Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
T53: [ 275591 sya, st-3 galo 9:, 7-35 Un 4. 166.] 1 N. of the king of birds. (He is a son of Kaśyapa by his wife Vinata. He is the chief of the feathered race, an implacable enemy of serpents, and elder brother of Aruņa. In a dispute between bis mother and Kadrü, her rival, about the colour of 3:14 Kadru defeated Vinata, and, in accordance with the conditions of the wager, made her her slave. Garuda brought down the heavenly beverage (Amrita) to purchase her freedom, not, however, without a hard struggle with Indra for the same. Vinata was then released; but the Amrita was taken away by Indra from the serpents. Garuda is represented as the vehicle of Visnu, and as having a white face, an a quiline nose, red wings and a golden body. ] -2 A building or architecture (such as Afa) shaped like Garuda; गरुडो रुक्मपक्षो वै त्रिगुणोऽष्टादशात्मकः Ram. 1. 14. 29.-3 N. of a particular military array. -Comp. -37967: an epithet of Aruna, the charioteer of the sun; farauft 76614IT Si. 4. 14. -3459: an epithet of Vişnu. -3757144, -37947 m. effort an emerald. -ध्वज: an epithet of Visnu; समाहितमतिश्चैव तुष्टाव 163514 V. P. - k: a particular military array.
7501 m. [- ar fa Uñ. 1.91] 1 The wing of a bird. -2 Eating, swallowing. -Comp. - TT m. a quail.
गरुत्मत a. Winged; गरुत्मदाशीविषभीमदर्शनैः R. 3. 57. -m. 1 Garuda; That Tarhakty: Ki. 16. 43. -2 A bird in general. -3 The fire. TE: Garuda, the chief of birds.
T: 1 N. of an old sage, one of the song of Brahma. -2 A bull. -3 An earth-worm. (-pl.) The descendants of Garga. - A kind of musical pause or time. -Comp. eat a book on astronomy written by m ai.
गर्गरः 1 A whirlpool, an eddy; श्वसन्तु गर्गरा अपां वरुण Av. 4. 15. 12. -2 A kind of musical instrument; 347 Fatifa at Rv. 8. 69.9.-3 A kind of fish. -4 A churn; 7 : 497ta Hez TTT: Mb. 12. 68.23. - A churn, a vessel for holding water.
Tafe: A kind of fish.
SE 1 P., 10 U. (Taifa, 7 fa-a, a) 1 To roar, growl; 1517 aft: fe og Bk. 2. 9; 15.21; TŪa TAPA 7 TTT: Rām.; Eet Ti faida y a fret Mk. 5.6.-2 To emit a deep or thundering sound, thunder; fra aftutta Tah Pagar: 9591: Mk.5. 32 and in several other verses of the game Act);
la e a aifa adla qurg A: : Udb.
ITT: [ 715- 99] 1 The roaring of elephants. -2 The rumbling or thundering of clouds. -8 A (roaring) elephant. -4 Roaring, thundering.
............... SAT, 21 [ T- ]1 Roaring, a roar, growl, thunder; antara fa 1594 Udb. -2 (Hence ) sound, noise in general. -3 Passion, wrath. -4 War, battle. -8 Reproach. Taft, T: The thundering of clouds.
sa a. [15-] 1 Sounded, roared. -2 Roasted, swaggered, vaunted; Ratn. 4. - The thunder of clouds ; Y. 1. 145. -: A roaring elephant in rut.
1151*: A kind of fish. TACH A kind of grass ; carrot.
TS:,-1,- [ 9-49 Uì. 3.86 ) 1 A hollow, hole, cave; wey y Ms. 4. 47, 203. -2 A grave.-: 1 The hollow of the loins. -2 A kind of disease. -8 N. of a country, a part the Trigartas q. v. -4 Ved. A throne. - A chariot; the seat of a chariot; feat gaa To Rv. 6. 20.9. -8 A table for playing at dice. -7 A house. - The post of an assembly room. Comp. -TTTT: an animal living in holes or under ground, as a mouse or rat; Ms. 7. 72.
Taat (: 37TTT: 57] A weaver's work-shop (so called because the weaver sits at his loom with feet in a hole below the level of the floor).
TE 1 P., 10 U. (ela, negra-) To sound, roar.
T : (ft f.) [ & #Uņ. 3. 122 ] 1 An ass; 7 Charliyi aera Mk. 4. 17; THI TEH QHT at Subhās. The ass is noted for three remarkable qualities:- 3
Ti sfiato a farela aiaqram Parifio fra ll Chan. 70.-2 Smell, odour. - 4 The white water-lily. - 1 A she-ass. -2 An insect generated in cow-dung. -Comp. 379, -09: N. of two trees & faqa.-316TH & white lotus. - : a particular disease of the skin.
गर्दभक: A kind of insect. -भिका A cutaneous disease, a blotch, eruption.
T = 74 q. v.
TS: 94-99 319 af ] 1 Desire, eagerness. -2 Greediness; चञ्चच्चञ्चूधृतार्धच्युतपिशितलवग्राससंबद्धगधैः Nag. 4. 18.
Ta, tisa a. Covetous, greedy; 792 AUTTST19 ansat wala da: Bk. 7. 16. - Desire ; 373T: #7698
: N. 7. 71.
a a. (oft f.) 1 Desirous, greedy, covetous; Ta r a: Ms. 4. 28. -2 Following or pursuing (anything) with eagerness.
4: [7-H1 Un. 3. 152 ] 1 The womb, the belly; ag ansa: Pt. 1; gari 9H Ms. 6. 63.-2 A fatus, embryo; act of conception, pregnancy; conception; af 4 T R. 2. 75; $
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