Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
C T 1 A. (red, 4 or 4 ) To swell, grow; 1 N. 4. 151; Ratn. 4. 16. -2 To proclaim, announce see below.
publicly. cara a. Fat, grown fat; cf. dia.
T a p. p. 1 Manifested, displayed, unfolded. curya a. 1 Invigorating.-2 Promoting strength or
-2 Publicly exhibited. -8 Apparent. growth. -- Increase, growth.
T*4 10 U. To announce, proclaim, narrate. care a a. 1 Grown, increased. -2 Grown fat. -3
TEH Announcing, narration; P. I. 3. 32. Refreshed, strengthened.
TFT 1 A. 1 To shake, quiver, tremble; 797 Yg I. 4 P. To divide (also and T!). II. 10 P.
भुजः सव्यः Ram.: प्राकम्पत महाशैल: Mb. -2 To vibrate To void ( 902).
(as sound). -3 To become loose, be loosened. -Caus.
To shake, put in motion ; 51179+456rqan Bk. 15. 23. 1 A. (cyra, a) 1 To grow, increase, swell; Barat 494 491 Bk. 6. 33. -2 To
991: Trembling, shaking, quivering, violent become full or exuberant. -3 To overfill, surcharge.
motion or tremour; a TE HARTT STA69191 -Caus. ( c afa-a) 1 To increase, enlarge, make fat or
Subhas; aft: 9554 Si. 13. 42. comforta ble; 2: a: ......2121 area: : Ms. 9. 314.
TFT a. Causing to shake. -57 1 Wind, violent -2 To gratify, regale.
wind or gust; FAT1197 gTT: Si. 1. 61; 14. 43. ind. 1 As a prefix to verbs it means 'forward', 1 -2 N. of a hell. -- Excessive or violent trembling, 'forth', 'in front', 'onward', 'before', 'away', as in
violent motion. TÆ, SEU,997,441 &c. -2 With adjectives it means #f147 a. Swinging, shaking. 'very', 'excessively', 'very much' &c.; *U, ATT &c., see further on. -3 With nouns whether derived from
TR 10 U. 1 To pursue, go after ; vegardari verbs or not, it is used in the following senses accord
Terda tar Mb. 3. 137. 7. -2 To urge on, incite. -3 ing to G. M.:- (a) beginning, commencement :
To hurt, injure. (14, 34174, ); (b) length (warf ); (c) #1 a. 1 Killing, hurting ; 3914 971 7919 9177 power ( 4 ); (a) intensity, excess (sara, 47, yaeth
15959: Mb. 1. 66. 21. -2 Pursuing, chasing. : ); (e) source or origin (1979, 49127); (f) com- N. of a Nāga. 7 Hurting, killing. pletion, perfectness, satisfaction ( 494); (9) destitution, separation, being without (fear, surua: );
TA A minute portion. Comp. -face a. ignorant. () apart ( 23 ); (i) excellence (91978); (j) purity
! (-m.) a merchant. ( H); (k) wish (sa); (1) cessation ( 14); प्रकाङ्क्षा Appetite. (m) adoration, respect ( @: who respectfully folds
Tru3:, -57 1 The trunk of a tree from the root his hands together); (n) prominence (998, 991).
to the branches; 3 TECTE: Si. 9. 45. -2 A In the Veda it is often used as a separable adverb; cf. प्र आदिकर्मदीर्घेशभृशसंभवतृप्तिवियोगशुद्धिशक्तीच्छाशान्तिपूजाग्रदर्शनेषु.
branch, shoot. -3 (At the end of comp.) anything
excellent or pre-eminent of its kind: 5699fa a t: प्रउगम् A triangle.
N. 7. 93; 74908: Mv. 4. 35; 5. 48.-4 A kind of 972 a. Having the hair erect.
necklace; Kau. A. 2. 11. 29. - 9: The upper part of
the arm. TE a. 1 Evident, plain, clear, apparent, manifest.
TATE: See as above; 208harui ut att :-2 Undisguised, public; 89 : Thsfa affatf el a Pt. 1. 31. -3 Visible. -S4 ind. 1 Clearly,
491037 Bk. 5. 6. manifestly, evidently. -2 Publicly, openly, undisguis- T ET: A tree. edly. (its to manifest, unfold, display; Th la gun memilla Bh. 2.72; Pt. 1. 31 ; 2ty to become
Alfa. 1 Amorous. -2 Excessive, much, to the
heart's content, at pleasure; hafa R. 2. 11; manifest, appear'). -Comp. eftfaasta: an epithet
21417hara Ku. 2. 24. 4: Desire, pleasure, satisof Siva.
faction. H ind. 1 Very much, exceedingly; at C# The act of manifesting, disclosing, unfolding. Har fare: #1414 (FATICA S. 4. 22; R. 6. 44; Mk. Tela Den. P. To become manifest or visible,
5. 25. -2 Sufficiently, to the heart's content, according
to wish or desire. -8 Voluntarily, willingly; fagli appear.
991 asfa Tha #144H: Mu. 1. 25. a. eating T ara Den. P. 1 To show, manifest, display, till satisfied or to the heart's content; 7 4 : exhibit; ailwaci THT: 24 TT : Mal.5. 11; FATHTEYTI: R. 1. 66.
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