Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
- To shine. - To move slowly, loiter, tarry. - To be praised or celebrated. - To praise. -8 To sleep,
H a. [2-319] 1 Slow, tardy, inactive, lazy, dull, loitering; (2) Tei Taqa : Ku. 1. 11; qaafta Haft a Git. 6. -2 Cold, indifferent, apathetic. -3 Stupid, dull-witted, foolish, ignorant, weak-brained; HER 7 Halso sada Subhās.; H SC Carafa sin farea: M. 2.8; FF:
@get: Teff Zy9EFTATÆ R. 1.3; for retufta HEATH Ku. 5. 75. -4 Low, deep, hollow (as sound).
-8 Soft, faint, gentle; as in that. -8 Small, little, slight; H-alet; see 34 ind. 1 (d) also. -7 Weak, defective, feeble, as Ifa. -B Unlucky, unhappy. -9 Faded. -10 Wicked, vile. -11 Addicted to drinking.-12 Weak, slack (as a bow). -18 Sick, afflicted with disease. -14 Independent (977). F: 1 The planet Saturn. -2 An epithet of Yama. -3 The dissolution of the world. - A kind of elephant; Arciso FTTH 7 Herata ar: Si. 5. 49 where he means a fool' also ). -5 The apsis of a planet's course. -PET A pot, vessel. ind. 1 Slowly, gradually, by degrees; a yea faaray
5771 # fastafa S. 2. 2. 2 Gently, softly, not violently; मन्दं मन्दं नुदति पवनश्चानुकूलो यथा त्वाम् Mo.9. -3 Faintly, feebly, weakly, lightly. -4 In a low tone, deeply. Comp. -3T&T a. weak-eyed. (-4) sense of shame, modesty, bashfulness; er glad at HISTAMISTG: Ak; 4- 14H-KTHH Hwa N. 3. 61; 14. 47; 22. 33. 372 a. having a weak digestion. (-fa:) slowness of digestion.-31 : a gentle breeze. -379 a. having weak or faint breath. -3775ftrat N. of a metre; see App. I; GESIT HET # reat Yai - H a aata | According to prof. Sukumāra Sen, Kalidasa is the inventor of this metre.-31 a. badly conducted. - HT a. dull-witted, silly, ignorant; HETA
Malli. -TIET a. 1 having little respect for, disregarding, caring little for. -2 neglectful. - ETH shyness. 39: the upper apsis of the course of a planet. E a. discouraged, dispirited; HEIGE: disfth 121921feat Argo S. 2. -390 n. of the wife of Rāvana, regarded as one of the five very chaste women; cf. 316641. She advised her husband to deliver Sītā to Rāma and thus save himself from certain ruin, but he did not heed her; Hracto TUTTH-C1741445TĖ f94a: P. R. 1. 58. -350T a. tepid, lukewarm. (-EUTH) gentle heat. -
a. slackened in eagerness, cast down, disinclined ; Helerits FTTH a $. 1. or a. slightly deaf; (Proverb:--- a Hut: 1 'something is better than nothing'). - I a. inactive. -r. the process for determining the a psis of a planet's course. -कान्तिः the moon. -कारिन् a. acting slowly or foolishly. - T: Saturn. -a, - HT a. walking slowly, slow of pace. -99 a. 1 dull-witted, silly,
foolish. -2 a bsent-minded. -8 fainting away, scarcely conscious. -14 a. dim, faint, lustreless; Me. 82 (v. l.). -
F t the mother of Saturn. -ITET a. slowly growing old. ETT a. flowing in a slow stream. Eft, -a-gre, -ufa, - a. dull-witted, silly, foolish. -fiet: m. (in astr.) the epicycle of the apsis. - a. unfortunate, ill-fated. -Oh equation of the apsis. TT, ITU, -H1 unfortunate, ill-fated, wretched, miserable. I a. dim, of fading lustre; w ana yedirecisa parauEHCHA: R 7. 2. -मन्दम् ind. slowly, leisurely.-रश्मि a. dim. -विचेष्टित a. slowly moving. -feta a. poor, impoverished; pula fagastata ga: 959F4 Helauty Pt. 5.5. -fabiat a. slightly purgative. -refum a. creeping along slowly (as a louse ); cf. Pt. 1. 252 (N. of a louse). - a. weak. -re: f. slight rain. -FEATH, EI, ET94 a gentle laugh, a smile.
F a. 1 Simple, silly, foolish. -2 One without any feeling (#1); Mb. 12. 35. 37 (com. H : 7
rat, 4 1 Slowness, inactivity. -2 Dulness. -8 Foolishness, stupidity, simplicity; a trufa GTATHATH Chandraloka. 1. 1. -4 Weakness. -8 Littleness, smallness; FECH199: Pt. 2. 167 'became less, subsided'.
aufa Den. P. 1 To weaken, slacken, diminish. -2 To retard.
Feria Den. A. 1 To go slowly, tarry, lag behind, loiter, delay; मन्दायन्ते न खलु सुहृदामभ्युपेतार्थकृत्याः Me. 40% V. 3. 15. - To be weak or faint, grow dim; Perer Harad ag area TRI R. 4. 49.
FR 8 U. 1 To weaken, diminish, relax, slacken ; TF2 Helgar anı: $. 1; HG1717 47042arugle Ku. 4. 45; Ve. 1. 24.
Fra 1 P. 1 To become weak, be relaxed or slackened. - To grow less, diminish, subside, a bate; afa parafaretua: f9q4TUTI: Mv.5; Huatre: K. 63.
मन्दट: The coral tree.
AFAT 1 Praise, eulogium. -2 Chatter of husband and wife ( variant of ##a:); L. D. B.
मन्दयन्ती An epithet of Durga. HET a. 1 Slow, tardy, dull. -2 Thick, dense ; firm. -8 Large, bulky. -T: 1 N. of a mountain (used by the gods and demons as a churning stick when they churned the ocean for nectar ); qudretiga: 144 5a1eYTH R. 4.27; Fortret ya** Git. 1 ; # #Tyr afatal Si. 2. 107; Ki. 5. 30. 2 A necklace of pearls of 8 or 16 strings ). -3 Heaven. -4 A mirror. -8 One of the five trees in Indra's
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