Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
- 1 A barber. -2 The trunk of a tree stripped of its top-branches, a pollard. The head. Comp. 39. N. of an Upanisad of the Atharvaveda.
FAR [Ho463%] Shaving the head, tonsure. gozafa Den. P. To shave, cut off the hair. gap. p. [] 1 Shavod. -2 Lopped. -a A widow. - Iron.
a. [gos-f] 1 Shaven, bald, bald-pated; जटिलो मुण्डी मतदेश: Charpata 8. 4 वामनो विकटो मुण्डी Ram. 7. 16. 8. -2 Hornless. -m. 1 A barber. -2 An epithet of Siva.
मुण्डीरा The sun. मुत्यम् A pearl.
1. 10 U. (a) 1 To mix, blend. -2 To cleanse, purify. II. 1 A.(, gien, desid, gyva or ) To rejoice, be glad or happy, be joyful. or delighted वक्ष्ये दास्यामि मोदिभ्य इत्वज्ञानविमोहिताः Bg.
16. 15; Ms. 2. 232; 3. 191; Bk. 15. 97. -Caus. To please, delight, give pleasuse, gratify.
मुद्र, मुदा/- [ मुद्द क या टापु ] Joy delight, pleasure, gladness, satisfaction; faa aa aaa : R. 3. 25; अश्मन् पुरो हरितको मुदमादधानः Śi. 5. 58; 1. 23; विषादे कर्तव्ये विदधति जडाः प्रत्युत मुदम् Bh. 3. 25 द्विपरणमुदा Git. 11; Ki. 5.25; R. 7. 30; मुदे विद्यादाता प्रचुर धनदातापि न मुदे Udb.; Bhag. 1. 12. 6.
gita p. p. [3] Pleased, rejoiced; delighted. glad, joyous. -, - 1 Pleasure, delight, joy, happiness; दीने तथा न करुणा मुदिता च पुण्ये Bhagawat S. 13. -2 A kind of sexual embrace. - Joy, delight.
मुदिर [-] Up. 1.5]1A cloud प्रचुरपुरन्दरधनुरनुरक्षित मेदुरमुरिवेशम् GTt. 2 or मुखसि नाद्यापि एवं भामिनि मुदिरालिरुदियाय Bv. 2. 88; मुदिरजालमुदीक्ष्य शिखण्डिनः Ram. Ch. 4. 35. -2 A lover, libertine. -8 A frog.
मुदी Moonlight.
Up. 1. 133] 1 A kind of kidneybean. -2 A lid, cover. -3 A kind of sea-bird -4 A kind of weapon ( मुद्गर ); विरूपाक्षस्तु महता शूलमुद्रधनुष्मता Ram. 6. 37. 14. Comp. quff Phaseolus Trilobus (Mar. ). a kind of sweetmeat; Bhāva. P. -भुज्, -भोजिन : m. a horse.
[ [ मुदं गिरति गृ-अच्] 1 A hammer, mallot, as in 19: (a small poem by Sankaracharya); ngeमुद्गराः Mb. 5. 155; शिलानिष्पिष्टमुद्गरः R. 12.73. A club, mace. -8 A staff for breaking clods of earth. -4 A kind of dumb-bell. -8 A bud. -8 A kind of jasmine (said to be n. also in this sense). -7 A particular posture in sitting.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
मुद्गरकः A hammer.
मुद्गलः N. of a sage. लम् A kind of grass H: A kind of bean.
मुद्र a. ( मुदं राति इति ) Giver of joy; बभौ मरुत्वान् विकृतः
Bk. 10. 19.
1 A seal, an instrument for sealing or stamping; especially a seal-ring, signet-ring; मुद्रया मुद्रसेनम् [Mu. 1 नाममुद्राक्षराप्यनुवाच्य परस्परमवलोकयतः S. 1; a fasa: -: Bk. 10. 19 (fig. also); इति प्रायो भायाः स्फुरदमुद्राकुलिताः Bh. 2. 114. -2 A stamp, print, mark, impression; :: K. 191; faga: (arg:) Git. 4. -8 A pass, passport (as given by a seal-ring); nga f Mu.. 51 गृहीतमुद्रः सलेसः पुरुषो गृहीतः Mu. 5 शाहसुनोः Ferry (wording on Sivajoo's seal).A stamped coin, coin, piece of money. - A medal. -6 An image, a sign, badge, token. -7 Shutting, closing, sealing: yn frer: U. 6. 27; ferget og Mal. 2. 12 removing the seal of sleep' &c. -8 A mystery. 9 (In Rhet.) The expression of things by their right names. -10 N. of certain positions of the fingers practised in devotion or religious worship योजना सर्वदेवानां द्रावणात् पापसंहतेः । तस्मान्मुद्रेति सा ख्याता सर्वकामार्थसाधनी Tantrasāra; Dk. 2. 2. 11 A particular branch of education (reckoning by the fingers). -12 A dance accordant with tradition. -18 A lock, stopper. -14 A nymph; fag: a
Bk. 10. 19.15 "Parched grain" in the form of rice, paddy etc. (Yogini Tantra, Ch. VI quoted in Woodroffe, Sakti and Sakta, 571). -16 Particular lines, marks; माता पुत्रः पिता भ्राता भार्या मित्रजनस्तथा । अष्टापदपदस्थाने Mb. 12. 298. 40. -17 Type or block for printing. Comp. - 1 a letter of the seal. -2 a type (a modern use). -, -gha a. stamped with a seal, sealed, stamped. -f: the keeper of the seal; the officer in charge of the fort; ततो विषय कौलेयकसहायवान् Paronl. 3. 87. -अध्यक्षः superintendent of pass-ports; Kau. A. 1. 1. 1.
a maker of seals. - an opening believed to exist in the crown of the head through which the soul is said to escape at death of ब्रह्मरन्ध्र यन्त्रम् a press a printing-press (a modern formation). the keeper of the seals. - N. of a drama by Visakha-datta. -f: an alphabet of written characters ; मुद्रालिपिः शिल्पलिपिर्लिपिर्लेखनिसंभवा । गुण्डिका घुणसंभूता लिपयः पञ्चधा मताः ॥ -स्थानम् the place (on the finger ) for a seal-ring; Ś.
For Private and Personal Use Only
1 Sealing, stamping, printing, marking. -2 Closing, shutting.
मुद्रणीपत्रम् A proof-sheet.