Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
तन्द्रिः 780
तपस् .............. ....................
afesi, - f. 1 Sleepiness, drowsiness; faut 95- Hght Rv. 2. 23. 4. -3 The sun ; 1997 e R. fequafuit Ki. 1. 9; faka wa 110 Rām. 4. 49.5. 4. 12; S ancayfa 799: U. 6; Mal. 1. -4 The hot -2 Exhaustion, fainting.
season. -8 The sun-stone. -6 N. of a hell ; Ms. 4. 89.
-7 An epithet of Siva. -8 The Arka plant. -9 N. of afil Sloth, sleepiness.
Agastya. - 1 Heat, burning.-2 Paining, grieving. afisa a. Lazy; as in 34af- unremitting '; -8 Mental agony,anguish.-Comp.-319,- ,-aiect: Ku. 5. 14; af 7 HIT togalea: Bg. 3. 23. 1 the sun. -2 a sun-beam. EHF, -2 : an aft a. Weary, lazy.
epithet (1) of Yama. (2) of Karna. (3) of Sugriva.
-आत्मजा, -तनया an epithet of the Yamuna and of Afya: ( 97-202] 1 Wind. -2 Night. -3 Roaring, the Godavari. - copper.-30, -for: the sunthundering. -4 A thunderbolt. -5 Cloud; Fruga pfe stone ; ParI fata de 1: Raj. T. 3. 296. nye BỊi. Up. 2. 5. 16.
-oy: the sun-flower. -erfa: f. 1 the heat of the sun; TRT See under 25.
Si. 1. 42. - 2 the sun-shine. aq I. 1 P. rarely A., 4. P. (aufà, quara; JH)
6 1 The river Godāvari or the river Tapti. -2 1 Intransitively used) (a) To shine, blaze (as fire Heat3 तेजिष्ठया तपनी रक्षसस्तप Rv.2.23.14. or sun); 246a9fa que fazifasala s. 5. 14; R. 5. 13; U. 6. 14; Bg. 9. 19. (1) To be hot or
agatur a. 1 To be heated. -2 To be suffered or warm, give out heat. (c) To suffer pain; ara a
practised ( as a penance). -7 Gold; especially gold HIT 1947 Gīt. 7. (a) To mortify the body,
purified with fire; a f *: M. 3; aqaragah: undergo penance with 999); riformaard acarafe
startaria My. 4; B arcaffaligh R. 18. 41 ; H e: U. 1. 23. -3 (Transitively used ) (a) To
anottitura TXT 21H Bu. Ch.5.50. Also a
in this sense.) make hot, heat, warm; Bk. 9. 2; 9 fa cai taga adre fagfag arah Bg. 11. 19. (6) To inflame, burn,
aan. [ 29-3197 ] 1 Warmth, heat, fire, light; consume by heat ; fat ag 7 H atari af garcea
a: agat alata Mb. 12.351.10.-2 Pain, suffering S. 3. 16.; taxaa: 3. 6. (c) To hurt, injure,
a 9: $2 Ry. 7.82.7.-3 Penance, religious austerity, damage, spoil; una garafa i IH Bk. 1. 23;
mortification; तपः किलेदं तदवाप्तिसाधनम् Ku. 5.64. -4 Ms. 7.6.(a) To pain, distress. (e) mortify the body,
Meditation connected with the practice of personal undergo penance ( with 798). -Pass.(aza)(regard
self-denial or bodily mortification; I alsstief ed by some as a root of the 4th conjugation ) 1 To
Gri Mb. 1. 3. 57.; Bhāg. 12. 11. 24. -8 Moral be heated, suffer pain. -2 To undergo severe penance
virtue, merit. -8 Special duty or observance of any (oft. with 49€); Trą 714 2983: gruout a za 99:
particular caste); यत्सप्तान्नानि मेधया तपसाजनयत्पिता Bri.Up. U. 2. 8. -II. 10 U. or Caus. (ata-d, aga) 1 To
1.5.1. -7 One of the seven worlds; i.e. the region heat, make warm; 7 araga HH Si. 20. 75;
a bove the world called 59. -8 The month of religiFR41919 T AMTIFHEQUE H. 1. 83. -2 To
ous austerities. -9 A long period of time, Kalpa. -10 torment, pain, distress; y alfa: Yu Git. 11;
In astrol.) The ninth lunar mansion. -11 ChastiseBk. 8. 13. -With ag 1 to heat. -% to purify. -3 to
ment ( 3 ); 3119: It Fire a fi 74 ya Mb. burnish. -fa 1 to shine (Atm. like 3774 q.v.); fafa
12. 267. 35. -m. 1 The month of Magha; 4 Ha. as oH Bk. 8. 14.-2 to warm, heat.
Tafatigar Si. 6.63.-2 An epithet of Agni. -., -". ac a. [ aq-347) 1 Burning, warming, consuming 1 The cold season; (FETIT). -2 The winter ( a). by heat. -2 Causing pain or trouble, distressing: -T:
-3 The hot season ( H). -Comp. 34 : the 1 Heat, fire, warmth. -2 The sun; 792979cagina
influence of religious penance. -30 a. destined for afaztegh (as) Rām. Ch. 2. 85. -3 The hot season ; austerities; anteffi alat 90 74 Mb. 11. 26. 5. Si. 1. 66. -4 Penance, religious austerities. -Comp. -: the Brahmăvarta country. - a. undergoing -STEET:, Fa: the end of the hot season and the penance; also 79**. : the mango-fish (Polybeginning of the rainy season; fadastar and 149 !nemus Risua ). HT a. emaciated by austerities. Reguda Ku. 4. 44; 5. 23; S. 3. 11. -3717H a. T: the pain of religious austerity. - Teg: also practising austerities. -: the hot seson; andgatafa 91173) the 6th 1773 of the Svetāmbara Jainas. HEATH N. 1. 41.
-TOTT, Tut the practice of penance. ai, aian
epithet of Indra. - a. 1 rich in religious penance. agat 1 The river Tāpti. -2 N. of a daughter of
-2 pious, ascetic. - 3 consisting in penance, (--:) the sun, married to Samvarna and mother of Kuru.
rich in penance', an ascetic, devotee; +314791971 aga a. (aq ) 1 Warıning, heating, burning, 41: . 1. 13; 749A atay 2. 7; 4.1; Si. 1. 23 ; shining &o. -2 Causing distress, paining; utayat 1 R. 14. 19; Ms. 11. 242. -fare an eminently pious
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