Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
departure takes place); P. I. 4. 24. -4 A certain Yoga (argarefa ); ATAT31921 as a Mb. 14. 63. 18. (Com. रोहिण्यामुत्तररात्रये च अहनि वारे ध्रुवे रविवारे उत्तरार्केऽमृतसिद्धिara). -at 1 A sacrificial ladle (made of wood); aratroata yarat Fur Jaiminisutras. - A virtuous woman. -3 A cow who stands still when being milked; á TTI
fare 2 get gara 77 Av. 12. 1. 45. - A bow-string. -8 clapping the hands together to show a particular measure of time in music; hloulah fer Nm. -8 The upper quarter (58); faastat yarat farer Bri. Up. 3.9. 24. (MW's meaning is 3117FERTI?) - ind. Certainly, surely, verily; R. 8. 49; yi a C9697179 Di Tuijaryfa . 1. 18. -Comp. -37&TT: an epithet of Visņu (H). -1°: the point on the crown of the head from which the hair radiate. Hi a kind of meteor. a: a firm position. -TIT, - the Polar star. -HT: the unchangeable longitude of fixed stars. Hugh the polar region. -fe: the axis of the poles. - a. having a firm resting place. Tra N. of one of the Hiąhis attend. ing on Skanda). - : a. having a fixed residence. .yax: 1 The introductory stanza of a song repeated as a sort of chorus); see ya. - 2 A trunk, stem. -3 A post. -4 Polar longitude.
ufaa. VadHirm. etable: si a: dar am a Rv. 7. 35. 8.
E1 A. (1 ) 1 To sound. -2 To grow, increase. - To be filled with joy. #1 P. ( fa) To be pleased or satisfied.
arh 1 Fixedness, firmness, sta bility; Tatour o f a ya Mahimna 9. -2 Duration. -3 Certainty.
a 1A. (taed, taka ) 1 To fall down, fall to pieces, be reduced to dust or powdor; TTTT ata u Bk. 14. 55; 15. 93; -2 To drop, sink, despond; rata spor: 997 agua 59 Mal. 9. 45. - To perish, be ruined or deca yed. -4 To be eclipsed
acara a aa Rai Hot asiara: Mu. 3. 28. -5 To be covered with dust. - To scatter or sprinkle over. -7 To go. -Caus. (aya ) To destroy, ruin, remove.
saa: [ 04-wà 49 ] 1 Falling down, sinking, falling to pieces -2 Vanishing, disappearance; ya at Hiat
fafa&a auftar. -3 Loss, destruction, ruin. - A mote in the sun-beam. Comp. - a. 1 destroying; a part qan H. 1. 19. - 2 violating; Heilsa:gt Ks. 106. 166.
aer: A kind of disease caused by over-drinking). se a. [ **g-fora ] 1 Destroying, ruining; 'qrar fany T r iTraaa:'-facuare feetaaaaah 7. -2 Seattering, dispersing. -8 Sprinkling, covering. -4
74 1 Perishing, dying. -2 Loss, destruction. -8 Falling. -4 Going.
afe: The hundredth part of a Muhūrta.
safera a. 1 Destroyed, demolished, ruined. -2 Removed, driven away.
afeca. Destroying, demolishing, removing. -2 Falling, perishing, as in eaiea. -m. The Pilu tree.
sata p. p. 1 Fallen. -2 Destroyed, removed. -3 Lost, perished; at 949 a gues-Hyo: 9417 Ki. 15. 15. Amuru. 15. -4 Covered with dust or anything );
Ta afah Ram. 7. 104. 25. -8 Eclipsed. -Comp-3747 a. Whose eyes are sunk as in death); w 17 safatah Bhag. 7. 2. 30.
Earth: f. Destruction, ruin, loss. sag 1 P. (qafa) To go, move.
xas: (8-39] 1 A flag, banner, standard, ensign; R. 7. 40; 17. 32; 3 &fa a ay t a var 991 Pt. 1. 26; asi Hargyft Faradifa 14 Mb.-2 A distinguished or eminent person, the flag or ornament (at the end of comp.); as in Fa: the head, ornament, or distinguished person of a family'. -8 A flag. staff.-4 A mark, emblem, sign, a symbol; 94*, 4* &c. -8 the attribute of a deity.-- The sign of a tavern. - The sign of a trade, any trademark. -8 The organ of generation of any animal, male or female ). -9 One who prepares and sells liquors; Ms.4.85; UTI9a gea5: Ms. -10 A house situated to the east of any object. -11 Pride. -12 Hypocrisy. -18 A skull carried on a staff as a mark of ascetics) or as a penance for the murder of a Brāhmaṇa; see ugalet. -14 In prosody ) An iambic foot. (Easily to hoist a flag; (fig.) to use as a plea or pretext.) -15 part of a sword; Aga üf Nm.-Comp. -1 ,-92,-34 a flag; dal c entfalga: R. 12. 85. BITTITUTH, -BTTTTEOTH raising a flag. -3TTTTE: a kind of ornament on a flag; ar f i sa a 9ahl:
odit aut GTIGT REET: | Mb. 6. 16. 12. (v.1.). -31 a. seized on the battle-field; Ms. 8. 415. -360: hypocrisy; Mb. 3.3/3.100.- a festival in honour of Indra. - TEH a room in which banners are kept. - : the palm tree. -TETT: air, wind.
Hei , qa: inability to beget children. T4 any contrivance to which a flag-staff is fastened. - e: a flag-staff'; *4 rudat afarat 4: Ms. 9. 285.
area a. 1 Adorned with flags. -2 Having a mark. -3 Having the mark of a criminal, branded;
TT: 974 agafar ft 947 Y. 3. 243. - 1 A standard-bearer. -2 A vendor of spirituous liquors, distiller; Ms. 4. 84. - A Brāhmana who carries with bim the skull of the man murdered by him to places of pilgrimage by way of penance; cf. com. on Y. 3. 243.
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