Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
a H4148: Mk. 2; Ria Fraerar yet fogalean (4 ) leaves and Kusa grass only for five days; see Tiigra7Chan. 18; cetera 77A 91H C Ms. 2. 119. राजीवबिल्वपत्रकुशोदकैः। प्रत्येक प्रत्यहं पीतैः पर्णकृच्छू उदाहृतः॥ -Comp. ret a. having a secret meaning. Wat a
Y. 3. 317 and Mita. thereon. avg: a tree without hymn in which a deity is spoken of in the third person. apparent blossoms. (-3 ) a collection of leaves. -जित् a. victorious in an imperceptible manner. -बुद्धि -TT: a kind of deer. Tz: an epithet of Siva. a. indifferent to. I: enjoyment of anything in the a : a kind of perfume (gall-nut). -T: the figure absence of the owner. - a. living out of sight. of a man made of leaves and burnt in place of a lost (-e f.) an unseen or obscure life.
corpse. Tho: a leaf-stalk. He at the Priyangu
creeper. a goat. m. the winter season TATT a. Ved. Immense, vast.
(FIT). : any wild animal living in the boughs TACE a. Untouched by passions, pure; U. 4. of trees (as a monkey, squirrel, &c.). ER m. the
spring season (वसन्त). -लता the betel-plant. -वाटिका Teach ind. Ved. 1 from top to bottom. -2 From
pieces of areca-nut mixed with other spices and hand to hand 3 In succession.
rolled up in betel-leaves. To a bed or couch of Trattura. Having both superior and inferior.
leaves. TOT a hut made of leaves, a hermitage;
far&utmaat # TOTSTHETIEJ R. 1.95; 12.40; HET: part, a. Ved. 1 Broader on the outside. -2
one with a bed of leaves; ag arnaay pani yoritat: Most excellent of all. -m. 1 The Supreme Being. -3
Bk. 4.8. The highest happiness.
पणेल a. Full of or abounding in leaves, leafy; पर्णलीrife: f., TIEU A cockroach.
Haag Bk. 6. 143. परोष्णी N. of a river in the Punjab; also परुष्णी. It quiet: [Un. 4. 107 ] 1 A house standing in the is now called Rāvi.
midst of water, a summer-house. -2 A lotus. -8 A
vegetable. - Decoration, toilet, adorning. TT: A heron. -JF Regret, anxiety. Tafe:, -at s., valea m. 1 The wave-leaved fig
aftra m. 1 A tree; af at giCHTEYTT figy: affaqat
Mb. 12. 156. 18.-2 The 17 tree'; Rām. 1. 14. 22. tree (CEST). -2 A fresh betel-nut.
TOT a. See voia, Tiaft, PTT A kind of plant (erefter-Mar. 216 ET), Curcuma Aromatica.
qoftes: 1 A boat. -2 A spade or hoe. -3 Single
combat. ora: 1 A rain cloud, thundering cloud, a cloud in general; 73 59 4ra: A r ca: R. 17. 15; te m. Ved. 1 A protector. -2 Means of defence. Mk. 10. 60. -2 Rain ; 3471898 yara quita :
1 A. (€) To break wind. Bg. 3. 14. -3 The god of rain; Bri. Up. 1. 4. 11. -4 The muttering or roaring of clouds. -8 N. of T: 1 A quantity of hair, thick hair. -2 A fart, Indrat, Sürya, Vişnu and some other deities; Bhag.
breaking wind (67 also in this sense. ). 10. 20.5 (here 451-4 means the sun ).
TŮ 1 P. (942) To go, move. qut 10 U. (qui fa-a) To make green or verdant ; वसन्तः पर्णयति चम्पकम्.
: 1 Young grass. -2 A seat for cripples (May
174); wheel-carriage in which cripples are moved TUTH 1 A pinion, wing; as in gqui. -2 The feather a bout; 49 9177 9999 9 4: Sk. on P. IV. 4. 10. of an arrow. -3 A leaf. -4 The betel-leaf; ad
-3 A house. ufafaqat à conf=yfer : ( : Parnal. 5. 25. -of: The Palasa tree. -Comp. 331 feeding on
TE: 1 A kind of medicinal plant. -2 A thin crisp leaves. (-a:) a cloud. -3714: a kind of basil.
cake made of four (Mar. 9193 ); Ganesa P.; stuffed -31EIT a. feeding upon leaves; cf. Rām. 3. 6. 2.
with seasamum; faodaf421f fact N. 16. 149. -SCH a hut of leaves, a hermit's hut, a hermitage.
et 1 A kind of fragrant earth, -2 A kind of perfume. -कार: a vendor of betel-leaves. -कुटिका, -कुटी a hut
-Comp. -ओदन: rice mixed with पर्पट (Mar. वडाभात); made of leaves. : A kind of religious vow in
9921Cigat a fefae D. Purana. Chap. 50. H: which one has to drink a decoction of leaves ; 1.9
a kind of tree (कुम्भीवृक्ष). समस्तानि त्रिरात्रोपोषितः शुचिः । क्वाथयित्वा पिबेदद्भिः पर्णकूर्चाऽभि
A braid of hair. 4 II Yama Smriti. - a kind of expiatory penance which consists in living upon an infusion of i. Th : 1 The sun. -2 Fire. -3 A reservoir, tanke
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