Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
qola asaf THA: Pt. 1. 22.-4. Destroying;...*! TATTOTH Explanation, interpretation. GUTA - HET 9999997 Mb. 1. 123. 13.
Tutoa p. p. Spoken, declared. -7H Speech, talk. T : The Nimba tree.
STATE 1 A. 1 To shine. -2 To appear. -Caus. To T275 a. Exceedingly handsome or beautiful. - ! illuminate, irradiate. A kind of metre.
SHTE: Splendour, beauty, lustre. -i, - 1 N. TAI 2 P. 1 To appear, seem. -2 To shine forth, of a well-known place of pilgrimage near Dvārakā. gleam. -8 To begin to become light, begin to dawn; -2 N. of one of the eight Vasus. -3 N. of one of the a war Taft $. 4; Fargar fetaa rat R. 3. 2. -4 Jaina Gaņādhipa. -4 N. of one of the Devaganas in To illuminate, enlighten.
the eighth Manvantara. STATT 1 Light, splendour, lustre, effulgence, radi- TIETH Illumining, irradiatiny, brightening. ance; f gferata: Bg. 7.8; 9 a R. 2. 15, 31;
faT a. Brilliant, bright, shining. 6. 18; Rs.1.20.; Me. 49; g å 9927 car genera qa Brahmavaivasvata P. -2 A ray of light. -8 The T E 7 U. 1 To break, tear, break or tear asunder. shadow of the sun on a sun-dial. -4 An epithet of | -2 To exude (from the temples of an elephant); see Durgā; 11 astecair Devī. P.-8 N. of the city of a. - Pass. 1 To be broken to pieces. -2 To bud Kubera. -8 N. of an Apsaras. -Comp. : 1 the forth, open, expand ( as flowers ). -3 To split, divide. sun; TT 9 97: R. 10. 74. -2 the moon. -3 fire.
a p. p. 1 Severed, split, cleft, divided. -2 - the ocean. -8 an epithet of Siva. -6 N. of a
Broken to pieces. -3 Cut off, detached. -4 Budding, learned writer, the founder of a school of Mimāṁsa
expanded, opened. -5 Changed, altered. - Deformed, philosophy called after him. -7 A gem (921);
disfigured. - Relaxed, loosened. -8 Intoxicated, in Rám. 2. 114. 10.- : a fire-fly. -ato a. tremu
rut; teatata a a7017 Mb. 1. 189. 14; lously radiant; 7 Hatá afasala agat S. 1. 25.
fear ualeat 291 Ku. 5. 80. -9 Pierced, bored. Tract a. overspread or glowing with lustre; -
-10 Different, distinct. -5: An elephant in rut. Tafadar ifa Hora at: (a ); V. 5. 3. -T2
-Comp. -3 a kind of collyrium or eye-salve the sun; gentag
9H (479) N. 17.
mixed with oil. E a. 'having the cheeks cleft', 205. - Tue: a ray or flash of light. - a. brilliant,
being in rut, intoxicated. shining; 1997: THTIT: Ki. 16. 58. - 64 a circle or halo of light; स्फुरत्प्रभामण्डलया चकाशे Ku. 1.24; 6.43;
TH : 1 Splitting, cleaving, opening. -2 Division, R. 3. 60; 14. 14. a. covered with lustre, emit
separation - The flowing of rut or ichor from the ting lustre; gesuit Trai gitEGANE A959: V. 4. 62.
temples of an elephant; 947 daati : :
#ta ufa: R. 3. 37. -4 Difference, distinction. -8 प्रभात p. p. Begun to become clear or light; प्रभातायां
A kind or sort. -8 The place of origin as of a river ); Trata wasza Mb. 5. 168. 43.-04 Day.
STOFU atera 977 47 Mb. 3. 85. 9. break, dawn; 3 : HTETT S. 2; Said Faidai नृपतिरमणीनां कुचतटे G. L. -Comp.-करणीयम् a morning
HF 4. 1 Tearing asunder, piercing &o. -2 rite or ceremony. -कल्प, -प्राय approaching dawn Distinguishing. (as night). 15: the time of day break; 29: Etirea
TT 1 P. 1 To arise, proceed, spring up, to be born 'मन्त्री दैवज्ञोऽथ चतुर्थकः । प्रभातकाले द्रष्टव्यो नित्यं स्वश्रियमिच्छता॥
or produced, originate with a bl.); HT4: hafa Rājavalla bha.
H. 1. 25;
F T A : 4 ya: S. 7. 9; 969: Tata Light, lustre, splendour, radiance; P. gazarafathia afTH R. 10. 50; 364 : at: VIII. 4. 31 com.
WHEETIT Bg. 8. 18.-2 To appear, become visible;
aasfe au wafa TUTTA H. 4. 84. 3 To multiply, Tac a. Luminous, radiant, splendid.
increase ; see 461.4 To be strong or powerful, prevail, THIERT . 1 A kind of metre. -2 (In music) A i predominate, show one's power; wafa afar particular vía. -3 N. of the wife of the sun.
uretu Mal. 9. 52; wala para fare: K.; Pt. 1. 44.
-8 To be able or equal, have power for (with inf.) TAM: 1 Division. -2 The fraction of a fraction (in
कुसुमान्यपि गात्रसंगमात् प्रभवन्त्यायुरपोहितुं यदि R.8.44%; कोऽन्यो math.).
ETTETETY nafasala s. 4; S. 6.30; V. 1.9; U. 2.4; Pt. THIET 1 A. 1 To speak to, address to; fuaeft: f 1. -8 To have control or power over, prevail over, be 418 Bg. 2. 54. -2 To proclaim; publish. -3 To master of (usually with gen., sometimes with dat. or disclose, reveal. - To expound, explain. -5 To loc.); al 9 62FTH: S. 1; 99afa 18TTY TETE prate, prattle.
HERIA: Mal. 4; 97 9afa g a 4 Ve. 2. ffurfa
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