Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
settle, direct. −12 To bo quick. - II. 1 U. Vod. (चोदतिते ) 1 To impel, incite. -2 To offer quickly ( Soma ). -3 To hasten, be quick.
चोद [ चोदयतीति बुद-अच्] Animating inspiring promoting &c. -दः A whip or goad.
चोदक . [-] Driving urging कः 1 Directing, invitation. -2 (in gram) परिग्रह q. v. -3 The injunctive text or the general rule which lays down that a. विकृति shall be performed like its प्रकृति. चोदको हि प्रयोगवचनाद् बलवत्तरः । स हि उत्पादयति प्रापयति च । प्रापितानभिसमीक्ष्य प्रयोगवचन उपसंहरति । ŚB. on MS. 5. 1. 18; विकृतिः प्राकृतान् धर्मावोदकेन गृह्णाति । ŚB.on MS. 5.4.22.
चोदन [भ] Driving impelling नम् 1
The act of driving. -2 Invitation. -3 Order, rule, Precept.
चोदना 1 Sending, directing, throwing. -2 Urging or driving onward; ज्ञानं ज्ञेयं परिज्ञाता त्रिविधा कर्मचोदना Bg. -3 Prompting, inciting, encouraging, inspiration. - A precept, sacred commandment, scriptural injunction. -6 The category called अपूर्व (in पूर्वमीमांसा चोदपूर्वमः SB. on MS.7.17. -Comp. -गुडः a ball for playing with.
चोदित P. 2. 1 Sent, directed. -2 Urged on, driven. -8 Incited, prompted, inspired. -4 Put forward as an argument. -5 Thrown, cast. -6 Appointed. -7 Ordered, directed.
चोद्य . [ चुद्श्यत् ] 1 To be driven or impelled. -2 To be sent, thrown, or directed. -3 To be mentioned;
नी बारमूलेगुदशाकवृत्तिः सुसंयता चाग्निकार्येषु चोद्यः Mb. -द्यम् 1 Objecting, asking a question. -2 An objection. -3 Wonder, surprise.
चुन्दी A procuress, bwd.
चुप 1 1. (चोपति ) To move slowly, creep or steal along.
चोपन a. Moving, stirring. -नम् Moving slowly. चुबुक: Tho chin प्रचुमुकेऽध्यात्ममुदनीनमदच्युतः Bhag. 10. 42. 7.
चुत्रम् The mouth, face. चुमुचुमायनम् Itching of a wound; Suár. 1. 12. 11. चुमुरि: N. of a demon whom Indra killed to favour Dabhiti: स्वाभ्यामुनिजन्य दस्युं दभीतिमावा
Rv. 2. 15.9.
चुम्बू I. 1. 10. U. ( चुम्बति-ते, चुम्बयति-ते, चुम्बित) 1 To kiss (fig. also ); श्लिष्यति चुम्बति जलधरकल्पं हरिरुपगत इति तिमिरमनल्पम् Git. 6; प्रियामुखं किंपुरुषश्चुचुम्बे Ku. 3.38; Amaru. 16; H. 4. 132. -2 To touch softly, or graze; with सं. ई. की....९०
परि to kiss; Rs. 6.18.; hurt, kill.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Amaru. 77. -II. 10. P. To
चुम्बः म्वा [ चुम्बु-भावे धम् अच्] वा ] A kise.
चुम्बकः [चुम्बू - बुल्] 1 A kisser. -2 A lecher, t lustful man, libertine. -3 A rogue, cheat. -4 One who has kissed or dipped in a variety of subjects, superficial scholar. -5 A loadstone. -8 The upper part or middle of a balance.
चुम्वनम् [चुम्बू भावे युद्] Kinringa kiss चुम्बनं देहि मे भाकामा R. O.
चुम्बित P. P. 1 Kissed. -2 Touched softly.
चुम्बिन a. 1 Kissing, sipping; Mal. 9. 7. -2 Touching, grazing; Bh. 8. 95. -3 Affected with ; इत्यर्धचन्द्राभनखाचुम्बिकुचा सखी यत्र सखीभिरूचे N. 6. 66. -4 Relating to ; त्वचुम्बनैव स्वमनोरथेन N. 887 5 Busy with ; कार्यान्तरचुम्बिचित्ते N. 3.95.
चुर . Sterling, robbing Ae.
चुरणम् Robbing, theft.
10 U. (af, ifta) 1 To rob, steal: Ms. 8.33 V. 3. 17. 2 (Fig.) To bear, have, possess, take, 088ume; अचूचुरच्चन्द्रमसोऽभिरामताम् Si. 1. 16.
चुरा Theft.
चो (चौ) र 1 A thief, robber; सकलं चोर गतं त्वया गृहीतम् V. 4. 16; इन्दीवर दलप्रभाचोरं चक्षुः Bh. 3. 67. -2 Any dishonest dealer. -2 One that steals or captivates the heart. -Comp. -कर्मन् n. theft. -गत a robbed.
-रूपः a clever thief.
चो (चौ) रिका Theft, robbery; 'विवाह Māl. 1, secret marriage.
चोरित . Stolen, robbed. -तम् Theft.
चोरितकम् 1 Puty theft, larvany. -2 Anything
चुरि, री 1A mall well. 8 Theft ततो दैवयोगेन राजभवने चौराथुरी कृत्वा ... Vet.
चुल 10 P. (चोलयति ) 1 To raise or elevate. -2 To rise, increase. -3 To dip, dive or plunge into.
For Private and Personal Use Only
चुलुकः [ चुल्-उकञ् ] 1 Deep mud. -2 A mouthful of water or the hand hollowed to hold water or anything; ममौ स भद्रं चुलके समुद्रः N. 8. 45; ज्ञात्वा विधातुश्लुकात् प्रसृतिम् Vikr. 1.37. -3 A small vessel क Water in which pulse has been steeped.
चुलुकिन m. A porpoise.
चुलुम् 1P. ( चुलुम्पति ) 1 To swing, rock, move to and fro agitate. With उद् 1 to swing. -2 to agitate; अम्भसम्पन्त्ययो Mv...