Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
I.1 P. (rarely A.) (afa, wa, an , waszfa, Hagh, ) 1 To be, become; 78 Mah; Bar:
9Mal. 9. 29' what has become her fate', 'what has become of her' U. 3. 27; uge 28 U. 3 'come what may'; so great wala, Eet Hafa &c. --2 To be born or produced; yuri y a Ms. y. 127; 9740 w a wafa afea Mk. 1. 13. -8 To spring or proceed from, arise; 19 Hafa H E: Bg. 2. 63; 14. 17. -4 To happen, take place, occur; cafea alat gaufa
29 Ms. 8. 351; af I Hat &c. - To live, exist; 374 ugua: ... T arafrath Vās.; 39è fagua: qay: Bk. 1. 1. -B To be alive or living, breathe; त्वमिदानीं न भविष्यसि 5.6%3 आः चारुदत्तहतक, अयं न भवसि Mk. 4; 1H, ET arg a Hare Māl. 5 (thou art a dead man', thou shalt breathe no longer ); asfaat a faza a Bg. 11. 32. -7 To remain or be in any state or condition, fare ; 94917 ya wasafa Pt. 2. -8 To stay, a bide; remain; aftan
- TE: U. 3. 37. -9 To serve, do; 5 91774# Hracusa $. 1. -10 To be possible usually with a future tense in this sense ); wala part of a Sk. -11 To lead or tend to, conduce to bring about with dat.); atau
fagi...... tar wafat gry great fear ar Mbh.; garu wafari wa Ku. 1. 23; muraaa 979794914 Ki. 18. 27; 7 a 9 R. 6.44.-12 To be on the side of, assist; at 3154159911 -18 To belong or pertain to (often expressed by 'have'); EU T ra aug: Ait. Br.; Y 1921 wafa aufer: Ms. 6. 39. -14 To be engaged in, be occupied (with loc ); 27क्षालने कृष्णो ब्राह्मणानां स्वयं हाभूत् Mb. -18 To conduct one self, behave. -16 Ved. To be prosperous, succeed; adt at 312796 Bri. Up 1. 3. 7; Mb. 12. 228. 1. Used with a preceding noun or adjective serves to form verbs in the sense of becoming what it previously is not' or 'becoming'in general; to become white; कृष्णीभू to become black; पयोधरीभूत 'becoming or serving the purpose of teats '; so 901 to be or become a mendicant; प्रणिधीभू to act the spy; आद्रभू to melt; भस्मीभू to be reduced to ashes%3 विषयीभू to form the subject of; so l d; nouity &c. &c. Note-The senses of may be variously modified according to the adverbs with which it is connected; e. g. gait to marry again; at to appear, arise, to be evident or clear; see if; fati to disappear;'
gf to arise, be visible, appear; 4 to be in front, take the lead; 377971 to be absorbed or included; ओजस्यन्तर्भवन्त्यन्ये K. P.83 दोषाभू to grow evening or dusk-time; 3=441 to be otherwise, be changed; a 972 Haghela S. 4; GT1 to come forward;
stand forth; मिथ्या भू to turn out talse; वृथा भू to become useless &c. &c. -Caus. ( 4fa-a) 1 To cause to be or become, call into existence, call into being;
ACIU BITIT 1947 Bhāg. 3. 20. 10. -2 To cause, produce, effect. - To manifest, display, exhibit.
- To foster, cherish, support, preserve, enliven; ga: ua quifo #TATT 1947 : Mb.; 7 94aler ते देवा भावयन्तु वः। परस्परं भावयन्तः श्रेयः परमवाप्स्यथ ॥ Bg. 3.11; Bk. 16. 27. -8 To think or reflect, consider, fancy, imagine. -8 To look upon, consider or regard as; 3 may fac Moha M. 2. -7 To prove, substantiate, establish; faga fat orgå Y. 2.11. -8 To purify. -9 To get, obtain. -10 To mingle or mix. -11 To change or transform into. -12 To soak, steep. -18 To devote or addict oneself to. -14 To convince. -16. To perfume, Boent. -Desid. (mefa) To wish to be or become &c. II. 1 U. (Hafaa) To get, obtain. III. 10 A. (Hud) To obtain, gain. -IV. 10 U. (1921d-a) 1 To think, reflect. - To mix, mingle. - To be purified (connected with caus. of q. v. above).
a. (At the end of comp.) Being, existing, becoming, springing from, arising or produced from, &c.; FATTI, HL, $461, HTH &c. -m. 1 An epithet of Vişņu. –2 The sacrificial fire.
f. [-$9] 1 The earth (opp. after or raft); få raraa seua yan R. 3. 4; 18. 4; Me. 18; - PFH6cm yfa afa : 1 -2 Earth as one of the nine substances. -3 The universe, globe. -4 Ground, floor;
11999: (tart:) Me. 66. -8 Land, landed property. -6 A place, site, region, plot of ground; F irula, 399yfa &c. -7 Matter, subject matter. -8 A symbolical expression for the number one'. -9 The base of a geometrical figure. -10 A sacrificial fire. -11 The act of becoming, arising. -12 The first of the three Vyahritis or mystic sylla bles (4,99:, 9:-representing the earth---repeated by every Brāhmaṇa at the commencement of his daily Sandhyā. -Comp. -37H gold. Fra: a kind of Kadamba tree. tq: an earthquake. FOT: the diameter of the earth. 279: an epithet of Vasudeva, Krisna's father. 19: 1 a kind of heron. -2 the curlew. -3 a kind of pigeon. T: the fig tree. I a female demon, demoness. Tom. a hog. 64 a particular poison. - 1 N. of Visņu. -2 an epithet of Bhavabhūti. -EH, & a cellar, a room underground. - : the terrestrial globe; a 20% reuacuamper A. L. 17; engasta Git. 1. la geography. -979: the body. -aft aluminous slate. -794 the equator.
a. moving or living on land. (-:) 1 any land. animal (opp. Fat). -2 epithet of Siva. put, -ORT, -19 1 earth's shadow (vulgarly called Rahu). -2 darkness. Stra: 1 a kind of earthworm. -2 an elephant. Sitg: - f. wheat. - the surface of the earth. -graft a kind of cucumber. -TUT:,
TETT: a kind of fragrant grass. It: a hog., -gr: a Brahmaņa. -ETT: a king. ETT a. 1 holding or supporting the earth; IFRUTTA cotat bagay
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