Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
of Aruņa. -ETT great violence or outrage, great audacity. ATENT: a dacoit, highwayman, a daring robber. -id: the fabulous animal called Sarabha.
fare: f. a kind of magical power. TCH 1 great pleasure. -2 copulation. (- ) a Buddha. Ha fragrant unguent. E t: a kind of antidote. To silver; Gīrvāņa. -ETT good times. - the composer of the great Sūktas or hymns of the 10th Mandala of the Rigveda. -FEAT sand. Fa: a military drum. : 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya; HETsafa a t au HET Rām. 7. 16. 1. -2 the commander of a large army. (a) a great army. FFT: a camel. To the earth. -FT14 a great position.
*#&: a combinatiou of the 4 kinds of fat. Fyld: the Sadaigas and Smritis; महास्मृतिं पठेद्यस्तु तथैवानुस्मृति शुभाम् Mb. 12. 200. 30. - ra n. the bowels. after m. an epithet of Siva. -e : a kind of drum. : an epithet of Vişnu. - a n. clarified butter. -gea: an epithet of Siva. Re: a loud or boisterous laughter, cachinnation.-
f a m. N. of a mountain. -Ear N. of a plant (Mar. ).
af m., n. Greatness; Fachat HR Tofi 01194 Bhag. 7.9. 12. -m. Intellect. - f.= HET The earth. -ind. Greatly, very much.
AFET 1 Frost, mist. -2 The earth. -Comp. -ig: the moon.
iga p. p. Honoured, worshipped, esteemed, revered; 800 मह रम्या सा रोमराजिर्महितरुचिमती Visnupada.s. 26. -24 The trident of Siva.
Aferah Greatness, might; g 594fecha agrarFara ATT Bhāg. 10. 13. 15. HEATH Sovereignty, dominion.
A : 1 A rat. -2 An ichneumon. --S The string of a pole for carrying loads.
ACHT m. [ET THq faq: ] 1 Greatness (fig. also); अयि मलयज महिमायं कस्य गिरामस्तु विषयस्ते Bv. 1. 113 37415: 94a: u AEAT #4 H. 2. 2. - 2 Glory, majesty, might, power; faarataa
Tua Ku. 2. 6; U. 4. 21. -3 High rank, exalted rank or position, dignity. -4 Personage (faula ); He aq Bri. Up. 3. 9. 2. -8 One of the 8 Siddhis, the power of increasing size at will; see fit. A T: 1 The sun; (see APET) -2 The Arka plant.
AREC (-Un. 1.54 ] 1 A woman; agesfanta-Hi Laksmīlahari S. 22. -2 An amorous or intoxicated woman; विरहेण विकलहृदया निर्जलमीनायते HET Bv. 2. 68. -3 The creeper called Priyangu. -4 A kind of perfume of fragrant plant (a ). -Comp. -31&of the Priyangu creeper ; at sa AIEZIE,
AfterTISTA N. of a city in the south.
fo: (HE-97 Uņ. 1 45 ) 1 A buffalo (considered as the vehicle of Yama); गाहन्तां महिषा निपानसलिलं Tengcaifear $. 2. 6. -2 N. of a demon killed by Durga. -Comp. -37&T:, -3779: a kind of bdellium. - at: an epithet of Kārtikeya. -3TET: the demon Mahişa. Ogríaat, 4t, Heat, fait epithets of Durgā. - saft an epithet of Durga. -ati an epithet of Yama; N. of a Jain monk. - *, -916i a buffalo-keeper. - N. of Durga. agat, -arga: epithets of Yama; sarta: a nagisarala ga: K. P. 10.
Herera a. Changed into a buffalo; Kāv.
HIT 1 A she-buffalo, buffalo-cow; Ms. 9. 55; HOT The atatu hiftoft Y. 2. 159. -2 The principal queen, queen-consort; nie taa: R 1. 48; 2. 25; 3.9. -8 A queen in general. -4 The female of a bird; सासज्जत शिचस्तन्त्यां महिषी कालयन्त्रिता Bhag.7.2.52. -5 A lady's maid, female servant (hu). -8 An immoral woman. -7 Money acquired by the prostitution of one's wife; cf. Hiffa. Comp. -e: a keeper of she-buffaloes. : a pillar adorned with a buffalo's head.
HECHT a. Possessing, rich or abounding in, buffaloes.
hey a. Greatest, largest superl. of El q.v.); FH: fegru ET negra 9 74: Siva-mahimna 29.
HET 1 Earth; as in 1973, ATUT &c.; Het rar Tar Bh. 3. 79. -2 Ground, soil; : ATHI ATENT sanaa Rām. 6. 107. 34. -3 Landed property or estate, land. -4 A country, kingdom. -8 N. of a river falling into the gulf of Cambay. -8 (In geom.) The base of any plane figure. -7 A large army (Ved). -8 A cow; SB. on MS. 10. 3. 49. -9 Earth ( as a substance, stones, bricks &c); Ms. 7. 70. -10 Space. -Comp. :, sart: a king; a HETE971444 R.9. 5. Q: an earthquake. - m . a king, sovereign;
changea: t heferatu Bg. 1. 25; R. 1. 11, 85; 19. 20. -3: 1 the planet Mars; 50 HEIM fayd et Samayapradīpa.--2 N. of Narakāsura.-3 a tree. (FIT) N. of Sita. (- 4) wet ginger. Gitar the horizon. - surface of the earth. -GUTH an earth fort; Ms. 7.70.-ETT: 1 a mountain; Helut Ariagaan R. 6.52; Ku. 6. 89. -2 an epithet of Visnu. -T: 1 a mountain; HETHGyxiga qazifa For Bh. 2. 10; Si. 15. 54; R. 3. 60; 13. 7. -2 a symbolical expression for the number, 'seven'. -3 an epithet of Vişnu. -arer:, -9,
ofati, - 18:, - , -Y m., -Atam.,a king; 315 HT 29 11 R. 2. 34; at yur it रथानां महीपतीनां प्रणयाग्रदूत्यः 6. 123 प्रविश्य कृष्णासदनं महीभुजा Ki. 1. 26; also Sahendra. 2. 82. - 4 humble o beisance (as by falling on the ground.) -gati, ceai,
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