Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
of daughters. em. ' a daughter's husband', a ? SU G qatı14 a Puja Mantram. - TETETH, son-in-law.
-आधेयम् renewing the consecrated fire, पुनीरक्रियां कुर्यात्
gat Ms.5.168.-3119: 1 return. -2 repeated gåafta N. of some plant ; Matanga L. 10. 10.
birth. - rafat a. returning to mundane existence; BT grisfta:, -: N. of a plant (from its seeds or Flet: qatardatsga By. 8.16. -Trgt f. -Tęfe: flowers are made garlands and worn to keep children f. 1 repetition. -2 return to worldly existence, repetiin good health ).
tion of birth; करोति पुनरावृत्तिस्तेषामिह न विद्यते Y.3.194. I a. (-off f.) Having a son or sons; THET
-3 revision, another edition of a book &c. -Ji a. à Fa: faa y gra R. 1. 91; V. 5. 14. -m. The
1 said again, repeated, reiterated. -2 superfluous, father of a son. -off 1 The mother of a son. -2
unnecessary; a aT gama R. 2. 68; Si. 7. 64. A
(-7 ), garamat 1 repetition. - superfluity, redunparasitical plant.
dancy, uselessness, tautology; V. 5. 15; 291t: 97767giau, gata, 59 a. Relating to a son, filial.
yaraquara agar GATTO fear: Bb. 3. 78. °5777 m. a Brahmaņa (
P HT). gashara: seeming tautogait 1 A daughter. -2 N. of Durgā; see gra#1 also.
logy, appearance of repetition, regarded as a figure galite 8 U. To adopt as a son ; 31 gr: q e das of speech ; e. g.
Y a o TTTTeftag: Toft 15 gafst 97a R. 2. 36.
HTT21 |adet: Fra: S. D. 632; (here the first gitt a. Relating to a son; fa: hiery a attei
impression of the tautology is reinoved when the
passage is rightly understood ; cf. also K. P. 9 under FATTTT Rām. 1. 15. 3.
976aea ).- n: f. 1 repetition. - 2 superfluity, usegefura Den. P. 1 To wish for a son. -2 To treat lessness, tautology. -JFTTT rising again, resurrection. like a son.
efter f. 1 reproduction. - 2 return of birth, metem
psychosis. -39 reproduction. -3 T return; gital The desire of a son.
J: gat uhruf at a: U. 2. 13.-301, TT 1. 4 P. (geafa) To injure, hurt. -Caus. 1 To - a woman married again. - f. repetition, destroy completely, annihilate. -2 To overpower, drown doing again; 7 U 179 gafakar 22 SB. (as a sound). -3 To spoak. 4 To shine. II. 10 U. on MS. 12.1.16. - H return, going again. - aufa-a ) To shine.
n. repeated birth, metem psychosis; 1991
977 a faga Bg. 8. 16. -ra a. born again. - afera p. p. Hurt, killed, destroyed.
a particular manner of flying; Mb. 8. 41. 28. - :, F a. Beautiful, lovely, handsome. 3: 1 Atom a growing again and again', a finger-nail. (THIS:) 9577: q ua: Sridhara. - 2 The body, matter; - marrying again, taking a second wife ; A. Rām. 3. 2. 28. -3 The soul. -4 The Ego or Ms. 5. 168. aar hog-weed, Boerhavia Procumbens individual. -5 Man. -8 An epithet of Siva.
(Mar. ). --ATT (gaigal) N. of a river in Behār;
F 791 TFT are your ga:gar Vāyu. P. - Fift: FG 1 P. 1 To kill, to hurt. - To suffer ; L.D.B.
returning one's obligations, requital. Tea: See galt ind. 1 Again, once more, anew; gara gara- प्रतिप्रसवः) प्रतिषिद्धस्य पल्या अध्ययनस्य पुनःप्रसवे न किंचिदस्ति 0674 S. 6; 44 : garda: TFTTYT: K11.5.83; 19 SB. on MS. 6. 1. 21. -49 a. born again. so gan'to become a wife again.'-2 Back, in an (-a) 1 transmigration, reperted or recurring birth; opposite direction (mostly with verbs ); gadi 'to give metompsychosis; अदृष्टाश्रुतवस्तुत्वात् स जीवो यत् पुनर्भवः Bhag. back, restore '; 9211--74 &c. 'to go back, return' &c. 1 1. 3. 32; 4af u a f ita: 9746 fatih -3 On the other hand, on the contrary, but, however, $. 7.35; Ku.3.5.-2 a finger nail, hair; Mb. 13.111.98; nevertheless, still with an adversative force ); wa 59 -Tac m. the sentient soul. -re: new birth, repeated मूर्तस्ते स्पर्शः स्नेहाशीतलः । अद्याप्यानन्दयति मां त्वं पुनः क्वासि birth; "affa gautá 994: arada: Mb. 12. 279. 5; pala U. 3. 14; 4 ga: 099 aasta U. 3. -4 Further, Ha gaziathara Bu. Ch. 3. 23. f. 1 a (virgin) furthermore, besides; ga: ga: 'again and again,' 'repeat- widow remarried. -2 re-existence. T: 1 repeated edly', 'frequently'; gat: ga: garanITH R. 3. 42; f ga: enjoyment. -2 return of fruition. -3 repeated posse
how much more', or how much less'; see under f. sion. -274 1 repetition. -2 repeated scriptural 97714 again, once more, and also ; on the other hand. injunction. - a weaned calf that begins to suck -Comp. -अन्वयः returning; किंवा गतोऽस्य पुनरन्वयमन्यलोकम् again. -a: (usually dual) 1 the seventh lunar Bhāg. 6. 14. 57. -37TH: going away again. -
mansion (consisting of two or four stars ); - arfa a repeated request. Ta a. come back, returned; fea: 974 R. 11. 36. -2 an epithet of Vişnu. -3 of 1917 garman Ms. 11. 195. 37TA:, -94 coming Siva. -farg: remarriage. Fiert: (gaiei FIT:) back, return; H TC er gama : Sarya. S.; repetition of any Samskara or purificatory ceremony.
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