Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
TE: [ 703-349] 1 A kind of fragrant grass. - ! stanza from facet illustrates the root in its difPounding, grinding.
ferent conjugations: 191fa farathi aati HI 491
ज्जुगुप्सत उदारमतिः सदैव । वित्तं न गोपयति यस्तु वणीयकेभ्यो धीरो yuni 1 Dust, power. -2 An oil-vessel. -3 A soft la fa hafa all) or low pleasing tone. -4 Dirty flour or meal.
yfda a. 1 Protected, guarded; 34244jfat INSA Concealing, covering, hiding.
i area: Ale tera: Rv. 10. 85. 4. gros: Flour, meal, powder.
yfee: 1 A king. -2 A protector. yoga f. 1 One of the twelve festivals of God Ja p. p. [94 fron] 1 Protected, preserved, Purusottama. -2 N. of this place of festival; Utkala- guarded; gå ITIAT at: ay ara: R. 10. 60. khanda.
-2 Hidden, concealed, kept secret; Ms. 2. 160; 7.76; yliza a. 1 Pounded, ground. - 2 Covered with dust.
8. 374. -3 Secret, private. -4 Invisible, withdrawn
from sight. -8 Joined. -2: 1 An appellation usually TE: = yes q. v.
(though not necessarily ) added to the name of a
Vaisya; as चन्द्रगुप्तः, समुद्रगुप्तः &e. (Usually शर्मन् or देव CIF: ( TegFalei + ] 1 A bundle, bunch. -2
is added to the name of a Brahmana.; गुप्त, भूति or A nosegay. -3 A cow-tail, chowrie. -4 The section or
7 to that of a Vaisya; and ar to that of a Sudra; chapter of a book
ct. शर्मा देवश्च विप्रस्य वर्मा त्राता च भूभुजः । भतिर्दत्तश्च वैश्यस्य TE 1 A. (ed, usea.) To play.
TA: 1974 FITOTT). -2 An epithet of Visņu. - ind.
Secretly, privately, a part. - One of the principal गुदम् The anus; intestine; rectum; आन्त्रेभ्यस्ते गुदाभ्यो
female characters in a poetical composition, a lady GRAZIET Rv. 10. 163. 3; Y. 3. 93; Ms. 5. 136; 8. 262. - The anus; vein (); f at guet Bri.
married to another (972who conceals her lover's
caresses and endearments past, present or future; Up 1. 1. 1. -Comp. -37%9T: piles. -3919d: obstruc
precariat, afzatragat and adgan ; see tion of the bowels. -3 : piles.-ig: the opening
Rasamañjarī 24. -Comp. - a secret or confidential of the anus. - ,- i piles. - : constipation,
communication, a secret. - Tia: a spy, an emissary. flatulence, spasm of the rectum. -ATA: see year.
TEH bed-room. a. going secretly. (- :) 1 an - : inflammation of the anus. - T: prollapsus ani.
epithet of Balarama. -2 a spy, an emissary. Era -A#7 n. the anus. -FAP: constipation.
a secret gift or present. T4 money kept secret. JY I. 4 P. (geafa, gea) To wrap up, cover, T: a disguise. - N. of the plant Alangium envelop, clothe. -II. 9 P. (yea To be angry. Hexa petalum Mar. farar?). -III. 1 A. (T ) To play, sport.
Jani A preserver. greta a. Surrounded, enclosed.
gia: f. (19- ) 1 Preserving, protection ;
24 I 2 y4th Ms. 1. 87, 94, 99; Y. 1. 198. TETT a. Protecting; a defender.
-2 Concealing, hiding. -3 Covering, sheathing; Tec: The sound of a small oblong drum.
Ny ga: K. 11. - A hole in the ground, a
cavern, sink, cellar. -5 Digging a hole in the ground. TEET ( ET): The Chataka bird.
-8 A means of protection, fortification, rampart; गुन्द्र 10 P. (गुन्द्रयति) To lie.
Hafa ETA Ku. 6.38. - 7 Confinement, prison ; THE yg: A kind of grass.
59 gathe: Fifa Si. 11. 60. -8 The lower deck of
a boat. -9 A leak in a ship. -10 Check, stoppa ge; TG I.1 P. (Tafa, fed or yta) 1 To guard, 731SRI FIATTI argfa: Mb. 12. 269. 26. protect, defend, watch over; rufa STHITH
T: (-9 Mb.; 78: R. 1. 21; it i f
f.) [ 99-849] 1 One who guards or tar
protects; feia et R. 4. 20. -2 Hiding. con2. 3; Bk. 17. 80. -2 To hide, conceal; fo44aaolacousa ya Amaru. 26; see ya. -II. 1 A.
cealment. -8 Reviling, abuse. -4 Flurry, agitation. ( od strictly desid. of 14) 1 To despise, shun,
-5 Light, lustre, splendour. abhor, detest, censure; ( with abl. sometimes acc. also); nga [ 39 ] 1 Guarding, protecting; 91919yce Sk.; Foi a ragfag: Bk. 15. 19; Y. 3. JEIE: Facy Av. 12. 4. 10. -2 Hiding, conceal296.-2 To hide, conceal (T in this sense ).. -III. ing; faci 4a: 4t: **
: Udb. 4 P. (yfa ) To be confused or disturbed. -IV. 10 -3 Reviling, a buse. -4 Flurry, hurry, alarm. U. ( aa) 1 To shine. -2 To speak. - To conceal; - Light, lustre. - Envy, jealousy. -7 Perplexity, a la fata si. 9. 59; 11. 34; (the following confusion. # 1 Protection. -2 Light, lustre.
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