Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
मातुलः [ मातुर्माता मातृ-दुलच्] 1 A maternal uncle; (तत्रापश्यत् ) आचार्यान् मातुलान् भ्रातॄन Bg. 1. 26; Ms. 2. 130; 5. 81. -2 The Dhattura plant. -8 An epithet of the Bolar year. 4 A kind of rice. -5 A kind of snake. -Comp. -अहि: a kind of snake. -पुत्रकः 1 the son of a maternal uncle. -2 the fruit of the Dhattūra plant; उन्मादिनो मातुलपुत्रकस्य कथं सहामो बत कण्टकित्नम्.
मातुलकः 1 A maternal uncle (as a term of endearment). -2 The thorn-apple.
मातुला, मातुलानी, मातुली 1 The wife of a mnternal uncle; Ms. 2. 131; Y. 3. 232; Bhag. 1. 14.27.-2 Hemp; जाती फलं मानुलानी महिनेच पत्रकम् Siva B. 30.15.
मातुलेयः ( थी . ) The son of a maternal uncle
मातुलिङ्गः, -मातुः A kind of citron tree (भुवो ) भागाः प्रेखित मातुलुङ्गवृतयः प्रेयो विधास्यन्ति बाम् Mal. 6. 19. -गम् The fruit of this tree, a citron.
मातुल्यम् The house of a maternal uncle; बाल एव तु मातुल्यं भरतो नातिस्त्वया Rām. 2. 8.28.
मातृ] / [ मान् पूजायां तु नलोपः Up. 2.94] 1 A mothers मातृवत् परदारेषु यः पश्यति स पश्यति सहस्रं तु पितॄन माता गौरवेणातिरिच्यते Subhas; माता किल मनुष्याणां देवतानां च दैवतम् Madhyamavyayoga 1. 87 माता च परमं देवतं समा च पुत्रेषु इत्येतैरुपबध्यमानो जननी वचनोऽवगम्यते ŚB. on MS. 10. 1. 14. –2 Mother as a term of respect or endearment; मातर्लक्ष्मि भजस्व कंचिदपरम् Bh. 3. 64, 87; अयि मातर्देवयजनसंभवे देवि सीते U. 4. 8 A cow. -4 An epithet of Laksmī. -6 An epithet of Durga. -6 Ether, sky. -7 The earth. -8 A divine mother; मातृभ्यो बलिमुपहर M. 1. 8 An epithet of Revati. - 10 N. of several plants; आखुकर्णी, इन्द्रवारुणी and जटामांसी &c. pl. 1 An epithet of the divine mothers, said to attend on Siva, but usually on Skanda. (They are usually said to be 8 :- ब्राह्मी माहेश्वरी चण्डी वाराही वैष्णवी तथा । कौमारी चैव चामुण्डा चर्चिकेत्यष्ट मातरः ॥ or, according to some, only seven :- • ब्राह्मी माहेश्वरी चैव कौमारी वैष्णवी तथा । माहेन्द्री चैव वाराही चामुण्डा सप्त मातरः ।। Some increase the number to sixteen). -2 N. of eight classes of female ancestors or Manes. -m. 1A measu rer. -2 Ved. A maker, builder, creator. -8 A knower, one having true knowledge. 4 Life or soul (जीव ) [ct. L. Mater.] -Comp. -केशट: a maternal uncle, -गणः the collection of the divine mothers. -गन्धिनी an unnatural mother हनिष्याम्यधुनैवाई [केसी मातृगन्धिनीम् A. Rām. 2. 8. 7. -गामिन् m. one who has committed incest with his mother. गोत्रम् a mother's family. - ग्रामः the female sex, womankind. -घातः, -घातकः, - घातिन् m+g -नः a matricide. -घातुकः 1 a matricide -2 an epithet of Indra. -चक्रम् 1 the group of divine mothers. –2 a kind of mystical circle. -ज्ञ a. honouring a mother. -देव a. having a mother for one's god, adoring mother like a god; मातृदेवो भव T. Up. 1. 11. -दोषः the defect or interiority of a mother (being of
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
a lower caste ); ताननन्तरनाम्नस्तु मातृदोषात् प्रचक्षते Ms. 10. 14. - नन्दनः an epithet of Kartikeya. -पक्ष a belonging to the mother's side or line. (-:) maternal kinsmen पितृ 1 (dual) forming मातापितरौ or मातरपितरौ parents. -पुत्री ( मातापुत्रौ ) mother and son. - पूजनम् worship of the divine mothers. -बन्धुः, - बान्धवः a maternal kinsman; मातृबन्धुनिवासिनं भरतम् R. 12. 12. (-pl.) a class of relatives on the mother's side; they are thus specified: मातुः पितुः स्वसुः पुत्रा मातुर्मातुः स्वः सुताः । मातुर्मातुला विज्ञेया मातृबन्धवः ॥ भक्तिः devotion to a mother; इमं लोकं मातृभक्त्या ब्रह्मलोकं समश्रुते Ms. 2. 238 -भावः maternity. -भोगीण a. fit to be enjoyed or possessed by a mother. -मण्डलम् the collection of the divine mothers. -मातृ f. an epithet of Parvati. - सुखः, -शासितः a foolish fellow, simpleton. - यज्ञः a sacrifice offered to the divine mothers. -वत्सलः an epithet of Kartikeya. -: the murder of a mother (with Buddhists one of the five unpardonable sins). - वाहिनी f. a kind of bird; bat. -स्वसृ f. ( मातृष्वसू or मातुःस्वसृ ) a mother's sister, a maternal aunt. -स्वसेयः (मातृष्वसेयः) a mother's sister's son. (-यी ) the dau ghter of a maternal aunt ; so मातृष्वस्त्रीयः -या.
मातृक 1 Coming or inherited from & mother; मातृकं च धनुरूर्जितं दधत् R. 11.64, 90. -2 Maternal - कः A maternal uncle. -का 1 A mother; शत्रुचैव हि मित्र चन लेख्यं न च मातृका Mb. 2.55.10. -2 A grandmother ; -सत्यामपि प्रीत न मातुर्मातृकाया वा शासनातिवृत्तिः Dk. 22 - 8 A nurse. 4 A source, origin. -8 A divine mother. -6 N. of certain diagrams written in characters supposed to have a magical power मातृकारहित मन्त्रमादिशन्तेन कुत्रचित् Brahmavidya Up. 63. -7 The character or alphabet so used (pl.). -8 N. of the 8 veins of the neck. -कम् The nature of a mother. -Comp. -च्छिदः N. of Parasurāma. —यन्त्रम् a kind of mystical diagram.
मातृतः ind. On the mother's side; in right of the mother; Ms.
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मात्र . ( त्रा - त्री / . ) [मा-त्रन्] An affix added to nouns in the sense of 'measuring as much as', 'as high or long, or broad_as', ' reaching as far as, as in ऊरुमात्री भित्तिः; पञ्चदशयोजनमात्रमध्वानमतिचक्राम K.; (in this sense the word may as well be considered to be at the end of comp. q. v. below). -: A Brahmaņa of the lower_order (by brith). -त्रम् 1 A measure, whether of length, breadth, height, size, space, distance or number; अग्रे तिष्ठत मात्रं मे Bhag. 6. 11.5; usually at the end of comp, i. e. अङ्गुलिमात्रम् a ' finger's breadth'; किंचिन्मात्रं गत्वा to some distance '; क्रोशमात्रे — at the distance of a Krosa ', रेखामात्रमपि ' even the breadth of a line, as much as a line '; रेखामाश्रमपि क्षुण्णादा मनोर्मनः परम् (नव्यतीयु ) R. 1. 17; 80 क्षणमात्रम्, निमिषमात्रम् ' the space of an instant', शतमात्र a hundred in number ; 80 गजमात्र as high or big as an elephant';