Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
ताप्यम् Sulphuret of iron.
sapphire. -8 a star. - the moon; #tafora aula H 4 P. (arrafa, a1) 1 To choke, be suffocated.-2
CHITECT 11 Nm. Ti a kind of sugar; L. D. B.
-fart: sickness, disease. -feira. abounding in To be exhausted or fatigued; ललितशिरीषपुष्पहननैरपि ताम्यति
gloom; alfa4 al Mal. 5.31. -8 To be distressed in body or mind ),
: : San. K. 54. - a. 1
obscured, clouded. -2 affected with anger, fear &c. be uneasy or pained, pine, waste away; sasa 45: gi yangg arrafa Git. 5; Og for at
-57,-&T a. dispersing darkness. (m.) 1 the sun. Farzala Mal. 1. 15; 9.33; EU 41 aze Mu.3.1;
-2 the moon. नार्यों मुग्धशठा हरन्ति रमणं तिष्टन्ति नो वारितास्तत्किं ताम्यसि... THE a. Dark-coloured. -A: 1 Darkness. -2 A Amaru. 8. -4 To stop, become immovable; Raj. T. well. -ET N. of a river. - 1 Darkness. -2 A city. 5. 345. -8 To wish, desire. -Caus. (ayfa) To suffo
THE At the end of a compound ) 1 Darkness; cate, choke.
raat 9, TEISTEaaraffefat Ch. Up. 7. THE Darkness. -2 The tip of the foot. H: 1 An
11.2. -2 Mental darkness; disgarrigia faepithet of Rahu.-2 The Tamāla tree. -3 Darkness. #*#fieyanar: || Bhāg. 7. 1. 11. *: A kind of asthma. - The plant Phyllan
THESTO a. Dark, gloomy. - 1 Night. -2 Turthus Emblica (Mar. y$3119 ).
meric. THI a. 74-3477 Uņ. 3. 110 ) 1 Desirous, longing
anfaat, qal A night. for. -2 Wished, desired.
ar: 1 N. of a tree with a very dark bark; awam Becoming suffocated or breathless.
aa a h EUTI: Māl. 9. 18; R. 13. 15, 49; a p. p. [24- ]1 Wearied, languid, fatigued ;
Git. 11. 2 A sectarial mark of sandal upon the afasiataldarahatlat tartalma for Bu. Ch. 5.56. forehead made with the juice of the Tamala fruit. -3 -2 Troubled, afflicted. - Faded, withered; ug ala
A sword, scimitar. -4 The bark of the bamboo. -4 war 401441 Si.; see 84.
Tobacco. -Comp. - FH 1 a sectarial mark upon the HET *. [94-3197 ) 1 Darkness; fe arsH4E- forehead. -2 a Tamāla leaf; R. 6.64. Fanat aan de afTunt yft afc2a S. 7.4; V.1.7;
APF: 1 The Tamāla tree. -2 The bark of a Me. 39. -2 The gloom or darkness of hell; of
bamboo. HEA atatla gach Ms. . 242. -8 Mental darkness, ignorance, illusion, error; मुनिसुताप्रणयस्मृतिरोधिना मम च मुक्त- TAIP A place over-grown with Tamāla trees. fH 4 47: $. 6. 8. -4 In Sān. phil.) Darkness or
ara, - f. 1 Night, especially dark night; ignorance, as one of the three qualities or constitutents 17 af TATA2 H Si. 9. 23; Bbāg. 10. 13. 45. of every thing in nature the other two being Hid and
--2 A swoon, faint. -3 Turmeric. Try); saria 9140T S
: Ku. 6. 60; Ms. 12. 21. -5 Grief, sorrow; Bhāg. 5. 14. 33. -8 Sin; तमिस्त्र u. Dark. -स्रम् 1 Darkness; एतत्तमालदलनीलतमं Bhag. 10. 15. 5. -7 Stupefaction, swoon; au fag- afhan Git 11; #Tacotia 171749 a al en 2;
: garaga : Ram. 7. 8. 14. -8 Anger; Bhāg. Ki. 5. 2. -2 Mental darkness, illusion. -3 Anger, 10. 59. 42. -m., -n. An epithet of Rāhu; 747
wrath. - The dark half of the month. -Comp. 99274ad Bhag. 4. 29. 70. Comp. -3T76 a. re- -987: the dark fortnight (of a lunar month ); R. 6. moving darkness or ignorance, illumining, enlightening; 34 ; aerazi zuean N. 31fea arifa: fa alla: Ki. 5. 22.
alha 1 A dark night; garaiatua çe: a (- ) 1 the sun. -2 the moon. -3 fire. -4 a Buddha.
377 # arter R. 5. 13; Si. 6. 70; Ki. 9. 18; Ku. -39ft: 1 the sun. --2 the moon. -3 fire.- :,-TEH
6. 43.-2 Extensive darkness. great or spreading darkness. T: an epithet of Rahu.
TUT: see 149 above (4). -: 1 the sun.-2 the moon GATHU a. 1 Covered with darkness. -2 Ignorant. -3 fire. -4 Visnu. -5 Siva. - Knowledge. -7 a T: N. of Rāhu. Buddha. Tofagm. a fire-fly. -ala: spreading
AR A Taddhita affix of the superlative degree darkness. -aga. taking to hell (792); Ms. 12.
applied to nouns, adjectives and also to verbs and 95.- m. 'angelsfart sfa fau: ; 1 a shining body. -2 the sun. -3 the moon; antaa
indeclinables in which latter case it is changed to 1414; acura
379 Pt.5. 'the best horse'; JETTA Mu. 1 ; 90 91dHH. Az ugar paray: R. 3. 33. - 4 fire. -8 a lamp, light.
It is also added to pronouns in the sense of 'one of JE: 1 the sun. - 2 the moon. -3 the Supreme Being. - TT a sort of hell. -at: 1 groping in the dark.
many' e. g. , 401, 494 &c. -2 mental gloom. - , -Aro: 1 a fire-fly. -2 a AFT: A platform, a stage.
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