Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
resort toj 9734
at 1 A. (th) To move, go, resort to; 14411: BHISHED Fafegitid Mál. 9. 7. -With to go, move, go about; TS a glaga azufa euraYETH Asvad. 5.
Erat tud a 27ifsaat ] A commentary, gloss; काव्यप्रकाशस्य कृता गृहे गृहे टीका तथाप्येष तथैव दुर्गमः.
i 1 Gold. -2 One who can change his shape at will.! -8 N. of the god of love.
E a. 1 Small, little. Harley
-2 Vile, cruel. -3 T, IT a. Squint-eyed. TIE a. Small, little. टोपर: A small bag. Tag 1 P. To become disturbed or confused.
T. 1 An imitative sound, as of a metallic jar
O rolling down steps; ta hamar: teyat H FTFULI: 1917971 a yod of si i di 35 3: Subhāş. 2 A loud noise. -3 The disc of the sun or moon. :-4 A cirole, globe. -8 A cypher. -8 A place resorted to or held sacred by all. -7 An object of sense. -8 An idol, deity. -9 An epithet of Siva.
3 6 : 1 An idol, a deity. -2 An honorific title added to the name of a distinguished person ; (e. g.
farchit the author of the Kávya pradipa the modern ठाकूर, टागोर etc.)
GFT: Hoar-frost. great A girdle.
FUT A gaming house; # #xfbogat iala +9199190 Ks. 92. 121.
#: A merchant; Inscription, 1st cen. A. D.
T.1 A sound. -2 A kind of drum or ta bor.
C -3 Submarine fire. -4 Fear. -8 An epithet of Siva. -31 1 A kind of female imp (57f4ft). -2 A basket carried by means of a sling.
Torfi The lute of the Chāņdalas. 34 10 A. (199) To collect, amass, heap together. 341 P. (shfa) To sound. GA: A despised and mixed caste ( Mar. Doma).
GHT: 1 Riot, tumult, affray. -2 Petty warfare between villages. -8 Terrifying an enemy by shouts and gestures. - Running away through fear, rout.
gaf. A sort of drum; Bhag. 8. 10. 7.
SHE: A sort of small drum shaped like an hourglass and generally used by Kāpālikas; (sometime regarded as n. also ); $691974 yaa17 af Rāj. T. 2. 99. -Comp. -34 a kind of pan; Bhava. P.
Str = 3 q. v.
SF 10 U. (srufaa) 1 To throw, send. -2 To order. - To behold.
grr: a. Famous, renowned. -T: 1 An assemblage, collection, mass; Mal. 9. 16. -2 Show, pomp. -3 Resemblance, likeness, appearance; U. 6. 17; Mal. 3. 7. -4 Pride, arrogance. 6 A great noise, loud assertion, ver bosity; 19Hiqera fal Ks. 107. 5. -8 Beauty. -Comp. -AHT Having a high-sounding name; Mal. 1. 4-5. (v. l.)
GAT 10. U. (Ethaf-) To collect. 30*4,59*4 A sling, basket (Mar. Crast, 1973). sfart: A wooden antelope. ST*: An imp (attending Kali).
giftiaft A kind of female imp, a female goblin ; Bhāg. 10. 63. 10.
gisa, grafa: f. The clang of a bell, ding-dong &c.; howling; Mal. 5. 19.
31 a. 1 Terrific, dreadful, awful98 fa Tufty3IH U Treto à : Mal. 5. 3. -2 Riotous, tumultuous. -8 Resembling, having the appearance (i. e. lovely, beautiful); fara a gafa faraos
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