Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
-पाकa. maturing in a month. -प्रामितः the new-moon. -प्रवंशः the beginning of a month.-भुक्तिः (the sun's) monthly course. -मान: a year. -संचयिक a. having provisions for a month; सद्यःप्रक्षालको वा स्यान्माससंचयिकोऽपि वा Ms. 6. 18. मासक: A month.
मासिक (-की/.) [मासे भवः ठम् ] 1 Relating to a month. -2 Happening every month, monthly. -3 Lasting for a month. -4 Payable in a month. -8 Engaged for a month. -कम् A funeral rite or Sraddha performed every newmoon during the first year of a man's death); पितॄणां मासिकं श्राद्धमन्वाहार्य विदुर्बुधाः; मासिकामं तु योऽनीयात् Ms.11.157.
मासीन . [ मास-खम् ] 1 One month old. -2 Monthly.
मास्य . [मास-यत् ] (At the end of comp.) 1 Continuing for a month. -2 A month cold.
मासर: 1 The soum of boiled rices rice-gruel. -2 The meal of parched barley mixed with sour milk.
मासल: A year. मासुरी A beard.
मासूर . (-रीf.) 1 Lentil-shaped. -2 Made of pulse.
माइ 1 U. (माहति-ते) To measure. माहनः [मा+हन् ] A Brahmaza. माहा A cow.
माहाकुल (-ली.), माहाकुलीन .(-नी /.) 1 Nobly born, of noble family, of illustrious descent.
माहाजनिक . (-की.) माहाजनीन 4.(-नी1.) 1 Fit for merchants. -2 Fit for great persons.
माहात्मिक a. (-की /.) High-minded, magnanimous, noble, dignified, glorious; राज्ञो माहात्मिके स्थाने सद्यः शौचं विधीयते Ms.5.94.
माहात्म्यम् [महात्मनो भावः व्यञ्] 1 Magnanimity, noblemindedness, greatness%3; गहा च यस्या विदुमाहात्म्यम् U.4.5. -2 Majesty, dignity, exalted position; अजानन्माहात्म्य पततु शलभो दीपदहने Bh. -3 The peculiar virtue of any divinity or sacred shrine; or a work giving an account of the merits of such divinities or shrines; a8 CAIETF, शनिमाहात्म्य &c.-4 Largeness, hugeness; ते दृष्ट्वा देहमाहात्म्य कुम्भकर्णोऽयमुत्थितः। भयार्ता वानरा: Ram. 6.71.7.
माहानस (-सी /.) 1 Belonging to a large carriage. -2 Relating to a kitchen. Hence माहानसिक = A Buperintendent of the kitchen; चिकित्सक-माहानसिक-मौहर्तिकांश्च पश्येत् Kau.A. 1. 19.16.
माहाप्राण . (-णी f.) Having the aspirate or hard breathing.
HIETHITTA Great prosperity, good luck.
माहायानिकa. That which propounds the view of the followers of the Mahayana school of Buddhism; यद्येवं प्रत्युक्तः स माहायानिकः पक्षः। SB. on MS. 1. 1.5.
माहाराजिक (-की.) Fit for a great king, imperial, royal.
ATEITIFTH Sovereignty. माहाराष्ट्री See महाराष्ट्री. माहाव्रती The doctrine of the Pasupatas.
ATITT a. Ved. 1 Joyous, joyful. -2 Great, exalted. -8 Giving delight--नम् Sovereignty, power, dominion.
माहिर: An epithet of Indra.
माहिष . (-बी.) [महिण्या इदम् अण्] Coming or derived from a buffalo or a buffalo-cow; as माहिषं दधि, -षम् The female apartment.
माहिषक: A buffalo-keeper.
माहिषिक: 1 A buffalo-keeper, a herdsman. -2 The paramour of an unchaste woman; (reated नारी या च स्याद् व्यभिचारिणी। तां दृष्टां कामयति यः स वै माहिषिक: स्मृतः ॥ Kalika Purana. -8 One who lives by the prostitution of his wite; महिषीत्युच्यते नार्या भगेनोपार्जितं धनम्।
उपजीबति यस्तस्याः समाहिषिकः स्मतः॥ Sridhara on V. P. __ माहिषेय A son of the first wite of a king.
Afechat N. of a city, the hereditary capital of the Haihaya kings 3 माहिष्मतीवप्रनितम्बकाश्चीम् (रेवाम् ) R.6.43.
sz: A mixed caste sprung from a Ksatriya father and Vaidya mother. __माहेन्द्र a. (-न्द्री/.) 1 Relating to or fit for Indra माहेन्द्रमम्भः प्रथमं पृथिव्या Ku.7.84; R. 12.86.-2 Eastern. -द्रम् A kind of pearl; Kau. A. 2. 11.29. -द्री 1 The east. -2 A cow. -8 N. of Indrāni.
माहेय (-यी/.)1 Terrestrial. -2 Made of earth, earthen; शातकुम्भमयैः कुम्भै हेयैश्चाभिमन्त्रितैः Mb.8. 10.44. -य: 1 The planet Mars. -2 The demon Naraka. -3 Coral.
माहेयी A cow.
माहेश्वर. (री ) 1 Belonging to a great lord or to Siva; अनेन च महाराज माहेश्वरमनुत्तमम् । इष्ट्वा यज्ञ... Rim. 6.7.19. -2Worshipping Siva. - A worshipper of Siva. -री N. of Parvati or Durga.
मि 5 U. (मिनोति, मिनुते; rarely used in classical literature) 1 To throw, cast, scatter. -2 To build, erect. -8 To measure. - To esta blish. -8 To observe, porceive. -8 Ved. To fix in the earth,
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