Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
'पुटिका Cardamoms.
पुटित a. 1 Rubbed, ground. -2 Contracted. -3 Stitched, sewn. - Split. - The hollow of the hands. get A small piece of cloth worn over the privities; (for other senses see 2).
gel To make into a funnel-shaped vessel; B. R.
ge 10 U. (geaf-a) 1 To become small, decrease, diminish. -2 To be low or shallow. -3 To disregard, disrespect.
g6 P. 1 To leave, quit, abandon. -2 To dismiss. -3 To emit, send forth. -4 To discover.
gu 6 P. (gufa) To be virtuous or holy, act in a virtuous manner.
gue 10 U. (gozafa-) 1 To shine. -2 To speak. gu 1 P. (g) To grind, reduce to powder, pound.
gue (= पुण्डर्यम् ).
gus: A sign, mark.
gog 1 A lotus-flower, especially a white lotus; Nelumbium Speciosum; हृत्पुण्डरीकान्तरसंनिविष्टं स्वतेजसा Sivakavacha; U. 6. 12, 29; Mal. 9. 14.
-2 A white parasol. -3 A medicine, drug. - 1 The white colour. -2 N. of the elephant presiding over the sonth-east (lirection; तेन द्विपानामिव पुण्डरीको राज्ञामजम्योऽजनि go: R. 18. 8. -8 A tiger. -4 A kind of serpent. - A species of rice. -6 A kind of leprosy. -7 A fever in an elephant. -8 A kind of mango tree. -9 A pitcher, water-pot. -10 Fire. -11 A (sectarial) mark on the fore-head. 12 A kind of sacrifice; gangm a Mb. 7. 63. 2. -13 N. of an ancient and renowned devotee of the god Vithoba. -Comp. -3727: an epithet of Vispu; यं पुण्डरीकाक्षमिव श्रिता श्रीः R. 18. 8. -प्लवः a kind of bird. -मुखी a kind of leech.
1 Land lotus. -2 A kind of plant
gega 1 A plant, creeper. - A kind of medici nal plant (used as a remedy for diseased eyes).
guge-Up 2. 13] 1 A kind of sugarcane (red variety). -2 A lotus in general. -3 A white lotus -4 A mark or line (on the fore-head) made with sandal &c., sectarial mark; a go जनिमरणतमः खण्डनं मण्डनं च Visņupād Stotra, 43. – A worm. -8 The Atimukta creeper. - (pl.) N. of a country and its inhabitants. Comp.: an elephant.
gug: 1 A variety of sugar-cane (red-variety); (Mar. क्या फेस) कुटे रोहति दोहन पवपिण्डेन
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
N. 21. 153. -2 A sectarial mark. -8 One who lives by breeding silk-worms.
gua a. [Up. 5. 15] 1 Holy, sacred, pure; स्नानपुण्योदकेषु आश्रमेषु Mo. 1; पुण्यं धाम चण्डीश्वरस्य Mo. 35; पुण्यानि हि नामग्रहणान्यपि महामुनीनां किं पुनर्दर्शनानि K. 41; Ś. 2. 14; Ms. 2. 68. -2 Good, meritorious, virtuous, righteous, just. -8 Auspicious, propitious. lucky, favourable (as a day); Ms. 2. 26, 30. -4 Agreeable, pleasing, lovely, beautiful; Mv. 1. 16, 24; U. 4. 19; Ku. 5. 73; so you: &c. -5 Sweet, fragrant (as odour). -6 Soleman, festive. - 1 Virtue, religious or moral merit; r: angelikku vozy H. 1. 80; yoqqaka mid wrait
Santi. 3. 1; R. 1. 69; N. 3. 87. -2 A virtuous or meritorious act, good or virtuous works. -3 Purity, purifiention. A trough for watering enttle. 8 A religious ceremony, especially one performed by a wife to retain her husband's affection and to obtain a son. -6 (Astrol.) the seventh mansion from я - 7 the union of मेष, कर्क, तुला and मकर -ण्या 1 The holy basil. 2 The Ganges. Comp. - plensing majesty or dignity; U. 4. 22. - (for) a happy or auspicious day: पुण्याहं भवन्तो वन्तु अस्तु पुण्याहम् ; पुण्याहं व्रज मङ्गलं सुदिवसं प्रातः प्रयातस्य ते Amaru. 61. repeating this is an auspicious day' three times at the commencement of most religious ceremonies. a. pious, righteous. 3: the dawn or resulting of good fortune. a. having lovely gardens.m. a meritorious or virtuous man. - a. doing meritorious acts, upright, righteous. (-n) a meritorious act. - an auspicious time. -कीर्तनः, श्रवणः N. of Visau. (नम् ) narrating or reading Puranas. - a. bearing a good or holy name, of auspicious fame, celebrated; you: - कल्पो महेन्द्रलोकप्रतिमां समृद्धषा (अध्यास्त ) Bk. 1. 5. -कृत् a. virtuous, meritorious. a meritorious work. -1 a holy place, place of pilgrimage; कृतं पापं पुण्यक्षेत्रे विनश्यति । पुण्यक्षेत्रे कृतं पापं वज्रलेपो भविष्यति ॥ Subh. 2 The holy land', N. of Aryavarta. - a. sweet-scented. (-:) the Champaka tree. fragrant. 1 an alms-house. -2 a temple; 3 च रम्याणि हृष्टाः पुण्यगृहाणि च Ram. 2. 67. 12 ( com.पुण्यगृहाणि पुण्य संपादकगृहाणि विप्राद्यर्थानि ) -जन: 1 a virtuous man. -2 a demon goblins वियति समीक्ष्य कालमेघमप्रतिमं पुण्यजनौ चमुन्नदन्तम् Ram. Ch. 2. 56. -8 a Yakṣa; Bhag. 4. 10. 3; r: पुण्यजना जनानाम् R. 13. 60. ईश्वरः an epithet of Kubera; अनुययौ यमपुण्यजनेश्वरौ R. 9. 6. -जित a won by merit or gool works. तीर्थम् holy place of pilgrimage. -दर्शन a. 1 beautiful. -2 of sacred appearance; a.gozatai
R. 1. 86. (-) the blue jay. (-) visiting holy shrines. a. granting happiness or beatitude. - a. meritorious. - a man rich in moral merit, a pious man. -: the efficacy of virtue or
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