Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
for: A washerman; 1848 efa ad fafar- fe a. 1 Burning, consuming.-2 Without fire y 7 Ms. 4. 219, 216.
or heat. 7771 Burning, consuming. -2 Semecarpus
Anacardium Mar. fazar). AUTSTE 1 Ablution.-2 Expiation, atonemet (for an offence ). -3 Water for washing.
FESIO m. 1 A digger up of weeds, weeder. -2 A
donor. -3 A husbandman, rea per ; 919 fa fazlar faroft 1 P. 1 To take or carry away or off. -2 To T alat Ms. 7. 110. determine, ascertain, settle, decide, come to a decision,
felfta a. 1 Torn, rent. -2 Opened, split open; fix, resolve upon; T h a faz Dk.; Ki. 11. 39.
Brazitare: Śi. 18. 28. faOTT: 1 Removing, removal. -2 Complete ascertain
faire p. p. 1 Anointed, smeared. -2 Well-fed, ment, decision, affirmation, determination, settlement; TEAU : S. 1. 27; Ms. 8. 301, 409 ; 9. 250;
corpulent, stout. - TT Solanum Jacquini (Mar. f?
ftauft). Y. 2. 10; EU faut aa aa Ki. 2. 29. - 3 Deduction, inference, conclusion, demonstration (in logic). -4
falcat 6 P. 1 To point out, indicate, show; cha Discussion, investigation, consideration - Sentence,
fa&a 6. 7; zegar faria &c. -2 To assign, give; verdict, judgment; algatufa atif ada tafauti Mb.
areginaldar #quist24%2F4 R. 1. 95. - 3 To allude 3. 292. 2; a fartzÀ 1912 M. 1. -6 to, mention, make a reference to. - To foretell, Application of a conclusive argument. -1 (In Rhet.) predict. - To advise, recommend. - To tell, communiNarration of events. Comp. 39# a. comparison
cate. - To enjoin, direct. -8 To enumerate, specify, based upon an inference; Kāv. 2. 27.-OT: a sentence,
name. -9 To define, determine. -10 To describe. decree, verdict (in law).
-11 To denounce, accuse. farofa 1 Ascertainment, determination. -2 Positive
free p. p. 1 Pointed out, shown, indicated. -2 conclusion, settlement.
Specified, particularized. -3 Described. -4 Assigned,
allotted. - Asserted, declared. -8 Ascertained, deterfaut a. 1 Settling, conclusive ; -2 Determining..mined. -7 Ordered. -8 Learned, wise.
farofa 1 Making certain. -2 The outer angle of f : 1 Pointing out, showing, indicating. -2 the elephant's ear.
Order, command, direction; 249744491 g fat affiut: faroita . p. Settled, decided, determined, resolved.
fag: R. 12. 17 (v. 1. TIT). -3 Advice, instruction.
-4 Telling, saying, declaring. - Specifying, partifarofa a. Decisive, conclusive. -m. 1 A judge. -2 A cularization, specification, specific mention; Brythisú voucher. -3 A guide.
Paet: Mbh.; 3. iefa fastafafay: a: Bg. 17.23. FUE 6 U. 1 To throw back, reject; AT HEAT 931
- Ascertainment. -7 Vicinity, proximity. -8 Descrip
tion, designation. -9 Agreement, promise; at Tea a fagan Ms. 4. 250.-2 To remove, dispel.
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निर्देशं कृतभक्तं कृतश्रमम् । भेदैर्य व्यपकर्षन्ति ते वै निरयगामिनः ।। -8 To drive away, expel. -4 To repudiate.
Mb. 13. 23. 70. farufą: Removal, banishment; (47:) facila: 997714.
fe a. Pointing out, showing &c. FET, -3 a. 1 Unkind, unfeeling, unmerciful. -2
T a. 1 To be pointed out. - To be deterRejoicing over the faults of others. -3 Envious. -4
mined or described. -3 To be proclaimed or foretold. Abusive, slanderous. -6 Useless, unnecessary. -6 - 4 Expia ble (921 ); grana 4 98469419 Violent. -7 Mad, intoxicated.
a B
a ra su arhia Tull Mb. 12. 165.31. Per a. 1 Hard. - Pitiless. -3 Shameless. -T, aang m. An authority, a guide. (- ) 1 A cave, cavern; de fafciiio fa&ti: pretiu a Rām. 3. 67. 5; 4. 13. 6. -2 waterfall, spring. -TH
fareTT, TOTH &c. See under fal. Essence (ar). -Comp. - a. inhabiting a cave;
feia 1 P. 1 To wash off or away, cleanse ; faftascaifaath Rām.
Perala ala fara ajo: Si. 8. 51; faufagia14302ret:
R. 5. 43. -2 To stream forth, spring from. - To run faran Splitting, breaking, destroying.
out or escape from. FEE 1 P. 1 To burn, consiune. -2 To torment, rata p. p. 1 Washed off, cleansed R. 5. 13. distress, pain.
-2 Polished, bright; arataertyfestas feF : R.5.70. FATETET a. 1 Burnt; q Fatra fresa yeye faia a: 1 fer 5, 9 U. 1 To shake or throw off, remove, Ms. 11. 90.-2 Unburnt,
dispel, expel, destroy; fagatsareAT Gīt. 12;
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