Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
-5 Study, practice; agarre a fare 120 HET Ful9703190304 U. 2. 9; Mal. 9. 31. - 07a Mb. 12. 62. 9.
broad cheek; yaya4703niquíneigte : 441: forfata m. 1 One who has made a calculation.
Si. 9. 47. -TIT: f. 1 the opening in the temples of
an elephant from which ichor exudes during rut. -2 'a -2 A mathematician.
wall-like cheek', an excellent i. e. broad and expanTOTEL, a. (aft s.) Having a flock or troop (of any sive cheek; Auragra f a: (TF: R. 5.43 (where thing); TOT 'having a pack of hounds'; R. 9. 53. Malli. says it to PT , see et seq.); 12. 102. -m. A teacher (having a class of pupils ).
-w: a thief; 73HEET:
T a g THPT hafta Tofta 4. 1 Included in any group or class. -2
särsfe Avimäraka 2. -AR, -Ara inflammation
of the glands of the neck. - a. exceedingly foolish, Calculated, counted.
very stupid. -शिला any large rock; दृष्टोऽब्गुष्ठशिरोमात्रः TUOT a. Numera ble, what may be counted ; 1014- 2011FOTOTEH: Bhag. 3. 13. 22. To: 1 a huge rock A:steguts a 1211 N. 3. 40.
thrown down by an earthquake or storm; Ki. 7. 37;
cf. also gere: Araga Eroshared: 1 (373: ftquiisaa...) T°27 pot. p. 1 Calculable, to be counted. -2 (At
Parņāl 4. 75. - 2 the forehead; 70523: 18 UTOthe end of comp.) Belonging to a multitude or class
#2: Nm.; fg & tag Faget Arya or troop.
Saptasati. & N. of a river, also called 7034. TUA The comparative height of the component FUCH, 1 the cheek; TopSg hay Pt. 1.123: members of an architectural structure. In the sculptural
Ś. Til. 7; Toz 20: Sfayzeer: R. 6.72; Amaru. 82. measurement the similar height is called the 1949. 1 -2 temples of an elephant.
TŪ6: The Karnikāra tree. -f. 1 A harlot. -2 A TE [7703 var + ] 1 A rhinoceros. -2 An imfemale elephant.
pediment, obstacle. -3 A joint, knot. - A mark, TU FT 1 A bawd, procuress. -2 A female servant. spot. -8 A boil, tumour, pimple. -8 Disjunction, sepa
ration. - A coin of the value of four cowries. -8 A TOZ 1 P. To be rough.
mode of reckoning by fours. -9 Astrological science. TE: 1 The cheek, the whole side of the face in- -Comp. ad see et q. v. cluding the temples; 7037 T 9764254 Mal. 2.5; ata
गण्डका A lump, a ball. releusah Ku. 7. 82; Me. 26, 93; Amaru. 83; Rs. 4. 6; 6. 10; S. 6. 18; Si. 12. 54. -2 An ele
og 1 N. of a river flowing into the Ganges. -2 phant's temple; 703131HGT Mal. 1. 1. -3 A bubble. A female rhinoceros. -Comp. -FT, TOT the Sāli-4 A boil, tumour, swelling, pimple : 31449 To f t grāma stone. fat 512: Mu. 5; 061 Totulyft fear INT $. 2. - Goitre
TRT m. N. of Siva. and other excrescences of the neck. - A joint, knot. -7 A mark, spot; T03 Tatysvama
Si. 12. 8.
TU A white sort of Dūrvā. -8 A rhinoceros. -9 The bladder. -10 A hero,
hoz: 1 The trunk of a tree from the root to the warrior. -11 Part of a horse's trappings, a stud
beginning of the branches. -2 Goitre. or button fixed as an ornament upon the harness. -12 An unexpected combination of words consisting in TOEFT 1 A sort of pebble. -2 A kind of beverage. putting one speech iminediately after another, so -3 Anything advanced beyond the first stage. as to be syntactically connected; see ait; e. g. a:
fogaft An epithet of Durga. af ATH GTCAT 3779293: 1 ataift:941 -T -3fa80 49: 421-10-3114: Mu. 4; so P T
Tost: A hero, champion. a garage face:.-.-a area: U.1 -18 The
Tug: (-ug: m. f. 1 A pillow. -2 A joint, knot. terth yoga or one of the twenty-seven portions of a circle on the plane of the ecliptic. -14 An astronomi- Tog: f. 1 A joint, knot. -2 A bone. -3 A pillow. cal period. -Comp. 35: a rhinoceros. -3TETT -4 Oil. -Comp. -9: a kind of worm. °94 lead. a pillow; Tota Taifa ya a Suár. -HEHH - a small To897. the juice that exudes from the elephant's temples during rut, ichor. 79: 1 a well on the peak or summit
Tuga. Bent, crooked. of a mountain. -2 Upper region or table-land of a Tugt: -1 1 A mouthful, handful of water); mountain. -ATH: any large or considera ble village. [5714 24 : (81) Ku. 3. 37; U. 3. 16; Mal.
T:,-927, FTOHT , -foug: 1 the cheek, the 9.30; T H10 T94 14 Udb. -2 The tip of temples of an elephant. -2 temple-region (in general); 1 an elephant's trunk; Mātanga L. -3 A mouthful,
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