Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
: Mb. 12. 9. 19. -6 Determined, decided. -7 Cautious, wary. 8 Obtained, attained. -9 Spied out. -10 Acknowledged, admitted, stated; affa Ms. 8. 54. 11 Applied, directed; प्रियायास्मै धाम्ने प्रणिहितनमस्योऽस्मि भवते Mahimna. 28 ( v. 1 . ) .
A deep sound.
1 P. To bow down to, fall prostrate before, bow respectfully to, salute (with acc. or dat.); सुरास्तस्मै शमवित्रे सुरद्विषाम् R. 10. 16 वागीशे वाग्भिरर्थ्याभिः प्रणिपत्योपतस्थिरे Ku. 2.3;3.60.
प्रणिपतनम् प्रणिपातः 1 Falling at one's foot prom tration, submission; प्रणिपातप्रतीकारः संरम्भो हि महात्मनाम् R. 4.64; तद् विद्धि प्रणिपातेन परिप्रश्नेन सेवया Bg. 4.34. -2 Obeisance, salutation, reverential bow; frag स्वहस्तनः (पुष्पोच्चयः ) Ku. 3. 61; 4.35; R. 3.25. -Comp. - पुरःसरम्, -पूर्वकम् ind. with an obeisance. -प्रतीकार a. averted or counteracted by prostration; R. 4. 64. - a magical formula pronounced over weapons. -farer teaching (one) to salute.
og 2 P. 1 To slay, kill. -2 To bend down, lower (the hand). -3 To pronounce lower (than अनुदात्त ).
off 1 P. 1 To lead out or forth (as an army), conduct; auttaa (a) Ram. -2 To offer, give, present; Bk. 5. 76. -3 To bring to, set (as tire ); दग्धगुहां पश्य उदकपूर्ण काकप्रणतिन हुताशनेन Pt. 3. 1.4 To consecrate by reciting sacred Mantras, hallow, consecrate in general ; त्रिधा प्रणीतो ज्वलनः Hariv. To inflict (as punishment); dg car zo quaaf: Ms. 7. 20; 8. 238; Mb. 1. 64. 15. -6 To lay down, teach, promulgate, institute, prescribe; धर्मो मनुना प्रणीतः R. 14.67; भवत्प्रणीतमाचारमामनन्ति हि साधवः Ku. 6. 31.7 To write, compose (as a work); न तु प्रकाशितः U. 4; उत्तरं रामचरितं तत्प्रणीतं प्रयुज्यते U. 1. 3. -8 To accomplish, effect, perform, bring about; a दारिद्र्यदरिद्रतां नृपः N. 1. 15, 19; कण्ठाश्लेषोपगूढं तदपि च न चिरं f: Bh. 3. 82. -9 To lead or reduce to any condition. -10 To show, display; विभावयन्ति तत्तद्वपुः प्रणयसे सदनुग्रहाय Bhāg. 3. 9.11. -11 To direct, fix or turn towards (as the eyes). -12 To show affection or love, love. -13 To throw, cast, discharge; :: Ki 16. 54. -14 To remove, destroy; द्रौपद्याश्व परिवेशं प्रणेष्यामि हते त्वयि Mb. 6. 79.4 -15 To draw in the breath (Atm.).
1 Espousing, seizing (as in marriage); EXOHLANYYEIZAA Mal. 6. 14. -2 (a) Love, affection, fondness, attachment, liking, regard; मुभयोः प्रणयः स्मरस्य V. 2.16; साधारणोऽयं प्रणयः Ś. 3; (where in both cases sense 6 may do as well); S. 6. 8; 5. 23; Me. 107; R. 6. 12; Bh. 2. 42. (b) A wish, desire, long..4....12
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
ing हरेर विक्रमप्रणयासः साहसे Mal. 8.71 5.7.16 3 Friendly acquaintance or regard, friendship, intimacy; अजानता महिमानं तवेदं मया प्रमादात् प्रणयेन वापि Bg.11.41; : Mal. 1. 9. -4 Familiarity, fs :: S. 5. -5
confidence, trust; Favour, kindness, act of courtesy; Mk. 1; 1. 45. -6 An entreaty, request, solicitation; तद् भूतनाथानुग नाईसि त्वं संबन्धिनो मे प्रणयं विहन्तुम् R. 2. 58; V. 4. 13. -7 Reverence, obeisance. -8 Final beatitude. -9 A leader. -10 Conduct, guidance. ( confidentially, candidly; without reserve or ceremony;
openly, frankly). -Comp. -: an offence against friendship or love. - a. 1 disposed or about to declare one's love; विसृज सुन्दरि संगमसाध्वसं तव चिरात् प्रमृति णमुखे M. 4.13. -2 impatient through love. उपेत candid, frank. - a lover's quarrel, a mock or feigned quarrel; नाप्यन्यस्मात् प्रणयकलहाद् fax: Me. (considered spurious by Malli.). -कुपित a. angry through love, feigning anger; - लिख्य प्रणयकुपितां धातुरागैः शिलायाम् Me. 107. कोपः feigned anger of a mistress towards her lover, coquettish - पेशल anger. a. soft through affection. -: excessive love, intense attachment. - 1 breach of friendship. -2 faithlessness. - the jealousy of love. -वचनम् expression of love. -विमुख a. 1 averse from love. -2 disinclined to friendship; fagrar fra: Me. 27. -faafa:, -faara: non-compliance, refusal (of a request &c.).. inspired by love; Mal. 5. 7.
1 Bringing, fetching. -2 Conducting, conसर्गशेषveying.-3 Carrying out, executing, performing - R Ku. 6. 9. Writing, composing. -5 Decreeing, sentencing, awarding; as A. -6 Bringing forward, adducing. -7 Distributing. -8 Infliction of (punishment). -9 Founding (of a school).
Loving, fond, affectionate; if
f R. 10. 57. -2 Candid, frank. -8 Earnestly desirous of, longing for; जातः सखे प्रणयवान्मृगतृष्णिकायाम् S. 6.10.
प्रणयिता Love, attachment; (श्री) मूर्खान् द्वेष्टि न गच्छति प्रणयितामत्यन्तविद्वत्स्वपि Mu. 3. 5.
1 Loving, affectionate, kind, attached; यदिन्दावानन्दं प्रणयिनि जने वा न भजते Mal. 3.9; 6.30 -2 Beloved, dearly loved. -3 Desirous of, longing for, fondly solicitous of ; अकाश्रयप्रणयिनस्तनयान् वहन्तः Ś.7.17; Me. 3; R. 9. 55; 11. 3. -4 Familiar, intimate. m. 1 A friend, companion, favourite; कृतोऽक्षसूत्रप्रणयी तया करः Ku. 5. 11. 2 A husband, lover. -3 A supplicant, humble petitioner, suitor; स्वार्थात् सतां गुरुतरा प्रणयिक्रियैव V. 4. 15; 1. 2. A worshipper, devotee; प्रणयिप्रियत्वात् त्रिलोचनस्तामुपचक्रमे च Ku. 3. 66. -नी A mistress, beloved, wife. -2 A female friend.
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