Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
na p. p. 1 Plunged, dipped into, immersed, submerged, sunk (fig. also ); f ufa: .7. 11; Pagata 2 , Praha ko. -2 Gone down, set as the sun). -8 Overwhelmed, covered. -4 Depressed, not prominent. -Comp. , - (a woman) having a depressed navel or a slender waist.
H Y: 1 The act of diving or entering into, plunging. -2 Plunging into the bed, sleeping, going to bed;
a a rt: se af Bk. 5. 20. FATHTHTH Bathing, diving, plunging, sinking (lit. and fig.); faya g14 N. 5.91; HTC 3749aGa Mb.
FAT 3 A. To measure; see HT; f f 90397 fra Mb. 7. 179. 53.
FARAH [ #6912 ota fahia ; P. V. 2. 47 ] 1 Measure. -2 Price (PART = 644 Sk.)
FATH: 1 Winking, twinkling of the eyes). -2 N. of one of the descendants of Iksvāku, and ancestor of the line of kings who ruled in Mithila.
fafha 1 See afua; caused; a faftada fast: Bhāg. 3. 16. 26. -2 Measured.
farfa l f-A- Ty. ] 1 A cause, motive, ground reason ; Antara
: $. 7. 30. -2 The instrumental or efficient cause (opp. 391617); S TATUT fafanufatiua: Bhag 3.7.32.-3 Any apparent cause, pretext; MAATA #4 qoyarfa By. 11. 33 ; AATTHIOT 90394 ufagog4 Ve. 1. -4 A mark, sign, token. -5 A butt, mark, target; fant grada sera zaua Mb. 7. 74. 23; fafama siga qarah Si. 2. 27. -8 An omen, prognostic ( good or bad ); AHTafecar S. 1; fafia a quraraqlara 12 Rg. 1.31; R. 1. 86; Ms. 6. 50; Y. 1. 203.; 3. 171. -7 Means of knowledge; au afatig: MS. 1. 1. 3. -8 Function, ceremony; garea fafaa yafargaan ( foutla); Mb. 12. 61. 6. (A T is used at the end of comp. in the sense of 'caused or occasioned by '; Arafatista : S. 3. A 774, ARAFA, AFAT117 because of', 'on occount of'.)
-Comp. 37: the infinitive mood (in gram).-31eft: f. dependence on a special cause. TOTE, RE: an instrumental or efficient cause. Foi a spocific time.
7 m. a crow - a. acquainted with omens (as an astrologar). -#: 1 expiation. - 2 an occasional rite.
affer (du.) cause and effect; A T C #H: $.7.30.- eft f. scrutiny of the means (of knowing); तस्य निमित्तपरीष्टि: MS. 1. 1.3. -मात्रम् the mere efficient cause or instrument; Bg. 11. 33. - a. knowing good or bad omens. (-m.) an astrologer.
faf 1 A cause. -2 Kissing.
farhrt a. Having a cause, influenced by some cause or ground)
f a . Ved. 1 Commingling, mixing with. -2 Devoted to. AHT 6 P. To shut the eyes; wink, twinkle;
AP Bg. 5.9.
aft f. Ved. 1 Twinkling of the eye. -2 Shutting the eyes. -m. A god.
F T: 1 winking, shutting the eye, twinkling. -2 Twinkling of the eye as a measure of time, a moment. -3 The shutting of flowers. -4 Morbid twinkling of the eye. -8 N. of Vişnu. Comp. - Farce the interval of a moment.
T: Twinkling of the eye, a moment &c.; see fas; eta IT : 54 Moha M. 4.; et agai 'with a steadfast or fixed look'; R. 2. 19; 3. 43, 61; Bri. Up. 3. 8. 9. -Comp. -30k the interval of a moment. °चारिन् going in a moment anywhere; प्रययौ afea: 449rata : Mb. 5. 192. 51. Tel. lightning. -97, -67 m. a fire-fly.
fa *: 1 Twinkling of the eye. -2 A fire-fly. ARTH Shutting the eyes, twinkling.
fart 1 P. 1 To shut the eyes; el safafa TATA net faza Ms. 1. 52; R. 12. 65. -2 To close the eyes in death, dio; निमिमील नरोत्तमप्रिया हृतचन्द्रा तमसेव
a R. 8. 37. -3 To obscure (fig. ); A f fect: R. 1. 68. -4 To be closed or shut, as eyes, flowers &c.); alfatarína 1914. -8 To disappear, vanish, Set (fig. also); 973 C asi atafa fazafa H.3.138;
9421 Hariv. -Caus. 1 To shut, close; gH7faa fefafara 10 Mk. 1.33; faydal Si. 9.11; 1446 44747 Kāv. 2. 261; Ku.3.36; 5.57: R. 19. 28. -2 To kill.
R ICH 1 Shutting the eyelids, winking; 799f afany 21 Git. t; Amaru. 33. -2 Closing the eyes in death, death. -3 (In astr.) Total eclipse.
waar, fartfit 1 Shutting the eyes. -2 Winking, blinking, conniving at anything. -3 Fraud, pretence, trick.
fanfifca p. p. 1 Shut, closed. - Obscured, darken. ed; 3199 Y u a ya raise for: R. 9. 74. -3 Benum bed, stupefied. -4 Disappeared, set.
निमीश्वरः N. of a Jinesvara born in the last उत्सfefoft .
fach ind. Down to the root; ani fa. fare: Barter, exchange.
fra. 1 Deep (lit. and fig. ); fefto ParaF#: Me. 81; Rs. 5. 12; Si. 10.58. -2 Low, depressed. -* 1 Depth, low ground, low land; (*: 999
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