Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
moral merit. -फलम् the reward of good works; यत् । पुण्यफलमाप्नोति गां दत्त्वा विधिवद् गुरोः। तत् पुण्यफलमानोति भिक्षा दत्त्वा द्विजो गृही ।। Ms. 3.95. (-लः) agrove. -भाज् a. blessed, virtuous, meritorious%3; पुण्यभाजः खल्वमी मुनयः K.43. -भूः -भूमिः /.1 the holy land', ie. Aryavarta. -2 The son-bearing mother. -योगः the result of virtuous deeds done in a former life. -रात्रः 1 an auspicious night. -2 a night on which any religious ceremony is held. -लक्ष्मीकa. auspicious, prosperous; प्रकृत्या पुण्यलक्ष्मीको कावेतौ ज्ञायते त्विदम् Mv. 1. 16. -लोक: heaven, paradise. -शकुनम् an auspicious omen. (-नः) a bird of good omen. -शाला alms-house. -शील . of a virtuous disposition, inclined to pious acts, virtuous, pious, righteous. - a. 'well-spokon of', or 'auspicious to repeat or utter the name of', of good fame; Dk. 2. 8. (-कः) an epithet of Nala (of Nisadha); Yudhisthira and Janardana; पुण्यश्लोको नलो राजा पुण्यश्लोको युधिष्ठिरः। पुण्यश्लोका च वैदेही पुण्यश्लोको जनार्दनः ॥. (-का)an epithet of Sita and Draupadi. -संचयः a store of virtue or religious merit. -स्थानम् a sacred or holy place, a place of pilgrimage.
पुण्यकम् 1 A religious or virtuous act (such as fasting &c.). -2 A religious rite or ceremony, a festival &c. -3 = पुण्यम् 53 Mb. 1. 3. 97. -क: N. of Visnu. -Comp.-व्रतम् the worship of Krisna. for a year, performed by a woman desirous of a son.
पुण्यवत् a. Meritorious, virtuous. -2 Lucky, auspicious, fortunate. -3 Happy, blessed. -4 Pleasing, beautiful.
पुत्. A particular division of Hell or the infernal regions to which childless persons are said to be condemned; see पुत्र below. -Comp.-नामन् .(hell) called पुत् पन्नाम्नी नरकाद् यस्मात् त्रायते पितरं सुतः। तस्मात् पुत्र इति प्रोक्तः ......Ms. 9. 138; Mb. 1. 74. 39.
पुत्तलः,-ली 1 An image, idol, a statue, effigy. -2 A doll, puppet. -Comp. -दहनम्,-विधि: burning an effigy in place of the body of one who has died abroad or whose corpse is lost. -पूजा idolatry.
पुत्तलका, पुत्तलिका A doll &c.
पुत्तिका 1 A small kind of bee%3; पुलाका इव धान्येषु पुत्तिका इव पक्षिषु। तद्विधास्ते मनुष्याणां येषां धर्मो न कारणम् ॥ Mb. 12. 181.7. -2 The white ant. -3 Adoll.
पुत्रः 1A son; (the word is thus derived:-पुन्नाम्नो नरकाद् यस्मात् त्रायते पितरं सुतः। तस्मात् पुत्र इति प्रोक्तः स्वयमेव स्वयंभुबा ॥ Ms. 9. 188%; the word, therefore, should be strictly written 987:). -2 A child, young one of an animal. -3 A dear child (aterm of endearment in addressing young persons). -4 (At the end ot comp.) Anything little or small of its kind; as in 1997., शिलापुत्रः &c. - (Astrol.) The fifth mansion from
जन्मलग्न. -त्री (du.) A son and daughter. -Comp. -3701: 1 one who lives at a son's expense, one who is maintained by his son. -2 a nendlicant of a partiGular ordler ; He कुटीचक. -अर्थिन् a. wishing for a son. -आचार्य a. one having a son for his teacher; Ms.3. 160. --आदिनी 1 an unnatural mother. -20 tigress. -इष्टिः , -इष्टिका fa sacrifice performed to obtain male issue; गृहीत्वा पञ्चवर्षीय पुत्रेष्टिं प्रथम चरेत् . -ऐश्वर्यम् a resignation of property or power by a father to his son. -कमेन्. a ceremony on the birth of a son. -काम a. desirous of sons. -काम्या a wish for sons%3B अथाभ्यर्च्य विधातारं प्रयतौ पुत्रकाम्यया R. 1. 35. -कार्यम् । ceremony relating to a son. -कृत् m. an adopted son. -कृतक: one who is adopted as a son, an adopted son : श्यामाकमुष्टिपरिवर्धितको जहाति सोऽयं न पुत्रकृतकः पदवी मृगस्त $. 4. 14. -straft an unnatural mother (who eats her own children.)-जात a one to whom a son is born. -दारम् son and wife. -धमें: filial duty. -पौत्रम्,-त्रा: sons and grandsons. -otato a. transmitted from son to son, hereditary; लक्ष्मी परंपरीणां त्वं पुत्रपौत्रीणतां नय Bk. 5. 15. -प्रतिनिधि: a substitute for a son (e.g. an adopted son ).-प्रवरः the eldest son. -लाभ: obtaining a son. -वधःf. a daughter-in-law. -सखः 'a friend of children', one who is fond of children. -सू: mother of a son. -हीन a. sonless, childless. -संकरिन् a. mixing or confusing sons by mixed marriages. -&: an epithet of Vasistha (whose hundred sons were killed). (-ती) an unnatural mother.
पुत्रकः [पुत्र अनुकम्पायां संज्ञायां वा कन् स्वार्थे क वा] 1A little son or boy, boy, chap, lad (often used as a term of endearment); हा हा पुत्रकनाधीत सुगततासु रात्रिषु.-2A doll, puppet; सा कन्दुकैः कृत्रिमपुत्रकैश्च रेमे Ku. 1. 29. -3 A rogue, cheat.-4A locust, grass-hopper. -5A fabulous animal with eight feet (शरभ). -8 Hair.-7A pitia ble person.
पुत्रका, -पुत्रिका 1 A daughter. -2 A doll, puppet. -3 A daughter appointed to raise male issue for a father who has no sons%3; अपुत्राऽनेन विधिना सुतां कुर्वीत पत्रिकाम् । यदपत्यं भवदस्यां तन्मम स्यात स्वधाकरम् ॥ Ms.9.127. -4 The cotton or down of the ta.marisk. -BA small statue; तद्धाम्नाऽभूदजस्तूष्णीं पूर्देव्यन्तीव पुत्रिका Bhāg. 10.13.56. -8 (At the end of comp.) Anything little or small of its kind; as in असिपुत्रिका, खड्गपुत्रिका &c. -Comp. -ETÀ: bestowing a daughter in marriage so as to raise issue for her father (see पुत्रिका 3); आकूर्ति रुचये प्रादादपि भ्रातृमती नृपः। पुत्रिकाधर्ममाश्रित्य Bhag. 4.1.2. See next word. -पुत्रः, -सुतः 1 a daughter's son who by agreement becomes the son of her father ; see Ms. 9. 127; अभ्रातृकां प्रदास्यामि तुभ्यं कन्यामलंकृताम् । अस्यां यो जायते पुत्रः #991 wafera Il Vasisthasmriti. -2 a daughter who, being regarded as a son, returns to her father's house; (पुत्रिकैव पुत्रः; अथवा पुत्रिकैव सुतः पुत्रिकासुतः सोऽप्यौरससम एव Mita. on Y. 2. 128). -3 a grandson -प्रसूः a mother
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