Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
पारणीय ............................
. पाय्य a. Low, vile, contemptible. -य्यम् 1 Water.! pletely familiar or conversant with with gen. or in -2 Drinking. -3Protection. -4 A measure (परिमाण); comp.); वेदपारगः Ms. 2. 148; Y. 1. 111. -3 profoundly पाग्यसान्नाम्यनिकाथ्यधाच्याः मानहविर्निवाससामिधेनेषु P. III. 1. 29 learned. (-गम्) keeping, fulfilling (of a promise). quoted by SB. on MS. 5.3.5. -5 Practice, profession. -गत, -गामिन् a. ome who has gone to the other side
or shore. (-तः) an Arhat or deified saint with Jainas. पायस् । (-सी.)[पयसो विकारः अण् ] Made of water
-चर a. emancipated forever. -दर्शक. 1showing the or milk. -सः, -सम् 1 Rice boiled in milk with sugar%3
opposite bank. -2 transparent. -दृश्व न् a.1 far-seeMs. 3. 271; 5.73 Y. 1. 173; अतप्ततण्डुलो धौतः परिमृष्टो घृतेन च । खण्डयुक्तेन दुग्धेन पाचितः पायसो भवेत् || Pakarajesvara.
ing, wise, prudent. -2 one who has seen the other side
of anything, one who has completely mastered or has -2 Turpentine. -8 An oblation of milk, rice, and
become familiar with anything; (et. P. III. 2.94); sugar. -सम् 1 Milk. -2 Ambrosia, neetar. -Comp.
श्रुतिपारदृश्वा R.5.24.-नेतृ a. making a person conversant -पिण्डारक: a payasa-eater; उत्त्वरमाणेनेव पायसपिण्डारकेणाध
with. -समुद्रक: A variety of gems; Kau. A. 2.11.29. मयात्मैव निर्नाशितः Mk.9.
पारक (-की) [प-ण्वुल्] 1 Enabling to eross. -2 पायसिक a. (-की/.) Fond of boiled milk; P. IV.
Carrying over, saying, delivering. -8 Pleasing, satis2.473 Vart. 17.
fying. पायिक: A foot-soldier.
पाये a. Ved. 1 Being on the other bank or side. पायितम् The gift of water (उदकदान); Bri. Up. 4.1.2. -2 Last, final. -3 Upper. - 4 Decisive. -8 Effectual.
-यंम् 1 End.-2 Decision:-3 The means of erossing over पायु: The anus ; पायूपस्थम् Ms. 2. 90, 91; Y. 3. 92.
(पारप्रदम् ); सहि पायें महानासीत् पुत्राणां मम संजय Mb.8.9.14. पार 10 P. 1To complete, finish. -2 To cross over.
पारे ind. On the other side of3; पारेश्मशानं सरित् Mal. -3 To be able, competent. -4 To win; समरं पारयिष्यति
5. 19; पारेसमुद्रं लङ्कायां वसन्त रावर्ण पतिम् Bk.5.43 see पार Siva. B. 24.40.
above. पारः,-रम् [परं तीरं परमेव अण्, पृ-घञ् वा ] 1 The further
पारक्य 4. 1Alien, belonging to another; वरं स्वधर्मों or opposite bank of a river or ocean : पारं दुःखोदधेर्गन्तुं
विगुणो न पारक्यः स्वनुष्टितः Ms. 10. 97; पारक्यस्यैव देहस्य बह्वयो तर यावन्न भिद्यते Santi. 3. 13 विरहजलधेः पारमासादयिष्ये Pad.
मेऽसौहिणी हताः Bhag. 1.8.48. -2 Intended for others. D. 13; H. 1. 177. - 2 The further or opposite side of
-3 Hostile, inimical. -4 Useful in the next world. anything; स हि देवः परं ज्योतिस्तमःपारे व्यवस्थितम् Ku. 2.58. -क्य: An enemy, adversary. -क्यम् Doing anything -3 The end or extremity of anything, furtherest or
for future happiness (परलोकसाधन); pious conduct. concluding limit; तेजस्वी रिपुहतबन्धुदुःखपारम् (व्रजति) Ve. 3.25. -4 The fullest extent, the totality of anything:
पारग्रामिक . (-की .) Alieu, hostile, inimical; स पूर्वजन्मान्तरदृष्टपाराः स्मरभिव R. 18.50. (पारं गम्,-,-या ।
। यावदरिः पारग्रामिकं विधिमाचिकीर्षति DR. 2. 2. योगः Measures 1 to cross over, surmount, get over; व्यसनेष्वेव सर्वेषु यस्य
which are employed to capture the villages of a बुद्धिर्न हीयते । स तेषां पारमभ्येति Pt. 2.6. -2 to accomplish,
foreign king; Kau. A. 1. 18. fuil : as in th: ar a: -3 To master fully, become! पारज् m. Gold. proficient in; सकलशास्त्रपारं गतः Pt. 1; पारं नी 'to bring
पारजायिक: An adulterer. See पारदारिकः. to a close.'). -T: 1 Quick-silver. -2 Guardian; 2 1% भयाद् येन स नोऽस्तु पारः Bhag.6.9.24. -3 The end; महिम्नः
पारटीटः,-न: A stone or rock. पारं ते Mahimna. 1. (पारे meaning on the other
पारण . [पृ भावे ल्युट् ] 1 Carrying across, bringing side of', ' beyond' sometimes enters into comp. e.g.
over. -2 Saving, delivering. -UT: 1 A cloud. -2 पारेगङ्गम् , पारेसमुद्रम् beyond the Ganges or the ocean)
Satisfaction -णम् 1 Accomplishing, fulfilling; व्यवमम लङ्कापुरी नाम्ना रम्या पारे महोदधेः Mb. 3. 274.35.)-Comp.
सितपारणमाशशंसिरेऽस्मै Bu. Ch. 5.85% व्याघ्रस्य चोपवासेन -अपारम्,-शवारम् both banks, the nearer and further :
पारणं पशुमारणम् Udb. -2 Reading through, perusal. bank. () the sea, ocean; शोकपारावारमुत्तर्तुमशक्नुवती
-3 Eating after a fast, concluding a fast. -4 The Dk.4; Bv.1.11.-अयणम् 1 going across. -2 read
complete text of a book. -BSwallowing; स्वभानुप्रतिवारing through, perusal, thorough study. -3 the whole, पारणमिलद्दन्तौघ ...... द्युतिः N. 22. 150.-णा 1 Eating after completeness, or totality of anythingas in ब्रह्मपारायणम्,
a fast, concluding a fast; कारय चक्षुषी पारणाम् Vb. 1; मन्त्रपारायणम् &c. याज्ञवल्क्यो मुनिर्यस्मै ब्रह्मपारायणं जगौ Mv.1.
R. 2. 39,55, 70. -2 Eating (in general); बभूव तस्याः 1. -अयणा 1N. of the goddess darasvati. --consider- किल पारणाविधिः Ku.5.22 (अभ्यवहारकर्म Malli.). ing, meditation. -3 an act, action. -4 light. -काम . desirous of going to the other end. -- a. 1 crossing T OT a. Capable of being completed or finished ; over, ferrying across. -2 one who has gone to the end प्रायोऽधुना तेऽसुरयूथनाथा अपारणीया इति देवि मे मति: Bhag. of, one who has completely mastered anything, com- 8. 17. 16.
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