Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Ofte 1 P. 1 To fade, wither; ftraraya Ku. 2. 2; R. 14. 50.-2 To be dejected or dispirited. -3 To disa ppear.
TROTET . 1 Faded, fainted, withered. -2 Lanvuid, dull, faint. -3 Waned, impaired, diminished. -4 Soiled, stained ; R: 1970au4ICH: Ratn. 2. 11. -74 1 Change of countenance by fear or grief. -2 A spot, stain.
q ua: A secondary sacrifice. f o r Restriction; see fa? . परियाणिकम् A travelling carriage.
offret 1P. 1 To protect, save. -2 To govern, restrain. -3 To conceal, hide.
Ort : A protector, guardian.
VÍTTETTH - TET 1 Protection, preservation, guarding; IF TUTH94 Ms. 5.91; 7. 2. -2 Keeping, maintaining, adhering to; 9499fTet Ki. 1.45. -3 Deliverance, rescuing. -4 Care, caution.
fefefaa, mittere, o fera a. Protecting, a protector, defender. OTETT A street, road.
TI A. To embrace, clasp; 974 941 Ku.5.3; gyni afttxu exuft Ki. 11. 80; Bv. 1.95; Si. 9.72.
ofrest p. p. Encircled, embraced.
qft (A) 774, -OH Embracing, an embrace; gayfu s 727-24 Si. 1. 74; 10. 52; U. 1. 24, 27; Pagta Hu FTTFHUT a CCI Gīt. 3.
fefeat a. Crying aloud, screaming.
ARTIST: Obstructing, resistance. Tag a. 1 Very light (lit. ) (as clothes &c.). -2 Very light or easy to disgest: aftur aftur: tag 49: Eat 79754 Me. 13. (v.l.). -3 Very small; 471 संमोहः स्थिरमपि हरत्येष बलवानयोधातुं यद्वत्परिलघुरयस्कान्तशकल: U. 4. 21. yoga Leaping to and fro, jumping over. oftea Lagging, lingering. oficer Smoothing, polishing; Mārk. P. of a. Licked over or all around.
6 U. 1 To interrupt, disturb.-2 To suspend; diminish. -3 To dispel.
o g p. p. 1 Interrupted, disturbed, diminished. -2 Lost, disappeared. - Comp. 8 a. senseless.
afecta: 1 Injury. - Neglect, omission.
be: 1 An outline, a delineation, sketch.-2 A p icture.
ofteaah Drawing lines on the altar. Titafa a. Tossed a bout, trembling. oftal. A circular pit. Tech: A cow-calf. परिवत्सकः A son; Mb.
utarat: 1 A year, a full year, the revolution of one year; T 2 & : fac: U. 3.33. -2 N. of a particular year; arat: gaat gera a 71 garatha fasád Il Bhāg. 3. 11. 14.
ofta 1 P. To abuse, censure, revile. ofta 1 Reviling. -2 Clamouring.
qft (A) ate: 1 Blame, censure, detraction, abuse; 31479
H o raca: M.1; Y. 1. 133. -2 Scandal, stain, stigma ; ill-repute; H1 H7 121eaaaart: R. 5. 24; 14. 86; My. 5. 28.-3 Charge, accusation; warça
a i tarifi Mk. 3. 30. - An instrument with which the lute is played; तं प्रागसावविनयं परिवादमेत्य
syarft fafcar oftanaila N. 11. 127. -Comp. - a busive language, reproof. T: a slanderer.
ortal : 1 A plaintiff, complainant, accuser. -2 One who plays on the lute.
oftenga a. 1 Reviling, censuring, abusing, siandering. -2 Accusing. -3 Screaming, crying aloud. -4 Censured, slandered. -. An accuser, a plaintiff, complainant. --ft A lute ( T) of seven strings ; Si. 6. 9; R. 8.35; N. 15.44; Hedtoftarfeci YETURFaqafq9fare: Bu. Ch.5.54.
aftarf: Ved. Avoiding, removing.
oftalat 1 Leaving, quitting, a bandoning. -2 Giving up, resigning. -8 Killing, slaughter.
Traffra a, 1 Abandoned. -2 Deprived of. -3 accomplished ( fear, erta); i h
a99 Mb. 12. 264. 21. -4 Wound round, girt. -Comp. - PET a. countless, innumerable.
utach a. 1 going round a bout. -2 Describing a circle. grada a. Clad in mail; armed. परिवसथः A village.
yfax 1 U. 1 To overflow. -2 To carry about or round. -8 To marry.
Tag: 1 N. of one of the seven courses of wind; it is the sixth course and bears along the Saptartis
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