sa janma N.7.43. -3 Wretched, misera ble. -4 Insignificant, mean, low. nis 2 A. to touch closely, to salute, to kiss. niste fatigra: Thick darkness, midnight. dantacchadaM yuvA Bk. niHsaMbAdha a. Solitary, lonely. nikSatra a. Having no military easte (kSatriya ). GG: a. 1 Unable to bear, resist or suffer, impaniHkSip = nikSip q... tient. -2 Powerless, unnerved, spiritless, languid, fatigued; ayi virama niHsahAsi jAtA Mal.392,73 U.3. niHkSipta pp. 1 Throwm or sent away. -2 Passed, -8 Intolerable, unbearable, irresistible (in a passive spent (as time). sense). niHkSepaH 1 Throwing, sending away. -2 Spending niHsAdhAram ind. Supportless; niHsAdhAraM gacchato'vAGmukhasya (time). -3 Wiping (tears). Si. 18. 46. fa: a. Free from fear, careless, secure. -84 ind. faeft a. Unbounded, immeasurable, grand. Fearlessly, easily; niHzaGka dIyate lokaiH pazya bhasmacaye padam. niHzabda a. Noiseless, silent, still, fariae 1 P. 1 To come forth, slip away from, go out, issue from; bANaiH kharakArmukaniHsRtaiH Ram.; Si.9.25. -2 To niHzalAkaa. Lonely, solitary; araNye niHzalAke vA mantra depart, set out for ; prAmAdaraNyaM niHsRtya nivasenniyatendriyaH yedabibhAvitaH Ms. 7. 147. Ms.6.4. -3 To flow torth, ooze out, exude; yo hemakumbhaniHzastra a. Weaponless, unarmed. stananiHsUtAnAm R. 2. 36. -0aus. To turn out, expel, far:fty Caug. 1 To reduce to nothing, annihilate, drive away. destroy completely. -2 To leave no remainder. niHsaraNam 1Going out, exit. -2 An egress or outniHzeSa .[nirgataH zeSo yasya ] Whole, complete, entire; let from a house, a gate. - Final departure, death. niHzeSavizrANitakozajAtam R.5.1. -Sam,-SeNa ind. Wholly, 1 - A means, expedient, remedy. -8 Final beatitude. completely, totally, entirely. niHsAra: Going torth or out, exit niHsAraM kAnakSamANaH saH niHzraya (yi) NI, niHzreNi,-NI / A ladder, stairease; Mb. 12.289.28. -a.1 Worthless ; jagatsarve tu niHsAramanityaM labdhvApi mokSaniHzreNI sa nArohati durmatiH Bhag.7.1.5%3 cake duHkhabhAjanam Kalika P.; Pt. 1. 106. -2 Sapless. -3 UntridivaniHzreNiH sarayUranuyAyinAm R. 15. 100. substantial. niHzreyasama [ nizcitaM zreyaH ni.] Final beatitude, absolu- niHsAraNam 1 Expelling, driving or turning out. tion; sa sthANuH sthirabhaktiyogasulabho niHzreyasAyAstu vaH 7.1.1; -2 The outlet from a house, ingress or egress. samutkarSaniHzreyasasyaikamugraM paraM sAdhanaM nAma vIravratam Subhas, Ki. 11. 19. -2 Happiness; Ms. 1. 106. -3 Faith, belief. fanfta a. Expelled, dismissed, turned out. - Apprehension, conception. niHsneha a. 1 Dry. -2 Insensible, cold. niHzvas (often written nizvas) 2 P. 1 To sigh, niHspanda a. Motionless; jyAbandhaniHspandabhujena yasya R.6.40. heave a sigh of griel, pant.-2 To hiss (as a serpent). -8 To snort (as an elephant). -4 To breathe. niHspRha a. 1 Free from desirenot longing for. -2 niHzvasanam Breathing out, sighing. Satisfied, content. -3 Indifferent; nanu vaktRvizeSaniHspRhA guNagRhyA vacane vipazcitaH Ki.2.5. niHzvasita pp. 1 Breathed out, sighed.-2 Sighing. -tam 1 Expiration. -2 A sigh; stanakampakriyAlakSyanasta niHsva. Poor; tyaktvA janayitAraM svaM nisvaM gacchati: dUrataH niHzvasitairiva (hRdayam) V.2. 19. Pt. 1.9. niHzvAsA, nizvAsaH 1 Breathing out, expiration. niHsvana: a.Soundless. -na: Sound; sukhazravA mAlatUrya-2 Sighing, asigh, breath. -Comp. -parama a. melan niHsvanAH R. 3. 19. Also niHsvanitam. choly. niHsravaH Remainder, surplas%3 krayo vA niHsnavastasmAd niHsaMzaya a. Undoubted, certain. vaNijAM lAbhakRtsmRtaHY.2.251. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Arent: f 1 Expense, expending, expenditure. -2 The water of boiled rice. a. Near, close, hard by, proximate. -, -Tam Proximity. (nikaTe is used adverbially in the sense of 'near', 'at hand', 'hard' or 'close by', afa fan kAlasrotaH samastabhayAvaham santi 3. 2). -Comp. -ga, vartin, - a. near, at hand. 10 A. To desire excessively, long vehemently. [ a. dant; fat ] 1 Plentiful, copious, abun S. 6. 16. -2 Desirous of. -;, mam Wish, desire; hAtuM pracakrame rAjA tAM purImanikAmataH Bhag. 4. 28. 10. ind. 1 According to one's wish or desire, agreeably to desire. -2 To one's satisfaction, to the heart's content ; rAtrau nikAmaM zayitavyamapi nAsti 5. 2 'I cannot even sleep at ease or comfortably at night'. -3 Very much, exceedingly; 4 Mal. 2. 3; often used as the first member of comp. when it loses its final;fra: Git. 7; Ku. 5. 23; Si. 4. 54. Desire, longing after. fa fa nika [nika bhASAdI ap] 1 A honp, pile 2 A flock, multitude, collection: papAta svedAmyuprasara iva harSAnikara: GIL. 11; Si. 4. 58; Rs. 6. 18. -8 A bundle. -4 Sap, pith, essence. A suitable gift, honorarium. -6 A treasure. nikartanam See under nikRt. nikarSaNa See under nikaSa, : F: () 1 A touch-stone, whet-stone; f R. 17. 46; Mv. 1. 4. -2 (Fig.) Anything serving as a touch-stone, a test; e. 5. 10; Adarza zikSitAnAM sucaritanikaSa: Mk. 1. 48; Dk. 1; K. 44. 3 A streak or line of gold made on a touchstone; kanakanikaSa rucizucivasanena zvasiti na sA parijanahasanena Git. 7. 6; kanakanikaSasnigdhA vidyut priyA na mamorvazI V. 4. 1; 5.19. -Comp. upalaH, -prAvan m., -pASANaH a touch-stone, whetstone ; tatpremahemanikaSopalatAM tanoti Git 11; tattvanikaSagrAvA tu teSAM vipad H. 1. 183.2.79. nikaSaNa: ( - Nam) 1 the touch-stone ; ya ekaH zUrANAM guru: Ve. 3. 16. -2 Rubbing off. f N. of the mother of Ravana or of imps in general. ind. Near, hard, close by, at hand (with 300); nikaSA sodhamiti Dle. nikaSA haniSyati Si. 1. 68. Comp. - a demon. nikAyaH [nim] 1 A heap, an assembl age, a class, multitude, flock, group in general; Mv. 1. nikAya iti sacghAt auttarAdharyeNAvasthita ucyate / SB. on Ms. 8. 1. 19 tAmanikA yA zitikA trilocanam (ya) Bhag. 4. 24. 25. 2 A congregation, school, an association of persons who perform like duties. -8 A house, habitation dwelling-place; Ms. 1. 36; : &c. -4 The body. 893 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nikAraNam - Aim, butt, mark. -6 The Supreme Being. -7 Ved. Air, wind; Vaj. 15. 5. nikAyin m. (pl.) Serial sacrifices ; nikAyaH eSAM te nikAyinaH / SB. on Ms. 8.1.19; nikAyinAM ca pUrvasyottareSu pravRttiH syAt MS. 8.1.19. fa: [ef. P. III. 1. 129] A dwelling, habitation, house; na praNAbhyo janaH kazcinnikAbhyaM te'dhitiSThati Bk. 6.66; of pAmyasAnAmyanikAyadhAyAH mAnahavirniyA sAmidhenISu P. III. 1. 29 quoted in SB. on MS. 5. 3. 5. nikAra &c. See under nikR. fran, [fa] 1 Appearance, sight. -2 Horizon. -3 Proximity, vicinity; f g: Bhag. 3. 16. 31. 4 Likeness, resemblance (at the end of comp.); kvacinmaNinikAzodAm (nadIm ) Ram. 2. 95. 10; Mal. 5. 13. - light. -6 secret; nikAzastu prakAze syAt sadRze rahasi smRtaH Nm. Soratching, rubbing; sufraft: Ki.7.6. fa: A measure of capacity equal to of a Kadara (also far). fag, 1 A bower, an arbour, a place overgrown with shrubs and creepers; yamunAtIravAnI ra nikuJje Git. 4. 2, 11; Rs. 1. 23. -2 A vault; logy Agag Mal. 2. 12. -3 A cavern; parvatabhUdharanizacimbhamANaH Mal. . 3. f: 1 N. of an attendant of Siva; R. 2.35.-2 N. of the father of Sunda and Upasunda. nikumbhilA 1 A cave or grove at the western gate of Lanka. -2 An image of Bhadrakali on the west side of Lanka. -3 A place where oblations are offered; dhruvaMsa movismAn pArtho'gacchannam Bk. 17. 25. fag() A flock, collection, mass, multitude; latAnikurumbam Git. 11. kiraNa A. L. 20; cikuradeg 43. fgdf A family art, one inherited by birth, any skill or art peculiar to a race. See far; Mb. 8. 41. 29. fa 8 U. Ved. 1 To humiliate, subdue, overcome. -2 To maltreat, act or treat ill. -8 To injure, wrong, offend. f 1 Winnowing corn. -2 Lifting up. -8 Killing, slaughter. - Humiliation, subjugation. -8 Insult, injury, wrong, offence; if : Ve. 6. 43; Mv. 3. 41; 5. 14; 7.8; Ki. 1.43; 3.44.-6 Abuse, reproach, disrespect. 7 Wickedness, malice; fas Mb. 5. 129. 47. -8 Opposition, contradiction. faro Killing, slaughter. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nikRta nikhAta fata Contraction, compression. fanfaa a. Cried, roared ( said of a faulty recita tion). Fra p. p. 1 Humbled, cast down, humiliated ; 3+Hf Aka: Mb. 4. 49. 18.-2 Insulted, offended; I ara f a a aaifa ana U. 6. 14. -8 Deceived, cheated; TASA armaufa: Bhag. 5. 14. 13. -4 Removed. -5 Aflicted, injured. -8 Wicked, dishonest. -7 Base, low, vile. a Humiliation. --Comp. -791. ovil-minded. Afat a. depraved in mind, base. farsta a. Base, dishonest, wicked. -fa: f. 1 Base ness, wickedness. -2 Dishonesty, fraud, deception; fanfarnoi a area 1921103 Ve. 5. 21; Ki. 1. 45. 377 HARATY fasaysa: 974 Siva. B. 17. 21; aiayafagfa: 17.26.-3 Insult, offence, humiliation; FAS TTangrad sa Mu. 4.11. -4 Abuse, reproach. - Reiection, removal. - Poverty, indigence. - The earth. -8 N. of one of the eight Vasus. -Comp. -43 a. evil minded, wicked. fargaar a. Base, dishonest, wicked. FAST 6 P. 1 To cut down, cut to pieces, cut or tear off, tear up; falaic248 Harrafo afa Pt. 2. 39; fagafa H H Bk. 7. 11; wala 7708: R. 7.58. -2 To cut oneself (A.) FTSH 1 Cutting down or off, tearing; fahay la heikf: Mb. 7. 170. 25.-2 Annihilation, wiping out completely; utsAdanamamitrANAM parasenAnikartanam Mb. 3. 167.55. fa t a.(-aft.) Cutting down, destroying; fazla rayascarafaret (a ) Git. 11. -74 1 Cutting, cutting off, destruction. -2 An instrument for cutting; at safarda ciya fad FAIT S. B. -3 N. of a hell. a y 1, 6 P. 1 To lessen, diminish. -2 To draw or drag down, pull down; (A14294 ) fagiczna lakSayAmi Mu.2.2. fradre 1 An open space for recreation, or a playground in or near a town. -2 A court at the entrance of a house. -3 Neighbourhood. -4 An uncultivated or unploughed plot of ground. Ane p. p. 1 Low, base, vile. -2 Outcast, despised. -3 Vulgar. -4 Near. -94 Proximity. -Comp. -eh Hand to hand light, close fight; nikRSTayuddhaM saMsaktaM mahadAsItECTEUTH Mb.7. 187. 15. fany: Piling or collecting repeatedly. fare:, : 1 A house, habitation, mansion, a bode; foartefarhaat R. 8.33; 14.58; By. 12. 19; Ku. 5. 25; Ms. 6. 26; Si. 5. 26. -2 A mark, countersign. -3 A stage in the religious life of a Brahmana ; Mb. 3. F T: An onion. -# 1 A mansion, house, abode; FAST 9554ft ad fatah Git. 11 : Ms. 6. 28; 11. 129; Ki. 1. 16. -2 A temple. P HUAE Ved. 1 Trampling down. -2 A foot-stop, foot-fall. f or:, TUT: 1 A musical tone or sound. -2 A sound in general. fafarafa744a74: Ki. 6. 2. fast 1 P. (Fanfa) Ved. 1 To pierce. - To kiss, nikSaNam Kissing. FETETT A nit ( a wrong form for feat q. v.). fafeto 6 P. 1 To throw or cast down, put or place down; 310 1 a a ya fare Y. 1. 103; Amaru. 80. -2 To entrust, commit, consign to the care of; dieta aferyat Ratn. 1; Ms. 6.3; 8. 179; R. 1. 34. - To deposit, place as deposit. -4 To encamp. -5 To cast off, reject. - To give or hand over, grant, bestow (on). -7 To install, appoint. fareta p. p. 1 Thrown or put down, thrown into. -2 Deposited, pledged, pawned. -3 Sent, sent off. -4 Rejected, abandoned. -8 Appointed, installed. fareta: 1 Throwing or casting on with acc.); e Alat Berayaafu S. D. 2. -2 A deposit, pledge, pawn in general; nikSepa patite hamrye zreSThI stauti Faqat i n fua qui el 499 H Il Pt. 1. 14; Ms. 8. 4. -3 Anything deposited without a seal in trust or as a compensation, an open deposit; he Aqui fald: Mita. on Y. 2. 67. -4 Sending away. - Throwing away, a bandoning, -6 Wiping, drying. -7 Treasure-trove; caufaquite 14 Siva. B. 30. 6. -Comp. fofa: A particular mode of writing. for a merchant with whom goods are left in deposit N. 3. 43. TO 1 Putting down, placing down the feet); Ku. 1. 33.-2 A means by which anything is kept. Prefera a. 1 Caused to be put down in writing, inscribed. -2 Caused to be deposited. farmam. A depositor, pawner. FETT 1 The wife of the sun. - A female Brahmana (1919). fET P. 1 To dig, dig up. -2 To bury, inter; Swife qui faca Y. 3. 1; 794 Aac: R. 12. 30; Bk. 4. 3; 16. 22. -8 To erect as a column); facara GFFH17 R. 4. 36. -4 To implant, infix, pierce into; faqaa Ti V R. 12.90; 3.55; Bk. 3.8; H. 4.72. nikhananam Digging in, burying; as in sthUNAnikhanananyAya. fara p. p. 1 Dug up, excavated. -2 Fixed, planted as a stake ), infixed; Ti marauerit argitta: For Private and Personal Use Only Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nikharva 896 nigRDha R. 9. 78; 13. 61; Bertaqa araga: 6.38; 8 farera 69 # : Mal. 1. 29. -8 Dug in, buried. free a. Dwarfish. -54 A billion ( 347 ); Tirea tida faqat qa: Mb. 12. 258. 24. nikhila [nivRttaM khilaM zeSo yasmAt ] Complete, whole, entire, all; gizei a fost la HT Me. 96; safa farm afa Bil. Ch. 29. ind. completely, totally; fafes faf aral at ETT Ram. 3. 61. 20. farms a. [f4-73-377 44 3:] Fettered, chained; au A337 Ms. 4. 210. -3,34 1 An iron chain for the feet of an elephant; 91TTIT fat fate=4 para Si. 5. 48; Bv. 4. 20; aclararafganef94 Siva. B. 20. 52.-2A fetter, chain or shackle in general; aut ayca faya ane Bhag. 10. 1. 66. fansat Chaining, fettering. fritzufa Den. P. To put in chains, fetter; (fig. also); nidrAnigaDitajanadRzi Dk. fara a. Fettered, put in irons, chained, bound. farur: The smoke of a sacrificial fire or burnt offering. AR I P. 1 To proclaim, declare, announce; you: faz aqayaran si. 9. 76. -2 To declare, say, speak; facara Pasane PAE: R. 2. 33.-3 To speak to, address (any one). - To enumerate. - To call, name. FETTE, ATTE: 1 Recitation, audible recitation of prayers. -2 A prayer repeated aloud. -3 Speech, discourse. -4 Learning anything without knowing the meaning; Futanaaid arada od Nir. -6 Mention, mentioning; sa faca cza. fara a. 1 Told, said, spoken. -2 Incited, urged, directed ; dharme nigaditazcaiva piturnidezakArakaH Ram.4.5.3. -tam A discourse, speech. famig: Recitation. FATA 1 P. 1 To go to, attain, acquire, obtain; 47 guarda farefa Bg. 18. 36; 9. 31. -2To get knowledge, learn. - To be inserted. -4 To enter with acc. or loc.). Fra: The Veda or Vedic text; ara agar hafa fata P. VI. 3. 113; VII, 2. 64; fateatrifesi 54 Bhag. 1. 1.3; Mal. 9.4; fareal af Sayana Bhasya. -2 Any passage or word quoted from the Vedas, a Vedic sentence; 719 a farta wara (often found in Nirukta). -3 A work auxiliary to, and explanatory of the Vedas ; nityaM zAstrANyabekSeta nigamAMzcaiva vaidikAn Ms. 4. 19. and Kull. thereon.-4 A sacred precept, the words of a god or holy man. -8 A root (as the source of a word). - Certainty, assurance. - Logic or science of ethics; sa ati99T 40991 19: Mb. 5. 2. 6.-8 Trade, traffic. -9 A market, fair. -10 A caravan of wandering merchants; Ram. 2. 15.2. -11 A road, market-road. -12 A city. -13 Insertion of the name of a deity into a liturgical formula. -14 Resolution; FalTH44 CTH Bhag. 1. 9. 37. 16 Precept, advice ; imaM svanigamaM brahmannavetya madanuSThitam Bhag.1.5. 39. -16 Obtainment (H); FT HTH: 98: Bhag. 11. 19. 42. FATTAH 1 Quotation of a word from the Veda or the word so quoted. - In logic) The conclusion in a syllogism, a deduction (the fifth member of the fivemembered Indian syllogism); nigamanaM ca pratijJAyA hetozca ga SB. on MS. 7. 1. 12. -3 Going in or into. -4 End, conclusion; R9944 FT I SB. on MS. 3. 3. 2. -Comp. The aphorism which forms the 4a; samaa SB. on MS. 7. 1. 12. nigamAt ind. In short, in brief; sarva pRthaktvaM nigamAtkathaM ET Bhag. 10. 13. 39. front a. Knowing the Vedas. Perotti, -TUTH &c. See under faq. FATTE 10 P. To despise, disdain. farg a. Pleasing. - T: 1 The mind. -2 Dirt, excrement. -3 A root. -4 Painting. ATT To conceal. See 99; 381 Teya1a17 ta fanfach Ki. 15. 19. faru 6 P. 1 To swallow, eat up, devour ; waiaa gotfax (fererer f ra faz a geti Bv. 1.38. -2 TO conceal, hide ( fig.). farit:, foretrt: Swallowing, devouring. PATTTTH 1 Swallowing, devouring. -2 (Fig.) Taking up, completely absorbing. -OT: 1 The throat. -2 The smoke of a sacrificial fire or burnt offering. faror (I) : 1 Swallowing, devouring. -2 The throat or neck of a horse; N. 1.58; -3 A chain; 4aY aar Fra: Faara Pratijna. 3. 4; 44 gefa PAMJETUA... Balacharitam 1. 91 m. a horse. FATTI () a. Swallowing, eating. faraftof p. p. 1 Swallowed, devoured. -2 (Fig.) Completely swallowed or absorbed, hidden, concealed and hence to be supplied; upamAnenAntarnigIrNasyopameyasya yayari K.P. 10. -Comp. ita a. walking concealed or in disguise; Ms. 9. 260. AC a. 1 Hidden, concealed; aisa fica 7 49 Si. 13.59.-2 Secret, private; ytra ufafatse ag Tari Traa A. Ram. 1. 1. 16. -8 Mysterious, obscure. -4 Inscrutable. - ind. Secretly, privately. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nigUhanam 898 nicAyaH farmer Concealing, hiding; atqara hifa farceah Mb. 3. 35. 29. nigojAhaka: A scorpion. farah Killing, slaughter. farafter: m. The cover of a book; Hch. 226 9 P. 1 To keep or hold down, keep in check -2 To curb, restrain, suppress, control; fage 44 K. 25; ** as faze Pt. 3. 174; Bg. 2. 68; R. 5.59; 14. 85. -8 To stop, obstruct; fazat 2017 at Mb. -4 To punish, chastise; 3914 faraf 17 : Ms. 8. 310; 9. 308. - To seize, cateh, apprehend, lay hold of; ara faveug: R. 2. 33. -6 To close or contract (as eyes); Higgisfaut face Mk. 2. -7 To subdue, conquer, overpower; " 10 1#4: Mu. 1; 1. 28. -8 To draw in, restrain; avaratera: S. 1. fargeta p. p. 1 Seized, arrested. -2 Restrained, cur bed, checked, subdued. -3 Attacked. -4 Defeated in argument, caught; paugtatsfa U. 4. faretra: f. 1 Restraint, check -2 Overpowering, subjugation. fare: 1 Keeping in check, restraint, curbing, subjection; as in @ge Ms. 6.92; Y. 1. 222; Bh. 1. 66; :......TETE PAR H aruna 99674 Bg. 6. 34 ; 74 ar agarrar Paagd of Bu. Ch. 4. 6. -2 Suppression, obstruction, putting down ; & a : STUFY A T Ms. 6. 71. -3 Overtaking, capturing, arresting; I : Mk. 1. 22; Si. 2. 88. - 4 Confinement, imprisonment. -5 Defeat, overthrow, vanquishing. -8 Dispelling, destruetion, removing; fagara fafcafe , F H 7 R. 9. 25; 15. 6; Ku. 5. 53. -7 Arresting of disease, cure. -8 Punishment opp. 319 ) ParaSETY Pt. 1; ES24491a: R. 11. 90, 55 ; 12. 52, 63. -9 Rebuke, reprimand, blame. -10 Aversion, dislike, disgust. -11 (In Nyaya phil. ) A flaw in an argument, a fault in a syllogism (by which a disputant is put down in argument); cf. Mu. 5. 10. -12 A handle. -18 A limit, boundary. -14 The Supreme Being. -18 Transgressing ( faza); fanel HENTHISG93 : Mb. 12.24. 13.-Comp. -FATT the reason of defeat, unfitness to be argued with, one of the 16 categories of the Naiyayikas; gayfa 90 g - atariama at Page 411 SB. on MS.1.1.5. FEU 4. Holding back or down, suppression. - TL 1 Subduing, suppression. -2 Capture, confine ment. -8 Chastisement, punishment in general. -4 Defeat. -8 War, fight. frana: Pressing down, letting sink, suppressing (the voice ). f : 1 Punishment. -2 An imprecation; as in Pagtata a confusion seize thee!'; Bk. 7. 43. fat a. As high as broad. --: 1 A ball. -2 Sin. -Comp. 37T a. of different forms or sizes. Pacz:, faaug: 1 A vocabulary or glossary of words. -2 Particularly the glossary of Vedic words explained by Yaska, in his Nirukta. fata( EI) #: 1 Eating, dining. -2 Food. fargia: 1 A blow, stroke; 54u I qeyat477219 : R. 11. 78; Ha a paragraffaut U My. 2. 49. -2 Suppression or absense of accent. -3 A vowel having a grave accent. farenfa: f. An iron club, hammer. nighuSTam Sound, noise. fare IP. 1 To rub, pound, grind. - To graze, wear away by rubbing or grinding. fare , faraduru 1 Rubbing, friction ; at a sists: Ki. 2. 51; 441 gfa: attega faqat gatalmasa: Subhas. -2 Grinding. fare p. p. 1 Rubbed, ground. -2 Chated, grazed. -3 Subdued, overpowered. freca a. 1 Rubbed off, excoriated. -2 Small, trifling, insignificant. -va: 1 A hoof. -2 Wind. -8 An ass or mule. - A boar. -8 A road. - The mark of a hoof. fast a. 1 Dependent, subservient., obedient (as a servant); ara faci 39 argital: 10 yutie: Ki. 3. 12; para facile era warafa ya 79: R. 14.58.-2 Docile, tractable. -3 Dependent on (e. e. following the gender &o. of a substantive; fa fagicFeat:.-4 After a numeral) Multiplied by. fat a. One who destroys (see FT); ferardi 99 T a razlea Bk. 5. 81. faf 5 U. 1 To pile up, heap up. -2 To cover or fill with, strew, overspread (chiefly in p. p.); fad ayag : Ghat.1; T elafad fautech 6. 7. 11; Bk. 10. 4. -8 To accumulate, store ; fatiga c ara azisfa geci faal Mu. 6. 18. ferare: 1 A collection, heap, multitude; au $9149a1 13: ( ) Ki. 4. 37. -2 Store, stock, provisions; 28 goufaa4: Ms. 6. 18; a far: Ram. 7. 52. 11. -3 An assemblage of parts consisting a whole; as in aay: -4 Certainty.. nicayin a. Full of, abounding in; nicayini lavalIlatAare saufa tutto a Ki. 10. 29. parata: A heap. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nicita farfara 1 Covered, overcast, overspread; P. P. fat fafa garai : Si. 17. 14. -2 Full of, filled. -3 Raised up. - Piled or heaped up. -5 Constipated (as the bowels). nicikI, naicikI An excellent cow. fg: Ved. 1 The sea, a gush, flood; fig: Rv. 8. 93. 22. -2 An epithet of Soma. -3 N. of an avabhritha q. v. 1 A kind of reed. -2 N. of a poet and friend of Kalidasa ; sthAnAdasmAt sarasaniculAdutpatodaGmukhaH kham Me. 14 (where Malli. observes:-fag a graf: kAlidAsasya sahAdhyAyaH ; but this explanation is very doubtful). -3 An upper garment, cover; cf. f. - The tree called fg, (Barringtonis Acutangula). 8 A lotus. -8 A cocoa-nut tree; flags pica Nm. 1 A breast-plate, cuirass. - An categ garment. -3 A case box; a figo quiz B. R. 6. 42. niculita . Being in a case; eased; nirmokena ca vAsukeniculitam (dhanuH) B. R. 4.63. fa: 1 A cover, veil, wrapper; dhvAntaM nIlanicolacAru Git. 11; zIlaya nIlanicolam 5; tamomayaM nIlanicolacelam Ram. Ch. 6. 28. 2 A bed-cover. -3 The cover of a litter ( dolikAvaraNam ). fate: 1 A jacket, bodice. -2 A soldier's jacket serving as a broast-plate. sta: N. of a district, the modern Tirhut. fara: N. of one of the degraded castes (sprung from outcast Ksatriyas); see Ms. 10. 22. 1 Cutting off. -2 (In arith.) Leaving no common measure, reducing by the common divisor, to the least term, so as to be capable of no further reduction. nij 3 . ( neneti, ni, proneki nika) 1 To wash cleanse, parity; y: 44: agrafageracifer Si. 5. 28. -2 To wash or clean oneself, to be purified (A.). -3 To nourish. With to wash, clean, purify; araffin : R. 17. 22; Y. 1. 191; Ms. 5. 127. fp. p. Washed, cleansed &c. nija . [nitarAM jAyate nija] 1 Innate, indigenous, native, inborn, congenial. -2 Own, one's own, relating to one-self, of one's own party or country; fag: gaanfaat af Si. 17. 4; R. 3. 15; 18. 27; Ms. 2. 50. -8 Peculiar. -4 Continual, perpetual. -m: (pl.) One's own people. Comp.: Self-knowledge, spiritual knowledge; bhikSurna cAhaM nijabodharUpaH Hastamalaka Stotra. ......112 897 fract fas 2 A. (f) To wash. With to wash ( praNite ). Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir niTalam ( Sometimes written niTila) The forehead; fafft Dk. 4. 16. Comp. -rer, teror: N. of Siva. f Mb. 8. 4. 26; see 7. The downward flight or swoop of birds; fa. Ved. 1 Hidden, concealed. -2 Secret, mysterious. A secret or mystery. fag 1 P. To emit heat downwards, to sweat; tadAhurnizocati natapati varSiSyati yA Ch. Up. 7.11.1. nitambaH [ nibhRtaM tamyate kAmukaiH, tamu kAkSAyAm ] 1 The buttocks, posteriors (of a woman), (the circumference of the hip and loins ) ; yAtaM yacca nitambayorgurutayA mandaM vilAsAfa S. 2. 2; R. 4. 52; 6. 17; Me. 43; Bh. 1. 5; M. 2. 7. -2 The slope, ridge, side, flank of a mountain; - yanitaM nitambaciram ( girim ) Ki. 6. 27 selyA nitambAH kimu bhUdharANAmuta smarasmeravilAsinInAm Bh. 1. 19; V. 4. 26; Bk. 2.8; 7. 58. -3 A precipice. -4 The sloping bank of a river; Mb. 1. 120. 12.-5 The shoulder. -6 The sounding-board of the Vina. -Comp. -fa round or circular hips ; Rs. 1.4. -sthalam, -sthalI The region of the hips. nitambavat a. Having beautiful hips. -tI A woman ; cAru cucumba nitambavatI dayitam Git 1; V. 4.26. nitambina. [nitamba astyarthe ini] 1 Having beautiful hips, having well-sloped buttocks (often applied to ); cf. M. 2. 3; Ki. 8. 16; R. 19. 26. -2 Having beautiful sides (as a mountain). - 1 A woman with large and handsome hipe; nitambinInAM bhRzamAdadhe dhRtim Ki. 8. 3; Si. 7. 68; Ku. 3. 7. -2 A woman in general; nAmRtaM na viSaM kiMcidekAM muktvA nitambinIm / yasyAH saGgena jIvyata mriyeta ca viyogataH // Pt. 4. 32, 86. find. 1 Wholly, entirely, completely; - fu fazi agafe: Ch. P. 41; Bh. 1. 96. -2 Exceedingly, excessively, very much; gefa aa faari Rs. 2. 4; Amaru. 10; Bh. 2. 18; afa nidAghe nitarAmevoddhataH sindhuH Pt. 1. 101; nitarAM nIco'smIti Bv. 1. 8.3 Continually, always, eternally. - At all events. 5 Certainly. 6 Ved. In a low tone. -7 Downward. nitalam One of the seven divisions of the lower regions; see S. For Private and Personal Use Only fara a. Extraordinary, excessive, very much, intense ; nitAnta kaThinAM rujaM mama na veda yo mAnasIm V. 2. 11; R. 3. 8, - ind. Excessively, very much, exceedingly, in a high degree; mitraM ko'pi na kasyA'pi nitAntaM na ca vairakRt Pt. 2. 116. Comp. - severe ; nitAnta kaThinAM rujaM mama na veda yo mAnasIm V. 2. 11. () a. Very hard, Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nitya 898 nidezaH nitya . [niyamena niyataM vA bhavaM nitya-p; ot. P. IV.2. 104. Vart.] 1(a) Continual, perpetual, constant, everlasting, eternal, uninterrupted ; yathA tvamasi durdharSo dharmanityaH prajAhitaH Ram. 7.37.83; yadi nityamanityena labhyate H. 1.48%3 nityajyotsnAH pratihatatamovRttiramyAH pradoSAH Me.(regarded by Malli. as an interpolation); Ms. 2. 206. (b) Imperisha bles indestructible; pRthivI dvividhA nityA'nityA ca Tarka. K. -2 Invariable, regular, fixed, not optional, regularly prescribed (opp. kAmya). -3 Necessary, obligatory, essential. -4 Ordinary, usual (opp. naimittika). - (At the end of comp.) Constantly dwelling in, perpetually engaged in or busy with ; jAhabItIra, araNya', AdAna , dhyAna &c. -tyaH The ocean. -tyA 1An epithet of the goddess Durga.-2 A plough-share. -tyam An indispensable or inevitable act. -tyam ind. Daily, constantly, always, ever, perpetually, eternally. -Comp. -anadhyAya: invariable suspension of Vedic studies%3 nityAnadhyAya evaM syAd grAmeSu nagareSu ca Ms. 4.107. -anitya a. eternal and perishable. -anubaddha a. always approached or resorted to.-anuvAda: a bare statement of fact; syAjjuhapratiSedhAnnityAnuvAda: MS.4.1.45. -abhiyukta a. One who is completely absorbed in yogic practices. -Rtu a regularly recurring at the seasons. -kamen. -kRtyam,-kriyA any daily and necessary rite, a constant act or duty, as the five daily Yajinas. -kAlam ind. always, at all times brAhmaNa viprastIrthana nityakAlamupaspRzet Ms. 2. 58, 78. -gatiH air, wind. -jAta a. constantly born; atha cainaM nityajAtaM nityaM vA manyase mRtam Bg.2.26. -dAnam daily alms-giving. -niyamaH an invariable rule. naimittikam an occasional act regularly recurring, or any ceremony constantly performed to accomplish a particular object, e.g.( parvazrAddha). -puSTa . always well-supplied. -pralaya: 1 the constant dissolution of living beings. -2 sleep. -buddhiH a. considering anything as constant or eternal. -bhAva: eternity. -mukta: the Supreme Spirit. -yukta a. always busy or intent upon. -yuj a. having the mind always fixed upon one object; dRgbhihUMdIkRtamalaM parirabhya sarvAstadbhAvamApurapi nityayujAM durApam Bhag. 10.82.40. -yauvanA (ever youthful) an epithet of Draupadi. -vratam a perpetual observance (lasting for life). -zakita a perpetually alarmed, ever suspicious. -samaH the assertion that all things remain the same; Sarva. S. GAIA: 'a necessary compound', a compund the meaning of which cannot be expressed by its constituent members used separately (the separate ideas having merged in one ); e. g. jamadagni, jayadratha &c.; ivena nityasamAsaH &c. nityazas ind. Constantly, always, eternally; ananyacetAH satataM yo mAM smarati nityazaH Bg.8.11; Ms.2.96%34. 150 nid 1 U. (nedati-te) 1 To be near. -2 To blame, censures approach; ef. nind. fare f. Ved. Mocking, despising, censuring. nida a. Censuring. -dam Poison; (also nidA). fag: 1 A man. -2 One without herpes. nidarzaka, -nam &c. See under nidRz. nidAghaH [ni-daha AdhAre ghaJ nyakkAdi kutvam ] 1 Heat, warmth; AdrobgulIdalamanaGganidAghataptaH -2 The hot season, summer (the months of jyeSTha and ASADha); nidAghamihirajvAlAzataiH Bv. 1. 16%; nidAghakAlaH samupAgataH priye Rs. 1. 13 Pt. 1. 104; Ku.7.84. -3 Sweat, perspiration. prasnApayAmAsa mukhaM nidAghaH Ki. 17.8. -4 The internal heat; striyo nidAghaM zamayanti kAminAm Rs. 1.4. -5 The water of perspiration. -Comp. -kara: the sun. -kAla: summer. -dhAman the sun; nidAghadhAmAnamivAdhidIdhitim Si. 1. 24. -vArSika a. (months) belonging to the hot and rainy season; nidAdhavArSiko mAsau lokaM gharmAzubhiryathA Mb. 7.30. 10. -sindhuH a river in hot season (nearly dry). nidAnam 1A band, rope, halter; udukhiyANAmamRjanidAnam Rv.6.32.2.-2 A rope for tying up a calf; bAlajana nidAnena kAMsyaM bhavatu dohanam Mb. 13.94.41. -3 A primary cause, the first or essential cause%; nidAnamikSvAkukulasya santateH R.3.13; athavA balamArambho nidAnaM kSayasampadaH Si. 2.94. -4 A cause in general; muJca mayi mAnamanidAnam Git. 5. -5 (in medicine ) Inquiry into the causes of a disease, pathology. - Diagnosis of a disease. -7 End, termination. -8 Purity, purification, correctness. -9 Claiming the reward of penitential acts. -Comp. -sthAnam one of the departments of medical science, Pathology. nidigdha . . [ni-diha-kta] 1 Smeared, annointed. -2 Increased, accumulated. -TET Small cardamoms. nidigdhikAdikvAtha: A kind of Ayurvedic decoction%3B nidigdhikAnAgarakAmRtAnAM kvAthaM pibenmizritapipaplIkam / jiirnnjvraarockkaasshuulvaasaanimaandyaarditpiinsessu|| Com. of Chakradatta. on Charaka. nididhyAsaH, nididhyAsanam See under nidhyaiH nirantaraM vicAro yaH zrutArthasya gurormukhAt / tannididhyAsanaM proktaM taccaikAra yeNa labhyate // nidiza 6 P. To order, point out &c.; see nirdiz. nidiSTa pp. 1 Pointed out. -2 Ordered, directed. -3 Advised, enjoined. fart: 1 Order, command, direction, instruction ; vAkyeneyaM sthApitA sve nideze M. 3.14; sthitaM nideze pRthagAdideza R. 14.58. Ku. 3. 4. -2 Speech, narrationy conversation. -3 Vicinity, neighbourhood; nideze caiva tiSThataH Ms. 2. 197. - A vessel, vase. nityatA,-tvam 1 Invariableness, constancy, continuance, eternity, perpetuity. -2 Necessity. -3 Perseverance. nityadA ind. Perpetually, always, constantly, eternally; sa nityadodvignadhiyA tamIzvaram (dadarza) Bhag. 10. 44. 38. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nidezin nidezin rafa. Pointing &o. ft 1 A quarter, point of the compass. -2 A region. nie Caus. 1 To show, point out; nidarzayAmAsa vizeSagrafie dienfarg R. 6. 31. -2 To prove, establish, demonstrate. 3 To consider, treat of, discuss (as in a book). To teach, explain. -5 To illustrate by an example; cf. f. -8 To introduce, cause to enter. -7 To show oneself to (a person). a. 1 Seeing. nidarzaka Seeing into, perceiving. -3 Pointing out, proclaiming, indicating, showing. nidarzana fara. 1 Pointing, showing. -2 Proclaiming, declaring announcing. -3 Teaching. - 1 View, insight, looking into, sight, vision; fazafaa Mb. 12. 271. 14. -2 Pointing to, showing. -8 Proof, evidence; balinA saha yoddhavyamiti nAsti nidarzanam Pt. 3. 23. An instance, example, illustration; prabhureva nidarzanam S. 2 nidarzanasArANAM sarvahutRNaM naraH Si. 2. 50 R.. 8.45; janakasya nRpendrasya tapasaH sannidarzanam Pratima 4. 14. -5 Injunction. 6 Authority, text. 7 A scheme, system. -8 A precept, scriptural authority, an injunction. 9 The third member of an Indian syllogism ( usually called udAharaNa q. v. ) - nA A figure of speech (in Rhetoric) thus defined: - nidarzanA / abhavanvastusaMbandha 39: K. P. 10; e. g. R. 1. 2. fazia a. 1 Shown, presented. -2 Offered (as a seat). 3 Illustrated, exemplified. nidarzina Suiting pleasing satAM buddhi puraskRtya sarvalokanidarzinIm / rAjyaM sa tvaM nigRhISva bharatena prasAditaH // Ram. 2. 108. 18. fET 2 P. To fall asleep, sleep fa 1 Sleep, sleepiness; seragaafar few: S. 1,3 nidrAmudrAM kSipan Mal. 2. 12. -2 Sloth; nidrAM ca pratibhAM caiva (a) Mb. 12. 274.7.-3 Shutting. budding state. Comp. a. dead, fast asleep. - a. dull or languid with drowsiness, fast asleep; nidrAlasA barhiNaH V. 3. 2. -daridra . suffering from want of sleep. -bhaGgaH awaking. -vRkSaH darkness. -sajananam phlegm phlegmatic humour. nidrANa a. 1 Sleeping, saleep. -2 Shut, closed (as a bud). nidrAlu a. Sleeping, asleep. An epithet of Vispu; righanen: vefim: Bhag. nidrita a. Asleep, slept. A. nidhana [; Up. 2. 81] Poor, indigont; aho nidhanatA sarvApadAmAspadam Mk. 1. 14. naH, -nam 1 Destruction, annihilation, death, loss; a f Bg. 3. 35; mlecchanivahanidhane kalayasi karavAlam Git. 1; kalpAntevapi na prayAti nidhanaM vidyAkhyamantardhanam Bh. 2.16; Pt. 1. 21 ; 5. 95. 2 The concluding passage at the end of a 899 niSye Saman sung in chorus, the fifth of the five parts of Saman; lokeSu pazcavidhaM sAmopAsIta...... yaurnidhanam Ch. Up. 2. 2. 1. 3 The finale (in music). -4 N. of the eighth lunar mansion. -5 Conclusion, end, termination; vAkyasya nidhane prAdurAsIcchivo'nilaH Mb. 6. 119. 38. -6 Ved. Residence; receptacle. - The head of a family. - Family, race. Comp. a. fatal, destructive. -kriyA a funeral ceremony. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nidhanatA Indigenon, poverty, aho nidhanatA sarvApadAmAspadam Mk. 1. 14. fa 3 U. 1 To place, put, put or set down; farfa Aarsaga Bh. 3. 123; R. 3. 50, 62; 12. 52; Si. 1. 13. -2 To confide, or entrust, commit to the care of; nidadhe vijayAzaMsAM cApe sItAM ca lakSmaNe R. 12.44; 15. 36. -3 To give, impart to, deposit with; fara fata a: afaa : R. 4. 1. -4 To put down, lay, allay, restrain; salilairnihitaM rajaH kSitau Ghat 1-5 To bury, conceal or hide (as under ground); Azgaizuar aft: Ms. 5. 68. 6 To fix or direct the thoughts upon; cf. f. -7 To determine, resolve. -8 To direct one's labours, endeavour. -9 To appoint. -10 To remove, relinquish. -11 To lay up, treasure up. -12 To remember, keep or bear in mind. -18 To end, close. fa fa Ved. 1 Laying snares. -2 A net or snare. 1 Patting down, laying down, depositing. -2 Keeping, preserving. -3 Place where anything is placed. a receptacle, reservoir; fand wahr G. L. 18. - Treasure; ffa za R. 3. 9; Bg. 9. 18; fada e Subhas. -5 Hoard, store, property, wealth. 6 A place of cessation or rest. -7 A deposit; Ms. 8. 36. far: [fr--t f] 1 Abode, receptacle, reser voir; a, a, af &c. -2 A store-house, treasury. 3 A treasure, store, hoard (for the nine. treasures of Kubera, see aff). - The ocean. -5 An epithet of Visnu. 6 A man endowed with many good qualities. 7 the science of chronology; Ch. Up. 7. 2. 1. -Comp. -, -1: an epithet of Kubera; Bhag. 10. 50. 56. : the art of finding treasure. r: the town of Newasa on the Pravara river in the Ahmednagar District; Of nidhivAsakara - paramAnanda- prakAzitAryA saMhitAyAM .... Colophon of Siva. B. 2. nidhuvanam [ nitarAM ne hastapAdAdicAnamatra ] 1 Agitation, trembling; -2 Sexual enjoyment, coition; - fgfayah Git. 2; Si. 11. 18; Ch. P. 4, 8, 25. -8 Pleasure, enjoyment, sport. f 1 P. 1 To think of, meditate upon, remember; bibhISaNAditi zrutvA taM nidadhyau raghUttamaH Bk. 14. 65. -2 To meditate deeply upon, look steadfastly or intently at; M.1; Si. 8. 69; 12.40; Ki. 10. 46; 14.58, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nididhyAsaH + nididhyAsaH, nididhyAsanam Profound and repeated meditation, constant musing. fa a. Meditated or thought on. fa Seeing, beholding, sight. nidhvAnaH Sound; nidhyAnainI ra doSadhyaniparibhavaderambaraM kambujaH Visnupadadi Stotra 1. nina a. 1 Wishing to die. -2 Wishing to escape or fly away; apisphavacca bandhUnAM ninakkSurvikramaM muhuH Bk. 4. 33. fa 1 P. 1 To sound, shout; graff : R. 5. 75; M. 5. 10; Bk. 6. 117. -3 To resound, echo. nina (nA) daH 1 Sound, noise; U. 3. 7 (v. 1. ); uccacAra falsafata: R. 9.73; 11.15; Rs. 1. 15. -2 Buzzing, humming (of bees &c. ). -8 A sound like that of a chariot; facfta aeg: Ch. Up. 3. 13. 8. fana. Filled with noise, resounding, made to sound. A sound. fa 1 Sounding, ringing. -2 Causing to sound, playing (as a musical instrument). 'ninayanam See under ninI. 1 P. 1 To sound. -2 To prolong a note (in chanting ). fat: Prolonging a note in chanting. f: A water-jar to be put into the ground. fat 1 P. 1 To take near or towards, carry near, bring; fetch; caritavrata AyAte ninayerannavaM ghaTam V. 3. 295. -2 To bend, incline; 4. -3 To pour down. - To bring about, accomplish, perform. - To spend (time). 1 Performance. -2 Performing, accomplishing. -8 Pouring out. nivRtta a. Repeated (an a portion of a verse.) farfer: Repetition. ninda 1 P. ( nindati ninditaH prabhindati ) To blame, oonsure, find fault with, revile, reproach, condemn; fa rUpaM hRdayena pArvatI Ku. 5. 1; sA nindantI svAni bhAgyAni bAlA S. 5. 30; Bg. 2. 36; Ms. 3. 42. facera. [fant-q] Blaming, censuring, abusing. defaming. nindanam nindA [nind-bhAve asA ] 1 Blamer cen sure, reproof, reproach, abuse, reviling, defamation; vyAjastutirmukhe nindA K. P. 10; para, veda - 2 Injury, wickedness. Comp. -39H1 a comparison which involves reproofs; Kav. 2..30. : f. 1 ironical praise, irony-2 overt praise. 900 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir favides fafa p. p. [f] Blamed, censured, abused, defamed &c. -2 Low, despicable. - Prohibited, forbidden. fa. Blamable, censurable, reprehensible, bad, vile. -2 Forbidden, prohibited. a. Having a maimed hand. ff. A woman bearing a dead child. fa:,- A water-jar. -7: The Kadamba tree. nipa (pA) ThaH, nipaThanam, nipaThitiH / Reading, recit ing, studying. f 1 P. 1 To fall or come down, descend, alight, sink down; faqat qa R. 8. 38; Bk. 15. 27. -2 To be cast at, be directed towards; A : R. 6. 11. -8 To throw oneself down (as at the fect ), fall prostrate devAstadante haramUTabhArI bidA fa Ku. 7. 92; R. 4. 50; Bh. 2. 31. 4 To fall or descend into, moet in ; tvabhyeva nipatantyodhA jAhravIyA ivArNave R. 10. 26. -5 To fall upon, attack, rush at or upon; siMho zizurapi nipatati madamapati gajeSu Bh. 2.38 8 To happen, occur, take place, fall to one's lot; Arafa Ms. 9. 47. -7 To be placed, occupy a place; araf q faqafa. -8 To flow in, discharge into. -9 To fall into ruin. 10 To fall into (any state). -11 To be miscarried (as the foetus). Caus. 1 To cause to fall down, throw or hurl down. -2 To kill, destroy; ad faq e argentea: Mu. 5. 7; Pt. 3. 63. -3 To inlay, emboss. To direct (the eyes) upon. -5 To spit out. -6 To raise or levy (as a tribute). -7 (In gram. ) To put down as a special or irregular form, to mention as an irregular formation; ete paJcaviMzatirajantA nipAtyante Sk. faqe 1 Falling down, descending, alighting. -2 Flying down. fret 1 Slippery ground. -2 A battle-field. fama: 1 Falling or coming down, descending, alighting] payodharotsedhanipAtacUrNitAH Ku. 5. 241 Ba. 5. 4. 8 Attacking, falling upon, a spring, leap; 3: fagf R. 2. 60. -3 Casting, hurling, discharging; aagaara: Ku. 3. 15. 4 Descent, fall; faferanipAtAH zarAH S. 1. 10. -8 Dying, death; AnipAtAccharIrasya gar: Ms. 6. 31. -6 Accidental occurrence or mention; Mb. 12. 59. 46. -7 An irregular form, irregularity, putting down as irregular or exceptional; a nipAtAH, nipAto'yam &c. - 8 A particle, an indeclinable; see P. I. 4. 56. -9 The opposite extremity, the lower end. 10 Mixing, coming together; zukrazoNitasaMbhavAH / yAsAmeva nipAtena kalalaM nAma jaayte|| Mb. 12. : 320. 115. nipAtakaH, -kam Sina bnd net. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nipAtana fa. Killing, destroying. 1 Throwing down, beating or knocking down; avagUrya caretkRcchramatif Ms. 11. 209. -2 Overthrowing, destroying, killing; 140: Ms. 8. 298. -8 Touching with. 4 Putting down as irregular or exceptional. -5 An irregular form of a word, irregularity, exception; yalakSaNenAnutpannaM tat sarvaM nipAtanAt siddham Mbh. -6 Falling or flying down. nipAtita a. 1 Thrown or put down, felled. -2 Killed, destroyed. 3 Beaten down. -4 Irregular. nipAtin a Falling down alighting kumapaktinipAti faf R.9.41.-2 Destroyed, decayed. -3 Destroying jyotirindhananipAti bhAskarAt R. 11. 21. find. Ved. Without speaking (like a tree without foliage). fa 2 P. 1 To drink or suck in, imbibe. -2 To absorb, dry up. -8 To drink, kiss; a facts: Pt. 1. 189; dantacchadaM priyatamena nipItasAram Rs. 4.13. -4 To feast on (with the eyes or ears). faq 1 Drinking. -8 Any reservoir of water, pool, puddle; gAhantAM mahiSA nipAnasalilaM zRGgairmuhustADitam S. 2.6; H. 1. 172; R. 953; nipAnavat sa kamalacArudIrghika ceef ag ana ar Bu. Ch. 3. 64. -3 A place or trough near a well for watering cattle. A well; g: area faqara: Bhag. 2. 7. 48. -6 A milkpail. A resort, place of shelter; And Mb. 12. 18. 17. ferdita p. p. Drunk in, absorbed, dried up. farffa: Drinking. fa: 1 Maturing, ripening. -8 Cooking. -3 Perspiration. The result of a bad action; : svede'pyasatkarmaphale'pi ca Nm. fur: Ved. 1 Low ground. -2 High and low ground. fart 10 U. 1 To harass, pain, molest, injure, punish, trouble; te'pi bhogAya kalpante daNDenaiva nipIDitAH Ms. 7. 23. 2 To press together, squeeze. -3 To seize, grasp, hold fast, embrace; guroH sadArasya nipIDya pAdau R. 2. 23; 5. 65. -4 To impress. -5 To eclipse. nipIDanam 1 Squeening proning itaparirambhani lomajA cAya(da) Si. 1.74 18. 11. -2 Hurting, injuring. Oppression, hurt, injury; nipIDanAM nijajane baddhvA vacovigraham S. D. - nipIDita farffer p. p. 1 Squeezed, promed - Painod, hurt. -8 Embraced. fagor a. 1 Clever, sharp, shrewd, skilful; fafagon: fa: M. 3. -2 Proficient or skilled in, conversant or familiar with (with loc. or instr.); af 901 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nibandhanam nipuNaH vAcyA nipuNaH -3 Experienced. Kindly or friendly towards. -B Acute, fine, delicate, minute, sharp. 6 Complete, perfect, accurate. -7 Absolute; prasannanipuNena Bhag. 5.45. - Nam Skill, proficiency; na cAsya kazcinnipuNena dhAturavaiti jantuH kumanISa UtI: Bhag. 1. 3. 87. -OT ind. or fago 1 Skilfully, cleverly. -2 Perfectly, completely, totally, -8 Exactly, carefully, accurately, minutely nipuNamandipalabdhavAn Dk. 39; nipuNamanupAlayA hi fara: Mv. 5. 14. -4 In a delicate manner. fagora, -a 1 Skilfulness, cleverness. -2 Care fulness, accuracy. niphalA Cardiospermum Halicacabum (Mar. mAlakAMgoNI). niphenam Opiam 9 P. 1 To bind, tie, fasten, chain, fetter; AtmavantaM na karmANi nibadhnanti dhanaMjaya Bg. 4.41; 9.9; 14.7; 18. 17; Ms. 6. 14; Ku. 5. 10. 2 To fix upon, rivet; afa far: V. 4. 29; Bh. 3. 87. -3 To join, unite, connect ; AbhAti velA lavaNAmburAzerdhArAnibaddheva kalaGkarekhA R. 13. 15. To form, build, construct, arrange; a cakram, pASANacayabaddhaH kUpaH &c. -8 To write, compose; mayA fauna K. 5. 6 To restrain, obstruct. -7 To fix upon, impose. -8 To appoint. 9 To place, locate. nibaddha p. p. 1 Bound, tied, fettered, stopped, closed &c. -2 Connected with, relating to. -3 Formed of. -4 Set or inlaid with. -8 Called as a witness; Ms. 8.76. -6 Restricted, checked. -7 Composed, written; fagaft a Mv. 1. 6.-8 Covered with, enveloped. -9 Furnished with.. nibandha m. 1 A writer, author ; nibandA yastveSAM sa khalu fafasfa B. R. 1. 11. 2 A commentator. -3 A binder. f: 1 Binding, tying, fastening. -2 Attachment, intentness; daivI saMpadvimokSAya nibandhAyAsurI matA Bg.16.5. -3 Composing, writing down. Literary composition or treatine, work; pratyakSarapamayaprabandhavinyAsa vaidayAnidhirnibandha Va.-6A compendium. -6 Restraint, obstruction, confinement. 7 Suppression of urine. -8 A bond, fetter. 9 A grant of property, an assignment of cattle, money &c. for support; f f f Y. 2. 121. -10 Fixed property. -11 Foundation, origin. -12 Cause, reason. - Song, singing. -Comp. -pustakam a register nibanyapustakasthAna kArayet Kau. A. 2. 7. 1 The set of fastening, binding together; ace za za fa Mb. 3. 135.34.-2 Constructing, building. -3 Restraining, checking, confining. -4 A bond, fetter. B A tie, band, support, stay; AzAnibandhanaM jAtA jIvalokasya e. 3; yastvamiva mAmakInasya manaso Mal. 3. - Dependence, connection; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nivandhanI 902 nimas te tvadAzAnibandhanAH M.4.143; parasparanibandhanaH Pt. 1.79 "interdependent'. -7 Cause, origin, ground, motive, basis, foundation; vAkpratiSTAnibandhanAni dehinAM vyavahAratantrANi Mal.4 'based on, &c.; pratyAzA 3; anibandhana causeless, accidental; U.5,7. -8 Abode, Beat, receptacle; sahajavilAsanibandhana zarIram Mal. 2.6. -9 Composing, arrangement (racanA); saMskArapUtena varaM vareNyaM vadhUM sukhagrAhyanibandhanena Ku.7.90. -10A literary composition or work, a treatise%3; Si. 2. 112. -11 A grant (of land), an assignment; sabRttiH sannibandhanA Si.2.112 (where nibandhana means 'a treatise' also).-12 The peg of a lute. -13 ( In gram.) Syntax. -14 A commentary. faarezat A bond, fetter, tie. fara a. 1 Binding, fastening, confining.-2 Connected with. -3 Causing, being the origin of, producing, niba (va) heNa a. Destroying, destroyer, enemy ( in comp.); anapAyi nibarhaNaM dviSAM na titikSAsamamasti sAdhanam Ki. 2.43; Mv. 3. 37. -nam Killing, destruction, annihilation, slaughter; nibarhaNaM dharmadhanaivigarhitaM viziSya vizvAsajuSAM dviSAmapi N. 1. 1313; ihaiva tu tvayA stheyaM tAmrAnananibarhaNe Siva. B. 29.61. nibarhita a. Destroyed, removed (apahRta); kRtaH kRtArtho'smi nibarhitAhasA Si. 1.29. nibiDa a. Dense, thick; kAlikeva nibiDA balAkinI R. 11. 15. -2 Hard, difficult; R.9.58%3 paryaTakabandhaM nibiDaM bibheda Ku.3.59. See niviDa. nibiDita. 1 Become thick, heavy; jalanibiDitavastravyaktanimnonnatAbhiH Mal. 4.10.-2 Pressed close to; (dehi me) lakAbhartunibiDitakucAmAdarAdakapAlIm B. R. 5. 19. nibirIsa a. See nibiDa; 'nibiDaM nibirIsaM ca dRDhaM gADhaM pracakSate', iti vaijayantI; urunibirIsanitambabhArakhedi Si. 7.20%; nibirIsaguNastomaH Vis. Guna. 488. Page 1 P. 1 To know, understand, learn; fatet sAdho tava cet kutUhalam Ku.5.52; 3. 14; Ms. 1. 68; Y.1.2. -2 To regard or consider as, deem. -3 To listen or attend to. -Caus. To explain, inform, acquaint. nibodhaH, -dhanam 1 Understanding, learning. -2 Acquainting, informing. nibha [ni-bhA-ka] (At the end of comp. only) Like, similar, resembling; udbuddhamugdhakanakAbjanibhaM vahantI Mal. 1.403 Mo.833; 80 candranibhAnanA &c. -bhaH, -bham 1 appearance, light, manifestation. --2 Pretence, disguise, pretext. -3 A trick, fraud. nibhala 10 U. To see, behold, perceive, look at; nibhAlya bhUyo nijagaurimANaM mA nAma mAnaM sahasaiva yAsIH Bv.2. 176; or yanmAM na bhAmini nibhAlayasi prabhAtanIlAravindamadabhagipadaiH kaTAkSaH 3.4. nibhAlanam Seeing, sight, perception. nibhAlita a. Seen; kati no viSayA nibhAlitAH Sukti. 5. 10. nibhUta a. 1Quite frightened (atyantabhIta). -2 Gone, farga a. 1 Placed down, deposited, lowered.-2 Filled with, full of ; ferae fama: Bhag. 10.32.20. -3 Concealed, hidden, out of sight, un perceived, unobserved; nibhRto bhUtvA Pt. 1; nabhasA nibhRtendunA R.8. 15' with the moon become invisible, about to set or go down'; Ve. 6. 2; Si.6.20. - Secret, covert; aNudIrNavarNanibhRtArthamAhvayat Si. 13.42. -8(a) Still, silent ; nibhRtadvirepham (kAnanam ) Ku.3.12; 6.2. () Steady, fixed, immovable, motionless%3; niSkampacAmarazikhA nibhRto karNAH 5.1.8. -8 Mild, gentle; agar 9149: Ki. 13. 66' not gentle, violent or strong': Mal. 2.123 Mv.3. 14; svajananibhRtaH sarvo'pyevaM mRduH paribhUyate Pratima 1. 18. -7 Modest, humble; anibhRtakareSu priyeSu Me. 70; praNAmanibhRtA kulavadhariva Mu.1B vadhanibhRtasiMhAzca girayaH Paiich. 1.33; adyaprabhRti nibhRtA bhavanti 2; yuktaM caturbhinibhRtaisturajhaiH (ratham ) Bu. Ch. 3.8.-8 Firm, resolute. -9 Lonely, solitary; (nibhRtanikuJjagRhaM gatayA Git.2. -10 Shut, closed (as a door). -11 True, faithful, firmly attached. -12 Inactive (niSkriya, tyaktodyoga); nibhRtA narendrAH Ram. 4. 28. 43. -tA A kind of riddle; Kav. -tam Modesty, humility. -tam ind. 1 Secretly, covertly, privately, unperceived; S.33 Si.3.74; Ms.9.263. -2 Silently, quietly; K. 134.-3 Out of sight, in a corner. -Comp.-AcAra a. of resolute conduct, firm.-Atman a. firm, resolute. -sthita a. standing unperceived. nimaH A (wooden) pin, stake. nimadaH A distinct but slow pronunciation. nimantra 10 A. To invite, call, summon ; digbhyo nimantritAzcainabhabhijagmurmaharSayaH R. 15.59; 11. 32; Y. 1. 225. nimantraNam 1 Invitation. -2 Summoning, calling: nimantraNArtha dUtAMzca preSayAmAsa zIghragAn Mb. 3. 266.6. -2 A summons. -Comp. -patram 1 an invitation card or note. -2 a summons. nimayaH Barter, exchange; pakkenAmasya nimayaM na prazaMsanti sAdhavaH Mb. 12.78.7. TAFST 6 P. 1 To sink, sink down or under, sink into (fig. also); yathA plavenaupalena nimajatyudake tarana / tathA nimajato'dhastAdazI dAtRpratIcchako Ms. 4. 19135.73%3 zoka muhuvAvirataM nyamAkSIt Bk. 3. 30; 15.31; Si.9.74; Git. 1. -2 To be merged into, merge, disappear, escape observation; eko hi doSo guNasaMnipAte nimajjatIndoH kiraNeSvivAGka: Ku. 1.3. -8 To immerse in water, cause to sink down. -Caus. 1 To cause to dive under water; apsu cainaM nimajjayet Ms.8.114. -2 To cause to penetrate; tato marmasu marmajJo majjayanizitAzarAn Ram.6.45. 15. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nimagna 908 nimna na p. p. 1 Plunged, dipped into, immersed, submerged, sunk (fig. also ); f ufa: .7. 11; Pagata 2 , Praha ko. -2 Gone down, set as the sun). -8 Overwhelmed, covered. -4 Depressed, not prominent. -Comp. , - (a woman) having a depressed navel or a slender waist. H Y: 1 The act of diving or entering into, plunging. -2 Plunging into the bed, sleeping, going to bed; a a rt: se af Bk. 5. 20. FATHTHTH Bathing, diving, plunging, sinking (lit. and fig.); faya g14 N. 5.91; HTC 3749aGa Mb. FAT 3 A. To measure; see HT; f f 90397 fra Mb. 7. 179. 53. FARAH [ #6912 ota fahia ; P. V. 2. 47 ] 1 Measure. -2 Price (PART = 644 Sk.) FATH: 1 Winking, twinkling of the eyes). -2 N. of one of the descendants of Iksvaku, and ancestor of the line of kings who ruled in Mithila. fafha 1 See afua; caused; a faftada fast: Bhag. 3. 16. 26. -2 Measured. farfa l f-A- Ty. ] 1 A cause, motive, ground reason ; Antara : $. 7. 30. -2 The instrumental or efficient cause (opp. 391617); S TATUT fafanufatiua: Bhag 3.7.32.-3 Any apparent cause, pretext; MAATA #4 qoyarfa By. 11. 33 ; AATTHIOT 90394 ufagog4 Ve. 1. -4 A mark, sign, token. -5 A butt, mark, target; fant grada sera zaua Mb. 7. 74. 23; fafama siga qarah Si. 2. 27. -8 An omen, prognostic ( good or bad ); AHTafecar S. 1; fafia a quraraqlara 12 Rg. 1.31; R. 1. 86; Ms. 6. 50; Y. 1. 203.; 3. 171. -7 Means of knowledge; au afatig: MS. 1. 1. 3. -8 Function, ceremony; garea fafaa yafargaan ( foutla); Mb. 12. 61. 6. (A T is used at the end of comp. in the sense of 'caused or occasioned by '; Arafatista : S. 3. A 774, ARAFA, AFAT117 because of', 'on occount of'.) -Comp. 37: the infinitive mood (in gram).-31eft: f. dependence on a special cause. TOTE, RE: an instrumental or efficient cause. Foi a spocific time. 7 m. a crow - a. acquainted with omens (as an astrologar). -#: 1 expiation. - 2 an occasional rite. affer (du.) cause and effect; A T C #H: $.7.30.- eft f. scrutiny of the means (of knowing); tasya nimittaparISTi: MS. 1. 1.3. -mAtram the mere efficient cause or instrument; Bg. 11. 33. - a. knowing good or bad omens. (-m.) an astrologer. faf 1 A cause. -2 Kissing. farhrt a. Having a cause, influenced by some cause or ground) f a . Ved. 1 Commingling, mixing with. -2 Devoted to. AHT 6 P. To shut the eyes; wink, twinkle; AP Bg. 5.9. aft f. Ved. 1 Twinkling of the eye. -2 Shutting the eyes. -m. A god. F T: 1 winking, shutting the eye, twinkling. -2 Twinkling of the eye as a measure of time, a moment. -3 The shutting of flowers. -4 Morbid twinkling of the eye. -8 N. of Visnu. Comp. - Farce the interval of a moment. T: Twinkling of the eye, a moment &c.; see fas; eta IT : 54 Moha M. 4.; et agai 'with a steadfast or fixed look'; R. 2. 19; 3. 43, 61; Bri. Up. 3. 8. 9. -Comp. -30k the interval of a moment. degcArin going in a moment anywhere; prayayau afea: 449rata : Mb. 5. 192. 51. Tel. lightning. -97, -67 m. a fire-fly. fa *: 1 Twinkling of the eye. -2 A fire-fly. ARTH Shutting the eyes, twinkling. fart 1 P. 1 To shut the eyes; el safafa TATA net faza Ms. 1. 52; R. 12. 65. -2 To close the eyes in death, dio; nimimIla narottamapriyA hRtacandrA tamaseva a R. 8. 37. -3 To obscure (fig. ); A f fect: R. 1. 68. -4 To be closed or shut, as eyes, flowers &c.); alfatarina 1914. -8 To disappear, vanish, Set (fig. also); 973 C asi atafa fazafa H.3.138; 9421 Hariv. -Caus. 1 To shut, close; gH7faa fefafara 10 Mk. 1.33; faydal Si. 9.11; 1446 44747 Kav. 2. 261; Ku.3.36; 5.57: R. 19. 28. -2 To kill. R ICH 1 Shutting the eyelids, winking; 799f afany 21 Git. t; Amaru. 33. -2 Closing the eyes in death, death. -3 (In astr.) Total eclipse. waar, fartfit 1 Shutting the eyes. -2 Winking, blinking, conniving at anything. -3 Fraud, pretence, trick. fanfifca p. p. 1 Shut, closed. - Obscured, darken. ed; 3199 Y u a ya raise for: R. 9. 74. -3 Benum bed, stupefied. -4 Disappeared, set. nimIzvaraH N. of a Jinesvara born in the last utsafefoft . fach ind. Down to the root; ani fa. fare: Barter, exchange. fra. 1 Deep (lit. and fig. ); fefto ParaF#: Me. 81; Rs. 5. 12; Si. 10.58. -2 Low, depressed. -* 1 Depth, low ground, low land; (*: 999 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nimnita 909 niyamaH nimnAbhimukhaM pratIpayet Ku.b.53; na ca nimnAdiva salilaM nivartate me ! niyatap. p. 1 Curbed, restrained; taM taM niyamamAsthAya tato hRdayam S. 3. 2 (v.1.); Y. 2. 151; Rs. 2. 13. -2 A! prakRtyA niyatAH svayA Bg. 7. 20. -2 Subdued, controlled, blope, declivity. -3 A gap, chasm in the ground; self-possessed, self-governed. -3 Abstemious, tempeyo neminimnairakarocchAyAM ghnan sapta vAridhIn Bhag. 5.1.39. rate. -4 Attentive, intent. -5 Fixed, permanent, con-4Adpression, low part; jalanibiDitavastravyaktanimnotratAbhiH stant, steady; anyathAsiddhizUnyasya niyatA pUrvavartitA Bhasa. P. Mal. 4. 10. -BA mean act (hInakarma); nimneSvIhAM kariSyanti -6(a) Certain, settled, sure; Pt. 1. 284. (0) Fixed; hetuvAdavimohitAH Mb. 3. 190. 26.. -Comp. -abhimukha a. prakRtiniyatatvAdakRtakaH U.6. 14; fixed in number, limited; flowing downwards; ka IpsitArthasthiranizcayaM manaH payazca nimnA- bANAH paJca manobhavasya niyatAsteSAmasaMkhyo janaH (lakSyaH) Ratn.3.3. bhimukhaM pratIpayet Ku. 5.5. -unnata a. low and high, -7 Inevitable. -8 Positive, definite. -9 Forming the depressed and elevated, uneven. -gatam a low place. subject of consideration, relevant or irrelevant; see nagA a river, a mountain-stream; udadheriva nimnagAzateSva- tulyayogitA. -10 Maintained, observed (as a vow &c.); bhavannAsya vimAnanA kvacit R. 8.8. -nAbhi a. slender, thin. niyataikapativratAni pazcAttasmUlAni gRhIbhavanti teSAm 5.7.20. -11 Held back, fastened, tied; pazUnAM trizataM tatra yUpeSu niyata nimnita n. Deep, sunk; nimnitodaram Mb. 7. 156. 61. tadA Ram. 1. 14.32.-12 Connected with, dependent on; fart 1 P. (farala) To sprinkle, to water ; L. D. B. vAcyA niyatAH sarve Ms.4.256. -13 (in gram.) Pronounnimba: 1A tree with bitter fruits; AnaM chitvA kuThAreNa ced with anudAtta. -tam (pl.)(in Sankhya) the organs of nimbaM paricarettu yaH yazcainaM payasA siscenaivAsya madhuro bhavet // Ram. sense. -tam ind. 1 Always, constantly. -2 Positively, -2 N. of a tree, Paribhadra ; nimbastu picumande ca pAribhadra certainly, invariably, inevitably, surely. -3 Forcibly. -Comp. -kAla a. Limited in timetemporary; Kasi. tarAvapi -Comp.-arkaH, -AdityaH N. of the founder of a on P. I.4.1. -mAnasa. of subdued mind. -vAcava Vaisnava sect. -taruH 1 the Mandara tree. -2 the Nimba. limited as to the use of words. -20 a. pious, religious. tree, -paJcakam The five products (leaf, flower, bark, fruit and root) of fara. faufa: f. 1 Restraint, restriction. -2 Destiny, fate, nimbU /. A kind of jambIra (lime). luck, fortune (good or bad); (sometimes personified nimbUka: The common lime. -Comp. -paJcakam the as a goddess, the sister of A yati, both being daughters five fruits (citron, IDa, a lime, sweet lime, and laghu iMDa). of Meru and wives of Dhatri and Vidhatri); niyati balAnu DR.; niyaterniyogAt Si.4.34; Ki. 2. 12; 4.21. -3 -phalapAnakam lemon-syrup, lamonade; Bhava. P. A religious duty or obligation%3 niyatiH kAraNaM loke niyatiH nimlukti , -nimlocaH Sunset ; kRSNAmaNinimloce gANe- karmasAdhanam / niyatiH sarvabhUtAnAM niyogeSviha kAraNam || Ram.4.25. dhvajagareNa ha Bhag. 3. 2.7. 4. -4 Self-command, self-restraint. niyantraNama.-NA IChecking, reserve, restraint; ni- niyanta. Aharintear. Arivar: niyantari vyAkalamaktayantraNAnuyogo nAma tapasvijanaH S. 1. -2 Restricting, confin- rajjuke Si. 12.24. -2 A governor, ruler, masterreguing (to a particular sense); anekArthasya zabdasyaikArtha lator; na vyatIyuH prajAstasya niyanturnemivRttayaH R. 1. 17; 15.51. fa7-914 S. D. 2.-3 Guiding, governing. -4 Defining. -3 A punisher, chastiser. -4 The Supreme Being. faufta p. p. Curbed, restrained, checked.-2 Guid niyamaH 1 Restraining, checking. -2 Taming, sub. ed, governed. -3 Restricted, confined to (a particular duing.-3 Confining, preventing. -4 A restraint, check; sense, as a word). vAci niyamaH U.2.23; adharmAniyamaH Ms. 8. 122. -B Restricniyam 1 P. 1 To restain, curb, check, control, tion, limitation; Mb. 14. 13. 11. -8 A rule or precept, govern; prakRtyA niyatAH svayA Bg.7.203; (sutA) zazAka menA na law (in general), usage ; nAyamekAntato niyamaH 5. B. -7 niyantumudyamAt Ku. 5.5; 'could not dissuade her', &c. -2 Regularity; kusumakumAramUrtirdadhatI niyamena tanutaraM madhyam Ratn. To suppress, suspend, hold in (as breath, &c.); Ms. 1. 20. -8 Certainty, ascertainment. -9 An agreement, 2. 192; na kathaMcana duryoniH prakRti svAM niyacchati Ms. 10.59 promise, vow, engagement. -10 Necessity, obligation. does not suppress or conceal', &c. - To offer, give; -11 Any voluntary or self-imposed religious observance ko naH kule nivapanAni niyacchatIti 5.6.25. -4 To punish, (dependent on external conditions); [The earliest chastise ; niyantavyazca rAjabhiH Ms.9.213. -8 To regulate or explanation of this expression is the one found in the direct in general; loko niyamyata ivAtmadazAntareSu 5.4.2.-8. SB. on MS.4.2.24.ct. ko'yaM niymH| aniyatasya niyttaa| To attain, obtain; tAlajJazcAprayAsena mokSamArga niyacchati Y.3.1153 prayogAtayA sarve dezAH prApnuvanti, na tu samaccayena / yadA samo na tadA Ms. 2. 93. -7 To put on, assume. -8 To place upon. viSamaH / yadA viSamo na tadA smH| sa eSa samaH prAptazcAprAptazca / yadA -Caus. (niyamayati) 1 To restrain, control, regulater na prAptaH sa pakSo vidhi prayojayati. This is very nicely stated in check, punish; niyamayasi vimArgaprasthitAnAttadaNDaH 5.5.8. -2 the Varttika-'niyamaH pAkSike sati']; R. 1.94; Ki.5.40%B To bind, tasten; Si.7.56; R.5. 73. -2 To moderate, / (see Malli. on Si. 13. 23 ). -12 Any minor observance lessen, mitigate, relieve; chAyA mainiyamitArkamayUkhatApaHS.4.11; or lesser vow, a duty prescribed to be done, but which Ku.1.60. iis not so obligatory as a yama q.v. zaucamijyA tapo dAnaM For Private and Personal Use Only Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir niyamanam 908 niyogaH . ...................... ............. . Farezturktage: agslagara a fara a PAAT | Atri. -13 Penance, devotion, religious austerities; Haut fuit S. 1; R. 15. 74. -14 In Mim. phil.) A rule or precept which lays down or specifies something which, in the absence of that rule, would be optional; faf47a4ta faqa: 9499 aia. -13 (In Yoga phil. ) Restraint of the mind, the second of the 8 principal steps of meditation in Yoga; paid fa n tafa : Tantrasara. -16 (In Rhet. A poetical commonp lace or convention, as the description of the cuckoo in spring, peacocks in the rains &c. -17 Defining, definition. -18 Keeping down, lowering (as the voice ). -19 Keeping secret; tu fai put: Mb.5. 141. 20.-20 Effort (977); ya fai : marathigada Mb. 2. 46. 20. (faza as a rule, invariably). -Comp. -39HT simile which expressly states that something can be compared only with something else. ETA: a law prescribing restraints. -fargt rigid observance of prescribed rites. - a written agreement. -fara: a religious rite, daily ritual; fazalarlat alat 19at Ku. 1. 60.- a. observing penance; Ku. 5. 13. -feafa: f. steady observance of religious obligations, asceticism. a: a regulating cause. FATAL 1 Checking, punishing, restraining, subduing; argaat zarif : R. 9. 6. -2 Restriction, limitation. -3 Humiliation. -4 A precept, fixed rule. -8 Binding, tying down. fathad A woman having the monthly courses. aufha p. p. 1 Checked, curbed, restrained. -2 Moderated, tempered. -3 Removed, lessened ; auta aftar Ku. 1. 60. - Governed, guided. -5 Regulated, prescribed, laid down. -8 Fixed, agreed upon, stipulated. -7 Bound, confined; DE 4 r a fat ETS HIST&T. Bh.-8 Observed as a vow or penance). farah: 1 Restraint. -2 A religious vow. -8 A boatman. farra a. (-f il f.) 1 Restraining, checking. -2 Subduing, overpowering.-3 Limitinga restricting, defining more closely. -4 Guiding, governing. - : 1 A master, ruler. -2 A charioteer. -3 A boatmali, sailor. -4 A pilot. farhaat 1 Controlling. -2 Exact definition. farra: Ved. 1 Mixing, mixture. -2 A continuous line. niyAnam Ved. A cow-pen ; yaniyAnaM nyayanam Rv. 10. 19.4. niyAtana See nipAtana. TE 7 A. 1 To appoint, depute, order with loc.) thi aafada alage Mal. 1. 9; Bargeaf 272917 1394: 2 SAATAYH fageti $. 1; Ku. 3. 13; R. 5. 29. 8. $. .... 19% -2 To join, unite, fasten to. -3 To prescribe, ordain. -4 To yoke, harness (as horses). - To employ, engage. -6 To authorize. -7 To commit, consign, entrust. -8 To urge, incite, constrain. -9 To trouble, barass. -Caus. 1 To join, unite, provide, or endow with, give to; (TH) 7991 A fa Ku. 4. 42. -2 To yoke, harness. -3 To incite, urge; a f hfor ar ai faculeata Bg. 3.1; for a fagua K; Pt. 5. 81. -4 To appoint, employ; any fang fruftrar Mu.6. -5 To use, employ; placaq fa 24 THTOTTA e Pt. 1. 72; Ku. 4. 15. - To devote, apply. -7 To expose, put to; #14 # Auta Pt. 2. -8 To accomplish, perform a rite); e da fa Ms. 3. 204. farti p. p. 1 Directed, ordered, instructed, commanded. - Authorised, appointed ; fag: 1741 42 usi estua ya H. 2. 95. -8 Permitted to raise issue; see an (7) below. -4 Attached to. -5 Fastened to. --6 Ascertained. -7 Prompted, incited. -8 Used, employed; fagan goy hoyut: Ms. 5.16. - : A functionary, an officer, any one charged with some business. - ind. By all means, necessarily. farif. 1 Injunction, order, command.-2 Appointment, commission, office, charge. AT T a. 1 To be placed in or put to. -2 To be appointed, intrusted, charged. -3 To be harassed, prosecuted; na sa rAjJA niyoktavyaH Ms.8.186. aus m. An employer, a master. FATTIT: 1 Employment, use, application. -2 An injunction, order, command, direction, commission, charge, appointed task or duty, any business committed to one's care; 4: 193 Harian M. 5. 8; a f re # R. 5.11 ; 37991 foran: Featest ##11244 U. 1; 3117449 Hagisagizatafa S. 1; 949 FaA 1 TL 56 'go about your own business', 'do your appointed duty', (frequently occurring in plays, and used as a courteous way of asking servants to withdraw).-3 Fastening or attaching to. -4 Necessity, obligation ; a few fazilat ufah a : R. 17. 49.-3 Effort, exertion. - Certainty, ascertainment. -7 An invariable rule; fa fa faza:: A sfat SB. on MS. 10. 6. 5. -8 Commission, act; na kartA kasyacit kazcinniyogenApi cezvaraH Ram. 4. 25.5. -9 Right ( 379977); zagle agafat zar: getuar fara fa Ki. 10. 16.-10 A practice prevalent in ancient times which permitted a childless widow to have intercourse with the brother or any near kinsman of her deceased husband to raise up issue to him, the son so born being called 91; cf. Ms. 9. 59:- tai afostal faz orza ageri 407ftaarerout #a12 full; see 60, 65 also. Vyasa begot pANDu and dhRtarASTra on the widows of vicitravIrya in this way). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir niyogin 906 nira H farenhet a. 1 Appointed, employed. -2 Authorized -n. An officer, dependent, minister, functionary: 34tresa Fan Paginati fra: H. 2. 96. fare : A lord, master. AUTHTH 1 Fastening, attaching. -2 Ordering, prescribing. -3 Urging, impelling. - Appointing. - Ved. That with which anything is tied. A halter. frontera a. 1 Directed, ordered. -2 Appointed. -3 Joined to. - Instigated, incited. -8 Used, employed. Farve: One charged with any duty, a functionary, an officer, a servant, employee; fecafa fg Herald Se: $.7.4. frys m. Ved 1 A horse, particularly of Vayu. - A praiser. -f. A line, row. farga 1 A million. -2 A hundred thousand. -3 Ten thousand crores or 100 Ayutas. faye Fighting on foot, close fight, personal struggle, wrestling; fazerat 999 farge TIT HA: Madhyamavyayoga. Pari m. 1 A combatant, wrestler. -2 A cock. for : A combatant, wrestler. far ind. A substitute for fare before vowels and soft consonants conveying the senses of 'out of', 'away from', 'without', 'free from', and be frequently expressed by less', 'un', used with the noun; see the compounds given below, see fare and cf. 31 also. -Comp. -12T a. 1 whole, entire. - 2 not entitled to any share of the ancestral property. -3TT: the place of no latitute; i. e. the terrestrial equator (in astronomy ). T: 1 a first meridian, as Lanka. -2 a place where the sun is always vertical and the days and nights are equal. -3 the equatorial region. -3%TT a. Not knowing the letters, illiterate. -3712 a. having lost or neglected the consecrated fire; sa saMnyAsI ca yogI ca na niramirna af Bg. 6.1.-17 () a. divisible without remainder. -375T a. 'not curbed by a hook', urchecked, uncontrolled, unruly, independent, completely free, unfettered; nirakuza iva dvipaH Bhag.; kAmo nikAmAnirakuzaH Git. 7; PATEERIT: 52: Sk.; Bh. 3. 105; My. 3. 39; fa74674: 99 Percopa: Mu. 3. 6. Car self-will, independence. -377 a. sinless, blameless. -375T a. 1 having no parts. -2 deprived of expedients or resources. -37 a. skinless. -37 a. 1 without collyrium; Para afara gel ki. 8.52.-2 unstained, untinged. -3 tree from falsehood; tadA vidvAn puNyapApe vidhUya niraJjanaM 9 arrayura Munda 3.1.3. -4 simple, artless. (-:) 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 N. of the Supreme Being. (-a) 1 the day of full moon. -2 an epithet of Durga. -31agt a. unsurpassed, matchless, unrivalled; farfari AUT 2: Fafa facia: Pt. 1. 30. (-:) the Supreme Being. -37431 a. 1 free from danger, secure, safe; 6917 2699: 47: TE FATTO Ram. 4. 29. 12; R. 17. 53. -2 free from fault, unblamable, faultless, disinterested; Ki. 1. 12, ifrag 59EUR Praia ar face 13. 61. -8 completely successful. - gra a. 1 supportless. -2 independent. -3782 a. one who has lost one's way. -191T a. pitiless, merciless, hard-hearted. (T:) mercilessness, hard-heartedness. -rqa. having no followers. -399E a. Ungracious, unkind; Bhag. 5. 12.7.-3TTETTHET a. not nasal. -37% HT 4. not bound to conclusions or consequences. -39 a. unblamable, faultless. CTET a. 1 unfavourable, unfriendly. -2 unkind, unamia ble; Mal. 10.-34 a. 1 constant, perpetual, uninterrupted, incessant; fated furce: Bv. 1. 16; F atiha atalagfey Ku. 5. 25. -2 having no intervening or intermediate space, having no interval, close, closely contiguous, in close contact; The A-TYTUT 449 Mk. 5.15; Garatga atuara Si. 9. 66. -3 compact, dense; ofta G a rat: Si. 16. 76. -4 coarse, gross. -8 faithful, true (as a friend). -not hidden from view. -7 not different, similar, identical. -8 sincere, sympathetic; TERE A (faaegu getuala ) Pt. 1. 341. -9 a bounding in, full of; farzhiaega fazach Ram. 7.7. 5t; que facratif My. 4. 12. (-4) ind. 1 without interruption, constantly, continually, incessantly. -2 without intervening space or interval. -3 closely tightly, firmly; (976444a) fanta facratant: Ve. 3. 27; feasta a aa Rs. 2. 11. -4 immediately. deg377418: constant study, diligent exercise or practice. -37FR a. 1 without an intervening space, close. -2 narrow. -34FETE a. foodless, hungry. -37 a. 1 having no progeny, childless. -2 unconnected, unrelated; Ms. 8. 198. 3 not agreeing with the context (as a word in a sentence). -4 without logical connection or regular sequence, uumethodical. -without being seen, out of sight; ATC Hat 44 Ms. 8. 332. -6 without retinue, unaccompanied, see 3724-7 sudden, unexpected; U. 7. -8 exterminatory, without leaving any species or trace; Tatara492a1ZUCHa17: My. 3. 13; (com. FT flag-Faraulaatst:, niranvayavinAzazceti''''''nirvApaNAdinA sajAtIyajvAlodayAnahavinAzastu faragraart: 1). -379579 a. 1 shameless, impudent. -2 bold. -3TTTT a. guiltless, innocent, faultless, blameless. (-:) innocence. -379ad a. 1 not turning back. -2 (in arith.) leaving no common divisor, reduced to the lowest terms. -399 a. 1 blameless. -2 not admitting of any exception. -37917 a. 1 free from harm or evil. -2 free from decay, imperishable. -3 intallible; upAyo nirapAyo'yamasmAbhirabhicintitaH Ram. 1. 10. 2. -37 a. 1 not depending on, irrespective or indepen For Private and Personal Use Only Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nira 907 nira dent of, having no need of (with loc.); -414 aufatecatfamour Ki. 11.39.-2 disregarding, taking no notice of.-3 free from desire, secure; fac4a71afodor Faret a H. 2. 82. -4 careless, negligent, indifferent -5 indifferent to worldly attachments or pursuits ; 7979 ang atae: Ms. 6. 41. -6 disinterested, not expecting any reward from another; fera ferer face Faraja taga Bv. 1.5. -7 without purpose. ( IT) indifference, disregard. -Tutera a. 1 disregarded. -2 regardless. -TOETT a. disregarding, indifferent. -37a a. 1 not subject to humiliation or disgrace. -2 not to be surpassed, unrivalled. -31THT a. 1 free from self-conceit, devoid of pride or egotism. -2 void of self-respect. -3 unconscious. -3715T a. not caring for, indifferent to; Fagaracule: fage at: S. 5. 7. TEITH absence of design. -3727 a. cloudless. -37 a. 1 void of anger, patient. -2 apathetic. -379T a. naked. -27 FCT a. 1 abstaining from water. -2 waterless, destitute of water. -3T a. without a bolt, unbarred, unobstructed, unrestrained, unimpeded, completely free; M. 5; ATT Fear Teri fatih Mal. 5. 26. (-) ind. freely.-TO a. 1 void of wealth, poor, indigent; fayl: Farei: FAT facutfea444a Pt. 1. 194.-2 meaningless, unmeaning as a word or sentence). -3 non-sensical. -4 vain, useless, purposeless. (-:) 1 loss, detriment. -2 nonsense. - a. 1 useless, vain, unprofita ble. -2 unmeaning, nonsensical, conveying no reasonable meaning; itthaM janma nirarthakaM kSititale'raNye yathA mAlatI S. D. -3 (a consonant) not followed by a vowel. (-4) an expletive); nirarthakaM tu hItyAdi pUraNakaprayojanam Chandr.2.6. -Posta: (in Rhet.) want of ornament, simplicity. -37915T a. 1 without free space. -2 without leisure. -37996 a. 1 'free from restraint', unrestrained, unchecked, uncontrolled, irresistible. -2 free, independent. -3 self-willed, head-strong. (64) ind. 1 uninterruptedly. -2 intensely, strongly. -3Tayt a. 1 blameless, faultless, un blamea ble, unobjectionable; 4faraten H aya Dk. 1. -2 an epithet of the Supreme Being (having no passions ). -Taft a. having no end, unlimited; kathaM tUSNI sahyo niravadhirayaM tvapratividhaH 7. 3. 44; 6.30; Mal. 1. 6. -2 continuous; HEATfataranterat at Mal. 4.3. -3 00 a. 1 without parts. -2 indivisible. -3 without limbs. -3700 a. 1 unsupported, without support; S. 6. - 2 not affording support. -3 not depending or relying on.-310TT a. whole, complete, entire, (atatu ind. completely, entirely, fully, totally ). - a. cheerful; Git. -375072 a. eternal, immutable. -31 TT a. abstaining from food. (-- ) fasting. -37127 a. even ; Kau. A. 2. 11. -39 a. Ved. driven away, scattered. (-:) a horse twentyfour years old. -32 a. weaponless, unarined. - a. boneless. -396417, - nra a. free from egotism or pride, humble, lowly; Bg. 12. 18. -3765 a. 1 having no egotism or self-consciousness. -2 without individuality. -3 unselfish. 3&4 a. free from egotism or self-conceit; 199 ATE 999 Bhag. 5. 19. 4.-31#TGST a. 1 wishing nothing, free from desire. -2 wanting nothing to fill up or complete as the sense of a word or sentence). -371 IT a. 1 devoid of form, formless, without form. -2 ugly, deformed. -3 disguised. -4 unassuming, modest. (-) 1 the universal spirit, Almighty, -2 an epithet of Siva. -8 of Visnu. 1991: the doctrine that the perception of the outer world does not arise from images impressed on the mind; Sarva. s. - atat a. 1 formless, sha peless. - 2 deformed. (-fa: 1 a religious student who has not duly gone through a course of study, or who has not properly read the Vedas. -2 especially, a Brahmana who has neglected the duties of his caste by not going through a regular course of study; a fool; grAmadhAnyaM yathA zUnye yathA kUpazca nirjalaH / yathA hutamanamau ca ada FTTT6r || Mb. 12. 36. 48.-3 one who neglects the five great religious duties or yajnas; Ms. 3. 154. - 31.1T a. leaving no free space, completely filled or occupied, -31 a. 1 unconfused, unperplexed, unbewildered ; Ki. 11. 38. -2 steady, calm; graffariFACHAT WEITT Si. 1. 28. -3 clear. -4 perspicuous; 3 graetognacfatica Git. 1. (- ) 1 calmness serenity.-2 perspicuity, clearness. -31% a. not crying or complaining: (- ) a place where no sound can be heard. -3717. a. unaccused, unreviled. -TTTH a. not founded on revelation or scripture, not derived from the Vedas. -INTE a. faultless, innocent, sinless 3 kathamekapade nirAgasaM janamAbhASyamimaM na manyase R.8.48. -31TIT a. without approved customs or usages, lawless, barbarian. -39131at a. 1 without drums. -2 without show, unostentatious. - as a. 1 free from fear; R. 1. 63; facia l fac fa fat : Sankara (24974281925766). -2 without ailment, comforta ble, healthy. -3 not causing pain. -4 unchecked, unhampered; faria : q a furgrafosy fasa Mal. 5.31. (- ) an epithet of Siva. -37179 a. sheltered from heat, shady, not penetrated by the sun's rays. (- ) the night. -971 a. disrespectful. -TETT a. 1 taking or receiving nothing; Mb. 3. -2 an epithet of Buddha.-31T2TT a. 1 without a receptacle. -2 without support, supportless (fig. also ); TTUTT ET diff494 T HE 9T: G. L. 4. 39.-31T a. secure, free from anxiety. -39 a.cheerless, sad, sorrowful.-375757 a. 1 disem bowelled. -2 having the entrails hanging out. -39 a. free from misfortune or calamity. (-f.) prosperity. -3TTIT a. 1 unvexed, unmolested, undisturbed, free from disturbance. -2 unobstructed. - 8 not molesting or disturbing. -4 (in law ) frivolously vexatious (as a suit or cause of complaint); e.g. 3947TE96199 FTTT Fate qartfa Mita. - 3 4 a. 1 free from disease or illness, sound, healthy, hale. -2 untainted, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nir 908 I pure. -8 guileless. -4 free from defects or blemishes. -8 full, complete. -6 infallible. - not liable to failure or miscarriage. (-:, -74) freedom from disease or illness, health, well-being, welfare, happiness; FETT qocatai a a a fatih Mb. 5. 78.8. (-:) 1 a wild goat. -2 a hog or boar. - T a. 1 fleshless; 694 Tulia mai fat94 Bh.-2 having no sensual desires or covetousness; Ms. 6. 49. - 3 receiving no wages or remuneration. -37 a. yielding no income or revenue, profitless. T: an idler living from hand to mouth.-319a a. 1 full-stretched or extended; faruagoa: S. 1. 8. - 2 contracted, compact. -14tatvam shortness, compactness%3; nirAyatatvAdudareNa tAmyatA Ki. 8. 17. - a. one whose end is at hand; facial war Razza: Ki. 2. 14. -321 a. not fatiguing, easy. -39 a. unarmed, weaponless. -371 THT a. abstaining from all work (in good sense ); Mb. 3. 82. 11. -3710T a. 1 having no prop or support (fig. also ); gedag factora #197 Ram. 7. 89. 10; fatiga : Funerar a: Mv. 4. 53. - 2 not depending on another, independent. -3 self-supported, friendless, alone; facrata FETARIA TTTH Jag. (-ai) spikenard. (- 4) Brahman. - a. 1 not looking about or seeing. - 2 deprived of sight. -3 deprived of light, dark; FATIG H Mal. 5.30; Bhag. 8. 24. 35. -3 invisible. (- ) an epithet of Siva. - rot a. manifest, evident. TT a. 1 devoid of hope, despairing or despondent of ; mano babhUvendumatInirAzam R.6.2. -2 depriving (one) of all hope. -371277, -37TT a. hopeless; 340 guitat | CIST": (Haca) Mb. 8. 74. 13. -371794 a. fearless. -39721 hopelessness, despair. -TITEL a. 1 without a boon or blessing, without virtues; AzramA vihitAH sarve varjayitvA facile194 Mb. 12. 63. 13. -2 without any desire, wish or hope, indifferent; fertiga TICHT Bg. 4. 21; 1777. Tugta ante: 4a: Ku. 5. 76. -371974 a. 1 without a prop or support, supportless, unsupported; a fagra Farruh R San. K. 41. -2 friendless, destitute, alone, without shelter or refuge; ATTAAT achar. -8 not deep as a wound). - a. tasteless, insipid, unsavoury. TIETT a. 'foodless', fasting, abstaining from food. (- :) fasting; #: # agar ar FA PETIT PARIETT: Hisht prana: || Y. 3. 31. -T* a. immovable, stationary; 491 eta faaratur vad 99: Mb. 12. 46. 6. - a. without wish or desire, indifferent. a. 1 having lost a limb or the use of it. -2 mutilated, maimed. -3 weak, infirm, frail; Kath. 1. 1. 3. -4 barren. -5 without 44147 or means of certain knowledge ; nirindriyA hyamantrAzca striyo'nRtafafa fufa: Ms. 9. 18. -6 destitute of manly vigour, impotent (Ved.). Per a. destitute of fuel. stata. free from the calamities of the season; nirAtaGkA nirItayaH R. 1. 63; see sia. 947 a. godless, atheistic. - Parc atheistic doctrine. 94 the body of a plough. a. 1 desireless, indifferent ; PARIENTH a facrarian: Mu. 3. 16. -2 inactive; FACIEFI fee: R. 10. 24. (-ai), -artikal, a4 1 inactivity. -2 indifference. - Egert a. 1 breathless, without breathing; agar af 75: Ram. 7. 7. 6. -2 narrow, contracted; ua ach arra fasegarantija : Si. 3. 32. -3 dead; frezaret: ga: Taari Ram. 6.58.13. (-:) absence of breath; lokA nirucchvAsanipIDitA bhRzam Bhag. 4. 8. 80. -3TT a. 1 answerless, without a reply. -2 unable to answer, silenced. -3 having no superior.-30T a. irrecoverable. ala a. not jolting a chariot ); 3146 far farala: S. 7. 10. (v. l.) -34 a. without festivities; faca facha: R. 8. 66. -3EEE a. 1 inactive, indolent. -2 devoid of energy. (- ) 1 absence of energy. -2 indolence. E a. 1 indifferent. -2 calm, tranquil. -39 a. waterless. 3 a. 1 having no belly or trunk. -2 thin ( cas ); ET Ram. 3. 16.31. - H, -91 a. effortless, inactive, lazy, idle. - a. free from excitement or perturbation, sedate, calm. -39 a. 1 without a commencement. -2 incurable. -3498 a. 1 free from calamity or affliction, not visited by danger or adversity, lucky, happy, undisturbed, unmolested, free from hostile attacks. -2 free from national distress or tyranny. -8 causing no affliction. -4 auspicious as a star ). -5 secure, peaceful. 937 a. guileless, honest; U. 2. 2. fra a. leading an honest life. (v. l.). -39 a. unsuitable. -39 a. 1 without any title or designation ; 377 268 26991 Ft Mk. 10. 18/19. - 2 unconnected with a subordinate word. -3939 a. 1 free from disturbance, obstacle or calamity, unharmed; nirupaplavAni naH karmANi saMvRttAni 5. 3. -2 not causing any affliction or misery. -3 an epithet of Siva. -TIT a. without enjoyment; tatja az akigarred fox San. K. 40. -3TH a. peerless, matchless, incomparable. -Ten free from portents. -3957 a. not corrupted, pure; of selfdenying temperament; Tau F f56a: TGKAT atau ra f i937 11 Mb. 12. 271. 14. -396a a. 1 not injured, unhurt. -2 auspicious, lucky. -3 et a. 1 unreal, false, non-existent as 197). -2 immaterial. -3 invisible. (ETH) the supreme Brahman.-30 ) a. without qualities, absolute. -39 a. 1 without expedients, helpless. -2 unsuccessful.-30et a. 1 free from trick or fraud. - 2 not neglectful. -35HT a. devoid of heat, cold. - PET a. void of smell, seentless, unfragrant, inodorous; TOUT sa feh:. godt f. the Salmali tree. - a. free from pride. TIST a. windowless. Tu a. 1 stringless (as a bow ). -2 devoid of all properties. -3 devoid of good qualities, bad, worthless; ja THT na fagarambaro'pi nA Bv. 1. 115. -4 without attributes%3; sAkAraM ca fat agu paljor fage Brahmavai. P..-having no epithet. (-U: the Supreme Spirit. 314 4. having For Private and Personal Use Only Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nir a no qualities. -grahaH a houseless, homeless ; sugRhI nirgRhIPt. 390.a a. 1 without dignity, undignified. -2 devoid of respect. a. 1 freed from all ties or hindrances ; "AtmArAmAzca munayo nirgranthA ayurukrame / Bhag. 1. 7. 10.-2 poor, possessionless, beggarly. -3 alone, unassisted. (-:) 1 an idiot, a fool. -2 a gambler. -3 a saint or devotee who has renounced all worldly attachments and wanders about naked and lives as a hermit. -4 A Buddha Muni. - a. 1 clever, expert. -2 unaccompanied, alone. -8 deserted, abandoned. -4 fruitless. (-) 1 a religious mendicant. -2 a naked devotee. -3 a gambler. - a. clever. (:) a naked mendicant, a Jaina mendicant of the Digambara class. - a free market. -2 a crowded market. - f: a. 1 cruel, merciless, pitiless. -2 shameless, immodest. - cruelty. - a. noiseless, still, calm. a. 1 tenantless, uninhabited, unfrequented, lonely, desolate. -2 without any retinue or attendants; bhUyAbhirakSantu nirdhanAbhirjanA isa Mb. 12. 151.7. (nam) desert, solitude, lonely place. - a. free from living germs; H. Yoga. - a. 1 young, fresh. -2 imperishable, immortal. (-) a deity, god; (nom. pl. : - nirjarasaH ) ( ram) ambrosia, nectar. -jarAyu a. Ved. skinless. a. 1 waterless, desert, destitute of water. -2 not mixed with water. (-) a waste, desert. N. of the eleventh day in the bright half of Jyestha. - jADya free from coldness. -jihnaH a frog. -jIva a. 1 lifeless. -2 dead; a fa faci farar dahati jIvitam jJAti a having no kinsmen alone. ura a. feverless, healthy. -U3: a Sudra. - a. 1 merciless, cruel, pitiless, unmerciful, unkind. -2 passionate. -3 very close, firm or fast, strong, excessive, violent ; mugdhe vidhehi mayi nirdayadantadaMzam Git. 10; nirdayarati: R. 19. 32; : Me. 108. -4 unpitied by any nirdayA nirnamaskArAstanmaneoranuzAsanam Ms. 9. 200 - ind. 1 unmercifully, cruelly. -2 violently, excesssivly; na prahartumalamasmi nirdayam R. 11. 84. -daza a more than ten days old; yadA pazurnirdezaH syAdatha medhyo bhavediti Bhag. 9. 7. 11. -dazana & toothless. - dAkSiNya uncourteous. a. 1 free from pain, painless. -2 not causing pain. a. happy, comfortable. - 1 faultless, defectless; a ff. -2 guiltless, innocent. a. 1 immaterial. -2 without property, poor. - a. not hostile, friendly, well-disposed, not malicious. a. 1 indifferent in regard to opposite pairs of feelings (pleasure or pain), neither glad nor sorry; nirdvandvo nirmamo bhUtvA cariSyAmi mRgaiH saha Mb. 1. 85.16; nirdvandvo nityasattvastho niryogakSema AtmavAn Bg. 2.45 -2 not dependent upon another, independent. -3 free from jealousy or envy. - not double. -5 not contested, undisputed. -6 not acknowledging two principles. - a. without property, poor, indigent; afte aft Chap. 82. (-) an old ox. r, a. a. poverty, 1 See 909 nir indigence. -dharma a. unrighteous, impious, unholy. - a. smokeless. -ta a. cleansed, rendered clean; fa fadAnAmalagaNDabhittirvanyaH saritto gaja unmamajja R. 5.43. namaskAra a. 1 not courteous or civil, not respecting any one. -2 disrespected, despised. a. abandoned by men, deserted. a. coinless, penniless; Mk. 2. a. without a guardian or master. I 1 want of protection. -2 widowhood. -3 orphanage. If a. going or reaching beyond the navel] nirmANa kIyamupAnayANam Ku. 7.7. a. having no leader or ruler, anarchic. A, -nAzin a. -nidra a expelling, banishing, fa a. sleepless, wakeful.-faf a. 1 causeless. -2 disinterested. - a. not twinkling. a. without kindred or relation, friendless. n. powerless, weak, feeble. - a. 1 unobstructed. -2 unfrequented, lonely, solitary. -3 unmolested. (-) 1 a part of the marrow. -2 a knob. - a. seedless, impotent. (-) a sort of grape (Mar. ). -gf a. stupid, ignorant, foolish. bedANA buddhi -,- a. unhusked, freed from chaff. a. taken without eating (as a medicine). a. 1 fearless, undaunted. -2 free from danger, safe, secure; nirbhayaM tu bhavedyasya rASTraM bAhubalAzritam Ms. 9255 -bhara . 1 excessive, vehement, violent, much, strong; smarazara &c. Git. 12; tanvyAstiSThatu nirbharapraNayitA mAno'pi ramyo - : Amaru. 47.-2 ardent -3 fast, close (as embrace); kucakumbhanirbharaparI rambhAmRtaM vAchati Git; parirabhya nirbharam Git. 1. -4 sound, deep (as sleep). 5 full of, filled with (at the end of comp.);, &c. (:) a servant receiving no wages. (TH) excess. (Hind.) 1 excessively, exceedingly, intensely. -2 soundly. a. unfortunate, unlucky. - a. to be separated; nirmAya svazAt kicityajIvana Ma. 9. 207 mRtiH. without wages, hireless. : a. not fond of pleasures. - a. free from flies', undisturbed, private, lonely. () ind. without flies, i. e. lonely, private; sa da fafer S. 2, 6. - a. fatless, meagre. - matsara a. free from envy, unenvious; nirmatsare matsame vatsa... vasundharAbhAramAropya Ramayanachampu. -matsya a. fishless. - a. 1 not intoxicated, sober, quiet. -2 not proud, humble. -3 sad, sorry. - not in rut (as an elephant). -HES, AI a. tenantless, uninhabited, deserted by men. a. faultless, innocent. a. 1 a ceremony, unaccompanied by holy texts. -2 not familiar with holy texts; Mb. 12. 36. 43. -HF, -manyuka a. free from anger ; Mb. 5. 133.40. -mama .. 1 free from all connections with the outer world, who has renounced all worldly ties; saMsAramiva nirmamaH ( tatAra ) R.12.60; Bg. 2.71; nirAzIrnirmamo bhUtvA yudhyasva vigatajvaraH 3.30. -2 unselfish, disinterested. -3 indifferent to (with loc.); nirmame nirmamo'rtheSu madurAM madhurAkRtiH R. 15. 28 prApteSvaryeSu nirmamAH 4 - Mb. an epithet of Siva. a. 1 boundless, immeasurable. -2 transgressing the limits of right or propriety, unrestrained, unruly, sinful, criminal: agging: Vo. 3. 22. -8 confused Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nira 010 nir .... -4 insolent, immodest. (- ) ind. confusedly, topsyturvy. (- ) confusion, disorder. -H a. 1 free from dirt or impurities, clear, pure, stainless, unsullied (fig. also ); a ct la: Bv. 1. 63.-2 resplendent, bright; Bh. 1. 56. -3 sinless, virtuous; T: Fainata a: yafaat 791 Ms. 8. 318. (ZH) 1 tale. -2 the remainings of an offering made to a deity. '343: a crystal. -HT a. free from gnats. -HIA a. fleshless; 1984ara fata Bh. 2. 30. AI a. 1 without self-confidence. -2 free from pride. -ACT a. uninha bited, desolate. -Am a. roadless, pathless. - a. not false, true; H. Yoga. -ge: 1 a tree bearing large blossoms. -2 the sun. -8 a rogue. (24) a large free market or fair. - a. 1 rootless (as a tree). -2 baseless, unfounded (statement, charge &c.). -3 eradicated. T a. cloudless. He a. without understanding, stupid, foolish, dull. -AiE a. free from illusion. (-:) an epithet of Siva. -ra a. inactive, lazy, dull. Ut a. 1 unrestrained, unobstructed, uncontrolled, unrestricted. -2 unruly, self-willed, independent. (-OH) 1 squeezing out. -2 absence of restraint, independence. -TF a. without fame, discreditable, inglorious. - a. 1 constructed, built. -2 directed. -3 (in music limited to metre and meagure. -yr f. 1 disunion. 2 absence of connection or government. -3 unfitness, impropriety. - a. 1 disjoined, unconnected. -2 illogical, unmeaning. -3 untit, improper. - a. separated from the herd, strayed from the flock (as an elephant). -Y = faufa. -TITETA a. free from care about acquisition); Bg. 2. 45. - a. (af ) colourless, faded. TST, TETET a. (fits, f e *) 1 free from dust. -2 devoid of passion or darkness. (-:) an epithet of Siva. Tre (afcet a. see a . (-f.) a woman not menstruating. har absence of passion or darkness. - (Frica) a. not attached to, indifferent. -TFT a. (a ) 1 without holes or interstices, very close or contiguous, thickly situated ; agaia afTaifa U. 2. 23.-2 thick, dense. -3 coarse, gross. Ta a. ra) not making any noise, noiseless; laraatat (THT) R. 8.58. T a. ( CE) 1 tasteless, unsavoury, flavourless. -2 (fig.) insipid, without any poetic charm; TATT TA S.D). 1.-3 sa pless, without juice, withered or dried up; S. Til. 9. -4 vain, useless, fruitless ; 373 haftan 4 fare ad TH V. 2. 11. -5 disagreeable. -6 cruel, merciless. (*) the pomegranate. -Tara a. (Tea) having no girdle (taal); Ki. 5. 11. - a. (1 ) without lustre, faded, dim; ut i wa gala 64raita: 9694171: Si. 11. 27.-651,-651 a. (571, 57) free from sickness, healthy, sound; fu fata: H. 1. -59 a. (169) formless, shapeless. (-4) 1 air, wind. -2 a god. (-99) ether. That a. (TT) free from sickness or disease, healthy, sound; 7911 arafa af feat graf Pt. 1. 118. JOTOT a. 1 having no auspicious marks, ill-featured. -2 undistinguished. -3 unimportant, insignificant. -4 unspotted. -5 having a white back. T a. invisible. UFFT a. shameless, impudent. Eg the marking of domestic animals (by perforating the nose &c.). - a. having no distinguishing or characteristic marks. - a. 1 unanointed. -2 undefiled, unsullied. -8 indifferent to. (-) 1 N. of Krisna.-2 a sage. a.cut through or off. a. 1 unsmeared, unanointed; fac e r Tsalagta fanya Ms.5.112. -2 stainless, sinless. (-7:) a sage. On a. free from desire or avarice, unavaricious. T a. devoid of hair, a. without posterity, childless.- 27 a. 1 not speaking, silent. -2 unobjectionable, blameless; ( for other senses see the word separately). F indl. silently; Haya af faaaa 91a Ku.7. 19. -u, - a. 1 being out of a wood. -2 free from woods. -8 bare, open. -area. not loving or fondling (esp. children); facto garaty fauftrat targra Ve. 5.3. - = CTH 4. v. -au a. destitute of wealth, poor. alsu a. 1 not fit to be said. -2 blameless, unobjectionable; uity FCTEZHargached 4914 Hiraat Ki. 8. 48. ara a. free or sheltered from wind, calm, still; fenfufact araftalaa 97774 R. 15. 66. (-a) a place sheltered from or not exposed to wind; Raafd 2517 H. 2. 121. -vAnara a. free from monkeys. -vAyasa a. free from crows. a t a. 1 irresistible. -2 acting fearlessly or boldly. fae . - a. 1 not admitting an alternative. -2 being without determination or resolution. - 3 not capable of mutual relation. -4 conditioned. -Bundeliberative. -6 recognizing no such distinction as that of subject and object, or of the knower and the known as applied to or contemplation, it is ' an exciusive concentration upon the one entity without distinct and separate consciousness of the knower, the known, and the knowing, and without even self-consciousness'; *: marami G41929: ; # a: sfat yaara Bh. 3. 61; 31ATTIAT fareatai Rafa storia para Ve. 1. 23. -7 (in phil. ) not arising from the relation of the qualifier and the qualified, ( f atharai 1 ) said of knowledge not derived from the senses, as ca. (- 4) ind, without hesitation or wavering. - a. 1 unchanged, unchangeable, immutable. - not disposDd; HE E4/64TEa Hat Nan qETTI@afaft M. 5. 14. -3 disinterested; usarai apa Affit: Rs. 2. 28 (- :) the Supreme deity.- a.unblown. -fasta. uninterrupted, unobstructed, free from impediments; fardai 6 Ha riy qaai. (- ) absence of impediment. -feira. not reflecting, thoughtless, inconsiderate; re re svairiNi nirvicArakavite mAsmatprakAzIbhava Chandr. 1. 2. (-1) ind. thoughtlessly, unhesitatingly.. - Facet d. free from doubt or reflection. -rate a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nir a. motionless, insensible yo hi diSTamupAsIno nirvizaH za Mb. 3. 32. 14. -faa a. unreflecting. -fanta without amusement, void of pastime, diversion or Balnoo; zaDe rAtrau gurutarazucaM nirvinodAM sakhA te Mo. 90. vindhyA N. of a river in the Vindhya hills; nirvindhyAyAH pathi bhava rasAbhyantaraH sannipatya Mo. 28. -vimarza a. 1 void of reflection, thoughtless. -2 not having fauf Sandhi. -fata. 1 having no opening or cavity. -2 without interstices or interval, close, compact; f janitAmidameva nirmitAM dadhato: Si. 9.44. vivAda a. 1 not contending or disagreeing. -2 undisputed, not contradicted or disputed, universally acknowledged. -faa. indiscreet, void of judgment, wanting in discrimination, foolish. -f a. fearless, undaunted, confident; Ms. 7. 176; yasminkRtyaM samAvezya nirvizaGkena cetasA / Asyate sevakaH sasyAt kalatramiva cAparam // Pt. 1. 85. - vizeSa a. showing or making no difference, indiscriminating, without distinction; nirvizeSA vayaM tvayi Mb. ; nirvizeSo vizeSaH Bh. 3.50 a difference without distinction'. -2 having no difference, same, like, not differing from (oft. in comp.); nirvizeSAkRti 'havig the same form ; pravAtanIlotpalanirvizeSam Ku. 146; sa nirvizeSapratipattirAsIt R. 14. 22. -3 indiscriminate, promiscuous. (:) absence of difference. (fas and are used adverbially in the sense of 'without difference', 'equally', indiscriminately'; kuddhena vipramuto'yaM nirnirdezaSaM priyApriye Ram. 7. 22.41. svagRhanirvizeSamatra svIyatAm] H. 11 R 36 ) - vizeSaNa without attributes. -f a. poisonless (as a snake); nirviSA DuNDubhAH smRtAH - viSaGga a not attached, indifferent. -viSaya 1 expelled or driven away from one's home, residence or proper_ place; manonirviSayArthakAmayA Ku. 5.38; R. 9.32; also - nirviSayIkRta; vane prAkkalanaM tIrthaM ye te nirviSayI a. a. : Ram. 2. 104. 4. 2 having no scope or sphere of action; kiMca evaM kAvyaM praviralaviSayaM nirviSayaM vA syAt S. D. 1. -3 not attached to sensual objects (as mind). - a. destitute of horns. -fart a. having no pleasure. -after, at a. 1 seedless. -2 impotent. -3 causeless. - a. 1 deprived of heroes; faff P. R. 1. 31. -2 cowardly. aft a woman whose husband and children are dead. - a. powerless, feeble, unmanly, impotent nirya guruzApabhASitavazAt kiM me tavevAyudham V. 3. aM. -a, a treeless. fer accomplishment, achievement; ata AsAM nirvRttyA apavargaH syAt / taNDulanirvRtteH ff SB. on MS. 11. 1. 27. -a. having no occupation, destitute. See fi. - a. deprived of bulls. a. not moving, quiet, calm. - honorary, unsalaried. - a. not acknowledging the a 911 Vedas, an atheist, infidel. - a weaver's shuttle. -a. free from enmity, amicable, peaceable. (-) absence of enmity. -vailakSya a. shameless. a. 1 straight-forward. -2 without condiment. (-7 ind.) plainly, in a straight-forward or honest manner.-, a. 1 free from pain. 2 quiet, calm. - & Ak. - a. indifferent to, hole; Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir niras regardless of] [mRgya darbhAkara nipalAyAgAtizaM samayodhayan mAm R. 13. 25; 14. 39. - a. 1 not hurting or offending. -2 without pain. -3 pleased, doing anything willingly.-4 sincere, genuine, undissembling. -RIA a. (ground) uncovered, bare. - a. moving hither and thither. - a. free from bad inclination. - a. calm. - a. not haunted or infested by tigers. a. 1 candid, upright, honest, plain. -2 without fraud, true, genuine. -3 got by heroism or daring deeds (not by fraud or cowardly conduct); azastrapUta nirvyAjam ( mahAmAMsam ) Mal. 5. 12 ( v. 1 ) - 4 not hypocriticals] dharmasya nivvajatA (vibhUSaNam) Bh. 2. 82. (-Hind.) plainly, honestly, candidly; of: Amaru. 85. sfiga a. made plain, freed from deceit. a. 1 without employment or business, free from occupation taM dadhamaithilIpAraNa bAhuna R. 15. 56. 2 motionless; U. 6. - a. not involving any return (to worldly existence). - a. 1 unhurt, without wounds. -2 without rents. a. not observing vows. -ga. shameless, impudent. - cessation of winter. - a. weaponless. - a. causeless, having no cause or reason. a. 1 shameless, impudent. -2 bold, daring. fa 1 X. To rest, cease. Caus. To gladden, give pleasure (by sexual union); Bhag. nirata. 1 Engaged or interested in ; svakarmanirataH fafa fara a Bg. 18. 45. -2 Devoted to, fond of, attached to; aara: K. 157; &c. -3 Pleased, delighted. -4 Rested, ceased. fafa: f. Strong attachment, fondness, devotion; pApaniratiravizakatayA vijayaM vyavasyati varAhamAyayA Ki. 12. 37. nirayaH 1 Hell; nirayanagaradvAramudghATayantI Bh. 1.63; Ms. 6. 61. -2 Sorrow, unhappiness; d :jIvina: Mb. 1. 141 37. 3 Sin; durlabho hAsya nirayaH zazAvkasyaiva kalmaSam Ram. 2. 36. 27. -Comp. -vartman n. active worldly life ( pravRttimArga) yeSAM gRhe nirayavartmani vartatAM vaH svargApavargaviramaH svayamAsa viSNu: Bhag 10. 82. 31. fr() A fence, an outer wall. far 4 P. 1 To cast out, throw or drive away, give up, quit, drive or send back; Acehnengs Si. 1. 55; 9.63. -2 To destroy, ward off, defeat, annihilate, dispel; ca a facta R. 5. 70; Taira at afta A Bk. 1. 12; 2. 36.-3 To turn out, remove, expel, banish; gRhAnnirastA na tena vaidehasutA manastaH R. 14. 84.4 To throw out, discharge (as arrows). -5 To reject, repudiate, decline. 6 To refute, confute, controvert (as arguments). -7 To eclipse, obscure, throw into the background: yazAMsi sarveSubhRtAM nirAsyat Bk. 1. 3.8 To tear out, strip off. -9 To stretch out (as a hand). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nirasta 912 nirukta farcta p. p. 1 Cast off or away, thrown out or featu a. 1 Repudiating, turning out, expelling; away, repudiated, driven, expelled, banished; h =11740tadini facra ateasa R. 14. 57; fati a ratta R. 14. 84. -2 Dispelled, destroyed. kariSNa vartiSNU vardhiSNU parato raNam Bk. 5.1. -2 Hindering -3 Abandoned, deserted. -4 Removed, deprived or from, obstructive. -3 Spurning, disdaining. -4 Seeking void of3 nirastapAdape deza eraNDopi dumAyate H. 1.67. -8 to deprive one of a thing. -5 Forgetful. Discharged as an arrow). -6 Refuted. -7 Vomited, farlaitt: Reproach, censure ; see under fat also. spit out. -8 Uttered rapidly; a HITS ar apparerar fazat aici: Ch. Up. 2. 22. 5. -9 Torn out or des- ferta p. p. 1 Expelled, banished. -2 Refuted. troyed. -10 Suppressed, checked. -11 Broken as an -3 Overtaken, held; azafatra ATT at fra: agreement &c.). -12 Thrown off (as from a horse). Bhag. 11.7. 4. - 4 Despised, &c.; see is above. -13 Offered, given; i gostinye arya fara -Comp. 39 a. irrefutable, unanswerable. faarao facteun Mal. 9. 40. -14 Rejected, fatrafa: f., f 1 Repudiation, expulsion, disallowed. -15 Sent forth or away. : An arrow rejection. -2 Refusal. -3 Obstruction, obstacle, impedidischarged. Fa 1 Rejecting, refusal &c. -2 Dropping ment, interruption. -4 Opposition, also see under fag. or leaving out, rapid pronunciation. -3 Spitting out. -4 Preventing, warding of. -5 Throwing or casting. facit a. Passionless, dispassionate. --Comp. a. having all differences removed, same, nirAdiSTa a. Paid off as a debt; nirAdiSTadhanazcettu pratibhUH identical. -TTT a. one who has renounced all worldly Firea: 1 Faya agafacies fa fafa: Il Ms. 8. 162. attachments. Try a innumerable. FATTET: Complete payment of a debt. fare a. Expelling, removing, driving away; ATATeatte19ar Si. 6. 47. -2 Vomiting. H Expelling, fatte: See under faza. ejecting, expulsion, removal. -2 Denial, contradiction, FACIAIS: The wood-apple (face). rejection, refusal. -3 Refutation. -4 Vomiting forth, farsforuft, oft A voil. spitting out. -5 Checking, suppressing. - Destruction, killing, extirpation. fafter 1 A. 1 To gaze at steadfastly, mark or view FACIA: 1 Ejection, expulsion, throwing out, removal. completely; (991) ... facial: gati qui: R. 2.52; -2 Vomiting. -8 Refutation, contradiction. -4 Oppo 496ara fatase taartar Bg. 1. 22; Ms. 4. 38. -2 To look for, search after; factura afect 2 sition. -- Dropping ( a sound or letter &c.) *#6: 7020 a Vikr. 1. 29. - To observe, perceive, farat a. mani T PAIT ST. a.] Tasteless, insipid, contemplate, view. dry. - 1 Want of flavour, insipidity, tastelessness. farci a. Looking at, observing &c. -2 Want of juice, dryness. -8 Want of passion or facteuth, -fatter, farcirerah 1 A look. - feeling. Looking at, regarding, seeing, beholding; HYTTET ferci: 1 Cooking.-2 Sweat. -8 The recompense of har fasta TH partieta: Ki. 2. 55.-Looking out a bad action (v. l. for faqa). for, searching. -4 Consideration, regard; faciat as to, in respect of. -8 Hope, expectation. -8 Aspect of fatas: a. 1 Full of, filled or covered with; 3 planets. Ini h ayefariafasto Git. 1. -2 Distressed; see under las also faith (-99) A plough-share. for 8 U. 1 To expel, drive away, repudiate ; fara a. 1 Expressed, pronounced, explained, defin389949 yaaaa sa faca: Bk. 6. 100; R. 14. 57. -2 ed -2 Loud, distinct. -3 Enjoined, decided ; 91292 fastid a : a: Bhag. 7. 14. 34. -4 InterpreTo refute (as an opinion). -3 To give up, abandon. ted, aocomplished as a word); proved from TENANT -4 To destroy completely, annihilate. -5 To revile, (as zabdaikagamya); vedAMzca vedya tu vidhiM ca kRtsnamatho niruktaM paramArthatAM contemn, slight. - To oppose, obstruct, contradict. -7 - Mb. 12. 245. 30. - 1 Explanation, derivation, To refuse, decline, reject. -8 To omit. -9 To disappoint, etymological interpretation. sa vA eSa AtmA hRdi tasyaitadeva frustrate. farger g rafa Ch. Up. 8. 3. 3; HET911799T HETUfarctau 1 Repudiating, expelling, turning away; gega i f 8914: gaya 11 Mb. 1. 1. 274. Farrufaa $. 6. -2 Banishing. -3 Obstruction, -2 N. of one of the six Vedangas, that which contains contradiction, opposition, rejection. -4 Refutation, glossarial explanation of obscure words, especially reply. -5 Contempt. -8 Neglecting the chief sacrificial i those occurring in the Vedas; 914 CFHIPaath Nir. duties. -7 Forgetting. -8 N. of a celebrated commentary on the Nighantus For Private and Personal Use Only Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra niruktiH by Yaska. Comp. - N. of the sage Yaska. - one of the twelve kinds of sons allowed by the old Hindu law ( = kSetrajaH q. v. ) ; AtmA putrazca vijJeyastasyAnantarajazca yaH / niruktajazca vijJeyaH sutaH prasRtajastathA // Mb. 13.49.3. - N. of a com. on Yaska's fa by Durgacharya. farf: 1 Derivation, etymological interpretation of words; jaratkAruniruktiM tvaM yathAvadvaktumarhasi Mb. 1.40 2. -2 (In Rhet.) An artificial explanation of the derivation of a word; thus defined :- niruktiyoMgato nAmnAmanyArthatvaprakalpanam / IdRzaizvaritaijIne satyaM doSAkaro bhavAn // Chandr. 5. 168 (where is equal to :), -8 (In drama.) communication of an event that has taken place. -4 N. of Yaska's commentary on the Nighantus. fr. 1 Exceedingly anxious. -2 Unconcern ed, indifferent. 7 U. 1 To obstruct, stop, oppose, block up; Bk. 17. 49; 16. 20; Mk. 1. 22.-2 To confine, lock up; vipraduSTAM striyaM bhartA nirundhyAdekavezmani Ms. 11. 176; sarvadvArANi saMyamya mano hRdi nirudhya ca Bg. 8. 12. -3 To cover, hide; Ms. 10. 16. -4 To keep off, remove. - To curb, restrain, check; asia: S. 7. 10. fp. p. 1 Obstructed, hindered, checked, restrained, curbed; niruddho'pyAvegaH sphuradadharanAsApuTatayA pareSAmu: U. 1. 29. -2 Confined, imprisonf: U. 1. 11. 3 Covered, veiled. -4 Filled with, full of. Comp. 3 a. having one's breath obstructed, choked, suffocated. -T: obstruction of the rectum. - stricture of the urethra. ed; fate, faden 1 Confinement, locking up, imprisonment; Bhag. 10.58 58; nirodhanena bandhena vividhena vadhena ca (ni) Me. 8.810: vaizyaH sarvasvadaNDaH syAt saMvatsaranirodhaH 375.-2 Enclosing, covering up; Amaru. 87. -3 Restraint, check, suppression, control; hafnaffa: Yoga S.; antazcarANAM marutAM nirodhAnnivAtaniSkampamiva pradIpam Ku. 3. 48.4 Hindrance, obstruction, opposition. -5 Hurting, punishing, injuring. -8 Annihilation, complete destruction; janmanirodhaM pravadanti yasya Svet. Up. 3. 21. -7 Aversion, dislike. -8 Disappointment, frustration of hopes (in dramatic language). - (With the Buddhists) Suppression of pain. -10 Extinction (4), nirodho'syAnuzayanamAtmanaH saha zaktibhiH Bhag 2.10.6. 913 f fa. 1 Conventional, become current in popular usage, accepted (as the meaning of a word, as opposed to its for etymological sense); ffff N. 5. 57. -2 Unmarried. -8 Drawn out, purged. : 1 Inherence (as of 'redness' in the word red'). -2 (In Rhet.) The accepted and popular meaning of a word. -Comp. - Laktand or secondary use of a word which is based not on the ..... 111 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nirRtiH Vivaksa or particular intention of the speaker but on its accepted and popular sense. fff. 1 Fame, celebrity. 2 Familiarity, conversancy, proficiency; far far Ki. 2. 6. -8 Confirmation. -=faq. v. fa 10 U. 1 To see, perceive, mark or observe carefully; : K. 120. -2 To investigate, examine, look out for, search. -3 To fix upon, determine, settle, resolve. -4 To choose, select, appoint. To reflect, consider. -8 To act, represent dramatically, gesticulate. -7 To perform. a. nirUpaka 1 Observing observer. -2 Stating, determining, defining. freq,- 1 Form, shape. -2 Sight, seeing. -3 Looking for, searching. Ascertaining, investiga tion; determination. -5 Definition. fafa p. p. 1 Seen, discovered, marked, beheld. -2 Appointed, chosen, selected; fefta: urg Bhag. 9. 5. 9; kedArakarmaNi nirUpitaH 5. 9. 11. -8 Weighed, considered. 4 Ascertained, determined. - Pointed again, shot off anAmyamocamahimAni nirUpitAni mo paspRzuharidAsamivAsurANi Bhag. 1. 15.16. ff: /. 1 Definition (of an idea); ascertainment. 2 Investigation, examination. a. 1 To be seen, defined or ascertained. -2 Not yet certain, questionable. f: 1 An enema, not of an oily kind. -2 Logic. disputation. -3 Certainty, ascertainment. - A purg ing clyster. - A sentence having no ellipsis, a complete sentence. f 1 Ascertainment. -2 Administering enemas not of an oily kind. -3 Causing to purge with a olyster. 3 P. Ved. 1 To go out from, depart, leave. -2 To be excluded, become deprived of. fasta a. Dissolved, decaying, enervated; weakened. fa: f. 1 Decay, destruction, dissolution; falakSmI katamaM janAnAM mukhe nibaddhAM nirRtiM vahantam Mb.1.87.9; 5.36.8. -2 A calamity, evil, bane, adversity; farnirayasya gudaH smRtaH Bhag. 2. 6.9; sA hi lokasya nirRtiH e. 5. 30. 3 An imprecation, a curse. - Death or destruction personified, the goddess of death or destruction, the regent of the south-western quarter; Bhag. 1. 19. 4; pAkayajJavidhAnena yajeta nirRtiM nizi Ms. 11.119 6 The bottom of the earth. -8 The asterism Mula. -m. 1 Death or genius of death ; rAjyakAmo manUn devAnnirRtiM tvabhiBhag. 2. 3. 9. -2 N. of one of the 8 Vasus. -8 N. of a Rudra. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nithA 919 niNekA faroke: 1 Destruction. -2 The Sama Veda. nirghAtanam Forcing out, bringing out. nirebha a. Noiseless ; dUnAste'ribalAdUnA nirebhA bahu menire fagfruft A river. Ki. 15.31. nirghoSaH 1A sound in general, Ve.4; snigdhagambhIranirgandhanam Killing, slaughter. nirghoSamekaM syandanamAsthitau R.1.36. -2 A loud noise, rattl ing, twanging &c.; jyAnirghoSaiH kSobhayAmAsa siMhAn R.9.64; nirgam 1 P. 1 To go out or forth, depart; prakAza nirgataH5.43 hutavahaparikhedAdAzu nirgatya kakSAt Rs. 1.27%3 Ms. bhAratInirghoSaH U. 3. 9.83%; Amaru 61; S. 3. 253 6. 4. -2 To spring forth, faseT a. Ved. Ragged, tatterd. arise; anyadakiraNebhyo nirgatam K. 136. -3 To remove; as nirjAta a. Visible, come forth, appeared. in nirgatavizalkaH , -4 To be eured of a disease. -5 To come out or appear (as a bud); cUtAnAM ciranirgatApi kalikA / / nirji 1 P. 1To conquer, defeat; R.3.51; anekazo banAti na svaM rajaH 8.6.3. -6 To go away, disappear. nirjitarAjakastvam Bk. 2.52; 7.94; Y. 3. 292. -2 To win, -7 To be freed from (with abl.). -8To enter into or acquire by conquest. -3 To vanquish in a play. -4 attain to any state, undergo, suffer. To surpass, excel. faf: Country, region, place. nirjayaH, -nirjitiHf. Complete victory, subjugation, | vanquishing; viparyAsaM yathA merosivasyeva nirjayam Mb.7.193.7. nirgata p. p. 1 Come forth or out, appeared. -2 Gtone away, departed. -3 Disappeared, become oxtinct. -4. fara p. p. 1 Conquered completely, vanquished. Freed from. -5 Removed. -2 Acquired, gained, won. -3 Claimed; sa dattvA nirjitAM bhivRddhi karaNe parivartayet Ms.8.154.-indriyaHa saint. nirgamaH 1 Going forth or out, going away; yAvadAdizati / pArthivastayornirgamAya puramArgasakriyAm R. 11. 3. -2 Departure, nirjharaH,-ram 1A spring, waterfall, cataract, cascade, vanishing, passing away; tena tasya madhunirgamAt kRzazcittayonira- __mountain-torrent; zItaM nirjharavAri pAnam Nag.43 R. 2. 133; bhavat punarnavaH R. 19.46. -3 A door, an outlet, egress%3B Santi. 2. 17, 21; 4.6. -ra: 1 Burning chaff. -2 An kathamapyavAptanirgamaH prayayau K. 159.-5 Exit, issue. -6 Export- elephant. -3 A horse of the sun. place (of goods); Agama nirgamaM sthAnaM tathA vRddhikSayAvubhau / vicArya nirjharin m. A mountain. sarvapaNyAnAM kArayet krayavikrayau | Ms. 8. 401. nirjhariNI, nijharI A river, mountain-torrent; skhalananirgamanam 1 Going out or forth. -2 A door. -3 A mukharabhUrisrotaso nirjhariNyaH U. 2. 20%; Mv.5. 40%; jaTAkaTAhachamberlaiu, doorkeeper (!). saMbhramannilimpanirjharIvilolavIcivallarIvirAjamAnamUrdhani Sivatandavafaroffen a. 1 Flowed out. - Dissolved, melted. stotra. nirgrAhya a. Perceivable; vidagdhairnirgrAhyo na punaravidagdhairatizayaH nirNayaH, nirNIta, nirNetR &e. See under nirNI. U.4.21. nirNara: N. of one of the horses of the sun. nigUDhaH The hollow of a tree. nirNAmaH Ved. 1 The joint of a wing (?).-2 Excesive nirgranthanam Killing, slaughter. bending. FATTUTET 3 U. 1 To wash, clean, purify : 37-graden nirghaNTaH , -Tam 1 A vocabulary, collection of words. Y. 1. 191; Ms. 5. 127. -2 To dress oneselt. -2 A table of contents (sUcIpatra). nirNikta p. p. 1 Washed, purified, cleansed; toyanirgharSaNam Rubbing, friction. nirNiktapANayaH R. 17.22. -2 Expiated, atoned. enasvibhiranirgharSaNaka u. Rubbing. -kam A dentifrice. nirNiktainArtha kiMcisat mAcaret Ms. 11.189. -Comp. -bAhuvalaya a. with polished bracelet. -manas a. pure-hea.rted. fasia: 1 Destruction. -2 A whirlwind, a violent gust of wind, hurricane. - The noise of contending nirNikti:/. 1 Washing. -2 Expiation, atonement: winds ( vapours!) &c. in the sky; kurukulanidhanotpAtanirghAta- vRddhAtikramasaMbhUtasya mahato nirNiktaye pApmanaH prAyazcetanamAdizantu guravo vAtaH: Ve. 1.22; nirghAtograiH kuJjalInAja jighAMsuAniSaiiH kSobhayA- / rAmeNa dAntasya me Mv.4.25. mAsa siMhAn R.9.643 Ms.1.38; 1.105, 73 Y.1. 145%3B FATTOTET a. Vod. 1 Clearing, washing. -2 Well(vAyunA nihato vAyugaMganAca pttydhH| pracaNDaghoranirghoSo nirdhAta nourished. -m. 1 A form, shape. -2 A bright or iti kthyte||.)-4 An earth-quake. -BA thunderstroke; | nirghAtaca mahAnAsIt sAkaM ca stanayitnubhiH Bhag.1.14.15.-8 A shining garment. -3 Purification, washing. stroke in general; ahaha dAruNo devanirghAtaH U.2. -7 An farofa: 1 Washing, cleaning, puritication; A T: unusual event boding ealamity (utpAta); tasminmuhUrte saMprApte / svayonyaiva nirNako guNavattaraH Ms.. 113. -2 Ablution. -3 nirghAtAzcApatanmuhuH Mb.3.40.23; Ms.1.38; Bhag. 3. 17.8. Atonement, expiation; dAnena vadhaniNekaM sarpAdInAmazaknuvana. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir niNejakA 916 nirdhU .... ....... ............. for: A washerman; 1848 efa ad fafar- fe a. 1 Burning, consuming.-2 Without fire y 7 Ms. 4. 219, 216. or heat. 7771 Burning, consuming. -2 Semecarpus Anacardium Mar. fazar). AUTSTE 1 Ablution.-2 Expiation, atonemet (for an offence ). -3 Water for washing. FESIO m. 1 A digger up of weeds, weeder. -2 A donor. -3 A husbandman, rea per ; 919 fa fazlar faroft 1 P. 1 To take or carry away or off. -2 To T alat Ms. 7. 110. determine, ascertain, settle, decide, come to a decision, felfta a. 1 Torn, rent. -2 Opened, split open; fix, resolve upon; T h a faz Dk.; Ki. 11. 39. Brazitare: Si. 18. 28. faOTT: 1 Removing, removal. -2 Complete ascertain faire p. p. 1 Anointed, smeared. -2 Well-fed, ment, decision, affirmation, determination, settlement; TEAU : S. 1. 27; Ms. 8. 301, 409 ; 9. 250; corpulent, stout. - TT Solanum Jacquini (Mar. f? ftauft). Y. 2. 10; EU faut aa aa Ki. 2. 29. - 3 Deduction, inference, conclusion, demonstration (in logic). -4 falcat 6 P. 1 To point out, indicate, show; cha Discussion, investigation, consideration - Sentence, fa&a 6. 7; zegar faria &c. -2 To assign, give; verdict, judgment; algatufa atif ada tafauti Mb. areginaldar #quist24%2F4 R. 1. 95. - 3 To allude 3. 292. 2; a fartzA 1912 M. 1. -6 to, mention, make a reference to. - To foretell, Application of a conclusive argument. -1 (In Rhet.) predict. - To advise, recommend. - To tell, communiNarration of events. Comp. 39# a. comparison cate. - To enjoin, direct. -8 To enumerate, specify, based upon an inference; Kav. 2. 27.-OT: a sentence, name. -9 To define, determine. -10 To describe. decree, verdict (in law). -11 To denounce, accuse. farofa 1 Ascertainment, determination. -2 Positive free p. p. 1 Pointed out, shown, indicated. -2 conclusion, settlement. Specified, particularized. -3 Described. -4 Assigned, allotted. - Asserted, declared. -8 Ascertained, deterfaut a. 1 Settling, conclusive ; -2 Determining..mined. -7 Ordered. -8 Learned, wise. farofa 1 Making certain. -2 The outer angle of f : 1 Pointing out, showing, indicating. -2 the elephant's ear. Order, command, direction; 249744491 g fat affiut: faroita . p. Settled, decided, determined, resolved. fag: R. 12. 17 (v. 1. TIT). -3 Advice, instruction. -4 Telling, saying, declaring. - Specifying, partifarofa a. Decisive, conclusive. -m. 1 A judge. -2 A cularization, specification, specific mention; Brythisu voucher. -3 A guide. Paet: Mbh.; 3. iefa fastafafay: a: Bg. 17.23. FUE 6 U. 1 To throw back, reject; AT HEAT 931 - Ascertainment. -7 Vicinity, proximity. -8 Descrip tion, designation. -9 Agreement, promise; at Tea a fagan Ms. 4. 250.-2 To remove, dispel. ar $0 nirdezaM kRtabhaktaM kRtazramam / bhedairya vyapakarSanti te vai nirayagAminaH / / -8 To drive away, expel. -4 To repudiate. Mb. 13. 23. 70. farufa: Removal, banishment; (47:) facila: 997714. fe a. Pointing out, showing &c. FET, -3 a. 1 Unkind, unfeeling, unmerciful. -2 T a. 1 To be pointed out. - To be deterRejoicing over the faults of others. -3 Envious. -4 mined or described. -3 To be proclaimed or foretold. Abusive, slanderous. -6 Useless, unnecessary. -6 - 4 Expia ble (921 ); grana 4 98469419 Violent. -7 Mad, intoxicated. a B a ra su arhia Tull Mb. 12. 165.31. Per a. 1 Hard. - Pitiless. -3 Shameless. -T, aang m. An authority, a guide. (- ) 1 A cave, cavern; de fafciiio fa&ti: pretiu a Ram. 3. 67. 5; 4. 13. 6. -2 waterfall, spring. -TH fareTT, TOTH &c. See under fal. Essence (ar). -Comp. - a. inhabiting a cave; feia 1 P. 1 To wash off or away, cleanse ; faftascaifaath Ram. Perala ala fara ajo: Si. 8. 51; faufagia14302ret: R. 5. 43. -2 To stream forth, spring from. - To run faran Splitting, breaking, destroying. out or escape from. FEE 1 P. 1 To burn, consiune. -2 To torment, rata p. p. 1 Washed off, cleansed R. 5. 13. distress, pain. -2 Polished, bright; arataertyfestas feF : R.5.70. FATETET a. 1 Burnt; q Fatra fresa yeye faia a: 1 fer 5, 9 U. 1 To shake or throw off, remove, Ms. 11. 90.-2 Unburnt, dispel, expel, destroy; fagatsareAT Git. 12; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nirdhUta 916 nirmAthin shallgacher: Bg. 5. 17; R. 12.57.-2 To spurn, treat with contempt, disregard; paruSANi ce saMzrAvya nirdhRto'smi a Ram. 4. 8. 32.-3 To abandon, forsake, throw away. -4 To repudiate, disown, reject. -8 To afflict, tormert, distress. - To move about, brandish. Farsta p. p. 1 Shaken off, removed ; dispelled. -2 Deserted, rejected. -3 Deprived of, bereft. -4 Avoided. - Refuted. -6 Destroyed; 3 76417 CZ ataya911 Ram. 7. 36. 57. -7 Broken, divided. -8 Suffered, undergone. -9 Cast off or away, thrown away. - A man deserted by his relations and friends. TH Heaving, fluctuating (of the sea ); Ku. fre 1 P., 10 U. 1 To determine accurately, settle, fix; pagiftast en s al at si 2. 70; 9. 20. -2 To specify, particularize. -3 To take out from. feruirt:, -feiTUTH 1 Specifying or separating one out of many; 94 AUITUTH P. II. 3. 41; V. 3. 92. -2 Determining, deciding.-3 Certainty, ascertainment. 1 frenta p. p. Determined, ascertained, fixed, settled, &c. frend a. 1 Ascertaina ble. -2 Resolute, energetic. -3 Bold, fearless, actively working. farura a. thought of, meditated. fart 9 P. 1 To press, urge, importune. -2 To insist upon, persist in. farge p. p. 1 Fixed or fastened upon. -2 Urged, importuned, pressed. fare: 1 Insisting upon, persistence, intentness, pertinacity; fd 17891 (TFT) R. 5. 21; Ku. 5. 66. -2 Importunity, a pressing demand or request, urgency; farge: 7 ah R. 14. 32; 37a ga as fare: S. 3. -3 Obstinacy; 17 a 19294977 grafet: Bhag, 7. 5. 42. -4 A great effort, perseverance; 227+gar: gifaga za Mal. 10. 19. -4 Accusation. -5 A contest, dispute. fara a. Insisting upon; Her fart agaier fare: Mb. 5. 144. 17. nirbarhaNa See nibarhaNa. fara a. 1 Shattered, broken in pieces. -2 Bent, bowed. -8 Devoid of (1); Brauaffatan gat Haszfat i falgary THORST TE Il Ram. 2. 8. 25. fanfic a. Hard, firm (TT). far 10 A. 1 To revile, censure, a buse. -2 To surpass, eclipse, put to shame; 317 filetatut Ku. 3. 53. -8 To menace; 3998 atha an fagadgadi: frac: Si. 6. 62. U TA, 1 Threat, menace; radiac AT (TTT) Si. 15. 87. -2 Abuse, reproach, revil. ing, blame. -3 Malignity. -4 Red paint, lac. fara p. p. 1 Threatened. -2 Abused, reproached. FART 2 P. 1 To shine forth, shine: 3441 a fait R. 11. 66.-2 To proceed, arise, start into view; 144 e faut Ms. 5. 44; 2. 10. -8 To look like, seem to be; Mb. 8. frufe: Appearing or shining forth. fan 7 U. 1 To tear up, burst or tear asunder, break or pierce through; anena nirminnatanuH sa vadhyaH V.5.63 Bk. 9. 67; faffar Freya TV. 2. 23. -2 To disclose, betray, divulge; fara 44 Dk. rates for ibid; Si. 16. 23; U. 3.1. -8 To break down, destroy. -4 To ascertain, find out, discover -5 To excavate. -6 To put out the eyes). fara p. p. 1 Split asunder, broken open, rent -2 Pierced through, transfixed. fut 1 Bursting, dividing, splitting asunder. -2 A split, rent. -8 Disclosure, betrayal. -4 Explicit mentior or declaration; caso 1 21449: Tufc. M. 4. - The bed of a river. - Determination of an affair, event. -7 Destruction; from fat te ga FACA: Ram. 1. 40. 4. fitt a. 1 Having no rent. -2 Not to be pierced through. -8 Disappointed. fata p. p. 1 Distorted. -2 straight. -3 Bent. -4 Pressing against each other; ekIkRtastvaci niSikta ivAvapIbya fanta95 391991 A Mal. 6. 12. farfa f. Ved. Disappearing. fara 1,9 P. 1 To churn, shake, stir round; amRtasyArthe nirmathidhyAmahe jalam Mb. -2 To produce or excite fire by rubbing. 3 To bruise, thresh, beat violently. -4 To destroy completely, crush down. far , far , far , A 4 , farater: 1 Rubbing, churning, stirring. -2 The wood used for producing fire by friction. -8 Rubbing two pieces of wood together to produce fire. - Destruction, havoc; TEREST fafanya tarafare: Mv. 2. 25; fafafaa ya ficara: gallafaqe1987: U. 5.8. -Comp. -218 1=2 a bove. -2 a churning-stick. PAFCT a. 1 To be stirred or churned. -2 To be produced by friction (as fire). -CTH The wood used for producing fire by friction. faraffert a. 1 Grinding down, crushing. -2 Churning. -8 Rubbing. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nirmA 017 niryANam farat 3 A., 2 P. 1 To make, create, bring into exis ! E a. One who longs for final beatitude; tence; and HIETIHE EU gorag: . 1.9; 941-1 9 e 1: ( 3) Bu. Ch. 5. 39. ot-au a affat 39: Ms. 7.5; 1. 13.-2 (a) AT: 1 Setting free, liberating.-2 A hide, skin; To build, form, construct; falyfar Har ga STI: H. l. #finahara alaa: Mb. 13. 141. 100. -3 The (1) To cause to be settled, colonize (as a town &c.); slough of a serpent; l atforma autet: PAHA PHASEG HYTi Ayrila: R. 15. 28. -3 To cause, for fag: R. 16. 17; Si. 20. 47; N. 1; HETTA produce; 5 571aHaa Ku. 1. 47. -4 To compose, HETIH Siva. B. 31. 62.-4 Armour, mail. - The write; Farardar el #1044, -5 To prepare, sky, heaven. -6 Atmosphere; fa t a 917 manufacture in general. sUryakaJcuke Medini. fast Value, measure, equivalent. nirmokSaH Liberation, deliverance; na copalebhe pUrveSAmRNaFATURA 1 Measuring, meting out; rafia W arga R. 10. 2. P. I. 4. 31 Vart. -2 Measure, reach, extent; 344HSTA faataa Liberation, deliveranco. fator: (a ) Ram. 'not having reached the full meagure of growth'. -3 Producing, forming, making, crea- fara 10 U. To eradicate, extirpate. tion, formation, manufacture; faturat a Parca Eradication, uprooting, extirpating (fig. Mb. 5.71.7; BEST PRACHT: qua: U. 4. -4 A crea also ); REACTA: Bh. 3. 72. tion, created thing or object, form; f uha TTCT A Mal. 9. 49. - A shape, make, figure; TTT- nirmUja 2 P. To wipe of, wash out; teSu darbheSu taM hastaM fanfaa rahi #19: Mv. 1. -8 Composition, work. PEGTETHETA Ms. 3. 216. -7 A building. -8 A part, portion. -9 Essence, pith, fantsfag Cleaning, washing off, wiping out. marrow. -10 (With Buddhists ) Transformation. -11 Happening, birth; pUrvanirmANabaddhA hi kAlasya gatirIdRzI Ram. fare p. p. Wiped off, washed out, rubbed out; 7. 106. 2. -O Fitness, propriety, decorum. PAGETTIST: S. D. 1. fara p. p. 1 Constructed, built, formed, prepared, fata 10 U. 1 To return, restore; 214ara o 79 made &c. -2 in law) Fixed, settled; ga # fare: aufae et Ram. 4. 10, 9; faciat Eturan V.5; 51Tha r an Ms. 9. 46. -3 Artificial. -4 Per Ms. 11. 164. -2 To requite, repay, retaliate; TEATformed, celebrated a ceremony); stagrarget aula- Fai fazlauf a Ram.-3 To forgive, pardon. -Caus. Tataartal Ram. 1. 14. 42. To snatch away, give trouble; far a afara (ga) Mb. 12. 354. 6. fafirat: f. Production, creation, formation, any artistic production; watafiti farfantud ait afafa niryat a. Coming out, isssuing; phullatphaNApIThaniryadviSajyotiH Mal. 5. 23; 3T7U 454647agna: gafa radiat: K. P. 1. 1. Laksmilahari S. 3. FATET 4. Pure, clean, stainless. -74 1 Purity, niryAtita a. Restored; returned ; hasyazvarathasaMpUrNa rAjya clearness, stainlessnes. -2 The remains of an offering to fagfrad azt Ram. 2. 75. 16 a deity, such as flowers, fica agencraft - yrat fa: S. Til. 10. -3 Flowers used and cast off, pulan 1 Returning, restoring, delivering, restifaded or withered flowers; fateaty agasaulisalat tution (as of a deposit). -2 Payment of a debt. Si. 8. 60.-4 Remains in general; faniei agar: 4 -8 Gift, donation, -4 Retaliation, requital, revenge B. R. 1. 40. (as in a faziaat); warefni: a falar afa Hariy. -8 Killing, slaughter. AS 6 P. 1 To free, liberate, release; FHNata 719- 2 a R. 1. 46; Bg. 7. 28. -2 To leave, farzt 2 P. 1 To go out, go out of; fafaray 1352 quit, abandon. -3 To cast off; faguara sa tags: gay HETIT R. 12. 83.-2 To pass, elapse as time). Mk.3.9. -3 To weed ( a field ). -Caus. 1 To drive away; a Horarea feractATUT Bhag. 1. 7. 56. - To begin, fargo p. p. 1 Set free, freed, liberated; R. 1. 46. start performing; a 4 agd auffaat 23-2 Freed from worldly attachments. -3 Separated, HETAT: fetics Bhag. 4. 3. 8. disjoined. - Pressed out; Tau 94 498 Bu. Ch. 4. 47. - A snake which has lately cast off farture 1 Exit, issue, setting out, departure. -2 its skin; AdadAnAzca nArAcAnirmuktAzIviSopamAn M.b.6.44. 17. Vanishing, disappearing. -3 Dying, death. -4 Eternal emancipation, final beatitude. -3 The outer corner of nimuktiHf Freedom, liberation; svamUrtyA lokalAvaNya- the eye of an elephant; vAraNa niryANabhAge'bhinan DR. 973 farar TH A Bhag. 11. 1.6. fafurfacesi arsa Pare Si. 5. 41; Matanga L. 6.9; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir niryANika 918 nirvahaNam . 12. 19. -8 A rope for tying cattle or the feet of a calf, a foot-rope in general ; fiorFTET TT 1999: Si. 12. 41. -7 Iron. -8 Decamping (of an army) -9 Going out of cattle to the pasture ground). -10 A road leading out of a town. aufro a. Conducive to emancipation. faufta a. 1 Gone out, issued &o. -2 Laid aside (as money). -8 Conversant with. farurifa: f. 1 Exit, departure. -2 Departure from lite, dying, death. fagora Banishing, expelling. faura: A sailor, pilot, boatman. niryAmaka: An assistant. niryAmaNA Assistance. fagte, - 1 Exudation of trees or plants, gum, juice, resin; T AUTATTA : R. 1. 38; Ms. 5. 6. -2 Extract, infusion, decoction ; 37affat fara ferniryAsamandasatanavajalapANDaM puNDarIkodareSu Si. 11.62.-3 Any thick fluid substance. fare: 1 A pinnacle, turret, projection on columns or gates); ama targeta vita e USA (379542) Mb. 1. 3. 133; qaragaiazz: Si. 3. 55. (where Malli. renders niyUha by mattavAraNAkhya apAzrayaH and quotes Vaijayanti ; perhaps it was so called from its resem blance to the shape of an elephant in rut); 71Eatroft Ram. -2 A chaplet, crest, head-ornament; T ag: Mb. 5. 155. 12. -3 A peu projecting from a wall. -4 Wood placed in a wall for pigeons to build their nests or to perch upon ; Si. 3. 55. - A door, gate. -6 Extract, decoction. farart: 1 Dress, decoration : P T 490916412 axus 9 # Pratima 1. 26. -8 A rope for tying cows%3; aspandanaM gatimatAM pulakastarUNAM niyoMgapAzakRtalakSaNayorvicitram Bhag. 10. 21. 19. faites: A particular part of a plough. fag H Pulling out or off, tearing off, peeling. FASA 1 Robbing, plundering.-2 Tearing off : 3711 92897 faced fagoga 9: S. D. faqe 1 Soraping, scratching.-2 An instrument for scraping, a scraper. facis ind. Having meditated, pondered. freaget The slough of a snake; 7941&factuait F41h a tat TATA Br:. Up. 4. 4.7. fa 2 P. 1 To interpret, explain ; ac fara ahl:. -2 To derive, trace to its etymology (as a word). -8 To relate, tell, declare, announce. -4 To name, call. free 1 Utterance, pronunciation. -2 A proverbial expression, proverb; na nirmanyuH kSatriyo'sti loke nirvacanaM syah Mb. 3. 27. 37.-3 Etymological interpretation, etymology. nAmanirvacanaM tasya zlokamenaM surA jaguH Mb.9.20. 37. -4 A vocabulary, an index. - Praise (TAT); 998 zAntanoveMzaM samIkSya punarutam / tato nirvacanaM loke sarvarASTradhvavartata / / Mb. 1. 109. 23. fa 1 P. 1 To pour out, sprinkle; 31926a Eda fade# fa Ms. 3. 214, 215. -2 To scatter, strew (as seed). - 3 To offer, present; *3117 aradt af HEIM a fayfa Tarra: U. 4. -4 To offer libations especially to the manes. -8 To perform. faut a., -oft 1 Relating to oblations. -2 Pouring out, scattering. 3 Giving, bestowing. -UTH 1 Pouring out, offering. -2 Particularly, the presentation of funeral offerings to the manes, alibation; 37714arcar foozadu a: Ms. 3. 218, 260; Bhag. 5. 12. 12. -3 Bestowing presente. -4 Gift, donation. - A vessel (ladle &c. ) for pouring. nirvApaH See nirvapaNam , Bestowing, offering; nivopArtha 9191 27 : Ram. 2. 91.79. facraft The slough of a snake. fara 10 U. 1 To look at carefully, mark attentively; Mal. 7. -2 To see, behold, observe, perceive. OTH 1 Looking at, seeing, sight. -2 Marking, observing carefully. 1 P. 1 To live out, i. e. to go to the end of (as a period). -2 To dwell a broad. -Caus. To banish, drive away, expel; faa 2 74afu anach1244a r R. 14. 67. farafa:, -faatwa 1 Expulsion, bunishment. -2 Killing, slaughter. -3 Leaving one's home, living abroad (fata only in this sense ). faraffea a. Expelled, banished ; spent ( as time), driven ont. nirvAsya a. Fit to be expelled; nirvAsyA vyabhicAriNyaH tena 7 Y. 2. 142 fra 1 P. 1 To carry out, extricate oneself. -2 To be finished. - To live upon, live by the aid of. -Caus. 1 To take to the end of, complete, finish, manage; yathA priyasakhI bandhujanazocanIyA na bhavati tathA nirvAhaya 5.3. - To carry out, accomplish, effect. -4 To pass, spend (as time), faragua 1 End, completion ; fra fadevaru uefa112295aalaa: S. 14. 63.-2 Maintaining, carrying to the end, sustaining; # 4 ADEUTH Amaru. 24. -8 Destruction, annihilation. - In dramas ) The catastrophe, the last stage in which the action of the play For Private and Personal Use Only Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nirvahita 919 nirviz ! is brought to a head, the denouement; arai fa- Sam49 3772-es 1789 Mu. 6. nirvAhata 4. Accomplisher, producer; AkAzo vai nAma THEY Aical Ch. Up. 8. 14.1. farare: 1 Carrying on, accomplishing, perforining. -2 Completion, end. -3 Carrying to the end, supporting, steadfast adherence, perseverance; fagle: wdqaatay saraf 90 Mu. 2. 18. -4 Subsisting on. -B Sufficiency, competent provision, competency. -6 Describing, narrating. FATET a. 1 Carrying out, effecting. -2 Removing. - T4 Awomplishment, completion ; see fade. farais . Effectiny. -2 Discharner C wound). fara 2 P. 1 To blow. -2 To be cooled, be cool or assuaged (fig. also ); agterafgaa faat Si. 1. 65; cafe Ta 2 Raila H ati Subhas. -3 To blow out, be extinguisbed, be extinct; fagiola fet Tera4 Subhas.; fafor g ata -da ajo Ku. 3. 52: Si. 14. 85; Mu. 3. 28. -Caus. ( f ufa) 1 To blow or put out, extinguish, destroy, kill; Tii fagf919 7 4799: R. 3. 58. -2 To cool, alleviate the heat of, act as a refrigerant ; 3=UTEsT ga asa fatqua ITFTET: Mal. 6; Ratn. 3. 11; R. 19. 56. - To gratify, soothe, comfort; faafiz fayzet: Aramayiga: R. 12. 63. faator p. p. 1 Blown or put out, extinguished ( as a lamp or fire); aquateral: 9THIETTOH Ve. 1.7; Ku. 2. 23. -2 Lost, disa ppeared. -3 Dead, deceased -4 Liberated from existence. -5 Set as the sun ). - Calmed, quieted. 7 Plunged. -UH 1 Extinction; 3119 faraluaa 11 ara silah H. 1. 131: graftaforatara faftu art: Mb. -2 Vanishing from sight, disappearance. -3 Dissolution, death. -4 Final liberation or emancipation from matter and reunion with the Supreme Spirit, eternal bliss; faato fogystay: 451# 4 Mb. 3.31, 26; fagfunft S&AFAT 24: Ki. 11. 69; R. 12. 1. 6 (With Buddhists) Absolute extinction or annihilation, complete extinction of individual or worldly existence. -6 Perfect and perpetual calm, repose; faalu 499149 y aa (4) Ki. 18. 39. -7 Complete satisfaction or pleasure, supreme bliss, highest felicity; sa yogI brahmanirvANaM brahmabhUto'dhigacchati By.5.24; 31 gou a faf14 S. 3; M. 3.1; Si. 1. 23; V. 3. 21. -8 Cessation, desistiny. -9 Vacuity. -10 Union, association, confluence. -11 The bathing of an elephant; as infaat R. 1.71. -12 Instruction in sciences. -13 Finis, completion; 7 7 9@atoi atia stats ITT 974 Bhay. 4. 9. 27. -Comp. -TTUTH offering oblations to the dead (?); Raj. T. og a. almogt vanished or departed; see underfaaf (3) above. He : final emancipation or deliverance, final beatitude. farang: 1 See adqur and fafe. -2 Putting out. extinguishing (as fire). fara qura 1 An offering, oblation, a funeral oblation. - A gift, donation. -3 Putting out, extinguishing. -4 Pouring out, scattering, sowing (as seed). -8 (a) Offering, giving. (b) Offering oblations especially funeral). -6 Allaying, alleviation, pacification; ficut gifagafaaqua U. 3. -7 Annihilation. -8 Killing, slaughter. -9 Cooling, refreshing; traat 14 $. 3. -10 A refrigerant or cooling application; manufquesikatAnAM vA nirvApaNaM prasAdhanaM ca kartavyam. fare ad a. 1 Extinguishing, blowing, blowing out. -2 Alaying the heat of, cooling; 99 acaraffgar a 31T: S. 3. 11. farafta a. 1 Extinguished, quenched. -2 Cooled. -3 Killed. ferata: 1 Blame, reproach.-2 Scandal, bad rumour', obloquy; Hadic 1994 R. 14. 34; Ki. 2. 10. - 3 Decision of a controversy. -4 Absence of dispute ( Ha); fafaraldagat Mb. 5. 135. 37. - Rumour, report. fara 4 A. To be dissatisfied or disgusted with (with instr.); fafautta ita e tu 90-9596 Pt. 1. 240.-f. Despondency, despair. faragot p. p. 1 Despondent, depressed; Afeul: Tafa Mk. 1. 14. -2 Overcome with fear or sorrow. -3 Emaciated with grief. -4 Abused, degraded. - Disgusted with anything: Heira faldoot: Pt. 1. -8 Impaired, deva yed. -7 Humble, modest. -8 Known, certain. frag: 1 Disgust, loathing. --2 Satiety, cloy. -3 Depression of spirits, despair, despondency : AGZ FT : Mb. 3. 32. 50; ft Harracha Mk. 1. 14. -4 Humiliation. -5 Grief. -6 Complete indifference to wordly objects ; tadA gantAsi nivedaM zrotavyasya zrutasya ca Bg. 2. 52 (regarded as the feeling which gives rise to the sentiment called zAnta (quietude); nirvedasthAyibhAvo'sti Trds 71 : K. P. 4; (see R. G. under fad). - Self-disparagement or humiliation (regarded as one of the 33 subordinate feelings ); of the definition in R. G. under faac; the following is there given as an instance; i 3H7 HT 1970 oratio fai ar poftfaca ar a fatica H II). -8 Shame. FACIT 6 P. 1 To enjoy; Fland Afterfa 1917 R. 6. 3+; fregat : agurt R. 12.1; 4.51; 6. 50; 9. 35; 13. 60; 14. 80; 18. 3; 19. 47; Me. 112; Ku. 1. 29. -2 To adorn, embellish. - 3 To settle in a home, become a householder. --4 To marry; faghat YTT 37919 Herant: Mb. 13. 19. 11. fragmas atra V.P. -5 To feel, experience. - To reward, recompense. - To enter into. -8 To go forth. -9 To repay For Private and Personal Use Only Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir niviSTa 920 ..................... . ... .. .................... . .. (a debt); ago 47 91094ftar Mb. 5. 146. 15. a -10 To live together; nirUpito bAlaka eva yoginAM zuzraSaNe af fafdragarh Bhag. 1. 5. 23. fara p. p. 1 Enjoyed, attained, experienced. -2 Fully enjoyed or used. -8 Obtained as wages; falas a ut: Gautama. - 4 Married. -5 Engaged in. - Arrived at, attained to. -7 One who has maintained the sacred fire. -8 Entered, sticking in. -9 Sitting, encamping; foldegu: 999 fax : R. 12. 68. at: 1 Gaining, obtaining. -2 Wages, hire, employment. -3 Eating, enjoyment, use. - Return of payment; sarvArthasambhavo deho jAnataH poSito yataH / na tayoryAti fads f971464: Taiyar || Bhag. 10. 45. 5. -5 Expiation, atonement; Bhag. 5.26.18. -8 Marriage. -7 Fainting, swooning. -8 Spreading; L. D. B. -9 Entering; Birch GTA fafaydash () Bhag. 10. 10. 26. -10 Revenging; 3777741fAT! grad aft: Bhag. 10. 44. 39. fa 5 U. (usually in p. p. only) To feel happy, be pleased or satisfied; far yollayati: Si. 10. 3. See below. faraffta a. Warded off ; Prab. 4. 30/31. fara p. p. 1 Satisfied, contented, happy; pregat *: S. 2; 4; 5. 1. -2 Free from care or anxiety, secure, at ease. -8 Ceased, ended. dr A UT kathamapi droNAnale nivRte Ve.6.1. -tam A house. fata: f. 1 Satisfaction, happiness, pleasure, bliss ; afa faf479 47: V.2.9; R. 9.38; 12. 65; $. 7. 19; Si. 4. 64; 10. 28; Ki. 3. 8. -2 Tranquillity, rest, repose; na jAtu bAlA labhate sma nirvRtiM tuSArasaMghAtazilAtaleSvapi Ku. 5.55; Pt. 1. 201.-3 Final emancipation or liberation from worldly existence; i parauga fazla surfa aiah Bv. 4.14. - 4 Completion, accomplishment. -6 Freedom. -6 Disappearance; death, destruction fare I A. 1 To cease, come to an end; F uel ! aagrat Barraga : Bk. 8. 69. -2 To be got or accomplished ; nivartatAsya yAvadbhiritikartavyatA nRbhiH Ms. 7.61. -8 To be with-held, not to happen; fastiggaeta: Bk. 16.6. -Caus. 1 To perform; accomplish, finish, complete; 316Ti faceAT K. 16; R. 2. 45; 3. 33; 11. 30. freda a. (-fatt f.) 1 Completing, accomplishing, executing, performing &c. -2 Desisting. fa&a 1 Accomplishment, completion, execution. - Desisting, Paraft a. 1 Completing, accomplishing &o. -3 Acting rudely, uncivil, im politic. fama pop. 1 Accomplished, attained, performed &o; f e49f791 311 Ku. 7. 11. f ga q ar : R. 17. 18. 2 Finished, ended ; nirvRtte tu Rtau tasmin hayamedhe mahAtmanaH Ram. 1. 18. 1. -Comp. : a. One on whom tonsure has been performed; nivRttacUDakAnAM tu trirAtrAt zudviriSyate Ms.5.67. -A a. just finished. fargler: f. (See also under far) 1 Accomplishment, fulfilment; 973 helaia: Mb. 1. 108. 10; 5arr taead: YTH Ms. 12. 1. -2 Completion, end. -8 (In gram.) Discontinuance of the influence of one rule over another (opp. 37 ). -4 Result, fruit. -5 Ceasing, desisting, a hetaining from. -6 Inactivity. -7 Impropriety. -8 Final beatitude. faga A weaver's shuttle. fare a. Indicating, betrayiny; 918: wa TTA1autor: Ey face: My. 5. 62. ferad 1 Extreme pain, paining, afflicting. -2 Freedom from pain. -8 A hole, chasm. farat 4 P. To pierce through, wound, kill. fare a. 1 Wounded, killed. -2 Separated from each other, isolated. fare 1 Penetration. -2 Insight. fragfaa a. Spent, passed away. farza p. p. 1 Completed, finished ; Paagi sarna41g hafa 179a4 Mu. 2. 18 (v.1.). -2 Grown, increased, developed ; muhUrtaniyUMDhavismaya Mal.7; niyUMDhasauhRdabhareti 6. 17 ( 919 Jagaddhara ).-8 Vindicated, fully shown, proved true, carried out faithfully or to the end; ET ara te facutarha: U. 3; faod: 1991HITI GG fear Mal. 8; Parcyc alatt sich Mal. 4; 9. 10; My. 7. 8. 4 Deserted, abandoned ; Pojat TUHIGA faar Priya. Dar. 1. 6. -5 Arrayed in order of battle. -6 Successful, lucky. -7 Pushed out, expelled. farofa: f. 1 End, completion. -2 A helmet, crest. -8 A door, gate. -4 A peg or bracket projecting from a wall. - Highest point or degree. - Decoction; cf. FAYE fare: See faga: 1 A peg (mea); anatumoje: Mb. 3. 160. 39. -2 A particular weapon (1941) Mb. 7. 89. 17. Parera: Evacuation, voiding excrement. FAT 1 P. 1 To take or draw out from, extract; qoftar PETITUTT SO HYT tag feia: R. 14. 42. -2 To carry out the dead body; nirdRtya tu vratI pretAnna vratena fagre Ms. 5.91; Y. 3. 15. -8 To remove (as a fault &c.). - To carry or take away. -8 To export (goods) -6 To change or mix together (clothes &c.); 77 arife ART Ms. 8. 396. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nirharaNam 021 nivas 1 taTOTH 1 Carrying out dead bodies to be burnt, carrying corpses to the funeral pile; 74 fakture ... ...grafet: Fridal Bhay. 1. 9. 46. -2 Taking forth, carrying or drawing out, extracting, removal. -3 Rooting up, extirpation, destruction. - An antidote (Mar. fagrar ant); artan fagfastaren ara&tu 7 Siva. B. 30. 20. fatt: 1 Taking away, removing, removal. -2 Drawing out, extracting. -3 Rooting up, destruction; karmaNA karmanihArI na hyAtyantika iSyate Bhag.6.1.11. -4 Carrying out a dead body to be burnt; evaM vilapatInAM vai parigRhya mRtaM patim / anicchatInAM nirimarko'staM saMnyavartata // Bhag. 7. 2. 35. -5 Accumulation of a private store of wealth, private hoard; a fheit fa: : Start Ms. 9. 199. -8 Evacuation of the natural excrements of the body (opp. 37). -7 Putting forth or out. -8 Setting aside, excluding, leaving. -9 Deduction. -10 Diffusive fragrance. fagfic u. 1 Carrying out. -2 Diffusive, spreading wide (as fragrance). -3 Fragrant. -4 A kind of fragrance surpassing all others (sarvagandhAbhibhAvako himavAdau com. on Mb. 12. 184. 28). fazla: f. Taking out of one's way, removal. facra: A sound in general; faziar Tahagia faixa: YFIT Bhag. 3. 17.8; R. 1. 41. fagle: Shortening, abbreviation. fa 6 P. 1 To understand slowly. -2 To be impassable, or impenetrable. Farett: 1 A god; fafanuragarrafa a acarafdraaia G. L. 15. -2 A troop of Maruts. -Comp. -37fq: Lord of the gods, Indra; A if49900 EH Siva. B. 12. 119.-faget the celestial Ganges. fafcini, farefi 1 A cow. -2 ( festa1) A milk-pail. fact 4 A. 1 To stick or adhere to, lie or rest upon, settle down or alight upon; nililye mUni gRdhro'sya Bk. 14.76; 2.5.-2 To lurk or hide, hide oneself in; gara- 09 Bk. 15.32; fafti Tarefa Git. 2.-3 To hide or conceal oneself from with a bl.); higa 001: Sk. - To die, perish. -5 To become settled or fixed; pUrvameva hi jantUnAM yodhivAso nilIyate Raj. T.3.426. FAST: 1 A hiding place, the lair or den of animals, a nest (of birds ); Pat Tifaa 91&ya Si. 9.4.-2 A cellar; ambarAkhyAnanilayau kaNThadanaM samantataH Parpal. (Two cellars known as Ambarakhana.) -3 An abode, residence, house, dwelling; oft. at the end of comp. in the sense of living or residing in'; fi affidatait bhaktinighnAtmanAM naH pabhAkSasyAdhipadmadvayatalanilayAH pAsavaH pApapaGkam / / 8. &. ....196 -fabuig 1990. -4 Hiding oneself; a umutsRjya yUyaM sarve triviSTapam / yAta kAlaM pratIkSanto yataH shtrorvipryyH|| Bhag. 8. 15.31. -8 Total destruction. -6 Setting, disappearance; femi-a f ly EgH R. 2. 15 (where the word is used in sense 1 also ). PATH 1 Settling in a place, alighting. 2 A place of refuge; faza zifua 2 Tait. Up. 2.6; Bhag. 5. 19. 20.-3 A house, dwelling, habitation; a f ar: so nadIkuTilagAminaH / tiSThantyAvRtya panthAnamato duHkhataraM bnm|| Ram. 2. 28. 20; Ki. 7. 20. -4 The act of going out. farargah Playing at hide and seek; Bhag. 10. 11. 59. faca p. p. 1 Melted or fused into. -2 Shut or wrapt up, hidden into. -3 Involved, surrounded, encompassed. -4 Destroyed, perished. - Changed, transformed. -6 Full. f ara ind. Not speaking, ceasing to speak, holding the tongue (regarded as a la or preposition, or a separate word, when used with ; c.g. faqa-gora, faata rat; P. I. 4.76; Kasi.). fra f. 1 A valley.-2 Depth. -at ind. Downwards (also faqat in this sense ). faray 1 P. 1 To scatter about, sow (as seed). -2 To offer as oblations ), especially to the manes; taldor a great farat e ftoft Mb. 13. 91. 20; zu fosttaa: Ms. 3. 216; ( Fyfa) facu: EA1T23: Ku. 4. 38. -8 To immolate, kill ( as an animal). faata 1 Scattering down, pouring out, throwing down. -2 Sowing. -3 An offering to the manes, an oblation in honour of one's deceased ancestors; 17; Raqqara fazodila S. 6. 25. fare : 1 Seed, grain, seed-corn. -2 An offering to the manes of deceased parents or other relatives, a libation of water &c. at the Sraddha ceremony; at Pargard fazy Mal. 9. 40; Farver : R. 8. 86; fat954: 9 14 5. 8; 15. 91; Mu. 4. 5. -3 A gift or offering in general. -Comp. 35 : two handfuls of water as a libation. -annam sacrificial food. -udakam / libation of water; atyalpamidamasmAkaM nivApodakabhojanam Mk. 10. 17. -Aleyh funeral wreath. faragh: A sower, scatterer. fara a. Preventing, warding off. -T: 1 One who prevents. - 2 Protection, covering. fara A virgin, an unmarried girl. faag I. 1 P. 1 To live, dwell, stay ; 3te faait la # aftura : $. 1. 26; faarufu ya By. 12. 8. -2 To be, exist, fremdelarot zeezit af g valea: Pt. 1. 31. -8 To occupy, settle in, take possession of. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nivasatiH 922 niviz ... SE -4 To sojourn, pass the night. -8 To cohabit; Mb. 9. -II. 2 A. 1 To dress, wear or put on clothes. -2 To change one's clothes. -8 To gird round (as a sword). farzafa: /. A house, habitation, abode, residence, dwelling fagy: A village. F ETTE 1 A house, habitation, dwelling; Aaat A19 A. L. 16. -2 A garment, cloth, an undergarment; fed faqe 46deg114 Si. 10. 60; R. 19. 41. fararn: Living, dwelling, residing. -2 A house, adode, habitation, resting-place; Parafa : Mk. 1. 15; Si. 4. 63; 5. 21; Bg. 9. 18; Mk. 3. 23. -8 Passing the night. -4 A dress, garment. -5 Nightquarters. -6 Refuge, receptacle, asylum; rufaaral aycana Si. 1.1. -Comp. 94 sleeping-room. TT an edifice; gal 91@adi faqat HIFT a: Mk. 3. 23. Fare 1 Residence. -2 Sojourn. -3 Spending time. fararea a. 1 Dwelling, residing. -2 Wearing, dressed or clothed in; navaM navakSaumanivAsinI sA Ku. 7. 26. -m. A resident, an inhabitant; 3797112T: 9 HIT Fyfaaraan R. 12. 12. faa 1 U. 1 To bring or lead near. -2 To bear up, sustain, support; 1T&T 19 Git. 1. -3 To flow. frag: 1 A multitude, collection, quantity, heap; yaraqet WT : A. L. 16; 799zaar: Bh. 3. 37; 80 9ao, ara, 1a &o. -2 N. of one of the seven winds. -8 N. of one of the seven tougues of fire. - Killing, slaughter. -a. Bringing, causing; uifor gozarella 49 Bhay. 11. 1. 11. fata a. [fara faci atarasena ] 1 Sheltered from the wind, not windy, calm; nivAtapadmastimitena cakSuSA nRpasya 48 fua: yaith R. 3. 17; 19. 12. -2 Unhurt, uninjured, unobstructed. -3 Safe, secure. -4 Well-armed, accoutred in strong mail; faaraad ga a: Mb. 1. 2. 53.5 Closely woven, without holes; qarat gate fara sf Visva; safecafa faaraan : Si. 17. 51. -2: 1 A refuge, dwelling, an asylum - An impenetrable coat of mail. 041 A place sheltered from the wind; nivAtaniSkampamiva pradIpam Ku.3.483; Ki. 14. 37; R. 13. 52; 3. 17; 91 419 fagnate aga By. 6. 19. -2 Absence of wind, calm, stillness; ataferhat a 124 sau: (Ar au) R. 12. 36.-3 A secure spot. -4 A strong armour. -Comp. 9 : 16. (pl.) N. of a tribe. faran a. Not speaking, silent. frafal A cow whose calf is dead and who is milked by means of auother calf. farate 10 P. To clothe, to put on clothes. fara(fa) a. 1 Without spave or interstices, close, compact. -2 Firm, tight, fast; fafast gie: R.9.58; 19.44; ugfalesfaaraavat: Si. -3 Thick, impervious, dense, impenetrable; a falast afrit R. 11.15. -4 Gross, coarse. -5 Bulky, large. -6 Crooked nosed. fafaz 2 P. (generally in the Caus.) 1 To tell, communicate, inform (with dat. ); ftuat athai yra ac fH S. 4; 4914 radar acura: ibid; R. 2. 68. -2 To declare or announce oneself; F HRA - H $. 1. -3 To indicate, betray, show; selaflar Mu. 1; f ara faciledi ay Ku.5.72; R. 17. 40. - To offer, present, give, make an offer of; Fative FIGETU T K. 367; 19H+H uacat R. 15. 70; 11. 47; Ms. 2. 51; Y. 1. 27. -8 To entrust to the care of, make or deliver over to. Ferrae f. Ved. 1 Speech, a short Vedic text; qua Pifagt af at ducatu faragua Bri. Up. 3. 9. 1. -2 Instruction, precept, direction. -8 Invocation. faa. Informing, communicating &o. faqat 1 Making known, relating, proclaiming; a communication, announcement. -2 Delivering, entrusting. -8 Dedication. -4 Representation. -8 An offering or oblation. An epithet of Siva. Fala p. p. 1 Made known, announced, told, communicated. -2 Delivered, given, entrusted, &c. fauna. Offering of food to an idol; cf. aa. -a. To be communicated, related or presented. faraft (et) -e a. See fafazia. 1 Compact, close; 3fafatlarga af Si. 7. 20 -3 Coarse, yross. Al A crooked nose. fara 6 A. 1 To sit down, take a seat; 9914969199gzifauca (34) Si. 1. 19.-2 To balt, encamp; R. 12. 68. -8 To enter; TATIO fari Bk. 4. 28; 6. 143; 8.7; R. 9.82; 12. 38. -4 To be fixed on, be directed towards; hragare: R. 14. 66. -8 To be devoted or attached to be intent on, to practise ; throyal faart rau falara Ms. 2.8. -8 To marry ( for faldet q. v.). -7 To alight, descend. -Caus. 1 To fix or direct upon, apply to (as thought, mind &c.); 19 gr faaet Bg. 12. 8. -2 To put, place, keep; Haldane atafa Ki. 14. 4; R. 4.39; 7. 63; 6. 16. -3 To seat, install; # face act farlari 14 R. 15. 97. -4 To cause to settle in life, get married ; aufufatei au fazu . 4. 20; R. 11. 57. -B To encamp (as an army); arama facaftarar Tryataa 274 R. 5.42; 16. 37. -8 To draw, paint, portray; raag of ea901 S. 2. 10; M. 3.11. -7 To commit to writing, inscribe on; 97 farafernyatatu For Private and Personal Use Only Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra niviSTaH priyAyAH V. 2.14. -8 To intrust or commit to; mitraM mamAyamiti nitivizrambhatavayi nivezitasarvakAryam M. 6.75 R. 19. 4. 9 To introduce. -10 To found (a city). -11 To throw, hurl upon, shoot at. -12 To impress (on mind). fafag: p. p. 1 Seated, sitting upon. -2 Encamped; niviSTamudadheH kUle taM prapede vibhISaNaH R. 12. 68. -3 Fixed or intent upon. Concentrated, subdued, controlled; bhavanti sAmye'pi niviSTacetasAM vapurvizeSeSvatigauravAH kriyAH Ku. 5. 31. -5 Initiated. 6 Arranged. -7 Entered, gone into. -8 Appointed (guardians). -9 Cultivated (a country). Pf. 1 Copulation, coition (Vod.). - Coming to rest. i T: 1 Entering, entrance. -2 Encamping, halting. -3 (a) A halting place, camp, encampment; R. 5. 49; 7.2; Si. 17. 40; Ki. 7. 27. -4 A house, an abode, a dwelling: faf Mb. 14. 45. 1; bhRzaM dadarza sa nivezavIrudhaH Ki. 4. 19. Expanse contour (of the breast); navAtapAlIditamAhitaM muharmahAnivezI afta: Ki. 4. 8. 6 Depositing, delivering, -7 Marrying, marriage, settling in life; at far tadA sa vipraH saMzitavrataH / mahIM cacAra dArArthI na ca dArAnavindata // Mb. 1. 14. 1. -8 Impression, copy. -9 Military array. -10 Ornament. decoration. -11 Founding (a town), Arafa gert garda Ram. 1. 32. 5. 12 Settling in a placo; vAstukarmAnivezaM ca bharatAgamanaM tathA Ram. 1.3.16. 1 Entering, entrance. -2 Halting, encamping. -8 Marrying, marriage; af Bhag. 3. 7. 31.4 Entering in writing, inscribing. -6 An abode, a dwelling, house, habitation. -8 A camp; nivezayAmAsa mudA kalpitAnyanivezane Bhag 10. 53.16; Mb. 3. 240. 1. 7 A town or city; afata a Ram. 7. 62. 18. -8 A nest. The earth. (b. nivizeSa Not different, alike. Want of difference, sameness. nivItam 1 Wearing the sacred thread round the neek (making it hang down like a garland); fat manuSyANAM prAcIna devAnAm. N. V; nivItaM hi manuSyAH prAyazaH svArtha kurvanti SB. on MS. 3. 4. 2. -2 The thread so worn. -, - A veil, mantle. nivItina a. Wearing the sacred thread round the nock (like garland) upate dakSiNe pANAvupavItyucyate dvijH| savye tu prAcInAvItI nivItI kaNThasajane // Ms. 2.63. f5, 9, 1 U. To surround, enclose; fefta fagus Bk. 14. 29. Caus. 1 To ward off, keep away from, avert from (with abl.); qarzafa yojayate hitAya Bh. 2. 72; nivArayantI mahato munitratAt Ku. 5.3. -2 To surround, protect. far, farco 1 Keeping off, preventing, warding off; tech R. 2.5. -2 Prohibition, impediment, 923 ! Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nivRta nivArakaH Defender. nivRta 1 Surrounded, enclosed. -2 Held back, withheld. -, - A veil, mantle, wrapper. p. p. fafa: f. Covering, enclosing. 1 A. 1 To come back, return; afrai afe fada a ad g Si. 3. 2; Ku. 4. 30; R. 2. 40; Bg. 8. 21; 15. 4. -2 To flee from, retreat; faza Bk. 5. 102. -3 To turn away from; be averse to; R. 5. 23; 7. 61. -4 To cease, desist or abstain from; prasamIkSya nivarteta sarvamAMsasya bhakSaNAt Ms. 5. 49; 1.53; Bk. 1. 18; : U. 4. -8 To be freed or absolved from, to expe kathaM na jJeyamasmAbhiH pApAdasmAnivartitum Bg. 1. 39. 6 To leave off speaking, cease, stop. -7 To be removed, come to an end, cease, disappear; faqur fafaada facere af: Bg. 2.59; 14.22; Ms. 11.185, 186. -8 To be accomplished or finished, come to an end. -9 To be withheld or withdrawn from. -10 To refuse, decline. 11 To be engaged in. -12 To be reversed. -13 To set (as the sun). -14 To be forbidden. -18 To he wanting; yato vAco nivartante. - Caus. 1 To cause to return, send back; ac afat : R. 2. 3; 3. 47; 7. 44. 2 To withdraw, keep away from; turn away, divert; razmiSvivAdAya nagendrasaktAM nivartayAmAsa nRpasya dRSTim R. 2. 28; Ku. 5. 11. -3 To accomplish, perform, finish, complete. To shorten (the hair). -8 To Annul. farada 1 Returning, coming or turning back. nivartaka -2 Stopping, censing. -3 Abolishing, expelling, removing. Bringing back. a. nivartana a. 1 Causing to return. -2 Turning back, cessing. 1 Returning, turning or coming boek, return ; iha hi patatAM nAstyAlambo na cApi nivartanam santi. 3.2. -2 Not happening, ceasing. -3 Desisting or abstaining from (with abl.)-4 Desisting from work, inactivity (opp. a); Kam 1. 28. -5 Bringing back; Amaru. 84.-6 Repenting, a desire to improve. -7 A measure of land (20 rods). -8 Averting, keeping back from (with ahl.) farfaraday Ki. 2. 13. a. farafaa 1 Turned or brought back. -2 Averted. -3 Removed. Comp. -fan: a. One who has abstained from all food. - a. one who has turned away before. fafaa a. 1 Turning back, flying from, returning. -2 Desisting or abstaining from. -3 Allowing to return or turn back. For Private and Personal Use Only fp. p. 1 Returned, turned back. -2 Gone, departed, vanished, disappeared. -3 Cossed, refrained or abstained from, stopped, desisted; f f: Ku. 1. 51. - Abstaining from worldly acts, abstracted from this world, quiet; a fa Ms. 12. 88. -6 Repenting of improper Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nivRttiH 924 nizAnam ... ........... conduct. -6 Finished, completed, whole; -7 Set as the sun ); see 17 with R.- 1 Return. - 2 A mind free from the influence of passions. -Comp. -3TAT m. 1 sage. -2 an epithet of Visnu. a. one whose senses or desires are averted from. - Fittor a. without further cause or motive. (-o) a virtuous man, a man uninfluenced by worldly desires. -AIH a. one who abstains from eating meat; nivRttamAMsastu janakaH U.4. uitat a. one whose youth has returned, restored to youth. TIT a. of subdued passions. et a. not desirous. -ater a. quitting any practice or occupation. -TFT a. with relenting heart. farger: f. 1 Returning or coming back, return; gf49a1 fasa arata 94019: Si. 14. 64; R. 4. 87. -2 Disappearance, cessation, termination, suspension: fagfir S. 7; R. 8. 82.-3 A betaining from work, inactivity (opp. Yht); a uet T77faETIETT: Bg. 16. 7. -4 Abstaining from, a version ; ITfagia: Bh. 3. 63. -5 Leaving off, desisting from. -6 Resignation, discontinuance of worldly acts or emotions, quietism, separation from the world. -7 Repose, rest. -8 Felicity, beatitude. -9 Denial, refusal. -10 A bolition, prevention. -11 Ceasing to be valid or binding (as a rule.). -12 Completion. -13 (In drama.) Citation of an example. faay: A cover, an envelope. feagah Covering, enveloping. farat a. Whirling. - : 1 An eddy, a whirlpool. -2 A whirlwind or a similar phenomenon. -3 Hoar. frost. -Syam Extent (vyApti). farzuch Perseverance, energy; cf. Polona. farah 1 U. To put on ( round the neck); see adia. f1 1P. (aafa ) To lose oneself in abstract meditation, meditate upon. niza. (This word is optionally substituted for nizA in all cases after acc. dual; it has no forms for the first five inflections). 1 Night. -2 Turmeric. fT a. Honest, candid; whef fary: sfeorf taccaraNaM spRzan. faa . Silent, not speaking. FTTH 4 P., 10 U. 1 To hear, listen to, come to know; FU af 79 Haq Ku. 5. 3; S. 5. 2; R. 2. 41, 52, 61; 3. 47; 4. 2; 5. 12; Bk. 2. 9; TT Mal. 7.-2 To see, observe; FRA97 aluat 11 Bu. Ch. 4. 98. FATATH 1 Looking at, beholding.-2 Seeing, sight -3 Hearing. -4 Becoming aware of. fa TIF p. p. 1 Tranquil, calmed, quiet, patient. -2 Customary, traditional. -74 1 A house, habita- tion, dwelling; aar: IT PRI 4719 #realegi faas R. 16. 40. -8 A harem, seraglio; Kau. A. 1. -Comp. ret a housewife. farza: Observing, perceiving, seeing. F A H 1 Seeing, beholding.-2 Sight. -3 Hearing. -4 Repeated observation.-5 A shadow, reflection. GASTHA a. 1 Perceived. -2 Heard, learnt. fat (TI) TUTH Killing, slaughter. PARTI [ Pati zafat antifa gra - Tv.] 1 Night a fara atat atat pria #1 Bg. 2. 69. - 2 Turmeric. -3 A dream. -4 A collective name for the zodiacal signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, and Capricorn. - A species of plant Mar. 21 or 3902t). -Comp. -3TC:,-3TET: 1 an owl. -2 a demon, ghost, goblin; Izvarasya nizATAnAM vilokya nikhila purIm Bk. 8. 115; Ram. Ch. 1. 34 -3937: bdellium. -37fari , -37792:, -37Fa:, -STAHL 1 the passing away of night. -2 day break; a fa n orage factITA Bhag. 8. 4. 25. 37: = Nisada q. v. 37727 a. blind at night. (FET) the creeper called 10. -378127, -$, art, catai, Afori, - T 1 the moon. -2 camphor.-adhakAla: the first part of the night.-AkhyA -AhrA turmeric. -AdiH the evening twilight. -utsargaH end of night, daybreak. fa a. having remained overnight (Mar. FTO). -Qa: a crane. -FT: 1 the moon ; agosfa ta feta tagat :CH17 Hula Ku. 4. 13; fara atafai . -2 a cock. -3 camphor.-4 N. of the numeral 1. - : the moon -Tk a bed-chamber. - Ty: close of night. Ta. (TT-Af.) moving about by night, night stalker. (- :) 1 a fiend, goblin, an evil spirit; tasmai nizAcaraizvarya pratizuzrAva rAghavaH R. 12. 69. -2 an epithet of Siva. -3 a jackal. -4 an owl. -5 a snake. -6 the ruddy goose. -7 a thief. 'ia: 1 an epithet of (1) Siva; (2) of Ravana. (- ) 1 a female fiend. -2 a woman going to meet her lover at night by appointment; THARUTUT afta 67 EU farat R. 11. 20 (where the word is used in sense 1 also ). -3 a harlot. - m. darkness. - dew, frost. Ta m. an owl. -Far ind. every night, always; A ZIEHF9J ST31 afrT. - 1 the white water-lily (opening at night). -2 hoar-frost, dew. To see FAST (4).-mukham the beginning of nighty ef. pradoSo rajanImukham. T: a jackal TaTH 1 the moon -2 camphor. - : hemp (TO). -FEIT: a demon. goblin, a Raksasa ; 49 TER Bk. 2. 36. -are m. a cock. Ee: the white water-lily ( opening at night). fazia p. p: 1 Sharpened, whetted, sharp; Ariatag f eat : Ki. 14. 30. -2 Polished, burnished, bright. Farah Sharpening, whetting. -Comp. -9EUR: a whet stone, PDF 1 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nizita 928 niSad nizita .1 Sharpened, whetted, sharp; dhanugRhItvaupa. / nizcAyaH Congregation; tataH kapisamAhAramekanizcAyamAgatam niSadaM mahAstraM zaraM hyupAsA nizitaM saMdhayIta Mund. 2.2.3; nizita- Bk. 7.34. nipAtAH zarAH 5.1. 10; nAgendro nizitAbkuzena Bh. -2 Stimula nizcAyaka a. Who or what ascertains or determines, ted. -tam Iron. -tA Night. decisive, conclusive. fafafa: f. Excitement, agitaion (Ved.). fara p. p. 1 Ascertained, determined, decided, nizAda: A man of low caste; see niSAda, (nizAdAputraH settled, concluded (used actively also); rAkSasAnAM sahasrANi A pestle; 80 zilA a morta.rr.) rAkSasAdhipanizcitAH Ram. 6.8. 13; arAvaNamarAmaM vA jagadadyeti nizAruka: One of the Beven Rupakas in music; dRDhaH / afera: R. 12. 83. -2 Sentenced, pronounced (28 a prauDho'tha khacaro vibhvshcturkrmH| nizArukaH pratItAla: kathitAH sapta sentence).-tam 1 Certainty, decision. -2 Design. -tam rUpakAH // -kam An air, a sort of musical compositon ind. Decidedly, positively, certainly; yacchreya etayorekaM tanme played as an accompaniment to dancing. brUhi sunizcitam Bg.5.1. -Comp. -artha .1One who has formed a certain opinion about. -2 judging rightly. nizicAraH (=-nizAcaraH) A fiend, a goblin; sa ghorarUpI nizicAravIraH (rAvaNaH). nizcitiH / . 1 Ascertainment, settling. -2 A deter mination, resolution. nizIthaH [nizerate janA asmin ; nizI AdhAre thak Tv.] . 1 Midnight; nizIthadIpAH sahasA hatatviSaH R. 3. 153 Me.90. nizcakkaNam A powder for clearing the teeth, a kind Mal. 8. 10. -2 The time of sleep, night in general; of tooth-powder (Mar. dativaNa). zacI nizIthe'nubhavanti kAminaH Rs. 1.33 zrutvA nizItha dhyAnam / nizramaH Labour bestowed upon anything, continued Amaru. 13. practice or labour; sa cApi vIraH kRtazastranizramaH Mb.1.187.25. nizIthinI, nizIthyA Night. nizrayaNI, nizreNi, nizreNI A ladder, a stairease ; et. nizubha (-mbha ) 6 P. To tread down; padbhyAM nizumbhati niHzrayaNI &c. kumbhadroNInizreNIparazu...Kau.A.; nizreNiriva vIrANAM B. R.8.53. sadyo dyAmArurukSatAm Siva. B. 4. 37; nizreNIradhiruhyAnye tadbhittIH parirebhire Siva. B. 18.923; sambhUya samyak taiH sarvaiH mAlAniHzreNinizumbhaH 1 Killing, slaughter. -2 uddarpadundubhinizumbhapaTupracaNDa Mv. 5.61; sAvaSTambhAnizumbhasaMbhramanamat Mal. 5. 22. -2 sAdhakAn Parnal. Breaking, bending (as of a bow); prAgaprAptanizumbhazAmbhava- nizrANaH 1 A whet-stone. -2 A weapon (sword); dhanudvaidhAkriyAvirbhavat Mv. 2. 33.-3 N. of a demon killed by | vidyutkRtvA'tha nizrANam Mb. 7. 202. 78. Durga. zaktiH zumbhanizumbhadaityadalanI Devi-stotram. -Comp. nizvas 2 P. 1 To sigh, heave. -2 To draw in the -mathanI-mardanI epithets of Durga. breath. nizummanam Killing, slaying. nizvAsaH Inspiration, inhaling, sighing; ef. niHzvAsa. nizcakram ind. See niHzeSa. -Comp.-saMhitA N. of a Saiva Pasupatasastra. nizcala 4.1 Immovable, steady, fixed, still. -2 niS 1 A. (neSate) To moisten, wet. Invariable, unchangeable; zrutivipratipannA te yadA sthAsyati fag51 P. 1 To adhere or stick, to be thrown nizcalA Bg.2.53. -lA The earth. -Comp. -aGga a.firm. round or placed on; kaNThe svayaMgrAhaniSaktabAhum Ku. 3.73 (-gaH) 1 a species of erane. -2 a rock or mountain. U.4. 18; R.9.50%; 11. 703; 19. 45. -2 To be reflected 3 nizcar 1 P. 1 To issue, go out; zikhAbhiriva nizcaran darIgRhotsaGganiSaktabhAsaH Ku.1.1037. 36.-3 To be attached to. Mv.5.26. -2 To arise, be produced, appear. FATE: 1 Attachment, clinging to. -2 Union, associanizcArakam 1 Evacuation by stools. -2 Air, wind. tion. -3 A quiver; agrahInnu sazaraM dhanurujjhAmAsa najjhitaniSaGga-3 Obstinacy, wilful nature. manaHSi.10.34; Ki.17.36%; R.2.30%3 3.64. -4 Asword. faza: 1 N. of a sage. -2 N. of a kind of Fire; niSaGgathiH 1 An embrace. -2 A bowman. -3 A agninizcavano nAma pRthivIM stauti kevalam Mb. ___charioteer. -4 A car. -8Grass. -6 The shoulder. farfa 5 U. To determine, resolve, ascertain. niSagin a. 1 Attached or clinging to; sthANau niSanizcayaH 1 Ascertainment, investigation, inquiry. miNyanasi kSaNaM puraH Si. 12.26. -2 Having a quiver. -3 -2 A fixed opinion, settled or firm conviction, firm Bearing a sword. -m. 1 An archer, a bowman. -2 A beliet. -3 A determination, resolution, resolve; eSa me quiver. -3 A sword-bearer. fed fau: Mu. 1. -4 Certainty, positiveness, positive farve 1 P. (Partefa &c. ) 1 To sit down, lie, recline; conclusion. -B Fixed intention, design, purpose, aim ! uSNAluH zizire niSIdati tarormUlAlavAle zikhI V.2.28. -2 To kaikeyI krUranizcayA R.12.4; Ku-5.5. -6 N. of a figure sink down, fail, be disappointed. -8 To dwell. -4 To in Rhetoric. suffer pain, be afflicted. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir niSad 926 niSe f. 1 Consecration for a sacrifice (ster).-2 ! Ku. 2. 57. - 2 To inpregnate; fara hrvaat wat met A kind of literary composition (ina945eaarre 17- aaya . 2.4 (where the word also meang 'to fill 21944 com. on Mb. 12. 47. 26.) with honey-drops'). -3 To wet, irrigate. TOUT p. p. 1 Seated; sitting on or in, rested, fara p. p. 1 Sprinkled upon. - Infused, instillreclined, resting or reclining on; qaray: +44-l ed, poured into, impregnated, -8 Irrigated. Aquee: R. 9.76; Ku. 4. 23.-2 Supported. -3 Gone OF: 1 Sprinking, infusion; gara : Rs.1.28. to. -4 Dejected, afflicted, down-cast; cf. layout -2 Dripping, trickling, distilling; asfaqafargar R. 8.38, Parquot H 1 A seat. -2 A kind of pot-herb. a drop of dripping oil.' -8 Effusion, discharge, -4 Seminal effusion or discharge, infusion of semen, ferofer: f. Ved. Sitting down idly, dulness, in impregnation, seed; ang def94f: (aa) Ku.3.16; activity; a faufer: for at H e Rv. 4. 21. 9. 19 af Aa R. 14. 60. -8 The ceremony perfaqat Ved. Sitting. -2 Dwelling; frac- formed upon impregnation; faqaf tearat 432 auch Bhag. 5. 14. 7. -3 A seat. -4 A house, resi dito vidhiH| tasya zAkhe'dhikAro'smin jJeyo nAnyasya kasyacit // dence. --:=fare q.v. Ms. 2. 16; Bhag. 7. 15. 52. -Irrigation. -7 Water for washing. -8 Seminal impurity; Ms. 4. 151. -9 faqe 1 A small bed or couch. -2 The hall of a Dirty water. -10 Drawing essence by distillation. merchant, a trader's shop. -3 A market-place, market; ApaNastu niSadyAyAm | Ak. kecid gurvImetya saMyanniSadyAM krINanti sma f ra 1. Impregnator, begetter, father ; : Gerife Si. 18. 15. f all: A falranigla Bhag. 10. 10. 11. aug: 1 Mud, mire; aftulata ( 1 ) Siva fa 1 Sprinkling, pouring out. -2 Watering, B. 26. 74. -2 The god of love. --T, Night. irrigation. f ifa p. p. 1 Made to sit down. - 2 Aflicted, afere 1 P. 1 To ward off, prevent, restrain, keep distressed. back; ut frase : R. 2. 4; 3. 42; 5. 18.-2 To oppose, contradict, object to; er way ay hi! farmera. (-aft f.) Sitting or lying down, resting, Margari al R. 14. 43. - To prohibit, forbid ; reclining: AtapAtyayasaMkSiptanIvArAsu niSAdibhiH R.1.5234.20. 197 H WT 99 querela Ma. 8. 361. -4 To defeat, -m. An elephant-driver; Si. 5. 41. Pagtagrar: f: conquer; A T : R. 18. 1. -8 To remove, drive off, Siva B. connteract; nyaSedhat pAvakAreNa rAmastadrAkSasastataH Bk. 17.87%3 FETET a. Hard, solid. ETT m. (pl.) N. of a peo 1. 15. - To out-do, surpass; Kav. 2. 64. -Caus. 1 To ple and their country governed by Nala. -T: A prohibit, keep off or ward off'. -2 To deny. ruler of the Nisadhas. -2 N. of a mountain. -3 A f ace p. p. Forbidden, prohibited, warded off, musical note: cf. fargia. -ETT N. of Nala's capital. prevented; niSidvairapyebhilalitamakarando madhukaraiH Ve.1.1. FAT: 1 N. of one of the wild a boriginal tribes in Farge f. 1 Prohibition, warring or keeping off. India, such as hunters, fishermen &c.; a mountaineer; -2 Defence. Ar fara sfaer a a: T : AT Ram. 1. 2. 15; R. 14. fare: 1 Prohibition, warding or keeping off, stop52, 70; U. 2. 5. -2 A man of a degraded tribe in ping, prevention-2 Negation, denial. -3 The partigeneral, an outcast, a Chandala. -3 Especially, the cle of negation; dvau niSedhau prakRtArtha gamayataH -4 A prohibitive son of a Brahmana by a Sudra woman; cf. CITEkanyAyAmambaSTo nAma jAyate / niSAdaH zUdrakanyAyAM yaH pArazava ucyate // rule (opp. 9). -5 Deviation from a rule, exception. Ms. 10. 8. -4 (In music) The first (more properly afera a. 1 Defending, keeping back or down. the last or seventh ) note of the Hindu gamut; 1971- -2 Excelling, surpassing. faza PETITAH K. 31 ( where it has sense l also). -N. of a Kalpa. -Comp.- . the far note; fa 10 U. or Caus. To kill, slay. Mb. 12 184. 39. Fergia : The rule according to fara Killing, slaughter. A killer; as in which when a compound expression is capa ble of being faqa: &c. diesolved as a karmadhAraya or a tatpuruSa, the former is to be fawai A. 1 To pursue, follow, attach oneself to, preferred to the latter. This is discussed and establi practise ; agrad Paal ATA 4191 5419 HCAFE shed by arra and T7 in MS. 6. 1. 51-52 in connec fagfagyt s. 1. 27. 2 To enjoy; rada para foran tion with the expression niSAdasthapati. S. 5.5; Ku. 1.5. -8 To enjoy carnally; 4 AUT farera 6 p. 1 To pour upon or down, sprinkle, STATOTT 491 ga: ari Paract ofaat Bv. 2. 155; pour in; garaaraaga cara. R. 3. 28; $. 4. 14; farget at fana Pt. 1, 202. - To resort to, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir niSeva 027 niSkarSaH inhabit, frequent; fageant To Fo fagoya ufa Hea al Ku. 5. 76. - To use, ein ploy; faqat flfa941 a afla : Si. 9. 68. -8 To wait upon, attend. -7 To adore, worship. -8 To draw near, approach. -8 To suffer, experience; # SHT a rauf aa Pt. 1. 334. -Caus. To fall into (hell &c.); a tarda faqara Pt. 3. 156. farqa, fara a. 1 Practising, followiny, devoted to, fond of. --2 Frequenting, inhabiting, resorting to. -3 Enjoying. Actique 174 m aqat: Bhag. 10. 33. 36. fawaura, agar 1 Serving, service, attending, waiting upon. -2 Worship, vdoration. -3 Practice, performance. - Attachment or adherence to. 5 Living in, inha biting, enjoying, using, -6 Familiarity with, use. faaraa p. p. 1 Served, waited upon, worshipped, honoured. -2 Visited, resorted to, haunted, frequented -3 Practised, observed as a vow &c.). faca 10 A. (fakat) To weigh, measure. faci, - 1 A golden coin (of different values, but generally taken to be equal to one Karsa or Suvarna of 16 Masas; Tam Th a tAzca paNazcatasraH / te SoDaza dramma ihAvagamyo drammaistathA SoDazabhizca feroa: I Ha a aftu16191 ( :) Ms. 8. 284. -2 A weight of gold equal to 108 or 150 Suvarpas q. v. - A golden ornament for the neck or the breast; TOT 50% fasiharda Ku. 2. 49; Fotogt: (34aatrez:) Bhag. 4. 3. 6. -4 Gold in general. -5 A golden vessel. -6 A die or dice; L. D. B. -7 Departure, going away; Nm. -6: A Chandala. faca? 10. P. To drive out, or away. fara a. inarticulate (a musical term); N. 21. 120. FEIT 1 Driving away (cattle &c.) -2 Killing, slaughter ( HITT). fat Caus. 1 To take or draw out. -2 To turn or drive out, banish, expel; FITaufan faza Toht Si. 9. 10; ATE 100+ staf62 Mu. 6. Farsta: ( 37:) 1 Exit, egress, issue. -2 A portico. -Day-break. -4 Disappearance. Farsafe p. p. 1 Expelled, turned out, driven out. -2 Gone forth or out, issued. 3 Placed, deposited. - Stationed, appointed. -5 Opened, blown, expanded. - Reviled, reproached. fcatfert A female slave not restrained by her master. fare: 1 A pleasure-grove near a house; farza ATTSTH Ram. 2. 85. 16. -2 A field. -3 The female apartments, the barem of a king. -4A door, gate. - The hollow of a tree. f fe:, -et f. Large cardamoms (591). FATE 8. U. To peel off ; a c fa canar Fitogar TSH AT N. 22. 15. F T 9. P. 1 To extract, tear, draw out; 3972 Raigad fach: R. 7. 50; Bk. 9. 30; 5. 42; sorbefod af: Hari Tagfa Gangastaka; Mal. 5. 17. -2 To husk, shell. -3 To injure or hurt by tearing; 34 arque: draft facrard Bhag. 5. 26. 19. farvefua p. p. 1 Torn off, forced or drawn out, lacerated; 39 giua fare: R. 7.50. - 2 Expelled. -3 Eaten up; and 9: Bk.5. 42. fact , fc 1 Tearing, drawing off or out, i extracting, extirpatiny. -2 Husking, shelling. f U FF A tooth-pick; EAT faca94 fazi.... qua Hada Pt. 1. 71. niSkuhaH The hollow of a tree; cof. niSkuTa. fa 8. U. 1 To remove, drive away, expel; -2 To break, frustrate; Bk. 15.51. -3 To break into pieces, destroy. - To prepare, fit up, equip. - To accomplish, finish. -8 To absolve, free from (blame, sin &c.), aequit. -7 To cure, heal. F TUTH 1 Removing, taking away. -2 Killing; cf. art. fasea p. p. 1 Taken away, removed.-2 Expiated, absolved, pardoned. fa i l Flydsfastidae: Ms. 11. 53. -3 Disregarded, overlooked. ah 1 Expiation or atonement; 7 A 1979 IT Faso auffa fa fifalar: Bhag. 6. 1. 19.-2 A place of rendezvous. Farofa: f. 1 Expiation, atonement; 261 914 caure bhamavate shtthe| niSkRtirvihitA sadbhiH kRtaghne nAsti nisskRtiH| Pt. 3. 157. -2 Acquittance, requital, discharge of a debt or obligation; a tu fasafa: TFT agafa Ms. 2. 227; 3. 19; 8. 105; 9. 19; 11. 27. -8 Removal. - 4 Restoration, cure. - Avoiding, escaping from. -6 Neglecting. -7 Bad conduct, roguery. -8 Reproach, scoffing (191); ferurka415921 fala: Fire Mb. 12. 34. 30. faat 6 P. 1 To cut, cut off, divide, tear asunder, cut in pieces. -2 To loosen. fasadar Cutting off, tearing away. fase 1 P. 1 To draw or pull out, extract. -2 To extort, exact, snatch or take by force; faga 26 Fatie R. 5. 26. -3 To tear asunder, cut iu pioves. -Caus. To destroy, annihilate. **: 1 Drawing out, extraction. - 2 The essence, the chief or main point, pith; sa fan often used by commentators); etadvidanto vidvAMsanAyIniSkarSamanvaham Ms. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir niSkarSaNam 828 niSThin 4. 125%; Bhasa P. 138. -3 Measuring. -4 Certainty, niSTAnaka: 1 Roar, murmur. -2 Groan; niSTAnako ascertainment. -Sam Oppressing subjects_by taxes; / mahAnAsIta sainyAnAM tava bhArata Mb.7.151. 3. vizeSAt sarvamevaitata saMjajJe rAjakarmaNA / anukarSa ca niSkarSa vyAdhipAvaka niSThur m. Ved. A conqueror of enemies. mUrchanam || Mb. 2. 13. 18. (com. niSkarSa karArthaM prajApIDanam.) ferg a. Ved. Foreign, exotic. -ta: An outcast, a niSkarSaNam 1 Drawing out, extracting, pulling of Chandala or Mlechchha. -STyA N. of a lunar mansion brAhmamatraM priyAzokazalyaniSkarSaNauSadham R. 12.97. -2 Deducting. (svAti). niSkRSTa p. p. 1Pulled or drawn out, extracted. -2 niSTha . [ni-sthA-ka SatvaTutve] (Usually at the end of . Summed up. comp.) 1 Being in or on, situated on; taniSThe phene. -2 fa 1 U. 1 To go away or from, leave, depart. Depending or resting on, referring or relating to; -2 To issue from, come out of'; niSkramya zikSayA tasyA tamoniSTAH Ms. 12. 95. -3 Devoted or attached to practiskhapAnvato rasAtalAt Bk.7.71. -3 To make an exit from the ing, intent on; clay. -4 Skilled in. -8 Believing in; stage; iti niSkAntAH sarve--4 To stop, cease; naitAvatApi dhaniSTha. -8Conducive to effecting; hemAmbhoja rajaste vizada pIDA niSkAmati 5.2; 'the evil does not stop here.' sumahate ploSapoSAya niSThAH B. R.5.51. -SThA 1 Position, condi tion, state3 teSAM niSThA tu kA kRSNa Bg.17.13; teSAmazAntakAmAnAM niSkramaH 1 Going out, coming forth ; avibhAvitaniSkrama kA niSThA'vijitAtmanAm Bhag. 11.5.1. -2 Basis, foundaprayANa: Ki. 18.27.-2 Departure from, exit.-3 One of the tion. -3 Fixity, fixedness, steadiness%3D mano niSThAzUnya Samskaras or religious rites ; i. e. taking out a child bhramati ca kimapyAlikhati ca Mal. 1. 81. -4 Devotion or apfor the first time into the open air (wbich is usually plication, close attachment. -5 Belief, firm adherence, performed in the fourth month of its age); caturthe mAsi faith; zAstreSu niSThA Mal. 3. 113; loke'smin dvividhA niSThA purA niSkramaHY.1.125cf. upaniSkramaNa also.-4 Degradation, loss proktA mayA'nagha Bg. 3. 3. -6 Excellence, skill, proficiency, of caste, inferiority of tribe. - Intellectual faculty. perfection. -7 Conclusion, end, termination; (zRNu) niSkramaNam 1 Going forth or out. -2 = niSkrama (3) caritaM pArthivendrasya yathA niSThAM gatazca saH Mb. 1.49.63 atyArUDhiabove; caturthe mAsi kartavyaM zizorniSkramaNaM gRhAt Ms.2.34. rbhavati mahatAmapyapabhraMzaniSThA S.4.3(v.1.).-8 The catastrophe or end of a drama. -9 Accomplishment, completion niSkramaNikA See niSkama (3). (samApti); pANigrahaNikA mantrA niyataM dAralakSaNam / teSAM niSThA tu falra a. 1 Gone out, departed. -2 Come forth ; vijJeyA vidvadbhiH saptame pde|| Ms.8.227.-10 The culminating dadarza bhUmau niSkrAntaM rAkSasasya padaM mahat Ram. 3.64. 36. -3 (in point; iyaM ca niSThA niyataM prajAnAm Bu. Ch.3.61.-11 Death, drama ) Exit, exeunt. destruction, disappearance from the world at the fixed time. -12 Fixed or certain knowledge, certainty. -18 fass 9 U. To buy off, redeem, ransom. Begging. -14 Suffering, trouble, distress, anxiety. -15 niSkraya: Redemption, ransom%; dadau dattaM samudreNa pItene- (In gram.) A technical term for the past participial vAtmaniSkrayam R. 15.5532.55%B5.22; Mu.6.20. -2 Re- terminations kta, ktavatu (i.e. ta and tavat.) -16 N. of ward; samyaksaMpAdito vatsa bhavadbhyAM guruniSkrayaH Bhag. 10. 45. Visnu. 47. -3 Hire, wages. -4 Return, aquittance; 789417 farurfa a. Accomplished; Mal. 6. dvisutAsasaMbhramasvayaMgrahAzleSasukhena niSkrayam Si. 1.50.-B Exchange, barter.-6 Sale; na niSkrayavisargAbhyAM bharturbhAryA vimucyate Ms.9. fagra a. Ved. Concluding, deciding. 46.-7 Purchase; f. niSkrayo buddhiyoge syAt sAmarthe nirgatAbapi3B niSThita p. p. 1 Being in or on. -2 Devoted to. -3 Vaijayanti. Versed or skilled in. -4 Firm, fixed. -BCertain, asniSkrayaNam Redemption, ransom. certained. -6Fulfilled, complete3B aniSThitAzaH sa cakAra mArgaNe punaH priyAyAH paramaM parizramam Ram. 3.60. 38. facxitfa: f. Ved. Redemption. niSThAnam Sauce, condiment; 'niSThAnaM vyaJjanaM jJeyam' iti niSkvAthaH 1 Decoction. -2 Broth. halAyudhaH; Ram. 2.91.67. -2 See adhiSThAna; devaniSThAnabhUtaM niSTana: Groan, sigh; dadarza vadhyamAnAMzca klizyamAnAMzca dehinaH / tadvimAnam puSpakaM mRdhe Ram.7.21.21. kozatazca mahAnAdaM tIvraniSTanatatparAn || Ram.7.21. 12. niSThAnita . (= dadhyAdivyajanasaMyukta, temanayukta) Seasoned fagy 1 P. 1 To heat, scorch. - To purify. -3 To with condiments ; niryAtaya etAni modakAni......niSThAnitA surA burnish. -4 To roast, fry. iva madhurANi Pratijha 3. niSTapanam Burning, scorching. niSThit 1, 4 P. 1 To eject, emit, send forth; niSThapUta zvaraNopabhogasulabho lAkSArasaH kenacit 3.4.5%3 R. 2. 75%; Bk. niSTapta pp. 1 Burnished. -2 Well-dressed or cooked. 14. 100% 17. 10% 18. 14; Kav. 1. 95.-2 To eject saliva niSTApa: Burning, slight heating; niSTApakhidyadasthnaH from the mouth, spit; Ms.4.132; amedhyapANiniSThapUtasparzane Mal.5.17. dviguNastataH (daNDaH)Y.2.213. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir H niSThita 929 nis ...................... ..... .. farga a. Spit upon; farea Argai agua 4a: 1 faqat p. p. 1 Born, arisen, sprung up, produced. JE#14: gagna 364FA1947 || Bhag. 11. 22. 59. -2 Effected, completed, accomplished. -3 Ready. fayt (ta,- , fagt (g) , egilaan Spit- f igH 1 Effecting, accomplishing, -2 Concludting out, spitting; Bh. 1. 92. -Comp. - a: spittoon. ing. -3 Producing, causing. tayga p. p. 1 Spit out, exuded, cast or thrown out; fauora. Motionless, immovable, fixed. S. 4.5; grafica si aff H R. 2.75; 349 1 The tie or bond of friendship; mutsi da faqat furcayaraatga: TATAH: Si. 3. 10. -2 Uttered. karaffaszfa Ram. 3. 55. 35.-2 Multitude (446); -24 Spitting out, spittle. a gaiettory aglabqacaiting Ram. 4. 67. 38. fargya: f. Spitting out. farteg 7P. 1 To pound, powder, pulverize, reduce to atoms; (8) Parque para faci o ## ## Mb.; fagt . [fa-52-379 4rasca] 1 Hard, rugged, coarse, f e ykT: R. 12. 73. -2 To hurt, injure, bruise; rough. -2 Severe, sharp, smart (as a bow); TFT HTT wra:... ...raftag: 974 Bk. 6. 120. AT THETA auftaufagtagal: Si. 5. 49. -3 - To rub the hands. -4 To gnash the teeth. -Caus. Cruel, harsh, hard-hearted said of persons or things); To destroy. 49914: purg : R. 8. 65; 3. 62. -4 Motionless, stiff. -8 Contumelious. -6 Harsh, jarring; ac ynar fartyg: p. p. 1 Pounded. -2 Beaten, harassed, qafqagta Bhag. 10. 55. 19. -TH A harsh speech, oppressed. abusive language. facciza Pressing, squeezing. facut, fasura a. [fa-ar- och 396) 1 Clever, Fastfera p. p. Squeezed, pressed together or out; skilful, versed, skilled, conversant, expert ; factCTS facutarg : U. 3. 11. are nya afa ga: Bv. 1. 87; Bk. 2. 26; Si. 8. 63; face 9 U. 1 To purify. -2 To winnow, fan. Y. 1. 321; The lastCHUTH Mal. 2.7. -2 Brought about, completed, fully accomplished; niSpavanam Wipnowing. wutra ATAS falcatraza: Mal. 10. 24; fegra a. Certain. -a: 1 Winnowing, cleaning (f: failea: Jagaddhara ). -8 Superior, perfect. corn &c. -2 The wind caused by the winnowing sieve -4 Agreed upon. or basket. -3 Wind. -4 A legume, pod. 5 A kind faca a. 1 Decocted, infused. -2 Well-cooked. of pulse. farga P. 1 To issue or come out of, issue from, farga Building well, resting place as charity; fly out of; 3444 far a ficara: S. 7.7; ror fat - 84764 tarau taugat - Mb. 7.59. 16. (See com.) 978: Hart #1991 fawadia : R. 13. 18; Ms. 8. 55; fatori, 1 Rubbing together, grindY. 2. 16; Ku. 3. 71; Me. 71. -2 To fall away. -Caus. ing, bruising, pulverizing; yaratace Ve. 3, Mal. To annihilate, destroy. 8. 9.3. -2 Striking, clashing, hitting against, friction; fetqaa Rushing out, issuing quickly. 917477are a faqagra Bhay. 10.55.19; R. 4.77; Mv. 1. 34; K. 56. -2 The sound produced by striking Paroqra: Throbbing, any short or quick motion. or clashing. facrofa: f. Excessive pain as experienced by a niSpravANam,-Ni. Now unbleached cloth; yugalam Dk. person pierced through with an arrow. See under fare. fag, ind. 1 As a prefix to verbs it implies separaFET 4 A. 1 To issue out of, spring from. -2 To t ion away from, outside of ), certainty, completeness be produced, be brought about, arise, to be effected; 1 or fulness, enjoyment, crossing over, transgressing Facuerdo a la Ms. 9. 247. -3 To be got ready or &c.; (for examples see under (fax). -2 As a prefix prepared. -4 To become ripe, ripen. -Caus. To pro- to nouns, not directly derived from verbs, it forms duce, bring about, cause, effect, prepare; A H- nouns or adjectives, and has the sense of (a) 'out of', Forma fata 977 7497 Bhag. 11.3. 50; a y 'away from'; as in da, facuta; or (b) more usuagregie Pt. 5. ally, 'not', 'without', 'devoid of' (having a privative force ); fate without a remainder'; fatis, facio, &c. farofa: f. 1 Birth, production; straf:. -2 N. B. In compound the of fat is changed to Ripeness, maturity (th); H ati faqat: before vowels and soft consonants (see AT), to a visarga atta Ku. 2. 37. -3 Perfection, consummation; Wi before sibilants, to T before and, and to before Fifa f a facurriku u Pt. 1. 271. -4 Completion, and 9; cf. 8. -Comp. 35 ( 3 ) a. accomplishment, termination. 1 thornless. - free from thorns or enemies, free from 1. i. ....19 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nis a. annger or nuisance. (ka.) N. of Siva. -kanda (niSkanda ) a. without edible roots. -kapaTa (niSkapaTa) a. guileless, sincere. -kampa (niSkampa) a. motionless, steady, im movable; niSkampacAmarazikhA: S. 1. 8; Ku. 3. 48. karuNa ( niSkaruNa) a. merciless, pitiless, crual -karUpa (niSka rUpa ) free from dirt. -karman (niSkarman) a. inactive. -kala (niSkala) a. 1 without parts, undivided, whole. -2 waned, decayed, diminished. -3 impotent, barren. -4 maimed. -5 inarticulate (a musical term ); N. 21.16. -8 Without attributes, or qualities; niSkalaM niSkriyaM zAntaM niravadyaM niraJjanam Svet. Up; Bhag. 1.9.44; tad brahma niSkalamahaM ( smarAmi ) (lA) 1 receptacle. 8 the pudendum muliebre. -3 N. of Brahma. (lA, -lI) an elderly woman, one who is past child-bearing, or one in whom menstruation has ceased. -kalaGka, (niSkalaGka ) - kalmaSa a. stainless, spotless. - kaSAya (niSkaSAya ) a. free from dirt or impure passions. -kAnta (niSkAnta) a. not lovely, ugly. -kAma (niSkAma) a. 1 free from wish or desire, desireless, disinterested, unselfish. -2 free from all worldly desire viziSTaphaladAH puMsAM niSkAmAgAM vimuniyA: Visnu P. (-mam ind. ) 1 without wish or desire. -2 unwillingly.-kAraNa (niSkAraNa) a. 1 causeless, unnecessary. -2 disinterested, free from any motive; niSkAraNo bandhuH. -3 groundless, not proceeding from any cause. ( - Nam ind. ) without any cause or reason, causelessly, needlessly. -kAlakA (niSkAlakaH) a penitent shaven and smeared with clarified butter. -kAlika (niSkAlika) a. 1 one whose term of life is over or elapsed, whose days are numbered. -2 one who has no conqueror, invincible (agamya ). -kizana (niSkiJcana) a penniless, poor, indigent prajJAnaM zaucamevAtra zarIrasya vishesstH| tathA niSki canatvaM ca manasazca prasannatA | Mb. - kilviSa ( niSkilviSa ) sinless, faultless, kula (niSkula) a. having no kindred, left alone in the world. (niSkulaM kR 'to cut off completely, exterminate'; niSkulA kR 1 to exterminate one's family -2 to shell, strip off the husk niSkulAkaroti zaTimam Skc. N. 22. 15. ) - kulIna (niSkulIna) a. of low family. -kUja (niSkRja) a still, silent e. 2. 16. kuddU (niSkUTa) a. [pitiless, merciless, crud. kaivalya (niSkaivalya ) 9.1 mere, pure, absolute. -2 deprived of final beatitude (mokSahIna). koza (niSkoza) a. unsheathod. kauzAmbi ( niSkauzAmba ) a. who has gone out of Kausambi. -f (farfer) a. 1 inactive. -2 not performing ceremonial rites ; Ms 10.58. -3 knowing higher know. ledge as a sage, Sarinyasin; nyAse kuTIcakaH pUrvaM bahvodo haMsaniSkiyo Bhkg. 3. 12.43. yam the Supreme Spirit ( ba ). -kSatra (niHkSatra), kSatriya (niHkSatriya). destitute of the military tribe. kSepaH (niHkSepa) nikSepa.. cakram (nizcakram ) ind. completely; nizcakraM hatarAkSasaH punaragAdbrahmatvamArtha sthirAm A Ram. 1.1.1. -cakki (nikika) a. without tricks, honest. -cakSus (nizvakSus) a. blind, eyeless. catvAriMzaH (nizcatvAriMza ) a. past forty. - cinta ( nizcinta) a. 1 free from anxiety, unconcerned, soure. -2 thoughtless, unthinking. cetana (nizcetana a. - a. niSkriya) 930 nis a. unconscious. -cetas (nizcetas ) a. not in one's right senses, ma.d. -ceST (nizceSTa ) a. motionless, powerless. ceSTAkaraNa (nidheSTAkaraNa) a depriving (one) of motion, causing motionlessness (said of one the arrows of Cuhid). chandas (nizchandas) a. not studying the Vedas (chandas) Ms. 3, 7. -chidra ( nizchidra) a. 1 without holes. -2 without defects or weak points. -8 uninterrupted, unhurt. - a. 1 having no offspring, childless. -2 a Brahmacharin; muNDA nistantavazcApi vasatyarthArthinaH pRthak Mb. 12. 167 16 - tandra, tandri lazy, fresh, healthy. -tamaska - timira . 1 free from darkness, bright; tasya dvitIyaharivikramanistamaskaM vAyorimaM parivahasya vadanti mArgam S. 7.6. -2 freed from sin or moral impurities. -tarkya a. unimaginable, inconceivable. -tala a. 1 round, globular; muktAkalApasya ca nistalasya Ku. 1. 42. Kau. A. 2.9. -2 moving, trembling, shaking. -3 bottomless. -4 down, below. ( -lA) a pill, round ball. -tula .. matchless, incomparable. - a. 1 freed from chaff. -2 purified, cleansed. -3 simplified. kSIraH wheat. 'ratnam & crystal. 4 faultless, purei zazaMsa guNairarudayAstanistuSam N. 15.8 - tuSatvam faultlessness; kaveH puSyati nistuSatvam Mankhaka 27. tuSita a. 1 husked. -2 made thin. -3 abandoned. -tejas a destitute of fire, heat or energy, powerless, impotent; na bhetavyaM bhRzaM caite mAtrA nistejasaH kRtAH Mark. P. -2 spiritless, dull. -8 obscure. trapa a. impudent, shameless. -triMza a. 1 more than thirty ; nistriMzAni varSANi caitrasya P. V. 4. 73; Sk. -2 pitiless, merciless, cruel; he nistriMza vimuktakaNThakaruNaM tAvat sakhI roditu Amaru. 6. (-zaH) a sword nijatuH zaranitriMzakuntatomarazaktibhiH Siva B. 3. 19; zUraurnistriMzapANibhiH Parnal 1. 5. bhRt m. a sword-bearer. - traiguNya a. destitute of the three qualities ( sattva, rajas and tamas ) ; nistraiguNyo bhavArjuna Bg. 2.45. - pakka (niSpaka) well cooked, boiled. paGka (niSpaGka ) 0. free from mud, clear, pure. -patAka (niSpatAka ) d. having no flag or banner. -patisutA (niSpatisutA) a woman having no husband and no sons. - patra (niSpatra ) a. 1 leafless. - 2 unfeathered, featherless. [niSpatrAkR 'to pierce with an arrow so that the feathers come through on the other side'; to cause excessive bodily pain (fig.); niSpatrAkaroti mRgaM vyAdhaH ( sapukhasya zarasya aparapArzva nirgamanAniSpatraM karoti Sk. ); ekazca mRgaH sapatrAkRto'nyazca niSpatrAkRto'patat Dk. 165; 80 yAntI gurujanaiH sAkaM smayamAnAnanAmbujA / tiryaggrIvaM yadadrAkSI ttaniSpatrAkarojjagat Bv. 2. 132.] - pathya ( niSpathya) a. unwell, ill - pada (niSpada) a. baving no foot. ( -dam) a vehicle moving without feet (as a ship ). - parAkrama (niSparAkrama ) 4. weak, powerless. - parAmarza (niSparAmarza) a. without arlvice, helpless; M. 4. 2/3 -parikara (niSparikara ) . without preparations. - parigraha ( niSparigraha ) a. having no property_or possessions; Mu. 2. ( - haH ) an ascetic without family, dependents, or other belongings. -paricchada (niSparicchada) a. having no retinue or train. - paridAha (niSparidAha) a. incombustible. parihArya (niSparihArya ) . To be applied by all means. - parIkSa (niSparIkSa) a. not examining or a. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only a. not Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nis 981 nis testing accurately. -parIhAra (niSparIhAra) a. 1 not! ful, futile ; niSphalArambhayatnAH Me. 56. -2 useless, profitless, avoiding. -2 not observing eaution. -paruSa (niSpa ruSa) | vain; Ku.4.13. -3 barren (as a tree).-4 meaningless a. (in music) soft. -paryanta (niSparyanta), -pAra (as a word). -5 seedless, impotent. (-lA, -lI) a (niSpAra) a. boundless, unbounded. -paryAya (niSparyAya) woman past child-bearing.-phena (niSphena) a. foamless. a. out of order. -pApa (niSpApa) sinless, guiltless, -n.opium. -zaGka (niHzaGka)a. free from fear or risk, pure. -putra (niSputra) a. sonless, childless. -purANa secure, fearless. (nimza kaH ) (in music) a. kind of (niSpurANa) a. not existing before, unheard of, new. dance. -1. (niHzakA ) absence of fear. -ind. fearlessly, -puruSa (niSpuruSa) 1 unpeopled, tenantless, desolate. securely, easily. -zabda (niHzabda) a. not expressed -2 without male issue; Ms. 3. 7. -2 not male, femi- , in words, inaudible; niHzabdaM roditumArebhe K. 135. (-bdaH, nine, neuter. -paH 1 a eunuch. -2 a coward. -pulAka -bdam) silencea calm. -zamaH (nimzamaH) uneasiness, (niSpulAka) a. treed from chaff. -pauruSa (niSpauruSa) anxiety:-zaraNa a. (niHzaraNa) helpless, torlorn.-zarkara a. unmanly. -prakampa (niSprakampa) a. steady, immov- (niHzarkara)a. free from pebbles (as a bathing place). able, motionless. -prakAraka (niSprakAraka) 1a. without -zalAka (niAzalAka) a. lonely, solitary, retired. (-kam) ditinction of species, without specification, absolute. -2 a retired place, solitude; araNye niHzalAke vA mantrayedavibhAvitaH without the relation of the qualifier and the qualified, Ms. 7. 147. -zalya 3. 1 free from arrows. -2 free see nirvikalpa (7); niSprakArakaM jJAnaM nirvikalpakam T. S. -prakAza from thorns or darts. -zaka (niAzaka) a. merciless, (niSprakAza) a. not transparent, not clear, dark. eruel. (-kA) beardless rice. -zeSa (niHzeSa) a. with-pracAra (niSpracAra)a. 1 not moving away, remaining out remainder (either finished or passed away). -zodhya in one place. -2 concentrated, intently fixed ; niSpracAreNa (niHzodhya) a. washed, pure, clean. -zrIka: a. 1 manasA paraM tadadhigacchati Mb. 12. 215. 17. -prajJa (niSpraza) deprived of lustre, beauty. -2 unhappy. -zreyasa a. a. ignorant, stupid. -praNaya (niSpraNaya) a. cold. -pratApa the best, most excellent. (-saH) an epithet of Siva. (niSpratApa) a. destitute of glory, mean, base; zaka- (-sam) final beatitude, absolution; yaH karoti vadhodakarkA nIyA hi sarvatra niSpratApA daridratA Pt. 2.94. -prati(tI)kAra niHzreyasakarIH kriyAH Ki. 11.19; see niHzreyasa also. -2 devo(niSprati(tI)kAra), -pratikriya (niSpratikriya) a. 1 tion, faith, belief. -3 apprehension, conception. -4 incurable, irremedia ble; sarvathA niSpratIkAreyamApadupasthitA K. happiness (in general), welfare; idaM niHzreyasaM param Ms. 151. -2 unobstructed, uninterrupted. (-ram ) ind. un- 1. 106. -saMzaya (niHsaMzaya) a. 1 undoubted, interruptedly. -pratigraha (niSpratigraha) a. not accept- -2 not doubtful, not suspecting or doubting; kuru niHing gifts. -pratigha (niSpratigha)a. unhindered, unob- saMzayaM vatse svavRtte lokamityazAt R. 15. 79. (nyam) ind. structed, unimpeded; sa hi niSpratighena cakSuSA tritayaM jJAnamayena doubtlessly, undoubtedly, surely, certainly. -saMskAra pazyati R. 8. 78. -pratidvandva (niSpratidvandva) a. without (niHsaMskAra) a. uneducated, ill-mannered. -saMkhya enemies, unopposed. -2 matchless, unrivalled, unequal- (niHsaMkhya) a. innumerable. -saMga (niHsaMga) a. 1 rot led. -pratima (niSpratibha) a. 1 devoid of splendour. attached or devoted to, regardless of, indifferent to; -2 having no intelligence, not ready-witted, dull, stu- yanniHsaMgastvaM phalasyAnatebhyaH Ki. 18.24. -2 one who has repid. -3 apathetic. -pratibhAna (niSpratibhAna) a. coward- nounced all worldly attachments ; bharturya pralaye'pi pUrvasukRtAly, timid. -pratIpa (niSpratIpa) a. 1 looking straight- sagena niHsagayA bhaktyA kAryadhuraM vahanti kRtinaste durlabhAstvAdRzAH forward, not turned backwards. -2 unconcerned (as ! Mu. 1. 14. -3 unconnected, separated, detached. -4 a look). -pratyAza (niSpratyAza) a. hopeless, despon- unobstructed; niHsaGga pratibhirupAdade vivRttiH Ki.7.12.(-gam) dent. -pratyUha (niSpratyUha) a. unobstructed, unimped- ind. unselfishly. -saMcAraH(niHsaMcAraH) not taking a ed; niSpratyUhAH priyasakhi yadA duHsahAH saMbabhUvuH Mal. 9.45%; niSpra- walk; Mal. -saMjJa (niHsaMza) a. unconscious. -sattva tyUhamupAsmahe bhagavataH kaumodakIlakSmaNaH Murarinatakam. -prapaJca (niHsattva) a. 1 umenergetic weak, impotent. -2 mean, (niSprapaJca) a. 1 without extension. -2 without deceit, insignificant, low. -3 non-existent, unsubstantial. -4 honest. -prabha (niHprabha or niSprabha) a. 1 lustreless, deprived of living beings. (794) 1 absence of power pale-looking; niSprabhazca ripurAsa bhUbhRtAm R. 11.81. -2 or energy. -2 non-existence. -3 insignificance. -saMtati powerless.3gloomy, obscure, dim, dark. -pramANaka (niHsaMtati), -saMtAna (niHsaMtAna) a. childless. -saMdigdha (niSpramANaka) a. without authority. -prayatna (niSpra- (niHsaMdigdha), -saMdeha (niHsaMdeha )a. see ni:saMzaya. -saMdhi yatna) a. inactive, dull. -prayojana (niSprayojana) a.1 / (nissaMdhi, niHsaMdhi) a. having no joints perceptible, without motive, not influenced by any motive. -2 cause- compact, tirm, close, -sapatna (niHsapatna) a. 1 having less, groundless, -3 useless. -4 needless, unnecessary. no rival or enemy; ghanacirakalApo niHsapatno'dya jAtaH 7.4.10. (-nam ) ind. causelessly, without reason, without any -2 not claimed by another, belonging exclusively to object; Mu.3. -pravaNi, -pravANa, -pravANi (niSpravaNi, one possessor. -3 having no foes. -samam (niHsamam) -pravANa,-pravANi) a. fresh from loom, quite new (cloth, ind. 1 unseasonably, at a wrong.time. -2 wickedly. &c.) -prANa (niSpANa) a. 1 lifeless, dead. -2 Weak -saMpAta (niHsaMpAta). affording no passage, blocked (nirbala); niSprANo nAbhihantavyaH Mb. 12.95.12.-phala (niSphala) up: (-a:) the darkness of midnight, thick darkness. a. 1 bearing no fruit, fruitless (fig. also), unsuccess- ! -saMbAdha (niHsaMbAdha) a. not contracted, spacious, large. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nisaMpAta -saMbhrama (niHsaMbhrama) a. not perplexed, unembarrassed. -saraNi ( niHsaraNi a pathless saha ( niHsaha ) 1 Exhausted, powerless: kusumAcacavaparizramaniHsahaM me zarIram Nag. 2. -2 intolerable, irresistible. - sAra (niHsAra ) 1 [saplose, pithlems. -2 worthless, vain, unsubstantial. degtA 1 sopless pithlessness niHsAratvApIyasaH tRNasya ca samA gatiH ) Pt. 1. 106. -2 worthlessness. -3 vanity, unsubstantial or transitory nature. sIma ( niHsIma ), - sIman (niHsIman) a. immeasurable, boundless ; ahaha mahatAM niHsImAnakharitravibhUtayaH Bh. 2. 35 niHsImazamadam 3.97. -stambha (niHstambha) a. having no pillars. -2 having no support. -8 not proud ; niHstambho bhraSTasaMkalpaH svAn meghAn sa nyavArayat Bhag. 10. 25. 24. - sUtra a helpless ; niHsUtramAste ghanapaGkamRtyu N. 7. 69. -sneha ( niHsneha ) . 1 not unctuous or greasy, without unction or oil, dry. -2 not showing affection, unfeeling, unkind, indifferent. 8 not loved, not cared for ; kezA api virajyanto niHsnehAH kiM na sevakAH Pt. 1. 82. -4 not longing for, indifferent to. (-hA) lin-seed. -spanda (niHspanda or nisspanda) a. motionless, steady ; jyAbandhaniraspandabhujena yasya R. 6. 40. sparza (niHsparza) hard, rough. spRha (niHspRha) - free from desire; niHspRhasya tRNaM jagat. -2 regardless of, indifferent to; nanu vaktRvizeSaniHspRhAH Ki. 2.5; R. 8. 10; bhogebhyaH spRhayAlavo na hi vayaM kA niHspRhANAmasi Bh. -3 content, unenvious. -4 free from any worldly ties. - sva ( niHsva) a. poor, indigent; nisvo vaSTi zatam Santi. 2. 6; tyaktvA janayitAraM svaM niHsvaM gacchati dUrata: Pt. 1. 9. - svana ( niHsvana ) a. soundless. -svabhAvaH (niHsvabhAvaH) poverty. a. void of poculiarition svAdu (niHkhAdu) a. tasteless, insipid. d. nisaMpAta Seg niHpAta niHsAnaH A drum? (Mar. nagArA ); taM zrutvA kAratalaba: zivaniH sAnaniHsvanam Siva B. 28. 81. niHsArAH A maltitude ( samUha ). nisya fap. p. 1 Delivered, given, bestowed. -2 Abandoned, left. -3 Dismissed. -4 Permitted, allowed. -6 Central, middle. -6 Kindled (as fire ). -Comp. -artha d. a. to whom the management of an affair is entrusted; ubhayorbhAvamutrIya svayaM vadati cottrm| saMdiSTaH kurute karma nisRSTArthaH sa ucyte|| ( -rthaH ) 1 an envoy, ambassador. -3 a messenger, an agent; see S. D. 86, 87. dUtI a female who, having discovered the love of a youth and maiden for each other, brings about their union of her own accord; tanipuNaM nisRSTArthadUtIkalpaH sUtrayitavyaH Mal. 1; (where Jagadahara explains nisRSTArthI by nAvikA nAyakasya vA manorathaM jJAtvA svamatyA kAryaM sAdhayati yA ). nisUdana P. P. Killing, destroying. -nam Killing, slaughter ; of niSUdana. yamindrazabdArthanisUdanaM hareH Si. nissRj 6 P. 1 To set free, release; na svAminA nisRSTo'pi zUjhe dAsyAdimucyate Ms. 8. 414. -2 To deliver over, consign. entrust. -3 To give away, offer, present; Bee nisRSTa. - nisargaH 1 Bestowing granting presenting, giving away; na cAdheH kAlasaMrodhAnnisargo'sti na vikraya: Ms. 8. 143. - 2 A grant. -3 Evacuation, voiding excrement. -4 Abandoning, relinquishing. -6 Creation ; vA nisargA viprAn vai kSatriyAH pUjayanti ha Mb. 14.58.5. -6 Nature, natural character, natural state or condition ; nisargadurbodham Ki. 1.6; 18 31; R. 335; Ku. 4. 16; nisargataH, nisargega by nature, or naturally - Exchanges barter. -Comp. -ja, siddha a. innate, inborn, natural; nisargajaM tu tattasya kastasmAttadapohati Ms. 8. 414 - nipuNa naturally clever. --bhinna a. different by nature; nisargamitrAspadastham R. 6.20. vinIta a. 1 naturally diserout. -2 naturally well-behaved. a. 932 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nistanI A pill, bolus. nistandha . Paralysed. 2 Stopped, fixed. nistarhaNam Killing daughter. nistu 1 P. To pierce, prick, sting. nistodaH nistodanam Piercing, pricking, stinging; Susr. nistR 1. P. 1 To pass through, cross over (fig. also ); nistIrNA pratijJAsarit Mu. 1; Bh. 3.4; Ve. 6. 36. -2 To fulfil, accomplish. -3 To pass or get over, surmount, overcome; dhanairApadaM mAnavA nistaranti Subhas. ; R. 3.7. - 4 To complete, go to the end of; piturniyogAdvanavAsameva nistIrya rAmaH pratipannarAjya: R. 14. 21. -5 To pass or spend (as a time ). -6 To expiate, atone for. -7 To get out of, escape, be_saved from. - Caus. 1 To deliver, rescue; Save; nistArayati durgAcca mahatacaiva kilbiSAt Ms. 3. 98. -2 To overcome, surmount. nistaraNam 1 Going out or forth, coming out of -2 Crossing over. -3 Rescue, deliverance, getting rid of. An expedient, a means, plan. 8 Accomplishing mastering (pAragamana ). nistAraH 1 Crossing or passing over ; saMsAra tava nistArapadavI na davIyasI Bh. 1. 69. -2 Getting rid of, release, escape, rescue. -3 Final emancipation. -4 Discharge or payment of a debt, acquittance, requital; vetanasya nistAraH kRtaH H. 3. -5 A means, expedient. nistAraNam 1 Pharing or eonveying near 2 Con quering overooming. 8 Delivering, liberating. nistIrNa P. P. 1 Rescued, delivered, saved. -2 Crossed (fig. also) -3 Fulfilled, nocomplished. nistruTI Cardamoms. nisnAva: Residue of articles after & sale. nispanda . Immovable, steady; ato nispandamabhavaddhanAcyakSAvinAkRtam, Ram 7. 16. 7 da Trembling throb bing motion. nisya ( ya ) ndaH 1 Flowing forth or down, trickling down, dropping, dripping, streaming, oozing: safran For Private and Personal Use Only Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nisyandin 988 f ferupataisgar: $.1.14. -2 A discharge, flux, sap, juice; ! ET: 1 Denial, concealment of knowledge; T: Futsafarraparez : U. 2. 21; Mal. 9. 6. 3 A Fanfaraca: Mal. 1. 12; Chandr. 5. 27. -2 Secrecy, flow, stream, Auid that trickles down ; Pen y concealment in general; nihave yAcito dadyAddhanaM rAjJe ca tatsamam sarado: R. 14.3; 3. 41; 16.70; Harretat: 10.57; Y. 2. 11, 267. -3 A secret. -4 Mistrust; doubt, susMe. 44. -4 Necessary consequence or result. -8 Utter- picion. -8 Wickedness. -6 Atonement, expiation; 29 ing, declaring. fara fra: #ayayd Ms. 9. 21. -7 Contradiction. free a. 1 Trickling or flowing down, oozing. -8 Obscuring, surpassing. -9 Excuse, exculpation. Comp. Han evasive reply. afm. a -Dropping or pouring down; 4 af4 HA1190 . 7. defendant or witness who prevaricates or gives evasive replies. fara, farala: 1 A stream, torrent. -2. The f aT scum of boiled rice. -3 Flowing forth. 1 Denial or concealment of knowlege. -2 fare :, fareata, faralara Excuse, exculpation. 1 Noise, voice; yarat fatas: R. 3. 19; Rs. 1. 8; Ki. 5. 6. -2 The fra p. p. 1 Denied, disowned. -2 Concealed, whistling sound of an arrow (only Atalar in this sense). ! dissembled. ET 2 P. 1 To kill, destroy; equat PEH: Bk. Fafa f. 1 Denial, concealment of knowledge; yout 2. 34; 6. 10; R. 11. 71; Y. 3. 262. -2 To strike, hit; NEC a Pae: R. 7.44 ; Ms. 7. 27.-3 To conquer, 647 ga ragaz: 0917 94 Amaru. 9. -2 Dissiovercome; Party 5 184414:21 Pt. 1. 361. - To i mulation, reserve. -3 Secrecy, concealment in general. beat, strike (as a drum); af faa Bk. 14. 2.-5 faerg: A sound; cf. facta, 49 agra rao To counteract, oppose, render void, frustrate; 99089 Bu. Ch. 3. 60; Ara: agre: fara R. agaf eHa f at: R. 12. 92. - To cure (as a disease). - To disregard. -8 To remove, dispel; at agi aft 1 U. (79fa-, Parata-rata, s a-ag, Aufaa, r agic ath afu mefa Ki. 5. 36.-9 To aan, t) One of the roots that govern two accusatives, strike in, infix. -10 (In gram.) To cut off, separate; see examples below ) 1 To carry, lead, bring, convey, aferata II y far farza Sk. on P. VII. 1. 28, take, conduct; ajAM prAmaM nayati Sk; naya mAM navena vasatiM 29, 30. -Caus. To kill, destroy. T aT V. 4. 43.-2 To guide, direct, govern; 96: 99yauga: M. 1. 2. 3 To lead away to carry or faka p. p. 1 Struck down, smitten, killed, slain. -2 bring away; at a flar guru Bk. 6.49; R. 12. 103; Struck into, infixed. -3 Attached or devoted. Comp. Ms. 6. 88. - 4 To carry off; Santi. 3. 5. -5 To carry - ar a kind of fault in poetry; atsarrafera off for oneself (Atm.). - To spend, or pass (as time); faparfar S.D. 4914 Teatae fear 1997 By. 1. 10; ficar a fakah Killing, slaughter. Alat Me. 2; fag: 22a fari faard R. 1.95.-7 To fagra a. 1 A killer. -2 Destructive, murderous. bring or reduce any person to any state or condition ; 419 YER: K. 143; tra 9971 Ratn. 3. faka: Invocation, summoning, calling; Ch. Up. 3; R. 8. 19. (In this sense the root is used with Pag Killing, slaughter. substantives much in the same way as 5 q. v.; e. g. faraht 1 The Gangetic alligator. -2 A storm. e off to reduce to misery; asi off to reduce to subjecfaer See here. tion, win over ; 3 to cause to set; farsi # to destroy ; ftala ft to gratify, please ; Tai- &c. fafga p. p. 1 Placed, laid, lodged, situated, depo # to reduce to the state of a Sudra, slave &c. ; # sited; 3 preala Ki. 7. 34. -2 Delivered, to admit as a witness; og off to inflict punishment entrusted. -3 Bestowed upon; applied to. -4 Inserted upon, to punish; 975 fiat # to render superfluous; infixed. - Treasured up. - Held. -7 Laid (as dust). vikraya nI to sell; bhasmatA-bhasmasAt nI to reduce to ashes &e. -8 Uttered in a deep tone. -9 Encamped (as an army). -8 To ascertain, investigate, inquire into, settle, de-Comp. - a. One showing clemency. cide; is face a u : Y. 2. 19; a tag frata a. 1 Low, vile; fagtergrad Folgar 991 f agufua Mb. -9 To trace, track, find out; Mb. 3. 278. 29. -a: A low man, one of vile origin. garsanaa HATA MS. 8. 252, 256; qirg: 47 8.44; Y. 2. 151. -10 To marry. -11 To FATE 2 A. 1 To hide, conceal; 2 Paginea exclude from. -12 (Atm.) To instruct, give instrucgreta Mu. 1.1; Bk. 10. 36. -2 To deny or dissimu- tion in; T aga Sk. -Caus. ( a f ) To cause to late before any one, to hide from with dat.); 3431 lead, carry &c. (with instr. of agent); HT 14face SA A FATafa: Bk. 8. 74. 4K. 38. -Desid. (aftafa-) To wish to carry &c. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 984 fe: eft m. (Used at the end of comp.) A leader, guide; ! after a. [faraht THT Patra, A-3 Ty. ] 1 Low, as in Tuft, dart, uit. short, small, little, dwarfish. -2 Situated below, be T afta p. p. [ #- ing in a low position; argfegi afeita ef T4 OT 5 ] 1 Carried, conducted, led. -2 Gained, obtained. -3 Brought or reduced to -4 Bg. 6. 11; Ms. 2. 198; Y. 1. 131. -3 Lowered, deep (as a voice ). -4 Low, mean, base, vile, worst; Spent, passed away; nItaM janma navInanIrajavane pItaM madhu svecchayA raaf : Bh. 2. 27; iary aud: Bhramarastakam - Well-behaved, correct; see afl. grantua: 59; Bv. 1.48. -8 Worthless, insignificant. -- 1 Wealth -2 Corn, grain. : A kind of perfume ( *). - An excellent aftfa: f. 1 Guidance, direction, management. -2 cow. -24 The lowest point of a planet. -Comp. Conduct, manner of conducting oneself, behaviour, - hi f. a low or vulgar expression. T h an course of action. -3 propriety, decorum. -4 Policy, epicycle. -3917 a. situated low in the sky. -T a. prudence, wisdom, right course ; facey ifa: 1 going downwards, descending (as a river ); nafa N. 5. 103 ; R. 13. 69; Ku. 1. 22. - A plan, contriv- vidyeva nIcagApi naraM sarit / samudramiva durdharSa nRpaM bhAgyamataH param // ance, scheme; 72: the area ca aiata # # H. -2 low, base, vile. ( - ) a river. (57) water. Mal. 6.3. - Politics, political scicence, statesmanship, - HT a. following low courses (said of women). political wisdom; aleg: Imma afarared Si. 2. 30; -TEH (in astr.) the part of the heavens in which a que harufu fatta farinat Bg. 10.38. -7 Righte- planet stands at its lower point ; ... tulA of ravi, vRSabha ousness, moral conduct, morality. -8 The science of of 4, of 47, 41 of 4, *7 of 95, of morality, morals, ethics, moral philosophy; farg afa- 7 , and 9 of fat; cf. y 19gafd fagurf at EDTI Bh. 2. 83. -9 Acquirement, acqui Yavanesvara. onion. - a. of low origin, sition. -10 Giving, offering, presenting. -11 Relation, low-born; so f a . -6, - a kind of gem. support. -Comp. 21-9,-fagur, -FUT, -fara. (ata). 1 one versed in policits, a statesman, politician. - 2 pru 1 a. 1 Low, short, dwarfish. -2 Low, soft (as dent, wise; fere af ritrat Tawa Udb. the voice). -3 Base, mean, vile. - T: N. of the car of Brihaspati. - error of con (f) Fil An excellent cow; ( also ffatt). duct, mistake in policy. -14 a germ or source of intrigue; far a4 Pt. 1. feel 1 political science, aft m. 1 The top of anything. -2 The head of political economy. -2 moral science, ethics. -faq: i an ox. -3 The owner of a good cow. the sphere of morality or prudent conduct. : nIcakais ind. See nIcais below. 1 transgression of the rules of moral or political often ind. Ved. Low, downward. science. -2 error of conduct, mistake in policy. -T H the 100 verses on morality by Bhartrihari. Ter the ateite 8 U. 1 To lower ( as the voice). -2 To science of ethics or of politics ; morality. - pet: method utter without an accent. of policy; ghi fauty fazifawiarz 1992. aft a. Ved. Being low or below, downwards ; fah Afacufar rosa: Il Pt. 2. 41. (az:) ** * fart: ...... : Bhag. 5. 16. 54. aftfahrt a. 1 Skilled in politics. -2 Wise, prudent, at ind. Often used with the force of an adjecsagacious. -3 Moral. tive) 1 Low, beneath, below, underneath, down, downward; (opp. 54ft); alfayun 27 - efter: Ved. 1 Leading, guiding.-2 A guide, leader. # Me.111.-2 Bowing down humbly, modestly; 22 - A way, trick, art. TT, TH A mode in music, * 9749979 #2: R. 5. 62. -3 Gently, softly; 1991song. a Me. 44. 4 In a low tone, with a low or depressed a a. Fit to be carried. -Comp. -37ef (*) . (a tone; a: TEC S T UPIT: leia Amaru. word or sentence) having a sense that can be only 70; TIT: P. I. 2. 30. -5 Short, small, dwarfish; guessed; grAmyo'pratItasandigdhaneyArthanihatArthatA S. D. afa fungua R. 3. 34. -M. N. of a mountain ; offee faa tan lautet: Me. 25. -Comp. : Ef A channel for irrigation. f. slow pace. He a. with downcast countenance. aftfart: See fa+T. afts:, -54 [Pati facea a 39 P1-53- 74 2: nIkAza a. See nikAza; resembling; AkarNamullasitamambu Ty.] 1 A bird's nest; sigurt Trafala S. 7. 11; feftirf TA19 at fadattu Si. 5. 35; Ki. 11. 5. Traueafs h : Me. -2 A bed, couch. -3 A lair, den. - 4 The interior or a seat of a carriage Tre Ved. A stick for stirring up and testing Futus fanath Bhag. 4. 26. 2. -5 A place boiling rice (91797teet ); JS HiFarur: Jara: in general, a bode, resting place. -Comp. -35 , 37; Ry. 1. 162. 13, a bird For Private and Personal Use Only Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra freest : 1 A bird. -2 A nest. nIdham (-tram ) [ nitarAM dhriyate mUlavi0 ka dIrghaH Iv. ] 1 The edge of the thatch or roof; valIkanIdhre paTalaprAnte'tha paTalaM f: Ak.; fa a: Si. 3. 49. -2 A wood. -3 The circumference of a wheel. -4 The moon. -6 The asterism af. a. Situated low, deep. - 1 The foot of a mountain. -2 A kind of (said to blossom in the rainy season; Adina Cordifolia Hook). The tree! is known as or in Marathi. It is the same 8.8 haridrakadambaka or haridraka. The wood of the tree is yellow and is still found employed in old buildings. nIpaH pradIpAyate Mk. 5. 14; sImante ca tvadupagamajaM yatra nIpaM vadhUnAm Me. 67; zmetenggerzchenien Bhar. Ch. -3 A species of Asoka; a kind of plant ( Mar. dupArI ); kadambavetasanalanI pavaJjulakairvRtam (:) Bhag. 8. 2. 17. -4 N. of a family of kings; nIpAnvayaH pArthiva eSa yajvA R 6.46. -pam The flower of the Kadamba tree; nIpaM dRSTvA haritakapizaM kaisarairardharUDhaiH Mo. 21; R. 19. 37. nIram [ Up. 2.13] 1 Water; nIrAnnirmalato janiH Bv. 1. 63. 2 Juice, liquor. Comp. a. Loitering in water, aquatic; nIre nIracaraiH samaM sa bhagavAnnidrAti nArAyaNaH Bv.a. aquatic. (-) 1 an otter. -2 a kind of grass ( uzIra ). ( - jam) 1 a lotus; asi yadyapi sarvatra nIraM nIrajamaNDitam Udb. -2 a pearl. -daH a cloud; dhIradhvanibhiralaM te nIrada me mAsiko garbhaH Bv. 1. 61; Si. 4. 52. navInanIradazyAmaM rAmaM rAjIvalocanam Ramakavacha. -dharaH a cloud; navanIlanIradharI garjitakSaNe U. 6. 17. -dhiH, -nidhiH the ocean. -priyaH a kind of reed. - a lotus. nIrajI / Turmeric nIrajIchamavadanI govayAno rumaGgalaH Gapes P. 2. 336. 936 - nIrAja ( nis- rAj) Caus. 1 To eause to shine, illuminate, make brilliant, adorn, irradiate; dugradIdhitizikhAnIrAjitajyaM dhanuH e. 6.18; nIrAjayanti bhUpAlAH pAdapIThAntabhUtalam Prab. 2; Si. 17. 17; N. 11. 96; pratyagrajvalitaiH pataGgamaNibhiH nIrAjitA bhAnavaH A R. 2.10. -2 To perform the ceremony called (q. v. below) over a person or thing (wave lights before one as a mark of respect or by way of worship) nAnAyodhasamAkIrNe nIrAjitahADiyA Kam. 4. 66. say, at 1 Lustration of arms, a kind of military and religious ceremony performed by kings or generals of armies in the month of Asvina before they took the field; (it was, so to say, a general purification of the king's Purohita, the minsters, and all the various component parts of the army, together with the arms and implements of war, by means of sacred Mantras ); tasmai samyag huto vahnirvAjinIrAjanAvidhau R. .25 17.12 ke camacchalena nIrAjana janavata A N. 1. 144. -2 Waving lights before an idol as an act of adoration; nIrAjanAbhiH subhagAH subhruvaH samabhAvayan Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nIla Siva. B. 6. 62; turaGgamasyeva raNe nivRtte nIrAjanA kautukamaGgalAni Pratija 1. 12. nIrAjita a. Shone upon, illuminated; agdarmyujaniranI rAjitarucAm Laksmilahort Strotra. 1. nIla . (lA-lI f.; the former in relation to clothes &c., the latter in relation to animals, plants &c.) 1 Blue, dark-blue; nIlasnigdhaH zrayati zikharaM nUtanastoyavAhaH U. 1. 33. -2 Dyed with indigo. 1 The dark-blue or black colour. -2 Sapphire. -3 The Indian fig-tree. -4 N. of a monkey-chief in the army of Rama. -6 The blue mountain', N. of one of the principal ranges of mountains. 6 A kind of bird, the blue Maina. -7 An ox of a dark-blue colour. -8 One of the nine treasures of Kubera; see aff. -9 A mark. -10 An auspicious sound or proclamation. - 1 The indigo plant. -2 A Ragini. f. (du.) 1 The two arteries in front of the neck. -2 A black and blue mark on the skin; (for other senses see fit.) - 1 Black-salt. -2 Blue vitriol. -8 Antimony. - Poison. -8 Indigo, indigo dye. 6 Darkness. -Comp. -3T8T: a goose. -37: the Sarasa bird. - 1 antimony. -2 blue vitriol. -aJjanA, -aJjasA lightning. - abjam, -ambujam, -ambu. the blue lotus. - a dark-cloud. a. dressed in dark-blue clothes. (:) 1 a demon, goblin. -2 the planet Saturn. -3 an epithet of Balarama. - early dawn, the first dawn of day. -3A 1. a sapphire. - utpalam a blue lotus; dhruvaM sa nIlotpalapatradhArayA samita chettumRSirvyavasyati S. 1. 18 - upalaH the blue stone, lapis lazuli. 3: 1 a peackock; ftyati vacanam Mal. 9.30; Mo. 81; kastvaM, zUlI, mRgaya bhiSajaM, fs: fast Subhas. - an epithet of Siva. -3 kind of gallinule. - a blue-necked jay. - a wag-tail -6 a sparrow. -7 a bee. (-3) a radish. 8 qv. kezI the indigo plant. -grIvaH an epithet of Siva. - 1 the date-tree. -2 an epithet of Garuda. -jam blue steel. -jA N. of the river Vitasta. -taruH the cocoanut tree. -, -: the Tamala tree. - paGkaH, -paGkam darkness. -paTalam 1 a dark mass, a black coating or covering. -2 a dark film over the eye of a blind man; Pt. 5. -: the pomegranate tree. (-tram ), padmam the blue water-lily. -piccha: falcon. -f: a collection of annals and royal edicts; Buddh. -gfeq 1 the indigo plant. -2 linseed. - the egg-plant (Mar. ). : 1 the moon. -2 a cloud. - 3 a bee. -maNiH, -ratnam 1 the sapphire ; nepathyocita - Git. 5; Bv. 2. 42. -2 an epithet of Krisua; slso nIlamAdhavA mIlikA fire-fly. mRttikA 1 iron pyrites. -2 black earth. f. a line of darkness, dark mass, thick_darkness; nizA zazAGkakSatanIlarAjayaH Rs. 1. 2. fer a. dark-blue, purple. (-) 1 a purple colour. -2 an epithet of Siva; farge: punarnavaM parigatazaktirAtmabhUH 5. 7.35 Ku. 2.57. varNa a darke blue, bluish.(-) a radish. -,- a. dressed a. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nIlakam 986 in dark-blue clothes, see nIlAmbara. -vasanaH the planet Saturn. -vRntakam cotton. -snehaH (= dRDhasnehaH) Intense love. (nIlo nIlIrAgaH tatsadRzaH snehaH / nIlIrAgaH sthirapremA iti yAdavaH) gRhaM vikrayakAle'pi nIlanehena rakSati Charudatta 3. 12. nIlakam 1 Black salt.-2 Blue steel. -3 Blue vitriol. -ka: 1 Adark-coloured horse. -2 ( In alg.) The third unknown quantity (corresponding to % of European Algebra). nIla(lA)guH 1 A kind of insect. -2 An insect in general. -3 A kind of Ay. -4 A jackal. -5A large (black) bee. -6 A flower. aftosfat Den. P. 1 To be of a dark-blue colour. -2 To dye blue. nIlikA 1 The indigo plant. -2 Moss (zaivAla); apAM tu nIlikA vidyAt Mb. 12.283.52. See nIlA also. nIlinI, nIliman m. Blue colour, darkness, blueness; prArambhe'pi triyAmA taruNayati nijaM nIlimAnaM vaneSu Mal.5.6%3 kajjalamalinavilocanacumbanaviracitanIlimarUpam Git. nIlI (-liH) 1 The indigo plant; tatra nIlIrasaparipUrNa mahAbhANDamAsIt Pt. 13 eko grahastu mInAnAM nIlImadyapayoryathA Pt. 1. 260%; Ms. 10. 89. -2 A species of blue fly. -3 A kind of disease. -Comp. -rAga a. firm in attachment. ( - T:) 1 affection as unchangea ble as the colour of indigo, unalterable or unswerving attachment; nIlirAgo dRDhapremA Yadava (see also nIlasnehaH); na cAtizobhate yannApaiti prema manogatam / tannIlIrAgamAkhyAnti yathA shriiraamsiityoH|| S. D.-2 a firm and constant friend. -saMdhAnam fermentation of indigo. bhANDam an indigo vat. afta i P. to grow fat. ata: A species of tree. nIvaraH [Un. 3. 1.] 1 Trade, traffic. -2 A trader. -3 A religious mendicant. -4 A place fit for the site of a house. -BAdwelling, residence. -6Mud. -ram Water. nIvAka: 1 Increased demand for grain in times of dearth. -2 Famine, scarcity. atarc: Rice growing wild or without cultivation ; nIvArAH zukagarbhakoTaramukhabhraSTAstarUNAmadhaH . 1. 143 R. 1. 50%3 5. 9, 15; (also nIvAraka). nIviH, -vI/. [nivyayati nivIyate vA nivye-in ; ef. Un. 4, 135 ): 1 A cloth worn round a woman's waist, or more properly the ends of the cloth tied into a knot in front, the knot of the wearing garment; prasthAnabhinnAM na babandha nIvim R. 7.9; nIvibandhocchva sanam Mal. 2.5; Ku. 1. 38; nIviM prati praNihite tu kare priyeNa K. P.4; Me. 70; Si. 10.64. -2 The outer tie of a packet in which the offerings of a Sudra at funeral obsequies are presented. -3 Capi- tal; principal, stock; nIvImavalikhataH dviguNaH (daNDaH) Kau. A 2.7; zeSamAyavyayau nIvI ca Kau A. 2. 6. - Astake, wager. -B Prison%3; nIvI sthAdvandhanAgAre dhane strIvastrabandhane Nm. nIvRt m. Any inha bited country, realm, kingdom; AcakramurnijAmasya nIvRtaM kRtavikramAH Siva B. 4. 28..........jetuM karNATanIvRtam Siva B. 9. 33; N. 2.40. nIva See nIdhra. nIzAraH [ ni-za gham dIrghaH ] 1 A warm cloth, a blanket. -2 A mosquito-curtain. -3 An outer tent or screen. nIhAraH / ni-hR karmaNi ghaJ dIrghaH ] 1 Fog, mist; nIhAramagno dinapUrvabhAgaH R.7.60% BY. 1. 150; Ms.4.1133; nIhAradhamAkAnalAnilAnAma Yogagrantha. -2 Hoar-frost, heavy dew. -3 Evacuation. -Comp. -karaH the moon. nu ind. 1 A particle having an interrogative force and implying some 'doubt', or uncertainty '; tant mAyA nu matibhramo nu 8.6. 10%; astazailagahanaM nu vivasvAnAviveza jaladhi nu mahI nu Ki.9.73 5.1; 853,9. 15,64; 13.43 Ku. 1.46% kSAlitaM nu zamitaM nu vadhUnAM drAvitaM nu hRdayaM madhuvAraiH Si. 10. 14; S. 2. 10. -2 It is very often compounded with the interrogative pronoun and its derivatives in the sense of 'possibly', 'indeed'; kiM nvetatsyAkimanyadito' thavA Mal. 1. 173 etAvannU 3 ityetAvaddhIti Bri. Up. 2. 1. 143 kathaM nu guNavadvindeyaM kalatram Dk.; see kiMnu also. -3 Ved. Now, even now. -4 Now therefore, now then, therefore. -8 Like, as. -6Quickly.-7 From this time forward. also (nU) Ved. Alone; nU marto dayate saniSyan Rv. 7. 100. 1. nu I.2P.(nauti, praNauti; nuta; caus. nAvayati; desid. nunUSati) 1 To praise, extol, commend; sarasvatI tanmithunaM nunAva Ku.7.90% Bk. 14.112%3 see na. -2 To roar, cry. -8 To Bound, shout. -II.1A. (navate) To go. -Caus. To cause to be drawn into the nose; Charaka. nu (nU ) ta p. p. Praised, extolled &c. nuHf. Praise. -m. 1 A weapon. -2 Time. nutiHf.1 Praise, eulogium, panegyric; paraguNanutibhiH (v.1.) svAn guNAn khyApayantaH Bh. 2.69. -2 Worship, reverence. JE 6 P. ( gefa) To hurt, kill. nu 6U. (nudati-te, nutta or nunna, praNudati) 1 To push, push or drive on, impel, propel; mandaM mandaM nudati pavanazcAnukUlo yathA tvAm Me.9; U.5.1. -2 To prompt, incite, urge on; rathacaraNasamAhvastAvadautsukyanunnA Si. 11.26; Ku.6.65.-3 To remove drive away, cast away, dispel; adastvayA nunnamanuttamaM tamaH Si. 1.27% keyUrabandhocchvasitairnunoda R.6.68%3 8.40% 16.85%3 Ki. To throw, cast, send. -8 Ved. To raise, lift up. -Caus. 1 To remove, drive away. -2 To prompt, incite, push on or urge forward. -With upa to drive away, remove; Si.4.61.4 to dispel, drive off, remove; nayanaprasarapraNunnamiva bAriruham Si.9.71. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (a) 987 nRmNa (7) p. p. 1 Pushed, driven onward, propelled &o. -2 Driven away, dispelled; ga naar faxa: fakta 9 $9 Ram. 7. 27. 34. -3 Despatched, sent, ordered. gfa: f. Driving away, removing. a. (At the end of comp.) Pushing, impelling, driving away, TOP. ( gafa) To praise &c.; see 5. aa, 7 a. [79 ta paret 14 gtiere ] 1 New; gaat fa u. 1.; R. 8.15; 799 4752 Bhasa P.; 416 aitortzetuftat grin: AC IETfalla ni si farata il Bhag. 8.9. 10. -2 Fresh, young. -3 Present. -4 Instantaneous. -5 Recent, modern. -6 Curious, strange. - Youth, juvenility. -Comp. -a44( que) in the bloom of youth, in the spring of life. aufa Den. P. To make new, renew. nUda: A kind of mulberry tree (Mar. pArasA piMpaLa). 4 ind. Certainly, assuredly, surely, verily, indood; 30 fe a g aratrafe and attaisit $. 3. 3; Me. 9, 18, 46; Bh. 1. 11; Ku. 1. 12; 5.75; R. 1. 29.-2 Most probably, in all probability : 41 ofta a TH (1912) U. 4. 23. -8 Ved. Now, iust now, just. -4 Immediately. -8 In future. -6 Now then, therefore. -Comp. ra: probability. Wara ind. probably; HT T Ficharcha: Mb. 3. 2. 12v. l.). Tg, -TH An anklet, ornament for the feet; Ecraio: r a n d H. 2. 71 ; & 7977412414 at gat V. 3. 15. [ -*7 fea; cf. Un. 2. 101 ] (Nom. sing. FT, gen. pl. 7 or ) 1 A man, a person whether male or female; Ms. 3. 81; 4. 61; 7. 61; 77 TUTTE gozaTETETTU 10. 33. -2 Mankind. 3 A piece at chess. 4 The pin of a sun-dial. - A masculine word; fra fage 4174 Ak. -6 A leader. -Comp. 319Alfem m. an epithet of Siva. -F975 man's skull. ieac: a dead human body. -FIT: manly deed, heroism. Teftam.'man-lion', Visnu in his Narasimha incarnation; cf. afhe. T a . Ved. 1 seeing or observing men. -2 leading or guiding men; 37792AT Hyvia at: Rv. 3. 53. 9. (-m.) 1 a god. -2 a demon, goblin. - a. a man-eater;...... DET HCUTY: Bk. 5. 38. -10H human urine. Et a fort protected by army on all sides; Ms. 7. 70. : a king. ETT m. an epithet of Kubera. - a. to be saluted by men (as gods). -9: (77 ufa Tufa, 97-] a ruler of men, king, sovereign ; siguthar 2974 Brav. P. ( TT-H@ ). jan. 1 royal portion of revenue, i. e, a sixth, eighth &c. part of #. SS. 1....194 grain ; quis faited GI Bk. 2. 14. -2 a prince. 31997 () a royal court. peac: N. of a sacrifice (Rajasuya) performed by an emperor or lord paramount, in which all the offices are performed by tributary princes. PITCH: a prince, crown-prince. Cerca, 74 music played at the royal meals. 31144: consumption. Para royal-seat', a throne, the chair of state. 4 a royal palace. H: N. of some trees (Mar. algar, tistof). Fa: f. politics, royal policy, state-craft; vezyAGganeva nRpanItiranekarUpA Bh. 2.47. degpriyaH the mango tree. 3477 n., for a royal symbol, an emblem of royalty, any one of the royal insignia ; particularly, the white umbrella. Put a. 1 assuming the insignia of royalty. -2 assuming the royal insignia (as a disguise ). Cazu: 1 the friend or favourite of a king. -2 a kind of mango. (H) a queen. 1974 a royal grant or edict. 14 a. seeking the protection of a king. sutA the musk-rat. "sabham , "sabhA an assembly of kings. -T, - :, -To: 1 a king; Fra g a : R. 2. 30; fara a aa a Subhas. -2 N. of Kubera. -3 Ksatriya.deg92: a royal or main road. #3: 1 royal support; a FA: Pt. -2 service of princes. -TU: 1 a beast in the form of a man, a brute of a man; bacastasyAkarNya zravaNasubhagaM paNDitapateradhunvan mUrdhAnaM nRpazurathavArya yfa: By. 4. 38. -2 a man serving as a sacrificial victim. H a large edifice, hall. -otfa: f. Ved. protection of men. - f ath the sign Gemini (twins) of the zodiac. - a human sacrifice. -7: 'the sacrifice to be offered to men's hospitality, reception of guests (one of the five daily Yajnas; see 4249). TH= raya q.v. i the world of mortals, the earth. -acie: Visnu in the boar-incarnation. -area: an epithet of Kubera. ach a palanquin. -aga: N. of Siva. - a. A vile and cruel man; ay I Og gianggangan Ms. 'man's horn'; i. e. an impossibility. -sadanam (nRSadanam ) the hall of sacrifice. 9 ) m. the Supreme Being. -f. intellect (ra); gtart: gataza TET 29 fra: Bhag. 5. 8. 14; -a. sitting or dwelling among men. Ies, - pt: 1'a lion-like man' a chief among men, an eminent or distinguished man. -2 Visnu in his fourth incarnation; Bayhaitafa feftaifa at T R TAHTETIO Bhag. 1. 15. 16; cf. RHE. -8 a particular mode of sexual enjoyment. age fourteenth day of the bright half of Vaisakha. Parasti the twelfth day of the light half of Phalguna. Otiu N. of an 39977. - , ar an army of men. A : an illustrious man, great man; AG afar : R. 5. 59. Tat, fah Manliness. TEOT a. Making happy; Bhag. 4. 8. 46. -TUT: An epithet of Krisna. TOTH Ved. 1 Manhood, strength. -2 Courage. -3 Wealth. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nRvat 788 Tat ind. Ved. 1 Manly, powerfully. -2 Excessively, plentifully. TT: A son of Manu Vaivasyata, who, it is said, was cursed by a Brahmana to be a lizard. IT 4 P. (rafa, goufa, 2) 1 To dance, move about; hafa galdada HH he Git. 1; Af He ad Si. 8. 23; Bk. 3. 43. - 2 To act on the stage. -3 To gesticulate, play. -Caus. (adufaa) 1 To cause to dance; tvamAze moghAze kimaparamato nartayasi mAm Bh. 3.63 ale: 153194 afa: faz #Me. 81; U. 3. 19. -2 To cause to move. -With 3 (cuus.) 1 to cause to dance. -2 to cause to dance or move quickly, shake; Etiafaa R. 5. 42; AHT 92 far afat Amaru. 36; Rs. 3. 10. To to dance &c. afao to ridicule by dancing in return. f. Ved. Dancing. yfa: f. 1 Dancing, dance. -2 Solenn appearance, show. : Ved. 1 A dancer, an actor. -2 The earth. -3 A worm. -4 Length. 1 a. Destroying or injuring men. TE, TR4 Dancing, acting, a dance, pantomime, gesticulation; leta: Radari arah M.2.7; Hi hyrag: R. 14. 69; Me. 31, 36; R. 3. 19.-Comp. -Fre: 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 a peacock. TOT a dancing hall. -Teth the science or art of dancing. -Fi a stage, dancing room. F: the position of the hands in dancing. 79, ia, IE &c. See under 3. Vi a. (77 rafa fena 14-310] 1 Wicked, malicious, cruel, mischievous, base; fuera 79147 afa aaah Mk. 3. 25; Ms. 3. 41; Y. 1. 164. -2 Ved. To be praised by men. - a wicked, vile act; falazata ga: 1977: car in an ad * Mb. 3.119. 12. TEETH Cruelty ; Ve. 3. Taifeah See paint; ada asantifada Bhag. 10. 2. 22. sier a. Wicked, malicious. - Maliciousness, wickedness. 9 P. 1 To bring to. - To lead. TF: A washerman. AT 1 Washing, cleansing. -2 Washing place; TITI: Fe ya aradaraq Mb. 7. 187. 13. - ind. Lest, otherwise; TT 97999raratla Bri. Up. 1. 2. 10. at The drawing of a thread through the nose and mouth. -Comp. DIT: N. of a kind of . A m. [ 9] 1 One who leads or guides, a leader, conductor, manager, guide (of elephants, animals &c.); na vinA nAyaka senA muhUrtamapi tiSThati / AhaveSvAhavazreSTha netRhIneva al || Mb. 7. 5. 8; 891 againtreef941: R. 4. 75; 14. 22; 16. 30; Me. 71; Harley que a Sk. Mu. 7. 14. -2 A director, preceptor ; par gau gerafa: Bh. 2. 88. -8 A chief, master, head. -4 An inflictor (as of punishment); prajAstatra na muhyanti netA cet sAdhu pazyati Ms. 7. 25. -5 An owner. -6 The hero of a drama. -7 The numeral 'two'. -8 N. of Visnu. Farah The office or business of a leader ; leading. af 1 A river. - A female leader. -8 An epithet of Laksmi. -4 An artery, a vein. y la ara ar saa # ] 1 Leading, conducting, directing; aqaa C1997 Bhag. 3.31.1. -2 The eye; 10 euitaat: A lgseltaa: Ku. 6.85; 2. 29, 30; 7. 13. -3 The string of a churning-stick; Her Hoci a a j z argfu Mb. 1. 18.13; Bhag. 8. 6. 22. -4 Woven silk, a fine silken garment; 92 HUTTETTY R. 7. 39 (where some commentators take #74 in its ordinary sense of the 'eye'). - The root of a tree. -6 An enema pipe. -7 A carriage, conveyance in general. -8 The number two'. -9A leader; sUryodaye sajaya ke nu pUrve yuyutsavo hRSyamANA ivAsan / mAmakA a haqi: A qual a fait ll Mb. 6. 20.1. -10 A constellation, star (said to be m. only in these two senses). -11 A river; Nm. -12 A kind of vein; Nm. -13 A bug; Nm. -14 A bark of a tree; Nm. -Comp. -3737979 a collyrium for the eyes; S. Til. 7. --tfalet a. One who has become visible. -37701: the outer corner of the eye. -3772, -371147 #. tears. -T ype: running of the eyes, a kind of eye-disease -: Euphorbia Antiquorum (Mar. fast, T). -AmayaH ophthalmia. -utsavaH any pleasing or beautiful object. -upamam the almond fruit. -auSadham 1 collyrium -2 green sulphate of iron (Mar. fera). -TUTH spell for the eyes; Vikr. after the pupil of the eye. -2:, 24 a front apartment, a side-ball, a corner tower; pradhAnAvAsanetrasthanetrakUTadvayaM nyaset Kamikagama 35.75.- 9: 1 the eye-ball. -2 the bud of a flower. - TT a. within the range of sight, perceptible, visible. -90 a. restless with the eyes, winking; 797431575: Ms. 4. 177. - : the eyelid. -STAL, -16, -art n. tears.. -faft a. kissing or touching the eye sleep). -TT the eye-brows. - 4. as far as the eye, up to the eye. (-a: ) the outer corner of the eye. -o : inflammation of the eye; Susr. -roug: 1 the eye-ball. -2 a cat. - 3: hood-winking, playing at hide-and-seek; Bhag. -9:, -HOH the mucus of the eyes. - T a. stealing or captivating the eye. tfa: 1 an epithet of Indra (who had on his body a thousand marks resembling the female organ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra netrakam inflicted by the curse of Gautama). -2 the moon. -raJjanam a collyrium. -roman n. the eyelash. - vastiH m., f. a clyster-pipe with a bag. - a veil over the eye, the eyelid. -faf. excretion of the eyes. -viSa having poison in the eyes (the Brahmana); Mb. 2. -stambha: rigidity of the eyes. a. 1 A pipe. -2 A ladle. netrI See under netu. netrya a. Good or wholesome for the eyes. 1 P. (f) 1 To go. -2 To censure. -3 To bring near. nediSTha a. Nearest, next, very near (superl. of f q. v. ); namo nediSThAya Mahimna. 29. ref() Nearer, very near (compar. of enferm v.) ; nedIyasi priyatame Bv. 2.6; nedIyasI bhUtvA q. Mal. 1. drawing near, approaching': Si. 8. 48. nedIyomaraNa. One whose dents is imminent; samaya pracitAraMvAra nadIyamaraNaM va Raj. T. 4. 31. nedivas a. Sounding, making noise; tato'ntarikSa ninado mahAnabhUddivaukasAmapsarasAM ca neduSAm Mb. 9.57. 68. (com. neduSAM nAI kRtavatInAm ). nepaH A family priest. -pam Water. 1 Decoration, an ornament. -2 Dress, apparel, costume, attire; a R. 6.6;vidhAnazobhA 14.9; ujjvalanepathyaviracanA Mal. 1; Ku. 7.7; V. bahutaramanajotsavavidha 8. D. -3 Particularly, the costume of an actor ; viralanepathyayoH pAtrayoH sta M. 1.-4 The tiring-room, the space where the actors attire themselves (which is always behind the curtain), the postscenium; behind the scene'. -Comp. - gRham a. toilet-room. -prayoga: the art of toilet - making; one of the 64 kalas. -f arrangements of the tiring-room ; yadi nepathyavidhAnamavasitam S. 1. nepAla: N. of a country in the north of India. -lAH (pl.) The people of this country. Copper. - 1 The wild date tree or its fruit. -2 Red arsenic. -Comp. -jA-jAtA red arsenic nepAlajAmaricazakharasAJjanAni Susr. -mUlakam a radish. nepAlakam [Copper. nepAlikA Red arsenic. nema a. (Nom. pl. :) 1 Half. -#: 1 A part. -2 A period, time, season. -3 A boundary, limit. -An enclosure, fence. -5 The foundation of a wall. -6 Fraud, deceit. -7 Evening. -8 A hole, ditch. -9 A root. 10 Acting, dancing. -11 Upper part. -12 Ved. Food. Comp. fra a. Ved. divided; fara after Rv. 1. 72. 4 (see com.). -fafa: f. Ved. 1 battle, conflict. -2 dividing into two, fa 939 naigam af, f. 4 The circumference, ring or felly of a wheel; upoDhazabdA na rathAGganemayaH S. 7. 10; cakranemikrameNa Me. 111; R. 1. 17, 39. -2 Edge, rim; kaThoraneminA ciccheda rAmaH prasabhaM tvaheriva Bhag. 9. 15.34. -3 A windlass. - A circumference (in general); fr R. 9. 10. 5 A thunderbolt. -6 The earth. -f: The tree tiniza -Comp. -tumbAram The felly and nave; zobhanamasya cakrasya nemitumbAram SB. on MS. 1. 4. 20 - vRtti following the course of, acting like, the outer rims of the wheel; na vyatIyuH prajAstasya niyanturnemivRttayaH R. 1. 17. a. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir a. 1 To be led, managed, guided, governed. - Fit to be taught; Mb. 5. 74. 4 (com. : farefag:). 3 To be spent or passed (as time). a. Of manageable or tractable character; Raj. T. 1 A. (a) To go, move. neSTuH A clod of earth vathA mahArNave kSiptaH kSipraM niyati (v.l. for :) Mb. 13. 22. 11. gm. One of the chief officiating priests at a Soma sacrifice (whose number is 16). naiHzreyasa . ( -sI), naiHzreyasika. (kI) Load ing to happiness or final beatitude. naiHsvam, naiHzvyam [Dostitation, poverty, indigencenaika a. (-) 1 Not one or alone (mostly in comp. ); naiko muniryasya vacaH pramANam - 2 Various, manifold; Ra: Mu. 3. 19. See under . m., degrUpaH zRgaH epithets of the Supreme Being. -kaH An epithet of Visnu. Comp. - a millionaire, one possessing crores of rupees (Mar. r). a. living in society, gregarious nekacara ekacarI vA mahayati Bhatg -bheda 5.8.18. a. fickle, changeable. manifold, various. See under also. a. ind. In various ways, variously. ind. 1 In great numbers. -2 Repentedly, often, frequently. grAma naikaTika a. (f.) Adjacent, near, contiguous. An ascetic or Bhiksu; (vide commentary syAntike kozamAnaM tyaktvA yatayo bhikSavo ye nivasanti te naikaTikAH on paryAna mahAbaurATa naikaTikAmAn Bk. 4. 12. ) - Proximity, neighbourhood. : A demon, Raksasa. Agfa.(.) 1 Dishonest, false (or perhaps cruel); adhodRSTinaikRtikaH svArthasAdhanatatparaH Ms. 4. 1965 Bg. 18. 28.-2 Low, vile, wicked; Ram. 4. 17. 43.-3 Morose. For Private and Personal Use Only naigama . ( - mI.) [nigam-a ] Relating to or occur ring in the Veda or holy writings; as in 3. naigamAn mantrastasthau parvatarADiva Ram. 7.34.18. -maH 1 An Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir naigamika 940 naiyAya interpreter of the Vedas or sacred writings; 1 Antheag oftaraigarti Mb. 16. 7. 8; saat met Bhag. 11. 18. 29; fa at: -2 An Upanisad q. v. - A means, an expedient; dat alagrare #144 Mb. 12. 100. 4. -4 Prudent conduct. 5 A citizen, towns-man. - A trader, merchant; TIETTIY9999 : ra: V. 4. 4. 7 A name given to a collection of 278 Vedic words, commented on by Yaska. -Comp. -1 , -03H N. of the three chapters of the Nirukta, where the Vedic words are explained by Yaska. Af a. ( mf.) Connected with or peculiar to the Vedas; derived from the Vedas. AV N. of the glossary of Vedic words commented upon and explained by Yaska in his Nirukta. er a. Ved. Relating to low castes such as those of the Sudras. Ter Low or common people. -2 What belongs to such men. era (fe) An excellent cow; gestra face # f 14 Ud. S. 93. naicikam The head of an ox. AT a. (- f.) Own, one's own. ac The lower or infernal regions. -Comp. 47 m. Yama (Pluto ); stdagarso acara TI: #a: (v. l. for ans) My. 5. 18. Az Eternity, perpetuity. frezen a. ( f.), a a. ( f.) 1 Regularly recurring, constantly repeated. -2 To be performed regularly (and not on particular occasions); # arergaegre: Ms. 2. 106. -3 Indispensa ble, constant, obligatory. The food regularly offered to an idol (aaa); [2oz ay 29 gara 989: g: Mb. 3. 84. 105. AE : Summer. (-a.) Relating to summer; 7718475 offeret 98964 Ram. 7. 77. 7. Ara:, Agami 1 An etymologist. -2 A pathologist. BT: One who executes orders, a servant; a &facarry Gia T 44 Bhag. 6. 3. 1. REE 4. 1 Sleepy, somniferous. -2 closed (like petals); FATIGE Afegat (78) si. 6. 43. aga a. (-aft f.) Liable to death or destruction, perisha ble. -74 (In astrol.) The eighth house (i.e. the house of death ) Ha a. (a boundary ) Indicated by putting down various objects. of a. ( f.) Mentioned incidentally or by the way. ar a. ( f.) Produced in Nepal. 1 Red arsenic. -2 The indigo plant. -8 The plant called navamallikA. naipAlika a. (-kI/.) Produced in Nepal. -kam Copper. naipuNa See nipuNa; tathaiva te'stUpamA jIvaloke yathA dharmo naipuNe#urce: Mb. 13. 113. 10. Agura (17) 1 Dexterity, skill, cleverness, profii ciency; argoft ha agona 9 2 Mb. 13. 141. 34; angunazafa U. 6. 26; Si. 16. 30. -2 Strictness, exactness. -8 Anything that requires skill, a delicate matter. -4 Totality, completeness; I f e ez - Agory Ms. 10. 85. 1 Modesty, humility. -2 Secrecy; kuhaaffah M. 5.; Mb. 5. 53. 10. -3 Stilless, silentness. ARTH A banquet, feast. A : A trader, merchant. after a. ( f.) Relating to signs, marks &c. 77: An astrologer, fortune-teller. araferi a. s.) 1 Produced by, connected with, or dependent on, any particular cause. -2 Unusual, occasional, accidental, produced by some cause (opp. Paru). An astrologer, prophet. - 1 An effect (opp. Farat cause'); fafanaf : S. 7.30. -2 An occasional rite, a periodical ceremony, a conditional act, an act which is to be performed on the occurrence of a pat; affiffon SB. on MS. 12. 1. 18. -Comp. 1., for an occasional or periodical ceremony or rite. : N. of a egy occurring at the end of four thousand years, - &a special funeral rite. Aint a. (oft f.) Lasting for a "nimisa' or twinkling, momentary, transient. -74 N. of a sacred forest celebrated as the residence of certain sages to whom Sauti related the Mahabharata ; FTP adre : qram are afra a ft R. 19.1; (the name is thus derived:- Au& fe ani si o saatda afarrozdifah II). rata:, Huy: An inhabitant of the forest, called Naimina ; 7 alargarar a Ch. Up. 1. 2. 13. #: Barter, exchange. naiyagrodham The fruit of nyagrodha, the Indian fig-tree. R 1 Restraint, self-command. -2 Necessity, obligation. -8 The being settled or established. H a. ( f.) Conforma ble to rule or precept, regular. FH Regularity 014 a. Treating of, or explaining the Nyaya philosophy. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra naiyAyikaH naiyAyikaH A logician, a follower of the Nyaya system of philosophy; naiyAyikAnAM tu naye dyaNukAdAvapISyate Bhasa P nairantaryam 1 Uninterruptedness, close succession continuity; sa tu dIrghakAlanairantaryasatkArAsevito dRDhabhUmiH Yoga S. 14; nabho nairantarya pracalitataDitpiJjaramiva Mv. 1. 43. -2 Closeness, contiguity (in space). nairapekSyam Disregard, indifference. nairayikaH An inhabitant of hell. nairarthyam Senselessness, nonsense. nairAzyam 1 Hopelessness, despair, despondeney; AzA hi paramaM duHkhaM nairAzyaM paramaM sukham Bhag. 11. 8. 44; taTasthaM nairAzyAt U. 3. 13. -2 Absence of wish or expectation ; nAzAH pRSThataH kRtvA nairAzyamabalambitam H. 1. 124; Bv. 4. 20. nairuktaH, -nairuktika: One who knows the etymology of words, an etymologist ; Ms. 12. 111. nairujyam Health. nairRtaH 1 A demon; bhayamapralayodvegAdAcakhyunairRtodadheH R.. 10. 34; 11. 21; 12. 43; 14. 4; 15. 20.-2 The regent of the south-western direction; nirghRNaM nairRtAduccairbalinaM mArutAdapi Siva B. 29. 22 -tam The lunar mansion called Mala. nairRtI 1 An epithet of Durga. -2 The south-western direction. nairRtya a. South-western. nairguNyam 1 Absence of qualities or propertion guNAnuraktaM vyasanAya jantoH kSemAya nairguNyamatho manaH syAt Bhag. 5.11.8. -2 Want of excellence, absence of good qualities; naimyameva sAdhIyo cigastu guNagauravam Bv. 1. 88 nairghRNyam Pitilessness, cruelty; vaiSamyanairdhRNye na sApekSatvAt tathA hi darzayati Br. Sut. 2. 1. 34. nairdazya a. Getting over dangerous or critical times. dezikA A servant vaidezikairyasya yaze jano'yam Bhag nairmalyam Cleannon, purity, spotlessness (physical as well as moral). nairlajjam Shamalesences, impudencenailyam Bluemon, dark-blue colour. nairvAhika . ( - kI / . ) Conducting or leading out, carrying (as water &c.). -kam A sluice. naivaidhika. Piercing, penetrating prajJA a. Sagncious. a. naivi (vi) vayam 1 Compactnere, closeness, thickness, denseness. -2 Substance. -8 A continuous sound. naivedyam An offering of eatables presented to a deity or idol, 941 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir naiSThika naivezikam 1 Any vessel or implement forming part of domestic furniture: naivezikaM sarvagugopapatraM dadAti meM vastu naro dvijAya Mb. 13. 57.33. -2 A present to a Brahmapa householder, e. g. a girl or ornaments given with her. naiza a. ( -zI /.), naizika a. ( -kI / . ) 1 Nocturnal, belonging to the night, nightly; tannaizaM timiramapAkaroti candraH S. 6.30; naizasvAti iva niviSTamA V. 1.8; Ki. 5.23 jagati naizamazItakaraH karairviyati vAridavRndamayaM tamaH Si. 6. 43. - 2 To be observed at night. 'Atmaka naizAtmakaM darkish; tamo vidyAt triguNaM modazitam Mb. 14. 36.8. a. naivalyam Fixodneer, immovablemon, fixity. naizcityam 1 Determination, certainty. -2 A fixed ceremony or festival (such as a birth, marriage &c.). naivisyam Ahmence of enre or anxiety. naiSadha 1 A ling of the Nisadhna. 8 Bapecially, an epithet of king Nala, q. v. ; sa naiSadhasyArthapateH sutAyAm R. -3 A native or inhabitant of Nisadha. -4 N. of a Mahakavya by Sriharsa (treating of the adventures of Nala, king of the Nipadhas). naiSadhIya a. Relating to Nala ; kAvye cAruNi naiSadhIyacarite sargIyamAdirgataH N. 1. 145. naiSkarmyam 1 Idleness, inactivity. -2 Exemption from acts or their consequences; na karmaNAmanArambhAnnaiSkarmyaM puruSo'nute Bg. 3. 4; 18.49. -3 The salvation obtained by abstraction (as opposed to the salvation obtained by karmamArga ..) Ball-knowledge (AtmazAna); naiSkarmyabhAvena vivarjitAgamasvayaMprakAzAya namaskaromi Bhag. 8.8.16. naiSkartRka a. Employed on wages for cutting wood; yathA nai dAhAro naiSkako niSkartanabhUto karmayoge vartate evaM vA ete yajJasya Rtvija iti SB. on MS. 10.2.28. naiSkazatika a. (-kI/-) Worth a hundred Nipkass (30 niso naiSkasahasrika ). naiSkAmyam 1 Suppression of desire. -2 Profound contemplation; Buddh. naiSkika a. ( -kI / . ) Bought with or made of a Niska q.v. kaH A mint-master. naiSki canyam Indigence, absolute poverty or want. naiSkramaNam Any oblation or rite performed when a new-born child is taken out of the house for the first time. naiSkampam Indifference (to worldly pleasurer ). Baddh. naiSThika a. ( -kI . ) 1 Final, last, concluding; vidadhe vidhimasya naiSThikam R. 8. 25 -2 Decided, definitive, conclusive (as a reply.); eSA no naiSThikI buddhi: Mb. 1. 37.29.8 Fixed, firm, constant; zAntimApnoti naiSThikIm Bg. 5.12; matirbhavati naizikI Bhg. 1. 2. 18. Highest perfect: modena bAM kAmasukhairmadAd vA yo naiSThikaM zroSyati nAsya dharmam Bu. Ch. 1. 82, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra naiSThayam -5 Completely familiar with or versed in. -6 Vowing perpetual abstinence and chastity. -7 Obligatory; caiSThikaM karma trayANAM bhUridakSiNa Mb. 12. 68.23. phaH [nizA maraNaM tatparyantaM brahmacaryeNa tiSThati niSThA Thak] A perpetual] [religious student who continues with his spiritual precept or even after the prescribed period, and vows life-long abstinence and chastity; nivedito naiSTikasundarastayA Ku. 5. 62; cf. naiSThiko brahmacArI tu vasedArthanidhI Y.1.49 and upakurvANa also. naiSThayam Constancy, steady adherence to rule, firm belief, steadfastness. naisuryam Crucity, harslanese, severity janakRpAnapurva mutsRjyatAm Sadhana panchaka Stotra 4. naisargika a. ( - kI / . ) Natural, inborn, innate, inhe rent; naisargiko surabhiNaH kusumasya sivA mardhni sthitirma muravatADanAni Mal. 9.49; R. 5.37; 6.46. ahaM mamedamiti naisargiko'yaM lokabhyavahAraH Sankara bhagya naistrizika: A swordsman. naihAraH . Produced by mist or fogs tambAM tamovahAram Bhag. 10. 13. 45. no ind. ( na + u ) No, not; often used like na q. v.; na ca tat pretya no iha Bg. 17.28; Pt. 5. 24; Amaru. 6, 8, 10, 62; gopyAdhibhAge no vRddhiH sopakAre'tha hApite Y. 2. 59. no cet If not, otherwise ; no cettvAmiha ko jAnIte kAkakadambakalihite dyUte Uab. nodanam [dabhAve yud] 1 Impelling, driving urging onward. -2 Removing, driving away, dispelling. -8 Catting, splitting. nodayitR a. One who urges forward or propels ; samIraNo nodayitA bhaveti vyAdizyate kena hutAzanasya Ku. 3. 21. nodhA ind. Ninefold, in nine parts; nodhA vidhAya rUpaM svaM sarvasaMkalpavidhiH Bhag 3.23347. 942 a sailor, no / 1 A ship, bont, yeared mahatA pumyapaNyena kati kAyanaustvayA Santi. 3. 1. -2 N. of a constellation. -3 Time: nauH kAle naraNApi Nm. -Comp. -ArohaH (nAvArohaH ) 1 a passenger on board a ship. -2 a sailor. - karNadhAraH a helmsman, pilot. -karman n. the occupation of a sailor; nipAdo mArga dArsa naukarmajIvinam Ms. 10. 34. -kramaH bridge of boats. -caraH, -upajIvakaH, 1.-jIvikaH boatman; yAdonAthaH zivajalapathaH karmaNe naucarANAm R. 17. 81. - tArya a. navigable, to be traversed in a ship. -daNDaH an oar - yAnam navigation. -yAyin a. going in a boat, a passenger; eSa nauyAyinAmukto vyavahArasya nirNaya: Ms. 8. 409. -vAhaH a steersman, pilot, captain. - vyasanam shipwreck, nauvyasane vipannaH S. 6. -sAdhanam fleet, navy; naufrage; vaGgAnutkhAya tarasA netA nausAdhanodyatAn R. 4.36. naukA A small boat, a boat in general; kSaNamiha sajjanasaMgatirekA bhavati bhavArNavataraNe naukA Moha M. 6. -Comp. -daNDa: an oar. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nyazcanam nyak ind. An adverb, prefixed to kR or bhU, to imply ' contempt ', ' degradation' or ' humiliation'. nyakAknakA / A worm of ordure; L. D. B. nyakkR 8 U. To insult, contemn, slight, degrade, humiliate. nyakkaraNam, nyakkAra: Humiliation, degradation, disrespect, contempt, insult; nyakkAro hRdi vajrakIla iva me tIvraM parispandate Mv. 5. 22; 3.40; ayaM hi nyakkAro janani manujasya zravaNayo G. L. 32. nyagbhU 1 P. To become low or humble. - Caus. 1 To despise, contemn. -2 To humiliate, subdue, overcome; nyagbhAvayitA zatrUn Dk. nyagbhAvaH 1 Humiliation, degradation. -2 Making inferior, subordination. -3 Being brought or come down nyagbhAvaM paramaM vAyoH zAlmale tvamupAgataH Mb. 12. 155. 2. nyagbhAvita 1 Humiliated, degraded, slighted. -2 Surpassed, excelled, made inferior or secondary (apradhAnIkRta); gyambhAvitavAcyavyapavya janakSamasya zabdArthayugalasya K.P.1. nyakSa a. 1 Low, inferior, vile, mean. -2 Whole, entire. -kSa: 1 A buffalo. -2 An epithet of Parasurama.. -kSam 1 The whole. -2 A kind of grass. bhyagrodhaH 1 Tho (Indian fig tree jaTAH kRtvA gamiSyAmi nyagrodhakSIramAnaya Ram. 2.5268. -2 A fathom (measured by the arms extended ) - 3 The Sami tree. -4 An epithet of Visnu. -dhI ( -dhikA) N. of a plant (Mar. uMdIrakAnI ). -Comp. -parimaNDala a man being a fathom in circumference; ( thus described :- mahAdhanurdharAzcaiva tretAyAM cakravartinaH / sarvalakSaNasaMpannA nyagrodhaparimaNDalAH // ). - parimaNDalA an excellent woman; (she is thus described :-- stanau sukaThinau yasyA nitambe ca vizAlatA / madhye kSINA bhavedA sAnyayodhaparimaNDa (Subedak) pUrvAmiva zyAmA nyagrodhaparimaNDalA Bk. 5. 18. nyaku 1A kind of antelope sayonyabhirasadigdhaM vyAghraiH padaM teSu nidhIyate'dya R. 16. 15. -2 N. of the sage .-3 A student staying with his Guru. Nm. nyaccham A mole upon the body. nyac 1 P. 1 To go down bend down; Mal. 5.22. -2 To incline. -3 To diminish, pass away; nyaJcati vayasi prathame Bv. 2. 47. nyaJc a. ( -nIcI / ) 1 Going or turned downwards, turned or bent down. -2 Lying on the face. -3 Low, contemptible, base, mean, vile; Si. 15. 21 ( where it also means nimna or downward ). nyaJcastaM prApya madvidhAH Bk. 5. 36. - Slow, lazy. -5 Whole, entire. nyaJcanam 1 A curve. -2 A hiding place. -3 A hollow. -nI The lap. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nazcita 943 FORT: aga a. 1 Thrown or cast down. -2 Bent down. 537 P. 1 To anoint, besmear. -2 To conceal oneself. 7 p. p. 1 Anointed, smeared. -2 Mixed up, blended together. P : 1 A mark, sign. - A kind, sort. -3 Disgrace? qa-3546HIFU atste: Pratijna 1. 10. 541FF Hat Ha: Pratima 4. Furat: 1 Proximity. -2 Western side; Faraid Ram. 2. 68. 12. Fler: Loss, destruction ; decay nyarbudam Ved. One hundred millions (dazaguNaM arbudam ); fangagar Bhag. 8. 15. 16. FOTE: The accentless vowel at the end of the first member of a compound. ya 1 A. To consider; deliberate. TE 4 P'. 1 To set or put down, place, throw down; forang ya EUR4 Me. 13; afedi 27 474 Ms. 6. 46. -2 To lay or throw aside, abandon, give up, resign, relinquish; altera T R. 2.7; factata Ve. 3. 18; so TTL 2fa &c. -3 To put in, place within, place or put down upon anything with loc.); zirasyAjJA nyastA Amaru.823; citranyasta ' committed to picture', v. 1.4; Harapat $. 3. 8 applied '; 31202 T 20 -Bk. 1. 22; Me. 61. -4 To entrust, consign, commit to the care of, deliver; 316 79 al 2654: V. 5. 17; wraft 13 T4 Bk. 5. 82. -5 To give to, confer or bestow upon; TH3Fara R. 12. 2. - 'To state, bring forward, adduce, propound (as an argument); tai ufa Malli. on Si. 1. 17. -7 To settle, fix, appoint. -8 To support. FT 1 Depositing, lying down. -2 Delivering, giving up. -3 Bringing forward, mentioning. Furea p. p. 1 Cast down, thrown or laid down, deposited. - Put in, inserted, applied; Ferat: Ku. 1. 7. -3 Depicted, drawn; Fra. - 4 Consigned, delivered or transferred to; ahamapi tava sUnAvAyuSi nyasta 154: V.5. 17. -8 Leaning, resting on. - Given up, set aside, resigned. - Mystically touched; faci 27893 faid Erh an Mal. 5.2. -8 Exposed ( for sale; Fra). - Put on, donued ; * HIGH Mal. 5. 24. -10 Having the low tone (as a vowel). --Comp. -rtato a. To be placed, fixed. a. destitute of external signs (as royal marks &c.); # art # datasargfaat 418: R. 2. 7. - a. giving up the rod, i.e. punishment, meek, harmless. a. one who lays down the body, dead. -Te a. 1 one who has resigned or laid down his arms ; AcAryasya tribhuvanagurodhastazastrasya zokAt Ve. 3. 183 Ms. 3. 192. - unarmed, defenceless. -3 harmless. - 4 epithet of the manes, or deitied progenitors. FIAT: 1 Placing, putting down or upon, planting, Fa urafiy R. 2. 2; Ku. 6. 50; M. 2. 9; Mal. 5.5; TUTTA, HETZT &c.; # fe gaa 7770Fa: qa: A4 Ratn. 1. 10. 2 Hence, any impression, mark, stamp, print; after 4: R. 12.73; where the nail-marks surpassed those of weapons'; G ula:. -3 Depositing. - A pledge, deposit; - 14 garFatih S. 4. 22; R. 12. 18; Y. 2. 67. -8 Entrusting, committing, giving over, delivering, consigning. - Painting, writing down. -7 Giving up, resigning, abandoning, relinquishing; ta"; et quote a Bhag. 7. 15.8; zrat tah u bare By. 18.2. -8 Bringing forward, adducing. -9 Digging in, seizing (as with claws). -10 Assignment of the various parts of the body to different deities, which is usually accompanied with prayers and corresponding gesticulations. -11 Lowering the tone or voice. -12 ata q. v., sa a7 facrata: Bhag. 9. 6. 53. -13 Written or literal text ( 29). -14 Bringing forward, introducing (of. 2791-7 ). -Comp. -3796: repudiation of a deposit. Ee m . the holder of al deposit, a mortgagee. Faniem. One who has renounced all worldly ties, aSainyasin; gRhastho yena padavImajasA nyAsinAmiyAt Bhay. 7. 15. 75. nyAsIkR8U. 1To place as deposit; nyAsIkRtA sthAnafaer A Ku. 3. 55.-2 To entrust to, give in charge of; 7 TETRISATCHECETE isi e tura Mu. 1. nyAkyam Fried rice. 19: Eating, feeding; P. III. 3. 60. 12: 31st; -599] 1 Method, manner, way, rule, system, plan; 3728 ffrutafuta Gra: Ms. 8.310; 319 F a thsfrath SB. on MS. 6. 2.5; Taartat 19: RIETTA SB. on MS. 6. 2. 10.73 Fornara, -217 seat 4*196 afifa SB. on MS. 6. 2.30. - Fitness, propriety, decorum; - UTYTTS AT 19: Ki. 11.30.-3 Law, justice, virtue, equity, righteousness, honesty; yAnti nyAyapravRttasya tiryaJco'pi sahAyatAm A. R. 1.4. - A law-suit, legal proceeding. -6 Judicial sentence, judgment. -6 Policy, good government. -7 Likeness, analogy. -8 A popular maxim, an apposite illustration, illustration, as us94214, 212, quanta &c.; see Appendix. -9 A Vedic accent; aff ih Ku. 2. 12. (Malli. takes 79114 to mean at; but it is quite open, in our opinion, to take ure in the sense of a system' or 'way'; 'which are manifested in three systems, i. e. *, 49 and '); 721477 : Bh. 3. 1 55.-10 (In gram.) A universal rule. -11 A system of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nyAyataH Hindu philosophy founded by the sage Gautama. -12 The science of logic, logical philosophy. -13 A complete argument or syllogism (consisting of five members; ie pratijJA, hetu, udAharaNa, upanaya and nigamana) - 14 An epithet of Visqu. ( ind. in the way of, after the manner or analogy of; badhirAnmandakarNaH zreyAniti nyAyena &c.). Comp. a. rightly got, acquired (money). -AcAra a. virtuous. -AdhAraH an example of virtue or propriety. - semblance of reason, sophism. - rightly admitted. -fr&qur a. bestowing justly. -T: N. of Siva; Mb. 13. 17. 126 (com. a). -: the Mimamsa philosophy; (pl.) the different philosophical systems; Bhag. -f a well behaved, acting justly. a. one who speaks what is right or just. -vidyA, -zikSA; see nyAyazAstra. good conduct, virtue. - 1 the philosophi cal system of the Nyaya school. -2 the science of logic. -saMbaddha a. rational, logical. -sAriNI proper or suitable behaviour. the aphorisms of Nyaya philo sophy by Gautama. [NOTE: A few of the common Nyayas or popular maxims that were given under this word by Prin. Apte are taken in the Appendix along with many others. ] ind. 1 In a fitting manner, suitably, fitly; RtuM samApya tu tadA nyAyataH puruSarSabhaH Ram. 1.14.45. -2 Justly, rightly. a. 1 Right, fit, proper, just. -2 Logical, rational. nyAyya a. [ nyAyAdanapetaH yat ] 1 Just, proper, right, equitable, suitable, fit; nyAbhyAtpathaH pravicalanti padaM na dhIrAH Bh. 2. 83 zarIrabhit karma prArabhate nrH| nyAvA viparI : Bg. 18. 15; Ms. 2, 152; 9.202; R. 2. 55; Ki. 14. 7; Ku. 6. 87; quifaqa a faSB. on MS, 6. 1. 51; 6. 2. 20.-2 Usual, customary. nyAsa, nyAsin &c. See under nyas. (F) a. 1 Charming, beautitul, lovely. -2 Proper, right. -3 A particular sound of recitation of Samans; Nm. in the 944 pa pa a. (At the end of comp.) 1 Drinking; as in fa, 3. -2 Guarding, protecting, ruling; as in 19. 29, fafa. -q: 1 Air, wind. -2 A leaf. -3 An egg, -4 The act of drinking; also . -5 (in music) The fifth note of the gamut. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pakti 4 P. 1 To assent or agree to. -2 To rejoice. delight in, be pleased. aft 1 A female servant (according to Sayana) -2 A kind of woman's ornament; MW.; nArAzaMsI nyocanI Rv. 10.85.6. 6 P. To bend or press down, throw down. a. 1 Turned or bent downwards, lying on the face; UrdhvArpitanyubjakaTAhakalpe ( vyomni ) N. 22. 32; gagfuzas : Siva B. 28. 83. -2 Bent, crooked. 3 Convex. 4 Hump-backed. : 1 The Nyagrodha tree. -2 A kind of ladle made of Kusa grass. A vessel used in Sraddhas. -Comp. -F a crooked sword, sabre. Fa. 1 Lessened, diminished, shortened. - Defective, inferior, deficient, wanting, destitute of; as in arthanyUna atha kasmAdetAni vaikRtAni vAkyAni nyUnAnyeva nAnumanyante / kimebhiH pUritaiH / nyUnAni anekArthAni bhavanti SB. on MS. 7.4.12. -3 Less (opp. adhika); nyUnAdhikavibhaktAnAM dharmyaH pitRkRtaH smRtaH Y. 2. 116. - Defective (in some organ); 1. -8 Low, wicked, vile, despicable. Want or omission of one of the five members in a Nyaya argument. ind. Less, in a less degree. -Comp. - a. maimed, mutilated. - a. more or less, unequal. a. deficient in intellect, ignorant, foolish. E: an idiot (having no full 50 properties of human nature).-: inferiority, deficiency. 1 Inferiority (to). -2 Want, deficiency. nyUnayati Den. P. nyUnIka 8 U To lossom, diminishnyej (ni + ej) 1 To tremble; nizitAsirato'bhI ko nyejate' Ki. 15. 22. -2 To shine. nyer ( ni + A + Ir ) 1 Direct or address (a wish or desire) to. - To appoint. For Private and Personal Use Only a. Ved. Having an eternal abode. a. Crooked (fig. also), wicked, vile. , 1, 10 P. To destroy. T: 1 The hut of a Chandala or barbarian ; ( vizvAmitrasya saMvAdaM cANDAlasya ca pakaNe Mb. 12. 141.12. -2 A village of the barbarians. pakti, paktu, pakka &c. See under pac. Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pakkazaH 948 941: #T: N. of a barbarous tribe, a Chandala. TET 1 P., 10 U. (qara, 20d-) 1 To take, seize. -2 To accept. -3 To side with. TT: [ 427-349 ] 1 A wing, pinion; 319114 92199 la K. 317; 80 399a: fledged; 48 194 R. 4. 40; 3. 42. -2 The feather or feathers on each side of an arrow; 3dardutraat: ugra 48: Jeyat zerat: (371:) Si. 20. 11. -3 The flank or side of a man or animal, the shoulder; stambaramA ubhayapakSavinItanidrAH R. 5. 72. -4 The side of anything, a flank; Coacu 92414H Ki. 14. 31. -5 The wing or flank of an army; yuqarog 1214 ( 1244-24) Ram. 7. 6. 69. -6 The half of anything. -7 The half of a lunar month, a fortnight comprising 15 days; there are two such paksas, 192: the bright or light half, and -ara-927: the dark half ); aranes & Guilerargat farfa 4 R. 6.34; Ms. 1. 66; Y. 3.50; AT HAN T 4 Tagtie Pt. 1. 92; Mb. 3. 260.5. -8 (a) A party in general, faction, side; y aan R. 6. 86; Si. 2. 117; ac : Bg. 14. 25; R. 6. 53; 18. 17. () A family, race; Enraai 7819df HII HITA : Mb. 13. 57. 40; fofo 94222241** Pt. 4. 2y. -9 One belonging to any party, a follower, partisan; viSNupakSaiH praticchannairna bhidyetAsya dhIryathA Bhag. 7.5.7; 792 Hart H. 1. -10 A class, multitude, host, any number of adherents; as 311deg, 47o. -11 One side of an argument, an alternative, one of two cases; in the other case, on the other hand', qe aluat erarhagot: R. 4. 10; 14. 34 ; cf. qaz and 14.-12 A case or supposition in general; as in r . -13 A point under discussion, a thesis, an argument to be maintained. -14 The subject of a syllogism or conclusion (the minor term); de Tarraart 41: T. S., a: Jayar zaratar: Si. 20.11 where it means a feather' also ). -15 A symbolical expression for the number two'. -16 A bird. -17 A state, condition. -18 The body. -19 A limb of the body. -20 A royal elephant. -21 An army; Mb. 2. 16.7.-22 A wall. -23 Opposition. -24 Rejoinder, reply. -26 A mass, quantity when in composition with words meaning 'hair'); 1989:; cf. a. -26 Place, position. -27 A view, notion, idea.--28 The side of an oquation in a primary division. -29 The ash-pit of a fire-place. -30 Proximity, neighbourhood. -31 A bracket. -32 Purity, perfection. -33 A house. -34 The sun according to Sayana ); 1991 1989414 - U Rv. 3. 53. 16. -Comp. -3TET: logic, casuistry. -37-: 1 the 15th day of either half month, i.e. the day of new or full moon. - 2 the end of the wings of an army. -STATI 1 another side.-2 a different side or view of an argument. -3 another supposition.-3124T: = 4270 q.v. - ala: 1 palsy or paralysis of one side, hemiplegia. ......995 -2 refutation of an argument. -3TTHIA: 1 a fallacious argument. -2 a false plaint. -316TT: eating food only once in a fortnight; 497CITI gia: TETTI aua Mb. 3. 26. 5. -Jariga a. showing partiality, adopting a side. - TA a. flying. -A&OTH choosing a party; taking the side of. -ata: = T&Tata: see above. - a. (a house wanting a side. -TC: 1 an elephant strayed from the herd. -2 the moon. -3 an attendant. -10 m. an epithet of Indra (clipper of the wings of mountains ); Frasa zaitei 1777 Ku. 1. 20. -37: the moon. T44 1 both sides of an argument. -2' a couple of fortnights', i.e. a month. IT a sidedoor, private entrance. E a. 1 winged. -2 adhering to the party of one, siding with any one. (- :) 1 a bird. -2 the moon. -3 a partisan. -4 an elephant strayed from the herd. -nADI a quill. -nikSepa: the placing on the side of, counting among. -91a: 1 siding with any one; yad duryodhanapakSapAtasadRzaM karma Ve. 3.5. -2 liking, desire, love, affection (for a thing); hafa Hog Rear: Ki. 3. 12; U. 5. 17; feguar a: 49a: Mu. 1. -3 attachment to a party, partisanship, partiality; 92191947 cat Hud M. l; a atha wana Bh. 1. 47. -4 falling of wings, the moulting of birds. -5 a partisan.-qaat, -a4 1 partisanship, adherence to a side or party. -2 friendship, fellowship. -3 movement of the wings; aq e 429aarsiasta fay higats a N. 2.52.-qat a. or subst. 1 siding with, adhering to, a party, attached or partial (to a particular cause); 491faat dar 3110 qrara Ve. 3. -2 sympathizing; Ve. 3. -3 & follower, partisan, friend; 7: 91929 v. 1. gif a private door. -ge: a wing. OTTO a. factious, promoting quarrels. -Targare: a case of the description of a thing which admits of two alternatives (cf. Dandaviveka G. 0. S. 52, p. 21). -fars: a heron. -HT: 1 the side or flank. -2 especially, the flank of an elephant. yleri f. the course traversed by the sun in a fortnight. - a. distinction between two sides of an argument. -rAtriH a kind of play or sport. -vaJcitakam a particular position of hands in dancing. -a: paralysis of one side. -OH the root of a wing; 31wafaa4372407: ( za: By. 2. 99. -TEETT forming a party or faction. -a : 1 an exparte statement. -2 stating a case, expression of opinion. -ara: a bird. -Eurfa a. 1 embracing the whole of an argument. -2 pervading the minor term. -&a a. paralysed on one side; agar UIT TETETT Mb. 12. 180.39. -ET: 1 a bird. -2 a recreant, traitor. TTH: 1 a sacrificial rite lasting for a fortnight. -2 a rite to be performed every fortnight. TT*: 1 A side-door. -2 A side; " T AHITIE: 945749a Si. 11. 7. -3 An associate, a partisan (at the end of comp.). -4 A fan. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pakSatA pakSatA 1 Alliance, partisanship. -2 Adherence to a party. -3 Taking up a side or argument. -4 Forming a part of. 5 Maintaining or defending a thesis. -6 The essential nature of a proposition. -7 Being the minor term or subject of a syllogism. pakSatiH / 1 The root of a wing; alikhaJcaJcupuTena pakSatI N. 2. 2; fwagafe: U. 3. 43; Si. 11. 26; 1 Bazda Parquet Siva B. 20. 16. -2 The first day of a lunar fortnight. pakSavat . 1 Winged. -2 Balonging to a party. -3 of good family, well-born; rUpAnvitAM pakSavatA manojJAM bhAryAmayatnopagatAM labhet saH Mb. 13. 57. 40. pakSas n. 1 A wing. -2 The side-part of a carriage. -3 The leaf of a door. -4 The wing of an army. -5 A half or division. -6 A half month. -7 The side or shore of a river. -8 A side in general. -9 Part, view, alternative ; pUrvasmin pakSasi tryanIkA viparivartate SB. on MS. 10. 5. 55. pAluH A bird. pakSiNI [pakSatulya divaso asthAH ini pU] 1 A femwnlo bird. -2 A night with the two days enclosing it; ( dvAkAkarAtri pakSiNItyabhidhIyate) 8 The day of full moon. -$ A children's malady ( pUtanA) Glrvidya. pakSin a. ( - NI /- ) [ pakSa astyarthe ini ] 1 Winged ; ye pakSiNaH prathamamambunidhiM gatAste Si. 5. 31. -2 Furnished with wings. -3 Siding with adhering to the party of. m. 1 A bird. -2 An arrow. -3 An epithet of Siva. -Comp. indraH pravaraH, -rAja, rAjaH siMhaH, svAmina // epithets of Garaja. phITa: an insignificant bird. - tIrtham N. of a sacred place in South India. -patiH an epithet of Sampati. -pAnIyazAlikA a trough or reservoir for watering birds. -puGgavaH an opithet of Jatayu. -2 N. of Garuda. -bAlakaH, -zAvakaH a young hird. mArga: the air. -zArdUlaH (in music) a kind of dance. - zAlA 1 a nest. -2 an aviary. pakSilaH 1 N. of the saint Vatsyayana. -2 A helper; Girvana. pakSIkR To appropriate, become master. a. pakSIya . ( At the end of oomp.) Belonging to a side or party, siding with, adhering to the side of; as kurupakSIyAH &c. pakSmana [[pa-manina] 1 An eyelash salilagurubhiH pakSmabhiH Mo. 91.49; R. 2. 19; 11. 36. -2 The filament of a flower. 3 The point of a thread, a thin thread. -4 A wing. -5 The leaf of a flower. -6 A whisker ( mukhoparisthakeza ); bAlyAt prasuptasya mahAbalasya siMhasya pakSmANi mukhAllunAsi Mb. 3. 268.6. -7 The hair ( of a deer ); nisargacitrojjvalasUkSmapakSmaNA (lasat ) Si. 1. 8. -Comp. - kopa:, - prakopaH irritation produced in the eye by the lashes turning inwards. -pAtaH Closing of the eyes ; also pakSmasaMpAtaH. 946 paktiH pakSmala 1 Having strong, long or beautiful eyelashes; pakSmalAkSyAH S. 3. 24. -2 Hairy, shaggy; mRditapakSmalarallakAGgaH Si. 4. 61. -3 Downy, soft. -Comp. - dRz f. a woman with long eyelashes. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pakSya a. [ pakSe bhavaH yat ] 1 Produced or occurring in a fortnight. -2 Siding with. -3 Lateral. 4 Changing every half month. -kSya: A partisan, follower, friend, ally; nanu vajriNa eva vIryametadvijayante dviSato yadasya pakSyAH V. 1. 18. paGkaH, -kam [ paJca vistAre karmaNi karaNe vA gham kutvam ] 1 Mud, elay, mires anIlA pakartA bhUtimudakaM nAvatiSThate S. 2. 841 paGkaklinnamukhA: Mk. 5.14; Ki. 2.6; R. 16.30 -2 Hence a thick mass, large quantity; kRSNAgurupaka: K. 30. -3 A slough, quagmire. 4 Sin. 8 Ointment, unguent ; po'ruNaH surabhirAtmaviSANa IdRk Bhag. 5. 2. 11. -Comp. -karvaTa: a marsh, an alluvium. -kIraH a lapwing. -krIDaH, -krIDanakaH a hog - grAhaH a Makara or crocodile. -chid m. the clearing-nut tree, ( kataka, the fruit of which is used in purifying muddy water); mando'yamandatAmeti saMsargeNa vipazcitaH / paGkacchidaH phalasyeva nikaSeNAvilaM payaH // M. 2. 8. -jam a lotus. ( -jaH ) the Sarasa bird. ja, janman m. an epithet_of_Brahma. koza: a lotus-bud; ( stanadvayam ) tirazcakAra bhramarAbhilInayoH sujAtayoH paGkajakozayoH zriyam R. 3. 8. nAbhaH an epithet of Vishu; suto'bhavat pakajanA bhakalpaH R. 18. 20. - janman n. a lotus. (m.) the Sarasa bird. -digdha .. soiled with mire or mud. -bhAj a sunk in mud. -bhAraka a. muddy, soiled. -maNDukaH a bivalve conch. - ruh n., - ruham a lotus. -vAsaH a crab. -zU (sU) raNa the fibrous edible root of a lotus. paGkajinI 1 A lotus plant kRtipedenami mukhAntavisarpipAjanyAH Ki. 10. 33. -2 A group of lotus plants or lotuses. -3 A place abounding with lotuses. -4 The flexible stalk of a water-lily. paGkaya Don. P. ( paGkayati ) To make muddy, besmear; glAnidoSacchidaH svacchAH sa mUDhaH paGkayatyapaH Ki.11.19. paGkAraH 1 Moss. -2 A dam, dike. -3 Stairs, a ladder, a flight of steps. paGkina a. Muddy, filled with mud, soiled. phila a. Muddy, foul, turbid, dirty; Si. 17. 8. -laH A boat. par3hakenam A lotus. padake, hama A lotus; yatpAdaparahasevayA bhavAnahAracInirjitadiggaja asUna Bhag. 7. 15. 68 viSNupAdAdi0 stotram 13. -ha: The crane or Sarasa bird. pakezaya a. Dwelling in mud. paGkaNaH The hut of a Chandala ; see paNa. paGktiH /. [ paJca vistAre ktin] 1 A line, row, range, series; dRzyeta cArupadapaktiralaktakAkA V. 4. 16; pakSmapaktiH R.. 2. 19; atiKiu. 4. 15 sahasradhAtmA vyAka payomurcA For Private and Personal Use Only Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir paGktikA 947 pakka paktiSu vidyuteva R.6.5. -B A group, collection, Hock, ! -2 To barke, burn (as bricks); 8ee pakka -3 To digest (as troop. -3 A row of people (of the same caste) sitting food); pacAmyannaM caturvidham Bg.15.14.-4 To ripen, mature, down to a meal, a company or party at dinner of the -8 To bring to perfection, develop (as understanding). same caste; f. patitapAvana below. -4 The living genera- -6 To melt (as metals). -7 cook (tor oneself) ( Atm). tion. -5 The earth. -6 Fame, celebrity. -7 A collec- -Pass. (pacyate) 1 To be cooked. -2 To become ripe, tion of five, or the number 'five'. -8 The number matured or developed, ripen; (fig.) to bear fruit, 'ten' as in paktiratha, paktigrIva. -9 Cooking; maturing, attain perfection or fulfilment; sadya eva sukRtAM hi pacyate -10 A company of persons of the same tribe. -11 A kalpavRkSaphaladharmi kAkSitam R. 11.50. -8 To be infiamed. sort of fivefold metre. -Comp. -kaNTakaH paGktidUSaka -Caus. 1 (pAcayati-te) To cause to be cooked, to have q.v. -2 a white-flowering Achyranthas (Mar. pAMDharA cooked or dressed (food &c.).-2 To cause to ripen or AghADA). -krama: An order, succession. -grIvaH an epi-. develop, bring to maturity, perfection, or completion. thet ot Ravana. -cara: an osprey. -dUSaH,-dUSaka: a per- -3 To cure, heal. -Desid. (pipakSati) To wish to cook son defiling a society of persons, one with whom it is Re. -Witn pari to ripen, mature, develop. vi 1 To improper to associate at dinner-time; teSAmanye paGktidUSA- mature develop, ripen, bear fruit; garbhazAlisadharmANastasya stathA'nye paktitapAvanAH Mb. 13. 90. 5. -doSaH anything gUDhaM vipecire R.17.53.-2 To digest.-3 To cook thoroughly. that defiles a social circle. -pAvana: a respectable or -II.1 A. (pacate) To make clear or evident; see (paJcate) eminent person; especially, a respectable Brahmana also. -Caus. 1 To explain fully, dilate upon, amplify. who, being very learned, always gets the seat of | -2 To spread. honour at dinner parties, or who purifies by his pre paktiH . [pac-bhAve-ktin ] 1 Cooking; vaivAhike'nau kurvIta... sence the water or persons who sit in the same row to ...pakti cAnvAhikI gRhI Ms. 3.67; The process or act of dine with him; Si. 14.333; paktipAvanAH paJcAgnayaH Mal.1. cooking; viSamA hi paktirAjAnAmAvikAnAM ca mAMsAnAm / yAvatA where Jagaddhara says:-patitapAvanAH paktI bhojanAdi kAlenAjAni pacyante tAvatAvikAni viliiynte| SB. on MS. 11. goSThapa paavnaaH| agrabhojinaH pavitrA baa| yadvA / yajuSAM pArago yasta sAmnAM yazcApi pAragaH / atharvaziraso'dhyetA brAhmaNaH paktipAvanaH || or 4.37. -2 Digesting, digestion. -3 Ripening, becoming agnyAH sarveSu vedeSu sarvapravacaneSu ca / yAvadete prapazyanti pakyA tAvat ripe, maturity, development; na papAta saMnihitapaktisurabhiSu punanti // tato hi pAvanAt paktyA ucyante paktitapAvanAH. Manu phaleSu mAnasam Ki. 12.4.-4 Fame, dignity. - The place of digestion (jaTharAgni); paktidRSTyoH paraM tejaH (sannivezayet ) explains the word thus:-apAktyopahatA paktiH pAvyate yairdvijottamaiH / tAnibodhata kAsnyana dvijAranyAn paGktipAvanAn Ms. 3. Ms. 12.200. -6 Purification%3; zarIrapaktiH karmANi Mb. 12. 183; see 3. 184, 186 also. -THAcacia Arabica (Mar. 270.38. -7 Any dish of cooked food ( Ved.). -Comp. -vaiSamyama difference in the mode of cooking: jAtyantareSu pAMgArA, etc.). -rathaH N. of Dasaratha ; nRpateH pratiSiddhameva bhedaH syAt paktivaiSamyAt MS. 11.4.37. -zUlam violent pain tatkRtavAnpaktiratho vilakSya yat R. 9.74. of the bowels arising from indigestion, colic. -sthAnam paGktikA A row, line. -2 Number ten. a place of digestion. paGktiza: ind. By rows or numbers; dakSiNIyamavagamya patR . 1 Who or what cooks. -2 Cooking. -3 StipaktizaH paktipAvanamatha dvijavrajam Si. 14. 33. mulating, digesting. -4 Ripening. -m. 1 Fire (especial ly in the stomach ). -2 A cook. pagu . (- or -GvI 1.) Lane, halt, erippled. -guH 1 A lame man; mUkaM karoti vAcAlaM pakguM laGghayate girim. paktra m 1 The state of a house-holder who maintains -2 An epithet of Saturn. -Comp. -TIE: 1 a crocodile the sacred fire. -2 The sacred fire so maintained. (makara). -2 the tenth sign of the zodiac; Capricornus (makara).-vAsaraH Saturday. patrima a. 1 Ripe, ripened. -2 Matured. -3 Cooked. -4 Obtained by boiling (as salt). -8 Fructifying; TFT a. Lame, crippled. duHkhe jAtucitAgate svakalitAd duSkarmaNaH patrimAt Vis. Guna. 22. pagutA 1 Lameness; pagutAmazvahAraka: Ms. 11.51. -2 | paka.. paca-kta tasya va:1AChaitad. motionlessness. in pakvAnna. -2 Digested. -3 Baked, burned, annealed pagula a. Lame, crippled; cakSuSA viprahINasya pagulasya (opp. Ama); pakkeSTakAnAmAkarSaNam , AmeSTakAnAM chedanam Mk. 3. jaDasya vA / hareta yo vai sarvasvaM taM vidyAd brahmaghAtinam // -la: 1A 12/13. -4 Mature, ripe; pakvabimbAdharoSTI Me.82; yathA phalAnA horse of silvery white colour. -2 The planet Sani. pakkAnAM nAnyatra patanAd bhayam Subhas.-B Fully developed, come to perfection, perfect, matured as in pakadhI; agnipac I. 10. (pacati-te, papAca-pece, ApakSIt-apakta, pakSyati-te, pakkAzano vA syAt kAlapakvabhugeva vA Ms.6.17.-8 Experienced, paktam, paka) 1To cook, roast, dress ( as food &c.) (said to shrewd. -7 Ripe (as a boil), ready to suppurate. -8 govern two accusatives; as taNDulAnodanaM pacati, but this use Grey (as hair ).-9Perished, decaying, on the eve of is very rare in classical Sanskrit); yaH pacatyAtmakAraNAt Ms. I destruction, ripe to meet one's doom; 'parka pariNate'pi 3, 1183; zUle matsyAnivApakSyan durbalAn balavattarAH 7.20%; Bh.1.85. syAdvinAzAbhimukhe triSu' Medini; pakkApakveti subhRzaM vAvAzyante vAMsi For Private and Personal Use Only Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pakkatA 948 paJcan ........ .... ...... Mb. 6. 3. 44. - 1 Cooked food. -2 Ripe corn. -3 The ashes of a burnt corpse. -Comp. - Atti chronic dysentery. -annam cooked or dressed food. -AdhAnam, -371974: the stomach, abdomen. Tehta baked brick. TOTAL a building constructed with baked bricks. - a. whose passion has become extinguished. a. 1 cooking; -2 maturing. (m.) the Nimba tree.- T a. grey-haired. - a. having a decrepit or infirm body. T: wine or any spirituous liquor. -arft n. the water of boiled rice (15h), sour rice-gruel. Tear Maturity, ripeness, development &o. TET a. Cooking, Maturing &c. 77 a. ( At the end of comp.) Cooking, baking &c. TE a. 1 Cooking, roasting. -2 Digesting. -=:, - 1 Cooking.-2 Maturing. -Comp. re continual baking and pounding a continual boiling of salt. YETI Curcuma Aromatica; Xanthorrhiza (Mar. TE). * A cook. Tea a. 1 Cooked, dressed. -2 Ripe, developed, mature. -: 1 Fire. -2 The sun. -3 N. of Indra. -24 Cooked food. -Comp. rar continual baking and roasting; cf. arcanicar. 97 a.[99-70 ] Cooking, dressing, maturing &c. - 1 Fire ; 372 74-aikaiser Ch. Up. 1. 12. 1; 37277916692grey RET: Bhag. 6. 9. 12. -ar Becoming ripe, ripening. The wild citron tree. - Cooking, dressing, maturing &c.; Bhag. 3. 26.40. -2 A means or instrument for cooking, a vessel, fuel &c. -3 Ripening, maturing. -4 Becoming cooked or ripe. 977: An epithet of Siva. TETAP a. Accustomed to cook one's food. TETT The act of cooking. fa: 1 Fire. -2 Cooking &c. YERA a. 1 Cooking or ripening quickly. -2 Fit to be matured. -3 Ripening spontaneously or naturally; of HRETT THE N. 1. 94; stage 3afata 14901744 Ram. Ch. 4. 70. H: 1 Fire. -2 The sun. pacelukaH A cook. paJcanikA, paJcanI A particular part of a plough. 79694 ind. Foot by foot; 374 aangaf yeg aparata Ch. Up. 5. 2.7. Taft 1 A small bell. -2 N. of a metre; Sabda Ch. 17 a. Ved. 1 Powerful, strong. -2 Wealthy, rich. 7An epithet of Angiras. 1999: 1 Time. -2 The (Indian ) cuckoo. 957 1 A. See II. To diffuse, elaborate, L. D. B. 79 a. Spread, extended. -Comp. -3 , -3TTET, -Te 1 a lion. -2 learned ; 499717771:. 977 num. a. (Always pl.; nom. and acc. 47) Five. (As the first member of comp. 97 drops its final). [cf. Gr. pente ] -Comp.-313T: the fifth part, a fifth. -3fa: 1 an aggregate of five sacred fires; i.e. (anvAhAryapacana or dakSiNa, gArhapatya, AhavanIya, sabhya, and Ava. au). -2 a householder who maintains the five sacred fires; 9574 Y at: Mal. 1; Ms 3. 185. -3 five mystic fires supposed to exist in the body; grace krodhazcakSurUSmA tathaiva ca / agmirjarayate yacca paJcAgneyAH zarIriNaH // Mb. 12. 184. 21.-4 one who is acquainted with the doctrine of these fires. HTT77 four fires on four sides and the sun above the head. This is a form of penance. -31T a. five-membered, having five parts or divisions as in water: 4 (i. e. algut a significar anar ger ); 595aanradient 2: Ki. 2. 12 (see Malli. and Kamandaka quoted by him); paJcAGgamabhinayamupadizya M. 1; FAITTEET o ne4a: 419199+TTO U SA all (-) 1 a tortoise or turtle. -2 a kind of horse with five spots in different parts of his body. ( eft) a bit for horses. (- ) 1 collection or aggregate of five parts. -2 five modes of devotion (silent prayer, oblations, libations, bathing idols and feeding Brahmanas) -3 the five parts of a tree; svapatrakusumaM mUlaphalamekasya shaakhinH| ekatra militaM caitan paJcAGgafufa la 11 -4 a calendar or almanac, so called because it treats of five things:-- (fararte 2 : karaNameva ca); caturaGgabalo rAjA jagatIM vazamAnayet / ahaM paJcA gabalavAnAkAzaM vazamAnaye || Subhas. guptaH a turtle. degpatram a calendar. degvinirNayaH the five rules are as follows; sahAyAH sAdhanopAyA vibhAgo dezakAlayoH / vinipAtapratIkAraH siddhiH paJcAgaf d || Kamandak; cf. Ki. 2. 12. 'Taf. the propiti ousness or favourable state of five important points ; i. e. fare, art, 79T, , and 70 (in astrology ). -38 a. five-membered. -3789 a.(-or .) measuring five fingers. (3) the castor oil plant. -37 341 ) the five products of the goat; cf. 471162. -fat a. liberated (9); Atsa qala 5497 Mb. 12. 59.90.-TER n. N. of a lake, said to have been created by the sage Mandakarni; cf. R. 13.38. -3THT The five plants i. e. (Mar. Hi, ai, , nirguDI and tuLasa. -amRta a. consisting of 5 ingredients. (-4) 1 the aggregate of five drugs: dry ginger, a species of Moonseed (Cocculus cordifolius, Mar. Yoan), Asparagus recemosus (Mar. Tarat), Hypoxis brevifolia For Private and Personal Use Only Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pazcan 949 pazcan (Mar. musaLI), gokSuraka (Mar. gokharUM).-2 the collection of (sthUlazarIra); prANamayakoSa the vesture of the vital airs ; manofive sweet things used in worshipping deities; (dugdhaM ca mayakoSa the sensorial vesture; vijJAnamayakoSa the cognitional zarkarA caiva ghRtaM dadhi tathA madhu).-3 the five elements; Mal.5.2. vesture (these three form the liGgazarIra); and Ananda-amlam the aggregate of five acid plants (the jujube, mayakoSa the last vesture, that of beatitude. koSairanamayAyaiH pomegranate, sorrel, spondias and citron). -arcis paJcabhirAtmA na saMvRto bhAti / nijazaktisamutpannaiH zaivAlapaTalairivAmbu m. the planet Mereury. -avayava a. five-membered vApIstham | Vivekachudamani.-kozI 1a distance of five (as a syllogism, the five members being, pratijJA, hetu, Krosas. -2 N. of the city, Benares. -khaTvam, -khaTvI udAharaNa, upanaya and nigamana q.v.). -avastha: a corpse a collection of five beds. -ta . (in alg.) raised to the (so called because it is resolved into the five elements) fifth power. -vam a collection of five cows. -gavyam the ct. paJcatva below. -avikam the five products of the five products of the cow taken collectively; i. e. milk, sheep; ef. paJcagavya. -azItiHf eighty-five. -ahaH a curds, clarified butter or ghee, urine, and cowdung period of five days. -TIT a. doing penance with five (kSIraM dadhi tathA cAjyaM mUtraM gomayameva ca). -gu . bought with fires (i. e. with four fires and the sun ); cf. R. 13. 41. five cows. -guNa a. five-fold.:(-NAH) the five objects of -Atma ka a. consisting of five elements (as body ). sense (rUpa, rasa, gandha, sparza and zabda). (-NI) the earth. -AnanaH, -AsyaH, -mukhaH,-vaktraH 1 epithets of Siva. -guptaH 1a tortoise (as drawing in its 4 feet and head). -2 a lion (so called because its mouth is generally -2 the materialistic system of philosophy, the doctrines wide open; paJcam AnanaM yasya), (often used at the end of the Charvakas. -ghAtaH (in music) a kind of meaof names of learned men to express great learning or sure. -catvAriMza a. forty-fifth. -catvAriMzat f. fortyrespect ; nyAya, tarkadeg &e. e. J. jagannAthatarkapaJcAnana ); see paJca 4. five. -cAmaram N. of 2 kinds of metre; pramANikApadadvayaM -3 the sign Leo of the vodiac. ( ) an epithet of badanti paJcacAmaram Vrittaratnakara. -jana: 1a man, manDurga. -3T1TOTT: m. (pl.) five Sastras supposed to kind. -2 N. of a demon who had assumed the form have proceeded from the five mouths of Siva. -AyatanI, of a conch-shell, and was slain by Krisna; tasmai prAdAdara -nam a group of five deities like gaNapati, viSNu, zaMkara, devI putraM mRtaM paJcajanodarAt Bhag.3.3.2. -3 the soul. -4 the and sUrya. -indriyam an aggregate of the five organs five classes of beings; i.e. gods, men, Gandharvas, (of sense or actions; see indriyam).-iSuH,-bANaH, -zara: serpente and pitris; yasmin paJca paJcajanA AkAzazca pratiSThitaH epithets of the god of love; (so called because he has Bri. Up. 4. 4. 17. -5 the four primary castes of the five arrows : their names are:-aravindamazoka ca cUtaM ca Hindus (brAhmaNa, kSatriya, vaizya and zUdra) with the Nisadas navamallikA / nIlotpalaM ca pacaite pazcabANasya saaykaaH|| the five arrows or barbarians as the fifth pl. in these two senses); are also thus named:-saMmohanonmAdanau ca shossnnstaapnstthaa| (for a full exposition see Sarira bhasya on Br. Sutras stambhanati kAmasya paJcabANAH prkiirtitaaH||).-upcaarH the five 1.4.11-13). (-nI) an assemblage of five persons. articles of worship ie. (gandha, puSpa, dhUpa, dIpa and naivedya). -janIna . devoted to the five races. (-naH) an actory a -uSma n m. (pl.) the five digestive fires supposed to be mimic, buffoon, one who is devoted to the pentad vis. in the body. -kapAla a. prepared or offered in five singer, musician, dancer, harlot and a jester; gAyakavAdakacups. -kaNe a. branded in the ear with the number natekadAsIbhaNDarataH khalu paJcajanInaH Bhasavritti on P.V.1.9. 'five' (as cattle &c.); of. P. VI. 3. 115. -karman . -a : 1 an epithet of Buddha as possessing the five (in medicine ) the five kinds of treatment ; i.e. 1 47 kinds of knowledge. -2 a man familiar with the doc'giving emetics'; 2 recana 'purging'; 3 nasya giving stre- trines of the Pasupatas. -takSam, -kSI a collection of nutatories'; 4 anuvAsana 'administering an enema which five carpenters. -tattvam 1 the five elements taken is oily', and 5 faez 'administering an enema which is collectively; i.e. pRthvI, ap , tejas, vAyu and AkAza. -2 not oily. vamanaM recanaM nasyaM nirUhazcAnuvAsanam / paJcakarmedamanyacca (in the Tantras) the five essentials of the Tantrikas, jJeyamutkSepaNAdikam // . -kalyANaka: a horse with white feet also called paJcamakAra because they all begin with ma; i.e. and a white mouth. -kaSAya adecoction from the fruits madya, mAMsa, matsya, mudrA and maithuna,-tantram N. of a well-known of five plants (jambu, zAlmali, vATyAla, bakula and badara). collection in five books containing moral stories and -kRtyam the five actions by which the Supreme Power fa bles by Visnugupta; paJcatantrAttathAnyasmAd granthAdAkRSya manifests itself (mRSTi, sthiti, saMhAra, tirobhAva and anugraha- likhyate H. Pr. 9. -tanmAtram the five subtle and prikaraNa). -kRtvas ind. five times. -kRSNaH A kind of game. mary elements ( such as zabda, rasa, sparza, rUpa and gandha). (-COTT:) The five deities of Mahanubhava sect namely -tapas m. an ascetic who in summer practises penance cakravartI kRSNa, Datta of Matapura, Gundam Raul of sitting in the middle of four fires with the sun burning Rddhipura, cAMgadeva rAULa of dvArAvatI and cAMgadeva rAULa of pratiSThAna, right over his head; ct. havirbhujAmedhavatAM caturNI madhye -koNa: a pentagon. kolam the five spices taken collec- lalATaMtapasaptasaptiH R. 13.41; Ku. 5.23; Ms. 6. 23 and tively; pippalI pippalImUlaM cavyacitrakanAgaram / paJcakolaM......... Si. 2.5l also; grISme paJcatapA bIro varSAsvAsAraSANmuniH Bhag. (Mar. piMpaLI, piMpaLamULa, cavaka, citraka va suMTha). -koSA: m. 4.28.6%3 Ram, 3.6.5. -taya a. five-fold; vRttayaH paJcatamyaH (pl.) the five vestures or wrappers supposed to invest kliSTA aktiSTAH Mbh. (-yaH) a pentad. -tiktam the the soul; they are:-annamayakoSa or the earthly body five bitter things:-niMbAmRtAvRSapaTolanidigdhikAca, -trizaa. ve restures cavaka, citrakAram / paJcakolaMon co For Private and Personal Use Only Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 980 pazcan thirty fifth. -triMzat, -triMzatiH f. thirty-five. -daza a. 1 fifteenth. -2 increased by fifteen; as in paJcadazaM zatam 'one hundred and fifteen'. -dazan a. (pl.) fifteen. ahaH a period of fifteen days. -dazin a. made or consisting of fifteen. -dazI 1 the fifteenth day of a lunar fortnight (the full or new moon day); Y. 1. 146. -2 N. of aphilosophical work (prakaraNagrantha) by mAdhavAcArya (vidyAraNya). -dIrgham the five long parts of the body; the arms, eyes, belly, nose and breast; bAhU netradvayaM kukSi tu nAse tathaiva ca / stanayorantaraM caiva paJcadIrgha prcksste|| -devatA: the five deities :---AdityaM gaNanAthaM ca devIM rudraM ca kezavam / paJcadaivatamityuktaM sarvakarmasu pUjayet / / -dhAraNakaa.upheld by the five elements. -Pe: 1 any animal with five claws; such as the hare, alligator, tortoise, poreupine, rhinoceros zazakaH zallakI godhA khaDgI kUrmazca paJcamaH / paJca paJcanakhA bhakSyA ye proktAH kRtajairdvijaiH Bk. 6. 181; Ms. 5. 17, 183 Y. 1. 177. -2 an elephant. -3a turtle. -4a lion or tiger. -nakhI, -nakharAja an iguana (Mar. ghorapaDa); Girvana. -nadaH 'the country of five rivers, the modern Panjab (the five rivers being zatadru, vipAzA, irAvatI, candrabhAgA and vitastA, or the modern names Sutlej, Beas, Ravee, Chenab and Jhelum ). -dA (pl.) the people of this country.-navatiHf. ninetyfive. -farah the five products of fara viz. ( the flowers, fruit, leaves, bark and root). -nIrAjanam waving five things before an idol and then falling prostrate before it; (the five things being:-a lamp, lotus, cloth, mango and betel-leaf). -pazcAzaa. fittyfifth. -paJcAzata f. fifty-five. -padI 1 five steps 3; puMso yamAntaM vrajato'pi niSThurairetairdhanaiH paJcapadI na dIyate Pt.2.115.-2 the five strong eases, i.e. the first five inflections Tan. (pl.) the five parvana q.v.; they are caturdazyaSTamI caiva amAvAsyA ca puurnnimaa| parvANyetAni rAjendra ravisaMkrAntireva ca // -a. five-knotted (an arrow). -pallavam The leaves of the mango, fig, banyan, ficus religiosa (Mar. piMpaLa) and Genus Ficus (Mar. pAyarI). There are other variations such as panasa, Amra, pippala, vaTa and bakula. The first group is for the Vedic ritual only. -91914 1 five vessels taken collectively. -2 a Sraddha in which offerings are made in five vessels. -pAdaa. consisting of five feet, steps, or parts; paJcapAda pitaram Prasna Up.1.11.(-m.) a year (saMvatsara).-pAdikA N. of a commentary on zArIrakabhASya. -pitR m. (pl.) the five fathers :-janakazvopanetA ca yazca kanyAM prayacchati / annadAtA bhayatrAtA paJcaite pitaraH smRtaaH|| -pittam the bile of five animals vis. the boar, goat, buffalo, fish and peacock ). -prastha a. having five elevations (a forest.). -prANA:m. (pl.) the five life-winds or vital airs; prANa, apAna, vyAna, udAna and samAna. -prAsAda: a temple of a particular size with four pinnacles and a. steeple. -bandha a fine equal to the fifth part of anything lost or stolen.-TOT: five medicinal herbs, namely balA, nAgabalA, mahAbalA, atibalA and rAjabalA. -bANaH, -vANaH,-zaraH epithets of the god of love; see paJceSu. -bAhuH N. of Siva. -binduprasRtam N. of a particular movement in dancing; Dk. 2. -bIjAni the five seeds :-karkaTI, pusa, dAdima, padmabIja, and vAnarIbIja. -bhadra . 1 having five good qualities. -2 consisting of five good ingredients (as a sauce &e.). -3 having five auspicious marks (as a horse) in the chest, back, face and Aanks. -4 vicious. : a kind of pavilion. -bhAgin m. the live deities of paJcamahAyajJa; dharmakAmavihInasya cukrudhuH paJcabhAginaH Bhag. 11.28.9.-bhuja a. pentagonal. (-jaH)1a pentagon; f. paJcakoNa.-2 N. of Ganesa. -bhUtam the five elements ; pRthvI, ap, tejas, vAyu and AkAza. -bhRGgA: the five trees, rit. devadAlI (Mar. devaDaMgarI), zamI, bhajA (Mar. bhAMga), nirguNDI and tamAlapatra. -makAram the five essentials of the left-hand Tantra ritual of which the first lotter is ma; Bee paJcatattva (2). -mahApAtakam the five great sing; see mahApAtaka; Ms. 11. 54. - arat: m. (pl.) the five daily sacrifices enjoined to be performed by a; adhyApana brahmayajJaH pitRyajJastu tarpaNam / homo daivo balibhIto nRyajJo'tithipUjanam // Ms. 3.70. ahutaM ca hutaM caiva tathA prahutameva ca / brAhma hutaM prAzitaM ca pazca yajJAna pracakSate // Ms. 3. 73; 8ee mahAyajJa. -mAra: son of Baladeva; L. D. B. -mAza (Si)kau. consisting of five Masas (as a fine &c.). -mASa (Si)kaa.amounting to five masas%3 gardabhAjAvikAnAM tu daNDaH syAtpaJcamASika: Ms.8.298. -mAsya . happening every five months. -mukha: an arrow with five points ; (for other senses see paJcAnana.) -mudrA five gestures to be made in presenting offerings to an idol; vi: AvAhanI, sthApanI, saMnidhApanI, saMbodhanI and saMmukhIkaraNI; 8ee mudrA. -mUtram the urine of five female animals : the cow, goat, she-buffalo, sheep, and she-ass.). -mUlam there are nine varieties of the pentad combinations of roots ; laghupaJcamUla, bRhatpaJcamUla, zatAvaryAdi, tRNapaJcamUla, jIvakAdipaJcamUla, punarnavAdipaJcamUla, gokSurAdi', vallI'. -ratnam a collection of five yems (they are variously enumerated: (1) nIlakaM vajraka ceti padmarAgazca mauktikm| pravAlaM ceti vijJeyaM paMcaratnaM mniissibhiH|| (2) suvarNa rajataM muktA rAjAvarta pravAlakam / ratnapaJcakamAkhyAtam ... // (3) kanakaM hIrakaM nIlaM padmarAgazca mauktikam / paJcaratnamidaM proktamRSibhiH pUrvadarzibhiH // -2 the five most admired episodes of the Mahabharata; gItA, viSNusahasranAma, bhISmastavarAja, anusmRti and gajendramokSa). -rasA the AmalakI tree (Mar. AMvaLI). -rAtram 1a period of five nights ; ityarthaM vayamAnItAH paJcarAtro'pi vidyate Paich. 3.24. -2 N. of one of Bhasa's dramas. -3 N. of a philosophical treatise attributed to Narada.-4N. of an ahIna (sacrifice) lasting for 5 days%3 sa etaM paJcarAtraM puruSamedhaM yajJakratumapazyat Sat. Br.;ct. M.b. 12.218. 11. -rAzikam the rule of five (in math.). -lakSaNam / Purana; so called because it deals with five important topics:-sargazca pratisargazca vaMzo manvantarANi ca / vaMzAnucaritaM caiva purANaM pasalakSaNam / / Bee purANa also. -lavaNam five kinds of salt; it. kAcaka, saindhava, sAmudra, biDa and sauvarcala. -lAGgalakam a gift (mahAdAna) of as much land as can be cultivated with five ploughs. -lokapAla: the five guardian deities vis. Vinayaka, Durga, Vayu, Akasa and Asvinikumara. -DEH a metallic alloy containing five_metals (i. e. copper, brass, tin, lead and iron). EiH the five metals i. e. gold, silver, copper, tin and lead. -vaTa: the sacred or sacrificial thread worn across the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pazcan 981 pazcAzikA mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm breast ( yajJopavIta).-vaTI 1 the five fig-trees : i.. azvattha, bilva, vaTa, dhAtrI and azoka. -2N. of a part of the Dap- ! daka forest where the Godavari rises and where Rama ! dwelt for a considerable time with his beloved; it is two miles from Nasik; pariharantamapi mAmitaH paJcavaTIsnaho balAdAkarSatIva U. 2.27/28; R. 13. 34.-vargaH 1 an aggregate of five. -2 the five essential elements of the body. -3 the five organs of sense; saMtuSTapaJcavargo'haM lokayAtrA pravAhaye Ram. 2. 109. 27. -4 the five daily sacrifices enjoinerl to be performed by u Brahma nu; cf. 96143.- the tive classes of spies (kApaTika, udAsthita, gRhapativyajana, vaidehikavyaJjana and tApasavyaJjana); ck. Kull. on Ms.7.154. -varSadezIya . about five years old. -varSIya a. five years old. -valkalam a collection of the barks of five kinds of trees; namely nyagrodha, udumbara, azvattha, plakSa and vetasa. -vallabhA N. of Draupadi. -vArSika a. recurring every five years. -vAhin a. drawn by five (as a carriage). -viza . twenty-fifth. -T: 1 a Stoma consisting of 25 parts. -2 N. of Vishu ( regarded as the 25th tattva); sa tu janaparitApaM tatkRtaM jAnatA te narahara upanItaH paJcatAM paJcaviMza Bhag. 7.8.53. -viMzatiHf. twenty-five. -vizatikA a collection of twenty-five; as in vetAlapaJcaviMzatikA. -vidha. fivefold, of five kinds. degprakRtiH / the five departments of a | government ; amAtyarASTradurgArthadaNDAkhyAH paJca cAparAH Ms. 7. 157. -vIragoSTham an assembly room, concert-hall; rAgamaJjarI nAma paJcavIragoSThe saMgItakamanuSTAsyati Dk. 2. -vRt, -vRtam ind.. five-fold.-vRttitA depending on senses; Ram. 2. 100.65. -zata a. amounting to five hundred. (-tam) 1 one hundred and five. -2 five hundred. -Tier: 1 the hand; svaziraH pazcazAkhAbhyAmabhihatyAyatekSaNA Mb. 11. 17.30%3B kadApi no muJcati paJcazAkhaH (nArAyaNasya). Ram. Ch. 1.9%3B sphUrjadratnAlgulIyAtizabalanakhadyotibhiH paJcazAkhaiH Siva B. 30. 49. -2 an elephant. -zAradIyaH N. of a Yaga. -zikhaH 1 lion. -zIlam the five rules of conduct; Buddh. -zukla m The holy combination of five days, ria. Uttarayapa (day of the gods), the bright half of the month (day of the manes) and day time, harivAsara and siddhakSetra (ef. trizuklam ). -Sa a. (pl.) five or six; santyanye'pi bRhaspatiprabhRtayaH saMbhAvitAH paJcapAH Bh. 2. 34.-SaSTa a. sixty-fifth. -paSTiHf. sixty-five. -saTa: one with five tufts of hair on the head (saTAH jaTAH kezasanniveze madhye madhye paJcasu sthAneSu kSauravadvApanam); dAso'yaM mucyatAM rAjJastvayA paJcasaTaH kRtaH Mb. 3. 272. 18; (Mar. pAMca pATa kADhaNe). -saptata a. Seventy-fifth. -saptatiH f. seventy-five. -sasyam the five grains wit. dhAnya, mudga, tila, yava and mASa. -siddhAntI f. the five astronomical doctrines from astronomical book like sUryasiddhAnta etc. -siddhauSadhayaH the five medicinal plants :-tailakanda, sudhAkanda, kroDakanda, rudantikA, sarpAkSI. -sugandhakam the five kinds of aromatic vegetable substances; they are:-kapUrakakolalavaDgapuSpaguvAkajAtIphalapaJcakena / samAMzabhAgena ca yojitena manoharaM paJcasugandhakaM syAt // . -sUnAH f. the five things in a house by which animal life may be accidentally destroyed; they are:-paJcasUnA gRhasvasya cullI peSaNyupaskaraH kaNDanI codakumbhazca Ms.3.68.-saraNAH the five medicinal esculent roots ; sweet and bitter sUraNa, atyamlaparNI, kANDIra, mAlAkanda. &c. -srotam n. the mind; paJcasrotasi niSNAtaH Mb. 12.218. 11 (com. paJcastrotAMsi viSayakedArapraNAlikA yasya tasmin manasi). -hAyana a. five years old. paJcaka a. 1 Consisting of five. -2 Relating to five. -3 Made of five. -4 Bought with five. -5 Taking tive percent. -kaH, -kam 1 A collection or aggregate of five; amlapaJcakam . -2 the pentad of five nakSatra: beginning from dhaniSThA and ending in revatI. -kam A field of battle. 930 f. A pentad, an aggregate of five. paJcataya a. Fivetold. paJcatA, -tvam 1 Five-fold state. -2 A collection of five. -3 The five elements taken collectively. -4 the body; tritve hutvAtha paJcatvaM tacaikatve'juhonmuniH Bhag.1.15.42. -5 Death, dissolution; -paJcatAM, tvam gam,-yA &c. means 'to be resolved into the five elements of which the body consists', 'to die or perish; paJcatA, -tvaM nI 'tokill or destroy'; paJcabhirnirmite dehe paJcatvaM ca punrgte| svAM svAM yonimanuprApte tatra kA parivedanA | Ratn. 3.33 zabdAdibhiH paJcabhireva paJca paJcatvamApuH svaguNena baddhAH Vivekachudamani. paJcathuH 1 Time. -2 The Indian cuckoo. paJcadhA ind. 1 In five parts. -2 In five ways. paJcanI 1 Ashequered cloth tor playing at draughts. -2 A chess-board. paJcama a. (-mI/.) 1 The fifth. -2 Forming a fifth part. -3 Dexterous, clever.-4 Beautiful, brilliant.-A: 1 The fifth (or in later times the seventh) note of the Indian gamut; it is said to be produced by the cuckoo (kokilo rauti paJcamam Narada), and is so called because it is produced from 5 parts of the body :-- vAyuH samudgato nAbherurohRtkaNThamUrdhasu / vicaran paJcamasthAnaprAptyA paJcama ucyte||.-2 N. of a Raga or musical mode (sung in the above note); vyathayati vRthA maunaM tanvi prapaJcaya paJcamam Git. 10%; so udAJcitapazcamarAgam Git. 1. -3 The fifth consonant of a class% Bite. a. nasal. -mam 1A fifth. -2 Sexual intercourse (maithuna), the fifth makAra of the Tantrikas. -mam ind. For the fifth time, fifthly; Ms. 8. 125. -mI 1 The fifth day of a lunar fortnight. -2 The ablative ease (in gram.). -3 An epithet of Draupadi. -4 A chequered board for playing at draughts. -Comp. -AsyaH the cuckoo. -svaram N. of a metre; P. R. TTT: ind. Five by five, by fives. paJcamin a. Being in the fifth year of one's age. paJcAza (-zI/.) Fiftieth. paJcAzat, pazcAzatiH f. Fifty. paJcAzikA 1A collection of tifty. -2 A collection of fitty versese.. caurapaJcAzikA. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra paJcikA 1 N. of each book of the Aitareya Brahmana. -2 A game played with five dice. paJcAlam Scripture; L. D. B; pravRttaM ca nivRttaM ca zAstraM paJcAsAMjJitam Bhag. 4. 29.18. m. (pl.) 1 N. of a country and its people. A king of the Panchalas. paJcAlikA A doll, puppot. of pAcAlikA 1 A doll, puppet. -2 A kind of song. -3 Chequered board for playing at draughts, chess-board &c.; (also a in this sense only). The sacrificial cord worn across the shoul der. paJcikA Soe patrikA A journal, rooord; prAyaH pavitrA lokAnAmiyaM cAritrapacikA Mv. 4. 59. paJcIkaraNam A philosophical term meaning the action by which anything is constituted of the five elements; (1/2 of one and 1/8 of other four elements) dvidhA dvidhA cekaikaM caturthI pathamaM punaH svasyetaradvitIyAMzayajanAt patha qa Vedantasara 39. 42. paJjaram A cage, an aviary; paJjarazukaH, bhujapaJjaraH &c. -, - 1 Ribs. -2 A skeleton. 1 The body. -2 The Kaliyuga. 3 A purifiestory ceremony performed on cows. Comp. -: a sort of basket or trap for catching fish. - a parrot in a cage, caged parrot; krIDAvezmani caiSa parazukaH klAnto jalaM yAcate V. 2. 23. paJjarakaH, -kam A cage. paJjiH, JjI / 1 The ball of cotton from which thread is spun. -2 A record, journal, register. -3 A calendar, an almanac. Comp. -, 1 a writer, scribe. -2 an almanac-maker. q 1 A perpetual or running commentary which explains and analyses every word; fear 14. -2 A journal, a book in which accounts of receipts and expenditure are entered. -3 The record or register of human actions kept by Yama. (For other senses see above). -Comp. - 1 a scribe. -2 a man of the Kayastha tribe. -3 an almanac-maker. 1.1 P. (a) To go or move. -Caus. or 10 U. (zafa-a) 1 To split, cleave, tear up, tear asunder, tear open, divide; kaMcinmadhyAt pATayAmAsa dantI Si. 18. 51; afa Y. 2. 94; Mk. 9. -2 To break, break open; anyAsu bhittiSu mayA nizi pATitAsu Mk. 3.14. - 8To pierce, prick, penetrate; fan fer R. 11. 81. - To remove, eradicate. -5 To pluck out. -6 To shine. -7 To speak. II. 10 U. (-) 1 To string or weave; kuvindastvaM tAvat paTayasi guNagrAmamabhitaH K. P. 7. -2 To clothe, envelop. -3 To surround, encircle. 962 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir paTahA paTaH, -Tam [ paT veSTane karaNe ghaJarthe kaH ] 1 A garment, raiment, cloth, a piece of cloth; ayaM paTaH sUtradaridratAM gato hAyaM paTarichadrazatairalaMkRtaH &c. Mk. 2. 9; meghAH sravanti baladevapaTa prakAzAH 5. 45.2 Fine cloth. -3 A veil, screen. -4 A tablet, plate or piece of cloth for writing or painting upon. - Anything well made or polished. A thatch, roof. -Comp. -aJcala: the hem of a garment. - uTajam 1 a tent. -2 a mushroom; L. D. B. -3 an upper garment. n. weaving, business of the loom. 1 a weaver. -2 a painter. - ., -fa shred of cloth paTacchidakAlikapuSpajAH jaH N. 15. 141 - maNDapaH, -vApaH, vezman n. a tent; prabhornivAsAH paTavezmabhirbabhuH Si. 12. 63. Heh. Uttarabhaga: : : : para maNDapa Siva B. 22.61 stambhitastambha parama Siva B. 17. 68. a. painted. -: the interstices in a lattice-window; paTabhAsasUkSmacchidrAlakSitA Dk. 2. - vAsaH 1 a tent. -2 a petticoat. -3 perfumed powder; Ratn. 1; parAgaiH puSpANAM prakaTapaTavAsavyatikaraH Nag. 3. 7. -4 a cover (pidhAna); nijaraja paTavAsamivAkirat St. 6. 37. vAyam kind of cymbal. - perfumed powder. 1 A camp, an encampment. -2 Cotton-cloth. -3 The half of a village. a. Made of cloth. -: A tent. paTaccaraH A thief ; cf. pATaccara; tathaivAparamatsyAMzca vyajayat sa paTaccarAn Mb. 2. 31. 4. ram Old or ragged clothes. A thief. 2921 ind. An imitative sound. paTalam [paTU baiThane ka] 1 A rood, thateh nimita Mu. 3. 15. -2 A cover, covering, veil, coating (in general); farefa de arfa : Bv. 1. 74. 8 A film or coating over the eyes. A heap, multitude, mass, quantity; : Si. 1. 21; jaladapaTalAni Pt 1. 361; kSaudrapaTalaiH R. 4. 63; muktApaTalam 13. 17; 3 Git. 7. -8 A basket. -6 Retinue, train. -7 A mark on the forehead or any other part of the body.,1 A tree. -2 A stalk. -3 A collection; AyurvAyuviSahitApaTIlInAmbuvad bhakpuram Bh. laH, cham A section or chapter of a book. -Comp. -: the edge of a roof. 2,1 A cover, screen, veil. -2 A little box or basket. A heap, mass, multitude. TE: 1 A kettle-drum, a war-drum, drum, tabor; kurvan saMdhyAmapiTahato zUlinaH zrapanIyAm Me. OM paTuphTahaafafafafaz: R. 9. 71. -2 Beginning, undertaking. -3 Injuring, killing. Comp. -sit: a crier (who beats a drum and then makes the proclamation ). - bhramaNam going about with a drum to call people together. the hour at which a drum is beaten every day For Private and Personal Use Only Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir paTAka: 963 paTAka: A bird. paTAkA (= patAkA q.v.). paTAlukA A leech. paTi, TI/. 1 The curtain of a stage. -2 A cloth. -3 Coarse cloth, canvas. -4 A sereen of cloth sur'rounding a tent. -8 A coloured garment. -Comp. -kSepa: tossing aside the curtain (of the stage); used as a stage-direction to denote the hurried entrance of a character on the stage; of. apaTIkSepa. paTikA Woven cloth. paTimanm .1 Dexterity, cleverness. -2 Sharpnoss. -3 Acidity. -4 Harshness, roughness, -5 Violence, intensity &c. paTIra a. 1 Beautiful, lovely. -2 High, tall. -: [ paT Iran ] 1 A ball for playing with. -2 Sandal-wood -3 Cupid, the god of love. -ram 1 Catechu.-2 A Sieve -8 The belly. -4 A field. 6 A cloud. -6 Height -7A radish. -8 Rheumatism. -9 Catarrh. -Comp. -janman m. sandal-tree ; vahati viSadharAn paTIrajanmA Bv.1.74 paTu . (T or TvI f.; compar. paTIyas , superl. paTiSTha) 1 Clever, skilful, dexterous, proficient; pATIra tava paTIyAn kaH paripATImimAmurIkartum Jagannatha; ef. also aghaTitaghaTanApaTIyasI; (usually with a loc.) vAci paTuH &c. -2 Sharp, acrid, pungent. -3 Sharp, smart (as intellect), intelligent. -4 Violent, strong, sharp, intense; ayamapi paTurdhArAsAro na bANaparaMparA V.4.13 U.4.3.-BShrill, clear, sharp-sounding; kimidaM paTupaTahazakhamizro nAndInAdaH Mu.63 paTupaTahadhvanibhirvinItanidraH R.9.71, 73%3 Mal.5.4. -8 Apt, disposed ; smartumadhigataguNasmaraNAH paTavo na doSamakhilaM khalUttamA; Si. 15. 43. -7 Harsh, cruel, hard-hearted. -8 Sly, cunning, crafty, roguish. -9 Healthy, sound; mRdusUryoH sunIhArAH paTuzItAH samAhitAH (zUnyAraNyAH )Ram. 3.16.12.-10 Active, busy. -11 Eloquent, talkative, -12 Blown, expanded. -18 Hard, rough, fierce.-14 Contumelious (as a speech). -TaH,-Tan. A mushroom (chatrA). - Salt. -Comp. -karaNa a. having sound organs. -kalpa, -dezIya va. Pretty clever, tolerably sharp. -qual a shrill bell; Mb. -tRNam, -tRNakam a kind of pungent grass. -trayam a. collection of three salts (Mar. seMdhava, biDaloNa va saMcaLakhAra). -mati a. clever-minded. -rUpa a very clever. paTiman m. Sharpness, pungency. paTutA, tvam 1 Cleverness. -2 Skilfulness, proficiency. -3 Activity, power of working; agAni prasabhaM tyajanti paTutAm Mu.3.1. paTola: A species of cucumber (Mar. paDavaLa); sAmasAdhyeSu kAryeSu yo daNDa yojayed budhH| sa pitte zarkarAzAmye paTola kaTukaM pibet || Pt. 3. 132; also paTuka. -lam A kind of cloth. paTolaka: An oyster. saM. I. ko....12. paTTaH,-TTam 1A slab, tablet (for writing upon), plate in general; zilApaTTamadhizayAnA S.350 bhAlapaTTa &c. - A royal grant or ediet, paTe vA tAmrapaTTe vA svamudrIparicihitam / abhilekhyAtmano baMzyAnAtmAnaM ca mhiiptiH|| 1.1.319. -3 A tiara, diadem; nirvRttajAmbUnadapaTTabandhe nyastaM lalATe tilakaM dadhAnaH R. 18.44 paTTaH zubhado rAjJAM madhye'STAvagulAni vistiirnnH| sapta narendramahipyAH paDU yuvarAjasya nirdissttH|| caturagulavistAraH paTTaH senApaterbhavati mdhye| dve ca prasAdapaTTaH paJcaite kIrtitAH pttttaaH|| Bri. S. -4 A strip; nirmokapaTTAH phaNibhirvimuktAH R. 16. 179 -BSilk; paTTopadhAnam; K. 173 Bh. 3.74; 80 pazukam . -8 Fine or coloured cloth, cloth in general.-7 An upper garment; galitamiva bhuvo vilokya rAmaM dharaNidharastanazuklacInapaTTam Bk. 10.61. -8 A fillet or cloth worn round the head, turban; especially, a coloured silk turban; bhAraH paraM paTTakirITajuSTamapyuttamAgaM na namenmukundam Bhag 2.3.21; trAsArtA RtvijoDa dhazcapalagaNahRtoSNISapaTTAH patanti Ratn. 1.4. -9 A throne. -10 A chair or stool. -11 A shield. -12 A grinding stone. -13A place where four roads meet. -14A city, town. -18 A bandage, ligature; baddheSu vraNapaTTakeSu Ve. 6. 1. -TTI 1 An ornament for the forehead. -2 A horse's girth. -Comp. -aMzukaH 1asilk cloth. -2 an upper or outer garment. -abhiSeka: the conseeration of the tiara. -ahA~ the principal queen. -upAdhyAya: a writer of royal grants and other documents. -karmakara: a weaver. -jam a sort of cloth. -devI, -mahiSI,-rAjJI the principal queen. -bandhaH , bandhanam 1 wearing dress. -2 binding the head with a crown or turban. -rAgaH sandal. -vastra, -vAsas a. attired in woven silk or coloured cloth; jINoM kanthA tataH kiM sitamamalavara paTTavastra tataH kim Bh. 3.74. -zAlA a tent. -sUtrakAraH a silk-weaver. paTTaka: 1A plate of metal used for inscriptions or royal edicts. -2 A bandage. -3 A document; (also n.) paTTakila: The tenant of a piece of land (by royal edict). paTTanam, -nI A city. paTTikA 1 A tablet, plate; as in hRtapaTTikA. -2 A document. -3 A piece or fragment of cloth: valkalakadazAdvipATya paTTikAm K.149. - A piece of silkem cloth. -BA ligature, bandage. -Comp. -ati a silk-weaver. paTTalam A coating, multitude ; vAjirAjimukhotkhAtadhUlIpaTTalapATalAm Parnal. 4. 12. paTTalA A district, community. paTTi (TTI)zaH (saH) A kind of spear with a sharp edge (Mar. paTTA); kaNapaprAsapaTiza &c. Dk.; (paTizo lauhadaNDI yastIkSNadhAraH kSuropamaH Vaijayanti); bhuzuNDibhizcakragadarTipaTTizaiH......zirAMsi cicchiduH Bhag.8. 10. 36. paTTolikA 1 A kind of bond or lease (bhUmikaragrahaNavyavasthApakaH patrabhedaH Tv.). -2 A written legal opinion. pat 1 P.(paThati, paThita) 1 To read or repeat aloud, recite, rehearse; yaH paThecchRNuyAdapi. -2 To read or recite For Private and Personal Use Only Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 984 paNya Levible, to oneselt; study, peruse; ityetanmAnavaM zAstra bhRguproktaM paThan / dAnItAn sauvarNAn rAjatAn paNAna Siva B. 23.3.-9 Price. -10 dvijaH Ms. 15. 12634.98; nAkSarANi paThatA kimapAThi N.5.121. Wealth, property; AropaNena paNamapratikAryamAryastrayambakasya dhanuSA -3 To invoke (as a deity). -4 To cite, quote, mention yadi nAkariSyat Mv. 1. za.-11 A commodity for sale. -12 (as in a book); etadicchAmyahaM zrotuM purANe yadi paThyate Mb. Business, transaction; nirasya samayaM sarve paNo'smAkaM bhaviSyati -To declare, describe, express%3; bhAryA ca paramo hyarthaH Mb. 3.7.9.-13 Ashop. -14 Aseller, vendor. -18 A puruSasyeha paThapate; Mb. -8 To teach. -7 To learn from distiller. -18 A house. -11 Expense of an expedition. (with abl.). -Caus. (pAThayati-te) 1 To cause to read -18 A handful of anything, -19 An epithet of Visnu. aloud. -2 To teach, instruct; rAjan rAjasutA na pAThayati -Comp. -aGganA,-strI a prostitute, harlot; zobhA hi mAm K. P.10. -Desid. (pipaThiSati) To wish to recite &g. paNastrINAM sadRzajanasamAzrayaH kAmaH Mk.8.33. -aya: Acquisition -With ft to mention, declare. (-Caus.) to teach ; at of profit; na copalebhe vaNijAM paNAyAn Bk. 8.27. -arpaNam sarvavidyAH paripAThitau U.2. sama- to read, learn; vedAGgAni ca / making an agreement, a contract. - *. A solemn sarvANi kRSNapakSeSu saMpaThet Ms. 4.98. contract; paNakarmaNA sahitAn apasan Kau. A. 1.11.-kriyA Putting in a stake, contest for. -granthi : a market, fair. paThaH Reading, reciting. -Comp. -maJjarI, -samaJjarI -bandha: 1 making a treaty of peace (saMdhi); paNabandhamukhAn N. of a Ragini. -haMsikA N. of a Raga.. guNAnajaH paDupAyukta samIkSya tatphalam R.8.21; 10.86. -2 an paThaka: A reader, reciter 3 a student; paThakAH pAThakAzcaiva agreement, stipulation (yadi bhavAnidaM kuryAttahIdamahaM bhavate ye cAnye shaastrcintkaaH| sarve vyasanino mUrkhA yaH kriyAvAn sa pnndditH| dAsyAmIti samayakaraNaM paNabandhaH Manorama). Mb. 3. 313. 10. paNatA, -svam Price, value. paThanam [pa-lyuT ] 1 Reading, reciting. -2 Mention paNanam [paNa-lyuT ] 1 Bartering, purchasing. -2 Beting. 3 Studying, perusing. ting. -3 Sale. -4 Traffic. Toatt a. 1 Fit to be read or studied. -2 Legible, TUTE: An article of sale, a commodity. readable. paNAyA 1 Transaction, business, dealing. -2 A qft: f. Reading, studying, perusal. market-place. -3 Profits of a trade. -4 Gambling.-B ofta p. p. 1 Recited, repeated. -2 Studied, perused; Praise. prasmRtaH kimathavA paThito'pi N.5.121. -Comp. -siddha. paNAyita. 1 Praised. -2 Bought, sold, transeffective on being merely recited. acted &e. Tifa: f. N. of a figure of speech. paNAyita m. A seller; Mal.5. paThita a. A Reader. gror: f. A market. -m. 1 A miser, niggard. -2 An paivIzam, paDviMzam A fetter (pAdabandhana); mahAsuhayaH impious man, a thief ( appearing as a Purohita ), Bhag. saindhavaH pavIzazakUn saMvRhet Bri. Up.6.1. 13. 5.9.15. -3 A bargainer; gharAM rajaHsvabhAvena paNayo ye ca paNa I. 1A. (paNate, paNita) 1 To deal in, barter, tAnanu Bhag. 3.6.28. -3 N. of a class of demons. purchase, buy; vitataM vaNijApaNe'khilaM paNituM yatra janena vIkSyate paNika a. Consisting of 50 Panas (us tine). N. 2.91. -2 To bargain, transact business. -3 To bet or stake at play (usually with gen. of the thing paNita p. p. 1 Transacted (as business). -2 Betted ; staked, but sometimes with ace.); prANAnAmapaNiSTAsau see paNa. -tam A bet, wager. Bk. 8. 121; paNasva kRSNAM pAJcAlIm Mb. - To risk or paNita m. A trader, dealer. hazard (a battle). -5 To win anything at play. -II. paNya . [paNa-karmaNi yat ] 1 Salea ble, vendible. -2 To 1A., 10 U. (paNate, paNAyati-te) koTibhiH paNate nityaM tasya rASTra vaNigajanaH. 1 To praise. -2 To honour; yakSAzcApi paNAyanti be transacted. -V: 1 A ware, an article, a comtadvibhUtiM gRhe gRhe. -With vi to sell, barter; AbhIradeze kila modity; pUrAbabhAse vipaNisthapaNyA R.16.41; paNyAnAM gAndhika candrakAnta tribhivarATairvipaNanti gopAH Subhas. paNyam Pt. 1. 133 saubhAgyapaNyAkaraH Mk.8.38; Ms.5. 1293 M. 1. 17; Y.2.245. -2 Trade, business. -3 Price; paNa: 1 Playing with dice or forustake. -2Asrame mahatA puNyapaNyena krItaye kAyanAstvayA Santi.3.1. -Comp. played for a stake, bet, wager; sapaNazcedvivAdaH syAttatra hInaM -aGganA, -yoSit /., -vilAsinI, strI / a harlot, a tu dApayet 1.2. 183 damayantyAH paNaH sAdhurvartatAm Mb. -3 The courtezan; paNyastrISu vivekakalpalatikAzastrISu rajyeta kaH Bh.1. 90; thing staked. -4 A condition, compact, agreement; Me. 25.-ajiram a market. -AjIva: a trader. -AjIkarotu bhavatAM nRpatiH paNena Ve. 1. 15; 'astipulation, treaty'; vakam . market, fair. -jana: a trader. -dAsI a hired H. 4. 118, 119. -5 Wages, hire. - Reward. -7 A sum female servant. -patiH a great merchant. -pattanam a in coins or shells. -8 A particular coin equal in value market town; paNyapattanAni ca nivezayet Kau. A. 2. 1. 19. to80 comriesazItibhirvarATakaiH paNa ityabhidhIyate; tato'risainyA- -pariNItA a concubine.-phalatvam prosperity or profit in For Private and Personal Use Only Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir paNapharam 986 patalikA ........mani tarimmmm trade. -bAhulyam prosperity of commerce; sasyasaMpatpaNya- / mayi te pAdapatite kiMkaratvamupAgate Pt. 4.7; 80 caraNapatitam Me.1058 bAhulyamupasargapramokSaH ...... iti kozavRddhiH Kau. A. 2.7.26. - To fall (in a moral sense), lose one's caste, -bhUmiH /. a warehouse. -vIthikA, -vIthI,-zAlA 1a forfeit one's rank or position, fall off; paradharmaNa jIvan hi market. -2astall, shop. -saMsthA the ware-house of . sadyaH patati jAtitaH Ms. 10.973 8. 163 5. 1939.200% BY.1. merchandise; Kau. A2.6. -homaH a sacrifice consisting 38. -8 To come down (as from heaven); patanti pitaro of wares. hoSAM luptapiNDodakakriyAH Bg.1.42.-7 To fall, be reduced to paNapharam The second, eighth, fifth or eleventh house wretchedness or misery; prAyaH kandukapAtenotpatatyAryaH patanapi Bh. 2. 123. -8 To go down into hell, go to perdition; (in a horoscope) from the lanarAzi ; paNapharaM dvitIyASTapaJcamai Ms. 11.373 prasaktAH kAmabhogeSu patanti narake'zucau Bg. 16. 16. kAdazaM smRtam Jyotistattvam. -9 To tall, occur, come to pass, take place; lakSmIryatra qura: A kind of musical instrument, a small drum patanti tatra vivRtadvArA iva vyApada: Subhas. -10 To be or tabor; Bg. 1. 183; Si. 18.5% guru-paNava-veNu-gujAbharI...... directed to, light or fall upon (with loc.); prasAdasaumyAni Bk. 18.45. satAM suhRjjane patanti cakSUSi na dAruNAH zarAHS. 6.29. -11 To paNavin m. N. of Siva. fall to one's lot or share. -12 To be in, fall in or paND I.1 A. (paNDate, paNDita) To go or move. -II. 10 into. -Gaus. (pAtayati-te, patayati rarely) 1 To cause to fall down, descend or sink &e.; nipatantI patimapyapAtayat U.(paNDayati-te) To collect, pile up, heap together. R. 8. 38 ; 9. 61 ; 11. 76. -2 To let fall, throw or drop qug: A eunuch; weakling. down, fell down (as trees &c.). -3 To ruin, overpaNDA 1 Wisdom, understanding. -2 Learning, throw%3; vyapadezamAvilayituM kimIhase janamimaM ca pAtayitum 5.5. science. -Comp- -apUrvam non-occurrence of the results 21. -4 To shed as tears). -8 To cast, direct (as of fate. the sight). -6 To dash or strike out. -7 To throw or put in, cause to enter. -8 To bring to ruin or misfor. paNDAvat a. Wise ; paNDAvadagrima Asvad. 6. -m. A learn tune. 9 To depreciate, lower the value of anything; ed man. ardhataH pAtitAH Bh. 2. 15. -10 (In arith.) To subtract, paNDita . [paNDA tArakA0 itac ] 1 Learned, wise ; svasthe deduct. -11 To set in motion, set on foot. -Desid. ko vA na paNDitaH. -2 Shrewd, clever. -8 Skilled in, pro- (pipatiSati or pitsati) To wish to fall. -II. 4 A. (patyate) ficient, skilful (generally with loc. or in comp.); madhu- Ved. 1 To be master of. -2 To rule, control. -3 To rAlApanisargapaNDitAm Ku. 4. 16; 80 ratipaNDita 4. 183; nayapaNDita possess. -4 To be fit for, serve for (with dat.)-III. &c. -2: 1 A scholar, learned man, Pandita. -2 In- 10 U. (patayati-te) 1 To go, move. -2 To be master of cense. -3 An adept, expert. -Comp.-jAtIya a. some (intransitive). what clever. -maNDalam,-sabhA an assembly of learned men. -mAnika, -mAnin, also paNDitamanya a. faneying pata 1.1 Cherished, well-fed, protected (puSTa ). -2 Flying, falling. -2: 1 Flying, flight. -2 Going, falloneself to be learned, a conceited person, a pedant who kancies himself to be a Pandita; raNDe paNDitamAnini tUSNIM ing, alighting. -Comp. -I: 1 a bird ; Ms. 7. 23.-2 the sun; patago'sau vibhAvasuH Mb.6. 12.45. bhava Pt.4.100; avidyAyAmantare vartamAnA vayaM dhIrAH paNDitamanyamAnAH. -vAdin a. pretending to be wise; re re paNDitavAdini pataka a. Falling, descending. -ka: An astronomical nAzakase prajalpantI Pt. 1.392. table. paNDitaka a. Learned, wise. -ka: A learned man. pataGgaH [patan utplavan gacchati gam-Da ni.] 1 A bird; nRpaH patajha samadhatta pANinA N. 1. 124; Bv. 1. 17. -2 The sun; paNDitiman m. Learning, scholarship, wisdom. vikasati hi patAsyodaye puNDarIkam U. 6. 123 Mal. 1.24; Si. paNDitI/. Learning: pratipattumiyattayA jano na kilAsIdalamasya 1. 12; R. 2. 15. -3 A moth, locust, or grass-hopper; paNDi tIm Sahendra. 2. 51. patajhavadahimukhaM vivikSuH Ku.3.6434.20%; Pt 3. 126. -4A paNDraH (-kaH)1 An eunuch; Mark. P.-2One affect bee. -BA ball for playing with; yo'sau tvayA karasarojahataH ed by ana disease; Girvana. 971: Bhag. 5. 2. 14. -6 Ved. A spark. -7 A devil. -8 Quicksilver. -9 N. of Krisua -10 A horse. -11 A pat I. 1 P.(patati, patita) 1 To fall, tall down, come species of rice. -Ggam 1 Quicksilver. -2 A kind of down, descend, drop down, alight; avAmukhasyopari puSpavRSTiH / sandal wood. papAta vidyAdharahastamuktA R. 2.60%vRSTirbhavane cAMsya petuSI 10. 773 pataGgamaH 1 A bird. -2 A moth; alakSito'nau patitaH (reNuH) patati pariNatAruNaprakAzaH zalabhasamUha ivAzramadrameSu S.1.313 pataGgamaH Bhag. 7.8.24. Me. 107; Bk. 7.9; 21.6.-2 To fly, move through the air, Boar; hantuM kalahakAro'sau zabdakAraH papAta kham Bk. 5. 100%; see Tassfat 1 A small bird. - A kind of small bee; patat below. -3 To set, sink ( below the horizon); so'yaM pataGgikAnAM puccheSu tvayeSIkA pravezitA / karmaNastastha te prAptaM phalametattaposomaH patati gaganAdalpazaSamayUkhaiH patatpataGgapratimastapo- dhana | Mb. 1. 108.11. -3 A bow-string; L.D. B.; also nidhiH Si. 1.12.-4 To cast oneself at, throw oneself down, pataccikA; Girvana, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir patagin 966 patiH pataGgin m. A bird. TRACT p. p. 1 Fallen, descended, alighted. -2 pataJjali: N. of the celebrated author of the Maha Dropped. -3 Fallen (in a moral sense), abandoned, wicked; naSTa mRte prabajite kIba ca patite ptau| -4 Apostate. bhasya, the great commentary on Panini's Sutras%3 - Degraded, outcast. -6 Fallen in battle, defeated also of a philosopher, the propounder of the Yoga or overthrown. -7 Being in, fallen into as in avaMzapatita. philosophy. -8 Placed, kept 3 nikSepe patite hamya zreSThI stauti svadevatAm patat (-ntI f.) Flying, descending, alighting, Pt. I. 14. -9 (with pAdayoH or pAda-) Having thrown coming down &c. -m. A bird; paramaH pumAniva pati patatAm oneself at (a person's feet). -tam Flying. -Comp. Ki.6.1; kacit pathA saMcarate surANAM kvaciddhanAnAM patatAM kvacicca -utpanna a. sprung from an outcast. -gabhI a woman R. 13. 19; Si. 9. 15. -Comp. -TE: 1 the reserve of an who miscarries. -mUrdheja a. one whose hair has fallen out. army.-2aspitting pot, spittoon; tamekamANikyamarya mahonnata -vRtta a. one leading a life of an out-cast. -sAvitrIkA patadgrahaM prAhitavAnnalena saH N. 16.273 raupyAn rokmA~zca paryakAn man of the first three classes whose thread-ceremony karakA~zca patadgrahAn Siva B. 17.43. -prakarSe a. (in rhet.) . has been improperly performed, or not performed at illogical, prosaical. -bhIruH a hawk, falcon. -vahaH / all. -sthita a. lying on the ground. (= patadgrahaH) patavahatvena kRtAtpataGgaH palyA jalezasya dizA vahasya patera . [pat-era ] 1 Flying, falling.-2 Going, movRam. Ch.6.15. ing. -T: 1 A bird. -2 A hole or pit. - A kind of patatram [pat-karaNe anan ] 1 A wing, pinion; Svet. measure (ADhakaq. v.). Up. 3.33 yena me pUrvamadrINAM pakSacchedaH prjaatyye| kRto nivizatAM patman n. Ved. Flight. bhAraiH patattraiH patatAM bhuvi // Bhag.8.11.34. -2 A feather. -3 A vehicle. Tat n. Ved. Flying, fight. patatri: A bird. patazcikA A bow-string. patatrin m. 1 A bird; dayitA dvandvacaraM patatriNam (punareti ) patAka: 1 patAkA q. v. -2 A particular position of the R.8.56% 39,273 11. 11; 12.483 Ku.5.4.-2 An arrow3B hands or fingers in shooting of an arrow; of. tripatAka. abhijagrAha saumitrinidyobhau patatribhiH Mb. 3. 287. 22. -3 A patAkA 1A flag, banner (fig. also); patAkAbhirvarArhAbhihorse; esp. in Asvamedha sacrifice ; patatriNA tadA sArdham jaizca samalaMkRtAm Ram. 2.7.3; ye kAmamaJjarI kAmayate sa haratu Ram. 1. 14. 34; patatriNastasya vapAmuddhRtya niyatendriyaH 36. subhagapatAkAm Dk.47 'let him carry the palm of beauty -n.(dual) Ved. Day and night; mAmime patatriNI vi dugdhAm or good fortune'.-2 A flag-staff. -3 A sign, emblem, Rv. 1. 158.4. -Comp. -ketana: an epithet of Visnu. mark, symbol. -4 An episode or episodical incident in a -rAjaH, -varaH N. of Garuda; Mb.7.16.14. drama, see patAkAsthAnaka below. -5 Auspiciousness, good patanam [ pat-bhAve lyuT ] 1 The act of flying or coming fortune or luck.-8 Celebrity, publicity; ramyA iti prAptavatIH patAkAH Si. 3.53 (com. 'anyatra ramyA ityevaM patAkAH prAptavatIH / down, a lighting, descending, throwing oneself down prasiddhiM gatA ityrthH|').-7A particular high number; tatra at. -2 Setting (as of the sun). -3 Going down to zakupatAke dve yugAntaM kalpameva ca Mb. 13. 107. 63. -Comp. hell; niraye caiva patanam Ms. 6.61. -4 Apostacy. -5 Fall -aMzukam a flag. -daNDa: a flag-staff. -sthAnakam (in ing from dignity, virtue &e. anigrahAccendriyANAM naraH patana dramaturgy) intimation of an episodical incident, afa Y. 3. 219. -6 Fall, decline, ruin, adversity (opp. udaya or ucchrAya); grahAdhInA narendrANAmucchrAyAH patanAni caY. 1.308. when instead of the thing thought of or expected, another of the same character is brought in by some -7 Death. -8 Hanging down, becoming flaccid (as breasts).-9Miscarriage. -10 (In arith.) Subtraction. unexpected cireumstance (yatrAthai cintite'nyasmistahijo'nyaH prayujyate / Agantukena bhAvena patAkAsthAnakaM tu tat / / 8. D. 299%3 -11 The latitude of a planet. -Comp. -dharmin a. subject to the law of decay, perishable. -zIlaa. accus for its different kinds, see 300-301). tomed to fall down. patAkika a. Having or carrying a banner. patanIya a.Causing a fall, causing the loss of caste. patAkin a. Having or carrying a banner, adorned -yam A degrading crime or sin; lAkSAlavaNamAMsAni patanIyAni with flags. -m. 1 An ensign, standard-bearer. -2 A vikraye Y.3.40. nIcAbhigamanaM garbhapAtanaM bhatIhiMsanam / vizeSapata- flag. -3 A scheme or figure for casting a nativity. nIyAni strINAmetAnyapi dhruvam // 2973 Mb. 7. 156.5. -4A chariot; kSitireNuketuvasanAH patAkinaH Si. 18.4. -nI patamaH, patasaH 1 The moon. -2 A bird. -3 Agrass- An army; (na prasehe) rathavamarajo'pyasya kuta eva patAkinIm R.4.82; Ki. 14.27. hopper. patiH [pA-iti] 1 A master, lord; as in gRhapatiH. patayAlu a. Tending or prone to tall, liable to fall. -2 An owner, possessor, proprietor ; kSetrapatiH .-3 GoverpatApata a.1 Going, or inclined to fall. -2 Going nor, ruler, one who presides over 3, oSadhIpatiH, banaspatiH, much or frequently. kulapatiH &c. -4 A husband; pramadAH pativama'gA iti pratipannaM hi For Private and Personal Use Only Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir partivarA 987 patram vicetanairapi Ku. 4. 33. -8 A root. -8 Going, motion, I pattiH [pad-tin ] 1 A footman, a foot-soldier; ptti| fight. -f. 1 A female possessor, a mistress. -2 A wife. padAtim (abhyapatat) R. 7.37; Ve. 1.27. -2 A pedes-Comp. -ghAtinI, -dhanI 1 a woman who murders her trian. -3 A hero. -f. 1 The smallest division of an husband. -2 a line on the hand showing that a woman army, consisting of one chariot, one elephant, three will be faithless to her husband. -devatA, -devA one horsemen and five foot-soldiers: eko ratho gajazcaiko narAH who regards her husband as a divinity, a woman paJca padAtayaH / trayazca turagAstajjJaiH pattirityabhidhIyate // Mb. 1. 2. loyally devoted to her husband, a chaste woman; : 19. -2 Going, walking. -Comp. -adhyakSa: the superpatidevatAmanyaH parimASTamutsahate 5.63 tamalabhanta pati patidevatAH intendent of infantry; Kau. A.1.1.1.-kAya: infantry. zikhariNAmiva sAgaramApagAH R.9. 17; dhuristhitA tvaM patidevatAnAm / -gaNaka: an officer whose business it is to muster the 14. 74. -ETA: duty (of a wife) towards a husband. infantry. -fara: f. a body of infantry, infantry. -prANA a chaste wife. -laGghanam disregarding a former husband by marrying another; ef. Ms. 5. 151. -vedana: pattika a. Going on toot, pedestrian. N. of Siva. (-nam) procuring a husband (by magical pattin m. A foot-soldier, foot-man. means); dhAturdevasya satyena kRNomi pativedanam Av. 2. 36.2. -loka: the world of husbands in a future life; 'patiloka patram [pat-STran ] 1 A leaf (of a tree); patraM puSpaM phalaM toyaM yo mabhIpsantI nAcaret kiMcidapriyam Ms.5. 156.-vratA a devoted, me bhaktyA prayacchati Bg.9.26; dhatte bharaM kusumapatraphalAvalAnAm Bv.1. faithful and loyal wife, a chaste and virtuous wife; cah 94. -2 The leat of a flower, lotus &c.; nIlotpalapatradhArayA fidelity to a husband. -sevA devotion to a husband; $. 1. 18. -3 A leaf for writing upon, a paper, a leaf vaivAhiko vidhiH strINAM saMskAro vaidikaH smRtaH / patisevA gurau vAso written upon; suravarataruzAkhA lekhanI patramurvI Mahimna. 32. gRhArtho'gniparikriyA || Ms. 2.67. patramAropya dIyatAm 8.6. 'commit to writing', V.2.14. -4 A letter, document; vivAde'nviSyate patraM patrAbhAve tu sAkSiNaH pativarA A woman who is about to choose a Pt. 1.403. -BA challenge; AtmanaH pUjAkhyAtyarthaM guNotkarSahusband; viveza mazcAntararAjamArga partivarA klRptavivAhaveSA pratipAdako lekho yadvipakSopari dIyate tatpatram N.7.933; vidyAdhara R. 6. 10, 67. com. -6 Any thin leaf or plate of metal, a goldpatitvam, -patitvanam Ved. 1 Lordship. -2 The leaf. -7 The wing of a bird, a pinion, feather of an conjugal state, wedlock. arrow3; yAvadvA makSikAyAH patram Bri. Up.3.3.23; R.2.31; patimatI,-vatI A woman having a husband; udIpvotaH sadyaH pravAlodgamacArupatre nIte samAptiM navacUtabANe Ku. 3.27. -8 A vehicle in general (ear, horse, camel &c.); dizaH pativatI hyeSA Rv. 10 85.21. papAta patreNa veganiSkampaketunA R. 15.843 N. 3. 163 Mb. 12. gfaaraft A wife whose husband is living. 67. 25; Si. 12. 2. -9 Painting the person particularly the face patIyati Den. P. To wish for a husband. -2 To with musk, sandal-juice or other fragrant substances; racaya kucayoH patraM citraM kuruSva kapolayoH Git. 123 become a master. R. 13.55. -10 The blade of a sword, knife &c. -11 A patIyantI A woman wishing or fit for a husband. knife, dagger. -Comp. -aGgam 1 the Bhurja tree. prApya caJcUryamANAsau patIyantI raghUttamam Bk. 4. 19. -2 red sanders. -a guli: drawing lines of painting patkASin m. A foot-soldier; patkASiNastIrthajalArthamAzu with the finger on the person (throat, forehead &c.) Bk. 3.4; mAnuSo nAma patkASI rAjAnaM puruSAzinAm Bk. 16.28. with coloured sandal, saffron, or any other fragrant substance. -aJjanam 1 ink. -2 blacking. -Adayam the patnI 1 A wife; vRSeva patnIrabhyeti roruvat Rv. 1. 140.6%3 root of long pepper. -Alambanam a challenge; ef. patrApatnImUlaM gRhaM puMsAM yadi chandonuvartinI, gRhAzramasamaM nAsti yadi bhAryA lambanaM karoti 'to challenge to a controversy'.-ArUDha . vazAnugA || Daksasamhita. -2 Ved. A mistress ; patnI iti written dowm. -AvaliH1. 1 red chalk. -2 a row of hi yajJasya svAminIti ucyate, na krItA SB. on MS. 6. 1. 17. leaves. -3 the lines of painting drawn on the body -3 (in Astro.) N. of the 7th mansion. -Comp.-ATa: with cosmetics as adecoration. -AvalI 1 a row of seraglio, women's apartments. -zAlA a hut tent, leaves. -2 = "Avali (3).-3 mixture of young Asvattha room for wives and domestic purposes. -sainahanam 1 leaves with barley and honey. -AhAra: feeding on girdling a wife. -2 the girdle of a wife. - TIT: a leaves. -UrNam wove-silk, asik-garment; snAnIyavastraparticular sacrifice ; patnIsaMyAjAvabhRthyaizcaritvA te tAtvijaH kriyayA patrorNa bopayujyate M.5. 12. -ullAsa: the bud or eye Bhag. 10. 75. 19. of a plant. -kAhalA the noise or sound made by the patnItvam 1 Wifehood. -2 matrimony. flapping of wings or rustling of leaves. -kRcchra m a sort of penance, drinking the infusion of leaves of various patita See under pat. plants. - a small cake with very thin layers inside pattanam 1 A town, city (opp. grAma); pattane vidyamAne'pi (Mar. ciroTA).-dhanA a plant with full leaves (sAtala). grAme ratnaparIkSA M. 1; eko vAsaH pattane vA vane vA Bh. 3. 120. -jhaGkAraH the current of a river. -taNDulA a woman. -2A musical instrument, mRdaGga, -dAraka: a saw. -nADikA the fibre of a leat. -nyAsaH For Private and Personal Use Only Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir patrakam 9B8 inserting feathers (into an arrow), -parazu: a file. -pAlA a long dagger, large knife. (-lI) 1 the feathered part of an arrow.-2a pair or scissors. -pAzyA an ornament (agold-leat) on the forehead. -pizAcikA An umbreIla or a kind of cap made of leaves. -puTam a vessel of leaves ; dugdhvA payaH patrapuTe madIyaM putropabhukSveti tamAdideza R.2.65. -puSpA the holy basil. -bandha: adorning with flowers. -bA (vA)la: an oar. -bhaGgaH, -bhAGgaH, -GgI 1.1 drawing lines or figures of painting on the face and person with fragrant and coloured substances, such as musk, saffron, sandal-juice, yellow pigment &c., as a mark of decoration ; kastUrIvarapatrabhaGgAnikarI mRSTo na gaNDasthale S. Til.7 (used frequently in K.). -2 leaves or leafy branches fed to elephants ; Matanga L.9.1. -mAla: Calamus Rotung (Mar. veta). -yauvanam a young leaf or sprout. raJjanam embellishing a page. -ratha: a bird; Ram.3.19. 10%; jvalantamagniM tamamitratApanaH samAstaratpatraratho nadIbhiH Mb. 1. 32.25; vya rthIkRtaM patrarathena tena N.3.6.indraH N. of Garuda. indraketuH N. of Vispu; R. 18. 13. -latA a long knife or poniard. -re (le) khA, -vallarI, -valliH , -vallI f. see patrabhalga above%3 R.6.72; 16.673 Rs. 6.73 Si.8.56,593 vipatralekhA niralaktakAdharA niraJjanAkSIrapi bibhratIH zriyam Ki. 8.40. -cAja a. turnished with feathers (as an arrow). -vAhaH 1a bird; adhyAkAzaM babhramuH patravAhAH Si. 18.78. -2 an arrow3B pramukhe'bhihatAzca patravAhAH prasabhaM mAdhavamuktavatsadantaiH Si. 20. 25. -3 a letter-carrier. -fatti lines of painting &c.; see patrabhanaga; svedodgamaH kiMpuruSAlganAnAM cakre padaM patravizeSakeSu Ku.3.33%B R. 3.5539.29. -veSTa: kind of ear-ring; vizleSimuktAkalapatraveSTaH R. 16.67. -zAka: a vegetable consisting chiefly of leaves ; patrazAkaM tu bahiNaH Ms. 12.653 Y.3.213. -zirA the vein or fibre of a leaf. iy: the Bilva tree.-F T: f. a thorn. -himam wintry or snowy weather. patrakam 1 A leaf. -2 Drawing lines or figures on the body as a decoration. patraNA 1 Drawing lines or figures of painting on the body as a decoration. -2 Feathering an arrow. patrala a. Rich in leaves, leafy. -lam Diluted eurds. patrikA 1 A leaf for writing upon. -2 A letter, document. -3 Mace (jAtipatrI; Mar. jAyapatrI). -4 A kind of ear-ring. patrina a. (-NI/.) [patram astyarthe ini] 1 Winged, fea. thered; mayUra' R. 3.56. -2 Having leaves or pages.-m. 1An arrow: tAM vilokya vanitAvadhe ghRNAM patriNA saha mumoca rAghavaH R. 11. 173 3.53, 57; 9.61. -2 A bird; taM kSuraprazakalIkRtaM kRtI patriNAM vyabhajadAzramAdvahiH R. 11.29. -3 A faleon; nabhasi mahasAM dhvAntabhvAkSapramApaNapatriNAmiha viharaNaiH zyenaM pAtA raveravadhArayan N. 19.12. - A mountain. -8 A chariot. -8 A tree (wine-palm). -Comp. -vAha: a bird. patriNI A sprout, shoot. patrI Writing. patnI See under pati. patsalaH A way, road. path I. 1P. (pathani) To go, move. -II. 10 U. (pAthayati-te) To throw, east. patha: A way, road; reach, course (at the end ot comp.); pANisparzAkSamAbhyAM mRjitapatharujo yo harIndrAnujAbhyAm Bhag.9.10.4. -Comp. -Atithi: a traveller. -kalpanA juggling tricks. -darzaka a guide; also pathopadezakaH; Ratn. pathaka: A guide, one knowing the way. -kaH, -kam A district, canton. pathat m. A road. pathika: 1A traveller, way-farer; pathikavanitAH Me.83 tAmAzAM pathikastathApi kimapi dhyAyan punarvIkSate Amaru.99.-2 A guide. -Comp. -371974: an asylum for travellers, inn. -jana: a traveller or travellers3 chAyAzvAsitapathikasamUho nyagrodhapAdapaH Pt. 2.1. -saMtatiH, -saMhatiHf., -sArthaH // company of travellers, a caravan. pathikA A kind of vine with red grapes. pathin m. [ path-AdhAre ini] (Nom. panthAH , panthAnau, panthAnaH; acc. pl. pathaH; instr. pl. pathibhiH &c.; the word is changed to patha at the end of comp. ; toyAdhArapathaH, dRSTipathaH, naSTapathaH, satpathaH, pratipatham &c.) 1 A road, way, path; zreyasAmaSa panthAH Bh. 2. 263 vakraH panthAH Me. 27. -2 Journey, way-faring, as in zivAste santu panthAnaH '(I wish) a happy journey to you! God speed you on your journey!' -3 Range, reach as in karNapatha, zruti, darzana', -4Manner of action, line of conduct, course of behaviour; pathaH zucerdayitAra IzvarA malImasAmAdadate na paddhatim R. 3. 46; nyAgyAt pathaH pravicalanti padaM na dhIrAH Bh. 2. 83. -5 A sect, doctrine. -8 A division of hell; Ms. 4.90. -Comp. -azanam, -311a: Provender for a jonrney; viaticum. - m. Ved. 1aguide.-2 N. of Agni. -deyam a toll levied on public roads. -drumaH the Khadira tree. -prajJa a. acquainted with roads. -vAhaka a. cruel. (-kA)1a hunter, fowler. -2 a burden bearer, porter. To: A traveller, way-farer ; Uo. 1. 58. pathya . [pathi sAdhu digA yat ino lopaH] 1 Salutary, wholesome, beneficial, agreeing with said of a medicine, diet, advice &c.); apriyasya ca pathyasya vaktA zrotA ca durlabhaH Ram.; pathyaM caiSAM mama caiva bravIhi Mb.3.4.2;Y.3.65%3B pathyabhannam &c. -2 Fit, proper; Buitable (in general). -thyA A road, way. -thyam 1 Wholesome diet; as in pathyAzI svAmI vartate.-2 Welfare, well being; uttiSThamAnastu paro nopekSyaH pathyamicchatA Si. 2. 10%3 Pt. 1. 234; -Comp. -apathyam the class of things that are considered wholesome or hurtful in disease. pad I. 10 A. (padayate) To go or move. -II. 4 A. padyate, panna; caus. pAdayati-te: desid. pitsate)1 To Lo. move. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 989 -2 To go to, approach (with aco.) -3 To attain, obtain, must be followed'; quad at: Y. 2. 286. -4 A trace, gain; jyotiSAmAdhipatyaM ca prabhAvaM cApyapadyata Mb.-4 To observe, nark, impression, vestige; tici a19419407 practise; au YOHATE Mb. -5 Ved. To fall down Ku. 2. 64; Me. 37, 98; 4.3. -5 A place, position, with fatigue. -8 Ved. To perish. -7 To fall out. -III. station ; S: 4 Bh, 2. 10; 311HT FH4 nagyra: 1 P. ( a) To stand fast or fixed. S. 1, brought to the point of or exposed to trouble '; 2235443 e R. 8. 91, 'found no place in (left Trem.[-fq ] (This word has no forms for the no impression on the heart'; 3197 Trash M. 1, 'my first five inflections; it is optionally substituted for 4 after acc. dual) 1 A foot. -2 A quarter, a fourth doubts were out of place', i. e. groundless ; etag #: 427271 Dk. 162; Ku. 6.72; 3. t; R. 2. 50; 9.82; part as of a stanza ). -Comp. - Filtra a. 1 rubbing or scratching the feet. -2 going on foot, pedestrian. Haqe tagnak U. 6.35, 'brought into relief or burstiny (-m.) a footman; TUHIS Bk. 3. 4 IT: forth'. -6 Dignity, rank, office, station or position ; (97:) foot-soldier. -T bhagavatyA prAznikapadamadhyAsitavyam M. 1; yAntyevaM gRhiNIpadaM yuvatayaH -IT) 1 a footman. -23 S. 4. 18, 'attain to the rank or position, c.; FET Sudra; cf. gta 347148.- I, -asft a shoe, bout. JE 4. 19; so fa', 15deg &c. -7 Cause, subject) -faceti one quarter of a Niska. -Te: ( :) a foot occasion, thing, matter, business, affair; 34961 soldier, footman; 924 geuren: Bhag. 3. 18. 12. -7: noise of footsteps. Efai, -at f. (Tafai, aa Y. 2. 5; occasion or matter of dispute, title of law, judicial proceeding'; Ms. 8. 7; at ETY a) 1 a way, path, road, course (fig. also ); SUR igreeni Tatayfa: U. 5. 22; R. 3. 46; 6.55; 11. 87; hay S. 1. 22; aid i : 428 Ratn. 1.6.-8 Abode, #f924941 15. 33; 'the first way shown to poets'. object, receptacle; 79: 7: 796 HESTIH. Si. 1. 37; 15. 22; 3 9 2914: Ki. 2. 14: 34 :47htyZI YA -2 a line, row, range. -3 a surname, title or epithet, 2.30; a fh4EUR 697524A1: Me. 56; 92: a word denoting waste or profession in compounds which 441917 H. 4. 65. -9 A quarter or line of a stanza, are used as proper names; e. y. ya, e, f &c. -4 N. verse; fatach (714) Me. 88, 105; M. 5. 2; S. 3. 14. of a class of writings. - ( H ) coldness of -10 A complete or inflected word; gauri 94 P. I. the feet. 4. 14. auf: e metafadha : S. D. 9; R. 8.77; Y [74-319] 1 A foot ( said to be m. also in Ku. 4.9. -11 A name for the base of nouns before this sense); padena on toot; zikhariSu padaM nyasya Me. 183; apathe all consonantal case-terminations except nom. singular. 92497fa R R. 9. 74 'set foot on (follow) a wrong -12 Detachment of the Vedic words from one another, road'; 3. 50; 12. 52; per otrdila 3. 62' good separation of a Vedic text into its several constituent qualities set foot everywhere' i. e. command notice or words; vedaiH sAGgapadakramopaniSadairgAyanti yaM sAmagAH Bhag. 12.13.1. make themselves felt; 5774EUR 12: TAU 9. -13 A pretext; 3a24a9917 fazala 9999 disease stepped into the country'; aut quia 464 Si. 7. 14. -14 A sqare root. -15 A part, por By. 2. 14; 47 (a) to set foot in, on or over tion or division (as of a sentence); as net 174571. (lit. ); fo r FREISCHT S. 4. 20. (0) to -16 A measure of length. -17 Protection, preservation; enter upon or into, take possession of, occupy (fig.); fara : HET 9 Mb. 7. 36. 13. -18 A Hi af 792199 T4 K, 137; 7 te GH ASTOT square or house on a chessboard ; 391491 : Ram. af 924 133; 80 Ku. 5. 21; Pt. 1. 210; Far y -19 A quadrant. -20 The last of a series. -21 A Mu. 3. 26 'in defiance of us' (lit. planting his foot on plot of ground. -22 In Arith.) Any one in a set of our neck); to mount on the head of', numbers the sum of which is required. -28 A coin; 'to humble'; farat ett 4 : Pt. 1. 327; mAtA putraH pitA bhrAtA bhAryA mitrajanastathA / aSTApadapadasthAne dakSamudreva 3rbara racaret: a M. l 'good forms attract gea Il Mb. 12. 298. 40 (com. 39919743 gada :). attention command respect ); ta qe iftar S. 4; -24 A way, road; 24 act faasi = REG: 'made to have dealings with to confide in )'; Y TO Mb. 14. 64. 10. -26 Retribution (965); RITTU great afa verta Ku. 6.14. -2 A step, pace, stride; 472299 Bhag. 7. 13. 20. - A ray of light. graffear falta Taifa Tan S. 2. 13; ' at every -Comp. -375,- a foot-print. -38Ty: the step'; 34SHTAT 917 999 7 79674 or afogout do great toe, thumb (of the foot). -372 F study of not move oven a step' &c.; fug: H yena V.1. 19 the Vedas according to the padapATha q. v. -anuga a. 1 the middle pace or stride of Visnu.'; i. e. the sky following closely, being at the heels of gen.), -2 (for mythologically speaking, the earth, sky, and lower suitable, agreeable to. (-:) a follower, companion ; world are considered as the three paces of Vispu in his etAnihatya samare ye ca tasya pdaanugaaH| tAMzca sarvAn vinirjitya sahitAna fifth or dwarf incarnation araraat); so 372164a: roayu aan 1 Mb. 3. 12. 6. -TETIT: 1 a servant. JU: Powiera fare : R. 13. 1. -8 A foot-step, foot- -2 an army. -31 TETTEET the science of words, print, foot-mark; 4 : S. 3.7; or 977 foot-prints; i grammar. -3778 anything added to a pada. -377273 naglari aca17 Bh. 2. 28 'the foot-steps of the great i the end of a line of a stanza. - the end of a word. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir padam 980 -Fach another step, the interval of one step; 1077 words and analyses the compounds of a passage. -2 a fear S. 1; 3o closely, without a pause. -37727 a. final. register, journal. -3 a calendar. -12T: dismissal from -3765TH, -TIT4, -3 , -6, -TEH, office. - TO a magical formula. - a fetter for - a lotus-like foot. 37 T T a. wishing for the feet (Ved.). -TTAT 1 arrangement of words. -2 an office. -37EUR: 1 the meaning of a word. -2 a thing literary composition. -ata: Ved. a leader. -fayat: a or object. -3 a head or topic (of which the Naiyayikas step, footstep. fa: f. the hiatus between two words. enumerate 16 subheads ). -4 anything which can be are a linguist, philologist. EUTE interpretanamed (371974), a category or predicament; the tion of words. - er the science of separately written number of such categories, according to the Vaisesikas, words. - a: (E) 1 connecting the words which is seven ; according to the Sankhyas, twenty five or are separated in the area. -2 a writer, an annotator. twenty-seven according to the followers of Patanjali) - e: m. the euphonio combination of words. Ta. and two according to the Vedantins. -8 the sense 1 going on foot. -2 being in a position of authority or of another word which is not expressed but has to high rank. FTTH a foot-print. be supplied. 393944: preforming one detail with 9 9H A step, position, office; see 46. - 1 An reference to all things or persons concerned; then ornament of the neck. -2 One conversant with the doing the second, then the third and so on see padapAThaq.v. -3 A niSka or weight of gold. anusamaya). Hence padArthAnusamayanyAya means : A rule of interpretation according to which, when several details TET a. To be investigated or known (1904); are to be performed with reference to several things aearquaya YATAFA Bri. Up. 1.4.7. or persons, they should be done each to each at a time. -3eta: 'a stroke with the foot', a kick. Tera:, -aft f. [97-3fa ar 09 ] A way, road, path, -371: a foot-soldier. 3fe: 1 the beginning of course (fig. also ); 499946 Me. 8; 31741 angin Bh. 2. 77 follow in the footsteps of the good'; $. 4. the line of a stanza. 2 the beginning or first letter of a word. farm. a bad student knowing only 14; R. 3. 50; 7.7; 8. 11; 15. 99; Bh. 3. 46; Ve. 6. 27; so the beginnings of stanzas). -19 at a shoe. -rad IEC: Pt. 1, he attained his majority' (grew up to man's estate). -2 Position, station, rank, a series of words, a continued arrangement of words or lines; (Flora) arafeerfouartaerah Kav. dignity, office, post; Tai Fariyar faard 969448: 1 aya sangat a 1. 10; T14381-84919 TU al 7eqatradin Git. 1. ra: 11 Tattvamasi Strotra. 12. -34 a foot-stool. -31% a. kicked. -HOH -3 A place, site. -4 Good conduct or behaviour. lotus-like foot. Fift, 37 m. the author of the TEET: ind. 1 Step by step, gradually. -2 Word Padapatha. -# 1 walking, & pace; a f #: 494: i by word. 7 (9 ) Si. 1. 52.-2 a particular method Teisiti, - a, -Erfa: [9 mhara, 37-219] of reciting the Veda; cf. 4. - T: a foot-soldier. a: f. gait, manner of going. - - 1 A foot-soldier ; a family gellagframe 7144: 'Ak.; R. 7. 37. -2 A pedestrian walking on foot; U. 5. 12. supposed to preside over a particular class of words. :, - , -rang: separation of words, resolu -Comp. -3TETET: the commander-in-chief of the tion of a sentence into its constituent parts. -sya a. infantry. -5a (qafasa) a. most humble. dismissed from office, deposed. Aah class or Taifa a. 1 Having foot-soldiers (as an army). group of words. 1 fixedness or security of text. -2 Being or going on foot. -n. A foot-soldier. - : 1 stepping, tread, step. -2 & foot-mark. -3 position of the feet in a particular attitude. -4 the qarai, ora: 1 A foot-man. -2 A peon. plant . -B writing down verses or quarters of TETT: 1 The dust of the feet. -2 A boat. verses; 3197**: 974 afrag: 2 5 9 : 21 915 ga || Trivikrama bhatta. -45 : f. 1 a grec: Ved. 1 An animal moving with its feet. -2 A bird. line of foot-steps; its grograma querelasan $. 3.7; V. 4.6. -2 a line or arrangement of words, i u. 1 Going on foot, pedestrian. -2 One Pada a series of words; $99eafeneaua 2: Ki. 10. 10. -3 long. - Containing only one division. - A footman. an istaka or sacred brick. -a kind of metre. -98: - The point of the foot.. an arrangement of the Vedic text in which each word TV To raise to the square root. is written and pronounced in its original form and independently of phonetic changes opp. Rica ). : A falcon. yra, faeta: a step, pace of a horse also). -art: TGT m. A road, way; Uu. 4. 112. a foot-step, step. 894 analysis of words, etymology. HTFT 1 a commentary which separates the i T.,199 &c. See under 99. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir panna 961 pabhin 99 pp. [96-] 1 Fallen, sunk, gone down, descended. -2 Gone; see 9C. - 1 Downward motion ; descent, fall. -2 Creeping on the ground. -Comp. : a snake, serpent; 5: 49:41 950 S. 6. 31. (ITF) lead. Oft:, 37279, arta: epithets of Garuda. -FT a. pale. qua. [96-44Lotus-hued. -94 1 A lotus (m. also in this sense ); Nelumbium Speciosum (variety red); 949214d ati fil 4519177. -2 A lotus-like ornament. -3 The form or figure of a lotus. -4 The root of a lotus. - The coloured marks on the trunk and face of an elephant; fila: ura: 129*4 a 2011get fra N. 22.9; -6 An army arrayed in the form of a lotus%3 pajhena caiva vyUhena nivizeta sadA svayam Ms.7. 188. -7 A particular high number one thousand billions). -8 Lead. -9 N. given by the Tantrikas to the six divisions of the upper part of the body called Chakras. -10 A mark or mole on the human body. -11 A spot. -12 N. of a particular part of a column. - A kind of temple. -2 N. of a quarter-elephant. 941 = 9: Bu. Ch. 2. 3. -3 A species of ser pent. --- An epithet of Rama. -8 One of the nine treasures of Kubera ; see art. -8 A kind of coitus or mode of sexual enjoyment. -7 A particular posture of the body in religious meditation. -8 One of the eight treasures connected with the magical art called aferat. - 1 N. of Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, and wife of Visnu; (a) 4 14 5 1914efect R. 4.5. - 2 Cloves. - Comp. -37&T a. lotuseyed; rAmaM dUrvAdalazyAmaM padmAkSaM pItavAsasam Ramarakia 25. (-:) an epithet of Visnu or the sun; ( 74) the seed of a lotus. -TT: Cassia Tora Mar. Zhao). -FTCH, -t: a lotus-leaf.-311 : 1 a large tank of pond a bounding in Lotuses. -2 a pond or pool or water in general. -3 a lotus-pool. -4 an assemblage of lotuses; hi fa fa- fa Bh. 2. 73. -3 : an epithet of Brahman, the creator. (- ) 1 an epithet of Laksmi. -2 cloves. -TIET 1 a lotus-seat; ougeal raadt FTI 751189644 fatura Ku. 7. 86. -2 a particular posture in religious meditation ; 56ATHpAdaM punastu dakSiNaM padam / vAmorau sthApayitvA tu padmAsanamiti smRtm|| CATATAS Tai 469914744H Ramarasa 1.-3 a kind of coitus. (-:) 1 an epithet of Brahman, the creator. -2 of Siva. -3 of the sun. -36 cloves. --3-: an epithet of Brahman. - ,-&ta a. holding a lotus. (-:, :) 1 an epithet of Visnu. -2 a lotus like hand. -3 N. of the sun. ( 1, N. of Laksmi. - Froil 1 the pericarp of a lotus. - 2 the central part of an army arrayed in the form of a lotus. Hol a lotus-bud, an unblown lotus. 9 a fragrant wood used in medicine. TT, T4 the filament of a lotus. 27, 19: 1 the calyx of a lotus. -2 a position of the fingers resembling the calyx of a lotus. . . #....939 - ga, - a multitude of lotuses. ITPET, TIT 4. lotus-scented, or as fragrant as or smelling like a lotus. (+994, n.) = 49918 q.v. -: 1 an epithet of Brahman. -2 of Visnu. -8 of Siva. -4 of Buddha. -5 the sun. -6 the inside or middle of a lotus; 9 ffaigh Kav. 2. 41. TU, TET 1 an epithet of Laksmi, the goddess of wealth. -2 cloves. -ST:, -Stai, - :, :, :, - a: epithets of Brahman, the lotus-born god.-ara: the fibrous stalk of a lotus. - , - an epithet of Visnu; THAT TTT4H 4 * TH. ANH: 1 N. of the eleventh month (reckoned from Tiigite). -2 a magical formula spoken over weapons. 1864 a lotus-stalk. ferret a treasure of the value of a Padma. - OT: 1 an epithet of Brahman. -2 N. of Buddha. -3 N. of the sun. - of Visnu. -ge: the Karaikara plant. for the goddess Manasa, the wife of sage Jaratkaru. - Pet: a kind of artificial composition in which the words are arranged in the form of a lotus-flower; see K. P. 9 ad. loc. are: 1 the sun. -2 a bee. -air the seed of a lotus. He: an epithet of Siva. - Aleat the goddess of wealth. ET (- ) a particular pose according to Tantrasastra; hastau tu saMmukhauM kRtvA tadadhaH aferaragati grafisareyet et fait ll Tantrasara. -T11:, a ruby; R. 13. 53; 17. 23; Ku. 3. 53; Kau. A 2. 11. 29; 371 447170 TH Aayor: a: 11 H.- T an epithet of the goddess of wealth. ter a figure on the palm of the hand of the form of a lotus-flower) which indicates the acquisition of great wealth.-31523a: 1 an epithet of Brahman. -2 Kubera. -3 the sun. -4 a king. ( 1) 1 an epithet of Laksmi, the goddess of wealth. -2 or of Sarasvati, the goddess of learning. -3 N. of Tara. -awaitet: the sun. aerea. lotus-hued. -OTTE an epithet of Laksmi. - an epithet of Brahman. TTTT 1 an epithet of Ganga. -2 of Laksmi. -3 of Durga. : a particular measure of length. -&ret: an epithet of Visnu. 794 1 An army arrayed in the form of a lotusflower. -2 The coloured spots on the trunk and face of an elephant. -3 A particular posture in sitting, - A kind of wood ( of Cerasus Puddum ); Ram. 2. 76. 16; Mb. 4. - N. of a particular constellation. Tarm . 1 An elephant. -2 The Bhurja or birch tree. Tut: ini. By thousands of billions. yaradt 1 An epithet of Laksmi. -2 N. of a river; Mal. 9.1. -3 The goddess Manasa. qiqat a. [49-5a ] 1 Possessing lotuses. -2 Spotted; 112THf4 i Mb. 1. 198. 16. -*. 1 An elephant; sirae: qftsfaciat a la Sukti. 5. 30. -2 An epithet of Vispu. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir padminI 962 payoraH gfu-ft 1 The lotus plant; fafanufagi Kav. 4. 45; suragaja iva bibhrat padminI dantalamAm Ku.3.76%; R. 16.68%B3 Me. 83; M. 2. 13; nirAsa bhRzaM kupiteva padminI Bk. 2. 6. -2 An assemblage of lotus flowers. -3 A pond or lake abounding in lotuses%3 puSpaizcAnyaiH parikSiptaM padminyA ca sapadmayA Ram. 3. 1.63 kSINatoyAnilArkAbhyAM hatatviDiva padminI / babhUva pANDavI senA tava putrasya tejasA || Mb.7.153.20. -4 The fibrous stalk of a lotus. -5A female elephant. -6A woman of the first of the four classes into which writers on erotical science divide women the ratimaJjarI thus defines her:-bhavati kamalanetrA nAsikAkSadarandhrA aviralakucayugmA cArukezI kRzAjhI / mRduvacanasuzIlA gItavAdyAnuraktA sakalatanusuvezA padminI pdmgndhaa|| -Comp.-dezaH, -kAntaH, -vallabhaH the sun. -kaNTaka: a kind of leprosy.-khaNDam,-paNDam a multitude of lotuses; a place a bounding in lotuses. pamezayaH An epithet of Vispu. padya a.1 Consisting of Padas or lines. -2 Measuring a pada. -3 Belonging to the toot3 zrIviSNupadyA manujastulasyAH zvasan zavo yastu na veda gandham Bhag.2.3.28. -4 Marked with footsteps. -5 Belonging to a word. -8 Final. -dyaH 1 A Sudra. -2 A part of a word. -dyA 1A footpath, path, way. -2 Sugar. -dham 1A stanza. or verse (consisting of four lines); madIyapadyaratnAnAM maJjUSeSA mayA kRtA Bv. 4.45%; padya catuSpadI tacca vRttaM jAtiriti dvidhA Chand. M. 2.-2 Praise, panegyric (stuti). padraH 1A village. -2 A village road. -3 The earth. -4 N. of a district. padvaH, -dvam 1 The world of human beings (bhUloka). -2 A ear. -3 A road; (also padan in this sense). -4 The earth. pan 10. (panAyati-te, panAyita or panita) 1 To praise, extol; ef. paNa. -2 ( Atm.) To rejoice at, be glad of. qarafa Den. P. To be admirable. panasyu a. Showing one's self worthy of admiration; glorious. panAyita, -panita a. Praised. panuH (-nUH) Ved. Admiration, praise. panasaH 1 The bread-fruit or jack tree. -2 A thorn. -sA, -sI 1 A kind of malady, pustular and phlegmonoid inflammation of the skin or external organs. -2 A female monkey. -3 A female demon. -sam The fruit of the bread-fruit tree. panasikA Pustules on the ears and neck. panth 1, 10 P. To go, to travel. panthaka a. Produced in or on the way. panna, pannaga See under pad. papi: The moon. papIm. [cf. Up 3. 159] 1 The sun. -2 The moon. papu . Fostering, protecting. -pu.f. A foster-mother. pampA 1 N. of a lake in the Dandaka forest ; idaM ca pampAbhidhAnaM sara: U. 13; R. 18.30%B Bk. 6.73. -2 N. of a river in the south of India. pay 1 A.(payate) To gor move. payas.. 1 WaterBhag.8.2.4; payasA kamalaM kamalena payaH payasA kamalena vibhAti saraH. -2 Milk; payaHpAnaM bhujaGgAnAM kevalaM viSavardhanam H. 3.4; R. 2. 36, 63; 14, 78 (where both senses are intended).-3 Semen virile. -4 Food. -8 Ved. Night. -6 Vital spirit, power, strength (Ved). (payas is changed to payo before soft consonants). -Comp. -galaH, -DaH 1 hail. -2 an island. -ghanam hail. -cayaH (payazcayaH) a reservoir or lake. -jam a lotus%, pAtAmetau payojodaralalitatalI pakajAkSasya pAdau / viSNupAdAdi stotram 12. yoniH (same as padmayoni = Brahmadeva); payojayoniH praNidhAya mAnasaM vyadhatta yasyAmaravindalocana: Sahendra 3. 37. -janman m. acloud. -da: a cloud; Me.73; mattaH sadAcArazuce kalakaH payodavAtAdiva darpaNasya R.14.37. "suhRd m. a peacock. -dharaH 1 a cloud; payodharaghanIbhAvastAvadambaramadhyagaH / AzleSopagamastatra yAvanneva pravartate // Subh. Ratn. (this refers both to a cloud and a woman's breast). -2 a woman's breast ; padmApayodharataTI Git. 1; bipANDubhirlAnatayA payodharaiH Ki. 4. 24. (where the word means 'a cloud' also); R.14.22. -3 an udder; payodharIbhUtacatu:samudrAM jugopa gorUpadharAmivorvIm R. 2.3. -4 the cocoa-nut tree. -5 the backbone or spine (kazeruka).-dhas m.1 the ocean.-2 a pond, lakes a piece of water. -3a rain-cloud. -dhArAgRham / bath-room with flowing water. -dhiH,-nidhiH the ocean%B prayAnti nadyastvaritaM payonidhim Rs.2.73; N.4.50.-pUraH a pool, lake. -mRt m., -muc m. a cloud ; yadi nAsArabhRtaH payobhRtaH Si. 16.61; karIva siktaM pRSataiH payomucAm R.3.33 6.5. -mAnuSI a water-nymph. -rayaH the current of a river. -rAziH the ocean. -vAha: a cloud; prAvRSeNyaM payovAhaM vidyudairAvatAviva B.1.36. -vrataH , -vratam subsisting on mere milk (as a vow); dinamekaM payovrataH Ms. 11.144. f. aditipayovratam Bhag.8.16. payasya a.1 Milky, made of milk. -2 Watery: -syaH A cat. -syA Curds. payasyati, payAyate Den. P. To How, to act like milk; kAma madIkSAmayakAmadhenoH payAyatAmabhyudayastvadIyaH N. 14. 79. payasvala a. Rich in milk, yielding copious milk. -la: A goat. payasvin a. Milky, juicy. nI 1 A milch-cow3B pradakSiNIkRtya payasvinI tAm R. 2.21; 54,65. -2 A river. -3 A she-goat. -4 Night. payodhikam The cuttle-fish bone. payoraH The Khadira tree. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir payoSNI 963 para TUOT N. of a river rising in the Vindhya moun- safarla fraquet: Tu My. 2. 49. -3 after with abl.) tain (identified by some with the modern Tapti river, +9:48MTT TOT U.2.7. (c) 1 afterwards, thereupon; but more correctly with Purna, a feeder of that river). 374 da 18a: R. 8. 73. -2 in future. -Comp. -Comp. -Star To Fiat 27: ) an epithet of -3754 the hinder part of the body. -3152: an epithet the river Sarasvati. of Siva. -3deg: See TAU; Bhag. 10. 14. 11. -3 : a horse found in the country of Persia or Arabia. a.(9-HA-349, af 349-91] (Declined optional -adhikAracarcA officiousness, meddlesomeness. -adhIna a. ly like a pronoun in nom. voc. pl., and abl. and loc. dependent on another, subject, subser vient; 347174 sing, when it denotes relative position ) 1 Other, differ f Ms. 10.51,83; H. 1. 119.-3772: ent, another ; see 97 >> also. -2 Distant, removed, final death. (-at:) m. (pl.) N. of a people. -37781*: remote%3 aparaM bhavato janma para janma vivasvataH Bg.4.4. -3 an epithet of Siva. -2 a frontier. -3772TIC: the time Beyond, further, on the other side of ; Texastaa: 97: of death ; a 49 9 91 19at: afgezed a Ms. 2. 23; 7 158. -4 Subsequent, following, next to, Mund. 3.2.6.-372 a. living or subsisting on another's future, after (usually with abl.); 1411 a ani food. (-4) the food of another; TEST: 49981: Hasara R. 5. 63; Ku. 1. 31. -5 Higher, superior; Mk. 4. 28. Oftyzat being fed with the food of others; famararafa y uzagara R. 15. 22; szafor 9710913 Y. 3. 241. E a. subsisting on the food of others; rindriyebhyaH paraM manaH / manasastu parA buddhiryo buddheH paratastu saH / / rogI cirapravAsI parAnnabhojI praavsthshaayii| yajjIvati tanmaraNaM yanmaraNaM By. 3. 42. -9 Highest, greatest, most distinguished, #SEY fa 11:11 H. 1. 120. -3797 a. 1 far and near, pre-eminent, chief, best, principal; 4717 vi arta Brii remote and proximate. -2 prior and posterior. -8 before Up. 1. 4. 11. 75991 Unit 4 S. 2; Ki. 5. 18; and beyond, earlier and later. -4 higher and lower, qarsia 97: Ku. 2. 14 'higher than the highest'; 6. 19; best and worst. (- :) a Guru of an intermediate class. $. 7. 27. -7 Having as a following letter or sound, (TH) (in logic) a property intermediate between the followed by in comp.). -8 Alien, estranged, stranger. greatest and smallest numbers, a species (as existing -9 Hostile, inimical, adverse, -10 Exceeding, having a between the genus and individual); e.g.geat which is 47 surplus or remainder, left over; as in t .4 'exceed . with respect to a ghaTa in apara with respect to dravya; dravyatvAdikaing or more than a hundred. -11 Final, last. -12 (At jAtistu parAparatayocyate Bhasa. P.8. -abhidhyAnam selfthe end of comp.) Having anything as ths highest ob conceit; high opinion for self or body (eaf1917); ai ject, absorbed or engrossed in, intent on, solely devoted parAbhidhyAnena vibhraMzitasmRtiH Bhag.5. 14. 10. -amRtam rain. to, wholly engaged or occupied in; 9 : R. 1.91 ; -TOTUT (3 ) a. 1 attached or devoted to, adhering 8091947, 159, 4997, faaret &c. -T: 1 Another to. -2 depending on, subject to. -3 intent on, solely person, a stranger, foreigner; oft. in pl. in this sense; ] devoted to or absorbed in (at the end of comp.); qa: tai yratat Bv. 1. 9; Si. 20. 74 ; see 5, 3774 q a927497: Bh. 2. 56; so HIE"; 374 HIETTI ad laat also. -2 A foe, an enemy, adversary; 184atTYTI Fraaurarea Ku. 4. 1; 3THEIT &o. -4 connected 1929: quzftagal Si. 2. 10; Pt. 2. 158; R. 3. 21.-3 The with. -5 being a protector (alat); 31614 Turetat: agt Almighty; tAvadabhyAsate loka parasya paracintakAH Bhag.3.32.8. a: 9712: Mb. 1.230. 4. -6 leading or conducive to. - 1 The highest point or pitch, culminating point. (- ) 1 the principal or highest objest, chief aim, -2 The Supreme Spirit; if I fa sem best or last resort; TT 917 Prasna Up. 1. 10; 974 Bg. 5. 16. -3 Final beatitude; 31 T FA 0904 471914 Ram. 1. 21. 10; Mb. 12. 179. 12. - 2 yhrala 954: Bg. 3. 19. -4 The secondary meaning essence, sum. -3 Ved. going away, departure, exit. of a word. -5 (In logic) One of the two kinds of -4 firm devotion. -5 a universal medicine, panacea. ATHTU or generality of notion; more extensive kind, -8 a religious order. -37ef a. 1 having another aim (comprehending more objects ); e. g. quat is 97 with or meaning.-2 intended or designed for another, done respect to a ). - The other or future world; 14h for another. (- ) 1 the highest interest or advan ataftar Farhata Mb. 6. 14. 55. Note-. The ! tage. -2 the interest of another opp. Faret); fari * acc., instr. and loc. singulars of 97 are used adverbi- 94 a yara: a f : Subhas.; R. 1. 29.-3 the ally; e. g. (a) 941 beyond, over, out of with chief or highest meaning. -4 the highest object (i.e. a bl.); A: 94 R. 1. 17. -2 after with a bl.); sexual intercourse ). - the supreme good 21); Trat 87FA1T 974 $. 6. 21; R. 1. 66; 3. 39; Me. 102; H T- w a HEY Mb. 12. 288. 9. -6 Something ha: 974 S. 4. 17; 2a: 974 &c. -3 thereupon, there- else. Hence triar or a means ' being subsidiary after. -4 but, however. -5 otherwise. -8 in a high to something else; graf H19: SB. on MS. 4. 3. degree, excessively, very much, completely, quite; -7 an object which is meant for another's use (San. grasith &c. -7 most willingly. -8 only. -9 at the Phil.); Haragiart fagurreratzeerarara, San. K. 17. utmost. () o 1 farther, beyond, more than; fonal a tigt a. speaking for another; mediator, substitute. : tor fara Mal. 2. 2. -% afterwards; 13 - a. striving for the supreme good.(-1,-) For Private and Personal Use Only Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra para ind. for the sake of another. - 1 the other part (opp: pUrvArdha); the latter half; dinasya pUrvArdhaparArdhabhinnA Bh. 2. 60. -2 a particular high number; i. e. 100,000,000,000,000,000; saMkhyA T. S. - ardhaka a. One half of anything. - ardhya a a. 1 being on the farther side or half. -2 most distant in number; a: Sat. Br. -3 most excellent, best, most exalted, highly esteemed, highest, supreme; R. 3. 27; 8. 27; 10.64; 16.39; AbaddhapracuraparArdhyakiMkiNIkaH Si. 8. 45. -4 most costly; Si. 4. 11; 19 af fa faaf: Bu. Ch. 1. 1. -5 most beautiful or lovely, finest R. 6.45 parasparasparthiparArthyarUpAH paurakhiyo yatra vidhAya vedhAH Si. 3. 58. -6 Divine : asAvATIt sakhye parArdhyavat Bk. 9.64. (-) 1 a maximum. -2 an infinite number. -avara a. 1 far and near; parAvarANAM svaSTAraM purANaM M. 1. 1. 23. -2 earlier and later. -3 prior and posterior or subsequent higher and lower. - 8 traditional; punAti pakti vaMzyAMzca sapta sapta parAvarAn Ms. 1. 105. -6 all-including; sf Mb. 3. 232. 18. (-) descendants. (H) 1 cause and effect. -2 the whole extent of an idea. -3 the universe. -4 totality., a. knowing both the past and the future; parAvarajJo brahmarSiH Mb. 1.60.5. -avasatha a. sleeping in another's house; H. 1. 120. - ahaH the next day. -ahnaH the afternoon, the latter part of the day. -AgamaH attack of an enemy. -Acita a. fostered or brought up by another. (-a) a slave. - m. the Supreme Spirit. -37 a. 1 dependent on another, subject, subservient; parAyattaH prIteH kathamiva 95: Mu. 3. 4. -2 Wholly subdued or overwhelmed by. - m. an epithet of Brahman; nAI parAyuSayo na marIcimukhyA jAnanti sadviracitaM tu sargaH Bhag. 8. 10. 12. - 1 an epithet of Kubera. -2 of Visnu. a. dependent upon another. (-:). 1 dependence upon another. -2 the retreat of enemies. (-) a plant growing on another tree. - dependence upon another. - . a thief, robber. a. 1 other than inimical, i. e. friendly, kind. 2 one's own; fata: Ki. 1. 14. T: 1 an epithet of Brahman. -2 of Visnu. - N. of Brahman. I a cow which has often calved. - another's prosperity. - udvahaH the Indian cuckoo. : doing good to others, benevolence, beneficence, charity; paropakAraH puNyAya pApAya parapIDanam . -3 a. benevolent, kind to others. -T: causing dissension among enemies; paropajApAt saMrakSet pradhAnAn kSudrakAn api Kau. A. 1, 18 - upadezaH advising others paropadeze pANDityam uparuddha . besieged by an enemy. - approaching another: begging. - UDhA another's wife. -edhita a fostered or brought up by another. (-) 1 a servant. -2 the (Indian) cuckoo. n. service for another. : a servant. -phalatram another's wife. abhigamanam adultery sare pusAM na ca parakalatrAbhigamanam H. 1. 116, - kAyapravezanam enter 984 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir para ing another's body (a supernatural art). The deeds of the enemy; rAjJaH samIpe parakAramAha prajJApanaiSA vivighopadiSTA Kau. A. 2. 10. - kAryam another's business or work. fra: 1 a benevolent man. -2 a slave, servant. a. relating to a later time, mentioned later. - an example or precedent, a passage descriptive of the doings of men; MS. 6. 7.26. -: doubling the second letter of a conjunction of consonants. -fa: f. inclination of the ecliptic. - 1 another's body. -2 another's field; ye'kSetriNo bIjavantaH parakSetrapravApiNaH / te vai sasyasya jAtasya na labhante phalaM kvacit // Ms. 9.49. -3 another's wife; at garat Ms. 3. 175. tu For Private and Personal Use Only : a. a. 1 being with another. -2 relating to another. -8 beneficial to another. - a. beneficial to another. (-NaH) the virtue of another; paraguNaparamANUn parvatIkRtya nityam Bh. 2. 78. fer: joint (as of a finger); an articuIntion. glAni subjugnation of an enemy AtmodayaH paraglAnirdvayaM nItiritIyatI Si. 2. 30. cakram 1 the army of an enemy. -2 invasion by an enemy, one of the six itis q. v. 3 a hostile prince. a. dependent. (-) 1 the will of another. -2 dependence. following the will of another. -f a weak or vulnerable point of another, a defect in another. - a. 1 stranger. -2 coming from a foe. -8 inferior. a stranger (opp. svajana ); zaktaH parajane dAtA Ms. 11. 9. - n. a future birth. - a. 1 born of another. -2 dependent on another for livelihood. (-:) a servant. fra a. 1 conquered by another. -2 maintained by another. (-:) the (Indian) cuckoo. - dependent on another, dependent, subservient. (a common group of) subsidiaries belonging to another; jaimineH paratantrApatteH svatantrapratiSedhaH syAt MS. 12. 1. 8 ( see a).- a suppliant, beggars Danaalgara, Bibliotheca Indica, 274, Fascicule 1, p. 15; also a - m. One who approaches another man's wife. -tIrthika: The adherent of another sect. dArAH m. (pl.) another's wiles fan, fun: Adultery. -dArin m. an adulterer - duHkham the sorrow or. grief [of another] virayaH paraduHkhaduHkhito janaH mahadapi paraduHkhaM zItalaM samyagAhuH V. 4.13. -devatA the Supreme Being. -dezaH a hostile or foreign country. - m. a foreigner. -drohin, -dveSin fe,-fa. hating others, hostile, inimicnl.another's property. - 1 the religion of another; svadharme nidhanaM zreyaH paradharmo bhayAvahaH Bg. 3.35. -2 another's duty or business. -3 the duties of another caste; jIvan hi sadyaH patati jAtita: Ms. 10.97 - dhyAnam absolute meditation or contemplation; dhyeye mano nizcalatAM yAti dhyeyaM vicintayat / yat tad dhyAnaM paraM proktaM munibhirdhyAnacintakaiH // Garuda P.-fa: the irregular posteriority of a word in a compound; i. e. bhUtapUrvaH where the sense is pUrvaM bhUtaH ; Bo rAjadantaH, agnyAditaH o. nirvANam the highest nirvANa (Buddh.). : the side or party of an enemy. - 1 the highest position, eminence. -2 final beatitude. -qft a. see parAdhInaH svavIryavijaye yuktA naiteH para M. Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir para 888 parama tel: Mb.7. 144. 22. - another's property (as q uafa farre SH Si. 16. 30. -atfor: 1 a judge. wife &c.); p afsi aggod gar Ms. 9.42-3. -2 a year. -3 N. of the peacock of Kartikeya. at: oftra: humiliation or injury suffered from others. 1 rumour, report. -2 objection, controversy.- e m . - fara a. One who does not depend on others for a disputant, controversialist. x. the abode of his sustenance and performs the 449s faultlessly the Supreme Being. a: an epithet of Dhritarastra. and takes food in his own house. - ca a. one who - a word expressive of something else; TTT depends upon others for his sustenance but performs 977 at ac at SB. on MS. 7. 2 1. 9 the usual ceremonies before cooking; paJcayajJAn svaya kRtvA ind. the day after tomorrow. - a. 1 1880parAnamupajIvati / satataM prAtarutthAya parapAkaratastu sH||-paakruciH ciated with another. -2 fighting with another. an: having a liking for others' food; 9791981 Furcia- the soul. aut a. homogeneous with a following Hurga Y. 1. 112. qu: another's food, food given letter (in gram.). - ind. into the hands of anby another. 377 a., a. one who eats another's other. Sat a woman given in marriage. Har service food or one who feeds at the cost of another; alcaise of another. i another's wife. a4 another's pro47905972 : Mk. 8. 25/26; (-m.) a servant. Et perty; 1991 41 raiz: at car feat R. 1. 27; a. feeding upon another's food; 9 1908 : Bh. Ms. 7. 123. 'TOH seizing another's property. - Ta. -Tery: a conqueror, hero. -950: 1 another man, a killing enemies. -iga a. 1 benevolent. -2 profitable stranger. -2 the Supreme Spirit, Visnu. -3 the hus- to another. -tam the welfare of another; santaH svayaM band of another woman. -99 a. 1 fed or nourished by nieaf ETHITT: Bh. another. -2 Stranger. (-:) the (Indian ) cuckoo. Tot a. 1 Belonging to another; 3791 PICHA: the mango tree. -get 1 the Indian ) cuckoo. 977 Ta . 4. 22; Ms. 4. 201. -2 Stranger, hostile. -2 a parasitical plant. -3 a harlot, prostitute.-qat a woman who has or had a former husband ; Ms. 3. 166; - Another's wife, a woman not one's own, one pati hitvA'pakRSTaM svamutkRSTaM yA niSevate / nindyaiva sA bhavelloke parapUrveti of the three main kinds of heroines; see pealt and S. ya Ms. 5. 163.- T m. son of the great grand D. 108 et seq.; cf. also 879929795410TIT 97814 son. -Tos (see fata).-16: a servant, menial, slave. dvidhA / paroDhA kanyakA ca / kanyakAyAH pitrAdyadhInatayA parakIyatA / & n. the Supreme Spirit; cf. for Bh. Rasamanjari. qaat Sa A: Sankara ( 42431217). -TTT: TEFTATE, VET: An epithet of Varuna. 1 another's share. -2 superior merit. -3 good fortune, qraq ind. 1 From another ; 47: Fa: a yor prosperity. -4 (a) excellence, superority, supremacy; atram: HTT TT T T 9151 aqat 2014 Bv. 1. 120.-2 From an enemy; TO 51 Pt. 1.330; 5. 34. Teia astea: R. 3. 48. -3 Further, more than ), (6) excess, abundance, beight; F45STET HEE4STT lazar : HIT Git. 10; 3 hfa beyond, after, over (often with a bl.); 21 : 4973TTO19 R. 5. 70; Ku.7. 17; Ki. 5. 30; 8. 42; Si. 7. 33; Bg. 3. 42. -4 Otherwise. -5 Differently. -6 Further, 8. 51; 10. 86; 12. 15. -5 the last part, remainder. - afterwards. a. loving another. -Ya: the being second member in Trreth 1 The following of another letter, posterioa compound. - HITT a foreign tongue.- a. enjoyed rity. -2 Distinction, difference. -3 Remoteness. -4 or used by another; T r ata : Consequence, result. - Enmity, hostility. -8 Priority sa pacyate kAlasUtre yaavccndrdivaakrau|| Brav.P.-bhUtaa.following, of place or time, proximity, one of the 24 gunas of subsequent (as words ).- m. a crow said to nourish the Vaisesikas. the cuckoo ). a a. nourished by another. Wai,-a TEET ind. 1 In another world, in a future birth; the Indian ) cuckoo; (so called because she is nouri TE 2 THOR. 1. 69; Ku. 4. 37; Ms. 3. 275; 5. 166; shed by another i. e. by a crow); nafarla 8. 127.-2 In the sequel, further or later on. -3 HereFarah : a3 992 $. 5. 22; Ku. 6. 2; R. 9.43; S. 4. 10. -ACH 1 another's opinion. -2 dif after, in future. -74 Future world. -Comp. 716: one who stands in awe of the future world, a pious or ferent opinion or doctrine; heterodoxy. -H T a. knowing the secrets of another. ry: a crow. -THU: religious man. a married woman's gallant or paramour; tarafta 97THI Ter ind. (like 37-472) Otherwise; Cholachampu TEAT60445119: Pt. 1. 180. On the next or fur- kavya 5.5; P. 4; P. 13. ture) world; paralokanavapravAsinaH pratipatsye padavImahaM tava Ku. 4. 10. gamaH, degyAnam death. degvidhi funeral rites 3; paraloka Tiag a. (cf. P. III. 2. 39 ] Annoying or vexing fait 7 Fangre (faraa: 17:) Ku.4. 38. others, subduing one's enemy; Bg. 4. 2; 4: 49 Tau #: 4174: R. 15. 7. -T: A hero, conqueror. -art, at a. subject to another, dependent, dependent on others; qasig chair gah. -1934 TTH a. ( 93 area hifaa Tv. ) 1 Most distant, last. a fault or a defect of another; gerufe Aqui ACT 1-2 Highest, best, most excellent, greatest; sala qui For Private and Personal Use Only Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parama 988 paraMparita ...... TTH Ms. 4. 14; 7. 1; 2. 13. -3 Chief, principal, position, highest rank. -2 final beatitude; racurt: 9 primary, supreme; 41 raut: Fut: 44ad Ra a 34: Rv. 1. 154. 5. TCH a. most excellent Ms. 9. 319. -4 Exceeding, extreme. -5 Adequate, i of all. - the Supreme Spirit; N. of Visnu. -95T, sufficient; TA Afaen taarifa 29: Ms. 8. 302. -TET: the Supreme Spirit. -tua. celebrated, -8 Worst. -7 Higher than, superior to; 7 H ario- renowned. - T&T . the Supreme Spirit. Et f. One vala u NE Pt. 1. 11. - The utmost or of the poses of goddess 1971. -TAT: butter-milk mixed highest; the chief or prominent part; (at the end of with water. - T: a supreme monarch. T a. comp.) consisting principally of, solely occupied with; very auspicious or successful; paramasamudayenAzvamedhena ceSTvA "HALTAT9741 Tralala fateat: Bg. 16. 11; Ms. 6. 96. Mk. 1. 4. - a. highly esteemed; much revered. - ind. 1 A particle of assent, acceptance or agree- - an ascetic of the highest order, one who has ment well, very well, yes, be it so ); aa: The Far controlled and subdued all his senses by abstract HOE Ku. 6.35.-2 Exceedingly, very much ; meditation; cf. 17; 17 ac*: ela adta: 747 &c. -Comp. -TTTH the sacred syllable 'om' 93: 4: 9917 # 3114: 1 Haritasmriti. or Brahmi. -39 an excellent woman. 39: an Ouital 441972: N. of Sankaracharya. infinitesimal particle, an atom; falareid 1999 TAF a. Highest, most excellent, best &c.; also AINATH R. 15. 22; TYTYTATOTT qad Bh. 2. 78: ufa; T iara e sifa: q T HH Ram. 1. 20. 11. pRthvI nityA paramANurUpA T. S.; (a paramANu is thus defined:jAlAntarasthasUryAzau yat sUkSmaM dRzyate rjH| bhAgastasya ca SaSTo yaH Tha: ind. In the highest degree, exceedingly, Tag: 4 gevall Tarka K., or less accurately :- - very much. ntaragate razmau yat sUkSma dRzyate rjH| tasya triMzattamo bhAgaH paramANuH #34 II) that qera 1 Highest rank, position; 7914 Tre 1997: an epithet of Visnu. - 3 H 1 the 1798la na 39euana Bri. Up. 1. 4.11. -2 Highest Supreme Spirit. -2 pure unitarianism. - rice boiled in milk with sugar.-37 : the inclination of a aim or end. planet's orbit to the ecliptic. -370: 1 the highest or viac a. Destroying foes (a hero). most sublime truth, true spiritual knowledge, knowledge T EH 1 The abode of Visnu.-2 Eternal felicity. a bout Brahman or the Supreme Spirit; fata TAHSIA Mv. 7. 2. -2 truth, reality, earnestness; -3 A high position. oftereffen H a aat 97: S. 2. 19; oft in TAY a. Superior, supreme 9: 1 An epithet of comp. in the sense of 'true' or 'real!. PATUT: R.7.40. Brahman. -2 A deity. My. 4. 30.-3 any excellent or important object. - the Thiya a Standing at the head, highest, chief; best sense. -5 the best kind of wealth. It really qafea 41: Bhay. 10. 89. 58. -*. 1 An epithet of poor; Mk. HT a. partaking of the highest truth; Brahman. -2 Of Siva. -3 Of Visnu. -4 Of Garuda. Mv. Ta philosopher. 3a: ind. truly, really, exactly, accurately; vikAraM khalu paramArthato'jJAtvA'nArambhaH -5 Of Agni. -6 Any spiritual teacher. -7 with Jainas) pratIkArasya 5.4; uvAca cainaM paramArthato haraM na vetsi nUnaM yata evamAttha An Arhat. ATA Ku. 5. 75; Pt. 1. 136. -31: an excellent day. Tigt a. One following the other; yiqin area -TFT m. the Supreme Spirit or Brahman; a 7 94 Ram. 4. 56.5.-2 Successive, repeated. aaat: 114 TAETIT, R. 8. 22; Fari -T: 1 A great-grandson. -2 A kind of deer - rgimAmananti manISiNaH / yadupAstimasAvatra paramAtmA nirUpyate // 1 An uninterrupted series, regular series, succession; Kusum. -371727: supreme felicity', Supreine Spirit. Ha a K. 103 ; TT 'from ear to ear, -3119 1. the greatest valamity or misfortune. - - by hear-say'; U 3174 to be handed down in 744 the wheel (77); T: Hrar: IT IT TAY: regular succession '. -2 A row, line, collection, assemRam. 6.58.12.-310: a Bodhisattva (q.v.). -cara: blage of regular things ); azazi tali an excellent archer. T: an epithet of Visnu. -97: Ku. 6. 49; R. 6.5, 35, 40; 12. 100. -3 Method, order, 1 an epithet of Visnu. -2 of Indra. -3 of Siva. - the due arrangement; evaM paraMparAprAptamimaM rAjarSayo viduH Bg.1.2. Almighty god, the Supreme Being. -3 N. of Brahman. -4 Race, family, lineage. - Injury, hurting, killing. -6 a universal monarch, sovereion of the world; see - Comp. - a. received by tradition. -argaan fiz. Fit: a great sage. -92 supremacy. indirect means of conveyance (such as horse which -103:,-134 a very auspicious moment. Arfa: f. draws the carriage). - Fet: an indirect conjunction; the sine of the greatest declination. - fa: f. 1 any of. P. VIII. 1. 2t com. -TH ind. Successively, one chief object or refuge (as a god ). -2 final beatitude, after the other. emancipation. -gavaH an excellent bull or cow. -gahana a TOTT a. Immolating an animal at a sacrifice. very myserious, profound. -arah the highest truth. -TAIT a. very dutiful, virtuous. - 1 the best qorta a. Continuous, forming a series, heather For Private and Personal Use Only Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir paraMparINa 961 parAka qator a. 1 Obtained by succession or descent, hereditary; lakSmI paraMparINAM tvaM putrapautrINatAM naya Bk.5.15. -2 Traditional. pat a. 1 Dependent upon or subject to another, ready to obey; a atuada a farech . 3. 2; 19974 1 : R. 8. 81 ; 2. 56; oft. with instr. or loc. of person; 1991 e qarte 4 R. 14. 59. - 2 Deprived of strength, rendered powerless; qarfa staiga Mal. 3.-3 Completely under the influence of another, not master of oneself, overpowered or overcome; fac ea qaraf U. 5; 34aea qaraf U. 3; apan Mal. 6. - 4 Devoted to. Taal Subjection to another, dependence; a gaulant FATHIA mala qani V. 5. 17. * 1 An oil-mill. -2 The blade of a sword. -3 Foam. -4 A scymitar. -JIT The sounds of instruments at festivals. - Indra's sword. TTT: A kind of stone or gem, the touch of which is said to turn other metals, such as iron, into gold; perhaps the philosopher's stone. Ty: [ 91-zona, 7- ; cf. Un. 1. 34 ] 1 An axe, a hatchet, a battle-axe; aita: 97444 44 R. 11. 78. -2 A weapon in general. -3 A thunderbolt. -Comp. er: 1 an epithet of Parasurama. -2 of Ganesa. -3 a soldier armed with an axe. - ET a kind of pose in Tantrasastra. #: Rama with the axe', N. of a celebrated Brahmana warrior, son of Jamadagni and the sixth incarnation of Visnu. [ While young he cut off with his axe the head of his mother Renuka at the command of his father when none of his other brothers was willing to do so; (see Thera). Some time after this, king Kartavirya went to the hermitage of his father, and carried off his cow. But Parasurama, when he returned home, fought with the king and killed him. When his sons heard this they became very angry, and repaired to the hermitage, and on finding Jamadagni alone, they shot him dead. When Parasurama, who was not then also at home, returned, he became very much exasperated, and made the dreadful vow of exterminating the whole Ksatriya race. He succeeded in fulfilling this vow, and is said to have 'rid the earth thrice seven times of the royal race'. He was afterwards, destroyer of the Ksatriyas as he was, defeated by Rama, son of Dasaratha, though quite a boy of sixteen Bee R. 11. 6891 ). He is said to have at one time pierced through the Krauscha mountain, being jealous of the might of Kartikeya; cf. Me. 57. He is one of the seven chirajivins, and is believed to be still practising penance on the Mahendra mountain; cf. Git 1.:jagadapagatapApaM snapayasi payasi zAmatabhavatApam / kezava dhRtabhRgupatirUpa 972 T ]. - N. of a certain part of hell. Tea (a) : A hatchet, a battle-axe; i ferai 71899 Hay97974114 R. 6. 42. TTE ind. Rarely used by itself in classical Sanskrit) 1 Beyond, further, more than ; 91:afagiaa: Bhag. 5. 7. 14. -2 On the other side of. -8 Far away, at a distance - 4 With the exception of. -8 Ved. . In future, afterwards. -Comp. - COT a. very black. - er Ved. a woman not satisfied with her husband and therefore seeking for a paramour). -957 a. higher than a man. - a. more than a hundred ; a 4617 97:Tamat gaat ara cara faa Ki. 13. 26; Si. 12. 50.- 6ind. the day after tomorrow. -487a. more than a thousand; 77:EET: patagih aral U. 1. 15; 97:ee: 99: My. 5. 17. T alt ind. 1 Beyond, on the other side of, further than with gen.); fuauf 28: qtare Bg. 8. 9. -2 Hereafter, afterwards ; H anza . 1. -3 Higher than. -4 Ved. From above. 5 Aside, apart. TECT a. 1 Mutual; 9789*4 rafoa rufaa: a safari za acuarelagat ll Pt. 3. 186; 42*421 9494afa H aierarctur Bk. 2.5. -2 (pl.) Like one another; Mb. 12. -pron., a. Each other, one another (used in the sing. only; often in comp.); 99 Farf ale R. 3. 24; 7. 38; 3ala979: 3444: 17. 51; TETRICey 1. 40; 3. 24. Note: The acc. and : abl. singulars are often used adverbially in the sense of 'mutually', reciprocally', 'one another', 'by, from' or 'to one another', 'against one another' &c.; see 97 94 : 3: 7734 By. 3. 11; 10.9; R. 4. 79; 6. 46; 7. 14, 53; 12. 94. -Comp. - a. consuming one another ; 48921featedat: (a ) Ms. 12. 59. -zaH a friend. -vilakSaNa a. mutually opposing; parasparaf u JUICE: San. K. 36. Stefe: f. mutual exclusion. P a a. standing opposite to one another. TECH, THAT'A voice for another', one of the two voices in which verbs in Sanskrit are conjugated; 3449faathi aat: 9 43 791. q1 ind. A prefix to verbs and nouns in the sense of 'away, back, in an inverted order, aside, towards'. According to G. M. the senses of ar are:- 1 killing, injuring & (RET). -2 going (14). - seeing, encountering (cree). -4 prowess (97191-27). -direction towards (911). -6 excess (IT). -7 dependence (ra). -8 liberation (978). -9 inverted order, backwards (wigga). -10 setting aside, disregarding. parAk See parAc; punarAsAdya saMrabdha upakroSTA parAk sthitaH Bhag. 10. 15. 31. 1. 4. Small. -*: 1 A sacrificial sword. 2 A kind of penance; MATCH594072 arikh 1927 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PPTERET 988 parAJjaH ATH tsi 91919aier: Ms. 11. 215; N. 17. 193. KIERTEITAG 971: u ffic; U. 4. -3 A kind of disease. ht: 1 Remote expectation or hope. -2 Distant view. TOIT 8 U. To reject, disregard, slight, take no notice of; tAM hanUmAn parAkurvannagamat puSpakaM prati Bk. 8.50. TITOR The act of setting aside, rejecting, disregarding, disdaining. q e a. Disparaged, reviled. T ind. At a distance Ved). 7 5H 1 U. 1 To display courage, strength or heroism, act bravely; h a via fuga SC Ms. 7. 106; ytral *** Bk. 8. 22, 94. -2 To turn back. - To march against, attack. - To march forward, advance. T H : 1 Heroism, prowess, courage, valour ; 914: Si. 2. 44. -2 Marching againt, attack. -3 Attempt, endeavour, enterprise. -4 N. of Visnu. Ha a. Heroic, spirited, courageous, valiant. T I TI. v. 1 Strong, valiant, bold, energetic; 4gey92an Ram. 4. 19. 23; Mb. 7. 65.3. -2 Attacked. -3 Turned back. gerea a. Upset, wrested away. -Comp. - H a . having the mind carried away, enraptured. CIT: 1 The pollen of a flower ; +92919789834 Si. 6. 2; Amaru. 54. -2 Dust in general; artsa a: T2: 9717 R. 4.30. -8 Fragrant powder used 1 after bathing. -4 Sandal. 5 An eclipse of the sun or moon. -6 Fame, celebrity. -7 Independence, selfwill. -8 Medicinal powder; Matanga L. 11. 28. -9 Powder; kAye'pi karpUraparAgapUraH Mv.7.17. TEETH 1 P. 1 To return; ach ma carft U.5. -2 To surround, encompass, pervade; 4247179778 48414 Si. 6.2. -3 Ved. To go away, depart. -4 To die. Tema p. p. 1 Dead. -2 Covered with, surrounded. -3 Spread, expanded. TUTA: Invasion. parAGgavaH The ocean. 477,92752a.(- /.) 1 Situated beyond or on the other side; ECATI 1 : Ch. Up; feraat1 991 pe 1937 wafa SB. on MS. 10. 5. 47. -2 Having the face turned away; 374 412: garant ( ); Si. 18. 18. -8 Unfavourable, adverse; a Bv. 1. 105; or a 11ansfagasid 3.1.-4 Distant. -8 Directed outwards; I que apare Kath. 2. 1. 1; Bhag. 8. 19. 9. -8 Turned away, averted. -7 Departing or returning from. -8 Inverted, reversed. -9 Not repeated : 370 TFT alacate MS. 10. 5. 45; 317 3o ada SB. On MS. 10. 5. 45. -*. The body; THI TH9acuare Bhag. 4. 11. 10. -ind. 1 Away, off. -2 Outwards. -Comp. - a. having the eyes turned towards the outer world. -puSpa: The kadamba tree. -puSpI The apAmArga, tree Mar, 3119/8). ye a. (T he) 1 having the face turned away or averted, turning the back upon; farerea a piaget iga 5: # R. 19. 38; Amaru. 90; Ms. 2. 195; 10. 119. -2 (a) averse from; Higa Fata: Piscret aroga: R. 12. 13. (6) not disposed towards, shunning, avoiding; f lera Ha: V. 4. 20; $. 5. 28. -3 adverse, unfavourable; data a SEHT fafra yraga: Amaru. 30. -4 not caring about, regardless of; retuga: R. 10. 43. (a) a magical formula pronounced over weapons. Oh, great, green Turning away, a version. quieta a. [97 ] 1 Turned in an opposite direction, averted; 77: Siva B. 27. 42. -2 Averse from, disinclined to. -3 Not minding, not caring about. -4 Happening snbsequently or after wards (371 ). -B Situated on the other side, being beyond; na kadAcit parAcInA bhavitumutsahante Bhag. 5. 20. 37. -8 Unfit, improper. -7 Outward ( aleja); jJAnamekaM parAcInarindriyaibrahma nirguNam Bhag.3.32.28. -nam ind. 1 Away from, beyond. -2 More than. -Comp. -TTTH the second half of the night. aft A. 1 To defeat, conquer, overcome, subdue; 9 97 91 Y. 2. 75; Bk. 8. 9; Si. 19. 82. -2 To lose, be deprived of. -3 To be conquered or overcome by, find something) unbearable; 37471 471 4. Sk. 'finds it unbearable or difficult to study '; at 971974HIsta Teat T 17 Bk. 8. 71. - To submit or yield to. T : 1 Overpowering, conquest, conquering, subjugating,defeat; viSTapatrayaparAjayasthirAM rAvaNazriyamapi vyakampayat R. 11. 19; Ms. 7. 199. -2 Being overcome by, not be ing able to suffer with abl.); as in 3782917 91714: -3 Losing, loss, failure as in a law-suit); 3= z alea (Hero) 782 ya 971972: Y. 2. 79. - Deprivation. -5 Desertion. ifra p. p. 1 Conquered, subjugated, defeated. -2 Condemned by law, cast or defeated (as in a lawsuit). Geo a. 1 Victorious. -2 Conquered, defeated. TOT 1 An oil-mill. -2 Foam. -3 The blade of a sword or knife. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parADInam 969 parAzarin postax Flying backward qula: Ti819h.'; Mb. 8. 41. 27. argfa: f. Driving away, expelling, removing. TI: The being thrushed or pushed aside. TETET: The Supreme Being. -a. Supreme; 471647 puruSamupaiti divyam. TIET 3 U. Ved. 1 To give or hand over, deliver. -2 To throw away, squander. -3 To give away or exchange for ( with dat.). -4 To exclude from. TETTH 1 Giving up or away. -2 Exchanging. Tafe: 1 Hunting, chase. -2 Extreme mental pain. TETA(CO) AT Medical treatment, practice of medicine. TT1 P. 1 To arrive, draw near, approach. -2 To return. -3 To escape. -4 To depart. - To fall out. - To fail. -Caus. To chase or drive away. PTT 1 P. 1 To defeat, vanquish, overcome. -2 To hurt, injure, tease. -3 To vanish, disappear. -4 To perish, be lost. - To submit, yield. -Caus. 1 To defeat, overcome. -2 (A.) To vanish, disappear. -8 To suffer a loss. qarta: 1 (a) Defeat, discomfiture, overthrow; 97134sha ta fra Ki. 1. 41. (b) Mortification, humiliation; try #4: Tu Teda 91494 Ku. 2.22; 89 qalgaaf Hafnh2491 392TH Git. 12. -2 Contempt, disregard, disrespect. -3 Destruction. -4 Disappearance, separation sometimes written 91H1). -8 N. of the 40 th year in the cycle of 60 years. parAbhAva: Same as parAbhava; Mb. parAbhAvanam Suppression. True 4. About to decline, going to pass away. Trga p. p. 1 Defeated, overcome. -2 Treated with contempt, degraded, dishonoured. Tarta: f. See 1a; 4977 aalafat qrua: qi 44 Pt. 2. 97. T a a. One who has overcome death. TET 6 P. 1 To touch, rub or stroke gently; 414Ta mea qorat quei getrefah R. 3. 68; Si. 17. 11; Mk 5. 28. -2 To lay hands on, attack, assail, seize; Mk. 1. 39. - To defile, pollute, outrage ( a woman or a temple). -4 To reflect, think, consider fe weda 25 yehagar 91qafa Bv. 2. 53. - To think mentally of, praise (I); * Paragara Ayracani 7497 afa K. P. 1. -6 To have refo- rence to, point to. ......983 Tihat: 1 Seizing, pulling; as in 1921HRT:. -2 Bending or drawing (as a bow). -2 Violence, attack, assault; 2 2 : qraf: Mb. -4 Disturbance, hindrance; 79:4rasifaqah: Ku. 3. 71. -5 Calling to mind, recollection. Consideration, reflection, thought. -7 Judgment. -8 (In logio ) Deduction, ascertaining that the pakSa or subject possesses the hetu; vyAptiviziSTapakSa as AST: T. S; or JAF auft: que se Bhasa P. 66. -9 Touching, striking gently. -10 Affection (by disease ). Thala 1 Romembrance. -2 Consideration, reflection, thought. T aet p. p. 1 Touched, handled, seized, grasped. -2 Roughly treated, violated. -8 Weighed, considered, judged. -4 Endured. - Connected with. - Afflicted by (as a disease ); see 414T. qoft ind. The year before last. Tre See under 97 (97-3777). 975: The tree called fitae. parAruka: A stone or rock. T ag: N. of the 40th year in the cycle of 60 year; cf. 97479. Tal: Contradiction (Ved.) Tefag: N. of Kubera. Tigt ind. Ved. At a distance. qiec1 A. To return, turn back. Prad: 1 Turning back, return, retreat. -2 Exchange, barter. -3 Restoration. -4 Reversal of a sentence in law ). Teard a. To be turned back or exchanged or reversed or restored. -Comp. - agt: (in law) an appeal. Taa p. p. 1 Returned, turned back. -2 Revol-. ved. -3 Exchanged. - Reversed as a judgment ). -8 Restored, given back. qorala: f. 1 =998: above. -2 Recoiling. - Not taking effect. Tag: N. of one of the seven winds the other six are:- 3119EUR, SEE, tak, 192, 1996 and 7). Tag : 1 A stone's throw. -2 The range of any missile. Terart: N. of a celebrated sage, father of Vyasa and the author of a Smriti. Taft m. A beggar, mendicant. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parAs 070 parikarman TITE 4 P. 1 To leave, give up, quit, abandon ; 41- except, outside, with the exception of; as in off gur gufaa Ki. 5. 27. -2 To expel- To reject, ge fea: P. II. 1. 12; VI. 2. 33. According to P. II. repudiate; iti yaduktaM tadapi parAstam S. D. 1. 1. 10 ft may be used at the end of adverbial comp. afarag a. Wishing to drive away; faqat: - after 372, TT, and a numeral to denote loss or fagyta: Ki. 12. 34. defeat in a game by an unlucky or adverse cast of dice' (wayat T ari 413) e. y. 3724ft, 11parAsaH The range of anything thrown. -sam Tin. uft, auft; cf. 3714ft; (b) round about, all round, TIETH Killing, slaughter. surrounded by; as in a 'in the midst of flames'. -5 At the end of an adjectival comp. f has the Torta p. p. 1 Thrown or cast away. -2 Expelled, sense of 'exhausted by' or 'feeling repugnance for'; turned out. -3 Repudiated. -4 Refuted, rejected. -8 as in zya: = 971 asezata. Defeated, overcome. TFT 1 A religious tale or narrative; Buddh. Tot a. 1 Thrown away.-2 Set aside, rendered | Divyavadana.-2 A work giving the history and advenuseless. tures of a fabulous person, a work of fiction. -8 A TTE a. 1 Lifeless, dead; 1 Tigre TICHT: R.15.56; fairy tale. 9. 78. - One whose vital spirit is departed. - T eat, qft a. Full of, teeming with ( in comp.). - gray 1 Exhaustion, death; fa gai & Tigai Titott: 1 A great terror. -2 Violent tremour or Fagu Ki. 10. 50.-2 A dependent life (rara); trembling; viramatu parikampaH kAtare kSatriyAsi Mv.2.27. THEY HAUT a TFFH: 419ar Mb. 12. 158. 4. tet: 1 Retinue, train, attendants, followers. TIT: Arrest, imprisonment. -2 A multitude, collection, crowd; herrietaTTT m. A thief. 9f #TFLEETYE: Ratn. 3. 5. - A beginning, com mencement; TAFITF#: asfabaf: Bb. 1. 6. TIET 2 P. 1 To strike or beat back, strike down, -4 A girth, waist-band, cloth worn round the loins; repulse, repel, overthrow, drive back; 01699TIETH #THI: Si. 4. 65; 91 ** True or 'to gird up one's Ram.-2 To attack, assail; 721219TEN 2499 H Mal.7. loins, to make oneself ready, prepare oneself for any - To dash against, strike. action'; axta qari qah K. 170; auf : fra: q6a p. p. 1 Struck down or back. -2 Driven Sivamahimna 20; $9fa7f4 Palette P H a back, repelled, repulsed. -3 Assailed, attacked. - 4 treffufagh Ve. 3; G. L. 47; ha u f : A stroke. -fa: f. Contradiction. Hata a Amaru. 97; U. 5. 12. -5 A sofa. -6 (in Rhet.) N. of a figure of speech which consists pari ind. (Sometimes changed to parI, as parivAha or in the use of significant epithets; feru iedot: attare, fare or are 1 As a prefix to verbs and td # K. P. 10; e. y. gaia antigrat a a: nouns derived from them, it means (a) round, round fra: Chandr. 5. 59. -7 (In dramaturgy ) Covet or about, a bout; (b) in addition to, further; (c) opposite indirect intimation of coming events in the plot or a to, against; (a) much, excessively. -2 As a separable drama, the germ or the s q . v; see S. D. 340. preposition it means (a) towards, in the direction -8 Judgment. -9 A helper, colleague, co-worker. of, to, opposite to with an acc.); iuft fanida qa rte 1 Cutting, cutting off. -2 A circular fagt; () successively, severally with an acc.); i a f faald 'he waters tree after tree'; (c) to incision. -3 Cutting out. -4 A shooting pain. the share or lot of showing Hr or participation ) ofta r A. sharp shooting pain, especially in the (with acc.); 477 a t Fit 'what may fall to my rectum. lot'; or galef oft Sk.; (a) from, out of; (e) except, oftrid m. A priest who performs the marriage outside of, with the exception of with a bl.); of a a: orara 4014: Vop.; (f) after the ceremony of a younger brother whose elder brother is lapse of; ft TT; (y) in consequence of; (1) be not yet married ; parikartA yAjakaH Harita f. parivettR. yond, more than; 4: 9f 7T&T Mb. 3. 1. 11 (com. H m . A servant. -. 1 Painting or perfum317 &T: qzcz :;() according to, in accordance ing the body, personal decoration, dressing, toilet; with; () above, over. 3 As an adverbial prefix to Karto r S. 2. -2 Painting or dyeing the foot ; nouns not directly connected with verbs, it means na offor Fa: Ku. 4. 19. -3 Preparation. -4 'very', 'very much, 'excessively'; as in 4 'bursting Worship, adoration; fata ftato fia: Bhag. into tears'; so tugati, tedy. -4 At the begin- ! 2. 9. 29. -5 (In Yoga phil.) Purifying, a means of ning of adverbial compounds of means (a) without, purifying the mind; sulfatefact faute T2617 f For Private and Personal Use Only Page #344 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parikarmayati 971 pariklAnta THE 991 : Si. 4. 55 (see Malli. thereon). -8 An arithmetical operation (of which there are 8 divisions). -Comp. -37F the eight fundamental rules of arithmetic niz. (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, finding the square, extracting the square root, finding the cube, extracting the cube root). Ta fa Den. P. To decorate, adorn. parikarmita 4. Decorated, adorned; trisrotasA parikarmitaferat sa femana Cholachampukavya, p. 5. yft fim. An assistant, a servant, slave. T 10 U. 1 To know, consider, regard. --2 To be aware of, remember. ofera a. Surrounding, encircling; Mv. offan Comprehending, knowing. offie Deceit, cheating, roguery. of filerera: A religious mendicant or ascetic, a devotee. gth A barrier, a trench before the gate of a town. T T a. Very thin, emaciated. ET1 P. 1 To draw, pull, drag. - To lead (as an army ). -3 To ponder, reflect constantly upon -Caus. To torment, trouble. aft:, *OTH 1 Dragging out, extraction. -2 A circle. offiefa a. 1 Dragged about. -2 Harassed, tortured. Tits 6. P. 1 To surround; itaiuf ufarle a: R. 8. 35. -2 To hand or give oyer, deliver ; ET HETS: fta R. 18. 33.-3 To scatter about. of ur p. p. 1 Spread, diffused, scattered about; Fraai affitufa fen: Bh. 1.4.-2 Surrounded, crowded with, filled; a y war 2: off qat ar: Si. 16.10. i -2 To fix upon, design, make or turn into; A T : oftet 2694 Ku. 1. 2.-3 To prepare, get ready. -4 To endow with; faaaay after a fanTT $. 2. 10. - To destine for. - To perform, effect, accomplish. -7 To contrive, invent, devise. -8 To distribute. -9 To invite. -10 To choose ; 34747 ar yf+EUR94Bri. S. 59. 11. TEETH, -- 1 Settling, fixing, deciding, determining.-2 Contriving, inventing, forming, arranging; ea qficaufa.TheARTE 79 Mu. 7. 15. -3 Providing, furnishing. -4 Distributing, tafeta p. p. 1 Settled, decided. -2 Made, invented. -3 Got ready, prepared. - 4 Contrived, arranged. -5 Distributed. -6 Divided. -7 Provided, furnished with Tre a. 1 Distributed. -2 Scattered. fa: Great anger, fury. TTF1 U. 1 To walk about, walk around; ft#17193147 (in dramas ). -2 To overtake. oft : 1 Roaming about, moving a bout; JahJaffarpaat Af a 1918 Ki. 10.2. -2 Roaming, walking or passing over. -3 Circumambulating. -4 Walking for pleasure. -5 Series, order. -6 Succession. -7 Penetrating. -8 Following the course of a river down from its source to its mouth and then on the other bank upto its source again; MW. -Comp. 6: a goat. of a p. p. Walked round. - 1 The place on which any one has walked about. -2 A foot-step, foot-print. oftala: f. Revolution, perambulation. f 1 Enclosing with a fence or ditch, intrenching.-2 Encircling or surrounding in general. -3 (In dramaturgy ) = f (7) 4. v. -4 Attention, attending to; zasifaef141 Ms. 2. 67. -5 Exercise, enjoyment; 729 . Tf 9 A. 1 To buy; MY #la: alith 79 F924 Bk 8. 78. -2 To hire, purchase for a time (with instr. or dat. of the price at which one is employed on stipulated wages); zatena zatAya vA parikrItaHSk. -3 To return, requite, repay; in qur: 072gun Bk. 8. 8. T :, -TUHL 1 Wages, hire. -2 Employing on wages. -3 Purchasing or buying of. -4 Barter, exchange. -3 A peace purchased with the payment of money; koSAn rakSArdhakoSeNa sarvakoSeNa vA punaH / zeSaprakRtirakSArtha aftu zatea: Il Kam.: cf. H. 4. 122. grgica a. Fatigued, exhausted, tired out, ofte 10 U. 1 To relate, narrate, proclaim, announce. -2 To praise, extol. -3 To name, call. -4 To propound. oftata 1 Proclaiming, saying, talking of. -2 Boasting. -3 Naming. oftaa p. p. 1 Proclaimed, announced. -2 Boasted of. -3 Said, declared to be. oft 1 A. 1 To tend to. -2 To give, grant, vouchsafe; e par gat atie: 9t9a9 U. 5. 27 (v. l.). -8 To think. -Caus. 1 To decide, determine. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra parikliz aff I. 9 P. To torment, trouble, harass. [I. 4 A. 1 To feel pain, suffer. -2 To be vexed or troubled. affe p. p. 1 Vexed. troubled. -2 Exhausted, fatigued. Pain, vexation. f: Fatigue, trouble, pain. af: Wetness, dampness, moisture. parikkaNana a. Loud. Ved. A cloud. tra a. Wounded, hurt, injured; ft f dantidantaiH Ki. 16. 11. fff. Injury, hurt, harm. parikSA Clay. mud. after: Ill-omened meezing. I a. Emaciated, wasted away, lean. 1 Washing, cleansing, -2 Water for washing. qe 5, 9 P. 1 To decay, wane. -2 To be emaciated or lean. -8 To destroy, put an end to. parikSaya: 1 Decay, waste, destruction; parikSayo'pi adhikaM Mk. 1; Ku. 4. 46. -2 Disappearing, cessing. 3 Ruin, loss, failure; Ki. 16. 57; Ms. 9. 59. a afteftor p. p. 1 Vanished, disappeared. -2 Wasted, decayed. 3 Emaciated, worn away, exhausted; sadAdAnaH parikSINaH grasta eva karIzvaraH Pt. 2.75. -4 Impoverished, entirely ruined ; parikSINaH kazcit spRhayati yavAnAM prasRtaye Bh. 2. 45.5 Lost, destroyed. -6 Diminished, decreased; Pt. 4. 23. -7 (In law) Insolvent. afferam. 1 N. of a king, son of Abhimanyu and father of Janamejaya. -2 An epithet of Agni. parikSip 6P 1 To surround pAvataH parikSitam Ku. 6. 38.2 To embrace. -3 To put or lay round. -4 To survey round, measure, range over. -5 To throw over or beyond. 6 To throw or put into. 7 To fetter, chain. -8 To deride; praNayAccAbhimAnAcca paricikSepa rAghavam Ram. 2. 30. 2. parikSipta p. p. 1 Scattered, diffused. -2 Encircled, surrounded zacIraparikSiptam Rkm. 8. 1. 2. vetasaparikSipte S. 3. 3 Intrenched. -4 Overspread, overlaid. - Left, abandoned. : 1 Moving about, walking to and fro. -2 Scattering, spreading. -8 Surrounding, encircling, circumfluence; circuit; af Mb. 14. 45. 3. -2 An enclosing belt or boundary, that by which anything is surrounded mahArNavaparikSe lakAyAH parikhAlama 972 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parigata () R. 12. 66. 5 Abandoning, leaving. -6 An organ of sense. aftefra a. Quite intoxicated. fauzura Den. P. To humiliate, conquer. after 1 A moat, ditch, trench round a fort or town; Mb. 5. 243. 23; sa velAvapravalayAM parikhIkRtasAgarAm (urvI zazAsa ) R. 1.30; 12. 66; tasya parikhAstisro daNDAntarAH kArayet Kau. A. 2.2.21. -2 The bottom, depth; (fig.) root; buddhirmamaiSA parikSAsthitasya mAbhUdvicArastava dharmaputra Mb. 12. 167.30 (parikhAsthita impregnable ) fea 1 A moat, ditch. -2 A rut, furrow. -8 Digging round. affa 4 P. To suffer pain or misery, be distressed or wearied. Caus. To injure, hurt. efore p. p. Afflicted, troubled. parikheda: Fatigue, exhaustion Inssitude niyamitapari dAridrAH Ku. 1. 60 hutavahaparivAdAzu nirNaya kakSAt Rs. 1. 27. 2 P. Ved. 1 To look at, perceive. -2 To regard, consider. afa a. Celebrated, famous. after: . Fame, reputation. 10 U. 1 To enumerate, count. -2 consider, regard, think; ft Me. 5. parigaNanam, -nA Complete enumeration, accurate statement or calculation; zreNIbhUtAH parigaNanayA nirdizanto balAkAH Me. (considered as an interpolation or kSepaka by Malli.) param 1P. 1 To go or walk round; taM hayaM tatra parigamya Ram.; yathA hi meruH sUryeNa nityazaH parigamyate Mb. -2 To surround; fai. 9. 26; Bk. 10. 1; fa &c. -8 To spread everywhere, pervade all directions. To attain to, obtain; &c. 5 To know, understand, learn; f : R. 7. 71. 6 To die, go forth (from this world); yebhyo jAtAciraparigatA evaM khalu te Bh. 3. 38. -7 To overpower, affect; as in f. -Caus. To pass or spend (time). afa p. p. 1 Surrounded, enclosed, encircled; parigatataTabhUmiH snAnamA protthitAbhiH ( vadhUbhiH ) Mal. 4.10 -8 Diffused, spread around; mamApi ca kSapayatu nIlalohitaH punarbhavaM : S. 7. 35. -8 Known, understood; R. 7.71; parigataparigantavya eva bhavAn Ve. 3; Mv. 3. 47. -4 Filled or covered with, possessed of (usually in comp.); Si. 9. 26. B Got, obtained; Bh. 3. 52.6 Remembered. -7 Overcome, over-whelmed. -8 Affected by, afflicted with; arfa gara: For Private and Personal Use Only Page #346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra parigamaH | zuSyan parigataH kSudhA / na tvevAnAtmasaMpannAd vRttimIheta paNDitaH // Pt. 1. 49. 9 Performed. -10 Forgotten. -11 Obstructed, hindered. parigamaH parigamanam 1 round, surrounding. -2 Spreading, diffusing. -3 Obtaining. Knowing, determining, ascertaining. parigarhaNam Excessive blame. parigalita p. p. 1 Sunk. -2 Tumbled or dropped down. 3 Vanished. -4 Melted. -5 Flowing. parigADha a. Very much ; parigADhakRza: Ki. 6. 27. afty for a. 1 Reiterated, repented. - Augmented by addition; Bhag. 5. 3. 11. af p. p. 1 Quite secret. -2 Incomprehensible, very difficult to understand. 1 P. To sing, relate, describe, celebrate, or proclaim. fifa f. A kind of metre. aftag 9. P. 1 To clasp round, embrace. -2 To encircle; surround, fence or hedge round; afara aa: a radi Mb. 5. 178. 23. -8 To lay hold of, seize. To take, assume. -8 To accept. 6 To favour, patronize; M. 1; 1. 13. -7 To support, assist, guide; eff: Mu. 1. -8 To put on (a dress). -9 To take possession of, master, overpower. -10 To conceive, comprehend. 11 To undertake. -12 To receive hospitably; after sa site angin Mb. 1. 195. 1. 13 To take (a wife), marry; prathamapariTel. 5. 19. -14 To conform to, follow. -15 To surpass, excel. after p. p. 1 Grasped, seized, clutched. -2 Embraced, surrounded. -8 Accepted, taken, received. - Assented or consented to, admitted. -8 Patronized, favoured. -6 Followed, obeyed, observed. -7 Married, afeqffer. Ved. 1 Grasping, comprehension. -2 Summing up. parigRhyA A married woman. - fg: 1 Seizing, holding, taking, grasping; rajjuparigrahe R 946; zaGkAparigrahaH Mu. 1 ' taking or entertaining a doubt. -2 Surrounding, enclosing. encircling, fencing round. -3 Putting on, wrapping round (as a dress); : R. 18. 38. - Assuming, taking; : Amaru. 97; PU. 4. - Receiving, taking, accepting, acceptance; sthAnaparigraho'yam R. 13. 36; ardhyaparigrahAnte 70; 12. 16; Ku. 6. 53; vidyAparigrahAya Mal. 1; so AsanaparigrahaM karotu devaH e. 3 'your majesty will be pleased to take a seat or sit down'. - Possessions, property, belongings; after: Bg. : 973 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir. afte: 4.21; R. 15.55; V. 4. 26. -7 Taking in marriage, marrinave dAraparigrahe U. 1. 19; Mal. 5.27; asaMzayaM kSatraparigrahaage; kSamA S. 1. 22; na hi gaNayati kSudro jantuH parigrahaphalgutAm Bh. 1.9. -8 A wife, queen; R. 1. 95, 92; 9. 14; 11. 83; 16. 8; S. 5. 28, 31; parigrahabahutve'pi S. 3. 19; prApa zriyaM munivarasya parigraho'sI Ram Ch. 9 Taking under one's protection, favouring; : : . 7. 11; M. 1. 13; kurvanti pANDavaparigrahameva paurAH Panich. 1. 20. -10 Attendants, followers, train, retinue, suite; f Siva B. 8. 40. -11 A household, family, members of a family. -12 The seraglio or household of a king, harem. -18 Anything received, a present; S. 1. -14 Assent, consent. -18 Taking possession of, acquiring. -18 A claim. -17 Entertaining, honouring, receiving (a guest &c.). Mb. 1. 195. 1. 18 An entertainer. -19 Assistance. -20 A husband. -21 Respect, reverence. -22 Grace, favour.-23 Comprehension, understanding. -24 Undertaking, performing. -20 Subjugation: 4: Mb. 12. 320. 55. -28 Dominion. -27 Punishment. -28 Connection, relation. -29 Summing up, totality. -30 A house, residence. -31 Removing, taking away. -82 A curse; fafaget: Ram. Ch. (cf. patnIparijanAdAnamUlazApAH parigrahAH Ak . ). - 83 ( In Ved. gram.) The double mention of a word both before and after iti. - 84 The form which precedes iti. -35 Root, origin. -36 The eclipse of the sun or moon. -37 An oath. -38 The rear of an army. -39 N. of Visnu. - 40 The body; AzrayantyAH svabhAvena mama pUrvaparigraham Mb. 12. 320.57 (com. svabhAvena cittena mama parigrahaM zarIraM AzrayantyAH ). -41 Administration; : Mb. 12. 320. 51. -Comp. -refer a. generalizing; having the sense of comprehension; Nir. 1.7. fret a. accompanied by one's wife or family. a multitude of wives. parigrahaNam Wrapping round, putting on parigrahItR m. 1A husband nAmaca saMpreSya parigrahItuH S. 4. 22. -2 An assistant. -3 An adoptive father. parigrAhaH The fencing round of the sacrificial altar. afta. Favouring, befriending: B. R. afta a. To be treated or addressed kindly. p. p. 1 Languid, exhausted. -2 Averse from, disinclined to. Ra: 1 An iron (or wooden) beam or bar used for locking or shutting a gate (a); get ancaftasigangsjafes S. 2. 16; R. 16. 84; Si. 19. 32; M. 5. 2. 2 (Hence) A bar, barrier, hindrance, obstacle; bhArgavasya sukRto'pi so'bhavat svargamArgaparigho duratyayaH R. 11. 88. -3 A stick or club studded or tipped with iron; : R. 12. 73. -4 An iron club in general. It is a kind of weapon ( parito hantItI --- sarvataH For Private and Personal Use Only Page #347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pariciti Familiar, intimate or acquainted with; ff! kRpayA Mu. 6. 12; zazvat paricitaviviktena manasA S. 5. 10. -3 Learnt, practised. afferfa: Acquaintance, familiarity, intimacy. 10 U. 1 To think, consider, judge; tAvat paricintaya svayaM kadAcidete yadi yogamarhataH Ku. 5. 67; kathaM vidyAmahaM yogistvAM sadA paricintayan Bg. 10. 17. -2 To think of, remember, call to mind. -2 To devise, find out. paricintanam Thinking of remembering. aft 10 P. To urge, impal, exhort; gene afetiveguNaizca Ms. 3. 233. 978 paricum 1 P. To kiss pioustely paricutamajarAm S. 5. 1; Rs. 6. 17; visrabdhaM paricumbya jAtapulakAmAlokya gaNDasthalIm Amaru 82 paricumbanam Kiring persionately paricitaparicumbanAbhiyogAdapagatakuGkumareNubhiH kapolaiH Si. 7. 63. 10 U. 1 To cover, clothe; after Pt. 2; diftadata: (:) H. 3. 9. -2 To hide, conceal. -3 To surround with. afte 1 Retinue, train. -2 Paraphernalia. a: 1 A covering, cover, canopy, awning; vidyAlayaM sitagRhaM saparicchadaM tat Bil. Ch. 20; payaH phenanibhA zamyA dAntA rukmaparicchadA Bhag.] darzanIyAstu kAmbojA zurupatraparicchadAH Mb. 7.23.7 (com. zukapatraparicchadAH zukapatrA bharomANaH ) -2 A garment, clothes, dress; zAkhAvasaktakamanIyaparicchadAnAm Ki. 7. 40. 8 Train, retinue, attendants, circle of dependants; narapatirativAhayAMbabhUva kacidasameta paricchadastriyAmAm ; R. 9. 70. - Paraphernalia, external appendage, (as chatra, cAmara ); senA paricchadastasya R. 1. 19. -5 Goods and chattels, personal property, all one's possessions or belongings (utensils, implements &c.): fee bhavedrASTrAta sadravyaH saparicchadaH Ms. 9. 241; 7.40; 8. 405; 9. 78; 11. 76; abhiSekAya rAmasya yatkarma saparicchadam Ram.; gumenoff edgrara garum: | equitarse: afte: aftes far: -6 Necessaries for travelling. qft: Train, retinue. paricchanna p. p. 1 Enveloped, covered, clothed, clad. -2 Overspread or overlaid. -3 Surrounded with (a retinue). Concealed. q 7 U. 1 To tear, cut off, tear to pieces. -2 To wound, mutilate. -3 To separate, divide, part; ara ch Sk. - To fix accurately, set limits to, define, decide, distinguish or discriminate; bhagavatI nau guNadoSataH paricchettumarhati M. 1; (na) yazaH paricchettuf R. 6. 77; 17. 59; Ku. 2. 58. 5 To avert, obviate, remedy.. qft: f. 1 Accurate definition, limiting. -2 Partition, separation, division. -8 Limit, measure; P. III. 3. 20. com. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parijalpitam paricchinna p. p. 1 Cut off, divided. -2 Accurately defined, determined, ascertained; q Ku. 2. 58. -3 Limited, circumscribed, confined. 4 Remedied. 6 qft: 1 Cutting, separating, dividing, discrimi nating between right and wrong). -2 Accurate, definition or distinction, decision, accurate determination, ascertainment; paricchedavyaktirbhavati na puraHsthe'pi viSaye Mal. 1. 31; paricchedAtItaH sakalavacanAnAmaviSayaH 1.30 trans ending all definition or determination' ityAhutamaaf : S. 5. 9.-3 Discrimination, judgment, discernment; paricchedo hi pANDityaM yadApannA vipattayaH / aparicchedakartRRNAM vipadaH syuH pade pade H. 1. 128; kiM pANDityaM paricchedaH 1. 127. 4 A limit, boundary, setting limits to, circumscribing; M. 2. -8 A section, chapter or division of a work (for the other names for section &c. see under ). -6 A segment. -7 Remedying. 8 A measure. paricchedakam Limitation. 1 Discriminating. -2 Dividing. -3 A division of a book. aft paricchedya a. 1 To be accurately defined, definable; pratyakSo'pyaparicchedyo mahyAdirmahimA tava R. 10.28. -2 To be weighed or estimated. aftey 1 A. 1 To go away or fly off from, escape. -2 To proceed from. -3 To swerve, fall off from, deviate, leave. To lose, be deprived of. -5 To drop or fall down. 6 To be displaced or ejected from. -7 To be freed from. -8 To come down, descend. 1 Descending from heaven. -2 Loss, deprivation of. aftsgfa: . 1 Falling down -2 Swerving, de viating. qft: 1 Attendants, followers, servants taken collectively ; parijano rAjAnamabhitaH sthitaH M. 1. -2 Espe cially, the retinue, suite, or train of females, the maids of a lady; anyabhUt parijanAganAratam R. 19. 23. -3 A single servant. aft Service; the condition of a servant; parijanatA'pi guNAya sadguNAnAm Ki. 10.9. parijanmana m. 1 The moon. -2 Fire. aftaferay. A covert indication (as by a servant) of one's own skill, superiority &c. by pointing out the cruelty, deceitfulness and such other faults of his master; Ujjvalama ni thus defines it:-- savitA vyaktirmayA syAt parijalpitam // (Wilson renders the word by 'the covert reproaches of a mistress neglected or ill-used by her lover'.) For Private and Personal Use Only Page #349 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parijIrNa 976 pariNa ......... gresitor a. 1 Worn out, faded. -2 Digested. oftar 9 U. 1 To be aware of; know, be acquainted with ; agrafa yfiy Pt. 1 ; Ms. 8. 126.-2 To find out, ascertain; 4746 4 Pt. 1. -8 To recognise ; fan art atsth $. 2. - 4 To observe, perceive. q ars: f. 1 Conversation, discourse. -2 Recognition; jAtAyAM ca parijJaptI jJAtabandhukSayo'tha saH Ks. 21. 128. oftat, qfart 1 Thorough knowledge, complete acquaintance; 14 11 qesha Mb.3.147.26. -2 Recognition. fara a. 1 A kuower, observer. -2 Wise, intelligent. qfar a. 1 to be recognised or ascertained. -2 Comprehensible, conceivable. TEHT a. Ved. 1 Running or walking round. -2 Omnipresent. -m. 1 The moon. -2 Fire. fitt a. Running round. rret m. 1 The moon. -2 Fire. -8 A servant. pariDInam The flight of a bird in circles; see DIna; / Mb. 8. 41. 27 (com. utera qua:). of UH 1 U. 1 To stoop, bend down (as an elephant to strike with his tusks ); facta Frat: quiet sa sa Si. 18. 27. -2 To bend or bow down, be inclined; fui: (961 :) Bh. 1. 4. 3 To be changed or transformed into, assume the form of with instr.); Bathaa y ETH V. 4; 4. 28; eft res af Fauna dadhihimabhAvena pariNamate S. B.; srotomUrtyA bhuvi pariNatAM rantidevasya fah Me. 47. -4 To result ; happen; a fanta fara Mk. 1. -5 To be developed or matured, be ripe; 3919: fogtama: Me. 18; aryat qf ufa a aaa Ki. 5. 37; M. 3.8; 9f Urca : (191) Rs. 1. 26; My. 1. 12; see for below. -6 To be advanced (in age ), grow old, be aged, decay; ford 8 4919 Me. 112; so TYR UTC &c. -7 To set, decline in the west (as the sun); 31 ya afturat Fech: K. 47. -8 To be digested; ha qfH 41 Mb. -9 To be cooked or roasted; fagara FT: UTH #: 2414 Mal. 5. 17. -10 To elapse (as time). -Caus. 1 To make ripe, nature, develop, perfect. -2 To pass (as the night); for fast 9 Ram. 3. 8.1; 79 # Earfor at farat que, Mb. 10. 1. 36. -8 To stoop, bond oneself down. yua p. p. 1 Bent or bowed down, stooping; aferat af Me. 2; -2 Declining, old (as age); fuld af K. 35, 62, 63. -8 Ripe, matured, ripened, fully developed or formed; 14afac: a: quattu THAIH U. 7. 21; 1. 39; 6. 13; Me. 23; fath By. 1.8; Si. 11. 39. -4 Full-grown, advanced, perfected; ufor u : Bh. 3. 49; Me. 112; farad af ufoar fara fH Mahimna 26. -5 Digested as food). -6 Transformed or changed into with instr.); V. 4. 28. -7 Ended, come to a close, terminated; fa furaha: Nag. 3. -8 Set (as the sun); act ofturat ETFT: S. 1. 32. -: An elephant stooping to strike with his tusks, or giving a side-blow with his tusks; (fa E TTY : furt 4: Halay.); oftoralisftaradtad Si. 4. 29; Ki. 6.7. -24 Capital, wealth accumulated. -Comp. -prajJau. of mature understanding. -pratyaya whose results are matured ( an action ). ofrufa: f. 1 Bending or stooping down, bowing. -2 Ripeness, maturity, development; reftofa ada: Mahimna 31; yatzita afturfarayau agare TE: 43 yaoufa My. 2. 15. -3 Change, transformation, transmutation. - 4 Fulfilment. -8 Result, consequence, issue; ftola ayraf Jera: qfoda Bh. 2. 99; 1. 20; 3. 17; Mv. 6. 28; faut araTF# Hayfadar aftofa: Mal. 4. 4. -6 End, conclusion, close, termination; of ufakuuftar: saytrailerTH Mal. 6. 7, 16; Si. 11. 1. - 7 Close of life, old age; darati ufuate V.3.1; Baga: uftofa PETIT: oftaranlayat feqa: Si. 9. 3. (where a means end or conclusion' also ). -8 Digestion of food ). of The Change, transformation. Of A a. Causing a change. ( ) A: 1 Alteration, change, transformation. -2 Digestion; annaM na samyak pariNAmameti Susr.; bhuktasya of OTTATUTUA T. S.; Pt. 4. 22. -3 Result, consequence, issue, effect; 419 quod qua: 196: H. 2. 124; Mk.3.1; fonge trafa (aara ) Ki. 2. 4; Bg. 18. 37, 38.-4 Ripening, maturity, full development; fa Ti a ra Ki. 4. 22; SH #41457 &c. U. 2. 20; Mal. 9. 24. -8 End, termination, conclusion, close, decline; faqat: Tachotar: S. 1. 3; 74: 9 9fe774 K. 10; fromagala feas: K. 254 the day is drawing to a close'. -8 Old age; FOTTA RedderoT: R. 8.11. - 7 Lapse (of time). -8 (In Rhet.) A figure of speech allied to EUR47, by which the properties of any object are transferred to that with which it is compared. (The Chandraloka thus defines and illustrates it :- fulla: partafequit fag 41 a tauta a ACT 5. 18; see R. G. also under Turh.) -Comp. -Gry Violent or painful indigestion (see Th below). I a. prudent, fore-sighted. til a. prudent. (-re: f.) prudence, providence. -Te a. salutary in the end. yer a. about to terminate. -are: the Sankhya doctrine of evolution.264 violent or painful indigestion, colic, flatulence with pain. TATUTE 4 U. 1 To surround, intertwine, encircle; Fyld for fift: 27: Mal. 5.1; R. 6.64; M.5.10; Rs. 6. 25. - To bind or tie round. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pariNaddha . 911 paritRptiH pariNaddha .p.1 Bound or wrapped round. -2 Broad, paritap 1 P. 1 To hoat, burn, consume. -2 To large; pariNaddhakandharaH R.3.34. iuflame, set on fire. -3 To suffer pain. -4 To practise pemance. -Caus. 1 To scorch. -2 To torment. pariNahanam Girding on, wrapping round. paritapta p. p. 1 Heated, burnt. -2 Tormented, pari (rI) NAhaH 1 Circumference, compass, expanse, pained. extent, breadth, width: stanayugapariNAhAcchAdinA balkalena / S. 1. 19; stanapariNAhavilAsavaijayantI Mal. 3. 15 large or paritaptiH 1. Excessive pain, anguish. expansive breasts'; kakude vRSasya kRtabAhumakRzapariNAhazAlini paritApa: 1 Extreme or scorching heat; (pAdapaH) Ki. 12. 20%; Mk. 3.9; Ratn. 2. 13; Mv.7.24; nalvamAtra- zamayati paritApaM chAyayA saMzritAnAm 5.5.7; guruparitApAni gAtrANi parINAho ghanacchAyo vanaspatiH Mb. 12. 154.7. -2 Periphery 3. 183 Rs. 1. 22. -2 Pain, agony, anguish, grief'; prasakte or circumference of a circle. nirvANe hRdaya paritApaM bahasi kim M. 3.1.-3 Lamentatiou, pariNAhavat a. Large, big, expansive. wailing; viracitavividhavilApaM sA paritApaM cakAroccaiH Git. 7. -4 Trembling, tear. -5 N. of a hell. pariNAhin / large, big; lavApi loke pariNAhi rUpam / / Ku. 1.36. paritApin a. Harassing, agonising; ApAtaramyA viSayAH paryantaparitApinaH Ki. 11.12. pariNasaka.1 Tasting, eating; phalAnAM pariNiMsaka: Bk. ! parita 10 P. 1To reflect, consider. -2 To examine 9. 106. -2 Kissing. (judicially). pariNiSTA Perfect skill. paritarkaNam Consideration, reflection; jijJAsA na tu pariNI 1 P. 1To lead or carry round (the fire); kartavyA dharmasya paritarkaNAta Mb. 13. 162.21. tau dampatI triH pariNIya vahnim (purodhAH) Ku.7.80%3; agniM paryaNayaM ca yat Ram. -2 To marry, espouse%; pariNeSyati pArbatIM yadA paritarkita a. 1 Expected -2 Examined (judicially). tapasA tatpravaNIkRto hara: Ku.4.42. -3 To ascertain, investi- paritas ind. (Usually with a noun in the acc.) gate; teSAM vRttaM pariNayet samyag rASTreSu taccaraiH Ms. 7. 122.-4 To sometimes by itself)1All around, on all sides, round lead forward. -Caus. To pass, spend time). a bout, in all directions, everywhere, on every side; rakSAMsi vedI parito nirAsthat Bk. 1. 123 Si.5.26% 39.36%3 pariNayaH, -nam Marriage ; navapariNayA vadhUH zayane K. P.10... S. 4.83 3. 26. Ki. 1. 14; gAhitamakhilaM gahanaM parito dRSTAzca pari (rI) NAya: 1 Moving a piece at chess, draughts viTapinaH sarve Bv. 1.21, 29. -2 Towards, in the direction &c. -2 A move (at chess). of, Apedire'mbarapathaM paritaH patagAH Bv.1.17; R.9.66. pariNAyakaH 1A leader, auide; tatrAhaM durbalAvandhI vRddhA- parituS 4 P. To be satisfied, be delighted or convapariNAyako (apazyam) Ram.2.64.4. -2 A husband; tented ; asmatkRte ca paritudhyati kAcidanyA Bh. 2. 2. (v.1.) anudehamAgatavataH pratimA pariNAyakasya gurumudvahatA Si. 9.78. -Caus. 1 To satisfy or please completely. -2 To appease. -3 To flatter. pariNI (= patiH1) ciraM pariNyA parizIlitApyasau, jahAti na / gfige p. p. 1 Completely satisfied; fa hrIbharamasya kelighu Ram. Ch. 2.56. oftaer valkalaistvaM ca lakSmyA Bh. 3.50.; 80 manasi ca parituSTa ko'rthavAn pariNItap. p. 1 Married. -2 completed, executed; aita: ibid. -2 Pleased, delighted. sarvAn supariNItena karmaNA toSayAmyaham Mb. 3. 207. 39. gitary: f. 1 Contentment, complete satisfaction. pariNItiHf. A marriage3 pariNItimahotsave vibhoH Sahen -2 Delight, joy. dra 2.63. oftare: 1 Contentment, absence of desire (opp. pariNuta a. Praised. lobha); sama iha paritoSo nirvizeSo vizeSaH Bh. 3. 50. -2 Com plete satisfaction, gratification; AparitoSAdviduSAM na sAdhu pariNatavya .1To be married. -2 To be exchanged: manye prayogavijJAnam S. 1.2. -3 Pleasure, delight, delight or bartered against. in, liking for (with loc.); Ku.6.59%; R. 11. 92; guNini pariNetRm. A husband; S.5. 173 R. 1.25% 14.26% paritoSaH &c. Ku. 7. 31. paritoSaNa a. Satisfying, gratifying:-Nam Satisfaction. pariNIvita a. Covered; pItAGgadaiH parigataiH pariNIvitAMsaH paritRpa 4 P. To be pleased or contented. -Caus. Pratijna. 2.2. 1 To satisfy, please, gratify. -2 To refresh. paritakmya a. Ved. Dangerous, risky, unsafe. -myA paritarpaNam 1 Gratifying. -2 A restorative ; (Charaka . 1 Error. -2 Night, darkness. q uia: f. Complete satisfation. saM, I. ko....123 in, HasAnam S. 1. 2. Smi AparitoSAdviduSAM na sAdhu For Private and Personal Use Only Page #351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra paritRSita paritRSita a. Anxiously longing for. 1 P. 1 To leave, quit, abandon. -2 To resign, give up, discard, renounce; parityajanti Mu. 2. 17. -3 To except ; tRNamapyaparityajya satRNam Sk. 4 To leave over, leave as a remainder. -5 To neglect, disregard. -8 To forsake (the body), die. -7 To disembark (with ). Caus. Te deprive a person of, rob any one of. parityakta P. P. 1 Left, quitted, abandoned. -2 Deprived or bereft of (with instr. ). -3 Let go, discharged (as an arrow). - Wanting. n. Anything to spare. ind. Without. fa Abandoning, giving up, leaving. aft: 1 Leaving, quitting, abandonment, desertion, repudiation (as a wife &c.); E: R. 8. 12; arftam: 15. 1. -2 Giving up, renounc ing, discarding, renunciation, abdication &c.; - aftari fa Pt. 1 I shall forego my name'; aai after fafaaa Ms. 2.95.-3 Neglect, omission; mohAttasya (karmaNaH ) parityAgastAmasaH parikIrtitaH Bg. 18. 7. - Giving away, liberality. 5 Loss, privation. -8 A sacrifice. 7 Separation from. parityAgina Benouncing (a Sarinyin parityAgI vAnaprasthazca gacchati Mb. 12. 268. 13. parityAjya a. 1 To be abandoned, left. -2 To be omitted. paritrasta a. Frightened, afraid. paritrAsa: Fear, terror, fright; na paritrAsaH kartavyaH Ram. 7. 27. 14. 1 A. To rescue, save, protect; paritrAyasva ( in dramas); paritrAyatvam Help to the rescue! Mb. 978 q Preservation, protection, rescue, defence, deliverance; paritrANAya sAdhUnAM vinAzAya ca duSkRtAm Bg. 4.8; rAmAparitrANavihastayodhaM senAnivezaM tumulaM cakAra R. 5.49. -2 Selfdefence. -3 Abstaining from. -4 The hair of the body; moustaches. qft: A disease of the gums in which the skin peels off and bleeds. a. paridaMzita Covered with mail, armed cap-a-pie (completely_or_from head to foot ); tataH pratyAgataprANA sabhI parizitI Mb. 1. 136.29. 1 P. To burn completely, dry up. Barning, scorching. after aft(): 1 Burning. -2 Anguish, pain, sorrow. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir paridhAnIyam paridaSTaH a. Bitten. -Comp. -dacchada a. biting the lips. 3 U. 1 To hand or deliver over, consign; Ben afteafa ga U. 1. 46; Ms. 9. 327. -2 To entrust or deposit with. -8 To present. - To lend. aft Ved. 1 Giving oneself up to the favour of another. -2 Surrender. -3 Devotion. f 1 Barter, exchange. -2 Devotion. -8 Restitution or restoration of a deposit. m. paridAyina fcf. A father who gives his daughter in marriage to a man whose elder brother is not yet married ; of parivettR. paridiv, - dev I. 1, 10 P. To lament, moan, suffor pain; kharadUSaNayorbhrAtraH paryadeviSTa sA puraH Bk. 4. 34. - II. 4 P. To sell, deal in (with acc. or gen.); paridIvyati Sk. paridevaH Wailing Inmentation paridevo mahAna Mb. 7. 85. 5. paridevanam -nA, paridevitam 1 Iamentation, com - plaint, bewailing; 34: far: Ku. 4. 25; R. 14. 83; tatra kA paridevanA Bg. 2.28; H. 4. 71; tasyAstatparidevitaM ga qaragraf Mb. 14. 61. 32; Y. 3. 9. -2 Repentance, regret. afta. Sorrowful, and, miserable; afte kimutAdya mRjAvataH M. 1. 202.7. qff a. Made known, pointed out. 1 P. 1 To see, view, behold. -2 To consider, investigate, find out. -3 To know. -4 To frequent. -Pass. To appear, become visible. Caus. 1 To show. -2 To explain, expound. paridraSTa m. A spectator, looker on. afra 1 An assault, attack, outrage. -2 Insult, affront, abuse. -3 Ill-treatment, rough usage. after 3 U. 1 To put or wear (as a garment); R. 3. 31.-2 To surround, enclose. -3 To direct towards. - To put or place round. 5 To cast round the eyes, turn the glance upon. -8 To conclude, close (as the recitation of a hymn). Caus. To cause to put on, clothe with. f() 1 Putting on a garment, drossing. -2 A garment, especially an under-garment, clothes in general; eff: Ki. 9. 1; Si. 1. 611 4.68; Pl. 5. 23 (fig.). A sword-sheath; anguft. dhAnasaMpadaH (sadasilatAH) Si. 17. 25. -3 Closing or concluding. -4 Ved. Putting round. paridhAnIyam An under garment yA A concluding hymn ; na purA paridhAnIyAyA brahmA vyavavadata Ch. Up. 4. 16. 4. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir paridhAyA 979 paripanthin . aftet: 1 Train, retinue, attendants collectively. -2 A receptacle, a reservoir. -3 The posteriors. -4 A garment to be worn. -5 The region of buttocks. -6 (= 2 q. v.) YET THEAT Toofaaraut: Medini. TT. A hedge, fence. fit: 1 A wall, fence, hedge, anything surrounding or enclosing another; 48 ftrunarftet af : Siva B. 26. 59; a f ar fue adstar 28. 27. -2 A misty halo round the sun or moon : oftari Faroeftra: R. 8. 30; T roialagoa N. 2. 108. -8 A circle of light; 995214: #91 : Firaalaagt Bhag. -4 The horizon; the quarter ; fargita fuer: futaa Bhag. 8. 15. 10. -5 The circumference or compass in general. - The circumference of a circle. -7 The periphery of a wheel. -8 A stick (of a sacred tree like 4317) laid round the sacrificial fire; HATTAT Offe: f: Afy: ar: Ry. 10. 90. 15; YET fast: 944: 0 : : Bhag 1. 14. 15. -9 A circle 'surrounding the globe. -10 Epicycle. -11 A covering. -12 A branch of a sacred tree to which the sacrificial victim is tied. -13 A cover, garment; 91H Tog 1ca991a9aat Bhag. 10.23.22. -Comp. 3917 a. bordered by the ocean.-fer: an epithet of Siva. -FU 1 a guard. -2 an officer attendant on a king or general modern 'aide-decamp'). -8 A number of sentinels posted in a circle. TETTUTH Suffering, enduring. TATTO Patience, perseverance. o g 1 P. 1 To flow or stream round. -2 To go about. -3 To run after, pursue. -Caus. To surroud, encircle. oftentat a. Running round. -m. N. of a year (#997), the 46th of the 60 years cycle. after a. Very deep (as a tone or sound). optofaa a. Richly perfumed or scented. quat a. Quite grey; at utga qarar $. 7. 21; R. 11. 60. paridheyam An under garment. gittare: 1 Distress, disaster, ruin, trouble. -2 Failure. -3 Destruction. -4 Loss of caste. -B Mixture of caste (qui ); 47 a fter para quieyar: Ms. 10.61. -6 Eclipse. paridhvaMsin a. Ruining, destroying; rAjakAryaparidhvaMsI Hat 2199 Raza H. 2. 125. T araqora Distributing, giving. referator a. Completely extinguished. -UTH Final extinction of the individual); entire cessation of rebirths. -2 N. of a place where Buddha disappeared. Trefafanut a. Extremely disgusted with. grafargler: f. Final liberation or complete emancipation of the soul from the body and exemption from future transmigration. Tag 1 Complete knowledge or acquaintance of anything). -2 Complete accomplishment. -3 Extreme limit. -4 Final emancipation (11); 91&2 antareat Mb. 1. 02. 17. affarga p. p. 1 Completely skilled in; anay zarar a: affargar Ram. 4. 22. 13. -2 Well fixed; 379 Barat 131731214517 M. 1.-3 Quite perfect. -4 Acquainted, accomplished; ytfarauf fearga fah Hat Mb. 12. 238. 13. af fagfe: f. Perfection. T E : 1 Completing the sense of a passage. -2 Alluding to the development of the origin of the dramatic plot. oftria p. p. 1 Completely cooked. -2 Completely baked or burnt. -3 Quite ripe, mature, perfected (fig. also ); "au: fonte: Rs. 4.1; so ufuga: -4 Highly cultivated, very sharp or shrewd. -8 Fully digested. -6 Decaying, on the point of decay or death, giquru (-) Capital, principal, stock. Oft 1 Plighting, promising; Mu. 1. -2 Playing for, wagering. frafora p. p. Plighted, pledged, promised; Si.7.9; of afatgffaiTUA194: Kau. A. 1.1.1. fogat m. Complete whiteness. OTTE IP. 1 To fly round or a bont, wheel or whirl round, hover about; bindUtkSepAn pipAsuH paripatati zikhI anaf 4-7 M. 2. 13; Amaru. after 56 (re ). -2 To spring down upon, attack, fall upon (as in battle). -3 To run in all directions; (c ) f alas PT Mb. -4 To go to or fall into; Si. 11. 41. -fans. To shoot off or down. paripatanam Flying round or about. gitara: (Ved.) A protector, the lord of all around. ofte f. Ved. 1 A snare, trap. -2 A living being. -3 Walking about. -4 A bird. -Caus. verb To change into Anusvara; Rv. Pr. [9994 the change of m into Anusvara ). Titoret: An antagonist, enemy. gret An antagonist, adversary, enemy. forfora a. Standing in the way, obstructing, opposing, hindering said by Panini to be admissible i For Private and Personal Use Only Page #353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pariparaH 980 pariplu only in the Veda, but see the quotations given below); ! oft h , of dier 1 Squeezing, peeling out. -2 affte heraula: Mu.5; arafacute 2 af feferat | Injuring, hurting, doing harm. Mal. 9. 50 ; so By. 1. 62; Ms. 7. 107; 1. 10. -m. 1 An aftora a. Very fat or plump. enemy, antagonist, opponent, a foe. -2 A robber. thief, highwayman; indriyasyandriyasyArthe rAgadveSI vyvsthitau|| uftgart 1 Removing the bark, peeling off. -2 aga 1917 atata f ra Bg. 3. 34. Losing the bark or skin. of 9 U. 1 To purify completely. - To lustrate. paripara: A tortuous or round-about way; see aparipara. / -3 To become purified. oftafio m. Ved. An antagonist. afga p. p. 1 Purified, quite pure; 379f9fgarer: ofya: 1 Winnowing corn. -2 A winnowing HEAT: 971-: U. 1. 13; Si. 2. 16. -2 Completely basket. winnowed or threshed, freed from chaff; f y y . of I. 1 P. To drink; 39997: oftar: Bv. 2.40. paripUjanam, paripUjA Honouring, worshipping, II. 2 P. 1 To protect, preserve, guard, defend against; adoring. puNyAtpaDUbhAgamAdatte nyAyena paripAlayan / sarvadAnAdhikaM yasmAtprajAnAM qfiqroth 1 Filling; fiqrog a : si. of II Y. 1.335; Ms. 9. 251. - 2 To rule, govern; Mal. 10.25. -To bring up, nourish, support. -4 To 4. 61. -2 Perfecting, making complete. keep to, observe, adhere to, persevere in; 3110 gregor po p. 1 Quite full; **: the full moon; gua: yrafa Ch. P. 50. -5 To wait for, await; entire, complete, completely filled. -2 Self-satisfied, 374 Hay and I feeta Ku. 4. 46. content. -Caus. 1 To protect. -2 To keep, maintain. -8 To wait of grat: f. Completion, fulness. for, expect. Tito (fea. One who receives anything of(t) : 1 Being completely cooked or dressed. only when asked for; Mb 14. 92. 7. (Com, oftge aa -2 Digestion, as in ea9f414. -3 Ripening, maturing zafa 213/91.) development, perfection; paripAkapizAlatArajasA rodhazvakAsti #f931 Test Si. 4. 48; Ku. 6. 10. -4 Fruit, result, qoca a. Very delicate or fine, excessively tender; consequence; prapannAnAM mUrtaH sukRtaparipAko janimatAm Mv.4. sphItamadhyaparipelavaM kalam Bri. S. -vam A kind of fra.grant 31; Bh. 2. 132; 3. 135. -5 Cleverness, shrewdness, grass Mar. Amce). skilfulness; dezeu fan of 414943 Egaraiso fgre:, - TEF: A particular disease of the ear N. 5. 20. (in medicine) (by which the car loses its skin). que a. Pale red; br z ut: (ge:) faraH Feeding, nourishidy. -2 Furthering, R. 19.10; Si. 13. 42. promoting offe:, -et f. 1 Method, manner, course; 951 frog 6 P. To ask, question, inquire about. a 14 : yftarif Hande Bv. 1. 12; Fanat art farfurat raula H. D. 24; wala talaga grael Question, inquiry. ( 441' 24971441940194 7. -2 Arrangement, fast: Inquiry, interrogation, question ; HT order, succession. -8 Arithmetic. Affy P. II. 1. 63; III. 3. 110; afara u na of 93 of ots: 1 Complete enumeration, detail. -2 The 94 Bg. 4. 34. repetition of the Vedas); 7 : 1973 19 a face To tell anything earlier than another arean Mb. 12. 260.3. person; mA tvAmayaH paripravIcan Ch. Up. 4. 10. 2. aft a. Near, at the side, close or hard by. Ticara: f. Acquisition, obtaining. of 1 Protecting, defending, maintaining, graph 1 Sending away. -2 Banishing, abankeeping, sustaining; a 49f97 a S. 5. 6. doning. -2 Nourishment, nurture; at Ms. 9. 27. Trace: A servant. PROSE9H A peacock's feather; an ornament made The 1 A. 1 To swim, float. -2 To bathe, plunge of it; ymadefag sugata (alfa) Bhag. 10. 14.1. into. -3 To jump, spring. - To deluge, inundate, paripiSTakam Lead. flood. - To cover with. - To overwhelm. -7 To fly oftafiz 10 U. 1 To pain, trouble, molest. -2 To or hover about. -8 To revolve, move in a circle. -9 To press, squeeze. - To hug, embrace. -4 (In augury) go astray. -10 To hasten forward. -Caus. 1 To bathe, To cover, cover up. water. - To food, deluge. IA For Private and Personal Use Only Page #354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pariva - aftga 1 Floating. - Shaking, trembling, oscillating, undulating, tremulous. - Unsteady, restless ; matkuNAviva purA pariplavau Si. 14. 68; caJcalaM capalaM tUrNa Ak. : 1 Inundation. -2 Immersing, wetting. 3 A boat. -4 Oppression, tyranny. - Floating, swimming. af p. p. 1 Flooded, inundated. -2 Overwhelmed; as in . -3 Wetted, bathed. - A spring, jump. Spirituous liquor. -f /. Overabundance purabhidA gamitatvamadRzyatAM trinayanatyaparivizaGkayA N. 4. 76. Burnt, scorched, singed. pariploSaH Internal heat; Charaka. aftar 9 A. 1 To tie, bind. -2 To put on. -3 To encircle, fasten round. -4 To arrest, stop. -5 To hinder, interrupt. Caus. To tie round. paribandhanam Tying round. aftar 1 A. 1 To trouble, afflict; S. 7. 25.-2 Ved. To hinder, obstruct. -3 Ved. To protect from or defend against. aftaran 1 Trouble, pain, annoyance. -2 Fatigue, hardship: kathamAtape gamiSyasi paribhASA pelarI: S. 3. 22. 6. To strengthen, fortify. - To increase. 3 Ved. To encircle, surround. afa(a): 1 Retinue, train, attendants; pracuraparibarhayA bhavatyA saMvarddhatAm Dk. 108; mahatA paribarheNa rAja: Mb. 3. 264.7. -2 Furnitures () vidhAnaiH parivaIzobhinIm Rsm. 2. 83. 23. paribartananti vedamAni R. 14. 15 rooms properly furnished or provided with furniture'; arheNa paribarheNa saMstavena stavena ca Siva B. 11. 27. -3 Royal insignia. -4 The necessaries of life. -5 Property, wealth. 6 A present, presentation; af bhaktAye sahopanItaM paribarhamAhitum Bhag. 4.8.10. afa(a) 1 Retinue, train. -2 Attire, trim; Mb. 12. 192. 3. -3 Growth. -4 Worship; frana mengi la uftf fit Bhag. 5. 5. 27. f() 1 Prosperity, welfare. - Appendix, supplement. aft()fap. p. 1 Increased, augmented; ngar: affer: Ki. 1. 15. -2 Thriven, grown prosperous. - Accompanied by, furnished with; kRtavAn bhArataM yastvaM sarvArthaparibRMhitam Bhag. 15.3. -tam The roar of an elephant. paribodhaH Rennon paribodhanam pariyodhA Admonition. qft: Shattering, breaking to pieces. paribharsanam Threatening mensuing 981 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir paribhra paribhANDam Furniture, utensils. 1 A. 1 To lay down a convention, speak conventionally. -2 To speak to, address. -3 To teach, explain, interpret, expound. - To exhort, encourage. 1 Speaking, discourse, talking, chatting, gossiping. -2 Expression of censure, admonition, reproof, abute; Apadgato'thavA vRddho garbhiNI bAla eva vA paribhASaNafa Ms. 9. 283. -3 Rule, precept. paribhASA 1 Speech, discourse sAmyavaidagdhyayA paribhASayA Bhag. 5.2.17.-2 Censure, reproof, blame, abuse. -3 An explanation. 4 Terminology, technical phraseology, technical terms (used in a work ); iti paribhASAprakaraNam Sk.; iko guNavRddhItyAdikA paribhASA Mbbs of also adhikArazabdena pArArthyAt paribhASAyudhyate kavit paribhASArUpa iti Kniyata. -5 (Hence) Any general rule, precept, or definition which is applicable throughout (anivamaniyArako nyAyavizeSaH ); paritaH pramitAkSarApi sarvaM viSayaM prAptavatI gatA pratiSTAm / na khalu pratihanyate kadAcit paribhASeva garIyasI yadAjJA Si. 16. 80. -8 A list of abbreviations or signs used in any work. -7 (In gram.) An explanatory Sutra mixed up with the other Sutras of Panini, which teaches the method of applying them. -8 (In medicine) Prognosis. paribhinna P. P. 1 Split open, cracked. -2 Deformed. fya. Bowed, curved, bent. 7 U. 1 To eat. -2 To use, enjoy; paribhoktuM naiva zaknomi hAtum S. 5. 19; Ki. 5. 5; 8. 57. - 3 To neglect to feed. f 1 Exten. - Used, enjoyed -3 Pos sessed. aft. 1 Eating, enjoying, possessing.-2 Living at another's cost, using another's property illegally; Ms. 2. 201. aft: 1 Enjoyment; R. 4. 45. -2 Especially, sexual enjoyment pratirodhamasahi sA purI va kAlaparibhogaR. 11. 52; 19. 21; 28, 30. -3 Illegal use of another's goods. For Private and Personal Use Only f 1 P. 1 To defeat, subdue, conquer, overcome; (hence) to surpass, excel; Ku. 7. 16; R. 10. 35. -2 To despise, slight, treat with contempt, disrespect, irsult; nityaM paribhavecchvazrUm Mb. 13.93.33; mA Bk. 1. 22; 4. 37. -8 To injure, destroy, ruin. To afflict, grieve. -5 To humiliate, disgrace. -6 To disappear. -7 Ved. To surround, encirele. -8 To go or fly round. -9 To accompany. -10 To take care of. -11 To guide, govern. -Caus. 1 To think of, reflect on, meditate, contemplate; tAmetAM paribhAvayantvabhinayairvinyastarUpAM budhAH e. 7. 20. muktAtmabhiH svahRdaye paribhAvitAya jJAnAtmane bhagavate Bhag. 8. 3. 18.-2 To contain, include. -3 To make known. 4 To surpass, exceed. -8 To soak, Page #355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pAra 982 parimalanam saturate. -6 To concentrate, to make cohesive; evameve- ndriyagrAma zanaiH saMparibhAvayet Mb. 12. 195. 19. See paribhAvana. pari (rI) bhavaH 1 Insult, injury, humiliation, disrespect, degradation, disgrace%3 parAkramaH paribhave vaiyAtyaM surateviva (bhUSaNam ) Si. 2.44%3 R. 12.373 Ve. 1.25%; U.4.23; Mu.3.4; Mv.1.40; 3. 17. -2 Defeat, discomfiture. -Comp. -Aspadam,-padam 1an object of contempt%3 adurgo viSayaH kasya nAreH paribhavAspadam H.3.51.-2 a disgrace or disgraceful situation. -vidhiH humiliation; prAyo mUrkhaH paribhavavidhau nAbhimAnaM tanoti S. Til. 16. paribhavin (-nI/.)1 Humiliating, treating with disrespect or contempt.-2 Suffering disrespect. -3 conquering; bhuvanaparibhavI Ki. 10.37. paribhAvaH See paribhava. paribhAvanam 1 Union, cohesion; pAMsubhasmakarISANAM yathA vai rAzayazcitAH / sahasA vAriNA siktA na yAnti paribhAvanam // Mb. 12. 195. 17, 18.-2 Contemplation, meditation. paribhAvanA 1 Contempt. -2 Thought, contemplation. -3 ( In dram.) Words exciting ouriosity. paribhAvita pp. 1 Contained, included. -2 Pervaded. -3 Penetrated. -4 Conceived. paribhAvin / . (-nI/.) 1 Humiliating, despising, troating with contempt; A atithiparibhAvinI 5.4. -2 Putting to shame, surpassing, excelling. -3 Setting at naught, defying; vaidyayatnaparibhAvinaM gadam R. 19.53 ' defying medical remedies'. paribhAvuka a. Contemning, shaming &c. paribhUta p. p. 1 Overpowered, conquered. -2 Disregarded, slighted. giaa: 1.1 Contempt, insult, disrespect, humiliation; mauryAt kathaM nu paribhUtimimAM saheta Mu.4. 11. -2 Defeat (paraparAbhava); paribhUtyA vicetasaH Mb. 12. 174. 37. after 10 U. 1 To decorate, adorn. -2 To serve, wait upon. -3 To honour, worship. -4 To take care of. - To observe, follow. -6 To prepare, equip. paribhUSaNaH (til. saMdhi) Peace obtained by the cession of the whole revenue of a land. paribhedaH Hurt, injury; vipattiH paribhedo vA na bhaveca tathA kuru Ram.7.75.4. paribhraMza 1 A.,4P. 1 To fall or drop down, tumble, slip. -2 To stray from, go astray. -3 To fall away from, swerve, deviate. -4 To lose, be deprived of ; Ms. 10. 20. -8 To escape. - To neglect, omit. -7 To disappear. paribhraMzaH 1 Escape. -2 Falling from. paribhraMzanam 1 Falling from. -2 Loss. paribhraSTa p.p.1Fallen or dropped off.-2 Escaped. -3 Cast down, degraded. -4 Deprived of, devoid of (with abl. or instr.); matsyamAMsaparibhraSTe kiM nirIkSasi jambuke Pt. 4. 93. -BNeglecting. -6 Vanished. -7 Lost. paribhRSTa a. Fried, roasted, parched. paribhram 1, 4 P. 1 To rove, wander about, ramble, move to and fro; paribhramasi kiM vRthA kvacana citta vizrabhyatAm Bh. 3. 137. -2 To hover, whirl round; paribhramanmUrdhajaSaTpadAkulai: Ki.5.14.-3 To revolve, rotate, move or turn round. -4 To wander or roam over (with acc.); bhuva paribabhrAma. -8 To turn round (anything), circumambulate. -8 To encircle. -Caus. To bewilder, overwhelm, overpower; ciraparicitAste te bhAvAH paribhramayanti mAm U. 3. 32 (v.1.). paribhramaH 1 Wandering, going about. -2 Rambling discourse, circumlocution, periphrasis; alamanena pariSakutUhalavimardakAriNA paribhrameNa Mk. 1. 2/3. (v. 1.). -3 Error, delusion. paribhramaNam 1 Going about, roaming, wandering. -2 Revolving, turning round. -3 Circumference. parimaNDala a. 1 Globular, round, circular. -2 of the measure of an atom. -lam 1 A globe, sphere. -2 A ball. -3 A circle. - An orb. -8 The felly of a wheel (nemi); avyaktanAbhaM vyaktAraM vikAraparimaNDalam / kSetrajJAdhiSThitaM cakra snigdhAkSaM vartate dhruvam // Mb. 12. 211. 8. -la: A species of venomous gnat. parimaNDalaya denom. To besiege3 tatastu tasya sainyAni parasainyena paalitau| paryamaNDalayaMzchalAvubhau candanavandanau // Siva B.23.52. parimaNDita a. Adorned, decorated all around. parimanthara a. Extremely slow; Si. 9. 78. parimanda .Very dull or dim, quite faint ; parimandasUryanayano divasaH Si.9.3. -2 Very slow. -3 Very thin or weak; bhavanodareSu parimandatayA zayito'lasaH (madanaH) Si.9.39. -4 very litle; parimandabhinnatimiraughajaTam Si.9.27. parimaraH 1 Destruction ; cirAt kSatrasyAstu pralaya iva ghoraH parimaraH Mv. 3. 41. -2 The wind. -3 A magical rite for the destruction of enemies ; tadbrahmaNaH parimara ityupAsIta T. Up. 3. 10. 4. parimala: Fragrance, perfume, scent; parimalo gIrvANacetohara: Bv.1.63,66, 70, 71; yaH paNyastrIratiparimalodgAribhina garANAmuddAmAni prathayati zilAvezmabhiyauvanAni Me. 25. -2 Pounding or trituration of fragrant substances. -3 A fragrant substance. -4Copulation; 'saMbhogaH syAt parimale iti vaijayantI ; atha parimalajAmavApya lakSmIm Ki. 10. 1. -4 A meeting of learned men -8 A stain, spot, dirt. parimalanam Rubbing (mardana); zrImatyau cAruvRtte karaparimalanAnandahRSTe ramAyAH; (viSNupAdA0 varNanastotram 18). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parimalita 988 parimoSin AS a. 1 Perfumed; oftafania 2: TH. -2 Soiled, despoiled of beauty; ibid. TAT 2 P., 3, 4 A. 1 To measure. -2 To measure off, limit. -3 To estimate, determine. -4 To fulfil I (a period or course). qft ( TUTH 1 Measuring, measure of strength, power &c.); 9: Traithtofa : Mu. 1. 10; Ku. 2.8; M.. 3. 133; 44: gar auf Htoi sufe Bh. - 2 Weight, number, value; fargyfall...... 14 12 244 Y. 1. 320. -3 Size, dimension, TEHTUTH Weight, quantity. Tiha p. p. 1 Moderate, sparing. -2 Limited. --3 Measured, meted out. -4 Regulated, adjusted. -Comp. - TUTTOT a. wearing a few ornaments, moderately adorned. -3719 short-lived. -37&, ISET a. abstemious, eating little food. - a. saying or speaking little, using measured words; at itat: 4 4T jIvitaM me dvitIyam Me.85. girafa: f. 1 Measure, quantity. -2 Limitation. TAT a. 1 Few, limited; t JT:#21 R. 1. 37. -2 Measurable, calculable. -8 Finite. oftafera a. Torturing; gafa utaret here CEFIE: Mal. 1. 41. AIT 10 U. To search, seek, look out for. tart:, -htsforh 1 Searching or looking for, seeking out, tracing, tracking. -2 Touch, contact; 1945 1 H emaat gata Facatalyst: Si. 7. 75. -3 Cleaning, wiping off. TOHO 1 Touch, contact; gara: o saTaxa Ratn. 2. 11; Faqatafakaft: Nag. 1. -2 Combination, union. offufca a. 1 Mixed with. -2 Filled, penetrated. afgeh ind. About the face, round or about (a person ). q ual 6 U. 1 To free, release, liberate; 491414utan1991 Rs. 3.7; Ch. P. 9. -2 To leave, quit, abandon. -3 To discharge, emit. Tufa f. Liberatiou. City 4 U. To be bewildered or perplexed. -Caus. (Atm. ) 1 To entice, beguile, allure; PRAETHIO* T h at: (a-41: ) Bk. 8. 63. -2 ( P.) To perplex. oftet a. 1 Artlessly lovely, lovely yet simple. -2 Fascinating but foolish. TEC p. p. Bewildered, perplexed, troubled. CHIETH 1 Beguiling, alluring, enticing, fascinating. -2 Bewildering, infatuating: 5957: gtr fra aga #ga 1974 : Hea U. 3. 12. (v. 1.). S L 2 P. 1 To wipe off or away, wash out, remove; (ar) na yur: qftigh R. 14. 35. -2 To rub, stroke. aftas: 1 Cleaning. -2 Rubbing. farsa 1 Cleaning, wiping off. -2 A dish of honey and oil; hyazgai aflar: afware Antagree teen YASAH 11 Sabdachandrika. T EE I. 9 P. 1 To press, squeeze ; uftaraq gruesa U. 1. 24.-2 To kill, destroy. -3 To wipe away, rub off. -4 To wear out. -5 To rub, stroke. -II. 1 P. To surpass, excel. Oftae:,-HEFTE 1 Rubbing, grinding.-2 Crushing, trampling. -3 Destruction; Mb. 12. 59.61. -Hurting, injuring. -5 Embracing, pressing. -6 Using up, consuming. g ia p. p. 1 Trodden or trampled down, crushed, roughly handled; squeezed; yttia 1994 Mal. 1. 22; U. 1. 24.-2 Embraced, clasped. -3 Rubbed, ground. Try 6 P. 1 To touch, graze; Feraria: qftqeca* Bk. 10.45. -2 To grasp, seize. - To consider, reflect. -4 To investigate, inquire into. - To observe, discover. g ret: 1 Friction. - 2 Contact. -8 Consideration, reflection. eye p. p. 1 Washed, cleaned, purified. -2 Rubbed, touched, stroked; Ve. 3; 77: que o Bu. Ch. 3. 31. -8 Embraced. - Spread, pervaded, filled with ; 391 2919 : ufugara ASET Ki. 6. 23. - Invested. ugg 4 P. 1 To be angry (with dat.). - To envy. qftaf: 1 Envy, dislike. -2 Anger. parimokSaH 1 Removing, relieving; prAyo viSANaparimokSaGETTAXT X2 gafaffifta: : R. 9. 62 'removing the horns', i.e. breaking them down. -2 Liberation, setting free, deliverance. -3 Emptying, evacuation. -4 Escape. -8 Final beatitude (fararor). TRATTUAE 1 Liberation, deliverance. -2 Untying. ACHIETTEL Snapping, cracking. GRATO: Stealing, robbing, theft. Catia m. Thief, robber; 3477 qfafquilseeft=2996(7454-291Ft: Bri. Up. 3. 9. 26. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parimlai 984 parivahaH .. .. ........... T Ofte 1 P. 1 To fade, wither; ftraraya Ku. 2. 2; R. 14. 50.-2 To be dejected or dispirited. -3 To disa ppear. TROTET . 1 Faded, fainted, withered. -2 Lanvuid, dull, faint. -3 Waned, impaired, diminished. -4 Soiled, stained ; R: 1970au4ICH: Ratn. 2. 11. -74 1 Change of countenance by fear or grief. -2 A spot, stain. q ua: A secondary sacrifice. f o r Restriction; see fa? . pariyANikam A travelling carriage. offret 1P. 1 To protect, save. -2 To govern, restrain. -3 To conceal, hide. Ort : A protector, guardian. VITTETTH - TET 1 Protection, preservation, guarding; IF TUTH94 Ms. 5.91; 7. 2. -2 Keeping, maintaining, adhering to; 9499fTet Ki. 1.45. -3 Deliverance, rescuing. -4 Care, caution. fefefaa, mittere, o fera a. Protecting, a protector, defender. OTETT A street, road. TI A. To embrace, clasp; 974 941 Ku.5.3; gyni afttxu exuft Ki. 11. 80; Bv. 1.95; Si. 9.72. ofrest p. p. Encircled, embraced. qft (A) 774, -OH Embracing, an embrace; gayfu s 727-24 Si. 1. 74; 10. 52; U. 1. 24, 27; Pagta Hu FTTFHUT a CCI Git. 3. fefeat a. Crying aloud, screaming. ARTIST: Obstructing, resistance. Tag a. 1 Very light (lit. ) (as clothes &c.). -2 Very light or easy to disgest: aftur aftur: tag 49: Eat 79754 Me. 13. (v.l.). -3 Very small; 471 saMmohaH sthiramapi haratyeSa balavAnayodhAtuM yadvatparilaghurayaskAntazakala: U. 4. 21. yoga Leaping to and fro, jumping over. oftea Lagging, lingering. oficer Smoothing, polishing; Mark. P. of a. Licked over or all around. 6 U. 1 To interrupt, disturb.-2 To suspend; diminish. -3 To dispel. o g p. p. 1 Interrupted, disturbed, diminished. -2 Lost, disappeared. - Comp. 8 a. senseless. afecta: 1 Injury. - Neglect, omission. be: 1 An outline, a delineation, sketch.-2 A p icture. ofteaah Drawing lines on the altar. Titafa a. Tossed a bout, trembling. oftal. A circular pit. Tech: A cow-calf. parivatsakaH A son; Mb. utarat: 1 A year, a full year, the revolution of one year; T 2 & : fac: U. 3.33. -2 N. of a particular year; arat: gaat gera a 71 garatha fasad Il Bhag. 3. 11. 14. ofta 1 P. To abuse, censure, revile. ofta 1 Reviling. -2 Clamouring. qft (A) ate: 1 Blame, censure, detraction, abuse; 31479 H o raca: M.1; Y. 1. 133. -2 Scandal, stain, stigma ; ill-repute; H1 H7 121eaaaart: R. 5. 24; 14. 86; My. 5. 28.-3 Charge, accusation; warca a i tarifi Mk. 3. 30. - An instrument with which the lute is played; taM prAgasAvavinayaM parivAdametya syarft fafcar oftanaila N. 11. 127. -Comp. - a busive language, reproof. T: a slanderer. ortal : 1 A plaintiff, complainant, accuser. -2 One who plays on the lute. oftenga a. 1 Reviling, censuring, abusing, siandering. -2 Accusing. -3 Screaming, crying aloud. -4 Censured, slandered. -. An accuser, a plaintiff, complainant. --ft A lute ( T) of seven strings ; Si. 6. 9; R. 8.35; N. 15.44; Hedtoftarfeci YETURFaqafq9fare: Bu. Ch.5.54. aftarf: Ved. Avoiding, removing. oftalat 1 Leaving, quitting, a bandoning. -2 Giving up, resigning. -8 Killing, slaughter. Traffra a, 1 Abandoned. -2 Deprived of. -3 accomplished ( fear, erta); i h a99 Mb. 12. 264. 21. -4 Wound round, girt. -Comp. - PET a. countless, innumerable. utach a. 1 going round a bout. -2 Describing a circle. grada a. Clad in mail; armed. parivasathaH A village. yfax 1 U. 1 To overflow. -2 To carry about or round. -8 To marry. Tag: 1 N. of one of the seven courses of wind; it is the sixth course and bears along the Saptartis For Private and Personal Use Only Page #358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pari 988 parita and the celestial Ganges%3 saptarSicakraM svarSagAM SaSThaH parivahastathA; (for the other courses of wind see under vAyu; cf. the description of parivaha given by Kalidasa:-trisrotasaM vahati yo gaganapratiSThAM jyotIMSi vartayati ca prvibhktrshmiH| tasya dvitIyaharivikramanistamaskaM vAyorimaM parivahasya vadanti mArgam 5.7.6). -2 One of the seven tongues of fire. pari(rI)vAhaH 10ver flowing (of a tank &c.), inundation, overflow, natural or artificial; prathama (kautUhala) saparivAhamAsIt S.2. -2 A water-course, drain or channel to carry off excess of water; pUrItpIDe taTAgasya parIvAhaH pratikriyA U.3.29; Pt.2.150% BSi.16.51; R.8.74. parivAhin a. Overflowing; as in AnandaparivAhiNA cakSuSA s.4. pari(rI)vApa: 1 Shaving, shearing -2 Sowing -3 A reservoir, pool, pond, a piece of water.-4 Furniture. -B Train, retinue; suprativihitayAnavAhanapuruSaparivApaH Kau. A1.6. -8 Friod grains of rice. -7 Coagulated milk. -8 Stand-point, place; Mb. 5. parivApaNam Shaving. parivApita a. Shaven, shorn. parivAsa: 1 Residence, stay, Bojourn; gavAM ca parivAsena bhUmiH zudhyati Ms. 5.124. -2 Fragrant odour; athavA tadanaparivAsazItalaM mayi kiMcidarpaya Mal.9.42. parivaMzat 3.Quite twenty, twenty at least. pariviNNaH (naH), parivittaH, parivattiH An unmarried elder brother whose younger brother is married; dArAnihotrasaMyogaM kurute yo'graje sthite| parivettA sa vijJeyaH parivittistu pUrvajaH // Ms. 3. 171; and see parivettR also. parivitarka: 1 Any thought. -2 Examination; Buddh. parividdhaH An epithet of Kubera.. parivindakA, parivindat m. A younger brothor married before the elder. parivividAnaH Ved. =parivittaH above. pariviz (e) Caus. 1 To surround. -2 To present or offer food. -3 To attend, wait upon. pariviSTa pp. 1Surrounded, besieged; pariviSTaM jAhuSaM vizvataH sIm Rv. 1. 116. 20. -2 Surrounded by a halo (sun or moon). -3 Dressed, offered, presented as (food). uftrafe f. Ved. Service, attendance. pari (rI)vezaH(SaH) 1 Waiting at meals, distributing food, serving up meals. -2 A circle, circlet, halo of lustre &c); svakiraNapariveSodbhedazUnyAH pradIpAH R.5.74; 6. 133 Si. 5.52; 17.9. -3 Especially, the halo round the sun or moon; lakSyate sma tadanantaraM ravirbaddhabhImapariveSamaNDalaH R.11.59 | ma.I. ko....124 adyApi tat sapariveSazaziprakAzamAsyaM smarAmi Bil. Ch.; U. 46. -4 The circumference of a circle. -8 The disc of the sun or moon. -BAnything which surrounds or protects. ujjAsAnAya paritaH paribeSakRtAM dviSAm Siva. B. 26.643 28.23. pariveSaka: 1 A waiter at meals. -2 A servant; adrAkSamahamAhUtAn yajJe te pariveSakAn Mb.3.51. 26. pariveSaNam,-zanam 1 Serving up meals, waiting, distributing food; viprANAM pravarAH sarve cakruzca pariveSaNam Ram. 7.91.28.-2 Enclosing, surrounding nivezaparivezanam Mb. 14.45.1. -8 A halo round the sun or moon. -4 Circumference. pariveSTa m. 1 Waiter at meals, one who serves up meals; marutaH pariveSTAro marutasyAvasan gRhe Ait. Br. -2 One who offers an oblation; pariveSTAgnihotrasya bhavennAsaMskRtastathA Mb. 12. 165.22. parivihAraH Walking about, strolling, walking tor pleasure. parivihvala a. Extremely confused, agitated or bewildered. parivIta pp. 1Surrounded, encompassed. -2 Pervaded, overspread; udanvadambhaHparivItamUrtiH (pRthvI)Si. 3.43; Ki. 5. 42. -tam The bow of Brahman. aftet a. 1 Firm, thick, dense -2 Ample, large. Dha: A master, lord, owner, head, chief (used ad. jectively also); kiM bhuvaH parivRDhA na vivoDhuM tatra tAmupanatA vivadanta N.5.42; Ku. 12.58; Mv. 6.25, 31, 48. parivR 5, 9, 10 U. Encircle, surround ; vyAgaNeSu paritaH parivArayatsu U.4.23. pari (rI)vAra: 1 Train, retinue, attendants_or followers collectively; (yAnam) abhyAsya kanyA parivArazobhi R. 6. 10; 12. 16%; grahagaNaparivAro rAjamArgapradIpaH Mk. 1. 57. -2 A cover, covering; vyAghracarmaparivArA: Mb.5.155.83 -3 A hedge round a village. - A sheath, scabbard; parivAraH parijane khaGgakoze paricchade Medini%; parivArAt pRthakcake khanazcAtmA ca kenacit Si. 19. 49. parivAraNa 1 An envelope, a cover; sapatAkA rathA rejurvaiyAghraparivAraNA: Mb.6.72. 13. -2 Train, retinue; api saMkSINakozo'pi labhate parivAraNam Mb.5.38.37. -3 Warding off, keeping off. parivAratA Subjection, dependence%3 vijigISornRpatayaH prayAnti parivAratAm Si. 2.90. parivArita pp. Surrouded, encircled, encompassed, begirt. ofta p. p. 1 Surrounded, encompassed, encircled, attended. -2 Hidden, concealed. -8 Pervaded, overspread -4 Known. -5 Completely gained. -tam Ved. An enclosed space for a sacrifice. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parizatiH 986 pariveSTa aftara: f. Surrounding; standing round. qitati A. 1 To turn round, revolve; A laatar oftadia: Ku. 1. 16. -2 To roam about, move hither and thither. -8 To change, barter, exchange. -4 To turn back; guhAzayAnAM siMhAnAM parivRtyAvalokitam R.4.723 itunuga sa per V. 1. 19. -8 To be, fall into; Mal. 9. 8. -6 To decay, perish, disa ppear; furgafacarface of aafne # Mal. 10.6. aft (ft) ad: 1 Revolving, revolution (as of a planet); 7 47 49: ftad 39: Bhag. 1. 3. 39. -2 A period, lapse or expiration of time; granitaart $. 7. 34. -8 The expiration of a Yuga; altern argir faafdar Si. 17. 12. -4 Repetition ; recurrence. -5 Change, alteration; at firmy upa: U. 3. changed condition of life', 'change in circumstances'; 80 5909fadatha Mal.7; razgrad: Mk. 1. -6 Retreat, fight, desertion -7 A year. -8 Repeated birth, transmigration. -9 Barter, exchange; 37=274qayfadfaa 4 Si. 5. 39.-10 Requital, return. -11 An abode. -12 A chapter or section of a work. -13 N. of the Kurma or second incarnation of Visnu. -14 A turning round or derangement; 354FY HR hatafarad a rad: : Svapna. 4. -18 Moving to and fro, stirring; aftantyfourtadeftHT: Bhag. 10. 87. 21. Titaan a. 1 Causing to turn round or revolve. - Requiting, exchanging. 8 Turning round. -4 Concluding, HTAJurftadhu Mb. 12. 321. 92. orada 1 Moving to and fro, turning about, rolling about as on the lap, bed &c.); HETETZTaftadanya: 972 gefa Tua Ku. 5. 12; R. 9. 13; Si. 4. 47.-2 Turning round, revolving, whirling round. -3 Revolution, end of a period or time. -4 Change; a ftada faute Pt. 3. -5 Exchange, barter......9f 1948 yaaaaaitafa 21212: Kau. A. 2. 7. 26. also 17THFUET aftad74 -Inverting. -7 Requital, return. parivartikA Phimosis or contraction of the prepuce (in medicine). gitaraa a. 1 Revolved. -2 Exchanged. -8 Inverted. - 4 Returned, retreated. - Put aside, removed, destroyed; Mk. - Searched thoroughly. - the action of turning; Bhag. qftardiz, a. 1 Moving or turning round, revolving. - 2 Ever-recurring, coming round again and again; oftaffa dianta: a Id Pt. 1. 27. -3 Changing. - Being or remaining near, moving round a bout. - Retreating, flying. -6 Exchanging. -7 Recompensing, requiting. parivartya a. Ever recurring, roaming about parivartyajanaM / Cada rueda garancia 7 37 Bu. Ch. 5. 22. grae p. p. Revolved, turned round; get V. 1. 19.-2 Retreated, turned back. -8 Exchanged, bartered. -4 Finished, ended. TTH An embrace. ofrajer: f. 1 Revolution; 373a oftar e qiragrar Si. 10. 91. -2 Return; turning back. -3 Barter, exchange. -4 End, termination. -8 Surrounding. -6 Staying or dwelling in a place. -7 Contraction of the prepuce. -8 In Rhet.) A figure of speech in which there is an exchange of a thing for what is equal, less or greater; fafarafat asiat T AT: K. P. 10; e. q. Tar PIZTOTTf 916 EU 44 FUI EU Gra zerar Herrar: II S. D. 734. -9 Substitution of one word for another without affecting the sense; as in; T R frakcTH K. P. 10; e. g. in a, at may be substituted by lAJchana or vAhana. qaFuTa. Mutilated; Ch. Up. yfree 1 A. To grow up, increase. -Cans. 1 To grow, iucrease, prosper. -2 To bring up, rear. -3 To rejoice, delight. fare: A groom, hostler. Titate 1 Increasing, enlarging. -2 Rearing, breeding; a faian Ms. 10. 331. -8 Growing, growth. oftaria a. 1 Increased. -2 Cut, excavated. -3 Reared, brought up; A qed s. 4. 14. oftare: f. Growth, increase. Orte i U. 1 To interweave; fata foret af Bhag. 8.7. 1. -2 To bind, fetter. parivettR m., parivedaka: A younger brother married before the elder; R. 12. 16; 40 A 1 ART parivettA bhavati, pariviNNo jyeSThaH, parivedanIyA kanyA, paridAyI dAtA, aft af 14%, a vidar: Harita ; Ms. 3.171. Tacaq 1 The marriage of a younger brother before the elder; Ms. 11. 60.-2 Marriage in general. -3 Complete or accurate knowledge. -4 Gain, acquisition. - Maintaining the household fire ( UTAT). -6 Pervasion on all sides, universal pervasion or existence. - Discussion. -8 Misery, pain. - 1 1 Shrewdness, wit. -2 Prudence, foresight. qiraatar, girafe at The wife of a younger brother who is married before the elder. aftag: Accurate knowledge. parivallita a. Surrounded; gurubhiH parivellitA'pi Bv. 2.18. Tag 1 A. or -Caus. 1 To surround, encircle. -2 To embrace, clasp round; su 1994: 941 01 cara wafa at aftaccufat Pt. 1. 35. -3 To wrap up, cover; -4 To cause to shrink up, contract. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pariveSTanam 987 parizrita qaga 1 Surrounding, enclosing, -2 Circumference. -8 A cover, covering. -4 A bandage ;  Hayat: ftaga Mk.3. 16. for a. Very clear or distinct. oftayy: 1 Cost; #4 77an 77 741 a a aaaa #77 |Ms. 7. 127.-2 Condiment, spices; ibid. qfaqet: A species of reed. qftast 1 P. 1 To wander about as a religious mendicant. -2 Turn out a recluse; Far & ATT Ms. 6. 33. Otact 1 Strolling, wandering from place to place. aufger: Ms. 10. 52. 2 Turning a recluse, leading the life of a religious mendicant or recluse. -3 Renunciation of the world, ascetic devotion, religious austerity. aftar m., Titan:,- : A wandering mendicant, vagrant, recluse, an ascetic (of the fourth religious order ) who has renounced the world; 01 F ATT #4713 war fasaftagatsata: ar atay II......... Hasiertrag aftargazi gana Il Sabda Ch. T21541 A. 1 To suspect, believe, tancy (to be ); qasa Tiffari caiufta Git. 6. -2 To doubt, have doubts about. -8 To fear, be afraid of; q at: - Tia: GT R. 8.79; Treatsfa 91a: 119: Sabda Ch. T TET 1 Suspicion, distrust. -2 Hope, expectation. ofaa a. Fearing, apprehensive. oftarea a. Mentioned, communicated; Mb. of aaa a.(-aft f.) Perpetually the same. TRISTE 7 P. 1 To leave remaining (-Caus. also ); waar oftarea het Bv. 1. 53. -2 To quit or leave ( a place ). TIETY a. 1 Left, remaining. -2 Finished. - A supplement, an appendix; as in Tafire. ( 519: 1 Remainder, remnant, elimination; aftuetada TFIT: SB. on MS. 6.1. 44. -2 Supplement. -3 Termination, conclusion, completion. -4 End, destruction (319: 810 a Medini.); imi aftsteu Bu. Ch. 1. 72. stat ind. 1 With the residue. -2 Completely, in full. TUTTIT ind. Consequently. TTTTTH Remainder, residue. oftafia 1 Touch, contact ( lit. ); s a afa Git. 1; so 9714ftsfahrt &c. 11. -2 Constant contact, intercourse, or correspon dence. -3 Study, application or attachment (to a thing ), steady or fixed pursuit; fontefo S. D. yet Caus. 1 To purity completely. --2 To explain, clear up. -8 To restore; Y. 2. 146. - To try, examine. Tiya p. p. 1 Cleaned, purified. -2 Acquitted, discharged. -3 Cleared off, paid. -Comp. - for a. 1 One that has refined heels. -2 secure or free from attack in the rear; 1 Jour framan 1311 qitignouif N. 7. 102. aftur f. 1 Complete purification; A U. 4. -2 | Justification ; acquittal. -3 Rightness, correctness. tattet:, -28 1 Purifying, cleansing. -2 Rectifying, correcting. - Quittance, discharging or paying off a debt or obligation). fyra Implicit obedience. TITUT 4 P. 1 To be dried up, dry up; oftea HETSU: Bk. 10.42; fa 44 Tage gftercafa Bg. 1. 29. -2 To pine, decay, wither 34 Ha f tufa t ror Bh. 2. 2. -3 To be afflicted. -Caus. To emaciate. y p. p. 1 Thoroughly dried, completely dried or parched up; UT HER getarsa: Rs. 1. 11. -2 Withered, shrivelled, hollow (as cheeks ). - T A kind of fried meat. He aggi i FA : 1 jIrakAyaiH samAyuktaM parizuSkaM tducyte|| parizoSaH Act of being completely dried or parched up, desiccation, evaporation. Also aft1194. oft a. 1 Quite empty; ferai Tahu R. 8. 66. -2 Quite free from, completely devoid of; indriyArthaparizUnyamakSamaH soDhumekamapi sa kSaNAntaram 19.6. parizRtaH Ardent spirits. qfter, t h: 1 Fatigue, exhaustion, trouble, pain; # THEY Y ala: S. 1; R. 1. 58 ; 11. 12. -2 Exertion, la bour; 79594: #: actarafa: Bhag. 2. 9. 20. -3 (Hence) Close application to or study of, being constantly occupied with ; 3774 a9f TAISTA 25:qazant utfa:te Mu. 1. -4 The result ; 349 : : Pratijna. 2. OTTHU a. Free from fatigue; aftahelyafuftaduftt: Bhag. 10. 87. 21. ofer: 1 A meeting, an assembly. -2 Refuge, asylum ; 7 fais salaa: 13: Pt. 1. 252. -3 Ved. A fence. parizrayaNam Encompassing. oftenfa: f. 1 Fatigue, weariness, trouble, exhaustion. -2 La bour, exertion. qftra f. Ved. Small stones laid round the altar, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parizrita 988 parisaMkhyA parizrata . Standing around. -2 Surrounded by; samAgamacchiSyagaNaiH parizritaH Bhag.8.4.9. ftyra a. 1 Heard, learnt. -2 Famous, celebrated. taM bhaktibhAvo'bhyagRNAdasatvaraM parizrutorubhravasaM dhruvakSitiH Bhag.4.9.5. parizleSaH An embrace. pariSaNDaH , -NDam A particular part of house. pariSad/ 1An assembly, a meeting, council, audiemce%3 pariSat syAddazAvarA Ms.12.1113; abhirUpabhUyiSThA pariSadiyam 5.1. -2 A religious assembly or synod; cAturvedyaH prakalpI ca anavid dhrmpaatthkH| trayazcAzramiNo vRddhAH pariSat syAddazAART II Angirasasmriti. -3 A group, collection, circle; badapariSada puNyazrIkaH zriyeva sabhAjayan U.4.19%B Ram.2.111.5. Also pariSattvam ; sahasrazaH sametAnAM pariSatvaM na vidyate Ms. 12. 114. pariSadaH, pariSadyaH, pariSadbala: A member of an assembly councillor, assessor &c.). pariSIvaNam 1 Tying a knot. -2 Ved. Sewing round. afegfa: f. Ved. 1 Urging, inciting. -2 Obstruction. pariSekaH,-pariSecanam 1 Sprinkling or pouring over, moistening. -2 Water for watering trees (pariSecanam ). -3 A vessel for sprinkling or bath (pariSecanapAtravizeSa); Mb. 13.58.25. pariSka(skandU 1 P. To leap about; meghanAdaH pariskandan pariskandantamAzvarim / avadhanAdapariskandaM brahmapAzena visphuran Bk. 9.76. pariSkaNNa(na)a. Fostered by another.-ONa: A fosterchild, one nourished by a stranger. pariSka(ska nda a. Fostered by another. -gdaH 1A foster-child.-2 A servant.-3 A body-guard (pArzvagopa); pariskandA rathasyAsan Mb.8. 34. 48. pariSka(ska)ndat a. 1 Leaping about, jumping round. -2 Surrounding, circumambulating. -3 Wandering. pariSka 8 U. 1 To adorn, decorate ; ratho hemapariSkRtaH Mb. -2 (fig.) To refiner polish (as words). -3 To cleanse. -4 Ved. To prepare, fit out. pariSkaraH Decoration, ornamentation%3 rathasyAsIt pariSkaraH Mb.8.34. 23. pariSkAraH 1 Decoration, ornament, embellishment. lohaghaNTApariSkAraH Mb. 12. 141. 32. -2 Dressing, cooking. -3 Initiation, purification by initiatory rites. -4 Furniture; (also pariskAra in this sense). pariSkRta pp. 1 Adorned, decorated; jajJe nivezanavibhAgapariSkRtAnAM lakSmIH puropavanajA vanapAdapAnAm Ki. 7. 40. -2 Cooked, dressed. -3 Purified by initiatory ceremonies ; (see kR with pari). -4 Prepared, equipped. -8 Highly polished. aftrafa: f. 1 Polishing. -2 Cleansing. -8 A figure of speech. pariSkriyA Adorning, decorating, embellishment. oftry: f. Ved. 1 Searching all round. -2 Violence. -3 Obstruction. -4 Dilemma. pariSTo (sto)ma: 1 The coloured housings of an elephant. -2 A coverlet in general. -3 A cushion. pariSThalam A surrounding place; ef. P. VIII. 3. 96. pariSpa (spa)ndaH 1 A train, retinue. -2 Decorating the hair (with flowers &o.). -8 Ornament or decoration in general. -4 Throbbing, vibration, palpitation, movement; pratihataparispandaH Mv.1.51.-BProvision, maintenance%3 agnihotraparispandaH Mb. 13. 141.49. -6 Crushing. -7 Valour. -8 An exploit; Pratijina.2; karNapUrasya parispando'jjukayA yena na dRSTaH Charudatta. 2. pariSyanda: 1A stream, river. -2Moisture. -3 Ved. A sand-bank, an island. pariSvaja 1 A. To embrace. pariSvakta p. p. Clasped, embraced. pariSvaGgaH, pariSva (sva) anam or pariSvajanam 1 An embrace Ki. 18. 19; vizanti sahasA mUDhA ye'vicArya dviSabilam / khaDUgadhArApariSvaja labhante te sunizcitam // 6. 3.60. -2 Touch, contact, union%3 pariSvajhe tujhe prasaratitarAM sA pariNatiH Bh. 3.17%3 Mal. 10.35 atisnehapariSvajJAdvartirArdA'pi dahyate Ram.4.1. 116. parisaMvatsara a. 1 A whole year old. -2 Inveterate, chronic (adisease). -ra: A whole year; parisaMvatsarAt 'after the expiration of one whole year'; rAjatvikasnAtakagurUn priyazvazuramAtulAn / arhayenmadhuparkeNa parisaMvatsarAt punH|| Ms. 3. 119. parisakhyam True friendship. parisaMkhyA 2 P. 1 To count or reckon up, add together. -2 To enumerate. -3 To make good, restore. parisaMkhyA 1 Enumeration, computation. -2 Sum) total, number : vittasya vidyAparisaMkhyayA me R.5.21. -3 ( In Mim. phil.) Exclusion, specification, limitation to that which is enumerated or expressly mentioned, so that everything else is excluded; sAMkhyadarzanametAvat parisaMkhyAnudarzanam Mb. 12.306.42. [parisaMkhyA is opposed to fare which lays down a rule for the first time, and to 4 which restricts the choice to an alternative which is expressly stated when several such alternatives are possible ]; vidhiratyantamaprAptI niyamaH pAkSike sati / tatra cAnyatra ca prAptau parisaMkhyeti gIyate // .. paJca pacanakhA bhakSyAH usually quoted by the Mimarnsakas%3 ayaM niyamavidhirna tu parisaMkhyA Kall. on Ms. 3.45. prAptasya punarvacanaM parisaMkhyArtha bhavati SB. on MS. 11. 1. 66. parisaMkhyA also means a text laying down exclusion; cf. (farurificadero farefas For Private and Personal Use Only Page #362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parisaMkhyAta 989 parinuta ............. ..... .... SB. on MS. 6.4.7)also parisaMkhyAyAM svArthahAniH, parArthakalpanA, / prAptabAdhazca / -4 (In Rhet.) Special mention or exclusive specification, i.e. where with or without a query something is affirmed for the denial, expressed or understood, of something else similar to it; (this figure is particluarly striking when it is based on a or pun); yasmin mahIM zAsati citrakarmasu varNasaMkarAzcApeSu guNacchedaH &c. or yasya nUpureSu mukharatA vivAheSu karagrahaNaM turaGgeSu kazAbhighAtaH &c. K; for other examples see S. D.735. -8 Recapitulation. parisaMkhyAta pp. 1 Enumerated, reckoned up.-2 Specified exclusively. parisaMkhyAnam 1 Enumeration, total, number. -2 Exclusive specification; sAMkhyajJAnaM pravakSyAmi parisaMkhyAnadarzanam Mb. 12. 306. 26. -3 Correct judgment, proper estimate; Y. 3. 158. Tituieter 2 A. 1 To exclude, to express exclusion of everything.else than what is stated ; parisaMcakSANo hi svArtha jahyAt , padArthaM ca kalpeta, prAptaM ca bAdheta SB. on MS. 1.1.31. -2 To enumerate. parisaMcaraH Time of universal destruction. -a. Vagrant. parisaMtapta p. p. Scorched, singed: parisabhyaH A member of an assembly. parisamAptap. p.1 Finished, completed. -2 Centred, comprehended ; tvayi tu parisamAptaM bandhukRtyaM prajAnAm 5.5.8. parisamApanam , parisamAptiH f. Finishing, completing. parisamUhanam 1 Heaping up. -2 Sprinkling water (in a particular way ) round the sacrificial fire ( 37: samantAt mArjanam ); agniM parisamUhanaM paryukSaNam Vaisvadeva. parisAman n. A Sama hymn which is occasionally inserted. parisa1 P. 1 To flow round; enaM sarasvatI parisasAra Ait. Br.; parisakhurApaH Mb. -2 To move round, whirl round; pradakSiNaM taM parisRtya Bhag.; parisarati (v. 1. for paripatati) zikhI bhrAntimadvAriyantram M. 2. 18. parisaraH 1 Vorge, border, proximity, vicinity, neighbourhood, environs (of a river, mountain, town &c.); godAvarIparisarasya girestaTAni 0.3.83 parisaraviSayeSu lIDhamuktAH Ki. 5. 38. -2 Position, site. -3 Width, breadth. -4 Death.-BA rule, precept.-8Agod. -7A vein, artery; parisarapaddhati hRdayamAruNayo daharam Bhag. 10.87.18. parisaraNam Running about. pari (rI)saryA, pari(rI)sAraH Wandering or moving about, perambulation. parisRtam An enclosed or fenced place; tasmAt pariste dadyAttilAMzcAnvavakIrayet Mb. 18.90.21. parisRpa 1 P. 1 To move round about, hover. -2 To move to and fro. parisarpaH 1 Going or moving about. -2 Going in search of, following, pursuing. -3 Surrounding, encircling. parisarpaNam 1 Walking or ereeping about; yudhiSThirastat parisarpaNaM budhaH pure ca rASTre ca gRhe tadAtmani. -2 Running to and fro, flying about, constantly moving; 49798: parisarpaNe ca tulyaH Mk. 3.21. pariskandhaH A collection, multitude (skandha); mahAbhUtapariskandham Mb. 14.45.1. paristR .,paristu 9U. 1 To spread, diffuse, extend; kambalAn paritastaruH Bk. 14.11. -2 To cover (fig. also); atha nAgayUthamalinAni jagatparitastamAMsi paritastarire Si.9. 183; abhitastaM pRthAsUnuH snehena paritastare Ki. 11.8. -3 To place in order. paristaraH Strewing round or heaping together. paristaraNam 1 Strewing or spreading round, scattering about. -2 A covering, cover. paristaraNikA A cow killed at a funeral ceremony. paristomaH 1 A painted or variegated cloth for a cover on elephant's back (kutha); drumANAM vividhaiH puSpaiH paristomairivArpitam Ram.4.1.83 Mb. 6.54.54. -2 A sacrificial vessel; Mb. 5. 141. 41. (com. paristomAH somacamasAdayaH). paristhAnam 1 Abode. -2 Fixedness, solidity. -3 Firmness. parisphIta a. Swollen, turgid. parisphuTa a.1Quite plain, manifest, distinctly visible. -2 Fully developed, blown or grown. parisphura 6 P. To throb, quiver, palpitate; tasyAH parisphuritagabharAlasAyAH U.3.28. parisphuraNam 1Quivering, shooting. -2 Budding. parisphUrtiH 1 Shining forth. -2 Becoming elear. parisyandaH 10ozing, trickling, dropping. -2 A flow, stream. -3 A train &c.; 8ee pariSyanda, parisravaH 1 Flowing, streaming. -2 Gliding down. -3 A river, torrent. -4 Birth of a child (garbhaparisrava). parisrAvaH 1 Effluxion, eflux.-2 N. of a mor bid disease (over flowing of the moistures of the body). parisrAvaNam A filtering vessel. parinAvin m. A kind of bhagaMdara q. v. parighut /. 1 A kind of intoxicating liquor. -2 Trickling, dropping, flowing. parita a. Flowed. trickled; zayAnaH zaratalpe'smin sazoNitaparinutaH Ram, 8.49. 15. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra parihata parihata a. Loosened. parihas] 1 P. 1 To jont, joke. -2 To laugh at ridi cule; (hence) to_surpass, excel; janAnAmAnandaH parihasati nirvANapadavIm G. I. 5. pari (rI) hAsa: 1 Joking, jesting, jest, mirth; merriment; tvarA prastAvo'yaM na khalu parihAsasya viSayaH Mal. 9.44; parihAsapUrvam 'jokingly or in jost' R. 6. 82 parihAsavijalpitam S. 2. 18 'uttered in jest'; parIhAsAzcitrAH satatamabhavan yena : Ve. 3. 14; Ku. 7. 19; R. 9. 8; Si. 10. 12. -2 Ridiculing, deriding. -Comp. -kathA an amusing story. -vastu an objort of jost. -vedina m. buffoon, jenter, a witty person. parihastaH Vod. 1 An amulet put round the hand to secure the birth of a child. -2 A ring for the hand. parihA 3 P. 1 To leave, abandon, quit. -2 To omit, neglect; yathoktAnyapi karmANi parihAya Ms. 12. 92. - Pass. 1 To be wanting or deficient in; Aryasya suvihitaprayogatayA na kimapi parihAsyate S. 1. -2 To be inferior to; ojasvitayA na parihIyate zacyAH V. 3; na praticchandAt parihIyate madhuratA M. 2. -3 To wane, fail, waste away; anudivasaM parihIya se aprai: S. 3; yatra svAmI nirvizeSaM samaM matyeSu vartate tatrodyamasamarthAnAmutsAhaH parihIyate // Pt. 1. 78. -4 To pass away; parihIyate gamanavelA S. 4. 8 To be deprived of or excluded from. parihANam Vol. 1 Losing suffering loan. -2 Decrease. aftefor: (-fa:) f. 1 Decrease, deficiency, loss. -2 Decay, decline; rAjayakSmaparihAnirAyayau kAmayAnasamavasthayA tulAm R. 19.50. -3 Neglect, omission. parihApaNam Causing loss of revenue pratibandhaH prayogo vyavahAro'vastAraH parihApaNamupabhoga... kozakSaya: Kau. A. 2.7.23 also klRptamAyaM parihApayati vyayaM vA vivardhayati iti parihApaNam. 990 parihINa 1 Waned, wasted. -2 Deprived or P.P. destitute of -3 Wanting or deficient in. parihATakam A golden armlet or anklet. parihUta a. Called together. pariha 1 P. 1 To avoid shun zrIsaMnikarSa parihartumiccha nnantardadhe bhUtapatiH sabhUtaH Ku. 3. 74, 43; Ms. 8. 400; -2 To forsake, abandon, leave, desert; kati na kathitamidamanupadamaciraM mA parihara harimatizayaruciram Git. 9. -3 To remove destroy ; answer, refute (as objections, charges &c.); brahmAsya jagato nimittaM kAraNaM prakRtizcetyasya pakSasyAkSepaH smRtinimittaH parihRtaH / tarkanimitta idAnImAkSepaH parihiyate S. B.; Mo. 14. -4 To conceal. -5 To embrace -6 To defend, preserve from ; Ch. Up. -7 To answer, refute. -8 To repeat. -9 To nourish. pariharaNam 1 Lesving, quitting, abandoning. -8 Avoiding, shunning. -3 Refuting. - Seizing, taking away. -5 Ved. Carrying or placing round. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parIkSa pariharaNIyatA 1 Disdain, rejection. -2 Disappenran00 unattainableness. pari (rI) hAraH 1 Leaving quitting, giving up, shan doning -2 Removing taking awayinsin virodhaparihAra; teSAM guptiparIhAraiH kaccitte bharaNaM kRtam Ram. 2.100.48. -3 Shunning, avoiding. Refuting, repelling. -8 Omitting to mention, omission, leaving out. -6 Resrve, concealment. -7 A tract of common land round a village or town; dhanuHzataM parIhAro grAmasya syAt samantataH Ms. 8. 237.8 A special grant, immunity, privilege, exemp tion from taxes ; pradadyAt parihArAMzca Ms. 7. 201; anugrahaparihArau caibhyaH kozavRddhikarau dadyAt Kau. A. 2. 1. 19. Hence lekha: a writ of remission as a favour; tathA parIhAranisRSTilekhau Kau. A. 2.10.28 of jAte vizeSeSu pareSu caiva mAmeSu dezeSu ca teSu teSu anugraho yo nRpaternidezAda, tajJa parIhAra iti vyavasyet // Kau. A. 2. 10. 28. -9 Contempt, disrespect -10 An objection. 11 Seizing, keeping back. -12 Bounty. -13 (In gram.) The repetition of a word before and after iti; cf. parigraha. - 14 ( In dram.) Atoning for any improper action. Comp. -fasfer: (with Jainas) purification by mortification and penance. -sU ( a cow ) bearing a calf only after a long time. parihArakaH, -kam An armlet. parihArya a. To be shunned or avoided, to be escaped from, to be taken off or away. -ryaH A bracelet. parihRtaH P. P. 1 Shunned, avoided. -2 Left, abandoned. -3 Refuted, repelled (as a charge, objection &c.). -4 Taken, seized parihatiH / Avoiding, shunning. parihAlam Stammering, faltering. parI (parincha ) 2 P. 1 To go round, circumambulate; ( caraNanyAsaM) bhaktinamraH parIyAH Me. 57; Ms. 2. 48. -2 To surround, encompass hutavaparIta gRhamiva S. 5.10 viSavallIbhiH parItAbhirmahauSadhiH R. 12. 61; 80 kopaparItamAnasam Ki. 2. 25. -8 To go to, think of (objects &c.). -4 To be changed or transformed. -6 To reach to. -6 To run against. parIta p. p. 1 Surrounded, encompassed by. -2 Ex pired, elapsed. -3 Departed, gone forth. -4 Seized, taken possession of, filled with; praNAzAnnandAnAM prazamamupayAtaM tvamadhunA parItaH kAlena jvalayasi mama krodhadahanam Mu. 3. 29. See parI - 8 = viparIta inverted; svadoSakopanAdrogaM labhate maraNAntikam / api bodbandhanAdIni parItAni vyavasyati // Mb. 14.17.13. -6 Moving round. parIkS 1 A. 1 To examine, look at or scrutinize carefully; ataH parIkSya kartavyaM vizeSAt saMgataM rahaH S. 5.24; santaH parIkSyAnyataradbhajante M. 1. 2; Ms. 9.14. -2 To test, try, put to the tent mAya mayodbhAvya parIkSito'si R. 2.66 nAt For Private and Personal Use Only Page #364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parIkSaka 991 parokSa afata: Y. 1. 55 carefully tested as to potency'. -8 To observe, perceive. ter: An examiner, investigator, a judge. TeleTOTH Putting to test, testing, examining; 1979q ue Ms. 1. 117; Y. 2. 177. rate 1 Examination, test, trial; faghias Di 99 M.1; Me. 9. 19. -2 Trial by various kinds of ordeals (in law). afera p. y. Examined, tried, tested; uefa 164gquihat Vikr. 1. 24. qif17 m. N. of a king, son of Abhimanyu and grandson of Arjuna. He succeeded to the throne of Hastinapura after Yudhisthira. He died of a snakebite. The Kali age is said to have commenced with his reign. parINAhaH 1 = pariNAha. nalvamAtraparINAho ghanacchAyo vanaspatiH Mb. 12. 154.7.-2 A piece of common land encircling a village. -3 An epithet of Siva. ratare, -i , - mar, -ark, retete &c. See oftare &c. Tante Gratification, present. CT 1 Desire of obtaining. -2 Desire of preserving; 311AA T 4: (TH) Bhag. 3. 9. 19. -3 Haste, hurry. Tot a. 1 Wishing to preserve; staregaar: a ina: Bhag. 10.44.27.-2 Desirous of finding out; es ximaa Ki. 3. 4. parIram A fruit. Ricore 1 A tortoise. -2 A stick. -8 A garment (ETC). rate a. Desirable, superior; H ET 429-4nijAzramAptAvante parISTagataye haraye namaste Bhag.6.9.45. Titre: f. 1 Research, inquiry, investigation; atu fafangafe: MS. 1. 1. 3. -2 Service, attendance; aftgetatief greyagai PAT N. 16. 112. -8 Respect, worship, homage. -4 Willingness, readiness. 75: 1 A joint, knot. -2 A limb, member. -3 The ocean. -4 Heaven, paradise. -8 A mountain. T5 ind. Last year. Tora a. Belonging to the last year. Ther: A horse. T a. [9-397] 1 Hard, rough, rugged, stiff (opp. Tor au; 414, 4591 HIT &c. -2 Harsh, a busive, severe, unkind, cruel, stern (as words ); (27) 319641 794 iar R. 9.8; Pt. 1. 50; said also of a person; fa 47 991 Git. 9; Y. 1. 310. -3 Harsh or disagreea ble to the ear (as a sound &c.); 19959697 : R. 11. 46; Me. 63.-4 Rough, coarse, rough to the touch, shaggy (as hair); JETTAIT 489 ** Me. 92. -8 Sharp, violent, strong, keen, piercing (wind &c.); fact? **4 959: 99711 aal Ram.7.28. 28; 959997ailendra qui: Rs. 1. 22; 2. 28. -8 Gross. -7 Dirty. -8 Spotted, variegated. -9 Ved. Knotted. -10 Similar; L. D. B. -TH A harsh or abusive speech, a buse. -Comp. -32TT a. using harsh or abusive language; sitfreu TEATATIREATE TA ATT Hera -BTTT: (In Rhet.) an objection or contradiction containing harsh words; 79 9691974: 4914 Kav. 2. 144. at a. other than rough, soft, mild; 5941940Tarta R. 5. 68. i f., a abusive or harsh language. paruSita a Treated roughly or harshly; tathA paruSitaM Targeur ATTAH Mb. 7. 159. 1. Cara m. Ved. A shaggy appearance. TEA n. 1 A joint, knot; a: Tatutag14 3498 1996 T 4 Bhag. 3. 13. 30. - 2 A limb or member of the body. (971- ) 2 P. 1 To go or run away, flee, retreat; 3: ata #rafa Pt. 5. 88 he who runs away saves his life'; cf. 'to run for one's life'. -2 To reach, attain to; a fa 10 TAHA 99: Ki. 1. 39.-8 To depart from this world, die. Ta p. p. Deceased, departed, dead. -: A spirit, a ghost. -Comp. -et: a. almost dead. - The time of death; paretakAle puruSo yat karma pratipadyate Ram. 3.51. 31. H, -T751 m. the god of death, Yama; anHea: Si. 1. 57. T: f., -ath: a cemetery; fattig paretabhUmiSu Ku.5.68. pra: f. Ved. Departure. , ind. The other day. pareyivas a. Dead, departed; kathA imAste kathitA mahIyasA faut 91014 : Tyra Bhag. 12. 3. 14. te: f., rgpt A cow that has often calvod. TETET a. 1 Out of or beyond the range of sight, in visible, escaping observation. -2 Absent; 19 Jar v ar: qtet: R. 7. 13. -3 Secret, unknown, stranger; TTTT 7 7: . 2. 19; a stranger to the influence of love '; I FUTA H. Pr. 10.-8T: An ascetic. - 1 Absence, invisibility. -2 (In gram.) Past time or tense (not witnessed by the speaker); IET ! fosz P. III. 2. 115. Note: --The acc. and loc. singulars of i. e. , UTT) are used adverbially in the sense of 'in one's absence', 'out of sight', 'behind one's back', with or without a gen. :-ua d Tua For Private and Personal Use Only Page #365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir paromAtra 992 parparIkA a H4148: Mk. 2; Ria Fraerar yet fogalean (4 ) leaves and Kusa grass only for five days; see Tiigra7Chan. 18; cetera 77A 91H C Ms. 2. 119. raajiivbilvptrkushodkaiH| pratyeka pratyahaM pItaiH parNakRcchU udaahRtH|| -Comp. ret a. having a secret meaning. Wat a Y. 3. 317 and Mita. thereon. avg: a tree without hymn in which a deity is spoken of in the third person. apparent blossoms. (-3 ) a collection of leaves. -jit a. victorious in an imperceptible manner. -buddhi -TT: a kind of deer. Tz: an epithet of Siva. a. indifferent to. I: enjoyment of anything in the a : a kind of perfume (gall-nut). -T: the figure absence of the owner. - a. living out of sight. of a man made of leaves and burnt in place of a lost (-e f.) an unseen or obscure life. corpse. Tho: a leaf-stalk. He at the Priyangu creeper. a goat. m. the winter season TATT a. Ved. Immense, vast. (FIT). : any wild animal living in the boughs TACE a. Untouched by passions, pure; U. 4. of trees (as a monkey, squirrel, &c.). ER m. the spring season (vasanta). -latA the betel-plant. -vATikA Teach ind. Ved. 1 from top to bottom. -2 From pieces of areca-nut mixed with other spices and hand to hand 3 In succession. rolled up in betel-leaves. To a bed or couch of Trattura. Having both superior and inferior. leaves. TOT a hut made of leaves, a hermitage; far&utmaat # TOTSTHETIEJ R. 1.95; 12.40; HET: part, a. Ved. 1 Broader on the outside. -2 one with a bed of leaves; ag arnaay pani yoritat: Most excellent of all. -m. 1 The Supreme Being. -3 Bk. 4.8. The highest happiness. paNela a. Full of or abounding in leaves, leafy; parNalIrife: f., TIEU A cockroach. Haag Bk. 6. 143. paroSNI N. of a river in the Punjab; also paruSNI. It quiet: [Un. 4. 107 ] 1 A house standing in the is now called Ravi. midst of water, a summer-house. -2 A lotus. -8 A vegetable. - Decoration, toilet, adorning. TT: A heron. -JF Regret, anxiety. Tafe:, -at s., valea m. 1 The wave-leaved fig aftra m. 1 A tree; af at giCHTEYTT figy: affaqat Mb. 12. 156. 18.-2 The 17 tree'; Ram. 1. 14. 22. tree (CEST). -2 A fresh betel-nut. TOT a. See voia, Tiaft, PTT A kind of plant (erefter-Mar. 216 ET), Curcuma Aromatica. qoftes: 1 A boat. -2 A spade or hoe. -3 Single combat. ora: 1 A rain cloud, thundering cloud, a cloud in general; 73 59 4ra: A r ca: R. 17. 15; te m. Ved. 1 A protector. -2 Means of defence. Mk. 10. 60. -2 Rain ; 3471898 yara quita : 1 A. (EUR) To break wind. Bg. 3. 14. -3 The god of rain; Bri. Up. 1. 4. 11. -4 The muttering or roaring of clouds. -8 N. of T: 1 A quantity of hair, thick hair. -2 A fart, Indrat, Surya, Visnu and some other deities; Bhag. breaking wind (67 also in this sense. ). 10. 20.5 (here 451-4 means the sun ). TU 1 P. (942) To go, move. qut 10 U. (qui fa-a) To make green or verdant ; vasantaH parNayati campakam. : 1 Young grass. -2 A seat for cripples (May 174); wheel-carriage in which cripples are moved TUTH 1 A pinion, wing; as in gqui. -2 The feather a bout; 49 9177 9999 9 4: Sk. on P. IV. 4. 10. of an arrow. -3 A leaf. -4 The betel-leaf; ad -3 A house. ufafaqat a conf=yfer : ( : Parnal. 5. 25. -of: The Palasa tree. -Comp. 331 feeding on TE: 1 A kind of medicinal plant. -2 A thin crisp leaves. (-a:) a cloud. -3714: a kind of basil. cake made of four (Mar. 9193 ); Ganesa P.; stuffed -31EIT a. feeding upon leaves; cf. Ram. 3. 6. 2. with seasamum; faodaf421f fact N. 16. 149. -SCH a hut of leaves, a hermit's hut, a hermitage. et 1 A kind of fragrant earth, -2 A kind of perfume. -kAra: a vendor of betel-leaves. -kuTikA, -kuTI a hut -Comp. -odana: rice mixed with parpaTa (Mar. vaDAbhAta); made of leaves. : A kind of religious vow in 9921Cigat a fefae D. Purana. Chap. 50. H: which one has to drink a decoction of leaves ; 1.9 a kind of tree (kumbhIvRkSa). samastAni trirAtropoSitaH zuciH / kvAthayitvA pibedadbhiH parNakUrcA'bhi A braid of hair. 4 II Yama Smriti. - a kind of expiatory penance which consists in living upon an infusion of i. Th : 1 The sun. -2 Fire. -3 A reservoir, tanke For Private and Personal Use Only Page #366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir parparINam 993 paryazra TURTOTH A joint ; L. D. B. -UT: 1 Juice of the stalks of betel leaves. -2 A tendon of a betel leaf. -3 Worship of Siva with ghee in the Uttarayana; L.D. B. Tui, - A cripple who moves about in a chair. 1 P. (9 ) To go, move. q ind. Round about, in every direction; 32457 radh: HET 1721aet fra 945 Bhag. 4.5. 12. Tafa: Ved. 1 Circumam bient fire. -2 A torch carried round the sacrificial animal; or the ceremony of carrying round such fire. q8: 1 A bed, couch, sofa ; # f attet frafa ta: Bh. 2. 81. -2 A palanquin. -3 A cloth girt round the back, loins, and knees (by a person) when sitting on his hams; cf. 879814451. -6 A particular kind of posture practised by ascetics in meditation, sitting on the hams; it is the same as atras which is thus defined by Vasistha :-- 444 vinyasyorau tu saMsthitaM / itarasmistathaivoru viiraasnmudaahRtm|| paryaka919 &c. Mk. 1.1. -Comp. - er, -apet: sitting on the hams, the posture called 976; quierga 14 Ku. 3. 45, 59. - a. squatting. I m. a kind of serpent T IP. To roam, wander a bout; Farferla 25T2Tfaqat Bh. 2. 5. TET: A tramp, vaga bond. piea, qafeah Wandering or roaming about, travelling over. p a : 1 An inquiry with the object of contradicting or refuting a statement (97 C Halay.); paryanuyogo nAma sa bhavati yaH svapakSaM sAdhayati vipakSasya ca pratIpamAafa SB. on MS. 3. 1. 12; gaartaifa Tam : Day. B. -2 Asking, inquiring. -3 Censure, reproach. para a. 1 Bounded by, extending as far as; 1192queat geat the ocean bounded earth'. - 2 Adjoining, neighbouring; sa vai viSayaparyante tava rAjan mahAtapAH Ram.7. 74. 26. -2: 1 Circuit, circumference. -2 Skirt, edge, border, extremity, boundary; 792707 (7) Mb. 1. 33.2; 327 a uf S. 4; 1997 R. 13.38; Rs. 3.3. -3 Side, flank; raffrey uggi (F: fra: 574 Ratn. 2.3; R. 18.43.-4 End, conclusion, termination; Haag T HERON fag: Bg. 8. 17; 94-4 Mb 14. 44. 1; * Handra: Pt. 1. 125. -Comp. , , f. an adjoining district or region, a an adjoining hill. -fya a. limitative, confining. eftir Loss of good qualities, depravity, moral turpitude. 84 = usta q.v. , . ....184 pret: 1 Revolution, lapse, expiration; 4133947412 Mb. 3. 179. 19; Y. 3. 217; Ms. 1. 30; 11. 27; Hika 14: 69: Bhag. 8. 13. 36.-2 Wasto or loss of time); HTC +19932: Ram. 1. 22. 12. -3 Change, alteration. -4 Inversion; confusion, irregularity. -B Deviation from customary observances, neglect of duty. - Opposition. -7 Loss, destruction; 9 HUTSET fantaa 291 FAIT F#F4974: Mb. 12. 15. 26. T uy 1 Walking round, circumambulation. -2 A horse's saddle. Teraara a. 1 Perfectly pure or clean. -2 Very accomplished, conversant with. -8 Very familiar, well known. qarah Complete destruction or disappearance. ETTO Precise determination. qian: Transformation. quatre: Obstruction, hindrance. TURTT: End, termination. Tagay 5, 9 P. To besiege, surround; 9499tarmetat karAlAyatanam Mal.5. qeagruty Sarrounding, investing. praet 4 P. 1 To complete, finish. -2 To determine, resolve. -3 To result in, be reduced to, end in ; eSa eva samuccayaH sadyoge'sadyoge sadasadyoge ca paryavasyatIti na pRthag a K. P. 10. -4 To perish, be lost, decline. Tae 1 End, termination, conclusion. -2 Determination, ascertainment. pafta p. p. 1 Finished, ended, completed. -2 Perished, lost. - Determined. Comp.-afa a. thoroughly acquainted. piat : The act of jumping down ; Mb. Teater 1 P. 1 To set out. -2 To be or exist everywhere. -3 To rely upon. -Caus. To compose or collect oneself'; na paryavasthApayasyAtmAnam 7.1. quarut, par 1 Opposition, resistance, obstruction. - Contradiction. TarT m. An adversary, antagonist; 377: qaFerar a : 194: Ki. 11. 13. otarena p. p. 1 Stationed. -2 contained in, occupied with. -8 merry, content. que a. Bathed in or suffused with tears, shedding tears, tearful; paryazruNI majalabhAbhIrurna locane mIlayituM vihe Ki. 3. 36; qutran a aquel R. 13. 70. -Comp. 9 a. having eyes tearful; f a ri aaya 9 Mb. 12. 6. 2 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra paryas 4 P. 1 To throw or cast round, spread round, diffuse. -2 To spread over, surround; 8: smitasya Ku. 1. 4. -3 To turn round ; paryastavilocanena Ku. 3. 68. To shed, throw down (as tears); paryastAH pRthivyAmabindavaH R. 10.75 Mo. 11. 184. overturn, upset. 8 To throw about; masi gya R. 5. 49. -7 To entrap, ensnare. -8 To enclose. 8 To ... 1 Casting, throwing about. -2 Sending forth, throwing. -3 Sending away. - Putting off or away. paryasta p. p. 1 Thrown round, scattered over or about paryastI dhanaMjayasyopari mukhasAra Vo. 4 Si. 10. 91. -2 Surrounded, encompassed. -3 Upset, overturned. -4 Dismissed, laid aside. -5 Struck, hurt, killed. -6 Bound. paryastiH / paryastikA Sitting upon the hams; sco parya 3. paryAsaH 1 End, conclusion, termination; paryAsa iti MS. 5. 3. 8. 2 Rotation, revolution. -3 Inverted order or position. -4 Killing. -6 Falling down. qafe 1 Revolution; see af:. -2 Destruction; yadi tasyAzokaparyAsanaM bhavet Mb. 8.87.106. paryAsita a Thrown down annihilated: pareraparyAcitanaoNrthasaMpadA parAbhavo'yutsava eva mAninAm Ki. 1.411 Mal. 5.29. paryAkula a. 1 Turbid, foul (as water). -2 Confused, confounded, frightened; S. 1. -3 Disordered, dishevelled; qui: S. 1. 29.4 Excited, agitated, bewildered paryAkulo'smi S.6; jyAvirta savinayaM hRdayaM kSaNena paryAgegantsfa ad ag Rs. 6. 22. -5 Full of, filled with sneha, krodha &c. paryAkulatA, svam Confusions paryAyavAnmarutAM vegabhagoSnumIyate Ku. 2. 25. paryAkSip P. To wind round, bind with ; paryAkSipat kAcidudArabandham Ku. 7. 14. qan 1 P. 1 To approach. -2 To be completed or finished. 3 To conquer, subdue. -4 To surround, encircle. 6 To elapse. 6 To last, live. -7 To return; prApyase paramaM kAmaM mayi paryAgate sati Ram. 2.24.30. paryAgata a. One who has finished his worldly career. paryAcAntam Food left by a person after sipping; Ms. 4.212. gato Addles K. 126 saddled'; quian waghftat: Si. 12. 22. paryAdAnam End exhaustion gai 5 P. (used generally in p. p.) 1 To be competent paryA vidameteSAM balaM bhImAbhirakSitam Bg.1.10; 995 paryAyaH Ms. 11. 7. 2 To be able. -8 To be full; as in kalaH, paryAptadakSiNaH -4 To save, defend, preserve; imAM : M. 5. 11. -5 To finish. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir paryApta Tip. p. 1 Obtained, got, gained; afunguerasif (star) U. 5. 33. -2 Finished, completed. -3 Full, whole, entire, complete, all; frie afar Ku. 7. 26; R. 6. 44. -4 Able, competent, adequate; ()uen nat eund qafer: Mb. 7. 150. 5. fast: R. 10. 25. -8 Enough, sufficient; yAvataiSAM samApyeran yajJAH paryAptadakSiNAH R. 17.17; Ms. 117. -6 Large, extensive, spacious; af Ve. 4. 10. -7 Abundant, copious, many; qaf Ku. 3. 39; -9 Limited in number; 14f 1 ad bhISmAbhirakSitam paryAptaM tvidameteSAM balaM bhImAbhirakSitam // Bg.1.10. -ind. 1 Willingly, readily. -2 To one's satisfaction, enough, sufficiently; qufsaraf U. 4. 1 'drinks his fill'. -3 Fully, adequately, ably, competently. Comp. - a. one whose desires are accomplished paryAmakAmasya kRtAtmanastu Mupda. 3. 2. 2. quff. 1 Obtaining, acquisition. -2 End, conclusion, close. 3 Enough, fulness, sufficiency. 4 Satiety, satisfaction. 6 Preserving, guarding, warding off a blow. -8 Fitness, competency. -7 Willingness, readiness. -8 Distinction of objects according to their natural properties ; paryAptizcAyameko ghaTa imau dvauvityAdipratItisAkSikaH svarUpasambandhavizeSaH / Drdhiti. paryApatat a. Hurrying or rushing about; qafqaz phala......vipIDa Si. 5.21. qaiga: 1 Revolution -2 Encircling. paryAnAta Celebrated, reputed paryAmnAtagurNa khoke nAnA tryambakabhAskaram Siva B. 26.54. a. For Private and Personal Use Only qi: 1 Going or winding round, revolution. -2 Lapse, course, expiration (of time) Ram. 7. 65. 17. -3 Regular recurrence or repetition. 4 Turn, succession, due or regular order; qafa Ku. 2. 36; Mal 9. 32; Ms. 4. 87; Mu. 3. 27.5 Method, arrangement. -6 Manner, way, method of proceeding. 7 A synonym, convertible term; paryAyo nidhanasyAyaM nirdhanatvaM zarIriNAm Pt. 2.99; parvatasya qafar &c. -8 An opportunity, occasion. -9 Creation, formation, preparation, manufacture; fa graf a: Mb. 12. 174. 30. -10 Comprehensiveness. 11 A strophe of a hymn. -12 Property, quality. 13 A means, stratagem (31); a farsfta yatsAmyaM kuryurvazAMpate Mb. 3. 73. 7. -14 End (anta ) paryAyakAle dharmasya prApte kalirajAyata Mb. 574.12 - 16 Contrariety, reverse ; kAlaparyAyamAjJAya mA sma zoke manaH : Mb. 6. 2. 5. -16 (In Rhet.) A figure of speech; see K. P. 10; Chandr. 5. 108, 109; S. D. 733. [Note. f is often used adverbially in the sense of 1 in turn or succession, by regular gradation, Page #368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra paryAyazaH (opp. tantreNa ) paryAyeNa kivAvAmevaM doSaH / tantreNa tu kriyAyAM bhavati fa : SB. on MS. 6. 2. 2. 2 Occasionally, now and then ; paryAyeNa hi dRzyante svapnAH kAmaM zubhAzubhAH Ve. 2. 14 ]. -8 Alternately matsadRzaM kimapi rUpaM mAM ca paryAveNa nirvarNayantI Dk.. -Comp. -annam, food intended for another. - a figure of speech in Rhetoric; it is a circumlocutory or periphrastic way of speaking,, when the fact to be intimated is expressed by a turn of speech or periphrasis; e. g. see Chandr. 5. 66. or S. D. 733. - order of succession. - a. supplanted, superBeded. -vacanam, -zabdaH a synonym - vAcakaH a ex pressing a corresponding notion. - alternate sleeping and watching. - service by rotation; paryAyasevAmutsRjya Ku. 2. 36 : ind. 1 Periodically. -2 In succession. quia. Fxtremely long or extended. paryAriNI A cow afflicted with diseases. que ind. A particle expressing 'harm' or 'injury' ( hiMsana), used with kR, bhU or as; paryAlIkRtya = hiMsitvA. quia 10 U. To reflect, consider, think about. quiete, 1 Circumspection, attentive observation, deliberation, mature reflection. -2 Knowing, recognition,-8 Plan, design. paryAvartaH paryAvartanam Coming back, return. -8 Exchange. qafafaa p. p. Subverted, reversed. quifa a. Very muddy or turbid, much soiled; paryAvilAnIva navodakAni R. 7.40. paryAvRta a. Veiled, covered. qi: 1 A yoke worn across the shoulders in carrying a load. - Conveying. -3 A load or burden. -A pitcher. -8 Storing grain. paryukSaNam Sprinkling round water ailently and without uttering any ritual formulae or Mantras. -uff A vessel for sprinkling. paryutthAnam Standing up. paryutsuka a. Sorrowful, sorry, regretting, sad; sorrow ; R. 5. 67; paryutsukI bhavati yat sukhito'pi jantuH S. 5.2 (v. 1.). Eagerly desirous, anxious, anxiously longing for; : Ku. 4. 28; V. 2. 16. -3 Agitated, excited pAnA AsIt S. 6. 1 Debt. -2 Raising up, drawing out (uddhAra). 4 P. 1 To reject, exclude. -2 To prohibit, object to. - To heap together. 996 parvakam paryudasta p. p. 1 Excluded, excepted. -2 Prohibited, objected to (as a ceremony). gere: 1 An exception, a prohibitive rule or precept; prAdhAnyaM hi vidheryatra pratiSedhe'pradhAnatA / paryudAsaH sa vijJeyo yatrottarapadena naJ // -2 A negation purporting to state some matter of the exclusion of something that is actually mentioned. Technically (the negative particle) has the sense of when it is connected with any word that is not a verb. But it conveys pratiSedha when it is connected with a verb. Thus abrAhmaNam Anaya means brAhmaNaM varjayitvA yaM kamapi Anaya; while kalajaM na bhakSayet conveys prohibition of kalajabhakSaNa. For a discussion on read MS. 10. 8. 1-4 and SB. thereon. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir paryupayukta a. Exhausted, used up (completely); tenaitasmitha kriyamANe'parisamApta evAyuH paryupayukta svAt SB. om MS. 6.7.39. Serving, waiting upon, attendance; tataH zucisamAcArAH paryupasthAnako vidA Ram. 2007. 2 A. 1 To attend upon, worship, attend respectfully; R. 10. 62; Ku. 2. 38; Ms. 7. 37. -2 To go to (for protection), resort to, seek shelter or patronage with; azaktA eva sarvatra narendra Pt. 1. 241. -3 To enclose, surround. -4 To share in, partake of. 5 To sit on. -8 To live round. paryupAsaka, -sina, sitR m. A worshipper. 1 Worship, honour, service. - Friendliness, courtesy. -3 Sitting round. -4 Pardon, excuse. gara a. 1 Sitting upon; Ms. 2. 75. -2 Sur rounded by. f. Sowing. Worship, adoration, service. paryuSita a. Stale, not fresh: ga vyivassoy sege faafa Y. 1. 167; Ms. 4. 211; Bg. 17. 10; cf. a. -2 Insipid. -3 Stupid. - Vain. -8 Having passed the night. -6 Having stood for a time or in some place. Comp. m. the eater of stale a word that has not been strictly kept. paryuSTa a. Stale paryuprayA taba vibho vanamAkhyeyam Bhag food. 11. 6. 12. - 1 Investigation by reasoning. -2 Search, inquiry in general; zrUyatAM yaH prayatnoM me sItAparyeSaNe 5: Mb. 3. 282. 17. -8 Homage, worship. - Spending the rainy season (Buddh.). qff: f. Search, inquiry. 1 P. (4) To Ell. parvakam The knee-joint. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra qefuft parvaNI [ parva- karaNe lyuT striyAM GIp] 1 The full moon day or the day of new moon. -2 A festival. -3 A particular disease of the juncture or if of the eye (in medicine); also .-Filling. ainous. parvataH [ parva-atac; parvANi bhAgAH santyasya vA; cf. P. V. 2. 122 Vart. 1 A mountain, hill; wegwranga, vidliger Ar Bh. 2. 78; affa Mk. 4. 17. -2 A rock. -3 An artificial mountain or heap. - The number 'seven'. 5 A tree. -6 A kind of vegetable. -7 A cloud (mountain-like) -8 N. of a Risi (associated with Narada). -Comp. -f: an epithet of Indra. -Atmaja: an epithet of the mountain Mainaka. - AtmajA an epithet of Parvati. -AdhArA the earth. - a cloud. -: a fabulous animal called Sarabha, -Azrayin 1, q. v. May - a mountaineer. - upatyakA a land at the foot of a mountain. -kandaraH a mountain-cave. a raven. - the earth. - jA a river - patiH an epithet of the Himalaya mountain. -mocA a kind of plantain. -rAj m., -rAjaH 1 a large mountain. -2 the lord of mountains', the Himalaya mountain. - . mountain-slope. - a. living in mountains. (-m.) a mountaineer. (ft) 1 N. of Durga. - of Gayatri. -3 N. of a plant. nard (Mar. at). - a. situated on a hill or ( mountain. qf: parvatIya (Ved.) A rook, stone. a. Belonging to a mountain, hilly, mount 996 q 8 U. To make into a mountain, magnify, enhance the value of. parvana [punar Up. 4. 112. ] ' syAdutsave pranthau prastAve lakSaNAntare' iti vizvaH 1A Iknot, joint; mAsAcArthamAsAtha aff; Bri. Up. 1. 1. 1. (Sometimes changed to 4 at the end of Bah. comp.; as in eg R. 12. 41.) so'haM vinaya zataparvaNA zirI hari Bhag. 8. 11. 6 affar Ki. 17. 29. -2 A limb, member, joint of the body, knuckle. -8 A portion, part, division ; sasarja cchAyayA vidyAM paJcaparvANamagrataH Bhag. 3. 20. 18. - A book, section (as of the Mahabharata). - The stop of a atnironte; dine dine zailavantyastAt sopAnapaNi fag: R. 16. 46. -6 A period, fixed time. -7 Particularly, the days of the four changes of the moon; i. e. the eighth and fourteenth day of each half month and the days of the full and new moon. -8 A sacrifice performed on the occasion of a change of the moon; pani nikita (tulasIm ) Tulasi Up. 9 The day ot new or full moon, the day of opposition or conjunction; aparvaNi grahakaluSendumaNDalA vibhAvarI kathaya kathaM bhaviSyati M. 4. 15; R. 7. 33; Ms. 4. 150; Bh. 2. 34. -10 An eclipse of the sun or moon ; bhrAtaH parvaNi pazya dAnavapatiH zIrSAvazeSI kRtaH Bh. 11 A festival, holiday, an occasion of joy; parSada skRtI bAlapaNI siletarI (kRSNarAmI) Bang. 10. 41.41. -12 An opportunity or occasion in general. 13 A particular period of the year (as the equinox, solstice). -14 The moment of the sun's entering a new sign. -15 A moment, instant. Comp. -: cracking the fingers (regarded as indecorus). - One wearing different dresses (veSAntaradhArI ); Mb. 13.90.9. - kAlaH 1 a periodic change of the moon. -2 the time at which the moon at its conjunction or opposition passes through the node; degrAzi: time for festivals. -kArin m. a Brahmana who from motives of gain performs on common days ceremonies which ought to be performed on periodical occasions, such as amAvAsyA &c. -gAmin m. one who has sexual intercourse with his wife at particular times or occasions when such intercourse is prohibited by the Sastras. -f the teacher's fee for teaching a particular portion of the Veda. -f the moon. -nADI time of opposition or conjunction. pUrNatA 1 preparations for a festival. -2 completion of a festival. -3 joining. -bhAgaH the wrist; AparvabhAgotthitaH S. 4. 5. -bhedA voilent pain in the joints; Suar. - the time at which the fourteenth day passes into the fifteenth day of a fortnight.-: a cane or reed. - m. a pomegranate tree. a. except the forbidden days of a month. - vipad The moon. -saMdhi: 1 the junction of the fifteenth and first of a lunar fortnight, the full and change of the moon, or the exact moment of the full and change of the moon; juSante parvatazreSThamRSayaH parvasaMdhiSu Mb. 3. 159. 16. -2 a finger-joint. parvarINa (= parparINa q.v.). parvitaH A kind of fish. 1 An axe, a hatchet; cf. T.-2 A weapon in general. 3 A rib; far: fa: Bri. Up. 1. 1. 1. -4 Ved. A curved knife. f. The supporting or sidewall of a well. Comp. for: 1 an epithet of Gapela. -2 of Parasurama; also . pazukA A rib. parzvadhaH See paravadha. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1 A. () 1 To become wet or moist. -2 Ved. To accept. parSa a. Voilent, rough (as wind); aifa fapani Bhag 10.28.25. rupA parSaH Ved. A bundle, sheaf; khale na parSAn prati hanmi Rv. 10. 48.7. [ft] 1 An assembly, a meeting, conclave; : Bhag. 3. 14. 23; 10. 83. 21.-2 Particularly, a religious synod or assembly; ar vedadharmajJAH parSat V. 1. 9. vala: A member of an assembly ; palAn mahAmaurATa naikaTikAmAn Bk. 4. 12. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pal 997 palyul - pal I. 1P. (palati) To go, move. -II. 10 P. To protect (pAlayati); L.D. B. palaH [pal-ac ] Straw, husk. -lam 1 Flesh, meat. -2 A particular weight equal to four karsas. 3 A particular measure of fluids.-4 A particular measure of time. -5A small measure3 lavaNapalamiva kSiptamantaha~dasya Nag.5.24. -Comp. -agniH bile. -aGgaH a tortoise. -ada:,-azaH,-azana: ademon, Raksasa; nirdagdhuM nikhilAH palAzasamidho medhyAdayodhyAraNe: Ram. champi. -annam rice with meat. -kSAra: blood. -gaNDa: a plasterer, mason; takSANaH palagaNDAzca......Siva B.31. 18. -priyaH 1 a demon. -2a raven. -bhA the equinoctial shadow at midday. palaMkaTa a. Timid, bashful. palaMkaraH Bile, gall. palaMkaSaH 1 A demon, goblin. -2 Bdellium. -3 The | kiMzuka tree. -4 A lion. -SA A Hy. palita 4. Weighing or containing so many palas. palala: A demon, goblin, an evil spirit.-lam 1 Flesh. -2 Mire, mud. -3 A sweetmeat made of ground sesamum and sugar. -Comp. -Azaya: swelled neck. -jvara: gall, bile. -priyaH 1a raven. -2ademon. palakSa a. Ved. White. palava: A kind of net or basket for catching fish. palasa = panasa q. v. palANDu m. n. An onion; lazunaM gRJjanaM caiva palANDaM kavakAni ca / abhakSyANi dvijAtInAmamedhyaprabhavANi ca // Ms.5.5% BY. 1. 176. TOTT: 1 The temples of an elephant. -2 A halter, rope. TOT I A. 1 To flee, run away, retreat, fly away. -2 To escape. -3 To die away. palAyaka a. 1 Flying. -2 A tugitive. palAyanam 1 Running away, retrea.t, flight, escape%; yuddhe cApyapalAyanam (kSatrakarma svabhAvajam) Bg. 18.43; R. 19.31. -2 A saddle. Totora p. p. Fled, retreated, run away, esca ped. palAyin a. Fleeing, running away, a fugitive. palA The plant jaTAmAMsI, Indian spikenard; granthikaM ca palAM caya......Siva B. 30. 16. palAli: A heap of flesh. palAlaH, -lam Straw, husk; Mb. 13.79. 17; Ms.5. 122; palAlajAlaiH pihitaH svayaM hi prakAzamAsAdayatIkSuDimbhaH N.8.2. -Comp. -dohadaH the mango tree (the fruit of which is ripened in straw).-bhAraka: a load of strawi Ms. 11.133. palAva: A fish-hook: Vas. palAza.1Green. -2 Unkind, cruel. -za: A demon. -2 N. of the Magadha country. -3 N. of a tree, Butea Frondosa (also called kiMzuka); navapalAzapalAzavanaM puraH Si.6.2.-zam 1 The flower or blossom of this tree; bAlenduvakrANyavikAzabhAvAd babhuH palAzAnyatilohitAni Ku.3.29. -2 A leaf or petal in general; bhISmaparvamahAzAkho droNaparvapalAzavAn Mb. 1. 1.893 vibhinnamambhojapalAzazobhayA Ki.4.27; calatpalAzAntaragocarAstaroH Si. 1.21; 6.2. -3 The green colour. -4 A finger (1) Girvana; yatpAdapaGkajapalAzavilAsabhaktyA Bhag. 4. 22. 39. -zI Lac. palAzaka: The tree Palasa. palAzin a. Leafy. -m. A tree%; plavantazca palAzipu Bhag. 10. 12.9. fo: f. A part of the elephant's face, perhaps the hollow in the middle of the forehead; Matanga L.6. 10. palika a. Weighing a pala. palikkI 1 An old, grey-haired woman. -2 A cow for the first time with calf (bAlagarbhiNI). paligha: A glase-vessel, pitcher.-2 Awall or rampart. -3 An iron club; cf. parigha. -4 A cow-pen (gogRha). -5 The gateway of a building. palit a. Grey, hoary, grey-haired, old, aged; tAtasya me palitamaulinirastakAze (zirasi) V. 3. 19. -tam 1 Grey hair, or the greyness of hair brought on by old age; na tena sthaviro bhavati yenAsya palitaM shirH| bAlo'pi yaH prajAnAti taM devAH sthaviraM viduH // Mb. 3. 183. 11-12; Ms. 6.2; valibhimukhamAkAntaM palitairaGkitaM ziraH Bh.; ahaM galitaM, palita muNDam Sankara. (carpaTapaJjarikAstotram 6).-2 Much or ornamented hair. -3 A tuit of hair (kezapAza). -4 Mud, mire. - Heat. -6 Benzoin. -Comp. -chachan lurking under grey hair3; kaikeyIzaGkayevAha palitacchadmanA jarA R.12.2. -darzanam the sight or appearance of grey hair. palitaMkaraNa a. Rendering grey. palitaMbhaviSNu,-bhAvuka a. Becoming grey; P. III.2.57. palitin a. Grey-haired. palyam Ved. A sack for corn. Tema: A scorpion. palyaGka: A bed; see paryaGka. palyayanam 1 A saddle. -2 A rein, bridle. palyANam A saddle. palyANita a. Saddled; asaMnAhitamAtaGgaM apalyANitasaindhavam Siva B. 12. 12. palyu (lyU)la 10 P. 1 To cut. -2 To purity, cleanse (palyUlayati); L. D. B. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #371 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 998 pavitra .. ...................... .... 95: A large granary. Tai, - 1 A sprout, sprig, twig, #927; da A9GH939 R. 3.7; Ku. 3. 54. -2 A bud, blossom. -8 Expansion, spreading, dilating. -4 The red dye called Alalta, q. v. 9rogram19 8 4299 330 ada; cf. Jinaraja com. on N. 10. 83. - Strength, power. -6 A blade of grass. -7 A bracelet, an armlet. -8 Love, amorous sport. -8 The end of a robe or garment; AFSI f r atareata Si. 10. 83. -10 Unsteadiness (1954). -11 A story, narrative; 9978 # Trzi... aga g 1974 N. 10. 83. -2: A libertine; Vis. Guna. 425. -Comp. -3 : a leaf-bud. -BTTTTT: a branch. -3 : a deer. -tet: an epithet of the god of love. -3 sa a. full of or laden with bude. agar 1 dealing with trifles. -2 superficial knowledge. - T a. 1 putting forth sprouts. -2 dealing with trifles. -3 diffusive or superficial. -: the Asoka tree. Tye: 1 A libertine. -2 A catamite. -3 The paramour of a harlot. -4 The Asoka tree. -5 A kind of fish. -8 A sprout ( n. also ). Tgafa, taula Den. P. 1 To put forth sprouts, bud. -2 To expand, spread, make prolix or diffuse. Teaah Prolixity; useless speech. Tofa : 1 A libertine, a gallant. -2 A catamite. - A kind of scarf. sfera a. 1 Sprouting, having young shoots or sprouts. -2 Spread, extended ; 30 gad ' enough of further amplification or expatiation '. -3 Dyed red with lac; atha pallavitaM lAkSArakte Medini. -ta: Lac-dye. Terata. ( f.) Having young shoots or leaves ; qarage+m aratoft qzfaci da Ku. 3. 54.-m. A tree. f. 1 A small village: 91T gia E7 (379341) Mb. 12. 325. 20; also a settlement of wild tribes. -2 A hut. -3 A house, station. -4 A city or town (at the end of names of towns); as farfer (Trichinopoly ). -5 A house-lizard. -6 A creeping-plant. -Comp. - Ta prognostication by observing the falling of house-lizards. off# 1 A small village or station. -2 A houselizard. TEECH A small pool or pond, a puddle, tank (348 #T:); # Teastasyal...... adat Bv. 1. 3; R. 2. 17; 3. 3. -Comp. - ath: a tortoise. - a. ploughing a pool. - : the mud of a pool. Tecret a. Marshy, boggy. Tel: (9-HT9-379] 1 Wind. Purification. -3 A marsh. -4 Winnowing corn. -at Purification. - Cowdung. qat a. 1 A Purifier. -2 One going rapidly; 999: 996THLEH Bg. 10.31. Ta a. Clean, pure; AEDT 4991 yi qarat 97 TETARam. Ch. 2. 3. -#: [ 9-79] 1 Air, wind; 799: fafa ya gesi Subhas; Bg. 10. 31; 499941, 49aga: &c.; The vital air, breath. -2 N. of Visnu. -8 A householder's sacred fire. -4 A purifier wind); fat starfa : gata fra TH 99a1c4a 792 Ki. 18. 37. - N. of the number five (from the 5 vital airs ). - 1 Purification. -2 Winnowing. -8 A sieve, strainer. -4 Water. B A potter's kiln (m. also ). - A broom. -Comp. -3TTAT:, m. a serpent. -TTT: 1 an epithet of Hanumat. -2 of Bhima. -3 fire. -3T12T: a serpent, snake. "TIT: 1 an epithet of Garuda. -2 a peacock. - Whirl-wind. -Fi, - 9:, -7, -a: 1 epithets of Hanumat; 118 9999ar aa far: si. 4. 59. -2 of Bhima. Creat The sky, air; alhie 99944014 (afered enfar: Me. 8. -vAhana: fire. -vijayaH a kind of book dealing with omens relating to breath exhaled and inhaled. -51fet: 1 an epithet of Uddhava, a friend and counsellor of Krisna. -2 rheumatism, Taal: [ 9-21786 179] 1 Air, wind; waara: greatTaa R. 8. 9. -2 One of the sacred fires, considered to be the same as TETE q. v; also called 9991 :. -3 N. of a particular Stotra sung in the Soma-yaga; 349113: 9241919HTETITTE: Bri. Up. 1. 3. 28. -Comp. -He: fire. qaa a. Purified, cleansed. - Black pepper. Tatar A whirl-wind, a hurricane. qra: 1 The thunderbolt of Indra. -2 Ved. The tire of a wheel.-3 The point of a spear or arrow. -4 An arrow. -5 Speech. -8 Fire. -7 Thunder; faith fazia-ca N. 17. 188. pavyaH a. Relating to vajra ; kSaurapavyam Bhag.6.5.8. oferat a. [ 9-piu ] 1 Sacred, holy, sinless, sanctified persons or things ); Por e fazer : pagitar: Ms. 3. 235; 92 :, qfa 14 &c. -2 Purified by the performance of ceremonial acts (such as sacrifices &c.). -4 Parifying, removing sin. H 1 An instrument for cleansing or purifying, such as a sieve or strainer &c. --2 Two blades of Kusa grass used at sacrifices in purifying and sprinkling ghee; N. 17. 188.-3 A ring of Kuca grass worn on the fourth finger on certain religious occasions; starfagfortare fa sega: Bhag. 6.8.4.-4 The sacred thread worn by members of the first three castes of the Hindus. -6 Copper. - Rain. -7 Water. -8 Rubbing, cleansing. A vessel in which the arghya is presented. -10 Clarified butter. -11 Honey. -12 A purifying prayer. -18 A 1 I For Private and Personal Use Only Page #372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pavitrakam 999 pazcAt means of purifying the mind. -14 A cloth for straining Soma juice; ar: a: gaan na dittsfaga: Ts. 1. 8.21. - 1 The holy basil. -2 Turmeric (fasts' to purify, sanctify '; 999th ' to become pure or holy'). -Comp. -AropaNam , ArohaNam investiture with the sacred thread. -EATH barley. - a. holding Darbha grass in the hand. gre 1 A net or rope made of hemp or packthread. -2 N. of several trees like faced, fa, 474, egrat etc. qrestat, -127 Purity, cleanliness, magia Den. P. To purify, cleanse. qazaca. 1 Having a strainer or purifying instrument. -2 Purifying, cleansing. grafia, a. 1 Purifying. -2 Clean, pure. qat Tur 1 Purification. -2 Means of purifying. Tech Ved. A spear, lance; Nir. 12. 30. 41--10. 1 To oppress. -2 To touch; L. D. B. 7 - 10 P. To bind ( fa); L. D. B. 78 - 10 P. To go, to touch (qua, but with 599,99 e. g. 9a ); L. D. B. Ty ind. Behold! How good! qu: [wanazta azafa, 7-91T: ] 1 Cattle (both singly and collectively); prajApatihi vaizyAya sRSTvA paridade TC Ms. 9. 327, 331.-2 An animal in general; a being; sarvathA yat pazun pAti taizca yad ramate punaH teSAmadhipatiryaca tasmAt 49fa: +:11 Mb. 7. 202. 123. -3 A sacrificial animal, such as a goat; an oblation, a victim.-4 A brute, beast; often added to words meaning 'man' to show contempt; a fool; bhUtAni cAtmanyapRthagdidRkSatAM prAyeNa roSo'bhibhaved yathA pazum Bhag. 4. 6. 46; 9599311274112 : H. 1; cf. 1931, 4. &c. -8 N. of a subordinate deity and one of Siva's followers. -8 An uninitiated person. -7 The soul, the Supreme Spirit. -8 A sacrifice in which an animal is killed. -9 Fire. -Comp.-31TH a sacrifice of animals. Theretet: the rule that the number is intended to be expressed and enjoined when the sense conveyed by the verb forms the principle matter of a sentence. Thus pazumAlabhate means ekatvapuMstvaviziSTaM pazumAlabhate. This nyAya is established by jaimini in Ms. 4.1. 11-16 and 17 and explained by at in his thereon discussing the text pazumAlabhate. (This nyAya is to be confrasted with grahaikatvanyAya where the liGga and vacana are staria q. v.). - , - ut 1 the act of animalsacrifice. -2 copulation. - trott a Mantra whispered into the ear of an animal which is about to be sacrificed; it is a parody of the celebrated Gayatri q. V.; pazupAzAya vidmahe zirazchedAya (vizvakarmaNe) dhImahi / tanno jIvaH aurk. - stra: slaughter of animals for sacrifice. - a. slaughtering cattle; 74145147: gara 99 fa rifar Ms. 5. 38. - copulation at the deity to whom an animal is offered. - 1 the nature or characteristics of cattle. -2 treatment of cattle. -8 promiscuous cohabitation; 37 (P T ) ESR are: staf farra: Ms. 9. 66. -4 the marrying of widows. aret: an epithet of Siva. -4: a herdsman. - ra: 1 an epithet of Siva ; Me. 38, 58; hiata arudia teg147Agarda TATA: Ku. 6. 95. mira! .......... aaa eta facio Subhas. -2 a herdsman, owner of cattle. -3 N. of a philosopher who taught the philosophical doctrine called 91797; see Sarva. S. ad loc. -15,- Fi a herdsman. pAlanam,-rakSaNam the tending or rearing of cattle -TTT: 1 the cord with which the sacrificial animal is bound. -2 an animal sacrifice. -3 the bonds which enchain the individual soul, the world of sense. -TIET kind of coitus or mode of sexual enjoyment; striyamAnatapUrvAjI svapAdAntaHpadadvayam / UbhvAzena ramet kAmI bandho'yaM pazupAzakaH // Ratimanjari. -preraNam the driving of cattle. Fet: an animal-sacrifice. -77: a rope for tethering cattle. -matam an erroneous or false doctrine. -mAram ind. according to the manner of slaughtering animals; af ARCHITUT Mb. 1. 154. 30; Bhag. 4. 13.41; ATT HIT: S. 6. -78, - , - an animal-sacrifice. - f. a cord for tethering cattle. -TTT: a lion. - feat: a fly. - a. Ved. giving cattle. -samAmnAya: a collection of names for animals. -sabhavaH a. produced by animals as flesh, honey, butter, etc.); Ms. 8. 328. -ETH an animal sacrifice; Ms. 4. 28. TTT a. 1 Fit or suitable for cattle; TI 4 TUHTofta TOTS START Y. 1. 321. -2 Relating to cattle, or to a herd or drove. -3 Possessed of cattle. - 4 Brutish. -ETH 1 A herd of cattle. -2 A stall for cattle. Ty Any small animal; 994749 Haffarat erara Ram. 2. 32. 18. yyat 1 Brutality. -2 The sacrifice of an animal. 927 a. 1 Being behind. -2 Posterior, later. -8 Western. - ind. Ved. 1 Behind, after. -2 Afterwards -3 Westward. Comp. -Taq: repentance, regret. -agat repeated or recurring series. quara ind. (Used by itself or with gen. or abl.) 1 From behind; from the back; 9416769594214 $. 6; Tegnata a : alt =5417: S. 4. ! (v. 1.) -2 Be. hind, backwards, towards the back opp. 97:); ela yt: fi urafa 9241#tgi a: S. 1. 33; 3. 7. -8 After (in time or space), then, afterwards, subsequently; geet gir tight 27 911 Bh. 2. 60; +3 17 'after him'; R. 4.30; 12.7; 16. 29; Me. 38, 46. - 4 At last, lastly, finally. -8 From the west. - Towards the west, westward. -Comp. - ind. in the afternoon. -ri 19 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra qand repetition. a. left behind, surpassed, thrown into the back-ground ; pazcAt kRtAH snigdhajanAziSo'pi Ku. 7.28; R. 17. 18. -: the neck. -a: 1 repentance, contrition; to repent. -2 (In dram.) repentance at something rejected or omitted from want of judgment. -HI: a. whose conjunction with the moon begins in the afternoon. : 1 hind-part. -2 west side. -: a west-wind. pazcArdha [aparavAsI arthaH] 1 Hinder part or side (of the body ); pazcArdhena praviSTaH zarapatanabhayAd bhUyasA pUrvakAyam S. 1.7. -2 The latter half. -8 The western side. pazcimaH . [pAyaH Dimac] 1 Being behind, hind most; parAbhUteradharmasya tamasazcApi pazcimaH Bhag. 2.6.9 - 2 Last (in time or space); af auf K.25; R. 19.1, 54; pazcimAdyAminIyAmAt prasAdamiva cetanA R. 17. 1; smarantaH pazcimAmAjJAm 17. 8; pata pazcimayoH pituH pAdayoH Mu. 7; kriyA the last ie funeral rites; 'avasthA. last state (verging on death); Pt. 2. -3 The latter; 3: qff Ki. 4. 10. 4 Western, westerly; AsamudrAttu vai pUrvAdAsamudrAt tu pazcimAt / tayorevAntaraM giryorAryA varta vidurbudhAH // Ms. 2. 22; 5.92 ( pazcimena is used adverbially in the sense of in the west) or after, behind'; with acc. or gen.; so in the west'. : from behind. -Comp.: 1 the latter half. -2 the hinder part. - itara a. eastern. -uttara . north-western. -dakSiNa a. south-westerly. -: N. of Varuna. : the latter part of the night; upAratAH pazcimarAtragocarAt Ki. 4. 10 (v. 1.). - the evening twi-light. " pazcimA The west. -Comp. -uttarA the north-west. pazya a. What sees or looks on ; pazyAH purandhrIH prati...... citrANi cakre N. 6.39; dadarza pazyAmiva puram N. 16. 122. a. (f.) Seeing, perceiving, beholding, looking at, observing &e. Aksapada, the propounder of the Nykynalatra; Sahendra. 1. 68, A thief, robber, highwayman (one who steals before a person's eyes, or in the very sight of the possessor; as, for instance, a goldsmith); cf. P. VI. 3. 21; Vart. 1. 1 A harlot, courtezan. -2 A particular sound; cf. vaikharI zandaniSpatirmadhyamA zrutiyo carA patitArthIca pazyantI sUkSmA vAganapAyinI // Malli. on Ku. 2. 17; avibhAgA tu pazyanta sarvataH saMhRtakramA Manjusa. qget Any young cow; Mb. 13. 93. 32. Tn. Ved. Membrum virile. pastyam 1 A house, habitation, abode; pastyaM prayAtumatha Kir. K. 9. 74. -2 Household, family. -3 Ved. Divine progeny. - A man. -5 A priest. - The goddess presiding over domestic affairs; - ditiM sindhumarkeH svastimILe sakhyAya devIm Rv. 4. 55.3; 8.27.5. 1000 gigt pastyAvat m. Ved. A householder ; uta zrutaM vRSaNA pastyAa: Rv. 1. 151. 2; 2. 11. 16. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir without : 1 N. of the first Ahnika of the first chapter of Patanjali's Mahabhasya; zabdavidyeva no bhAti rAjanItirapaspazA Si. 2. 112 ( where apaspaza also means spies). -2 (Fig.) An introductory chapter in general ( upodghAta ). -zAH N. of the introduction of the Mahabhasyn. m. pakSa (hra) vAH, pahnikAH (the Persians?); Ms. 10. 44. 6 (pl.) N. of a people; pA I. 1P. ( pibati, pIta; pass. pIyate ) 1 To drink, quaff ; piba stanyaM pota Bv. 1. 60; duHzAsanasya rudhiraM na pibAmyurastaH Ve. 1. 15; R. 3. 54; Ku. 3. 36; Mal. 8. 5; Bk. 14.92; 15. 6. 2 To kiss; far af: R. 13. 9; S. : 1. 23. 3 To drink in, inhale; fara R. 7. 63.4 To drink in (with the eyes or ears); feast on, look at or listen to intently ; samaduHkhaH pIyate nayanAbhyAm V. 1; nivAtapadmastimitena cakSuSA nRpasya kAntaM pibataH sutAnanam R. 3. 17; 2. 19, 73; 11. 36; 13. 30; Me. 16; Ku. 7. - To absorb, drink or swallow up; (n:) hka R. 12. 48. -6 To drink intoxicating tu liquors. Case. (af) 1 To cause to drink give to drink: ananyasAmAnyataH pibatvasau pAyayate ca sindhUH R. 13.9; Bk. 8. 41, 62. -2 To water. -Desid. (faqrafa) To wish to drink &c. ; hAlAhalaM khalu pipAsati kautukena Bv. 1.96.-II.2 P. (f, qt) 1 To protect, guard, keep, defend, preserve; (oft. with abl.); : R. 10. 25 pAntu bhUtezasya bhujadhanadaTA jaTAH Mal. 1. 2; jIvan punaH zazvadupaplavebhyaH prajAH prajAnAtha piteva pAsi R. 2. 48. 2 To rule, govern; gaff...: Mk. 10. 61.3 To beware of. - Ved. To observe, notice. -8 To keep, observe, tend, take notice of. -Caus. (afaa) 1 To protect, guard, keep, preserve; : aff Bk. 6. 132; Ms. 9. 108; R. 9. 2. -2 To rule, govern; at g 14 Ram. -8 To observe, keep, adhere to, fulfil (as a vow or promise); R. 13. 65. -4 To bring up, nourish, maintain. -8 To wait for ; atropavizya muhUrtamAryaH pAlayatu kRSNAgamaVe. 1. For Private and Personal Use Only a. (At the end of comp.) 1 Drinking, quaffing as ini, r: &c. -2 Protecting, guarding, keep ing: gopA a. 1 Drinkable. -2 To be guarded. Tia: m. Fossil salt. ig: (-) 1 Dust, dirt; crumbling soil; ranyAsapavitram (mArgam ) R. 2.2 mAnaH pathi talapabhiH Rs. 1. 13; Y. 1. 150. -2 A particle of dust. -3 Dung, manure. A kind of camphor. -6 Landed property. -6 Powder, fragments; af atia: Mb. 3. 284. 4. -Comp. - kAsIsam sulphate of iron. -kulI a highroad, Page #374 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pAMsaka 1001 pAkSika highway. H 1 a dust-heap. -2 a legal document (fig. also); iftung: gt: 9741fAffaflh Ku. 6.90; not made out in any particular person's name 914gata aru U. 7. 4; My. 4. 14. -8 Development (1697 ). Ha a. covered with dust. -TIL, of the consequences of acts done. -9 Grain, corn, TET, -fencore 1 Playing in the sand. -2 Wrest- warf R.5.9. (neza sa 99: 47-27).-10 Ripeness; ing; Mb. 5. 169. 12. (Com. Ciglan4u rigy a HAT suppuration (as of a boil). -11 Greyness of hair grega grze.)TITH, ST a kind of salt. - ufuga a. caused by old age. -12 A domestic fire. -13 An owl. covered with dust.-catvaram hail. -candana: an epithet of -14 A child, young one. -16 N. of a demon killed by Siva. -THT: 1 a heap of dust. -2 a tent. -3 a bank Indra. -16 An abscess, ulcer. -17 A vessel, cookingcovered with Durva grass. -4 praise. -8 bushes (?) utensil. -18 General fear and panic such as causes a carried by the current of the river; L. D. B. I ni revolution or some national calamity. -19 The subveran epithet of Visnu. -faqta: a shower of dust; also sion of a country. -20 Inflammation, suppuration. ad: Ms. 4. 115. -TECH a mass or coating of dust. -Comp. -3T TIT:, -4,- 3 1T, TH- 21, -FOTO -pizAca: a class of demons. -mardana: an excavation for a kitchen. -ratart: chronic dysentery. 38: water round the root of a tree, a trench or basin. obscuration of the cornea after inflammation. The -lavaNam a. kind of salt. a. 1 ready for ripeness or development; n ga gie at fast : R. 17.40.-2 inclined to favour; et a. Vitiating, contemptible. a potter's kiln, pottery. -kor the act of cooking. CIE(37) a. (-71, --ft f.) (Usually at the end -T a. produced by heat. (- ) 1 black salt. -2 flatuof comp.) 1 Disgracing, dishonouring, defiling; IT- lence. - foga: a master in the art of cooking. -1974, af2 976: Frontan: Bhag. 10. 74. 34; stieratea y a cooking-utensil. -get a potter's kiln. Mv. 5. -2 Vitiating, spoiling. -3 Wicked, contempti- - hi a particular class of criminals. - a simple ble. -4 Infamous. - Contempt. or domestic sacrifice (for some varieties of it , GIE (7) a a. Consisting of dust. 25a, 404-ee Kull. on Ms. 2. 143 ); ada 97641 99 a Pei Mb. 3. 30. 15 (com. 977491: JealEZT gigi A menstruous woman. 594: ); Bhag. 6. 19. 24. ei, -a, - m. TIE (): 1 A gad-fly. -2 A cripple moved epithets of Indra3 tatra nizcitya kandarpamagamat pAkazAsanaH Ku.2. about in a wheel-chair. 63; Ki. 11. 1. - eta: 1 an epithet of Jayanta, sou of Indra. -2 of Vali. -3 of Arjuna. Uret the pie ( a[ cigariet FH ] 1 Dusty, science of cooking. - 8 chalk; 4 feug: fra covered with dust ; paripANDu pAMsulakapolamAnanam Mal. 2.4. ael et Sabdachandrika. FTTH 1 a kitchen. -2 Polluted, defiled, sullied, stained; raft warm -2 a potter's kiln. Tantusia: S. 5. 29. -8 Defiling, disgracing, dishonouring; as in iyo. 3 1 A profligate or licentious T o: 1 Fire. -2 Wind. -8 A fever to which person, libertine, gallant. -2 One of the weapons of elephants are subject; cf. 291405; 14x5byrai H uitSiva. -3 An epithet of Siva. , 34 A dusty ta : Hantaan aa a a ach Il Matanga place. - 1 A monstruous woman. -2 An unchaste L. 11. 50.-a. 1 Bringing to ripeness. -2 Quite black. or licentious woman; 31deg a chaste woman, 8197garat great A pause of of an instance between two uit de R. 2. 2. -8 The earth. short syllables; Manduki Siksl. qiga: A cripple. I a. ( At the end of comp.) 1 Becoming ripe, 97a. 1 Small. -2 Praiseworthy. -3 Of perfected ripening.-2 Being digested. or matured intellect. -4 Ved. Very young. -8 Simple, genuine. - Honest, sincere. -7 Ignorant. - 97-41] H a. 1 Cooked, dressed. -2 Ripened (naturally 1 Cooking, dressing, baking, boiling. -2 Burning, or artificially ). -8 Got by boiling (as salt). (as bricks ), baking; ga: 9177 4444 (para) Ms. 6, : A cook. 5. 122; Y. 1. 187; # gary : 7 fat qe bhavati / anyathAlakSaNa odanasya pAkaH anyathAlakSaNo guDasya / SB. TIFU a. To be cooked, dressed, matured &c. - on MS. 7. 2. 20. -3 Digestion (as of food ); E Salt-petre. Het geau de 394 Mb. 12. 194. 10. -4 Ripe- TTT a. (eft f.) #a: Sto) 1 Belonging to a ness; siqa: 47917781: Ms. 1. 46; ara 79 lunar fortnight, fortnightly. -2 Relating to a party, FEHET V. 4. 27; Mal. 9.31. -8 Maturity, full or perfect development; o, afa. -6 Completion, accom Terra a. (- f.) Partial, factious plishment, fulfilment; yuyoja pAkAbhimukhai tyAn vijJApanA phalaiH / / of a. ( f.) 1 Belonging to a fortnight, R. 17. 40. -7 Result, consequence, fruit, fruition fortnightly. - Belonging to a bird. -8 Favouring 8. s. $t....92EUR For Private and Personal Use Only Page #375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pAkhaNDa: a party or faction. -4 Belonging to an argument. -5 Optional, subject to an alternative, allowed but not specifically laid down ; niyamaH pAkSike sati kaH 1A fowler. -2 An alternative. pAkhaNDaH 1 A heretic; pAkhaNDa caNDAlayoH pApArambhakayormRgIva vRkayorbhIrurgatA gocaram Mal. 5. 24; durAtman pAkhaNDacaNDAla Mal. 5; pAkhaNDAH paNDitaMmanyA na te kimapi jAnate Amana Up. 2. 102. -2 The Jainas or Bauddhas; asvadharmo mamaiSa pAkhaNDAvatAraH Dk. 2. pAgala . Mad, demented. pAGkta a. ( - kkI / . ) Ved. 1 Consisting of five parts, fivefold; sa eSa pAko yajJaH Bri. Up. 1. 4. 17. -2 Having ten limbs (as a man or beast). pAGkteya - pAGktya a. 1 Fit to sit in the same row at a dinner-party; Mb. 13.90.5. -2 Fit to be associated with. pAGgulyam Limping, halting. pAcaka . [ paca- bul] 1 Cooking, baking. -2 Maturing, bringing to maturity. -3 Digestive, tonic. - 1 A cook. -2 Fire. -kam Gall, bile. -Comp. - strI & femala cook. pAcana 4. (nI / ) ( pAcayati pari syuH pAcayate'nena karane lyuT yA ] 1 Cooking. -2 Ripening. -3 Digative. 4 Softening, relaxing. -5 Suppurative. -naH 1 Fire. -2 Sourness, acidity. -nam 1 The act of cooking. -2 The act of ripening. -3 A dissolvent, digestive medicine. -4 Causing a wound to close. -8 Penance, expiation ( prAyazcitta ) -8 Infusion. -7 Decoction. -8 Extracting extraneous substances from a wound. -9 A cataplasm. -10 A substance used in closing wounds or restraining bleeding. pAcanaka: Borax. -kam 1 A sort of diet-drink ; diges tive. -2 Causing a wound to close. pAcanikA Coolings maturing pAcala a Cooking, ripening, causing digestion do. -laH 1 A cook - 2 Fire. -3 Wind. 4 A thing dress ed without the aid of fire. pAcA, -ciH /. Cooking. pAjas n. Ved. Strength. pAjasyam 1 The region of the belly (of an animal ); pRthivI pAjasyam Bri. Up. 1. 11. -2 The flanks, side. pAjika: A taloon pAJcakapAla . ( lI f. ) Relating to an oblation offered in five cups ( kapAla ); P. IV. 1. 88. Patan. pAJcajanyaH 1 N. of the conch of Krigpa ; sa tu paJcajanaM hatvA zabkhaM lebhe janArdanaH / sa ca devamanuSyeSu pAJcajanya iti zrutaH // 1002 pAzcAlyaH Hariv) (dadhAnI) nidhyAnamayata pAmajanya: Si. 3. 21 Bg. 1.15. -2 Kaayapa, Vasistha Prapa, Angirasa and Chye vana. -8 ami produced from the five fires; Sabda Chi. -Comp. -gharaH an epithet of Krisun Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pAJcadaza 0 (-zI), pAJcadazya (-dayI ) 1 Relating to the fifteenth day of a month. -2 Being kindled by fifteen Samidheni mantras; vahniM yathA dAruNi pAJcadazyaM manISayA niSkarSanti gUDham Bhag. 6.4.27. pAJcadazyam A collection of fifteen. pAJcanada . ( - dI f . ) Prevalent in the paJcanada or Panjab. A prince of the Punjab. -2 (pl.) Its inhabitants. pAJcabhautika a. ( -kI / . ) Composed of the five elements or containing them; pAJcabhautikI sRSTi: Mv. 6; Y. 3. 175. 1 pAJcayazika. (kI .) great sacrifices. -kam Any sacrifices] ekamapyAzayed vipraM pitra Belonging to the five one of the five great pAyayazike Ms. 3. 83. pAJcarAtram N. of a Vaisnava sect and its doctrine ; matimArga parasparanAnyetAni pAMdharA ca kathyate / eSa ekAntinAM dharmo nArAyaNaparAtmakaH // Mb. 12. 348. 82. pAJcavarSika a. ( kI .) Five years old. pAJcazabdikam 1 Music of five kinds, ajaM karmacaiva tantrajaM kAMsyajaM tthaa| phUtkRtaM ceti munibhiH kathitaM pAJcazabdikam // Skanda P. -2 Musical instruments in general. pAJcArthikaH A follower or votary of Siva. pAJcAla . ( -lI f. ) Belonging to or ruling over the Panchalas. -laH 1 The country of the Panchalas. -2 A prince of the Panchalas. -lAH m. (pl.) 1 The people of the Panchalas. -2 An association of five guilds ( i e. of a_carpenter, weaver, barber, washerman, and shoe-maker). pAJcAlaka a. Belonging to the people of the Panichalas. -kaH A king of that country. pAJcAlI 1 A woman or princess of the Panichalas. - 2 N. of Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas. -3 A doll, puppet. -4 ( In Rhet.) One of the four styles of composition. The S. D. thus defines it :- varNaiH zeSaiH (i. e. mAdhuryadhyakSako jaH prakAzakAbhyAM bhibhaiH) punAIyoH samastapaJcaSapado bandhaH pAJcAliko mataH // 628. pAJcAlikA A doll, puppet stambatyAgAt prabhuti sumukhI dantapAJcAlikeva krIDAyogaM tadanu vinayaM prApitA vardhitA ca Mal. 10.5; catuHSaSTipAJcAlikA the 64 arts collectively. pAJcAleyaH A son of Parichali samArpayat karNaputra zUraH pAJcAleyaM zaravarSairanekaiH Mb. 8.75.10. For Private and Personal Use Only pAJcAlya: The prince of the Panchalas ( drupada ); pAvAlyo dvipadAM varaH Mb. 3. 91. 11. Page #376 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pAd 1008 pAThIna: 97EUR ind. An interjection used in calling. OTT: 1 Extension, breadth. -2 (In geometry) The intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular, or the figure formed by such intersection. -OT 1 A series, order. -2 A species of plant. 917#: ( 970 ) 1 A splitter, divider. -2 Part of a village. -3 The half of a village. - A kind of musical instrument. -8 A bank, shore. -6 A flight of steps leading to the water. -7 Loss of capital or stock. -8 A long span. -9 Throwing dice. VIEW: A thief, robber, pilferer ; 9478912277 S. 6; if f eat: By. 2.75. DEATH [93. Hayz ] Splitting, breaking, cleaving, destroying; svargadvArakapATapATanapaTurdharmo'pi nopArjitaH -Comp. - 9 lancing an ulcer. ca p. p. 1 Torn, cleft, split, broken. -2 Pierced, pricked; AziSAmanupadaM samaspRzad darbhapATitatalena pANinA R.11.31. TEX a. [3 for free ] Pale-red, of a pink or palered colour ; 319 + V.2.7; R. 1.83; 2. 29; 7.27; 434107 : Git. 12.: The pale-red or pink colour; kapolapATalAdezi babhUva raghuceSTitam R.4.68.-2 The trumpet-flower, Bignonia Suaveolens; antig analar: 6. 1.3. - 1 The flower of this tree; R. 16. 52; 47 HAFT SETT 991 19. 46. - 2 A kind of rice ripening in the rains. -3 Saffron. -Comp. -3T6: & ruby; a 17 : Si. 17. 3. IE: a kind of insect. : the trumpet-flower. 4 F a. Of a pale-red colour. TEST 1 The red Lodhra. -2 The trumpet-flower (the tree or its blossom). -3 An epithet of Durga. qemaat An epithet of Durga. grafe: f. The trumpet-flower. -Comp. -= N. of an ancient city, the capital of Magadha, situated near the confluence of the Soua and the Ganges, and identified by some with the modern Patna. It is also known by the names of puSpapura, kusumapura; see Mu. 2, 3, and 4. 16, and R. 6. 24 also; afeg fog at halad a ga arrar tatrach: Ks. 3. 78. asti bhAgIrathItIre pATaliputraM nAma nagaram H. Trefca a. Made red, reddened; fani ala: qaraisATET Ki. 16. 33. great m. Pale-red colour. TERA A multitude of Patala flowers. qref a.( tf.) 1 Knowing the secrets of others. -2 Knowing time and place. -* A pupil. TECH (9814fa: 377) 1 Sharpness, acuteness. -2 Cleverness, skill, dexterity, proficiency; 9128 afery H. 1; &lantefazaga i gigaya Ki. 9. 54. -3 Energy, -4 Quickness, rashness. -8 Health. Tefa. ( f.) 1 Clever, sharp, skilful; raNe rabhasanirminnadvipapATavikAsini / na tatra gatabhIH kazcid vipapATa fawirafa il Si. 19. 56.-2 Cunning, fraudulent, crafty. GET Arithmetic; a stiff a greta atat afa: Lila. -Comp. -9f: the chief officer of the Accounts departments; IHQ. VI, 53. ff. -TOICH arithmetic; the science of Arithmetic; 481 ara arasdogarleigurabhAjanAdInAM kramaH tayA yuktaM gaNitaM pATIgaNitam Lilavati-tika. grete: 1 Sandal; urettaa targ *: que faigh Bv. 1.12.-2 A field. -3 Tin.-4 A cloud. -5 A sieve. - A pungent root. -7 The manna of the bamboo. -8 Catarrh. TIT: (98-199] 1 Reciting, recitation, repeating. -2 Reading, perusal, study. -8 Studying or reciting the Vedas (44), one of the five daily Yajnas or sacrifices to be performed by Brahmanas.-4 A particular method of reciting the text of the Veda (of which there are five rear, 42, #, set and 9). -5 The text of a book, a reading, variant; 347 Tea gandhamAdanam iti AgantukaH paatthH| prAcInapAThastu sugandhirgandhamAdanaH iti yfemra: Malli. on Ku. 6.46. -Comp. - CH another reading, a variant (v. l.)- : the order determined or expressed by the recitation or the statement; 4: 917##: a va faza SB. on MS. 5. 1. 4. : a pause, caesura. - T: a false reading. -fara: determining the text of a passage. - f. a place where the Vedas are learnt. -3, at the Sarika bird. - T a school, college, seminary. - m. a pupil. 978#: (97-00] 1 A teacher, lecturer, preceptor. paThakAH pAThakAzcaiva ye cAnye shaastrcintkaaH| sarvaM vyasanino mUkhI yaH 41917 agrosa: Mb. 3. 313. 110. -2 A public reader of the Puranas or other sacred books. 3 A spiritual teacher. - A pupil, student, scholar. - The text of a book. TITAH Teaching, lecturing. pAThita p. p. Taught, instructed ; pAThito'pi khalu vismRta ga N. 5. 121. are a. Conformable to the text. I a. [ 98-forfar ] 1 One who has read or studied any subject. -2 Knowing or familiar with. -m. A Brahmana who has finished his studies. Ort: 1 A public reader of the Puranas or other mythological books. -2 A kind of fish; fa 914971CA 94: Ki. 4.5; Ms. 5.16. -3 N. of a tree (Morings with red blossoms), For Private and Personal Use Only Page #377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pAThya 1004 pAThya a. To be recited. -2 To be taught. -m See paThaNa, pAThye geye ca madhuram ( kAvyaM rAmAyaNam ) Ram. 1.4.8. pADinI 1 An earthen pot -2 A boiler. pANa: [ paN bhAve ghaJ ] 1 Trade, traffic; samIkSya ca bahUn doSAn saMvAsAd viddhi pANayo: Mb. 13. 44.37. -2 A trader. -3 A game; a turn in game (Mar. DAba ); ekapANena bhadraM te prANayozca paNAbahe Mb. 3. 786 4A stake at play; dIvyAmahe pArthiva mA vizaGkAM kuruSva pANaM ca ciraM ca mA kRthAH Mb. 2. 59.8. -8 An agreement. -8 Praise. -7 The hand. d. pANi: [ paNa- iNU AyAbhAvaH, of Up. 4. 132] 1 The hand; dAnena pANirna tu kaGkaNena ( vibhAti ) Bh. 2. 71; often at the end of comp. in the sense of 'carrying in the hand'; as cakra', khaDgadeg &c; pANiM grah or pID 'to take the hand of, lead to the altar, marry'. pANau kR to hold by the hand, marry pANIkaraNam 'marringe'. 2 Vod. A hoot. -NiH /. A market. -Comp. -kacchapikA / A kind of mudrA ( = kUrmamudrA ); Kalika P. -karman m. 1. N. of Siva. -2 one playing on a drum. -gata a ready, present. - gRhItI ' espoused by the hand, a wife. grahaH, -grahaNam, -prAhaH marrying marringes iti svakulapradIpaH saMpAca pANigrahaNaM sa rAjA B. 7. 2018.71 Ku. 7.4. grahaNika, - grahaNIya a matrimoinal, nuptial. (-yam) anuptial gift. -grahItR m., grAhaH a bridegroom, husband ; dhyAyaniSpati pANimasya cetasA Ms. 9.21; bAlye piturvaze tiSThet pANigrAhasya yauvane 5. 148. -ghaH 1 a drummer; zilpibhiH pANiH kruddhaH Bk. 6. 113. -2 a workman, handicraftsman; cf. P. III. 2. 55. -ara: 1 a blow with the hand. -2 boxing. - 8a boxer. -cApalyam snapping the fingers. -jaH a fingernail; tasyAH pATalapANijAGkitamuraH Git. 12. - talam the palm of the hand. -tAlaH ( in music) a particular_measure. - dAkSyam trickery (Mar. hAtacalAkhI ); dIkSA vipatsu di darzaya pANidAkSyam Bm. 2. 223. -dharmaH due form of marriage. - pallavaH 1 a sprout-like hand. -2 the fingers. - pAtra a drinking by means of the hand ; la. pANiH pAtraM pavitram Bh. 3.02. pIDanam marringo pANipIDanamahaM damayantyAH kAmayemahi mahImihikAMzo N. 5.99; pANipIDanavidheranantaram Ku. 8. 1; Mal. 8.6. -praNayinI a wife. -bandhaH union of the hands, marriage. -bhuj m. the sacred figtree. --muktam a missile thrown with the hand. -mukhAH m. (pl.) the manes. -ruhU m., ruhaH a finger-nail. -vAdaH 1 clapping the hands together. -2 playing on a drum, a_clapper ; ... pANivAdAzca baiNikA: Siva B. 31. 21. -sargyA a rope. svanika a playing musical instruments with & the hands. pANidhaya & Drinking out of the hands. a. pANidhama 1 Blowing through the hands of Kaki. on P. III. 2. 37. -2 Chilly, as a road or journey. -8 Obscure, dark. pANika . ( kI) Got by playing at stake. kA A merchant. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pANDa pANikA 1 A kind of song; Y. -2 A kind of spoon. pANiniH N. of celebrated grammarian who is considered as an inspired muni, and is said to have derived the knowledge of his grammar from Siva; senAkSarasamAmnAyamadhigamya mahezvarAt kRtsne vyAkaraNaM caphe tasmai pANinaye namaH || Sekhara. pANinIya. Belating to or composed by Papinis pANinIyamivAloki dhIraistatsamarAjiram Si. 1975 - yaH A follower of Panini; akRtavyUhAH pANinIyAH -yam The grammar of Pamini. pANDara . Whitish, pale-white; yat kaGkAlamakAlapANDuraghanapraspardhi rundhannabhaH Mv. 5. 39. ram 1 Red-chalk. -2 The blossom of the jasmine. -3 Semen virile ; pANDaraM zukramityAhu: Dhyana Up. 87. pANDavaH [ pANDorapatyaM pumAn oram ] ' A son or descendant of Pandu', N. of any one of the five sons of Pandu ; i. e. yudhiSThira, bhIma, arjuna, nakula and sahadeva; mAmakAH pANDavAzcaiva kimakurvata saJjaya Bg. 1. 1; haMsAH saMprati pANDavA iva vanAdajJAtacaryA gatAH Mk. 5. 6. -Comp. -AbhIla: N of Krisna. -zreSThaH N. of Yudhisthira. pANDavAyanaH An epithet of Krison. a. pANDavIyA Belonging to the Pandavas. pANDaveyaH : = pANDava q.. pANDityam 1 Scholarship, profound learning erudi. tion; tadeva gamakaM pANDityavaidagdhyayo: Mal. 1. 7. -2 Cleverness, skill, dexterity, sharpness nakhAnAM pANDityaM prakaTavatu pariman mRgapatiH Bv. 1. 2; paropadeze pANDityaM sarveSAM sukaraM nRNAm. -8 Prudence ; na svalpasya kRte bhUri nAzayenmatimAnnaraH / etadeva hi pAvat svalpAdbhUrirakSaNam | Pt.1.19. pANDiman m. Whiteness ( pANDutva ); pANDimA gaNDamUle Bv. 2. 72. For Private and Personal Use Only pANDu Pale-white, whitish, pale, yellowish; kyA pANDvAvikam Bri. Up. 2. 3. 6; vikalakaraNaH pANDucchAyaH zucA paridurbala: U. 3. 22 - NDuH 1 The pale-white or yellowishwhite colour. -2 Jaundice. -3 A white elephant. - N. of the father of the Pandavas. [ He was begotten by Vyasa on Ambalika, one of the widows of Vichitravirya. He was called Pandu, because he was born pale (3) by reason of his mother having become quite pale with fear when in private with the sage Vyasa; ( yasmAt pANDutvamApannA virUpaM prekSya mAmiha / tasmAdeva sutaste vai pANDureva bhaviSyati Mb.) He was prevented by a curse from having progeny himself; so he allowed his first wife Kunti to make use of a charm she had acquired from Durvasas for the birth of sons. She gave birth to Yudhisthira, Bhima and Arjuna ; and Madri, his other wife, by the use of the same charm, gave birth to Nakula and Sahadeva. One day Pandu forgot the curse under which he was labouring, and made bold Page #378 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ................. . pANDuka: 1008 pAtaJjala ............ to embrace Madri, but he fell immediately dead in Ku. 3. 44. -8 A blow, stroke; as in ana:. -8 her arms. ] Comp. -THT: jaundice. I: 1 a Shedding, discharging, emitting; s td: Ms. 8. 44. white blanket. -2 a warm upper garment. -8 the -7 A cast, throw, shot; $2 019 THE Farif housing of a royal elephant. -4 A kind of stone. garafor greutah R. 13. 18. -8 An attack, inroad. - m. 1 a carriage covered with a woollen -9 Happening, coming to pass, occurrence. -10 A blanket. -2 the housings of a royal elephant. -geti a failing, defect. -11 An epithet of Rahu; afaretaista son of Pandu, any one of the five Pandavas. -8 a. pAtu rAhuH svaraMhasA / vikSipatyeSa vikSepaM candrAdInAmapakramAt / / 'white-backed', having no auspicious marks on the Surya S. -12 In astr.) An inauspicious or malignant body, one from whom nothing great is to be expected. position or aspect. 13 The node in a planet's orbit. He: Becoming yellowish white, pale; 7 THT -14 Application of ointment, of a knife &c.). of T5 19: By. 2.1. T: a region full of chalky soil. T a. [97.forgot ar ] Felling, cutting down. er 1 white or pale soil. - 2 the opal. f. - 1 Causing to fall down, bringing or throwing chalk. -TE: N. of a god (at Pandharpur), Vitthala. -TTT: whiteness, pallor. ---HT: jaundice. down, knocking down. -2 Throwing, casting. -3 Hume: a bling, lowering. - 4 Removing: -8 N. of a particular sketch made with chalk; a rough draft or sketch made process to which minerals (esp. quicksilver) are on the ground, board &c.; rogarea 95 H af 948 pasat 1 af 7 9211 97 faraset | Vyasa. subjected. N. B. 1979 may have different meanings according to the noun with which it is used; e. g. -loham silver; pANDulohazRkhalAtmanA mayA pAdapadmayoyugalaM tava farsiar Dk. 1. -of a. White. -T COSTU TICH' causing the rod to fall', i.e. chastising; T light-coloured HET 9994'causing the foetus to fall', causing an gravel (pramehabheda). -zarmilA an epithet of Draupadi, a bortion. : N. of a mixed tribe; TroeteTT groghrafat646ta Ms. 10. 37; Mb. 13. 48. 26. Trafaret Fitness, correspondence. qrugi 1 The yellowish-white colour. -2 Jaundice farct p. p. 1 Cast down, struck down. -2 Over-8 N. of Pandu. thrown, humbled. -8 Lowered. grogue a. Suffering from jaundice. quae a. (ots)[4-forfa ] 1 Going to, descending, guga. [ progquistafta alighting on. -2 Falling, sinking. -3 Being contained ] Whitish, pale, pale in. -4 Felling or throwing down. -8 Pouring forth, white, yellowish-white; 9705 0174714 hora FETI # Fis: faahafua fua: Mb. 3. 41. 14. ga: discharging, emitting, Tegur S. 3.9; R. 14. 26; Ku. 3. 33. T4 The white TICE a. ( f.) (96-39 ] 1 Falling ha bitually leprosy. -Comp. - a species of sugar-cane. or frequently saMyacchan bhavati prANAnasaMyacchaMstu pAtuka: Mb. 12. qrugih m. Paleness, white or pale colour. 91. 42; si. 3. 3. -2 Apt or disposed to fall. -3 Losing one's caste. -4 Going to hell. - 1 The declivity of a pANDayakavATakam A gem from the country of pANDya- mountain, a precipice. -2 The water-elephant. 4913t; Kan. A. 2. 10. 29. 979 a. 1 To be caused to fall, to be felled or cut TOAT: m. (pl.) N. of a country and its inhabi- down. -2 To be imposed as a fine ); see 97. tants; a : q : wand a fait R. 4. 49. -TT: A king of that country; gregis 10 ,- [ yafaat, 97-098] Sin, crime; FabT: R. 6. 60. (Hindu law-givers enumerate five great sins: -- AUT surApAnaM steyaM gurvaanaagmH| mahAnti pAtakAnyAhuH saMsargazcApi taiH saha qucah An uncoloured woollen garment. Ms. 11. 54). 7 a. Praiseworthy, commendable. graffi a. Sinful, guilty. TT a. Protecting, guarding. -m. 1 Falling. -2 Sin. 91275 a. Brown; Mb. 6. - A guardian. Trans: 1 An epithet of Saturn. -2 Of Yama. -3 Of q1a p. p. Protected, guarded &c.; see 9. Karna. -4 Of Sugriva. uta: [ 92-97 ] 1 Flying, flight. -2 Alighting, de- pAtaJjala (-lI/.) Composed by Patanjali; pAtaJjale scending, descent. -3 Falling down, fall, downfall mahAbhASye kRtabhUriparizramaH Paribhasendusekhara. -lam The (fig. also ); 34, "; &c. : ' falling down at the Yoga system of philosophy taught by Patanjali. (It feet'; tasyAbhavat kSaNazucaH paritoSalAbhaH kakSAgniladhitataroriva vRSTi- is generally believed that Patanjali, the author of the ga: R. 11. 92; HTEYTT rise and fall.'-4 Destruction, Mahabhasya, is the same as the author of the Yoga dissolution, ruin; settaritarra af system; but it is a dubious point.) For Private and Personal Use Only Page #379 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pAtAlam 1006 pAyeyam pAtAlam [patatyasminnadharmeNa pat-Ala; ot. Un. 1. 114] | 1 The last of the seven regions or worlds under the earth said to be peopled by Nagas; the seven regions are: atala, bitala, sutala, rasAtala, talAtala, mahAtala and pAtAla. -2 The lower regions or world in general; mA meti vyAharatyeva tasmin pAtAlamabhyagAt R.15.84; 1.80%; pAtAlAna vimocito bata balI nIto na mRtyuH kSayam Subhas. -3 An excavation, a hole. -4 Submarine fire. -8(In astrol.) The fourth house or sign from that in which the sun is present. -la: 1A kind of instrument for distillation or the calcination and sublimation of metals. -2 N. of Jupiter's year (of 361 days). -Comp. -gaGgA the Ganges of the lower world. -okas m., -nilayaH, -nivAsaH, -vAsin m. 1a demon. -2 a Naga or a serpent-demon. -talam, -mUlam the bottom of Patala. -mukham agreat hollow (mahAgarta); yastvadya pAtAlamukhe patantaM pANau gRhItvA pratisaMhareta Mb. 3.268.4.-mUlam the centre of gravity; Aste pAtAlamUlasthaH zeSo'zeSasutarcitaH V.P.2.5.20. -yantram See pAtAlaH (1). pAtiH 1 A master. -2 A bird. -3 A husband. pAtika: The Gangetic porpoise. pAtityam Loss of caste or position; etat pAtityadAno jaghanamatighanAdenaso mAnanIyam Visnupid Stotra, 21. gift 1 A snare, trap. -2 A small earthen vessel (Mar. pAtele). -3 A woman of a particular class. pAtivratI, pAtivratyam Fidelity to a husband, chastity; Sahendra 1.6]. pAtra a. Releasing from sins 3 sarveSAmeva pAttrANAM paraM pAttraM mahezvaraH Nandi P. pAtram / pAti rakSatyAdheyaM, pivatyanena vA pA-STran Tv.] 1A drinking-vessel, cup, jar.-2 A vessel or pot in general; pAne nidhAyAdhyam R.5.2, 12%3 any sacrificial vessel or utensil. -3 A receptacle of any kind, recipient; dainyasya pAtratAmeti Pt. 2. 101. -4 A reservoir. -5 A fit or worthy person, a person fit or worthy to receive gifts; vittasya pAtre vyayaH Bh. 2.823; adezakAle yad dAnamapAtrebhyazca dIyate Bg. 17.22; Y. 1. 2017 R. 11. 86. -8 An actor, a dramatis persona; tat pratipAtramAdhIyatAM yatnaH S.1; ucyatA 917791: V.1. dramatis personae. - A king's minister. -8 The channel or bed of a river. surasravannyA iva pAtramAgatam N. 16. 11; 15.86. -9 Fitness, propriety. -10 An order, command. -11 A leaf. -5:1 A kind of measure (ADhaka).-2A preservative from sin. -trI 1A vessel, plate, dish; bhuJjante rukmapAtrIbhiryatrAhaM paricArikA Mb. 3. 30. 183 233. 49. -2 A small furnace. -3 N. of Durga. -Comp. -AsAdanam the placing of sacrificial utensils. -upakaraNam ornaments of a secondary kind (as bells, chowries &c.). -pAla: 1 a large paddle used as a rudder. -2 the rod of a balance (tulAghaTa). -bhRtam.a servant; -melanam (In dram.) the bringing together of the characters of a play. -zeSa: scraps of food. -saMskAra: 1 the cleaning or purification of a vessel.-2 the current of a river. -saMcAra: the handing round of vessels at a meal; Mb. pAtrakam A vessel, pot &c. pAtraTa a. Lean, emaciated. -Ta:1 A cup, pot -2 Rugged garments. pAtraTIra: 1 A competent minister. -2 A vessel of iron, brass or silver. -3 Fire. - A crow. - A heron. -8 Rust of iron. -7 Mucus running from the nose. . pAtratA, pAtratvam 1 Capacity, worthiness. -2 Dignity, honour. pAtrayati Den. P. To use as a drinking-vessel; pANi pAtrayatAm Bh. 3. 138. TISTETT ind. In the possession of worthy persons. pAtrika (-kI /.)1 Measured out with any vessel or a measure called ADhaka. -2 Fit, adequate, appropriate. -kam,-kI A vessel, cup, dish; tasmA ityupanItAya yakSarAT pAtrikAmadAt Bhag. 8. 18. 17. -kA An alms-bowl. pAtrin a. 1 Having or provided with a drinkingvessel ; Ms. 6. 52. -2 Having fit or worthy persons. pAtrIkR8 U. 1 To make worthy; pAtrIkRto dasyurivAsi yena 5.5.20.-2 To honour, dignity. qraftor a. Measured, sown, or cooked with a Patra. pAtrIya, pAcya a. Worthy to partake ot a meal. pAtrIyam A sacrificial vessel or utensil. pAtrIraH, -ram An oblation. pAtrebahulaH, -pAtresamitaH 1 Constant at meals or dinner-time', a parasite; vRtastvaM pAtresamitaiH Bk.5. 10. -3 A treacherous or hypocritical fellow. pAtrokaraNam Marriage mamaiva pAtrokaraNe'gnisAkSikamaGgasaGgatam N.6.68. pAthaH [pIyate'daH pA-karmaNi tha] 1 Fire. -2 The sun. -tham Water. pAthas . [pA-asun thuk ca] 1 Water; harantAM saMtApaM kamapi marudullAsalaharIchaTAzcaJcatpAthaH kaNasaraNayo divyasaritaH G. L. 26; My. 6. 12. -2 Air, wind. -Food. - The sky. -Comp. -jam 1 a lotus. -2 a conch. -daH, -dhara: acloud. -dhiH , -nidhiH, -patiH the ocean; N. 13. 20; pAthodhimadhye patitaH patA: Ram.Ch.6.73 pAthodhirjaladhiH payodhirudadhirAnidhirvAridhiH Sabda Ch. pAthis m. 1 The sea. -2 The eye. -n. Scab. pAtheyam [pathi tavyahAre vA sAdhu DhaJ] 1 Provender or provisions for a journey, viaticum; jagrAha pAtheyamivendrasUnuH Ki.3.373 bisakisalayacchedapAtheyavantaH Me. 11; 7.4, 15, -2 The sign virgo of the zodiac. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pAdaH pAdapadyate gamyate'nena karaNe karmaNi vA dhan] 1 The foot (whether of men or animals); tayorjagRhatuH pAdAn R. 1. 57; pAdayornipatya, pAdapatita &c. (The word pAda at the end of comp. is changed to after and numerals; i. e. supAd, dvipAd, tripAd &c. ; and also when the first member is used as a standard of comparison, but is a word other than hasti &c.; see P. V. 4. 138-140; eg. vyAghrapAd. The nom. pl. of T is often added to names of persons or titles of address to show great respect or veneration; mRSyantu lavasya bAlizatAM tAtapAdAH e. 6; jIvatsu tAtapAdeSu 1. 19; devapAdAnAM nAsmAbhiH prayojanam Pt. 1; so evamArAdhyapAdA AjJApayanti Prab. 1; 80 kumArilapAdAH &c. -2 A ray of light; bAlasthApi raveH pAdAH patantyupari bhUbhRtAm Pt. 1. 328; Si. 9.34; R. 16.53 (where the word has sense 1 also). 3 The foot or leg of an inanimate object, as of a bed-stead; catuSpadI hi niHzreNI brahmaNyeva pratiSThitA Mb. 12. 20. 4. 4 The foot or root of a tree ; as in pAdapa. -6 The foot of a mountain, a hill at the foot of a mountain ( pAdAH pratyantaparvatAH ); rebAM drakSyasyupaviSame vindhyapAde vizIrNam Me. 19; S. 6. 17. -6 A quarter, fourth part; as in sapAdo rUpakaH 'one and one fourth rupee'; Ms. 8. 241; Y. 2. 174; kArSApaNe dIyamAne pAdo'pi datto bhavati SB. on MS. 67.20 -7 The fourth part of a stanza, a line. -8 The fourth part of a chapter or book, as of the Adhyayas of Panini, or of the Brahma-sutras. -9 A part in general. -10 A column, pillar; sahasrapAdaM prAsAdaM...... adhirohanmayA dRSTaH Mb. 5. 143.30. -11 A foot as a measure equal to twelve Angulis. - 12 The quadrant of a circle. -13 The foot-hole or bottom [of water-akin indriyANAM tu sarveSAM yadyekaM kSaratIndriyam / tenAsya kSarati prajJA dRteH pAdAdivodakam // Ms. 2.99. -14 A wheel; girikumarapAdArtha zubha triveNumAra Mb. 3. 175.43 Ki.12.21. -15 A golden coin (weighing one tola ); sa ha gavAM sahasramavarurodha daza daza pAdA ekaikasyAH zRGgayorAbaddhA babhruvuH Bri. Up. 3. 1. 1. -Comp. -agram the point or extremity of the foot pAdAgrasthitayA muhuH stanabhareNAnItayA namratAm Ratn. 1.1. -aGkaH foot-mark. -aGgadam dI an ornament for the foot, an anklet aGguliH, lI / a toe aGgutaH the great toe - aGguSThikA a ring worn on the great toe antaH the point or extremity of the feet. -antaram the interval of a step, distance of a foot. (-re) ind. 1 after the interval of a step. -2 close or near to. -antikam ind. near to, towards any one. ambu n. butter-milk containing & fourth part of water. -ambhas n. water in which the feet ( of revered persons) have been washed. -aravindam, -kamalam, -paGkajam, -padyam a lotus-like foot - arghyam a gift to a Brahmaya or a venerable person. -ardhamU 1 half a quarter, an eighth ; pAdaM pazuzca yoSicca pAdArdha riktakaH pumAn Ms. 8404 - 2 halt a line of a stanza. -alindI a boat. -avanAmaH bowing to a person's feet ; iti kRtavacanAyAH vidayavigalitanayanavAreyoti pAdAnAmam Si. 11. 33. -ayanejaH washing snother's foot vivyastayA mRtakathodavahAstrilokyAH pAdAvanejasaritaH zamalAni hantum Bhag. 11. 6.19. -ayasecanam 1 washing the fort. 8 the water used for washing the feet ; dUrAt pAdAvasecanam Ms. 1007 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pAdaH 4. 151. aDIla: the ankie marmasmabhyavadhIt kuddhaH pAdAnAH sudAruNaiH Mb. 10.8. 24. -AghAtaH a kick. -Anata a. prostrate, fallen at the feet of ; kyAsi kAmin suratAparAdhAt pAdAnataH kopanayAbadhUtaH Ku. 3. 8. -AvartaH 1 a wheel worked by the feet for raising up water from a well. -2 a square foot. -Asanam a foot-stool. -AsphAlanam trampling or motion of the feet, foundering. -AhataH a. kicked. ff. 1 treading or trampling. - a kick. - udakam, -jalam 1 water for washing the feet. -2 water in which the feet of sacred and revered persons are washed, and which is thus considered holy; viSNupAdodakaM tIrthaM jaThare dhArayAmyaham - udaraH a serpent ; yathA pAdodarastvacA vinirmucyate Prasna Up. 5.5. udghRtam stamping the feet. -kaTakaH, -kam, -kIlikA an anklet. - kRcchram a vow in which taking of meals and obeerving a fast are done on alternate days; Y. -kSepaH 1 a footstep. -2 a kick with the foot. gaNDIra: a morbid swelling of the legs and feet. -granthiH the ankle. -grahaNam seizing or clasping the feet (as a mark of respectful salutation ); akArayat kArayitavyadakSA krameNa pAdagrahaNaM satInAm Ku. 7. 27. caturaH, catvaraH 1 slanderer. -2 a goat -3 the fig-tree. -4a sand-bank. -5 hail. -cApalyam shuffling of the feet. cAraH going on foot, walking ; yadi ca viharet pAdacAreNa gaurI Me. 62 'if Gauri should walk on foot'; R. 11.10. -2 the daily position of the planets. -cArin a 1 walking or going on foot. -2 fighting on foot. (-.)1 n pedestrian. -2 & foot-soldier. -cchedanam cutting off a foot; pAdena praharan kopAt pAdacchedanamarhati Ms. 8.280. -jaH a sudra ; pAdajocchiSTakAMsyaM yat.. vizuddhe dazabhistu tat Mb. 12.36. 31. jalam 1 buttermilk mixed with one-fourth of water. -2 water for the feet. -jAham the tarsus. -talam the sole of the foot. -traH, -zrA, prANam boot or shoe. dArI, dArikA chap in the feet, chilblain. -dAhaH a burning sensation in the feet. -dhAvanikA sand used for rubbing the feet. - nAlikA an anklet. -niketaH a foot-stool. - nyAsaH movement of the feet ; pAdanyAso layamanugataH M. 2.9 -paH 1 a tron; nirastapAdape dekhe eraNDo'pi humAyate 1.1.67; anubhavati hi mUrdhnA pAdapastItramuSNam S. 5. 7. -2 a foot-stool. (-pA) a shoe.degkhaNDaH, -NDam a grove of trees. ruhA a climbing plant. -paddhatiH f a track. paricArakaH a humble servant. - pAlikA an anklet. -pAzaH 1 a foot-rope for cattle. -2 an anklet of small bells &c. ( - zikaH, -zI) 1a fetter; hastipaka- pAdapAzika- saimika- vanacara pArikarmikasakha: Kau. A. -2 a mat. -3 a creeper. -pIThaH, -Tham a foot-stool; cUDAmaNibhi pRSTapAdapIThaM mahIkSitAm R. 17.28 Ku. 3. 11. -pIThikA 1s vulgar trade (as that of a barber ). -2 white stone. - pUraNam 1 filling out a line; P. VI. 1. 134. -2 an expletive; tu pAdapUraNe bhede samuccaye'vadhAraNe Visva. - prakSAlanam washing the feet pAdaprakSAlane kI Subhts. -praNAmaH prostration (at the feet). -pratiSThAnam a foot-stool. - pradhAraNam a shoe. - prasAraNam stretching out the feet. -prahAraH a kiok. -baddha a consisting of verses (as a metre ). -bandhanam 1 a chain, fetter. -2 a stock of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #381 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pAdayati 1008 cattle. -bhaTaH a foot soldier. -bhAga: a quarter. -mudrA footprint. paktiH a track, trail. -mUlam 1 the tarsus. -2 the sole of the foot. -3 the heel. -4 the foot of a mountain. -5 a polite way of speaking of a person; devapAdamUlamAgatAham K.8.-yamaka: paronomasia within the Padas. -rakSa:1ashoe. -2a foot-guard; (pl.) armed men protecting the feet of an elephant in battle; fertig pAdarakSANAM bIjavat pravapan muhuH Mb. 3.271. 10. -rakSaNam 1a cover for the feet. -2 a leather boot or shoe. TTC n. the dust of the feet. -rajjuHf a tether for the foot of an elephant. -rathI ashoe; boot. -rohA,-rohaNa: the (Indian) fig-tree. -lagnaH a. lying at a person's feet. -lepaH an unguent for the feet. -candanam saluting the feet. -ashite elephantiasis. -faceref. a shoe, boot. (-m.),a god. -veSTanikaH, -kam a stocking. -zAkhA a toe. -zaila: a hill at the foot of a mountain. -zothaH swelling of the foot; anyonyopadravakRtaH zothaH paadsmutthitH| puruSaM hanti nArI tu mukhajo guhmajo hAyam // Madhava. -zaucam cleaning the feet by washing, washing the feet; pAdazaucena govindaH (tRptaH) Pt. 1. 172. -saMhitA the junction of words in a quarter of a stanza. -sevanam,-sevA 1 showing respect by touching the feet. -2 service. -stambhaH a supporting beam, pillar, post. -sphoTaH 'oracking of tho feet', -hata a. kicked. -harSeH numbness of the feet after pressure upon the crural nerves ; hRSyataH caraNau yasya bhavatazca prasuptavat / pAdaharSaH saH vijJeyaH kphvaatprkopjH|| Subruta. -hInajalam Water with a portion boiled. -hInAt ind. 1 without division or transition. -2 all at once. pAdayati Den. P. To stretch out the feet. pAdavikA A traveller. pAdAt m. A foot-soldier, a footman. pAdAtaH A foot-soldier; pAdAtAnAM zrejire khalgalekhaH Si. 18.4. -tam Infantry. pAdAtiH, pAdAtikaH, pAdAvika: A foot-soldier. pAdika a. (-kI.) 1 Amounting to a quarter or tourth; pAdikaM zatam, 25 per cent. -2 Lasting for a quarter of the time; Ms. 3.1. pAdin a. 1 Footed, having feet. -2 Having tour parts, as a stanza. - Receiving or entitled to a fourth part; caturthozAzca pAdinaH Ms.8.210. -m. 1 An amphibious animal. -2 A heir to a fourth part of an estate; SB. on MS. 6.7.20. pAdinaH A tourth part. pAduka a. (-kA, kI /.) Going on foot. -kA A woodenshoes sandal; braja bharata gRhItvA pAduke tvaM madIye Bk. 3.56; R. 12. 17.-kam the plinth, the pedeetal, the base. -Comp.-kAra:ashoemaker. / pAdU/ A shoe. -Comp. -kRt m. a shoe-maker; pAdUkRtaH pulindAzca.........Siva B. 31. 22. pAma: N. of Brahma; iti tasya vacaH pAmo bhagavAn paripAlayan Bhag. 3. 12. 9. pAdya . [pAdArtha pAda-yat ] Belonging to the foot. -dyam Water for washing the feet ; pAdayoH pAdyaM samarpayAmi. pAdakramika: One knowing or reading the padakrama q.v. pAdAkulakam N. of a metre; yadatItakRtavividhalakSmayutairmAtrAsamadipAdaH kalitam / aniyatavRttaparimANasahitaM prathitaM jagatsu pAdAkulamam / / Vrittaratnakara. pAdAraka: The rib of a boat. pAdAlindaH, -ndA, -ndI A boat. pAnam [pA-lyuT] 1 Drinking, quaffing, kissing (a lip); payaHpAnam ; dehi mukhakamalamadhupAnam Git. 10. -2 Drinking spirituous liquors; nahi dharmArthasiddhyarthe pAnameva prazasyate Ram. 4. 33. 46. Ms. 7.50%; 9. 13; yUtapAnaprasaktAzca jaghanyA rAjasI gatiH 12.45. -3 A drink, beverage in general; Ms. 3. 227%; payaHpAnaM bhujaGgAnAM kevalaM viSavardhanam Pt. 1. 389. -4 A drinking vessel. -B Sharpening; whetting. -8 Protection, defence. -7 A canal. -na: 1 A distiller. -2 Breath, expiration. -a. (in comp.) Drinking, one who drinks 3 vizvaM yugAnte vaTapatra ekaH zete sma mAyAzizuranipAnaH Bhag. 3. 33. 4. -Comp. -agAraH, -AgAraH, -ram / tayern; Mb. 12. 88. 14. -atyayaH hard drinking. -goSThikA, goSThI 1a drinking party. -2 a dramshop, tavern. -q: a. drinking spirituous liquors; Mb.3.48.6. -pAtram, -bhAjanam, -bhANDam a drinking vessel, a goblet. -bhUH,-bhUmiH ,-bhUmI f. a drinking room; raNakSitiH zoNitamadya kulyA rarAja mRtyoriva pAnabhUmiH R. 7. 49; 19. 11. -maNDa lam a drinking party. -rata a. addicted to drinking: -vaNija m. vendor of spirits. -vibhramaH intoxication. -zINDa: a hard drinker. pAnakam A drink, beverage, potion. pAnika: A vendor of spirituous liquors, a distiller. pAnilam A drinking vessel, goblet. pAnIya [pA-karmaNi anIyar ] 1 Drinkable. -2 To be protected or preserved. -yam 1 Water ; pAnIyaM pAtumicchAmi tvattaH kamalalocane Udb. A. L. 9. -2 A drink, potion, beverage. -Comp. -kAkikA a cormorant. -nakulaH an otter. -pRSThajA / mose. -varNikA sand. -vArika: the attendant of a convent who has the care of drinking water; Buddh.-zAlA,-zAlikA a place where water is distributed to travellers; cf. 491. pAnthaH [ panthAnaM nityaM gacchati aNu panthAdezaH]1 A traveller, away farer; re pAntha vihvalamanA na manAgapi syAH Bv. 1. 37. -2 The sun. -Comp. -durgA a deity on the road; AliGgya nItvAkRta pAnthadurgAm N.14.37. (et. notes thereon-Handiqui edition, p.601.) For Private and Personal Use Only Page #382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pApa 1009 pAyu: a. [ gila TartAICIAITH, 91-3919 4; Un. 3. 23 ] birth, birth in an inferior condition. To: 1 any bad 1 Evil, sinful, wicked, vicious; 95 9 disease. -2 small-pox. 74 a. 1 infernal. -2 belongat are ya Mk. 1. 36; letala 77 99 HAI- ing to the wicked.-aftet a. 1 inverted -2 confused. faffroya Bg. 6. 9. - 2 Mischievous, destructive, accursed; (-m.) inversion, confusion. - a. born in a degraded wa zai raatsth M. 4. -3 Low, vile, abandoned ; family; TT19 17 a 19TEI: 91983 waczy Bm. 1. 349. Ms. 3. 52; 3T TRAIT 4347, 474 4. 171. fafang: restraining wickedness. THAT a.romoving -4 Inauspicious, maliguant, foreboding evil; as in crime. - a. prone to evil, wicked by nature, evil 91992.-T 1 Evil, bad fortune or state; 9 419: minded. a. evil-minded, wicked. ( :) a 7499 F : faqe Ve. 3. 6; TT 4196 may the wicked thought. 59 a. destroying sin; ATAT evil be a verted','yod forbid ' (often used in dramas). lohitAkSo daNDazcarati pApahA / prajAstatra na muhyanti netA cet sAdhu -2 Sin, crime, viou, yuilt; 3791979 la 987 wara ll Ms. 7. 25. faud Mk. 9. 37; Ms. 11. 231; 4 181; R. 12. 19. - TTTF . Bad, sinful, wicked. - 1 A wicked ind. badly, sinfully, wrongly. -9: A wretch, sinful person; T e sla 914* a Mh. 5. 36. 11. -2 An person, wicked or profligate person; 99ET inauspicious planet. - Sin, crimc. editi ugrad facutai Bhag. 6. 13. 17. - 11 A beast of prey. -2 A witch. -Comp. -37 N. of Og: f. Hunting, chase. the Ekadasi in the light half of Asvina. -3TH a. pApala a. Imparting or incurring sin. -lam A kind exceedingly wicked, vilest. -317 Fy: bad result or of measure. consequences. -Tafta ai sinful.-3Tyg : f. expiation. -396: an unlucky day. -3 BUT one of arforat a. ( .) Sinful, wicked, bad. -^. A sinuer. the seven divisions of the planetary courses. 3T12 gifgy a. Most sinful, worst, very wicked (superl. a. following evil or sinful courses, leading a sinful of 94 q. v. ). life, vicious, wicked. -3THT 4. evil-minded, sinful, wicked; 914THT T98 : Purana. (-m.) a sinner. Te a. ( ) Worse, more vile or wicked -31077 a. wicked, villainous, committing murderous (compar. of 919 q. v.). deeds; pApArambhavatoma'gIva vRkayobhIrurgatA gocaram Mal.5.24. OTCHI a. Hurtful, injurious. -2 Sinful. -it 1 Sin, -3TTU, at u. evil-intentioned, wicked-minded. I crime, wickedness, guilt; qafa e afara TA -3th addressed in ill-omened words. - , - , Bri. Up. 1. 3. 2. 491 T ahra: 99a 59 910 U. 1. -5 , - (THI &c. a. sinful, u sinner, villain. 48; 7. 20. Mal. 5. 26; Ms. 6. 85.-2 Evil, bad fortune -4: removal or destruction of sin. fa: ill-fated. or state. - a planet of evil or malignant aspect, such as T T m. A kind of skin disease, wab; rart Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu. - a. destroying sin, T+2+7 91H 414faaet Ch. Up. 4. 1. 8. -Comp. expiating; matsamaH pAtakI nAsti pApaghnI tvatsamA na hi Sanka -SH: sulphur. racharya. (-:) the sesamum plant. (-aft) the Tulasi plant. : 1 a sinner. -2 demon. -a , - IT a. Diseased with scab. Clypea Hernandifolia (Mar. TEISHA). 6 , an THT a. (-7, #1.) [444-T ) 1 Diseased with inauspicious yarment. ita a. wicked, sinful. I, scab, scabby. -2 Vile, wicked. -3 Low, vulgar, base. ETT looking at faults, malevolent. - a. evil- - Foolish, stupid. -5 Poor, helpless; Ud. D. 5. -T: eyed. Eft a. evil-minded, wicked. -771 an inauspi- 1 A fool, an idiot; and at ATT: By. 1. 72. -2 A cious constellation. ara: a cunning or vile barber. wicked or low man. 3 One engaged in the most 10TT a. destroying or expiating sin. (#) 1 N. of degrading occupation. Siva. -2 of Visnu. (7 ) expiation, atonement. (eft, a ft) 1 the wild Tulasi plant or sami. -2 pAmA See pAman above; rAmA pAmA nitambavistArA Udb. N. of a river. -fartra a. wicked, sinful. -f. wickedness. - Comp. 37: sulphur. -niSkRtiH atonement for sin.-patiH a paramour.-puruSaH pAyam Water. a villainous person. -ho a. evil, inauspicious; 41995ataifearta T a raftala Flad Mandala Bra. 914 a. Drinking. Up. 2. 4. -ga, -79,-Arad. evil-minded, wicked, qua Giving or causing to drink. -al 1 Causing depraved. TUT: N. of Kalabhairava. - a. to drink. -2 Watering, moistening. -8 Sharpening, sinful, a sinner; a s a heas Ha Tunifa athiefa a: whetting. sa pApabhAk Ku.5.83. -mitram a bad counsellor or friend. . freed from sin, purified.-ht , -farar TTTT <<. Drinking. destruction of sin. -ofa . lowborn. (-e: f.) vile my: Ved. A guard, protector. . &. ....17 VE For Private and Personal Use Only Page #383 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pAyya 1010 pAraNIya ............................ . pAyya a. Low, vile, contemptible. -yyam 1 Water.! pletely familiar or conversant with with gen. or in -2 Drinking. -3Protection. -4 A measure (parimANa); comp.); vedapAragaH Ms. 2. 148; Y. 1. 111. -3 profoundly pAgyasAnnAmyanikAthyadhAcyAH mAnahavirnivAsasAmidheneSu P. III. 1. 29 learned. (-gam) keeping, fulfilling (of a promise). quoted by SB. on MS. 5.3.5. -5 Practice, profession. -gata, -gAmin a. ome who has gone to the other side or shore. (-taH) an Arhat or deified saint with Jainas. pAyas / (-sI.)[payaso vikAraH aN ] Made of water -cara a. emancipated forever. -darzaka. 1showing the or milk. -saH, -sam 1 Rice boiled in milk with sugar%3 opposite bank. -2 transparent. -dRzva n a.1 far-seeMs. 3. 271; 5.73 Y. 1. 173; ataptataNDulo dhautaH parimRSTo ghRtena ca / khaNDayuktena dugdhena pAcitaH pAyaso bhavet || Pakarajesvara. ing, wise, prudent. -2 one who has seen the other side of anything, one who has completely mastered or has -2 Turpentine. -8 An oblation of milk, rice, and become familiar with anything; (et. P. III. 2.94); sugar. -sam 1 Milk. -2 Ambrosia, neetar. -Comp. zrutipAradRzvA R.5.24.-netR a. making a person conversant -piNDAraka: a payasa-eater; uttvaramANeneva pAyasapiNDArakeNAdha with. -samudraka: A variety of gems; Kau. A. 2.11.29. mayAtmaiva nirnAzitaH Mk.9. pAraka (-kI) [pa-Nvul] 1 Enabling to eross. -2 pAyasika a. (-kI/.) Fond of boiled milk; P. IV. Carrying over, saying, delivering. -8 Pleasing, satis2.473 Vart. 17. fying. pAyika: A foot-soldier. pAye a. Ved. 1 Being on the other bank or side. pAyitam The gift of water (udakadAna); Bri. Up. 4.1.2. -2 Last, final. -3 Upper. - 4 Decisive. -8 Effectual. -yaMm 1 End.-2 Decision:-3 The means of erossing over pAyu: The anus ; pAyUpastham Ms. 2. 90, 91; Y. 3. 92. (pArapradam ); sahi pAyeM mahAnAsIt putrANAM mama saMjaya Mb.8.9.14. pAra 10 P. 1To complete, finish. -2 To cross over. pAre ind. On the other side of3; pArezmazAnaM sarit Mal. -3 To be able, competent. -4 To win; samaraM pArayiSyati 5. 19; pAresamudraM laGkAyAM vasanta rAvarNa patim Bk.5.43 see pAra Siva. B. 24.40. above. pAraH,-ram [paraM tIraM parameva aN, pR-ghaJ vA ] 1 The further pArakya 4. 1Alien, belonging to another; varaM svadharmoM or opposite bank of a river or ocean : pAraM duHkhodadhergantuM viguNo na pArakyaH svanuSTitaH Ms. 10. 97; pArakyasyaiva dehasya bahvayo tara yAvanna bhidyate Santi. 3. 13 virahajaladheH pAramAsAdayiSye Pad. me'sauhiNI hatAH Bhag. 1.8.48. -2 Intended for others. D. 13; H. 1. 177. - 2 The further or opposite side of -3 Hostile, inimical. -4 Useful in the next world. anything; sa hi devaH paraM jyotistamaHpAre vyavasthitam Ku. 2.58. -kya: An enemy, adversary. -kyam Doing anything -3 The end or extremity of anything, furtherest or for future happiness (paralokasAdhana); pious conduct. concluding limit; tejasvI ripuhatabandhuduHkhapAram (vrajati) Ve. 3.25. -4 The fullest extent, the totality of anything: pAragrAmika . (-kI .) Alieu, hostile, inimical; sa pUrvajanmAntaradRSTapArAH smarabhiva R. 18.50. (pAraM gam,-,-yA / / yAvadariH pAragrAmikaM vidhimAcikIrSati DR. 2. 2. yogaH Measures 1 to cross over, surmount, get over; vyasaneSveva sarveSu yasya which are employed to capture the villages of a buddhirna hIyate / sa teSAM pAramabhyeti Pt. 2.6. -2 to accomplish, foreign king; Kau. A. 1. 18. fuil : as in th: ar a: -3 To master fully, become! pAraj m. Gold. proficient in; sakalazAstrapAraM gataH Pt. 1; pAraM nI 'to bring pArajAyika: An adulterer. See pAradArikaH. to a close.'). -T: 1 Quick-silver. -2 Guardian; 2 1% bhayAd yena sa no'stu pAraH Bhag.6.9.24. -3 The end; mahimnaH pAraTITaH,-na: A stone or rock. pAraM te Mahimna. 1. (pAre meaning on the other pAraNa . [pR bhAve lyuT ] 1 Carrying across, bringing side of', ' beyond' sometimes enters into comp. e.g. over. -2 Saving, delivering. -UT: 1 A cloud. -2 pAregaGgam , pAresamudram beyond the Ganges or the ocean) Satisfaction -Nam 1 Accomplishing, fulfilling; vyavamama laGkApurI nAmnA ramyA pAre mahodadheH Mb. 3. 274.35.)-Comp. sitapAraNamAzazaMsire'smai Bu. Ch. 5.85% vyAghrasya copavAsena -apAram,-zavAram both banks, the nearer and further : pAraNaM pazumAraNam Udb. -2 Reading through, perusal. bank. () the sea, ocean; zokapArAvAramuttartumazaknuvatI -3 Eating after a fast, concluding a fast. -4 The Dk.4; Bv.1.11.-ayaNam 1 going across. -2 read complete text of a book. -BSwallowing; svabhAnuprativAraing through, perusal, thorough study. -3 the whole, pAraNamiladdantaugha ...... dyutiH N. 22. 150.-NA 1 Eating after completeness, or totality of anythingas in brahmapArAyaNam, a fast, concluding a fast; kAraya cakSuSI pAraNAm Vb. 1; mantrapArAyaNam &c. yAjJavalkyo muniryasmai brahmapArAyaNaM jagau Mv.1. R. 2. 39,55, 70. -2 Eating (in general); babhUva tasyAH 1. -ayaNA 1N. of the goddess darasvati. --consider- kila pAraNAvidhiH Ku.5.22 (abhyavahArakarma Malli.). ing, meditation. -3 an act, action. -4 light. -kAma . desirous of going to the other end. -- a. 1 crossing T OT a. Capable of being completed or finished ; over, ferrying across. -2 one who has gone to the end prAyo'dhunA te'surayUthanAthA apAraNIyA iti devi me mati: Bhag. of, one who has completely mastered anything, com- 8. 17. 16. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #384 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pAraya pAraya . Adequate, fit for appropriate. -2 Satis fying. pArayati - te Den. U. 1 To be able. -2 To bring or fead over; see pR caus. also; cf. vaktuM na pAryata iti vyathate mano me Bil. Ch. 5.55. pArataH Quick-silver. pAratantrika Bnjained by the religious trentines of another. pAratantryam Dependence, subjection, subservience a. pAratrika 0 ( kI . ) 1 Belonging to the next world. -2 Useful in the future life; tad vai pAratrikaM tAta brAhmaNAnAmakupyatAm Mb. 12. 151. 14. pAratrya a. Useful in the future life ( paralokahita ) ; nidhiM nidadhyAt pAratryaM yAtrArthaM dAnazabditam Mb. 13. 162. 63. tryam Reward in a future life ( paralokaphala ); teSAmanuparodhena pAra tryaM yad yadAcaret Ms. 2. 236. pAratalpikam Adultery. pAradaH Quick-silver; pAradaH pArataH sUto harabIjaM rasazcalaH Abh. Chin. 1050; nidarzanaM pArado'tra rasaH Bv. 1. 82; pAradaM haritAlaM ca Siva B. 30. 19; saMsArasya paraM pAraM datte'sau pAradaH smRtaH Rasesvaradarsanam. -dAH m. (pl.) N. of a barbarous tribe; see Ms. 10. 44; Mb. 2. pAradArikaH An adalterer (intriguing with the wile of another ); Y. 2. 295; pAradArikavilAsa sAhasam N. 1011 pAradArtham Adultery, Intriguing with another's wife; Ms. 11.59; Y. 3. 235; Dk. 1.4. pAradezika . ( - kI . ) Foreign, out landish. -kaH 1 A foreigner. -2 A traveller. pAradezya a. ( - zyI / . ) Belonging to a foreign country, foreign. - zyaH 1 A foreigner. -2 A traveller. pAradhenuH, -nukaH N. of a low mixed caste ; an A yogava. pArabhRtam A present ( perhaps a misreading for prabhUta), pAramahaMsya a. Rolating to a 'Paramahansa ora religious man who has subdued all his senses. syam Most sublime asceticism or meditation ; sAkhyAyanaH pArama haMsvamukhyaH Bhig. 3. 8. 8 nave tathA cetanA mahiSkRte hutAzane pAramahaMsya paryaguH Bhag. 4.21. 41. -Comp. -pari ind. relating to such asceticism. pAramArthika . ( kI . ) [ paramArthAya hitaM Thak ] 1 Relating to 4 or the highest truth or spiritual knowledge. -2 Real, essential, truly or really existent; sattA trividhA pAramArthikI, vyAvahArikI, prAtItikI ca Vedanta. -8 Caring for truth, loving truth or right; na lokaH pAramArthika: Pt. 1. 242 - Exoollent, supremely good, best. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pAraza (sa) va pAramika a. ( -kI / ) Supreme, best, chief, principal. pAramita a 1 Gone to the opposite bank or side. -2 Crossed, traversed. -3 Transcendent. -tA 1 Complete attainment, perfection. Ks. - Taranga 72. 362 illu - strates six Paramitas dAna, zIla, kSamA, dhairya, dhyAna and prajJA by suitable stories; Bri. Kath. 9. 1. 496; cf. dAnapAramitA * perfection in charity dAnapAramitayaiya yAmyAna N. 6. 11 nUnamevaM yuddhenApi dAnapAramitA pUritA ( mattavikAsa prahasana ) -2 " , Transcendental virtue. pAramezvara . Relating belonging or coming from the supreme god. pArameSTayam 1 Supremacy, highest position ; Deve Mantra. Royal insignin; pArameyAnupAdAya paNyAnyuccAvacAni c| pAdayornyapatat premNA dayekSaNaH // jihag. 9. 10. 80. pAraMpara. Further, future. -rI Regular succession, order. pAraMpari (rI) Na a. ( - NI / ) [ paraMparAyAH AgataH khan ] Handed down from father to son, hereditary, ancestral. pAraMparIya a. Handed down, traditional, hereditary. pAraMparyam [ paraMparaiva svArthe SyaJ ] 1 Hereditary succession, continuous order; tasmin deze ya AcAraH pAraMparyakramAgataH / varNAnAM sAntarAlAnAM sa sadAcAra ucyate Ms. 2.18. -2 Traditional instruction, tradition. -3 Intermediation. -pAraMparyeNa ind, Successively, by degrees; nivRtteSu ca sainyeSu pAraMparyeNa sarvazaH / nimukavacAH sarve bhISmamIyurnarAdhipAH / / Mb. 6. 120. 29. -Comp. -upadeza: traditional instruction, tradition, regarded by the Pauranikas as a pramANa or proof. pArayiSNu a. 1 Pleasing, gratifying. -2 Able to go to the end of or accomplish anything. -3 Successful, victorious. pAralokya a. Relating to the next world. pAralaukika. (kI ) paralokAya hine Thak DipadapaddhiH ] / . [ Relating to or useful in the next world; dharma eko manuvyANAM sahAyaH pAralaukikaH Mb Mk. 1; sAdhureti sukRtadi pAralaukikusIdamasIdana N. 3. 92. kama Obsequies, funeral rites: icchAmi...... parvatezvarasya pAralaukikaM kartum. 1. pAravataH A pigeon. pAravargya a. Belonging to another party, inimical; Mb. 2. pAravazyam Depondence, subjection, subservienee. pAraza (sa) va a. ( - vI . ) 1 Made of iron. -2 Relating to or derived from an axe. -vaH 1 Iron. -2 The son of a Brahmana by a Sudra woman ; yaM brAhmaNastu zUdrAyAM kAmAdutpAdayet sutam / sa pArayanneva zavastasmAt pArazavaH smRtaH Ms. 9. 178; or paraM zavAt brAhmaNasyaiSa putraH zUdrAputraM pArazavaM tamAhuH Mb. -3 An adulterine, a bastard. -vI A daughter of a Brahmana by a Sudra woman; bhISmaH pArazavI kanyAM devakasya mhiipteH| vidurAya samAnIya dadau vaMzavivRddhaye // Bm. 1.519, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pArazvadhaH pArazvadhaH, pArazvadhika: A man armed with an axe, halbert-man; cf. P. IV. 4. 58. -Comp. ( pArazvadhika ) -rAmaH (= parazurAmaH); pArazvadhikarAmasya zakterantakaro raNe Bk. 5. 78. pArapadam membership ( sabhApatitva ) ; sArathyapAraSada sevanasayyadItyavIrAsanAnugamanastavanapraNAmam Bhg. 1. 16.17. pArasa ( sI . ) Persisn. pArasikaH 1 Persia. -2 = pArasIka 2q. v. pArasI The Persian language. pArasIkaH 1 Persia. -2 Persian horse. -kA: m. (pl.) The Persians; pArasIkAMstato jetuM pratasthe sthalavartmanA R. 4. 60. pArasava See pArazavaH pArasavatvAdviduraH (rAjyaM na pratyayata) Mb. 1. 109. 25. pAraskaraH 1 N. of a certain district. -2 N. of a sage, the author of the Grihya Sutras. pArastraiNeyaH An adulterine, a bastard (born from another's wife, parI ). pArasyakulIna a. Born in the family of another (as an adopted son ). pArasya a. Relating to an ascetic who has subdued all his senses. pArA N. of a river; tadutiSTha pArA sindhusaMbhedamavagAjha nagarImeva pravizAvaH Mal. 4;9.1. pArApataH A pigeon. pArApArINa See pArAvAraNa. pArAyaNikaH 1 A lecturer, reader of the Puranas or mythological works. -2 A pupil, scholar. pArAvataH 1 pigeon, turtle-dove, dove; pArAvataH kharazilAkaNamAtra bhojI kAmI bhavatyanudinaM vada ko'tra hetuH Bh. 3. 154; Mo. 40. -2 A monkey. -3 A mountain. -Comp. -aGghripicchA a kind of pigeon. -nI N. of the river Sarasvati. pArAvAra: The sea, ocean; ratnodbhavo'pi vANijyanipuNatayA pArAvArataraNamakarot Dk. 1. 1; Bv. 4. 11. -ram The two banks. pArAvArINa a. 1 One who goes to both sides. -2 Completely conversant with. pArAzaraH, pArAzarya An epithet of Vytes, son of Para sara: tata ekAntamunnIya pArAzaryo yudhiSThiram Mb. 3. 36. 28. -rAH N. of a school on arthazAstra mentioned by Kautilya in connection with rAjaputrarakSaNa; Kau. A. 1. 17. -Comp. -kalpika one who studies the pArAzarakalpa. pArAzaraH 1 An epithet of Sukn. -8 N. of Vyaas. pArAzarin m. 1 A religious mendicant. -2 Particularly, such religious mendicants or ascetics as study the Sarira Sutras of Vyasa (pl). m. pArikA kSetra . A contemplative [anint, an ascetic who devotes himself to abstract meditation. 1012 pAripArzvakaH pArikarmikaH One who nurses the elephants; hastipaka ...... pArikarmikasakhA Kau. A. 2. 2. 20. pArikuTa: Ved. A servant. 1 affera: A patronymic of Janamejaya, greatgrandson of Arjunn, and son of Pariksit ka pArikSita abhavan Bri. Up. 3. 3.1. pArikheya . ( -yI f. ) Surrounded by a ditch ; P. V. 1. 17. pArigarbhikaH A kind of child disease. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pArizrAmika. (kI ) Situated round villages f. a P. VI. 3. 61. pArijAtaH pArijAtakaH pAramasvAstIti pArI samuhasta jAtaH, tasya samudrotpannatvAt] 1 N. of one of the five trees of Paradise, Nictanthus arbor-tristis (said to have been produced at the churning of the ocean and come into the possession of Indra, from whom it was wrested by Krisna and planted in the garden of his beloved Satyabhama), kalpadrumANAmiya pArijAtaH R. 6. 6 10 11 1775 paJcaite devataravo mandAraH pArijAtakaH Ak. -2 The coral tree. -3 Fragrance. -Comp. -puSpakaH A variety of gems. Kau. A. 2. 11. 29. pAriNAmika . 1 Digestible. 2 Subject to develop ment. Q. pAriNAyya (thvI) 1 Bolating to marriage. -2 Obtained on the occasion of marriage. -vyam 1 Property received by a woman at the time of marriage; mAtuH pAriNArtha jiyo vibhajerana, Vasistha - Marringe settlement. pAriNAhyam Household furniture and utensils; pAriNAvasya cakSaNe (enAM niyojayet ) Ms. 9. 11. pAritathyA A string of pearls for binding the hair; bAlapAzyA pAritathyA Abh. Chin. 655. pAritoSika . ( -kI ) [ paritoSaH prayojanamasya Tha ] Pleasing, gratifying, consolatory. -kam A present, reward pAritoSikamidamadgulIyakam Mk.. pAridhvajikaH A standard bearer. pArindraH A lion. pAripanthikA A robber, highwayman; P. IV. 4. 36. pAripATayam 1 Mode, method, manner ( paripATi ) -2 Regularity. pAripAtram pAriyAtraq.. pAripArzvam Retinue, attendants, followers. pAripArzvakaH, pAripArzvikaH [ paripArzva pArzva vyApya vartate Thak] 1 A servant or an attendant ; N. 12.60; 17.50. -2 An assistant of the manager of a play, one of the interlocutors in the prologues pravizya pAripArzvakaH tat kimiti pAripArzvika nArambhayasi kuzIlavaiH saha saMgItam Ve. 1. For Private and Personal Use Only = Page #386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pAripArzvikA 1013 pAruSyam - pAripArzvikA A temale attendant, a chamber-maid. | pAripAlyam Governorship. pAriplava a. [pari-plu ac svArthe aN] 1 Moving to and fro, rolling, shaking, unsteady, tremulous; nananda pAriplavanetrayA nRpaH R.3.11.-2 Swimming, floating: R. 13.30%; pAriplavAH srotasi nimnagAyAH 16.61. -3 Agitated, bewildered, disturbed or perplexed; hA hA daiva kimutpathairmama manaH pAriplavaM / dhAvati U. 4. 22. -va: A boat; pAriplavagatAzcApi devatAstatra fargar: Ram. 1. 43. 19. - Restlessness, uneasiness; pratiSThAmavyAja vrajatu mayi pAriplavadhurA Mal.4.3. -Comp.-haSTi, / netra a. having tremulous eyes. -prabha a. spreading lustre. -mati a. fickle-minded. pArivAvyaH A goose. -vyam 1 Perplexity, uneasiness, ! agitation. -2 Tremour, tremulousness. pAribahe: 1A wedding present; zatarUpA mahArAjJI pAri- ban imahAdhanAn / dampatyoH paryadAt prItyA bhUSAvAsaH paricchadAna / Bhag. 3.22.23.-2 Retinue: Mb. 3. 140.28. pAribhadraH 1 The coral tree. -2 The Devadaru tree3B Mb.1. 125.3.-3 The Sarala tree. -4 The Nimba tree. | -B The Mandara tree; also pAribhadraka; Ram.4.1.80. pAribhAvyam 1 Bail, security, surety. -2 A kind of drug. pAribhASika . (-kI /.) 1 Current, common, universally received; ubhayAvRttidharmeNa saMjJA syAt pAribhASikI Nyaya-sastra. -2 Technical (as a word &c.). pArimANDalyam 1An atom, a mote in a sun-beam; the measure of an atom; Bhasa P. 14. -2 Spherical shape, globularness. pArimANyam Circumference, compass%3 prajAvisargasya ca pArimANyaM vApIsahasrANi bahUni daitya Mb. 12. 280. 30. pArimityam Limit, limited extent or number. pArimukhika a. (-kI/.) Being before the face, being near or present; P. IV. 4. 29. pArimukhyam Presence; P. IV. 3.58; Vart.1. pAriyA (pA)tra: N. of one of the seven principal mountain ranges%3; uccaiH zirastvAjitapAriyAtraM lakSmIH siSece kila pAriyAtram R. 18. 163; 8e kulAcala. pAriyA (pA)trika: 1 An inhabitant of the Pariyatra mountain. -2 The Pariyatra. mountain itself. oftenfari A travelling carriage. pArirakSaka: A religious mendieant, an ascetic. pArivittyam, -pArivatryam Being unmarried while a younger brother is married. pArivAjakam, -pArivAjyam The wandering life of a religious Imendicant, asceticism, pArizIla: A cake (apUpa q.v.).. pArizeSyam That which is left over, remainder. -vyAt ind. Consequently, ergo. pAriSada a. (-dI /.) Belonging to an assembly or council. -da: 1 A person present at an assembly, a member of an assembly, such as an assessor. -2 A king's companiom. -dA: m. (pl.) The retinue of a god; tithiSviva mahAdevo vRtaH pAriSadoM gaNaiH Rim. 3. 5. 12. -dam Taking part in an assembly. pAriSadyaH One present at an assembly, a spectatori pAriSTAH Oma nrnaar et. P. IV.4.44, 101. pArisIrya a. That which is prepared without the help of a plough. pArihArika a. (-kI/.) 1 Taking, seizing. -2 Surrounding.-3 Privilered. -ka: A maker of garlands. -kI A kind of enigma or riddle. pArihAryaH A bracelet (AvApakaH pArihAryaH kaTako valayo' khiyAm Ak.); Mb. b. 162. 163 bhujapAzaistapanIyapArihAryaH Bu. Ch. 5. 54. -ryam Taking, seizing. pArihAsyam Jest, joke, fun. pArI 1 A rope for tying an elephant's feet. -2 Aquantity of water. -3 A drinking vessel, waterjar, cup. - A mille-pail; nigRhya pArImubhayena jAnunoH Si. 12.40. - Pollen (of Howers). pArIkSitaH = parIkSit q.v. pArINa ..pAraM gacchati, pAra-kham ] 1 Being on or going over to the other or opposite side. -2 (At the end of comp.) Thoroughly versed in, well acquainted with; trivargapArINamasau bhavantamadhyAsayannAsanamekamindraH Bk. 2. 46. -3 Fulfilling, completing, accomplishing. orta a. ( At the end of comp.) Completely versed in or conversant with. pArINahyam Household furniture or utensils. pArIndraH 1 A lion. -2 A large serpent, boa. pArIraNaH 1A tortoise. -2 A stick, staff. -3 A garment (paTTazATaka). pAru: 1 The sun. -2 A Fire. pAruSika a. Harsh, violent. pAruSyam [paruSasya bhAvaH dhya] 1 Roughness, ruggedness, hardness. -2 Harshness, eruelty, unkindness (as of disposition). -8 Abusive language, a buse, reproach, scurrilous language, insult; Bg. 16. 4; Y. 2. 12, 72; hiMsA tadabhimAnena dnnjypaarussyyorythaa| vaiSamyamiha bhUtAnAM mamAhamiti 911049 Bhag. 7. 1. 23. - 4 Violence in word or deed ); Ms.7.48,51; 8.6, 72. -8 The garden of Indra. -6 Aloe-wood. -t: An epithet of Brihaspati. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #387 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pArerakA 1019 pArzva pArerakaH A sword (?). pArvaNa a. (-NI/.) [parvaNi bhavaH aN] 1 Belonging or iaa: A kind of date. relating to a Parran, falling on a Parva day, such as the full-moon, new-moon &c.: pazyati sma janatA dinAtyaye pArvaNI Criter a. (-ai f. Unintelligible, mysterious, secret, zazidivAkarAviva R.11.82; Mu.3.10.-2 Waxing, increasobsoure; also pAkSyi ; tvaM nUnamasurANAM naH pArIkSyaH paramo guruH / _ing (as the moon). -Nam The ceremony of offering Bhag.8.22.5. oblations to all the manes at a Parran; amAvAsyAM yat pArokSyam Mystery, secreey; bharatopAkhyAne pArozyavarNanam kriyate tat pArvaNamudAhRtam / kriyate vA parvaNi yat tat pArvaNamiti Bhag. 5. 14. smRtiH // Bhavisya P.; also pArvaNazrAddham. pArovaryam Tradition; Nir. 13. 12. pArvata a. (-tI/.) [ parvate bhavaH aN] 1 Being or living on a mountain. -2 Growing on or coming from a pArghaTam Dust or ashes. mountain. -3 Mountainous%3 pratizrayArtha seveta pArvatI vA pArjanya a. Belonging to rain. punarguhAm Mb. 14.46. 26. pArNa (-/.)1 Relating to or made of leaves, greifai A multitude of mountains, a mountainleaty. -2 Raised from leaves (as a tax). -rNaH A hut range. made of leaves. pArvatI [ parvatasyApatyaM strI aN] 1 N. of Durga, born as the daughter of the Himalaya mountain (she was pArthaH [ pRthAyAH apatyam aN] 1A metronymic of all Pandavas%3; sarveSAmeva pArthAnAM phAlguno balavattaraH Mb.7.168.83 Sati in her former birth; cf Ku. 1.21); tAM pArvatItyAbhi janena nAmnA bandhupriyAM bandhujano juhAva Ku. 1. 26. -2 A but especially of Arjuna; uvAca pArtha pazyaitAna samavetAn female cowherd. -3 An epithet of Draupadi. -4 A kurUniti Bg.1.25 and several other places. -2 A king. mountain stream. -8 A kind of fragrant earth. -Comp. -Comp. -sArathiH 1 an epithet of Krisna. -2 N. of a -nandanaH 1 an epithet of Kartikeya. -2 of Gapesa. famous writer on Mimamsa. -netraH ( In music) a kind of measure. pArthakyam Severalty, separateness, separation, single- pArvatIya (-yI/.) Dwelling in a mountain. -ya: A ness, variety. mountaineer. -2 N. of a particular mountain tribe pArthava a. Belonging to pRthu; asmin kRtamatirmayaH pArthavIM . (pl.); tatra janyaM ragho?raM pArvatIyairgaNairabhUt R. 4. 77. gatimApnuyAt Bhag. 4. 28. 39. pArvateya .. (-yI.)[parvate bhavaM Dhak] Mountain-born; pArthavam Greatness, immensity, width. Rim. 4. 39. 12. -yam Antimony. pArthiva a. (-vI /.)[pRthivyAH IzvaraH idaM vA aN] 1 Ear- pArvAyanAntiyA /. N. of an Isti. then, earthy, terrestrial, relating to the earth; ydt pArzavaH A warrior armed with an axe. rajaH pArthivamujjihIte R. 13.64. -2 Ruling the earth. -3 pAzukA A rib. Princely, royal. -va: 1An inhabitant of the earth. -2 A king, sovereign; atha tasya vivAhakautukaM lalitaM bibhrata eva pArzva . Near, proximate. -zveH, -yam [parzanAM samUhaH ] pArthivaH R.8.1. -3 An earthen vessel. -4 The body. 1 The part of the body below the arm-pit, the region -B The vikAra of the earth; ayaM jano nAma calan pRthivyAM yaH / of the ribs 3; vAma pArzve vinirbhidya sutaH sUrya iva sthitaH Mb.3. pArthivaH pArthiva kasya hetoH Bhag.5. 12. 5. -8 A gRhyAgni of 126. 27; zayane sanniSaNNakapArzam Me. 91. -2 The side, flank the naming ceremony (nAmakaraNa). -vam An earthy sub- (in general) (of animate or inanimate objects), piTharaM stance. -vA 1 A royal concubine. -2 Arsenic (see | kvathadatimAtraM nijapAvAneva dahatitarAm Pt. 1. 324. -3 Vicinity. nighaNTaratnAkara). -Comp. a prince, the son of a king. - Ved. A curved knife. - : An epithet of the -nandinI, -sutA, -kanyA the daughter of a king, twentythird Tirthankar of the Jainas. -zvam 1 A princess. -AtmajaH, -nandanaH, -sutaH, -putraH the sun. multitude of ribs. -2 A fraudulent expedient, a dispautraH 'Yama's son', Yudhisthira; sa vRttasteiSu kRtAbhiSekaH honourable means. -3 The extremity of the fore-axle sahAnujaH pArthivaputrapautraH Mb. 3. 118. 2. of a wheel. (pArzvam is used adverbially in the sense of near to', "by the side of', 'towards'; kenApyutkSipateva foret 1 An epithet of Sita, daughter of the earth; pazya bhuvanaM matpArdhamAnIyate 5.7.83; 80 pArthAt 'from the side pArthivImudavahad raghUhahaH R. 11.54. 1 An epithot of Laksmi.. of, a.way, from'; pArzve 'near', 'at hand', 'at the side'; pArparaH 1 A handful of rice. -2 Consumption (kSayaroga). / name dUre kiMcit kSaNamapi na pArzve rathajavAt 5.1.9; Bh. 3. 37.) -3 Ashes.-4 A filament of Kadamba.-BN. of Yama. -Comp. -anucaraH an attendant, a servant; visRSTapAzvAnu carasya tasya R.2.9. -apavRtta d. bent on one side (one of pAntika (-kI/.) Final, last, conelusive. the defects of diamonds); Kau. A. 2. 11.29. -asthiH pAryavasAnikaa. Coming to a close; dvAparasya kalezcaiva 1. a rib. 3ota a. one who has come very near. sandhau pAryavasAnike Mb. 12. 339.89. -ArtiHf. pain in the side, pleurisy. -Asanna a. sitting For Private and Personal Use Only Page #388 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pArzvakaH or standing by the side. udarapriyaH crab, upapIDam ind. (to laugh) so as to hold one's sides. -, -, -,-ft a. being close to, standing by the side of. --ga: an attendant, a servant; vyAdideza gaNazo'tha pArzvagAn kArmukAbhiharaNAya maithilaH R. 11. 43. gataH a. 1 being at the side, being near or close to, attending upon. --2 sheltered. --caraH a servant, an attendant; vipine pArzvacaraira : R. 9. 72; 14. 29. an attendant, a servant. - the side (of the human body), the ribs. -: the Jaina pontiff, the 23 rd Tirthankara (Mar. 9AnAtha ). - parivartanam 1 turning round from one side o the other in a bed. -2 N. of a festival on the twelfth day of the first half of Bhadrapada (when Visnu is supposed to turn upon the other side in his sleep). - the side or flank. -fm. N. of a parti cular posture in dancing. - the longer side of an oblong. - vaktraH an epithet of Mahadeva. -vartin a. 1 being by the side, attending, waiting upon. -2 adjacent. (m.) 1 an attendant; 4: fata R. 2. 46. -2 a companion, associate; amunA nanu pArzvavartinA Ku. 4. 29. -zaya a. 1 sleeping on the side. 2 sleeping by the side. -, 1 a shooting pain in the side. -2 pleurisy. - a kind of ornament. a. being at the side, near, close, proximate ; surapatimapi vA pArzvasthaM vilokya na zaGkate Bh. (-) 1 a companion. -2 an assistant of a stagemanager; cf. pAripArzvaka. (.) A swindler, pilferer, thief. pArzvatIya ind. 1 Near, at hand, by the side, close to ; pArzvataH prasthitaM tamanavasthitaM priyAH R. 19.31; prAyeNa bhUmipatayaH pramadA latAzca yat pArzvato bhavati tat pariveSTayanti Pt. 1. 35 - 2 ( = pazcAt q. v. ); pArzvataH karaNaM prAjJaH Mb. 12. 142.9. a. Being on or situated at the side. pArzvikaH. (kI ) [ pArzve bhavaH u Belonging to the side. 1 A sides-man, partisan. -2 A companion, an associate. -3 A juggler. -4 One who seeks money by fraudulent means, a thief. -5 One who earns money through the instrumentality of one's own kinsmen after knowing their needs by means of staying by the side (1) of the king; Danasagara, Bibliotheca Indica 274, Fasc. 1, p. 41. 1018 gria. (-/.) Belonging to the spotted antelopes Ms. 3. 269; Y. 1. 257. - A patronymic of king Drupada, and of his son Dhristadyumna; Mb. 1. 138. 20: 7.7.3.-ft A patronymic of Draupadi. pArSatI 1 An epithet of Draupadi sUtasyeti vacaH dhuvA arda gefaasaga Bm. 2. 369. -2 Of Durga. q. An nesembly. pArSadaH [ pArSadamarhati aNU ] 1 A companion, an associate attendant. -2 A train, retinue (of a god); pAlanIya Mb. 3. 130. 14. -3 One present at an assembly, a spectator, an assessor. - A text-book received by any particular grammatical school. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir : A member of an assembly, an assessor; sabhyAH sadasyAH pArSadyAH sabhAstArAH sabhAsadaH Abh. Chin. 480. arftor: 1. f. [gy-fa fa fa; Uu. 4. 52] 1 The heel; Bhag. 7. 8. 31; Ku. 1. 11; pANiprahAra 119 pratanatrikapucchamUlA Bu. Ch. 5. 78. -2 The rear of an army. -3 The back or rear in general; : R. 4. 26 with his rear cleared of foes.' - A kick. -5 Desire of conquering. -6 Inquiry.(f.) 1 A licentious woman. -2 An epithet of Kunti. -3 The extremity of the fore-axle of a four-horse chariot. -Comp. E a follower. attacking or threatening an enemy in the rear. TE: 1 an enemy in the rear; fal N. of a chapter in Kau. A (713) balino phalasyete pArSNimAhAH pramAthina: Siva B. 21. 60; 24. 44; also 12. 15. -2 a general commanding the rear of an army. -3 an ally who supports a prince; Bhag. 7. 2. 6; pANigrAhaM ca saMprekSya tathAkrandaM ca maNDale Ms. 7. 207. - ghAtaH a kick; kSitiM vidhunvanniva pANighAtai: Ki. 17.50. - a rear-guard, a body of forces in the rear, reserve. - vAhaH an outside horse. -vigrahaH an attack by an enmy in the rear mA vidhAnmudhA kRtAnutApastvayi pANivindam N. 9. 184. - sArathiH a charioteer who drives one of the outside horses. 9 f 10 P. 1 To watch, guard, protect; faqa Ms. 9. 108, -2 To observe (a promise); R. 13. 65. -8 To wait; Ve. 1. 1 A protector, guardian, keeper; as in gopAlaH, vRSNipAlaH, &c. -2 A herdsman; vivAda: svAmipAlayoH Ms. 8. 5, 229,240 -3 A king; aho adharmaH pAlAnAm Bhag. 1. 18. 33. A spitting-pot. - 1 A herdsman's wife; Mb. 5. 2 An oblong pond. -Comp. - a mushroom. [-] 1 A guardian, protector. -2 A prince, king, ruler, sovereign. -3 A groom, horsekeeper. A horse. -8 The Chitraka tree. -6 A fosterfather. 7 Protection. -8 One who maintains or observes (as a promise &c). A spittoon. pAlana . [pA bhAve yu syuT vA ] Protecting guarding &e.; Ki. 1.1.1 Protecting, guarding, nourishing. cherishing, fostering; R. 19. 3; so, ff, &c. -2 Maintaining, observing, keeping (as a promise, vow &c.) -3 The milk of a cow that has recently calved. - the sharpening (of arms); Mb. 12. 59.46 (com. zastrANAM pAlanaM tIkSNIkaraNam ). pAlanIya a. 1 To be protected or guarded. -2 Fit to be protected, preserved or maintained. -8 To be kept or observed (as a promise, vow &c.). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #389 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pAlya 1016 pAvya Trata. See 918872. - See 74; sed ankara. Tietoa. ( f.) Coming from a pool. prajApAlyamanantaram . tra: A particular wind-instrument: (Mar. qrar). pAlayita m. A protector, guardian; zacIsakho marutA Taga mea (FET) R. 8. 32. 17 a. [7-097] Purifying; ruta 4ra fecar Hora: Mb. 12. 18. 4. - 1 Fire; 919 HIEHT o r. p. 1 Protected, guarded, preserved. -2 za 599rawiams 4: R. 11.75; 3.9; 16. 87. Observed, fulfilled. -2 Agni or the god of fire. -3 The fire of lightning. pipAlayiSuH (Desiderative from pAl) Desirous to -4 The Chitraka tree. -5 The number three'. -8 A protect; 2143 Hadid 99 cha: Siva B. 31. 32. person purified by religious abstraction, saint, sage. -7 Good conduct or behaviour. -8 N. of Varuua. TIT : N. of a sage, son of Karenu ( who first - 1 The wife of Agui. -2 Ved. N. of Sarasvati. taught the science of elephants). -24 The science of Comp. -3T TOT: an epithet of a plant called B y elephants. (Mar. 217 ). - f.a flash of fire. - a TO: 1 The olibanum tree. -2 A hawk - fiery weapon ; 93-99 91971H U. 6. 5/6. TECHN: 1 Incense. an epithet of Kartikeya. -2 N. of a sage called get 91797, - Incense. who married the daughter of Duryodhana of the Iksvaku family. --for: m. The Suryakanta Mani. a. ( f.) Made of the powdered sesamum- -fre: (= fafara: ) Saffron ; Siva B. 30. 19. seed. grafe: 1 An epithet of Kartikeya. -2 Of the pAlavI A kind of vessel. sage gesia. TOT a. (aftf.) [42727-8707] 1 Belonging to or pAvakIya a. Fiery (as a weapon); sarvatrAvartamudrAM vidadhati coming from the Palasa tree. -2 Made of the wood Set 4: 91914: B. R. 7. 33. of the Palasa tree; Ms. 2. 15. -3 Green; 41-ataifa ASTITIH Bri. S. -T: The green colour. Comp. 3, T T a. (-aft f.) [ 9-form] 1 Purifying, freeing que: an epithet of the Magadha country. -tatet: from sin, purificatory, sanctifying; giganfaat farqoutBurning a human corpse with Palasa wood in case for T utt: 919-11: S. 6. 17; R. 15. 101; 19. 53; a ri it is not burnt in the normal course. Sabda Chi. agata a Qui Bg. 18. 5; Ms. 2. 26; Y. 3. 307. Tips:, f. 1 The tip of the ear; 1999: Git. 3. -2 Sacred, boly, pure, purified; 79198 47 942 1944 -2 The edge, skirt, margin; faydi yng Mb. 7. 191. Ku.5. 17. -3 One living on wind (a Sadhu); 4: 30; hela faayat 591014 Bh. 3. 55. -3 The sharp kSIraM vanasthAnAM munInAM girivaasinaam| pAvanAnAM banAzAnAM banAzramaside, edge or point of anything (12); 019s na affa farfall Mb. 13. 14. 124. - 1 Fire. -2 Incense. 2190247 faste TICH Bv. 2. 9. -4 Boundary, -3 A kind of demi-god or Siddha. -4 N. of the poet limit. -8 A line, row; fazy 91 Git. 6; Si. 3. 51; Vyasa. -5 N. of Visnu. - 1 Purifying, purificaTayf i esta fallunt FATTI Ram. Ch. tion; viSNorbhUtAni lokAnAM pAvanAya caranti hi Bhag.11.2.283; 491f aa919 Git. 1; My. 1. 26; Ms. 11. 85. 2. 52.-6 A spot, mark. -7 A causeway, bridge. -8 The lap or bosom. -9 An oblong pond. -10 Mainte -2 Penance. -8 Water. -4 Cow-dung. - A sectarial nance of a pupil by his teacher during the period of mark. -8 Any means of purification; Beatif yarar: fahar: qarat: U. 1. 13.-7 Atonement, expiation. -8 his studies. -11 A louse. -12 Praise, eulogium. -13 A woman with a beard. -14 The hip. 18 A measure of Incense (F ). -Comp. -ala: a conch-shell. capacity (979). -16 A circumference. A pot, a ft 1 The holy basil. -2 A cow. -3 The river boiler. Comp. -371HT: a disease of the outer ear. Ganges. ver: a kind of fever. H*: the bursting of a dike. Taart An epithet of particular Vedic hymns T 1 The tip of the ear. -2 The sharp edge especially those of Rv. 9. and Av. 19. 71 &c.). of a sword or of any cutting instrument. -3 A butterknife; Ram. 1. 73. 21.-4 A pot or boiler. fara a. cleansed, purified, sanctified, made holy; pozitsi meistarada as ca21 | Sankara. arreta Greyness of hair caused by old age, hoariness. pAvitryam Purity. pAlinda: Incense. giferat a. Purificatory; 2: Foarfait THTpAllavA A game with twigs. Ha Ha HT 2: Ki. 18. 36. gran a. Diffusive, digressive. 07 a. To be cleansed or purified; Bk. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #390 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pAvara 1017 pikkA pAvara: The side of adio which is marked with two points; or a particular throw of this die; qaruara Tradit: Mk. 2. 8. TET: [aua alasan, 47-HTU 991 1 Acord, chain, fetter, noose; gaafdan a r: $.1.32; E a 9feat Mk. 9; R. 6. 84. 2 A snare, trap or net for catching birds and beasts. - A noose used as a weapon (as by Varuna ); A arguftgart: T TT: vaa: Ku. 2. 21. -4 A die, dice; Malli. on R. 6. 18. -5 The edge or border of anything woven. -6 (With Jainas ) The outer world, nature. -7 (At the end of comp.) 9TT expresses (a) contempt or depreciation; as in 1992: a bad pupil; 291 , 199 &0.; () beauty or admiration; as in watugar buigret: U. 6. 27; (c) abundance, mass, or quantity (after a word signifying 'hair'); as in Tyre q.v. -zI A rope, fetter ; pAzIkalpAmAyatAmAcakarSa Si. 18. 57. -Comp. 3778: the back of a garment. - gambling, playing with dice. Oh the outer world (conceived as a net). - i, - : an epithet of Varuna. - a. entrapped, caught in a snare or net, nooked. -aft: a noose, snare, halter. -737#i a bird catcher. - PETA a snare. 20 m. 1 an epithet of Varuna; R. 2.9.-2 one armed with a noose. Telf. a fetter, rope. -R: 'holding a noose in hand ', an epithet of Varuna and of Yama. TIT: 1 A die, dice. -2 (At the end of comp.) A snare, trap; as in *deg3deg &c. Comp. - a gambling house or table ; ardhavAcitaM pAzakapIThe tiSThati pustakam Mk. 4. 27/28. Tray 1 A noose, snare, net, sling. -2 A cord, lash. -3 Ensnaring, entrapping. ratula Den. P. To bind, fetter. TTTT: A bird-catcher. 17TH A pearl from the river Pasa; Kau. A. 2. 11. 22. Ta a. Bound, ensnared, fettered. gratina a. 1 Chained, fettered. -2 Snared. Trata m. [ Seu fa ] 1 An epithet of Varuna; yaar 7507: yraft Ak. -2 Yama. -8 A deer-catcher, fowler, trapper qrgYT 1 A net. -2 A collection of snares or ropes ( 11 HAE); P. IV. 2. 49. TITE a. (-at f.) [TCH 317 ) Relating to or derived from animals. - A fock, herd. -Comp. - Se pasturage or meadow grass. TTTF a. Ved. Belonging to cattle or a sacrificial animal. .. ....186 pAzupata . (-tI/.)[ pazupateridam aN] Coming trom or relating or sacred to Pasupati. -2: 1 A follower and worshipper of Siva. -2 A follower of the doctrines of Pasupati. -a4 The Pasupata doctrines; (for the Pasupata doctrines, see Sarva. s.); 421 4198 Jhafa gct Mb. 12. 284. 195; (com. rafat o' ityAdinA bhasma gRhItvA nimRjyAGgAni saMspRzet / tasmAd vratametat 91147) -Comp. - N. of a missile presided over by fa or Siva (which Arjuna acquired from Siva). -- , -4H The system of 47. See 9789984. que The breeding or rearing of cattle, a herdsman's occupation; aut di : 14180 sfatat Mb. 13. 141. 54. TYTFF: A sacrifice. - The sacrificial altar. TTT a. [9221-69:9] 1 Hinder. - 2 Western; Hagag atu Paha : R. 4. 62; Peralateater qart seuta y a Siva B. 6. 65. -3 Posterior, later. -4 Subsequent. -127 The hinder part. 93 a. Impious, heretical. -og: A heretic, an un beliver, a hypocrite; 91903hfarai...... ... dfgar (radarea ) Ms. 5. 90; 9. 225; 1934944941124;......Afara919usepaal......Kau.A.1. 15. -03:, -TEH Heresy; also 9910874. 1905, grafist m., grefugi A heretic, a religious hypocrite; Y. 1. 130; 2. 70. Trat: [fare foc sieora 31172 ga. Tv. ) A stone. - 1 A small stone used as a weight. - A spear. -Comp. 4: a hard swelling on the maxillary joint. -Taft N. of a festival on the 14th day of the month of Margasirsa, when the sun is in the TT, in honour of Gauri. In this festival sweet balls shaped like a pASANa are prepared. -dArakaH, -dAraNa: a stonecutter's chisel. - ot a fiat stone. H et: a cave or chasm in a rock. Egy a. stonehearted, cruel, relentless. TIECT a. Ved. Dwelling in a house; cf. Ry. 4. 21. 6. Tera: The Indian mulberry. f 6 P. (fa) To go, move. fra 1 P., 10 U. (fara, fagfa-) 1 To speak. -2 To shine. pika: The (Indian) cuckoo%; kusumazarAsanazAsanavandini fait HH Git. 11; or grofa Fa: Fata TIC: f att: Git. l; : 607: 194: ut: # : 19t: Udb. -Comp. 31197, -2172: the spring. -: The song of the cuckoo supposed to represent the fifth note of the gamut; 217 aro 1999#4 N. 10. 129.-FT, TT, -asu: the mango tree. fare: 1 An elephant twenty years old. -2 A young elephant in general. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #391 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pikkA 1018 picchila - fet f. 1 A small weight to weigh pearls. -2 A fa(f)foza (-4,-) a. Big-bellied, corpulent. string of 13 pearls. forfoza 1 The call of the leg. -2 The instep; far a. [195-qof 3 -94 96 ) Reddish-brown, (also fazjust in these senses ). tawny, yellow-red; antarniviSTAmalapiGgatAram (vilocanam) Ku. fag: (99-3 yao Tv.] 1 Cotton. - A kind of 7.33; Bhag. 4.5. 13; My. 5. 44. - : 1 The tawny weight, a Karsa (equal to two tolas). -8 A kind colour. -2 A buffalo. -3 A rat. - 1 Turmeric. -2 of leprosy. -4 A kind of grain. -Comp. - cotton. Saffron. -3 A kind of yellow pigment. -4 An epithet -A , HE: the Nimba tree; hyala f erraut of Durga. -8 A bow-string. - A tubular vessel of the Dk. 2. 3; and fastera: 94EUR42: Si. 5. 66. human body which according to the Yoga system is the channel of respiration and circulation for one side. free: The cotton plant. EATH A young animal. -Comp. 3TT a. having red furah: N. of a plant; Vangueria Spinosa (Mar. dish-brown eyes, red-eyed; fagfargfart: Mb. 1. 14?). 23. 7. (- ) 1 an ape. -2 an epithet of Siva. TUT: an epithet of Siva. T: an epithet of fire. -*1921 a fags: 1 Cotton. -2 A kind of cormorant or seaspecies of cockroach. Tom. a crab. -Fi an crow. epithet of Siva. Ci a carrot. T: yellow orpi- 19 10 U. (farafa-a) To cut, divide. ment (Mar. Eaa). : 'yellow crystal', a kind of gem (TE). E a. Pressed flat. -3: Inflammation of the eyes, ophthalmia. -CH 1 Tin. -2 Lead. for a. [fax-FAAT , fax afa, 4- a Tv.] Reddish brown, yellowish, brown, tawny; v arit RT e ! fez A string of 16 pearls weighing a dharana. i Tyla Tere: (an:) R. 12. 71; Ms. 3. 8; 951 (a particular measure of pearls ); Bri. S. 81. 17. aftara: Fata: feat. -3: 1 The tawny colour. free a. Pressed flat. -2 Fire. -3 A monkey. -4 An ichneumon. - A f small owl. -6 A kind of snake. -7 N. of an attendant . I. 6 P. (a f ) 1 To torment, trouble, afflict. on the sun. -8 N. of one of Kubera's treasures. - N. -2 To hinder, obstruct. -II. 10 U. To cut, divide. of a water (the 51st or 25th in the 60 years cycle). -10 froga [ 19*29-317] 1 A feather of a tail (as of a N. of a reputed sage, the father of Sanskrit prosody, peacock); Bhag. 10. 12. 4. -2 The tail of a peacock; his work being known as f9x3=37: TIET; gratar feef4ffaa Ki. 12. 41 ; hayranta1928 777 ata o Pt. 2. 33. - 1 Brass. - Yellow #: feratietar: fregatiayu Si. 4.50. -8 The feaorpiment. - 1 A kind of owl. -2 The Sisu tree thers of an arrow. -4 A wing. -8 A crest. -589: A (1991). - A kind of metal. -4 A particular vessel tail in general. -E 1 A sheath, covering, coat. -2 of the body; Ch. Up. 8. 6. 1. -The female elephant The scum of boiled rice. -3 A row, line. -4 A heap, of the south. - N. of a courtezan who became remark- multitude. - The gum or exudation of the silk-cotton able for her piety and virtuous life. (The Bhagvata tree. -6 A plantain. -7 An armour. -8 The calf of mentions how she and Ajamila were delivered from the leg. -9 The venomous saliva of a snake. -10 A the trammels of the world.) -Comp. 3TT: an epithet betel-nut. -11 A diseased affection of a horse's feet. of Siva. Eh Brass. -Comp. re : slimy saliva. -TUT: a hawk. fosfor 1 A kind of crane. -2 A kind of owl. Basil a tail-feather. fastsat a. Made reddish brown, become tawny. I 198837: At the end of comp.) A feather of a tail. fosfHT Tawny, yellow colour; w orfesta: FUL fogo a. Slimy, slippery; prefer481979314324T5a arai Truka: : Mal. 1.2 (v. 1.). TL Siva B. 26. 52; faergshfa 4423 7 54 Kau. A. 2. 11. 29. piGgAlam Carrot (Mar. gAjara); Girvana; also piGgiman. fogory1 The feathers of a peacock's tail tied 19T: 1 The headman or proprietor of a village in a bunch, a feather-brush (used by conjurors &c.). -2 A kind of tish. Th Virgin gold. The Indigo for plant. a. [fque ato 5 ] 1 Slimy, lubricous, fraus:, -198, ferreug:, -197 1 The belly; 19703. slippery, smeary; Mb. 12. 184. 34; a 90aated for auta Chand. M. 1. -2 Having a tail. bhANDe paripUrayanti Udb. prekSya pazcimapayodhipicaNDe caNDabhAnumacireNa -3, UT, 1 The scum of boiled rice ( 443). A I Sahendra 3. 10; ICT aga hera: f9903 -2 Sauce mixed with rice-gruel. -3 Curds with cream afata 1994 Ram. Ch. 1. 10.-2 A limb of an animal. on the surface. -4 Broth, soup. -8 Moist split pulse. pragni A glutton (sterea ), -Comp. - m. the orange tree or its peel. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #392 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir picchUSA 1019 piNDa from Lobe of an elephant's ear; Matanga L. 5. 4; 6. 10. fosess = foresg q. v. f955 I. 2 A (fa ) 1 To tinge, dye. -2 To touch. -3 To adore. - To sound. - To join. II. 10 U. (1959fa-a) 1 To give. -2 To take. -3 To shine. --4 To be strong or powerful. -5 To live, dwell. - To hurt, injure, kill. -7 To speak -8 To send forth a sound. f t a. Confused, disturbed in mind. -5FT: 1 The moon. -2 A species of camphor. -3 Killing, slaughter. -4 A heap, collection. -5574 Strength, power. 55 1 Injury, hurting. -2 Turmeric. - Cotton. -4A switch. f t: The mucus or excretion of the eyes. 1955TH A bow-shaped instrument used for cleaning cotton. for a. [1953-3477] Reddish-yellow, tawny, goldcoloured; frat 40194 gafst Mk. 3. 17; R. 18. 40. -T; 1 The reddish-yellow or tawny-brown colour. -2 The yellow colour; nabho nairantaryapracalitataDipiJjaramiva Mv. 1. 43.-T 1 Gold. -2 Yellow or piment. -8 A skeleton. -4 Cage (for 937). -8 The ribs or the cavity formed by them, the thorax. pijarakam Orpiment. fast A kind of musical instrument; Ks. faufta a. Coloured yellow, tinged brown; fu#stifaufta ...... ferea Dk. 2. 2. fara. [f959 ] 1 Overcome with grief or terror, extremely confounded or perplexed. -2 Panic struck (as an army). 41 Yellow or piment. -2 The leaf of the Kuca grass. Two blades of Kusa grass used in holding certain articles at a sacrifice; etadeva pijjalyA lakSaNaM samudAhRtam Karmapradipa. f e (-- ) Gold. AT A roll of cotton from which threads are spun. Ved. 1 A bundle of grass. -2 The wick of a lamp. Also 1957, 1959. piJjUSaH The wax of the ear ( karNamala). font: The excretion or mucus of the eyes. for at The rustling of leaves. f The rustling of leaves, rustling noise of leaves. fog 1 P. ( fa) 1 To collect or heap together. - 2 To sound, ft: A box, basket. -24 1 A house, hovel. -2 A roof. fotki, -** 1 A box, basket ; uerifazat: ai Mb. 5. 155. 7. - 2 A granary. -3 A pimple, pustule, small boil or ulcer; (also piTakA or piTikA in this sense); tato gaNDasyopari piTakA saMvRttA 5.23; sitaraktapItakRSNA viprAdInAM krameNa 198 4 : 94 49519A 11 Bri. S. 52.1. -4 A kind of ornament on the banner of Indra.-5 A collection of writings; as fufc . 1 1 A small boil or pimple; -2 A box, basket; afara 4 73 Ram. 2. 37. 5. piTakyA A multitude of boxes. foli A basket, box. fac () T: A kind of small fish. piTTakam The tartar of the teeth (dantakiTTa). forfa a. Pressed flat. for 1 P. ( fa) 1 To hurt, injure. -2 To feel pain. suffer. 195: Affliction, distress. fort:, -TH 1 A pot, pan, boiler (also fast in this sense ); ft Faldar fiiia elatih Pt. 1. 324; stofauti yoqte fa fastar Bh. 3. 116. - A book, a manuscript; L. D. B. -3 Smearing, plastering;'L. D. B.-TU A churning-stick. -T: An addition to a building shaped like a hollow vessel. -Comp. -T.: the union of cause and effect. foot, -H A pot, pan; fornafana: Bh. 3. 18. -Comp. - , - a pot-sherd. foot Pan, boiler; 7 98 goti la fasa14 Bh. 3. 116. fough, 1 A small boil, pimple, pustule. forog 1 A., 10 U. (igosa, qozafa-d; fafoza) 1 To roll into a lump or ball, put togeher. -2 To join, unite. -3 To heap or accumulate. fque a. (-vet f.) [fque-3 ] 1 Sulid ( 97 ). -2 Compact, dense, close. -13:, -134 1 A round mass, ball, globe; as in 32:1902, 911903: &c. -2 A lump, clod (of earth &c.). -3 A round lump of food, morsel, mouthful; fatal at 6971972, fosfuara R. 2. 59. -4 A ball or lump of rice offered to the Manes at obsequial ceremonies or Sraddhas; 99 4: 979: fquefaccia: 1 9 : 990 : R. 1. 66; 8. 26; Ms. 3. 216; 9. 132, 136, 140; Y. 1. 15). -5 Food in general; Haloos: M. 5 'who was true to his master's salt'. -6 Livelihood, sustenance, subsistence; foeterya: Mu. 3. 14. -7 Alms; faozara Mal. 2. -8 Flesh, meat: -9 The foetus or embryo in an early i | 1 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir piNDa 1020 piNDIka stage of gestation. -10 The body, corporeal frame; -fag: one of the ways of embezzlement namely garrafavaray ulama f903629 Hay R. 2. 57. inconsistency in dealing with fixed items; Kau. A. 2. -11 A heap, collection, multitude. -12 The calf of 8.26.-zarkarA sugar prepared from Yavanala. -saMbandhaH the log; Mal. 5. 16.-18 A round button. -14 Any. relationship between a living person and one deceased thing round, thick, gross or solid. -16 An object in such as is sufficiently near to qualify the former to general. -16 A particular part of a house. -17 (In offer the obsequial rice-ball to the latter. Fa: a hot astr.) A sine expressed in numbers. -18 The twenty- poultice. fourth part of the quadrant of a circle. -19 The frontal sings of an elephant or its projection. -20 A forogti, 41 A lump, ball, globe. -2 A round portico or shed in front of the door. -21 Incense, swelling or protuberance. -3 A lump of food. 4 The frank-incense. -22 (In arith.) Sum, total, amount. call of the leg. 8 Incense. -8 Carrot. -7 (In astr.) -28 (In geom.) Thickness. -24 The flower of a China A sine expressed in numbers. -: A goblin, demon. rose. -T9 1 Power, strength, might. -2 Iron. -3 foueat Condition of a body. Fresh butter. -4 An army. -8 Water; L.D.B. -Comp: -3767T a. containing a conjunct consonant. Feet OTH Forming globes ; Bha. 3. 26. 43. - A a. to be eaten after the funeral rice-ball has been mound or bank. offered to the manes ; qosralarge image fuso: 1 A bridge, causeway. 2 A mound, ridge. Ms. 3. 122. -37FETERIH a meal in honour of the manes. -3721 hail. -30 steel. - 31 : & redi fough: A beggar, a mendicant living on alms. dye. -3735i, -37127:, -271377, 3717 m. a beggar. fougla: Incense. - 3 1 UT an oblation of obsequial rioe-balls and water to the deceased. -34UTH fuer: 1 A religious mendioant or beggar. -2 A participating in funeral offerings. Tie: gum myrrh. 04, desi cowherd. -3 A buffalo-herdsman. - 4 The Vikarikata incense. 2. 1 one who gives food, one who supplies tree. -8 An expression of censure. with bread or with any other means of subsistence; foros:, - et f. 1 A round mass, ball. - The nave zvA piNDadasya kurute gajapuGgavastu dhIraM vilokayati cATuzataizca bhurate of a wheel. -8 The calf of the leg. -4 The Asoka tree. BP. 2. 31. -3 one who is qualified to give the funeral -8 The long gourd (1719). -6 A house. -7 A species rice-balls to deceased ancestors; Y. 2. 132. (*) of palm. -8 A stool or seat. -9 A pedestal for the 1 the nearest male relation who offers the funeral image of a deity. -Comp. -ge: the Asoka tree. : rice-ball. --2 a master, patron. -al a mother a kind of unguent. : brave in the house', or 1 presentation of the obsequial rice-balls. -2 the a cake-hero', a braggart, cowardly boaster, poltroon, Tal oblation made to deceused ancestors on the cotquean; TI 93439 190 lai areaan Bk. 5. 85; day of new-moon. -nirvapaNam presenting obsequial rice- ct. gehenardin , gehezUra &c. balls to the manes; anayaivAvRtA kArya piNDanirvapaNaM sutaiH Ms. 3. 248, 261. -feirer cessation of relationship (by II fofogl 1 A round or fleshy swelling. -2 The call oblation ). - EH a particular 3* in Astronomy; of the leg &c.; fa agafafaz AF Mb. 1. 155. 33. -3 The Sa bila Chi. - Ta: giving alms; Mal. 1. - api one region of the cheeks (703F97); 144.1903#: Mb. 7. who lives on alms. - ,-99: an elephant. - : 116. 25; see 1910EUR above. the oblation to deceased ancestors on the evening of foroga a. [fog-] 1 Pressed or rolled into a ball new moon. - 6: 1 the Asoka tree. -2 the China or lump: -2 Thick, lumpish. -3 Heaped together, rose. -3 the pomegranate. (- 1 the blossom of collected; fofosare: M.1 'this is the meaning on the Asoka tree. -2 the flower of Chinarose. -8 a lotus. the whole'. -4 Mixed with ; 7 4 44 892 ratstart - HIT a. receiving or entitled to a share in the funeral farosat: Mb. 10. 12. 17. -8 Added, multiplied. -8 rice-ball. -m. (pl.) the deceased ancestors or manes; Counted, numbered. -2: Incense. 31 gout T21E: 1quEHS: S. 6. yra: f. livelihood, means of subsistence. -104, 69 a carrot. forog a. 1 Receiving the funeral rice-balls (as - the presentation of the obsequial rice-balls to ancestors ). -2 Having a body. -m. 1 A beggar. -2 the deceased ancestors; piNDayajJAvRtA deyaM pretAyAnaM dinatrayam One who offers funeral rice-balls to the manes. Y. 3. 16. 4: fragments of the obsequial rice-balls forogo a. 1 Having large calves. -2 Skilled in which cling to the hand; these are presented to the calculations. : 1 A bridge, causeway, mound. -2 three ancestors immediately preceding the great-grand father). 9: 1 interruption in offering the funeral An astronomer, a calculator of nativities. rice-balls ( as the failure of issue). - neglect in offer fugis 8 U. 1 To make into a lump, press together, ing the funeral rice-balls ( to the deceased ancestors). 1 unite. -2 To concentrate. -8 To identify with. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #394 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir piNDIbhU 1021 pita fouet 1 P. To be made into a ball or lump, become solid. feruet a. Sa pless, insipid, arid, dry. -T: 1 The pomegranate tree. -2 Cuttle-fish-bone. -3 Foam of the Bea; cf. feugt. forugtes: f. Fragments dropped from the mouth, offal, leavings of a meal. foun, - 1 Oil-cake; 40175 a 19 qoya a gafst Ms. 11.92; Bhag. 5. 9. 11. -2 Incense. -3 Saffron. -4 Asafoetida. - Residue of seeds ground for oil; * 1902|1977 Pt. 3. 99. fathe: S.) 1 A paternal grand-father. -2 An epithet of Brahman. -GT: (pl.) The Manes; agura ata a fari Mb. 14. 2. 2. fua (Ved.) Food, sacrificial fee; 3 a foar fad Ait. Br. 1. 13. faguro: Bestower of food ( an epithet of Soma). faa m. (gra safa, f. ] A father; are : foam a R. 14. 23; 1. 2+; 11. 67. -* (dual) Parents, father and mother; a: fait u e PRIR. 1.1; Y. 2. 117. -T: (pl.) -1 Fore-fathers, ancestors, fathers; nUnaM prasUtivikalena mayA prasiktaM dhautAvazeSa #feat: S. 6. 24.-2 Paternal ancestors taken collectively; 37719h foaferente: fa: Ms. 2. 151. -8 The Manes ; R. 2. 16; 3. 20; fequafar afH Bg. 10. 29; Ms. 3.81, 192. -Comp. - a. acquired by a father, paternal ( as property ). - 1., - , -kRtyam,-kriyA oblations or saerifice offerd to deceased ancestors, obsequial rites; 147:41 : Hag aang Ms. 3. 252. - Teg: 1 performance of the Sraddha ceremony in honour of the Manes. -2 Brahma's day of new moon.-FT a cemetery ; 377fa marga 1 a foara-11e431 R. 11. 16.- N. of a river rising in the Malaya mountain. -1: the death anniversary; BTT ag a arata 1 Mb. 13. 88. 10. TUT: 1 the whole body of ancestors taken collectively. -2 a class of Manes or deceased progenitors who were sons of the Prajapati; 11. Toate afegy: A1: 1 aarmRSINAM sarveSAM putrAH pitRgaNAH smRtaaH|| virATsutAH somasadaH sAdhyAnAM far: qat: f 12 arai Artan a gar | Ms. 3. 194-195. TOT N. of of Durga. - a. devolving on, or belonging to a father. 464 1 & paternal mansion. -2 a cemetery, burial-ground. - 16 , -arfare, : m.a parricide. - 1 an oblation to the Manes. - 2 the act of throwing water out of the right hand (as at the time of ablutions) as an offering to the Manes or deceased ancestors; i arat : $17 aferagator Ms. 2. 176. -3 nesamum. -4 gifts given at Sraddhas or funeral rites. - the part of the hand between the thumb and the fore-finger sacred to the Manes ). -farfer: f. the day of new-moon (374191FA). - 1 N. of the place called Gaya where the performance of funeral rites, such as Sra. ddhas in honour of the Manes, is held to be particularly meritorious. -2 the part of the hand between the fore-finger and the thumb (considered to be sacred to the Manes ). -74 father, grand father and great grand-father. - a. given by a father as a woman's peculiar property ). - an offering to the Manes. - : patrimony. - the day of new-moon ( arta). a. 1 worshipping a father. -2 relating to the worship of the Manes. (-ar:) the divine Manes. ad a. 1 presided over by the Manes. -2 relating to the worship of the Manes. (- ) N. of the tenth lunar mansion (91).- azt a. belonging to the worship of the Manes. ( TL) a sacrifice offered to the Manes on the day called 310FT; i 31999aaaaaa yeta: Ram. 2. 108. 14. - patrimony; pitRdravyAvirodhena yadanyat svayamarjitam Y. 2. 118. - Ter: 1 the paternal side, paternal relationship. -2 a relative by the father's side. -8 'the fortnight of the Manes'; N. of the dark half of Bhadra pada which is particularly appointed for the celebration of obsequial rites to the Manes. -ofa: an epithet of Yama. TCH the world of the Manes, -foc m. a paternal grandfather. -gait (foar-gait dual) father and son. (fag: 97: means 'the son of a well-known and ronowned father').-pUjanam worship of the Manes: pativratA dharmaqaft foar TI Ms. 3. 262. -athe a. (- s.) inherited from ancestors, ancestral, hereditary. (- : pl.) ancestors. -TEC: f. 1 a paternal grand-mother. -2 evening twilight; artritisafari fagar999327, f ugfagtagfa Ram. Ch. 6. 38. - a. 1 inherited from a father. -2 inherited patrimonially. Try a kinsman by the father's side; they are :-f9g: fog tag: 971: faguig vag: gar: 1 fagurgoyafaat: f9949:11 ( n.) relationship by the father's side. The Magha star; sa bda Ch. - a. dutifully attached to a father. bhaktiH f. filial duty. -bhojanam food offered to the Manes. - IT m. a father's brother, paternal uncle. - 1 a paternal mansion. -2 a cemetery. FT: a sacrifice offered to the Manes, obsequial offerings; y: 499 Ftsatt faqavi 441977 Ms. 5. 65; Mb. 16.7.23.- : 1 obsequial offerings. -2 offering libations of water every day to the deceased ancestors, it is one of the five daily Yajnas enjoined to be performed by a Brahmana; fausti 2014 Ms. 3. 10; also 122, 283.- the way of the Manes (to their world). TTT m., TTT:, -TTGT m. an epithet of Yama.-9: an epithet of Siva.ut the world of the Manes. -ET: the paternal family. -aa 1 a cemetery; 947 faaaa 12 afagfegre Mb. 12. 111. 9. -2 death, the abode of death; faaaa z afa fanati: Mb. 11. 3. 5. (faqat: 1 a demon, goblin. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #395 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pitRka 1022 pinAkI -2 an epithet of Siva). -vasatiHf.,-saman n.a_cemetery; trilokanAthaH pitRsadmagocaraH Ku.5.77. -vAsaraparvan the period of performing the obsequious rites for the Manes%3B Ganesa P.2.-vrata: a worshipper of the Manes. (-tam) obsequial rites. -zrAddham obsequial rites in honour of atather or deceased ancestor. -sva sR/(also pitRSvasa as well as pituH svasa or pituHdhvam) a father's sister; Ms. 2. 131. -dhvasrIyaH a paternal aunt's son. -saMnibhaH a. fatherly, paternal. -sUH 1 a paternal grandmother. -3 evening twilight. -sthAnaH, sthAnIyaH a guardian (who is in the place of a father). -nam The abode of death; see pitRvana; AninyathuH pitRsthAnAd gurave gurudakSiNAm Bhag.10.85.32. -hatyA parricide. -han m. a parrieide. hUm. the right ear; pitRhanRpa puyoM dvArdakSiNena puraJjanaH Bhag. 4. 25.50. for a. 1 Paternal, ancestral, hereditary. -2 Obsequial. pitRmat a. 1 Having a father. -2 Having an illus-. trious father. -3 Accompanied by or connected with the Manes. -4 Mentioning the Manes. pitRvat a. Having a father living. -ind. Like a father or the Manes. fragt: 1 A father's brother, paternal uncle. -2 Any elderly male relation; Ms. 2. 130. -Comp. -get: a father's brother's son, cousin. pittam Bile, one of the three humours of the body (the other two being ata and **) and its chief quality (heat); pittaM yadi zarkarayA zAmyati ko'rthaH paTolena Pt.1.3783 pittamuSNaM dravaM pItaM nIlaM satvaguNottaram / saraM kaTu laghu snigdhaM tIkSNamamle tu paaktH||; madhyAhne ca yathArdharAtrasamaye pittaprakopo bhavet Bhava. P. -Comp. -atIsAraH a bilious form of diar-: rhoea. -abhiSyanda: a bilious torm of ophthalmia. -ariH N. of several plants lAkSA, vavara &c. -upahata a. affected by bile; pazyati pittopahataH zazizubhaM zakhamapi pItam K. P. 10. 478. -kozaH, -paH the gall-bladder. -kSobha: excess or derangement of the bilious humour. -gadin a. bilious, affected by bile. -jvaraH, -dAhaH a bilious fever.-drAvin the sweet eitron. -dhara a. bilious. -dharA f. A kind of kala (one of the substrata of the humours) in the body; SaSThI pittadharA nAma yA kalA parikIrtitA / pakkAmAzayamabhyasthA grahaNI sA prakIrtitA; Susruta. -prakRti3. of a bilious or choleric temperament. -prakopa: excess and vitiation of the bilious humour. -bheda: see pittakSobhaH; avInAM pittabhedazca sarveSAmiti naH zrutam Mb. 12. 283.55. -bheSajam a sort of pulse (Mar. masUra). -raktam plethora. -vallabhA see ativiSA. -ay: flatulence caused by the excess and vitiation of the bilious humour. -vidagdha a. impaired by bile. -vinAzana, -zamana, -hara a. antibilious. pittaka: An inferior variety of gems; Kau. A. 2.11.29. pittala a. Bilious. -lam 1 Brass. -2 A species of birch tree. picya . [pituridaM priyaM vA pitRta AgataM vA yat ] 1 Paternal, patrimonial, ancestral. -2 (a) Relating or sacred to the deceased ancestors; Ms. 2.58. (1) Obsequial. -jya: 1the eldest brother. -2 The month of Magha. -501 1 The constellation called Magha. - The day of full as well as new moon. -vya m 1 The lunar mansion called Magha. -2 The part of the hand between the fore-finger and the thumb (sacred to the Manes). -3 The Sraddha ritual (zrAddhakalpa); Ch. Up.7.1.2.-4 The nature of a father. forem . A bird. for : A road, path. fare a. Being about to fly or fall. pidhA 3 U. See under dhA. pidhAtavya a. To be shut, covered or closed; guroryatra parIvAdo nindA vApi pravartate / karNau tatra pidhAtavyau gantavyaM vA tto'nytH|| Ms. 2. 200. FORETT 1 Covering, concealing. - 2 A sheath. 3 A wrapper, cloak. -4 A lid or top. -8 A particular process to which quicksilver is subjected. A cover, lid. pidhAnakam 1 A sheath, scabbard. -2 A lid. pidhAyaka a. Covering, hiding, concealing. fofa p. p. 1 Shut, closed, barred. -2 Covered, concealed, hidden. -3 Filled or covered with; see apihita also. -tam A figure of speech which consists in insinuating to a person that one knows his secrets. pina 4 U. 1 To fasten, gird round, bind; atipinaddhena valkalenaS.13 mandAramAlA hariNA pinaddhA S.7.2. -2 To put on, wear; kavacaM pinA Bk.3.47. -3 To cover, envelop%3B kusumamiva pinaddhaM pANDupatrodareNa 5.1.19. pinaddha pp. 1 Fastened, tied or put on; AliGgantu gRhItadhUpasurabhIn stambhAn pinaddhasrajaH Mu. 3. 2. -2 Dressed. -3 Hid, concealed. -4 Pierced, penetrated. -5 Wrapped, covered, enveloped. faad ind. Having dressed. pinAkaH, -kam [ pA rakSaNe Akan nuT dhAtorAta itvam Up. 4. 15.] 1 The bow of Siva; nipapAta javAdiSuH pinAkAn mahato' bhrAdiva vaidyataH kRzAnu: Ki. 13. 20. -2 A trident; "pinAko'strI rudra cApe pAMzuvarSatrizUlayoH 'Medini. -3 A bow in gneral.-4 A staff or stick. -8 A shower of dust. -Comp. -gopa, -dhRk,-dhRta,-pANi m. epithets of Siva; dvau varAsidharau rAjannekaH zaktipinAkadhUka Mb. 5.155. 17; 3. 167.53 kuryo harasyApi pinAkapANedhairyacyutim Ku. 3. 10. pinAkin m. An epithet of Siva; Ku. 5.77%; mRgAnusAriNaM sAkSAt pazyAmIva pinAkinam S. 1.6. foarte f. A variety of fiddle. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #396 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pinyAsaH 1028 pizuna pinyAsaH Asafwtida (Mar. hiMga). fagfit A female elephant. pinv 10. (pinvati-te) 1 To cause to swell or over piza 6U.(piMzati-te) To shape, fashion, form; tvaSTA flow. -2 To wet, moisten. -3 To emit, discharge, pour rUpANi piMzatu Rv. 10. 184.1. -2 To be organised. -3 To forth. -4 (Atm.) To swell, overflow. light, irradiate. -4 To be reduced to one's constituent parte. - Ved. To adorn, decorate. - To make ready, pipatiSat m. A bird. foulag a. Being about to fall. -9: A bird. piza . 1 Free from sin.-2 Multiform.. pipAsA Thirst. pizaGga [piMza-aGgac kicca] Reddish-brown, reddish, pipAsita, pipAsin, pipAsu a. Thirsty. of a tawny colour; madhyesamudra kakubhaH pizaGgIHi.3.333; 1.6%3 Ki. 4.36. -* The tawny colour. pipItakI The twelfth day of the light half of Vaisakha. pizaGgaka: An epithet of Visnu or his attendant. pipIlA,-pipIlI An ant; na cAhaM kAmaye pApamapi kITa- pizaGgin a. Brown, tawny. pipIlayoH Mb.5.163.26. pizaGgilA Bell-metal. pipIlaka: A large black ant. pizAcaH [pizitamAcAmati, A + cam bA0 Da pRSo.] A pipIlika: An ant. -kam A kind of gold (said to be i fiend, goblin, devil, spirit, malevolent being; nanvAzvAsitaH collected by ants); tad vai pipIlika nAma uddhRtaM yat pipIlakaH / pizAco'pi bhojanena V.23 Ms. 1.37% 12.44. -Comp. jAtarUpaM droNameyamahAvuH puJjazo nRpaaH|| Mb. 2.52.4. -Comp. -AlayaH phosphorescence. -caryA the practice of pizAca. -puTam an ant-hill. -du: a kind of tree.-bAdhA, saMcAra: demoniacal possespipIlikA A female ant; maNimayamandiramadhye pazyati pipIlikA sion. -bhASA 'the language of devils',angibberish or chidram. -Comp.-parisapeNam the running about of ants. corruption of Sanskrit, one of the lowest Prakrita dialects used in plays. -sabham 1an assemblage of -madhya a.N. of a kind of fast; of. Kull. on Ms. 11. 216.. fiends. -2 pandemonium, the hall of their assembly. pippaTA (-DA) 1 A kind of sweetmeat. -2 Sugar. . pizAcakin m. An epithet of Kubera, the god of pippala: 1 The holy fig-tree (Mar. piMpaLa); Y. 1. 302. wealth. -2 A nipplu. -3 The sleeve of a jacket or coat. -4 A pizAciH Ved. = pizAca q.v. bird kept free (not confined in a cage). -lam 1 A berry in general. -2 A berry of the holy fig-tree. -3 / pizAcikA 1A she-demon, a female imp. -2 (At Sensual enjoyment; Bhag. 3. 4. 8. -4 Water. -5 The the end of comp. ) Devilish or dia bolical fondness for off ect arising trom acts (karmajanyaphala); Munda. 3. 1. 1; a thing; kimanayA AyudhapizAcikayA Mv. 3 'devilish fondness ekastayoH khAdati pippalAnamanyo niranno'pi balena bhUyAn Bhag. 11. for fighting'; (pizAcI is used in the same gemse; tasya 11.6. -Comp. -ada,-azana a.1 eating the fruit of the khalviyaM yAvajjIvamAyudhapizAcI na hRdayAdapakrAmati B. R.43 or Pippala tree. -2 given to sensual pleasures. kiyacciramiyamatinArayiSyati bhavantamAyudhapizAcI A. R.4). pippaliH, -lI/. Long pepper. pizitam [piza-kta; Up.3.95] 1 Flesh; kutrApi nApi pippikA The tartar of the teeth. khalu hA pizitasya lezaH Bv.1.105%3 R.7.50. -2 A small piece or part. -Comp. -azanaH,-AzaH,-Azin, -bhuj forg: A mark, mole, freckle. m. 1 flesh-eater, a demon, goblin; (chAyAH) saMbhyApayodapiba a. What drinks nalacchAyapibApi ; dRSTiH N. 6. 34; 9. . kapizAH pizitAzanAnAM caranti 5.3.26%3 Mb. 3.142.37. -2a 124; 16.90. man-eater, cannibal. -3 a wolf. -foug: a piece of flesh. -prarAha: a fleshy excrescence. piyAla: N. of a tree; mRgAH priyAladumamaJjarINAM rajaHkaNairvinita- dRSTipAtAH Ku. 3. 31. -lam The fruit of this tree. pizuna [piz-unaca kicca ; Up. 3.5] 1(a) Indicat ing, manifesting, evincing, displaying, indicative of'; pilU 10 U.(pelayati-te) 1 To throw, east. -2 To send, zatrUnAmAnazaM vinAzapizunaH Si.1.75%; tulyAnurAgapizunam V.2.143 direct. -8 To incite, prompt. R. 1.53; Amaru. 97. (b) Memorable for, commemopilATam A part of the elephant's face. (This is a rating; kSetraM kSatrapradhanapizunaM kauravaM tad bhajethAH Me.48.-2 Slanterm used by Vaijayanti while Matanga L. uses derous, back-biting, calumniating; pizunajanaM khalu bibhrati 'bilAgam'). fedt-ar: Bv. 1. 74. -8 Betraying, treacherous. -4 Harsh, cruel, unkind. -6 Wicked, malicious; malignant. piluH See pIlu. -6 Low, vile, contemptible; of a wicked person; pizuna pillaa. Blear-eyed. -lam A bleared eye. bhojanaM bhukte brahmahatyAsamaM viduH Mb. 13. 136.16. -7 Foolish, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #397 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pizunayati 1024 stupid. 27: 1 A slanderer, back-biter, tale-bearer, base piSTikam A cake made of rice-flour. informer, traitor, valumniator; varaM prANatyAgo na ca pizuna- / piSTikA Thin paste of raw rice or pulse%3 dAliH sasthAvAkyeSvabhiruciH H. 1. 116; Pt. 1. 304; Ms. 3. 161; pizunatA pitA toye tato'pahRtakaJcakA / zilAyAM sAdhu saMpiSTA piSTikA kathitA yadyasti kiM pAtakaiH Bh. 1.55.-2 Cotton. -3 An epithet vudhaiH|| of Narada. - A Grow. -5N. of a goblin (said to be dangerous to pregnant women). -6 N. of a writer on pis 1.1P. (pesati) 'To go, move. -II. 10 U. (pesaarthazAstra mentioned by Kautilya in connection with rAja- yati-te) 1 To go. -2 To be strong. -3 To dwell. -4 To putrarakSaNa; Kau. A.1.17.-nam 1 Betraying. -2 Saffron. ___hurt, injure. -5 To give or take. -Comp.-vacanam,-vAkyam,-vAda: slander, detraction, calumny. pispRkSu . 1 Wishing to touch. -2 (with jalam or salilam ) Being about to rinse the mouth or to perform pizunayati Den. P. To indicate, show; pizunayati ablution; kadAcit prAtarutthAya pispRkSuH salilaM zuci Mb.12.228.6. rathaste zIkaraklinnanemiH 5.7.7. pihita See under pidhA. foglata p. p. Betrayed, shown. pI + A. (pIyate) To drink; tava vadanabhavAmRtaM nipIya Mk. pizIlam,-lakam Ved. An earthen vessel. 10.13 N. 1.1. piS I. 7 P. (pinaSTi, piSTa) 1 To pound, grind, pIcam The chin. pulverize, crush; athavA bhavataH pravartanA na kathaM piSTamiyaM pinaSTi naH N.2.61; 13. 19% mASapeSaM pipeSa Mv.6.45%3 Bk.6.37%3 # 1 A seat ( a stool, chair, bench, sofa &c.); javana pIThAdudatiSThadacyutaH Si. 1. 123 R.4.84%36. 15. -2 The 12. 18; Bv. 1. 12. -2 To hurt, injure, destroy, kill . (with gen.); krameNa peSTuM bhuvanadviSAmasi Si. 1. 40. -Caus. / seat of a religious student made of Kusa grass. -3 1 To grind, pound. -2 To hurt, injure. - To give. -4 The seat of a deity, an altar. -4 A pedesta.l in gemeTo be strong. -BTo dwell. -II. 1 P., 10 U. (peSati, / ral, basis. -B A particular posture in sitting. -6 ( In peSayati-te) Togo. move. geometry) The complement of a segment. -7 N. of various temples ; pIThaM jAlaMdharaM nAma tiSThatyatra caturmukha YogapiSTa pp. [piSa-ta] 1 Ground, powdered, crushed; sikhopanisad, 5. 11. -8 A royal seat, throne. -9 A yat piSatAmapi nRNAM piSTo'pi tanoSi parimalaiH puSTim Bv.1.12.-2 / district, province. -Comp. -adhikAraH appointment to Rubbed together, squeezed or clasped (as the hands). an office. -keli: a male confidant, a parasite. -gaa.1 -3 Kneaded. -STam 1 Anything ground, a ground lame, erippled. -2 seated in one's seat (not a warrior); substance. -2 Flour, meal; piSTaM pinaSTi he grinds flour'; yo'pi syAt pIThagaH kazcit kiM punaH samare sthitaH Mb.3.22.24 i. e. does a useless work or a profitless repetition. (com. pIThagaH khAsanasthaH ayuddhamAno'pItyarthaH / ). -garbha: the cavity -3 Lead. -Comp. -ada. eating flour. -udakam water in the pedestal of an idol. -cakram a carriage.-nAyikA mixed with flour; piSTodakaM suto yasya pItvA kSIrasya tRSNayA girl of fourteen ( before menstruation) who represents Mb. 1. 131.57. -pacanam a pan for parching flour, a_ Durga at the festival of that goddess. -bhUHf. basis, boiler &c. -pazu: an effigy of a beast made with flour. basement. -made a very impudent.-de:1 a companion, -pAkamRt m. a boiler. -pAka: a quantity of baked | parasite, one who assists the hero of a drama in great flour. -pAcakam a boiler. -piNDa: a cake or a ball of undertakings, e. g. in securing his mistress; Dk. 2. 2; flour. -pUra se ghRtapUra.-peSaH,-peSaNam grinding flourie. so pIThamardikA 'a lady who assists the heroine in securing doing any useless work or vain or profitless repetition. her lover'; upasthitA pIThamardikA paNDitakauzikI puraskRtya devI nyAyaHe under nyAya.-meha: a variety of diabetes.-vartiH M. 1. 18/14.-2 a dancing master who instructs courta kind of small ball made of the flour of barley, pulse ezans in the art of dancing. - a. lame, crippled; or rice. -saurabham (pounded) sandal wood. Ms.8.394; kartavye puruSavyAghra kimAsse pIThasarpavat Mb.3.35.22. piSTakaH, -kama 1A cake made of the flour of any pIThakA,-kam A seat; hastinAM pIThakAnAM ca gardabhAnAM tathaiva ca grain. -2 A baked, bread. -3 A disease of the Mb. 1.84.21 (com. pIThakAnAM rAjayogyAnAM narayAnavizeSANAM eye opacity of the cornea. -kam Pounded sesamum 'tarabatarAvA' iti mleccheSu prasiddhAnAm / ). Beeds. pIThikA 1A seat ( bench, stool). -2 A pedestal, piSTapaH,-pam A division of the universe; of. viSTapa. -3 A section or division of a book, as the pUrva pIThikA and uttarapIThikA of dazakumAracarita. piSTAtaH, piSTAtaka: Fragrant powder (piSTAtaH paTavAsakaH Ak.); vRSTapA piSTAtakasya yutimiha malaye merutulyAM dadhAnaH Nag. 2. pIThI A wooden seat; L. D. B. 13. (This powder is sprinkled over each other at Holi pIDa 10 U. [pIDayati-te, pIDita ] 1 To pain, torment, festival). harm, hurt, injure, harass, annoy, molest; nIlaM cApIpiforens Scented or perfumed powder. uccharaiH Bk. 15.823; Pt. 1. 348; Ms.4.67,28877.29. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #398 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pIDakaH 1026 pIthaH -2 To oppose, resist. -8 To besiege (as a city). -4 To press or squeeze together, compress, pinch; 07 Tieya Mk. 9; a frig auf d: 447 Bh. 2. 5; 19 iftar R. 19. 35. - To suppress, destroy; 31164450EUR 49: Fica at Ms. 1. 51. -6 To noglect. -7 To cover with anything inauspicious. -8 To eclipse. -9 To overpower. -10 To break, violate. -11 To take away, remove. -12 To stir, agitate. -13 To cover, wrap. -14 To leave a way, give up; auf : T heya: Si. 11. 1. 15. An oppressor. FH [Pie na ] 1 Paining, distressing, oppressing, inflicting pain; Ms. 9. 299; adatai samudbhUto hutAzanaH / rAjJaH zriyaM kulaM prANAnnAdagbhvA vinivartate // Pt. 1. 345; 915991: N. of a chapter in Kau. A. (8.4). -2 (a) Squeezing; pressing; Ram. 7.16.29; gafarafasta fa Git. 10; Galsts reaat 14 Ch. P. 44. (1) Pressure; Haifacadearia a afatilana: Mal. 9. 38.-3 An instrument for pressing. -4 Taking, holding, seizing, as im karapIDana or pANipIDana q.v. -5 Laying waste, devastation. -6 Threshing corn. -7 An eclipse; as in grahapIDana q. v. zazidivAkarayorgrahapIDanam Bh. 2.91. -8 Suppressing sounds, a fault in the pronunciation of vowels. GET [ wafuate 31 ] Pain, trouble, suffering, annoyance, molestation, agony; 37244418 R. 1. 37 disturbance', 71; HCR, efta &c. -2 Injury, damage, harm; CAICOTCH 27 eur a ar: Bg. 17. 19; Ms. 7. 169. -3 Devastation, laying waste. --Violation, infringement. - Restriction. -6 Pity, compassion. -7 Eclipse. -8 A cha plet, garland for the head. -9 The Sarala tree. -10 A basket. -Comp. - a. troublesome, painful. TUTH torturing. - Te house of correction. -HIGT a. showing wavy marks of pressure. FTTH (In astrol.) inauspicious distance of a planet). nirea p. p. [ 410-] 1 Pained, harassed, tor- mented, oppressed, pinched. -2 Squeezed, pressed; Trofee taugafeagan (1994) Mu. 2. 12. -8 Espoused, held, seized ; 7 a: Trafo a otra: U. 7. 5. -4 Violated, broken. -8 Laid waste, devastated. -8 Eclipsed. - Bound, tied. -- 1 Paining, injuring, harassing. -2 A particular mode of sexual enjoyment. -24 ind. Fast, closely, firmly. fra a. [ 91 for th] 1 Drunk, quaffed ; 11 diaafaceri ( A ) R. 2.1. - Steeped, soaked in, filled or saturated with. -8 Absorbed, drunk up, evaporated; ravipItajalA tapAtyaye punarodhena hi yujyate nadI Ku. 4.41. -4 Watered, sprinkled with water; y a 48 czasula eshitatag at $.4.9. -5 Yellow; fag 92fagradaria: Mk. 5. 2. -: 1 Yellow colour. -2 Topaz. -3 Safflower. -4 A yellow pigment prepared 8. . #....989 from cow's urine. - 1 Gold. -2 Yellow orpiment. -Comp. -3et: an epithet of Agastya. -3772T: 1 an epithet of Visnu; fa fanfea: sta: francati 741SATIL Git. 12. -2 an actor. -3 a religious mendicant wear. ing yellow garments. -37 EU a. yellowish-red. (-UT: ) the middle of day-break. -34T m. topaz. - a species of banana (svarNakadalI). -kandam the carrot. Tech 1 saffron. - 2 brass. Fight yellow sanders. for The N. of a tree Henna). y: yellow leprosy; dua ta dago: gori - T: a. one who has ratified a treaty by drinking from a cup; Raja. T. - TEETH yellow sandal. - ra 1 a species of sandal-wood. -2 saffron. -3 turmeric. -79 a lamp. qua: a Karandava bird. -T5 n. a kind of pine or Sarala tree. -TET 1 a milch cow. -2 a cow whose milk has been pledged. -8 a cow tied up to be milked. - the Sarala tree. - a. immersed in slumber. fia. green. : the green colour. - IT a kind of bird ( Mar. A). - : N. of several plants, 449%, Taf &c. for: a topaz. Are a kind of mineral substance. Ata: a kind of snake. H the carrot. - eft yellow jasmine. - a. yellowish-red, orange-coloured. (- ) a kind of yellow gem, the topaz. ITT: 1 the yellow colour. -2 wax. -3 the fibres of a lotus. 64 brass. -all turmeric. THE m. an epithet of Krisna or an Avatara of Visnu; ... 9 are afa ATH : 7 Haftu HET: Ramaraksa 25. Trora a. bloody (a sword ). -ET: 1 the topaz. -2 the sandal tree. (- ) yellow sandal-wood. eft n. antimony. Aft: a hog. -sphaTika: the topaz.. -sphoTa: the itch or sea b. -harita 4. yellowish-green. fan a. Yellow. -5: The Asoka tree. - 1 Yellow orpiment. -2 Brass. -3 Saffron. -4 Honey, -8 Aloewood. -6 Sandal-wood. -7 Yellow sandal. FIAT: 1 A species of fig-tree (waved-leaf). -2 The hog-plum tree. - 1 Yellow or piment -2 Saffron. -3 The Sarala tree. pItala a. Yellow. -la: The yellow colour. -lam Brass. pItalakam Brass. otra: A horse. -J. 1 Draught, drinking. 2 A tavern. -3 The proboscis of an elephant. -4 Goiny. -5 Protection Ved). offa, m. A horse. offit 1 Saffron. -2 Turmeric. -3 Yellow jasmine. dig: 1 The sun. -2 Fire -8 The chief elephant of a herd. Aft: 1 The sun. -2 Time. -3 Fire. -4 Protection. -8 Drink; 22a ata a Arargah Bhag. 5. 15. 12. - 1 Water. -2 Ghee. AA For Private and Personal Use Only Page #399 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pIthi: 1026 offer: A horse. fra a. [Carg-r-Asard etd:). 1 Fat, fleshy, corpulent, U. 6. 13; 'strong'. -2 Plump, large, thick; as in paraat. -3 Full, round. - Swollen, large, big. -8 Brawny. -6 Profuse, excessive. -Comp. - . (91 ) a cow with full udders. -27deg a. full-chested, having a full bosom. Hae: 1 Cold affecting the nose. -2 Cough, catarrh. dig: 1 A crow -2 The sun. -8 Fire. -4 An owl. -3 Time. -6 Gold. age, - [ 012-397, Uu.4.76] 1 Nectar, ambrosia; hafta gozriyaqui: Bh. 2.78; 371 4149 ETIH G. L. 53. -2 Milk in general. -3 The milk of a cow during the first seven days after calving. -4 The first milk given by a cow after calving. Comp. -dhAmanm .the moon. -bhAnuH the moon%3; tat sarva jayati prasAdamahimA pIyuSabhAnorayam Cholachampukavyam 5. 63. -HET m., -a : 1 the moon. -2 camphor. -at: 1 a shower of nectar. -2 the moon. -8 camphor. 1 P. (af) 1 To check, obstruct, hinder. -2 To stop. - To become stupid. #: The large black ant. og: [41a-] 1 An arrow. -2 An atom; 47217 gala area ga ngegar Vis. Guna. 552. -3 An insect. -4 An elephant. -5 The stem of the palm.-6-A flower. -7 A group of palm trees; Mb. 7. 178. 24. -8 A land of tree. -9 A heap of bones. -10 The central part of the hand. - .. The fruit of the Pilu tree. -Comp. -991: the Murva plant. -Quit 1 a kind of drug.-2 N. of two plants. - enfem. a Vaisesika. (One who maintains the doctrine that beat acts only onthe atoms of matter, as of a jar, and not on the whole body.) pIluka: An ant. pIlunI Sanseviara Roxburghiana (Mar. moravela). dia i P. (nafa) To be fat or corpulent. gra, ftat, iae u. Fat, corpulent. gian, a. (part 1) [1-faq go :) 1 Full, fat, large; faardt 11 har hun alt 44 Bha. 7. 13. 16. -2 Stout, strong. -m. Wind. fat a. (-11, - f.) [ az 90 218 ] 1 Fat, large, stout, Aeshy, corpulent; arradat adusga 44 R. 3. 8; 5. 65; 19.32. - 2 Plump, thick. -T: A tortoise. - 1 A young woman. -2 A cow. -Comp. - Faft 1 a woman with fat or large breasts. -2 a cow with a large udder. pIvA Water. ga 10 U. [gaefa-a] 1 To crush, grind. - To pain, trouble, punish. ja m. [ufa 9-916 3497 Un. 4. 177] (Nom. 9417, gier, gate; Instr. du. grut; Voc. sing. 941) 1 A male, male being; gfe faarafa 92 FAIT N. 5. 110. -2 A man, human being; ref: gata. H. 1. -3 Man, mankind, people; qra: jei gyface: Me. 12. -4 A servant, an attendant. -6 A word in the masculine gender. -8 The masculine gender ; jfa argaan Ak. -7 The soul. -8 A living being; Halal ga: aaaa : Bhag. 11. 22. 40. -9 A kind of Naraka; apatyamasmi te puMsastrANAt putra iti smRtaH Mb.14.90.63. -Comp.-319 a. (HTF) having an elder brother. -39 (GHGFIT) a girl born after the male child; i. e. a girl having an elder brother. -379214 (9892 ) a male child. 3 : (HU) 1 the aim of man. -2 any one of the four ends of human existence; i. e. 6, 374, +18 and HTC; see gem. -39782T (GHTET) a designation of a male being. -371 : (GHT:) a usage of men. - : f. a man's hip. -FTAT a woman wishing for a husband; P. VIII. 3. 6. Kasi. #frica: a male cuckoo; elocital 59143: ga qayt 5 Ku. 3. 32. at: (ges:) a male plant. - : (ja) 1 a bull, an ox. -2 (at the end of comp.) chief, best, most excellent, distinguished or pre-eminent of any class ; vAlmIkirmunipuMgavaH Ram.; 80 gajapuMgavaH Bh. 2. 31, argona: &c. : an epithet of Siva ; faalyse: gnataria Ku. 7. 77. T: ( :) an adulterer. (gad a harlot, an unchaste woman; Y. 1. 162. Ms. 4. 220; 361 a ya ga qada: jerat faratat fargar a faetaa: 11 Brav. P. - 2: (acy:) the son of a harlot. f. ( ) Ved. a harlot. Eh (g ) the characteristic of a male, the membrum virile. -JFHET T HE ). the birth of a male child. "47:, :,deg2141: a constellation under which male children are born. Te: (TEIE: ) a male slave. - 4: (geaf: ) 1 the male of any species of animal. -2 a mouse 797 (ga ) a male asterism. -2 an asterism under which male children are born. T: (gar:) 1'an elephant among men', a distinguished man. -2 a white elephant. -3 a white lotus. -4 nutmeg. - N. of a tree called APOTT; R. 4. 57. -6 N. of a tree (Mar. Estu); Mb. 1. 63. 43; Bhag. 8. 2. 18. Are, -3: (galei, -3:) N. of a tree. 4: ( :) a male. -TAT (gara ) a. holding a masculine name. (-m.) 1 the tree called art, -a: a male child; P. VIII. 3. 6. Kasi. -prajananam the male organ of generation. -bhAvaH (gara:) manhood, masculine gender. - 7 (4 ) m. a word of the masculine gender used only in the plural number ; : gufta crear: Ak. : (gr) 1 cohabitation with or relation to a man; P. IV. 1. 48. -2 reference to a male or husband; gat er. - For Private and Personal Use Only Page #400 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1027 puTanam (TAH) an excellent man. -Tret: (:) a male sign of the zodiac. - (g ) the form of a man. -lakSaNam manliness. -liGga . (puMliGga) of the masculine gender, masculine. ( TH) 1 masculine gender. -2 virility, manhood. -3 the male organ.-257 (gara:) a bull-calf. - 9: (gay) the musk-rat. -a a.(gar) dressed like a male, clad in male attire. 27 ( 9 ) a. causing the birth of a male child. (- ) the first of the purificatory Samskaras : it is a ceremony performed on woman's perceiving the first signs of a living conception, with a view to the birth of a son; 1**gaafu: 21: (747) R.3.10. -2 foetus; 44 aesgrayai 912: jaalla 21a gara wafa Bhag. 5. 24. 15. -3 the time after a woman's courses 3 tapastatvA vrataparA snAtA puMsavane zuciH, upacakrAma bhartAram Mb. 1. 31. 25. - 4 milk. jeft A cow which has a bull-calf. geag 1 The characteristic of a male, virility, potency, masculineness; MIT jarayofaa: Y. 1. 55; fara m a ra Tarka K. -2 Semen virile. -3 The masculine gender. gat ind. 1 Like a man; 197 YTEHT R. 6. 20. -2 In the masculine gender. g&T a. (aft.), g** a. (- f.) Low, vile. --Ti, -T:, - N. of a degraded mixed caste, the offspring of a Nisada by a Sudra woman; Targu Great Halaq: Ms. 10. 18. -aft, - 1 A bud. -2 The Indigo plant. -3 A woman of the Pukkasa caste. g&T a. Low, vile. -# A man of the Pukkasa trihe. je:,- Igats aala, -3 ] 1 The feathered part of an arrow; wegla: 412 yeaca R. 2. 31; 3. 64; 9. 61. -2 A faloon, heron. -3 An auspicious ceremony; L. D. B. gfera a. Furnished with feathers ( as an arrow). 96,-64 A heap, collection, multitude. gors: The soul. goat: An elephant in the second year; Matanga L. 5. 3. goce 1P. To err, to go astray; L. D. B. 9833, -634 1 A tail in general; 9211 gegaala fagah U. 4. 27.-2 A hairy tail. -3 A peacock's tail. -4 The hinder part. -5 The end of anything. -Comp. -3274; - the tip of the tail. - F: a scorpion. - the root of the tail. gosla:, -et f. Cracking the fingers ( **). get A heap, multitude, quantity, mass, collection; atgada 1995 Ku. 7. 26; wgrala na furah: gi fan fag: Git. 11. gefa Den. P., ggfls 8 U. To heap, collect together. I f. A heap, quantity, mass. -Comp. -g: a. hea ped. (-5:) Ved. 1 a fisherman. -2 a bird catcher. puJjikaH Hail. gradar f. N. of a celestial nymph ; Mark. P. 15a a. 1 Hea ped, collected, hea ped together ; U. 5. 14. - 2 Pressed together. TE I. 6 P. (gafa) 1 To embrace, clasp. -2 To intertwine. -II. 10 U. (gzafa-a) 1 To be in contact with. -2 To bind together, fasten. -3 ( af ) (a) To grind, reduce to powder. (1) To speak. (c) To shine. -III. 1 P. ( fa) 1 To grind. - To rub. ge:, -TH [92- ] 1 A fold. -2 A hollow space, cavity, concavity; f a r qarte: R. 9. 68; 11. 23; 17.12; M.3. 9; 3755E, ATTE, FUga &c. -3 A cup made of a leaf folded or doubled; a vessel of leaves; great 92: 979 Heiz R. 2. 65; Ms. 6. 28. - Any shallow receptacle. -5 The pod or capsule which envelops young shoots. -8 A sheath, cover, covering -7 An eye-lid (gat also in all these senses). -8 A horse's hoof. -9 A cloth worn to cover the privities. -: 1 A casket. -2 The contracting of anything. -3 A folding of anything so as to form a cup. E# 1 A nutmeg. -2 Two vessels joined together for medical purposes. -Comp. -3755tfes: the two hollowed hands put together; Pilguga: feat gera garsfes: Brav. P.3.9, 23. -uTajam a white umbrella. -udaka: a cocon-nut. -grIvaH 1 a pot, jar, pitcher. -2 a copper-vessel. : a not yet full-grown cow with a calf. -919: 1 a particular method of preparing drugs, in which the various ingrodients are wrapped up in leaves, and being covered with clay are roasted in the fire; anibhinno gabhIratvAdanta[97844: 1 924971FIT THEY HEUTTA: U. 3. 1. -2 digesting. -3 subliming. : 1 a town, city. -2 a kind of musical instrument ( 31714). -'parting of tho eyelids', opening; gzat (5610taifeaze: U. 6.3. -4 a whirl-pool or eddy, a town, city; ? aftaagt T FEU Ha (237) Mb. 1. 100. 12; 92aza gyantara Si. 13. 26. ETH 1 A fold; 2 9135410 za ta: Bh. 1.95. -2 Any shallow cup or cavity. -3 A vessel made of a leaf. -4 A lotus. -5 Nutmeg. yeffaf 1 A lotus. -2 A group of lotuses. g Enveloping, wrapping. gigt a. Having a tail. -m. 1 A cock. -2 The Arka plant. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #401 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra giften 'puTikA Cardamoms. puTita a. 1 Rubbed, ground. -2 Contracted. -3 Stitched, sewn. - Split. - The hollow of the hands. get A small piece of cloth worn over the privities; (for other senses see 2). 1028 gel To make into a funnel-shaped vessel; B. R. ge 10 U. (geaf-a) 1 To become small, decrease, diminish. -2 To be low or shallow. -3 To disregard, disrespect. g6 P. 1 To leave, quit, abandon. -2 To dismiss. -3 To emit, send forth. -4 To discover. gu 6 P. (gufa) To be virtuous or holy, act in a virtuous manner. gue 10 U. (gozafa-) 1 To shine. -2 To speak. gu 1 P. (g) To grind, reduce to powder, pound. gue (= puNDaryam ). gus: A sign, mark. gog 1 A lotus-flower, especially a white lotus; Nelumbium Speciosum; hRtpuNDarIkAntarasaMniviSTaM svatejasA Sivakavacha; U. 6. 12, 29; Mal. 9. 14. -2 A white parasol. -3 A medicine, drug. - 1 The white colour. -2 N. of the elephant presiding over the sonth-east (lirection; tena dvipAnAmiva puNDarIko rAjJAmajamyo'jani go: R. 18. 8. -8 A tiger. -4 A kind of serpent. - A species of rice. -6 A kind of leprosy. -7 A fever in an elephant. -8 A kind of mango tree. -9 A pitcher, water-pot. -10 Fire. -11 A (sectarial) mark on the fore-head. 12 A kind of sacrifice; gangm a Mb. 7. 63. 2. -13 N. of an ancient and renowned devotee of the god Vithoba. -Comp. -3727: an epithet of Vispu; yaM puNDarIkAkSamiva zritA zrIH R. 18. 8. -plavaH a kind of bird. -mukhI a kind of leech. 1 Land lotus. -2 A kind of plant gega 1 A plant, creeper. - A kind of medici nal plant (used as a remedy for diseased eyes). guge-Up 2. 13] 1 A kind of sugarcane (red variety). -2 A lotus in general. -3 A white lotus -4 A mark or line (on the fore-head) made with sandal &c., sectarial mark; a go janimaraNatamaH khaNDanaM maNDanaM ca Visnupad Stotra, 43. - A worm. -8 The Atimukta creeper. - (pl.) N. of a country and its inhabitants. Comp.: an elephant. gug: 1 A variety of sugar-cane (red-variety); (Mar. kyA phesa) kuTe rohati dohana pavapiNDena Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir puNya N. 21. 153. -2 A sectarial mark. -8 One who lives by breeding silk-worms. - gua a. [Up. 5. 15] 1 Holy, sacred, pure; snAnapuNyodakeSu AzrameSu Mo. 1; puNyaM dhAma caNDIzvarasya Mo. 35; puNyAni hi nAmagrahaNAnyapi mahAmunInAM kiM punardarzanAni K. 41; S. 2. 14; Ms. 2. 68. -2 Good, meritorious, virtuous, righteous, just. -8 Auspicious, propitious. lucky, favourable (as a day); Ms. 2. 26, 30. -4 Agreeable, pleasing, lovely, beautiful; Mv. 1. 16, 24; U. 4. 19; Ku. 5. 73; so you: &c. -5 Sweet, fragrant (as odour). -6 Soleman, festive. - 1 Virtue, religious or moral merit; r: angelikku vozy H. 1. 80; yoqqaka mid wrait Santi. 3. 1; R. 1. 69; N. 3. 87. -2 A virtuous or meritorious act, good or virtuous works. -3 Purity, purifiention. A trough for watering enttle. 8 A religious ceremony, especially one performed by a wife to retain her husband's affection and to obtain a son. -6 (Astrol.) the seventh mansion from ia - 7 the union of meSa, karka, tulA and makara -NyA 1 The holy basil. 2 The Ganges. Comp. - plensing majesty or dignity; U. 4. 22. - (for) a happy or auspicious day: puNyAhaM bhavanto vantu astu puNyAham ; puNyAhaM vraja maGgalaM sudivasaM prAtaH prayAtasya te Amaru. 61. repeating this is an auspicious day' three times at the commencement of most religious ceremonies. a. pious, righteous. 3: the dawn or resulting of good fortune. a. having lovely gardens.m. a meritorious or virtuous man. - a. doing meritorious acts, upright, righteous. (-n) a meritorious act. - an auspicious time. -kIrtanaH, zravaNaH N. of Visau. (nam ) narrating or reading Puranas. - a. bearing a good or holy name, of auspicious fame, celebrated; you: - kalpo mahendralokapratimAM samRddhaSA (adhyAsta ) Bk. 1. 5. -kRt a. virtuous, meritorious. a meritorious work. -1 a holy place, place of pilgrimage; kRtaM pApaM puNyakSetre vinazyati / puNyakSetre kRtaM pApaM vajralepo bhaviSyati // Subh. 2 The holy land', N. of Aryavarta. - a. sweet-scented. (-:) the Champaka tree. fragrant. 1 an alms-house. -2 a temple; 3 ca ramyANi hRSTAH puNyagRhANi ca Ram. 2. 67. 12 ( com.puNyagRhANi puNya saMpAdakagRhANi viprAdyarthAni ) -jana: 1 a virtuous man. -2 a demon goblins viyati samIkSya kAlameghamapratimaM puNyajanau camunnadantam Ram. Ch. 2. 56. -8 a Yaksa; Bhag. 4. 10. 3; r: puNyajanA janAnAm R. 13. 60. IzvaraH an epithet of Kubera; anuyayau yamapuNyajanezvarau R. 9. 6. -jita a won by merit or gool works. tIrtham holy place of pilgrimage. -darzana a. 1 beautiful. -2 of sacred appearance; a.gozatai a R. 1. 86. (-) the blue jay. (-) visiting holy shrines. a. granting happiness or beatitude. - a. meritorious. - a man rich in moral merit, a pious man. -: the efficacy of virtue or For Private and Personal Use Only a. Page #402 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir puNyakam 1020 putrakA moral merit. -phalam the reward of good works; yat / puNyaphalamApnoti gAM dattvA vidhivad guroH| tat puNyaphalamAnoti bhikSA dattvA dvijo gRhI / / Ms. 3.95. (-laH) agrove. -bhAj a. blessed, virtuous, meritorious%3; puNyabhAjaH khalvamI munayaH K.43. -bhUH -bhUmiH /.1 the holy land', ie. Aryavarta. -2 The son-bearing mother. -yogaH the result of virtuous deeds done in a former life. -rAtraH 1 an auspicious night. -2 a night on which any religious ceremony is held. -lakSmIkaa. auspicious, prosperous; prakRtyA puNyalakSmIko kAvetau jJAyate tvidam Mv. 1. 16. -loka: heaven, paradise. -zakunam an auspicious omen. (-naH) a bird of good omen. -zAlA alms-house. -zIla . of a virtuous disposition, inclined to pious acts, virtuous, pious, righteous. - a. 'well-spokon of', or 'auspicious to repeat or utter the name of', of good fame; Dk. 2. 8. (-kaH) an epithet of Nala (of Nisadha); Yudhisthira and Janardana; puNyazloko nalo rAjA puNyazloko yudhisstthirH| puNyazlokA ca vaidehI puNyazloko janArdanaH // . (-kA)an epithet of Sita and Draupadi. -saMcayaH a store of virtue or religious merit. -sthAnam a sacred or holy place, a place of pilgrimage. puNyakam 1 A religious or virtuous act (such as fasting &c.). -2 A religious rite or ceremony, a festival &c. -3 = puNyam 53 Mb. 1. 3. 97. -ka: N. of Visnu. -Comp.-vratam the worship of Krisna. for a year, performed by a woman desirous of a son. puNyavat a. Meritorious, virtuous. -2 Lucky, auspicious, fortunate. -3 Happy, blessed. -4 Pleasing, beautiful. put. A particular division of Hell or the infernal regions to which childless persons are said to be condemned; see putra below. -Comp.-nAman .(hell) called put pannAmnI narakAd yasmAt trAyate pitaraM sutH| tasmAt putra iti proktaH ......Ms. 9. 138; Mb. 1. 74. 39. puttalaH,-lI 1 An image, idol, a statue, effigy. -2 A doll, puppet. -Comp. -dahanam,-vidhi: burning an effigy in place of the body of one who has died abroad or whose corpse is lost. -pUjA idolatry. puttalakA, puttalikA A doll &c. puttikA 1 A small kind of bee%3; pulAkA iva dhAnyeSu puttikA iva pkssissu| tadvidhAste manuSyANAM yeSAM dharmo na kAraNam // Mb. 12. 181.7. -2 The white ant. -3 Adoll. putraH 1A son; (the word is thus derived:-punnAmno narakAd yasmAt trAyate pitaraM sutH| tasmAt putra iti proktaH svayameva svayaMbhubA // Ms. 9. 188%; the word, therefore, should be strictly written 987:). -2 A child, young one of an animal. -3 A dear child (aterm of endearment in addressing young persons). -4 (At the end ot comp.) Anything little or small of its kind; as in 1997., zilAputraH &c. - (Astrol.) The fifth mansion from janmalagna. -trI (du.) A son and daughter. -Comp. -3701: 1 one who lives at a son's expense, one who is maintained by his son. -2 a nendlicant of a partiGular ordler ; He kuTIcaka. -arthin a. wishing for a son. -AcArya a. one having a son for his teacher; Ms.3. 160. --AdinI 1 an unnatural mother. -20 tigress. -iSTiH , -iSTikA fa sacrifice performed to obtain male issue; gRhItvA paJcavarSIya putreSTiM prathama caret . -aizvaryam a resignation of property or power by a father to his son. -kamen. a ceremony on the birth of a son. -kAma a. desirous of sons. -kAmyA a wish for sons%3B athAbhyarcya vidhAtAraM prayatau putrakAmyayA R. 1. 35. -kAryam / ceremony relating to a son. -kRt m. an adopted son. -kRtaka: one who is adopted as a son, an adopted son : zyAmAkamuSTiparivardhitako jahAti so'yaM na putrakRtakaH padavI mRgasta $. 4. 14. -straft an unnatural mother (who eats her own children.)-jAta a one to whom a son is born. -dAram son and wife. -dhameM: filial duty. -pautram,-trA: sons and grandsons. -otato a. transmitted from son to son, hereditary; lakSmI paraMparINAM tvaM putrapautrINatAM naya Bk. 5. 15. -pratinidhi: a substitute for a son (e.g. an adopted son ).-pravaraH the eldest son. -lAbha: obtaining a son. -vadhaHf. a daughter-in-law. -sakhaH 'a friend of children', one who is fond of children. -sU: mother of a son. -hIna a. sonless, childless. -saMkarin a. mixing or confusing sons by mixed marriages. -&: an epithet of Vasistha (whose hundred sons were killed). (-tI) an unnatural mother. putrakaH [putra anukampAyAM saMjJAyAM vA kan svArthe ka vA] 1A little son or boy, boy, chap, lad (often used as a term of endearment); hA hA putrakanAdhIta sugatatAsu rAtriSu.-2A doll, puppet; sA kandukaiH kRtrimaputrakaizca reme Ku. 1. 29. -3 A rogue, cheat.-4A locust, grass-hopper. -5A fabulous animal with eight feet (zarabha). -8 Hair.-7A pitia ble person. putrakA, -putrikA 1 A daughter. -2 A doll, puppet. -3 A daughter appointed to raise male issue for a father who has no sons%3; aputrA'nena vidhinA sutAM kurvIta patrikAm / yadapatyaM bhavadasyAM tanmama syAta svadhAkaram // Ms.9.127. -4 The cotton or down of the ta.marisk. -BA small statue; taddhAmnA'bhUdajastUSNIM pUrdevyantIva putrikA Bhag. 10.13.56. -8 (At the end of comp.) Anything little or small of its kind; as in asiputrikA, khaDgaputrikA &c. -Comp. -ETA: bestowing a daughter in marriage so as to raise issue for her father (see putrikA 3); AkUrti rucaye prAdAdapi bhrAtRmatI nRpH| putrikAdharmamAzritya Bhag. 4.1.2. See next word. -putraH, -sutaH 1 a daughter's son who by agreement becomes the son of her father ; see Ms. 9. 127; abhrAtRkAM pradAsyAmi tubhyaM kanyAmalaMkRtAm / asyAM yo jAyate putraH #991 wafera Il Vasisthasmriti. -2 a daughter who, being regarded as a son, returns to her father's house; (putrikaiva putraH; athavA putrikaiva sutaH putrikAsutaH so'pyaurasasama eva Mita. on Y. 2. 128). -3 a grandson -prasUH a mother For Private and Personal Use Only Page #403 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir putraMcArin 1080 punar M of daughters. em. ' a daughter's husband', a ? SU G qati14 a Puja Mantram. - TETETH, son-in-law. -Adheyam renewing the consecrated fire, punIrakriyAM kuryAt gat Ms.5.168.-3119: 1 return. -2 repeated gaafta N. of some plant ; Matanga L. 10. 10. birth. - rafat a. returning to mundane existence; BT grisfta:, -: N. of a plant (from its seeds or Flet: qatardatsga By. 8.16. -Trgt f. -Tefe: flowers are made garlands and worn to keep children f. 1 repetition. -2 return to worldly existence, repetiin good health ). tion of birth; karoti punarAvRttisteSAmiha na vidyate Y.3.194. I a. (-off f.) Having a son or sons; THET -3 revision, another edition of a book &c. -Ji a. a Fa: faa y gra R. 1. 91; V. 5. 14. -m. The 1 said again, repeated, reiterated. -2 superfluous, father of a son. -off 1 The mother of a son. -2 unnecessary; a aT gama R. 2. 68; Si. 7. 64. A (-7 ), garamat 1 repetition. - superfluity, redunparasitical plant. dancy, uselessness, tautology; V. 5. 15; 291t: 97767giau, gata, 59 a. Relating to a son, filial. yaraquara agar GATTO fear: Bb. 3. 78. deg5777 m. a Brahmana ( P HT). gashara: seeming tautogait 1 A daughter. -2 N. of Durga; see gra#1 also. logy, appearance of repetition, regarded as a figure galite 8 U. To adopt as a son ; 31 gr: q e das of speech ; e. g. Y a o TTTTeftag: Toft 15 gafst 97a R. 2. 36. HTT21 |adet: Fra: S. D. 632; (here the first gitt a. Relating to a son; fa: hiery a attei impression of the tautology is reinoved when the passage is rightly understood ; cf. also K. P. 9 under FATTTT Ram. 1. 15. 3. 976aea ).- n: f. 1 repetition. - 2 superfluity, usegefura Den. P. 1 To wish for a son. -2 To treat lessness, tautology. -JFTTT rising again, resurrection. like a son. efter f. 1 reproduction. - 2 return of birth, metem psychosis. -39 reproduction. -3 T return; gital The desire of a son. J: gat uhruf at a: U. 2. 13.-301, TT 1. 4 P. (geafa) To injure, hurt. -Caus. 1 To - a woman married again. - f. repetition, destroy completely, annihilate. -2 To overpower, drown doing again; 7 U 179 gafakar 22 SB. (as a sound). -3 To spoak. 4 To shine. II. 10 U. on MS. 12.1.16. - H return, going again. - aufa-a ) To shine. n. repeated birth, metem psychosis; 1991 977 a faga Bg. 8. 16. -ra a. born again. - afera p. p. Hurt, killed, destroyed. a particular manner of flying; Mb. 8. 41. 28. - :, F a. Beautiful, lovely, handsome. 3: 1 Atom a growing again and again', a finger-nail. (THIS:) 9577: q ua: Sridhara. - 2 The body, matter; - marrying again, taking a second wife ; A. Ram. 3. 2. 28. -3 The soul. -4 The Ego or Ms. 5. 168. aar hog-weed, Boerhavia Procumbens individual. -5 Man. -8 An epithet of Siva. (Mar. ). --ATT (gaigal) N. of a river in Behar; F 791 TFT are your ga:gar Vayu. P. - Fift: FG 1 P. 1 To kill, to hurt. - To suffer ; L.D.B. returning one's obligations, requital. Tea: See galt ind. 1 Again, once more, anew; gara gara- pratiprasavaH) pratiSiddhasya palyA adhyayanasya punaHprasave na kiMcidasti 0674 S. 6; 44 : garda: TFTTYT: K11.5.83; 19 SB. on MS. 6. 1. 21. -49 a. born again. so gan'to become a wife again.'-2 Back, in an (-a) 1 transmigration, reperted or recurring birth; opposite direction (mostly with verbs ); gadi 'to give metompsychosis; adRSTAzrutavastutvAt sa jIvo yat punarbhavaH Bhag. back, restore '; 9211--74 &c. 'to go back, return' &c. 1 1. 3. 32; 4af u a f ita: 9746 fatih -3 On the other hand, on the contrary, but, however, $. 7.35; Ku.3.5.-2 a finger nail, hair; Mb. 13.111.98; nevertheless, still with an adversative force ); wa 59 -Tac m. the sentient soul. -re: new birth, repeated mUrtaste sparzaH snehAzItalaH / adyApyAnandayati mAM tvaM punaH kvAsi birth; "affa gauta 994: arada: Mb. 12. 279. 5; pala U. 3. 14; 4 ga: 099 aasta U. 3. -4 Further, Ha gaziathara Bu. Ch. 3. 23. f. 1 a (virgin) furthermore, besides; ga: ga: 'again and again,' 'repeat- widow remarried. -2 re-existence. T: 1 repeated edly', 'frequently'; gat: ga: garanITH R. 3. 42; f ga: enjoyment. -2 return of fruition. -3 repeated posse how much more', or how much less'; see under f. sion. -274 1 repetition. -2 repeated scriptural 97714 again, once more, and also ; on the other hand. injunction. - a weaned calf that begins to suck -Comp. -anvayaH returning; kiMvA gato'sya punaranvayamanyalokam again. -a: (usually dual) 1 the seventh lunar Bhag. 6. 14. 57. -37TH: going away again. - mansion (consisting of two or four stars ); - arfa a repeated request. Ta a. come back, returned; fea: 974 R. 11. 36. -2 an epithet of Visnu. -3 of 1917 garman Ms. 11. 195. 37TA:, -94 coming Siva. -farg: remarriage. Fiert: (gaiei FIT:) back, return; H TC er gama : Sarya. S.; repetition of any Samskara or purificatory ceremony. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #404 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pupUSA - saMgamaH, -saMdhAnam (punaH saMdhAnam &c.) 1 reunion. -2 rekindling the sacred fire when it has been extinguished saMbhavaH ( punaHsaMbhavaH) being horn again (into the world), metempsychosis. pupUSA The desire to cleanse pupphuTa: N. of a disease of the palate and gums. pupphula: Flatulency or wind ( in the stomach ). puNphusaH 1 The lungs. -2 The pericarp of lotus. pur 61. (purati ) To go before procerle pur f. (Nom. sing. pU: ; instr. du. pUrmyAm ) 1 A town, fortified town; pUrapyabhivyaktamukhaprasAdA R. 16.23. -2 A fortress, castle, strong-hold. -3 A wall, rampart. -4 The body; purazca dvipadaH purazcakre catuSpada: Bri. Up. 2. 5. 18. - Intellect. -Comp. -dvAra /, dvAram (pUrvA) the gate of a city. 1081 pura . [ pR-ka ] Full of, filled with. ram 1 A town, city (containing large buildings, surrounded by a ditch, and not less than one Krosa in extent ); pure tAvantamevAsya tanoti ravirAtapam Ku. 2.33; R. 1.59 -2 A castle, fortress, stronghold. -3 A house, residence, abode. -4 The body; navadvAre pure dehI naiva kurvan na kArayan Bg. 5. 13. ---5 The female apartments. -6 N. of the town pATaliputra; q.v. -7 The calyx of a flower, or any cup formed of leaves. -8 A brothel. -9 The skin. -10 Bdellium. -11 An upper story. -12 A store-house. -13 A fragrant grass (nAgaramustA ). -Comp. -aTTaH a turret on a citywall. -adhipaH, -adhyakSaH the governor of a town; Mb. 18.138.11. -arAtiH adhi, asuhRda ripuH epithets of Siva ; Bhag. 5. 24. 28; purArAtibhrAntyA kusumazara kiM mAM praharasi Subhare ra arthavistAraH 1 all village, hamlet. -2 a suburb, ward, division of a town. -utsavaH a festival celebrated in a city. -udyAnam a city-garden, park. okas n. an inhabitant of s town. -koTTam a citadel. Ta. 1 going to a town. -2 favourably_inclined. -jit, -dviS, bhid m. epithets of Siva. - jyotis m. 1 an epithet of fire. -2 the world of Agni. tI small market-town, small village-toraNam the outer gate of a city. devatA the tutelary deity of a town. -dvAram a city-gate; koThyA koTyA puradvAramekaikaM rurudhe dviSAm Bk. 14.29. -nArI a courtezan - nivezaH the founding of a city. -pAlaH 1 ' oity-governor the commandant of a fortress -2 the soul. -mathanaH an epithet of Siva. -mArgaH the street of a town ; puramArge ghanazabdaviklavAH Ku. 4. 11; R. 113. rakSaH, -rakSakaH, rakSin _m.a_constable, police-officer. -rodhaH the siege of a fortress. -vAsin m. a citizen, a townsman. - vAstu ". ground fit for the foundation of a town. -zAsanaH 1 an epithet of Visnu. - 2 of Siva ; prasAdhanaM mAtRbhirAdRtAbhirnyastaM purastAt purazAsanasya Ku. 7. 30. -han m. 1 an epithet of Vispu. -2 of Siva. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir puras puraJjana: 1 The soul. -2 N. of Hari; japayajJena tapasA purajanamatoSayan Bhag. 4. 30. 3. nI Intellect, understanding. puraMdaraH puraH zatrUNAM nagarANi dArayati khac] 1 N. of Indra purandarazrIH puramutpatAkaM pravizya paurairabhinandyamAnaH R. 2.74. -2 An epithet of Siva. -3 of Agni. -4 N. of Vispu. -8 N. of the eighteenth lunar mansion ( jyeSThA ) - 8 A thief, house-breaker. -rA An epithet of the Ganges. -Comp. -mAghara ( mahendraparvataH ) tathA sametaH puraM purandaraH purandara kSmAdharasundaraM bhuvaH Ram. Ch. 2. 15. = puraMjara: The arm-pit. puraTam Gold; aGguSTamAtramamalaM sphurat puramaulinam Bhag. 1. 12. 8. puraNa: The soa, ocean. puratas ind. 1 Before, in front (opp. pakSAn ); pazyAmi tAmita itaH puratazca pazcAt Mal. 1. 40; in the presence of ; yaM yaM pazyasi tasya tasya purato mA brUhi dInaM vacaH Bh. 2.51. -2 Afterwards; iyaM ca te'nyA purato viDambanA Ku. 5.70 ( AdAveva Malli. ); Amaru. 43. -3 Before (in time ). 0 puraMdhiH, zrI . [ puraM hasthajanaM dhArayati - kI po hrasvaH Tv. ] 1 An elderly married woman, a respectable matron; puraMdhrINAM cittaM kusumasukumAraM hi bhavati U. 4. 12; Mu. 2. 7; Ku. 6. 32; 7.2. -2 A woman whose husband and children are living. puraMdhikA / wife ekoji bhUmIpatizekharasya puraMdhikA garbhama bhavyam Sahendra. 1. 62. puralA An epithet of Durga. puras ind. 1 Before (in time or space ), in front, in the presence of, before the eyes of (by itself or with gen.); amuM puraH pazyasi devadArum R. 2. 36; taba prasAdasya purastu saMpadaH S. 7. 30 : tasya sthitvA kathamapi pura: Mo. 3; Ku. 4. 3; Amaru. 43; often used with kR, gam, dhA, bhU (see below). -2 In the east, from the east. -8 Eastward. -Comp. -anuvAkyA (puro'nuvAkyA) an introductory verse or hymn. -karaNam, -kAraH see under puraskR below. ga, gama (puroga-gama) a. 1 chief, lending, foremost, pre-eminent, oft. with the force of a noun ; sa kiMvadantIM vadatAM puroga: R. 14. 31; 6. 55; Ku. 7. 40. -2 led or presided over by (at the end of comp. ); indrapurogamA devA: ' the gods with Indra at the head'; atulAH prItayo rAjan saMbandhakapurogamAH 7.38.1. -gata . 1 standing in front of -2 preceded. -gatiH / providence (tiH) dog. gantu, gAmina 1 going before or in front. -2 chief, leading, a leader. (m.) dog. caraNam (puradharaNam) 13 preparatory or initiatory rite. -2 preparation, initiation. -3 repetition of the name of a deity accompanied with burnt offerings ; jIvahIno yathA dehI sarvakarmasu na kSamaH / purazcaraNahIno'pi tathA mantraH prakIrtitaH // Tantras chadaH (purachada) nipple. - janman (purojanman) a. born before. -jaba a. (purojava) d. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #405 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir puraska 1082 purohita : surpassing in speed, swifter than. -2: a servant, attendant. -3157 m., -319: (geTSIT, -7:) 1 a sacrificial oblation made of ground rice and offered in kapalas or vessels%3; puroDAzAMzcarUMzcaiva vidhivanirvapet pRthak Ms. 6.11. -2 an oblation in general; Ms. 7. 21. -3 an oblation of ghee with cakes of ground meal. -4 a kind of sacrificial ladle. -5 the leavings of an oblation (g a). -6 the Soma juice. -7 a prayer (2) recited in offering oblations. - F. a. near fulfilment, about to be fulfilled; re g : 97:91442/ Ku. 6. 90. m. one who fights in the van or frontline; 1 4 14 y 17:48 R. 13. 72. - a. having the fruit near or at hand, promising fruit (in the near future ); H140g R igurat afara 95: R. 2. 22. -TIT (STAR) a. 1 obtrusive, officious; fcraft THT TO r af Ram. 4. 20. 4. -2 fault-finding. -3 envious or jealous of; 12: Harafa : TETET: HTT: M. 1. 20 (TTTT may here mean envy' also). (--:) 1 the front part, forepart, van. - 2 obtrusiveness, officiousness. -3 jealousy, envy. - H T a. 1 forward, self-willed, naughty; f iHafa fan-5449837 S. 5. -2 obtrusive, officious; V. 3. -8 fault-finding. -4 envious, jealous. -Aloni, -a1a: (Tratta:, -ara:) a fore-wind, wind blowing in front; koTaramakAlavRSTayA prabalapurovAtayA gamite M. 4.23; R. 18. 38.-afat a. being in front or in the presence of. AT: a. going or moving in front. (- :) 1 a forerunner, harbinger; facts59:47 Tach: S. 4. 2. -2 a follower, attendant; servant; tartalta 4at99gt:#: Bhag. 6. 1. 32; #MYT: R. 1. 37. -3 a leader, one who leads the way, foremost, pre-eminent; Tagatul a 4116TTATI Ku. 6. 49. -4 at the end of comp.) attended or preceded by, with; as #rgt: 4, FAST:HTH, TAT:HTI: &c. (- ) ind. with or after. -- a.standing in front. gres 8 U. 1 To place before or in front, make one's leader, put at the head; a Trento Tre ferarosa Ve. 2. 4; U. 1.3; Ku. 2.52.-2 To introduce, present; 491 75 Tri au: S. 4, 7.-3 To honour, respect, esteem, hospitably receive or entertain; ada hadiai geristH $. 1. -4 To adopt, choose, follow ; # 44 : R. 8. 9. - TO appoint. - To show, indicate, evince. - To lead. -8 To use as a pretext. TERTUTH The act of placing in front, honouring &c.; see I below. gricofrer a. 1 To be honoured. -2 To be placed at the head. - To be made complete &o. grert: 1 Placing before or in front. - Preference. -8 Treating with honour, showing respect, deference. -4 Worshipping. -8 Accompanying, attending. - Preparing. -7 Arranging, making complete or perfect. -8 Attacking. - Accusation. -10 Consecrating -11 Anticipating, expecting. -12 At the end of comp.) Preceded or accompanied by. -13 Sprinkling with holy water. -14 Acceptance. -18 Manifesting oneself; ETITE# Hay itaaa Mb. 12. 19. 19. puraskRta p. p. 1 Placed in front; puraskRtA vartmani pArthivena R. 2. 20.-2 Honoured, treated with respect, distinguished. -3 Chosen, adopted, followed. -4 Adored, worshipped. -8 Attended or accompanied, provided with, possessing, having. - Prepared, got ready. -7 Consecrated. -8 Accused, calumniated. -9 Made perfect or complete, finished. -10 Anticipated, expected. -11 Appointed. -12 Harassed or attacked (by an enemy). -18 Sprinkled with holy water. -14 Initiated. greret ind. Regarding, concerning, on account of. FIT 1 Showing respect, honouring, hospitable reception. -2 A preparatory or initiatory rite. TRAIT ind. 1 Before, in front of oft. with gen. or abl.); yaitute fear 21 yttaregaR. 2. 44; Ku. 7.30; Me. 15; or used by itself; 87aar gtrata $. 3. 7. - 2 At the head of, foremost ; 4: Ttar ATH M.1.1. - In the first place, at the beginning; Tears ar a Mb. 12. 152. 2.-4 Formerly, previously. - Eastward, in or towards the east; af relais varagator gevalt ki. 9. 20.- Later or further on, in the sequel. ger 3 U. To place or put in the front or at the head, make as a leader; Jer 1914 Hariya yg: Ku. 2.1; R. 12. 43. -2 To make a family-priest of any one. - To appoint, place in office. -4 To entrust or charge with. - To place or set before or in front to. -6 To honour, esteem, respect. -7 To devote or apply oneself to. -8 To think, ponder over. g tig m. A family-priest particularly that of a king.) ger 1 The office of a purohita. -& Charge, commission. -3 Representation. griet 1 Placing in front. -2 Ministration by a priest. purodhikA, purohitikA A favourite wife (preferred to all others) THAT Breakfast ; Divyavadana. getica p. p. 1 Placed in front. -2 Appointed, charged, entrusted. -: 1 One charged with a business, an agent. - A family-priest, one who conducts all the ceremonial rites of the family, Tricana: (T ); .........SHRUSTUTA: 1977 Kau. A 1. 10; great faat arafas: A ge: Kavikalpalata. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #406 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 1088 purA g ind. 1 In former times, formerly, of yore, in the olden time; purA zakramupasthAya R. 1. 75; purA sarasi mAnase ...: Bv. 1. 3; Ms. 1. 119; 5. 22. -2 Before, hitherto, upto the present time -3 At first, in the first place; rAmaM darzaya me zIghraM purA me'rtho'tivartate Ram 7. 105. 2. - In a short time, soon, ere-long, shortly (in this sense usually with a present tense to which it gives a future sense); purA saptadvIpAM jayati vasudhAmapratirathaH S. 7. 38; purA dUSayati sthalAMm R. 12. 30; Aloke te nipatati purA Me. 87; N. 1. 18, Si. 10. 56; Ki. 10. 50; 11. 36.-8 Ved. For the defence of. -6 Securely from. -7 Except, besides. Comp. 3fter a. formerly Possessed. -kathA an old legend ; ko nAma loke puruSArthasAravit purAkathAnAM bhagavatkathAsudhAm Bhag. 3. 13.50. -kalpaH 1 a former creation; siddhasaMghaparijJAtaM purAkalpaM sanAtanam Mb. 14. 35. 23. -2 a story of the past. -3 a former age; a. Ms. 9. 227; Mb. 3. 41. 35. - A passage descriptive of past events; MS. 6. 7. 26. a. done formerly. (-) actions done in a former life; S. 7. -yoni of ancient origin. (-f:) an epithet of Siva. -vasuH -vid - an epithet of Bhisms. -f a. acquainted with the past, knowing the events of former times, conversant with former times or events; vadantyaparNeti ca tAM purAvidaH Ku. 5. 28; 6. 9; R. 11. 10. a. 1 occurring in, or relating to, ancient times. -2 old, ancient. (-) 1 history. an old or legendary events gustat ca kathitA kAryapadavI Mal. 2. 13. kathA an old legend. purAtana . ( nI ) 1 Old snient] bahirvikAraM prakRteH paraM viduH purAtanaM puruSaM purA Si. 12. 60 sa evAyaM mayA te'tha yogaH proktaH purAtanaH Bg. 43. -2 Aged, primeval ; tvAM na a gai guang R. 11. 85; Ku. 6. 9. -8 Worn out, decayed. An epithot of Vispu. -2 (pl.) The ancients. (H) 1 An ancient story. -2 A Purana. g 1 An epithet of the Ganges. -2 A kind of perfume. -3 The east. 4 A castle. See purANa (nA, NI ) [ purA navam Nir. ] 1 Old. ancient belonging to oldes timor, purANamityeva na sAdhu sarva na cApi kAvyaM navamityavadyam M. 1. 2; purANapatrApagamAdanantaram R. 3. 7. -2 Aged, primeval; gRdharAjaH purANo'sau zvazurasya sakhA mama Ram. 3. 53. ; ajo nityaH zAzvato'yaM purANa: Bg. 2. 20. -3 Decayed, worn out. - 1 A past event or occurrence. -2 tale of the past, legend, ancient or legendary history. -3 N. of certain well-known sacred works; these are 18; these are supposed to have been composed by Vyasa, and contain the whole body of Hindu mythology. A Purana treats of five topics (or lakSaNAni ), and is hence often called paJcalakSaNa; sargazca pratisargazca vaMzo manvantarANi c| dhAnucaritaM caiva purArga pacanakSaNam // For the names of the 18 Puranas see under .-: A coin equal to 80 cowries; te SoDaza syAd dharaNaM purANazcaiva Ms. 8. 136. Comp. -: an epithet of Yama. -a. enjoined by or laid down in the Puranas. ......14 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir puru -kalpaH = purAkalpaq. v. gaH 1 an epithet of Brahman. -2 a reciter or reader of the Purapas. -g: 1 an epithet of Visnu. -2 an old man; gefa agar a dUSaNamaho capalAyAH / doSa eSa jaladheH piturasyA yat purANapuruSA tAm Subhag. ; ( where both senses are intended). -prokta a. proclaimed by ancient sages; P. IV. 3. 105. -far, knowledge of the past events. - purASAT (Ved.) Vanquisher of many; yadvAvAna purutamaM purASALA vRtrahendro nAmAnyaprAH Rv. 10. 74. 6. git: f. 1 A town, city. 2 A river. -3 A king. purizaya Reporing in the body: sa vA artha puruSaH sarvA qa: Bri. Up. 2. 5. 18; Prasna. Up. 5. 5. a. purI 1 A city town zazAsaikapurImiva R. 1.001 purImacagif Si. 1. 51. -2 A stronghold. -8 The body. Comp. - the Dhattura plant. : town's folk, citizens. purItat [purI dehaM tanoti tam p]i 1 A particular intestine near the heart; yadA manaH purItati pravizati T. S; yadA supto na kaMcana veda hitA nAma nADyo dvAsaptatiH sahasrANi hRdayAt purItatamabhipratiSThante tAbhiH pratyavasRpya purItati zete SB. Bri. Up. 2.1. 19. 2 The entrails in general: (also gf, but it appears to be a wrong form). purISam [ pu-ISan ki Up. 4. 27] 1 Feces, excrement, ordure; tasyAH purISe tanmAMsaM pitarastasya zerate Ms. 3. 250; 4. 56; 5. 123; 6, 76. -2 Rubbish, dirt. - excremental dirt ; dravatpurISyAH pulinaiH samantataH Bhag.10.18.6. -8 Ved. Water. -Comp. -AdhAnam the rectum. -utsargaH voiding_excrement. -nigrahaNam obstruction of th bowels. diarrhoea. g: Focos, ordure. -TH, 1 Evacuation by stool, voiding of excrement. -2 The rectum or anus. gif Den. P. To void excrement. a. purISita Voided, evacuated (as the bowels). purISamaH The black kidney bean (Mar. uDIda ). puru . (ru.) [pu-pAlanapoSaNayoH Up. 1.24] Much, abundant, excessive, many; (in classical literature occurs usually at the beginning of proper names ) ; indro mAyAbhiH pururUpa Iyate Bri. Up. 2. 5. 19; strINAM priyatamo nityaM mattastu purulampaTa : Bhag. 7. 15. 70. -ru: 1 The pollen of flowers. -2 Heaven, the world of the immortals. 3 N. of a demon killed by Indra. -4 N. of a prince, the sixth monarch of the lunar race. [He was the youngest son of Yayati and Sarmistha. When Yayati asked his five sons if any one of them would exchange his youth and beauty for his own decrepitude and infirmities, it was Puru alone who consented to make the exchange. After a thousand years Yayati restored to Puru his youth and beauty For Private and Personal Use Only Page #407 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir W puruvI 1084 puruSya .............................................. and made him successor to the throne. Puru was i ferar m. an epithet of Siva. -37109: 1 an the ancestor of the Kauravas and Pandavas. ] -ind. epithet of Visnu. 2 a. demon. TTT-31TG n. 1 Much, exceedingly. -2 Repeatedly, often. -Comp. the duration of a man's life; 34594fa: Tho ma: -a, -ured a, efficacious. -Port m. 1 an epithet of 9891994 Ve. 6. 44; 95919 oferul Atiae factay: R. 1. Visnu. -2 N. of king Kuntibhoja or his brother. 63. TTTT m. 'a man-eater', a demon, goblin. -5757 gold. Ti a goose. (#) , 79,6 m. a king. -3 : 1 an excellent man. - the highest epithets of Indra (Ved.). -fary a. excelling among or Supreme Being, an epithet of Visnu or Krisna ; many. -io a. possessing much self-confidence. E yasmAt kSaramatIto'hamakSarAdapi cottmH| ato'smi loke vede ca prathitaH m. a cloud. -39% a. very lustful or lascivious. -,- GETTH: Il Bg. 15. 18. -3 a best attendant. -4 a Jaina. much, many. - a. invoked by many; ager - N. of a district in Orissa sacred to Visnu. - T: goedeh Bhag. 3. 15. 50. (-2: ) an epithet of Indra ; 1 human effort or exertion, manly act, inanliness, 9867 : R. 4. 3; 16.5; 956aye: (54131: Ku. 7. 45. prowess (opp. $a); ga 95971 failed a freza Ms. 11. 122. a m. an epithet of Indrajit. ra: m. H. Pr. 32; da g a narajaftuar Y. 1. 349; cf. an epithet of Visnu. -f. manifold invocation. god helps those who help themselves '; affect grat N. of a Ragini. a la 9643 989710 Pt. 5. 30; Ki. 5. 52. -2 manhood, virility. -3 haughtiness, pride. :, -94 TET: [ gf sa f-3 h Tv.; 97-34972 947 Un a human corpse. et m. man-lion, an epithet of 4.74 ] 1 A male being, man; 31sfa: 9591 hift 2 art Visnu in his tourth incarnation; puruSakesariNazca purA nakhaiH Fra: A Mk. 3. 27; Ms. 1. 32; 7. 17; 9. 2; R.2. 41. S. 7. 3. -ara knowledge of mankind; Ms. 7. 211. -2 Men, mankind. -3 A member or representative - a. subjective. E, - a. of the height of a generation. -4 An officer, functionary, agent, of a man. -ig m. an enemy of Visnu. -TiTuft an attendant, servant. -8 The height or measure of a man illtempered woman who hates her husband ). -aret: (considered as a measure of length); al 9591AATU 1 a general, commander. -2 a king. -ATTA: (in Alfa9691 Sk. -6 The Soul; arf44 991 + gram.) a restriction to a person. -99: a beast of a TTTTTT a Bg. 15. 16 &c. -7 The Supreme Being, man, brutish person; cf. 274. - ai, -gostia , God ( soul of the universe); garai cal ged grifax: (fas:) superior or eminent man.-gra N. of the capital of Si. 1. 33; R. 13. 6. -8 A person in grammar); 994- Gandhara, q. v. agar: the esteem of mankind; 989: the third person, 2959: the second person, and Ara 1928 Etaguar fatifea: Bh. 3. 9. -ATT a. THET: the first person, (this is the strict order in fancying oneself a hero; F 98497 11 g Totafa Sk.). -9 The pupil of the eye. -10 (In San. phil.) fa Ram. 2. 24. 35. #9: a human sacrifice. - The soul (opp. anfa); according to the Sankhyas it an epithet of Visnu. -artira a desolate. -aig: 1 an is neither a production nor productive; it is passive epithet of Garuda. -2 an epithet of Kubera. -5018: and a looker-on of the Prakriti; cf. 191914fea ufa TICI, E' a tiger or lion among men', a dis989afi Ku. 2.13 and the word arcu also. -11 tinguished or eminent man. udyoginaM puruSasiMhamupaiti lakSmIH ma. The soul, the original source of the universe (described -2 a hero, brave man. Het: a number of men. in the 98975); Acasio: 989: 214: 4654TT &c. -12 - A kind of weapon used by burglars (a sham The Punnaga tree. -13 N. of the first, third, fifth, head to be inserted into the hole made in a wall); seventh, ninth, and eleventh signs of the zodiac. Dk. 2. 2. T: an eminent man; Bhag. 10. 16. 7. -14 The seven divine or active principles of which the Ett N. of the 90th hymn of the 10th Mandala universe was formed; daag aaral 98901 Elart of the Rigveda (regarded as a very sacred hymn). Ms. 1. 19. - A woman. - An epithet of the mountain Meru. -Comp. -3754 the male organ of g5i, - Standing on two feet like a man, the generation. -3 , -3 m.'a inan-eater', cannibal, rearing of a horse ; et g arnata014: Si. 5. 56. goblin; avamene hi durbuddhirmanuSyAna puruSAdaka: Mb. 3. 275.27. gatal, - at 1 Manhood, manliness, prowess. -2 -3757: the vilest of men, & very low or despi Virility. -8 Manly nature or property. cable man. -3772 : 1 a manly office or duty. -2 calculation or estination of mon; saMsatsu jAte puruSAdhikAre gara Den. A. To act like a man, play the man. a grofrag AC Ki. 3. 51. -3FRH another man. puruSAyita a. Acting like is man. -tam 1 Playing --3Tror:, -30: 1 any one of the four principal objects the man, acting a manly part, a manly conduct. -2A of human life; i. e. dharma artha, kAma and mokSa. -2 human kind of coitus or mode of sexual enjoyment, in which effort or exertion (989417); TT TT TTET: the woman plays the man; AkRtimavalokya kayApi vitarkitaM Agni P.; H. Pr. 35. -3 something which when done geoifada fastesara aqreatfuftah KP. 10. rosults in the satisfaction of the performer; af 90 95963 straffe #graf: 998: SB. on MS. 4.1.2. get a. Ved. Human, mortal. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #408 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir purUravas 1088 pulkasA gatam. [of. Un. 4. 231 ] The son of Budha 1 gefa Den. P. To have the hairs of the body and Ila and founder of the lunar race of kings. He erect, thrill (with joy &c.). saw the nymph Urvasi, while descending upon earth owing to the curse of Mitra and Varuna, and fell in gefa a. Having the hairs of the body erect, love with her. Urvasi, too, was enamoured of the king thrilled with joy; hence, rejoiced, enraptured ; gola who was as renowned for personal beauty as for truth-| d-at aquag: K. P. fulness, devotion, and generosity, and became his gafeita. (- f.) Having the hairs of the body wife. They lived happily together for many days, and erect &c. -m. A species of Kadam ba tree. after she had borne him a son, she returned to the heaven. The king heavily mourned her loss, and she gesa a. Thrilled with joy, rejoiced. was pleased to repeat her visits five successive times gartai, Fy: N. of a sage, one of the mind-born and bore him five sons. But the king, who wanted her life-long company, was not evidently satisfied with sons of Brahma; Ms. 1. 35. this; and he obtained his desired object after he had E: N. of a sage, one of the mind-born sons of offered oblations as directed by the Gandharvas. The Brahma; Ms. 1. 35. story told in Vikramorvasiya differs in many respects ; 80 does the account given in the Sata patha Brahmana, T The soft palate, uvula. based on a passage in the Rigveda, where it is said g :, - 1 Empty, bad or shrivelled grain ; that Urvasi agreed to live with Pururavas on two area 42 (arcy Ms. 10. 125 (v. 1.); conditions : namely that her two rams which she 919 39 9Tuy Pt. 3. 98. - 2 A lump of boiled rice. loved as children must be kept near her bed-side and -3 Abridgment, compendium, -4 Brevity, conciseness. never suffered to be carried away, and that he must -8 Rice-water. -6 Despatch, celerity. -7 Smallness. take care never to be seen by her undressed. The Gandharvas, however, carried away the rams, and so gonfi m. A tree. Urvasi disappeared.] g aH A horse's gallop. grift: 1 The current of a river. -2 The rustling gea, - ( 98-927 fea; Ua. 2. 53 ] 1 A sandnoise of leaves (97-T ). bank, sandy beach; ramate yamunApulinavane vijayI murAriradhunA Git. 7; R. 14.52; sometimes used in pl.; et gran Tisti, gaisa &c. See under gra. megfuarycusa TH Ve. 1.2.-2 A small island left qe 1 P. (gafa) 1 To fill. -2 To dwell, inhabit. in the bank of a river by the passing off of the water, -3 To invite said to be 10 P. in the last two senses ). an islet -3 The bank of a river. g 1, 6 P., 10 U. (afa, qafa, acufaa) 1 To g estaat A river. draw or pull out. -2 To be great. -8 To be lofty. gforzi, gfri 1 N. of a barbarous tribe (usual-4 To be collected together, be gathered. ly in pl.). -2 A man of this tribe, a savage, bar. g a . Great, large, wide, extensive. -: Horripi barian, mountaineer; q: granata artear: 2:45a 39178 Hely: R. 16. 19, 32.-3 A hunter ; q ator lation. 7 Size, extent. A bunch. i argfrazgesta70321 Tag: Kau. A. 2. 1. 19. ge : 1 Erection or bristling of the hairs of the body, a thrill of joy or fear ), horripilation; 715 gforth: A snake. cucumba nitambavatI dayitaM pulakairanukUle Git. 13; mRgamadatilakaM likhati gfest: N. of a sage, the founder of one of the aget har 7; Amaru. 59, 82. -2 A kind of siddhantas in Astronomy. stone or gem; Kau. A. 2. 11. 29. -3 A flaw or defect in a gem. -4 A kind of mineral. - A ball of food etam. N. of a demon, the father-in-law of with which elephants are fed ( argos). -8 Yellow Indra; pulomAnaM jaghAnAjI jAmAtA san zatakratuH Hariv. -Comp. or piment, a dot of the same; airwa area -37ft:, - , - , -eq m. epithets of Indra. -Fi, F aca taa: got 99 Abhiseka. 4. 23. -7 A - Sachi, daughter of Puloman and wife of Indra. Wine-glass. -8 A species of mustard. -9 See on: GZAT N. of the wife of Bhrigu and mother of (1); Igua safat sar: 97474 Mb. 13. 91. 38 Chyavana. (com. at: siquiauga pala ). -10 A bunch. -Comp. -35 the nooke of Varuna.T T: an epithet ! ge : N. of a despised mixed tribe the progeny of Kubera. -364erection of the hairs of the body, born of a Nisada male and Sudra female, sa facialhorripilation at at wala 92 :'); Ms. 4. 79; Bhag. 9. 21. 10. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #409 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1086 puSkala T 1, 4, 9 P. (afa, goufat, goufa, qe or grea) 1 To nourish, foster, rear, bring up, nurture; fara aaa *991 Bh. 2. 46; quoniha : 251: Bg. 15. 13; Bk. 3. 13; 17. 32. -2 To support, maintain, bear. -3 To cause to thrive or grow, unfold, develop, bring into relief; gare 1907Hy faster Ku. 1. 25; R. 3. 32; a fatiua furaha ya 974 S.D. 3.-4 To increase, augment further, promote, enhance; i f wara T OTT: R. 4. 11; 9.5. - To get, possess, have, enjoy; fags: Re: fara goala # Bh. 3. 31. - To show, exhibit, bear, display; ay ma : gefa af BTTTTH $. 1. 19; Ku. 7. 18, 78; R. 16. 58; 18. 32; na hIzvaravyAhRtayaH kadAcit puSNanti loke viparItamarthama Ku. 3. 63; 1914 hegoufa Fath Me. 82. -7 To be increased or nourished, thrive, prosper. -8 To magnify, extol. -9 To bud, bloom, blossom ; 9697 got aifead 7034871974: U. 3. 16. Mal. 9.34. -10 To share, divide. -IL. To shine, beam, gleam; any fara haegt: 96 arutfatta: Mb. 12. 58. 26. -Cane. or 10 U. ( aa) 1 To nourish, bring up, maintain &c. -2 To increase, promote. - To take care of, provide for. - To put on, wear. de a. 1 Nourishing. -2 Showing, displaying; tratarauan prasaranajfa agfa si. 10. 32. *4 Nourishment, nutrition. 9 pp. [99-] 1 Nourished, fed, reared, brought up. -2 Thriving, growing, strong, fat. -3 Tonded, cared for. -4 Rich, magnificently provided. -8 Complete, perfect. -6 Full-sounding, loud; FITOT Kegea 1919 494994 Mb. 12. 47. 14. -7 Eminent. -: N. of Visnu. - 1 Nourishment. -2 Acquisition, gain (Ved.). -Comp. -37% a. fat-lim bed, well-fed. - er a. fully intelligible. gre: f. [ 94 Hia ) 1 Nourishing, breeding, or rearing. - Nourishment, growth, increase, advance; fiqaraft 20 fetso air : gch Bv. 1. 12. -3 Strength, fatness, fulness, plumpness; pau grefta greftalate Mk. 1. 49. -4 Prosperity, thriving. 5 Maintenance, support. -6 Wealth, property, means of comfort; aftwagogfea 49 gfe fat: 964 $a facta R. 18. 32. -7 Richness, magnificence. -8 Development, perfection. -9 N. of a ceremony performed for the attainment of welfare; also 92 q.v. -Comp. - a. nourishing, nutritive. Fin a religious ceremony performed for the attainment of worldly prosperity. -Filat: an epithet of Ganesa. .. 1 nourishing. -2 causing growth or prosperity. * N. of a medicinal plant (Mar. 34). AIT: N. of the doctrine of a Vaisnava sect founded by Valla bhacharya. -au a. promoting welfare, causing prosperity. (-:) a cook. gench ( 7# git tila, *1-*; cf. Un. 4.4] 1 A blue lotne; Nelumbium speciosumn; : * : *+91- Rat your ha i htua si. 8. 32. -2 The tip of an elephant's truuk; 3460749 y eataurinaiaqua agriau: Si. 5. 30. -3 The skin of a drum, i. e. the place where it is struck; quitare Me. 68; R. 17. 11. -4 The blade of a sword; 11: fata 95Tor Si. 18. 17. -- The sheath of a sword. -8 An arrow. -7 Air, sky, atmosphere; 7977 Rung: - 91 499 Siva B. 18. 50. -8 A cage. -9 Water. -10 Intoxication. -11 The art of dancing. -12 War, battle. -13 Union. -14 N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage in the district of Ajmere. -16 The bowl of a spoon. -18 A part, portion. -17 The tip of the elephant's trunk; Matanga 1. 2. 2; 3. 1; 5.8; f. 9. -T: 1 A lake, pond ; 999 qui a ... Jyotistattvam. -2 A kind of serpent. -3 A kind of drum, kettle drum; avAdayan dundubhIzca zatazazcaiva puSkagan Mh. 6.43. 103. -4 The sun. -5 An epithet of a class of clouds said to cause dearth or famine; Me. 6. (v. l. 90 ); - Farzeau g radareg 1 37xgrupa HSTAH Ku. 2. 50. -8 An epithet of Krisna. -7 An epithet of Siva. -8 The Sarasa bird. -9 An inauspicious conjunction of planets. - :,- N. of one of the seven great divisions of the universe. Comp. -37&T: an epithet of Visnu; 1964 #: altas 97 Bm. 2. 108. - 3eri, -BT: the Indian crane. -371 : an epithet of a class of clouds said to cause dearth or famine; de alarea indah Me. 6; Ku. 2. 50, Ve. 3. 2. -at: N. of a sacred bathing-place; see 964 above. - an epithet of Visnu. -494 a lotus-leaf.- : wax. are lotus-seed. -fagt: the god Brahma; OTTH # Fanafoscilea area: quragter: Bhag. 3. 19. 31. - 4TET: an alligator. -FETET the root of a lotus. -erf a kind of writing; L. V. rofa: an epithet of Siva. - f. a garland of lotuses. -. (du. N. of the two Asvinikumaras. gota Den. A. To act as a drum. qua A kind of disease ( abscess on the penis ). graftoft 1 A female elephant. -2 A lotus-pool. -3 A piece of water, lake or pool in general; 20: puSkariNIM vIrau pampAM nAma gamiSyatha Ram. 3.78. 11. -4 The lotus-plant. gofta a. (oft f.) A bounding in lotuses. -m. An elephant. E a. [9q-ho fa; 6142105 a Tv.] 1 Much, copious, abundant; fedag 2901 ALETTI 4H quhes: H. 1. 81; 991 gafa gert Ms. 3. 277; Pt. 1. 63.-2 Full, complete; gara cat arar: g : Bg. 11. 21; afifaciegu reut fast gra gotics: Bhag. 10.3.8. -8 Rich, magnificent, splendid. -4 Excellent, best, eminent. -8 Near. - Loud, resonant, resounding. 1 A kind of drum. -2 An epithet of Siva. -3 Of mount Meru. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #410 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir puSkalaka: 1087 puSpadhayaH -541 A particular measure of capacity=6t handfule.! -2 Alms to the extent of four morsels of foorl. puSkalaka: 1 The musk-deer; sImni puSkalako hataH Sk.-2 A bolt, pin, wedge. -3 A Buddhist mendicant. puSTikA An oyster (Mar. kAlava). puSpa 4 P.(puSpyani) To open, blow, expand, bloom3 puSpyatpuSkaravAsitasya payasaH U. 3. 16. puSpam [puSpa vikAze-ac] 1 A flower, blossom; patraM puSpaM phalaM toyaM yo me bhaktyA prayacchati Bg. 9. 26. -2 The menstrual discharge; as in puSpavatI q.v. -3 A topaz (puSparAga); Ram. 2.94.6. - A disease of the eyes (albugo). - The car or vehicle of Kubera ; see 9877. - Gallantry, politeness (in love language). -7 Expanding, blooming, blossoming (said to be m. in this sense). -Comp.-agram pistil. -aJjanam 1 calx of brass used as a collyrium. - 2 A white flower-like substance which appears when zinc is unixed with copper and heated for preparing brass. -3 Mine oxide (Mar. jastaphula).-aJjali: a handful of flowers. -anugam a powder promoting menstruation. -abhiSeka% snAna q. v. -ambu the honey ot flowers. -ambujam the sap of flowers.-avacaya: collecting or gathering flowers. -avacAyin = puSpAjIvaq.v. -astra: an epithet of the god of love. -Akara a. rich or abounding in flowers; mAso nu puSpAkaraH V. 1.9. -AgamaH the spring.-311a: a florist, garland-maker. -397977: a kind of liquor. -ApIDa: a chaplet of flowers. -AyudhaH, iSaH the god of love%3; puSpAyudhaM durAdharSam Mb. 1. 172. 173 Mahimna. 23. -Asavam honey. -AsAraH a shower of flowers; puSpAsAraiH snapayatu bhavAn vyomagaGgAjalA: Me. 45. -AstarakA, -AstaraNam the art of strewing flowers (one of the 64 Kalas). -udgama: appearance of flowers. -udyAnam a flower-garden. -upajIvinm .a florist, gardener, garland-maker. -karaNDakam N. of the garden of Ujjayini: karaNDinI N. of the city, Ujjayini. -kAla: 1 flower-time', the spring. -2 the time of the menses, -kAsIsam green (or black) sulphate of iron. -kITa: a large black bee.-ketanaH, ketuH the god of love. (-n. ) 1 calx of flowers. -2 vitriol (used as a collyrium). -gaNDikA N. of a kind of faree (in which men act as women and women as mem); S. D. -gRham / flowerhouse, conservatory. -ghAtaka: the bamboo. -cayaH 1 gathering flowers -2 a quantity of flowers. -cApaH the god of love. -cAmara: a kind of cane. -jam the juice of flowers. -da: a tree. -dantaH 1N. of an attendant of Siva. -2 N. of the author of the Mahimnastotra.- N. of the elephant presiding over the northwest; zuddhAkSamaindraM bhallATaM puSpadantaM tathaiva ca Hariv. -4 the sun and moon (dual). -dAman. a garland of flowers. -dravaH 1 the sap or exudation of flowers. -2 an infusion of flowers. - maH a flowering tree. -dha: the offspring of an outoast Brahmana ct. vrAtyAt tu jAyate viprAt . pApAtmA bhuurjknnttkH| AvantyavATadhAnI ca puSpadhaH zaikha eva c| Ms. 10.21. -dhanus,-dhanvan m. the god of love; dutametya puSpadhanuSo dhanuSaH Si.9.41; zatamakhamupatasthe prAJjaliH pRSpadhanvA Ku.2.64-dhara:a. bearing flowers.-dhAraNa: an opithet of Visnu.-dhvajaH the god of love.-nikSa: a bee. -niyosaH, -niyosaka: the sap, nectar, or juice of flowers. -netram the tube of aflower. -patrin m. the god of love. -pathaH, -padavI the vulva. -puTa: the calyx of a flower. -2 (in music) a particular position in dancing. -puram N. of Pataliputra 3 prAsAdavAtAyanarsazritAnAM netrotsavaM puSpapurAnAnAm R.6.21. -pracayaH, -pracAyaH the plucking or gathering of Howers. -pracAyikA gathering of flowers. -prastAra: n bed or couch of flowers. -phala: the wood-apple tree. -baTuka: a courtier, gallant: (r. 1. for puSpanATaka). -bali: an offering of flowers. -bANaH,-vANa: an epithet. of the god of love. -bhadra: a kind of pavilion with 62 columns. -bhavaH the nectar or juice of flowers. -maJjarikA a blue lotus. -mAlA agarland of flowers. -mAsaH 1the month of Chaitra; mama tvayaM vinA vAsaH puSpamAse suduHsahaH Ram. 4. 1. 41. -2 the spring; ajitabhuvanastathA hi lebhe sitaturage vijayaM na puSpamAsaH Ki. 10. 35. -yamakam a kind of Yana.ka; ef. Bk. 10. 14. - To n. the pollen. -TU: a carriage for travelling or for pleasure (but not for war); mukhyaH puSparatho yuktaH kiM na gacchati te'grataH Ram. 2.26. 15. -rasa: the nectar or juice of flowers. degAhvayam honey. -rAgaH, -rAja: topaz. -reNuH pollen; vAyurvidhUnayati campakapuSpareNan Kavirahasya; R. 1. 38. -puSparocana: the Nagakesara tree. -lAva: a flower-gatherer. (-bI) a female flowergatherer; Me. 26. -likSA, -liha m. a bee. -lipiH A particular style of writing. -varSeH,-varSeNam a shower of flowers; surabhi suravimuktaM puSpavarSa papAta R. 12. 102; puSpavarSoM mahAnabhUt Ram. -vATikA, -vATI / a flower-garden. -vRkSaH a tree bearing flowers. -vRSTiHfa shower of flowers; parasparazaravAtAH puSpavRSTiM na sehire R. 12.94. -vaNI a garland of flowers. -zakaTikA, -zakaTI a heavenly voice, voice from heaven. "nimittajJAnam Knowledge of the omens which result from heavenly voices (one of the 64 Kalas). -zayyA a flowery bed, a couch of flowers. -zaraH, -zarAsanaH, -sAyaka: the god of love. -samaya: the spring. -sAraH, -sveda: the nectar or homey of flowers.-sArA the holy basil.-sitA a kind of sugar. -snAnam a kind of inauguration. -hAsaH 1 an epithet of Visuu. -2 the blooming of flowers. -hAsA a woman in her courses. -atat a woman past child-bearing. puSpakam 1 Flower. -2 Calx of brass. -3 A cup of iron.-4 The car of Kubera (snatched off from him by Ravana and from him by Rima); vaimAnikAH puNyakRtastyajantu marutAM pathi, puSpakAlokasaMkSobham R. 10.46% 13.40. -5A bracelet. -6 A kind of collyrium. - A particular disease of the eyes. -8 A bracelet of jewels. -9 A small earthen fireplace. puSpadha: An outeaste progeny of a Brahmana%3B . V. puSa. puSpaMdhayaH A bee. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #411 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir puSpavat 1038 ...... .. goat a. 1 Blooming, flowery -2 Set off with mudra mentioned in Tantra astra; arngre tangat flowers. -m. (lu.) The sun and moon; sa face car gtafel. -gftafirge: a collection of manu969aFarfageat Siva B. 2. 23; tira part e scripts; Hoh. 3. fazafataff@4h. at 1 A woman in her courses; 96976414 faal K.-2 A cow longing for the bull. 91,4 A., 9 U. (490, qua, gaila, gaita, 97; caus. i aula; desid. gyfa, f99faga) 1 To make pure, gel N. of the town Champa, the modern cleanse, purify (lit, and fig.); 342249150 999 Bk. 6.84; Bhagalpur. 3. 18; 9o9t9h914 aractera AHE S. 1; Ms. 1.105; 2. 62; Y. 1.58; R. 1. 53 ; 498: 9901H By. 10.31. -2 gfer 1 The tartar of the teeth. -2 The mucus of To refine. -8 To clean from chaff, winnow; UT authe penis. -3 The last words of a chapter, which state faian a a Mb. 12. 237.4.-4 To expiate, the subject treated therein.e.q.gla HET417 Taaraf atone for; g ara farag: 949 Rv. 7. 28. 4. -8 To aftaret q aror &c. ... 318 17:. discern, discriminate. -6 To think out, devise, invent. grsoft A woman in her courses. -7 To become clear or pure Atm.). gta a. 1 Flowered, full of flowers, in bloom,' grita p. p. cleaned, purified. blooming; ciraviraheNa vilokya puSpitAgrAm Git.4 (where gerarat is also the name of a metre). -2 Florid, a. (At the end of comp.) Purifying, cleansing, flowery as speech ). -3 Abounding or rich in; as in refining; as in 9 &o. gaiqeuat gear Pt. 1. 45. -4 Fully developed, com- ga p. p. [9 ] 1 Purified, cleansed, washed (fig. pletely manifested. -5 Spotted, variegated. -at A also); dRSTipUtaM nyaset pAdaM vastrapUtaM jalaM pibet / satyapUtAM vaded vAcaM woman in her courses. -Comp. -3701 N. of a metre; Hard ATIMs. 6.46; faen i 1991: 91919123see App. II. fegar farifa raya Bg. 9. 20. - 2 Threshed, winnowed. gfert a. 1 Bearing flowers, blooming, blossoming. -3 Expiated. - Contrived, invented. -8 Stinking, -2 Rich or abounding in flowers. -8 Flowery (as putrid, fetid, foul-smelling. -: 1 A conch-shell. -2 speech), fot: watan: giC/qozt Ayora HOT Bhag. 4. 2. 25. White Kusa grass. -24 Truth. - An epithet of Durga. -Comp. -3716HT a. pureminded. (-m.) 1 an gree: A post, wedge, pin. epithet of Visnu. -2 a purified man, saint, sage. got: 1 The Kali age. -2 The month called 919.-3 -RtAyI Sachi, the wife of Indra; pUtakatAyImabhyeti The eighth lunar mansion (consisting of three stars ), 994: f 1717 Bk. 5. 28. - N. of Indra; written also feq. -574 Ved. -1 The blossom. -2 511954aalada 71 9anat: gt: Bk. 8. 29. -TUTH white Foam, scum. - The asterism called 96. -Comp. Kusa grass. -duH the tree called palAza. -dhAnyam sesa-39799 ,-FATH a ceremony of coronating a king mum. - it holy basil (T ). -979, - HT a. freed &c., when the moon stands in the asterism Pusya. from sin. - Fis: the bread fruit tree (978). ET . The night on which the Pusya planet is seen I a. Ved. Purified, clean. for all the time. - : the moon when in conjunction with Pusya. -TU:= gere: q.v. : E7T9 Pratima gfa: f. Purifying 1. 3. - rt: = GETTTT: q. v.; Kau. A. 2. 11. 29. go: [9 Tafa; Un. 1. 121 ] 1 A multitude, heap, get See 96977. collection, quantity; ra: Te Mb. 5. 131.1; wat yat Hayqftan (190) 31 Si. 9. 6. ge 10 U. ( a) 1 To rub. -2 To decrease, -2 An association, corporation, union; AT: ITT: lessen. Y. 2.30; Ms. 3. 151; 2:......914919g faare : get 10 U. (grazia-) 1 To bind, tie. -2 To dis Kau. A. 1. 13. -3 The areca or betelnut-tree (a also); R. t. tt; armadi IGT: 6. 64; 13. 17; 1937 respect, contemn. quantit atife : (7 My. 7. 13. -4 CAH 1 Plastering, painting, anointing. -2 Work- Nature, proporty, disposition. -TH Areca-nut, beteling in clay, modelling.-3 Anything made of clay, nut. -Comp. Ha a. hea perl, collected. -71974 1 a wood or metal. -4 A book, manuscript; also gea . spitting-pot, spittoon. -2 a betel-box. -08:, -34 a -Comp. n. plastering, painting. - TG: Keeper spitting-pot. -16 Fr betel nut and flowers given to of land records ; EI. XV. 130; XX. 61. guests at a marriage ceremony. - FOH the areca-nut. a enmity against many men. gripi, FH 1 A book, manuscript. -2 A protubeTant ornament, boss. -TITCH a library. -ITECTUH .Toft The betel-nut tree (9). -Comp. - FOH the The wrapper of a manuscript; Hch. 91 a kind of areca-nut. zar the areca palm. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #412 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1089 pUra HI pUja 10 U. (pUjayati-te, pUjayAMcakAra-cakre, apUSajatU-ta, apupUjat- of insect. -kASTham the Devadaru tree. -kASThaka: the ta, pUjayitum , pUjita) 1To adore, worship, revere honour) Sarala treu. Fiert: a civet-cat. 37 a. putrid, fetid, recieve with respect; yadapUpujastvamiha pArtha murajitamapUjitaM / foul-smelling, stinking. (-F7:) 1 stench, fetid odour. satAm Si. 15.14; Ms.4.31; Bk.2.26% 3Y.2.14. -2 To -2 the Ingudi plant. -3 sulphur. fra a. stinking, present or honour with; ratnazca pUjayedenaM pradhAnapuruSaiH saha foul-smelling. -gandhika a. stinking, fetid. -tailA heartMs. 7. 203. - To regard, take notice of. - 4 To initiate, pea. -nasyam a kind of disease of the nose in which it consecrate. emits offensive breath; doSairvidagdhairgalatAlumUle saMvAsito yasya pUjaka . (-jikA /.)[ pUj-Nvul ] Honouring, adoring, samIraNasnu / nireni pUtirmukhanAsikAbhyAM taM pUtinasyaM pravadanti rogam // Susr. -nAsika a. having a fetid nose. -vaktra a. having worshipping, respecting &c. offensive breath.-ara: 'foul air', a fart; Bhag. 5.5. pUjanam [pUj bhAve lyuT] 1 Worshipping, honouring, 30. -vAhaH (= bilvavRkSaH). -vraNam a foul ulcer (discharg. adoring; devadvijaguruprAjJapUjana......tapa ucyate Bg. 17.14. -2: ing pus). -zArijA a civet-cat. Treating with respect, entertaining, hospitality. -3 An pUtika aho dehapradAnena object of reverence. -nA same as pUjanam Stinking, fetid, foul; yastvaM zmazAne mRtakAn pUtikonatsi kutsitAn Mb. 18.9.11. -kam Ordure, exeredarzitA'tithipUjanA Mb. 12. 147.8. nI A hen-sparrow.. ment. pUjayAna a. Worshipping, honouring. pUtikA 1 A kind of herb. -2 A civet-cat; pulAkA iva pUjA [pUj-bhAve-a] Worship, honour, adoration, res- dhAnyeSu pUtikA iva pakSiSu / mazakA iva matryeSu yeSAM dharmo na kAraNam // pect, homage; pratibannAti hi zreyaH pUjyapUjAvyatikramaH R.1.79. Pt. 3. 98. -3 (also pUtikaH) A species of plant serving -Comp. -37% a. venerable, respecta ble, worshipful, as a substitute of Soma; pUtikAniva somasya (pratinidhayaH) worthy of reverence. -upakaraNam the requisites for the Mb. 3. 5. 33 (com. 'somAbhAve pUtikAnAbhiSuNuyAt' iti worship. -gRham a temple. -paTTakam a document of zruteH); Pt. 3. 98. -Comp. -mukhaH a bi-valve shell. honour. -saMbhAra: See pUjopakaraNa, pUna a. Destroyed (p. p. of 'pU to destroy'). pUjita p. p. [ pUj-kta] 1 Honoured, respected. -2 pUpaH A sort of bread ; see apUpa; pUpo'pUpo piSTake syAta. Adored, revored. -3 Acknowledged. - Endowed. -- Recommended. -6 Frequented. -7 Consecrated. pUpalA (lI), pUpAlikA, pUpAlI, pUlikA, pUpikA A sort of sweet cake. pUjila .. Venerable, respectable. -la: A god. pRya 1 U. (pUyati-te) 1 To stink, putrefy. -2 To split TFT a. Deserying respect, worthy of honour, res up, divide. -3 To be dissolved or destroyed; zraddadhAnasya pecta ble, venerable. -4: A father-in-law. pUyante sarvapApAnyazeSataH Mb.1.1.254; (considered by some pUN 10 U. (pUNayati-te) To heap together, accumulate, to be + A. also). amass. pUyaH, -yam Pus, discharge from an ulcer or wound, pUt ind. An imitative word expressive of hard brea suppuration, matter; bhiSaje pUyazoNitam Ms. 3. 180%3 pUyaM thing or blowing. cikitsakasyAnnam 4.2203; 12.72. -Comp.-ari: the Nimba pUtkR8 U. To blow, breathe hard. tree. -ter: suppuration at the joints, white swelling. -udaH, -vaha: N. of a particular hell; Bhag.5.26.7. pUtkArI 1 An epithet of Sarasvati. -2 N. of the -raktaH a kind of disease of the nose (wherein purulent capital of the Nagas. blood or sanies flow out). (7 ) 1 ichor, sanies. pUtana: A dead body in a cemetery. -nA 1 N. of a -2 discharge of sa nies from the nostrils; ara fiecarearra female demon who, while attempting to kill Krisna, jantorlalATadeze'bhihatasya taistu| nAsA sravet pUyamamRgavimizraM taM pUyaraktaM when but an infant, was herself crushed by him. -2 pravadanti rogam // Susr. Ademoness, or Raksasi in general; mA pUtanAtvamupagAH pUyanam = pUya q. v. zivatAtirodhi Mal.9.50. -3 Terminalia chebula (harItakI); 'pUtanA rAkSasIbhede harItakyAM ca pUtanA' Visva. -Comp. -ariH, pUra I. A (pUryate, pUrNa)1 To fill ill out (allied in this sense with pass. of pR -sUdanaH, -han m. epithets of Krispa.. . v.). -2 To please, satis fy. -II. 10 U. (pUrayati-te, pUrita; strictly the Cass. of prati |[puuyu-ktic ] Putrid, stinking, fetid, foul-smell- pRq.v.)1 To fill; ko na yAti vazaM loke mukhe piNDena pUritaH ing; yAtayAmaM gatarasaM pUti paryuSitaM ca yat Bg. 17. 10. -tiH/.. Bh. 2. 118; Si.9.64; 16.34. -2 To blow into or ill [pU-pUya vA bhAve ktin ] 1 Purification. -2 Stink, stench; with wind, blow (as a conchshell). -3 To cover, pUtikkinna Bh. 3. 18(v.1.); Ms. 11.50. -3 Putrefaction. surround; pUrayantaH samAjagmurbhayadAyA dizo daza Bk. 7.30. -4 -n.1 Filthy water. -2 Pus, matter. -3 The substance To fultil, satisfy; pUrayatu kutUhalaM vatsaH U.4; 90 AzAm, manocalled civet. -Comp. -3deg3: 1 A musk-deer. -2 a kind 794 &c. - To intensify, strengthen (as sound). -8 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #413 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pUra: To make resonant. -7 To load or enrich with (gifts &c.). -8 To draw (as a bow). 9 To spend (time). pUra: [ pU-ka] 1 Filling making full; tamahamupakhatAnAM ist Bhag. 8. 13. 47. -2 Satisfying, pleas ing, making content. -3 Pouring in, supplying Ange: Ku. 1. 10. - The swelling or rising of a river or of the sea, flood; : arge R. 3. 17. -B A stream or flood in general; &c. --6 A piece of water, lake, pond. -7 The healing or cleansing of wounds. -8 A kind of cake. -9 Drawing in breath slowly through the nose; prANApAnau saMnirundhyAt pUra:-10 The citron tree. -TH A kind of incense. -Comp. - the fruit of Spondins Magnifera (Mar. AMbADA ). - utpIDaH a flood or excess of water; pUrotpIDe taDAgasya paravAhaH pratikriyA e. 3. 29. 0, gen 2. [KR] 1 Filling up, completing. -2 Satisfying, making content. : 1 The citron tree. -2 A ball of meal offered at the conclusion of the oblations to the manes. -3 (In arith.) The multiplier. -4 Closing the right nostril and inhaling air through the left (as a religious ceremony); cf. . - Flood, strenm, effusion (pUra); sivAnavadarAmRtapUra (cchayAbhim ) Bhag. 10. 29. 35. TEN a. (-oft f.) [R-ft eg 1 Filling up, completing. 2 Ordinal (as applied to numbers) (fada, &c.); Ki. 3. 51. -3 Satisfying. 4 Drawing (as a bow). -T; 1 A bridge, dam, causeway. -2 The ocean. -3 The Salmali tree. - A kind of medicinal oil (f).-ft 1 An epithet of Durga. 2 The silk-cotton tree. - 1 Filling -2 Filling up, completing kumbhapUraNabhaka paTurucacAra ninado' Fafa : R. 9. 73. -3 Puffing or swelling. 4 Fulfilling, accomplishing. -5 A sort of cake. 6 A funeral cake. 7 Rain, raining. -8 Warp. 9 Multiplication (in Math.). -10 Injection of fluids (in Medic.) -11 Drawing, bending (as a bow). -12 Decorating, adorning. Comp. - an affix forming an ordinal number. a. pUrayitR 1 Filling, filling up. -2 Satisfying, gratifying.. An opithet of Visnu. Visnu. pUrikaH, -kA A kind of cake; modakAn pUrikApUpAn Mb. 7. 64. 7. pUrita p. p. 1 Filled, complete; fa a la gaga: Bh. 1. 118. -2 Overspread, covered over with 3 Multiplied. pUrNa P. 2. [-] ni0 ] 1 Filled, filled with, full of p. opt. in comp: aftenyquigi Bg. 2. 1: so ,&c. -2 Whole, full, entire, complete; of: pUrNamidaM pUrNAt pUrNamudacyate Trop. 1; apUrNamekena zatakratUpamaH R. 2. 88. -8 Fulfilled, accomplished. -4 Ended, completed. -8 1040 pUrNa - Past, elapsed. 6 Satisfied, contented. -7 Full-sounding, sonorous. -8 Strong, powerful. -9 Selfish, or self-indulgent. -10 Drawn, bent (as a bow) d: Bhag. 8. 11. 10. 11 Allpervading; ponudila a metge Bri. Up. 2.1.5; Mb. 14.20. 28. - 1 An epithet of the fifteenth digit of the moon. -2 N. of the fifth, tenth, and fifteenth lunar days or tithis. - Ved. 1 Abundance, plenty. -2 Water. -Comp. -aGkaH an integer. -aJjaliH two handfuls. - a. satisfied, contented. -fan: a particular sect of the Saktas. -abhiSekaH a kind of abhiSekaH known in tantrasastra as belonging to kaulapantha. -amRtA epithet of the sixteenth digit of the moon. -T: N. of the fourth, seventh and eighth incarnations of Visnu. 1 a drum. -2 the sound of a drum. -3 a vessel. - a moon-beam. -8=qq. v.; (sometimes read also). - the Supremo Being. -Aza a. one whose all desires are fulfilled ; pUrNAzA bahavaH kRtA vitaraNairyena tvayA yAcakAH AhutiH f an offering made with a full ladle; pUrNAhutibhirApUrNAstribhiH pUryanti tejasA Mb. 14. 20. 28. the full moon. - a. far advanced in pregnancy. -3 a full or complete simile, i. e. one in which the four requisites 1A, upameya, sAdhAraNadharma and upamApratipAdaka are all expressed (opp. lutopamA); eg ammohaniyAtAnaM mugdha karata taya; see K. P. 10 under 3941. a. full-humped. - a. one whose desires are fulfilled, satisfied, contented. (-:) N. of the Supreme Being. : 1 a full jar. -2 a vessel full of water; (placed at the door as an auspicious mark); quigaa wewegurd Dk. 1. 1. -8 a particular mode of fighting; its gear ugigazirAnubhI urohastaM tabake pUrNakumbhI prayujyatI // Mb. 2.23.14 (oom. prathitAgulibhyAM hastAbhyAM padAzirasaH pInaM pUrNakumbhaH) - a hole (in a wall) of the shape of a water-jar; pakveSTake pUrNakumbha eva zobhate Mk 3. -parvendu f. the day of full moon. - 1 a full cup or jar. -2 a cup-ful. -8 a measure of capacity (equal to 256 handfuls); (ggfe bhavet kimita kamI tu puSphalam phalAni tu catvAri pUrNapAtre pracakSate // ) pUrNAzramayImAhuH pAkavazasya dakSiNAm Mb. 12.00.38. - a vessel (or a box or basket) filled with valuable things (such as clothes, ornaments &c.) and scrambled for by servants or relatives on festive occasions or distributed as presents; hence, the word is often used to denote a present made to one who brings a happy news'; kadA me tanayajanmamahotsavAnandanirbharo hariSyati pUrNapAtraM parijanaH K. 62, 70, 73, 165 sakhIjanenApahiyamANapUrNapAtram 230; tat kAmaM prabhavati pUrNapAtravRttyA svIkartuM mama hRdayaM ca jIvitaM ca Mal. 4. 1 kiM pUrNapAtrasya na pAtramAsIta Ram champii. (pUrNapAtra is thus defined :- harSAdutsavakAle ca yadalaMkArAMzukAdikam / AkRSya gRhate pUrNapAtraM syAt pUrNakaM ca tat // or vaparka bdaanndaadkaaraa|| dikaM punaH // AkRSya rakhate pUrNapAtraM pUrNAni ca tat // Haravali). -6 a vessel full of rice presented to the priests at the end of the sacrifice. a. one whose prajna is fully developed. N. of Madhva, the founder of a kind Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #414 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pUrNakaH of Vaisnava cult. -bI (vI) jaH the citron. - mAnasa a. contented. -mAs m. 1 the sun. -2 the moon. (f.) the day of full moon. -mAsa: 1 the moon. -2 a monthly sacrifice performed on the day of full moon; (comprising the Agneya, agnISomIya and upAMzuyAja sacrifices); kAni punardarzapUrNamAsazabdakAni yeSAM vacane paurNamAsIzabdo'mAvAsyazabdo vA AgneyAdIni tAni // SB. on MS. 4. 4. 34. -mAsI the day of full moon. - rathaH a complete warrior vapus a. full (the moon) homaH pUrNAhuti q. v = pUrNakaH 1 A kind of tree. -2 A cock. -3 The blue jay; Mb. 7. 57. 4. pUrNikA A kind of bird ( having a cleft beak = nAsAcibhI). pUrNimA, pUrNimAsI, pUrNamA The day of full moon; nikhibhirNimA tirthAnupatasthe'tithirekikA tithiH N. 2.76. pUrva [1] [[pUra- ni0 ] 1 Full complete aizvaryavairAgyayadhI4. sabodhavIryatriyAM pUrtamahaM prapadye Bhag. 3. 21. 32. -2 Concealed, uovered. -3 Nourished, protected. rtam 1 Pulfilment. -2 Cherishing, nourishing. -3 Granting.-4 A reward. merit. -6 An act of pious liberality; it is thus defined : --- vApIkUpataDAgAdi devatAyatanAni ca / annapradAnamArAmaH pUrtamityabhidhIyate Ms. 4. 226; Mal. 1.5. (opp. iSTa which is thus defined by Atri:-- agnihotraM tapaH satyaM vedAnAM caiva pAlanam / AtithyaM vaizvadeva iSTamityabhidhIyate iSTapUrta 1041 pUrtiH / 1 Filling. -2 Completion, fulfilment, accomplishment. -3 Satiety; satisfaction. -4 Rewarding, a reward. - Multiplying. qua. 1 To be filled or satisfied. -2 To be nourished or maintained. pUruSaH = puruSa q. v.; Bv. 1. 75. pUrva 1 P. To fill ( 101 ) 1 To invite - To Live. pUrva a. ( Declined like a pronoun when it implies relative position in time or space, but optionally so in nom. pl.; and abl. and loc. sing.) 1 Being in front of, first, foremost. -2 Eastern, easterly, to the east of; grAmAt parvataH pUrvaH Sk.; pUrvAparau toyanidhI vagAhya_Ku. 1. 1. -8 Previous to, earlier than ; brAhmaNe sAhasaH pUrva: Ms. 8. 276. - 4 Old, ancient ; pUrvasUribhiH R. 1.4; idaM kavibhyaH pUrvebhyo namovAkaM prazAsmahe U. 1.1. -5 Former, previous, anterior, prior, antecedent (opp. uttara ) ; in this sense often at the end of comp. and translated by formerly ' before '; zrutapUrva &c.; vyatItA yA nizA pUrvA paurANAM harSavardhinI Ram. 7. 37. 1. -6 Aforesaid, before-mentioned. -7 Initial. -8 Established, customary of long standing -9 Early, prime, pUrve vayasi Pt. 1. 165 in early age or prime of life. -10 Elder ( jyeSTha ); rAmaH pUrvo hi no bhrAtA bhaviSyati mahIpatiH Ram. 2798 - 11 (At the end of comp.) Preceded by, accompanied by, attended with ; saMbandhamA bhASaNapUrvamAhuH R. 2. 58; puNyaH zabdo muniriti muhuH kevalaM or ko... 131 pUrva " rAjapUrva: S. 2. 17; tAn smitapUrvamAha Ku. 7. 47; bahumAnapUrvayA 5. 31; dazapUrvarathaM yamAkhyayA dazakaNThAriguruM vidurbudhAH R. 8. 29; 80 matipUrvam Ms. 11. 147 intentionally, knowingly 12. 89; abodhapUrvam ' unconsciously, s. 5. 2. &c. -rvaH An ancestor, a forefather; pUrvaiH kilAyaM parivardhito naH B. 13.3 payaH pUrvaiH sanizvAsaH kaSNamupabhujyate 1 675145 anukAriNi pUrveSAM yuktarUpamidaM tvayi S. 2. 17. -rvam The forepart; anavaratadhanurjyA sphAlanakrUrapUrvam ( gAtram) S. 2.4. - rvA 1 The east -2 N. of a country to the east of Madhyadesa. -rvam ind. 1 Before (with abl. ); mAsAt pUrvam. - 2 Formerly, previously, at first, antecedently, beforehand; taM pUrvamabhivAdayet Ms. 2. 117; 8 94; 8. 205; ; R. 12. 35 praNipAtapUrNam K bhUtapUrvakharAlayam e. 2. 17 which formerly was the abode, &c.; samayapUrvam S. 5 ' after formal agreement'. -8 Immemorially. (pUrveNa 'in front', -- before ', -- to the east of ', with gen. or acc. ; adya pUrvam -- till-now ', 'hitherto '; pUrvaH - tataH pazcAt upari 'firstthen, first-afterwards', 'previously, subsequently', pUrvam - adhunA or -adya 'formerly-now' -Comp. -agniH the sacred fire kept in the house ( Avasathya ). - aGgaH the first day in the civil month. -acalaH, -adriH the eastern mountain behind which the sun and moon are suppossed to rise. -adhikArin m. the first occu pant, a prior owner. -antaH the end of a preceding word. - apara . 1 eastern and western ; katamo'yaM pUrvAparasamudrAlagADaH sAnumAnAlokyate S. 7 pUrvAparI toyanidhI bagA Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1. 1. -2 first and last. -8 prior and subsequent, precoding and following. -4 connected with another. ( -ram ) 1 what is before and behind. -2 connection ; na ca pUrvAparaM vidyAt Ms. 8.56. -3 the proof and the thing to be proved. degvirodhaH inconsistency, incongruity. -abhimukha a. turned towards or facing the east. -abhyAsaH former practice or experience. -ambudhiH the eastern ocean. -arjita a. attained by former works. ( - tam ) ancestral property. ardhaH, -rdham 1 the first bull; dinazya pUrvArdhaparArdhabhinA chAyeva maitrI khalasajjanAnAm Bh. 2. 60; samAptaM pUrvArdham &c. - 2 the upper part ( of the body ); zakuntalA pUrvArdhena zayanAdutthAya S. 3; R. 16. 6. -3 the first half of a hemistich. -avasAyin a. what occurs first or earlier; pUrvAvasAyinazca balIyAMso jaghanyAvasAyibhyaH SBon MS. 12.234. -ataH the earlier part of the day, forenoon; Ms. 4. 96, 152. vaH kAryamaNaM kurvIta pUrva cAparAhnikam (pUrvAhana, pUrvAhikA, pUrvatana a relating to the forenoon) AvedakaH plaintiff. -ApADhA N. of the 20th lunar mansion consisting of two stars. -itara . western. -ukta, udita a.. beforementioned, aforesaid, uttara . north-eastern. (-rA) the north-east. ( -re dual) the preceding and following, antecedent and subsequent karman 1 a former act or work. -2 the first thing to be done, a prior work. --8 actions done in a former life. -4 preparations, preliminary arrangements. : former times. -kAya: 1 the fore-part of the body of animals; pazcArdhena praviSTaH zarapatanabhayAd bhUyasA pUrvakAyam S. 1. 7. -2 the upper part of the body of men ; spRzan kareNAnatapUrvakAyam For Private and Personal Use Only Page #415 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1048 R. 5. 32; cigaru 44 Ku. 3. 45. a. belonging to ancient times. (3:) former or ancient times. -kAlika, -kAlInaa. ancient. -kASThA the east, eastern quarter. 7 a. previously done. (-a ) an act done in a former life. Ift: f. the starting point of a debate, the first statement or 47921 q. v. - preparation. - N. of the river Godavari. - TETT N. of the river Narmada ; revendujA pUrvagagA narmadA mekalAdrijA Abh. Chin. 1083. a a a. 1 aforesaid, above-mentioned. -2 previously stated or advanced as an objection. ST a. 1 born or produced before or formerly, first-produced, first-born; 4401: : re: Mb. 3. 141. 11. -2 ancient, old. -8 eastern. (-:) 1 an elder brother; apahAya mahIzamArcicat sadasi tvAM nanu bhImapUrvajaH; Si. 16.44; R. 15. 36. -2 the son of the elder wife. -3 an ancestor, a forefather ; # gaat 49657 THT R. 16. 34. -4 (pl.) the progenitors of mankind. -5 the manes living in the world of the moon. (-SI) an elder sister. - n. a former birth.-m.) an elder brother; HUT J UTTAT ( ) R. 14.44.; 15.95. -Gitat: . a former birth. I knowledge of a former life. -argarh N. of the first half of great 4 Tot a. south-eastern. (-OT) the south-east. -dikpatiH Indra, the regent of the east. -dinam the forenoon. - f. the east. Per a. situated towards the east, eastern.-fee the award of destiny.-TU a. 1 primioval. - 2 declared by the ancients; UT TEAT471033: Laura #: Ms. 9. 87. 9: 1 an ancient deity. -2 a demon or Asura ; feraih gagaftreef: Si. 14.58. -8 a progenitor (142). -4 (du.) an epithet of Nara-Narayana; Hy heart aa aath Mb. 3. 41.35 (com. pUrvadeva naranArAyaNasakha). -devatA a progenitor (f ) of gods or of men; 31 : sagt: Had - aut: Futarat HETAT: feat: qaca: Il Ms. 3. 192. T: the eastern country, or the eastern part of India. -art a. favourable in the eastern region. -argia: the irregular priority of a word in a compound; cf. lagra. -afe an omen. -farat a. made formerly, in past; a gaaragta 5115TICHETT Ms. 9. 281. -TT: 1 the fore-part or side. -2 the first half of a lunar month; e af1991 TATAH Bri. Up. 3.1.5. -3 the first part of an argument, the prima facie argument or view of a question; viSayo vizayazcaiva pUrvapakSastathottaram. -4 the first objection to an argument. -5 the statement of the plaintiff. -6 a suit at law. -7 an assertion, a proposition. 972: the plaint, the first stage of a legal proceeding. Ty the first member of a compound or sentence. -ra: the eastern mountain behind which the sun is supposed to rise. - , - ind, from the east to the west. - a. belonging to the eastern Panchalas. - foraftar: m.(pl.) the disciples of Panini living in the east. -pAlin m. an epithet of Indra.-pitAmahaH forefather, an ancestor; 3190 E H F#ga qarqatne: 1 H AITA: 919 faro antaa 11 Mb. 12. 3. 21. -1 introduction. -959: 1 an epithet of Brahma.-2 anyone of the first three ancestors, beginning with the father (f9EUR, foaihe, and fathe); Pt. 1. 89. -3 an ancestor in general. To a. each preceding one. (-at: m. (pl.) forefathers. -AUT = 6919T; Mb. 13. 89. 13. -phalgunI the eleventh lunar mansion containing two stars. Ha: an epithet of the planet Jupiter. FT: first or best friend; Mk. -2: a former life. -HIT: 1 the forepart. -2 the upper part. -HT() at the twenty fifth lunar mansion containing two stars. - 1 priority. -2 prior or antecedent existence; a la quafa dhasanya Tarka K. -3 (Rhet.) disclosing an intention. He a. willing to speak first; hence polite, courteous. - fa: f. prior occupation or possession; Ms. 8. 252. a. preceding, previous -madhyAhnaH the forenoon. -mArin a. dying before; evaMvRttAM af affala: diffufte (ECU) Ms. 5. 167. THAT the prior or first Mimamsa', an inquiry into the first or ritual portion of the Veda, as opposed to the Jiraatar or ra; see water. Her a. having the face turned towards the east. IFT asouth-eastern. - the commencement or prelude of a drama, the prologue; yannAvyavastunaH pUrve rnggvighnopshaantye| kuzIlavAH prakurvanti pUrvarazaH sa 304 II D.R; ai faga pada S. D. 283; akty: 4 arzata 7677: Si. 2.8 (see Malli. thereon). -TT: the dawning or incipient love, love between two persons which springs from some previous cause) before their meeting; 9uC CETTE 99 fat: HETI: RufaaSTAI OR: #34a Il s. D. 214. - : the first part of the night (from dusk to midnight). -TA 1 indication of an approaching change; an omen. -2 a symptom of occuring disease. -3 the first of two concurrent vowels or consonants that is retained. -4 (in Rhet.) a figure of speech which consists in describing anything as suddenly resuming its former state. -lakSaNam a symptom of coming sickness. -bayas . young. (-n.) youth. -arte a existing before, prior, previous. -arth (in dram.) an allusion to former utterance. Eg: the first plea or commencement of an action at law; are oftrasy a ard gat: YEH HOT $1 taaret : || Mita. -anfaat m. the complainant or plaintiff. fece a. knowing the events of the past; historian; geht great pret qaract fas: Ms. 9. 44. -fasads: the conflict of two statements contrary to each other. -figa a. deposited before. -714 1 a former event; gatuarea: guilta: ATE: 192aard 99: (919) R. 11. 10. -2 previous conduct. aft a. one who first commences hostilities, an aggressor. -TI a. relating to the first half of autumn. - see gayefa. -FTH the upper part of the thigh ; P. V. 4. 98. ifra a. gathered before as in former birth); tyajedAzvayuje mAsi munyannaM pUrvasaMcitam Ms.6.15. -F2 daybreak, dawn; HTC Het gaa (209afa) Si. 11. 40.- a. going in front. ETT For Private and Personal Use Only Page #416 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1048 pRcchanam the eastern ocean; sa senAM mahatI karSan pUrvasAgaragAminIm / R.4.32. -sAhasa: the first of the three fines%3; sa dApyaH pUrvasAhasam Ms. 9. 281. -sthitiH /- former or first state. pUrvaka 3. (At the end of comp.) 1 Preceded by, attended with; anAmayapraznapUrvakamAha 5.b..-2 Preceding, antecedent. -3 Previous, former, prior. - First. -5 ever (nitya); zucIn karmaNi pUrvake Mb. 12.85.83 ka eSAM pUrvako brahman Ram. 7.4.6. -ka: An ancestor, a forefather; evaM videharAjazca janakaH pUrvako'bhavat Ram. 7.57. 20. pUrvaMgama a. Going before, preceding. pUrvatana a. Former, old, ancient. pUrvatas ind. 1 In the east, to the east; sa pUrvataH parvatapakSazAtanaM dadarza devaM naradevasaMbhavaH R.3.42. -2 Before, in front of. -3 First, in the first place. pUrvatra ind. In the preceding part, previously. pUrvavat a. 1 Having something antecedent_or a cause. -2 Relating to something preceding; gaararsvidhAnArthAHo MS. 1. 4. 17. (et. ye hi pUrvavanto viditapUrvamarthamabhi- / vadanti te avidhAnArthAH | SB. on ibid.)-n. One of the three kinds of shra, inference of the effect from the cause; i. e. inferring from the rising of clouds that rain will fall. -ind. As before. pUrvina (-NI/.), pUrvINa a. 1 Ancient.-2 Ancestral. pUrvedyus ind. 1 On the former day. -2 On the day before, yesterday; pUrveAraparedhurvA zrAddhakarmaNyupasthite Ms. 3. 187. -3 During the first part of the day, in the morning, at dawn. -4 Early, betimes. pUye a. Ved. 1 Former, previous. -2 Ancient, old. -3 Next, near. -4 Eastern. - Excellent. pUla 1 P., 10 U. (pUlati, pUlayati-te) To heap up, collect, gather. pUlaH, -pUlakaH 1 A bundle, pack; na hi avaddhe kASTapUlake ekasminnAkRSyamANe kASTAntarANi kRSyante SB. on MS.9.1.26. / -2 A kind of cake; cf. pUladAnam, Matanga. L. 11.8. pUlAkaH = yulAka q.v. pUlikA A kind of cake. pUlyam An empty grain of corn. pUS 1 P. (pUSati) 1 To nourish. -2 To increase, growief. puS. pUSaH 1 The month pauSa. -2 (also pUSakaH) The mulberry tree. -SA N. of the third kala of the moon. -Sam The revatI constellation. pUSan m. (nom. pUSA, -SaNau, -SaNaH) [ pUS -kanin ; Un. 1. 156 ] 1 A Vedic deity. -2 The protector of the uni- verse: Tsop. 16. -3 The sun%; sadApAnthaH pUSA gaganaparimANaM kalayati Bh.2.114; indhanauSadhagapyagnistviSA nAtyeti pUSaNam / Si.2.23; navInamiva pUSaNam Siva B. 15. 26. - One of the 12 Adityas3 Mb. 12. 15. 18. -8 The earth. -Comp. -anuja: rain; prAsyad droNasuto bANAn vRSTiM pUSAnujo yathA Mb.8. 20.29.-ariH, asuhRdm . an epithet of Siva. -AtmajaH 1a cloud. -2 an epithet of Indra. -3 an epithet of Karna; pUSAtmajo marmasu nirbibheda Mb. 8. 89.76. -dantaharaH an epithet of Vira bhadraj see adanta. -bhAsA the city of Indra (amarAvatI). praI.6A.(priyate-pRta) To be busy or active (mostly with vyA); kArye vyApriyate; see vyApRta. -Caus (pArayati-te) 1 To cause to work, engage upon, entrust, with, appoint to; (usually with loc.); vyApAritaH zUlamRtA vidhAya siMhatvamaGkAgatasattvavRtti R. 2. 38. -2 To place, set, fix, direct, cast; vyApArayAmAsa kara kirITe R.6. 193 umAmukhe...vyApArayAmAsa vilocanAni Ku.3.673 vyApAritaM zirasi zastramazastrapANe: Ve. 3. 193 R. 13. 25. -II. 3 P. (piparti, pUrNa) 1 To bring or carry over. -2 To deliver from, bring out of. -3 To fill. -4 To protect, maintain, sustain. -8 To promote, advance. -III.9P. (pRNAti) To protect. -IV. 10 U. (pArayati-te; sometimes pAr is regarded as a separate root.) 1 To carry over or across, ferry over. -2 To reach the other side of anything, accomplish, perform, achieve, bring to a conclusion (a vow &c.). -3 To be able or capable; na khalu mAtApitarau bhartRviyogaduHkhitAM duhitaraM draSTuM pArayataH 5.63 na pArayAmi tAtakAzyapasya ...ApannasattvAM zakuntalAM nivedayitum 5.4; adhikaM na hi pArayAmi vaktum Bv. 2.59. -4 To deliver, save, extricate, rescue. - To withstand, oppose. -6 To live; V.5P. (pRNoti) 1 To please or delight, gratify. -2 To be pleased or delighted. pRc I.2 A. (pRkte, pRNa) To come in contact with. -II.7 P.(pRNAkta, pRkta) 1 To bring into contact with, join, unite; evaM vadan dAzarathirapRNagdhanuSA zaram Bk. 6. 39. -2 To mix, mingle. -3 To be in contact with, touch. -4 To satisfy, fill, satiate. -5 To augment, increase, -6 Ved. To give or grant bountifully. -III. 1 P., 10 U.(parceti, parcayati-te) 1To touch, come in contact with. -2 To hinder, oppose. pRkta p. p. [pRc-kta ] 1 Mixed, mingled : pRktastuSAraigirinirjharANAm R. 2. 13. -2 Touched, brought into contact, touching, united. -3 Filled, full; pRktayendukarairahnaH paryanta iva saMdhyayA Ki. 11.3. -ktam Property, wealth. qfari: f. Touch, contact, union. pRktham Property, wealth, possessions. pRkSas m. Ved. Food. pRcchakaH [pracch-vula saMprasAraNam ] An inquirer, an investigator; pRcchakena sadA bhAvyaM puruSeNa vijAnatA Pt.5.93%3B y. 2. 268. pRcchanam Asking, inquiring. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #417 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pRcchA gou 1 Questioning, asking, inquiring. -2 An inquiry into the future. 2 A. (e) To come in contact with, touch. pRD, pRNU 6 P. (pRDha-Na- ti ) To delight, please. pRNAkA The female young of an animal. f. An army. (This word has no forms for the first five inflections and is optionally substituted for gal after acc. dual). gang a. Ved. Hostile, inimical. qarafa Den. P. To attack, encounter. ga Ved. 1 A hostile encounter. -2 An army. 1 An army (in general). -2 A division of an army consisting of 243 elephants, as many chariots, 729 horse, and 1215 foot; see erft. -3 Battle, fight, encounter. -4 A hostile army. -5 (pl.) Men, mankind (Ved.). Comp. - an epithet of Indra. pRtanAjyam A close combat or fight; pRtanAnAmajanAd vA pRtanAjyaM jayanAd vA Nirukta. 1044 pRtanyA An army; tAM devadhAnIM sa varUthinIpatirbahiH samantAd rurudhe pRtanyayA Bhag. 8.15.23. 10 U. (fafa-a) 1 To extend. -2 To throw, cast. -3 To send, direct. q: Ved. 1 The palm of the hand. -2 A kind of measure (of 13 Angulas). Comp. - an epithet of Siva. qind. 1 Soverally, separately, singly : Bg. 1. 18; Ms. 3. 26; 7. 57.-2 Different, separate, distinet; sAMkhyayogau pRthag bAlAH pravadanti na paNDitAH Bg. 5.41 18.45 avatIrNo'si bhagavana svecchIpA pRthaH Bhag 11. 11. 28; a ganar fi Ki. 2. 27. -3 Apart, aside, alone; iti ca bhavato jAyAsnehAt pRthaka sthitibhIrutA V. 4. 39. 4 Apart from, except, with the exception of, without; (with acc., instr., or abl.); wives, or by wives of different classes. alone or separately. a. Sk.; Bk. 8. 109. (1 to separate, divide, sever, analyse. -2 to keep off, avert.) -Comp. - 1 severalty, separateness. -2 distinction, difference. -3 discrimination, judgment. - distinct, separate. m. the individual spirit or soul (arr); (opp. to universal spirit or soul); Mb. 13. 120.8; Bhag. 8. 24. 30. - individual existence, individuality. -, - 1 separating, distinguishing. -2 analysing. - a separate or private affair; teSAM grAmyANi kAryANi pRthak kAryANi caiva hi Ms. 7. 120. a. belonging to a different family. m. (pl.) children of one father by different - a. going 1 a low man, an unen Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pRthu lightened, vulgar man, the mob, low people; janavacchuco va vazina gantumaIsi R. 8.903 Ki.1.4.24. -2 a fool, a block-head, an ignorant man; fafa gfagfee: each easti gagan: Si. 16. 39. -3 a wicked man, sinner. - a. one holding 'dual' (a) doctrine; Mb. 12. 232. 33. -Tuff N. of a plant, Hemionitis Cordifolia (Mar. piThavaNa ) -piNDaH a distant relation who offers the funeral rice-ball separately and not together with other relations; Ms. 5. 78. -: the marking-nut (Mar. faul). I: separateness, individuality (no pRthaktvam). yogakaraNam the separation of a grammatical rule into two. -: a. of different shapes or kinds. -fa a. of different kinds, diverse, various. - zayyA sleeping apart. -sthitiH / separate existence. 1 Separateness, severalty.-2 Individuality. -Comp. - niveza: Subsistence on separateness; pRthaktvanivezAt saMkhyayA karmabhedaH syAt and also saMkhyAyAzca pRthaktvanivezAt Ms. 10.5 17; yAvati saMbhavati tAvati pRthaktvaniveza eva ga: SB. on MS. 5. 3. 2. Hence graaf. It is considered to be a characteristic feature of ; SB. on MS. 5. 3. 2. g (Intr. used as adv.) Individually, separately yathA loke pRthakatvamA kuna dRzyate deva mayA kRSi kuryuH SB. on MS. 10.6.40. pRthavI Soo pRthivI qar N. of Kunti, one of the two wives of Pandu. -Comp. -jaH, -tanayaH, -sutaH, sUnuH an epithet of the first three Pandava princes, but generally applied only to Arjuna ; azvatthAmA hata iti pRthAsUnunA spaSTamuktvA Ve. 3. 9; abhitastaM pRthAsUnuH snehena paritastare Ki. 11. 8. -patiH an epithet of Pandu. pRthikA A centipede. graft cf. Un. 1. 184] 1 The earth; (sometimes written pRthivi also ). pRthivyAM trINi ratnAni jalamannaM subhASitam. -2 Ground, soil. -3 The earth considered as one of the nine substances or five primary elements. Comp. indraH, -IzaH, -kSit / m., -pAla:, -pAlakaH, -bhuj m. -bhujaH, -zukraH a king. -kampaH an earthquake. -talam the surface of the earth. -fa: 1 a king. -2 Yama, the god of death.m. a mountain. -, - the circuit of the earth. -ruhaH a tree; pavamAnaH pRthivI ruhAniva R. 8. 9. : terrestrial world, the earth. For Private and Personal Use Only [ pRthu . ( - or [thvI / compar. prathIyasU, superi praviSTha ) Up. 1. 28] 1 Broad, wide, spacious, expansive ; pRthunitamba q. v. below; sindhoH pRthumapi tanum Me. 48. 2 Copious, abundant, ample; gaggof a cray V. 4. 47. -3 Large, great; razaH pRthutarIkRtAH Ratn. 2. 15 arodhi panthAH pRdantazAlinA Si. 12. 48; R. 11. 25. -4 Detailed, prolix. -8 Numerous. -6 Smart, sharp, clever. -7 Important. -8 Various. - 1 N. of fire or Agni. -2 N. of Visnu. -3 of Page #418 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pRthukA 1048 pRSAkarA Mahadeva. - N. of a king. [Prithu was the son of Vena, son of Anga. He was called the first king, from whom the earth received her name Prithvi. The Visnu Purana relates that when Vena who was wicked by nature and prohibited worship and sacrifice, was beaten to death by the pious sages, and when consequently robbery and anarchy prevailed in the absence of a King, the Munis rubbed the right arm of the dead Icing to produce a son, and from it sprang the majestic Prithu, glowing like Agni. He was immediately declared King, and his subjects who had suffered from famine, besought the monarch for the edible fruits and plants which the earth with held from them. In anger Prithu took up his bow to compel her to yield the supply so much needed by his subjects. She assumed the form of a cow and began to flee chased by the King. But she at last yielded and requested him to spare her life, and at the same time promised to restore all the nueded fruits, plants &c., "if a calf were given to her through which she might be able to secrete milk.' Prithu thereupon made Svayambhuva Manu the call; milked the earth, and received the milk into his own hand, from which proceeded all kinds of corn, vegetables, fruits &c., for the maintenance of his subjects. The example of Prithu was afterwards followed by a variety of milkers-gods, men, Kisis, mountains, Nagas, Asuras &c., who found out the proper milkman and call from their own number, and milked the earth of whatever they wanted; cf. Ku. 1.2.] - f. Opium. -Comp. - a. big-bellied, corpulent. (T) a ram. - a. far-famed. -JTE, -fra a. having large or broad hips or slopes; 1 gyfagra faaraadt a V. 4. 26. a. far-sighted. -97, - rod garlic. -977,- TT a. far-famed, widely renowned. - *: lentils. Tht m. a fish. ogon the sign Pisces of the zodiac. -Tet: a mountain. -ft a. highly prosperous. for a. having large hips. - a. rich, wealthy. - 2: a hug. TYFi, F4 Rice parched and flattened (Mar. 4); acar at a fan T ugaia Bhag. 10. 80. 14. -: A child; f 72: Y 924: Si. 3. 30; fara tad gehaM bhavati pRthukArtasvaramayam; pRthukaH parizIlito na yuddheSvakRtAstraH q arah: Ram. Ch. 2. 25; Bhag. 10. 12. 2.-FT A girl. qyo a. Broad, large, wide ; forg 9-18 F931a14 79 Si. 10. 65; fa-arri qyshi a (ta: +421 ) Lalita pancharatnam 1. grafi ( quei) 1 The earth; grea cam gar da a fagara Sandhya. - The earth as one of the five elements. - Large cardamoms.- N. of a metre; (see App. I.) -Comp. -T:, -afai, - , -y m. a king, sovereign. Ea a cavern. -- an epithet of Gauesa. TEH a cave, grotto. IT: 1 a tree. -2 the planet Mars. - rock-salt (1766707).-0 the ground, dry land. -ST: a mountain. - N. of a metre. Teatri 1 Large cardamoms.-2 Small cardamoms. TEK 1 A scorpion. -2 A tiger. -3 A serpent, adder; TE FA S T F Siva B. 15. 21. -4 A tree. -5 An elephant. -6 A panther (1975). fra a. Ved. 1 Clinging, attached to. #4 Clinging to, attachment. ixa (tot) a. ( TEL o 4719; Uu 4. 52 ] 1 Short, small, dwarfish. -2 Delicate, feeble. -3 Diversified, spotted. -4 Various, diverse (Ved.). - A dwarf. - f. 1 A ray of light. -2 The earth. -3 The starry sky. -4 N. of Devaki, mother of Krisna. - A cloud. -6 Milk. -7 A dappled cow. - The earth. -Comp. -T:, -77,- epithets of Visnu-Krispa. -rufit, qui Hermionitis Cordifolia (Mar. 1989). TEIT: 1 an epithet of Krisna. -2 of Ganesa. gfa (fto) F1,-qu( -Goit) N. of an aquatic plant. 1 A. (9 ) 1 To sprinkle. -2 To hurt, injure. -3 To give -4 To vex, pain, weary. e a. 1 Spotted, variegated. -2 Sprinkling -m. The spotted antelope ; '994 9917 face ace: quaisia algfa FTT:; Vis. Guna. 192. -n. 1 A drop of water or of any other liquid; ( said by some to be used only in pl.). -Comp. 313T:, -3792: 1 wind, air; 99 9 HETa fatti: Siva B. 6. 4. -2 an epithet of Siva. -TIETH ghee mixed with coagulated milk; 79 99TH Rv. 10. 90.8. -ofa: (-yraigfa:) wind. -27: N. of the horse of Wind. a. (99-3119 120 ] Spotted. a: 1 The spotted antelope ; al 22 al U HET acier qe ACT664 Ram. 2. 52. 102. -2 A drop of water; a mat 19: 979qyat 79: Ram. 7. 32. 22; q TAYAT 7 T: Ki. 6. 27; R. 3. 3; 4.27; 6.51. -3 A spot, mark. -4 An antelope considered as the vehicle of Vayu. -Comp. -3792: air, wind. **: 1 An arrow; 977asrar: Ak.; agaida **: 9984: Ki. 13. 23; Si. 20. 18; Vb. 1.1; that graaat gaat: R. 7. 45; ita 12 : g al Ram. Ch. 2. 5. F1: Siva B. 13. 108. - 2 A round spot. -3 The versed sine of an are; Gaaitadhhyaya. a: A drop of water ; 92.gqraf: Ferara arar: TA: TA: Bharata on Ak. TTH = q. v. TATT A small stone used as a weight. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #419 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pRSAtakam 1046 To Mixture of ghee and coagulated milk. ! 1 a ram. -2 a buffalo. -3 a eunuch. -4 an epithet of Bhima. Pict: Wind, air. (The word is supposed to be compounded of 997 and 56 , the 7 of 991 being drop- 99 The back. ( # $ 1 to put off, postpone. ped as an irregular case. The word is thus taken as -2 to resign, give up, discard.) the type of a whole class of such irregular compounds.) Tharfecard pry:, see Gana. to P. VI. 3. 109. qyag ind. 1 Behind, behind the back, from be hind; 77: qetsiaart Ms. 4. 154 ; 8.300 ; # greatTanah A small garden ; L. D. B. 1 qera Bg. 11. 40.-2. Towards the back, backqe p. p. (99-9983-ar ] 1 Asked, inquired, inter wards; 793 qua:. -3 On the back. -4 Behind the rogated, questioned. -2 Sprinkled. -YH A question, back, secretly, covertly. (999: 5 means 1 to place on an inquiry. the back, leave behind. -2 to neglect, forsake, abandon. -3 to renounce, desist from, leave off, resign; 4TTI: gio: . 1 Inquiry, interrogation. -2 Ved. A rib. qea: at 2199 ch H. 1.124; wat gea: scar - 3 Touch. -4 A ray of light. K.; quat TA to follow; 01 1 to stand at the back. qektua: 1 A species of grain. -2 An elephant. -2 to be disregarded.) 994 [999-21 77 FO; Un. 2. 12 ] 1 The back, qyo a. Relating to the back. -YT: A packhinder part, rear; 8: FEISTYTTISTU qa: Bhag. 2.1. horse, pRSTapAnAmapi cAzvAnAM bAlhikAnAM janArdanaH / dadau zatasahasrAkhyaM 32. -2 The back of an animal; 31279RTET: &c. -3 PETTATRE 11 Mb. 1. 221. 51. - 1 A mare for The surface or upper side; HEFYFHI (a ) draught. -2 An edge on the back of the altar. - R. 4. 31; 12. 67; 329498144 : Ku. 7. 51; so 1 The back-bones. -2 A collection of Samans. afsarrufH U. 3. -4 The back or the other side Trout: f. 1 The heel. -2 A ray of light. (of a letter, document &c.); EFFE TESHgat fraroth Y. 2. 93. -5 The flat roof of a house. - g 3, 9 P. (fgfo, gift, THI , II, It-t-cafe, The page of a book. (187, E'behind, from behind'). qft-1-84,; pass. qua; caus. grafa-a; desid. foft-7 Remainder ( 4 ); H FIT' sa faa; -fa, ggfa) 1 To fill, fill up, complete. -2 To fulfil, ga H T Salud Mb. 5. 167. 11. -Comp., gratify (as hopes &c.). -3 To fill with wind, blow -32T, - , - a. going behind, following: (as a conch, flute &c.). -4 To satisfy, refresh, please; ya SAT 7: Final TTT: gt Pt. 1.59.-315,- 1979121 Bk. 1. 2. -5 To rear, bring up, nourish, the back of a tortoise; B. R. -TIET n. the back-bone. nurture, cherish. -AkSepa: acute and violent pain in the back. -udaya . F: 1 An owl; ha fata Frater 43 an epithet of particular signs of the zodiac, i. e. Aries, 0974 Ram. Ch. 6. 29. -2 The root of an elephant's Taurus, Gemini, Sagittarius and Capricorn. - Ta. mounted, riding on. I a. faithful. - TT, TT: tail; Matanga L. 3. 2; 6.1, 13. -3 A couch, bed. -4 A cloud. - a soldier who protects the rear of a warrior while he A louse. - A shelter on a street; is fighting; quare 217 94914: Mb. 4. 33. 39. Manasara. -offer a. hump-backed. -TH m. a crab. - ah m., ofte: An elephant. the exterior muscles on the back of an elephant. -arq: 0557: The wax of the ear; see 19579: noon, midday. -Cit: 1 a crab. -2 a bear. - a. 1 following. -2 watching, observing. -3 controlling. TE: (-1,-1,-07 also ) 1 A bag, basket -2 A -pIThI a broad back. -phalam the superficial contents chest. -3 A multitude. -4 A retinue, train. -2: The of a figure. - *: N. of a mode of fighting; Mb. open hand with the fingers extended. -TIT: the back. - the upper story of a house. -AIETH 1 flesh on the back; 1 9 : wala area EF, 1 A basket, box, bag. - 2 A multitude, SHAH H. 1. 81. -2 a fleshy protuberance on the quantity back. -3 the remaining flesh (PHI; 79 8 TEFI, 14: A bag, basket, box. mAMsaM nivRttI mAMsabhakSaNAt / na bhakSayet vRthA mAMsaM pRSThamAMsaM ca varjayet // Mb. 12. 193. 11. 377, 374 a back-biter, slanderer, ofer, det A small bag, a basket. calumniator. (-4,- ) back-biting; Igataica 101 1 6 :, - (also gr ,- ) A basket, box; parokSe doSakIrtanam Hem.; see pRSThamAMsa above. -yAnam riding. sfa 9817+ha Mal. 6. 18/19. - a. following. - T: the back-bone. -ared n. the peDA A large bag..... upper story of a house; quartafa gaia afts p ayah Ms. 3. 91. -al m., -alu: a draught-ox. - a. ou 1P. (af) 1 To go. -2 To grind. -3 To sleeping on the back. Th: a wild goat. Igit m. l embrace. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #420 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra peNDa: us: A way, road. 1 Nectar. -2 Ghee. -: A ram (?). peya . [ pA pAne karmaNi yat ] 1 Drinkable, fit to be quated or drank; bhojyaM deyaM tathA pUyaM khAyaM ca carmaNam / niSTavidhaM smRtam Rajanighaptu. 2 Sapid. -1 Water. -2 Milk. -3 A drink, beverage. - 1 Rice-gruel. -2 A drink mixed with a small quantity of boiled rice. ag: 1 The sea. -2 Fire. -8 The sun. ,- 1 Nectar. -2 The milk of a cow that has calved within seven days; saptarAtra prasUtAyAH kSIraM peyUSaga Haravali; Ms. 5. 6. -3 Fresh ghee. pera (se) jam A Turquoise gam perA A kind of musical instrument (= kharamukhAkAra vAdyam); pUrNAH perAzca sasvanuH Bk. 14. 3; perAzcApUrayan kalAH 17. 7. 1 The sun. -2 Fire. -8 The ocean. -4 The gold-mountain (Moru). pela 1 P., 10 U. (pelati, pelayati-te ) 1 To go or move. -2 To shake or tremble. pela: 1 Going. 8 A small part. -lam, -pelakaH A testicle. pelava a. 1 Delicate, fine, soft, tender; 4: ageaf: Ku. 4. 29; 5. 4; 7. 65. -2 Lean, thin, slender kathamAta gamiSyasi paribAdhAraH S. 3. 21. -Comp. -kSaumam fine linen. pelA / . ( = vAdyavizeSaH ) A kind of musical instrument; bherI- peloru-jhallarI- bhImarabam Bk. 13.45. peli pelin m. A horse. , pelinI Cabbage (Mar. kobI); Girvan 1 A. 1 To serve. -2 To enjoy. -3 To approach. T: 1 Form, shape. -2 Ornament, decoration; amadad vadatAM zreSTho vAcaH pezaviMmohana Bhag 10. 20. 17. a. 1 Ved. Well-formed. -2 Adorned. pezana peza ( Sa, sa ) la. 1 Soft, tender, delicate ; puSpacApaf: R. 11. 45; 9. 40; Me. 95 (v. 1.) -2 Thin, slender (as waist); af R. 13. 34 -3 Lovely, beautiful, charming, good; a farma Bv. 2. 2.-4 Expert, clever, skilful; ki yA tatvavivekamatiyogIzvaraH ko'pi kima Bh. 3. 56; : U. 6. 34. - Crafty, fraudulent. 6 Decorated, adorned. - Beauty, charm, loveliness. N. of Vispu. 1047 pezas n. 1 Form. -2 Gold; yathA pezaskArI pezaso mAtrAmapAdAyAnyataraM kalyAgata rUpaM tanute Bri. Up. 4. 4.4 -3 Brightness, lustre. - Decoration, ornament. Comp. tafer: -kArin 1 wasp nicicche pezakArIva koTakam Bhag. 10. 67. 7.-2 a goldsmith; Bri. Up. 4. 4.4. me. 1 the hand; amghAmA paurANAM nirvapezatAyubhau Bhag 4. 25. 54.-2 a wasp; Bhag. 7. 1. 28. fr:, -af f. 1 A piece of flesh. -2 A ball or mass of flesh ; dazAhena tu karkandhUH pezyaNDaM vA tataH param Bhag. 3. 31. 2. -3 An egg. 4 A muscle; pazca pezIzatAni ca ( bhavanti ) Y. 3. 100. 5 The foetus shortly after conception. -6 A bud on the point of blowing. -7 The thunderbolt of Indra (said to be m. also). -8 A kind of musical instrument; Mb. 6. 43. 8. 9 The shell or rind (of fruits). 10 A sheath, scabbard. -11 A shoe. -12 Whey. -13 Well-cooked rice; L. D. B. -14 A case, oovering: gf frega Si. 8. 9. -Comp. -kozaH, SaH a bird's egg pezikA A shell, rind. peSa 1 A (veSate) To resolve upon strive diligently for. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir [fa] Grinding, pounding, crushing; - nApa viSeSa Si. 18.45. peSaka a. 1 Pounding, grinding. -2 One who pounds, grinds. [-] 1 Pounding, pulverizing. -2 A threshing floor. 3 A stone and muller, any grinding or pounding apparatus. pepaNiH, -pepaNI, pepAkaH A willstone grind stone, muller; Ms. 3. 68. af: A thunderbolt. peSIkR To crush, pound; ityuktamAtre mAM hatvA peSIkRtvA Mb. 1. 76. 38. pes 1 P. (pesati ) To go move. pesvara a. 1 Going, moving. -2 Destructive. 1 P. (af) To dry, wither. The son (ur a disciple) of the sage Pingala. -lam The manual of Pingala. paiGgalyam Brown or towny colour: vaijJasthaM vadavA hi devyA rUpanirIkSaNAt Ram. 7.13.30. afg: A patronymic of Yaaks. ege For Private and Personal Use Only Sliminess, mucilaginousness; Sair. The ear; Abh. Chin. 573. paiTara 2. 91. 70. tafa: N. of an ancient sage, author of a system of laws. a. (f.) Boiled in a fa, q. v.; Ram. Page #421 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir paiNDikyam 1048 potaH paiNDikyam, paiNDinyam Living on alms, mendicity. paitA ( in comp.) Vriddhi form of pitA. Gargata a. Relating to father and son. paitAmaha (-hI/.) [pitAmaha-aN] 1 Relating to a paternal grandfather. -2 Inherited or derived from a paternal grandfather. -3 Derived from, presided over by, or relating to, Brahma; yacca paitAmahaM sthAnam Mb. 12. 160.32; ayodhyA mRSTalokeva sadyaH paitAmahI tanuH (babhau) R.15.60. -hAH (pl.) Ancestors, forefathers. -ham The lunar mansion Rohini. paitAmahika a. (-kI /.) Relating to a paternal grandfather (also paitAmahaka). paitR ( in comp.) Vriddhi forin of pitR. paitRka 3.(-kI.) [pitRta AgataM pituridaM vA ThaJ] 1 Relating to a father. -2 Coming or derived from a father, ancestral, paternal; padamRddhamajena paitRkaM vinayenAsya navaM ca yauvanam R.8.6%3 18.40.; Ms. 9. 104; Y.2.47. -3 Sacred to the Manes. -H A Sraddha performed in honour of the Manes or deceased ancestors. paitRmatyaH 1 The son of an unmarried woman (pitRmatyAH putraH). -2 The son of an illustrious person (pitRmataH putraH). paitRSvaseyaH, paitRSvatIyaH, paitRSvajJeyaH The son of a paternal aunt; paitRSvasreyaprItyartham Bhag. 1. 19.35. -yI the daughter of a paternal aunt; paitRSvaseyIM bhaginIm Ms.11.171. paitta (-tI.),-paittika (-kI /.) Bilious. paittala . (-lI/.) Made of brass, brazen. paitra 3. (-trI /.) [pituridam aN] 1 Relating to a father or ancestors generally, paternal, ancestral. -2 Sacred to the Manes. -tram 1 The part of the hand between the forefinger and the thumb. Also 959 in this sense.) -2 A year, month, or day sacred to the Pitris. -Comp. -ahorAtra: one month. paippala .. (-lI/.) Made of the wood of the holy tig-tree; daNDo'paraH paippalaH U. 4. 20; Mv. 1. 18. paippalAdA: N. of a school of the Atharvaveda. paila: N. of a sage and promulgator of the Rigveda. pailava (-vI/.) Made of the wood of the Pilu trees Ms. 2. 45. paillya m Blear-eyedness paizalyam 1 Mildness, affability, softness. -2 Skilfulness (kauzalya); prahasya mandaM paizalyAdabhyabhASata vIryavAn Mb. 1. 131. 22 (com.). paizAca . (-cI/.)[pizAcena nivRttaH aN ] Demoniacal, infernal. -* 1 The eighth or lowest of the eight forms of marriage in Hindu law, in which a lover ravishes a maiden without her consent when she is sleeping: or intoxicated, or deranged in intellect; suptAM mattA pramattAM vA raho yatropagacchati / sa pApiSTho vivAhAnAM paizAcazcASTamo' dhamaH Ms.3.34%BY.1.61. -2 A kind of demon or pizAca, -cI 1A present made at a religious ceremony. -2 Night. -3 A sort of gibberish spoken on the stage by demons. -4 One of the forms of Prakrita. paizAcika a. (-kI/.) Infernal, demoniacal. paizAcyam A demoniacal nature. paizunam , -nyam [pizunasya bhAvaH aN vyaJ vA ] 1 Backbiting, slandering, talebearing, calummy; paizunyaM sAhasa ......krodhajo'pi gaNo'STaka: Ms.7.48; 11.56%3 Bg.16.2.-2 Roguery, depravity. -3 Wickdness, malignity. paizunika a. Slanderous. paiSTa . (-STI/.) [piSTasyedam aN] Made of flour or meal. paiSTika a. (-kI/.) Made of flour or meal. -kam 1 A number of cakes. - 2 A spirituous liquor distilled from meal. paiSTI A spirituous liquor distilled from meal; et. goDI; gauDI paiSTI ca mAdhvI ca vijJeyA trividhA surA Ms. 11.94. gta. Pure, clean. pogaNDa a. [pauH zuddho gaNDa ekadezo yasya Tv.] 1 Young, not adult or fullgrown. -2 Having a deficient or redundant member. -3 Deformed. -VE: A boy, one from his 5th to his 16th year; 'bAla A SoDazAd varSAt pogaNDazcApi zabditaH' Narad; Ms.8. 148; f. apogaNDa, poTa: 1 The foundation of a house. -2 Putting together, uniting, mixing. -Comp. -gala: 1a kind of reed (nala).-2 a kind of grass (kAza), poTagalAstu dhamano 78: Abh. Chin. 11. 93. -3 a kind of fish. poTaka: A servant. poTalaH, poTalakA, poTalikA See poTTala: &c. arer 1 A masculine woman, a woman with a beard or such other masculine features 3 poTA tu strI nRlakSaNA Abh. Chin. -2 A hermaphrodite. -3 A female servant. poTikaH A boil, pustule. poTI 1 A large alligator. -2 The rectum. poddala, poTTalikA, poTTalI A bundle, packet, parcel. poDu: The bone forming the upper part of the skull. potaH [pU-tan ; Up. 3.86] 1 The young of any animal, cub, colt, foal &c.3 piba stanya pota Bv.1.60%; mRgapotaH; zArdUladeg Mu.2.8; karipotaH &; vIrapotaH a young warrior; kopyayaM vIrapotaH U.b.3. -2 An elephant ten years old. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #422 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir potaka: 1049 pautavam -3 A ship, rait, boat; poto dustaravArirAzitaraNe H.2.1243 nabhasvatA pratIpena bhamapotA ivArNave Siva B. 22. 11; hA vipad- vArinidhipatitajanoddharaNapota Nag.b. -4 Agarment, cloth.. -5 The young shoot of a plant.-6 The site or founda- | tion of a house. - A foetus having no enveloping membrane. -Comp. -AcchAdanam a tent. -AdhAnam a shoal of small fish. -dhArin m. the master of a vessel. -plava: a mariner, seaman.-bhaGgaH aship-wreck. -rakSaH the rudder of a boat or ship. -afoTET m. a sea-faring merchant; dhatte potavaNigjanairdhanadatAM yasyAntike sAgaraH Siva B. 29.89. -bAha: a rower, steersman. potaka: 1 The young of an animal. -2 A young plant. -3 The site of a house. potAyitam p.p. of the denominative of pota; an elephant's roar produced with the lips and (or) soft palate; tat potAyitamoSTatAlujanitam Matanga L.2.13. potana a. 1 Sacred, holy. -2 Puritying. potAsaH A kind of camphor. qia m. 1 One of the sixteen officiating priests at & sacrifice (assistant of the priest called brahman ). -2 An epithet of Visnu potyA A multitude of boats. potram [pU-tra] 1 The snout of a hog%3 dhRtavidhuradharaM mahAvarAhaM girigurupotramapIhitairjayantam Bk. 10.60%Ki. 13.53.-2 A boat, ship. -3 A plough share. -4 The thunderbolt. -5 A garment. -8 The office of the Potri. -Comp. -AyudhaH a hog, boar. potin n. A hog, boar. pothaH A blow, stroke; tathA tayorgadApothairdizaH sarvAH pratizrutAH Ram. 7. 32.55. pothakI Red pimples on the eyelids (Mar. rAMjaNavADI). poplUyamAna a. Floating often and often; (puSpasaMcayAn) poplUyamAnAnaparAn pazya tvaM tanumadhyame Ram. 2.95. 10. pothA A kind of wind instrument. pola: 1 A heap. -2 Bulk, magnitude. polikA, polI A kind of cake (of wheat). polindaH The mast of a ship. poSaH [puS-dham ] 1 Nourishing, supporting, maintaining. -2 Nourishment, growth, increase, advance. -3 Prosperity, plenty, abundance. poSaka: One who maintains or nourishes, a supporter. poSaNam Nourishing,tostering, supporting, maintaining. poSayitnuH The cuckoo. saM. I. ko....132 atfera p. p. Nourished, supported &c. poSita .. One who feeds, nourishes &c. -m. A feeder. poSin, poSTra . [ puS-Nini tRc ca ] One who feeds, nourishes &c. -m. A feeder, nourisher, protector. poSya . [puS-karmaNi Nyat ] 1 To be fed, nourished or supported. -2 Well-ted, thriving. -3 Causing prosperity. -4 Abundant, copious. -Comp.-putraH, -sutaH an adopted son; adhunA kRttikAdInAM SaNNAM yaH poSyaputrakaH / tannAma cakrustAH premNA kArtikazceti kautukAt || Brav. P. -varga: a class of relatives, who must be nourished and protected. poSadhaH A fasting day, sacred day; Buddh. pauzcalIya .(-yI/.) Relating to harlots. pauzcaleyaH The son of a harlot. pozcalyam Harlotry, female incontinence; pauMzcalyAcalacittAcca naisnehyAca svbhaavtH| rakSitA yatnato'pIha bhartRSvetA vikurvate // Ms. 9. 15. pauMsavanam See puMsavana. posna a.(-snI/.)1 Fit for a man; saMgaccha pausni straiNaM mAM yuvAnaM taruNIzubhe Bk.5.91. -2 Manly, virile. -3 Human. -snam Manhood, virility; kA devaraM vazagata kusumAtravegavisrastapauMsnamuzatI na bhajeta kRtye Bhag.4.26.26. pausyam Ved.1 Manly courage, strength. -2 Manhood, virility. -3 A battle. paugaNDa (-DI/.) Boyish. -NDam, paugaNDakam Boyhood (from the 5th to the 16th year); mRtyoH paugaNDake bAlA dRSTvocurvismitA baje Bhag. 10. 12. 37. pauNDa rIka (-kI/.) Relating to or made of lotusflowers; aviralamiva dAmnA pauNDarIkeNa naddhaH Mal.3.16%3; vAtAvadhUtA varapauNDarIkI lambeva mAlA rucirAmbarasya Ram. 4.28.23. -ka: 1A kind of leprosy. -2 A Soma sacrifice of ll days. pauNDaryam A kind of drug used as a remedy for diseased eyes. pauNDra: 1N. of a country. -2 A ling or inhabitant of that country; pauNDrazca balinAM varaH Hariv. -3 A kind of sugar-cane. - A sectarial mark. -5 N. of the conchshell of Bhima; pauNDraM dadhmau mahAzakhaM bhImakarmA vRkodaraH Bg. 1. 15. -Comp. -vardhanaH (pauNDam ikSuvizeSaM vardhayati) N. of the country of Bihar. ge: 1 A kind of sugar-cane. -2 A mixed caste (of sugar-boilers); f. Ms. 10. 44. atfugti A kind of sugar-cane. pauNya 4. Virtuous, holy, upright, righteous. pautavam A measure; zulkaM daNDaH pautavaM nAgariko ...... ca durgam Kau. A. 2. 6. 24. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #423 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pautinAsikyam 1060 pauruSeya potinAsikyam Fetor of the nostrils; Ms. 11.50. paurakam 1 A garden near a house. -2 A garden near a town. pauttikam A kind of honey (pale-coloured). paurika: 1 A citizen. -2 A governor of a city. pautra a. (-trI f.) [ putrasyApatyam aN] Relating to A grandson, son's son. paureya or derived from a son. -tra: (-yI/.) Civic, town-bred. pautradauhitrayoloMke na vizeSo'sti dharmataH Ms. 9. 133. -trI 1A pauraMdara (-rI) Derived from or sacred to Indra. grand-daughter. -2 An epithet of Durga. -tram The -ram The lunar mansion called jyeSTA. office of a Potri, q. v. -Comp. -jIvikam an amulet paurandhra a. Feminine. made of the seeds of putraMjIva plant. paurava (-vI.) [purorgotrApatyam aN] Descended from pautrika a. (-kI/.) Belonging to a son or grandson. Puru; pauraveNAtha vayasA rAjA yauvanamAsthitaH Mb. 1.75.46.-vaH pautrikeyaH The son of a daughter appointed to raise 1 A descendant of Puru; S.5. -2 N. of a country or issue for her father. people in the north of India. -2 An inhabitant or ruler of that country. atera a. Having a grandson ; Ms. 9. 136. pauravIya (-yI/.) Devoted to Paurava. paudgalika a. 1 Substantial, material. -2 Selfish. paurastya . [puras-bhavArthe tyak aN ca] 1 Eastern; paurastyo paunApunika (-kI.) Frequently repeated, recur- vA sukhayati marut sAdhusaMvAhanAbhiH Mal.9.25%3 paurastyajhaJjhAmarut ring again and again. 9. 17; R. 4. 34. -2 Foremost. -3 Prior, first, pre ceding. pInaHpunyam Frequent or constant repetition. paurANa a.(-NI /.)[purANa-aN] 1 Belonging to the paunaruktam, paunaruktyam 1 Repetition; atipriyo'sIti past, ancient, of the past, primeval. -2 Relating to paunaruktya m K. 287; R. 12.40. -2 Superfluity, redun- the Puranas or derived from them. -3 Former, dancy, uselessness; abhivyaktAyAM candrikAyAM kiM dIpikApauna previous. ruktye na V. 3. paurANika a. (-kI.) [purANa-Thak] 1 Belonging to paunarbhava a. [punarbhU vidA0 apatye am] 1 Relating to a the past, ancient. -2 Belonging to the Puranas or widow who has married a second husband.-2 Repeated, derived from them.-3 Versed in the legends of the past. superfluous. -a: 1 The son of a widow remarried, one - Versed in the science of architecture (zilpazAstra); of the twelve sons recognised by the old Hindu law; Mb. 1. 51. 15 (com.). - 1 A Brahmana well-versed Y.2. 130%; yA patyA vA parityaktA vidhavA vA svyecchyaa| utpAdayet | in the Puranas, a public reader of the Puranas. -2 A punarbhUtvA sa paunarbhava ucyate // Ms. 9. 175. bhasmanIva hutaM havyaM tathA mythologist. paunarbhave dvije Mb. 13. 90. 15; Ms. 3.1.55. -2 The second paurika: A country in the South. husband of a woman; paunarbhavena bharnA sA punaH saMskAramarhati Ms.9.176. pauruSa a. (-pI.)[puruSa aN] 1 Relating to a man or man in general, human. -2 Manly, virile. -8 paura a. (11.) [pure vasati zaiSiko aN] 1 Relating Secred to Purusa. - A weight which can be carried to a city or town, produced in a town, civic. -2 Ved. by one man; Ms. 8.404. -bI A woman. -Sam 1 HuFilling one's own belly. -T: 1 A townsman, citizen, man action, man's work, exertion, effort; T T 291 (opp. jAnapada), Ku.6.41; R. 2. 10,74; 12.3; 16.9. pauruSam Bh. 2.883 devaM nihatya kuru pauruSamAtmazaktyA Pt. 1. 3613 -2 A term applied to a prince engaged in war under 2.85. -2(a) Heroism, prowess, valour, manliness, particular circumstances. -3 A planet in a state of courage; 976949: R. 15. 28; 8. 28. (6) Strength, opposition to other planets. - The language of the power, vigour. -3 Virility; pauruSaM nRSu Bg. 7.83; strIbhUtaca servants in a palace. -ram A sort_of grass (rohiSa). paraM mAsaM na smariSyasi pauruSam Ram. 7.87.29. - Semen -Comp. -aGnA , -yoSit /., -strI a woman living virile. - Penis. - The full height of a man, the in a town ; vidyuddAmasphuritacakitairyatra paurAganAnAM lolApAGgairyadi na height to which he reaches with both arms elevated ramase locanairvazcito'si Me. 27. -kAryam public business 3 | and the fingers extended ; jave'pi mAne'pi ca pauruSAdhikam arthajAtasya gaNanAbahulatayaikameva paurakAryamavekSitam 5. 6. -janaH, N. 1.57. -7 Sun-dial. -lokaH 1 a citizem. -2 citizens, burghers. -jAnapada a. pauruSika: A worshipper of Purusa. belonging to town and country. - : (pl.) citizens and rustios, townsmen and country people; 45 goat: pauruSeya . (-yI/.) [ puruSa-Tham ] 1 Derived from or paurajAnapadAH U. 1. -vRddhaH an eminent citizen, an elder belonging to man, human, incidental to man; made, man. -sakhyam fellow-citizenship; dazAbdAkhyaM paurasakhyam established or propounded by man; as in 3141523a Ms.2.134. | vedAH. -2 Manly, virile. -8 Spiritual. -ya: 1 Man For Private and Personal Use Only Page #424 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pauruSyam 1081 pyAd slaughter (puruSavadha). -2 A crowd of men. -3 A daylabourer, hireling. -4Human action, man's work. -B Law as affecting persons. -yam Human work, action of man. pauruSyam Manliness, courage, heroism; kimAye kAmasya vazaMgatena kimAtmapauruSyaparAbhavena Ram. 4. 30. 16. pauruhUta . (-tI/.) Belonging to Indra; asyAdhijye dhanuSi vijaya pauruhUte ca baje 5.2. 16. pauroyavaH A superintendent of the royal household; | especially, of the royal kitchen; paurogavaH sUdAdhyakSaH Abh. Chin. 722. pauroDAzaH A Mantra recited upon making an oblation of ghee. pauroDAzika: A priest who repeats the above Mantra. paurodhasam The office of a family-priest; paurodhasaM hRSyati yena durmatiH Bhag.6.7.37. paurobhAgyama 1 Fault-finding, censoriousness%3 priyopabhogacihvaSu paurobhAgyamivAcaran R. 12.22. -2 TIl-will, envy, jealousy. -3 An ill-natured act, mischievous deed; kimidamanuSThitaM paurobhAgyam 5.6. -4 Obtrusiveness. paurohityam The office of a family-priest; narakAya matiste cet paurohityaM samAcara Pt. 2. 63. paurNamAsa (-sI/.) Relating to the full moon. -sa: A ceremony performed on the full-moon day by one who maintains the sacred fire (agnihotrin); darzapaurNamAsAbhyAM yajeta SB. on MS. 6. -sam A day of full-moon. paurNamAsI, -paurNamI A day of full-moon. paurNamAsyam A Bacrifice performed on the full-moon ! day. atroa: An ascetic. paurNimA A day of full moon. pauta, paurtika (-kI/.) Relating to acts of pious charity; AzIryuktAni karmANi paurtAni vividhAni ca Mb.14.37.9; tAvatAM na bhaved dAtuH phalaM dAnasya paurtikam Ms. 3. 178. paurva, paurvaka (-/.)1 Relating to the past. -2 Relating to the east, eastern. -3 Coming in succession (paraMparAgata); etairbrahmarSibhinityamRtvijastasya parvikAH Ram. 1.7.6. paurvade (daihika (-kI.) Relating to a former existence, done in a former life; tatra taM buddhisaMyogaM labhate paurvadehikam Bg.6.43; Y.1.349. paurvapadika .(-kI/.) Relating to the first member of a compound. paurvAparyam 1 The relation of prior and posterior. -2 Due order, succession, continuity. paurvAdhika .(-kI ) Relating to the forenoon; vyuSito rajanI cAhaM kRtvA paurvAhnikIH kriyAH Mb. 3. 168. 2. paurvArdha, paurvArdhaka, paurvAdhika a. Belonging to or situated to the east of. paurvika .(-kI..) 1 Previous, former, prior; jAti smarati paurvikIm Ms.4.148.-2 Ancestral. -3 Old, ancient. paulastyaH 1 An epithet of Ravana; paulastyaH kathamanyadAraharaNe doSaM na vijJAtavAn Pt.2.43 R.4.80% 10.5%3 12.72. -2 Of Kubera. -8 01 Bibhisana. -4 The moon. paulastI An epithet of Surpanakha. pauli: m.f. paulI/. A kind of cake (Mar. poLI). pauloma .(-mI/.) Relating to or descended from, Puloman or Puloma. -ma: N. of Indra. paulomI Sachi, daughter of Puloman and wife of Indra; AzIranyA na te yogyA paulomIsadRzI bhava 5.7.28. -Comp. -saMbhavaH an epithet of Jayanta. pauSa: N. of a lunar month in which the moon is in the Pusya asterism (corresponding to DecemberJanuary ) -ghI The day of full-moon in the month of Pausa; pauSyAM tithau puSyamasUta patnI R. 18. 32. -Sam A festival. -2 A fight, combat. pauSadhaH A fasting day. pauSkara,-raka (-rI,-kI /.) Relating to the blue lotus. pauSkariNI A lotus pool or pond. pauSkala: A species of grain. pauSkalAvataH N. of a triend of Susruta who asked questions to Dhanvantari for acquiring knowledge. pauSkalyam 1 Maturity, complete development, full growth. -2 Abundance. pauSTika (-kI/.)1 Promoting growth or welfare; mantravarja na duSyanti kurvANAH pauSTikIH kriyAH Mb. 12.296.29. -2 Nourishing, nutritive, nutritious, invigorating. -3 Preservative. -kam A cloth worn during the tonsure ceremony. pauSNam The lunar mansion called Revati. pauSpa (-pI/.) [puSpa-aN ] Relating to or coming from flowers, floral, flowery; dhanuH pauSpaM mauvIM madhukaramayoM paJca vizikhAH A. L. -ppI 1N. of the town pATaliputra q.v. -2 A kind of spirituous liquor (made from flowers). pauSpakam Green vitriol; oxide of brass (Mar. jastAce phUla). pyAT ind. A particle of calling (hol, hallo). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #425 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pyAya 1052 prakAma C T 1 A. (red, 4 or 4 ) To swell, grow; 1 N. 4. 151; Ratn. 4. 16. -2 To proclaim, announce see below. publicly. cara a. Fat, grown fat; cf. dia. T a p. p. 1 Manifested, displayed, unfolded. curya a. 1 Invigorating.-2 Promoting strength or -2 Publicly exhibited. -8 Apparent. growth. -- Increase, growth. T*4 10 U. To announce, proclaim, narrate. care a a. 1 Grown, increased. -2 Grown fat. -3 TEH Announcing, narration; P. I. 3. 32. Refreshed, strengthened. TFT 1 A. 1 To shake, quiver, tremble; 797 Yg I. 4 P. To divide (also and T!). II. 10 P. bhujaH savyaH Ram.: prAkampata mahAzaila: Mb. -2 To vibrate To void ( 902). (as sound). -3 To become loose, be loosened. -Caus. To shake, put in motion ; 51179+456rqan Bk. 15. 23. 1 A. (cyra, a) 1 To grow, increase, swell; Barat 494 491 Bk. 6. 33. -2 To 991: Trembling, shaking, quivering, violent become full or exuberant. -3 To overfill, surcharge. motion or tremour; a TE HARTT STA69191 -Caus. ( c afa-a) 1 To increase, enlarge, make fat or Subhas; aft: 9554 Si. 13. 42. comforta ble; 2: a: ......2121 area: : Ms. 9. 314. TFT a. Causing to shake. -57 1 Wind, violent -2 To gratify, regale. wind or gust; FAT1197 gTT: Si. 1. 61; 14. 43. ind. 1 As a prefix to verbs it means 'forward', 1 -2 N. of a hell. -- Excessive or violent trembling, 'forth', 'in front', 'onward', 'before', 'away', as in violent motion. TAE, SEU,997,441 &c. -2 With adjectives it means #f147 a. Swinging, shaking. 'very', 'excessively', 'very much' &c.; *U, ATT &c., see further on. -3 With nouns whether derived from TR 10 U. 1 To pursue, go after ; vegardari verbs or not, it is used in the following senses accord Terda tar Mb. 3. 137. 7. -2 To urge on, incite. -3 ing to G. M.:- (a) beginning, commencement : To hurt, injure. (14, 34174, ); (b) length (warf ); (c) #1 a. 1 Killing, hurting ; 3914 971 7919 9177 power ( 4 ); (a) intensity, excess (sara, 47, yaeth 15959: Mb. 1. 66. 21. -2 Pursuing, chasing. : ); (e) source or origin (1979, 49127); (f) com- N. of a Naga. 7 Hurting, killing. pletion, perfectness, satisfaction ( 494); (9) destitution, separation, being without (fear, surua: ); TA A minute portion. Comp. -face a. ignorant. () apart ( 23 ); (i) excellence (91978); (j) purity ! (-m.) a merchant. ( H); (k) wish (sa); (1) cessation ( 14); prakAGkSA Appetite. (m) adoration, respect ( @: who respectfully folds Tru3:, -57 1 The trunk of a tree from the root his hands together); (n) prominence (998, 991). to the branches; 3 TECTE: Si. 9. 45. -2 A In the Veda it is often used as a separable adverb; cf. pra AdikarmadIrghezabhRzasaMbhavatRptiviyogazuddhizaktIcchAzAntipUjAgradarzaneSu. branch, shoot. -3 (At the end of comp.) anything excellent or pre-eminent of its kind: 5699fa a t: praugam A triangle. N. 7. 93; 74908: Mv. 4. 35; 5. 48.-4 A kind of 972 a. Having the hair erect. necklace; Kau. A. 2. 11. 29. - 9: The upper part of the arm. TE a. 1 Evident, plain, clear, apparent, manifest. TATE: See as above; 208harui ut att :-2 Undisguised, public; 89 : Thsfa affatf el a Pt. 1. 31. -3 Visible. -S4 ind. 1 Clearly, 491037 Bk. 5. 6. manifestly, evidently. -2 Publicly, openly, undisguis- T ET: A tree. edly. (its to manifest, unfold, display; Th la gun memilla Bh. 2.72; Pt. 1. 31 ; 2ty to become Alfa. 1 Amorous. -2 Excessive, much, to the heart's content, at pleasure; hafa R. 2. 11; manifest, appear'). -Comp. eftfaasta: an epithet 21417hara Ku. 2. 24. 4: Desire, pleasure, satisof Siva. faction. H ind. 1 Very much, exceedingly; at C# The act of manifesting, disclosing, unfolding. Har fare: #1414 (FATICA S. 4. 22; R. 6. 44; Mk. Tela Den. P. To become manifest or visible, 5. 25. -2 Sufficiently, to the heart's content, according to wish or desire. -8 Voluntarily, willingly; fagli appear. 991 asfa Tha #144H: Mu. 1. 25. a. eating T ara Den. P. 1 To show, manifest, display, till satisfied or to the heart's content; 7 4 : exhibit; ailwaci THT: 24 TT : Mal.5. 11; FATHTEYTI: R. 1. 66. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prakAmataH 1083 praka .... Tara: ind. 1 At will. -2 With pleasure, willingly. 1 1 A. 1 To shine, gleam; look brilliant. -2 To become visible or manifest, come to light; to be apparent, appear; T ag Hay Tara 7 iara Kath. 1.3.12. -8 To look or appear like. -Caus. 1 To show, display, manifest, discover ; 1981 SHTATI PTH S. 1; San. K. 59. -2 To disclose, unfold, reveal. -3 To bring to light, make public, proclaim; hafa fa faz acta STATI Chan. 20.- To publish, bring out as a work); gora: 7 treta: U. 4. - To illuminate, lighten, irradiate; 221 4 : ira afui fa: Bg. 13. 33; 5. 16. TETT a. 1 Bright, shining, brilliant; 49172419519 174 216: R. 1. 68; 5. 2. -2 Clear, visible, manifest; Si. 12.56; arg FT: E rralla: Bg. 7.25. -8 Vivid, perspicuous ; fia satyagot 7THU afa erat Ki. 14. 4. - Famous, renowned, celebrated, noted; FTAET 3T: R. 3. 48; 195: TEZ da fadly: Pratima 4. 9. -5 Open, public. -6 Cleared of trees, open; faff tifa eftiHt17 #: R. 4. 31. -7 Blown, expanded. -8 (At the end of comp.) Looking like, like, resembling; heraf 77991TH Mb. 3. 177. 17. -T: 1 Light, lustre, splendour, brightness; 91 91TCHET: aut 9990 Smriti. -2 (Fig.) Light, elucidation, explanation (mostly at the end of titles of works ); 1844 , 9131, 91T &c. -8 Sunshine; 791-at 59 1T: Mb. 8. 7. 16. -4 Display, manifestation; Si. 9. 5. -5 Fame, renown, celebrity, glory. -8 Expansion, diffusion. -7 Open spot or air; TRT fatiais $.4.8 A golden mirror. -9 A chapter or section of a book ). -10 The gloss on the upper part of a horse's body. -11 Knowledge ( 17 ); a ry SH T 3454 Bg. 14. 11. -12 Laughter. -TH Bell-metal, brass. -TH ind. 1 Openly, publicly; sfar: afroat a g r eat fat Y. 2.56; Ms. 8. 193; 9. 228. -2 Aloud, audibly (used as a stage-direction in drama; opp. 311691H). - ind. Openly, publicly. -2 Visibly. - In the presence of. -Comp. -3416HF. a. shining, brilliant. -36T a. bright, shining. (-m.) an epithet of (1) Visnu; (2) of Siva; (3) the sun. - a. invisible. -kara a. causing manifestation; karaNaM trayodazavidhaM ACTETITUTT San. K. 32. - ,-80 N. of the sun. y: an open purchase. TRT a public woman, prostitute, harlot; 3. a: Toth way ya UCHIT Mk. 3. 7. - an open cheat. T91T .(-feir f.) 1 Illuminating, giving light. -2 Making apparent, discovering, disclosing, evincing, betraying, displaying. -8 Expressing, indicating. -4 Explaining, making clear, expounding. 8 Bright; shining, brilliant. - Noted, celebrated, renowned. - 1 The sun. -2 A discoverer. -8 An expounder. -4 A publisher. Comp. - m. a cock. Tiltal,- 1 Brilliance, splendour. -2 Appearance, manifestation. -8 Renown, celebrity. TATTAT a. Illuminating, making known &c. -274 1 Making known or manifest, bringing to light, disclosing. -2 Displaying, manifesting. -3 Illuminating, giving light, irradiating, maling bright. -4 Announcement, declaration. #: N. of Visnu. T Explaining, teaching Ta p. p. 1 Made clear or manifestd, displayed, manifested. -2 Published; brought out (as a book). -3 Illuminated, irradiated, enlightened. - Visible, evident, apparent. - Light, clearness. Comp. -fanga, (in Rhet.) a particular awkwardness in expression. 179 a. To be illuminated, brought to light &c. -zyam Light; yathA'nekacakSuHprakAzo ravirna krameNa prakAzIkaroti 971334 Hastamalaka Stotra 9. A ta a. Clear, bright, shining &c. T : A particular measure of capacity; (about a handful); a saft faszi Harstad Bhava. P. TST 4 P. 1 To be angry, to be enraged or provoked at; faranga fa fa yi 29TH tefa Pt. 1. 283. -2 To be excited, gather strength, increase. -Caus. To provoke, irritate, exasperate; Art: pne nargila fai$4h Subhas. fra p. p. 1 Very angry, enraged, incensed. -2 Excited. -3 Disordered, deranged. -4 Moved, shaken; 4: It feat 37 For Rv. 2. 12. 2. Tag: 1 Wrath, fury, rage, violent anger. -2 Great excitement; provocation, irritation ; 39 au 17 Pt. 1. 389. -3 Insurrection, rebellion, mutiny; as in of popular disturbance. -4 An attack. -8 Medic. ) Excess, superabundance ; vitiation; Susr. TITAT, -OT a. Irritating, exciting, provoking. -- , -UTH Provocation, irritation. Tarta p.p. Provoked, enraged, incensed. prakulam A handsome body. prakUSmANDI An epithet of Durga. 158 U. 1 To do, perform, commence (used much in the same sense as 5); arafa a la familan Pt. 4.35; My. 2. 13. Bk. 2. 36; Rs. 1. 6; Ms. 8. 54, 60; 8. 230; asrat fa gift y ana 497 Amaru. 16. -2 To acoomplish, achieve, effect. -3 TO .88ault, outrage, insult; garai 41 The ag 1974 ( A) Bk 8. 19. - To honour, worship. - To express, utter; sgrad afterwasiat: 978971741421461 RET: Ki. 4. 31. -8 To place in front, mention first. -7 To appoint For Private and Personal Use Only Page #427 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prakaraH 1084 prakRtiH - (to a post, office &c.); yat kArye pArthivenAdau pArthivaprakRtena vA prakarman n. Sexual intercourse. kanyAprakarma-N. of a Mb. 12. 69. 3. -8 Ved. To induce. -9 To win, conquer. chapter in Kau. A. -10 Todestroy. -11 To make divisions (prakAra); kAmadveSasamAyukto mohAt prakurute bhavAn Mb.5.168. 18. -12 To prakRta p. p. 1 Accomplished, completed ; prakRtajapa vidhInAmAsyamudrazmidantam Si. 11.42. -2 Commenced, begun. marry. -3 Appointed, charged. -4 Genuine, real. -8 FormTAT: 1 A heap, multitude, quantity, collection ; ing the subject of discussion, that which is under muktAphalaprakarabhAji guhAgRhANi Si. 5. 12; bASpaprakarakaluSAM dRSTim consideration, the subject in hand often used in works 5.6.9; R.9.56; Ku.5.68. -2 A nosegay, bunch on Alamkara for upameya) saMbhAvanamathotprekSA prakRtasya samena yat of flowers. -3 Aid, assistance, friendship. -4 Usage, K. P. 10. -8 Important, interesting. -7 Wished, practice. -8 Respect. - Seduction, abduction. -7 Wash- expected. -8 Original. -tam The original subject, the ing, cleansing (saMkSAlana); atrAmatraprakarakaraNe vartate'sau niyuktaH matter or subject in hand; yAtu, kimanena, prakRtameva anusarAmaH Vis. Gupa. 154. -ram Aloe-wood. 'come to the point'. -Comp. -artha a. having the origin al sense. -2 true, real. (-:) the original sense. prakaraNam 1 Treating, explaining, discussing. -2 (a) A subject, topic, department, a subject of represen Tara: f. 1 The natural condition or state of any. tation); katamat prakaraNamAzritya S. 1. (0) A head or subject thing, nature, natural form (opp. vikRti which is a of treatment. (0) A province or department. -3 A change or effect); taM taM niyamamAsthAya prakRtyA niyatAH svayA Bg. section, chapter or any smaller division of a work. 7.20. prakRtyA yadvakram 5.1.93 uSNatvamagnyAtapasaMprayogAt zaityaM tasyAyaM prakaraNAdhikaraNasamuddeza: Kau. A. 1. 1. 1. -4 An hi yat sA prakRtirjalasya R.5.54; maraNaM prakRtiH zarIriNAM vikRtiopportunity, occasion. -B An affair, a matter; asminnava jIvitamucyate budhaiH R.8.873 U. 7. 19; apehi re atrabhavAn prakRtimApannaH 5.2 has resumed his wonted nature'; prakaraNe dhanaMjayamudAradhIH (uvAca) Mb. 12.26. 1. -8 An introduction, prologue; vayamapi prakaraNamArabhAmahe Pratijinal. prakRtim Apad or pratipad or prakRtau sthA 'to come to one's Benses', ' regain one's consciousness.' -2 Natural -7 Relation. -8 Doing much or well. -9 A species of drama with invented or fictitious plot; as the disposition, temper, temperament, nature, constitution; mRcchakaTika, mAlatImAdhava, puSpabhUSita &c. The S. D. thus prakRtiH khalu sA mahIyasaH sahate nAnyasamunnatiM yayA Ki. 2.21; defines it:-bhavet prakaraNe vRttaM laukikaM kbiklpitN| zalgAro'gI kathaM gata eva AtmanaH prakRtim 5.7 'natural character'; nAyakastu vipro'mAtyo'thavA vaNik / sApAyadharmakAmArthaparo dhIra apazyat pANDavazreSTho harSeNa prakRtiM gataH Mb. 39. 66 (com. prshaantkH| 511. -10 Context. This is one of the six prakRti svAsthyam); 80 prakRtikRpaNa, prakRtisiddha; see below. -3 pramANas helpful in properly construing a viniyogavidhi, Make, form, figure%3 mahAnubhAvaprakRtiH Mal.1. -4 ExtracThese ATTs and their relative strength is stated by tion, descent; gopAlaprakRtirAryako'smi Mk. 7. -5 Origin, jaimini in zrutiliGgavAkyaprakaraNasthAnasamAkhyAnAM pAradaurbalyamarthavipra source, original or material cause, the material of karSAt prakaraNAcca jyotiSTomenaikavAkyatA syAt SB. on MS. 10. which anything is made; nArthAnAM prakRtiM vetsi Mb.4.49.13 5.37. -Comp. -samaH a kind of sophism; an assertion prakRtizcopAdAnakAraNaM ca brahmAbhyupagantavyam S. B. (see the full discussion on Br. Sut. 1.4.23); yAmAhuH sarvabhUtaprakRtiriti by two opponents of some argument which has the 5.1.1; Bhag. 4. 28.24. -8 (In San. phil.) Nature same force. (as distinguished from 959,) the original source of the prakaraNikA, -prakaraNI A drama of the same charac- material world, consisting of the three essential qualiter as the prakaraNa, The S. D. thus defines it:- / ties sattva, rajas and tamas. It is also mentioned as one of nATikaiva prakaraNikA saarthvaahaadinaayikaa| samAnavaMzajA neturbhavedyatra ca | the four contentments%3; prakRtyupAdAnakAlabhAgAkhyAH San. K.50. nAyikA / / 554. ; -7 (In gram.) The radical or crude form of a word to which case-terminations and other affixes are applied ; prakarikA An interlude or episode inserted in a drama | prakRtipratyayayorivAnubandhaH Ki. 13. 19. -8 A model, pattern, to explain what is to follow. standard, (especially in ritualistic works); Bhag.5.7.5. prakarI 1 An interlude or episode inserted in a drama -9 A woman. -10 The personified will of the Supreme to explain what is to follow. -2 Theatrical dress. -3 Spirit in the creation (identified with Arut or illusion ); An open piece of ground. -4 A place where four mayAdhyakSeNa prakRtiH sUyate sacarAcaram Bg.9. 10. -11 The male roads meet. -6 A kind of song. -8 The proper site of or female organ of generation. -12 A mother. -18 any magical operations. (In arith.) A coefficient, or multiplier. -14 (In ana tomy) Temperament of the humours%3; prakRti yAnti bhUtAni prakAra: 1 Manner, mode, way, fashion; kaH prakAra: nigrahaH kiM kariSyati Bg. 3. 33. -15 An animal. -18 An kimetat Mal.5.20.-2 Sort, kind, variety, species; oft. artisan. -17 The Supreme Being; na basti sarvabhUteSu duHkhain comp. ; bahuprakAra manifold; triprakAra, nAnA &c. -3 Sim- masmin kutaH sukham / evaM prakRtibhUtAnAM sarvasaMsargayAthinAm || Mb. 12. ilitude. -4 Speciality, special property or quality; 152. 16. -18 Eight forms of the Supreme Being; - tadvatitatprakArako'nubhavaH pramA T.S. -BDifference. / rApo'nalo bAyuH khaM mano buddhireva c| ahaMkAra itIya me bhinnA prakRti For Private and Personal Use Only Page #428 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir / prakRtimat 1058 prakIrNa te | Bg. 7. 4. -19 The way of life ( an); Hat the formation of words. -10 Good conduct, action; Isi ha ganagar Mb. 12. 18. 27. (pl.) 1 A 1 art#1 Mb. 12. 111. 59 (com. # 96 king's ministers, the body of ministers or counsellors, -11 (In medicine) a prescription. ministry; 374191991: at Alqayfalafeah R. 12. 12; 1959 1 P. 1 To draw away, pull, attract. -2 To Pt. 1. 48; 3116401 Tit Harargrua 301. -2 The lead ( as an army). -8 To bend (as a bow). -4 To subjects of a king ); wadai waleary 979: S. 7. 35; ufa: atraleigh R. 8. 18, 10. -3 The constituent ele increase. - To draw or stretch out, prolong. - To place before or in front. -7 To harass, disturb, afflict, ments of the state (la), i.e. 1 the king; -2 the trouble. -8 To drag along cruelly ; 1991 ET PH - minister ; -3 the allies; -4 treasure; -5 army; -6 ter HR a retar: Ram. 5. 63. 11. -Pass. To be enhanced ritory; -7 fortresses &c.; and the corporations of citi or increased; 31197 FERITT faza la U. 7. 8. zons (which is sometimes added to the 7); fatigareagataherregtas 2 Ak. -4 The various sovereigns 9 : 1 Fxcellence, eminence, superiority; 99:to be considered in case of war; (for full explana- larut 95 T9: R. 3. 34; 99 fa Ku. 3. 28.-2 tion see Kull. on Ms. 7. 155 and 157). -5 The eight Intensity, high degree, excess; dar kalo U. 3. primary elements out of which everything else is -3 Strength, power. -4 Absoluteness. - Length, evolved according to the Sankhyas; see San. K. 3. -6 protraction. -6 Speciality.--7 Universality. (1999 and The five primary elements of creations ( Hema) ft are used adverbially in the sense of 'exceedingly', i. e. quat, 31, ai, ary and 31#T; fad free 'preeminently', 'in a high degree'.) 799 A Mb. 5. 73. 17. -Comp. : an ***: An epithet of the god of love. ordinary foe; Huf 1024cy Dk. 2. 4. T: a king or magistrate. C T a. beautiful by nature. Terut a. Paining, harassing, troubling. -UTH 1 OUT a. naturally slow or una ble to discern; Me. 5. The act of drawing away; attracting. -2 Ploughing. Tu: one of the three constituent qualities of nature; - Duration, length, extension. -4 Excellence, supesee yw. -T a. innate, inborn, natural. - a. riority. -8 Distraction. -8 Realizing by the use of a fickle by nature, naturally inconsistent; walaatst pledge more than the interest of the money lent upon it. a: dat va affa; Amaru. 30.-15: a list of verbal Tarca a. 1 Drawn out or forth. -2 Stretched out. roots (1998). -957: a minister, a functionary of -3 Exceeded in profit (as the interest of a loan).-ah the state ); FT cat slagen Hea: Me. 6. -2 Profit on a pledge exceeding the interest of the money a standard or model of a man. - nature and spirit. lent upon it. -12 a. natural, usual. (-a:) natural or original state. -HITTH usual food. - 5 # the whole ter T T a. Excellent, pre-eminent. ritory or kingdom; reta farr SHIH The p. p. 1 Drawn forth or out. -2 Protracted, CHR. 9. 2. : absorption into the Prakriti, long, lengthy. -8 Superior, distinguished, excellent, dissolution of the universe. -forsla: mutation of the eminent, exalted. -4 Chief, principal. - Distracted, original form. TH superiority of origin; Ms. disquieted. -6 Violent, strong, excessive. 10. 3. -18 a. inborn, innate, natural; YaYasarwar wefaragha, R GTAH Bh. 2. 52. ETT a. 5 6 P. 1 To scatter, throw, pour out; 14: geqrori naturally lovely or agreeable. FT a. 1 being in the ftatutarih Ve. 1. 2. -2 To sow (as seed). -3 natural state or condition, natural, genuine; gar To issue forth, spring up; HEIC ana u Ram. afaceri ara Ram. 7. 58. 17. -2 inherent, innate, 15. 7. 6 (com. ht qfaran). -pass. To disappear, incidental to nature; TEC Tuz sai te- vanish. T : R. 8. 21. -8 healthy, in good health. -4 afTUTH Scattering about, strewing. recovered. - come to oneself. -6 stripped of everything, bare. tot pp. 1 Scattered a bout, scattered forth, thrown about, dispersed; prakIrNamUrdhajA rAjan yakSAdhipatimabruvan sfahrt a. 1 Natural, usual, common. -2 Having Mb. 3. 161. 17. -2 Spread, published, promulgated. a reach frame of mind; 7: sfahrt aa: ruota gaia: :- Waved, waving; art for: guten: Si. 12. 17. Ram. 2. 77. 21 (com. oldalt Fifa: ). - Disordered, loose, dishevelled. -8 Confused, incoheFUT 1 Way, manner, conduct; 44 ad geh rent; bahvapi svecchayA kAmaM prakIrNamabhidhIyate Si.2.63. -8 Mb. 14. 79.3. -2 A rite, ceremony. -3 The bearing Agitated, excited. -7 Miscellaneous, mixed; as the of royal insignia. -4 High position, elevation. - A stafitofaros of Bhattikavya. -8 Expanded, opened. -9 chapter or section of a book); as in 21. - 6 1 Standing alone. -10 Destroyed, killed ; 9 H (In gram. ) Etymological formation. - A privilege. waria cyf: Mb. 12. 215. 14. -11 Thickly covered; -8 An introductory chapter of a work. -9 Rules for 4 : Dk. 2. 2. -UTH 1 A miscellany, any For Private and Personal Use Only Page #429 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prakIrNaka 1066 prakledaH miscellaneous collection. 2 A chapter containing miscellaneous rules. -8 A chapter or section of a book. - Scattering or throwing a bout. -8 Extent. -Comp. it N. of Durga. gatutan a. Scattered or strewn about &o. -i, - 1 A chowrie, fly-flap (ar ); Si. 12. 17; auf 9123utforfach Sahendra. 3. 14; fagairof er s970 fat Siva B. 21. 53; 22. 60. -2 A tuft of hair used as an ornament for horses. - A horse. - 1 A miscellany, any collection of miscellaneous things. -2 A miscellaneous chapter. -3 A section, chapter or division of a book. 4 A case not provided by the Sastras and to be decided by the judge or king. -8 Extent, length of a book &c.). 760 10 U. 1 To announce, proclaim, mention, -2 To name, call. - To praise, extol, laud. Ta 1 Proclaiming, announcing. -2 Praising, extolling, lauding. Mentioning, naming. Tetra p. p. 1 Proclaimed. -2 Declared, said to be. -3 Named, called. -4 Celebrated. -5 Explained. -6 Revealed. Talla: f. 1 Celebration, praise. -2 Fame, celebrity. -3 Declaration. Tat:, -ut n. of some medicinal plants (Mar. *2#). TRT 1 A. 1 To be fit or suitable for. -2 To happen, occur. -3 To be successful. -Caus. 1 To invent, devise, plan (schemes &c.). -2 To prepare, make ready, equip, accoutre. - To treat with respect. -4 To fix, settle. -5 To appoint, invest, install. -6 To fix, fasten, bind. -7 To further, advance, promote. 7929a. Being in a right place. Tea Settlement, fixing, allotment; starr fare Ta proui 746991 Ms. 8. 211. Tafea p. p. 1 Made, done, formed. -2 Settled, allotted. -3 Formed or shed as a tear ). - A kind of riddle. TRH p. p. Prepared, made ready, arranged; ga: a: feita 40 muq Bk. 2. 29.4 ind, Readily, easily. ha a. Ved. One who knows. -2: 1 Appearance. -2 Intelligence, knowledge. tanto: Putrefaction, putridity. Tay: 1 The fore-arm, the part above the wrist; 91498faena: Ku. 3. 41; 4 04sef : Me. 2; R. 3. 59; $.6.6; 64 euafdanh9: Bu. Ch. 5.81.-2 The room near the gate of a palace; Mu. 1. -8A court in a house, a quadrangle or square (surrounded by buildings ); 974 farar: &c. Mk. 4. -4 A part of a door-frame. T y A room near the gate of a palace (1998); qeyfafalausti atragare: #19 Ku. 15. 6. FET a. Very sharp or violent. -T: 1 An armour for the defence of a horse or elephant. -2 A dog, 8 A mule. 10. 1 To go forward, proceed, walk on; 1961 73999 Bk. 15.23. - To go, set out, march forth. -3 To issue forth, depart. -4 To go across, pass. -6 To begin, commence (Atm.) (with inf.); 49% a adagny TTH R. 3. 47; 2. 15; Ku. 3. 2; 5. 18. - To undertake, apply oneself to. -7 To behave towards with. loc ). 9 a. 1 A beginner. -2 Conquering, overcoming. TA: 1 A step, stride. -2 A pace considered as a measure of distance. -3 Commencement, beginning. (a) Stepping forward, proceeding. (6) Procedure, course; si : 944: Mal. 5. 24. The case in question. -8 Leisure, opportunity. -7 Regularity, order, method. -8 Degree, proportion, measure. -9 The reading of the Kramapatha. -10 Discussing any point in question. -Comp. Tarn the third of a square pace. -** want of symmetry or regularity, the breaking of arrangement, regarded as a fault of composition. It is the same as at mentioned in K. P. 7, the break of symmetry being either in expresion or construction; nAthe nizAyA niyaterniyogAdastaM gate hanta nizApi yAtA is an instance of the former, where gatA FARTI would relieve the irregularity of expression; and famoufuar atieafar Hytarala: 942) is an instance of the latter, where the symmetry of the verse requires the active instead of the passive construction, and the fault may be removed by reading the line as au T Tat Haid Year; see K. P.7 under har for further datails. -fara a. stopped in the beginning. T HTH 1 Stepping forward, proceeding. -2 Issuing. -8 Beginning. 977 p. p. 1 Commenced, begun. -2 Gone, proceeded. -3 In hand, under discussion. -4 Surpassed. -5 Brave. -8 Previously mentioned. # 1 The outset of a journey. -2 The case or point in question. E: Play, pastime, sport. s a p. p. 1 Moist, humid, wet. -2 Satisfied (aa). -8 Moved with pity. -4 Putrefied. T : Moistness, wetness. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra prakkedana prakkedana a. Moistening, wetting. prakkaNaH, prakANaH The sound of a lute. : Seething, boiling; Jatak. prakSara See prakkhara. Trickling out, oozing, flowing. 10 U. 1 To wash, purify, cleanse; -ga-ga &c. prakSAlayati. -2 To wipe away ; ( ayazaH ) teSAmanugraheNAdA Mb. -3 To expiate, atone for. prakSAlanam Washing washing off yasyAvarovaratanacanda tiffage R. 6. 48.-2 Cleansing, cleaning purifying; durjanaM prathamaM vande sajjanaM tadanandaram / mukhaprakSAlanAt pUrvaM Subh. Ratn. 54. 34. 3 Bathing. -4 Anything used for purifying. -8 Water for washing. prakSAlita p. p. 1 Washed, cleansed. -2 Purified. -3 Expinted. fer 5, 9 P. 1 To decay, wane. -2 To be emaciated or lean. -8 To injure, destroy, spoil. Destroying; Raj. T. : Ruin, destruction. srefror p. p. 1 Decayed, wasting, declining, -2 Destroyed. -8 Expiated. - Vanished, disappeared. -Nam The spot where one has perished. -Comp. -candraH the waning moon. 6 P. 1 To throw, fling at, hurl. -2 To put into, throw at or in; Ms. 4. 53; Mk. 5. 18. -3 To insert, interpolate; f sUtre kaizcit prakSiptam Kaiyata. -4 To put or lay before. prakSipta P. P. 1 Thrown at, cast, hurled. -2 Thrown into; pAtAlapratimalagalavivara prakSiptasaptArNavam Mal. 5. 22 -3 Projected. Interpolated, spurious; as in its zlokaH. : 1 Throwing forward, projecting. -2 A throw, cast. 3 Scattering upon. -4 Spurious insertion, interpolation. The box of a carriage -6 The sum deposited by each member of a commercial company. -7 Anything added to drugs in decoction. 1 Throwing, casting, hurling. -2 Pouring upon, throwing into. -3 Settling, fixing (as price &c). Haifaa a. Drunken, intoxicated. 7 U. To crush, bruise, pound; Anvata sela gadayAgaM bibhISaNa: Bk. 14.33. p. p. 1 Crushed. -2 Pierced through. -3 Incited. saM. I. ko .... 133 1057 pragaNDI 1 A., 4 P. 1 To be shaken or agitated. -2 To totter. -8 To be perplexed or confused. prakSobhaH, -prakSobhaNam 1 Exciting, agitating. -2 Shak ing; prakSobhaH sapadi taraMgita taTeSu Ki. 7. 36. hubbub. 2 R. To sharpen, whet. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Humming; grumbling. afsa a. Clamorous, shouting, noisy. - A shout, hum. 1 An iron arrow. -2 Clamour, a. 1 Very hot; as in f. -2 Very acrid or pungent, sharp. -3 Very hard or rough. See prakkhara 2 P. 1 To report, announce, declare. -2 To praise, celebrate, -Pass. To be well-known or celebrated, be famous. -Caus. To celebrate, proclaim, announce, declare publicly, publish. a. 1 Clear, visible, distinct. -2 Looking like, resembling (at the end of comp.);, &c. - khyaH the planet Jupiter. 1 Perceptibility, visibility. -2 Renown, fame, celebrity; nyavasat paramaprakhyaH saMpratyeva purImimAm Ram. -3 Disclosure. Resemblance, similitude (in comp.); EMstadadbhutaprakhyaM zrutvA harSamupAgataH Ram. 7.89. 7. phenaprakhyaH kathaM nAzaM martyaloko na yAsyati Y. 3. 10; prajJAcakSuravekSamANatimira prakhyAH : N. 12. 106. -8 Look, appearance. -8 Brightness, splendour; zazAGkakiraNaprakhyaM kAlavAlamubhe tadA Mb. 1. 23. 2; adya cAmIkaraprakhyaM pravekSyAmi hutAzanam Mb. 3. 73. 11. p. p. 1 Famous, celebrated, renowned, noted. -2 Forestalled, claimed by right of pre-emption. -3 Happy, pleased. -4 Recognised, acknowledged. Comp. - a commodity the pre-emption of which is claimed by a king; rAjJaH prakhyAtabhANDAni pratiSiddhAni yAni ca Ms. 8. 399.a. having a celebrated father. -3 Perception. gearfa: f. 1 Fame, renown, celebrity. -2 Praise, eulogium. -3 Perceptibility. 1 Reporting. -2 A report, information. 1 Publishing, making public. -2 Communicating. 3 Information. pragaTa Wrong reading for prakaTa. For Private and Personal Use Only The upper part of the arm from the elbow to the shoulder. pragaNDI The outer wall (of a city ); 'pragaNDIH kArayet samyak SAvaguNyaM satrivargakam / yo vetti puruSavyAghra sa bhuGkte pRthibI - mimAm' iti prAcAM pAThaH / tadvyAkhyAnaM ca tadIyameva / ' saMcAro yatra Page #431 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pragam 1088 pragRhyam mortification. -3 Distress, difficulty; ayo parafa fait : Mb. 4. 61. 26. - ind. 1 Very much, exceedingly. -2 Firmly. -8 Forcibly. -4 Proportionately. T m. An excellent singer. TTTT: A strophe, a combination of two verses (2). gofta a. 1 Sung. -2 Singing. -3 Resonant with singing. 1 A song. -2 A sing-song mode of reciting. lokAnAM dUrAdevAvabudhyate / pragaNDI sA ca vijJeyA bahiHprAkArasaMjJitA / / ' TAI Mb. 12. 69. 43 com. TTH 1 P. 1 To advance, proceed. -2 To set out. -8 To reach, attain. TC p. p. 1 Gone forth or forward. -2 Separate, apart. -Comp. - 9,-ig a. bandy-legged, bowlegged. STA: The first advance in courtship, first manifestation of love. TTSTE 1 Advance, progresg.-2 The first advance in courtship. -3 A speech containing an excellent answer. THE . Walk, gait, step. pragarjanam Roaring, shouting; also pragarjitam in this sense. pragalbha 1A. 1 To be bold or confident; yA kathaMcana haiata 94 # Si. 1. 18: 7 Anfant 10Fi Ha trifa af 19T: Vikr. 1. 16 'cannot be bold (competent) enough to do the work of a hatchet'. -2 To be determined or resolute. -8 To be proud. -4 To be ready or able with inf.). TEH a. 1 Bold, confident. -2 Daring, brave, intrepid, spirited, courageous; Mb. 12. 318. 64; fate ETTET A TTU #1 farta R. 2. 41. -8 Bold in speech, eloquent; 991 T wentzef R. 6. 20. -4 Ready-witted, prompt. -5 Resolute, energetic. -6 Mature (as age); 96: 159 24SEU fary 27af319: Ku. 1. 51. -7 Matured, developed, fullgrown, strong; mehr Ku. 5. 30 (41691); Mal. 9. 29; U. 6. 35. -8 Slailful; falda y OTTA K. 12. -9 Audacious, arrogant, officious, proud. -10 Shameless, impudent; yardag wafagat: (fre:) R. 13. 9. -11 Illustrious, eminent. - HT 1 A bold woman. -2 A shrew, scolding woman. -8 A bold or mature woman, one of the classes of heroines in poetic composition; she is versed in all kinds of caresses, lofty of demeanour, possessed of no great modesty, of mature age, and ruling her husband; EHFET gADhatAruNyA smstrtkovidaa| bhAvonnatA darabrIDA pragalbhA''kAnta2127 S.D. 101 and examples quoted ad loc. -4 An epithet of Durga. THAT 1 Boldness; gafa i graftort hat Ku. -2 Resoluteness, energy. -3 Pride, arrogance. -4 Eminence. -5 Perverseness. M HO a. 1 Arrogant. -2 Eminent, illustrious. E p. p. 1 Dipped into, soaked, steeped. -2 Much, excessive, intense. -3 Firm, strong. - Hard, difficult. -5 Far advanced; ga: 4 907978191941(Dk. 2. 3. 41 Privation. -2 Penance, bodily T gritat f. A variety of metre. TEOT a. Straight, honest, upright (lit. and fig. ); afe: 9401 4965 Mal. 1. 14. -2 Being in the right state or condition, having excellent qualities; 1457417 ayui a ce aghaisgad: afaq R. 9. 49. -3 (a) Worthy, suita ble, meritorious; 2141717praguNaguNanirmANanipuNaH Mal. 1. 16. () Eficient; prANatrAMNaM qyua-heyfaxh9: 9. 46. -4 Skilful, clever. (guita means : 1 To make straight, put in order, arrange. -2 To make smooth. - To nourish, bring up. ) gyurg To make oneself fit or ready for. TTUTH Putting straight, arranging. praguNayati Den. P. = praguNIkR above. aufora a. Made even or straight. -2 Made smooth. TTV a. More, exceeding.-2 Excellent. T ind. Early in the morning, at day-break; a arreat TOTT TT TUT af: Si. 12.1; FIAT 9 Ms. 6. 6; 4. 62; 374 5 2: 317274 & Siva B. 29. 65. -Comp. - a. to be performed in the morning; 3914 l a garaa 473-27814 Dk. 2. 2. -farzt, - a. who is asleep at day-break; greuga at nagt: Bharatam. H eart Het a 129 912197: Mb. 12. 228. 37. FOTO Protection, preservation. 4TH Stringing together, weaving. 69 U. 1 To take, hold, seize, grasp. -% To receive, accept. -8 To curb, restrain. -4 To stretch forth, extend. - To favour, behave friendly with. - To keep separate as the 2 vowels). -7 To offer. -8 To unite with. -Caus. To receive, accept. Tueta p. p. 1 Held forth or out. -2 Received, accepted. -3 Not subject to the rules of euphony (11); see 925 below. JH 1 A vowel which is not liable to the rules of Sandhi or euphony and which is allowed to be written and pronounced separately; $ cf2 92814 P. I. 1. 11 (i. e. the final $, 5 and 5 of the dual For Private and Personal Use Only Page #432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pragraha 1089 pracaraNam terminations of a word or any grammatical form). 1 Abh. Chin. 10.10; aftpast e la: Bk. 7. -2 Remembrance. -3 A sentence. 62. - A copper-pot, -8 An iron mace, crow-bar. TAE a. 1 Holding in front, stretching forth (hands); Tatu: Grinding, crushing, destroying. OTH Tagit at 11: THET 39: 374arcu : Ram. Rubbing, annointing. 7. 82. 14. -2 Seizing, taking. -&: 1 Holding or stret TE a. Voracious, gluttonous. - 1 A demon. ching forth, holding out. -2 Laying hold of, taking, -2 Voracity, gluttony. grasping, seizing: na hi me mucyate kazcit kathaJcit pragrahaM gataH Mb. 3. 179. 16. -3 The commencement of an eclipse. Taa: 1 Killing. -2 A combat, battle. -4 (a) A rein, bridle; yal: YET: 347accalych S. 1; Tyu: A guest ( v. 1. for sigut or maqui q. v.) Si. 12. 31. () A whip, lash, scourge. -5 A check, restraint; 4: : Ram. 2. 1. 25. Tarot a. 1 Wandering, roaming. -2 Turning round -8 Binding, confinement; ASEHE gent gufa: -ot: A guest; see aer. Ta: Mb. 12. 7. 33. -8 A prisoner, captive. -8 Taming, TET: 1 Sound, noise. -2 Uproar. breaking as an animal). -9 A ray of light. -10 The string of a balance. -11 A vowel not subject to the Tala a. Trembling, shuddering. rules of Sandhi or euphony; see u. -12 N. of Visnu. Ta 1 An army in motion. -2 A foraging -13 The arm. -14 A leader, guide. -18 Kindness, army. favour, & reward; 379TI HECEU geenuse I 9F 4 Fail Kau. A. 2. 7. 25. -16 The TETET 2 A. 1 To say, speak, lay down; FFTTY forfaaaa Karnikara tree. -17 The gains in the form of gifts la sarafa y a R. 8. 86. - To tell, to courtiers; stattfani wakaerahera h relate. -3 To consider, regard, deem. - 4 To name, Kau. A. 2. 7. 25. -18 Hoarding, collecting (798); call; astach: far si y a Ms. 12. 12; 2. Barylaneta: anyai a: Mb. 12. 21. 14.-19 Folding, 17; 3. 28; 10. 14. joining (hands); afastou a u Ram. 7. TETET m. 1 The planet Jupiter. -2 An epithet 48. 10. -20 Obstinacy, stubbornness. -21 A companion, of Brihaspati. satellite. TVT a. 1 Vehement, excessively violent, impetuTEETH 1 Taking, seizing, grasping. -2 The com- ous. - 2 Strong, powerful, fierce. -8 Very hot, stifling mencement of an eclipse. -8 A rein, bridle. -4 A (as heat ). - Furious, wrathful. - Bold, confident. check, restraint. -8 Binding, confining. -6 Offering. -8 Terrible, terrifio. -7 Intolerable, unbearable.-13: -7 Guiding. A species of oleander. -Comp. 31109: fierce heat. -ghoNa a. large-nosed. -bhairavaH N. of a vyAyoga (kind of pragrahin a. One holding the rein; pathi pragrahiNaM kaMsa drama). - a. having a hot or burning sun; nusta: 47377621tertar Bhag. 10. 1. 34. FLETTAT: Ks. 1. 1, 10. 9918: 1 Seizing, taking. -2 Bearing, carrying; Taval, -224 1 Violence, impetuosity. -2 Boldness. ETC 471-ar af $d: Bk. 7. 44. -3 The string of a balance. A S TA 978: EISIG gar a. Very unsteady or restless. Ak. 3. 236; 910 91691 161 Tata facu Bk. 7. 49. Fa (1) See under a -4 A rein, bridle. TOT 1 P. 1 To walk about, stalk forth. -2 To go ora:, -04 1 A painted turret. -2 A wooden or issue forth, appear. - To roam, wander over. -4 fence round a building; Raj. T. 8. 328.-3 A window. To reach, arrive at. - To spread, circulate, be preva-4 A stable. -8 The top of a tree. - A pleasure- lent or current. -8 To prevail (as a custom ). - 7 To house. undertake, set about anything ), proceed to work ; TEIE 1 A. 1 To be busy with, be occupied in; Pafchat aut facer parat H: Ms. 9. 284. - To do, arfagreitag Fra perform. - To behave, act towards, treat. -10 To be u Bk. 21. 17. -2 To begin, engaged in. -11 To thrive, prosper. -Caus. 1 To cause commence%3 tataH prajaghaTe yuddham Bk. 14.77. or allow to roam. - To turn out to graze. - To make TECHi, -Tag: A rule, doctrine, precept. public. TEET The first elements or rudiments of a science. FT: 1 A road, path, way. -2 A custom, usage. -Comp. - m. a superficial reader, smatterer. TATUE 1 Going forth, proceeding. -2 Being curgau: (-:), -a : (+:) 1 A porch before the rent, circulating. -3 Undertaking, beginning. -4 Em door of a house, portico ; 910-990sat aftafragt ploying, using. - A wooden-ladle, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #433 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pracarita 1060 pracodin Tafra a. Rolling about, tossing. - Nodding the head ( while asleep in a sitting posture ). TU A particular ornament on a sacrificial post; caSAlaM pracaSAlaM ca yasya yUpe hiraNmaye Mb. 7.61.6. T : The neck of the Indian lute. afer 5 U. 1 To collect, gather. -2 To add to, increase, develop; to enhance, augment. 3 To cut downB pareSAmuttamAGgAni pracinvantamatheSubhiH Mb. 6. 14. 12. -Pass. 1 To grow, be developed ; 41919471 TH R. 3. 7. -2 To increase, multiply, thrive, prosper ; 3119 YTETIT GOTH: Mu. 1. ( 1): 1 Collecting, gathering (as flowers ); P. III. 3. 40.-2 A multitude, quantity, collection, number; 7 goyai 997 a atu 4: My. 2. 15. -3 Growth, increase. -4 Slight union. -3 The neutral accentless tone (Testia). -8 In alg.) The common difference of terms in a progression. TETUFTH Collecting, gathering. Tante 1 Gathering flowers &c.) in turn. -2 A female who gathers. afera p. p. 1 Gathered, collected, plucked. -2 Amassed, accumulated. -8 Covered, filled. -4 Accentless ( CTTT). fara p..p. 1 Gone forth &c. -2 Practised, followed, pursued as a profession ); #: : wafa: T964 fastaa: Ms. 10. 100. -3 Current, publicly known. auf Action, process. TER: 1 Going forth, ranging, walking about, wandering; ragnarch ( 49794 ) Ku. 3. 42. -3 Appearance, coming in, manifestation; U.1; Mu. 1.-4 Currency, prevalence, use, being used or applied ; 14 a yat 1 Trik. -8 Conduct, behaviour; Mb. 12. 171. 15; cf. 374971T: (a title of the second book of Arthasastra.) -8 Custom, usage. -7 A playground, place of exercise. -8 A pasture-ground, pasturage; 721 ERA Mb. 1. 40.17; PISUT 79217 15a a Y. 2. 166. -9 A passage, path; 172 a f Ms. 9. 219.-10 Proclamation in public; ait 1981991... Kau. A. 2. 8. 26. -11 Movement, activity (91); v a a Rain. 7. 35. 49. Tautaa. 1 Allowed to wander. -2 Made public or known, become current. aft a. 1 Wandering.-2 Showing itself, appearing.-3 Proceeding with, behaving. qay 1 P. 1 To shake, move, tremble; gaafa etti of Bh. 2. 4. -2 To go, walk, move on; set out, start off, depart. - To start up, spring up. -4 To be affected, disturbed or agitated. -5 To prevail, be current. -6 To swerve, deviate from (abl.). -Caus. (216deg) 1 To shake, stir up. (77deg) -2 To move, set in motion. -8 To remove from. Tel. a. 1 Trembling, shaking, tremulous; 43742 tarafta 199 51 Ku.5.35; Mal. 1. 38. i -2 Current, prevailing, customary. -3 Going well or widely. -: A peacock; Nigh. Ratn. TEOH 1 Shaking, trembling. -2 Retreat, flight. -3 Circulation, currency. gafoa (TOT) a. 1 Shaken, moved, set in motion.-2 Moving about; gaft i yarat: a: U. 2. 29. -8 Wandering, roaming. 4 Having set out or proceeded. - Customary, recognized or received as authority. -6 Currentprevalent. -7 confused, bewildered. - Going away, departure. TEIE Stirring, shaking, a stir; R aya Pt. 5 'why discuss this matter in vain '. Tag f. A chamelion (Mar. ATET). To: 1 Archery. -2 A peacock's tail. -8 A snake. - Ved. A violent shower of rain. Am. A peacock; U. 2. 29; Forfolla Trikandasesa. av a. 1 To be gathered. - To be increased. -3 Spreading everywhere. TE 10 U. 1 To impel, prompt, urge, incite; fata a: Y AIT Gayatri.; 21 yafect: R. 1. 9. -2 To drive or urge on, push on. - To excite, inspire, encourage, incite, stimulate. -4 To enjoin, direct, prescribe. - To request, ask. -6 To fix, settle, determine. - To proclaim, announce; wala sua for? att 4 Ms. 3. 228. TETTE: 1 Driving onward, urging, inciting. -2 Instigating. at a. Driving onward, urging, inciting. Taca 1 Driving onward, urging, inciting. -2 Instigating, setting on. -3 Ordering, enjoining, prescribing. -4 A rule, precept, order, commandment. -- Say ing. -8 Sending, despatching. tatia p. p. 1 Urged, incited. - Instigated. -3 Directed, ordered, prescribed; afet qe fari a ya ar pieza Hut feay || Ms. 2. 191.-4 Sent, despatched. -5 Decreed, determined. -8 Announced. Taille a. Driving on, urging &c. - 1 A prickly nightshade. -2 N. of a plant; Solanum Indicum or Solanum Jacquini ( Mar. ftrut). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #434 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pracura 1061 Tyr a. 1 Much, ample, abundant, plentiful; fera-1 5771 ATAT Bh. 2. 47; Si. 12. 72; HEThat a: 99: V TH: Bhag. -2 Great, large, extensive; T Titu: Git. 2. -3 (At the end of comp.) A bounding in, filed or replete with. -T: A thief. -Comp. - a: frequent humiliation.-gota. populous. ( -T:) a thief. Tetat, ah 1 Abundance, plenty, copiousness. - Multitude, quantity. TE TUTH Adding to increasing. Tytsa a. Augmented, increased. aga 1 P. To become plentiful, increase. TECT m. 1 An epithet of Varuna; Ku. 2. 21.-2 N. of an ancient sage and law-giver; Ms. 1. 35. saa m. A charioteer, coach-man. TEC Yellow sandal-wood. pracalaka: A horse. 766 6 P. (qeala, 9999, feita, la, gh, CE; caus. pracchayati; pass. pRcchayate; desid. piprAcchiSati)1 To ask, question, interrogate, inquire of ( with two acc.); 4923 TTH THTTST44 R. 14.27; Bk. 6.8; R. 3.5; 9781A cat Hugat: Bg. 2. 7; ATQUT ET Ms. 2. 127; 80 mahAzvetA kAdambarImanAmayaM papraccha K. 1923 kuzalamabale pRcchati tvAM ray: Me. 103; R. 1. 58. -2 To ascertain, learn by inquiry. - To seek, seek for. TOEFL, 1 A question, inquiry, interrogation. TOEYE 10 U. 1 To cover, wrap up, veil, envelop (a) U fErtura FIAT: Mb. - To hide, conceal, disguise, keep secret; f ic fart qurt Bh. 2. 77; r 394 2. 64; Ms. 4. 198; 10. 40; Ch. P. 4. -3 To clothe oneself, put on clothes. -4 To stand in the way, become an obstacle. 1989 m. Ved. 1 Food. - 2 A cover. To : A cover, wrapper, coverlet, bed-clothes, bed-cover; szl a rgr#: R. 19. 22. Comp. -79: bed-clothes, coverlet. TOEGET p. p. 1 Covered, wrapped, enveloped. -2 Private, secret ; fan 14 F4 ETAT 48 974 Bh. 2. 61. -8 Concealed, hidden; 9341 a 1a afecoat: 1997: Ms. 10.40; Mb. 3. 35. 31. -4 Clothed, clad. - 1 A private door. - A loop-hole, lattice, window. - ind. Secretly, covertly. -Comp. -et: an unseen thief. TOEIC . Concealing, covering at the end of comp.). - The song of a wife deserted by her husband (containing a covert description of her sorrows ); also 90 % in this sense. 7 061774 1 Covering, concealing - An upper garment. -Comp. -TE: a wrapper, cover, coverlet. 90 a p. p. 1 Covered, enveloped, clothed &c. -2 Hidden, concealed. Togetha. Anything (drug &c.) causing vomiting. Toeg 1 Vomiting.-2 Emitting, sending forth. -3 An emetic pracchadanavidhAraNAbhyAM vA prANasya Patalijala S. 1.34. pracchardikA Vomiting. Folah 1 Scarifying. -2 Making sore. Torre ( 9941 142 47 ] Thick or dense shade, a shadowy place; fegruganfaar faqat: TUHTAT: S. 1. 3; M. 3. affesa 7 U. To cut, cleave. pracchedanam Dividing into small pieces. focus a. Dry, waterless. Try 1 A. 1 To move away, go away, withdraw, retreat. -2 To fall off from, drop down, fall down. -3 To forsake, abandon (as religion ). -4 To be ejected or driven, be dislodged, be deprived of, lose (with abl.) - To flow out, stream forth. -6 To drive, urge on. -Caus. 1 To move, shake. -2 To displace, dislodge, eject, expel. -3 To cause to fall, ruin. gora: 1 Fall, ruin. -2 Improvement, advancement, growth. -3 Withdrawal. 480 TH 1 Departing, retreating, withdrawal. -2 Loss, deprivation. - Oozing, dropping (TCU). 7 a 1 Causing to give up. -2 A means of removing, a sedative or palliative. Toutea p. p. Driven away; at falafta: yeyifaar: ytl: Mb. 3. 172. 28. Tag a. Transitory, fragile. toya p. p. 1 Fallen off or from. -2 Strayed, deviated. -3 Dislodged, displaced, degraded; 3TEHTGsa as: la quah Ms. 12. 116. -4 Displaced, ejected. 5 Banished, expelled. -6 Routed, put to Alight. Tegra: f. 1 Departing, withdrawal. -2 Loss, deprivation, falling down from ; nityaM pracyutizaGkayA kSaNamapi svarga a HTC Santi. 4. 20.-3 Fall, ruin. THE 4 A. 1 To be born or produced, come into existence. -2 To grow, arise, spring up. -3 To bring forth, be delivered of. -4 To beget, generate, produce in general; afara wa ya Mb. 12. 28. 55. -Caus. 1 To beget, generate. -2 To cause, produce. - To bring forth, bear. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #435 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir GT: 1068 prajinaH .................. 45: A husband. T T: 1 Impregnating, begetting, generating, production; SHTETT 9a: g#: a vadd Mb. 13. 46. 4; T. Up. 1. 9. 1; Ms. 3. 61; 9. 61. - 2 The impregnation of cattle. -8 Bringing forth, bearing; ad feru: #21: Ms. 9. 96. -4 A generator, progenitor; YTTER #4: Bg. 10. 28. - The generative organ; 957 CHI ICH (HI Maila) Ms. 12. 121. THAT a. ( 4.) Producing, generating, procreative. - 1 Procreation, generation, conception in the womb. -2 Production, birth, delivery. -3 Semen. - The male or female organ of generation penis or vulva); AtmAnamubhayormadhye yattat prajananaM viduH Bhag.9.14.46. -8 Offspring. -8 Pregnancy of cattle (3447). -Comp. a. skilled in midwifery. prajanikA A mother. au a. 1 Procreative, productive. -2 Growing, standing (as corn). CT: The body. TA: f. The vulva (Ved.). TFT (Changed to 4 at the end of a Bah. compound, when the first member is 37, 4 or 58; as aferaY: R. 8. 32; gyre 18. 29.) 1 Procreation, generation, propagation, birth, production. -2 Offspring, progeny, issue; children, brood of animals); 7919 TETA R. 2.73; E TA R. 1.7; Ms. 3. 42; Y. 1. 269; so h 91, 996 &c. -3 Posterity, descendants.-4 A creature. -6 Subjects, people, mankind; 13: 9: 91: R. 4.3; 48: YT: Far 59 har $.5.5 and 92: 11 R 1249 409#3: fratrie Bu. Ch. 2. 35 (where we has sense 2 also ); R. 1. 7; 2.73; Ms. 1. 8. -6 Semen. -7 An era; Buddh. -Comp. -3TETET: 1 an epithet of the sun. -2 of Daksa. -37FF: Yama, the god of death ; 374 a 5 att preg gaacud : R. 8. 45. a. desirous of progeny. 527:, - art: the lord of men, a king, sovereign ; *447 gara: at: aaafu : R. 3. 68; 5. 32; yaa gufe 3 T a lata: 18. 29. 3rgfer: f. -utpAdanam the raising up of progeny.-kalpa: the time of creation; Hariv. -18 a. desirous of progeny. - Filt: author of the creation. --c: a line of descendants, linea ge, race. -are the auspicious moment of birth; Bhag. a. 1 granting progeny. -2 removing barrenness. - silver. -&rch N. of the sun. aret: 1 an epithet of Brahma. -2 a king, sovereign, prince; 4511: Ta da R. 2. 48; 10. 83. - : 1 impregnation, seed (implanted in the womb); write af adara gara atafa R. 14. 60.-2 offspring. - : a king. -ota: 1 the god presiding over creation; ya alfa Mo. 12. 121. -2 an epithet of Brahma; BE2T: faut H a fang: V. 1. 9. -8 an epithet of the ten lords of created beings first created by Brahma (See Ms. 1. 31). -4 an epithet of Visvakarman, the architect of gods. -8 the sun. -6 a king. -7 a son-in-law. -8 an epithet of Visnu. -9 a father, progenitor. -10 the penis. -11 a sacrifice; EG H A kind of 11.-12 N. of a cat. of T H , O T the protection of subjects. - :, -T16 : a king, sovereign. Tic: an epithet of Siva. - royal office. i f. increase of progeny. -: care for or anxiety about the people. - m. epithet of Brahma; $a: 14har TV Si. 1. 28. -fea a. beneficial to children or people. (-a ) water. ha p. p. Born, produced &c. -a A woman who has borne a child. Tafa: f. 1 Procreation, production, propagation; Farta T. Up. 1. 9. 1; 37719 Ga o ratoh Bhag. 3. 14. 21. -2 Delivery. -3 Procreative power. -4 Travail, la bour. TT a. Being about to produce or bring forth. -2 Bearing, bringing forth ( 31deg, 2deg &c.). 1911 a. 1 Having subjects or children. -2 Pregnant. -3 Abounding in progeny, prolific. -at A brother's wife (ITA); yad eifelt a R. 14. 45; 15. 13. -2 A matron, mother. -3 An elder brother's wife. T&T 1 P. 1 To speak, say, talk; tatu 2140ada yafua taan Ku. 1. 45. -2 To call. -3 To proclaim. -4 To prattle, chatter. THET: Prattle, gossip, heedless or frivolous words (used in greeting a lover); RESH YI samazan priyasya kauzalogAraH prajalpaH sa tu kathyate / 95769774 1 Talking, speaking. -2 Prattle, gossip. yafeta a. Talked, prattled. -94 Talk. prajavin See under prajU. TETT 2 P. 1 To keep watch, be awake, wake. -2 To lie in wait for. TIT: 1 Lying awake at night, sleeplessness; rAjarSirimAni divasAni prajAgarakRzo lakSyate 5.3; prajAgarAt khilIYararat: ma: S. 6. 22. -2 Vigilance, carefulness. -8 A guardian. -4 An epithet of Krisna or Visnu (ai ngacara ini sfa 95 :). prajAgaraNam Being awake. TETTE" a. Wide awake. affret: Wind, air, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #436 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prajIvanam 1083 praNam prajIvanam Livelihood, subsistence; zeSANAmAnRzaMsyArtha / UT 1994 Ms. 9. 163. ye a. Attached or devoted to, intent on; farg 999 M6. 2. 96. TEI 1 U. 1 To push or drive onward, impel, urge on. -2 To hasten forward. -Caus. To shoot, dart. 4519: Ved. Haste. Tran a. Swift, fleet; 2196711 999 TA U.5.1 (v.l.). I a. Rapid, swift, speedy. -m. An express, a courier. TRT 1 A. 1 To begin to yawn. -2 To open the mouth. Tot A kind of Prakrita metre. TET 9 U. 1 To know, know about, be acquainted with. -2 To be aware of, find out. -3 To discern, distinguish. -Caus. ( a) 1 To show, point out (as way ). -2 To discover. -3 To call, summon, invite. T* a. 1 Wise, intelligent, learned. -2 (At the end of comp.) conversant with.- A wise or learned man. p. p. 1 Known, understood. -% Distingnished, discerned. -3 Distinct, clear. -4 Famous, well-known, renowned. 991 a. Prudent. -- 1 Intelligence, knowledge, wisdom. -2 A mark, token, sign; 951 4 97197 Ram. 2. 67. 30. -3 Discernment, judgment. TECH Statement, assertion. Tanga p. p. Betrayed, disclosed. Fares, art (oft s.), arhs a. Wise, intelligent, prudent. STT a. Wise, intelligent. a. Bow-legged, bandy-legged; (so y). Ta 1 P. 1 To burn brightly, blaze up, shine ; Tot 99999: Bk. 14. 98. -2 To catch fire, be in flames, blaze up. -8 To be kindled (as anger ), to be incensed or wrathful. -Caus. (79a-sat- fa) 1 To kindle, set on fire. -2 To brighten, illumine, irradiate. Taah 1 Blazing up, flaming, burning. -2 Kindling. Trafoa p. p. 1 Being in flames, burning, flaming, blazing. -2 Bright, shining. -3 Burnt. -94 Burning. FETCH. Kindling, setting on fire. prajvAra: Fever; heat of fever ; prajvAro'yaM mama bhrAtA tvaM ca # fait 49 Bhag. 4. 27. 30. praDInam 1 Flying in every direction; praDInaM sarvatoyAnam Mb. 8. 41. 26 (com.). -2 Flying forward; see under 9.-3 Taking flight. Tot a. Old, ancient. gure: The point of a nail; Ch. Up. TUE 1 P. To sound, resound, echo; Pozici: TUL ETT: Mb.; ferat: sofa &c. TUCHH Sounding, a sound. golea a. 1 Sounding. -2 Humming, buzzing ( 28 a bee). Forte: 1 A loud noise, shout, cry; FTAET HET 19219 EETTT: Si. 3. 24. -2 Roaring, a roar. -8 Neighing, braying. -4 A murmur of rapture; a burst of applause; huzza. - A cry for help. -8 A particular disease of the ear (a buzzing sound in the ear). * p. p. 1 Ordered, prescribed. -2 Arranged (as a seat); Buddh. Tara: f. 1 Agreement, engagement. -2 Teaching, informing, communicating. -3 A doctrine. -4 Intellect. N. of a goddess, Vidyadevi (Jainism ). Tar 1 Intelligence, understanding, intellect, wisdom; 371TTHET93: 941 HETTA: R. 1. 15; afferala a are TEU 91 afargar Be. 2. 57: Te farfa 95984 TITA porno afava f al Subhas. - Discernment, discrimination, judgment; iyaM niSThA bahuvidhA prajJayA tvadhyavasyati Mb. 14. 30. 24. -3 Device or design. -4 A wise or learned woman. -8 Longing for ate ); impression ( T); i furio aria gas a Bri. Up. 4.4.2. -B N. of the goddess Sarasvati. - A particular Sakti or energy. -8 A true or transcendental wisdom; Buddb. -Comp.- e a missile, weapon; 17: FERIETY TEST YETU Mb. 6. 77. 53. -FT: nothing but intelligence; Bhag. Ha, a. blind; (lit. having understanding as the only eyes); tato jJAsyasi mAM saute prajJAcakSuSafarya Mb. 1. 1. 149; Bhag. 1. 13. 28; Manoduta 115; N. 12. 106. (-m.) an epithet of Dhritarastra; Mb. 3. 7. 24; Kavyamala, Part. 13. (-.) the mind's eye, mental eye, the mind; M. 1. - T THAT one of the transcendent virtues; Buddh. -HIST an organ of sense. ar: a wise saying ; 39142191 919114 919 Bg. 2. 11. a. old in wisdom. 1 a. intelligent, wise. Ta a. void of wisdom, silly, foolish. TUTE 1 P. 1 To bow down, salute, make a low obeisance to be humble with acc. or dative); 7 of aarta: K. 108; ai qua Sae H K. 228; Ku. 7. 27; THIT 90731 01414 174 Bg. 11. 44; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #437 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra praNata R. 2. 21. ( sASTAgaM praNam 'to fall down on the eight limbs '; see aSTAGga daNDavat praNam 'to bow by throwing oneself down on the ground quite prostrate and flat like a stick placed horizontally, touching the ground at all points ; cf. daNDapraNAma. ) - Caus. ( praNamayati ) To cause to bow down ; tAmarcitAbhyaH kuladevatAbhyaH kulapratiSThAM praNamabhya mAtA Ku. 7. 27. -2 To bend, incline. praNata pp. 1 Bending, inclined, stooping. -2 Bowing to, saluting; satyAhiM praNatapAlabhavAnpitam Bhag -3 Humble. -4 Skilful, clever. -5 Crooked. praNatiH / 1 A bow, salutation, obeisance; taba sarvavidheyavartinaH praNatiM bibhrati ke na bhUbhRtaH Si. 16.5; R. 4. 88. -2 Submissiveness, humility, courtesy; sa dadarza vetasavanAcaritAM praNatiM balIyasi samRddhikarIm Ki. 6.5; nirjiteSu tarasA tarasvinAM zatruSu praNatireva kIrtaye R. 11.89 - 3 Inclination, bending, stooping. praNamita P. P. 1 Bent, bowed. -2 Offered or given respectfully. praNAmaH 1 Bending, bowing, stooping. -2 A reverential salutation, obeisance, prostration, bow (used with dat. ); as in sASTAGga praNAma; Ku. 6. 91; mUrdhnA praNAmaM vRSabhadhvajAya cakAra 3. 62; asmai praNAmamakaravam K. 142. -Comp. -aJjaliH a respectful salutation with the hands folded together ; Ku. 4. 35; for aSTAGga see aSTAGga praNavaH 1 The sacred syllable om ; AsInmahIkSitAmAdyaH praNavazchandasAmiva R. 1. 11; Ms. 2.74; Ku. 2. 12; praNavaH savedeSu Bg. 7.8; tasya vAcakaH praNavaH, Patanjala S. 27 ; prANadaH praNavaH prabhuH Vishu Sahasranama. -2 A kind of musical instrument (drum or ta bor ) -8 An epithet of Vispu or the Supreme Being. praNavaka: The Omkara. praNaz 4 P. 1 To perish, die; smRtibhraMzAd buddhinAzo buddhinAzAt praNazyati Bg. 2.63; vidyut praNAzaM sa varaM pranaSTaH Bk. 3. 14. -2 To vanish, disappear. -3 To escape. praNAzaH 1 Cessation, loss, disappearance; jJAtvA praNAzaM tu tadA jayantasya Ram. 7. 28. 21; dhruvaM praNAzaH prahitasya patriNaH Ki. 14. 9; 13. 33. -2 Death, destruction; bhartuH praNAzAdatha zocanIyam R. 14.1. praNAzana Destroying, annihilating, removing. -nam Destruction, annihilation; praNAzanAya prabalasya vidviSaH R. 3. 60. pranaSTa p. p. 1 Disappeared, vanished, not to be seen. - 2 Lost ; Pt. 4. 35. -3 Perished, dead. -4 Ruined, destroyed, annihilated. -5 Escaped. -Comp. -svAmika a. pranaSTasvAmikaM rikthaM rAjA vyabdaM nidhApayet Ms. 8. 30. 1064 praNasa a. Having a prominent nose, large-nosed. praNADikA, praNADI 1 Intervention, interposition, medium. -2 Ved. A watercourse, drain. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir praNihita praNAyya a. 1 Dear, beloved. -2 Upright, honest, straight-forward. -3 Disliked, disapproved ; na praNA janaH kaccin nikAmyaM te'dhitiSThati Bk. 6. 66. -4 Free from passion, indifferent to worldly attachments ( virakta ). ---4 Fit, worthy; prabrUyAt praNAbhyAya vAntevAsine Ch. Up. 3. 11. 5. praNAlaH, lI, -praNAlikA 1 A channel, water-course, drain; kausalyA vyasRjad bASpaM praNAlIva navodakam Ram. 2. 62. 10; kurvan pUrNA nayanapayasAM cakravAlai: praNAlI: Ua. S. 2; Si. 3. 44. -2 Succession, uninterrupted series. -3 Recension (of a text ). Intervention interposition. praNAzaH, -zanam s. pa. praNaz. praNigad 1 P. To declare; samaya eva karoti balAbalaM praNigadanta itIva zarIriNAm Si. 6. 44. praNisita a. Kissed. praNidhA 2 U. 1 To place, put or lay down ; prostrate; praNihitazirasaM vA kAntamArdrAparAdham M. 3. 12; tasmAt praNamya praNidhAya kAyam Bg. 11.44. -2 To set, put in, inlay or incase; yadi maNistrapurNa praNidhIyate Pt. 1. 75 (v. 1.). -3 To apply, fix upon, direct towards; bhartRpraNihitekSaNAm R. 15.84; Bk. 6. 142. -4 To stretch out, extend ; mAmAkAzapraNihitabhujaM nirdayAzleSa hetoH Me.. 108; nIvIM prati praNihite tu kare priyeNa sakhyaH zapAmi yadi kiMcidapi smarAmi K. P. 4-5 To send out (as spies ). -6 To place or lay in the front. -7 To include, enclose -3 To employ uses praNihitamapi caturyastamuktaM hinasti e. 5. 13. -9 To resolve. -10 To think. praNidhAnam 1 Applying, employing, application, use. -2 Great effort, energy. -8 Profound religious me ditation, abstract contemplation; so'pazyat praNidhAnena saMtateH stambhakAraNam R. 1. 74; 8 19; v. 2; tapaHsvAdhyAyezvarapraNidhAnAni kriyAyogaH Patafijnia S; IzvarapraNidhAnAdvA Patanjala. 23. -4 Respectful behaviour towards (with loc.); jAnAmi praNidhAnaM te bAlyAt prabhRti nandini / brAhmaNeSviha sarveSu gurubandhuSu caiva ha // Mb. 3.303.19. -5 Renunciation of the fruit of actions ( karmaphalatyAga ). -8 Entrance, access. -7 (With Buddhists) A prayer, an entreaty. affer: 1 Observing, spying out. -2 Sending out spies. -3 A spy, an emissary; adhyApitasyozanasApi nItiM prayuktarAgapraNidhirdviSaste Ku. 3. 6; R. 17.48; Ms. 7. 153; 8. 182. -4 An attendant, a follower. -8 Care, attention. -6 Solicitation, entreaty, request; ' praNidhiH prArthane care' Yadava. -7 A method of driving an elephant; Matanga L. 12. 6. 8. ( There are three kinds of praNidhis : by speech, feet and look.) praNidheyam 1 Sending spies -2 Employing ring. praNihita p. p. 1 Laid on, applied. -2 Deposited. -3 Outstretched, stretched forth; mAmAkAzapraNihitabhujaM nirdayA zleSa hetoH Me. 108. -4 Consigned, delivered, entrusted. - Having the attention fixed upon one object, with the mind concentrated, intent; RjuH praNihito gacchaMstra sasthAvara For Private and Personal Use Only Page #438 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra praNinAdaH : Mb. 12. 9. 19. -6 Determined, decided. -7 Cautious, wary. 8 Obtained, attained. -9 Spied out. -10 Acknowledged, admitted, stated; affa Ms. 8. 54. 11 Applied, directed; priyAyAsmai dhAmne praNihitanamasyo'smi bhavate Mahimna. 28 ( v. 1 . ) . A deep sound. af 1 P. To bow down to, fall prostrate before, bow respectfully to, salute (with acc. or dat.); surAstasmai zamavitre suradviSAm R. 10. 16 vAgIze vAgbhirarthyAbhiH praNipatyopatasthire Ku. 2.3;3.60. praNipatanam praNipAtaH 1 Falling at one's foot prom tration, submission; praNipAtapratIkAraH saMrambho hi mahAtmanAm R. 4.64; tad viddhi praNipAtena paripraznena sevayA Bg. 4.34. -2 Obeisance, salutation, reverential bow; frag svahastanaH (puSpoccayaH ) Ku. 3. 61; 4.35; R. 3.25. -Comp. - puraHsaram, -pUrvakam ind. with an obeisance. -pratIkAra a. averted or counteracted by prostration; R. 4. 64. - a magical formula pronounced over weapons. -farer teaching (one) to salute. og 2 P. 1 To slay, kill. -2 To bend down, lower (the hand). -3 To pronounce lower (than anudAtta ). off 1 P. 1 To lead out or forth (as an army), conduct; auttaa (a) Ram. -2 To offer, give, present; Bk. 5. 76. -3 To bring to, set (as tire ); dagdhaguhAM pazya udakapUrNa kAkapraNatina hutAzanena Pt. 3. 1.4 To consecrate by reciting sacred Mantras, hallow, consecrate in general ; tridhA praNIto jvalanaH Hariv. To inflict (as punishment); dg car zo quaaf: Ms. 7. 20; 8. 238; Mb. 1. 64. 15. -6 To lay down, teach, promulgate, institute, prescribe; dharmo manunA praNItaH R. 14.67; bhavatpraNItamAcAramAmananti hi sAdhavaH Ku. 6. 31.7 To write, compose (as a work); na tu prakAzitaH U. 4; uttaraM rAmacaritaM tatpraNItaM prayujyate U. 1. 3. -8 To accomplish, effect, perform, bring about; a dAridryadaridratAM nRpaH N. 1. 15, 19; kaNThAzleSopagUDhaM tadapi ca na ciraM f: Bh. 3. 82. -9 To lead or reduce to any condition. -10 To show, display; vibhAvayanti tattadvapuH praNayase sadanugrahAya Bhag. 3. 9.11. -11 To direct, fix or turn towards (as the eyes). -12 To show affection or love, love. -13 To throw, cast, discharge; :: Ki 16. 54. -14 To remove, destroy; draupadyAzva parivezaM praNeSyAmi hate tvayi Mb. 6. 79.4 -15 To draw in the breath (Atm.). : 1066 - - 1 Espousing, seizing (as in marriage); EXOHLANYYEIZAA Mal. 6. 14. -2 (a) Love, affection, fondness, attachment, liking, regard; mubhayoH praNayaH smarasya V. 2.16; sAdhAraNo'yaM praNayaH S. 3; (where in both cases sense 6 may do as well); S. 6. 8; 5. 23; Me. 107; R. 6. 12; Bh. 2. 42. (b) A wish, desire, long..4....12 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir praNayin ing harera vikramapraNayAsaH sAhase Mal. 8.71 5.7.16 3 Friendly acquaintance or regard, friendship, intimacy; ajAnatA mahimAnaM tavedaM mayA pramAdAt praNayena vApi Bg.11.41; : Mal. 1. 9. -4 Familiarity, fs :: S. 5. -5 confidence, trust; Favour, kindness, act of courtesy; Mk. 1; 1. 45. -6 An entreaty, request, solicitation; tad bhUtanAthAnuga nAIsi tvaM saMbandhino me praNayaM vihantum R. 2. 58; V. 4. 13. -7 Reverence, obeisance. -8 Final beatitude. -9 A leader. -10 Conduct, guidance. ( confidentially, candidly; without reserve or ceremony; a. openly, frankly). -Comp. -: an offence against friendship or love. - a. 1 disposed or about to declare one's love; visRja sundari saMgamasAdhvasaM tava cirAt pramRti Namukhe M. 4.13. -2 impatient through love. upeta candid, frank. - a lover's quarrel, a mock or feigned quarrel; nApyanyasmAt praNayakalahAd fax: Me. (considered spurious by Malli.). -kupita a. angry through love, feigning anger; - likhya praNayakupitAM dhAturAgaiH zilAyAm Me. 107. kopaH feigned anger of a mistress towards her lover, coquettish - pezala anger. a. soft through affection. -: excessive love, intense attachment. - 1 breach of friendship. -2 faithlessness. - the jealousy of love. -vacanam expression of love. -vimukha a. 1 averse from love. -2 disinclined to friendship; fagrar fra: Me. 27. -faafa:, -faara: non-compliance, refusal (of a request &c.).. inspired by love; Mal. 5. 7. - 1 Bringing, fetching. -2 Conducting, consargazeSaveying.-3 Carrying out, executing, performing - R Ku. 6. 9. Writing, composing. -5 Decreeing, sentencing, awarding; as A. -6 Bringing forward, adducing. -7 Distributing. -8 Infliction of (punishment). -9 Founding (of a school). Loving, fond, affectionate; if f R. 10. 57. -2 Candid, frank. -8 Earnestly desirous of, longing for; jAtaH sakhe praNayavAnmRgatRSNikAyAm S. 6.10. praNayitA Love, attachment; (zrI) mUrkhAn dveSTi na gacchati praNayitAmatyantavidvatsvapi Mu. 3. 5. 1 Loving, affectionate, kind, attached; yadindAvAnandaM praNayini jane vA na bhajate Mal. 3.9; 6.30 -2 Beloved, dearly loved. -3 Desirous of, longing for, fondly solicitous of ; akAzrayapraNayinastanayAn vahantaH S.7.17; Me. 3; R. 9. 55; 11. 3. -4 Familiar, intimate. m. 1 A friend, companion, favourite; kRto'kSasUtrapraNayI tayA karaH Ku. 5. 11. 2 A husband, lover. -3 A supplicant, humble petitioner, suitor; svArthAt satAM gurutarA praNayikriyaiva V. 4. 15; 1. 2. A worshipper, devotee; praNayipriyatvAt trilocanastAmupacakrame ca Ku. 3. 66. -nI A mistress, beloved, wife. -2 A female friend. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #439 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir praNAyaka: 1088 pratApa: Torre: 1 A leader or commander of an army). -2 A guide, head, chief. quft a. maker, fashioner; ara fafe goa: Bk. 5.65. (tithipraNI the moon.) stofta p. p. 1 Put forward, advanced, presented. -2 Delivered, given, offered, presented. -8 Brought into, reduced to. -4 Executed, effected, performed. - Taught, prescribed. -8 Cast, sent, discharged. -7 Brought to, set. -8 Written, composed. -9 Set aside, removed. -10 Agreeable or pleasing. -11 Inflicted as punishment); see poft above. -: Fire consecrated by prayers. -ar A sacrificed vessel. -94 Anything cooked or dressed, such as a condiment. -Comp. 371 fire consecrated by prayers. -37199 (pl.) holy water. poftfa: f. Ved. 1 Conduct, guidance. -2 Favour. TUTET m. 1 A leader. -2 A maker, creator. -3 The promulgator of a doctrine, expounder, teacher ; arquart affaldaraq: Bhag. 11. 2. 19. -4 An author. -8 A performer or player of a musical instrument. que a. 1 To be guided or led, tractable, yielding, submissive, obedient; 34FC9071 of iela arra Mb. 12. 56. 60.-2 To be executed or accomplished. - To be settled or fixed. TV 2, 6 P. 1 To praise. -2 To mutter the sacred syllable om. -8 To roar, bellow. -4 To resound. ya p. p. Praised, lauded. TO 6 P. 1 To dispel, drive off, remove; rataaf 14 gara arft 664 Si. 9. 71. -2 To push or thrust forward, push on. -3 To drive, stir, set in motion. -4 To scare away, frighten away. -Caus. 1 To prompt, incite, urge forward. -2 To push away. - To request or ask any one. Ta p. p. 1 Driven away, repelled. -2 Scared away. qua p. p. 1 Driven or sent away. -2 Set in motion ; 359 afa: qual 91814H: Mb. 5. 136. 16. -3 Scared away. -4 Shaking, trembling. - Sent, despatched. guita: 1 Driving.-2 Directing. guilera a. 1 Set in motion. -2 Directed, ordered. -8 Driven TUISC# 1 Washing or wiping away. -2 Bathing. -3 Water for washing. TOT 8 U. 1 To spread abroad, diffuse; rata anastir at leg waar a: Bh. 3. 24.-2 To spread, extund, stretch out. - To spread over, fill. - To cause, produce, create. -5 To show, display, exhibit ; a u shafqaqrci sara Si. 2. 30. -6 To perform, do (as a sacrifice ). -7 To execute, complete, accomplish. a p. p. 1 Spread over, covered. -2 Stretched out, diffused. - ind. Continuously. TACHE: A great-grandfather. wala: f. 1 Extension, expansion, diffusion. -2 A creeper. Tara: 1 A Shoot, tendril; ancafea: # 1: R. 2. 8; $. 7. 11; a t a good gaat Ms. 1. 48.-2 A creeper, low spreading plant. -3 Branching out, ramification. -4 Tetanus or epilepsy. --Extension. -8 Diffuseness, prolixity. tafar a. 1 Spreading. -2 Having shoots or tendrils. ait A spreading creeper. Tact a. (aft f. Old, ancient; Yanga 1419fif Siva B. 8. 8; ...... # wa 99847 Siva B. 32. 1. -Comp. -gla Old ghee to be used as an oblation. Tag a. (-5 or -- 1 Very thin or minute, delicate; aftugaga Me. 29.-2 Very small, limited, narrow; ar K. 43; U. 1. 20; Me. 41. -8 Slender, emaciated ; : sai 9972 Ki. 14.35. -4 Insignificant, trifling. 1 P. 1 To be hot, burn, glow. -2 To heat. -3 To kindle, illumine. -4 To bake, roast. -5 To feel pain, suffer. - To mortify the body, undergo penance. -7 To pain, distress, torment. -Caus. 1 To warm, heat. -2 To set on fire, irradiate. -3 To torment, pain, distress. Tag: The heat of the sun. TO Umbrella (77); 51431 facut 499774 Bhag. 10.35. 13. waq Warming, making warm. a p. p. 1 Heated. -2 Hot, ardent. -3 Tormented, tortured, pained. -4 One who has tortured one's body by penance; 3919: want you Mb. 12. 181. 17. Targ: 1 Heat, warmth ; 3744AHETU Tora egfa ( here 19 means 'prowess also); Pt. 1. 107. - 2 Radiance, glowing heat; 374127 541CCAT: atquafa: Ku. 2.24. -3 Splendour, brilliancy. - Dignity, majesty, glory; : Hafa fagfa Huraia Mv. 2.4. -8 Courage, valour, heroism; waren 799 173 ESTR. 4. 15. (where are means 'heat' also ); 4.30; data la cargueta: Udb.; i d a dalg a H H. - Spirit, vigour, energy. -7 Ardour, zeal. -8 Issue of ultimatum ; 940 oni sarat 46: Kau. A. 1 16. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #440 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratApana 1067 prati ....... ........ Tarta. 1 Warming. -2 Distressing. 41 Burning, heating, warming.-2 Paining, tormenting, inflicting punishment. : N. of a hell. Target a. 1 Glorious, dignified. -2 Valorous, powerful, mighty. -m. 1 An epithet of Siva. -2 of Visnu. anfaa a. 1 Burning, scorching. -2 Splendid, bril. liant. -8 Paining, distressing. -4 Glorious, dignified. -B Powerful, mighty. 9TH 4 P. 1 To become exhausted or fatigued, faint. -2 To lose the breath, be beside oneself. Tahn: A kind of asthma. FTHTH ind. Specially, particularly. gach, TECH ind. 1 Further, more particularly. -2 In future. 99% 10 U. 1 To conclude, infer, guess. -2 To reason, reflect. -8 To think, believe, consider, suppose; wa u zalera Bk. 2.9. -4 To search, investigate. a: Conjecture, guess, supposition. Ta 1 Reasoning, discussion. 2 Doubt. -3 Logic. 9aa: 1 N. of the son of Divodasa. -2 N. of one of Indra's disciples. TOCH One of the seven divisions of the lower world; see 97. -3: The open hand with the fingers extended. afa ind. 1 As a prefix to verbs it means (a) towards, in the direction of; (b) back, in return, again; faggraf A a anzare 4. Ram. 7. 18. 13; (c) in opposition to, against, counter; (d) upon, down upon; (see the several roots with this preposition ). -2 As a prefix to nouns not directly derived from verbs it means (a) likeness, resemblance, equality; (b) opposite, of the opposite side; fas Ve. 3. 5 'the opposing force'; 80 falen: Mu. 2. 13; (c) rivalry; as in faza: 'a rival moon'; vragen: &c.-3 As a separable preposition (with acc.) it means (a) towards, in the direction of, to; at grudt atafa Tour FRITTATH asft af g: R. 2.70; 1. 75; fa fa Ku. 3.31; fa fa fagt Sk.; () against, counter, in opposition to, opposite; T 9121 Rg Ms. 7. 171; gata sa 24 Ram.; 44197: 2 -7 R. 7. 55; (c) in comparison with, on a par with, in proportion to, a match for; d ucato sla Rv. 2. 1. 8; (a) near, in the vicinity of, by, at, in, on; agraat en wargi sa Ram.; want fa; (e) at the time, a bout, during; fecuentezi a Mb; aga aty a het afa Ms. 7. 182; (f) on the side of, in favour of, to the lot of ; 67 aia tart Sk.; ci afa Emo (797) Vop.; ( 9 ) in each, in or at every, severally (used in a distributive sense ); fa, sfann; a fa Y. 1. 110; e afa faula Sk.; () with regard or reference to, in relation to, regarding, concerning, a bout, as to; a f atfatear fogat sa K. 132; T hi fa fa faggie Mu. 1; w sfa S. 5. 18; elegast a tha afa S. 1; Ku. 6. 27; 7. 83; afa Ay H7H 5. 81; Y. 1. 218; R. 6. 12; 10. 29; 12. 51; () according to, in conformity with ; at afat in my opinion; ) before, in the presence of ; ( k ) for, on account of.-4 As a separable preposition with abl. ) it means either (a) a representative of, in place of, instead of ; Tora: Furt sa Sk. ; 91H a tua: afa Bk. 8. 89; or (b) in exchange or return for ; fase: a peole HIIT Sk.; : qua ra: Vop. -8 As the first member of Avyayibhava compound it usually means (a ) in or at every; as ciuta every year', TH, EF &c.; (b) towards, in the direction of ; pratyagni zalabhA Dayante. -8 prati is sometimes used as the last member of Avyayi. comp. in the sense of' a little'; w a, ofa. (Note:- In the compounds given below all words the second members of which are words not immediately connected with verbs, are included; other words will be found in their proper places. ] -Comp. -319TH ind. on the shoulders. -TTTH ind. in every syllable or letter; 99279449 Vas. -3f1a ind. towards the fire. 37 = 949 q. v. 39TH 1 a secondary or minor limb of the body ), as the nose. -2 a division, chapter, section. -8 every limb. -4 a weapon. (-4) ind. 1 on or at every limb of the body; as in un Hifpa: Git. 1. -2 for every subdivision. 3 in each case ( in grammar). - a tutelary deity who stays in front or near one; Hch.-31fyrr ,-TTTH the principal place of residence; Bti. Up. 2. 2. 1. -2 repository. -377F a. 1 being in immediate neighbourhood; dAnamAnAdisatkAraiH kuruSva pratyanantaram Ram. 4. 15.27. (com. aat van ). -2 standing nearest (as an heir ). -3 immediately following, closely connected with; star HU H U TAT) T: Ms. 10. 82; 8. 185. ( T) ind. 1 immediately after. -2 next in sucession. They to betake oneself close to; P. R. -anilam ind. towards or against the wind. -anIka 1 hostile, opposed, inimical. -2 resisting, opposing. -3 opposite. -4 equal, vying with. ( :) an enemy. (- 4) 1 hostility, enmity, hostile attitude or position; a 7: 912 FT HETIGt: Ram. -2 a hostile army; yasya zarA maheSvAsAH pratyanIkagatA raNe Mb.: ye'vasthitAH pratyanIkeSu 19: Bg. 11. 32. (9o may have here sense 1 also). -8 (in Rhet.) a figure of speech in which one tries to injure a person or thing connected with an enemy who himself cannot be injured; pratipakSamazaktena pratika facit all a algu atau saata ageya K. P. 10. -anuprAsa: a kind of alliteration. -anumAnam an opposite conclusion.-31F21 a. contiguous, lying close to, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #441 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prati 1068 prati .............. ..................... ......... .... . .... .. . . .... .. ......... .. ............... y adjacent, bordering. (-:) 1 a border, frontier; 7 448: R. 4. 26. -2 a bordering country; especially, a country occupied by barbarian or Mlechchhas. deza: a bordering country. parvataH an adjacent hill; pAdAH rayar: Ak.-3772TFT a.spreading shadow : Buddh. -T IT: retaliation, injury in return; BIEZT *410 Toa: Ku. 2. 40. -37% inil. every year. -3 a. hostile. (-:) an enemy. (-4) ind. towards as enemy. -3911: 1 a well-matched opponent. -2 the 9th, 14th or 23rd asterism from the THE. -3 a particular asterism; dAruNeSu ca sarveSu pratyari ca vivarjayet Mb. 13. 101. 28 com, Taft F2 fe 197 of warga qat art aft:1). -3: a mock sun; parhelion. - the rope by which a churning stick is moved. -327 ind. 1 in every limb. -2 in every particular, in detail. -3727 a. 1 lower, less honoured; gatit 44a717 48: Mb. 13. 91. 12. -2 very low or degrading, very insignificant; Ms. 10.109. -3 HT m. red chalk. - got a kind of nervous disease. -3764 ind. every day, daily; day by day; 992217 we ar gaeft Ku. 1. 60. -371 IT: a scabbard, sheath. - 31a: 1 a counter-stroke. -2 reaction. -37121T: suitable conduct or behaviour. - 37TCHTH ind. singly, severally. -3717HF a. belonging to oneself. -Atmya m similarity with oneselt. -Atmye na ind. after one's own image; a fhg 1 TATTI er : Bhag. 3. 20.45.-31TfTet: a mock sun. -BTTT: 1 recommencement, second beginning.-2 prohibition. -3915.a. fresh. TET 1 hope, expectation; g rafa a a la Mal. 9.8. - 2 trust, confidence. -AsaGgaH Connection, contact; atha pratyAsaH kamapi HEHR faatla Mv. 1. 12. - 1 returning; -2 reflecting; Ch. Up. 1. 3. 2.-316 echo, resonance; chAyA pratyAhayAbhAsA santo'pyarthakAriNaH Bhag. 11.28. 5. -uttaram a reply, rejoinder -ulUka: 1a erow; mRtyudUtaH kapoto'yamulUkaH kampayanmanaH / pratyulUkazca kuhvAnaranidrau shuunymicchtH|| Bhag. 1. 11. 11. -2: bird resembling an owl. - ind. in ench lik. -TF a. each, each one, every single one. (- ) ind. 1 one at a time, severally; singly, in every one, to every one; oft. with the force of an ndjective; viveza daNDakAraNyaM pratyekaM ca satAM manaH R.12.9 entered the mind of every good man'; 12.3; 7. 31; Ku. 2. 31. -TATE m. 1 an officer of justice (who punishes criminals); Bti. Up. 4. 3.7. -2 a heir responsible for the debts of the deceased ; surety. - 1 an adversary. -2 a critic. -7954 ind. 1 severally, one by one. -2 near the throat. - ind. constantly, perpetually. T a. not obeying the whip. - a. comparatively bad. off a female rival; Si. - Fry: 1 an effigy, image, picture, likeness. - 2 an adversary; # 294512rafie : - 4944 Ki. 13. 28.-3 a target, butt, mark. F ra: an opponent in a game. : a hostile elephant. - a moat, ditch. a. 1 unfavourable, adverse, contrary, hostile, opposite, ya digna faulancia ara agarrar Si. 9. 6; Ku. 3. 24.-2 harsh, discordant, unpleasant, disagreeable; 342ager fac ku. 1. 45. -3 inauspicious. -4 contradictory. - reverse, inverted. -6 perverse, cross, peevish, stubborn.deg317217Nam, Acaritam any offensive or hostile action or conduct; ufafa wa R. 8. 81. 31,- : f. a contradiction. C at, 50,-aifta, itt a. opposing. ozata a. having an inauspicious or ungracious appearance. gafaz, -afa a. acting adversely, taking an adverse course. ' H a. opposing, contradicting. '74 disagreeable or unpleasant speech. Para contradiction. ( tar, -194 adverseness, opposition, hostility. ufaFarsala 'to oppose'.). - ind. 1 adversely, contrarily. -2 inversely, in inverted order. These Den. P. to resist, oppose. a. hostile, inimical. BTU ind. at every moment or instant, constantly; f i afelIlAravindena nivArayantI Ku.3.56. -kSapam ind. everynight. #: a hostile elephant -17194 ind. in very limb. -fot: 1 an opposite mountain. 2 an inferior mountain. -TEH, Te ind. in every house. A ind. in every village. - a hostile army. * a mock moon; paraselene. TTUTE ind. 1 in every (Vedic school or branch. -2 at every foot-step. - , -f271 1 a reflected image, reflection, shadow; E wa - an N. 6. 45. -2 an image, picture. - Er the forepart of the leg. -jihvA, -jihnikA the soft palate. -0774 ind. according to each Tantra or opinion. -JFT fuera: a conclusion adopted by one of the disputants only; (afgretara:). -5464 ind. for three days at a time. - a. Ved. disobedient. - ind. every day; fiua: Cat 54=72&r: Me. 60. -ETH ind. in every direction, all round, everywhere. -dRtaH messenger sent in return. -devatA a corresponding deity; : FT: 92021 war daug raaaay Munda. 3. 2.7. 24 ind. in every country. 6 ind. in every body. 904 ind. for every deity. - : 1 an antagonist, opponent, adversary, rival. -2 an enemy. (-5h) opposition, hostility. - a. 1 hostile, iniinical. -2 adverse (af ); ragin 17 gt: alla quale Ki. 16. 29. -3 rivalling, vying with ; P et r a:( #ae:) S. 4.5. (n.) an opponent, adversary, rival; faaf a 74 R. 7. 37. ; 15. 25. - ind. at every gate. - : a horse harnessed by the side of another. m. great-grandson, a son's grandson. - a. 1 new, young, fresh. -2 newly blown or budded ; HT aa: 1479979997 19: Me. 38. et a branch-vein. 1977: the adversary of the hero of any poetic composition; Wiga: 994 saat arat: S. D., as traut in the Ramayana, e t in Magha-Kavya &c. A , Taft, -Tara: a female rival; si. 7. 45. -fag: = wa afa: q: v. 2194 ind. in inverted order; 9a: ala alagatala a Bri. Up. 4.3. 15. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #442 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prati 1089 prati i -987 a. like, similar. (- :) 1 the opposite side, party or faction, hostility; vimRzya pakSapratipakSAbhyAmavadhAraNaM niyamaH Gaut. S. -2 an adversary, enemy, foe, rival; fa92714 t, -set 'a rival wife'; Bv. 2.64; Barat: fc92371: Vikr. 1.73; faqeerthiet wach K. P. 10; Vikr. 1.70; often used in comp. in the sense of 'equal' or similar '. -3 remedy, expiation; tatu 91983 afavagyfemi Nag. 5. -4 a defendant or respondent (in law). 1 hostility, opposition. -2 obstacle. ofera a. 1 containing a contradiction. -2 nullified by a contradictory premise ; (as a hetu in 2TT); cf. a. - m. an opponent, adversary. -qurt merchandise in exchange; Buddh. -994 ind. along the road, towards the way; vragemate eelares: Ku. 3. 76. - T ind. 1 at evry step. -2 at every place, everywhere. -3 expressly. -4 in every word; pratipadAkhyAne tu gauravaM pariharadbhivRttikAraiH sarvasAmAnyaH zabdaH pratireta: vaalea SB. on MS. 8. 1. 2.-Tya: an opposite or outstretched branch; R. -TIUT: 1 a stake. -2 a counter-pledge. -8 a counter-stake; Mb. 3. - ind. in each quarter. F ind. with regard to each part, of each character; 1994 ftuat 46: $. 1 let care be taken of each character. -9 9 ind. in every tree. -TIT a. returning sin for sin, requiting evil for evil. -g( 5T: 1 a like or similar man. -2 a substitute, deputy. -3 a companion. - the effigy of a man pushed by thieves into the interior of a house before entering it themselves to ascertain if any body is awake). -5 an effigy in general. (- ) ind. man by man, for each man.-get a copy of an original manuscript. ind. every forenoon. 1a a. counter balancing, equal to. T a ind. every morning. -prasavaH 1 (As opposed to anuprasava) tracing causes back to the origin as --- a pot, a lump of mud, mud, clay. Patanjala Yogadarsana. -2 Negation of (or exception to ) a negation. The force of a fagna is positive, limiting as it does the scope of a w o r nogation. Hence it is just the opposite of ficat whose force is negative or exclusive since it limits the scope of a positive statement. pratiprasavo'yaM na parisaMkhyA SB. on MS. 10. 7. 45. -TFIT: an outer wall or rampart. Or a kindness or service in return; aragua waat a i qef # FAIT F417: R. 5.56. ary: an equal in rank or station; Mb. 5. 121. 13. - a. 1 able, powerful. 2 equal in strength, equally matched or powerful. (- ) 1 a hostile army; 3ta vatsaana a hi Ve.3.7. - 2 strength. - 1 the forepart of the arm. -2 an opposite side in a square or polygon). - (fa) , -14 1 a reflection, reflected image; Furagi sarataifa ya Tre HERTTA Ku. 6.42; Si. 9. 18. -2 an image, a picture. -ar a rotten seed. -HT a. vying with, rivalling; g auztafa N. 13. 5. (2) 1 a rival, an opponent ; Para: HZFTIGEHO G. L. 21. -2 a warrior on the opposite side; samAlokyAjau tvAM vidadhati fah amat: K. P. 10.-77 a. 1 fearful, formidable, terrible, frightful. -2 dangerous; fazagarasa ftata: pApaM vizakyate mohAt / kimu dRssttbhpaayprtibhykaantaarmdhysthe|| Pt. 2. 171; Nag. 5. 1.; Bhag. 1. 6. 14. (-44) a danger; YFC, a sfaltaisufi HIAT laaargai va: Nag. 5. a a. dreadful. - a kind of measure in music).-9: platforms opposite to each other; ama ag at Kau. A. 2. 3. 21. - 156H 1 a secondary disc of the sun &c.). -2 an eccentric orbit. -A ETH ind. in every house. - 9: an antagonist, a rival; s aid sangat ruh satu 99 7418: N. 1. 63; ara fata &c. Mal. 5. 22. -AVAT worship (FT); rystalyagrera 7 urethratat Ifaaci u Si. 15. 35. Hrot a counter-spell or charm; fata $ 7 at Mb. 1. 34. 22. -ATT: the way back; Mb. 4. -ANTH ind. back, backwards. - capping verses (Mar. *). -AETH ind. every month, monthly. -ATH an enemy, adversary. -PE a. standing before the face, facing; vagania Ms. 8 291. - 2 near, present. (-e ) a secondary plot or incident in a drama which tends either to hasten or retard the catastrophe; see S. D. 331 and 351-364. (Eh) ind. 1 towards. -2 in front, before. Tert a particular mode of drumming. SET 1 a counterseal. - the impression of a seal. - ind. every moment. Afa: f. an image, a likeness. i f. a musk-rat (Mar. f f ). T: the leader of a hostile herd of elephants. TT: an adversary in war (lit. in fighting in a war-chariot ); aszfarratu fazy S. 4. 20. Ta in every road; S T 773 grati parad Udb. Tel:, - a: 1 an echo; wazaraad aa Ki. 10.4.-quarrel; controversy. -3 Ved.) life (TO). Tha an echo; THT THE tegratfaga gr eIdsyH Ve.1.22. -Tigt: a hostile king. - ind. every night. 59 a. 1 correspondi ng, similar, having a counter-part in; 311 997 991 Ed E e n a Kath. 2. 2.9.-2 beautiful. -3 suitable, proper; idaM na pratirUpaM te strISvadAkSiNyamIdRzam Bu. Ch.1.66; AtmanaH pratirUpaM sA babhASe cAruhAsinI Ram.. 19.17. --4 facing (12); para grata ada 279 Mb. 12. 97. 16 com. fed garagan). (TH) 1 a picture, an image, a likenese. -2 a mirror-like reflecting object; adarzanaM svazirasaH pratirUpe ca satyapi Bhag. 10. 42. 28. -4 an object of comparison ( 39419 ); H az erat i ETT Bhag. 7. 10. 21. - a. resembling, similar (at the end of comp.); TATT Ta T HT: 477 Mb. 3. 290. 11; galder Harta: $. 1. (- ) 1 a picture, an image; fedit a fact #17: Mb. 12. 59. 49. -2 a forged edict; ara faqe gafa fae9: Mb. 12. 56.52. -3 a reflection. -JATUH a mark, sign, token. -forc: f. a transcript, a written copy. CE: a writ of reply; 17172 ce va Kau. A. 2. 10. 28. Ha. 1' against the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #443 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prati 1070 prati (tI) kAraH hair or grain', contray to the natural order, inverted, ! 18. -a. going against the stream ; 3918100 g flaselt reverse (opp. anuloma); navavarSasahasrAkSaH pratilomo'bhavad guruH pratisrotaH samAgatAm Ram. 2. 55.5. -hastaH, -hastaka Bhag. 12. 14. 15. -2 contrary to caste (said of the deputy, an agent, substitute, proxy; AzritAnAM bhRtau issue of a woman who is of a higher caste than her svAmisevAyAM dharmasevane / putrasyotpAdane caiva na santi prtihstkaaH|| husband). -3 hostile. -4 low, vile, base. -5 left H. 2. 33. -hastIkR to take; Pratijna 3. -hastin the (vAma). -6 obstinateperverse; aparicitasyApi te'pratilomaH keeper of a brothel; Dk. 2.2. saMvRttaH 5.7. -7 disagreeable, unpleasant. (-mam) any pratikaa. Worth or bought for a Karsapana, q.v. injurious or unpleasant act. (-mam) ind. ' against the 1.P.V. 1.25 Vart. 2. hair or grain', inversely, invertedly. jaa. born in the inverse order of the castes; i.e. born of a mother who pratikarSaH 1 Aggregation, drawing together. -2 Antiis of a higher caste than the father; cf. Ms. 10. 16, 25. cipation (of a word) occurring later on. See apakarSa. -lomakaa. reverse, inverted; rAjanyaviprayoH kasmAd vivAhaH pratikaSaH 1A leader. -2 An assistant. -3 A mespratilomaka: Bhag.9.18.5. -kam inverted order. -lomataH senger (vAtAhara). ind. 1 in consequence of the inverted order or course; Ms. 10.68. -2 in an untriendly manner; yadA bahuvidhA prati (tI) kAza:1A reflection.-2 Look, appearvRddhiM manyeta pratilomataH Mb. 12. 103. 39.-vatsaram ind. every ance, resemblance; oft, at the end of comp. in this year. -vanam ind. in every forest. -varNika a. similar, sense and translated by 'like', 'resembling'; puTapAkapratIcorresponding. -vAdhan a. being a match for. -varSam kAzaH . 3. 1. ind. every year. -vastu. 1an equivalent, a counter pratikuJcita a. Bent, curved. part -2 anything given in return. -3 a parallel. "upamA a figure of speech thus defined by Mammata:-- afas 8 U. 1 To requite, pay back, repay, return; prativastUpamA tu sA / / sAmAnyasya dvirekasya yatra vAkyadvaye sthitiH| pUrva kRtArthoM mitrANAM nArtha pratikaroti yaH Ram. -2 To remedy, K. P. 10%; erg. tApena bhAjate sUryaH zUrazcApena rAjate Chandr.b. cure; vyAdhimicchAmi te jJAtuM pratikuryAM hi tatra vai Mb. -3 To 48. -vAtaH a contrary wind; prativAte'nuvAte ca nAsIta guruNA give back, restore, replace 3 pratikuryAcca tat sarvam Ms. 9. 285 saha Ms. 2. 203. (-tam ) ind. against the wind; cInAMzuka- (com. vinAzitaM sarva punarnavaM kuryAt ). -4 To retaliate; R. 12 miva ketoH prativAtaM nIyamAnasya 5.1. 33. -vAraNa: a hostile 94. -8 To counteract. -8 To repair, mend. olephant. -vAsaram ind. every day. -viTapam ind. 1 on pratikara: Requital, compensation; na supratikaraM tat tu mAtrA every branch.-2 branch by branch. -viSam an anti pitrA ca yat kRtam Ram. 2. 111.9. dote.(-SA) a birch tree. -viSNu ka: Muchakunda tree. -vIra: an opponent, antagonist. -vIryam being equal to pratikartavya,-kArya a. 1To be retaliated, returned or a match for. -vRSaH a hostile bull. -velam ind. at each or paid (as a debt. &c.) -2 To be counteracted. -3 time, on every occasion. -ST: 1 a neighbouring house, To be cured or treated (by a physician). -yam Retri. neighbourhood. -2 a neighbour. -vazin a.a neigh- bution, retaliation; diSTayA te pratikartavye matirjAtaMyamacyuta bour; dRSTvA prabhAtasamaye prativezivarga: Mk. 3. 14.-vezman n.a Mb. 10. 4. 1. neighbour's house. -vezya: a neighbour. -vairam re pratikartR .(-//.) Requiting, recompensing -m. quital of hostilities, revenge. -T2: 1 echo, reverberation; vasudhAdharakandarAbhisapI pratizabdo'pi harerbhinatti nAgAn v. An opponent, adversary. 1. 16; Ku. 6. 64; R. 2. 28. -2 a roar. -zazin m. a pratikarman 1. 1 Requital, retaliation; uSitA smo bane mock-moon. -zAkham ind. for every branch or school vAsaM pratikarma cikIrSavaH Mb.4.58. 18. -2 Redress, remedy, (of the Veda). -zAkhA a side-branch; mahAbhUtavizeSazca counter-action; pazyeva kRtavaNapratikarmA vatsarAjaH Pratijna 2. vizeSapratizAsavAn Mb. 14.35. 21. -saMvatsaram ind. every -3 Personal decoration, dress, toilet; (abalAH) pratikarma year. -saGgakSikA 1 a cloak to keep off the dust; kartumupacakramire samaye hi sarvamupakAri kRtam Si. 9.43; 5. 273 Buddh. -saMdeza: a reply to the message%3; darpasArasya prati- Ku.7.6; AviSkRtApratikarmaramyaM vibhISaNaM vAcamuvAca mAtA Bk. saMdezamAvedayat D. K. 2. 1. -sama a. equal to, a match 12. 1.; vibhUSiteyaM pratikarmanityA Ram. 2. 37.5.-40pposifor. -savya a. in an inverted order. -sAmantaH an tion, hostility. -5 Bodily suffering; sA kRSNamArAdhaya sauhRdena enemy. -sAyam ind. every evening. -sUryaH, -sUryakaH premNA ca nityaM pratikarmaNA ca Mb.3.224.4. -8 Expiatory 1a mock-sun. -2 a lizard, chameleon; 'kRkalAsastu saraTaH and welfare rituals (zAntikapauSTikAdi karma); pratikarma parAcAra pratisUryaH shyaankH|' Hemchandra; tRSyadbhiH pratisUryakarajagarasvedadravaH RtvijAM sma vidhIyate Mb. 12. 79.2. pIyate . 2. 16. -senA, sainyam a hostile army: nihartA pratisanyena vaDavAmiva pAtitAm Ram. 2. 114. 17. -sthAnam prati (tI)kAraH 1 Requital, reward, return; upaind. in every place, everywhere. -smRtiH N. of parti- kAreNa vIrastu pratikAreNa yujyate Ram. 4. 27.45.-2 Revenge, cular kind of magic; gRhANemAM mayA proktAM siddhi mUrtimatImiva / retaliation, retribution. -8 Counter-action, obviating, vidyA pratismRti nAma Mb. 3. 36. 30. -srotas ind. against prevention, remedy, application of a remedy; vikAraM the stream; sarasvatI pratisrotaM yayau brAhmaNasaMvRtaH Bhag. 10.78. khalu paramArthato'jJAtvA'nArambhaH pratIkArasya 5.33 pratIkAro vyAdheH For Private and Personal Use Only Page #444 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pratikArin gafafa faqafa : Bh. 3. 92. -4 Opposition, obstruction. 5 Help. 6 A kind of treaty where one party requites the services of the other. -7 Imitating; sma sItA vinivRttabhAvA priyasya bhartuH pratikArakAmA Ram. 2. 37.37 (comm.] bhartuH pratikArakAmApAdibhistadavasthA sahAyasyAsaMpAdanakAmA ). Comp. making reparation or amends. -fa application of a remedy, medical treatment; pratikAravidhAnamAyuSaH sati zeSe hi kalpate B. 8.40. ffa. 1 Retaliating, opposing, counteracting. -2 Applying or using remedies. pratikRta faza p.p. 1 Returned, repaid, requited, retaliated. -2 Counteracted, remedied. -8 Obliged (a); zaktiyuktasya pUrva pratikRtastathA rAmasvAIsi pi kartu sarvAtmanA fa Ram. 4. 29. 25; also 4. 29. 20. -4 Hurt, offended; kena vA te pratikRtam Bhag. 1. 18. 40. -tam 1 Recompense. -2 Opposition; kRtapratikRtaizvitrairbAhubhizca susaGkaTaiH Mb. 4. 13. 27. 1071 pratikRtiH / 1 Revenge, retaliation kRte pratikRti ku fera afera Pt. 5. 84. -2 Return, requital. -3 A reflection, reflected image; yasyAM dRSTvA'malAyo pratikRtimamarAH Fat: Visnupadastotra. 16. A likeness, picture, statue, an image; fafcia: : R. 8.92; 14. 87; 18. 53. -8 A substitute. -B Resistance. pratikRSTa p. p. pised, rejected. abject. fa 1 Recompense, requital. -2 Retaliation, revenge, retribution. 3 Counteracting, remedying, removal; pUrotpIDe taDAgasya paravAhaH pratikriyA e. 3. 29; ahetuH afta fafar U.5.17; R. 15. 4. -4 Opposition. - Personal decoration, embellishment, dress. -6 Protection. 7 Help, succour. -8 A fence. -9 Behaviour (AcaraNa); nahi yuktA tavaitasya rUpasyaivaM pratikriyA Ram. 7. 17. 4. pratikopaH, pratikrodhaH Anger against any one. pratikramaH Inverted order. 1 Twice ploughed. -2 Repulsed, des3 Hidden, concealed. -4 Low, vile, Ved. 1 Stepping towards. -2 (With Buddhists) A confession. maa. Miserable, poor. far: A guard, an attendant. fafer 6 P. 1 To throw or cast into. -2 To hurt, injure. 3 To revile, ridicule. pratikSipta P. p. 1 Turned away, rejected, dismissed. - Repelled, resisted, repulsed, opposed. -3 Abusad, reviled, traduced. - Sent, despatched. -8 Hurt, injured. 6 Despised, slighted. -7 Falsely accused. -sam Medicine. pratigrahaH pratikSepaH, -pratikSepaNam 1 Not acknowledging, rejec tion. 2 Opposing, controverting, contradiction. -8 Contest. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratibhutam Snacing. afarge: A dead foetus: rangerarefere:qanqu sagt: Buir. pratikhyAtiH / Renoon, famo 1 P. To answer. iafan 1 P. 1 To go towards, advance. -2 To return. afana p. p. 1 Flying backward and forward, wheeling about. -2 Lost from the memory. iaf Returning, going back, return. pratigaraH The responsive call (of the adhvaryu to hotU omityacyaH pratigaraM pratiguNAti T. Up. 1.8.1. pratigarhita p. p. Blamed, reviled.. fan1 P. 1 To roar at, to roar against. -2 (fig.) To resist, oppose; ayohRdayaH pratigarjatAm R. 9.9. sfer Roaring against, answering roar. afa 9. U. 1 To hold, seize, take, support; varSadhara - af M. 4; Ms. 2. 48. -2 To take, accept, 'receive] dadAti pratigRhAti Pt. 2 amoSAH pratiddhantAyanupadamAf: R. 1. 44; 2. 22. -3 To receive or accept as a present. -4 To receive inimically, oppose, encounter, resist; to attack, assault; far anderen: R. 4. 40; 12. 47. -5 To take in marriage, marry; faf fagfent, wat faufbera, Ms. 9. 72.-6 To obey, conform or listen to. -7 To resort to, betake oneself to. -8 To eclipse. -9 To assent to, admit. -10 To occupy, take possession of. -11 To deprive (one) of. -12 To welcome, receive; pratyagRhNAdyathAnyAyaM vidurazva mahAmanAH Mb. 14. 66. 6. -18 To eat, drink. Caus. 1 To cause to accept, give, present. -3 To allow to take or retain; pratigrAhayatA svamarthaM pAtrIkRto dasyurivAsi yena S. 5.20. AYN pratigRhIta p. p. 1 Taken, received, accepted; putra iti pratigRhItaH S. 2; pratigRhItaM brAhmaNavacanam V. 2; mAtA vA pratigRhItA avaruddhamAnayeyuH Kau. A. 1. 18 -2 Admitted, assented to. -3 Married. ......... * For Private and Personal Use Only fam: 1 Receiving, accepting. -2 Receiving or accepting & donation; ayAcitopapanne tu nAsti doSaH pratigrahe -3 The right of receiving or accepting a donation. -4 The right of receiving gifts (which is a peculiar prerogative of Brahmanas ) ; adhyApanamadhyayanaM yajanaM yAjanaM tathA / dAnaM pratigrahaM caiva brAhmaNAnAmakalpayat // Ms. 1. 88; 4.86; Y. 1. 118. 5 A gift, present, donation; : S. 1; Si. 14. 35. 6 A receiver (of a gift). -7 Kind or friendly reception pratimahA pAnAM preSayAmAsa kauravAna Page #445 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratigrahaNam 1072 pratijJA Mb. 1. 207. 12. -8 Favour, grace. -9 Marrying; cellanea 12 fra 1917 Fagar Bm. 1. 456. -10 Listening to. -11 The rear of an army. -12 A spitting-pot. -18 The sun near the moon's node. -14 a chambervessel (for sick persons ). -15 a grasper, seizer; TSang: = barber. afaggor 1 Receiving presents. -2 Reception. -3 Marrying. --4 A vessel sfagita m. A receiver. afayet m. 1 A receiver. -2 A husband, one who marries. afare: 1 Accepting gifts. -2 A spitting-pot, spittoon. sfante, -fca a. One who receives or accepts gifts. afata a. Acceptable, admissible. gast a. Hostile, adverse. -: 1 Opposition, resistance; staat sa faq: Sabendra. 2. 42. -2 Fighting, combat, mutual beatiny. -3 Anger, wrath; si gas ug ana A#12147 Si. 15. 53. -4 A Fainting. 5 An enemy. ara (at) gta: 1 Warding off, repulse; una Tigrai faut fad Mb. 1. 37. 4. -2 Opposition, resistance; 3761" saga a ga a Mb. 3. 167. 54. -3 A counterblow, blow in return; 3191 21807 raga frase qfagrantu Mb. 6.85.29. -4 Rebound, reaction; jayAzA thatra cAsmAkaM pratighAtotthitArciSA Ku.2.49. - Prohibiting. -8 Embezzlement; agiatarya Pasqart: qui a Kau A. 2. 8. 26. -7 Ruin, degradation ; 34: fatahit&H1a: Bhag. 5. 9. 3. afagra, -faa a. Hostile, inimical, opposed to. -2 Interrupting, obstructing; qyfa 7 Ser: - sfagfaa: U. 5. 29. 0. l. -3 Repelling, warding off -4 Encroaching upon, disturbing. 5 Reacting. -6 Dazzling; vijitya netrapratighAtinI prabhAm Ku.5.20. afata 1 Repulsing, warding off. -2 Killing, slaughter. pratighnam The body. afect 2 A. 1 To see, perceive. -2 To make visible, bring to light. -8 To expect. T U 1 Viewing, looking at; at sa2014 Bri. Up. 2. 5. 19. -2 Making visible; Bhag. 4. 1. 56. -3 Look, view. afaart: Toilet, personal adornment. aparenta a. Proclaimed, published. garraf Desire of retaliation or revenge, desire to be a venged; at gfeedf# Harta Mb. 5. 188. 5. praticintanam Meditating upon. aliq 1 Remembrance ; era raggaliau atgai faian Bhag. 11. 12. 14.-2 Prevention. afoss 10 U. 1 To cover, envelop, clothe. -2 To hide, conceal; afz69171321 an c a: H. 3. 9. -3 To endow, furnish or provide with. -4 To obscure. Tropa A cover, a piece of cloth for a covering. arage, froggre: 1 A likeness, picture, statue, an image; WT:THIEU CE: #foyatofaag: Pratijna. 1. -2 A substitute; faturach THOTT: Si. 12. 20; videze 171 gafdagar fi I 4 Avimarakam 2. 3. grogya p. . 1 Covered, covered over, enveloped ; kiM karotyeva pANDityamasthAne viniveshitm| andhakArapraticchanne ghaTe 29 Failea: 11 Pt. 1. 394. -2 Hidden, concealed. -8 Furnished or provided with; T afae83a:48 10: Mb. 3. 33. 5. -4 Beset, hemmed in. 5 Clothed or dressed, clad; u gaas ( 4) Mb. 1. 125. 29; 28 raya aid at a: Pt. 4. 45. ogg: Resistance, opposition. pratijanmanam Rebirth. arra a. Ved. Hostile, adverse. a seq: An answer, reply. a rey*: 1 A respectful concurrence. -2 A polite but evasive answer. af FrTT: Watchfulness, vigilance, attention. afael TCUTAE Watching, guarding. pratijIvanam Resuscitation. Daar 9 A. 1 To promise, declare solemnly, engage, agree, vow; KaNTIUA FICTA sata P. R. 4. -2 To state, affirm, assert, maintain, allege. - To bring forward or introduce, adduce. -4 To admit, own, acknowledge. -8 To confirm. -8 To approve, consent. -7 To observe, learn, discern. -8 To propose. -9 To remember with regret. -10 To become aware of; du ia : qfa Bg. 9. 31. alata 1 Admission, acknowledgment. -2 A vow, promise, engagement, solemn declaration; 917 a fas: Mu. 4. 12; deaf aata aretatt staat 49 af 1471 Si. 12.74. 3 A statement, assertion, declaration, affirmation. -4 (In Nyaya phil. ) A proposition, statement of the proposition to be proved, the first member of the five-membered Indian syllogism; Azade: fast gaat afert Gautamasutram; see under 1414; (waat after is the usual instance ). - (In Law ) A plaint, an indictment. -Comp. Fer For Private and Personal Use Only Page #446 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratijJAta 1073 pratinirdezya (in logic) a subsequent proposition on failure of the ! first. -14, -T a bond, written contract or docu- ment. - , -TRUTH keeping one's word. -TOTA fulfilment of a vow. -* breach of promise. -facte: 1 breaking an agreement, acting contrary to promise. -2 denial of a logical proposition. -raaniga a. betrothed. OFTA: 1 breaking a promise. -2 in logic abandonment of the original proposition; also Tea in this sense; f arefa ga afaghera. afasta p. p. 1 Declared, stated, asserted. -2 Promised, agreed. -3 Admitted, acknowledged. -4 Agreeable, desirable. -24 A promise. -Comp. 37: a statement. ETH 1 Asserting, affirmation. -2 Agreement, promise. -3 Admission. - 4 Bringing forward or adducing fast a. To be promised &c. -T: A panegyrist, bard. gaat: An oarsman, a sailor. Saat: A kind of Tala in music; ait: 4644 aqui asa ferar: tua at: waar : Il Samgitasara. pratitAlI The key of a door. afafan Seeing, perceiving. ET 3 U. 1 To exchange, barter; faeru: autafa #1917, -2 To give back, return, restore; 310119 619faydalara ai 99: wazaifa ya 9474 Ch. P. 36. -8 To recompensate. -4 To give as a reward. afacer p. p. Returned, restored. afera 1 Restoration, giving back, restitution (as of a deposit). -2 Barter, exchange. Sfat a. To be returned &c. -74 A pawn, pledge. -2 An article purchased and given back. afarture 1 Fighting, battle. -2 Splitting. qafqat m. 1 A day. -2 The sun. afacia p. p. Flaming against. trage n. Fresh milk. aragica a. Defiled, contaminated. afar T1 P. 1 To see, behold. - To know, become aware. face p. p. 1 Beheld. -2 Come in sight, become visible. -8 Famous, celebrated. sagt m. One who seeks to injure in return. T 3 U. 1 To place or lay on. -2 To return, restore. - To fix (as an arrow). -4 To offer, present .. ...934 - To use, employ. -6 To begin, commence. -7 To draw near, approach as the night ); (mostly Vedic in these senses ). -8 To restrain. pratidhA A draught. a nth 1 Putting on. -2 Taking measures. sfare: 1 Food. -2 (Vedic) A cross-piece on the pole of a carriage. fuqa Assailing, attacking. afavafar, faxarar: An echo, reverberation ; HaTarda saxafamafa N. sfareata p. p. 1 Down-cast. -2 Sunk, hanging down. ATT 1 P. 1 To resound, echo. - To answer with a shout. -Caus. To fill with noise, make resonant ; Santi. 2. 17; auf Tatuer areal (39 ) Rs. 3. 14. ag: An echo, a reverberation (also srafatale: in this sense ). tarifa a. Resounding, echoing. FT 1 P. 1 To bless; al gej 7 star afa28: R. 1.57; Ms. 7. 146; Ku. 7.87.-2 To welcome, congratulate, hail with joy, receive gladly; SATU af ETH Mb.; Ms. 2. 54.-3 To acccept cheerfully; H: HC sratra Lu Ku. 3. 2. -4 To address kindly, show devotion. -Caus. To delight, gratify. a ga 1 Congratulating, welcoming.-2 Thanks giving. afa (at) : A flag, banner. safarul 3 U. 1 To substitute, put in the place of. -2 To slight, disregard. -8 To order. a fare: 1 A representative, substitute; AISHI Saara T R. 11. 13; 1. 81; 4. 54; 5, 63; 9. 40. alIzAhAt pratinidhi tasya zailasya sarvathA Siva B. 28.4. -2 A deputy, vicegerent. -3 Substitution. - A surety. -8 An image, likeness, picture. afalaqra: Falling down, alighting. pratiniyata 4.1 Settled, predestined; vidhirvandyaH so'pi Talaga Bh. 2. 94. 2 Firm, unshakable ; faqami di: ufafaqatafuan: My. 6. 31. aralarza: 1 A general rule. -2 A separate allotment; jananamaraNakaraNAnAM pratiniyamAdayugapat pravRttezca San. K. 18. -3 A strict rule applying only to a particular case. afalaista p. p. 1 Vanquished, subdued. -2 Rescinded. afferata. That which, though before expressed, is repeated in order to state something more about it; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #447 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pratiniryAtanam cf. the instance given in K. P. 7; a far stars evAstameti ca, where tAmra is repeated to show that the sun that rises red sets also red. maafan 1 Retribution, retaliation. -2 Returning, giving back. afafafag a. Perverse, obstinate, hardened. -Comp. - mUrkha: a perverse fool, confirmed blockhead ; na tu pratinirviSTamUrsajanacitamArAdhayet Bh. 2. 6. f: Obstinacy, obduratenen. iafafachaae$? Returning, return. -2 Turning away from. pratiniSkrayaH Retaliation, retribution. fasap. p. Cleansed, winnowed. fag 6 U. To ward off, repel, repulse. fit: Repelling, repulse. afaq 4 A. 1 To step or go towards, approach, resort or betake oneself to; umAmukhaM tu pratipadya lolAd fifa : Ku. 1. 43. -2 To enter upon, step upon, take, follow (as a way &c.); a: q pratipadyasva S. 4 ; pratipatsye padavImahaM tavaM Ku. 4.10. -8 To arrive at, reach, attain: 47: Si. 6. 16. -4 To get, gain, obtain, share, partake; fa kevalAM zriyaM pratipede sakalAn guNAnapi R. 8.518; 4.1, 41; 11. 34; 12.7; 19. 55; tadottamavidAM lokAnamalAn pratipadyate Bg. 14. 14; Si. 10. 63. To accept, take to; ghaTate ca na tava nRpayogyamarhaNam Si. 15. 22; 16. 24. 8 To recover, reobtain, regain, receive; : afaqa arg: S. 6. 31; Ku. 4. 16; 7. 22. -7 To admit, acknowledge; na mAse pratipattAse mAM cenmartAsi maithili Bk. 8.95; S. 5. 23; pramadAH pativartmagA iti pratipannaM hi vicetanairapi Ku. 1.33. -8 To hold, grasp, seize; fra: R. 14. 47; -9 To consider, regard, deem, look upon; rAghavaH pratyapadyata samarthamuttaram R. 11.79 10 To undertake, promise to do, take in hand ; nirvAhaH pratipannavastuSu satAmetad hi gotratratam Mu. 2. 18; kAryaM tvayA naH pratipannakalpam Ku. 3. 14; R. 10. 40. 11 To assent or agree to, consent; afaqara R. 15. 93. -12 To do, perform, practise, observe; S. 4; V. 2 'do the formal obeisance'; at faqa Mu. 4. 18 'act up to or obey'. -13 To act or behave towards, deal, do anything to any one (with gen. or loc.); a pratyapadyata Hariv; sa bhavAn mAtRpitRvadasmAsu pratipadyatAm Mb. ; kathamahaM pratipatsye S. 6 na yukaM bhavatAsmAsu pratipattumasAMpratam Mb. -14 To give or return (as a reply); pratipadyase Mu. 6 ; na jAne kiM tAtaH pratipatsyata iti S. 4. - 15 To perceive, become aware of. -16 To know, understand, become acquainted with, learn, discover. -17 To roam, wander. -18 To take place, occur. -19 To restore. -20 To permit, allow. -21 To take place, happen. -22 To go back, return. (-Caus.) 1 To give, present, bestow, 1074 pratipattiH confer upon, impart; arthibhyaH pratipAdyamAnamanizaM prApnoti vRddhiM parAm Bh. 2.16; Ms. 11.4; guNavate kanyA pratipAdanIyA S. 4. -2 To substantiate, prove, establish by proof; uktamevArthagazzon azafa. -3 To explain, expound. 4 To bring or lead back, convey or transport (to a place) - To regard, consider. 6 To assert, declare to be represent. 7 To procure. -8 To effect, accomplish. -9 To communicate, teach. -10 To appoint to, install (loc.). -11 To prepare, get ready. -12 To dispose off; eSa hi nyAyo yadanyatra kRtArthamanyatra pratipAdyate SB on MS 4.2.21 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir afafa: 1 Getting, acquirement, gain; +. -2 Perception, observation, con sciousness, (right) knowledge; af R. 1. 1; tayorabhedapratipattirasti me Bh. 3. 99; guNinAmapi nijarUpapratipattiH a ga nafa Vas. -3 Assent, compliance, acceptance; Bk. 8. 95 averse from compliance, unyielding'. - Admission, acknowledgment. -5 Assertion, statement. -6 Undertaking, beginning, commencement. 7 Action, proceeding, course of action, procedure; vayasya kA pratipattiratra M. 4; Ku. 5. 42; viSAdagafafafafara R. 3. 40 'which did not know what course of action to follow through dismay'. -8 Performance, doing, proceeding with; R. 15. 75. -8 Resolution, determination; kaikemyAH pratipattirhi kathaM syAnmama vedane Ram. 2. 22.16; vyavasAya: pratipattiniSThuraH R. 865 -10 News, intelligence, fearg af Mu. 4: S. 6.-11 Honour, respect, mark of distinction, respectful behaviour; sAmAnyapratipattipUrvakamiyaM dAreSu dRzyA tvayA S. 4. 17; 7.1; R. 14. 22; 15. 12; tat kasmAdetasmin mahAnubhAve pratipattimUDhA tiSThasi Nag 1 mahAnubhAvo vAkmApreApi akRtapratipattiH adakSineti mAM rafafa Nag. 2. -12 A method, means. -13 Intellect, intelligence. -14 Use, application. -15 Promotion, preferment, exaltation. -16 Fame, renown, reputation. -17 Boldness, assurance, confidence. -18 Conviction, proof.-19 A rite from which no advantage accrues. -20 The concluding portion of an action. (In Dauda viveka, G. O. S. 52, p. 259, it means punishment of an offence.) -21 Disposing of a matter or a thing which has served the purpose of something else; yad yena prayojanena sambaddhamutpadyate tat tadarthameva yaabhym| tasvAnyatra gamane pratipatirityetadupapadyate SB. on MS. 4. 2. 19. Also cf. 4 fa SB. on MS. 4. 2. 22; cf. also fa falamazon vifa SB. on MS. 6. 4. 3. Hence aPfkarman means 'a mere disposal' (as opposed to arthakarman ); kiM zAkhApraharaNaM pratipattikarma utArthakarmeti SB on MS. 4. 2.10. -22 giving (dAna); apAtre pratipattiH Mb. 12. 26.31; dAnavArirasikAya vibhUtervazmi te'smi sutarAM pratipattim N. 21. 68. -28 Remedy (pratividhAna ); pratipattiM kAM pratyapadyanta mAmakAH Mb. 7.46. 3. Comp. a. knowing how to act. -q: a kind of kettle drum. - a. obstinate, unyielding; Bk. -pradAnam Conferring promotion. -bhedaH difference of view. -face a. knowing how to act, skilful, clever; fans safafaza: Mb. 1. 227. 16. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #448 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratipattimat 1078 pratiprasthAnam arauferhit a. 1 Intelligent, -2 Active, prompt. -3 Celebrated, famous. -4 Noble, dignified. sface f. 1 Access, entrance, way. -2 Beginning, commencement. -3 Intelligence, intellect. -4 The first day of a lunar fortnight. -5 A kettle-drum. - An introductory stanza. -7 Rank. -Comp. : the new moon (the moon on the first day ) particularly revered and saluted by people; pratipaccandranibho'yamAtmajaH R.8. 65.-T a kind of kettle-drum. @991,- The first day of a lunar fortnight. saya p. p. 1 Gained, obtained. -2 Done, performed, effected, accomplished. -3 Undertaken, commenced. -- Promised, engaged. - Agreed to, assented to; admitted, acknowledged. -6 Known, learnt, understood. -7 Answered, replied. -8 Proved, demonstrated; 941: qfar fa una fe fagdatie Ku. 4. 33. -9 Approached, reached. -10 Conquered, overcome. -11 Conversant with, proficient in. afara a. (- f.) 1 Giving, granting, bestowing, imparting. -2 Demonstrating, supporting, proving, esta blishing. -3 Treating of, explaining, illustrating. - Promoting, furthering, advancing. -B Effective, accomplishing. SERIE 1 Giving, granting bestowing. -2 Demonstrating, proving, esta blishing. -8 Treating of, explaining, expounding, illustrating - Effecting, accomplishing, fulfilment. -5 Causing, producing. - Repeated action, practice. -7 Commencement; safa aga Mb. 12. 141. 14. -8 Giving back, restoring. -9 Entrusting, appointing. -10 Action, worldly conduct. aragepora m. 1 A teacher, instructor. -2 A giver, bestower. -8 A demonstrator. afmea p. p. 1 Given, bestowed, granted, presented; 41: da areatar: Si. 3. 36.-2 Established, proved, demonstrated.-3 Explained, expounded. -4 Declared, asserted. - Caused, produced. - Suddenly appeared, manifested; Ho lagrat fat a ftala 014: Bhag. 4. 9.5. sagra a. To be treated, discussed, explained, propounded. afargata. Given, offered ; *z: ago194Pasi wala & TIA Bh. sfaget a. 1 Producing, causing. -2 Ascertaining -3 Making manifest or clear. garan Water for drinking. -2 Drinking, giving a drink; azvAnAM pratipAnaM ca khAdanaM caina so'nvazAt Ram. 2. 50. 47. granta -Caus. 1 To protect, preserve, guard, defend. -2 To wait for, await; HEITISTAT f ideya Nag. 5. -3 To act up to, obey. - To nourish, foster, rear. - To keep, maintain, observe, follow. sfatok: A protector, guardian. gratore Guarding, protecting, defending. -2 Observance, following, practising; T are 7 Fasulaat 19: Udb. fatica p. p. 1 Protected, cherished. -2 Observed, practised, followed. afte p. p. 1 Rubbed. -2 Struck against each other as swords ). -3 Bruised, crushed. aradisay Oppressing, molesting. gas 10. U. 1 To salute in return. - To honour, salute respectfully, esteem; waga a th Bhag. 1. 2. 1. - To commend, approve. fan ,- FT 1 Doing homage, showing respect. -2 Mutual salutation, exchange of courtesies. grafia p. p. 1 Saluted in return. -2 Honoured, respectfully treated. ray Caus. 1 To fill up, fill completely. -2 To satisfy, gratify. agtory 1 Filling, filling up. -2 Injecting (a fluid &c. ) -8 Congestion of the head ). afarad a. Expanded, broad; aqui a 99 Ram. 2. 9. 42. agua: An obeisance in return. Jag 1 Returning, restoring. - 2 Giving in marriage. pratiprabhA Reflection. Tagaroth Return, retreat. Sat: 1 A question asked in return. -2 An answer. grana: 1 A counter-exception, an exception to an exception wherein the general rule is shown to be applicable to cases falling under the exception); Tai pat nu lasaalsi (151T2 ) Sk. -2 A contrary effect. Trattore m. An epithet of a priest who assists the Adhvaryu. TOTETTAH 1 Joining the opposite party, going over to the enemy. -2 The office of the greia. ATESTfa= relating to this office; et F. Fruit fufa Mb. 5. 141, 42. T For Private and Personal Use Only Page #449 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratiprahAraH 1076 prati agert: A counter-blow, a blow in return. pratiplavanam Leaping back. no 1 P. 1 to be reflected. -2 To rebound, recoil. -3 To requite, return. afani,- ni 1 A reflection, reflected image, an image or shadow. Tam b ah A. L. 14; 7 fara caprara ICELA4, A.L. -2 Remuneration, requital. - Retaliation, retribution. ansat a. 1 Reflected; feie: gar raames 29- na My. 6. 25. -2 Returned, requited. araya a. Blossoming, full-blown. saare 9 P. 1 To tie, fasten, bind (to); dara (9) R. 2. 1. -2 To fix upon, direct towards; Targ wagi Ku. 7. 91. -3 To inlay, set, incase; af aforagfor a Gaza Pt. 1.75; JESTTTT4 @ecoracaufa eage4 Si. 9. 8. -4 To obstruct, hinder, keep off or back, exclude, shut out; dayifa i 4: 954cyfa 4: R. 1. 79. - To stop, interrupt; at maria S. 6. afara p. p. 1 Bound, tied, fastened to; 914 41a TA Z wayah R. 2.1. - 2 Connected with, harmonizing with ; #city a m Ku.7.91. -8 Hindered, obstructed, impeded. - Set, inlaid ; Jat: gira faga Mal. 10. 21. 5 Furnished with, possessing. -6 Entangled, involved. -7 Kept at a distance. -8 Disa ppointed. -9 Fixed, directed. -10 Attached or hanging to. -11 Excluded, cut off. -12 (In phil. ) Invariably and inseparably connected and implied as fire in smoke). -18 Wreathed (as a garland); sakhi ekapArzvaviSamapratibaddhA khalveSA racanA Mal. 2. afaa ( a ) - F. A retort; Era 9a972: N. 9. 17. See fareft. graret: 1 Binding or tying to. -2 Obstruction, impediment, obstacle; 49: fara R. 8. 80; My. 5.4; Rudamer Haltura at du:, also waru: ...... 121474: Kau. A. 2. 7. 26. -3 Opposition, resistance. -4 Investment, blockade, siege. -8 Connection. -8 Cessation. -7 Disappointment. -8 (In- phil.) Invariable and inseparable connection. afat a. (-fisat f.) 1 Binding, fastening. -2 Impeding, obstructing, hindering. -3 Resisting, opposing. A branch, shoot. afaqat 1 Binding, tying. --2 Confinement. -8 Obstructing, impeding. afaqat a. Full of obstacles, beset with difficulties. afa t a. 1 Fastening. -2 Hindering, obstruct- ing. -3 Impeded, obstructed. afraft, Feft f. 1 An objection. -2 An argument which equally affects the other side. ( al m. also in this sense ). pratibanddhR tA Opposition, refutation; prabandhRtAstu pratiqua ad N. 9. 37. graag 1 A. 1 To repel, ward or keep off. -2 To check, restrain. -3 To pain, distress. afara a. 1 Repelling, keeping off. -2 Preventing, obstructing afaqat Repelling, keeping off, rejecting. afaraiera a. Obstructing. -m. An adversary, opponent. afafata 1 Reflection. -2 Comparison ; era: qar adai salata K. P. 10. afafaraufa Den. P. To reflect. afattaa a. Reflected, mirrored. afage 4 A. 1 To wake, wake up, awaken; As fara ugi viaggd Ms. 1.74; Y. 1. 330.-2 To perceive, be conscious, know. -Caus. 1 To awaken, rouse from sleep; fg ada qar yah ( 4) $. 6.7. -2 To inform, make known, acqaint with, communicate; bhAvitAtmA bhuvo bharturathainaM pratyabodhayat R.1.743 Si. 6. 8. -3 To charge or entrust with. afaga p.p. 1 Awakened, roused, wide awake; ufagaia fb fa S. 4; Mal. 4; Ms. 1.74.-2 Restored to consciousness. -8 Opened, blown; auragaisa cautas 49HErwala s. 6. -4 Illuminated, enlightened. -5 Great, exalted. -6 Recognized, observed. -7 Celebrated, known. agre: f. 1 Awakening. -2 Hostile purpose or intention. afata: 1 Waking, awaking, being awakened ; agateau 19 sfatua faith R. 8. 54; fatu gift 58 sleeping not to wake again'; Ki. 6. 12; 12. 48.-2 Perception, knowledge. -3 Instruction -4 Reason, reasoning faculty; a at: fal4964: $. 5. 22. - Recollection; HATE: a farmut frau: S. 6. afaa a. 1 Awakening. -2 Instructing, informing. : A teacher, instructor. afat a. Awakening. - 1 Awakening. -2 Instructing, informing. -8 Knowledge, refinement, enlightenment; Pt. 1. - Awakening, recovering consciousness. aurrera p. p. 1 Awakened. -2 Instructed, taught. gfag 2 P. 1 To answer; adaugant gaan faza: R. 2. 42.-2 (A.) To refuse, deny. i For Private and Personal Use Only Page #450 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratibhaj 1077 pratimAnam afat 1 U. 1 To receive back (as a share). -2 To fall to one's share. HRT: 1 Division. - A share, portion (given to a king as a tax) of one's income, generally a sixth part; cf. qif TE 99: $. 5. 4; 3 eart T a ufatuhi ani: 2 4 HHHVETT CHL 11 Ms. 8. 308. AT 2 P. 1 To shine, appear bright or luminous; Staya ara daftah Ghat. 15. -2 To show oneself, become manifest. -3 To seem, appear; TITI M ata H A S. 2. 10; R. 2. 47; Ku. 2. 38; 6. 54. -4 To occur to, come into the mind of; as in a aufa #, sfat saufa 47:. -5 To fall to the lot or share of. - To seem fit or proper ; appear good, please to ; Het gaan Ke; Pt. 3. TT 1 An appearance, a look. -2 Light, splendour. - 2 Intellect, understanding; a la face FET A H EU Ki. 16. 27; Vikr. 1. 18, 23.-4 Genius, bright conception, vivid imagination; ( 7991-es au Har Rudra.). -8 An image, reflection. -8 Audacity, impudence. -7 Suitableness, agreea bleness; -8 Sudden appearance, manifestation (Fiat); a carta afati A1: Mb. 12. 260.1. -9 Distraction (1994); faci CH 49 91 ura doara (Paraadia); Mb. 12. 274.7; 316. 14. -Comp. -faa a. 1 endowed with genius, intelligent, -2 audacious, bold. - E a. 1 bold, confident. -2 quickwitted. -Erfa: f. 1 darkness. 2 absence of intellect or genius. fahia p. p. 1 Bright, luminous. -2 Known, understood. S TTH 1 Light, splendour. -2 Intellector understanding, brightness of conception; : TUTTfa1999 H. 3.19. -3 Readiness of wit, presence of mind; 99914: aurrah Mal. 3. 11; ya TL 97 Kau. 1. 9; Cagaa rate: Sa la Si. 16. 1. -4 Confidence, boldness, audacity. aa a a. 1 Splendid, bright. -2 Ready-witted, prompt. -3 Bold. -4 Intelligent; H. 3. 19; TTTT fang : f 411 Ram. 2. 100.35. afarad a. 1 Bright. -2 Intelligent, shrewd. -3 Confident, bold. -m. 1 The sun. -2 The moon. -3 Fire. afuta: Corresponding disposition. 1 A. 1 To speak in return, reply or answer; a fint 64 a: H97 Bk. 5. 39. -2 To tell, relate. - To say after one, speak after hearing. -4 To name, call; kAmini tAmupagItiM pratibhASante mahAkavayaH Srut. 6. -6 To address or speak to. afa i An answer, a reply. GRATTA 1 A. 1 To shine. -2 To appear or look like. -3 To become clear, manifest oneself. -4 To be reflected. laure: 1 Occurring to, or flashing across, the mind at once, sudden) perception; alejarsunfahaa K. P. 10. - A look, appearance. -3 Illusion. THATH Look, appearance, semblance. Alfa 7 U. 1 To break through, pierce, penetrate. -2 To disclose, betray. -3 To reproach, a buse, censure; ar a u ka Si. 9. 58; R. 19. 22. -4 To reject, disown. 5 To touch, be in close contact with; per fare a lastu: PEUT ETRU Ku. 7. 35. afara p. p. 1 Pierced through. -2 Closely connected with. -3 Divided. afate: 1 Splitting, dividing. -2 Discovery. -3 Betrayal. af 1 Piercing, penetrating. -2 Cutting, splitting, cleaving. -3 Putting out as the eyes ). -4 Dividing. pratibhU: A bail, surety, guarantee; saubhAgyalAbhapratibhUH YEITTH Vikr. 1. 9; Y. 2. 10, 54; N. 14. 4; WETTET: faya: ......34+2 hesa : Kau. A. 2. 7. 25; 4 pratibhvo vibhave'pi zakye na prArthayanti sma narAH parebhyaH Bu. Ch. 2. 10; fe A fazes # hare ca a agan f2763 Bu. Ch. 5. 34. ufarura: Counter-part. pratibhogaH Enjoyment. pratibhojanam Prescribed diet. pratimantraNam An answer, reply. het: A powder used as a sternutatory. afant 3, 4 A. To compare, liken. afaat m. Ved. A creator, maker. -AT 1 An image, a likeness, statue, figure, an idol; 97: e rantzaTT: R. 16.39. -2 Resemblance, similitude; oft. in comp. in the sense of 'like, similar, or equal to '; &aufan, 39fce &c.; YTT: 11gauta R. 2. 49; 9ac9anfaatlar: Si. 1. 12. -3 A reflection, reflected image; 991959 ha: farega Estuft Si. 9. 48, 73; R. 7. 64; 12. 100. -4 A measure, extent. -8 The part of an elephant's head between the tusks. -6 A symbol. -Comp. Ta a. present in an idol. -UE , & A statue-house; Pratima 3; R. 16.39. : the reflected moon, reflection of the moon; sare 9 H : AT A R. 10. 65; so far, faster. - f it: an attendant upon an idol. THTH 1 A model, pattern; asfaa ya : I wanna "THATA Mb. 8. 9. 18. -2 An image, idol. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #451 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pratimita -3 Liconens, similitude. similarity: herambarasitapratimAnameti Mal. 9. 8. - 4 A weight; ratnasAra phalgukupyAnAmarghaprativarNakaAGAOIAGEAG Kau. A. 2. 7. 25. -5 The part of an elephant's head between the tusks and below the f; Mb. 8. 28. 38; also 6. 46. 29; &c. Si. 5. 36, Matanga L. 5. 7; 6. 8. -7 A picture. -8 Ved. An adversary. -6 A reflection. affa. 1 Imitated, copied. -2 Compared. -8 Reflected. afari: The city of Hariscandra i. e. the magical illusion of a city in the sky; harizcandrapuraM zobhamudrakaH pratimArgakaH Trikapdasesa. afay 6 P. 1 To free, liberate, release, set free; gRhIta pratimuktasya R. 4. 43; amuM turaGgaM pratimoktumarhasi 3.46. -2 To put on, wear, accoutre or arm oneself with; fa -8 To quit, leave, abandon. -4 To throw, cast, or discharge at. -5 To pay off (a debt.). -6 To return, restore. -7 To fasten, bind; - Bhg. 10. 56. 13. -8 To assume a form. -Caus. 1 To liberate, release. -2 To rescue, save, deliver. pratimukta p. p. 1 Put on, worn, applied. -2 Tied, bound, fastened; Bhag. 3. 18. 10. -3 Armed, accoutred. - Liberated, released. 5 Restored, returned. -6 Flung, hurled. -7 Thrown, cast. pratimuhuH = ( emphatic for muhuH ) Often and often; pratimuhurdAGgitapreyasI N. 20. 161. pratimokSaH, pratimokSaNam Liberation, deliverance; pratiremission (of taxes). 1 Loosening. -2 Rea uital, retaliation, retribution; R. 14. 41. -8 Liberation, release. pratiyat 1 A. To try; vayamapyAzramapIDA yathA na bhaviSyati S. 1. 32/33 (v. 1.) -Caus. 1 To restore, return. -2 To retaliate, requite. pratiyatna a. 1 Troubling about. -2 Active, vigorous. - 1 An effort, endeavour, exertion. -2 Preparation: elaboration; 'pratiyatnastu saMskAraH' Vaijayanti; sugandhi tAmapratiyatnapUrvaM bibhranti yatra pramadAya puMsAm Si. 3. 54. -3 Making complete or perfect. -4 Imparting a new quality or virtue; sato guNAntarAdhAnaM pratiyatnaH Kasi. on P. II. 3. 53. -5 Wish, desire. -6 Opposition, resistance. -7 Retaliation, retribution, revenge. -8 Making captive, taking prisoner. -9 Favour. -10 Acting well or properly. -11 Comprehension. pratiyAtanam Requital, retaliation as in vairapatiyAtanam ayaM hi kAlo'sya durAtmano vai pArthasya vairapratiyAtanAya Mb. 8.90.14. pratiyAtanA A picture, an image, statue; anirvidA yA vidadhe vidhAtrA pRthvI pRthivyAH pratiyAtaneva Si. 3. 34. 1078 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratiruddha fa1 P. To restore, return; Bhag. pratiyA 2 P. 1 To go back, return; etAvaduktvA pratiyAtufgaff R. 5. 18; 8. 91. -2 To equal, be a match for ; ayaM nRpaH kaH pratiyAti karmabhiH Bhag. 5. 15.9. -3 To be returned, requited; tsaargardnamn: saMzcya tadvaH pratiyAtu sAdhunA Bhag. 10. 32.22. pratiyAta a. 1 Resisted, opposed. -2 Turned, returned. -Comp. - a. awakened, awake. - a. one whose mind is turned towards. pratiyAnam Return retreat. afaga 4 A. To encounter in fight, oppose. pratiyuddham Fighting against pratibodhaH, pratiyodhin m. An adversary opponent. fa: 1 Being or forming a counter-part of anything. -2 Opposition, resistance; : : Bhag. 4. 10. 22; 5. 14. 1. -3 Contradiction. -4 Cooperation. An antidote, a remedy. -6 A rejoinder; pratiyorthinI kAcit gRhItvA tam Ru. Ch. 4. 41. a. Antithetical, correlative, relative. pratiyogika pratiyogin fr. 1 Opposing, counterneting, impeding. -2 Related or corresponding to, being or forming a counter-part of (anything); often used in works on Nyaya ; as a ghaTa is the pratiyogI of ghaTAbhAva; ( yasyAbhAvo f). -8 Co-operating with. - Equally matched.. -m. 1 An adversary, opponent, enemy; f virodhaH zaktena jAto naH pratiyoginA Mv. 2.7; dahatyazeSaM pratiyogi Vikr. 1. 117. -2 A counter-part, match. -8 A partner, an associate. - An object dependent upon another. B A counter-part, counter-entity; aff jJAnAdhInajJAnaviSayatvamabhAvalakSaNam. pratiyogitA, ram 1 Opposition. 2 Dependent existence. -3 Being a counter-part. -4 Partnership, co-operation. 1 An opponent, adversary. -2 One who begins a battle. pratiyodhanam Awailing in turn. iafaTy$?, -TMt Safety, preservation, protection. fa a. Delighting in, zealous for. pratirambhaH Passion, rage. fa 7 U. 1 To obstruct, stop; oppose, resist. -2 To blockade, besiege. -8 To impair, disable. -4 To blame, accuse. -5 To hide, conceal. For Private and Personal Use Only pratiruddha p. p. 1 Impeded, obstructed, hindered. -2 Interrupted. 3 Impaired. - Disabled. - Invested, blockaded. Page #452 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pratirodhaH fa: 1 Impediment, obstruction, hindrance. -2 Siege, blockade. -8 An opponent. -4 Concealing. -5 Theft, robbery. -6 Censure, despising. pratirodhaka, pratirodhin, dUdhR . 1 Obstructing.-2 Besieging. m. 1 An opponent. -2 A robber, thief; pANi ninadA pratirodhakAnAmApAta duSprasamA virabhUdanIkam M. 3. 103 Si. 1. 32. -8 An obstacle. e pratirodhanam Opposing obstructing sa hi svAmyAdatikrAmedRtUnAM pratirodhanAt Ms. 9.93. pratirUDha P. p. 1 Entered, possessed. -2 Established again. -3 Imitated; gatismitaprekSaNabhASaNAdiSu priyAH priyasya : Bhag. 10. 30. 3. f 1 A. 1 To recover, regain. -2 To get, obtain. 3 To learn, understand. - To expect. fa: 1 Getting, obtaining, receiving. -2 Censure, abuse, reviling; anyataH kathamadaH pratilambha: N. Taking or obtaining back, taking, getting. pratilikhita p. p. Answered. pratilekhanam nA The regular cleaning of all im plements or objects for daily use. afaa 2 P. To speak in reply, answer, reply to; cedrahasyaM prativaktumarhasi Ku. 5.40; R. 3. 47. prativacanam 1 An answer, reply parabhRtavirutaM kalaM yathA prativacanIkRtamebhirIdRzam S. 4.9; na dadAti prativacanaM vikrayakAle zaTho afore Kalavilasa. -2 An echo. -8 A dependent or final clause in a sentence. 3 prativaktavya a. 1 To be replied, answered. -2 To be contradicted. -8 To be disputed. afaa n. 1 An answer. -2 An echo. prativAkya a. Answerable. - A reply. prativAc / 1 An answer, reply; pativAcamadatta kezavaH a Si. 16. 25. 2 Calling out to. -3 Barking in return (as a dog). prativAcikam An answer. afaa 1 P. 1 To speak in reply, answer; f: R. 3. 64. -2 To speak, utter. -8 To repeat. To speak in oppositon; ff ffa fa dy: Mb. 5. 136. 14. r: 1 An answer, a rejoinder, reply. -2 Refusal, rejection ; udyatasya hi kAmasya prativAdo na zasyate Bhag. 3. 22. 12. a. 1 Answering, replying. -2 Contradicting. m. 1 A defendant, respondent (in law); saraf Y. -2 An opponent in general. 1 P. To beat back, ward off. 1079 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1 X To receive deferentially. 1 P. 1 To sow. -2 Plant or fix in, implant; U. 3. 46; Mal. 5. 10. -3 To set, stud (as with jewels); see . prativezaH prativApaH Addition of substances to medicines either during or after decoction. prativarNakam The rate of barter; ratnasAra phalgukupyAnAmarghaprativarNakapratimAnamAnonmAnAvAmAnabhANDam Kau. A. 2.7.25. prativartanam Returning. aaa: A village, settlement. prativahanam Leading back. aaarfor: f. An answer, reply. prativAraH, -prativAraNam Warding or keeping off keeping back. aaaral Account, information, news, tidings. safe. (ft.) Dwelling near, neighbour ing. A neighbour. -m. fartura: Striking back, defending. af 9 P. To acknowledge gratefully. afa I. 2 P. To acknowledge, receive. -II. 6 P. To get, obtain. Caus. 1 To communicate, inform. -2 To deliver, give, grant. -3 restore. af 3 U. 1 To counteract, correct, repair, retaliate, remedy, take steps against; r: tu me kaMcit kathaya yena sa pratividhIyeta e. 1; kSiprameva kasmAnna Mu. 3. -2 To dispose, arrange, prepare. -3 To despatch, send. 4 To doom, condemn; U. 4. sff (impers.) Care should be taken: Ram. af 1 Counteracting, counter-working, taking steps against. -2 Arrangement, array. -3 Prevention. Substituted ceremony, subsidiary rite. afafafa: 1 Retaliation. -2 A remedy, means of counteracting; tatra pratividhi samyagAtmayogena sAdhaye Bhag. 10. 25. 16. prativibhAgaH Distribution, apportionment. safe. Rebellious. afarga. 1 Most excellent. -2 Peculiar, better or worse. affair: Peculiarity, singularity. prativizeSaNam Detailed #pecification. For Private and Personal Use Only 1 A neighbour. -2 The residencs of a neighbour, neighbourhood. Comp. arfer a living in the neighbourhood. (m.) a neighbour. Page #453 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prativezin 1080 pratiSThA mania prativezina 4. (-nI /.) A neighbour; dRSTiM he prativezini pratizravaNam 1 Listening to; pratizravaNasaMbhASe zayAno na samAkSaNamihApyasmadgRhe dAsyasi 8. D.; Mk. 3. 14. caret Ms. 2. 195. -2 Promising, assenting; agreeing. -3 prativezyaH A neighbour. A promise. -4 Maintaining. pratizrut, pratizrutiHf. 1 A promise ; iSTaM naH prati te afarafta p. p. Rolled back, reverted. pratizrutirabhUdyAdya svarAhAdinI N. 5. 135. -2 An answer. prativyAhAra: An answer, reply. -3 An echo, rever beration%; viyadgataH puSpakacandrazAlAH kSaNaM pratizrunmukharAH karoti R. 18.40; 16.31; Si. 17.42. -4 prativyUDha p. p. Drawn out in battle-array. (Also pratyAzruta) The sacrificial formula "asti zrauSaT " aferye: 1 Arraying an army against an enemy. spoken by the Agnidhra priest in reply to the -2 A multitude, collection. Adhvaryu priest who addresses him by saying it pratizak To be a match for. zrAvaya; cf. 'astu zrauSaDityAnIdhraH pratyAzrAvayati' sanyApAsUtra 2.1. pratizama: CesBution; pratijJAto hi bhavatA duHkhapratizamo mama pratizruta pp. Promised, agreed, assented to. -tam Mb.b. 191.29. A promise. pratizayanam The act of lying down without food pratiSidha 1 P. or Caus. 1 To prevent, ward off, before a deity to secure some desired object. restrain; Ms. 2. 2063; iti zatruSu cendriyeSu ca pratiSiddhaprasareSu jAgratau R.8.23. -2 To forbid, prohibit; nRpateH pratiSiddhameva pratizayita a. One who lies down without food before tat kRtavAn paktiratho vilaya yat R.9.74. a deity to secure his desired object; anayA ca kilAsmai pratizayitAya svapne samAdiSTam Dk. 122. afara p. p. 1 Forbidden, prohibited, disallowed, refused. -2 Contradicted. -3 Refractory, perverse afazit: A curse for curse, a curse in return. pratiSiddhApi vAmaiSA jAtiH 8.6.18. pratizAsanam 1 Giving orders, sending on an errand, pratiSedhaH 1 Keeping or warding off, driving away, ordering. -2 Ordering or despatching an inferior after expulsion; azeSavighnapratiSedhadakSamantrAkSatAnAmiva diGmukheSu Vikr. calling him to attend. -3 Counter-manding.-4 A rival 1.8. -2 Prohibition%3 as in zAstrapratiSedhaH; vidhipratiSedhayoH command or authority; apratizAsanaM jagat R.8.27 'com pratiSedho balIyAn SB. on MS. 10.8.23 prAptipUrvo hi pratiSedho pletely under the sway of one ruler'. bhavati iti avAkyazeSatA adhyavasIyate SB. on MS. 10.8.22. afatifen: f. Sending on an errand. -3 Denial, refusal. -4 Negation, contradiction. -6A negative particle. -6 Au exception. -7 (In Rhet.) pratiziSTa p. p. 1 Ordered, sent; damaghoSasutena kazcana Enforcing or reminding of a prohibition.-8(In Drama.) pratiziSTaH pratibhAnavAnatha Si. 16. 1. -2 Dismissed, rejected. An obstacle to obtaining the desired object. -Comp. -3 Famous, celebrated. -akSaram, -uktiHf.words of denial, refusal;pratiSedhAkSaraarazita a. Fluid, dropping. viklavAbhirAmam S.3.24. -upamA one of the several kinds pratizIrSakam Redemption, ransom. (See Mallinatha's | of Upama mentioned by Danlin. It is thus explained : na jAtu zaktirindoste mukhena pratigarjitam / kalakino jaDasyeti prativolumentary on R. 2. 55 where he gives this word as a synonym of niSkraya.) Sedhopamaiva sA | Rav. 2. 34. pratizyA, pratizyAnam, pratizyAyaH A catarrh or cold; / pratiSedhaka, -pratiSeddhR. 1 Warding of, prohibiting, nArIprasaGgaH ziraso'bhitApo dhUmo rajaH shiitmtiprtaapH| saMdhAraNaM mUtra- preventing. -2 Preventive. - m. A hinderer, prohibitor. purISayozca sadyaH pratizyAyanidAnamuktam | Susr. pratiSedhanam 1 Keeping or warding of, preventing. pratizrayaH 1A shelter, asylum; pratizrayArthI tadvezma brAhmaNasya -2 Prohibition. -3 Denial, retusal. GETTH & Mb. 1. 165.3. - 2 A house, dwelling, residence; pratiSkaH , -pratiSkasaH A spy, messenger, an emissary. pratizrayaM prApya samIkSya zUnyam Ram. 3.58. 19. Y. 1.210. caNDAlazvapacAnAM tu bahinAmAt pratizrayaH Ms. 10.51. -3 An pratiSkazaH 1 A spy, emissary. -2 A whip. assembly. -4 A sacrificial hall. -5 Help, assistance. pratiSkaSaH A whip, leather-thong. -BA promise.-7A receptacle.-8AJain-monastery. - An alms-house. pratiSTabdha p. p. Obstruted, impeded, stopped. pratizru 5 P. To promise (with dat. of person to whom pratiSTambhaH Obstruction, impediment, resistance, opposithe promise is made); tasyai pratizrutya raghupravIrastadIpsitam R. I tion, obstacle; bAhupratiSTambhavivRddhamanyuH R. 2. 32,59. 14.29; 2.653 3.673 15.4. pratiSThA 1 P. 1 To stand firm, be esta blished. -2 To pratizravaH 1 Assent, agreement, promise; nAmnA dazaratho be supported. -8 To rest or depend upon. - To stay, rAjA zrImAnsatyapratizrava: Ram. 1. 11. 2.-2 An echo. abide, be situated. -BTo set (as the sun); udeti ca yataH For Private and Personal Use Only Page #454 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratiSTha 1081 pratisaMkramaH a aaf 7 yarayfa Mb. 7. 62. 11. -Caus. 1 To placel sfarga p. p. 1 Set up, erected. -2 Fixed, estafirmly on, station. -2 To set up, erect, establish; y blished; y si sfalgar Bg. 2. 57-58. -3 Placed, qagfrau va; M. 1. 16.-3 To install, inaugurate situated; 31: arvat ait: vargar: Pt. 1. 81. (on a throne). - To entrust with, consign to. To - Installed, inaugurated, consecrated; 97 offer, present; q u iaTTO Affaufa i antrefa a fara afafeah R. 4.2. - Completed, effected; saa fagf afa Ram. 2. 22. 9. feasefa Freguara Kau. A. 1. 19. -6 Prized, valued. trag <<. 1 Famous. -2 Standing firmly (Ved.) -7 Famous, celebrated. -8 Settled, determined. -9 Comprised, included; care a safsah Ram. 7.76.28. glagr 1 Resting, remaining, situation, position; -10 Established in life, married. -11 Endowed ; sfa fatty la: Mahanar. Up.; aflege- SThitAM dvAdazabhiH Ram.6.48. 12 (com. pAdadvayavartyagulidazakaM dve faria ufder pareti Sivamhimna. 12.371699 grea t GISTIH:). -12 Applied, applicable; 91101Mal. 9; S. 7. 6. 2 A house, residence, home, ha bita- & #1 #21: ta ufafsat: Ms. 8. 226. -18 Convertion; 37147170 H aag: R. 6. 21; 14. 5. -3 Fixity, isant with. -14 Secured, got, acquired. -15 Decided, stability, strength, permanence, firm basis ; 128 certain; yadi vA manyase rAjan hatamekaM pratiSTitam Mb. 12.32.19. Tong Tag 4 : U. 5. 25; 3477 # ersfag -16 Complete, finished; raha HET HIT sfagna ufaf ar 1 $. ; : afiei aita: K. 280 ; Si. 2. 34; 3787 ago y a HaTogt i Il Mb. 3. 85. 114. -A: 1 TICIEfath Bg. 16. 8; sfarsfagrat laut aan: N. of Visnu. -2 Tortoise; Girvana. Patanjala s.-4 Basis, foundation, site; a8 in afargia: f. Ved. 1 Standing firmly. -2 A station, pagt; +4 : Tayt Mb. 12. 245. 27. BA prop, stay, support; (hence) an object of glory, a position. distinguished ornament; y 21 H uayr S. 6. 24; afariforet A water-basin (for bath ); Girvana. t 7: 3. 19; Ku. 7. 27; My. 7. 21. -8 High afada p. p. Completely prepared, armed. position, pre-eminence, high authority; HTC 16 A HECH: Ram.7.94.23; HT H gracia a. Assailing. Mu. 2.5. -7 Fame, glory, renown, celebrity ; Affaqia afacias p. p. Shrunk, contracted. fast 1944: TIG: AA: Ram. 1. 2. 15. ( =U. 2.5.). -8 Installation, inauguration; egy alty sfaccia, a Complele retirement. gara efety Mu. 1. 14.-9 Attainment of a desired sfarsifae f. An accurate knowledge of the partiobject, accomplishment, fulfilment of one's desire ); culars of anything. 31171749 iza sagt S. 5. 6.-10 Tranquillity, rest, repose. -11 A receptacle. -12 The earth. -18 afaca a. Giving detailed information about. The consecration of an idol or image; calAcaleti dvividhA afaciagan Experiment, enjoyment. Mast 1941&T Bhag. 11. 27. 13; cf. agr. -14 A limit, boundary. -18 The foot; BETTATO sfaer Bri. afareifa A counter-action. Up. 1.1.1. -18 Completion of a vow. -17 A cere- pratisaMstaram Friendly reception. mony for obtaining supernaturel or magical powers. afacer Setting in, entering into. afagra 1 Basis, foundation. -2 Site, situation, facie 1 P. 1 To draw back, withdraw, draw in; position. -8 A resting place. The foundation of a at agar dat AYAH S. 1.11; R. 3. 64; fait city. 5 A leg, foot. -8 Continuation; agent: ara gigarh Bu. Ch. 5. 30. -2 To retract, take back. ayag fagtat: (971:) Ram. 1. 11. 18.-7 N. of a town at -3 To compress, reduce in bulk. -4 To change. the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna and capital of the early kings of the lunar race; cf. V.2. -8 N. EIT: 1 Taking back, withdrawing.-2 Diminuof a town on the Godavari and capital of Salivahana. tion, compression. -3 Comprehension, inclusion. - Yielding, giving up; rasAnAM pratisaMhArAt saubhAgyamiha vindati afagga 1 Placing, locating: -2 Installation, Mb. 13. 57. 17. inauguration. -8 Consecrating or setting up of an idol. - 4 Establishment, corroboration. Counter-assertion. afaciga p. p. 1 Takan back, withdrawn; te sfa TEA: $.1.-2 Comprehended, included. - Compressed. sagra a. (Desid. ) Desirous to stand firm ; - 4 Checked, restrained; y faceatha: Si. 1. 23. abhicaidyaM pratiSThAsurAsIt kAryadvayAkula: Si. sferat: Resemblance. afagrera m. A founder. sfacis : 1 Reabsorption. -2 Reflection (faiz). afalgat A basis, foundation. - Dissolution ( 4 ); darat mataat aur aan: Bhag. 3. 7. 37. 8. 6. ....114 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #455 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratisaMkhyA 1082 pratihan pratisaMkhyA Consciousness. afari 1 The tranquil consideration of a matter: yukto yoga prati sadA pratisaMkhyAnameva ca Mb. 13.141.83. -2 The Sankhya Philosophy. pratisaMgakSikA A cloak to keep of dust. sfarefitt a. 1 Clinging or adhering to, attached to. | - Irresistible. aforiert: 1 Moving backwards. -2 Reabsorption. -8 Especially, reabsorption of the world) back into Prakriti. -4 A place of resort, haunt. afaciat: A message in return, an answer to a message. afceT 3 U. 1 To re-adjust. -2 To aim at, direct. -3 To conceive, comprehend. - To be, fasten. -8 To put on, wear. - To restore, return. -7 To compose oneself. -8 To fit as an arrow to the bowstring.) afereifta p. p. Aimed at, directed against. af 1 Joining together, uniting again; sa (3914) 1789 avrety AMETHE Dk. 2. 2. -2 The period of transition between two ages. -8 A means, remedy. -4 Self-command, restraint of feelings or passion. - Praise. -6 Memory, recollection. -7 Remedy. sfarsitet: 1 Reunion. -2 Entering into the womb. -8 The period of transition between two ages. -4 Stop, Cessation (397); Bensan sarter 49: Mb. 12. 206. 20. - Rebirth. afacera a. Fastened, strengthened, confirmed; Agafa qida afatifdahalta: Bhag. 5. 1. 22. FATETTH Cure, remedy; a shared at 44 Bk. 6. 20. TEHTHTH 1 Coping with, being a match for. -2 Resisting, opposing, withstanding. pratisamAsita a. Equalled, opposed; bhISmadroNAdayo yuddhe 1791: fallegu Mb. 3. 47. 26. are a. Dependent, subject. , H 1 A cord or ribbon worn round the wrist or neck as an amulet. -2 An ornament. -8 A watch, guard. --4 Assailing, an attack. - 1 A servant, follower; facta agat sa: saatia Pratijna. - A bracelet, marriage-string; Etat fra origifot: ( a) Ki.5.33; ( * ); Mal. 5. 18. -3 A garland, wreath. -4 Day-break. - The rear of an army. -6 A form of incantation. - Healing or dressing a wound. -IT 1 A female servant. -2 A thread, fillet; at JT Ha fekuNThasiddhArtha kaNTheSu nibadhnIyAt. fare: 1 Secondary creation (as by the agents of one Supreme Being ); CUT 491 tila: sfrutar Bhag. 4. 8.5; Hind : 6 feat faratul fa f ait ta a: Il Kalika P. - Dissolution. - Continued creation out of primitive matter. --4 The portion of a Purana which treats of the destruction and renovation of the world: 1 afara de parazifor 71 vaMzAnucaritaM caiva purANa paJcalakSaNam // afacientare: A bard, panegyrist. sae 1P. To go back, return. - To go towards, rush upon, attack, assail; &: HTTS AT Hariv. -Caus. 1 To push backwards, replace; asse Erdi ET 41 saerta $. 3. 12. - To repel, drive away or back. afacrcury Leaning or resting upon. gastroTT 1 Dressing the edges of a wound. -2 An instrument used for anointing a wound. afaeta a. 1 Repelled, removed. -2 Dressed ( 48 a wound). afareitit A screen, curtain, wall of cloth; "909sfatta da Gud N. 14. 31. glage p. p. 1 Sent out, despatched. -2 Celebrated. -8 Repulsed, rejected. - Intoxioated (4T according to fot). afareit a. Lying on a woman; Ch. Up. afata p. p. Bathed. afast: Love in return, requital or reciprocation of love. afateyeah Throbbing, vibration. afaregraf Rivalry, emulation. afaretra a. Rival, envious of. -m. A rival, competitor. afae, afact: 1 An echo, reverberation ; 77 et uzegfaraa: YCHEEING 9 : Si. 13. 31. -2 A focus. afarzah ind. One by one, singly. afaET 2 P. 1 To strike back or in return; (a) faxaggezt: ferahy: R. 9. 60.-2 To ward off, keep off, prevent, oppose, resist; 1964ansfacte: 4 ugha: U. 3. 36; fagarasar: T: 64 $. 1. 13; Me. 20; Ku. 2. 48; V. 2. 1. -8 To repel, drive back, repulse; T: TT gera sfagua Mb. 3. 213. 14. -4 To remove, destroy; yadyat pApaM pratijahi jagannAtha namrasya tanme Mal. 1. 3. -8 To counter-act, remedy. -8 To disown, disavow. s For Private and Personal Use Only Page #456 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratihata 1088 pratI sa p. p. 1 Struck or beaten back; knocked back; ar vaga EA E Mb. 3. 167. 31. -2 Driven away, repelled, repulsed; reft ufagar S. 7.32; # gerufeat ga ta Bh. 2. 40. -8 Opposed, obstructed. - 4 Sent, despatched. - Hated, disliked. - Disappointed, frustrated. -7 Fallen, overthrown. -8 Tied, bound. -9 Impaired, lost; fayethufagar Bh. 3. 88; SAAT 9499t feat: sagar feet: Ram. 4. 28. 13. -10 Dazzled as eyes). -11 Dulled, blunted (as teeth by acid). -Comp. sit, alat a. hating, disliking. afafa: f. Striking or knocking back, repelling. -2 Rebound, recoil; aefat mean24: Ki. 18. 5; Si. 9. 49. -3 Disappointment, frustration. -4 Anger. afacer Striking or knocking back, returning a blow. afare: 1 Returning a laugh. -2 Fragrant oleander (Mar. Het). afarga p-p. 1 Fitted to put close to. sfarget Retaliation, revenge. pratihiMsitam Requital of an injnry. afate 1 P. 1 To beat back. -2 To avoid, shun. - To offer, present. -4 To disregard; it fetar gast: g&: a Mb. 15. 3. 4. afssor 1 Avoiding, shunning.-2 Striking back, repelling. alam . 1 One who beats back or removed, repeller, remover, averter, destroyer &c.; a fagtil: Fafar a Trgu arufaaaa Bhag. 3. 5. 47. -2 The assistant of the Udgatri; q. v. afa(at)r: 1 Striking back. -2 A door, gate. -3 A porter, door-keeper; 318 313: adierte? Svapna. 5, 6. -4 A juggler. -8 Juggling, a juggling trick. -8 (In gram.) The hard contact of the tongue with the edge of the teeth in pronouncing dental letters. - Intimating arrival ( fa); a ACTH 1993 fa 1741 fafgat: sfahrte Ram. 7. 1. 7; see sfagitt. A female door keeper. Comp. f. the threshold of a house &c.); facea: REHT STAT: 1981 wraetua Ku. 3. 58. Tett a female doorkeeper; puMvatpragalbhA pratihArarakSI R. 6. 20. afaers: A juggler. afagor Entrance, permission to enter a door ; suratga ega hifagara FEITOTU Ram. 2.33.30. sfars Juggling, jugglery. sfagth: A supplementary sacrifice, gat ( - ) 2 P. 1 To go back to, return; fare IT: TH R. 5. 35; Bk. 3. 19. - 2 To go to, approach, turn to. -8 To fall to the lot of. To reach, attain. - To believe, trust, be certain or sure of, rely on; ira agafa u. 4; 1. 44; 9: TTI THY 7 da: 971994 My. 2. 11. -8 To learn, understand, know, dea egfaredi : Ki. 1. 20; $i. 1. 69. -7 To be well-known or celebrated; sa 22: 414 sfat da: R. 13. 53. -8 To be pleased or satisfied ; xfa: sara: arryt H (CS) R. 3. 12; 16. 23. -9 To face an opponent); sahasainyAnahaM tAMzca pratIyAM raNamUrdhani Mb.5. 172.13. -Pass. 1 To be recognized or perceived. - To be proved, turn out to be true. -8 To follow from any. thing (as a necessary result). -Cans. ( 194fa) 1 To cause to believe; convince, inspire confidence; ge far ta fa . 7; 5. 31 ; at integrera 99 A R. 15. 73. -To cause to perceive, bring to mind. -8 To Prove, demonstrate, show. stata p. p. 1 Set forth, started. -% Gone by, past, gone; ta Teg: ITCT TEREG Ram. 2. 107. 14. -3 Believed, trusted. - 4 Proved, established. -8 Acknowledged, recognised. - Called, known as, named. -7 Well-known, renowned, famous; aa: dia taat af 94 Ram. 4. 65. 35; # agar 2018 garga: read adian Bhag. 3. 1. 25. -8 Firmly resolved. -9 (a) Convinced, of a firm conviction. (6) Believing, trusting, confident. -10 Pleased, delighted; cf. dia: HTC TURC y Medini; Ram. 2. 71. 19; R. 3. 12; 5. 26; 14. 47; 16. 23; 99 59 quer adia: Bu. Ch. 1. 91 ; 379999: 949da: T f a aqa: 2. 47. -11 Respectful. -12 Clever, learned, wise. -Comp. -THT confident, resolute. safa: f. 1 Conviction, settled belief; gafar garg Har welfa: S. 7. 31. - 2 Belief. -3 Knowledge, ascertainment, clear or distinct perception or apprehension ; af I a rrudaniga tasca: KP. 10. -4 Fame, renown; ad difa Dk. 2. 6. - Respect. -8 Delight. -7 Going towards, approaching. saft a. 1 Directed or turned towards. -2 Inverted, reverse. -3 Contrary, unfavourable, adverse. - 1 A limb, member; 30: 9 9 gat: Si. 18. 79. -2 A part, portion. - 1 An image. -2 Mouth, face. -3 The front of anything). -4 The first word (of a verse, sentence &c.). -8 A lamp; L. D. B. - A symbol. - A copy. -Comp. - a symbolic conception. affi = 1 q. v. apaszfaharat saat waai tadA duHkhaina lipyeran nlraamyudhisstthiraaH|| grafit = sfat q. v. after 1 A. 1 To look at, observe, consider. -2 To look out for, expect. -8 To wait for, await; eta a: hta #15: satara Ku. 2. 54; 2.37; Ms. 9. 77, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #457 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pratIkSa pratIkSa, pratIkSaka, pratIkSina . Expectant, waiting for. pratIkSaNam, pratIkSA 1 Waiting for satyatasyAgamanapratIkSAH Mb. 3. 164. 11. -2 Expectation, hope. -3 Regard, consideration, attention; ityAdRtoktaH paramasya puMsaH pratIkSaNAnu bhAjano'ham Bhg. 8.4.14. -4 Looking at considering. -5 Fulfilment, observance (of a vow, promise &c). pratIkSita p. p. 1 Waited for expected. -2 Considered. -8 Respected. pratIkSya pot. p. 1 To be waited for. -2 Worthy of consideration or regard. -3 Venerable, respectable; bhaktiH pratIkSyeSu kulocitA te R. 5. 14; Si. 2.108. -4 To be adhered to or maintained, to be fulfilled; pratIkSyaM tat pratIkSyAyai pitRSvastre pratizrutam Si. 2. 108. pratIghAta = pratighAta q. v. pratIcI The west. -Comp. -IzaH, -pati: 1 N. of Varupa. -2 Ocean. pratIcIna . 1 Western, westerly. -2 Future, subsequent, following. -8 Ved. Turned or directed towards. -4 Turning back, turned away from. -8 Coming from behind. -6 Turned inwards ( abhimukha ); sadhrIcInaM pratIcInaM parasyAnupartha gatAH Bhag. 6.5.88. pratIcya a. 1 Living in the west, western, westerly. -2 [Ved. Disappeared. pratIcchakaH A receiver; tathA nimajjato'dhastAdajJau dAtRpratIcchakau Ms. 4. 194. 1084 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratUNI jAtu marutaH pratIpagAH R. 11. 58. gamanam, gatiH f. retrograde motion; ambhasAmoghasaMrodhaH pratIpagamanAdiva Ku. 2. 25. -taraNam going or sailing against the stream ; srotojavohyamAnasya pratIpataraNaM hi tat V. 2. 5. -darzinI a woman. - dIpakam a particular figure of speech. - vacanam 1 contradiction. 2 a perverse or evasive manner of speaking vipAkina . prodacing the opposite result (recoiling on the doer ); phalamanubhavatyugraM pApaH pratIpavipAkinaH Mal. 5.26. pratIpaka a. Hostile, opposed &c. pratIpayati Den. P. 1 To cause to turn back, reverse turn back; ka IpsitArthasthiranizcayaM manaH payazca nimnAbhimukhaM pratIpayet Ku. 55. -2 To be against or hostile to. pratIpAyate Den. A. To be opposed or unfavourable, to dislike. pratIram A shore, bank; pratIradezaiH svakalatracA rubhirvibhUSitAH samudroSitaH Ki. 8. 9. srefter: 1 Adding to, inserting (as an ingredient); tatra vIratarvAdisiddhaM jalamUSakAdi pratIvA pAyayet Suir. -2 Calcining or fluxing metals. -3 An epidemic disease, a plague. pratIveza, pratIhAra, pratIhAsa &c. Soe pratineza &epratIvezin Sep prativezina, a. pratIS 6 P. To receive, accept; devasya zAsanaM pratISya S. 6. - 2 To welcome, greet, receive, honour; eSa mAdhavImaNDapaH svAgatenaiva nau pratIcchati S. 6. -3 To obey (as_an_order). -4 To wait for, expect; hRdi pratISyA kavayo manISA Rv. 10. 129.4; eSa khalu tvAM pratIcchati V. 2. pratItta a Given back, restored. pratIndhakaH N. of a country called videha q. v. pratInAhaH A flag, banner. pratIpa pratigatAH Apo yantra, pratiap an apa IpU ] 1 Contrary, unfavourable, adverse, opposite; tatpratIpapavanAdi vaikRtam R. 11. 62; Ki. 14. 60. -2 Reverse, inverted, out of order. -3 Backward, retrograde. - Disagreeable, displeasing. -5 Refractory, disobedient, obstinate, perverse; preSyaH pratIpo'dhikRtaH pramAdI ( tyAjyAH ) Pt.1.424. -6 Turned away, averted. -7 Meeting, encountering. -8 Hindering. -paH 1 N. of a king, father of Santanu and grand-father of Bhisma. -2 An adversary, opponent ; carati mayi raNe yaca yazca pratIpaH Ve. 3. 32. -pam N. of a figure of speech in which the usual form of comparison is inverted, the 39 being oompared with the upamevaH pratIpamupamAnApyupameyasyakalpanam / vallocanasamaM padmaM tvadvaktrasadRzo vidhuH || Chandr. 5. 9; ( for fuller definitions and explanation see K. P. 10 under pratIpa ). -pam ind. 1 On the contrary. -2 In an inverted order. -8 Against, in opposition to bharturvikRtApi zeSaNatayA mAsma pratIpaM gamaH S. 4. 18. Comp. -uktiH contradiction. ga. 1 going against. -2 adverse, unfavourable; tasya ! pratodaH 1 A gond. -2 A long whips ghara kSatriyA grAhyaH pratodo vaizyakanyayA Ms. 3. 44. -3 A pricking instrument; vAkyapratodAbhihato yatra kRSNena pANDavaH Mb. 1. 2. 49. pratuSTiH /, pratoSa: Gratiflention, satisfaction. pratUNI A kind of disease (in the bowels). pratISTa p. p. Accepted, received &c. pratIhAsA A fragrant oleander. pratIhArI 1 A female door- koeper. -2 A door looper in general. pratud 6 P. To strike, hurt, wound - Caus. 1 To urge on, drive forward ; ( fig.) to press, urge repeatedly (to do a thing ): praviza gRhamiti pratodyamAnA na calati bhAgyakRtAM dazAmavekSya Mk. 1. 56. -2 To pierce, cut. pratudaH 1 An epithet of a class of birds ( such as hawks, parrots, crows &c.); Ms. 5. 13; hArito dhavalaH pANDuzcitrapakSo bRhacchukaH / pArAvataH khaJjarITaH pikAdyAH pratudAH smRtAH // pratudya bhakSayantyete tuNDena pratudAstataH -2 An instrument for pricking. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #458 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratUrNa 1086 pratyaJca sicut a. Speedy, quick, fleet. ale i f. A kind of bed. ITE To thrust, pierce, destroy. waaa. Piercing, destroying (an epithet of Visnu). 1 P. 1 To cross over. - To further, promote, advance. -8 To raise, elevate, enhance. -4 To lengthen, prolong (life). -5 To lead, conduct. --Caus. 1 To cheat, deceive, take in; # 4 OU S. 5; heela fara afanalstra fastaafa Bh. 1.78.-2 To mislead, lead astray. -3 To spread, extend. Tat: 1 Crossing, crossing or going over. -2 N. of 1 the joints on the neck and the spinal vertebrae; Susr. 4 TH Crossing, going over. TATT: 1 Carrying or bearing over, crossing. -2 Deceit, fraud. Tani, hata A cheat, an impostor. Taruh 1 Carrying over. -2 Deceiving, cheating, deception. -UT Fraud, deceit, knavery, trickery, roguery, deception, hypocrisy; eft aftan A TUTTI upAsyatAM kalau kalpalatAdevI pratAraNA // ; pratAraNAsamarthasya vidyayA kiM THE Udb. Tafta a. Deceived, defrauded. Tart 1 A street, main road, principal street through a town; 419 A 919: Si. 3. 64; agitai 99 A au AIT Kau. A. 2. 3. 21. 4997497 fargat: 974: Bu. Ch. 5. 82.; N. 6. 58. -2A kind of bandage; Susr. Telp. p. 1 Given, given away, presented, offered ; apratta nastvayA kiM nu bhagavan bhuvanezvara Bhag.9.11.6.-2Given in marriage, married. See "T. a. 1 Old, ancient; cattu tag: Ch. Up. 3. 17.7. - Former. - Traditional, customary. -74 A kind of metre. 92 ind. 1 In an opposite direction, backwards. -2 Against. -3 Westward, to the west of (with abl.). - In the interior, inwardly. - Formerly, in former times. TRICT a. [2 :2 ] 1 Perceptible to the eye), visible; ETA: 9977gran acarf efter: S. 1.1. -2 Present, in sight, before the eye. -8 Cognizable by any organ of sense. -4 Distinct, evident, clear. -8 Direct, immediate. -8 Explicit, express. -7 Corporeal. -TH 1 Perception, ocular evidence, apprehension by the senses, considered as a H10 or mode of proof; faar afarni r 2494 T. S.-2 Explicitness, distinctness. -3 Superintendence, care for ; TUE OT: ati allaqah Ms. 9. 27. -4 (In Rhet.) A kind of style descriptive of impressions derived from the senses. The forms 1997, at, a:, 1911 are used adverbially in the sense of 1 Before, in the presence of, in the sight of. -2 Openly, publicly. -3 Directly, immediately. Hence; 224ICehre is a variety of 1941 where the connection between the lir and the liGgin or sAdhya is directly perceived ; pratyakSato geurarvi 29 desiateursfaf119 SB. on MS. 1. 1.5. -4 Personally. -8 At sight. -8 Explicitly. -7 Distinctly, clearly. -8 Literally. So wa in the sight of, before the eyes of.) -Comp. -TUTY one's own perception. Har (1. e. ) a hymn in which a deity is directly addressed. 141 ocular evidence, knowledge obtained by direct perception. At ocular evidence, direct proof. TT, TT m. an eyewitness. -TV a. personally seen. - a. setting the highest value on the visible. - TUTH personal examination, real observation. - HT correct or certain knowledge, such as is obtained by direct perception through the senses. -THUTH 1 ocular proof, evidence of the senses. -2 an organ of perception. - a. having evident or visible consequences. aa. manifested, appeared personally. "IT: enjoyment of anything with the knowledge of the owner. cariem. a Buddhist who admits no other evidence than ocular proof or perception. -f an express injunction. -fairy to move only within the range of sight. -farea a. directly or explicitly enjoined. : composed clearly or intelligibly as a word). -HE a. determined by ocular proof. T eat, -ra 1 Perceptibility, ocular proof. -2 Standing face to face. -3 Explicitness. -4 (In phil. ) ...... tattadindriyayogyavartamAnaviSayAvacchinnacaitanyAbhinnatvaM tattadAkAravRttyavacchinnajJAnasya tattadaMze pratyakSatvam Vedanta P. Turf Den. P. To make visible, show, manifest, display. Tarra a. Witnessing in person. -*. An eyewitness. Truefs 8 U. To witness or see in person, ascertain or see with one's own eyes; T e rawa S. 6; 79: 1 F AIT ibid. TUH a. 1 Fresh, young, new, recent; 129 Ha Ve. 3; F24143 97 4444 V.3. 10; Me. 4; R. 10. 54; Ratn. 1. 21. -2 Repeated. -8 Pure. -Comp. aye a. young in age, in the prime of life, youthful. Arya, y a. (wat f. or according to Vopadeva hat also ) 1 Turned or directed towards ; turned inward; manaH pratyak citte savidhamavadhAyAttamarutaH Sivamahimna 25.-2 Being behind. -8 Following, subsequent; acatar #41614 Pa Ife Bhag. 10. 15. 30. -4 Averted, turned away, turning back; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #459 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratyazcita 1086 pratyarthin Pt. 3. 181. -8 Western, westerly. -8 Inner, interior. pratyabhiskandanam A counter-plaint or charge. -7 Equal to, a match for. -m. 1 The individual pratyabhyutthAnam Rising trom a seat through politeness. soul. -2 Future time. -Comp. -akSam (pratyagakSam) an inner organ. -Atman m. (pratyagAtman) the pratyayaH 1 Conviction, settled belief; mUDhaH parapratyayaneyabuddhiH individual soul; kazciddhIraH pratyagAtmAnamekSadAvRttacakSaramRtatvAmecchan / M.1.2%3 saMjAtapratyayaH Pt.4. -2 Trust, reliance, taith, Kath.2.1.1. -Ananda a. inwardly joyful. -AzApatiH / confidence; rakSan pratyayamAtmanaH Ram. 3.9. 19% balavadapi (pratyagAzApatiH ) The lord of the western direction', zikSitAnAmAtmanyapratyayaM cetaH 5. 1.2; Ku. 6. 20%3 Si. 18.63%3 an epithet of Varuna. -udaca . (pratyagudaca) the Bh. 3.60%; pratyayArtha hi lokAnAmevameva mayA kRtam Abhiseka. north-west. -caMtana . 1 whose thoughts are turned 6. 29. -8 Conception, idea, notion, opinion. -Surety, upon himself. -2 intelligent. (-naH) 1 the supreme | certainty; pratyayArtha tataH sItA viveza jvalanaM tadA Ram.7.45. soul; the Purusa in the sankhya philosophy. -2 the 7. -B Knowledge, experience, cognition; sthAnapratyayAt soul. -dakSiNataH (pratyagdakSiNataH) ind. towards the S.7 'judging by the place'; 80 AkRtipratyayAt M. 15 south-west. -dRz 1. (pratyagdR z) an inward glance, a Me.8.-8A canse, ground, means of action; svakarmaglance directed inwards; svAMzena sarvatanubhRnmanasi pratItapratyagdRze pratyayA~ lokAn matvA'rjunamabravIt Mb. 13. 1.77; apekSate pratyayamuttama bhagavate bRhate namaste Bhag.8..3. 17. -dhAman a. internally tvAm Ku. 3. 18. -7 Celebrity, fame, renown. -8A illuminated. -puSpA Achyranthes aspera (Mar. AghADA); termination, an affix or suffix; kevalaM dadhati kartRvAcina: Matanga L. 11.26.-pravaNa a.devoted to the individual pratyayAniha na jAtu karmaNi Si. 14.66. -9 An oath. -10 A soul. -mukha a. (pratyaGmu kha) 1 facing the west; zriyaM dependant. -11A usage, practice. -12 A hole. -13 pratyakmukho bhukke Ms. 2.52. -2 having the face averted. Intellect, understanding (grc). -14 An assistant or -rathAH (Pl.) (pratyagrathAH ) N. of the Ahichchhatra associate. -1BAn epithet of Visnu%B nAmarUpe bhagavatI pratyayacountry; L. D. B. -srotas (pratyaksrotas) flowing stvamapAzrayaH Bhag.6. 19.14.-18 (With Buddhists) A towards the west ; Malli. on Si. 4. 66. (-f.) an epithet co-operating cause. -17 An instrument, a means of of the river Narmada. agency. -18 Religious contemplation. -19 A housepratyazcita a. Honoured, worshipped. holder who keeps a sacred fire. -20 Function of the organs (indriyavRtti); sarvendriyaguNadraSTre sarvapratyayahetave Bhag. 8. 3. pratyabhijJA 9U. 1 To recognize%3 tataste pratyAbhijJAya arjunAya 14. -Comp. -kArakaH, kArin a. producing assurance, nyavedayan Ram.7.33.5. -2 To come to onesell, recover convincing. (-uft) a seal, signet-ring. Consciousness. tufa a. 1 Relied upon, confided in. -2 Trusty, pratyabhijJA 1Knowing, recognition; sapratyabhijJamiva mAmava confidential. -3 Trustworthy; yattu laukikaM vacanaM taccet lokya Mal. 1.25. -2 (Phil.) A particular type of pratyayitAt puruSAt indriyaviSayaM vA avitathameva tat SB. on knowledge: nanu keyaM pratyabhijJA nAma na tAvadekasyAtItavartamAnakAladvayasambandhaviSayaM pratyakSajJAnaM pratyabhijJA. pratyakSajJAnasya vartamAnamAtrArtha MS. 1.1.2. prAhitvAt Vivaranaprameya-sanigraha. -Comp.-darzanam Tupra a. 1 Relying upon, trusting, believing. -2 Mahesvarasastra; a work on Saiva philosophy. Trustworthy, confidential. pratyabhijJAnam 1 Recognition; see the word abhijJAna pratyarcanam Returning a salutation. also. -2 A token ot recognition (in return); pratyAbhajJAna- pratyartha 10 A. 1To challenge (to combat), encounter, ratnaM ca rAmAyAdarzayat kRtI R. 12.64. seek as an opponent; ete sItAdruhaH saMkhye pratyarthayata rAghavam pratyabhijJAta p. p. Recognised. Bk. 6. 25.-2 To make an enemy of. pratyabhinand P. 1 To greet in return. -2 To bid pratyartha a. Useful, expedient. -rtham 1 A reply, ara welcome. answer. -2 Hostility, opposition. -ind. At every object, in every case. -vedanaH Of contrary sensitivity; Matagrafirati a. Speaking to, addressing. iiga L. Il. 38. pratyabhibhUta p. p. Overcome, conquered. pratyarthakaH, pratyarthika: An opponent; bahupratyArthikaM hyetadrAjya pratyabhiyukta p. p. Accused in return. nAma kurUdvaha Mb. 15. 36. 12. graf : A counter-charge, an accusation in pratyarthin .(-jI/.) Hostiles opposing, inimical to%; return; kuryAt pratyabhiyogaM ca kalahe sAhaseSu ca Y. 2. 10. nAsmi bhavatyorIzvaraniyogapratyarthI V. 2. -2 Emulating. -3 pratyabhilekhyam A counter-document. Contradicting. -m. 1 An opponent, adversary, enemy. -2 A rival, equal, match; candro mukhasya pratyarthI. -3(In pratyabhiveda Caus. To salute or greet in return. law) A defendant; sa dharmasthasakhaH zazvadarthipratyarthinAM svayam pratyabhivAdaH, pratyabhivAdanam Returning a salutation; R. 17. 39; Ms. 8. 79; pratyarthino'grato lekhyaM yathAveditamarthinA yo na vettyabhivAdasya vipraH pratyabhivAdanam Ms. 2.126. Y.2.6. -4 An obstacle or impediment. -Comp. -bhUta For Private and Personal Use Only Page #460 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratyarpaNam 1087 pratyAdiz t e TUI (With Buddhists) One of the 5 kinds of knowledge. Tuafera m. A superintendent of, one who looks after; Dk. 2. 8. TORT p. p. Thrown off, given up; Tataoua - qe qi fasth FThaft Mal. 10. 23. T EHT: Setting ( of the sun ). - End, cessation. T . 1 Enumerated. - Inter posed, inserted, -3 Introduced as a step in legal proceedings ). - 1 Judicial decision as to which of the litigants is to prove his case. -2 Supplement to the written deposition. FAT a. (- f lf.Jeering, derisive, deriding, treating scornfully TITEIT 2 P. 1 To deny (as a fact). -2 To decline, refuse, reject. -8 To forbid, prohibit. -4 To interdict. -To excel, surpass; regraf19 $795 HAGIGI GU14 M. 3. 5. a. coming in the way, become an obstacle; T a at #19: T a rsisgha Ku. 1. 59. pratyapeNam Giving back, restoring; sItApratyarpaNauSiNaH R. 15. 85. Tufta p. p. Restored, given back; at Hard Rocrc: FT frate TATIAT S. 4. 22. tanata a. Bafling, annihilating; Bhag. rahat:,-: 1 Profound meditation or reflection. -2 Counsel, advice. -8 A counter-conclusion. -4 Patience, for bearance. pratyavamarzanam Contemplation, meditation; kRtazokAnualla 49: 494TT Bhag. 3. 14. 43. TORTEH Obstruction, hindrance. TEA Eating, or drinking; P. I. 4. 52. garafera a. 1 Eaten, drunk. -2 Relapsed into the old (bad) way of life; wafedrala da frama: Mb. 13. 23. 67. Ta i , - (In law) A special plea; admitting a fact, but qualifying it in such a manner that it may not appear as a count of accusation. TTEET 1 A. 1 To stand separately. -2 To oppose, act hostilely, object to (in argument); 347 999fagra S. B.; 2: wafaga agat # By. 1.77. TRUCTEUTCT m. An opponent, adversary. TRATTATH 1 Removal. -2 Hostility, opposition. -3 Status quo. TITETITAH Refreshing, strengthening. teraart: 1 Withdrawal; Ja: STATEITISHT 419 1991 Mb. 3. 284. 41. -2 Universal destruction, dissolution of the world); if E ITET: R. 2. 44. Ayat: 1 Decrease, diminution. -2 An obstacle, impediment danger; kumAreNa bahupratyavAye'smin pradeze kutUhalinA BATOH Nag. 4; U. 1. 8. -8 A contrary or opposite course, contrariety; 37HTTFHTS 773 TL 121 a li Arcu: parha #491277 TAGITA || Ms. 4. 245. -4 A sin, an offence, sinfulness; pero a y u ? Hrad Jabali; werf HTIS Fuat a faga Bg. 2. 40. - Disappointment. -8 Disappearance of an existing thing. -7 Non-production of what does not exist. ruas 1 A. 1 To look into, inspect, examine; pratyavekSitAH pramadavanabhUmayaH 5.6; pratyahaM pratyavekSeta narazcaritamAtmanaH - To investigate, inquire into, transact; area atArhTTo . 6. Fru th, T Taking care of, regard for, looking after; Houge: "HT: 9719 yar: R. 17. 53. TETETT p. p. 1 Refused, denied. - Prohibited, forbidden. -3 Set aside, rejected. -4 Repulsed. -8 Excelled, surpassed. - Informed. pratyAkhyAnam 1 Repulse, rejection; pratyAkhyAnAcca bhItaistvam Ram. 7.9. 8. -2 Denial, refusal, disavowal; fer adq ulT 421621-194624 Dk. 2. 3. -8 Disregard. -4 Reproach. -8 Refutation. Tarah a. 1 To be denied, refuted. -2 To be cured, curable as a disease). FRITTA 1 P. To come back, return. Framfa: f. Coming back, return. TEMA:, TUTTATH 1 Return, coming back. -2 Arrival. TUTETETUT a. Desirous of refuting or objecting to. T ET 3 U. 1 To take back. -2 To recall, revoke. -3 To draw forth from. -4 To repeat, return. TOEFTE 1 Receiving back, resumption. -2 Repetition, reiteration. TIL 6 P. 1(a) To reject, discard, shun; 21facia 1443ler: S. 6. 6. (6) To repulse; 14119101 R. 6. 25. -2 To cast off, repudiate (as a person); H Hategi FATIH 7 996 ga S. 5. 31. - To obscure, eclipse, defeat, throw into the shade or background; fyra 59 # o f : TT: R. 1. 61; Tutar 9: rufet a 10. 68. -4 To order back, countermand. - To direct, prescribe, enjoin. - To warn, caution. -7 To report to. -8 To summon. - To conquer, overcome. -10 To remove, set aside. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #461 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pratyAdiSTa 1088 . ............. TEUTET p. p. 1 Prescribed. - Informed. -8 Rejected, repulsed. -4 Removed, set aside. - Obscured, thrown into the shade. -6 Warned, cautioned. -7 Declared. -8 Overcome, conquered. TOTT: 1 An order, a command. -2 Information, declaration. -8 Refusal, denial, rejection, repulse, repudiation; pratyAdezAnna khalu bhavato dhIratAM kalpayAmi Me. 116%3 97; S. 6.9. -4 Obscuring, eclipsing, one that obscures, puts to shame or throws into shade; CAN EPfart: 12: V.1; K. 5. -5 Caution, warning. -6 Particularly divine caution, supernatural warning. -7 Reproach ; FFY The fact: Mb. 3. 2. 12. -8 Prevention, defence (marco); anica E U 491&tia fa: Ms. 8. 334. TOTT A place where anything is deposited, repository. #4194 Bri. Up. 2. 2. 1. TESTEHT A particular nervous disease, wind dropsy. garaga Bringing back, recovery. TRUATIE: Pleuritis. FRUTTET: f. 1 Return; 7919f414954-fastarfsetTel Bhag. 10. 53. 22.-2 Aversion from or indifference to worldly objects (412); la FEUE afeTFT 7 Mb. 12. 291.9. Tuga a. 1 Returned, restored. -2 One having a perverted mind; en 1940: 721FY Reda: Mb. 12. 291. 8. FUTBT a. Representative; m a fautya pratyAmnAnAzca Rtvijo nivartante Katyayanas. TERIT: 1 The fifth member of a complete syllogism; i. e. fina (the repetition of the first proposition). -2 Contrary determination. -3 Ved. A substitute; see A ; TAFE I AT Ref: Mb. 3. 197. 17. Tento: 1 A toll, tax. -2 Revenue, income. TUTTF a. 1 Proving, explaining. -2 Convincing, producing assurance. Tara 1 Leading home (a bride ), marrying. -2 Setting of the sun ). 79,- 1 Producing confidence. -2 Explaining. -3 Proving, demonstrating. Tenta: A confidential agent. TEACH A particular attitude in shooting (opp. 311416 q. v.). Tarada, arafa: Returning, coming back. STAFI p. p. Consoled, revived, refreshed. Turate: Respiration, recovery of breath ); From f or: RITE T194 Mb.9. 81. 39.. pratyAzvAsanam Consolation. TOICA Consideration pro and con. Tarafa: f. 1 Close proximity or contiguity (in time or space); ripuH pratyAsatterahiriva bhayaM no janayati Mv.4.7. -2 Close contact ; taraftania Shta: Mu. 4.4. -3 An analogy. -4 Good humour, cheerfulness. TOE p. p. 1 Proximate, near, contiguous. -2 Imminent; Te Me. 4. - 3 Feeling repentance. -Comp. -ATT, 4 a. at the point of death, about to die. T a Proximity, neighbourhood. TUTA (AT) T: The rear of an army. -2 A form of array, one array behind another. pratyAhata a. Distracted, repelled; pratyAhatAstrI giriza1917 R. 2. 41. TENIE 1 P. 1 To take back again, bring back, recover. -2 To withdraw, draw back. 3 To utter (a speech ). - To report. -5 To re-arrange, restore. -6 To destroy. TUETOH 1 Bringing or taking back, recovery. -2 Withholding. -3 Restraining the organs of sense. TEUTETT: 1 Drawing back, marching back, retreat. -2 Keeping back, withholding. -3 Restraining the organs; Faraq SHUT ROTTFU FETIT gaat - IT: Patanjala. - Dissolution of the world; RETTI aufa aute asgfa Mb. 12. 233. 1. -8 (In gram.) The comprehension of several letters or affixes into one syllable, effected by combining the first letter of a Sutra with its final indicatory letter, or in the case of several Sutras, with the final letter of the last member; thus aNU is the pratyAhAra of the Sutra aiuNa; an (vowels) of the four Sutras 31557, 22, aile, tant; Ef of the consonants ; 3177 of all letters. -8 Abridgment. -7 (In drama ) N. of a particular part of the game. T &T a. Got back, recovered. - Restrained, withheld, checked. try p. p. Answered, said in return, replied. wy: f. A reply, an answer. gar, UTOH 1 Repetition. - Answering. wig 1 P. To revive, return to life. -Caus. To restore or bring to life. geyser 1 Reviving, restoring to life, resuscitation (fig. also ). -2 Coming to life. T a ind. 1 On the contrary; gaafa HET 4299 pItvA niraatngkH| pratyuta hantuM yatate kAkodarasodaraH khalo jagati Bv. 1. 76; for ou faufa 76t: wga 14 Bh. 3. 25; Si. 1. 39. 2 Rather, even. -8 On the other hand. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #462 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pratyutkramaH pratyutkramaH kramaNam, skAntiH / 1 An undertaking. -2 Preparations for war. -3 Marching out to attack an enemy. A secondary act or effort tending to a main object. The first step in any business. 1089 pratyutthAnam 1 Rising against ; maGgalAdyaprayogaM ca pratyutthAnaM : Ram. 2. 100. 67. -2 Making preparations for war. -3 Rising from one's seat (as a mark of respect) to welcome a visitors asavarNAstu saMpUjyAH pratyutthAnAbhivAdanaiH Ms. 2. 210. Making preparations for, undertaking. pratyutthita P.P. Risen to meet or encounter (a friend, foe &c.). pp. 1 Reproduced, regenerated. -2 Prompt, ready, quick. -3 (In math.) Multiplied. -4 Present existing at present. - Multiplication. -Comp. -gfa, fa a. 1 possessed of presence of mind, ready-witted; idaM tatpamati breNamiti tuSyate S. 6.1. -2 bold, contdent, -3 subtle, sharp pratyutpatiH prApta kiyA kartuM vyavasthati -fa: (in math.) assimilation consisting in multipli cation. A counter-illustration, an example to the contrary. 1 P. 1 To go forth or advance towards to meet (as a mark of respect ); pratyujjagAmAtithimAtitheyaH R. 5.2; pratyudgacchati mUrchati sthiratamaH puje nikuJje priyaH Git. 11; Bv. 3. 3. 2 To advance or march towards. p. p. 1 Risen from one's seat as a mark of respect to greet or welcome a guest; pratyudvato mAM bharataH : R. 13. 64; 12. 62. -2 Gone forth against. pratyutiH prayuGgamaH pratyudgamanam Going out or rising from one's seat to meet or greet a guest. pratyudgamanIyam A lena pair of garments rAhatipratyudramanIvastrA Ku. 7. 11. (v. 1. for patyudgamanIyavastrA ); see udgamanIya. mg 1 Recovering, re-obtaining. - Raising up again. pratyudvArA Offering, tendering. g: 1 Counterbalance, counterpoise. -2 An effort or measure against, counteraction; kUpa khananaM pratyudyamaH kIdRzaH Bh. 3. 88. V. 1. pratyudyAta See pratyudgata. pratyunnamanam Rising or springing up again, rebounding. 8 U. 1 To requite a favour, render a service in return. -2 To repay. ......13 1 Returning a service or kindness, requital of an obligation, service in return. -2 Mutual assistance. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir praya pratyupakriyA Return of servioe pratyupadezaH Advioo in return vyanIyata pratyupadezaH Ku. 1. 34. pratyupapanna a. See pratyutpanna. 1 A counterpart of a resemblance. -2 A pattern, model. -8 A counter-comparison; 39417syApi sakhe pratyupamAnaM vapustasyAH V. 2. 3. p. p. Got back, recovered. pratyupadezaH, -vezanam Besetting any one in order to bring him to compliance. egge Viscinity, neighbourhood. pratyupasthApanam Mental realization. pratyupasthita a. 1 Approached, come near to. -2 Present. -3 Collecting, pressing (as urine). - Gone against standing opposite to; zreyasA yojayatyAzu zreyasi pratyupasthite Mb. 12. 287. 57. g Touching, sipping (water) again. 1 A rospectful offering. -2 Giving back, restoring. pratyupAkaraNam Recommencement of Vedic study. 8 p. p. 1 Inlaid, set with, studded; Mv. 1. 34. -2 Sown. -3 Fixed, implanted, firmly fixed or lodged; Mal. 5. 10; yathA tirazcInamalAtazalyaM pratyuptamantaH saviSazca daMzaH U. 3. 35, 46. :, - Morning, day-break, dawn; yAti vyakti purastAdasmAkasalaye pratyuSaH pArijAtaH Suryaintakam. pratyUSaH, Sam Day break, morning, dawn; pratyUSeSu sphuTita kamalAmImaitrI kAyA Me. 31 mahAyeva pratS. 2. yaH 1 The sun. -2 N. of one of the eight Vasus. n. Day-break, morning, dawn; aferi kAryajate Hariv 1 U. 1 To oppose, resist. -2 To disturb, interrupt, impede. -8 To reject, refuse. -4 To excel, surpass. 6 To offer, present; : Bri. Up. 1.2.7. pratyUDa pp. 1 Harjected, refused pratyU karmakarta Bhag. 4. 22. 38. -2 Neglected. -3 Surpassed. -4 Covered. For Private and Personal Use Only Impediment, obstacle. hindrance; fee: sarvathA heyaH pratyUhaH sarvakarmaNAm H. 2. 15. pratyUhanam Interruption, discontinuance. prath I. 1 A. ( prathate, prathita) 1 To increase ( wealth &c.); tatprathyamAnavapuSA vyathitAtmabhoga: Bhag. 10.16.24. -2 To spread abroad (as fame, rumour &c.); s Page #463 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pradhanam 1090 prathuka: ya Ms. 11. 15.-8 To become famous or celebrated; praec31 ta' qayfa 9 R. 15.101; atsen 79a: : Bg. 15. 18; Si. 9. 16; 15. 23; Ku. 5. 7; Me. 24; R. 5. 65; 9. 76. -4 To appear, arise, come to light; I are HT 992 Ki. 8. 53. -8 To occur (to mind). -II. 10 U. (9fa-d, 2) 1 To spread abroad, proclaim; sajanA eva sAdhUnAM prathayanti guNotkaram Dri. $. 12; Bk. 17. 107; 1164 afsature 94107Tecaf ud FH area: Ramayanachampu. -2 To show, manifest, display, evince, indicate; q ay: quara 44 Ki. 6. 35; 5. 3; Si. 10. 25; Ratn. 4. 13; $. 3. 14. -3 To increase, enlarge, enbance, augment, stretch; avasthA vastUni prathayati ca saMkocayati ca Bh.2.45.-4 To disclose. - To spread, extend. -8 To throw, cast. -7 To celebrate ( la ); L. D. B. TOT (79-) 1 Spreading, extension. -2 Scattering. -3 Throwing, projecting. -4 Showing, evincing, displaying. - A place where anything is spread. -8 Celebrating, proclaiming. TOE n. Ved. Extension. TTH (99- ) (Nom. pl. m. 9 or 941: ) 1 First, foremost; HaTHE FATHTHaha 2 1 Aange R. 3. 44; H. 2. 39; Ki. 2. 44. -2 First, chiet, principal, most excellent or eminent, matchless, incomparable; Si. 15. 42; 44: 69: 834ut: Ms. 3. 147.-Earliest, most ancient, primary. -4 Prior, previous, former, earlier ; 19982014 Me. 17; THU 15** 1949454 R. 10. 67. -8 (In gram. The first person (=third person according to European phraseology ). -A: 1 The first (third person. -2 The first consonant of a class. -3 (In math.) The sum of the products divided by the difference between the squares of the cosine of the azimuth and the sine of the amplitude. - The nominative case. - ind. 1 first, firstly, at first; gatalACHTET HTET 4: 94 na Ku. 7. 24; R. 3. 4. -2 Already, previously, formerly; 947ega aforesaid; M aret e gatua: ht: Tagfort: R. 3. 68. -8 At once, immediately. -4 Before; 19 CATH T: 948 TT R. 4.21; SET 999 ay aa afasta Ms. 2. 191. -8 Newly, recently. 1944-37-Fath or act: or 911 first, afterwards; TH17 firstly, for the first time; 4a: 1 At first, firstly. -2 previously. -3 im mediately. -4 before, in preference to gen.) -Comp. -3 , the first half.- 3 T a. first mentioned. -31T2T: placing at the beginning. -37127: the first of the four stages in the religious life of a Brahmana; i. e. Brahmacharya; ITE: WAT 791 Ku. 5. 30. - a. other than first', the second. fra a. first uttered; 3917 54 44fc : R. 3. 25. -3798 a. first born. - 4: 1 the best course to adopt. -2 an excellent suggestion or idea. fera a. 1 first thought out. - 2 first in rank or importance. -DE: white marjoran. : a. pregnant for the first time. -fift: the Eastern mountain ; 29 g404y stata way eff: para el 44 Ram. Ch. 7. 49. - a. 1 first-born. -2 original, primary. - 4 first sight. -divasa: the first day; ASADhasya prathamadivase Me. 2. Fra 1 the butter which appears first after churning. -2 the milk of a cow at the time when hundred days have elapsed after her delivery. Face p. p. first mentioned. -- : the first person ( = third person according to the English system of treating Sanskrit grammar); athavA astirbhavatItiparaH prathamapuruSe prayujyamAno'pyastIti SB. on MS. 11. 2. 2. - a. highly auspicious. at early youth or age, youthful state. - .. early age, youth. Caefa: the original home. -farer Ved. a first wife. -fare separation for the first time. arra: antecedents, former circumstances. - 14TUT: 1 the most distinguished grammarian. -2 a beginner in grammer. -t a. One who has just become rich or fortunate. - a. heard for the first time; a 79H12317 SB. on MS. 1. 1. 6. Ee: the first or lowest of the three degrees of punishment or fine; qurata : FICA: 4a: Ms. 8. 138. -sukRtam former kindness or service. FH a. First, foremost. TOT Fame, celebrity; 37a: fang: qala 981: Si. 15. 27. rera p. p. 1 Increased, extended. -2 Published, proclaimed, spread, declared; arat eraan jarah M. 1; dataa TTT sara27 R. -3 Shown, displayed, manifested, evinced ; 391 fudiaa: Ram. 2. 2. 1. - Famous, celebrated, renowned, well known; yajIvyate kSaNamapi prathitaM manuSyarvijJAnazauryavibhavAryaguNaiH a la sac ... Pt. 1. 24; Ku. 5. 7. $ Intent upon, engaged in, devoted to. -6 Spread, stretched. -a: N. of Visnu; 3+ya: ufua: : V. Sah. arafat: f. Celebrity, fame. afrT m. Breadth, greatness, extension, magnitude; ara Ya TEC 9 Bk. 4. 17; (To: ) TIHTEHT: 4 419: R. 18. 49; Mv. 5. 15. arara: f. The earth. sfery a. Largest, widest, broadest; (superl. of gy 1 ! 9. V.). 1. getug a.( .) 1 Larger, wider, broader. -2 More celebrated; 1 et A. Ram. 1.6.3. (compar. of 94 q. v.). TY a. Wide, wide-spread.-: An epithet of Visnu. TF: Rice parched and flattened (cf. gya ); (Mar. 91). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #464 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prathama 1001 pradiSTa prathama See under prath. pradakSiNa a. 1 Being placed or standing on the right, moving to the right; pradakSiNArcihaviranirAdade R. 3. 14. -2 Respectful, reverential. -8 Auspicious, of good omen; sibhyantyarthA mahAbAho daivaM cAtra pradakSiNam Mb.3.36.7; tadA vayaM vijeSyAmo yadA kAlaH pradakSiNaH Bhag. 10.54.16. -4Clever, sharp; tAnuvAca vinItAtmA sUtaputraH pradakSiNa: Ram. 2. 16.5. -BAmenable, favourable% abhivAdyAbhyanujJAtA pradakSiNamavartata Mb. 1. 122.44. -NaH, -NA, -Nam Circumambulation from left to right, so that the right side is always turned towards the person or object circumambulated, a reverential salutation made by walking in this manner; pradakSiNaprakramaNAt kRzAnorudarciSastanmithuna cakAse Ku.7.79% Y.1.2825 aSTottarazataM yastu devyAH kuryAt prdkssinnm| sarvAn kAmAn samAsAdya pazcAnmokSamavApnuyAt // Kalika P.-Nam ind. 1 From left to right; evaM samyagghavirtutvA sarvadikSu pradakSiNam Ms. 3.87. -2 Towards the right side, so that the right side is always turned towards the person or object circumambulated. -3 In a southern direction, towards the south. -4 All right, O. k. zramo nAzamupAgacchat sarve cAsIt pradakSiNam Mb. 3. 151.2. (pradakSiNIkR or pradakSiNayati Den. P. means to go round from left to right' as a mark of respect; pradakSiNIkuruSva sadyohutAgnIn S. 4; pradakSiNIkRtya hutaM hutAzanam R. 2. 71). -Comp. -arcis a. fiaming towards the right, having the flames turned towards the right; pradakSiNArcirhaviranirAdade R. 3. 14. (-1.) flames turned towards the right; pradakSiNArciAjena hasteneva jayaM dadau R.4.25. -Avate,-AvRtkaa. turned towards the right. -kriyA going round from left to right, keeping the right side towards one as a mark of respect; pradakSiNakriyAhIyAM tasyAM tvaM sAdhu nAcaraH R.1.76. -nam same as kriyA; kiM pradakSiNanakRdbhramipAzaM jAmbavAnadita te balibandhe N.21.97.-paTTikA a yard, court-yard. pradaraH 1 Rending, tearing. -2 (a.) A fracture, crack, cleft, erevice, chasm; ityuktvA lakSmaNa rAmaH pradaraH khanyatAmiti Ram. 3. 4. 12; sImAnaH pradarodareSu viralasvacchAmbhasaH U. 2. 16. ( 6 ) Breach, hole. -8 The dispersion of an army; na sannipAte pradaraM vardha vA kurIdRzAH Mb 12.100.34. -4 An arrow; trINyeva ca pradarANAM sma pArtha Mb.8.76. 16. -5 A kind of disease of women. pradarpaH, -pradRptiH f. Pride, arrogance. pradala: An arrow. pradavaH Burning, infiaming. TEET: A forest conflagration. pradaha 1 P. 1 To burn. -2 To consumer destroy completely. -8 To pain, torment. -4 To trouble, tease. -Pass. To take or catch fire, be burnt. pradagdha p. p. Burnt up, consumed. pradAhaH 1 Burning, heating. -2 Destruction; annihilation, pradA 30. 1To grant, give, offer, present; svaM prAgaDaM prAdiSi nAmarAya kiM nAma tasmai manasA narAya N.6. 95; Ms. 3. 99, 108, 278; Y.2.90. -2 To impart, teach (as learning); ziSyapradeyAgamAH (kavayaH) Bh. 2. 15.-3 To give away; yield. -4 To give up, deliver. -8 To give away in marriage. -8 To sell; yatraikena ca yat krItaM tacchatena pradIyate Pt. 1. 13.-1 To deliver up, restore.-8 To pay, discharge (a debt). -9 To put, place in. 9 a. 1 ( At the end of comp. ) Giving, bestowing, or conferring on yielding; sukha, tApa, sasyadeg &c. -2 Liberal, bountiful. -dA Agift. Tera m. 1 A giver, donor. - 2 A liberal man. -8 One who gives a daughter in marriage. -4 An epithet of Indra. pradAnam 1 Giving, granting, bestowing, offering3 vara', agni, kASThadeg &c.; pradAnaM pracchannaM gRhamupagate saMbhramavidhiH Bh. 1.63. -2 Giving away in marriage; vaikhAnasaM kimanayA vratamA pradAnAd vyApArarodhi madanasya niSevitavyam 5.1.26. -3 Imparting, instructing; fam. -4 A gift, donation, present. -BA goad. -8 An oblation. -7 Refuting, frustrating (khaNDana); asadeva hi dharmasya pradAnaM dharma AsuraH Mb. 18. 45.8 (com.). -Comp. -kRpaNa a. illiberal; mean or niggardly in making presents. -2: a very munificent man, donor. pradAnakam An offering, a gift, donation, present. pradAyam A present, gitt. pradAyin, -pradAyaka a. Granting, giving, bestowing. pradiH , -pradeyaH A present, gift; pradeyAMzca dadau rAjA sUta. mAgadhabandinAm Ram. 1. 18. 20. EN a. 1 To be given, imparted, communicated &c.; kiM vastu vidvan gurave pradeyam R.5. 18,31. -2 To be given in marriage; ime api pradeye 5.4. pradiv a. Ancient, old. Treo 6 P. 1 To point out, indicate, show, assign; tasyAdhikArapuruSaiH praNataH pradiSTAm R.5.63%3 2.39. -2 To tell, mention, communicate%3; dAneSu yat puNyaphalaM pradiSTam Bg.8.28%B Bk. 4. 5. -3 To give, grant, offer, bestow or confer upon%3 vidyayoH pathi munipradiSTayoH R. 11.9; 7.35%; niHzabdo'pi pradizasi jalaM yAcitazcAtakebhyaH Me. 116%3 Ms. 8. 265%; pradizan sarvasattveSvabhItim Nag.5.24.-4 To direct, prescribe, ordain. - To signify, declare, make known. - To urge on, incite. -7 To advise%3; sAyaMprAtazca viprANAM pradiSTamabhivAdanam Mb. 12. 193. 19. pradiz /. Pointing out. -2 An order, direction, command. -3 A direction, quarter. -4 An intermediate point of the compass ; such as naitI , AmeyI, aizAnI and vAyavI. pradiSTa p. p. 1 Shown, pointed out. -2 Directed, ordered. -8 Fixed upon, ordained, appointed, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #465 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra pradezaH T: 1 Pointing out, indicating. -2 A place, region, spot, country, territory, district; fg: Ku. 5. 45; R. 5. 60; so,,, &c. -8 A span measured from the tip of the thumb to that of the fore-finger. Decision, determination. 5 A wall. -8 An example (in gram. ). 7 (With Jainas) One of the obstacles to liberation. -a. Commanding (f); ete pradezAH kathitA bhuvanAnAM prabhAvanAH Mb. 12. 208. 10. ( com. pradezAH pradizanti AjJApayantIti ). -Comp. - zAstram a book containing examples. 1 Pointing out. -2 Advice, instruction. -8 A gift, present, an offering, especially to goda, supe riors &c. (far) 1 The fore-finger, the index finger:; avamucya pradezinyA daMSTrAmAdAtumicchasi M. 4. 40. 181 S. 17.9. -2 The corresponding toe. 2 U. To besmear, daub, anoint. pradigdha p. p. Besmeared, bedaubed, anointed. - Meat fried in a particular way; (mAMsaM ) ...... tadeva ghRtatakrADhyaM pradigdhaM sanijAtakam sabdachandrika. 1 Anointing, plastering, unction. -2 A plaster, thick ointment. Smearing, anointing. at 4 A. To blaze, flame forth, shine brilliantly. -Caus. 1 To kindle, inflame. -2 To excite, rouse, stimulate. pradIpaH 1 A lamp, light (fig. also ) atailapUrAH suratapradIpAH Ku. 1. 10; R. 2.24; 16. 4; kulapradIpo nRpatirdilIpaH R. 6. 74 light or ornament of the family'; 7. 29; ete pradIpakalpAH parasparavilakSaNA guNavizeSAH San. K. 36. -2 That which enlightens or elucidates, elucidation; especially at the end of titles of works; as in mahAbhASyapradIpaH, kAvyapradIpaH &c. a. 1 Illuminating. -2 Explaining, illustrating.-,- 1 A small lamp. -2 Explanation, commentary. str(ft.) Kindling. -2 Illuminating. -3 Stimulating, exciting. The act of kindling, light ing, stimulating &c. A kind of mineral poison; varNato lohito yaH syAddIptimAn dahanaprabhaH / mahAdAhakaraH pUrvaiH kathitaH sa pradIpanaH // Rajanighantu. pradIpta p. p. 1 Kindled, lighted, inflamed, illuminated. -2 Blazing, burning, shining. -3 Raised, expanded; fifa Dk. -4 Stimulated, excited (hunger &c.); dIrghakAlaM pradIptAsmi pApAnAM pApakarmaNAm Mb. 3. 12. 119. -Comp. - a. of a bright intellect, sharp. iaiff. Lustre, splendour, brilliancy. 34 P. 1 To grow worse, deteriorate. -2 To be corrupted or spoiled, be vitiated; t 1092 sgifta: Y. 3. 19. -3 To sin, err, commit an offence against, be faithless or unchaste; if praduSyanti kulastriyaH Bg. 1. 41; Ms. 9. 74; yavasya vihitaM bhojyaM af Pt. 4. 57. Caus. 1(a) To spoil, corrupt, soil, taint. (1) To pollute, contaminate, defile. -2 To blame, censure, find fault with. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir p. p. 1 Spoiled, corrupted. -2 Wicked, bad, sinful. 8 Licentious, wanton. 1 Corrupting, spoiling. -2 Polluting, defiling. p. p. 1 Corrupted, vitiated, spoiled, depraved. -2 Polluted, defiled, contaminated. a. Bad, corrupt. - 1 (a) A fault, defect, sin, offence. (b) Transgression, violation. -2 Disordered condition, such as mutiny, rebellion. -3 Evening, nightfall, the first part of the night; Ak; ' pradoSe'dhyayanaM dhImAnna karoti yathAkramam ' sabda. Ch.; tamaHsvabhAvAste'pyanye pradoSamanuyAyinaH Si. 2. 98 ( where pradoSa primarily means 'corrupt' or bad'); A : Git. 5; Ku. 5. 44; R. 1. 93; Rs. 1. 12. ---Comp. -AgamaH nighttall. - kAlaH, -samayaH, -velA evening-time, nightfall. -faf evening darkness, the dusk of early night; kAmaM pradoSatimireNa na dRzyase tvam Mk. 1. 35. a. delightful in the evening. pradoSaka a. Born in the evening. -kaH Evening. 1 P. 1 To see, behold. -2 To look at, regard. -3 To foresee. To observe, perceive, discern. -5 To be intelligent. 6 To think, have an opinion. -7 To look at, look upon. -Pass. 1 Te become visible. -2 To look, appear. Caus. 1 To show, point out, discover, exhibit. -2 To make clear, prove, demonstrate, explain. : 1 Look, appearance. -2 Direction, order. a. 1 Showing, manifesting, exhibiting. -2 Foretelling. -3 Presenting. - Proclaiming. - Teaching, informing, instructing. 1 A prophet. -2 A teacher, instructor. -3 A doctrine, principle, precept. pradarzanam 1 Look, appearance as in porapradarzana -2 Manifesting, displaying, show, exhibition. -3 Teaching, explaining. An example. - Prophesying. -nA Indication. p. p. 1 Shown forth, exhibited, manifested, evinced, displayed. -2 Made known. -3 Taught. -4 Explained, declared. -5 Foretold. : Milking. 1 A. To shine forth. Caus. To illumine, irradiate, light up. pradyutitaH a. Illuminated, lighted up. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #466 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pradyotaH 1098 pradhAnaka Tata: 1 Irradiating, lighting, illuminating. -2 Splendour, light, lustre. -8 A ray of light. -4 N. of a king of Ujjayini, whose daughter Vatsa married; watatu fugiat ST Me. 32. (considered as an interpolation by Malli.); Ratn. 1. 10. Tea 1 Blazing, shining. -2 Light. - : 1 The sun. -2 N. of a prince of Ujjayini. A: An epithet of Cupid, the god of love. [He was a son of Krisna and Rukmini. When only six years old, he was stolen away by the demon Sambara for he was foretold that Pradyumna would be his destroyer. Sambara cast the child into the roaring sea, and a large fish swallowed it. This fish was caught by a fisherman and taken to the demon; and when it was cut up, a beautiful child came out from the belly, and MayAvati, the mistress of Sambara's household, at the desire of Narada, carefully reared him from childhood. As he grew up, she was fascinated by the beauty of his person, but Pradyumna reproved her for entertaining towards himself feelings so unbecoming a mother as he considered her. But when he was told that he was not her son, but of Visuu and was cast into the sea by Sambara, he became enraged, and, challenging him to fight, succeeded in killing him by the force of illusions. He and Mayavati afterwards repaired to the house of Krisua, where Narada told him and Rukmini that the boy was their own and that Mayavati was his wife.] F F: N. of the god of love; Bhag. ETTF a. Sorely distressed, hard pressed, indigent, poor; cAkrAyaNa ibhyagrAme pradANaka uvAsa Ch. Up.1.10.1. 1 P. 1 To run, run away, retreat or fly to (with acc. or a bl.); TTT szara A Ve. 4; Bk. 15. 79. -2 To hasten away, rush towards. -3 To assail, fall upon, attack. -4 To attain. -Caus. To put to flight, rout. 59 a. Fluid, liquid. -2: Running. gta: 1 Running away, flight, retreat, escape. -2 Going quickly or fast. gire a. 1 Running away; fugitive. -2 Retreating, flying. 151 A. To neigh, bellow. pradvAra, pradvAram A place before a door or gate. aloq 2 U. To hate, dislike. qay, , a. 1 Hating, disliking. -2 Hostile or opposed to. 199, - SAUT Dislike, hatred, aversion. 4 1 A battle, fight, war, contest; uffa: vaata ATUTEH Hrar Si. 16.52; w afaja hra 27 : Me. 50; R. 11. 77; My. 6.33; U. 5.1. -2 Spoil taken in battle. -3 Destruction. - Tearing, rending. -Comp. -37 a battle field. -TT ETF a. bringing a bout a contest. -THH great battle or contest. ETHETH 1 Blowing in or into. - A sternutatory. TET a. 1 Chief, principal, pre-eminent, main, best, most excellent; as in ; 99791414, 419984 &c.; qurari eraga: E Ms. 7. 203;' quand' ar auf a ha fyraft haguefa SB. on. MS. 6. 2. 10; 'yasmin kule yaH puruSaH pradhAnaH sa sarvayatnena hi rakSaNIyaH'. -2 Principally inherent, prevalent, predominant. - 1 The chief thing or object, most important thing; head, chief; ftar ASCHA wa Si. 7. 61; G. L. 18; mad fe affah M.1; T ag auway $. 2.7; The targ a : R. 6. 79. -2 The first evolver, originator, or source of the material world, the primary germ out of which all material appearances are evolved, according to Sankhya philosophy; garcia s aaret 13Tage yuri fata S. B. ; see yalat also ; 9499799acja: Svet. Up. 6. 16; Tatarar fra ETT 9 Mb. 12. 205. 25.-3 The Supreme Spirit. - Intellect, understanding; to 6 TFT faguretan a: 4 FA 994 Bhag. 4. 1. 28. -8 The principal member of a compound. , - 1 The principal attendant or companion of a king (his minister or confidant). -2 A noble, courtier. -8 An elephant-driver. -4 The commander-in-chief. Comp. -3734 1 the principal branch or part of anything. -2 the chief member of the body. -8 the principal or most eminent person in a state. -THIRT: the prime minister, premier. -31T m. an epithet of Visnu. 38 a. 1 eminent, most illustrious. -2 warlike, brave. -* n., Fru 1 the chief business, the principal act; 79 97999 aartaff9 ufania SB. on MS. 6. 2. 10. -2 (Medic.) the principal mode of treatment. -kAraNavAdaH the doctrine that pradhAna is the original cause according to Sankhyas). Eg: the chief element of the body; i. e. semen virile. -gat: 1 the principal or most eminent person in a state &c.) Ms. 7. 203; Pt. 3. 138. Orala: transcending 991 and 989 (matter and spirit ). -2 an epithet of Siva. -415 a. 1 most distinguished. -2 receiving the chief share. A T m. the prime minister. -at m. one who asserts the Sankhya doctrine (of 17). -are n. a principal garment; (du.) the two chief garments. -afe: f. a heavy shower of rain. - a. taught or prescribed as of primary importance. - : the chief of a gambling house. TETT a. Chief, principal. The original germ ! out of which the material universe is evolved. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #467 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pradhAnatA 1094 999: .. ..... ... . .............. .......... S TETTAT, O = 914174 q. v. START = TEA chiefly; a T3 10 22: HCCHICHA: Mb. 12. 287.58. ETT 1 U. 1 To run forward, run away. -2 To set out, start. - To become spread or diffused. - To wash, cleanse. - To rub off, wipe out. - To pervade, permeate. -Caus. To cause to run away, drive away. TY : 1 Air, wind. -2 A runner. - Rubbing, rubbing or washing off. pradhAvitikA A passage for flight; agrAhye deze pradhAvitikA faart Kau. A. 2. 3. 21. safet: 1 The periphery of a wheel; reftaraf: Mb. 5. 51. 58; Si. 15.79; JEST tagerferagat Turatela H : Si. 17. 27. -2 A well. -3 Orb, disc. - A segment. Poft centre of a segment; a well. ETETT a. Pre-eminently intelligent. -f. Great intelligenoe. T a p. p. 1 Fumigated, perfumed. -2 Heated, burned. -3 Inflamed. -4 Afflicted, distressed ; 2919 ar Ku. -a 1 A woman in trouble. -2 The quarter to which the sun proceeds. T a a. Smothered with smoke, smouldering. T 10 U. or -Caus. 1 To place or fix upon. -2 To direct the mind towards, determine, resolve. -3 To bear or keep in mind. -4 To think, consider, reflect. -8 To chastise, punish. TEICOT a. (oft f.) Preserving, keeping. -OTT Constantly fixing one's mind on a certain object. TYT 5 P. 1 To assail, lay hands on. -2 To injure, harass. -3 To over power, overcome. -Caus. 1 To assail, attack, overpower. -2 To outrage, violate a woman). -3 To injure, hurt. -4 To devastate, lay waste, destroy completely. TO: Assaulting, attacking; an attack, assault. -2 Violation, outrage. -3 Ill-treatment. Tea a. 1 Attacking, assailing. -2 Troubling, harassing. TOUTH, O 1 An assault, attack. -2 An outrage, ill-treatment, insult. Terra p. p. 1 Assaulted, attacked. - Hurt, injured. -8 Haughty, arrogant. Te p. p. 1 Treated with contumely. -2 Proud, arrogant, haughty. TEHT 1 P. 1 To blow (as a conch ); yerel yen: Bg. 1. 14.-2 To blow away or into. -8 To destroy. -4 (A.) To cry out; quartan612 311fats face: Ch. up. 6. 14. 1. TEACH A remedy for assisting respiration in any obstruction of the air-passages. TEG 1 P., A. 1 To meditate upon, think, reflect, consider -2 To devise, hit upon. STEGTE 1 Deep thought or reflection. -2 Reflection or thought in general. que 1 A. 1 To fall in ruins, waste, decay. -2 To perish, be destroyed. -Caus. To cause to perish, destroy, annihilate. qat: Utter destruction, annihilation. -Comp. Tat: non-existence caused by destruction', one of the four kinds of 37917 or non-existence, in which the non-existence of a thing is caused by destruction, as of an effect subsequently to its production. staa: Ved. A destroyer. gegifera a. 1 Transitory, perishable. -2 Destroying, annihilating. street p. p. Annihilated, completely destroyed. 1 m. The son of a grandson, a great-grand-son. TU See under foret; 119& fi tra 540 frutat Ms. 8. 30. TE a. 1 One whose leader is away. -2 Destitute of a leader or guide; P. I. 4. 59; VIII. 4. 14 com. T ., et f. See 7 and . afaataa Killing, slaughter. TTT 4 P. To dance. -Caus. To shake, cause to dance, set in motion. Tafcia p. p. 1 Set in motion, shaken. -2 Dandled. pranRtta a. Dancing. -ttam A dance. Ter: The extremity of a wing (as of an army); 994: Tglarda yarafera: (721) Mb. 7. 7. 12. 999: 1 Display, manifestation; 1914: 992: K. 151. -2 Development, expansion, extension ; 9723 @yofta ya Raiat 52 4931: Si. 20. 44.-3 Amplification, expatiation, explanation, elucidation. -4 Prolixity, diffuseness, copiousness; 3409901. -Manifoldness, diversity. - Heap, abundance, quantity. -7 An appearance, phenomenon. -8 Illusion, fraud. -9 The visible world or universe, which is illusory and the scene of manifold action. -10 Reciprocal false praise. -11 Opposition, inversion. -12 Analysis. -13 (In dram.) Ludicrous dialogue. -19 (In gram.) The repetition of an obscure rule in a clearer form. -Comp. T a. skilful in assuming different forms; Amaru. het a. cunning, deceitful. - a prolix discourse, diffuse talk. ! For Private and Personal Use Only Page #468 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra prapaJcaka a. 1 Displaying, showing. -2 Developing. -8 Explaining fully, amplifying, expounding in detail. prapaJcanam 1 Display, development; arimadhyasthamitrANAM Mb. 12. 59. 52. -2 Copious exposition, detailed explanation or amplification. Den. P. 1 To show forth, display; ch Git. 10. -2 To expand, amplify, explain in detail, dwell or dilate upon, treat at length. 3 To cause to appear in a false light. figy. p. 1 Displayed. -2 Expanded, amplified. -3 Dilated upon, fally explained, expatiated upon. -4 Erring, mistaken. -5 Deceived, tricked. 1 P. To repeat aloud. Caus. To teach, explain, expound. 131 A lesson, lecture. -2 A chapter or subdivision of a work. prapAThita p. p. Taught, expounded. q: Ved. Barter, exchange. 1 P. 1 To fly forth or away., -2 To fly, fly or move about. -8 To fall down or upon, throw oneself down. To hasten towards. -8 To be deprived of, fall from, lose, fall off or away from. 6 To come down, fall down, descend. Caus. 1 To throw down. -2 To rout, put to flight. -8 To chase, pursue. 1 Flying forth or away. -2 Throwing oneself into, falling down. -3 Alighting. - Death, destruction. 6 A precipice, a steep crag. 6 Assualt ; lIyante yatra zatruprapatanavivazAH koTizaH zUrakITAH Mv. 6. 32. prapatita a. 1 Flown away. -2 Fallen, come down. -3 Decayed, wasted. - Dead. 1 Going forth or away, departure. -2 Falling down or into, a fall; S. 6. 10; Ku. 6. 57.-8 A sudden attack. 4 A cascade, waterfall, the place over which water falls down; - prapAtAntaniza gauramAviveza R. 2.26. 8 A bank shore. 6 A precipice, steep rock; 8: Parnal. 3. 30. -7 Falling out or loss, as in 11. -8 Emission, discharge, efflux, as in -9 Throwing oneself down from a rock. -10 A particular mode of flight. Comp. - n. water falling from a rock. surat Causing to fall, throwing down (on the ground). prapAtin m. A precipitous mountain, cliff. iaa. Ved. 1 Loose, relaxed. -2 Languid, enervated. A long journey, a journey to a distant place. -2 A remote place. -8 A broad street; I vibhaktaprapathAm Bhag. 8.15.15. 1096 prapalAyita a. Ved. 1 Being in or on the road. -2 An epithet of Pusan. prapathyA Yellow myrobalan (Mar. hiraDA ). 4 A. 1 To enter upon, set forward, set foot in. -2 (a) To go to or towards, approach, resort or attain to, reach; tAM janmane zailavadhUM prapede Ku. 1. 21 ; ( kSitIzaM ) kautsaH prapede varatantuziSyaH R. 5. 1; Bk. 4.1; Ki. 1.9; 11. 16; R. 8. 11. (b) To take shelter or refuge with, flee to for safety, submit; zaraNArthamanyAM kathaM prapatsye tvayi R. 14. 64. -3 To go or come to a particular state, arrive at, attain to, arrive at or be in a particular condition; reNuH prapede pathi paGkabhAvam R. 16.30; muhUrtakarNotpalatAM prapede Ku. 7. 81; bAlyAtparaM sAtha vayaH prapede Ku. 1. 31; 5 24 ; IdRzImavasthAM prapannosmi S. 5; RSinikarairiti saMzayaH prapede Bv. 4. 33; Amaru. 30. To get, find, secure, obtain, attain to; partake of, share in ; sahakAra na prapede madhupena bhavatsamaM jagati Bv. 1. 21; ago R. 5. 51. - To behave or act towards, deal with; fua : M. 1 what does he propose to do'; pazyAmo mayi kiM prapadyate Amaru. 24. -8 To admit, allow, agree or consent to; Y. 2. 40. 7 To draw near, come on, approach (as time &c.). -8 To be going on, to proceed. -9 To take effect, thrive, prosper. -10 To throw oneself down, fall down (at another's feet). -11 Ved. To attack, assault. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir padam 1 The forepart of the foot; sa taM gRhItvA prapadosafar Bhag. 10. 15. 32. -2 Tip of the toe. 1 Entrance. -2 Access, approach; Pegut this Ch. Up. 8. 6. 5. -3 Approaching for protection; prapadanadhanatuSTAH paJcasaMskAradAnAt Vi. Gupa. 255. prapadIna a. Relating or extending to the forepart of the foot. p. p. 1 Arriving at, reaching or going to. -2 Resorting to, betaking oneself to; Ku. 5. 59; 3. 5. -8 Taking refuge with, seeking protection with, suppliant or submissive to; frase zAdhi mAM tvAM prapannam Bg. 2.7; punarbhavaklezabhayAt prapannaH Ku; ff! Chandipatha. - Adhering to. Furnished or endowed with, possessed of; g: S. 1. 1. -6 Promised. -7 Got, obtained. -8 Poor, distressed. 9 Effecting, producing. Comp. - an epithet of Krispa. prapAdaH Ved. Miscarriage. prapannADa : See prapunATa. praparNa a. Devoid of leaves (as a tree; farfa quifa yasya ). -rNam A fallen leaf. prapalAyanam Flight, retreat. prapalAyita For Private and Personal Use Only a. 1 Run away. -2 Routed, defeated. Page #469 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prapalAyin 1096 prabala f fra a. 1 Flying, escaping. -2 A fugitive. yaror 1 Filling, filling up, completing. - Insert991 1 A place where water is distributed to ing, injecting. -3 Satisfying; satiating. -4 Attaching travellers%3; bhUtAnAmiha saMvAsaH prapAyAmiva suvrate Bhag.7.2.21; to, affixing. -8 Bending of a bow); # fanitaria egy94afsi 74 29: 972 Vikr. 18. 78. -2 YEAISET Ram. 1. 67. 10. A well, cistern; ya vi a 3: 3914 Tefta p. p. Filled up. Ms. 8. 319. -3 A place for watering cattle. -4 A tatoetta: A kind of shrub (49oed); vedi Ayhsupply of water. - A draught. -Comp. -fair a formaterega:...... Chakra panidatta. woman who distributes water to travellers; 09 91699 a bar 991911 a 42 Vikr. 1. 89; 13. 10. - T : A great-grandson ; 17ecci fea: nifa: 97417a cool grove. 79194: Y. 1. 78. - A great-grand-daughter. 99: 1 Ripening (of a boil &c.). -2 Inflammation. prapyAyanam Swelling. sofor: 1 The forepart of the hand. -2 The palm at Ved. A woman having excellent hips or of the extended hand. going in a graceful way; a lewd girl (?). que a. Very white. Treat p. p. Blooming, blossomed, full-blown ; ugh aigua: CH R. 2. 29 (v. l. for ). cf. P. TO : A road, way. VII. 4. 89 com. prapAdikaH A peacock. lea: f. Blooming, expansion, blossoming. H 1 Drinking. -2 The under part of a horse's 8 p. p. 1 Full-blown, blossoming, blooming; upper lip. af 96 Fat Ferala 24 R. 6. 69; 2. 99194 A kind of drink; 79174441972HTT ! 29; Ku. 3. 45; 7. 11. - 2 Expanded or dilated like a full-blown flower as eyes). -8 Smiling. - Shining. HELS. D. - Gay, cheerful, pleased. -Comp.- 777, ,U T ata Protecting, guarding. 4. with eyes expanded with joy. - a. having a Term. An epithet of Balarama. beaming or cheerful countenance, looking cheerful. aftar: 1 A paternal great-grandfather. -2 An are 9 P. 1 To bind on, tie, fasten. - To stop, epithet of Krisna; fatra aiheu Bg. 11.39. -3 Of suppress, check. - To compose, put together, arrange. Brahman. -4 of the Supreme Spirit. A paternal 946 p. p. 1 Bound, tied, fastened. -2 Stopped, great-urrandmother; pitAmahI ca svenaiva svenaiva prapitAmahI obstructed, checked. Dayabhaga. Tarm. An author. fast: A paternal grand-uncle. are: 1 A bond, tie. -2 Uninterruptedness, conz 10 U. 1 To press, squeeze. -2 To torture, tinuance, continuity, uninterrupted series or succession; torment, harass, afflict. -3 To check, suppress, restrain. vicchedamApa bhuvi yastu kathAprabandhaH K.239; kriyAprabandhAdayamadhvarANAm R. 6. 23; 3.58; Mal. 6.3. -3 A continued or connected at 1 Pressing, squeeziny. -2 An astringent. narrative or discourse; va r : art goigt: ta (--) a. Swollen up, distended. Si. 2. 73. - 4 Any literary work or composition ; - yazasA bhAsakavisaumillakavimizrAdInAM prabandhAnatikramya M.13; pratyakSaraaya: A grandson, descendant. 944 &c. Vas. - Arrangement, plan, scheme; agar (ar) :, -3: N. of a tree (77EUR). as in 9977 -8 A commentary. Comp. 37: the subject matter of a composition or treatise. -ETAT got a. Very old, kept for a long time. a feigned story, a work of imagination founded on a Tat: 1 The Supreme Being. -2 N. of the two substratum of fact; eat Fateh : 441 fas: Asvins. ad continuous or incessant rain. nyfourt a. Flowering, blooming TaPTT 1 Bond, tie. -2 Binding, fettering. sre a. Having a prominent back; P. VI. 2. 177 T : An epithet of Indra. oom. (a) a. Most excellent, best; yeys: 14419 999 P. To fill up, complete. -Pass. To be filled! 496: Mb. 1. 193. 1. or completed; be fulfilled. To a. 1 Very stony or powerful, mighty, valorous Torna. Fulfilling, satisfying. ( 88 8 m8t ); TVI 774 9 4 Gia : R. 3. 60; 08. 3. 3. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #470 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prabalatA . -2 Violent, strong, intense, excessive, very great; ? . 1 P: p. 1 Awakened, roused; 2 peranan sa: TAUSTA: F 2014: S. 7. 24; agtratag g al 14: Rama-raksa. 15. -2 Wise, learned, 1991 M. 4. 2; a6914 R. 8. 50; 379 47 , clever; Pt. 1. -8 Knowing, conversant with. - Fullatat 1911, facet #7 Udb.; Sivamahimna 30.-3 Im- blown, expanded; goa: i faraat taga: Ve. 2. 7. portant. - Abounding with. - Dangerous, destructive. -8 Beginning to work or take effect (as a charm ). 3:1 N. of a Daitya. -2 A sprout (969). ind. -6 Enlivened, lively. Exceedingly, much. Te Intelligence, wisdom. Tabel, a4 Strength, power, might. T : A great sage. m a Den. P. To become strong. yarat: 1 Awaking ( fig. also ), awakening; regainTadt A class, division of a community (:); Inscrip ing one's consciousness, consciousness; 394 95919 R. 12. 50; HICHIC # t: yat: 14. 56. - Blowing, Tar 1 A. 1 To press hard upon, oppress. -2 To expanding of flowers) -8 Wakefulness, sleeplessness; trouble, torment, harass, tease, hurt; yigma de fara afadi w a tegu SS. 6. - Vigilance, y a 94979: H. 1; Bk. 12. 2.-3 To drive away, watchfulness. -8 Knowledge, understanding, wisdom, remove, get over ; bruta 494THT: A a removal of delusion, real knowledge; as in Have ; 419 / star Ram. 2. 107. 18; 1 T448 919 Act: He: sagate R. 5. 65. -8 Consolation. 4 H Mb. -4 To throw down, destroy; aylarda -7 Reviving the fragrance of a perfume. -8 Explain767 UT Pt. 1. 122. -8 To repel, repulse. ing. -Comp. re: N. of a festival observed from T T 4. 1 Repelling, repulsive. -2 Harassing, the tenth to the day of full-moon in the month of Kartika. oppressive. - Keeping off or back. -4 Refusing, rejecting OTT: A minstrel whose duty it is to wake the TUTTH 1 Oppressing, tormenting. -2 Refusing, king, bard. denying. -8 Keeping off. rarea a. ( f.) Awakening, rousing. 41 Tarfa a. 1 Molested, troubled, oppressed. -2 Waking. -2 Awakening, rousing. -8 Regaining one's consciousness; recovery of senses; 99498EA T TI Pressed forward, driven onward. U. 6. 41. 4 Knowledge, wisdom. -8 Instructing, praba (va) hikA See prahelikA. advising. -8 Reviving the scent of a perfume. -7 Reat (T) 3, 4 1 A sprout, shoot, new leaf; finement, enlightenment; Pt. 1. 39......791HHASE 14 Ku. 5. 31; 1. 44; 3.8; att (ft) at The eleventh day of the bright R. 6. 12; 13.49.-2 Coral; Ja v qui femei - half of Kartika on which Visnu awakes from his four 1941 ni ya faciala EgH ll Rajanighantu. months' sleep. -3 The neck of the Indian lute. 31 A pupil. -2 An animal. --Comp. -3938 : 1 the red Asmantaka Tatra p. p. 1 Awakened, roused. -2 Instructed, tree. - 2 the coral tree. -994 a red lotus. -TEA informed, taught, acquainted with. -8 Convinced, per suaded. red sandal-wood. - 1. calx of coral. gang: The fore-arm. TE 2 P. 1 To proclaim, announce. - To exclaim, shout. -8 To say, speak, tell; Tigarred war crair salg ind. 1 In an even line, to an equal height. a : Bk. 8. 85; Pt. 1. 53. -4 To praise, laud. -2 At the same time. .- To read before. - To describe. - To teach ; 917 gat ind. 1 On high. -2 At the same time. 169914 M8. 10. 1. 4 A., 1 P. 1 To awake, wake up, rise from 74537 P. 1 To break down, sbatter. - To stop, sleep; nga 59 g $. 5. 11; Si. 9. 30. -2 To blow, arrest, suspend. -8 To frustrate, disappoint. -4 To expand, bloom, be blown; sAtre'hrIva sthalakamalinI naprabuddhA defext, conquer. agarh Me. 94. -8 To perceive, observe, be aware of. 8 p. p. Crushed to pieces, defeated; while -Caus. 1 To awaken, waken, rouse; maturita farge TIC H Ram. 7. 7. 24. af Heimaa: R. 5. 65; 6. 56.-2 To acquaint with, inform, make known; affect 5 wafa: R. 3. 68. TE: 1 Breaking, crushing.-2 Destruction; com-8 To cause to expand or open ; (94 ) warunya plete defeat. -8 A breaker, crusher. yanga: Ka. 1. 16. -4 To instruct, teach; explain. - TH9 Breaking to pieces. -- Wind, especially To persuade, induce. - To stimulate, excite. stormy wind, hurricane; *# 745199 af N. 1.67; 8. & 9....116 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #471 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pramadrA 1098 TT qola asaf THA: Pt. 1. 22.-4. Destroying;...*! TATTOTH Explanation, interpretation. GUTA - HET 9999997 Mb. 1. 123. 13. Tutoa p. p. Spoken, declared. -7H Speech, talk. T : The Nimba tree. STATE 1 A. 1 To shine. -2 To appear. -Caus. To T275 a. Exceedingly handsome or beautiful. - ! illuminate, irradiate. A kind of metre. SHTE: Splendour, beauty, lustre. -i, - 1 N. TAI 2 P. 1 To appear, seem. -2 To shine forth, of a well-known place of pilgrimage near Dvaraka. gleam. -8 To begin to become light, begin to dawn; -2 N. of one of the eight Vasus. -3 N. of one of the a war Taft $. 4; Fargar fetaa rat R. 3. 2. -4 Jaina Ganadhipa. -4 N. of one of the Devaganas in To illuminate, enlighten. the eighth Manvantara. STATT 1 Light, splendour, lustre, effulgence, radi- TIETH Illumining, irradiatiny, brightening. ance; f gferata: Bg. 7.8; 9 a R. 2. 15, 31; faT a. Brilliant, bright, shining. 6. 18; Rs.1.20.; Me. 49; g a 9927 car genera qa Brahmavaivasvata P. -2 A ray of light. -8 The T E 7 U. 1 To break, tear, break or tear asunder. shadow of the sun on a sun-dial. -4 An epithet of | -2 To exude (from the temples of an elephant); see Durga; 11 astecair Devi. P.-8 N. of the city of a. - Pass. 1 To be broken to pieces. -2 To bud Kubera. -8 N. of an Apsaras. -Comp. : 1 the forth, open, expand ( as flowers ). -3 To split, divide. sun; TT 9 97: R. 10. 74. -2 the moon. -3 fire. a p. p. 1 Severed, split, cleft, divided. -2 - the ocean. -8 an epithet of Siva. -6 N. of a Broken to pieces. -3 Cut off, detached. -4 Budding, learned writer, the founder of a school of Mimamsa expanded, opened. -5 Changed, altered. - Deformed, philosophy called after him. -7 A gem (921); disfigured. - Relaxed, loosened. -8 Intoxicated, in Ram. 2. 114. 10.- : a fire-fly. -ato a. tremu rut; teatata a a7017 Mb. 1. 189. 14; lously radiant; 7 Hata afasala agat S. 1. 25. fear ualeat 291 Ku. 5. 80. -9 Pierced, bored. Tract a. overspread or glowing with lustre; - -10 Different, distinct. -5: An elephant in rut. Tafadar ifa Hora at: (a ); V. 5. 3. -T2 -Comp. -3 a kind of collyrium or eye-salve the sun; gentag 9H (479) N. 17. mixed with oil. E a. 'having the cheeks cleft', 205. - Tue: a ray or flash of light. - a. brilliant, being in rut, intoxicated. shining; 1997: THTIT: Ki. 16. 58. - 64 a circle or halo of light; sphuratprabhAmaNDalayA cakAze Ku. 1.24; 6.43; TH : 1 Splitting, cleaving, opening. -2 Division, R. 3. 60; 14. 14. a. covered with lustre, emit separation - The flowing of rut or ichor from the ting lustre; gesuit Trai gitEGANE A959: V. 4. 62. temples of an elephant; 947 daati : : #ta ufa: R. 3. 37. -4 Difference, distinction. -8 prabhAta p. p. Begun to become clear or light; prabhAtAyAM A kind or sort. -8 The place of origin as of a river ); Trata wasza Mb. 5. 168. 43.-04 Day. STOFU atera 977 47 Mb. 3. 85. 9. break, dawn; 3 : HTETT S. 2; Said Faidai nRpatiramaNInAM kucataTe G. L. -Comp.-karaNIyam a morning HF 4. 1 Tearing asunder, piercing &o. -2 rite or ceremony. -kalpa, -prAya approaching dawn Distinguishing. (as night). 15: the time of day break; 29: Etirea TT 1 P. 1 To arise, proceed, spring up, to be born 'mantrI daivajJo'tha caturthakaH / prabhAtakAle draSTavyo nityaM svshriymicchtaa|| or produced, originate with a bl.); HT4: hafa Rajavalla bha. H. 1. 25; F T A : 4 ya: S. 7. 9; 969: Tata Light, lustre, splendour, radiance; P. gazarafathia afTH R. 10. 50; 364 : at: VIII. 4. 31 com. WHEETIT Bg. 8. 18.-2 To appear, become visible; aasfe au wafa TUTTA H. 4. 84. 3 To multiply, Tac a. Luminous, radiant, splendid. increase ; see 461.4 To be strong or powerful, prevail, THIERT . 1 A kind of metre. -2 (In music) A i predominate, show one's power; wafa afar particular via. -3 N. of the wife of the sun. uretu Mal. 9. 52; wala para fare: K.; Pt. 1. 44. -8 To be able or equal, have power for (with inf.) TAM: 1 Division. -2 The fraction of a fraction (in kusumAnyapi gAtrasaMgamAt prabhavantyAyurapohituM yadi R.8.44%; ko'nyo math.). ETTETETY nafasala s. 4; S. 6.30; V. 1.9; U. 2.4; Pt. THIET 1 A. 1 To speak to, address to; fuaeft: f 1. -8 To have control or power over, prevail over, be 418 Bg. 2. 54. -2 To proclaim; publish. -3 To master of (usually with gen., sometimes with dat. or disclose, reveal. - To expound, explain. -5 To loc.); al 9 62FTH: S. 1; 99afa 18TTY TETE prate, prattle. HERIA: Mal. 4; 97 9afa g a 4 Ve. 2. ffurfa For Private and Personal Use Only Page #472 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra prabhava vebhyaH prabhavati Bh. 2. 94 nRpatikulavataMsamAtmavaMze bhuvamadhipatiM Siva B. 1. 91. -7 To be a match for (with dat.); Mbh. -8 To be sufficient for, be able to contain ; api vyAptadigantAni nAGgAni prabhavanti me Ku. 6. 59.9 To be contained in (wit loc. ); 5: 4: R. 3. 17. -10 To be useful. -11 To implore, beseech. -12 To extend beyond, surpass (Ved.). -13 To profit, avail. -Caus. 1 To increase, augment. -2 To provide more fully. -3 To recognize. -4 To gain power or strength. -5 To make powerful. a. 1 Excellent, distinguished. -2 powerful. : 1 Source, origin; FALian 1.3; akiMcanaH san prabhavaH sa saMpadAm 5.77; R. 975 production. -3 The source of a river; 1 Production. -2 Source, origin. fam. A ruler, great lord. ga: Me. 54. - The operative cause, origin of being (as father, mother &c.); 4: GHZ S. 1. -5 The author, creator; atazcarAcaraM vizvaM prabhavastasya gIyase Ku. 2. 5. 6 Birthplace. -7 Power, strength, valour, majestic dignity (q. v.). 8 An epithet of Vispa. Prosperity, happiness; suma qat ukMb. 12. 109. 10. 10 (At the end of comp.) Arising or originating from, derived from; R. 1. 2; Ku. 3. 15; : (meeting place) samudraH, cAhutInAM prabhavo (growth) hutAzaH / yathendriyArNA prabhavaM (one having mastery over ) mano'pi tathA prabhurno bhagavAnupendraH Madhyama-vyayoga 1. 51. : Superior, 44 Ku. -2 Birth, tic; S. 1. prabhaviSNu a. 1 Strong, mighty, powerful. -2 Preeminent, distingnished. - 1 A lord, master; S. 2; Ku. 6. 62. -2 An epithet of Visnu. 1 Lustre, splendour, brilliance. -2 Dignity, glory, majesty, grandeur, majestie lustro; f S. 1;.3 Strength, valour, power effieney] pUjyate yadapUjyapi doSa gamyate / banyate yadanyapi sa prabhAvo dhanasya ca // Pt. 1. 7; jAnapadaH pratipattimAnutsAha: Kau. A. 1. 9. 4 Regal power (one of the three Saktis, q. v.).-5 A superhuman power or faculty, miraoulous power; anubhAvAMzca jAnAsi brAhmaNAnAM na saMzayaH / prabhAvAMzcaiva vettha tvaM sarveSAmeva pArthiva // Mb. 3. 24.8 ( ' anubhAvo nizcaye syAt prabhAvaH zaktitejaseo: ' Visva. ); pratyAhatAstro girizaR. 2. 41, 62; 3. 40. -6 Magnanimity. -7 Extension, circumference. Comp. a. proceeding from majesty or regal power. 1 Strong, powerful, mighty. - Maja a. Prominent, having power. a. 1 Prominent, influential. -2 Creating, creative; ete pradezAH kathitA bhuvanAnAM prabhAvanAH Mb. 12. 208.10. -3 Explaining, disclosing; de lapis 1099 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir sciar vanam Ram. 4. 17. 8. naH Creator. -nA 1 Promulgation (of a doctrine). -2 Disclosing. prabhu a. (f.) 1 Mighty, strong, powerful. -2 -2 Able, competent, having power to (with inf. or in comp.) prabhavAnmavinAntako'pi prabhuH prahatu kimutAnyahiMsAH R. 2. 62; na nafa Ku. 3. 40. -8 A match for; Mbh. -4 Abundant. - Everlasting, eternal. - 1 A lord, master; - Si. 1. 49. -2 A governor, ruler, supreme authority. - An owner, proprietor. -4 Quick-silver. -B N. of Visnu. -6 Of Siva. -7 Of Brahma; cf. Bhag. 4. 1. 21; (also applied to various gods as Indra, Surya, Agni). -8 Word, sound. -Comp. - a. attached or devoted to one's lord, loyal; bahvAzI, svalpasaMtuSTaH, sunidraH, zIghracetanaH / prabhubhaktazca zUrazca jJAtavyAH :: Chanakyanitidarpana. (-) a good horse. ff. devotion to one's lord, loyalty, faithfulness. 1 Lordship, supremacy, mastery, ascendancy, authority; af sgar S. 7. 32: ' mA gA ityapamaGgalaM, vraja punaH snehena hInaM vacaH tiSTheti prabhutA, a z aPgada' Sabda. Ch. -2 Ownership. -Comp.: (gaita) (in rhet.) an objection based on power (i. e. on a word of command); ruddhatvAt prabhutvAkSepa ucyate Kav. 2. 138. p. p. 1 Sprung from, produced. -2 Much, abundant. -8 Numerous, many. - Mature, perfect. -5 High, lofty. -6 Long. -7 Presided over. -8 Abounding in. -9 Gone up or upwards. - A great or primary element. Comp. a. abounding in fresh grass and fuel. - a. advanced in age, old, aged. , Abundance, plenty. -2 Multitude. f: f. 1 Source, origin. -2 Power, strength. -8 Sufficiency. a. Able, powerful, strong. fa: f. 1 Beginning, commencement; generally used in this sense as the last member of Bah. compound; &c. -2 Ved. An oblation. -8 Throwing or casting (Ved.). ind. From, ever since, beginning with (with abl.) was at Bag U. 1. 45; Ku. 3. 26. R. 2. 38; henceforward; tataH prabhuti, ataH prati 1 A., 4 P. To fall or drop down, slip; R. 14. 54. -2 To lose, be deprived of; : Mk. 1. 14. -3 To escape or free onself from. Caus. To throw or bringdown from, cause to fall down from ; prabhraMzayAM yo nahuSaM cakAra R. 13.36. : Fall, falling off, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #473 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prabhraMzaH 1100 pramAdaH ........ | Tig: A disease of the nose; w a afya 229 sAndro vidagdho lavaNaH kaphastu / prAk saMcito mUrdhni ca pittataptaM prabhraMza) zaferyaretra Il Suer. Tufta p. p. 1 Thrown or cast down. - 2 Deprived of. -8 Expelled, driven out. ifti Falling off or down. THE p. p. 1 Fallen off, fallen or dropped down. -2 Broken. -H A garland of flowers suspended from the look on the crown of the head. prabhraSTakam See prabhraSTam above. TAH p. p. Drowned, immersed, dipped. TU (a ga. 1 Happy, cheerful, delighted. -2 Good-natured. -8 Attentive. -4 Kind, amiable (Ved.). Ha p. p. 1 Thought out. -2 Wise, prudent. FAT, FC 1, 9 P. To churn; 444241 ( ) fatua : R. 13. 14. - To harass, trouble excessively, annoy, torment. - To strike down, bruise, hurt. -4 To tear off or cut. - To lay waste, devastate. - To kill, destroy; 4 1 a ferrad: Mal. 4. 9; 9. 27. -7 To agitate, stir a bout. -8 Ved. To rob. -Caus. To harass, annoy. FAU: 1 A horse. -2 N. of a class of Beings (said to be goblins) attending on Siva; pramathamukhavikAraisiyAmAsa T&# Ku.7. 95. -Comp. 37879, -ATT, ofa: an epithet of Siva; tenAhRtAH pramathanAthamakhAya bhUpAH Bhag.1.15.9. -37104: hell. TATT 1 Hurting, injuring, tormenting. -2 Killing, slaughter. -3 Churning, stirring about. Throa p. p. 1 Tormented, distressed. -2 Trampled down. -8 Slain, killed; see argu: Mal. 3. 18. -4 Properly churned. - Butter-milk without water, A a. Destroying; amina am qyah Mu. 2. 21. TAZ A kind of medicinal paste. THF: A stick used for producing fire. FAIT: 1 Excessive paining, tormenting, torturing. -2 Agitating, churning. -8 Killing, slaughter, destruction, faqat a B a al U. 5.31 ; 4.-4 Violence, outrage. -5 Rape, forcible abduction. - TT: m. (pl.) Epithet of the fiends attendant upon Siva. Tarua p. p. 1 Forcibly attacked, roughly handled -2 Ravished, seduced. Tarot a. 1 Tormenting, harassing, torturing, afflicting, harrowing; 51 49afert & fapHATY M. 3. 2; Mal. 2. 1; Ki. 3. 14. - 2 Killing, destroying. -8 Agitating, setting in motion ; sfaarfor fat efi #9: Bg. 2. 60; 6. 34. -4 Tearing or pulling down, striking down; ang ESTE AT : R. 11. 58. -5 Cutting down; at HaATTETH (TOT) Ki. 17. 31. -6 (In medic.) Producing secretion of the vessels. -m. N. of a year. FH 4 P. 1 To be intoxicated or drunk. -2 To be careless a bout, to be negligent or heedless, be regardless of or indifferent to (with loc.); patsuta e hetg far a: Ms. 2. 213. -3 To omit to do, swerve or deviate from with a bl.); ra F T 947: Me. 1. -4 To make a mistake, err, go astray; HICH ITT : Bk. 5. 8; 17. 39; 18. 8. 6 To spend or while away (time). - To be joyous; arcfe feareas: ftatue Ki. 11. 29. THE p. p. 1 Intoxicated, drunk; 441 9977: 48 alfa ( aftsfa) S. 4. 1; -2 Mad, insane. -8 Careless, negligent, inattentive; heedless, regardless (generally with loc.); gai An a Tenaga Ms. 3. 34 ; HT 4TH O ato fai HI 998 fatu a Rg fa facil Bhag. 1. 7. 36. - Swerving from, failing to do with abl.). -Blundering. -8 wanton, lascivious. -Comp. ita a. sung carelessly. fera a. negligent, heedless, careless. THAT Inattention, carelessness. THT a. Inattentive, careless. THE a. 1 Drunk, intoxicated (fig. also ). -2 Impassioned. -8 Careless. -4 Warton, dissolute. -8 Violent, strong. 1 Joy, pleasure, delight; faire 97 98TH JATA Si. 3. 54; 13. 2; Mal. 9; 3134a aarfare : : REAISHTE Ram. Ch. 4. 94. -2 The Dhattura plant. -3 The ankle. -Comp. Frater, - a pleasure garden attached to the royal harem. 9HE a. Licentious, sensual. pramadanam Amorous desire. THET 1 A young handsome woman; a: afturaftoyd a uf 941 Fa : S. 5. 17. -2 A wife or woman in general; safa af ar gufac: HITHYATI fastahi Ku. 4. 12; R. 8. 72. -The sign virgo of the Zodiac. -4 N. of a metre; 7195 what; V. Ratna. -Comp. PATATA -a pleasure garden attached to the royal harem (for the use of the wives of a king). -: 1 a young woman. - womankind. THET a. Careless, inattentive; heedless. TAGTI f. N. of the mother of sage Sunaka and wife of sage Ruru. TATE: 1 Carelessness, negligence, inattention, inadvertence, oversight; fafrigtara SRC Ki. 13. 29; jJAtuM pramAdaskhalitaM na zakyam 5.6.253 vidyA pramAdaguNitAmiva For Private and Personal Use Only Page #474 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pramAdavat 1101 pramANIka fraufe Ch. P. 1. - Intoxication, drunkenness. -3 (a) Fainting, swoon. (6) Insanity, madness. -4 A mistake, blunder, mistaken iudgment; Pt. 1. 39. -8 An accident, mishap, calamity, danger; BET AT: Mal. 3; U. 3. Tata a. 1 Intoxicated. -2 Mad, insane. -8 Careless, inattentive. STATE FT 1 A careless woman. - A deflowered girl. Tara a. Ridiculed, mocked, scoffed at. TACT a. 1 Careless, inattentive, negligent; 87 WHIC &99: V. 2; : FACT # 7 grua Udb. - 2 Insane, mad. - Intoxicated, drunk.-m. N. of a year. ha a. 1 (Vedic) Careful, tender. -2 Delighted, happy, cheerful, in good spirits; 993 aguar: 17 galeria zada R. 3. 67. THY a. 1 Enraged, irritated, incensed against ( with loc.); 42: 9 27 R. 7. 34. -2 Distres. sed, sorrowful, sorely grieved. AT: 1 Death. -2 Ruin, downfall. -8 Killing, slaughter. pramardaH N. of a position of the moon in the nakSatra. THEATE Crushing, destroying, trampling down.! -a: An epithet of Visnu. THECLa. Of great might or splendour; HER Payot far I 74: Sivamahimna. 30. TAT 2 P., 3 A. 1 To measure; ftro geift saru. -2 To form, make, build. -3 To prove, esta blish, demon. strate. -4 To arrange, place in order. To know, understand, get a correct idea of; e a Fa: autas nalgas teft: Si. 16.40; 3715494: 9194 H. 3. -8 To conjecture. -Caus. To afford or give proof. FAT 1 Consciousness, perception. -2 (In logic) Correct notion or apprehension, true and certain knowledge, accurate conception ; la 7291 Sha: pramA yathA rajate idaM rajatamiti jJAnam T.S; doSo'pramAyA janakaH pramAyAstu guNo bhavet / pratyakSe tu vizeSyeNa vizeSeNavatA samam // Bhasa P. -8 Ved. Basis, foundation. -4 A measure. TATUTH 1 A measure in general (of length, breadth &c.); # STOTT PegIT AIR H7 e Mb. 3. 33. 63. (ui parutier arenay' Visva.); Mb. 1. 222. 31 ; get it on H TISZTETT: gt1a1a4914 9: R. 18. 38. -2 Size, extent, magnitude. -3 Scale, standard ; grgout Farfara SAO TAfa: Mu. 2. 21.-4 Limit, quantity; vazcayitvA tu rAjAnaM na pramANe'vatiSThasi Ram. 2. 37. 22.- Testimony, evidence, proof. - Authority, Warrant; one who judges or decides, one whose word l is an authority; wat da: #00 Pt. 1 'having heard this your Majesty will decide what to do '; 35 : 94114 M. 1; Mu. 1.1; wat HE TE QETY MATTH-:FT0193714: $. 1. 22; Fotofa: 9417; Ms. 2. 13; Pt. 1. 240; sometimes in pl.; T: 11:. -7 A true or certain knowledge, accurate conception or notion. -8 A mode of proof, a means of arriving at correct knowledge; (the Naiyayikas recognize only four kinds; 9447, 313417, 39417 and 37, the Vedantins and Mimmsakas add two more, anupalabdhi and arthApatti; while the Sankhyas admit pratyakSa, anumAna and zabda only; ot. anubhava also.). -9 Principal, capital. -10 Unity. -11 Soripture, sacred authority. -12 Cause, reason. -18 Rule, sanction, precept. -14 The first term in a rule of three. -18 An epithet of Visnu. -16 Freedom from apprehension. -17 The prosodial lengh of a vowel. -18 An eternal matter; L. D. B. -19 (In music) A measure (such as 1, 2, famaa); Ram. 1. 4. 8. -20 The measure of a square. -UT, -of A rule, standard, authority. -Comp. -3782 a. more than ordinary, inordinate, excessive; T: 4410 : S. 1. 29. -anurUpaa.corresponding to physical strength.-antaram another mode of proof. -3 UTC: absence of authority. O, qator a. skilful in arguing. it: the point in an argument which is regarded 88 actual proof. - a. knowing the modes of proof, as a logician). (#) an epithet of Siva. E a. sanctioned by authority. -14 a written warrant. -T: the way of proof. -967: an arbitrator, a judge, an umpire. -bAdhitArthaka: a kind of Tarka in Nyayasastra. -bhUta ( a. authoritative. (- ) an epithet of Siva. TifaT: the quantity of the first term in a rule of three sums. -vacanam, -vAkyam an authoritative statement. - 1 scripture. -2 the science of logic. E a measuring cord. FUT a. 1 of normal size. -2 un perturbed. TATTF a. (At the end of comp. ) Measuring, extending to, as far as. i see 481. Tatua: ind. According to measure or weight; ag:alafot far fage ATC: Ms. 8. 137. qarofa Den. P. 1 To regard as an authority; anfaata: 941fa Mu. 3; fat at H. 1. 10. -2 To hold up as a model. -3 To prove, demonstrate, show. TATOEF a. 1 Forming or being a measure. -2 Forming an authority. - A kind of metre. Tatfora a. 1 Adjusted. -2 Proved, demonstrated. TATOT 8 U. 1 To confide, believe. -2 To hold or regard as an authority3 zAsanaM tarubhirapi pramANIkRtam S. 6. - To fix upon, dispense, deal or meet out; a jurt ai mua 4974 A h Bh. 2. 121. -4 To obey, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #475 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pramAta 1102 pramudita ..... ziti conform to. - To prove, to establish. - To consult, take the consent of ; arat a t : Arffmarfa Ku. 6. 1. -7 To take into aocount ; iga: qorales area ofa: U. 7. 5. ATT a. 1 Having a right notion, competent to judge or ascertain. - 2 An authority, proof. -3 Demonstrating. -4 A civil judge; EI XVII. 321. TATTAH Accuracy of perception. pramApaka a. Furnishing authority or proof. -ka: An authority. THOUTH Form, shape. Ha p. p. 1 Measured. -2 Measured off, limited, few, little; afhalaqat eritti e My. 1. 51; Si. 16. 80. - Known, understood. 4 Proved, demonstrated. -8 (At the end of comp.) of such and such extent or measure. -Comp. -3TETTI f. N. of a netre having each quarter comprised of 12 syllables.-3T&TTA few words. safa: f. 1 Measurement, a measure. -2 True or certain knowledge, accurate notion or conception. -8 Knowledge obtained by any one of the Praminas or means of knowledge. -4 True inference or analogy. -5Manifestation; itIreze'takya nijamahimani svapramitike Bhag. 10. 13. 57. THU a. 1 Measurable, finite. -2 To be proved, demonstrable. - 1 An object of certain knowledge, a demonstrated conclusion, theorem -2 The thing to be proved, the topic to be proved or discussed. TAOTAK: A maternal great-grand-father. A maternal great-grand-mother. TATTTH Killing, slaughter ; ahe heat again pramApaNapatriNAm N. 19. 12. ct. pramApaNaniSNAtaiH Haravijaya 43. 58; Dk. 2. 3. Targer m. A murderer, killer. TATY a. conducive to death ; # 72 193 say bhavati Bri. Up. ar 1 A. 1 To grow fat. -2 To begin to show affection. afa a. 1 Unctuous, greasy. -2 Having begun to show affection. HT 9 U. 1 To destroy, annihilate, kill, slay. -2 To diminish. -3 To surmount, get over. -4 To surpass, outstrip. -8 Ved. To transgress, infringe. -8 Ved. To lose or miss one's way). -7 To perish, die. -Cans. To destroy, annihilate &c. Faita p. p. 1 Dead, deceased; ... HIETT statical farza i 19429414 faena Arza: 11 Ms. 9. 68; Mb. 9. 53. 11. - 2 Sacrificed (as an animal). -2: An animal immolated or killed at a sacrifice, soffa: f. Death, destruction, decease. The a. 1 Thick, dense, compact. -2 Passed as urine. T RT 1 Sleepiness, lassitude, enervation of spirits; tagaistaa raa...564 N. 2. 21.-2 N. of a woman, sovereign of a kingdom of women. She fought with Arjuna when his horse entered her territory, but she was conquered and became his wife. pramIlikA Sleepiness. stoffesa p. p. With closed eyes. the a. 1 Facing, turning the face towards. -2 Chief, principal, foremost, first. -3 Respectable, honourable. -4 (At the end of comp.) (a) Headed by, having as chief or at the head; agliga: Ku. 2. 38. (6) Accompanied with; sifagga Farma ZHET Me. 4. -E: 1 A respecta ble man. - A heap, multitude. -3 The tree called Punnaga. H 1 The mouth. -2 The beginning of a chapter or section. -3 The time being, the present. (yen and we are used adverbially in the sense of 'in front of', 'before', opposite to'; 54 : 1 AETATA Bg. 1. 25; $. 7. 22. ). T 6 P. 1 To set free, liberate, release. -2 To throw, cast, hurl. -8 To shed, emit, send forth. -4 To abandon, forsake, give up, renounce. -5 To loosen, untie, unbind. - To expel, drive away, ba nish. -7 To utter. -8 To put on, wear (as a garland &c.). -9 To give, bestow; 317 as a result feronta Ram. 2. 9. 47. -l'ass. 1 To be loose or detached. -2 To leave off, cease. -8 To free oneself from. -Caus. 1 To loosen, unbind. -2 To liberate, release. T a p. p. 1 Loosened. -2 Liberated, set free. -3 Resigned, renounced. -4 Cast, hurled. - Comp. - ind. bitterly pramuktiH Liberation. TATT: 1 Dropping, letting fall. -2 Discharging, liberating THATH 1 Liberating, setting free. -2 Emitting, shedding. TEE 1 A. To be extremely glad, be very much delighted; wyraagta tak R. 6. 86; Mal. 5. 23; -Cans. To gladden, delight, exhilarate; ICT 21241 Mal. 9. 41. THER f. Extreme joy. Tafa p. p. Delighted, glad, pleased, happy; agicapagaai aata...... Mal. 5. 23.-24 1 Gladness, gaiety. -2 One of the 8 Sankhya perfections. Comp. - f. N. of a metre with each line consisting of 12 syllables. - a. delighted at heart. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #476 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pramodaH 1108 prayatiH THI: 1 Joy, delight, rejoicing, pleasure; HICCU Teata R. 3. 19; Ms. 3. 61. -2 One of the eight perfections in the Sankhya philosophy. -3 A strong perfume. -4 With Jainas) joy as exhibited in the virtuous. -8 N. of a year. - A kind of rice. THEA 1 Gladdening, delighting, making glad. - Gladness. #: An epithet of Visnu; safa: ca: Visnusahasranama. Thiga p. p. Pleased, delighted, joyful, happy. -a: An epithet of Ku bera. TATT a. 1 Delighting, making happy. -2 Delighted, happy. THE 9 P. 1 To take away, obscure; YTT SSH21 gout #9 Bk. 17. 60.-2 To steal away, rob. Tara p. p. 1 Stolen, taken away; Bhag. 5.1. 29; (pANinA ) parAmRzat kaThinakaThorakAminIkucasthalapramuSitacandanam Si. 17. 11. -2 Distracted, unconscious. - A kind of riddle. THIT: Stealing or taking away. THE 4 P. 1 To be stupefied or infatuated. -2 To faint, swoon. agry a. 1 Fainting, unconscious. -2 Very lovely. 6 p. p. 1 Perplexed, bewildered, infatuated. -2 Stupid, foolish. TATE: 1 Stupefaction, insensibility, stupor; facea Tai yra 16: Mal. 1. 41. - 2 Infatuation, bewilderment. * Fatiga p. p. Infatuated, bewildered. ta p. p. 1 Dead, deceased. --2 Covered, concealed. -8 Withdrawn or gone out of sight. - 1 Death. -2 CultivationRtAmRtAbhyAM jIvettu mRtena pramRtena vA Ms.4.4... TEE 2 P. 1 To wipe off or out, cleanse (fig. also ); ta : 9494 R. 6. 41. -2 To wipe off, away or out, blow out, efface; TATU Rafa Aga VA: Jag Mu. 1. 20.-3 To remove, rid oneself of. -4 To atone for, make amends for, expiate; f aca HTTA V.3; 4 said aur k erg:24 S. 6. -8 To stroke or rub gently. - To prepare. -7 To mark useless, frustrate. TASATH Wiping off, rubbing or washing off. -2 Removing pramRDa . Making glad, happy; namaH zivAya zAntAya Haly 17814 Bhag. 12. 10. 17. Ta p. p. 1 Rubbed off, washed or wiped off, cleared off ; 4 fera: 8874619 9316479: "h R. 6. 41, 44. - Polished, bright, clear. Ere: f. Rubbing over with ; Hch. 2. TAE: A general name for a urinary disease (such as gleet, dia betes &c ); Teurge taagd aufa 92ChinUparasaH payAMsi / navAnnapAnaM guDavaikRtaM ca pramehahetuH kaphakRcca sarvam / / Bhaya. P. 1 P. 1 To fade, wither. -2 To be downcast, sad or dejected. -3 To be languid or wearied. -4 To be dirty; or foul, be soiled. GEOT a. 1 Faded, withered away. -2 Soiled, dirty; cf. freya. TUTTI A. To try, endea vour, strive, attempt. TUOT: 1 Effort, exertion, endeavour; au faga faufrad gat suita: Mu. 5. 20.-2 Persevering or continued effort; perseverance. -8 La bour, difficulty; 94612fty: 7: $. 1 'hardly visible', 'seen with difficulty'. -4 Great care, caution; aggio e farafa Pt. 1. 20.-(In gram. ) Effort in uttering, effort of the mouth in the production of articulate sounds ; see Sk. on P. VIII. 2. 1. -6 In phil. ) Active effort of three kinds; yta free staat va 1996 faci af : utaratall - Activity, action in general. -Comp. - Elaborateness of effort; SatuvAkyAni vyAkhyeyAni svapadArthAzca vyAkhyeyA iti prayatnagauravaM prasajyeta SB. on MS. 1.1.1. (na:, Taa, 17 &c. ind. 1 With great effort, diligently. -2 Assiduously. -3 Hardly, scarcely. -4 Particularly, specially.) Tam a . Assiduous, diligent, persevering. 999 1 P. 1 To give, grant (with dat. of person). -2 To curb, check, restrain, control. 3 To deliver, restore. - To give in marriage. -8 To pay, discharge (as a debt ). Tera p. p. 1 Restrained, self-subdued, holy, pious, devout, purified by austerities or religious observances; keeping the organs of sense under restraint; prayataparigrahafadia: R. 1. 95; 8. 11; 13. 70; Hatest qual a Ku. 1. 58; 3. 16; J a arlan: Facal tagasy 74 Bm. 2. 133; d atud trife T Ram. Ch. 1.1. -2 Zealous, intent; 94a14a717264 Mb. 3. 233. 19.-3 Submissive. -4 Careful, prudent. - A holy or pious person. -Comp. 31644, -A pious-minded, devout, ascetic; varma: Bg. 9. 26. -rfor folding palms together in IT); araya guagtfor: Bhag. 11. 6. 11. Tech Purity, holiness. a Effort, endeavour ; see 947; targyognak qaala 219 2 24 Mv. 7. 38. gofa: f. Ved. 1 An offering, oblation. -2 A gift, present. -8 Effort, endeavour. -4 Will, intention. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #477 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prayantu 404 prayokta qorat m. A guide, driver. TOIA: 1 Restraining, checking. - Dearth, scarcity, dearness (of water, corn &c.). -3 Length; at $98499912TH Ki. 3. 43. 4 Competition of buyers on account of dearth. 4 4 P. To strive, endeavour. - To toil, la bour.! T E : 1 Effort, exertion, endeavour; ETETT Hat 9fr29712farata: R. 12. 53; 14. 41. -2 Labour, difficulty. . TIE . Ved. 1 Food. -2 Pleasure, delight. -8 A sacrifice. que p. p. 1 Seasoned, dressed with condiments. -2 Striving, eager. -3 Scattered ; a garant fta: 1966: S. 3. 26. Tur 2 P. 1 To walk, go; agua aegat que Mk. 1. 27. -2 To walk on, set out. -8 To depart, go torth or out; yathA prayAnti saMyAnti srotovegena bAlukAH Bhag.6. 15. 3. - To advance, progress; Relaras PT 97gay ge 49918 Ft My. 7. 42. -8 To enter, undergo, incur. TOUTH 1 Setting out, starting, departure. -2 A march,journey; mArga tAvacchRNu kathayatastvatprayANAnurUpam Me.13%3 Mb. 7. 166. 1. - 3 Progress, advance. - The march (of an enemy ), an attack, invasion, expedition; T 97: The got Ku. 3. 43; R. 6.33; FATTagaft yufa FA attrala Ramayanachampu. - Beginning, commencement. -6 Death, departure from the world ); T2107was at a factae: Bg. 7. 30. -7 The back of a horse ; Mb. 3. 71. 16. -8 The hinder part of any animal. -Comp. :, : time of departure. - T : a break in a journey, halt; Pt. 1. TOUTH 1 A journey, march; daa upatanature: K. 118; 305. -2 Going, motion. Ora p. p. 1 Advanced, gone forth, departed. -2 Deceased, dead; tatra prayAtA gacchanti brahma brahmavido janAH Bg. 8. 24. -a: 1 An invasion. -2 A precipice, steep rook. - Going, gait; e la 4164 Ki. 10. 60. TO (-OH) 1 Sending.-2 Expelling, driving away; cf. P. VIII. 4. 30 com. qarta p. p. 1 Made to advance or go forward. - Made to go away. ram: 1 A sacrifice. -2 N. of Indra. -8 A horse. - N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage at the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna near the modern Allahabad; una xa1127 Tet: gifta: Ms. 2. 21; (said to be n. also in this sense ). -Comp. : an epithet of Indra. START Begging, requesting, imploring. TAT: A principal sacrificial ceremony. prayuj 7A. 1 To use, employ; ayamapi ca giraM nastvat augh R. 5. 74; aya a efedrayvid Bg. 17. 26.-2 To appoint, employ, direct, order; HT AT T: foto Bk. 3. 54; en T agen at 3. 51; Ku. 7. 85. - To give, bestow, confer; 31 R a fet R. 11. 6; 2. 70; 5. 35; 15. 8. -4 To move, set in motion; 599 : arc:) R. 2. 10. -8 To excite, urge, prompt, drive un ; 898197 fog: Ku. 1.21 ; 34 m esi yata 964 Bg. 3. 36. -6 To perform, do; w aforaguita Ku. 7. 86; 17. 12. -7 To represent on the stage, act, perform; AT 11 Gesunta yua U. 1. 2; Ku. 5. 35; aftale 1743 44 Mu. 1. -8 To lend for use, put to interest (as money &c.); agtet qe 74: sed Ms. 8. 146. -9 To harness, yoke. -10 To appoint, invest, instal (in an office). -11 To cast, hurl, throw (as a missile); direct; w y afaat 741 F917 R. 2. 34 -12 To be fit, become. -18 To impose, inflict with loc. or gen. of person). -Caus. 1 To use, employ; THE YEAatasi 47 Me. 3. 112. -2 To exact (as interest ). - To perform, practise. y p. p. 1 Yoked, harnessed. -2 Used, employed (as a word &c.); end #89 Tur 7 Tesla Pt. 1. 202. -8 Applied. 4 Appointed, nominated. -5 Acted, represented. -6 Arising or resulting from, produced by, consequent on; Huraa #ageni 97: Fritha Pt. 1. 61. -7 Endowed with. -8 Lost in meditation, abstracted. -9 Lent or put to interest (as money). -10 Prompted, instigated, urged ; qui: Tara: Udb.; Haan Ku.1. 21. -11 Directed, hurled at. -12 Shaken, set in motion. -18 Inflicted upon. -14 Connected with. -18 Thick, compact, closely united. -16 Drawn (as a sword). -17 Contrived. -18 Suita ble. - A cause. Comp. eft a. polished (as a gem ). ga: f. 1 Use, employment, application. -2 Incitement, instigation. -3 Motive, main object or end, occasion. -4 Consequence, result. -8 Activity, effort, exertion. The f. Ved. 1 Impulse, motive, cause. -2 Acquisition, gain. Tot a. 1 One who uses or employs as a means, word &o.). -2 One who performs or directs, an executor. -8 One who prompts or instigates, an instigator. -4 An author, an agent; later CHI 07: 14 U. 3. 48. 8 One who acts or represents (a drama ). -8 One who lends money at interest, a money-lender. -7 One who shoots an arrow). -8 The agent of an action. A reciter. 10 A procurer. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #478 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prayoktram 1108 prarocana TUTTO: A horse or any animal harnessed to a carriage, draught animal; Ch. Up. TOT a. Occasioning, causing, effecting, leading to, inciting, stimulating, deputing, appointing &c.; yasmin kRte yaniSpadyate prayojanavat tat tasya prayojakamiti gmyte| SB. on MS. 4. 1. 22; a to na aed 9415154 SB. on MS. 9. 1. 2; 2 Panini S. - 1 An employer, one who uses or employs. -2 An author. -3 A founder, an institutor. -4 A money-lender. -8 A law-giver, legislator. -8 An instigator. TUIGG 1 Use, employment, application. -2 Use, need, necessity with instr. of that which is needed and gen. of the user); Hafa si Pt. 1; at ofta yea yeah K. 144. -8 End, aim, object, purpose; 1 THIERY 9 4-esfe gadd; 99921 FAI : ga: ques : fasadi fit a&um Il Subhas; quan fa 9797 R. 8. 31. -4 A means of attaining; augiau fara 950149TIFTTH Ms. 7. 100. -8 A cause, motive, occasion; TTAT Peta: ATH Ki. 10.40. -6 Profit, interest. -7 The signification, sense of a word); FTARIJIT YUTA FUIT MS. 4. 3. 31. 197 Harness; Buddh. TT: 1 Use, application, employment; as in To6371, 3 7 tu: -376997: this word is generally or rarely used '. -2 A usual form, general usage. -3 Hurling, throwing, discharging, opp. HEIT:); 991 THEIT T H R.5.57.-4 Exhibition, performance, representation (dramatic), acting; a m i F12Tah M.1; 21 7919 car Ratn. 1 'not seen acted on the stage'; 311 faqagat ay H Ifath $. 1.2. -5 Practice, experimental portion of a subject); (opp. E' theory'); 1979 fata at a tie eta a faqat M. 1. -8 Course of procedure, ceremonial form. -7 An act, action. -8 Recitation, delivery. -9 Beginning, commencement. -10 A plan, contrivance, device, scheme. -11 A means, instrument; fa a Parafrat: Ki. 17. 38. -12 Consequence, result. -13 Combination, connection. -14 Addition. -18 In gram.) A usual form. -16 Offering, presenting. -17 (a) Principal, loan bearing interest. (6) Lending money on usury; CE: UT EJTETSatart: ...... 27479: Kau. A. 2.7.26; also F 91: 18 Appointment. -19 A sacred text or authority, A text which brings together the various 8 of a vikRti. A prayogavacana, however, does this only when #s are made available by the last which, therfore, is said to be the stronger of the two. codako hi prayogaq71 4 :1 SB. on MS. 5. 1. 8. -20 A cause; motivo. -21 An example. -22 Application of magic, magical rites. -23 A horse. -Comp. -faktu: One of the five kinds of salgal or prologue, in which & part or performance is superseded by another in such a manner that a character is suddenly brought on the stage; i. e. where the Sutradhara goes out hinting the entrance of a character and thus performs a part superseding that which he has apparently intended for his own, viz. dancing; the S. D. thus lefines it:-up at 4HT arisz: agua 999 wafatanael II 29.-370: (= sy : q.v.). - TRUTH acquirement of practice. -a , -faget a. 1 skilled in practice; M. 3; 2:ote TTAT GT: Dk. 2. 5.-2 practically experienced. -eitet (with Buddhists) energy in practice. -zAstram the kalpasUtra, which lays down the prayoga of various sacrificial acts%3; prayogazAstramiti 27 MS. 1. 3.11. ! TUa a. 1 Having or done with a particular object. -2 Selfish. -8 Useful, serviceable. -4 Caused, produced. Tuy pot. p. 1 To be used or employed. - To be practised. -8 To be produced or caused. - To be appointed. - To be thrown or discharged as a missile). - To be set to work. -T: A servant, an employee. - Capital, principal. ya a. 1 Joined, united. -2 Separated. -94 A million; ganyan24: Lila.; TEIE AE to garragana Mb. 1. 35. 19. Tyre: 1 A warrior. -2 A ram. -8 Wind, air. -4 An ascetic. - N. of Indra. Ta A battle, fight. -2. Fighting violently; Ram. 4. 16. 25; faut yg Mb. 6. 46. 1. 99974 Stirring, mingling. prarakSaNam Protection. 461 A. 1 To shine very much. - To be liked. TUTT a. Exciting or enticing, #4 1 Exciting, or stimulating. -2 Illustration, explanation. -8 Seduction. - 4 Exhibition of a person) for being seen and liked by the people ); 37714FUN CT: TO 1974 Mal. 1. 10 (where Jagaddhara interprets prarocanArtham by pravRttipATabArtham ' in order to be thoroughly acquainted with the world'). -8 Favourable description of that which is to follow in a play. -6 Representation of the end as all but accomplished; see Tema: ind. 1 By the use of, through the employment of. -2 In consequence of. -3 According to. -4 In action, actually. TOATE a. 1 Using, employing. -2 Having an object in view. -3 Prompting, stimulating. -m. Performer (rituals &c.); 47 aro faqzofia 2 : 10: Si. 14. 23. 6. ....17 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #479 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prarudita 1106 pralayaH H S. D. 388 (PTFT also in the last two senses; 912 fastar Herrer S. D. 396 ). Tale a p. p. Crying bitterly, weeping. 751 P. 1 To grow, rise, shoot forth ; a geta almal niela Mk. 4. 17. -To heal up (as a wound). 75 f. Ved. A shoot, branch. TTC p. p. 1 Full-grown, developed. -2 Born, sprung, produced ; 941941 ya: TEC: S. 7. 19. -8 Increased. -4 Gone deep, rooted ; as in ECH. -8 Grown long; as in 9ECAT, ETHY. stafi f. Growth, increase. TIE: 1 Sprouting, shooting or growing up, germination; as in 990 FTTIR:. -2 A bud, sprout, shoot (fig. also ); tie sa alea fata R. 8. 93; want TEAlettaa Tart 13. 71; Ku. 5. 60; 7. 17; U. 5. 3. -8 A scion, offspring; El Tiz Ve. 4; Mv. 6.25; nandavaMzaprarohaH Mu. 1. 11. -4 A shoot of light; kurvanti Hafetaraftat ATTIETECH TE R. 6. 33. -8 A new leaf or branch, twig, spray. -8 An excrescence. TUEEL 1 Growing, shooting forth, germination. -2 Budding, sprouting. -8 A twig, sprout, shoot, spray. ET a. 1 Shooting up. -2 Growing, propagated; fel: Fati: 0 oCARTREUT: Ms. 1. 46. Hoy a. Very small, inconsiderable. YOY1 P. 1 To speak, talk; at a cella (acea) sfalguey safah S. D. 6. -2 To talk at random or incoherently, prate, chatter, talk wildly or nonsensioally; 474574 409: S. 2. -8 To lament, mourn, cry, bewail. -4 To call, invoke. TEAE 1 Talking, speaking, talk, words, conversation. - 2 Prating, prattle, raving, incoherent or nonsensical talk; * Eyfu yf974. -3 Lamentation, wailing; U 3. 29. tota p. p. Talked, prated, &c. -24 Talk; 777 acelfa afacer oftant; see 4747 a bove. Trg: 1 Talk, conversation, discourse. -2 Prating, prattling, an incoherent or nonsensical talk; Ms. 12. 6. -8 An unjustified statement, non-sensical statement; na zakyaM nityenopakartum / tena nityamupakuryAditi vacanaM pralApaH eva SB. on MS. 6. 4. 12. - 4 Lamentation, wailing; 3 1331919Ga 1917 aca: K. 175; Ve. 5. 30; U. 3. 29; Ram. 1. 3. 22. -Comp. 67 m. a sort of collyrium. pralApanam Causing or teaching to speak. seaftar Amorous conversation or prattle. starfa a. 1 Talking, speaking; El agua Ve. 3. - 2 Prating, prattling. -3 Fever) Attended with delirium; Bhaya P. Tu 1 A. To cheat, deceive; cf. fassa. 165*: 1 Obtaining, gaining, attaining. -2 Deceiving, imposing upon, cheating, overreaching ; ( Fuacun) Fr a TEIJT: 975H 7 Mb. 1. 106. 30. TORTA 1 Deceiving, cheating. -2 Wonderful and delusive contrivances; 979199217: ; * 4... ...90EUR TH Kau. A. l. 1. 1. -3 Jest, joke; 4914 49cmentara at af faa: ***AC ai Bhag. 5. 25. 11. TOT P. P. Deceived, cheated. to a. 1 Pendulous, hanging down; as in 54827. - Prominent; as in af:. -3 Slow, dilatory. -1a: 1 Hanging on or from, depending. -2 Anything hanging down. -3 A branch. -4 A garland worn round the neck. - A kind of necklace. -8 The female breast. -7 Tin or lead. -8 N. of a demon killed by Balarama. -9 A shoot of the vine-palm. -10 A cucumber. -11 A verse (1791). -Comp. -303; a man with hanging testicles. - , - , -5T m. epithets of Balarama. - , -51 a. One whose arms hang down; Mb. 3. 284. 26. T+T44 Hanging down, depending. torta a. Pendulous, hanging down, suspended. orata 8 U. To cause to hang down, suspend. COT a. Having a prominent forehead. ca: 1 A fragment, chip, bit. -2 The sheath of a leaf. T est An instrument for cutting off ; P. VI. 2. 144 com. TA 4 A. 1 To become dissolved, melt away. -2 To be a bsorbed or dissolved in, be resolved into; HT gaat 7 Za Ut Ku. 2. 10; T1591 09790899 Bg. 8. 18; Ms. 1. 54. -3 To vanish, disappear; H9 afsta Ku. 4. 33.-4 To be destroyed, to perish, die; d Mal. 9. 21. : 1 Destruction, annibilation, dissolution; w a fehaa: se af Bh. 3. 70, 69; aj icar Si. 11. 66 causing to disappear'. -2 The destruction of the whole universe (at the end of a kalpa), universal destruction ; Ku. 2.8; 316 5 64 Tara: 949: 4Fa21 Bg. 7. 6.-8 Any extensive destruction or devastation. - Death, dying, destruction; "TUT: 14 HATE fangad 274 Mu.5. 21; 1.14; 4e wa 9923 you are out Bg. 14. 14. -8 Swoon, fainting, loss of consciousness, syncope ; erat ha fata Ku.4.2. -B (In Rhet.) Loss of consciousness, considered as one of the 33 subordinate feelings; 4: gagara AP2478 Prataparudra. -7 The mystic syllable om. -8 Spiritual unification (34); gla: guretat 441 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #480 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pralIna 1107 pravat ............ Hafa ada i el 99 anaye Mb. 12. 204. 17. - Sleepiness. -Comp.-FT3: the time of universal destruction. -TT, SOTT: a cloud at the dissolution of the world. : the fire at the dissolution of the world. - itt: the ocean at the dissolution of the world. ta p. p. 1 Melted, dissolved; 74 sataule HCfarg siya Bg. 14. 15. -2 Annihilated, destroyed. -8 Insensible, unconscious. - 4 Concealed; hidden; sia erat afaa wa factang: fitutafa: Ki. 8. 36. -8 Lost, died. 986 1 P. 1 To roll along the ground, roll, wallow; anaal 4 4 Bk. 5. 108. -2 To be agitated, Deave. a 1 Rolling (on the ground). -2 Heaving, tossing. Ta p. p. Robbed. TET 4 P. 1 To be greedy or desirous, be lustful. -2 To allure, Beduce, entice. -8 To pollute (through lust). -Caus. To allure, attract, entice, seduce. TG4 a. 1 One who deceives (27%); a fort goes terus qoftala: Mb. 7. 150. 13. -2 Seduced. Be One who has conceived an illicit affection for. T T: 1 Cupidity, greediness, covetousness. -2 Allurement, seduction. OTHTH 1 Attracting.-2 An allurement, seduction, emptation. - A lure, bait. staat Sand, gravel. a. Greedy of, lusting after. -2 Alluring, anticing. 40 a. To be desired or coveted, attractive, Uuring; *3 9E9179afta: S. 7. 16. TE pp. Cut off TOT: 1 An unguent, an ointment, a salve; 1997Ja fa 4: U. 3. 39. -2 Plaster. -8 A hectic or slow fever. 09 a. Anointing, smearing. - 1 An anointer, plasterer. - A kind of slow fever. TE: A kind of broth; oir augti 31144 dah ariat qaroafaa:'; N. 16. 86 com. teta: Destruction, annihilation. Y a. Greatly agitated or tremulous. TE 2 P. 1 To speak, say, address. - To tell, elate, announce. - To explain. - To recite. -5 To elebrate 99 a. To be announced, taught, explained. Ta m. 1 One who declares or relates, a speaker, declarer. - A teacher, expounder; at 24 T: 7 Ms. 8. 20; Pt. 3. 73. - An orator, eloquent man. T 1 Speaking, declaration, announcement; 99 104 Pt. 1. 190. -2 Teaching, expounding. -3 Exposition, explanation, interpretation; 74HCH gaaaa 4 agla Kath. 1. 2. 22; garat 1949941 1944-2144: 91747 Mv. 4. 25; Bhag. 7. 15. 1. -4 Eloquence. - A sacred treatise or writing; Ms. 3. 184. -8 An expression, a term. -7 A system of doctrines in the form of a treatise ). -8 The funda-, mental doctrine of the Budhists. One who expoges, propounds; Bhag. 10. 87. 11. -Comp. -TE a. skilled in talking, eloquent. taart a. 1 To be taught, propounded. -2 To be well spoken. - 1 A propounder, teacher. -2 An orator, speaker. gat, tak, ax: A monkey; see wat, , 17974. Tag: Wheat. gaut a. 1 Sloping down, inclined, shelving, flowing downwards; s esat af faast 1997614 (cat) Ram. 2. 99. 24. -2 Steep, abrupt, precipitous. -3. Crooked, bent. -4 Inclined, disposed to, tending to (oft. at the end of comp.); 49990: Ki. 3. 19; 1999 qui a Mb. 13. 136. 18. - Devoted or attached to, addicted to, intent on, prone to, full of ; : - a: Pergal Bh. 3. 29; Si. 8. 35; Mu. 5. 21; Ki. 2. 44. -6 Favourably inclined or disposed towards; Ku. 4. 42. -7 Eager, ready; soitsita ai 104 Mb. 15. 29. 22. 64sau: Ki. 2. 8. -8 Endowed with, possessed of. -9 Humbled, modestly humble, submissive. -10 Decayed, wasted, waning. -11 Generous. -U: 1 A place where four roads meet. -2 A moment. -3 A whirlpool. -UTH 1 A descent, a steep descent, precipice%3 udake bhUriyaM dhAryA martavyaM pravaNe mayA Mb.5. 136. 13. -2 The side of a hill, slope, declivity. -8 The belly. -4 An access to. FAUTET 1 Slope, inclination, declivity. - Propensity, tendency. gaonyfa Den. P. To feel inclined or disposed. Taureat Inclination, propensity, bias. Taufis 8 U. To incline favourably towards, over. come, win over ; dear cauffa at: Ku. 4. 42. at f. Ved. 1 A precipice, declivity. -2 Height, elevation. -8 A sloping path, easy passage ; 49119; Yamaha T. Up. 1. 4: 3. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #481 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pralIna 1107 pravat hafa adai agrad a sai Tall Mb. 12. 204. 17. - Sleepiness. -Comp. 3: the time of universal destruction. Thi, T TT: a cloud at the dissolution of the world. TUT: the fire at the dissolution of the world. - fet: the ocean at the dissolution of the world. ta p. p. 1 Melted, dissolved; 721 atau 2afery rya Bg. 14. 15. -2 Annihilated, destroyed. -3 Insensible, unconscious. - Concealed; hidden; sich at afsofa at facta za gftitor afga: Ki. 8. 36. -8 Lost, died. TE I P. 1 To roll along the ground, roll, wallow; foanaal 144 14 Bk. 5. 108. -2 To be agitated, heave. L EFT 1 Rolling (on the ground). -2 Heaving, tossing. ga p. p. Robbed. 4 P. 1 To be greedy or desirous, be lustful. -2 To allure, seduce, entice. - To pollute (through last). -Caus. To allure, attract, entice, seduce. TGT a. 1 One who deceives (22); * faecu garsi fequat guarante: Mb. 7. 150. 13. - Seduced. -- One who has conceived an illicit affection for. HT: 1 Cupidity, greediness, covetousness. -2 Allurement, seduction. TORT 1 Attracting.-2 An allurement, seduction, temptation. - A lure, bait. citu ft Sand, gravel. of a. Greedy of, lusting after. -2 Alluring, enticing. 4. To be desired or coveted, attractive, alluring; 437*4 24297294a: . 7. 16. Ta p. p. Cut off. T: 1 An unguent, an ointment, a salve; 1599qatala 64: U. 3. 39. -2 Plaster. -3 A hectic or slow fever. 4 a. Anointing, smearing. : 1 An anointer, a plasterer. -2 A kind of slow fever. TE: A kind of broth;' grotezoug 314 4797Tierart qafasta:'; N. 16. 86 com. 19: Destruction, annihilation. et a. Greatly agitated or tremulous. Taa 2 P. 1 To speak, say, address. - To tell, relate, announce. -8 To explain. - To recite. -5 To celebrate, tahu a. To be announced, taught, explained. Targ m. 1 One who declares or relates, a speaker, declarer. -2 A teacher, expounder; 499 Iga: 197 Ms. 8. 20; Pt. 3. 73. -8 An orator, eloquent man. TOP 1 Speaking, declaration, announcement; 49 4 Pt. 1. 190.-2 Teaching, expounding. -3 Exposition, explanation, interpretation ; A14A1CH 99 Tahahaaa691 Kath. 1. 2. 22; gaval 9 9 99944-14: 14Mv. 4. 25; Bhag. 7. 15. 1. - 4 Eloquence. - A sacred treatise or writing; Ms. 3. 184. - An expression, a term. -7 A system of doctrines (in the form of a treatise ). -8 The funda-. mental doctrine of the Budhists. - One who exposes, propounds; Bhag. 10. 87. 11. -Comp. -TE a. skilled in talking, eloquent. razrat a. 1 To be taught, propounded. - To be well spoken.-: 1 A propounder, teacher. -2 An orator, speaker. ya, Tak, Tak A monkey; see ani, max, H. Tat: Wheat. gauta. 1 Sloping down, inclined, shelving, flowing downwards; an af fastest data ( cef Ram. 2. 99. 24. -2 Steep, abrupt, precipitous. -3. Crooked, bent. - Inclined, disposed to, tending to (oft. at the end of comp.); 1969 : Ki. 3. 19; - squit wat Mb. 13. 136. 18. -8 Devoted or attached to, addicted to, intent on, prone to, full of ; : 17 qua: erat Bh. 3. 29; Si. 8. 35; Mu. 5. 21; Ki. 2. 44. -6 Favourably inclined or disposed towards; Ku. 4. 42. -7 Eager, ready; squirth ai IT4 Mb. 15. 29. 22. esinenu: Ki. 2. 8. -8 Endowed with, possessed of. -9 Humbled, modestly humble, submissive. -10 Decayed, wasted, waning. -11 Generous. -UT: 1 A place where four roads meet. -2 A moment. -3 A whirlpool. -OTH 1 A descent, a steep descent, precipice; 5 fu af fjau 491 Mb. 5. 136. 13. -2 The side of a hill, slope, declivity. -8 The belly. -4 An access to Taurat 1 Slope, inclination, declivity. -2 Propensity, tendency Taula Den. P. To feel inclined or disposed. Tau Inclination, propensity, bias. Taufis 8 U. To incline favourably towards, over. come, win over ; 1991 ac autat at: Ku. 4. 42. Tag f. Ved. 1 A precipice, declivity. -2 Height, elevation. - A sloping path, easy passage; 9419; HANA T. Up. 1. 4. 3. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #482 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pravatsyat 1108 pravaD Taret a. (-at, at f.) About to go on a credit of a particular gotra or family; said to be the journey. Comp. - far the wife of one who intends! friend of Indra; 97417 at 147 af ar : to go on a journey (one of the 8 Nayikis in erotic N. 14. 62; cf. 92, 9 -7 Offspring, descendants. -8 poetry ); 42: qfaran darat er a ferat A cover, covering. -8 An upper garment. -10 One Ras M. of the 42 Gotras. - N. of a river falling into the Godavari. - 1 Aloe-wood -2 A particular high TEE 1 P. 1 To say, speak, utter. -2 To speak to, address; gua: 91761 394 Bk. 7. 24. -8 To name, call. number; Buddh. - Comp. -&rt a. eminently beau tiful. - Tat: a person of quality. Erg: precious metal. -4 To regard, consider. -5 To converse or talk with. - To proclaim, declare -Caus. 1 To cause to speak. foam N. of a metre with each line of sixteen syllables; V. Ratna. See appendix. -argit (du.) an - To play on ( a musical instrument). epithet of the two Asvins. 99EUR Ved. A proclamation, announcement. Tatore 1 Call, summons &c. -2 ( With Buddhists) TETE: 1 Uttering a word or sound. - 2 Expressing, Festivities at the end of the rainy season. thentioning, declaring. -3 Discourse, conversation. -4 Talk, report, rumour, popular saying or belief; 349717 gar: 1 The sacrificial fire. -2 An epithet of Visnu. 991 aat: 1 : Mal. 1. 13; ZETT Higi alata Tag: A ceremony preliminary to the Soma sacrifice; 94914 gear: H. 1; Ratn. 4. 15. -8 A fable or at lea: al Ram. 1. 14.4; Bhag. 3. 13. 37. myth. -6 Litigious language. -7 Words of challenge, pravarjanam The performance of the pravah ceremony. mutual defiance; sou ware gra ti n TPETTI Bk. 2. 36. -8 A base or crude form (Ved.); Taip m. 1 A peacock. - A snake. (in gram.) any form or case. -9 Ill-rumour, slander, TaoT 1 P., A. To move the limbs quickly, bound, calumny; 879197cxa f a gageute for: Si. 1. 44. -10 Pretext, excuse; TE: qfagara......a leap. oftgatar Ram. 2. 7. 27. ay 1 P. 1 To live, dwell. - To go abroad, sojourn, be absent from home, travel; faut ft : qarca a. Playing on ( a musical instrument). w a 9147: Ms. 9. 74 ; R. 11. 4. -Caus. To banish, genfes a. 1 Uttering a sound; speaking, report- send into exile ekasthamatha saMrudhyAt putravAn vA pravAsayet Kau. ing. - Being in some grammatical form or case. A. 1. 15. Taqi U. 1 To throw, cast, offer; garfo fer a 1 Going or journeying abroad, going on a777777 128: Bk. 9. 98. -2 To scatter, strew. a journey. -2 Dying disease. qat a. 1 Very fat. -2 Having a thick membrane Tare: 1 (a) Going or journeying abroad, being or omentum; P. VIII. 4. 16 com. absent from one's home, foreign residence; FT: waray zare (afat941) R. 16. 4; S. 4. 3; U. 6. 38; faqur Ved. 1 Scattering forth. -2 Shaving or FE: gal11Pt. 1. 169; Bh. 3. 94.6) A temporary shearing off. sojourn; "THGITT FEISER $. 4. -2 (In astr.) Fatra a. Scattering, sowing; ad d ita Heliacal setting of the planets. Comp. -T, FT, 491f99: Ms. 9. 51. -ferat a. journeying abroad, being absent from home. Tayur 1 The upper part of a piece of woven - a. addicted to living abroad. cloth. - 2 A goad, a whip; Fang yaqui foga: TETH 1 Living abroad, temporary sojourn. -2 Si. 13. 19. Exile, banishment; anat#7491: FETT U. 2. 10. Taorg a. 1 Advanced in age, aged, old; -8 Killing, slaughter. -4 Going from a town. aurat fequa: U. 4; R. 8. 18. -2 Ancient, old. -3 Tafea a. Banished, exiled. Strong, vigorous (Ved.). Tafect m. A traveller, wayfarer, sojourner; 92016tar a: 1 Chief, principal, most excellent or 7942 : sfantu gerne na Ku. 4. 10. distinguished, best, exalted; 44: Eu 997: Mb. 8. 85. 116; da farzla satt faalie: Mk. 3. 3; Ms. TareT a. To be sent a broad, banished; Ms. 8. 284. 10. 27; Ghat. 16.-2 Eldest. T: A call, summons. Tag 1 P. 1 To bear, carry, draw along. -2 To -2 A particular invocation addressed to Agni by a waft, carry or bear along; Ed HIHICH Bk. 8. 52. Brahmana at the consecration of his fire. -8 A line of -8 To support, bear up (as a burden). - To flow, ancestors. -4 A race, family, lineage. --B An ancestor. stream forth. - To blow. -8 To have, possess, feel. - A Muni or noble ancestor who contributes to the 7 To breathe. -8 To exhibit, show, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #483 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pravahaH 1109 pravidhvasta ......... eg: 1 Flowing or streaming forth. -2 Wind. -3 -2 A strong or stormy wind; alasa un fy: N. of one of the seven courses of wind said to cause S. 6. - 3 An airy place; wataacfaf19 Ku. 1. 46. the motion of the planets); prANApAnI samAnaM ca vyAnodAnau ca Comp. -4 a bed placed in the airy place. tattvataH / adhavaivAnilaM jJAtvA pravahaM cAnilaM punH|| sapta bAtAMstathA -HT a. delightful by a fresh breeze. car Mb. 12. 301. 27-28 : : fang: atau N. 22. 77. Tari, tarihi A cover, covering. -A reservoir into which water is carried off. - TERUTH 1 Satisfying (a desire ). -2 Priority of Going forth, going from a town. choice. - Prohibition, opposition. -4 A free will offerTEGUH 1 A covered carriage or litter (for women); ing (4954977). 27158 YETH Mk. 4. 23/24.-2 A carriage, conveyance, vehicle in general. -8 A ship; & ATISATA: Tao See ala. 1 2T-TAIT Kau. A. 1. 10. faitot p. p. 1 Scattered or strewed about. -2 Dispersed, diffused. -Comp. - a woman who has Tarot- TT: Corporation of workmen; Kau. various lovers. A. 2. 4. aferera p. p. 1 Named, called. -2 Famous, Tate: 1 Flowing or streaming forth. -2 A stream, renowned, celebrated. course, current; eta ari 1277479 RTT 2: G. L. 2: R. 5.46; 13. 10, 48; Ku. 1. 54; Me. 48. 3 Flow, run giatuta: f. Famo, renown, celebrity. ning water. - Continuous flow, unbroken succession, pravighaTita p. p. Hewn off, severed; jhaTiti vitatavahnapucontinuity. -Course of events rolling onward like a FIT 1 siqa #494: 44: Mv. 2. 59. stream). - Activity, active occupation. -7 A pond, afera: Examination, investigation. lake. - Course or direction towards. -9 An excellent horse. (1fa means (lit.) making water in a afat 1 P. 1 To roam a bout. - To move onward, advance. -3 To wander through. stream; (fig.) doing a useless action). Targ a. Carrying off or forward. - faar: Discernment, discrimination. A goblin, an imp. etc: Distinction, division, species, kind. -Comp. -ART: (pl.) springing from side to side an artifice TEIEATH 1 Driving forth. -2 Evacuation by stool. l in fighting); 7 for at : Ki. 17. 56. Fargoft The sphincter muscle which ejects the afaita p. p. Examined, investigated accurately. faeces from the rectum. afg1 P. 1 To shake, tremble. -2 To deviate, pravAhikA Diarrhea. Swerve from, go astray; -32TT 94: aan T TT: Tanfe a. 1 Carrying forward, driving onward. Bh. 2. 83. - To become confused. -2 Carrying away. -8 Flowing, streaming forth. afarafca a. Moved, set in motion, shaken. garet Sand. grafera a. Tridd, proved. walk, (also -FE FT and #1) See selesar. pravicetanam Understanding. A riddleenigma; vidagdhabAleGgitagupticAturIpravalikotpATanapATave E: N. 16. 102. sfacra p. p. 1 Spread out, expanded. -2 Dishevelled, disordered hair) Fa : A proclaimer. Talat a. Eloquent, oratorical; ( 2) 787929 afart: Bursting asunder, opening. of gara afaat far: Si. 2. 25.-2 Talkative, garrulous; afarture Tearing, rending, breaking, bursting 9919: 0037 Mu. 3. 16. asunder. -2 Budding. - Conflict, war, battle. -4 Tat a. 1 Explanatory. -2 Eloquent. Crowd, confusion, tumult. Tah 1 Proclamation, promulgation, declaration, sera p. p. Cast away, thrown off. -2 A designation. afaga p. p. Dispersed, put to flight, scattered. 19154 A literary production or composition. afat 3 U. 1 To decide. -2 To do or make. -8 To Ta The trimming or edging of a piece of woven meditate, think upon. -4 To place in front or at cloth. the head. Tarfoi, oft f. A weaver's shuttle. sfrutar 1 Thinking upon. - 2 Doing. -8 A means tata p. p. Exposed to stormy wind. - 1 A employed. current of air, fresh or free air; garage M. 4. afarata a. 1 Thrown away.-2 Agitated, disturbed, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #484 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir pravipalA 1110 prazna afasi, JH A small part of a Vipala q. v. afaHT 1 P. 1 To sever, separate. - To divide, distribute. aferen p. p. 1 Severed, separated. -2 Apportioned, partitioned, divided, distributed; uldia adala7 fa: $. 7. 6. -8 One who has received his share; ataadi area at FAIT maniera taa: Ms. 8. 166. afanti: 1 Division, distribution. -2 A part, portion. afrigt: ind. Separately, singly. afat 6 P. To bend back. pravira: Yellow sandal. sfarcat a. One who has desisted from. atera a. Separated by a great interval, isolated, separate. -2 Very few or rare, very scanty; 9 59 grua 1: R. 9. 34. aface:, -fach 1 Melting away. -2 Complete dissolution or absorption. sfaga p. p. Cut off, fallen or rubbed off, removed. sferata: Dispute, quarrel, wrangling. arafat a. 1 Very solitary. -2 Separated, detached; safari ya as: Mand. 1. 4. -3 Sharp, keen. sfas: Complete solitude. afat 6 P. To enter into; 31arga: waafa Mb. 5. 33. 36; sa facafear THAT Ku.5.51. -2 To enter upon, commonce. -3 To appear. -Caus. 1 To admit, introduce, usher; casta aru U. 1. -2 To lay or store up wat p. p. 1 Gone or entered into ; a fae: TT797222194 104 S. 1.7.-2 Engaged in, occupied with. -3 Begun as an age). -4 Sunk as an eye ); Susr. -6 Agreeing with. - Invested (as money). afal 1 Entrance on the stage. -2 Entering a room. TERT: 1 Entrance, penetration; gitarraget qua R. 7. 1; Ku. 3. 60. -2 Ingress, access, approach. -3 Entranoe on the stage: 49 77492 S. D. 6. - The entrance or door of a house &c.). -8 Income, revenue. 6 Close application to a pursuit ), intentness of purpose. -7 The entrance of the sun into a sign of the zodiac. -8 Coming on, setting in of night). -9 The syringe of a clyster-pipe. -10 Employment, use. (Proverb- 599 gaat:; d. 'the thin end of the wedge'). -11 Manner, method. TET: The introducer', an interlude acted by inferior characters (such as servants, buffoon &c.) for the purpose of acquainting the audience with events not represented on the stage, but a knowledge of which is essential for the proper understanding of what follows; (like the Viskam bhaka it connects the story of the drama and the subdivisions of the plot, by briefly referring to what has occurred in the intervals of the acts, or what is likely to happen at the end; it never occurs at the beginning of the first act or at the end of the last ). S. D. thus defines it :- SathsdAttoktyA niicpaatrpryojitH| alkadvayAntarvijJeyaH zeSaM viSkambhake 441 | 309; see fa ; cf. Ve. 3. HERTH 1 Entrance, penetration, going into. -2 Introducing, leading to, conducting. -8 An entrance to the main door of a house, gate. -4 Sexual intercourse. qarsta p. p. 1 Introduced, showed in, led or conducted to, brought in. -2 Thrown into any condition). -3 Appointed, installed. -ar Impregnated, pregnant. av a. 1 To be entered. -2 To be penetrated or pervaded. - To be played (as a musical instrument). pravizleSa: Separation. sfaquut a. Dejected, spiritless. glagu: Scope, range, reach. praviSA A birch tree. aaaa a. 1 Spread, divulged. - Run away. -3 Violent, intensive. strarea (Fal) T: Extent, circumference, compass. afaga p. p. Beaten back, put to flight. Tafur a. Clever, skilled or versed in, conversant with; AmodAnatha haridantarANi netuM naivAnyo jagati samIraNAt pravINaH Bv. 1. 15; Ku. 7. 48. att a. 1 Foremost, best, most excellent or distinguished; garu gaart: R. 14. 29; 16. 1; 598 Bg. 11. 48.-2 Strong, powerful, heroic; nit ang TIETOTI: Kau. A. 2. 4. -T: 1 A brave person, hero, warrior; geroagata...... THE Dk. 2. 8. -2 A chief, distinguished personage. TL 5 U. 1 To cover, envelop; aftyra buff fear W: a: Bk. 9. 25. -2 To wear, put on. -8 To choose, select. -4 To keep or ward off (Ved.). - raa p. p. Selected, picked, chosen. taI A. 1 To go forward, move on, proceed ; Taifa la f ada Pt. 1. 81. -2 To arise, be produced, spring; wada fet: a: a cana: Pt. 1. 6. -8 To happen, come to pass, take place. - To begin, commence (usually with inf.); a 99 ata M. 1; $. 7. 31; Ku. 3. 25. -8 To strive, exert oneselt; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #485 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir sterdi: 1111 HER at an afogadtafa Y. 1. 266. -at of fluent speeh, eloquent; Mb. 5. 33. 28. T 1 Entrance on the stage. -2 N. of a Matri-metre; yadA samAvojayugmako pUrdIyau bhavati tat pravRttakam V. Ratna. F gadat afaraty of4a: $.7.35.-8 To act up to, follow; a 41217 Heiga a gana Pt. 1. 116. -7 To engage in, be occupied with; 34 fastar aqfa ya Ku. 5. 33. -8 To act, do; gari yafdaou S. 6.-9 To act or behave towards. -10 To prevail, exist; TITT # 971: yaad R. 15. 17. -11 To hold good. -12 To proceed uninterruptedly, thrive; HICHICTEu T raf: ada ...... By. 17. 24; Ms. 3. 61. -Caus. 1 To proceed with, continue; Mu. 2. -2 To introduce. -3 To set on foot, establish, found. - To drive, propel, urge, stimulate. -5 To promote, advance. - To throw, cast. -7 To produce, create. -8 To invent, devise. Tad: 1 Commencing, undertaking, engaging in. - 2 Excitement, stimulus. -3 Ved. A round ornament. Tad a. (-fil f.) 1 Setting on foot, founding. - 2 Advancing, promoting, furthering. - Producing, causing, ...... sfaanza al vanafa auf:. -4 Prompting, urging, inducing, instigating (in a bad sense ). - 1 An originator, founder, author. 2 A prompter, instigator. -8 An arbiter, umpire. The entrance of a character on the stage. gada 1 Going on, moving forward. -2 Beginning, commencement. -3 Setting on foot, founding, esta blishing, instituting. -4 Prompting, urging, simulating, inciting. -8 Engaging in, applying oneself to. -6 Happening, coming to pass. 7 Activity, action. -8 Behaviour, conduct, procedure. -9 Directing, superintending. -10 Employment. -11 Exhortation. nA Inciting or prompting to action; asti pravartanArUpamanurUpaM agrafe Bh. gaafua a. 1 One who sets in motion, urges, esta blishes, founds &c. -2 An employer. Taida p.p. 1 Caused to turn, made to go or roll onwards, revolving; 941 fta: aidata: R. 9. 66.-2 Founded, set up, established. -3 Prompted, incited, instigated. - 4 Kindled; wardata a T R. 5. 37. -8 Caused, made. -6 Purified, rendered pure; saidia atef Ms. 11. 196. -7 Informed. Tara a. 1 Proceeding, moving onward. -2 Being active. -3 Causing, effecting: -4 Using. -8 Arising from, flowing; S. 3. 14. -6 Spreading &o. Tee p. p. 1 Begun, commenced, proceeded with. -2 Set in; TT 4942 1961 $. 1. -3 Engaged in, ooou pied with. -4 Going to, bound for. -8 Fixed settled, determined. -6 Unimpeded, undisputed. -7 Round. -8 Flowing, running; ryc arg ad 14H a Mb. 14. 46. 12. -9 Circulated as a book). -10 Offending, hurting. - A round ornament. 14 An action, undertaking. -Comp. at f. sovereign power; Tara: f. 1 Continued advance. -2 Rise, origin, source, flow of words &c.); writreagamat ataref eat Ku. 2. 17. 3 Appearance, manifestation; Ha . 4. 9. (v. l.); R. 11. 43; 14. 39; 15. 4. -4 Advent, setting in, commencement; fast 822 AySite Ku. 3. 34. -6 Application or addiction to tendency, inclination, predilection, propensity; 7 A na By. 11. 31; wat ETEE 919 SAU : TUTT2: $. 1. 22. -8 Conduct, behaviour; at 24 tunnit R. 14. 73. -7 Employment, occupation, activity3 viditaM vo yathA svArthA na me kAzcit pravRttayaH Ku. 6. 26. -8 Use, employment, currency (as of a word). -9 Continued effort, perseverance. -10 Signification, sense, acceptation of a word). -11 Continuance, permanence, prevalence. 12 Active life, taking an active part in worldly affairs (opp. farfer); : 2 roul sifaa * Ta H. -13 News, tidings, intelligence ; : air: art: Mb. 3. 148. 5; YE TATTT: 27 HIER : Ki. 1. 25; seda karo 4627 TUH Me. 4; V. 4. 20. -14 Applicability or validity of a rule. -15 Fate, destiny, luck. -16 Cognition, direct perception or apprehension. -17 Rutting juice, or ichor exuding from the temples of an elephant in rut. -18 N. of the city of sefe q. v. -19 (In Arith.) The multiplier. -Comp. -*: a spy, secret enuissary or agent. - ATH a reason for the use of any term in a particular signification. - T y e a. averse to giving news; H o fagt #12: Caratiege: V. 4. 20. -959: a news agent; 1991: 4 Panch. - Teret: conception of the things relating to the external world. --Art: active or worldly life, attachment to the business and pleasure of the world. Er a writ of guidance; asia ya Kau. A. 2. 10. 28. ferater cognition of the things belonging to the external world. 1 A. To grow, increase, be augmented. -Caus. To increase, augment. Tartu Increasing, augmenting. TEC p. p. 1 Full-grown. - Increased, augmented, expanded, enlarged; ug H eferera ### Ve. 1. 10. -3 Full, deep. -4 Haughty, arrogant. -B Violent. -6 Large. Tag: f. 1 Increase, growth; Tig: R. 13. 71; at 2: 17. 71. -2 Rise, prosperity, preferment, promotion, elevation. TT 1P. To begin to rain, rain. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #486 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra sart: gad: Heavy rain, heavy downpour. f 1 Raining. -2 The first rain. gufta a. Raining; osusing to rain, showering or pouring down, discharging. a. Best, chief, choicest, most excellent; yAnapravekestu kausalyApramukhAH striyaH prayayuH) Ram. 2. 92. 36 Bhag. 7. 8. 23. Great speed, velocity. ziz: Barley. a. Pertaining to a particular goat; a red, a priyakI, na praveNI, na cAcikI Ram. 3. 43.36 ( com. praveNI ajavizeSa saMbandhinI ). gafor:, -uft f. 1 A braid of hair (in general); hemabhakimatI bhUmeH praveNImiva pipriye R. 15.30 - 2 The hair twisted and unadorned (worn by wives in the absence of their husbands). -8 The housings of an elephant. - A piece of coloured woollen cloth; Mb. 15. 27. 13. -5 The current or stream (of a river). m. A charioteer. made known; a:af Mb. 7.74.1. Making known, announcing, proclaiming; pravedita P. p. P. III. 3. 153. a: 1 A bow-shot. -2 A particular measure. pravepaH praveSaka, pravepathuH pravepanam Trembling quivering, shaking, tremour. praverita a. Cast hither and thither, thrown about; nAnAzastrAstravarSaistAn vIryAmarSapraveritaiH (sAyakaiH ) Mb. 6. 108.31. pravela: A kind of kidney bean (Mar. pivaLA mUga ). Tag: 1 An arm. -8 The wrist or forearm. - The fleshy part of an elephant's back (where the rider sits). An elephant's gums. - An elephant's housings. p. p. Apparent, clear, manifest, evident. goufen: f. Manifestation, appearance. pravyAharaNam The faculty of speech. E: 1 Prolongation of discourse. -2 Speaking to, address. -3 Sound. 1 P. 1 To go into exile. -2 To renounce all worldly attachments, enter on the fourth stage in life, i. e. to become a Sannyasin; : Ms. 6. 38; 8. 363. -Caus. 1 To banish, send into exile. -2 To compel to become a monk. 1 Going abroad, sojourning. -2 Going into exile. -8 Turning a recluse. 1112 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Harta: pramajita p. p. 1 Gone abroad or into exile. -2 Turned a recluse. - 1 A religious mendicant or ascetic in general. -2 Especially, a Brahmana who has entered on the fourth (f) order. -3 The pupil of a Jaina or Buddhist mendicant. - 1 A female ascetic. -2 A spikenard. - Turning a recluse, the life of a religious mendicant. Going abroad, migration. G1 Going abroad, migration. -2 Roaming, wandering about as a religious mendicant; - sulabhasamayA cAravimukhaH / prasaktaste yatnaH ... Mal. 4.6. -8 The order of a religious mendicant, a mendicant's life, the fourth (or f) order in the riligious life of a Brahmana; rferat: Ku. 6. 6. (where Malli. says means the or third order). Comp. -arafer: a religious mendicant who renounces his order ; pravrajyAvasitA yatra trayo varNA dvijottamAH / nirvAsaM kArayed vipraM dAsA vaishyyoH|| Katyayann gam., elle: A religious mendicant, recluse. -jikA A female ascetic. Banishing, exile, sending into exile. A knife for cutting wood. Ri 1 P. 1 To praise, extol, approve, speak approvingly of, commend; hariNA yuvatiH prazazaMse Git. 1; yacca vAcA prazasyate Ms. 5. 127; prAzaMsIttaM nizAcaraH Bk. 15.65; R. 5. 25; 17. 36. -2 To esteem, value. -8 To declare. - To foretell, prophesy. prazaMsaka, prazaMsina Praising landatory, eulogiatio. -m. A panegyrist. prazaMsanam Praising, extolling ich a. To be praised, laudable. in 1 Praise, eulogy, panegyric, applause; - a complimentary or laudatory remark.' -2 Description, reference to; as in azier q. v. -3 Glory, fame, reputation. Comp. - Applause, acclamation. -upamA one of the several kinds of upamA mentioned by Dapdin; itsga: www: whyfordiga: | tI tujhyo tyanmuneti sA prazaMsopamocyate Kav. 2. 81. mukhara . loudly praising. prazaMsita rifererp. p. Praised, extolled, applauded. E p. p. 1 Praised, lauded, commended, eulogised. -2 Praiseworthy, commendable. -3 Best, excellent. -Blessed, happy, auspicious. -Comp. -f N. of a mountain. fa: f. 1 Praise, eulogy, laudation. -2 Description; U. 7. -3 A panegyric or small poem written in praise of any one (e. g. a patron). -4 Excellence, eminence. -8 Benediction. -8 Guidance, instruction, rule For Private and Personal Use Only Page #487 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prazasya 1118 prazna: . . .............. . ... .. . for guidance; as in tarafta:' a form of writing'. -7 Publicity, advertising; Tristafa Mv.5.12. prazasya .. (Compar. zreyas or jyAyas , superl. zreSTa or FU8) Praiseworthy, commenda ble, excellent. Train. The ocean. prazattvarI A river. STTH 4 P. 1 To become calm or tranquil. 2 To be soothed or appeased. -3 To stop, cease, terminate. - 4 To be allayed, be quenched or extinguished ; prazAntaM pAbakAstram U.6%3 nirvAte jvalito vahniH svayameva prazAmyati Pt. 3. 56. -8 To decay, wither away. -Caus. -1 To soothe, appease, pacify; 917 yet a facut Ms. 8. 391. -2 To allay, extinguish, quench, put down; PATATE91f4a19 Me. 17. -8 To remove, put an end to; 77 (1971) A: R. 15. 47. --4 To conquer, vanquish, subdue; que fa ftat AT 491: Mk. 10. 60. -5 To settle, adjust, compose; hufa fare e 40114 S. 5. 8. -8 To kill, destroy. -7 To cure, heal. TETA: 1 Calmness, tranquillity, com posure; 94- Afgagaf9 R. 8. 15; Ki. 2. 32. - 2 Peace, rest. -8 Extinction, a batement; hieraat Ku. 2. 20. -4 Cessation, end, destruction; fara EEFT: THIERRO Ve. 1.7; 998: Ear Si. 20. 73. -8 Pacification, appeasement; qd 941 Si. 16.51. 9TH 4.(-aft f.) 1 Calming, tranquillizing, pacifying, removing &c. -2 Curing, healing. -77 1 Calming, tranquillizing, pacifying. -2 Alla ying, assuaging, soothing, mitigating; 3119a1d147971: 4401 HA1914 Me. 55. -3 Curing, healing; as in suf2433474. -4 Quenching, extinguishing, suppressing, quelling; Mb. 5. 165. 9. 6 Cessation, abatement. -6 Bestowing fitly or on fit objects ; 3495148 Far Mb. 12. 45. 10 (com. youtu : fa7HTA: 919 290 ) Ms. 7. 56; ( auch Kull.; but others give it the next sense ). -7 Securing, guarding, keeping safe ; 35495TH 48 aggregat R. 4. 14. -8 Killing, slaughter. -9 Restoration of peace; 4921454 Kau. A. T a p. p. 1 Pacified, soothed, composed, appeased, allayed. -2 Extinguished, quenched. -3 Atoned tor, expiated; 199 YTTETRO TET: faHY914: U. 1. 40. Tota p. p. 1 Calmed, tranquillized, composed; Franca: EU ACHAT Hea: Bg. 6.7. -2 Calm. serene, quiet, sedate, still; BET pirated 1974. -3 Tamed, subdued, quelled. -4 Ended, ceased, over; at 1798 ya H arah Mal. 9. 36; Than U. 6. 'ceased to work or withdrawn.' -6 Dead, deceased; (See T4 with "). -6 Allayed, removed ; f el a 38 18: Ram. 7. 69.39. -Comp. 16HT a. com- 8. .... 18 posed in mind, peaceful, calm. -55 a. weakened, enervated, prostrated. FTA a. content. - fere a. valm. - <<. resting, ceased to work. -17 a. having all obstacles or calamities removed; prazAntabAdhaM dizato'bhirakSayA Ki. 1. 18. auffa: f. 1 Calmness, tranquillity, composure, quiet, repose. -2 Rest, cessation, abatement. -8 Allaying, quenching, extinction. TIT: 1 Tranquillity, calm, composure. -2 Quenching, extinction, allaying. -3 Cessation. . FITTE a. 1 Having many or spreading branchen. -2 Being in the 5th stage of formation said of the embryo, when the hands and feet are formed ). et A small branch or twig. rafat A small branch; Mb. 8. TETTE 2 P. 1 To teach, instruct, advise ; 39f9 H TT fecuta ega-agtilean Bk. 19. 19. -2 To order, command; T 97991 1914 Mark. P. -3 To rule, govern, be lord of; o seara N. 5. 24; R. 6. 76; 9. 1. -4 To punish, chastise. - To pray or ask for, seek for (Atm.); 2: H THE U. 1. 1 (used in the sense of the with 31 q.v.). T18i 1 A director, ruler. -2 A spiritual preceptor. prazAsanam 1 Governing, ruling; etasya vA akSarasya 9714ff 1947 fayat faga Bri. Up. 3. 8. 9. -2 Enjoining, exacting. -8 Government. Efee, TTIEC . 1 A king, ruler, governor; na: warga: get wear puertas Ram. 2. 91. 40. -2 A director, adviser; 177 29 yafaat Pt. 5. 63. ARTE p. p. Ruled over, governed. fife:, TE, f. Ved. Command, order. after a. 1 Very loose ; f eq.247 . 3.9. -2 Very feeble, hardly perceptible. 762: The pupil of a pupil, the disciple of a disciple ; ziSyapraziSyarupagIyamAnamavehi tanmaNDanamizradhAma Sankara| digvijaya. sayfa: f. Clearness, purity. T a. Swollen. : Becoming dry, drying up, aridity. (571) 4 Sprinkling, oozing; ezezad 3 4 -TH U. 3.11 ( v. l.). TXT: (agg-ara ] 1 A question, query; an inquiry, interrogation (estragar 9 affa); 37144947964 $. 5 ' with an inquiry about your well-being For Private and Personal Use Only Page #488 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra praznayati or health. -2 A judicial inquiry or investigation. -8 A point at issue, a subject of controversy, controverted or disputed point ; iti prazna upasthitaH 4A problem for solution or calculation; ahaM te praznaM dAsyAmi Mk. - Inquiry into the future. -6 A short section of a work. 7 Basket-work. -8 A task or lesson (in Vedic recitation). Comp. - f. N. of an Upanisad consisting of six questions and six answers. - a story containing a question. fan, eft. a riddle, an enigma. - ind. after examination; Heb.-f a fortune-teller. -faal: an arbitrator, umpire. Den. P. To inquire after, ask about (with two acc.). a. A questioner, interrogator. : Laxity, looseness, relaxation. 1115 erf: f. Trust, confidence. , Respect, courtesy, civility, politeness, respectful or courteous behaviour, humility; bacaH prazrayagambhIramathovAca kapidhvajaH Ki. 11. 37; samAgataiH prazrayanamramUrtibhiH Si. 12.33; R. 10. 70, 83; U. 6. 23; saprazrayam respectfully, modestly. - Love, affection, regard. -3 Resort, recourse ( Azraya ); kapikulaiH skandhe kRtaprazrayaH Pt.2.2. , . Civil, polite, courteous, humble, well-behaved; provAca cAmitamatiH prazritaM vinayAnvitaH Mb. 1. 206. 15; Bhag. 1. 5. 29. a. 1 Very loose or flaccid. -2 Spiritless, unnerved. prazliSTa p. p. 1 Twisted, entwined. -2 Reasonable, well-argued or reasoned (ga). - 1 A term applied to the Sandhi of the vowel with a following vowel and of other vowels with other homogeneous ones. -2 The vowel resulting from this Sandhi. -3 The accent with which such substituted vowel is pronounced. : 1 Close contact, pressing hard against. -2 Euphonic coalition of vowels. prazvAsaH Breath reapiration zvAsaprazvAsayorgativicchedaH prANAyAmaH Patanjala S : Ved. 1 A side-horse. -2 A by-stander. -3 A tripod. praSTha a. 1 Standing or being in front; purogAgresara praSThAgrata:sarapurassarAH Ak.; R. 15. 10; taM pRSThataH praSTamiyAya namraH Bk. 1. 24. -2 Chief, principal, foremost, best; a leader; 9: Mv. 1. 30 ; 6. 30; Si. 19. 30; sarvanArIguNaiH praSTAm Bk. 984 -Comp. m. a young bull being trained for the plough. get A cow for the first time with a calf. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prasaGgaH pras 1, 4 A. (prasa-sya-te ) 1 To bring forth young -2 To spread, diffuse, expand, extend. a. Very full (as a bosom ). er 2 P. To count, enumerate. 1 Total number, sum. -2 Reflection, con sideration. prasaMsthAnaH Payment, liquidstion: prasaMkhyAnAnasaMkhyeyAn pratyagRhNan dvijAtayaH Mb. 3. 121 8 -nam 1 Enumeration. -2 Reflection, meditation; deep meditation, abstract contemplation; Ku. 3. 40. -3 Fame, reputation; yo na yAti prasaMkhyAnamaspaSTo bhUmivardhana: Mb. 3. 85. 7. E: A great multitude. 1 R. To become attached to or fond of, feel affection for. Pass. 1 To cling to or adhere to. -2 To follow, apply or be applicable, hold good in the case of (active also in this sense ) ; itaretarAzrayaH prasajyeta, S. B. -8 To be attached to; tasyAmasau prAsajat Dk. E p. p. 1 Attached to, connected with. -2 Excessively attached or fond; prasaktAH kAmabhogeSu patanti narake'zucau Bg. 16. 16; kurvanti tAvat prathamaM priyANi yAvanna jAnanti naraM Pt. 1. 193. -3 Adhering or sticking to. -4 Fixed or intent upon, devoted or addicted to, engaged in, applied to; yastadanuprasaktahRdayeyamiti Si. 9. 63; so dyUta, nidrA &c. -5 Contiguous, near; prasaktaM hi pratiSidhyate -mImAMsakakA 0. -B Constant, incessant, uninterrupted; kRtAn pathaH (papAta ) Ki. 4.18; R. 13.40; Mal. 4.6; M. 3. 1.7 Got, obtained, gained. -8 Expanded, opened. -9 Clinging to the world, mundane; Bhag. -10 See prayukta tammAbhUdiha naH puraMdarapura bandIprato vibhi: Mv. 1. 59. - ind. Incessantly, continuously; : : payomucaH Ki. 16.55. For Private and Personal Use Only f. 1 Attachment, devotion, addiction, devotedness, adherence. -2 Connection, union, association; afaznogeci & a Vis. Guna. 503. -8 Applicability, hearing, application; as in fren (which is eff q. v.). -4 Energy, perseverance; saMtApe dizatu zivaH zivAM prasaktim Ki. 5.50 -5 Conclusion, deduction. 6 A topic or subject of discourse. -7 Occurrence of a possibility. -8 Acquisition, gain. : 1 Attachment, devotion, addiction, devotedness; svarUpayogye surataprasaGge Ku. 1. 19; tasyAtyAyatakomalasya qa Mk. 2. 11; Si. 11. 22. 2 Union, intercourse, association, connection; - Mk. 4; Pt. 1. 251. -3 Illicit intercourse. -4 Occupation, intentness, being engaged or occupied with ; bhrUvikriyAyAM virataprasajJaiH Ku. 3. 47. -8 A subject or topic (of discourse or controversy). -8 An occasion, incident; digvijayaprasaMgena K. 191; yAtrA prasaMgena Mal. 1. -1 Conjuncture, time, opportunity sUkSmebhyo'pi saH zriyo Page #489 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prasaGgitA 1118 prasAdaka ... Teur fare: Ms. 9.5. -8 A contingency, event, case, occurrence of a possibility; a t 31a: 17749990, $:, agrzazata S. B; 179621967: ibid.; argiga T Tarka K.; Ku. 7. 16. -8 Connected reasoning or argument. -9 A conclusion, an inference. -10 Connected language. -11 Inseparable application or connection ( = 41fa q. v.). -12 Mention of parents. -13 ! Introduction, insertion. -14 Gain. -16 An extended application ; 3737 2737afer: yax: 91 92 STAT $7E4 TI STATUS ***974 SB. on MS. 12. 1. 1. -16 (In drama ) A second or subsidiary incident or plot. (eta, orai, Teil are used adverbially in the sense of :- 1 in relation to. -2 in consequence of, on account of, because of, by way of. -3 occasionally, incidentally. -4 in course of; as in 29 'in course of conversation'). -Comp. -fararture prevention or abviation of similar contingencies in future. - a t ind. according to the time, by the force of circumstances. -faffer: f. nonrecurrence of a contingency; fed I 12: quo fa fa Mo. 8. 368. -a : (in -014) the sophism that the proof too must be proved. Tesfral Attachment, intercourse with. TAST a. 1 Fond of, attached or devoted to. -2 Dependent on, contingent on. -3 Occasional, incidental; aragaut fatetea fata f ufa: Mb. 12. 325. 9. - 4 Secondary, subordinate. TEGU a. 1 To be attached to -2 Applicable, holding good. -3 Contingent, possible. -Comp.- ret: 1 negation of a possible case or contingeny. -2 a simple prohibition of the particular matter specified without mentioning what is different (from it). 9437 1 Act of connecting, combining, uniting. -2 Applying, bringing to bear upon, bringing into use. prasaJjita a. Made, brought into being; prasahya varSAsu *Cara N. 9. 96. TEE 1 P. 1 To be pleased, be gracious or propitious (oft. with inf.); 7477971Torty at 464yy R. 6. 61, -2 To be appeased or soothed, be satisfied ; faranga R a fa ya #maria watafa Pt. 1. 283. -8 To be pure or clear, clear up, brighten up (lit, and fig. ); Re: watoa agi yar: E. 3. 14; Ki. 16. 35; HEEGIEF#: 421-ETTE: 4.21. - 4 To bear fruit, succeed, be successful ; 9 R 9trear warfa R. 3. 29. -Caus. 1 To propitiate, secure the favour of pray, beseech; 17 904 og tanca antre 1974 Bg. 11.44; R. 1.88; Y. 3.283.-2 To beg pardon, pray for grace. - To purify, make clear or pure; da: sayfa Bh. 2. 23. Teter: f. 1 Favour, graciousness, complacency; Afisa 97 Getio ad maffaqifa Ki. 3. 29. -2 Clearness, purity, transparency. p. p. 1 Pure, clear, bright, limpid, pellucid, transparent; Tanfeatgraftaran Ku. 1. 23; 7.74; a fare: 424FHFEGS S. 5. 21. -2 Pleased, delighted, propitiated, soothed; 4 g a nar fad qi aftragiCATIE Bg. 11. 47; TT Trufa fecha Mu. 3. 9; Tia: que aftada 4 Me. 42 ( where the first sense is also intended ); Ku. 5. 35; R. 2. 68. -3 Kind, kindly disposed, gracious, propitious; at H 4143 97 98914 R. 2. 63.-4 Plain, open, clear, easily intelligible as meaning). - True, correct; on : v. 2; 2a : Mal. 1. - Settled down, tranquil. - 1 Propitiation, pleasing. -8 Spirituous liquor. Comp. -374. a. gracious-minded, propitious. (-m.) N. of Visnu. Spirituous liquor. et a. 1 almost calm. -2 almost true.-e-aca a. gracious-looking, with a pleased countenance, smiling. - a. clear-juiced. - a. having clear water. FeaT 1 Brightness, clearness, purity. -2 Perspicuity. -3 Complacence. gar: 1 Favour, kindness, condescension, propitiousness; * resarch be pleased to show yourself'; Get ACTE Trauftrufi 29 R. 1.91; 2. 22; 47777 a wareh Bu. Ch. 5. 65.-2 Good temper, gracious ness of disposition. - Calmness, tranquillity, composure, serenity, sedateness, absence of excitement; 3116409 h Vacafeefa Bg. 2. 64. -4 Clearness, limpidness, brightness, transparency, purity (as of water, mind &c.); TT T14:9717W dla a V. 1. 9; S. 7.32; stage 1: Si. 11. 6; R. 17. 1; Ki. 9. 25. -8 Perspicuity, clearness of style, one of the three Gunas according to Mammata, who thus defines it :zuSkandhanAnivat svacchajalavat sahasaiva yH| vyAmotyanyat prasAdo'sau a falaftafa: K. P. 8; 1964aeyani are or Y 914272 euerfra fagura a CEU R. G.; see Kav. 1.44; Partia : fi af 17:18 A: ay Tag 1 S.D. 611; VECTRA atera 9 44 Ki. 11. 38. -8 Food offered to idols &c., or the remnants of such food. - A free gift, gratuity. -8 Any propitiatory offering. -9 Wellbeing, welfare. -10 An essence of the food etc. (at the completion of the stages of digestion); TAIG TE HES, O Terata prasAdaja, mAMsAnmedaH prasAdaja ityAdi yAvat zukrAd garbhaH prasAdajaH iti Ayurvedasastra. Comp. -giga 4. disposed to favour. 19 a propitiatory gift. -8: a turban of honour. -paTTakam a written edict of favour. -parAGmu kha a. 1 withdrawing favour from any one. - 2 not caring for any body's favour. -1974 an ohject of favour. - a. 1 kind, propitious. -2 serene, pleased, happy. TETE, TE a. ( f.) 1 Purifying, clearing, making pellucid; phalaM katakavRkSasya yadyapyambuprasAdakam Ms. 6. 67. -2 Soothing, calming. -3 Gladdening, cheering. -4 Courting favour, propitiating. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #490 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prasAdana 1116 prasidh ............... ............... . Tercat a. (aftf.) 1 Purifying, clearing, rendering pure or clear. -2 Soothing, calming. -8 Cheering, gladdening. A royal tent. H 1 Clearing from impurities, purifying. -2 Soothing, calming, tranquillizing, composing. -8 Pleasing, gratifying. -4 Propitiating, courting fovour. #1, # 1 Service, worship. -2 Purifying. Tena p. p. 1 Purified, cleared. -2 Appeased, propitiated. -8 Worshipped. -4 Calmed, soothed. TETTE 8 U. To bestow as a favour, give as a present. gefraga. One who has become pleased, favourable. TEETH A rope, a fetter; 15 graziara4Hra Siva. B. 15. 46. TETTAH Combination, union. TERT: Force, violence, impetuosity; 9#caft: R. 2. 30. - ind. 1 Violently, forcibly, perforce; gauro sa apara : Bg. 2. 60; Ms. 8. 332.-2 Very much, exceedingly; tabAsmi gItarAgeNa hAriNA prasabhaM hRtaH $. 1. 5; ara apa i TOTH Rs. 6. 25. -3 Importunately; a hata u Bg. 11. 41. -Comp. subduing by force; ET Harat gawin ia: S. 7. 33. RTOTH forcible abduction. prasamIkSaNam, prasamIkSA Consideration, deliberation, judgment. TEUTE 1 Binding, fastening. -2A Net; safa: Tagaf aar Nir. Tent: Ved. 1 Pouring or flowing forth.-2 Emission, discharge. TE () : The cold season (Aa). TETET a. 1 Contrary, inverted, reverse. -2 Turned towards the left; 1964 a casad 394 Ram. 2. 76. 20. -8 Favourable. prasaha 1A. 1To bear, endure; na tejastejasvI prasRtamapareSAM 9a U. 6. 14. -2 To withstand, resist, overpower; #ght aiyaa ayud paa 5: Ku. 2. 57. -3 To exert oneself, attempt. -4 To dare, venture, be able. - To have power or energy ; see 9. Te m . Ved. 1 Force, violence. -2 An epithet of Indra. TAK a. Withstanding, enduring, bearing up. : 1 A beast or bird of prey. -2 Resistance, endurance, opposition TART: A beast or bird of prey.- 1 Withstanding, resisting.-2 Enduring, bearing up. -8 Defeating, overcoming. - Embracing, an embrace. The ind. 1 Forcibly, violently, by force; had HUUGIHAT+ gra Bh. 2. 4; Si. 1. 27.-2 Exceedingly, much. -3 Having conquered or won; TEHET W zerat ai shaa Mb. 5. 175. 6; M.. -4 Instantly, at once; TEU 1917 fatisfaitat: nag ALAT Ki. 16. 23. - Necessarily, absolutely. -Comp. - a. acting with violence. ait:a plunderer, highwayman. ETOT violent or forcible seizure, plundering. TETE: Overpowering, defeating. Seifail A kind of rice (with small graine). TETET Oaus. 1 To advance, promote. - To accomplish, effect; perfect, complete. -8 To gain, obtain; a A THITHICHA Sara Pt. 1. 2. -4 To overcome, subdue. -5 To dress, decorate, adorn, embellish. Te a. (- 1 f.) 1 Accomplishing, or perfecting. -2 Purifying, cleansing. -3 Decorating, ornamenting. - A valet-de-chambre, an attendant who dresses his master; TT Th Tag 314 Kam.; arvatady: 9914: R. 17. 22. TETTE 1 Accomplishing, effecting, bringing about. - Setting in order, arranging. -8 Decorating, ornamenting, embellishing; toilet, dress; ut 494gard 79 915 agt ud Ku. 4. 18. -4 A decoration, ornament, means of decoration or ornament; TOETUA : warga darasa : Ku. 7. 13, 30. --, - , - A comb. Comp. -farer: decoration, embellishment. -vizeSaH the highest decoration; prasAdhanafaa: vaata: V. 2. 3. TAI | 1 A lady's maid, a female attendant who looks to the toilet of her mistress 3 prasAdhikAlambitamagrapAdaHITZ R. 7.7. -2 Wild rice. Teta p. p. 1 Accomplished, completed, perfected. -2 Ornamented, decorated. -8 Proved. afera p. p. 1 Bound, fastened. - Devoted to, engaged in, occupied with ; age492aft fafay 21 G: R. 8. 23. -3 Intent on, longing for, craving after (with instr. or loc.); faraca: sredt af at Ram. Ch. 4.85; 72 344i a sfeci: Sk.; R. 8. 23. -4 Very clear. 24 Pus, matter. afafa: f. 1 A net.- A ligament. -8 A tie, fetter. - An attack, assault. -8 A throw, shot. -6 Reach, extent. -7 A series, succession. -8 Power, authority, influence. -9 Ved. A flame. -10 A track, path. prasidh4 P. 1 To be accomplished or effected ; zarIra1719 area : Bg. 3. 8. -2 To succeed. -8 To be made known. -4 To be got or obtained ; sfagara aqraat R H Ms. 11. 237. -8 To be established. 6 To be decorated. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #491 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prasiddha 1117 .33 prasiddha p. p. 1 Renowned, famous, celebrated. -2 / / Tafest A mother; bestowing progeny. Decorated, ornamented, adorned; sAlaktako bhUpatayaH prasiddha TE a. 1 Bringing forth, bearing, giving birth to; vavandire maulibhirasya pAdau R. 18. 41; yathA prasiddhairmadhuraM ziroruhai: strIprasUzcAdhivettavyA Y. 1.73. -1. 1A mother; mAtarapitarauM Ku.5.9; 7.16.-3 Excellent; dravyaiH prasiddharmadyAgaH pratimAdiSva prasUjanayitArau Ak. 'parents'; Si.9.14. -2 A mare. -3 A mAyinaH / bhaktasya ca yathAlabdhaihRdi bhAvena caiva hi // Bhag. 11. 27. spreading creeper. -4 A young shoot, tender grass. 15. -ddhA A particular measure in music. prasUkA A mare. prasiddhiHf. 1 Fame, celebrity, publicity, renown. -2 Success, accomplishment, fulfilment; AdhidviSAmA tapasA prasUta p. p. 1 Begotten, engendered; tacca bhISmaprasUtaM prasiddhaH Ki.3.39%3 Ms. 4.33 Bhag. 11.3.3. -3 Orna (duHkhaM) me taM jahIzvara Mb.5. 178.5. -2 Brought forth, ment, decoration. born, produced. -tam 1 A flower.-2 Any productive source, -3 ( In Sankhya) The primordial essence or geffit A small garden. matter.-tA A woman recently delivered. prasuta a. Pressed or pressing continuously (as Soma Teler: f. 1 Procreation, begetting, generation. -2 juice); aharaharha sutaH prasuto bhavati Bri. Up. 2. 1. 3. Bringing forth, bearing, deliveriug, giving birth to; prasupta p. p. 1 Asleep, sleepy. -2 Fast asleep. UrdhvaM prasUtezcarituM yatidhye R.14.66. -3 Calving. - Laying eggs ; navaprasUtivaraTA tapasvinI N. 1. 135. -B Birth, producprasuptiH 1. 1 Sleepiness. -2 Paralysis. tion, generation ; prasUtiM cakame tasmiMstralokyaprabhavo'pi yat R.10. prasu,-sU 1 P., 2,4 A. 1 To beget, generate, pro- 53. -6 Appearance, coming forth, growth of flowers duce. -2 To bring torth, be delivered of ; putraratnaM prAsoSTa. &c.); AraNyakopAttaphalaprasUtiH R.5. 15. -1 A product, production. -8 Offspring, progeny, issue; R. 1. 25, 77; Tera: 1 Begetting, generation, procreation, birth, 2.4; 5.73 prasUtibhAjaH sargasya tAveva pitarau smRtau Ku.2.73 production; prasavabikArI strINAM dvitricatuHprabhRti saMprasUtau vaa| nUnaM prasUtivikalena mayA prasikkaM dhautAzruzeSamudakaM pitaraH pibanti 5.6. hInAtiriktakAle ca dezakulasaMkSayo bhavati Bri.s. -2 Child-birth, 24. -9 A producer, generator, procreator; 7 9219 delivery, confinement; an in AsannaprasavA. -3 Offspring, payasAM prasUtim R. 2.63. -10 A mother. -11 A cause progeny, young ones, children; oft. at the end of (kAraNa); jagatprasUti: Ki.4.32. -Comp. -jam pain resultcomp.; kevalaM vIraprasavA bhUyAH U. 13 Ku7.87. -4 Source, ing as a necessary consequence of birth. -vAyu: wind origin, brith-place (fig. also); prasavaH karmaphalasya bhUriNaH produced in the womb during the pangs of travail. ki. 2.43. -BFlower, blossom; prasavavibhUtiSu bhUruhAM viraktaH / 7.42: nItA lodhraprasavarajasA pANDatAmAnane zrI: Me.67; prasUtikA A woman recently delivered; prasUtikAma kundaprasavazithilaM jIvitam 1187 R.9.28; Ku. 1.55% 4. 143; | snapayan militAH kulayoSitaH Siva B. 6.60. S.5.9; Mal.9.27,31; U.2.20. -8 A fruit, product; yajJaprasavavajitAH Mb. 12. 180.46. -7 Ved. Extracting prasUna p. p. Produced, born. -nam 1 A flower; latAyAM Soma juice 3 aputraH prasavenArthI vanavAsamupAvasat Mb. 18.4.6. pUrvalUnAyAM prasUnasyAgamaH kutaH U.5.20%B R.2. 10. -2 A bud, -7 Setting in motion. -9 A current, stream. -10 blossom. -3 A fruit. -Comp. -aJjalia.%3D puSpAJjali. Excitement, animation. -11 Enjoining, ordering. -12 -iSuH, -bANaH, -vANa: epithets of the god of love; prasUnaAssistance, help. -13 pursuit, acquisition. -Comp. bANAdvayavAdinI sA kApi dvijenopaniSatapikena. -rasasaMbhavA/ the -unmukhaH a.about to be delivered or confined; patiH sugar prepared from flowers. -varSaH a shower of pratItaH prasavonmukhIM priyAM dadarza R. 3. 12. -kAla: the time of flowers (rained from heaven). delivery or bringing forth. -gRham a lying-in-chamber. prasUnakam 1A flower. -2 A bud, blossom. -ka: A -dharmin a. productive, prolific. -bandhanam the foot-stalk kind of Kadamba. of a leaf or flower, peduncle. -vedanA, -vya thA pangs of | child-birth, throes. -sthalI a mother. -sthAnam 1a TE 6 P. 1 To urge, impel, bid. -2 To hurl, throw. place for delivery. -2 a nest. T 1 P. To flow forth, spring, arise, proceed; Tera: The Piyala tree; Buchanania Latifolia lohitAdyA mahAnadyaH prasastatra cAsakRt Mb. -2 Togo forth, (Mar. cAroLI). advance; velAnilAya pramRtA bhujaGgAH R. 13. 12; anveSaNaprasRte ca mitragaNe Dk. -3 To spread, spread round; kRzAnuH kiM prasavanam 1 Bringing torth. -2 Bearing children, sAkSAt prasarati dizo naiSa niyatam K. P. 10%; prasarati tRNamadhye labdhafecundity. vRddhiH kSaNena (davAmiH) Rs. 1.25. -4 To spread, prevail, prasavantI /. A woman in labour; na pazyet prasavantI ca / pervade; prasarati parimAthI ko'pyayaM dehadAhaH Mal. 1.41; bhittvA tejaskAmo dvijottamaH Ms.4.44. bhitvA prasarati balAt ko'pi cetovikAraH 0.8.36. -8 To be stretched, to extend; na me hastau prasarataH 5.2. -8To be prasavitR m. A father, procreator; svayaM vedAn vyasya- disposed or inclined to (do a thing), move; na me uciteSu chamitakuruvaMzaprasavitA Pt. 4.50. karaNIyeSu hastapAdaM prasarati 5.4; prasarati manaH kAyArambhe Pt. 3. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #492 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prasara 1118 prasani 181. -7 To prevail, begin, commence; T T 1 : out, exposed for sale ). -4 Published, promulgated. Ks. 16. 85. -8 To be long, be lengthened; I a -Comp. - a. With out-stretched limbs. Tada warfa og a f Hau4 V.3. 22. -9 To grow strong or intense; seat 74 Dk. -10 To pass Tea p. p. 1 Gone forward. -2 Stretched out, extended. -8 Spread, diffused. -4 Long, lengthened. away as time ). -11 To break forth or out as fire ). -5 Engaged in, attached to; 314#factcafe gaat :. -12 To be displaced as the humours of the body ). -Caus. 1 To spread, stretch; For a Ram. 2. 108. 14. -8 Swift, or quick. -7 Manifested, t displayed; na tejastejasvI prasRtamapareSAM viSahate U.6.14. -8 Bk. 10. 44. - To stretch forward, extend, hold out Modest, humble. -9 Devoted (agram ); cama: 946 (as the hand); es: Art aftan at agrafa atroff Mb. 12. 12. 19. -10 Knowing subtle Pt. 2.20..-3 To spread out or expose for sale; alt: meaning ( TL); Mb. 12. 118. 14. -11 = "; toga ga 37190 gaf Sk.; Ms.5. 129; UTGT fa: 199 Mb. 13. 35. 1. --a: The palm of the a qartu Ram. 2. 48. 4. -4 To open wide, expand hand stretched out and hollowed. -i, - A measure (as eyes ). -8 To publish, promulgate. - To prose equal to two palas. - Grass, plants etc; agriculture. cute. - (In gram.) To change a semi-vowel into the - The leg. -Comp. 3T: a particular class of sons, corresponding vowel. an adulterine (FSE ); 341 994 artacara TET: 1 Going forward, advancing; Huf9249 afta- 9:1 fatta fasta: ga: aan || Mb. 13. 49. 3. 997: S. 1. 28. -2 Free or unimpeded motion, free! Tura: f. 1 Advance, progress. -2 Flowing. - The scope ; access or course; adganggal R. 8. 23; 16. plam of the hand stretched out and hollowed; fanta 20; at Mu.3.5; H. 1. 186. -3 Spreading, diffu 7899 N. 15. 82 looking at him eagerly sion, extension, expansion, dilation; ege999 tagamaa af 64 Si. 9. 71. -4 Extent, dimension, with their large eyes'; cf. 20. 11-12 -4 A handful (considered as a measure equal to two palas. ); great quantity; cag: Harvarnareyragaiarty at Tieto fit fecufat yahi gaad Bh. 2. 45, Y. 2. 112; Si. 3. 35. -8 Prevalence, influence; A*19: PA HA 949 fa 9 178calega: Bhag. 10.81. 5. -B Swiftfacram : . 3. 8.- A stream, flow, torrent, flood; 9918 Fariasat 59 greit: Git. 11; F atega: ness, haste; afara surat a faanigas : Mb. 5. 101. 3. Bhag. 3. 2. 5. -7 A group, multitude. -8 War, at a. Spreading about; (7717) nafraraatbattle. -8 An iron arrow. -10 Speed. -11 Affectionate facit : Bv. 4. 1. solicitation. -12 (In medicine) Morbid displacement FEAT a. Flowing forth, dropping, distilling; urfof the humours of the body. -13 Destruction, ruin. -14 Opportunity, room prasUmaradhUmadhUmradhAmA Siva B. 24. 71. (8124137); a far sat i a PTT Ram. 7. 68. 19. -18 Range of the eye). TEST 6 P. 1 To leave, abandon. -2 To let loose. -TH (In music) A kind of dance. - To now, scatter. -4 To injure, hurt. - To dismiss, set aside, send back; 1990 FT997 sata Kath. 1. 10. TETOTA 1 Going forth, running or streaming forth. -2 Escaping, running away. -3 Spreading forth or TEC p. 2. 1 Laid aside, dismissed. -2 Hurt, inabroad. -4 Surrounding an enemy. -5 Amia bility. -- B j ured. -3 Uncontrolled. --4 Given up, renounced. -UT Morbid displacement of the humours of the body. 1 A finger stretched forth or extended; (370 : JET TAT:, -uft f. Surrounding an enemy. : quer seirat:)-2 A particular movement in fighting (Mar. 1921); Mb. 4. 13. 28. TETT: 1 Spreading, extending.-2 Spread, diffusion, extension, expansion. -3 Stretching out. -4 Spreading 9991 P. 1 To go forth, proceed ; qn: agafuu over the country to forage. -5 Opening the mouth ). Bk. 14. 20. -2 To spread, circulate (fig.); 590 -6 A trader's shop; Nalachampu. -7 Raising (dust); vatar Mb.; * farna aa: 984 U. 1. 40.-3 To creep or crawl forth or along. -4 To set in (as darkB.R. ness ). - To advance, progress; Bk. TATTOTE 1 Spreading abroad, extending, increase, diffusing, expanding. -2 Stretching out; as in 15 TET: Going to the part of the sacrificial enclosure LATTUTH. -8 Surrounding an enemy. -4 Spreading over i called 189.. Scalled sadas q. v. . the country for fuel and grass. The change of a I ! TEGUH 1 Going or moving forward, advancing. semivowel ( and ) into a vowel; see TUT -8 -2 Pervading, spreading in all directions. -3 EnterDisplaying, unfolding. ing the . Tentoft Surrounding an enemy. Tefta p. p. Spread, diffused. Taifta p. p. 1 Expanded, spread, diffused, extend- Tefta a. 1 Going forth, progressing, advancing. ed. -2 Stretched out as hands.). -3 Exhibited, laid 1-2 Creeping along. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #493 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prasekA 1119 T : 1 Flowing forth, oozing, dropping -2 Sprinkl. ing, wetting. -8 Emission, discharge; HuffHanya: Rs. 3. 6. -4 Vomiting. -8 Watering of the mouth or nose. - The bowl of a spoon or ladle. Tem . A kind of disease; Araquag at: waisFaqacarardisatsnaatgale: Susr. prasedikA A small gardem. TE:, -999 1 A sack, bag for grain. -2 A leathern bottle. -8 A small instrument of wood placed under the neck of the lute to make the sound deeper. E 1 P. 1 To leap forward, up or down; ei stay at attra T TAG Mb. 6. 95. 77. - To fall upon, attack. -8 To shed, spill; g efa Prasna Up. 1. 13. -Caus. 1 To cross (a river &o.)-2 To pour out (as an oblation). TEHH 1 Springing across or leaping over. -2 Evacuation by stool, diarrhwa. : An epithet of Siva. praskandikA Dysentery; praskandikAmiva prApto dhyAtvA te sma Far Bk. 7. 74. ** p. p. 1 Sprung forth. -2 Fallen, dropped, lost, gone; ** 1997: Tonga Papa : Fda Bhag. 8.7. 47. -8 Defeated. - 4 Having attacked, assailed; a farrear: ao : qocaife Mb. 9. 18. 22. -8 Shed, spilt. - 1 An outcast. -2 A sinner, transgressor. praskunda: An altar of a circular shape; praskundena atau 5 #: Mb. 5. 73. 26. TEE 1 P. 1 To jostle; TT: EA14: Bk. 14.98. -2 To stagger, stumble, reel, totter; ª F : Bhag. 10. 4. 3. TECH 1 Staggering. -2 Stumbling, falling. TETEST p. p. Stiff, rigid; Susr. TEST: 1 A couch of leaves and flowers. -2 A couch or bed in general; at a 349 7 91 TYFH) Mb. 12. 303. 10.3 A flat surface or top, level, plain. - A stone, rock; caldi wa waasi ataag Mb. 3. 142. 16. -8 A precious stone, gem. -6 A paragraph, section of a work. -7A handful of darbha grass. Comp. -&TUPU : a rule of interpretation according to which the matter mentioned in the instrumental should be construed as being subsidiary to that which is mentioned in the accusative. This 2147 is mentioned by aff and Tat at MS. 3. 2. 11-14. TESTCUTA, OTT 1 A bed, couch. -2 A seat. seaftoft Elephantopus Scaber ( Till tol; Mar.979ti). TEATT: 1 Strewing, spreading out, covering with. -2 A bed of leaves and flowers. -8 A bed or couch in general. -4 A flat surface, level, plain. 8A thicket, wood. - 6 (In prosody) A ta bular representation of the long and short vowels of a metre with all possible varieties. - A process in preparing minerals. -8 A flight of steps (leading down to water; Mar. 912); 4997 ARE Mb. 3. 145. 50. Tear A kind of eye-disease; targ farga: zyAvo rakto vA maaNssNcyH| saMnipAtena doSANAM prastArya, taducyate ! Vaidyakam. aftal: A bed of leaves and flowers. tefta, -# a. 1 Making a noise, sounded. -2 Crowded together, swarming. TEG 2 U. 1 To praise. -2 To begin, commence; 1947 a c 29 At nad TOT Ram. 7. 22.8; hat falcat M. 1.-3 To cause, produce; 777 9219aftro for seafa asiaa: My. 2. 45; also Mal. 5.9. - To say, relate, propound. -Caus. 1 To relate, allude to, tell; zAkuntalAdInitihAsavAdAn prastAvitAnanyaparairvacobhiH Mal.3.33 3721cgereta #21 91247 91: Mb. 1. 1.6. -2 To begin, commence. reaa: 1 A song or hymn of praise. -2 A fit time or opportunity ; see sala. acara: 1 Reginning, commencement. -2 An introduction. -3 Mention, allusion, reference; 2149195ala: $. 7. -4 An occasion, opportunity, time, season; fit or proper time; tvarAprastAvoyaM na khalu parihAsasya viSayaH Mal.9. 45; fala gaat 49: searance geri Si. 2. 68. -8 The occasion of a discourse, subject, topic. - The prologue of a drama; see algal below. -7 The prelude or introductory words of aSaman; lokeSu paJcavidha sAmopAsIta great fatisfa: stara: Ch. Up. 2. 2. 1. -8 An introductory praise. E ind. on a suitable occasion, seasonably. TEI 1 incidentally, occasionally. -2 suitably ). -Comp. - a conversation in which each interlocutor takes a part. T a. suited to the occasion, appropriate. rearaat 1 Causing to be praised or mentioned, praising, praise. -2 Beginning, commencement; and agafantarqatletos: Mv.1.51. -3 An introduction, preface, exordium (in general); stala Ti #99412744 Mal. 2. -4 Sounding forth. -8 An introductory dialogue (the prologue) at the beginning of a drama between the manager and one of the actors, which, after giving an account of the author and his qualifications &o., introduces the audience to the incidents of the drama; (for definition, see aga). Teafaat a. 1 Begun, commenced. -2 Mentioned, referred to. stega p. p. 1 Praised, eulogized. - Begun, com. menced. -8 Accomplished, done, uffected. - Hap For Private and Personal Use Only Page #494 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prastutiH 1120 prasphuTa w pened. -8 Approached. - Proposed, declared, under mendicanoy; Ayat: w af farter: Mb. 12. 64. 22. discussion, taken in hand. -7 Expected, desired. -8 -Comp. -ot, - Bhagwadgita, Upanisadas and Ready, prepared. -9 Executed with effort or energy. Brahmasutras. -Err: a drum giving the signal for -10 Made or consisting of.-04 1 The matter in hand, marching the subject under discussion or consideration ; 349 TEOTTAH 1 Sending away, dismissing, despatching. F : fare: negd at Bhag. 10. 47. 42; yar -2 Appointment to an embassy. -8 Proving, demonnegangfazara. -2 (In Rhet.) Forming the subject of discussion, the 344; see 19a; 318Taiat AT AT strating. -4 Using, employing. - Carrying off cattle. #garut K. P. 10. - Comp. 35 : a figure of speech -Sending away, despatching. in which a reference is made to a passing circumstance ofga . p. 1 Sent away, despatched.-2 Estato bring out something latent in the hearer's mind; blished, proved. -8 Urged, pushed on. -4 Held, see Chandr. 5. 64. and Kuval. under 9 h . celebrated as a feast); Buddh. tegra: f. Ved. Praise, eulogium. Teert a. 1 Departing, going forth. -2 TravelprastotR m. N. of the assistant of the udgAtR; sa vai khalu ling, marching. Talat A malia Bri. Up. 1. 3. 28. afit The sounding board of a lute. prastobha: Allusion, reference to3 zrutvA gAthAM devayAnI mene sfera p. p. 1 Set out, gone forth, departed, gone a : Bhag. 9. 19. 26. on a journey; (see T with 5); a*: a 4f 4496: TEOT 1 A. 1 To set out, depart; 417# tadt i prasthitasyottarAzAm Me. 27. -2 Dead; tasyApi sumahAMstApaH sferazi Mb. 12. 291. 9. -8 Appointed, installed. Fyl R. 4. 60; Ku. 3. 22.-2 To advance, march towards. -3 To walk, move; ufuarzt waga: -24 Departure, going away; Bh. R. 1. 89. -4 To stand firmly. - To be esta blished. affufa: f. 1 Going forth, departure. -2 March, - To approach, come near. -Caus. 1 To cause to journey. retire. -2 To send away, dismiss, despatch ; at +961 TEA: A vessel for bathing. atafa Tutaff TTUTHTA arft affig: R. 2. 70. - 2 To drive away, banish, expel; 379: geareta Ku. 6. 7. aft a. 1 Very oily or yreasy; sftaret: - -4 To urge forward, push on. fayet qera gal931: S. 1. 14.-2 Very soft, Tu a. 1 Going to, visiting, abiding in; as in 1994. tender. -2 Going on a journey. -3 Spreading, expanding, TET 2 P. To distil, pour forth. (-A.) To yield -4 Firm, stable. - :, - H 1 A level expanse, milk; P. III. 1. 89 com. level plain; as in ener , F &c. -2 Table-land 9 on the top of a mountain; prasthaM himAdrermuganAbhigandhi kiMcit : 1 Flowiny, pouring forth, exudation; t-at eurakuqyxana 2: U. 6. 22. - 2 A stream or flow Tatoeare Ku. 1. 54; Me. 60. -3 The top or peak of a mountain ; Si. 1. 11 (where it has sense 4 (as of milk); waar nadat at a cat R. 1. 84. also ). -4 A particular measure of capacity equal to -3 (pl.) Tears; Mb. -4 Urine; Mb. thirty-two palas. - Anything measuring a Prastha eget p.p. Dropping, oozing, pouring forth. -Comp. (a seer); graag sai qui quaff : i Fiat one whose breasts distil milk through excess prastho bhavati tathApi bhujau prastho nirdizyate / vyaJjanAni odanAni of maternal love ); U. 3. SB. on MS. 10. 8. 29; ne atehgay wy! Mb. 12. 288. 30; (com. #3 #AIETAS 1F44). TO The wife of a grandson; 49914 gegee - -Comp. -gou: a variety of holy basil. T3 ANNI: Mb. 5. 141. 50. TELIYET a. Cooking a Prastha. TEPPA Palpitating, vibrating, trembling. TEUTATE 1 Going or setting forth, departure, moving, TETRA a. Rivalling with, equalling. walking; wala FFTOH S. 5. 3; R. 4. 88; Me. 43; TEMA 927: D# Amaru. 36. -2 Coming to; Tefre a. 1 Swollen, puffed up. - Self-conceited. F arara FTA TAA Ku. 6. 61. -3 Sending afna. Large-hipped; Patanjali. away, despatching. - Procession, march. -8 A march, STES 10 U. 1 To pierce through, cleave, split. -2 the march of an army or assailant; *219 YAYICI Calea yule an agr. -6 A method, system. -7 To expand, open. - To slap or clap the arms. Death, dying. -8 An inferior kind of drama; see TETE a. 1 Blown, opened, expanded (as a flower). 8. D. 276, 544. -9 A religious school, sect; w at -2 Divulged, published, spread abroad as a report ). gora affhang: geafala Mahimna 7. -10 Religious -8 Plain, clear, manifest, evident. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #495 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prasphoTanam 1121 prahasantI T EHH 1 Expanding, blooming, opening. -2 Making clear or manifest, disclosing, revealing. -3 Splitting. -4 Causing to bloom or blow -8 Threshing corn. - A winnowing basket. -7 Striking, beating. -8 Wiping away, rubbing out. TEFST 6 P. 1 To quiver, tremble. -2 To expand, be dilated ; #474 Mb. -3 To spread far and wide; uch: 914: la pah Subhas. Teyftar pp. Quivering, trembling, vibrating, tremulous. -Comp. -TTT a. one whose lower lip quivers; Mb. H 1 A. To burst into laughter. Texfa: f. Forgetfulness. TREE 1 A. 1 To flow forth, exude. -2 To move rapidly, fly away, run. TER:, - TH Flowing forth, exudation; trickling out, oozing. Te a . Shedding tears. -m. A shower of rain. tailert a. Miscarrying; Susr. TE1 P. 1 To tlow forth or out, gush forth, ooze out. -2 To pour out, let flow. -Caus. A. To make water. TEQ: 1 Trickling forth, gushing, flowing or oozing out. -2 A flow, stream. -3 Milk flowing from the breast or udder; e agrade: Ms. 5. 130; Teu v. l. for 979) - acargada R. 1. 84. -4 Urine. - The overflowing scum of boiling rice. -at: (pl.) 1 Falling or gushing tears. -2 morbid matter in the body. -44 A waterfall. TETQUTH 1 Flowing or gushing forth, trickling, oozing, dripping. -2 Flow or discharge of milk from the breast or udder; (2 ) t aqda Ku. 5. 14. -3 A fall of water, cascade, cataract. -4A spring, fountain; 14 sagu: Bhag. 4.6.11; Haar sau: da: Rs. 2. 16; Ms. 8. 248; Y. 1. 159. -8 A spout. -8 A pool formed by the mountain streams. -7 Sweat, perspiration. -8 Voiding urine. U: N. of a mountain ; UT FIFT: gaur FTTH U.. Tafect a. 1 Pouring forth. -2 Yielding milk; GERT TIIT Traa vai 9a: parqit fH R. 2. 61. - Rich in milk. TEIT: 1 Flowing, oozing. -2 Urine. - The overflowing scum of boiling rice. -Comp. -FTTH the urethra. tea p. p. Oozed, trickled, dropped, issued. gefa: Flowing forth, oozing out. 8. , ....19 Tea (Far) a: A loud noise. Trag: 1 Sleep.- A dream. -8 A missile which induces sleep; prAjApatyaM vizvakRtaM prasvApaM nAma bhArata Mb.5. 183. 12. at a. 1 Causing to fall asleep, soporific. -2 Causing to die, slaying. prasvApana a. Causing sleep, soporitic; ojastejoyutikaraM *914htifaga (a) Mb. 3. 41. 38. - 1 Causing or inducing sleep. -2 A missile which induces sleep in the person attacked; and (FH) ago R. 7.61. Tag 4. Ved. Agreeable, pleasant. teatr: Ved. An epithet of the sacred syllable om (repeated at the beginning of a Patha or lesson ). graa p. p. Sweated, perspired. T E: 1 Excessive perspiration. -2 An elephant. tearea p. p. 1 Covered with sweat, perspired, sweating.-2 Causing perspiration, hot. TEE 1 P. To lengthen or prolate a tone in uttering. & 2 P. 1 To kill, slay; 9 a terrafa a HH ECH: 4 qafqaft Bk. 9. 102. -2 To strike, beat, hit; 19800g: -8 To strike, beat (a drum &c.); see 46a. TEUTTH Killing, slaughter. -2 A kind of amorous sport. 7&a p. p. 1 Wounded, killed, slain. -2 Beaten, struck as a drum); # Fa 1964: hd R. 19. 14; Me. 66. -8 Repulsed, overcome, defeated. -4 Spread, expanded. - Contiguous. - Beaten, frequented as a track). -7 Accomplished, learned. -Comp. -ATT a. having drums beaten; resounding with the beating of drums; fara wenye faggru194 Me. 66. hela: f. A stroke, blow. GEOT (1) #: The moon. 9641 P. 1 To laugh, smile; 28: +41974: giace R. 3. 51. -2 To deride, ridiculu, mock; aguar en Subhas. -3 To brighten up, look splendid, cheer up. TEETH 1 Loud or violent laughter, laughing, mirth. -2 Ridicule, mockery, irony, joke; RE 46474 U. 4. -3 Satire, satirical writing. -4 A farce, a kind of low comedy; S. D. thus defines it :- TeheranlAsyAzAkervinirmitam / bhavet prahasanaM vRttaM nindyAnAM kavikalpitam / / 533 et seq. &. g. ure. 9& reft 1 A kind of jasmine (qre or are q.v.). -2 A large firepan. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #496 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra prahasita prahasita p. p. 1 Laughing. 1 Laughter, mirth. -2 Displaying bright gaudy colours; Jatakam. g: 1 Violent or loud laughter. -2 Ridicule, derision. -3 Irony, satire. - A dancer, an actor. -8 N. of Siva. -8 Appearance, display: maff: Ve. 2. 29. -7 N. of a place of pilgrimage; cf. . -8 Splendour of colours. T: A jester, buffoon. a. sfer. 1 Causing laughter, amusing, diverting. -2 Joking, jesting, -3 Sailing with gef fig: Mal. 9. 15. - Shining, resplendenti faidiandafen: Ku. 5. 37. -6 Satirical. m. A jester, buffoon. 1 The open hand with the fingers extended. -2 N. of a general of Ravana. Bk. ET 3P. 1 To give up, forsake, abandon, relinquish; prajahAti yadA kAmAn Bg. 2.55, 39; modametau prahAsyete Ram. -2 To let go, cast, discharge; : 14. 23. -3 To depart from. -Pass. 1 To be forsaken or neglected. -2 To be lost, to perish. -3 To vanish, cease, disappear. -4 To be vanquished, to succumb. SET Ved. 1 A good throw at dice. -2 Gain, advantage. mahANam Abandoning. omitting quitting zaprahANamida : Si. 4. 55. -2 Abstraction, speculation, meditation. -3 Exertion. for: /. 1 Abandoning. - Deficiency, want. -3 Cessation, disappearance. - Destruction; trANakhalaprANaye Bhag. 95.9. - prahApaNam 1 Abandonment; nyAgyAyA api te lakSmyAH Bk. 9. 104. - Departure prahINa P. P. 1 Left, quitted, abandoned; : Bhag. 1. 12. 33. -2 Cast off, worn out (as a garment). -3 Ceased, vanquished. - Destruction, removal, loss. Comp. -fifa a. dead, slain. a. sinless. f 5 P. 1 To send forth, propel. -2 To throw, discharge, shoot; vinAzAttasya vRkSasya rakSastasmai mahopalaM prajighAya R. 15. 21; Bk. 15. 121. -3 To send, despatch; hariNIM surAGganAM prajighAya R 8 79; 11. 19; 12.84 ; Bk. 15. 104. To turn the eyes towards. : Ved. A messenger. sfit: A well prahita P. p. 1 Placed, put forth. -2 Extended, stretched out. -3 Sent, despatched, directed; faarariaaaaa Ku. 5. 42. - Discharged, shot (as an arrow). 8 Appointed. 6 Appropriate, suitable. 1122 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prahAraH -7 Imbedded (as nails). -8 Turned towards, cast upon (as eyes, mind). -9 Sent away, expelled; nizA pUrvA saumitre prAhitA vanam Ram. 2.46 2 ( com. gives prahitA = prAptA ) - tam A sauce, condiment. -Comp. - a. resolute. a. Going on an errand or mission. prahutaH, -tam An offering of food to all created beings (), one of the five daily Yajnas to be performed by a householder ; cf. ahutaM ca hutaM caiva tathA prahutameva ca / Ms. 3. 73; Bhag. 7. 15. 49. It also means affe (af) Bri. Up. 1. 5. 2. graf. Ved. An excellent oblation. 1 P. 1 To strike, strike at, beat; 'kicks'; : R. 5. 58; Ku. 3. 70; Bk. 9.7.2 To hurt, injure, wound (with loc.); vaH zastraM na prahartumanAgasi S. 1.11; R. 2.62; 7.59; 11.84 ; 15. 3. 3 To attack, assault. -4 To throw, cast, hurl (with loc. or dat.). -5 To seize upon. -6 To offer, prosent (Ved.). The eighth part of a whole day, a watch (a period roughly reckoned at 3 hours); sacAritAni gAmAnayetyAdipadAni na pramANam T. S. -Comp. kuDumbI a species of plant. -fafa: the end of a watch (at 9 o'clock in the forenoon). praharakaH 1 A watch; praharakamapanIya svaM nididrAsatoccaiH Si. 11. 4. 2 Striking the hours. 1 Striking, beating. -2 Casting, throwing. -3 Assailing, attacking. -4 Hurting. -5 Removing, expelling. -6A weapon, missile; yA (urvazI) sukumAraM V. 1; Bhag. 4. 26. 2; R. 13. 73; Mk. 5. 12; Bg. 1. 9; Mal. 8. 9. -7 War, battle, fight. -8 A covered litter or car. -9 The box of a carriage. praharaNakalikA f. N. of a metre with each quarter of fourteen syllables ; nanabhanalaghugaiH praharaNakalikA V. Ratna. praharaNIyam A missile, weapon. praharat m. A warrior; rAmaH praharatAM varaH Mb. 3. 83. 31. praharina m. 1 A watchman. -2 A bellman. prahartR a. or 8. 1 One who strikes or beats, an assailant. -2 Fighting, a combatant, fighter. -3 Shooting, a shooter, an archer. t IT: 1 Striking, beating, hitting; aufa faula Y. 3. 248. -2 Wounding, killing. -3 A stroke, blow, hit, knock, thump; in : R. 7.44;, &c. - A cut or thrust, as in khaGgaprahAra -6A kick; as in pAdaprahAra; lattAprahAra -8 Shooting. -7 A battle (raNa ); prahAre ca parAkrAntaH zUraH paJcatvamAgataH For Private and Personal Use Only Page #497 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prahAraNam 1128 ............... Ram. 4. 23. 12. -8 A Necklace. -Comp. r. a. wounded by a blow. (- ) acute pain caused by a wound. TERUTH A desira ble gift. Telfta m. A good fighter, champion. Tea p. p. 1 Beaten, struck, hit, wounded. -2 Seized. A blow, stroke, hit. TEP 4 P. 1 To be glad, to rejoice; # Trei sa Bg. 5. 20; 11. 36.-2 To stand on end, bristle (as hair of the body ). -3 To rejoice beforehand, anticipate pleasure. -Caus. 1 To gladden, exhilarate, delight. -2 To encourage, inspirit; ta qe ata 97289 Ms. 7. 194. TET: 1 Extreme joy, exultation, rapture ; T&: 988 yayaha R. 3. 17.-2 Erection of the male organ; a fafaraga: 84: 512 Mb. 1. 125. 20. TETUH 1 Enrapturing, making extremely glad. -2 The attainment of a desired object. -UT: The planet Mercury. & f uft 1 Turmeric. -2 N. of a metre; see App. Ha atafa: aggory V. Ratna. Tarta p. p. 1 Stiffened as reed). -2 Made desirous of sexual intercourse. -8 Greatly delighted. praharSula: The planet Mercury. TEC p. p. 1 Delighted, pleased, glad, overjoyed. -2 Thrilling, bristling (as hair). -Comp. -STICHT, fore, a. delighted in soul, rejoiced at heart. -64 a. looking pleased. -2 of a pleasing form. prahRSTaka: A crow. E 1 A kind of pastry (19%). -2 Sweetmeats distributed at festivals. **: 1 A kind of cake or sweetmeat. -2 A riddle; see Teresat below. Er Free or unrestrained behaviour, loose conduct, playful dalliance; AT HE4 921 Tiszattaa Pt. 2. 44. E : f., T& T A riddle, an enigma, a conundrum. It is thus defined in the face : vyaktIkRtya kamapyarthe svarUpArthasya gopanAt / yatra bAhyAntarAvarthoM kathyete Ar t . It is preff or 714; agurra: 3507 ferataFysula: get frase: gig(where the answer is $ u rqi :) is an instance of the former kind; w aaraa antaan Paaratacada nityam / yathoktavAdinyapi naiva dUtI kA nAma kAnteti nivedayAzu // ( where the answer is far ), of the latter. Dandin, however, mentions 16 different kinds of ; see Kav. 3. 96-124, TETE: 1 Diminution, decrease. -2 Languishing, fading away. 1 A. To be greatly delighted, rejoice. -Caus. To delight, exhilarate, gladden. 16a p. p. Delighted, joyful, pleased. aga: f. Pleasure, delight; also fe: P. VI. 4. 95 com. Tal (ET) 1 Great joy, pleasure, delight, happiness. -2 Sound. -8 A species of rice. -4 N. of a son of the demon Hiranya-Kasipu. [According to the Padma Purina, he was a Brahmana in his previous existence, and when born as son of Hiranya-Kasipu, he still retained his ardent devotion to Visnu. His father, of course, did not like that his own son should be such a devout worshipper of his mortal enemies, the gods, and with the object of getting rid of him, he subjected him to a variety of cruelties; but Prahlada, by the favour of Visnu, was quite unscathed, and began to preach with even greater earnestness than before the doctrine that Visnu filled all space and was omni-present, omni-scient, omni-potent. HiranyaKasipu in a fit of exasperation asked him "If Visnu is omni-present how do I not see him in the pillar of this hall?" Whereupon Prahlada struck the pillar with his fist (acoording to another account, HiranyaKasipu himself angrily kicked the pillar to convince his son of the absurdity of his faith), when Visnu came out half-man and half-lion, and tore HiranyaKasipu to pieces. Prahlada succeeded his father, and reigned wisely and righteously. ] TET a. Causing pleasure, refreshing. HEI (ET) TT a. Gladdening, delighting; 161EUR sulfatarya R. 13. 4. - Causing joy or delight, gladdening, delighting; 791 461616 : R. 4. 12. TE a. 1 Sloping, slanting, inclined; 781rdita Gara: Si. 12. 56. -2 Stooping, bent down; bowing humbly down3; eSa praho'smi bhagavan eSA vijJApanA ca naH Mv.1. 47; 6. 37; AT DE 4T 4894a: Vivekachudamani. -3 Submissive, humble, modestly submitting; gafar R : R. 16. 80; 4841a: gtiadi Siva B. 24. 6; frara 1991418 4649491299 Siva B. 29. 14. -Devoted or attached to engaged in, engrossed by. -Comp. 33 a. bowing with the palms of the hand joined and put to the forehead as a mark of respect. prahvaNam Bowing down in reverence. &fa Den. P. To make humble, subdue; & faufa fare: rafa HH U. 6. 11. 161 P. To quake, tremble ; Bk, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #498 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prahalikA 1124 prAgalbhI Tap See Th. ET: A call, summons, invitation. prA 2 P.(prAti) To fill; aprAsIdiSubhirmukham Bk. 9 f. Matted hair ; Nigh. Ratna. siy a. ( 990: Ta59] 1 High, tall, lofty, of lofty or great stature ( as a man); TITATTACIYF: R. 1. 13; 15. 19.-2 Long, extended; S. 2. 15. - A tall man, a man of great stature ; prAMzulabhye phale mohAdudAhuriva vAmanaH R. 1. 3. -Comp. -44 a. having long walls. 97% ind. 1 Before (usually with abl.); a fama ACTH Bk. 8 106; 96: THE Ku. 2.4; R. 14. 78; $. 5. 22. - 2 At first, already; 44-4a: 1919 - R. 7. 34. -3 Before, previously, in a previous portion (as of a book); sfa ha afegy; Ms. 1. 71; 1991 : qafa alla que H. - In the east, to the east of; AT 9764a:. -8 In front. -8 As far an, up to; 15T17. - At dawn or daybreak. The Manifestation, publicity, notoriety. T OT a. ( f.) Pertaining to the subject of discussion, relevant to the matter in hand often used in the sense of upameya in works on Rhetoric); aprAkaraNika da reformas easier K. P. 10. straff a. ( f.) Entitled to preference or superiority. * *: 1 A catamite. -2 A man supported by another's wife. prAkAmyam 1 Freedom of will; prAkAmyaM te vibhUtiSu Ku.2. 11.-2 Wilfulness. -3 Irresistible will, considered as one of the eight attributes or siddhis of Siva or the Supreme Being; see fafc. ATEIT: 1 A fence, a wall, an enclosure. -2 An encircling or surrounding wall, rampart; facta $49 parafta 17: R. 12. 71; Pt. 1. 229. -Comp. poft the platform upon a wall. FT a. One who is stationed on the rampart; #: ad ufa 9141 6 : Ms. 7.74. ar a. 1 Fit for a wall. -2 Enclosed by a wall, walled. TIT: Ved. 1 A metallic mirror. -2 A kind of ornament. STIR24 1 Being known, evident or clear, publicity. - Fame, celebrity, renown; TATU yefa fram facio a: Mb. 12. 295. 28; A faguicha yforat fa a Pt. 1. 94. -3 Brightness; Mb. 12. 313. 17. - Seeing all things; 91738 gagey Bhag. 11. 15.4. arra a. (-at, -aft :) [ gara sar porght at Boy ] 1 Original, natural, unaltered, unmodified; uaria fa a alaraft Si. 2. 36 (see Malli. thereon). -2 Ugual, common, ordinary. -3 Uncultivated, vulgar, unrefined, illiterate; prAkRta iva paribhUyamAnamAtmAnaM na ruNatsi K. 146; Bg. 18. 28. -4 Insignificant, unimportant; trifling; Mu. 1. -5 Derived from Prakriti, q. v.; di layaH 'reabsorption into Prakriti'; vimuzcet prAkRtAn prAmAMstAn Fats Mb. 12. 204.12. - Provincial, vernacular (as a dialect); see below. -2: 1 A low man, an ordinary or vulgar man. Frigo TESTI 4914: at 19: Ms. 8.336. - A kind of fever; aferzcaudy alar: prAkRtaH kramAt Madhava; (see-jvaraH)-tam A vernacular or provincial dialect derived from and akin to Sanskrit ; ofa: m 2 * Std 1994 Hemachandra. (Many of these dialects are spoken by the female characters and inferior personages of Sanskrit plays and are usually divided into 4 dialects :- Titaat, mAhArASTrI, apabhraMza and paizAcI); tadbhavastatsamo dezItyanekaH prAkRta 4: Kav. 1. 33; also 34, 35; 1994 igra START 777sfa Vb. 1. -2 Resolution or rea bsorption into wala; the dissolution of the universe. -8 A particular ritual or 43; Bhag. 10.84.52. --Comp. 39t: a natural enemy, i.e. the ruler of an adjacent country; Bee Malli. on Si. 2. 36. - : a natural neutral; 1. e. a ruler whose dominions lie beyond those of the natural ally. Et: a common or ordinary lever. - TORT: complete dissolution of the universe. Age: a common or ordinary man. -f a natural ally; i. e. a ruler whose dominions lie immediately beyond those of the natural enemy (ie. whose country is separated from the country with which he is allied by that of another). TEUTA 1 Original or natural state. -2 Vulgarity (of speech). fa a. ( f.) [ 4621 Pafn: 9] 1 Natural, derived from nature; Ta sau alte zu fassted My. 7. 39. -2 Illusory. -3 Vulgar. 1 a. (-aft f.) 1 Former, previous, antecedent; Safet fau: Ku. 1. 30. - 2 Old, ancient, early. -3 Relating to a former life or acts in a former life; T: T 59 R. 1. 20; Ku. 6. 10. (or TF ) n. Fate, destiny. -Comp. -*n. any act formerly done, or done in a former state of existence. THI n. a former birth. # a. One who only commences a work (but does not carry it to completion); upakramya aparisamApayatastadanantaramevainaM ziSTA vigaheyuH prAkramiko'yaM kApuruSa iti vadantaH SB. on MS. 4. 3. 21; R 3117243 hete auf ferer fanga suhtad sa SB. on MS. 6. 2. 15. gedig 1 Sharpness. - Pungency. -8 Wickedness. -4 Ardour, zeal. Theft 1 Boldness, confidence. -2 Resoluteness, determination. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #499 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prAgalbhyam 1128 prAca prAgalbhya m 1 Boldness, confidence3 niHsAdhvasatvaM prAgalbhya m / S.D. -2 Pride, arrogance. -3 Proficiency, skill. -4 Development, greatness, maturity; buddhiprAgalbhya , tamaH- prAgalbhya &c. -BManifestation, appearance; avAptaH prAgalbhyaM pariNatarucaH zailatanaye K. P. 10 'which has appeared'. -6 Eloquence ; prAgalbhyahInasya narasya vidyA zastraM yathA kApuruSasya haste (where prAdeg may mean ' boldness' also); prAgalbhyamadhikamAptuM vANI bANo babhUveti Subhas.: prAgalbhyamabhyastaguNA ca / aroft Mal. 3. 11. -7 Pomp, rank. -8 Resoluteness, determination. -9 Impudence. -Comp. -buddhiH boldness of judgment. AMIT: A house, building. prAgItyam Celebrity, excellence. prAguNya m Right position or direction. prAgram The highest point. -Comp.-sara a. first, foremost; tvamahatAM prAgrasaraH smRto'si naHS.5. 15. -hara a. chief, principal; vizvAvasuprAgraharaiH pravINaH Ku.7.483 R. 16. 23. prAgrATa: Thin coagulated milk. 957 a. Chief, foremost, best, most excellent; 41 prAgyAn yathA jyeSThAn Mb.6.64.41. sala: War, battle. TERT: Trickling out, dropping, oozing. prAghuNaH, prAghuNakaH, prAghuNikaH, prAghUrNaH, prAghUrNakaH, prAghUrNikaH A guest, visitor; cirAparAdhasmRtimAMsalo'pi roSaH kSaNaprAghuNiko babhUva By. 2.663; zravaNaprAghuNikIkRtA janaiH (kathA) N. 2.56%3 Pt. 3. 119. prAghUrNikA Hospitable reception. prAGgam A small kind of drum (paNava). prAGgaNam (nam) 1 A court, courtyard. -2 A floor (as of the house).-3 A kind of drum. prAca, prAJca (-cI/.) 1 Turned towards the front, in front, foremost. -3 Eastern, easterly. -3 Prior, previous, former. -m. (pl.) The people of the east. -2 Eastern grammarians. -Comp. -agra a. (prAgana) having the point turned towards the east. -anurAgaH (prAganurAgaH) former affection. -abhAvaH (prAgabhAvaH) 1 antecedent non-existence, non-existence of a thing previous to its production, as of an effect previous to its production ; prAgabhAvastathA dhvaMso'pyatyantAbhAva eva ca / evaM traividhyamApannaH saMsargAbhAva iSyate // Bhasa. P. -2 (in law) non-possession of property (that may be possessed ). -amihita (prAgamihita)a. mentioned before. -avasthA (prAgavasthA ) the former state3 na tarhi prAgavasthAyAH parihIyase Mal.4 you are none the worse for it'. -Ayata(prAgAyata) a. extending towards the east. -uktiHf. (prAguktiH ) previous utterance. -uttara (prAguttara) a. north-eastern. inher: ( greuter: ) first appearance (of a disease). -udaJca . (prAgadaJca ) north-eastern. -udIcI (prAgudIcI)f the north-east. -karman (prAkkarman ) 1.1 an action done in a former life. -23 preliminary medical treatment. -3 a preliminary action in general. -kAlaH (prAkkAlaH)a former age. -kAlIna (prAkAlIna) a. belonging to the former times, old, ancient. -kUla (prAkkUla) a. haring the points turned towards the east (said of Kusa grass); prAkkUlAn paryupAsInaH pavitraizcaiva pAvitaH Ms. 2. 75. (-lam) the point of a. blade of such Kusa grass. -kRtam (prAkkR tam) an act done in a former life. -kevalaa. (prAkevala) manifested from the first in a distinct form. -gAmin (prAggAmin) 1going before, preceding. -2 a precursory forerunner. -going eastward.-caraNA (prAkca raNA) the female organ of generation. -ciram (prAciram) ind. in due or good time, before too late. -janman (prAgjanman)., jAtiH (prAgjAtiH)fa former hirth. jyotiSaH (prAgjyotiSaH) 1 N. of country, also called Kamarupa. -2 (pl.). the people of this country (-Sam) N. of a city. jyeSTha: an epithet of Vispu. -dakSiNa a. (prAgdakSiNa) south-eastern. -dezaH (prAgdezaH) the eastern country. -dvAra, dvArika. (prAradvAra &c.) having doors facing the east. nyAyaH (prAnyAyaH) the plea of a former trial, res judicata; AcAreNAvasanno'pi punarlekhayate ydi| so'bhidheyo jitaH pUrva prAnyAyastu sa ucyate / / -padam (prAkpa dam) the first member of a compound. -prahAra: (prAkprahAraH) the first blow. -phalaH (prAkaphalaH) the bread-fruit tree. -pha (phA) lgunI (prAkphalgunI) the eleventh lunar mansion, (pUrvA). bhavaH 1 the planet Jupiter. -2 N. of Brihaspati. -phAlgunaH, -phAlgunayaH (prAkphAlguna: &c.) the planet Jupiter. -bhaktam (prAgabhaktam) talking medicine before meals.-bhavaH (prAgbhavaH) a previous life. -bhAgaH (prAgbhAgaH) 1 the front. -2 the fore-part. -bhAraH (prAgbhAraH) 1 the top or summit of a mountain; prAgbhAreSu zikhaNDitANDavavidhau medhairvitAnAmyate Mal.9. 15. -2 the front part, fore-part or end (of anything); krandatpheravacaNDaDAtkRtibhRtaprAgbhAra bhImaistaTaiH Mal. 5. 19. -3 a large quantity, heap, multitude, flood; timiraprAgbhAramuccATayan......vijayate jJAnapradIpo haraH Bh. 3. 129; Mal.5.29. -bhAvaH (prAgbhAvaH) 1 previous existence. -2 excellence) superiority. -mukha (prAGmu kha) a. 1 turned towards or facing the east; tAM prAGmukhIM tatra nivezya tanvIm Ku.7.13%3B Ms. 2. 51; 8. 87.-2 inclined towards, wishing, desirous ot. -rUpam (prAgrUpam ) Previous symptom (of disease). -lagnam (prAglagnam ) horoscope. -vaMzaH (prAgvaMzaH) 1a kind of sacrificial room having its columns turned towards the east 3 zlAghyastyAgo'pi vaidehyAH patyuH prAgvaMzavAsinaH R. 15.61. (prAcInasthUNo yajJazAlAvizeSaH Malli.; but some interpret the word to mean 'a room in which the friends and family of the sacrificer assemble'); kecid babhajuH prAgvaMzaM patnIzAlAM tathA'pare Bhag. 4.5.14. -2 a former dynasty or generation. -vacanam (prAgvacanam) anything formerly decided; statement by the ancient authorities; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #500 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra prAcI prANidaM vacanaM poktam ataH prAgvacanaM viduH Mb. -vRttam = prAGnyAyaH q. v. - vRttAntaH (prAgvRttAntaH) a former event. -ziras, -sa, -ziraska ( prAkziras &c.) a. having the head turned towards the east. saMdhyA ( prAksaMdhyA) the morning twilight, savanam (prAksayanam)moning libation or sacrifice srotas (prAsrotam) a. flowing eastward. (f.) a river. prAcI The east; tanayamacirAt prAcIvArkaM prasUya ca pAvanam S. 4.19; naiva bhAnustu viyatyudeti prAcIti tAM vedavido badanti -Comp. -patiH an epithet of Indra. - pramANam length (opp. to breadth ). - mUlam the eastern horizon; prAcImUle tanumiva kalAmAtrazeSAM himAMzo : Me. 91. prAcIna a. [ prAc bhavArthe kha ] 1 Turned towards the front or east, eastern, easterly. -2 Previous, former, previously mentioned. -3 Old, ancient. naH, -nam 1 A fence, wall. -2 The eastern country; prAcInavAhinIM caiva nadIM bhRzamakardamAm Ram. 4. 27. 16. -nam ind. 1 In front. -2 Eastward ( abl.) -3 Before. -Comp. -agra a. = prAgagra q. v. -AvItam the sacred thread ( yajJopavIta) worn over the right shoulder and passed under the left arm, as at a Sraddha. - AvItin, upavIta a. wearing the sacred thread over the right shoulder and under the left arm; savye prAcInaAvItI nivItI kaNThasajjane Ms. 2. 63. - kalpaH a former kalpa q. v. gAthA an ancient story -or tradition. -tilakaH the moon. -panasaH the Bilva tree. -barhis m. an epithet of Indra. -matam an ancient opinion, a belief sanctioned by antiquity. -mUla a. having roots turned eastward. prAcya a. [ prAci bhavaH yat ] 1 Being or situated in front. -2 Being or living in the east, eastern, easterly. -3 Prior, preceding, previous. 4 Ancient, old. -cyAH (pl.) 1 The eastern country', the country south or east of the river Sarasvati. -2 The people of this country. -Comp. -padavRttiH a term applied to the rule according to which remains in particular cases unchanged before - the eastern dialect, language spoken in the east of India. -vRttiH a kind of metre. prAcyaka n. Eastern, easterly. pracaNDyam 1 Vehemence, passion. -2 Fierceness, horrible look; prAcaNDyaM vahati nakhAyudhasya mArga: Mal. 3. 17. prAcAra a. Contrary to ordinary institutes and ob servances. prAcArya: 1 The teacher of a teacher. -2 A former teacher. prAcikA 1 A mosquito. -2 A female falcon. prAcIram An enclosure, fence, wall. prAcuryam 1 Abundanon, copiousness, plenty. -2 Multitude. 1126 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prAcetasaH A patronymile of Manu of Dakya. -8 Of Valmiki. prA . (Nom. sing. Aaking inquiring ques. tioning; as in zabdaprAT. -Comp. -vivAkaH ( prADvivAkaH) a judge, the presiding officer in a court of law; prADvivAko'nuyuJjIta vidhinA tena sAntvayan Ms. 8.79, 181; 9.234. prAjakaH A charioteer, driver, coachman; yatrApavartate yugyaM vaiguNyAt prAjakasya tu / tatra svAmI bhaveddaNDyo hiMsAyAM dvizataM damam // Ms. 8. 293. prAjanaH nam A whip, gond: tvacAjanamira pArthAGkitairmArgaNaiH 1: Ve. 5. 10. prAjahitaH The Garhnpatya fire, q. v; prAjahitasya vidya mAnatyAt M. 12. 1. 4 prAjaditaM iti gAIpatyasya pUrvAcArya saMjJA SB. prAjApatya . [ prajApatirdevatA'sya yak ] 1 Sacred to Prajapati; sarvadaivatyaM prIkSitaM prAjApatyamAlabhanta Bri. Up. 1. 2.7; Mb. 12. 60. 44. -2 Born of Prajapati (Brahma ); jahuH parigrahI bhAjApAyAstapasvinaH Ku. 6. 34. -3 Belonging to Prajapati prAjApatnI tadarbha pratyagrahInRpaH R. 10.02 tya 1 One of the eight forms of marriage in Hindu law, in which the father gives his daughter to the bridegroom without receiving any present from him in order that the two may live happily and faithfully together; sobhau caratAM dharmamiti vAcAnubhASya ca / kanyApradAnamabhyarcya prAjApatyo vidhiH smRtaH // Ms. 3. 30; or ityuktvA caratAM dharma saha yA dIyate'thine / sa kAyaH (i. e. prAjApatyaH ) pAvayettajjaH SaT SaD vaMzyAnsahAtmanA // Y.1.60. -2 N. of the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna (prayAga); (also n. ) . - 3 ( with tithi ) Tho eighth day in the dark half of the month of Pausa. -4 N. of Visnu. - 8 A kind of fast or penance; ( tryahaM prAtastryahaM sAyaM tryahamadyAdayAcitama / tryahaM paraM ca nAznIyAt prAjApatyamiti smRtam // ); prAjApatyaM caretkRcchramekaM samAhitaH Mn. 11. 105. 8 The heaven of the manes ( pitRloka ). -7 A descendant of prajApati; dvayA ha prAjApatyA devAzcAsurAzca Bri. Up. 1. 3. I. tyam 1 Giving away the whole of one's property before entering upon the life of an ascetic; also prAjApatyA. -2 Generative energy, procreative power. -3 A particular sacrifice (for appointing a daughter to raise issue in default of male heirs ). prAjikaH, -prAjin m. A hawk. prAjitR m. A charioteer, driver, coachman; hAhAkAraM prAjituH pratyanandat Si. 18.7. prAjezam The constellation Rohini. prAjJa a. ( -jJA, -jJI ) [ prajJa eva svArtha aN ] 1 Intel - lectual. -2 Wise, learned, clever; kimucyate prAjJaH khalu kumAraH U. 4. - jJaH 1 A wise or learned man ; tebhyaH prAjJA na bibhyati Ve. 2. 14; devadvijaguruprAjJapUjanaM zaucamArjavam brahmacaryamahiMsA ca zArIraM tapa ucyate // Bg. 17.14. -2 A kind of parrot -8 Intelligence dependent on individuality; Vedantasara. - 4 Supreme Being ( Almighty ); ayaM puruSaH prAjJenAtmanA For Private and Personal Use Only Page #501 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prAjJatA 1127 prANaH saMpariSvakto na bAhya kiMcana veda nAntaram Bri. Up.4.3.21. -jhA 1 Intelligence, understanding. -2 A clever or intelligent woman. -jhI 1 A clever or learned woman. -2 The wife of a learned man. -3 N. of a wife of the sun (sUryapatnI). -Comp. -kathA a story about a wise man. -manya,-mAnin or prAzaMmAnin a. fancying oneself to be wise, conceited; na tu cintayatazcitte janasya prAjJamAninaH Bu. Ch.4.52. -mAna: respect for learned men. prAjJatA, -svam Wisdom, intelligence.. prAjya a. 1 Abundant, copious, plentiful, much, many; tava bhavatu biDojAH prAjyavRSTiH prajAsu 5.7.34; R. 13. 62; Si. 14.25.-2 Great, large, important; prAjyavikramAH Ku. 2. 183; api prAjyaM rAjyaM tRNamiva parityajya sahasA G. L.5. -3 Lofty. prAJjala: .. 1 Straightforward, uandid, honest, sincere. -2 Straight, erect. prAJjaliH . [prasRtI ajalI yena] Folding the hands in ! supplication, as a mark of respect or humility. prAJjalika, prAJjalina See prAJjali. prANa 2 P. 1 To breathe, respire, inhale air. -2 To live, be alive; yadahaM punareva prANimi K. 35, prANimastava mAnArtham Bk. 4.38. -3 Ved. To blow (as the wind ). prAN m. = prANa below. TUT: 1 Breath, respiration. -2 The breath of life, vitality, life, vital air, principle of life (usually pl. in this sense, the Pranas being five3 prANa, apAna, samAna, ' vyAna and udAna); prANairupakozamalImasairvA R.2.533 12.54; (hRdi prANo gude'pAnaH samAno nAbhisaMsthitaH / udAnaH kaNThadezastho vyAnaH sarvazarIragaH / / ). -3 The first of the five life-winds or vital aire (which has its seat in the lungs); 319197 juhvati prANaM prANe'pAnaM tathApare / prANApAnagatI rusvA prANAyAmaparAyaNAH|| Bg. 4.29. -4Wind, air inhaled.-BEnergy, vigour, strength, power; as in prANasAra q. v. yuddhAtithya pradAsyAmi yathAprANaM nizAcara Ram. 3.50. 283 Bhag.8.2.29%; sarvaprANapravaNamaghavanmuktamAhatya vakSaH Mv. 1. 45. -6 The spirit or soul (opp. zarIra). -7 The Supreme Spirit; imAni bhUtAni prANamevAbhisaMvizanti Bri. Up. 1. 11.5. -8 An organ of sense; spRSTvaitAnazucinityamadbhiH prANAnupaspRzet / gAtrANi caiva sarvANi nAbhiM pANitalena tu || Ms. 4. 1433 marIcimizrA RSayaH prANebhyo'haM ca jajJire Bhag. 1.6. 31. -9 Any person or thing as dear and necessary as life, a beloved person or object; kozaH kozaghataH prANAH prANAH prANA na bhUpateH H. 2.90; arthapatervimardako bahizcarAH prANAH Dk. -10 The life or essence of poetry, poetical talent or genius; inspiration. -11 Aspiration; as in mahAprANa or alpaprANa q. v. -12 Digestion. -18 A breath as a measure of time. -14 Gum-myrrh. -18 Life, living (jIvana); devaM ca daivasaMyuktaM prANazca prANadazca ha / apekSApUrvakaraNAdazubhAnAM zubhaM phalam // Mb. 12. 36. 14. -18 Food (anna), anAstikAnAM bhUtAnAM prANadAH pitaraca ye Mb. 12.12.4.-17 N. of Brahma, Visnu and other gods. -Comp. -atipAtaH killing a living being, taking away life. -atyaya: loss of life.-3187 a. 1 dearer than life. -2 superior in strength or vigour. - PETIT: a husband. -377879: the soul. -anta: death; capital punishment; abrAhmaNaH saMgrahaNe prANAntaM daNDamarhati Ms. 8.359. -antikaa.1 fatal, mortal. -2 lasting to the end of life, ending with life. -3 dangerous.-4 capital (as a sentence); ajJAnAt vAruNIM pItvA saMskAreNaiva zuddhapati / matipUrvamanirdezya prANAntikamiti sthitiH|| Ms. 11.146.(-kam) murder.-apahArin a. fatal, destructive to life.-apAnam,-nau air inhaled and exhaled; prANApAnAntare devI vAgvai nityaM pratiSThitA Manjusa. -ayanam an organ of sense%3 (suptimUcrchApatApeSu praannaaynvighaattH| nehate'hamiti jJAnaM mRtyuprajvArayorapi // Bhag. 4. 29.72. -AghAta: destruction of life, killing a living being; aratatiet: Bh. 3. 63. -AcArya: a physician to a king. -Atman m. the vital or animal soul. -Ada. fatal, mortal, causing death. -AbAdha: injury to life; prANAbAdhayuktAsvApatsu Kau. A.1.8. -TOTA: restraining or suspending the breath during the mental recitation of the names or attributes of a deity.-AhutiHfan oblation to the five Pranas. -IzaH, -izvaraH 1 a lover, husband; nIcaiH zaMsa hRdi sthito hi nanu me prANezvaraH zroSyati Amaru.67%; bAlA lolavilocanA ziva ziva prANezamAlokate Bv. 2.57. -2 wind. dezA, IzvarI a wife, beloved, mistress. -utkramaNam,-utsarga: departure of the soul, death.-upahAra: food. -kara a. refreshing or reviving the spirits; sadyo mAsa navAnnaM ca bAlA strI kSIrabhojanam / kSIramuSNodakaM caiva sadyaH prANakarANi sstt|| Chanakya.-karman .. Vital function. -kRcchra m,-bAdhA peril of life a danger to life. -grahaH the nose.-ghAtakaa.destructive to life. -ghoSaH the sound from the ears when the fingers are put therein; chidrapratItizchAyAyAM prANaghoSAnupazrutiH Bhag. 10.42. 29. -naH a. fatal, life-destroying. -74: increase of strength. -chida. 1 murderous. -2destructive. -chada: murder. -tyAgaH1 suicide ; varaM prANatyAgo na ca pizunavAkyeSvabhiruciH ma. 1. -2 death. -daa. life-giving.(-dam) 1 water. -2 blood. (-daH)1 Visnu. -2 Brahma. -3 Terminalia Tomentosa (Mar. aina). -dA Terminalia Chebula (Mar. hiraDA). -dakSiNA gift of life; prANadakSiNAM dA 'to grant ome his life'. -daNDa: capital punishment. -dayitaH a husband. -dAta a. 'life-giver', saviour, deliverer. 1914 1 resigning life. -2 the gift of lifey saving one's life. -durodaram, -chUtam lighting for life.-dRha 4. Sustaining or prolonging the breath. -droha: an attempt upon any body's lite. -dhAra a. living, animate. (ra.)a living being. -dhAraNam 1 maintenance or support of life. -2 vitality. -3a means of supporting life. -aret: 1 a lover, husband. -2 an epithet of Yama. -nigrahaH restraint of breath, checking the breath. -ala: 1 a lover, husband. - the soul; buddhiM samAcchAdya ca me samanyurudbhUyate prANapatiH zarIre Mb. 3. 269. 4. -3 a physician. -patnI the voice. -parikrayA staking one's life. -uitetot a. one whose life is drawing to a close. -parigraha possession of lite, lite, existence. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #502 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prANakA 1128 prAtikUlyam -6, -, afera a. restoring or saving life. - OTTH departure of life, death. -ay: 'as dear as life', a lover, husband. - 787 4. feeding on air only. - n. the ocean. - a. possessed of life, living, animate, sentient. (-m.) a living being; Facturat R. 2. 43.-2 N. of Visnu. - TUTH 1 departure of life, death. -2 suicide. -A: = 17214 q. v. 7911 1 support of life; maintenance, livelihood; font41791972121 Hada Mal. 1. -2 the act of breathing. - requisite for subsistence; su 19417: FIT Ms. 6. 57. a: 1 the Supreme Being. -2 wind. (-f.) the source of life. Tra 1 the mouth. -2 a nostril. -TIST: 1 suppressing the breath. -2 danger to life. -a ut a mistress, wife. -El the science of breath or vital airs. -fra , -fage: loss of life, death. -fatt: separation of the soul from the body, death. -ata: f. a vital function. - pet: cost or sacrifice of life. -zarIraH the Supreme Being: sa kratuM kurvAMta manomayaH prANazarIraH Ch. Up. -saMyamaH suspension of breath. T:, CH, E risk or danger to life, peril of life, a very great peril. igat a manner of reciting the Vedic text. -697 n. the body. a. as dear as life. ( :) a husband, lover. (-A) a wife; qa heelagt: Farachtarafa Mal. 9. 33. ETT a. having life as the essence', full of strength and vigour, muscular; fiat a am: HTE (3) faufa $. 2. 4. -ET, -afta a. causing death, taking away life, fatal; JI HH MIUIEU H afe Git. 7. -2 capital. RIT a. fatal. (-4) a kind of deadly poison. Tor: 1 A living being, an animate or sentient being.-2 Myrrh. TUTU a. Strong, powerful. -: 1 Breathing. -2 Air, wind. -3 A sacred bathing place. -4 The lord of created beings. TUT: 1 The throat. -2 Water. - 1 Respiration, breathing. -2 Life, living. -3 Producing. Stra: Air, wind. Torreft 1 Hunger. -2 Sobbing. -3 Hic-cough ( Pert). TTUTH a. Living, breathing. -Comp. - : the vesture of the vital airs; : qurutset oft bhavet prANamayastu kozaH Vivekachudamani, see koza. g et 4. 1 Furnished with or having breath, living, animated; 7 S T : ra: $. 1. 1. -2 Strong, powerful; Tant facut a TIT Healaa: Mb. 1.128. 28. STTOTT f. N. of Garuda's mother-in-law; L. D. B. fura a. Kept alive, animated. AUCE . Breathing, living, alive. -m. 1 A living or sentient being, a living creature; tora: ara: $. 1.1; Me. 5. - A man, power, vigour; cfarat Tat Att: sforfat: 9aTIETT Bhag. 9. 20. 31. -Comp. 3 4 a limb of an animal. -Siah a whole class of animals. Wah gambling with fighting-animals, (cock-fighting, ram-fighting &c.). -ist cruelty to animals. - injury to life, doing harm to living creatures. -fear a shoe, boot. TOTTT a. (-toft f.) Proper, fit, suited. prANItyam Debt. alat ind. 1 At day-break, at dawn, early in the morning.-2 Early on the morrow, the next or tomorrow morning. -Comp. -399: the hymn with which the law begins; one of the Vedic Anuvakas in the Soma-yaga; arata careta Katy. SS.; purA prAtaranuvAkasyopAkaraNAjjaghanena gArhapatyasyodayamukha upavizya sa. aru a f ara Ch. Up. 2. 24. 3. -3: the early part of the day, forenoon. -31T:, TT morning meal, breakfast; anyathA prAtarAzAya kuryAma svAmalaM vayam Bk. 8. 98; T qu a trei cifua Mb. 3. 267. 13. -T TT m. one who has breakfasted or taken his morning meal. -77 n., Flora, UH ( : &c.) a morning ceremony; a morning duty or rite (worship, prayer &c.). Tio: a:15:) morning time. Tret: a bard whose duty it is to wake the king or any great personage in the morning with appropriate songs. - (arar :) the moon in the morning. "yuti a. pale. -trivargA (prAtatrivargA) the river Ganges. -dinam foremoon. -dohaH morning milk. -praharaH (TAE ) the first watch of the day. -1 m. a crow. -TSATH morning meal, breakfast. ( a: EU) 1 the morning twilight. -2 the morning devotions or Sandhya adoration of a Brahmana. : (aeth:) morning-time, day-break. :, Fan ( aina: &c. ) the morning libation of Soma. - TTT (TF F ) morning ablution. -ETH morning sacrifice. STATECT a. (ft f.) Relating to the morning; matutinal. - early morning. prAtastarAm ind. Very early in the morning , prAtastarAM wala+4: 494: 7 ta Bk. 4. 14. qatar a. Matutinal. Mifa: f. 1 The span of the thumb and the forefinger, -2 Filling. prAtikA The China rose (javA). prAtikAmin A servant or messenger. facts a. ( .) Opposed, opposing, contrary; T: 4: : My. 5. side for Opposition, hostility. afer Adverseness, opposition, hostility, unfavoura bleness, unfriendliness. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #503 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prAtijanIna 1129 prAdurbhU ............... .............. ! afareta (-oft s.) 1 Suitable against an adversary. -2 Suitable for every body, popular. Taa The subject under discussion. and are a. (afOccurring daily. taraft: A substitute; Katy. Ss. anata a. (eft f.) 1 Contrary, adverse. -2 Hostile, inimical. Trageth Enmity, hostility. grave a. ( 8.) 1 Forming the commencement. -2 Produced in, or belonging to the day called qan q.. prAtipathika: A wayfarer. fagfe a. Express, explicit. - Fire. - The crude form of a substantive, a noun in its uninflected state (before receiving the case-terminations ); 37994ETET649: fagfu P. I. 2. 45. sifatrat a. (mf.) 1 Common to all men ; (sarvapuruSasAdhAraNa); madhye rAjJAmahaM tatra prAtipauruSikAn guNAn / taba SiegfA...Mb. 5. 74.30. -2 Relating to manliness or valour. Filah a. ( ft f.) 1 Relating to divination or genius. -2 Intellectual, mental. - Genius or vivid imagination, intuition, divination; ... : arau : garaianmAtmAnaM yatra pazyati bhAratI Dharmabhyudayamahakavya 1.1; fax Teku Tatai 979144771 Tuffa: Si. 10. 12; Mb. 5. 63.2. A THETH Becoming bail or security, suretyship, becoming answerable for the appearance of a debtor, for his being trustworthy, and for paying his debt; ur fazarlayi Dk.; Ms. 8. 159. -2 Opposition (fatta ); a Castraatori rifat Mb. 5. 33. 110. Taurrei a. ( s.) 1 Existing only in appearance, not real. -2 Looking like. at a. ( S.) Against the grain, adverse, hostile, disagreeable. matge 1 Inversion, inverted or reverse order; aaaaaaat staatsia trafa (Failearet) Ms. 10.13. -2 Hostility, opposition, hostile feeling; g ua: stic21 atai 75014 Mb. 5. 29. 39. graalari, matati, raagu*: A neighbour. afe : 1 A neighbour (in general). -2 A nextdoor neighbour (Cat zeqet Kull.); Ms. 8. 392. fazi TH A grammatical treatise laying down rules for the phonetic changes which words in any Sakha of the Vedas undergo, and teaching the mode 9. $. #....183 of pronouncing the accents &c. There exist four Pratisakhyas, one for the Sakala branch of Rigveda, one for each of the two branches of the Yajurveda, and one for the Atharvaveda. ) fast a. Existing in the echo; J914CH 17: gayat: Bri. Up. 2.5. 6. trafta a. ( f.) 1 Peculiar, not common to others, one's own. -2 Granting to every one what is his due. Takesh Vengeance, revenge. Tatti, alati, atragTT: A juggler, conjurer. Tarth 1 Juggling, conjuriny, legerdemain. -2 Working miracles. -8 A miracle. gratiam a. ( f.) Mental, existing in the mind or imagination. grafia: A patronymic of Santanu. araf a. ( f.) Reverse, contrary, retrograde. prAtIpyam Hostility. arealet a. Perceptible to the eyes, capable of direct perception. treafri 1 A prince of the Pratyantas, q.v. -2 A neighbouring chief. of a. ( f.) 1 Confidential, trusty. -2 Standing bail for the trustwortbiness of a debtor as a pratibhU or surety). Aufga. (Fit f.) Occurring eyery day, daily. 1 A student who has just entered on the study of the Vedas (ra). -2 A Yogin just commencing his course. of a. (mf.) 1 Primary, first, initial. -2 Former, previous. -3 Happening for the first time. TOFTH Being first, precedence, priority. Safet Going round a person or object from left to right keeping the right side towards the object circumambulated; report fapira: gfal saathu: Mb. 17. 1. 46. age ind. Visibly, evidently, manifestly, in sight (used chiefly with 1, 5 and 34); 1945 al 9562rUpam Bhag. TIETE 2 P. To appear, spring up; sigaret TITE Ms. 1.6; R. 11. 15; :62117 5 fragt: qto Si. 8. 12. 1 P. 1 To become manifest or visible, show oneself, appear. -2 To arise, come to light. -8 To become audible, be heard. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #504 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra prAdurbhAva prAdurbhAvaH 1 Coming into existence, arising; vapuH prAdufa K. P. 10. -2 Becoming visible, evident or manifest, manifestation, appearance. -8 Becoming audible. - The appearance of a deity on earth. prAdurbhUta a. Appeared, become visible or manifest, manifested, displayed. prAduSkaraNam Manifestation, making visible. prAduSyam Manifontation. prAdezaH, -zam 1 The span of the thumb and fore finger also a measure of 12 Angulas; ggasily tr miti kIrtitam Suprabhedagama 30. 21; yastvetamevaM prAdezamAtraA Ch. Up. 5. 18. 1.-2 A spot, place, region. Comp. a. ust a little, for giving an idea ; prAdezamAtraM bhavataH pradarzitam Bhag. 1.5.20. A gift, donation. prAdezika smeftra. (f.) 1 Having precedents, proce dented. -2 Limited, local. -3 Significant. The owner of a district. Comp. -J: the authorised function or meaning of a word. prAdezina . A span long a. prAdezinI The forefinger. prAdoSa (pI.), prAdoSika ing to the evening. a. a. (-.), Relat A destructive weapon, any war-implement; sUryenduvAbhyamyagamaM tridhAmabhiH parikraman prAthanirAsam Bhag. 3. 8. 31; 7. 10. 65. prAdhAnika a. ( -kI / ) 1 Most eminent or excellent, pre-eminent, supreme, most distinguished. -2 Relating to or derived from Pradhana, q. v. 1 Pre-eminence, superiority, predominance, prominence. -2 Ascendancy, supremacy. -3 A chief or principal cause. ( prAdhAnyena, prAdhAnyAt, prAdhAnyataH 'chiefly', 'especially', 'principally'; f divyA hyAtmavibhUtayaH / prAdhAnyataH kuruzreSTha nAstyanto vistarasya me || Bg. 10. 19.) a. Well-read, highly educated (as a Brahmapa ); mArutApUritaguhAH prAdhItA iva parvatAH Ram. 4. 28.10. Reading, studying. prAdhva . [ prakRSTo'dhvA ac samAsaH ] 1 Distant, remote, long. 2 Bent, inclined. 3 Fastened, bound (). - Favourable. 6 Being on a journey. - 1 A carriage. -2 Start, precedence. -3 A long way or journey. Bond, tie. -5 A joke, sport. ind. 1 Favourably, agreeably or conformably, suitably; samAja me bhujAH samyetaraM prApyamitaH pra B. 13. 43. - Crookedly. 1180 prApita : : 1 Edge, margin, border, skirt, verge; radio: S. 4. 8. -2 Corner (as of the lips, eyes &c.); [IpatirvagnaviSamaM kRSitaprAntametat [Mal. 4. 23 38, -8 Boundary, extremity. - Extreme verge, end; Pt. 4. -6 A point, tip. -6 The back part. Comp. a. living close by. - suburb outside the walls of a town, a town near a fort. -framfer a. dwelling near the boundaries. -f: final place or term. - ind. finally, at last. - virasa a. tasteless in the end. -vRttiH the horizon. -zUnya a. 800 prAntarazUnya -stha a one who inhabits the borders. a Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ind. Marginally, along the border or edge. prAntaram [ prakRSTamantaraM yatra ] 1 A long lonesome or solitary path, desolate road. -2 A road without shade, dreary tract of land. -8 A forest, wilderness. -4 The hollow of a tree. 5 The country intervening between two villages. Comp. - a long dreary road (without trees, shade &c. ). 195 P. To get, obtain, gain, acquire; fam JR. 17. 1. -2 To attain to, go to, reach ; yathA mahAhRdaM prApya kSiptaM loSTaM vinazyati Ms. 11. 264 ; R. 1. 48; Bk. 15. 106; 80 Azramam, nadIm, vanam &c. ; prApyAMe. 30. -8 To stretch, extend. 4 To meet with, find, light upon, overtake; jaTAyuH prApa pakSIndraH paruSaM rAvaNaM Bk. 5. 96.5 To result or follow (as a conclusion); affetaria gfa iafa S. B. -8 To incur, bring upon oneself (doSa, daNDa &c.); sa zataM prApnuyAddaNDam Ms. 8. 225.7 To suffer, endure; a: Ms. 8.364. -8 To be changed into (in gram. ). -9 To be present, be at hand (Ved.). -Caus. 1 To lead or bring to, take to, convey; sapatnI: prApayantyabiMdha sindhavo naganimnagAH Si. 2. 101; vasatiM priya kAminAM priyAsvavRte prApayituM IdharaH Ku. 4. 11, 321 Ve. 3. 7; R. 14. 45, 60. -2 To cause to obtain, give, provide; nga fqaz K. 175 restored to life, revived'. -8 To promote or advance, appoint to (an office). To tell, communicate. Iaa. Arriving at, reaching, obtaining &e; as in duSprApa. prApaka (pikA /- ) [ ] 1 Leading to convey ing. - Procuring, providing with. -3 Establishing, making valid. - Obtaining. Bringer, procurer. 1 Reaching, extending to. - Obtaining, acquisition, attainment. -3 Bringing to, conveying, leading to. - Procuring. -8 Reference. -6 Elucidation, explanation. prApita p. p. 1 Conveyed, conducted. -2 Led to, promoted or advanced to. -8 Caused to obtain. -4 Procured, got. - Brought before (the king); commenced (as a law-suit ); na ca prApitamanyena prasedarthaM kathaMcana Ms. 8. 43. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #505 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prApipayiSu 1131 prAmAdham ..... . . prApipayiSu a. Wishing to cause to reach ; pratItastatkiM Arafat ray: Si. 5. 69. TA p. p. 1 Got, obtained, won, acquired. -2 Reached, attained to. 3 Met with, found. - Incurred, suffered, endured; a atigor T9A 77 4790: (499 ) Ram. 1.3.3. -8 Arrived, come, present. -8 Completed. - Proper, right. -8 Following from a rule. -9 Described as a symptom).-10 Fixed, placed. -11 (In gram. Following from a rule, valid. -Comp. 35 a. one who has got permission to go, allowed to depart. -TOTT a. guilty of an offence. 30 a. successful. (-#:) an object gained. - a. 1 finding occasion or opportunity. -2 timely, seasonable. (-:) a fit or suitable time. -34 a. one who has attained rise or exaltation. 7 n. that which results or follows from a preceding rule. Fift a. doing what is right. -F1 a. 1 opportune, seasonable, suitable; see 19 . -2 marriageable. -8 fated, destined (-3) a fit time, suitable or favourable moment.(-34) ind, seasonably, opportunely, timely; B a ia gerefacfu C Pt. 1. 63. - a. fit, proper, suitable. Sie a. revived, restored to life. - T a. guilty. -ra a. resolved into the five elements, i. e. dead; cf. qua.-T a. 1 delivered of a child. -2 near her confinement; tasaHEAT T out fagafa u. 7.2. - a. sown. - a. 1 recovering, regaining one's consciousness. -2 instructed, enlightened. T: a beast of burden. at a. 1 Wibe. -2 handsome. -a: a young bullock. - Nea. one who has obtained his desired object. - a. being in the bloom of youth, arrived at the age of puberty, youthful. -9 a. 1 handsome, beautiful. - 2 wise, learned. -3 charming, attractive. -4 fit, proper, worthy. -vara a. fraught with blessings. -vyavahAra a. come of age, being able and legally authorised to manage his own affairs (opp. ' minor'). - a. one who owes his rise to another ); 58: # : afroa garela 74 Ku. 2. 55; Pt. 1. 244. a. having the sun (vertical). na: f. 1 Obtaining, acquisition gain, attainment, profit; 464", 22:", gao &c.; Breza a afa: 2 m Jayd Bhasa.P. -2 Reaching or attaining to.-3 Arrival, coming to. -4 Finding, meeting with. -5 Range, reach. - A guess, conjecture. -7 Lot, share, portion. -8 Fortune, luck. -9 Rise, production. -10 The power of obtaining anything (one of the eight Siddhis, q.v.). -11 Union, collection ( fa). -12 The result of actions done in a former life. -18 Fate, destiny; of HTC 1941 ar w raga Pt. 2. 127. -14 Being valid, holding good, application (as of a rule). -18 The successful termination of a plot (921 ). -16 (In Rhet. A conjecture based on the observation of a particular thing. -17 In astrol. ) N. of the 11 th lunar mansion. -Comp. -3772TT the hope of obtaining anything (regarded as part of the development of the plot of a play); upAyApAyazakkAbhyAM prAptyAzA prAptisaMbhavA S. D.6. 4 a particular Jati in Nyaya. TCT, T u pot. p. 1 To be got or obtained. -2 Attainable, procurable; destined to be got; 196444 Ha 7.4: Pt. 2. 110. -3 To be reached, attainable. -4 To be met with or found. - Proper, fit, suitable. -Comp. Fifa (916 ) a. effective (only ) when touched. -ET (T T ) a. rather easy to attain. argo: A merchant, trader; 3aztea 919frica Si. 4. 11; Mb. 12. 88. 14. ETH 1 Ascendancy, superiority, predominance. -2 Power, force, might. -3 Validity of a rule). stat (ar) foi A dealer in coral. mata (AT) # 1 Dawn, day break. -2 A minstrel whose duty it is to wake the king in the morning by singing appropriate songs. TRASH The lunar mansion Svati. g a : 1 An epithet of Hanumat. -2 Of Bhima; gife can af 9131aT41 Bk. Tall Superiority, supremacy, predominance; 3+Hfhal yauh Mv. 6. 38. at Supremacy; authority, power; aega: STARTITI O34: Taifa Ms. 8. 412. THIT: 'A follower of Prabhakara', a follower of that school of Mimamsa philosophy which is known as H . ruta a. ( f.) Relating to the morning, matutinal. TECH, aga 1 A present, gilt. -2 An offer. ing to a deity or to a king (Nazerand); 36764 2991fa Taramad Dk. 2.2; 2. 8.3 A bribe. STATO a. (- f.) 1 Esta blished by proof, founded or resting on authority.-2 Founded on the authority of scriptures (TEA). -3 Authentic, credible. -4 Relating to a 141, q. v. -*: 1 One who accepts proof. -2 One who is conversant with the Pramanas of the Naiyayikas, a logician. -3 The head of a trade. STATUTH 1 Being a proof or resting on authority. -2 Credibility, authenticity. -2 Proof, evidence, authority. -Comp. acta. one who affirms or believes in proof. af a. ( f.) Due to carelessness or error, wrong, faulty, incorrect; la ra : or 118: &c. CANETH 1 Error, fault, blunder, mistake. -2 Made ness, frenzy. -8 Intoxication. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #506 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prAmItyam 1182 prArambha: prAmItyam 1 Debt. -2 Death. prAmoda (di)ka . (-kI/.) Charming, enchanting, delightful; aho prAmodikaM rUpam U. 6. 20 (v.1.) prAyaH [pra-ay ghaJ, i-ac vA ] 1Going away, departure, departure from life. -2 Seeking death by fasting, fasting, sitting down and abstaining from food with some object in view (generally with words like As, upaviz &c.); see prAyopavezana below; prAyopaviSTaM gaGgAyAM parItaM paramarSibhiH Bhag.1.3.43. -3 The largest portion, majority, plurality; majority of cases. - Excess, abundance, plenty. -B A condition of life. [N. B.-At the end of comp. prAya may be translated by (a) for the most part, generally, mostly, almost, nearly; patanaprAyo'about to fall'; mRtaprAyaH ' almost dead, a little less than dead, nearly dead'; or ( 1 ) a bounding or rich in, full of, excessive, abundant; kaSTaprAya zarIram U. 13 zAliprAyo dezaH Pt.33 kamalAmodaprAyA vanAnilAH U. 3. 24 full of the fragrance' &c., or (6) like, resembling; varSazataprAya dinam , amRtaprAyaM vacanam &c.]-Comp. -upagamanam,-upavezaH,-upavezanam, -upavezanikA sitting down and abstaining from food and thus preparing oneself for death, fasting oneself to death; mayA prAyopavezanaM kRtaM viddhi Pt.4; prAyopavezanamatinRpatirbabhUva R.8.94; prAyopavezasadRzaM vratamAsthitasya Ve. 3. 10. -upeta a.a.bstaining from food and thus awaiting the approach of death. -upaviSTa, -upavezin a. fasting oneself to death, who sits without food at the door of another to exact compliance with his demands. -darzanam an ordinary phenomenon. -72 a 1 common, usually met with. -2 executimg3 yugahadoghamadhyena brahmaprAyabhavena c| dhAtrA sRSTAni bhUtAni kRSyante yamasAdanam // Mb. 12.235. 17 (com. brahmaprAyabhAvena brahmakAryabhUtena). prAyaNam 1 Entrance, beginning, commemcement -2 The path of life. -3 Voluntary death; putre rAjyaM samAsRjya kurvIta prAyaNaM raNe Ms. 9.323. -4 Taking refuge, refuge 3 prAyaNaM hi satAmaham Bhag. 11. 11.48; 6.5.31. -6Death; manuSyeSu prAyaNAntamoGkAramabhidhyAyIta Prasna Up.b. 1. -6A kind of food (prepared in milk); prAyaNaM bhagavatproktaM bhuJjate vA'grabhojanam Mb. 12.335. 25. Trotz a. Introductory, initial, initiatory. -4 The first. -J: 1 An introductory libation at a Soma sacrifice ; tvaM prAyaNIyodayanIyadaMSTra: Bhag. 3. 13. 37. -2 The first day of a Soma sacrifice. prAyatyam Purity, cleanliness, piety, pious disposition or preparation (of any rite); aprAyatyAdAtmanaste doSAn mauhartikAduta Bhag. 3. 14. 37. prAyazas ind. Generally, mostly, for the most part, in all probability; AzAbandhaH kusumasadRzaM prAyazo hyajanAnAM sadyaHpAti praNayi hRdayaM viprayoge ruNaddhi Me. 10. prAyazcittam,-prAyazcittiH1.1 Atonement, expiation, indemnification, a religious act to atome for sin; na saMsarga vrajet sadbhiH prAyazcitte'kRte dvijaH Ms. 11. 47; mAtuH pApasya bharataH prAyazcittamivAkarot R. 12. 19. (prAyo nAma tapaH proktaM cita nizcaya ucyate / taponizcayasaMyogAt prAyazcittamitIryate // Hemadri). -2 Satisfaction, amends ( in general). prAyazcittika 3. 1 Expiating, expiatory.-2 Expiable. prAyAzcittin a. One who makes an atonerment. prAyazcitIya a. Expiatory; prAyazcitIyatAM prApya Ms. 11.47. prAyazcetanam Atonement, expiation ; prAyazcetanamAdizantu guravo rAmeNa dAntasya me Mv.4.25. prAyas ind. 1 Mostly, generally, as a general rule, for the most part; prAyaH pratyayamAdhatte svaguNeSUttamAdaraH Ku. 6.20%prAyo bhRtyAstyajanti pracalitavibhavaM svAmina sevamAnAH Mu. 4.21; or prAyo gacchati yatra bhAgyarahitastatraiva yAntyApadaH Bh.2.903 prAyaH samApannavipattikAle dhiyo'pi puMsAM malinIbhavanti H. -2 In all probability, most likely, probably, perhaps ; tava prAjJAprasAdAddhi prAyaH prApsyAmi jIvitam Mb. -3 Abundantly, largely. prAyeNa ind. 1 Mostly, as a general rule; prAyeNete ramaNaviraheSvaGganAnAM vinodAH Me. 89; prAyeNa satyapi hitArthakare vidhau hi zreyAMsi labdhumasukhAni vinAntarAyaiH Ki. 5.49; Ku. 3. 283 Rs. 6. 24. -2 Probably. prAyANika, -prAyAtrika . (-kIf.) Necessary or suitable for a journey; sarvamAjJApayAmAsa prAyAtrikamarindama Mb. 3. 253.27. prAyika a. (-kI /.) Usual, common. prAyudh 4 A. To fight; unmUrdhAnaH saMnipatyAparAntaiH prAyudhyanta spaSTadantadhvanIbhAH Si. 18.32. prAyuddheSin m. A horse. prAyus n. Increased vitality, longer life. prAyoktra a. Relating to an employer.. prAyogika . (-kI/.) 1 Applied, used. -2 Applicable. -Comp. -dhUma: a Kind of sternulatory; Susr. prAyojya a. Belonging to necessary things. prAram 1 A. 1 To begin, commence ; prArabhyate na khalu vighnabhayena nIcaiH Bh. 2.27; 8ee Arabh. prArabdha p. p. Begum, commenced. -bdham 1 What is begun, an undertaking; vighnaH punaH punarapi pratihanyamAnAH prArabdhamuttamajanA na parityajanti Bh. 1.27.-2 Fate, destiny. -Comp.-karman,-kAye a. one who has commenced a work. prArabdhi :1.1 Beginning, commencement. -2 A post to which an elephant is fastened; or a rope for fastening him. prArambha: 1 Beginning, commemcement; prArambhe'pi triyAmA taruNayati nirja nIlimAna vaneSu Mal.5.6; R. 10.9% 18.49. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #507 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra prArambhaNam -2 An undertaking, deed, enterprize; gAY: ACFM: saMskArAH prAktanA iva R. 1. 20. Commencing, beginning. : A shoot, sprout, new leaf; see Ia. -a. Accustomed to rise or ascend. 1 P. To sing, praise, commend; Bhag. -Caus. To honour, worship; Bk. affa. One who grants; Nir. 10. 10. A chief debt; P. VI. 1. 89. 10 A. 1 To ask or pray for, beg, request; a S. 2. 16-17. -2 To demand in marriage. -3 To wish or long for, desire, want; far: prArthitArthasiddhayaH S. 3; svargatiM prArthayante Bg. 9. 20; Bk. 7.48; R. 7. 53, 67; Ku. 5. 45. -4 To look for, search, be in search of; ada Bk. 7. 48. -5 To attack, seize or fall upon; asau azvAnIkena yavanAnAM prArthitaH M. 5; durjayo lavaNaH zUlI vizUla: prArthyatAmiti R. 15.5; 9.56. -6 To petition, file a suit against. -7 To have recourse to. a. (f.) Asking, begging, requesting, soliciting, entresting, desiring, wishing &o. A suitor, petitioner. , 1 A request, entreaty, prayer, solicitation ; ye vardhante dhanapatipuraH prArthanAduHkhabhAjaH Bh. 3. 47. -2 A wish, desire; labdhAvakAzA me prArthanA or na duravApeyaM khalu prArthanA S. 1; 2. 1; utsarpiNI khalu mahatAM prArthanA S. 7; 7.2. -3 A suit, petition, supplication, a love-suit; g: S. 2 (the object is expressed by the loc.; as in zakuntalAyAM prArthanA ) - 4 N. of a Mudra; prasRtAGguliko hastau mithaH viSTau ca saMmukhe / kuryAt svahRdaye seyaM mudrA syAt Tantrasara. Comp. - refusal of a request. -siddhiH / fulfilment of a desire ; prArthanAsiddhizaMsinaH R. 1. 42. prArthanIya pot. p. 1 To be prayed for or solicited. -2 To be wished or desired. The third or Dvapara age. prArthayita m. 1 One who asks for, a solicitor, beggar. -2 suitor, wooer, lover (of a lady); a fra vA zriyam S. 3. 13; Pt. 1. 138; evaM prArthayitA viDambyate S. 2. 1133 prArthita P. p. 1 Begged, requested, asked for, solicited. -2 Wished, desired. -3 Attacked, opposed by an enemy; af en R. 9. 56. -4 Killed, hurt. 5 Required, wanted; sought for; a fatavya eva te bhaviSyati prArthitadurlabhaH katham Ku. 5.46. a. prArthin 1 Begging, requesting. -2 Wishing, desiring; mandaH kaviyazaH prArthI gamiSyAmyupahAsyatAm R. 1.3. 8 Attacking, assailing. a. 1 To be desired or wished for. -2 Desirable. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1 A. To attain; Buddh. a. 1 Pendent, hanging down; - Ve. 2. 28. - 1 A kind of pearl-ornament. -2 A female breast. A garland worn round the neck and reaching to the breast; YGE yathAvakAzaM ninAya sAcIkRtacA ruvaktraH R. 6. 14; muktAprAlambeSu K. 52. prAvaTa: Barley. prAvAraH prAlambakam See prAlambam prAlambikA A kind of golden nocidson prAleyam Snow, frost, hoar frost, dew; IzAcalaM prAleyaplavanecchayA Git. 1; prAleyazItamacalezvaramIzvaro'pi ( adhizete ) Si. 4. 64; Me. 41; Ki. 11. 4; Ve. 2. 7; Bhag. 10. 65.22. -Comp. -adri:, bhUdharaH, -zaila: ' the snowy mountain', the Himalaya; Me. 59. - aMzuH, -karaH, -razmiH 1 the moon. -2 camphor.: a hail-stone. A spade, hoe, shovel. prAvartika a. (The or order) which is followed in the first round (i. e. while performing the first of a series of acts to be done with reference to several persons or things). Hence : is the rule according to which when a series of acts are to be performed with reference to several persons or things, the first act may be performed in any order one likes, but the subsequent acts are to be performed in the very order in which the first act is performed. This is discussed and established by jaimini and zabara in MS. 5.1.8-12. For, thus it is that a uniform is achieved. An opponent in philosophical discussion. grafer: A vendor of coral. gara. (- f.) Relating to a journey, to be done or given in a journey. sfera. (-) Suitable or fit for a journey. iar Cleverness, sicilfulness, proficiency, dexte rity; AviSkRtaM kathAprAvINyaM vatsena e. 4; R. 15. 68. 5 U. 1 To put on, dress or clothe oneself in. -2 To surround, encompass, enclose. 1 A fence, an enclosure. -2 An upper garment (according to Hemachandra). -8 N. of a country. A garment, covering; especially an upper garment, cloak, mantle. For Private and Personal Use Only An upper garment, cloak, mantle. 1 An upper garment, a cloak, mantle; ( prAvArottarAsaGgaiau samau bRhatikA tathA ' ); yayurvindhyaM zaranmedhaiH prAvAraiH Page #508 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prAcArakA 1184 prAsaMga ........ . yafta Bk. 7. 53; Mb. 1. 1. 133; also 1917; Mk. 8. TI S. Ved. Food. 22.-2 N. of a district. -Comp. : a kind of white STAT: 1 Eating, tasting, living or feeding on; yani ant or moth. faTy Ms. 11. 143; 27deg &c. - Food. prAvAraka: An upper garment, mantle; yadIcchasi lamba TIT: An eater. canland 1973an # Mk. 8. 22; staghafea: a gara: Mk. 1. TITAH 1 Eating, feeding upon, tasting. -2 Caus ing to eat, or taste; mantravat prAzanaM cAsya hiraNyamadhusarpiSAm arafa: A maker of upper garments. Ms. 2. 29.-3 Food. sea p. p. 1 Enclosed, snrrounded, covered, argraft a. Eatable, serving as food. -TH Food. screened. - Put on (as a garment). -3 Filled with. -Ai, 1 An # A veil, mantle, wrapper (-f. also ). Tara p. p. Eaten, tasted, consumed. - offering of rice and water to the manes of deceased gigfat: f. 1 An enclosure, a hedge, fence. -2 Spi ancestors, daily obsequies to the manes; stata f9aritual darkness. 494 Ms. 3.74.-2 Eating. sreferti a. ( f.) 1 Secondary. -2 Well-in T r 1 The portion of oblation partaken by formed. -8 Corresponding to a former mode of action. Brahman at a sacrifice. -2 The vessel in which this - A messenger. oblation is placed. This vessel is shaped like cow's at f. The rainy season, monsoon, rains (the ear); MRITHTET ETT a Bhag. 3. 13. 36.-3 Anymonths 31917 and 991201); Frigat @ 93 344 R. thing eatable. 6. 51; 19. 37; T arfela sata 75: i wa 9 Mk. 5. 18; Me. 117. -Comp. : ( : ) ATTEUTHL Excellence, praiseworthiness, pre-emi nence. end of the rainy season. - : ) the rainy Season. STT Ardent desire, longing for. argui, -a1 The rainy season, monsoons. STIAH 1 The office of a Prasastri. -2 Governsafe*, - raftur a. (-foret f.) Produced in the ment, rule. rainy season. - A peacock. Y a. Ved. Exceedingly quick or swift. -: T IGT a. Produced in the rainy season. T: A 1 Eating. -2 One who eats Soma. -8 An enemy of storm, stormy gale. Vsitra. sido a. 1 Produced in, relating to the rainy AF a. Containing questions. -: 1 An examiseason; al f atah raya...aftea Bv. 1.30; ner. -2 An umpire, an arbitrator, a judge; farge 4. 6; R. 1. 36; sie10991are yatafaa...Ram. champu. TUTTE LE 949 Ram. 3. 27. 4; Bhag. 10. 61.33; -2 Abundant, copious, much lit. coming in showers). B T : 121*: M.2; Tag I T- To be paid in the rainy season (as a debt &c.). fAOTH M.1. -V: 1 The Kadamba tree. -2 The Kutaja tree. JL a. N. of a kind of ratta. - Numerousness, abundance, plenty. are 4P. 1 To throw, hurl or fling. - To discharge, s cu: 1 A kind of Kadam ba tree. -2 The Kutaja cast as a missile ). tree. -77 Lapis lazuli. TIE: 1 Throwing, casting, discharging. -2 A dart, prAvaNyam A fine woollen covering. a barbed missile; EHHISH Ki. 16.4.-3 InTrata a. (a1 f.) To be given or done on enter- sertion. -8 A particular position of a planet. ing. A workshop, manufactory SE*: 1 A dart, barbed missile. -2 A die. qraft a. (- f.) 1 Relating to or connected FATH 1 Throwing, hurling, casting. -2 Throwing with entrance into a house or upon the stage ). -2 In down. the habit of entering.-3 Auspicious for entrance. er a. Armed with a dart. - A lancer, 12 , -TatETH 1 The life of a religious spearman. mendicant or recluse. -2 Vagrancy, wandering habit. SIT 9 P. 1 To eat, consume, devour, feed upon. STIRI p. p. 1 Thrown, darted, hurled, cast, dis- To taste; dits: Stand Ms. 2. 62. -8 To charged.-2 Expelled, turned out. enjoy, sport with. -4 To drink. TIT: A yoke for cattle; Mb. 13. 64. 19. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #509 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prAsaMgika 1130 priya ..... ... ..... . greift a.( .) 1 Derived from close connection. DETECT a. (-off f.) Derived from a spring. -2 Connected with, innate. 3 Incidental, casual, FIE (Only in perfect tense as EUR) 1 To announce, occasional; ratai faq: 7H U. 2.6. - Rele declare. -2 To call, name. vant. - Seasonable, opportune. -6 Episodical. greira: A draught-ox. SIE: Instruction in the art of dancing. grafi A gift; file at war tu #4194TI MS. skaftet a. Worthy to be received as a guest; 10.2.37 (where zabara paraphrases prAsarpikasya by dAnasya). Bhddh. This is to be distinguished from dakSiNA (q.v.). gre : A police officer, watchman. prAsahA /. N. of Indra's wife; indrasya priyA jAyA vAvAtA FIGU: A guest, SET 1 Ait. Br. 3. 22. TE: The forenoon; artigo: 91 311 : Bhag. STATE: [ call + 91 49 :] 1 A 1 6. 8. 20. palace, mansion, any large palatial building; 1978: I a. (-aft f.) Relating to, or happening in, Fauf seid Sk.; Me. 66. -2 A royal mansion. -3 A the forenoon; P. IV. 3. 23. temple, shrine. -4 A raised platform for spectators. - Terrace; a gaite STHIC ETNIH Mb. 12. 44.6. m arh, -JA1 ind. Very early in the morning. -Comp.-3157 the court-yard of a palace or temple. fat a. [fona 4-a40*] (compar. 149, superl. 08) -ArohaNam entering or going up into a palace. -kukku Ta: 1 Dear, beloved, liked, Welcome, favourite; H a tame pigeon. "T: an inner apartment in a palace. Ku. 1. 26; la 14 at th e Ha: Ram; -04 the surface or flat roof of a palace. -Ty: a R. 3. 29. -2 Pleasing, agreeable; az 1944-ACET balcony on the top of a palace ; atha prAsAdapRSThe sukhopaviSTAnAM R. 14. 6. -2 Fond of, liking, loving, devoted or 1919TU... ...H. -9fagt the consecration of a temple. attached to; 184341 $. 4. 9.; TT EUR U. 2. -prastara: the flat roof of a house. -maNDanA a kind of -2 Dear, expensive. -5 Ved. Customary, familar, or piment. - a. sleeping in a palace. -TET, usual. - 1 A lover, husband; TOHTO -754 the spire or pinnacle of a palace or temple, a fast Reag Mo. 28. -2 A kind of deer. -8 A sonturret; 792fratres ta: 1614 Pt. in-law THAT); Ms. 3. 119 com.). -- 1 A beloved Tereta a. Palatial, splendid. (wife), wife, mistress; 194 168ftes fag 12 Git. Seria Den. P. To look upon (a hut &c.) as a 10.-2 A woman in general. -3 Small cardamoms. palace ; prAsAdIyati kuTyAm Sk. -4 News, information. -8 Spirituous liquor. -6 A kind of jasmine. -TH 1 Love. -2 Kindness, service, Tat a . f.) 1 Given as a favour. -2 Kind, favour; 1999rafa a V. . 16; H IT PATAT: friendly, amiable; 3. starfeo 9H U. 6. 20.-3 Beau Me. 22; 1999 'a good service done to me': f92tiful, lovely. - A chamber on the top of a palace. Pfla: Bg. 1. 23; U. 3.26; Pt. 1. 193, 365. -8 Pleasing quaft: A kind of attendant in a monastery; or gladsome news ; viveza bhuvamAkhyAtumuragebhya iva priyam R.12. Buddh. 91; fara TH S. 4. -4 Pleasure; a TIT: relat a. (-it s.) Relating to delivery or child Ram. 7. 23. 15. -TH ind. In a pleasing or a greeable birth. manner. -feu ind. Willingly. -Comp. fafor a. hospitable. -37374 dear food or provisions. -T H Alfafar a. ( f.) 1 Serving as an introduction, dearth, scarcity ; Bri. S. -TTT: absence or loss of a introductory, prefatory; as in starfanfare the first beloved object. 32 : a. pleasant and unpleasant, or introductory part of Bhaminavilasa ); var 714 agreeable and disagreeable (feelings &c.). (24) prefatory remarks.'-2 Seasonable, opportune, timely, service and disservice, favour and injury. -3 : the -8 Pertinent, relevant to the matter in hand ); mango tree. (-a.) fond of water. - ind, as a aprAstAvikI mahatyeSA kathA Mal. 2. favour. -31a. 1 deserving love or kindness; U. 3. prAstutyam Being under discussion. -2 amiable. ( N. of Visnu. - a. fond of life. TEOT -3718 , -3T1 ETTf.) 1 Relating to or proper at ! a. announcing good news.-1 a. far agreea ble news; Pratim.. 1. -37161 a. amithe time of departure; stefa vakiya aycu R. 2. 70. able, pleasant, agreeable. -31TH a friendly office; - 2 Favourable to a departure. - Preparations for afchafia UTATA THETAH Mv. 5. 59. -37ofort a. departure. speaking kindly or agreeably. -1 a. fond of life. aft a.(- f.) 1 Weighing a Prastha, q. v. - f., - a kind or friendly speech, flatter. -3 Bought for a Prastha. -8 Containing a Prastha. ing remarks. -39ft: f. a happy or pleasant oocur. -4 Sown with a Praatha. rence. -TIT: enjoyment of a lover or mistress; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #510 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir priya 1186 . ................................ . . . ......... Carey dapa t R. 12. 22. - for a. 1 ; confidante. ya. 1 a lover of truth. -2 pleasant desirous of pleasing or doing service. -2 friendly, though true. T: 1 a friendly message, the mesaffectionate. - a. giving or causing pleasure. sage of a lover. -2 the tree called 7794. - ETT a. I a. acting in a kind or friendly manner. (n.) fond of litigation. -HATTA: union with a beloved object the action of a lover. -: a husband who is fond or person. -sahacarI a beloved wife. -sAhasa a. advenof his wife, whe loves her dearly. a. quarrel- turous. Eam. a dear or bosom friend. a. some. I a. friendly disposed, desirous of render- fond of sleep; akAle bodhito bhrAtrA priyasvapno vRthA bhavAn R.12. ing service. T a. 1 acting kindly, doing good to, 81. -ffa a. at once agreeable and salutary. -2 favourable, suitable. No, fa a. acting or fie a. Giving what is pleasant. treating kindly. (m.) a friend, benefactor ; 1547 Pt. 4. 76. m. 1 one who does good, a friend, ia a. Sweet-speaking, speaking kindly, affable benefactor. -2 N. of Visnu. JG: a beloved or dear in address, agreeable; dina: gaat accufaa person. fet: a husband who dearly loves his wife, ai grifac: Ku. 5. 28; R. 3.64. - 1 A kind of bird. a gallant. Ha a. living long, long-lived. (-a:) -2 N. of a Gandharva. Colasanthes Indica (Mar. ). -tfaat love of life. : 1 A kind of deer; 24 A 4- Tut: a kind of coitus or mode of sexual enjoyment. 19:' Vaijayanti; faarsa: afta: 1997 : Si. 4. 32. IT a mystical name of the earth; Mb. ata. pleasant to look at; fuit AT: 1997197 : hur grufer: -2 The tree called #9, Gra; 3919E 9789r: Ram. 2. 71. 12. -3 The creeper fayet. -4A Mb. 5.90. 21. a. pleasing to look at, of pleasing bee. - A kind of bird. - Saffron. * The skin of appearance, good-looking, lovely, handsome; TELAY the 12 deer; Ram. 3. 43. 36.- A flower of the ia: FAKT: U. 5.; R. 1. 47; S. 3. 9; vargasfa fuit asana tree; HIT THOUT: Haag: Tha a: . 6. (--:) 1 a parrot. -2 a kind of date tree. -8 N. of a prince of the Gandharvas; tafe T gs Si. 8. 28. iad at fugiau R. 5. 33. -4 A plant growing on Parat, TOT, faca a. 1 Showing kindness trees and stones (Mar. ). (774) the sight of a to, acting kindly or affectionately; f90 # 94 584beloved object; 37 E19H Pt. 1. 128. ( ft) a ET R. 14. 48.-2 Agreeable. -3 Amiable. bird, Gracula religiosa. I t a. looking kindly upon Fee: 1 N. of a creeper said to put forth blosanything. (-m.) an epithet of king Asoka. Ta. fond of gambling. -ra: an epithet of Siva. - A TH soms at the touch of women), priyaguzyAmAgaprakRtirapi Mal. 3. 9. (For some of the conventions of poets about good tidings. -ET: a kind of bird. -721: a kind inquiry about welfare). - ETH propitiation of a the blossoming of trees, see the quotation under 372714.) husband. -91 -2 Long pepper. -3 A plant and its perfume (Mar. a. exceedingly kind or courteous; 943 ITT: U. 2. 2. ( 1060); Mb. 13. 104. 87. -4 A kind of millet (fri; 9) eloquence in language. Mar. rALA); daza grAmyANi dhAnyAni bhavanti vrIhiyavAstilamASA - re, n. a very agreeable speech, as of a lover to 39194 2 aa Bri. Up. 6. 3. 13. his mistress. - a. wishing to secure one's desired -T *. 1 Saffron. -2 mustard seed. -Comp. 9 object. -bhAva: feeling of love; priyabhAvaH sa tu tayA svaguNaireva afera: U. 6. 31. HITUTE kind or agreeable words. N. of a country: Buddh. - a. speaking sweet words. - a. fond of ! ah a. Most beloved, dearest. - A lover, ornaments; FTCT 94454941 9794 S. 4.9.1 husband: feruata: fa a SYTTET: Me. 31, 72. -AY a. fond of liquor. (-y:an epithet of Balarama. -AT A wife, mistress, beloved. -TUT a. warlike, heroic. -24 a. flattering, a flatterer. - a. speaking kind or agreea ble words. iera a. Dearer, more beloved &c. (2) kind, coaxing or endearing words; 1949TATS- feat, -ah 1 Being dear, dearness. -2 Love, fa afgai fasad Targa (faza ECU a) V. 2. 22. affection. -vayasya: a dear friend. -varNI the plant called priyagu. --are n. a beloved object. -alla. speaking kindly, friulary, THIEF a. Become an object of affable in address. (-f.) kind or agreeable words. i affection, amiable, dearly loved. -vAdikA a kind of musical instrument. -vAdin a. priyAla: The tree called Piyal; see piyAla; Bhag. speaking kind or pleasing words, a flatterer ; 957: 8. 2. 11. - A vine. 9641 T L had failea: Ram. (- ) a kind of bird, priyIya Denom. P. (priyIyati) To think a person to forf (Mar. #al, arget). -99 m. an epithet of Krisna; i a: Faatuffor &are: 99ar: Bhag. 1.6.34. are: 1 be another's mistress ; H. Yog. the society of : beloved person. Fre: 1 a dear friend. I.9 U. (afat, fa, sta ) 1 To please, delight, - the Khadira tree. it f.) a female friend, a lady' i satisfy, gladden; stofa : gafta: foar 99: Bh. 2.68; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #511 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1187 preta #5: 1977 foragtig Bk. 3. 38; 5. 104; 7. 64. -2 To a be pleased, take delight in; 7 te sora 4991 Mb. -8 To act kindly towards, show kindness towards. -4 To be cheerful or gay. -Caus. (sorra-a) To please, satisfy &c.-II. 4 A. ( d, strictly a passive voice of the root st) 1 To be satisfied or pleased, be gratified: Haya yaat 19: Si. l. 17; R. 15. 30; 19. 30; Y. 1. 245. - To feel affection for, love ; Fauqata ya CC: a 79: Mb. 12. 138. 54. -3 To assent, be satisfied. III. 1 P. To please, gratify &c. -IV. 10 U. (22fd-) To please; L. D. B. a. kind, delighted (as gai). sfrut a. 1 Pleased, satisfied, gratified. -2 Old, ancient. -8 Previous. STUTT a. Pleasing, gratifying. - 1 Pleasing, satisfying. -2 That which pleases or satisfies. prINita a. Pleased, delighted; prINitazcApi bhavati mahato'- / fra Mb. 12. 253. 10. stat p.p. [ s-aft ] 1 Pleased, delighted, rejoiced, gladdened; prItAsmi te putra varaM vRNISva R. 2.63; 1.813 12.94.-2 Glad, happy, joyful; Me. 4. -3 Content - Dear, beloved. - Kind, affectionate. - 1 Jest, mirth. -2 Delight, pleasure. -Comp. -3HZ, -fare, -479 a. delighted at heart. star A symbolic expression for the sound (); Ram. Up. strat: [ wanaf. Pleasure, happiness, satisfaction, delight, gladness, joy, gratification; FECE - T1919 a: shfa: FITTE Bg. 1. 36; Bhag. 10. 23. 32. 97105fa: Ku. 2. 45; 6. 21; R. 2. 51; Me. 64. -2 Favour, kindness. -8 Love, affection, regard ; age a Fara FEIT Me. 4,16; R. 1. 57; 12.54. - 4 Liking or fondness for, delight in, addiction to; ga, q121deg -Friendliness, amity. -8 Conciliation. -7 A symbolical expression for the letter 7.-9 N. of a wife of Cupid and rival of Rati; ( aradt IT flat ansat i , AY Haral Trat: safarla yar | Matsya P.). -10 Longing ( 91); stratar TH TH FTH orala Il par 3 qt sifaeft iftada i Ram. 2. 1. 36-37. -11 N. of a fa. -12 The 2nd of the 27 astrological Yogas. -Comp. - a. producing love, kind, agreeable. . an act of friendship or love, a kind action. oga: destruction of joy; Mk. - N. of the wife of fata. m. N. of cupid. - a. inspiring love; giving pleasure, pleasing. (- ) a jester or buffoon in a play. a. given through affection. ( H ) property given to a female by her relatives, particularly by her father-in-law or mother-in-law at the time of marriage; Htet avi on uar a tu ar 1918Ara sacri ya ll Katyayana. 1974, ETT: . & 6.... 18 gift of love, a friendly present; acquistanut Mal. 4; R. 15.68.-967A money given through love or friendship.-74 an object of love, any beloved person or object. -puroga a.affectionate, loving.-pUrvam,pUrvakam ind. kindly, affectionately. The a. friendly, affectionate, full of love, kind; Me. 4. IT a. 1 enjoying friendship, loved. - Contented; Aaa: ha97131: Ki. 6. 47. -HT a. 1 delighted in mind, pleased, happy. -2 kind, affectionate. - a. arising from love or joy. a. dear, affectionate, beloved; fa sifa fisgatan: Ki. 1. 10.TARGET 1 a collyrium made of love ; fi sfatarea pazit: H. 183. - 2 Any nectar-like beverage causing joy. -vacas ,-vacanam a friendly or kind speech. -asta a. increasing love or joy. (7:) an epithet of Visnu; 14457 silama: Visnusahasranama. atq: a friendly discussion.-faig: a love marriage, love-match based purely on love). -MICH a sort of Sraddha or obsequial ceremony performed in honour of the manes of both parents. - TIT: relation of friendship. infa: friendly alliance. -ftatet a. moist or wet through love ( as the eyes). atrast a. 1 Full of love or affection, loving, fond, affectionate. -2 Pleased, satisfied. -3 Content, glad. -4 Favourable. sft: f. (= sifa: q.v.); L. D. B. prINasa: A rhinoceros. 1A. (d) 1 To go, move. -2 To jump, spring. -Caus. To extend, reach as far as. I. 1 P. (ed, ye 1 To burn, consume. -2 To reduce to ashes.-II. 9 P. (yourfa 1 To become wet or moist. -2 To pour out, sprinkle. - To fill. gfra a. 1 Sprinkled, wetted. -2 Burning. ge p. p. Burnt, consumed, reduced to ashes. gta: 1 The rainy season. - 2 The sun. -3 A drop of water Sk.). -- Head. -a. Hot. (4-5) 2 P. 1 To go forward. -2 To arrive at, reach. - To go out of, depart from ; : THEyar Hai Ken. -4 (Hence ) to die, depart life; after death '; see a below. a p. p. [.-3-5 ] Departed from this world, dead, deceased; Tolaida gefa daala maad R. 8.86. - 1 The departed spirit, the spirit before obsequial rites are performed. -2 A ghost, evil spirit; want Haur eta HA FA: Bg. 17. 4; Ms. 12. 71. -3 The inhabitant of hell (ar ); T argu ara: wataifa wa Mb. 6. 46. 19. -4 The manes (feat); prathitA pretakRtyaiSA pitryaM nAma vidhukssye| tasmin yuktasyaiti nityaM Nadat | Ms. 3. 127. -Comp. 37: an epithet of Yama. -3774 food offered to the manes. -37277: For Private and Personal Use Only Page #512 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir afa: 1188 N. of a particular hell. - n. the bone of a dead man. at an epithet of Siva. -Bate: a burial- ground, cemetery. -37:, T: an epithet of Yama. 327: an offering to the manes. -** ", era, FUT obsequial or funeral rites; Ms. 3. 127. : a corpse. I see TI; +4 raffor grar uiror HITA Mb. 3. 138. 7. - a. dead. -TEH a cemetery. Tig: the keeper of the dead. after man epithet of Siva. - 6: the burning of the dead, cremation. #: the smoke issuing from a funeral pile. HET the river aftoft. -PTT: a goblin, ghost. fauci, -Prer a man employed to carry dead bodies ; daraufara atafat: 9271a: Ms. 3. 166. - Ter: 'the fortnight of the manes', N. of the dark half of Bhadrapada when offerings in honour of the manes are usually performed; of. 199921. - CE: a drum beaten at a funeral. - ra: Yama (the Indian Pluto'). - 1994 a vessel used in a Sraddha ceremony. -gry the city of Yama. -a: death. f. a cemetery. - a funeral sacrifice. - Terelt the holy basil (get). - 7: an epithet of Yama. J i the world of the dead; T * ay * HET Ulkadanamantra. - a cemetery. -arga a. possessed by a ghost. ICH the body of the departed spirit. - f., a purification after the death of a relative. -14 an obsequial offering made to a departed ralative during the year of his death. RIT: 1 one who carries a dead body. -2 a near relative. Sfa: f. 1 death, dying. - Departure, flight. -8 Food. aras: A ghost, spirit. Su ind. Having departed from this world ), after death, in the next world; 779 at 2 at & Bg. 17. 28; #fanatta az atqui gar Ms. 2. 9, 26. -Comp. -Infa: f. position in the world to come. - 16. a. enjoying the fruits of actions in the next world. : the condition of soul after death; kathaM me pretyabhAve'pi na taiH FIT AR ANA: Mb. 1. 36. 12. - 11 . a. relating to Ha; see 91911; Haga Mb. 14. 37. 17. 1 A. 1 To see, behold, look at, perceive; 441and Pt. 1; R. 12. 44; Ku. 6. 47; Me. 8. 147. -2 To look on, be a spectator; 951 7 1TA14 Ve. 3. -3 To allow, suffer. DETI A spectator, looker on, beholder, sight-seer; wafa gefa 959: cartea: gry: San. K. 65. TUTE 1 Viewing, seeing. -2 A view, look, appearance. -3 The eye; affaefto Me. 84. - 4 Any public show or spectacle, sight, show. -8 A dramatic representation; 1991 y. 3. - A place where public exhibitions are held; Ms. 9. 264. -Comp. -3910* looking at and touching (women); alcuta ** Ms. 2. 179. - the eyeball. HATUTH A show, spectacle (as opp. to reality). Derfor A woman fond of seeing shows. aeroft pot. p. 1 To be seen, viewed, or gazed at; visible, apparent. -2 Fit to be seen, lovely to the sight, beautiful to look at%3 vaprakrIDApariNatagajaprekSaNIyaM dadarza Me. 2; R. 14. 9. -8 To be considered or regarded. -74 A show, spectacle. Depot A show, sight, spectacle; 279 174147 elfogad914: (tarat: ); i. 10. 83. DETT 1 Viewing, seeing, beholding. -2 A look, view, sight, appearance. -3 Being a looker-on. -4 Any public spectacle or show, sight. - Particularly, a theatrical show, dramatic performance, play. -6 Intellect, understanding. -7 Reflection, consideration, deliberation; and ASHEE......gfra Saga 1991 Mb. 3. 136.7.-8 The branch of a tree. -9 Splendour; ferardi tay : Bhag. 3. 8. 24. Comp. -37 ( 31 ) TC, -4,-64,- 1 a theatre, or play-house. -2 a council-chamber. - a. wise, prudent, circumspect; arft afa ya 94919: Ki. 18. 28. -984 ind. with deliberation. -9999, -fareti a stage-play. Ti an audience, a crowd of spectators, assembly. Seart a. Considerate, wise, learned (as a man). afera p. p. Seen, viewed, beheld, gazed or looked at. - A look, glance. af TT a. (-oft f.) 1 Looking at, viewing. -2 Watching narrowly, observing carefully. -3 Having the eyes or glance of, looking like, as in q uit. PET = Steropter q.v. 1 P. To vibrate, shake, tremble, swing to and fro, oscillate. -Caus. To shake, swing, rock to and fro. preDaH, -kham A swing; also prekhelkhanam Swinging; yA acasaeta 1994 afirafael Bhag. 10. 44. 14. Oxua. Wandering, moving, going towards, entering; arraneau: 919: Bk. 9. 106. - 4 1 Swinging: - A swing -8 A minor drama in one act, having no Sutradhara, hero &c; S. D. thue defines it :- amarzarahitaM prekhaNaM hInanAyakam / asUtradhAramekAGkamaviSkambhapravezakam / paragd Taha Il 517; e. g. affequ. 4 a female dancer. A 1 A swing. -2 Dancing. -3 Roaming about, wandering, travelling. -4 A kind of building or house. 5 A particular pace of a horse. afya p. p. Swung, shaken, oscillated. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #513 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1189 A at 10 U. (Sarafa-) To swing, shake, oscillate. ! ing, casting; Curai wafa farTo igle: Me. 70. HT, OH 1 Swinging, shaking, oscillating; - Sending, despatching. -8 Order, direction. -8 (In gram. The sense of the causal form. -7 Activity, safastafect-aft......Mal. 9. 17. -2 A swing. exertion. aa, afa, aut &c. See under . afera, afa a. 1 One who urges or sends. -2 A ruler. 07977 m. 1 Wind. -2 An epithet of Indra. Ofta p. p. 1 Impelled, urged, instigated.-2 Excited, SCENT 1 Desire of obtaining; Nir. 7. 17. -2 Desire stimulated, prompted; 3 pua w a raftat : (in general). -8 Supposition, assumption; Nir. 6.32. Pt. 2. 144.-3 Sent, despatched. -4 Ordered. -8 Direct ed, cast; gaa: S T ce a. 1 Desirous of obtaining, wishing, seeking, S. 1. 23. -8 Touched. longing for 3 aphalaprepsunA karma yat tat sAvikamucyate Bg. 18. -: An envoy, & messenger. 23.-2 Aiming at. -8 Supposing, assuming. -4 Anx- Seda m. Ved. The ocean. -f. (cat) A river, ious to deliver. TT 1.4. P. 1 To drive forward, drive on.-2 To send preman m., . [priyasya bhAvaH imanic prAdezaH ekAcakatvAt na forth, utter. -3 To fling, cast. -Caus. 1 To send forth, TilopaH Tv.] 1 Love, affection; tat prema hemanikaSopalatAM tanoti cast, hurl; 1995 : STH Bk. 15. 77. -2 To send, Git. 11; Me. 46; * SH GATT4 #4979 atau despatch; 93: 9at: : S. 5.-To send away, U. 1. -2 Favour, kindness, kind or tender regard. -3 dismiss. - 4 To banish. - To turn or direct (the eyes). Sport, pastime. -4 Joy, delight, gladness. -m. 1 A jest, - To invite, summon. -II.1 U.(9 -) To go, move. joke. -2 Wind, air. -3 An epithet of Indra. -Comp. 09: 1 Urging on. -2 Affliction, pain, sorrow. -3797 n. a tear of joy or affection. -3T a. overflowing with love. -# . increase of affection, ardent auf a. 1 Despatching, sending. -2 Ordering. love. - TT a. affectionate, loving. - 1 tears SUL, OTT 1 Sending, despatching.-2 Sending (of joy ). -2 the eye (that sheds them). -8 rheum. on a mission, directing, commissioning. -8 Executing -919 'an object of love', any beloved person or a commission. -Comp. -3784&T: a superintendent of thing. arut, P T a bond or tie of affection, the commands, chief of the administration. a. one Hra: affection, love. who executes a commission; goiert: 4 T afara a daad A mistress or beloved. gud Mb. 1. 76. 44. AAT a. (oft f.) Loving, affectionate. fra p. p. 1 Despatched (on an errand). -2 Order74 a. ( ed, directed. -3 Turned, fixed upon, directed towards, f.) Dearer, more beloved or agree cast (as eyes ).-4 Banished. - Sent away, dismissed. able &c. (compar. of 194 q. v.). -m. 1 A lover, husband; 48: qcht stagare su TE: Bbag. 9. 18. 47. 52 a. To be ordered, sent, despatched &c. -sy: -2 A dear friend ; facolae TAS felaka : 1 A servant, menial, slave; 262: darba: A ivar #1921, aita 249-277997 dulazqETTA II Mal. 10. 24. But 4 aaf Pt. 1. 424. - A messenger. - -m., --. 1 Flattery. -2 The desired fruit of heaven' A female servant, hand-maid. -94 1 Sending on a etc. but not a means to salvation ; 94 94 495- mission. - 2 Servitude. -Comp. -TT: servants taken Hardt fra fara sfit: Kath. -3 Good service, collectively. Hra: capacity of a servant, servitude, welfare; preyo vidhAsyanti vAm Mal. 6. 19. -sI A wife, bondage; preSyabhAvena nAmeyaM devIzabdakSamA satI M. 5. 12. -vadhUH mistress; Bhag. 9. 18. 47. 1 the wife of a servant. -2 a female servant, handSTT: A heron ( fond of offspring). maid. -aut: the body of servants, suite, train. 19 p. p. Dearest, most beloved &e. (super). of a # Caus. 1 To set in motion, move. -2 To push or urge on, propel, impel, send forth; q. v.). -9: A lover, husband; (34aafey:) fanta121 ATT A JAT: 981: Bhag. 4.3.6. -ST 1 A wife, mistress. TTT: TTT R. 4. 24 (v. l.). -8 To incite, instigate, set -2 A leg. on. -4 To cast, direct as eyes ); 741 y 291 S. 2.2. -8 To throw, hurl. - To send forth, despatch. aft (Second person, sing. of the imperative of with - To utter. -8 To ask. 19.v.). -Comp. -et a rite in which no mats are allowed. Ta rite in which no impurity is Ch 4. (-ftp s.) 1 Impelling, urging, stimulat allowed. - are a rite at which no second person is ing. -2 Sending, directing. allowed to be present. -atori a rite at which no TOTAL, OTT 1 Driving or urging on, impelling, merchants are allowed to be present. (See Gana to inciting, instigation. - Impulse, passion. -8 Throw- P. II. 1. 72). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #514 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir praiyam 1140 protsAhakaH .... ................................. ! $94 Being kind, kindness, love. preyakam A variety of carma; Kau. A. 2. 11. 29. 769 Beauty; 49er#fakturaadt: N. 5. 66. 9: 1 Sending, directing. -2 An order, command, invitation. -8 Affliction, distress. - Madness, frenzy. - Crushing, pressing, squeezing (H ). 70 a. Executing orders or commissions (as a aervant). 6: A servant, menial, slave; Ku. 6. 58. - A female servant. -534 Servitude, slavery; 461 419199 210 ya HET Ram. 2. 75. 22. -Comp. : the capacity of a servant, being used as servant, servitude; Hand Haa: Ku. 6. 58. STTET 6 P. 1 To sprinkle upon or with. -2 To consecrate by sprinkling holy water; prANAtyaye tathA zrAddha Aferdi 341 Y. 1. 179; Ms. 5.27. -8 To slay, kill. - Caus. To sprinklo, sprinkle with. Deur 1 Sprinkling, sprinkling with water; 3119eg heoi anta agat rayuan Ms. 5. 118; Y. 1. 184. -2 Consecration by sprinkling. -3 Immolation of animals) at a sacrifice. -4 A text to be repeated at an animal-sacrifice; -8 A vessel for holy water. -oft, fo: f. Water used for sprinkling or consecrating, holy water; arafa: yttertat a tevi i ar: 412707 Karka. Used in pl., and sometimes used to denote the vessel containing holy water', in which sense the word generally used is prokSaNIpAtra). prokSaNIyam Water for consecrating. gifera . p. 1 Purified or consecrated by sprinkl. ing. -8 Immolated at a sacrifice. -3 Offered in sacrifice. Y a. Exceedingly frightful or terrible. 1 P. To start, set out on journey. U T 1 Driving away, removal. -2 Destruction; P. R. fruta a. Sounding loudly. ind. 1 Very loudly, aloud. - In a very high degree. STT 1 P. To spurt out, gush or flow forth. Arosga a. 1 Dilated. -2 Swollen. alfesa p. p. High, lofty, elevated. STIFF Killing, slaughter. To ch p. p. Killed, slaughtered; wharfTE A Ram. Ch. 2. 62. A 6 P. = 3551, q.v, Aah Abandoning, quitting, leaving. afata p. p. 1 Abandoned, quitted, forsaken, avoided; #: aftchalsa Bhag. - Free from, wanting 91 T 1 Wiping away, wiping out, effacing; gese aara a fag y face : N. 5. 36. -2 Picking up the remnants. atstat a. Flown up or away. ato, allt See site, sitte. atuz: A spitting-pot, spittoon. gta . p. [-a-ral- AT04] 1 Sewn, stitched; area 99$ 997 5:ara fagror Ku. 7. 49. -2 Extended lengthwise or perpendicularly (opp. sita). -3 Tied, bound, fastened ; aiagatica II.... Mv. 6. 33. - 4 Pierced, transfixed; ara: gruravatt Mb. 1. 63.92; Teuta 19 gr gagi ariFra: Teu careia farasa 11 R. 9.75. - Passed or come through; tartoznan i. e. (9 ) faftia * #hula K. P. 19. -8 Set, inlaid; Mv. 1.35. -7 Joined, connected; hace 19701 59 Bg. 7.7. - A garment, woven cloth. -Comp. rera 1 an umbrella. -2 a cloth house, tent. - a. immersed in clouds. - a. put on a spit, impaled. araula Den. P. To insert, infix. The a. Very great. -Comp. : A favourite servant; a high official. 18 a. Lifting up or stretching out the neck. a: Pre-eminence. protkruSTam A loud noise or uproar. u na p. p. Winnowed, threshed. qat a. Stretched out widely. war a. Very loud; P. R. ATK a. Very high or lofty. afera a. 1 Come forth, sprouted. -2 Sprung from, issued. an: A species of tree resembling the fan-palm. sro a. 1 Full-blown, expanded. -2 Fully dilated, wide open eyes). STATTUTH Getting rid of, clearing away, removing, expelling. Safa p. p. 1 Removed, got rid of, expelled. -2 Urged forward, incited. -3 Relinquished. -4 Granted, given. TRETE: 1 Zeal, ardour. -2 An incentive, a stimulus. Tag*: 1 An inciter, instigator. -2 (In law) An instigator of a crime, an a bettor. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #515 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir protsAhanam 1141 (A) TEATEAH Inciting, stimulating, instigating, prompting Aeg 1 A. To fall out of joint; Bhag. . AT 1 U. ( aa) 1 To be equal to be a match for, withstand with dat. ); 19 9 7 Bk. 14. 84; 15. 40.-2 To be able, adequate or competent. -8 To be full or complete. -4 To subdue, overpower. - To destroy, slay. U a. 1 Famous, well-known. -2 Placed, fixed. -8 Travelling, going out on a journey, wayfaring; 781-acra fagyhatt Ty. -er, - 1 The nose or nostrils of a horse; calAcalaprothatayA mahIbhUte svavegadAniva a N. 1. 60; Si. 11. 11; 12.73; fagean2Page Bu. Ch. 5. 73. -2 The snout of a hog; fan a great fafeinda Mb. 3. 167. 19. -T: 1 The hip, buttocks. -2 An excavation. -3 A garment, old clothes. -4 Embryo. -8 Terror, fright. afera m. A horse. ET a. Big-bellied. aga a. Projecting, prominent. atglofa. Cast out; Buddh. SESIT 1 P. 1 To sound forth.-2 To fill with sounds or cries. -Caus. 1 To cause to resound. - To proclaim loudly. ger. p. 1 Resounding, resonant. -2 Making a loud noise. T urh, UT 1 Proclaiming, proclamation. -2 Sounding aloud. TETA p. p. Set on fire, burning, blazing; 119 499 7990 gyu: Fiet: Bh. 3. 88 (v. 1.) start: Lifting up, bearing. sigaret: Awaking, appearing, manifestation. s p . p. 1 Germinated, shot up. -2 Burst forth. saya p. p. Sprung up, arisen. sera p. p. 1 Lifted up. -2 Active, industrious. gik: Marriage. saa p. p. Terrified, alarmed. safe a. Waving, fluctuating. a p. p. 1 Very high or lofty. -2 Projecting. -3 Superior to. -4 Powerful, strong; a aud yAti nihantuM sblo'pyriH| vimadaH sa nivarteta zIrNadanto gajo yathA // Pt. 1 238, 340. gafa p. p. Raised up, erected. START a. Destroying, annihilating. tot 1 P. 1 To bloom, blossom. -2 To come to light, appear. -Caus. 1 To open the eyes. -2 To reveal, disclose, bring to light, discover. pronmIlanam Disclosing &e. 2 U. To cover completely, envelop. great a. 1 Recovered from sickness, convalescent. -2 Robust. get a. Shining, resplendent. gear Scratching; marking. 19: Burning, combustion. STT: Fasting; cf. 494. stora p. p. Gone abroad, on a journey, living a broad, away from home, absent, living in a foreign country; jIvatsu pANDuputreSu dUramaproSiteSu c| pAJcAlarAjatanayA vahate aiemi 14 Ve. 1. 18; fed Kasikhanda. -Comp. - a woman whose busband is gone a broad; one of the eight Nayikas in erotic poetry. She is thus defined in S. D.: AT T UT TETT: afa: a falhas: ardi at areal 119. HOTA dying in a foreign country. EU- rata a. Sinful on account of one's living away from home; 192: 562-9191919, e qua97 Bk. 5. 91. (4) g: 1 A bull, an ox. -2 A bench, stool. -3 A kind of fish ( also ). -Comp. - : the month bhAdrapada, kuryAdAparapakSIyaM mAsi prauSThapade dvijaH / zrAddhaM pitroryathAvittaM a tat a fanart Bhag. 7. 14. 19. (-a) the 25th and 26th lunar mansions; pUrvAbhAdrapadA and uttarAbhAdrapadA; these are double stars. 7915 TAPA dar: 4199674 sfa 211 aa ' Ts.; yurasa 14 Fez iga : Ram. 1.18. 16. The full-moon of 129a; gai TOATETI hemasiMhasamanvitam / dadAti yo bhAgavataM sa yAti paramAM gatim // Bhag. 12. 13. 13. - a. born under the above Naksatra; P. VII. 3. 18. TUOT a. Burning hot, scorching. at () a. 1 A reasoner, disputant. -2 Skilful, clever. -& 1 Reasoning, logic. -2 An elephant's foot or ankle; 3119 Stefan GTITIETO PARA Si. 12.5.-3 A knot, joint. -4 A part of the elephant's body especially between the shoulders; Matanga L. 5. 5, 8, 12; 6. 10. ( 7 4. [9+ - a ] 1 Full-grown, fully developed, matured, ripened, perfected, full, (as moon &c.); stagsa: re: Me. 25; startfaros &c. Mal. 8.1; 9. 28. - 2 Adult, old, grown up; ada geet rasfrazy 199xt: Mal. 8; Si. 11. 39; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #516 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir prauDha (Dhi) tvam 1142 plava Mv.6.4.-8 Thick, dense, pitchy; prauDhaM tamaH kuru kRtajJatayaiva / kiMzukaiH plakSaiH Parnal. 4.62. -2 One of the seven Dvipas bhadram Ma17.33; Si. 4.62. -4 Grand, mighty, strong, or continents of the world; plakSo jambUpramANo dvIpaH khyAtikaro magnificent; prauDhaM vikrAntamAsId vana iva bhavatAM zUrazanye raNe'smin / hiraNmaya utthito yatrAnirupAste saptajihvaH Purapam. -3 A side Ve.5.37.-B Violent, impetuous. -7 Proud ; atradAnAdbhutaM / or back-door, a private entrance. -4 The space at the kAle prauDhena muninA kRtam Mv. 2.3. -8 Luxuriant. -9 side of a door. -Comp. -jAtA, -samudravAcakA an Married. -10 Full of, filled with at the end of comp). epithet of the river Sarasvati. -tIrtham, -prasravaNam, -11 Raised or lifted up. -12 Controverted, discussed. -rAj m. the place where the Sarasvati rises. -dvAram -13 Larger great. -150ccupied, engaged; kAntayA sapadi a back-door, a side-entrance; Matsya P. 264. 15. ko'pyupagUDhaH prauDhapANirapanetumiyeSa Si. 10.73. -DhA A bold plAkSam The fruit of plakSa. and grown-up woman, no longer bashful or timid in the presence of her lord, one of the four principal pliha 1 A. (plehate) To gor move. temale characters in poetic compositions 3 ASoDazAdbhave- plI 9 P. (plInAti) To go, move. dvAlA triMzatA taruNI matA / paJcapaJcazatA prauDhA bhaved vRddhA tataH param // Ratimanjari. -Comp. -aGganA a bold woman; Bee plIhan m. The spleen or its enlargement (plihana also); Y.3.943 Mv.5.19. -Comp. -arie N. of the fig-tree. above. -AcArAH bold or confident behaviour. -uktiH -udaram enlargement of the spleen. -udarin a. sufferf.a.bold or pompous assertion. -jalada: a dense cloud. -dordaNDaH a strong and long arm. -pAda a one whose ing from enlargement of the spleen. feet are raised on a bench; zayAnaH prauDhapAdazca (nAdhIyIta) plIhA The spleen. Ms.4.112. -puSpa a having full-grown blossoms 3; tvatsa plu 1 A. (plavate, pluta) 1 To float, swim; kiM nAmaitat parkAt pulakitamiva prauDhapuSpaH kadambaiH Me.25.-pratApa a. of great majjantyalAbUni grAvANaH plavanta iti Mr.1; klezottaraM rAgavazAt or mighty valour. -priyA a bold or confident mistress. plavante R. 16.60%; plavante dharmalaghavo loke'mbhasi yathA plavAH Su-brAhmaNam = tAjyabrAhmaNam. -manoramA N. of a commentary bhas. -2 To cross in a boat. -3 To swing to and fro, on siddhAntakaumudI and other works. 'kucamardanam a com. on vibrate.-4 To leap, jump, spring; yathAmukhInaH sItAyAH this work. -yauvana a. advanced in youth, in the prime pupluve bahu lobhayan Bk.5.48; 14. 13; 15.46. -8 To plunge or bloom of youth. -vAda: an arrogant or bold asser into, bathe. -8 To fly or haste away. -7 To blow (as tion, defiant speech. the wind ). -8To fade away, disappear.-9 To goar, prauDha (Dhi) tvam Sublimity or felicity; yatprauDhitvamudAratA hover a bout. -10 To skip. -11 To be prolated or ca vacasAM yaccArthato gauravam Mal. 1. 7. -2 Confidence lengthened (as a vowel ). -Caus. (394fd-a) 1 To cause -3 Arrogance. to swim or float. -2 To remove, wash away. -3 To bathe. -4 To imundate, deluge, flood, submerge; ye: pro (pro) DhiHf. 1 Full growth or development, plAvayiSyanti samantato'mI Si. 3.74; 7.74. -B To cause to maturity, perfection; evaM vIkSya tavAvivekamapi ca prauDhiM parAmunnateH reel or fluctuate. - To lengthen, prolate (a vowel). Jagannatha. -2 Growth, -3 Greatness, -With 3f 1 to over-flow. -2 to overwhelm, overcome. grandeur, elevation, dignity; prauDhiprakarSeNa purANarItivyatikramaH zlAdhyatamaH padAnAm Vikr. 1. 15. -4. Boldness, audacity; plava . [plu ac ] 1 Swimming, floating.-2 Jumping, prAsapAzadhanurbANadhAriNaH prauDhikAriNaH Siva B. 26. 30. -5 Pride, leapimg. -3 Ved. Superior, excellent. -va: Swimming, arrogance, self-confidence. -6 Controversy, discussion. floating.-2 Flood, swelling of a river. -3 A jump, -7 Leal, exertion, enterprize. -8 Earnestness, pro leap going by leaps or jumps 3 te rathairdevadhiSNyAbhairhayaizca taralafundity (of character); hAsyaprauDhimajAnantyAH karuNaH so'nva ca: Bhag. 10.82.7.-4 A raft, float, canoe, small boat: kampata Bhag. 10.60.25. -Comp. -vAda: 1agrandilo nAvazcAruruhustvanye plavestarustathApare Ram. 2.89.20 (com. lavA veNutRNAdinirmitAH); nAzayecca zanaiH pazcAt plavaM salilapUravat Pt. quent or pompous speech. -2 a bold assertion. 2.42; sarva jJAnaplavenaiva vRjinaM saMtariSyasi Bg.4.36 Ms. 4. 1943 Stay 1 P. 1 To become matured, ripen, be de- 11. 19; Ve. 3. 25. - A frog; haMsakrauJcaplavAkIrNa sArasaiH veloped, grow up. -2 To increase. saMprasAditam Ram.3.35. 18.-8A monkey; dadhi hRtvA baka zcApi plavo matsyAnasaMskRtAn Mb. 13. 111.99.-7Adeclivity, stor a. Clever, learned, skilful. slope. -8 An enemy. -9 A sheep. -10 A man of a prokta a. Having the sense of. low tribe, a Chandala. -11 A net or snare for catchprauSThapadaH = proSThapada q.v. ing fish. -12 The fig-tree. -18 The Karandava bird, a kind of duck. -19 Five or more stanzas syntactically plakaH Ved. Pudendum muliebre (adhogabheda). comnected (= kulaka q. v.). -15 The prolated utterance plakSa 1 U. To eat, consume. of a vowel. -16 Returning, return. -17 Urging on inciting. -18 Sound; L. D. B. -19 A kind of aquatic prakSaH [plakSyate kITaiH plakSa-karmaNi gham] 1 The Indian fig- bird Ms. 5.12.-20 N. of a saMvatsara. -Comp.-kumbhaH tree; plakSapraroha iva saudhatalaM bibheda R. 8. 933; 18.71; kapitthaiH / pitcher used as a support in swimming; smarayauvanayoH khallu For Private and Personal Use Only Page #517 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir plavakaH 1118 mea ina dvayoH plavakumbhI bhavataH kucAvubhau N.2.31. -ga: ta monkey; sa setuM bandhayAmAsa plavagailavaNAmbhasi R. 12.70. -2 a trog. -3 an aquatic bird, the diver. -4 the free tree. -8 N. of the sun's charioteer. ' : Hanumat; Bhag. deg775: The monkey chief Sugriva; rAghavaplavagarAjayoriva prema yuktamitaretarAzrayam Ki. 13.57. (-gA) the sign of the zodiac called Virgo. -gati: a frog. plavakA [plu bAhu aka] 1 A frog. -2 A jumper, tumbler, rope-dancer. -3 The holy flg-tree. -4 A Chandala, an outcast. -BA monkey. plavaGga: 1 An apea monkey. -2 A deer. -3 The fig-tree. -4N. of saMvatsara. plavatvam (In astrol.) The position of a canstellation in the quarter ruled by its planetary regent; Brit. S. plavaGgamaH 1A monkey; evamuktastu bhImena smitaM kRtvA plavagamaH Mb. 3. 150.2%3 saMcerurAtmAna ivAparaM kSaNAt kSamAraha dehamiva plavagamAH Si. 12.55. -2 A frog. -Comp. -induH an epithet of Hanumat. plavana [plu-lyuTa ] a. Inclined, stooping down; prAgudakplavanA bhUmiM kArayet yatnato naraH Matsya. P. -nam 1 Swimming. -2 Bathing, plunging into; AnandamandamamRtaplavanA mamatalanA- divAbhUta Mal. 1. 19. -3 Flying. -4 Jumping, leaping. -8 A great flood, deluge. -8 A declivity. -7 One of a horse's paces capering). plavAkA A float, raft. plavika . [plavena tarati Than ] Taking over in a boat, a terry-man. plAvaH [plu-ghaJ] 1 Flowing over. -2 Jumping, leaping, kvacica darduraplAvairvividhairupahAsakaiH Bhag. 10. 18. 15. -3 Filling to, overflowing. -4 Straining a liquid (to remove impurities &c.); bhasmAdbhiH kAMsyalohAnAM zuddhiH plAvo 1949 a Y. 1. 190 (see Mita. thereon). - Submersion. plAvanam [plu Nic lyuT ] 1 Bathing, ablution. -2 Overflowing, flooding, inundating. -3 A flood, deluge. -4 Prolation (of a vowel ). plAvayitR . One who causes to swim or cross (a boataman); guruH plAvayitA tasya jJAna plava ihocyate Mb. 12. 326. 23. plAvita pp. [plu Nic kta ] 1 Made to swim, float, or overflow. -2 Deluged, inundated, overflowed. -3 Moistened, wetted, sprinkled; galanmadhuplAvitadUravartmani si. 12.26; vivikte'sminnage bhUyaH plAvite jahukanyayA Ki. 11. 36.-4 Covered with, smeared. - Lengthened, prolated (as a vowel); plAvitena svareNoccairAjuhAvAkulondrayaH Bhag.6.1.29. -tam 1 Inundation, flood. -2 A song in which the vowels are prolated. plAvin .[plu-Nini ] 1 Spreading over, deluging, overflowing. -2 Promulgating. -m. A bird. pluta pp. [plu-kta ] 1 Swimming, floating. -2 Inandated, submerged, overflowed. -3 Leaped, jumped. -4 Lengthened, protracted or prolated (as a vowel); azadraviSaye pratyabhivAde yavAkyaM tasya TeH plutaH syAt Sk. yAnto'nyataH plutakRtasvaramAzu dUrAdudvAhunA juhUbire muhurAtmavAH Si.5.15. -5 Covered with, filled with ; manthAyastArNavAmbhaHplutakuhara... Ve. 1. 22. -8 Bathed in; (see plu). -tam 1A jump, leap, spring; pazyodapraplutatvAdviyati bahutaraM stokamuA prayAti S. 1.7. -4 Capering, one of the paces of a horse. -3 Bounding, vaulting.-4 A flood, deluge. -Comp. -gatiH a hare. (L.) 1 going by leaps. -2 a gallop, bounding motion. -meruH (in music ) a kind of measure. plutiHf. [plu-bhAve-ktin ] 1 A flood, overflowing, inundation. -2 A leap, jump, spring; as in Hognafa. -3 Capering, one of the paces of a horse. -4 Prolation or protraction of a vowel. plue I. 1, 4,9 P. (ploSati, 'luSyati, pluSNAti, pluSTa) To burny Boorch, singe, sear; Rs. 1. 223 rAmastuSyatu me vA'dya pApAM pluSNAtu vA'nala: Bk. 20.34. -II.9 P. (pluSNAti) 1 To sprinkle, wet. -2 To anoint. -3 To fill. plakSiH 1 Fire. -2 The burning of a house. -3 Oil. pluSaH Burning, combustion. pluSiH A species of noxious insect; yadveva samaH pluSiNA samo mazakena Bri. Up. 1. 3.22. pluSTa pp.Scorched, burnt, singed; paTutaradavadAhAt pluSTa sasyaprarohA: Rs. 1.22. ploSaH Burning, combustion (also proSa); svapakSAbhyAM ploSAdavikalamarakSat karuNayA Mv.5.63 Visnupada s. 46. ploSaNa . (-NI/.) [pluS-lyu] Burning, scorching, reducing to ashes ; tAIyIka purArestadavatu madanaploSaNaM locanaM vaH Mal.1(v.1.). -Nam Burning, scorching (proSaNam also). plu s 4 P. (plusyati) 1 To burn. -2 To share. ple 1 A. (plevate) To serve, attend or wait upon. plota: 1 A bandage. -2 Cloth. fa: Thread, connection ; Buddh. psA 2 P.(psAti, psAta) To eat, devour; bahiva pApaM kurute sarvameva tatsaMpsAya zuddhaH pUto'jaro'mRtaH saMbhavati Bri. Up.5.14.8. psA 1 Food. -2 Hunger. psAta p. p. 1 Eaten. -2 Hungry. psAnam 1 Eating. -2 Food. CET a. 1 Lovely, beautiful. -2 Having a shape or form. | For Private and Personal Use Only Page #518 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1144 phala ra. Obvious, evident. pha: 1 A high wind, stormy Tagale. -2 Yawning with the mouth wide open. -3 Fruitfulness. -4 An increaser. -5 The performance ot a mystical rite (to propitiate Kubera's attendants). -B Increasing, expanding. -7 Swelling. -8 Gain. phA 1 Useless or idle speech (n. also). -2 Heat. -3 Increase. - An increaser. pham 1 An angry speech. -2 Blowing into, puffing up.-3 Bubbling, boiling. phakk 1 P. (phakkati, phakita) 1 To move slowly, go softly, glide, creep. -2 To act wrongly, behave ill. -3 To swell. -4 To have a preconceived opinion. phakka: A cripple. phakkikA 1A position, an argument to be proved, a thesis or assertion to be maintained; a grammatical proposition%3; phaNibhASitabhASyaphakkikA viSamA kuNDalanAmavApitA N.2. 95.-2 A preiudice, preconceived opinion. -3 A sophistical argument, sophism. -7 A trick, fraud. - Logical exposition. phaJjikA Alhagi Maurorum (Mar. dhamAsA). phajI Clerodendrum Siphonantus (Mar. bhAraMga, dhamAsA). phaT ind. An onomatopoetic word used mystically in uttering spells or incantations%3; astrAya phaT savisarga phaDantaM tatsarvadikSa vinirdizet Bhag.6.8. 10. phaTa: 1 The expanded hood of a snake (phaTA also in this sense); nirviSeNApi sarpaNa kartavyA mahatI phaTA (phaNA v.1.); viSaM bhavatu mA bhUd vA phaTATopo bhayaMkaraH Pt.1.204.-2 A tooth. -3 A rogue, cheat (kitava). phaDiGgA A cricket, loeust or grasshopper. phaNa 1P.(phaNati, phaNita) 1 To move, move about; rurujurbhejire pheNubahudhA harirAkSasAH Bk. 14.78. -2 To produce easily or without exertion ; (this sense according to some belongs to the Caus. of phaNa). -Caus. (phANayati) To skim, take off the surface of a fluid. ). phaNaH , -NA [phaNa-ac] 1 The expanded hood of a cobra or any serpent; viprakRtaH pannagaH phaNaM (phaNAM) kurute s. 6.313 maNibhiH phaNasthaiH R. 18.12%B Ku.6.68; vahati bhuvanazreNi zeSaH phaNAphalakasthitAm Bh. 2. 35. -2 The expanded side of the nostril, (also phaNam in this sense). -NaH Ved Scum. -Comp.-ATopa: the expanded hood (v.l. for phaTATopa): Pt.1.204.-karaH a serpent.-dhara:1agerpent. -2N. of Siva. -bharaH A serpent; L. D. B. -bhRt m.1a Berpent. -2 the number "nine' (there being nine chief Nagas); also eight. -maNi : a jewel said to be found in the hood of a serpent; vasudhAntaniHsRtamivAhipateH paTalaM phaNAmaNisahasrarucAm Si.9.25. -maNDalam the rounded body of a serpent; karAlaphaNamaNDalam R.12.983 tatphaNAmaNDalodacirmaNiyotitavigraham 10.7. phaNa (NA)vat m. A snake in general. phaNin m. [ phaNA astyasya ini] 1 A hooded serpent, serpent or snake in general; udgirato yadgaralaM phaNinaH puSNAsi parimalogAraiH Bv. 1. 12,583; phaNI mayUrasya tale niSIdati Rs. 1. 133; R.16.17; Ku. 2.21.-2 An epithet of Rahu.-3 An epithet of Patanjali, the author of the Mahabhasya on Panini's Sutras; phaNibhASitabhASyaphakkikA N. 2.95. -Comp. -indraH ,-Izvara: 1 an epithet of the serpent-demon Sesa. -2 of Ananta, the lord of serpents. -3 of Patanjali. -kesa (sa)ra:% nAgakezara. -khela: aquail. -talpaga: an epithet of Visnu (who uses Sesa. as his couch). -patiH 1 an epithet of Sesa or of Vasuki. -2 of Patanjali. -priyaH wind. -phena: opium. -bhASyam Mahabhasya (the commentary of Patanjali on Panini's Sutras). -bhujam. 1 a peacock. -2 an epithet of Garuda. -mukham a kind of spade used by house-breakers; Dk. 2.2.-latA, -vallI betel-pepper. phaNikA Ficus Oppositifolia (Mar. kALA uMbara, bokhADA). phaNikArAH N. of a people; ck. karNikArAH. phaNijjhaka: Marjoram. forsta: A kind of aromatic herb; Matanga L.8.8 (according to the commentator it is tulasI-bheda, prob. Mar. zvetamaravA). - phaNDaH The belly. phatkArin m. A bird. pharam A shield; ef. phalaka. pharuNDaH Green onion. pharuSakam 1 A betel-box. -2 Spittoon. pharpharAyate Dem. A. Toglance about, dart to and fro, sparkle%3; gaNDUSajalamAtreNa zapharI pharpharAyate Uab. pharpharIka: The palm of the hand with the fingers extended; Up.4.20. -kam 1 Ayoung shoot or branch. -2 Softness. -kA Ashoe. phala I.1 P. (phalati, paphAla, aphAlIt , phaliSyati, phalita) 1 To bear fruit, yield or produce fruit; nAnA phalaiH phalati kalpalateva bhUmiH Bh. 2.46%3 paropakArAya dumAH phalantiH Subhas, vidhAturvyApAraH phalatu ca manojJazca bhavatu Mal. 1. 163 often used transitively in this sense; mAyasthava phalanti pazya vividhazrayAsi manItayaH Mu.2. 16 'accomplish or bring about'; Si. 2. 89. -2 To be truitful, to be successful, to be fulfilled or accomplished, to succeed; kaikeyi kAmAH phalitAstaveti R.13.59%3; 15783 yadA na pheluH kSaNadAcarANAm (manorathAH) Bk. 14. 118; 12.66%3 navAkRtiH phalati naiva kulaM na zIlam Bh. 2. 96, 116. -8 To result, produce results or consequences; phalitamasmAkaM kapaTaprabandhena H. 13 phalitaM nastarhi For Private and Personal Use Only Page #519 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir phalam 1145 bhagavatIpAdaprasAdena Mal.6; Ki. 18, 25; khalaH karoti duvRttaM nUnaM phalati sAdhuSu ma. 3.21 ' wicked men commit bad acts, and good men suffer their consequences'. -4 To become ripe, ripen. 6 To fall to the lot of, befall. -8 To be useful. -II. 1 P. (phalati, phulla or phulta in the first sense, and phalita in other senses)1 To burst open, split or cleave asunder, burst, cleave%3; tasya mUrdhAnamAsAdya paphAlAsivaro hi saH Mb. -2 To shine back, be reflected; iha navazukakomalA maNInAM ravikarasaMvalitAH phalanti bhAsa: Ki.b. 38. -3 Togo. phalam [ phala-ac ] 1 Fruit (fig. also) as of a tree; udeti pUrva kusumaM tataH phalam 5.7.30%; R.4.43; 1.49. -2 Crop, produce ; kRSiphalam Me. 16. -3 A result, fruit, consequence, effect; atyutkaTaiH pApapuNyairihaiva phalamaznute H.1.803 phalena jJAsyasi Pt.1; na navaH prabhurAphalodayAt sthirakarmA virarAma karmaNaH R.8.22; 1. 33; aniSTamiSTaM mizraM ca trividhaM karmaNaH phalam Bg. 18. 12. -4 ( Hence) Reward, recompense, meed, retribution (good or bad); phalamasyopahAsasya sadyaH prApsyasi pazya mAm R. 12.37. -BA deed, act (opp. words); bruvate hi phalena sAdhavo na tu kaNThena nijopayogitAm N.2.48'good men prove their usefulness by deeds, not by words'. -6 Aim, object, purpose 3 parezitajJAnaphalA hi buddhayaH Pt.1.433 kimapekSya phalam Ki. 2.21, ' with what object in view; Me.56.-7 Use, good, profit, advantage; jagatA vA viphalena kiM phalam Bv. 2. 61. -8 Profit or interest on capital. -9 Progeny, offspring; tasyApanodAya phalapravRttAvupasthitAyAmapi niyaMpekSaH (tyakSAmi) R.14. 39.-10 A kernel (of a fruit).-11 A tablet or board (zAriphala).-12 A blade (of a sword). -13 The point or head of an arrow, dart &c.; barb; ArAmukhaM kSurapraM ca gopucchaM cArdhacandrakam / sUcImukhaM ca bhalaM ca vatsadanta dvibhallakam / / karNikaM kAkatuNDaM ca tathAnyAnyapyanekazaH / phalAni dezabhedena bhavanti bahurUpataH // Dhanur. 64-53 phalayogamavApya sAyakAnAm Mu.7.10%3 Ki. 14.52. -14 A shield. -15 A testicle; akartavyamidaM yasmAd viphalastvaM bhaviSyasi Ram. 1.48.27. -16 A gitt. -17 The result of a calculation (in Math.) -18 Product or quotient. -19 Menstrual discharge. -20 Nutmeg.-21 A ploughshare.-22 Loss, disadvantage. -23 The second (or third) term in a rule-of-three sum. -24 Correlative equation. -25 The area of a figure. -28 The three myrobalans (triphalA). -27 A point on a die. -28 Benefit, enjoyment; IzvarA bhUridAnena yalabhante phalaM kila Pt. 2. 72. -29 Compensation; yAvat sasyaM vinazyet tu tAvat syAt kSetriNaH phalam Y. 2. 161. -30A counterpart (pratibimba); tanmAyAphalarUpeNa kevalaM nirvikalpitam Bhag.11.24.3. -31 Shoulder-blade; tasyAM sa phalake khaDgaM nijaghAna tato'GgadaH Ram. 6.76. 10. -Comp. -adanaH = phalAzanaH q.v.; a parrot. -adhikAra: a claim for wages. -adhyakSa: Mimusops Kauki (Mar. khiraNI). -anubandha: succession or sequence of fruits or results. -anumeya a. to be inferred from the results or consequences%3; phalAnumeyAH prArambhAH saMskArAH prAktanA iva R.1.20. -anusaraNam 1 rate of profits. -2 following or reaping consequences. -antaH a bamboo. -anveSin a.seeking tor reward or recom. saM. I. ko....144 pense (of actions). -apUrvam The mystic power which produces the consequences of a sacrificial act. -apekSA expectation of the fruits or consequences of acts ), regard to results. -30a a. useless, unfertile, unproductive. -amla: a kind of sorrel. (-mlam) tamarind. "paJcakam the five sour fruits : bergumot (jambIra), orange (nArika), Borrel (Amlavetasa), tamarind (cizcA) and a citron (mAtuluGga, Mar. mahALuga).-azana: a parrot. -asthi n. a cocoa-nut. - FISTT expectation of good) re. sults%3 see phalApekSA.-AgamaH1production of fruits, load of fruits ; bhavanti namrAstaravaH phalAgamaiH 5.5. 12. -2 the fruit season, autumn. -Akhya a. full of or abounding in fruits.( vyA) a kind of plantain. -ArAmaH a truitgarden, orchard. -Asaktaa.1 fond of fuits.-2 attach. ed to fruits, fond of getting fruit (of actions done). -Asava: a decoction of fruit.-AhAra: feeding or living on fruits, fruit-meal. -indraH a species of Jambu (Rajajambu). -uccayaH a collection of fruits. -uttamA 1 a kind of grapes (having no stones). -2 = triphalA. -utpattiH /.1production of fruit.-2 profit, gain-(-tiH ) the mango tree (sometimes written pergiat in this sense). -utprekSA a kind of comparison. -udayaH 1 appearance of fruit, production of results or consequences, attainment of success or desired object; AphalodayakarmaNAm R. 1.5; 8. 22.-2 profit, gain. -3 retribution, punish ment. -4 happiness, joy. -Bheaven. -udgama: appear. ance of fruits ; bhavanti namrAstaravaH phalodgamaiH 5.5. 12 (1.1.). -uddezaH regard to results ; see phalApekSA. -unmukha a. about to give fruit. -upagama a. bearing fruit. -upajIvin a. living by cultivating or selling fruits. -upabhogaH 1 enjoyment of fruit. -2 partaking of reward. -upeta a. yielding fruit, fruitful, fertile. -kAma a one who is desirous of fruit; dharmavANijakA mUDhA phalakAmA nraadhmaaH| arcayanti jagannAthaM te kAma nApnuvantyuta // (mala.ta. Sabda. ch.) -kAmanA desire of fruits or consequences. -kAla: fruitseason. -kesara: the cocoanut tree. -kozaH,-SaH,kozaka: the scrotum (covering of the testicles). -khaNDanam frustration of fruits or results, disappointment. -khelAa. quail. -granthaH (in astrol.) a work describing the effects of celestial phenomena on the destiny of men; Bri.s. -graha: deriving benefit or advantage. -grahi, grAhin a. (also phalegrahi and phalegrAhin) fruitful, yielding or bearing fruit in season 3 zlAdhyatAM kulamupaiti paitRkaM syAnmanorathataruH phalegrahiH Kir. K.3.60%3 Mal.9.39%8 bhUSNurAtmA phalegrahiH Ait. Br. (zunaHzepa legend); phalegrahIn haMsi vanaspatInAm Bk.; dvitIyo hyavakezI syAt prathamastu phalegrahiH Siva B. 16.27. (-m.) a fruit-tree. -grahiSNu a fruitful. -coraka: a kind of perfume (Mar. coraovA). -chadanama a house built of wooden boards. -tantra a. aiming only at one's advantage. -trayam, -trikam the three myrobalans (triphalA).-da, dAtR-pradaa.1 productive, fruitful, bearing fruit; phaladAnAM tu vRkSANAM chedane japyamRkzatam Ms. 11. 1423 gate'pi vayasi prAmA vidyA sarvAtmanA budhaiH| ...... anyatra phaladA bhavet || Subhas.-2 bringing in gain or profit. -3giving For Private and Personal Use Only Page #520 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1146 phalin a reward, rewarding. (-:) a tree. - a. ripening soon and then falling on the ground, perishing; PUA mahArAja phaladharmA tathaiva ca // nimeSAdapi kaunteya yasyAyurapacIyate Mb.3.35.2-3. -faefer f. final consequence or reward. -farger: f. cessation of consequences. F : f. 1 production of fruit. -2 attainment of reward. -oforfa: f., ftorTA:, -: (-er: also ) 1 the ripening of fruit. -2 the fulness of cousequences. -91: Carissa Carandas (Mar. ). -Oarfall, -q raraat an annual plant; 371984: 4919-a: Ak. -pAtanam knocking down or gathering fruit. -pAdapa: a fruit-tree.-9:, -TTG: the common citron tree; etasmin phalapUrabIjanikarabhrAntyA nitAntAruNe saMprApteSu zukeSu pArazukA fadiraguai Ram. Ch. 7. 86. - the production of fruit. -TETTU 1 the giving of fruits. -2 a ceremony at weddings. -ata: f. attainment of the desired fruit or object. - 1 the Priyangu plant. -2 & species of crow. - a. desirous of attaining results. affett a. forming or developing fruit. -: a share in any product or profit. -HIUTT, U T a. partaking of a reward or profit; dAtRRn pratigrahItazca kurute phala 7: Ms. 3. 143. - The acquisition of a result; success ; graui fe 92H177 ar gaet H ar: N. 14. 7.- T m. a monkey; P. R.-17 m. greater fruit; fiq Z HAT FITT MS. 11.1. 29. rant (see F447 above); 941 arusay f4a sla u grahafheIT SB. on MS. 11. 1. 29. -TH: f. a place where one receives the reward or recompense of his deeds (i.e. heaven or hell). - a. bearing fruit, fruitful. 1: 1 enjoyment of consequences. -2 usufruct. -ASERT the aloe plant. qe a species of plant (3HTCT). HEH fruits and roots; trail rat Ramaraksa 18. -TTT: 1 the attainment of fruit or the desired object; Mu. 7. 10. -2 wages, remuneration. -3 a stage in the performance of a drama; arafer T: FUIT 4: 44974: S. D.-TECT m. a water-melon. -Tat: m. the 3rd term in the rule of three. -Pezt: a tree barren of fruit. -aroffil jelly (?); Ganesa P. 2. 149. -af: f. a coarse wick of cloth besmeared with some laxative and inserted into the anus for discharging the bowels, suppository. -vatulam a watermelon. -vallI a series of quotients. -farat a. a fruit-seller. - en: a fruittree. - : the bread-fruit tree. -3a: the pomegranate tree. -TIT a. 1 bearing fruit, fruitful. -2 sharing in the consequences. TTT: the Badara tree. -sty: the mango tree. I a. bearing fruit. - f. 1 abundance of fruit. -2 success. -8 prosperity. ESTETH a means of effecting any desired object> realization of an object fata f. 1 reaping fruit, attainment or realization of the desired object. -2 a prosperous result. - 4 the stage in which results are onjoyed ; Buddh. FTIGT the sacrament called # ya; 1971C HICIT Hargfa Harita. - a walnut tree. -are an epithet of Kali or Durga -affa: loss of profit. - a. yielding no fruit or profit. - a. acting with a view to results. 0 1 A board, plank, slab, tablet; 13: Heat ya mista voi Bh. 3. 39; ga, 7deg &c. -2 Any flat surface; JF547111794H K. 218; 17 4034faay: Si. 9. 47, 37; cf. 2.-3 A shield; Ram. 1.-4 A slab, tablet, leaf or page for writing u pon. - The buttocks, hips. - The palm of the hand. -7 Fruit, result, consequence. -8 Profit, gain. -9 Menstruation. -10 The head of an arrow. -11 The pericarp of a lotus. -12 A broad and flat bone of the forehead). -13 A wooden seat; aara I arsyat qa Mb. 5. 35. 15. -14 Bark (as material for clothes ). -Comp. - F TTH putting on a bark-garment. - N. of a town in the east of India ; P. VI. 2. 101 ; cf. Fog. - IT a. armed with a shield (as a warrior ). -U7h an astronomical instrument invented by Bhaskaracharya. - a. having a thigh as broad as a board. of a. 1 Boarded. -2 Armed with a shield -m. 1 A wooden bench. -2 Sandal-wood (n. also). -3 (also phali: and phallakin) A kind of small fish (Mystus Ka pirat); L. D. B. Caet ind. As a consequence, consequently, virtually. 647 ( 42-73) 1 Bearing fruit, fructifying. -2 Producing results or consequences. Toax a. 1 Fruitful, fruit-bearing; 31964: Feral att44: Far: Ms. 1. 47. -2 Producing or yielding results, successful, profitable. -3 Containing the result or end of a plot. -m. A fruit-tree. - The plant called 1999. 904: (7:) The bread-fruit tree. *. A plank, board. phalahI The cotton tree. Fortif. A cricket; cf. niski. fo: m. 1 A kind of fish. -2 A bowl or oup. phalikaH A mountain. Forssa . p. 1 Having borne or reaped fruit, yielding fruit, fruitful. -2 Fulfilled, accomplished, realized (as a desire ). -a: A fruit tree. -at A menstruous woman. - A sort of perfume (1784). Fica a. [47 34d sa ] 1 Fruitful, bearing or yielding fruit (fig. also ); go n a n a : Tuar: Ms. 1. 47; Mk. 4. 10. -2 Advantageous, profitable. -m. A tree; 941 941a e cont Mb. 14 18. 2. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #521 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra phalina a. phalina [i] Fruitful, bearing fruit tAmbUlIpaTalaiH pinaddha phalina vyAnamrapUgadrumAH Mal. 6. 19. naH The breadfruit tree. phalinI, phalI The Priyanga creeper anid by poets to be the -- wife of the mango tree; cf. mithunaM parikalpitaM tvayA sahakAraH phalinI ca nanvimau R. 8.61). phalIkR 8 U. To winnow, thresh, separate the grain from the husks. phalIkaraNam -phalIkAra: 1 Winnowing, separating the grain from the husks. -2 husk, chaff, smallest _grain etc;prajAyAmarthapratyayo dhanadamivAdhanaH phalIkaraNam Bhag. 5. 3. 13; IzvarAt kSINapuNyena phalI kArAnivAdhanaH Bhag. 4.9.36. falIkRta P. P. Threshed, winnowed. phalkaH A stretched out, expanded body. phalgu a. [ phal-u guk ca Un. 1.18 ] '1 Pithless, unessential; unsubstantial; sAraM tato grAhyamapAsya phalgu Pt. 1. -2 Worthless, useless, unimportant; ' phalgu tucchamasAraM ca ' Yadava.; tarISu tatratyamaphalgu bhANDam Si. 3. 76. -3 Small, minute; nAmarUpavibhedena phalgvyA ca kalayA kRtAH Bhag. 8. 3. 22. - Vain, unmeaning. -8 Weak, feeble, flimsy; phalguni tatra mahatAM jIvo jIvasya jIvanam Bhag. 1. 13. 47. -6 Untrue. - 7 Beautiful, lovely. -lguH / 1 The spring season. -2 The opposite-leaved fig-tree (Mar. bokhADA ). -8 N. of a river at Gaya. 4 A red powder of wild ginger (Mar. gulAla) thrown by the Hindus over one another at the Holi festival. -B (du.) (In astrol.) N. of a nakSatra. -Comp. - utsavaH the vernal festival, commonly called Holi. -da a. avaricious. -vAk a falsehood, lie. -vATikA the opposite-leaved fig-tree. phalgutA, svam Worthlessness, vanity.insignificance na hi gaNayati kSudro jantuH parigrahaphalgutAm Bh. 29. phalguna 1 Red. -2 Born under the constellation phalgunI. naH 1 The month of Phalguna -2 N. of Indra. -3 Of Arjuna. phalgunAla The month of Phalguna phalgunI N. of a constellation (pUrvA and uttarA ); maitre muhUrte zazalAJchanena yogaM gatAsUttara phalgunISu Ku. 7.6. -Comp. -bhavaH the planet Jupiter. phAlgunika: The month of Phalguns: I.D. B. phalyam A flower, bud. phA. (Nom. phAs ) 1 Heat. -2 Idle talk. phAT ind. An interjection of calling. phATakI Alum, for f. 1 Molasses. -2 Flour mixed with curds ( karambha ). 1147 phirana phANitam, Raw sugar ; ikSoH rasastu yaH pakkaH kiMcid gADho bahudravaH / sa evekSuvikAreSu khyAtaH phANitasaMjJayA // Bhava P; condensed juice of sugarcane ( Mar. kAkavI ); phANiteSu maricAvacUrNanA sA sphuTaM kaTurapi spRhAvahA N. 14 118 -2 A product of milk (gorasavikAra); bhakSyAna phANitasaMyukAn dAvA saubhAgyamRcchati Mb. 13.64.13. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir phANTa a. Made by an easy process, readily or easily prepared (as a decoction ) -TaH, -Tam An infusion, decoction ; phANTamanAyAsasAdhyaH kaSAyavizeSa: Sk.; phANTacitrAstrapANayaH Bk. 9. 17. ( see the commentary: yadanRtamapiSTaM kaSAyamudasaMpamAprAdibhatarasam ISaduSNaM tadasyAsAbhyAcA phAsTamityucyate) le sambaja vinikSipet pAtre catu pamitaM tatastu khAvaye alam so'ye cUrNakaH phANTo bhiSagbhirabhidhIyate Vaidyaka. The first particles of butter produced by churning. phANTakaH A decoction, infusion. phANDam The belly. phArI Black cumin (Mar. jire ). phAlaH, -lam 1 A ploughshare; Ms. 6. 16. -2 Separation of the hair on each side of the head ( sImantabhAga ); dviphAlabaddhAzcikurAH ziraH sthitam N. 1. 16. 8 A sort of spade. 4 A bundle. -5 The forehead (for bhAla ). -laH 1 An epithet of Balarama. -2 Of Siva. -3 The citron tree. -lam 1 A garment of cotton. -2 A ploughed field. -Comp. -Ahata a ploughed, tilled. -kRSTa . 1 tilled. - 2 produced by cultivation; na phAlakRSTamazrIyAt Ms. 6. 16. ( - STam ) a ploughed field. -guptaH N. of Balarama. phAkhelA Aquail. phAlikA A slice, picon mAlikAm N. 16.82. tAmbUla' bits of betel ; N. 20. 82. phAlgunaH 1 N. of a Hindu month ( corresponding to February-March). -2 An epithet of Arjuns; Mb. thus explains the epithet :- uttarAbhyAM phalgunIbhyAM nakSatrAbhyAmahaM divA | jAto himavataH pRSThe tena mAM phAlgunaM viduH // -3 N. of a tree, also called arjuna. -Comp. -anujaH 1 the month Chaitra. -2 the vernal season ( vasantakAla ). -3 an epithet of nakula and sahadeva. phAlgunAlaH = phAlguna. phAlgunI The full moon day of the month phAlguna; bhavaH an epithet of the planet Jupiter. f: 1 A wicked man. -2 Useless or idle talk. -8 Anger. phiTstram N. of grammatical work by zAntanavAcArya. phiGgaka: The fork-tailed shrike; cf. kaliGga. phiraGgaH 1 The country of the Franks (i. e. of Europeans ). -2 A disease of the Franks, syphilis; also phirajJAmayaH, vyAdhiH, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #522 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir phiraGgina 1148 fmfft m. A Frank (1. e. a European ). F 1 A magical formula. -2 An idle talk. F: A bird. FE: The expanded hood of a snake. -Comp. - TETT: = 2 4: q. v. Eti A kind of cloth; Buddh. F A sort of woven texture; Ks. 591 ind. An interjection. (5) Tind. An onomatopoetic word generally used in composition with $, and imitative of the sound made by blowing into liquids &c.; sometimes it expresses disregard or contempt; $ (%) $ 1 To blow into a liquid ); aps: 91279 anafar af H. 4. 103. -2 To scream aloud, cry, shriek. -Comp. -ATT:, -Ha , a: f. 1 blowing into. -2 hissing, whizzing. - the hiss of a serpent. -4 sobbing. -8 screaming, a loud shriek, yell. 51TT14 the hole of a Aute. a a. 1 blown into &c. - blown up as a bubble.) -3 screamed aloud. ( 9) 1 the sound of a windinstrument. -2 a loud cry, shriek, scream. a: 1 the blowing of a wind instrument. -2 blowing, hissing. -8 crying aloud. 54ind. An onomatopoetic word. -Comp. - a. panting, gasping. sei, The lungs. BTT ind. Imitation of the sound made by the crackling of fire. 1972 Den. A To tremble, flicker. feat: Syphilis; cf. foran. 601 P. (Fafa, plea) 1 To bloom, expand, blow, open as a flower ). -2 To swell, expand; facts14 Unig: Mal. 5. 23. 99 p. p. (of in ) 1 Expanded, opened, blown, gou a a : a alfa 1451377TH Rs. 6.6; ala-agath Ch. P. 1. -2 Flowering, blossomed ; az ifaa aiye R. 9. 63. -8 Expanded, dilated, wide opened (as eyes). -4 Smiling, gay. --Puffed, inflated (as cheeks). -6 Loose (as a garment). -H A full-blown flower. -Comp. -gast alum. -TAT n. a kind of metre. 299, - , DETT a. having eyes dilated with joy ); tes=ufua: Fat facienta: Pt. 1. 136. ( :) a kind of deer. (74) a large, full eye. To: the wind raised in winnowing corn. Erat a. looking pleased or happy. FF Inflating, filling with wind. gaf (also nica:) f. 1 Blossoming, blooming. -2 Perfection, fullness. yeri: 1 A district, place. -2 A snake. : A kind of bird. (1) Art: A shriek, howl of a wind or something as animal, arrow &c); Frarea: 7: Hai au Mb. 7. 154. 26. OT:,.-: 1 Foam, froth; 1977*727221 an fara : Me.52; R. 13.11; Ms. 2.61 ; #uferdag TW: Bk. 12. 58. -2 Foam of the mouth. -3 Saliva. -4 White cuttle-fish bone. -Comp. -37 a bubble. -37 : N. of Indra; cf. l. -11&R a. living on foam. -foft: N. of a mountain near the mouth of the Indus. -dugdhA a kind of small shrub (Mar. moThI dudhI). -ETAT a. transient ; 402 : 7 FTA: HT HEITIS Farfada 7 || Mb. 3.35.2. -forg: 1 a mere bubble. -2 an empty idea, non-entity. -are m. a filtering cloth. 0 () 1 See *. -2 Ground rice boiled in water. - A kind of pastry (Fort). FOT(F) 9: An ascetic living on fruits etc., fallen down automatically; darah arafacultati: 1 a Bhag. 3. 12. 43; 977 7: Mb. 13. 141. 96. Frost, fat f. A kind of sweetmeat; L. D. B. phenAyitam p. p. of a denominative from phena, applied to an elophant's roar produced in the back of the mouth; Matanga L. 2. 13. Dia (FT) a. Foamy, frothy; WHITE R. 13. 2. 3: A kind of tree Mar. ftu). 960., Rog: A jackal. pheravaH 1 A jackal; krandatpheravacaNDaDAtkRti &c. Mal. 5. 19. -2 A rogue, rascal, cheat. -3 A demon, goblin. 15: A jackal; teg saya iai: Affor fe fazifa 6CTETTE1941: l Bhag. 8. 16.7. 1 P. ( a) To go, move. CH, 101, F t, et (alos 5*, Hore: according to L. D. B.) Remnants of food, leavings of a meal, orts. at f. (or Bat) The vault of a foundation pit. Toni The Ncrotum. by the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #523 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1149 badarikA %3 1. 1 N. of Varuna. -2 Water. -3 A water-jar; to the meanings of this letter are given in the following verse; baH pumAn varuNe sindhau bhage toye gate tu vA / gandhane tantusaMtAne puMsyeva vapane smRtH|| Medini. baMD1A. (bahate, baMhita) To increase, grow. -Caus. 1 To increase. -2 To strengthen, make firm, fix, baMhiman m. Abundance, multitude; P. VI. 4. 157. altya. 1 Most abundant, very great, excessive; (superl. of bahula q. v.). -2 Very low or deep. baMhIyas a. 1 More numerous or abundant, much more, exceeding; (compar. of ag q. v.). -2 Very stout or fat. baka: 1 The Indian erane; na prayatnazatenApi zukavat pAThyate 25: H.-2 A cheat, rogue, hypocrite (the crane being a very cunning bird that knows well how to draw others into its clutches ). -3 N. of a demon killed by Bhima. - N. of another demon killed by Krispa. -BN. of Kubera. -8 An apparatus for subliming metals or minerals. -kI- pUtanA q.v. aho bakI ye stanakAlakUTa jighAMsayApAyayadapyasAdhvI Bhag.3.2.23. -3 A female crane. -Comp. -caraH, -vRttiH, -vratacaraH, -vratikaH -vratin m. 'acting like a crane', a false devotee, religious hypocrite; adhodRSTineMSkRtikaH svaarthsaadhnttprH| zaTho mithyAvinItazca bakavatacaro dvijH|| Ms. 4. 196. -ciJcikA, -cizcI akind of fish. -jitm .,-niSUdanaH epithets of 1 Bhima.-2 of Krisna. -dhUpaH a kind of perfume. -paJcakam the last five days of the bright half of the month of Kartika (during which even the heron eats no fish). -yantram a kind of retort.-qah 'crane-like conduct', hypocrisy; Wanafaat viprAH Ms. 4. 1973 see also 196 (bakavatacara ). -sahavAsin a lotus flower; Kuval. bakabakAya Don. A. To croak. bakAcI A kind of fish. bakAya Denom. P. To act like baka. bakura a. Horrible. -: 1 Lightning, thunderbolt. -2 A wind instrument used in battle: abhi dasyu bakureNA / dhamantA Rv. 1. 117. 21. (Naighantuka gives the first meaning.) bakula: 1 A kind of tree, Mimusops Elengi, ( said according to the convention of poets to put forth blossoms when sprinkled by young women with mouthfuls of wine); kAkSatyanyo (kesaraH or bakulaH) vadanamAdirA dohadacchadyanA'syAH Me.80%3 bakulaH sIdhugaNDUSasekAt (vikasati); taba nizvasitAnukAribhirbakulairardhacitAM samaM mayA R.8.64; (tor similar conventions about other trees see the quotation under azoka).-2 A kind of drug. -lam The fragrant flower of this tree%; kRtI mAlAkAro bakulamapi kutrApi nidadhe Bv. 1.54. -lI A kind of drug. bakUla: The Bakula tree. bakerukA 1 A small erane. -2 The branch of a tree bent by the wind. bakoTa: A crane. TE: A boy, lad, chap, often used as a depreciatory term or to show contempt; cANakyabaTuH &c.; see baTu. -2 A young Brahmacharin; avatA baTavo'zaucAH Bhag. 12.3. 33. -Comp. -mAtra: a mere boy. baTuka: 1 A boy, lad; see baTu. -2 A stupid fellow. -Comp. -bhairava: a form of Bhairava. baTTakaraNam Investiture with the sacred thread. baTTalohakam Damasked steel. baDi (li) zam (-zaH,-zA,-zI) A fish-hook; sa mIno'pyajJAnAd baDizayutamaznAtu pizitam Bh. 3.21%3 tAste bhakSayataH kaNThe yastaptabaDizAyate Bm. 1. 122. garIyase'pakArAya timInAM baDizaM yathA Siva B. 26. 45. -2 A surgical instrument. bata ind. A particle expressing:-1 Sorrow, regret (alast); vayaM bata vidUrataH kramagatA pazoH kanyakA Mal. 3. 183 aho bata mahat pApaM kartu vyavasitA vayam Bg.1.45. -2 Tity or compassion; va bata hariNakAnAM jIvitaM cAtilolam S.1.10. -3 Addressing, calling; bata vitarata toya toyavAhA nitAntam G. M. R. 9.47.-4 Joy or satisfaction; api bata madhupuryAmAryaputro'dhunAste Bhag. 10.47.21; aho batAsi spRhaNIyavIryaH Ku.3.20. - Wonder or surprise%3; vanaje neti balaM batAsti satve Ki. 18.83 aho bata mahaJcitram K. 15t. -8 Cemeure. -7 Truth (satyArtha); kalyANI bata gAtheyaM laukikI pratibhAti mAm Ram. b. 34. 6. For the meanings of bata with aho 889 under aho. bad 1 P. To be steady or firm. badaraH [bad sthairye arac] 1 The jujube tree. -2 The kernel of the fruit of the cotton-plant. TT The cotton shrub. -ram 1 The fruit of jujube%; karabadarasadRzamakhilaM bhuvanatalaM yat prasAdataH kavayaH / pazyanti sUkSmamatayaH sA jayati sarakhatI devI Vis. 1; badarAmalakAmradADimAnAmapahRtya triyamunnatAM krameNa Bv. 2.8. -2 The pod of the cotton shrub.-3 The berry used as a weight. -Comp. -kuNaH the time when the fruit of the jujube becomes ripe. -pAcanam N. of a sacred bathing-place. badarikA 1 The jujube tree or its fruit; anye badarikAkArA bahireva manoharA: ma. 1.90. -2 N. of one of the many sources of the Ganges and of the neighbouring For Private and Personal Use Only Page #524 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir badAra 1180 hermitage of the sages Nara and Narayana. -Comp. -3T27: the hermitage at Badarika. aft: f. The jujube tree. The jujube tree; see 171901. -2 = afta (2) above. -3 The cotton shrub. -Comp. - a kind of perfume. T re the penance grove at Badari; atagalararana 417491 Ki. 12. 33. 10: N. of a temple at Badari. -Aitto: N. of a sacred place. -patram a kind of perfume (nakharI).-phalam a fruit of the jujube tree. - (-ora) a wood or thicket of iujube trees. -ate an epithet of Durga. ci a rocky eminence at Badari. 154 A large number (according to Sayana 100 kotis, others 10,000 millions; 13084 according to Bhag. com. 9. 20. 26). 9 I. 1 A. ( ed; strictly the desiderative base of qy used in a primitive sense) To a bhor, loathe, detest, shrink from, be disgusted with with abl.); T HETAT: U. 1. -II. 10 P. (aria) To bind, check, restrain. faca. Deaf; xafaracte afertsala: Si. 13. 3; Ms. 7. 149. aferrafa Den. P., fris 8 U. To deafen (fig. also ); fuftaraf i K.; Mv. 6. 30. arra a. Made deaf, deafened. Ha m. Deafness. 1 P. To divide; L. D. B. bandina See vandin. A bard, herald; dharmacchedAt paTutaragiro aff t : V. 4. 13. afas, f. 1 Bondage, confinement. - A prisoner, captive; mokSyate surabandInAM veNIvIryavibhUtibhiH Ku.2.61. -Comp. -08: taking prisoner, capture. -AT&: a house breaker, robber. -8: a jailor. - a harlot, prostitute. -feua a. imprisoned. TFT 9 P. (ara, 1977, HiiT, iaia, 44, 46; pass. qeyd) 1 To bind, tie, fasten; fa a aract UT IS TIT: Ku. 7. 57, 25; R. 7. 9; Bk. 9. 75. -2 To catch, capture, imprison, ensnare, make captive%3 karmAbharna sa badhyate Bg 4. 14; balirbabandhe Bk. 2. 39 ; 14. 56. -3 To chain, fetter. - To check, stop, suppress; as in a9, 4699 &c. - To put on, wear; a felfo: 9 qeyd Pt. 1. 72; arregizi Bk. 14. 7. -8 To attract, arrest (as eyes &c.); babandha cakSUSi yavaprarohaH Ku.7.173 or badhnAti me (1792: R. 13. 47. -7 To fix or set upon, direct towards as the eyes or mind ), cast upon with loc.); gre any aut Mu. 1. 2; R. 3. 4; 6. 86; Bk. 20. 22. - To bind or fasten together as hair); quiafast | Harians aga fra Mu. 7. 17. -9 To build, construct, form, arrange; a gif#lafarry Ki. 8. 57; chAyAbaddhakadambarka mRgakulam S. 2.6%3 tasyAjaliM bandhumato babandha R. 16. 5; 4. 38; 11. 35, 78; Ku. 2. 47; 5.30; Bk. 7.77. -10 To put together, compose, construct a poem, verse &c.); ga y arala: 91Tar Vikr. 18. 107; *gateau a: Ram. 1. 2. 31. -11 To form, produce, bear (as fruit &c.); az OUT: quad atce: R. 12. 69; Ku. 5. 60 (v. 1.) S. 6.3. -12 To have, possess, entertain, cherish, feel. -18 To punish, chastise. -14 To offer, sacrifice (as an animal). -16 To shut, close, stop. -16 To oppress, overpower. -17 To join, unite. -18 To produce, cause, effect. -19 To strike ( as root). -20 To display, exhibit, show. (The senses of wy are variously modified according to the noun with which it is connected; e. g. yait to knit or bend the eyebrows, to frown; gre to clench the fist; s t to fold the hands together in supplication ; fi, fa, 4:, i qy to set the heart on; shfa, a, 4 to fall in love with, be enamoured of; H TX to construct or build a bridge; a bandhU to conceive hatred, contract enmity; sakhya, sauhRdaM bandh to form friendship; gola bandhU to form a globe%3 maNDala to form a circle, sit or stand in a circle; Ha ty to maintain silence; ftat, mat tyto gird up one's loins, prepare oneself for any thing; see the compounds under & also). -Caus. To cause to bind, form, construct, build &c.; # ATH alsa fa R. 12. 70 a p. p. [47-HOT 1 Bound, tied, fastened. -2 Chained, fettered. -3 Captured, caught. -4 Confined, imprisoned. - Put or girt on. -6 Restrained, suppressed, withheld. - Formed, built; ach a fadt 9+27 Ram. 6. 107. 24. -8 Cherished, entertained. -9 Combined, united. -10 Firmly rooted, firm. -11 Shut, stopped, closed. -12 Inlaid, studded. -13 Composed ( as verses ). -14 Formed, contracted; 31467 r ang ata u Ku. 1. 20.-15 Manifested, displayed. -16 Entangled, involved. -17 Congealed, clotted (as blood ). -18 Effected, caused, formed, produced ; 46 318H S. 1. 29; 2. 6; U. 6. 17; Mal. 3. 7. -19 Possessed, preserved; a 48 rud G444 Mb. 5. 92. 23. --Comp. -31&T , -ETTOT a. having a finger-guard fastened. -38 a. folding the hands together in supplication, with the hands joined in humble entreaty or raised to the forehead as a mark of respect. ogz a. forming a cup with the hollowed hands. -TETT a. having the affection fixed upon, feeling or manifesting love for. -379 T4 a. 1 feeling repentant. -2 of a fixed resolve. -379 n. water derived from a current. -3tafuta a. constant. -3715T a. attaching great value to. TGT a. joyful. - get 4. accoutred with arms, -3712TE 2. one whose For Private and Personal Use Only Page #525 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bandhaH 1181 bandhana suspicions have been roused, grown suspicious. 342 a. enjoying or observing a festival or holiday. IUTH a. making united efforts. -CT, - ut a. see 464 . - TF a. forming groups; 872146+4+2yurant 144 Y=264 $. 2.6. - fra a. one who has his quiver tied on.aera. 1 forming hair. -2 having the filaments formed. -19,-hy, TTT a. 1 feeling anger, entertaining a feeling of anger. -2 suppressing or governing one's wrath. T4 a kind of obstruction of the bowele ; f ed tagtig, farfa seglaft 716946941 En ufafgafa eigi aaye ana || Bhava. P. -98 a. insisting on something. -farer, -HT a. having the mind intently fixed on, rivetting the mind on. -FI a. tougue-tied. -Gure a. equipped with a quiver. -efe,#, a. having the eyes intently fixed on, looking with a steadfast gaze at; 4 1 Etuala mea agere: $. 1. 7. ETT a. continuously or incessantly flowing. -farm a. firmly resolved, resolute. -nepathya a. attired in a theatrical dress. -parikara , a. having the girdle girded on, one who has girded up his loins; i. e. ready, prepared. - a. having the bowels constipated. - a. 1 one who has made a vow or promise. -2 firmly resolved. - T a. resonant with echoes. - a. having the affection or heart fixed upon, enamoured of with loc.); E HIdeit v. 2. - .1 the lowest floor. - ground prepared for the site of a house. -3 pavement. - a. ranged in circles. gfe a. 1 having a closed fist. -2 close-fisted, covetous. E a. obstructing the urine. - a. deep-rooted, striking root firmly; ay aratt: for: Si. 2. 38. Att a. holding the tongue, keeping silence, silent; adRzyata tvaccaraNAravindavizleSaduHkhAdiva TE R. 13. 23.-27 a. having the desire fixed on, enamoured, impassioned ; TEFYOU Hafty 9671747 CH Coats Pt. 1. 123. -aufa a. fixing an a bode. -91 a. tongue-tied, maintaining silence. ar a. seized with tremour. at a. one who has conceived bitter hatred or contracted confirmed hostility. TE 4. 1 one whose hair is tied up (into a knot on the crown of the head ). -2 one who is still in childhood, young. Fa: a particular preparation of quicksilver. E a. forming an attachment, conceiving affection for are: (74-90] 1 A tie, bond (in general) ( TF*T &c.). -2 A hair-band, fillet; fafari eta gehal: (fa) V. 4. 22; S. 1. 29. -3 A chain, fetter. - Fettering, confining, imprisoning, confinement, imprisonment; quaregar o gra 969027 Ram. 5. 21. 19; 34f* farzapavering 97:Partea 1 fara a Il Ms. 8. 310.5 Catching, capturing, catching hold of; 1974 R. 16. 2. -8 (a) Forming, constructing, arranging; 1972 HETT04 S. D. 6. (6) Building, erecting. -7 Feeling, conceiving, cherishing; TTF17AFTS gradual fatty Vikr. 18. 107; R. 6.81. -8 Connection, union, intercourse. -9 Joining or folding together, combining; raqaatayu: erhaaruitssfef: sury: R. 14. 13; F: &c. -10 A bandage, ligature. -11 Agreement, harmony. -12 Manifestation, display, exhibition ; Hafenagoa 1 991 (1994) R. 18. 52.-13 Bondage, confinement to this world (opp. greh which is complete emancipation from the trammels of the world'); FF H afrgfa: are afaeft Bg. 18.30; ayant a ser By. 4.21; R. 13.58; 18. 7. -19 Rosult, consequence. 18 A position, posture in general; 318F T : R. 2. 6; 9789-after +144 Ku. 3. 45, 59. -16 A particular position in sexual intercourse, or a particular mode of sexual enjoyment (these are said in Ratimanjari to be 6, but other writers increase the number to 84). -17 A border, frame-work. -18 Arrangement of a stanza in a particular shape; e. g. 9 , 499, T (vide K. P. 9 ad loc.). -19 A sinew, tendon. -20 The body. -21 A deposit, pledge. -22 An embankment, throwing a bridge across (a river ). -23 A disease in which the eyelids cannot he wholly closed. -Comp. -TUT fettering, imprisoning. m. a binder, fetterer. -27 a complete army containing the four necessary elements, i.e. elephants, horses, chariots and footmen. Try a kind of dance. -916 forced or unnatural construction of words. -mudrA impression or mark of fetters. -stambha: a post to which an animal (e. g. an elephat) is tied. are: 1 One who binds or catches, a binder. -2 A catcher. -3 A band, tie, rope, tether. -4 A dike, bank, dam. - A pledge, deposit. -6 A posture of the body. -7 Barter, exchange. -8 A violator, ravisher. -9 A promise. -10 A city. -11 A part or portion (at the end of num. compounds ); BOT - 7 Y. 2. 76. - 1 Binding, confinement. -2 Pawn, mortgage; L. D. B.- 1 An unchaste woman; 7 caur AR T 13H Mal. 7; Ve. 2. -2 A harlot, courtezan; ataH paraM svairiNI syAdvandhakI paJcame bhavet Mb. 1. 128. 77; RII zase para arhitu244 K. 237; & fa quela 9 Ram. Ch. 7. 58. -3 A female elephant. -4 A barren woman. PTT a. 1 Binding, fettering. -2 Checking, stopping. -3 (At the end of comp. ) Dependent upon; cf. fan. - [F-Ha-ryg] 1 The act of binding, fastening, tying; smarasi smara mekhalAguNairuta gotraskhaliteSu bandhanam Ku. 4. 8. -2 Binding on or round, throwing round, clasping; 1750 FI Ku. 3. 39 ; Pt. 5. 21; 44 F H Git. 10; R. 19. 17.-3 A bond, tie (fig. also ); R. 12. 76; 37171994 &o. - Fettering, chaining, confining. Tyr f To Bh. 2. 91. -8 A chain, fetter, tether, halter &o. -6 Capturing, catching. - Bondage, confinement, imprisonment, oa ptivity ; 18 in F For Private and Personal Use Only Page #526 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bandhanikaH 1152 bandhula a. affectionate towards kinsmen. 504 1 the duty of a kinsman; cael I t Thi $. 5. 8. -2 the business of a friend, a friendly or kind act or service ; kAJcit saumya vyavasitamidaM bandhukRtyaM tvayA me Me. 116. -SIT: 1 a relative, kinsman. -2 kindred, kinsmen taken collectively. -ia, siran: N. of a tree; y argar TARATU Ram. 4. 30. 62; argofanyi 92ayafaa HATTHE Git. 2; R. 11. 24. Ts: an abandoned wretch (69). - a kind of Stridhana or woman's property, the property given to a girl by her relatives at the time of marriage%3 bandhudattaM tathA zulkamanvA29999 = Y. 2. 144; ara spate Fysica Camat yat pitRbhyAM dattaM taducyate Day. B. -dAyAda: kinsman and heir; Ms. 9. 158. -a. entitled to inheritance by relationship. - a. dear to friends or relations. -affa: f. 1 love of a relative; Frystian Me. 51 (v. 1.). -2 love for a friend. 9: 1 friendship. -2 relationship. at: kinsmen, kindred. fra a. destitute of relatives or friends. ay: 1 The tree called ayera. -2 A bastard. -F, - An unchaste woman (see ). T . -8 A place of confinement, prison, jail; agtata dapat TEFTA Bhag. 3. 2. 25; cat arah H TTLETH S. 6. 20; fagui aqui quoque TH Sukra. 4. 80; Ms. 9. 288. - 9 Forming, building, construction ; Haar Ku. 4. 6. -10 Connecting, uniting, joining. -11 Hurting, injuring. -12 A stalk, stem, peduncle of a flower ); $i = frfaqe e S. 6. 18.; U. 2. 9; Ku. 4. 14. -13 A sinew, muscle; drage: facturarea ga: fat az 188: Ram. 5. 47. 36; 5. 21. 40. -14 A bandage. -16 A bar, barrier. -16 Alloyage, mixing. -17 An embankment, a bridge. -18 A conjunction, connection. -19 (In phil.) Mundane bondage (opp. to liberation). -2 , 1 A bond, tie. -2 A rope, cord. -3 A string, thread. - A chain, fetter. - A bondage. -Comp. -37TT) TIC:, -14, -30: a prison, jail. -a : 1 the knot of a bandage. -2 a noose. -3 a rope for tying cattle. -10 , fer m. a jailor. -aa n. a prison. -TOT: a captive, prisoner. - FCTFUT: a tying-post, a post to which an animale. . an elephant) is tied. FTITY a stable, stall (for horses &c.). free: A jailor, turnkey. Trafic A binder; cf. Kull. on Ms. 8. 342. arra a. 1 Bound, fastened. -2 Confined, imprisoned. afft: [ 44-57 ] 1 The god of love. -2 A leathern fan ( fon). -8 A spot, mole. : [wurfa a: Freirear -] 1 A relation, kinsman, relative in general; yatra dumA api magA api real # U. 3.8; Arq-yiara R. 12. 12; S. 6. 23; Bg. 6. 9; Ms. 2. 136. -2 Any one connected or 2880ciated with another, a brother; 991999: a brothertraveller; dharmabandhuH a spiritual brother; anumatagamanA 27-ca aiaki Ta91494f#: SS. 4. 10. -3 (In law) A cognate kinsman, one's own kindred or kinsmen generally; (three kinds are enumerated :-- 31564 personal, 14a paternal, and maternal; see these three words). -4 A friend (in general); as in Yey below; oft. at the end of comp.; 4*FETT Mal. 1. 38'a friend of, i.e.) charged with fragrance' &c.; 9. 13. - A husband; / ICU face R. 14. 33. -8A father. -7 A mother. -8 A brother. -9 The tree called wysta q. v. -10 One who belongs to or is connected with any tribe or profession only nominally; ! i. e. one who belongs to it, but does not do the duties pertaining thereto (often used by way of contempt); 94h a syallait ftat: M. 4; cf. 749.-11 Connection, relationship, association in general; a care? FY: Bri. Up. 1. 1. 2; B. R. 3. 89. -12 A controller, governor: (TH:) yurgarafa Bhag. 6. 4. 23. -18 (In astrol.) N. of the 3rd mansion. -Comp. artat 1 Relatives, kinsmen, kindred (taken collectively ); fa gyar al Mal. 6. 18; 9. 21; Ki. 1. 10. -2 Relationship, affinity. a rah Relationship, brotherhood, affinity. bandhudA An unchaste woman. afyha a. Having relations or kinsmen. arra. [4-579]1 Undulating, wavy, uneven ; 48149 TIGUIT: Si. 7. 34; Ku. 1. 42; U. 6. 25; Tara: fata tara (te fagn) My. 6. 30. -2 Bent, inclined, bowed ; FPT R. 13. 47; (= FAN). -3 Crooked, curved. -4 Pleasing, handsome, beautiful, lovely; athleen S. 6. 12 (where it may mean undulating' also ); Hatalaruaret ya K. 3; ayti 21203471 FUT Dk. 1.1. - Deaf. -8 Injurious, mischievous. T: 1 A goose. -2 A crane. -3 A drug. -4 An oil-cake. -5 The vulva. -8 The arysta tree. -TT: -m. (pl.) Parched corn or meal thereof. - T An unchaste woman. H 1 A diadem. - 2 A band, rope; 42979TH (TH) Bhag. 4. 26.1. argita a. Inclined, bent, curved. at a. [24-307] 1 Bent, curved, inclined. -2 Pleasing, delightful, attractive, beautiful. 3: 1 A bastard; aar: 9779ger: 9795ffcrat: 9Xalg! quaforcat yucamiezi TFT 5a arat el: Mk. 4. 28 (which is an answer given by the bandhulas themselves to the Vidusaka's question HT: n ). -2 An attendant in a harlot's chamber, -3 The tree called F* q. y. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #527 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra argent bandhukaH [ bandhU-Uka ] N. of a tree; tatrakaranikareNa spaSTabandhUkasUna stabakaracitamete zekharaM bibhratIva Si. 11.46; Rs. 3. 5. - kam A flower of this tree; bandhUkadyutibAndhavo'yamadharaH Git. 10; Rs. 3. 25. 1 To make a friend of. -2 To bring into connection with. bandhUra a. [ bandhU-Urac ] 1 Undulating, uneven. -2 Bent, inclined, bowed. -3 Pleasing, delightful, lovely; cf. bandhura. - ram A hole, chasm. bandhUliH [ bandhU-Uli ] The bandhujIva tree. - 1 To be bound or fettered, to be confined or imprisoned; abandhyaM yazca badhnAti baddhaM yazca pramuJcati Y. 2. 243. -2 To be joined or bound together. -3 To be formed, built or constructed. - Detained, under arrest. 8(a) Barren, unproductive, fruitless, useless (said of persons or things); R. 16.75; abandhyayatnAzca babhUvuratra te 3.29; Ki. 1. 33. -6 Not having the menses or menstrual discharge. -7 (At the end of comp.) Deprived or destitute of. Comp. - useless, vain, idle. a. bandhyA (= vandhyA ) 1 A barren woman ; na hi bandhyA vijAnAti gurvIM prasavavedanAm Subhas. -2 A barren cow. -3 A kind of perfume (). -Comp. -,-g - sutaH, or duhitA, -sutA &c. the son or daughter of a barren woman; i. e. a wild impossibility, anything that does not and cannot exist; eSa vandhyAsuto yAti khapuSpakRtazekharaH ; see khapuSpa. bandham A bond, tie. bacbu (thyU) laH [Acacia Arabics (Mar. bAbhULa ). babhasaH A devourer; babhaso'nasUrirmahAntamasya mahimAnamAhuH Ch. Up. 4. 3. 7. 1159 a: m. A thunderbolt; L. D. B. babhravI An epithet of Dargh ba. [ bhRkudvitvam; babh-u vA Up. 1. 21 ] 1 Deepbrown, tawny, reddish-brown; a: R. 15. 16; 19. 25; Ku. 5. 8. 2 Baldheaded through disease. 1 Fire. -2 An ichneumon ; sakhibhirnyavasat sArdhaM vyAghrAkhuvRkababhrubhiH Mb. 1. 140. 27. -3 The tawny colour. -4 A man with tawny hair. -5 N. of a Yadava; AlapyAlamidaM babhroryat sa dArAnapAharat Si. 2. 10. 6 An epithet of Siva. -7 Of Visnu. -8 The Chataka bird. 9 A sweeper, cleaner. -10 N. of a country. n. 1 A tawny or brown colour. -2 Any obiect of a brown colour.f. A reddish-brown cow (kapilA ); ajAnannahanadvabhroH ziraH zArdUlazaGkayA Bhag. 9.2.6. -Comp. - 1 gold. -2 red chalk (f), a kind of ochre. - N. of a son of Arjuna by Chitrangada. [The sacrificial horse let loose by king Yudhi saM. iM. ko .... 145 sthira and guarded by Arjuna entered, in the course of its wanderings, the country of Manipura, which was then ruled by Babhruvahana, unequalled in prowess. The horse was taken to the king; but when he read the writing on the plate on its head, he knew that it belonged to the Pandavas, and that his father Arjuna had arrived in the kingdom; and, hastening to him, respectfully offered his kingdom and his treasures along with the horse. Arjuna, in an evil hour, struck the head of Babhruvahana and upbraided him for his cowardice saying that if he had possessed true valour and had been his true son, he should not have been afraid of his father and submitted to him so meekly. At these words the brave youth was exceedingly irritated and discharged a crescent-shaped arrow at Arjuna which severed his head from his body. He was, however, restored to life by Ulupi who happened to be then with Chitrangada; and having acknowledged Babhruvahana as his true son, he resumed his journey.] N. of a constellation. bambU 1P. (bambati ) Togo, move. A bee. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bambharAlI A fy. baraTaH A kind of grain. 1 A he-goat; Nigh. Ratn. -2 A kid, any young animal. -8 Sport, joke. barc 1 P. ( barvati ) Togo, move. barbaTaH, -TI A kind of grain (rAjamASa ). er, A harlot, prostitute. varSaNA A blue fily. aat: 1 One not an Aryan, a barbarian, low fellow; taiste yavanakAmbojA barbarAcAkulIkRtAH Ram. 1. 54.28. -2 A fool, block-head; ad H. 2. -3 An elephant in the fourth year; Matanga L. 5. 5. A kind of fly. 1 Vermilion. -2 Gum-myrrh. -8 yellow sandal-wood. -Comp. -uttham, -udbhavam White sandal-wood. 1 Curly hair; a mode of wearing the hair. -2 White sandal-wood. barburaH N. of a tree (Mar. bAbhaLa ); upasarpema bhavantaM barbura vada kasya lobhena Bv. 1.24. -ra, ram Water. a: Ved. A tip, point, knot; Ait. Br. 1. 13. Ved. A socket of a tooth (1) I. 1 A. (a) 1 To speak. -2 To give. -3 To cover. 4 To hurt, kill, destroy. -5 To spread. -6 To be pre-eminent or excellent. II. 10 U. (af) To For Private and Personal Use Only Page #528 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1184 balam hurt, injure. -2 To speak. -With ni to kill, destroy; nibarhayantazcAnyonyaM te rAkSasavanaukasaH Ram.6.90.33 vilokanainava tavAmunA mune kRtaH kRtArtho'smi nibarhitAMhasA i. 1. 29. barhaH, -ham [baI-ac] 1 A peacock's tail; davolkAhata. zeSabarhAH R. 16. 14; (kezapAze) sati kusumasanAthe ke haredeSa bahaH V.4.10 (v.1.).-2 The tail of a bird. -3 A tail-feather (especially of a peacock ); jyotirlekhAvalayi galitaM yasya barham Me. 46; Ku. 1. 15; Si. 8. 11. - A leaf; ApANDuraM ketakabarhamanyaH R. 6. 17. -5 A train, retinue. -Comp. candrakA, -netram the eye in a peacock's tail (Mar. morapIsa).-bhAraH 1 a peacock's tail. -2 a tutt of peacock's feathers on the handle of a club &c. barhaNa,-barhas a. Ved. Strong, powerful. bahaNam A leat. art: Fire. --. The Kusa grass. -Comp. +: a rule of interpretation according to which an expression must be understood in its primary sense rathar than in its secondary sense. This is discussed and established by Jaimini and Sabara at MS. 3. 2. 1 and 2. barhiNa a. Adormed with peacock's feathers. -Na: A peacock; AvAsavRkSonmukhabarhiNAni (vanAni) R. 2. 173 16.143 19. 37. -Comp. -vAja: an arrow feathered with a peacock's plumes; -vAsas. (an arrow) provided with peacock's teathers; tasyorasi nimanAste zarA barhiNavAsasaH Ram.6.67. 1193 Mb. 7. 187.6. -vAhana: an epithet of Kartikeya. bahinIbarha astyarthe ini] A peacock; R. 16.64%; utkIrNA iva vAsayaSTiSu nizAnidrAlasA barhiNaH V.3.2; 4. 10% pravRttanRtyaM kulamadya barhiNAm Rs.2.6. -3 A kind of perfume. -Comp. -kusumam,-puSpam a kind of perfume. -dhvajA an epithet of Durga. -yAnaH, -vAhana: an epithet of Kartikeya. barhiSTha . (superl. of bRhat) Largest, strongest. -STham A kind of fragrant grass. barhis m., . [baI karmaNi isi] 1 Kusa grass ; prAk kUle barhiSyAsIno gaGgAkula udamukha: Bhag. 12.6.10%; niyamavidhijalAnAM barhiSAM copanetrI Ku. 1.60. -2 A bed or layer of Kusa grass. -3 A sacrifice, oblation; ye barhiSo bhAgabhAjaM parAduH Bhag.4.6.5. -m.1 Fire. -2 Light, splendour. -1.1 Water. -2 Sacrifice. -3 Ether. -4 A kind of perfume. -Comp.-utthaH , -kezaH, -jyotis m. an epithet of fire. -mukhaH (bahirmukhaH ) 1an epithet of fire. -2 a god (whose mouth is fire). -zuSma n m. an epithet of fire. -sad (barhiSad) a. seated on a layer of Kusa grass. (-m.) 1 the manes (pl.); Ms. 3. 199. -2 a Pitri or deified progenitor. bahiSka a. Formed of or covered with, sacrificial grass ; Mb. 13. 139. 14. -64 A sacrificial grass or its seat; barhiSkAntarite nityaM zayAno'gnigRhe sadA Mb. 13.143.40. __ bahiSma t m. A worshipper, sacrificer bal I. 1 P. (balati) 1 To breathe or live. -2 To hoard grain. -II. 10. (balati-te) 1 Togive. -3 To hurt, injure, kill. -3 To speak. -4 To see, mark. -III. 10 U. (balayati-te) To live. -IV. 10 A. (bAlayate) To describe. - Caus. (bAlayati-te) To nourish, support. balam [bala-ac] 1 Strength, power, might, vigour; kSatriyANAM balaM yuddham Brav. P. -2 Force, violence; as in balAt q.v.-3 An army, host, forces, troops ; bhavedabhISmamadroNaM dhRtarASTrabalaM katham Ve.3.24,433; balaM bhISmA (bhImA)bhirakSitam Bg. 1. 10; R. 16. 37. -4 Bulkiness, stoutness of the body ). 5 Body, figure, shape. - Semen virile. -7 Blood, -8 Gum myrrh. -9 A shoot, sprout. -10 Force or power of articulalion; varNaH svrH| mAtrA balam / sAma saMtAnaH / ityuktaH zIkSAdhyAyaH T. Up. 1.2.1. -11 The deity of power (such as Indra); namo balapramathanAya Mb. 12.284. 94.-12 The hand; kAnta viSNurbale zakaH koSTa'nirbhoktamicchati Mb. 12. 239.8. -13 Effort (yatna ); vidhiH zukraM balaM ceti traya ete guNAH pare Mb. 12. 320. 110 (com. balaM vAsanAviSayaprAptyanukUlo yatnaH). (balena means on the strength of', ' by means or virtue of'; bAhubalena jitaH, vIryabalena &c.: balAt perforce', 'forcibly', 'violently', 'against one's will'; balAnidrA samAyAtA Pt. 1; hRdayamadaye tasminnevaM punavelate balAt Git. 7.). -la: 1A crow; Ram. 6.54.9. -2 N. of the elder brother of Krisna; see balarAma below. -3 N. of a demon killed by Indra. -Comp. -agram excessive strength or force. (-graH) the head of an army. -aGgaka: the spring; 'vasanta iSyaH surabhiH puSpakAlo balAGgakaH' H. Ch. 156. -azcitA the lute of Balarama. -aTa: a kind of beam. -adhika a. surpassing in strength, of superior strengh or force. -AdhikaraNam the affairs of an army. -adhyakSaH 1 a general or commander of an army; senApatibalAdhyakSau sarvadikSu nivezayet Ms. 7. 189. -2 a war-minister. -3 An officer in charge of infantry. -anuja: an epithet of Krisna. -andhita . 1 endowed with strength, mighty, powerful. -2 leading an army. -abalam 1 comparative strength and want of strength, relative strength and weakness B parAtmanoH paricchidya zaktyAdInAM balAbalam R. 17.59. -2 relative significance and insignificance, comparative importance and unimportance; samaya evaM karoti balAbalam Si.6.44. adhikaraNam a kind of nyAyabheda according to Jaimini. -abhraH an army in the form of a cloud. -arAti: an epithet of Indra. -arthin a. desirous of power; rAjJo balArthinaH SaSThe (varSe upanayanaM kAryam ) Ms. 2. 37. -avalepa: pride of strength. -azaH,-asa: 1 consumption.-2 the phlegmatic humour (kapha). -3 a swelling in the throat (which stops the passages of food ). -ADhyaH a bean. -AtmikA a kind of sun-flower (hastizuNDI). -Alaya: a military camp; pUjyamAno harigaNairAjagAma balAlayam Ram. 6. 112.8. -thAha: water. -utkaTa a. of mighty strength; na vadhyate hyavizvasto durbalo'pi balotkaTaiH Pt.2.44; 3. 115. -upapanna, -30 a. endowed with strength, strong, powerful; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #529 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra balam etAM rAmabalopetAM rakSAM yaH sukRtI paThet Ramaraksa. 10. - upAdAnam Recruitment of the army; Kau. A. -oghaH a multitude of troops, numerous army; - girera Si. 8.2. kara kRt. strengthening. -kRta done by force or against free consent; sarvAn balakRtAnarthAnakRtAn manurabravIt Ms. 8. 168. -kSobhaH disturbance in the army, mutiny, revolt. 1 dominion, sovereignty.-2 an army, a host. a. produced by power. (-) 1 a city-gate, gate. -2 a field. -3 grain, a heap of grain ; tvaM samIraNa iva pratIkSitaH karSakeNa balajAn pupUSatA Si. 14. 7. -4 war, battle -5 marrow, pith. -6 a pretty figure. () 1 the earth. -2 a handsome woman. -3 a kind of jasmine (Arabian). - a rope. - an epithet of Indra; abhiSiSeca marandarasAmRtairnavalatAbalatApanaratnabham (alinam ) Ram. Ch. 4. 12. -da: an ox, a bullock. - pride of strength. : 1 air, wind. -2 N. of the elder brother of Krisha; see balarAma below. -baladevA (a) f. N. of a medicinal herb which is also called . It grows in the forests on the slopes of the Himalayas and in Persis dviS m., niSUdanaH epithets of Indra; balaniSUdanamarthapatiM ca tam R. 93. - nigraha . weakening, enervating. -qfa: 1 a general, commander. -2 an epithet of Indra. - a crow; Nigh. Ratn. - pRSThakaH a kind of deer (Mar. roheM ). -prada a giving strength, invigorating. - N. of a form of Durga. - N. of Rohini, mother of Balarama. - a. strong, powerful. (-) 1 a strong or powerful man. -2 a kind of ox. -3 N. of Balarama, q. v. below. -4 the tree called . -5 N. of Ananta. (-) a maiden. -fm. an epithet of Indra; S. 2. a. strong, powerful. - mukhya: the chief of an army. -rAmaH ' the strong Rama', N. of the elder brother of Krisna. [He was the seventh son of Vasudava and Devaki; but transferred to the womb of Rohini to save him from falling a prey to the cruelty of Kamsa. He and his brother Krisna were brought up by Nanda in Gokula. When quite young, he killed the powerful demons Dhenuka and Pralamba, and performed, like his brother, many feats of surprising strength. On one occasion Balarama under the influence of wine, of which he was very fond, called upon the Yamuna river to come to him that he might bathe; and on his command being unheeded, he plunged his plough-share into the river and dragged the waters after him, until the river assumed a human form and asked his forgivenss. On another occasion he dragged towards himself the whole city of Hastinapura along with its walls. As Krisna was a friend and admirer of the Pandavas, so Balarama was of the Kauravas, as was seen in his desire of giving his sister Subhadra to Duryodhana rather than to Arjuna; yet he declined to take any part in the great Bharati war either with the Pandavas or the Kauravas. He is represented as dressed in blue clothes, and armed with a ploughshare which 1155 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir balA a. or was his most effective wea pon. His wife was Revati. He is sometimes regarded as an incarnation of the serpent Sesa and sometimes as the eighth incarnation of Visnu; see the quotation under ]. -affa a. infirm, weak. - varNin a strong and looking well. -vardhana invigorating, strengthening. -m. N. of ff in utsarjana upAkarma. - vinyAsaH array or arrangement of troops. - vyasanam the defeat of an army. -vyApad f. decrease of etrength. -zAlin a strong; balazAlitayA yathA tathA vA dhiyamucchedaparAmayaM dadhAnaH Ki. 13.12. samutthAnam Recruiting a strong army; Kau. A. 1. 16; balasamutthAnamakarot Dk. 2. 8. -sUdanaH an epithet of Indra. -senA a strong army, an army, host. a. strong, powerful. (:) a warrior, soldier. -furfa: f. 1 a camp; an encampment. -2 a royal camp. -, m. 1 an epithet of Indra ; pANDuH smarati te nityaM balahantuH : Mb. 15. 20. 17. 2 of Balarama. -8 phlegm. - a. destitute of strength, weak, feeble. balakaH A dream. -kam A mixture of treacle and milk. balakSa a. [ balaM kSAyatyasmAt kSaika ] White; dviradadantabalakSamalakSyata sphuritabhRGgamRgacchavi ketakam Si. 6. 34. -kSa: The white colour. Comp. J: (for a ray') the moon; natyarjunAbjanma sahakSAko balakSaguH Kav. 1. 46 ( given as an instance of the quality of the Gaudiyas). C - Making strong, invigorating, strengthening. fe Den. P. To strengthen, invigorate. Den. A. To put forth strength. 1 An epithet of Indra. -2 Balarama. balavat a 1 Strong, powerful, mighty; Paracet affa af: Bh. 2. 91. -2 Stout, robust; ara nistejAH kasya nAbhibhavAspadam H 2 132. -8 Dense, thick (as darkness, &c.) -4 Getting the upper hand, predominant, prevailing; balavAnindriyagrAmo vidvAMsamapi karSati Ms. 2. 215. 5 More important, of greater weight; R. 14. 40. -8 Accompained by an army. -m. 1 N. of the 8th Muhurta. -2 Phlegm; Girvana. - Small cardamoms. -ind. 1 Strongly, powerfully, forcibly; garage Ku. 3. 69. -2 Very much, excessively, in a high degree; balavattarpitazcAhaM balavAn bhagavaMstvayA Ram. 2. 92. 5; balavadapi zikSitAnAmAtmanyapratyayaM cetaH S. 1. 2; zItA balavanI S. 8. 62; S. 3. 31. 1 Powerfulness, strength. -2 Superiority, For Private and Personal Use Only excellence. 1 N. of a powerful lore or incantation (taught by Visvamitra to Rama and Laksmana); a fa:: R. 11. 9. (For some description see the quotation under ). -2 N. of medicinal herbs and . -3 The earth; Girvana. -Comp. -pazJcakam A pentad of the five medicinal herbs : balA, Page #530 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir balatI 1186 balin H6142T, T T, fo and 1570. The Bhava prakasa ! rary a s Siva B. 29. 42; a affugtet af however, mentions 4017794; egeu ta ayi wafa. Bu. Ch. 2. 44. -7 The handle of a chourie. -8 N. of kRt / snigdhaM grAhi samIrAtrapittAstrakSatanAzanam // a celebrated demon; at a T HET: et A turret at the top of a palace; L. D. B. Raksa bandhanamantra. ( He was a son of Virochana, the son of Prahlada. He was a very powerlul demon 2014:, - [ Un. 4. 14 ) A crane; afecara H and oppressed the gods very much. They, therefore, a 17h1: Me. 9; Mk. 5. 18, 19. - A mistress, prayed to Visuu for succour, who descended on earth beloved woman. as a son of Kasya pa and Aditi in the form of a dwarf. Te il A small kind of crane. Ho assumed the dress of a mendicant, and having gone to Bali prayed him to give him as much earth balAkin a. Abounding in cranes%3; kAlikeva nibiDA as he could cover in three steps. Bali, who was noted fa- R. 11. 15; Ku. 7. 39. for his liberality, unhesitatingly acceded to this apT AIT: 1 Using violence, employing force. -2 parently simple request. But the dwarf soon assumed Outrage, violence, force, oppression, exaction; 719 a mighty form, and began to measure the three steps. 2a4tuala : (fa) R. 10. 47; The first step covered the earth, the second the TATTO fae &c. -8 Injustice. - In law ) Detention of the heavens; and not knowing where to place the third, he planted it on the head of Bali and sent him and all person of a debtor by the creditor and the employ his legions to the Patala and allowed him to be its ment of forcible means to recover the debt. ruler. Thus the universe was once more restored to balAtkRta a. Forced, overcome; cintAzokabalAtkRtam the rule of Indra; et. chalayasi vikramaNe balimadbhutavAmana Git. Ram. 4. 1. 35. 1; R. 7.35; Me. 59. Visnu is said to still guard his door in Patala. He is one of the seven Chira jivina ; tory: Crataeva Roxburghu (Mar. uff). cf. f. 1 A fold, wrinkle &c. (usually TIE: 1 A kind of disease. -2 Consumption, written af q. v.). -2 The fold of skin in stout perphthisis. sons or females. -8 The ridge of a thatched roof. -Comp. : a. 1 paying tribute. -2 offering sacri: A yellow spot in the white of the eye fices. -3 producing wrinkles. T: a sacrificial (caused by disease). cake. Tn. 1 offering oblations to all creatures. ofert a. Consumptive. -2 the act of worshipping. -8 payment of tribute. fet a line on the forehead; ayat Hayfa 129 balAham Water. 2014 at CETCH Ki. 8.52. Tah 1 presentation CEF: 1 A cloud; heyela 415 of an offering to a deity. -2 offering oblations to all ETCHH Ku. 1. 4. -2 A kind of crane. -8 A moun- creatures. -a, - m. an epithet of Visnu. tain. -4 N. of one of the seven clouds appearing at FECT, TET:,- a epithets of Bana, the son of Bali. the destruction of the world. -5 One of the four horses -TV: a crow; agafaggi: I afhaal: of Visnu. - A kind of snake; 379 Famiga-TIE- Ram. Ch. 6. 25. -2: the Lodhra tree. -ara: an 31691: 1 5USYT Teatria : Abh. Ch. 1311. epithet of Visnu.- T m. 1 a crow; 372 374#: 4171at dat 14tha Bhag. 1. 18. 33. -2 a sparrow. -3 a crane. aits: [ - ] 1 An oblation, a gift or offering -45 a. tributary. IGT:, : a crow; fadlar (usually religious ); fatale 1 740: S. 4. 21; af SHISHI (421: ) Ram. 4. 58. 25. - A ch, ah, U. 1.50. -2 The offering of a portion of the daily - 1 n. the lower regions, the abode of Bali. her: meal of rice, grain, ghee &c. to all creatures, (also a monkey. - the offering of an oblation. called Hu), one of the five daily Yajnias to be m a . engaged in worship or in offering oblations performed by a householder; see Ms. 3. 67, 91; it is to all creatures; 8110 a fala gara arsolt a usually performed by throwing up into the air, near Me. 87. -TUTT: the sixth part as a tribute; GATE the housedoor, portions of the daily meal before par. Tre ang TRUTH Ms. 8. 308. -7 m. an epithet taking of it; ara aft: 91 H 2 6 at 2 ATATU of Visnu. -&rur an offering of oblations to all fasaga: Mk. 1.9. -3 Worship, adoration; Ram. 2.3. creatures. : the offering of oblations. 8; safadalesger af Ku. 1. 60; Me. 57; 319faat a f ara goafor S. 4. - Fragments of food afe a. One who takes his food every sixth day. left at a meal. -8 A victim offered to a deity. -8 A afecta. Car a ] 1 Strong, powerful, mighty; tax, tribute, impost; algo 'religious tax '; (cf. frar, 1 ficar atla qatla da R. 16. 37; it, afe:, *)...... Trgh); Kau. A. 2. 6.24 ; FATA Ms. 7. 174. - Stout, robust. -m 1 A buffalo. -2 A 74 a t R. 1. 18; Ms. 7. 80; 8. 307; hog.-3 A camel. -4 A bull. -8 A soldier. -6 A kind For Private and Personal Use Only Page #531 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir balina 1187 bahis ot jasmine. -7 The phlegmatio humour. -8 An epithet of Balarama. balina, balibha See valina-bha. baliMdamaH An epithet of Visnu. balimat a. 1 Having materials of worship or oblation ready; bASpAyamANo balimaniketamAlekhyazeSasya piturviveza B. 14. 15. -2 Receiving taxes. -3 Wrinkled. baliman m. Strength, might, power. baliSTha a. Most powerful, strongest, very powerful (superl. of balavat or balin q. v.). -STha: A camel. afona. Dishonoured, degraded, despised ( 314mAnita). balIyas. (-sI/.) 1 Stronger, more powerful. -2More effective. -3 More important (compar. of balavat or balin q.v.). -adv. Powerfully, very much; balIyaH khalu bhIto'smi 5.7. balUla a. Strong, powerful. balya [balAya hitaM yat ] 1 Strong, powerful. -2 Giving strength. -lyaH A Buddhist mendicant. -lyam Semen virile. -Comp. -AkhyapaJcamUlam the pentad of medicinal roots: Turmerio root; a species of Moonseed (Mar. guLavela); Dolichandrone Falcata (Mar. meDhaziMgI); Hemidesmus indicus (Mar. upaLasarI); and vidArIkaMda (Mar. bhuIkohaLA ). balivardaH See balIvarda. balizam , baliziH , -zI A hook, a fish-hook. balIka: The edge of a thatched rook; eaves. ata: A scorpion. balI (rI) vardaH A bull, an ox; gorapatyaM pumAn balIvardaH balIzaH 1A crow. -2 A crafty person (vaJcakadRSTiH); sarvAtizaGkI puruSo balIzaH kRpaNo'thavA Mb. 12. 164.6. balkasam Dregs or sediment left in the distillation of ardent spirits; Sat. Br. balbalAkAraH Stammering, stuttering. ballavaH 1 A cowherd; kuJjaSvAkrAntavIrunicayaparicayA ballavAH saMcarantu Ve.6.23; Si. 11.8. -2 A cook. -3 The name assumed by Bhima when serving as a cook at the court of Virata. -vI A cowherdess ; nirIkSituM nopararAma ballavIrabhipranRttA iva vArayoSitaH Ki. 4. 17. -Comp. -yuvatiH, -tI/ a young cowherdess (gopI); harivirahAkulaballavayuvatisakhIvacanaM paThanIyam Git. 4. balvajaH, -jA A kind of coarse grassmujAlAbhe tu kartavyAH kuzAzmantakabalvajaiH Ms. 2. 43. bahikAH , -bahIkAH (pl.) N. of a country (Balkh) and its inhabitants, bava: The first Karapa or astrological division of the day. baSkaya a.1 One year old, yearling; vatse balkaye'dhi sapta tantUn Rv. 1. 164.5.-2 Full-grown (as a calf ). baSkaya (yi)NI (-nI) f. 1 A cow whose call is full-grown; hayadvizabdaSkayaNIpayaHsutam N. 16. 93. -2 A prolific cow (one bearing many calves ). __ bastaH A goat; bhavantyadhvaryavazcAnye bastazmazru gurbhavet Bhag. 4. 7. 5. -Comp. - FOT: the Sala tree. - TPEIT a shrubby basil. -mAram ind. after the manner of the dying of a goat. bastakam Salt produced from the Sambara lake ; Nigh. Ratn. afta: 5. (q.v. affa:) The abdomen, the lower belly; 'mUtrAzayapuTo bastiH' Ratnamala 3 svarNavaM vAraNabastikozam (rAjasutam ) Bur Ch. 1.66; akUpAro bastizcaraNamapi pAtAlamiti vai Vispumahimna 23. bastika: A kind of arrow (the point of which remains in the body, while taking it out); Mb. 7. 189. 11 (com. bastikaH zalyadaNDasandhau zithilastasyoddharaNe zalyaM bastimadhye majjati daNDamAtraM niHsarati). bahala a. [baha-kalac nalopazca ] 1 Very much, copious, a.bundant, plentiful, manifold, great, strong; asAvasyAH sparzo vapuSi bahalacandanarasaH U. 1.38%3 3.233; Si.9.83 Bv. 4.273 prahArairudgacchaddahanabahalodgAragurubhiH Bh. 1.36. -2 Thick, dense. -3 Shaggy (as a tail); bahalottuGgalAgUla Mal. 3. - Hard, firm, compact. - Harsh (as a sound). -la: A kind of sugar-cane. -lA Large cardamoms. -Comp.-gandhaH a kind of sandal. -tvacaH the white flowering lodhra. -varman m., n. a disease of the eyes (as swollen eyelid). bahalita a. Grown thick or strong. bahis ind. 1 Out of, outside (with abl.); nivasanAvasathe purAdahiH R. 8. 14; 11. 29. -2 On the outside, out of doors (opp. antaH); bahirgaccha -3 Externally, outwardly antarbahiH purata eva vivartamAnAm Mal. 1.40, 143 H. 1.94-4 Apart, separately.-5 Beside, except. -Comp. -3154 a. outer, external. ( - ) 1 an external part. -2 an outer limb. -3 property. -4 a stranger. -8 the preliminary part of a religious ceremony. -6 What is remotely related or connected; antarAbahirajayorantaraja balIyaH SB. on MS. 12. 2.29. -artha: an external ob ect. -indriyam an external organ or sense, an organ of action.-upAdhi: an external condition or circumstance, na khalu bahirupAdhIn prItayaH saMzrayante Mal. 1. 24. -kuTIcara: erab. -gItam a song accompanied by a stringed instrument. -gaham ind. out of doors, abroad. -cara. outer, external, outward; bahizvarAH prANA: Dk. (-) a crab. -tapas n. outward penance. -dRz a. superficial For Private and Personal Use Only Page #532 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bahiSka 1168 ... ......................... (in judgment). T: 1 a foreign country. -2 the Somewhat, nearly, almost; as in "Equ. ( agar' why outskirts of a village. -3 a place without a town or say much', 'in short'; ag 7 to think or esteem highly, village. - 74 an outer door. deg a portico. rate high, prize, value; cinta ag HUTH -niHsAraNam expulsion. -pavamAnam a Sama in the 997 Ku. 6. 20; yara Ag 99 at 99 S. 4. 7; 7. Somayaga; da gure af syahlaa Faz : # T: 1; R. 12. 89; 291 adaghat ar greufe 2999 Bg. 2. Ch. Up. 1. 12. 4. -42 a. One whose knowledge is 35; Bk. 3.53; 5. 84 ; 8. 12.) -Comp. -TETT a. having directed towards external objects; a 93 fayrat many syllables, polysyllabic (as a word). -3791, T: 7 #: A gama. 1. Tor: 1 the external -3757 a. having many vowels, polysyllabic. -37ad or outer breath or life; hence) anything as dear a, fraught with many evils. -379, 379 a. watery. as life. -2 money; Bhag. 5. 14. 5. - a. external. -39 a. 1 having a numerous progeny. -2 (in - emanation. 70 a. 1 expelled. -2 expired astrol.) promising a numerous progeny. ( :) ( time &c.). -8 inattentive, careless. H97 a. being 1 ahog.-a mouse, rat. (- ) a cow that has outside the mind; external. -HETET. a. out of mind. often calved. -3791 a. exposed to many risks; FAVE-year a. 1 turning one's face away from. -2 averse dyAnagate'pi snigdhaiH pApaM vizakyate mohaat| kimu duSTabahvapAyapratibhayafrom, indifferent to. 3 greatly devoted to external #italTZ Il Pt. 2. 166. -37 a. 1 having many things. 4 coming out of the mouth. :) a god or senses. -2 having many objects. -8 important. - TS deity. -1971, excursion, expedition abroad. a. voracious, gluttonous, agraft +969292: gfal yoga: fat a. placed or fastened outside. -1: 1 external are lot: Targer: II Chanakya. -m. N. meditation. 3T a. obtuse-angled. (P) an obtuse- of a son of Dhritarastra. Fi a kind of mendicant angled triangle. -lApikA a kind of enigma. -vartin a. who lives in a strange town and maintains himself being on the outside. -aree 1. an outer or upper with alms got by begging from door to door; cf. 14. garment. -far: syphilis. -a. ind. free from change; -39 a. made to serve a manifold purpose; 459affantia: get fas: Si. 1. 33. i f. an external g g fs: Dk. 2. 4. -3914 a. effective. - a. havaspect or appearance; praeg ar area FTAT: ing many verses. (-f.) a term applied to the Rigveda. gam ATTT: 4941919 fea: Il Pt. 4. 87. - FTH - a. having many verses. ( T) one conversant licentiousness, immorality, evil or lewd practices. with the Rigveda. (- ) The wife of one who studies refra. dissolute, lewd. Tie a. lying or situated the Rigveda. Hence Cargth means the Aitareya outside ( the town ). , -fevra a. external, outer. Brahmana which belongs to the Rigveda; o ai a. External, outer. a SB. on MS. 6. 3. 1. -77 a. very sinful.- a. 1 doing much, busy, industrious. -2 useful in many af 8 U. 1 To place outside of, exclude from, ways. (- :) 1 a sweeper, cleaner. -2 a camel. -3 the drive out of%3 rASTrAdenaM bahiSkuryAt samagradhanamakSatam Ms. 8.380%3 sun; ughalt aia:HTSAL N. 19. 13. - a broom. Y. 1. 93. -2 To excommunicate. -kAram abundance 3 bahukAraM ca sasyAnAm Mb. 12. 193.21. aft TOTAL 1 An external organ. -2 Expulsion -1854 ind. for a long time. Ficat a. of a long from.-3 Excepting, excluding. standing, old, ancient. : a kind of cocoa-nut tree. - a Krama of more than three words; cf. aftalt: 1 Expulsion, exclusion. - 2 Excommuni H.-T a. patient; 31ST f acit agerat fafacation. 212139992193: Ku. 5. 40. (- :) 1 a Buddha. -2 bahiSkArya . To be removed or excluded from; sa a Jaina deified saint. -TICH Soap; Nigh. Ratn. argre iffer acfare: Ms. 2. 11, 103. (- :) a kind of alkali. IT a cow giving much milk. - TFT a. strong-scented. ( - ) cinnamon. a na p. p. 1 Turned out, expelled. -2 Restrain- -TTFETT musk. TPST 1 the Yuthika creeper. -2 a ing or free from. -8 Become apparent, manifest. bud of the Champaka tree. Tu a. having many after ind. On the outside, abroad. threads or qualities. Ta: One who has read much but superficially; sciolist.-T a. having many bahu . (hu or hrI/; compar. bhUyas; super. bhUyiSTha) 1 blood relations. -are: Tamarix Indica (Mar. a ). Much, plentiful, a bundant, great; fHT HE gaf $. 4. -963a. deceitful. -fgar a species of Cooculus (Mar. even this was much for him was too much to be guLavela). -jana: a great multitude of people. hitam the expected of him ); ag "999 Mu. 3; 34984 Tag common weal. -CT a. garrulous, talkative, loquacious. Ergfa3- R. 2. 47. -2 Many, numerous; as in wat, - a. knowing much, well informed, possessed of great 159417 -2 Frequented, repeated. -4 Large, great. knowledge. --ft a. many-stringed (as a musical - A bounding or rich in (as first member of comp. ); instrument )-Torn anything much like_grass ; aghoz at: &c. -ind. 1 Much, abundantly, very (hence) what is unimportant or contemptible ; Pastamuch, exceedingly, greatly, in a high degree. -2 FIT aggqui : Si. 2. 50; N. 22. 137. -2 abounding For Private and Personal Use Only Page #533 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra in grass., m. a kind of birch tree. a. liberal, generous. -fer a. 1 attended with many gifts or donations. -2 liberal, munificent., - darzina a. prudent, circumspect; kRtyeSu vAlI medhAvI rAjAno aga: Ram. 4. 2. 23. a. liberal, munificent, a liberal donor; Ch. Up. - a. yielding much milk. (-) wheat. (TET) a cow yielding much milk.a. greatly experienced, a great observer. - a. very experienced. a. 1 having many faults or defects, very wicked or sinful. -2 full of crimes or dangers; bahudoSA hi zarvarI Mk. 1. 58. - dohanA yielding much milk. a. very rich, wealthy. - 1 the thunderbolt of Indra. -2 a diamond. - dhenukam a great number of milch-cows. -nADika: the body. 13: 1 day. -2 pillar; L. D. B. conch-shell. -patnIkatA polygamy. -patraH an onion. (zram) talc. (zrI) the holy basil - pad pAda, - m. the fig.tree. : 1 the coral tree. -2 the Nimba tree. - parvan m. ( see - granthiH) - prakAra a. of many kinds, various, manifold. (TH) ind. in many ways, manifoldly. -f a. consisting of many primary parts or verbal elements (as a compound). -a. having many children, prolific. (:) 1 a hog. 2 the munja grass. - a. very wise. -f a a. 1150 1 comprising many statements or assertions, complicated. 2 (in law) involving many counts, as a plaint] bahuprati yat kAryaM vyavahAreSu nishcitm| kAmaM tadapi yAda rAjA tattvabubhutsayA Mita. - pratyarthika a having many opponents. a. connected with many difficulties. a. exceedingly liberal, a munificent donor. -prapaJca a very diffuse or prolix. - prasUH the mother of many children. - a. having many loved ones. - a. rich in fruits. (-) the Kadamba tree. (--lI ) the opposite-leaved fig-tree. -bala: a lion. -bIjam the fruit of Anona Reticulata (Mar. ). (-) a kind of Musa (Mar. rAnakeLa ). -bolaka a. a great talker; Buddh. - a. very lucky or fortunate. -bhASin a. garrulous, talkative. -bhASyam talkativeness, garrality utthAnena jyetikenijjyet| monena bahumAya ca zauryeNa ca bhayaM tyajet // Mb. 12 274. 11. -bhujA an epithet of Durga. - bhUmika a. having many floors or stories. - bhogyA a prostitute. -bhojin a. voracious. - the holy basil. a. 1 highly esteemed or prized, valued, respected ; yeSAM ca tvaM bahumato bhUtvA yAsyasi lAghavam Bg. 2. 35. -2 having many different opinions. -fa: f. great value or estimation; kAntAnAM bahumatimAyayuH payodAH Ki. 7. 15. - madhyaga a. belonging to many; na nirdhAraM striyaH kuryuH kuTumbAdbahumadhyagAt Ms. 9. 199. -malam lead. -mAnaH great respect or regard, high esteem; puruSabahumAno vigalitaH Bh. 3. 9; vartamAnakaveH kAlidAsasya kriyAyAM kathaM pariSado bahumAnaH M. 1; V. 1. 2; Ku. 5. 31. (-) a gift given by a superior to an inferior. -HTT a. respectable, esteemable; Kull. on Ms. 2. 117. - a. artful, deceitful, treacherous ; paradezabhayAdbhItA bahumAyA napuMsakAH / svadeze nidhanaM Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bahu yAnti Pt. 1. 321. - mArga: a place where many roads meet. - mArgagA 1 N. of the river Ganges ; tayuktaM bahumArgagAM ag H agt Ratn. 1. 3. -2 a wanton or unchaste woman. -ff a place where several roads meet. - mukha a. 1 much, excessive; asyA bharturbahumukhamanurAgam S. 6. -2 speaking variously. a. suffering from diabetes. - a. multiform, variously shaped. (-fa: f.) the mUrti wild cotton-shrub. - mUrdhan m. an epithet of Visnu. - Asparagus Racemosus (a). He a. costly, high-priced. (-) a large sum of money, heavy or costly price. T a. abounding in deer. - a. very dusty. a. rich in jewels. a. juicy, succulent. (:) sugar-cane. a. (in arith.) consisting of many terms. (-fT:) m. a series of many terms. a. 1 many-formed, multiform, manifold. -2 variegated, spotted, chequered; uti ugui fe tart Mb. 14. 10. 30. (-:) 1 a lizard, chameleon. -2 hair. -3 the sun. -4 N. of Siva. -5 of Visnu. -6 of Brahma. -7 of the god of love. a. multiform, manifold. - retas m. an epithet of Brahma. romana a. hairy, shaggy. (m.) a sheep. - a soil impregnated with salt. the plural number (in gram. ); dvaSaikayordvivacanaikavacane, bahuSu bahuvacanam -varNa a. many-coloured. -afa. garrulous. - ind. many times, often. - vAraH, -vAraka: Cordia Myxa ( Mar. bhokara ) - vArSika a. lasting for many years. -f a. very powerful, heroic, a great warrior. -f a. presenting many difficulties, attended with many dangers. -far a. of many kinds, manifold, diverse. - (ft) the custard apple. a. very powerful or efficacious. (-) N. of various plants (such as Terminalia Bellerica, Mar. r), fra lavish, prodigal. spendthrift. a. far-spreading, wide. -ff a. possessing much rice karmadhAraya yenAhaM syAM bahuvrIhi Udb. (where it is also the name of the compound). (-f:) one of the four principal kinds of compounds in Sanskrit. In it, two or more nouns in apposition to each other are compouded, the attributive member (whether a noun or an adjective) being placed first, and made to qualify another substantive, and neither of the two members separately, but the sense of the whole compound, qualifies that substantive; cf. - padArthapradhAno bahuvIhiH. This compound in adjectival in character, but there are several instances of Bahuvrihi compounds which have come to be regarded and used as nouns (their application being restricted by usage to particular individuals ) ; i. e. cakrapANi, zazizekhara, pItAmbara, caturmukha, trinetra, kusumazara &c. -zatruH a sparrow. - zalyaH a species of Khadira. a. very good, right or happy. a. having many branches or ramifications. -farea. having many points. - an epithet of Visnu. - a. 1 well-informed, very learned; tasmin puravare hRSTA dharmAtmAno bahuzrutAH Ram. H.1.1; Pt. 2. 1; R. 15. 36. -2 well-versed in the Vedas; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #534 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra bahuka havAnAhmaNaM vA bahukSatam AtatAyinamAyAntaM hanyAdevAvicArayan // Ms. 8. 350. (-a) the occurrence of the plural in a text. a. numerous. a. abounding in animals. -ara a. having a numerous progeny. (-:) a kind of bamboo. - a. possessed of great pith or essence, substantial. (:) the Khadira tree. - a. amounting to many thousands. 1 a mother of many children. -2 a cow. -fa: f. 1 a mother of many children. -2 a cow that often calves. a. vociferous. (:) an owl. - a. owned by many. 1 The sun. -2 The sunA kind of gallinule. -5 a. Dear bought. plant (). -8 A crab. - The digger of a tank. a. More numerous, greater, larger. Ha. Most abundant, greatest. ind. From many sides. , 1 Abundance, plenty, numerousness. -2 Majority or plurality. -8 (In gram.) The plural number. bahutitha. Much, long, many; kAle gate bahutithe S. 5. 3; tasya bhuvi bahutithAstithayaH Ki. 12. 2. - tham ind. Greatly, in a high degree. ind. In many ways or places. ag ind. In several ways. ager ind. 1 In many ways, variously, diversely, multifariously bahudhApyAgamebhiH R. 10.26 RSinirvahudhA gItaM chandobhirvividhaiH pRthak Bg. 13.4 -2 In_different forms or ways. - Frequently, repeatedly. In various places or directions. ( 1 to multiply. -2 to make public, divulge.) -Comp. - a. manifold in forms. a. scattered. bahula a. (compar. baMhIyas supert. baMhiSTha ) 1 Thick, dense, compact vRkSAM mahulacchAyAndagirimUrdhani Mh. 3. 143.3.-2(a) Broad, wide, capacious; (b) ample, large. -8 Abundant, copious, plentiful, much, numerous; K. 143. - Numerous, manifold, many taruNatamAlanIlabahulo zramadambudharAH Mal. 9.18. - Full of, rich or abounding in; janmani kezabahule kiM nu duHkhamataH param H. 1. 184; kriyAvizeSabahulAM bhogaizvaryagatiM prati Bg. 2. 43. -8 Accompanied or attended by. -7 Born under the Pleiades; P. IV. 3. 33. -8 Dark, black. - Comprehensive, variously applicable. 1 The dark half of & month (kRSNapakSa ); prAdurAsa bahulakSapAchaviH R. 11. 15; kareNa bhAnorbahulAbasAne saMdhukSyamANaiva zazAGkarekhA Ku. 7.8; 4.13. -2 An epithet of fire. lA 1 A cow; kasmAt samAne bahulApradAne sadbhiH art af Mb. 13. 77. 9. -2 Cardamoms. -3 The indigo plant. -4 The Pleiades (pl.). 1 The sky. -2 White-pepper. ind. Often, frequently; bahulaM chandasi. -Comp. -abhvaH N. of a king of Maithili 1160 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dynasty. a. talkative, garrulous. TF cardamoms. -fafa blackness of the dark half of the month ; kUjAyujA bahulapakSazitini sImnA N. 21.124. (pl.) The Pleiades. bahulatA, -tvam 1 Abundance, copiousness. -2 Numerousness. -3 Comprehensiveness. a. Augmented, increased. 8 U. 1 To make public, disclose, divulge. -2 To make dense or compact; anfanf aganagarif Si. 13. 44. 4 To increase, extend, aggrandise bhUteSu kiM ca karaNAM bahulIkaroti Bv. 1. 1124 To thresh (?). bADha age Increasing, aggrandizement. -8 Divulging, promulgation. -3 Multiplying, magnifying. -4 Winnowing, threshing. A great zeal or care for. p. p. 1 Increased, augmented. - Made public, promulgated. -3 Made much or manifold. -4 Extended. -6 Winnowed, threshed. publicity. 1 P. 1 To spread, increase, multiply; fan agafa Pt. 2. 175. -2 To get abroad, to become public or notorious, be generally known, become wide-sprend bahubhUtametat yate S. 6 paureSu so'I bahulI bhavantaM... soDhuM na tatpUrvamavarNamIze R. 14. 98. Becoming public, general notoriety or ind. 1 Much, abundantly, plentiful pazyantInAM na khalu bahuzo na sthalIdevatAnAM...azrulezAH patanti Me. 108. -2 Frequently, repeatedly, often-times; - pAjJAM dRSTiM spRzasi bahuzo vepathumatIm S. 1. 23; Ku. 4. 35. -3 Generally, commonly. bahUdanam = SaDsa (anna) Collection of various kinds of food; mukhyAnAma purastAdvAstayA'paNahUdanI Bhag. 4. 25.49 baDodaH bahadakA q. v Bhag. 3. 12.48. = v.; bAkulam The fruit of the Bakula tree. 1 A. () 1 To bathe. -2 To emerge. G N. of a grammarian. For Private and Personal Use Only bADava: See vADava. vADaveya Soo vAcane bADavya See vADavya. a: A servant, hireling. bADha a. (compar. sAdhIyas supert. sAdhiSTha ) 1 Firm, strong. 2 Much, excessive. -3 Loud. 4 ind. 1 Assuredly, certainly, surely, really; oh yes? (in answer Page #535 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bANaH 1161 bAdhaH to questions); tAM bADhamityupAmantrya pravizya gajasAhvayam Bhaye 1.8.45%; cANakyaH -candanadAsa eSa te nizcayaH / candana-bADham eSa me sthiro nizcayaH Mu. 1; bADhameSu divaseSu pArthivaH karma sAdhayati putrajanmane R. 19.52. -2 Very well, be it 80, good; Mal. 1. 15, 16. -3 Exceedingly, very much; vapurAdarAtizayazaMsi punaH pratipattimUDhamapi bADhamabhUt Si.9.77. bANa: 1 An arrow, shaft, reed; Bri. Up. 3.8.23; dhanuSyamoghaM samadhatta bANam Ku. 3.66. -2 An aim or mark for arrows. -3 The teathered end of an arrow.-4 The udder of a cow. -8 The body (zarIra); te prakAzyAbhivadanti vayamatadANamavaSTabhya vidhArayAmaH Prasna Up.2.2. -6N. of a demon, son of Bali; cf. uSA. -7 N. of a celebrated poet who lived at the court of king Harsavardhana and flourished in the first half of the seventh century; See App. II ). He is the author of kAdambarI, harSacarita and of some other works; (Govardhana in his Aryasaptasati 37 speaks in these terms of Bana:-jAtA zikhaNDinI prAga yathA zikhaNDI tathAvagacchAmi / prAgalbhyadhikamAptuM vANI bANo babhUveti // ; 80 hRdayavasatiH paJcabANastu bANaH P. R. 1. 22). -8 A symbolical expression for the number 'five', -9 A sound, voice. -10 Fire. -11 Lightning. -12 A form of Siva.-13 The versed sine of an are. -NaH, -NA The hinder part or feathered end of an arrow. -UT, -UIT, UT a blue flowering Barleria -nIlajhiNTI (Mar. kohATI); anAvilonmIlitabANacakSuSaH Ki. 4. 28. Si. 6. 46. -Comp. -asanam a bow; sa pArthabANAsanavegamuktardRDhAhataH patribhirugravegaiH Mb.8. 89.86. yantram a kind of bow with a mechanical contrivance at one of its ends for tightening the string and letting off the arrow; Dr. 1. 1. -AvAle',-lI/. 1a series of arrows. -2a series of five verses forming one sentence. -371279: a quiver. -ga gA N. of a river said to have been produced by Ravana's arrow; somezAd dakSiNe bhAge bANenAbhivibhidya vai / rAvaNena prakaTitA jaladhArAtipuNyadA / bANagaGgeti vikhyAtA yA snAnAdaghahAriNI|| Varaha P. -gocaraH the range of an arrow; avatIrNo'si ratiramaNabANagocaram Mal. 1. 19/20. -jAlam a number of arrows. -jit m. an epithet of Visnu. -tUNaH, -dhi: a quiver; kSINabANo vibANadhiH Mb. 8._63; babandhAtha ca bANadhI (du.) Bk. 14. 173 Ki. 18. 1. -nikRta a. pierced or wounded by an arrow. -patraH N. of a bird (ka). -patha: the range of an arrow. -pANi ar armed with arrows. -pAtaH 1 an arrowshot (asa measure of distance).-2 the range of an arrow. -3 a bed of arrows (bANazayyA, zaratalpa), bAgapAtAntare rAmaM pAtitaM puruSarSabham Ram. 6. 45. 25. vartin a. being within the range of an arrow. -puram Somita.pura, the capital of Banasura. fra f., -HISTUTH discharging or shooting an arrow. -yojanam a quiver. -rekhA a long wound made by an arrow. -liGgam a white stone found in the river het and worshipped as the feet of Siya. -art: a breast-plate, an armour, cuirass; of. vArabANaH, -vRSTiHfashower of arrows. -saMdhAnam the fitting of an arrow to the bow-string; kA kathA bANasaMdhAne jyAzabdenaiva dUrataH .3.1. -siddhiHf the hitting of a mark by an arrow. -sutA an epithet of Usha daughter of Bana ; see uSA. -han m. an epithet of Visnu. bANiNI See vANinI. bAdara .( f.) [badara-aN] 1 Belonging to or coming from the jujube tree. -2 Made of cotton. -3 Coarse (opp. to sUkSma). -R: The cotton shrub. -ram 1 The jujube.-2 Silk. -3 Water. -4 A garment of cotton. --5 A conch-shell winding from left to right. -rA The cotton shrub. bAdarAyaNaH [badA~ bhavaH phak] N. of a sage said to be the author of the Sariraka Sutras of the Vedanta philosophy (generally identified with Vyasa).-Comp. -sUtram the Vedanta aphorisms. -saMbandhaH (a modern formation) an imaginary or far-fetched relation%3 asmAkaM badarIcakra yuSmAkaM badarItaruH / bAdarAyaNasaMbandho yUyaM yUyaM vayaM kyam || Subhas. bAdarAyaNiH N. of Suka, son of Vyasa. areft: N. of a philosopher. bAdarika a. (-kI.) One who gathers jujube fruits. bAdh1 A. (bAdhate, bAdhita) 1 To harass, oppress, torment, press hard, annoy, trouble, disturb, vex, pain (persons or things); UnaM na sattveSvadhiko babAdhe R.2.143 bhUribhArabharAkAntaH skandha eSa nu bAdhati / na tathA bAdhate skandho yathA bAdhati bAdhate Subhas, Me. 55%Ms. 9. 2263 10. 1293 Bk. 14. 45. -2 To resist, oppose, thwart, check, obstruct, arrest, interfere with; guNAnurAgAdiva sakhyamIyivAn na bAdhate'sya trigaNaH parasparam Ki. 1. 11; U.5.19. -3 To attack, assault.assail; sa tadA labdhatIrtho'pina babAdhe nirAyadhama Bhag. 3. 19. 4. -4 To wrong, violate. - To hurt, injure. -6 To drive away, repel, remove; uSNana bAdhyate zItaM zItenoSNaM prabAdhyate Mb. 12.16.12.-7 To suspend, set aside, annul, annihilate, abolish (as a rule &c.); na dharmamarthakAmAbhyAM babAdhe na ca tena tau R. 17.57. -Caus. 1 To oppress, torment, harass &c. - To subdue, conquer. -With abhi 1to hurt, injure. -2 to vex, harass, torment. -A to vex, torment, injure. -pari to trouble, affict; mohAnmayA sutanu pUrvamupekSitaste yo bASpabinduradharaM paribAdhamAnaH 5.7.25. -sam to troubletorment. bAdhaH,-dhA[bAdh-bhAve ghaJ] 1 Pain, suffering, affliction, torment; rajanyA saha z2ambhate madanabAdhA V.3.-2 Disturbance, molestation, annoyanee; iti bhramarabAdhA nirUpayati S.1. -8 Harm, injury, damage, hurt; caraNasya bAdhA M. 4; na niSedhyo'lpabAMdhastu setuH kalyANakAraka: Y.2. 156. -4 Danger, peril; naivAsau veda saMhAraM prANabAdha upasthite Bhag. 1.7.27. -6 Resistance, opposition. -6 An objection. -7 Contradiction, refutation. -8 Suspension, annulment. -9 A flaw in a syllogism, one of the five forms of Searura or saM.I. ko....146 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #536 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bAdhaka 1182 bAla fallacious middle term ; see af below. -10 Violation, infraction. -11 Sublation; a atha rafa fafara fagia ATTUTTO frafa ya SB. on MS. 10. 1.1. - Refuta. tion. -Comp. -392 : denial of an exception. a. (-feil f.) [autor] 1 Troubling, tormenting, oppressing. -2 Vexing, annoying. -8 Annulling. -4 Suspending, contradicting, invalidating ( as a rule &c.). -8 Hindering. - That which sublates; ac ay wala 971792 wafa SB. on MS. 10. 6. 3. - A particular disease of women; (guio al alatt :). TETT a. 1 Harassing, opposing. -2 Refuting, controverting. -a [ary-H ) 1 Harassing, oppression, annoyance, disturbance, pain; S. 1. -2 Annulment. -3 Removal, suspension. -4 Refutation, contradiction. - Opposing, hindering. -6 Precluding. - Pain, trouble, anxiety, disturbance. greface, afera m. An injurer, opposer, annoyer. afeta p. p. [ary-10 ] 1 Harassed, oppressed, annoyed. -2 Pained, troubled, afflicted. -8 Opposed, obstructed. - 4 Checked, arrested. -3 Set aside, suspended. - Refuted. - In logic) Contradicted, contradictory; inconsistent and hence futile); HEUTH1991 941 arra; e. g. alerg607:. az a. 1 To be pained or troubled. -2 Fit to be opposed or objected to, objectionable, exceptionable. -8 To be annulled. Comp. -are the condition of oppressed and oppressor. -tag a. impotent; Kull. on Ms. 9. 79. aregut, ataTACTH Suspension, annulment. arrepfe Deafness; and MACR : fata yaya Mb. 12. 288.40. arrafa: A bastard. arra: [ ang sari i arst ] 1 A relation, kinsman (in general); ayat: heef-at Subhas; quritz aruar: H. 1; Ms. 5. 74, 101; 4. 179. -2 A maternal relation; Ms. 4. 179. -8 A friend ; 4: 4 arzat afta 6 Subhas. -4 A brother. -5 Friendly service ( hu); wasaasta agiz127944: Bhag. 1. 19. 35. -Comp. : relatives, kinsmen (taken collectively ); afara 98984 a 14 agd Mk. 1. 36; Pt. 4. 78. Four Consanguinity, relationship. bAbhrava a. Belonging or relating to badhru. anzeit An epithet of Durga. anya. (* f.) Brown, brownish. artett: 1 The kernel of the mango-fruit. -2 Tin. -3 A young shoot. -4 The son of a harlot. ' are a. ( f.) [ak-370] Made of the feathers of a peacock's tail; Bhag. alego, alegre: A patronymic of king Jarasandha, q. v. TEFTA a. (atf.) [gatia-347 ) Related to, descended from or sacred to, Brihaspati. -m. N. of a year; 319 ateria: Ant : au 9 area arcut: :a caufa : Il Ram. DIEETT a. ( Texafa-] Relating to Brihaspti. -: 1 A pupil of Brihaspati; Bhag. 11. 23. 2. 2 A follower of Btihaspati who taught the rankest form of materialism, a materialist. -3 An epithet of Agni. -4 An infidel, materialist. -74 1 The constellation Pusya. -2 Morality, ethics; the rate of Brihaspati. T: N. of a school of the writers on the science of Government mentioned by Kautilya; Kau. A. 1. 15. affur a. (oft s.) [afe-3] Derived from or relating to a peacock. at a. 1 Young, infantine, not full-grown or developed (of persons or things ); a refut a Ms. 8. 70; TYTETITOH Harga fagfa V. 2. 7; so 2417H-IT : Me. 77; R. 2. 45; 13. 24. -2 Newly risen, young (as the sun or its raye ); a aarte a facza: R. 12. 100. -3 New, waxing (as the moon); 999 ft taratanaaien afsFIAT: R. 3. 22; Ku. 3. 29. -4 Puerile. -8 Ignorant, unwise; 3710T d aft: qfosaatlag: Ram. 2. 100. 38. -B Pure (as an animal fit for sacrifice). 3: 1 A child, an infant; 217fa ghah (12); Ms. 2. 239. -2 A boy, youth, young person. -3 A minor (under 16 years of age); 13TIGAT Narada.-4 A colt, foal. -8 A fool, simpleton; fari Ti a afi faqet Pt. 4. 91. -8 (a) A tail. (6) An elephant's or a horse's tail. - 7 Hair; $79131 Hiq doruca S a : Ku. 1. 48. -8 An elephant five years old; quat Tuaja qata 1911*: ' Vaijayanti. According to Matanga L. (5.2.) however it means an elephant in the first year. -9 A kind of perfume. -10 The Cocoa-nut. -Comp. -3774 1 the point of a hair. -2 A dove-cot; marca21949 yrag: gonfa Mk. 1.51/ 52.-adhyApaka: a tutor of youths or children. -apatyam youthful progeny. -3TTE: study during childhood, early application to study ). -TEUT a. red like early dawn. (-u:) early dawn; morning sun. 37: the newly-risen sun; R. 12. 100. -3701, - instruction of the young; Pt. 1. -3TEFFU a. juvenile, young; yaruldaterats fan V.5.18. -372EUT childhood. -tag: morning sunshine. -371 : a child's disease. the new or waxing moon; 1796104 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #537 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bAla 1168 bAliza faT41919 ay: Cett-afarigala Ku. 3. 29. -TU: the jujube tree. -39 , TUH (medical treatment of children. Tata 1 a piece of cloth used to cover the privities. -2 The sacrificial cord. - a young plantain tree. - the first book of the Ramayana. :, - a kind of young jasmine. (- ) a young jasmine blossom ; 31 aparatas Me. 67. A: a louse. Fot: Krisna as a boy.- , - f. child's play or amusement. It a child's play or toy. -1 a child's toy. (- ) 1 a ball. -2 an epithet of Siva. E a child's play, childish or juvenile sport.-re a class of divine personages of the size of a thumb and produced from the creator's body and said to precede the sun's chariot (their number is said to be sixty thousand ); cf. R. 15. 10; Rtozca santatibhIryA bAlakhilyAnasUyata / SaSTiryAni sahasrANi RSINAmUrdhvaretasAm || Mark. P. -garbhiNI a cow with call for the first time. : 'the youthful cowherd', an epithet of Krisna, as the boycowherd. -96 any demon (or planetary influence) teasing or injuring children; aantag farradt for Bhag. 10. 6. 7. - a childslayer, infanticide; Ms. 11. 190. 7 , -25 m. 1 the young or waxing moon; a HERTTU aaaaarghezz ala: Mal. 2. 10. -2 a cavity of a particular shape; Mk.3. 13. -atch 1 juvenile sports. -2 early life or actions; U. 6.- N. of Kartikeya. (- the bahaviour of a child. - Fa : & fish; Nigh. Ratn. a: a young mango-tree; fosfor Tutchfit aroga Mal. 3. 12. -37 a. produced from hair. -au a. childish, foolish, simple. - : the Khadira tree. - midwifery. -Turn young grass. - : the Khadira.-El the property of a minor; Ms. 8. 149. -ft: also af:) a hairy tail; GIAITamataru: Si. 12. 73; Ki. 12. 47. a. guided or steered by a fool. -T, -45: the Khadira tree. - 1 an ornament worn in the hair when parted. -2 a string of pearls binding or intertwining the braid of hair. -gigit, -e, -quot a kind of jasmine. : 1 instructing the young. -2 any work adapted to the capacities of the young or inexperienced. -75EUR: a kind of poison. - It: a large bushy tail; auteaftauft afa: Me. 55. Hra: 1 child-hood, infancy. -2 a hairy growth; great H 19 gra aradarai N. 7. 26. -3 inattention; Ms. 8. 118 Kull.). -4 children (collectively). -8 recent rise of a planet). - T: a servant from childhood. - a kind of collyrium. -HIFT: pease. -HaTAT N. of several grammars. HTUTH (with Jainas) a fool's manner of dying (12 in number). -HT: a friend from boyhood. : a fawn. Oh a young radish. From a small mouse. Ur: a tender filament or fibre (of lotus); vyAlaM bAlamRNAlatantubhirasau rorbu samujjRmbhate Bh. 2.6. -yajJopavItakam the sacred thread worn across the breast. TTF lapis lazuli. -To: a child's disease; 3727 at fara ura Fig! TuleI gotofachezaer...... Bhava. P. Wala young creeper; 2741+27 alasa: a: R. 2. 10. T child's play, juvenile pastime.-are: 1 a young call. -2 a pigeon. -at lapis lazuli. -aree n. a woollen garment. -alex: a young or wild goat. -fareat a child-widow. -2960 child-widowhood. -STGGIT a chourie or fly-flapper (usually made of the tail of the yak or Bos Grunniens and used as one of the royal insignia ); dy r t fa 4354522*: Ku. 1. 13; R. 9. 66; 14. 11; 16.33, 57.-aa: an epithet of a Buddha saint m. a friend from childhood. Ezt early twilight. - Fer milk. E m . a friend of one's youth. -, i la pis lazuli. FURAH 1 childhood. -2 youth. -8 inexperience. U infanticide. : a hairy tail. 134 a. (-69 f.) [2 tard + ] 1 Childlike, young, not yet fullgrown. -2 Ignorant. : 1 A child, boy. -2 A minor (in law). -3 A finger-ring. -4 A fool or blockhead. -8 A bracelet. -8 The tail of a horse or elephant - Hair. -8 A young elephant (five years old); fagaalaala 1 a Si. 5. 47. See at (8). 1 A finger-ring. -2 A bracelet. --Comp. - a. fond of children. (- ) colocynth or plantain. Eel infanticide. ao a. Childish, infantine. af 1 A girl, a female child. -2 A young woman under sixteen years of age. -8 A young woman (in general); a atat 14 Aparat wada #fafaga $. 3. 2; i al af 4472afa7cchi e fra Bh. 3. 67; Me. 85. -4 A variety of jasmine. - The cocoanut. - The plant Batt. -7 Small cardamoms. -8 Turmeric. -Comp. - a female infanticide. atoa 1 A girl, young woman. -2 The knot of an earring. - Small cardamoms. -4 Sand. - The rustling of leaves. ara: The second of the eleven Karanas. ana: N. of a celebrated monkey-king; see ares. -Comp. -7,-rt m. an epithet of Rama. bAlAki: N. of an ancient sage; dRptabAlAkirhAnUcAno gArgya Asa Bri. Up. aft m. N. of a monkey; see alles. bAlinI The constellation Asvini. a sam m. Childhood, boyhood, youth. alfata. 1 Childish, puerile, silly. -2 Young. -3 Foolish, ignorant; tAvatAM na phalaM tatra dAtA prApnoti bAlizaH For Private and Personal Use Only Page #538 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bAlizIka 1184 bAhuH H Ms. 3. 176; mamAparAdhAttaiH kSudairhatastvaM tAta bAlizaiH Mb. 3. 117. 1. -4 Careless. T: 1 A fool, blockhead. -2 A child, boy. -zam A pillow. -Comp.-mati a. Childish-minded, foolish. afegits To make fickleminded, inconsiderate; bharatasnehasaMtaptA bAlizIkriyate punaH Ram. 3. 16.38. bAlizyam 1 Youth, boyhood. -2 Childishness, silliness, folly. bAlI A kind of ear-ring. bAlIza: Retention of urine. bAlu, -bAlukam A kind of perfume. bAlakA See vAlukA. -Comp.-yantram a machine for boiling drugs: bheSajaM kUpikAsaMsthavahinA yatra pacyate / bAlukAyantrametaddhi yantratantrabudhaiH smRtam Bhav. P. bAlukI, -bAluGkI, -bAluGgI A kind of eucumber. bAlUka: A kind of poison. bAleya ..(-yI.)[balaye hitaM Dhak] 1 Fit for an offering. -2 Tender, soft. -3 Descended from Bali.-yaH An ass. -Comp.-zAka: a kind of vegetable (Mar. bhAraMga). bAlyam [bAlasya bhAvaH Syam ] 1 Boyhood, childhood; bAlyAt parAmiva dazA madano'bhyubAsa R.5.63%; Ku.1.29.-2 The period or state of waxing, crescent-state (as of the moon); divApi niSTapUtamarIcibhAsA bAlyAdanAviSkRtalAJchanena Ku.7. 35. -8 Immaturity of understanding, folly, puerility. - Inorance%3 na cApi jananI bAlyAttvaM vigarhitumarhasi Ram. 2. 101. 17. -8 Humility, being without any pride; tasmAd brAhmaNaH pANDityaM nirvidya bAlyena tiSTAset Bri. Up. 3.5.1 (some take as "inner seeing', AtmadRSTi). bAlvaja a. (also bAlbaja) Made of the grass Eleusine Indica (Mar. moLa) bAlbajI hova vaizyasya (razanA) Mb. 13. 28.40. bASkala: N. of a teacher (a pupil of paila); N. of a sage on whose name there was a Sakha of Rigveda; a school of Rigveda. -Comp. -zAkhA the bASkala recension of the Rigveda. bASpaH , -pam [bAdh-pRSo0satvaM SatvaM vA] 1A tear, tears%3 kaNThaH stambhitabASpavRttikaluSaH 5.4.6; nigRhmAntarbASpaM hasitamapi zUnyena manasA Bh.-2 Vapour, steam, mist. -3 Iron. -4 A kind of pot-herb. -Comp. -ambu. tears. -Akula, -Apluta a. dimmed or interrupted by tears. -udbhavaH the starting of tears. -kaNTha a. having tears in the throat, choked with tears. -kala a. inarticulate or indistinct through tears; sA bASpakalayA vAcA niHzvasantI punaH punaH Mb. 4. 20. 28. -durdinam a flood of tears. -a. (eyes) clouded by tears. -pUra:agush or flood of tears%3 vAraMvAra tirayati dRzorugama bASpapUraH Mal. 1.35. -prakaraH, -prasaraH a flow or gush of tears; punadRSTiM bASpaprasarakalaSAmarpitavatI 5. 6. 9. -mokSaH, -mocanam shedding tears. -binduH / __teardrop. -viklava a. overcome with tears. -saMdigdha . indistinct through suppressed tears as a voice). bASpaka: A kind of vegetable (Mar. mATha). -kA also aff94i 1 Steam, vapour. -2 A kind of vegetable, hiMgupatrI. bASpAyate Dem. A. 1To shed tears, weep; tat kimiti bASpAyita bhagavatyA Mal.63 v.b.9.-2 To emit vapour or steam. bAsta (-stI/.) Coming or derived from agoat; kArNarauravabAstAni carmANi brahmacAriNaH Ms.2.41. bAstikam A multitude of goats ; Rim. 2.77.2. bAhaH 1 The arm. -2 A horse. bAhA The arm; mAM pratyAliGgetogatAbhiH zAkhAbAhAbhiH 8.4. -Comp.-bAhavi ind. hand to hand, arm against arm; cf. bAhUbAhavi. bAhirika: An alien character; na ca bAhirikAn kuryAt purarASTropaghAtakAn / kSipejjanapade caitAn sarvAn vA dApayet karAn // Kau. A. 2.4.22; also dvArabAhirikAdeyam ca durgam Kau. A. 2.5.24. bAhIka.(-kI/.) External, outer; bAhIkA vilasati kuTTimasthalIya kApotaM sulalitarUpamudvahantI Ram. Ch.7.6. -kAH (pl.) The people of the Punjab.-ka: 1An inhabitant of the Punjab. -2 An ox. bAhuH [bAdh ku dhasya haH Tv.] 1 The arm; zAntamidamAzramapadaM sphurati ca bAhuH kutaH phalamihAsya S. 1. 16; 80 mahAbAhuH &c. -2 The forearm. -3 The fore-foot of an animal. -4 A door-post. -B The base of a right-angled triangle (in geom.).-8 (In medic.) The whole upper extremity of the body (opp. sakthi ). -8 The bar of a chariotpole. -9 The shadow of the gnomon on a sun-dial. -10 The arm as a measure of length = 12 Angulas). -11 The limb of a bow. -hU (du.) The lunar mansion Ardra. -Comp. -antaram the chest; saMvartya muSTiM sahasA jadhAna bAhvantare zailanikAzarUpaH Ram.6.70.154.-utkSepam ind. having raised or tossed up the arms; bAhRtkSepaM RndituM ca pravRttA 5.5.30.-kara a. active with the arms; P. III. 2.21.-kaNTakam a mode in fighting; 'eko jA padA'' kramya parAmudAmya pAvyate / ketakIpatravacchatruryuddhaM tadbAhukaNTakam // '; bAhukaNTakayuddhena tasya karNo'tha yudhyataH Mb. 12.5.4. -kuNTha, -kubja a. crippled in the arms. -kunthaH a wing (of a bird). -cApa: the distance measured by the extended arms. -ja:1aman of the Ksatriya caste ef. bAhU rAjanyaH kRtaH Rv. 10.90. 12%; also Ms.1.31; sa bAhujo mahAbAhustaduvAha mahAbalam Siva B. N. 12. 12. -2 a parrot. -8 sesamum growing spontaneously. -jyA a sine (in math.).-taraNam crossing a river (with the arms).-traH, -tram,-trANa vantbrass (armour for the arms). -daNDaH 1 a long, staff-like arm. - 2 punishment with the arm For Private and Personal Use Only Page #539 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bAhuka 1168 ang: or fist. 4 N. of a Nitisastra treatise. - 4 a mode of fighting (by which a sword is twisted out of a person's hand). - 13T: a particular attitude in fighting.-2 the arm thrown round, as in the act of embracing. -T15H ind, shaking the arms. -9faare the opposite sides of a figure. -TETT, TEITUTA stretching the arms (for embracing &o.) - TETOT: a boxer. (- ) boxing.-04 1(in geom.) the result for the base sine. -2 ( in astro.) the sine of an arc of a circle of position contained between the sun and the prime verticle. -PTT 1 encircling arms. (7) the shoulder-blade. - strength of arm, muscular strength. : f. bending or twisting the arms. - T, an ornament worn on the arm, an armlet. H m . an epithet of Visnu.-04 1 the armpit. -2 the shoulder blade. -46 a hand-to-hand or close fight, personal or pugilistic encounter, boxing; bAhuyuddhaM hi mallAnAmazAstramRSibhiH smRtam / mRtasya tatra na svargoM yazo Hef fagd | Mallakastram. - 1, 97 m. a pugilist, boxer. Ter armour for the upper arm. Wat an arm-like creeper. at the breast, bosom. te bell-metal (eu). - : 1 the act of throwing about the arms, moving the arms. -2 swimming. - EL, -fasah a particular attitude in wrestling. -vIyam strength of arms. -vyAyAmaH athletic exercise. To m. 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 of Bhima. --TECH the upper part of the arm, the shoulder. - a: a man of the Ksatriya caste. ETT m. an epithet of king Kartavirya (also called Hea ). ag a. 1 Swimming with the arms. -2 Servile, dependent. -3 Dwarfish; yet ang : Bhag. 4. 14. 43. 1 A monkey. -2 A name assumed by Nala after his transformation into a dwarf by Karkotaka. TIEHT m. An epithet of Indra. TECH 1 Possession of many virtues or excellences; eSAM hi bAhuguNyena giridurge viziSyate Ms. 7.71. -2 Excess, plenty. aigTH A great multitude of people, crowd. JEFF A treatise on moral duties said to be composed or abridged by Indra. Tygreat m., Tiga : An epithet of Indra. IEET N. of a river. ag5274 Garrulity, loquaciousness, talkativeness. TIETH Manifoldness, variety. bAhulaa. Manifold. -la: Fire%3 zItarujaM samaye ca parasmin alget for 744-Ram. Ch. 4. 99. - 2 The month Kartika. JH 1 Manifoldness, -2 An armour for the arms, vantbrass. The day of full moon in the month of Kartika. Comp. ora: a peacock. TEG 1 Manifoldness. -2 The diverse or interminable applicability of a rule, of meanings or of forms; a term frequently used in grammar; alltercih DIEC: An epithet of Kartikeya. TEETH 1 Abundance, plenty, copiousness. -2 Manifoldness, multiplicity, variety. -3 The usual course or common order of things. (alget, a 1 usually, commonly. -2 in all probability.) bAhuzrutyam Erudition, great learning%3; bAhuzrutyaM tapastyAgaH GT 21 471 Mb. 12. 167. 5. alargfa ind. Arm to arm, hand to hand, in close encounter; (g iga: E & TH). alya. [area: 649 fea9:] 1 Outer, outward, external, exterior, being or situated without; fare: fafta Tat araraquara R. 8. 89; 2017 Me. 7; Ku. 6. 46; TTHE 'the outer name', i.e. the address or superscription written on the back of a letter; 3 are safecat Mu. 1. -2 Foreign, strange; Pt. 1. -8 Excluded from, out of the pale of; arracalerararat: Ku. 1. 36. - 4 Expelled from society, outcast; Barsfa feTE FTUA JET4964:ani au refa araganda Il Mb. 13. 48. 9. -8 Public; at are at 37217T9haut: aut: lag: Kau. A. 1. 12.-: 1 A stranger, foreigner; 214 2a arat asar: Pt. 1. 259; &: 017 Hadia - Hal 5. 26.-2 One who is excommunicated, an outcast. -3 A person or community born from th connection; cf. Ms. 10. 28-31 ; quos adat Te T ga: gia a qui teda | Ms. 10. 31. TH, - a h , ind. Outside, on the outside, externally -Comp. -3deg: a meaning external to the sounds or letters forming a word; P. I. 1. 68 (com.). Para: the doctrine that the external world has a real existence. - Fier: the outer side of a house ). TUTH an external organ of sense. -gia: f. a process in the preparation of quicksilver. T : (in gram.) the external effort in the production of articulate sounds; P. I. 1. 9 com.). -Fosfira a heretic. PIT: the gratification of sexual passion outside the vulva ; Charak. alati, Fit:, -algt: m. (pl.) N. of a people. - 1 A king of the Balhikas. -2 A horse of the Balkh breed; kAmbojaviSaye jAtairbAhIkaizca hayottamaiH Ram. 1. 6. 22. - 1 Saffron; ... 9 7801A affast and aftragt: Ram. Ch.7.64.-2 Asa Foetida ; Heiage #Siva B. 30. 18. af: N. of a country (Balkh). -Comp. -37, - 4. bred in the Balkh country, of the Balkh breed. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #540 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bAicyam 1186 bibhrA TIETH Traditional teaching of the Rigveda. fa: 1 A bird. -2 Going; Girvana. fa 1 P. (azla) 1 To swear; to curse. -2 To shout, exclaim. -3 To address harshly. REF, 4, fapt A boil. Pro Ved. The sky or atmosphere. fa The sky; Nir. 6. 30. biDam A kind of salt. fasts: 1 A cat. -2 The eyeball. A female cat. -Comp. -TE, -40 a measure of weight equal to sixteen Masas. -afari a. false, hypocritical. fast : 1 A cat. -2 Application of ointment to the exterior part of the eye. -3 The eye-ball. Yellow or piment. biDaujas m. (veveSTi viT vyApakamojo yasya biDojAH pRSodarAfeart : N. 5. 24 Narayana com.); also fast. An epithet of Indra; a hag f u gle: y $. 7.34; a fastra: N. 17. 111. fag,- 1 P. (farefa ) 1 To split. -2 To divide. - To form a part. fach, farach See face! Anything split off or produced by splitting. -Comp. re a woman employed in splitting bamboos. bindaviH A drop. farg: [27-3] A drop, small particle; sfars. Pia 497: qua : 'small drops make a pool'; facatta i afa-gfarah Ms. 7.33; az az 1914 gara-garrafa 7. 34; 37yat (Festu) fa-gara arata: S. 2. - A dot, point. -3 A spot or mark of coloured paint on the body of an elephant; 46TATI graa aa ufa-gatott: Ku. 1. 7. - A zero or cypher ; 7 114979199lpa ar fi utzfarea: N. 1. 21. -8 (In geom. ) A point having no parts or no magnitude. -6 A drop of water taken as a measure. -7 The dot over a letter representing the 134917. -8 (In manuscripts) A mark over an erased word (which shows that the word ought not to be erased); *stet'. -9 A mark made by the teeth of a lover on the lips of his mistress. -10 A peculiar mark like a dot made in cauterizing. -11 The part of the forehead between the eyebrows. -12 (In dramas) The sudden development of a secondary incident which, like a drop of oil in water quickly diffuses itself and thus supplies important elements in the development of the plot; it is the source of an intermediate object, while Bija' is that of the principal one ); 391atrefaasta farsaries ATOA S.D. 319. -18 (In phil.) A condition of cicchakti; saccidAnandavibhavAt sakalAt paramezvarAt / AsIcchaktistato nAdo nAdAd bindusmudbhvH|| -Comp. -citraka: the spotted antelope. yani a kind of word-play; iffa fare. syafaarget .9. 101. - H, -JITH 1 a number of drops. - 2 marks of coloured paint on the trunk and face of an elephant. -art: 1 a die. -2 a chessboard. - an epithet of Siva. -T: a kind of birch tree. -pratiSThAmaya a. founded or based upon the anusvAra. -904 a pearl. Hi a particular Yoga posture. - Area: a form of Visnu. H a m. (in music a kind of measure. -e : 1 an anusvira. -2 a kind of bird. ter a line of dots. -ETER: the day of conception. fargfac a. Dotted over. fargo: A kind of venomous insect. farge Den. A. To form drops, drip down. fra : 1 Affectation of indifference towards a beloved object through pride; manApriyakathAlApe bibboko' ETTET Prataparudra; or fasal hafa ao agaiestaa17: S. D. 139. -2 Haughty indifference in general. -8 Playful or amorous gesture; ny af f 12 a facalc areat atte: Si. 8. 29 (fania: Malli.). (Also written bibboka and vizvoka). farmer A wish to break through, a desire to pierce or penetrate. faftica a. Desirous of piercing or penetrating. farzfra: Terminalia Bellerica ( Mar. ager). rufaa. Frightening, terrifying. fer f or a. 1 Terrifying, frightening, intimidating. -2 Formidable, terrible. -3 Bullying or blustering (as language). -UTE,-UT 1 Terrifying. -2 A means of terrifying, terror. -U: N. of a demon and brother of Ravana. [Though a demon by birth, he was extremely sorry for the abduction of Sita by Ravana, and severely reprimanded him for his wicked act. He Several times advised Ravana to restore Sita to Rama if he cared to live; but the proud demon turned a deaf ear to his warnings. At last seeing that the ruin of his brother was inevitable, he repaired to Rama and became his staunch friend. After the death of Ravana, Rama installed him on the throne of Lanka. He is believed to be one of the seven Chirajivins ; see farfan.) ferretet 1 Threatening, terror. -2 That which threatens or Boares away; yadi te santi santveva keyamanyA faz U. 4. 29. See fa 9 . fa a. 1 Wishing to roast or fry. -2 Desirous of scorching up. -8 Wishing to destroy. Fire. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #541 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir vibhrajiSu 1167 bisam bibhrajiSu a. Wishing to try. -SuH Fire ; ruSA bibhrajiSu- ' -vAsin (also bilebAsin ) m. a snake. -zAyin m. any prakhyaM kapi bANairavAkirat Bk. 9.34. | animal living in burrows. -svarga: the lower region, hell; Bhag.5.24.8. bimbaH , -mbam 1 The dise of the sun or moon; vadanena nirjitaM tava nilIyate candrabimbamambudhare Subhas%3 80 sUrya, ravi bilaGgamaH A serpent, snake. &c. -2 Any round or disc-like surface; as in fantabimba: &c. -3 An image, shadow, reflection; bimbAdivo bilezayaH 1 A snake; bilezayAdhIzazarIrazAyinaH Visnusthitau bimbau rAmadehAttathAparau Ram. 1.4.11; prabhavati zucirbimba mahimna 31; Abh. Chin. 1303. - 2 A mouse, rat; grAhe maNirna mRdAM cayaH U.2.4.-4 A mirror. -BA jar. -6 yatra dandazakAH paJcamukhAH saptamukhA upamRtya prasanti yathA bilezayAn Bhag.5.26. 33. -3 Any animal living in burrows. -4 An object compared (opp. pratibimba to which it is compared).-7Astatue figureidol: hemabimbanibhA saumyA mAyeva A hare%3; bilezayA vAtaharA madhurA rasapAkayoH Bhava. P. mayanirmitA Ram.6.12.14.-8A mould, matrix; yathA lohasya bilmam Ved. 1A (broken) helmet. -2 Aslip, bit, niHsyando niSikto bimbavigraham (upaiti) Mb.14.18.9. -mba: A chip; saM sAnu mAmi didhiSAmi bilmaiH Rv. 2.35. 12. -Comp. lizard. -bam The fruit of a tree (which, when ripe is -grahaNam understanding by degrees; Nir. 1.20. ruddy and to which the lips of young women are often compared); raktAzokarucA vizeSitaguNo bimbAdharAlaktakaH M. 3. fagh 1 A pit. -% Particularly, a basin for water 53 pakkabimbAdharoSThI Me.84; ef. N.2.24. -Comp.-oSTha / round the foot of a tree (AlavAla). -3 The plant Asa (bimbo -mbI-STha) having lips as ruddy or cherry as the | Foetida. -Comp. -sU: a mother of ten children; billasU. Bimba fruit; dAkSiNyaM nAma bimboSThi baimbikAnAM kulavratam M.4. dazaputrA syAt Sabdaratnakara. 14. (-SThaH) a lip like the Bimba fruit. -phala the Bimba. fruit; umAmukhe bimbaphalAdharoSThe Ku. 3.67. farea: A species of tree, Aegle Marmelos or wood apple; its leaves are used in the worship of Siva. bimbakama 1 The dise of the sun or moon. -2 The -lvam 1 The fruit of this tree%; bilvaM bAla kaSAyoSNaM pAcana Bimba fruit. -3 A round form, roundness. vahnidIpanam / saMgrAhi tiktakaTukaM tIkSNaM vAtakaphApaham // Bhava. P. bimbaTa: The mustard plant. -2 A particular weight (= one pala ). -8 A small pond or pool. -Comp. -daNDa: an epithet of Siva. -pezikA, farftafir 1 The disc of the sun or moon. -2 The -pezI the shell of the Bilva fruit. -madhyam the flesh of Bimba plant. the bilva fruit. -vanam a thicket or wood of Bilva trees. faftara a. 1 Reflected, shadowed. -2 Pictured. fare A place planted with Bilva trees. faftaraft The pupil of the eye. bilkalA A woman in travail. bimbisAra: N. of a king of Magadha, a contem- bis 4 P.(bisyati) 1 To go, move, -2 To incite, porary of gautamabuddha. drive or urge on, instigate. -8 To throw, cast. -4 To farra: The betel-nut tree. split. -5 To grow. biruda:1A token worn on the arm or hand etc. bisam 1 The fibre of a lotus3 dhRtabisavalayAvalirvahantI indicating excellence ; birudaizca dhvajairuccaiH koSeNApi ca bhUyasA Ki.10.24.-2 The fibrous stalk of a lotus 3 pAtheyamutsRja Siva. B. 10. 26. -2 A panegyric; peThuzca prathitAmuccaibandino bisaM grahaNAya bhUyaH .4.15% bisamalamazanAya svAdu pAnAya tIyam birudAvAlam Siva B. 1.82% B8e viruda. -Comp. -ghaNTA , Bh.3.22; Me.11; Ku.3.3734.29.-3 The lotus plant; -vAdaH proclamation; advaitazrIjayabirudaghaNTAghaNaghaNa: San. na lipyate karmaphalairaniSTeH patraM bisasyeva jalena siktam Mb.12.194.44. Digv.4.783; hanumAniti kasyacit kaperupari lokasya birudavAdabahumAnaH -Comp. -UrNA, -UrNam a lotus fibre; hRdyavicchinnamoGkAraM Saugandhika-harana. ghaNTAnAdaM bisorNavat Bhag.11.14.34.-kaNThikA,-kaNThin m. a small crane; abhinavAbhralasadbisakaNThikA Ram. Ch. 4.37. bila 6 P., 100. (bilati, belayati-te) To split, cleave, -kusumam, -puSpam, -prasUnam a lotus; jakSurvisaM dhRtavikAsibreak, divide. bisaprasUnAH Si.5.28. -khAdikA 'eating the fibres of a bilam 1 A hole, cavity, burrow; khananAkhubila siMhaH... lotus'; N. of a play. -guNa: a string of lotus-fibre%; prApnoti nakhabhaGga hi Pt.3.173 R.12.5%3 Ms. 10.49.-2A bisaguNanigaDitapAdo jaraThaH Dk. 2. 1. -granthiH 1 a knot gap, pit, chasm. -3 An aperture, opening, outlet. -4 on the stalk of a lotus (used for filtering water) -2 A cave, hollow. -B The hollow of a dish. -6 The a particular disease of the eyes. -cheda: a bit of the vagina. -la: 1N. of uccaiHzravas , the horse of Indra. -2 fibrous stalk of a lotus. -jam a lotus-flower, lotus. A sort of oane. -Comp. -ayanam a subterranean cave -tantuH the lotus-fibre. -nAbhiHf. the lotus-plant (padminI). or cavern. -Akas m. any animal that lives in holes. -nAsikA a sort of erane. -prasUnam a lotus-flower; kArin m. a mouse. -yoni a. of the breed of uccaiH- cakSubisaM dhRtavikAsibisaprasUnAH.-mRNAlam a lotus-fibre. -vaman zravasaH yatrAzvA bilayonayaH Ku.6.39. -vAsa: a pole-cat. . a particular disease of eyelids. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #542 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bisalam 1168 bIbhatsu fare A young shoot, sprout, bud. faqaat A place a bounding in lotus fibros. afect 1 The lotus-plant; fate atzea faraat HET: Mal. 4.3; 34414T STOFI foarala9794914 Bh. 3. 36.-2 Lotus-fibres. -3 An assemblage of lotuses. -Comp. -97 a lotus-leaf. fafaz a. Coming from or relating to a fan, q. v. bisI A variety of carma, a product of dvAdazagrAma in the Himalayas; Kau. A. 2. 11. 29. POR: A weight of gold (equal to 80 Raktikas or gunjas). fac: N. of a poet, the author of the Vikramankadevacharita. at 1 Seed (fig. also ), seedcorn, grain; 37707affarfodt: Ku. 5. 15; & : qafa afcha : Mk. 1. 9; R. 19. 57; Ms. 9. 33. -2 A germ, element. -3 Origin, source, cause; d i a: S. 1. 1 (v. l.). -4 Semen virile; CH19491972158 15THT 21 Ku. 2.5,60. -5 The seed or germ of the plot of a play, story &c.; see S. D. 318. -6 Marrow. -7 Algebra. -8 The mystical letter forming the essential part of the Mantra of a deity. -9 Truth, divine truth. -10 A receptacle, place of deposit. -11 Calculation of primary germs. -12 Analysis. 13 The position of the arms of a child at birth. -ST: The citron tree. (a means 1 To sow with seed; a d a Bv. 1. 98. -2 To plough over after sowing). -Comp. -3T&TTH the first syllable of a Mantra. -39 a seed-shoot, first shoot; 391 42 cat d e geurea : Ku. 3.18; Pt. 1.223. (**) seed and sprout. -41: the maxim of seed and sprout; see under 2121. -STE : a camel. -37 : an epithet of Siva. -3T0xifToft a witch. -30 the fruit of Spondias Magnifera Mar. *). -37 a. desirous of procreation. -39a: a stallion. -37164:, - , -qfi the citron tree. (-4, -rakam the fruit of citron. -utkRSTam good seed; abIjafama aa aa aa Ms. 9. 291. 344 hail. la: f. sowing seed. an a kind of astrological diagram for indicating good or bad luck following on the sowing of seed. icm. an epithet of Siva. Ta. producing semen. (-n.) an aphrodisiac.- , Filt: 1 the seed-vessel. -2 the seed-vessel of the lotus. ( ft) a pod, legume. - algebraic operation or solution. - TOTH 1 analysis of primary causes. -2 the science of Algebra. -3 N. of the 2 nd part of fagraferinfo. - : Trichosanthes Dioeca Mar. 4597). Tfa: f. a pod, legume. atani a stage-manager. For primary or original matter. -ETATAE coriander (Mar. ). -nirvApaNam sowing seed. -nyAsaH making known the germ of the plot of a play. -97T: Semecarpus Anacardium (Mar. fasar). -ge: the progenitor of a family. -6, - Tut: the citron tree; Ram. 2. 91. 30. -great Andropogon Saccharatus (Mar. viival, 3). -TTT the scrotum. -T: a procreator, generator. Tha: the power of the seed; FAITH GT B4U15497 Ms. 10. 72. - III a. growing from seed. -TE: the earth. -hoi the citron tree. Afa: f. a mind capable of analysis, the power of penetrating into the very first principles.-Ft: a mystical syllable with which a Mantra begins. Atcerit the pericarp of a lotus. -15TH only as much as is required for seed for the preservation of a family ). TT a kind of seed. -5EUR grain, corn. -a44 1 a field. -2 the act of sowing seed. -art: a kidney-bean (Mar. 361EUR). -alg: 1 a sower of seed; an agriculturist ( 197); ulaa gazeta qereti 091f draty: Mb. 3. 34. 19. -2 sowing seed. -EXT: an epithet of Siva. -e: The earth. Tom. a procreator, progenitor ; cf. Ms. 9.51 (com.). E the Palasa tree (Mar. 4 ). -ETT, -Erftoft a witch. f i 1 The citron tree. -2 A lemon or citron. -3 Various fruit abounding in seeds (bIjapracuraphalavizeSA TricHica:); Ram. 2. 94.9. -4 The position of the arms of a child at birth. H 1 Seed. - A list. E a. Furnished with seed, seedy. ha a. (a field) Ploughed or harrowed after sowing. ft a. Abounding in seeds. aftforat a. ( fr f.) 1 Possessed of seed, bearing seed. -2 (At the end of comp.) of the seed or blood of. -m. 1 The real father or progenitor (sower of seud) (opp. alan the owner or husband of the 7 or woman); see Ms. 9.51 et seq. -2 A father in general. -3 The sun. ft a. 1 Born from seed. -2 Of a good or respectable family, nobly-born. alueeta. [ay Faro 47 ) 1 Disgusting, loathsome, nauseous, hideous, revolting; a chhaa aaa Mal. 5 Oh! it is indeed a loathsome sight!. -2 Envious, malignant, mischievous. -3 Savage, cruel, ferocious. -4 Estranged in mind. -5 Loathing, detesting; die faali 2 TL 48 Mb. 11. 24. 13. 6 Sinful, wicked. : 1 Disgust, a bhorrence, detestation. -2 The disgusting sentiment, one of the 8 or 9 rasas in poetry; gutar a ta a : a ta: S. D. 236. (e. g. Mal. 5. 16.). -3 N. of Arjuna. - Loathing, a bhorrence. Anything loathsome. free a. Loathing, abhorring, detesting. -2 Disgusted. -8 Reserved, coy said of a woman); For Private and Personal Use Only Page #543 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bIriTara 1169 bIbhatsargarbharasA nividdhA Rv. 1. 164. 8. -tsuH an epithet of Arjuna; (Mb. thus explains the word:-na kuryoM karma bIbhatsa yudhyamAnaH kathaMcana / tena devamanuSyeSu bIbhatsuriti vishrutH||); tRTparitaH parizAnto bIbhatsuryamunAmagAt Bhag. 10.58. 16. fifts: Ved. 1 The air; Nir. 5. 27. -2 A crowd, multitude%3; vizpatIva bIriTa iyAte Rv. 7.39.2. buka ind. An imitative word. -Comp. -kAra: 1 the roaring of a lion. - 2 the cry of an animal. bukaH 1 Laughter (hAsya). -2 Agati Grandiflora (Mar. hadagA). bukk 1 P., 10 U. (bukkati, bukkayati-te) 1 To bark; H. 3. 52. -2 To speak, talk. -3 To sound in general. bukkA , -kam 1 The heart. -2 The bosom, chest; bukkAghAtairyuvatinikaTe prauDhavAkyena rAdhA Udb.-3 Blood.-ka: 1A goat. -2 Time (samaya).-kA Blood. bukkan m. The heart. bukkanam 1 Barking, yelping. -2 The noise made by animals in general. bukkasaH A chandala. bukkasI The Indigo plant. bukkA, -kI The heart; Mv. 6. 33. buda 1 P, 10 U. (boTati, boTayati-te) To hurt, injure, kill. buDa 6 P. (buDati) 1 To cover, hide, conceal. -2 To emit, discharge. bud 1 U. (bodati-te) See bund. 1 To perceive, seey apprehend, discern. -2 To understand, know. bubudaH 1 A bubble ; satataM jAtavinaSTAH payasAmiva budbudAH payasi Pt. 5.7. -2 A type of anything very transitory. -3 Embryo five days old; kalalaM tvekararAtreNa paJcarAtreNa bubudam Bhag. 3.31.2. budha 1 U., 4 A. (bodhati-te, budhyate, buddha) 1 To know, understand, comprehend; kramAda, nArada ityabodhi saH Si.1. 389.24; nAbuddha kalpamatAM vihAya jAtaM tamAtmanyasipatravRkSam R. 14. 48; yadi budhyate harizizuH stanadhayaH Bv. 1. 53. -2 To perceive, notice, recognise, mark; hiraNmayaM haMsamabodhi naiSadhaH N.1.117; api lavitamadhvAnaM bubudhe na budhopamaH R.1.47; 12.39. -8 To deem, regard, consider, esteem &c. -4 To heed, attend to. -8 To think, reffect.-8 To wake up, awake, rise trom sleep; dadadapi giramantarbudhyate no manuSyaH Si. 11.4; te ca prApurudanvantaM bubudhe cAdipUruSaH R.10.6. -7 To regain consciousness, to come to one's senses; acara gua: so'luJcItkarNanAsikam Bk. 15.57. -8 To advise, admonish. -Caus. (bodhayati-te) 1 To cause to know, make known, inform, acquaint with. -2 To teach, communicate, impart. -3 To advise, admonish; bodhayantaM hitAhitam Bk. sa.I. ko....14. 8.82; maccittA madgataprANA bodhayantaH parasparam Bg. 10. 9. -4 To revive, restore to life, bring to senses or consciousness. -5 To remind, put in mind of smariSyati tvAM na sa bodhito'pi san 5.4.1. -8 To wake up, rouse, excite (fig.); akAle bodhito bhrAtrA R. 12.81; 5.75. -7 To revive the scent (of a perfume).-8 To cause to expand, open) madhurayA madhubodhitamAdhabI Si. 6.20%; savitA bodhayati pakkajAnyeva $. 5. 28. -9 To signify, convey, indicate. -Desid. (bubu-bo-dhiSati-te, bubhutsate) To wish to know &o. buddha p. p. [budh-ta] 1 Known, understood, perceived. -2 Awakened, awake. -3 Observed. - Enlightened, wise; evameva manuSyandra dharma tyaktvAlpaka naraH / bRhantaM dharmamApnoti sa buddha iti nizcitam // Mb. 3. 33.67; (see budh ). -B Expanded (vikasita); saraHsu buddhAmbujabhUSaNeSu vikSobhya vikSobhya jalaM pibanti Ram.4.30.41; 5.14.24.-ddhaH 1A wise or learned man, a sage. -2 (With Buddhists) A wise or enlightened person who, by perfect knowledge of the truth, is absolved from all existence, and who reveals to the world the method of obtaining the Nirvana or final emancipation before obtaining it himself; -8 The enlightened', N. of Sakyasimha, the celebrated founder of the Bauddha religion; he is said to have been born at Kapilavastu and to have died in 543 B. 0. he is sometimes regarded as the ninth incarnation of Visnu; thus Jayadeva says:-nindasi yajJavidherahaha zrutijAtaM sadayahRdaya dArzatapazudhAtaM kezava dhRtabuddhazarIra jaya jagadIza hare Git. 1); kvacidbuddhaH kalkiviharasi kubhArApahataye Vispu-mahimna 4; tataH kalau saMpravRtte saMmohAya suradviSAm / buddho nAnAjanasutaH kIkaTeSu bhaviSyati Bhag. -4 The Supreme Soul (paramAtmA), atha buddhamathAbuddhamimaM guNavidhi zRNu Mb. 12. 308. 1. -dham Knowledge. -Comp. -377T: waking condition, the being awake; sa vA eSa etasmin buddhAnte ratvA Bri. Up. 4. 3. 17. -AgamaH the doctrines and tenets of the Bauddha religion. -upAsaka: a worshipper of Buddha. -gayA N. of a sacred place of pilgrimage. -guru: a Buddhist spiritual teacher. -mAge: the doctrines and tenets of Buddha, Buddhism. buddhiHf. [budh-ktin ] 1 Perception, comprehension. -2 Intellect, understanding, intelligence, talent; font nAraMtudA buddhiH Si. 2. 109; zAsneSvakuANThitA buddhiH R. 1. 19. -3 Information, knowledge; buddhiryasya balaM tasya H.2. 122 "knowledge is power'; P. I. 4:52. -4 Discrimination, judgment, discernment; videzeSvapi vijJAtAH sarvato buddhinizcayAH Ram. 1. 7. 17. -BMind; mUDhaH parapratyayaneyabuddhiH M. 1.2%3B 80 kRpaNa', pApa &c. -8 Presence of mind, readiness of wit. -7 An impression, opinion, belief, idea, feeling; dUrAttamavalokya vyAghrabuddhapA palAyante ma.33 anayA buddhapA Mu.1 in this belief'; anukrozavuddhapA Me. 117. -8 Intention, purposer design; mandIcakAra maraNavyavasAyabuddhim Ku. 4. 45. (TGUT 'intentionally', 'purposely', deliberately').-9 Returning to consciousness, recovery from a swoon; Mal. 4. 10. -10 (In San. phil. ) Intellect, the second of the 25 elements of the Sankhyas; per For Private and Personal Use Only Page #544 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir buddhimat 1170 bummI asficar eich grauta ant Tu Bg. 2. 39.-11 Naturel (af); Bhag. 3. 27. 18. -12 A means, way (3914); kiM kariSyAma bhadraM te buddhiratra vicAryatAm Ram. 1. 40.9. -13 N. of the 5th astrological mansion. -Comp. -rava a. beyond the range or reach of the intellect. -3119 a. superior in intellect. -34 T H contempt or low opinion for one's understanding; 34 9 atia 997/ ha G9971764418 395H 11 Pt. 1. 63. To yam an organ of perception (opp. karmendriya); (these are five :-- the ear, skin, eye, tongue, and nose; TS 1965 cakSuSI jihvA nAsikA caiva paJcamI; to these sometimes manas is added). 7 a. supposing, conjecturing. aa. acted wisely. +, -1 a. within the reach of, or attainable to, intellect, intelligible. ferret a. one who thinks wisely. -5514T reflex action of the understanding on the soul. -janman a perception that arises; satsaM 1 98973faaoge TH AT 8 MS.1.1.4. -ftfat a. 1 employing the reason, rational. -2 Subsisting by intelligence; Harat afora: EUR: sorii gravifaa: Ms. l. 96. Ata the second element of the Sankhya philosophy. - game at chess. - a. purposed, intentional, wanton, wilful.- H, -an, STTH ind. intentionally, purposely, wilfully. -T euft soundness of judgment. -a kind of play. :, -A: distraction or aberration of mind; na buddhibhedaM janayedajJAnAM ara Bg. 3. 26. -Hri confusion of mind. -I a. intelligent. TT: intellectual communion with the Supreme Spirit. TUTH a sign of intellect or wisdom; STTourararna fata grah. Tah lightness or levity of judgment; Ram.arcia a. foolish, ignorant. fara a destroying consciousness or reason. -vilAsa: play of the mind or faney. -viSaya: matter apprehensible by reason. -: development of intellect, understanding or wisdom; GUCCI (TE) Ms. 4. 19. -awal strength of intellect. - en intellectual faculty, - a. armed with understanding. - , a a. intelligent, wise. Y a. honest in purpose, frank-minded. th a kind of pavilion. -sakhaH,-sahAya: a counsellor. -hIna ar devoid of intellect, silly, foolish. festival. -ST: a wise or learned man. -ara: the moon. -re, art, -ETERT: Wednesday. -Taan emerald. Alg: 1 a leat; L. D. B.-2 the presiding deity in a sacrifice. Tai an epithet of Pururavas. TETT a. [94-39 ] 1 One who teaches the Vedas. - Speaking kindly. -3 Wise, learned, prudent. -4 Waking (Ved.); fattaat: eh gurar Rv. 4.51.8; 7. 68. 9. 1 A wise man, sage. -2 A holy teacher, spiritual guide. greta a. Known, understood. ghero a. Learned, wise. budheyAH M. (pl.) N. of a school of the zuklayajurveda. gut a. 1 Observable, noteworthy. -2 To be awaked or roused. TER: 1 The bottom of a vessel; air fa 24 gra. guacar un area fa 94 Bri. Up. 2. 2. 3. -2 The foot of a tree; budhnAnadhuravAgbhAvabhiyA zuNDAgramaNDalaiH Siva, B. -3 The lowest part. -4 An epithet of Siva. Also G3 in the last sense). - The body. -6 Ved. The sky. -7 The stock of a musket Mar. a); Aretinga Sukra. 4. 1028. FE, TE 1 U. (gad-a, grafa-a) 1 To perceive, see, descry. -2 To reflect, understand. -8 To hear; He fouala 94 : Bk. 14. 72. F 10 P. To bind. TTEIT a. (See In q. v.); L. D. B. ETH Ved. Water. TUET 1 Desire of eating, hunger. -2 The desire of enjoying anything. Turera a. (also 97 ) Hungry, starving, pinched with hunger; Tata: foh afifa 9194 Pt. 4. 15; or qua: f u yoti Udb.; Mb. 12. 234. 13. TUH a. 1 Hungry. -2 Desirous of worldly enjoy. ments (opp. 999); cf. Kull. on Ms. 2. 224. Tier Desire to know, curiosity. TUTE a. Desirous to know or learn, curious, inquisitive. 47 a. Wishing the welfare of. TTT Wish to be or become. a. 1 Wishing to be or become ; 9 494947967 : Si. 1. 49. -2 Wishing to become powerful or prosperous; Batla 7 961 949: 954: Fra Bhag. 1. 17. 41. -3 Wishing the welfare of. ghfi Coarse ground meal. a nta. 1 Endowed with understanding, intelligent, rational; g19h 7: 81: Ms. 1. 96. -2 Wise, learned; 9814462t act asfat Mb. 12. 235. 12. - Sharp, clever, acute. -4 Humble, docile. TE HEIT, -194 Wisdom, sagacity. a. [147] 1 Wise, clever, learned. -2 Intelligent. -8 Waking, awalang. -E: 1 A wise or learned man; nipIya yasya kSitirakSiNaH kathAM tathAdriyante na budhAH sudhAmapi N. 1.1. -2 A god; N. 1.1.-3 A dog. -4 The planet Mercury; rakSatyenaM tu budhayogaH Mu. 1.6 (where budha has sense l also ); R. 1. 47; 13. 76. Ef Spikenard. - ind. On a Wednesday. Comp. - N. of a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #545 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1171 ....... .... ................ ges: A basket-maker, mat-maker. 10 U. (alfa-) 1 To sink, plunge; asula ta: 9fe. -2 To cause to sink. gle: f. 1 Fear (#4). -2 The female organ of generation; also gft:. Tea a. Oblique, awry. TE 4 P. ( fa) 1 To discharge, emit, pour forth. -2 To divide, distribute. (-74) 1 Chaff. -2 Rubbish, refuse. -8 Dry cowdung. -4 Wealth. - The thick part of sour curds. - Water Ved.). - (In drama ) A young sister. SET 10 U. (graf ) 1 To honour, respect. -2 To disrespect, treat with disrespect or contempt. ETH 1 The burnt crust of roast meat. -2 The shell of fruit. H = * q.v. TOSH A fragment, piece, moreel; a fa eft cAbhavatAM tasmAdidamarthabRgalamiva Bri. Up. 1.4.3. paft, qft (- ) The seat of an ascetic or holy sage. TAT Ved.) a. Mighty, great; Tatracta nigade 'sarasvati devanido nibarhaya prajAM vizvasya bRsayasya mAyinaH' iti To gear thua SB. on MS. 10. 1. 32. [484 according to Sabara brings to our mind the word ET just as e etc. remind us of #. This would mean that bRsaya, according to Sabara, is an apabhraMza.] IK I. 1, 6 P. (gefa, gea) 1 To grow, increase ; aftanya Bk. 3. 49.-2 To roar; gara 147 EU gafa $. -Caus. To cause to grow, nourish. -II 1 P., 10 U. (jefa, gcuid-a) 1 To speak. - To shine. TEOT a. Fostering, nourishing. -O: A kind of sweetmeat. -OTH 1 Nourishing. - 2 The roaring noise (of an elephant); Teorgaft A Si. 18. 3. ifta p. p. 1 Grown, increased; M1491data Bv. 2. 109. -2 Roared &c. -3 Cherished, nourished. -tam The roaring of an elephant; gajAnAM bRhitaiH sArdham Ram. 6. 42. 40; Hofrat 7943&starogge acta jian Si. 12. 85; Ki. 7. 39. TE 1, 6 P. (aefa, gla) 1 To grow, increase, expand. - To roar. With 37 1. to lift, raise; 5696 Ti pia ac Ram. 4. 23. 17; Mb. 1. 197. 32; 3garh Hai I Ms. 1. 14; Bk. 14. 18. - to destroy, remove; a: harrisfth Paraffatzar Si. 1. 29. TET a. (af) [ aa] 1 Large, great, big, bulky; faatla qaca qa: shfaqent: Mal. 9. 5. -2 Wide, broad, extensive, far-extended; rada : # ETUFTTH R. 3. 54. -8 Vast, ample, a bundant. -4 Strong, powerful. - Long, tall; TEGETYE: Ku. 6. 51. -6 Fullgrown. - Compact, dense. -8 Eldest, or oldest. -9 Bright. -10 Clear, loud ( as sound). -m. N. of Visnu; 399ET T: FY: V. Sah. -f. Speech; cara geatr: staranierceir Si. 2. 68. - 1 A large lute. -2 The lute of Narada. -8 A symbolical expression for the number thirty-six'. -4 A part of the body between the breast and backbone. -8 A mantle, wrapper. -6 A reservoir. -7 The egg-plant. -8 N. of a metre. -9 A speech; at gie gedt fagset...... T TC faiga Tara Mb. 13. 26. 86; 3arti gent que 1944 Bhag. 11. 21. 40.--. 1 The Veda; T usfa. adfaszfa 1 Bhag. 9. 16. 25. -2 N. of a Saman; NECHT 701 at 123ft 3241464 Bg. 10. 35; cf. Ch. Up. 2. 14.1. -8 Brahman; k634850499-4919721 Bhag. 10. 87. 15. - Devoted celibacy (afga 100); Ara: FI AT 14 ETT Bhag. 3. 12. 42. (6, gaai ind, 1 Greatly, highly. -2 Clearly, brightly -Comp. -375, -17 a. large-bodied, gigantic. (- ) a large elephant. -3 , -391TH N. of a celebrated Upanisad, forming the last six chapters of the Sata patha Brahmana. Bercartaraft N. of an Upanisad. To large cardamoms.- N. of a work ascribed to Gupadhya; haralIleva no yasya vismayAya bRhatkathA Hch. -17 a. big-bodied, bulky, gigantic. - er a. large-bellied. : an epithet of Agni. -TE: N. of a country. - TICH a water-melon.-fre: the citron tree. : an illustrious person. -TETT a. broad-hipped. frafart, fraret a kind of plant. - a large drum. -TUTH 1 strong grass. -2 the bamboo cane. - m. the planet Jupiter. Saat N. of a large work enumerating Vedic Deities. -9:, :, the name assumed by Arjuna when residing as dancing and music master at the court of Virata. To the arm. are N. of an Upapurana. Aloi, -aici, a1 7 a cannon; Sukra 1. 254. -fat a. large, protuberant. a. far-sighted, prudent. - refe: the thorn-apple (Mar. 171). - : the fig-tree. -976: the Indian fig-tree. -11 m. wild cumin. - a. 1 having or bearing large fruits. -2 yielding good frait or reward. (- ) N. of various plants (Mar. kaDU bhopaLA, kohaLA etc.). -bhaTTArikA an epithet of Durga. UT: 1 fire. -2 the sun; TIESATEETI: Mb. 12. 43. 8. -3 N. of Visny. - a. very bright, brightly shining. -TU: 1 an epithet of Indra. -2 N. of a king, father of Jarasandha. -area. talking much, a boaster, swaggerer. - m. a kind of small owl. -T: a sprawn. - a. highly praised, farfamed. - N. of a work on astrology by Varahamihira. -sAman N. of a Saman; bRhatsAma tathA sAnAm Bg. 10. 35. - a. broad-hipped, having large buttocks, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #546 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bRhatikA 1178 bodhiH Tell An upper garment, a mantle, wrapper. Tergia: [4a: 4a: a: il ] 1 N. of the preceptor of the gods; y se atraga: at: 929: Bh. 1. 34; (for the abduction of his wife Tara by the moon, see under tArA and soma). -2 The planet Jupiter ; & fang: R. 18.76.-3 N. of the author of a Smriti; Y.1.4.-Comp. 74 1 a period of sixty Bamvatsaras. - an astrological diagram. -grica: an epithet of Indra. art, art: Thursday. : N. of a sacrifice offered to Brihaspati; gefa ath HARTH TO WAA Bhag. 4. 3. 3. : Ved. A usurer ( Freille); A lauri a BYEGET: Rv. 8. 66. 10. beTI A courteran. beDA A boat. ag 1 A. (aga) To endeavour, strive, attempt. fr. a. ( f.) [ fa 3] 1 Seminal; af dat 1994d Ms. 2. 27.-2 Original. -8 Relating to conception. - Relating to sexual union; arrafacia-41greated UEH Ms. 5. 63. : A sprout, young shoot. - 4 1 Cause, source, origin. -2 The spiritual cause of existence, soul, spirit. -3 Oil of the feng plants. er a. ( f.) [fach ] 1 Relating to a cat. -2 Peculiar to cats. -Comp.-2014a cat-like observance,' concealing one's malice or evil designs under the garb of piety or virtue. aft: one who leads a chaste life simply from want of female company ( and not because he has controlled his senses ). -afde, alat m. a religious hypocrite, an impostor; astaafa53197... ... lahiz 1991 Ms. 4. 30. baidala Seo vaidala. Orta : A man who is assiduous in his attentions to ladies, a gallant, lover; afegozi a faratig at A M. 4. 14. at a. Knowing, understanding. -T: [ - ] 1 Perception, knowledge, apprehension, observation, conception; agaf gara T. S. -2 Idea, thought. -3 Understanding, intellect, intelligence, wisdom. -4 Waking up, becoming awake, a waking state, consciousness. -8 Opening, blooming, expanding. -6 Instruction, advice, admonition. -7 Awakening, rousing. -8 An epithet, designation. -9 N. of a district. -10 Exciting a perfume). -Comp.-rata a. unknowable, incomprehensible. - a. one who teaches or informs. (-:) 1 a bard or minstrel who wakes up his master by singing appropriate songs in the morning. -2 an instructor, a teacher. The a. intelligible. -Tea. intentional, conscious; cf. .5.2. - ind. knowingly, consciously. -atert: the eleventh day in the bright half of Kartika when Visnu is supposed to rise from his four months' sleep; see Me. 112, and yet. ata a. (-19 f.) (97- ig, ogg] 1 Informing, apprising.-2 Instructing, teaching. -8 Indicative of. -4 Awakening, rousing. -: 1 A spy. -2 A teacher, instructor. - A minstrel, bard. arang ind. Through wisdom or understanding. area a. [99-fore pays ar ] 1 Informing, acquainting.-2 Explaining, indicating. -8 Arousing, waking. - Kindling, inflaming. - The planet Mercury (u); gu ga razretra &a: V. 5. 21. 1 Informing, teaching, instruction, giving a knowledge of; 1 afeta 4974 R. 9. 49. - 2 Denoting, signifying. -8 Arousing, awakening; AHA FAT 1 4 Hafa Si. 9. 21. - Observing, perceiving. - Waking, being awake. - Making attentive. -7 Burning incense. - 1 The eleventh day in the bright half of Kartika when Visnu rises from his four months' sleep; 7yfrau weit wa a r TETTA 2121 OTT TT Tithyadi. -2 Long pepper. -3 Understanding, knowledge. ateriat a. 1 To be admonished. - To be known or understood. o rra m. 1 A teacher, preceptor. -2 A waker; riadt atafazadla Ry. 1. 161. 13. TATT a.[94-3197 ) Wise, prudent. -- 1 A wise man. -2 An epithet of Brihaspati. bodhAyana: N. of a. teacher and author of brahmasUtravRtti. arra: [4-571 Perfect wisdom or enlightenment; raffeat art for: 98 a: Nag. 1. 1. faguren af 1991 Bu. Ch. 2. 56. -2 The enlightened intellect of a Buddha. -8 The sacred fig-tree. 4 A cock. -8 An epithet of Buddha. -Comp. -3*4 a requisite a. Living in holes (as a mouse ); relating to animals in holes; But desta a tu: EET a67 Mb. 1.51. 3. tea a. (eeft s.) [facare ] 1 Relating to or made of the Bilva tree or its wood; tato yUpocchye prApte Sar3a acara a la Mb. 14. 88. 27. -2 Covered with Bilva trees. - The fruit of the Bilva tree. * Flesh of an hunted animal. atert: A horse's nose-bag (which contains his food). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #547 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bodhita 1178 brahman ............... for attaining perfect knowledge. -75, - , -er: the sacred fig tree, an arlal (of the Jainas ). - 1564 N. of the place where Gautama Buddha attained to perfect wisdom. Ta: 1 a Buddhist saint, one who is on the way to the attainment of perfect knowledge and has only a certain number of births to undergo before attaining to the state of a Supreme Buddha and complete annihilation this position could be attained by a long series of pious and virtuous deeds ); calcarafea taarferata: Mal. 10. 21; 39144raHalata: Bu. Ch.1.16.-2 N. of the principal Buddha of the present era. rera p. p. [ 94-fure ] 1 Made known, informed, apprised. -2 Reminded. -3 Advised, instructed. atfert a. [ty-forfat ] 1 Knowing, familiar with. -2 Acquainting, informing, making known. -3 Teaching, explaining. -4 Arousing, awakening. arez, algo a. To be known or understood ; - Tay ago 9 4 H. -2 Intelligible, perceivable. -8 To be informed, instructed &c. a. ( f.) [ 3 ] 1 Relating to Buddhi or understanding; mental. -2 Relating to Buddha. -: A follower of the religion taught by Buddha. -Comp. , -49, - el Buddhist doctrine. T: ( 94-310] Buddha's son', an epithet of Pururavas. atera: Patronymic name of an ancient writer. TE: 1 The sun ; 377 2747 ala a l a 997 Ms. 9. 137; 4. 231. -2 The root of a tree. -8 A day. -4 The arka plant. -8 Lead (m.?). - A horse. -7 An epithet of Siva or Brahma. -8 The point of an arrow. -9N. of a disease; 372 uretaan cayaM gataH / karoti granthivacchothaM doSI vakSaNasandhiSu / jvarazalAsAdAyaM auffa fra Madhavanidanam. -Comp. 764 the zodiac. -a , -H o the disc of the sun. an. [ -faqatala at 794; cf. Uu.4.145.] 1 The Supreme Being, regarded as impersonal and divested of all quality and action; (according to the Vedantins, Brahman is both the efficient and the material cause of the visible universe, the all-pervading soul and spirit of the universe, the essence from which all created things are produced and into which they are absorbed ; a arafasiaka t ai AA S. B.); ...7797-Heal a farsi I a la Tai. Up 3.1; Hargfeferuaru 10 nga Bh.3.84; Ku.3.15; 74 312: TOP 20 Ara: Mb.-2 A hymn of praise. -3 A sacred text; 4 FT aaaa Bhag. 9.1.17. -4 The Vedas; 49: raufal Ms. 2. 74; 46 EU #FATFISH Ku. 6. 16; U. 1. 15; 948acciata A4: Bm. 1.1; Bg. 3. 15. -8 The sacred and mystic syllable om; Teri Y a Ms. 2. 83. - The priestly or Brahmanical class (collectively ); 99 a fac, T: Bri. Up. 1. 4. 15; da laura FATT ETT R Ms. 9.320. -7 The power or energy of a Brahmana; 99 CHIT are an acadatai R. 8. 4. -8 Religious penance or austerities. -9 Celi bacy, chastity; adalo ada s.l. -10 Final emancipation or beatitude. -11 Theology, sacred learning, religious knowledge. -12 The Brahmana portion of the Veda. -18 Wealth. -14 Food. -18 A Brahmana. -16 Truth. -17 The Brahmanahood Tera ); fastad an 1991 watchi Bhag. 6. 2. 26. -18 The soul SICHT); Si a Bri. Up. 1. 6. 1-3. -19 See ala. Bare l ya ATT FTF Mb. 12. 3. 31. -20 The gAyatrI mantra%3; ubhe sandhye ca yatavAgjapan brahma samAhitaH Bhag.7. 12.2.-m. 1 The Supreme Being, the Creator, the first deity of the sacred Hindu Trinity, to whom is entrusted the work of creating the world. The accounts of the creation of the world differ in many respects; but, according to Manu Smriti, the universe was enveloped in darkness, and the self-existent Lord manifested himself dispelling the gloom. He first created the waters and deposited in them a seed. This seed became a golden egg, in which he himself was born as Brahm - the progenitor of all the worlds. Then the Lord divided the egg into two parts, with which he constructed heaven and earth. He then created the ten Praja patis or mind-born sons who completed the work of creation. According to another account (Ramayana ) Brahma sprang from ether; from him was descended Marichi, and his son was Kasyapa. From Kasyapa sprang Vivasvata, and Manu sprang from him. Thus Manu was the procreator of all human beings. According to a third account, the Supreme deity, after dividing the golden egg, separated himself into two parts, male and female, from which sprang Viraj and from bim Manu! of. Ku. 2.7 and Ms. 1. 32 et seq. Mythologically Brahman is represented as being born in a lotus which sprang from the navel of Visnu, and as creating the world by an illicit connection with his own daughter Sarasvati. Brahman had originally five heads, but one of them was cut down by Siva with the ring-finger or burnt down by the fire from his third eye. His vehicle is a swan. He has numerous epithets, most of which have reference to his birth, in a lotus. ] -2 A Brahmana; S. 4. 4. 3 A devout man. - One of the four Ritvijas or priests employed at a Soma sacrifice. -5 One conversant with sacred knowledge. - The sun. -7 Intellect. -8 An epithet of the seven Prajapatis - 1, 32, 3 , gay, game, and afag. -9 An epithet of Brihaspati; 09644744 449gooft afe: Feftuara Hanumannataka. -10 The For Private and Personal Use Only Page #548 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir anan 1174 brahman planet Jupiter ; ARTIST HATTE learn 924a: Mb. Daksayani ( who dwells in the heart of man). Het: 3.6. 18. -11 The world of Brahma (190); hart- i an age of Brahman. Er the portion of the Veda SYRICT nadi za: Mb. 11. 7. 23. -10 Of Siva. relating to spiritual knowledge. -ry: the mulberry -Comp. -3TETT the sacred syllable om. -3757: 1 a tree. -feath an offence against Brahmanas. : horse. -2 one who has touched the several parts of a thoroughly learned Brahmana. - a kind of his body by the repetition of Mantras; y n g penance%3; ahorAtroSito bhUtvA paurNamAsyAM vishesstH| paJcagavyaM pibet HUT Safor atach Ku. 3. 15 (see Malli. granagara Fan !!. - one who prays. (-m.) an thereon). -3 : 1 respectful salutation with folded epithet of Visnu. -IT: the treasure of the Vedas, hands while repeating the Veda. -2 obeisance to a the entire collection of the Vedas; 191 #: a 59 preceptor (at the beginning and conclusion of the TTD TU TU U. 6. 9. Eft N. of a magical repetition of the Veda); apazyadyAvato vedavidAM brahmAjalInasau mantra composed after the model of T T mantra. N. 17. 183; A TFASTHI Te Te IT: HECH -fift: N. of a mountain. - ftat f. The preaching of garanai R e : : | Ms. 2. 71. -334 'the Brahma as included in the Anusasana parva of the egg of Brahman', the primordial egg from which the Mahabharata. A: N. of an astronomer born in universe sprang, the world, universe; CT97UE: 598. A. D. -gola: the universe. -gauravam respect for Dk. 1. $972: the hemisphere of the world. HOCIATH the missile presided over by Brahman; faca ad the hollow of the universe%3; brahmA yena kulAlavaniyamito brahmANDa sa als aariant Bk. 9.76 (H1 HITT TTE: 91T CTX Bh. 2. 95. og 1 N. of one of the eighteen sfa).- : 1 N. of a particular joint of the body. -2 Puranas. -3 ( AT an epithet of the river N. of the knot which ties together the 3 threads of the Godavari. -adhigamaH,-adhigamanam study of the Vedas. agafat. -76, -fara, -TET:, - n., TT&TE: -31TITE n. the urine of a cow. -3TZTE: the study a kind of ghost, the ghost of a Brahmana, who during of the Vedas. - :, -an epithet of Nariyana. his life time indulges in a disdainful spirit and carries -377 1 a place of religious study. -2 N. of a away the wives of others and the property of Brahforest. -T rh 1 the offering of sacred knowledge. manas; (984 and Ear HEY 3 fasts et -2 devoting oneself to the Supreme Spirit. -8 N. of wala atra: | Y. 3. 212; cf. Ms. 12. 60 also ). a spell. -4 a mode of performing the Sraddha in -ATT a. worthy to receive that which is holy. which no Pindas or rice-balls are offered. Tert a - 12:, - art m. the murderer of a Brahmana. missile presided over by Brahman. -3717HT: a horse. afaeft a woman on the second day of her courses. - #F: bliss or rapture of absorption into Brahma ; |-- : 1 recital of the Veda. 2 the sacred word, the brahmAnandasAkSAkriyA Mv.7.31. -Arambha: beginning to Vedas collectively; U. 6.9 (v. 1.). - T: the murderer repeat the Vedas; Ms. 2. 71. -3rad: N. of the tract of a Brahmana. -74 1 The circle of the universe; between the rivers Sarasvati and Drisadvati (northwest Svet. Up. -2 N. of a magical circle. - 1 religious of Hastinapura); atradicoarula G - a ratai ai waad gaad Ms. 2. 17, 19; Me. 50.-31127: = studentship, the life of celibacy passed by a Brahmana bahmacaryAzramaH, vedAdhyayananityatvaM kSamA'thAcAryapUjanam / athopAdhyAyazuzrUSA boy in studying the Vedas, the first stage or order 17 Mb. 12. 66. 14. -31TH a particular of his life; aviplutabahmacaryoM gRhasthAzramamAcaret Ms. 3.22. position for profound meditation. -gia: f. 1 the 219; Mv. 1. 21; alterat a ad att & ADET offering of prayers; see a45. -2 the study of the aattaa Kath. -2 religious study, self-restraint. Vedas. -3531 at forgetting or neglecting the Vedas; -8 celibacy, chastity, abstinence, continence; also - Ms. 11.57 (starelaxarea fatatu Kull.). -3 2012. (-:) a religious student; see anaifta. (- ) a. 1 treating principally of Brahman. -2 consisting chastity, celibacy. Paah a vow of chastity: ' DAHL chiefly of Brahmanas. -3TH explaining the Veda, falling off from chastity, incontinence. - the life of a religious student. I I treatment or discussion of theological problems; FIELU a. 1 studying the bhagavanto hantAhamimaM dvau praznau prakSyAmi tau cenme vakSyati na vai jAtu Vedas, -2 practising continence or chastity. (-m.) a yuSmAkamimaM kazcid brahmodya jeteti Bri. Up. -upadezaH instruc religious student, a Brahmana in the first order of tion in the Vedas or sacred knowledge. a m. the his life, who continues to live with his spiritual guide Palasa tree. #ra: ( it: or :) a Bra from the investiture with sacred thread and performs hmanical sage. T: N. of a district; (528 HETTY the duties pertaining to his order till he settles in 41m: ht: 99 gaitent audicatar: Ms. 2. 19). lite; brahmacArI vedamadhItya vedau vedAn vA cared brahmacaryam Katha-371 , food given to the priests at a sacrifice. srutyopa nisad 17; Ms. 2. 41, 175; 6. 87. -2 one who -kanyakA an epithet of Sarasvati. -kara: a tax paid to vows to lead the life of a celibate. -3 an epithet of Siva. the priest)y class. F# n. 1 the religious duties of a -4 of Skanda. -Tiftoft 1 an epithet of Durga. 2 a Brahmana, the office of Brabman, one of the four woman who observes the vow of chastity. -Ti an epithet principal priests at a sacrifice. :-ot an epithet of of Kartikeya. -JFHT . 1 spirtual birth. -2 investi For Private and Personal Use Only Page #549 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 117B brahman ... . .. .... . ........ .............. ture with the sacred thread; FH f fageda al = 2017 q. v.; anafaqint ah Bhag. 4. 6. 39. 11878 Ms. 2. 146, 170. TIT: the paramour of a farg a. a bsorbed in or intent on the contemplation Brahmana's wife; Ramta. Up. frater desire to know of the Supreme Spirit; laga ft 9941 a farefa Brahman; athAto brahmajijJAsA Brahmasutra. -jIvin a. Aman. Up. 1. 31. (-: ) the mulberry tree. 54 living by sacred knowledge. ( -m.) a mercenary the resting place of Brahman. -994 1 the rank or Brahmana ( who converts his sacred knowledge into position of a Brahmana. -2 the place of the Supreme trade), a Brahmana who lives by sacred knowledge. Spirit. -gian: the Kusa grass. - ftra f. an assembly TFT knowledge about Brahman; acraalereya - of Brahmnas. -ET, -951: the Palasa tree. - 17: at afTFUEH Garuda. P.-, -aft a. one who the final object of all sacred knowledge. - TOTH knows Brahma. (-:) 1 an epithet of Kartikeya. -2 a complete study of the Vedas, the entire Veda; of Visnu. A true or divine knowledge, knowledge 1996 aa aangui i U. 4. 9; Mv. 1. 14. of the identity of the universe with Brahma ; TENT- - IET: N. of a missile presided over by Brahman; prabhAsaMdhyAkAlo gacchati dhImatAm Pasupata. Up. 7.-jyeSThaH the 34xalca 16921a fa Bk. 9. 75. -foc m. an elder brother of Brahman; 1548 T. Up. 2.5. epithet of Visnu. : 1 a son of Brahman. -2 N. (-a.) having Brahma as first or chief. uifae n. 1 of a (male) river which rises in the eastern extremity the light of Brahma or the Supreme Being. -2 an of the Himalaya and falls with the Ganges into the epithet of Siva. Ata the true knowledge of the Bay of Bengal. (- ) 1 a kind of vegetable poison. Supreme Spirit. Ft all that is taught in the Veda. -2 See 7892: (2). (-5) an epithet of the river -alo: (in music) a kind of measure. - n. 1 the Sarasvati. -puram the heart; divye brahmapure hyeSa vyomyAtmA glory of Brahman. -2 Brahmanic lustre, the lustre sfarge: Mund. 2. 2. 7. -2 the body; Ch. Up. -ge or glory supposed to surround a Brahmana. -*: a -get 1 the city of Brahman (in heaven). -2 N. of spiritual preceptor; Ms. 4. 232. Tus: 1 the curse of Benares. - OTH N. of one of the eighteen Puranas. a Brahmana; at sa apat filetat # Ram. -2 a - a minister of Brahinan (the five vital airs ). tribute paid to a Brahmana. -3 an epithet of Siva. -Toy: the universal destruction at the end of one -4 N. of a mythical weapon (ala); OTEU PAT THE hundred years of Brahman in which even the Supreme AITOSA919 Ram. 3.30. 24.-5 magic, spells, incanta- Being is supposed to be swallowed up. - fa: f. absorption ( ar); They aeg agarrofth Mb. 12. tion into the Supreme Spirit. -54 the Brahmani103. 27. - u Ptychotis Ajowan (Mar. 342). -ra cal power. - 4: 1 a contemptuous term for a Brah1 the imparting of sacred knowledge. -2 sacred mana, an unworthy Brahmana (cf. Mar. Hui); knowledge, received as an inheritance or hereditary brahmacarya na vai somyAsmatkulIno'nanUcya brahmabandhuriva bhavatIti Ch. gift; a garat ara faza Ms. 4. 283. - ry: Up. 6.1.1; 789-yifa #164 Bhag. 10. 81. 16; M. 4; 1 instruction in the Vedas, the imparting of sacred V.2. -2 one who is a Brahmana only by caste, a knowledge. -2 sacred knowledge received as an in- nominal Brahmana. -farg: a drop of saliva sputtered heritance%3 taM pratItaM svadharmeNa brahmadAyaharaM pituH Ms. 3. 3. while reciting the Veda. - 1 the mystic syllable -3 the earthly possession of a Brahmana. Tare: om%3D mano yacchejjitazvAso brahmabIjamavismaran Bhag. 2. 1. 17. 1 one who receives the Vedas as his hereditary gift, -2 the mulberry tree. - :, Talut: one who pretends a Brahmana. -2 the son of a Brahmana. -&: the to be a Brahmana. W the abode of Brahman. mulberry tree. E a day of Brahman. - a. -WIT: 1 the mulberry tree. -2 the share of the chief falsifying the vedio texts; Hch. - a. married accord- priest; athAsmai brahmabhAgaM paryAharanti Sat. Br. -bhAva: absorping to the Brahma form of marriage; Ana tion into the Supreme Spirit. Ha imparting FUDH ga Ms. 3. 185. (-4) the Brahma form religious knowledge; a a Pula 4127: of marriage. (-4) 1 land granted to Brahmanas; Bhag. 3. 24. 4. - a. dividing the one Brahma zrotriyebhyo brahmadeyAnyadaNDakarANyabhirUpadAyakAni prayacchet Kau. into many. -bhuvanam the world of Brahman; A brahmaA. 2. 1. 19. -2 instruction in the sacred knowledge. a : gaziaras Bg. 8. 16. a. become one aru: a Bramhana changed into a demon; cf. 04. with Brahma, absorbed into the Supreme Spirit ; - entrance into Brahma; ahatetheredar 2 ni : ga na a r: Mb. 1. 1. 14. fa: f. THIET Maitra. Up.4.4. fag, aferet a. 1 hating twilight. -bhUmijA a kind of pepper. -bhUyam 1 identity Brahmanas; Ms. 3. 154 (Kull.). -hostile to religi with Brahma, absorption or dissolution into Brahma, ous acts or devotion, impious, godless. du: hatred of final emancipation; # 994 FAITHTH R. 18. 28; Brahmanas. -ETT a. possessing sacred knowledge. Et 4914 a Bg. 14. 26; Ms. 1.98.-2 Brahmanahood, an epithet of the river Sarasvati. : an epithet the state or rank of a Brahmana. ICTERE of Visnu. Faratura absorption into the Supreme 6 ci faal Bhag. 9. 2. 17. - . absorption Spiriti sthitvAsyAmantakAle'pi brahmanirvANamRcchati Bg. 2.72. -" into Brahma. - H a ar an epithet of Laksmi. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #550 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir brahman 1176 brahman -A&: a festival in honour of Brahmanas. - a. hav. ing Brahmanas for friends. Hater the Vedanta philosophy which inquires into the nature of Brahma or Supreme Spirit. -: a particular hour of the day. -mUrti a. having the form of Brahman. -mUrdhabhRt m. an epithet of Siva. Hesi the Munja plant. -27: one of the five daily Yajnas or sacrifices (to be performed by a householder), teaching and reciting the Vedas; 3747147275: Ms. 3.70 3721993199 3724yanamapi gRhyate Kull.). -yoga: cultivation or acquisition of spiritual knowlelge. Ta a. 1 sprung from Brahman; O GUTT T R. 1.64. (- :) 1. 1 original source in Brahman. - the author of the Vedas or of Brahman; fa gaiataetaa dara aid Ku. 6. 18. degF a. intent on the means of attaining sacred knowledge; ET Atif Fauzareat: Ms. 10. 74. TOTH a valuable present made to a Brahmana. TPITH an aperture in the crown of the head through which the soul is said to escape on its leaving the body; SITT E- fac h Bhag. 11.15. 24. - TTTT: See 969; fe fe ad FH farat AATTET: Ram. 1. 8. 17. Ta: muttering of prayers. Th: Brahma's savour. Paa: Brahma's nectar. a: an epithet of Suka; Bhag. 1. 9.8. 19: early dawn. -T: an epithet of Yajnavalkya, (wrong for quia:) -TIT: 1 the whole mass or circle of sacred knowledge. -2 an epithet of Parasurama. -8 a particular constellation. - ifa: f. a kind of brass. (*) -Forech, der lines written by the creator on the forehead of a man which indicate his destiny, the predestined lot of any man. Wien: the world of Brahman. fenti a. inha biting the storm. - m. an expounder of the Vedas. - knowledge of Brahma. -237,-azt, at the murder of a Brahmana. n., 1 divine glory or splendour, spiritual pre-eminence or holiness resulting from sacred knowledge; 49 hayatha ata a Ha hafa Ch. Up. 2. 12. 2; (742) egtagad9944 R. 1. 63; Ms. 2. 37; 4. 94.-2 the inherent sanctity or power of a Brahmana; S. 6. aita, a tat a. holy or sanctified by spiritual pre-eminence, holy; 84169A 20968444: Bhag. 11. 17.32.-m.) an eminent or holy Brahmana; eft: Tyd free: Ms. 3.39. -ad: see and a copper. -Elf. the sacred text. -1: a discourse on the sacred texts ; Tag: ginn: 93 77 ta Bhag. 10. 87. 10. -arte m. 1 one who teaches or expounds the Vedas; U. 1; Mal. 1. -2 a follower of the Vedanta philosophy; F 4 33 1 aailer: Bhag. 4. 15. 11. (-aft) au epithet of Gayatri; 3119 ate afa st a ra Gayatryaviba Damantra. -ate: the abode of Brahmanas. -fes, -as a. 1 knowing the Supreme Spirit ; na na wala.( .) & sage, theologian, philosopher. -feet, -farah knowledge of the Supreme Spirit. anlaauresta a r ffah Suka. Up. 3.1. -fare see alar. -faastai an epithet of Indra. -fagt: a pious conduct, perfect state; Buddh. fiul a particular Vina. -TET: 1 the Palasa tree. -2 the Udumbara tree. -eret: f. livelihood of a Brahmana; a pUrNatvaM tayA pUrNatvamabhyaset Tejobindu Up. 1. 42. -vRndam an assemblage of Brahmanas. -a: 1 knowledge of the Vedas. 2 monotheism, knowledge of Brahma. -8 the Veda of the Brahmanas (opp. 974). -4 N. of the Atharvaveda; apararea Thaca 1: 15. 42: Pranava Up. 4. area a. knowing the Vedas; of. arac. N. of one of the eighteen Pura nas -vratam a vow of chastity. -zalyaH Acacia Arabica. (Mar. aha). Tot 1 the hall of Brahman. -2 a place for reciting the Vedas. - ETH 1 a decree addressed to Brahmanas. -2 a command of Brahman. -3 the command of a Brahmana. -4 instruction about sacred duty. -ETTE, TOT n. N. of a particular missile; 318 safer fata catarareal 96: Bm. 1. 649. - N. of a Saman. f. an assembly of Brahmanas. T a. wholly devoted to the sacred knowledge ( ); FEDETT Scala Ch. Up. 2. 23. 1. at an epithet of the river Sarasvati. -994 1 repeating and teaching the Vedas (= 147 q.v.); oftafa Ms. 4. 9; a quartaa: Mb. 12. 243. 4. -2 meditation of Brahma ala art); Fariya sa T H97 gir Bhag. 10. 87. 9. -3 absorption into the Supreme Spirit. Et a. offering the sacrifice of prayer. - n. the residence of Brahman. - the hall or court of Brahman. Na a. sprung or coming from Brahman. (a) N. of Narada. A: a kind of snake. - : distillation of Soma. Et complete identification with the Supreme Spirit; cf. 04. Angar identification or union or equality with Brahma ; Ms. 4. 232. Araru: N. of the tenth Manu; T u taf0154Figa HET Bhag. 8. 13. 21. ga: 1 N. of Narada, Marichi &c. -2 a kind of Ketu. E n f. 1 N. of a medicinal plant (Freit?). -2 an infusion (Farragem); 19a wagat Ms. 11. 159. 1 N. of Aniruddha. -2 N. of the god of love. - FETH 1 the sacred thread worn by the Brahmanas or the twice-born (PET) over the shoulder; Bhag. 10.39.51. - the aphorisms of the Vedanta philosophy by Badarayana; 1999 tghraferfald: Bg. 13. 4. - a. invested with the sacred thread. m. an epithet of Siva. Fara: the world, universe; Tena Faragsgraad : Mv. 3. 48. PH acquiring holy knowledge by unlawful means; ardura afacga Ms. 2. 116. For a place for learning the Veda (Oia);... ... oly 7 - Erfara...Ram. 6.10.16. FIT: the mulberry tree. the property or possessions of a Brahmana; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #551 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir brahmam 1177 brAhmaNa . Try fua grar TETY TO A wafat i reciere: Il Y. 3. 212. ogift a. stealing a Brahmana's property. V a. of the nature of the Supreme Spirit. - , -28: Brahma nicide, killing a Brah mana; brahmahatyA vA ete ghnanti Trisuparna. -han : murderer of a Brahmana; HEIGT 4: ai scara vaset Ms. 11. 72. -hutam one of the five daily Yajnas or sacrifices, which consists in offering the rites of hospitality to guests; cf. Ms. 3. 74. - ,- N. of a star ( Capella ). TEH The Supreme Spirit, the Absolute. 90 a. ( a pea: ] 1 Relating to Brahma. -2 Relating to Brahman or the creator. -3 Relating to the acquisition of sacred knowledge, holy, pious. - Fit for a Brahmana. - Friendly or hospitable to a Brahmana. - 4: 1 One well-versed in the Veda; ra sta: ps for 40 g: My. 3. 26.-2 The mulberry tree. -3 The palm tree. -4 Munja grass. - The planet Saturn. -8 An epithet of Visnu. -7 Of Kartikeya. - An epithet of Durga. -Comp. aa: an opithet of Visnu; apare f u ara 7 Stotra. augal 1 Friendliness towards Brahmanas. -2 Piety. evad m. An epithet of Agni. gar, ca 1 Absorption into the Supreme Spirit. -2 Divine nature. -8 Godhead. -4 The state of a Brahmana, Brahmanahood. TEHT a. Consisting of or derived from, the Veda, belonging to the Veda or spiritual pre-eminence; vamaa 264 dar Ku. 5. 30. -2 Fit for a Brahmana. - A missile presided over by Brahman. ha a. Possessed of spiritual knowledge. CET ind. 1 To the state of Brahma or the Supreme Spirit. - To the care of Brahmanas. Tart 1 The wife of Brahman. -2 An epithet of Durga. -3 A kind of perfume (= a). - A kind of brass. are a. Relating to Brahma. -m. An epithet of Visnu. afay a. Thoroughly proficient in the Vedas, very learned or pious ; iSTvA sa vAjapeyena brahmiSThAnabhibhUya ca Bhag. 4. 3. 3; SHUTT Paasfet alaga ang R. 18. 28. - 1 An epithet of Durga. Taft 1 N of a medicinal plant. -2 A kind of fish. Firga: N. of Sankaracharya. d...... 170 tyrem. A pious and learned Brahmana. 24: 1 An epithet of Kartikeya. -2 Of Visnu. ata a. (-ai f.) [au se da i at sa fema:] 1 Relating to Brahman or the creator, or to the Supreme Spirit ; R. 13. 60; Ms. 2. 40; gharent ferat: qreftate fargefa Bg. 2. 72. - 2 Brahmanical, belonging to Brahmanas; SI Tea F4 gyaga: Ram. 2. 5. 4; 7 fagasta quitat ad af TT Mb. 12. 188. 10. -8 Relating to sacred knowledge or study; a aftarar TX : Mb. 1. 156. 5. -4 Prescribed by the Vedas, Vedic; scriptural; ar a: af Ms. 2. 150. -5 Holy, sacred, divine. - Presided over by Brahman as a 98 (see 1896), or a missile. - Fit for a divine state or godhead. -8 Belonging to the 100; ac reff 92 THAITH Mb. 13. 38. 3. - 1 One of the eight forms of marriage in Hindu law, in which the bride decorated with ornaments is given away to the bridegroom, without requiring any gift or present from him (this is the best of the 8 forms ); sa faqe 3114 and Trucisar Y. 1. 58; Ms. 3. 21, 27. - N. of Narada. -3 Quicksilver. -4 The duty or prescribed course of conduct of a king; AvRttAnAM gurukulAt viprANAM pUjyako bhavet / nRpANAmakSayo hoSa brAjho a fartua II. - 1 The part of the hand under the root of the thumb; WATU i d a Ms. 2. 59. - 2 Holy or sacred study. -3 N. of a Purana. - N. of the constellation Rohini. -Comp. TERIT: a day and night of Brahman (a period of 2 Kalpas of mortals ). or a girl to be married according to the Brahma form. -farfet: m. money bestowed on the sacerdotal class. He: a particular period of the day, the early part of the day (re pazcime yAme muhUrto brAhma ucyate); of. brAhma muhUrte kila tasya devI FEATT* uga ArTA R. 5. 36 ; e gedgeea Ms. 4. 92. EU a. (oft f.) [aaa a aasta a 377) 1 Belonging to a Brahmana. -2 Befitting a Brahmana. -3 Given by a Brahmana. -4 Relating to religious worship. -8 One who knows Brahma. -UT: 1 A man belonging to the first of the four original castes of the Hindus, a Brahmana (born from the mouth of the Purusa); OTISFY yandir Rv. 10. 90. 12; Ms. 1. 31, 96; RT IETOT : Rs geval vidyayA yAti vipratvaM tribhiH zrotriya ucyate || or jAtyA kulena vRttena svAdhyAyena zrutena ca / ebhiryukto hi yastiSThannityaM sa dvija ucyate // ). -2 A priest, theologian. -3 An epithet of Agni. -4 N. of the twenty eighth Naksatra. -UTH 1 An assemblage or society of Brahmanas. -2 That portion of the Veda which states rules for the employment of the hymns at the various sacrifices, their origin and detailed explanation, with sometimes lengthy illustra. tions in the shape of legends or stories. It is distinct from the Mantra portion of the Veda. -8 N. of that For Private and Personal Use Only Page #552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir brAhmaNakA 1178 brAhmaNI 1 A woman of the Brahmana caste. -2 The wife of a Brahmana.-3 Intellect; (buddhi according to nIlakaNTha).-4A kind of lizard; hRSTaH pazyati tasyAntaM brAhmaNI karakAdiva Ram. 3. 29.5. -BA kind of wasp.-8 A kind of brass (Mar. sonapitaLa). -Comp. -gAmin m. the paramour of a Brahmana woman. bAhmaNya a. Befitting a Brahmana. -Nya: An epithet of the planet Saturn. -COL 1 The station or rank of a Brahmana, priestly or sacerdotal character; satyaM zape brAhmaNyena MR.5D Pt.1.66%3 Ms. 3.1737.42. -2 A collection of Brahmanas ; brAhmaNyaM kRtsnametattvAM brahmaNyamanugacchati Ram. 2.45.21. class of the Vedic works which contain the Brahmana portion (regarded as Sruti or part of the revelation like the hymns themselves ). Each of the four Vedas has its own Brahmana or Brahmanas:--aitareya or AzvalAyana and kauSItakI or sAMkhyAyana belonging to the Rigveda; zatapatha to the Yajurveda; paJcaviMza and SaDviza and six more to the Samaveda, and 194 to the Atharvaveda. -4 The Soma vessel of the Brahman priest. -Comp. -atikramaH offensive or disrespectful conduct towards Brahmanas, insult to Brahmapas; brAhmaNAtikramatyAgo bhavatAmeva bhUtaye Mv.2. 10. -adarzanam absence of Brahmanical instruction or guidance; vRSalatvaM gatA loke brAhmaNAdarzanena ca Ms. 10.43. -apAzrayaH seeking shelter with Brahmanas. -abhyupapattiHf. protection or preservation of, or kindness shown to, a Brahmana; brAhmaNAbhyupapattau ca zapathe nAsti pAtakam Ms. 8. 112. -Atmakaa. belonging to Brahmanas. -naH the slayer of a Brahmana; zrIbAlabrAhmaNanAMzca hanyAd dvisevinastathA Ms.9.282. -cANDAla: 13 degraded or outcast Brahmana; yathA brAhmaNacANDAlaH pUrvadRSTastathaiva saH Ms.9.87.-2 the son of a Sudra father by a Brahmana woman. -jAtam, -jAtiHf the Brahmana caste. a t the occupation or means of livelihood prescribed for a Brahmana; adhyApanamadhyayanaM yajanaM yAjana tthaa| dAnaM pratigrahazcaiva SaTkarmANyagrajanmanaH / / SaNNAM tu karmaNAmasya trINi karmANi jIvikA / yAjanAdhyApane caiva vizuddhAcca pratigrahaH / / -dravyam, -svam a Brahmana's property. -nindaka: a blasphemer or reviler of Brahmanas. -prasaMga: the applica bility of the term Brahmana.-prativezya: a neighbouring Brah mana; brAhmaNaprativezyAnAmetadevAnimantraNe Y.2.263. -priyaH N. of Visnu. -buva: one who pretends to be a Brahmanas one who is a Brahmana only in name and neglects the duties of his caste; bahavo brAhmaNabruvA nivasanti Dk.; samamabrAhmaNe dAnaM dviguNaM brAhmaNabruve Ms.7.853 8.20. -bhAvaH the rank or condition of a Brahmana. -bhUyiSTha a. consisting for the most part of Brahmanas. -yaSTikA,-yaSTI Clerodendrum Siphonantus (Mar. bhAraMga). -vadha: the murder of a Brahmana, Brahmanicide. -vAcanam the recitation of benedictions. -saMtapaMNam feeding or satistying Brahmapas. brAhmaNaka: 1 A bad or unworthy Brahmana (only in name); evaM yukto brAhmaNaH syAdanyo brAhmaNako bhavet Mb. 12.270. 27. -2A family of such a Brahmana. -3 N. of a country inhabited by warlike Brahmanas. brAhmaNatA, - tvam The state or rank of a Brahmana. brAhmaNatrA ind. Among Brahmanas. brAhmaNasAt ind. In the possession of Brahma pas, as in brAhmaNasAt bhavati dhanam. brAhmaNAcchaMsin m. N. of a priest, the assistant of the priest called Brahman q.v. brAhmaNAyana: A Brahmana descended from learned and holy progenitors. brAhmI 1 The personified female energy of Brahman. -2 Sarasvati, the goddess of speech.-3Speech; saMskArIpagatAM brAhmIM nAnAzAstropabRMhitAm Mb. 1. 1. 19. -4 A tale or narrative. -BA pious usage or custom, Vedic rituals brAhASA saMvartayAmAsU rAGkavAstaraNAvRtAm Ram.6. 111.113. -6 N. of the constellation Rohini. -7 N. of Durga. -8 A woman married according to the Brahma form of marriage. -9 The wife of a Brahmana.-10 A kind of medicinal plant; brAhmI himA sarA tiktA laghurmedhyA ca zItalA / kaSAyA madhurA svAdupAkAyuSyA rasAyanI / svaryA smRtipadA kuSThapANDamehAzrakAsajit / / Bhava. P.; babhUva teSAM rajanI brAhmIba prItivardhinI Mb.15.18.23.-11 A kind of brass.-12N. of a river. -Comp. -kandaH a species of bulbous plant. -putraH the son of a Brahmi, see above3 daza pUrvAn parAn vaizyAnAtmAna caikaviMzakam / brAhmIputraH sukRtakRnmocayedenasaH pitun // Ms. 3.37. brAhmaya 3. (-mayI f.) [brahmaNa idaM Syam ] 1 Relating to Brahman, the creator. -2 Relating to the Supreme Spirit.-3 Relating to the Brahmanas.-matham 1 Wonder, astonishment (vismaya).-2 Worship of the Brahmanas. -Comp. -muhUrta = brAhmamuhUrta q. v. -hutam hospitality to guests ; see brahmayajJa, ot. Ms. 3.74; brAhmapahutazabdena manuSyayajJAkhyo brAhmaNazreSThasyArcA Kull. 20. (bravIti, brUte or Aha; this root is defective in the non-conjugational tenses, its forms being made up from vac). 1 To say, tell, speak (with two acc.); tAM... ...brUyA evam Me. 1033 rAma yathAsthita sarve bhrAtA brUte sma bihvala: Bk.6.83 or mANavakaM dharme brUte 8k.; kiM tvAM prati brUmahe Bv.1.46. -2 To say or speak about, refer to (a person or thing); ahaM tu zakuntalAmadhikRtya bravImi S.2. -3 Todeclare, proclaim, publish, prove, indicate; bruvate hi phalena sAdhabo na tu kaNThena nijopayogitAm N. 2. 48; stanayugapariNAhaM maNDalAbhyAM bravIti Ratn. 2. 12. -4 To name, call, designate; chandasi dakSA ye kavayastanmaNimadhyaM te bruvate Srut. 15.-8 To answer; brUhi me praznAn. -8 To call or profess oneselt to be. -With - fa 1 to insult, abuse; Mb. 3. -2 to argue, dispute ; parasparaM kecidupAzrayanti parasparaM kecidatibruvanti Ram.5.61. 17. -anu to say, speak, declare; atha yadanubrUte tena RSINAm Bri. Up. 1.4.16. -nis to explain, derive. -4 to say, speak, tell; pApAnuvAsitaM sItA rAvaNaM prAbravIdvacaH Bk.8.86. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #553 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhaktiH -prati to speak in reply; pratyabravIcainam R. 2. 42. -vi 1 to say, speak. -2 to speak falsely or wrongly; 31997 faga af at hafa fenault Ms. 8. 13; 29997 faganat ac: fafanja Bhag. 10.44.9. ya, Gatot a. Professing or pretending to be, calling oneself by a name to which he has no real title at the end of comp.), as in 19a, f49a &c. H A snare, net, noose. * 1 N. of the planet Venus. - Error, delusion, 1 mere semblance. -8 An epithet of Sukra. - N. given to the base of nouns before the vowel terminations beginning with accusative plural; ct: aGga and pada. -6 A bee. bham 1A star; nanu bhAnyamUni Ram. Ch. 6. 333 MOT a 11 Bhag. 3.29.4.-2 A lunar mansion or asterism. -8 A planet. -4 A sign of the zodiac. -8 The number twenty-seven. -Comp. , -ET: 1 the sun. - 2 the regent of an asterism. TT the path of the asterisms.TUT:, -at: 1 the group of stars or asterisms. - the zodiac. -8 revolution of the planets in the zodiac. -"TH: the revolution of a planet; Hch. - Tics: the starry sphere. - 4, - , -H3CH the zodiac. a : the centre of the zodiac. - a. the regent of an asterism.- 1a: the moon. : & sidereal day. Wat Paederia Foetida (Mar. Ta ). -TAT: a sidereal day. -1: N. of the last quarters of the asterisme, SHISHI, Gug and ta. -H s an astrologer. bhakkikA A cricket. 7 p.p. [ 31 ] 1 Distributed, allotted, assigned; THE FETISME groa Mb. 12. 36. 31. -2 Divided. -8 Served, worshipped. -4 Engaged in, attentive to. -Attached or devoted to, loyal, faithful; manmanA bhava madbhakto madyAjI mAM namaskuru Bg. 9. 34. -- Dressed, cooked as food). -7 Forming a part of, belonging to. -8 Loved, liked at the end of comp.). - A worshipper, adorer, devotee, votary, faithful attendant; se ha afa Bg. 4. 3; 7. 23; 9. 31; bhaktAnAM trividhAnAM ca lakSaNaM dhRyatAmiti / tRNazagyArato bhakto mannAmaTorstag i at fara hanya70 11 Brav. P. - 1 A share, portion. -2 Food; i grafa fari fa 9344 Ram. 5. 36.41; ** ya da Bh. 3. 74; also meal; 2 H Harfa 4572 Ms. 11. 16; q ui 4 T fautua Mb. 13. 106. -8 Boiled rice; a car gaat itu artsha: U. 4.1. -4 Any eatable grain boiled with water -8 Adoration, worship.-8 The grain; yasya traivArSikaM bhaktaM paryAptaM mRtyavRttaye Ms. 11.7; Mb. 12. 165.5 ( UTA UTF04 Nilakantha). -7 The wages, remuneration (act); Mb. 13. 23. 70. -Comp. 34:, -24 a refectory; Buddh. fo: desire of food, appetite, 352: gruel (Mar. 95). - Fi a cook a dish of food. T: incense prepared from various fragrant resins and perfumes. -kAra: a cook. -kRtyam preparations for a meal. -chandam appetite. -jA nectar.-tUryam a musical instrument played during meals. -, -are, 70 a. supporter, maintainer. Ele: a slave who a grees to serve another for maintenance, or who receives his meals as a return for his services; Ms. 8. 415 bhaktalobhAyupagatadAsyo bhaktadAsaH Kull.-dveSaH dislike of food, loss of appetite. -gorni a mouthful of rice kneaded into a lump or ball. - Aug: the scum of boiled rice. - f. appetite. The a. stimulating appetite. are a. kind to worshippers or devotees. ( :) N. of Visnu. - To 1 an audience chamber to admit petitioners and hear them). - a dining-hall. a. dish of pulse (Mar. 7); Girvana. -fFTH =HS q. v. f: f. [25-10 ] 1 Separation, partition, division. -2 A division, portion, share. -3 (a) Devotion, attachment, loyalty, faithfulness; f gac ATTAT56 afa e Ku. 7. 37; R. 2. 63; Mu. 1. 15. () Faith, belief, pious faith. -4 Reverence, service, worship, homage. -5 Texture, arrangement; hafa farouftisfagarTEIT: R. 5. 74; Hotfalia 1952: fag999: Nag. 5. - Decoration, ornament, embellishment; sukRtehAmRgAkIrNa sUtkIrNa bhaktibhistathA Ram.2.15.35%3 3984 f Ku. 7. 10, 94 ; R. 13. 55, 75; 15. 30. 35 9 74 (B7) Bu. Ch. 5. 44. -7 An attribute. -8 The being part of, belonging to. -9 A figurative sense, secondary sense; Her farya12: Far MS. 4. 4. 28 (HAUT here seems to have been used as an indeclinable ); cf. also MS. 8. 3. 22. -10 Predisposition of body to any disease). -Comp. - a. accessible by devotion. -TT a. one who has only a small measure of devotion ; f urya : N. 21. 32. -fest drawings; 464 graffan Ram. 7. 15. 38. - 1 a coloured streak, lines of painting or decoration ; bhakticchederiva viracitAM bhUtimo gajasya Me. 19. -2 distinguishing marks of devotion to Visnu. - a. faithfully attached. 791 a. making a humble obeisance. eu, q ih ind. devoutly, reveren a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #554 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhaktika 1180 bhagavat tially. - a. 1 devout, fervid. -2 firmly attached or devoted, faithful, loyal. -ANT: the way of devotion; i.e. devotion to god, regarded as the way to the atta- inment of final emancipation and eternal bliss (opp. to karmamArga and jJAnamArga).-yoga: loving faith, loyal devotion) sa sthANuH sthirabhaktiyogasulabho niHzreyasAyAstu vaH Vikr. 1.1. -rasaH1a sense of devotion. -2 a sentiment of devotion; bhaktirasasyaiva hAsyazRGgArakaruNaraudrabhayAnakabIbhatsazAntAdbhutavIrarUpeNAnubhavAd vyAsAdibhirvarNitasya viSNorviSNubhaktAnAM vA caritasya navarasAtmakasya zravaNAdinA janitazcamatkAro hi bhaktirasaH Muktavali. -rAgaH affection, deep devotion. -vAda: assurance of attachment. bhaktika a. Relating to worship or devotion. bhaktimata. 1 Devout, having pious faith. -2 Loyally devoted or attached, faithful, loyal.-3 Religious, pious. bhaktila a. Faithful, trusty (as a horse.) bhakta a. 1 An adorer, a worshipper. -2 Devoutly attached. bhadaM 10 U. (bhakSayati-te, bhakSita) 1 To eat, devour%B yathAmiSaM jale matsyai rbhakSyate zvApadairbhuvi Pt.1.-2 To use up, / consume. - To waste, destroy. -4 To bite. bhakSaH 1 Eating. -2 Food, eatables; mmepsitH| bhakSaH (tvaM) prINaya me dehaM ciramAhAravarjitam Ram.5.58.4037.69.16%3 yadyayaM kriyate bhakSastarhi mAM khAda pUrvataH Bhag.9.9. 33.-3 Drink, drinking (Ved.). -Comp. -kAra: a cook. -patrI betel pepper. bhakSaka.(-kSikA /.)[bhakS-vul] 1 One who eats or lives upon. -2 Gluttonous, roracious. -ka: Food. bhakSaNa ..(-NI.) Eating, one who eats or devours. -Nam [ bhakS-bhAve lyuT] 1 Eating, feeding or living upon. -2 Ved. A drinking vessel. erotu a. Eata ble, edible. bhakSikA 1 A meal. -2 Eating (at the end of comp.) bhavAnikSubhakSikAmarhati RNe ikSubhakSikAM me dhArayati Sk. bhakSita p. p. 1 Eaten, devoured. -2 Slurred over. -tam Food. -Comp. -zeSaH leavings, remnants of food. bhakSya a. [ bhakS-karmaNi Nyat ] Eatable, fit for food. -kSya m 1 Anything eatable, an article of food, food (fig. also); bhakSyabhakSakayoH prItirvipattereva kAraNam ma. 1.55%3 Ms. 1. 113. -2 Water. -Comp. -abhakSyam tood allowed and prohibited; etaduktaM dvijAtInAM bhakSyAbhakSyamazeSataH Ms.5.26. -kAra: (also bhakSyakAra:). baker, cook. -bhojyamaya . Consisting of food of all kinds. -vastu.. eatables, victuals. bhagaH (also bhagam) [bhaj-gha] 1 One of the twelve forms of the sun; the sun. -2 The moon. -8 A form of Siva. -4 Good fortune, luck, happy lot, happiness ; Aste bhaga AsInasya Ait. Br.; bhagamindrazca vAyuzca bhaga saptarSayo duH Y. 1. 282. -B Afluence, prosperity; 'aizvaryasya samagrasya vIryasya yazasaH shriyH| jJAnavairAgyayozva SaNNAM bhaga itiirnnaa||'; zamo damo bhagazceti yatsamAdyAti saMkSayam Bhag. 3.31. 33.-8 Dignity, distinction. -7 Fame, glory. -8 Loveliness, beauty. - Excellence, distinction. -10 Love, affection. -11 Amorous dalliance or sport, pleasure. -12 The pudendum muliebre; Y.3.88; gurutalpe bhagaH kArya: Ms. 9. 237.-13 Virtue, morality, religious merit (dharma). -14 Effort, exertion. -1B Absence of desire, indifference to worldly objects. -18 Final beatitude. -17 Strength. -18 Omnipotence; ( said to be n. also in the last 15 senses ). -19 N. of an Aditya presiding over love and marriage; Mb. 1. 227. 36. -20 Knowledge. -21 Desire, wish. -22 The superhuman power of becoming as small as an atom, one of the eight Siddhis or powers of Siva; see aNiman. -gA 1 (in comp.). Dignity, majesty; bhUH kAlabharjitabhagApi yadadhipadmasparzotthazaktirabhivarSeti no'khilArthAn Bhag. 10.82.30. -2 The female organ. --gam 1 The asterism called uttarAphalgunI; bhagaM nakSatramAkramya sUryaputreNa pIjyate Mb. 6.3.14. -2 The perineum of males. -Comp. -aGkuraH (in medicine) clitoris. -AdhAnama granting matrimonial happiness. -dezaH the lord of fortune or prosperity. -kAma a. desirous of sexual pleasure. -ghaH an epithet of Siva; namaste tripuranAya bhagaghnAya namo namaH Mb. dAraNam = bhagaMdaraHq.v. -deva: a thorough libertine; bhagadevAnuyAtAnAM sarvAsA vAmalocanA Mb. 14. 48. 15. -devatA the deity presiding over marriage. -daivata a. conferring conjugal felicity. (-tam) the constellation uttarAphalgunI; vivAha sthApayitvA'ne nakSatre bhagadaivate Mb. 1.8. 16. degmAsaH the month Phalguna; bhagadaivatamAsaM tu ekabhaktena yaH kSipet Mb. 18. 106. 22. -nandanaH an epithet of Visnu. -netraghnaH, -netraharaH an epithet of Siva. varjayitvA virUpAkSaM bhaganetraharaM haram Mb. 1. 221. 8. -8 -puram N. of the city, Multan.-bhakSaka: a pander, procurer. -vRtti . subsisting by the vulva. -vedanam proclaiming matrimonial felicity. -zAstram (= kAmazAstram). -hana m. N. of Visnu (originally of Siva). bhagaMdara: A fistula in the anus or pudendum; kttiikpaalyostoddaahknndduurujaadyH| bhavanti pUrvarUpANi bhaviSyati bhgndre|| Bhava P. bhagavat a. 1 Glorious, illustrious. -2 Revered, venerable, divine, holy (an epithet applied to gods, demigods and other holy or respectable personages ); svargaprakAzo bhagavAn pradoSaH Ram.5.5.83 atha bhagavAn kuzalI kAzyapaH 8.5bhagavan paravAnayaM janaH R.8.81380 bhagavAn bAsudevaH &c.; utpattiM ca vinAzaM ca bhUtAnAmAgatiM gatim / vetti vidyAmavidyAM ca sa vAcyo bhagavAniti / / -3 Fortunate (Ved.). -m. 1 A god, deity. -2 An epithet of Visgu. -8 Of Siva. -4 Of Jina. -BOf Buddha. -Comp.-gItA N. of a celebrated sacred work; (it is an episode of the great Bharata and purports to be a dialogue between Krisna and For Private and Personal Use Only Page #555 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra bhagavatI Arjans). a. resembling the Supreme. - N. of the source of Gangs; sAkSAdbhagavatpadItyanupalakSitavacaH Bhag. 5. 17. 1. 1 N. of Durga. -2 Of Laksmi. -3 Any venerable woman. bhagavadIyaH A worshipper of Visnu. A skull; P. VI. 2. 29. m. An epithet of Siva. fira. (ft.) 1 Prosperous, happy, fortunate. - Grand, splendid. bhaginikA A little sister. bhaginI [bharga yAnaH aMzo vA pitrAdInAM inyAdAne'syasyAH ini q] 1 A sister. -2 A fortunate woman. -3 A woman in general. Comp. -,- m. a sister's husband. w: A sister's son. w: N. of an ancient king of the solar dynasty, the great-grandson of Sagara, who brought down, by practising the most austere penance, the celestial river Ganga from heaven to the earth and from earth to the lower regions to purify the ashes of his 60,000 ancestors, the sons of Sagara. -Comp. -, - the path or effort of Bhagiratha, used figuratively to denote any great or Herculean effort. - an epithet of the Ganges. bhagos Voc. A term of address like bhagavan, bhagavas; yantu maharya bhagoH sarvA pRthivIvitena pUrNA svAt Bri. Up. 2.4.2. ..] 1 Broken, fractured, shattered, [ torn ; rathodvahanakhinnAzca bhagnA me rathavAjinaH Ram. 6104.16. -2 Frustrated, foiled, disappointed. -3 Checked, arrested, suspended. -4 Marred, impaired. 8 Routed, ocompletely defeated or vanquished svara tena mahAbAho : Ram. 6. 88. 40; U. 5. -6 Demolished, destroyed. (Soo ). Fracture of the leg. -Comp. - a. one whose bones are broken. : a splint. m. an epithet of the moon. -a. one who has surmounted difficulties or misfortunes. -Aza a. disappointed; bhagnAzasya karaNDapIDitatanorlAnendriyasya Bh. 2. 84. a. broken in energy, depressed in spirits, discouraged, damped. a. foiled in one's endeavours, disappointed, baffled; - cittavRttiharaNe dhAtA'pi bhamodyamaH H. 2. 165. -kramaH violation of symmetry in construction or expression; see a. disappointed, frustrated. -: (in music) a kind of measure. - a. having the fangs broken. a. humbled, crest-fallen. -f a. whose sleep is interrupted. after a preventing from finishing. -pAdarzam N. of aix nakSatra collectively (vis. punarvasu, uttarA - 1181 maniH : 1 disorder, pAThA, kRttikA, uttarAphAlgunI, pUrvabhAdrapadA and vizAkhA), pArzva a. suffering from a pain in the sides. - a. 1 having a broken back. -2 coming in front. confusion. -2 absence of regularity or symmetry; Bee prakramabhaGgaH pratijJa a. one who has broken his promises. - a. discouraged, disappointed. disappointed in expectations; tathA samakSaM dahatA manobhavaM pinAkinA bhamamanorathA satI Ku. 51. -mAna . disgraced, dishonoured. a. faithless in one's vows; Pt. 4.10. - saMkalpa a. one whose designs are frustrated. -ifr butter-milk. a. bhagnI A sister; AnayaitAnnarAn bhabhiBm. 1. 765. (T) A gad-fly. : f. Breaking, fracture. [ ] 1 Breaking, breaking down, shattering, tearing down, splitting, dividing; F: jiSNordhRtimunmamAtha Ki. 17. 29. vAryargalAbhaGga iva pravRttaH R. 5.45. -2 A break, fracture, breach. -3 Plucking off, lopping; S. 6. -4 Separation, analysis. -B A portion, bit, fragment, detached portion; gaa: qmannina: Ku. 3.61; R. 16. 16. -6 Fall, downfall, decay, destruction, ruin; as in 3, &c. -7 Breaking up, dispersion; Mal. 1. -8 Defeat, overthrow, discomfiture, rout; bhanne bhagnamavApnuyAt Pt. 4. 41; prasabhaM bhaGgamabhavagurodayaH (f) S. 16. 72.-9 Failure, disappointment. frustration; tatpUrvabhaGge vitathaprayatnaH R. 2. 42 (v. 1. ); AzAbhaGga_ &c. -10 Rejection, refusal; yaafesKu. 1. 52. -11 A chasm, fissure. -12 Interruption, obstacle, disturbance; fa, Ki. 17. 29. -13 Non-performance, suspension, stoppage. -14 Taking to flight, flight. -18 (a) A bend, fold. (b) A wave; kSaume bhaGgavatI taraGgatarale phenAmbutulye vahan Nsg. 5.2; jvAlA bhajJaiH (= Wavelike flames) Nag. 5. 21.-16 Contraction, bending, knitting; S. 1. 71 so U. 5. 36. -17 Going, motion. -18 Paralysis. -19 Fraud, deceit. -20 A canal, water-course. -21 A circumlocutory or round-about way of speaking or acting; see . -22 Hemp. 23 (With Buddhists) The constant decay taking place in the universe; constant change. -24 (With Jainas) A dialectical formula beginning with syAt. -Comp. -nayaH removal of obstacles. -vAsA turmeric. - a. dishonest, fraudulent. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1 Hemp. -2 An intoxicating drink prepared from hemp. Comp. - the pollen of hemp. A kind of fish; L. D. B. ,-. 1 Brealding, fracture, breach, division. -2 Undulation. - Bending, contracting f sanngaduk glas Ud. S. 13. - A wave. 8 A flood, current. -6 A crooked path, tortuous or winding course. 7 A circumlocutory or round-about way of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #556 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhaJjana bhakina 1182 ........................................... speaking or acting, periphrasis ; Hartatoart K. P. 10; sfat Tepat 254d-46 &c.; aghfia: Dk. -8 A pretext, disguise, semblance; 4: T uufafarahan UITE##: afha apei Vikr. 1.1. -9 Trick, fraud, deceit. -10 Irony. -11 Repartee, wit. -12 A step; UTATEUCRET Hrator for 22 TH: R. 13. 69. -13 An interval. -14 Modesty. -18 A fashion or mode; TESTGETHa ri Bm. 1. 233; operator ind. in an indirect manner; in another manner. Comp. - f. division into a series of waves or wave-like steps, & wavy staircase; cf. Me. 62. HTUTH crooked speeches with hidden meaning ); qiyH H99179: Dk. 2.8. a. resembling. -fart: distortion of the features; a wry face, grimace, fa a. 1 Frail, fragile, transient; ela coaf fula at Bh. 2.92; Hence a means 'evanescence '; saca vyApAro na tadAtve sukhaphalo bhavati, nApi AyatyAm / bhanitvAt SB. on MS. 4. 3. 10. -2 Cast in a suit. uffft A river ; TASHOP ACTEUTTAaf N. 18. 137. h a . Wavy, crisped. * m. 1 Fracture, breach.-2 Bending, undulation. -8 Curliness. - 4 Disguise, deceit. -6 Wit, irony. -8 Perversity. H C A defect in the organs of sense. H TC a. (#539-77) 1 Apt to break, fragile, brittle. -2 Frail, transitory, transient, perishable; Horar: orar: TGTHETI:; rate HOUTH H. 1. 181 ; Si. 16.72. -8 Changeful, variable. -4 Crooked, bent. -8 Curved, curled; Tera 79 mila Hey: Git. 10. -6 Fraudulent, dishonest, crafty. T: The bend of a river. -Comp. - a. vacillating, unBettled in mind. H urufa Den. P. 1 To break to pieces, destroy. -2 To curl. bhagurIkaraNam Making tragile. bhaGgya m A field of hemp. HTC 1.1 U. ( fa- but usually Atm. only; 47, #S, HENT, 37*, Hua-a, *) 1 (a) To share, distribute, divide; HT 4ft+94 M8. 9. 104; 792 a H 209, 119. (0) To assign, allot, apportion; 4 5 . Ait. Br. - To obtain for oneself, share in, partake of; 1933 a wid teh Ms. 10. 59. -8 To accept, receive; argos yrafa F A CILICETHeat #5147 CFA Mal. 5. 25. -- (a) To resort to, betake oneself to, have recourse to; fra K. 179; HTSSICH a 1964 Bh. 3. 64; 7 CVITAT44 es usta $. 5. 10; Bv. 1. 83; R. 17. 28. (6) To praotise, follow, cultivate, observe; guri Pe 1 Bh. 2. 77; # HITT: R. 1. 21; Mu. 3. 10. 8 To enjoy, possess, bave, suffer, experience, entertain; fagfa Hai H By. 1. 74; a HT Walau a Bh. 2. 80; oftri WETTET: S. 7. 8; fa f ara wa afy R. 8. 43; Mal. 3. 9; U. 1. 35.To wait or attend upon, serve; ( f) yanguftgF#qouth R. 2. 23; Pt. 1. 181; Mk. 1. 32. - To adoro, honour, worship (as a god ). -8 To choose, select, prefer, accept; fa: 961 ord M. 1. 2. -9 To enjoy carnally; basovIryotpannAmabhajata munirmatsyatanayAm Pt. 4.50. -10 To be attached or devoted to; ha fata Agri faqacia ESO a Pt. 1. 35. -11 To take possession of. -18 To fall to the lot of any one. -18 To grant, bestow. -14 To supply, furnish Ved.). -16 To favour; ye yathA mAM prapadyante tAMstathaiva bhajAmyaham Bg.4.11. -18 To decide in favour ot, declare for. -17 To love, court (affection). -18 To apply oneself to be engaged in. -19 To cook, dress (food). -20 To employ, engage. (The meanings of this root are variously modified according to the noun with which it is connected :- .g. nidrA bhaj to go to sleep%; mUrchA bhaj to swoon%; bhAvaM bhaj to show love for &c. &c.). -Caus. 1 To divide. -2 To put to flight, pursue. -8 To cook, dress. II. 10 U. ( fa-d, regarded by some as the caus. of I) 1 To cook. -2 To give. 1779 [ -2] A divider, distributer. -2 A worshipper, votary, devotee. Farh (27-] 1 Sharing, dividing.-2 Possession. -3 Service, adoration, worship. -4 Waiting or attending upon. TATT a. Dividing. -2 Enjoying. -8 Fit, right, proper. 5. I. 7 P. (arti, 299, 3 , Houfa, wash, Ha; desid. fugla) 1 To break, tear down, shatter, shiver or break to pieces, split; FH aufer: Bk. 6. 38; Far Y 4. 3; 4458 3. 22; Taifa UF31 R. 11. 76. - To devastate, destroy by pulling down; Ya 19: Bk. 9. 2. -2 To make a breach (in a fortress). -4 To frustrate, foil, disappoint, bafile; foafat Haid Ku. 5. 1. - To arrest, check, interrupt, suspend; as in Haf:. - To defeat, vanquish ; T 14: T TTAIT 471948754a # fara: N. 22. 133; 34T SICUTAT: Panch.2.41. -With ava to break down, shatter; banaspatiM vajra ivAvabhajya Ku. 3. 74. - 1 To break down, shatter, splinter. -2 to stop, arrest, suspend. -3 to frustrate, disappoint. -II. 10 U. (Hayfa-) 1 To brighten, illuminate. -2 To speak. -3 To shine. 7 a. (- 9 f.) [H59-] Breaking, dividing. T a. (-at f.) [ *55-74 a) 1 Breaking, splitting. - Arresting, checking. -8 Frustrating. -4 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #557 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir maJjanakA 1188 bhaNDukaH get). Causing violent pain. H 1 Breaking down, shatter #: N. of the mythical progenitor of copyists ing, destroying. -2 Removing, dispelling, driving away; ( a son of fagga). agter 4731774 FTH Git. 10. -3 Routing, vanquishing. ufaft 1 A - Frustrating. - Checking, interrupting, disturbing. queen (not crowned ), a princess; -8 Afflicting, paining. - 7 Smoothing (of hair). -*: (often used in dramas by maid-servants in addressing a queen). -2 A lady of high rank. -3 The wife of Decay of the teeth. - Explanation. a Brahmana. : A particular disease of the mouth which consists in the decay of the teeth attended with contor HEIFT: N. of a grammarian (author of facration of the lips. 376 A tree growing near a temple. 43: A particular mixed caste. 1 N. of Durga. A : 1 A hero, warrior. -2 An attendant, servant. * I. 1 P. (za, ha) 1 To nourish, foster, maintain. - To hire. -3 To receive wages. -II. 10 U. UIP. ( la, wa) 1 To say, speak; DEATH sla o (wafa-a) To speak, converse. V. 3; Bk. 14. 16. - To describe; 104: # 1829 TAHTOI N. 10. 59. - To name, call. -4 HE: [-377] 1. A warrior, soldier, com batant; To sound. tayf a : fechar si. 15. 93 ; catatat n. 1. 12; afzergata F3 22. 22; Bk. TOATE, forth, forfa: f. Speaking, speech, 14. 101. - A mercenary, hired soldier, hireling. -3 talk, words, discourse, conversation : 79417 wafa Taraforla: By. 4.39; 2.77; quod eft HCIH An outcast, a barbarian. -4 A demon. -5 N. of a Git. 73 iha rasabhaNane bid; vinodAbhijAtabhaNitiH Vis. degraded tribe. - A servant, slave. -Ef Coloquintida ($cartuft). -Comp.-TE a troop of soldiers. - Guna. 290. a hero; Buddh. (014) an army. bhaNTAkI Solanum Melongena (Mar. DoralI vAMgI). Afer: a. Roasted on a spit. Hugti, &: Calosanthes Indica (Mar. ze). 9 [28-09] 1 A lord, master (used as a title of UZ I. 1 A. (2008) 1 To chide, upbraid. -2 TO respect in addressing princes). -2 A title used with mock, deride. -8 To speak. -4 To jest, joke. II. 10 the names of learned Brahmanas; a 19: U. ( eyla-) 1 To make fortunate. -2 To cheat Mal. 1; so if : &c. -3 Any learned man or properly wok). -3 To be fortunate. -4 To do an philosopher. - A kind of mixed caste, whose occu- / auspicious act. pation is that of bards or panegyrists; a n zi og: [ 708-39] 1 A buffoon, jester, mime; gu bhaTTI jAto'nuvAcakaH | vaizyAyAM zadravIryeNa pumAneko babhUva h| sabhI bAva acry wallt sosyafa31971: Sarya. s. -2 N. of a mixed 4 nani ala4174: 11 Brav. P.-B A bard, panegyrist. caste; cf. 95.-(pl.) Utensils, implements. -Comp. -Comp. 31 : 1 a title given to a learned man or agrad m. a pseudo ascetic. Ett a harlot, any celebrated teacher (esp. FISHE).-2 a great courtezan. doctor. -717UUT: N. of the author of autetta. Tam: =9417 q. v. 103: A species of wag-tail. ER a. [** Farfacagafa, #3-890] 1 Revered, 097 [H3-beyg] 1 Mail, armour. -2 War, worshipful. -2 A title of respect or distinction used battle. -8 Mischief, wickedness. with proper names; as in WETTER T44 44 214 HOT:, -ugt f. [ 09- ] A wave. Hch. - A noble lord. , pust, ostes: Rubia Munjista (Mar. NERF a. (-falf.) Venerable, worshipful &c.; ! aforg); Hoggoqramista (glesa:) Mb. 6. 97. 21. Bee HETT above. - 1 A sage, saint. - 2 The sun. -3 A god, deity. -4 (In dramas) A king. -8 An epithet HfCT: (*:), Hugte: The Sirisa tree. applied to great and learned men. Comp. -art, usic: The Vata tree (Mar. 7); Ram. 3.75. 24. -alert: Sunday. ufuso a. Happy, auspicious, prosperous, fortunate. HER 1 A noble lady. -2 A goddess, tutelary : 1 Good fortune, happiness, welfare. -2 A mesdeity. senger. -3 A workman, artisan. F: N. of a poet (author of W 169). ug A kind of fish. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #558 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir madantaH 1184 bhayam wera: (Un. 3. 130 ] 1 A term of respect applied to a Buddhist; hra fafata 7 eufa Mu. 4. -2 A Buddhist mendicant (v. l. for W7). 1791: Prosperity, good fortune. a. [#FC-TE PRO FOTO: Un. 2. 28 ] 1 Good, happy, prosperous.-2 Auspicious, blessed; as in way. -3 Foremost, best, chief; 9997 H rafrath: R. 14. 31. -4 Favourable, propitious; H : an HA TH9: Rv. 1. 89. 8. -8 Kind, gracious, excellent, friendly, good; often used in voc. sing. in the sense of 'my good sir', or' my good friend', 'my good lady', 'my dear madam'. -6 Pleasant, enjoyable, lovely, beautiful; I hear fa mi f a a Pt. 1.181.-7 Laudable, desirable, praiseworthy. -8 Beloved, dear. -9 Specious, plausible, hypocritical. -10 Skilful, expert; HESA FU FTOSA a Mb. 4. 11.8.- 1 Happiness, good fortune, welfare, blessing, prosperity ; H aar wat HUT Mal. 1.3; 6.7; cafe fag H HE U. 3. 48; oft. used in pl. in this sense; sarvo bhadrANi pazyatu; bhadraM te 'god bless you', prosperity to you. -2 Gold. -3 A fragrant grass. - Iron, steel. -6 The seventh Karana. - 1 A bullock. -2 A species of wag-tail. -3 A term applied to a particular kind of elephants. -4 An impostor, a hypocrite; Ms. 9. 258. -8 N. of Siva. -6 An epithet of mount Meru. -7 The Devadaru tree. -8 A kind of Kadamba. (He means to shave'; HATTUTH shaving ). -Comp. -377 an epithet of Balarama. -37: N. of a Dyspa. -371 r, -rfa a. of auspicious features. -TICHET: a sword. -3TTET: the sandal tree. -TEETH 1 a chair of state, splendid seat, a throne. -2 a particular posture in meditation. at: an epithet of Siva. To large cardamoms. fo: an epithet of Siva. - : N. of the present age; Buddh. Fa: a beautiful lover or husband. -kArakaa. propitious. -kAlI N. of Durga 3 jayantI mAlA fri Durga pujamantra; H2 98998mAlabhatApatyakAmaH Bhag.5.9.12. -kASTham the tree called Devadaru. : a golden jar filled with water from a holy place, particularly from the Ganges (esp. used at the consecration of a king). "Tutar the construction of magical dia grams. : N. of a mountain; Mark.P. -TE:, -93Fi a vessel from which a lottery is drawn. 475 m., n. a sort of pine. -ATHT m. 1 & wag-tail. -2 the wood-pecker. Tel: certain vessels of copper etc. fashioned for gifts; pa g waffe gracia saa raului Vaman P. Tafa: a gracious king. -oh 1 a splendid seat, chair of state, throne; Bilgrat HATA HIETH Ram. 2. 14. 34; 349: 999 W4tqarstah R. 17. 10. -2 a kind of winged insect. -3: an epithet of Balarama. yer a. 'of an auspicious face', used as a polite address, good sir', 'gentle sir'; S. 7; TC TE FUTE Fug 91: Mark. P. (eft) good lady; V.2. - (-ear) Cyperus Rotunda (Mar. aTTT). -UT: an epithet of a particular kind of elephant. -ig: N. of Indra's elephant. a m. a kind of jasmine. -ar f. a kind or friendly speech. faciet N. of a metreoje taparau jarau guruzcen msau jgau bhavirATa V. Ratna. ret: an epithet of Kartikeya.-944,-farosandalwood. ->t: f. the sandal tree. h an epithet of the Ganges. E a. (f t f.) 1 Good, auspicious. -2 Handsome, beautiful. -3 Virtuous (G ); fa farei are Hitt: 95: Ms. 9. 226. - 1 The Devadaru tree. -2 A kind of bean; aleaga sa tai Ram. 2. 32. 20. 41 N. of a metre of 22 syllables; a 194 galerfaca pe H ACH V. Ratna. - 2 Cyperus Rotunda (Mar. TTTH ). -3 A particular posture in sitting. -4 A particular mystic sign. -8 A harem. H5T a. One who confers prosperity. at a. Auspicious. -n. The Devadaru tree. - A wanton woman, courtezan. HET 1 A cow. -2 N. of the second, seventh, and twelfth days of a lunar fortnight. -8 The celestial Ganges. -4 N. of various plants such as 8-at, 31914GITI, 1, 5 , 7, Tal etc. - N. of several goddesses and rivers. - N. of Subhadra, sister of Krisna and Balarama; h&T&T4 Mb. 8. 31. 2; 1. 121. 21. -Comp. -FiTUTH tonsure, the act of shaving. - sandal wood. HET 1 An amulet. -2 = HET (2) above. ** 1 P.( Hafa) 1 To worship. -2 To cry, shout, resound. HET I. 1 A. ( d) 1 To tell a good news. -2 To be glad. -8 To be fortunate. - To be excellent. -8 To honour, worship. - To shine.-II. 10 U. (auft# 1 To do an auspicious act. -2 To cause to thrive. 4 1 Prosperity; L. D.B. -2 Happiness; L. D.B. Afgh 1 Prosperity, good fortune. -2 Tremulous motion. -8 A messenger (m.?). **: 1 A fly. -2 Smoke. H:, -HH The mouth of an oven or stove. A kettlodrum. HIS, H A 1 A gadfly. -2 A gnat. bhaMbhAravaH The lowing of a cow. 444 (Pawatara, off-3991EURa 317] 1 Fear, alarm, dread, apprehension, (oft. with abl.); a giant eyrandi fatt 3971644 Bh. 3. 35; af 44149149 affa For Private and Personal Use Only Page #559 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhayanam 188 bharata: Theft, taking away. -7 Attacking, a battle (Ved.). -8 A hymn or song of praise. -9 Pre-eminence, excellence; a ag 449 STUTT F ORT HT: V. 5. 18. ........ 44 Ve. 3. 4. -2 Fright, terror; 1944 &c. -3 A danger, risk, hazard ; 1196469 Wach 1964471111 31 ate at: Baufah H. 1. 54. -4 The sentiment of fearsee bhayAnaka below; raudrazaktyA tu janita / fnahu 2 S. D. 6. -8 The blossom of Trapa Bispinosa (Mar. 1) -2: Sickness, disease. -Comp. rea, -3711 a a. overcome with fear. -34TE a. warding off or removing fear. (- ) 1 N. of Visnu. - a king. -10T, - 1 a. afraid, alarmed, frightened. -Tag a. 1 causing fear, formidable. -2 risky; ay AY 2: qual harak: Bg. 3. 35. -34 a. attended with or succeeded by fear. - a. wholly overpowered by fear. -FT: tremour of fear. it also 1097) a. 1 frightening, terrible, fearful. -2 dangerous, perilous; so 4491, H40. m. N. of Visnu; *489 49917a: V. Sah. -fish: a drum used in battle. - a. a deliverer from fear. aft a. 1 fearful. 2 intimidating. - a. fleeing from fear, routed, put to flight. Ta removing fear. (--:) N. of Visnu; 1778C 7991TA: V. Sah. -pratIkAraH warding off or removal of tears. -prada a. inspiring fear, fearful, terrible. Teata: an occasion of fear. -TIGT: a timid Brahmana, a Brahmana who, to save himself from danger, declares his! caste relying on the inviolability of a Brahmaua. - TV a. put to flight. -faga a. panic-struck. OTE: a particular array of troops when they are threatened with danger; wia: al hi 774 996999 Kam. -aire a. timid.-sthAnam,-hetuH a cause of fear; harSasthAnasahasrANi 464721a a Mb. 18. 5. 61.-5d, ifta a. removing fear, dispelling alarm. 999 Fear, alarm. H* T a. =#7*7 q. v. (--:) A kind of owl. OTTE a. ( a kh, -27174; Un. 3. 82 ] Fearful, horrible, terrible, frightful; fra: 1 397774 FITT U. 2; Si. 17. 20; gaia 441941 Bg. 11. 27. - 1 A tiger. -2 N. of Rahu. -3 The sentiment of terror, one of the eight or nine sentiments in poetry; 251 252 212: 116: S. D.; See under th. - Terror, fear. Huly a. Timid, afraid. HT a. [ -319) Bearing, granting, supporting, &c. (at the end of comp.). -T: 1 A burden, load, weight; i par Pt. 1 supporting himself on his three hoofs'; ***T UTA 147 &c. U. 2. 20; 778441 Mu. 2. 18; Ki. 11. 5. -2 A great number, large quantity, collection, multitude; # # F849741 By. 1. 94, 54; Si. 9. 47. -8 Bulk, mass. - 4 Excess; ad affMYZUcuz fifta ut sivamahimna 10; roch fa yotama Mal. 6. 17; 24: : By. 1. 103 ; 19 Git. 3. -8 A particular measure of weight. -8 .. ...175 TUT, TOT ind. In full measure, with all one's might. T: ( 7-8727] 1 A potter. -2 A servant. HTUT a. (oft f.) [4-es, ar ] Bearing, maintaining, supporting, nourishing. -TH 1 The act of nourishing, maintaining or supporting; at TETTATUTEKutafa (foar R. 1. 24; yaitutet ha sfantu TOTT S. 7.33.-2 (a) The act of bearing or carrying. (6) Wearing, putting on; YU TEH17 7: FAT HEMA Ram. 7. 76. 32. -8 Bringing or procuring. -4 Nutriment. -8 Hire, wages. -UT: The constellation Bharani. oft N. of the second constellation containing three stars. Comp. - an epithet of Rahu. TUT: -8708) 1 A master, lord. -2 A prince, king. -8 An ox, a bull. -4 A worm. UTH 1 Cherishing, supporting, maintaining. -2 Wages, hire. -3 The lunar mansion Bharani. - 1 Wages, hire. -2 A woman. -Comp. -Y m. a hired servant, hireling. rug: 1 A master. -2 A protector. -8 A friend. - Fire. -8 The moon. -6 The sun. a: [ Mi gata 79-5 ] 1 N. of the son of Dusyanta and Sakuntala, who became a universal monarch (anafci), India being called Bharatavarsa after him. He was one of the remote ancestors of the Kauravas and Pandavas; c. S. 7. 33. -2 N. of a brother of Rama, son of Kaikeyi, the youngest wife of Dasaratha. He was very pious and righteous, and was so much devoted to Rama that when the latter prepared to go to the forest in accordance with the wicked demand of Kaikeyi, he was very much grieved to find that his own mother had sent his brother into exile, and refusing the sovereignty that was his own, ruled the kingdom in the name of Rama (by bringing from him his two sandals and making them the regents' of the realm ) till he returned after his fourteen years' exile. ATA AUTTA: Tag : ed: agfeat yo: Il Ram. 1. 18. 13.-3 N. of an ancient sage who is supposed to have been the founder of the science of music and dramaturgy. -4 An actor, a stage-player; altera at: Mal. 1. 6 A hired soldier, mercenary. - A barbarian, mountaineer. -7 An epithet of Agni. -8 A weaver. -9 N. of the sage Jada bharata. -Comp. 315T: 'the elder brother of Bharata', an epithet of Rama; era a R. 14. 73. N. of Visva mitra.- , -reci, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #560 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1188 bhala By: the best or most distinguished of the descendants of Bharata. 34 N. of a part of India; au Haqe pyara 2086770.- a. knowing the science of Bharata or the dramatic science. -Fi, Fian actor; a mime. -at: 'the country of Bharata', i.e. India. -TP the last verse or verses in a drama, a sort of benediction said to be in honour of Bharata, the founder of the dramatic science); 291012HI 97891444 occurring in every play ); cf. Nag. 5 (end.) - = ateenan. TO: 1 A sovereign, king. -2 Fire. -8 A deity presiding over one of the regions of the world (* ). T&TT 1 N. of one of the seven sa ges; a * ziSyAn bhare devAn bhare dvijAn / bhare bhAryA bharadvAjAM bharadvAjo'smi Tal Mb. 2 A sky.lark. a. Bearing, possessing, maintaining, supporting (at the end of comp.), as in setuft &c. aftoft Green colour. fra a. 1 Nourished, maintained. -2 Filled with, full ot; jagajjAlaM kartA kusumabharasaurabhyabharitam Bv.1.54,33. -8 Weighted; useatsfa Tartufayt: facit gafa Ve. 2. 22. -4 Green. -a: The green colour. bharitram Vod. The arm; aMzuM duhanti hastino bharitraiH Rv. 3. 36. 7. HT m. 1 Supporting, nourishing.-2 A family. -8 N. of Visnu. H6 1 A husband. - A lord. -8 N. of Siva. -4 01 Visnu. -8 Gold; Mb. 2. -8 The sea. 157083: N. of a country (v. l. 4523 ). HEFT: (-5 or otr.) 1 A jackal. -2 Roasted barley. bharuTakam Fried meat. : 1 N. of Siva. -% Of Brahman. -8 Radiance, lustre; afecarpa at reg Toura: Yogiyajnaval. kya. - Roasting. bhargas n. Radiance, lustre; devasya bhargo manasedaM jajAna Bhag. 5. 7. 14; 3 al afagato ai dat4 THE Gayatrimantra, Rv. 3. 62. 10. 8: An epithet of Siva. a a. (949 m ) Roasting, trying, baking. - 2 Annihilating. - 1 The act of roasting or frying; bharjanaM bhavabIjAnAmarjanaM sukhasaMpadAm Ramaraksa 36. -2 A frying-pan. walau: a. 1 To be borne or carried. -2 To be hired or kept. 8 m. [727] 1 A husband; 96ta fazla at 24 Bh. 2. 8; but waf data ger Mal. 6. 18. -8 A lord, master, superior; af: 71a Me. 1; 170deg, ao &c. -3 A leader, commander, chief; F T496&T HTA TIFICATUR. 7.41.-4A supporter, bearer, protector; af farat 370: gat wala Bri. Up. 1.3.18. -8 The creator. -6 N. of Visnu ; #971 1971 waf V. Sah. Comp. -TOT: the excellence or virtue of a husband; 3 grea: star a: agu: T: Ms. 9. 21. -st a woman who murders her husband; 990 Tara Hewa: 1471fcht: Y. 3. 6. -fatt a. thinking of a husband; Ks. - a crown-prince, prince royal, young prince, an heirapparent (a term of address chiefly used in dramas). - a young princess (a term of address in dramas).-devatA,-devatA idolizing a husband.-priya, - a. devoted to one's master. -1: the husband's world; fa en aftalan Edua H afa Ms. 5.165.- fidelity or devotion to a husband. (-a) a virtuous and devoted wife; cf. afaraar. - grief for the death of the husband.-aft: N. of a celebrated author to whom are ascribed the three Satakas (lei, afla and 14 and also a1749474 und - #164. - a. (a slave) whose possessions may be taken by his master; a fearga rret i mjamzitat pe : Ms. 8. 417. eta a. abandoned by a master. erah 1 Masterhood. - Husbandship. what A married woman whose husband is living; TFSFY4 audit fagur . 5. 17. ETT ind. In the possession of a husband ; at married; Y. = 1 A mother. -2 A female supporter. 10 A. (id; P. also sometimes ) 1 To menace, threaten. - To revile, reproach, abuse. -8 To deride. HET: [eg] A threatener, reviler. - H ATT H ] 1 Threatening, reviling. -2 A threat, menace. -8 Reproach, abuse. - 4 A curse. a p. p. Reviled, reproached, abused. 14 Reviling &c. See wha. * 1 Wages, hire. -2 Gold. -8 The navel. bharmaNyA Wages, hire. ( ) 1 P. To kill, to hurt; L. D. B. . (-afar ] 1 Support, maintenance, nourishment; $aTygerokaisa fatiary for R. 3. 12. - Wages, hire. -3 Gold. - Gold coin. -8 The navel. - A burden, load. -7 A house. I. 10 A. ( , mesa) To see, behold. -II. 1 A. 1 See here. -2 To expound, explain. ind. ( Vedic ) Certainly, indeed; cf. Mar. . For Private and Personal Use Only Page #561 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1187 bhavantI .. . 1 A. (H , a1 To describe, narrate, tell. -2 To wound, hurt, kill. -8 To give. a. Auspicious, favourable. -Comp. 3987: = HET a term used for addressing a flamingo; Ch. Up. WE, 1,5h (Heg-39] A kind of crescentshaped missile or arrow; * TH : Tie passe Ram. 6. 59. 99; eft vifau f R. 9. 66; 4. 63; 7. 58. -2 A particular part of an arrow; favoj hra garsia aj 947 1 Affareu a: Arar fuertaa Il Mb. 8. 34. 18. 9: 1 A bear. -2 An epithet of Siva. -3 The marking-nut-plant (et also ). 494, 914: A bear; Bhag. 3. 10. 24. gra, 16 The marking-nut-plant. Mar. bibbA); bhallAtakaM phalaM pakkaM svAdupAkararsa lghu| kaSAyaM pAcana snigdhaM arpotwi WG I qui afai efa arahat Bhava. P.; Bhag. 8. 2. 14; (also n.). Hey : 1 A bear. -2 A monkey. He : 1 A bear; Tula 26TH5147 HEYATHU.2.21; -2 A dog. 7 a. [*4417, 4-99 319] (At the end of comp.) Arising or produced from, originating in. -a: 1 Being, state of being, existence, ( ); ay facceafaca a i faca wafafan Bhag. 4. 3. 11. -2 Birth, production ; H ana na R. 3. 14; $. 7. 27. -8 Source, origin. -4 Worldly existence; mundane or worldly life, life; as in aria, Harm &c.; qraftyd 49 4999: Ku. 2. 51; alan : foar R. 14. 74; Si. 1. 35. -8 The world. -8 Well-being, health, prosperity; 914 yearaf Bhag. 10. 27.9; guidafaa 349: Bhag. 8. 6. 19; Ram. 5. 27. 6. -7 Excellence, superiority. -8 N. of Siva; 749 Haselager 911 TT roti 97497 yote na: Sat. Br.; 271 +1998na Ku. 1.21; 8.72.-9 A god, deity. -10 Acquisition ( a ). -et (dual) Siva and Bhavani. -Comp. -TT the farthest end of the world; Buddh. - fan a. overcoming worldly existence. -TTT m. 1 N. of Buddha. -2 an epithet of Brahman. -3 arcu another existence previous or future); 14 . quitar arat Pt. 1. 121. ri, poter, - , -MTC:, -fary: the ocean of worldly life. That ( m. dual.) 1 existence. -2 prosperity and adversity. Area bdellium. -ayanA, -nI the Ganges. -araNyam a torest of worldly life,' a dreary world. -3764FT: an epithet of Ganesa or Kartikeya. -3118 a. sick of the world, disgusted with worldly cares and troubles. T: N. of Siva. -3069: destruction of worldly existence; at 1987: Tara R. 14. 74. -ferfat: f. the place of birth. TEHT a forest-conflagration. -fua. cutting the bonds of) worldly life, preventing recurrence of birth; bhavacchidastryambakapAdapAMzavaH K.1. -chedaH prevention of recurring birth; H964 af atgart Jaarg de #: Tay: Si. 1. 35. Jo the water (or ocean) of worldly existence. -75 . the deradaru tree. Trait N. of the river Sarayu.-afaciet: coming into being. FEST: N. of Siva. -* delivery from births or transmigration. I a. living in the world of mortals. - TT a. conferring welfare. 1 a. afraid of worldly existence. the source of all beings, i.o. the Supreme Being. fa: N. of a celebrated poet (see App. II.); wc: #91 4974 Hawai Sacs 502 fequr trefa 91911 Arya. S. 36. (-f.) welfare, prosperity. -1: the enjoyment or pleasure of the world.-: the resentment against the world. HET: N. of Krisna. Em. a drum beaten at funeral ceremonies. -aia: f. 1 liberation from worldly existence; H01 BagaT48149ayraft : 7474 Ki. 6. 41. -2 end of the world. 9: (du.) birth and dissolution. - Tert: the moon. NTT d. attached to worldly existence. Biara: an uninterrupted series of births and transmigrations. 9 a. 1 Living, existing.-2 Giving a blessing. at a. ( cft f.) 1 Being, becoming, happening. -2 Present; eta 79EUR wa a R. 8. 78. -pron. a. (-at f.) A respectful or honorific pronoun, translated by 'your honour,' 'your lordship, worship or highness'; (oft. used in the sense of the second personal pronoun, but with the third person of the verb); athavA kathaM bhavAn Hd M. 1; 1977 ga Arufa augustafah U. 5. 23; R. 2.40; 3. 48; 5. 16. It is often joined to 317 or 19 (see the words ), and sometimes to also; yrat fautfah fage Mal. 1. 9. Comp. - ind. in present, past and future. E a. wealthy, opulent. wact 1 Your ladyship, lady. -2 A poisoned arrow. -3 Shining; L. D. B. aan (T-BTC ) 1 Being, existence. - Production, birth. 3 An a bode, residence, dwelling, mansion; 37291 292 fetsfu Mk. 3; Me. 34 ; Ram. 7. 11. 50. -4 A site, abode, receptacle; as in sfa94994 Pt. 1. 191. -8 A building. - A field; wa T a 9844 Mb.5. 84. 15. -7 Nature. -8 Horoscope, natal star. A dog. Comp. - 3 4 the interior of a house. -dvAram a palace-gate. -patiH , -svAmin m. the lord of the house, a pater familias. aarat a. 1 To be about to take place. -2 Impending. Fai, -fra: The time being, present time. Taraft 1 A virtuous wife. - Time being, present time; Un. 3. 50. -8 (In gram.) A technical term for the present tense For Private and Personal Use Only Page #562 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhavAnI 1188 bhasmakam growl. bhavAnI N. of Parvati, wite of Siva; AlambatAgrakaramatra | Bri. Up. 4. 4. 15.-3 Likely to become. -4 Suitables bhavo bhavAnyAH Ki.5.29; Ku.7.843 Me. 38,46%3 bhavAni stotuM proper, fit, worthy; iti tyAjye bhave bhavyo muktAvuttiSThate janaH tvAM prabhavati caturbhirna vdnaiH| prajAnAmIzAnasnipuramathanaH paJcabhirapi / / Ki. ll. 133; yatpAdapadmamabhavAya bhajanti bhavyAH Bhag. 1. 15. 17. Anandalahari. -Comp. -guru an epithet of the moun- -8 Good, nice, excellent. -6 Auspicious, fortunate, tain Himalaya. -ofa: an epithet of Siva; stala happy; samAdhimatyAmudapAdi bhavyA Ku. 1.22; anugrahAyeha sadA yadenaM janairaviditavibhavo bhavAnIpatiH Ki 5. 21. caranti nUnaM bhUtAni bhavyAni janArdanasya Bhag. 3.5.3; Ki. 3. bhavAdRkSa (-kSI/.),bhavAdRz .,bhavAdRza .(-zI/.) 12%; 10.51. -7 Handsome, lovely, beautiful; mRduzca sthiracittazca sadAbhavyo'nasUyaka: Ram. 2. 2. 32. -8 Calm, Like your honour, like you. tranquil, placid; bhavyo bhavannapi munariha zAsanena (kSAtre sthitaH bhavikaa. (-kI/.) 1 Beneficial, suitable, useful. pathi) Ki.5.49. -9 True. -vyA N. of Parvati. -vyam -2 Happy, prosperous. -3 Righteous, pious. -kam 1 Existence. -2 Future time. -8 Result, fruit. -4 Good Prosperity, welfare. result, prosperity; R. 17.53. -3 A bone. -vyaH, -vyam bhavitavya pot. p. About to take place, about to one division of the poetical Rasas. -Comp. -manas a. happen, likely to be, often used like ou impersonally, well-meaning, benevolent. 1. 6. in the neuter gender and singular number, bhavadIya a. Your honour's, your, thine. with the instrumental of the subject and the predicative word; tvayA mama sahAyena bhavitavyam 5.27 guruNA kAraNena bhAvatka.. Belonging to your honour; bhAvatkariva bhavitavyam 5. 6. -vyam What is destined to happen; dhavalairyazaHpravAhai: keSAM no janayati cetasi pramodam Ram. Ch. 7.2. bhavitavyaM bhavatyeva yadvidhermanasi sthitam Subhas. bhaS 1 P. (bhaSati) 1 To bark, growl, bark at; bhavitavyatA Inevitable necessity, necessary conse naiSAdi zvA samAlakSya bhaSastasthau tadantike Mb. 1. 132. 39. -2 To quence, later destiny; bhavitavyatA balavatI 5.6% sarvakaSA a buse, reproach, revile, rail at. bhagavatI bhavitavyataiva Mal. 1. 23. bhaSaH, -bhaSaka: A dog. bhavita ra. (-trI /.) [bhU-tRc] 1 About to become, bhaSaNa: A dog. -Nam The barking of a dog, a future; sA vyatyagAdanyavadhUbhavitrI R. 6.523 samAdidezaikavardhU bhavitrIm Ku.1.50.-2 Imminent, impending.-8 Being or faring well. bhaSI f. A bitch. bhavin a. Living, being. -m. A living being. bhas... Ashes ; dadarza talpe'gnimivAhitaM bhasi Bhag. 10.6.7. bhavinaH A poet; also bhavinin m. bhas I. 3 P. (babhasti ) 1 To shine. -2 To revile, blame, abuse. -II. 1P. (bhasati) To eat. bhavila . [bhU-bhaviSyati ilac] 1 Being, living. -2 Future. -3: 1 A paramour. - A sensualist, volup bhasa a. Shining; tanuvArabhaso bhAsvAn Ki. 15. 23. tuary. -lam A house. bhasad m. [Un 1. 127 ] 1 The sun. -2 Flesh. -3 A bhaviSNu [bhU-iSNuc] 1 To be about to become or take kind of duck. -4 Time. -5 A float (plava). -8 The place. -2 Future. hinder parts (said to be f. and n. also).-7 Pudendum muliebre. -8 A month. bhaviSya a. 1 Future; naitadanye kariSyanti bhaviSyA vasudhAdhipAH Mb. 14.87.21. -2 Imminent, impending; zrutvA sAMgrAmikI bhasanaH A boe. vArtA bhaviSyAM svAminaM prati Pt. 1. 91. -vyam The future, bhasantaH Time. futurity. -Comp. -kAla: the future tense. -jJAnam knowledge of futurity. -purANam N. of one of the 18 bhasita a. Reduced to ashes%3 yastvantakAla idamAtmakRtaM Puranas. svanetravahisphuligAzakhayA bhasitaM na veda Bhag. 8.7.32. -tam Ashes ; analabhasitajAlAspadamabhUt Bv. 1.84; bhAsitolanavidhim Haurt a. (of or-raft f.) About to be, become Sundaralahari 2. or come to pass, future. -2. The future time. -Comp. -3 TETT: 1 denying the occurrence of a possible future bhastrakA,-bhatrA, -bhastri:/. [bhas-STran ] 1 A bellows%3; event.-2a lind of Alankara or figure of speech; so'yaM bhanAH kiM na zvasantyuta Bhag. 2. 3. 18. -2 A leathern vessel bhaviSyadAkSepaH praagevaatimnsvinii| kadAcidaparAdho'sya bhAvItyevamarunddha for holding water. - A pouch, leathern bag; Hal Alat yat // Kav. 2. 126. -kAla: futurity. -vakta, -vAdin a. pituH putro yena jAtaH sa eva saH Mb. 1.74.10; Bhag. 9.20.21. predicting future events, prophesying. bhastrikA A little bag. bhavya a. [bhU-kartari ni yat ] 'bhavyaM sukhe zubhe cApi bhedyabadyogya- bhasmakam 1 Gold or silver. -2 Mor bid appetite from Wirant:' Visva. 1 Existing, being, being present. -2 over-digestion of tood; kaTvAdilakSAnnabhujAM narANAM kSINe kaphe Future, about to be; IzAnaM bhUtabhavyasya na tatI vijugupsate | maarutpittvRddhau| AtipravRddhaH pabanAnvito'gnirbhuktaM kSaNAd bhasma karoti For Private and Personal Use Only Page #563 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir masman 1189 bhAga: dyAmabhAsayat || Ram.6.75.51; tAvad bhA bhArave ti yAvanmAghasya alca: Udb. -2 A shadow, reflection. -3 Likeness, resemblance. -4 The shadow of a gnomon. Comp. -ku (kU)Ta: a species of fish. -kozaH,-Sa: the sun. -gaNa: the whole group of constellations 3 karAladaMSTrAbhirudastabhAgaNam Bhag. 4. 5. 11. -nikaraH a mass of light, collection of rays. -nemiH the sun. -maNDalam a halo of light. -rUpaH the soul. (-pam) Brahman. -vanam a. mass of rays or light. yasmAt // tasmAdasau bhasmakasaMjJako'bhUdupekSito'yaM pacate ca dhAtUn / Bhava. P. -8 A kind of disease of the eyes. bhasman // [ bhas-manin ] 1 Ashes ; ( kalpate) dhruvaM citAbhasmarajo vizuddhaye Ku. 5. 79. -2 Sacred ashes (smeared on the body); mahAdevo'tha tadbhasma manobhavazarIrajam / AdAya sarvagAtreSu bhUtilepaM tadAkarot || Kalika P. ( bhasmani hu 'to sacrifice in ashes', i. e. to do a useless work). -Comp. -STA: morbid appetite from rapid digestion of food. -avazeSa a. remaining in the form of ashes ; bhasmAvazeSa madanaM cakAra Ku.3.7235.3.3.-aGga: a kind of pigeon.(-Ggam) a kind of gem (Mar. peroja). -AhvayaH camphor. -uddhRlanam, -guNThanam smearing the body with ashes , bhasmoDUlana bhadramastu bhavate K. P. 10. -kAra: a washerman. -kUTa: 3 heap of ashes. -ga: Dalbergia Ongeinensis (Mar. tivasa).-gandhA,-gandhikA, -gandhinI a kind of perfume. nagAtra: N. of the god of love. -caya: a heap of ashes. -tulam 1 trost, snow. -2 a shower of dust. -3a number of villages. -priyaH an epithet of Siva. -bhUta a. dead. -meha: a sort of gravel. -roga: a kind of disease 3 ot. bhasmAgni. -lepanam smearing the body with ashes. -vidhi: any rite performed with ashes. -vedhaka: camphor. -zakaraH (probably) potash. -zAyin m. N. of Siva. -sUta-karaNam calcining of quicksilver. -snAnam purification by ashes. bhasmatA The state of ashes. bhasmasAt ind. 1 To the state of ashes; "kR' to reduce to ashes.' "bhU to be reduced to ashes. bhasmA (smI) kR8U. To reduce to ashes. bhasmIkaraNam 1 Reducing to ashes. -2 Completely consuming or burning. -3 Calcining. bhasmIkRta a. 1 Reduced to ashes. -2 Calcined (as a metal). -3 Powdered (cUrNIkRta), tenaiva toraNenAtha yakSastenAbhitADitaH / nAdRzyata tadA yakSo bhasmIkRtatanustadA || Ram. 7. 14.29. bhasmIbhU 1 P. 1 To be reduced to ashes ; bhasmIbhUtasya dehasya punarAgamanaM kutaH Sarva.s. -3 To become worthless%, bhasmIbhUteSu vipreSu mohAddattAni dAtRbhiH (nazyanti) Ms. 3.9734.188. bhA 2 P. (bhAti, bhAta; caus. bhApayati-te; desid. bibhAsati) 1 To shine, be bright or splendid, be luminous; 91 saro bhAti sadaH khljnairvinaa| kaTuvarNavinA kAvyaM mAnasaM viSayairvinA By. 1. 1163 samatItya bhAti jagatI jagatI Ki. 5. 20%; R. 3. 183 bhAti zrIramaNAvatAradazakaM bAle bhavatyAH stane Uab. -2 To seem, appear; bubhukSitaM na prati bhAti kiMcit Mbh. -3 To be, exist. -4 To be pleased. -8 To show oneself. -8 To blow; [the following verse gives different meanings of the verb : -babhau marutvAn vikRtaH sa-mudro (to shine) babhau marutvAn vikRtaH s-mudrH| (to be pleased) babhau marutvAn vikRtaH samudro (to be) babhI marutvAn vikRtaH sa mudrH|| (to blow). Bk. 10. 19]. bhA [bhA-a TAp ] 1 Lighty splendour, lustre, beauty; tatra tArAdhipasyAbhA tArANAM bhA tathaiva ca / tayorAbharaNAbhA ca jvalitA bhAkara See bhAskara under bhAs. bhAktaa.1 Regularly fed by another, a dependant, retainer. -2 Fit for tood. -3 Inferior, secondary (opp. mukhya ), often used in the S. B. in this sense. -4 Used in a secondary sense. bhAktika: A retainer, dependant. bhAkSa a. (-kSI /.) [bhakSA zIlamasya aN ] Voracious, . gluttonous. bhAgaH [bhaj bhAve gham ] 1 A part, portion, share, division%3 as in bhAgahara, bhAgazaH &c. -2 Allotment, distribution, partition.-3 Lot, tate; nirmANabhAgaH pariNataH 7.4. -4 A part of any wholea fraction.-8 The numerator of a fraction. -6 A quarter, one-fourth part. -7 A degree or the 360th part of the circumference of a circle. -8 The 30th part of a zodiacal sign. -9 The quotient. -10 Room, space, spot, region, place; ayaneSu ca sarveSu yathAbhAgamavasthitAH Bg. 1. 11.; R. 18.47. -11 A portion payable to Government; sItA, bhAgo, baliH, karo ......rASTram Kau. A. 2.6.24. -12 One of the four contentments (San. Phil.), AdhyAtmikAzcatasraH prakRtyupAdAnakAlabhAgAkhyAH (v.1. bhAgyAkhyAH ) San. K.50. -18 A halfrupee. -14 The number eleven. -Comp.-anubandhajAtiH f. assimilation of quantities by fractional increase. -apavAhajAtiH ,-apavAhanam /.assimilation of quantities by tractional decrease. -apahArin a. receiving a share. -arthin a. desirous of a share. -ahe a. entitled to a share or inheritance. -kalpanA allotment of shares. -jAtiHf. reduction of fractions to a common denominator (in math.). -dhAnam a treasury. -dheyam 1 a share, part, portion; ucchiSTa bhAgadheya syAddarbheSu vikirazca yaH Ms. 3. 245% nIvArabhAgadheyocitairmRgaiH R. 1. 50. -2 fortune, destiny, luck. -3good fortune or luck; tad bhAgadheyaM paramaM pazUnAm Bh. 2. 12. - property. -8 happiness. (-yaH)1 atax; anyameva bhAgadheyamete tapasvino nirvapanti S.2. -2 an heir. -bhAj a. interested, a sharer or partner. -bhuja m. a king, govereign. -mAta/ (in alg.) aparticular rule of division. -lakSaNA a kind of lakSaNA or secondary use of a word by which it partly loses and partly retains its primary meaning; also called jahadajahallakSaNA; e.g. so'yaM devadattaH. -lekhyam a partition-deed; vibhAgapatraM kurvanti bhAgalekhyaM taducyate Sukra. 2. 297. -haraH 1 a co-heir. - division (in math.). -hAra: division (in math.), For Private and Personal Use Only Page #564 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhAgakaH 1100 bhAjita -hArin a. entitled to a share, inheriting. (-m.) 1 an heir. -2 division. bhAgaka: A divider. ITTEL 1 The poriod of the sun's passing through the signs of the zodiac. -2 The circumference of a great circle. bhAgazas ind. 1 In parts or portions, part by part. -2 According to the share. bhAgika .1 Relating to a part. -2 Forming a part. -3 Fractional. - Bearing interest; (bhAgika zatam 'one part in a hundred', i. e. one per cent; so 1971 viMzatiH &c.). bhAgin a. [bhAga-ini] 1 Consisting of shares or parts. -2 Sharing, having a share; rUpasya bhAgI bhavati dRSTametatpurAtanaiH Mb. 3.84.57. -3 Sharing or participating in, partaking of; as in 5:Page #565 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhAjin 1101 - - bhAjin m. [bhaj-Nini ] A servant. HIT 1 Rice, gruel. - A kind of seasoned food; L. D. B. bhAjya [bhaj-Nyat ] Divisible. -jyam 1 A portion, share. -2 An inheritance.-3 (In arith.) The dividend. bhATam ,bhATakam Wages, hire, rent; gRhavApyApaNAdIni gRhItvA bhATakena yaH / svAmino nArpaye yAvat tAvad dApyaH sa bhATakam // Vriddhamanu. bhATi:1.1 Wages, hire. -2 The earnings of harlots. bhATTaH [bhaTTasyAnuyAyI, aN] A tollower of Bhatta, a follower of that school of the Mimamsa philosophy which was founded by Kumarila Bhatta. bhANaH, bhANikA A species of dramatic composition; in it only one character is introduced on the stage which supplies the place of interlocutors by a copious use of AkAzabhASita qv. bhANaH syAdbhUrtacarito nAnAvasthAntarAtmakaH / ekAGka eka evAtra nipuNaH paNDito vittH|| 8. D.513%3 see the next stanzas also; e.g. basantatilaka, mukundAnanda, lIlAmadhukara &c. bhANaka: A declarer, proclaimer. bhANDam [ bhAND-ac bhaN-Da khArthe aN vA Tv.] 1 A vessel, pot, utensil (plater dish, can &c.); brahmA yena kulAlavaniyamito brahmANDabhANDodare Bh.2.95% nIlIbhANDam ' an indigo-vat'; 80 kSIrabhANDam 'milk-pail'; surA, madya &c.-2 A box, trunk, chest, case; kSurabhANDam Pt. 1.-8 Any tool or instrument, an implement.-4A musical instrument; veNAnA bhANDavAdanam Ms.10.49.-BGoods, wares, merchandise, shop-keeper's stock; bhANDapUrNAni yAnAni tAyeM dApyAni sArataH Ms. 8.405%3 mathurAgAmIni bhANDAni Pt.1.-8 A bale of goods. -7 (Fig.) Any valued possession, treasure; zAntaM vA raghunandane tadubhayaM tatputrabhANDaM hi me U.4.24. -8 The bed of a river. -9 Trappings or harness of a horse; nAnAGkacihnarnavahemabhANDa: Bu. Ch.2.4. -10 Buffioonery, mimicry (from bhaNDa). -11 An ornament in general; nAnAvikRtasaMsthAnaM vAjibhANDaparicchadam / gajaveyakakSyAzca rathabhANDAMzca saMskRtAn || Ram.6.75. 10. -12 Paraphernalia (upakaraNajAtam ); AbhiSecanikaM bhANDaM kRtvA Ram.2.19. 31. -18 Capital (mUladhana), so'pi dRSTrabaiva taM vipramAyAntaM bhANDajIvanaH Mb. 12.261.46. -NDAH (m. pl.) Wares, merchandise. -Comp.-a (A)gAraH, -ram 1a store-house, store-room (lit. where household goods and utensils &c. are kept); bhANDAgArANyakRta viduSAM sA svayaM bhogabhAji Vikr. 18.45.-2 treasury; jJAna.-3 a collection, store, magazine. -AgArika: 1 a storekeeper. -2 treasurer. -gopaka: the keeper of vessels (in a temple) Buddh. -patiH a merchant. -puTa:1a barber. -2 kind of contrivance for calcining metals. -gey: a sort of snake. -pratibhANDakam barter, computation of the exchange of goods. -bharaka: the contents of a vessel. -mUlyam capital in the torm ot wares.-vAdanam playing on a musical instrument. -zAlA . store-house, store. mAnu .................................................... bhANDakA,-kam A small vessel, cup. -kam Goods, merchandise, wares. bhANDAram A store-house, store. bhANDArika = bhANDAgArika q.v. bhANDArin m. The keeper of a store-house. fos: f. A razor-case. Comp. -alk: a barber. -zAlA a barber's shop. bhANDikaH, -la: A barber. bhANDikA An implement, a tool, utensil. bhANDinI A chest, basket; santi niSkasahasrasya bhANDinyo bharitAH zubhAH Mb. 2.61. 2. Hroett: The Indian fig-tree. bhAta p. p. [ bhA-kta ] Shining, brilliant, bright. -taH Dawn, morning. bhAtiH . [bhA-ktic] 1 Light, brightness, lustre, splendour. -2 Perception, knowledge (jJAna or pratIti); nirUpiteyaM trividhA nirmUlA bhAtirAtmani Bhag. 11.28. 7. bhAtu: The sun. bhAdraH, bhAdrapadaH [bhadrAbhiryuktA paurNamAsI bhAdrI sA yasmin mAse 3107] N. of a lunar month (corresponding to AugustSeptember), bhAdradvaye sAgare Jyotisam. -dAH ( N. of the 25th and 26th lunar mansions (pUrvAbhAdrapadA and uttarAbhAdrapadA). bhAdrapadI, bhAdrI The day of full moon in the month of Bhadrapada. bhAdramAturaH The son of a virtuous or good mother (bhadramAturapatyam ). bhAnam [ bhA-bhAve lyuT] 1 Appearing, being visible. -2 Light, lustre. -3 Perception, knowledge. bhAnatas ind. In consequence of the appearance. bhAnavaa. Peculiar to the sun. -vI A kind of pace (in music). bhAnavIyam The right eye. bhAnuH [bhA-nu Un. 3. 32] 1 Light, lustre, brightness. -2 A ray of light; maNDitAkhiladiprAntAbaNDAMzoH pAntu bhAnavaH Bv. 1. 129; Si. 2.58%3 Ms. 8. 132. -3 The sun; bhAnuH sakRyuktaturaga eva 5.5.4; bhImabhAnau nidAghe Bv. 1. 30. -" Beauty. -BA day. -8 A king, prince, sovereign. -7 An epithet of Siva or Vispu; amRtAMzUdbhavo bhAnuH V. Sah. -1. A handsome woman. -Comp. -keza (sa): the sun. -ja: the planet Saturn. -dinam, -vAra: Sunday. -phalA Musa Sapientum (Mar. keLa). -bhU: daughter of the sun, the Yamuna river; ahi bhAnubhuvi dAzadArikAm N. 18. 25. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #566 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra bhAnumat bhAnumat . 1 Luminous, bright, splendid. -2 Beautiful, handsome. -m. 1 The sun ; tulye'parAdhe svarbhAnurbhAnumantaM cireNa yat Si. 2.49; Ku. 3.65; R. 6.36; Rs. 5.2. - tI N. of the wife of Duryodhana. bhAm 1 A. ( bhAmate) To be angry; (also 10 P. according to L. D. B. ). bhAmaH [ bhAm-yam] 1 Brightnena, lustre, splendour, -2 The sun. -3 Passion, wrath, anger. -4 A sister's husband ; aho bhaginyaho bhAma mayA vAM bata pApmanA / puruSAda ivApatyaM bahavo hiMsitAH sutAH // Bhag. 10. 4. 15. -mA 1 A passionate woman. -2 N. of one of the wives of Krisna, usually called satyabhAmA. -Comp. -nI m. the Supreme Being; eSa u eva bhAmanIreSa hi sarveSu lokeSu bhAti ya evaM veda Ch. Up. bhAmin 1 Passionate, angry. -2 Shining. -3 Handsome, beautiful. bhAminI 1 A beautiful young woman ; ( kAminI ); kSitirindumatI ca bhAminI patimAsAdya tamagnyapauruSam R. 8. 28. -2 A passionate woman ( often used like caNDI as a term of endearment ); upacIyata eva kApi zobhA parito bhAmini te mukhasya nityam Bv. 2. 1. -Comp. -vilAsaH N. of a poem by Jagannatha Pandita. bhAmaka: A sister's husband; I. D. B. bhAmahaH N. of the author of alaGkArazAstra and prAkRtamanoramA. bhAraH [ bhR-gham ] 1 A load, burden, weight (fig. also ); kucabhArAnamitA na yoSitaH Bh. 3. 27; 80 zroNIbhAra Mo. 84 ; bhAraH kAya jIvitaM vajrakIlam Mal. 9. 37. -2 Brunt, thickest part (as of a battle); N. 5. 5. -3 Excess, pitch; sA muktakaNThaM vyasanAtibhArAccakranda R. 14. 68. -4 Labour, toil, trouble. -8 A mass, large quantity; viSvagvRttirjaTAnAM pracalati nibiDa granthibaddho'pi bhAraH "Mal. 5. 4. kuca, jaTA -6A particular weight equal to 2000 palas of gold; kRtaM bhArasahasrasya zUlaM kAlAyasaM mahat Ram. 6. 67.63. -7 A yoke for carrying burdens. -8 An epithet of Vispu. -8 Task imposed on anyone; AnukUlyena kAryANAmantaraM saMvidhIyate / bhAraM hi rathakArasya na vyavasyanti paNDitAH // Mb. 4. 49. 4. -10 A particular manner of beating a drum. -Comp. -avataraNa -tAraNam the removal of a load from. -AkAnta heavily laden, over-burdened. - AkrAntA N. of a metre; bhArAkrAntA mabhanarasanA guruH zrutirasahayai: Chand M. -uddharaNam The lifting of a load. - udvahaH porter, burden-carrier. -upajIvanam living by carrying burdens, a porter's life ; varaM bhAropajIvanam Pt. 1.280. -UDhiH f. the bearing of a load. -gaH & mule. -bhRt m. an epithet of Vispu; bhArabhRt kathito yogI V. Sah. - yaSTi: a pole for carrying burdens. 'dharaH one who carries loads suspended at the two ends of a pole borne on the shoulder (Mar. kAvaDadhArI ); bhArayaSTidharecApi puruSairviSTikAribhiH Siva B. 30. 23. vAha. ( -bhArauhI f. ) bearer of burdens. -vAhaH a burdencarrier, porter; bhAravAhasya panthAH Mb. 3. 133.1 ( hI ) 1192 bhAradvAjaH indigo. -vAhanaH a beast of burden. ( -nam) a cart, waggon. -vAhikaH a porter. saha -sAha . ' able to carry a great load', very strong or powerful; vikRSya cApaM samare bhArasAhamanuttamam Mb. 6. 74.1. -haH an a.88. -sAdhana .. effecting arduous works, accomplishing great objecta: kArmukairbhArasAdhanaiH Mb. 2. 99. 20. -haraH, hAraH a burdenbearer, porter. hArin m. an epithet of Krisna. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhAraka a. (At the end of comp.) Loaded with. -kaH 1 A load, burden, weight. -2 A particular weight bhArAyate Den. A. 1 To become a burden, form a load. -2 To be like a load. bhArika, bhArin 1 Besring or carrying load. -2 Heavy. -m. A burden-carrier, porter; Ms. 2. 188. bhArikA A heap multitude. bhAraGgI 1 A female supporter. -2 Clerodendrum Siphonnatun (Mar. bhAraMgI), bhAraNDaH A kind of fabulous bird. ( Also bhAruNDa ); ekodarAH pRthaggrIvA anyonyaphalabhakSiNaH / asaMhatA vinazyanti bhaNDA iva pakSiNaH Pt. 5. 101. bhArata (tI) [ bharatasyedam, bhAratAn bharatavaMzyAnadhikRtya kRto granthaH aN ] Belonging to or descended from Bharata. -taH 1 A descendant of Bharata ; ( such as vidura; saJjAtaharSo munimAha bhArataH Mb. 3. 20.8; also dhRtarASTra, arjuna in Bg.). -2 An inhabitant of Bharatavarsa or India. -3 An actor. -4 An epithet of the sun shining on the south of Meru. -5 Fire. -tam 1 India, the country of Bharata ; etadUDhagurubhAra bhArataM varSamadya mama vartate vaze Si. 14.5. -2 N. of the most celebrated epic poem in Sanskrit which gives the history of the descendants of Bharata with innumerable episodes. (It is attributed to Vyasa or kRSNadvaipAyana, but the work, as we have it at present, is evidently the production of many hands) avAjapeya viracitavAn bhAratAkhyamamRtaM yaH / tamahamarAgamakRSNaM kRSNadvaipAyanaM vande // Ve. 1. 4 vyAsagirAM niryAsaM sAraM vizvasya bhArataM vande bhUSaNatadeva saMjJAM yadaGkitAM bhAratI vahati // arya. S. 31. -3 The science of music and dramaturgy founded by Bharata. -tI Speech, voice, words, eloquence; cffe: U. 3; tamarthamiva bhAratyA sutayA yoktumarhasi Ku. 6. 79; navarasarucirAM nirmitimAdadhatI bhAratI kaverjayati K. P. 1. -2 The goddess of speech Sarasvati; kIrAnane sphurasi bhArati kA ratiste Govindaraja. -3 N. of a particular kind of stylo bhAratI saMskRtaprAyo vAgvyApAro naTAzrayaH S. D. 285 - 4 A quail. 8 The dramatic art in general. -6 The Sanskrit speech of an actor. -7 One of the 10 orders ( dazanAma ) of Grosavins, mendicants (Mar. dasanAma gosAvI ). -Comp. - AkhyAnam, - itihAsaH, -kathA the story of the Bharatas ( mahAbhArata ). - maNDalam, -varSam India. -sAvitrI N. of a stotra ; imAM bhAratasAvitrIM prAtarutthAya yaH paThet Mb. 18. 5. 64. bhAradvAjaH [ bharadvAjasyApatyam aNU ] 1 N. of Drona, the military preceptor of the Kauravas and Pandavas; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #567 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra bhAradvAjakI yadAzrauSaM vyUhamabhedyamanyairbhAradvAjenAttazastreNa guptam Mb. 1. 1. 190. -2 Of Agastya. -8 The planet Mars. One of the seven Risis. A sky-lark. -6 N. of the author on the science of Government mentioned by Kautilya; Kau. A. 1. 15. -jam A bone. jI The wild cotton shrub. --jAH One of the arthazAstra schools mentioned by Kautilya in connection with rAjaputrarakSaNa; Kau. A. 1. 17. bhAradvAjakI A sky-lark. 1198 bhArayaH A sky-lark bhAravam A bow-string. -vI The sacred basil. bhArarAva: N. of the author of the Kiratarjuniya ; tAvad bhA bhAraverbhAti yAvanmAghasya nodayaH / udite ca punama bhAraverbhA veriva // ; bhAraverarthagauravam Dab.: kavitAdhitakAlidAsa bhAravikIrtiH Samudragupta inscription. nft: A lion. bhAriTaH A kind of bird. & bhAruSaH 1 The son of a vaizyatrAtya and an unmarried vaizyA 2 A kind of Sakti worshipper. bhArgaH A king of the Bhargaa bhArgavaH [bhUgorapatyam ag] 1 N. of Sukrs, regent of the planet Venus and preceptor of the Asuras. -2 N. of bhArgavaH pradadau yasmai paramAstraM mahAhave Mb. 8. 2. 13; Parasurama ; see parazurAma. -8 An epithet of Siva. -4 An archer. -5 An elephant. -6 An epithet of Jamadagni. -7 of Markandeys; sAbacchizo sitena bhArgavaH so'ntaH zarIraM mazako yathAvizat Bhg. 12. 9. 27 -8 N. of an eastern country; brahmottarA pravijayA bhArgavAjJeyamallakA: Mark. P. -9 An astrologer, fortune-tellar; bhArgavo zurUdevazI Vaijayanti: bhArgavo nAma bhUtvA bhikSAnibhena tad gRhaM pravizya Dk. 2. 6. -10 A potter; brAhmaNaiH prAvizat tatra jiSNurbhArgavavezma tat Mb. 1. 190.47; bhArgavakarmazAlA 1. 91. 1. , bhArgavam bhArgavakam, -bhArgavapriyaH A diamond. bhArgavI 1 The Durva grass. -2 An epithet of Laksmi. -3 Of Parvati. 4 Of Devayani; sarvatra sagamutsRjya svapnaupamyena bhArgavI Bhag. 9. 19.28. bhArya . [ mRNyat ] To be supported or cherished. 1 A servant, a dependant (to be supported); sahaivAlaM bhAryebhyo bhavati Bri Up. 1. 3. 18 -2 A mero nary, soldier; P. III. 1. 112 (com. ). bhAryA [bhartu yogyA ] 1 A lawful wife ; sA bhAryA yA gRhe dakSA sA bhAryA yA prajAvatI / sA bhAryA yA patiprANA sA bhAryA yA pativratA // H. 1. 196. -2 The female of an animal. -Comp. -ATa a. living by the prostitution of his wife. -UDha a. married (as_a_man ); bhAryoDhaM tamavajJAya Bk. 4. 15. -jitaH, -ATikaH 1 & hen-pecked husband. -2 a kind of doer. -patitvam wedlock, matrimony. -vRkSa: Caesalpins Soppan (Mar. pataMga). saM. I. ko .... 150 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhAryAruH 1 A kind of deer. -2 The father of a child by another man's wife. 1 Violence, vehemence. -2 Excessiveness, bhAvaH intensity. bhAlam [ bhA-lac] 1 The forehead, brow; yaddhAtrA nijabhAlapaTTalikhitaM stokaM mahadvA dhanam Bh. 2.49; ( smarasya ) vapuH sadyo bhAvAnalabhatijAlAspadamabhUt Bv. 1. 84 svAmin bhaMgura sArka satilakaM bhAlaM vilAsin kuru S. D. -2 Light. - Darkness. -Comp. -aGkaH 1 a man born with lucky lines on his forehead. -2 an epithet of Siva. -8 a saw. - a tortoise. 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 of Ganesa. (drA) N. of Durga. darzana N. of Siva. -darzanam red lead. -darzin a looking at or watching the brow ', said of a servant who is attentive to his master's wishes. -dRza m., -locanaH an epithet of Siva. -paTTa, -ham the forehead. bhAlu: The sun. bhAlu (lU) kA, bhAstu (slU) kaH A hosr. bhAllaviH . 1 A branch of Samaveda. -2 Those who belong to this branch of Samaveda ; tAmetAM bhAllavaya upAsate Tapdya Br. For Private and Personal Use Only bhAvaH [bhU bhAve ] 1 Being existing existence] nAsato vidyate bhAva: Bg. 2. 16. -2 Bocoming, cocurring talking place. -8 State, condition, state of being; latAbhAvena pariNatamasyA rUpam V. 4; U. 6. 23; 80 kAtarabhAvaH, vivarNabhAvaH &c. - Manner, mode. -8 Rank, station, position, devIbhAvaM gamitA K. P. 10; 80 preSyabhAvam, kiMkara bhAvam capacity; &c. - B (a) True condition or state, truth, reality; paraM bhAvamajAnantaH Bg. 7.24; iti matvA bhajante mAM budhA bhAvasama - nvitAH 10. 8. ( 6 ) Sincerity, devotion; tvayi me bhAvanibandhanA ratiH R. 8.52;2.26. -7 Innate property, disposition, nature, temperament; sa tasya svo bhAvaH prakRtiniyatatvAdakRtakaH U. 6. 14. -8 Inclination or disposition of mind, idea, thought, opinion, mupposition hRdayamitibhAvA gUDhamantrapracArAH kimapi vigaNayanto buddhimantaH sahante Pt. 3. 43; Ms. 8.25; 4.65; nikRSTotkRSTayorbhAvaM yAstu gRhNanti tAH striyaH Bu. Ch. 4. 23. -9 Feeling, emotion, sentiment; eko bhAva: Pt. 3. 66 ; Ku.6. 95; nirvikArAtmake citte bhAvaH prathamavikriyA S. D. (In the dramatic science or in poetic compositions generally, Bhavas_are_either sthAyin primary or vyabhicArin subordinate. The former are eight or nine, according as the Rasas are taken to be 8 or 9, each rasa having its own sthAyibhAva. The latter are thirty-three or thirty four in number, and serve to develop and strengthen the prevailing sentiment; for definition and enumeration of the several kinds, see R. G. first anana, or K. P. 4 ) - 10 Love, affection, attachment; dvandvAni bhAvaM kriyayA biag: Ku. 3. 35; kumudvatI bhAnumatIva bhAvaM (babandha ) R. 6.36. -11 Parport, drift, gint, substance iti bhAva: (often used by commentators); janako'pyutsmayan rAjA bhAvamasyA vizeSayan / pratijagrAha bhAbena bhAvamasyA nRpottama Mb. 12.820 18. - 12 Page #568 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1195 bhAvana Meaning, intention, sense, import3 anyonyabhAvacatureNa | sense. -2 appreciating the sentiment. -grAhya to be sakhIjanena muktAstadA smitasudhAmadhurAH kaTAkSAH Mal. 1.25. -18 conceived with the heart 3 bhAvagrAhyamanIDAkhyaM bhAvAbhAvakara Resolution, determination. -14 The heart, soul, mind; zivam Svet. Up.5. 14. -ceSTitam amorous gesture. -jaH tayorvivRtabhAvatvAt Mal. 1. 12; bhAvasaMzuddhirityetat tapo mAnasamucyate 1 love. -2 the god of love. -, -vida . knowing the Bg. 17. 163 sva eva bhAve vinigRhya manmatham Bu. Ch. 4. 101. heart. -darzina. see bhAladarzin. -nivRttiH the material -18 Any existing thing, an object, a thing, substance; creation (San. phil.); na vinA liGgena bhAvanirvRttiH San. K.52. pazyantI vividhAn bhAvAn Ram.2.94. 183 jagati jayinaste -neri: a kind of dance.-bandha na. enchanting or fetterte bhAvA navendukalAdayaH Mal. 1.17,363; R.3.41; U. 3. 32. ing the heart, linking together the hearts%3 rathAjanAnoriva -16 A being, living creature. -17 Abstract medita- bhAvabandhanaM babhUva yatprema parasparAzrayam R. 3.24. -bodhaka. tion, contemplation (= bhAvanA q.v.). -18Conduct, indicating or revealing any feeling. -fe: a worthy movement. -19(a)Gesture, behaviour; ahiMsA samatA... persona gentleman (used in dramas); prasIdantu bhAvamizrAH bhavanti bhAvA bhUtAnAm Bg. 10.5. (6) Amorous gesture S. 6. -rUpa a. real, actual. -vacanam denoting an or expression of sentiment, gesture of love; T f 7 abstract idea, conveying the abstract notion of a sulabhA manastu tadbhAvadarzanAzvAsi 5.2.1. -20 Birth; tavAhaM pUrvake verb.-vAcakam an abstract noun. -vikAra: a property bhAve putraH parapuraMjaya Ram. 7. 104.2. -21 The world, of a being%3 SaD bhAvavikArA bhavantIti vaarssyaaynniH| jAyate'sti universe: -22 The womb. -23 Will; ghorairvivyadhaturbANaiH vipariNamate vardhate'pakSIyate nazyati / -vRttaH an epithet of kRtabhAvAvubhau jaye Ram.6.90. 38.-24 Superhuman power; Brahman. -zabalatvam a mixture of various emotions mitho nataM na pazyanti bhAvairbhAvaM pRthagdRzaH Bhag.10.4.27. -25 (bhAvAnAM bAdhyabAdhakabhAvamApannAnAmudAsInAnAM vA vyAmizraNam R.G., Advice, instruction. -2B (In dramas) A learned or ride examples given ad loc.). -zuddhiHf. purity of venerable man, worthy man, (a term of address); H18 mind, honesty, sincerity. -zUnya a. devoid of real love; ayamasmi V.1; tAM khalu bhAvena tathaiva sarve vAH pAThitAH) Mal.1. upacAra vidhirmanasvinInAM na tu pUrvAbhyadhiko'pi bhAvazUnyaH M. 3. 3. -27 (In gram.) The sense of an abstract noun, abstract -saMdhi: the union or co-existence of two emotions idea. conveyed by a word; bhAva ktaH. -28 A term for (bhAvasaMdhiranyonyAnabhibhUtayoranyonyAbhibhAvanayogyayoH sAmAnAdhikaraNyam an impersonal passive or neuter verb. -29 (In astr.) R.G., see the examples there given). -samAhita . An astronomical house. -30 A lunar mansion. -31 abstracted in mind, devout. -sage: the mental or An organ of sense. -32 Welfare (kalyANa); bhAvamicchati intellectual creation ; i.e. the creation of the faculties sarvasya nAbhAve kurute manaH Mb. 5. 36. 16. -39 Protection; of the human mind and their affections (opp. bhautikasarga droNasyAbhAvabhAve tu prasaktAnAM yathA'bhavat Mb. 7. 25.64. -34 or material creation). -stha a. attached devoted (to Fater destiny (prArabdha); nAtiprahINarazmiH syAttathA bhAvaviparyaye one); na vetsi bhAvasthamimaM kathaM janam Ku. 5. 58. -sthira . Mb. 5. 77. 14. -85 Consciousness of past perceptions firmly rooted in the heart; S. 5.2. -fast a. affection(vAsanA ); yebhyaH sRjati bhUtAni kAle bhAvapracoditaH / mahAbhUtAni ately disposed, sincerely attached; bhAvasnigdhairupakRtamapi paJceti tAnyAhurbhUtacintikAH // Mb. 12. 275. 4. -36 Lordship dveSyatAM yAti kiMcit Pt. 1. 285. -bhAvaMgama a. charming, (prabhutva); te'pi bhAvAya kalpante rAjadaNDanipIDitA: Ram. 2.67. lovely. 32. -37 The six states (avasthASaTka); A. Ram. 1.7.31. bhAvaka . [bhAva-svArthe ka] 1 Effecting, bringing about. -Comp. -anuga a. not forced, natural. (-gA) a -2 Promoting any one's welfare; naite bhUtasya bhAvakAH Mb. shadow. -antaram a different state. -advaitam 1 a natu 12. 88. 24. -8 Fancying, imagining. -4 Having a taste ral cause. -2 material cause (as thread of a cloth). for the sublime and beautiful, having a poetic taste. -3 identity of conception, oneness of view. -3deg: 1 the -ka:1A feeling, sentiment. -2 The external manifestaobvious meaning or import (of a word, phrase &c.). -2 the subject matter ; sarveSAmapi vastUnAM bhAvArthoM bhavati sthitaH tion of one's sentiments (especially of love). Bhag. 10. 14.57. -AkUtam (secret) thoughts of the bhAvana 3.(-nI/.)[bhU-Nic-lyu lyuT vA ] Effecting &ei mind; hRdayanihitaM bhAvAkUtaM vamadbhirivekSaNaiH Amaru. 4. -AkhyaH bhUtabhavyabhAviSyANAM bhAvAnAM bhuvi bhAvanAH Mb.14.87.15; yat pRcchase One of the two types of creation according to the bhAgavatAn dharmAstvaM vizvabhAvanAn Bhag. 11. 2. 11; 8. 1. 163 Sankhya philosophy; liGgAkhyo bhAvAkhyastasmAd dvividhaH pravartate 8ee bhAvaka above. -na: 1 An efficient cause. -2 A creator; sarga: San. K.52. -Atmaka. real, actual. -AbhAsaH jaya deva bhuvanabhAvana Mal. 9.4. -3 An epithet of Siva. simulation of a feeling, a feigned or false emotion. -4 Of Visnu.-nam,-nA 1Creating, manifesting; bhAvana -AlInA a shadow. -ekarasa a. influenced solely by brahmaNaH sthAnam Bhag.3.26.46. -2 Promoting any one's the sentiment of (sincere) love3 mamAtra bhAvakarasaM manaH sthitam interests. -3 Conception, imagination, fancy, thought, Ku.5.82. -kateka: an impersonal verb; Kasi. on P. idea; madhuripurahamiti bhAvanazIlA Git.63 or bhAvanayA tvayi lInA II. 3. 54. -fa: f. power to convey human feelings ; 4; Pt. 3. 162. -4 Feeling of devotion, faith ; alifa bhAvagatirAkRtInAm Pratima 3. -gambhIram ind. 1 hea.rtily, buddhirayuktasya na cAyuktasya bhAvanA Bg. 2.66%yAdRzI bhAvanA yasya from the bottom of the heart. -2 deeply, gravely. siddhirbhavati tAdRzI Pt.5.105.-B Meditation, contemplation, -gamya a. conceived by the mind; matsAdRzyaM virahatanu vA abstract meditation. - A supposition, hypothesis. HITTE fact Me. 87. -ATT a. 1 understanding the -7 Observing, investigating. -8 Settling, determining; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #569 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhAvayita 1188 bhAvya for THAT $T Y. 2. 149. -9 Remembering, recollection. -10 Direct knowledge, perception or cognition. -11 The cause of memory which arises from direct perception (in logic ); see all and fa in T. S; HATCHET * fragediaa: Bhasa. P. -12 Proof, demonstration, argument. -13 Steeping, infusion, saturating a dry powder with fluid ; aut - Tu ga all H9714T: 44100 g * ftat: Bhava. P. -14 Soenting; decorating with flowers and perfumes. -18 (In arith.) Finding by combination or composition. -16 Nature, essence at the end of comp.). -17 Reason, cause; ai fanturege-21975 Bhag. 3. 32. 7. -18 Growth, prosperity (4); 491 fula: T Marat H10 ga: Mb. 12.97.7. 71 A crow. -2 Water. - Apprehension, perception. Comp. 371274: N. of Siva. O a. imaginary. - a. 1 thoughtful -2 anxious. bhAvayitaa. A protector, promoter; krodho hantA manuSyANAM # wafarga: Mb. 3. 29. 1. ats: [ Ha ar arfa, 877-2107 217 21) 1 Emotion, passion, sentiment. -2 The external indication of the feeling of love. -8 A pious or holy man. -4 An amorous man. - An actor. - Decoration, dress. wa a. ( .) ( Haar fagti ] 1 Natural, real, inherent, innate. -2 Sentimental, pervaded by a feeling or sentiment; fafaahfat927776 Galat A for: N. 19. 1; Si. 4. 33. -3 Future. -* An equation involving the products of unknown quantities. - 1 Language full of love or passion. -2 (In Rhet.) A figure of speech which consists in describing the past or future so vividly that it appears to be actually present. It is thus defined by Mammata; er 59 4519:14 Hila: ag mah K. P. 10. a p. p. [-10 10- ] 1 Created, produced; obtained, got. -2 Manifested, displayed, exhibited; Hifadagar 4: Dk.;(*) as a 1974 Bhag. 5.17.18. -3 Cherished, fostered; dat agar Haartalla 9 T ATUTS4 Mb. 1. 55. 17.-4 ( a ) Conceived, imagined, supposed, presented to the imagination ; a hafa y a Hifa: Bg. 8. 6. (6) Known, recognized, acknowledged. -Thought of, meditated upon.-- Made to become, transformed into. -7 Sanctified by meditation; 87TH Tata ya **T 7594 Bhag. 4. 8. 22; see a ant. -8 Proved, established. -9 Pervaded by, filled or saturated with, inspired by. -10 Soaked, steeped, infused in; farfar faru 21 = Faleguaaaah Mb. 12. 195. 18. -11 Perfumed, scented. -12 Mixed with. -13 (In math.). Involving the products of unknown quantities. -14 Diroted towards, fixed upon; yadIzvare bhagavati karma brahmaNi a Bhag. 1.5.32. - 18 Possessed, captured (ais); gais 41 6: syna Bhag. 4. 18. 13, -16 Engrossed, filled; T a rhaah Bhag. 12. 10. 42.-17 Pleased, gladdened ; TETT Rataranya aaar: Bg. 3. 12. -74 Product obtained by multiplication, a factum. -Comp. -TEHT,-ft a. 1 one whose soul is purified by meditating on the Supreme Spirit, one who has perceived the Supreme Soul; du arata at faanha: Ram. 3. 5. 4. 2 pure, devout, holy; g a: UTC adat mifHAT Pt. 3. 65.-8 thoughtful, meditative; bhAvitAtmA bhuvo bharturathainaM pratyabodhayat R.1. 74.-4 engaged in, occupied with ; ga faatcha: Si. 12. 38. (-m.) a sage, saint. H a a. being one's self furthered and furthering others. a The product of a multiplication, a factum. fata [-fot 97] The three worlds (heaven, earth, and lower regions ); Un. 4. 179. faat 1 The state of being or becoming.-2 Futurity. -3 Predestination. facau Inevitableness, necessity. ez (-faszra forat ] 1 Being, becoming ; eta R. 11. 49. - To be or to come to pass in future, what will take place%3 lokena bhAvI pitureva tulyaH R. 18.38%3 a d guna af Me. 43. -8 Future; nata 794 R. 8. 78; 24 59 4rar: furat wanan: K. P. 10; N. 3. 11. -4 Capable of taking place. -5 What must take place or is destined to happen, predestined; yadabhAvi na tadbhAvi bhAvi cenna tadanyathA H. 1. -8 Noble, beautiful, illustrious. -7 Attached or devoted to; la parada 7 mifaaed Mb. 12. 202. 2. -8 Possessed of (at the end of comp.). -m. N. given to every vowel except 37 and 3. -#1 A handsome woman; Mb. 1. 6. 9. -2 A noble or virtuous lady; 3eta 4: fateh a f iert: sahifa wifafa Ku. 5. 38. -3 A wanton woman. - A particular musical composition. IEF a. [24-344] 1 About to be or happen. -2 Becoming. -8 Prosperous, happy. -4 Auspicious, bles. sed. -8 Having a poetic taste, appreciativo; PETET til 19 : Bhag. 1. 1. 3. - A sister's husband (used chiefly in dramas); ragrafua aa 19: Ganesa P. The story of Pataliputra). 1 Happiness, welfare, prosperity; #tra gaya at T K. P. 7 given as an instance of the fault of composition called 3199enca). -2 Language full of love and passion. U a. [021] 1 About to be or happen; nguESTI 4: Bhag. 8. 13. 30; oft. used impersonally like wfqayn q. v.; fk auf 44 graad: Bh. 3. 41. -2 Future. -8 To be performed or accomplished. -4 To be conceived or imagined. - To be proved or For Private and Personal Use Only Page #570 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhAvyatA 1196 bhAs demonstrated. -6 To be determined or investigated. -7 To be convicted; vyavaraiH sAkSibhirbhAvyo nRpabrAhmaNasaMnidhau Ms. 8. 60. -vya m 1 What is destined or sure to happen in the tuture; it is to be; sadA prahRSTayA bhAvyaM gRhakAryeSu dakSayA Ms.5. 150. -2 Futurity. bhAvyatA Futurity. bhAvata (-tI/.), bhAvatka (-kI/.) Your honour's, your (respectfully); bhAvatkaM dRSTavatsvetadasmAsvadhi sujIvitam Bk.5.69. rara a. Delicate, tender. bhASa 1A. (bhASate, bhASita)1 To say, speak, utter | tvayaikamIza prati sAdhu bhASitam Ku.b.81; oft. with two acc.; bhItAM priyAmetya vaco babhASe R.7.66%; AkhaNDalaH kAmamidaM babhASe Ku. 3. 11; Bk. 9. 122. -2 To speak to, address%3 kiMcidvihasyArthapati babhASe R. 2.46; 3.51. -3 To tell, announce, declare ; kSitipAlamuccaiH prItyA tamevArthamabhASateva R. 2. 51. -4 To speak or talk about. - To name, call. -8To describe. -With anu 1 to speak, say. -2 to communicate, announce%3; yathA yathA naro'dharma svayaM kRtvAnubhASate Ms. 11. 228. bhASaka . [ bhAS-Nvula ] (At the end ot comp.) Speaking, talking about. bhASaNam [bhAS-bhAve lyuT ] 1 Speaking, talking, saying: -2 Speech, words, talk.-3 Kind words. -4 ( In drama) / Expression of satisfaction after the attainment of an 1 object. -oft Resembling. bhASA [ bhAS-a] 1 Speech, talk; as in cArubhASaH. -2 Language, tongue; satyA na bhASA bhabati yadyapi syAt pratiSThitA Ms. 8. 164. -3 A common or vernacular dialect; (a) thespoken Sanskrit language (opp. chandas or veda); vibhASA bhASAyAm P. VI. 1. 181; (0) any Prakrita dialect (opp. saMskRta); bhASAzca vividhA nRNAm Ms. 9. 332; see prAkRta. -4 Definition, description; sthitaprajJasya kA bhASA Bg. 2.54. -5 An epithet of Sarasvati, the goddess of speech. -6 ( In law) The first of the four stages of a law-suit; the plaint, charge or accusation; yadAvedayate rAjJe tadbhASetyabhidhIyate Y. -7 ( In music) N. of a Ragini. -Comp. -antaram 1 another dialect or language. -2 translation (1).-citrakam a play on words, conundrum. -patram application (Mar. aje); bhASApatraM tu tajjJeyamathavavidanArthakam Sukra. 2. 309. -pAda: a charge, plaint; see bhASA (6) above. -sama: a figure of speech, which consists in so arranging the words of a sentence that it may be considered and read either as Sanskrit or Prakrita (one or more of its varieties); e.g. majulamaNimajIre kalagambhIre vihaarsrsiitiire| birasAsi kelikIre kimAli dhIre ca gndhsaarsmiire|| S. D.642 (eSa zlokaH saMskRtaprAkRtazaurasenIprAcyAvantInAgarApabhraMzeSvekavidha eva); kiM tvAM bhaNAmi vicchedadAruNAyAsakAriNi / kAmaM kuru varArohe dehi me parirambhaNam Mal. 6. 11 (which is in Sanskrit or Sauraseni); so 6. 10. -samiti/ (with Jainas) moderation in speech. bhASika a. Belonging to common or vernacular speech. -kam General rule. bhASikA Speech, language. bhASita p. p. [ bhAS-karmaNi-kta ] Spoken, said, uttered. -tam Speech, utterance, words, language; AkArairiGgitairgatyA ceSTayA bhASitena ca / netravaktravikAraizca gRhyate'ntargataM manaH / / Ms. 8. 26. -Comp. -IzA Sarasvati'; N. 11. 16. -puMska = uktapuskaq.. bhASita a. A speaker, talker. bhASin a. 1(At the end ot comp.) Speaking, talking; as in 8769deg &c. -2 Loquacious, talkative. bhASyam [bhAS-Nyat ] 1 Speaking, talking. -2 Any work in the common or vernacular language. -3 Exposition, gloss, commentary; as in 2162.-4 Especially, a commentary which explains Sutras or a phorisms word by word with comments of its own; (97197 vayate yatra padaiH sUtrAnusAribhiH svapadAni ca varNyante bhAdhya bhASyavido viduH; saMkSiptasyApyato'syaiva baakysyaarthgriiysH| suvistaratarA vAco bhASyabhUtA bhavantu me Si. 2.24; phaNibhASitabhASyaphakikA N. 2. 95. -8 N. of the great commentary of Patanjali on Panini's Sutras. -8 A sort of house. -Comp. -karaH, -kAra, -kRt m.1 a commentator, scholiast. -2 N. of Patanjali. -bhUta a. serving as a commentary; suvistaratarA vAco bhASyabhUtA bhavantu me Si. 2.24. bhAs 1 . (bhAsate-bhAsita) 1 To shine, glitter, be bright; tAvat kAmanRpAtapatrasuSamaM vimbaM babhAse vidhoH Bv. 2.74; 4. 18:; Ku.6.11; Bk. 10.61. -2 To become clear or evident, come into the mind; tvadAmAdeve dRSTa kasya citte na bhaaste| mAlatIzazabhRllekhAkadalInAM kaThoratA Chandr. 5.42.-3 To appear. -Caus. (bhAsayati-te) 1 To brighten, irradiate, illuminate; adhivasaMstanumavaradIkSitAmasamabhAsamabhAsayadIzvaraH R.9.213 na tad bhAsayate sUryoM na zazAko na pAvakaH Bg. 15.6. -2 To show, make clear or evident, manifest; ababhAsan svakAH zaktI: Bk. 15.42. bhAs/ [ bhAs-bhAve-kvip] 1 Light, lustre, brightness 3B yadi bhAH sadRzI sA syAd bhAsastasya mahAtmanaH Bg. 11. 123 dRzA nizendIvaracArubhAsA N. 22.43; R.9.21; Ku.7.3. -2 A ray of light; ravikara saMvalitAH phalanti bhAsaH Ki.5.38,46%3 9.63 astApAstasamastabhAsi nabhasaH pAraM prayAte ravau Ratn. 1.243 4.16. -3 A reflection, an image. - Majesty, glory, splendour. -8 Wish, desire. -Comp. -karaH 1 the sun; pariNatamadirAbhaM bhAskaraNAMzubANaiH Si. 11.49% R.11.73; 12.25%3 Ku.6.49; sa stauti bhAskaraM bhaktyA nauti pApaharaM haram / -2 hero. -3 fire. -4 an epithet of Siva. -6 N. of a celebrated Hindu astronomer who is said to have flourished in the eleventh or twelfth century A. D. (-ram) 1 gold. -2 a kind of breach (made by thieves in wall): padmavyAkozaM bhAskaraM bAlacandram......tatkasmin deze darzayAmyAtmazilpam Mk. 3. 18. degadhvan the sky; sa bhAskarAdhvAnamanuprapannaH Ram.6.74.65. AvartaH N. of a disease of the head (Mar. ardhazizI). putiH N. of Vispu; candrAMzurbhAskarayutiH V. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #571 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhAsa: 1107 mid ............... Sah. degpriyaH a ruby. lavaNam a kind of salt or mixture. "saptamI the seventh day in the bright half of Magha. -kari: 1 the planet Saturn. -2 Vaivasvata Manu. -3 Karna. -4N. of Sugriva.. bhAsaH [bhAs-bhAve ghaJ] 1 Brightness, light, lustre. -2 Faney. -8 A cock; Mb. 12. 36. 28; Bhag. 8. 10. 10. -4A vulture. -BA cow-shed (goSTha).-6N. of a poet3B bhAso hAsaH kavikulaguruH kAlidAso vilAsaH P. R.1 22; M. 1. -7A kind of bird; kRtrimaM bhAsamAropya vRkSAgre zilpibhiH kRtam Mb. 1. 132. 68 (com. bhAsaM nIlapakSaM pakSiNaM zakuntamityanye gRdhramityapare). bhAsaka. (-sikA /.) [bhAs-Nvul] 1 Enlightening, brightening, illuminating. -2 Showing, making evident. -3Making intelligible. -ka: N. of a poet. bhAsatA Vulturous nature, rapacity; sa yAti bhAsatAM vipraH Ms. 11.25. bhAsanam [ bhAs-lyuT ] 1 Shining, glittering. -2 Illuminating. bhAsanta .(-tI/.) 1 Shining.-2 Beautiful, handsome. -sta: 1 The sun. -2 The moon. -3 An asterism, astar. - The bird bhAsa q.v.-ntI An asterism (nakSatra). bhAsas n. Brightness, light; bhAsAMsi vaste sUryo na zukraH Rv.6.4.3. HIE: The sun. bhAsura . [bhAs-ghurac] 1 Shining, bright, splendid; maNimayUkhacayAMzukabhAsurAH Ki.b.53 taM bhUpatirbhAsurahemarAzi (dideza) R. 5. 30. -2 Terrible. -T: 1 A hero. -2 A crystal. bhAsvat a. Bright, shining, luminous, resplendent; bhAsvanti ratnAni mahauSadhIzca pRthUpadiSTAM duduhurdharitrIm Ku. 1.23; 6.60. -m. 1 The sun; bhAsvAnudeSyati hasiSyati cakravAlam Subhas; R. 16. 44. -2 Light, lustre, splendour. -8 A hero. -4 Ved. Dawn. -tI The city of the sun. bhAsvara a.[bhAs-varac] Shining, bright, radiant, brilliant. -T: 1 The sun. -2 A day. -3 Fire. bhAsmana a. (-nI/.)[bhasmano vikAro'N ] Consisting or made of ashes, ashy; ahiparikarabhAjo bhAsmanairArAgaiHi.4.65. bhikSa 1A.(bhikSate, bhikSita) 1 To ask, beg or ask for (with two acc.); bhikSamANo vanaM priyAm Bk. 6.9. -2 To beg (as alms); na yajJArtha dhanaM zUdrAdvipro bhikSeta karhicit Ms. 11. 24, 25. -8 To ask without obtaining. --4 To be weary or distressed. -8 To obtain. bhikSaNam [bhikSa-lyuT ] Begging, begging alms, mendicancy. bhikSA [bhikS-a] 1 Asking, begging, soliciting: vRtte zarAvasaMpAte bhikSAM nityaM yatizcaret Ms.6.56.-2 Anything given as alms, alms; wala halafe. -3 Wages, hire. -4 Service. - A means of subsistence; apetakkamasaMtApAH subhikSAH supratizrayAH Ram. 2.92.6. -Comp. -aTanam wandering about begging for alms; rudro yena kapAlapANipuTake bhikSATanaM kAritaH Bh.2.95. (-nA) a beggar, mendicant. -annam food obtained by begging, alms. -ayanam (Nam) = bhikSATana q.v. -arthin a. begging for alms or charity. (-m.) a beggar. -ahe . worthy of alms, a fit object of charity. -azanam the food obtained by begging; bhikSAzanaM tadapi nIrasamekavAram Bh. 3. 19.-Azin a.1 living on alms%3; bhikSAzI janamadhyasaMgarahitaH Bh. 3.86.-2 dishonest.-AhAra: begged food; Bh. 3. 144. -upajIvin a. living on alms, a beggar. -karaNam asking alms, begging. -caraH,-cAra: a beggar or mendicant. -caraNam, -caryam, -caryA wandering about begging for alms. -pAtram a begging-bowl an alms-dish; so bhikSAbhANDam , bhikSAbhAjanam. -bhuj a. living on alms. -mANava: a young beggar (used as a term of contempt); P. VI. 2. 69 com. -vAsas n. a beggar's dress. -vRttiHf. living by begging, a mendicant's life. bhikSAkaH(-kI/.) A beggar, mendicant; P.III.2.155. bhikSita p. p. Bogged, asked, &c. bhikSuH[bhikSa-un ] 1 A beggar, mendicant in general; bhikSAM ca bhikSave dadyAt Ms. 3.94. -2 A religious mendioant, a Brahmana in the fourth order of his religious life (when he quits his house and family and lives only on alms), a Sannyasin. -8 The fourth order or stage in the religious life of a Brahmana (saMnyAsa). -4 A Buddhist mendicant. -Comp. -cayoM begging, a mendicant's lite. -bhAva: monk-hood, priest-hood. -sa dya: a society of Buddhist mendicants. -sa GghAtI old or tattered clothes (cIvara). -sUtram a collection of rules for mendicants; P. IV. 3. 110. bhikSukaH [bhikS-uka] A beggar, mendicant; AkIrNa bhikSakainyaiiragAramupasaMvrajet Ms.6.51.-kI A temale mendicant; ck. bhikSuNI A Buddhist nun. bhiGgisI A variety of kambala; Kau. A. 2. 11.29. bhiNDaH, bhiNDakaH, bhiNDA Abelmoschus Esculentus (Mar. bheMDA); eraNDabhiNDArkanalaiH prabhUtairapi saMcitaiH / dArukRtyaM yathA nAsti tathaivAjJaiH prayojanam Pt. 1. 96. bhida I.1P. (bhindati) To divide or cut into parts. -II.7 U. (bhinatti, bhitte, bibheda, bibhide, abhaitsIt , abhinat, abhinta, bhetsyati-te, bhettum bhinna ) 1 To break, cleave, split, cut asunder, rend, pierce, break through or down; atizItalamapyambhaH kiM bhinatti na bhUbhRtaH . 3. 383 teSAM kathaM nu hRdayaM na bhinAtta lajjA Mu.3.34; Si.8.39; Ms.3.33; R.8. 98; 12. 77. -2 To dig or tear up, excavate; U. 1. 28. -3 To pass through; yadi rohiNyAH zakaTaM bhinatti ravinandano gaganavIthyAm Pt. 1. 211,212.-4(a) To divide, separate; dvidhA bhinnA zikhaNDibhiH R.1.39. () To displace; AnandajaH zokajamazru bASpastayorazItaM ziziro bibheda R.14.3. -B To violate, break, intringe; samaya lakSmaNo'bhinat R. 15. 943; nihataca sthiti bhindan dAnavo'sau baladviSA Bk. 7.68. -8 To remove, take away; dhairyamabhinaduditaM zizunA Si. 15. 87. Lu. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #572 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra mittam : 7 To disturb, interrupt; as in enfaafte; sferaca face, Ram. 7. 21. 15. -8 To change, alter: (na) bhindanti mandAM gatimayaH Ku. 1. 11 or vizvAsopagamAdabhinnagatayaH zabdaM sahante mRgAH S. 1.14. -9 To expand nase to open or blossom, open sUryAzubhirmibhicAravindam Ku. 1. 32 gayopasA bhitramivaikapaGkajam S.7.16; Mo. 109. -10 To disperse, scatter, scare away; S. 1. 32; V. 1. 16. 11 To disjoin, disunite, set nt variance; bhetsyAmi svamatena bhevakuSa pratIpaM dviSaH Mu. 3. 13. -12 To loosen, relax, dissolve; faff Ku. 3. 59. -13 To disclose, divulge. -14 To perplex, distract. -16 To distinguish, discriminate. - 16 To explain or to understand; vacAMsi yogagrathitAni sAdho na naH kSamante manasApi bhettum Bhag. 5. 10. 18. - Pass. ( bhidyate) 1 To be split, rent or shivered; dharA dhArApAtaimaNimayazarairbhidyata iva Mk 5.22. -2 To be divided or separated. 3 To expand, blossom, open. -4 To be loose or relaxed; hai aai R. 7. 9, 66. - To be different from (with abl.); bibhide kumAraH pravartito dIpa iva pradIpAt R. 5.37; U. 4. 6To be destroyed. -7 To be divulged or betrayed, get abroad; f f : &c. Pt. 1. 99. -8 To be harassed, pained or afflicted. -9 To be frightened or alarmed; ambhasA bhiyate setustathA mntro'pyrkssitH| paizunyAva fa a a fara: 11 Pt. 1. 102. -10 To separate oneself from, keep aloof from. Caus. (Heuf-a) 1 To split, cleave, divide, tear &c. -2 To destroy, dissolve. -3 To disunite, set at variance. -4 To perplex. 8 To seduce. -Desid. (fafafa-a) To wish to break &c. bhittam [bhidu-ka ni0 tasya nanA) 1 A part, portion ; :: N. 2. 74. -2 A fragment, bit. -8 A wall, partition. Forfer /. [Pare-force] 1 Breaking, splitting; dividing. -2 A wall, partition; af Dk. Si. 4. 67. fort-wall; itiprAkAraM pAricaM smRtam Sukra 4.849. -3 (Hence) Any place, spot or ground (M) to work anything upon citrakarmaracanA miti binA vartate Mu. 2. 4.4 A fragment, bit, piece, portion. -8 Anything broken. 6 A rent, fissure. -7 A mat (made of split reeds). 8 A flaw, defect. -9 An opportunity. -10 A wall-like surface kapolabhitti, gaNDabhitti &c.: siMhaH zizurapi nipatati madanapola bhittiSu gajeSu Bh. 1.38. -Comp. -khAtanaH - cauraH a house-breaker. -a: 1 a kind of rat. a rat. -2 a rat. first 1 A wall, partition. -2 A small house-lizard. fa. (At the end of comp.) Breaking, splitting; destroying &c. ruferasangefue: U. 1. 23. - 1 Breaking, splitting, dividing. -2 Difference. -3 A sort, kind. fam: [fax] A sword. - 1 A diamond. -9 Indra's thunderbolt. 1198 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir FAST forer [for] 1 Breaking, bursting, reading, tearing virahiNAM hRdayasya bhidAtaH pizitaM pizitaM madanAminA Si. 6. 5. 2 Separation. -8 Difference. -4 Kind, species, sort. 5 Coriander. bhidApanam Causing to break or trample on. bhidiH, bhidiram, bhiduH Indra's thunderbolt. fuga. [3] 1 Breaking, bursting, splitting, -2 Fragile, brittle. -3 Blended, variegated, mixed, mingled; gafagetschza si. 4. 26; 19.58; 20.1. 1 The Plaksa tree. -2 A chain for an elephant's feet. A thunderbolt. a. Fragile, brittle. frer: 1 A rushing river. -2 N. of a particular river tadAgama inodabhidyayonamadheyasadRzaM viceSThitam R.11.87 (see Malli.); Kir. K. 4. 58. - Splitting, breaking. bhiGgam A thunderbolt.. bhinda (ndi ) pAlaH 1 Aemall javelin thrown from the hand'; vAnarAn bhindipAlaizca zUlaizcaiva vyadArayan Ram. 6. 42. 45. -2 A sling, an instrument like a sling for throwing stones ; ulkAbANaizca zatazaH bhindipAlaizca bhUrizaH Siva B. 14. 201 bhindipAlA sipaTTizaiH Paronl. 4. 76. fega. Destroying. g 1 A breaker, destroyer; puromindunA kaviramitaujA ajAyata Rv. 1. 11. 4. 8 A drop; cf. fg. f. A woman bringing forth a dead child. FATET p. p. [-] 1 Broken, torn, split, rent; bhisarvAH sabhya bhayAkulAH svayaMbhuve namaskRtya Bhag. 4. 6. 2. 2 Divided, separated. -3 Detached, disunited, disjoined; scattered; Ram. 6. 67.80. Expanded, blown, opened; fawgefager wue: Ki. 7. 38. -5 Different from, other than (with abl.); a fa:. -8 Different, varied; faff: R. 6. 30. 7 Loosened. -8 Mingled, mixed, blended; sphaTikataTAMzubhinnanIrA nIlAzmayutibhidurAmbho'paratra Si. 4. 26. -9 Deviating from. -10 Changed. -11 Furious; geska a: rag: Bhag. 11. 23. 2. -12 Without, deprived of. 13 Undutiful, vicious; far Ms. 12. 33; naitat khalAyopadizet..... .afa Bhag. 3. 32. 39. -14 Stood up (as hair ); kharoSTrAzvatarA rAjan bhinnaromAH savanti ca Ram. 6. 10. 18. -15 Seduced, bribed; H. (See f). - 1 A defect or flaw in a gem. - 1 A bit, fragment, part. -2 A blossom. -8 A wound, stab; zaktikRteSuviSANairAzayo htH| yat kiMcit sat fa Bhava. P. - A fraction. Comp. -TECH a kind of mixed collyrium, made of many pounded ingredients; prayAnti bhinnAJjanavarNatAM ghanAH Si. 12. 68; Me. 61; Rs. 3. 5. - a. clear, evident, intelligible; efde : Si. 16. 1. (-) ind. clearly, distinctly, unenigmatically; na khalvavagacchAmi bhinnArthamabhidhIyatAm S. 2. - uda: 'born of a different womb or mother', For Private and Personal Use Only Page #573 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra faces: a a half-brother. a. furious, in rut; fanIramyAnupavarodha ke R. 4. 83. pharaTa an elephant in rut (from whose temples ichor exudes). - having divided ears (said of particular animals); P. VI. 3. 115. a person who has regained his liberty by redeeming his pledge. - a. 1 deprived of a leader (as an army). -2 employing a different stratagem. - a. out of order, disordered. a. 1 going with broken stops. - going quickly. - a. broken up (in the centre), disorganized. Cucumis Usitatissimus (Mar. ciDa) guNanam multiplication of fractions; aMzAhatizchedavadhena bhaktA labdhaM vibhinne guNane phalaM syAt Lila. -ghanaH the cube of a fraction. -darzin .. making or seeing a difference, partial.a. belong ing to different placce karayayobhizradezatvAd dveSIbhavati me S. 2. 18. a. wounded. - a. ship-wrecked. -parikarman n. any one of the arithmetical operations with fractions. - a. of a different kind or sort. - division of fractions. - potsherd. a. one who has betrayed a plan; Ram. - a. wounded in vital parts, mortally wounded. - a. 1 one who has transgressed the due limits, disrespectful; e, arganefnd U. 5.-2 unrestrained, uncontrolled. - a. having different tastes ; bhinnarucirhi lokaH R. 6.30. -liGgam, -vacanam in congruity of gender or number in a composition; see K. P. 10. - the square of a fraction. -, varcaska a. voiding excrement. -varNa a. 1 discoloured, pale. -2 of a different caste or tribe. - a. 1 leading a bad life, abandoned. -2 containing a metrical fault. -fer a. 1 leading a bad life, following evil courses; tadantaHpureSu cAmI nivRtteSu mandanAsA bahumukhairavartanta Dk. 2. 8. -2 having different feelings or tastes or emotions. -3 having different groupations. -vyavakalitam subtraction of fractions. -gfa a. disunited, dissolved., -saMkalitam addition of fractions. svara . 1 having a changed voice, faltering. -2 discordant. -fj division of fractions. - a. pierced through the heart; vANAbhinnahRdayA nipetuSI R. 11. 19. f 1 A Buddhist. -2 N. of a musical mode or Raga. fafefe N. of a plant (jan). fa N. of a wild tribe (who lives in the Vindhya hills, in the forests of Malawa, Mewar, Khandesha and the Deccan); malave madhurandhrI candanataskASTamindhanaM kurute Subhas.1 The lodhra tree. -2 A woman of the Bhil tribe; bhillI pallavazaGkayA vitanute sAndradruma... Uab. -Comp. -gavI the female of the Bos gaveus. -taruH the lodhra tree. the ganja plant. bhilloTaH, -TakaH The lodhra tree. , bhiSaj [vityasmAt roga: bhI zurU hasva Up. 1. 134. J 1 A physician, doctor; far R. 8. 96; ege 1199 bhIma dhairyamaraH kRpAluH zuddho'dhikArI bhigIdRzaH syAt / -2 N. of Vispu. -3 Medicine, a remedy. m. dual. The two Asvins (physicians of gods). -Comp. -fare a drug or medi cine. - a quack doctor. ff. A species of moonseed (Mar. Jo). - f. N. of a plant. (Mar. g). an excellent physician. (-) the two Asvins. N. of a plant (Mar. f). -fam. a physician. fare: N. of Krison. f 1 Healing, curing. -2 A remedy, cure. fire, fufe, -21, faeerat, farfeuer Parched or fried grain. missA Boiled rice. bhI I.3P (vineti vibhAga-vibhayAMcakAra abhaiSIt bheSyati, a) 1 To fear, dread, be afraid of; graff Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir na sa bhItaM vimuJcati; rAvaNAdvibhyatIM bhRzam Bk. 8.70; Si. 3. 45. -2 To be anxious or solicitous about (A.). II. 10 P. To lesr ( bhAyayati, bhayayati ). Case. (bhAyayati) To frighten (any one) with anything; sf w Sk., f) to frighten, terrify, intimidate; Sk.; stamitena bhISayitvA dhArAhasteH parAmRzasi Mk. 6.28. fr. Vod. Fear. frur Fear, apprehension. ff. Fear, dread, alarm, fright, terror; f: ' fearless ' R. 15. 8; vapuSmAn vItabhIrvAgmI dUto rAjJaH prazasyate Ms. 7. 64. Comp. a. causing fear. 3 bhIta p. p. [-] 1 Frightened, terrified, alarmed, afraid of (with abl.); at Mk. 10. 27. -2 Fearful, timid. -8 Placed in danger, imperilled. - Fear, dread. - ind. Timidly. Comp. ZE: a shy singer. fa a acting timidly. - a. afraid in mind. fa a. 1 exceedingly afraid. -2 rather shy (bhItatulya ); cakurAkSepikAzceSTA bhItabhItA ivAGganAH Bu. Ch. 4. 25; cf. also; aa ga fafafa: Si. bhItaMkAra . Mnking (one) afraid taM bhItakAramA kazma... Bk. 5. 39. find. Calling (one) a coward. fifer: . [-] 1 Fear, apprehension, dread. terror; Bh. 2. 80. -2 Shaking, tremour. -8 Danger, risk. -Comp. a. causing or exciting fenr. chidU . kooping away fear. -nATitakam a gesticulation or representation of fear. bhetavya a. To be feared, be afraid of; bhetavyaM yAvad bhayamanAgatam H. For Private and Personal Use Only bhIma [mityasmAt bhI apAdAne maka] Fearful, terrifies terrible, dreadful, formidable; a fa$? Bh. 2. 80; R. 1. 16; 3. 54. - 1 An epithet of Siva a. Page #574 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhImayu 1200 bhISma ....... .. .......... . .... ..... bhImara: A spy. h a. Fearful, dreadful; afte SH Vaj. 30.6. AT 1 An epithet of Durga. - A kind of perfume (117). -8 A whip. -4 N. of a river. ta a. (-or f.) [4-5; cf. P. III. 2. 174.] 1 Timid, cowardly, fearful; 3 : H. 2. 26. - 2 Afraid of ; (mostly in comp.); 49deg, 374H, fata &c. --: 1 A jackal. - A tiger. -8 A kind of sugarcane. -5 m. Silver. -f. 1 A timid woman. -2 A goat. -8 A shadow. -4 A centipede. -Comp. a m. a deer. - , -quit Asparagus Racemosus (Mar. starati). --TFW: an oven, a furnace. Ta a. timid, fearful. -Equ: a deer. Mit() a. [ *-5-737 ] 1 Timid, cowardly, timorous. -2 Shy. -3 Afraid. -4 Formidable. 1 A tiger. -2 A jackal. -3 A bear. -4 An owl. - A kind of sugar-cane; araf TTTHET AT 9 : 1 gatal T 44: qught patay Bhava. P. A forest, wood. and Visnu; HI H9A: V. Sah. -2 The Supreme Being. -8 The sentiment of terror (= 47deg q. v.). - N. of the second Pandava prince. (He was begotten on Kunti by the god Wind. From a child he showed that he was possessed of extraordinary strength and hence he was called Bhima. He had too a most voracious appetite, and was called, Vsikodara, or 'wolf-bellied'. His most effective weapon was his mace (1). He played a very important part in the great war, and, on the last day of the battle, smashed the thigh of Duryodhana with his unfailing mace. Some of the principal events of his earlier life are his defeat of the demons Hidimba and Baka, the overthrow of Jarasandha, the fearful vow which he uttered against the Kauravas and particularly against Duhsasana for his insulting conduct towards Draupadi, the fulfilment of that vow by drinking Dubsasana's blood, the defeat of Jayadratha, his duel with Kichaka while he was serving as headcook (aga) to king Virata, and several other exploits in which he showed his usual extraordinary strength. His name has become proverbial for one who possesses immense strength and courage). - HH Horror, terror. -Comp. -3787 a. having terrible strength. - an epithet of Uma. - it the eleventh day in the light half of Magha. - a. of terrific prowess; atos en Helse af het: Bg. 1. 15. -fafe: f. = maaft. T-Ja a. frightful in appearance, hideous. I a. sounding dreadfully.(-4) 1 a loud or dreadful sound; HHAICHIEDI: Si. 15. 10. -2 a lion. -3 N. of one of the seven clouds that will appear at the destruction of the world. - # a. of terrific prowess. (-H:) N. of Visnu. -ge N. of Kundinapura q.v. Tet: 1 N. of one of the sons of Dhritarastra. -2 N. of one of the kings born in the family of Dhanvantari and in the family of Dasarba. -3 N. of one of the sons of Srikrisna. Tet 1 N. of the 7th night in the 7th month of the 77th year of a man's life (said to be a very dangerous period); face au THAI HII terreft arHTTgFre). -2 N. of a river in the Himalayas. - a. of terrific form; Parfa 90 ATINA977 Dk. 2.6. - a. of terrific prowess. -fastra a. fearfully powerful. (-a:) a lion. -a e a. gigantic, of terrific form. ert a. terribly swift. one of the 12 most sacred Lingas (in the Poona District ). -ala: an epithet of Yama. EFT: 1 N. of the second Pandava prince. -2 a kind of camphor. EH the flocculent down blown about in the air in summer. y a. Ved. Fearful; gut a sug: Rv. 5. 56. 3. laat, -94 Timidity, cowardice; a faltara | na dAkSiNyaM na bhiirutaa| prArthanAbhAva evaikaM satItve kAraNaM striyH|| fig () *i A bear. (7) f. A timid woman; A TEHT yatsuriat R. 13. 24. frau a. [**-f019-97 ] Terrific, formidable, dreadful, horrible, frightening; fazurac aq: Si. 3. 45.-OT: 1 The sentiment of terror in rhetorio ); see 441414.-2 N. of Siva. -3 A pigeon, dove. - The olibanum tree. -UTH 1 Anything that excites terror. *2 Terrifying, causing terror. bhISaNaka = bhISaNa. fort 1 The act of terrifying or frightening, intimidating%3; gRhaM taDAgamArAma kSetra vA bhISayA haran Ms. 8.264. -2 Fright, terror; 4SFHIT ara: 990 T.Up. 2. 8. -ind. Through fear of; Bti. Up. fara a. Frightened, terrified. from a. [ -fore-56-39919 ] Terrible, dreadful, frightful, fearful; le a: EA: EITT Bhag. 11. 23.48. - : 1 The sentiment of terror (in rhetorio); see 194.-2 A demon, an imp, a fiend, goblin. -8 An epithet of Siva. -4 N. of the son of Santanu by Ganga; E 75 E 1o Tea Ta Mb. [He was the youngest of the eight sons of Santanu by Ganga; but all the others having died, he remained the sole heir to the throne after his father. On one occasion while Santanu was walking by the side of a river, he beheld a charming young damsel named Satyavati, the daughter of a fisherman, and, though bowed down He War, battle. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #575 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra *ferent with age, conceived a passion for her, and sent his son to negotiate the marriage. But the parents of the girl said that if their daughter bore sons to the king, they would not succeed to the throne, for after his death Santanava, being the rightful hair, would be the king. But Santanava, to please his father, made a vow to the parents that he would never accept the kingdom or marry a wife or become the father of children by any woman, so that if their daughter bore a son to Santanu, he would be the king. This dreadful Vow soon became known abroad, and thenceforth he was called Bhisma. He remained single, and, after the death of his father, he installed Vichitravirya, the son of Satyavati, on the throne, got him married to the two daughters of king Kairaja (see Ambikk), and became the guardian of his sons and grandsons, the Kauravas and Pandavas. In the great war he fought on the side of the Kauravas, but was wounded by Arjuna with the assistance of Sikhandin and was lodged in a 'cage of darts'. But having got from his father the power of choosing his own time for death, he waited till the sun had crossed the vernal equinox, and then gave up his soul. He was remarkable for his continence, wisdom, firmness of resolve, and unflinching devotion to God]. - Horror, horribleness. -Comp. - aSTamI the eighth day in the light half of Magha -jananI (when Bhisma died).-ft an epithet of the Ganges. - N. of the five days from the eleventh to the fifteenth of the bright balf of Kartika (said to be sacred to Bhisma). - N. of the 6th Book an epithet of the river punAtu Uab. stavarAjaH in Mahabharata. of the Maha-Bharata. f. Ganges; harazirasi patantI bhISmasUrvaH N. of the 47th Chapter of f 1 N. of a son of Santanu by Ganga. -2 N. of a king of the Vidarbhas, whose daughter Ruk mini was carried off by Krisps. 1201 1.6 P.(, ) 1 To bend. -2 To curve, make crooked. II. 7 U. (, ) 1 To eat, devour, consume (Atm.); Ms. 4. 74; 3. 146; Bk. 14. 92; hatvArthakAmAMstu gurUnihaiva bhuJjIya bhogAn rudhirapradigdhAn Bg. 2. 5. -2 To enjoy, use, possess (property, land &c. ); saMprItyA bhujyamAnAni na nazyanti kadAcana Ms. 8. 146; Y. 2. 24. -3 To enjoy carnally (Atm.); g. 8. 4. 7; 15. 1; 18. 4; surUpaM vA kurUpaM vA pumAnityeva bhuJjate Ms. 9. 14.4 To rule, govern, protect, guard (Paras.); rAjyaM nyAsamivAbhunakU R. 12. 18; ekaH kRtsnAM ( dharitrIM) nagaraparighasiggja S. 2. 16. -5 To suffer, endure, experience; at a guy Sk. -8 To pass, live through (as time). -7 (In astr.) To pass through, fulfil. Pass. 1 To be enjoyed or eaten. -2 To be possessed. -3 To be brought under the influence of. -Caus. (af) To cause to eat, feed with. -Desid. (f) To wish to eat &o. saM. I. ko .... 151 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhujaH p. p. [-] 1 Exten. -2 Enjoyed, used; bhogA na bhuktA vayameva bhuktAH Bh. 3. 12; na tad bhuktaM na tat pItaM na tat gaa Udb. -8 Suffered, experienced. -4 Possessed, occupied (in law). -B Passed (as time). - 1 The act of eating or enjoying. -2 That which is eaten, food. -8 The place where any one has eaten. -Comp. - ucchiSTam, - zeSaH, -samujjhitam remnants of the food eaten, leavings of food, orts. -a a. one who has eaten and drunk. a. 1 one who has enjoyed or suffered (anything). -2 that which has been used. enjoyed, or employed. Hind. immediately on having enten; Ma. 4. 121. ff. the swelling of food (in the stomach). - a. sleeping after a meal. bhuktiH /- [bhu-n] 1 Eating enjoyment; mukti mukti ca Ramaraksi Stotra. 12.-2 (In law) Possession, fruition pramANaM likhitaM mukti: sAkSiNa beti kIrtitam V. 2. 22; Pt. 3. 94. -8 Food. -4 The daily motion of a planet. -6 A limit. Comp. - a food-dish. - a kind of plant (H). -after a. not allowed to be enjoyed. bhugubhugraH The sound of fire (abhidhvani ): anuSNAzIta izveit ad supppafa: Pafichadaat. 2. 3. p. p. 1 Bent, bowed, stooping; as in arg, rujAmuna doj Arate kRtvA ziSThazirodharaH Bhag. 3. 81. 8: bharavitatADuSu gopepu Vas. - Crooked, curved] pIno bhaTasyorasi maukSya prastanutvacaH pANiruhAn sumacyA Bk. 11. 81 V. 4. 32. -8 Broken (for bhana ); sa zete nihato bhUmau vAtabhuma : Mb. 6. 14. 16. -4 Cowed down, disheartened; kimanenAtiprena vAgbhiH kAusaparmaNA Mb. 9.61.22. a. 1 (At the end of comp.) Eating, enjoying, suffering, ruling, governing; ffa, &c. -2 Useful, serviceable. -f. 1 Enjoyment. -2 Profit, advantage. " bhujaH [ bhujyate'nena, bhuj ghaJarthe karaNe ka] 1 The arm ; jJAsyi kiyadbhujoM meM rakSati mobIkigA iti S. 1. 133 R 1.94 273 3. 55. -2 The hand ; yAvanto rajanIcarAH praharaNo bhUbhujAketaka Mv. 6. 59.8 The trunk of an elephant. -4 A bend, curve. 5 The side of a mathematical figure; as in faga: a triangle'; aura aggamikara: Lila. -8 The base of a triangle. -7 A branch (of a tree.). -8(In astr.) The base of a shadow. -Comp. - an embrace. - 1 the hand. -2 the shoulder. -FACH, -antarAlam the bosom, breast dilIpasUnoH sa bRhadbhujAntaram R. 3. 54; 19. 32; M. 5. 10. - the paying for subsistence vAcA daNDo brAhmaNAnAM kSatriyANAM bhujArpaNam Mb. 12. 15.9 (com.] vetanapradAnam ) AkambuH conch, a bracelets truTadbhujAkambumRNAlahAriNI N. 12 35. -ApIDaH clasping or folding in the arms. -phoTara: the arm-pit. -chAyA secure shelter. - the base sine. -: a staff-like arm. -dalaH, -lam the hand - pratibhujam the opposite sides in a plane figure. - the result from the base sine.clasping, an embrace (in the arms For Private and Personal Use Only Page #576 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mujagaH 1203 muzuNDiA ghaTaya bhujabandhanam GIt. 10; Ku. 3. 39. -balam, -vIryam strength of arm, muscular strength. -AETH the breast; klizyannivAsya bhujamadhyamuraHsthalena R. 13.73. -mUlam the shoulder. -latA a long slender arm.-viniSpeSa: slapping the upper arms (Mar. daMDa thopaTaNe); tayorbhujaviniSpeSAdubhayo linostadA Mb. 3. 11.58. -vIrya a. strong in the arm. -zAlin a. possessing strong arms. -zikharam ,-zirasa n the shoulder. -sUtram the base-sine.-stambha: paralysis of the arms. bhujagaH [bhuj-bhakSaNe ka, bhujaH kuTilIbhavan san gacchati, gam Da] A snake, serpent; bhujagAzleSasaMvItajAnoH Mk. 1.1; Me.62%3; also 112. -gI The Aslesa Naksatra. -Comp. -antakaH, -azana:,-Abhojin m.,-dAraNaH,-bhojin m.epithets of 1Garuda. -2 a peacock; yathA bahA'Ni citrANi bibharti bhujagAzanaH M.b. 12. 120.4. - an ichneumon. -indraH , -IzvaraH, -rAja: epithets of Sesa%3; saMsArasAraM bhujagendrahAram Siva-stotra. -valaya: a bracelet consisting of a snake; tasmin hitvA bhujagavalaya zambhunA dattahastA Me.62. bhujaGgaH [bhujaH san gacchati gam-khac mum Dicca ] 1 A serpent, snake; bhujaGgamapi kopitaM zirasi puSpavaddhArayet Bh. 2. 4. -2 A paramour, gallant; abhUmireSA bhujaGgabhagibhASitAnAm K. 196. -3 A husband or lord in general. -4 A catamite. -B The dissolute friend of a king. -8 The constellation AzleSA. -7 The number 'eight'.-gI A serpent nymph. -Comp. -indraH an epithet of Sesas the lord of snakes. -Iza: an epithet of 1 Vasuki.-2 of Sesa. -3 of Patainjali. -4 of the sage Pingala. -kanyA a young female snake. -prayAtam N. of a metre having each quarter of twelve syllables; bhujaGgaprayAtaM bhaved yaizcaturbhiH V. Ratna.-bham the asterism AzleSA.-bhuj m. 1 an epithet of 1Garuda. -2 a peacock. -latA betel-pepper (tAmbUlI). -zizuH kind of bRhatI metre. -saMgatA N. of a metre. -han m. an epithet of Garuda ; see bhujagAntaka &c. bhujaGgamaH1 A Snake ; gajabhujaGgamayorapi bandhanam Bh. 2.91. -2 An epithet of Rahu. -3 The number 'eight'. - The constellation AzleSA. -mI A female snake. -mam Lead. bhujA 1 The arm; nihitabhujAlatayaikayopakaNTham Si. 7.713 gacchatA dazarathena nirvRtiM bhUbhujAmasulabhAM bhujAbalAt Ram. Champu. -2 The hand. -3 The coil of a snake (bhoga); sandazya marmasu ruSA bhujayA cachAda Bhag. 10. 16.9. -4 Winding. -B The side of any geometrical figure. -Comp. -kaNTa : a finger-nail. -dala: the hand. -bhuji ind. arm to arm, in close fight. -madhya: 1 the elbow. -2 the breast. -mUlam the shoulder. yft: Fire.-(dual) Ved. The two Asvins, or eaters of oblations. bhujiSya [ bhuja-kiSyan ] Independent. -Sya: 1 A slave, servant. -2 A companion. -3 The string worn round the wr ist. - A disease (roga).-vyA 1A hand-maid, maid-servant, female slave; athAGgadAzliSTabhujaM bhujiSyA R. 6.58; Mk. 4.8; Y. 2. 290. -2 A harlot, prostitute; dadarza kAminaM kaJcicchUdra saha bhujiSyayA Bhag.6.1.59. bhujyuH [ bhuj yuc na anAdezaH ] 1 Food. -2 A pot, vessel. -3 Fire. - 4 A sacrifice. bhuND 1 A. (bhuNDate) 1 To support, maintain. -2 To select. -3 To take. bharaNyuH (dual) An epithet of the Asvins. bhurija f. Ved. 1 The two arms.-2 Earth and heaven. -8 The earth itself. -4 A hypermetre. bhuruNDa: A species of animal. bhurbhurikA, bhurbhurI A kind of sweetmeat or eatable. bhuvaH Ved. 1 Fire. -2 The earth (bhuvoloka). -8 The air, atmosphere (bhuvas). bhuvadvat m. pl. An epithet of the Adityas. bhuvanam [ bhavatyatra, bhU-AdhArAdau-kyun ] 1 A world, the number of worlds is either three, as in fyn or fourteen; iha hi bhuvanAnyanye dhIrAzcaturdaza bhujate Bh. 3.28 (see loka also); of. also atalaM sutalaM caiva vitalaM ca gabhastimat / mahAtalaM rasAtalaM pAtAlaM saptamaM smRtam // rukmabhaumaM zilAbhaumaM pAtAlaM nIlamRttikam / raktapItazvatakRSNabhaumAni ca bhvntypi| pAtAlAnAM ca saptAnAM lokAnAM ca yadantaram / suziraM tAni kathyante bhuvanAni caturdaza | Vahni. P.; bhuvanAlokanaprItiH Ku. 2. 45%; bhuvanaviditam Me.6. -2 The earth. -3 Heaven. -4A being, living creature. -8 Man, mankind.-8 Water; pANireSa bhuvanaM vitareti chadmavAgbhirava vAmana vizvam N. 21.64. -7 The number "fourteen'. -8 Abode, residence ( Ved.). -9 Becoming prosperous. -Comp.-adbhuta a. astonishing the world. -deza: a lord of the earth, king. -IzvaraH 1 a king. -2 N. of Siva. IzvarI N. of various goddesses. pUjAyantram N. of a mystical diagram. -okas m. a god. -koza: the receptacle of beings. -talam the surface of the earth. -trayam the three worlds (the earth, atmosphere, and heaven; or heaven, earth, and lower regions ). -raat an epithet of the Ganges. -bhAvana: the creator of the world. -bhate m. the supporter of the earth. -zAsin m. a king, ruler. -hitam the welfare of the world. bhuvanyuH [bhU-kanyuc ] 1 A master, lord. -2 The sun. -3 Fire. -4 The moon. . bhuvara, -bhuvas ind. 1 The atmosphere, ether (the second of the three worlds, the one immediately a bove the earth). -2 A mystic word, one of the three Vyahritis, (bhUrbhuvaHsvaH). yragm. The ocean. bhuvistha (STha) a. 1 Standing on the earth (not in a chariot). -2 Dwelling on earth (not in heaven). bhuzuNDiH , -NDI /. A sort of weapon or missile. | For Private and Personal Use Only Page #577 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1208 . .. ..... . ... ...... I.1 P. (rarely A.) (afa, wa, an , waszfa, Hagh, ) 1 To be, become; 78 Mah; Bar: 9Mal. 9. 29' what has become her fate', 'what has become of her' U. 3. 27; uge 28 U. 3 'come what may'; so great wala, Eet Hafa &c. --2 To be born or produced; yuri y a Ms. y. 127; 9740 w a wafa afea Mk. 1. 13. -8 To spring or proceed from, arise; 19 Hafa H E: Bg. 2. 63; 14. 17. -4 To happen, take place, occur; cafea alat gaufa 29 Ms. 8. 351; af I Hat &c. - To live, exist; 374 ugua: ... T arafrath Vas.; 39e fagua: qay: Bk. 1. 1. -B To be alive or living, breathe; tvamidAnIM na bhaviSyasi 5.6%3 AH cArudattahataka, ayaM na bhavasi Mk. 4; 1H, ET arg a Hare Mal. 5 (thou art a dead man', thou shalt breathe no longer ); asfaat a faza a Bg. 11. 32. -7 To remain or be in any state or condition, fare ; 94917 ya wasafa Pt. 2. -8 To stay, a bide; remain; aftan - TE: U. 3. 37. -9 To serve, do; 5 91774# Hracusa $. 1. -10 To be possible usually with a future tense in this sense ); wala part of a Sk. -11 To lead or tend to, conduce to bring about with dat.); atau fagi...... tar wafat gry great fear ar Mbh.; garu wafari wa Ku. 1. 23; muraaa 979794914 Ki. 18. 27; 7 a 9 R. 6.44.-12 To be on the side of, assist; at 3154159911 -18 To belong or pertain to (often expressed by 'have'); EU T ra aug: Ait. Br.; Y 1921 wafa aufer: Ms. 6. 39. -14 To be engaged in, be occupied (with loc ); 27kSAlane kRSNo brAhmaNAnAM svayaM hAbhUt Mb. -18 To conduct one self, behave. -16 Ved. To be prosperous, succeed; adt at 312796 Bri. Up 1. 3. 7; Mb. 12. 228. 1. Used with a preceding noun or adjective serves to form verbs in the sense of becoming what it previously is not' or 'becoming'in general; to become white; kRSNIbhU to become black; payodharIbhUta 'becoming or serving the purpose of teats '; so 901 to be or become a mendicant; praNidhIbhU to act the spy; AdrabhU to melt; bhasmIbhU to be reduced to ashes%3 viSayIbhU to form the subject of; so l d; nouity &c. &c. Note-The senses of may be variously modified according to the adverbs with which it is connected; e. g. gait to marry again; at to appear, arise, to be evident or clear; see if; fati to disappear;' gf to arise, be visible, appear; 4 to be in front, take the lead; 377971 to be absorbed or included; ojasyantarbhavantyanye K. P.83 doSAbhU to grow evening or dusk-time; 3=441 to be otherwise, be changed; a 972 Haghela S. 4; GT1 to come forward; stand forth; mithyA bhU to turn out talse; vRthA bhU to become useless &c. &c. -Caus. ( 4fa-a) 1 To cause to be or become, call into existence, call into being; ACIU BITIT 1947 Bhag. 3. 20. 10. -2 To cause, produce, effect. - To manifest, display, exhibit. - To foster, cherish, support, preserve, enliven; ga: ua quifo #TATT 1947 : Mb.; 7 94aler te devA bhAvayantu vH| parasparaM bhAvayantaH zreyaH paramavApsyatha // Bg. 3.11; Bk. 16. 27. -8 To think or reflect, consider, fancy, imagine. -8 To look upon, consider or regard as; 3 may fac Moha M. 2. -7 To prove, substantiate, establish; faga fat orga Y. 2.11. -8 To purify. -9 To get, obtain. -10 To mingle or mix. -11 To change or transform into. -12 To soak, steep. -18 To devote or addict oneself to. -14 To convince. -16. To perfume, Boent. -Desid. (mefa) To wish to be or become &c. II. 1 U. (Hafaa) To get, obtain. III. 10 A. (Hud) To obtain, gain. -IV. 10 U. (1921d-a) 1 To think, reflect. - To mix, mingle. - To be purified (connected with caus. of q. v. above). a. (At the end of comp.) Being, existing, becoming, springing from, arising or produced from, &c.; FATTI, HL, $461, HTH &c. -m. 1 An epithet of Visnu. -2 The sacrificial fire. f. [-$9] 1 The earth (opp. after or raft); fa raraa seua yan R. 3. 4; 18. 4; Me. 18; - PFH6cm yfa afa : 1 -2 Earth as one of the nine substances. -3 The universe, globe. -4 Ground, floor; 11999: (tart:) Me. 66. -8 Land, landed property. -6 A place, site, region, plot of ground; F irula, 399yfa &c. -7 Matter, subject matter. -8 A symbolical expression for the number one'. -9 The base of a geometrical figure. -10 A sacrificial fire. -11 The act of becoming, arising. -12 The first of the three Vyahritis or mystic sylla bles (4,99:, 9:-representing the earth---repeated by every Brahmana at the commencement of his daily Sandhya. -Comp. -37H gold. Fra: a kind of Kadamba tree. tq: an earthquake. FOT: the diameter of the earth. 279: an epithet of Vasudeva, Krisna's father. 19: 1 a kind of heron. -2 the curlew. -3 a kind of pigeon. T: the fig tree. I a female demon, demoness. Tom. a hog. 64 a particular poison. - 1 N. of Visnu. -2 an epithet of Bhavabhuti. -EH, & a cellar, a room underground. - : the terrestrial globe; a 20% reuacuamper A. L. 17; engasta Git. 1. la geography. -979: the body. -aft aluminous slate. -794 the equator. a. moving or living on land. (-:) 1 any land. animal (opp. Fat). -2 epithet of Siva. put, -ORT, -19 1 earth's shadow (vulgarly called Rahu). -2 darkness. Stra: 1 a kind of earthworm. -2 an elephant. Sitg: - f. wheat. - the surface of the earth. -graft a kind of cucumber. -TUT:, TETT: a kind of fragrant grass. It: a hog., -gr: a Brahmana. -ETT: a king. ETT a. 1 holding or supporting the earth; IFRUTTA cotat bagay For Private and Personal Use Only Page #578 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1204 : ETC: Ku. 3. 13. -2 dwelling on the earth. (- :) 1 a mountain; qua: sul ta at wa Udb.-2 an epithet of Siva. -3 of Krisna. -4 the number 'seven'. :,degT: an epithet of the mountain Himalaya. : a tree. -8 a king; HT HAFTA Bhag. 10. 37. 13. -Eft N. of a tree Mar. Y431 ). -: a mountain. IT: a kind of earth-worm. AT f. a kind of fragrant earth.-Fa: Gentiana Chirata Mar. faisa). hem. a sovereign, ruler, king.-: 1 a sovereign, ruler, king. -2 a term for number sixteen'. qua: 1 a king. -2 an epithet of Siva. -8 of Indra. -T: a tree. - 1 a particular kind of jasmine; H IT madayantIva zItabhIruzca bhUpadI Bhava. P. -paridhi: the circumference of the earth. -T(TM) 3 a kind of rat (Mar. ). - fat cow-dung. - : 1 a king, sovereign; Tag fatti AE:.-2 an epithet of king Bhoja. - 1 sovereignty, dominion. - i, - a: 1 the planet Mars. -2 N. of the demon Naraka; q. v. -geit, ar daughter of the earth', an epithet of Sita; 492114 wa #Hala et : Ram. - *:. an earthquake. -117 gift of land. Foi a kind of rat. -7, -14 the terrestrial globe. -40 m. 1 a king, sovereign. -2 a mountain ; : forfer TFra Ki. 7. 18. -HT the shadow of the earth on the moon (in an eclipse ). - NT: a region, place, spot. - m. a king; Paraty rya si wafuzeath Kam.- m. 1 a mountain; at at 14: saloft afa Ku. 6.1; R. 17. 78. -2 a king, sovereign; farge figure ar R. 11. 81. -3 an epithet of Visnu. -4 a term for the number 'seven'. - for: the king; atastiSTAmi bhUtvAhaM kRpANI bhUmaNe tava Siva B. 20. 22. -HUSCH 1 the earth, (terrestrial globe ). - the circumference of the earth. Til a kind of palm. -Eugt a kind of sun-flower. -5 m., -56: a tree. (-ham ) a pearl. -latA a worm.-liGgazakuna: a species of bird ; HONTE Argar: qadilar: Mb. 12. 169. 10. 74: ( :) 1 the terrestrial globe. -2 the country on the southern part of the equator. Oh = PETSH q. v.-agh: a king, sovereign. - a mushroom. - the equator. -74: Indra on earth', a king, sovereign. -TAT a kind of Acacia. -T4: 1 an epithet of Visnu. -2 any animal lying on the earth. Tot lying on the ground. yle: f. purification of the ground by sweeping &c. Et m. an ant-hill. -92274 a hole in the ground. -ot: a Brahmana. -10: a man. T m. 1 a man. -2 mankind.. -3 a Vaisya. - Fre: a mushroom. Fat: an epithet of the mountain Meru; fed to become a heaven on earth. Faha m. a landlord. *., 1 A cavity, hole, chasm. - The spring. - Time. Darkness. a p. p. [ - ] 1 Become, being, existing. -2 Produced, formed. -3 Actually being, really happened, true; bhUtAzcArthI viruddhapanti dezakAlavirodhitA: Ram. 5. 30. 37. -4 Right, proper, fit; Tatatea eta fagfaarfa Ram. 5. 15. 34: Waggresa: # 7 tafa: Thya: R. 10. 33. -5 Past, gone. -8 Obtained. -7 Mixed or joined with. -8 Being like, similar, (see ); a figura qe mua Ki. 3. 39. -2: 1 A son, child. -2 An epithet of Siva. - The fourteenth day of the dark hall of a lunar month (also hai). -4 A great devotee. - N. of a priest of the gods. -6 The dark fortnight of a month (604). - see 1777. - 1 Any being (human, divine or even inanimate); i a: fed LITHERTET 1917 #Toyqaragrah Ku. 4. 45; Pt. 2. 87. -2 A living being, an animal, a creature; 27: raffor afa ETSATT Jaya Bg. 15. 16; way for a Frottage ifa Bv. 1. 122; U. 4.6.-A spirit, ghost, an imp, a devil (m. also in these senses ); dat at Heat: 95 Haranti Brah Ram. 7. 66. 3.-4 An element; (they are five, i. e. quat, 319 , 79, and 37937); an face TT HETTAHar R. 1. 29. -8 An actual occurrence, a fact, a matter of fact. - The past, past time. -7 The world. -8 Well-being, welfare. -9 A symbolical expression for the number 'five'. -10 Fitness, propriety. -Comp.-anukampA compassion for all beings; bhUtAnukampA 79 R. 2. 48. gai: a mention of esta blished facts, a variety of arthavAda (q.v.); bhUtAnuvAdamAtramanarthakam SB. on MS. 1.2.4. -37792: the god of death, Yama. -T E T: possession by evil spirits. - Ft: Asa Foetida. -3deg: 1 the fact, real fact, true state, truth, reality ; 2 014 ATT S. 1; MAART 28 at Ku.7. 13; #: grala Hart af at gefufa Mk.3. 24. -2 an element of life. #494, oglasa: f. a statement of facts ; Targoresa: A tala: quia: R. 10. 33. -Tahta m. despiser of all; Harga1- TUITS: Kau. A. 1. 6. 37TCHI a. consisting or composed of the elements. - CAT 1 one whose soul is purified. -2 composed of the five elements (as the body ); cf. Ms. 12. 12. (-m. ) 1 the individual (as opposed to the Supreme Soul); vidyAtapobhyAM bhUtAtmA buddhirjJAnena zuddhyati Ms. 5. 109; faunala a arcar Tua Ram. 6.59. 55.-2 an epithet of Brahman.-3 of Siva. -4 of Visnu; ACHT WW4197: V. Sah. -8 an elementary substance. -B the body. -7 war, conflict. -8 the elementary or vital principle. -9 a soul which clings to the elements, a carnal mind; bhUtAtmanastapovidye buddhAnaM bizodhanam Y.3.4. - : 1 the Supreme Spirit. -2 an epithet of Ahankara ( in Sankhya phil. ). -3118 a. possessed by a devil. -rare: 1 the body. -2 an epithet of Siva. -3 of Visnu ; Tarafa Hara Harakaat aft: Hariv. -AviSTa a. possessed by a devil or evil spirit. -AvezaH demoniac possession. - H, Tvat making oblations to the Bhutas. - T m. a kind of ascetic. er the fourteenth day of a lunar fortnight. - W TO A restive horse, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #579 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir H 1208 1 an epithet ot Brahman. -2 of Visnu. -8 of Siva; Terey yarate GEET HET: Mal. 1. 2; deshacat: Udb. arr: an epithet of Siva; 43: Haarrac R. 2. 46.-3FHTE: demoniac possession. -TET: a reference to past things or such as already exist. -399, 3967 a. possessed by a devil. -STICA: a dish of rice eaten to counteract the influence of demons). - ,- m. an epithet of Brahman; far and 1969: Ram. 2. 25. 25; cartie - ST 7.4. 12. - f. a power which produces the five elements; laatat farge: F: yat: Saradatila kam. -10: 1 past time. -2 (in gram.) the past or preterite time. Theft the holy basil. Fift: absolute non-entity; Buddh. -itra: f. possession by a devil. - TUT: 1 the collection of created beings. - 2 the whole class of spirits or devils ; pretAn bhUtAgaNAMzcAnye yajante tAmasA janAH Bg. 17. 4. Te truthfully; raha Y ...... 31 N.9.159. TUT: a quality of the elements; TOETSTETTATUT PAYT: a: Saradatila kam. - possessed by a devil. - A: 1 the whole multitude or aggregate of living beings; U.7; 9TH: # tarian 4791 Bg. 8. 19. - 2 a multitude of spirits. -8 the body.-: 1 a kind of birch tree. -2 a camel. -8 garlic. (eft) the holy basil. It the fourteenth day of the dark half of Kartika. tom. an epithet of Siva. -Perran: = The L q. v.; aurait fast: Fan afran: Mb. 12. 232. 19. -ferral : an adherent to the doctrine that the mind or intellect is produced from material elements. Peret an enquiry into the elements, investigation into their nature. are intellectuality of matter. -Serit the mother of all beings. -jaya: victory over the elements. -tantram the doctrine of spirits. U n a subtle element. Zur compassion towards all beings, universal benevolence. - : Cordia Latifolia Mar. *). - - a. injurious, malicious. -ETT, STEF, -Eiftoft the earth. eft sleep. FIT: an epithet of Siva; de 4791919 a au R. 2.58. 4fil an epithet of Durga. IT: 1 the marking-nut plant. -2 mustard. -3 pepper. (- ) 1 Asa Fotida. - a bead used for rosaries (511) - : the body. -ret: the dark fortnight. ora: 1 an epithet of Siva; a pagardas Ku. 3. 43, 74. -2 of Agni. -8 the sacred basil. -4 the sky; Jahre af faa: N. 4. 55. - f the holy basil. -10: the guardian of living beings. Troat the day of fullmoon in the month of Asvina. Tot ind. formerly. -a. 1 former, ancient, old; 921 ay ati644 U. 2. 17. -2 deceased. Tafa: f. the origin of all beings; TAIE: uusaffa s.1.1 (v. l.). afo: bhUtayajJa q. v. -brahman m. a low Brahmana who maintains himself with the offerings made to an idol ; see , - a. sustaining all beings; The got you pracy z Bg. 13. 16. m. an epithet of Siva. H a . existing in all beings. bhavyam past and future. -bhAvanaH 1 an epithet of Brahman. -2 of Visnu. - Het a. 1 creating living beings. -bhASA, -bhASitam the language of devils. -I a. sustaining the elements or creatures; 494 Matt HT Hara: By. 9. 5. - fara. consisting of the elements. - P at: an epithet of Siva. Art f. an epithet of Gauri. -HICOT the earth. - 1914, - the rudiment of an element. Ha f. pl. the coarse and subtile elements ; tAsveva bhUtamAtrAsu pralIyante 1977: Ms. 12. 17. -: an oblation or offering to all created beings, one of the five daily Yajnas to be performed by a householder. - a: the origin of all created beings. -T: a class of gods under the 5th Manu; Bhag.-TEC m. an epithet of Siva. -feia: a particular magic formula. -att: the whole class of spirits. -aita a. telling the real fact or truth. -ate: the Bibhitaka tree. -atat: an epithet of Siva. -farar 1 epilepsy. -2 possession by a devil. -fast, fel demonology ( ar); Ch. Up. 7. 1. 2. -fair: a leader of evil beings; Bhag. faz: a king; teray: Sahendra. 2. 93. er: the Bibhitaka tree.-aft a white flowering Vitex Negundo (Mar. Projet). - f. purification of the elements of the body ). AIT: 1 the world of mortals. -2 the course of existence; ERSCHE bhUtasaMsAre nityaM satatayAyini Ms. 1. 50. -saMgha: the totality of beings or of the elements. TIT: demoniac possession. tam. a forest conflagration. -aga: universal deluge or destruction; radiaat gach ft . EARTH: the meeting of mortals; 94T # ... 444 a qarat e H HH: Mb. 12. 28. 36.- : 1 the creation of the world, the class or order of created beings. -2 creation of the elements. Aferm. allseeing', an eye-witness of created beings. erat the earth. E a subtle element. - Et m. an epithet of Brahman; aguiat a luat cu ST1 Ki. 6. 42. -art: f. 1 the illusion effected by the power of Bhutas. -2 the whole class of Bhutas taken collectively. - FOTTF1 the abode of living beings. -2 the abode of demons. Eu destruction of living beings. -Ersti a species of Durva grass. -ET: bdellium. ar: a kind of fever. AT a. 1 Including all beings. -2 Formed out of the elements or created beings. pra f. [ 7-147] 1 Being, existence. -2 Birth, production. -8 Well-being, welfare, happiness, prosperity; 19h 4 a asta R. 1. 18; aufgrund 2. 75; arset 0917 964: Vikr. 1.2.-4 Success, good fortune. -8 Wealth, riches, fortune; facader an faqoua fanget a Ku. 5. 76. -8 Grandeur, dignity, majesty. -7 Ashes; aufate 1216 Si. 16.71 (where a means 'riches' also ); qayfaftida Siya 1. 4. -3 Decoration of elephants with coloured stripes%3 bhakticchedairiva viracitAM bhUtimaGge gajasya Me. 19. -9 The superhuman power attainable by the practiqe of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #580 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhUtikam 1206 bhUmiH penance or magical rites ; sUkSmAt sUkSmatamo'NIyAn zIghratvaM laghimAguNaH / mahimAzeSapUjyatvAt prApti prApyamasya yat / / prAkAmyasya vyApitvAdIzitvaM cezvaro ytH| vazitvAzimA nAma yoginaH saptamo gunnH|| yatrecchA sthAnamapyuktaM yatra kAmAvasAyitA | Mark. P. 40. 31-33. -10 Fried meat. -11 The rutting of elephants. -fat: m. 1 An epithet of Siva. -2 01 Visnu. -3 of a class of Manes. -Comp. -athem ind. for the sake of prosperity. -kamen n. any auspicious or festive rite. -kAma . desirous of prosperity. (-maH)1 a minister of state. -2 an epithet of Brihaspati. -kAla: a happy or auspicious hour. -kIla:1a hole, pit. -2 a meat. -3 a cellar, an underground room. 50 m. 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 a class of Manes. -kRtyam see bhUtikarman ; zrotriyaH zrotriyaM sAdhuM bhUtikRtyeSvabhojayan Ms. 8. 393. -garbhaH an epithet ot Bhavabhuti. -da: an epithet of Siva. -vidhAnam the lunar mansion called dhaniSThA. -bhUSaNa: an epithet of Siva. -vAhana: an epithet of Siva. -sRj a. creating welfare. bhUtikam 1 Camphor. -2 Sandalwood. -3 N. of a medicinal plant (Mar. kAyaphaLa). bhUmat a. Possessed of land or earth. -m. A king, sovereigm. bhUman m. [ bahorbhAvaH bahu imanic ilope bhvAdezaH Tv.] 1A great quantity, abundance, plenty, large number; bhUmnA rasAnAM gahanAH prayogA: Mal 1.43; saMbhUyeva sukhAni cetasi paraM bhUmAnamAtanvate 5.93 Ch. Up. 1.5.4. -2 Wealth. -3 Virat Purusa, the Supreme Being (brahman ); yo vai bhUmA tat sukham Ch. Up. 7.23.1; Bhag.5. 18.30. -2.1 The earth. -2 A territory, district, piece of ground. -3 A being, creature. -4 Plurality (of number ); ApaH strIbhUmni Ak.; ct. puMbhUman. bhUmaya . (-yIf.) Earthen, earthly, made of or produced from earth. bhUmayati Den. P. To augment, increase. bhUmiHf. [bhavantyasmin bhUtAni, bhU-mi kicca vA p] 1 The earth (opp. svarga, gagana or pAtAla); dyaurbhUmirApo hRdayaM yamazca Pt. 1.1823; R. 2.74. -2 Soil, ground; utkhAtinI bhUmiHS.13 vidUrabhUmiH Ku.1.24. -3 A territory, district, country, land; vidarbhabhUmiH . -4 A place, spot, ground, plot of ground; pramadavanabhUmayaH 5.6%3 AdhityakAbhUmiH N. 22.41; R 1. 52; 3.61; Ku.3.58. -6 A site, situation. -8 Land. landed property. -7Astory, the floor of a house; as in saptabhUmikaH prAsAdaH; prAsAdenakabhUmibhiH Ram. 4. 33. 8. -8 Attitude, posture.-9 A character or part (in a play); cf. bhUmikA. -10 Subject, object, receptacle; vizvAsabhUmi, snehabhUmi &o.; mAtrANi karmANi puraM ca tAsAM vadanti haikAdazavIra bhUmIH Bhag.5.11.9.-11 Degree, extent, limit; prakupitamabhisAraNe'nunetuM priyamiyatI balAjanasya bhUmiH Ki. 10.58.-12 The tongue. -13 The number one'. -14 The area. -18 The base of any geometrical figure. -Comp. -anantara: a king of an adjacent district. -anUtam false evidence concerning land; sarva bhUmyanRte hanti mA sma bhUmyanRtaM vadI: Ms. 8,99, -AmalakI,-AlI N. of a plant; syAd bhUmyAmalakI tiktA kaSAyA madhurA himA Bhava. P.-icchA adesire for lying on the ground. -indraH , Izvara:1a king, sovereign; sabhA te bhAti bhUmIndra sudharmAto'dhikA kSitau Suktisundara 5. 28. -2 a mountain; Aste guruH prAyazaH sarvarAjJAM pazcAcca bhUmIndra ivAbhiyAti Mb. 6. 20. 11. -kadamba: a kind of Kadamba. -kampa: an earthquake. -kuzmaNDaH liquorice (Mar. jyeSThImadha). -kharjarikA,-khajUrI a variety of date tree; 'bhUmikhajUrikA......durArohA mRducchadA' Bhava. P.-gata a. fallen to the earth. -gartaH,-guhA a hole in the ground. -gRham a cellar, an underground chamber. -gocaraH a man. -calaH, -calanam an earthquake; dazagrIvaH samAdhUto yathA bhUmicale'cala: Ram.6.59.61, -chatram a mushroom. -ja a. earth-born, born or produced from the earth.(-jaH) 1 the planet Mars. -2 an epithet of the demon Naraka. -3 a man.-4 the plant bhUnimba.(-jA) an epithet of Sita. -jIvin a. living on (the produce of) land; an agriculturist. (-m.) a Vaitya.-(mi)jayaH Uttara, the son of Virata; Mb.4.-tanayaH the planet Mars. -talam the Burface of the earth.-dAnam a grant of land. -dundubhiH 'earth-drum', as a pit covered over with skins. -deva: a Brahmana; ziSTvA vA bhUmidevAnAM naradevasamAgame Ms. 11.82. -ghara:1a mountain.-2 a king.-3 the number 'seven'. -nAthaH,-paH,-patiH ,-pAlaH, -bhujam.1aking, govereign; tattat bhUmipatiH palyai darzayan priyadarzanaH R.1. 47.-2 a Ksatriya. -pakSa:aswift or fleet horse. -parimANam square measure. -pizAcam the wine-palm. -putraH the planet Mars. -puraMdaraH 1 a king. -2 N. of Dilipa. -pra a. illing the earth; bhUmiprA'sya kIrtirbhavati Ait. Ar. 2.5.3. -budhna a. having the earth for a bottom; Ch. Up. -HIT: a spot or portion of ground. -bhRt m. 1 a mountain. -2a king. -maNDA a kind of jasmine. -rakSakaH 1 a guardian of a country. -2 a swift or fleet horse. -rathika: a ground charioteer; tad yathA bhUmirathiko bhUmau rathamAlikhya yogyAM karoti / sA tasya yogyA prayogakAle saukaryamutpAdayati SB. on MS. 7.2. 15. -ruhaH a tree A. Ram.7.4.21. -lAbhaH death (lit. returning to the dust of the earth). -lepanam cow-dung. -vadhanaH,nam a dead body, corpse; yo na yAti prasaMkhyAnamaspaSTo bhUmivardhanaH Mb. 3. 35.7. -zaya a. sleeping on the ground. (-yaH)1 a wild pigeon. -2 a child, boy. -3 any animal living in the earth. -4 N. of Visnu; bhUzayo bhUSaNo bhUtiH V. Sah. -zayanam,-zayyA sleeping on the ground. -satram an offering of land; akSayAn labhate lokAn bhUmisatraM hi tasya tat Mb. -samIkRta . thrown to the ground, floored (Mar. jamInadosta), vAnarai rAkSasAzcApi dumairbhUmisamIkRtAH Ram.6.52.3. -saMnivezaH the general appearance of a country.-saMbhavaH, -sutaH 1 the planet Mars. -2 an epithet of the demon Naraka. (-vA,-tA) an epithet of Sita. -stha a. being: standing on the ground; bhUmiSThaM notsahe yoDhuM bhavantaM rathamAsthitaH Mb.5. 179.1. -snu: an earth-worm. -spRz .1 blind.-2 lame, cripple. (-m.)1a man. -2 mankind. -3a Vaisya. -4athiot. -sphoTa: a mushroom. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #581 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhUmikA 1201 bhUrizas bhUyiSTha . [ atizayena bahu iSThan bhvAdeze yuk ca ] 1 Most, most numerous or abundant.-2 Most important, principal, chief. -8 Very great or large, very much, much, many, numerous. -4 Chiefly or for the most part composed of, mostly composed or consisting of, chiefly filled with or characterized by (at the end of com.); abhirUpabhUyiSThA pariSad 8.1; zUlyamAMsabhUyiSTha AhAro'zyate 5.23 rASTreSu katamatsupuruSabhUyiSTam Dk.; zilpadArikAbhUyiSThaM parijanam M. 53 R. 4. 70. - Almost, mostly, nearly all (usually after a past passive participle); aye uditabhUyiSTha eSa tapana: Mal. 1; nirvANabhUyiSThamathAsya vIryam Ku. 3. 52; V. 1. 8. -STham ind. 1 For the most part, mostly; bhUyiSThamanyaviSayA na tu dRSTirasyAH5.1.30.-2 Exceedingly, very much, in the highest degree; bhUyiSThaM bhava dakSiNA parijane 5.4. 183 R.6.4; 13. 14. bhUmikA 1 Earth, ground, soil. -2 A place, region, spot (of ground). -3 A story, floor (of a house); gRhopari" the filat roof of a house. -4 Step, degree; madhumatIsaMjJAM bhUmikA sAkSAtkurvataH Yoga. S.; or naiyAyikAdibhirAtmA prathamabhUmikAyAmavatAritaH Sankhyapravachanabhasya. -BA tablet or board, as for writing%3 see akSarabhUmikA. -8 A part or character in a play; yA yasya yujyate bhUmikA tAM khalu tathaiva bhAvena sarve vA pAThitAH; kAmandakyAH prathamA bhUmikAM bhAva evAdhIte Mal.1; or lakSmIbhUmikAyAM vartamAnorvazI vAruNIbhUmikAyAM vartamAnayA menakayA pRSTA V.33; Si. 1.69%; (anyarUpairyadanyasya pravezaH sa tu bhUmikA Bharata.). -7 Theatrical dress, an actor's costume. -8 Decoration (as of an image). -9 A prelace or introduction to a book. -Comp. - FT: a floor, threshold. bhUmI The earth; see bhUmi. -Comp. -kadambaH = bhUmikadambaH, -bhra: A mountain; ArAmaprAyabhUmIdhaM tIrthaprAyanadInadaM (deza) Siva B. 29.87.-patiH , -bhuja m. a king. -ruDm ., -ruhaH atree. bhUyam The state of being or becoming: as in brahmabhUyam; dAzarathibhUyam Si. 14. 81. bhUyazas ind. 1 Mostly, gemerally, commonly, as a general rule; dveSyo bhavati bhUyazaH Mb.10.2.17.-2 Exceedingly, in a high degree. -8 Again, more further. bhUyas .(-sI /.) [atizayena bahu Iyasun ] 1 More, more numerous or abundant. -2 Greater, larger : taddarzanAdabhacchaMbho yAn dArArthamAdaraH Ku.6.13.-8More important. -4 Very great or large, much, many, numerous; hafa punarbhUyAn bhedaH phalaM prati tadyathA U.2.43 bhadraM bhadraM vitara bhagavan bhUyase majhalAya Mal. 1.33 U.3.48%B R. 17.41; U.2.3. -5 Rich or abounding in; evaMprAyaguNabhUyasI svakRtim Mal. 1. -8 Vehement, severe. -ind. 1 Much, very much, exceedingly, largely, greatly. -2 More, again, further more, moreover; pAtheyamutsRja bisa grahaNAya bhUyaH v.4.15: R. 2.46; bhUyazcAha tvamasi zayane kaNThalamA purA me Me. 113. -3 Repeatedly, frequently; pUrva bhUyaH first, in the first place -next, in the next place. (The form bhUyasA is often used adverbially in the sense of 1 very much, in a high degree, exceedingly, beyond measure, for the greater part; na kharo na ca bhUyasA mRduH R.8.9%; kusumapurabhuvo bhUyasA duHkhayanti Mu.6.93 pazcArdhana praviSTaH zarapatanabhayAd bhUyasA pUrvakAyama 5.1.7.-2 generally, as a general rule; bhUyasA jIvidharma eSaH U.5). -Comp. -kara a. augmenting, increasing. -kAma a very desirous of anything. -darzanam 1 trequent observation; bhUyobhUyodarzanena yatra yatra dhUmastatra tatrAgniriti vyAptiM gRhItvA T. S.-2 an inference based on frequent and wide observation. Wre: increase, growth, progress. -bhUyas ind. again and again, repeatedly; bhUyobhUyaH savidhanagarIrathyayA paryaTantam Mal.1.15. -mAtram the greatest part, most of. Frau a. 1 more learned. -2 very learned. bhUyastva m 1 Abundance, plentifulness%3D kledanaM piNDanaM tRptiH prANanApyAyanondanam / tApApanodo bhUyastvamambhaso vRttyaastvimaaH|| Bhag. 3. 26. 48. -2 Majority, preponderance. bhUra ind. 1 One of the three Vyahritis. -2 The lowest of the seven lower worlds. -3 A spiritual son of Brahman. -Comp.-bhuvaH N. of one of the mindborn sons of Brahman. -loka: 1 the terrestrial world, earth. -2 the country south of the equator. bhUri . [bhU-krin Un 4. 65] Much, a bundant, numerous, copious; prekhadbharimayUkha ... Mal. 6.5. bhUribhArabharAkAnto bAdhati skandha eSa te| na tathA bAdhate skandho yathA bAdhati bAdhate // Subhas. -2 Great, large. -m. 1 An epithet of Visnu. -2 Of Brahman. -3 Of Siva. -4 Of Indra. -f. Reason, intellect. --. Gold. -ind. 1 Very much, exceedingly; navAmbubhibhUri vilambino ghanAH 5.5. 12. -2 Frequently, often, repeatedly. -Comp.-kAlam ind. for a long time. -kRtvas ind. many times, repeatedly; marmajmA te tanvaM bhUri kRtvaH Rv. 3. 18.4. nAndhA a particular perfume. -gamaH an ass. -guNa a. 1 multiplying greatly. -2 bearing manifold fruit. -tejasa ( s) a. possessed of great lustre. (-m.) fire. a. liberal. -dakSiNa a. 1 attended with rich presents or rewards. -2 giving liberal rewards, munificent. -Na: N. of Vispu; kapIndro bhUridakSiNaH V. Sah. -dAnam liberality. -dhana a. wealthy. -dhAman a. possessed of great lustre or energy. -prayoga a. frequently used, in common use (as a word). -preman m. the ruddy goose. -phenA a species of plant, saptalA (Mar. zikekAI).-bhAga a. wealthy, prosperous; adyeza no vasatayaH khalu bhuuribhaag| yaH sarvadevapitRbhUtanRdevamUrtiH Bhag. 10. 48.25.-bhoja a. having many enjoy. ments. -mAya: ajackal or fox. -rasa: the sugar-cane-rAmaH a donkey, ass. -lAbha:agreat gain. -vikrama a. very brave, a great warrior. -dRSTiHf.a heavy rain. -vyaya aspending much; lavish in expenditure; bhUrivyayA pracuravittasamAgamA ca vezyAGganeva nRpanItiranekarUpA Pt. 1.425. -zravas m. N. of a warrior on the Kaurava side slain by Satyaki. bhUrij /. The earth. bhUrizas ind. manitoldly, variously. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #582 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhUrja 1208 bhRtya bhUrjaH The biroh-tree ; bhUrjagato'kSaravinyAsaH V.2; Ku.1.73; 'bhUrjaH kaTuH kaSAyoSNo bhUtarakSAkaraH paraH' Rajanighantu. -jem 1 A leaf made of birch-bark for writing on. -2 A written deed, document. -Comp. -kaNTaka: a man of one of the mixed tribes, the offspring of an outcast Brahmana by a woman of the same class%3;vrAtyAta jAyate viprAt pApAtmA bhUrjakaNTaka: Ms. 10.21. -patra: the birch-tree. bhUrNi:/.1 The earth. -2 A desert. bhUS 1 P., 10 U. (bhUSati, bhUSayati-te, bhUSita) 1 To adorn, deck, decorate; zuci bhUSayati zrutaM vapuH Bk. 20. 15. -2 To decorate onesell (Atm.); bhUSayate kanyA svayameva -3 To spread or strew with, overspread; nakhaprabhAbhUSitakaGkapatre R. 2. 31. -With 31 to adorn, grace, give beauty to; aharata sutarAmato'sya cetaH sphuTamabhibhUSayati niyanapaiva Si. 7. 38. bhUSaNam [bhUSyate'nena bhUS-karaNe lyuT ] 1 Ornamenting, decoration. -2 An ornament, decoration, an article of decoration; kSIyante khalu bhUSaNAni satataM vAgbhUSaNaM bhUSaNam Bh. 2. 19%; R. 3.25 13.57. -Na: N. of Visnu. -Comp. -vAsas n. pl. clothes and ornaments; Ms. 8. 357. bhUSA [bhUS-bhAve a] 1 Decorating, adorning. -2 An ornament, decoration; as in karNabhUSA q.v.; dampatyoH paryadAt prItyA bhUSAvAsaH paricchadAn Bhag.3.22.23. -3 A jewel; nabhobhUSA pUSA kamalavanabhUSA madhukaraH......sakalaguNabhUSA ca vinayaH Subhas. bhUSAya Den. A. To serve as an ornament. bhUSita p. p. [bhUSa-kta] Decorated, ornamented; maNinA bhUSitaH sarpaH kimasau na bhayaMkaraH. bhUSNu [bhU-gaSNu] 1 Being, becoming; as in alaMbhUSNu q.v.-2 Wishing for wealth or prosperity; kSatriya caiva sarpa ca brAhmaNaM ca bahuzrutam / nAvamanyeta vai bhUSNuH kRzAnapi kadAcana / / Ms.4.135. bhR 1, 3U. (bharati-te; bibharti-bibhRte, babhAra-banne, bibharAMcakAra-cakre, abhASa/t-abhRta, bhariSyati-te, bhartum, bhRta; pass. bhriyate, desid. bibhariSati-te or bubhUrSati-te)1 To fill; jaTharaM ko na bibharti kevalam Pt.1.22. -2 To ill, pervade, fill with; abhArSId xafaat 917 Bk. 15. 24. -8 To bear, support, uphold, bear up; dhuraM dharitryA bibharAMbabhUva R.18.45%3 kUrmoM bibharti dharaNI khalu pRSThakena Ch. P.50%B Bk. 17. 16. -4 To maintain, foster, cherish, protect, take care of, nourish; bharasva putraM duSyanta Bhag.9.20.21; daridrAn bhara kaunteya mA prayacchezvare dhanam ma.1.14. -BTo bear, have, possess%3 sindhobaMbhAra salilaM zayanIyalakSmIm Ki. 8.573; pizunajanaM khalu binati kSitIndrAH Bv. 1.74; valitrayaM cAru babhAra bAlA Ku. 1. 393 indordainyaM tvadanusaraNakliSTakAnterbibharti Mo.86%3 S.2.4. -8 To weari bibhrajjaTAmaNDalam S. 7. 11; 6.5%; vivAhakautukaM lalitaM bibhrata eva (tasya) R.8.1; 10. 10; jaTAzca bibhRyAnnityam Ms. 6.6. -7 To teel, experience, suffer, endure (joy, sorrow &c.); bhAvazuddhisahitairmudaM jano nATakairiva babhAra bhojanaH Si.14.50%; saMtrAsamavibhaH zakraH Bk. 17. 108; 5.7.21.-8 To conter, bestow, give, produce; yauvane sadalakArAH zobho bibhrati suvaH Subhas. -9 To keep, hold, retain (as in memory).-10 To hire; Ms. 11.62; Y.3.235. -11 To bring or carry. -12 To take away, transport. -18 Ved. To acquire, gain. -19 To balance, hold in equipoise (as a pair of scales). (garbha bhR to become pregnant, conceive ; kSiti bhU to rule the earth; jaTAM bhR to wear matted hair &c.). bhRt a. (At the end ot comp.) 1 Bearing, carrying. -2 Supporting, nourishing. -3 Possessing, having%3B prathame mAnabhRtAM na vRSNayaH Ki. 2.44. -4 Bringing, procuring, &c. bhRtap. p. [bhU-kta] 1 Borne. -2 Supported, maintained, cherished, fostered. -8 Possessed, endowed or furnished with. -4 Full of, filled with. - Hired; nAnugrahabhRtaH kazcit Mb. 3. 15.22. -ta: A hired servant; hireling, mercenary; kAlAtikramaNe hyeva bhaktavetanayorbhUtAH Ram. 2. 100. 33; uttamastvAyudhIyo yo madhyamastu kRSIvalaH / adhamo bhAravAhI syAdityevaM trividho bhRtaH Mita. bhRtakaa. [mRtaM bharaNaM vetanamupajIvati kan] 1 Nourished; kaikeyyA na vayaM rAjye bhRtakA hi basemahi Ram. 2. 48. 23. -2 Hired, paid. -ka: A hired servant;......dvAdazamaMza bhRtakaH Kau. A.2.8.26; rakSeta bhRtako'raNye yathA gAstAdRgeva saH Mb.3. 33. 24. -Comp.-adhyApaka: a hired teacher. -adhyApanam instruction given by a hired teacher , bhRtAdadhyayanAdAna bhRtakAdhyApanaM tathA Y. 3. 235. -adhyApita ataught by a paid teacher. (-taH) a student who pays his teacher for his la bour (='a paying student' of the modern days); mRtakAdhyApako yazca bhRtakAdhyApitastathA Ms. 3. 156. bhRtiH . [bhR-ktin ] 1 Bearing, upholding, supporting. -2 Cherishing, maintaining. -3 Bringing, leading to. -4 Nourishment, support, maintenance. -8 Food. -6 Wages, hire%; tribhiH prakArai tirbhavati vyApArataH phalato vacanata iti SB. on MS. 10.3.45%3 bhRtizca karmakarebhya Anatyartha yaddIyate SB. on MS. 10.2.273ct. also kAlamAnaM tridhA jJeyaM cAndraM sauraM ca sAvanam / bhRtidAne sadA sauraM cAndraM kausIdabuddhiSu // Sukra. See also Sukra. 3. 266. -7 Service for hire. -8 Capital, principal. -9 Wages, hire. -Comp. -adhyApanam teaching (especially the Vedas) for hire. -athem ind. on account of the maintenance; prajAnAmeva bhRtyartha (v.1. for bhUtyartha) sa tAbhyo balimagrahIt R. 1. 18. -bhRj m. a hired servant, a hireling. -rUpam a reward in place of the wages due, but not to be paid. bhRtya a. [bhU kyap tak ca] To be nourished or maintained &c. -tya: 1 Any one requiring to be supported. -2 A servant, dependant, slave. -3 A king's servant, minister of state; bhRtyapraNAzo maraNaM nRpANAm R. 2. 136. -4 A subject. -tyA 1 Rearings fostering, nourishing, taking care of as in kumArabhRtyA q.v. -2 Maintenance, support. -8 A means of sustenance, food. -4 Wages. -6 Service. -Comp. -adhyApanam teaching the Veda. for hire; Ms. 11.62. -jana: 1 a servant, dependant. -2 servants taken collectively. -bha m. the master of | For Private and Personal Use Only Page #583 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhRtyatA 1809 bhRgirI .............. ........................... .. a family. -att: the body of servants, household; -udvahaH an epithet of Parasurama. -kacchaH , -ccham N. 419 party for sa: Mb. 12. 292. 11. of a place on the north bank of the Narmada (modern -aree kindness to servants. -are: f. maintenance Broach ). -3, - 4: 1 an epithet of Sukra. -2 the of servants ; yasya traivArSikaM bhaktaM paryAptaM mRtyavRttaye Ms. 11.7. planet Venus. Fa: 1 an epithet of Parasurama; att a 22 part 49-catsfa U. 5. 34. -2 of Sukra. rat, 297, -uha: Service, dependence. -3 of Saunaka; a farsa 29 CTETYTICH Bhag. 10. 1. para Den. A. To behave like a servant. 14. -patanam a tall trom a precipice. -patiH an epithet of Parasurama; fazer a Me. 59; 80 Et 1 P. To become a servant, accept service. bhRgUNAMpatiH, -pAtaH Throwing oneselt down from a cliff H a. Supported, nourished. or a precipice; thus committing suicide; 77 ETIAM 27:( :) A male actor in female attire. da Siva B. 20. 39. DIT: N. of a family descended from Paraburama. -art, atat: Friday, fe:, et see (2) Fiz. - , -y, HTH: epithets of Parasurama. gai, 1 an epithet of Parasurama. -2 of Venu. ind. An onomatopoetic word expressive of the or Sukra; bhRgusUnudharAputrI zazijena samanvitau Mb.9.11.17. crackling sound of fire. -f. Aflame; fra 29: ThomasetISH97 Mb. 13. 85. 5. Th: N. of a country. : 1 N. of a sage, regarded as the ancestor of **: [ 7-fara a Un. 1. 122. ] 1 A large the family of the Bhrigus, and described in Ms. 1. 35 black bee; 459 yourg : Bv. 1. 5; R. 8. 53.-2 A as one of the ten patriarchs created by the first Manu; kind of wasp. -8 A kind of bird. -4 A libertine, dis. ( said to be so called because he was produced along solute or lecherous man; cf. 797. - A golden vase with flames; the sales 691 W HITE 9: Fa:1). or jar. -8 The fork-tailed shrike. -7 A kind of measure [On one occasion when the sages could not agree as (in music). - Talc. 1 The female of the large to which of the three gods, Brahman, Visnu and Siva, black bee; a gs gesift a f 797. -2 A was best entitled to the worship of Brahmanas, the poisonous plant (ala). -Comp. -371974: the queen sage Bhrigu was sent to test the character of the three of bees. -abhISTa: the mango tree. -AnandA the Yathika gods. He first went to the abode of Brahman, and, creeper. -3719dt a flight of bees. - 4 1 aloe-wood. - on approaching him, purposely omitted an obeisance. tale. (-jA) the plant bhArgI.-parNikA small cardamoms. Upon this the god reprehended him severely, but -at the Madhavi creeper. T1 m. 1 a kind of was pacified by apologies. Next he entered the large bee. -2 N. of a shrub. 9: 1 see I. - N. abode of Siva in Kailasa, and omitted, as before, all of a bird; zukazArikA bhRjarAjo vA sarpaviSazaGkAyAM krozati Kau. tokens of adoration. The vindictive deity was enraged A. 1. 20. 17; Mb. 12. 327. 4. fit:, ft: N. of one and would have destroyed him, had he not conciliated of the attendants of Siva (said to be very deformed ). him by mild words. According to another account, -Tesi a kind of wasp. -agu: a species of Kadamba. Bhrigu was coldly received by Brahman, and he, **: 1 (At the end of comp.) A bee. -2 The therefore, cursed him that he would receive no worship or adoration; and condemned Siva to take the form tork-tailed shrike. of a Linga, as he got no access to the deity who was :, 1 A golden vase or pitcher; w rot engaged in private with his wite). Lastly he went to UAE THE Yacht Mb. 13. 52. 14.-2 A pitcher of a Visnu, and finding him asleep, he boldly gave the particular shape (Mar. jhArI), also bhRzAH ; kAzcanaizcaiva god a kick on his breast which at once awoke him. E: afecta: Ram. 5. 18. 12; rererrafeequitsu Instead of showing anger, however, the God arose, EXIT: Ve. 6.-8 A vase used at the coronation of a and on seeing Bhrigu, inquired tenderly whether his king; guNeSu na tu me dveSo bhRGgAraH pratigRhyatAm Pratijna Y.4.21%3B foot was hurt, and then began to rub it gently. "This', 12171a1 7987971 a IV aufter: Siva B. 29. 58; dat said Bhrigu, is the mightiest god. He overtops all ara 3744499gafeuzealeott fag: Kau. A. 1. by the most potent of all weapons-kindness and 12. -TH 1 Gold. -2 Cloves. generosity'. Visnu was therefore, declared to be the god who was best entitled to the worship of all.) Fest, F A cricket. -2 N. of the sage Jamadagni. -3 An epithet of Sukra. 1 m. 1 The fig-tree. -2 N. of an attendant of - The planet Venus. -8 A cliff, precipice; scal | Siva; : 031: a: hal 125 1 geht 24: Foot garage4: Si. 4. 23; 96141014 BH Dk. -B faATSIT: 1 Tata ca sa a fa al til Table-land, the level summit of a mountain. -7 N. of i Vamana. P.; also : -Comp. at: N. of Siva. Krisna. -8 An epithet of Siva. -9 Friday. Comp. (A) : See . 8. &.....148 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #584 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra bhRGgeriTiH Re: N. of an attendant of Siva. sRj 1 A. ( bharjate ) To roast, try; bharjitAH kathitA dhAnAH prAyo bIjAya neSyate Bhag. 10. 22. 26; cf. bhrasj. Ved. A frying-pan. sRSTikA A species of plant fug: f. A wave. bhramaH Ved. A mistake, an error ; mA te asmAn durmatayo Bv. 7. 1. 22. f: 1 An eddy, a whirlpool. -3 Whirlwind; f A B Rv. 2. 34. 1. f. Ved. Quickness; imA u vAM bhramayo manyamAnA Rv. 3. 62. 1. bhRz 4 P. ( bhRzyati) To fall down see aMzU. a. (compar. a, superl.) 1 Strong, powerful, mighty, intense, excessive, very much. -2 Frequent. ind. 1 Much, very much, exceedingly, intensely, violently, excessively, in a high degree, greatly ; tamavekSya ruroda sA bhRzam Ku. 4. 26; raghurbhRzaM vakSasi tena tADitaH R. 3. 61; cukopa tasmai sa bhRzam 3.56; Ms. 7.170; Rs. 1. 11. 2 Often, repeatedly. -8 In a better or superior manner. Comp. a. highly choleric or irascible. a. inflicting severe punishment; Fai nyAyavRttaH syAdbhRzadaNDazca zatruSu Ms. 7.32. - duHkhita, pIDita .. exceedingly afflicted. a. very much delighted. Den. A. To become powerful or strong. p. p. [] Fried, roasted, parched. -Comp. -annam rion boiled and fried. taNDulaH parched rice sugandhiH kaphadA rakSaH pitta Rajanighapte. - yavAH (pl.) parched rice. qft: f. 1 Frying, parching, roasting. -2 A deserted garden or orchard. -3 A spike, point; : Bri. Up. 6. 4. 12. 9 P. () 1 To bear, nourish, support, maintain. -2 To fry. -8 To blame, censure. -4 To bend, be crooked. mekaH [ bhI n kasya tvam Up. 3.43] 1 A frog pakke fan for af:.-2 A timid man. -8 A cloud; tejaH yo balakaro amatR dAhamedanut | svApakuSTacchardinAzI mekastu affa: Rajanighantu. - 1 A small frog. -2 A female frog. Comp. m. a serpent. -, -: the croaking of frogs. a. Timid. A kind of fish; L. D. B. A kind of fish; L. D. B. e: [-ear float.-A ewe. 11 A ram, sheep. -2 A raft, 1210 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bheNDA, -NDI Abelmoschus Esculentus. bheDUH A ram. bhetAlaH See vetAlaH . medana bhettR [fa] 1 Breaking, splitting. -2 One who interrupts, an interrupter, a disturber. -8 A destroyer (of secrets). -4 A factious or seditious man. [f]1 Breaking; splitting, cleaving; hitting (as a mark). -2 Rending, tearing. -8 Dividing, separating. Piercing through, perforation.-6(a)Breach, rupture. (b) Breaking open, bursting; V. 2. 7. -6 Disturbance, interruption. -7 Division, separation. -8 A chasm, gap, fissure, cleft. A hurt, injury, wound. -10 Difference, distinction; fufcita Bh. 3. 99; agauravabhedena Ku. 6. 12; Bg. 18. 19, 22. rasa, kAladeg &c.; ered as: SB. on MS. 10. 6. 3.-11 A change modification ; na buddhibhedaM janayedajJAnAM karmasaGginAm Bg. 3.26. -12 Dissension, disunion. -13 Disclosure, betrayal; as in rahasyabhedaH - 11 Treachery, treason; bhedAdhInaM kRtaM zatroH Juga ga Sukra. 4. 876. -15 A kind, variety; bhedAH padmazakhAdayo niSeH Ak: zirISapuSyabhedaH &c. - 15 Dualism. -17 (In politics) Sowing dissensions in an enemy's party and thus winning him over to one's side, one of the four Upayas or means of success against an enemy; _see upAya and upAyacatuSTayaH parasparaM tu ye dviSTAH kruddha bhItAvamAnitAH / taga Agni P. 18 Defest. -19 (In medicine) Evacuation of the bowels. -20 Shooting pain (in the limbs). -21 Paralysis. -22 Contraction. -23 A conjunction of the planets. -25 The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle. -Comp. - (dual) 1 disanion and union, disagreement and agreement. -2 difference and sameness; - jJAnam - unmukha a on the point of bursting forth or opening bAlAkamupavarAmasubhage bhadonmukhaM tiSThati V. 2.7. kara, kRt sowing divamsions. darzina, dRSTi, buddhi considering the universe as distinct from the Supreme Spirit. -pratyayaH belief in dualism. -vAdin m. one who maintains the doctrine of dualism. -fafa: the faculty of discriminating. a. 1 capable of being divided or separated. 2 corruptible, seducible. bhedaka . ( - dikA / . ) [ bhidNvul ] 1 Breaking, splitting, dividing, separating. -2 Breaking through, piercing. -3 Destroying, a destroyer; : Ms. 9. 201. - Distinguishing, discriminating. -5 Defining. -8 Evacuating the bowels, purgative. -7 Diverting (watercourses); srotasAM bhedako yazca teSAM cAvaraNe rataH Ms. 3. 163. -8 Seducing (ministers); Ms. 3. 232 Kull. An adjective or differentiating attribute. For Private and Personal Use Only bhedana . [ bhid-Ni lyu lyuT vA ] 1 Breaking, dividing [die] naranAgAzvavRndAnAM bhedarna kSiprakAriNam Mb. 6. 108.8 8 Loosening (as the feces), purgative. - 1 Splitting, Page #585 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhedikA 1811 maivajyam mammoonam . mination O breaking, rending. -2 Dividing, separating. -3 Distinguishing. -4 Sowing dissensions, creating discord. -B Dissolving, loosening.-8 Disclosing, betraying. -7 Disunion, discord. -8 Asa Foetida. -9 (In astr.) Passing through a constellation. -10 Piercing the nostril (of an animal tor bridling; nAsAcchedana); goSu brAhmaNasaMsthAsu churikAyAzca bhedane Ms.8.325.-11 A purgative. -na: A hog. bhedikA Destruction, annihilation. bhedita a. Split, broken, divided. bhedin a. [bhid-Nini ] 1 Breaking, dividing, distinguishing &c. -2 One who holds the doctrine of dualism. bhadiram, bheduram A thunderbolt. bhedyam A substantive. -Comp.-rogaH a disease treated by incision. -liGga a. distinguished by the gender. bheraH A kettle drum. bheriH,rI f. A kettle-dram; tataH zalkhAzca bheryazca Bg.1. 18; ravaH pragalbhAhatabherisaMbhavaH Ku. bheruNDa a. Terrible, trightful, awtul, tearful. -NDa: A species of bird. -13 Conception, pregnancy. -ugt f. 1N. of a Yaksini. -2 N. of a goddess%3; mahAvizvezvarI zvetA bheruNDA kulasundarI Kali. P. bheruNDaka: A jackal. bhela a. [bhI-ra rasya laH ] 1 Timid, cowardly.-2 Foolish, ignorant. -8 Unsteady, inconstant. -4 Tall. -8 Agile, quick. -la: A boat, ratt, float. bhelakaH, -kam A boat, ratt. melanam Swimming. bheS 1 U. (bheSati-te) To tear, dread, be atraid. bheSaja . [ bheSa rogamayaM jayati ji-Da Tv.] Making well or healthy, curative. -jam 1 A medicine, medicnment, or drug3 narAnambatrAtuM tvamiha parama bheSajamasi G.L.15%; ativIryavatIva bheSaje bahuralpIyasi dRzyate guNaH Ki. 2.43; vyAdhibhaiSajasaMgrahaizca Bh.1.11.-2A remedy or cure in general. -3 A kind of fennel. -4 Any spell against diseases. -8 Water (Ved.). -Comp. -a (A)gAraH, -ram an apothecary's shop.-aGgam anything taken atter medicine. -karaNam preparation of drugs. -kRta a. healed, cured; bheSajakRto ha bA eSa yajJaH Ch. Up.4.17.8. -vIryam the hea.ling power of medicine. bheSajya .Curative, having healing properties. bhaikSa (-kSI/.) [bhikSaiva tatsamUho vA aN] Living. on alms. -kSam 1 Begging, mendicancy; bhavatpUrva caredU bhaikSamupanIto dvijottamaH Ms. 2.49% ekakAlaM cared bhakSaM na prasajeta vistare Ms.6.55; Y. 3. 42. -2 Anything got by begging, alms, charity; bhakSeNa vartayenityam Ms. 2. 1887 4.5% gorakSaNe saniyukto guruNA bhekSabhojanaH Bm. 1. 32. -Comp.-annam alms, food obtained by begging. -Azin a. eating food obtained by begging. (-m.) a beggar, mendicant; Ms. 11. 72. -AhAraH a beggar; bhaikSAhAro vizuddhyati Ms. 11. 257. -kAla: the time for begging. -caraNam,-caryam, -cayoM going about begging, begging, collecting alms. -jIvikA, -vRttiHf. mendicancy. -bhuja m. a beggar, mendicant. bhaikSava a. Belonging to a religious mendicant. bhaikSavam, bhaikSukam [bhikSUNAM samUhaH am] A number of beggars. bhekSuka: 1 The lite of a religious mendicant.- saMnyAsa q.v. bhaikSyam [bhikSA-vyaJ ] Food got by begging, alms, charity; see bhaikSa; ayAcita tu tad bhakSyaM bhoktavyaM manurabravIt Usanah Dharmasastra; gurUnahatvA hi mahAnubhAvAn zreyo bhoktuM bhaikSyamapIha loke Bg.2.5.-AzramaH 1 saMnyAsa q.v.; samadarzinazca bhUteSu bhaikSyAzramapadaM bhavet Mb. 12.66.5. -2 brahmacarya q. v. Mb. 12.66.7. bhaima a. (-mI /.)[bhImasya nRpasyedam aN] 1 Relating to Bhima. -2 Doing valorous deeds (bhImakarmakartAraH); Mb. 3. 120. 10. -mI 1 "The daughter of Bhima', a patronymic of Damayanti, wite of Nala. -2 The eleventh day of the bright half of Magha or a festival performed on that day. -3 A descendant of Bhima; AttAyudha mAmiha rauhiNeya pazyantu bhaimA yudhi jAtaharSAH Mb. 3. 120. 10. bhaimaseniH , -nyaH A son of Bhimasena. bhairava .(-bI/.)[bhIroridam aN] 1 Terrible, trightful, horrible, formidable; vellabhairavaruNDamuNDanikaraivIro vidhatte bhuvam U. 5. 6.-2 Misera ble. -8 Relating to Bhairava. -a: 1 A form of Siva (of which 8 kinds are enumerated ). -2 The sentiment of terror (bhayAnaka). -3 Fear, terror. -4 N. of a musical mode (rAga) calculated to excite emotions of fear or terror. -3 A mountain. -vI 1A form of the goddess Durga. "cakram a disc of the goddess bhairavI; pravRtte bhairavIcake sarve varNA dvijottmaaH| nivRtte bhairavIcake sarve varNAH pRthak pRthk|| Utpattitantra. -2 N. of a Ragini in the Hindu musical system. -8 A girl of 12 or a young girl representing the goddess Durga at the Durga festival. -vam Terror, horror. -Comp. -deza: an epithet of Visnu (or Siva?); so bhairavatarjakaH,-yAtanA a sort of purificatory torment inflicted by Bhairava of Benares on those who die there, to make their spirits fit for absorption into the Supreme Spirit. bhaiSajam [bheSajameva svArthe aN] A medicine drug. -jaH The bird called 9177 or quail. bhaiSajyam [bhiSajaH karma, bheSaja-svArthe vA Syam ] 1 Administer_ing medicines, medical treatment. -3 A medicament, Bb.1.11; Any (3) an atter 11 cured in power For Private and Personal Use Only Page #586 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhaiSmakI 1212 bhoja: ...... servant who works only for livelihood. - : 1 acquisition of enjoyment or profit. -2 well-being, wellare. at n. an object of enjoyment. A n. = 119 q. v.-F T 1 the body, as the seat of enjoyment. -2 women's apartments. medicine, drug; wakaoT 8954.........Kau. A 2. 4. 22. -8 Healing power, curativeness. * A patronymic of Rukmini, daughter of Bhismaka of Vidarbha. 1 a. (1979) 1 One who enjoys or eats. -2 Possessing. -8 Enjoying or making use of. -4 Feeling, enduring, experiencing. -8 Protecting, ruling, governing. -m. 1 A possessor, enjoyer, user; g&isfta - ATT 410a San. K. 17. -2 A husband. -8 A king, ruler. -4 A lover. -8 An epithet of Visnu. am 1 Being a possessor. -2 Enjoyment, possession. -3 Perception. T: (49-79 ] 1 Eating, consuming.-2 Enjoyment, fruition. -8 Possession. -4 Utility, advantage. -8 Ruling, governing, government. -8 Use, application (as of a deposit). -7 Suffering, enduring, experiencing. -8 Feeling, perception. -9 Enjoyment of women, sexual enjoyment, carnal pleasure. -10 An enjoyment, an object of enjoyment or pleasure; 3779 1794 Bh. 3.35; FanteziehicTATTET: Bh. 3. 54; i famae fasefarenita Brav. P.; Bg. 1. 32. -11 A repast, feast, banquet. -12 Food. -18 Food offered to an idol. 14 Profit, gain. -18 Income, revenue. -16 Wealth ; TT T TCUTAUTIFU19 ESHT Ki. 11. 23.-17 The wages of prostitutes. -18 A curve, coil, winding. -19 The expanded ) hood of a snake; TAYFA1 914 &c. Mal. 5. 23; R. 10.7; 11.59. -20 A snake. -21 The body. -22 An army in column. -28 The passing of an asterism ). -24 The part of the ecliptic occupied by each of the 27 Naksatras. -Comp. -35 a. fit to be enjoyed. (6 ) property, wealth. TCH corn, grain. -TI1: a pledge which may be used until redeemed. To the panegyric of a professional encomiast; namaH stutivratastasya grantho a war; Abh. Ch.795; Tat: P TISTATY ag: si. 5. 67. - ata: the apartments of women, harem. : a. affording enjoyment or pleasure. -guccha m wages paid to prostitutes. -gRham the women's apartments, harem, zenana. Tot 1 desire of worldly enjoyments; a &tet: fatisfat Tatar R. 8. 2; selfish enjoyment; Mal. 2. : the body of suffering ', the subtle body which a dead person is supposed to carry with him, and with which he experiences happiness or misery according to his good or bad actions. -ETT: a serpent. -Art: a nourisher, supporter.-afa: the governor or ruler of & district or province. - an Inam deed; Sukra. 2. 295. - 16 a groom. -frauerit hunger. -Y a. enjoying pleasures. -m. a wealthy man. f. 'the land of enjoyment', heaven, paradise (where persons are said to enjoy the fruit of their actions ), ia Ta a. 1 Giving pleasure or delight, delightful. -2 Happy, prosperous. -8 Having curves, ringed, coiled. -m. 1 A snake. -2 A mountain. -3 Dancing, acting, and singing together. -f. (-ai) 1 An epithet of the Ganges of Patala or the lower world arger); bhogavatI ca pAtAle svarge mandAkinI tathA Puranam; A. Ram. 6. 9. 8. 2 A female snake-demon; Mb. 1. 171. 38. -8 N. of the city of the snake-demons in the lower world; heyajai arithaca Bhag. 1. 11. 11. -4 The night of the second day of a lunar month. #: [ -57] A groom, horsekeeper. fra a. [ #19-5far ] 1 Eating. - 2 Enjoying. -3 Suffering, experiencing, enduring. -4 Using, possessing (at the end of comp. in these four senses. ) - Having curves, having large body; at Tatar ataaf: Ram. 6. 50. 35 (com.). -8 Having hoods. -7 Devoted to enjoyment, indulging in sensual pleasures; bhoginaH kaJcukAviSTAH kuTilAH krcessttitaaH| suduSTA mantrasAdhyAzca rAjAnaH 491 59 Il Pt. 1. 65 (where it has sense 6 also ). -8 Rich, opulent. -m. 1 A snake; T a fta 1996 at Ku. 5. 78; R. 2. 32; 4. 48; 10.7; 11. 59. -2 A king. -3 A voluptuary. -4 A barber. -3 The headman of a village. - The lunar mansion 384. - 1 A woman belonging to the king's harem, but not consecrated with him, the concubine of a king.-2 A kind of heroine. --Comp. 55, T: Sesa or Vasuki. Filmati wind, air. -Y m. 1 an ichneufnon. -2 a peacock. -11 m. Sesa, the lord of snakes; YET IT TO FIRSAT 7. -a944 sandal. ITT a. ( 042 194] 1 To be enjoyed or turned to one's account; 942a ga qarasaray: four R. 8. 14; Pt. 1. 117. -2 To be suffered or endured; Me. 1; 9 gafara: 7 7499 7 Narada. -3 Profitable. -74 1 Any object of enjoyment. -2 Wealth, property, possessions. -8 Corn, grain. -TUTA harlot, courtezan. -Comp. -ered articles of luxury ; STEYNyata qua rah Dk. 2.4 IT a. Bestowing enjoyment; TT 21 fatie H5E fra aq: Mb. 12. 68. 54. -2 Leading a life of enjoyment, enjoying ; salg hogy hafta fraai the afat AT: Bhag. 10.88.1. -8 Liberal, bountiful. 67: 49-349 ] N. of a celebrated king of Malva (or Dhara ); (supposed to have flourished about the end of the tenth or the beginning of the eleverth century, and to have been a great patron of Sanskrit For Private and Personal Use Only Page #587 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhojaka 1218 bhautika ...................... OT 1 A princess of the Bhojas; qaigi ref am ITC R. 6. 59; 7. 2, 13.-2 A procuress. Y learning; he is also supposed to have been the author of several learned works, such as Attac081977UT &c.). -2 N. of a country. -3 N. of a king of the Vidarbhas; HIS gat a fas: R. 5. 39; 7. 18, 29, 35. STI: (m. pl.) N. of a people. -Comp. 37 : an epithet of 1 Kamsa. -2 Karna. F: a king of the Bhojas. -kaTam N. of a town founded by Rukmin. -kulam the dynasty of the Bhojas who ruled over the country of Vidarbha or Berar; 3 927 11 : #fa. N. 16.48. aa, TT: king Bhoja; 72: Tufeggafatit Udb.; see (1) above. -ofa: 1 king Bhoja. -2 an epithet of Kamsa. 1914 a. [ug forquan] 1 Causing to eat, feeding, nourishing; a 1950 Y. 2. 35. -2 An eater. TITAT a. [ -dag ar ] 1 Feeding, nourishing, giving to eat. -2 Voracious; (24) 371ad facer grafa i Ram. 4. 41. 26. 7: 1 N. of Visnu. -2 Of Siva. -74 1 Eating, eating food; taking one's meals; 3450 HT 97. - Food. - Giving (food) to eat, feeding. -4 Using, enjoying. - Any, object of enjoyment. -8 That which is enjoyed; HETTE: 44964 T: Bhag. 1. 10. 1. - Property, wealth, possessions. -Comp. - Art: charge of provender, su perintendence over food or provisions, stewardship. -3710591A food and raiment; bhojanAcchAdane dadyAdRtukAle ca saMgamam Pt.5.62. ooi, at, -99: meal-time, dinner or supper time. Pent: abstaining from food, fasting. 1994 a dish of meat. - : f. a dining-hall. -fasta: a dainty, delicacy. -fe: f. a meal, food. -34 a. 1 engaged in eating. -2 straitened for want of food. -97: expense for food. sratt a. [ 47 3*47] 1 Eatable, edible. -2 To be fed, nourished (dependants ). - Food. wafua a. ( YF-forg-T ) One who feeds, a feeder. tft a. ( F-forfat ] ( At the end of comp.) 1 Eating, enjoying; using, possessing &c. -2 Feeding, nourishing. 77 pot. p. [79-047] 1 To be eaten. -2 To be enjoyed or possessed. -3 To be suffered or experienced. - To be enjoyed carnally. T44 1 Food, meal; e are 7 Ha: Pt. 2; Ku.2. 15; Ms. 3. 240; agrieties fa t : fera: Chanakyasatakam. 2 A store of provisions, eata bles; a g ar #a: T2 H Sukra. 4.877. -8 A dainty. -4 Enjoyment. -3 Advantage, profit. -8 Food given to the Manes. -7 Wounding the mortal spot (44 ); utgan Mb. 5. 169. 12 com. I ofte 464154). -8 A festive dinner, feast. Comp. -378 a. one whose food may be eaten; ga tag 41: Ms. 4. 253. -36UT a. too hot to be eaten. Ti meal-time, a: chyme, the primary juice of the body. MIE: N. of a country said to be the same as Tibet). -Comp. 35: the country called Bhootana. - Bos Vacus. eta a. Tibetan. bhomIrA Coral. I: The son of a Vaisya and a Nati. H AT: N. of Siva. He: A camel. ind. A vocative particle used in addressing persons, and translatea ble by 'o', 'sir', 'oh, balloo', 'ah'; (it drops its final visarga before vowels and soft consonants); #: : S. 2; 14 HETET S. 7; it is sometimes repeated; W : Teteafat agar: Mal. 3; # #1: qfogat: H H. & is said to have, in addition, the senses of Borrow' and 'interrogation '. -Comp. Fift: rules of address. F a. (- 8.) [477-34] Serpentine. - The lunar mansion called AzleSA. . Hiffo Slavery, servitude. 1 A kind of sovereignty; cf. aru, tart4 &o. - A royal rank (T ); arra WSIT ETTI #17444a I CITTAU a 11ai at: 95 l Bhag. 10. 83. 41. E A Tibetan. wa a. ( f.) [tara guforatsfah a , ara agar ar STF 3797] 1 Relating to living beings.-2 Elemental, material. -3 Demoniacal. -4 Mad, crazy. -2: 1 A worshipper of demons and spirits. -2 An attendant upon an idol (993). -3 One of the five daily Yajnas to be performed by a householder (also called 1993, q.v.); Traat 245sfalta Ms. 3. 70.-24 A collection of evil spirits. -aft Night. -Comp. eu, - a. imbecile, deranged, like an idiot. af a. Possessed by evil spirits. tra a. (- f.) [4a-7) 1 Belonging to created or living beings; Eat wifa afe: Ms. 3. 74; 36 Trayla ifahat Sankhya S. -2 Formed of coarse elements, elemental, material; zatot arifa wa Bhag. 12 184. 9; fo EYT a Hrany R. 2. 57. -3 Relating to evil spirits. -4 Possessed by evil spirits. - 1 N. of Siva. - 2 A being, animal ( a); y a aga 17TH Bhag. 12.8. 43. - 1 A pearl. -2 Anything elemental. -Comp. 5: a monastery, -feir sorcery, witch-craft, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #588 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhopAla 1218 bhram iosped. a. -kriya is from praor : bhopAla: A prince, son of a king. bhauma . (-mI.) [bhUmerapatyaM tasyA idaM vA aN] 1 Belonging to the earth; saMstUyante viprakarSAbhaumA nopAdhayaH sphuTam Mv.7.22.-2 Being on the earth, earthly, terrestrial; bhaumo muneH sthAnaparigraho'yam R. 13.36; 15.59. -3 Earthy, made of earth; Ms. 11. 155. -4 Relating to Mars. -maH 1 The planet Mars. -2 An epithet of the demon Naraka ; tvayi bhaumaM gate jetumarautsIt sa purImimAm Si.2.39%; bhauma hatvA tannirodhAdAhRtAzcArudarzanAH Bhag. 10.58.58. -3 Water. - Light. -8 Sky, atmosphere. -8 N. of Atri. -7 A redflowering gautar. - 4 1 Corn, grain. -2 An elemental thing; kimAtmanazcAtra ha bhaumayostat Bhag. 11. 23.51. -3 Floor; haimarAjatabhaumeSu Ram. 2. 88.5.- Story; saptabhaumASTabhaumaizca sa dadarza mahApurIm Ram.5.2.50. -Comp. -dinam, -vAraH,-vAsaraH Tuesday; bhaumadinamabhidadhatyathavA bhRzamaprazastamapi magalaM janAH Si. 15. 17. -brahman (bhaumabrahman ) Vedas, Brahmapas and sacrifices; bhaumasya brahmaNo guptyai dIpamagnimivAraNiH Mb. 12. 47.29 (com. bhaumaM brahma vedA brAhmaNA yajJAzca). ratnam coral. bhaumaka: Any animal living in the earth. bhaumana: N. of Vitvakarman, architect of the gods; Mb. 1. 32.3. bhaumikaa. (-kI/.)-bhaumya . [bhUmi-Thak yat vA] Earthly, terrestrial, living or existing on the earth; bhaumikaiste samA jJeyA na tairAprayato bhavet Ms. 5. 142. bhaumI f. An epithet of Sita. bhaurikA [bhUri suvarNamadhikaroti Thak] The superintendent of gold in a royal treasury, a treasury-officer, a treasurer. bhaulI N. of a Raga. bhauvanaH See bhaumana; nihatya vizvakarmANaM bhauvanaM somarakSaNe Bm. 1.144. bhauvAdika . (-kI/.) Belonging to the class ot roots which begin with it, i. e. to the first conjugation. bhyas 1 A. (bhyasate ) To tear. -Caus. To frighten. bhraMza 1 A., 4 P.(bhraMzate, zrazyati, bhraSTa; with abl. in most cases) 1 To fall or dropdown, tumble; hastAdU bhraSTamidaM bisAbharaNam 5.3.25; Pt. 1. 130%; Si. 18. 21. -2 To tall from, deviate or swerve from, stray from; 415 979: H.43; R. 14. 16. -3 To be deprived of lose; babhraMze'sau dhRtestataH Bk. 14.71; Pt. 2. 1083 4.37. -4 To escape, fiee from; saMgrAmAd babhrazuH kecit Bk. 14. 1053 15.59. -8 To decline decay, decrease%3 bivarNavadanazvAsIt kiMcidabhrazyata FT: Ram. 6. 95. 45. - To disappear, vanish, depart; dravati hRdayamantazyatIvAntarAtmA Mal.8.12.-Caus. (bhraMzayati-te) 1 To cause to fall, throw or cast down. -2 To deprive of. - To ruin, overturn. -4 To cause to disappear or vanish. -8 To expel. bhraMzaH, -saH [bhraMz bhAve ghaJ] 1 Falling off, dropping down, fall, slipping or falling down ; SEU 7 that a lobhAt R.16.74; kanakavalayabhraMzariktaprakoSTha: Me.2.-2 Decline, decrease, decay. -3 Fall, destruction, ruin, overthrow. - Running away.-BDisappearance. -8Losing, loss, deprivation%3; smRtibhraMzAd buddhinAzaH Bg. 2. 63; 80 jAtibhraMza, svArthabhraMza.-7 Straying, swerving, or deviating from. -8 Abandoning, deserting. -9 (In drama ) A slip of the tongue (due to excitement). bhraMzathuH See prabhraMzaH. bhraMza(sa)na. (-nI/.) [bhraMz-lyu, lyuT vA ] Throwing down. -nam 1 The act of dropping down. -2 Falling from, being deprived of, losing. bhraMzita a. Thrown or cast down. bhraMzin [bhraMza-Nini ] 1 Falling off or down, falling from. - Decaying. - Straying away from. -4 Ruining, destroying. bhraSTa p. p.1 Fallen, dropped. -2 Decayed, ruined. -3 Fled, esca ped. -4 Depraved, vicious. -Comp. -adhikAra a. dismissed. -kriya a one who has omitted prescribed acts. -guda a. suffering from prolapsus_ani. -yoga a. tallen from devotion; backslider. -zrI . unfortunate. bhraMs = aMza q.v. bhrakuMza: An actor in female dress. bhrakuTi = dhukuTi q.v. bhram 1 U. (bhrakSati-te) To eat, devour. bhrajjanam [bhrasj lyuT ] The act of trying, roasting, or parching. bhraNa 1 P. (bhraNati) To sound. bhramaNaH = bhrUbhaGgaHq.v. bhram 1,4P. (bhramati, bhramyati, bhrAmyati,babhrAma, abhramat, abhramIt , bhramiSyati, bhramitum, bhrAnta) 1 To roam or wander about, move or go about, rove, ramble (fig. also); bhramati bhuvane kandapAzA Mal. 1. 17; mano niSThAzUnyaM bhramati ca kimapyAlikhati ca 31; oft. with ace. of place; bhuvaM badhAma Dk.; digmaNDalaM bhramasi mAnasa cApalena Bh. 3.77; 80 bhikSAM bhram 'togo about begging'. - To turn or whirl round, revolve, move round or in a circle; sUryo bhrAmyati nityameva gagane Bh. 2.95%3 bhramatA bhramareNa Git. 3. -3 Togo astray, stray, swerve, deviate. -4 To spread, prevail, be current or afloat ; 393744 paurajAnapadedhviyaM vArtA Dk. -8 To totter, reel, stagger, be in doubt or suspense, waver; antarbhinne bhramati hRdayam Mal. 5. 20. - To err, be in error or mistake, be mistaken; AbharaNakArastu tAlavya iti batrAma. -7 To ficker, flutter, quiver, move unsteadily; cakSubhrAmyati Pt. 4. 78. -8 To surround. -9 To waver, be perplexed, doubt; - For Private and Personal Use Only Page #589 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhramaH 1216 prAjiSNu .. . .. strad spra: FATA TINT: Ram. 7. 7. 30. -Caus. (92for faa) 1 To cause to rove or wander, cause to revolve or turn round, whirl round; 7744 T EHTIT. Mal. 9. 41. -2 To cause to err, delude, mislead, perplex, confuse, embarrass, cause to reel or stagger ; fate e fa a cita a U. 1.36. -8 To wave, brandish, vibrate; rare 14 R. 6. 13. - To proclaim by beat of drum. - To disarrange. A: [ 4.74 ] 1 Moving or roaming about, roving. - Turning round, whirling, revolving. -3 Circular motion, rotation. -4 Straying, deviating. -8 An error, a mistake, misapprehension, delusion; h a fafa 74; 7 Heardhurerfafradat Mb. 12. 274. 7; A fafar: fagfa: merge T. S. -8 Confusion, perplexity, embarrassment. -7 An eddy, a whirlpool. -8 A potter's wheel. -9 A grind-stone. -10 A lathe. -11 Giddiness. -12 A fountain, watercourse; 51117 Eget: Si. 3. 38. -13 An umbrella. -14 A circle. -Comp. -39 a. confused. - 6 : a sword-cleaner, an armourer. THUT ( -] 1 Moving or roving a bout, roaming a bout. -Turning round, revolution. -8 Deviation, swerving. -4 Shaking, tottering, unsteadiness, staggering. -8 Erring. -8 Giddiness, dizziness. -7 A tour, excursion. -8 The or bit of a planet -9 A cupola. -oft 1 A kind of game. -2 A leech. - N. of one of the 5 917 . 17: a pleasure trip; fau: fic HuitfacE N. 3. 19. WHT 4. Wandering, roving &o. -Comp. get a kind of umbrella. WH [79-**]1 A bee, large black bee; asfo rAgapUrNA vikasitavadanAmanalpajalpe'pi / tvayi capale'pi ca sarasAM bhramara u a atiftaff are il Bv. 1. 100 (where the next meaning is also suggested). - A lover, gallant, libertine. -8 A potter's wheel. -4 A young man. -8 A top; 87544FET TEST 4619 Siva B. 7. 82. - A particular position of the hand. - 1 A bee; 84kabarIbhArabhramarImukharIkRtam Kuval. -2 Lac. -ram Giddiness, vertigo. -Comp. -farer: the Champaka tree. - a. with bees clung or attached to; fate17 WATTf aut: yarat: 985 : 2744 R. 3.8. -3T63: a curl on the forehead. -3T17: 1 the Bakula tree. -2 the Atimukta creeper. Te: the tree called 100%. -utsavA the Madhavi creeper. -karaNDaka: a small box containing bees (carried by thieves to extinguish light in a house by letting the bees escape ); Dk. 2. 2. E: a species of wasp. Fret: a multitude of bees. -padam a kind of metre. -priyaH a kind of Kadamba tree. are molestation by a bee; $. 1. HUSH a swarm of bees. -fectean 1 the sporting of bees. - N. of & metre. WATE: ( 7H7 Fa # ]1 A bee. - A whirlpool, an eddy. *, 1 A lock of hair or curl hanging down on the forehead. -2 A ball for playing with. -3 A humming top, bhramarikA Roving in all directions.. dRSTiH a wandering glance ; yathA bhramarikAdRSTyA bhrAmyatIva mahIyate Bhag. 10.46.41. wataa. Turned blue; galarmetauftfah: granitnaafs: N. 2. 103. Atua Den. A. 1 To begin turning round or revolving. - To act like a bee, i.e. to be unsteady in one's attachments to women. #: f. [ 74-5 ] 1 Whirling or turning round, circular movement; moving about or round, revolution; sfag gagaracug: U. 3. 19; 6. 3; Mal. 5. 23. -2 A potter's wheel. -8 A turner's lathe. -4 A whirlpool. - A whirlwind. -8 A circular arrangement of troops. -7 An error, a mistake. -8 Swoon, fainting (heef); A. Ram. 6. 11. 73. -a. Turning round, revolving; kSaurapavyaM svayaMbhramim Bhag. una p. p. 1 Made to go round, whirled. -2 False ly taken for, confounded with. I a. [474-forfa ] Turning or moving round, revolving, whirling &c. ayu See aaNh. THE m. Violence, excessiveness, impetuosity, vehemence. 56 U. (afa, E; caus. yaa, 9fa-d; desid. fazafa-fasala, fauftrefa-fazlaufa) To fry, roast, parch, broil; (fig. also ); 999 hd aith a traumhaa Bk. 14. 86. TIGT I A. ( 1) To shine, gleam, flash, glitter; gouf gegu a r: Bk. 14. 78; 15. 24. -Caus. To illuminate, irradiate. -With fato shine brilliantly or intensely; vidhAjase makaraketanamarcayantI Ratn.1.21. IT: N. of one of the seven suns. -14 N. of a Saman; bhAjA bhAje pavamAnamukhe bhavato sukhata evAsya tAbhyAM tamo'pannanti Tandya Br. 19 a. (-frit f.) (29-07] Illuminating, irradiating. - Bile, gall. H ry: Splendour, lustre, brilliance, beauty. STEEL ( 1719- y) Illuminating. for a. Shining, glittering. fra a. [ 7767-5607 ) Shining, resplendent, bright, radiant. -uu: 1 An epithet of Siva. -2 Of Visuu. fughi V. Sah. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #590 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir bhrAta 1216 bhrukuTi: ........ BIT m. [ 978-79 gato; cf. Un. 2. 96. ] 1 A brother. -2 An intimate friend or relation. -8 A near relative in general. -4 A term of friendly address (my good friend ); la: FICHEI Bh. 3. 37; 2. 34; Cita pre ale sra: Moba M. 3. -Dual. A brother and sister [cf. L. frater; Zend bratar, Eng. brother. ] -Comp. re, T a. having only the name of a brother, a brother in mere name. Ti, TTT m. a brother in mere name; Tear 164 gala alifa sanah Ram. 4. 12. 13. -T: a brother's son. -JITUTI also TICHA) a brother's wife, a sister-in-law; 310419 Halatayfa 2 Me. 10. -A property given by a brother to a sister at the time of her marriage; mAtRkaM bhrAtRdattaM vA stenA syAdyadi taM haret Ms. 9. 92. -Gate the second day of the bright half of Kartika (when sisters invite their brothers to their houses and entertain them, who in their turn give them presents; the day seems to have been so called on account of Yamuna having entertained her brother Yama on that day; of. Haitar). -e: (also 717693: ) a brother's son. (- ) a niece. -8: a brother's wife. f r a brother and sister. It: elder brother of the husband. -E T fratricide. HCF a. Relating to a brother. peat: [ #19: 9a: 547] 1 A brother's son, nephew. -2 An enemy, adversary; 3 E4 97 ST621 wala Bri. Up. 1. 3.7; THIRU A groupea ETIT Mb. 7. 24. 18. cart Brotherhood, fraternity. HECT a. Having a brother or brothers. fira, 0 a. Fraternal. -U: A brother's son, nephew. bhrAcyam Fraternity, brotherhood; yAtitaH sa mayA pUrva 597531 pas 79 Mb. 12. 6. 5. treat A particular sruti ( in music ). Ta p. p. [ 74-7] 1 Wandered or roamed a bout. -2 Turned round, whirled, revolved..-3 Erred, mistaken, gone astray. -4 Perplexed, confused. -8 Moving a bout, moving to and fro, wheeling. -B Whirling or turning round, roaming or wandering about. -2: 1 An elephant in rut. -2 A kind of thorn-apple. 4 1 Roaming, moving about; a agiig yra at: 8 Bh. 2. 14.. 2 A mistake, an error. -8 A particular mode of fighting. -Comp. ale a. confused or perplexed in mind, puzzled. Tira: ( 57-a ] f. 1 Moving or wandering about. -2 Turning round, rolling. -3 A revolution, circular or rotatory movement; crty for TTT V.1.5. -4 An error, a mistake, delusion, wrong notion, false idea or impression; Patre 1941 gfagra farag 4 U. 1. 47; T grafia: ita 2014 | TTTTTTTTA 9716dra: ger Il Jyotistattvam. -5 Confusion, perplexity. -8 Doubt, uncertainty, suspense. - Unsteadiness. -Comp. - a. confounding, causing delusion. Jeta: an epithet of Siva. -T a. removing doubt or error. (-T:) a counsellor, minister. fat a. 1 Revolving, turning round; anai474 M. 2. 18.-2 Erring, mistaking, being under a delusion. -m. A figure of speech in which one thing is represented as being mistaken for another on account of the close resemblance between the two; Hierreafari K. P. 10; e. q. 5918 HTET: 93 fa 1 & Tera: &c.; see V. 3. 2; Mal. 1. 2 also. WTA: (-879) 1 Roaming about. -2 Delusion, error, mistake. a. (- f.). [ A-57 fora ogg] 1 Causing to move or whirl. -2 Perplexing, deluding, misleading. -8 Deceptive, false. -* 1 A sun-flower. -2 A kind of loadstone. -3 A deceiver, rogue, cheat. -4 A jackal. HTHTH [ 17-fure mit] Swinging or turning round, causing to revolve. BUAT a. ( f.) [THU HR and a sto] Relating to a bee. T, TH A kind of loadstone. T4 1 Whirling round. -2 Giddiness. -3 Epilepsy. -4 Honey; nirmalaM sphaTikAbhaM yat tanmadhu zrAmaraM smRtam Bhav. P.-B A kind of coitus or mode of sexual enjoyment. -6 A village. - 1 An epithet of Durga. -2 Going round, walking round from left to right; ( =37&um q. v.); as in that the Karpur. 4; Vb. 2. trafa a. 1 Revolving. -2 Having epilepsy, epileptic; 914* TOSHI Ms. 3.161. - Made of honey. -4 Giddy, dizzy. I a. Confused, perplexed. (1) 11,4 A. (Sud, 34, mad, 27242) To shine, glitter, blaze. Eng:, - A frying-pan. - 1 Light. -2 Ether. - A frying-pan; graatsfag 2074: 376: He Pt. 1. 132. oft a. One who fries or roasts. 2 (KIT) See 171 (**) 7. (7) BT: () A male actor in female attire. bhukuTiH,-TI See bhUkuTi; samarpyamANaM sudRzA nAgrahI kuTImukhaH Bm. 1. 266. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #591 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1217 makara: zrI 9 P. (zrINAti) 1 To fear. -2 To maintain (bharaNe). / bhraDa 6 P. ( Dati) 1 To collect, gather. -2 To cover. bhU. [bhram-DU Up. 2. 68 ] Brow, eyebrow; kAntibhruvorAyatalekhayoryA Ku. 1. 47; vivartitabhUriyamadya zikSate. -Comp. -kuTiH , -TIj. contraction or knitting of the eyebrows, a frowa. "bandhaH , racanA bending or knitting the eyebrows%3B mukham a frowning face ; bhrUkuTiM bandh or rac 'to knit the eyebrows, to frown'. -kSepa: contraction of the eyebrows; bhrUkSepamAtrAnumatapravezAm Ku. 3.60. degAlApaH the language of frowns. -jAham the root of the eyebrow. -bhaGgaH, -bheda: contraction or knitting of the eyebrows, a frown; tarajabhrUbhaGgA kSubhitavihagazreNirazanA V.4.283 saJcUbhaGga mukhamiva Me. 24; sabhrUbhaGgam 'with a frown'. -bhedina . frowning. -maNDalam the arch of the eyebrow. -madhyam the space between the eye-brows. -latA a creeper-like eyebrow, an arched or carving eyebrow. -vaJcitam a stolen glance. -vikAraH, -vikriyA,-vikSepaH contraction of the eyebrows, frowning. -viceSTitam, -vibhramaH, -vilAsa: graceful or playful movement of the eyebrows, amorous play of the brows; sabhUvilAsamatha so'yamitIrayitvA Mal. 1.25%3 Mo. 16. -vijRmbhaH , -mbhaNam the bending of the brows. bhrUNa 10 A. (bhrUNayate) 1 To hope. -2 To trust, confide. -3 To wish, desire. -4 To fear. bhrUNaH [ bhrUNa-ghaJ] 1 An embryo, fotus; sarvA bhrUNAnyAruSI Rv. 10. 155.2. -2 A child, boy; udyamya zastramAyAta bhrUNa- / mapyAtatAyinam Sukra. 4. 1149. -3 A very learned; bhruNahA'bhrUNahA (bhavati) Bri. Up. 4.3.22%3 tasya sAdhorapApasya bhrUNasya brhmvaadinH| kathaM vadhaM yathA bormanyate sanmato bhavAn // Bhag. 9. 9. 32. -4 A pregnant woman (garbhiNI). -Comp. -na, -han a. one who procures or causes abortion. -2 one who kills a learned Brahmana; api bhrUNahaNaM mAsAt punantyaharahaH kRtAH Ms. 11. 248. -hatiH, -hatyA killing an embryo, causing abortion; bhrUNahatyAM vA ete pranti; Trisuparna 23 Y. 1.64. -2 the killing of a learned Brahmana; bhrUNahatyAmasi prAptA Ram.2.74.4 (com. zAkhAdhyetRbrahmahatyAM prAptAsi); alpena tRSito druhman bhrUNahatyAM na budhyate Mb. 12.26.21. -hantR m. 1 the killer of ap embryo. -2 any mean murderer. bhreja 1 A. (bhrejate) To shine. bhre (bhle) 10. (zreSati-te, bhleSati-te) 1 To go, move. -2 To fall, totter, trip, slip. -3 To fear. -4 To be angry. - bhraSaH Moving, motion. -2 Tottering, wavering, slipping. -3 Deviation, swerving, aberration. -4 Deviation from rectitude, trespass, sin. -8 Loss, deprivation ; kratuzreSastvattaH kratuphalavidhAnavyasaninaH Siva-mahimna 21. bhrINahatyam The killing of an embryo P. VI.4.174. bhla See akSa. bhlA See prAza. maH 1 1 Time. -2 Poison. -3 A magical formula. . - The moon. -5 N. of Brahman; makAreNocyate brahmA. -6 Of Vispu. -7 Of Siva. -8 Of Yama. -9 (In prosody ) A syllabic foot (TOconsisting of three long syllables ; mo bhUmistriguru zriyaM dizati yaH V. Ratna. -10 N. of the fifth (madhyama) note in music. -mam 1 Water. -2 Happiness, welfare. maMha 1 A. (maMhate) 1 To grow, increase. -2 To give, grant. -3 To speak. -4 To shine. maMhanIya a. Ved. 1 Praiseworthy. -2 Great, valuable. maMhiSTha a. Ved. 1 Very liberal or praiseworthy. -2 Exceedingly abundant. -8 Quite ready for. makamakAya Den. A. (makamakAyate) To croak (as a frog); Kav. saM.i.ko....153 makaraH [maM viSaM kirati kR-ac Tv.]1 A kind of sea - animal, a crocodile, shark; jhaSANAM makarazcAsmi Bg. 10.31; makaravaktra Bh. 2.4. (Makara is regarded as an emblem of Cupid ; cf. comps. below). -2 The sign Capricornus of the zodiac. -8 An array of troops in the form of aMakara; daNDavyUhena tanmArga yAyAttu zakaTena vaa| varAhamakarAbhyAM vA...Ms. 7. 187; Sukra.4. 1100.-4 An ear-ring in the shape of a Makara. -5 The hands folded in the form of a Makara. -8 N. of one of the nine treasures of Kubera. -7 The tenth arc of thirty degrees in any circle. -Comp. 35: an epithet of 1 the god of love. -2 the ocean. -azva: an epithet of Varuna. -AkaraH, -AvAsa: the ocean; pravizya makarAvAsaM yAdogaNaniSevitam Mb. 7. 11. 19. -Alaya: 1 the ocean.-2 a symbolical expression for the number four'. -Asanam a kind of Asana in yoga; makarAsanamAvakSye vAyUnAM stambhakAraNAt / pRSThe pAdayaM baddhvA hastAbhyAM pRsstthbndhnm|| Rudrayamala.-kuNDalam For Private and Personal Use Only Page #592 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir makarin 1910 an ear-ring in the shape of a Makara ; CHINESATaiz: Y uss: (UT) Bhag. 8. 15. 9. - i, * , *HT m. epithets of the god of love. -EEST: 1 an epithet of the god of love; A VASTA can we ger Ratn. 1.3; 7849 447gareft Ch. P. 41. -2 a particular array of troops. -8 the sea. -4 a particular medical preparation. TIT: f. the sign Capricornus of the zodiac.-aika: N. of Varuna. 14 the passage of the sun into the sign Capricornus. A t the seventh day in the bright half of Magha. Ram. [*21: #47 ] An epithet of the ocean. Hai A particular head-dress; K. The female of a crocodile. -Comp. -974, er the mark of a Makari on the face of Laksmi. -980: N. of a town. makarandaH [makaramapi dyati kAmajanakatvAt do-avakhanDane ka pRSo. 94 Tv.] 1 The honey of flowers, flower-juice; areaTansaantiel : Ve. 1.1; Taga lAU HETATU: Bv. 1. 6, 8. - 2 A kind of jasmine. -3 The cuckoo. -4 A bee. - A kind of fragrant mango tree. -8 (In music) A kind of measure. - A filament. makarandavat a. Filled with honey. -tI The Patala creeper or its flower. makarandikA A kind of metre. # : 1 The syllable 4. -2 Each of the following five 40, 42, ate, Hya and gat; see 4 617. makuTam A crown; ef. mukuTa ; Mb. 3. hefa: A government order addressed to the Sudras ( TETAA). 5: (74-317 ] 1 A mirror. -2 The Bakula tree. -3 A bud. -4 The Arabian jasmine. -8 The rod or handle of a potter's wheel. HE: 1 The Bakula tree. -2 A bud. Age:,- : A kind of kidney-bean or rice. Hey a. Slow. -y: A kind of kidney-bean or rice. HP : 1 A bud. - 2 The tree called at. #** 1 A. ( d) To go, move. ho: A dangerous kind of abscess in the abdomen (of lying-in women). A : Benzoin, red chalk. Age: Chalk (941). E1 P. (wala) 1 To accumulate, heap, collect. - To be angry. HET: 1 Wrath. -2 Hypocrisy. -8 A multitude, collection. -Comp. -vIryaH the tree piyAla. HTT, AI () A fly, bee; # 34169 nayanamadhu saMnihitA makSikA ca M. 2. -Comp. -malam wax. HUTH A particular measure ( = 7 masas. ). Hal or AF 1 P. (Hala, Haaa) To go, move, creor. He a. ( HE METTAI ] Ved 1 Adorable, fit to be worshipped with oblations. -2 Lively, active, cheerful. ET: 1 A sacrificial rite; rora har syaft R. 5. 16; Ms. 4. 24; R. 3. 39.-2 A festival. -8 Worship; feci. Faila fan fa fafaut a: Bhag. 11. 27.7. -Comp. -BTTTTT m. a god. ifa:, -3770: sacrificial fire. -TECH the seed of Euryale Ferox ( da). -TEET m. an epithet of Siva. - t a sacrificial rite. --TT m. an epithet of Rama; ET YIE 421 Ram, stotra 5. fym. a demon, a Raksasa; 09 d Haftat al T764 T ata R. 11. 27; 3. 45; U. 5. 4. SET m. an epithet of Siva. T m. the Soma plant. Ezret: an epithet of Siva; tegno UTHINETESF ...... N. 22. 140. - n. an epithet 1 of Indra. -2 of Siva. Het a. Ved. 1 Wishing for wealth or sacrifice; ca 774 agroth Rv. 10.73.7. -2 Lively, sprightly, cheerful. HTT, AT 1 A magian. -2 A priest of the sun; B.P. AT A usurer. HTET: 1 N. of a country, the southern part of Bihar; ita geogtt afH Fritt Dk. 1; THAT 479fag: R. 6. 21.-2 A bard, minstrel. -ETT: (pl.) The people of Magadha, the Magadhas. -ETT 1 The town of the Magadhas. - Long pepper. -Comp. -TaT: 1 a king of the Magadhas.-2 N. of Parantapa; 9116 ATTEU R. 6. 20.-3 N. of Jarasandha. -udbhavA long pepper; phalaM bRhatyA magadhodbhavAnAm Suaruta.. -deza: the country of Magadha. -purI the city ot Magadha. -fefa: f. writing or character of the Magadhas. HTETIT a. Belonging to or coming from Magadha. Arvula Den. P. 1 To surround. - To serve, be a slave, attend upon, (as a bard, waiter &c.). Ha See H. AST: 1 N. of one of the Dvipas or divisions of the universe. -2 N. of a country. -8 A kind of drug or medicine. - Pleasure. - N. of the tenth lunar mansion; 800 maghA. -6 See magham. -gham 1 A kind of flower. - 2 A gift, present. - Wealth, riches Ved.). Comp. 37: Mimusops Elengi (2 ). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #593 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra maghavaH maghavaH, maghavat m. N. of Indra. ; maghavan a. [ mah pUjAyAM kanin ni0 hasya ghaH vugAgamaca Up. 1. 156] Liberal, munificent. m. (Nom. sing. aoc. pl. maghonaH ) 1 N. of Indra; dudoha gAM sa yajJAya sasyAya R. 1. 26; 3. 46; Ki. 3. 52; Ku. 3. 1. -2 An owl (a). -3 N. of Vyasa. N. of the tenth lunar mansion containing five stars. Comp. raft the thirteenth day of the dark half of Bhadrapada. -bhavaH, -bhUH the planet Venus. maghA, ( - ghI ) A kind of corn . 1 A. (H) 1 To go, move. -2 To decorate, adorn. #s: A forest-conflagration. makuH A blotch. A kind of musical instrument (v.1. !): anya kakSagatenaiva manAsivekSaNA Ram. 5. 10. 38. H: A mirror. makuzaH One knowing dancing and singing (mAhiSya), An armour for the legs, greaves. #ind. 1 Immediately, quickly, soon; qft: qz Si. 6. 37.-2 Exceedingly, very much. -3 Truly, really. 1219 # 1 A royal bard. -2 A medicament of a particular class. -3 N. of a lexicographer. # 1 U. (f) 1 To go, move. -2 To appear beautiful (magi maNDane); ramyAkarmamajire (azvA) Bk. 14.10. piness, good luck or HT: 1 The head of a boat. -2 The side of a ship. maGgala a. - p. 5. 70] 1 Auspicious, lucky, propitious, fortunate; ayaft, an: &c. - Prosperous, doing or faring well. -8 Brave. H 1(a) Auspiciousness, propitiousness; treat U. 6. 42; R. 6. 9; 10. 67. (6) Hapfortune, bliss, felicity; fat Mal. 1. 3; U. 3. 48. (c) Wellbeing welfare, good sabhyaH satAM kimu na magalamAtanoti Bv. 1. 122; (also m. in these senses). -2 A good omen, anything tending to an auspicious issue. -8 A blessing, benediction. - An auspicious or lucky object. - An auspicious occasion or event, a festivity. - Any solemn or suspicious ceremony or rite (such as marriage). -7 Any ancient custom. -8 Turmeric. -9 (In music) A particular composition. 1 The planet Mars. -2 N. of Agni., 1 A faithful wife -2 Durva grass. -8 N. of Durga. -Comp. -: (m. pl. ) rice thrown over persons by Brahmanas when pronouncing Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only maGgala blessings. n. a variety of sandal. - the way to happiness or prosperity paramamaGgalAyaguNakayano'si Bhag. 5. 3. 11. - a. decorated with auspicious ornamente Adade vacasAmante magalAkRtAM sutAm Ku. 6.87 M. 1. 14. a benedictory verse or verses repeated by priests over a youth and maiden, when being married, to promote their good luck. -f 1 any daily religious rite performed for good luck. -2 a vase full of water carried in front of a procession. - AcaraNam 1 an auspicious introduction in the form of a prayer (for the attainment of success) at the beginning of any undertaking or of any work of composition. -2 pronouncing a blessing. - 1 an auspicious or pious ceremony or usage. -2 a benediction, pronouncing a blessing. -3 (in music) a particular composition. at a drum beaten on festive occasions.: a fortune-teller; Ms. 9. 258. -ArambhaH an epithet of Ganesa. -Alambhanam touching anything suspicious. -AlayA, AvAsaH temple. - a. auspicions. - benediction, felicitation. a. desirous of happiness or prosperity. MA repeating a prayer for the success of any undertaking. -kalazaH a vessel used at festivals. -kAraka, -kArin a. auspicious. - any festive occasion, a religious or auspicious ceremony. an auspicious occasion; S. 4. - a silken cloth worn on occasions of festivity; dadhato maGgalakSaume vasAnasya ca valkale R. 12. 8. - gRham an suspicious house or temple. -: an auspicious planet. - ghaTaH, -pAtram a pot filled with water offered to the gods on festive occasions. -, N. of Durga leSu ca yA dakSA sA ca malayaNDikA Bear. P. chAyaH the plaksa tree. - a musical instrument, such as a trumpet, drum &c., played on festive or auspicious occasions; sukhazravA maGgalatUryanisvanAH R. 3. 19. devatA an auspicious or tutelary deity. vafar: an auspicious music (at the time of some festival). - a leaf serving as an amulet. -13: a bard, minstrel, professional panegy rist ; AH durAtman vRthAmaGgalapAThaka zailUSApasada Vo. 1. puSpam an auspicious flower. -pUjita a honoured with a sacrificial offering. -fer 1 an auspicious cord or string, the auspicious thread worn by a married woman round her neck as long as her husband lives; anH kalpitamaGgalapratisarA: ( aGganAH ) Mal. 5. 18. - 8 the cord of an amulet. - a. auspicious. (-) turmeric. - prasthaH N. of a mountain. -bherI a drum beaten on festive occasions. a. decked in auspicious ornaments only, such as the auspicious thread, saffronmark &c.; sitAMzukA maGgalamAtrabhUSaNA V. 3. 12. -mAlikA marriage-music., a benedictory or congratulatory expression, benediction, blessing.-af a. expressing blessings or congratulations, wishing joy. -vAdyam see maGgalatUrya. -vAraH, -vAsaraH Tuesday. -fafa: 1 a festive or auspicious rite. -2 preparations for a festival. - an ox with auspicious signs. -T --tUryam a. Page #594 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra maGgalAvataH greeting, a benedictory expression. He an auspicious unguent. -sUtram see maGgalapratisara - snAnam a solemn or auspicious ablution. - a sea-shell. An epithet of Siva (devoted to Uma). Ha. Auspicious; fortunate. maGgalya a. [mahAya hitaM yat] 1 Auspicious, fortunate, happy, lucky, prosperous, as an fMb.1.1.24; ARGA ME EM Ms. 2. 31. -2 Pleasing, agreeable, beautiful. -8 Holy, pure, pious; f. 4. 10. - 1 The sacred fig-tree. -2 The cocoa-nut tree. -3 A sort of pulse. -4 The Bilva tree. - 1 A species of fragrant mandal mahatyAguruzizirA gandhAkyA doSayAhikA Rajanighantu. 2 N. of Durga. -8 A kind of aloewood. - A particular perfume. -8 A particular yellow pigment. - 1 Auspicious water for the coronation of a king (brought from various holy places). -2 Gold. -8 Sandal-wood. -4 Red lead. 6 Sour curds. maGgalyakaH A kind of pulse (masUra). a vessel. A bont, ship. -Comp. -far the prow of maGguraH A kind of fish. An evil, a sin. 1.1 P. (af) To adorn, decorate. -II. 1 A. () 1 To cheat, deceive. -2 To begin. -8 To To go, move, move quickly. -6 To blame, censure. start, set out. 1. (H) 1 To be wicked. -2 To cheat, deceive. -3 To be vain or proud. - To pound, ground. macarcikA A word used at the end of a noun to denote excellence' or 'the best of its kind'; as gomacarcikA 'an excellent cow or bull'; matallikAdayo niyataliGgA na tu viziSyanighnAH Sk.; cf. udghaH. macchaH A fish (corrupted from matsya ). majjan m. [ masja-kanin Up. 1. 156] 1 The marrow of the bones and flesh; asthi yat svAgninA pakkaM tasya sAraM dravo dhanaH / yaH svedavat pRthagbhUtaH sa majjetyabhidhIyate Bhava. P. -2 The pith of plants. Comp. - . a bone. HER semen virile. janam [mas-bhAve lyuT ] 1 Sinking, plunging, sinking under water, immersion. -2 Inundating, deluging. -8 Bathing, ablution; fufaffen: Ratn. 1. 21; R. 16. 57. - Drowning. -8 The marrow of the bones and flesh (=). An elephant in the eighth year; Matanga I. 5. 9. majA [ masj-ac TApU ] 1 The marrow of the bones and flesh. -2 The pith of plants. Comp. 1 semen 1220 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir makhi: virile. a kind of bdellium (fugge). - disease of urinary organs. - n. 1 a particular hell. -2 bdellium. - semen virile. -: a nutmeg. majjikA The female of the Indian crane. majjUSA See mamjUSA, 1. () 1 To hold. -2 To grow high or tall. 3 To go, move. -4 To shine. -8 To adore. -6 =mac q. v. 1 A couch, bedstead, sofa, bed. -2 A raised seat, dais, a platform resting on columns, a seat of honour or state, throne; : farai fafaur mAragaparizritAH Bhag 10.30 25 sa tatra madheSu manojJaveSAn R. 6. 1; 3. 10. -8 An elevated shed in a field (for a watchman). A pulpit. -6 A stage, platform. -Comp. - nRtyam a kind of dance. -pITham a seat on a platform. - 1 a temporary shed resting upon bamboo posts. -2 a platform erected on festive occasions (as marriages &c.). maJcakam [maca svArthe ka] 1 A couch, bed, sofa. -2 A raised seat or platform. -8 A stand for holding fire; vAridhAnI tu kumbhazca mArjanI macakastathA Ks. -Comp. -AzrayaH 'a bed-bug', a bug in general. # 1 A chair. -2 A trough, tray. -3 (In music) A kind of measure. # 10 U. (af) 1 To clean, purify, wipe off. -2 To sound. # 1 A cluster of blossoms. -2 A pearl. -8 The plant Tilaka. #af,-. 1 A shoot, sprout, spring: fat: eurnivapeH sahakAra maJjarI: Ku. 4. 38; sadRzakAntiralakSyata majarI R. 9.44; 16.51; 80 sphuratu kumbhayorupari maNimajarI Git 10; mukhaM mukArunI :: Kav. 2. 71. -2 A cluster of blossoms. -3 A flower-stalk. - A (parallel) line or row. -B A pearl; cf. tifata bedecked with pearls'. -6 A creeper. -7 The holy basil. -8 The plant Tilaka. -Comp. Ha chowrie in the form of a sprout, fan-like sprout vyAdhUyante niculabha tarI cAmarANi V. 4.13. - jAlam a dense mass of buds or flowers. namraH the plant [onlled vetasa a. maJjarita [majayaH saMjAtA asya itam] 1 Furnisbod with or possessing clusters of blossoms. -2 Mounted on a stalk (as a bud). # A species of fragrant Talast. # P. To turn into flower or bud. 1 A she-goat. -2 A cluster of blossoms. -8 A creeper. af,-ft. 1 A cluster of blossoma. -2 A creeper-Comp. - the planta in tree. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #595 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir maJjikA 1221 maNi maJjikA A harlot, prostitute, courtezan. maTacI, maTatI Hail; maTacIhateSu kuruSvATikyA saha Ch. * maJjiman m. Beauty, loveliness. Up. 1. 10. 1. maJjiSTha a. Bright red; nIlalohitamAjiSTA visRjanarciSaH pRthak maTa (Tha)cI A locust. Mb. 16.2.12; also majiSTaka; pANDurAruNavarNAni nIlamajiSThakAni ca Agent: 'Beginning of pride ', incipient pride. Ram.5.1.79. maTTakam 1 The ridge of a roof.-2 Eleusine Coracana maJjiSThA [ atizayena maJjimatI iSThan matupo lopaH Tv.] Bengal | (Mar. maTakI, nAcaNI). or Indian madder; maniSThAM nAgasaMbhavam Siva. B. 30. 19. ma 1 P.(maThati)1 To dwell, inhabit. -2 To go. -Comp.-meha: a kind of urinary disease. -rAgaH1 the -3 To grind. colour of the Indian madder. -2 (fig.) attachment as charming and durable as the colour of the madder, maThaH,-maTham [maThatyatra ma ghanarthe ka] 1 The hut of an i. e. durable or permanent attachment. ascetic, a small cell or room. -2 A monastery, convent. -3 A seminary, college, place of learning. -A temple. maJjIraH, -ram [maja-dhvanau Iran ] An anklet or ornament -BA cart drawn by oxen. -ThI 1 A cell.-2 Acloister, for the foot (nUpura); siJjAnama majIraM praviveza niketanam GIt 11; convent. -Comp. -adhipatiH , -adhyakSaH the superintenor mukharamadhIraM tyaja majIraM ripumiva keliSu lolam 53 Mal.1. -ram dent of a monastery; principal of a college. -Ayatanam A post round which the string of the churning stick a monastery, college. -cintA charge of a convent; varSe passes. yAvat kimanyena maThacintAM dinatrayam Pt. 2. 63. maJjIla: A village mostly inhabited by washermen. maThara a. 1 Intoxicated, drunk. -2 Hard, harsh maju . [maG-un ] 1 Lovely, beautiful, charming, (sound). sweet, pleasing, agreeable, attractive; skhaladasamajasamaju- maThikA 1 A small cell. -2 A hut or college. jalpitaM te (smarAmi) U.4.43 ayi daladarabinda syandamAnaM marandaM tava kimapi lihanto maJju guJjantu bhRzAH Bv.1.5; tanmaju mandahasitaM maDaka: A kind of corn; L. D. B. zvasitAni tAni 2.5. -Comp. -kezin m. an epithet of maDDuH , maDDuka: A kind of drum; see makuka. Krisna. -gati, -gamana a. having a lovely gait. (-nA) 1 a goose. -2 a flamingo. - Tat: N. of the country maimaDAyita.. Gulped down the throat, swallowed called Nepal. -gir a. sweet-voiced; ete majugiraH zukAH up; batsatarI maDmaDAyitA U. 4. Kav. 2.9. -guJja: a charming hum. -ghoSa a. uttering a / maN 1 P.(maNati) To sound, murmur. sweet sound. (- ) a dove. -araft 1 a handsome woman (?). -2 an epithet of Durga. -3 of Sachi, maNiH [ maN-in strItvapakSe vA DIp] (Said to be f. also, wife of Indra. -pAThaka: a parrot. -prANaH an epithet of but rarely used) 1 A jewel, gem, precious stone; Brahma. -bhadra: N. of one of the Jinas. -bhASin, -vAca, maNirlaThati pAdeSu kAcaH zirasi dhAryate / yathaivAste tathaivAstAM kAcaH -vAdina a. sweet-speaking; (giram ) anuvadati zukaste maju kAco maNirmaNiH ma. 2.68; alabdhazANotkaSaNA nRpANAM na jAtu maulau vAk paJjarasthaH R.5.74; 12. 39. -bhASiNI/.N. of a metre; maNayo vasanti Bv. 1.73; maNau vajrasamutkIrNe sUtrasyevAsti me gatiH sajasAjagau bhavati majubhASiNI V. Ratna. -maNi: m. a topaz R. 1.4; 8. 18. -2 An ornament in general. -3 Any(puSkarAja).-vaktra a. having a beautiful face, handsome. thing best of its kind; cf. ratna. -4 A magnet, loadstone. -zrI: N. of a bodhisattva. -saurabham a kind of metre. -svana, -5 The wrist. -6 A water-pot. -7 Clitoris. -8 Glans -svara a. sweet-sounding. penis. -9 A erystal; kvacinmaNinikAzodAm (nadIm ) Ram. . 2. 95. 9. -10 The fleshy excrescence on the neck of a majula a. [maju-sidhmA lac, maJjU-u lac vA ] Lovely, goat (also written maNI in these senses). -11 An ingot, beautiful, agreeable, charming, sweet, melodious (voice a lump (of gold); yathA somyakena lohamaNinA sarva lohamayaM &c.); saMprati majulavajulasImani kelizayanamanuyAtam Git. 113 vijJAtaM syAt Ch. Up. 6. 1.5. -Comp. -indraH , -rAjaH kUjitaM rAjahaMsAnAM vardhate madamamjulam Kav.2.334. -la: 1A diamond. -kaNTha: the blue jay. -kaNThaka: a cock. kind of gallinule. -lam 1 An arbour, a bower. -2 A -karNikA, -kaNI N. of a sacred pool in Benares.-kAcaH spring, well. -3 The state of being variegated. the feathered part of an arrow. -kAzcanayoga: a rare combination of mutually worthy things. -kAnanam the maJju (jU) SA, maJju (jU)SikA [maja-USan ] 1 A neck. -kAra: a lapidary, jeweller; maNikArAzca ye kecit box, casket, chest, receptacle; madIyapadyaratnAnAM maJjUSaiSA Ram. 2. 83. 12.-guNa: a quality of gems; SaDazrazcaturazrI mayA kRtA Bv. 4.45%; apArakoSagarbhAsu majUSAsu nijainaraiH Siva vRtto vA, tIvarAgasaMsthAnavAnacchaH snigdho gururarciSmAnantargataprabhaH prabhAnuB. 29.56. -2A large basket, hamper; maJjuSA'pi ca lepI ceti maNiguNAH Kau. A. 2.11.29. -grIvaH a son of maJjUSA peTA ca peTiketyapi Sabdaratnavali. -3 Madder Kubera. -tArakA the crane or Sarasa. bird. -tuNDaH & (= maJjiSThA). -4 A stone. striped hyena; Nighanteratnakara. -tulAkoTi: 6 maTakA, -kam A dead body. foot ornament consisting of jewels. -daNDa a. having a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #596 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir maNikA 1999 maNDapA handle adorned with jewels. Got: a jewelled mirror. 19: 1 a lamp having jewels; fornata...... 926 TH424 -a jewel serving as a lamp. 1:a flaw or defect in a jewel. : 1 the hood of the ser pent Ananta. -2 N. of a fabulous island in the ocean of nectar; THE grazrqarifi #foto #91999afa farah Saundaryalahari. - m., -dhanus n. a rainbow. -pAlI a temale keeper of jewels.-964 N. of the conchshell of Sahadeva; 9: Tanghraforge Bg. 1. 16.-TT: 1 the navel. -2 a kind of bodice richly adorned with jewels. (- ) 1 N. of a town in Kalinga. - the pit of the stomach, or a mystical circle on the navel (also 410ga); appear are g Afoqi #71...... fa fa tatpadhra maNipUraM tathocyate Yoga.grantha. pati: an epithet of Babbruvahana. - *i a most excellent jewel. - N. of a metre. -PJ: 1 the wrist; THATOE HET HOE a ud S. 7. -2 the fastening of jewels; R. 12. 102; frazeeer gewafa: Garuda P.-8 a kind of metre. Pa 1 fastening on of jewels, a string or ornament of pearls. - 2 that part of a ring or bracelet where the jewels are set; collet; S. 6. -8 the wrist; ......HOTFIT HOT Saat S. 3. 13. -17, -ast: the pomegranate tree. -Tat: an Indian crane; Nighantaratna kara. -fare: f. N. of the palace of Sesa. - f. a floor set with jewels. f. 1 a mine of jewels. 2 a jewelled floor, floor inlaid with jewels. Hugt: 1 N. of the residence of Sesa. -2 a crystal hall. - r a variety of diamonds; Kau. A. 2. 11. 29. -HFOTH rock-salt; 7 2 7 Hatigarrafa N. 19. 18. HOT 1 a string or necklace of jewels. -2 lustre, splendour, beauty. -8 a circular impression left by a bite (in amorous sports ). -4 N. of Laksmi. - N. of a metre.- a. girdled with gems. - : m., f. a jewelled stick, a string of jewels. - TT a jewel, gem. - : the colour of jewels. (-gam) vermilion.-vigraha a. jewelled ; kAzcanI maNivigrahAm Ram. 6. 128.75. -fart: an excellent jewel. -OCT a jewelled slab. -saraH a necklace; maNisaramamalaM tArakapaTalaM nakhadazazazibhUSite Git. -zRGgaH the god of the sun. -sUtram a string of pearls. - a jewelled staircase. FIAT: a pillar inlaid with jewels. -ETH a jewelled or crystal palace. afuri, 1 A water-jar; fara 41 TurfA101 Mb. 16. 2.5; ie 1914f1f- r aaFATA +HIT: N. 7. 75. -2 =3151754 q. v. -3 The front part of the male organ of generation. - 1 A crystal palace. - A jewel, gem. Afrah An inarticulate murmuring sound uttered at cohabitation; ac ferah Abh. Chin. 1408; safat arond in: Si. 10.75; Fra Horaadta quart Ram. Ch. 7. 67. APOTHT a. Jewelled; 70anga H CARICH Bhag. -m. 1 The sun. -2 N. of a mountain. -3 N. of a place of pilgrimage. Hotah 1 A land. -2 A flower. -3 A pearl. Fruft : A king-fisher. - 1 The moon-stone. -2 A flower. maNIvakam A flower.. 1 A. (Hogd) 1 To long for. -2 To remember with regret, think of sorrowfully. Hu: A kind of baked sweetmeat. HUE I. 1 P., 10 U. (Hefa, posufaa, hroa) 1 To adorn, decorate; Tafa Hustus agen: Ki. 10.59; Bk. 10.23. - 2 To rejoice. -II. 1 A. (HT) 1 To clothe, dress. -2 To surround, encompass. -8 To distribute, divide. Hugi, -034 [-3 era, HE-317 91 ] 1 The thick oily matter or scum forming on the surface of any liquid. -2 The scum of boiled rice; faticago HwHYTH U. 4. 1; qugerat glaciai adestju UT I Te facaftigat Hos canard Bhava. P. -8 Cream (of milk). -4 Foam, froth or scum in general; garint Horaran car fra y TCH Svet. Up. 4. 16; glih vrat ga HSH 271 Mb. 12. 318. 68. -8 Ferment. -8 Gruel. -7 Pith, essence. -8 The head. -9 The spirituous part of wine; rAjyaM gatadhanaM sAdho pItamaNDA surAmiva Ram. 2.36. 12. - 3: 1 An ornament, decoration. -2 A frog. -3 The castor oil tree. - 1 1 Spirituous liquor. -2 The emblic myrobalan tree. -Comp. -39 1 barm, yeast. -2 decorating walls, floors &c. on festive occasions. -3 mental agitation or excitement. -4 variegated colour. - Ta the second change which takes place in sour milk. - a. drinking scum or cream. EFT two quarters of the compass. Eri a distiller of spirits &c. ug: 1 A kind of baked flour. -2 A very thin kind of cake (Mar. HS ); 43:ftuar 3 3a|tar N. 16. 107. -3 A particular musical air. Fuga a. (Hrsgla oso auc ar ] 1 Adorning, decorating. -2 Fond of ornaments. The act of decorating or ornamenting, adorning; 414 403 a : R. 13. 16; safaret: S. 6.5. - 2 An ornament, decoration, embellishment; AT SA H-14- i Ku. 7.5; Ki. 8. 40; R. 8.71; Fairta faufaire qe fon HUSAH Nag. 3.6. Also maNDanA. naH (or maNDanamizraH) N. of a philosopher who is said to have been defeated in controversy by Sankaracharya; Pruar 2/6414 H02A4TH Sankaradigvijayam. -Comp. i time for adorning. - a. fond of ornaments. Age: [ Hus Haffa 91-7, 402-747 91 ) 1 A temporary hall erected on ceremonial occasions, an open Ceylo-40640 3 a je pet with jeten For Private and Personal Use Only Page #597 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra maNDapakaH 1228 hall; f. -2 A tent, pavilion: paTamaNDapeSu nidrAM vihAya vanajAkSa vanAyudezyAH R. 5. 73. -3 An arbour, a bower, as in latAmaNDapa ; pratyAsannau kurabakavRtermAdhavI - Me. 80. - A building consecrated to a deity. -Comp. -far the consecration of a temple. 3,- 1 A small shed, shop. -2 A small pavilion or tent. 1 An ornament, a decoration. -2 An actor. -3 Food. -4 An assemly of women. - A woman. maNDita.. Adorned decorated; maNimayama kara manoharakuNDalamaNDitagaNDamudAram G11.; svayaM ca maNDitA nityaM parimRSTaparicchadA Bhag. 7. 11. 26. #foga N. of one of the Ganadhipas of the Jains. A kind of cricket. moon; maNDala a. [ maND-kalac ] Round, circular; maNDalAgrA bRsIcaiva gRhAnyAH pRSThato yayuH Ram. 5. 18. 12. -laH 1 circular array of troops. -2 A dog. -8 A kind of snake. 1 A circular orb, globe, wheel, ring, circumference, anything round or circular; Mb. 12. 169. 12; karAlaphaNamaNDalam R. 12. 98; AdarzamaNDalanibhAni samuhasanti Ki. 5. 41; sphuratprabhAmaNDalayA cakAze Ku. 1.24; 80 reNumaNDala, chAyAmaNDala, cApamaNDala, mukhamaNDala, stanamaNDala &c. -2 The charmed circle (drawn by a conjurer); quo hic mahAviSa: Ram. 2.12.6 jAnanti tantrayukti yathAsthitaM maNDalamabhifafa Mu. 2. 1. -3 A disc, especially of the sun or tenAtapatrA malamaNDalena R. 16. 27; aparvaNi grahakaluSendumaNDalA ( vibhAvarI ) M. 4.15 dinamaNimaNDalamaNDana bhavakhaNDana e Ghit. 1. -The halo round the sun or moon. -8 The path or orbit of a heavenly body. -6 A multitude, group, collection, assemblage, troop, company; f kumAramaNDalena D. akhilaM pArimaNDalam R. 4. 4. 7 Society, association. -8 A great circle. -9 The visible horizon. -10 A district or province. -11 A surrounding district or territory. -12 (In politics) The circle of a king's near and distant neighbours; ft Kau. A. 1. 1. 1; satatasukRtI bhUyAd bhUpaH prasAditamaNDalaH Ve. 6. 44; far &c. R. 9. 15. (According to Kamandaka quoted by Malli. the circle of a king's near and distant neighbours consists of twelve kings:fary or the central monarch, the five kings whose dominions are in the front, and the four kings whose dominions are in the rear of his kingdom, the or intermediate, and or indifferent king. The kings in the front as well as in the rear are designated by particular names; see Malli. ad loc; cf. also Si. 2. 81. and Malli. thereon. According to some the number of such kings is four, six, eight, twelve or even more; see Mit. on Y. 1. 345. According to others, the circle consists of three kings only-theft or natural enemy, (the sovereign of an adjacent country), maNDalina the - natural ally, (the sovereign whose dominions are separated by those of another from the country of the central monarch with whom he is allied), and her or the natural neutral, (the sovereign whose dominions lie beyond those of the natural ally). -13 A particular position of the feet in shooting. -14 A kind of mystical diagram used in invoking a divinity. -18 A division of the Rigveda (the whole collection being divided into 10 Mandalas or eight Astakas). -16 A kind of leprosy with round spots. -17 A kind of perfume. -18 A circular bandage (in surgery).-19 A sugar-ball, sweetmeat. -20 Sexual dalliance; kRtamaNDalamA mahantIm Bil. Ch. ( uttarapIThikA ) 38. 21 A circular gait; haya iva maNDalamAzu yaH karoti Ram. 6. 33.35; Mb.. 19. 8.-22 A play-board (9); Mb. 8. 74. 15.1 A circle, orb &c. -2 A group, assemblage; sammocanAya tenAzu preritA ziSyamaNDalI Bm. 1.648. -3 Walk. ing round, circular motion. -4 Bent grass (). -Comp. a. round-pointed. (-) a bent or crooked sword, scimitar. (-) a surgeon's circular kamile. -adhipaH, adhIzaH, IzaH, -IzvaraH 1 the ruler or governor of a district or province. -2 a king, sovereign. - AvRttiH f. circular movement; bhramiSu kRtapuTAntamaNDalAvRtticakSuH U. 3. 19. -Asana a sitting in a circle. uttamam a principal kingdom or district. fat a bad poet. - kArmuka a. having circular bow. nAbhiH the centre of a circle. a circular dance, dance in a ring. - nyAsaH describing a circle. -pucchakaH & kind of insect. the formation of a circle or roundness. -IT: an arc. I a pavilion. : the fig-tree forming a circle. - drawing figures with some powder (Mar. rAMgoLI ghAlaNe); saMmArjanIpalepAbhyAM Bhg. 7. 11. 26. a m. a ruler of a small province; tulyAtizayadhvaM vathA madhyavartinAm Bhag 11. 3. 20. varSa: rain over the whole of a king's territory, general rain-fall. - a garden. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir HU province. 1 A circle, -2 A disc. -3 A district, A group, collection. -5 A circular array of troops. 6 White leprosy with round spots. 7 A mirror. -8 A kind of pose of an archer. -9 A circle with lines drawn for magical incantations. A dog. Ha Den. P. 1 To make round or circular, form into a globe or circle. -2 To turn or whirl round; nAnAgatirmaya jayena Ki. 10.44. Den. A. To form oneself into a circle, to Ia coil oneself. a. Round, circular. A ball, globe. #fer a group, troop, band, crowd. Hza. Rounded, made round or circular. #f. [fr] 1 Forming a circle, made up into a coil; nAtA maNDalinastImA vyapasavyaM pracakramuH Ram. 6. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #598 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir maNDalIka: 1234 matiH 107. 21. -2 Ruling a country. -m. 1 A particular kind of snake. -2 A snake in general. -8 A cat. -4 The pole-cat. -5 A dog. -6 The sun. -7 The fig tree. - The ruler of a province. HS : A tributary king; a fast great Hel: Kir. K. 2.111. 8 U. To form into a ring or circle, to coil round. HOGATOTAE Rounding, coiling. pued a p. p. 1 Rounded, made circular, formed into a globe or circle. -2 Bent, curved as a bow). que1 P. 1 To become round. -2 To form a globe or circle. A05 The handle of a shield; tyd art hogan ge: Si. 18. 21. #13# (fozefa arani, Hog 5540 Un. 4. 42.] 1 A trog; nipAnamiva maNDUkAH sodyogaM naramAyAnti vivazAH sarvasaMpadaH Subhas. -2 N. of a particular breed of horses. -8 A machine like a frog. -4 The sole of a horse's hoof. - A kind of coitus or mode of sexual enjoyment. 1 A female frog. -2 A wanton or unchaste woman. -3 N. of several plants. -Comp. - geri, fa:, -egia: f 'the leap of a frog', skipping over or omitting at intervals (in grammar the word is used to denote the skipping of several Sutras and supplying from a previous Sutra ); Thu H u rgada Sk. e a collection of frogs. quit, - forent, - off N. of several plants like majiSTA, brAhmI etc. -yogaH a kind of abstract meditation in which the person who meditates sits motionless like a frog; Hoganfaasza fafara: Mb. 13. 142.9. Hra n. a pond full of frogs. Hugo Rust of iron, dross ( used as a tonic). Ha p. p. [77-) 1 Thought, believed, supposed ; # # gericht Ha: Bg. 6. 47. -2 Considered, regarded, deemed, looked upon.- Esteemed, honoured, respected; aft z al da wat aa a afara998 R. 2. 16; 8. 8. - Commended, valued. -8 Conjectured, guessed. - Meditated upon, thought of, perceived, recognised. -7 Thought out. -8 Intended, aimed at. -9 Approved, sanctioned. -10 Wished or hoped for. -11 Perceived, observed, known, understood. See 47). -14 1 A thought, idea, opinion, beliel, view; AR HYTH Bg. 18.6; teda &c. -2 Doctrine, tenet, creed, religious belief; wafae ftungfast 1tat: Bg. 3.31. - Advice, instruction, counsel. - Aim, design, intention, purpose; Tugaygher Ram. 7. 9. 19. -8 Approbation, sanction, commendation. -6 Knowledge.:-Comp. 377 a. well-versed in playing at dice; 4 TH & Hartqueq: Mb. 4. 1. 24. -anujJA one of the nigrahasthAnas known in nyAyazAstra; Bhasa P.; admission of a fault in one's own reasoning, while insisting on a similar one in that of the opponent. -37FRC 1 a different view. -2 a different creed. -avalambanam adopting or holding a particular opinion. - : difference of opinion. Haf: Hafa saat, 46-477 44 a: Ty. ] 1 An elephant. -2 A cloud. -8 N. of a sage; Ha771917974 igarnar Halwa R. 5. 53. -4 The king Res; HH THIHI TIf Guat Te: Mb. 1. 71. 31. Har: An elephant; a fe fa agar Hawa: M. 3; Ki. 5. 47; R. 12. 73. - A particular mUcrchanA in music. Hargit A word used at the end of nouns to denote excellence or anything best of its kind '; hafisa 'an excellent cow'; ftauchte Ram. Ch. 4. 32; cf. 56. matallI See matallikA. Afa: f. [#7 Hati] 1 Intellect, understanding, sense, knowledge, judgment; fata am H. 2. 86; 3691942 ufa: R. 1. 2. -2 Mind, heart; HH T Arca Harna uit Bv. 4. 26; so gara, yafa. -3 Thought, idea, belief, opinion, notion, supposition, impression, view; e affasfat Bg. 18. 78; facet 29afa hufa: Bh. 2. 98; Pt. 2. 19. -4 Intention, design, purpose; see 21. -Resolution, determination. -6 Esteem, regard, respect; agafaufa 21921: Ki. 10. 9. -7 Wish, desire, inclination; gta arg afa seat YIGHT 11F4HOT Ram. 7. 25. 17; 912714aeruluideza R. 8. 94. -8 Counsel, advice. -9 Remembrance, recollection. -10 Ved. Devotion, prayer. -11 An adviser. -12 =914: q. v.; F fala farem HITT Mb. 14. 21. 11 (com.). -18 Activity or disposition of the mind; 7 Tatar a : Bri. Up. 3. 4. 2. -14 Blessing. (AFC $, -, -BTTT to set the heart on's resolve upon', think of'. He is used adverbially in the sense of 1 knowingly, intentionally, wilfully; Har allt 04 Ms. 4. 222; 5. 19.-2 under the impression that; 52181421 974 ). -Comp. at: an epithet of Visyakarman. -kamen a matter of the intellect. -gatiHf. mode of thought. - a. full of intelligence, intelligent, clever. -atay the faculty of seeing into the thoughts (of others). 274 difference of opinion. -fr: a settled belief, firm conviction. -99: the path of reflection. -gd a. intentional, wilful. 9 , -qanih ind. purposely, intentionally, wilfully, willingly. -***: superiority of intellect, cleverness. : change of views. -7, -feti, -faguta: 1 delusion, mental illusion, confusion of mind; svapno nu mAyA nu matibhramo nu 5.6.9. -2 an error, a mistake, misapprehension. -fashi, -asiat contusion or infatuation of mind, madness, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #599 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir matimat 1226 HE: 1 A fish. -2 A lord of the Matsyas. -Comp. -:, -u: a kind of fish-curry. HEER a. [AC- HT; Un. 3.73] 1 Jealous, envious. -2 Insatiate, greedy, covetous. -3 Niggardly. -4 Wicked. -8 Selfish, self-interested. -6 Ved. Satisfying. - Intoxicating Ved.). -T: 1 Envy, jealousy ; F1FIST HATTI K. 45; TEST CHATTH Ki. 13.7; Si.9. 63; Ku. 5. 17; Patrefa At 91 % free 44 ATLI Can aata 11: HT: Kriyayogasara. -2 Hostility, enmity; 219acy faigheT: R. 3. 60. -3 Pride; iti dhautapuraMdhimatsarAn sarasi majjanena Si.8.71. -4 Covetousness, greediness. -8 Anger, passion. -8 The Soma. - :, - A gnat. -* (In music) a particular frenzy. -gifsa a. intelligent, clever. Eta a. stupid, senseless, foolish. matimat a. Clover, intelligent; matimatAM travilokya daridratAm Bh. 1. 91. HEF a. My, mine ; Apga aso A Anasta : T#: Bk. 8. 16.- : A bug. FOTO 1 A bug; HiFu get awal si. 14. 68. -2 An elephant without tusks. -8 A small elephant. -4 A beardless man. --5 A buffalo. -8 The cocoa-nut tree. -7 A flea. Ur4 An armour for the legs or the thighs. -of Pudendum of a young girl, 37510TA). -Comp. -3ft: hemp. - TPT a. having the smell of a bug. HAE: A termite (Mar. 40). Help: p. [45-] 1 Intoxicated, drunk, inebriated (fig. also ); Ms. 11. 96; AT Strai...... 7 iti fa a Bhag. 1.7. 36; FT97974154 agoT ATTITnat: Vb. 1. 11; TH2- TECHET fashfa K. P. 10; so tako, 4deg, 47deg &c. -2 Mad, ingane. -3 In rut, furious (as an elephant); toate afeitalturaita R. 12. 93. -4 Proud, arrogant. - Delighted, overjoyed, excited with joy. -6 Amorous, sportive, wanton. -7 Excited by sexual desire. - 1 A drunkard. -2 A mad man. -3 An elephant in rut. -4 A cuckoo. -3 A buffalo. -6 The thorn-apple or Dhattura plant. El Spirituous or vinous liquor. -Comp. -T IET N. of a metre; p er a call at afara wala agartarafagar v. Ratna. -371FST: a fence round a large building (as of a rich man). : an elephant in rut. "THFIT a woman having the gait of an elephant in rut, e. g. with a lounging gait. degvikrIDitam N. of a metre%3; sabharA nmI S ET Harisan V. Ratna. - FT ( a handsome and very fascinating woman; Staset 73 at HTAT Dk. 2. 3. T: an elephant. - Heft = 1 41 a bove. -2 a bewitching or wanton woman.-dantin m., -nAga: an elephant in rut. -pAlaka: a drunken wretch; arra: 93 779104 Fast 794 Nag. 3. - a wild or amorous peacock. (TH) a kind of metre; at a T HTHYTH V. Ratna. -arcut: an elephant in rut; R. 12. 93. (-OT:, -UTA) 1 a fence round a large building or mansion. - 2 a turret or small room on the top of a large building. -3 a veranda. -4 a pavilion. Sa peg or bracket. -6 a bed-stead. (OTH) pounded betel nuts. * a. Somewhat drunk, intoxicated, or proud. ARTA (Ha afeto hry 97 Tv.] 1 A harrow. -2 The means of acquiring knowledge. -3 The exercise of knowledge. -4 Harrowing, making even or level (as a field). ...947 haft a. ( HAT-] 1 Envious, jealous; 94haft af hat Si. 15.1; 2. 115; GERAI TUART Hgh: Mk. 9.37; R. 18. 19. -2 Hostile, inimical. -8 Greedy of, selfishly addicted to (with loc.). -4 Wicked. 5 Ved. Intoxicating. - Satisfying. He a. 1 Containing fish. -2 Marked by water (as a boundary). HRT: (-797; Uo. 4. 2 ] 1 A fish; The H aar947 se adauti: Ms. 7. 20.-2 A particular variety of fish. - A king of the Matsyas. ut (dual) The sign Pisces of the zodiac. : (pl.) N. of a country and its inhabitants, the country of Virata q. v.; Ms. 2. 19. -Comp. -Teil, 37 N. of a kind of Soma plant. -3 , -3 , -3 a. feeding on fish, a fisheater. Taart: the first of the ten incarnations of Visnu; (during the reign of the seventh Manu, the whole earth, which, had become corrupt was swept away by a flood, and all living beings perished except the pious Manu and the seven sages who were saved by Visnu in the form of a fish ); cf. Jayadeva's description of this avatara. ; 4 yarato a fare aferaHaHa valamit 572 FEIT Git. 1. -TOTA: 1 a king-fisher. -2 one who eats fish. -321 a. fish-eater; HITTA Mk 1. 23.-ET: N. of a demon. -3719tat, e t a fish-basket (used by fishermen). -udarin m. an epithet of Virata. -udarI an epithet of Satyavati. -atry: an epithet of Vyasa. - a kind of dance; Dk. 2. 8.-39start m., -31sta: a fisherman. - fogal a fishbasket. Et: an elephant; Girvana. - TFT a. having the smell of fish. (FET) N. of Satyavati. -QUE: & kind of fish-Bauce. -Ela: 1 the killing or catching of fishes, the occupation of a fisherman ; Hitzat fanisi Ms. 10. 48. -2 a fisherman. - a, -a, -utfan m. a fisherman.-FTICH a fishing-net. T: the country of the Matsyas. - N. of the twelfth day in the month of H afid. - 'half-fish, half-woman', an epithet of Satyavati. -1974, 17: an osprey, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #600 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir matsyANDakA 1826 11 -TUTA N. of one of the eighteen Purdnas. -foret Helleborus Niger (Mar. Bezer). - :, -affa m. a fisherman; kadAcittaM jalasthAyaM matsyabandhAH samantataH Mb. 12. 137. 5. - a fish-book, an angle. Tre (FT) at a fish-basket. Hier fish-flesh; a at H ata Ms. 3. 268. -6, -6, -75*i a haleyon, king-fisher. -TTT: 1 the Rohita fish. -2 N. of Virata. - a h , ayat an angle. aetat a cormorant. -vatin one who lives in water. -saMghAtaH a shoal of fish. -santAnika: fish cooked with sauce; dagdhoGgAre salavaNo azartea: 14: Pyrafah Hat Sabdachandrika. Areefuck1, H ost Coarne or unrefined sugar; hIhI iyaM sIdhupAnodvejitasya matsyaNDikopanatA M. 3; ikSo raso yaH saMpakko ghanaH kiMcid drvaanvitH| madavat syandate yasmAnmatsyaNDIti nigadyate Bhava. P. A UCH A kind of fish-curry. HC See 4. HOT = A14 q.. PC (Hal instr. form) A piece of wood for producing fire by attrition. TRT a. (oft f.) [99 nye ar ] 1 Churning, stirring up. - 2 Hurting, injuring. 3 Killing, destroying, a destroyer; mugdhe madhumathanamanugatamanusara rAdhika Git. 2. -4 Rubbing. - N. of a tree (forfa, used in producing fire by attrition). 41 Churning, stirring round, agitating. -2 Rubbing, friction. -3 Injury, hurting, destruction. -Comp. -T ., - a: the mountain Mandara used as a churning-stick. Afe: [ 19 ] A churning-stick. Afera p. p. [ 19- ) 1 Churned, stirred round, agitated, shaken about. -2 Crushed, ground, pinched. -3 Afflicted, distressed, oppressed. - 4 Killed, destroyed. -6 Dislocated; (see #*). - Pure butter-milk (without water). Afera m. [H-sfa] (Nom. sing. T:, acc. pl. 47:) 1 A churning-stick; HG: VUIEg Hai Hadvice DEHg 47447 Ki. 4. 16; N. 11. 62; 22. 44. -2 Wind. -3 A thunderbolt. -4 The penis. mathya a. To be extracted or produced from ; amRtamamaraqui arruff4234 Bhag. 8. 12. 47. () T ( 4-3-5-79] N. of an ancient town situated on the right bank of the Yamuna, the birth-place of Ksisna and the scene of his amours and exploits; it is one of the seven sacred cities in India (see afa), and is, to this day, the favourite resort of thousands of devotees. It is said to have been founded by Satrughna; fan FAATSTE FYTi isla: him destroyer;" yrting, injuring R. 15. 28; afectar agri varsa matanda sa 6.48. -Comp. Ti, - Fit: epithets of Krisna. HET A form of the first personal pronoun in the singular number used chiefly at the beginning of comps.; as 'for me', 'for my sake'; ia 'thinking of me'; 46.777, HERIET, HAUH &c. &c.; HAT ** HET A T HT 24+$15 Bg. 18. 65. HE I. 4 P. ( afa, A ) 1 To be drunk or intoxicated; 24 HafHati I HATE Si. 10. 27. -2 To be mad. -3 To revel or delight in. - 4 To be glad or rejoiced. -5 Ved. To satisfy, delight, gladden. -8 To enjoy supreme felicity. -Caus. (Hizla) 1 To intoxicate; inebriate, madden. -2 (hea) To exhilarate, gladden, delight; Alt aufa Arar Haifa M. 1.21; anyti: Ha Ha hufa Mal. 1.36; Si. 13. 38; Ki. 5. 26. -3 To infiame with passion; Huld Eguh Mal. 3. 6. -4 (Atm.) To be glad, rejoice, be pleased. -II. 10 A. (A1C4 ) To please, gratify. III. 1 P. (ha) 1 To be proud. -2 To be poor. He: 48-317] 1 Intoxication, drunkenness, inebriety; madenAspRzye Dk.; madavikArANAM darzaka: K.45%; get comps. below. -2 Madness, insanity. -3 Ardent passion, wanton or lustful passion, lasciviousness, lust; fa Chama TITUT: FYETT Si. 10. 91. -4 Rut, ichor, or the juice that exudes from the temples of an elephant in rut; Ha Ha *#: warga nefa: Chandr. 5.45; so hetes, 4 ; Me. 20; R. 2. 7; 12. 102. -8 Love, desire, arduur. -8 Pride, arrogance, conceit; Algrad : HERE falda Pt. 1. 240. - Rapture, excessive delight. -8 Spirituous liquor; repercar Hequ Sukra. 4. 1171. -9 Honey. -10 Musk. -11 Semen virile. -12 Soma. -18 Any beautiful object. -14 A river (.) -16 Beauty; fatfach H4: e: By. 3.4.-18 N. of the 7th astrological mansion. 1 A drinking-cup. -2 Any agricultural implement (such as a plough &c.). -Comp. -72, - any distemper (such as headache) resulting from drunkenness. -37727 a. 1 blinded by intoxication, dead drunk, drunk with passion; 3470149 Herrer CT V. 4. 13; yer & fan 59 41-44: 94994 Bh. 2.7. -2 blinded by pagsion or pride, arrogant, infatuated. - removal of intoxication. -3aft: 1 an elephant in rut. -2 N. of Airavata, the elephant of Indra. -37061 a. languid with passion or intoxication. TCTET N. of the daughter of Visvaketu, the lord of Gandharvas. Tafe 1 a state of drunkenness. -2 wantonness, lustfulness. -3 rut, being in rut; Saharar4 5 69: R. 2. 7. -31 a. 1 furious with rut. -2 full of lust, over powered by passion. - a. drunk, intoxicated. (- :) the palm tree. -391Fata: a kettle-drum carried on the back of an elephant. -371 for m. a cuckoo. -3 : musk. -374EUR a. 1 intoxicated, excited by drink. -2 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #601 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1887 madana furious with passion, lustful. -9 arrogant, proud, haughty. -4 ruttish, under the influence of rut; Helche tag Frau a fat41: R. 6. 7; H3a gar agyfatela a HITCH. (-J:) 1 an elephant in rut.-2 a dove. (-IT) spirituous liquor. -37, 359: mango 39, FHCT a. 1 drunk, intoxicated. -2 furious, drunk with passion: 14: a: aftal a t: R. 4.22. -8 arrogant, proud, haughty; 144 1944 kuarasya ca gacchataH unmArga vAcyatAM yAnti mahAmAtrAH samIpagAH Pt. 1. 161. -5cuff. A woman; L. D. B. 36 a. 1 drunk with passion; 461 car: sed fat: Ku. 3 31; HT4 Ayfte: warraTTI HEICITET: Ve. 1.6.-2 inflated with pride. -gift m. the cuckoo. Soffa a. swollen with pride. Ti a eunuch. - a. intoxicating, causing intoxication. -#ftt m. an elephant in rut. - a. speaking softly or inarticulately, speaking indistinctly; toleo TAT: R. 9. 37; EFieltreftfania R : Udb. - 2 uttering low sounds of love. -3 drunk with passion; garen 4 1 ... U. 1. 31; Mal. 9. 14. -4 indistinct yet sweet; H os gli HERIA Me. 31. -8 ruttish, furious, under the influence of rut; V.4. 46. -8 furious, mad. (7) an elephant in rut. - : a bull set at liberty (to roam at will). a.stately or sportive through passion; H 4 4 I OT: V. 4. 16. TET 1 an intoxicating drink. -2 hemp. +THT: a buffalo. - YT a. 1 distilling rut (as an elephant). - lustful, wanton, drunk. -8 gladdening, exhilarating. (-m.) an epithet of Indra. (-m. dual) an epithet of the Asvins. -1854, -art m. rutting juice, ichor exuding from the temples of a ruttish elephant. -Fat: fever of pride or passion; katipayapurasvAmye puMsAM ka eSa madajvaraH Bh. 3. 23. - a cocoa-nut tree (Mar. HIS). -faq: a furious elephant, an elephant in rut. -TUT:, - i, - au , -Ella:, -egla: f. the exudation of ichor or rutting juice from the temple of an elephant. T : the aphrodisiacal fluid ( asayfa:); 39-47 gafa H492144 Mk. 4. 16. -* humiliation of pride; Bv.3.4. aft Asparagus Racemosus (Mar, Tarati ). HET N. of a metre. - a.'dropping down ichor', furious, intoxicated; ATSU 93489 h ar alTua fa U. 3. 15. -mohitaa.1 stupefied by drunkenness ; akAryamanyat kuryAd a alatt Haa: Ms. 11. 96.-2 infatuated by pride. Ti a. affected with passion. -TTT: 1 Cupid. - a cock. --8 a drunkard. SET 1 a line of rut, a line formed by the juice flowing from an elephant's temples. -2 a kind of metre. -feirerat a. 1 in rut, furious. -2 agitated by lust or passion. -faer a. 1 maddened by lust or pride. -2 stupefied with intoxication. - 1 strength produced by passion. -2 the heroism of love. : an elephant. Tv:, - nutmeg. -sAra: a cotton shrub.-sthalam, sthAnam an ale-house, dram -shop, tavern. MHS E a. (oft f.) [Hala da, -*70 m ) 1 Intoxicating, maddening. -2 Delighting, exhilarating. - : 1 The god of love, Cupid ; 919 Haku faufaao $. 1. 27; Hafea 467: Bh. 3. 18.-2 Love, passion, sexual love, lust; vinayavAritavRttiratastayA na vivRto madano na ca aga: S. 2. 11; Hafta HETEU 1994 Rs. 1. 3; R.5.63; 80 HITT, Hufca &c. -3 The spring season. -4 A bee. -5 Bees'-wax. -6 A kind of embrace. - The Dhattura plant. -8 The Khadira tree. -9 The Bakula tree. -10 N. of the 7th mansion in astrol. ). -11 A kind of measure (in music ). - , -at 1 Spirituous liquor. -2 Musk. -3 The atimukta creeper. ( fit only in these two senses ). -- 1 Intoxicating. -2 Gladdening, delighting. Comp. -37% a species of grain ( a). -3T T : 1 the penis. -2 a finger-nail, or a wound inflicted by it in cohabitation. -3T2TT: excess of intoxication; madhena khalu jAyante madAtyayamukhA gadAH Bhava. P.-3770i, 3ft:, Hi, - i, --ITA:, -fig: epithets of Siva. Taft a. in love, enamoured. -371ATH the vulva. -1, -3 , -for, ofta a. afflicted by love, smit with love, love-sick; 197197 49 AHRIGT (3779) R. 12. 32; $. 3. 13. -3919TH 1 pudendum muliebre. -2 ' Cupid 's missile', said of a very lovely woman. -37104,- 1 pudendum muliebre. -2 a lotus. -3 a king. -37127: sexual desire. ogno a kind of mango. 37 : the vernal festival celebrated in honour of Cupid. (-a) an apsaras. E a. pining or languid with love. -JET 'a pleasure-garden', N. of a garden. 1 erection of hair caused by the feeling of love. -2 N. of a tree. - &: 'love's quarrel', sexual union; 84sulabhAm Mal. 2. 12.-kAkuravaH adove or pigeon. -gRham pudendum muliebre. - o: an epithet of Krisna. sit the fourteenth day in the bright half of Chaitra, or the festival celebrated on that day in honour of Cupid. 14 the science of sexual love. - isit the thirteenth day in the bright half of Chaitra, or the festival celebrated on that day in honour of Cupid. alatt a festival in honour of Cupid on the 12th day of the bright half of Chaitra. -dhvajA the paurNimA day of Chaitra month. -nAlikA a faithless wife. - o m . the Khanjana bird. -970 : the cuckoo. -0131, -Trei pangs or torments of love. -A , -Aga: a festival celebrated in honour of Cupid; madanamahotsavAya rasikamanAMsi samullAsayan Dk.2.5. -mohanaH an epithet of Krisna. -rasa: poison; madanarasayogenAtisandhAya apaharet Kau. A. 1. 15. -lalitam amorous sport or dalliance. -lalitA N. of a metre; vedAGgA)madana ar HT 7481: V. Ratna. (com.). -e: a loveletter. -aft a. influenced by love, enamoured. -fania: N. of a medical vocabulary attributed to 447917. -T FT 1 the female of the cuckoo. -2 an apbrodisiac. -3 the female parrot (also Haat). T: a message of love. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #602 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir madanaka: 1228 madhu madanaka: N. of a plant (damanaka). -kam bee-wa.x. madanIya a. Intoxicating, exciting passion; pibanti madya madanIyamuttamam Rs. 5. 10 where maNirAma in his commentary says : madanIyamunmAdakaram. madayantikA, madayantI A kind of jasmine ( Arabian). HERTZ a. Intoxicating; maddener, delighter. madayitnu a. [mad-Nic itnuc ] 1 Intoxicating, maddening. -2 Gladdening. -tnu: 1 The god of love. -2 A cloud. -3 A distiller of spirituous liquors. -4 A drunken man. -8 Spirituous liquor (n. also in this sense). HETHT a. Being always drunk or excited. madAraH [ mad-Aran; Un. 3. 134 ] 1 An elephant in rut. -2 A hog. -3 A thorn-apple or Dhattara. -4A lover, libertine. - A kind of perfume. -6 A cheat or rogue (?). madArmadaH A kind of fish; (phalakamatsya). Afe: f. A kind of roller or harrow. madira.[mAdyati anena, mad karaNe kirac] 1 Intoxicating, maddening.-2 Delighting, fascinating, gladdening (eyes &c.); as in sadyaH SaNmAsikAnAM mama madiradRzA dattacandroceleft: Vb. 1. 17; see comps. below. T: A kind of Khadira tree (red-flowered ). -Comp. -akSI, IkSaNA, -dRz,-nayanA,-locanA a woman with fascinating or bewitching eyes; madhukara madirAkSyAH zaMsa tasyAH pravRttim v.4. 22; R.8.68% BS. 3. 193B antarA dustarA na syuryadi re madirekSaNAH Bh.; Vb. 1. 17. -Ayatanayana a. having long and fascinating eyes; yadi madirAyatanayanAM tAmadhikRtya praharatIti 5. 3. 4. -AsavaH an intoxicating drink. madirA 1 Spirituous liquor; kAsatyanyo vadanamadirAM dohadacchadmanAsyAH Me. 80 (v.l.); Si.11.49. -2 A kind of wagtail. -3 N. of Durga. - Not a metre ; saptabhakArakRtAbasitau ca guruH kavibhiH kathitA madirA V. Ratna. (com.). -Comp. -utkaTa,-unmatta a. intoxicated with spirituous liquor. -gRham,-zAlA an ale-house, dram-house, a tavern. -madAndha a dead drunk. -sakhaH the mango tree. madiSThA Spirituous liquor. madIya a. My, mine, belonging to me; sa tvaM madIyena zarIravRttiM dehena nirvartayituM prasIda R. 2. 45, 65%85.25. madguH [ masja-u nyakkA; cf. Up. 1.7] 1A kind of aquatic bird, a cormorant or diver; mAMsaM gRdhro bapa madguH (bhavati) Ms.12.63. -2 A kind of snake. -3 A kind of wild animal. -4 A kind of galley or vessel of war, ko'pi madgurabhyadhAvat Dk.-BN. of a degraded mixed tribe, the offspring of a Brahmana by a woman of the bard class 3 see Ms. 10.48.-8 An outcast. madguraH [mad guk urac nyakkA; et. UP. 4.41] 1 A diver, pearl-fisher. -2 A kind of sheat-fish. -8 N. of a degraded mixed tribe; see madgu (6), madguraka: A madgura fish ; (zRGgImatsya). madgurasI /. A kind of fish, the wife of madgura' (bhAryAyAM madgurasya ca). madya a. [mAdyatyanena karaNe yat ] 1 Intoxicating. -2 Gladdening, exhilarating. -dyam Spirituous liquor, wine, any intoxicating drink; raNakSitiH zoNitamadyakulyA R.7.49%B Ms.5.56% 39.843; 10.89; bhikSo mAMsaniSevarNa prakuruSe kiM tena madya vinA S. D. 525. -Comp. -AkSepa: addiction to drink. AmodaH, -gandhaH, -dohada: the Bakula tree. -kITa: a kind of insect. -kumbha: a brandy-jar. -numaH a kind of tree (mADavRkSa). -pa: a drunkard, tippler, sot. -paGka: mash.-pAnam 1 drinking intoxicating liquor. -2 any intoxicating drink. -pIta a. intoxicated with drink. -puSpA the plant called Dhataki. -bI (vI)jam a drug used to cause fermentation, leaven. -bhAjanam a wineglass 3 80 madyabhANDam.-maNDa: barm, yeast. -vAsinI the plant called dhAtakI. -saMdhAnam distillation of spirit; kraya vA vikrayaM vA'pi madyasaMdhAnameva ca Sukra. 1.303. madraH[mad-rak Un. 2. 13] 1 N. of a country; virATapANDyayormadhye pUrvadakSakrameNa ca / madradezaH samAkhyAtaH....... -2 A ruler of that country. -drAH (pl.) The inhabitants of Madra. -dram Joy, happiness. (madrAkR= bhadrAkR' to shave or shear'). -Comp. -kAra a. (also madrakAra) producing delight. -nAma: a particular mixed caste; Mb. -sutA N. of Madri, second wife of Pandu. madrakaa. Belonging to, or produced in, Madra. -ka: A ruler or inha bitant of Madra. -kAH (pl.) N. of a degraded tribe in the south. madrAyate Den. A. To be glad or delighted. madrikA A Madra woman. madvan a.[ct. Un.4.112] Ved. 1 Fond of enjoyment; indrAya madane sutam Rv.8.92. 19. -2 Intoxicating; indrAya madvA madyo madaH sutaH Rv.9.86. 35. -m. An epithet of Siva. madhavyaH The month called Vaisakha. madhu a.(-dhu or dhvI /.) [manyata iti madhu, man-u nasya dhaH Un. 1. 18) Sweet, pleasant, agreea ble, delightful; ApApayati govindapAdapadmAsavaM madhu Bhag. 1. 18. 12; tvayA saha nivatsyAmi vaneSu madhugandhiSu U.2.18. -f. N. of a plant (jIvA, jIvantI). -2.(-dhu) 1 Honey; etAstA madhuno dhArAzcyotanti saviSAstvayi U. 3.34; madhu tiSThati jihvAgre hRdaye tu halAhalam . -2 The juice or nectar of flowers; madhu dvirephaH kusumaikapAtre papau priyA svAmanuvartamAnaH Ku. 3.36%3 dehi mukhakamalamadhupAnam Git. 10. -3 A sweet intoxicating drink, wine, spirituous liquor; binayante sma tadyodhA madhubhirvijayazramam R.4.65%3 Rs. 1. 3. - Water. -B Sugar. -8 Sweetness. -7 Anything sweet. -8 Ved. Soma juice. -9 Milk or anything produced from milk (Ved.). -10A bee-hive; kecitpItvApavidhyanti madhUni madhupiGgalAH Ram.5.62.10.-11 Bee-wax; Ms. 10.88. -m. (dhuH) 1 The spring or vernal season; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #603 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir madhu 1820 madhurayA madhubodhitamAdhavI Si. 6.20%; kva nu te hRdayaMgamaH sakhA / -dravaH N. of a tree having red blossoms (Mar. tAMbaDA kusumAyojitakArmuko madhu: Ku. 4. 24, 25; 3. 10, 30. -2 The zevagA). -drumaH the mango tree. -dhAtuH a kind of yellow month of Chaitra; bhAskarasya madhumAdhavAviva R. 11.73 mAse pyrites (suvarNamAkSika). -dhArA a stream of honey. -dhUliH madhau madhurakokilabhRGganAdai rAmA haranti hRdayaM prasabhaM narANAm Rs. 6. f. molasses. -dhenu: honey offered to Brahmanas in the 25. -8 N. of a demon killed by Visuu. -4 N. of form of a cow. -nADI a cell in a honey-comb. another demon, father of Ravana and killed by Satru- -nArikelaH,-nArikeraka: a kind of cocoanut (Mar. mohAcA ghna. -8 The Asoka tree. - N. of king Kartavirya. nAraLa). -netR m. bee. -pa: a bee or a drunkard; rAjapriyAH -Comp. -aSThIlA a lump of honey, clotted honey. / kairaviNyo ramante madhupaiH saha Bv. 1. 1263 1.63 (where both -AdhAraH wax. -ApAtaa. having honey at the first meanings are intended). -paTalam a bee-hive. -patiH taste; zaktaH parajane dAtA svajane duHkhajIvini / madhvApAto viSAsvAdaH an epithet of Krisna. -parka: 1'a mixture of honey', a sa dharmapratirUpakaH // Ms. 11.9. -Amra: a kind of mango respectful offering made to a guest or to the bridegroom tree. -Alu.,-Alukam sweet potato. -AvAsaH the on his arrival at the door of the father of the bride; mango tree. -Asava: sweet spirituous liquor ( made (its usual ingredients are five:- dadhi sarpile kSaudraM sitA caitezca from honey). -Asavanika: distiller, vintner. -AsvAda paJcabhiH / procyate madhuparkaH ); samAMso madhuparkaH U.4; asisvadadyanmadhua. having the taste of honey.- gfa: f. a sacrificial parkamarpitaM sa tad vyadhAttarkamudarkadarzinAm / yadaiSa pAsyanmadhu bhImajAdharaM offering of sweet things. -ucchiSTam,-uttham,-utthitam miSeNa puNyAhavidhiM tadA kRtam N. 16. 13; Ms. 3. 119 et seq. 1 bees'-wax; zastrAsavamadhUcchiSTaM madhu lAkSA ca barhiSaH Y. 3. 373 -2 the ceremony of receiving a guest. -pakika: one madhUcchiSTena kecicca jaghnuranyonyamutkaTA: Ram.5.62. 11. -2 the who praises at the time of madhuparka; paThanti pANisvanikA mAgadhA casting of an image in wax; Manasara; the name of madhuparkikAH Mb. 7.82.2 (com. madhuparkikAH mAGgalyopasthApakAH). 68th chapter. -utsavaH the spring or vernal festival -paya' a. worthy of madhuparka q. v. -parNikA, celebrated on the full-moon day of Chaitra. -udakam -paNI the Indigo plant. -pAkA sweet melon. -pAtram 'honey-water', water mixed with honey, hydromel. a wino-jug. -pAnam drinking wine; dhanalavamadhupAnabhrAnta-udyAnam a spring-garden. -upadhnam 'the abode of sarvendriyANAm Bh. -pAyin m. a bee. -pAla: a honeyMadhu', an epithet of Mathura 3 saca prApa madhUpaghnaM kumbhInasyAzca kukSijaH R. 15. 15. -uSitam wax. -kaNThaH the keeper. -puram,-rI an epithet of Mathura; saMpratyujjhita vAsanaM madhupurImadhye hariH sevyate Bv. 4.44. -puSpa: 1 the cuckoo. -karaH 1 a large black bee; kuTaje khalu tenehA tene Asoka tree. -2 the Bakula tree. -3 the Danti tree. hA madhukaraNa katham Bv. 1. 103; R.9.30; Me.37,49; sarvataH sAramAdatte yathA madhukaro budhaH Bhag. -2 a lover, libertine. -4 the Sirisa tree. -praNayaH addiction to wine. -pramehaH -8 sweet lime. (-rI) a female bee%3 na ca madhukarIvadannarasa diabetes, sacharine urine. -prAzanam one of the sixteen bhojinyo devatA iti pramANamasti SB. on MS.9.1.9. "gaNaH, purificatory Samskaras (which consists in putting a "zraNiH f. a swarm of bees. -karkaTI 1 sweet lime, a little honey into the mouth of a new-born male child ). kind of citron. -2 a kind of date. -kAnanam,-vanam -priyaH an epithet of Balarama. -phala: a kind of cocoathe forest of the demon Madhu. -kAraH, -kArin m. nut. -phalikA a kind of date. -bahulA the Madhavi a bee. -kukkuTikA, -kukkuTI a sort of citron tree. creeper. -bI (vI)ja: a pomegranate tree. -bI (vI)-kulyA a stream of honey. -kRt m. a bee; Bhag. japUra a kind of citrom. -bhUmika: an epithet of a Yogin 11.7.33. -kezaTa: a bee. -kozaH,-SaH 1 a bee-hive. -2 in the second order. -makSaH, -kSA, -makSikA a bee. a honey comb. -kramaH 1a bee-hive. -2a honey comb. -majjanaH the tree called AkhoTa. -matta a. 1 drunk with (pl.) drinking-bout, carousals. -kSIraH, -kSIraka: 8 wine.-2 excited by the spring. -mada: the intoxication Kharjira tree. -gandhaH the Bakula tree. -gandhi,-gandhika of liquor. -mantha: a kind of drink mixed with honey. a. scented with honey, sweet-smelling; baneSu madhugandhiSu -malliH , -llI f the Malati creeper. -mastakam . U. 2. 18. gAyana: the cuckoo. -guJjana: the drum-stick kind of sweetmeat made of honey, flour, oil, and plant (Mar. zevagA ). -grahaH a libation of honey. ghee; madhutailaghRtairmadhye veSTitAH samitAzca yaaH| madhumastakamuddiSTam ..... -ghoSaH the cuckoo. -cyut,-ta,-zvathutU .1 dropping Sabda-chandrika. -mAkSikam = madhudhAtu.q. v. -mAdhavam, or distilling honey; dadatu taravaH puSpaira] phalaizca madhuzcyu taH -vI the two spring months (caitra and vaizAkha). -mAdhavI U. 3. 24. 2 mellifluous, overflowing with sweets. 1 a kind of intoxicating drink; krIDantyo'bhiratAH sarvAH -jam bees'-wax. -jA 1 sugar-candy. -2 the earth. pibantyo madhumAdhavIm Mb.1.81.3. -2 any springflower. -jambIraH a kind of citron. -jit, -dviS, -niSUdana, -mAdhvIkam a kind of intoxicating liquor. -mArakA -nihantu m., -mathaH, -mathanaH, -ripuH, -zatruH, -sUdanaH a bee. -mAMsam honey and meat; Ms. 11. 158. -mUlam epithets of Vispu; iti madhuripuNA sakhI niyuktA Git. 5%3B N. of an edible root (like Mar. ratALe, suraNa).-mehaH % R. 9. 48; Si. 15. 1. -jIvanaH N. of plant (Mar..behaDA). madhuprameha .v. -yaSTiH , -STI/. 1 sugar-cane. -2 liquorice. -tRNaH, -Nam sugar cane. -trayam the three sweet things 3B -yaSTikA, -vallI liquorice. -rasa a. sweet-flavoured, i. e. sugar, honey, and clarified butter. it: the sweet. (-saH) 1 the wine-palm. -2 sugarcane. -8 god of love. -dUtaH the mango tree.-doha: the extracting sweetness. (-sA)1a bunch of grapes. -2 vine. -lagnaH of sweetness or honey. -draH 1 a bee. -2 a libertine. N. of a tree. -liha, -leha, lehin m. -lolupa: a bee%3; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #604 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir madhuka 1280 madhya .... .... 80 madhunolehaH, madhulihAM madhudAnavizAradA R. 9.29; madhulehigItau Bk.; madhuliha iva madhubindUn viralAnapi bhajata guNalezAn Ve. 1.5. -vanam 1 N. of the forest inhabited by the demon Madhu where Satrughna founded Mathura. -2 N. of the forest of Sugriva. (-nA) the cuckoo. -vallI 1 liquorice. -2 a kind of grape -8 Sweet citron. -ara the Indian cuckoo. -art: (m. pl.) drinking often and often tippling, carousing: jajJire bahumatAH pramadAnAmoSThayAvakanudo madhuvArAH Ki. 9. 59; kSAlitaM nu zamitaM nu vadhUnAM drAvitaM nu hRdayaM madhuvAraiH Si.10.14; sometimes in the sing. also see : AganAsyacaSakairmadhuvAraH Ki.9.57. -vidyA N. of a mystical doctrine. -prataH a bee; mArmikaH ko marandAnAmantareNa madhuvratam Bv. 1. 1173; tasminnadya madhuvrate vidhivazAnmAdhvIkamAkAkSati 46%3 mAlAM madhuvratavarUthagiropaghuSTAm Bhag. -zarkarA honey-sugar. -zAkha: a kind of tree. -zilA = madhudhAtu q. v. -ziSTam , -zeSam wax. -zrI beauty of spring. -sakhaH, -sahAyaH, -sArathiH , -suhRd m. the god of love. -saMdhAnam brandy. -sikthaka: a kind of poison. -sUdanaH1a bee; gAyan kalaM krIDati padminISu madhani pItvA madhusUdano'sau Chand. M. -2 an epithet of Visuu; bhaktAnAM karmaNAM caiva sUdanAnmadhusUdanaH -3N. of a writer of works like advaitasiddhi.-sthAnam a bee-hive. -sava: a dropping honey or sweetness. (-vA)1 liquorice. -2 N. of the third day in the bright hall of Sravana. -svara: the cuckoo. -han m.1a destroyer or collector of honey; sarvathA saMhataireva durbalerbalavAnapi / amitraH zakyate hantuM madhuhA bhramarairiva // Mb. 3. 33. 70; Bhag.11.7.34. -2 a kind of bird of prey. -8 a sooth-sayer. -4 an epithet of Vispu. madhuka a. 1 Sweet. -2 Sweet-speaking, melodious. -3 Of the colour of honey.-ka: 1 N. of a tree (= madhUka q.v.). -2 The Asoka tree. -3 A kind of bird. - The liquorice root.-kam 1 Tin. -2 Liquorice. -3 The palmliquor. -Comp. -Azrayam waxi Nighantaratnakara. madhutama a. Very intoxicating, sweetest. madhumat 4.1 Sweet. -2 Pleasant, agreeable. -3 | Mixed with honey, honied. -5 Rich in honey (as a flower ); madhumat pArthiva rajaH Rv. 1.90. 7. madhumatI/. 11. of a river. -2 N. of a creeper, Clematis triloba (Mar. moravela). -3 A mental stage in Yogasastra. -4 the 3 Riks (madhu vAtA RtAyate &c.); Bri. Up. 6. 3.6. madhura a. [madhu-mAdhurya rAti rA-ka, madhu-astyarthe ra vA] 1 Sweet; yathA prakRtyA madhuraM gavAM payaH ma. -2 Honied, mellifluous. -8 Pleasant, charming, attractive, agreeable; madhuramAsAM darzanam 5.1 Ku.5.9; Mal.2.11; kimiva hi madhurANAM maNDanaM nAkRtInAm 5.1.20%; madhurayA madhubodhitamAdhabI... Si.6.20. -4 Melodious (as a sound); puskokilo'yaM madhuraM cukUja Ku. 3. 82. -T: 1 The red sugar-cane. -2 Rice. -3 A kind of sugar, molasses (guDa).-4 A kind of mango. -B CuminBeed. -rA 1Liquorice. -2 Sour ricewater. -3 N. of the city Mathura. - N. of plants like kAkolI, zatAvaNa, bRhajjIvantI.-B Sweet tennel (Mar. baDIzepa).-rI A kind of musical instrument. -ram 1 Sweetness. -2 A sweet drink, syrup.-8 Poison.-4 Tin.-ram ind. Sweetly, pleasantly, agreeably. (madhureNa ind. in a kindly or triendly manner; nahiM duryodhano rAjyaM madhureNa pradAsyati Mb. 5. 4. 1.) -Comp. -akSara a. sounding sweetly, uttering sweet sounds, melodious ; kUjantaM rAmarAmeti madhuraM madhurAkSaram Ram. Stotra 34. -aGgaka: astringent taste. -amla: 1 the orange. -2 the pomegranate. -3 some sour plants. -amlakA the hog-plum. -aSTakam N. of a collection of 8 verses by Valla bhacharya. -AlApa a.uttering sweet sounds. (-paH) sweet or melodious notes ; madhurAlApanisargapaNDitAm Ku.4. 16. (-pA) a kind of thrush. -upanyAsa: kind address or speech. -kaNTaka: a kind ot fish. -jambIram a species of lime. -trayam = madhutrayam q.v.-phala: a sort of jujube tree (rAjabadara).-bhASin,-vAc a. sweet-speaking. -miziHf. sweet fennel (Mar. baDIzepa). -latA a kind of liquorice. -vipAka a. sweet after digestion. -savA a kind of date tree. -svanaH a conch. -svara, -svana a. warbling sweetly, sweet-voiced. madhuraka a. Sweet, pleasant, agreeable. madhurikA sweet fennel (Mar. baDIzepa). madhuratA, -tvam Sweetness, pleasantness, agreeableness, loveliness. madhurayati Den. P. To sweeten, render sweet. madhurita a. Sweetened, made sweet. madhuriman m. Sweetness, agreeableness; madhurimAtizayena vaco'mRtam Bv. 1. 113. madhula a. Sweet &c.; 800 madhura. -lam An intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor. madhulikA 1 Black mustard. -2 A kind of bee. madhusyati Den. P. To wish or long for honey. madhUkaH 1 A bee. -2 N. of a tree ; ajhairmugdhamadhUkapuSparucibhilAvaNyasorairayam Mv.2.21.-kam 1 A flower of the Madhuka tree; dUrvAvatA pANDumadhUkadAnA Ku.7.14; snigdho madhUkacchavirgaNDaH Git. 10; R. 6. 25. -2 Liquorice. madhUlaH [ madhu lAti lA-ka pRSo0] A kind of tree. -lI 1 The mango tree. -2 Liquorice. -3 A kind of citron. - Pollen. -lam Honey. -a. Astringent, bitter, and sweet. madhUlikA A kind of tree. madhya a. [ man-yat nasya dhaH Tv.] 1 Middle, central, being in the middle or centre%3; eka muktAguNamiva bhuvaH sthUlamadhyendranIlam Me. 48; Ms. 2.21. -2 Intervening, intermediate. -8 Middling, moderate, of a middling size or quality, mediocre%3; agyo madhyo jaghanyazca taM pravakSyAmyazeSataH Ms. 12. 30%; prArabhya vighnavihatA viramanti madhyAH Bh. 2.27.-4 Neutral, impartial. -8 Jast, right. -8 Mean (in astr.). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #605 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir madhya 1881 madhyanya -7, -74 1 The middle, centre, middle or central part; ahnaH madhyam midday; sahasradIdhitiralaMkaroti madhyamahaH Mal. 1 'the sun is on the meridian' or right over-head '; afa H allfrei Tarca ad M. 4. 11 (v. l.); cu 42 . 2. 1. -2 The middle of the body, the waist; HET TAI Me. 84; arranger Ku. 1. 39; fastata : R. 6. 32; UT asa tida Bk. 4. 16.-The belly, abdomen; H4...afesi ang a ar Ku. 1. 39.-The inside or interior of anything. -8 A middle state or condition. -8 The flank of a horse. -7 Mean time in music. -8 The middle term of a progression. -9 Cessation, pause, interval. -E27 1 The middle finger. -2 A young woman, one arrived at puberty. - Ten thousand billions. The acc., instr., abl. and loc. singulars of Hey are used adverbially. ( a ) 27 into the midst of, into. (6) through or between. (c) HEUTT out of, from among, from the midst (with gen.); agt wat : gara Pt. 1. (d) R21 in the middle, between, among, in the midst: sa jahAra tayormadhye maithilI lokazoSaNaH R.12.29. -2 in, into, within, inside, oft. as the first member of adverbial compounds; e. g. into the Ganges ; madhyejaTharam in the belly; Bv.1.613 madhyanagaram inside the city; madhyanadi in the middle of the river; madhyepRSTham on the back; 72 a medicine taken in the middle of one's meals; HER TUTH in the battle; Bv. 1. 128; HZ in or before an assembly; N. 6. 76; zage in the midst of the sea; Si. 3. 33.). -Comp. - :, - f. the middle finger. -376 (for EUR ) midday, noon; 18:45 diata ratarqda al fue FAIL......Daksasamhita. $97, 21 a midday rite or observance. kAlaH, degvelA, samayaH noontime, midday.degsnAnam midday ablution. -TISUT: the mid-day sun. 36a a. having the 36117 accent on the middle syllable. Ut: a radius. - ATAT N. of a metre. a. being or going in the middle or among. TC a. central, middle, being in the middle. -Pet: the mango tree. -grahaNam the middle of an eclipse. -chAyA mean or middle shadow. - the organ of the palatals. - the sign of the meridian. a n . circular or annular darkness, central darkness. fra N. of an Upanisad. -dantaH a front tooth.-dinam (also madhyadinam ); prezcas a Ms. 7. 151. 1 midday, noon. -2 a midday offering. - a variety of the figure called Dipaka, in which the common attribute that throws light on the whole description is placed in the middle; 8.g, garuDAnilatigmarazmayaH patatAM yadyapi samatA jave / acireNa Sam T ra gertata a Il Bk. 10. 25.-: 1 the middle region or space, the middle part of anything. - the waist. -8 the belly. -4 the meridian. - the central region, the country lying between the Himalaya and Vindhya mountains; fenfrente gestel 279 279 HEYET: # f&ra: || Ms. 2. 21. the trank of the body, the belly. -farfga a. inserted, fixed into. - the middle word. see 4990199. - PATTH the middle measure between an atom and infinitude). - : 1 communion, intercourse. -2 (in astr.) the mean occurrence of the aspect. - a. one who has stolen into another's confidence; Ks. -: (in astr.) the meridian ecliptic point. - T: 1 the middle part. -2 the waist. Hra: 1 middle state, mediocrity. -2 a middling or moderate distance. - Hror: the principle or central gem of a necklace. -a: a weight of six white mustard-seeds. -ORTE a. being in the middle of a conjunction, completely obscured. - i, -it: f. midnight. at the central or first meridian; (the line supposed to be drawn through 31, 3eufeeft, $547 and other places to the mount meru). lagnam the point of the ecliptic situated on the meridian. - n the middle of the three worlds ; i. e. the earth or world of mortals. $20, $t: a king. -que a. middle-aged. -alat a. 1 middle, central. -2 being among or in the middle. (m.) an arbitrator, a mediator. - 14 the navel. - a. 1 having a middle-sized body. -2 one of moderately full ha bit. 14 = tar q.v. - a. 1 being or standing in the middle, central. -2 intermediate, intervening. -3 middling. -4 mediating, acting as umpire between two * parties. -5 impartial, neutral; TE ETHF26993 ... agafarroa Bg. 6. 9. -8 indifferent, unconcerned; anyA madhyasthacintA tu vimardAbhyadhikodayA Ram. 2. 2. 16; 2 dayy Pt. 4. 60; 489 qey: S. 5. (- :) 1 an umpire, arbitrator, a mediator. -2 an epithet of Siva. Ferat 1 intermediate position. -2 middle state or character. -3 mediocrity. - arbitration, mediatorship. -8 impartiality; great vical HUT M. 3 'say impartially'; qualitiera: N. -6 inditference. FOTO , F 1 the middle or centre. -2 the middle space or region. -3 the waist. - 4 the hip; Fat Afta gr p Udb. FOTIE 1 the middle station. - 2 the middle space; i. e. air. -3 a neutral region.-fera a. central, intermediate a indifference. -svarita a. having the svarita accent on the middle syllable. F A common property, common belonging; 4 t Fra SB. on MS. 6. 1. 17; 7148 Fail Si sa SB. on MS. 6. 2. 1. Hyrag ind. 1 From the middle or midst, out of. -2 Among, between Fevent a. 1 Middle, central. -2 Meridional, belonging to noon also featu). 4 1 The midday (the third division of the day out of five ); 879 ya fa vifaa Ch. Up. 2.9.5. -2 The time of the day between 16 to 20 Ghatakas; zirea fat to: Bhag. 6. 8. 20. HEUFU a. 1 Occupying a middle station. -2 Having a middle rank or position (in any caste &c.). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #606 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir madhyama 1882 man ..... ..... .. FEYH a. (HT 49: # ] 1 Being or standing in the middle, middle, central; fag: 4 agentat v. 1. 19; HATA Ki. 9. 2; so 442946, 24974, maar q.q.v. v. -2 Intermediate, intervening; as Hgh: Tala TC Bri. Up. 1. 5. 21. 3 Middling condition or quality, mediocre; as in 37TA1944444. -4 Middling, moderate; tena madhyamazaktIni mitrANi sthApitAnyataH R 17. 58. -5 Middle-sized. -6 Neither youngest nor oldest, the middleborn as a brother ); gafa frati af qua: qocatsuh Ve. 5. 26; ads F J 17 gti I gatge: Ms. 9. 112. - Impartial, neutral. -8 Mean (in astr.). -9 Belonging to the meridian. #: 1 The fifth note in music. -2 A particular musical mode. -3 The mid-land country; see Feyet. -4 The second person (in grammar). - A neutral sovereign; HITTE EHHTU R. 13.7. -6 the middle-most prince; Heyhty art a fafarafrater eah Ms. 7. 155. -7 the middle character in plays. -8 The governor of a province. -9 An epithet of Bhima; (cf. q uid). -AT 1 The middle finger. -2 A marriageable girl, one arrived at the age of puberty. -3 The pericarp of a lotus. - One of the classes of heroines Nayikas) in poetic compositions, a woman in the middle of her youth; cf. S.D. 100.- A central blossom. -#41 The middle. -2 The waist; tadaiva yanna dagdhastvaM dharSayastanumadhyamAm Ram.6.111.24.-3 The defectiveness. -4 (In astr.) The meridian ecliptic point. -Comp. -39 : the middle finger. TITAT: one of the four Agamas; Buddh. -TIETOTH (in alg.) elimination of the middle term in an equation. -reta: a particular division of time. 37: = q for: q. v.; madhyamopalanibhe lasardazau Ki.9.2. -kakSA the middle courtyard. -khaNDam the middle term of an equation. -gatiH (in astr.) the mean motion of a planet. - 4: (in music) the middle scale. Ta a. middle-born. - 4 the middle member of a compound ). 1941 m. a subdivision of the Tatpurusa compound in which the middle word is omitted in composition; the usual instance given is zAkapArthivaH which is dissolved as zAkapriyaH pArthivaH; here the middle word f4 is omitted ; 50 514175, yeur: &c. -pANDava: an epithet of Arjuna. -puruSaH the second person (in grammar ), TET: a mediocre person. : a husbandman or cultivator who works both for himself and his master or landlord). -TT the middle way to salvation. T: midnight. Try a variety of diamonds; Kau. A. 2. 11. 29. ter the central meridian of the earth. : the middle world, the earth. 9916: a king; at...... Fayet H44418: R. 2. 16. a . middle age. aurea, middle-aged. 98: intrigue of a middling character, such as sending presents of flowers &c. to another's wife; it is thus defined by Vyasa: -9901 TEETHGAT 1949aaa ! Seni arada: Ana: Fa: 11 ICE: the second of the three penalties or inodes of punishment; see Ms. 8. 138. (+,- ) an outrage or offence of the middle class. - a. being in the middle. FETH* a. (-fil f.) 1 Middle, middle-most. -2 Common property &c.). - 4 The interior of anything. FEU A girl arrived at puberty, a marriageable woman. Agata a. Middle, central. AT See under . Hea: N. of a celebrated preceptor and author, the founder of the sect of Vaisnavas, and author of a Bhasya on the Vedanta Sutras. -Comp. -HCFH the doctrine of Madhva. madhvaka: A bee. Fat A drinking bout; L. D. B. Arah Any intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor. HII.1 P. (Hafa ) 1 To be proud. -2 To worship. -II. 10 A. (Hud) 1 To be proud. -2 To stop, to obstruct; L. D. B. III. 4,8 A. (Hua, nga, ma, 3ita, ya, 94, a) 1 To think, believe, suppose, imagine, fancy, conceive; 375 so Tirt ad: 497 af Subhas; A HUGE H ATHRAH U. 5; Hd what is your opinion'? - 2 To consider, regard, deem, look upon, take (one) for, take to be%; samIbhUtA dRSTitribhuvanamapi brahma manute Bh. 3.843 37a Tiara Yra Yaffalagaha, R.3.27; 1.32; 6. 84; Pri at trye 207 Bg. 2.26, 35; Bk. 9. 117; Foarfararegufe E HEITH I at nga oraghta H Git. 4. - To honour, respect, value, esteem, think highly of, prize; yasyAnuSaGgiNa ime bhuvanAdhipatyabhogAdayaH kRpaNalokamatA bhavanti Bh. 3. 76. - To know, understand, perceive, observe, have regard to; matvA deva dhanapatisakhaM yatra sAkSAdvasantam Mo. 75. - To agree or consent to, act up to; F#7967 #49794 Mk. 8. - To think or reflect upon. - To intend, wish or hope for; striyaH kasmAdvadhaM vIra manyase rAkSasezvara Ram.6.92. 60. -8 To set the heart or mind on. -9 To mention, declare. -10 To think out, devise, invent. -11 To be considered or regarded as, seem, appear like. -12 To accept, agree; THE HEART gHfh Mb. 17. 1. 3. The senses of 4 are variously modified according to the word with which it is used; e. g. ag 9 to think highly or much of, value greatly, prize, esteem; bahu manute nanute tanusaMgatapavanacalitamapi reNum GIt.5%3 see under ag also; y 9 to think lightly of, despise, slight; 490 #597: sfaqur qua wart s. 7. 1; anyathA man to think otherwise ; doubt; sAdhu man to think well of, approve, consider satisfactory; 391 augi a ag a fat S. 1. 2; 14 H to disapprove; tRNAya man or tRNavat man to value at a straw, value lightly, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #607 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir manana 1288 manas make light of'; harimapyamaMsata tRNAya Si. 15.61; na man to disregard, not to mind.) -Caus. (rufaa) To honour, esteem, respect, pay respect to, value; Her H14 Bh. 2. 77; (Atm.) to esteem one-self highly, prize highly. -Desid. (WHITE) 1 To reflect upon, examine, investigate, inquire into. -2 To doubt, call in question (with loc.). HTET a. (999- royc ar ] Thoughtful, careful. - 1 Thinking, reflection, meditation, cogitation; Fe acara a la Pancha-dasi 1.53; HTtare Hariy. -2 Intelligence, understanding. -3 An inference arrived at by reasoning. - A guess, conjecture. Hralo a. 1 To be thought, considered, or regarded. -2 Imaginable, conceivable. -8 To be maintained. - To be approved or sanctioned; see 4%. mantuH 1 A fault, an offence ; mudhaiva mantuM parikalpya Bv. 2. 13; T ata H-a: TCT 491 (417:) Siva B. 15.12; waar fera art a: ar: Siva B. 31. 6; N. 6. 110. -2 Man, mankind. -3 Lord of men ( fa). -4 Ved. An adviser. -8 A manager, director. -6 Advice, counsel. --: f. Understanding, intellect. Arapia Den. P. 1 To offend, transgress against. -2 To be angry. - To be jealous. ArT m. A sage, wise man, an adviser or counsellor. En. [ asaa 47 *TU 3197 ] 1 The mind, heart, understanding, perception, intelligence; as in 949, Spill &c. -2 (In phil.) The mind or internal organ of perception and cognition, the instrument by which objects of sense affect the soul; (in Nyaya phil. 4976 is regarded as a Dravya or substance, and is distinct from 31647 or the soul ); aga yag:e1992 fac asta a farei Tarka K. -3 Conscience, the faculty of discrimination or judgment. -4 Thought, idea, fancy, imagination, conception; 9344 aga Ku. 3. 51; R. 2. 27; 1997 atat auf 5.5; 4791fa a far 42 (aqah) 8.52. -8 Design, purpose, intention. -8 Will, wish, desire, inclination ; in this sense EUR is frequently used with the infinitive form with the final 4 dropped, and forms adjectives; ari : gaatta Ku. 5. 40; cf. 514. - Reflection (dhyAna); manasA japaiH praNatibhiH prayataH samupeyivAnAdhipatiM sa divaH Ki. 6. 22. -8 Disposition, temper, mood. -9 Spirit, energy, mettle; Hagati 4044147 Bhag. 3. 17. 22. -10 N. of the lake called Manasa. -11 Breath or living soul. -12 Desire, longing after. (HHT T &c. to think of, contemplate, remember; 214 HETTI 49 Ram. 2. 82.9; ( 377147) HAT T aal carifagurtea Ku. 2. 63; H9: to fix the mind upon, direct the thoughts towards, with dat. or loc.; HAFI to fix the heart or affection upon ; (THT) Har , ....944 44==UTHIER AT R. 3.4; 47: AHYT to collect oneselt; manasi udbha to cross the mind; manasi kR to thinks to bear in mind; to resolve, determine, think of. N. B. In comp. 49EUR is changed to hat before 37 and soft consonants, as HSE, HAT, WET &c.). -Comp. -TTTTT: a lover, husband. -3TATGE TIF inattention. -TUT a. suiting the mind, agreeable; tatastadagyaM vacana manonurga samastamAjJAya ad CHI Mb. 12. 167. 49; Ram. 7. 72. 18. -379Erft a. captivating the heart. fragt: close application of mind, firmness of purpose. -3TATA a. pleasing the mind, gratifying to the heart; HAITHTHT: (**) R. 1.39. - 3 T : the desire or longing of the heart. 3919 a. gaining the heart, attractive, pleasing. -17 a. ( H ra or 47:a) dear to the mind, pleasant, agreeable. It: perfect perception, full consciousness of pleasure or pain ), mental concentration, resolution; bhavanmanaskAralavodgamena kramelakAnAM nilayaH pureva N. 14. 84. (cf. HH: Teka- TU FIT: Narayana com. on N.) didRkSAdattadRSTInAM mnskaarmniissyoH| saprItirasasantoSaM dizantau Tel : Il Yadava bhyudaya 10. 9. 9: ( 214) distraction of the mind, mental confusion. -Ta a. 1 existing or passing in the mind, concealed in the breast, internal, inward, secret; aria a fa TARIH S. 3. 11.-2 affecting the mind, desired. (- ) 1 a wish, desire; Harta u 791 agh Ku.5.51. - 2 an idea, thought, notion, opinion. - fa: f. desire of the heart. - wish, desire. Ja a. hidden in the mind, thought secretly. (-AT) red argenic. -TEOT captivating the mind. - a t a. captivating or fascinating the mind. -10 a. to be grasped by the mind. - the pleasures of sense%3 yo vRNIte manogrAhyamasattvAt kumanISyasau Bhag. 10. 48. 11. Tola: depression of mind. -37, - HT a. mind born. (-m.) the god of love. -Se imagination. -java .1quick or swift as thought; manojavaM mArutatulyavegam Rama-raksa Stotra 33. -2 quick in thought or conception. -3 fatherly, paternal. E a. resembling a father, fatherly. Jai 1 N. of one of the tongues of Agni. -2 N. of one of the this of Durga;' T ' Sruti. -Jita a. mind-born, arisen or produced in the mind. -GTET a. scenting out, i, e guessing the thoughts. - a. pleasing, lovely, agreeable, beautiful, charming; TH AT IT a trat $. 1. 20; R. 3. 7; 6.1. (-) N. of a Gandharva. (- ) 1 red arsenic. -2 an intoxicating drink. -8 a princess. -art, ofer 1 mental pain or agony, anguish. -ata: the lion of Durga. ait: f. satisfaction of the mind. -a an epithet of Durga. : complete control over the mind or thoughts; Ms. 12. 10; cf. felosz. a. devoted in thought, mentally dedicated. IE:,-gier mental distress or torment. It the god of love. la depraved in mind; a HFIGET I TTH (qala) Ms. 5. 108. -ETTUTH conciliating the favour of. -TT: loss of the mind or understanding, dementedness. #ra a. approved, chosen. -qfa: (Haiofa:) H For Private and Personal Use Only Page #608 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 1284 manas a. 6 an opithet of Visnu -paryAyaH (with Jainas ) N. of the last but one stage in the perception of truth. -pUta . (manaHpUta) 1 considered pure by the mind, approved by one's conscience; manaHpUtaM samAcaret Ms. 6.46. -2 of a pure mind, conscientious. -praNIta a. ( manaHpraNIta ) agreeable or pleasing to the mind. -prasAdaH ( mana:prasAdaH) composure of mind, mental calm. -priya dear to the heart. - yaH cinammon (Mar. dAlacinI). -prItiH / (manaHprItiH) mental satisfaction, joy, delight. -bhava a. mind born, created by fancy; dRzyamAnA vinArthena na dRzyante manobhavAH Bhag. bhavaH, -bhUH 1 the god of love, Cupid ; re re mano mama manobhavazAsanasya pAdAmbujadvayamanAratamAnamantam Bv. 4. 32; Ku. 3. 27; R. 7. 22; zyAmA zuzubhe zazinA tayA manobhU: Kalavilasa. -2 love, passion, lust ; atyArUDho hi nArINAmakAlajJo manobhavaH R. 12. 33. -mathanaH the god of love. maya see separately. -yAvin a. 1 going at will or pleasure. -2 swift, quick as thought; utpatya khaM dazamIyo manoyAyo zitAkhamRda Bk. 5. 30. -3 keen desire ; ahaM hi tasyAdya manobhavena saMpIDitA tadgatasarvabhAvA Ram. 5. 32. 12. -yogaH close application of the mind, close attention. -yoniH the god of love. raJjanam 1 pleasing the mind. - 2 pleasantness. - rathaH 1 the oar of the mind, a wish, desire; avatarataH siddhipathaM zabdaH svamanorathasyeva M. 1. 22; manorathAnAmagatirna vidyate Ku. 5. 64 ; R. 2.72; 12.59; utpadyante vilIyante daridrANAM manorathAH Uab.; AzA nAma nadI manorathajalA 'Bh. 3. 45. -2 a desired object; manorathAya nAzaMse S. 7. 13. -3 ( in dramas) ahint, a wish expressed indirectly or covertly. 'tRtIyA N. of the third day in the bright hall of Chaitra. [dAyaka a fulfilling one's expectations. (-) N. of a Kalpa-taru. g: the god of love. cherishing or entertaining of desire. "y: the friend of ( who satisfies) desires; tasyA bhavAnapi manorathabandhabandhuH Mal. 1.34 siddhi: f fulfilment of one's desires. sRSTiH f. a creation of the fancy & castle in the air. -rama . attractive, pleasing agreeable, lovely, beautiful araNanakhamanoramAsu tasyAH (gulI) S. 6. 11 purastAdimale pAtre suvistIrNe manorame Sairats. (mA) 1 lovely woman. -2 & kind of pigment. -rAgaH affection, passion ( of the heart). ---rAjyam ' kingdom of the fancy ', a castle in the air; manorAjyavijRmbhaNametat this is building custles in the air'. -ruj f. pain or grief of the heart. -layaH loss of consciousness. -laulyam freak, caprice. -vallabhA a_beloved woman. vahA N. of a particular artery ; ( atyapatranADIva hisAzitAdhikA nADI manovahetyukaM yogazAstravizAradaiH); madhye hRdayasyaikA zirA tatra manovahA zukaM saMkalparja nRNAM sarvagAtrai vimuJcati // Mb. 12. 214. 19. vAkkarmana thoughts, words and deeds. -vAJchA - vAJchitam a wish of the heart, desire, -vikAraH, vikRtiH emotion of the mind. vinayanam mental discipline. - viruddha a. 1 incomprehensible. -2 against the dictates of mind or conscience. -vRttiH / 1 working of the mind, valition. -2 disposition, temper. vegaH quickness of thought. -vyathA mental pain or anguish. -zalya .. rankling in the mind (bAhu:) kuberasya manaHzalyaM zaMsatIya : ca Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir manomaya parAbhavam Ku. 2. 22 - zilaH, -lA red arsenic; manaHzilAvicchuritA niSeduH Ku. 1. 55; R. 12.80; TakairmanaH zilaguhaira vadIryamANA Mk.; gandhAzmAnaM manaHzilAm Siva B. 30. 19; manaHzilApalikhitena ca vidyotitalATapaTTAm K. zIghra . quick 38 thought. saMkalpaH desire of the besri. -saMga: sttach. ment of the mind (to anything ). - saMcetanAhAraH ( with Buddhists) one of the four kinds of food ( in a material and spiritual sense). Hary: anguish of the mind. -samRddhi : heart's content; Bhag. -saMvaraH coercion of mind. sukha. agreeable to the mind. sva . being in the heart, mental. sthairyam firmness of mind hata a. disappointed. - a. pleasing, charming, attractive, fascinating, lovely abhyAjamanoharaM vapuH 5.1.18; Ku. 3.395 R. 3. 82. (-) a kind of jasmine. (H) gold. -hArin a bonrt-atonling captivating agreesblo. plea sing;hitaM manohAri ca durlabhaM vacaH Ki. 1.4; gAGgaM vAri manohAri murAricaraNacyutam Gangastaks by Valmiki 7. -hArI an unchaste or unfaithful woman. - hrAdaH gladness of heart. --hvA red arsenic manaHzilA manoguptA manohvA nAgajihnikA Bhava. P. manasA N. of a daughter of Kasyapa, sister of the serpent king, Ananta, wife of the sage and mother of the sage astika; 80 manasAdevI. -Comp. - paJcamI the fifth day in the dark half of Asadha. manasija [manasi jAyate jan- anu0 ] Mind born, mental. -jaH 1 The god of love; manasijatarupuSpam R. 18. 52. -2 Love, passion manasijasA vA dinyA mamAlamapohitum V. 3. 10; samastApaH kAmaM manasijanidAghaprasArayoH S. 3. 9. -3 The moon. manasizaya: 1 The god of love; manasizayamahAstramanyathAmI na kusumapathakamapyalaM visoDhum Si. 7.2. -2 The moon. manastaH ind. From the mind or heart; R.14.84. manasyati Den. P. 1 To intend, design. -2 To think, reflect. manasvin . [prazastaM manaH astyasya vini ] 1 Wise, intelligent, clever, high-souled, high-minded tathA mene manasvinyA lakSmyA ca vasudhAdhipaH R. 1. 82 Pt. 2 120 vipavipramajJAnagatimanasvI Bk. 1. 10. -2 Attentive. -8 Steady-minded, resolute, determined; Ku. 5.6; manasvI kAryArthI na gaNayati duHkhaM na ca sukham Bh. 2. 81. m. The fabulous animal called Sarabha. -nI 1 A high-minded or proud woman ; manasvinImAnavighAtadakSam Ku. 332; M. 1.20; V. 3. 5. -2 A wise or virtuous woman. -3 N. of Durga. -4_N. of the mother of the moon. manasvitA 1 Intelligence. -2 Magmanimity, highmindedness. -3 Hope, expectation. P. P. manita Known, understood. manIkR P. To take to heart. manomaya . Mental, spiritual; manomayaH prANazarIranetA pratiSThito'me hRdayaM saMnibhAga Mupi Up. 22.7. -Comp. -kozaH, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #609 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1988 mAnaka manuSyatA manI santi gRheSu deva objects mArapi yena du" -: the second of the five vestures or sheaths which are supposed to enshrine the soul. manAk ind. 1 A littley slightly, in a small degree%B na manAk 'not at all'; na manAgapi rAhuroSazaGkA Bv. 2.1; re pAntha vihvalamanA na manAgapi syAH 1.37, 111. -2 Slowly, tardily.-3 Only, merely. -Comp. -kara a. doing little. (-ram) a kind of tragrant aloe-wood. manAkA A female elephant. manAyI (vI) The wife of Manu. manIkam Collyrium, eye-salve. manIS /. Intelligence; hRdA manISA manasAbhiklapto ya etadviduramRtAste bhavanti Kath. 2. 6.9. manISA [ IS-a ISa; manasa ISA zakaM0] 1 Desire, wish; yo durjanaM vazayituM tanute manISAm Bv. 1. 95. -2 Intelligence, understanding; ataH sAdho'tra yat sAraM samuddhRtya manISayA Bhag. 1.1.113; pravibhajya pRthaGmanISayA svaguNaM yatkila tatkariSyasi Si. 16. 42. - A thought, idea. -4 Ved. Hymn, praise. manISikA 1 Understanding, intelligence. -2 Expectation. afera a. 1 Wished for, desired, liked, loved, dear; manISitAH santi gRheSu devatA: Ku.5.4.-2 Agreeable. -tam A wish, desire, desired object3 manISitaM vijAnAti kezavo na tu tasya te Mb. 12.347.92%; manISitaM dhaurapi yena dugdhA B.5. 33. manISitA Wisdom. manISin [manISA-ini] 1 Wise, learned, intelligent, clever, thoughtful, prudent; apyarthakAmau tasyAstA dharma evaM Hoffaut: R. 1. 25.-2 Ved. Praying, praising. -m. 1 A wise or learned person, asage, a pandita; mAnanIyo manISiNAm R. 1. 11; saMskAraktyeva girA manISI Ku.1.28; 5.39%3 R. 3. 44. -2 Ved. A singer, praiser. manu a. Thinking, wise, intelligent, sage; salokapAlA munayo manUnAmAdyaM manuM prAJjalayaH praNemuH Bhag.4.6.39. manuH [man-u Un.1.10] 1N. of a celebrated personage regarded as the representative man and father of the human race (sometimes regarded as one of the divine beings).-2 Particularly, the tourteen successive progenitors or sovereigns of the earth mentioned in Ms. 1.63.(The first Manu called svAyaMbhuvamanu is supposed to be a sort of secondary creator, who produced the ten Prajapatis or Maharsis and to whom the code of laws known as Manusmriti is ascribed. The seventh Manu called vaivasvatamanu, being supposed to be born from the sun, is regarded as the progenitor of the present race of living beings and was saved from a great flood by Vishu in the form of a fish; ot. matsyAvatAra; he is also regarded as the founder of the solar race of kings who ruled at Ayodhyaj see U.6.183; R.1.11; vivasvAn manave prAha manurikSvAkave'bravIt Bg.4.1. The names of the four teen Manus in order are:-- 1 svAyaMbhuva, 2 svArociSa, 3 autami, 4 tAmasa, 5 raivata, 6 cAkSuSa, 7 vaivasvata, 8 sAvarNi, 1 dakSasAvarNi, 10 brahmasAvarNi, 11 dharmasAvarNi, 12 rudrasAvarNi, 18 raucya-daivasAvarNi and 14 iMdrasAvarNi). -3 A symbolical expression for the number fourteen'. -4 A man, mankind (opp. evil spirits); manave zAsadavratAn Rv.1.130.8. -B Thought, thinking or mental faculty (Ved.). -8 A prayer, sacred text or spell (mantra); manuM sAdhayato rAjyaM nAkapRSThamanAzake Mb. 13. 7. 18. -7 (pl.) Mental powers 3 deho'savo'kSA manavo bhUtamAtrA nAtmAnamanyaM ca viduH paraM yat Bhag.6.4.25.-nu:f. The wile of Manu. -Comp. -antaram the period or age of a Manus (this period, according to Ms. 1. 79, comprises 4, 320,000 human years or 14th day of Brahma, the fourteen Manvantaras making up one whole day; each of these fourteen periods is supposed to be presided over by its own Manu; six such periods have already passed away; we are at present living in the seventh, and seven more are yet to come); manvantaraM tu divyAnAM yugAnAmekasaptatiH Ak.-ja:, mankind. degadhipaH, adhipatiH, IzvaraH, patiH, To: a king, sovereign. *: the world of men; i. e. the earth. -jA a woman. -jAta: a man. -jyeSTha: a sword. -praNIta a. taught or expounded by Manu. -bhU: a man, mankind. -rAjam. an epithet of Kubera. -zreSTha: an epithet of Visnu. -saMhitA,-smRtiH the code of laws ascribed to the first Manu, the institutes of Manu. manuSI .A female, a woman. manuSya . [manorapatyaM yat suk ca ] Friendly or usetul to man. -6; 1 A man, human being, mortal. -2 A mate. -3 Ved. A class of manes. -Comp. -indraH , Izvara:aking, sovereign; mArga manuSyezvaradharmapatnI zruterivArtha smRtiranvagacchat R.2.2. -kAra: human exertion or effort ct. puruSakAra.-gandharva m. (pl.) the human gandharvas (as distinguished from devagandharva).-janman a. begotten by a man. -jAtam, -jAtiHf. mankind, human race. -devaH 13 king; nizamya devAnucarasya vAcaM manuSyadevaH punarapyuvAca R. 2.52. -2a god among men, a Brahmana.-dharma: 1 the duty of man. -2 the character of man, human character. -dharman m. an epithet of Kubera. -pota: a little boy. -mAtra. only a man. -mAraNam homicide; manuSyamAraNe kSipraM cauravat kilbiSaM bhavet Ms. 8.296.-yazaH hospitality, hospitable reception of guests, one of the five daily acts of a house-holder; Bee nRyajJa. -yAnam a litter, palanquin. -loka: the world of mortals, the earth. -viza,-vizAf., -vizam human race, mankind. -zRGgam impossibility. -zoNitam human blood; (papau) kutUhaleneva manuSyazoNitam R.3.51. -sabhA 1 an assembly of men. -2 a crowd, multitude. -3 a place of meeting, assembly. manuSyatA, -tvam 1 Manhood. -2 Humanity; durlabhaM trayamevaitad devAnugrahahetukam / manuSyatvaM mumukSatvaM mhaapurusssNshryH|| Vivekachudamani. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #610 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir manota 1236 47T: HITE m. Ved. 1 An inventor. -2 A manager ; 12 Hatar h aftet Rv. 9. 91. 1. -8 An honourer. manonmanI A form of Durga. mantra 10 A. (mantrayate, but sometimes mantrayati also, ufaa) 1 To consult, deliberate, ponder over, hold consultation, take counsel; etAn sarvAn samAnIya mantrayitvA ca 3847 Ram. 7. 91. 3; a fia: Agafas yra Pt.5; M6. 7. 146. -2 To advise, counsel, give advice; fa f a ta Ram. 6. 115.8; dia TATOU......97454asat acht #7: Pt. 2. 182. -8 To consecrate with sacred texts, enchant with spells or charms. - 4 To say, speak, talk, mutter; place at 99 . 1; Parfait 4 . 6; & A TESToftasmaalaster a #99976: Mal. 2. #T: [H7-347] 1 A Vedic hymn or sacred prayer (addressed to any deity ), a sacred text; (it is of three kinds:- it is called if metrical and intended to be loudly recited; 799 if in prose and muttered in a low tone; and HF if, being metrical, it is intended for chanting). -2 The portion of the Veda including the Samhita and distinguished from the Brahmana; q.v. -8 A charm, spell, an incantation ; skufu - fha: Dk. 54; 7 Reap TT TTTT: By. 1. 111; 31 O rqat ara: Ratn. 2; R. 2. 32; 5. 57. -4 A formula of prayer) sacred to any deity, as 37 #: 1919 &c. -B Consultation, deliberation, counsel, advioe, resolution, plan; (+9 404-984 R. 1. 20; 47: fara cenah HE HP : 17.50; Pt. 2. 182; Ms. 7.58; Hagat: HTH: Kau. A. 1.15; also I 7.-8 Secret plan or consultation, a secret; 4219 Sarunt: 1*: Katia Si. 2. 29. -7 Policy, statesmanship. -8 A means, contrivance; fo I seega a ara paraula Ram. 7.6.10. -9 N. of Visnu. -10 of Siva. -11 (In astrol.) The fifth mansion. -Comp. -3787TH a syllable in a spell. 37TFIT business of council meetings; Kau. A. 1. 15. - PERCIGT: supreme over all spells. - 3 9 endeavouring to obtain by spells or incantations; 4 a el atar: slar Pret: Bh. 3.4. - a. mentioned in a hymn. -3 , - H, -14, -aft n. water consecrated by means of spells, charmed water. -398 : backing up by advice. -TU 1 Vedic texts. 2 composing or reciting sacred texts; P. I. 3. 25. IT a. advocating a stern policy; as 7*T: sadar: Dk. 2. 8. -kAra: the author of Vedic hymns. -kAryam subject of consultation. To: time of consultation or deliberation ; SEGETUFTTH SYAITUL Ms. 7. 149. : a. skilled in giving advice. a m. 1 an author or composer of Vedic hymns; aguila$clut parag raf yota R. 5. 4; 1. 61; 15. 31. - one who recites a sacred text. -3 a counsellor, an adviser. -4 an ambassador; ! 7 79 taraft: Bhag. 3. 1. 2. a. Consecrated by mantras 3 yaste mantrakRtaH pANiragnau pApe mayA dhRtaH Ram. 2.14. 14. 03: knowledge, science. -Tfa: f. secret counsel. -T.: a spy, a secret emissary or agent. TCF a council-chamber. -TE: listening to the counsels of ministers 3 saptame tu mantragraho dUtAbhipreSaNAni ca Dk. 2. 8. -jA the power of spells; L. D. B. STITC: recital of Vedic texts at night. -jihvaH fire; amRtaM nAma yat santo mantranihveSu gala Si. 2. 107. - a. 1 knowing sacred texts. -2 ! skilled in counsel. -3 skilled in spells. (- ) 1 a counsellor, adviser. -2 a learned Brahmana; 75fearea fata: fata 14 Ms. -8 a spy. -atan the essence of counsel. - 7 see 8777. - , -17 m. a spiritual preceptor or teacher; foar hafa 78 Ms. 2. 153. TT m. 1 a seer of Vedic hymns. -2 a Brahmana versed in the Vedas; i afa: affa94-2are y a Ms. 3. 212. istra: fire. - a. 1 knowing sacred texts. - 2 skilled in counsel or spelle. (m.) 1 a seer of Vedic hymns -2 an adviser, a counsellor ; i 374EUR T aqat 1417 44fogott af area Bhag. 3. 1. 10. the deity invoked in a sacred text or mantra. -ETC, ETCT m. a counsellor. Foto: final decision after deliberation. - the words of a sacred text. - a a. purified by mantras. PITCH m. an epithet of Garuda. -Tett: the course of counsel or procedure; Pt. 2. Tha: the power of a spell. - :, -git: f. application of spells. -ot (ft) the first syllable of a spell. : breach or betrayal of counsel. - a: an epithet of Siva. - magic. - a mystical diagram with a magical formula. -glei application of spells; magical means. TT: 1 employment or application of spells. -2 magic. -TTT not disclosing, keeping a secret. -as ind. without the use of spells, -ax: N. of Visnu. are: the substance of sacred texts. -allem 1 a reciter of sacred texts. 2 an enchanter, a conjurer. -fa see mantrajJa a bove. -vidyA the science of spells, magic. -zaktiH f. the power of spells. -yfa: a consultation overheard. ciert: any Samskara or rite performed with sacred texts; anRtAvRtukAle ca mantrasaMskArakRt patiH Ms.5.153. -saMskriyA any magical rite. -saMvaraNam concealment of a design; mantrasaMvaraNenAsmi kuntyA duHkhena yojitaH Mb. 12.2. 18. -saMhitA the whole body of Vedic hymns. -sAdhaka: a magician, conjurer.ETETT 1 effecting or subduing by magic. -2 a spell, an incantation. -3 attainment of supernatural or magical powers (by muttering spells); yos wala 78 alergieeigtareat 69 CETH Mal. 5. 25; K. 37, 40, 44. TEST a. 1 to be effected or subdued by magic or spells; Pt. 1. 65. -2 attainable by consultation. - a. 1 possessing the power of spells, rendered efficacious; SEFUR Haha: Dk. 2. 2. hef: f. 1 the working or accomplishment of a spell. -2 the power which the possession or knowledge of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #611 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mantraNam 1237 mand a spell gives to a person. FETH a charm fastened on a string. FTAT the recitation of particular texts as a substitute for ablution. -TIT a. obtaining anything ) by means of spells. -eta a. destitute of or contrary to sacred hymns. FUH, OTT [#ZRE]1 Deliberation, consultation; a astea face o Ram. 5. 48. 5. - 2 Advising, counselling; tot ai...... u faa: Stotra. HPUTF4 Invitation; Buddh. ta: ind. 1 With respect or according to the sacred texts. -2 Deliberately, advisedly. HPL a. 1 Attended with spells or incantations; effe fogta 491, R. 3. 31. - 2 Initjated. -ind. 1 According to sacred texts. -2 According to the rules of consultation. Aff: = 41277 q. v. A p. p. [ -] 1 Consulted. -2 Counselled, advised; kaccit te mantrito mantro rASTra na paridhAvati Ram.2. 100. 18. -8 Said, spoken. - 4 Charmed, consecrated by mantras. -8 Settled, determined. -4 Advice, counsel; gy: ar rotag4192 HP Ram. 6. 112. 2. Afsta a. [7700 forfa ] 1 Wise, clever in counsel. - Familiar with sacred texts or spells. -8 Ved. Eloquent. -m. 1 A minister, counsellor, a king's minister; ajitAdhigamAya mantribhiryuyuje nItivizAradairajaH R.8. 17; Ms. 8. 1. -2 A conjurer, an enchanter. -3 (In chess) The queen. -4 (In astrol.) The 12th mansion. -Comp. - a. able to bear the burden of a minister's office; gata a Tar: Tara: Ram. 2. 100. 16. ofa:, - tai, -qya, YE!, -ati, -g: the prime minister, premier. -o t a council of ministers; au fac o kah Kau. A. 1. 15. -Ari an excellent or eminent minister. Tag: a minister conversant with the Vedas. Afram, rau Ministership, office of a minister. H4, -AT 1,9 P. (4fa, Hard, Haifa, area; pass. acra) To churn, produce by churning; (oft. with two acc. ) gut wie 44: or argt ganga Ki. 5. 30. -2 To agitate, shake, stir round or up, turn up and down; (fig. also ); EHIT pgailea 92HARI R. 16. 79. -3 (a) To crush, grind. (6) To grind down, oppress, afflict, trouble, distress sorely; 21 mathnan nijanAma sAnvayaM karoti Dk.; jAtAM manye ziziramathitAM padminI af-7e974 Me. 85 (v. 1.). - 4 To hurt, injure. 8 To destroy, kill, annihilate, crush down; H a rd 4 9 Ve. 1. 15; 8-effq *4 Bk. 15. 46; 14. 36. - To tear off, dislocate. -7 To mix, mingle. fo: 9-0 99] 1 Churning, shaking about, stirring, agitating; fifa la 4*#: .7.16 ; R. 10. 3. -2 Killing, destroying. -8 A mixed beverage; THT 79790 o 14 Ella Bri. Up. 6. 3. 1. A churning-stick ( also ). -8 The sun. -8 A ray of the sun. -7 Excretion of rheum from the eyes, mucus (from the eyes ), cataract. -8 An instrument for kindling fire by attrition. -9 A spoon for stirring. -10 A kind of antelope. -11 A medical preparation of drink; sUrNe catuSpale zIte kSuNadravyaM palaM kSipet / mRtpAtre manthayet 14 fac 997 Bhava. P. -Comp. -376, -:, -fonft:, -ga, -ta: the Mandara mountain (used as a churning-stick); 1137138 El 1971: of Bv. 1. 55. 36 , 37e: the sea of milk. TO: a churning-cord. - butter. 3, 3 : a churning-stick. - f y : the churning post (Mar. ghoaia). #: [ qeyastra TE H E 91] A churningstick. -74 1 Churning, agitating, stirring or shaking about. -2 Kindling fire by attrition. A churningvessel. -Comp. -at a churning-vessel. HFUTT a. (974-3473] 1 Slow, dull, tardy, lazy, inactive; FECI S. 4; 1974-ibid; 919 acai TISHT M. 5; Tofabit4 Git. 11; Si. 6. 40; 7. 18; 5. 62; R. 19. 21. -2 Stupid, foolish, silly; #47alai. -8 Low, deep, hollow, having a low tone. -4 Large, broad, wide, big. -8 Bent, crooked, curved. - Indicating, showing (4 ). -T: 1 A store, treasure. -2 The hair of the head. -3 Wrath, anger. - Fresh butter. -3 A churning-stick. -6 Hindrance, an obstacle. -7 A stronghold. -8 Fruit. -9 A spy, an informer. -10 The month Vaisakha. -11 The mountain Mandara. -12 An antelope. - N. of a bumpbacked nurse or slave of Kaikeyi who instigated her mistress, on the eve of Rama's coronation as heir-apparent, to beg of her husband by the two boons formerly promised to her by him, the banishment of Rama for fourteen years and the installation of Bharata on the throne; i wartalet ff da: 974 A. Ram.-T Safflower. -Comp. -faa a. slow in judgment, void of discrimination; unmathya mantharavivekamakANDa Ta Mal. 1. 18. Aufta a. Made slow, lazy; relaxed. #06: The wind produced by the waving of a chourie. HTTET: [49-31199 ] 1 A churning-stick; sfactie ar fra: 9194: Ram. -2 An epithet of Siva. F a : A kind of grass. Afat a. [ fofar ] 1 Churning, stirring. -2 Afflicting, annoying. -m. 1 Semen virile. -2 Ved. Soma juice. A churning-vessel. # 1 A. (ed) (mostly Vedic ) 1 To be drunk. -2 To be glad, to rejoice. -8 To languish, be langaid. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #612 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir manda 1288 mandara ........ .. .. - To shine. - To move slowly, loiter, tarry. - To be praised or celebrated. - To praise. -8 To sleep, H a. [2-319] 1 Slow, tardy, inactive, lazy, dull, loitering; (2) Tei Taqa : Ku. 1. 11; qaafta Haft a Git. 6. -2 Cold, indifferent, apathetic. -3 Stupid, dull-witted, foolish, ignorant, weak-brained; HER 7 Halso sada Subhas.; H SC Carafa sin farea: M. 2.8; FF: @get: Teff Zy9EFTATAE R. 1.3; for retufta HEATH Ku. 5. 75. -4 Low, deep, hollow (as sound). -8 Soft, faint, gentle; as in that. -8 Small, little, slight; H-alet; see 34 ind. 1 (d) also. -7 Weak, defective, feeble, as Ifa. -B Unlucky, unhappy. -9 Faded. -10 Wicked, vile. -11 Addicted to drinking.-12 Weak, slack (as a bow). -18 Sick, afflicted with disease. -14 Independent (977). F: 1 The planet Saturn. -2 An epithet of Yama. -3 The dissolution of the world. - A kind of elephant; Arciso FTTH 7 Herata ar: Si. 5. 49 where he means a fool' also ). -5 The apsis of a planet's course. -PET A pot, vessel. ind. 1 Slowly, gradually, by degrees; a yea faaray 5771 # fastafa S. 2. 2. 2 Gently, softly, not violently; mandaM mandaM nudati pavanazcAnukUlo yathA tvAm Mo.9. -3 Faintly, feebly, weakly, lightly. -4 In a low tone, deeply. Comp. -3T&T a. weak-eyed. (-4) sense of shame, modesty, bashfulness; er glad at HISTAMISTG: Ak; 4- 14H-KTHH Hwa N. 3. 61; 14. 47; 22. 33. 372 a. having a weak digestion. (-fa:) slowness of digestion.-31 : a gentle breeze. -379 a. having weak or faint breath. -3775ftrat N. of a metre; see App. I; GESIT HET # reat Yai - H a aata | According to prof. Sukumara Sen, Kalidasa is the inventor of this metre.-31 a. badly conducted. - HT a. dull-witted, silly, ignorant; HETA Malli. -TIET a. 1 having little respect for, disregarding, caring little for. -2 neglectful. - ETH shyness. 39: the upper apsis of the course of a planet. E a. discouraged, dispirited; HEIGE: disfth 121921feat Argo S. 2. -390 n. of the wife of Ravana, regarded as one of the five very chaste women; cf. 316641. She advised her husband to deliver Sita to Rama and thus save himself from certain ruin, but he did not heed her; Hracto TUTTH-C1741445TE f94a: P. R. 1. 58. -350T a. tepid, lukewarm. (-EUTH) gentle heat. - a. slackened in eagerness, cast down, disinclined ; Helerits FTTH a $. 1. or a. slightly deaf; (Proverb:--- a Hut: 1 'something is better than nothing'). - I a. inactive. -r. the process for determining the a psis of a planet's course. -kAntiH the moon. -kArin a. acting slowly or foolishly. - T: Saturn. -a, - HT a. walking slowly, slow of pace. -99 a. 1 dull-witted, silly, foolish. -2 a bsent-minded. -8 fainting away, scarcely conscious. -14 a. dim, faint, lustreless; Me. 82 (v. l.). - F t the mother of Saturn. -ITET a. slowly growing old. ETT a. flowing in a slow stream. Eft, -a-gre, -ufa, - a. dull-witted, silly, foolish. -fiet: m. (in astr.) the epicycle of the apsis. - a. unfortunate, ill-fated. -Oh equation of the apsis. TT, ITU, -H1 unfortunate, ill-fated, wretched, miserable. I a. dim, of fading lustre; w ana yedirecisa parauEHCHA: R 7. 2. -mandam ind. slowly, leisurely.-razmi a. dim. -viceSTita a. slowly moving. -feta a. poor, impoverished; pula fagastata ga: 959F4 Helauty Pt. 5.5. -fabiat a. slightly purgative. -refum a. creeping along slowly (as a louse ); cf. Pt. 1. 252 (N. of a louse). - a. weak. -re: f. slight rain. -FEATH, EI, ET94 a gentle laugh, a smile. F a. 1 Simple, silly, foolish. -2 One without any feeling (#1); Mb. 12. 35. 37 (com. H : 7 1912). rat, 4 1 Slowness, inactivity. -2 Dulness. -8 Foolishness, stupidity, simplicity; a trufa GTATHATH Chandraloka. 1. 1. -4 Weakness. -8 Littleness, smallness; FECH199: Pt. 2. 167 'became less, subsided'. aufa Den. P. 1 To weaken, slacken, diminish. -2 To retard. Feria Den. A. 1 To go slowly, tarry, lag behind, loiter, delay; mandAyante na khalu suhRdAmabhyupetArthakRtyAH Me. 40% V. 3. 15. - To be weak or faint, grow dim; Perer Harad ag area TRI R. 4. 49. FR 8 U. 1 To weaken, diminish, relax, slacken ; TF2 Helgar ani: $. 1; HG1717 47042arugle Ku. 4. 45; Ve. 1. 24. Fra 1 P. 1 To become weak, be relaxed or slackened. - To grow less, diminish, subside, a bate; afa parafaretua: f9q4TUTI: Mv.5; Huatre: K. 63. mandaTa: The coral tree. AFAT 1 Praise, eulogium. -2 Chatter of husband and wife ( variant of ##a:); L. D. B. mandayantI An epithet of Durga. HET a. 1 Slow, tardy, dull. -2 Thick, dense ; firm. -8 Large, bulky. -T: 1 N. of a mountain (used by the gods and demons as a churning stick when they churned the ocean for nectar ); qudretiga: 144 5a1eYTH R. 4.27; Fortret ya** Git. 1 ; # #Tyr afatal Si. 2. 107; Ki. 5. 30. 2 A necklace of pearls of 8 or 16 strings ). -3 Heaven. -4 A mirror. -8 One of the five trees in Indra's For Private and Personal Use Only Page #613 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mandasAna: 1280 mapa (pu)STA paradise; see mandAra. -ram ind. Slowly, sluggishly. | -Comp. -AvAsA, -vAsinI Durga. mandasAna: 1 N. of fire. -2 Life. -3 Sleep; (also written mandasAnu). mandAka: 1 A current, stream. -2 Praise. mandAkinI [ mandamakati ak-Nini] 1 The river Ganges%3B mandAkinI bhAti nagopakaNThe muktAvalI kaNThagateva bhUmeH R. 13.483 Ku. 1. 29. -2 The river of heaven, celestial Ganges i (mandAkinI viyadgagA); mandAkinyAH salilaziziraiH sevyamAnA marudbhiH Me. 69. mandAmaNi: A big jar, earthern water vessel; Girvana. mandAraH [mand-Arak] 1 The coral tree, one of the five trees in Indra's paradise; hastaprApyastabakanamito bAlamandAravRkSaH Me. 77,693 V.4.35%3 vRndArakArivijaye suralokalabdhamandAramAlyamadhuvAsitavAsabhUmiH Ram.Ch. -2 The plant called Arka, Calotropis Gigantea -3 The Dhattura plant. - Heaven. -BAn elephant. -ram A flower of the coral tree ; vinidramandArarajoruNAlgulI Ku.5.80%; R.6.23. -Comp. -mAlA a garland ot Mandara flowers%3; mandAramAlA hariNA pinaddhA 5.7.2. -SaSThI and -saptamI the sixth and seventh days in the bright half of Magha. mandArakA,-mandAravaH, -mandAru: The coral tree see mandAra. mandikukuraH A kind of fish (also read as mAlakukuDaH ). mandiman m. [manda-imanic ] 1 Slowness, tardiness. -2 Dulness, stupidity, folly. mandiram [manyate'tra mand kirac] A dwelling house, habitationy places mansion; prAvezayanmandiramRddhamenam Ku.7. 55%; Bk. 8. 963; R. 12.83; maNimayamandiramadhye pazyati pipIlikA chidram Subhas. -2 An abode, a dwelling in general; as in kSIrAbdhimandiraH. -3 A town; vinikSipya balaM sarva bahirantazca mandire Ram. 6. 12.3. -4 A camp. -BA temple. - The body. -T: 1 The sea. -2 The hollow of the knee, ham. -Comp. -pazu: a cat. -maNi: an epithet of Siva. mandirA A sta.ble. mandurakam A kind of mat; Buddh. mandurA [mand urac Un. 1. 38] 1 Astable for horses, a stable in general; prazraSTo'yaM plavajaH pravizati nRpatermandiraM mandurAyAH Ratn.2.23 R.16.41; kSurAJcalaiH kSobhitamandurodaram N.; mandurAyAM niruddho'pi vidruto'bhUddharihareH Siva B. 21. 74. -2 A bed, mattress. -Comp.-patiH , -pAla: the manager of a stable; a groom; zuzrAva......| asau parasparAlA mandurAyAmapAlayoH Dharmabhyudayamahakavya2.42. -bhUSaNam a species of monkey. mandra a. [mand rak Un. 2. 13 ] Low, deep, grave, hollow, rumbling (as nound); payodamandradhvaninA dharitrI Ki. 16.3; 7.22; Me. 101; R.6.56. -2 Ved. Delighttul, pleasing, pleasant; evaM bruvANe vaikuNThe bhRgustanmandrayA girA Bhag. 10.89. 13. - Praiseworthy. -ndra: 1 A deep sound, low tone. -2 A kind of drum. -3 A kind of elephant; 'bhadrA mandrA mRgAzceti vijJeyAstrividhA gajAH'; ot. Ram. 1.6.25. mandhAta m. Ved. 1 An intelligent man.-2 A devout or pious man. manmatha: 1 Cupid, the god of love; manmatho mAM mathnabhijanAma sAnvayaM karoti DR. 1; Me.75%3 na manmathastvaM sa hi nAstimUrtiH N.8.29.-2 Love, passion; prabodhyate supta ivAya manmathaH Rs. 1.8; 80 parokSamanmathaH janaH 5.2.19. -3 The wood apple. -4 N. of a saMvatsara. -thA N. of Daksayani. -a. Enchanting, attractive; sAkSAnmanmathamanmathaH Bhag. 10. 32.2. -Comp. -Ananda: a kind of mango tree. -Alaya: 1 the mango tree. -2 pudendum muliebre. -kara a exciting love. -bandhuH the moon. -yuddham amorous strife, sexual union, copulation. -lakha: a love letter 3 klAnto manmathalekha eSa nalinIpatre nakhairarpitaH5.3.26. manmathin a. Amorous, emamoured. AFHIn. Ved. 1 Wish, desire. -2 Hymn, prayer &c. manmana: 1 Confidential whispering (daMpatyorjalpitaM mandam); karoti sahakArasya klikotklikottrN| manmano manmano'pyeSa mattakokilanisvanaH Kav. 3. 11.-2 The god of love. manmanatvam A particular defect of the organs of speech. FUT a. At the end of comp.) 1 Thinking oneself to be as in paNDitamanya. -2 Appearing as. manyA [ manyate'nayA manyA galapArzvazirA P. III. 3. 59 Sk.] 1 The nape or back of the neck; doSAstu duSTAtraya eva manyA Susruta (also manyAkA).-2Knowledge. -Comp. -prahaH Contraction of the neck. -stambha: Stiffness of the neck. manyuH [man-yuc Up.3.20] 1 Anger, wrath, resentment, indignation, rage; bAhupratiSTambhAvivRddhamanyuH R. 2. 32, 49; 11.46; niyamitamanomanyudRSTA mayA rudatI priyA Nag.2.6. -2 Grief, sorrow, affliction, distress%3D nikRntanmANi kaca iva manyurbiramati U.4.33 Ki. 1.35%; yAsyan sutastapsyati mAM sumanyum Bk. 1.23; also 3.49.-3 Wretched or miserable state, meanness. - A sacrifice%3 prasaheta raNe tavAnujAn dviSatAM kaH zatamanyutejasaH Ki.2.23.-8 Spirit, mettle, courage (as of horses). -8 Ardour, zeal. -7 Pride. -8 An epithet of Siva. -9 Of Agni. -Comp. -sUktam the hymns of Manyu ( Ky. 10. 83 and 84). manyumaMt.1Angry, wrathful. -2 Sorrowful, distressed. -3 Spirited, energetic; yazasvinI manyumatI kule jAtA vibhAvarI Mb.5. 133.2. - Vehement, passionate. -m. An epithet of Agni. mapa (pu) ,-eka: A kind ot bean. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #614 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1240 mariman ma 1 P. (mazrati) To go, move. mama (Gen. sing. of asmad the first personal pronoun) My, mine. -Comp. -kAraH, -kRtyam interesting oneself about anything, self-interest. mamatA [mama bhAvaH tal] 1 The feeling of mem', the sense of ownership, self-interest, selfishness. - Pride, arrogance, self-sufficiency. -3 Individuality. -Comp. -yukta .1a miser. -2 an egoist. -zUnya a. devoid of interest (for us). mamatvam 1 Regarding as 'mine' or one's own, sense of ownership. -2 Affectionate regard, attachment to, regard for; kSudre'pi nUnaM zaraNaM prapanne mamatvamuccaiHzirasAM satIva Ku. 1. 12. -3 Arrogance, pride; mamatvaM kR 1 To be attached to. -2 To envy. mamApatAla: An object of sense. mab 1 P. To go, move. mammaTa: N. of the author of the Kavyaprakasa. maya 1A.(mayate) To go, move. maya a. (-yI/.) An affix used to indicate 'made of', 'consisting or composed of', 'full of'; kanakamaya, kASThamaya, tejomaya, jalamaya &c. -yaH1 N. of a demon, the architect of the demons. (He built the three cities for the demons%3 ot.tripura. He is also said to have built a splendid hall for the Pandavas); sAnandaM devatAbhirmayapuradahane dhUrjeTiH pAtu yuSmAn Ve.1.3. -2 A horse. -3 A camel- -4 A mule. -yA Medical treatment. -yI A mare. mayaTaH A hut of grass or leaves. maya (yu) TaH, -pTaka: A kind of bean. 799 n. Ved. Pleasure, delight, satisfaction; teacht naH subhagA mayaskarat Rv. 1. 89.3. -Comp. -bha (bhu)ba, -bhu, -bhUa. causing pleasure, delighting; Apo hi SThA mayobhuvaH Bv.10.9.1. Aftag a. Good in me. HT: 1 A Kinnara, a celestial musician. -2 A deer, an antelope. -Comp. -rAja: an epithet of Kubera. mayUkhaH [mA Ukha mayAdezaH UP. 5. 25] 1 A ray of light, beam, ray, lustre, brightness%; visRjati himagarbharagnimindumayUkhaiH 5. 3.4; R. 2.46%; Si. 4.56%3 Ki. 5.5, 8. -2 Beauty. -3 A flame. -4 The pin of a sun-dial. -Comp. -IzaH, -mAlin the sun. mayUkhin a. Radiant, brilliant. mayUraH [mI Uran Un 1.67] 1 A peacock; smarati girimayUre eSa devyAH U. 3. 20; phaNI mayarasya tale niSIdati Rs. 1. 13. -2 A kind of flower. -3 N. of a poet (author of the sUryazataka); yasyAzcorazcikuranikaraH karNapUro mayUraH P. R. 1. 22. -4 A kind of instrument for measuring time. -6 (In music) A kind of gait. -rI A pea-hen; (Proverb:varaM tatkAlopanatA tittirI na punardivasAntaritA mayUrI Vb.1., or varamadya kapoto na zvo mayUraH 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'). -TH A particular posture in sitting. -Comp.-ariH a lizard. -ullAsaka: the rainy season. -ketu: an epithet of Kartikeya. -gati: N. of a metre. -grIvakam blue vitriol. -ghRtam a kind of medicine. -caTaka: the domestic cock. -cUDA 1 a peacock's erest. -2 =mayUrIzikhA q. v. -tuttham blue vitriol. -nRtyam the dance of a peacock; a position comparable to it; tadetanmayUranRtyamApadyate / tadyathA mayUrasya nRtyato'nyadapAtriyate'nyat saMviyate / evamihApi idaM saMviyate tadapAniyate / SB. on MS. 7. 4. 10. -patrin a. feathered with peacock's feathers (as an arrow); jahAra cAnyana mayUrapatriNA zareNa zakasya mahAzanidhvajam R.3.56. -padakam a scratch in the form of a peacok's foot ( made with the fingernails).-piccha m a peacock's tail or feather. -ratha: an epithet of Kartikeya. -vyasakA a cunning peacock. -zikhA 1 a peacock's erest. -2a cock's comb. -3 N. of a medicinal plant, Celosia Cristata; et. nIlakaNThazikhA ladhvI pittazleSmAtisArajit Bhava.P.; Matanga L. 10.10.-sArin a. strutting like a peacock. mayUraka: 1A peacock. -2 A cock's comb. -kA, kam Blue vitriol. mayUrikA . 1 A nose-ring; manojJanAsikAnyastacitraratnamayUrikAm Siva B. 20.5. -2 A kind of venomous insect. -3 Hibiscus Cannabinus (Mar. bheMDI, aMbADI). maraH Ved. 1 Death. -2 The earth. marakaH [mR-vun ] A plague, murrain, pestilential disease, an epidemic. marakatam [marakaM taratyanena tu-Da] An emerald; vApI cAsmin marakatazilAbaddhasopAnamArgA Mo. 783 Si.4.56; Rs. 3. 21; (sometimes written marakta.) -Comp. -maNi: m., f. an emerald. -zilA an emerald slab. -zyAma a. dark or green as an emerald. maraNam [mR-bhAve lyuT] 1 Dying, death; maraNa prakRtiH zarIriNAm R.8.87; or saMbhAvitasya cAkIrtimaraNAdatiricyate Bg. 2. 34. -2 A kind of poison. -3 Passing away, cessation (as of rain). -4 (In astrol.) The 8th mansion. -BA refuge, asylum. -Comp. -anta, -antaka. ending in death. -abhimukha, -unmukha a. on the point of death, near death, moribund. -Atmaka a. causing death, fatal. -dazA the time or hour of death. -dharma: the law of death. -dharman a. mortal. -nizcaya a. determined to die Pt. 1.-maNDanam Wearing dress and ornamants as a Sati usually wears; atha madambA maraNamaNDanamanuSThAya Dk. 2. 10,4.-zIla a. mortal. marataH Death. maraNIya,-mariSNu a. Mortal. mariman m. Death, dying: For Private and Personal Use Only Page #615 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir maranda 1241 marUva (ba)ka maranda, -ndaka: The juice of Howers%3; ayi daladaravinda syandamAnaM marandaM tava kimapi lihanto maju guJjantu bhRgAH Bv.1. ! 5, 10, 15. -Comp. -okas .. a flower. marAraH A granary. marAla a. [ mR-Alac] 1 Soft, greasy, unctuous. -2 Bland, tender. -la: (-lI/.) A swan, flamingo, goose; marAlakulanAyakaH kathaya re kathaM vartatAm Bv.1.33 vidhehi marAlavikAram Git. ll; N. 6. 72. -2 A kind of duck (kAraNDava). -3 A horse. - A cloud. -B Collyrium. -6 A grove of pomegranate trees. -7 A rogue, cheat. -8 A particular mode of joining the hands. marAlakaH A gander, swan. marAlikA N. of a plant and its pod (Mar. zikakAI); Girvana. mari (rI)ca: The pepper-shrub.-cam Black pepper%B khabUMraM maricaM pUgaM devadAru ca nAgaram Siva B. 30. 16; N. 18. 118. marIciH (Rarely marIcI also) m.J. [mR-Ici Un. 4.70] 1 A ray of light; na candramarIcayaH V. 3. 10; savitumarIcibhiH Rs. 1. 16; R.9. 133 13.4. -2 A particle of light. -3 Light. -4 Mirage. -8 A spark of fire; Herea sa fugramedhUmAkulArciSaH Ram.1.56.18.-ciH1 N. of a Prajapati, one of the ten patriarchs created by the first Manu, or one of the ten mind born sons of Brahman; he was father of Kasyapa. -2 N. of a lawgiver. -3 N. of Krisna. -4 A miser. -Comp. -garbha a. containing particles of light (N. of a world ). -toyam a mirage 3 marIcitoyAnyabhidhAvati kvacit Bhag.5.13.5.-paadrinking in particles of light; vaikhAnasA vAlakhilyAH saMprakSAlA marIcipAH (tApasAH) Rim. 3.6.2.-mAlin a. encircled by rays, radiant, shining. (-m.) the sun. marIcikA Mirage. marIcina, marIcimat a. Radiant, lustrous. -m. The sun. marImRja a. Repeatedly rubbing. marIsam Milk. maruH [niyante'smin bhUtAnIti maruH nirjaladezaH, mR-u Up.1.7] 1 A desert, sandy desert, a wilderness, any region destitute of water. -2 A mountain or rock. -3 A kind of plant (kurabaka). -4 Abstinence from drinking; maruM sAdhayato rAjan nAkapRSThamanAzake Mb. 13.57.14; 142.44. -m. pl. N. of a country or its inhabitants. -Comp. -udbhavA 1the cotton shrub. -2 a cucumber. -kacchaH N. of a district. -ja: a kind of perfume. -juS,-bhava: the inhabitant of a desert. -deza: 1 N. of a district. -2 any region destitute of water. Det bdellium. -dvipaH,-priya: a camel. -dhandhA ,-dhanvan m. a wilderness, desert. -pathaH, -pRSTham a sandy desert, wilderness; maru | pRSThAnyudambhAMsi (cakAra) R. 4.31. -prapatanam the act of saM.I. ko ...156 throwing one's self from a rock; Mark. P. 40. 3. -bhU (Pl.) the country called Marwar. -bhUmiHf. a desert, sandy desert. -bhUruha,-ha: a tree in the desert3B satpuMso marubhUruha iva jIvanamAtramAzAsyam Arya.s.-saMbhava: a kind of horse-radish. -sthalam,-sthalI a wilderness, desert, waste ; tat prAnoti marusthale'pi nitarAM merau tato nAdhikam Bh. 2. 49; marusthalyAM yathA vRSTiH kSudhArte bhojanaM tathA H. 1. 11. marukaH 1 A peacock. -2 A deer, antelope. maruTA, maruNDA A woman with a high forehead. marut m. [mR-uti Up. 1.94]1 Wind, air, breeze ; dizaH prasedurmaruto vavuH sukhAH R. 3.14. -2 Vital air or breath, life-wind; (vazamanayat) aparaH praNidhAnayogyayA marutaH paJca zarIragocarAn R.8. 1938 Ku.3.48. -3 The god of wind; iti darzitavikriyaM sutaM marutaH kopaparItamAnasam Ki. 2.25.-4 Agod, deity; vaimAnikAnAM marutAmapazyadAkRSTalIlAnaralokapAlAn R.6.13 12.101. -BA kind of plant (maruvaka). -6Gold. -7 Beauty. -n. A kind of plant (pranthiparNa). -Comp. -Andola: a kind of fan (of a deer's or buffalo's skin). -iSTam bdellium.-karaH a kind of bean.-karman |.,-kriyaa flatulency. Tror: the northwest quarter. - Tut: the host of the gods. -tanayaH, -putraH, -sutaH, -sUnuH 1 epithets of Hanumat..-2 of Bhima; pUSAtmajo marmasu nirbibheda marutsutaM cAyutazaH zarAgnyaiH Mb.8.89.76. -dhvajam the down of cotton floating in the air. -paTa:a sail. -patiH ,-pAla: an epithet of Indra, Bhag. 3. 19. 25. -patha: sky, atmosphere. -plava: a lion. -phalam hail. -baddhaH 1 an epithet of Visnu. -2 a kind of sacrificial vessel. -TO: 1 a car in which idols of gods are moved a bout. -2 & horse.-loka: the world of the Maruts.-vatman, atinosphere. -vAhaH 1 an epithet of fire. -2 of Indra. -vRddhA,-vRdhA The river Kaveri; abhaMlihAnahaha pazya marudvRdhAyAH Vis.Gupa. 448. marutaH1 Wind. -2 A god. HE: N. of a king of the solar race, who is said to have performed a sacrifice in which the gods took the part of waiters &e. ct. tadapyeSa zloko'bhigIto marutaH pariveSTAro maruttasyAbasan gRhe / AvikSitasya kAmaprervizvedevAH sabhAsada iti / / maruttaka: The Marubaka plant. marutvat m. 1A cloud. -2 N. of Indra; mahendramokSaM vijaya marutvataH Bhag. 6. 13. 22; Ki. 13.67. -3 N. of Ilanumat. marula In comp. for marut. -loka: the world of the gods. marula: 1 A kind of duck. -2 A of prey. -lam Water. marUva:1N of a plant; see marUvaka. -2 An epithet of Rahu. marUva (ba)ka. Terrible, formidable. -ka: 1 A kind of plant (Marjoram) and flower also 3 nityotsaMdhI navamarubake For Private and Personal Use Only Page #616 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra marUka: via guzman, -2 A variety of lime. -3 A tiger. -4 Rahu. -8 A crane. #1 A peacock. -2 A kind of stag.-3 A frog. maroliH, -likaH The sea-monster Makara. marka a. Ved. 1 Cleaning, purifying. -2 Perishing, dying away. - 1 The vital breath, life-wind. -2 An ape, a monkey ; markAn bhokSyan vibhajati sa cennAti bhANDaM bhinatti Bhag 10.8.29. # A spider. markaTa: 1 An ape, a monkey ; hAraM vakSasi kenApi dattamajJena markaTaH / leDhi jighrati saMkSipya karotyunnatamAsanam Bv. 1. 99. -2 A spider. -8 A kind of crane. -4 A kind of coitus or mode of sexual enjoyment. - A kind of poison. - 1 A female ape. -2 N. of various plants. -8 An iron bolt. Comp. a. monkey-faced. (-) copper. - induH ebony. -karNa a monkey-eared. -tindukaH a kind of ebony. -pippalI the Apamarga tree. - nyAya: the mokey-rale (opp. to ). - young monkey. -vAsaH a cobweb. -zIrSam vermilion: # 1 An spe. -2 A spider. -8 A kind of fish. 4 A kind of grain. H 1 A pot, vessel. -2 A subterranean hole, cavity, cavern, hollow. -3 A barren woman. 10 U. (-a) 1 To take. -2 To cleanse. -8 To sound. To go, move. -5 Ved. To threaten, menace. 8 To injure, hurt. 7 To endanger, imperil. mArja (jji) kA (tA) A king of dish (Mar. khaMDa Girvana. H: 1 A washerman. -2 A catamite. -f. Cleansing, washing, purification. [-] 1 A man, human being, mortal. -2 The earth, the world of mortals. martavyam Death (being inevitable ); rAmaNAdinitA martavye kRtanizcayA Ram. 5.58.61. a. martya [*] Mortal. 1 A mortal, a human being, man; zaucAzauyaM hi mArthAnAM lokezaprabhavApyayam Ms. 5. 97. 2 The world of mortals, the earth. The body; anne pralIyate martyamannaM dhAnAsu lIyate Bhag. 11. 24. 22. -Comp.: mortality. - (fi) a. mortal, any human being; kiM punarmartyadharmiNa: Mb. 3. 32.56; na cidAsAdyate martyadharmA K. - nivAsin m. a mortal, human being. - bhAvaH human nature. -bhuvanam the earth. -mahitaH god. -mukhaH kinnaras being having the face of a man and the figure of an animal, and regarded as an attendant of Kubera. : the world of mortals, the earth ; kSINe puNye martyalokaM vizanti Bg. 9.21. marda [-] Crushing, pounding, grinding, destroying &c. (at the end of comp.). - 1 Grinding, a. 1242 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir marman gas pounding. -2 A violent stroke, friction; fffa Bhag. 1. 14. 17.-8 A kind of instrument useful for calculation about eclipses. mardaka. = marda mardana . ( -nI / . ) [ mRd-lyu lyuT vA ] Crushing, grinding, destroying, tormenting, rubbing, &c.; - Ram. 5. 37. 67. - 1 Crushing, grinding. -2 Rubbing, shampooing; . -3 Anointing (with unguents &c. ). - Pressing, kneading. -5 Paining, tormenting, afflicting. -6 Destroying. -7 Devastating, laying waste. -8 Opposition of planets. -Breaking up (as of ice &c.). a. 1 Crushed, pounded. -2 Rubbed. -8 Strung or tied together. mardalA A kind of drum: kRtasamAnamarthamaNDalamaniyA Si. 6. 31 ; taDitpatAko'zanizabdamardala: Rs. 2. 1. For Private and Personal Use Only A kind of musical composition. marc 1 P. ( marbati ) To go move. N. ; marmana [- manin] 1 (4) A vital part of the body. the vitals, weak or tender point of the body); a sImro hRdi zokazarmarmANi kRntamapi kiM na soDa: 335; Y. 1. 153: Bk. 16; grandfer ud shift Git. 4. (b) Any vital member or organ. -2 Any weak or vulnerable point, a defect, failing; dwa forma masufam: Bhag. 8. 10. 27. -3 The core, quick. 4 Any joint (of a limb). 5 The secret or hidden meaning, the pith or ence (of anything); w natvA gaGgAdharaM marmaprakAzaM tanute gurum - nAgeza bhaTTa - 6 A secret, & mystery. -7 Truth. -Comp. -fan a. piercing deeply into the vital parts ; tathA marmAtigairbhISmo nijaghAna mahArathAn Mb. 6.90.85; matigaira nRjubhirnitarAmadeva kRsAyakairatha tutoda tadA vipakSaH Si. 20. 77. H 1 probing the vital parts. -2 seeking weak or vulnerable points. an ar mour, a coat of mail. -, -37faa. piercing the vitals (of the heart ); api marmAvidho vAcaH satyaM romAJcayanti mAm Mv. 3. 10 ciraM zivA mamavadhU (V. 1. marmAvit ) rAmo vilubhitaplavam Bk. 5.52. kIlaH a husband. - a. piercing to the quick, very acute, poignant. -a: wounding the vitals. a. piercing the vitals, excessively painful. caram the heart. jiha, mida (10 - a. 1 piercing the vitals, cutting to the quick, excessively painful; serfa fafanaPage #617 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir marmika 1248 mala into, thoroughly conversant with, one who has entered into the secret recesses of anything. -fist pain in the inmost soul. : 1 piercing the vitals. -2 disclosing the secrets or vulnerable points of another. - :, I m. an arrow. - see #ST. Difet: m. (pl.) joints and articulations. F H , PIT 1 a sensitive or vital part. -2 a weak or vulnerable point. - T a. 1 piercing the vitals, stinging to the quick; apa EHHEZET: TH191: U. - very cutting, poignant, sharp or stinging words &c.). # a. 1 Knowing secrets or weak points. -2 Very acute, intelligent; see Hus. HAT a. (7-3773 a ] 1 Rustling (leaves, garments &c.); try THTU R. 6. 57; 4.73; 19. 41; la: sarac faaratToHATTT: Ku. 3. 31. -2 Murmuring. -T: 1 A rustling sound. -2 A murmur. -8 A kind of garment. - TT Coarse ground meal. Adria Den. A. To rustle, murmur. # 1 A species of pine tree. -2 Turmeric. -8 A particular vein in the external ear. HAC: 1 A poor man, pauper. -2 A wicked man. & a. Ved. Mortal. -* 1 A man. -2 A young man. -3 A male. -4 A lover, suitor. -5 A stallion, horse. -6 A camel. H : Ved. 1 A little man. -2 A male in general; Ho fa 9977 Rv.5.2.5. # 1 A limit, boundary. HUTC Halat farat ad ]1 A limit, boundary (fig. also ); bound, border, frontier, verge; Hiterafas: Pt. 1.-2 End, termination, terminus. -3 A shore, bank. -4 A mark, land-mark. -8 The bounds of morality, any fixed usage or esta blished rule, moral law; maryAdAnAM ca lokasya kartA kArayitA ca sa: Ram.5. 35. 11. - A rule of propriety or decorum, bounds or limits of propriety, propriety of conduct; tearatgale. f i U.5;421144141: feltagit Pt. 1. 142. - A contract, covenant, an agreemont; eat waar qifonfaler ayat ya Ram. 4.5. 11. -Comp. -TETO, -fft:, -qaa: a frontier-mountain. -Era running towards a mark. -afet: keeping within limits; Buddh. W : a destroyer of land-marks; Hatha fasi sa Ms. 9. 291. -a statement of the limit; P. III. 3. 136. - fash: overstepping limits. Here a. Keeping within bounds. -m. A neighbour, borderer ; Nir. 4.2. Horete 8 U. To make anything a limit, to reach, attain to, go as far as; as in HTUT ATIsu STATUTA. H IP. ( fa) 1 'To go, move. - To fill. -Caus. To sound. HET: [ 91-99] 1 Deliberation. - 2 Advice, counsel. -8 A sternutatory. HIT 1 Rubbing.-2 Examination, inquiry. -3 Consideration, deliberation. -4 Advising, counselling. -5 Removing, rubbing off. -6 Explaining. -7 Touching ( a woman ); TEZEIT narcista Mb. 3. 314. 29. Af:, -ATPOTE (99- cuc ar ] Endurance, for bearance, patience; fecalycu: 94 76 aar: 44: Ki. 2.8; A. Ram. 7. 4.52. afta p. p. 1 Endured, patiently borne or endured. -2 Excused, forgiven. - Endurance, patience. Afta a. Enduring, for bearing. marSIkA A kind of metre. H 1 A., 10 U. ( Ad, Hurd-a) To hold, possess. 3a. qua lead - Pag: Tv.] 1 Dirty, foul; AmiSaM yacca pUrveSAM rAjasaM ca malaM bhRzam Ram.7.74.16. -2 Mean, covetous. -8 Unbelieving, infidel, godless. -4 Wicked. -7, 1 Dirt, filth, impurity, dust, any impure matter; H61441: 1: K. 2; granola 4719EATSHIRTS HTCTT $. 7.32. -2 Dregs, refuse, sediment, excrement, feces, dung. -3 Dross (of metals), rust, alloy. -4 Moral taint or impurity, sin; S:8 443 HOTEH Ms. 11.70. -8 Any impure secretion of the body; (according to Manu these excretions are twelve:- vasA zukramamRt majjA mUtraviD aroffa ICA Fact agaia aut 46: Ms. 5. 135). -6 Camphor. -7 Cuttle-fish bone. -8 Tanned leather; a leather-garment. -9 The three humours of the body (ara, fat and **). - A kind of base metal. -Comp. -377*TUH 1 removing the dirt, purification. -2 removal of sin. -3TTET 1 a particular preparation. -2 N. of a river; Freit af at Het TT&T. -ayanam the rectum. -ari: a kind of natron. -avaTTET: constipation of the bowels. T o m. a sweeper, a scavenger. -3T17 a. dirty-looking. -31196 a. 1 causing dirt, dirtying, soiling. - 2 defiling, polluting; Ms. 11.70.-31TT: the stomach; bowels. -3594 the rust of iron (Hgt ). Jent: evacuation of the feces, voiding the excrement.get a woman who has put off her soiled clothes. -3957 a. soiled, tarnished with dirt; $. 7.32.-FTUT a. cleansing. - a. cleansing, detergent. (-:) the bulbous root of T . (- ) N. of a plant (aneh it). 4 pus, matter. area a. dirty, foul, soiled. - 9: purging, diarrhoea. Sifa a. purging. (-m.) the Jayapala tree. Est a nurse who attends to a child's necessities. Orta m. a religious mendicant of the Jaina sect. - PET a. covered with dust and mire; nirAhArA kRzA rukSA jaTilA malapakinI Mb.5.186. 20. -9 (9) Ficus Oppositifolia (Mar. Fa fa 3sat). -94 the first (or outer) page of a book. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #618 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir malabat 1244 malla - m. a crow. -45#: a strip of cloth covering the privities (1991); Dk. 2. 2. -ATA: an intercalary month (so called because during that month religious ceremonies are not performed ); 37412TF ET 47 fa #feartai em: a fasta...'- frant: evacuation of feces and urine. -arges a woman in her courses. -fast a. cleansing away filth. -fagat: constipation. -fatti, -E TA, - f. evacuation of the bowels. -gra m. = 422:. - a. removing dirt or sin. H a a. Dirty, foul, filthy. - A menstruous woman. -Comp. -areef. a menstruous woman; 91T9THEH: MS. 3. 4. 18. HEHTA Crushing, grinding. 7 A tent. HET: 1 N. of a mountain range in the south of India, a bounding in sandal trees; (poets usually represent the breeze from the Malaya mountain as wafting the odour of sandal trees and other plants growing thereon, which peculiarly affects persons who are smit with love ); Faaraa festataT: THE R. 4. 51; 9. 25; 13. 2; fa 44-47 are a trafa Pt. 1.41; malaye bhillapurandhrI candanatarukASThamindhanaM kurute Subhas. -2 N. of the country lying to the east of the Malaya range, Malabar. -8 A garden. -4 The garden of Indra. -3 The side of a mountain- - In music) A kind of measure. -Comp. 31316, 317, fift:, -a: &c. the Malaya mountain. - , -arai, IT: the wind blowing from the Malaya mountain, south-wind; fasagaar S H Git. 1; cf. 349f2oz dakSiNAnilahataka pUrNAste manorathAH kRtaM kartavyaM vahedAnI yatheSTam K.; Dk. 1. 1.-3.59 sandal-wood. -T: a sandal tree; 39 #HARI 4 147 faquea Bv. 1. 11. (-37, -TH) sandal-wood. (- ) an epithet of Rahu. 1919 1. the dust of sandal. #: a sandal tree. atta an epithet of Durga. HOT 1 An amorous or lustful woman. -2A female messenger, confidante. -3 A female elephant. Af: f. Possession, enjoyment. malikaH A king. A a. (7) Brait sag] 1 Dirty, foul, filthy, impure, unclean, soiled, stained, sullied (fig. also ); TENTA finala $. 7. 17; fra T af 937: Fra Ve. 3. 4. -2 Black, dark (fig. also ); f afa FEATH & calfat s. 1. 20; 3 a Ardo Hafa marhafa fagor aft: Vas; Si. 9. 18. -3 Sinful, wicked, depraved; fua fe get a wafa H. 1. 26; Harafta #fyruaranisa Kav. 2. 178. -4 Low, vile, base; 399: Hafa fearga: Si. 9. 23. -8 Clouded, obscured. -- 1 Sin, fault, guilt. -2 Butter-milk. - 8 Borax. -4 A dirty cloth ; ad federal area samAvRtAm Ram. 5. 16. 18. -nA,-nI A woman during menstruation. Comp. 3777 n. 'black water', ink. -3772 a. 1 having a dirty or black face. -2 low, vulgar. -3 savage, cruel. TT a. obscured, soiled, clouded. ye a. Aparte q. v. (-:) 1 fire. -2 a ghost, an evil spirt. -3 a kind of monkey (maioria ). h a t, -a4 1 Dirtiness, filthiness. -2 Sinfulness, wickedness, depra vity, corruption. Afula Den. P. 1 To make dirty, soil, stain, defile, sully, spoil (fig. also ); 977157 fayfa gafa R. 5.73; 2e fait freutesi hafa gerar 1919 M. 1 'stains or brings discredit on' &c. -2 To corrupt, deprave. afofara a. 1 Dirty, soiled. -2 Corrupt. -3 Wicked, depraved. af t m. [ufca- fag] 1 Dirtiness, foulness, impurity. -2 Blackness, darkness falanifestat 1979 @ah Si. 6. 4. -8 Moral impurity, sin. Alfa 8 U. 1 To soil, stain. -2 To darken, obscure. Afsat 1 P. To become dirty or impure, be soiled. Alerga: 1 A robber, thief; a aty HET STATEMET. gafa hesar 59 $i. 16.52.2 A demon. - A gnat, mosquito. - An intercalary month. - Air, wind. -6 Fire. -7 A Brahmana who neglects the five daily Yajnas or sacrifices. -8 The Chitraka tree. -9 Frost, snow. Afegr A woman in her courses. HAE a. [43- 5 ] 1 Dirty, foul, impure, unclean, stained, soiled; ha unafanyar aici Mal. 1. 32; R. 2. 53. -2 Dark, black, of a black colour; paNitA na janAravairavaidapi kUjantamaliM malImasam N. 2.92%3B mahAmanomohamalImasAndhayA K.5visAritAmajihata kokilAvalImalImasA CHCIETT144: Si. 17. 57; 1. 38; Mal. 10. 4. -3 Wicked, sinful, wrong, unrighteous; HTHACO 7 telah R. 3. 46. - 1 Iron. -2 Green vitriol. HOT A kind of worm; L. D. B. HEE 1 A. (ed) To hold, possess. HY a. (Herz-897) 1 Strong, athletic, robust; Ki. 18. 8. -2 Good, excellent. : 1 A strong man. -2 An athlete, a boxer, wrestler ; NYHET HOU Mbh. -3 A drinking-vessel, cup. -4 The remnants of an oblation. -8 The cheek and temple. - N. of a mixed tribe (wrestlers ) born of an outoast Ksatriya by a Ksatriya woman; O Tal Arefarofana Ms. 10.22; 12. 45. -7 N. of a country. - HST 1 A woman. -2 The Arabian jasmine. -3 Ornamenting the person with cosmetics or coloured unguents. -Comp. 37: For Private and Personal Use Only Page #619 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mallakA 1248 masina 1 an epithet of Krispa. -2 of Siva. -krIDA 1 boxing mavya 1 P. (mavyati) To bind. or wrestling match. -2 athletic or gymnastic exercise. maz 1P.(mazati)1 To buzz, hum, make a sound. -ghaTI a kind of dance. -jam black pepper. -nAlaH -2 To be angry. (in music) a kind of measure. -tUryam a kind of drum.. TIT: 1 Indra's elephant. -2 a letter-carrier. -3 N. of mazaH1 A mosquito.-2 Hum, humming. -3 Anger. vAtsyAyana, the author of kAmasUtra. -bhUH,-bhUmiHf1a battle- -Comp. -harI a mosquito-curtain. field. -2 an arena, a wrestling ground. -3 N. of a ___ mazakaH [maz-vun ] 1 A mosquitor gmat; sarva khalasya country. -yAtrA 1 a procession of wrestlers. -2 a caritaM mazakaH karoti R. 1.78; Ms. I. 45. -2 A particular wrestling contest; L. D. B. -TGH a wrestling or disease of the skin. -8 A leather water-bag. -4 N. of boxing match, pugilistic encounter. for the art of a district in Sakadvipa inhabited by Ksatriyas. -B Wrestling.-zAlAagymnasium. Gadfly, any fly that stinge ( 914 ); Mb. 3. 141. 27. mallaka:1A lamp-stand.-2 An oil-vessel, a lamp -kI A female mosquito; madgahe mazakIva mUSakavadhUH...... vesssel. -3 Alamp. -4Acup made out of a cocoa- / Sukti.b. 19. -Comp. -kuTi, TIf.,-varaNam a whisk nutshell.-BA tooth. -6A kind of jasmine. -7A for scaring away mosquitos. -harI a mosquito-curtain. bowl; modakamalakaM nikSipya Pratijna. Y.3. mazakin m. The Udumbara tree. mallAra: N. of one of the six Ragas. mazanam Sound. mallArI f. N. of a Ragini. mazI See masI. mAlli,-llI 1. [malla-in vA gap] A kind of jasmine; mazunaH A dog. kiM mallImukulaiH smitaM vikasita kiM mAlatIkuDamalai: Rajendrakarnapura. -m. A Jain saint. -Comp. - pet n. a kind of maS 1 P. (maSati ) To hurt, injure, kill, destroy. agallochum. -nAtha: N. of a celebrated commentator maSiH ,-bI/. = masI q.v. who probably lived in the fourteenth or fifteenth mas 4 P. (masyati) 1 To weigh, measure, mete. -2 century; (he has written . commentaries on raghuvaMza, kumArasaMbhava, meghadUta, kirAtArjunIya, naiSadhacarita, and zizupAlavadha). ___To change form. -patram a mushroom. He: A measure, weight. mallikaH, mallikA 1 A kind of goose with brown legs | masanam 1 Measuring, weighing. -2 A species of mediand bill. -2 The month Magha. -3 Ashuttle. | cinal plant. -8 Hurting. -4N. of a musical instrument; L. D. B. -Comp. masarA A kind of pulse. -akSaH, -AkhyaH 1 a kind of goose with brown legs masAra:, masAraka: An emerald; masAratArAkSi sasAramAtmanA and bill; etasmin madakalamallikAkSapakSavyAdhUtasphuradurudaNDapuNDarIkAH N.9. 101 and masAramAlAvalitoraNAM puram ibid. 16. 122%3 (bhuvo vibhAgAH)U. 1.31; Mal. 9. 14. -2 a particular candramasAracitAM zriyam Haravijayab.47. breed of horses (with white spots on the eyes); padmapatranibhAMzcAzvAn mallikAkSAn svalakRtAn Mb.7.23.6. (-kSI) a masi: m.f.1 Ink. -2 Lampblack, soot. -3 A black female dog (with white spots on the eyes). -arjuna: powder used to paint the eyes; aprairupAttamaSibhiH kucakucha kuN. of a Linga of Siva on the mountain Srisaila. mAni (mRjantyaH) Bhag. 10.29.29. -Comp. -AdhAraH, kRpI, -3710T a kind of jasmine. -STATE: a kind of -dhAnam , -dhAnI, -maNiH an ink-bottle, an ink-stand. measure. -jalam ink. -paNya: a writer, seribe. -patha: a pen. -prasU: 1.1 a pem. -2 an ink-bottle. -lekhya dala: a particular mallikA 1 A kind of jasmine; vaneSu sAyaMtanamallikAnAM palm-leaf (for writing). -vaNe a. black as ink, inky. vijRmbhaNodgandhiSu kuDmaleSu R. 16. 47; vanamallikAmatallikodvellitadhamila: -vardhanam myrrh. Bharatachampu; mallikAkusumaduNDubhakena N. 21.43. -2 A flower of this jasmine%3 vinyastasAyaMtanamanikaSu (kezeSu) R. 16. masI See masi above. -Comp. -kUrcaka: an ink-brush. 50%B Kav. 2. 215. -3 A lamp-stand. -4 An earthen -guDikA a blot of ink. -jalam ink. -dhAnI an ink-stand. Vessel of a particular form. -Comp. -gandham a kind of -paTalam a coating of soot; zirasi masIpaTalaM dadhAti dIpaH agallochum. -chad,-chadanam .. a shade for a lamp. Bv. 1.74.-bhAvukaa. becoming as black as ink. mallIkaraH A thist. masI (SI) bhU To become black; svamasAratayA maSIbhavantaH Si. 20.63. mallu: A bear. masika: A serpent's hole. mallU ra: Rust of iron. masina a. Pounded, well-grounded. -nam kinship ma 1 P.(mabati) To fasten, bind. through the right of presenting the foos to the common mavita p. p. Bound, strung, tied. progenitor (sApiNDya). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #620 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir masInA 1846 mahat masInA Linseed. mastakaH, -kam [masmati parimAtyanena mas-karaNe ta svArthe ka Tv.] masu (sU) :1A kind of pulse. -2 A pillow. -rA 1 The head, skull; atilobhA (V. 1. tRSNA) bhibhUtasya cakraM 1 A lentil. -2 A harlot. -Comp. -vidalaH,-lam a split bhramati mastake Pt.5.22.-2 The head or top of anything, lentil; masUravidalAkAralUtAklinnakalevaraH Raj. T. 6. 187. peak, summit; na ca parvatamastake Ms. 4.47; vRkSa', culI &c. -3 The tuft of leaves growing at the top of palm trees. masUraka: A pillow. -kam 1 A kind of ornament on -Comp. -AkhyaH the top of a tree. -udbhavaH the brain. Indra's banner. -2 A variety of pearls; Kau. A. -jvaraH, -zUlam an acute head-ache. -piNDakaH,-kam / 2. 11. 29. -8 A lintel, i. e. the piece of timber or round protuberance on the temples of an elephant in stone that covers an opening and supports a weight | rut. -mUlakam the neck. -lugaH the membrane surabove it; masUrakamadhiSThAna vastvAdhAraM dharAtalam Kamikagama rounding the brain.-snehaH 1the brain. -2 an oily 55. 202. substance appearing on the head. masUrikA 1 A kind of small-pox (erection of small mastikam The head; see mastiSka. pustules ). -2 A mosquito-curtain. -3 A procuress, Af: f. Measuring, weighing. bawd. mastiSkam 1 The brain ; mahAhimastiSkavibhedamuktaraktacchaTAmasUrI 10.kind or small-por. Ipomoea Turpe ! carcitacaNDacaJcuH (garutmAn ) Nag.43 Ve. 1.27. -2 Any thum (Mar. teMDU, tidhAre). medicine acting upon the brain. -Comp. -svaca / the masRNa: .1 Unctuous, oily; masUNacandanacarcitAGgIm Ch. membrane which surrounds the brain. P.73; or sarasamasRNamapi malayajapaGkam Git.4.-2 Soft, tender, mastu.. 1Sour cream. -2 Whey. -Comp. -luGgaH , smooth; ayaM bAhuH kaNThe ziziramamRNo mauktikasaraH U. 1. 38. -3 Bland, mild, sweet; bhaNa masRNavANi karavANi caraNadvayaM / -gam,-luGgakaH, -kam the brain. sarasalasadalaktakarAgam Git. 10. - Lovely, charming; maha I. 1 P., 10 U. (mahati, mahayati-te, mahita) 1 To vinayamasUNo vAci niyamaH .2.2; 4.21. -Beaming, honour, respect, hold in great esteem, worship, revere, glistening; masRNamukulitAnAM prAntavistArabhAjAm (AlokitAnAm ) value greatly; goptAraM na nidhInAM mahayanti mahezvaraM vibudhAH Mal. 1.273; 4.2. -NA Linseed. Subhas, jayazrIvinyastaimahita iva mandArakusumaiH GIt. 11; strI (pumAnityanAsthaiSA vRttaM hi mahitaM satAm Ku.6. 12; Ki. 5.7,243; masRNayati Den. P. To make sokt or smooth. Bk. 10.2, R.5.25; 11. 49. -2 To delight, gladden. masRNita a. Softened, polished; etasmin masRNitarAjapaTTa- - To increase, aggrandize. -4 (Atm.) To delight in; kAnte e.5. 18. prazastibhirmahayase dive dive Rv.6.15.2. -5 To be honoured. (Ved. in the last four senses.) II. 1 A. (mahate) To mask 1 P. (maskati) To go, move. grow or increase. maskaraH [maskU-arac] 1 A bamboo. -2 A hollow mahaH [ maha-jarthe ka] 1 A festival, festive occasion; bamboo; sustambhAM maskarairdIdhaiH kRtavaMzAM suzobhanAm Ram. 3. 15. bandhutAhRdayakaumudImahaH Mal. 9.21; U.6. 40; sa khalu dUragato'21. -3 Going, motion. -4 Knowledge (jJAna). pyativartate mahamasAviti bandhutayoditaiH Si.6.1938 madanamaham Ratn.1. maskarina m. 1 An ascetic or religious mendicant, a. -2 An offering, a sacrifice. -3 A buffalo. -4 Light, Brahmana. in the fourth order; dhArayan maskarivratam Bk. lustre; cf. mahas also. 5. 63. -2 The moon. mahakaH 1 An eminent man. -2 A tortoise. -3 N. of masja 6 P. (majjati, manna; caus. majjayati; desid. mimaafa) 1 To bathe, plunge, dip or throw oneself into mahakka: A wide-spread fragrance. water; yadgopratarakalpo'bhUt saMmardastatra majjatAm R. 15. 101; mahat . [ maha-ati ] ( compar. mahIyas; superl. mahiSTa ; Bv. 2. 95. -2 To sink, sink into or down, sink under, nom. mahAn, mahAntI, mahAntaH; acc. pl. mahataH) 1 Great, plunge (with loc. or acc.); sIdannandhe tamasi vidhuro majjatI big, large, huge, vast; mahAn siMhaH, vyAghraH &c. -2 Ample, bAntarAtmA U.3.38; Mal.9.20%; so'saMvRtaM nAma tamaH saha tenaiva majjati Ms. 4.81; R. 16.72.-3 To be drowned, perish copious, abundant, many, numerous%3 mahAjanaH, mahAn dravyarAziH. -3 Long, extended, extensive ; mahAntau bAhU (in water). -4 To sink into misfortune.-8 To despond, yasya sa mahAbAhuH3; 80 mahatI kathA, mahAnabhvA. - Strong, be discouraged or disheartened. -0aus. (majjayati)1 powerful, mighty; as mahAn vIraH. - Violent, intense, To cause to sink, immerse, dip, drown. - To deluge, excessive ; mahatI zirovedanA, mahatI pipAsA. -8 Gross, inundate, overwhelm. -3 To thrust, to pass into; ad thick, dense; mahAnandhakAraH. -7 Important, weighty, momarmasu marmajJo majjayan nizitAn zarAn Ram. 6. 45. 15. mentous; mahatkAryamupasthitam, mahatI vArtA. - High, lotty, mastam The head; maste duHsahavedanAkavalite Vis. Gupa. eminent, distinguished, noble%3; mahatkulam , mahA janaH. -9 539. -Comp. -dAru: n. the devadaru tree. -mUlakam / Loud; mahAn ghoSaH-dhvaniH. -10 Early or late; mahati pratyUSe the neck. early in the morning'; HECAY late in the after, Vispu. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #621 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra mahatI noon'. -11 High; . -m. 1 A camel. -2 An epithet of Sivs. 8 (In 8an. phil.) The great principle, the intellect (distinguished from ), the second of the twenty-five elements or tattvas recognized by the Sankhyas; Ms. 1. 15; 12. 14; mahadAdyAH prakRtivikRtayaH sapta San. K. 3, 8, 22 &c. -4 The superior of a monastery. -n. 1 Greatness, infiniteness, numerousness. -2 Kingdom, dominion; Viva; : indriyANi : Mb. 5. 129. 26. -3 Sacred knoweldge. - The Supreme Being (paramAtmA ); buddheH parataraM jJAnaM jJAnAt parataraM mahat Mb. 12. 204. 10. ind. Greatly, excessively, very much, exceedingly; Ram. 6. 111. 48. (Note: Has the first member of a Tatpurusa compound and a few other cases, remains unchanged, while in Karmadharaya and Bahuvrihi comp. it is changed to mahAq. v. ) -Comp. -Ayudham a great weapon; nAnAvidhamahadAyudhanaipuNya......Dk. 1.1. - AvAsaH a spacious or large building. AzA high hope; mahadAzApUrNamAnasaH Dk. 1. 3. Azcarya a. very wonderful. -: depen dence on or seeking protection with the great. a kind of fish; L. D. B. -fa: f. a herb of wonderful power. On the Himalaya there are trees of the Devadaru family which have got resinous stems. These stems burn like oil-lamps. These sticks of pinewood, therefore, are the natural lamps of the Himalaya. cf. sarayAsamaveyara phuritatviSaH / AsanoSadhayo neturnkmsnehdiipikaaH| R. 4. 75; jvalitamahauSadhidIpikA sanAthAm R. 9. 70. -katha 4. talked of or mentioned by the great, in great men's mouths. - full moon of Kartika combined with the asterism Rohini; L. D. B. - a noble family. -kUpaH a deep well. kSetra . occupying a wide territory. fever. - 1 Bos gavaeus. -2 a kind of antelope; L. D. B.- . full-moon of under certain combinations. a. having the qualities of the great. the second of the 25 principles of the Sankhyas.a. highly criminal; vaga. Kau. A. 1. 17. - 1 loud uproar. -2 martial band of music; L. D. B. - the Bilva tree; L. D. B. - bilam the atmosphere. -bhadrA the river Ganga ; L. D. B. H: N. of Santanu; L. D. B. - a kind of yellow frog; L. D. B. -f: a great transgression. : the lion of Durga; L. D. B. - siddhinilayaH a mosque (tho word is used by paramAnanda in Sivabharata 18.52). service of the great. a high place, lofty station. # 1 A kind of lute. -2 N. of the lute of Narada; df : Si. 1. 10. -3 The eggplant. - Greatness, importance. Ha. Greater, larger &c. 1 The principal, chief, or oldest person, the most respectable person; raghukulamahattarANAM vadhUH U. 4; gRhapatizca mamAntaraGgabhUto janapadamahattaraH Dk. -2 A chamberlain. -3 A courtier. -4 The head or the oldest man of a village. 1247 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mahA A courtier, chamberlain. #1 Greatness, largeness, magnitude, great extent. -2 Mightiness, majesty. -3 Importance. -4 Exalted position, height, elevation. -8 Intensity, violence, high degree. #a. Worthy of honour, respectable, worthy, illustrious, glorious, noble, exalted; mahanIya kIrteH 2. 25. R.3.69; H: The superior of a monastery. AET (AE) ind. 1 The fourth of the seven worlds which rise one above the other from the earth (being between svar and janas); (also in this sense). - 2 A kind of vyAhRti q. v. HES, HEIST: A eunuch in a king's harem (a word derived from Arabic); gssatsgueira: cheam mahallika: Sabdamala. HE a. Weak, feeble, old. - 1 A eunuch in a king's harem. -2 A large house, palatial building; (cf. Mar. 8). mahas . [ mah asun ] 1 A festival, a festive occasion. -2 An offering, oblation, a sacrifice. -3 Light, lustre; kalyANAnAM tvamasi mahasAM bhAjanaM vizvamUrte Mal. 1.3; U. 4. 10; 5. 27.4 The fourth of the seven worlds; see HET. -5 A hymn of praise (Ved.). -6 Pleasure, enjoyment; jAtamahAH stavanAni vasantaH Ram. Ch. 4. 95; maho mahattvaM mahanIyaand fredda fa 6. 12. -7 Greatness, power. -8 Abundance, plenty. - Water. For Private and Personal Use Only # 1 Knowledge. -2 Kind, sort, manner. arraq, ueftan a. 1 Splendid, bright, brilliant. luminous, lustrous. -2 Great, mighty. mahA A cow. mahA The substitute of mahat at the beginning of Karmadharaya and Bahuvrihi compounds, and also at the beginning of some other irregular words. (Note: The number of compounds of which He is the first member is very large, and may be multiplied ad infinitum. The more important of them, or such as have peculiar significations, are given below.) -Comp. : an epithet of Siva. 'paTalika a chief keeper of archives. -aGga a. huge, bulky. (-) 1 a camel. -2 a kind of rat. -3 N. of Siva. -: N. of a mountain. -3: a great danger or calamity. - a. 'having gone a long way', dead. - a great sacrifice. - 1 haavy carriage. -2 cooking utensils. (sI) & kitchen-maid. ( -saH, sam) & kitchen ; sUpAnasya kariSyAmi kuzalo'smi mahAnase Mb. 4.2.2. -anilaH a whirlwind; mahAnileneva nidAghajaM rajaH Ki. 14.59 - anubhAva 6.1 of great prowess, dignified, noble, glorious, magna Page #622 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mahA 1238 mahA nimous, exalted, illustrious; a garatzfa41 LEHETS- Hrar farzanfea: Si. 1.17; S.3.-2 virtuous, righteous, just. (-a:) 1 a worthy or respectable person. -2 (pl.) people of a religious sect in Maharastra founded by Chakradhara in the 13th century. -3TFF: 1 death. -2 an epithet of Siva. -37727EFT: 1 thick darkness. -2 gross spiritual) ignorance. -37FUT: (pl.) N. of a people and their country. -372, TETA a. nobly-born, of noble birth. (-7, -#) noble birth, high descent. -371 : the great extraction of Soma. -Tatry: the chief or prime minister of a king). -ambuka: an epithet of Siva. -ambujam a billion. -amla a. very sour. (RH) the fruit of the tamarind tree. -3TTUUH a great (dreary) forest, large forest. -3TET a. very costly, costing a high price; Her a Reheat saferera: U. 6. 11. (-:) a kind of quail. -3 a. 1 valuable, precious. -2 invaluable; inestimable; see het below. -37 a. flaming high. -30e: 1 the great ocean. -2 N. of Siva. -Tet a. 1 rich. -2 great, noble, dignified. -3 important, weighty. - significant. - one thousand millions. -37 d. 1 very valuable, very costly; HEIGereftadaeyd: Faharqou 2 H a Ku. 5. 12. - 2 invaluable, inestima ble; mahArhazayanopeta kiM zeSe nihato bhuvi Ram. 6. 109. 2. (-6) white sandal-wood. -acte: the fig-tree. -T ag: a great banner in the form of the thunderbolt ; 7617 a Tarot 777 T HETT 94 R. 3. 56.-373T a. voracious, gluttonous; Mb. 4.-33HT m. a precious stone, ruby. - HT the eighth day in the bright half of A svina sacred to Durga ; Azvine zuklapakSasya bhaved yA tithirssttmii| mahASTamIti sA ...... 3 : a large sword. -31 N. of Durga. -376: the afternoon. -371 IT a. extensive, large, great. - : 1 a great teacher. -2 an epithet of Siva. -37162 a. wealthy, very rich.(- :) the Kadamba tree. -3TCHT a. 1 high-souled, high-minded, magnanimous, noble; 3u A Ba| HEICHT faca: Mu. 7: face Here HECHT Ku. 5. 75; U. 1. 49; waface HEIHAT Bh. 1. 63.-2 illustrious, distinguished, exalted, eminent; P art: PAIEITT: E HETHETH Mb. 3. 1.4. -8 mighty (HET ); 372144+41 7917 TH T : #h em Ram. 5.9.74. (m.) 1 the Supreme Spirit ; gry you are welchf Ms. 1. 54. - 2 the great principle, i.e. intellect of the Sankhyas. (HETHET means the same as HERH). -37177: a kind of large drum.-319:, : 1 great joy or bliss. -2 especially, the great bliss of final beatitude. (- ) 1 spirituous liquor. -2 a festival on the ninth day in the bright half of Magha. -ApagA a great river. -AyudhaH an epithet of Siva. a. undertaking great works, enterprizing. (*:) any great enterprize. - 14: 1 a temple in general. -2 a sanctuary, an asylum. -8 a great dwelling. -4 a place of pilgrimage. the world of Brahman. -8 the Supreme Spirit. -7 a tree &c. sacred to a deity. -8 N. of a particular dark fortnight. -9 9 16 in the month of Bhadrapada. (- ) N. of a particular deity. -3712TY a. highsouled, nobleminded, magnanimous, noble; 911 496: J*19 ace RHETT4: Ks; TFT RETOY HETTU: H. 4; see HERH. (-:) 1 a noble-minded or magnanimous person ; H a di Bv. 1. 70. - 2 the ocean. -TIETE a. 1 oocupying a great position. 2 mighty, powerful. -T16: a great or tumultuous fight. 089 a. 1 magnanimous, noble-minded, high-souled, noble; HET HETS: R. 18. 33. -2 having lofty aims or aspirations, ambitious; qarai HEZERI......127: qfa faat Pt. 1. 37. 69: 1 'the great Indra', N. of Indra; SU E- Targa: Ku.5.53; R. 13. 20; Ms.7.7.-2 a chief or leader in general. -3 N. of a mountain range ; a&ty HEITT R. 6. 54; 4. 39, 43. Para: rain-bow. Cuti N. of Amaravati, the capital of Indra. 297 m. an epithet of Brihaspati. Park: the elephant Airavata; Heste fahi HEIHI Mb. 9. 17. 52. 53 a. very rich. -iSuH a great archer; adhirohati gANDIvaM maheSau Ki. 13. 16. tate: a great archer, a great warrior; 817 TT RECHT H EAT Bg. 1. 4. - :, -ata: N. of Siva; mahezastvAM dhatte zirasi rasarAjasya jayinIm Udb. Pary: the Bilva tree.- aft n. of Parvati. -at: 1 a great lord, sovereign ; 54+*+ a HT: R.; Tar a autat fa ut faget: Pt. 2. 74. -2 N. of Siva. -3 of Visnu. - a god (opp. sfa). - the Supreme Being (paramAtmA), mAyAM tu prakRti vidyAnmAyinaM tu mahezvaram Svet. Up. 4. 10. re: N. of Kubera; 421 492 HERES a Mb. 9. 11. 55. ( 1 N. of Durga. -2 a kind of bell-metal. -384: ( for 347 ) a large bull; a full grown or strong bull; hetuai at: qara R. 3. 32; 4. 22; 6. 72; Si. 5. 63.-3140 a large blue lotus. (*) the Sarasa bird. -rea: 1 a great festival or occasion of joy; ay : Ta HEAT: Mal. 1. 36. - 2 the god of love. TETE 4. possessed of great energy, energetic, persevering; 38 of ......447 HEICHTE......Mb. 3. 91. 20. (- ) 1 perseverance. -2 great pride; HEItsAhAnnarendrAnopayAnti c| teSAmAmaraNaM bhikSA prAyazcitaM vinirmitam // Pt. 1. 38. -3 : 1 the great ocean; HEIT: groen a R. 3. 17. - 2 an epithet of Indra. deg: a conchshell, shell. 34 a. very prosperous or lucky, very glorious or splendid, of great prosperity. (-:) 1 (a) great elevation or rise, greatness, prosperity; treradi gar TCHETCH Bhag. 10. 28. 10; 39907HETTA Far:jazaa na R. 8. 16. (6) great fortune or good luck. (c) greatness, pre-eminence. -2 final beatitude. -3 a lord, master. -4 N. of the district called Kanyakubja or Kanouja; see App. -3 N. of the capital of Kanonja. -8 sour milk mixed with honey. -7 = HEICH7 q. V.; An feng HEICY714 Ki. 7. 27. 907 a time of union of the middle of qui and the end of facta (generally in the month For Private and Personal Use Only Page #623 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mahA 1249 mahA ........................................... . . . ................. .... ..... of 99 or 19 at the beginning of 31arta ). - a. big-bellied, corpulent. (-) 1 a big belly. -2 dropsy. -ER 4. 1 very generous or magnanimous. -2 mighty, powerful. -39 a. = H AIR . v; HEIGHT: ## AAT . UT a. very industrious or diligent, hardworking. - a particular measure (= 4 ). -39 a. exceedingly lofty. (-2:) the palmyra tree. safa: f. great rise or elevation (fig. also ), high rank. -Tilt: a great obligation. -3912 : a great preceptor, a learned teacher. -t: a great ser pent; age 39 521254 R. 12. 98. -UTETI a. broadchested.( *:) an epithet of Siva. 3 m. the Ocean; da: targat e he : Mb. 3. 20. 17. -30 1 a great meteor. -2 a great fire-brand. fast m.'yreat priest ', N. of the four chief sacrificial priests. - a. very prosperous, opulent. (-f.) great prosperity or affluence. #TIT: a great bull. #9: 1 a great sage or saint; gtarefa: qn HeteTHTHEIZ; the term is applied in Ms. 1. 34 to the ten Prajapatis or patriarchs of mankind, but it is also used in the general sense of a great sage'). -2 N. of Siva. -3 of Buddha. -BTT a. having a strong current. -3: a very large number; rci - Aga aura l a ga haratat tagah II Ram. 6. 28. 37. -3119 (HETU). a. having large lips. (-g:) an epithet of Siva. E a. very mighty or powerful, possessed of great splendour or glory; HESTE T ar: Ki. 1. 19. (m.) a great hero or warrior, a champion. (-1.) great vigour. -T EA the discus of Visnu (gasta). (- ) N. of a plant (Mar. FiT). - Taft Asparagus Racemosus (Mar. Tarati). 3 ft: f. 1 a very efficacious medicinal plant, a sovereign drug. -2 the Durva grass. -8 N. of various plants aret, art, 3F1, siaran &c. otot: a collection of great or medicinal herbs:- Paqui zyAmalatA bhagarAjaH shtaavrii| guDUcA sahadevI ca mahauSadhigaNaH wa: 11 cf. also a szaf as afastar! zakhapuSpI tathA siMhI aSTamI ca suvarcalA | mahauSadhyaSTakaM proktaM.... -3PTETH 1 a sovereign remedy, panacea. -2 ginger. -3 garlic. -4 a kind of poison (a ).- : 1 the sea. -2 N. of Varuna. -3 a mountain. garlic. -99: a kind of shell. # ret: 1 the Bilva tree. -2 red garlic. - a. stark naked. (- :) an epithet of Siva. I a. 1 large-handed. -2 having a large revenue. -o: an epithet of Siva. T a. doing great works. (m.) an epithet of Siva. El the night of the new moon. -e: a great cycle of time (100 years of Brahman); Bhay. 7. 15. 69. let: 1 a great poet, a classical poet, such as criana, auta, art, a &c. -2 an epithet of Sukra. -TU: N. of a plant (Mar. filha ). -Fila: an epithet of Siva. (-ai) the earth. -14 a. big-bodied, big, gigantic, bulky. (-:) 1 an elephant. -2 an epithet of Siva. -8 of Visnu. -4 of a . 1....14 being attending on Siva (= afa). - 16101 a. exceedingly compassionate. If the night of full-moon in the month of Kartika. 1: 1 a form of Siva in his character as the destroyer of the world; H6141 igour are yaahh Kalitantram. -2 N. of a cele brated shrine or temple of Siva (Mahakala) (one of the 12 celebrated Jyotirlingas ) established at Ujjayini (immortalized by Kalidasa in his Meghaduta, which gives a very beautiful description of the god, his temple, worship &c., together with a graphic picture of the city; cf. Me. 30-38; also R. 6. 31); 461fafa fai g ENT HA Dk. 1.1. -3 an epithet of Visnu. -4 N. of a kind of yourd. -8 N. of Siva's servant (nandi). degpuram the city of Ujjayini. degphalam / red fruit with_black seeds; pakvaM mahAkAlaphalaM kilAsIt N. 22. 29. - an epithet of Durga in her terrific form. 144 a great or classical poem; (for a full description of its nature, contents &c., according to Rhetoricians see S. D. 559 ). The number of Mahakavyas is usually said to be five - Yet, #R499, falarda, Pengganu and quafta or six, if 7999-& very small poem or 34104- be added to the list. But this enumeration is apparently only traditional, as there are several other poems, such as the fou, fa q afta, faru &c. which have an equal claim to be considered as Mahakavyas). -kIrtanam a house. -kumAra: the eldest son of a reigning prince, heir-apparent. o, -da a. of noble birth or descent, sprung from a noble family, nobly born. (- ) a noble birth or family, high descent. : a species of parasitical worm. Tog a great penance. Q: N. of Siva. T, 2T: 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 a large sheath. Anc: a great sacrifice; e. g. a horse-sacrifice; 064=4 4999 HEI T STHET R. 3. 46. : an epithet of Visnu. : an epithet of Siva. -99: a great satrap. - sugar-cane. att f.a She-buffalo;, - a high number (ten billions ?). - 19: a great elephant; see dikarin. -gaNapatiH a form of the god Ganesa. - T: fever. -737 a. exceedingly fragrant. (+ ) a kind of cane. (FH) a kind of sandalwood. (FET) N. of Chamunda. -Tai, hi, fia: N. of Siva. - N. of a plant, ***. T a. longnecked. : Bos gavaeus. - TT a. very efficacious, sovereign (as a medicine); 2 449 94 yey HETY: Ram. 5.1. 120. (-:) a chief quality, cardinal virtue. -T5i a highly respectable or venerable person; (these are three, the father, mother and preceptor; foar Alat i helgaffa :). TEHT the Soma plant. -o: aan wit ure: f. a cow with a large hump. 46: 1 an epithet of Rahu. -2 the sun ; HEHEHEay98: Ram. 5.5. 6. - N. of the ancient capital of Ceylon, the modern Magama. stra: 1 a camel. -2 an epithet of Siva. ! For Private and Personal Use Only Page #624 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mahA 1260 mahA -grIvin m.a camel.-ghUrNA spirituous liquor. -ghRtam ghee kept for a long time (for medicinal purposes). -17 a. noisy, loud-sounding. (- ) a market, fair. (-:) a loud noise, clamour. Til the mystic circle in the zAkta ceremonial. -cakravartin m. a universal monarch. - N. of Chamunda. C a kind of metre. - f. a large army. -1: the fig-tree. He: a camel. Fre: an epithet of Siva. -ITET 1 a great braid of hair. -2 the matted hair of Siva. I a. having a great collar-bone. (-) an epithet of Siva. -J: 1 a multitude of men, a great many beings, the general populace or public; REISTA : 4:21: Mb. 3. 313. 117; 371752 d a y 2 HEIGH 6. 98.25. - 2 the populace, mob; fa u 2014fd aan halua: Firgal facefa Ku. 5. 70.-8 a great man, a distinguished or eminent man; mahAjanasya saMsargaH kasya nonnatikArakaH / padmapatrasthitaM aru setge 9 147 Pt. 3. 60. -4 the chief of a caste or trade. -6 a merchant, tradesman. re: an antelope. -Tratt a. 1 rather large. -2 of an excellent kind. -Arifi, N. of a plant (Mar. a).- &: an epithet of Siva.-afert m. 1 a very learned man. -2 a great sage. - N. of Siva. -ig the day of fullmoon in the month of Jyestha; tAbhirdRzyata eSa yAn pathi mahAjyaiSThImahe 4-H N. 15. 89; Groht lagio HEIGU atar Agni P. 121. 63.-utfag m. an epithet of Siva.-Sat: great affliction. var a. very brilliant or shining. (-3) 1 N. of Siva. -% a sacrificial fire. -ITH a kind of flight;' are HEITTHIE: fauftat 'Mb. 8.41.27 (com.). -79 m. 1 a great ascetic. -2 an epithet of Visnu. - N. of one of the seven lower regions; see qalas. -ati N. of a Buddhist goddess. -fat: the Nimba tree. -rafor: the 6th day of a lunation. -recut a. exceedingly sharp or pungent. (EUTT) the markingnut plant. C, a. 1 possessed of great lustre or splendour. -2 very vigorous or powerful, heroic. (-m.) 1 a hero, warrior. - 2 fire. -3 an epithet of Kartikeya. (-n.) quick-silver. - M, TT a. very generous. (-m.) N. of Siva. - a species of big tiger. : 1 an elephant with large tusks. -2 an epithet of Siva. qug: 1 a long arm. -2 a severe punishment. - an epithet of Siva. 2 the influence exercised (over a man's destiny ) by a predominant planet. at the gift of gold equal to one's own weight; 37417: 49967114 HEICIAU GATH. -78 n. the devadaru tree. It a great calamity; Pt. - a kind of grain. a: N. of Siva. (- ) 1 N. of Parvati. -2 the chief queen. : the sacred fig tree. -14 a large gate, the chief or outer gate of a temple. Ja a. 1 rich. -2 expensive, costly; FUSHETTA: Ram. 7. 77. 13. ( ) 1 gold. -2 incense. -8 a costly or rich dress. -4 agriculture, husbandry. -8 anything costly or precious. -8 great booty. -7 a great battle (Ved.). -E13 m. an epithet of Siva. Eg: 1 gold. -2 an epithet of Siva. -3 lymph. -4 N. of Meru. Eft a. having a great understanding. : a full-grown draught ox. elgti a camel. - a. dead. -a: an athlete; Buddh. : an epithet of Siva; HEITE: fk ...... ......1940T N. 22.7; Hercaigaa TUTT7 Vas. : a great river. - 1 a great river, such as Ganga, Krisna ; mandaraH parvatazcAkSo jaghA tasya mahAnadI Mb. 8. 34. 20; #495Hp fa 1971 77191 Si. 2. 100. -2 N. of a river falling into the bay of Bengal. 91 1 spirituous liquor. -2 N. of a river. -8 ninth day of the bright half of the month of Magha; mAghamAsasya yA Tra f erat | Harta af .... : N. of one of the 21 hells. - a kind of reed. A t the ninth day in the bright half of Asvina, the worship of Durga; adist 994 FAIT A heraut war. - ATE 4 'the great drama', N. of a drama, also called Hanumannata ka, being popularly ascribed to Hanumat); thus defined by S. D.:- qaca qara: patAkAsthAnakairyutam / akkaizca dazabhirdhArA mahAnATakamUcire / / -nADI sinew, tendon. 1: 1 a loud sound, uproar. -2 a great drum. -8 a thunder-cloud. - a shell. -8 an elephant. -6 a lion. -7 the ear. -8 a camel. -9 an epithet of Siva. (- ) a musical instrument. Trafi 1. N. of a free of Samaveda, -2 (pl.) N. of 9 verses of Samaveda beginning with fact heat facr. 27: 1 a great gem in the centre of a string of pearls. 2 a great head or chief. : an epithet of Siva. E a. fast asleep. ( 1) 'the great sleep', death. - intestines, abdomen. -faqa: an epithet of Visnu. faarurf total extinction of individuality according to the Buddhists). TI 1 the dead of night, the second and third watches of the night; mahAnizA tu vijJeyA madhyama WETTH. -2 an epithet of Durga. after a washerman. - a. dark-blue. (-:) a kind of sapphire or emerald ; indranIlamahAnIlamaNipravaravedikam Ram. 5.9.16; mahAHETI : Si. 1.16; 4.44; R. 18.42; Kau. A.2. 11. 29. deg998: a sapphire. Tui, : an epithet of Siva. -nemiH a crow. -nyAyaH the chief rule. -pakSa a.1 having many adherents. -2 having a large family or retinue ; HEICOT af faare far 1972: Ms. 8. 179. (- ) 1 an epithet of Garuda. -2 a kind of duck. (-eft) an owl. T hi, ti a kind of metre. - OH the five great roots - falsa : Fi t pATalA tathA / sarvestu militairataiH syAnmahApaJcamUlakam // -paJcaviSam the five great or deadly poisons :- zRGgI ca kAlakUTazca mustako vatsanAbhakaH / zaGkhakarNIti yogo'yaM mahApaJcaviSAbhidhaH / / -99: the skin. qu: 1 chief road, principal street, high or main road; aral TAETTU a Ku.7.3. -2 the passage into the next world, i. e. death.-8 N. of certain mountain-tops from which devout persons used to throw themselves down to secure entrance into heaven. -1 an epithet of Siva. -8 the long pilgrimage to mount Kedara. -8 the way to heaven. -7 the knowledge of the HT For Private and Personal Use Only Page #625 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra mahA ) essence of Siva acquired in the pilgrimage to Kedara. -qf a. 1 undertaking great journeys. -2 one receiv ing Sulka (toll) on the high way; cf. Mb. 12. 76. 6 (oom. mahApayikaH samudrenIyAnena gacchan yahA mahApathi zulka - 1 a particular high number. -2 N. of Narada. -8 N. of one of the nine treasures of Kubera. -4 N. of the southernmost elephant supporting the world. -5 an epithet of Nanda. -6 a Kinnara attendant on Kubera. (-) 1 a white lotus. -2 N. of a city. af: N. of Nanda. - parAkaH a particular penance; Hch. -parAGghaH late hour in the afternoon. -f: an epithet of Visnu. - pazuH large cattle; mahApazUnAM haraNe... daNDaM prakalpayet Ms. 8. 324. - a long flight; Pt. 2. 58. - 1 a great sin, & heinous crime; brahmahatyA surApAnaM steyaM gurvaGganAgamaH / mahAnti Magacia | Ms. 11 54. -2 any great sin or transgression. -: a prime minister. - an epithet of Siva. - pApman a very sinful or wicked. -purANam N. of Purps ; mahApurANaM vijJeyamekAdazakalakSaNam Brav. P. puMsaH a great man.: 1 a great man, an eminent or distinguished personage; zabdaM mahApuruSasaMvihitaM nizamya e. 6.7.-2 the Supreme Spirit. -3 an epithet of Visua - pauruSikaH worshipper of Vispu: tadahaM te'bhidhAsyAmi mahApauruSiko bhavAn Bhag 2.1.10. - puSpaH a kind of worm. - great worship; any solemn worship performed on extraordinary occasions. - a camel. -: a kind of large reed. -arf: N. of Visuu.-gr a chief door-keeper. - the great universe. - a. of great lustre. (-:) the light of a lamp. - 1 a great lord. -2 a king, sovereign. -8 a chief. -4 an epithet of Indra. -B of Siva -6 of Visuu. 7 a great saint or holy man. - 'the great dissolution', the total annihilation of the universe at the end of the life of Brahman, when all the lokas with their inhabitants, the gods, saints &c. including Brahman himself are annihilated; mahApralayamArutaVe. 8.4. praznaH knotty question. : 1 a great favour. -2 a great present (of food offered to an idol ); pAdodakaM ca nirmAlyaM naivedyaM ca vizeSataH / mahAprasAda ityuktvA grAhyaM viSNoH prayatnataH // - 1 departing this life, death. -2 setting ont on a great journey for ending life; ihaiva nidhanaM yAma mahAprasthAnameva vA Ram. 2. 47. 7 ( com. mahAprasthAnaM maraNadIkSApUrvakamutarAbhimukhagamanam ) Mb. 1. 2. 365. prANaH 1 the hand breathing or aspirate sound made in the pronunciation of the aspirates. -2 the aspirated letters themselves (pl.); they are:- QEZ, ELLE LOL s, hU. 3a raven. -prANatA possession of great strength or essence; anyAMzca jIvata eva mahAprANatayA sphurato jagrAha K. - pretaH a noble departed spirit. -plavaH a great flood, doluge; ... kSiptasAgara mahAplavAmayam Si. 14. 71. - phala a. 1 bearing much fruit. -2 bringing much reward. (-) 1 a bitter gourd. -2 a kind of spear. (H) 1 a great fruit or reward. -2 a testicle. - the cuttle-fish a peculiar position of hands or feet. bone. 1251 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only mahA - a kind of animal living in holes. - very strong; niyujyamAno rAjyAya naicchadrAjyaM mahAbala: Ram (-) 1 wind, storm. -2 a Buddha. -3 a solid bamboo. 4 a palm. - a crocodile. N. of a plant ; mahAbalA ca pItapuSpA sahadevI ca sA smRtA Bhava. P. ( -lam) lead. IzvaraH N. of a Linga of Siva near the modern Mahabaleswara. a. causing great pain or damage. a. long-armed, powerful. (-) an epithet of Visnu. -fa (fa) 1 the atmosphere. -2 the heart. 8 a water-jar, pitcher. - a hole, cave. - bisI & variety of skin (carma ), a product of dvAdazagrAma in the Himalayas.-ft (ft) : an epithet of Siva.-ft (ft) the perinsam. ra. having a great bottom or base (as a mountain ). - buza: barley. - bRhatI a kind of metre. -f: 1 the great intelligence of a Buddha. -2 a Buddha., n. the Supreme Spirit.: 1 a great or learned Brahmana. -2 a low or contemptible Brahmana. -HE: a great warrior; tadojasA daityamahAbhaMDArpitam Bhg. bhadrA N. of the river Ganga. - a. 1 very fortunate or blessed, very lucky or prosperous. -2 illustrious, distinguished, glorious; ubhI dharmoM mahAbhAgau Mb. 12. 268.3; mahAbhAgaH kAmaM afariaafafaza S. 5. 10; Ms. 3. 192. -8 very pure or holy, highly virtuous ; pativratA mahAbhAgA kathaM nu vicariSyati Mb. 4. 3. 16. -bhAgatA, -tvam, -bhAgyam 1 extreme good fortune, great good luck, prosperity. -2 great excellence or merit. - the great Bhagavata, one of the 18 Purkuas. (-) a great worshipper of Vispu - bhAgin a. very fortunate or prosperous. a a chief treasury. N. of the celebrated epic which describes the rivalries and contests of the sons of Dhritarastra and Pandu. (It consists of 18 Parvans or books, and is said to be the composition of Vyasa; cf. the word bhArata also ); mahattvAdbhAratatvAcca mahAbhAratamucyate. - 1 a great commentary. -2 particularly, the great commentary of Patanjali on the Sutras of Panini. -bhAsuraH an epithet of Visnu. - bhikSuH N. of Sakyamuni. mItA kind of sensitive plant (jar3a). - bhImaH an epithet of king Santanu. -bhIruH a sort of beetle or fly. a. long-armed, powerful. - great or primary element; see bhUta; tasyaitasya mahAbhUtasya niHzvasitametadamvedaH] [Up se medhA vida nUnaM mahAbhUtasamAdhinA R. 1. 29; Ms. 1. 6. (-a) 1 the Supreme Being. -2 a great creature. : 1 a great enjoyment. -2 a great coil or hood; great winding. -8 a serpent. (-) an epithet of Durga. #for: 1 a costly or precious jewel; saMskArollikhito mahAmaNiriva kSINo'pi nAlakSyate S. 65. -2 N. of Siva. a. 1 high-minded. -2 clever. (-a) N. of Brihaspati or Jupiter. -H: a large fish, sea-monster. - a. greatly intoxicated. (-) an elephant in rut. -manas, -manaska a. 1 high-minded, nobleminded, magnanimous tato yudhiSThiro rAjA dharmaputro mahAmanAH Mb. 4.1. 7.-8 liberal. -3 proud, haughty. (-.) Page #626 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mahA 1802 mahA . . ........................ . ........ . .......... ........ ... ... EALTFONTENITIE a fabulous animal called TTH 4. v. Pst: 1 any sacred text of the Vedas. - a great or efficacious charm, a powerful spell.-A290 m. the prime minister premier. Hytt N. of Buddhist goddess. HET a kind of Ragini. -HE: a great festive procession ; Sinhas. -H&C n. a great light (seen in the sky ). -Hatort: 1 a very great preceptor. -2 a title given to learned men and reputed scholars; e. g. AETHEqulay &c. -HIFT costly flesh', especially human flesh; na khalu mahAmAMsavikrayAdanyamupAyaM pazyAmi Mal.4; | azastrapUtaM nirvyAjaM puruSAjhopakalpitam / vikrIyate mahAmAMsaM gRhyatA wafach 5.12 (see Jagaddhara ad loc.). -Araft the full-moon day in the month of Magha. -HT a. 1 great in measure, very great or large. -2 most excellent, best; FYFAETATS: #8 Mb. 1. 221. 27; 5. 22. 37. (- ) 1 a great officer of state, high stateofficial, a chief minister ; ( TOT 99 fair ! fase IHTT weat 91 HEATTET Frat: 11 ); Ms. 9. 259; 959910 : SCHEIA191984: ( v. 1. HETATA :) 41751a9e7a9aa Kau. A. 1. 13. 9; Ram. 2. 37. 1. - an elephant-driver or keeper ; 4HET 4927 9773 1996: GART Yat TP HEATZT: 1: 1 Pt. 1. 161. -8 a superintendent of elephants. (f) 1 the wife of a chief minister. - 2 the wite of a spiritual teacher. - AFTET N. of a Jain goddess. -HTP a. being in great honour with ; agregatafaparat #1913: By. 1.6. HIT: 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 of Visnu. A 1 worldly illusion, which makes the material world appear really existent. -2 N. of Durga; H61421 9491 saMmohate jagat Devimahatmya.-mAyaram a particular drug. (- ) N. of an amulet and a goddess ; Buddh. -ART 1 cholera, an epidemic. - an epithet of Durga. -Art: high road, main street. 'qfa: a superintendent of roads. AC: N. of Siva. HIST: a great worshipper of Mahesvara or Siva. : a crocodile. El a particular position of hands or feet (in practice of yoga ). -gar: 1 a great sage. -2 N. of Vyasa. -3 an epithet of Buddha. - 4 of Agastya. -8 the coriander plant. (-a n.) 1 coriander seed. -2 any medicinal herb or drug. Fa: N. of Visnu. Pat m. an epithet of Siva. -34 a large radish. (3) a kind of onion. - a. very costly. ( T) a ruby. T: 1 any large animal. -2 an elephant, -3 the fabulous animal called 77. , ST: N. of Siva. Ert: a kind of drug.-mRdham a great battle. -meda: the coral tree ; mahAmedAbhidho jJeyaH Bhava. P.-medhA an epithet of Durga. A great infatuation or confusion of mind. (4) HETI = AE = 741117179: Bhag. 3. 12. 2. (-1) an epithet of Durga. - ' a great sacrifice', a term applied to the five daily sacrifices or acts of piety to be performed by , house-holder; i brahmayajJaH pitRyajJastu tarpaNam / homo devo (or devayajJaH) bali to (or 4947:) 24saran 1 Ms. 3. 70, 71, (for explanation, see the words s.v.). -2 N. of Vispu. - a great Yamaka', i.e. a stanza all the four lines of which have exactly the same words, though different in sense; e. g. see Ki. 15. 52, where fastury TART : has four different senses ; cf. also 15 fasa: 92: Bk. 10. 19. - 27. a. very famous, renowned, celebrated. - 'the great pilgrimage', the pilgrimage to Benares. - 74 N. of the later system of Buddhist teaching, firstly promulgated by Nagarjuna (opp. A). -122: an epithet of Visnu. -TTA' a great Yuga', consisting of the four Yugas of mortals, or comprising 4,320,000 years of men. TT m. 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 of Visuu. -8 a cock. - a: f. excessive dilation of the female organ. - coral. #: a large stage. -5774 1 gold; HEITIGIATA Si. 4. 28.-2 the thornapple.T TF 1 safflower. -2 gold. -3 turmeric; 13 tatu geu Eg 941 HETTA 1a: Bri. Up. 2. 3. 6. -TTTH a precious jewel; years 1834: 1938: puSkarAgazca pAcirmANikyameva ca / mahAratnAni caitAni nava proktAni ara: Sukra. 4. 155-56. -TU: 1 a great chariot. -2 a great warrior or hero; 44 HETT4: Bg. 1. 4; : a writer HER2 U fauftaran Ve. 2; T4: TOTIH HETTY: R.9.1; Si. 3. 22: (a HEITT is thus defined :-pont ugao arratt ofan ll Taal atter 34: # HEIT4: 11). -3 desire, longing; cf. 414. -To: a frog. Te a. very savoury. (- ) 1 a sugarcane. -2 quicksilver. -8 a precious mineral. -4 the fruit of the date tree. -5 any one of the eight substances given below :-- T 17 50451 Hier faussefa tytaset HEITAT:11 ( ) sour ricewater. TTGT: 1 a great king, sovereign or supreme ruler ; 971334 - HEITIS: faa: Sukra. 1.184.-2 a respectful mode of addressing kings or other great personages (my lord, your majesty, your highness); sla er HEITIG SFF47aa: Mb. -3 a deified Jaina teacher. -4 a fingernail. 3 : a universal emperor, paramount sovereign. 'a: a kind of mango tree. - Tir: N. of Visnu. TTFiT (m. pl.) an epithet of a class of gods ( said to be 220 or 236 in number.). -TIETY the rank or title of a reigning sovereign. -Treft 1 the reigning or chief queen, principal wife of a king. -2 N. of Durga. -19 midnight, dead of night. - :, sit s. 1 Nee E U; var fud 7 HET 79 Safdar HEITI:. -2 midnight. -3 the eighth night in the bright half of Asvina. -Tig: 'the great kingdom', N. of a country in the west of India, the country of the Marathas. -2 the people of Maharastra, the Marathas (pl.). (- ) N. of the principal Prakrita dialect, the language of the people of the Maharastra; cf. Dandin:- HEITIGT41 TT TT fars: Kav. 1.34. -tu: a kind of Nimba tree growing on mountains. -EF a. very painful. E a form of Siva. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #627 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mahA 1988 mahA -55: a species of antelope. - a. mighty in form. (-q:) 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 resin. - a kind of drama. a m. an epithet of Siva. TIT: a dangerous illness, grievous malady; (these are eight: unmAdo rAjayakSmA ca zvAsastvagdoSa eva c| madhumehazcAzmarI ca tatho THAT II). - is a very dreadful. (- ) an epithet of Durga. -tra: N. of one of the 21 hells; Ms. 4. 88-90. JH 1 the great Laksmi, or Sakti of Narayana; 49 afara werai atTTTTH. -2 a young girl who represents the goddess Durga at the Durga festival. : 1 a great world destruction. -2 the Supreme Being (Hegista T HT). ROTH the great Linga or Phallus. (-:) an epithet of Siva. : a crow. a magnet. -2: N. of a wellknown work in Pali (of the 5th century ). -are m. epithet of Siva. -vanam a large forest in Vrindavana.-varA Durva grass. -atie: 'the great boar', an epithet of Visnu in his third or boar incarnation. -ada high wages. - 1 the Madhavi creeper. -2 a large creeping plant. -a: the porpoise. -ag: silver; Girvana. - ITA 1 a long sentence. -2 any continuous composition or literary work. -8 a great proposition, principal sentence; such as Fania, 9 8 &c. -4 a complete sentence (opp. 3197-atatu q. v.); 7 7 Ha a la starat27 AT Hala SB. on MS. 6. 4. 25. -ara: a stormy wind, violent wind; mahAvAtA tirmahiSakula laijaladharaiH Mk. 5 22. m. a great or powerful disputant. aty: 1 air as an element). -2 stormy wind, hurricane, tempest. alia N. of the Vartikas of Katyayana on Panini's Sutras. -fach a kind of factitious salt. - ET N. of a certain it or condition of the mind in the Yoga system of philosophy. -feer the great lores; at Hala eft paart I t chinnamastA ca vidyA dhUmavatI tathA / bagalA siddhavidyA ca mAtaGgI kamalA + tar 1 Hea: .. Il fagot a kind of metre. - a rule giving a general option or alternative; sa hea T arg:. faza: an epithet of Siva. -fort: a serpent having two mouths. -fagan the vernal equinox. # a: f. the vernal equinox (the sun's entering the sign Aries ). --ferat a. very extensive or copious. -att: N. of a hell. ert: 1 a great hero or warrior. -2 a lion. -3 the thunderbolt of Indra. -4 an epithet of Visnu. -- of Garuda. -8 of Hanumat. -7 a cuckoo. -8 a white horse. -9 a sacrificial fire. -10 a sacrificial vessel. -11 a kind of hawk. aftan N. of a celebrated drama by Bhavabhuti. -ata. of great valour, very powerful. (-:) 1 N. of Brahman. - the Supreme Being. (- ) the wild cotton shrub. -2 an epithet of 1, the wife of the sun. : a great bull. ert a. 1 very swift or fleet. ("T:) 1 great speed, excessive velocity. -2 an ape. -3 the bird Garuda. -e: a particular position of hands or feet (in the practice of Yoga ). - a. billowy. -UTIST: f. 1 a great disease. -2 a very bad kind of leprosy black leprosy ). -501&la: f. a great mystical word, ie. bhUra, bhuvas and svara, vrataa. very devotional, rigidly observing vows.(-a ) 1 a great vow, a great religious observance; a vow for not taking even water for a month; Hata atat Mb. 12. 35. 22 (com. harad ATRAZ tag 417:). -2 any great or fundamental duty; the fear after 29 | 3116H-ita ATT HITHEACH Mv.5.59; # hrad 9547 maartcariah N. 17. 203. -alat m. 1 a devotee, an ascetic. -2 an epithet of Siva. - 1 an epithet of Siva. - 2 of Kartikeya. -T 5: the sine of the sun's elevation. - * 1 a great conch-shell; atos AT HET Bg. 1. 15; here and hot anar a Tantra. -2 the temporal bone, forehead. -3 a human bone. -4 a particular high number. -5 one of Kubera's treasures. -T: a kind of thorn-apple.-T a. making a loud sound, very noisy, boisterous. -Teh: a kind of seacrab or prawn; Ms. 3. 272.- : a great householder. fes: a kind of large and sweetsmelling rice. -T UTE (great fomentation') N. of a remedy ; Susr. -area a. 1 exercising great power. -2 whose commands are great; 909facana faza J HET Bh. 3. 80. (-7) 1 the knowledge of Brahma as expounded in the Upanisadas. -2 great order of government. Tre m. a kind of serpent. Tacist: N. of a festival on the 14th day of the dark half of Magha. -gie: f. a pearl-shell. -Jor an epithet of Sarasvati. -TH4 silver. -1: ( f.) 1 a Sudra in a high position. -2 a cowherd. -3 an upper servant. (- ) a female cow-keeper. (-a) a Sudra woman in a high position. IFTH a particular mental condition of a Yogin. - 1 a species of stag.-2 the TT animal. -zma zAnam an epithet of Benares. -zyAmA the Sissoo tree (Mar, fera). -TAT: 1 an epithet of Buddha. -2 a Jain monk. -JEOT sand. -are: a kind of asthma. saat 1 an epithet of Sarasvati. - 2 of Durga. -8 white sugar. Tigar great combination. affaf. the winter solstice. -at a very chaste woman. -sattA absolute existence. -satya: an epithet of Yama. E a. 1 noble. -2 very strong or powerful. 3 just, righteous. (-a:) 1 a large animal. -2 N. of Sakyamuni. -3 an epithet of Kubera. reau: the office of the minister of peace and war. 7: an epithet of Kubera. are: m. ( in music) a kind of measure. -ETE: the great ocean. T: a great or completely new creation after a complete destruction of the world ). 5: the breadfruit or jack-tree. -A1SATHIT: a great executive officer. Haq: a kind of very rigid penance; see Ms. 11. 218. Hiffurfi a minister of peace and war. -sAmantaH a great vassal. -sAmAnyam the widest generality.-Elt: a kind of Khadira tree. Tot: an epithet For Private and Personal Use Only Page #628 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mahi 1284 mahI ........... ................... of Aruna. -ETT great violence or outrage, great audacity. ATENT: a dacoit, highwayman, a daring robber. -id: the fabulous animal called Sarabha. fare: f. a kind of magical power. TCH 1 great pleasure. -2 copulation. (- ) a Buddha. Ha fragrant unguent. E t: a kind of antidote. To silver; Girvana. -ETT good times. - the composer of the great Suktas or hymns of the 10th Mandala of the Rigveda. -FEAT sand. Fa: a military drum. : 1 an epithet of Kartikeya; HETsafa a t au HET Ram. 7. 16. 1. -2 the commander of a large army. (a) a great army. FFT: a camel. To the earth. -FT14 a great position. *#&: a combinatiou of the 4 kinds of fat. Fyld: the Sadaigas and Smritis; mahAsmRtiM paThedyastu tathaivAnusmRti zubhAm Mb. 12. 200. 30. - ra n. the bowels. after m. an epithet of Siva. -e : a kind of drum. : an epithet of Visnu. - a n. clarified butter. -gea: an epithet of Siva. Re: a loud or boisterous laughter, cachinnation.- f a m. N. of a mountain. -Ear N. of a plant (Mar. ). af m., n. Greatness; Fachat HR Tofi 01194 Bhag. 7.9. 12. -m. Intellect. - f.= HET The earth. -ind. Greatly, very much. AFET 1 Frost, mist. -2 The earth. -Comp. -ig: the moon. iga p. p. Honoured, worshipped, esteemed, revered; 800 maha ramyA sA romarAjirmahitarucimatI Visnupada.s. 26. -24 The trident of Siva. Aferah Greatness, might; g 594fecha agrarFara ATT Bhag. 10. 13. 15. HEATH Sovereignty, dominion. A : 1 A rat. -2 An ichneumon. --S The string of a pole for carrying loads. ACHT m. [ET THq faq: ] 1 Greatness (fig. also); ayi malayaja mahimAyaM kasya girAmastu viSayaste Bv. 1. 113 37415: 94a: u AEAT #4 H. 2. 2. - 2 Glory, majesty, might, power; faarataa Tua Ku. 2. 6; U. 4. 21. -3 High rank, exalted rank or position, dignity. -4 Personage (faula ); He aq Bri. Up. 3. 9. 2. -8 One of the 8 Siddhis, the power of increasing size at will; see fit. A T: 1 The sun; (see APET) -2 The Arka plant. AREC (-Un. 1.54 ] 1 A woman; agesfanta-Hi Laksmilahari S. 22. -2 An amorous or intoxicated woman; viraheNa vikalahRdayA nirjalamInAyate HET Bv. 2. 68. -3 The creeper called Priyangu. -4 A kind of perfume of fragrant plant (a ). -Comp. -31&of the Priyangu creeper ; at sa AIEZIE, AfterTISTA N. of a city in the south. fo: (HE-97 Un. 1 45 ) 1 A buffalo (considered as the vehicle of Yama); gAhantAM mahiSA nipAnasalilaM Tengcaifear $. 2. 6. -2 N. of a demon killed by Durga. -Comp. -37&T:, -3779: a kind of bdellium. - at: an epithet of Kartikeya. -3TET: the demon Mahisa. Ogriaat, 4t, Heat, fait epithets of Durga. - saft an epithet of Durga. -ati an epithet of Yama; N. of a Jain monk. - *, -916i a buffalo-keeper. - N. of Durga. agat, -arga: epithets of Yama; sarta: a nagisarala ga: K. P. 10. Herera a. Changed into a buffalo; Kav. HIT 1 A she-buffalo, buffalo-cow; Ms. 9. 55; HOT The atatu hiftoft Y. 2. 159. -2 The principal queen, queen-consort; nie taa: R 1. 48; 2. 25; 3.9. -8 A queen in general. -4 The female of a bird; sAsajjata zicastantyAM mahiSI kAlayantritA Bhag.7.2.52. -5 A lady's maid, female servant (hu). -8 An immoral woman. -7 Money acquired by the prostitution of one's wife; cf. Hiffa. Comp. -e: a keeper of she-buffaloes. : a pillar adorned with a buffalo's head. HECHT a. Possessing, rich or abounding in, buffaloes. hey a. Greatest, largest superl. of El q.v.); FH: fegru ET negra 9 74: Siva-mahimna 29. HET 1 Earth; as in 1973, ATUT &c.; Het rar Tar Bh. 3. 79. -2 Ground, soil; : ATHI ATENT sanaa Ram. 6. 107. 34. -3 Landed property or estate, land. -4 A country, kingdom. -8 N. of a river falling into the gulf of Cambay. -8 (In geom.) The base of any plane figure. -7 A large army (Ved). -8 A cow; SB. on MS. 10. 3. 49. -9 Earth ( as a substance, stones, bricks &c); Ms. 7. 70. -10 Space. -Comp. :, sart: a king; a HETE971444 R.9. 5. Q: an earthquake. - m . a king, sovereign; changea: t heferatu Bg. 1. 25; R. 1. 11, 85; 19. 20. -3: 1 the planet Mars; 50 HEIM fayd et Samayapradipa.--2 N. of Narakasura.-3 a tree. (FIT) N. of Sita. (- 4) wet ginger. Gitar the horizon. - surface of the earth. -GUTH an earth fort; Ms. 7.70.-ETT: 1 a mountain; Helut Ariagaan R. 6.52; Ku. 6. 89. -2 an epithet of Visnu. -T: 1 a mountain; HETHGyxiga qazifa For Bh. 2. 10; Si. 15. 54; R. 3. 60; 13. 7. -2 a symbolical expression for the number, 'seven'. -3 an epithet of Visnu. -arer:, -9, ofati, - 18:, - , -Y m., -Atam.,a king; 315 HT 29 11 R. 2. 34; at yur it rathAnAM mahIpatInAM praNayAgradUtyaH 6. 123 pravizya kRSNAsadanaM mahIbhujA Ki. 1. 26; also Sahendra. 2. 82. - 4 humble o beisance (as by falling on the ground.) -gati, ceai, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #629 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mahIka 1258 mAMsam -sUnuH 1 the planet Mars%3tanayakRtAzca zuco mahIsute Bri. s. -2 epithets of the demon Naraks. -putrI, -sutA an epithet of Sita. -pRSTham the surface of the earth. -prakampa: an earthquake. -prarohaH, - ru m., -ruhaH a tree; akusumAn dadhataM na mahIruhaH Ki.b. 103 Si. 20.49. -prAcIram, -prAvara: the sea. -bhartR m. a king. -bhRt m.1 a mountain; atha jayAya nu merumahIbhRtaH Ki.5.1.-2 a king, * sovereign. -maNDa lam 1 the circumference of the earth. -2 the whole earth. -latA an earthworm. -sura: Brahmana. mahIka (mahIkaroti) To make great, exalt. mahIyate Den. A. (rarely P.) 1 To be glad, happy or prosperous (Ved.).-2 To rise to a high position, thrive, prosper. -8 To be highly respected or honoured; sarasvatI zratamahatAM mahIyatAm 5.7.35. mahIyas a.Greater, larger, more powerful or weighty or important, mightier, stronger (compar. of mahat q.v.). -m. A great or nobleminded man; aNoraNIyAn mahato mahIyAn Kath. 1.2.20%3 prakRtiH khalu sA mahIyasaH sahate nAnyasamunnatiM yayA Ki. 2.21; Si. 2. 18. mahIlA, mahelA, mahelikA A woman, female; cAru cacAra saraHsu virAjat kAkalikA kalahaMsamahelA Ram. Ch. 4.98. 1 AT ind. A particle of prohibition (rarely of negation) usually joined with the Imperative; HETO AT kuru viSAdamanAdareNa Bv. 4.41; also (a) with the Aorist, when the augment t is dropped; klaibyaM mA sma gamaH pArtha naitattvapyupapadyate Bg.2.33; pApe rati mA kRthAH Bh.2.773; mA mUmuhat khalu bhavantamananyajanmA mA te malImasavikAraghanA matirbhUt Mal. 1. 32; the t is sometimes retained; mA niSAda pratiSThAM tvamagamaH zAzvatIH samAH Ram. (b) the Imperfect the augment being dropped here also); mA cainamabhibhASathAH Ram. 1. 2. 15; (c) the Future, or Potential mood, in the sense of lest', 'that not'; laghu enAM paritrAyasva mA kasyApi tapasvino haste patiSyati 5.23; mA kazcinmamApyanarthoM bhavet Pt.5%3 mA nAma devyAH kimapyaniSTamutpannaM bhavet K. 307; the Imperative mood also is sometimes used for the Potential; tvaratAmAryaputra etAM samAzvAsayituM mAsyA vikAro vardhatAm M. 4. (a) the Present Participle when a curse is implied; mA jIvan yaH parAvajJAduHkhadagdho'pi jIvati Si.2.45%; or (6) with Potential passive participles; maivaM prArthyam. mA is sometimes used without any verb; mA tAvat 'oh! do not (say or do) 80'; mA maivam ; mA nAma rakSiNaH Mk: 3 may it not be the police'; see under 214. Sometimes HT is followed by th and is used with the Aorist or Imperfect with the augment dropped, and rarely with the Potential mood; klaibyaM mA sma gamaH pArtha Bg. 2.3; mA sma pratIpaM gamaH5.4.17; mA sma sImantinI kAcijjanayet putramIdRzam. -Comp. -ciram, -vilambam, -vilambitam ind. without delay, shortly, quickly; amAtyAn vRSNivIrANAM draSTumicchAmi mAciram Mb. 16.7.6. 2 mA 1 The goddess of wealth, Laksmi; tamAkhupatraM rAjendra bhaja mAjJAnadAyakam Subhas. -2 A mother. -3 A measure. -Comp.-paH, -patiH , vara: epithets of Visnu; hATakanibhapItAmbara abhayaM kuru me mAvara Narayana.b. 13. 3 mA 2 P., 3, 4 A. (mAti, mimIte or mIyate, mita) 1 To measure; nyadhita mimAna ivAvaniM padAni Si. 7. 187 9. 2. -2 To measure or mark off, limit; see mita. -3 To compare with (in sive ), measure by any standard ; puraH sakhInAmamimIta locane Ku. 5. 15. -4 To be in, find room or space in, be contained or comprised in; at mamustatra na kaiTabhadviSastapodhanAbhyAgamasaMbhavA mudaH Si. 1.28%B vRddhi gate'pyAtmani naiva mAntIH 3.73; 10.50%3 14.75%3 18.235.44%; mAti mAtumazakyo'pi yazorAziryadatra te K. P. 10. -BTo prepare, arrange. - To infer, conclude. -7 To form, make, build, construct. -8 To assign, mete out, apportion. -9 To show, display. -10 To roar, sound. -Caus. (mApayati-te) To cause to be measured, measure or mete out; etena mApayati bhittiSu karmamArgam Mk. 3. 16. - Desid. (mitsati-te) To wish to measure &c. hia n. 1 Flesh. (This word has no forms for the first five inflections, and is optionally substituted for mAMsa after acca dual). mAMsam [man-sa dIrghazca Un. 3.64 ] Flesh, meat; samAMso HET: U. 4. The word is thus fancifully derived in Ms. 5.55:- mAM sa bhakSayitA'mutra yasya mAMsamihApaham / etanmAMsasya mAMsatvaM pravadanti mniissinnH||). -2 The lesh of fish. -3 The fleshy part of a fruit. -sa: 1 A worm. -2 N. of a mixed tribe, selling meat. -3 Time. -Comp. -ad, -ada, -Adina, -bhakSaka . flesh-eating, carnivorous (as an animal); adya taya'nti mAMsAdAH Bk. 16.29%3 Ms.5. 15. -ari: N. of a plant (Mar. cukA). -argalA,-lam a piece of flesh hanging down from the mouth. -abuMdaH,-dam a kind of disease of the membrum virile. -azanam 1 flesh-meat. -2 flesh-eating. -aSTakA N. of the eighth day in the dark half of Magha. -AhAraH animal food. -iSTA a kind of bird (balgulA). -upajIvin m. a dealer in flesh. -odana: 1a meal of fiesh. -2 rice boiled with_fiesh. -kaccha pa: a fleshy abscess on the palate. -kandI a swelling of the flesh. -kAmaH fond of flesh; P. III. 2.1; Var. 7. -kArina .. blood. -kIla: a tumour, wart. -kSayaH the body.-pranthi : agland. -jam,-tejas.. fat, adeps. -tAna: a polypus in the throat. -dRz a. seeing superficially (carmacakSus); mA pratyakSaM mAMsadRzAM kRSISThAH Bhag. 10.3.28. -drAvin m.a kind of sorrel. -fareta: the hair of the body. -T: a Pisacha or demon. -pacanam a vessel for cooking meate -parivajenam abstaining from flesh; na tatphalamavApnoti yanmAMsaparivarjanAt Ms.5.54. -pAka: kind of disease (destroying the membram virile). -piTakaH, -kam 1 a basket of flesh. -2 a large quantity of flesh. -pittam, -liptam a bone. -pezI 1 a muscle. -2 a piece of fiesh. -8 an epithet of the foetus from the 8th to the 14th For Private and Personal Use Only Page #630 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra mAMsala day. - prarohaH a fleshy excrescence. -phalA the egg plant. -bhettR, bhedin a cutting the flesh ; Ms. 8. 281. -mAsA N. of a plant (Mar. rAnauDIda, mAyaparNI) -yoniH a cres ture of flesh and blood. - 1 soup. -2 blood. - rohiNI N. of a fragrant medicinal plant. -latA a wrinkle. -vikrayaH sale of meat. -zoNita a flesh and blood mAMsazoNitabhojane, sAraH khehaH It. hAsA alin. mAMsala [ [[mAMsa f. aMsala ] 1 Fleshy. -2 Muscu lar, lusty, brawny; U. 1. -3 Fat, strong, powerful; zAkhAH zataM mAMsalAH Bv. 1. 34. -4 Deep (as sound ); dhyAniva mAtyamudAnAM 6.25 pratibhipuSkarAvartaka stanitamAMsalo vAGnirghoSaH Mv. 2. -6 Increased in bulk or quantity ; Mal. 9. 13; hRdasya haMsAvalimAMsalazriyaH N. -6 Pulpy (as fruit). -7 Dense, thick. mAMsikA [mo] paNyamasya uc] A butcher. mAMsikA, mAMsinI, mAMsI Nardostachya Jatamansi (jaTAmAMsI) mAMsIyate Den. P. To hanker after flesh, to be greedy of flesh; ziSThavigarhaNaM labheta kRte zrutyarthe manoyan pazUn hantIti SB on MS. 11. 1. 43. mAkanda: The mango tree; mAkanda na prapede madhupena tavopamA jagati Bv. 1. 201 mAkandakandakAntA'paradharaNitanam Grt. dI 1 The myrobalan tree. -2 Yellow sandal. -3 N. of a city on the Ganges. mAkara a. ( - . ) Belonging to the sea-monster, Makara q. v. --rI N. of the seventh day in the bright half of Magha ; tanme rogaM ca zokaM ca mAkarI hantu saptamI Tithyadi. -Comp. - AkaraH the sea. -Asanam particular posture in sitting. - a particular form of military_array mAkaranda . ( -ndI f.) Derived from, relating to, the juice of flowers; full of or mixed with honey; pracalita iva sAndro mAkarandaH parAgaH Mal. 8. 1 (v. 1.) ; 9. 13. mAkaliH 1 N. of Matali, the charioteer of Indra. -2 The moon. mAkAradhyAnam A particular method of abstract meditation. mAkuli: A kind of snake. mAkSi (kSI) ka . ( kI . ) Coming or derived from a bee. -kam [makSikAbhiH saMnRtya kRtam aN] 1 Honey; burvairapi mAdhuryaikSAkSI remAkSikAnAm Bv. 4.43 2A kind of honeylike mineral substance mAkSIdhAmadhupArI pUrNa Rajs. T. -kaH 1 A spider. -2 Honey. -3 Pyrites. -Comp. -Azrayam 1 bees' wax. -2 honey-comb. -jam bees' wax. -dhAtuH pyrites. -phalaH a kind of cocoa-nut. -zarkarA candied sugar. mAkha . ( - khI / . ) Sacrificial. mAgadha 0 ( ghI / ) [ magadhadeze bhakaH aN ] Relating to living in the country of Magadha or the people of 1386 mAGgalika Magadha. -dhaH 1 A king of the Magadhas. -2 N. of a mixed tribe, said to have been the offspring of a Vaisya father and a Ksatriya mother, (the duty of the members of this caste being that of professional bards ); Ms. 10. 11, 17; kSatriyA mAgadhaM vaizyAt Y.1.94; Mb. 13. . 10. -3 A bard or panegyrist in general; sUtamAgadhavandinaH Bhag 1 11. 20; pariNatimiti rAtrermAgadhA mAdhavAya Si.11.1. - dhAH (pl.) N. of a people, the Magadhas. -dhA 1 A princess of the Magadhas. -2 Long popper. dhI 1 A prinoons of the Magadhns; tayorjagRhatuH pAdAn rAjA rAjJI ca mAgadhI R. 1.57. -2 The language of the Magadhas, one of the four principal kinds of Prakrita. -3 Long pepper. -4 White cumin. - Refined sugar. -6 A kind of jasmine. -7 A variety of cardamoms. -8 The daughter of a Ksatriya mother and a Vaisya father. 9 Anise. -10 N. of a river ( zoNA ) - 11 A kind of rIti in rhetorics. The alaGkArazekhara (7) given the following illustration :- pANau padyadhiyA madhUka kusumabhrAntyA punargaNDayo nIlendIvarazaGkayA nayanayorbandhUkavuddhyAdhare / lIyante varISu bAndhavajanavyAmohajAtashA durvArA madhuSAH kivanti taruNi sthAnAni rakSiSyasi // Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mAgadhA, mAgadhikA Long pepper. mAgadhikaH A king of the Magadhas mAghaH [ maghA nakSatrayuktA paurNamAsI mAghI sA'tra mAsa aN ] 1 N. of a Junar month (corresponding to January-Febru ary ). -2 N. of a poet, the author of the Sisupalavadha or Magha-kavya; (the poet describes his family in Si. 20. 80-84 and thus concludes :- zrIzabdaramyakRtasargasamAptilakSma lakSmIpatezcaritakIrtanacAru mAghaH / tasyAtmajaH sukavikIrtidurAzayAdaH kAvyaM vyadhatta zizupAlavadhAbhidhAnam // ); upamA kAlidAsasya bhAraverarthagauravam / draNDinaH padalAlityaM mAghe santi trayo guNAH // ; tAvadbhA bhAraverbhAta yAvanmAghasya nodayaH Uab. -ghI The day of full moon in the month of Magha. mAghamA A female crab; kustrI khAdati mAMsAni mAghamAM segavA iba Mb. 12. 139. 89. mAghavata . ( - tI / ) Belonging to Indra. -tI The east. -Comp. -cApam the rainbow; ( dhatte) meghasya mAghavatacApadharasya lakSmIm e. 5.11. mAghavana . ( - nI / ) Belonging to or ruled by Indra; kakubhaM samaskuruta mAghavanIm Si. 9. 25; avanItalameva sAdhu manye na vanI mAghavanI vilAsahetu: Jag. mAghonam, mAghonI / The east. mAdhyam The flower of the kunda creeper . mAy 1 P. (mAkSati) To wish or desire, long for. mAGgalika . ( kI []1 Auspicious, tending to good fortune, indicative of auspiciousness; mudamasya mAGgalikatUryakRtAM dhvanayaH pratenuranuvapramapAm Ki. 6.4.; Mv. 4.35 Bv 257 kathamapi guruzokAnmA rudan mAlaya (purataruNyaH ) Bk. 1. 26. -2 Fortunate. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #631 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mAGgalya 1267 mAtiH mAGgalya a. [maGgalAya hitaM Syam ] Auspicious, indica.tive of good fortune; kSauma kenacidindupANDu taruNA mAGgalyamAviSkRtam S.4.43; sarvamaGgalamAGgalye zive Devistuti.-lyam 1 Auspiciousness, prosperity, welfare, good fortune. -2 A blessing or benediction. -3 A festivity, festival, any auspicious rite. -4 An auspicious thing, amulet. -Comp. -mRdaka: adrum beaten on auspicious occasions; dhvanizca mAjalyamRdAmasilam U.6.25. HIE: A way, road. FITICS: 1 A thief, robber, burglar. -2 A crocodile. -3 N. of a disease; L. D. B. - Sickness, mAcikA A Ay. mAjala: A kind ot bird, the blue roller. mAJjiSTha a. (-ThI.)[ majiSThayA raktam aN] 1 Red as madder; nIlalohitamAjiSThapadmavarNaiH sitAsitaiH Ram. 5. 1.5 (com. mAjiSThaH kRSNapANDura iti katakaH / pATala ityanye / )-2 Dyed with madder; mAJjiSTeSu vyajyate na sma sainyaiH Si. 18. a. -STham Red colour. mAJjiSThika.(-kI/.) Dyed or tinged with madder; mauA mekhalayA niyantritamadhovAsazca mAjiSTikam 7. 4. 20%; Mv. 1. 18. ATTE: A salt-market. mATiH , mAThI An armour, mail. mATha: A road. HITT: 1 N. of Vyasa. -2 A Brahmana. -8 A distiller ( zauNDika Sk.)-4 One of the attendants on the san (pAripArzvika); taireva phalapatraizca sa mATharamatoSayat MD. 12. 292.8.-BN. of a Gotra; mATharo'smi gotreNa, mADaH 1 A species of tree. -2 Weighta measure. Alsa: A particular mixed caste. Atfe: A palace. mADukA, -kika: A drummer. mADhi:1.1 The young leat before it opens. -2 Honouring. -3 Sadness, dejection. -4 Poverty. -8 Anger, passion. - The border or hem of a garment. -1A double tooth (also mADhI). mANavaH [manorapatya aN alpArthe Natvam ] 1 A lad, boy, youth, youngster. -2 A little many manikin (used contemptuously ). -3 A pearl-necklace of sixteen (or twenty) strings. -4 A young Brahmana.-BN. of one of the 9 treasures. mANavaka: 1 A youth, boy, lad, youngster (ott. used contemptuously). -2 A little man, dwarf; manikin; mAyAmANavakaM harim Bhag.8. 18.24. -3 Asilly tellow. - A scholar, religious student. - A pearl saM .ko....15 necklace of sixteen (or twenty or fortyeight) strings%3B grIvAdbhutaivAvaTuzobhitApi prasAdhitA mANavakena seyam N.7.66. -kam A kind of metre. mANavikA A young girl, damsel. mANavIna a. [ mANavasyedaM khaJ] Boyish, childish. mANavyam [mANabAnAM samUhaH yat ] A company of lads or boys. mANika: A jeweller. mANikA A particular weight (equal to eight palas). mANikyam A ruby; zaile zaile na mANikyam Subhas. HIOF A small house-lizard. mANibandham , mANimantham Rock-salt. mANDapa a. Belonging to a temple. mANDalika a. (-kI/.) Relating to, or ruling a province. -: 1 The ruler of a province. - 2 A sovereign with an annual income between 3 to 10 lacs of rupees%B sAmantaH sa nRpaH proko yAvalakSatrayAvadhi / tadUrve dazalakSAnto nRpo mANDalikaH smRtaH / / Sukra. 1. 183. mAtaGgaH [mataGgasya munerayam aN] 1 An elephant; mAtajAH kimu valgitaiH K. P.7; Si.1.64.-2 A man of the lowest caste, a Chandala. -3 A Kirata, mountaineer or barbarian. -4 (At the end of comp.) Any thing the best of ita kind; e.g.balAhakamAtA-GgI 1N. of Parvati. -2 N. of Vasistha's wife. -8 N. of one of the ten Mahavidyas. -4 AChandala lady; natAzI mAtakI ruciragatibhanI A. L. -Comp. -kumArIa Chandala girl. -ja a. elephantine. -divAkara: N. of a poet. -nakrA ,-makara: a crocodile as large as an elephant; mAtajanakaiH sahaso. tpatadbhibhinnAn dvidhA pazya samudraphenAn R. 13. 11. -lIlA N. of a medical work. mAtaripuruSa: 'One who can act like a man only against his mother', a poltroon, cowardly boaster. mAtarizvan [mAtari antarIkSe zvayati vardhate zvi kanin Dicca aluk sa. Up 1. 156] Wind; punaruSasi viviktairmAtarizvAvacUrNya jvalayati madanAgniM mAlatInAM rajobhiH Si. 11. 173 Ki. 5.36%3 mAtarizvA vAyurmAtaryantarikSe zvasiti mAtaryAzu aniti vA Nir. mAtali: N. of the charioteer of Indra. -Comp. -sArathiH an epithet of Indra. Alat A mother. Arata (dual) Mother and father, parents; HiarpitRvihIno yastyako vA syAdakAraNAt Ms.9.177. mAtAmahaH A maternal grandfather. -hau (dual) The maternal grand-father and grand-mother. -hI The maternal grand-mother. mAtiHf.1 Measure. -2 A thought, idea, conception. | -3 Accurate knowledge or determination. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #632 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra mAtulaH mAtulaH [ mAturmAtA mAtR-dulac] 1 A maternal uncle; (tatrApazyat ) AcAryAn mAtulAn bhrAtRRna Bg. 1. 26; Ms. 2. 130; 5. 81. -2 The Dhattura plant. -8 An epithet of the Bolar year. 4 A kind of rice. -5 A kind of snake. -Comp. -ahi: a kind of snake. -putrakaH 1 the son of a maternal uncle. -2 the fruit of the Dhattura plant; unmAdino mAtulaputrakasya kathaM sahAmo bata kaNTakitnam. mAtulakaH 1 A maternal uncle (as a term of endearment). -2 The thorn-apple. mAtulA, mAtulAnI, mAtulI 1 The wife of a mnternal uncle; Ms. 2. 131; Y. 3. 232; Bhag. 1. 14.27.-2 Hemp; jAtI phalaM mAnulAnI mahineca patrakam Siva B. 30.15. mAtuleyaH ( thI . ) The son of a maternal uncle mAtuliGgaH, -mAtuH A kind of citron tree (bhuvo ) bhAgAH prekhita mAtuluGgavRtayaH preyo vidhAsyanti bAm Mal. 6. 19. -gam The fruit of this tree, a citron. mAtulyam The house of a maternal uncle; bAla eva tu mAtulyaM bharato nAtistvayA Ram. 2. 8.28. 1288 mAtR] / [ mAn pUjAyAM tu nalopaH Up. 2.94] 1 A mothers mAtRvat paradAreSu yaH pazyati sa pazyati sahasraM tu pitRRna mAtA gauraveNAtiricyate Subhas; mAtA kila manuSyANAM devatAnAM ca daivatam Madhyamavyayoga 1. 87 mAtA ca paramaM devataM samA ca putreSu ityetairupabadhyamAno jananI vacano'vagamyate SB. on MS. 10. 1. 14. -2 Mother as a term of respect or endearment; mAtarlakSmi bhajasva kaMcidaparam Bh. 3. 64, 87; ayi mAtardevayajanasaMbhave devi sIte U. 4. 8 A cow. -4 An epithet of Laksmi. -6 An epithet of Durga. -6 Ether, sky. -7 The earth. -8 A divine mother; mAtRbhyo balimupahara M. 1. 8 An epithet of Revati. - 10 N. of several plants; AkhukarNI, indravAruNI and jaTAmAMsI &c. pl. 1 An epithet of the divine mothers, said to attend on Siva, but usually on Skanda. (They are usually said to be 8 :- brAhmI mAhezvarI caNDI vArAhI vaiSNavI tathA / kaumArI caiva cAmuNDA carciketyaSTa mAtaraH // or, according to some, only seven :- * brAhmI mAhezvarI caiva kaumArI vaiSNavI tathA / mAhendrI caiva vArAhI cAmuNDA sapta mAtaraH / / Some increase the number to sixteen). -2 N. of eight classes of female ancestors or Manes. -m. 1A measu rer. -2 Ved. A maker, builder, creator. -8 A knower, one having true knowledge. 4 Life or soul (jIva ) [ct. L. Mater.] -Comp. -kezaTa: a maternal uncle, -gaNaH the collection of the divine mothers. -gandhinI an unnatural mother haniSyAmyadhunaivAI [kesI mAtRgandhinIm A. Ram. 2. 8. 7. -gAmin m. one who has committed incest with his mother. gotram a mother's family. - grAmaH the female sex, womankind. -ghAtaH, -ghAtakaH, - ghAtin m+g -naH a matricide. -ghAtukaH 1 a matricide -2 an epithet of Indra. -cakram 1 the group of divine mothers. -2 a kind of mystical circle. -jJa a. honouring a mother. -deva a. having a mother for one's god, adoring mother like a god; mAtRdevo bhava T. Up. 1. 11. -doSaH the defect or interiority of a mother (being of Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mAtra a a lower caste ); tAnanantaranAmnastu mAtRdoSAt pracakSate Ms. 10. 14. - nandanaH an epithet of Kartikeya. -pakSa a belonging to the mother's side or line. (-:) maternal kinsmen pitR 1 (dual) forming mAtApitarau or mAtarapitarau parents. -putrI ( mAtAputrau ) mother and son. - pUjanam worship of the divine mothers. -bandhuH, - bAndhavaH a maternal kinsman; mAtRbandhunivAsinaM bharatam R. 12. 12. (-pl.) a class of relatives on the mother's side; they are thus specified: mAtuH pituH svasuH putrA mAturmAtuH svaH sutAH / mAturmAtulA vijJeyA mAtRbandhavaH // bhaktiH devotion to a mother; imaM lokaM mAtRbhaktyA brahmalokaM samazrute Ms. 2. 238 -bhAvaH maternity. -bhogINa a. fit to be enjoyed or possessed by a mother. -maNDalam the collection of the divine mothers. -mAtR f. an epithet of Parvati. - sukhaH, -zAsitaH a foolish fellow, simpleton. - yajJaH a sacrifice offered to the divine mothers. -vatsalaH an epithet of Kartikeya. -: the murder of a mother (with Buddhists one of the five unpardonable sins). - vAhinI f. a kind of bird; bat. -svasR f. ( mAtRSvasU or mAtuHsvasR ) a mother's sister, a maternal aunt. -svaseyaH (mAtRSvaseyaH) a mother's sister's son. (-yI ) the dau ghter of a maternal aunt ; so mAtRSvastrIyaH -yA. mAtRka 1 Coming or inherited from & mother; mAtRkaM ca dhanurUrjitaM dadhat R. 11.64, 90. -2 Maternal - kaH A maternal uncle. -kA 1 A mother; zatrucaiva hi mitra cana lekhyaM na ca mAtRkA Mb. 2.55.10. -2 A grandmother ; -satyAmapi prIta na mAturmAtRkAyA vA zAsanAtivRttiH Dk. 22 - 8 A nurse. 4 A source, origin. -8 A divine mother. -6 N. of certain diagrams written in characters supposed to have a magical power mAtRkArahita mantramAdizantena kutracit Brahmavidya Up. 63. -7 The character or alphabet so used (pl.). -8 N. of the 8 veins of the neck. -kam The nature of a mother. -Comp. -cchidaH N. of Parasurama. --yantram a kind of mystical diagram. mAtRtaH ind. On the mother's side; in right of the mother; Ms. For Private and Personal Use Only mAtra . ( trA - trI / . ) [mA-tran] An affix added to nouns in the sense of 'measuring as much as', 'as high or long, or broad_as', ' reaching as far as, as in UrumAtrI bhittiH; paJcadazayojanamAtramadhvAnamaticakrAma K.; (in this sense the word may as well be considered to be at the end of comp. q. v. below). -: A Brahmana of the lower_order (by brith). -tram 1 A measure, whether of length, breadth, height, size, space, distance or number; agre tiSThata mAtraM me Bhag. 6. 11.5; usually at the end of comp, i. e. aGgulimAtram a ' finger's breadth'; kiMcinmAtraM gatvA to some distance '; krozamAtre -- at the distance of a Krosa ', rekhAmAtramapi ' even the breadth of a line, as much as a line '; rekhAmAzramapi kSuNNAdA manormanaH param (navyatIyu ) R. 1. 17; 80 kSaNamAtram, nimiSamAtram ' the space of an instant', zatamAtra a hundred in number ; 80 gajamAtra as high or big as an elephant'; 6 6 Page #633 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra mAtrA 1259 ,&c. -2 The full measure of anything, the whole or entire class of things, totality; .or prANimAtram ' the entire class of living beings '; manuSyamAtro martyaH ' every man is mortal '; vastumAtra pakSako'nupasaMhArI ( hetuH) Terica Ka mAnuSamAtra duSkaraM karmAnuSThitam Dk. 8 The simple measure of anything, the one thing and no more, often translateable by mere', 'only', 'even'; jAtimAtreNa H. 1.58 ' by mere caste, TiTTibhamAtreNa samudro vyAkulIkRtaH 2. 149 ' by a mere wag-tail', vAcAmAtreNa jApyase S. 2' merely by words' so arthamAtram samAnamAtram Pt. 1. 83; used with past participles may be translated by as soon as', 'no sooner than', 'just'; fa: R. 5. 51 as soon as pierced'; when just pierond'; muktamAtre just after anting' praviSTamAtra evaM taMtraS. 3 &c. - An element, elementary matter; Ahe pavo jyotiracAnilo nabho mAtrANi devA mana indriyANi Bhag. 10. 59. 31. - 1 A measure; see above. -2 A standard of measure, standard, rule. -8 The correct measure; Mb. 13. 93. 45. - A unit of measure, a foot. - A moment. -6 A particle, an atom; g&o. Praina Up. 4. 8. -7 A part, portion; aft dhanamAtrAn Ch. Up. 1.10.6; surendramAtrAzritagarbhagauravAt R. 3. 11. -8 A small portion, a little, trifle, a little quantity, a small measure only; see (3). -9 Account, consideration; f f Pt. 1. 40 of what account or consideration is a king', i. e. I hold him of no account; f Mu. 1. -10 Money, wealth, property zUnyamaThikAyAM mAtrAH samastArthaM Dk. 2. 8; narkadinaM kakSAntarAttAM mAtrAM na muJcati Pt. 1; kathamasyArthamAtrA hartavyA ibid. -11 (In prosody) A prosodial or syllabic instant, the time required to pronounce a short vowel; gacchet SoDazamAtrAbhiH Sukra. 4. 963; : -12 An element. -13 The material world, matter. -14 The upper part of the Nagari characters. -18 An ear-ring. -16 An ornament; a jewel. -17 A measure of time (in music.). -18 Function of the organs (EW). -19 Change (vikAra); sannivezyAtmamAtrAsu sarvabhUtAni nirmame Ms. 1. 16. -20 =buddhiH; na mAtrAmanurudhyante Mb. 12. 270. 12 ( com. mIyate viSayA anayeti mAtrA buddhiH ). -Comp. -aGgulam a measure equal to the middle digit of the middle finger in the right hand of the architect or priest, employed in measuring the sacrificial objects like the kusa grass or seat, the spout of a ladle, and the ladle &c.; Suprabhedagama 30. 4/5, 7/8. - half of a prosodial instant. a. (food) heavy on account of its ingredients. - a kind of artificial composition, getting out another meaning by the omission of a Matra; .. mUlasthitimathaH kurvan patraiirjuSTo gatAkSaraiH / viseyaH kulInasya tiSThataH pathikasya saH !! ( where the omission of the Matra in viTa makes the sense applicable to a vaTa ) - chandas, -vRttam & metre regulated by the number of prosodial instants it contains, e. g. the Arya. - a money Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mAdrI bag. (pl.) acquisition of wealth. -fear: an oily clyster. -T: attachment to or regard for household possessions or property; prANayAtrikamAtraH syAnmAtrAsaGgAfafia: Ms. 6. 57. N. of a class of metres; see App. : material contact, contact with material elements; refrey <Page #634 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mAdreyA 1280 mAdhvIkam mAdreyaH An epithet of Nakula and Sahadeva. mAdhava a. (-vI/.) [madhu-aN] 1 Honey-like, sweet. -2 Made of honey. -3 Vernal, ralating to the spring; sAvajJeva mukhaprasAdhanavidhau zrImAdhavI yoSitAm M. 3.5.-4 Relating to the descendants of Madhu. -vaH [mAyA lakSmyA dhavaH] 1 N. of Krisna; rAdhAmAdhavayorjayanti yamunAkUle rahAkelayaH Git. 1; mAdhave mA kuru mAnini mAnamaye 9. -2 The spring season, a friend of Cupid; smara paryutsuka eSa mAdhavaH Kn. 4. 28; sa mAdhavenAbhimatena sakhyA (anuprayAtaH) 3.23; mAdhavaprathame mAsi balasya prathame punaH Charaka-sutrasthana.-3 The month called Vaisakha; jagAma mAdhave mAsi raibhyAzramapadaM prati Mb. 3. 136. 1; bhAskarasya madhumAdhavAviva R. 11.7.- N. of Indra. -Bof Parasurama. -6 N. of the Yadavas (pl.); prahitaH pradhanAya mAdhavAn Si. 16.52. -7N. of a celebrated author, son of Mayapa and brother of Saya na and Bhoganatha, and suppossed to have lived in the fifteenth century. He was a very reputed scholar, numerous important works being ascribed to him; he and Sayana are suppossed to have jointly written the commentary on the Rigveda: zrutismRtisadAcArapAlako mAdhavo budhaH / smArta vyAkhyAya sarvArtha dvijArtha zrauta udytH|| J. N. V. -Comp. -ucitam a kind of perfume (kakkola). -drumaH Spondias Mangitera (Mar. aMbADA).-nidAnam N. of a medical work. -vallI = mAdhavI q. v. -zrI vernal beauty. mAdhavaka: A kind ot intoxicating liquor (produced from honey ). mAdhavikA N. of a creeper ; mAdhavikAparimalalalite Git. 1. mAdhavI 1 Candied sugar. -2 A kind of drink made from honey. -3 The spring-creeper (vAsantI), with white tragrant flowers%3; patrANAmiva zoSaNena marutA spRSTA ltaa| mAdhavI 5.3.93 Me.80.-4 The sacred basil. -B The earth (also with devI); tathA me mAdhavI devI vivaraM dAtumarhati Ram. 7.97. 14-16. -8 A procuress, bawd. -7 Affluence in cattle. -8 ( In music) A particular Ragini. -Comp. -maNDapaH, -pam a bower formed of spring flowers.-latA the spring creeper. -vanam a grove of Madhavi creepers. mAdhavIya a. Relating to Madhava. mAdhukara (-rI/.)[madhukara-aN] Relating to or resembling a bee; as in mAdhukarI vRttiH .-11 Collecting alms by begging from door to door, as a bee collects honey by moving from flower to flower. -2 Alms obtained from five different places; paJcasvihAsyAdhikareSvabhikhyAbhikSAdhunA mAdhukarIsadRkSA N. 7. 104. mAdhuparkika a. (-kI /.) Offered to a guest as a token of respect. Ayhat: (pl.) The province of Kashmir. mAdhuram [madhura-aN] The flower of the Mallika creeper. Hytt 1 Sweetness, sweet or savoury taste; 4 tava yatra mAdhurI sA Bv. 2. 161; kAmAlasasvarvAmAdharamAdhurImadharayan vAcAM vipAko mama 4.42, 37, 43; bAGamAdhurIvirasIkRtakalakaNThA Dk.; yairmAkandavane manojJapavane sadyaH skhalanmAdhurIdhArAdhoraNidhautadhAmani dharAdhIzatvamAlambya te Udb. -2 Spirituous liquor. -3 Mead. mAdhuryam [ madhurasya bhAvaH Syam ] 1 Sweetness ; mAdhuryamISTe hariNAn grahItum R. 18. 13; mAdhurya madhubindunA racayituM kSArAmbudherIhate Bh. 2.6. -2 Attractive beauty, exquisite beauty; rUpaM kimapyanirvAcyaM tanormAdhuryamucyate. -3 ( In Rhet.) Sweetness, one of the three (according to Mammata) chief Gunas in poetic compositions 3 cittadravI bhAvamayo hAdo mAdhuryamucyate 8. D. 6063 see K. P.8 also. - Kindness, amiability. -B (With Vaisnavas) A feeling of tender affection for Krisna (like that of a woman for her lover ); Dk. 2.2. -a. Sweetly speaking: svacchaprakRtitaH snigdho mAdhuryastIrthabhUrnRNAm Bhag. ll. 7.44. mAdhUka a. Sweet-speaking, amiable; maitreyakaM tu vaideho mAdhukaM saMprasUyate Ms. 10. 33. mAdhya . [madhya-aN ] Central, middle. mAdhyaMdina a. (-nI/.) 1 Midday, meridional. -2 Middle, central. 7:1 N. of a branch of Vajasa neying. -2 N. of an astronomical school which fixed the starting point of planetary movements at noon. -nam A branch of the T or white Yajurveda (followed by the Madhyandinas). mAdhyama . (-mI.) [madhyama-aN] Belonging to the middle portion, central, middle, middlemost. mAdhyamakaa. (-mikA /.)mAdhyamika a.(-kI.) Middle, central. -kAH (m. pl.) 1 N. of a people or their country in the central part of India. -2 N. of a. Buddhist school; bhagavatpUjyapAdAzca zuSkatarkapaTUnamUn / AhurmAdhyamikAn bhrAntAnacintye'smin sadAtmani || Panchadati 2. 30. HTETET a. Indifferent, impartial, neutral. mAdhyastham, mAdhyasthyam 1 Impartiality; nirmAdhyasthyAca harSAcca babhASe durvacaM baca: Ram.2.11. 11. -2 Indifference, unconcerni, abhyarthanAbhAbhayena sAdhurmAdhyasthyamiSTe'pyavalambate'rthe Ku.1.52; kaivalyaM mAdhyasthya m San. K. 19. -3 Intercession, mediation. mAdhyAhnika .(-kI/.) Belonging to noon. mAdhva a. (-dhvIf.) Sweet; vadanti cATukAn mUDhA yathA mAcyA girotsukAH Bhag. 11.5.6. -dhva: A follower of Madhva.-dhvI 1A kind of liquor (made from honey ). -2 The creeper called Madhavi. -3 A kind of date tree (Mar. madhukhajUrI). mAdhvakam An intoxicating drink prepared from honey. Atta: A person who collects honey. mAdhvIkam [madhunA madhUkapuSpeNa nirvRttam Ikak] 1 A kind ot spirituous liquor distilled from the flowers of the tree called Madhuka; gauDI peSTrI ca mAdhvI ca vijJeyA trividhA surA For Private and Personal Use Only Page #635 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mAdhvIkA 1861 mAnava Ms. 11.943 cacAma madhu mAdhvIkam Bk. 14.94. -2 Wine | 29. -yogaH the correct mode of mensuring or weighing, distilled from grapes%3 sAdhvI mAdhvIka cintA na bhavati bhavataH mAnayogaM ca jAnIyAttulAyogAMzca sarvaza: Ms. 9. 330. -randhrA Git. 12. (= madho; Com.). -3 A grape. -Comp. -phalam sort of clepsydra, a perforated water-vessel, which, a kind of sweet cocon-nut (Mar. mohAcA nAraLa). placed in water and gradually filling, serves to mea sure time. -artica. 1 disgraced, dishonoured. -2 hummAdhvIkA / A kind of red pulse (Mar. tAMbaDA pAvaTA). ble, lowly. -3slanderous, libellous. -vadhenam indicamAn I.1 A. (mImAMsate = desid. of man q.v.)-II. 1P., ting, increasing respect; yatkiMcideva deyaM tu jyAyase mAnavardhanam 10 U. = Caus. of man q. v. Ms. 9. 115. -viSama: one of the ways of embezzlement namely making use of false weights and measures; mAnaH [man-ghaJ] 1 Respect, honour, regard, respectful Kau. A.2.8.26. -sAraH,-ram a high degree of pride. consideration ; dAridyasya parA mUrtiyanmAnadraviNAlpatA Pt. 2.1593; -sUtram 1 a measuring-cord; DR. 2.2. -2 a chain (ot Bg. 6.73 80 mAnadhana &c. -2 Pride (in a good sense ), selt-reliance, selt-respect; janmino mAnahInasya tRNasya ca gold &c.) worn round the body. samA gatiH Pt. 1. 106%3 R. 19.81.-8 Haughtiness, pride, mAnayitam. One who honours, honourer. conceit, self-confidence, vanity; mAnAdrAvaNaH paradArAn apra- mAnanam,-nA 1 Honouring, respecting%3 azvinormAnanArtha yacchan (binanAza) Kau. A. 1.6.-4 A wounded sense of hi sarvalokapitAmahaH Ram.5.60.2. -2 Killing; bhavato'bhimanAH honour. -BJealous anger, anger excited by jealousy samIhate saruSaH kartumupetya mAnanAm Si. 16. 2. (especially in women); anger in general; muzca mayi mAnamanidAnam Git. 10; mAdhave mA kuru mAnini mAnamaye 9%; tyajata mAnamalaM mAnanIya. Fit to be honoured, worthy of honour, bata vigrahai: R.9.47; Si.9.84; Bv. 2.56; DR. 2.3. deserving to be honoured (with gen.); menAM munInAmapi -8 Opinion, conception. -7 Ved. Object, purpose. -nam mAnanIyAm Ku. 1. 18; R. 1. 11. [mA-lyut ] 1 Measuring.-2 A measure, standard: mAnA- mAnavat a. Proud, arrogant, haughty or high-spiridhInA meyasiddhiH Mimamsh; nirAkRtatvAcchratiyuktimAnataH A. Ram. ted. A haughty or high-spirited woman angry 7.6.57.-3 Dimension, computation. -4 A standard through jealous pride. of measuremeasuring rod, rule; parimANaM pAtramAnaM saMkhyai- mAnita p. p. [man Nic kta] Honoured, respected, kadyAdisaMjJikA Sukra.2.344. -8 Proot, authority, means esteemed.-tam Showing honour or respect. ot proot or demonstration; ye'mI mAdhuryojaH prasAdA rasamAtradharmatayoktAsteSAM rasadharmatve kiM mAnam R.G.; mAnAbhAvAt (tre mAnin a. [ mAna-ini, man-Nini vA ] 1 Fancying, consiquently occurring in controversial language) Pad. D.4. dering, regarding (at the end of comp.); as in paNDita3. -8 Likeness, resemblance. -Comp. -andha a. blinded mAnin, anUcAnamAnI Bri. Up. 6. 1.2. -2 Honouring, by pride. -ahe a. worthy of honour; Ms.2. 187. respecting (at the end of comp.).-3 Haughty, proud, -avamaGga: destruction of pride or anger. -Asakta a. possessed of self-respect; parAbhavo'pyutsava eva mAninAm Ki.1. given to pride, haughty, proud. -utsAhaH energy 41; paravRddhimatsari mano hi mAninAm Si. 15. 1. -4 Entitled, arising from self-confidence; Pt. 1.226. -unnatiH to respect, highly honoured; mAnino mAnayeH kAle Bk. 19. f.great respect or honour; (satsaMgatiH) mAnonnatiM dizati 24. -8 Disdainful, angry, sulky. -8 Being regarded pApamapAkaroti Bh. 2. 23. -unmAda: infatuation of pride. or considered as. -m. A lion. -nI 1 A woman posses-kalahA,-kalia quarrel caused by jealous anger 3 sed of self-respect, a strong-minded, resolute, or proud Amaru. -kSatiHf., -bhaGgaH,-hAni:/. injury to repu woman (in a good sense); caturdigIzAnavamatya mAninI Kn. tation or honour, humiliation, mortification, insult, 5.53; R. 13. 38. -2 An angry woman, or one offended indignity. affu: 1 injury to honour or pride. -2 with her husband (through jealous pride); mAdhave mA kuru violent anger. -grahaNam it of sulkiness.-da.1 showing mAnini mAnamaye Git.9; Ki.9.36. -3 A kind of odorirespect. -2 proud; itthaM mAnada nAtidUramubhayorapyAvayorantaram ferous plant. Bh. 3. 24. -8 destroying pride. -4 a giver of honour mAnitA, tvam 1 Haughtiness, pride. -2 Honouring, (a mode of addressing lovers &c.). (daH) a mystical respect. -3 Being respected or honoured. name for the letter 311. (-a) n. of the second digit of the moon. -daNDa: a measuring-rod; sthitaH pRthivyA iva mAnazila a. Consisting of red arsenic (manaHzilA). mAnadaNDaH Ku.1.1. -dhana a rich in honour; mahaujaso mAna- mAnava (-vI/.)[manorapatyam aN] 1 Relating to or dhanA dhanArcitA: Ki.1.19. -dhAnikA a cucumber. -dhmAtaa. descended from Manu; mAnavasya rAjarSivaMzasya prasavitAraM puffed up with pride. -parikhaNDanam mortification, savitAram U.33 Ms. 12. 107.-2 Human. -va: 1 A man, humiliation.-bhakaH 0 mAnakSati.-bhAjaa. receiving honour human being: manovezo mAnavAnAM tato'yaM prAtheto'bhavat / brahmakSatrAfrom rAjannAtakayoba snAtako nRpamAnabhAk Ms.2.139.-bhRt / dayastasmAnmanorjAtAstu mAnavAH Mb.; Ms.2.97 5. 35. -2 para a. possessing pride, extremely proud; prathame mAnabhRtoM A lad, boy. -8 Mankind (pl.). -4 The subjects of na vRSNayaH Ki.2.44. -mahat . rich or great in pride, a. king (pl.)-vAH (m. pl.) N. of a school on Arthagreatly proud; ki jIrNa tRNamatti mAnamahatAmagresaraH kesarI Bh.2. hastra; teSAmAnupUrdhyA yAvAnarthopaghAtastAvAnekottaro daNDaH iti For Private and Personal Use Only Page #636 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra mAnavIya mAnavAH Kau. A. 2.7.25. - vI 1 A woman. -2 N. of the daughter of svayaMbhU manu; yathA sasarja bhUtAni labdhvA bhAryAM ca mAnavIm Bhag. 3. 21. 5. -8 N. of a Jain zAsanadevatA. - vam 1 A particular fine, penance. -2 A man's length (as a measure). -Comp. indraH, -devaH, -patiH a lord of men, king, sovereign; anyatra rakSo bhavanoSitAyAH parigrahAnmAnavadeva devyAH R. 14. 32. -dharmazAstram the institutes of Manu. -rAkSasaH a demon or fiend in the form of a man; te'mI mAnava rAkSasAH parahitaM svArthAya nighnanti ye Bh. 2.74. 1262 mAnavIya a. Descended or derived from Manu -yam A particular fine. mAnavyam A number of boys or youths ( mANavyam ). mAnasa a. ( -sI / ) [ mana eva, manasa idaM vA aN ] 1 Pertaining to the mind, mental, spiritual (opp. zArIra ). -2 Produced from the mind, sprung at will; brahmaNo mAnasaputrAH; kiM mAnasI sRSTi: S. 4 ; Ku. 1. 18; madbhAvA mAnasA jAtA Bg.10. 6.-8 Only to be conceived in the mind, conceivable; ahiMsA satyamasteyaM brhmcrymndhtaa| enAni mAnasAni syutAni ........ -4 Tacit, implied. -8 Dwelling on the lake_Manasa ; na ramata marAlasya mAnasaM mAnasaM vinA Uab. saH A form of Visnu -sam 1 The mind, heart, soul; sapadi madanAnalo dahati mama mAnasam Git 10; api ca mAnasamambunidhiH Bv. 1. 113; mAnasaM viSayairvinA ( bhAti ) 116. -2 N. of & sacred lake on the mountain Kailasa; kailAsazikhare rAma manasA nirmitaM saraH / brahmaNA prANidaM yasmAttadabhUnmAnasaM saraH // Ram.; (it is said to be the native place of swans, who are described as migrating to its shores every year at the commencement of the breeding season or the monsoons; meghazyAmA dizo dRSTvA mAnasotsukacetasAm / kUjitaM rAjahaMsAnAM nedaM nUpurazikSitam V. 4. 14, 15; yasyAstoye kRtavasatayo mAnasaM saMnikRSTaM nAbhyAsyAnti yapagatazucatvAmapi prekSya haMsA: Mo. 78; (see Me. 11; Ghat. 9 also); R. 6. 26; Me. 64. Bv. 1. 3. -3 ( In law ) Tacit or implied consent. 4 A kind of salt. --B The mental powers. -Comp. -Alaya: a swan te zravaNagoose. --utka a. eager to go to Manasa ; tacchrutvA subhagaM garjitaM mAnasotkAH Mo. 11. -okas, cArin m. a swan. -janman m. 1 the god of love. -2 a swan. -pUjA mental or spiritual devotion (opp. mUrtipUjA) -zuc mental sorrow, grief. mAnasika . ( kI ) 1 Mental, spiritual. -2 Imsginary. -8 Committed in thought (as a sin ). -ka: An epithet of Visnu. mAnApyam A temporary degradation of a monk; Buddh. mAnikA 1 A kind of spirituous liquor. -2 A kind of weight. mAnuSa a. ( - SI / ) [ manorayam aN sukU ca ] 1 Human; mAnuSI tanuH mAnuSI vAkU & B. 1.60 16 22: mAnuSe loke Bg. 4. 12: anajAnanti mAM sUThA mAnuSIM tanumAkhitam 9. 11; Ms. +. 124. - 2 Humane, kind, - SaH 1 A man, human being. -2 An Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir epithet of the three signs of the zodiac, Gemini, Virgo, and Libra. -SI 1 A woman. -2 A branch of medicine, administering drugs and herbs. -Sam 1 Humanity. -2 Human effort or action; mAnuSaM ca svAdhyAyapravacane ca T. Up. 1. 9. 1. -8 Manhood; zrIreSA draupadIrUpA tvadarthe mAnuSaM gatA Mb. 18. 4. 12. -Comp. -upeta a joined with human effort. --rAkSasaH a fiend in human form. -laukika .. belonging to the world of men. -sambhava a. coming from or produced by man. mAnuSaka (kI) Human, mortal. mAnya mAnuSatA, svam 1 Humanity. 2 State or condition of man, human nature; mAnuSatAsulabho laghimA K. -8 Manhood. mAnuSyam, mAnuSyakam 1 Human nature, humanity asAramiva mAnuSyam Mb. 12.288.45; kiM punarmAnuSyaM viDambyate V. 2; yAvanmAnuSyake zakyamupapAdayituM tAvatsarvamupapAdyatAm K. 62. -2 A mortal frame, human body; prApyApi mAnuSyakamanekasAdhAraNIbhava Dk. -3 Mankind, the race of human beings. -6A collection of men] adhIverokSakairmAnuSyakai rathyAbhiroSTrake / dhanavacAla vai vasudhAyA vilopayan // Dharmabhyudayamahakavyam. -6 manuSyaloka mAnuSye cintayAmAsa janmabhUmi mathAtmanaH Ram. 1. 16. 31. mAnozakam Beauty, lovelines. mAntra . 1 Proper or peculiar to Veda. -2 Pertaining to magic or magical texts. ness. mAntrika: One who is conversant with charms or spells, a conjurer, sorcerer. mAn 1 P. ( mAnyati ) To hurt, injure. mAnyaryam 1 Slowmean, dulness, tardiness. -2 Weak. mAndAra, mAndAravaH A kind of tree. mAndurikA An oatlor groom. mAndyam [] manda-yam ] 1 Dulness, laziness, slowness ; pravacane mAnyam Pt. 1. 190. - 2 Stupidity. -8 Weakness, feeble state; agnimAnyam - Apathy. -8 Sickness, illness, indisposition. -Comp. - vyAja: simulation of illness. mAndhAtR m. N. of a king of the solar race, son of Yuvanasva (being born from his own belly). As soon as he came out of the belly, the sages said 'kam eSa dhAsyati'; whereupon Indra came down and said 'mAM dhAsyati'; the boy was, therefore, called Mandhatri. mAndhAlaH, mAndhIraH, mAndhIlavaH A bat, flying fox. mAnmatha . ( - thI /- ) [ manmatha aNa ] Relating to or caused by love; AcAryakaM vijayi mAnmathamAvirAsIt Mal. 1.16; 2.4. For Private and Personal Use Only mAnya pot. p. [ mAn arcAyAM karmaNi Nyat ] 1 To be revered or respected ; ahamapi taba mAnyA hetubhisteSa te Mal. 6. 20. Page #637 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mApanam 1268 mAra ....... -2 Respectable, honourable, venerable; 72: Faxri ifa sagited: R. 2.44; Y. 1. 111. -Comp. -sthAnam a title to respect; etAni mAnyasthAnAni Ms. 2. 136. ATTA, -ATT 1 Measuring; aft a le Arad Safdar Mb. 1.51.16. -2 Forming, making. -: A balance. -Comp. - T: one of the ways of embezzlement namely deception in counting articles ; Kau. A. 2. 8. 26. ATTCT: The god of love. ATH a. (-tf.) 1 My, mine. - 2 Dear friend. -8 Uncle (used in voc.). -Comp. : a maternal uncle. HTH a. (Het f.) 1 My, mine, belonging to my side; 4141: grada saa 899 Bg. 1. 1. - 2 Selfish, covetous, greedy. -i1 A miser. -2 A maternal uncle. H ata a. My, mine ; 9146953 Hagfaati faqnet74. Mal. 2; HT H a da HATAT Bv. 3. 6; 2. 32. mAya a. Possessing magical power; namo vizvAya mAyAya para cara daf: Mb. 13. 14. 316. -2: 1 A conjurer, juggler. -2 A demon, an evil spirit. -8 N. of Visnu; L. D. B. -4 A garment; L. D. B. ATOT(H1-4: ano an] 1 Deceit, fraud, trick, trickery; a device, an artifice; 1494cha gacar yay Mb. 7. 46. 24; 7 arat da: 14T watc# Pt. 1. 359.-2 Jugglery, witchcraft, enchantment, an illusion of magic; A A14 a 5. 6. 10; H amfaci da 7 ta4 ATTTT Kau. A. 1. 19. -8 (Hence) An unreal or illusory image, a phantom, illusion, unreal apparition; A 218164 quase R. 2.62; faola: & Haled A4 Ki. 13. 4; R. 12. 74; oft. as the first member of comp. in the sense of 'false', phantom', 'illusory'; e. g. 191997 false words ; A141417 &o. - A political trick or artifice, diplomatic feat. -8 (In Vedanta phil.) Unreality, the illusion by virtue of which one considers the unreal universe as really existent and as distinct from the Supreme Spirit; mAyA tu prakRti vidyAnmAyinaM tu mahezvaram Svet. Up. -8 (In San. phil. ) The Pradhana or Prakriti. - Wickedness. -8 Pity, compassion. -9 N. of the mother of Buddha. -10 Ved. Extraordinary power, wisdom (1991). -11 ( With Saivas) One of the four snares (TT) which entangle the soul. -18 N. of the city Gaya. -18 N. of Laksmi. -14 N. of Durga ; rahat 14: Bhag. 2. 3. 3. -15 Skill, art; ut TU TTT Tatsaar Mb. 7. 16. 1. '-Comp. -TETT a. acting deceitfully. - CHF a. false, illusory. -39sifat a. living by fraud; 6a: yfosar: gar: - gaffera: Pt. 1. 288. -Art:, - , -ffa m a conjurer, juggler. - a. 1 noted for juggling.-2 dece ptive. - artificial water; authra 1 9826TIETYSTEMHTH N. 10. 93. - a crocodile. - N. of the mother of Buddha. Pga: Buddha. E a. deceitful, illusive. -TE a. skilled in deception, fraudulent, deceitful. Tum: 1 deceitfulness, employment of tricks or fraud; 19 :19 Pt. 1. 190. -2 employment of magic. - Tich a gall-nut. U: a phantom deer, an illusory or false deer. Han enchantment. -TTT: employment of magic. -OST a. fighting deceitfully. -rasika,-vasika a deceitful. -vacanam talse or deceitful words. -al: the doctrine of illusion, (a term applied to Buddhism ). -fag a. skilled in deception or magical arts. Ea: an epithet of Buddha. ATAT a. (oft f.) 1 Illusive, illusory, deceitful. -2 False, unreal. -8 Magical. HOT a. 1 Deceitful, fraudulent. -2 Illusory, unreal, deceptive. - Skilled in magical arts, employing magical powers. -m. An epithet of Kamsa. - N. of the wife of Pradyumna. Arafat a. [474-343 af ] 1 Using deceit or tricks, employing stratagems, deceitful, fraudulent; aafa yf: 97198 hafa refaya Hifa: Ki. 1.30; R. 10. 45. - 2 Skilled in magic. -3 Unreal, illusory. -m. 1 A magician, conjurer. -2 A cat. -n. A gall-nut. Hifi a. [4-57) 1 Deceitful, fraudulent. - Illusory, unreal. - A juggler. FH A gall-nut. Area (191-9fat ] See Harfan. -m. 1 A conjurer. -2 A rogue, cheat. - A deceitful or treacherous person; jAtavedomukhAnmAyI miSatAmAcchinatti naH Ku.2.46. -4 N. of Brahman. -B Of Kama. -8 Of Agni. -7 Siva; mAyAM tu prakRti vizanmAyinaM tu mahezvaram Svet. Up. 4. 10. --. Magic, magical art. Arma: The sacrifice to men. wy: 1 The sun. -2 Bile, bilious humour; (n. also in this sense ). -8 Sorcery, bad art. AIYCra: Son of Kubera ; L. D. B. HOT a. (- f.) [Hye-3141] 1 Belonging to or arising from a peacock; mAyUrI madayati mArjanA manAMsi M. 1. 21; Ram. 2. 91. 70. - 2 Made of the feathers of a peacock. -3 Drawn by a peacock (as a car). - 4 Dear to a peacock. -TH A flock of peacocks. - N. of a plant ( THTET). HTT, -Argiti 1 A peacock-catcher. - 2 One who makes various articles with peacock feathers; Ram. 2. 83. 13 (com. Hy stagram T 44fa29987112.30 tot:). ART: (7.99] 1 Killing, slaughter, slaying; 2014TITATECHITTET T IL Raj. T. 5.64.-2 An obstacle, hindrance, opposition. -8 The god of love; Sarah For Private and Personal Use Only Page #638 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mAraka 1284 ATTRE fea: a TheIT HITTAH Git. 3; (where IT primarily means 'killing'); Nag. 1. 1. -4 Love, passion. - The thorn-apple (8). - An evil one, a destroyer; the tempter (according to Buddhists); Hraftar MESTA : 98 : Nag. 1.1; Pt. 5. 14. - 7 Death. --Comp. -34 a. 'marked by love', displaying signs of love; mArAke ratikelisaMkularaNArambhe Git. 12.-317 ( ?) an epithet of a Buddha. -31, fy: Siva. -THEF a. murderous ; HITI care farta: acto: H. 1. J i a cat. ffrt m. an epithet of Siva. -2 of a Buddha. ARF a. [ 7-fora ugy] (At the end of comp.) Killing, destroying, slaying. -*: 1 Any pestilential disease, plague, epidemic. -2 The god of love. -8 A murderer, destroyer in general. -4 A hawk. -4 1 Death of all creatures at the dissolution of the universe. -2 Vermilion (Mar. faza). ATTUTE ( 7-fog 7] 1 Killing, slaying, slaughter, destruction ; 941701HGTEOT: S. 6. 1. -2 A magical ceremony performed for the purpose of destroying an euemy. -8 Calcination. -4 A kind of poison. Fift: f. [ F-for-sfa] 1 A pestilence, plague; 1984Arifterfa Bhag. 10. 56. 11. -2 Killing, ruin. mArikA A plague, pestilence%3 vibudhya tAM bAlakamArikAHEH Bhag. 10. 6. 8. Arta p. p. 1 Slain, killed. -2 Destroyed, ruined. Alfta a. 1 Dying. - Killing, slaying. HTET 1 Plague, pestilence, an epidemic. -2 Pestilence personified the goddess presiding over plagues and identified with Durga ). mArakata a. (-tI/.) Belonging to an emerald; yatra fagharaT HETHIT Hal ya: Bhag. 7. 4. 9; : CATTCharte gaia H. Pr. 35. HTET a. (-at f.) Desert, belonging to a wilderness. at N. of a particular musical scale. Alftet a. ( tf.Made of pepper. Hiffa a. Peppered, seasoned with pepper. hifto: 1 A respectable, worthy or venerable man, (used in dramas in the voc. as a respectful mode of address by the Sutradhara to one of the principal actors; see U. 1; Mal. 1.); TI HAPE: Fatata arse afta: Bhag. 1. 14. 26.-2 Amaranthus Oleraceus (Mar. alcada). HET a.(- ) Belonging to or composed by Maricbi. -: 1 N. of a demon, son of Sunda and Tadaka. He assumed the form of a golden deer, and thus enticed Rama to a considerable distance from Sita, so that Ravana found a good opportunity to carry her off. -2 A large or royal elephant. -8 A kind of plant (Mar. 41a). -4 N. of the sage Kasya pa ; cf. Fariyar tag: 949 4914fa: $.7.9. -8 A sacrificing priest. Eft 1 N. of the mother of Sakyamuni. -2 N. of a Buddhist goddess. -8 N. of an Apsaras. - A collection of pepper shrubs. AT55 Softness. HTEVE: 1 A serpent's egg. -2 Cow-dung. 3 A way, road. -4 A place covered with cowdung. A15 a. (-at s.) [ta: CH 317 ] 1 Relating to or arising from the Maruts; ahal 16014 Ms. 9. 306. -2 Relating to wind, aerial, windy. -: 1 Wind; faqui : R. 2. 12, 34; 4. 55; Ms. 4. 122. -2 The god of wind, the deity presiding over wind; Ta Alagoyah Ram-raksa. 33 -8 Breathing. -4 Vital air, one of the three essential humours of the body; sfatu ahal 391 a 150: Ms. 9. 306. -8 The trunk of an elephant. -8 Ved. A son of the Marute. -7 N. of Visnu. -8 Of Rudra. - 1 The north-west quarter. - 2 The daughter of the Maruts or gods; utathyasya ca bhAryAyAM mamatAyAM mhaatpaaH| mArutyA janayAmAsa bharadvAja erfa: Il Bu. Ch. 4. 74; cf. Visnu P. 4 19. 5. -24 The lunar mansion called Svati. -Comp. 37TH & (round) window; THE Higate feruar Bv. 2. 57. -TTAT: a snake. -THETI, -a, -e: 1 epithets of Hanumat. -2 of Bhima. - penetrating everywhere's one of the duties of a king (who is able to penetrate everywhere by means of spies ); c. pravizya sarvabhUtAni yathA carati mArutaH / tathA caraiH praveSTavyaM vratametaddhi A1474 || Ms. 9. 306. tara: [ HTTSYT 9] 1 An epithet of Hanumat; Arfa: ami at: hafa fra: R. 12. 60. - 2 Of Bhima. HERE a. A pish. -Comp. -foretol a small black ant. Hrvs:, -Aluga: [ 0812447 BL ] N. of an ancient sage. -Comp. -geot N. of one of the eighteen Puranas composed by this sage'); 4: THAT purANamidamAdarAt / mArkaNDeyAbhidhaM vatsa sa labheta para gatim // Narada P. Art I. 1 P., 10 U. (arifa, artafa-a) 1 To seek, . seek for; EGITEIT: # 174 FTTEL # 799: Mb. 3. 148. 1. -2 To hunt after, chase. -8 To strive to attain, strive after; AtmotkarSa na mArgeta pareSAM parinindayA / svaguNaireva mArgeta fagne garat Subhas. - To solicit, beg, ask for ; a to zataraft Bk. 1. 12; Y. 2. 68. - To ask in marriage. -8 To seek through, trace out. II. 10 U. artefa-a) 1 To go, move. -2 To decorate, adorn. -With oft to seek, look out for. Ano: (v al, Hri-araq 91] 1 A way, road, path (fig. also ); AFTTT: A Sukra. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #639 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mArga 1280 mArjAraH 1. 261; amizaraNamArgamAdezaya 5.53 80 vicAramArgaprahitena cetasA | ganAmArgaNairyadasya pauSpairapi dhairyakaJcukam N. 1. 463 Vikr. 1. 77%3 Ku.5.42; R. 2. 72; U. 3. 37. -2 A course, passage, R.9. 17,65. -3 The number five'.-Nam 1 Investigathe tract passed over 3 bAyorimaM parivahasya badanti mArgam tiony search; ziloccaye tasya vimArgaNaM nayaH Ki. 14.9. -2 S.7.6.-3 Reach, range; mArgAtItAyendriyANAM namaste Ki. 18. Solicitation, the act of begging. 40. -4 Ascar, mark (lett by a wound &c.); bhogibeSTana mArgaNakaH A beggar, supplicant. mArgeSu R.4.483; te putrayonairRtazastramArgAnA nivAge sadayaM spRzantyo mArgava: A mixed caste ( born from a niSAda and Ayo14. 4. -8 The path or course of a planet. -8 Search, ganI); niSAdo mArgavaM sUte dAsaM naukarmajIvinam Ms. 10. 34. inquiry, investigation. -1A canal, channel, passage. -8 A means, way. -9 The right way or course, mArgaziraH, mArgaziras m., mArgazIrSaH N. of the ninth proper course ; sumArga, amArga.-10 Mode, manner, method, month of the Hindu year (corresponding to Novembercourse; zAnti R.7.1. -11 Style, direction; iti vaidarbha- December ) in which the full moon is in the constellamArgasya prANA daza guNAH smRtAH Kav. 1.42; vAcA vicitramArgANAm tion mRgaziras; zuke mArgazire pakSe Bhag. 6.19.23 mAsAnI 1.9. -12 Custom, usage, practice ; kula, zAstra, dharma &c. mArgazIrSo'ham Bg. 10. 35. -18 Hunting or tracing out game. -19 A title or head mArgazirI, mArgazIrSI The full-moon day in the month in law, ground for litigation; aSTAdazasu mArgeSu nibaddhAni of mArgazIrSa. pRthak pRthak Ms.8.3.-1B A high style of aoting, dancing and singing; agAyatAM mArgavidhAnasaMpadA Ram. 1.4.36 mArgika: 1 A traveller. -2 A hunter. (com. gArna dvividham / mArgo dezI ceti / tatra prAkRtAvalambi gAnaM mArgita p. p. 1 Sought, searched, inquired after. deshii| saMskRtAvalambi tu gAnaM mArgaH). -18 ( In dramaturgy) -Hunted after, desired, solicited. Hinting or indicating how anything is to happen. -17 ( In geom.) A section. -18 The anus. -19 Musk. mArgin m. 1 A pioneer. -2 A guide, leader. -8 One -20 The constellation called mRgaziras. -21 The month who guards the way; Ram. 2. 80. 2. called mArgazIrSa, -22. N. of Visnu (as the way to final Art a. 1 To be sought or searched for. -2 To be emancipation). -gem A herd of deer; mArgamadanyA bIthyA wiped away, removed. nAgavanaM prayAto bhartA Pratijna Y.1. -Comp. -AgataH / traveller.-AkhyAyin m. a guide. -AyAtaH a traveller. mArja 10 U. (mArjayati-te) 1 To purity, cleanse, wipe; -Arabdha begun on right lines 3 mArgArabdhAH sarvayatnAH phalanti ot. mRj.-2 To sound. Pratijha Y.1. 18. -AlI a track, streak. -upadezakA mArjaH [mRj-mA vA gham ] 1 Cleansing; puritying, scourguide, leader. -tAla: (in music ) a particular kind of ing.-2 A washerman. -3 An epithet of Visnu. -4 measure. -tAraNam a triumphal arch erected on a road 3 Smoothness, unotuousness. poradRSTikRtamArgatoraNau R. 11.5. -darzaka: a guide. -draNa: mArjaka (-rjikA /.) [mRj-Nvul] Cleansing, purify. city or town on the road. Th: a tree growing by the wayside. -dhenuH, -dhenukam a measure of distance ing, scouring. equal to 4 krosas. -patiH the superintendent of roads; mArjana . (-nI/.) [mRj-lyu lyuT vA] Cleansing, Raj. T. -pariNAyaka: a guide. -pAlI N. of agoddess. puritying.-nam 1 Cleansing, cleaning, purifyings Sukra. -bandhanam a barricade. -rakSaka: a road-keeper, guard. 4. 345. -2 Wiping or rubbing off. -3 Effacing, wiping -ghaTI an epithet of the tutelary deity of travellers. away; tena vyAtenire bhImA bhImArjanaphalAnanAH Ki. 15.42. -4 -vinodanam entertainment on a journey. -zodhakaH / Cleansing the person by rubbing it with unguents. pioneer. -saMskaraNam cleansing the road 3 tataH saMzodhanaM nityaM -8 Sprinkling the person with water by means of the mArgasaMskaraNArthakam Sukra.4.81. -stha a. travelling; way. hand, a blade of Kusa grass &c. -na: The tree called taring; anugantuM satAM vartma kRtsnaM yadi na zakyate / svalpamapyava. Lodhra. -nA 1 Cleansing, purifying, cleaning. -2 The gantayaM mArgastho nAvasIdati | Subhas. -harmyam a palace on a sound ot adrum; mAyUrI madayati mArjanA manAMsi M. 1.21. high road. -3 Performance with the fingers on a musical instrumArga a. Belonging to a deer (mRga); mArgamAyUrakaukkuTaiH ment. -nI 1 A broom, brush. -2 Purification. -3 A (mAMsacayaiH) Ram. 2.91.70. washerwoman. mArgaka: The month called mArgazIrSa. mArjAraH (laH) [mRj-Aran vA rasya laH] A eat; kapAle mArjAraH paya iti karA~lleDhi zazinaH K. P. 10. -2 A pole-cat. mArgaNa a. [mArga-lyu lyuT vA] Seeking, searching or look -8N. of some plants. -Comp. -kaNTha: a peacock. ing out for. -2 Inquiring. -8 Asking, begging. -UTA, -karaNam a kind ot coitus or mode of sexual enjoyment. -OTT 1 Begging, requesting, soliciting. -2 Seeking, -karNikA,-kaNI N. of Chamunda. -nyAya: a kind of looking out for, searching. -8 Investigating, inquiry, doctrine held by a Vaispava seet. -ligin having examination. -UT: 1 A beggar, supplicant, mendicant. the nature of a cat; ye ca bakavatino viprA ye ca maarjaarliginH| -2 An arrow; durvArAH smaramArgaNAH K. P. 10%; abhedi tattAdR te patantyandhatAmile Ms.4.197. ko....159 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #640 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mArjArakA 1368 mAlA bower. -kA,-kam 1 Agarland. -2 The land-growing lotus; L. D. B. mAlAkA f. A garland; L. D. B. mAlakauzaH N. of a Raga or musical mode. mAlatiH , -tI/.1A kind of jasmine (with tragrant white flowers); tanmanye kacidA bhRGgataruNenAsvAditA mAlatI G. M.; jAlakairmAlatInAm Me. 100%; Ki. 10. 20. -2 A flower of this jasmine; zirasi bakulamAlA mAlatIbhiH sametAm Rs. 2.24. -8 A bud, blossom (in general). -4 A virgin, young woman. - Night. -6Moonlight. -Comp. -kSArakA, -tIrajam borax. -patrikA the shell of a nutmeg. -phalam nutmeg. -mAdhavam N. of a celebrated dramas by Bhava.bhuti. -mAlA 1 a garland ot jasmine flowers. -2 a kind of metre. mAlaya . (-yI.) [malaye bhavaH aN ] Coming from the Malaya mountain. -ya: Sandal-wood. -yam 18 oaravansary. -2 the unguent prepared from sandal. mAlava: 1N. of a country, the modern Malva in central India. -2 N. of a Raga or musical mode. -vAH (pl.) The people of Malva. -Comp. -adhIzA, -indraH ,-nRpatiH a king of Malva. goDa: (in music) a particular Raga. -dezaH , -viSaya: the country of Malva. mArjArakaH A cat. -2 A peacock. mArjArI 1 A temale eat. -2 A civet-cat. -3 Musk. mArjArI (lI) yaH 1 A eat. -3 A Sudra.-3 One who cleanses his body (kAyazodhana). Hiffa p. p. 1 Cleansed, scoured, purified. -2 Swept, brushed. -8 Clean, bright. -4 Rubbed, smeared. -8 Washed away, removed. -8 Adorned. Alistat Curds with sugar and spices. mArtaNDaH [ mRtAdaNDAjjAyate aN zakaM0] 1 The sun; ayaM mArtaNDaH kiM sa khalu turagaiH saptabhiritaH K. P. 10; U. 6.33 mAritaM ca yataH proktametadaNDaM tvayoditam / tasmAnmune sutaste'yaM mArtaNDAkhyo bhaviSyati Mark. P. -2 The Arka tree. -3 A hog.-4 The number twelve. (Also mArtANDa). -Comp.-maNDalam the disc of the sun. mArtika a. (-kI/.) [mRttikayA nirmitam aN] Made of clay, earthen. -ka:1A kind of pitcher.-2 The lid of a pitcher. -kam A clod or lump of earth; gurumadhye hariNAkSI mArtikazakalainihantukAmaM mAm Bv.2.49. mAya' a. Mortal. -tyam Mortality; tasyAstadyogavidhutamAtya martyamabhUt sarit Bhag. 3. 33. 32. ARTET: A drummer. PTH A city, town. mArdagika: 1 A drummer. -2 A kind of tree; Ram. 2.91.49 (com. mArdagikA mRdaGgavAdakarUpadharAH) mArdalika: A drummer. mArdavam [mRdorbhAvaH aN ] Softness (lit. and fig.), pliancy, weakness ; abhitaptamayo'pi mArdavaM bhajate kaiva kathA zarIriSu R. 8.48 ' becomes soft'; svazarIramArdavam Ku. 5. 18. -2 Mildness, indulgence, gentleness, leniency; Bg. 16. 2. mArkIka..(-kI/.) Made of grapes. -kam Wine 3 mAkiM priyatamasaMnidhAnamAsan nArINAmiti jalakelisAdhanAni Si. 8.30. mArmika . [marma jAnAti Tham ] Having a deep insight into, fully conversant with the essence, beauty &c.; (=marmajJa. v.); mArmikaH ko marandAnAmantareNa madhuvratam Bv. 1. 1173; pariNatamakarandamArmikAste jagati bhavantu cirAyuSo milindAH 1.83 4.40. mArSaH, -mArSaka: See mAriSa. mASTiH . [mRja-ktin ] Cleansing, scouring, purifying. ATES: 1 N. of a district in the west or south-west of Bengal. -2 N. of a tribe of barbarians, a mountaineer. - N. of Visnu. -lam 1 A field. -2 A high ground, rising or elevated ground (mAlamunnatabhUtalam); kSetramAruhya mAlam Me.16 (zailaprAyamunnatasthalam Malli.).-3 A wood near a. village. -4 Fraud, deceit. -Comp. -cakrakam the hip-joint. -jAtakam a civet-cat. mAlaka: 1 The Nimba tree. -2 A wood near a village. -3 A pot made of a cocoa-nut shell. 4 An arbour, mAlavaka: 1 The country of the Malavas. -2 An inhabitant ot Malva. Asfa 1 N. of the heroine of Kalidasa's Malavikagnimitra. -2 N. of a plant nizottara, Ipomoea. Turpethum. mAlasI 1 N. of a plant (kezapuSTa). -2 N. of a Ragini. mAlA [malU saMjJAyAM kartari ghaJ] 1A garland, wreath, chaplet; anadhigataparimalApi hi harati dRzaM mAlatImAlA Vas. -2 A row, line, series, succession; gaNDoDInAlimAlA Mal.1.138 8716HIT: Me. 9. -8 A group, cluster, collection. -4 A string, necklace; as in ratnamAlA. - 5 A rosary, chain; as in akSamAlA. -8Astreak; as in taDinmAlA, vidyunmAlA, -7 A series of epithets. -8 (In dramas) The offering of several things to obtain a wish, -9 A vocabulary, dictionary.-Comp.-upamA a variety of Upama or simile, in which one U pameya is compared to several Upamanas; e.g. anayeneva rAjyazrIdanyeneva manasvitA / mamlau sAtha viSAdena padminIva himAmbhasA K.P.10.-kaNTa: N.ot a plant (apAmArga). -kara:-kAra:1agarland-maker, florist, gardener; kRtI mAlAkAro bakulamapi kutrApi nidadhe Bv.1.54; Pt.1.220.-2 the tribe of gardeners. -guNa: a necklace. parikSiptA a marriageable woman. -guNA a species of venomous spider. -tRNam a kind of tragrant grass. -dIpakam / variety of dIpaka; Mammata thus defines it:-mAlAdIpakamAdyaM cedyathottaraguNAvaham K.P. 10%see the example given ad loc. -dhara a. wearing agarland. -m a kind of metre. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #641 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mAlikA 1987 mAsaH Af : Ha altafot freqheu ] 1 A florist, gardener. - A dyer, painter. -8 A garland-maker. -4 A kind of bird. HIST Chiesa Pre era gran ) 1 A garland ; 9797747A Laksmidhyanam. -2 A row, line, series. -8 A string, necklace. - A variety of jasmine. -8 Linseed. -8 A daughter. - A palace. - A kind of bird. -9 An intoxicating drink. hifca a. 1 Garlanded, crowned. -2 Surrounded by. H a a. (HIT Binta fa ] 1 Wearing a garland. -2 (At the end of comp.) Crowned or wreathed with, encircled by; ayah fat geat; so Biscaifea, - Aif, ftatio, &c.; Utcafeca sauth Ram. 5. 54. 48; galag Haris Si. 7. 61. -m. 1 A gardener. -2 A garland-maker, florist. 1 A female florist, the wife of a garland-maker. -2 N. of the city of Champa. -8 A girl seven years old representing Durga at the Durga festival. -4 N. of Durga. - The celestial Ganges. -8 N. of a metre; see App. 4144qyau qifs : V. Ratna. -7 N. of the mother of Bibhi sana. -8 N. assumed by Draupadi while residing at the Court of Virata. -9 N. of a river; $. 3.7. -10 (In music ) A particular fa. HIST: A garland-maker, florist. HTCT a. [1913 foi 47 ] Proper for or relating to a garland. - 1 A garland, wreath; laua at fara a Ku. 7. 19; Ki. 1. 21.-2 A flower; fontActa UT Bg. 11. 11; Ms. 4. 72. -8 A chaplet or garland worn on the head. -Comp. -TITUT: a flowermarket. stra : a florist, garland-maker. E a. one who wears a garland; TTTET HTETUTY: Bk. 5. 38. -puSpaH a kind of hemp. -vRttiH a florist. Heyat a. Wreathed, crowned, -m. 1 N. of a mountain or mountain range; Asi Sta: glutega A U. 1.33 ; R. 13. 26.-2 N. of a demon, son of Suketu. He was the maternal uncle and minister of R&vana and aided him in many of his schemes. In early times he propitiated the god Brahman by his austere penance, as a reward of which the splendid island of Lanka was caused to be built for him. He lived there with his brothers for some years, but afterwards left it, which was then occupied by Kubera. Afterwards when Ravana ousted Kubera from the island, Malyavat returned with his relatives and lived with him for a long time. ] Aifrera [ 11a: 649] 1 Dirtiness, foulness, impurity. -2 Pollution, defilement. -8 Sinfulness. - Blackness. -8 Trouble, affliction. HTG:, -Hig: N. of a particular mixed tribe. AG: f. 1 A kind of creeper. -2 A woman. -Comp. -17: a kind of snake. HIG#11953EUR: A species of tree (Mar, BT92T ). mAlUka: Ocimum Sanctum (Mar. kALI tuLasa). HOT: 1 The Bilva tree. -2 The Kapittha tree. -ram A Bilva truit; dadarza mAlUraphale pacelimam N. 1.94. HTU Large cardamoms. mAlavI A wrestling or boxing match (also mAllayAtrA). ART: [ Hitat meift ] 1 A bean; (the sing. being used for the plant and the pl. for the fruit or seed); faara: afa gefa 91 Sk.; ATH AST: sfa fafanpa J. N. V. -2 A particular weight of gold; que a gauta ET M8. 8. 134; Haferfah 777: 90743 oftarda: or USTETAAfq: -8 A fool, blockhead. - A kind of pulse. - A cutaneous eruption resembling beans. Comp. -3 , -TE: , tortoise. -Ajyam adish of beans cooked with ghee. -Aza: horse. -3791 a. lees by a Masa. quff Glycine Debilis (Mar. 175874). -fore a kind of sauce prepared from the flour of Masa (Mar. 3t ?) Ganela P. 49.47-51. -ORTH ind. as if beans were ground; Mk. -fe: a thin cake (942) made of Masa flour; Girvina. -au: a goldsmith. 1974: 1 A bean: -2 A kind of weight of gold; ouds ha fata 24795Ms. 8. 135. A1 a. ( f.) Worth a Masa. Aretot a. ( Harot mai ag] Sown with beans. - A field of beans. HTET a. [419-41] 1 Fit for beans. -2 Worth a particular number of Masas. - A field of beans. HIEM. 1 = 48 q. v.; age wife of Persia RO VEIT Ms. 2. 34. (This word has no forms for the first five inflections and is optionally substituted for FH atter acc. dual. )-2 The moon. AH, [HT ga 310] 1 A month, (it may be cAndra, saura, sAvana, nAkSatra or bArhaspatya); na mAse pratipattAse mAM #affe affas Bk. 8. 95. -2 The moon (Ved.). -8 The number 'twelve'. -Comp. -3fTT:, -arreyfa: the planet presiding over a month. The a. monthly; foet-a1815 16 alerg 4 Ms. 3. 122. -antaH the day of new moon. -avadhika a. lasting for or occurring in a month. 3&IT a. eating only once a month. -Taferit 1 a woman who fasts for a whole month. -2 a procuress, a lascivious or lewd woman (ironically.). Sy the constellation after which a month (like , aga is named; A = sitasaptamyAM mghaaraakaasmaagme| rAkayA cAnumatvA vA mAsAANi garufall Bhag. 7. 14. 22. - fest a monthly, lasting for a month. If a. practising (any thing for a month. - a. a month old, born a month ago. -: a kind of gallinule.- a. to be paid in a month. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #642 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mAsaka: 1268 -pAkaa. maturing in a month. -prAmitaH the new-moon. -pravaMzaH the beginning of a month.-bhuktiH (the sun's) monthly course. -mAna: a year. -saMcayika a. having provisions for a month; sadyaHprakSAlako vA syAnmAsasaMcayiko'pi vA Ms. 6. 18. mAsaka: A month. mAsika (-kI/.) [mAse bhavaH Tham ] 1 Relating to a month. -2 Happening every month, monthly. -3 Lasting for a month. -4 Payable in a month. -8 Engaged for a month. -kam A funeral rite or Sraddha performed every newmoon during the first year of a man's death); pitRRNAM mAsikaM zrAddhamanvAhArya vidurbudhAH; mAsikAmaM tu yo'nIyAt Ms.11.157. mAsIna . [ mAsa-kham ] 1 One month old. -2 Monthly. mAsya . [mAsa-yat ] (At the end of comp.) 1 Continuing for a month. -2 A month cold. mAsara: 1 The soum of boiled rices rice-gruel. -2 The meal of parched barley mixed with sour milk. mAsala: A year. mAsurI A beard. mAsUra . (-rIf.) 1 Lentil-shaped. -2 Made of pulse. mAi 1 U. (mAhati-te) To measure. mAhanaH [mA+han ] A Brahmaza. mAhA A cow. mAhAkula (-lI.), mAhAkulIna .(-nI /.) 1 Nobly born, of noble family, of illustrious descent. mAhAjanika . (-kI.) mAhAjanIna 4.(-nI1.) 1 Fit for merchants. -2 Fit for great persons. mAhAtmika a. (-kI /.) High-minded, magnanimous, noble, dignified, glorious; rAjJo mAhAtmike sthAne sadyaH zaucaM vidhIyate Ms.5.94. mAhAtmyam [mahAtmano bhAvaH vyaJ] 1 Magnanimity, noblemindedness, greatness%3; gahA ca yasyA vidumAhAtmyam U.4.5. -2 Majesty, dignity, exalted position; ajAnanmAhAtmya patatu zalabho dIpadahane Bh. -3 The peculiar virtue of any divinity or sacred shrine; or a work giving an account of the merits of such divinities or shrines; a8 CAIETF, zanimAhAtmya &c.-4 Largeness, hugeness; te dRSTvA dehamAhAtmya kumbhkrnno'ymutthitH| bhayArtA vAnarA: Ram. 6.71.7. mAhAnasa (-sI /.) 1 Belonging to a large carriage. -2 Relating to a kitchen. Hence mAhAnasika = A Buperintendent of the kitchen; cikitsaka-mAhAnasika-mauhartikAMzca pazyet Kau.A. 1. 19.16. mAhAprANa . (-NI f.) Having the aspirate or hard breathing. HIETHITTA Great prosperity, good luck. mAhAyAnikaa. That which propounds the view of the followers of the Mahayana school of Buddhism; yadyevaM pratyuktaH sa mAhAyAnikaH pkssH| SB. on MS. 1. 1.5. mAhArAjika (-kI.) Fit for a great king, imperial, royal. ATEITIFTH Sovereignty. mAhArASTrI See mahArASTrI. mAhAvratI The doctrine of the Pasupatas. ATITT a. Ved. 1 Joyous, joyful. -2 Great, exalted. -8 Giving delight--nam Sovereignty, power, dominion. mAhira: An epithet of Indra. mAhiSa . (-bI.) [mahiNyA idam aN] Coming or derived from a buffalo or a buffalo-cow; as mAhiSaM dadhi, -Sam The female apartment. mAhiSaka: A buffalo-keeper. mAhiSika: 1 A buffalo-keeper, a herdsman. -2 The paramour of an unchaste woman; (reated nArI yA ca syAd vybhicaarinnii| tAM dRSTAM kAmayati yaH sa vai mAhiSika: smRtaH // Kalika Purana. -8 One who lives by the prostitution of his wite; mahiSItyucyate nAryA bhagenopArjitaM dhnm| upajIbati yastasyAH samAhiSikaH smtH|| Sridhara on V. P. __ mAhiSeya A son of the first wite of a king. Afechat N. of a city, the hereditary capital of the Haihaya kings 3 mAhiSmatIvapranitambakAzcIm (revAm ) R.6.43. sz: A mixed caste sprung from a Ksatriya father and Vaidya mother. __mAhendra a. (-ndrI/.) 1 Relating to or fit for Indra mAhendramambhaH prathamaM pRthivyA Ku.7.84; R. 12.86.-2 Eastern. -dram A kind of pearl; Kau. A. 2. 11.29. -drI 1 The east. -2 A cow. -8 N. of Indrani. mAheya (-yI/.)1 Terrestrial. -2 Made of earth, earthen; zAtakumbhamayaiH kumbhai heyaizcAbhimantritaiH Mb.8. 10.44. -ya: 1 The planet Mars. -2 The demon Naraka. -3 Coral. mAheyI A cow. mAhezvara. (rI ) 1 Belonging to a great lord or to Siva; anena ca mahArAja mAhezvaramanuttamam / iSTvA yajJa... Rim. 6.7.19. -2Worshipping Siva. - A worshipper of Siva. -rI N. of Parvati or Durga. mi 5 U. (minoti, minute; rarely used in classical literature) 1 To throw, cast, scatter. -2 To build, erect. -8 To measure. - To esta blish. -8 To observe, porceive. -8 Ved. To fix in the earth, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #643 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir miccha 1289 mithuna ..... fHope 6 P. (fatela ) 1 To hinder, obstruct. -2 To annoy. FATOUT a. Speaking indistinctly through the nose. See fah. HC f. Ved. A column, post. fra p. p. [ #1-71-] 1 Measured, meted or measured out. -2 Measured off, bounded, defined. -8 Limited, measured, moderate, little, scanty, sparing, brief words &o); qe: fa a SET H YGIA Pt. 1. 87; R. 9. 34. - 4 Measuring, of the measure of (at the end of comp.), as in 1996 af au i.e. in 1889. -8 Investigated, examined. - Cast, thrown away. -7 Built. -8 Established, founded. -Comp. -39977 a. 1 brief, measured, short, concise; fHTETE PATUTE2itaarTa Ku. 5. 63. - 2 composed in verse, metrical. (-) N. of a celebrated commentary by Vijnanesvara on Yajnavalkya's Smriti. 70 a. of measured meaning. 37 : & cautious envoy. -371&R a. sparing in diet. (- :) moderation in eating. - the sea. Hie, -21 a. speaking little or measured words; heigte: A f ou: Si. 2. 13. - a. moderate in diet. Afa a. narrow-minded. of a. frugal, economical. HATA a. Going slowly. -#: An elephant. FACT a. 1 Cooking a measured portion, cooking little; P. III. 2. 34. -2 Small-sized (utensils). -3 Sparing, niggardly, stingy. Afa: f. At-fa-fen] 1 Measuring, a measure, weight. -2 Accurate knowledge. -8 Proof, evidence. - Determination fost: [fala fagfa, 46-4, 4-9 ar] 1 The sun; aft af 47 ATTARE AT Subhis. -2 N. of an Aditya and usually associated with Varuna; cf. Rv. 3. 59. -3 The deity presiding over the part of rectum (UGT); y gafafara lehet 31 ARTT Bhag. 3. 6. 20. -tram 1 A triend; tanmitramApadi sukhe ca samakriyaM yat Bh. 2.68%3 Me. 17.-2 An ally, the next neighbour of a king; cf. H08. -Comp. B U T the act of favouring friends. -amitram triend and toe; mitrA'mitrasya cArjanam Ms. 12. 79. ent: conduct towards a friend. 34: 1 sun-rise. -& the welfare or prosperity of a friend. -3 TETETE worship of the sun (part of the morning azt). - , -104, the business of a friend, a friendly act or service; 19784491224 : ( STRATH) R. 19.31. - a. treacherous. -98, I T a. hating a friend, treacherous to a friend, a false or treacherous friend. -bham the anurAdhA constellation. -bhAvaH friendship.-bheda: breach of friendship. -e a contest between friends. TA: 1 acquisition of friends, contracting of friendship. - N. of the first book of the Hitopa desa.-acto #. kind to friends, of winning manners, -fara: an epithet of Agni. -fare: friendship. Haft n. of the seventh day in the bright half of art. 1 a. kind or indulgent to friends; svedauhitraistArito mitrasAhaH Mb. 1. 93. 28. Se the murder of a friend. mitratA, tvam Friendship, friendliness. Hafa Den. P. To be friendly, behave in a friendly manner, act as a friend towards. f ya. 1 Friendly-minded. -2 Winning friends. -y: A friend. f ra Den. A. To act as a friend, be friendly. fara 8 U. To make a friend of. friz1 P. To become a friend, make friends with. fairufa Den. P. To treat (one) as a friend. mitrAvaruNau Mitra. and Varuna. faftu a. Friendly, relating to a friend. Ay 1 U. (afa-a) 1 To associate with. -2 To unite, pair, copulate. -3 To hurt, injure, strike, kill. -4 To understand, perceive, know. - To wrangle, contradict. -8 To grasp, seize. f i nd. 1 Mutually, reciprocally, to each other; at foar 461914 19: Ms. 2. 147; oft. in comp. 4:21a S. 2.; f a ta $. 5. -2 In secret or private, secretly, privately; 8: ward sfata u as : hah Ku.3.2; 6.1; R. 13. 1. -3 Alternately, by turns. Comp. 3TEFFEFT: a rule of interpretation according to which subsidiary portions (of a sentence) cannot be connected with one another. This rule is discussed by Jaimini and Sa bara ingurat reacuraru: AIT EART' M8.3. 1. 22 and 777621 thereon. -kRtyam mutual obligation. -samaya: mutual agreement. faro: N. of a king. -1: (pl.) N. of a people. 3 [H247sq ft99: sa fa Us. 1. 57 ] N. of a city, capital of the country called Videha, q. v.; fuferent areas at 995919 Udb. fra, ind. 1 Ved. Falsely, wrongly. -2 Alternately. -8 Together, mutually (94); utarqat fagreftra: Bhag. 11. 6. 14. nga a. [fag-Jota fata Un. 3. 55 ) Paired, forming a pair, or couple. #: Ved. A pair, couple. -74 1 A pair, couple; faya ftfeuci rat IT: Resultapant R. 8. 61; Me. 18; U. 2. 5. -2 Twins. -3 Union, junotion. -4 Sexual union, copulation, cohabitation - The third sign of the zodiac, Gemini. -8 In gram.) A root compounded with a preposition. -Comp. re: 1 forming a couple, state of being a pair. -2 copula. tion. -yamakam a particular kind of yamaka; cf. Bk. 10. 12, a fat a. practising cohabitation. N:H!!M For Private and Personal Use Only Page #644 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra - mithunAyate mithunAyate Den. A. To copulate, cohabit (sexually ). mithunin m. A wagtail. firgefte 8 U. To cause to couple, unite together (the sexes). mithunIbhU 1 A. To pair to be joined or arranged in couples. mithunIbhAvaH Cohabitation, sexual union. mithunecaraH The ruddy goose (cakravAka ); of] indracara mithyA ind. [mi-kyap ] 1 Falsely, doceitfully wrongly, incorrectly; oft. with the force of an adjective; maNI mahAnIla iti prabhAvAdalpapramANe'pi yathA na mithyA R. 18. 42; yaduvAca na tanmithyA 17.42; mithyaina vyasanaM vadanti mRgayAmIdRgvinodaH : S. 2. 5.-2 Invertedly, contrarily. -3 To no purpose, in vain, fruitlessly mithyA kArayate cAra ghoSaNAM rAkSasAdhipaH Bk.8.44; mithyaiSa vyavasAyaste prakRtistvAM niyokSyati Bg. 18.59. ( mithyA vad vac to tell a falsehood, lie. mithyA kR 1 to falsily. -2 to contradict. mithyA bhU to turn out false, be false. mithyA prah to misunderstand, mistake.) At the beginning of comp. fe may be translated by 'false, untrue, unreal, sham, pretended, feigned' &c. -Comp. -adhyavasitiH figure of speech, an expression of the impossibility of a thing by making it depend upon an impossible contingency; kiMcinmithyAtvasiddhayarthaM mithyAzrantirakalpanam / mithyAbhyavasitivaizyAM vazayet khakhajaM vahan // Kuval. - apavAdaH a false charge. -abhidhAnam a false assertion. -abhiyogaH false or groundices charge. -abhizaMsanam calumny, false accusation. -abhizApaH 1 a false prediction. -2 a false or unjust claim. -AcAra a. 1 acting falsely. -2 hypocritical. ( -ra: ) 1 wrong treatment (in medic. ). -2 wrong or impoper conduct. -3a rogue, hypocrite indriyArthAn vimAtmA mithyAcAra sa ucyate Bg. 3. 6. - AhAraH wrong diet. -- uttaram a false or provaricnting reply upacAra: 1 pretended kindness or service; mithyopacAraizca vazIkRtAnAM kimarthinAM vaJcayitavyamasti H. -2 (in medic.) a wrong treatment of a malady. -karmana n false act. kAruNika a pretending to be kind; mithyAkAruNiko'si nirmRgatarastvattaH kuto'mAn 14. - kopa:, phodhaH feigned anger krayaH false price. prahA useless obstinacy or persistence. -grahaH, grahaNam miscon ception, misunderstanding. -caturvidham four types of lying; mithyaitannAbhijAnAmi tadA tatra na saMnidhiH / ajAtazcAsmi tatkAle iti miyAcaturvidham // caryA hypocrisy. jalpitam false report or speech. -jJAnam a mistake, error, misappre hension. - darzanam heresy. -dRSTi: f herosy, holding heretic or atheistic doctrines. -nirasanam denial by cath. -paNDita a. educated or learned only in appearance. - puruSaH a man only in appearance. -pratijJa a false to one's promise, perfidious. -pratyayaH an erroneous peroeption] hi janitvA prasate naitadevamiti samidhyApratyayaH SB on MS. 1. 1. 2. -phalam an imaginary advantage. -matiH f. delusion, mistake, errror. -yogaH wrongue 1. 1270 milita or application. -liGgadhara a. being anything only in ...... appearance. -vacanam, -vAkyam, -vAdaH an untrue speech, a falsehood, lis. - bAkU, vAdina . lying, false. _untruthful; mithyAvAdini dUti . K. P. -vArtA a false report. - vyApAraH meddling with another's affairs. -vRtta a of vicious conduct; udyogaM tava saMprekSya mithyAvRttaM ca rAvaNam Ram. 6. 17. 66. -sAkSin m. a false witness. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mithyAtvam 1 Falsity, unreality. -2 Illusion error. -3 Inversion. - Perversion. mi I. 1 A., 4, 10 U. ( medate, medyati - te, bhedayati - te ) 1 To be unctuous or greasy. -2 To melt. -3 To be fat. -4 To love, feel affection. - II. 1 U. ( medati-te ); Bee mith. mina p. p. 1 Fat; P. VII. 2. 16. -2 Unctuous, greasy. -3 Affectionately inclined towards (one). middham 1 Sloth, indolomoe. -2 Torpor, sleepinoon, dulness (of spirits also ) mindu 1, 10. (mindati mindayati-te ). See mibU II. minmina (la) a. One who speaks with nasal utterance; _a_snuffler ; AvRtya vAyuH sakapho dhamanIH zabdavAhinIH / narAn karotyakriyakAn mUkaminmilagadgadAn // min 1 P. ( minvati ) 1 To sprinkle, moisten. -2 To honour worship. mimaMkSA A desire to take bath or to sink. mimanthiSA A desire to churn or to destroy. miSedhaH A sacrificial offering. miyedhya - Partaking of anerificial offering. mizh 6 U. ( milati te, generally milati; milita) 1 To join, be united with, rumaNvato militaH accompany; Ratn. 4. -2 To come or meet together, meet, gather, semble ye cAnye mudaH samRddhisamaye inyAbhilASAkulAte sarvatra milenti H. 1. 183; yAtAH kiM na milanti Amaru 10; militazilImukha &c. Git. 1; sa pAtresamito'nyatra bhojanAnmilito na yaH Trik. -8 To be mixed or united with, come in contact. with; milati tava toyairmRgamadaH G. L. 7. -4 To meet or _encounter (as in fighting ); close, close with. 8 To come to pass, happen. -8 To embrace, clasp. -7 To concur. -8 To find, fall in with. - Caus. ( melayati - te ) To bring together, assemble, convene. milat a. 1 Meeting joining. Happenings cocurring. -8 Joined, connected. -Comp. -vyAdha a surrounded or joined by huntsmen ; Ks. milanam [[ma yud] 1 Jaining meeting assembling together. -2 Encountering. -3 Contact, being mixed with, coming in contact with ; vyAlanilayamilanena garalamiva kalayati malayasamIram Git. 4. milita . . [mi-]1 Come toguther, nesembled, _encountered, combined. -2 Met, encountered. -8 Mixed. - 4 Put together, taken in all. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #645 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir milapatrA 1971 | anmolten used jagatkRtA kRtA fast: N. of a plant (Mar. B1T931); Girvana. forever: A bee; ufuau*erghared uld - Partya fufset: Bv. 1. 8, 15. Comp. - T: N. of a Pali work. milindaka: A kind of snake. H rafo m. An epithet of Siva. HOT 1 P. (hala) 1 To make a sound or noise. -2 To be angry. FART: (Fa:, -f#:) f. 1 Anise. -2 Spikenard. fHT 10 U. (anufa-a; strictly a denom. from 1921) 1 To mix, mingle, unito, blend, combine, add; a37 f afa 2019 # : $. 1. 30; 7 fayfa 1 Bv. 2. 140. -2 To add to. f a. [A-9] 1 Mixed, blended, mingled, combined ; 7890 a foi a acorda zafah Kav. 1. 11, 31, 32; R. 16. 32; (T) 38748-44 79 fergftaregat: Bu. Ch. 2. 1. -2 Associated, connected. -3 Manifold, diverse; farat: fera fanfargfaleht free at Bhag. 4.5.9. -4 Tangled, intertwined. - (At the end of comp.) Having a mixture of, consisting for the most part of. - Mixing, adulterating. -T: 1 A respectable or worthy person; usually affixed to the names of great men and scholars ; epreffamT: ATT M.1; aff*:; qua : &c. - A kind of elephant. -8 The group of the constellations of 1951 and faciat. -4 (In music) A kind of measure. -974 1 A mixture. -2 A kind of radish. -8 (with 77 ) Principal and interest.-Comp.- ai a food of rice and pulse boiled (Mar. fast). -arc, etc: an adulterator of grain. Ji a mule. - la a. of mixed breed. -Pa mixed grain. -aut a. of a mixed colour. (0 ) 1 a kind of black aloe-wood. -2 a species of sugar-cane. -8 (in music) a kind of measure. Solanum Melongena (Mar. T arift). - a mixed story (partly popular and partly supernatural). - agr: (in arith. ) investigation of composition of principal and interest ). -To: a mule. FAST a. [far-oqx] 1 Mixed, mingled. - Mizing, adulterating. -8 Miscellaneous. - 1 A compounder. -2 An adulterator of mercantile goods; a 4 f *: Me. 11. 50. 1 Salt produced from salt soil. - The garden of Indra, (also fa#1904). -8 Singing out of tune. f or (1924-28%) 1 Mixing, blending, combining. -2 (In arith.) Addition. fara p. p. [1922- ] 1 Mixed, blended, combined. -2 Added. -8 Respectable. - Promiscuous, miscellaneous (as taste). FASTIFTOHE 1 The act of mixing, seasoning. - An ingredient; P. II. 1. 35. f Anise (Mar. a ). AT I. 6 P. (faqla) 1 To open the eyes, wink. -2 To look at, look helplessly; nasiyahe HaHitafa: Ku.2.46; Ward 39403csty fat f etar ya Dutavakyam 1. 41. -8 To rival, contend, emulate -II. 1 P. ( fa) To wet, moisten, sprinkle. A: [ -]1 Emulation, rivalry. -2 The son of a Ksatriya and a low woman. - 4 Pretext, disguise, deceit, trick, fraud, false or outward appearance; as fari Dk. (often used like 9% q. v., to indicate an 3 ); 7 114949 al pare Tafa-a: N. 1. 21; aca faraferar att format # 1 7 1 Bv. 1. 111; 34895afu Dk. fagfra Den. A. To crackle. miSikA Nardostachya Jatamansi (jaTAmAMsI). AT a. (149- ] 1 Sweet. -2 Dainty, savoury; fa 1994 THTH; cf. 'why cast pearls before swine.' -3 Moistened, wetted. -TH 1 A sweetmeat. -2 A dainty or savoury dish. -ET Sweetness. "Para sweet citron. -Comp. -37 sweet or savoury food, dainty, sweets; purata ......Agaraat: SubhAg. - m. a skilful cook (maker of dainties; Mar. war ). AB 1 P. (nefa, H1) 1 To make water. -2 To wet, moisten, sprinkle. -8 To emit semen. te p. p. [A-] 1 Urined, watered. -2 Passed (as urine ) -8 Begotten (from one's semen); cf. caffe (= god-begotten); Bhag. 10. 20. 7. 64 Ved. 1 A battle. -2 Prize, reward. -8 Faeces. A ram. HEFT 1 Mist, snow; 49 : PARET : Bhag. 10. 14. 7. -2 Camphor; 374 4 1 7arqaf: Siva B. 32. 5. Comp. 57 the moon; trafiga fal 1574 N. 19. 35. fagt: [fa-fag Un. 1. 51 ] 1 The sun; 414 arafaitaisia Pacus4 By. 2. 34; ala qayfaser (ARTsalid: Joc 1. 16; N. 2. 36; 13. 54. - 2 A cloud. -3 The moon. -4 Wind, air. - An old man. - The Arka plant -7 An epithet of Buddha; L. D. B. Comp. -3719 f. eclipse of the sun. Fors: N. of a prince; Raj. T. FHI&TIU: An epithet of Siva. mI I.9 U. (mInAti mInIte; seldom used in classical literature) 1 To kill, destroy, hurt, injure. -2 To lessen, diminish. - To change, alter. - To transgress, violate. - To disappear, be lost. -8 To stray, go astray. -II. 1 P., 10 U. (afa, Arufaa) 1 To go, move. -2 To know, understand (TAHIT:). -III. 4 A. (Hud) To die, perish; see wift; at: TFT stat wa Mb. 12. 186. 3. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #646 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra mIDam 3 Ved. In a low tone, softly. mIDuSTamaH 1 An epithet of Siva) tadA sarvANi bhUtAni zrutvA Bhag. 4. 7. 6. 2 The sun. -3 A thief. mIdavas a. 1 Bountiful, liberal; fra : Bhag. 8. 7. 46. 2 Discharging semen; pIvAnale mAMsaM yAbhakovidam Bhag. 9.19.5. m.] An epithet of Siva lalATAkSAya sarvAya mISe zUlapANaye (:) Mb. 3. 39. 77; Bhag. 4. 7. 7. mInaH [ mI nak] 1 A fish; suptamIna iva hRdaH R. 1. 73; mIno tagg Bv. 1. 17. -2 The twelfth sign of the zodiac (Pisces). -3 The first incarnation of Visnu; see. A stick. Comp. -reft N. of a deity (worshipped in Madura). - roe, fish-spawn. (paDA) moint mugar. AghAtina, ghAtin m. 1 a fisherman. -2 a crane. -: the sea. -, - dhvaja: the god of love. -gandhA an epithet of SatyavatI. -gandhikA pond, pool of water (v. 1. godhikA ) - ghAtin m. 1 a crane. -2 a fisherman. a king a , fisher. The sea-monster called Makara, q. v. #ars: 1 A fish-sauce. -2 A wag-tail. 1 P. (f) 1 To go, move. -2 To sound. mImAMsakaH [mAn vicAre svArthe san bul] 1 One who investigates or inquires into, an investigator, examiner. -2 A follower of the system of philosophy called atar, q. v. below. mImAMsanam Investigation, examination, inquiry. -naH An investigator, inquirer, examiner. #ife The Mimamsa system. mImAMsA [mAna- vicAre svArthe san a] Deep reflection, inquiry, examination, investigation; after Bri. Up. 1. 5. 21; rasagaGgAdharanAmnIM karoti kutukena kAvyamImAMsAm R. G.; saiSA Anandasya mImAMsA bhavati Tait. Up. ; 80 , &c. -2 N. of one of the six chief darsanas or systems of Indian philsophy. (It was originally divided into two systems:-the qrar or karmamImAMsA founded by Jaimini, and the uttaramImAMsA or after ascribed to Badarayana; but the two systems have very little in common between them, the first concerning itself chiefly with the correct interpretation of the ritual of the Veda and the settlement of dubious points in regard to Vedic texts; and the latter dealing chiefly with the nature of Brahman or the Supreme Spirit. The Tanter is, therefore, usually, styled only mImAMsA or the Mimarsa, and the uttarafair, which, being hardly a sequel of Jaimini's system, is now considered and ranked separately.) mImAMsAkRtamunmamAtha sahasA hastI muni jaiminim Pt. 2 31. Comp. -kAraH, -kRt m. N. of Jaimini. -mAMsala a. tat with 1872 " Mimamsa (a satirical term meaning dull"); mImAMsA zramadAnirvijRmbhate mImAMsA mAMsa taH kama pramAdyati // Agama Pr. -e: one whose intellect is fattened on the Mimamsa philosophy (a term of ridicule); bUtha ca svayaM, mImAMsAmAMsalaprajJAH, tAm N. 17. 61. -sUtram N. of the 12 books of aphorisms by Jaimini. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mImAMsitavya, mImAMsya . To be examined, thought over, refected; zrutistu vedo vijJeyo dharmazAstraM tu vai smRtiH / te sarvArtheSvamImAMsyetAbhyAM dharmo hi nirbabhau | Ms. 2. 10; mImAMsyameva te manye viditam Kon. 2.1. muku: # 1 The ocean. -2 A limit, boundary. -3 A drink, beverage. A particular part of a mountain. 1 P. (f, fan) 1 To close (as the eyes), close or contract the eye-lids, wink, twinkle; fafa hafa oft fa a Git. 10. -2 To close, be closed or shut (as eyes or flowers); Si. 11.2; ar fi Bk. 14. 54. -8 To fade, disappear, vanish; claufawangan qar Bhag. 2. 7. 35. -To meet or be collected (for fa). -Caus. (fa) To cause to shut, close, shut (eyes, flowers &c.); na locanaM mIlayituM viSehe Ki. 3.36; zeSAn mAsAn gamaya caturo her Me. 112 (v.1.). mIlanam [mIlU lyuT] 1 Closing of the oyer, winking. twinkling. 2 Closing the eyes. -8 The closing of a flower. (In Rhet.) A concealed simile; see f below. mIlita p. p. [] 1 Shut, closed. -2 Twinkled. [# -8 Half-opened, unblown. - Vanished, disappeared. -8 Assembled, gathered (for ff). (In Rhet.) A figure of speech in which the difference or distinction between two objects is shown to be completely obscured on account of their similarity, whether natural or artificial, in some respects; it is thus defined by Mammata: samena lakSmaNA vastu vastunA pani nijenAgantunA vApi tanmIlitamiti smRtam // K. P. 10. a 1 P. (af) 1 To go, move. -2 To grow fat. - Wind; Girva fa. 1 Hurtful, injurious. - Respectable, venerable. The leader of an army, a general. 1 The tapeworm. -2 Wind. The smell of cow-dung. 1 An epithet of Siva. -2 Bondage, confinement. -8 Final emancipation. A funeral pile. -8 A reddish-brown or tawny colour. mukandakaH An onion. For Private and Personal Use Only Liberation, deliverance; especially, final emancipation; also ind. Page #647 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1218 muktA - / / mukuTam 1 A crown, tiara, diadem; mukuTaratnamarIcibhira- spRzat R.9. 13. [mukuTa is crescent-shaped, the kirITa is pointed and the Atfes has three points. ] -2 A crest. -3 A peak, point. -Comp. -utpala: a crest-gem. mukuTI Cracking or snapping the fingers. mukundaH [mukum dAti dA-ka pRSo* mum ] 1 N. of Vispu or Krisna. -2 Quicksilver. -3 A kind of precious stone. -4N. of one of the nine treasures of Kubera. -BA kind of drum. -8 A kind of grain. -7 (In music) A kind of measure. -8 The resin of the guggula or kurunda tree (Boswellia. Thuritera); also mukunduH . mukundaka: 1 A kind of grain (kudhAnya). -2 An onion. mukundA f. A kind of drum; vINAmukundAmurajAdibhizca Bu. Ch. 1.45. mukura: 1 A mirror, looking-glass ; guNinAmapi nijarUpapratipattiH parata eva saMbhavati / svamahimadarzanamakSNormukuratale jAyate yasmAt Vas. Si.9.78%3 N. 22.43.-2 A budi see mukulaH. -3 The handle of a potter's wheel. -4 The Bakula tree. - The Mallika creeper. mukurAyate Den. A. To become a mirror. mukulaH,-lam 1 A bud; AvirbhUtaprathamamukulAH kandalIzcAnukaccham Me.21; R. 9. 31; 15. 99. -2 Anything like a bud; AlakSyadantamakulAn (tanayAn) 5.7.17. -3 The body. -4 The soul or spirit -BA bud-like junetion of the fingers. (mukulIkR means to close in the form of a bud'; athAprahaste mukulIkRtAgulau Ku. 5.63.)-a. Closed (as eyes). -Comp. -3994 a surgical instrument with a bud-like point. mukulayati Den. P. To cause to close or shut, close mukulayati ca netre sarvathA suzru khadaH Mal. 3.8. mukulAyita = mukulita q. v.; Rav. enca a. 1 Having buds, budded, blossoming. -2 Half-closed, half-shut; daramukulitanayanasarojam Git.2; Ku. 3.76; Mal. 1. 273 bAla lIlAmukulitamamI mantharA dRSTipAtAH, kiM kSipyanta ...... Bh. 1.62. -3 Closed, shut. mukuSThaH, sukuSThaka: A kind of bean (Mar. maTakI ?). mukta p. p. [muc-kta ] 1 Loosened, relaxed, slackened. -2 Set free, liberated, relaxed. -8 Abandoned, left, given up, set aside, taken off. -4 Thrown, cast, disoharged, hurled. - Fallen down, dropped down from; vidanti mArga nakharandhramuktairmuktAphalai: Ku. 1.6. -6 Drooping, unnerved; muktairavayabarazayiSi Dk. -7 Given, bestowed. -8 Sent forth, emitted. -9 Finally saved or emancipated. -10 Ejected, spit out. -11 Deprived. -12 Absolved or emancipated ( from sin or worldly existence); see muc also. -18 0pened, blown (as a flower ), muktapuSpAvakIrNena (zobhitA) Ram.5.1. 8. -14 Set up, established (pravartita); sa daNDo vidhivanmukta: Ram. 7.79.9. -ta: One who is finally emancipated from the bonds * I. ko ...16. of worldly existence, one who has renounced all worldly attachments and secured final beatitude, an absolved saint; subhASitena gItana yuvatInAM ca liilyaa| mano na bhidyate yasya sa vai mukto'thavA pshuH| Subhas. -ktam The spirit released trom worldly existence. -Comp. -ambara: Jaina mendicant of the digambara class. -Atman a. finally saved or emancipated. (-m.) 1 the soul absolved from sins or trom worldly matter. -2 a person whose soul is absolved. -Asana a. rising from a seat. (-nam) a particular position of ascetics (siddhAsana).-kaccha: a Buddhist. -kaJcu ka: a snake that has cast off its slough. -kaNTha a. raising a cry. (-NTham ) ind. bitterly, loudly, aloud; sA muktakaNThaM vyasanAtibhArAccakranda vimA 'kurarIva bhUyaH R.14.68. -kara,-hasta a. open-handed, liberal, bountiful. -kezaa. letting the hair hang down, having the hair dishevelled. -cakSus m. a lion. -cetas a. absolved, emancipated. -prapAkam an open court-yard connected with a tanki muktaprapAjamapi dAruzileSTakAdyaiH ratnairanekabahalohavizeSakaizca / / Manasara 47. 31-32. -bandhana a. free from bondage; pazya mUSikamAtreNa kapotA mukabandhanAH. -lajja a. shameless. -vasana: see muktAmbara. -zaizava a. udalt, grown up. -saMga a free from (wordly) ties or attachments, disinterested. (-1) an ascetic of the fourth religious order muktakam 1 A missile, a missile weapou. -2 Simple prose (without compound words). -3 A detached stanza, the meaning of which is complete in itself; see Kav. 1. 133 muktakaM zloka evaikazcamatkArakSamaH satAm. muktA 1 A pearl; hAro'yaM hariNAkSINAM luThati stanamaNDale / maktAnAmapyavastheyaM ke vayaM smarakiGkarAH Amaru. 138 (where muktAnAM means also 'of absolved saints'); Sukra.4.157. (Pearls are said to be produced from various sources, but particularly from oyster-shells:-karIndrajImUtavarAhazakhamatsyAhizuktyudbhavaveNujAni / muktAphalAni prathitAni loke teSAM tu zuktyudbhavameva bhuuri|| Malli.).-2 A harlot, courtezan. -3 N. of a plant (rAsnA). -Comp. -agAraH,-AgAra: the pearloyster; luThanmuktAgAre bhavati paralokaM gatavato / hareradya dvAre ziva ziva zivAnAM kalakala: Bv. 1. 32 (v.1.). -AkAratA the state of having the shape of a pearl; muktAkAratayA tadeva nalinIpatrasthitaM rAjate. -AvaliH,-lI/., -kalApa: a pearlnecklace. -TOT: a pearl-necklace, string of pearls ; ekaM muktAguNamiva bhuvaH sthUlamadhyendranIlam Me.483 R. 16. 18. -jAlam a string or zone of pearls; muktAjAlaM ciraparicitaM tyAjito devagatyA Me. 98. -dAman. a string of pearls. -diz the quarter or eardinal point just quitted by the sun. -paTalam a mass of pearls. -puSpa: a kind of jasmine. -prasU:/. the pearl-oyster. -prAlamba: a. string of pearls. -phalam 1 a pearl; anena paryAsayatAzrubindUn muktAphalasthUlatamAn staneSu B. 6.283; 16.62; Ku. 1. 6. -2 kind of flower. -3 the custard-apple. -4 camphor. -8 N. of a work on Bhakti by Bopadeva; catureNa caturvargacintAmaNivaNijyayA / hemAdriopadevena muktAphalama karat ||-mnniH, -ratnam a pearl. degsaraH a necklace of pearls%3; ayaM tAvadvASpa / | For Private and Personal Use Only Page #648 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir muktiH 1876 mukham tafta cage t : U. 1. 29. -ATT f. the pearl-oyster. UNT, ETEL ., ERT: a pearl-necklace. ii, 14: the pearl-oyster. Aft: f. 99- ] 1 Release, liberation, deliverance; ar: arfagier: Bri. Up.3. 1.3. -2 Freedom, emancipation. -3 Final beatitude or emancipation, absolution of the soul from metempsychosis; adhigatya jagatyadhIzvarAdatha i g a : N. 2.1 (where yer has sense 1 also ). -4 Leaving, giving up, abandoning, avoiding; height: egy Bh. 2. 62. -5 Throwing, hurling, letting off, discharging: -6 Unloosing, opening. -7 Discharge, paying off (as a debt ). -Comp. 41 an epithet of Benaras. -2 a place where final emancipation is attainable. -qia: lord of beatitude. -HIT: the way to final beatitude. 9 : frank-incense. Fat ind. 1 Having left, abandoned &e. -2 Excepting, except (with the force of a preposition). yer [ 247 urat ga ge cf. Un. 5. 20 ] 1 The mouth (fig. also ); FIUFT 4a: ard araigh ger:; Tavista ganet Rv. 10. 90. 12; 4 gana Me. 24; 4 g 4 v. 1' be my mouth or spokesman': -2 The lace, countenance; ufugatua ZET V. 1. 17; P arayat daro: $. 7. 21; 80 74, mukhacandraH &c; oSThau ca dantamUlAni dantA jihvA ca tAlu ca / galo are a yeyeyd ll -8 The snout or muzzle (of any animal). -4 The front, van, foropart; head, top; (19) afa # rarealcegah V. 3. 6.-8 The tip, point, barb (of an arrow), head; guft489a: ferya: Ku. 5. 54; R. 3. 57. -6 The edge or sharp point of any instrument). -7 A teat, nipple; 2 441 Ayat ay yuxar347 Ku. 1. 40; R. 3.8. -8 The beak or bill of a bird. -9 A direction, quarter; as in fragra.-10 Opening, entrance, mouth ; 917T: *IztaJETJA: S. 1. 14; eigena ay afaRT R. 3. 28; Ku.1. 8. -11 An entrance to a house, a door, passage. -12 Beginning, commencement; d ialygiya, R. 3.1; fernalfa fafafa (0454. HD 414751 9. 25; 5.76; Ghat. 2.-13 Introduction. -14 The chief, the principal or prominent at the end of comp. in this sense ); a gari F12 Bv. 4.21; so saya cat: &c. -18 The surface or upper side. -16 A means. -17 A source, cause, occasion. -18 Utterance; as in gaga; speaking, speech, tongue; 311647 galat axed haft: Pt. 4.44.-19 The Vedas, scripture. -20 (In Rhet.) The original cause or source of the action in a drama. -21 The first term in a progression (in alg. ). -22 The side opposite to the base of a figure (in geom. ). -Comp. 3fa: 1 a forest conflagration. -2 a sort of goblin with a face of fire. -3 the consecrated or sacrificial fire. -4 fire put into the mouth of a corpse at the time of lighting the funeral pile. - a Brahmana. - i, -35ete: breath.-31: a crab. - Fr: look, mien, appearance. -Tera: 1 an invective. -2 the act of throwing up soil with the ploughshare. - 4a: nectar of the lips. -17a, Erra: spittle, saliva. -Tear: kissing the mouth; Y. 5: a moon-like face, i.e. a round lovely face. -3ogata: breath. -3 il a forest-conflagration. -FH54 a lotuslike face. Cr: a tooth. TUT: an onion. -ITY concealment of the face ; avadhIritamukhamaNDalamukhagopanaM kimiti Udb. -grahaNam kissing the mouth. -ghaNTA f. hurraying of women in festivities. Tri a moon-like face. 740 a. talkative, garrulous. - a slap on the face. ats: an introductory dance. Eft: f. the tongue. -cUrNam Bcented powder to smear the face with; chAMvakara yar ia: R. 9.45.-Ft: 1 a Brahmana.-2 a tooth. -jAham the root of the mouth. -dUSaNaH an onion. fit an eruption disfiguring the face.-19: fault of the tongue; Atmano mukhadoSeNa badhyante zukasArikAH Pt. 4.44. -faceri a lazy fellow, an idler. -fararerft an epithet of Sarasvati. -8: a veil; $7 yeye. faatraat Me. 64. -9799:-inflammation of the mouth; tal912 999 hafa #1714 Udb.-oue: a mouthful of food; cf. aaa asia garcoat afta: Bh. 2. 118.-964. a kind of ornament. -TTTH 1 filling the mouth. -2 a mouthful of water, a mouthful in general. Toc a pleased countenance, graciousness of aspect. TETETT da corating the face. - : an orange. (- ) cloves. -5T a. observing or watching the face. -99 a kind of ornament. - 3: a preface, an introduction. FETH 1 a preface. -2 a lid, cover, - ( a woman who sutfers her mouth to be used as a vulva. T: 1 a blow on the face. -2 wry face, grimace. Ur4 a preparation of betel; see ara. E: 1 distortion of the face. -2 ga ping - hi a kind of tree (fan). -HECH the (round) face. - a. honey-mouthed, sweet-lipped. A a particular disease of the phlegm. -157: breath. -A washing the face. HET silence; retia a gagi N. 5. 120. hic: Hyperanthera Moringa (Mar. tau). -F90 the bit of a bridle. To: f. the bridle of a horse. Te speech, talk; aytyacagamise arata 449 fagu Bhag. 6. 9. 41. - TTT: the colour or complexion of the face; dadRzurvismitAstasya mukharAgaM samaM janAH R. 12.8; 17.31; aa 3 ya 27 Fa: Si. 11. 31. ter feature, mien, air. -TIT: a disease of the mouth or face. -GIFT: a hog. 9: 1 anointing the face or upper side of a drum ); en gadaa ila garaah Bh. 2. 118.-2 a disease of the phlegmatic humour. -2 : the pomegranate tree. -aferfil a piece of fine cloth (net) held before the face (Mar. Tar). -art 1 an instrument of music sounded with the mouth, any wind-instrument. -2 a sound made with the mouth; (Mar. aia). - , -are a perfume used to scent breath. fugit a she-goat. - one of the F For Private and Personal Use Only Page #649 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra mukhaMpacA a. ways of embezzlement namely misrepresentation of the source of income; Kau. A. 2. 8. -fagr a species of cockroach: -vairasyam bad taste in the mouth. - vyAdAnam gaping, yawning. -zapha a abusive, foul-mouthed, scurrilous. -zAlA entrance-hall, vestibule. -zuddhi: /. washing or purifying the mouth. - a rhinoceros. - zeSaH an epithet of Rahu. -zodhana a. 1 cleansing the mouth. 2 pungent, sharp. (-) the sharp favour, pungency. ( -nam 1 cleansing the mouth. -2 cinnamon. - zodhin m. the citron tree. -zoSa: dryness of the mouth. - zrIH f. beauty of countenance', a lovely face. -saMdezaH furope. saMdhiH m. A kind of fague; S. D. 6th Parichchoda. -saMbhavaH a Brahmapa. -sukham facility of pronunciation, phonetic ease. -suram the nectar of the lips ( adharAmRta ) -srAva: saliva. -hAsaH cheerfulness or liveliness of countenance; sakamalamukhahAsaM vIkSitaH padminIbhiH Si. 11. 47. murkhapaca: A beggar, mendicant. mukhara . [ mukhaM mukhavyApAraM kathanaM rAti rA ka Tv. cf. P. V. 2. 107 Vart. also] 1 Talkative, garrulous, loquacious; mukharA khalveSA garbhadAsI Ratn. 2; mukharatAvasare hi virAjate Ki. 5. 163 tadrUpavarNanamukhara K. 180 Bk. 2,51. -2 Naisy, making a continuous sound, tinkling, jingling (as an anklet &c.); stamberamA mukharA khalakarSiNaste R. 5. 72; antaHkUjanmukharazakuno yatra ramyo vanAntaH U. 2. 25, 20; Ma1.9.5; mukharamadhIraM tyaja maJjIraM ripumiva keliSu lolam Git. 5; Mk. 1. 35 toyotsarga stanitamukharI mA sma bhUH Mo. 9. -8 Sounding, resonant or resounding with (usually at the md of comp.); sthAne sthAne mukhako nirANAm . 2. 14 mukhazakhare ( latAkudhe) Grt. 23 godAvarImukharakandaragiriH U. 1; R. 13.40 - 4 Expressive or indicative of. -5 Foul-mouthed, abusive, scurrilous. -6 Mocking, ridiculing. -ra: 1A crow. -2 A leader, the chief or principal person ; yadi kAryavipattiH syAnmukharastatra hanyate H. 1. 27. -3 A conch-shell - rI The bit of a bridle. mukharatA Talkativeness, noisiness; stuvaniDremi tvAM na khalu nanu ghRSTA mukharatA Siva-mahimna 9. mukharayati Den. P. 1 To make resonant or noisy, cause to sound or echo. -2 To make (one) talk or speak; ata eva zuzrUSA mAM mukharayati Mu. 3. -3 To notify, declare, announce. mukharikA 1 The bit of a bridle. -2 Conversation; mulalitamukharikAmRtenApyAyamAnaH Bhag. 5. 25.7 (v. 1. mukharitA ). mukharita a. Made noisy or resonant with, ringing or noisy with gaNDojInAlAmukharitastAbhAve zUlapANeH Mal.1.1. mukharIkR8 U. 1 To make resonant or noisy with. -2 To cause to resound. -3 To cause to speak or talk; idAnIM vijJApanAya mukharIkaroti Mu. 7. mukhIya . Being at the top or head, being foremost. or in the front. 1276 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mugdhatA mukhya a. [ mukhe Adau bhavaH yat ] 1 Relating to the mouth or the face ; atha ha ya evAyaM mukhyaH prANa: Ch. Up. 1.2.7; Ms. 5. 141. -2 Chiel, principal, foremost, first, pre_eminent, prominent ; candanasya ca mukhyasya pAdapairupazobhitam Mb. 12. 160. 8 dvijAtimukhyaH, bAramukhyA yodhamukhyAH &c. -8 Foremost, recited first; mukhyena vA niyamyeta MS. 10. 5. 60 ( where explaining mukhya, zabara writes mukhyatvaM nAma rathantarasya prathamAdhI tatvam) - A loader guido. -yam 1A princi pal rite or ordinance. -2 Reading or teaching the Vedas. - 3 The month reckoned from new moon to new moon. -4 The category called apUrva (in pUrva-mImAMsA ); mukhyabhede yathAdhikAraM bhAvaH syAt MS. 7.1.1 ( where zabara explains mukhya by apUrva) Comp. -arthaH the primary or original (as opp. gauNa) meaning of a word. upAyAH the four chief stratagems ( sAma, dAna, bheda and daNDa ) - kramaH the order of the principal act; mukhyakrameNa vAjJAnAM tadarthatvAt MS. 5.1.14. cAndraH the chief lunar month. nRpaH, -nRpati: sovereign momarch, paramount sovereign. - mantrin m. the prime minister. mukhyatA, -tvam Pre-eminence, first rank or position. mukhyazaH, mukhyataH ind. Chiefly principally, above all. maukha. Belonging to teachers: zAtiyIna mausIyakulahRdayamitra saMkIrtanam Kau. A. 2.10.28. mukha (khu) NDI A kind of weapon. mugRhaH A kind of gallinule. mugdha a. [ muddata ] 1 Stupefied, fainted. -2 Perplexed, infatuated. -8 Foolish, ignorant, silly, stupid; zazAGka kena mugdhena sudhAMzuriti bhASitaH Bv. 2. 29; ayi mugdhe kA'nyA cintA priyAsamAgamasya V. 3. 4 Simple, artless, innocent apUrva karmacaNDAlamayi mugdhe vimuJca mAm U. 1.46; Mal. 7.1 dRSTotsAhayatiyakito munibhiH Mo. 14. - Err ing, mistaken. -6 Attractive by youthful simplicity (not yet_acquainted with love ), child-like ; ' ( kaH ) ayamAcaratyacinaye mugdhAsu tapasvinyA S. 1.24 0.6353 R. 9. 34. -7 ( Hence) Beautiful, lovely, charming, pretty haririha mugdhayanikareAniti kelipare GTL. 11 U. 3.5 -8 New ( as the moon ); mAlatInayanamugdhacandramAH Mal. 9. 21 (com. bAlacandraH ) -gdhA A young girl attractive by her youthful simplicity, a pretty young maiden; (regarded as a variety of Nayika in poetic compositions); kAcaM maNikAmaname mugdhA nimti kimatra citram Uab. -Comp. -akSI a lovely-eyed woman ; viyogo mugdhAkSyAH sa khalu ripughAtAvadhirabhUt U. 3. 44. AnanA having a lovely face. -Aloka a. lovely to look at; dazanamukulaimugdhA lokaM zizurdadhatI mukham U. 1. 20 - dRz a. fair-eyed. -dhI, - buddhi, -mati a. silly, foolish, stupid, simple. -bodham N. of a celebrated grammar by Vopadeva. -bhAvaH simplicity, millinon vilokitam beautiful glance. -svabhAvaH artlessness, simplicity. mugdhatA, syam 1 Silliness. -2 Artlessnoon, simplicity. -8 Loveliness, charmingness, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #650 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1278 muNDa I. 1 A. ( T) To deceive, cheat; see 959. -II. 6 U. (qua-da, 199, 97-94th, Fifa-at, Ayit, n] 1 To loose, set free, release, let go, let loose, liberate, deliver (from captivity &c.); 112... 17 a R. 2. 1; 3. 20; Ms. 8. 202; Aqua gree aftaranlara: Ku. 2. 61; R. 10. 47; HT 19 9540 V. 2 'let not thy limbs droop', 'do not despond'. -2 To set free, loosen as the voice ); j gefa aftu: 4HCF: Mk. 5. 14 loosens his throat or voice' i. e. raises a cry. -3 To leave, abandon, quit, give up, lay aside, relinquish ; friar hidhat ar ya 72 R. 5.66; qua tafaqah Git. 10; glagaturgata HH ya CHAT : $. 6.7; Alagafat Bv. 1.4; fata sifa Her yezhlaa 1: V. 1. 8; Me. 41, 96; R. 3. 11. - To set a part, take away, except. See 99.5 To dismiss, send away. - To cast, throw, hurl, fling, discharge; ng TT 99211: R. 9.58; Bk. 15.53. -7 To emit, drop, pour forth or down, shed, let fall (tears &c.); 819429103971 Urustofa ar: S. 4.12; fafarei quat 21597601 Me. 12; # Tigar R. 9. 12; Bk. 7.2. -8 To utter, give forth; Heyathyfiya t: Mal. 9.5; Bk. 7.57. -8 To give away, grant, bestow. -10 To put on (A). -11 To void (as excrement). -12 To sacrifice. -Pass. (gera) 1 To be loosed or released, be freed or absolved from (with abl. or instr.); qeyd 891973: &c. - To become loose or relaxed. -8 To free oneself, escape. -4 To abandon, deviate or swerve from. -Caus. (Hata-d) 1 To cause to be freed or liberated. - To cause to shed. -8 To loose, set at liberty, liberate. -4 To extricate, disentangle. - To unyoke, unharness. - To give away, bestow. To gladden, delight. -8 To open a road). -9 To redeem from.. -Desid. (nyufa ) 1 To wish to free or liberate &c. -2 ( , lea) To long for final emancipation. a. (At the end of comp.) 1 Freeing, liberating, delivering from. -2 Discharging, throwing, sending, emitting. -3 Giving up, leaving &c. mucaka: Luc. (T) : 1 N. of a tree (Pterospermum Su berifolium). -2 N. of an ancient king, son of Mandhatri. For having assisted the gods in their wars with the demons he got, as a reward, the boon of long . nd un broken sleep. The gods also decreed that whosoever dared to interrupt his sleep should be burnt to ashes. When Krisna wanted to kill the mighty Kalayavana, he cunningly decoyed him to the cave of Muchukunda, and on his entering it, he was burnt down by the fire which emanated from the king's eye.] -Comp. -TATTi an epithet of Krisna. grat a. Liberal, generous. - 1 A deity. -2 Virtue. -3 Wind, air. mucilinda: A kind of tree and flower, see mucakunda. gei 1 Snapping the fingers. -2 A fist. -3 A pair of forceps. Igre : A kind of big orange; Ram. 5. 2. 9. E, 953 1 P., 10 U. (afa, gafa, tufa-d, g lad ) 1 To cleanse, purify. -2 To sound. EST: 1 A sort of rush or grass (of which the girdle of a Brahmana should be made ); Ms. 2. 43; Yalozi ATT Freuta FaT4 Bhag. 10. 19. 5; mujadvayaM tu madhuraM tuvaraM ziziraM tathA / dAhatRSNAvisasrimUtrabastyakSiTH , 1 414746* Tu Ham ad Il Bhava. P.-2 The sacred cord or girdle itself. -8 N. of a king of Dhara (said to be the uncle of the celebrated Bhoja ). -Comp. *T: 1 an epithet of Siva. -of Visnu. -kezin m. an epithet of Visnu. -bandhanam investiture with the sacred thread (or girdle ). Hefest m. 1 N. of Siva. -2 of Visnu. -ar a m. an epithet of Siva. 70 a. Overgrown with rushes, rushy. ETTI, I*: A kind of plant. 4 The fibrous root of the lotus. 1 P., 10 U. (Alfa, Hula-H) 1 To crush, break, grind, powder. -2 To kill; af a acum cat a 449 Acura Mk. 8. -8 To blame, rebuke (in this sense 6 P. also ). ET 6 P. (gula) To promise. TIP. (yozla) To crush, grind. U 1 A. (good) To run away. Jug I.1 P. (gosfa ) To shave, shear; 177 yostHOST FE for geoft Mu.5; Mk. 8.3, 11. -2 To crush, grind. -II. 1 A. (gosa ) To sink. que a. [49-9) 1 Shaved, bald; 1972 H OT yordarea: Ram. 5.27. 19; 7 gjo: Mb.12. 9. 12. - Lopped, stripped of top leaves. -8 Blunt, pointless. -4 Ved. Hornless. - Low, mean. -19: 1 A man with a shaved or bald head; Fusaurasias rigostar wafa Y. 1. 272.-2 A bald or shaven head. -8 The forehead. -4 A barber. -8 The trunk of a tree stripped of its top-branches; T afa 7 # 1995 Mb. 6. 106. 14. -6 An epithet of Rahu. -7 N. of one of the twelve principal Upanisads; 'SHTGFYfafaft:.-m. pl. N. of a people. - 1 1 N. of a plant (golf ).-2 Bengal madder. -3 A female mendicant of a particular order. -3H 1 The head; 3 pa radi yosh Sankaracharya. - Myrrh. -8 Iron. -Comp. -ayasam iron. -Asanam a particular posture in sitting. 70 a kind of pulse 14). TH steel. : & COCOA-nut tree. - 1 a number of shaven heads. -2 a number of troops of an inferior kind, a mere crowd or mob; varamalpavalaM sAraM na kuryAnmuNDamaNDalIm . 3.82. -loham iron. -zAli: a kind of rice. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #651 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra muNDakaH 1 - 1 A barber. -2 The trunk of a tree stripped of its top-branches, a pollard. The head. Comp. 39. N. of an Upanisad of the Atharvaveda. FAR [Ho463%] Shaving the head, tonsure. gozafa Den. P. To shave, cut off the hair. gap. p. [] 1 Shavod. -2 Lopped. -a A widow. - Iron. a. [gos-f] 1 Shaven, bald, bald-pated; jaTilo muNDI matadeza: Charpata 8. 4 vAmano vikaTo muNDI Ram. 7. 16. 8. -2 Hornless. -m. 1 A barber. -2 An epithet of Siva. muNDIrA The sun. mutyam A pearl. 1. 10 U. (a) 1 To mix, blend. -2 To cleanse, purify. II. 1 A.(, gien, desid, gyva or ) To rejoice, be glad or happy, be joyful. or delighted vakSye dAsyAmi modibhya itvajJAnavimohitAH Bg. 16. 15; Ms. 2. 232; 3. 191; Bk. 15. 97. -Caus. To please, delight, give pleasuse, gratify. mudra, mudA/- [ mudda ka yA TApu ] Joy delight, pleasure, gladness, satisfaction; faa aa aaa : R. 3. 25; azman puro haritako mudamAdadhAnaH Si. 5. 58; 1. 23; viSAde kartavye vidadhati jaDAH pratyuta mudam Bh. 3. 25 dviparaNamudA Git. 11; Ki. 5.25; R. 7. 30; mude vidyAdAtA pracura dhanadAtApi na mude Udb.; Bhag. 1. 12. 6. mudita gita p. p. [3] Pleased, rejoiced; delighted. glad, joyous. -, - 1 Pleasure, delight, joy, happiness; dIne tathA na karuNA muditA ca puNye Bhagawat S. 13. -2 A kind of sexual embrace. - Joy, delight. mudira [-] Up. 1.5]1A cloud pracurapurandaradhanuranurakSita meduramurivezam GTt. 2 or mukhasi nAdyApi evaM bhAmini mudirAlirudiyAya Bv. 2. 88; mudirajAlamudIkSya zikhaNDinaH Ram. Ch. 4. 35. -2 A lover, libertine. -8 A frog. mudI Moonlight. Up. 1. 133] 1 A kind of kidneybean. -2 A lid, cover. -3 A kind of sea-bird -4 A kind of weapon ( mudgara ); virUpAkSastu mahatA zUlamudradhanuSmatA Ram. 6. 37. 14. Comp. quff Phaseolus Trilobus (Mar. ). a kind of sweetmeat; Bhava. P. -bhuj, -bhojina : m. a horse. 1277 [ [ mudaM girati gR-ac] 1 A hammer, mallot, as in 19: (a small poem by Sankaracharya); ngemudgarAH Mb. 5. 155; zilAniSpiSTamudgaraH R. 12.73. A club, mace. -8 A staff for breaking clods of earth. -4 A kind of dumb-bell. -8 A bud. -8 A kind of jasmine (said to be n. also in this sense). -7 A particular posture in sitting. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mudraNIpatram mudgarakaH A hammer. mudgalaH N. of a sage. lam A kind of grass H: A kind of bean. mudra a. ( mudaM rAti iti ) Giver of joy; babhau marutvAn vikRtaH Bk. 10. 19. 1 A seal, an instrument for sealing or stamping; especially a seal-ring, signet-ring; mudrayA mudrasenam [Mu. 1 nAmamudrAkSarApyanuvAcya parasparamavalokayataH S. 1; a fasa: -: Bk. 10. 19 (fig. also); iti prAyo bhAyAH sphuradamudrAkulitAH Bh. 2. 114. -2 A stamp, print, mark, impression; :: K. 191; faga: (arg:) Git. 4. -8 A pass, passport (as given by a seal-ring); nga f Mu.. 51 gRhItamudraH salesaH puruSo gRhItaH Mu. 5 zAhasunoH Ferry (wording on Sivajoo's seal).A stamped coin, coin, piece of money. - A medal. -6 An image, a sign, badge, token. -7 Shutting, closing, sealing: yn frer: U. 6. 27; ferget og Mal. 2. 12 removing the seal of sleep' &c. -8 A mystery. 9 (In Rhet.) The expression of things by their right names. -10 N. of certain positions of the fingers practised in devotion or religious worship yojanA sarvadevAnAM drAvaNAt pApasaMhateH / tasmAnmudreti sA khyAtA sarvakAmArthasAdhanI Tantrasara; Dk. 2. 2. 11 A particular branch of education (reckoning by the fingers). -12 A dance accordant with tradition. -18 A lock, stopper. -14 A nymph; fag: a Bk. 10. 19.15 "Parched grain" in the form of rice, paddy etc. (Yogini Tantra, Ch. VI quoted in Woodroffe, Sakti and Sakta, 571). -16 Particular lines, marks; mAtA putraH pitA bhrAtA bhAryA mitrajanastathA / aSTApadapadasthAne Mb. 12. 298. 40. -17 Type or block for printing. Comp. - 1 a letter of the seal. -2 a type (a modern use). -, -gha a. stamped with a seal, sealed, stamped. -f: the keeper of the seal; the officer in charge of the fort; tato viSaya kauleyakasahAyavAn Paronl. 3. 87. -adhyakSaH superintendent of pass-ports; Kau. A. 1. 1. 1. a maker of seals. - an opening believed to exist in the crown of the head through which the soul is said to escape at death of brahmarandhra yantram a press a printing-press (a modern formation). the keeper of the seals. - N. of a drama by Visakha-datta. -f: an alphabet of written characters ; mudrAlipiH zilpalipirlipirlekhanisaMbhavA / guNDikA ghuNasaMbhUtA lipayaH paJcadhA matAH // -sthAnam the place (on the finger ) for a seal-ring; S. For Private and Personal Use Only 1 Sealing, stamping, printing, marking. -2 Closing, shutting. mudraNIpatram A proof-sheet. Page #652 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mudrayati 1978 mudrayati Don. P. 1 To seal; vAdinazcihnitaM sAkSyaM kRtvA / mumukSu . 1 Desirous of releasing or liberating. -2 rAjAdi mudrayet Sukra. 4.608; anayA mudrayA mudrayainam Mu. 1. Wishing to discharge. -3 About to shoot (arrows -2 To stamp, mark, impress. -3 To cover, close up &c.); tasyApareSvapi mRgeSu zarAna mumukSoH R. 9.58. - Wishing (fig.); vivarANi mudrayan drAgRrNAyuriva sajano jayati Bv.1.90. to be free from worldly existence, striving after final -4 To print (as a book). emancipation. -kSuH A sage striving after final emancimudrikA 1A little seal. -2 A seal-ring. -3 A pation or beatitude; antaryazca mumukSubhirniyamitaprANAdibhirmugyate V.1.1; Ku.2.51; evaM jJAtvA kRtaM karma pUrvairapi mumukSubhiH or impression. - A stamped coin, coin. -8 A signed Bg.4.15. or sealed paper. -6 A particular surgical instrument. -7 = mudrA (10). mumucAna: A cloud. gla a. 1 Sealed, marked, impressed, stamped ; mumuSiSuH A thiet. tyAgaH saptasamudramudritamahInirvyAjadAnAvadhiH Mv.2.36%3 kAzmIramudrita- mumUrSA Desire of death; rAmamAyAn mumUrSayA Bk. 5.57. muro madhusUdanasya Git.1; svayaM sindUreNa dviparaNamudA mudrita iva 11. -2 Closed, sealed up. -3 Unblown. -4 Printed. mumUSu a. Being on the point of death, about to die. mura 6 P. (murati ) To encirele, surround, encompass, mudhA ind. 1 In vain, to no purpose, uselessly, unprofitably; yatkiMcidapi saMvIkSya kurute hasitaM mudhA S.D.-2 entwine. Wrongly, falsely; rAtriH saiva punaH sa eva divaso matvA mudhA muram Encompassing, surrounding. jantavaH Bh.3.78(v.1.). muraH N. of ademon slain by Krisna; pArthanAtha dviSanmuram muniH [man-in ucca Un.4. 122] 1 A sage, a holy Si. 2.1. - N. of a tragrant plant. -ram Encompassman, saint, devotee, an ascetic; munInAmapyahaM vyAsaH Bg.10. ing, surrounding. -Comp. -TT: 1 an epithet of 873 duHkhaSvanudvignamanAH sukheSu vigtspRhH| vItarAgabhayakrodhaH sthita- Krisna; murArimArAdupadarzayantyasau Git. 1; sakRdapi yasya muraaridhiirmunirucyte|| 2.56%3 puNyaH zabdo muniriti muhuH kevalaM rAjapUrvaH samarcA tasya yamaH kiM kurute carcAm and iha saMsAre bhavadustAre kRpayAS.2.15%; R.1.8 3.49.-2N. of the sage Agastya.-3 pAre pAhi murAre Sankaracharya. -2 N. of the author Of Vyasa ; Mb. 6. 119.40. -4 Of Buddha. -8 of of Anargharaghava. -jit, -dviS, -bhid, -mardana, Panini. -8N. of several plants (piyAlu, parAzara and -ripu,-vairin, -han m. epithets of Krisna or Visnu; damanaka). -7 The internal conscience (according to prakIrNAgvindurjayati bhujadaNDo murajitaH Git. 1; murabairiNo rAdhikAKull. on Ms. 8.91 the Supreme Spirit'). -8 The madhi vacanajAtam 10. -da: the discus of Vispu. mango-tree. -9 The number 'seven'. -pl. The seven muragaNDa: An eruption on the face. sa.ges. -Comp. -annam (pl.) the food of ascetics, (kandaphalAdi); deze kAle ca saMprApte munyannaM haridaivatam Bhag.7. murajaH [murAt veSTanAt jAyate jan-Da] 1 A kind of drum 15.5. indraH1' the lord of the sages', a great sage. or tabor; sAnandaM nandihastAhatamurajarava &c. Mal.1.1: saMgItAya -2 an epithet of Sakyamuni. -8 of Bharata. -4 of prahatamurajAH Me.66,583 M. 1.22%3 Ku. 6.40. -2 A Siva. -IzaH, -IzvaraH 1 a great sage. -2 sn epithet of stanza artificially arranged in the form of a drum; Visuu. -3 of Buddha. -ccha da: Alstonia Scholaris also called murajabandha, see K. P.9ad loc. -Comp.-phala: (Mar. sAtavINa). -trayam ' the triad ot sages', ie. Pani the jackfruit tree. ni, Katyayana, and Patanjali who are considered to be murajA 1 A large drum. -2 N. of Kubera's wife. inspired saints); munitrayaM namaskRtya, or trimuni vyAkaraNam Sk. -dArakA, kumAra: a young sage.-drumaH the Syonaka tree. grugt: m. pl. A country to the north-west of India. -dhAnyam a kind of wild grain (Mar. devabhAta). -paraMparA murandalA N. of a river (supposed to be the same as uninterrupted tradition. -pittalam copper. -puGgavaH a, Narmada). great or eminent sage. -putraka: 1awagtail. -2 the damanaka tree. -priya: Panicum Miliaceum (Mar. nIvAra, murala: A kind of fresh-water fish. -2 A king of the kAja).-bheSajam 1 the fruit of the yellow myrobalan.-2 Muralas. t: pl. N. of a country. fasting. -vRtti a. leading an ascetic life; vArddhake muni muralA N. of a river rising in the country of the vRttInAm R.1.8.-vratam an ascetic vow, keeping silenee; Keralas%3B ( mentioned in U.Balong with tamasA); muralAmunivrataistvAmatimAtrakarzitAm Ku. 5. 48; munivratamatha tyaktvA mArutodbhUtamagamat kaita rajaH R.4.55. nizcakrAmAmbikAgRhAt Bhag. 10.53.51. muralI A flute, pipe. -Comp. -dharaH an epithet of munitA, -svam The state or character of a muni (vAnaprasthatva); kathaM vAdIyatAma,munitA dharmarodhinI Ki. 11.76. Krisna. ____murcha 1 P. (mUrchati, mUrchita or mUrta; the word is written as munth 1 P.(munthati) To gomove. mUrcha or mUcrcha)1 To settle into a solid trom, coagulate, NETT Desire of liberation or of final emancipation. congeal. - To faint, swoon, faint away; lose conscious For Private and Personal Use Only Page #653 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir murmiNI 1279 muSTikA 1; W F ness, become senseless ; yola tecafa Git. 4; 974: A mouse. terfaffrafamafeguata * 91594 Git. 3; Bk. 15. 55. ETT, - A crucible. -3 To grow, increase, become strong or powerful ; h at area for: R. 10. 79; 948 HEUTTHEU fe: f. Stealing &c. 12. 57; bo t t: 2401 $.5. 18; Ki. 16. 8, fra p. p. [ 99-) 1 Robbed, stolen, plundered. 59. -4 To gather strength, thicken, become dense, pre- -2 Taken away, carried off, ravished. - Deprived vail; det faret Heath V. 3.7.-3 (a) To take effect on; of, free from. -4 Cheated, deceived. -Comp. -Tag a. 91217 da garaia a aques a . 7.32; i deprived of consciousness. - a. shameless. la a. grily gefa 29: R. 16. 18' are not reflected '&c. bereft of memory. (6) To prevail against, have power against; 7914- muSitakam Stolen property. i t&: fic eft 154 R. 2. 34. - To fill, pervade, penetrate, spead over ; Ku. 6. 59; R. 6.9. ge p. p. 1 Stolen; gi fanlegar fa S. 5. 20.-7 To be a match for. -8 To be frequent. -9 To cause Enticed, attracted; Bhag. 8. 12. 22. See 99 (5). - to sound loudly. -Caus. ( ufaa) 1 To stupely, Stolen property. cause to faint; theert ved Git. 1. -2 To strengthen, (99- ) 1 A testicle. -2 The scrotum. -3 increase. - To excite, stir up. -4 To cause to sound A muscular or robust man. -4 A mass, heap, quantity, loudly, play on (as musical instrument); aa-aft: multitude. -8 A thief. -Comp. 589. f. an eruption ghyti: ... ... esperar quyi at fagati Ram. 7. 93. on the scrotum. T: the region of the serotum. 13; Bhag. 1.6. 33. Tret: a eunuch, a castrated person. -1: swelling yf oft A small fire-place. of the testicles. T: ( 97 * gato faca Tv.] 1 A fire made of chaff, *: N. of a tree (the ashes of which are used chaff-fire; Figarruttavat ayfa 12 TART: Si. as cautery ). 6.6. -2 The god of love. -3 N. of one of the horses you a. Having testicles. T: A man having large of the sun. -4 The smell of the urine of a cow. testicles. 1 P. (gafa) To bind, tie. hre: m., f. [54-feny ] 1 The clenched hand, fist; 10 U. ( afa-) To plant. Huraa far fara sfa yfe: R. 9. 58; 15.21 ; Si. 10.59. -2 A bandful, fistful; 41814feftaruas: $. 4. 14; muzaTI A kind of grain. R. 19. 57; Ku. 7.69; Me. 70. -8 A handle or hilt. -4 muzalam A staff, stick; muzalazabdazca daNDe prasiddhaH SB. on A particular measure (=pala). -8 A measure of MS. 4. 2. 18. capacity equal to one handful. - The penis. -7 Steal ing (only f.). -8 A compendium, abridgment. -9A gat (2) A small houselizard. measure used in checking the account of the income HP I. 9 P. (goonfa, grua; desid. @fa) 1 (a) and expenditure of a country; 7987904YTT gre' To steal, fileh, rob, plunder, carry off said to govern Bhusana; 184gie atsirati A170475 Dk. two acc.; ACT TO yoorfa, but very rarely used in 2.8. -Comp. -TUT clenching the fist. -98: claspclassical literature); 991T THA Si. 1. 51; 8. 38; ing with one hand. #T: the middle of a bow, that 4743 oral ag : Ki. 3. 41; Si. 3. 38. () To part of it which is grasped in the hand. - a kind ravish, seduce, abduct, carry off; 79974149: di- of game. -ra: boxing. T : 1 clenching the fist. Hrant 7 af49: Bk. 15. 16. -2 To dispel, remove, -2 a handful. -ATFETA slight loosening of the bowdrive off ; affatyre surfate si. 4. 67; Ratn. 3. 19. string. - a. to be measured with the fist, to be -8 (Fig.) To ruin, undo; tafe fath194 K. 164 ; spanned with the fingers. -TEA a pugilistic encounter, Ratn. 4. 3.-4 To eclipse, cover, envelop, conceal; boxing. - : the offering of handtuls (i. e. small urggraartarafa: R. 11. 51. -8 To captivate, enrap- quantities ). - : devastation of the crop; a great ture, ravish ; alert yeftrafaghuge: Bhag. 8. 12. 22. 999 at 19 9 7 Dk. 2. 3. - n. the -8 To surpass, excel; your P A TTE: oftara:1 feces compacted into a ball. Haimart h arara ll Ks. 55. 113; Ratn. 1. 24; Area: yraqui ] 1 A yoldsmith. -2 Bk. 9. 92; Me. 49. -7 To deceive; giudith HECH: A particular position of the hands. -8 N. of a demon. Bhag. 1. 13. 28.-II.1 P. (HOT) 1 To hurt, injure, A pugilistic encounter, fisticuffs. r: (pl.) N. laill.-III. 4 P. (yufa) 1 To steal. -2 To break, of an outcast race (the Dombas); where I 91@ destroy. ATH for: Ram. 1. 59. 19. -Comp. 37 : an epithet 99 1 Stealing, removing, destroying. - Surpas- of Balarama. -: N. of Visnu. atan: a particular sing, ezcalling position of the hands in dancing. d. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #654 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir muSTikA 1280 muheraH muSTikA The fist. -Comp. -kathanam talking with the fingers. muSTiMdhayaH A child, baby, infant. muSTIkR 8 U. To clench the fist. muSTImuSTi ind. Fist-to-fist, hand-to-hand fighting; muSTImuSTi kacAkAca praharaNaprakSepamUDhAtmAbhiH Mv.6.31. muSThaka: Black mustard. mus 4 P. (musyati) To cleave, divide, break into pieces. musalaH, -lam 1 A maceclub; musalA iva me nanti neme bANAH zikhaNDinaH Mb.6.119.62. -2 A pestle (used for cleaning rice); musalamidamiyaM ca pAtakAle muhuranuyAti kalena huMkRtena Mu. 1.4; Ms. 6. 56.-3 A kind of surgical instrument. - The clapper of a bell (Mar. loLI). -BN. of a constellation. -Comp. -Ayudha: an epithet of Balarama%; upaspRzya ca tatraiva prahRSTo musalAyudhaH Mb.9. 36.2. -ulUkhalam a pestle and mortar; Ms. 3. 88. musalAmusali ind. Club against club, P. V. 4. 127 com. musalin m. [ musala-ini ] 1 An epithet of Balarama.. -2 Of Siva. musalI 1 Salvinia Cucullata (Mar. uMdIrakAnI?).-2 A house-lizard. -3 An alligator. musalIkA A common lizard. musalya [musala-yat ] To be pounded or put to death with a club; also musalIya. must 10 U. (mustayati-te) To heap up, gather, collect, accumulate. mustaH , -stA,-stam A kind otgrass%3 visrabdhaM kriyatA varAhatAtabhirmustAkSatiH palvale 5.2.63 R. 9.59; 15. 19. -Comp. -adaH, -Ada: a hog. -AkRtiH N. of a plant (Mar. kacarakaMda). mustakaH, kam, kA See mustaH. mustuH The closed hand, fist. JETH 1 A pestle. -2 A tear. muha 4 P.(muhAti, mugdha or mUDha) 1 To faint, swoon, lose consciousness, become senseless%3 ihAhaM draSTumAha tAM smaranevaM mumoha saH Bk.6.21; 1.20%; 15.16. -2 To be perplexed or bewildered, to be disturbed in mind, be at a loss ; Apatsvapi na muhyanti narAH paNDitabuddhayaH M. 1. 1453 Ki. 18.9. -3 To be foolish, stupid, or infatuated. -4 To ! fail. -6 To err, mistake. -Caus. (mohayati-te) 1 To stupefy, infatuate; mA mUmuhat khalu bhavantamananyajanmA Mal. 1. 32.-2 To confound, bewilder, perplex; vyAmizraNeba vAkyena buddhiM mohayasIba me Bg.3.23; t. 16.-3 To throw into contusion. - To cause to err or mistake. mUDha p. p. [muha-ka] 1 Stupefied, infatuated; mUDhAH zoNitagandhena nipeturdharaNItale Ram.6.52. 15 pratyAsannavipattimUDhamanasAM prAyo matiH kSIyate Pt.2.4.-2 Perplexed, bewildered, confounded, at a loss; kiMkartavyatAmUDhaH 'being at a loss what to do'; so hrImUDha Me. 70. -3 Foolish, silly, dull, stupid, ignorant; alpasya hetorbahu hAtumicchan vicAramUDhaH pratibhAsi me tvam R. 2. 47. -4 Mistaken, erring, deceived, gone astray. -BAbortive. -8 Confounding. -Dha: A fool blockhead, dolt, an ignorant person; mUDhaH parapratyayaneyabuddhiH M. 1. 2. OT: (m. pl.) An epithet of the elements in the Sankhya philosophy. confusion of mind. -Comp. - CHT a. 1 stupefied in mind. -2 foolish, stupid, silly. -garbha: 1 a dead foetus. -2 diffioult deli. very. -TIE: 1 a wrong notion, misconception, misapprehension; mUDhagrAheNAtmano yat pIDayA kriyate tapaH Bg. 17. 19. -2 infatuation. -cetana, -cetas a. toolish, silly, ignorant; avagacchati mUDhacetanaH priyanAzaM hRdi zalyamarpitam R.8. 88. -dhI, -buddhi, -mati a. foolish, stupid, silly, simple 3 brajanti te mUDhadhiyaH parAbhavam Ki. 1. 30.-prabhuH, -zreSTa: the greatest block-head. -vAta a. caught in a storm; mahArNave noriva mUDhavAtA Ram.5.28.8.-sattva a. infatuated, insane. mUDhatA-tvam 1 Confusion, bewilderment. -2 Folly, stupidity. -3 The gathering or drawing (ot a tumour); Suir. -4 Morbid condition (of zarIrasthavAta). muhira a. [muha-kirac ] Silly, toolish, stupid. -ra: 1 The god of love. -2 A fool, block-head. muhuH ind. =muhus. muhukam Ved. A moment. muhus ind. 1 Often, constantly, repeatedly, trequently; prIvAbhaGgAbhirAmaM muhuranupatati syandane dattadRSTiH 5.1.73 2.6; generally repeated in this sense; muhurmuhuH over and over again, often and otten ; avekSamANaM mahatIM muhurmuhuH Si. 1. 10%; gurUNAM sannidhAne'pi kaH kUjati muhurmuhuH. -2 For a time or moment, awhile; asrestAvanmuhurupacitardRSTirAlupyate me Me. 107; generally used with successive clauses in the sense of 'now now', 'at one time-at another time'; muhurutpatate bAlA muhuH patati vihvalA / muhurAlIyate bhItA muhuH kozati roditi // Subhas; Mu.5.33; muhurmuhuH "again and again, repeatedly'. -Comp. -cArina . recurring. -prokta . Otten told. -bhASA, -vacas. repetition, tautology. -bhuja m. a horse. muhUrtaH -tam [ huIkta dhAtoH pUrva muT ca Tv.] 1 A moment, any short portion of time, an instant; navAmbudAnIkamuhUrtalAJchane R.3.53%; saMdhyAbhrarekheva muhUrtarAgAH Pt. 1. 194; Me. 193 Ku.7.50. -2 A period, time (auspicious or otherwise). -3 A period of 48 minutes. -te: An astrologer. muhartaka: 1 An instant, a moment. -3 A period of 48 minutes. muhara: A blook-head, tool. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #655 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1281 mRcchita mU 1 A. (mavate) To bind, fasten, tie. mU/. The act of binding or tying. mUka a. [mU-kak ] 1 Dumb, silent, mutespeechless 3 mUkaM karoti bAcAlam / mUkANDajam (kAnanam ) Ku.3.42; sakhImiya bakSyi viSAdamUkAm Git.7mUkIbhUtaghaNTAsvarAsvantaHpuradolAsu / K.9; mUkIbhUtavINA K. 132.-2 Poor, miserable, wretched. -ka: 1A mute; maunAnmUkaH ma.2.26 v.1.; Ms.7.149. -2 A poor or miserable man.-3 A fish. -4 The offspring of a mule and a mare. -kA A crucible; Bee mUSA. -Comp. -aNDa ja a. (atorest) whose birds are silent; Ku. -ambA a form of Durga. -bhAva: silence, muteness, dumbness (also mUkatA, svam in this sense). mUkita a. Silenced, dumb. mukiman m. Muteness, dumbness, silence. mUTaH, -mUTakaH, -mUDaka: A basket, bundle. mUNTh 1 A. (mUNThate) To fiee, run away; L. D. B. mUta a. [mU-kta ] 1 Bound, tied. -2 Confined. -8 Woven; P. VI.4.20. -taH,-tam 1A woven basket (Ved.). -2 A woven band ot cloth. -3 A lump, collection. mUtram Urine; nApsu mUtraM samutsRjet Ms. 4.56; mUtraM cakAra 'made water'. -Comp. -atIsAra: diabetes. -AghAta: a urinary disease; jAyante kupitadoSaimUtrAghAtAtrayodaza Bhava. P. -AzayaH the lower belly. -utsaGga see mUtrasaMga. -kRcchra m painful discharge of uriner strangury; syurmUtrakRcchrANi nRNAM tathASTau Bhava. P. -koza: the scrotum. -kSaya: insufficient secretion of urine. -granthi : a knot or induration on the neck of the bladder. -jaTharaH,-ram the swelling of the belly caused by retention of urine. -dazakam the urines of an elephant, a buffalo, a camel, a cow, a she-goat, ashe-sheep, ahorse an ass, a man and a woman. -doSa: a urinary disease. -nirodha: obstruction or retention of urine. -patana: a civet-cat. -patha: the urinary passage. -Te uroscopy or examination of urine. -puTam the lower belly. -purISam urine and excrement; Ms.6.765 11.154. -phalA a species of cucumber. -mArgaH, -praseka: the urethra. -vartiHf. rupture of the serotum. -vardhaka a. diuretic. -vRddhi: f. copious secretion of urine. -T57 n. urine and excrement. -zukram a disease in which semen is discharged along with urine. -zUlaH, -lam urinary colic. -saMgaH urinary obstruction, a painful and bloody discharge of urine. mUtrayAta Den. P. To make water; tiSThanmUtrayati Mbh. TETT a. Promoting the secretion of urine, diuretic. -lA 300 mUtraphalA. fra a. 1 Discharged or voided as urine. - Soiled with urine. saM.iM.ko.... " mUra a. Ved. 1 Stupefied, bewildered. -2 Foolish, silly, stupid. -3 Destroying, killing. Het a. Stupid, dull-headed, foolish, silly. : 1 A tool, blockhead; na tu pratiniviSTamUrkhajanacittamArAdhayet Bh.2.5.83 mUrkha balAdaparAdhinaM mAM pratipAdayiSyasi V.23; mUryo'pi zobhate tAvadyAbatkicinna bhASate H. -3 A kind of bean. -Comp. -paNDitaH a. learned fool; sarve te hAsyatAM yAnti yathA te mUrkhapaNDitAH Pt. 5.40. -bhUyam tolly, stupidity, ignorance. -bhrAtRka . one who has a foolish brother. -maNDalam an assembly of fools. -zatam a hundred fools; varameko guNI putro na ca mUrkhazatAnya'pi H. murkhatA,-tvam,-mUkhiman m. Stupidity, tolly, silliness. mUrcha 1 P. To increase; sukhasya rUpAntarameva mUrcchataH cirasya nidrAmatha gacchataH sma tI Ram. Ch. 2. 90; mUrchanmohamaharSiharSavihita......K. P.; Bee muLU. Ferrol An arrow in the form of a bird's heart. mUrchana .(-nI/.)1 Stupetying, producing insensibility or stupor (an epithet applied to one of the five arrows of Cupid ). -2 Increasing, augmenting, strengthening. -nam, -nA [mucch-yuc] 1 Fainting, 8wooning. -2 Prevalence, growth, increase (usually n. in this sense); anukarSa ca niSkarSa vyAdhipAvakamUrchanam Mb. 2. 13. 13. -3 A process in metallic preparation, calcining quicksilver with sulphur, ot. mUcchI (3) also. -4 (In music) The rising of sounds, an intonation, a duly regulated rise and fall of sounds conducting the air and the harmony through the keys in a pleasing manner, changing the key or passing from the key to another ; modulation, melody; sphuTIbhavagrAmavizeSamUrcchanAm Si. 1. 103 bhUyo bhUyaH svayamapi kRtAM mUrcchanAM vismarantI Me. 883 varNAnAmapi mUrcchanAntaragataM tAraM virAme mRdu Mk. 3.5% sapta svarAtrayo grAmA mUrchanAzcaikaviMzatiH Pt. 5.54; (mUrchA or mUrcchanA is thus defined:-kramAt svarANAM saptAnAmArohazcAvarohaNam / sA mUchetyucyate grAmasthA etAH sapta sapta ca // see Malli. on Si. 1. 10 for further information); 'yatraiva syuH svarAH pUrNA mUrcchanA setyudAhatA' com. on Ram. 1. 4. 10. mUrchA [murcha-bhAve ab] 1 Fainting, swooning; prahAramUrchApagame R. 7.44. -2 Spiritual ignorance or delusion. -3 A process in calcining metals, mUcchoM gato mRto bA nidarzanaM pArado'tra rasaH Bv.1.82. -4 The risingot sounds &cs see mUrchana (4)above.-BGrowth, increase. -Comp. -apagamaH the passing off of fainting:-AkSepaH (in Rhet.) expressing strong dissent by a swoon; iti tatkAlasambhUtamUrchayAkSipyate gtiH| kAntasya kAtarAkSyA yanmUcchakSeipaH sa iidRshH|| Kav. 2. 154. -paripluta, -parIta a. unconscious, fainted away. mU rchAla a. Fainted, insensible, senseless. mUJchita p. p. [ mUrchA jAtA asya tAra0 itaca, mUcrchata-vA] 1Fainted, swooning, insensible; mugdhA kAntasya yAtrokti For Private and Personal Use Only Page #656 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1282 naria ital Kav. 2. 153. -2 Foolish, stupid, silly. - Increased, augmented; ita receita: Ki. 14. 29. -4 Made violent, intensified. - Perplexed, bewildered. - Filled; af GUITHET AT T : Ram. 2. 114. 20; 6. 56. 2. -7 Calcined. -8 Rising upwards, lofty. -9 Reflected; Satasloki 53. -TH A kind of song or air. Foi a. Bound, tied. et a. [+EUR8-**] 1 Fainted, insensible. -2 Stupid, foolish. -8 Embodied, incarnate ; qat fanatda saat 174: $. 1.32; 1 57 A test: Fet&: U. 3. 14; R. 2. 69; 7. 70; Ku. 7. 42; Pt. 2. 99. -4 Material, corporeal. -8 Solid, hard. -8 Real. -7 Thickened, coagulated (Ved.). Facan 1 Embodiment, materiality. -2 (In phil.) Having a finite or fixed measure or motion ; ficarparimANavattvaM kriyAvattvaM vA mUrtatvam. afa: f. [ e-fera] 1 Anything which has definite shape and limits, material element, matter, substance ; gaga yra and a fata a: Prasna Up. 1.5. - A form, visible shape, body, figure; f urgfaqat fatt Aug47 3 Mu. 2.2; R. 3. 27; 14.54. -8 An embodiment, incarnation, personification, manifestation; 60782 afa: U. 3.4; Pt. 2. 159. -4 An image, idol, a statue. - Beauty. -8 Solidity, hardness. -7 Body (that); faffranglarga : Ki. 14. 64; Ms. 1. 17, 19. -8 A limb of the body ( raza); a atzarFT y fa 84: Ram. 1. 64. 20. -9 (In phil.) The mind and the four elements -earth, air, fire and water, - Comp. 7, a. embodied, incarnate; un ar arddat: My. 1. 10; U. 6. 10.-: a worshipper of an image, one who is in charge of an idol. - FT, 4 adoration of images, idolatry. Hra: materiality. Fracay 1 Embodiment, materiality, incarnation. -2 (In phil.) The having a finite measure or motion. fata. 1 Material, corporeal. -2 Embodied, incarnate, personified; fri afandt z $. 5. 15; 99 fanfaa Hatha: #7: U. 1. 18; R. 12. 64; Mal. 9. 9. -8 Hard, solid. -m. The body. a m. (garu hared sa qat, cf. Ua. 1. 156 ) 1 The forehead, brow. -2 The head in general; a FH fragt: 1. 18; R. 16. 81; aaria yf: grohta fac affufaa arataacaifa U.1.14; Ku.3. 22. -3 The highest or most prominent part, top, summit, peak, head; atiSThanmanujendrANAM mUni devapatiryathA Mb. 'stood at the head of all kings' &c.; Una ferat sa mu nedara Sandhya Mantra; S. 5. 7; Me. 17. -4 (Hence) A leader, head, chief, foremost, prominent. - Front, van, forepart; # P AYNA Feruat 4997: saya HETTA: R. 9. 19. -8 (In geom.) The base. - 7 (In gram.) The roof of the palate. -Comp. -3974: the crown of the head. ff a. 1 consecrated, crowned, inaugurated ; quiafiyet R. 16.81. -2 common, stock (as an instance ); cu sft fa a te n a UCIET074. (- ) 1 a consecrated king%3; pazya mUrdhAbhiSiktAnAmAcArya kadanaM mahat Mb.7.150.12. -2 a man of the Ksatriya caste. -8 a minister. -4 =quiara (1) q. v. -37977: consecration, inauguration. - 1 N. of a particular mixed tribe sprung from a Brahmana father and Ksatriya mother. - a. conseerated king. -karNI, karparIf: an umbrella-T a. sitting down on the head; syandanaiH syandanagatA gajaizca TETHETT: Ram. 7.7. 5. -T: 1 the hair of the head ); quisas EST: S. 1. 30; faste famiges Ku. 4. 4 she tore her hair for grief'.-2 the mane. -8 a crown, helmet; vimuktamUrdhajA ye ca ye cApi hatavAhanAH Mb. 10.5.12. -reitag n. see wat or gran. -ra: splitting of the skull. -foug: a lump upon the head of an elephant in rut). - : the Sirisa tree. the soum of boiled rice. -agar a turban, diadem. FF a. ( Ha: 47 ] 1 Being in or on the head; APOT FETT qeri EU FETES Bhag. 1. 7. 55. -2 Cerebral or lingual, a term applied to the letters B,,,,30,, 5, and ; * qui. -8 Chief, pre-eminent, most excellent; a n aferrata Siva B. 28. 78. mUrdhan See mUrdhan. Fat-aff, Aral A kind of creeper (from the fibres of which bowstrings and the girdle of Ksatriyas are made). FBI.1 U. ( id-a) To take or strike root, be firm, stand fast. II. 10 U. ( fa-a, gea) 1 To plant, cause to grow, rear. - To grow, sprout, germinate. FC ( 49-] 1A root (fig. also ); Eta athafa 1977 $. 7. 20; or taat Saat: 1. 15; & Fry to take or strike root; " U HO PHOTat: feru: si. 2. 38. -2 The root, lowest edge or extremity of anything; Furfartera derivada TT R. 7. 10; 80 1 Me. 91. -8 The lower part or end, base, the end of anything by which it is joined to something else; T&ICH Si. 7. 32; BO 3H, 4, 545 &c. -4 Beginning, commencement; attuazifa S. 1. -8 Basis, foundation, source, origin, cause; a TIEFC21: Mb.; TATT R ESH U. 1. 6; sapyuktaM tatra mUlaM mRgyam 'the source or authority should be found out'; puSpaM puSpaM vicinvIta mUlacchedaM na kArayet Mb.5.34. 18; 473914 : 4o Arar: Si. 2. 33. -6 The foot or bottom of anything; parvatamUlam , girimUlam &c. -7 The text, or original passage as distinguished from the commentary or gloss). -8 Vicinity, neighbourhood; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #657 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1868 BITH); 978-10 gastarea ga: A. Ram. 4.4. 31. -% a spell. Eft: a cardinal number. - an original text. -al: 1 one who plants roots. - A field where crops are grown by sowing roots; 98991903 Harta: Kau. A. 2. 6. 24. -fan capital stock. -Paul the twelve-worded (area spell :Sit at ad agaar; r 4 Bhag. 8. 16. 40. -vibhujaH a chariot.-vyasanavRttiH the hereditary occupation of executing criminals; caNDAlena tu sopAko mUlavyasana AT Ms. 10. 38. -afat a. living exclusively on roots. : (in augury ) the first bird. -2 , -zAkinam a field planted with edible roots. -saMghaH society, sect. -ETETT a chief instrument, principal expedient. -FUTTE 1 base, foundation. - 2 the Supreme Spirit. -3 wind, air. -4 Mooltan. (- ) N. of Gauri. - O m. an epithet of Siva. a n. the principal current or fountain-head of a river. - a. uprooting completely; Alsi etsa: Ram. 6. 46. 15. -harara prodigal son; mUlaharatAdAtvikakadayA~zca pratiSedhayet Kau. A. 2. 9. 27. AT FEATTHIET go farmaT foar da Mb. 3.112.16. -9 Capital, principal, stock; F o ur ofta: faca yarugah Kau. A. 2. 6. 24. -10 A hereditary servant. -11 A square root. -12 A king's own territory; # JAY-4 R. 4. 26; Ms. 7. 184. -13 A vendor who is not the true owner; Ms. 8. 202 (Brataratai Kull.). -14 The nineteenth lunar mansion containing 11 stars. -18 A thicket, copse. -8 The root of long pepper. -17 A particular position of the fingers. -18 A chief or capital city. -19 An aboriginal inhabitant. -20 A bower, an ar bour (199). -21 N. of several roots fort, 9647, Tu &o. -22 A tail; Feat FIET za gagar Ram. 6. 4. 51. (In comp. may be translated by 'first, prime, original, chief, principal'e.'g. TTH 'prime cause,' &c. &c.) -Comp. -ITETTH 1 the navel. -2 a mystical circle above the organs of generation; mUlAdhAre trikoNAkhye Tesla -3 radish.-319 the original a bode. -T TCT a. living upon roots. -3716 a radish. -365: utter destruction, total eradication. - 7 n. magio; Ms. 9. 290.-FT: the author of an original work. -kAraNam the original or prime cause; kriyANAM og afat pe ATO Ku. 6. 13. - a furnace, an oven. De 5694 a kind of penance, living only upon roots; q ue: that go:.- : a citron. erai one who lives upon root-digging (Eleazaritat); Ms. 8. 260. TUT: the co-efficient of a root. F: 1 an original text. - 2 the very words uttered by Sakyamuni. affert a. destroying completely; (aft... ) Fuary 937 gitur Hau: Ram. 5. 51. 18; see HET. -105 a. nipped in the bud; Arsa Fata Dk. 2. 2. Ei uprooting. -37 4. 1 radical. -2 growing at the roots of trees (as an ant-hill). -3 born under the constellation Mula. (-5:) plant growing from a root. (- ) green ginger. - Uth the third astrological house. a: an epithet of Kamsa.-qort, - principal, stock, capital. -ETT: lymph.-fyra 4. destroying root and branch. -959: 'the stock-man', the male representative of a family. - fa: f. the Prakriti or Pradhana of the Sankhyas (q. v.); 4sofa fasla: San. K. 3. (-pl.) the four principal Bovereigns to be considered at the time of war (farsing, aft, HEUR44, and ETF); see Ms. 7. 155. art: protection of wives and wealth ( CITAT ); $ar F* TH Mb. 5. 151. 61.96: the bread-fruit tree. -bandha: a particular position of the fingers. -baheNam the act of uprooting, extermination. the principal or hereditary force; frezzataSatuT Hwasserata Margary: Dk. 1. 1. [Kamanda ka enumerates six divisions of the army and declares that Atas (hereditary ) is the best of them (Kam. 13. 2-3.)] -45: an epithet of Kansa. : an old or hereditary servant. -HPT: 1 a principal or primary text (such as F a. 1 (At the end of comp.) Rooted in, springing from, founded or based on; gian based on error.' -2 Born under the constellation Mula ; P. IV. 3. 28. , -74 1 A radish. -2 An esculent root. -3 A sort of yam. - A kind of poison. -Comp. -U: a handful of radishes &c. for sale ). -atat a radish. HOT 1 N. of a plant. -2 The asterism Mula. F F a. 1 Radical, original. -2 Primary, principal. -3 Living on roots. A devotee, an ascetic. Til 1 A root. -2 A collection of roots. Comp. 370: a radical fact. a m. A tree. la a. Growing from a root. - A plant, tree. it A small house-lizard. FOTOTH The extraction of the square-root. FEST: 1 A king.-2 The Indian spikenard. Ca. 1 To be eradicated. -Being at the root. -3 Purchasable. - 1 Price, worth, cost; la FH Teatre Si. 18. 15; Santi 1. 12. -2 Wages, hire, salary. -3 Gain. -4 Capital, principal. -B Ori. ginal value. -An article purchased. 4 Price, worth, value. T1 P. (af, atua) To steal, rob, plunder. FT 1 A rat, mouse. -2 A round window, an airhole. - A crucible, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #658 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mUSakA 1284 mRgaH IF mUSaka: 1 A rat, mouse. -2 A thiet. -Comp. -arAtiH madhuravANIM dIrghanetrA'tibhIruzcapalamatisudehaH zIghravego mRgo'yam Sa bdak. a oat. -vadhU a female rat; maddehe mazakIva mUSakavadhU: Sukti.5. -12 The lunar mansion called mRgaziras. -18 The lunar 19. -vAhana: an epithet ot Ganesa.. month called mArgazIrSa, -14 The sign Capricornus of the zodiac. -15 N. of a district in Sakadvipa. -Comp. mUSaNam Stealing, piltering. -akSI a fawn-eyed or deer-eyed woman; tvamyAsanne mUSA, mUSikA 1 A temale rat. -2 A crucible.-3 An nayanamuparispandi zake mRgAkSyAH Me. 97. -aGka: 1 the moon. -2 air-hole. comphor. -3 the wind. -aGganA adoe. -ajinam / mUSAkarNI Salvinia Cucullata (Mar. uMdIrakAnI). deer's skin. -aNDajA musk. -adm .,-adanA,-antaka: asmall tiger or hunting leopard, hyena.. -adhipaH, mUSikaH 1 A rat; pazya mUSikamAtreNa kapotA muktabandhanAH H. -adhirAja: a lion; kesarI niSThurakSiptamRgayUtho mRgAdhipaH Si. 2.53; -2 A thief. -8 The Sirisa tree. -4 N. of a country. mRgAdhirAjasya vaco nizamya R.2.41. -arAtiH 1 lion. -2 -Comp. -aGkaH, -aJcanaH, -rathaH epithets of Gapesa. -ariH 1 a lion.-3a dog.-8atiger. -4N. of -ada: a oat. -arAti: a cat. -utkaraH, -sthalam a mole- a tree. -azana: a lion. -AjIva: 1a hunter. -23 hill.-viSANam 'the horn of a mouse', impos- hyena. -Avigha: a hunter. -Asya: the sigm Capricorsibility; ct. zazaviSANa, khapuSpa &c. nus of the zodiac. -indraH1a lion; tato mRgendrasya mRgendragAmI mUSikAraH A male rat. R.2.30.-2 a tiger. -3the sigm Leo of the zodiac."Asanam a throne. "AsyaH an epithet of Siva. degcaTakaH a hawk. -iSTaH mUSI, mUSIkA, mUSIkA A rat, mouse; madgahe......mUSIva &_variety of jasmine. -IkSaNA a fawn-eyed woman. mArjArikA Sukti. 5. 19. -IzvaraH1a lion. -2 the sign Leo of the zodiac.-uttamaH mUSIkaraNam Melting in a crucible. the best antelope. -uttamam, -uttamAGgam the constella tion mRgaziras. -kAnanam 1 a park. -2 a forest aboundFOTOUT a. A child about whose parents nothing is ing in game. -ketanaH the moon. -gAminI a kind of known ot. AmuSyAyaNa. medicinal substance (Mar. vAvaDiMga) -caryA the acting mR6 A. ( but P. in the Perfect, the two Futures like a deer (a kind of penance); athainAmanbavekSasva mRgacaryAand the Conditional) (mriyate, mamAra, amRta, mariSyati, mivAtmanaH Mb. 8. 33. 11. -cArin a. acting like a deer martum , mRta) To die, perish, decease, depart from lite. (as a devotee); leading a deer's lite; V. 4. -ceTakA -Caus. (mArayati-te) To kill, Blay. -Desid. (mumUrSati) 1 the civet-cat; L. D. B. -jalam mirage. snAnam bathing To wish to die. -2 To be about to die, be on the point in the waters of the mirage%; i... an impossibility. of death. -jAlikA, kA a snare for catohing deer. -jIvanaH / hunter, towler. -TaGka: the moon. -tRS, -tRSA, -tRSNA , mR Se mrakSa. -tRSNiH , -tASNakA,f. mirage; mRgatRSNAmbhAsa snAtaH; see mRga 4 P., 10 A. (mRgyati, muMgayate, mRgita) 1 To seek, khapuSpa; jAtaH sakhe praNayavAn mRgatRSNikAyAm 5.6.16 Bhag.4.7. Search for, Beek atter 3 na ratnamanviSyati mRgyate hi tat Ku.5. 283 Bh.2.5. mRgatRSNArUpa means ' resemblinga mirage', 45%3 gatA dUtA dUraM kvacidapi paretAn mRgayitum G. L. 25. -2 ill-founded; mRgatRSNArUpametad darzanam SB. on MS. 9. 1. 31. To hunt, chase, pursue. -8 To aim at, strive after. -4 -toyam the water of a mirage. -daMzaH, -daMzaka: a dog. To examine, investigate%3 avicalitamanobhiH sAdhakamagyamANaH -dape: musk. --dAva: a park, preserve. -dRz / a fawnMal. 5.1; antaryazca mumukSubhirniyamitaprANAdibhirmUgyate 7.1.1 eyed woman; tadISadvistAri stanayugalamAsInmRgadRzaH 7. 6. 35. inwardly sought or investigated'. -8 To ask for, beg (-m.) the sign Capricornus of the zodiac. re: a lion. of one; etAvadeva mRgaye pratipakSahetoH M. 5. 20. -8 To visit, -dhu: a hunter. -dhuvaa.gambling for deer; harAmi rAmafrequent. saumitrI mRgo bhUtvA mRgadhubau Bk. 5. 47. -dviS m. a lion. -dharaH mRgaH [mRga-ka] 1 (a) A quadruped, an animal in the moon.-dhUte,-dhUteka: a jackal. -nayanA atawn-eyed general; nAbhiSeko na saMskAraH siMhasya kriyate mRgaiH / vikramArjita- woman. -nAbhi: 1 musk; prasthaM himAdrerpaganAbhigandhi Ku.1.543 rAjyasya svayameva mRgendratA; see mRgAdhipa below. (8) A wild Rs. 6. 13; Ch. P.8; R.17.24. -2 the musk-deer3B beast. -2 A deer, an antelope; vizvAsopagamAdabhinnagatayaH dRSado vAsitotsajhA niSaNNamRganAbhibhiH R.4.74. "jA musk. zabda sahante mRgAH5.1.14; R.1.40,50% AzramamRgo'yaM na hantavyaH -patiH 1 a lion; nakhAnAM pANDityaM prakaTayatu kasmin mRgapatiH $.1. -8 Game in general. -4 The spots on the moon Bv. 1. 1. -2 a roe-buck. -8 a tiger. -pAlikA the represented as an antelope. -B Musk. -8 Seeking, musk-deer. -pipluH the moon. -potaH-potaka: a tawn. search. -1 Pursuit, chaser hunting. -8 Inquiry, -prabhu: a lion. -priyam grass growing on mountains. investigation. -9 Asking, soliciting. -10 A kind of -ba (va) dhAjIva a hunter. -bandhinI a net for catching elephant; N. of the third caste of elephants; Matanga deer. -bhojanI bitter apple. -mattaka: a jackal. -madaH L.1.26.29%; 'bhadrA mandrA mRgAzceti vijJeyAtrividhA gjaaH| krameNa musk; kucataTIgato yAvanmAtarmilati tava toyairmRgamadaH G. L.7%3 himvdvindhysaajaaH|' com. on Ram. 1.6.25. -11 N. of mRgamadatilakaM likhati sapulakaM mRgamiva rajanIkare GIt.73 candanamRgamadaa particular class of men; mRge tuSTA ca citriNI badati / lepaM gamitau kSoNyA nu vakSojau Mv.7.24; also mRgamadasaurabha For Private and Personal Use Only Page #659 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra mRgaNA rabhasavazaM ...... Git. vAsA a musk-bag. -mandraH N. of a class of elephants; Ram. 1. 6. 25. -mAMsam venison. - mAtRkA a doe. - mAsaH the month of Margasirsa. -mukhaH the sign Capricornus of the aodine. yUpam herd of deer. - rAj m. 1 & lion; patite pataGgamRgaroji nijapratibimbaroSita ivAmbunidhau Si. 9. 18. -2 a tiger. -3 the sign Leo of the zodise. -rAjaH 1 lion zilAbhibhRMgarAjazAvastu nagotsavA minAruroha R. 6. 3. -2 the sign Leo of the zodiac. -3 a tiger. -4 the moon. dhArin, lakSman m. the moon. -ripuH 1 & lion. -2 the sign Leo. -romam wool. 'jam a woollen cloth. rocanA yallow pigment. -roma, romaja . woolen. - lAJchana, lakSman m. the moon; aGkAdhiropitamRgazcandramA mRgalAJchanaH Si. 2. 58. 'ja: the planet Mercury. lekhA the_deer-like streak on the moon; mRgalekhA muSasIva candramAH R. 8. 42. locanaH the moon. (nA, -nI) a fawn-eyed woman. -lomika woollen. -vadhU & female deer, doe. -vallabhaH a kind of grass ( kundara ). - vAhanaH wind. -vIthikA, vIthI N. of that portion of the moon's course which includes the constellations zravaNa, zatabhiSaj and pUrvAbhAdrapadA vyAdhaH 1 a hunter. -2 Sirius or the dogstar 8 an epithet of Siva. zAyikA the reclining posture of a deer. -zAvaH a tawn ; mRgazAvaiH samamedhito janaH . 2. 19. zirA, zirasa, -zirA N. of the fifth lunar mansion consisting of three stars. -zIrSam the constellation mRgaziras. ( -rSaH ) the lunar. month Margaitrys. zIrSan m. the constellation sugazirasU. zreSThaH tiger. -han m. hunter. mRgaNA [ mRgU-yuc TApU] 1 Sonreling, looking out fors rosearch. -2 Invertigation, inquiry. mRgayasa m. Ved. A wild animal; dhanvAnvA mRgayaso vi tasthuH Rv. 2. 38.7. mRgayA [ mRgaM yAtyanayA yA ghaJarthe ka] Hunting, chase ; mithyaiva vyasanaM vadanti mRgayAmIdRgvinodaH kutaH S. 2.5; mRgayApabAdinA mAnyena S. 2:40 mRgayaveiSa, mRgayAvihArina &c. -Comp. -araNyam, vanam a park. krIDanam, krIDA pleasure of hunting. - dharmaH the rules of hunting. - yAnam a hunting expedition. : the pleasure of the chase. - vyasanam a hunting accident. mRgayu: [ mRga-astyarthe yuc ] 1 A hunter, fowler; yathA nayAgasya padam M. 8. 44 hamti nopazayastho'pi zayAlurmRgayurmRgAn Si. 2.80. -2 A jackal -8 An epithet of Brahman. mRgavyam 1 The chase, hunting; ayameva mRgavyasatra kAmaH Ki. 13. 9. -2 A target, butt (in archery ). 1288 mRgAvit (d) A hunter; bhrAtari nyasya yAto mAM mRgAvin mRgayAmasau Bk. 582. mRgita . [ mRga-ta ] 1 Chased, pursued, hunted. -2 Sought, searched for -8 Asked, solicited. mRgI 1 A female deer, doe. -2 Epilepsy. -8 N. of A particular class of women. -Comp. vRz, locanA Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mRNAla: &c. a woman with eyes like those of a doe or fawn. -patiH an epithet of Krispn. mRgya a. [ sam-yat] 1 To be sought or inquired after, to be hunted ; tatra mUlaM mRgyam - 2 Questionable, uncertain. " mRj I. 1P. (mArjati ) To sound. -II 2 P., 10 U. (mAhi~, mArjayati te, mamArja-mArjayAMcakArake, amAjat-amAkSIt, amamA mArjiSyati, mArkSyati, mArjaviSyati te, mArjitum mArTum mArjayitum sUTa mArjita, desid. misUkSati or mimArjipati) 1 To wipe or wash off, cleanse, clean, sweep clean (fig; also ); svedalavAn mamArja Si. 3. 79; doSapravAdamasRjana 5. 28; yatpUrva vidhinA lalATalikhitaM tanmArjituM kaH kSamaH Bh. 2.93; tyAgena patnyAH parimArdhumaicchat R. 14. 35. -2 To rub, stroke. -3 To make smooth, curry (as a horse ). -4 To deck, adorn. -8 To purify, wash with water, sharpen ; laluH khaGgAn mamArjuna mamRjuzca parazvadhAn Bk. 1492 ( zuddhAn cakruH or zodhitavantaH ). mRjaH A kind of drum. sRjA [[ma-ab] 1 Cleansing purifying, washing ablution ; parayA mRjayA hInAM kRSNapakSe nizAmiva Ram 5. 19. 16. -2 Cleanliness, purity; mRjAnvayA snehamiva sravantIH (.. zasyavizeSa-pI) Bk. 2.18 (zuddhi) 3 Complexion, pure akin or clear complexion. mRjAvat . 1 Possessed of cleanliness ; mRjAvAn syAt svayUthyeSu Mb. 12. 120.10. -2 Possessed of good dress ; parighUnAn vRtavatI kimutAdya mRjAvataH Mb. 1. 202.7. sRjita a. Wiped off or away, cleansed, removed, rubbed &c. mR 1 P. (mRJjati ) To sound. sui 6,9 P. (ti nAti) 1 To be gracious, be pleased. 8 To forgive, pardon. -3 To delight, gladdeni indrArivyAkula muvanti yuge yuge Bhag-18.28. To be delighted or happy. mRDa: An epithet of Siva janamukhakRte satyavAya namo namaH Siva-mahimna S. 30. mRDanam Favouring showing grace. muDA, suDAnI, mRDI An epithet of Parvatl zaGke sundari kAlakUTamapibat mUDho dAnIpatiH Git. 12. mRDIkaH 1 N. of Siva. -2 A fish. -3 A deer. mRDaGkaNaH A boy ; L. D. B. sRN 6 P. (mRNati ) To kill, alay, destroy. mRNAlaH, -lam [ mRNa-kAlan ] The fibrous root of a lotus, a lotus-fibre; bhaGge'pi hi mRNAlAnAmanubadhnanti tantavaH H. 1.91; sUtraM mRNAlAdiva rAjahaMsI V. 1. 19; Rs.1.19; V. 3.18. --lam The root of a fragrant grass (vIraNamUla ). -Comp. - kaNThaH & particular aquatic bird. -bhaGgaH a bit of & lotus-fibre. -sUtram the fibre of a lotus-stalk, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #660 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mRNAlikA 1286 mRdita mRNAlikA,-mRNAlI 1 A lotus stalk or fibre; parimRditamRNAlImlAnamAm Mal.1.22; or parimRditamRNAlIdurbalAnyAkAni U. 1.24; Ku.5.29. -2 A lotus plant or flower; mRNAlI padigdheva vibhAti na vibhAti ca Ram 5. 19.6%3 tapyamAnAmiboSNena mRNAlImaciroddhRtAm 5. 19. 17. mRNAlin m. A lotus. mRNAlinI 1 A louta-plant; bibharSi cAkAramanirvRtAnAM mRNAlinI haimamivoparAgam R. 16.7.-2 An assemblage of lotuses. -3 A place abounding with lotuses. mRta pp. [mR kartari ta] 1 Dead, deceased ; ye parAdhInatAM yAtAste bai jIvanti ke mRtAH H.2.22. -2 As good as dead, useless, inefficacious; mRto daridraH puruSo mRtaM maithunamaprajam / mRtamazrotriyaM zrAddhaM mRto yajJastvadakSiNaH // Pt. 2.98. -3 Calcined, reduced; mUrchA gato mRto vA nidarzane pArado'tra rasaH Bv. 1. 82. -tam 1 Death; mRtebhyaH pramRtaM yAnti daridrAH pApakAriNaH Mb.12. 181.8.-2 Food obtained by begging, alms%3 mRtaM tu yAcita bhekSam Ms. 4.53 see amRtam (8). -Comp. -aGgam / oorpse. -3793: the sun. (131) a woman whose offspring dies. -azana a. being of the age 90 to 100 years. -37aTrer4 impurity contracted through the death ot a relation, see azauca. -udbhavaH the sea, ocean. -kalpa, -prAya a. almost dead, insensible. -kAntakaH / jackal; Nighanta-ratnakara. -garbhA (a woman) whose foetus dies. -gRham a grave. -celam shroud or garment of the dead (worn by Chandalas). -jIvana a. reviving the dead. -dAraH a widower. -nandanaH a kind of hall with 58 pillars 3 Vastuvidya. -niryAtaka: one who carries dead bodies to the cemetery; anagnayazca ye viprA mRtaniryAtakAzca ye Mb. 18.28. 19. -pA: a class of persons of the lowest caste (who watch dead bodies, carry them to the cemetery, collect dend men's clothes, &c.); saptajAtizatAnyeva mRtapAH saMbhavantu ye Ram. 1.59. 19. -prajA (a woman) whose children are dead. -bhAvaH the state of death. -mattaH, mattaka: a jackal. -vastrabhRt a. wearing adead man's clothes; Ms. 10. 35. -vAsara: the day of anyone's death. -saMskAra: funeral or obsequial rites. -saMjIvana a. reviving the dead.(nam, -nI) the revival of a dead person. (-nI) a charm for reviving the dead. -sUtakam bringing forth a still-born child. (-kaH) a. particular preparation of quicksilver. -snAnam ablution after a death or funeral. -hAraH,-hArin a. carrier of the dead. mRtiman m. Mortality. mRtaNDaH The sun. mRtAmadaH Blue vitriol. mRtAlakam A kind of clay. mRttikA [mRd tikan TAp] 1 Clay, earth; Ms. 2. 182. -2 Fresh earth. -3 A kind of tragrant earth. mRtyuH [mRtyuk] 1 Death, decease; jAtasya hi dhruvo mRtyudhuvaM janma mRtasya ca Bg. 2.27; mRtyoH sa mRtyumApnoti ya iha nAneva pazyati. -2 Yama, the god of death. -3 An epithet ot Brahman. -4 Of Vispu. -8 Of MAy&. -8 Of Kali. -7 The god of love. -8 The worldly lite (saMsAra); (namo) anAtmane svAtmAvibhaktamRtyave Bhag. 10.86.48. -9 N. of the 8th astrological house. -10 The deity taking away life in the body; yAnyatAni devatrA kSatrANIndro varuNaH somo rudraH parjanyo yamo mRtyurIzAna iti Bri. Up. 1.4.113; yamaM kAlaM ca mRtyuM ca svarga saMpUjya cArhataH Mb. 12. 200.3. -11 =azanAyA q.v.; Bri. Up. 1.2.1. -Comp.-tUryam a kind of drum beaten at obsequial rites. -daatatal. -dvAram the door leading to death. -nAzaka: quicksilver. -nAzanam the drink of immortality, ambrosia. -pA: an epithet of Siva. - 17: the noose of death or Yama. -959: 1 the sugarcane. -2 the bamboo. -pratibaddha a. liable to death. -phalam a kind of poisonous truit. -phalA, lI the plantain. -bIjaH,-vIja: a bamboo-cane. -bhRtyaH sickness, disease. TTT m. Yama, the god of death. -loka: 1 the world of the dead, the world of Death or Yama. -2 earth, the world of mortals; ot. martyaloka. -vaJcana: 1an epithet of Siva. -2 a raven. -sUtiHfa. female crab; for explanation of this word read 941 karkaTakI garbhamAdhatte mRtyave nijam Puranam. mRtyuMjayaH An epithet of Siva; kaNThAlaMkRtazeSabhUSaNamamuM mRtyuMjayaM bhAvaye // ( Mrityunjaya Manasa Puja S. 1.) mRtsA , -mRtsnA 1 Earth, clay. -2 Good earth or clay; tvamAdiranto jagato'sya madhya ghaTasya mRtsneva paraH parasmAt Bhag. 8. 6. 10; kvacinmRtsnAzitvaM kvacidapi ca vaikuNThavibhavaH Visnu-mahimnas. 12. -3 A kind of tragrant earth. - Alaminous slate. -3 A chisel; L. D. B. mRtsnaH , -mRtsna m Powder, dust. mRda 9 P. (mRdnAti, mRdita) 1 To squeeze press, rub; mama ca mRditaM kSaumaM bAlye tvadavivartanaiH Ve. 5.40. -2 To trample or tread upon; crush, dash to pieces, kill, destroy, pound, bruise, pulverize; tAnamardIdakhAdIca Bk. 15. 35% balAnyamRdUnAnalinAbhavaktraH R. 18.5. -3 To rub, stroke, rub against, touch; asminnasau mRditapakSmalaralakA: Si. 4.61. - 4 To overcome, surp888. -8 To wipe away, rub off, remove. -8 ( In astr.) To pass through (as a constellation).-Caus. (mardayati) =mRd q. v. above. mRdita p. p.1 Pressed, squeezed ; suratamRditA bAlavanitA Bh. 2. 44. -2 Crushed, pounded, ground down, mRtakaH, -kam Adead person, a corpse; uvAca mRtakopAnte patitaM mRtakopamam A. Ram.6.12.9; dhruvaM te jIvanto'pyahaha mRtakA mandamatayo na yeSAmAnandaM janayati jagannAthabhaNitiH Bv. 4. 39. -kam 1 Impurity contracted through the death of a relation. -2 Death. -Comp. -antaka: a jackal. -svamokta m. a royal sage; L. D. B. mRtiH 1. Death, dying, Alambya zAkhAM kRtanizcayA mRtau A. Ram.5.3.58, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #661 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mRdinI 1287 trampled upon, killed. -3 Rubbed off, removed. (See mRd). mRdinI Good or soft earth. mRd/ [mRdyate mRd karmaNi vip] 1 Clay, earth, loam; Amoda kusumabhavaM mRdeva dhatte mRdgandhaM na hi kusumAni dhArayanti Subhas.; prabhavati zucirbimbodgrAhe maNirna mRdAM cayaH U. 2. 4. -2 A piece of earth, lump of clay; mRdaH zuddhimabhIpsatA Ms. 5. 136. -8 A mound of earth.-4 A kind of fragrant earth.-Comp.-kaNa: a small clod or lump of earth. -kara: a potter. -kAsyam an earthen vessel. -kirA an earth worm. -kSAram a radish. -ga a. growing in clay. ( gaH) a kind of fish. -ghaTa: an earthen pot, pitcher. -cayaH (mRzcayaH) a heap of earth. -paca: a potter. -pAtram, -bhANDam earthen-wares a vessel_of clay. -piNDa: a clod of earth, a lump of clay. buddhiH 'clodpated', a blockhead; mayA ca mRtpiNDabuddhinA tathaiva gRhItam $. 6.-7999: scattering earth over (for purification); mRtprakSepeNa zudhyati Ms. 5. 125. -phalI Costus Speciosus (koSTha). -loSTaH a clod of earth.-zakaTikA (mRcchakaTikA) a small car of earth, a toy-cart; (it is the name of a celebrated play by Sudraka.). -stomaH a heap of earth. mRnma (Nma)ya a. Earthen; sa mRNmaye vItahiraNmayatvAt pAtre nidhAyArghyamanarghazIlaH R.b. 2. mRdaGkuraH (ru.) The green pigeon. mRdaGgaH [mRdU-ac kicca] 1A kind of drum or tabor; vINAveNumRdaGgAni puraM pravizati prabhau Bhag. 10.50. 38. -2 A bam boo-cane. -3 Noise. -Comp. -ketu: N. of Yudhisthira (dharmarAja); mRdaGgaketostasya tvaM tejasA nihataH purA Mb.7. 156.18. -phala: the breadtruit tree. -phalinI (mRdaGgI) aspecies of plant (Mar. ghosALI). FT a. 1 Sporting, sportive. -2 Transient, evanescent. mRdavam Contrasting excellence or merit of any kind with demerit. mRdA See mRd.-Comp.-kara: a thunder bolt. mRdu . [mRd-ku] (-duor -dvI/.; compar. mradIyas , superl. mradicha) 1 Sott, tender, supple, pliant, delicate; mRdu tIkSNataraM yaducyate tadidaM manmatha dRzyate tvayi M. 3.2; athavA mRdu / bastu hiMsituM mRdunevArabhate prajAntakaH R.8.45,57; S. 1. 103 4.11.-2 Soft, mild, gentle; na kharo na ca bhUyasA mRduH R. 8.93; bANaM kRpAmRdumanAH pratisaMjahAra 9.57 ' with his mind Bottened with pity'; taM kRpAmRduravekSya bhArgavam 11.833; 5.6.1; maharSirmUdutAmagacchat R.5.54 'relented'; khAtamUlamanilo nadIrayaH pAtayatyapi mUdustaTamam 11.76 'even a goft or gentle breeme' &c. -3 Weak, teeble; sarvathA mRdurasau rAjA | H.33 tataste mRdabo'bhUvan gandharvAH zarapIDitAH Mb. -4 Mode- rate. - Blunt. -8 Slow.-1 (In astr.) Situated in the upper apsis. - The planet Saturn.-du.1 Sottoess gentleness. -2 A kind of iron.-du ind. Softly, gently, in a. sweet manner; svanasi mRdu karNAntikacaraH 5.1.23%; vAdayate mRdu veNum Git. b. -Comp. -aGga a. of delicate limbs. (-GgI) adelicate woman.-avagraha: a particular slight separation of the members of a compound. -ucca m (in astr.) the upper apsis of a planet's course. -utpalam the sotti. e. blue lotus. -kaNTaka: a kind of sheat-fish. -kASNoyasam, -kRSNAyasam soft-iron, lead. -koSTha a. having bowels which are relaxed or easily affected by medicines. - THT a. having a gentle or lounging gait. (-nA) a goose, temale swan. -gir . soft-voiced. -carmin,-chadaH, -tvaca, -svaca: m. a kind of birch tree. -tIkSNam the nakSatra kRttikA and vizAkhA. -patraH a rush or reed:-parvakA,-parvan m. a reed, cane. -puSpaH the Sirisa tree. -pUrva a. gentle at first,_bland, coaxing. -phalam N. of a plant (vikakRta). -bhASin a. sweet-speaking. -yuddha a. fighting lamily. -roman m., -romaka: a hare. -vargaH, -gaNaH the group of the Naksatras anurAdhA, mRgazirasa, citrA and revatI. -sArA, m Theapesia Populnea (Mar. pArasA piMpaLa). -sUrya . (aday) on which the sun shines mildly; mRdusUryo: sunIhArAH......divasA bhAnti sAMpratam Ram.3.16. 12.-sparza . soft to the touch. -hRdaya a. kind. mRduka a. Sott, gentle. Agar 1 Softness, tenderness. -2 Weakness. mRdula a. 1Sott, tender, delicate. -2 Mild, gentle. -lam 1 Water. -2 A variety of aloe-wood. mRdunnakam Gold. mRdvI, mRddhIkA A vine or bunch of grapesvAcaM tadIyAM paripIya mRdvIM mRdvIkayA tulyarasAM sa haMsaH N. 3.60% mRdvIkA rasitA sitA samazitA...Bv. 4. 13, 373 Mb. 7.64.7. mRdha 1 . (mardhati-te)1 To be moist, or to moisten. -2 Ved. To hurt, kill. -3 To disregard. mR . Ved. 1 Battle, fight; bhaktimAn svAmini mRdhe zaktimAnatikopanaH Siva B. 22. 13. -2 An enemy. mRdhas.. Ved.1 War; daityarAjasya ca brahman kasmAd hetorabhUnmRdhaH Bhag. 3. 14. 3. --2 Contempt, disregard. mRdham War, battle, fight; sattvavihitamatulaM bhujayorbalamasya pazyata mRdhe'dhikupyataH Ki. 12. 39; hatvA nivRttAya mRdhe kharAdIn R. 13. 65; Mv. 5. 13. -Comp. - f. a field of battle. mRz 6 P. (mRzati, mRSTa)1 To touch, handle. -2 To rub, stroke. -3 To consider, reflect, deliberate. mRS I.1 P. (marSati) To sprinkle. -II. 10. (marSati-te) 1 To bear, endure &c. (usually 4 U.). - To sprinkle. -III. 4, 10 U. (mRSyati-te, marSayati-te, marSita) 1 To suffer, bear, endure, put up with; na marSayanti cAtmAnaM saMbhAvayitumAtmanA Ram. 6.65.4; tatkimidamakAryamanuSThitaM devena-loko na For Private and Personal Use Only Page #662 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra mRSA mRSyatIti U. 3; R. 9. 62. -2 To allow permit. -3 To pardon, forgive, excuse, forbear; mRSyantu lavasya bAlizatAM tAtapAdAH e. 6 prathamamiti prekSya duhitujanasyaiko'parAmro bhagavatA marSayitavyaH S. 4; Arya marSaya marSaya Vo. 1; mahAbrAhmaNa marSaya Mk. 1. 4 To forget, neglect. mRSA ind. 1 Falsely wrongly untruly, lyingly yad vaktraM muhurIkSase na dhaninAM brUSe na cATuM mRSA Bh. 3. 147; mRSAbhASAsindho Bv. 2. 21. -2 In vain, to no purpose, uselessly. -Comp. -adhyAyin m. a kind of crane. -arthaka a. 1 untrue. -2 absurd. ( -kam ) an absurdity, an impossibility. -udyam falsehood, lying, a false statement; tat kiM manyase rAjaputri mRSodyaM taditi . 4; mRSodyaM pravadantIM tAm Bk. 5. 60. - jJAnam ignorance, error. -dAnam insincere promise of a gift.] bhASina, vAdin m. linr. -pAca / an untrue or satirical speech, satire, irony. -vAdaH 1 an untrue speech; a lie, falsehood.-2 insincere speech, flattery. -3 irony, satire. fer false witness. mRSAyate Den. A. To be mistaken, to err. mRSAlakaH The mango tree. [ thA. ] 1 (a) Cleanood, purifiedi zaracchazika mAnayana raMjanImukham Bhg. 32.34 (8) Purer clean ; bhakSayitvA phalAnyatha / mUlAni ca sumRSTAni... Ram. 7.93.8. -2 Besmeared. -3 Dressed, cooked. -4 Touched; sthitapatitaM ca karoti mRSTamannam Bri. S. -8 Considered, deliberated. -8 Savoury, agreeable; mAMsAni ca sumRSTAni Ram. 7. 29.26; prAsaM sugRhaM birase mahAntaM stokameva vaa| svacchayaivApatitaM prasedajagaro'yi // Bhag 11.8.2. 7 Sprinkled. -em Pepper. -Comp. -kuNDala a wearing bright earrings. gandhaH a savoury or agreeable smell. - yazas .. of pure glory. sRSTi / 1 Cleansing cleaning, purifying.-8 Cookings dressing, preparation. -3 Touch, contact. -4 Sprinkling. 8 A mavoury ropast; sRSTirgRSTiAithAyAH karmasu saMpada: Ms. 3. 255. mRSTeruka a. 1 Eating dainties, luxurious. -2 Selfish. -8 Liberal. 9 P. ( suSNAti ) To hurt, kill. me 1 A. (mayate, mita desid. mitsate) To exchange or barter. With for fafa to exchange or barter. mekA A goat mekalaH 1 N. of a mountain ; ( also mekhala ). -2 A goat. -Comp. -advijA, kanyakA, kanyA opithets of the river Narmada revendujA pUrvagaDA narmadA melA Abh. Chin. 1083. 1288 mekSaNam A wooden spoon. mekhalA 1 A belt, girdle, waist-band, zone in guneral ( fig. also); anything which girds or surrounds ; mahI meghaH sAgaramekhalA 'the sea-girt earth' sanAnuvidyArNavameAyA dizaH sapatnI bhava, dakSiNasyAH R. 6.63; Rs. 63. -2 Particularly, the girdle or zone of a woman ; nitambabimbaiH sadukUlamekhalai: Rs. 1.46 R864 mekhalA guNaista gotrasteSu bandhanam Ku. 4. 8. -3 The triple girdle worn by the first three castes ; maujI trivRtsamANa kAryA viprasya mekhalA / kSatriyasya tu maurvI jyA vaizyasya zaNatAntavI | Ms. 242 -4 The slope of a ( nitamba ); AmekhalaM saMcaratAM ghanAnAm Ku. 1.5; Me. 12. - The hips. -6 A sword-belt. 7 A sword-knot or string fastened to the hilt. -8 The girth of a horse. -9 N. of the river Narmada. -10 The cords or lines drawn round an alter; vidhinA vihite kuNDe mekhalA gartavedibhiH Bhag. 11. 27. 36. -Comp. -padam the hips. -bandhaH inves titure with the girdle. mekhalin m. 1 An epithet of student, a Brahmacharin, q. v.; samupasthitaH Ram. 2. 32.21. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Siva. 2 A religious mekhalInAM mahAsaGghaH kausalyAM mekhalAla: An epithet of Siva. meghA [ mehati varSati jalam mihU-patyam] 1 A cloud; kurvannajanamecakA iva dizo meghaH samuttiSThate Mk. 5. 23, 2, 3 &c. -2 A mass, multitude. -3 N. of one of the six Ragas (in music ) - A fragrant grass gham Talo. -Comp. -adhvan m., -pathaH, mArga: ' the path of clouds', atmosphere. -antaH the autumn ( zaradRtu ). -ariH the wind. -asthi n. hail - Akhyam talc. -AgamaH the approach of rains, the rainy season; navAmbumattAH zikhinoM nadAnta meghAgame indasamAnadanti Ghat. AcchAdita .. covered with clouds. -ATopaH & dense or thick cloud. - ADambaraH thunder. -AnandA a kind of crane. Anandin m. peacock. Aloka the appearance or sight of elouds meghAloke bhavati sukhino'nyathAvRtti cetaH M.3. - Aspadam the sky, atmosphere. udakam rain. - udayaH the rising of clouds. -kaphaH hail. - kAlaH the raine, rainy season. garjanam, garjanA thunder. -cintakaH the Chataka bird. -jaH a large pearl. -jAlam 1a dense mass of clouds. -2 talc. -jIvakaH, -jIvanaH the Chataka bird. - jyotis m. h , lightning. - DambaraH thunder. -dIpaH lightning. -dUtam N. of a celebrated poem by Kalidasa. - dvAram the sky, atmosphere. nAdaH 1 the roar of clouds, thunder. -2 an epithet of Varuna. -3 N. of Indrajit, son of Ravana ; bhaktiprahaM kathamapi yavIyAMsamutsRjya cApAropanyaprAgulikisalayaM meghanAdakSayAya Mr. 6. 37. - the Palasa tree. "anulAsin, 'anulAsaka: a peacock. 'jit m. an epithet of Laksmapa. -nAman m. a kind of grass (Cyperus Rotundus, bhadramustA) -nirghoSaH thunder. -paktiH, mAlA, rAji: line of alouds prathamaM mecarAjiH paJcAd vidyullatA V. 2. -pathaH atmosphere. - puSpam 1 water. -2 hail. -8 river-water. (-:) N. of one of the 4 horses of Vispu. -prasaraH, -prasavaH water. -bhUtiH & thunderbolt. -maNDalam the firmsment, sky. mAla, mAlin a. cloud caps.] - modinI Bugain Jambolana (Mar & Page #663 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir meSaMkara 1289 medurita jAMbhULa). -yoni: tog, smoke.-raghaH thunder. -rAvaH | meNdraH See me. kind of water-bird. -rekhA, -lekhA a line ot clouds. meth 10. (methati-te) 1 To meet. -2 To -voM the Indigo plant. -vaman.. the atmosphere. meet one another (Atm.). -3 To revile. -4 To know, under-vAdiH lightning. -vAhana: 1 an epithet of Indra; yati sma meghamiva meghavAhanaH Si. 18. 18. -2 an epithet of Siva. stand. -8 To hurt, injure, kill. -visphUrjitam 1 thunder, rumbling of clouds. -2 N. of methikA, -methinI A kind of grass. a metre; see App. aga n. the atmosphere. - a. dark as a cloud (epithet of Rama or Krisna); methIpiSTam A kind of condiment prepared from the meghazyAma pItakauzeyavAsam. -saMghAta: an assemblage of clouds. flour of Faenugreek grains, Gapesa P.49. 47-613 -sAra: a kind of camphor. -suhRd m. a peacock. (ot. Mar. metakUTa). -skandin m. the fabulous animal Sa.ra.bha. -stanitam thunder. HE: 1 Fat. -2 A particular mixed tribe; ct. Mo. 10. 36; Mb. 13. 22. 22 (com. medA gomahiNyAdInAM mRtAnA meghaMkara . (-11.) Producing clouds. mAMsamaznantaH).-8N. of a serpent-demon.-4N. of a plant meghayati Den. P. To make cloudy, darken. (alaMbuSA). dA A root resembling ginger (one of the eight principal medicines). -Comp. -kRt the flesh. mecaka.[ot. Un.5.37] Black, dark-blue, dark- -jam a species of bdellium. -bhilla: N. of adegraded coloured; kurvanaanamecakA iva dizo meghaH samuttiSThate Mk.5.23%3 tribe. U.6.25%3 Me. 61; Ram.5.22.26. -ka: 1 Blackness, the dark-blue colour. -2An eye of a peacock's tail; bhedaka: Liquor used for distillation. prekhadbharimayUkhamecakacayaH Mal.8.5.-3 A cloud.-4 Smoke. medas.. [meda-asun ] 1 Fat, marrow (one of the seven -BA nipple. -8A kind of gem. -kam 1 Darkness. dhatus of the body and supposed to lie in the abdomen); -2 Sulphuret of antimony. -Comp. -3710TT an epithet Ms. 8. 1823; medasA tarpayed devAnathabAdhirasaH paThan Y. 1.443 of the Yamuna. -gala: a peacock. pipIlikAbhirAcIrNamedastvamasizoNitam Bhag.7.3.15. -2 mecakita . Having a dark-blue colour. Corpulence, fat of the body, medacchedakRzodaraM laghu bhavatyu sthAnayogyaM vapuH 5.2.5. -3 Excessive fatness, mor bid mecaTika: The smell ot bad oil. corpulence. -Comp. -abudam a fatty.tumour.-kRt m., n. flesh.-gaNDa: a kind of fatty excrescence. -pranthiH meT, -me 1 P. (meTati, meDati) To be mad. fatty tumour. -jam, -tejas n. a bone. -doSaH, -rogaH meTa: A white-washed storied house. excessive fatness. -ETT a membrane in the abdomen containing the fat. -piNDa: a lump ot tat. -vaham / meTulA The myrobalan tree (AmalakI). lymphatic. ta: f. 1 increase of fat, corpulence. -2 meTha: 1 A ram. -2 An elephant-driver or keeper. enlargement of the scrotum. meThiH medasvin 1.1 Fat, corpulent. -2 Strong, robust; , -meDhI,-methi: 1 A pillar, post. -2 A pillar in medasvinaH sarabhasopagatAnabhIkAn (bhaktvA the midst of a threshing-floor to which oxen are bound. ) Si.5.64. -3 A post to which cattle are bound; meDhyAM gocakravatsthAsnu medinI 1 The earth; na mAmavati sadvIpA ratnasUrapi medinI parastAt kalpavAsinAm Bhag.4.9.21. - A prop for R.1.65%3 caJcalaM vasu nitAntamunnatA medinImapi harantyarAtayaH Ki. 13. supporting the shafts of a carriage. 52; (madhukaiTabhayorAsInmedasaiva pariplutA / teneyaM medinInAmnA sarvataH prikiirtitaa||).-2 Ground, land, soil. -3 Spot, place. -4 meDhIbhUtaa. Being the central point round which everything turns; meDhIbhUtaH svayaM rAjan nigrahe pragrahe bhavAn / N. of a lexicon (medinIkoza). -Comp. -IzaH, -patiH 3 Mb. 3. 10. 16% 14. 1. 16. king. -ja: the planet Mars. -dinam a natural day. -drava: dust. -ghara: a mountain. medraH [miD-STran ] A ram. -dUm The male organ of medura . [ mid-ghurac] 1 Fat. -2 Smooth, unctuous, generation, penis; (yasya) mer conmAdazukrAbhyAM hInaM klIvaH sa ucyate. -Comp. -caman.the prepace. -ja: an epithet soft. -3 Thick, dense; paryantapratirodhimeduracayastyAnaM citAof Siva. -roga: a venereal disease.-zaGgI Odina Pinnata jyotiSAm Mal.5.11; thick with, full ot, covered with (Mar. meDaziMgI). (usually with instr. or at the end of comp.); - meMduramambaram Git. 13 makarandasundaragalanmadAkinImeduram (padArabindam) meka: 1 A ram. -2 The penis. 73 zrIgovindapadAmbhojapramodabharameduram Siva B. 25.27%; kuTajAmodameNThaH , -meNDaH An elephant-keeper. meduraH pavanaH 26.69. meNDhaH, -meNDhaka: A ram. medurita..1 Thickened, made dense; meghameduritanIlimA giriHU. 1.-2 Unotuous. paM..ko....161 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #664 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra medya medya a. 1 Fat. -2 Dense, thick. medram = medram g. v; nAbhyadhava bhavenmendram Sukra. 4.414. megh 1 U. See methU. meghaH 1 A excrifice, as in narameca, azvamedha ekaviMzatimeghAnte Mb. 14. 29.18 ( com. megho yuddhavazaH / 'yazo vai meghaH' fa : 1). - A sacrificial animal or victim. -8 An offering, oblation. - Ved. The juice of meat, broth. -B Ved. Sap, pith, essence. Comp. - an epithet of Visu. meghA [[medhU an] (changed to maisU in Bah. comp. when preceded by 9, and the negative particle) 1 Retentive faculty, retentiveness (of memory); ftAk. -2 Intellect, intelligence in general; yat saptAbhAni medhayA tapasAjanayat pitA Bri. Up. 1.5.1; Bg. 10. 34; AyuSmantaM sutaM sute yazomedhAsamanvitam M. 3.263; Y. 3. 173. -8 A form of Sarasvati. A sacrifice. -5 Strength, power (Ved.). Comp. -fafer: N. of a learned commentator on Manusmriti. N. of a rite for producing mental and bodily strength. -farm. an epithet of Katyayana. - an epithet of Kalidasa. meghAyat a. Wise, intelligent. a. medhAvina [medhA vini] 1 Very intelligent, having a good memory. -2 Intelligent, wise, endowed with intellect medhAvino nItiguNaprakhapuraH sphurantImiva darzayanti P 1.61; : Bg. 18. 10. m. 1 A learned man, sage, scholar. -2 A parrot. -8 An intoxicating drink. -An epithet of the wife of Brahma. meghi Soe methi, Afat. Intelligent, wise. medhya [mepU-yada medhAya hitaM yatmA]1 Fit for sacrifice; Y. 1. 194; Ms. 5. 54. -2 Relating to a sacrifice, sacrificial; ; R. 13. 8; uSA bA azvasya medhyasya ziraH Bri. Up. 1. 1. 1. -8 Pure, sacred, holy; bhuvaM koSNena kuNDonI madhyenAvabhRthAdapi R. 1. 84; 3.31; 14. 81.4 Ved. Fresh, strong, vigorous. -6 Wise, intelligent. - 1 A goat. -2 A Khadira tree. -8 Barley (according to Medini). - 1 N. of several plants (t, eget, tr, &c.). - The gall stone of a cow (). -8 A particular vein. 6. 1 N. of an Apsaras (mother of Sakuntala ). -2 N. of the wife of Himalaya. -Comp. - N. of Parvati. menA 1 N. of the wile of Himalsyar menAM munInAmapi mAnanIyAm (upayeme ) Ku. 1. 1855 -2 N. of a river. -8 speech (7). 1290 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir meSA 1 A pescock. -2 A cat. -8 A goat. , N. of a plant (Mar.) (from the leaves of which a reddish dye is extracted, wherewith to colour the tips and nails of fingers, the soles of the feet, and the palms of the hand) me 1 A. (mepate) To go, move. meya . [ mAmi vA yat] 1 Measured. -8 Capable of being estimated; tathA dharimameyAnAM zatAdabhyadhike badha: Ms. 8. 321. -8 Discernible, capable of being known (). 1 A seat covered with bark. -2 N. of an enemy of Visnu. 1 N. of a fabulous mountain (round which all the planets are said to revolve and which forms the centre of the several Dvipas; cf. 1; it is also said to consist of gold and gems ); vibhajya merurna yadarthisAt kRtaH N. 1. 16; svAtmanyeva samAptahemamahimA merurna me rocate Bh. 3. 150. -2 The central bead in a rosary. -3 The central gem of a necklace. -Comp. -adrikarNikA the earth. -dhAman m. an epithet of Siva. - heaven, the sky. -HG N. of a mountain. - a figure shaped like a spindle. of: N. of one of the fourteen Manus. merukA Ino [f] Meeting, union, intercourse. - A fair. -8 A company, an assembly. - Conjunction (of planeta). (Also ). melanam [ mil-lyuT ] 1 Union, junction. -2 Associa tion. -8 Mixture. - An encounter; a fight. melA [ mil- Nic ac TApU] 1 Union, intercourse. -2 A company, assembly, a society. -8 Antimony. - The indigo plant. 8 Ink. 6 A musical scale. -Comp. -andhukaH, -nandaH, candA, mandA an_ink-stand, inkbottle. - ink. Rev 1 Uniting, bringing together, collecting. -2 Conjunction of planets. -8 A crowd, assembly. melAyanam Combination, junction. 1 A. () To worship, serve, attend upon. meva. Much (puSkala ); sarvaM me tvaM brUhi mevaM yathAvat Mb. 6. 20. 2. For Private and Personal Use Only : 1 A ram, sheep. -2 The sign Aries of the zodiac. -Comp. -aNDa: an epithet of Indra. -kambalaH a woollen blanket or rug. -kusumaH, -locanaH Cassia Thora (Mar. TAkaLA ). -pAlaH, -pAlakaH a shepherd. -mAMsam mutton. a flock of sheep. - a species of tree; Mb. 14. 43. 8.- Odins Pinnata (Mar. f). meSA Small cardamoma. Page #665 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir meSAyate 1201 mailindA meSAyate Den. A. To aot like a ram. meSikA, -meSI A swer meSaraNam N. of the 10th astrological house. [A Greek word ], Bri. s. mehaH [miD-gham ] 1 Making water, passing urine.-2 Urine. -8 A urinary disease; diabetes. - A ram. -B A Goat. -Comp. -oft turmeric. mehanam [mih-lyut ]1 Passing urine; evaM dhASTonyuzati kurute mehanAdIni vAstau Bhag. 10.8.31. -2 Urine. -8 The penis; pralambodaramehanAH Mb. 9. 45.97. maitra..(-trI.)[ mitra-aN] 1 Belonging to a triend. -2Given by a friend. -3 Friendly, well-disposed, amicable, kind; kuryAdanyanna vA kuryAnmatro brAhmaNa ucyate Ms. 2. 873 adveSTA sarvabhUtAnAM maitraH karuNa eva ca Bg. 12. 13. - Relating to the god Mitra (as a Muhurta ); Ku. 7.6 (com. 'ArdraH sAIstathA maitraH zubho vAsaba eva ca' iti bRhaspatismaraNAt ); maitre muhUrte prayayau prayAgavanamuttamam Ram. 2.89.21 (com. udayAt tRtIyamuhUrte).-tra: 1 A high or perfect Brahmapa% pariniSThitakAryastu svAdhyAyeneva brAhmaNaH / kuryAdanyatra bA kuryAnmaitro brAhmaNa ucyate // Mb. 12.60. 12. -2 N. of a partioular mixed tribe; Ms. 10. 23. -8 The anus; Ms. 12. 72 (com.). -4 A friend. -5t 1 Friendship, good will. -2 Intimate connection or association, union, contact; pratyUSaSu sphuTitakamalAmodametrIkaSAyaH Me.31. -8 The lunar mansion called anurAdhA; tIrthayAtrA haladharaH ......maitranakSatrayoge sma Mb.9. 35.14.-tram 1 Friendship.-2 Voiding or evacuation of exerement; maitraM prasAdhanaM snAnam (pUrvAhna eva kurvIta) Ms. 4. 152. -8 A prayer addressed to Mitra; ajAtazatruH kRtamaitro hutAmiH Bhag. 1. 13. 30. - The lunar mansion anurAdhA (maitrabham in the same sense). -Comp. -cittam benevolence. -nakSatram the anurAdhA constellation. maitrakam Friendship maitrAyaNam Benevolence; samaH sarveSu bhUteSu maitrAyaNagatizcaret Mb. 12. 160.27.(-NA: m. pl.) N. of a Vedic school; also maitrAyaNI. maitrAvaruNaH 1 An epithet of Valmiki. -2 01 Agastya. -8 N. of one of the officiating priests at a sacrifice. - N. of Vasistha; tvAM maitrAvaruNo'bhinandatu guruya'ste gurUNAmapi U.5.28. maitrAvaruNa: 1 An epithet of Agastya; yAn maitrAvaNiH prazAsti bhagavAnAmnAyapUte vidhau Mv. 1. 25. -2 OF Vasistha. -8 Of Valmiki. maitrin a. Friendly, kind. maitreya (-yI/.) Relating to a triend, triendly. -U: N. of a mixed tribe. maitreyaka: N. of a mixed tribe; maitreyakaM tu vaideho mAbUka saMprasUyate Ms. 10. 33. # A contest between friends or allies (mitrayuddham ). maitreyI N. of the wite of yAjJavalkya . maicyam Friendship, alliance; AhuH sAptapadaM maiJyaM janAe zAstravicakSaNAH Pt. maithilaH [mithilAyAM bhavaH aN]A king of Mithils; utpannA methilakule janakasya mahAtmanaH Ram.7.17.37: R.11.32, 48. OT: (pl.) The people of Mithila q. v. N. of Sita; sa jahAra tayormadhye maithilI lokazoSaNaH R.12.29. maithuna (-nI..)[mithunena nirvRttam maN] 1Paired, coupled; gandharbastAdRzIrasya methunyazca sitAsitAH Bhag.4.27.14. -2 United by marriage. -8 Relating to oopulation. -nam 1Copulation, sexual union; mRta methunamaprajam Pt. 2.98.-2 Marriage. -8 Union, connection. - Consecrating the fire ( F2TUTA). -Comp. - CT a. engaged in copulation. - THTH sexual intercourse. Fert: the excitement of sexual passion. -gharmin a. copulating. -vairAgyam abstinence from sexual intercourse. maithunikA Union by marriage, matrimonial alliance; P. IV. 3.125. Ayfart a. Copulating, sexually united. -m. One who has had sexual union with a woman. maithanIbhASa: Copulation, sexual union; nArISu maithunIbhAvaM nAkAmAsvabhyarocayat Ram.7.26.59. maithunya .. Relating to copulation. maighAvakam Wisdom, inteligence. Arreft (In music ) A kind of gait or movement. mainAkaH [menakAyAM bhavaH aN] N. of a mountain, son of Himalaya and Menk, who alone retained his wings (when Indra clipped those of other mountains) on account of his friendship with the ocean; of. Ku. 1. 20; ciraM jalanidhau mamo mainAka ina mArdavam Bv. -Comp. -svara/. epithet of Parvati. mainAlaH, -mainika: A fisherman. mainda: N. of a demon killed by Krisna. -Comp. -han m. an epithet of Krispa. maireyaH, -yam,-maireyakaH, -kam A kind of intoxicating drink (a combination of surA and Asaba); adhirajani vadhUbhiH pItamereyariktam Si. 11.51; G. L.4; pItvA ca madhumereyam Bhag.6. 1.59%; mereyaM sarasijImukhAmbujasthaM cakrAhAH saha gRhiNIbhirApibanti Ram. Ch. 70. mailindaH A boe For Private and Personal Use Only Page #666 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir maileyaka 1992 moTTAyitam Re : A variety of inferior gems; Kau. A. 2. 11. 29. 1914 1 The cast-off skin of an animal; Hafa Mb. 2. 49. 19. -2 A quadruped. -8 A pupil. Hey a. 1 To be set free, liberated. -2 To be renounced or resigned. - To be hurled or thrown izpon or against. HTET 1 P., 10 u. (Hefa, Herafa-) 1 To release, get free, liberate, emancipate. -2 To loose, untie, undo. - To wrest away. - To cast, hurl, fling. - To shed. - To detach, extract. ATE: 14.99] 1 Liberation, release, escape, freedom; ATSEIT H K.; Me. 63; Jou : Y-14: R. 17. 20; yetoria 1974 17. 19. -2 Rescue, deliverance, delivery; agora qi T4 1974 fra: Mb. 5. 173. 15. -8 Final emancipation, deliverance of the soul from recurring births or transmigration, the last of the four ends of human existence; see artha; dharmArthakAmamokSANAM yasyaiko'pi na vidyate / ajAgalastanasyeva tasya The Parent; Bg. 5. 28; 18. 30; Ms. 6. 35; R. 10.84. - 4 Death. -3 Falling down, dropping down, falling off ; E T TAT: Ku: 3. 31. -6 Loosening, untying, unbinding; aftaga Me. 101; pagadiat fifaHTET HTET: -7 Shedding, causing to fall down or flow; 17e, e ier. -8 Shooting, casting, discharging; T TT: S. 3. 5.-9 Scattering, strewing. -10 Acquittance or discharge of an obligation (debt &c.). -11 (In astr.) The liberation of an eclipsed planet, the end of an eclipse. -18 N. of a tree (3 ). 18 Utterance of a curse). -14 Settling (a question). -Comp. -3974: a means of obtaining final emancipation. -*1977 knowledge of final emancipation. : an epithet applied to Hiouen Thsang, the celebrated Chinese traveller. It the sun. -qfa: (in music) a kind of measure. -get an epithet of the town called kAcI.-bhAvaH liberation.-vArtikaa. reflecting upon final emancipation. A a. [ HT-093] Delivering, freeing, releasing &c. : A liberator, saviour, deliverer. ATTUrh (10 ) 1 Releasing, liberating, emancipating, setting at liberty; yAvAnavadhyasya vadhe tAvAn vabhyasya ATT Ms. 9. 249. - 2 Rescuing, deliverance. -3 Loogening, untying. -4 Giving up, a bandoning, resigning. -6 Shedding. -8 Squandering. -7 Discharging, casting; Tao &c. -off The magic art of releasing any one. Alerta Den. A. To become a means of eman. cipation. Afer a. 1 Desirous of emancipation; Jet Airer a verda a Mb. 3. 30. 12. -2 Emancipated, completely a bsolved, freed. I HTT: A disease like chicken-pox. HET. [ 96-Targ ar an ] 1 Vain, useless, fruitless, unprofitable unsuccessful; yAcyA moghA varamadhiguNe nAdhame AT Me. 6; T T THEY feat R. 11. 39; 14. 65; H ET IT APOTT Hasra aaaa: Bg. 9. 12. - Aimless, purposeless, indefinite. -8 Left, abandoned. -4 Idle. -T: A fence, an enclosure, a hedge. -ar The trumpet flower. -7 ind. In vain, to no purpose, uselessly. -Comp. H a, engaging in useless rites. To a barren woman. Hata Den. A. To become useless or insignificant. ATTE 8 U. To render useless, frustrate. Hatfe: A hedge, fence. Ata: 9-7 ] 1 The plantain tree. -2 The tree called TH17. -TT 1 The plantain tree. -2 The cotton shrub. -8 The indigo plant. - A plantain fruit. -Comp. -fararet, T, ETT:, Ella: the resin of Gossampinus Rumphu. 1 a. (1-7]1 Liberating, freeing. -2 Finally emancipated, absolved. i 1 A devotee, an ascetic. - 2 Emancipation, deliverance. -8 A plantain tree. -4 The tree called T7917. - A kind of shoe. HET a. ( f.) (99-oy ) Releasing, freeing from. - .1 Releasing, liberating, setting free, emancipating. - Unyoking. -8 Discharging, emitting. - Acquittance of a debt or obligation. -8 Arrogance, pride. -8 Deceit, fraud. Comp. -96: a filter. Hafea. Releasing, setting free; Ms. 8. 342 (com.). Halt: 1 The pith or fruit of the banana.-2 Sandal wood. -8 A kind of pungent seed. atfel: A tanner or shoe-maker. HIE:,SH A bundle ; Buddh. HIE", (9- ) A pill. ** A couple of broken blades of Kuba grass given at a Sraddha (#$997644). HERE, AC Crushing, pressing, grinding, breaking. -7: Wind, air. Silent involuntary expression of affection towards an absent lover, as when a woman, her mind being taken up by her lover, soratches the ear &o. when he is remembered or talked of; it is thus defined by 396 : Tentuaraial f 151317:1914HT1959 Ale a t; see S.D. 141 also; H HISIfaanythtaafura Ud. $. 35. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #667 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir moNa: 1963 mohanakA Hor: 1 A dried fruit. - A basket for keeping snakes. - A kind of fly. Hla: [96-99] 1 Delight, pleasure, joy, gladness; 451171 AT U. 2. 12; R. 5.15; ergu arenghtyAICH Git. -2 Perfume, tragance; s t artat TTT AICYHICU: Bhag. 2. 6. 2. - A species of plant (8451modA), also modAvyA. -Comp.-AkhyaH the mango tree. AC a.(1,* f.) [ hicula-ge fora un ] 1 Pleasing, delighting, gladdening. -2 Glad, delighted. -i, 4 1 A sweetmeat in general; Y. 1. 289 (com. #14: +:). - A kind of pill (in medicine ). -*: N. of a mixed tribe (sprung from a Ksatriya father and a Sudra mother). -Comp. rt: a confectioner. -a : N. of Ganesa. modakikA A sweetmeat. HITTH (99- ) 1 Joy, pleasure. -2 The act of pleasing. -8 Wax. -a. Gladdening, delighting ; Penya STUHIT heraat 79977&hcyah Mb. 7. 155. 46. A naal, hlagret A kind of jasmine (Arabian). feat a. Glad, pleased, delighted. -- Pleasure, delight. Het a. 9-forfat ] 1 Glad, pleased, cheerful. -2 Gladdening, delighting. 1 N. of various plants (24HHICT, FT, 79). -2 Musk. -3 An intoxicating or spirituous liquor. ATC: A peacock. 1 A kind of steel. - The milk of cow seven days after calving. ARE: [ HT-237] 1 A kind of plant with sweet juice. -2 The milk of a cow seven days after calving. I 1 The root of the sugarcane. -2 The flower of the Ankota tree. -21 Hemp used for bow-strings (af). #rot: Sour butter-milk. A t A side-door. : (99-79]1 A thiet, robber; H asta treat T ara: Ms. 9. 274. -2 Theft, robbery. -8 Plundering, stealing, taking away, removing (fig. also ); puSpamoSamarhatyudyAnalatA Mk. 13 dRSTimoSe pradoSe Git. 11. -4 Stolen property; saMnidhAtUMzca moSasya hanyAcauramivezvaraH Ms. 9. 278. -Comp. a m. a thief. HT*: (99- ) A robber, thief. HITUIE [94-84) 1 Robbing, plundering, stealing, defrauding; Kull. on M. 8. 400.- Cutting. -8 Destroying. Haface: 1 A Brahmana. -2 The cuckoo. Att Theft, robbery. ATE m. A thief, robber. ATE: [9742] 1 Loss of consciousness, fainting, a Bwoon, insensibility; Harrastagftigua CHIET V. 1.8; AT&T at: Y : R. 14. 56; Ku. 3. 78; faa 9 694 169ATH Siva B. 28. 88. - Perplexity, delusion, embarrassment, confusion ; TECHT 7 High atge quea Bg. 4. 35. -8 Folly, ignorance, infatuation: failed HBIGS HIGH HIGH R. 1. 2; $. 7. 25. - Error, mistake. -B Wonder, astonishment. -8 Affliction, pain. - A magical art employed to confound an enemy. -8 (In phil.) Delusion of mind which prevents one from discerning the truth (makes one believe in the reality of worldly objects and to be addicted to the gratification of sensual pleasures ); HETATE AT HTTay: Bhag. 3. 12. 2. -9 Illusion of attachment or love; vaaraasa fare: To farrera ATEIT Pt. 2. 171. -Comp. -THT ( in Rhet.) a figure of speech in which the 39419 and 3494 are confounded; reflected frafted & gauge UTATHIRIAT HTETTAT Fall Kav. 2. 25. Och 1 the thick net or snare of delusion. -2 spirituous liquor, -jAlam mundane fascination. -nidrA over-weening confidence. #s: a deluding spell. - fs: f. the night when the whole universe will be destroyed; 511 mahArAtrirmoharAtrizca Chandipatha.-zAstram a false dootrine or precept. HIEF a. 1 Infatuating. -2 Causing ignorance or folly. HET a. (off.) [ -form-as y at ] 1 Stupefying. -2 Bewildering, perplexing, puzzling; 24619511957 AEG 5616114 Bg. 14. 8. -3 Deluding, infatuating. - Fascinating, enrapturing; EAA U. 1. 36; Mal. 6. 8. -a: 1 An epithet of Siva. -2 N. of one of the five arrows of Cupid. -3 The Thorn-apple ( ). - 1 A particular illusion. -2 A particular incantation. -3 One of the nine ries of Visnu. 1 Stupefying. - 2 Bewildering, perplexing, puzzling. -8 Stupor ; loss of sensation. -4 Infatuation, delusion, mistake. A seduction, temptation. 6 Sexual intercourse; roa: fran a Agatha Paraca si. 10. 85; Mal. 4. - A means employed in perplexing others. -8 A magical charm employed to bewilder an enemy. -Comp. -TEH a missile which fascinates or bewitches the person against whom it is used. - 8 delusive chamber; afferart IETVE aT THE Kau. A. 1. 20. AIECT: The month of Chaitra. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #668 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mohanIya 1998 mauvIM mohanIya .. 1 Relating to or causing swoon, delusion | &o. -2 Perplexing, puzzling. mohita pp. [muD-Nic kta ] 1 Stupefied.-2 Perplexed, bewildered. -8 Deluded, fascinated, infatuated, beguiled. mohina ..[muha-Nini ] 1 Stupelying. -2 Perplexing, bewildering, tallacious. -3 Fascinating, enrapturing, enchanting. - mohinI 1N. of an Apsaras. -2 A fascinating woman (the torm assumed by Visnu at the time ot cheating the demons of nectar. ) -8 The flower of a kind of jasmine. mauka (ku) li: A crow; stambADambaramUkamokulikula: kauzcAvato'yaM giriH U. 2. 29. maukalyaH A vaidehaka who sews and dyes clothes (rAmaka). mauktikam [ mukkaiva svArthe Thak ] A pearl; gArutmataM ca mANikya mauktikaM zreSThameva hi Sukra. 4. 162; moktikaM na gaje gaje Subhas. -Comp.-AvalI a string of pearls. -gumphikA a temale who prepares pearl-necklaces. -taNDula: a kind of white yAvanAla (Mar. joMdhaLA).-dAmana. a string of pearls. -TECT a pearl-muscle. -yeni f. a pearloyster.-sara: a necklace or string of pearls; ayaM kaNThe bAhuH ziziramasRNo mauktikasaraH U. 1.29.-sthAnam 1 a conch, shell. -2 an elephant, frog or hog(?). -8 the bamboo tree; Girvana. maukyam [mUkasya bhAvaH dhya] Dumbness, muteness, speechlessness; annahartAmayAbitvaM maukyaM bAgapahArakaH Ms.11.51. maukha .10ral. -2 Relating to the mouth. Hier Precedence, superiority. maukhari: N. of a family; pade pade maukharibhiH kRtArcanam . maukharyam [mukharasya bhAvaH dhyam ] 1 Talkativeness, garrulity. -2 Abuse, defamation, calumny. maugdhya m [mugdha-vyam ] 1 Silliness, toolishness. -2 Artlessness, simplicity, innocence. -8 Charm, beauty. modhyam Uselessness. mocam The truit of the plantain tree. mauja (jI/.)[muja-aN] Made ot Munja grass (also maujaka). girdle, investiture with the sacred thread; Ms. 2. 27; mAturagre'dhijananaM dvitIya maujibandhane 169. motyam 1 Ignorance, stupidity, tolly; hitvAroM bhajate movyAd bhasmanyeva juhoti saH Bhag. -2 Childishness. -8 Spiritual folly. - Swoon, stupor. mauNDya m 1 Shaving of the head, tonsure; mANDya prANAntiko daNDo brAhmaNasya vidhIyate Ms.8.879.-2 Baldness. mautram A quantity of urine. maudaka .. (-kI 1.) 1 Relating to sweetmeats. -2 Dealing in sweetmeats. maudakika: A conteotioner. . maudralAyanaH N. of a pupil of gautamabuddha. Hae: A crow. maudrIna . [ mudgAnAM bhavanaM kSetraM kham ] Fit for being sown with beans, or sown with beans (as a field ). maunam [munerbhAvaH aN] 1 Silence, taciturnity; vibhUSaNa maunamapaNDitAnAm Bh.2.73; maunaM sarvArthasAdhanam: maunaM tyaja ' open your lips'; maunaM samAcara hold your tongue'. -2 The unblooming state (apraphullIbhAva); gujati manju milinde mA mAlati maunamupayAsI: Bv.1.19. -Comp. -mudrA the attitude of silence. -vratam a vow ot silence. maunin (-nI/.)[ maunamasyAsti ini ]observing a vow of silence, silent, taciturn; geefteregfahraf Age yenakenacit Bg. 12.19. -m. A holy sage, an ascetics a hermit; also mauniH; evaM bruvati maunIza AgatAcApavAhakAH A. Ram. 1.6.21. maurajikaH[murajavAdanaM zirupamasya Thak ] A drummer. Hitta 4. Made from the Muru iron; also 4104; maurvyAbhijaghne gadayA vibhAvarIm Bhag. 3. 17. 26. mauryam [ mUrkha-pyam ] Folly, stupidity. mauryaH [ mura-Nya ] N. of a dynasty of kings beginning with Chandragupta; maurya nave rAjani Mu.4.15%; maurhiraNyAthibhirarcAH prakalpitA: Mbh.; (there is a difference of opinion among scholars as to the meaning of the word maurya in this passage). maurSa (pI.) Made of Mirva plant3 mauA mekhalayA niyantritamadhovAsazca mAjiSTakam U.4.203; Mv. 1. 18. maurvI [mUlatA tattantunA nirdhattA aN] 1 A bow-string : mauvIM kiNAlko bhujaHS. 1. 183; mauvIM dhanuSi cAtatA R.1.193 18. 483 Ku.3.55%8 dhanuH pauSpaM maurvI madhukaramayI paca bizikhAH Saundaryalahari 6.-2 Agirdle made of Mirya grass (to be worn by a Katriya); kSatriyasya tu mauvIM jyA Ms. 2. 42. -8 (In geom.) The sine of an aro; also maurvikA ). teht The girdle of a Brahmana made of a triple string of Munja grass; vratAya maujI triguNAM babhAra yAm Ku. 5. 10; Ms. 2.42; pizaGgamaujIyujamarjunacchavim Si.1.6. -Comp. -nivandhanam, -bandhanam binding on the Munja gram For Private and Personal Use Only Page #669 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir maula 1998 A He a. (1, s.) [Fraft Ferat at stup] 1 Radioal, original. - Ancient, old, of long standing (as a custom)a boriginal, indigenous (as people ); CHAHH g hlerat fra TIA Ms. 8.259. -8 Nobly born, of a good family. -4 Brought up in the service of a king for generations, holding office from ancient times, hereditary; hicaglala: Ms. 7. 54; R. 19. 57; opat SH Siva B. 8. 56. -B Monetary; preda balaM rAjA maulaM mitrabalaM tathA Mb. 15.7.7. -la: An old or hereditary minister ; ( 994: A1 TTTrag fra af aya: R. 12. 12; 14. 10; 18. 38. if a. [ F IE : 11 Head, foremost, best; fyftemat HIT AICHT Bv. 1. 121. - 1 The head, the orown of the head; Aaa h Ve. 3. 40; R. 13. 59; Ku.5. 79. -2 The head or top of anything, top-most point; U. 2. 30; THICTAT Allerdings Parnal. -3 The Asoka tree. -Re: m., f.) 1 A crown, diadem, tiara; PETITAT nRpANAM na jAtu maulo maNayo basanti Bv.1.78. -2 Hair on the crown of the head, tuft or lock of hair; ETA Ku. 2. 26 FEIGE Malli.); gcctafarufuofaftuellesett Ki. 12. 41. -8 Braided hair, hair braided and ornamented; g: H: Ve. 6. 34. -fi, f. The earth. -Comp. : the phlegm secreted in the head. -98 the crown of the head. -Pet: a diadem for the head. Hluti, - TH & crest-jewel, a jewel worn in the crown. -HUET & head-ornament. 54 a crown, tiara. Alfest a. ( f.) 1 Radioal. -2 Chiet, principal, prime; UT HIS ga Heim afanga: U. 3. -3 Interior, of low origin (opp. to 1). - A dealer in or digger of roots. wift a. Having a crown, crested. Hlaun: A variety of gems; Kau. A. 2. 11. 29. maulyam Price. to a. A bath in which one remains steady like & pestle in water. Alf : A male mouse. He Playing at fisticuffs, a boxing or pugilistic encounter. Hilfe: 1 A rogue, cheat, sharper. -2 A goldsmith. Hita. ( f) (HS-B ] 1 Formed like a club, olub-shaped. - Fought with clube (as a battle). -8 Relating to the battle with clubs (as a parvan; in this parvan (Mb. 16th) is narrated the death of Krisua and Balarima, and the self-destruction of Krispa's family through the ourse of Brahmanas). U A kind of madhuparka. The destruction of Yadavaa in the battle with clubs; vajrastasyAbhavadyastu r ea: Bhag. 10. 90. 37. hisa: [ 968-370) An astrologer. Agra a. ( f.) (964-5) 1 Momentary, transient. -2 Relating to a particular time. -3 Skilled in astrology. - An astrologer; Algia: 8914014; fafara hr a du a Kau. A. 1. 19. 16; 349 Algrad fartsgfa Ha Siva B. 1. 86. 1 P. (Hala, A) 1 To repeat (in the mind ). -2 To learn diligently. -8 To remember. - To praise (Ved.). ta p. p. 1 Repeated. -2 Learnt, studied. ETET I. 1 P. (af) 1 To rub; en aftaf agora Rv. 8. 74. 13.-2 To heap, collect, accumulate. -8 To strike, hurt, kill. II. 10 U. ( 4f-a) 1 To heap, accumulate. -2 To smear, rub, anoint. -8 To mix, combine. -4 To speak indistinctly. 9 : Hypocrisy, dissimulation. UTH [ -amye) 1 Smearing the body with unguente. -2 Anointing, smearing in general. -8 Accu mulating, heaping up. -4 Oil, ointment. mraJca See mRJca below. 1 A. ( , caus. rufaa) To pound, grind. crush, trample upon. SICHT m. [ thia: sapag] 1 Tenderness, softness; GHETETTHICHETT: SOTT: Laksmilahari S. 6. - 2 Mildness, weakness ; ( Fai:) EHITHELI Jad taka: Si. 2. 49. sfatera a. Mild, kind. Star Cyperus Rotundus ( Mar. Fara apiche). 1 P. (Arafa) To go, move. 9521P.(gafa) To go, move. (7)1 P. (F-s-fa) To be mad. RET 10 U. ( ad) To cut or divide. fre a. 1 Spoken indistinctly (as by barbarians ), indistinct; P. VII. 2. 18; fegaty24 Abh. Chin. 266. - 2 Barbarous. -8 Withered, faded. -UH 1 An indistinct or barbarous speech. -2 A foreign language. 9, 5 1 See 3, gsg. - To Bet; Farat aty: Bri. Up. 1. 5. 22. 52, or 1 P., 10 U. ( eefa, yafaa, free, pea 1 To speak confusedly, indistinctly, or barbarously. - To speak distinctly (54mat ata ); L. D. B. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #670 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir mlecchaH 1201 mlecchaH [mleccha-gham] 1 A barbarian, a non-Aryan | Bh.3. 33.-2 To grow weary or languid; to be fatigued (one not speaking the Sanskrit language, or not con- or exhausted ; pathi..mamlaturna maNikuTTimocitau R.11.9; Bk.14. forming to Hindu or Aryan institutions), a foreigner 6%3 banaviharaNakhedamlAnam Si. 7.75.-3 To be sad or dejected, in general; PIET Fotogafaiete fattuta afd J. N. V.; be downeast or dispirited; mamlau sAtha viSAdena K. P. 103 mlecchAn mUrchayate; or mlecchanivahanidhane kalayasi karavAlam Git. 1. mlAyate me mano hIdam Mb.-4 To become thin or emaciated. -2 An outoast, a very low man; (Baudhayana thus -BTodisappear, vanish.-6Todecline, become less%3 defines the word:-gomAMsakhAdako yastu viruddhaM bahu bhaasst| sarvA- banaviharaNakhedamlAnamamlAnazobhAHSi.7.75. -Caus.(mlApayati) 1 cArabihInazca mleccha ityabhidhIyate / / ). -3 A sinner, wicked To cause to fade, wither up. -2 To make languid or person. -4 Foreign or barbarous speech. -ccha m 1 dispirited, emaciate, enfeeble. -8 To crush. Copper. -2 Vermilion. -Comp. -Akhya m copper. -Aza: wheat. -Asyam , -mukham copper. -kanda.garlic. FIT p. p. 1 Faded, withered. - Made white by fat: f. a savage or barbarian race, & mountaineer; tanning. pulindA nAhalA niSTapAH zabarA varuTA bhttaaH| mAlA bhillAH kirAtAzca mlAna p. p. [mlai-kta tasya naH] 1 Faded, withered. -2 sarve'pi mlecchajAtayaH || Abh. Chin. 934.-dezaH,-maNDalam a Wearied, weary, languid. -8 Enfeebled, weak, feeble, country inhabited by non-Aryans or barbarians, a faint. -4 Sad, dejected, melancholy. - Black. -6 toreign or bar barous country; kRSNasArastu carati mRgo yatra Foul, dirty. -7 Ignominous 3 kaH kurvIta ziraH praNAmamalinaM svabhAvataH / sa zeyo yajJiyo dezo mlecchadezastvataH prH|| Ms.2.28. mlAnaM manasvI janaH Bh. 1. 32. -nam Withering, tading. -dviSTa: bdellium. -bhASA a foreign language. -bhojana: -Comp. -aGga a weak-bodied.(-mI) a woman durwheat. (-nam) barley. -vAc a. speakinga bar barous ing her menses. -manas a.depressed in mind, dispirited, or foreign language; mlecchabAcazcAryavAcaH sarve te dasyavaH smRtAH disheartened. - 4. sad, dejected; Bee F77977; Ms. 10.45. drAkSA mlAnamukhI jAtA zarkarA cAzmatAM gtaa| subhASitarasasyAgre sudhA F EETH 1 Speaking indistinctly or confusedly. bhItA divaM gatA || Subhas. -vaktra a. having a blackened - Speaking in a barbarous tongue. countenance. -bIDa a. shameless. mlacchita pp. Spoken indistinotly or bar barously. mlAniH / [mlai-ktin ] 1 Fading, withering, deeay. -tam 1 A foreign tongue. -2 An angrammatical word -2 Languor, lassitude, weariness. -8 Sadness, deiecor speech. tion. - 4 Foulness. - Disappearance. -6 Blackness. mlecchitakam Foreign or barbarous speech. mlAniman m. Withered or faded condition. mleT -mleD (mleTa-Da-ti) To be mad. mlAyat, -mlAyin a.1 Withering, growing thin or mlev 14.(mlevate) To worship, serve. emaciated. -2 Declining, growing less. -Comp. -vaktra glai 1 P.(mlAyati, mamlau, amlAsIt , mlAsyati, mlAna)1 To a. having a sorrowful or haggard face; Raj. T. tade, wither; mlAyatAM bhUruhANAm Bv. 1. 36; Si. 5.433 For a. 1 Becoming faded or withered. -2 GrowbanamuzcaskhaluzcAnye peturmamlustathA'pare Mb.7. 115.29;mAne mlAyati | ing thin or emaciated. -3 Growing languid or weary. // iti dvitIyo bhaagH|| For Private and Personal Use Only Page #671 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only