Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
red-lend. -fan, tr
epithet of Parvati. 1 an epithet of Ganesa. -2 of Siva. - rhinoceros. : 1 a classifier. -2 an epithet of Bhimasena. ind. for a whole series of times, for a number of times. -f: a particular high number. a dinner eaten in common by a party of virtuous men. n. metre regulated and measured by feet. -far a. forming a troop or collection. Tr 1 initiation of a number or a class. -2 performance of rites for a number of persons. -fer a. 1 one who officiates for a number of persons or for various castes (as a priest). -2 one who has been initiated into the worship of Gapon. (pl.) groups of deities who generally appear in classes or troops; Ak. thus classifies them:rafaस्तुषिता भास्वरानिलाः । महाराजिकसाध्याश्च रुद्राच गणदेवताः ॥ - 1 public property, common stock; Y. 2. 187. -2 a variety of articles. - 1 the head of a class or number. -2 the teachor of a school. -, - 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 of Ganesa. -3 the leader of the attendants of any god; Bhag. 5. 17. 13.-4 the head of an assemblage or corporation; Bri. S. 15. 40. -aft an epithet of Durga. -, fa: 1 N. of Siva. -2 N. of Ganesa. [ He is the son of Siva and Parvati, or of Parvati only; for according to one legend, he sprang from the scurf of her body. He is the god of wisdom and remover of obstacles; hence he is invoked and worshipped at the commencement of every important undertaking. He is usually represented in a sitting posture, short and fat, with a protuberant belly, and four bands; riding a mouse; and with the head of an elephant. This head has only one tusk, the other having been lost in a scuffle between him and Parasurama when he opposed the latter's entrance to Siva's inner apartments; (whence he is called Ekadanta, Ekadamstra &c.). There are seve_ral_legends_accounting for his elephant head. It is said that he wrote the Mahabharata at the dictation of Vyasa who secured his services as a scribe from the god Brahman ]. -3 also an epithet of Brihaspati and Indra. -4 the leader of a class or troop. - पर्वत 800 गणाचल -पाठ: a collection of ganas or series of words falling under the same grammatical rule. - पीठकम् the breast, bosom.-पुङ्गवः the head of a tribe or class. (pl.) N. of a country and its people; Bri. S. 4. 24.q: the leader of a tribe or class; (140); Mb. 13. 23. 20. N. of a Upanisad. - m. 1 an epithet of Sivam Ki. 5. 42. -2 N. of Ganesa. -3 the leader of a class.- mess, eating in common. यज्ञः a rite common to all. -रत्नमहोदधिः a collection of grammatical ganas by Vardhamana. - N. of an empire in the Deccan; Bri. S. 14. 14. -रात्रम् a series of nights. -वल्लभः a general of the
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
army ( सेनानायक ); Rām. 2. 81. 12. -वृत्तम् 800 गणच्छन्दस्. -हासः, -हासकः a species of perfume.
गणक . [ गण्ण्वुल् ] ( - णिका / ) Bought for a large sum. 1 An arithmetician. -2 An astrologer; Vaj. 30. 20; रे पान्थ पुस्तकधर क्षणमत्र तिष्ठ वैद्योसि किं गणकशास्त्रविशारदोसि । केनौषधेन मम पश्यति भर्तुरम्बा किं वा गमिष्यति पतिः gfari Subhas. -3 An assemblago of eight stars; तारापुअनिकाशा गणका नाम प्रजापतेरष्टौ Bri S. 11. 25. की The wife of an astrologer.
- 1 Forming a class or multitude, belonging to a party or faction. -2 A cabal. -3 Collusion. -4 Classification. -5 Arithmetic.
गणनम् [ भावे ] 1 Counting, cakulation. -2 Adding, enumerating. -3 Considering, supposing, re garding. 4 Believing, thinking. -5 Account. - Calculation, consideration, regard, account; संचेतनेषु अपगतचेतनान्यपि संघट्टयितुमलम् (मदन: ) K. 157 ( what need we say of &c. ; cf. कथा ); तन्त्रिणां वा तृणानां वा राजन्का Raj. T. 5. 309; Me. 10, 89; R. 11. 66; Si. 16. 59; Amaru. 67. Comp. -fa: f. 9. v. - पतिः 1 an arithmetician, -2 an epithet of Gaṇeśa. - reckoning book; Raj. T. 6. 36. HEII: a minister of finance.
pot. p. 1 Calculable, to be counted or reckoned. 2 To be classed. -3 Numerable.
गणशस् ind. In troops or flocks, by classes; यान्येतानि देवजातानि गणश आख्यायन्ते Bri. Up. 1. 4. 12.
for: [-] Counting. m. One who is wellversed in the sacred writings and the auxiliary sciences; Jain.
गणिका [गणः समूहस्वस्याः भर्तुत्वेन गणू-उम्] 1 A harlots courtezan ; गुणानुरक्ता गणिका च यस्य वसन्तशोभेव वसन्तसेना Mk. 1. 6; गणिका नाम पादुकान्तरप्रविष्टेव लेटुका दुःखेन पुनर्निराfa Mk. 5: faceuaufânânusi fquamarguritami Si. 9. 10. -2 A female elephant; i aaf Ram. 2. 100. 50. 3 A kind of flower. -4 A kind of jasmine. Comp. - food coming from Ms. 4. 209, 219;
a courtezan;
Y. 1. 160-61.
गणिकारिका, गणेरुका N. of a plant (Mar. नरवेल ).
forap.p.[-] 1 Counted, numbered, enlculated. -2 Regarded, cared for &c.; see . -Comp. -fa a. Consisting of a definite number of days; fa fe संवत्सरशब्दः सावनोऽपि गणितदिवसकः ŚB. on MS. 6. 7.39. - 1 Reckoning, calculating. -2 The science of computation, mathematics; (it comprises पाटीगणित or व्यक्तगणित 'arithmetic', बीजगणित, 'algobes, and रेखागणित "geometry"); wat het fenfate Mk. 1. 4. -3 The sum of a progression. - A sum (in general).
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