Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
-2 To go to, approach (with aco.) -3 To attain, obtain, must be followed'; quad at: Y. 2. 286. -4 A trace, gain; ज्योतिषामाधिपत्यं च प्रभावं चाप्यपद्यत Mb.-4 To observe, nark, impression, vestige; tíci a19419407 practise; au YOHATE Mb. -5 Ved. To fall down Ku. 2. 64; Me. 37, 98; 4.3. -5 A place, position, with fatigue. -8 Ved. To perish. -7 To fall out. -III. station ; S: 4 Bh, 2. 10; 311HT FH4 nagyra: 1 P. ( a) To stand fast or fixed.
S. 1, brought to the point of or exposed to trouble ';
2235443 e R. 8. 91, 'found no place in (left Trem.[-fq ] (This word has no forms for the
no impression on the heart'; 3197 Trash M. 1, 'my first five inflections; it is optionally substituted for 4 after acc. dual) 1 A foot. -2 A quarter, a fourth
doubts were out of place', i. e. groundless ; etag
#: 427271 Dk. 162; Ku. 6.72; 3. t; R. 2. 50; 9.82; part as of a stanza ). -Comp. - Filtra a. 1 rubbing or scratching the feet. -2 going on foot, pedestrian.
Haqe tagnak U. 6.35, 'brought into relief or burstiny (-m.) a footman;
TÜHIS Bk. 3. 4 IT:
forth'. -6 Dignity, rank, office, station or position ; (97:) foot-soldier. -T
भगवत्या प्राश्निकपदमध्यासितव्यम् M. 1; यान्त्येवं गृहिणीपदं युवतयः -IT) 1 a footman. -23
Ś. 4. 18, 'attain to the rank or position, c.; FET Sudra; cf. gta 347148.- I, -asft a shoe, bout.
JE 4. 19; so fa', 15° &c. -7 Cause, subject) -faceti one quarter of a Niska. -Te: ( :) a foot
occasion, thing, matter, business, affair; 34961 soldier, footman; 924 geuren: Bhag. 3. 18. 12. -7: noise of footsteps. Efai, -at f. (Tafai,
aa Y. 2. 5; occasion or matter of dispute, title of
law, judicial proceeding'; Ms. 8. 7; at ETY a) 1 a way, path, road, course (fig. also ); SUR igreeni Tatayfa: U. 5. 22; R. 3. 46; 6.55; 11. 87;
hay S. 1. 22; aid i : 428 Ratn. 1.6.-8 Abode, #f924941 15. 33; 'the first way shown to poets'.
object, receptacle; 79: 7: 796 HESTIH. Si. 1. 37; 15. 22; 3
9 2914: Ki. 2. 14: 34 :47htyZİ YA -2 a line, row, range. -3 a surname, title or epithet,
2.30; a fh4€ 697524A1: Me. 56; 92: a word denoting waste or profession in compounds which
441917 H. 4. 65. -9 A quarter or line of a stanza, are used as proper names; e. y. ya, e, f &c. -4 N.
verse; fatach (714) Me. 88, 105; M. 5. 2; S. 3. 14. of a class of writings. - ( H ) coldness of
-10 A complete or inflected word; gauri 94 P. I. the feet.
4. 14. auf: e metafadha : S. D. 9; R. 8.77; Y [74-319] 1 A foot ( said to be m. also in Ku. 4.9. -11 A name for the base of nouns before this sense); पदेन on toot; शिखरिषु पदं न्यस्य Me. 183; अपथे all consonantal case-terminations except nom. singular. 92497fa R R. 9. 74 'set foot on (follow) a wrong -12 Detachment of the Vedic words from one another, road'; 3. 50; 12. 52; per otrdila 3. 62' good separation of a Vedic text into its several constituent qualities set foot everywhere' i. e. command notice or words; वेदैः साङ्गपदक्रमोपनिषदैर्गायन्ति यं सामगाः Bhag. 12.13.1. make themselves felt; 5774€ 12: TAU 9. 4.no -13 A pretext; 3a24a9917 fazala 9999 disease stepped into the country'; aut quia 464 Si. 7. 14. -14 A sqare root. -15 A part, por
By. 2. 14; 47 (a) to set foot in, on or over tion or division (as of a sentence); as net 174571. (lit. ); fo r FREISCHT S. 4. 20. (0) to -16 A measure of length. -17 Protection, preservation; enter upon or into, take possession of, occupy (fig.); fara : HET 9 Mb. 7. 36. 13. -18 A Hi af 792199 T4 K, 137; 7 te GH ASTOT square or house on a chessboard ; 391491 : Räm. af 924 133; 80 Ku. 5. 21; Pt. 1. 210; Far y
-19 A quadrant. -20 The last of a series. -21 A Mu. 3. 26 'in defiance of us' (lit. planting his foot on plot of ground. -22 In Arith.) Any one in a set of our neck);
to mount on the head of', numbers the sum of which is required. -28 A coin; 'to humble'; farat ett 4 : Pt. 1. 327; माता पुत्रः पिता भ्राता भार्या मित्रजनस्तथा । अष्टापदपदस्थाने दक्षमुद्रेव 3rbara racaret: a M. l 'good forms attract gea Il Mb. 12. 298. 40 (com. 39919743 gada :). attention command respect ); ta qe iftar S. 4; -24 A way, road; 24 act faasi = REG: 'made to have dealings with to confide in )'; Y TO Mb. 14. 64. 10. -26 Retribution (965); RITTU great afa verta Ku. 6.14. -2 A step, pace, stride; 472299 Bhāg. 7. 13. 20. - A ray of light. graffear falta Taifa Tan S. 2. 13; ' at every -Comp. -375,- a foot-print. -38Ty: the step'; 34SHTAT 917 999 7 79674 or afogout do great toe, thumb (of the foot). -372 F study of not move oven a step' &c.; fug: H yena V.1. 19 the Vedas according to the पदपाठ q. v. -अनुग a. 1 the middle pace or stride of Vişņu.'; i. e. the sky following closely, being at the heels of gen.), -2 (for mythologically speaking, the earth, sky, and lower suitable, agreeable to. (-:) a follower, companion ; world are considered as the three paces of Vispu in his एतानिहत्य समरे ये च तस्य पदानुगाः। तांश्च सर्वान् विनिर्जित्य सहितान fifth or dwarf incarnation araraat); so 372164a: roayu aan 1 Mb. 3. 12. 6. -TETIT: 1 a servant. JU: Powiera fare : R. 13. 1. -8 A foot-step, foot- -2 an army. -31 TETTEET the science of words, print, foot-mark; 4 : S. 3.7; or 977 foot-prints; i grammar. -3778 anything added to a pada. -377273 naglari aca17 Bh. 2. 28 'the foot-steps of the great i the end of a line of a stanza. – the end of a word.
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