Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
तमङ्गकः The projecting roof of a house. , 1 Tin. -2 Lead.
तम्पा, तम्बा, afta A cow.
तय् 1 A. ( तयते ) 1 To go, move; अध्युवास रथं तेये पुरात् Bk. 14. 75; धरित्रीं मुसली तेये प्रहस्तश्चिखिदे न च 14. 108.-2 To guard, protect.
1 Protection. -2 A protector; Ki. 15. 20.
A Taddihita affix of the comparative degree, added to adjectives, nouns, and also to verbs and indeclinables in which latter case it is changed to It is added, like, to pronouns in the sense of one of two e. g. कतर, ततर, यतर &c.
तर, तरण, तरणि, तरण्ड, तरि-री, तरीष &c. See
तरक्षः, -क्षुः 1 A hyena ; तरक्षस्तु मृगादनः .. ..तरक्षुकुलafaar Siva. B. 20. 44. -2 A tiger; Mb. 13. 131. 10. (See com. of Nilakantha.)
[-] 1 A wave; U. 3. 47; Bh. 1. 81; R. 13. 63; S. 3. 6. 2 A section or part of a work (as of the water). -3 A leap, jump, gallop, jumping motion (as of a horse). - Cloth or clothes. -5 Waving, moving to and fro. Comp. - m. the sea; P. R. 7.9-10. - a river; fa fafa संचरन्तः क्षतजतरङ्गवतीषु चिह्नमत्स्याः Vikr. 6. 72.
तरङ्गित a. [ तरङ्गः संजातोऽस्य, तार• इतच् ] 1 Wavy, tossing with waves; 3° Mal. 9. 11, -2 Overflowing. -3 Tremulous. -तम् Waving; अपाङ्गतरङ्गितानि बाणाः Git. 3.
ada. Wavy, undulating, unsteady. -off A river ; as in राजतरङ्गिणी; तरङ्गिणी वेणिरिवायता भुवः Si. 'नाथः, Hi the sea; Vikr. 13. 53.
-8 A frog. -ती A boat.
1 The ocean. -2 A hard shower. A demon or Raksasa. -8 A devotee.
[q] 1 Trembling, waving, shaking, tremulous ; तारापतिस्तरलविद्युदिवाभ्रवृन्दम् R. 13. 76; घन इव Git. 5; Si. 10. 40; U. 5. 11; S. 1. 25. -2 Fickle, unsteady, transient; face:
: Si. 2. 115; Amaru. 30. -3 Splendid, sparkling, glittering; rikazac za 14: Ki. 8. 56. - Liquid. 8 Libidinous, wanton. -6 Hollow. -7 Extensive, wide. - 1 The central gem of a necklace; मुक्तामयोऽप्यतरमध्यः Vas 35 or हारांस्तारांस्तरलगुटिकान् (Malli. considers this as an interpolation in Meghaduta). 2 A necklace. -3 A level surface. - Bottom, depth. 8 A diamond. -6 Iron. -7 Thorn-apple. 1 Rice-gruel. -2 Spirituous liquor. -8 A bee. -Comp.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
-नयना, -लोचना a woman with rolling or tremulous eyes. - प्रतिबन्धम् a. variety of necklace with a brilliant pearl in the centre; Kau. A. 2. 11.
real, - 1 unsteady activity; tremulousness. -2 Sparkle, glitter; wrik enningshen P. 1. 190. afa Den. P. To cause to shake, to wave, move to and fro; Amaru. 87; fi acc ary: U. 5. 35.
Den. A. To tremble, shake, move to
and fro.
तरलायितः A large wave, surf -तः, तम् Fickleness. तरलित a. Shaking, tremulous, undulating; तुङ्गतरङ्ग Git 11; हारा 7.
तरवारि: A sword; परितः शिथिलोदप्रतरवारितडिल्लताः Siva. B. 22. 39.
a. Vod. [-end ga] Quick, energetip.. कैलास1 Speed, velocity. -2 Vigour, strength, energy; ari ara fag: R. 5. 28; 11. 77; Si. 9. 72. -3 A bank, a place of crossing. 4 A float, raft; faraz
: Rv. 1. 190. 7. -6 A monkey. -8 A disease. तरसम् Meat, flesh. तरसानः A boat.
a. 1 Quick, swift. -2 Sick. -8 Energetic, strong, powerful.
arcfera. (f.) 1 Swift, quick. -2 Strong powerful, courageous; mighty; gaga za mwent तरस्विनाम् (बभूव) Mb. 3. 244 22; निर्जितेषु तरसा तरस्विनां agy a R. 11. 89; 16. 77. -m. 1 A courier, an express. -2 A hero. -3 Air, wind. -4 An epithet of Garuda.
:,: A large flat-bottomed boat. aft, a &c. See under
aftar 1 The fore-finger. -2 Garlic, or hemp. -3 A form of Durgā. -Comp. -धरण ( - पूजा ) यन्त्रम् N. of a mystical diagram.
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aa. - Up. 1. 7] Protecting. - 1 A tree; [ नवसंरोहणशिथिलस्तरुरिव सुकरः समुद्धर्तुम् M. 1. 8. -2 Ved. Velocity. -3 A wooden ladle for taking up Soma.-Comp. -कूणिः a kind of bird. -कोटरम् the hollow of a tree. - खण्डः, -ण्डम्, षण्डः, -ण्डम् an assemblage or clump of trees. - जीवनम् the root of a tree. -तलम् the ground about the foot of a tree, foot of a tree. () A bat, flying fox (because it suspends itself from branches). -नखः a thorn. -मण्डपः a bower; अस्तीह प्रमदोद्याने तरुमण्डपमध्यगः । दृष्टप्रभावो वरदो देवदेवो विनायकः ॥ Ks. 20.55. - a monkey. - 1 a bud or blossom. -2 a young shoot, sprout.: the Tala tree. - m. 'the king