Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
नदाल . Fortunate. -लम् A potsherd.
p. p. 1 Tied, bound, fastened, bound round, put on; R. 4. 57; Mal. 5. 14. -2 Covered, inlaid, interwoven. -3 Joined, connected; see A tie, band, bond, knot.
Binding, fastening.
A leather-strap.
ननन्दु, ननान्दु 1 A husband's sister; ननान्दुः पत्या च देव्याः संदिष्टमृष्यत्रेण D.1. -2 A wife's sister पितृभ्रातुतीनहिया सोरतसौहृदाः । ननान्दृश्यानसंवादा दीनाः श्रेणाः कलौ नराः ॥ Bhāg. 12. 3. 37. -Comp. ननान्दृपतिः (also ननान्दुः fa:) the husband of a husband's sister.
Ved. 1 Speech. -2 Mother. -3 A daughter; कारुरहं ततो भिषगुपलप्रक्षिणी नना Rv. 9. 112. 3.
ind. (Originally a combination of and I, now used as a separate word) A particle implying:1 Inquiry or interrogation; M. 4. -2 Surely, certainly, indeed, is it not indeed (with an interrogative force); यदाऽमेधाविनी शिष्योपदेशं मलिनयति M. 1. -8 Of course, indeed, certainly ( अवधारणम् ); उपपन्नं ननु शिवं सप्तस्वङ्गेषु R. 1. 60; त्रिलोकनाथेन सदा मखद्विषस्त्वया नियम्या ननु दिव्यचक्षुषा 3. 45. –4 It is used as a vocative particle meaning '0', ''; Dk.: ननु मूर्खाः पठितमेव युष्माभिस्तत्काण्डे . 4. 8 It is used in propitiatory expressions in the sense of 'pray', 'be pleased'; iя gefa Ku. 4.32.8 It is sometimes used as a corrective word like the English ' why ' or ' I say'; ननु पदे परिवृत्य भण Mk. 5; ननु भणामि चिन्तित उपाय इति V. 2. ; ननु भवानग्रतो मे वर्तते S. 2; ननु fafariga V. 2. -7 In argumentative discussions
is frequently used to head an objection or advance a contrary proposition (generally followed by a नन्वचेतनान्येव वृश्चिकादिशरीराणि अचेतनानां च गोमयादीनां कार्याणीति उच्यते S. B.
1 P. (f, af) To be glad, be pleased, delighted or satisfied, rejoice at (anything); enR. 3. 23. 11; 2. 22; 4. 3. Bk. 15. 28.-2 To be propitious be graciour देवतानि न नन्दन्ति धर्मयुसेन Ram. 7. 15. 20. Caus. (fa-a) To please, delight, gladden, make happy; safe uff du gadi दृष्टि न नन्दयति संस्मरणीयशोभा Ś. 4.3; Bk. 2.16; R.9.52.
नन्दः [[ भावे ] 1 Happiness, pleasure, joy. -2 A kind of lute (11 inches long). (MW. 7 inches). -3 A frog. 4 N. of Visnu. 8 N. of a cowherd, husband of Yasoda and foster-father of Krisna (to whose care the child was committed when Kamsa wanted to destroy it). -8 N. of the founder of the Nanda dynasty; or of nine brother-kings of Pataliputra killed by the machinations of Chanakya, the minister of Chandragupta ; समुत्खाता नन्दा नव हृदयरोगा इव भुवः Mu.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
1. 13; अगृहीते राक्षसे किमुत्खातं नन्दवंशस्य Mu. 1. 27; 3. 28. -7 One of the nine treasures of Kubera. -8 Number nine' (from the nine Nandas. ). An epithet of Durga. -Comp. - आत्मजः, -नन्दनः an epithet of Krispa - पाल: an epithet of Varuna. -प्रयागः N. of a sacred place.
नन्दक [नन्द-पुत्] 1 Rejoicing making happy gladdening. -2 Delighting or rejoicing in. -3 Gladdening a family. - 1 A frog. -2 N. of the sword of Vishu; नित्यानन्दाय भूयान्मधुमथनमनोनन्दको नन्दको नः । विष्णुपादादिकेशान्तवर्णनस्तोत्रम् 4. 8 A sword in general, s Happiness. 5 Nanda, the foster-father of Krisna. -8 N. of a gem; Kau. A. 2. 11.
नन्दकि: Long pepper.
a. An epithet of Vispa
नन्दपुः Happinoor, plensure, delight सस्यासी तस्व Tag: Bk. 5. 20.
[g] Delighting, pleasing, gladdenings S. 7; सोऽयमद्य मकरन्दनन्दनो जीवलोकतिलकः प्रलीयते Mal. 9. 21. -1 A son; Y. 1. 174; R. 3. 41. -2 A frog. -3 An epithet of Visnu. 4 N. of Siva. 5 N. of twentysixth year (संवत्सर). -ना A daughter. -नम् 1 N. of the garden of Indra, the Elysium; हन्त गच्छत भद्रं वो नन्दने पश्यत स्थितम् Mb. 3. 142.59; R. 895; पुरीमवस्कन्द लुनीहि नन्दनं मुषाण Tag: Si. 1.51.-2 Rejoicing, being glad. -3 Joy. Comp. - yellow sandal-wood (f).-: a tree of the divine garden; अभिज्ञाश्छेदपातानां क्रियन्ते नन्दन34: Ku. 2. 41; - the divine grove (of Indra).
नन्दनकः A son.
a. Delighting, making happy. 1 A son. -2 A friend. -3 A king or prince. A daughter. नन्दा [ नन्दयति नन्दु-अच्] 1 Delight, joy, happiness. -2 Affluence, wealth, prosperity. -3 A small earthen water-jar. A husband's sister. -5 The first, sixth and eleventh days of a lunar fortnight (considered as auspicious tithis); नन्दा भद्रा जया रिक्ता पूर्णा च प्रतिपत् क्रमात् Jyotistattvam. 6 An epithet of Gauri. 7 N. of a cave; नन्दागुहायामिव नागराजः Bu. Ch. 1. 19.
afa: m., f. [-] Joy, pleasure, delight; प्रातिष्ठन्नन्दिमापन्नाः स्वं स्वमाश्रममण्डलम् Bhāg. 3. 24. 25. कौसल्या- m. 1 An epithet of Visnu. - Of Siva. -3 N. of an attendant of Siva. -4 Gambling, gaming; (n. also in this sense). -8 The speaker of a prelude or benediction (in a drama.) -8 Prosperity; भव शत्रूनन्दिवर्धन Mb. 3. 162. 20. -Comp. -आवर्तः 1 a sort of building in the form of a quadrangle without a western gate; (n. also). -2 Anything so formed (as dish, veased dgfd); Mb. 7.82. 20. ईशा ईश्वराः 1 an epithet of Siva; चतुर्थ शिवधर्मा साक्षान्नन्दीशभाषितम् Kürma P -ग्रामः N. of a village
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