Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Mb. -2 In two ways. -Comp. CUTH dividing into , to:, -97 [fafar cafesnaf narrat 2n; fè-314, 379 two parts, splitting. fa: 1 an amphibious animal. $9] 1 An island. - A place of refuge, shelter, pro-2 a crab. - a crocodile.
tection. -8 A division of the terrestrial world; (the faste ind. By twos, two by two, in couples.
number of these divisions varies according to different
authorities, being four, seven, nine or thirteen, all द्विस् ind. Twice%3; द्विरिव प्रतिशब्देन व्याजहार हिमालयः Ku.
situated round the mountain Meru like the petals of a 6.61; Ms. 2. 60. -Comp. - THE (FECITHATHL) the lotus flower, and each being separated from the ceremony of the second entrance of the bride into her other by a distinct ocean. [ In N. 1.5 the Dvipas are husband's house. -3919: (foto: an elephant. -3
said to be eighteen ; but seven appears to be the usual a. (F69) 1 spoken twice, repeated. -2 said in two number :- , , THP, FT, 2, 21% and 967; ways. -8 redundant, tautologous, superfluous. (- ) cf. Bhàg. 5. 1. 32; R. 1. 65; and 971 491 rafa repetition. - f. (fare:) 1 repetition, tautology. वसुधामप्रतिरथः 5.7.33. The central one is जम्बुद्वीप in - superfluity, uselessness. -3 twofold way of nar- which is included Higies of India. ] -94 The skin of ration. -36T (FEET) a woman married twice. Hei, a tiger. -Comp. : camphor from China. -alfer -वचनम् reduplication.
The bird atz. for 2 U. (are, fae; fae) To hate, dislike, be you a. Full of islands. -m. 1 A river. -2 The hostile towards; न द्वेक्षि यज्जनमतस्त्वमजातशत्रुः Ve. 3. 153
ocean. at 1 The earth. -2 A river; N. 22. 99. ATefa a afety 3 sfargar Bg. 2.57; 18.10; Bk. 17. 61; 18.9; 74afe . 6. 5. (Prepositions like 9,
द्वीपिन् m.1A tiger in general; चर्मणि द्वीपिनं हन्ति; Sk. and are prefixed to this root without any change
199ntar faqatath Siva. B. 10. 8. 2 A of meaning.)
leopard, panther. -Comp. -e, - 1 a tiger's nail.
-2 a kind of perfume. feel a Hostile, hating, inimical. -m. An enemy; Turquia furahua 24 R. 12. 11; 3. 45; Pt. 1.
act: 1 An islander. - N. of Vyasa. -3 A sort 70. -f. Ved. Hostility. -Comp. al treachery.
of crow, slight. -4 N. of Rudra. fen: An enemy. (fara a. Harassing an enemy,
3:1 P. (af) 1 To hinder. -2 To cover: -8 To retaliating; सख्या तेन दशग्रीवं निहन्तासि द्विषंतपम् Bk.6.101. disregard. - To appropriate wrongly. farm. An enemy (with acc. or gen.); da: a
er ind. In two parts, in two ways, twice. -Comp. goat fa91: R. 6. 31; Si. 2. 1; Bk. 5. 97.
-क्रिया breaking or splitting in two; प्रागप्राप्तनिसुम्भशांभव
g auta My. 2. 33. fee p. p. [faq-froti ] 1 Hostile. -2 Hated, disliked.
à , qu, tu &o. See under faq. - Copper. -Comp. Fift One who plots against ; TAITEIT Kau. A. 1. 11.
agori A usurer who charges cent per cent
interest. a: [89-19 ] 1 Hate, dislike, abhorrence, repuguanoe, distaste; S. 5. 18.; spara
Try 1 Double amount, value or measure. -2 beafci Bg. 3.34 ; 7. 27; 60 3 4:, Harga: &c. -2 Duality. -8 The possession of two out of the three quaEnmity, hostility, malignity; 3 a 7: Eu r lities Hea, 48 and . H17: Ms. 8. 225. -Comp. - RATE: a particular
2014 [funga fata 9 919: 2 sto] 1 Duality. Samādhi. *T a. betraying dislike.
-2 Dualism in philosophy, the assertion of two distinct U a. Hating, disliking. OT: An enemy. Urh principles, such as the maintenance of the doctrine that, Hate, hatred, enmity, dislike.
spirit and matter, Brahman and the Universe, or the
Individual and the Supreme Soul, are different from n. Ved. 1 Hatred. -2 Sin.-3 An enemy.
each other; cf. 31 ; fe trei aura gry of SFETsfera, pa. Hating &c. Har Teratai TE- CAT: By. 1.86.-8 N. of a forest. -Comp.- aart: 24:a garaa zifa 11 -m. An enemy; the path of dualism and non-dualism. N. of a Ti fac98 Pt. 1. 57.
forest; भीमं प्रशस्याथ गुणैरनेकेर्दृष्टास्ततो द्वैतवनाय जग्मुः Mb. 3.
11. 68. Ki. 1.1. alg: the doctrine of dualism ; see y pot. p. 1 To be hated. -2 Odious, hateful,
a bove. -are m. a philosopher who maintains the disagreeble; acasa : fre: R. 1. 28; Pt. 1. 239. -T: An enemy; Bæ. 6. 9; Se aguay
dvaita doctrine.
Gusta 99: 9. 29; Ms. 9. 307. -Comp. 017 a. detesting art m. A philosopher who maintains the dvaita sin; Mb. 12.
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