Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
toric); raftetardea qoxgear yfa: 1 afeczaaaa- 1 of the Pandavas, and for some days he acted as comhreyfast S. D. 198, 168; cf. Ki. 1. 36 ; R. 3. 10; mander-in-chief of their forces. When Droņa had Ms. 10. 116. -8 A sacrifice. -9 N. of a metre; Nm. killed Drupada after a hard struggle, Dhristadyumna -10 consideration, care for; 2121212afa fuar vowed that he would be revenged for the death of his fursa gfa: Ki. 14. 10. -11 N. of the numeral father. And he was able to fulfil this vow on the 18.-12 N. of one of the 16 kalās of the moon. - Comp. morning of the 16th day of the battle, when he un
gta a. armed with constancy and resolution. - fairly cut off the head of Droņa (see Droņa.). He a. destroying all com posure, discomposing. 14: a was afterwards surprised by Asvatthaman while lying sacrifice included in the marriage-rites.
asleep in the camp of the Pandayas, and was stamped gia 1 To keep ground, to stand still;
a. 724
to death. ). - a. bold, presumptuous. -Atlat 1917 pia ù Mb. 7. 114. 101. -2 To find plea
having too high an opinion of oneself, presumptuous.
att a. speaking boldly. sure or satisfaction.
gre a. Ved. Bold; fra Vaj. 1. 17. -m. 1 A pair glat FET 1 To show firmness; A stea fa ay
I of tongs. - f. Boldness, bravery. Ayat 58 24 Amar. 70. -2 To fix the mind on; fa afă axafa 7 a Ms. 5. 47.
CUISL a. 1 Bold, confident. -2 Impudent, shameless.
ita: A ray of light. fara a a. 1 Firm, steady, steadfast, resolute. -2 Satisfied, happy, glad, content; h a ngat
You a. [99-49] 1 Bold, confident, courageous, Tootgestat vanaf at and R. 13. 77.
valiant, powerful (in a good sense ); fas: fotos
aufa Mb. 14. 72. 15; Tau travau quo: grat m. 1 An epithet of Visņu. -2 Of Brahma. Bk. 1. 25.-2 Shameless, impudent. -8 Ved. Strong, -3 Virtue, morality. - The sky. -8 The sea. -BA powerful. clever man.
tuta. To be attacked, assailable, conquerable; as grad The earth.
in अधृष्य q.v. 1,455 1 P. (ufa, yafat) To go, move.
1 P. ( la, fra; caus. fa; desid. Parera)
1 To suck, drink, drink in, absorb (fig. also ); 3716HI. 1 P. (ofa, wa) 1 To come together, be
a gri
Bk. 15. 29; 6. 18; Ms. 4. 59; compact. -2 To hurt or injure. -11.1 P., 10 U. ( a,
Y. 1. 140. - 2 To kiss; 49212724 Git. 12. -3 To fa-) 1 To offend, hurt, injure. -2 To insult, suck out, draw or take away. -4 To appropriate. treat with indignity. -3 To assail, overcome, over
-Caus. To suckle, nourish. power, conquer, destroy. -4 To dare to attack, challenge, defy. - To violate or outrage (as a woman).
T: (ufaga -77 53a] 1 The ocean. -2 A male -III. 5 P. (youtifa, E) 1 To be bold or courageous;
river ). -- 1 A river. -2 Speech. -3 A milch à 18TT 7 Iy: Bri. Up. 3. 1. 2. -2 To be confident.
cow Ved.). -8 To be proud or over bearing. -4 To be impudent or a: f. [afa garz, fraachai, 2-1 3 Tv.] 1 A impatient. -5 To dare, venture (with inf.) -8 To cow, milch-cow; j : at ang: U. 5. 31. brave, challenge; ratu ga i nya (TERET: -2 The famale of a species (affixed to the names Bk. 14. 102. -7 To insult, treat with contumely. -IV. of other animals in this sense ); as axua:, aqua: 10 A. (942) To assail, attack, outrage.
&c. -3 The earth. (Sometimes at the end of comp.
E forms a diminutive; as 31999:, :). -4 Any afta «. Bravo, bold.
offering or present to Brahmana instead of or in the yg a. [24-]1 Bold, brave. -2 Clever. - A heap, shape of a cow such as you, gan, Ru
, group, multitude.
Ta, Hug, tag, tag, taug, tae ; Matsya
P.-5 A mare; 21 : SOT MS. 7. 4. 7. (aga U p. p. [77-* ] 1 Bold, courageous, confident.
कृष्णकिशोरा धेनुरिति । यद्यपि धेनुशब्दो गोधेन्वां दृष्टप्रवृत्तिस्तथाप्यभि-2 Impudent, rude, shameless, saucy, insolent ; स्तुवनिहेमि त्वां न खलु ननु धृष्टा मुखरता Mahimna.9; वृष्टः
धानसामान्यादश्वधेन्वामपि भागीति किशोरेण लिन अश्वधेन्वां विज्ञायते । aufa H. 2. 26. -8 Forward, presumptuous. -4
SB.). -Comp. retur a. (a sacrifice) whereat a Profligate, abandoned. - Cruel, unkind. -T: A
cow is given as a fee. -ETTA 1 cow's milk. -2 a kind faithless husband or lover; Farm 39 fa:& affarsla
of gourd (Mar. Fags ). --ferfil a gadily. ta: 1 çociats a fazerare rat warga: S. D. 72. *: 1 N. of a demon killed by Balarāma. XTEUTT -OT A disloyal woman. -Comp. -a: N. of the son harha 99117 Hariv. 2 A mode of sexual of 1999. - a: N. of a son of Drupada and brother enjoyment; see 84. -Comp. Ea an epithet of of Draupadi. [He with his father fought on the side Balaráma.
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