Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
fHope 6 P. (fatela ) 1 To hinder, obstruct. -2 To annoy.
FATOUT a. Speaking indistinctly through the nose. See fah.
HC f. Ved. A column, post.
fra p. p. [ #1-71-] 1 Measured, meted or measured out. -2 Measured off, bounded, defined. -8 Limited, measured, moderate, little, scanty, sparing, brief words &o); qe: fa a SET H YGIA Pt. 1. 87; R. 9. 34. - 4 Measuring, of the measure of (at the end of comp.), as in 1996 af au i.e. in 1889. -8 Investigated, examined. - Cast, thrown away. -7 Built. -8 Established, founded. -Comp. -39977 a. 1 brief, measured, short, concise; fHTETE PATUTE2itaarTa Ku. 5. 63. - 2 composed in verse, metrical. (-) N. of a celebrated commentary by Vijnanesvara on Yajnavalkya's Smriti. 70 a. of measured meaning. 37 : & cautious envoy. -371&R a. sparing in diet. (- :) moderation in eating. - the sea. Hie, -21 a. speaking little or measured words; heigte: A f ou: Si. 2. 13. - a. moderate in diet. Afa a. narrow-minded. of a. frugal, economical.
HATA a. Going slowly. -#: An elephant.
FACT a. 1 Cooking a measured portion, cooking little; P. III. 2. 34. -2 Small-sized (utensils). -3 Sparing, niggardly, stingy.
Afa: f. At-fa-fen] 1 Measuring, a measure, weight. -2 Accurate knowledge. -8 Proof, evidence. - Determination
fost: [fala fagfa, 46-4, 4-9 ar] 1 The sun; aft af 47 ATTARE AT Subhiş. -2 N. of an Aditya and usually associated with Varuņa; cf. Rv. 3. 59. -3 The deity presiding over the part of rectum (UGT); y gafafara lehet 31 ARTT Bhag. 3. 6. 20. -त्रम् 1 A triend; तन्मित्रमापदि सुखे च समक्रियं यत् Bh. 2.68%3 Me. 17.-2 An ally, the next neighbour of a king; cf. H08. -Comp. B U T the act of favouring friends. -अमित्रम् triend and toe; मित्राऽमित्रस्य चार्जनम् Ms. 12. 79.
ent: conduct towards a friend. 34: 1 sun-rise. -& the welfare or prosperity of a friend. -3 TETETE worship of the sun (part of the morning azt). - , -104, the business of a friend, a friendly act or service; 19784491224 : ( STRATH) R. 19.31. - a. treacherous. -98, I T a. hating a friend, treacherous to a friend, a false or treacherous friend. -भम् the अनुराधा constellation. -भावः friendship.-भेद: breach of friendship. -e a contest between friends.
TA: 1 acquisition of friends, contracting of friendship. - N. of the first book of the Hitopa desa.-acto #. kind to friends, of winning manners, -fara: an
epithet of Agni. -fare: friendship. Haft n. of the seventh day in the bright half of art. 1 a. kind or indulgent to friends; स्वेदौहित्रैस्तारितो मित्रसाहः Mb. 1. 93. 28. Se the murder of a friend. मित्रता, त्वम् Friendship, friendliness.
Hafa Den. P. To be friendly, behave in a friendly manner, act as a friend towards.
f ya. 1 Friendly-minded. -2 Winning friends. -y: A friend. f ra Den. A. To act as a friend, be friendly. fara 8 U. To make a friend of. friz1 P. To become a friend, make friends with. fairufa Den. P. To treat (one) as a friend. मित्रावरुणौ Mitra. and Varuna. faftu a. Friendly, relating to a friend.
Ay 1 U. (afa-a) 1 To associate with. -2 To unite, pair, copulate. -3 To hurt, injure, strike, kill. -4 To understand, perceive, know. - To wrangle, contradict. -8 To grasp, seize. f i nd. 1 Mutually, reciprocally, to each other;
at foar 461914 19: Ms. 2. 147; oft. in comp. 4:21a S. 2.; f a ta $. 5. -2 In secret or private, secretly, privately; 8: ward sfata u as : hah Ku.3.2; 6.1; R. 13. 1. -3 Alternately, by turns. Comp. 3TEFFEFT: a rule of interpretation according to which subsidiary portions (of a sentence) cannot be connected with one another. This rule is discussed by Jaimini and Sa bara ingurat
reacuraru: AIT EART' M8.3. 1. 22 and 777621 thereon. -कृत्यम् mutual obligation. -समय: mutual agreement.
faro: N. of a king. -1: (pl.) N. of a people. 3 [H247sq ft99: sa fa Uş. 1. 57 ] N. of a city, capital of the country called Videha, q. v.; fuferent areas at 995919 Udb.
fra, ind. 1 Ved. Falsely, wrongly. -2 Alternately. -8 Together, mutually (94); utarqat fagreftra: Bhāg. 11. 6. 14.
nga a. [fag-Jota fata Uņ. 3. 55 ) Paired, forming a pair, or couple. #: Ved. A pair, couple. -74 1 A pair, couple; faya ftfeuci rat IT: Resultapant R. 8. 61; Me. 18; U. 2. 5. -2 Twins. -3 Union, junotion. -4 Sexual union, copulation, cohabitation - The third sign of the zodiac, Gemini. -8 In gram.) A root compounded with a preposition. -Comp. re: 1 forming a couple, state of being a pair. -2 copula. tion. -यमकम् a particular kind of यमक; cf. Bk. 10. 12, a fat a. practising cohabitation.
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