Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
posture of an archer3वैक्लवं समपादं च वैशाख मण्डलं तथा । ।
Himalaya (as king of mountains). -7A dike, bank. प्रत्याली तथा लीढं स्थानान्येतानि धन्विनाम् ॥
-णम 1 Supporting, sustaining, upholding; सारं धरित्रीधन्विनः A hog (शूकर ).
धरणक्षमं च Ku. 1. 173 धरणिधरणकिणचक्रगरिष्ठे Git. 1. -2
Possessing, bringing, procuring, &c. -3 Prop, stay, धम् 1 P. See ध्मा.
support. -4 Security. -5 A measure of weight equal धम a. (-मा,-मी /.) [धम् ध्माने-अच् ] (Usually at
to ten palas%3 पलं सुवर्णाश्चत्वारः पलानि धरणं दश Ms. 8. 136. the end of comp.) 1 Blowing; अग्निंधम, नाडिंधम. -2
-Comp.-प्रिया N. of a Jaina deity executing the comMelting, fusing. -मः 1 The moon. -2 An epithet of
mands of the 19th Arhat. Krisna. -30f Yama, the god of death. -4 Of Brahma. धरणिः , -णी/. [धृ-अनि वा डीप्] 1 The earth; लुठति धमक: A blacksmith.
धरणिशयने बहु विलपति तब नाम Git.5. -2 Ground, soil.
-3 A beam for a roof. -4 A vein. -Comp. -ईश्वर:1a. धमधमा An onomatopoetic word expressive of the king. -2 an epithet of Visnu. -3 Or Siva. -कीलका Bound made by blowing with a bellows or a trumpet. a mountain. -कोश N. of the Dictionary of धरणीदास. धमधमाय Denom. To blaze ; मे उदराग्निर्धमधमायते Nag..
-जः,-पुत्रः, -सुतः an epithet of Mars%3 Mb.9.11.17. 1. 19, 20. Mal. 7.1/2.
-2 an epithet of the demon Naraka. -जा,-पुत्री,-सुता
an epithet of Sita, daughter of Janaka (as born from धमन a.1 A Blowing. -2 Cruel. -न: A kind of the earth). -तलम् the surface of the earth. -धर: 1 reed. -नम् Melting.
an epithet of Sesa. -2 of Vispu. -3a mountain, सर्वतो धमनि:,-नी/. 1A reed, blow-pipe; वेणुधमन्या प्रबोध्य
मामविध्यन्त सरथं धरणीधरैः Mb. 3. 172.9; hence सुता= ParVaisvadeva. -2 A tube or canal of the human body,
vati; अन्यं तेनैव तुल्यं धरणिधरसुता प्रार्थयामास पत्यौ Sakti.5.96. tubular vessel, as a vein, a nerve, &o. -3 Throat, neck.
-4 a tortoise. -5a king. -8 an elephant fabled to -4 A speech. -8 Turmeric. -Comp.-संतत a. emacia
support the earth. -धृतm.1a mountain. -2 an epited, lank.
thet of Visnu. -3 of Sesa; माहात्म्यं श्रोतुमिच्छामि शेषस्य
धरणीधृतः Hariv. -पतिः a king. -पूरः,-प्लव: the ocean. धमनील a. Full veined.
-बिडीजस् m.aking; उदभूदथ तत्र नन्दनः शरभोजिधरणीबिडौधमिःf. The act of blowing. -Comp. -त्रम् an imple- जसः Sahendra.2.87.-भृत् m.1 a king.-2 a mountain. ment for lindling fire; see धमनी.
-3 Visnu. -4 Sesa.. -मण्डलम् the globe. -रुहः a tree. धम्ब् 1P. To go; L. D. B.
धरणीय a.1 To be held, kept or carried. -2 Supधम्मलः, धम्मिलः, धम्मिल: The braided and orna
portable. mented hair of a woman tied over the head and धरा [धरति विश्वं धृ.अच्| 1 The earth; धरा धारापतिर्मणिinter mixed with flowers, pearls &o.; आकुलाकुलगलद्धम्मिलम् मयशरैर्भिद्यत इव Mk. 5.22. -2 A vein. -3 Marrow. -4 Git.23 उरसि निपतितानां सस्तधम्मिल्लकानाम् (वधूनाम् ) Bh. 1, The womb or uterus. - A mass of gold or other valu49; S. Til. 1.
ables given as a present to Brahmanas.-8:The ground,
earth, land; ब्रह्मचारी धराशयः Ms. 6.26.-Comp.-अधिपः धय ३. (Usually at the end of comp.) Drinking,
a king.-अमरः,-देवः, -सुर: Brahmana. -आत्मजः, sucking, as in स्तनन्धय; फलानि धूमस्य धयानधोमुखान्
पुत्रः, सूनुः 1 epithets of the planet Mars. -2 epithets N. 1.82.
of the demon Naraka. -आत्मजा an epithet of Sita. धर a. (-रा,-री/.) [धृ-अच्] (Usually at the end -उद्धार: deliverance of the earth.-उपस्थ: the surface of of comp.) Holding, carrying, bearing, wearing, con- the earth. -ETC: 1 a mountain. - 2 an epithet of Visņu taining, possessing, endowed with, preserving, observing, or Krisna. -8 of Sesa. : N. of Himalaya; Si. 1.5. &c.; as in अक्षधर, अंशुधर, गदाधर, गङ्गाधर, महीधर, अमृग्धर, -धवः, -पतिः 1 a king; निषेधादनुगन्तृणां ततः क्रुद्धो धराधवः दिव्याम्बरधर &c. -र: 1A mountain; a hill-fort. शिवस्य Raj. T.7. 386.-2 an epithet of Visnu.-भुज् m. a king. यस्य हस्तेऽद्य धरौ सिंहपुरंदरौ Siva. B. 15. 17. उत्कं धरं द्रष्टुमवेक्ष्य -भृत् m. a mountain. शौरिमुत्कन्धरं दारुक इत्युवाच Si.4. 183; धरसंस्थः Ki. 15. 12.
धरित्री [धृ-इत्र गौरा लीप्] 1 The earth; नैतच्चित्रं यदयमुदधि-2 A flock of cotton. -3 A frivolous or dissolute man
श्यामसीमां धरित्रीमेकः कृत्स्ना नगरपरिघप्रांशुबाहुर्भुनक्ति 5.2.16%3 (विट). -4 The king of the tortoises, ite. Visnu in his
R.14.54; Ku.1.2.17.-2Ground, soil. -Comp. -पुत्रः Kūrma incarnation. -8 N. of one of the Vasus. -8 A
the planet Mars. -भृत् m. a king. sword. -रम् poison.
धरिमन् m. 1A balance, pair of scales. तथा धरिमधरण a.(-णी/.)[ध-युच् ] Bearing, preserving, hold
। मेयानां शतादभ्यधिके वधः Ms. 8. 321. -2 A form, figure. ing &c. OT: 1 A ridge of land serving the purpose of a bridge; the side of a mountain. -2 The world. -3 धरुण . [धु-उनन् ] Ved. Holding, bearing, carrying, The sun. - The female breast. -8 Rice, corn. -6 The supporting. -UT: 1 An epithet of Brahman. - Heaven,
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