Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
-गुणनम् oblique multiplication.-जa. born or begotten | particular month (kept as a festival); तां रणखामिनं द्रष्टुं by an animal; यस्मादीजप्रभावेण तिर्यग्जा ऋषयोऽभवन Ms. 10. निलद्वादश्यहे गताम् Raj. T.5.395. -धेनु:/. sesamum made 72. -जन: an animal; Bhāg. 2.7.46. -जाति:/. the up in the form of a cow and offered as a present to a brute kind (opp. man). -ज्या an oblique chord.-दिश् Brahman. 'यावता वस्त्रेण कृत्स्ना धेनुराच्छादिता भवति तद्वस्त्रf. any horizontal region opposed to nadir and zenith.) gitardo: ' is the another meaning given in the com.; -प्रमाणम् breadth. -प्रेक्षणम् a side-look. -प्रेक्षण, भरणीषु द्विजातिभ्यस्तिलधेनुं प्रदाय वै Mb. 13.64.35. -पणे: प्रेक्षिन् a. looking obliquely; Bhag.5.26. 36. -यानः turpentine. (-र्णम्) sandal-wood. -पर्णी 1 the sandal a erab. -योन: an animal; Ms.7.149. -योनिःf. animal tree. -2 frankincense. -3 turpentine. -पर्णिका, -पार्ण creation or race; तिर्यग्योनौ च जायते Ms.4.200. -सूत्रम् (ण)कम् sandal-wood. -पिच्चटम् Sweetmeat of sesaacross-line. -स्रोतस् m. 1 the animal world. -2 an imum powder and sugar; L. D. B. -पिञ्जः, -पेजः animal, a beast or bird.
barren sesamum. -पीड: an oilman; स्नेहेन तिलवत्सर्वे
सर्गचके निपीड्यते । तिलपीडैरिव Mb. 12. 174. 24. -भाविनी तिर्यक् ind. Obliquely, crookedly, in a slanting or
jasmine. -मयूरः a species of peacock. -रसः, -स्नेहः oblique direction; तिर्यगास्थाय संक्रुद्धः पक्षीशे भगवान्हरिः Ram.
sesamum oil. -होमः a burnt offering of sesamum. 7.7.41; विलोकयति तिर्यक् K. P. 10; Me. 51; Ku.5.743 तिर्यक्ता, -क्त्व म् 1 Animal nature. -2 Breadth.
तिलकः [तिल्-क्वुन , तिल इवार्थे स्वल्पे वा कन् वा ] 1 A
species of tree with beautiful flowers; Rām. 2. 91. 9; तिरश्ची, तिर्यञ्ची The female of an animal.
आकान्ता तिलकक्रियापि तिलकैलीनाद्वरेफाजनैः M. 3.5% न खलु तिरश्चीन a. [ तिर्यगेव स्वार्थे ख] 1 Oblique, sideways,
शोभयति स्म वनस्थली न तिलकस्तिलक: प्रमदामिव R.9.41. awry; गर्त तिरश्चीनमनूरुसारथे: Si. 1.2; यथा तिरश्चीनमलात
Kalidasa describes the beauty of this tree as being शल्यम् U. 3.35. -2 Irregular. -Comp. -वंश: a bee
akin to that of the saffron-mark on the forehead of a hive; आदित्यो देवमधु तस्य द्यौरेव तिरश्चीनवंशोऽन्तरिक्षम् Ch. woman. The name suggests a relation to tila, the sesame Up. 3. 1. 1.
plant, Sesamum indicum Linn. Now this plant has got
flowers that have got a very pretty appearance. It is a तिरीटम् A crown; L. D. B. -ट: The Lodhra plant;
shrub and not a tree. It grows four to five feet in height. L. D. B.
Its flower has five petals. The lower petal is the longest.
In wild variety there is a promiment spot on the longest तिल I. 1 P.(तेलति) To gomove. -II. 6 P., 10 U. (तिलति, तेलयति-ते) 1 To be unctuous or greasy. -2 To
petal which is highly suggestive of the saffron-mark on
the forehead of a woman.-2 A freckle or natural mark anoint, smear with oil.
under the skin. -3 The sesamum tree. -का,-कम् 1A तिल: [तिल-क्] 1 The seasamum plant; नासाभ्येति तिल- mark made with sandalwood or unguents &c.; मुख मधुश्रीप्रसूनपदवीम् Git. 10. -2 The seed of this plant; नाकस्मा- स्तिलकं प्रकाश्य Ku. 3. 30; कस्तूरिकातिलकमालि विधाय सायम् च्छाण्डिलीमाता विक्रीणाति तिलैस्तिलान् । लुञ्चितानितरैर्यन कार्यमत्र Bv.2.4; 1. 121. -2 The ornament of anything (used भविष्यति ।। Pt. 2. 70. -3 A mole, spot. -5 A small at the ond of comp. in the sense of 'best','chiet' or particle, as much as a sesamum-seed; तिले तालं पश्यति 'distinguished'); कुल'; जीवलोक° Mal.9.21; यस्य न ' makes mountains of molehills.' -Comp. --अन्नम् rice
विपदि विषादः संपदि हर्षों रणे न भीरुत्वम् । तं भुवनत्रयतिलकं जनयति with sesamum seed. -अप,-अम्बु, -उदकम् water with जननी सुतं विरलम् || Pt. 1. 105. -3 The burden of a song sesamum seed offered to the dead as a libation ;
(ध्रुवक). -का A kind of necklace. -कम् 1 The bladder. यदा मत्सुहृदोस्तिलापः Bhāg. 10. 12. 15%3 श्राद्धानि नोऽधिभुजे -2 The right lung. 3 A kind of salt. -4 A kind of प्रसभं तन दत्तानि तीर्थसमयेऽप्यपिबत्तिलाम्बु Bhag.7.8.45%; disease, the appearance of dark spots on the skin S.35 तेषां दत्त्वा तु हस्तेषु सपवित्रं तिलोकदम् Ms. 3.228.-उत्तमा without any inflammation. - Alliteration. -Comp. N. of an Apsaras. -ओदनः, -नम् a dish of milk, rice -आश्रयः the forehead. and sesamum. -कठः sesamum powder (Mar. तिळकूट ).
तिलकायते Den. A. To serve as a Tilaka-mark. -कल्क: dough made of ground sesamum. "ज: oil-cake made of the sediment of ground sesamum. -कालका faciena a. 1 Marked with a Tilaka. -2 Adorned ; 1 a mole, a dark spot under the skin. 2 a disease of तावत्तिलकित प्राच्या मुखमुद्भासितेन्दुना Ks. 93. 173 Raj. T.2.40. the penis, in which the fleshy parts become black and
-3 Freckled, spotted; also तिलकिन्. die off. -किट्टम्,-खलि: f., -खली, -चूर्णम् the caky sediment of sesamum after the oil is extracted ; स्थाल्या
तिलंतुद: An oilman. वैदूर्यमग्यां पचति तिलखलीमिन्धनैश्चन्दनाद्यैः Bh. 2. 100. -चतुर्थी
fast: ind. In piecus as small as gesamum-seed, in The 4th day of the dark-half of Magha. -तण्डुलकम्
very small quantities. an embrace so called because in it the two bodies are united together like rice mixed up with sesamum-seed). तिल्य. Fit for the cultivation of sesamum. -ल्यम् -तैलम् sesamum-oil; -द्वादशी The 12th day of a A field of sesamum.
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