Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
miscellaneous collection. 2 A chapter containing miscellaneous rules. -8 A chapter or section of a book. - Scattering or throwing a bout. -8 Extent. -Comp.
it N. of Durga. gatutan a. Scattered or strewn about &o. -i, - 1 A chowrie, fly-flap (ar ); Si. 12. 17; auf 9123utforfach Sahendra. 3. 14; fagairof er s970
fat Siva B. 21. 53; 22. 60. -2 A tuft of hair used as an ornament for horses. - A horse. - 1 A miscellany, any collection of miscellaneous things. -2 A miscellaneous chapter. -3 A section, chapter or division of a book. 4 A case not provided by the Sastras and to be decided by the judge or king. -8 Extent, length of a book &c.).
760 10 U. 1 To announce, proclaim, mention, -2 To name, call. - To praise, extol, laud.
Ta 1 Proclaiming, announcing. -2 Praising, extolling, lauding. Mentioning, naming.
Tetra p. p. 1 Proclaimed. -2 Declared, said to be. -3 Named, called. -4 Celebrated. -5 Explained. -6 Revealed.
Talla: f. 1 Celebration, praise. -2 Fame, celebrity. -3 Declaration.
Tat:, -ut n. of some medicinal plants (Mar. *2#).
TRT 1 A. 1 To be fit or suitable for. -2 To happen, occur. -3 To be successful. -Caus. 1 To invent, devise, plan (schemes &c.). -2 To prepare, make ready, equip, accoutre. - To treat with respect. -4 To fix, settle. -5 To appoint, invest, install. -6 To fix, fasten, bind. -7 To further, advance, promote.
7929a. Being in a right place. Tea Settlement, fixing, allotment; starr fare Ta proui 746991 Ms. 8. 211.
Tafea p. p. 1 Made, done, formed. -2 Settled, allotted. -3 Formed or shed as a tear ). - A kind of riddle.
TRH p. p. Prepared, made ready, arranged; ga: a: feita 40 müq Bk. 2. 29.4 ind, Readily, easily.
ha a. Ved. One who knows. -2: 1 Appearance. -2 Intelligence, knowledge.
tanto: Putrefaction, putridity.
Tay: 1 The fore-arm, the part above the wrist; 91498faena: Ku. 3. 41; 4 04sef : Me. 2; R. 3. 59; $.6.6; 64 euafdanh9: Bu. Ch. 5.81.-2 The room near the gate of a palace; Mu. 1. -8A
court in a house, a quadrangle or square (surrounded by buildings ); 974 farar: &c. Mk. 4. -4 A part of a door-frame.
T y A room near the gate of a palace (1998); qeyfafalausti atragare: #19 Ku. 15. 6.
FET a. Very sharp or violent. -T: 1 An armour for the defence of a horse or elephant. -2 A dog, 8 A mule.
10. 1 To go forward, proceed, walk on; 1961 73999 Bk. 15.23. - To go, set out, march forth. -3 To issue forth, depart. -4 To go across, pass. -6 To begin, commence (Atm.) (with inf.); 49% a adagny TTH R. 3. 47; 2. 15; Ku. 3. 2; 5. 18. - To undertake, apply oneself to. -7 To behave towards with. loc ).
9 a. 1 A beginner. -2 Conquering, overcoming.
TA: 1 A step, stride. -2 A pace considered as a measure of distance. -3 Commencement, beginning.
(a) Stepping forward, proceeding. (6) Procedure, course; si : 944: Māl. 5. 24. The case in question. -8 Leisure, opportunity. -7 Regularity, order, method. -8 Degree, proportion, measure. -9 The reading of the Kramapatha. -10 Discussing any point in question. -Comp. Tarn the third of a square pace. -** want of symmetry or regularity, the breaking of arrangement, regarded as a fault of composition. It is the same as at mentioned in K. P. 7, the break of symmetry being either in expresion or construction; नाथे निशाया नियतेर्नियोगादस्तं गते हन्त निशापि याता is an instance of the former, where गता FARTI would relieve the irregularity of expression; and famoufuar atieafar Hytarala: 942) is an instance of the latter, where the symmetry of the verse requires the active instead of the passive construction, and the fault may be removed by reading the line as au T Tat Haid Year; see K. P.7 under
har for further datails. -fara a. stopped in the beginning.
T HTH 1 Stepping forward, proceeding. -2 Issuing. -8 Beginning.
977 p. p. 1 Commenced, begun. -2 Gone, proceeded. -3 In hand, under discussion. -4 Surpassed. -5 Brave. -8 Previously mentioned. # 1 The outset of a journey. -2 The case or point in question.
E: Play, pastime, sport. s a p. p. 1 Moist, humid, wet. -2 Satisfied (aa). -8 Moved with pity. -4 Putrefied.
T : Moistness, wetness.
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