Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Carey dapa t R. 12. 22. - for a. 1 ; confidante. ya. 1 a lover of truth. -2 pleasant desirous of pleasing or doing service. -2 friendly, though true. T: 1 a friendly message, the mesaffectionate. - a. giving or causing pleasure. sage of a lover. -2 the tree called 7794. - ETT a.
I a. acting in a kind or friendly manner. (n.) fond of litigation. -HATTA: union with a beloved object the action of a lover. -: a husband who is fond or person. -सहचरी a beloved wife. -साहस a. advenof his wife, whe loves her dearly. a. quarrel- turous. Eam. a dear or bosom friend. a. some. I a. friendly disposed, desirous of render- fond of sleep; अकाले बोधितो भ्रात्रा प्रियस्वप्नो वृथा भवान् R.12. ing service. T a. 1 acting kindly, doing good to, 81. -ffa a. at once agreeable and salutary. -2 favourable, suitable. No, fa a. acting or
fie a. Giving what is pleasant. treating kindly. (m.) a friend, benefactor ; 1547 Pt. 4. 76. m. 1 one who does good, a friend,
ia a. Sweet-speaking, speaking kindly, affable benefactor. -2 N. of Vişnu. JG: a beloved or dear in address, agreeable; dina: gaat accufaa person. fet: a husband who dearly loves his wife, ai grifac: Ku. 5. 28; R. 3.64. - 1 A kind of bird. a gallant. Ha a. living long, long-lived. (-a:) -2 N. of a Gandharva. Colasanthes Indica (Mar. ). -tfaat love of life.
: 1 A kind of deer; 24 A
4- Tut: a kind of coitus or mode of sexual enjoyment.
19:' Vaijayanti; faarsa: afta: 1997 : Si. 4. 32. IT a mystical name of the earth; Mb. ata. pleasant to look at; fuit
AT: 1997197 : hur grufer:
-2 The tree called #9, Gra; 3919E
9789r: Rām. 2. 71. 12. -3 The creeper fayet. -4A Mb. 5.90. 21. a. pleasing to look at, of pleasing
bee. - A kind of bird. - Saffron. * The skin of appearance, good-looking, lovely, handsome; TELAY
the 12 deer; Rām. 3. 43. 36.- A flower of the ia: FAKT: U. 5.; R. 1. 47; S. 3. 9; vargasfa fuit
aśana tree;
HIT THOUT: Haag: Tha a: . 6. (--:) 1 a parrot. -2 a kind of date tree. -8 N. of a prince of the Gandharvas; tafe T gs
Si. 8. 28. iad at fugiau R. 5. 33. -4 A plant growing on Parat, TOT, faca a. 1 Showing kindness trees and stones (Mar. ). (774) the sight of a to, acting kindly or affectionately; f90 # 94 584beloved object; 37 E19H Pt. 1. 128. ( ft) a ET R. 14. 48.-2 Agreeable. -3 Amiable. bird, Gracula religiosa. I t a. looking kindly upon
Fee: 1 N. of a creeper said to put forth blosanything. (-m.) an epithet of king Asoka. Ta. fond of gambling. -ra: an epithet of Siva. -
soms at the touch of women), प्रियगुश्यामागप्रकृतिरपि
Mal. 3. 9. (For some of the conventions of poets about good tidings. -ET: a kind of bird. -721: a kind inquiry about welfare). - ETH propitiation of a
the blossoming of trees, see the quotation under 372714.) husband. -91
-2 Long pepper. -3 A plant and its perfume (Mar. a. exceedingly kind or courteous; 943 ITT: U. 2. 2. (
1060); Mb. 13. 104. 87. -4 A kind of millet (fri; 9) eloquence in language.
Mar. राळा); दश ग्राम्याणि धान्यानि भवन्ति व्रीहियवास्तिलमाषा - re, n. a very agreeable speech, as of a lover to
39194 2 aa Bri. Up. 6. 3. 13. his mistress. - a. wishing to secure one's desired
-T *. 1 Saffron. -2 mustard seed. -Comp. 9 object. -भाव: feeling of love; प्रियभावः स तु तया स्वगुणैरेव afera: U. 6. 31. HITUTE kind or agreeable words.
N. of a country: Buddh. - a. speaking sweet words. - a. fond of ! ah a. Most beloved, dearest. - A lover, ornaments; FTCT 94454941 9794 S. 4.9.1 husband: feruata: fa a SÝTTET: Me. 31, 72. -AY a. fond of liquor. (-y:an epithet of Balarama. -AT A wife, mistress, beloved. -TUT a. warlike, heroic. -24 a. flattering, a flatterer. - a. speaking kind or agreea ble words.
iera a. Dearer, more beloved &c. (2) kind, coaxing or endearing words; 1949TATS- feat, -ah 1 Being dear, dearness. -2 Love, fa afgai fasad Targa (faza ECU a) V. 2. 22. affection. -वयस्य: a dear friend. -वर्णी the plant called प्रियगु. --are n. a beloved object. -alla. speaking kindly,
friulary, THIEF a. Become an object of affable in address. (-f.) kind or agreeable words.
i affection, amiable, dearly loved. -वादिका a kind of musical instrument. -वादिन् a. प्रियाल: The tree called Piyal; see पियाल; Bhag. speaking kind or pleasing words, a flatterer ; 957: 8. 2. 11. - A vine. 9641 T L had failea: Rām. (- ) a kind of bird,
प्रियीय Denom. P. (प्रियीयति) To think a person to
forf (Mar. #al, arget). -99 m. an epithet of Krişna; i a: Faatuffor &are: 99ar: Bhag. 1.6.34. are: 1
be another's mistress ; H. Yog. the society of : beloved person. Fre: 1 a dear friend.
I.9 U. (afat, fa, sta ) 1 To please, delight, - the Khadira tree. it f.) a female friend, a lady' i satisfy, gladden; stofa : gafta: foar 99: Bh. 2.68;
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